{ "_name_or_path": "google-bert/bert-base-multilingual-cased", "architectures": [ "BertForSequenceClassification" ], "attention_probs_dropout_prob": 0.1, "classifier_dropout": null, "directionality": "bidi", "finetuning_task": "text-classification", "hidden_act": "gelu", "hidden_dropout_prob": 0.1, "hidden_size": 768, "id2label": { "0": "T10001: Geological and Geochemical Analysis", "1": "T10002: Advanced Chemical Physics Studies", "2": "T10003: Innovation and Knowledge Management", "3": "T10004: Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics", "4": "T10005: Ecology and Vegetation Dynamics Studies", "5": "T10006: Job Satisfaction and Organizational Behavior", "6": "T10007: Monetary Policy and Economic Impact", "7": "T10008: Teacher Education and Leadership Studies", "8": "T10009: Dementia and Cognitive Impairment Research", "9": "T10010: Obesity, Physical Activity, Diet", "10": "T10011: Literature: history, themes, analysis", "11": "T10012: Genetic diversity and population structure", "12": "T10013: Asymmetric Synthesis and Catalysis", "13": "T10014: Plant Stress Responses and Tolerance", "14": "T10015: Genomics and Phylogenetic Studies", "15": "T10016: Adsorption and biosorption for pollutant removal", "16": "T10017: Geology and Paleoclimatology Research", "17": "T10018: Advancements in Battery Materials", "18": "T10019: Corporate Finance and Governance", "19": "T10020: Quantum Information and Cryptography", "20": "T10021: EFL/ESL Teaching and Learning", "21": "T10022: Semiconductor Quantum Structures and Devices", "22": "T10023: Schizophrenia research and treatment", "23": "T10024: TiO2 Photocatalysis and Solar Cells", "24": "T10025: Black Holes and Theoretical Physics", "25": "T10026: Galaxies: Formation, Evolution, Phenomena", "26": "T10027: Diabetes, Cardiovascular Risks, and Lipoproteins", "27": "T10028: Topic Modeling", "28": "T10029: Climate variability and models", "29": "T10030: Electrocatalysts for Energy Conversion", "30": "T10031: T-cell and B-cell Immunology", "31": "T10032: Marine and coastal ecosystems", "32": "T10033: Concrete and Cement Materials Research", "33": "T10034: Syntax, Semantics, Linguistic Variation", "34": "T10035: Phytochemicals and Antioxidant Activities", "35": "T10036: Advanced Neural Network Applications", "36": "T10037: Physics of Superconductivity and Magnetism", "37": "T10038: Tuberculosis Research and Epidemiology", "38": "T10039: Stellar, planetary, and galactic studies", "39": "T10040: Adaptive Control of Nonlinear Systems", "40": "T10041: COVID-19 Clinical Research Studies", "41": "T10042: Neural and Behavioral Psychology Studies", "42": "T10043: Substance Abuse Treatment and Outcomes", "43": "T10044: Protein Structure and Dynamics", "44": "T10045: Organic Electronics and Photovoltaics", "45": "T10046: Stability and Control of Uncertain Systems", "46": "T10047: Financial Markets and Investment Strategies", "47": "T10048: Particle physics theoretical and experimental studies", "48": "T10049: Magnetic properties of thin films", "49": "T10050: Multi-Criteria Decision Making", "50": "T10051: Asthma and respiratory diseases", "51": "T10052: Medical Image Segmentation Techniques", "52": "T10053: International Relations and Foreign Policy", "53": "T10054: Parallel Computing and Optimization Techniques", "54": "T10055: Diverse Aspects of Tourism Research", "55": "T10056: Neurotransmitter Receptor Influence on Behavior", "56": "T10057: Face and Expression Recognition", "57": "T10058: Entrepreneurship Studies and Influences", "58": "T10059: Bone Tissue Engineering Materials", "59": "T10060: Smoking Behavior and Cessation", "60": "T10061: Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory", "61": "T10062: MicroRNA in disease regulation", "62": "T10063: Nanoparticle-Based Drug Delivery", "63": "T10064: Complex Network Analysis Techniques", "64": "T10065: Atrial Fibrillation Management and Outcomes", "65": "T10066: Gut microbiota and health", "66": "T10067: Stochastic processes and financial applications", "67": "T10068: Technology Adoption and User Behaviour", "68": "T10069: Antenna Design and Analysis", "69": "T10070: Political Conflict and Governance", "70": "T10071: Bone health and osteoporosis research", "71": "T10072: Science Education and Pedagogy", "72": "T10073: Hepatocellular Carcinoma Treatment and Prognosis", "73": "T10074: Carbon Nanotubes in Composites", "74": "T10075: Atmospheric chemistry and aerosols", "75": "T10076: Plant-Microbe Interactions and Immunity", "76": "T10077: Neuroscience and Neuropharmacology Research", "77": "T10078: Advanced Photocatalysis Techniques", "78": "T10079: Nanoparticles: synthesis and applications", "79": "T10080: Energy Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks", "80": "T10081: Auditing, Earnings Management, Governance", "81": "T10082: HIV/AIDS Research and Interventions", "82": "T10083: Graphene research and applications", "83": "T10084: Musculoskeletal pain and rehabilitation", "84": "T10085: Parkinson's Disease Mechanisms and Treatments", "85": "T10086: Alzheimer's disease research and treatments", "86": "T10087: Archaeology and ancient environmental studies", "87": "T10088: Thermochemical Biomass Conversion Processes", "88": "T10089: Avian ecology and behavior", "89": "T10090: ZnO doping and properties", "90": "T10091: Malaria Research and Control", "91": "T10092: Organometallic Complex Synthesis and Catalysis", "92": "T10093: Nuclear physics research studies", "93": "T10094: Epilepsy research and treatment", "94": "T10095: Cosmology and Gravitation Theories", "95": "T10096: Metal-Organic Frameworks: Synthesis and Applications", "96": "T10097: Luminescence Properties of Advanced Materials", "97": "T10098: Ruminant Nutrition and Digestive Physiology", "98": "T10099: GaN-based semiconductor devices and materials", "99": "T10100: Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms Research", "100": "T10101: Cloud Computing and Resource Management", "101": "T10102: scientometrics and bibliometrics research", "102": "T10103: Reading and Literacy Development", "103": "T10104: Nanofluid Flow and Heat Transfer", "104": "T10105: Osteoarthritis Treatment and Mechanisms", "105": "T10106: Autism Spectrum Disorder Research", "106": "T10107: Ferroelectric and Piezoelectric Materials", "107": "T10108: Electoral Systems and Political Participation", "108": "T10109: Paleontology and Stratigraphy of Fossils", "109": "T10110: earthquake and tectonic studies", "110": "T10111: Remote Sensing in Agriculture", "111": "T10112: HIV Research and Treatment", "112": "T10113: Dental materials and restorations", "113": "T10114: Balance, Gait, and Falls Prevention", "114": "T10115: Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting", "115": "T10116: Sperm and Testicular Function", "116": "T10117: Advanced Combustion Engine Technologies", "117": "T10118: SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 Research", "118": "T10119: Sustainability and Climate Change Governance", "119": "T10120: Bacterial Genetics and Biotechnology", "120": "T10121: Building Energy and Comfort Optimization", "121": "T10122: Toxic Organic Pollutants Impact", "122": "T10123: DNA Repair Mechanisms", "123": "T10124: Prostate Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment", "124": "T10125: Advanced Wireless Communication Techniques", "125": "T10126: Logic, programming, and type systems", "126": "T10127: Banking stability, regulation, efficiency", "127": "T10128: Global trade and economics", "128": "T10129: Glioma Diagnosis and Treatment", "129": "T10130: Mathematics Education and Teaching Techniques", "130": "T10131: Gold and Silver Nanoparticles Synthesis and Applications", "131": "T10132: Advanced ceramic materials synthesis", "132": "T10133: Media Studies and Communication", "133": "T10134: Inflammatory Bowel Disease", "134": "T10135: Insect-Plant Interactions and Control", "135": "T10136: Statistical Methods and Inference", "136": "T10137: Multiple Sclerosis Research Studies", "137": "T10138: Network Traffic and Congestion Control", "138": "T10139: Heavy metals in environment", "139": "T10140: Food composition and properties", "140": "T10141: Probiotics and Fermented Foods", "141": "T10142: Formal Methods in Verification", "142": "T10143: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Research", "143": "T10144: Blood Pressure and Hypertension Studies", "144": "T10145: Consumer Behavior in Brand Consumption and Identification", "145": "T10146: Cervical Cancer and HPV Research", "146": "T10147: Antibiotic Resistance in Bacteria", "147": "T10148: Advanced MIMO Systems Optimization", "148": "T10149: Anthropological Studies and Insights", "149": "T10150: Antifungal resistance and susceptibility", "150": "T10151: Hepatitis C virus research", "151": "T10152: Animal Nutrition and Physiology", "152": "T10153: Education, sociology, and vocational training", "153": "T10154: Customer Service Quality and Loyalty", "154": "T10155: Nitric Oxide and Endothelin Effects", "155": "T10156: LGBTQ Health, Identity, and Policy", "156": "T10157: Sports Performance and Training", "157": "T10158: Cancer Immunotherapy and Biomarkers", "158": "T10159: Ionosphere and magnetosphere dynamics", "159": "T10160: Seismic Performance and Analysis", "160": "T10161: Rock Mechanics and Modeling", "161": "T10162: Online and Blended Learning", "162": "T10163: Metal complexes synthesis and properties", "163": "T10164: Quality and Supply Management", "164": "T10165: Classical Antiquity Studies", "165": "T10166: Mosquito-borne diseases and control", "166": "T10167: Influenza Virus Research Studies", "167": "T10168: COVID-19 and Mental Health", "168": "T10169: Protein Kinase Regulation and GTPase Signaling", "169": "T10170: Retinal Diseases and Treatments", "170": "T10171: Biofuel production and bioconversion", "171": "T10172: Cardiac Valve Diseases and Treatments", "172": "T10173: Computational Fluid Dynamics and Aerodynamics", "173": "T10174: Animal Behavior and Reproduction", "174": "T10175: Advanced DC-DC Converters", "175": "T10176: Mesenchymal stem cell research", "176": "T10177: Palliative Care and End-of-Life Issues", "177": "T10178: Cancer survivorship and care", "178": "T10179: Supercapacitor Materials and Fabrication", "179": "T10180: Analytical chemistry methods development", "180": "T10181: Natural Language Processing Techniques", "181": "T10182: Child and Adolescent Psychosocial and Emotional Development", "182": "T10183: Breast Cancer Treatment Studies", "183": "T10184: Plant Molecular Biology Research", "184": "T10185: Lymphoma Diagnosis and Treatment", "185": "T10186: Nursing education and management", "186": "T10187: Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit Design", "187": "T10188: Advanced machining processes and optimization", "188": "T10189: Anesthesia and Pain Management", "189": "T10190: Air Quality and Health Impacts", "190": "T10191: Robotics and Sensor-Based Localization", "191": "T10192: Catalytic Processes in Materials Science", "192": "T10193: Coronary Interventions and Diagnostics", "193": "T10194: Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations", "194": "T10195: Antimicrobial Resistance in Staphylococcus", "195": "T10196: Pain Mechanisms and Treatments", "196": "T10197: Membrane Separation Technologies", "197": "T10198: Heart Failure Treatment and Management", "198": "T10199: Wildlife Ecology and Conservation", "199": "T10200: Rheumatoid Arthritis Research and Therapies", "200": "T10201: Speech Recognition and Synthesis", "201": "T10202: Lung Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment", "202": "T10203: Recommender Systems and Techniques", "203": "T10204: Microstructure and mechanical properties", "204": "T10205: Advanced Fiber Optic Sensors", "205": "T10206: Meta-analysis and systematic reviews", "206": "T10207: Advanced biosensing and bioanalysis techniques", "207": "T10208: Labor market dynamics and wage inequality", "208": "T10209: Global Maternal and Child Health", "209": "T10210: Advanced oxidation water treatment", "210": "T10211: Computational Drug Discovery Methods", "211": "T10212: Electrochemical sensors and biosensors", "212": "T10213: Public Policy and Administration Research", "213": "T10214: Psychotherapy Techniques and Applications", "214": "T10215: Semantic Web and Ontologies", "215": "T10216: Migration, Refugees, and Integration", "216": "T10217: Cardiac electrophysiology and arrhythmias", "217": "T10218: Sepsis Diagnosis and Treatment", "218": "T10219: Mechanical Behavior of Composites", "219": "T10220: Machine Fault Diagnosis Techniques", "220": "T10221: Composite Structure Analysis and Optimization", "221": "T10222: Genomics and Chromatin Dynamics", "222": "T10223: Microgrid Control and Optimization", "223": "T10224: Quantum Chromodynamics and Particle Interactions", "224": "T10225: Essential Oils and Antimicrobial Activity", "225": "T10226: Land Use and Ecosystem Services", "226": "T10227: Acute Ischemic Stroke Management", "227": "T10228: Multilevel Inverters and Converters", "228": "T10229: Geometric Analysis and Curvature Flows", "229": "T10230: Marine and fisheries research", "230": "T10231: Pancreatic and Hepatic Oncology Research", "231": "T10232: Optical Network Technologies", "232": "T10233: Geotechnical Engineering and Soil Mechanics", "233": "T10234: Obstructive Sleep Apnea Research", "234": "T10235: Health disparities and outcomes", "235": "T10236: Aquatic Ecosystems and Phytoplankton Dynamics", "236": "T10237: Cryptography and Data Security", "237": "T10238: Spine and Intervertebral Disc Pathology", "238": "T10239: Urban Planning and Governance", "239": "T10240: Plant tissue culture and regeneration", "240": "T10241: Functional Brain Connectivity Studies", "241": "T10242: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Research", "242": "T10243: Statistical Methods and Bayesian Inference", "243": "T10244: Chaos control and synchronization", "244": "T10245: Metamaterials and Metasurfaces Applications", "245": "T10246: Mobile Ad Hoc Networks", "246": "T10247: Perovskite Materials and Applications", "247": "T10248: Nonlinear Waves and Solitons", "248": "T10249: Distributed Control Multi-Agent Systems", "249": "T10250: Glaucoma and retinal disorders", "250": "T10251: Solar and Space Plasma Dynamics", "251": "T10252: Microbial Natural Products and Biosynthesis", "252": "T10253: Sarcoma Diagnosis and Treatment", "253": "T10254: Innovations in Medical Education", "254": "T10255: Oceanographic and Atmospheric Processes", "255": "T10256: Drug Solubulity and Delivery Systems", "256": "T10257: Oral microbiology and periodontitis research", "257": "T10258: Philosophy and Theoretical Science", "258": "T10259: Sociology and Education Studies", "259": "T10260: Software Engineering Research", "260": "T10261: Genetic Associations and Epidemiology", "261": "T10262: Microwave Engineering and Waveguides", "262": "T10263: Eating Disorders and Behaviors", "263": "T10264: Asphalt Pavement Performance Evaluation", "264": "T10265: Multilingual Education and Policy", "265": "T10266: Plant Water Relations and Carbon Dynamics", "266": "T10267: Higher Education Research Studies", "267": "T10268: Developmental Biology and Gene Regulation", "268": "T10269: Epigenetics and DNA Methylation", "269": "T10270: Blockchain Technology Applications and Security", "270": "T10271: Seismic Imaging and Inversion Techniques", "271": "T10272: Mental Health Treatment and Access", "272": "T10273: IoT and Edge/Fog Computing", "273": "T10274: Synthesis and biological activity", "274": "T10275: 2D Materials and Applications", "275": "T10276: Helicobacter pylori-related gastroenterology studies", "276": "T10277: Vitamin D Research Studies", "277": "T10278: Electric Motor Design and Analysis", "278": "T10279: Urinary Bladder and Prostate Research", "279": "T10280: Shoulder Injury and Treatment", "280": "T10281: Advanced Battery Materials and Technologies", "281": "T10282: Financial Risk and Volatility Modeling", "282": "T10283: Hearing Loss and Rehabilitation", "283": "T10284: Anaerobic Digestion and Biogas Production", "284": "T10285: Venous Thromboembolism Diagnosis and Management", "285": "T10286: Information Retrieval and Search Behavior", "286": "T10287: Algebraic structures and combinatorial models", "287": "T10288: Fractional Differential Equations Solutions", "288": "T10289: European Union Policy and Governance", "289": "T10290: Pregnancy and preeclampsia studies", "290": "T10291: Dialysis and Renal Disease Management", "291": "T10292: Acute Myocardial Infarction Research", "292": "T10293: Thyroid Disorders and Treatments", "293": "T10294: Cell death mechanisms and regulation", "294": "T10295: Plasmonic and Surface Plasmon Research", "295": "T10296: Vector-borne infectious diseases", "296": "T10297: Philosophical Ethics and Theory", "297": "T10298: Urban Transport and Accessibility", "298": "T10299: Photonic and Optical Devices", "299": "T10300: Congenital Heart Disease Studies", "300": "T10301: Mitochondrial Function and Pathology", "301": "T10302: Fish Ecology and Management Studies", "302": "T10303: Photosynthetic Processes and Mechanisms", "303": "T10304: Geometric and Algebraic Topology", "304": "T10305: Power System Optimization and Stability", "305": "T10306: Liquid Crystal Research Advancements", "306": "T10307: Head and Neck Cancer Studies", "307": "T10308: Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Research", "308": "T10309: Acute Myeloid Leukemia Research", "309": "T10310: Corrosion Behavior and Inhibition", "310": "T10311: Advancements in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells", "311": "T10312: Health, Nursing, Elderly Care", "312": "T10313: Surface Modification and Superhydrophobicity", "313": "T10314: Social and Intergroup Psychology", "314": "T10315: Decision-Making and Behavioral Economics", "315": "T10316: Sleep and related disorders", "316": "T10317: Advanced Database Systems and Queries", "317": "T10318: Criminal Justice and Corrections Analysis", "318": "T10319: Conservation, Biodiversity, and Resource Management", "319": "T10320: Neural Networks and Applications", "320": "T10321: Quantum Dots Synthesis And Properties", "321": "T10322: Respiratory Support and Mechanisms", "322": "T10323: Analog and Mixed-Signal Circuit Design", "323": "T10324: Microbial bioremediation and biosurfactants", "324": "T10325: Astro and Planetary Science", "325": "T10326: Indoor and Outdoor Localization Technologies", "326": "T10327: Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health", "327": "T10328: Supply Chain and Inventory Management", "328": "T10329: Thyroid Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment", "329": "T10330: Hydrology and Watershed Management Studies", "330": "T10331: Video Surveillance and Tracking Methods", "331": "T10332: Amphibian and Reptile Biology", "332": "T10333: Meat and Animal Product Quality", "333": "T10334: Hearing, Cochlea, Tinnitus, Genetics", "334": "T10335: Colorectal Cancer Surgical Treatments", "335": "T10336: Cancer Cells and Metastasis", "336": "T10337: Liver Disease and Transplantation", "337": "T10338: Advanced Sensor and Energy Harvesting Materials", "338": "T10339: Advanced Numerical Methods in Computational Mathematics", "339": "T10340: Hepatitis B Virus Studies", "340": "T10341: Coral and Marine Ecosystems Studies", "341": "T10342: Circadian rhythm and melatonin", "342": "T10343: Hydrogels: synthesis, properties, applications", "343": "T10344: Management and Organizational Studies", "344": "T10345: Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation", "345": "T10346: Magnetic confinement fusion research", "346": "T10347: Atmospheric aerosols and clouds", "347": "T10348: Indigenous Health, Education, and Rights", "348": "T10349: Migration and Labor Dynamics", "349": "T10350: Electronic Health Records Systems", "350": "T10351: Liver Disease Diagnosis and Treatment", "351": "T10352: Physical Activity and Health", "352": "T10353: Zeolite Catalysis and Synthesis", "353": "T10354: Catalytic C\u2013H Functionalization Methods", "354": "T10355: Impact of Technology on Adolescents", "355": "T10356: Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics", "356": "T10357: Efficiency Analysis Using DEA", "357": "T10358: Advanced Radiotherapy Techniques", "358": "T10359: Dental Implant Techniques and Outcomes", "359": "T10360: Fluid Dynamics and Turbulent Flows", "360": "T10361: Silicon Carbide Semiconductor Technologies", "361": "T10362: Biblical Studies and Interpretation", "362": "T10363: Low-power high-performance VLSI design", "363": "T10364: Reproductive Biology and Fertility", "364": "T10365: Gastrointestinal motility and disorders", "365": "T10366: Discourse Analysis in Language Studies", "366": "T10367: Agricultural Innovations and Practices", "367": "T10368: Dental Health and Care Utilization", "368": "T10369: Advanced MEMS and NEMS Technologies", "369": "T10370: Traffic and Road Safety", "370": "T10371: Immune Response and Inflammation", "371": "T10372: Cardiac Imaging and Diagnostics", "372": "T10373: Renal Transplantation Outcomes and Treatments", "373": "T10374: Advanced Graph Theory Research", "374": "T10375: Pharmacogenetics and Drug Metabolism", "375": "T10376: Suicide and Self-Harm Studies", "376": "T10377: Metal and Thin Film Mechanics", "377": "T10378: Advanced MRI Techniques and Applications", "378": "T10379: Cellular Mechanics and Interactions", "379": "T10380: Intimate Partner and Family Violence", "380": "T10381: Ophthalmology and Visual Impairment Studies", "381": "T10382: Quantum and electron transport phenomena", "382": "T10383: Language, Discourse, Communication Strategies", "383": "T10384: Laser-Plasma Interactions and Diagnostics", "384": "T10385: Plant Diversity and Evolution", "385": "T10386: Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Steels", "386": "T10387: Fatty Acid Research and Health", "387": "T10388: Advanced Steganography and Watermarking Techniques", "388": "T10389: Polymer crystallization and properties", "389": "T10390: Ovarian function and disorders", "390": "T10391: Healthcare Policy and Management", "391": "T10392: Cutaneous Melanoma Detection and Management", "392": "T10393: Economic Growth and Productivity", "393": "T10394: Lipoproteins and Cardiovascular Health", "394": "T10395: Construction Project Management and Performance", "395": "T10396: Fatigue and fracture mechanics", "396": "T10397: Nutrition and Health in Aging", "397": "T10398: Groundwater and Isotope Geochemistry", "398": "T10399: Hydrocarbon exploration and reservoir analysis", "399": "T10400: Network Security and Intrusion Detection", "400": "T10401: Diabetes Treatment and Management", "401": "T10402: Phase Equilibria and Thermodynamics", "402": "T10403: Phonetics and Phonology Research", "403": "T10404: Enzyme Catalysis and Immobilization", "404": "T10405: Advanced Polymer Synthesis and Characterization", "405": "T10406: Planetary Science and Exploration", "406": "T10407: Lipid Membrane Structure and Behavior", "407": "T10408: Chronic Kidney Disease and Diabetes", "408": "T10409: Fuel Cells and Related Materials", "409": "T10410: COVID-19 epidemiological studies", "410": "T10411: Proteins in Food Systems", "411": "T10412: Microfluidic and Capillary Electrophoresis Applications", "412": "T10413: High-pressure geophysics and materials", "413": "T10414: Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research", "414": "T10415: International Business and FDI", "415": "T10416: Traumatic Brain Injury Research", "416": "T10417: Lung Cancer Treatments and Mutations", "417": "T10418: Pelvic floor disorders treatments", "418": "T10419: Pharmaceutical and Antibiotic Environmental Impacts", "419": "T10420: Intracranial Aneurysms: Treatment and Complications", "420": "T10421: Pleistocene-Era Hominins and Archaeology", "421": "T10422: Angiogenesis and VEGF in Cancer", "422": "T10423: Neurobiology and Insect Physiology Research", "423": "T10424: Electric Power System Optimization", "424": "T10425: Cold Atom Physics and Bose-Einstein Condensates", "425": "T10426: Child Abuse and Trauma", "426": "T10427: Visual perception and processing mechanisms", "427": "T10428: Reproductive tract infections research", "428": "T10429: EEG and Brain-Computer Interfaces", "429": "T10430: Software Engineering Techniques and Practices", "430": "T10431: Ethnobotanical and Medicinal Plants Studies", "431": "T10432: DNA and Nucleic Acid Chemistry", "432": "T10433: Carcinogens and Genotoxicity Assessment", "433": "T10434: Chromosomal and Genetic Variations", "434": "T10435: Environmental Impact and Sustainability", "435": "T10436: Anesthesia and Sedative Agents", "436": "T10437: Educational theories and practices", "437": "T10438: Energy, Environment, Economic Growth", "438": "T10439: Climate change impacts on agriculture", "439": "T10440: Advanced Thermoelectric Materials and Devices", "440": "T10441: Muscle Physiology and Disorders", "441": "T10442: Knee injuries and reconstruction techniques", "442": "T10443: Social Policy and Reform Studies", "443": "T10444: Context-Aware Activity Recognition Systems", "444": "T10445: Antioxidant Activity and Oxidative Stress", "445": "T10446: Income, Poverty, and Inequality", "446": "T10447: Environmental Toxicology and Ecotoxicology", "447": "T10448: Memory and Neural Mechanisms", "448": "T10449: Renal cell carcinoma treatment", "449": "T10450: Aquaculture Nutrition and Growth", "450": "T10451: Mycorrhizal Fungi and Plant Interactions", "451": "T10452: Iron Metabolism and Disorders", "452": "T10453: Maternal and Perinatal Health Interventions", "453": "T10454: Optimal Power Flow Distribution", "454": "T10455: Foot and Ankle Surgery", "455": "T10456: Multi-Agent Systems and Negotiation", "456": "T10457: Education Pedagogy and Practices", "457": "T10458: Bladder and Urothelial Cancer Treatments", "458": "T10459: Sexual function and dysfunction studies", "459": "T10460: Electronic Packaging and Soldering Technologies", "460": "T10461: Gas Sensing Nanomaterials and Sensors", "461": "T10462: Reinforcement Learning in Robotics", "462": "T10463: Pulsars and Gravitational Waves Research", "463": "T10464: Crystal structures of chemical compounds", "464": "T10465: Neurobiology of Language and Bilingualism", "465": "T10466: Meteorological Phenomena and Simulations", "466": "T10467: Psychometric Methodologies and Testing", "467": "T10468: Photovoltaic System Optimization Techniques", "468": "T10469: Psoriasis: Treatment and Pathogenesis", "469": "T10470: Usability and User Interface Design", "470": "T10471: Climate Change Policy and Economics", "471": "T10472: Semiconductor materials and devices", "472": "T10473: Postharvest Quality and Shelf Life Management", "473": "T10474: Material Dynamics and Properties", "474": "T10475: Psychological Well-being and Life Satisfaction", "475": "T10476: Algal biology and biofuel production", "476": "T10477: Astrophysics and Star Formation Studies", "477": "T10478: Diamond and Carbon-based Materials Research", "478": "T10479: Structural Behavior of Reinforced Concrete", "479": "T10480: Ionic liquids properties and applications", "480": "T10481: Computer Graphics and Visualization Techniques", "481": "T10482: Mathematical and Theoretical Epidemiology and Ecology Models", "482": "T10483: Nerve injury and regeneration", "483": "T10484: Wood Treatment and Properties", "484": "T10485: Bullying, Victimization, and Aggression", "485": "T10486: Salmonella and Campylobacter epidemiology", "486": "T10487: Plant and animal studies", "487": "T10488: Nanocomposite Films for Food Packaging", "488": "T10489: Regulation of Appetite and Obesity", "489": "T10490: Orbital Angular Momentum in Optics", "490": "T10491: Enhanced Oil Recovery Techniques", "491": "T10492: Microtubule and mitosis dynamics", "492": "T10493: Ion channel regulation and function", "493": "T10494: Plant Virus Research Studies", "494": "T10495: Catalysts for Methane Reforming", "495": "T10496: Pharmaceutical Practices and Patient Outcomes", "496": "T10497: Fungal and yeast genetics research", "497": "T10498: Migraine and Headache Studies", "498": "T10499: Folate and B Vitamins Research", "499": "T10500: Sparse and Compressive Sensing Techniques", "500": "T10501: Polymer Nanocomposites and Properties", "501": "T10502: Advanced Memory and Neural Computing", "502": "T10503: Global Financial Crisis and Policies", "503": "T10504: Sensorless Control of Electric Motors", "504": "T10505: Pluripotent Stem Cells Research", "505": "T10506: Aquaculture disease management and microbiota", "506": "T10507: Biodiesel Production and Applications", "507": "T10508: Patient Safety and Medication Errors", "508": "T10509: Religion, Spirituality, and Psychology", "509": "T10510: Stroke Rehabilitation and Recovery", "510": "T10511: High voltage insulation and dielectric phenomena", "511": "T10512: Orthopaedic implants and arthroplasty", "512": "T10513: Natural Fiber Reinforced Composites", "513": "T10514: Numerical methods in engineering", "514": "T10515: Cancer-related molecular mechanisms research", "515": "T10516: Parathyroid Disorders and Treatments", "516": "T10517: Financial Literacy, Pension, Retirement Analysis", "517": "T10518: Gallbladder and Bile Duct Disorders", "518": "T10519: Advanced Proteomics Techniques and Applications", "519": "T10520: Mycotoxins in Agriculture and Food", "520": "T10521: RNA and protein synthesis mechanisms", "521": "T10522: Medical Imaging Techniques and Applications", "522": "T10523: Atomic and Molecular Physics", "523": "T10524: Traffic control and management", "524": "T10525: Human-Automation Interaction and Safety", "525": "T10526: HIV/AIDS drug development and treatment", "526": "T10527: High-Energy Particle Collisions Research", "527": "T10528: Adipokines, Inflammation, and Metabolic Diseases", "528": "T10529: Stress Responses and Cortisol", "529": "T10530: Magnesium Alloys: Properties and Applications", "530": "T10531: Advanced Vision and Imaging", "531": "T10532: Molecular Sensors and Ion Detection", "532": "T10533: Teaching and Learning Programming", "533": "T10534: Structural Health Monitoring Techniques", "534": "T10535: Landslides and related hazards", "535": "T10536: Endodontics and Root Canal Treatments", "536": "T10537: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder", "537": "T10538: Data Mining Algorithms and Applications", "538": "T10539: Sustainable Supply Chain Management", "539": "T10540: Advanced Fluorescence Microscopy Techniques", "540": "T10541: Nonlinear Differential Equations Analysis", "541": "T10542: Vestibular and auditory disorders", "542": "T10543: Prostate Cancer Treatment and Research", "543": "T10544: Glass properties and applications", "544": "T10545: Optimization and Variational Analysis", "545": "T10546: Higher Education Governance and Development", "546": "T10547: Education, Achievement, and Giftedness", "547": "T10548: Catalytic Cross-Coupling Reactions", "548": "T10549: Neonatal Respiratory Health Research", "549": "T10550: Ovarian cancer diagnosis and treatment", "550": "T10551: Scheduling and Optimization Algorithms", "551": "T10552: Colorectal Cancer Screening and Detection", "552": "T10553: Combustion and flame dynamics", "553": "T10554: Hemoglobinopathies and Related Disorders", "554": "T10555: Fire effects on ecosystems", "555": "T10556: Global Cancer Incidence and Screening", "556": "T10557: Social Media and Politics", "557": "T10558: Advancements in Semiconductor Devices and Circuit Design", "558": "T10559: Particle Accelerators and Free-Electron Lasers", "559": "T10560: Diabetes Management and Research", "560": "T10561: Educational Research and Methods", "561": "T10562: Total Knee Arthroplasty Outcomes", "562": "T10563: Corneal surgery and disorders", "563": "T10564: Wastewater Treatment and Nitrogen Removal", "564": "T10565: Psychopathy, Forensic Psychiatry, Sexual Offending", "565": "T10566: Laser-Matter Interactions and Applications", "566": "T10567: Vehicle Routing Optimization Methods", "567": "T10568: Thermodynamic and Exergetic Analyses of Power and Cooling Systems", "568": "T10569: Bariatric Surgery and Outcomes", "569": "T10570: Drug Transport and Resistance Mechanisms", "570": "T10571: Robotic Mechanisms and Dynamics", "571": "T10572: Geophysical and Geoelectrical Methods", "572": "T10573: Power Quality and Harmonics", "573": "T10574: Crime Patterns and Interventions", "574": "T10575: Wireless Communication Networks Research", "575": "T10576: Opioid Use Disorder Treatment", "576": "T10577: Hydrology and Sediment Transport Processes", "577": "T10578: Supramolecular Chemistry and Complexes", "578": "T10579: Cognitive Radio Networks and Spectrum Sensing", "579": "T10580: Immunotherapy and Immune Responses", "580": "T10581: Neural dynamics and brain function", "581": "T10582: Ethics in Clinical Research", "582": "T10583: Cancer-related Molecular Pathways", "583": "T10584: Reproductive Physiology in Livestock", "584": "T10585: Family Dynamics and Relationships", "585": "T10586: Robotic Path Planning Algorithms", "586": "T10587: Autophagy in Disease and Therapy", "587": "T10588: Mathematical Dynamics and Fractals", "588": "T10589: Early Childhood Education and Development", "589": "T10590: Chalcogenide Semiconductor Thin Films", "590": "T10591: Theoretical and Computational Physics", "591": "T10592: Fusion materials and technologies", "592": "T10593: Bacterial biofilms and quorum sensing", "593": "T10594: Genetic and phenotypic traits in livestock", "594": "T10595: Medieval Literature and History", "595": "T10596: Child Nutrition and Water Access", "596": "T10597: Nuclear reactor physics and engineering", "597": "T10598: Cardiac pacing and defibrillation studies", "598": "T10599: Reconstructive Surgery and Microvascular Techniques", "599": "T10600: Reproductive Health and Contraception", "600": "T10601: Handwritten Text Recognition Techniques", "601": "T10602: Glycosylation and Glycoproteins Research", "602": "T10603: Smart Grid Energy Management", "603": "T10604: RNA Research and Splicing", "604": "T10605: Historical Economic and Social Studies", "605": "T10606: Kidney Stones and Urolithiasis Treatments", "606": "T10607: Magnetic and transport properties of perovskites and related materials", "607": "T10608: Neurogenesis and neuroplasticity mechanisms", "608": "T10609: Digital Marketing and Social Media", "609": "T10610: Advanced Cellulose Research Studies", "610": "T10611: Organic Light-Emitting Diodes Research", "611": "T10612: Magnetism in coordination complexes", "612": "T10613: Virus-based gene therapy research", "613": "T10614: Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Studies", "614": "T10615: Granular flow and fluidized beds", "615": "T10616: Smart Agriculture and AI", "616": "T10617: Cellular transport and secretion", "617": "T10618: Aortic Disease and Treatment Approaches", "618": "T10619: Esophageal Cancer Research and Treatment", "619": "T10620: Protease and Inhibitor Mechanisms", "620": "T10621: Gene Regulatory Network Analysis", "621": "T10622: Quantum Mechanics and Applications", "622": "T10623: Thin-Film Transistor Technologies", "623": "T10624: Silicon and Solar Cell Technologies", "624": "T10625: Herpesvirus Infections and Treatments", "625": "T10626: High-Temperature Coating Behaviors", "626": "T10627: Advanced Image and Video Retrieval Techniques", "627": "T10628: China's Socioeconomic Reforms and Governance", "628": "T10629: Health Policy Implementation Science", "629": "T10630: Orthopedic Surgery and Rehabilitation", "630": "T10631: Cancer, Hypoxia, and Metabolism", "631": "T10632: Housing Market and Economics", "632": "T10633: Metallic Glasses and Amorphous Alloys", "633": "T10634: Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Research", "634": "T10635: Hydraulic Fracturing and Reservoir Analysis", "635": "T10636: Innovative Teaching and Learning Methods", "636": "T10637: Advanced Clustering Algorithms Research", "637": "T10638: Optical measurement and interference techniques", "638": "T10639: Advanced Software Engineering Methodologies", "639": "T10640: Spectroscopy and Chemometric Analyses", "640": "T10641: Central Venous Catheters and Hemodialysis", "641": "T10642: Plasma Applications and Diagnostics", "642": "T10643: Marine and coastal plant biology", "643": "T10644: Cryospheric studies and observations", "644": "T10645: Cardiac Arrest and Resuscitation", "645": "T10646: Experimental Behavioral Economics Studies", "646": "T10647: Coastal and Marine Dynamics", "647": "T10648: Virtual Reality Applications and Impacts", "648": "T10649: Multiple Myeloma Research and Treatments", "649": "T10650: Food Drying and Modeling", "650": "T10651: IPv6, Mobility, Handover, Networks, Security", "651": "T10652: Racial and Ethnic Identity Research", "652": "T10653: Robot Manipulation and Learning", "653": "T10654: Pneumonia and Respiratory Infections", "654": "T10655: GNSS positioning and interference", "655": "T10656: Child and Animal Learning Development", "656": "T10657: Topological Materials and Phenomena", "657": "T10658: Bone fractures and treatments", "658": "T10659: Marine animal studies overview", "659": "T10660: Conducting polymers and applications", "660": "T10661: biodegradable polymer synthesis and properties", "661": "T10662: Ultrasonics and Acoustic Wave Propagation", "662": "T10663: Advanced Battery Technologies Research", "663": "T10664: Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining", "664": "T10665: Cystic Fibrosis Research Advances", "665": "T10666: Photonic Crystals and Applications", "666": "T10667: Emotion and Mood Recognition", "667": "T10668: Endometrial and Cervical Cancer Treatments", "668": "T10669: Freshwater macroinvertebrate diversity and ecology", "669": "T10670: Aluminum Alloy Microstructure Properties", "670": "T10671: Gastroesophageal reflux and treatments", "671": "T10672: Design Education and Practice", "672": "T10673: Gestational Diabetes Research and Management", "673": "T10674: School Choice and Performance", "674": "T10675: Mechanical Circulatory Support Devices", "675": "T10676: Genetics, Aging, and Longevity in Model Organisms", "676": "T10677: Attachment and Relationship Dynamics", "677": "T10678: Inflammatory mediators and NSAID effects", "678": "T10679: Service-Oriented Architecture and Web Services", "679": "T10680: Wind Energy Research and Development", "680": "T10681: Rare-earth and actinide compounds", "681": "T10682: Quantum Computing Algorithms and Architecture", "682": "T10683: Mass Spectrometry Techniques and Applications", "683": "T10684: Acute Kidney Injury Research", "684": "T10685: Viral-associated cancers and disorders", "685": "T10686: Effects and risks of endocrine disrupting chemicals", "686": "T10687: Innovative concrete reinforcement materials", "687": "T10688: Image and Signal Denoising Methods", "688": "T10689: Remote-Sensing Image Classification", "689": "T10690: Vibration Control and Rheological Fluids", "690": "T10691: Retinal Development and Disorders", "691": "T10692: Urban Green Space and Health", "692": "T10693: Blood transfusion and management", "693": "T10694: Menopause: Health Impacts and Treatments", "694": "T10695: Parasites and Host Interactions", "695": "T10696: Gastric Cancer Management and Outcomes", "696": "T10697: Vasculitis and related conditions", "697": "T10698: Transportation Planning and Optimization", "698": "T10699: Primate Behavior and Ecology", "699": "T10700: Metal Forming Simulation Techniques", "700": "T10701: Radical Photochemical Reactions", "701": "T10702: Insect and Arachnid Ecology and Behavior", "702": "T10703: Business Process Modeling and Analysis", "703": "T10704: Advancements in Transdermal Drug Delivery", "704": "T10705: Additive Manufacturing Materials and Processes", "705": "T10706: Traumatic Brain Injury and Neurovascular Disturbances", "706": "T10707: Cellular and Composite Structures", "707": "T10708: Mindfulness and Compassion Interventions", "708": "T10709: Social Robot Interaction and HRI", "709": "T10710: Arsenic contamination and mitigation", "710": "T10711: Target Tracking and Data Fusion in Sensor Networks", "711": "T10712: Library Science and Information Literacy", "712": "T10713: Structural Load-Bearing Analysis", "713": "T10714: Software-Defined Networks and 5G", "714": "T10715: Distributed and Parallel Computing Systems", "715": "T10716: Soil and Unsaturated Flow", "716": "T10717: Aluminum Alloys Composites Properties", "717": "T10718: Political Philosophy and Ethics", "718": "T10719: 3D Shape Modeling and Analysis", "719": "T10720: Complexity and Algorithms in Graphs", "720": "T10721: Surfactants and Colloidal Systems", "721": "T10722: Work-Family Balance Challenges", "722": "T10723: Advanced Welding Techniques Analysis", "723": "T10724: Ion Transport and Channel Regulation", "724": "T10725: RNA Interference and Gene Delivery", "725": "T10726: Career Development and Diversity", "726": "T10727: Ultrasound Imaging and Elastography", "727": "T10728: Pulmonary Hypertension Research and Treatments", "728": "T10729: Electrospun Nanofibers in Biomedical Applications", "729": "T10730: Language Development and Disorders", "730": "T10731: Educational Games and Gamification", "731": "T10732: Laser Material Processing Techniques", "732": "T10733: Wheat and Barley Genetics and Pathology", "733": "T10734: Information and Cyber Security", "734": "T10735: Mesoporous Materials and Catalysis", "735": "T10736: Hydrogen embrittlement and corrosion behaviors in metals", "736": "T10737: Health Literacy and Information Accessibility", "737": "T10738: Posthumanist Ethics and Activism", "738": "T10739: Electromagnetic Scattering and Analysis", "739": "T10740: Wind Turbine Control Systems", "740": "T10741: Video Coding and Compression Technologies", "741": "T10742: Peer-to-Peer Network Technologies", "742": "T10743: Software Testing and Debugging Techniques", "743": "T10744: Astrophysical Phenomena and Observations", "744": "T10745: Heart Rate Variability and Autonomic Control", "745": "T10746: Platelet Disorders and Treatments", "746": "T10747: Disaster Management and Resilience", "747": "T10748: Growth Hormone and Insulin-like Growth Factors", "748": "T10749: International Law and Human Rights", "749": "T10750: Fermentation and Sensory Analysis", "750": "T10751: Forensic and Genetic Research", "751": "T10752: Terahertz technology and applications", "752": "T10753: Microplastics and Plastic Pollution", "753": "T10754: Neuroendocrine Tumor Research Advances", "754": "T10755: HER2/EGFR in Cancer Research", "755": "T10756: Estrogen and related hormone effects", "756": "T10757: Geographic Information Systems Studies", "757": "T10758: Cinema and Media Studies", "758": "T10759: Translation Studies and Practices", "759": "T10760: Pancreatitis Pathology and Treatment", "760": "T10761: Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs)", "761": "T10762: Migration, Health and Trauma", "762": "T10763: Digital Transformation in Industry", "763": "T10764: Privacy-Preserving Technologies in Data", "764": "T10765: Marine Biology and Ecology Research", "765": "T10766: Urban Heat Island Mitigation", "766": "T10767: Advanced Photonic Communication Systems", "767": "T10768: Electric Vehicles and Infrastructure", "768": "T10769: BRCA gene mutations in cancer", "769": "T10770: Soil Geostatistics and Mapping", "770": "T10771: Wound Healing and Treatments", "771": "T10772: Distributed systems and fault tolerance", "772": "T10773: Extracellular vesicles in disease", "773": "T10774: Weed Control and Herbicide Applications", "774": "T10775: Generative Adversarial Networks and Image Synthesis", "775": "T10776: Spinal Fractures and Fixation Techniques", "776": "T10777: Politics and Society in Latin America", "777": "T10778: Philosophy and History of Science", "778": "T10779: Coastal wetland ecosystem dynamics", "779": "T10780: Reliability and Maintenance Optimization", "780": "T10781: Plasma Diagnostics and Applications", "781": "T10782: Nanoplatforms for cancer theranostics", "782": "T10783: Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing Technologies", "783": "T10784: Muscle activation and electromyography studies", "784": "T10785: Economic Theory and Institutions", "785": "T10786: Maternal Mental Health During Pregnancy and Postpartum", "786": "T10787: Lightning and Electromagnetic Phenomena", "787": "T10788: Neuroscience and Music Perception", "788": "T10789: Interactive and Immersive Displays", "789": "T10790: Heavy Metal Exposure and Toxicity", "790": "T10791: Advanced Control Systems Optimization", "791": "T10792: Matrix Theory and Algorithms", "792": "T10793: Diabetes Management and Education", "793": "T10794: Islamic Studies and History", "794": "T10795: Healthcare professionals\u2019 stress and burnout", "795": "T10796: Cooperative Communication and Network Coding", "796": "T10797: Accounting and Organizational Management", "797": "T10798: Crystallography and molecular interactions", "798": "T10799: Data Visualization and Analytics", "799": "T10800: Forensic Toxicology and Drug Analysis", "800": "T10801: Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Applications and Techniques", "801": "T10802: Judicial and Constitutional Studies", "802": "T10803: Innovative Human-Technology Interaction", "803": "T10804: Health Systems, Economic Evaluations, Quality of Life", "804": "T10805: Vehicle Dynamics and Control Systems", "805": "T10806: Energetic Materials and Combustion", "806": "T10807: Synthesis and characterization of novel inorganic/organometallic compounds", "807": "T10808: Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Technologies", "808": "T10809: Occupational Health and Safety Research", "809": "T10810: Polymer composites and self-healing", "810": "T10811: Hydrogen Storage and Materials", "811": "T10812: Human Pose and Action Recognition", "812": "T10813: Sport Psychology and Performance", "813": "T10814: Neuropeptides and Animal Physiology", "814": "T10815: Parasite Biology and Host Interactions", "815": "T10816: Cerebrovascular and Carotid Artery Diseases", "816": "T10817: Multicomponent Synthesis of Heterocycles", "817": "T10818: Astrophysics and Cosmic Phenomena", "818": "T10819: Mercury impact and mitigation studies", "819": "T10820: Fuzzy Logic and Control Systems", "820": "T10821: Cardiovascular Function and Risk Factors", "821": "T10822: Acoustic Wave Phenomena Research", "822": "T10823: Research on Leishmaniasis Studies", "823": "T10824: Image Retrieval and Classification Techniques", "824": "T10825: Plant Pathogens and Fungal Diseases", "825": "T10826: Behavioral and Psychological Studies", "826": "T10827: Patient-Provider Communication in Healthcare", "827": "T10828: Biometric Identification and Security", "828": "T10829: Interconnection Networks and Systems", "829": "T10830: Airway Management and Intubation Techniques", "830": "T10831: Cell Adhesion Molecules Research", "831": "T10832: Pituitary Gland Disorders and Treatments", "832": "T10833: Vaccine Coverage and Hesitancy", "833": "T10834: Welding Techniques and Residual Stresses", "834": "T10835: Carbohydrate Chemistry and Synthesis", "835": "T10836: Metabolomics and Mass Spectrometry Studies", "836": "T10837: Dermatology and Skin Diseases", "837": "T10838: Animal Behavior and Welfare Studies", "838": "T10839: Pancreatic function and diabetes", "839": "T10840: High Temperature Alloys and Creep", "840": "T10841: Economic and Environmental Valuation", "841": "T10842: Railway Engineering and Dynamics", "842": "T10843: Diversity and Career in Medicine", "843": "T10844: Radiation Dose and Imaging", "844": "T10845: Advanced Causal Inference Techniques", "845": "T10846: Photonic Crystal and Fiber Optics", "846": "T10847: Advanced Optical Network Technologies", "847": "T10848: Advanced Multi-Objective Optimization Algorithms", "848": "T10849: Finite Group Theory Research", "849": "T10850: Heat Transfer and Boiling Studies", "850": "T10851: Optical Wireless Communication Technologies", "851": "T10852: Temporomandibular Joint Disorders", "852": "T10853: Anxiety, Depression, Psychometrics, Treatment, Cognitive Processes", "853": "T10854: Bipolar Disorder and Treatment", "854": "T10855: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Research", "855": "T10856: Intellectual Property and Patents", "856": "T10857: Advanced Electron Microscopy Techniques and Applications", "857": "T10858: Clinical Nutrition and Gastroenterology", "858": "T10859: Polymer Surface Interaction Studies", "859": "T10860: Speech and Audio Processing", "860": "T10861: Ear Surgery and Otitis Media", "861": "T10862: AI in cancer detection", "862": "T10863: Voice and Speech Disorders", "863": "T10864: Fluid Dynamics and Mixing", "864": "T10865: Shape Memory Alloy Transformations", "865": "T10866: Nutritional Studies and Diet", "866": "T10867: Intensive Care Unit Cognitive Disorders", "867": "T10868: Soft Robotics and Applications", "868": "T10869: Polysaccharides and Plant Cell Walls", "869": "T10870: Interstitial Lung Diseases and Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis", "870": "T10871: Catalytic Alkyne Reactions", "871": "T10872: Veterinary Equine Medical Research", "872": "T10873: Bacterial Infections and Vaccines", "873": "T10874: Electromagnetic Fields and Biological Effects", "874": "T10875: Pesticide Exposure and Toxicity", "875": "T10876: Fault Detection and Control Systems", "876": "T10877: Allergic Rhinitis and Sensitization", "877": "T10878: CRISPR and Genetic Engineering", "878": "T10879: Robotic Locomotion and Control", "879": "T10880: Environmental Sustainability in Business", "880": "T10881: Blood Coagulation and Thrombosis Mechanisms", "881": "T10882: Cardiomyopathy and Myosin Studies", "882": "T10883: Ethics and Social Impacts of AI", "883": "T10884: Holomorphic and Operator Theory", "884": "T10885: Gene expression and cancer classification", "885": "T10886: Multiferroics and related materials", "886": "T10887: Bioinformatics and Genomic Networks", "887": "T10888: Augmented Reality Applications", "888": "T10889: Soil erosion and sediment transport", "889": "T10890: Trypanosoma species research and implications", "890": "T10891: Radar Systems and Signal Processing", "891": "T10892: Drilling and Well Engineering", "892": "T10893: Chinese history and philosophy", "893": "T10894: Groundwater flow and contamination studies", "894": "T10895: Species Distribution and Climate Change", "895": "T10896: Homotopy and Cohomology in Algebraic Topology", "896": "T10897: Antibiotic Use and Resistance", "897": "T10898: Environmental Education and Sustainability", "898": "T10899: Advanced Operator Algebra Research", "899": "T10900: Listeria monocytogenes in Food Safety", "900": "T10901: Advanced Data Compression Techniques", "901": "T10902: Complementary and Alternative Medicine Studies", "902": "T10903: Porphyrin and Phthalocyanine Chemistry", "903": "T10904: Embedded Systems Design Techniques", "904": "T10905: Solar Thermal and Photovoltaic Systems", "905": "T10906: AI-based Problem Solving and Planning", "906": "T10907: International Student and Expatriate Challenges", "907": "T10908: Analytical Chemistry and Chromatography", "908": "T10909: Edible Oils Quality and Analysis", "909": "T10910: Corporate Governance and Management", "910": "T10911: Chemical Synthesis and Analysis", "911": "T10912: Telemedicine and Telehealth Implementation", "912": "T10913: Molecular Junctions and Nanostructures", "913": "T10914: Tactile and Sensory Interactions", "914": "T10915: Trace Elements in Health", "915": "T10916: Surgical Simulation and Training", "916": "T10917: Smart Grid Security and Resilience", "917": "T10918: Memory Processes and Influences", "918": "T10919: Neurological disorders and treatments", "919": "T10920: Advanced Drug Delivery Systems", "920": "T10921: Neutrino Physics Research", "921": "T10922: Magnetic Properties and Synthesis of Ferrites", "922": "T10923: Force Microscopy Techniques and Applications", "923": "T10924: Cardiovascular Health and Disease Prevention", "924": "T10925: Spinal Cord Injury Research", "925": "T10926: Peripheral Artery Disease Management", "926": "T10927: Access Control and Trust", "927": "T10928: Probabilistic and Robust Engineering Design", "928": "T10929: Wnt/\u03b2-catenin signaling in development and cancer", "929": "T10930: Flood Risk Assessment and Management", "930": "T10931: Direction-of-Arrival Estimation Techniques", "931": "T10932: Microbial Metabolic Engineering and Bioproduction", "932": "T10933: Real-Time Systems Scheduling", "933": "T10934: Heat shock proteins research", "934": "T10935: Endometriosis Research and Treatment", "935": "T10936: Millimeter-Wave Propagation and Modeling", "936": "T10937: Telomeres, Telomerase, and Senescence", "937": "T10938: Phase Change Materials Research", "938": "T10939: Crystal Structures and Properties", "939": "T10940: Navier-Stokes equation solutions", "940": "T10941: Musicology and Musical Analysis", "941": "T10942: Sports, Gender, and Society", "942": "T10943: Escherichia coli research studies", "943": "T10944: Turbomachinery Performance and Optimization", "944": "T10945: Lysosomal Storage Disorders Research", "945": "T10946: Radioactivity and Radon Measurements", "946": "T10947: Fluorine in Organic Chemistry", "947": "T10948: Advanced Combinatorial Mathematics", "948": "T10949: Genetic Neurodegenerative Diseases", "949": "T10950: Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia research", "950": "T10951: Cryptographic Implementations and Security", "951": "T10952: PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling in cancer", "952": "T10953: E-Government and Public Services", "953": "T10954: Peripheral Nerve Disorders", "954": "T10955: Paleontology and Evolutionary Biology", "955": "T10956: Fullerene Chemistry and Applications", "956": "T10957: Photodynamic Therapy Research Studies", "957": "T10958: Ultrasound and Hyperthermia Applications", "958": "T10959: Student Assessment and Feedback", "959": "T10960: Hypothalamic control of reproductive hormones", "960": "T10961: Hernia repair and management", "961": "T10962: Thermodynamic properties of mixtures", "962": "T10963: Advanced Optimization Algorithms Research", "963": "T10964: Wireless Communication Security Techniques", "964": "T10965: Geological formations and processes", "965": "T10966: Liver physiology and pathology", "966": "T10967: Carbon Dioxide Capture Technologies", "967": "T10968: Statistical Distribution Estimation and Applications", "968": "T10969: Water resources management and optimization", "969": "T10970: Team Dynamics and Performance", "970": "T10971: Olfactory and Sensory Function Studies", "971": "T10972: Power Systems Fault Detection", "972": "T10973: Radioactive element chemistry and processing", "973": "T10974: Advanced Queuing Theory Analysis", "974": "T10975: Bone Tumor Diagnosis and Treatments", "975": "T10976: Viral gastroenteritis research and epidemiology", "976": "T10977: Optical Imaging and Spectroscopy Techniques", "977": "T10978: Prenatal Screening and Diagnostics", "978": "T10979: Breastfeeding Practices and Influences", "979": "T10980: Vascular Malformations and Hemangiomas", "980": "T10981: Cytomegalovirus and herpesvirus research", "981": "T10982: Motor Control and Adaptation", "982": "T10983: Aortic aneurysm repair treatments", "983": "T10984: Sinusitis and nasal conditions", "984": "T10985: Sleep and Wakefulness Research", "985": "T10986: RFID technology advancements", "986": "T10987: Microfinance and Financial Inclusion", "987": "T10988: Advanced Fiber Laser Technologies", "988": "T10989: Uterine Myomas and Treatments", "989": "T10990: Infection Control and Ventilation", "990": "T10991: Game Theory and Voting Systems", "991": "T10992: Forensic Anthropology and Bioarchaeology Studies", "992": "T10993: Complement system in diseases", "993": "T10994: Terrorism, Counterterrorism, and Political Violence", "994": "T10995: Methane Hydrates and Related Phenomena", "995": "T10996: Computational Geometry and Mesh Generation", "996": "T10997: Ocular Surface and Contact Lens", "997": "T10998: Heat Transfer and Optimization", "998": "T10999: Organ Transplantation Techniques and Outcomes", "999": "T11000: Infection Control in Healthcare", "1000": "T11001: Renin-Angiotensin System Studies", "1001": "T11002: Indoor Air Quality and Microbial Exposure", "1002": "T11003: Disability Rights and Representation", "1003": "T11004: Crustacean biology and ecology", "1004": "T11005: Radiation Effects in Electronics", "1005": "T11006: BIM and Construction Integration", "1006": "T11007: Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems", "1007": "T11008: Aerodynamics and Acoustics in Jet Flows", "1008": "T11009: Catalysis for Biomass Conversion", "1009": "T11010: Logic, Reasoning, and Knowledge", "1010": "T11011: Frailty in Older Adults", "1011": "T11012: Gas Dynamics and Kinetic Theory", "1012": "T11013: Skin Protection and Aging", "1013": "T11014: Regional Economics and Spatial Analysis", "1014": "T11015: Down syndrome and intellectual disability research", "1015": "T11016: Monoclonal and Polyclonal Antibodies Research", "1016": "T11017: Chaos-based Image/Signal Encryption", "1017": "T11018: Lower Extremity Biomechanics and Pathologies", "1018": "T11019: Image Enhancement Techniques", "1019": "T11020: Immune Cell Function and Interaction", "1020": "T11021: ECG Monitoring and Analysis", "1021": "T11022: Spectral Theory in Mathematical Physics", "1022": "T11023: Prosthetics and Rehabilitation Robotics", "1023": "T11024: Information Systems Theories and Implementation", "1024": "T11025: Nonlinear Optical Materials Research", "1025": "T11026: Occupational and environmental lung diseases", "1026": "T11027: Metabolism and Genetic Disorders", "1027": "T11028: Social Work Education and Practice", "1028": "T11029: Renal Diseases and Glomerulopathies", "1029": "T11030: Scoliosis diagnosis and treatment", "1030": "T11031: Game Theory and Applications", "1031": "T11032: VLSI and Analog Circuit Testing", "1032": "T11033: Contact Dermatitis and Allergies", "1033": "T11034: Digital Filter Design and Implementation", "1034": "T11035: Salivary Gland Tumors Diagnosis and Treatment", "1035": "T11036: Antibiotics Pharmacokinetics and Efficacy", "1036": "T11037: Fungal Infections and Studies", "1037": "T11038: Advanced SAR Imaging Techniques", "1038": "T11039: Evaluation of Teaching Practices", "1039": "T11040: Personality Traits and Psychology", "1040": "T11041: Ubiquitin and proteasome pathways", "1041": "T11042: Corruption and Economic Development", "1042": "T11043: Merger and Competition Analysis", "1043": "T11044: Particle Detector Development and Performance", "1044": "T11045: Privacy, Security, and Data Protection", "1045": "T11046: Geotechnical Engineering and Analysis", "1046": "T11047: Gender Diversity and Inequality", "1047": "T11048: Bacteriophages and microbial interactions", "1048": "T11049: Advanced Harmonic Analysis Research", "1049": "T11050: Photorefractive and Nonlinear Optics", "1050": "T11051: Sirtuins and Resveratrol in Medicine", "1051": "T11052: Energy Load and Power Forecasting", "1052": "T11053: Process Optimization and Integration", "1053": "T11054: Adrenal and Paraganglionic Tumors", "1054": "T11055: Cardiac and Coronary Surgery Techniques", "1055": "T11056: Physiological and biochemical adaptations", "1056": "T11057: Cardiac Ischemia and Reperfusion", "1057": "T11058: Ethics in Business and Education", "1058": "T11059: Market Dynamics and Volatility", "1059": "T11060: Infant Development and Preterm Care", "1060": "T11061: Ocean Waves and Remote Sensing", "1061": "T11062: Gear and Bearing Dynamics Analysis", "1062": "T11063: Rough Sets and Fuzzy Logic", "1063": "T11064: Antiplatelet Therapy and Cardiovascular Diseases", "1064": "T11065: Insect Pest Control Strategies", "1065": "T11066: Organic Food and Agriculture", "1066": "T11067: Colorectal Cancer Treatments and Studies", "1067": "T11068: Tendon Structure and Treatment", "1068": "T11069: Testicular diseases and treatments", "1069": "T11070: Soviet and Russian History", "1070": "T11071: Treatment of Major Depression", "1071": "T11072: Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptors", "1072": "T11073: Metal Extraction and Bioleaching", "1073": "T11074: Helminth infection and control", "1074": "T11075: Insect Resistance and Genetics", "1075": "T11076: Policing Practices and Perceptions", "1076": "T11077: Genetic and Clinical Aspects of Sex Determination and Chromosomal Abnormalities", "1077": "T11078: Inflammasome and immune disorders", "1078": "T11079: Creativity in Education and Neuroscience", "1079": "T11080: Surgical site infection prevention", "1080": "T11081: Advanced Control Systems Design", "1081": "T11082: Spacecraft Dynamics and Control", "1082": "T11083: Cardiac Health and Mental Health", "1083": "T11084: Workplace Health and Well-being", "1084": "T11085: Fungal Biology and Applications", "1085": "T11086: Parasitic Infections and Diagnostics", "1086": "T11087: Solidification and crystal growth phenomena", "1087": "T11088: Marine Bivalve and Aquaculture Studies", "1088": "T11089: Radioactive contamination and transfer", "1089": "T11090: Dark Matter and Cosmic Phenomena", "1090": "T11091: Extraction and Separation Processes", "1091": "T11092: Spondyloarthritis Studies and Treatments", "1092": "T11093: Personality Disorders and Psychopathology", "1093": "T11094: Face Recognition and Perception", "1094": "T11095: Emergency and Acute Care Studies", "1095": "T11096: Aeroelasticity and Vibration Control", "1096": "T11097: Cerebral Palsy and Movement Disorders", "1097": "T11098: Seed Germination and Physiology", "1098": "T11099: Autonomous Vehicle Technology and Safety", "1099": "T11100: Intermetallics and Advanced Alloy Properties", "1100": "T11101: Online Learning Methods and Innovations", "1101": "T11102: HVDC Systems and Fault Protection", "1102": "T11103: Antimicrobial Peptides and Activities", "1103": "T11104: Memory, Trauma, and Commemoration", "1104": "T11105: Advanced Image Processing Techniques", "1105": "T11106: Data Management and Algorithms", "1106": "T11107: Selenium in Biological Systems", "1107": "T11108: Municipal Solid Waste Management", "1108": "T11109: Thermoregulation and physiological responses", "1109": "T11110: Stability and Controllability of Differential Equations", "1110": "T11111: Spectroscopy and Laser Applications", "1111": "T11112: Viral Infections and Immunology Research", "1112": "T11113: Music History and Culture", "1113": "T11114: Service and Product Innovation", "1114": "T11115: Topology Optimization in Engineering", "1115": "T11116: Trauma, Hemostasis, Coagulopathy, Resuscitation", "1116": "T11117: Drug-Induced Adverse Reactions", "1117": "T11118: Evolutionary Psychology and Human Behavior", "1118": "T11119: Urban Stormwater Management Solutions", "1119": "T11120: Nonprofit Sector and Volunteering", "1120": "T11121: Public Relations and Crisis Communication", "1121": "T11122: Online Learning and Analytics", "1122": "T11123: Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum Disorders", "1123": "T11124: Protein purification and stability", "1124": "T11125: Petri Nets in System Modeling", "1125": "T11126: Metallurgical Processes and Thermodynamics", "1126": "T11127: Solid State Laser Technologies", "1127": "T11128: Transition Metal Oxide Nanomaterials", "1128": "T11129: Photochemistry and Electron Transfer Studies", "1129": "T11130: Coding theory and cryptography", "1130": "T11131: Proteoglycans and glycosaminoglycans research", "1131": "T11132: Psychoanalysis and Psychopathology Research", "1132": "T11133: UAV Applications and Optimization", "1133": "T11134: Breast Lesions and Carcinomas", "1134": "T11135: Virology and Viral Diseases", "1135": "T11136: Enzyme-mediated dye degradation", "1136": "T11137: Historical Philosophy and Science", "1137": "T11138: Tribology and Lubrication Engineering", "1138": "T11139: Gout, Hyperuricemia, Uric Acid", "1139": "T11140: Natural Antidiabetic Agents Studies", "1140": "T11141: Childhood Cancer Survivors' Quality of Life", "1141": "T11142: Advanced Glycation End Products research", "1142": "T11143: High Entropy Alloys Studies", "1143": "T11144: melanin and skin pigmentation", "1144": "T11145: Epoxy Resin Curing Processes", "1145": "T11146: Hormonal and reproductive studies", "1146": "T11147: Misinformation and Its Impacts", "1147": "T11148: Language, Metaphor, and Cognition", "1148": "T11149: Veterinary Oncology Research", "1149": "T11150: Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress and Disease", "1150": "T11151: Advanced Topology and Set Theory", "1151": "T11152: Stochastic processes and statistical mechanics", "1152": "T11153: Streptococcal Infections and Treatments", "1153": "T11154: Parasitic infections in humans and animals", "1154": "T11155: Toxoplasma gondii Research Studies", "1155": "T11156: Reproductive Health and Technologies", "1156": "T11157: Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Research", "1157": "T11158: Wireless Networks and Protocols", "1158": "T11159: Manufacturing Process and Optimization", "1159": "T11160: Acoustic Wave Resonator Technologies", "1160": "T11161: Consumer Market Behavior and Pricing", "1161": "T11162: Enzyme Structure and Function", "1162": "T11163: Organ Donation and Transplantation", "1163": "T11164: Remote Sensing and LiDAR Applications", "1164": "T11165: Image and Video Quality Assessment", "1165": "T11166: Analytic Number Theory Research", "1166": "T11167: Hair Growth and Disorders", "1167": "T11168: International Development and Aid", "1168": "T11169: Silicon Nanostructures and Photoluminescence", "1169": "T11170: Biomimetic flight and propulsion mechanisms", "1170": "T11171: Diabetes and associated disorders", "1171": "T11172: Dermatologic Treatments and Research", "1172": "T11173: Neurofibromatosis and Schwannoma Cases", "1173": "T11174: Pediatric Urology and Nephrology Studies", "1174": "T11175: Gyrotron and Vacuum Electronics Research", "1175": "T11176: Radiation Therapy and Dosimetry", "1176": "T11177: Spectroscopy and Quantum Chemical Studies", "1177": "T11178: Receptor Mechanisms and Signaling", "1178": "T11179: Nematode management and characterization studies", "1179": "T11180: Pesticide and Herbicide Environmental Studies", "1180": "T11181: Advanced Data Storage Technologies", "1181": "T11182: Auction Theory and Applications", "1182": "T11183: Advanced X-ray Imaging Techniques", "1183": "T11184: Neonatal and fetal brain pathology", "1184": "T11185: Integrated Energy Systems Optimization", "1185": "T11186: Hydrology and Drought Analysis", "1186": "T11187: Nonlinear Dynamics and Pattern Formation", "1187": "T11188: Coagulation and Flocculation Studies", "1188": "T11189: Transplantation: Methods and Outcomes", "1189": "T11190: 3D Printing in Biomedical Research", "1190": "T11191: Mathematical functions and polynomials", "1191": "T11192: Underwater Vehicles and Communication Systems", "1192": "T11193: Adenosine and Purinergic Signaling", "1193": "T11194: Ocular Diseases and Beh\u00e7et\u2019s Syndrome", "1194": "T11195: Simulation Techniques and Applications", "1195": "T11196: Non-Invasive Vital Sign Monitoring", "1196": "T11197: Digital Games and Media", "1197": "T11198: Japanese History and Culture", "1198": "T11199: Pain Management and Opioid Use", "1199": "T11200: Electrodeposition and Electroless Coatings", "1200": "T11201: Metallurgy and Material Forming", "1201": "T11202: Cavitation Phenomena in Pumps", "1202": "T11203: Jewish and Middle Eastern Studies", "1203": "T11204: Ion Channels and Receptors", "1204": "T11205: Numerical methods in inverse problems", "1205": "T11206: Model Reduction and Neural Networks", "1206": "T11207: Alcohol Consumption and Health Effects", "1207": "T11208: Lignin and Wood Chemistry", "1208": "T11209: Cardiovascular and exercise physiology", "1209": "T11210: Mathematical Analysis and Transform Methods", "1210": "T11211: 3D Surveying and Cultural Heritage", "1211": "T11212: Cultural Heritage Materials Analysis", "1212": "T11213: Genomic variations and chromosomal abnormalities", "1213": "T11214: Human-Animal Interaction Studies", "1214": "T11215: Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Treatments", "1215": "T11216: Radiation Detection and Scintillator Technologies", "1216": "T11217: Cardiac Arrhythmias and Treatments", "1217": "T11218: Hip disorders and treatments", "1218": "T11219: Bone Metabolism and Diseases", "1219": "T11220: Water Systems and Optimization", "1220": "T11221: Bone health and treatments", "1221": "T11222: Magnetic Properties and Applications", "1222": "T11223: Maritime Ports and Logistics", "1223": "T11224: Electromagnetic wave absorption materials", "1224": "T11225: Geothermal Energy Systems and Applications", "1225": "T11226: Milk Quality and Mastitis in Dairy Cows", "1226": "T11227: Diabetic Foot Ulcer Assessment and Management", "1227": "T11228: Bat Biology and Ecology Studies", "1228": "T11229: Genetics and Plant Breeding", "1229": "T11230: Innovative Energy Harvesting Technologies", "1230": "T11231: Microbial Fuel Cells and Bioremediation", "1231": "T11232: Urinary Tract Infections Management", "1232": "T11233: Advanced Adaptive Filtering Techniques", "1233": "T11234: Precipitation Measurement and Analysis", "1234": "T11235: Statistical Methods in Clinical Trials", "1235": "T11236: Control Systems and Identification", "1236": "T11237: Plant Gene Expression Analysis", "1237": "T11238: Simulation-Based Education in Healthcare", "1238": "T11239: Social Capital and Networks", "1239": "T11240: Luminescence and Fluorescent Materials", "1240": "T11241: Advanced Malware Detection Techniques", "1241": "T11242: Nuclear Materials and Properties", "1242": "T11243: Respiratory viral infections research", "1243": "T11244: Climate Change and Health Impacts", "1244": "T11245: Advanced Numerical Analysis Techniques", "1245": "T11246: Sports injuries and prevention", "1246": "T11247: Plant nutrient uptake and metabolism", "1247": "T11248: Advanced Power Amplifier Design", "1248": "T11249: Wireless Power Transfer Systems", "1249": "T11250: Wave and Wind Energy Systems", "1250": "T11251: Meningioma and schwannoma management", "1251": "T11252: Evolutionary Game Theory and Cooperation", "1252": "T11253: Nail Diseases and Treatments", "1253": "T11254: Fluid Dynamics and Vibration Analysis", "1254": "T11255: Microfluidic and Bio-sensing Technologies", "1255": "T11256: Asian Studies and History", "1256": "T11257: Taxation and Compliance Studies", "1257": "T11258: Breast Implant and Reconstruction", "1258": "T11259: Agriculture Sustainability and Environmental Impact", "1259": "T11260: Tracheal and airway disorders", "1260": "T11261: Quantum chaos and dynamical systems", "1261": "T11262: Quantum Mechanics and Non-Hermitian Physics", "1262": "T11263: Electromagnetic Simulation and Numerical Methods", "1263": "T11264: Coffee research and impacts", "1264": "T11265: Aging and Gerontology Research", "1265": "T11266: Neuroinflammation and Neurodegeneration Mechanisms", "1266": "T11267: Abdominal Trauma and Injuries", "1267": "T11268: Light effects on plants", "1268": "T11269: Algorithms and Data Compression", "1269": "T11270: Complex Systems and Time Series Analysis", "1270": "T11271: Myasthenia Gravis and Thymoma", "1271": "T11272: Nanowire Synthesis and Applications", "1272": "T11273: Advanced Graph Neural Networks", "1273": "T11274: Botulinum Toxin and Related Neurological Disorders", "1274": "T11275: Composting and Vermicomposting Techniques", "1275": "T11276: Solar Radiation and Photovoltaics", "1276": "T11277: Thermal properties of materials", "1277": "T11278: Calcium Carbonate Crystallization and Inhibition", "1278": "T11279: Lanthanide and Transition Metal Complexes", "1279": "T11280: Hemophilia Treatment and Research", "1280": "T11281: Asymmetric Hydrogenation and Catalysis", "1281": "T11282: Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Research", "1282": "T11283: Experimental Learning in Engineering", "1283": "T11284: Coal Properties and Utilization", "1284": "T11285: Hearing Impairment and Communication", "1285": "T11286: Polyoxometalates: Synthesis and Applications", "1286": "T11287: Cancer Genomics and Diagnostics", "1287": "T11288: Clostridium difficile and Clostridium perfringens research", "1288": "T11289: Single-cell and spatial transcriptomics", "1289": "T11290: Preterm Birth and Chorioamnionitis", "1290": "T11291: Intraocular Surgery and Lenses", "1291": "T11292: Pediatric Pain Management Techniques", "1292": "T11293: Orthopedic Infections and Treatments", "1293": "T11294: Infant Nutrition and Health", "1294": "T11295: Counseling Practices and Supervision", "1295": "T11296: COVID-19 and healthcare impacts", "1296": "T11297: Ferroptosis and cancer prognosis", "1297": "T11298: Synthesis and Properties of Aromatic Compounds", "1298": "T11299: Problem and Project Based Learning", "1299": "T11300: Global Educational Policies and Reforms", "1300": "T11301: Advanced Surface Polishing Techniques", "1301": "T11302: CO2 Sequestration and Geologic Interactions", "1302": "T11303: Bayesian Modeling and Causal Inference", "1303": "T11304: Advanced Neuroimaging Techniques and Applications", "1304": "T11305: Amyloidosis: Diagnosis, Treatment, Outcomes", "1305": "T11306: Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer Studies", "1306": "T11307: Domain Adaptation and Few-Shot Learning", "1307": "T11308: Sphingolipid Metabolism and Signaling", "1308": "T11309: Music and Audio Processing", "1309": "T11310: Connective tissue disorders research", "1310": "T11311: Soil and Water Nutrient Dynamics", "1311": "T11312: Soil Moisture and Remote Sensing", "1312": "T11313: Immune cells in cancer", "1313": "T11314: Clinical Laboratory Practices and Quality Control", "1314": "T11315: Phase-change materials and chalcogenides", "1315": "T11316: Mycobacterium research and diagnosis", "1316": "T11317: Fire dynamics and safety research", "1317": "T11318: Phytoestrogen effects and research", "1318": "T11319: Curcumin's Biomedical Applications", "1319": "T11320: Atmospheric Ozone and Climate", "1320": "T11321: Error Correcting Code Techniques", "1321": "T11322: Facial Rejuvenation and Surgery Techniques", "1322": "T11323: Gamma-ray bursts and supernovae", "1323": "T11324: Spectroscopy Techniques in Biomedical and Chemical Research", "1324": "T11325: Inertial Sensor and Navigation", "1325": "T11326: Stock Market Forecasting Methods", "1326": "T11327: Acupuncture Treatment Research Studies", "1327": "T11328: Ocular Oncology and Treatments", "1328": "T11329: Limits and Structures in Graph Theory", "1329": "T11330: Systemic Sclerosis and Related Diseases", "1330": "T11331: Fecal contamination and water quality", "1331": "T11332: Genomics, phytochemicals, and oxidative stress", "1332": "T11333: Climate change and permafrost", "1333": "T11334: Psychosomatic Disorders and Their Treatments", "1334": "T11335: Prion Diseases and Protein Misfolding", "1335": "T11336: Energy and Environment Impacts", "1336": "T11337: Tryptophan and brain disorders", "1337": "T11338: Advancements in Photolithography Techniques", "1338": "T11339: Metabolism, Diabetes, and Cancer", "1339": "T11340: Marine Sponges and Natural Products", "1340": "T11341: Boron and Carbon Nanomaterials Research", "1341": "T11342: Carbon and Quantum Dots Applications", "1342": "T11343: Power Transformer Diagnostics and Insulation", "1343": "T11344: Traffic Prediction and Management Techniques", "1344": "T11345: Cognitive and developmental aspects of mathematical skills", "1345": "T11346: Mast cells and histamine", "1346": "T11347: Neural Networks Stability and Synchronization", "1347": "T11348: Celiac Disease Research and Management", "1348": "T11349: Music Technology and Sound Studies", "1349": "T11350: Sex work and related issues", "1350": "T11351: Catalysis and Hydrodesulfurization Studies", "1351": "T11352: Masonry and Concrete Structural Analysis", "1352": "T11353: Venomous Animal Envenomation and Studies", "1353": "T11354: Evolution and Paleontology Studies", "1354": "T11355: Inflammatory Biomarkers in Disease Prognosis", "1355": "T11356: Pleural and Pulmonary Diseases", "1356": "T11357: Risk and Safety Analysis", "1357": "T11358: Dysphagia Assessment and Management", "1358": "T11359: Effects of Radiation Exposure", "1359": "T11360: Flame retardant materials and properties", "1360": "T11361: Digital Radiography and Breast Imaging", "1361": "T11362: Membrane Separation and Gas Transport", "1362": "T11363: Dental Radiography and Imaging", "1363": "T11364: Cholangiocarcinoma and Gallbladder Cancer Studies", "1364": "T11365: Islamic Finance and Banking Studies", "1365": "T11366: Elasticity and Material Modeling", "1366": "T11367: Particle accelerators and beam dynamics", "1367": "T11368: Long-Term Effects of COVID-19", "1368": "T11369: Genetic factors in colorectal cancer", "1369": "T11370: Mobile Learning in Education", "1370": "T11371: Wind and Air Flow Studies", "1371": "T11372: Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems", "1372": "T11373: Sleep and Work-Related Fatigue", "1373": "T11374: Cleft Lip and Palate Research", "1374": "T11375: Geotechnical Engineering and Soil Stabilization", "1375": "T11376: Geriatric Care and Nursing Homes", "1376": "T11377: Retinal and Macular Surgery", "1377": "T11378: Gastrointestinal Bleeding Diagnosis and Treatment", "1378": "T11379: Rheology and Fluid Dynamics Studies", "1379": "T11380: Child Welfare and Adoption", "1380": "T11381: Infectious Diseases and Tuberculosis", "1381": "T11382: Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer", "1382": "T11383: Advanced Antenna and Metasurface Technologies", "1383": "T11384: Critical Race Theory in Education", "1384": "T11385: Natural product bioactivities and synthesis", "1385": "T11386: Bee Products Chemical Analysis", "1386": "T11387: Ichthyology and Marine Biology", "1387": "T11388: Grief, Bereavement, and Mental Health", "1388": "T11389: Maternal and fetal healthcare", "1389": "T11390: Seaweed-derived Bioactive Compounds", "1390": "T11391: Theatre and Performance Studies", "1391": "T11392: Energy Harvesting in Wireless Networks", "1392": "T11393: Biosensors and Analytical Detection", "1393": "T11394: Dynamics and Control of Mechanical Systems", "1394": "T11395: Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry and Applications", "1395": "T11396: Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare", "1396": "T11397: Populism, Right-Wing Movements", "1397": "T11398: Hand Gesture Recognition Systems", "1398": "T11399: Muscle metabolism and nutrition", "1399": "T11400: Motivation and Self-Concept in Sports", "1400": "T11401: Minerals Flotation and Separation Techniques", "1401": "T11402: Vascular Malformations Diagnosis and Treatment", "1402": "T11403: Invertebrate Immune Response Mechanisms", "1403": "T11404: Irrigation Practices and Water Management", "1404": "T11405: Geophysics and Gravity Measurements", "1405": "T11406: Cerebrospinal fluid and hydrocephalus", "1406": "T11407: Innovative Microfluidic and Catalytic Techniques Innovation", "1407": "T11408: Advanced Optical Imaging Technologies", "1408": "T11409: Advanced Wireless Network Optimization", "1409": "T11410: Cultural Industries and Urban Development", "1410": "T11411: Tea Polyphenols and Effects", "1411": "T11412: Genetic and Kidney Cyst Diseases", "1412": "T11413: Risk and Portfolio Optimization", "1413": "T11414: Quantum optics and atomic interactions", "1414": "T11415: Noncommutative and Quantum Gravity Theories", "1415": "T11416: Numerical methods for differential equations", "1416": "T11417: Advancements in PLL and VCO Technologies", "1417": "T11418: Plant Micronutrient Interactions and Effects", "1418": "T11419: Supramolecular Self-Assembly in Materials", "1419": "T11420: Geographies of human-animal interactions", "1420": "T11421: Labor Movements and Unions", "1421": "T11422: Burn Injury Management and Outcomes", "1422": "T11423: Pesticide Residue Analysis and Safety", "1423": "T11424: Security and Verification in Computing", "1424": "T11425: Diverse Music Education Insights", "1425": "T11426: Genetically Modified Organisms Research", "1426": "T11427: Elbow and Forearm Trauma Treatment", "1427": "T11428: Advanced Mathematical Identities", "1428": "T11429: Semiconductor Lasers and Optical Devices", "1429": "T11430: Disaster Response and Management", "1430": "T11431: Action Observation and Synchronization", "1431": "T11432: Gender Politics and Representation", "1432": "T11433: Emotional Intelligence and Performance", "1433": "T11434: Electrochemical Analysis and Applications", "1434": "T11435: Polynomial and algebraic computation", "1435": "T11436: Entomopathogenic Microorganisms in Pest Control", "1436": "T11437: Digital Platforms and Economics", "1437": "T11438: Retinal Imaging and Analysis", "1438": "T11439: Video Analysis and Summarization", "1439": "T11440: Click Chemistry and Applications", "1440": "T11441: Organoboron and organosilicon chemistry", "1441": "T11442: Titanium Alloys Microstructure and Properties", "1442": "T11443: Advanced Statistical Process Monitoring", "1443": "T11444: Electromagnetic Compatibility and Noise Suppression", "1444": "T11445: Origins and Evolution of Life", "1445": "T11446: Mobile Health and mHealth Applications", "1446": "T11447: Blind Source Separation Techniques", "1447": "T11448: Face recognition and analysis", "1448": "T11449: Mechanical and Optical Resonators", "1449": "T11450: Model-Driven Software Engineering Techniques", "1450": "T11451: Advanced Machining and Optimization Techniques", "1451": "T11452: Oral Health Pathology and Treatment", "1452": "T11453: Diagnosis and Treatment of Venous Diseases", "1453": "T11454: Cultural Differences and Values", "1454": "T11455: Microbial Inactivation Methods", "1455": "T11456: Neuroscience of respiration and sleep", "1456": "T11457: Adipose Tissue and Metabolism", "1457": "T11458: Advanced Wireless Communication Technologies", "1458": "T11459: Arctic and Antarctic ice dynamics", "1459": "T11460: Analytical Methods in Pharmaceuticals", "1460": "T11461: Local Government Finance and Decentralization", "1461": "T11462: Museums and Cultural Heritage", "1462": "T11463: Classical Philosophy and Thought", "1463": "T11464: Homelessness and Social Issues", "1464": "T11465: Drug-Induced Hepatotoxicity and Protection", "1465": "T11466: Innovative Education and Learning Practices", "1466": "T11467: Trauma and Emergency Care Studies", "1467": "T11468: Genetic Mapping and Diversity in Plants and Animals", "1468": "T11469: Lymphatic System and Diseases", "1469": "T11470: Legume Nitrogen Fixing Symbiosis", "1470": "T11471: Block Copolymer Self-Assembly", "1471": "T11472: Analytical Chemistry and Sensors", "1472": "T11473: Appendicitis Diagnosis and Management", "1473": "T11474: Sport and Mega-Event Impacts", "1474": "T11475: French Urban and Social Studies", "1475": "T11476: Graph theory and applications", "1476": "T11477: Epistemology, Ethics, and Metaphysics", "1477": "T11478: Caching and Content Delivery", "1478": "T11479: Smart Cities and Technologies", "1479": "T11480: Connexins and lens biology", "1480": "T11481: Sulfur Compounds in Biology", "1481": "T11482: RNA modifications and cancer", "1482": "T11483: Tropical and Extratropical Cyclones Research", "1483": "T11484: Adaptive optics and wavefront sensing", "1484": "T11485: Gastrointestinal Tumor Research and Treatment", "1485": "T11486: Micro and Nano Robotics", "1486": "T11487: Automotive and Human Injury Biomechanics", "1487": "T11488: Climate Change Communication and Perception", "1488": "T11489: Air Traffic Management and Optimization", "1489": "T11490: Hydrological Forecasting Using AI", "1490": "T11491: CAR-T cell therapy research", "1491": "T11492: Academic integrity and plagiarism", "1492": "T11493: Water Treatment and Disinfection", "1493": "T11494: Coleoptera Taxonomy and Distribution", "1494": "T11495: Animal Virus Infections Studies", "1495": "T11496: Credit Risk and Financial Regulations", "1496": "T11497: Interprofessional Education and Collaboration", "1497": "T11498: Security in Wireless Sensor Networks", "1498": "T11499: ICT Impact and Policies", "1499": "T11500: Evacuation and Crowd Dynamics", "1500": "T11501: TGF-\u03b2 signaling in diseases", "1501": "T11502: Facility Location and Emergency Management", "1502": "T11503: Cytokine Signaling Pathways and Interactions", "1503": "T11504: Advanced Authentication Protocols Security", "1504": "T11505: Reproductive biology and impacts on aquatic species", "1505": "T11506: Children's Rights and Participation", "1506": "T11507: Religion and Society Interactions", "1507": "T11508: Corporate Taxation and Avoidance", "1508": "T11509: Hip and Femur Fractures", "1509": "T11510: Reproductive System and Pregnancy", "1510": "T11511: Dyeing and Modifying Textile Fibers", "1511": "T11512: Anomaly Detection Techniques and Applications", "1512": "T11513: stochastic dynamics and bifurcation", "1513": "T11514: Disability Education and Employment", "1514": "T11515: Bacillus and Francisella bacterial research", "1515": "T11516: Visual and Cognitive Learning Processes", "1516": "T11517: Advanced optical system design", "1517": "T11518: Cervical and Thoracic Myelopathy", "1518": "T11519: Digital Mental Health Interventions", "1519": "T11520: Advanced Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics", "1520": "T11521: Salivary Gland Disorders and Functions", "1521": "T11522: VLSI and FPGA Design Techniques", "1522": "T11523: Nanomaterials and Printing Technologies", "1523": "T11524: Advanced Aircraft Design and Technologies", "1524": "T11525: Piezoelectric Actuators and Control", "1525": "T11526: Innovative Teaching Methods", "1526": "T11527: 3D IC and TSV technologies", "1527": "T11528: Lichen and fungal ecology", "1528": "T11529: Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies", "1529": "T11530: Business and Management Studies", "1530": "T11531: Healthcare Systems and Reforms", "1531": "T11532: Chemokine receptors and signaling", "1532": "T11533: Melanoma and MAPK Pathways", "1533": "T11534: Erythropoietin and Anemia Treatment", "1534": "T11535: Chemotherapy-induced cardiotoxicity and mitigation", "1535": "T11536: Consumer Retail Behavior Studies", "1536": "T11537: Ethics in medical practice", "1537": "T11538: Ophthalmology and Eye Disorders", "1538": "T11539: Survey Methodology and Nonresponse", "1539": "T11540: Gender, Feminism, and Media", "1540": "T11541: Neuroendocrine regulation and behavior", "1541": "T11542: Behavioral Health and Interventions", "1542": "T11543: Employee Performance and Motivation", "1543": "T11544: Gender, Labor, and Family Dynamics", "1544": "T11545: Advanced Banach Space Theory", "1545": "T11546: Plant Physiology and Cultivation Studies", "1546": "T11547: Sesquiterpenes and Asteraceae Studies", "1547": "T11548: Sexual Assault and Victimization Studies", "1548": "T11549: Synthetic Organic Chemistry Methods", "1549": "T11550: Text and Document Classification Technologies", "1550": "T11551: Infective Endocarditis Diagnosis and Management", "1551": "T11552: Global trade, sustainability, and social impact", "1552": "T11553: Acne and Rosacea Treatments and Effects", "1553": "T11554: Vascular Procedures and Complications", "1554": "T11555: Methodologies in Health Research and Practice", "1555": "T11556: Poverty, Education, and Child Welfare", "1556": "T11557: Lubricants and Their Additives", "1557": "T11558: Composite Material Mechanics", "1558": "T11559: Retinoids in leukemia and cellular processes", "1559": "T11560: Animal Disease Management and Epidemiology", "1560": "T11561: Protein Hydrolysis and Bioactive Peptides", "1561": "T11562: Facial Trauma and Fracture Management", "1562": "T11563: Indian and Buddhist Studies", "1563": "T11564: Mathematical Inequalities and Applications", "1564": "T11565: Thermoelastic and Magnetoelastic Phenomena", "1565": "T11566: Laser Applications in Dentistry and Medicine", "1566": "T11567: semigroups and automata theory", "1567": "T11568: Railway Systems and Energy Efficiency", "1568": "T11569: Optical Coherence Tomography Applications", "1569": "T11570: Periodontal Regeneration and Treatments", "1570": "T11571: Sarcoidosis and Beryllium Toxicity Research", "1571": "T11572: Information Technology Governance and Strategy", "1572": "T11573: Risk Perception and Management", "1573": "T11574: Artificial Intelligence in Games", "1574": "T11575: Nonlinear Photonic Systems", "1575": "T11576: IgG4-Related and Inflammatory Diseases", "1576": "T11577: Cognitive Abilities and Testing", "1577": "T11578: Plant Pathogenic Bacteria Studies", "1578": "T11579: Cardiovascular and Diving-Related Complications", "1579": "T11580: Veterinary Medicine and Surgery", "1580": "T11581: Viral Infections and Outbreaks Research", "1581": "T11582: Nanopore and Nanochannel Transport Studies", "1582": "T11583: Advanced Measurement and Metrology Techniques", "1583": "T11584: Biochemical Analysis and Sensing Techniques", "1584": "T11585: Exercise and Physiological Responses", "1585": "T11586: Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Studies", "1586": "T11587: Second Language Acquisition and Learning", "1587": "T11588: Atmospheric and Environmental Gas Dynamics", "1588": "T11589: Gynecological conditions and treatments", "1589": "T11590: Primary Care and Health Outcomes", "1590": "T11591: NF-\u03baB Signaling Pathways", "1591": "T11592: Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy", "1592": "T11593: Carbon dioxide utilization in catalysis", "1593": "T11594: Tree-ring climate responses", "1594": "T11595: Textile materials and evaluations", "1595": "T11596: Constraint Satisfaction and Optimization", "1596": "T11597: Neutrophil, Myeloperoxidase and Oxidative Mechanisms", "1597": "T11598: Internet Traffic Analysis and Secure E-voting", "1598": "T11599: Aviation Industry Analysis and Trends", "1599": "T11600: Brain Metastases and Treatment", "1600": "T11601: Neuroscience and Neural Engineering", "1601": "T11602: Magnetic Bearings and Levitation Dynamics", "1602": "T11603: Dust and Plasma Wave Phenomena", "1603": "T11604: Ship Hydrodynamics and Maneuverability", "1604": "T11605: Visual Attention and Saliency Detection", "1605": "T11606: Infrastructure Maintenance and Monitoring", "1606": "T11607: Microwave and Dielectric Measurement Techniques", "1607": "T11608: Dielectric materials and actuators", "1608": "T11609: Geophysical Methods and Applications", "1609": "T11610: Food Security and Health in Diverse Populations", "1610": "T11611: Cyclopropane Reaction Mechanisms", "1611": "T11612: Stochastic Gradient Optimization Techniques", "1612": "T11613: Phytochemistry and Biological Activities", "1613": "T11614: Cloud Data Security Solutions", "1614": "T11615: Control and Dynamics of Mobile Robots", "1615": "T11616: Autoimmune and Inflammatory Disorders Research", "1616": "T11617: Enzyme Production and Characterization", "1617": "T11618: Cholesterol and Lipid Metabolism", "1618": "T11619: Combustion and Detonation Processes", "1619": "T11620: Medication Adherence and Compliance", "1620": "T11621: Fiscal Policies and Political Economy", "1621": "T11622: Maritime Navigation and Safety", "1622": "T11623: Hyperglycemia and glycemic control in critically ill and hospitalized patients", "1623": "T11624: Constructed Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment", "1624": "T11625: Abdominal vascular conditions and treatments", "1625": "T11626: Metalloenzymes and iron-sulfur proteins", "1626": "T11627: Autoimmune Neurological Disorders and Treatments", "1627": "T11628: Myeloproliferative Neoplasms: Diagnosis and Treatment", "1628": "T11629: Birth, Development, and Health", "1629": "T11630: Petroleum Processing and Analysis", "1630": "T11631: Retirement, Disability, and Employment", "1631": "T11632: Family and Disability Support Research", "1632": "T11633: Prenatal Substance Exposure Effects", "1633": "T11634: Water Quality and Pollution Assessment", "1634": "T11635: Poisoning and overdose treatments", "1635": "T11636: Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare and Education", "1636": "T11637: Advanced Semiconductor Detectors and Materials", "1637": "T11638: Cardiac tumors and thrombi", "1638": "T11639: Mental Health and Patient Involvement", "1639": "T11640: Linguistic Variation and Morphology", "1640": "T11641: Insect and Pesticide Research", "1641": "T11642: Genomics and Rare Diseases", "1642": "T11643: Building materials and conservation", "1643": "T11644: Spam and Phishing Detection", "1644": "T11645: Urban, Neighborhood, and Segregation Studies", "1645": "T11646: Nonlocal and gradient elasticity in micro/nano structures", "1646": "T11647: Workplace Violence and Bullying", "1647": "T11648: Diaspora, migration, transnational identity", "1648": "T11649: Pharmaceutical industry and healthcare", "1649": "T11650: Skin and Cellular Biology Research", "1650": "T11651: Inhalation and Respiratory Drug Delivery", "1651": "T11652: Imbalanced Data Classification Techniques", "1652": "T11653: Financial Distress and Bankruptcy Prediction", "1653": "T11654: Advanced Mathematical Physics Problems", "1654": "T11655: HIV-related health complications and treatments", "1655": "T11656: Turtle Biology and Conservation", "1656": "T11657: Digital and Traditional Archives Management", "1657": "T11658: Esophageal and GI Pathology", "1658": "T11659: Advanced Image Fusion Techniques", "1659": "T11660: Blood groups and transfusion", "1660": "T11661: Copper Interconnects and Reliability", "1661": "T11662: Legal Cases and Commentary", "1662": "T11663: Viral Infectious Diseases and Gene Expression in Insects", "1663": "T11664: Fiber-reinforced polymer composites", "1664": "T11665: Animal Vocal Communication and Behavior", "1665": "T11666: Color Science and Applications", "1666": "T11667: Advanced Chemical Sensor Technologies", "1667": "T11668: interferon and immune responses", "1668": "T11669: Head and Neck Surgical Oncology", "1669": "T11670: Pressure Ulcer Prevention and Management", "1670": "T11671: Fuzzy and Soft Set Theory", "1671": "T11672: Recycling and utilization of industrial and municipal waste in materials production", "1672": "T11673: Advanced Topics in Algebra", "1673": "T11674: Sports Analytics and Performance", "1674": "T11675: Open Source Software Innovations", "1675": "T11676: Parental Involvement in Education", "1676": "T11677: Congenital heart defects research", "1677": "T11678: Healthcare Decision-Making and Restraints", "1678": "T11679: Craniofacial Disorders and Treatments", "1679": "T11680: Advanced Algebra and Geometry", "1680": "T11681: Nosocomial Infections in ICU", "1681": "T11682: Advanced Condensed Matter Physics", "1682": "T11683: Quantum and Classical Electrodynamics", "1683": "T11684: Vibrio bacteria research studies", "1684": "T11685: Zebrafish Biomedical Research Applications", "1685": "T11686: Dendrimers and Hyperbranched Polymers", "1686": "T11687: Teleoperation and Haptic Systems", "1687": "T11688: Microbial infections and disease research", "1688": "T11689: Adversarial Robustness in Machine Learning", "1689": "T11690: Advanced battery technologies research", "1690": "T11691: Forest Insect Ecology and Management", "1691": "T11692: Noise Effects and Management", "1692": "T11693: Cryptography and Residue Arithmetic", "1693": "T11694: Fluid Dynamics Simulations and Interactions", "1694": "T11695: South African History and Culture", "1695": "T11696: Conflict Management and Negotiation", "1696": "T11697: Numerical Methods and Algorithms", "1697": "T11698: Underwater Acoustics Research", "1698": "T11699: High-Velocity Impact and Material Behavior", "1699": "T11700: Hemodynamic Monitoring and Therapy", "1700": "T11701: Space Satellite Systems and Control", "1701": "T11702: Parasitic Diseases Research and Treatment", "1702": "T11703: Rings, Modules, and Algebras", "1703": "T11704: Mobile Crowdsensing and Crowdsourcing", "1704": "T11705: Gambling Behavior and Treatments", "1705": "T11706: Forensic Entomology and Diptera Studies", "1706": "T11707: Gaze Tracking and Assistive Technology", "1707": "T11708: Photochromic and Fluorescence Chemistry", "1708": "T11709: Traditional Chinese Medicine Analysis", "1709": "T11710: Biomedical Text Mining and Ontologies", "1710": "T11711: COVID-19 Pandemic Impacts", "1711": "T11712: Intergenerational Family Dynamics and Caregiving", "1712": "T11713: Genital Health and Disease", "1713": "T11714: Multimodal Machine Learning Applications", "1714": "T11715: Education and Critical Thinking Development", "1715": "T11716: Random Matrices and Applications", "1716": "T11717: Postcolonial and Cultural Literary Studies", "1717": "T11718: Physical Education and Pedagogy", "1718": "T11719: Data Quality and Management", "1719": "T11720: Probability and Risk Models", "1720": "T11721: Blood properties and coagulation", "1721": "T11722: Patient Satisfaction in Healthcare", "1722": "T11723: Optical Coatings and Gratings", "1723": "T11724: Inflammatory Myopathies and Dermatomyositis", "1724": "T11725: Immunodeficiency and Autoimmune Disorders", "1725": "T11726: Organizational Management and Innovation", "1726": "T11727: Advanced Algebra and Logic", "1727": "T11728: Thyroid and Parathyroid Surgery", "1728": "T11729: Product Development and Customization", "1729": "T11730: Autoimmune Bullous Skin Diseases", "1730": "T11731: Global Health and Surgery", "1731": "T11732: Assisted Reproductive Technology and Twin Pregnancy", "1732": "T11733: X-ray Spectroscopy and Fluorescence Analysis", "1733": "T11734: Decision Support System Applications", "1734": "T11735: Peripheral Neuropathies and Disorders", "1735": "T11736: Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors Research", "1736": "T11737: Advanced Materials and Mechanics", "1737": "T11738: Ultrasound in Clinical Applications", "1738": "T11739: Microwave Imaging and Scattering Analysis", "1739": "T11740: Geochemistry and Elemental Analysis", "1740": "T11741: Flexible and Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems", "1741": "T11742: Economic Theory and Policy", "1742": "T11743: Political Economy and Marxism", "1743": "T11744: Health Sciences Research and Education", "1744": "T11745: Potato Plant Research", "1745": "T11746: Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry", "1746": "T11747: Metal-Catalyzed Oxygenation Mechanisms", "1747": "T11748: Organophosphorus compounds synthesis", "1748": "T11749: Iterative Learning Control Systems", "1749": "T11750: Phytoplasmas and Hemiptera pathogens", "1750": "T11751: Lattice Boltzmann Simulation Studies", "1751": "T11752: Cancer Treatment and Pharmacology", "1752": "T11753: Forest Management and Policy", "1753": "T11754: SARS-CoV-2 detection and testing", "1754": "T11755: Transboundary Water Resource Management", "1755": "T11756: Mentoring and Academic Development", "1756": "T11757: Seismic Waves and Analysis", "1757": "T11758: Organic and Molecular Conductors Research", "1758": "T11759: Occupational Therapy Practice and Research", "1759": "T11760: Plant responses to elevated CO2", "1760": "T11761: Resilience and Mental Health", "1761": "T11762: Law, Economics, and Judicial Systems", "1762": "T11763: Intracerebral and Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Research", "1763": "T11764: Evolution and Genetic Dynamics", "1764": "T11765: Circular RNAs in diseases", "1765": "T11766: Iron-based superconductors research", "1766": "T11767: Poxvirus research and outbreaks", "1767": "T11768: Music Therapy and Health", "1768": "T11769: Copyright and Intellectual Property", "1769": "T11770: Fiscal Policy and Economic Growth", "1770": "T11771: Plant Pathogens and Resistance", "1771": "T11772: Genetics and Neurodevelopmental Disorders", "1772": "T11773: Healthcare Operations and Scheduling Optimization", "1773": "T11774: Adsorption and Cooling Systems", "1774": "T11775: COVID-19 diagnosis using AI", "1775": "T11776: Irish and British Studies", "1776": "T11777: Fixed Point Theorems Analysis", "1777": "T11778: Electrical and Bioimpedance Tomography", "1778": "T11779: Higher Education and Employability", "1779": "T11780: Rabies epidemiology and control", "1780": "T11781: Wastewater Treatment and Reuse", "1781": "T11782: Magnetic Properties of Alloys", "1782": "T11783: Turkey's Politics and Society", "1783": "T11784: CO2 Reduction Techniques and Catalysts", "1784": "T11785: Nausea and vomiting management", "1785": "T11786: Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism Studies", "1786": "T11787: Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology", "1787": "T11788: Nonlinear Optical Materials Studies", "1788": "T11789: Land Rights and Reforms", "1789": "T11790: N-Heterocyclic Carbenes in Organic and Inorganic Chemistry", "1790": "T11791: Microbial Community Ecology and Physiology", "1791": "T11792: Pharmaceutical Economics and Policy", "1792": "T11793: Recreation, Leisure, Wilderness Management", "1793": "T11794: Early Modern Spanish Literature", "1794": "T11795: Humor Studies and Applications", "1795": "T11796: Horticultural and Viticultural Research", "1796": "T11797: graph theory and CDMA systems", "1797": "T11798: Optimal Experimental Design Methods", "1798": "T11799: Adhesion, Friction, and Surface Interactions", "1799": "T11800: User Authentication and Security Systems", "1800": "T11801: Reservoir Engineering and Simulation Methods", "1801": "T11802: Chemical Looping and Thermochemical Processes", "1802": "T11803: Superconducting and THz Device Technology", "1803": "T11804: Quantum many-body systems", "1804": "T11805: Agricultural economics and policies", "1805": "T11806: Service-Learning and Community Engagement", "1806": "T11807: Infrastructure Resilience and Vulnerability Analysis", "1807": "T11808: Superconducting Materials and Applications", "1808": "T11809: Advanced NMR Techniques and Applications", "1809": "T11810: Complex Systems and Decision Making", "1810": "T11811: Cutaneous lymphoproliferative disorders research", "1811": "T11812: Nasal Surgery and Airway Studies", "1812": "T11813: Library Collection Development and Digital Resources", "1813": "T11814: Advanced Manufacturing and Logistics Optimization", "1814": "T11815: Urological Disorders and Treatments", "1815": "T11816: Nursing Roles and Practices", "1816": "T11817: Housing, Finance, and Neoliberalism", "1817": "T11818: Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors Study", "1818": "T11819: Data-Driven Disease Surveillance", "1819": "T11820: Learning Styles and Cognitive Differences", "1820": "T11821: Odor and Emission Control Technologies", "1821": "T11822: Analytic and geometric function theory", "1822": "T11823: Natural Resources and Economic Development", "1823": "T11824: Injury Epidemiology and Prevention", "1824": "T11825: Catalysis and Oxidation Reactions", "1825": "T11826: Ocular Infections and Treatments", "1826": "T11827: Polyomavirus and related diseases", "1827": "T11828: Corneal Surgery and Treatments", "1828": "T11829: Mathematical Biology Tumor Growth", "1829": "T11830: Point processes and geometric inequalities", "1830": "T11831: Chemical Synthesis and Reactions", "1831": "T11832: Doctoral Education Challenges and Solutions", "1832": "T11833: Spinal Dysraphism and Malformations", "1833": "T11834: Liver Diseases and Immunity", "1834": "T11835: Sustainability in Higher Education", "1835": "T11836: Bryophyte Studies and Records", "1836": "T11837: Iron and Steelmaking Processes", "1837": "T11838: Crime, Illicit Activities, and Governance", "1838": "T11839: Hormonal Regulation and Hypertension", "1839": "T11840: Pain Management and Treatment", "1840": "T11841: Nuclear Structure and Function", "1841": "T11842: Ultrasound and Cavitation Phenomena", "1842": "T11843: Family Business Performance and Succession", "1843": "T11844: Lipid metabolism and biosynthesis", "1844": "T11845: Cancer therapeutics and mechanisms", "1845": "T11846: Cultural Heritage Management and Preservation", "1846": "T11847: Recycled Aggregate Concrete Performance", "1847": "T11848: Heme Oxygenase-1 and Carbon Monoxide", "1848": "T11849: Intellectual Capital and Performance Analysis", "1849": "T11850: Concrete Corrosion and Durability", "1850": "T11851: Electromagnetic Compatibility and Measurements", "1851": "T11852: Clay minerals and soil interactions", "1852": "T11853: Semiconductor materials and interfaces", "1853": "T11854: Laser-induced spectroscopy and plasma", "1854": "T11855: Gastrointestinal disorders and treatments", "1855": "T11856: Thermography and Photoacoustic Techniques", "1856": "T11857: Archaeological and Historical Studies", "1857": "T11858: Urban Development and Societal Issues", "1858": "T11859: Educator Training and Historical Pedagogy", "1859": "T11860: HIV, Drug Use, Sexual Risk", "1860": "T11861: Thermal Regulation in Medicine", "1861": "T11862: Agriculture, Land Use, Rural Development", "1862": "T11863: Gender, Security, and Conflict", "1863": "T11864: Supply Chain Resilience and Risk Management", "1864": "T11865: Anorectal Disease Treatments and Outcomes", "1865": "T11866: Reconstructive Facial Surgery Techniques", "1866": "T11867: Traumatic Ocular and Foreign Body Injuries", "1867": "T11868: Cancer and Skin Lesions", "1868": "T11869: Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances research", "1869": "T11870: Structural Analysis and Optimization", "1870": "T11871: Advanced Statistical Methods and Models", "1871": "T11872: Barrier Structure and Function Studies", "1872": "T11873: PAPR reduction in OFDM", "1873": "T11874: Structural Response to Dynamic Loads", "1874": "T11875: Statistics Education and Methodologies", "1875": "T11876: Legal Studies and Policies", "1876": "T11877: Iron oxide chemistry and applications", "1877": "T11878: Solid-state spectroscopy and crystallography", "1878": "T11879: Protist diversity and phylogeny", "1879": "T11880: Forest ecology and management", "1880": "T11881: Crystallization and Solubility Studies", "1881": "T11882: Plant biochemistry and biosynthesis", "1882": "T11883: Embodied and Extended Cognition", "1883": "T11884: Redox biology and oxidative stress", "1884": "T11885: MRI in cancer diagnosis", "1885": "T11886: Agricultural risk and resilience", "1886": "T11887: Quasicrystal Structures and Properties", "1887": "T11888: Gender Roles and Identity Studies", "1888": "T11889: Ginseng Biological Effects and Applications", "1889": "T11890: Scientific Measurement and Uncertainty Evaluation", "1890": "T11891: Big Data and Business Intelligence", "1891": "T11892: Kawasaki Disease and Coronary Complications", "1892": "T11893: German Literature and Culture Studies", "1893": "T11894: Radiology practices and education", "1894": "T11895: Social and Cultural Dynamics", "1895": "T11896: Opportunistic and Delay-Tolerant Networks", "1896": "T11897: Digital Holography and Microscopy", "1897": "T11898: Economics of Agriculture and Food Markets", "1898": "T11899: Brucella: diagnosis, epidemiology, treatment", "1899": "T11900: Fungal Plant Pathogen Control", "1900": "T11901: Bayesian Methods and Mixture Models", "1901": "T11902: Intelligent Tutoring Systems and Adaptive Learning", "1902": "T11903: Private Equity and Venture Capital", "1903": "T11904: Spatial Cognition and Navigation", "1904": "T11905: Veterinary Pharmacology and Anesthesia", "1905": "T11906: Gender, Sexuality, and Education", "1906": "T11907: Copper-based nanomaterials and applications", "1907": "T11908: Protein Interaction Studies and Fluorescence Analysis", "1908": "T11909: Histiocytic Disorders and Treatments", "1909": "T11910: Foreign Body Medical Cases", "1910": "T11911: Spatial and Panel Data Analysis", "1911": "T11912: Outsourcing and Supply Chain Management", "1912": "T11913: Animal Ecology and Behavior Studies", "1913": "T11914: PARP inhibition in cancer therapy", "1914": "T11915: Pickering emulsions and particle stabilization", "1915": "T11916: Legionella and Acanthamoeba research", "1916": "T11917: Coagulation, Bradykinin, Polyphosphates, and Angioedema", "1917": "T11918: Forecasting Techniques and Applications", "1918": "T11919: dental development and anomalies", "1919": "T11920: Pulsed Power Technology Applications", "1920": "T11921: Electroconvulsive Therapy Studies", "1921": "T11922: Cardiovascular Effects of Exercise", "1922": "T11923: Mine drainage and remediation techniques", "1923": "T11924: Polyamine Metabolism and Applications", "1924": "T11925: Culinary Culture and Tourism", "1925": "T11926: Subterranean biodiversity and taxonomy", "1926": "T11927: Plant Reproductive Biology", "1927": "T11928: Genetic Syndromes and Imprinting", "1928": "T11929: Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis", "1929": "T11930: Cardiac, Anesthesia and Surgical Outcomes", "1930": "T11931: Organoselenium and organotellurium chemistry", "1931": "T11932: Wireless Body Area Networks", "1932": "T11933: Mining and Resource Management", "1933": "T11934: Syphilis Diagnosis and Treatment", "1934": "T11935: Literacy, Media, and Education", "1935": "T11936: Chemical and Physical Properties in Aqueous Solutions", "1936": "T11937: Research Data Management Practices", "1937": "T11938: ERP Systems Implementation and Impact", "1938": "T11939: Public-Private Partnership Projects", "1939": "T11940: Layered Double Hydroxides Synthesis and Applications", "1940": "T11941: Power System Reliability and Maintenance", "1941": "T11942: Transportation and Mobility Innovations", "1942": "T11943: Pharmacovigilance and Adverse Drug Reactions", "1943": "T11944: Participatory Visual Research Methods", "1944": "T11945: Heat Transfer Mechanisms", "1945": "T11946: Antenna Design and Optimization", "1946": "T11947: Molten salt chemistry and electrochemical processes", "1947": "T11948: Machine Learning in Materials Science", "1948": "T11949: Nuclear Physics and Applications", "1949": "T11950: Cardiovascular Syncope and Autonomic Disorders", "1950": "T11951: Trauma Management and Diagnosis", "1951": "T11952: Landfill Environmental Impact Studies", "1952": "T11953: Neuroethics, Human Enhancement, Biomedical Innovations", "1953": "T11954: Energy Efficiency and Management", "1954": "T11955: Urban and spatial planning", "1955": "T11956: Sexual Differentiation and Disorders", "1956": "T11957: Food Safety and Hygiene", "1957": "T11958: Dental Erosion and Treatment", "1958": "T11959: Employment and Welfare Studies", "1959": "T11960: Relativity and Gravitational Theory", "1960": "T11961: Neonatal and Maternal Infections", "1961": "T11962: Cardiac Fibrosis and Remodeling", "1962": "T11963: Impact of Light on Environment and Health", "1963": "T11964: Pregnancy and Medication Impact", "1964": "T11965: Quantum, superfluid, helium dynamics", "1965": "T11966: Silk-based biomaterials and applications", "1966": "T11967: Electrolyte and hormonal disorders", "1967": "T11968: High Altitude and Hypoxia", "1968": "T11969: Fluoride Effects and Removal", "1969": "T11970: Molecular Biology Techniques and Applications", "1970": "T11971: World Wars: History, Literature, and Impact", "1971": "T11972: Chromium effects and bioremediation", "1972": "T11973: Plant chemical constituents analysis", "1973": "T11974: Lepidoptera: Biology and Taxonomy", "1974": "T11975: Evolutionary Algorithms and Applications", "1975": "T11976: Capital Investment and Risk Analysis", "1976": "T11977: Technology Use by Older Adults", "1977": "T11978: Soil Mechanics and Vehicle Dynamics", "1978": "T11979: Garlic and Onion Studies", "1979": "T11980: Human Mobility and Location-Based Analysis", "1980": "T11981: Qualitative Research Methods and Ethics", "1981": "T11982: Rhetoric and Communication Studies", "1982": "T11983: Identity, Memory, and Therapy", "1983": "T11984: Anatomy and Medical Technology", "1984": "T11985: Marine Toxins and Detection Methods", "1985": "T11986: Scientific Computing and Data Management", "1986": "T11987: COVID-19 Impact on Reproduction", "1987": "T11988: Sustainable Building Design and Assessment", "1988": "T11989: Oxidative Organic Chemistry Reactions", "1989": "T11990: Global Health Workforce Issues", "1990": "T11991: Soft tissue tumor case studies", "1991": "T11992: CCD and CMOS Imaging Sensors", "1992": "T11993: Atomic and Subatomic Physics Research", "1993": "T11994: Human Resource Development and Performance Evaluation", "1994": "T11995: FinTech, Crowdfunding, Digital Finance", "1995": "T11996: Random lasers and scattering media", "1996": "T11997: Free Will and Agency", "1997": "T11998: Youth Development and Social Support", "1998": "T11999: Empathy and Medical Education", "1999": "T12000: Systems Engineering Methodologies and Applications", "2000": "T12001: Fossil Insects in Amber", "2001": "T12002: Computability, Logic, AI Algorithms", "2002": "T12003: Bioenergy crop production and management", "2003": "T12004: Advanced Frequency and Time Standards", "2004": "T12005: Spaceflight effects on biology", "2005": "T12006: Ergonomics and Musculoskeletal Disorders", "2006": "T12007: Plasma and Flow Control in Aerodynamics", "2007": "T12008: Solar-Powered Water Purification Methods", "2008": "T12009: Hedgehog Signaling Pathway Studies", "2009": "T12010: Evaluation and Performance Assessment", "2010": "T12011: Insurance, Mortality, Demography, Risk Management", "2011": "T12012: Diatoms and Algae Research", "2012": "T12013: Sustainable Development and Environmental Policy", "2013": "T12014: Fish biology, ecology, and behavior", "2014": "T12015: Photoacoustic and Ultrasonic Imaging", "2015": "T12016: Web Data Mining and Analysis", "2016": "T12017: Recycling and Waste Management Techniques", "2017": "T12018: Coronary Artery Anomalies", "2018": "T12019: Calibration and Measurement Techniques", "2019": "T12020: Enhanced Recovery After Surgery", "2020": "T12021: Social and Educational Sciences", "2021": "T12022: Hydraulic flow and structures", "2022": "T12023: Cholinesterase and Neurodegenerative Diseases", "2023": "T12024: Ultra-Wideband Communications Technology", "2024": "T12025: Hepatitis Viruses Studies and Epidemiology", "2025": "T12026: Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI)", "2026": "T12027: Social Media in Health Education", "2027": "T12028: Knowledge Management and Sharing", "2028": "T12029: DNA and Biological Computing", "2029": "T12030: S100 Proteins and Annexins", "2030": "T12031: Speech and dialogue systems", "2031": "T12032: Multisensory perception and integration", "2032": "T12033: Agricultural Economics and Policy", "2033": "T12034: Digital and Cyber Forensics", "2034": "T12035: Pain Management and Placebo Effect", "2035": "T12036: Argentine historical studies", "2036": "T12037: Algebraic and Geometric Analysis", "2037": "T12038: Covalent Organic Framework Applications", "2038": "T12039: Electron and X-Ray Spectroscopy Techniques", "2039": "T12040: International Arbitration and Investment Law", "2040": "T12041: Public Health Policies and Education", "2041": "T12042: Satellite Communication Systems", "2042": "T12043: Insect behavior and control techniques", "2043": "T12044: Advanced Physical and Chemical Molecular Interactions", "2044": "T12045: Rice Cultivation and Yield Improvement", "2045": "T12046: MXene and MAX Phase Materials", "2046": "T12047: Viral Infections and Vectors", "2047": "T12048: Microencapsulation and Drying Processes", "2048": "T12049: Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Research", "2049": "T12050: Optical Polarization and Ellipsometry", "2050": "T12051: Diversity and Impact of Dance", "2051": "T12052: Polish socio-economic development", "2052": "T12053: Minimally Invasive Surgical Techniques", "2053": "T12054: Menstrual Health and Disorders", "2054": "T12055: Boron Compounds in Chemistry", "2055": "T12056: Markov Chains and Monte Carlo Methods", "2056": "T12057: Consumer Attitudes and Food Labeling", "2057": "T12058: Allelopathy and phytotoxic interactions", "2058": "T12059: Berberine and alkaloids research", "2059": "T12060: Child Development and Digital Technology", "2060": "T12061: Axon Guidance and Neuronal Signaling", "2061": "T12062: Approximation Theory and Sequence Spaces", "2062": "T12063: Heat and Mass Transfer in Porous Media", "2063": "T12064: Intraperitoneal and Appendiceal Malignancies", "2064": "T12065: Hippo pathway signaling and YAP/TAZ", "2065": "T12066: Obesity and Health Practices", "2066": "T12067: Renal and Vascular Pathologies", "2067": "T12068: Neonatal Health and Biochemistry", "2068": "T12069: Commutative Algebra and Its Applications", "2069": "T12070: Writing and Handwriting Education", "2070": "T12071: Marine Biology and Environmental Chemistry", "2071": "T12072: Machine Learning and Algorithms", "2072": "T12073: Isotope Analysis in Ecology", "2073": "T12074: Membrane-based Ion Separation Techniques", "2074": "T12075: Sodium Intake and Health", "2075": "T12076: Renaissance and Early Modern Studies", "2076": "T12077: Vacuum and Plasma Arcs", "2077": "T12078: Environmental remediation with nanomaterials", "2078": "T12079: IoT Networks and Protocols", "2079": "T12080: Injection Molding Process and Properties", "2080": "T12081: Aerodynamics and Fluid Dynamics Research", "2081": "T12082: Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy and Associated Phenomena", "2082": "T12083: Karst Systems and Hydrogeology", "2083": "T12084: Synthesis and properties of polymers", "2084": "T12085: Collagen: Extraction and Characterization", "2085": "T12086: Structural Integrity and Reliability Analysis", "2086": "T12087: Natural Compound Pharmacology Studies", "2087": "T12088: Intergenerational and Educational Inequality Studies", "2088": "T12089: Intestinal and Peritoneal Adhesions", "2089": "T12090: Language and cultural evolution", "2090": "T12091: Peatlands and Wetlands Ecology", "2091": "T12092: Erosion and Abrasive Machining", "2092": "T12093: Greenhouse Technology and Climate Control", "2093": "T12094: Hemoglobin structure and function", "2094": "T12095: Vehicle emissions and performance", "2095": "T12096: Ectopic Pregnancy Diagnosis and Management", "2096": "T12097: Aquatic Invertebrate Ecology and Behavior", "2097": "T12098: Rural development and sustainability", "2098": "T12099: Advanced materials and composites", "2099": "T12100: Advanced Mathematical Modeling in Engineering", "2100": "T12101: Advanced Bandit Algorithms Research", "2101": "T12102: Fire effects on concrete materials", "2102": "T12103: Cancer Risks and Factors", "2103": "T12104: Protein Tyrosine Phosphatases", "2104": "T12105: Hygrothermal properties of building materials", "2105": "T12106: Surface Treatment and Residual Stress", "2106": "T12107: Leprosy Research and Treatment", "2107": "T12108: Management of metastatic bone disease", "2108": "T12109: Race, Identity, and Education in Brazil", "2109": "T12110: Bone and Dental Protein Studies", "2110": "T12111: Industrial Vision Systems and Defect Detection", "2111": "T12112: Ammonia Synthesis and Nitrogen Reduction", "2112": "T12113: Growth and nutrition in plants", "2113": "T12114: Sensory Analysis and Statistical Methods", "2114": "T12115: Genetic and Environmental Crop Studies", "2115": "T12116: Dermatological diseases and infestations", "2116": "T12117: Muscle and Compartmental Disorders", "2117": "T12118: Forest Biomass Utilization and Management", "2118": "T12119: Linguistics and Discourse Analysis", "2119": "T12120: Air Quality Monitoring and Forecasting", "2120": "T12121: Cooperative Studies and Economics", "2121": "T12122: Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs) and Hardware Security", "2122": "T12123: Financial Analysis and Corporate Governance", "2123": "T12124: Engineering Education and Curriculum Development", "2124": "T12125: Aerospace and Aviation Technology", "2125": "T12126: Maritime Transport Emissions and Efficiency", "2126": "T12127: Software System Performance and Reliability", "2127": "T12128: AI in Service Interactions", "2128": "T12129: Global Energy Security and Policy", "2129": "T12130: Contemporary Literature and Criticism", "2130": "T12131: Wireless Signal Modulation Classification", "2131": "T12132: Hymenoptera taxonomy and phylogeny", "2132": "T12133: Pragmatism in Philosophy and Education", "2133": "T12134: Insect symbiosis and bacterial influences", "2134": "T12135: Fuzzy Systems and Optimization", "2135": "T12136: Vanadium and Halogenation Chemistry", "2136": "T12137: Economic theories and models", "2137": "T12138: Occupational Health and Performance", "2138": "T12139: Advanced Thermodynamic Systems and Engines", "2139": "T12140: Renal and related cancers", "2140": "T12141: Fluid Dynamics and Thin Films", "2141": "T12142: Marine Invertebrate Physiology and Ecology", "2142": "T12143: Place Attachment and Urban Studies", "2143": "T12144: Colonialism, slavery, and trade", "2144": "T12145: Dental Anxiety and Anesthesia Techniques", "2145": "T12146: Power Line Communications and Noise", "2146": "T12147: Urban and Rural Development Challenges", "2147": "T12148: Brazilian Legal Issues", "2148": "T12149: Nanocluster Synthesis and Applications", "2149": "T12150: Intestinal Malrotation and Obstruction Disorders", "2150": "T12151: Interpreting and Communication in Healthcare", "2151": "T12152: Concrete Properties and Behavior", "2152": "T12153: Advanced Optical Sensing Technologies", "2153": "T12154: Pelvic and Acetabular Injuries", "2154": "T12155: Microwave Dielectric Ceramics Synthesis", "2155": "T12156: World Trade Organization Law", "2156": "T12157: Geochemistry and Geologic Mapping", "2157": "T12158: Guidance and Control Systems", "2158": "T12159: T-cell and Retrovirus Studies", "2159": "T12160: African cultural and philosophical studies", "2160": "T12161: Plant Surface Properties and Treatments", "2161": "T12162: Cellular Automata and Applications", "2162": "T12163: Aerosol Filtration and Electrostatic Precipitation", "2163": "T12164: Education Practices and Challenges", "2164": "T12165: Environmental Sustainability and Education", "2165": "T12166: Ion-surface interactions and analysis", "2166": "T12167: Bacterial Identification and Susceptibility Testing", "2167": "T12168: Health and Medical Research Impacts", "2168": "T12169: Non-Destructive Testing Techniques", "2169": "T12170: History and Theory of Mathematics", "2170": "T12171: Open Education and E-Learning", "2171": "T12172: Neutropenia and Cancer Infections", "2172": "T12173: Body Contouring and Surgery", "2173": "T12174: Hospital Admissions and Outcomes", "2174": "T12175: Social Representations and Identity", "2175": "T12176: Optimization and Packing Problems", "2176": "T12177: Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling", "2177": "T12178: Bird parasitology and diseases", "2178": "T12179: Art Education and Development", "2179": "T12180: Polar Research and Ecology", "2180": "T12181: Agricultural and Biological Research", "2181": "T12182: Evolution and Science Education", "2182": "T12183: Teratomas and Epidermoid Cysts", "2183": "T12184: Linguistics and Education Research", "2184": "T12185: Regulation and Compliance Studies", "2185": "T12186: Phosphorus and nutrient management", "2186": "T12187: Glutathione Transferases and Polymorphisms", "2187": "T12188: Architecture, Modernity, and Design", "2188": "T12189: Sulfur-Based Synthesis Techniques", "2189": "T12190: Innovations in Concrete and Construction Materials", "2190": "T12191: Chemical Reaction Mechanisms", "2191": "T12192: Polysaccharides Composition and Applications", "2192": "T12193: Trigeminal Neuralgia and Treatments", "2193": "T12194: Cultural Competency in Health Care", "2194": "T12195: Aerogels and thermal insulation", "2195": "T12196: Community Health and Development", "2196": "T12197: Brake Systems and Friction Analysis", "2197": "T12198: Oral health in cancer treatment", "2198": "T12199: Vascular Anomalies and Treatments", "2199": "T12200: Heusler alloys: electronic and magnetic properties", "2200": "T12201: Agricultural Engineering and Mechanization", "2201": "T12202: nanoparticles nucleation surface interactions", "2202": "T12203: Mobile Agent-Based Network Management", "2203": "T12204: African Education and Politics", "2204": "T12205: Time Series Analysis and Forecasting", "2205": "T12206: Vibration and Dynamic Analysis", "2206": "T12207: Assistive Technology in Communication and Mobility", "2207": "T12208: Occupational exposure and asthma", "2208": "T12209: Bone and Joint Diseases", "2209": "T12210: Policy Transfer and Learning", "2210": "T12211: Aluminum toxicity and tolerance in plants and animals", "2211": "T12212: CNS Lymphoma Diagnosis and Treatment", "2212": "T12213: Marine Ecology and Invasive Species", "2213": "T12214: Media Influence and Health", "2214": "T12215: Phytochemical Studies and Bioactivities", "2215": "T12216: Network Time Synchronization Technologies", "2216": "T12217: Higher Education Teaching and Evaluation", "2217": "T12218: Coal and Its By-products", "2218": "T12219: Canadian Identity and History", "2219": "T12220: Quantum Electrodynamics and Casimir Effect", "2220": "T12221: Cybersecurity and Cyber Warfare Studies", "2221": "T12222: IoT-based Smart Home Systems", "2222": "T12223: Leptospirosis research and findings", "2223": "T12224: Nanofabrication and Lithography Techniques", "2224": "T12225: Political Influence and Corporate Strategies", "2225": "T12226: Neuroblastoma Research and Treatments", "2226": "T12227: Environmental and Social Impact Assessments", "2227": "T12228: Coordination Chemistry and Organometallics", "2228": "T12229: Pharmacological Effects and Toxicity Studies", "2229": "T12230: Cardiovascular Issues in Pregnancy", "2230": "T12231: Contemporary Sociological Theory and Practice", "2231": "T12232: Yersinia bacterium, plague, ectoparasites research", "2232": "T12233: Geotechnical Engineering and Underground Structures", "2233": "T12234: Mollusks and Parasites Studies", "2234": "T12235: Child Abuse and Related Trauma", "2235": "T12236: Photoreceptor and optogenetics research", "2236": "T12237: Congenital gastrointestinal and neural anomalies", "2237": "T12238: Green IT and Sustainability", "2238": "T12239: Construction Management and Sustainability", "2239": "T12240: Nanomaterials for catalytic reactions", "2240": "T12241: Children's Physical and Motor Development", "2241": "T12242: Latin American and Latino Studies", "2242": "T12243: Research in Cotton Cultivation", "2243": "T12244: Healthcare Education and Workforce Issues", "2244": "T12245: Counseling, Therapy, and Family Dynamics", "2245": "T12246: Chronic Disease Management Strategies", "2246": "T12247: Microbial Applications in Construction Materials", "2247": "T12248: Water Governance and Infrastructure", "2248": "T12249: Veterinary Orthopedics and Neurology", "2249": "T12250: Experimental and Theoretical Physics Studies", "2250": "T12251: Synthesis and Catalytic Reactions", "2251": "T12252: Mechanical stress and fatigue analysis", "2252": "T12253: Urban Agriculture and Sustainability", "2253": "T12254: Machine Learning in Bioinformatics", "2254": "T12255: Biosimilars and Bioanalytical Methods", "2255": "T12256: Facilities and Workplace Management", "2256": "T12257: Bioactive natural compounds", "2257": "T12258: Perfectionism, Procrastination, Anxiety Studies", "2258": "T12259: Environmental Justice and Health Disparities", "2259": "T12260: Educational Technology and Pedagogy", "2260": "T12261: Statistical Mechanics and Entropy", "2261": "T12262: Hate Speech and Cyberbullying Detection", "2262": "T12263: Peacebuilding and International Security", "2263": "T12264: Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine", "2264": "T12265: Gun Ownership and Violence Research", "2265": "T12266: Byzantine Studies and History", "2266": "T12267: Diet and metabolism studies", "2267": "T12268: Deception detection and forensic psychology", "2268": "T12269: Effects of Vibration on Health", "2269": "T12270: Microwave-Assisted Synthesis and Applications", "2270": "T12271: Renewable energy and sustainable power systems", "2271": "T12272: Cardiovascular Conditions and Treatments", "2272": "T12273: Latin American Urban Studies", "2273": "T12274: Electrostatics and Colloid Interactions", "2274": "T12275: Gender and Feminist Studies", "2275": "T12276: Risk Management in Financial Firms", "2276": "T12277: Frequency Control in Power Systems", "2277": "T12278: Vascular Tumors and Angiosarcomas", "2278": "T12279: Body Composition Measurement Techniques", "2279": "T12280: Magnesium in Health and Disease", "2280": "T12281: Animal testing and alternatives", "2281": "T12282: Mineral Processing and Grinding", "2282": "T12283: Latin American history and culture", "2283": "T12284: Emotional Labor in Professions", "2284": "T12285: Surface Chemistry and Catalysis", "2285": "T12286: Erythrocyte Function and Pathophysiology", "2286": "T12287: Fibroblast Growth Factor Research", "2287": "T12288: Optimization and Search Problems", "2288": "T12289: Library Science and Administration", "2289": "T12290: Human Motion and Animation", "2290": "T12291: Pericarditis and Cardiac Tamponade", "2291": "T12292: Graph Theory and Algorithms", "2292": "T12293: Dam Engineering and Safety", "2293": "T12294: Agricultural Science and Fertilization", "2294": "T12295: Foucault, Power, and Ethics", "2295": "T12296: Autopsy Techniques and Outcomes", "2296": "T12297: Otolaryngology and Infectious Diseases", "2297": "T12298: Phytochemicals and Medicinal Plants", "2298": "T12299: Radiation Shielding Materials Analysis", "2299": "T12300: Advanced Electrical Measurement Techniques", "2300": "T12301: Facial Nerve Paralysis Treatment and Research", "2301": "T12302: Advanced Nanomaterials in Catalysis", "2302": "T12303: Tensor decomposition and applications", "2303": "T12304: Radiative Heat Transfer Studies", "2304": "T12305: Cassava research and cyanide", "2305": "T12306: Urban and Freight Transport Logistics", "2306": "T12307: Ancient Near East History", "2307": "T12308: Mental Health and Psychiatry", "2308": "T12309: solar cell performance optimization", "2309": "T12310: Crop Yield and Soil Fertility", "2310": "T12311: Political Theology and Sovereignty", "2311": "T12312: Culture, Economy, and Development Studies", "2312": "T12313: Emotions and Moral Behavior", "2313": "T12314: Nuts composition and effects", "2314": "T12315: Older Adults Driving Studies", "2315": "T12316: Oil Spill Detection and Mitigation", "2316": "T12317: Actinomycetales infections and treatment", "2317": "T12318: Quinazolinone synthesis and applications", "2318": "T12319: Fish Biology and Ecology Studies", "2319": "T12320: Feminist Epistemology and Gender Studies", "2320": "T12321: Insect Pheromone Research and Control", "2321": "T12322: Animal health and immunology", "2322": "T12323: Asian American and Pacific Histories", "2323": "T12324: History of Medicine Studies", "2324": "T12325: Urban Design and Spatial Analysis", "2325": "T12326: Network Packet Processing and Optimization", "2326": "T12327: Various Chemistry Research Topics", "2327": "T12328: Autoimmune and Inflammatory Disorders", "2328": "T12329: Hemiptera Insect Studies", "2329": "T12330: Botanical Research and Applications", "2330": "T12331: Hereditary Neurological Disorders", "2331": "T12332: Comparative constitutional jurisprudence studies", "2332": "T12333: Abdominal Surgery and Complications", "2333": "T12334: Lung Cancer Research Studies", "2334": "T12335: Sexuality, Behavior, and Technology", "2335": "T12336: Insect Utilization and Effects", "2336": "T12337: Italian Fascism and Post-war Society", "2337": "T12338: Digital literacy in education", "2338": "T12339: Medical Malpractice and Liability Issues", "2339": "T12340: Anodic Oxide Films and Nanostructures", "2340": "T12341: Spanish Linguistics and Language Studies", "2341": "T12342: Vascular anomalies and interventions", "2342": "T12343: Geography Education and Pedagogy", "2343": "T12344: Silicon Effects in Agriculture", "2344": "T12345: Adult and Continuing Education Topics", "2345": "T12346: Phytochemistry and biological activity of medicinal plants", "2346": "T12347: Ginger and Zingiberaceae research", "2347": "T12348: Rural Development and Agriculture", "2348": "T12349: Food Chemistry and Fat Analysis", "2349": "T12350: Particle Dynamics in Fluid Flows", "2350": "T12351: Geometry and complex manifolds", "2351": "T12352: Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia and Thrombosis", "2352": "T12353: Lexicography and Language Studies", "2353": "T12354: Innovations in Educational Methods", "2354": "T12355: Genetic and rare skin diseases.", "2355": "T12356: Bioactive Compounds and Antitumor Agents", "2356": "T12357: Digital Media Forensic Detection", "2357": "T12358: Thermal and Kinetic Analysis", "2358": "T12359: Fern and Epiphyte Biology", "2359": "T12360: Plant-derived Lignans Synthesis and Bioactivity", "2360": "T12361: Study of Mite Species", "2361": "T12362: Tribology and Wear Analysis", "2362": "T12363: Academic Research in Diverse Fields", "2363": "T12364: Archaeological Research and Protection", "2364": "T12365: Effects of Environmental Stressors on Livestock", "2365": "T12366: Philosophy, Ethics, and Existentialism", "2366": "T12367: Dental Trauma and Treatments", "2367": "T12368: Grey System Theory Applications", "2368": "T12369: Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia detection and treatment", "2369": "T12370: Advances in Cucurbitaceae Research", "2370": "T12371: Electrical Contact Performance and Analysis", "2371": "T12372: Art Therapy and Mental Health", "2372": "T12373: Linguistic research and analysis", "2373": "T12374: European and International Contract Law", "2374": "T12375: Cuban History and Society", "2375": "T12376: Corporate Management and Leadership", "2376": "T12377: Digital Humanities and Scholarship", "2377": "T12378: Accounting Education and Careers", "2378": "T12379: Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment", "2379": "T12380: Authorship Attribution and Profiling", "2380": "T12381: Electron Spin Resonance Studies", "2381": "T12382: History of Education Research in Brazil", "2382": "T12383: Aeolian processes and effects", "2383": "T12384: Customer churn and segmentation", "2384": "T12385: Food Quality and Safety Studies", "2385": "T12386: Advanced X-ray and CT Imaging", "2386": "T12387: Galectins and Cancer Biology", "2387": "T12388: Identification and Quantification in Food", "2388": "T12389: Infrared Target Detection Methodologies", "2389": "T12390: Comics and Graphic Narratives", "2390": "T12391: Artificial Immune Systems Applications", "2391": "T12392: Sharing Economy and Platforms", "2392": "T12393: Workplace Spirituality and Leadership", "2393": "T12394: Insurance and Financial Risk Management", "2394": "T12395: Educational Innovations and Technology", "2395": "T12396: Advanced Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems", "2396": "T12397: Critical Theory and Philosophy", "2397": "T12398: Poetry Analysis and Criticism", "2398": "T12399: Wine Industry and Tourism", "2399": "T12400: Neurogenetic and Muscular Disorders Research", "2400": "T12401: Scheduling and Timetabling Solutions", "2401": "T12402: Travel-related health issues", "2402": "T12403: Seed and Plant Biochemistry", "2403": "T12404: Mathematical Approximation and Integration", "2404": "T12405: Characterization and Applications of Magnetic Nanoparticles", "2405": "T12406: IoT and GPS-based Vehicle Safety Systems", "2406": "T12407: Plant Growth Enhancement Techniques", "2407": "T12408: Educational Innovations and Challenges", "2408": "T12409: Reformation and Early Modern Christianity", "2409": "T12410: Structural and Chemical Analysis of Organic and Inorganic Compounds", "2410": "T12411: Shoulder and Clavicle Injuries", "2411": "T12412: Enzyme function and inhibition", "2412": "T12413: Health and Medical Education", "2413": "T12414: Coastal and Marine Management", "2414": "T12415: Employer Branding and e-HRM", "2415": "T12416: Polymer Nanocomposite Synthesis and Irradiation", "2416": "T12417: Morphological variations and asymmetry", "2417": "T12418: Respiratory and Cough-Related Research", "2418": "T12419: Phonocardiography and Auscultation Techniques", "2419": "T12420: Silicone and Siloxane Chemistry", "2420": "T12421: Adrenal Hormones and Disorders", "2421": "T12422: Radiomics and Machine Learning in Medical Imaging", "2422": "T12423: Software Reliability and Analysis Research", "2423": "T12424: Earthquake Detection and Analysis", "2424": "T12425: Industrial Gas Emission Control", "2425": "T12426: Lymphatic Disorders and Treatments", "2426": "T12427: Metal Alloys Wear and Properties", "2427": "T12428: Global Trade and Competitiveness", "2428": "T12429: Chemotherapy-induced organ toxicity mitigation", "2429": "T12430: Academic and Historical Perspectives in Psychology", "2430": "T12431: Sugarcane Cultivation and Processing", "2431": "T12432: Arctic and Russian Policy Studies", "2432": "T12433: Skin Diseases and Diabetes", "2433": "T12434: Phosphodiesterase function and regulation", "2434": "T12435: Bladed Disk Vibration Dynamics", "2435": "T12436: Agronomic Practices and Intercropping Systems", "2436": "T12437: Balkans: History, Politics, Society", "2437": "T12438: Urticaria and Related Conditions", "2438": "T12439: Dental Research and COVID-19", "2439": "T12440: Karl Barth and Christian Theology", "2440": "T12441: Porphyrin Metabolism and Disorders", "2441": "T12442: Thermal Radiation and Cooling Technologies", "2442": "T12443: Delphi Technique in Research", "2443": "T12444: Art, Politics, and Modernism", "2444": "T12445: Twentieth Century Scientific Developments", "2445": "T12446: Economic Growth and Fiscal Policies", "2446": "T12447: Spider Taxonomy and Behavior Studies", "2447": "T12448: Paranormal Experiences and Beliefs", "2448": "T12449: Spacecraft Design and Technology", "2449": "T12450: Radio Astronomy Observations and Technology", "2450": "T12451: Smart Grid and Power Systems", "2451": "T12452: Electrowetting and Microfluidic Technologies", "2452": "T12453: Infectious Aortic and Vascular Conditions", "2453": "T12454: European Political History Analysis", "2454": "T12455: Mediterranean and Iberian flora and fauna", "2455": "T12456: Geotourism and Geoheritage Conservation", "2456": "T12457: Ecocriticism and Environmental Literature", "2457": "T12458: Organometallic Compounds Synthesis and Characterization", "2458": "T12459: Nerve Injury and Rehabilitation", "2459": "T12460: Pediatric Hepatobiliary Diseases and Treatments", "2460": "T12461: Narrative Theory and Analysis", "2461": "T12462: Elder Abuse and Neglect", "2462": "T12463: Amoebic Infections and Treatments", "2463": "T12464: Neurological Complications and Syndromes", "2464": "T12465: Cancer, Lipids, and Metabolism", "2465": "T12466: Near-Field Optical Microscopy", "2466": "T12467: Rangeland Management and Livestock Ecology", "2467": "T12468: Radiation Effects and Dosimetry", "2468": "T12469: Chaos, Complexity, and Education", "2469": "T12470: Caribbean and African Literature and Culture", "2470": "T12471: History of Science and Natural History", "2471": "T12472: Plant responses to water stress", "2472": "T12473: Pacific and Southeast Asian Studies", "2473": "T12474: Education Discipline and Inequality", "2474": "T12475: Plant Parasitism and Resistance", "2475": "T12476: Intraoperative Neuromonitoring and Anesthetic Effects", "2476": "T12477: Toxin Mechanisms and Immunotoxins", "2477": "T12478: Wikis in Education and Collaboration", "2478": "T12479: Web Application Security Vulnerabilities", "2479": "T12480: Health and Wellbeing Research", "2480": "T12481: Digital Accessibility for Disabilities", "2481": "T12482: Tunneling and Rock Mechanics", "2482": "T12483: Global Urban Networks and Dynamics", "2483": "T12484: Retinopathy of Prematurity Studies", "2484": "T12485: Optimism, Hope, and Well-being", "2485": "T12486: Food Supply Chain Traceability", "2486": "T12487: Structural Engineering and Vibration Analysis", "2487": "T12488: Mental Health via Writing", "2488": "T12489: Microbial Metabolites in Food Biotechnology", "2489": "T12490: Software Engineering and Design Patterns", "2490": "T12491: Superconductivity in MgB2 and Alloys", "2491": "T12492: Zoonotic diseases and public health", "2492": "T12493: Memory, violence, and history", "2493": "T12494: Alcoholism and Thiamine Deficiency", "2494": "T12495: Electrostatic Discharge in Electronics", "2495": "T12496: Color perception and design", "2496": "T12497: Traditional and Medicinal Uses of Annonaceae", "2497": "T12498: Latin American Cultural Politics", "2498": "T12499: Diphtheria, Corynebacterium, and Tetanus", "2499": "T12500: Reflective Practices in Education", "2500": "T12501: Digital Economy and Work Transformation", "2501": "T12502: Urbanization and City Planning", "2502": "T12503: Social Acceptance of Renewable Energy", "2503": "T12504: Mathematics and Applications", "2504": "T12505: Peptidase Inhibition and Analysis", "2505": "T12506: Nuclear materials and radiation effects", "2506": "T12507: Utopian, Dystopian, and Speculative Fiction", "2507": "T12508: Functional Equations Stability Results", "2508": "T12509: Corporate Insolvency and Governance", "2509": "T12510: Magneto-Optical Properties and Applications", "2510": "T12511: Medieval and Classical Philosophy", "2511": "T12512: History of Colonial Brazil", "2512": "T12513: Rocket and propulsion systems research", "2513": "T12514: Fashion and Cultural Textiles", "2514": "T12515: Gender and Technology in Education", "2515": "T12516: Advanced Mathematical Theories and Applications", "2516": "T12517: Seventeenth-Century Political and Philosophical Thought", "2517": "T12518: Diverticular Disease and Complications", "2518": "T12519: Cybercrime and Law Enforcement Studies", "2519": "T12520: Psychology of Moral and Emotional Judgment", "2520": "T12521: Death Anxiety and Social Exclusion", "2521": "T12522: Mathematics Education and Pedagogy", "2522": "T12523: Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction Treatments", "2523": "T12524: Chemical Synthesis and Characterization", "2524": "T12525: Australian History and Society", "2525": "T12526: Antimicrobial agents and applications", "2526": "T12527: Chemistry and Stereochemistry Studies", "2527": "T12528: IL-33, ST2, and ILC Pathways", "2528": "T12529: Ga2O3 and related materials", "2529": "T12530: Bioactive Natural Diterpenoids Research", "2530": "T12531: Values and Moral Education", "2531": "T12532: Historical and Cultural Archaeology Studies", "2532": "T12533: Aldose Reductase and Taurine", "2533": "T12534: Protein Degradation and Inhibitors", "2534": "T12535: Machine Learning and Data Classification", "2535": "T12536: Topological and Geometric Data Analysis", "2536": "T12537: Flow Measurement and Analysis", "2537": "T12538: Eosinophilic Esophagitis", "2538": "T12539: Pharmacology and Obesity Treatment", "2539": "T12540: Cyclone Separators and Fluid Dynamics", "2540": "T12541: Graph Labeling and Dimension Problems", "2541": "T12542: Second Language Learning and Teaching", "2542": "T12543: Groundwater and Watershed Analysis", "2543": "T12544: Working Capital and Financial Performance", "2544": "T12545: Global Education and Multiculturalism", "2545": "T12546: Smart Parking Systems Research", "2546": "T12547: Pharmaceutical studies and practices", "2547": "T12548: Hemostasis and retained surgical items", "2548": "T12549: Image and Object Detection Techniques", "2549": "T12550: Politics and Conflicts in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Middle East", "2550": "T12551: Forgiveness and Related Behaviors", "2551": "T12552: Fetal and Pediatric Neurological Disorders", "2552": "T12553: Psychedelics and Drug Studies", "2553": "T12554: Vitamin C and Antioxidants Research", "2554": "T12555: Ancient Egypt and Archaeology", "2555": "T12556: Educational Methods and Analysis", "2556": "T12557: Inorganic Chemistry and Materials", "2557": "T12558: Wittgensteinian philosophy and applications", "2558": "T12559: French Literature and Critical Theory", "2559": "T12560: Nuclear Engineering Thermal-Hydraulics", "2560": "T12561: bioluminescence and chemiluminescence research", "2561": "T12562: Synthesis and Characterization of Pyrroles", "2562": "T12563: History and Politics in Latin America", "2563": "T12564: Sensor Technology and Measurement Systems", "2564": "T12565: Physics and Engineering Research Articles", "2565": "T12566: Nitrogen and Sulfur Effects on Brassica", "2566": "T12567: Heat transfer and supercritical fluids", "2567": "T12568: Plant Taxonomy and Phylogenetics", "2568": "T12569: Restless Legs Syndrome Research", "2569": "T12570: Photopolymerization techniques and applications", "2570": "T12571: Soybean genetics and cultivation", "2571": "T12572: Intelligence, Security, War Strategy", "2572": "T12573: Education and Digital Technologies", "2573": "T12574: Clinical Reasoning and Diagnostic Skills", "2574": "T12575: Medical History and Research", "2575": "T12576: vaccines and immunoinformatics approaches", "2576": "T12577: Geography and Environmental Studies", "2577": "T12578: Diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis", "2578": "T12579: Muon and positron interactions and applications", "2579": "T12580: Vagus Nerve Stimulation Research", "2580": "T12581: Engineering Structural Analysis Methods", "2581": "T12582: Flavonoids in Medical Research", "2582": "T12583: Food Waste Reduction and Sustainability", "2583": "T12584: Hospitality and Tourism Education", "2584": "T12585: North African History and Literature", "2585": "T12586: Folklore, Mythology, and Literature Studies", "2586": "T12587: Gestational Trophoblastic Disease Studies", "2587": "T12588: Electronic and Structural Properties of Oxides", "2588": "T12589: Differential Equations and Boundary Problems", "2589": "T12590: STEM Education", "2590": "T12591: Inclusive Education and Diversity", "2591": "T12592: Opinion Dynamics and Social Influence", "2592": "T12593: Communication in Education and Healthcare", "2593": "T12594: Collaboration in agile enterprises", "2594": "T12595: Romani and Gypsy Studies", "2595": "T12596: Cephalopods and Marine Biology", "2596": "T12597: Fire Detection and Safety Systems", "2597": "T12598: Cardiac Structural Anomalies and Repair", "2598": "T12599: Retinal and Optic Conditions", "2599": "T12600: Eosinophilic Disorders and Syndromes", "2600": "T12601: Web Applications and Data Management", "2601": "T12602: Medical Education and Admissions", "2602": "T12603: NMR spectroscopy and applications", "2603": "T12604: Glycogen Storage Diseases and Myoclonus", "2604": "T12605: Berry genetics and cultivation research", "2605": "T12606: Diptera species taxonomy and behavior", "2606": "T12607: Personal Information Management and User Behavior", "2607": "T12608: Spatial Neglect and Hemispheric Dysfunction", "2608": "T12609: Latin American socio-political dynamics", "2609": "T12610: RNA regulation and disease", "2610": "T12611: Neural Networks and Reservoir Computing", "2611": "T12612: Strong Light-Matter Interactions", "2612": "T12613: X-ray Diffraction in Crystallography", "2613": "T12614: Indigenous Studies and Ecology", "2614": "T12615: Climate Change and Geoengineering", "2615": "T12616: Religious Education and Schools", "2616": "T12617: Energy, Environment, and Transportation Policies", "2617": "T12618: Botany and Plant Ecology Studies", "2618": "T12619: Political Systems and Governance", "2619": "T12620: Signaling Pathways in Disease", "2620": "T12621: Hemispheric Asymmetry in Neuroscience", "2621": "T12622: Neurosurgical Procedures and Complications", "2622": "T12623: Cultural, Media, and Literary Studies", "2623": "T12624: Maritime and Coastal Archaeology", "2624": "T12625: Sympathectomy and Hyperhidrosis Treatments", "2625": "T12626: Cancer, Stress, Anesthesia, and Immune Response", "2626": "T12627: Graphene and Nanomaterials Applications", "2627": "T12628: Polymer Foaming and Composites", "2628": "T12629: Island Studies and Pacific Affairs", "2629": "T12630: African Botany and Ecology Studies", "2630": "T12631: Head and Neck Anomalies", "2631": "T12632: Visual Culture and Art Theory", "2632": "T12633: Legal case studies and regulations", "2633": "T12634: Ureteral procedures and complications", "2634": "T12635: African studies and sociopolitical issues", "2635": "T12636: Regional Development and Innovation", "2636": "T12637: Scarabaeidae Beetle Taxonomy and Biogeography", "2637": "T12638: Pomegranate: compositions and health benefits", "2638": "T12639: Global Energy and Sustainability Research", "2639": "T12640: Environmental DNA in Biodiversity Studies", "2640": "T12641: Historical and socio-economic studies of Spain and related regions", "2641": "T12642: Polymer-Based Agricultural Enhancements", "2642": "T12643: Sustainability and Ecological Systems Analysis", "2643": "T12644: Wildlife-Road Interactions and Conservation", "2644": "T12645: European history and politics", "2645": "T12646: Inorganic Fluorides and Related Compounds", "2646": "T12647: Traditional Chinese Medicine Studies", "2647": "T12648: Academic Writing and Publishing", "2648": "T12649: Alkaloids: synthesis and pharmacology", "2649": "T12650: Aesthetic Perception and Analysis", "2650": "T12651: Halal products and consumer behavior", "2651": "T12652: International Maritime Law Issues", "2652": "T12653: Cyclization and Aryne Chemistry", "2653": "T12654: Xenotransplantation and immune response", "2654": "T12655: Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting Issues", "2655": "T12656: Climate Change, Adaptation, Migration", "2656": "T12657: Phytochemistry Medicinal Plant Applications", "2657": "T12658: Language and Culture", "2658": "T12659: Innovation Diffusion and Forecasting", "2659": "T12660: Plant Disease Management Techniques", "2660": "T12661: Iterative Methods for Nonlinear Equations", "2661": "T12662: Digitalization and Economic Development in Agriculture", "2662": "T12663: Body Image and Dysmorphia Studies", "2663": "T12664: Clinical practice guidelines implementation", "2664": "T12665: Bamboo properties and applications", "2665": "T12666: Historical Psychiatry and Medical Practices", "2666": "T12667: Economic and Technological Developments in Russia", "2667": "T12668: Yeasts and Rust Fungi Studies", "2668": "T12669: Comparative International Legal Studies", "2669": "T12670: Urbanism, Landscape, and Tourism Studies", "2670": "T12671: Management and Marketing Education", "2671": "T12672: Phagocytosis and Immune Regulation", "2672": "T12673: Microbial Metabolism and Applications", "2673": "T12674: Rabbits: Nutrition, Reproduction, Health", "2674": "T12675: Financial Reporting and Valuation Research", "2675": "T12676: Machine Learning and ELM", "2676": "T12677: Sports Dynamics and Biomechanics", "2677": "T12678: Themes in Literature Analysis", "2678": "T12679: Focus Groups and Qualitative Methods", "2679": "T12680: Cultural and Mythological Studies", "2680": "T12681: Global Healthcare and Medical Tourism", "2681": "T12682: Smart Materials for Construction", "2682": "T12683: Studies on Chitinases and Chitosanases", "2683": "T12684: Stuttering Research and Treatment", "2684": "T12685: Phytochemical compounds biological activities", "2685": "T12686: Central European national history", "2686": "T12687: Public Administration in Developing Nations", "2687": "T12688: Microbial metabolism and enzyme function", "2688": "T12689: Silymarin and Mushroom Poisoning", "2689": "T12690: Cross-Border Cooperation and Integration", "2690": "T12691: Coccidia and coccidiosis research", "2691": "T12692: Magnetic Field Sensors Techniques", "2692": "T12693: Migration, Ethnicity, and Economy", "2693": "T12694: Categorization, perception, and language", "2694": "T12695: Urinary and Genital Oncology Studies", "2695": "T12696: Icing and De-icing Technologies", "2696": "T12697: Water Quality Monitoring Technologies", "2697": "T12698: 3D Modeling in Geospatial Applications", "2698": "T12699: Electromagnetic Launch and Propulsion Technology", "2699": "T12700: Doping in Sports", "2700": "T12701: Biological Control of Invasive Species", "2701": "T12702: Brain Tumor Detection and Classification", "2702": "T12703: Oil Palm Production and Sustainability", "2703": "T12704: Stress and Burnout Research", "2704": "T12705: Educational Reforms and Innovations", "2705": "T12706: Subcritical and Supercritical Water Processes", "2706": "T12707: Vehicle License Plate Recognition", "2707": "T12708: Economic and Financial Impacts of Cancer", "2708": "T12709: Optimization and Mathematical Programming", "2709": "T12710: Engineering and Agricultural Innovations", "2710": "T12711: Immigration and Intercultural Education", "2711": "T12712: Myofascial pain diagnosis and treatment", "2712": "T12713: Forest Ecology and Biodiversity Studies", "2713": "T12714: Youth Education and Societal Dynamics", "2714": "T12715: Pregnancy-related medical research", "2715": "T12716: Congenital Anomalies and Fetal Surgery", "2716": "T12717: Space exploration and regulation", "2717": "T12719: Aerospace Engineering and Energy Systems", "2718": "T12720: Multimedia Communication and Technology", "2719": "T12721: Moringa oleifera research and applications", "2720": "T12722: Innovation Policy and R&D", "2721": "T12723: Hannah Arendt's Political Philosophy", "2722": "T12724: Water-Energy-Food Nexus Studies", "2723": "T12725: transportation and logistics systems", "2724": "T12726: Philosophical and Cultural Analysis", "2725": "T12727: Differential Equations and Numerical Methods", "2726": "T12728: Demographic Trends and Gender Preferences", "2727": "T12729: Tree Root and Stability Studies", "2728": "T12730: Weber, Simmel, Sociological Theory", "2729": "T12731: Hidradenitis Suppurativa and Treatments", "2730": "T12732: Agriculture and Farm Safety", "2731": "T12733: Vector-Borne Animal Diseases", "2732": "T12734: Information Systems and Technology Applications", "2733": "T12735: Blood donation and transfusion practices", "2734": "T12736: Criminal Justice and Penology", "2735": "T12737: Electrical Fault Detection and Protection", "2736": "T12738: Corporate Identity and Reputation", "2737": "T12739: Historical Studies on Spain", "2738": "T12740: Gait Recognition and Analysis", "2739": "T12741: Maternal and Neonatal Healthcare", "2740": "T12742: Sunflower and Safflower Cultivation", "2741": "T12743: Spanish Culture and Identity", "2742": "T12744: Medical Device Sterilization and Disinfection", "2743": "T12745: Dietary Effects on Health", "2744": "T12746: Sustainable Industrial Ecology", "2745": "T12747: Moyamoya disease diagnosis and treatment", "2746": "T12748: Molecular spectroscopy and chirality", "2747": "T12749: Race, Genetics, and Society", "2748": "T12750: Nigella sativa pharmacological applications", "2749": "T12751: Leadership and Management in Organizations", "2750": "T12752: Global Peace and Security Dynamics", "2751": "T12753: Psychology, Coaching, and Therapy", "2752": "T12754: Plant Growth and Agriculture Techniques", "2753": "T12755: Legal Education and Practice Innovations", "2754": "T12756: Plant Toxicity and Pharmacological Properties", "2755": "T12757: Diverse Academia and Research Topics", "2756": "T12758: Saffron Plant Research Studies", "2757": "T12759: Vehicle Noise and Vibration Control", "2758": "T12760: Laser Design and Applications", "2759": "T12761: Data Stream Mining Techniques", "2760": "T12762: Crystallography and Radiation Phenomena", "2761": "T12763: ATP Synthase and ATPases Research", "2762": "T12764: Polish Historical and Cultural Studies", "2763": "T12765: Race, History, and American Society", "2764": "T12766: Interdisciplinary Research and Collaboration", "2765": "T12767: Conflict of Laws and Jurisdiction", "2766": "T12768: Linguistics and language evolution", "2767": "T12769: Stoma care and complications", "2768": "T12770: Amino Acid Enzymes and Metabolism", "2769": "T12771: Plant pathogens and resistance mechanisms", "2770": "T12772: Control and Stability of Dynamical Systems", "2771": "T12773: Water Quality and Resources Studies", "2772": "T12774: Bauxite Residue and Utilization", "2773": "T12775: Legal Issues in South Africa", "2774": "T12776: Electrohydrodynamics and Fluid Dynamics", "2775": "T12777: Philosophy, History, and Historiography", "2776": "T12778: History of Medicine and Tropical Health", "2777": "T12779: Public Procurement and Policy", "2778": "T12780: Heavy Metal Pollution Remediation", "2779": "T12781: Global Health Care Issues", "2780": "T12782: Assembly Line Balancing Optimization", "2781": "T12783: Migration, Aging, and Tourism Studies", "2782": "T12784: Modular Robots and Swarm Intelligence", "2783": "T12785: Hong Kong and Taiwan Politics", "2784": "T12786: Innovation and Socioeconomic Development", "2785": "T12787: Human Behavior and Motivation", "2786": "T12788: Space Science and Extraterrestrial Life", "2787": "T12789: Planarian Biology and Electrostimulation", "2788": "T12790: Nursing Diagnosis and Documentation", "2789": "T12791: Full-Duplex Wireless Communications", "2790": "T12792: Soil Management and Crop Yield", "2791": "T12793: Caveolin-1 and cellular processes", "2792": "T12794: Adaptive Dynamic Programming Control", "2793": "T12795: Banana Cultivation and Research", "2794": "T12796: Dermatological and COVID-19 studies", "2795": "T12797: History of Computing Technologies", "2796": "T12798: Religious Tourism and Spaces", "2797": "T12799: Mobile and Web Applications", "2798": "T12800: Musculoskeletal synovial abnormalities and treatments", "2799": "T12801: Bluetooth and Wireless Communication Technologies", "2800": "T12802: Competency Development and Evaluation", "2801": "T12803: Cinema History and Criticism", "2802": "T12804: Thermal Analysis in Power Transmission", "2803": "T12805: Cognitive Science and Mapping", "2804": "T12806: Ocean Acidification Effects and Responses", "2805": "T12807: Consumer Behavior and Market Dynamics", "2806": "T12808: Ferroelectric and Negative Capacitance Devices", "2807": "T12809: Contact Mechanics and Variational Inequalities", "2808": "T12810: Real-time simulation and control systems", "2809": "T12811: Aging, Health, and Disability", "2810": "T12812: Meromorphic and Entire Functions", "2811": "T12813: Plant and Biological Electrophysiology Studies", "2812": "T12814: Gaussian Processes and Bayesian Inference", "2813": "T12815: Management and Organizational Practices", "2814": "T12816: Global Public Health Policies and Epidemiology", "2815": "T12817: Pharmacological Effects of Natural Compounds", "2816": "T12818: Pneumothorax, Barotrauma, Emphysema", "2817": "T12819: Environmental Philosophy and Ethics", "2818": "T12820: Chromatin Remodeling and Cancer", "2819": "T12821: Geological Formations and Processes Exploration", "2820": "T12822: Turfgrass Adaptation and Management", "2821": "T12823: Adolescent and Pediatric Healthcare", "2822": "T12824: Infections and bacterial resistance", "2823": "T12825: Defense, Military, and Policy Studies", "2824": "T12826: Education Methods and Technologies", "2825": "T12827: Biochemical and Molecular Research", "2826": "T12828: Plant Genetic and Mutation Studies", "2827": "T12829: Advanced Breast Cancer Therapies", "2828": "T12830: Pectus Deformity Diagnosis and Treatment", "2829": "T12831: School Health and Nursing Education", "2830": "T12832: Biocrusts and Microbial Ecology", "2831": "T12833: Bartonella species infections research", "2832": "T12834: Flowering Plant Growth and Cultivation", "2833": "T12835: FOXO transcription factor regulation", "2834": "T12836: History and Developments in Astronomy", "2835": "T12837: American Environmental and Regional History", "2836": "T12838: Photovoltaic Systems and Sustainability", "2837": "T12839: Emile Durkheim and Sociology", "2838": "T12840: Renal function and acid-base balance", "2839": "T12841: Echinoderm biology and ecology", "2840": "T12842: Youth, Drugs, and Violence", "2841": "T12843: Human Resource and Talent Management", "2842": "T12844: Psychology and Mental Health", "2843": "T12845: Methemoglobinemia and Tumor Lysis Syndrome", "2844": "T12846: Ginkgo biloba and Cashew Applications", "2845": "T12847: Healthcare Systems and Challenges", "2846": "T12848: Psychological Testing and Assessment", "2847": "T12849: Parvovirus B19 Infection Studies", "2848": "T12850: Field-Flow Fractionation Techniques", "2849": "T12851: Firm Innovation and Growth", "2850": "T12852: Chemical Thermodynamics and Molecular Structure", "2851": "T12853: Historical Geography and Geographical Thought", "2852": "T12854: Neurology and Historical Studies", "2853": "T12855: Peanut Plant Research Studies", "2854": "T12856: Transgenic Plants and Applications", "2855": "T12857: Medieval Philosophy and Theology", "2856": "T12858: Plant Disease Resistance and Genetics", "2857": "T12859: Cell Image Analysis Techniques", "2858": "T12860: Family and Patient Care in Intensive Care Units", "2859": "T12861: Migration, Education, Indigenous Social Dynamics", "2860": "T12862: Catholicism and Religious Studies", "2861": "T12863: Web and Library Services", "2862": "T12864: Psychoanalysis and Social Critique", "2863": "T12865: Tailings Management and Properties", "2864": "T12866: Urologic and reproductive health conditions", "2865": "T12867: Advanced Biosensing Techniques and Applications", "2866": "T12868: Photography and Visual Culture", "2867": "T12869: Occupational Health and Burnout", "2868": "T12870: Seedling growth and survival studies", "2869": "T12871: Healthcare Quality and Management", "2870": "T12872: Philippine History and Culture", "2871": "T12873: Nutrition, Health and Food Behavior", "2872": "T12874: Digital Imaging for Blood Diseases", "2873": "T12875: Thermal Expansion and Ionic Conductivity", "2874": "T12876: Potassium and Related Disorders", "2875": "T12877: Social Issues in Poland", "2876": "T12878: Pharmaceutical Quality and Counterfeiting", "2877": "T12879: Distributed Sensor Networks and Detection Algorithms", "2878": "T12880: Qualitative Research Methods and Applications", "2879": "T12881: linguistics and terminology studies", "2880": "T12882: Jungian Analytical Psychology", "2881": "T12883: Sustainable Development and Environmental Management", "2882": "T12884: Educational Assessment and Pedagogy", "2883": "T12885: Digital Innovation in Industries", "2884": "T12886: Historical and Cultural Studies of Poland", "2885": "T12887: Educational Strategies and Epistemologies", "2886": "T12888: Military Strategy and Technology", "2887": "T12889: Psychoanalysis, Philosophy, and Politics", "2888": "T12890: Eurasian Exchange Networks", "2889": "T12891: Medicinal Plants and Neuroprotection", "2890": "T12892: Social Power and Status Dynamics", "2891": "T12893: Organic Chemistry Cycloaddition Reactions", "2892": "T12894: Date Palm Research Studies", "2893": "T12895: Environmental law and policy", "2894": "T12896: Sustainable Agricultural Systems Analysis", "2895": "T12897: Structural Analysis of Composite Materials", "2896": "T12898: Induction Heating and Inverter Technology", "2897": "T12899: Engineering and Technology Innovations", "2898": "T12900: Organ and Tissue Transplantation Research", "2899": "T12901: Tattoo and Body Piercing Complications", "2900": "T12902: Public Policy and Governance", "2901": "T12903: Globalization and Cultural Identity", "2902": "T12904: Diverse Educational Innovations Studies", "2903": "T12905: Management Systems and Quality Improvement", "2904": "T12906: Surgical Sutures and Adhesives", "2905": "T12907: Mechanical Engineering and Vibrations Research", "2906": "T12908: Media, Gender, and Advertising", "2907": "T12909: French Historical and Cultural Studies", "2908": "T12910: Eicosanoids and Hypertension Pharmacology", "2909": "T12911: Water Resources and Sustainability", "2910": "T12912: Shakespeare, Adaptation, and Literary Criticism", "2911": "T12913: Multidisciplinary Research Papers Compilation", "2912": "T12914: Infectious Disease Case Reports and Treatments", "2913": "T12915: Biochemical Acid Research Studies", "2914": "T12916: COVID-19 impact on air quality", "2915": "T12917: Astronomy and Astrophysical Research", "2916": "T12918: Healthcare Systems and Technology", "2917": "T12919: Blood disorders and treatments", "2918": "T12920: Healthcare and Environmental Waste Management", "2919": "T12921: European Criminal Justice and Data Protection", "2920": "T12922: Business and Economic Development", "2921": "T12923: Digital Image Processing Techniques", "2922": "T12924: Dermatological and Skeletal Disorders", "2923": "T12925: Educational and Social Studies", "2924": "T12926: Business Strategies and Management Research", "2925": "T12927: Memory, History, Trauma, Identity", "2926": "T12928: Education and Cultural Studies", "2927": "T12929: Animal Genetics and Reproduction", "2928": "T12930: Biomedical and Chemical Research", "2929": "T12931: Educational Methods and Outcomes", "2930": "T12932: Powder Metallurgy Techniques and Materials", "2931": "T12933: Franchising Strategies and Performance", "2932": "T12934: Plant and fungal interactions", "2933": "T12935: Healthcare Systems and Public Health", "2934": "T12936: Conflict, Peace, and Violence in Colombia", "2935": "T12937: Chemotherapy-related skin toxicity", "2936": "T12938: Material Selection and Properties", "2937": "T12939: Polish Law and Legal System", "2938": "T12940: Structural Engineering and Materials Analysis", "2939": "T12941: Embedded Systems and FPGA Design", "2940": "T12942: Cultural Studies and Postmodernism", "2941": "T12943: COVID-19 Digital Contact Tracing", "2942": "T12944: Animal Nutrition and Health", "2943": "T12945: Quality Function Deployment in Product Design", "2944": "T12946: Fractal and DNA sequence analysis", "2945": "T12947: Health, psychology, and well-being", "2946": "T12948: Inclusion and Disability in Education and Sport", "2947": "T12949: South Asian Studies and Diaspora", "2948": "T12950: Educational Environments and Student Outcomes", "2949": "T12951: Burkholderia infections and melioidosis", "2950": "T12952: School Leadership and Teacher Performance", "2951": "T12953: Critical Realism in Sociology", "2952": "T12954: Law and Political Science", "2953": "T12955: Atherosclerosis and Cardiovascular Diseases", "2954": "T12956: Asian Geopolitics and Ethnography", "2955": "T12957: War, Ethics, and Justification", "2956": "T12958: Digital Economy and Transformation", "2957": "T12959: Engineering and Materials Science Studies", "2958": "T12960: Heterotopic Ossification and Related Conditions", "2959": "T12961: Regional Development and Policy", "2960": "T12962: Nephrotoxicity and Medicinal Plants", "2961": "T12963: Anesthesia and Neurotoxicity Research", "2962": "T12964: Diet, Metabolism, and Disease", "2963": "T12965: Wildlife Conservation and Criminology Analyses", "2964": "T12966: Russian Literature and Bakhtin Studies", "2965": "T12967: Molecular Spectroscopy and Structure", "2966": "T12968: Research on scale insects", "2967": "T12969: Economic and Social Development", "2968": "T12970: Names, Identity, and Discrimination Research", "2969": "T12971: Material Properties and Processing", "2970": "T12972: German Colonialism and Identity Studies", "2971": "T12973: Synthesis of Indole Derivatives", "2972": "T12974: Modernist Literature and Criticism", "2973": "T12975: Paraoxonase enzyme and polymorphisms", "2974": "T12976: Magnetic and Electromagnetic Effects", "2975": "T12977: Spanish Literature and Culture Studies", "2976": "T12978: Innovative Teaching Methodologies in Social Sciences", "2977": "T12979: Cardiovascular Disease and Adiposity", "2978": "T12980: Family Caregiving in Mental Illness", "2979": "T12981: Conservation Techniques and Studies", "2980": "T12982: Legal principles and applications", "2981": "T12983: Satellite Image Processing and Photogrammetry", "2982": "T12984: Transport and Logistics Innovations", "2983": "T12985: Maritime Security and History", "2984": "T12986: Administrative Law and Governance", "2985": "T12987: Religion and Society in Latin America", "2986": "T12988: Sociology and Education in Brazil", "2987": "T12989: Ocular Disorders and Treatments", "2988": "T12990: Medical History and Innovations", "2989": "T12991: Phytase and its Applications", "2990": "T12992: Metastasis and carcinoma case studies", "2991": "T12993: Psychology of Development and Education", "2992": "T12994: Infrared Thermography in Medicine", "2993": "T12995: Urban Development and Cultural Heritage", "2994": "T12996: Cancer Research and Treatments", "2995": "T12997: Outdoor and Experiential Education", "2996": "T12998: Education and Islamic Studies", "2997": "T12999: Medieval History and Crusades", "2998": "T13000: World Systems and Global Transformations", "2999": "T13001: Restraint-Related Deaths", "3000": "T13002: Southeast Asian Sociopolitical Studies", "3001": "T13003: Regional Development and Environment", "3002": "T13004: Vitamin K Research Studies", "3003": "T13005: Religious Studies and Spiritual Practices", "3004": "T13006: Spanish History and Politics", "3005": "T13007: Economic Sanctions and International Relations", "3006": "T13008: Agricultural Practices and Plant Genetics", "3007": "T13009: Agroforestry and silvopastoral systems", "3008": "T13010: Agriculture and Agroindustry Studies", "3009": "T13011: Latin American rural development", "3010": "T13012: Coenzyme Q10 studies and effects", "3011": "T13013: Free Radicals and Antioxidants", "3012": "T13014: Peace and Human Rights Education", "3013": "T13015: Botany, Ecology, and Taxonomy Studies", "3014": "T13016: Innovative Educational Technologies", "3015": "T13017: Zygmunt Bauman's Sociology", "3016": "T13018: Seismology and Earthquake Studies", "3017": "T13019: African Studies and Geopolitics", "3018": "T13020: Heat Transfer and Mathematical Modeling", "3019": "T13021: Geology and Environmental Impact Studies", "3020": "T13022: Health and Medical Studies", "3021": "T13023: Synthesis of Organic Compounds", "3022": "T13024: Literary Theory and Cultural Hermeneutics", "3023": "T13025: American History and Culture", "3024": "T13026: Natural Compounds in Disease Treatment", "3025": "T13027: Applied Advanced Technologies", "3026": "T13028: Literature and Culture Studies", "3027": "T13029: South Asian Studies and Conflicts", "3028": "T13030: Survey Sampling and Estimation Techniques", "3029": "T13031: Civil and Structural Engineering Research", "3030": "T13032: COVID-19 Prevention and Impact", "3031": "T13033: Social Sciences and Governance", "3032": "T13034: Information Systems Education and Curriculum Development", "3033": "T13035: Human Rights and Development", "3034": "T13036: Veterinary Practice and Education Studies", "3035": "T13037: Piperaceae Chemical and Biological Studies", "3036": "T13038: Internet of Things and AI", "3037": "T13039: Magnesium Oxide Properties and Applications", "3038": "T13040: Gender, Education, and Development Issues", "3039": "T13041: Contemporary Social and Economic Issues", "3040": "T13042: Economic and Fiscal Studies", "3041": "T13043: Youth Culture and Social Dynamics", "3042": "T13044: Biofield Effects and Biophysics", "3043": "T13045: Industrial Engineering and Technologies", "3044": "T13046: Electrokinetic Soil Remediation Techniques", "3045": "T13047: Pharmacological Receptor Mechanisms and Effects", "3046": "T13048: Patient Dignity and Privacy", "3047": "T13049: Surface Roughness and Optical Measurements", "3048": "T13050: Oil and Gas Production Techniques", "3049": "T13051: Qualitative Comparative Analysis Research", "3050": "T13052: Molecular Communication and Nanonetworks", "3051": "T13053: SMEs Development and Digital Marketing", "3052": "T13054: Agricultural and Financial Auditing", "3053": "T13055: Global Security and Public Health", "3054": "T13056: Various Academic Research Studies", "3055": "T13057: Asian Industrial and Economic Development", "3056": "T13058: Soil and Land Suitability Analysis", "3057": "T13059: Religion, Ecology, and Ethics", "3058": "T13060: Adventure Sports and Sensation Seeking", "3059": "T13061: Literacy and Educational Practices", "3060": "T13062: Cognitive Computing and Networks", "3061": "T13063: Education and experiences of immigrants and refugees", "3062": "T13064: Dutch Social and Cultural Studies", "3063": "T13065: Mining Techniques and Economics", "3064": "T13066: Information Society and Technology Trends", "3065": "T13067: Geological Modeling and Analysis", "3066": "T13068: Ancient Mediterranean Archaeology and History", "3067": "T13069: Cocoa and Sweet Potato Agronomy", "3068": "T13070: Cultural Identity and Heritage", "3069": "T13071: Digital Storytelling and Education", "3070": "T13072: Contemporary Christian Leadership and Education", "3071": "T13073: China's Ethnic Minorities and Relations", "3072": "T13074: Global Financial Regulation and Crises", "3073": "T13075: Legal Systems and Judicial Processes", "3074": "T13076: Torture, Ethics, and Law", "3075": "T13077: Cancer-related cognitive impairment studies", "3076": "T13078: Political and Social Dynamics in Chile and Latin America", "3077": "T13079: Heavy Metals in Plants", "3078": "T13080: Advanced Differential Geometry Research", "3079": "T13081: Digital Education and Society", "3080": "T13082: Water and Land Management", "3081": "T13083: Advanced Text Analysis Techniques", "3082": "T13084: Education during COVID-19 pandemic", "3083": "T13085: Education, Psychology, and Social Research", "3084": "T13086: Post-Soviet Geopolitical Dynamics", "3085": "T13087: Simone de Beauvoir and Sartre", "3086": "T13088: Legal and Labor Studies", "3087": "T13089: Medieval and Early Modern Iberia", "3088": "T13090: Medicinal Plant Extracts Effects", "3089": "T13091: Human Health and Disease", "3090": "T13092: Environmental Chemistry and Analysis", "3091": "T13093: Electric Power Systems and Control", "3092": "T13094: Mining and Gasification Technologies", "3093": "T13095: Plant-based Medicinal Research", "3094": "T13096: Family and Matrimonial Law", "3095": "T13097: Male Breast Health Studies", "3096": "T13098: Conferences and Exhibitions Management", "3097": "T13099: Health, Medicine and Society", "3098": "T13100: Comparative Animal Anatomy Studies", "3099": "T13101: Legal and Social Justice Studies", "3100": "T13102: Soil and Environmental Studies", "3101": "T13103: Middle East Politics and Society", "3102": "T13104: Chemical and Physical Properties of Materials", "3103": "T13105: Synthesis and pharmacology of benzodiazepine derivatives", "3104": "T13106: Neuroscience, Education and Cognitive Function", "3105": "T13107: Congenital limb and hand anomalies", "3106": "T13108: Therapeutic Uses of Natural Elements", "3107": "T13109: Theological Perspectives and Practices", "3108": "T13110: Colorectal and Anal Carcinomas", "3109": "T13111: Nursing care and research", "3110": "T13112: Nutrition and Health Studies", "3111": "T13113: Engineering Technology and Methodologies", "3112": "T13114: Image Processing Techniques and Applications", "3113": "T13115: Axial and Atropisomeric Chirality Synthesis", "3114": "T13116: Heat Transfer and Numerical Methods", "3115": "T13117: Health Education and Validation", "3116": "T13118: Psychological Treatments and Disorders", "3117": "T13119: Philosophy and Social Theory", "3118": "T13120: Nuclear Issues and Defense", "3119": "T13121: Radio Wave Propagation Studies", "3120": "T13122: Linguistics and Cultural Studies", "3121": "T13123: Advances in Oncology and Radiotherapy", "3122": "T13124: Chemical synthesis and alkaloids", "3123": "T13125: Agricultural pest management studies", "3124": "T13126: Scientific Research and Discoveries", "3125": "T13127: Biotin and Related Studies", "3126": "T13128: Chromatography in Natural Products", "3127": "T13129: Material Properties and Applications", "3128": "T13130: Biological and pharmacological studies of plants", "3129": "T13131: Collaborative Teaching and Inclusion", "3130": "T13132: Hydropower, Displacement, Environmental Impact", "3131": "T13133: Architecture and Art History Studies", "3132": "T13134: Latin American Literature Studies", "3133": "T13135: Communism, Protests, Social Movements", "3134": "T13136: Community-based Tourism Development and Sustainability", "3135": "T13137: Strategic Planning and Analysis", "3136": "T13138: Legal and Constitutional Studies", "3137": "T13139: Polish Legal and Social Issues", "3138": "T13140: Materials Engineering and Processing", "3139": "T13141: Statistical Methods and Applications", "3140": "T13142: GABA and Rice Research", "3141": "T13143: Child Therapy and Development", "3142": "T13144: Theology and Philosophy of Evil", "3143": "T13145: Crime and Detective Fiction Studies", "3144": "T13146: Sustainable Finance and Green Bonds", "3145": "T13147: Ethics and bioethics in healthcare", "3146": "T13148: Environmental and Air Quality Management", "3147": "T13149: Organizational Change and Leadership", "3148": "T13150: Study and Philosophy of Religion", "3149": "T13151: Business Strategies and Innovation", "3150": "T13152: French Language Learning Methods", "3151": "T13153: Rousseau and Enlightenment Thought", "3152": "T13154: Legal and Regulatory Analysis", "3153": "T13155: Digital Communication and Language", "3154": "T13156: Historical Linguistics and Language Studies", "3155": "T13157: Cancer-related gene regulation", "3156": "T13158: Political and Economic history of UK and US", "3157": "T13159: Structural mechanics and materials", "3158": "T13160: Synthesis and Biological Evaluation", "3159": "T13161: Ideological and Political Education", "3160": "T13162: African Studies and Ethnography", "3161": "T13163: Organizational Learning and Leadership", "3162": "T13164: Quality and Management Systems", "3163": "T13165: Agricultural safety and regulations", "3164": "T13166: Information Science and Libraries", "3165": "T13167: Historical, Literary, and Cultural Studies", "3166": "T13168: Plant Ecology and Taxonomy Studies", "3167": "T13169: Consumer Perception and Purchasing Behavior", "3168": "T13170: Discrimination and Equality Law", "3169": "T13171: Polymer Science and PVC", "3170": "T13172: Economic Issues in Ukraine", "3171": "T13173: Gender Studies in Language", "3172": "T13174: American and British Literature Analysis", "3173": "T13175: Historical Astronomy and Related Studies", "3174": "T13176: Winter Sports Injuries and Performance", "3175": "T13177: Geological and Geophysical Studies", "3176": "T13178: Theology and Canon Law Studies", "3177": "T13179: Literature, Culture, and Criticism", "3178": "T13180: Chemistry and Chemical Engineering", "3179": "T13181: Economic and Technological Systems Analysis", "3180": "T13182: Quantum-Dot Cellular Automata", "3181": "T13183: Islanding Detection in Power Systems", "3182": "T13184: Research in Social Sciences", "3183": "T13185: Phytochemistry and Bioactive Compounds", "3184": "T13186: Russia and Soviet political economy", "3185": "T13187: Diffusion and Search Dynamics", "3186": "T13188: Synthesis and bioactivity of alkaloids", "3187": "T13189: Physical Education and Training Studies", "3188": "T13190: Engineering and Environmental Studies", "3189": "T13191: Dispute Resolution and Class Actions", "3190": "T13192: Forensic Fingerprint Detection Methods", "3191": "T13193: Geological Studies and Exploration", "3192": "T13194: ICT in Developing Communities", "3193": "T13195: Medieval Iberian Studies", "3194": "T13196: Political Theory and Influence", "3195": "T13197: Spreadsheets and End-User Computing", "3196": "T13198: Historical, Religious, and Philosophical Studies", "3197": "T13199: Digestive system and related health", "3198": "T13200: Spacecraft and Cryogenic Technologies", "3199": "T13201: Infectious Encephalopathies and Encephalitis", "3200": "T13202: Pharmacology and Nanomedicine Research", "3201": "T13203: Environmental Changes in China", "3202": "T13204: Competitive and Knowledge Intelligence", "3203": "T13205: Geological and Geophysical Studies Worldwide", "3204": "T13206: Neonatal skin health care", "3205": "T13207: Youth Substance Use and School Attendance", "3206": "T13208: Synthesis of heterocyclic compounds", "3207": "T13209: Cold Fusion and Nuclear Reactions", "3208": "T13210: Historical Turkish Studies", "3209": "T13211: Memory, Trauma, and Testimony", "3210": "T13212: German Social Sciences and History", "3211": "T13213: Mechanical Failure Analysis and Simulation", "3212": "T13214: Powdery Mildew Fungal Diseases", "3213": "T13215: Global Maritime and Colonial Histories", "3214": "T13216: Artistic and Creative Research", "3215": "T13217: Pigment Synthesis and Properties", "3216": "T13218: Sesame and Sesamin Research", "3217": "T13219: Mind wandering and attention", "3218": "T13220: Plant and Fungal Interactions Research", "3219": "T13221: Biological Activity of Diterpenoids and Biflavonoids", "3220": "T13222: Caribbean history, culture, and politics", "3221": "T13223: Connective Tissue Growth Factor Research", "3222": "T13224: Sports and Physical Education Research", "3223": "T13225: Polish-Jewish Holocaust Memory Studies", "3224": "T13226: Appreciative Inquiry and Organizational Change", "3225": "T13227: Diverse Global Economic and Educational Challenges", "3226": "T13228: Socioeconomic Development in Asia", "3227": "T13229: Gothic Literature and Media Analysis", "3228": "T13230: Synthesis and Reactivity of Heterocycles", "3229": "T13231: History, Culture, and Diplomacy", "3230": "T13232: Laser-Ablation Synthesis of Nanoparticles", "3231": "T13233: Occupational Health and Safety Management", "3232": "T13234: advanced mathematical theories", "3233": "T13235: Management Theory and Practice", "3234": "T13236: Geotechnical and construction materials studies", "3235": "T13237: Socio-economic Development and Sustainability", "3236": "T13238: Botanical Studies and Applications", "3237": "T13239: Phosphorus compounds and reactions", "3238": "T13240: Bioeconomy and Sustainability Development", "3239": "T13242: Male Reproductive Health Studies", "3240": "T13243: Innovation in Digital Healthcare Systems", "3241": "T13244: Analysis of environmental and stochastic processes", "3242": "T13245: Samuel Beckett and Modernism", "3243": "T13246: Agriculture, Plant Science, Crop Management", "3244": "T13247: Local Governance and Planning", "3245": "T13248: Healthcare Technology and Patient Monitoring", "3246": "T13249: Dielectric properties of ceramics", "3247": "T13250: Semiotics and Representation Studies", "3248": "T13251: Electrical and Thermal Properties of Materials", "3249": "T13252: Sex and Gender in Healthcare", "3250": "T13253: Chemical Reactions and Mechanisms", "3251": "T13254: Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor", "3252": "T13255: Business, Innovation, and Economy", "3253": "T13256: Archaeology and Rock Art Studies", "3254": "T13257: Advanced Control and Stabilization in Aerospace Systems", "3255": "T13258: Williams Syndrome Research", "3256": "T13259: American Jewish Fiction Analysis", "3257": "T13260: Linguistics and Language Studies", "3258": "T13261: Elasticity and Wave Propagation", "3259": "T13262: Semiotics and Cultural Interpretation", "3260": "T13263: Building energy efficiency and sustainability", "3261": "T13264: Walter Benjamin Studies Compilation", "3262": "T13265: Synthesis of Tetrazole Derivatives", "3263": "T13266: Indigenous Studies in Latin America", "3264": "T13267: Advanced Theoretical and Applied Studies in Material Sciences and Geometry", "3265": "T13268: Photographic and Visual Arts", "3266": "T13269: Orthoptera Research and Taxonomy", "3267": "T13270: QR Code Applications and Technologies", "3268": "T13271: Ukrainian Legal and Forensic Studies", "3269": "T13272: Psychological Treatments and Assessments", "3270": "T13273: Knowledge Management in Higher Education", "3271": "T13274: Expert finding and Q&A systems", "3272": "T13275: Medical and Health Sciences Research", "3273": "T13276: University-Industry-Government Innovation Models", "3274": "T13277: Media, Religion, Digital Communication", "3275": "T13278: Economic and Business Development Strategies", "3276": "T13279: Safe Handling of Antineoplastic Drugs", "3277": "T13280: Biomedical and Engineering Education", "3278": "T13281: Andrographolide Research and Applications", "3279": "T13282: Automated Road and Building Extraction", "3280": "T13283: Mental Health Research Topics", "3281": "T13284: Psychology Research and Bibliometrics", "3282": "T13285: Local Governance and Development", "3283": "T13286: Modeling and Simulation Systems", "3284": "T13287: Robotic Process Automation Applications", "3285": "T13288: Banking, Crisis Management, COVID-19 Impact", "3286": "T13289: Infant Health and Development", "3287": "T13290: Diverse Industrial Engineering Technologies", "3288": "T13291: Political Theory and Democracy", "3289": "T13292: Embedded Systems and FPGA Applications", "3290": "T13293: Engineering and Test Systems", "3291": "T13294: Livestock and Poultry Management", "3292": "T13295: Safety Systems Engineering in Autonomy", "3293": "T13296: Physical Education and Sports Studies", "3294": "T13297: History and advancements in chemistry", "3295": "T13298: Solar Energy Systems and Technologies", "3296": "T13299: Educational Leadership and Administration", "3297": "T13300: Contemporary Social and Educational Issues", "3298": "T13301: Cultural Studies and Interdisciplinary Research", "3299": "T13302: Amazonian Archaeology and Ethnohistory", "3300": "T13303: Asian Culture and Media Studies", "3301": "T13304: Synthesis and Reactivity of Sulfur-Containing Compounds", "3302": "T13305: Teacher Professional Development and Motivation", "3303": "T13306: Geography and Education Methods", "3304": "T13307: Diverse Scientific and Engineering Research", "3305": "T13308: Cybernetics and Technology in Society", "3306": "T13309: Reliability and Agreement in Measurement", "3307": "T13310: Subtitles and Audiovisual Media", "3308": "T13311: Sociology and Cultural Identity Studies", "3309": "T13312: Mechanical and Thermal Properties Analysis", "3310": "T13313: Dupuytren's Contracture and Treatments", "3311": "T13314: Lymphadenopathy Diagnosis and Analysis", "3312": "T13315: Occupational Health and Safety in Workplaces", "3313": "T13316: Crafts, Textile, and Design", "3314": "T13317: Media, Communication, and Education", "3315": "T13318: Diverse Scientific Research in Ukraine", "3316": "T13319: Film in Education and Therapy", "3317": "T13320: Ukrainian Cultural and Linguistic Studies", "3318": "T13321: Radio, Podcasts, and Digital Media", "3319": "T13322: Hibiscus Plant Research Studies", "3320": "T13323: Spinal Hematomas and Complications", "3321": "T13324: Scientific and Engineering Research Topics", "3322": "T13325: Dye analysis and toxicity", "3323": "T13326: Biochemical and Structural Characterization", "3324": "T13327: Arts, Culture, and Music Studies", "3325": "T13328: Osteomyelitis and Bone Disorders Research", "3326": "T13329: Joseph Conrad and Literature", "3327": "T13330: Theater, Performance, and Music History", "3328": "T13331: Energy and Environmental Sustainability", "3329": "T13332: Historical Studies on Reproduction, Gender, Health, and Societal Changes", "3330": "T13333: American Political and Social Dynamics", "3331": "T13334: South Asian Cinema and Culture", "3332": "T13335: Pharmacological Effects of Medicinal Plants", "3333": "T13336: Religious Freedom and Discrimination", "3334": "T13337: Korean Peninsula Historical and Political Studies", "3335": "T13338: Pharmacological Effects and Assays", "3336": "T13339: Landscape and Cultural Studies", "3337": "T13340: Palliative and Oncologic Care", "3338": "T13341: Belt Conveyor Systems Engineering", "3339": "T13342: Art History and Market Analysis", "3340": "T13343: Turkish Urban and Social Issues", "3341": "T13344: Industrial Automation and Control Systems", "3342": "T13345: Advanced Technologies and Applied Computing", "3343": "T13346: Digital Transformation in Financial Services", "3344": "T13347: Christian Theology and Mission", "3345": "T13348: Pancasila Values in Education", "3346": "T13349: Educational Research and Analysis", "3347": "T13350: Myxozoan Parasites in Aquatic Species", "3348": "T13351: Critical Theory and Political Philosophy", "3349": "T13352: International Relations in Latin America", "3350": "T13353: Flow Experience in Various Fields", "3351": "T13354: Genetics and Physical Performance", "3352": "T13355: Marketing and Advertising Strategies", "3353": "T13356: Early Modern Women Writers", "3354": "T13357: Property Rights and Legal Doctrine", "3355": "T13358: Livestock Management and Performance Improvement", "3356": "T13359: Sports Science and Education", "3357": "T13360: Economic and Social Issues", "3358": "T13361: Coconut Research and Applications", "3359": "T13362: Slime Mold and Myxomycetes Research", "3360": "T13363: Soft tissue tumors and treatment", "3361": "T13364: Digitalization, Law, and Regulation", "3362": "T13365: Medical and Biological Ozone Research", "3363": "T13366: Accounting Theory and Financial Reporting", "3364": "T13367: Cultural and Sociopolitical Studies", "3365": "T13368: University Challenges and Reforms", "3366": "T13369: European and Russian Geopolitical Military Strategies", "3367": "T13370: Diverse Scientific and Economic Studies", "3368": "T13371: Military Defense Systems Analysis", "3369": "T13372: Archaeology and Historical Studies", "3370": "T13373: Data Mining and Machine Learning Applications", "3371": "T13374: Hematological disorders and diagnostics", "3372": "T13375: Integrated Water Resources Management", "3373": "T13376: Criminal Law and Policy", "3374": "T13377: Ecosystem dynamics and resilience", "3375": "T13378: Agricultural Development and Policies", "3376": "T13379: Multiculturalism, Politics, Migration, Gender", "3377": "T13380: Sound Studies and Aurality", "3378": "T13381: Heart rate and cardiovascular health", "3379": "T13382: Robotics and Automated Systems", "3380": "T13383: Tumors and Oncological Cases", "3381": "T13384: Regional Economic Development and Innovation", "3382": "T13385: Infectious Diseases and Mycology", "3383": "T13386: Educational Methods and Teacher Development", "3384": "T13387: Politics, Economics, and Education Policy", "3385": "T13388: Rangeland and Wildlife Management", "3386": "T13389: German Economic Analysis & Policies", "3387": "T13390: Cultural and Social Dynamics", "3388": "T13391: Innovations in Aquaponics and Hydroponics Systems", "3389": "T13392: History of Education in Spain", "3390": "T13393: Child Nutrition and Feeding Issues", "3391": "T13394: Ecology, Conservation, and Geographical Studies", "3392": "T13395: Education, Leadership, and Health Research", "3393": "T13396: Agriculture and Rural Development Research", "3394": "T13397: Hallucinations in medical conditions", "3395": "T13398: Data Analysis with R", "3396": "T13399: Unemployment and Economic Growth", "3397": "T13400: Mathematical and Theoretical Analysis", "3398": "T13401: Social and Cultural Studies", "3399": "T13402: Business Strategy and Innovation", "3400": "T13403: Higher Education in Latin America", "3401": "T13404: Geological and Tectonic Studies in Latin America", "3402": "T13405: Educational Assessment and Improvement", "3403": "T13406: Human Resources and Workforce", "3404": "T13407: Regional Development and Management Studies", "3405": "T13408: Corporate Law and Human Rights", "3406": "T13409: Paleopathology and ancient diseases", "3407": "T13410: Immune responses and vaccinations", "3408": "T13411: Labor Market and Education", "3409": "T13412: Education and Technology Integration", "3410": "T13413: Cultural and Historical Studies", "3411": "T13414: Radioactive Decay and Measurement Techniques", "3412": "T13415: Calcium signaling and nucleotide metabolism", "3413": "T13416: Educational Theory and Curriculum Studies", "3414": "T13417: Biomedical Ethics and Regulation", "3415": "T13418: Photocathodes and Microchannel Plates", "3416": "T13419: Ego Development and Educational Practices", "3417": "T13420: Arduino and IoT Applications", "3418": "T13421: Contemporary art, education, critique", "3419": "T13422: Phytochemistry and biological activities of Ficus species", "3420": "T13423: Social Policies and Healthcare Reform", "3421": "T13424: Ukraine: War, Education, Health", "3422": "T13425: Rural and Ethnic Education", "3423": "T13426: Kruppel-like factors research", "3424": "T13427: Latin American Literature Analysis", "3425": "T13428: Anarchism and Radical Politics", "3426": "T13429: Electricity Theft Detection Techniques", "3427": "T13430: Lipid metabolism and disorders", "3428": "T13431: Education Methods and Integration", "3429": "T13432: Environmental Sustainability and Technology", "3430": "T13433: Short Stories in Global Literature", "3431": "T13434: Cancer Research and Treatment", "3432": "T13435: Animal and Plant Science Education", "3433": "T13436: Space Technology and Applications", "3434": "T13437: Mechanisms of cancer metastasis", "3435": "T13438: Environmental Conservation and Management", "3436": "T13439: Transport and Economic Policies", "3437": "T13440: Electromagnetic Effects on Materials", "3438": "T13441: Ottoman Empire History and Society", "3439": "T13442: Geochemistry and Geochronology of Asian Mineral Deposits", "3440": "T13443: Mineralogy and Gemology Studies", "3441": "T13444: Medical Research and Treatments", "3442": "T13445: American Constitutional Law and Politics", "3443": "T13446: Antioxidants, Aging, Portulaca oleracea", "3444": "T13447: Educational and Psychological Assessments", "3445": "T13448: Indigenous Cultures and Socio-Education", "3446": "T13449: Organizational Management and Change", "3447": "T13450: Turkish Literature and Culture", "3448": "T13451: Mechanical Engineering Research and Applications", "3449": "T13452: GDF15 and Related Biomarkers", "3450": "T13453: Alkaline Phosphatase Research Studies", "3451": "T13454: Phenothiazines and Benzothiazines Synthesis and Activities", "3452": "T13455: Decadence, Literature, and Society", "3453": "T13456: Religion, Society, and Development", "3454": "T13457: Dental Education, Practice, Research", "3455": "T13458: Astronomical and nuclear sciences", "3456": "T13459: Public Administration and Political Analysis", "3457": "T13460: Historical Studies in Latin America", "3458": "T13461: Vladimir Nabokov Literary Studies", "3459": "T13462: Spanish Philosophy and Literature", "3460": "T13463: Nanoporous metals and alloys", "3461": "T13464: Higher Education and Sustainability", "3462": "T13465: Graphite, nuclear technology, radiation studies", "3463": "T13466: Comparative Literary Analysis and Criticism", "3464": "T13467: Drug-Induced Ocular Toxicity", "3465": "T13468: Educational Research and Science Teaching", "3466": "T13469: Environmental, Ecological, and Cultural Studies", "3467": "T13470: Surface Treatment and Coatings", "3468": "T13471: Cognitive Functions and Memory", "3469": "T13472: Brazilian History and Foreign Policy", "3470": "T13473: Economic Zones and Regional Development", "3471": "T13474: Autobiographical and Biographical Writing", "3472": "T13475: Digital Transformation in Law", "3473": "T13476: Indonesian Election Politics and Participation", "3474": "T13477: Sustainable Design and Development", "3475": "T13478: Agricultural Development and Management", "3476": "T13479: Food Science and Nutritional Studies", "3477": "T13480: Innovations and Analysis in Business and Education", "3478": "T13481: Neurological diseases and metabolism", "3479": "T13482: Engineering Education and Technology", "3480": "T13483: Herbal Medicine Research Studies", "3481": "T13484: German History and Society", "3482": "T13485: Marine and Coastal Ecosystems", "3483": "T13486: Literature, Magical Realism, Garc\u00eda M\u00e1rquez", "3484": "T13487: Statistical and numerical algorithms", "3485": "T13488: Sports and Physical Education Studies", "3486": "T13489: Synthesis of \u03b2-Lactam Compounds", "3487": "T13490: Aquatic Ecosystems and Biodiversity", "3488": "T13491: Social and Political Issues", "3489": "T13492: Science, Technology, and Education in Latin America", "3490": "T13493: Optical and Acousto-Optic Technologies", "3491": "T13494: Military History and Strategy", "3492": "T13495: Biographical and Historical Analysis", "3493": "T13496: Advertising and Communication Studies", "3494": "T13497: Hermeneutics and Narrative Identity", "3495": "T13498: Economic Development and Digital Transformation", "3496": "T13499: Economic Systems and Logistics Management", "3497": "T13500: Probability and Statistical Research", "3498": "T13501: Legal Issues in Turkey", "3499": "T13502: Community and Sustainable Development", "3500": "T13503: Gender, Health, and Social Inequality", "3501": "T13504: African history and culture analysis", "3502": "T13505: Apelin-related biomedical research", "3503": "T13506: Botanical Research and Chemistry", "3504": "T13507: Literature, Politics, and Exile Studies", "3505": "T13508: Agricultural Economics and Practices", "3506": "T13509: Accounting and Financial Management", "3507": "T13510: Nostalgia and Consumer Behavior", "3508": "T13511: Geodetic Measurements and Engineering Structures", "3509": "T13512: Spatial and Cultural Studies", "3510": "T13513: Urban and sociocultural dynamics", "3511": "T13514: Experience-Based Knowledge Management", "3512": "T13515: Cultural and Communication Design Research", "3513": "T13516: Publishing and Scholarly Communication", "3514": "T13517: Environmental and Industrial Safety", "3515": "T13518: Architecture and Computational Design", "3516": "T13519: Historical Architecture and Urbanism", "3517": "T13520: Architectural and Urban Studies", "3518": "T13521: Psychosocial Factors Impacting Youth", "3519": "T13522: Cardiovascular Health and Risk Factors", "3520": "T13523: Mathematics, Computing, and Information Processing", "3521": "T13524: Venezuelan Migration and Society", "3522": "T13525: Cambodian History and Society", "3523": "T13526: 14-3-3 protein interactions", "3524": "T13527: Transportation Systems and Logistics", "3525": "T13528: Water Resources and Governance", "3526": "T13529: Education Systems and Policies", "3527": "T13530: Climate Change and Environmental Impact", "3528": "T13531: Surface and Thin Film Phenomena", "3529": "T13532: Education Systems and Policy", "3530": "T13533: Medical Case Reports and Studies", "3531": "T13534: Migration, Identity, and Health", "3532": "T13535: Wireless Sensor Networks and IoT", "3533": "T13536: Psychological and Temporal Perspectives Research", "3534": "T13537: German legal, social, and political studies", "3535": "T13538: Linguistics and Language Analysis", "3536": "T13539: thermodynamics and calorimetric analyses", "3537": "T13540: Animal Diversity and Health Studies", "3538": "T13541: IoT-based Control Systems", "3539": "T13542: Grit, Self-Efficacy, and Motivation", "3540": "T13543: Oropharyngeal Anatomy and Pathologies", "3541": "T13544: Women's cancer prevention and management", "3542": "T13545: Philosophical and Theoretical Analysis", "3543": "T13546: Census and Population Estimation", "3544": "T13547: Economic and Industrial Development", "3545": "T13548: Environmental and biological studies", "3546": "T13549: Minority Rights and Languages", "3547": "T13550: Diverse Applied Research Studies", "3548": "T13551: Biochemical effects in animals", "3549": "T13552: Advanced Materials Characterization Techniques", "3550": "T13553: Age of Information Optimization", "3551": "T13554: Brazilian cultural history and politics", "3552": "T13555: Healthcare cost, quality, practices", "3553": "T13556: Historical Influence and Diplomacy", "3554": "T13557: Environmental and sustainability education", "3555": "T13558: Philosophy, Science, and History", "3556": "T13559: Edcuational Technology Systems", "3557": "T13560: Socioeconomic Development in MENA", "3558": "T13561: Chemical Reactions and Isotopes", "3559": "T13562: Cruise Tourism Development and Management", "3560": "T13563: Chemical Analysis and Environmental Impact", "3561": "T13564: Education and Public Policy", "3562": "T13565: Education and Learning Interventions", "3563": "T13566: Global Educational Reforms and Inequalities", "3564": "T13567: AI and Multimedia in Education", "3565": "T13568: Wood and Agarwood Research", "3566": "T13569: Microscopic Colitis", "3567": "T13570: Historical Education Studies Worldwide", "3568": "T13571: Corporeality, Perception, and Education", "3569": "T13572: German Security and Defense Policies", "3570": "T13573: Government, Law, and Information Management", "3571": "T13574: Family Support in Illness", "3572": "T13575: Travel Writing and Literature", "3573": "T13576: Cyprus History, Politics, Society", "3574": "T13577: Sephardic Jews and Inquisition Studies", "3575": "T13578: Stonefly species taxonomy and ecology", "3576": "T13579: Image and Video Stabilization", "3577": "T13580: Management and Performance Evaluation", "3578": "T13581: New Caledonia Indigenous Studies", "3579": "T13582: Stalking, Cyberstalking, and Harassment", "3580": "T13583: Jury Decision Making Processes", "3581": "T13584: Coal Combustion and Slurry Processing", "3582": "T13585: Technostress in Professional Settings", "3583": "T13586: HIV, TB, and STIs Epidemiology", "3584": "T13587: Q Methodology Applications", "3585": "T13588: Regional resilience and development", "3586": "T13589: Literary and Cultural Studies", "3587": "T13590: Oral History, Memory, Narrative Analysis", "3588": "T13591: Pasture and Agricultural Systems", "3589": "T13592: Advanced Scientific Techniques and Applications", "3590": "T13593: Historical and Archaeological Studies", "3591": "T13594: Healthcare innovation and challenges", "3592": "T13595: Archaeology and Cultural Heritage", "3593": "T13596: Grouting, Rheology, and Soil Mechanics", "3594": "T13597: Medicine and Dermatology Studies History", "3595": "T13598: Political Developments and Conflicts", "3596": "T13599: Architecture and Cultural Influences", "3597": "T13600: Science Education and Perceptions", "3598": "T13601: Urban Transport Systems Analysis", "3599": "T13602: Educational Methods and Media Use", "3600": "T13603: Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability", "3601": "T13604: Adsorption, diffusion, and thermodynamic properties of materials", "3602": "T13605: Homicide, Infanticide, and Child Abuse", "3603": "T13606: Umberto Eco and Semiotics", "3604": "T13607: Academic Publishing and Open Access", "3605": "T13608: Advanced Computational Techniques in Science and Engineering", "3606": "T13609: Economic, Social, and Public Health Issues in Russia and Globally", "3607": "T13610: Society, Economy, and Ethics Research", "3608": "T13611: Education, Management, Technology, Human Resources", "3609": "T13612: Advanced Scientific and Engineering Studies", "3610": "T13613: Health, Education, and Cultural Studies", "3611": "T13614: Social and Economic Solidarity", "3612": "T13615: Transportation Systems and Safety", "3613": "T13616: Governance, Compliance, and Sustainability", "3614": "T13617: Gender, Violence, Rights in Latin America", "3615": "T13618: Regional Socio-Economic Development Trends", "3616": "T13619: Geotechnical and Geomechanical Engineering", "3617": "T13620: Education for Peace and Conflict Resolution", "3618": "T13621: Ancient and Medieval Archaeology Studies", "3619": "T13622: Historical and Environmental Studies", "3620": "T13623: Linguistic Studies and Language Acquisition", "3621": "T13624: Social Sciences and Policies", "3622": "T13625: Journalism and Media Studies", "3623": "T13626: Educational and Organizational Development", "3624": "T13627: Cultural and Educational Studies", "3625": "T13628: Agricultural Productivity and Crop Improvement", "3626": "T13629: Text Readability and Simplification", "3627": "T13630: Agriculture Market Analysis Ukraine", "3628": "T13631: Global History, Politics, and Ideology", "3629": "T13632: Marriage and Sexual Relationships", "3630": "T13633: Public Health and Social Inequalities", "3631": "T13634: Middle East and Rwanda Conflicts", "3632": "T13635: Philosophy and Education Pedagogy", "3633": "T13636: Pentecostalism and Christianity Studies", "3634": "T13637: Calpain Protease Function and Regulation", "3635": "T13638: Human auditory perception and evaluation", "3636": "T13639: Paraquat toxicity studies and treatments", "3637": "T13640: Ranque-Hilsch vortex tube", "3638": "T13641: Historical Studies and Socio-cultural Analysis", "3639": "T13642: Organizational Downsizing and Restructuring", "3640": "T13643: Artificial Intelligence in Law", "3641": "T13644: Control Systems in Engineering", "3642": "T13645: Thermodynamic and Structural Properties of Metals and Alloys", "3643": "T13646: Qur\u2019anic Interpretation Studies", "3644": "T13647: AI and Big Data Applications", "3645": "T13648: Cerebrovascular and genetic disorders", "3646": "T13649: Advanced Synthetic Organic Chemistry", "3647": "T13650: Computational Physics and Python Applications", "3648": "T13651: Medicinal Plants and Bioactive Compounds", "3649": "T13652: Education and Social Development in Ukraine", "3650": "T13653: Commonwealth, Australian Politics and Federalism", "3651": "T13654: Urban Planning and Landscape Design", "3652": "T13655: Canadian Policy and Governance", "3653": "T13656: Science, Research, and Medicine", "3654": "T13657: Aortic Thrombus and Embolism", "3655": "T13658: Education and Professional Development", "3656": "T13659: Ombudsman and Human Rights", "3657": "T13660: Philosophical and Historical Studies", "3658": "T13661: Reformed Theology and Governance", "3659": "T13662: Qualitative research in health", "3660": "T13663: Sustainability, Environment, and Optimization Algorithms", "3661": "T13664: Genome Rearrangement Algorithms", "3662": "T13665: Legal and cultural studies analysis", "3663": "T13666: Postmodernism in Literature and Education", "3664": "T13667: French Literature and Criticism", "3665": "T13668: Agricultural and Rural Development Research", "3666": "T13669: China's Global Influence and Migration", "3667": "T13670: Ziziphus Jujuba Studies and Applications", "3668": "T13671: Philosophy and Phenomenology Studies", "3669": "T13672: Thomas Hardy Literature Studies", "3670": "T13673: Library Science and Information", "3671": "T13674: Computer Science and Engineering", "3672": "T13675: Diffusion Coefficients in Liquids", "3673": "T13676: Educational and Technological Research", "3674": "T13677: Magnolia and Illicium research", "3675": "T13678: Agricultural Research and Practices", "3676": "T13679: Tardigrade Biology and Ecology", "3677": "T13680: Education, Psychology, and Complexity Research", "3678": "T13681: Engineering and Information Technology", "3679": "T13682: Engineering Education and Pedagogy", "3680": "T13683: Architecture, Art, Education", "3681": "T13684: Political Dynamics in Latin America", "3682": "T13685: Material Science and Thermodynamics", "3683": "T13687: Extractivism and Socioeconomic Issues", "3684": "T13688: Shallot Cultivation and Analysis", "3685": "T13689: Underground infrastructure and sustainability", "3686": "T13690: Quality and Safety in Healthcare", "3687": "T13691: Energy, Environment, Agriculture Analysis", "3688": "T13692: Italian Social Issues and Migration", "3689": "T13693: Smart Systems and Machine Learning", "3690": "T13694: Immigration Law and Human Rights", "3691": "T13695: Aging, Elder Care, and Social Issues", "3692": "T13696: Technology's Impact on Media", "3693": "T13697: Biliary and Gastrointestinal Fistulas", "3694": "T13698: Education, Politics, and Culture Studies", "3695": "T13699: Public Spaces through Art", "3696": "T13700: Gender Studies and Social Issues", "3697": "T13701: Psycholinguistics and Behavioral Studies", "3698": "T13702: Machine Learning in Healthcare", "3699": "T13703: Attention Economy in Education and Business", "3700": "T13704: French Literature and Poetry", "3701": "T13705: Australian Indigenous Culture and History", "3702": "T13706: Management and Optimization Techniques", "3703": "T13707: Literature, Language, and Rhetoric Studies", "3704": "T13708: History of Emotions Research", "3705": "T13709: Education in Diverse Contexts", "3706": "T13710: European and International Law Studies", "3707": "T13711: Environmental Science and Technology", "3708": "T13712: Kantian Philosophy and Modern Interpretations", "3709": "T13713: Diverse Perspectives in Modern Studies", "3710": "T13714: Medieval Architecture and Archaeology", "3711": "T13715: Power Line Inspection Robots", "3712": "T13716: Communication Studies and Media", "3713": "T13717: Advanced Algorithms and Applications", "3714": "T13718: Media Influence and Politics", "3715": "T13719: Phytochemistry and Bioactivity Studies", "3716": "T13720: Benford\u2019s Law and Fraud Detection", "3717": "T13721: Political Science Research and Education", "3718": "T13722: Ergonomics and Human Factors", "3719": "T13724: Humanities and Social Sciences", "3720": "T13725: Pineapple and bromelain studies", "3721": "T13726: International Science and Diplomacy", "3722": "T13727: Linguistic and Sociocultural Studies", "3723": "T13728: Crime, Deviance, and Social Control", "3724": "T13729: Korean Urban and Social Studies", "3725": "T13730: Martial Arts: Techniques, Psychology, and Education", "3726": "T13731: Advanced Computing and Algorithms", "3727": "T13732: Aerospace, Electronics, Mathematical Modeling", "3728": "T13733: Moravian Church and William Blake", "3729": "T13734: Advanced Computational Techniques and Applications", "3730": "T13735: History of Medical Practice", "3731": "T13736: Steroid Chemistry and Biochemistry", "3732": "T13737: Critical and Liberation Pedagogy", "3733": "T13738: Congenital Ear and Nasal Anomalies", "3734": "T13739: Medieval and Early Modern Justice", "3735": "T13740: Soil Science and Environmental Management", "3736": "T13741: Cross-Cultural and Social Analysis", "3737": "T13742: Metallurgy and Cultural Artifacts", "3738": "T13743: Italian Literature and Culture", "3739": "T13744: Financial Literacy and Behavior", "3740": "T13745: Media and Digital Communication", "3741": "T13746: Mechanical Systems and Engineering", "3742": "T13747: Sociopolitical Dynamics in Russia", "3743": "T13748: Advanced Statistical Modeling Techniques", "3744": "T13749: Hungarian Social, Economic and Educational Studies", "3745": "T13750: Mormonism, Religion, and History", "3746": "T13751: Diverse Approaches in Healthcare and Education Studies", "3747": "T13752: Mechanics and Biomechanics Studies", "3748": "T13753: Diverse multidisciplinary academic research", "3749": "T13754: Central European and Russian historical studies", "3750": "T13755: Global socioeconomic and cultural dynamics", "3751": "T13756: International Environmental Law and Policies", "3752": "T13757: Graphic Design and Typography", "3753": "T13758: Energy Law and Policy", "3754": "T13759: Medical Imaging and Pathology Studies", "3755": "T13760: Finance, Taxation, and Governance", "3756": "T13761: HIV/AIDS oral health manifestations", "3757": "T13762: Education and Labor Relations", "3758": "T13763: Historical Legal Studies and Society", "3759": "T13764: Political theory and Gramsci", "3760": "T13765: Social Science and Policy Research", "3761": "T13766: Media, Journalism, and Communication History", "3762": "T13767: Leech Biology and Applications", "3763": "T13768: Oral and gingival health research", "3764": "T13769: Fusion and Plasma Physics Studies", "3765": "T13770: Pediatric health and respiratory diseases", "3766": "T13771: Advanced Research in Science and Engineering", "3767": "T13772: Geomechanics and Mining Engineering", "3768": "T13773: International Labor and Employment Law", "3769": "T13774: Citizenship Education and Democracy", "3770": "T13775: Hydrogen's biological and therapeutic effects", "3771": "T13776: Phytochemical and Pharmacological Studies", "3772": "T13777: Cognitive and psychological constructs research", "3773": "T13778: Comparative and World Literature", "3774": "T13779: Cancer Mechanisms and Therapy", "3775": "T13780: Diverse Education Studies and Reforms", "3776": "T13781: Coleoptera: Cerambycidae studies", "3777": "T13782: Transactional Analysis in Psychotherapy", "3778": "T13783: Feminism, Gender, and Intersectionality", "3779": "T13784: Jewish Identity and Society", "3780": "T13785: Aquatic and Environmental Studies", "3781": "T13786: Diverse Academic Research Studies", "3782": "T13787: Globalization, Historical Perspectives, and International Relations", "3783": "T13788: Cultural Identity and Representation", "3784": "T13789: Global Education Systems and Policies", "3785": "T13790: Waste Management and Environmental Impact", "3786": "T13791: Veterinary medicine and infectious diseases", "3787": "T13792: Morinda citrifolia extract uses", "3788": "T13793: Environmental and Analytical Chemistry Studies", "3789": "T13794: Financial Reporting and XBRL", "3790": "T13795: Language, Communication, and Linguistic Studies", "3791": "T13796: Neurological Disorders and Treatments", "3792": "T13797: Probabilistic Statistics in Medicine", "3793": "T13798: Hops Chemistry and Applications", "3794": "T13799: Media and Communication Studies", "3795": "T13800: Earthquake and Disaster Impact Studies", "3796": "T13801: Urban Arborization and Environmental Studies", "3797": "T13802: Vietnamese History and Culture Studies", "3798": "T13803: Organizational Strategy and Culture", "3799": "T13804: Physical Activity and Education Research", "3800": "T13805: Adolescent Health and Behaviors", "3801": "T13806: Mathematical and Computational Methods", "3802": "T13807: Cultural Insights and Digital Impacts", "3803": "T13808: Construction Engineering and Safety", "3804": "T13809: Philosophy, Health, and Society", "3805": "T13810: Legal Systems and Institutions", "3806": "T13811: Earth Systems and Cosmic Evolution", "3807": "T13812: AI and HR Technologies", "3808": "T13813: Oral and Craniofacial Lesions", "3809": "T13814: Cultural and political discourse analysis", "3810": "T13815: Islamic Thought and Society Studies", "3811": "T13816: Advanced Signal Processing Techniques", "3812": "T13817: Tannin, Tannase and Anticancer Activities", "3813": "T13818: Cultural Studies and Colonialism", "3814": "T13819: Collaborative and Sustainable Housing Initiatives", "3815": "T13820: SAS software applications and methods", "3816": "T13821: Coaching Methods and Impact", "3817": "T13822: Indigenous Health and Education", "3818": "T13823: Religious and Theological Studies", "3819": "T13824: National Identity and Symbolism", "3820": "T13825: Economic Policies and Impacts", "3821": "T13826: Bangladesh Politics, Society, and Development", "3822": "T13827: Mechatronics Education and Applications", "3823": "T13828: Natural Products and Biological Research", "3824": "T13829: Health, Work, and Social Studies in Poland", "3825": "T13830: Educational Curriculum and Learning Methods", "3826": "T13831: Archaeological and Geological Studies", "3827": "T13832: Advanced Decision-Making Techniques", "3828": "T13833: Ferrocene Chemistry and Applications", "3829": "T13834: Whipple's Disease and Interleukins", "3830": "T13835: Educational, Social, and Political Issues", "3831": "T13836: Educational Research and Pedagogy", "3832": "T13837: Diverse Cultural and Social Studies", "3833": "T13838: Plant and soil sciences", "3834": "T13839: Tourism, Volunteerism, and Development", "3835": "T13840: Chemical Safety and Risk Management", "3836": "T13841: Psychology of Social Influence", "3837": "T13842: Intellectual Property Law", "3838": "T13843: African Sexualities and LGBTQ+ Issues", "3839": "T13844: Higher Education Learning Practices", "3840": "T13845: Classical Studies and Legal History", "3841": "T13846: Mangiferin and Mango Extracts", "3842": "T13847: Literature Analysis and Criticism", "3843": "T13848: Ottoman and Turkish Studies", "3844": "T13849: Enterobacteriaceae and Cronobacter Research", "3845": "T13850: Night-time city culture", "3846": "T13851: Law, AI, and Intellectual Property", "3847": "T13852: Seismic and Structural Analysis of Tall Buildings", "3848": "T13853: Teacher Education and Assessments", "3849": "T13854: Historical Geography and Cartography", "3850": "T13855: Aerospace Engineering and Control Systems", "3851": "T13856: Advanced Power Generation Technologies", "3852": "T13857: Mining and Industrial Processes", "3853": "T13858: Technical Engine Diagnostics and Monitoring", "3854": "T13859: Organic Chemistry Synthesis Methods", "3855": "T13860: Arts and Performance Studies", "3856": "T13861: Health and Lifestyle Studies", "3857": "T13862: Soil, Finite Element Methods", "3858": "T13863: Cultural History and Identity Formation", "3859": "T13864: Indigenous Cultures and History", "3860": "T13865: Nationalism and Cultural Identity", "3861": "T13866: Occupational health in dentistry", "3862": "T13867: Economic Growth and Development", "3863": "T13868: Afro-Latin American Studies", "3864": "T13869: Ocular and Laser Science Research", "3865": "T13870: Environmental and Ecological Studies", "3866": "T13871: Melamine detection and toxicity", "3867": "T13872: Vocational and Entrepreneurial Education", "3868": "T13873: Educational Methods and Technology", "3869": "T13874: Information Architecture and Usability", "3870": "T13875: Legal Studies and Reforms", "3871": "T13876: Chemical synthesis and pharmacological studies", "3872": "T13877: Law in Society and Culture", "3873": "T13878: Case Reports on Hematomas", "3874": "T13879: Indigenous Peoples' Rights and Law", "3875": "T13880: Innovative Education Methods and Tools", "3876": "T13881: Sociology and Norbert Elias", "3877": "T13882: Research studies in Vietnam", "3878": "T13883: Child and Adolescent Health", "3879": "T13884: Educational Leadership and Practices", "3880": "T13885: Geophysics and Sensor Technology", "3881": "T13886: Operations Management Techniques", "3882": "T13887: Augustinian Studies and Theology", "3883": "T13888: Social Policies and Family", "3884": "T13889: Advanced Materials and Semiconductor Technologies", "3885": "T13890: Remote Sensing and Land Use", "3886": "T13891: Engineering Diagnostics and Reliability", "3887": "T13892: Aquatic life and conservation", "3888": "T13893: Sustainable Development and Policies", "3889": "T13894: Indian Economic and Social Development", "3890": "T13895: Educational Leadership and Innovation", "3891": "T13896: Health Services Management and Policy", "3892": "T13897: Historical Economic and Legal Thought", "3893": "T13898: Diverse Interdisciplinary Research Studies", "3894": "T13899: Agricultural Systems and Practices", "3895": "T13900: Contemporary and Historical Greek Studies", "3896": "T13901: State Capitalism and Financial Governance", "3897": "T13902: Indian History and Philosophy", "3898": "T13903: Innovative Educational Techniques", "3899": "T13904: Artificial Intelligence Applications", "3900": "T13905: Telecommunications and Broadcasting Technologies", "3901": "T13906: Social Issues and Policies", "3902": "T13907: Social Issues and Sustainability", "3903": "T13908: Scientific and Historical Analyses", "3904": "T13909: Environmental Quality and Pollution", "3905": "T13910: Computational and Text Analysis Methods", "3906": "T13911: Employment, Labor, and Gender Studies", "3907": "T13912: Language, Linguistics, Cultural Analysis", "3908": "T13913: Blockchain Technology in Education and Learning", "3909": "T13914: European Cultural and National Identity", "3910": "T13915: Public Health in Brazil", "3911": "T13916: Environmental Policies and Emissions", "3912": "T13917: Engineering and Material Science Research", "3913": "T13918: Advanced Data and IoT Technologies", "3914": "T13919: Medicinal plant effects and applications", "3915": "T13920: Urban Planning and Valuation", "3916": "T13921: Biological Stains and Phytochemicals", "3917": "T13922: Historical Art and Culture Studies", "3918": "T13923: Nuclear and radioactivity studies", "3919": "T13924: Internet of Things and Social Network Interactions", "3920": "T13925: Offshore Engineering and Technologies", "3921": "T13926: Feminism, Gender, and Sexuality Studies", "3922": "T13927: Cyberloafing and Workplace Behavior", "3923": "T13928: Advanced Sensor Technologies Research", "3924": "T13929: Educational Outcomes and Influences", "3925": "T13930: Diverse Education and Engineering Focus", "3926": "T13931: Philosophy and Historical Thought", "3927": "T13932: Education, Technology, and Economics", "3928": "T13933: Whitehead's Philosophy and Applications", "3929": "T13934: Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Agriculture", "3930": "T13935: Mathematical Control Systems and Analysis", "3931": "T13936: Physical Education and Gymnastics", "3932": "T13937: Genetics, Bioinformatics, and Biomedical Research", "3933": "T13938: Historical and Contemporary Political Dynamics", "3934": "T13939: Archaeology and Natural History", "3935": "T13940: Philosophy and Literary Analysis", "3936": "T13941: Geotechnical and Mining Engineering", "3937": "T13942: International Human Rights and Reproductive Law", "3938": "T13943: Beetle Biology and Toxicology Studies", "3939": "T13944: Psychiatric care and mental health services", "3940": "T13945: Legal, Health, Environmental and COVID-19 Challenges", "3941": "T13946: Musculoskeletal Disorders and Rehabilitation", "3942": "T13947: Media Discourse and Social Analysis", "3943": "T13948: Gender and Women's Rights", "3944": "T13949: Belt and Road Initiative", "3945": "T13950: Collembola Taxonomy and Ecology Studies", "3946": "T13951: Fluid dynamics and aerodynamics studies", "3947": "T13952: Information Technology and Learning", "3948": "T13953: Digital Imaging in Medicine", "3949": "T13954: Aerospace Engineering and Applications", "3950": "T13955: Evaluation Methods in Various Fields", "3951": "T13956: Sociopolitical Dynamics in Nepal", "3952": "T13957: Corporate Governance and Financial Management", "3953": "T13958: Education, Innovation and Language Studies", "3954": "T13959: Swearing, Euphemism, Multilingualism", "3955": "T13960: Dietetics, Nutrition, and Education", "3956": "T13961: Socioeconomics of Resources and Conservation", "3957": "T13962: Omental and Epiploic Conditions", "3958": "T13963: Organizational Management and Leadership", "3959": "T13964: Educational Technology and Optimization", "3960": "T13965: Laser and Thermal Forming Techniques", "3961": "T13966: Neurological and metabolic disorders", "3962": "T13967: Conservation, Ecology, Wildlife Education", "3963": "T13968: Contemporary Cultural and Social Studies", "3964": "T13969: Flooding and Environmental Impact", "3965": "T13970: Pharmacy and Medical Practices", "3966": "T13971: Synthesis and Biological Activity", "3967": "T13972: Business Law and Ethics", "3968": "T13973: Catholicism, Bioethics, Media, Education", "3969": "T13974: Health, Education, and Aging", "3970": "T13975: Energy, Economy, and Technology Trends", "3971": "T13976: Web visibility and informetrics", "3972": "T13977: Geography and Environmental Studies in Latin America", "3973": "T13978: Foreign Language Teaching Methods", "3974": "T13979: Communication and COVID-19 Impact", "3975": "T13980: Alexander von Humboldt Studies", "3976": "T13981: Violence, Education, and Gender Studies", "3977": "T13982: Social Movements and Cultural Identity", "3978": "T13983: Cybersecurity and Information Systems", "3979": "T13984: Nutrition, Genetics, and Disease", "3980": "T13985: Enterprise Management and Information Systems", "3981": "T13986: Medical Practices and Rehabilitation", "3982": "T13987: Child Development and Education", "3983": "T13988: Public Administration and Governance", "3984": "T13989: Labour Market and Migration", "3985": "T13990: Engine and Fuel Emissions", "3986": "T13991: Nuclear Receptors and Signaling", "3987": "T13992: Cynara cardunculus studies", "3988": "T13993: Historical Geopolitical and Social Dynamics", "3989": "T13994: The Impact of Diversity and Innovation on Society", "3990": "T13995: Globalization and political ideologies", "3991": "T13996: Diverse Musicological Studies", "3992": "T13997: Scientific Research and Studies", "3993": "T13998: History, Medicine, and Leadership", "3994": "T13999: Digital Rights Management and Security", "3995": "T14000: Cultural, Social, and Media Studies", "3996": "T14001: Evelyn Waugh and Hans Urs von Balthasar Studies", "3997": "T14002: Art, Technology, and Culture", "3998": "T14003: Labor Law and Work Dynamics", "3999": "T14004: History and Cultural Heritage", "4000": "T14005: Eastern European Communism and Reforms", "4001": "T14006: Linguistics, Language Diversity, and Identity", "4002": "T14007: Indigenous and Place-Based Education", "4003": "T14008: Balkan and Eastern European Studies", "4004": "T14009: Ecology and Conservation Studies", "4005": "T14010: Food Industry and Aquatic Biology", "4006": "T14011: Elevator Systems and Control", "4007": "T14012: Comparative and International Law Studies", "4008": "T14013: Legal Language and Interpretation", "4009": "T14014: Transportation Systems and Infrastructure", "4010": "T14015: Otitis Media and Relapsing Polychondritis", "4011": "T14016: International Relations and Autism", "4012": "T14017: Legal Issues in Education", "4013": "T14018: Agriculture and Biological Studies", "4014": "T14019: Socioeconomic and Demographic Analysis", "4015": "T14020: Medical research and treatments", "4016": "T14021: Medieval European Literature and History", "4017": "T14022: Cultural and Religious Practices in Indonesia", "4018": "T14023: Interdisciplinary Studies and Sociocultural Dynamics", "4019": "T14024: Education, Philosophy, and Society", "4020": "T14025: Educational Technology and Assessment", "4021": "T14026: Flannery O'Connor and Thomas Merton", "4022": "T14027: 21st Century Education and Governance", "4023": "T14028: Healthcare and Venom Research", "4024": "T14029: Thoreau and American Literature", "4025": "T14030: Taxation and Legal Issues", "4026": "T14031: Global and Cross-Cultural Management", "4027": "T14032: History and International Relations", "4028": "T14033: Education in Rural Contexts", "4029": "T14034: Musicians\u2019 Health and Performance", "4030": "T14035: Literature, Culture, and Aesthetics", "4031": "T14036: Literary and Philosophical Studies", "4032": "T14037: Arabic Language Education Studies", "4033": "T14038: Youth, Politics, and Society", "4034": "T14039: Ecology and biodiversity studies", "4035": "T14040: Problem Solving Skills Development", "4036": "T14041: Central European Literary Studies", "4037": "T14042: Technology and Security Systems", "4038": "T14043: Historical and modern epidemiology studies", "4039": "T14044: Medical and Agricultural Research Studies", "4040": "T14045: Health, Education, and Physical Culture", "4041": "T14046: Bach Studies and Logistics Development", "4042": "T14047: Marine and environmental studies", "4043": "T14048: Silkworms and Sericulture Research", "4044": "T14049: Plant and Fungal Species Descriptions", "4045": "T14050: Forest Ecology and Conservation", "4046": "T14051: Regional Economic and Spatial Analysis", "4047": "T14052: Galician and Iberian cultural studies", "4048": "T14053: Dengue and Mosquito Control Research", "4049": "T14054: Humic Substances and Bio-Organic Studies", "4050": "T14055: Consumer Packaging Perceptions and Trends", "4051": "T14056: Safety Warnings and Signage", "4052": "T14057: Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy and related conditions", "4053": "T14058: Value Engineering and Management", "4054": "T14059: Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, and Hegel", "4055": "T14060: Education and Communication Studies", "4056": "T14061: Educational Practices and Policies", "4057": "T14062: Migration and Exile Studies", "4058": "T14063: Diverse Philosophical and Cultural Studies", "4059": "T14064: Organizational and Employee Performance", "4060": "T14065: Biological Research and Disease Studies", "4061": "T14066: Economic Development and Regional Competitiveness", "4062": "T14067: Cloud Computing and Remote Desktop Technologies", "4063": "T14068: Organic and Inorganic Chemical Reactions", "4064": "T14069: Scientific Research Methodologies and Applications", "4065": "T14070: Knowledge Societies in the 21st Century", "4066": "T14071: Healthcare during COVID-19 Pandemic", "4067": "T14072: Immunotoxicology and immune responses", "4068": "T14073: Diverse Global Research Studies", "4069": "T14074: Persona Design and Applications", "4070": "T14075: Psychodrama and Leishmaniasis Studies", "4071": "T14076: Material Properties and Failure Mechanisms", "4072": "T14077: Socio-political and Technological Issues", "4073": "T14078: Multiple and Secondary Primary Cancers", "4074": "T14079: Mathematics Education and Programs", "4075": "T14080: Philosophy, Sociology, Political Theory", "4076": "T14081: Linguistic Education and Pedagogy", "4077": "T14082: Modeling, Simulation, and Optimization", "4078": "T14083: Extremum Seeking Control Systems", "4079": "T14084: Methodology and Impact of Social Science Research", "4080": "T14085: Student Stress and Coping", "4081": "T14086: Military and Defense Studies", "4082": "T14087: Economic, Educational, Environmental and Organizational Development", "4083": "T14088: Generational Differences and Trends", "4084": "T14089: Nanotechnology research and applications", "4085": "T14090: Health and Conflict Studies", "4086": "T14091: Industrial and Mining Safety", "4087": "T14092: Ethics, Aesthetics, and Art", "4088": "T14093: Global Health and Epidemiology", "4089": "T14094: Italy: Economic History and Contemporary Issues", "4090": "T14095: Literature, Musicology, and Cultural Analysis", "4091": "T14096: Advancements in Materials Engineering", "4092": "T14097: Chemistry Education and Research", "4093": "T14098: Energy Efficiency in Computing", "4094": "T14099: Synthesis and Characterization of Heterocyclic Compounds", "4095": "T14100: Scientific Research and Technology", "4096": "T14101: Financial Crisis of the 21st Century", "4097": "T14102: Corporate Governance and Law", "4098": "T14103: Educational Management and Quality", "4099": "T14104: Developmental and Educational Neuropsychology", "4100": "T14105: Cultural and Artistic Studies", "4101": "T14106: Environmental and Sediment Control", "4102": "T14107: Appalachian Studies and Mathematics", "4103": "T14108: Medical and Pharmaceutic Studies", "4104": "T14109: Scottish History and National Identity", "4105": "T14110: Islamic Studies and Radicalism", "4106": "T14111: Diverse Research Studies Overview", "4107": "T14112: Economic, financial, and policy analysis", "4108": "T14113: Global Socioeconomic and Political Dynamics", "4109": "T14114: Digital Media and Philosophy", "4110": "T14115: Legal processes and jurisprudence", "4111": "T14116: Aviation History and Innovations", "4112": "T14117: Integrated Circuits and Semiconductor Failure Analysis", "4113": "T14118: Social and Demographic Issues in Germany", "4114": "T14119: Agricultural and Environmental Management", "4115": "T14120: Thallium and Germanium Studies", "4116": "T14121: Logistics and Transportation Systems", "4117": "T14122: Impact of Education Environments", "4118": "T14123: Decolonial Thought and Epistemologies", "4119": "T14124: Food, Nutrition, and Cultural Practices", "4120": "T14125: Education, Sociology, Communication Studies", "4121": "T14126: Intramuscular injections and effects", "4122": "T14127: Food and Agricultural Sciences", "4123": "T14128: Metallurgical and Alloy Processes", "4124": "T14129: Economic and Business Studies", "4125": "T14130: Healthcare, Law, Governance, and Management Studies", "4126": "T14131: Giambattista Vico and Joyce", "4127": "T14132: Medical Research and Islamic Perspectives", "4128": "T14133: Border Security and International Relations", "4129": "T14134: Medical and Biological Sciences", "4130": "T14135: Cancer and biochemical research", "4131": "T14136: Education and Military Integration", "4132": "T14137: Agriculture, Soil, Plant Science", "4133": "T14138: Life Cycle Costing Analysis", "4134": "T14139: E-commerce and Technology Innovations", "4135": "T14140: Elite Sociology and Global Capitalism", "4136": "T14141: Colonial History and Postcolonial Studies", "4137": "T14142: Multicultural Socio-Legal Studies", "4138": "T14143: Economic and Technological Innovation", "4139": "T14144: Neurological Disease Mechanisms and Treatments", "4140": "T14145: Diverse Cultural Media Analysis", "4141": "T14146: Earthquake and Tsunami Effects", "4142": "T14147: Innovative Approaches in Technology and Social Development", "4143": "T14148: Kierkegaardian Philosophy and Influence", "4144": "T14149: Historical and Literary Analyses", "4145": "T14150: Biochemical and biochemical processes", "4146": "T14151: Literary Analysis and Cultural Studies", "4147": "T14152: Healthcare Facilities Design and Sustainability", "4148": "T14153: Social Development and Education Research", "4149": "T14154: finance, banking, and market dynamics", "4150": "T14155: Advanced Technology in Applications", "4151": "T14156: Engineering Applied Research", "4152": "T14157: Environmental and Agricultural Sciences", "4153": "T14158: Optical Systems and Laser Technology", "4154": "T14159: Discourse Analysis and Cultural Communication", "4155": "T14160: Water management and technologies", "4156": "T14161: Health and Education Studies", "4157": "T14162: Historical and Literary Studies", "4158": "T14163: Astronomical Observations and Instrumentation", "4159": "T14164: Marine and Offshore Engineering Studies", "4160": "T14165: Inflammation biomarkers and pathways", "4161": "T14166: European Monetary and Fiscal Policies", "4162": "T14167: Consumer behavior in food and health", "4163": "T14168: Occupational Health and Global Justice", "4164": "T14169: Public Health and Environmental Issues", "4165": "T14170: Classical Studies and Philology", "4166": "T14171: Education, Law, and Society", "4167": "T14172: Cultural and Social Studies in Latin America", "4168": "T14173: Education, Healthcare and Sociology Research", "4169": "T14174: Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems", "4170": "T14175: Intuitionistic Fuzzy Systems Applications", "4171": "T14176: Interdisciplinary Cultural and Social Studies", "4172": "T14177: Water Resources and Management", "4173": "T14178: Environmental Science and Water Management", "4174": "T14179: Waste Management and Recycling", "4175": "T14180: Law, logistics, and international trade", "4176": "T14181: Academic Freedom and Politics", "4177": "T14182: Technology-Enhanced Education Studies", "4178": "T14183: Banking Sector Performance and Management", "4179": "T14184: Metallurgy and Material Science", "4180": "T14185: Research, Science, and Academia", "4181": "T14186: Healthcare Systems and Practices", "4182": "T14187: Varied Academic Research Topics", "4183": "T14188: Latin American Legal and Economic Studies", "4184": "T14189: Intravenous Infusion Technology and Safety", "4185": "T14190: Military history and social perspectives", "4186": "T14191: Historical Art and Architecture Studies", "4187": "T14192: Literature, Film, and Journalism Analysis", "4188": "T14193: Literature and Cultural Memory", "4189": "T14194: Bioactive Compounds in Plants", "4190": "T14195: Linguistic and Cultural Studies", "4191": "T14196: Multidisciplinary Warburg-centric Studies", "4192": "T14197: Historical Studies of Medieval Iberia", "4193": "T14198: Philosophical Thought and Analysis", "4194": "T14199: Historical and Scientific Studies", "4195": "T14200: Medical, Sociocultural, and Biopolitical Studies", "4196": "T14201: Data Analysis and Archiving", "4197": "T14202: Sustainability, Governance, and Employment Studies", "4198": "T14203: Education, Safety, and Science Studies", "4199": "T14204: Railway Systems and Materials Science", "4200": "T14205: Education and Art Integration", "4201": "T14206: Animal Law and Welfare", "4202": "T14207: Higher Education Practises and Engagement", "4203": "T14208: Death, Funerary Practices, and Mourning", "4204": "T14209: Public health and occupational medicine", "4205": "T14210: Historical and Linguistic Studies", "4206": "T14211: Diverse academic research themes", "4207": "T14212: Health Promotion and Cardiovascular Prevention", "4208": "T14213: Global Politics and Economy", "4209": "T14214: Space Exploration and Technology", "4210": "T14215: Chemical and Environmental Engineering Research", "4211": "T14216: Multimedia Learning Systems", "4212": "T14217: American Literature and Humor Studies", "4213": "T14218: Engineering Education and Global Impact", "4214": "T14219: Local Economic Development and Planning", "4215": "T14220: Workaholism, burnout, and well-being", "4216": "T14221: activated carbon and charcoal", "4217": "T14222: Knowledge Management and Technology", "4218": "T14223: Ayn Rand and Bront\u00eb studies", "4219": "T14224: Oil, Gas, and Environmental Issues", "4220": "T14225: Advanced Sensor and Control Systems", "4221": "T14226: Migration, Racism, and Human Rights", "4222": "T14227: Educational Practices and Challenges", "4223": "T14228: Religion and Sociopolitical Dynamics in Nigeria", "4224": "T14229: Physical education and sports games research", "4225": "T14230: Occupational and Professional Licensing Regulation", "4226": "T14231: New Zealand Economic and Social Studies", "4227": "T14232: Water Resource Management and Quality", "4228": "T14233: Diverse Topics in Contemporary Research", "4229": "T14234: Data Privacy and Cybersecurity", "4230": "T14235: Linguistic, Cultural, and Literary Studies", "4231": "T14236: Educational Tools and Methods", "4232": "T14237: Historical and Political Studies", "4233": "T14238: Historical Gender and Feminism Studies", "4234": "T14239: Business, Education, Mathematics Research", "4235": "T14240: E-Learning and COVID-19", "4236": "T14241: Evasion and Academic Success Factors", "4237": "T14242: Nutrition, Health, and Society Studies", "4238": "T14243: Creative Drama in Education", "4239": "T14244: Consumer Behavior and Marketing Influence", "4240": "T14245: Biomarkers in Disease Mechanisms", "4241": "T14246: E-Learning and Knowledge Management", "4242": "T14247: Borges, Kipling, and Jewish Identity", "4243": "T14248: Social impacts of COVID-19", "4244": "T14249: Water Quality Monitoring and Analysis", "4245": "T14250: Energy and Environmental Systems", "4246": "T14251: Multicultural Education and Local Wisdom", "4247": "T14252: Water and Wastewater Treatment", "4248": "T14253: Latin American social science", "4249": "T14254: Digital Media and Visual Art", "4250": "T14255: European Law and Migration", "4251": "T14256: Agricultural and Food Sciences", "4252": "T14257: Advanced Measurement and Detection Methods", "4253": "T14258: Legal and Policy Issues", "4254": "T14259: Legal Rights and Human Rights", "4255": "T14260: Impact of AI and Big Data on Business and Society", "4256": "T14261: Herbal Medicine and Trade Cooperation", "4257": "T14262: Extenics and Innovation Methods", "4258": "T14263: Professional Masters Programs Analysis", "4259": "T14264: Law, Ethics, and AI Impact", "4260": "T14265: Social and Behavioral Studies", "4261": "T14266: Interdisciplinary Studies: Technology, Society, and Humanities", "4262": "T14267: Technology in Education and Healthcare", "4263": "T14268: Evolving Legal Systems and Governance", "4264": "T14269: Food Security and Socioeconomic Dynamics", "4265": "T14270: Simulation and Modeling Applications", "4266": "T14271: Educational Methods and Psychological Studies", "4267": "T14272: Agricultural and Food Production Studies", "4268": "T14273: Cultural, Psychoanalytic, and Sociopolitical Reflections", "4269": "T14274: Education and Vocational Training", "4270": "T14275: Historical Medical Research and Treatments", "4271": "T14276: Power Systems and Technologies", "4272": "T14277: Social Skills and Education", "4273": "T14278: Marxism and Critical Theory", "4274": "T14279: Academic Research and Education Studies", "4275": "T14280: Big Data Technologies and Applications", "4276": "T14281: Islamic Finance and Communication", "4277": "T14282: Security, Politics, and Digital Transformation", "4278": "T14283: Diverse Academic Research Areas", "4279": "T14284: Social Sciences and Humanities", "4280": "T14285: Biopolymer Synthesis and Applications", "4281": "T14286: Parkinson's Disease and Spinal Disorders", "4282": "T14287: Music Education and Analysis", "4283": "T14288: Law, Rights, and Freedoms", "4284": "T14289: Anthropology: Ethics, History, Culture", "4285": "T14290: Education Methods and Practices", "4286": "T14291: Indonesian Legal and Regulatory Studies", "4287": "T14292: Migration, Policy, and Dickens Studies", "4288": "T14293: Biotechnology and Related Fields", "4289": "T14294: Impulse Buying and Technology Impacts", "4290": "T14295: Families in Therapy and Culture", "4291": "T14296: Climate Change and Sustainable Development", "4292": "T14297: Plant-Derived Bioactive Compounds", "4293": "T14298: Cultural and Social Studies", "4294": "T14299: Complex Systems and Dynamics", "4295": "T14300: Legal and Social Philosophy", "4296": "T14301: Educational methodologies and cognitive development", "4297": "T14302: European Politics and Security", "4298": "T14303: Polymer Synthesis and Characterization", "4299": "T14304: Transport Systems and Technology", "4300": "T14305: Modern American Literature Studies", "4301": "T14306: Technology Assessment and Management", "4302": "T14307: Bioethics and Human Rights Issues", "4303": "T14308: Psychological and Educational Research Studies", "4304": "T14309: Employee Performance and Management", "4305": "T14310: Botany and Geology in Latin America and Caribbean", "4306": "T14311: Electrical and Electromagnetic Research", "4307": "T14312: Historical Studies in Central America", "4308": "T14313: Health and Well-being Studies", "4309": "T14314: Violence, Religion, and Philosophy", "4310": "T14315: Feminist Theory and Gender Studies", "4311": "T14316: Nursing Education, Practice, and Leadership", "4312": "T14317: Finance, Markets, and Regulation", "4313": "T14318: Polydiacetylene-based materials and applications", "4314": "T14319: Currency Recognition and Detection", "4315": "T14320: Optics and Image Analysis", "4316": "T14321: Religion, Theology, and Education", "4317": "T14322: Art, Aesthetics, and Perception", "4318": "T14323: Agriculture, Water, and Health", "4319": "T14324: Insects and Parasite Interactions", "4320": "T14325: Diverse Specialized Academic Research", "4321": "T14326: Ear and Head Tumors", "4322": "T14327: Advanced Energy Technologies and Civil Engineering Innovations", "4323": "T14328: Diverse scientific research topics", "4324": "T14329: Science and Climate Studies", "4325": "T14330: Library Science and Information Systems", "4326": "T14331: Medicinal Plant Pharmacodynamics Research", "4327": "T14332: European Linguistics and Anthropology", "4328": "T14333: Dermatoglyphics and Human Traits", "4329": "T14334: HIV/AIDS Impact and Responses", "4330": "T14335: Educational Robotics and Engineering", "4331": "T14336: Land Use and Management", "4332": "T14337: Religious, Philosophical, and Educational Studies", "4333": "T14338: Leadership, Human Resources, Global Affairs", "4334": "T14339: Image Processing and 3D Reconstruction", "4335": "T14340: Islamic Social Reporting", "4336": "T14341: Education, Technology, and Ethics", "4337": "T14342: Military, Security, and Education Studies", "4338": "T14343: Hispanic-African Historical Relations", "4339": "T14344: Pathogenesis and Treatment of Hiccups", "4340": "T14345: Scientific Research and Philosophical Inquiry", "4341": "T14346: Scientific Innovation and Industrial Efficiency", "4342": "T14347: Big Data and Digital Economy", "4343": "T14348: Marriage and Family Dynamics", "4344": "T14349: Global Political and Economic Relations", "4345": "T14350: Innovation, Sustainability, Human-Machine Systems", "4346": "T14351: Statistical and Computational Modeling", "4347": "T14352: Globalization and Economic Impact", "4348": "T14353: Wireless Sensor Networks for Data Analysis", "4349": "T14354: Emergency Medicine Education and Research", "4350": "T14355: Historical Studies of British Isles", "4351": "T14356: Organizational Leadership and Management Strategies", "4352": "T14357: Architecture, Design, and Social History", "4353": "T14358: Healthcare Quality and Satisfaction", "4354": "T14359: Wetland Management and Conservation", "4355": "T14360: Psidium guajava Extracts and Applications", "4356": "T14361: Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure", "4357": "T14362: Diverse Legal and Medical Studies", "4358": "T14363: Optical properties and cooling technologies in crystalline materials", "4359": "T14364: Clusterin in disease pathology", "4360": "T14365: Leaf Properties and Growth Measurement", "4361": "T14366: Schopenhauer and Stefan Zweig", "4362": "T14367: Logistics and Infrastructure Analysis", "4363": "T14368: Evaluation and Optimization Models", "4364": "T14369: Diverse Interdisciplinary Research Innovations", "4365": "T14370: Economic, Social, and Health Studies", "4366": "T14371: Hume's philosophy and hair distribution", "4367": "T14372: Environmental and Biological Research in Conflict Zones", "4368": "T14373: Securities Regulation and Market Practices", "4369": "T14374: Statistical Methods in Epidemiology", "4370": "T14375: Cultural, Linguistic, Economic Studies", "4371": "T14376: Science and Education Research", "4372": "T14378: Entomological Studies and Ecology", "4373": "T14379: Diverse Cultural and Historical Studies", "4374": "T14380: Libraries and Information Services", "4375": "T14381: Psychiatry, Mental Health, Neuroscience", "4376": "T14382: Electrophoretic Deposition in Materials Science", "4377": "T14383: Global Development and Urbanization", "4378": "T14384: Ophthalmology and Visual Health Research", "4379": "T14385: Franz Kafka Literary Studies", "4380": "T14386: Libraries, Manuscripts, and Books", "4381": "T14387: Environmental Engineering and Cultural Studies", "4382": "T14388: Medieval European History and Architecture", "4383": "T14389: Innovation, Technology, and Society", "4384": "T14390: Real estate and construction management", "4385": "T14391: Forest, Soil, and Plant Ecology in China", "4386": "T14392: Geoscience and Mining Technology", "4387": "T14393: Health, Environment, Cognitive Aging", "4388": "T14394: Cognitive Science and Education Research", "4389": "T14395: African history and culture studies", "4390": "T14396: Healthcare Regulation", "4391": "T14397: Legal and Policy Analysis in Indonesia", "4392": "T14398: Agriculture and Social Issues", "4393": "T14399: Invertebrate Taxonomy and Ecology", "4394": "T14400: Medical Coding and Health Information", "4395": "T14401: Technology, Environment, Urban Planning", "4396": "T14402: Political and Social Issues", "4397": "T14403: Educational Challenges and Innovations", "4398": "T14404: European Socioeconomic and Political Studies", "4399": "T14405: Fisheries and Aquaculture Studies", "4400": "T14406: Multidisciplinary Science and Engineering Research", "4401": "T14407: Athletic Training and Education", "4402": "T14408: Coastal Management and Development", "4403": "T14409: Educational Systems and Policies", "4404": "T14410: Safety and Risk Management", "4405": "T14411: Undergraduate Neuroscience Education and Research", "4406": "T14412: Marine and Coastal Research", "4407": "T14413: Advanced Technologies in Various Fields", "4408": "T14414: Artificial Intelligence in Education", "4409": "T14415: Biomedical Research and Pathophysiology", "4410": "T14416: Health, Technology, Consumer Behavior", "4411": "T14417: Central Asia Education and Culture", "4412": "T14418: Development, Ethics, and Society", "4413": "T14419: Banking Systems and Strategies", "4414": "T14420: Advanced Research in Systems and Signal Processing", "4415": "T14421: Educational Philosophies and Pedagogies", "4416": "T14422: Sociology, Governance, and Technology", "4417": "T14423: Military Technology and Strategies", "4418": "T14424: Economic Analysis and Policy", "4419": "T14425: Educational Practices and Sociocultural Research", "4420": "T14426: Religion, Gender, and Enlightenment", "4421": "T14427: Environmental Monitoring and Data Management", "4422": "T14428: Coal and Coke Industries Research", "4423": "T14429: Global Political and Social Dynamics", "4424": "T14430: Higher Education and Teaching Methods", "4425": "T14431: Diverse Research and Applications", "4426": "T14432: Freedom of Expression and Defamation", "4427": "T14433: Post-Communist Economic and Political Transition", "4428": "T14434: Historical and Modern Theater Studies", "4429": "T14435: Information Retrieval and Data Mining", "4430": "T14436: Employee Performance and Leadership", "4431": "T14437: Ethics and Legal Issues in Pediatric Healthcare", "4432": "T14438: Advanced Scientific Research Methods", "4433": "T14439: Feminism, Gender, and Social Issues", "4434": "T14440: Quality of Life Measurement", "4435": "T14441: Religion, Theology, History, Judaism, Christianity", "4436": "T14442: Historical Studies in Science", "4437": "T14443: COVID-19, Geopolitics, Technology, Migration", "4438": "T14444: Power Systems and Renewable Energy", "4439": "T14445: Transportation Safety and Impact Analysis", "4440": "T14446: Civil and Geotechnical Engineering Research", "4441": "T14447: Trade Secret Protection Methods", "4442": "T14448: EU Law and Policy Analysis", "4443": "T14449: Education and Character Development", "4444": "T14450: Employee Welfare and Language Studies", "4445": "T14451: Historical and Religious Studies of Rome", "4446": "T14452: Mexican Socioeconomic and Environmental Dynamics", "4447": "T14453: Sustainability and Innovation in Business", "4448": "T14454: Polymer Science and Applications", "4449": "T14455: Technology and Education Systems", "4450": "T14456: Blasting Impact and Analysis", "4451": "T14457: Intellectual Property Rights and Media", "4452": "T14458: Education and Work Dynamics", "4453": "T14459: Synthesis and Reactions of Organic Compounds", "4454": "T14460: Literary, Cultural, Historical Analysis", "4455": "T14461: Medicinal Plant Studies", "4456": "T14462: Educational Methods and Impacts", "4457": "T14463: Diverse Scientific Research Studies", "4458": "T14464: Community Development and Social Impact", "4459": "T14465: Leadership, Behavior, and Decision-Making Studies", "4460": "T14466: Migration, Health, Geopolitics, Historical Geography", "4461": "T14467: Public Administration, ICT, and Policy Development", "4462": "T14468: Plant Ecology and Soil Science", "4463": "T14469: Renaissance Literature and Culture", "4464": "T14470: Advanced Data Processing Techniques", "4465": "T14471: Education, Literature, Philosophy Research", "4466": "T14472: Environmental and Cultural Studies in Latin America and Beyond", "4467": "T14473: Social and Economic Development in India", "4468": "T14474: Industrial Technology and Control Systems", "4469": "T14475: History of Science and Medicine", "4470": "T14476: Mental Health and Well-being", "4471": "T14477: Management, Economics, and Public Policy", "4472": "T14478: Papaya Research and Applications", "4473": "T14479: Freezing and Crystallization Processes", "4474": "T14480: Historical Education and Society", "4475": "T14481: Renewable Energy and Sustainability", "4476": "T14482: Education Practices and Evaluation", "4477": "T14483: Education and Teacher Training", "4478": "T14484: Technology and Data Analysis", "4479": "T14485: Language Acquisition and Education", "4480": "T14486: Cardiovascular, Neuropeptides, and Oxidative Stress Research", "4481": "T14487: Science and Science Education", "4482": "T14488: Chemical and Physical Studies", "4483": "T14489: Basque language and culture studies", "4484": "T14490: Human Rights and Immigration", "4485": "T14491: Diverse academic and cultural studies", "4486": "T14492: War, Law, and Justice", "4487": "T14493: Criminal Law and Evidence", "4488": "T14494: American Literature and Culture", "4489": "T14495: Public Health and Nutrition", "4490": "T14496: Educational Technology and E-Learning", "4491": "T14497: Social Issues and Policies in Latin America", "4492": "T14498: Educational Technology in Learning", "4493": "T14499: Livestock Farming and Management", "4494": "T14500: Advanced Mathematical Theories", "4495": "T14501: Global Economic and Social Development", "4496": "T14502: High-Voltage Power Transmission Systems", "4497": "T14503: Globalization, Economics, and Policies", "4498": "T14504: Diverse Academic Research Analysis", "4499": "T14505: Natural Products and Applications", "4500": "T14506: Historical and Architectural Studies", "4501": "T14507: History, Culture, and Society", "4502": "T14508: Vocational Education and Training", "4503": "T14509: demographic modeling and climate adaptation", "4504": "T14510: Medical Imaging and Analysis", "4505": "T14511: Medicine, History, and Philosophy", "4506": "T14512: Technology and Human Factors in Education and Health", "4507": "T14513: Leadership, Courage, and Heroism Studies", "4508": "T14514: Medical Research and Practices", "4509": "T14515: International Law and Aviation", "4510": "T14516: English Language Learning and Teaching", "4511": "T14517: Diverse Historical and Scientific Studies", "4512": "T14518: American Sports and Literature", "4513": "T14519: Innovations in Education and Learning Technologies", "4514": "T14520: Sustainable Urban and Rural Development", "4515": "T14521: Medicinal Plant Research" }, "initializer_range": 0.02, "intermediate_size": 3072, "label2id": { "T10001: Geological and Geochemical Analysis": 0, "T10002: Advanced Chemical Physics Studies": 1, "T10003: Innovation and Knowledge Management": 2, "T10004: Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics": 3, "T10005: Ecology and Vegetation Dynamics Studies": 4, "T10006: Job Satisfaction and Organizational Behavior": 5, "T10007: Monetary Policy and Economic Impact": 6, "T10008: Teacher Education and Leadership Studies": 7, "T10009: Dementia and Cognitive Impairment Research": 8, "T10010: Obesity, Physical Activity, Diet": 9, "T10011: Literature: history, themes, analysis": 10, "T10012: Genetic diversity and population structure": 11, "T10013: Asymmetric Synthesis and Catalysis": 12, "T10014: Plant Stress Responses and Tolerance": 13, "T10015: Genomics and Phylogenetic Studies": 14, "T10016: Adsorption and biosorption for pollutant removal": 15, "T10017: Geology and Paleoclimatology Research": 16, "T10018: Advancements in Battery Materials": 17, "T10019: Corporate Finance and Governance": 18, "T10020: Quantum Information and Cryptography": 19, "T10021: EFL/ESL Teaching and Learning": 20, "T10022: Semiconductor Quantum Structures and Devices": 21, "T10023: Schizophrenia research and treatment": 22, "T10024: TiO2 Photocatalysis and Solar Cells": 23, "T10025: Black Holes and Theoretical Physics": 24, "T10026: Galaxies: Formation, Evolution, Phenomena": 25, "T10027: Diabetes, Cardiovascular Risks, and Lipoproteins": 26, "T10028: Topic Modeling": 27, "T10029: Climate variability and models": 28, "T10030: Electrocatalysts for Energy Conversion": 29, "T10031: T-cell and B-cell Immunology": 30, "T10032: Marine and coastal ecosystems": 31, "T10033: Concrete and Cement Materials Research": 32, "T10034: Syntax, Semantics, Linguistic Variation": 33, "T10035: Phytochemicals and Antioxidant Activities": 34, "T10036: Advanced Neural Network Applications": 35, "T10037: Physics of Superconductivity and Magnetism": 36, "T10038: Tuberculosis Research and Epidemiology": 37, "T10039: Stellar, planetary, and galactic studies": 38, "T10040: Adaptive Control of Nonlinear Systems": 39, "T10041: COVID-19 Clinical Research Studies": 40, "T10042: Neural and Behavioral Psychology Studies": 41, "T10043: Substance Abuse Treatment and Outcomes": 42, "T10044: Protein Structure and Dynamics": 43, "T10045: Organic Electronics and Photovoltaics": 44, "T10046: Stability and Control of Uncertain Systems": 45, "T10047: Financial Markets and Investment Strategies": 46, "T10048: Particle physics theoretical and experimental studies": 47, "T10049: Magnetic properties of thin films": 48, "T10050: Multi-Criteria Decision Making": 49, "T10051: Asthma and respiratory diseases": 50, "T10052: Medical Image Segmentation Techniques": 51, "T10053: International Relations and Foreign Policy": 52, "T10054: Parallel Computing and Optimization Techniques": 53, "T10055: Diverse Aspects of Tourism Research": 54, "T10056: Neurotransmitter Receptor Influence on Behavior": 55, "T10057: Face and Expression Recognition": 56, "T10058: Entrepreneurship Studies and Influences": 57, "T10059: Bone Tissue Engineering Materials": 58, "T10060: Smoking Behavior and Cessation": 59, "T10061: Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory": 60, "T10062: MicroRNA in disease regulation": 61, "T10063: Nanoparticle-Based Drug Delivery": 62, "T10064: Complex Network Analysis Techniques": 63, "T10065: Atrial Fibrillation Management and Outcomes": 64, "T10066: Gut microbiota and health": 65, "T10067: Stochastic processes and financial applications": 66, "T10068: Technology Adoption and User Behaviour": 67, "T10069: Antenna Design and Analysis": 68, "T10070: Political Conflict and Governance": 69, "T10071: Bone health and osteoporosis research": 70, "T10072: Science Education and Pedagogy": 71, "T10073: Hepatocellular Carcinoma Treatment and Prognosis": 72, "T10074: Carbon Nanotubes in Composites": 73, "T10075: Atmospheric chemistry and aerosols": 74, "T10076: Plant-Microbe Interactions and Immunity": 75, "T10077: Neuroscience and Neuropharmacology Research": 76, "T10078: Advanced Photocatalysis Techniques": 77, "T10079: Nanoparticles: synthesis and applications": 78, "T10080: Energy Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks": 79, "T10081: Auditing, Earnings Management, Governance": 80, "T10082: HIV/AIDS Research and Interventions": 81, "T10083: Graphene research and applications": 82, "T10084: Musculoskeletal pain and rehabilitation": 83, "T10085: Parkinson's Disease Mechanisms and Treatments": 84, "T10086: Alzheimer's disease research and treatments": 85, "T10087: Archaeology and ancient environmental studies": 86, "T10088: Thermochemical Biomass Conversion Processes": 87, "T10089: Avian ecology and behavior": 88, "T10090: ZnO doping and properties": 89, "T10091: Malaria Research and Control": 90, "T10092: Organometallic Complex Synthesis and Catalysis": 91, "T10093: Nuclear physics research studies": 92, "T10094: Epilepsy research and treatment": 93, "T10095: Cosmology and Gravitation Theories": 94, "T10096: Metal-Organic Frameworks: Synthesis and Applications": 95, "T10097: Luminescence Properties of Advanced Materials": 96, "T10098: Ruminant Nutrition and Digestive Physiology": 97, "T10099: GaN-based semiconductor devices and materials": 98, "T10100: Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms Research": 99, "T10101: Cloud Computing and Resource Management": 100, "T10102: scientometrics and bibliometrics research": 101, "T10103: Reading and Literacy Development": 102, "T10104: Nanofluid Flow and Heat Transfer": 103, "T10105: Osteoarthritis Treatment and Mechanisms": 104, "T10106: Autism Spectrum Disorder Research": 105, "T10107: Ferroelectric and Piezoelectric Materials": 106, "T10108: Electoral Systems and Political Participation": 107, "T10109: Paleontology and Stratigraphy of Fossils": 108, "T10110: earthquake and tectonic studies": 109, "T10111: Remote Sensing in Agriculture": 110, "T10112: HIV Research and Treatment": 111, "T10113: Dental materials and restorations": 112, "T10114: Balance, Gait, and Falls Prevention": 113, "T10115: Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting": 114, "T10116: Sperm and Testicular Function": 115, "T10117: Advanced Combustion Engine Technologies": 116, "T10118: SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 Research": 117, "T10119: Sustainability and Climate Change Governance": 118, "T10120: Bacterial Genetics and Biotechnology": 119, "T10121: Building Energy and Comfort Optimization": 120, "T10122: Toxic Organic Pollutants Impact": 121, "T10123: DNA Repair Mechanisms": 122, "T10124: Prostate Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment": 123, "T10125: Advanced Wireless Communication Techniques": 124, "T10126: Logic, programming, and type systems": 125, "T10127: Banking stability, regulation, efficiency": 126, "T10128: Global trade and economics": 127, "T10129: Glioma Diagnosis and Treatment": 128, "T10130: Mathematics Education and Teaching Techniques": 129, "T10131: Gold and Silver Nanoparticles Synthesis and Applications": 130, "T10132: Advanced ceramic materials synthesis": 131, "T10133: Media Studies and Communication": 132, "T10134: Inflammatory Bowel Disease": 133, "T10135: Insect-Plant Interactions and Control": 134, "T10136: Statistical Methods and Inference": 135, "T10137: Multiple Sclerosis Research Studies": 136, "T10138: Network Traffic and Congestion Control": 137, "T10139: Heavy metals in environment": 138, "T10140: Food composition and properties": 139, "T10141: Probiotics and Fermented Foods": 140, "T10142: Formal Methods in Verification": 141, "T10143: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Research": 142, "T10144: Blood Pressure and Hypertension Studies": 143, "T10145: Consumer Behavior in Brand Consumption and Identification": 144, "T10146: Cervical Cancer and HPV Research": 145, "T10147: Antibiotic Resistance in Bacteria": 146, "T10148: Advanced MIMO Systems Optimization": 147, "T10149: Anthropological Studies and Insights": 148, "T10150: Antifungal resistance and susceptibility": 149, "T10151: Hepatitis C virus research": 150, "T10152: Animal Nutrition and Physiology": 151, "T10153: Education, sociology, and vocational training": 152, "T10154: Customer Service Quality and Loyalty": 153, "T10155: Nitric Oxide and Endothelin Effects": 154, "T10156: LGBTQ Health, Identity, and Policy": 155, "T10157: Sports Performance and Training": 156, "T10158: Cancer Immunotherapy and Biomarkers": 157, "T10159: Ionosphere and magnetosphere dynamics": 158, "T10160: Seismic Performance and Analysis": 159, "T10161: Rock Mechanics and Modeling": 160, "T10162: Online and Blended Learning": 161, "T10163: Metal complexes synthesis and properties": 162, "T10164: Quality and Supply Management": 163, "T10165: Classical Antiquity Studies": 164, "T10166: Mosquito-borne diseases and control": 165, "T10167: Influenza Virus Research Studies": 166, "T10168: COVID-19 and Mental Health": 167, "T10169: Protein Kinase Regulation and GTPase Signaling": 168, "T10170: Retinal Diseases and Treatments": 169, "T10171: Biofuel production and bioconversion": 170, "T10172: Cardiac Valve Diseases and Treatments": 171, "T10173: Computational Fluid Dynamics and Aerodynamics": 172, "T10174: Animal Behavior and Reproduction": 173, "T10175: Advanced DC-DC Converters": 174, "T10176: Mesenchymal stem cell research": 175, "T10177: Palliative Care and End-of-Life Issues": 176, "T10178: Cancer survivorship and care": 177, "T10179: Supercapacitor Materials and Fabrication": 178, "T10180: Analytical chemistry methods development": 179, "T10181: Natural Language Processing Techniques": 180, "T10182: Child and Adolescent Psychosocial and Emotional Development": 181, "T10183: Breast Cancer Treatment Studies": 182, "T10184: Plant Molecular Biology Research": 183, "T10185: Lymphoma Diagnosis and Treatment": 184, "T10186: Nursing education and management": 185, "T10187: Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit Design": 186, "T10188: Advanced machining processes and optimization": 187, "T10189: Anesthesia and Pain Management": 188, "T10190: Air Quality and Health Impacts": 189, "T10191: Robotics and Sensor-Based Localization": 190, "T10192: Catalytic Processes in Materials Science": 191, "T10193: Coronary Interventions and Diagnostics": 192, "T10194: Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations": 193, "T10195: Antimicrobial Resistance in Staphylococcus": 194, "T10196: Pain Mechanisms and Treatments": 195, "T10197: Membrane Separation Technologies": 196, "T10198: Heart Failure Treatment and Management": 197, "T10199: Wildlife Ecology and Conservation": 198, "T10200: Rheumatoid Arthritis Research and Therapies": 199, "T10201: Speech Recognition and Synthesis": 200, "T10202: Lung Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment": 201, "T10203: Recommender Systems and Techniques": 202, "T10204: Microstructure and mechanical properties": 203, "T10205: Advanced Fiber Optic Sensors": 204, "T10206: Meta-analysis and systematic reviews": 205, "T10207: Advanced biosensing and bioanalysis techniques": 206, "T10208: Labor market dynamics and wage inequality": 207, "T10209: Global Maternal and Child Health": 208, "T10210: Advanced oxidation water treatment": 209, "T10211: Computational Drug Discovery Methods": 210, "T10212: Electrochemical sensors and biosensors": 211, "T10213: Public Policy and Administration Research": 212, "T10214: Psychotherapy Techniques and Applications": 213, "T10215: Semantic Web and Ontologies": 214, "T10216: Migration, Refugees, and Integration": 215, "T10217: Cardiac electrophysiology and arrhythmias": 216, "T10218: Sepsis Diagnosis and Treatment": 217, "T10219: Mechanical Behavior of Composites": 218, "T10220: Machine Fault Diagnosis Techniques": 219, "T10221: Composite Structure Analysis and Optimization": 220, "T10222: Genomics and Chromatin Dynamics": 221, "T10223: Microgrid Control and Optimization": 222, "T10224: Quantum Chromodynamics and Particle Interactions": 223, "T10225: Essential Oils and Antimicrobial Activity": 224, "T10226: Land Use and Ecosystem Services": 225, "T10227: Acute Ischemic Stroke Management": 226, "T10228: Multilevel Inverters and Converters": 227, "T10229: Geometric Analysis and Curvature Flows": 228, "T10230: Marine and fisheries research": 229, "T10231: Pancreatic and Hepatic Oncology Research": 230, "T10232: Optical Network Technologies": 231, "T10233: Geotechnical Engineering and Soil Mechanics": 232, "T10234: Obstructive Sleep Apnea Research": 233, "T10235: Health disparities and outcomes": 234, "T10236: Aquatic Ecosystems and Phytoplankton Dynamics": 235, "T10237: Cryptography and Data Security": 236, "T10238: Spine and Intervertebral Disc Pathology": 237, "T10239: Urban Planning and Governance": 238, "T10240: Plant tissue culture and regeneration": 239, "T10241: Functional Brain Connectivity Studies": 240, "T10242: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Research": 241, "T10243: Statistical Methods and Bayesian Inference": 242, "T10244: Chaos control and synchronization": 243, "T10245: Metamaterials and Metasurfaces Applications": 244, "T10246: Mobile Ad Hoc Networks": 245, "T10247: Perovskite Materials and Applications": 246, "T10248: Nonlinear Waves and Solitons": 247, "T10249: Distributed Control Multi-Agent Systems": 248, "T10250: Glaucoma and retinal disorders": 249, "T10251: Solar and Space Plasma Dynamics": 250, "T10252: Microbial Natural Products and Biosynthesis": 251, "T10253: Sarcoma Diagnosis and Treatment": 252, "T10254: Innovations in Medical Education": 253, "T10255: Oceanographic and Atmospheric Processes": 254, "T10256: Drug Solubulity and Delivery Systems": 255, "T10257: Oral microbiology and periodontitis research": 256, "T10258: Philosophy and Theoretical Science": 257, "T10259: Sociology and Education Studies": 258, "T10260: Software Engineering Research": 259, "T10261: Genetic Associations and Epidemiology": 260, "T10262: Microwave Engineering and Waveguides": 261, "T10263: Eating Disorders and Behaviors": 262, "T10264: Asphalt Pavement Performance Evaluation": 263, "T10265: Multilingual Education and Policy": 264, "T10266: Plant Water Relations and Carbon Dynamics": 265, "T10267: Higher Education Research Studies": 266, "T10268: Developmental Biology and Gene Regulation": 267, "T10269: Epigenetics and DNA Methylation": 268, "T10270: Blockchain Technology Applications and Security": 269, "T10271: Seismic Imaging and Inversion Techniques": 270, "T10272: Mental Health Treatment and Access": 271, "T10273: IoT and Edge/Fog Computing": 272, "T10274: Synthesis and biological activity": 273, "T10275: 2D Materials and Applications": 274, "T10276: Helicobacter pylori-related gastroenterology studies": 275, "T10277: Vitamin D Research Studies": 276, "T10278: Electric Motor Design and Analysis": 277, "T10279: Urinary Bladder and Prostate Research": 278, "T10280: Shoulder Injury and Treatment": 279, "T10281: Advanced Battery Materials and Technologies": 280, "T10282: Financial Risk and Volatility Modeling": 281, "T10283: Hearing Loss and Rehabilitation": 282, "T10284: Anaerobic Digestion and Biogas Production": 283, "T10285: Venous Thromboembolism Diagnosis and Management": 284, "T10286: Information Retrieval and Search Behavior": 285, "T10287: Algebraic structures and combinatorial models": 286, "T10288: Fractional Differential Equations Solutions": 287, "T10289: European Union Policy and Governance": 288, "T10290: Pregnancy and preeclampsia studies": 289, "T10291: Dialysis and Renal Disease Management": 290, "T10292: Acute Myocardial Infarction Research": 291, "T10293: Thyroid Disorders and Treatments": 292, "T10294: Cell death mechanisms and regulation": 293, "T10295: Plasmonic and Surface Plasmon Research": 294, "T10296: Vector-borne infectious diseases": 295, "T10297: Philosophical Ethics and Theory": 296, "T10298: Urban Transport and Accessibility": 297, "T10299: Photonic and Optical Devices": 298, "T10300: Congenital Heart Disease Studies": 299, "T10301: Mitochondrial Function and Pathology": 300, "T10302: Fish Ecology and Management Studies": 301, "T10303: Photosynthetic Processes and Mechanisms": 302, "T10304: Geometric and Algebraic Topology": 303, "T10305: Power System Optimization and Stability": 304, "T10306: Liquid Crystal Research Advancements": 305, "T10307: Head and Neck Cancer Studies": 306, "T10308: Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Research": 307, "T10309: Acute Myeloid Leukemia Research": 308, "T10310: Corrosion Behavior and Inhibition": 309, "T10311: Advancements in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells": 310, "T10312: Health, Nursing, Elderly Care": 311, "T10313: Surface Modification and Superhydrophobicity": 312, "T10314: Social and Intergroup Psychology": 313, "T10315: Decision-Making and Behavioral Economics": 314, "T10316: Sleep and related disorders": 315, "T10317: Advanced Database Systems and Queries": 316, "T10318: Criminal Justice and Corrections Analysis": 317, "T10319: Conservation, Biodiversity, and Resource Management": 318, "T10320: Neural Networks and Applications": 319, "T10321: Quantum Dots Synthesis And Properties": 320, "T10322: Respiratory Support and Mechanisms": 321, "T10323: Analog and Mixed-Signal Circuit Design": 322, "T10324: Microbial bioremediation and biosurfactants": 323, "T10325: Astro and Planetary Science": 324, "T10326: Indoor and Outdoor Localization Technologies": 325, "T10327: Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health": 326, "T10328: Supply Chain and Inventory Management": 327, "T10329: Thyroid Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment": 328, "T10330: Hydrology and Watershed Management Studies": 329, "T10331: Video Surveillance and Tracking Methods": 330, "T10332: Amphibian and Reptile Biology": 331, "T10333: Meat and Animal Product Quality": 332, "T10334: Hearing, Cochlea, Tinnitus, Genetics": 333, "T10335: Colorectal Cancer Surgical Treatments": 334, "T10336: Cancer Cells and Metastasis": 335, "T10337: Liver Disease and Transplantation": 336, "T10338: Advanced Sensor and Energy Harvesting Materials": 337, "T10339: Advanced Numerical Methods in Computational Mathematics": 338, "T10340: Hepatitis B Virus Studies": 339, "T10341: Coral and Marine Ecosystems Studies": 340, "T10342: Circadian rhythm and melatonin": 341, "T10343: Hydrogels: synthesis, properties, applications": 342, "T10344: Management and Organizational Studies": 343, "T10345: Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation": 344, "T10346: Magnetic confinement fusion research": 345, "T10347: Atmospheric aerosols and clouds": 346, "T10348: Indigenous Health, Education, and Rights": 347, "T10349: Migration and Labor Dynamics": 348, "T10350: Electronic Health Records Systems": 349, "T10351: Liver Disease Diagnosis and Treatment": 350, "T10352: Physical Activity and Health": 351, "T10353: Zeolite Catalysis and Synthesis": 352, "T10354: Catalytic C\u2013H Functionalization Methods": 353, "T10355: Impact of Technology on Adolescents": 354, "T10356: Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics": 355, "T10357: Efficiency Analysis Using DEA": 356, "T10358: Advanced Radiotherapy Techniques": 357, "T10359: Dental Implant Techniques and Outcomes": 358, "T10360: Fluid Dynamics and Turbulent Flows": 359, "T10361: Silicon Carbide Semiconductor Technologies": 360, "T10362: Biblical Studies and Interpretation": 361, "T10363: Low-power high-performance VLSI design": 362, "T10364: Reproductive Biology and Fertility": 363, "T10365: Gastrointestinal motility and disorders": 364, "T10366: Discourse Analysis in Language Studies": 365, "T10367: Agricultural Innovations and Practices": 366, "T10368: Dental Health and Care Utilization": 367, "T10369: Advanced MEMS and NEMS Technologies": 368, "T10370: Traffic and Road Safety": 369, "T10371: Immune Response and Inflammation": 370, "T10372: Cardiac Imaging and Diagnostics": 371, "T10373: Renal Transplantation Outcomes and Treatments": 372, "T10374: Advanced Graph Theory Research": 373, "T10375: Pharmacogenetics and Drug Metabolism": 374, "T10376: Suicide and Self-Harm Studies": 375, "T10377: Metal and Thin Film Mechanics": 376, "T10378: Advanced MRI Techniques and Applications": 377, "T10379: Cellular Mechanics and Interactions": 378, "T10380: Intimate Partner and Family Violence": 379, "T10381: Ophthalmology and Visual Impairment Studies": 380, "T10382: Quantum and electron transport phenomena": 381, "T10383: Language, Discourse, Communication Strategies": 382, "T10384: Laser-Plasma Interactions and Diagnostics": 383, "T10385: Plant Diversity and Evolution": 384, "T10386: Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Steels": 385, "T10387: Fatty Acid Research and Health": 386, "T10388: Advanced Steganography and Watermarking Techniques": 387, "T10389: Polymer crystallization and properties": 388, "T10390: Ovarian function and disorders": 389, "T10391: Healthcare Policy and Management": 390, "T10392: Cutaneous Melanoma Detection and Management": 391, "T10393: Economic Growth and Productivity": 392, "T10394: Lipoproteins and Cardiovascular Health": 393, "T10395: Construction Project Management and Performance": 394, "T10396: Fatigue and fracture mechanics": 395, "T10397: Nutrition and Health in Aging": 396, "T10398: Groundwater and Isotope Geochemistry": 397, "T10399: Hydrocarbon exploration and reservoir analysis": 398, "T10400: Network Security and Intrusion Detection": 399, "T10401: Diabetes Treatment and Management": 400, "T10402: Phase Equilibria and Thermodynamics": 401, "T10403: Phonetics and Phonology Research": 402, "T10404: Enzyme Catalysis and Immobilization": 403, "T10405: Advanced Polymer Synthesis and Characterization": 404, "T10406: Planetary Science and Exploration": 405, "T10407: Lipid Membrane Structure and Behavior": 406, "T10408: Chronic Kidney Disease and Diabetes": 407, "T10409: Fuel Cells and Related Materials": 408, "T10410: COVID-19 epidemiological studies": 409, "T10411: Proteins in Food Systems": 410, "T10412: Microfluidic and Capillary Electrophoresis Applications": 411, "T10413: High-pressure geophysics and materials": 412, "T10414: Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research": 413, "T10415: International Business and FDI": 414, "T10416: Traumatic Brain Injury Research": 415, "T10417: Lung Cancer Treatments and Mutations": 416, "T10418: Pelvic floor disorders treatments": 417, "T10419: Pharmaceutical and Antibiotic Environmental Impacts": 418, "T10420: Intracranial Aneurysms: Treatment and Complications": 419, "T10421: Pleistocene-Era Hominins and Archaeology": 420, "T10422: Angiogenesis and VEGF in Cancer": 421, "T10423: Neurobiology and Insect Physiology Research": 422, "T10424: Electric Power System Optimization": 423, "T10425: Cold Atom Physics and Bose-Einstein Condensates": 424, "T10426: Child Abuse and Trauma": 425, "T10427: Visual perception and processing mechanisms": 426, "T10428: Reproductive tract infections research": 427, "T10429: EEG and Brain-Computer Interfaces": 428, "T10430: Software Engineering Techniques and Practices": 429, "T10431: Ethnobotanical and Medicinal Plants Studies": 430, "T10432: DNA and Nucleic Acid Chemistry": 431, "T10433: Carcinogens and Genotoxicity Assessment": 432, "T10434: Chromosomal and Genetic Variations": 433, "T10435: Environmental Impact and Sustainability": 434, "T10436: Anesthesia and Sedative Agents": 435, "T10437: Educational theories and practices": 436, "T10438: Energy, Environment, Economic Growth": 437, "T10439: Climate change impacts on agriculture": 438, "T10440: Advanced Thermoelectric Materials and Devices": 439, "T10441: Muscle Physiology and Disorders": 440, "T10442: Knee injuries and reconstruction techniques": 441, "T10443: Social Policy and Reform Studies": 442, "T10444: Context-Aware Activity Recognition Systems": 443, "T10445: Antioxidant Activity and Oxidative Stress": 444, "T10446: Income, Poverty, and Inequality": 445, "T10447: Environmental Toxicology and Ecotoxicology": 446, "T10448: Memory and Neural Mechanisms": 447, "T10449: Renal cell carcinoma treatment": 448, "T10450: Aquaculture Nutrition and Growth": 449, "T10451: Mycorrhizal Fungi and Plant Interactions": 450, "T10452: Iron Metabolism and Disorders": 451, "T10453: Maternal and Perinatal Health Interventions": 452, "T10454: Optimal Power Flow Distribution": 453, "T10455: Foot and Ankle Surgery": 454, "T10456: Multi-Agent Systems and Negotiation": 455, "T10457: Education Pedagogy and Practices": 456, "T10458: Bladder and Urothelial Cancer Treatments": 457, "T10459: Sexual function and dysfunction studies": 458, "T10460: Electronic Packaging and Soldering Technologies": 459, "T10461: Gas Sensing Nanomaterials and Sensors": 460, "T10462: Reinforcement Learning in Robotics": 461, "T10463: Pulsars and Gravitational Waves Research": 462, "T10464: Crystal structures of chemical compounds": 463, "T10465: Neurobiology of Language and Bilingualism": 464, "T10466: Meteorological Phenomena and Simulations": 465, "T10467: Psychometric Methodologies and Testing": 466, "T10468: Photovoltaic System Optimization Techniques": 467, "T10469: Psoriasis: Treatment and Pathogenesis": 468, "T10470: Usability and User Interface Design": 469, "T10471: Climate Change Policy and Economics": 470, "T10472: Semiconductor materials and devices": 471, "T10473: Postharvest Quality and Shelf Life Management": 472, "T10474: Material Dynamics and Properties": 473, "T10475: Psychological Well-being and Life Satisfaction": 474, "T10476: Algal biology and biofuel production": 475, "T10477: Astrophysics and Star Formation Studies": 476, "T10478: Diamond and Carbon-based Materials Research": 477, "T10479: Structural Behavior of Reinforced Concrete": 478, "T10480: Ionic liquids properties and applications": 479, "T10481: Computer Graphics and Visualization Techniques": 480, "T10482: Mathematical and Theoretical Epidemiology and Ecology Models": 481, "T10483: Nerve injury and regeneration": 482, "T10484: Wood Treatment and Properties": 483, "T10485: Bullying, Victimization, and Aggression": 484, "T10486: Salmonella and Campylobacter epidemiology": 485, "T10487: Plant and animal studies": 486, "T10488: Nanocomposite Films for Food Packaging": 487, "T10489: Regulation of Appetite and Obesity": 488, "T10490: Orbital Angular Momentum in Optics": 489, "T10491: Enhanced Oil Recovery Techniques": 490, "T10492: Microtubule and mitosis dynamics": 491, "T10493: Ion channel regulation and function": 492, "T10494: Plant Virus Research Studies": 493, "T10495: Catalysts for Methane Reforming": 494, "T10496: Pharmaceutical Practices and Patient Outcomes": 495, "T10497: Fungal and yeast genetics research": 496, "T10498: Migraine and Headache Studies": 497, "T10499: Folate and B Vitamins Research": 498, "T10500: Sparse and Compressive Sensing Techniques": 499, "T10501: Polymer Nanocomposites and Properties": 500, "T10502: Advanced Memory and Neural Computing": 501, "T10503: Global Financial Crisis and Policies": 502, "T10504: Sensorless Control of Electric Motors": 503, "T10505: Pluripotent Stem Cells Research": 504, "T10506: Aquaculture disease management and microbiota": 505, "T10507: Biodiesel Production and Applications": 506, "T10508: Patient Safety and Medication Errors": 507, "T10509: Religion, Spirituality, and Psychology": 508, "T10510: Stroke Rehabilitation and Recovery": 509, "T10511: High voltage insulation and dielectric phenomena": 510, "T10512: Orthopaedic implants and arthroplasty": 511, "T10513: Natural Fiber Reinforced Composites": 512, "T10514: Numerical methods in engineering": 513, "T10515: Cancer-related molecular mechanisms research": 514, "T10516: Parathyroid Disorders and Treatments": 515, "T10517: Financial Literacy, Pension, Retirement Analysis": 516, "T10518: Gallbladder and Bile Duct Disorders": 517, "T10519: Advanced Proteomics Techniques and Applications": 518, "T10520: Mycotoxins in Agriculture and Food": 519, "T10521: RNA and protein synthesis mechanisms": 520, "T10522: Medical Imaging Techniques and Applications": 521, "T10523: Atomic and Molecular Physics": 522, "T10524: Traffic control and management": 523, "T10525: Human-Automation Interaction and Safety": 524, "T10526: HIV/AIDS drug development and treatment": 525, "T10527: High-Energy Particle Collisions Research": 526, "T10528: Adipokines, Inflammation, and Metabolic Diseases": 527, "T10529: Stress Responses and Cortisol": 528, "T10530: Magnesium Alloys: Properties and Applications": 529, "T10531: Advanced Vision and Imaging": 530, "T10532: Molecular Sensors and Ion Detection": 531, "T10533: Teaching and Learning Programming": 532, "T10534: Structural Health Monitoring Techniques": 533, "T10535: Landslides and related hazards": 534, "T10536: Endodontics and Root Canal Treatments": 535, "T10537: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder": 536, "T10538: Data Mining Algorithms and Applications": 537, "T10539: Sustainable Supply Chain Management": 538, "T10540: Advanced Fluorescence Microscopy Techniques": 539, "T10541: Nonlinear Differential Equations Analysis": 540, "T10542: Vestibular and auditory disorders": 541, "T10543: Prostate Cancer Treatment and Research": 542, "T10544: Glass properties and applications": 543, "T10545: Optimization and Variational Analysis": 544, "T10546: Higher Education Governance and Development": 545, "T10547: Education, Achievement, and Giftedness": 546, "T10548: Catalytic Cross-Coupling Reactions": 547, "T10549: Neonatal Respiratory Health Research": 548, "T10550: Ovarian cancer diagnosis and treatment": 549, "T10551: Scheduling and Optimization Algorithms": 550, "T10552: Colorectal Cancer Screening and Detection": 551, "T10553: Combustion and flame dynamics": 552, "T10554: Hemoglobinopathies and Related Disorders": 553, "T10555: Fire effects on ecosystems": 554, "T10556: Global Cancer Incidence and Screening": 555, "T10557: Social Media and Politics": 556, "T10558: Advancements in Semiconductor Devices and Circuit Design": 557, "T10559: Particle Accelerators and Free-Electron Lasers": 558, "T10560: Diabetes Management and Research": 559, "T10561: Educational Research and Methods": 560, "T10562: Total Knee Arthroplasty Outcomes": 561, "T10563: Corneal surgery and disorders": 562, "T10564: Wastewater Treatment and Nitrogen Removal": 563, "T10565: Psychopathy, Forensic Psychiatry, Sexual Offending": 564, "T10566: Laser-Matter Interactions and Applications": 565, "T10567: Vehicle Routing Optimization Methods": 566, "T10568: Thermodynamic and Exergetic Analyses of Power and Cooling Systems": 567, "T10569: Bariatric Surgery and Outcomes": 568, "T10570: Drug Transport and Resistance Mechanisms": 569, "T10571: Robotic Mechanisms and Dynamics": 570, "T10572: Geophysical and Geoelectrical Methods": 571, "T10573: Power Quality and Harmonics": 572, "T10574: Crime Patterns and Interventions": 573, "T10575: Wireless Communication Networks Research": 574, "T10576: Opioid Use Disorder Treatment": 575, "T10577: Hydrology and Sediment Transport Processes": 576, "T10578: Supramolecular Chemistry and Complexes": 577, "T10579: Cognitive Radio Networks and Spectrum Sensing": 578, "T10580: Immunotherapy and Immune Responses": 579, "T10581: Neural dynamics and brain function": 580, "T10582: Ethics in Clinical Research": 581, "T10583: Cancer-related Molecular Pathways": 582, "T10584: Reproductive Physiology in Livestock": 583, "T10585: Family Dynamics and Relationships": 584, "T10586: Robotic Path Planning Algorithms": 585, "T10587: Autophagy in Disease and Therapy": 586, "T10588: Mathematical Dynamics and Fractals": 587, "T10589: Early Childhood Education and Development": 588, "T10590: Chalcogenide Semiconductor Thin Films": 589, "T10591: Theoretical and Computational Physics": 590, "T10592: Fusion materials and technologies": 591, "T10593: Bacterial biofilms and quorum sensing": 592, "T10594: Genetic and phenotypic traits in livestock": 593, "T10595: Medieval Literature and History": 594, "T10596: Child Nutrition and Water Access": 595, "T10597: Nuclear reactor physics and engineering": 596, "T10598: Cardiac pacing and defibrillation studies": 597, "T10599: Reconstructive Surgery and Microvascular Techniques": 598, "T10600: Reproductive Health and Contraception": 599, "T10601: Handwritten Text Recognition Techniques": 600, "T10602: Glycosylation and Glycoproteins Research": 601, "T10603: Smart Grid Energy Management": 602, "T10604: RNA Research and Splicing": 603, "T10605: Historical Economic and Social Studies": 604, "T10606: Kidney Stones and Urolithiasis Treatments": 605, "T10607: Magnetic and transport properties of perovskites and related materials": 606, "T10608: Neurogenesis and neuroplasticity mechanisms": 607, "T10609: Digital Marketing and Social Media": 608, "T10610: Advanced Cellulose Research Studies": 609, "T10611: Organic Light-Emitting Diodes Research": 610, "T10612: Magnetism in coordination complexes": 611, "T10613: Virus-based gene therapy research": 612, "T10614: Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Studies": 613, "T10615: Granular flow and fluidized beds": 614, "T10616: Smart Agriculture and AI": 615, "T10617: Cellular transport and secretion": 616, "T10618: Aortic Disease and Treatment Approaches": 617, "T10619: Esophageal Cancer Research and Treatment": 618, "T10620: Protease and Inhibitor Mechanisms": 619, "T10621: Gene Regulatory Network Analysis": 620, "T10622: Quantum Mechanics and Applications": 621, "T10623: Thin-Film Transistor Technologies": 622, "T10624: Silicon and Solar Cell Technologies": 623, "T10625: Herpesvirus Infections and Treatments": 624, "T10626: High-Temperature Coating Behaviors": 625, "T10627: Advanced Image and Video Retrieval Techniques": 626, "T10628: China's Socioeconomic Reforms and Governance": 627, "T10629: Health Policy Implementation Science": 628, "T10630: Orthopedic Surgery and Rehabilitation": 629, "T10631: Cancer, Hypoxia, and Metabolism": 630, "T10632: Housing Market and Economics": 631, "T10633: Metallic Glasses and Amorphous Alloys": 632, "T10634: Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Research": 633, "T10635: Hydraulic Fracturing and Reservoir Analysis": 634, "T10636: Innovative Teaching and Learning Methods": 635, "T10637: Advanced Clustering Algorithms Research": 636, "T10638: Optical measurement and interference techniques": 637, "T10639: Advanced Software Engineering Methodologies": 638, "T10640: Spectroscopy and Chemometric Analyses": 639, "T10641: Central Venous Catheters and Hemodialysis": 640, "T10642: Plasma Applications and Diagnostics": 641, "T10643: Marine and coastal plant biology": 642, "T10644: Cryospheric studies and observations": 643, "T10645: Cardiac Arrest and Resuscitation": 644, "T10646: Experimental Behavioral Economics Studies": 645, "T10647: Coastal and Marine Dynamics": 646, "T10648: Virtual Reality Applications and Impacts": 647, "T10649: Multiple Myeloma Research and Treatments": 648, "T10650: Food Drying and Modeling": 649, "T10651: IPv6, Mobility, Handover, Networks, Security": 650, "T10652: Racial and Ethnic Identity Research": 651, "T10653: Robot Manipulation and Learning": 652, "T10654: Pneumonia and Respiratory Infections": 653, "T10655: GNSS positioning and interference": 654, "T10656: Child and Animal Learning Development": 655, "T10657: Topological Materials and Phenomena": 656, "T10658: Bone fractures and treatments": 657, "T10659: Marine animal studies overview": 658, "T10660: Conducting polymers and applications": 659, "T10661: biodegradable polymer synthesis and properties": 660, "T10662: Ultrasonics and Acoustic Wave Propagation": 661, "T10663: Advanced Battery Technologies Research": 662, "T10664: Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining": 663, "T10665: Cystic Fibrosis Research Advances": 664, "T10666: Photonic Crystals and Applications": 665, "T10667: Emotion and Mood Recognition": 666, "T10668: Endometrial and Cervical Cancer Treatments": 667, "T10669: Freshwater macroinvertebrate diversity and ecology": 668, "T10670: Aluminum Alloy Microstructure Properties": 669, "T10671: Gastroesophageal reflux and treatments": 670, "T10672: Design Education and Practice": 671, "T10673: Gestational Diabetes Research and Management": 672, "T10674: School Choice and Performance": 673, "T10675: Mechanical Circulatory Support Devices": 674, "T10676: Genetics, Aging, and Longevity in Model Organisms": 675, "T10677: Attachment and Relationship Dynamics": 676, "T10678: Inflammatory mediators and NSAID effects": 677, "T10679: Service-Oriented Architecture and Web Services": 678, "T10680: Wind Energy Research and Development": 679, "T10681: Rare-earth and actinide compounds": 680, "T10682: Quantum Computing Algorithms and Architecture": 681, "T10683: Mass Spectrometry Techniques and Applications": 682, "T10684: Acute Kidney Injury Research": 683, "T10685: Viral-associated cancers and disorders": 684, "T10686: Effects and risks of endocrine disrupting chemicals": 685, "T10687: Innovative concrete reinforcement materials": 686, "T10688: Image and Signal Denoising Methods": 687, "T10689: Remote-Sensing Image Classification": 688, "T10690: Vibration Control and Rheological Fluids": 689, "T10691: Retinal Development and Disorders": 690, "T10692: Urban Green Space and Health": 691, "T10693: Blood transfusion and management": 692, "T10694: Menopause: Health Impacts and Treatments": 693, "T10695: Parasites and Host Interactions": 694, "T10696: Gastric Cancer Management and Outcomes": 695, "T10697: Vasculitis and related conditions": 696, "T10698: Transportation Planning and Optimization": 697, "T10699: Primate Behavior and Ecology": 698, "T10700: Metal Forming Simulation Techniques": 699, "T10701: Radical Photochemical Reactions": 700, "T10702: Insect and Arachnid Ecology and Behavior": 701, "T10703: Business Process Modeling and Analysis": 702, "T10704: Advancements in Transdermal Drug Delivery": 703, "T10705: Additive Manufacturing Materials and Processes": 704, "T10706: Traumatic Brain Injury and Neurovascular Disturbances": 705, "T10707: Cellular and Composite Structures": 706, "T10708: Mindfulness and Compassion Interventions": 707, "T10709: Social Robot Interaction and HRI": 708, "T10710: Arsenic contamination and mitigation": 709, "T10711: Target Tracking and Data Fusion in Sensor Networks": 710, "T10712: Library Science and Information Literacy": 711, "T10713: Structural Load-Bearing Analysis": 712, "T10714: Software-Defined Networks and 5G": 713, "T10715: Distributed and Parallel Computing Systems": 714, "T10716: Soil and Unsaturated Flow": 715, "T10717: Aluminum Alloys Composites Properties": 716, "T10718: Political Philosophy and Ethics": 717, "T10719: 3D Shape Modeling and Analysis": 718, "T10720: Complexity and Algorithms in Graphs": 719, "T10721: Surfactants and Colloidal Systems": 720, "T10722: Work-Family Balance Challenges": 721, "T10723: Advanced Welding Techniques Analysis": 722, "T10724: Ion Transport and Channel Regulation": 723, "T10725: RNA Interference and Gene Delivery": 724, "T10726: Career Development and Diversity": 725, "T10727: Ultrasound Imaging and Elastography": 726, "T10728: Pulmonary Hypertension Research and Treatments": 727, "T10729: Electrospun Nanofibers in Biomedical Applications": 728, "T10730: Language Development and Disorders": 729, "T10731: Educational Games and Gamification": 730, "T10732: Laser Material Processing Techniques": 731, "T10733: Wheat and Barley Genetics and Pathology": 732, "T10734: Information and Cyber Security": 733, "T10735: Mesoporous Materials and Catalysis": 734, "T10736: Hydrogen embrittlement and corrosion behaviors in metals": 735, "T10737: Health Literacy and Information Accessibility": 736, "T10738: Posthumanist Ethics and Activism": 737, "T10739: Electromagnetic Scattering and Analysis": 738, "T10740: Wind Turbine Control Systems": 739, "T10741: Video Coding and Compression Technologies": 740, "T10742: Peer-to-Peer Network Technologies": 741, "T10743: Software Testing and Debugging Techniques": 742, "T10744: Astrophysical Phenomena and Observations": 743, "T10745: Heart Rate Variability and Autonomic Control": 744, "T10746: Platelet Disorders and Treatments": 745, "T10747: Disaster Management and Resilience": 746, "T10748: Growth Hormone and Insulin-like Growth Factors": 747, "T10749: International Law and Human Rights": 748, "T10750: Fermentation and Sensory Analysis": 749, "T10751: Forensic and Genetic Research": 750, "T10752: Terahertz technology and applications": 751, "T10753: Microplastics and Plastic Pollution": 752, "T10754: Neuroendocrine Tumor Research Advances": 753, "T10755: HER2/EGFR in Cancer Research": 754, "T10756: Estrogen and related hormone effects": 755, "T10757: Geographic Information Systems Studies": 756, "T10758: Cinema and Media Studies": 757, "T10759: Translation Studies and Practices": 758, "T10760: Pancreatitis Pathology and Treatment": 759, "T10761: Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs)": 760, "T10762: Migration, Health and Trauma": 761, "T10763: Digital Transformation in Industry": 762, "T10764: Privacy-Preserving Technologies in Data": 763, "T10765: Marine Biology and Ecology Research": 764, "T10766: Urban Heat Island Mitigation": 765, "T10767: Advanced Photonic Communication Systems": 766, "T10768: Electric Vehicles and Infrastructure": 767, "T10769: BRCA gene mutations in cancer": 768, "T10770: Soil Geostatistics and Mapping": 769, "T10771: Wound Healing and Treatments": 770, "T10772: Distributed systems and fault tolerance": 771, "T10773: Extracellular vesicles in disease": 772, "T10774: Weed Control and Herbicide Applications": 773, "T10775: Generative Adversarial Networks and Image Synthesis": 774, "T10776: Spinal Fractures and Fixation Techniques": 775, "T10777: Politics and Society in Latin America": 776, "T10778: Philosophy and History of Science": 777, "T10779: Coastal wetland ecosystem dynamics": 778, "T10780: Reliability and Maintenance Optimization": 779, "T10781: Plasma Diagnostics and Applications": 780, "T10782: Nanoplatforms for cancer theranostics": 781, "T10783: Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing Technologies": 782, "T10784: Muscle activation and electromyography studies": 783, "T10785: Economic Theory and Institutions": 784, "T10786: Maternal Mental Health During Pregnancy and Postpartum": 785, "T10787: Lightning and Electromagnetic Phenomena": 786, "T10788: Neuroscience and Music Perception": 787, "T10789: Interactive and Immersive Displays": 788, "T10790: Heavy Metal Exposure and Toxicity": 789, "T10791: Advanced Control Systems Optimization": 790, "T10792: Matrix Theory and Algorithms": 791, "T10793: Diabetes Management and Education": 792, "T10794: Islamic Studies and History": 793, "T10795: Healthcare professionals\u2019 stress and burnout": 794, "T10796: Cooperative Communication and Network Coding": 795, "T10797: Accounting and Organizational Management": 796, "T10798: Crystallography and molecular interactions": 797, "T10799: Data Visualization and Analytics": 798, "T10800: Forensic Toxicology and Drug Analysis": 799, "T10801: Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Applications and Techniques": 800, "T10802: Judicial and Constitutional Studies": 801, "T10803: Innovative Human-Technology Interaction": 802, "T10804: Health Systems, Economic Evaluations, Quality of Life": 803, "T10805: Vehicle Dynamics and Control Systems": 804, "T10806: Energetic Materials and Combustion": 805, "T10807: Synthesis and characterization of novel inorganic/organometallic compounds": 806, "T10808: Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Technologies": 807, "T10809: Occupational Health and Safety Research": 808, "T10810: Polymer composites and self-healing": 809, "T10811: Hydrogen Storage and Materials": 810, "T10812: Human Pose and Action Recognition": 811, "T10813: Sport Psychology and Performance": 812, "T10814: Neuropeptides and Animal Physiology": 813, "T10815: Parasite Biology and Host Interactions": 814, "T10816: Cerebrovascular and Carotid Artery Diseases": 815, "T10817: Multicomponent Synthesis of Heterocycles": 816, "T10818: Astrophysics and Cosmic Phenomena": 817, "T10819: Mercury impact and mitigation studies": 818, "T10820: Fuzzy Logic and Control Systems": 819, "T10821: Cardiovascular Function and Risk Factors": 820, "T10822: Acoustic Wave Phenomena Research": 821, "T10823: Research on Leishmaniasis Studies": 822, "T10824: Image Retrieval and Classification Techniques": 823, "T10825: Plant Pathogens and Fungal Diseases": 824, "T10826: Behavioral and Psychological Studies": 825, "T10827: Patient-Provider Communication in Healthcare": 826, "T10828: Biometric Identification and Security": 827, "T10829: Interconnection Networks and Systems": 828, "T10830: Airway Management and Intubation Techniques": 829, "T10831: Cell Adhesion Molecules Research": 830, "T10832: Pituitary Gland Disorders and Treatments": 831, "T10833: Vaccine Coverage and Hesitancy": 832, "T10834: Welding Techniques and Residual Stresses": 833, "T10835: Carbohydrate Chemistry and Synthesis": 834, "T10836: Metabolomics and Mass Spectrometry Studies": 835, "T10837: Dermatology and Skin Diseases": 836, "T10838: Animal Behavior and Welfare Studies": 837, "T10839: Pancreatic function and diabetes": 838, "T10840: High Temperature Alloys and Creep": 839, "T10841: Economic and Environmental Valuation": 840, "T10842: Railway Engineering and Dynamics": 841, "T10843: Diversity and Career in Medicine": 842, "T10844: Radiation Dose and Imaging": 843, "T10845: Advanced Causal Inference Techniques": 844, "T10846: Photonic Crystal and Fiber Optics": 845, "T10847: Advanced Optical Network Technologies": 846, "T10848: Advanced Multi-Objective Optimization Algorithms": 847, "T10849: Finite Group Theory Research": 848, "T10850: Heat Transfer and Boiling Studies": 849, "T10851: Optical Wireless Communication Technologies": 850, "T10852: Temporomandibular Joint Disorders": 851, "T10853: Anxiety, Depression, Psychometrics, Treatment, Cognitive Processes": 852, "T10854: Bipolar Disorder and Treatment": 853, "T10855: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Research": 854, "T10856: Intellectual Property and Patents": 855, "T10857: Advanced Electron Microscopy Techniques and Applications": 856, "T10858: Clinical Nutrition and Gastroenterology": 857, "T10859: Polymer Surface Interaction Studies": 858, "T10860: Speech and Audio Processing": 859, "T10861: Ear Surgery and Otitis Media": 860, "T10862: AI in cancer detection": 861, "T10863: Voice and Speech Disorders": 862, "T10864: Fluid Dynamics and Mixing": 863, "T10865: Shape Memory Alloy Transformations": 864, "T10866: Nutritional Studies and Diet": 865, "T10867: Intensive Care Unit Cognitive Disorders": 866, "T10868: Soft Robotics and Applications": 867, "T10869: Polysaccharides and Plant Cell Walls": 868, "T10870: Interstitial Lung Diseases and Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis": 869, "T10871: Catalytic Alkyne Reactions": 870, "T10872: Veterinary Equine Medical Research": 871, "T10873: Bacterial Infections and Vaccines": 872, "T10874: Electromagnetic Fields and Biological Effects": 873, "T10875: Pesticide Exposure and Toxicity": 874, "T10876: Fault Detection and Control Systems": 875, "T10877: Allergic Rhinitis and Sensitization": 876, "T10878: CRISPR and Genetic Engineering": 877, "T10879: Robotic Locomotion and Control": 878, "T10880: Environmental Sustainability in Business": 879, "T10881: Blood Coagulation and Thrombosis Mechanisms": 880, "T10882: Cardiomyopathy and Myosin Studies": 881, "T10883: Ethics and Social Impacts of AI": 882, "T10884: Holomorphic and Operator Theory": 883, "T10885: Gene expression and cancer classification": 884, "T10886: Multiferroics and related materials": 885, "T10887: Bioinformatics and Genomic Networks": 886, "T10888: Augmented Reality Applications": 887, "T10889: Soil erosion and sediment transport": 888, "T10890: Trypanosoma species research and implications": 889, "T10891: Radar Systems and Signal Processing": 890, "T10892: Drilling and Well Engineering": 891, "T10893: Chinese history and philosophy": 892, "T10894: Groundwater flow and contamination studies": 893, "T10895: Species Distribution and Climate Change": 894, "T10896: Homotopy and Cohomology in Algebraic Topology": 895, "T10897: Antibiotic Use and Resistance": 896, "T10898: Environmental Education and Sustainability": 897, "T10899: Advanced Operator Algebra Research": 898, "T10900: Listeria monocytogenes in Food Safety": 899, "T10901: Advanced Data Compression Techniques": 900, "T10902: Complementary and Alternative Medicine Studies": 901, "T10903: Porphyrin and Phthalocyanine Chemistry": 902, "T10904: Embedded Systems Design Techniques": 903, "T10905: Solar Thermal and Photovoltaic Systems": 904, "T10906: AI-based Problem Solving and Planning": 905, "T10907: International Student and Expatriate Challenges": 906, "T10908: Analytical Chemistry and Chromatography": 907, "T10909: Edible Oils Quality and Analysis": 908, "T10910: Corporate Governance and Management": 909, "T10911: Chemical Synthesis and Analysis": 910, "T10912: Telemedicine and Telehealth Implementation": 911, "T10913: Molecular Junctions and Nanostructures": 912, "T10914: Tactile and Sensory Interactions": 913, "T10915: Trace Elements in Health": 914, "T10916: Surgical Simulation and Training": 915, "T10917: Smart Grid Security and Resilience": 916, "T10918: Memory Processes and Influences": 917, "T10919: Neurological disorders and treatments": 918, "T10920: Advanced Drug Delivery Systems": 919, "T10921: Neutrino Physics Research": 920, "T10922: Magnetic Properties and Synthesis of Ferrites": 921, "T10923: Force Microscopy Techniques and Applications": 922, "T10924: Cardiovascular Health and Disease Prevention": 923, "T10925: Spinal Cord Injury Research": 924, "T10926: Peripheral Artery Disease Management": 925, "T10927: Access Control and Trust": 926, "T10928: Probabilistic and Robust Engineering Design": 927, "T10929: Wnt/\u03b2-catenin signaling in development and cancer": 928, "T10930: Flood Risk Assessment and Management": 929, "T10931: Direction-of-Arrival Estimation Techniques": 930, "T10932: Microbial Metabolic Engineering and Bioproduction": 931, "T10933: Real-Time Systems Scheduling": 932, "T10934: Heat shock proteins research": 933, "T10935: Endometriosis Research and Treatment": 934, "T10936: Millimeter-Wave Propagation and Modeling": 935, "T10937: Telomeres, Telomerase, and Senescence": 936, "T10938: Phase Change Materials Research": 937, "T10939: Crystal Structures and Properties": 938, "T10940: Navier-Stokes equation solutions": 939, "T10941: Musicology and Musical Analysis": 940, "T10942: Sports, Gender, and Society": 941, "T10943: Escherichia coli research studies": 942, "T10944: Turbomachinery Performance and Optimization": 943, "T10945: Lysosomal Storage Disorders Research": 944, "T10946: Radioactivity and Radon Measurements": 945, "T10947: Fluorine in Organic Chemistry": 946, "T10948: Advanced Combinatorial Mathematics": 947, "T10949: Genetic Neurodegenerative Diseases": 948, "T10950: Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia research": 949, "T10951: Cryptographic Implementations and Security": 950, "T10952: PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling in cancer": 951, "T10953: E-Government and Public Services": 952, "T10954: Peripheral Nerve Disorders": 953, "T10955: Paleontology and Evolutionary Biology": 954, "T10956: Fullerene Chemistry and Applications": 955, "T10957: Photodynamic Therapy Research Studies": 956, "T10958: Ultrasound and Hyperthermia Applications": 957, "T10959: Student Assessment and Feedback": 958, "T10960: Hypothalamic control of reproductive hormones": 959, "T10961: Hernia repair and management": 960, "T10962: Thermodynamic properties of mixtures": 961, "T10963: Advanced Optimization Algorithms Research": 962, "T10964: Wireless Communication Security Techniques": 963, "T10965: Geological formations and processes": 964, "T10966: Liver physiology and pathology": 965, "T10967: Carbon Dioxide Capture Technologies": 966, "T10968: Statistical Distribution Estimation and Applications": 967, "T10969: Water resources management and optimization": 968, "T10970: Team Dynamics and Performance": 969, "T10971: Olfactory and Sensory Function Studies": 970, "T10972: Power Systems Fault Detection": 971, "T10973: Radioactive element chemistry and processing": 972, "T10974: Advanced Queuing Theory Analysis": 973, "T10975: Bone Tumor Diagnosis and Treatments": 974, "T10976: Viral gastroenteritis research and epidemiology": 975, "T10977: Optical Imaging and Spectroscopy Techniques": 976, "T10978: Prenatal Screening and Diagnostics": 977, "T10979: Breastfeeding Practices and Influences": 978, "T10980: Vascular Malformations and Hemangiomas": 979, "T10981: Cytomegalovirus and herpesvirus research": 980, "T10982: Motor Control and Adaptation": 981, "T10983: Aortic aneurysm repair treatments": 982, "T10984: Sinusitis and nasal conditions": 983, "T10985: Sleep and Wakefulness Research": 984, "T10986: RFID technology advancements": 985, "T10987: Microfinance and Financial Inclusion": 986, "T10988: Advanced Fiber Laser Technologies": 987, "T10989: Uterine Myomas and Treatments": 988, "T10990: Infection Control and Ventilation": 989, "T10991: Game Theory and Voting Systems": 990, "T10992: Forensic Anthropology and Bioarchaeology Studies": 991, "T10993: Complement system in diseases": 992, "T10994: Terrorism, Counterterrorism, and Political Violence": 993, "T10995: Methane Hydrates and Related Phenomena": 994, "T10996: Computational Geometry and Mesh Generation": 995, "T10997: Ocular Surface and Contact Lens": 996, "T10998: Heat Transfer and Optimization": 997, "T10999: Organ Transplantation Techniques and Outcomes": 998, "T11000: Infection Control in Healthcare": 999, "T11001: Renin-Angiotensin System Studies": 1000, "T11002: Indoor Air Quality and Microbial Exposure": 1001, "T11003: Disability Rights and Representation": 1002, "T11004: Crustacean biology and ecology": 1003, "T11005: Radiation Effects in Electronics": 1004, "T11006: BIM and Construction Integration": 1005, "T11007: Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems": 1006, "T11008: Aerodynamics and Acoustics in Jet Flows": 1007, "T11009: Catalysis for Biomass Conversion": 1008, "T11010: Logic, Reasoning, and Knowledge": 1009, "T11011: Frailty in Older Adults": 1010, "T11012: Gas Dynamics and Kinetic Theory": 1011, "T11013: Skin Protection and Aging": 1012, "T11014: Regional Economics and Spatial Analysis": 1013, "T11015: Down syndrome and intellectual disability research": 1014, "T11016: Monoclonal and Polyclonal Antibodies Research": 1015, "T11017: Chaos-based Image/Signal Encryption": 1016, "T11018: Lower Extremity Biomechanics and Pathologies": 1017, "T11019: Image Enhancement Techniques": 1018, "T11020: Immune Cell Function and Interaction": 1019, "T11021: ECG Monitoring and Analysis": 1020, "T11022: Spectral Theory in Mathematical Physics": 1021, "T11023: Prosthetics and Rehabilitation Robotics": 1022, "T11024: Information Systems Theories and Implementation": 1023, "T11025: Nonlinear Optical Materials Research": 1024, "T11026: Occupational and environmental lung diseases": 1025, "T11027: Metabolism and Genetic Disorders": 1026, "T11028: Social Work Education and Practice": 1027, "T11029: Renal Diseases and Glomerulopathies": 1028, "T11030: Scoliosis diagnosis and treatment": 1029, "T11031: Game Theory and Applications": 1030, "T11032: VLSI and Analog Circuit Testing": 1031, "T11033: Contact Dermatitis and Allergies": 1032, "T11034: Digital Filter Design and Implementation": 1033, "T11035: Salivary Gland Tumors Diagnosis and Treatment": 1034, "T11036: Antibiotics Pharmacokinetics and Efficacy": 1035, "T11037: Fungal Infections and Studies": 1036, "T11038: Advanced SAR Imaging Techniques": 1037, "T11039: Evaluation of Teaching Practices": 1038, "T11040: Personality Traits and Psychology": 1039, "T11041: Ubiquitin and proteasome pathways": 1040, "T11042: Corruption and Economic Development": 1041, "T11043: Merger and Competition Analysis": 1042, "T11044: Particle Detector Development and Performance": 1043, "T11045: Privacy, Security, and Data Protection": 1044, "T11046: Geotechnical Engineering and Analysis": 1045, "T11047: Gender Diversity and Inequality": 1046, "T11048: Bacteriophages and microbial interactions": 1047, "T11049: Advanced Harmonic Analysis Research": 1048, "T11050: Photorefractive and Nonlinear Optics": 1049, "T11051: Sirtuins and Resveratrol in Medicine": 1050, "T11052: Energy Load and Power Forecasting": 1051, "T11053: Process Optimization and Integration": 1052, "T11054: Adrenal and Paraganglionic Tumors": 1053, "T11055: Cardiac and Coronary Surgery Techniques": 1054, "T11056: Physiological and biochemical adaptations": 1055, "T11057: Cardiac Ischemia and Reperfusion": 1056, "T11058: Ethics in Business and Education": 1057, "T11059: Market Dynamics and Volatility": 1058, "T11060: Infant Development and Preterm Care": 1059, "T11061: Ocean Waves and Remote Sensing": 1060, "T11062: Gear and Bearing Dynamics Analysis": 1061, "T11063: Rough Sets and Fuzzy Logic": 1062, "T11064: Antiplatelet Therapy and Cardiovascular Diseases": 1063, "T11065: Insect Pest Control Strategies": 1064, "T11066: Organic Food and Agriculture": 1065, "T11067: Colorectal Cancer Treatments and Studies": 1066, "T11068: Tendon Structure and Treatment": 1067, "T11069: Testicular diseases and treatments": 1068, "T11070: Soviet and Russian History": 1069, "T11071: Treatment of Major Depression": 1070, "T11072: Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptors": 1071, "T11073: Metal Extraction and Bioleaching": 1072, "T11074: Helminth infection and control": 1073, "T11075: Insect Resistance and Genetics": 1074, "T11076: Policing Practices and Perceptions": 1075, "T11077: Genetic and Clinical Aspects of Sex Determination and Chromosomal Abnormalities": 1076, "T11078: Inflammasome and immune disorders": 1077, "T11079: Creativity in Education and Neuroscience": 1078, "T11080: Surgical site infection prevention": 1079, "T11081: Advanced Control Systems Design": 1080, "T11082: Spacecraft Dynamics and Control": 1081, "T11083: Cardiac Health and Mental Health": 1082, "T11084: Workplace Health and Well-being": 1083, "T11085: Fungal Biology and Applications": 1084, "T11086: Parasitic Infections and Diagnostics": 1085, "T11087: Solidification and crystal growth phenomena": 1086, "T11088: Marine Bivalve and Aquaculture Studies": 1087, "T11089: Radioactive contamination and transfer": 1088, "T11090: Dark Matter and Cosmic Phenomena": 1089, "T11091: Extraction and Separation Processes": 1090, "T11092: Spondyloarthritis Studies and Treatments": 1091, "T11093: Personality Disorders and Psychopathology": 1092, "T11094: Face Recognition and Perception": 1093, "T11095: Emergency and Acute Care Studies": 1094, "T11096: Aeroelasticity and Vibration Control": 1095, "T11097: Cerebral Palsy and Movement Disorders": 1096, "T11098: Seed Germination and Physiology": 1097, "T11099: Autonomous Vehicle Technology and Safety": 1098, "T11100: Intermetallics and Advanced Alloy Properties": 1099, "T11101: Online Learning Methods and Innovations": 1100, "T11102: HVDC Systems and Fault Protection": 1101, "T11103: Antimicrobial Peptides and Activities": 1102, "T11104: Memory, Trauma, and Commemoration": 1103, "T11105: Advanced Image Processing Techniques": 1104, "T11106: Data Management and Algorithms": 1105, "T11107: Selenium in Biological Systems": 1106, "T11108: Municipal Solid Waste Management": 1107, "T11109: Thermoregulation and physiological responses": 1108, "T11110: Stability and Controllability of Differential Equations": 1109, "T11111: Spectroscopy and Laser Applications": 1110, "T11112: Viral Infections and Immunology Research": 1111, "T11113: Music History and Culture": 1112, "T11114: Service and Product Innovation": 1113, "T11115: Topology Optimization in Engineering": 1114, "T11116: Trauma, Hemostasis, Coagulopathy, Resuscitation": 1115, "T11117: Drug-Induced Adverse Reactions": 1116, "T11118: Evolutionary Psychology and Human Behavior": 1117, "T11119: Urban Stormwater Management Solutions": 1118, "T11120: Nonprofit Sector and Volunteering": 1119, "T11121: Public Relations and Crisis Communication": 1120, "T11122: Online Learning and Analytics": 1121, "T11123: Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum Disorders": 1122, "T11124: Protein purification and stability": 1123, "T11125: Petri Nets in System Modeling": 1124, "T11126: Metallurgical Processes and Thermodynamics": 1125, "T11127: Solid State Laser Technologies": 1126, "T11128: Transition Metal Oxide Nanomaterials": 1127, "T11129: Photochemistry and Electron Transfer Studies": 1128, "T11130: Coding theory and cryptography": 1129, "T11131: Proteoglycans and glycosaminoglycans research": 1130, "T11132: Psychoanalysis and Psychopathology Research": 1131, "T11133: UAV Applications and Optimization": 1132, "T11134: Breast Lesions and Carcinomas": 1133, "T11135: Virology and Viral Diseases": 1134, "T11136: Enzyme-mediated dye degradation": 1135, "T11137: Historical Philosophy and Science": 1136, "T11138: Tribology and Lubrication Engineering": 1137, "T11139: Gout, Hyperuricemia, Uric Acid": 1138, "T11140: Natural Antidiabetic Agents Studies": 1139, "T11141: Childhood Cancer Survivors' Quality of Life": 1140, "T11142: Advanced Glycation End Products research": 1141, "T11143: High Entropy Alloys Studies": 1142, "T11144: melanin and skin pigmentation": 1143, "T11145: Epoxy Resin Curing Processes": 1144, "T11146: Hormonal and reproductive studies": 1145, "T11147: Misinformation and Its Impacts": 1146, "T11148: Language, Metaphor, and Cognition": 1147, "T11149: Veterinary Oncology Research": 1148, "T11150: Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress and Disease": 1149, "T11151: Advanced Topology and Set Theory": 1150, "T11152: Stochastic processes and statistical mechanics": 1151, "T11153: Streptococcal Infections and Treatments": 1152, "T11154: Parasitic infections in humans and animals": 1153, "T11155: Toxoplasma gondii Research Studies": 1154, "T11156: Reproductive Health and Technologies": 1155, "T11157: Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Research": 1156, "T11158: Wireless Networks and Protocols": 1157, "T11159: Manufacturing Process and Optimization": 1158, "T11160: Acoustic Wave Resonator Technologies": 1159, "T11161: Consumer Market Behavior and Pricing": 1160, "T11162: Enzyme Structure and Function": 1161, "T11163: Organ Donation and Transplantation": 1162, "T11164: Remote Sensing and LiDAR Applications": 1163, "T11165: Image and Video Quality Assessment": 1164, "T11166: Analytic Number Theory Research": 1165, "T11167: Hair Growth and Disorders": 1166, "T11168: International Development and Aid": 1167, "T11169: Silicon Nanostructures and Photoluminescence": 1168, "T11170: Biomimetic flight and propulsion mechanisms": 1169, "T11171: Diabetes and associated disorders": 1170, "T11172: Dermatologic Treatments and Research": 1171, "T11173: Neurofibromatosis and Schwannoma Cases": 1172, "T11174: Pediatric Urology and Nephrology Studies": 1173, "T11175: Gyrotron and Vacuum Electronics Research": 1174, "T11176: Radiation Therapy and Dosimetry": 1175, "T11177: Spectroscopy and Quantum Chemical Studies": 1176, "T11178: Receptor Mechanisms and Signaling": 1177, "T11179: Nematode management and characterization studies": 1178, "T11180: Pesticide and Herbicide Environmental Studies": 1179, "T11181: Advanced Data Storage Technologies": 1180, "T11182: Auction Theory and Applications": 1181, "T11183: Advanced X-ray Imaging Techniques": 1182, "T11184: Neonatal and fetal brain pathology": 1183, "T11185: Integrated Energy Systems Optimization": 1184, "T11186: Hydrology and Drought Analysis": 1185, "T11187: Nonlinear Dynamics and Pattern Formation": 1186, "T11188: Coagulation and Flocculation Studies": 1187, "T11189: Transplantation: Methods and Outcomes": 1188, "T11190: 3D Printing in Biomedical Research": 1189, "T11191: Mathematical functions and polynomials": 1190, "T11192: Underwater Vehicles and Communication Systems": 1191, "T11193: Adenosine and Purinergic Signaling": 1192, "T11194: Ocular Diseases and Beh\u00e7et\u2019s Syndrome": 1193, "T11195: Simulation Techniques and Applications": 1194, "T11196: Non-Invasive Vital Sign Monitoring": 1195, "T11197: Digital Games and Media": 1196, "T11198: Japanese History and Culture": 1197, "T11199: Pain Management and Opioid Use": 1198, "T11200: Electrodeposition and Electroless Coatings": 1199, "T11201: Metallurgy and Material Forming": 1200, "T11202: Cavitation Phenomena in Pumps": 1201, "T11203: Jewish and Middle Eastern Studies": 1202, "T11204: Ion Channels and Receptors": 1203, "T11205: Numerical methods in inverse problems": 1204, "T11206: Model Reduction and Neural Networks": 1205, "T11207: Alcohol Consumption and Health Effects": 1206, "T11208: Lignin and Wood Chemistry": 1207, "T11209: Cardiovascular and exercise physiology": 1208, "T11210: Mathematical Analysis and Transform Methods": 1209, "T11211: 3D Surveying and Cultural Heritage": 1210, "T11212: Cultural Heritage Materials Analysis": 1211, "T11213: Genomic variations and chromosomal abnormalities": 1212, "T11214: Human-Animal Interaction Studies": 1213, "T11215: Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Treatments": 1214, "T11216: Radiation Detection and Scintillator Technologies": 1215, "T11217: Cardiac Arrhythmias and Treatments": 1216, "T11218: Hip disorders and treatments": 1217, "T11219: Bone Metabolism and Diseases": 1218, "T11220: Water Systems and Optimization": 1219, "T11221: Bone health and treatments": 1220, "T11222: Magnetic Properties and Applications": 1221, "T11223: Maritime Ports and Logistics": 1222, "T11224: Electromagnetic wave absorption materials": 1223, "T11225: Geothermal Energy Systems and Applications": 1224, "T11226: Milk Quality and Mastitis in Dairy Cows": 1225, "T11227: Diabetic Foot Ulcer Assessment and Management": 1226, "T11228: Bat Biology and Ecology Studies": 1227, "T11229: Genetics and Plant Breeding": 1228, "T11230: Innovative Energy Harvesting Technologies": 1229, "T11231: Microbial Fuel Cells and Bioremediation": 1230, "T11232: Urinary Tract Infections Management": 1231, "T11233: Advanced Adaptive Filtering Techniques": 1232, "T11234: Precipitation Measurement and Analysis": 1233, "T11235: Statistical Methods in Clinical Trials": 1234, "T11236: Control Systems and Identification": 1235, "T11237: Plant Gene Expression Analysis": 1236, "T11238: Simulation-Based Education in Healthcare": 1237, "T11239: Social Capital and Networks": 1238, "T11240: Luminescence and Fluorescent Materials": 1239, "T11241: Advanced Malware Detection Techniques": 1240, "T11242: Nuclear Materials and Properties": 1241, "T11243: Respiratory viral infections research": 1242, "T11244: Climate Change and Health Impacts": 1243, "T11245: Advanced Numerical Analysis Techniques": 1244, "T11246: Sports injuries and prevention": 1245, "T11247: Plant nutrient uptake and metabolism": 1246, "T11248: Advanced Power Amplifier Design": 1247, "T11249: Wireless Power Transfer Systems": 1248, "T11250: Wave and Wind Energy Systems": 1249, "T11251: Meningioma and schwannoma management": 1250, "T11252: Evolutionary Game Theory and Cooperation": 1251, "T11253: Nail Diseases and Treatments": 1252, "T11254: Fluid Dynamics and Vibration Analysis": 1253, "T11255: Microfluidic and Bio-sensing Technologies": 1254, "T11256: Asian Studies and History": 1255, "T11257: Taxation and Compliance Studies": 1256, "T11258: Breast Implant and Reconstruction": 1257, "T11259: Agriculture Sustainability and Environmental Impact": 1258, "T11260: Tracheal and airway disorders": 1259, "T11261: Quantum chaos and dynamical systems": 1260, "T11262: Quantum Mechanics and Non-Hermitian Physics": 1261, "T11263: Electromagnetic Simulation and Numerical Methods": 1262, "T11264: Coffee research and impacts": 1263, "T11265: Aging and Gerontology Research": 1264, "T11266: Neuroinflammation and Neurodegeneration Mechanisms": 1265, "T11267: Abdominal Trauma and Injuries": 1266, "T11268: Light effects on plants": 1267, "T11269: Algorithms and Data Compression": 1268, "T11270: Complex Systems and Time Series Analysis": 1269, "T11271: Myasthenia Gravis and Thymoma": 1270, "T11272: Nanowire Synthesis and Applications": 1271, "T11273: Advanced Graph Neural Networks": 1272, "T11274: Botulinum Toxin and Related Neurological Disorders": 1273, "T11275: Composting and Vermicomposting Techniques": 1274, "T11276: Solar Radiation and Photovoltaics": 1275, "T11277: Thermal properties of materials": 1276, "T11278: Calcium Carbonate Crystallization and Inhibition": 1277, "T11279: Lanthanide and Transition Metal Complexes": 1278, "T11280: Hemophilia Treatment and Research": 1279, "T11281: Asymmetric Hydrogenation and Catalysis": 1280, "T11282: Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Research": 1281, "T11283: Experimental Learning in Engineering": 1282, "T11284: Coal Properties and Utilization": 1283, "T11285: Hearing Impairment and Communication": 1284, "T11286: Polyoxometalates: Synthesis and Applications": 1285, "T11287: Cancer Genomics and Diagnostics": 1286, "T11288: Clostridium difficile and Clostridium perfringens research": 1287, "T11289: Single-cell and spatial transcriptomics": 1288, "T11290: Preterm Birth and Chorioamnionitis": 1289, "T11291: Intraocular Surgery and Lenses": 1290, "T11292: Pediatric Pain Management Techniques": 1291, "T11293: Orthopedic Infections and Treatments": 1292, "T11294: Infant Nutrition and Health": 1293, "T11295: Counseling Practices and Supervision": 1294, "T11296: COVID-19 and healthcare impacts": 1295, "T11297: Ferroptosis and cancer prognosis": 1296, "T11298: Synthesis and Properties of Aromatic Compounds": 1297, "T11299: Problem and Project Based Learning": 1298, "T11300: Global Educational Policies and Reforms": 1299, "T11301: Advanced Surface Polishing Techniques": 1300, "T11302: CO2 Sequestration and Geologic Interactions": 1301, "T11303: Bayesian Modeling and Causal Inference": 1302, "T11304: Advanced Neuroimaging Techniques and Applications": 1303, "T11305: Amyloidosis: Diagnosis, Treatment, Outcomes": 1304, "T11306: Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer Studies": 1305, "T11307: Domain Adaptation and Few-Shot Learning": 1306, "T11308: Sphingolipid Metabolism and Signaling": 1307, "T11309: Music and Audio Processing": 1308, "T11310: Connective tissue disorders research": 1309, "T11311: Soil and Water Nutrient Dynamics": 1310, "T11312: Soil Moisture and Remote Sensing": 1311, "T11313: Immune cells in cancer": 1312, "T11314: Clinical Laboratory Practices and Quality Control": 1313, "T11315: Phase-change materials and chalcogenides": 1314, "T11316: Mycobacterium research and diagnosis": 1315, "T11317: Fire dynamics and safety research": 1316, "T11318: Phytoestrogen effects and research": 1317, "T11319: Curcumin's Biomedical Applications": 1318, "T11320: Atmospheric Ozone and Climate": 1319, "T11321: Error Correcting Code Techniques": 1320, "T11322: Facial Rejuvenation and Surgery Techniques": 1321, "T11323: Gamma-ray bursts and supernovae": 1322, "T11324: Spectroscopy Techniques in Biomedical and Chemical Research": 1323, "T11325: Inertial Sensor and Navigation": 1324, "T11326: Stock Market Forecasting Methods": 1325, "T11327: Acupuncture Treatment Research Studies": 1326, "T11328: Ocular Oncology and Treatments": 1327, "T11329: Limits and Structures in Graph Theory": 1328, "T11330: Systemic Sclerosis and Related Diseases": 1329, "T11331: Fecal contamination and water quality": 1330, "T11332: Genomics, phytochemicals, and oxidative stress": 1331, "T11333: Climate change and permafrost": 1332, "T11334: Psychosomatic Disorders and Their Treatments": 1333, "T11335: Prion Diseases and Protein Misfolding": 1334, "T11336: Energy and Environment Impacts": 1335, "T11337: Tryptophan and brain disorders": 1336, "T11338: Advancements in Photolithography Techniques": 1337, "T11339: Metabolism, Diabetes, and Cancer": 1338, "T11340: Marine Sponges and Natural Products": 1339, "T11341: Boron and Carbon Nanomaterials Research": 1340, "T11342: Carbon and Quantum Dots Applications": 1341, "T11343: Power Transformer Diagnostics and Insulation": 1342, "T11344: Traffic Prediction and Management Techniques": 1343, "T11345: Cognitive and developmental aspects of mathematical skills": 1344, "T11346: Mast cells and histamine": 1345, "T11347: Neural Networks Stability and Synchronization": 1346, "T11348: Celiac Disease Research and Management": 1347, "T11349: Music Technology and Sound Studies": 1348, "T11350: Sex work and related issues": 1349, "T11351: Catalysis and Hydrodesulfurization Studies": 1350, "T11352: Masonry and Concrete Structural Analysis": 1351, "T11353: Venomous Animal Envenomation and Studies": 1352, "T11354: Evolution and Paleontology Studies": 1353, "T11355: Inflammatory Biomarkers in Disease Prognosis": 1354, "T11356: Pleural and Pulmonary Diseases": 1355, "T11357: Risk and Safety Analysis": 1356, "T11358: Dysphagia Assessment and Management": 1357, "T11359: Effects of Radiation Exposure": 1358, "T11360: Flame retardant materials and properties": 1359, "T11361: Digital Radiography and Breast Imaging": 1360, "T11362: Membrane Separation and Gas Transport": 1361, "T11363: Dental Radiography and Imaging": 1362, "T11364: Cholangiocarcinoma and Gallbladder Cancer Studies": 1363, "T11365: Islamic Finance and Banking Studies": 1364, "T11366: Elasticity and Material Modeling": 1365, "T11367: Particle accelerators and beam dynamics": 1366, "T11368: Long-Term Effects of COVID-19": 1367, "T11369: Genetic factors in colorectal cancer": 1368, "T11370: Mobile Learning in Education": 1369, "T11371: Wind and Air Flow Studies": 1370, "T11372: Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems": 1371, "T11373: Sleep and Work-Related Fatigue": 1372, "T11374: Cleft Lip and Palate Research": 1373, "T11375: Geotechnical Engineering and Soil Stabilization": 1374, "T11376: Geriatric Care and Nursing Homes": 1375, "T11377: Retinal and Macular Surgery": 1376, "T11378: Gastrointestinal Bleeding Diagnosis and Treatment": 1377, "T11379: Rheology and Fluid Dynamics Studies": 1378, "T11380: Child Welfare and Adoption": 1379, "T11381: Infectious Diseases and Tuberculosis": 1380, "T11382: Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer": 1381, "T11383: Advanced Antenna and Metasurface Technologies": 1382, "T11384: Critical Race Theory in Education": 1383, "T11385: Natural product bioactivities and synthesis": 1384, "T11386: Bee Products Chemical Analysis": 1385, "T11387: Ichthyology and Marine Biology": 1386, "T11388: Grief, Bereavement, and Mental Health": 1387, "T11389: Maternal and fetal healthcare": 1388, "T11390: Seaweed-derived Bioactive Compounds": 1389, "T11391: Theatre and Performance Studies": 1390, "T11392: Energy Harvesting in Wireless Networks": 1391, "T11393: Biosensors and Analytical Detection": 1392, "T11394: Dynamics and Control of Mechanical Systems": 1393, "T11395: Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry and Applications": 1394, "T11396: Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare": 1395, "T11397: Populism, Right-Wing Movements": 1396, "T11398: Hand Gesture Recognition Systems": 1397, "T11399: Muscle metabolism and nutrition": 1398, "T11400: Motivation and Self-Concept in Sports": 1399, "T11401: Minerals Flotation and Separation Techniques": 1400, "T11402: Vascular Malformations Diagnosis and Treatment": 1401, "T11403: Invertebrate Immune Response Mechanisms": 1402, "T11404: Irrigation Practices and Water Management": 1403, "T11405: Geophysics and Gravity Measurements": 1404, "T11406: Cerebrospinal fluid and hydrocephalus": 1405, "T11407: Innovative Microfluidic and Catalytic Techniques Innovation": 1406, "T11408: Advanced Optical Imaging Technologies": 1407, "T11409: Advanced Wireless Network Optimization": 1408, "T11410: Cultural Industries and Urban Development": 1409, "T11411: Tea Polyphenols and Effects": 1410, "T11412: Genetic and Kidney Cyst Diseases": 1411, "T11413: Risk and Portfolio Optimization": 1412, "T11414: Quantum optics and atomic interactions": 1413, "T11415: Noncommutative and Quantum Gravity Theories": 1414, "T11416: Numerical methods for differential equations": 1415, "T11417: Advancements in PLL and VCO Technologies": 1416, "T11418: Plant Micronutrient Interactions and Effects": 1417, "T11419: Supramolecular Self-Assembly in Materials": 1418, "T11420: Geographies of human-animal interactions": 1419, "T11421: Labor Movements and Unions": 1420, "T11422: Burn Injury Management and Outcomes": 1421, "T11423: Pesticide Residue Analysis and Safety": 1422, "T11424: Security and Verification in Computing": 1423, "T11425: Diverse Music Education Insights": 1424, "T11426: Genetically Modified Organisms Research": 1425, "T11427: Elbow and Forearm Trauma Treatment": 1426, "T11428: Advanced Mathematical Identities": 1427, "T11429: Semiconductor Lasers and Optical Devices": 1428, "T11430: Disaster Response and Management": 1429, "T11431: Action Observation and Synchronization": 1430, "T11432: Gender Politics and Representation": 1431, "T11433: Emotional Intelligence and Performance": 1432, "T11434: Electrochemical Analysis and Applications": 1433, "T11435: Polynomial and algebraic computation": 1434, "T11436: Entomopathogenic Microorganisms in Pest Control": 1435, "T11437: Digital Platforms and Economics": 1436, "T11438: Retinal Imaging and Analysis": 1437, "T11439: Video Analysis and Summarization": 1438, "T11440: Click Chemistry and Applications": 1439, "T11441: Organoboron and organosilicon chemistry": 1440, "T11442: Titanium Alloys Microstructure and Properties": 1441, "T11443: Advanced Statistical Process Monitoring": 1442, "T11444: Electromagnetic Compatibility and Noise Suppression": 1443, "T11445: Origins and Evolution of Life": 1444, "T11446: Mobile Health and mHealth Applications": 1445, "T11447: Blind Source Separation Techniques": 1446, "T11448: Face recognition and analysis": 1447, "T11449: Mechanical and Optical Resonators": 1448, "T11450: Model-Driven Software Engineering Techniques": 1449, "T11451: Advanced Machining and Optimization Techniques": 1450, "T11452: Oral Health Pathology and Treatment": 1451, "T11453: Diagnosis and Treatment of Venous Diseases": 1452, "T11454: Cultural Differences and Values": 1453, "T11455: Microbial Inactivation Methods": 1454, "T11456: Neuroscience of respiration and sleep": 1455, "T11457: Adipose Tissue and Metabolism": 1456, "T11458: Advanced Wireless Communication Technologies": 1457, "T11459: Arctic and Antarctic ice dynamics": 1458, "T11460: Analytical Methods in Pharmaceuticals": 1459, "T11461: Local Government Finance and Decentralization": 1460, "T11462: Museums and Cultural Heritage": 1461, "T11463: Classical Philosophy and Thought": 1462, "T11464: Homelessness and Social Issues": 1463, "T11465: Drug-Induced Hepatotoxicity and Protection": 1464, "T11466: Innovative Education and Learning Practices": 1465, "T11467: Trauma and Emergency Care Studies": 1466, "T11468: Genetic Mapping and Diversity in Plants and Animals": 1467, "T11469: Lymphatic System and Diseases": 1468, "T11470: Legume Nitrogen Fixing Symbiosis": 1469, "T11471: Block Copolymer Self-Assembly": 1470, "T11472: Analytical Chemistry and Sensors": 1471, "T11473: Appendicitis Diagnosis and Management": 1472, "T11474: Sport and Mega-Event Impacts": 1473, "T11475: French Urban and Social Studies": 1474, "T11476: Graph theory and applications": 1475, "T11477: Epistemology, Ethics, and Metaphysics": 1476, "T11478: Caching and Content Delivery": 1477, "T11479: Smart Cities and Technologies": 1478, "T11480: Connexins and lens biology": 1479, "T11481: Sulfur Compounds in Biology": 1480, "T11482: RNA modifications and cancer": 1481, "T11483: Tropical and Extratropical Cyclones Research": 1482, "T11484: Adaptive optics and wavefront sensing": 1483, "T11485: Gastrointestinal Tumor Research and Treatment": 1484, "T11486: Micro and Nano Robotics": 1485, "T11487: Automotive and Human Injury Biomechanics": 1486, "T11488: Climate Change Communication and Perception": 1487, "T11489: Air Traffic Management and Optimization": 1488, "T11490: Hydrological Forecasting Using AI": 1489, "T11491: CAR-T cell therapy research": 1490, "T11492: Academic integrity and plagiarism": 1491, "T11493: Water Treatment and Disinfection": 1492, "T11494: Coleoptera Taxonomy and Distribution": 1493, "T11495: Animal Virus Infections Studies": 1494, "T11496: Credit Risk and Financial Regulations": 1495, "T11497: Interprofessional Education and Collaboration": 1496, "T11498: Security in Wireless Sensor Networks": 1497, "T11499: ICT Impact and Policies": 1498, "T11500: Evacuation and Crowd Dynamics": 1499, "T11501: TGF-\u03b2 signaling in diseases": 1500, "T11502: Facility Location and Emergency Management": 1501, "T11503: Cytokine Signaling Pathways and Interactions": 1502, "T11504: Advanced Authentication Protocols Security": 1503, "T11505: Reproductive biology and impacts on aquatic species": 1504, "T11506: Children's Rights and Participation": 1505, "T11507: Religion and Society Interactions": 1506, "T11508: Corporate Taxation and Avoidance": 1507, "T11509: Hip and Femur Fractures": 1508, "T11510: Reproductive System and Pregnancy": 1509, "T11511: Dyeing and Modifying Textile Fibers": 1510, "T11512: Anomaly Detection Techniques and Applications": 1511, "T11513: stochastic dynamics and bifurcation": 1512, "T11514: Disability Education and Employment": 1513, "T11515: Bacillus and Francisella bacterial research": 1514, "T11516: Visual and Cognitive Learning Processes": 1515, "T11517: Advanced optical system design": 1516, "T11518: Cervical and Thoracic Myelopathy": 1517, "T11519: Digital Mental Health Interventions": 1518, "T11520: Advanced Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics": 1519, "T11521: Salivary Gland Disorders and Functions": 1520, "T11522: VLSI and FPGA Design Techniques": 1521, "T11523: Nanomaterials and Printing Technologies": 1522, "T11524: Advanced Aircraft Design and Technologies": 1523, "T11525: Piezoelectric Actuators and Control": 1524, "T11526: Innovative Teaching Methods": 1525, "T11527: 3D IC and TSV technologies": 1526, "T11528: Lichen and fungal ecology": 1527, "T11529: Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies": 1528, "T11530: Business and Management Studies": 1529, "T11531: Healthcare Systems and Reforms": 1530, "T11532: Chemokine receptors and signaling": 1531, "T11533: Melanoma and MAPK Pathways": 1532, "T11534: Erythropoietin and Anemia Treatment": 1533, "T11535: Chemotherapy-induced cardiotoxicity and mitigation": 1534, "T11536: Consumer Retail Behavior Studies": 1535, "T11537: Ethics in medical practice": 1536, "T11538: Ophthalmology and Eye Disorders": 1537, "T11539: Survey Methodology and Nonresponse": 1538, "T11540: Gender, Feminism, and Media": 1539, "T11541: Neuroendocrine regulation and behavior": 1540, "T11542: Behavioral Health and Interventions": 1541, "T11543: Employee Performance and Motivation": 1542, "T11544: Gender, Labor, and Family Dynamics": 1543, "T11545: Advanced Banach Space Theory": 1544, "T11546: Plant Physiology and Cultivation Studies": 1545, "T11547: Sesquiterpenes and Asteraceae Studies": 1546, "T11548: Sexual Assault and Victimization Studies": 1547, "T11549: Synthetic Organic Chemistry Methods": 1548, "T11550: Text and Document Classification Technologies": 1549, "T11551: Infective Endocarditis Diagnosis and Management": 1550, "T11552: Global trade, sustainability, and social impact": 1551, "T11553: Acne and Rosacea Treatments and Effects": 1552, "T11554: Vascular Procedures and Complications": 1553, "T11555: Methodologies in Health Research and Practice": 1554, "T11556: Poverty, Education, and Child Welfare": 1555, "T11557: Lubricants and Their Additives": 1556, "T11558: Composite Material Mechanics": 1557, "T11559: Retinoids in leukemia and cellular processes": 1558, "T11560: Animal Disease Management and Epidemiology": 1559, "T11561: Protein Hydrolysis and Bioactive Peptides": 1560, "T11562: Facial Trauma and Fracture Management": 1561, "T11563: Indian and Buddhist Studies": 1562, "T11564: Mathematical Inequalities and Applications": 1563, "T11565: Thermoelastic and Magnetoelastic Phenomena": 1564, "T11566: Laser Applications in Dentistry and Medicine": 1565, "T11567: semigroups and automata theory": 1566, "T11568: Railway Systems and Energy Efficiency": 1567, "T11569: Optical Coherence Tomography Applications": 1568, "T11570: Periodontal Regeneration and Treatments": 1569, "T11571: Sarcoidosis and Beryllium Toxicity Research": 1570, "T11572: Information Technology Governance and Strategy": 1571, "T11573: Risk Perception and Management": 1572, "T11574: Artificial Intelligence in Games": 1573, "T11575: Nonlinear Photonic Systems": 1574, "T11576: IgG4-Related and Inflammatory Diseases": 1575, "T11577: Cognitive Abilities and Testing": 1576, "T11578: Plant Pathogenic Bacteria Studies": 1577, "T11579: Cardiovascular and Diving-Related Complications": 1578, "T11580: Veterinary Medicine and Surgery": 1579, "T11581: Viral Infections and Outbreaks Research": 1580, "T11582: Nanopore and Nanochannel Transport Studies": 1581, "T11583: Advanced Measurement and Metrology Techniques": 1582, "T11584: Biochemical Analysis and Sensing Techniques": 1583, "T11585: Exercise and Physiological Responses": 1584, "T11586: Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Studies": 1585, "T11587: Second Language Acquisition and Learning": 1586, "T11588: Atmospheric and Environmental Gas Dynamics": 1587, "T11589: Gynecological conditions and treatments": 1588, "T11590: Primary Care and Health Outcomes": 1589, "T11591: NF-\u03baB Signaling Pathways": 1590, "T11592: Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy": 1591, "T11593: Carbon dioxide utilization in catalysis": 1592, "T11594: Tree-ring climate responses": 1593, "T11595: Textile materials and evaluations": 1594, "T11596: Constraint Satisfaction and Optimization": 1595, "T11597: Neutrophil, Myeloperoxidase and Oxidative Mechanisms": 1596, "T11598: Internet Traffic Analysis and Secure E-voting": 1597, "T11599: Aviation Industry Analysis and Trends": 1598, "T11600: Brain Metastases and Treatment": 1599, "T11601: Neuroscience and Neural Engineering": 1600, "T11602: Magnetic Bearings and Levitation Dynamics": 1601, "T11603: Dust and Plasma Wave Phenomena": 1602, "T11604: Ship Hydrodynamics and Maneuverability": 1603, "T11605: Visual Attention and Saliency Detection": 1604, "T11606: Infrastructure Maintenance and Monitoring": 1605, "T11607: Microwave and Dielectric Measurement Techniques": 1606, "T11608: Dielectric materials and actuators": 1607, "T11609: Geophysical Methods and Applications": 1608, "T11610: Food Security and Health in Diverse Populations": 1609, "T11611: Cyclopropane Reaction Mechanisms": 1610, "T11612: Stochastic Gradient Optimization Techniques": 1611, "T11613: Phytochemistry and Biological Activities": 1612, "T11614: Cloud Data Security Solutions": 1613, "T11615: Control and Dynamics of Mobile Robots": 1614, "T11616: Autoimmune and Inflammatory Disorders Research": 1615, "T11617: Enzyme Production and Characterization": 1616, "T11618: Cholesterol and Lipid Metabolism": 1617, "T11619: Combustion and Detonation Processes": 1618, "T11620: Medication Adherence and Compliance": 1619, "T11621: Fiscal Policies and Political Economy": 1620, "T11622: Maritime Navigation and Safety": 1621, "T11623: Hyperglycemia and glycemic control in critically ill and hospitalized patients": 1622, "T11624: Constructed Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment": 1623, "T11625: Abdominal vascular conditions and treatments": 1624, "T11626: Metalloenzymes and iron-sulfur proteins": 1625, "T11627: Autoimmune Neurological Disorders and Treatments": 1626, "T11628: Myeloproliferative Neoplasms: Diagnosis and Treatment": 1627, "T11629: Birth, Development, and Health": 1628, "T11630: Petroleum Processing and Analysis": 1629, "T11631: Retirement, Disability, and Employment": 1630, "T11632: Family and Disability Support Research": 1631, "T11633: Prenatal Substance Exposure Effects": 1632, "T11634: Water Quality and Pollution Assessment": 1633, "T11635: Poisoning and overdose treatments": 1634, "T11636: Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare and Education": 1635, "T11637: Advanced Semiconductor Detectors and Materials": 1636, "T11638: Cardiac tumors and thrombi": 1637, "T11639: Mental Health and Patient Involvement": 1638, "T11640: Linguistic Variation and Morphology": 1639, "T11641: Insect and Pesticide Research": 1640, "T11642: Genomics and Rare Diseases": 1641, "T11643: Building materials and conservation": 1642, "T11644: Spam and Phishing Detection": 1643, "T11645: Urban, Neighborhood, and Segregation Studies": 1644, "T11646: Nonlocal and gradient elasticity in micro/nano structures": 1645, "T11647: Workplace Violence and Bullying": 1646, "T11648: Diaspora, migration, transnational identity": 1647, "T11649: Pharmaceutical industry and healthcare": 1648, "T11650: Skin and Cellular Biology Research": 1649, "T11651: Inhalation and Respiratory Drug Delivery": 1650, "T11652: Imbalanced Data Classification Techniques": 1651, "T11653: Financial Distress and Bankruptcy Prediction": 1652, "T11654: Advanced Mathematical Physics Problems": 1653, "T11655: HIV-related health complications and treatments": 1654, "T11656: Turtle Biology and Conservation": 1655, "T11657: Digital and Traditional Archives Management": 1656, "T11658: Esophageal and GI Pathology": 1657, "T11659: Advanced Image Fusion Techniques": 1658, "T11660: Blood groups and transfusion": 1659, "T11661: Copper Interconnects and Reliability": 1660, "T11662: Legal Cases and Commentary": 1661, "T11663: Viral Infectious Diseases and Gene Expression in Insects": 1662, "T11664: Fiber-reinforced polymer composites": 1663, "T11665: Animal Vocal Communication and Behavior": 1664, "T11666: Color Science and Applications": 1665, "T11667: Advanced Chemical Sensor Technologies": 1666, "T11668: interferon and immune responses": 1667, "T11669: Head and Neck Surgical Oncology": 1668, "T11670: Pressure Ulcer Prevention and Management": 1669, "T11671: Fuzzy and Soft Set Theory": 1670, "T11672: Recycling and utilization of industrial and municipal waste in materials production": 1671, "T11673: Advanced Topics in Algebra": 1672, "T11674: Sports Analytics and Performance": 1673, "T11675: Open Source Software Innovations": 1674, "T11676: Parental Involvement in Education": 1675, "T11677: Congenital heart defects research": 1676, "T11678: Healthcare Decision-Making and Restraints": 1677, "T11679: Craniofacial Disorders and Treatments": 1678, "T11680: Advanced Algebra and Geometry": 1679, "T11681: Nosocomial Infections in ICU": 1680, "T11682: Advanced Condensed Matter Physics": 1681, "T11683: Quantum and Classical Electrodynamics": 1682, "T11684: Vibrio bacteria research studies": 1683, "T11685: Zebrafish Biomedical Research Applications": 1684, "T11686: Dendrimers and Hyperbranched Polymers": 1685, "T11687: Teleoperation and Haptic Systems": 1686, "T11688: Microbial infections and disease research": 1687, "T11689: Adversarial Robustness in Machine Learning": 1688, "T11690: Advanced battery technologies research": 1689, "T11691: Forest Insect Ecology and Management": 1690, "T11692: Noise Effects and Management": 1691, "T11693: Cryptography and Residue Arithmetic": 1692, "T11694: Fluid Dynamics Simulations and Interactions": 1693, "T11695: South African History and Culture": 1694, "T11696: Conflict Management and Negotiation": 1695, "T11697: Numerical Methods and Algorithms": 1696, "T11698: Underwater Acoustics Research": 1697, "T11699: High-Velocity Impact and Material Behavior": 1698, "T11700: Hemodynamic Monitoring and Therapy": 1699, "T11701: Space Satellite Systems and Control": 1700, "T11702: Parasitic Diseases Research and Treatment": 1701, "T11703: Rings, Modules, and Algebras": 1702, "T11704: Mobile Crowdsensing and Crowdsourcing": 1703, "T11705: Gambling Behavior and Treatments": 1704, "T11706: Forensic Entomology and Diptera Studies": 1705, "T11707: Gaze Tracking and Assistive Technology": 1706, "T11708: Photochromic and Fluorescence Chemistry": 1707, "T11709: Traditional Chinese Medicine Analysis": 1708, "T11710: Biomedical Text Mining and Ontologies": 1709, "T11711: COVID-19 Pandemic Impacts": 1710, "T11712: Intergenerational Family Dynamics and Caregiving": 1711, "T11713: Genital Health and Disease": 1712, "T11714: Multimodal Machine Learning Applications": 1713, "T11715: Education and Critical Thinking Development": 1714, "T11716: Random Matrices and Applications": 1715, "T11717: Postcolonial and Cultural Literary Studies": 1716, "T11718: Physical Education and Pedagogy": 1717, "T11719: Data Quality and Management": 1718, "T11720: Probability and Risk Models": 1719, "T11721: Blood properties and coagulation": 1720, "T11722: Patient Satisfaction in Healthcare": 1721, "T11723: Optical Coatings and Gratings": 1722, "T11724: Inflammatory Myopathies and Dermatomyositis": 1723, "T11725: Immunodeficiency and Autoimmune Disorders": 1724, "T11726: Organizational Management and Innovation": 1725, "T11727: Advanced Algebra and Logic": 1726, "T11728: Thyroid and Parathyroid Surgery": 1727, "T11729: Product Development and Customization": 1728, "T11730: Autoimmune Bullous Skin Diseases": 1729, "T11731: Global Health and Surgery": 1730, "T11732: Assisted Reproductive Technology and Twin Pregnancy": 1731, "T11733: X-ray Spectroscopy and Fluorescence Analysis": 1732, "T11734: Decision Support System Applications": 1733, "T11735: Peripheral Neuropathies and Disorders": 1734, "T11736: Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors Research": 1735, "T11737: Advanced Materials and Mechanics": 1736, "T11738: Ultrasound in Clinical Applications": 1737, "T11739: Microwave Imaging and Scattering Analysis": 1738, "T11740: Geochemistry and Elemental Analysis": 1739, "T11741: Flexible and Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems": 1740, "T11742: Economic Theory and Policy": 1741, "T11743: Political Economy and Marxism": 1742, "T11744: Health Sciences Research and Education": 1743, "T11745: Potato Plant Research": 1744, "T11746: Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry": 1745, "T11747: Metal-Catalyzed Oxygenation Mechanisms": 1746, "T11748: Organophosphorus compounds synthesis": 1747, "T11749: Iterative Learning Control Systems": 1748, "T11750: Phytoplasmas and Hemiptera pathogens": 1749, "T11751: Lattice Boltzmann Simulation Studies": 1750, "T11752: Cancer Treatment and Pharmacology": 1751, "T11753: Forest Management and Policy": 1752, "T11754: SARS-CoV-2 detection and testing": 1753, "T11755: Transboundary Water Resource Management": 1754, "T11756: Mentoring and Academic Development": 1755, "T11757: Seismic Waves and Analysis": 1756, "T11758: Organic and Molecular Conductors Research": 1757, "T11759: Occupational Therapy Practice and Research": 1758, "T11760: Plant responses to elevated CO2": 1759, "T11761: Resilience and Mental Health": 1760, "T11762: Law, Economics, and Judicial Systems": 1761, "T11763: Intracerebral and Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Research": 1762, "T11764: Evolution and Genetic Dynamics": 1763, "T11765: Circular RNAs in diseases": 1764, "T11766: Iron-based superconductors research": 1765, "T11767: Poxvirus research and outbreaks": 1766, "T11768: Music Therapy and Health": 1767, "T11769: Copyright and Intellectual Property": 1768, "T11770: Fiscal Policy and Economic Growth": 1769, "T11771: Plant Pathogens and Resistance": 1770, "T11772: Genetics and Neurodevelopmental Disorders": 1771, "T11773: Healthcare Operations and Scheduling Optimization": 1772, "T11774: Adsorption and Cooling Systems": 1773, "T11775: COVID-19 diagnosis using AI": 1774, "T11776: Irish and British Studies": 1775, "T11777: Fixed Point Theorems Analysis": 1776, "T11778: Electrical and Bioimpedance Tomography": 1777, "T11779: Higher Education and Employability": 1778, "T11780: Rabies epidemiology and control": 1779, "T11781: Wastewater Treatment and Reuse": 1780, "T11782: Magnetic Properties of Alloys": 1781, "T11783: Turkey's Politics and Society": 1782, "T11784: CO2 Reduction Techniques and Catalysts": 1783, "T11785: Nausea and vomiting management": 1784, "T11786: Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism Studies": 1785, "T11787: Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology": 1786, "T11788: Nonlinear Optical Materials Studies": 1787, "T11789: Land Rights and Reforms": 1788, "T11790: N-Heterocyclic Carbenes in Organic and Inorganic Chemistry": 1789, "T11791: Microbial Community Ecology and Physiology": 1790, "T11792: Pharmaceutical Economics and Policy": 1791, "T11793: Recreation, Leisure, Wilderness Management": 1792, "T11794: Early Modern Spanish Literature": 1793, "T11795: Humor Studies and Applications": 1794, "T11796: Horticultural and Viticultural Research": 1795, "T11797: graph theory and CDMA systems": 1796, "T11798: Optimal Experimental Design Methods": 1797, "T11799: Adhesion, Friction, and Surface Interactions": 1798, "T11800: User Authentication and Security Systems": 1799, "T11801: Reservoir Engineering and Simulation Methods": 1800, "T11802: Chemical Looping and Thermochemical Processes": 1801, "T11803: Superconducting and THz Device Technology": 1802, "T11804: Quantum many-body systems": 1803, "T11805: Agricultural economics and policies": 1804, "T11806: Service-Learning and Community Engagement": 1805, "T11807: Infrastructure Resilience and Vulnerability Analysis": 1806, "T11808: Superconducting Materials and Applications": 1807, "T11809: Advanced NMR Techniques and Applications": 1808, "T11810: Complex Systems and Decision Making": 1809, "T11811: Cutaneous lymphoproliferative disorders research": 1810, "T11812: Nasal Surgery and Airway Studies": 1811, "T11813: Library Collection Development and Digital Resources": 1812, "T11814: Advanced Manufacturing and Logistics Optimization": 1813, "T11815: Urological Disorders and Treatments": 1814, "T11816: Nursing Roles and Practices": 1815, "T11817: Housing, Finance, and Neoliberalism": 1816, "T11818: Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors Study": 1817, "T11819: Data-Driven Disease Surveillance": 1818, "T11820: Learning Styles and Cognitive Differences": 1819, "T11821: Odor and Emission Control Technologies": 1820, "T11822: Analytic and geometric function theory": 1821, "T11823: Natural Resources and Economic Development": 1822, "T11824: Injury Epidemiology and Prevention": 1823, "T11825: Catalysis and Oxidation Reactions": 1824, "T11826: Ocular Infections and Treatments": 1825, "T11827: Polyomavirus and related diseases": 1826, "T11828: Corneal Surgery and Treatments": 1827, "T11829: Mathematical Biology Tumor Growth": 1828, "T11830: Point processes and geometric inequalities": 1829, "T11831: Chemical Synthesis and Reactions": 1830, "T11832: Doctoral Education Challenges and Solutions": 1831, "T11833: Spinal Dysraphism and Malformations": 1832, "T11834: Liver Diseases and Immunity": 1833, "T11835: Sustainability in Higher Education": 1834, "T11836: Bryophyte Studies and Records": 1835, "T11837: Iron and Steelmaking Processes": 1836, "T11838: Crime, Illicit Activities, and Governance": 1837, "T11839: Hormonal Regulation and Hypertension": 1838, "T11840: Pain Management and Treatment": 1839, "T11841: Nuclear Structure and Function": 1840, "T11842: Ultrasound and Cavitation Phenomena": 1841, "T11843: Family Business Performance and Succession": 1842, "T11844: Lipid metabolism and biosynthesis": 1843, "T11845: Cancer therapeutics and mechanisms": 1844, "T11846: Cultural Heritage Management and Preservation": 1845, "T11847: Recycled Aggregate Concrete Performance": 1846, "T11848: Heme Oxygenase-1 and Carbon Monoxide": 1847, "T11849: Intellectual Capital and Performance Analysis": 1848, "T11850: Concrete Corrosion and Durability": 1849, "T11851: Electromagnetic Compatibility and Measurements": 1850, "T11852: Clay minerals and soil interactions": 1851, "T11853: Semiconductor materials and interfaces": 1852, "T11854: Laser-induced spectroscopy and plasma": 1853, "T11855: Gastrointestinal disorders and treatments": 1854, "T11856: Thermography and Photoacoustic Techniques": 1855, "T11857: Archaeological and Historical Studies": 1856, "T11858: Urban Development and Societal Issues": 1857, "T11859: Educator Training and Historical Pedagogy": 1858, "T11860: HIV, Drug Use, Sexual Risk": 1859, "T11861: Thermal Regulation in Medicine": 1860, "T11862: Agriculture, Land Use, Rural Development": 1861, "T11863: Gender, Security, and Conflict": 1862, "T11864: Supply Chain Resilience and Risk Management": 1863, "T11865: Anorectal Disease Treatments and Outcomes": 1864, "T11866: Reconstructive Facial Surgery Techniques": 1865, "T11867: Traumatic Ocular and Foreign Body Injuries": 1866, "T11868: Cancer and Skin Lesions": 1867, "T11869: Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances research": 1868, "T11870: Structural Analysis and Optimization": 1869, "T11871: Advanced Statistical Methods and Models": 1870, "T11872: Barrier Structure and Function Studies": 1871, "T11873: PAPR reduction in OFDM": 1872, "T11874: Structural Response to Dynamic Loads": 1873, "T11875: Statistics Education and Methodologies": 1874, "T11876: Legal Studies and Policies": 1875, "T11877: Iron oxide chemistry and applications": 1876, "T11878: Solid-state spectroscopy and crystallography": 1877, "T11879: Protist diversity and phylogeny": 1878, "T11880: Forest ecology and management": 1879, "T11881: Crystallization and Solubility Studies": 1880, "T11882: Plant biochemistry and biosynthesis": 1881, "T11883: Embodied and Extended Cognition": 1882, "T11884: Redox biology and oxidative stress": 1883, "T11885: MRI in cancer diagnosis": 1884, "T11886: Agricultural risk and resilience": 1885, "T11887: Quasicrystal Structures and Properties": 1886, "T11888: Gender Roles and Identity Studies": 1887, "T11889: Ginseng Biological Effects and Applications": 1888, "T11890: Scientific Measurement and Uncertainty Evaluation": 1889, "T11891: Big Data and Business Intelligence": 1890, "T11892: Kawasaki Disease and Coronary Complications": 1891, "T11893: German Literature and Culture Studies": 1892, "T11894: Radiology practices and education": 1893, "T11895: Social and Cultural Dynamics": 1894, "T11896: Opportunistic and Delay-Tolerant Networks": 1895, "T11897: Digital Holography and Microscopy": 1896, "T11898: Economics of Agriculture and Food Markets": 1897, "T11899: Brucella: diagnosis, epidemiology, treatment": 1898, "T11900: Fungal Plant Pathogen Control": 1899, "T11901: Bayesian Methods and Mixture Models": 1900, "T11902: Intelligent Tutoring Systems and Adaptive Learning": 1901, "T11903: Private Equity and Venture Capital": 1902, "T11904: Spatial Cognition and Navigation": 1903, "T11905: Veterinary Pharmacology and Anesthesia": 1904, "T11906: Gender, Sexuality, and Education": 1905, "T11907: Copper-based nanomaterials and applications": 1906, "T11908: Protein Interaction Studies and Fluorescence Analysis": 1907, "T11909: Histiocytic Disorders and Treatments": 1908, "T11910: Foreign Body Medical Cases": 1909, "T11911: Spatial and Panel Data Analysis": 1910, "T11912: Outsourcing and Supply Chain Management": 1911, "T11913: Animal Ecology and Behavior Studies": 1912, "T11914: PARP inhibition in cancer therapy": 1913, "T11915: Pickering emulsions and particle stabilization": 1914, "T11916: Legionella and Acanthamoeba research": 1915, "T11917: Coagulation, Bradykinin, Polyphosphates, and Angioedema": 1916, "T11918: Forecasting Techniques and Applications": 1917, "T11919: dental development and anomalies": 1918, "T11920: Pulsed Power Technology Applications": 1919, "T11921: Electroconvulsive Therapy Studies": 1920, "T11922: Cardiovascular Effects of Exercise": 1921, "T11923: Mine drainage and remediation techniques": 1922, "T11924: Polyamine Metabolism and Applications": 1923, "T11925: Culinary Culture and Tourism": 1924, "T11926: Subterranean biodiversity and taxonomy": 1925, "T11927: Plant Reproductive Biology": 1926, "T11928: Genetic Syndromes and Imprinting": 1927, "T11929: Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis": 1928, "T11930: Cardiac, Anesthesia and Surgical Outcomes": 1929, "T11931: Organoselenium and organotellurium chemistry": 1930, "T11932: Wireless Body Area Networks": 1931, "T11933: Mining and Resource Management": 1932, "T11934: Syphilis Diagnosis and Treatment": 1933, "T11935: Literacy, Media, and Education": 1934, "T11936: Chemical and Physical Properties in Aqueous Solutions": 1935, "T11937: Research Data Management Practices": 1936, "T11938: ERP Systems Implementation and Impact": 1937, "T11939: Public-Private Partnership Projects": 1938, "T11940: Layered Double Hydroxides Synthesis and Applications": 1939, "T11941: Power System Reliability and Maintenance": 1940, "T11942: Transportation and Mobility Innovations": 1941, "T11943: Pharmacovigilance and Adverse Drug Reactions": 1942, "T11944: Participatory Visual Research Methods": 1943, "T11945: Heat Transfer Mechanisms": 1944, "T11946: Antenna Design and Optimization": 1945, "T11947: Molten salt chemistry and electrochemical processes": 1946, "T11948: Machine Learning in Materials Science": 1947, "T11949: Nuclear Physics and Applications": 1948, "T11950: Cardiovascular Syncope and Autonomic Disorders": 1949, "T11951: Trauma Management and Diagnosis": 1950, "T11952: Landfill Environmental Impact Studies": 1951, "T11953: Neuroethics, Human Enhancement, Biomedical Innovations": 1952, "T11954: Energy Efficiency and Management": 1953, "T11955: Urban and spatial planning": 1954, "T11956: Sexual Differentiation and Disorders": 1955, "T11957: Food Safety and Hygiene": 1956, "T11958: Dental Erosion and Treatment": 1957, "T11959: Employment and Welfare Studies": 1958, "T11960: Relativity and Gravitational Theory": 1959, "T11961: Neonatal and Maternal Infections": 1960, "T11962: Cardiac Fibrosis and Remodeling": 1961, "T11963: Impact of Light on Environment and Health": 1962, "T11964: Pregnancy and Medication Impact": 1963, "T11965: Quantum, superfluid, helium dynamics": 1964, "T11966: Silk-based biomaterials and applications": 1965, "T11967: Electrolyte and hormonal disorders": 1966, "T11968: High Altitude and Hypoxia": 1967, "T11969: Fluoride Effects and Removal": 1968, "T11970: Molecular Biology Techniques and Applications": 1969, "T11971: World Wars: History, Literature, and Impact": 1970, "T11972: Chromium effects and bioremediation": 1971, "T11973: Plant chemical constituents analysis": 1972, "T11974: Lepidoptera: Biology and Taxonomy": 1973, "T11975: Evolutionary Algorithms and Applications": 1974, "T11976: Capital Investment and Risk Analysis": 1975, "T11977: Technology Use by Older Adults": 1976, "T11978: Soil Mechanics and Vehicle Dynamics": 1977, "T11979: Garlic and Onion Studies": 1978, "T11980: Human Mobility and Location-Based Analysis": 1979, "T11981: Qualitative Research Methods and Ethics": 1980, "T11982: Rhetoric and Communication Studies": 1981, "T11983: Identity, Memory, and Therapy": 1982, "T11984: Anatomy and Medical Technology": 1983, "T11985: Marine Toxins and Detection Methods": 1984, "T11986: Scientific Computing and Data Management": 1985, "T11987: COVID-19 Impact on Reproduction": 1986, "T11988: Sustainable Building Design and Assessment": 1987, "T11989: Oxidative Organic Chemistry Reactions": 1988, "T11990: Global Health Workforce Issues": 1989, "T11991: Soft tissue tumor case studies": 1990, "T11992: CCD and CMOS Imaging Sensors": 1991, "T11993: Atomic and Subatomic Physics Research": 1992, "T11994: Human Resource Development and Performance Evaluation": 1993, "T11995: FinTech, Crowdfunding, Digital Finance": 1994, "T11996: Random lasers and scattering media": 1995, "T11997: Free Will and Agency": 1996, "T11998: Youth Development and Social Support": 1997, "T11999: Empathy and Medical Education": 1998, "T12000: Systems Engineering Methodologies and Applications": 1999, "T12001: Fossil Insects in Amber": 2000, "T12002: Computability, Logic, AI Algorithms": 2001, "T12003: Bioenergy crop production and management": 2002, "T12004: Advanced Frequency and Time Standards": 2003, "T12005: Spaceflight effects on biology": 2004, "T12006: Ergonomics and Musculoskeletal Disorders": 2005, "T12007: Plasma and Flow Control in Aerodynamics": 2006, "T12008: Solar-Powered Water Purification Methods": 2007, "T12009: Hedgehog Signaling Pathway Studies": 2008, "T12010: Evaluation and Performance Assessment": 2009, "T12011: Insurance, Mortality, Demography, Risk Management": 2010, "T12012: Diatoms and Algae Research": 2011, "T12013: Sustainable Development and Environmental Policy": 2012, "T12014: Fish biology, ecology, and behavior": 2013, "T12015: Photoacoustic and Ultrasonic Imaging": 2014, "T12016: Web Data Mining and Analysis": 2015, "T12017: Recycling and Waste Management Techniques": 2016, "T12018: Coronary Artery Anomalies": 2017, "T12019: Calibration and Measurement Techniques": 2018, "T12020: Enhanced Recovery After Surgery": 2019, "T12021: Social and Educational Sciences": 2020, "T12022: Hydraulic flow and structures": 2021, "T12023: Cholinesterase and Neurodegenerative Diseases": 2022, "T12024: Ultra-Wideband Communications Technology": 2023, "T12025: Hepatitis Viruses Studies and Epidemiology": 2024, "T12026: Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI)": 2025, "T12027: Social Media in Health Education": 2026, "T12028: Knowledge Management and Sharing": 2027, "T12029: DNA and Biological Computing": 2028, "T12030: S100 Proteins and Annexins": 2029, "T12031: Speech and dialogue systems": 2030, "T12032: Multisensory perception and integration": 2031, "T12033: Agricultural Economics and Policy": 2032, "T12034: Digital and Cyber Forensics": 2033, "T12035: Pain Management and Placebo Effect": 2034, "T12036: Argentine historical studies": 2035, "T12037: Algebraic and Geometric Analysis": 2036, "T12038: Covalent Organic Framework Applications": 2037, "T12039: Electron and X-Ray Spectroscopy Techniques": 2038, "T12040: International Arbitration and Investment Law": 2039, "T12041: Public Health Policies and Education": 2040, "T12042: Satellite Communication Systems": 2041, "T12043: Insect behavior and control techniques": 2042, "T12044: Advanced Physical and Chemical Molecular Interactions": 2043, "T12045: Rice Cultivation and Yield Improvement": 2044, "T12046: MXene and MAX Phase Materials": 2045, "T12047: Viral Infections and Vectors": 2046, "T12048: Microencapsulation and Drying Processes": 2047, "T12049: Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Research": 2048, "T12050: Optical Polarization and Ellipsometry": 2049, "T12051: Diversity and Impact of Dance": 2050, "T12052: Polish socio-economic development": 2051, "T12053: Minimally Invasive Surgical Techniques": 2052, "T12054: Menstrual Health and Disorders": 2053, "T12055: Boron Compounds in Chemistry": 2054, "T12056: Markov Chains and Monte Carlo Methods": 2055, "T12057: Consumer Attitudes and Food Labeling": 2056, "T12058: Allelopathy and phytotoxic interactions": 2057, "T12059: Berberine and alkaloids research": 2058, "T12060: Child Development and Digital Technology": 2059, "T12061: Axon Guidance and Neuronal Signaling": 2060, "T12062: Approximation Theory and Sequence Spaces": 2061, "T12063: Heat and Mass Transfer in Porous Media": 2062, "T12064: Intraperitoneal and Appendiceal Malignancies": 2063, "T12065: Hippo pathway signaling and YAP/TAZ": 2064, "T12066: Obesity and Health Practices": 2065, "T12067: Renal and Vascular Pathologies": 2066, "T12068: Neonatal Health and Biochemistry": 2067, "T12069: Commutative Algebra and Its Applications": 2068, "T12070: Writing and Handwriting Education": 2069, "T12071: Marine Biology and Environmental Chemistry": 2070, "T12072: Machine Learning and Algorithms": 2071, "T12073: Isotope Analysis in Ecology": 2072, "T12074: Membrane-based Ion Separation Techniques": 2073, "T12075: Sodium Intake and Health": 2074, "T12076: Renaissance and Early Modern Studies": 2075, "T12077: Vacuum and Plasma Arcs": 2076, "T12078: Environmental remediation with nanomaterials": 2077, "T12079: IoT Networks and Protocols": 2078, "T12080: Injection Molding Process and Properties": 2079, "T12081: Aerodynamics and Fluid Dynamics Research": 2080, "T12082: Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy and Associated Phenomena": 2081, "T12083: Karst Systems and Hydrogeology": 2082, "T12084: Synthesis and properties of polymers": 2083, "T12085: Collagen: Extraction and Characterization": 2084, "T12086: Structural Integrity and Reliability Analysis": 2085, "T12087: Natural Compound Pharmacology Studies": 2086, "T12088: Intergenerational and Educational Inequality Studies": 2087, "T12089: Intestinal and Peritoneal Adhesions": 2088, "T12090: Language and cultural evolution": 2089, "T12091: Peatlands and Wetlands Ecology": 2090, "T12092: Erosion and Abrasive Machining": 2091, "T12093: Greenhouse Technology and Climate Control": 2092, "T12094: Hemoglobin structure and function": 2093, "T12095: Vehicle emissions and performance": 2094, "T12096: Ectopic Pregnancy Diagnosis and Management": 2095, "T12097: Aquatic Invertebrate Ecology and Behavior": 2096, "T12098: Rural development and sustainability": 2097, "T12099: Advanced materials and composites": 2098, "T12100: Advanced Mathematical Modeling in Engineering": 2099, "T12101: Advanced Bandit Algorithms Research": 2100, "T12102: Fire effects on concrete materials": 2101, "T12103: Cancer Risks and Factors": 2102, "T12104: Protein Tyrosine Phosphatases": 2103, "T12105: Hygrothermal properties of building materials": 2104, "T12106: Surface Treatment and Residual Stress": 2105, "T12107: Leprosy Research and Treatment": 2106, "T12108: Management of metastatic bone disease": 2107, "T12109: Race, Identity, and Education in Brazil": 2108, "T12110: Bone and Dental Protein Studies": 2109, "T12111: Industrial Vision Systems and Defect Detection": 2110, "T12112: Ammonia Synthesis and Nitrogen Reduction": 2111, "T12113: Growth and nutrition in plants": 2112, "T12114: Sensory Analysis and Statistical Methods": 2113, "T12115: Genetic and Environmental Crop Studies": 2114, "T12116: Dermatological diseases and infestations": 2115, "T12117: Muscle and Compartmental Disorders": 2116, "T12118: Forest Biomass Utilization and Management": 2117, "T12119: Linguistics and Discourse Analysis": 2118, "T12120: Air Quality Monitoring and Forecasting": 2119, "T12121: Cooperative Studies and Economics": 2120, "T12122: Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs) and Hardware Security": 2121, "T12123: Financial Analysis and Corporate Governance": 2122, "T12124: Engineering Education and Curriculum Development": 2123, "T12125: Aerospace and Aviation Technology": 2124, "T12126: Maritime Transport Emissions and Efficiency": 2125, "T12127: Software System Performance and Reliability": 2126, "T12128: AI in Service Interactions": 2127, "T12129: Global Energy Security and Policy": 2128, "T12130: Contemporary Literature and Criticism": 2129, "T12131: Wireless Signal Modulation Classification": 2130, "T12132: Hymenoptera taxonomy and phylogeny": 2131, "T12133: Pragmatism in Philosophy and Education": 2132, "T12134: Insect symbiosis and bacterial influences": 2133, "T12135: Fuzzy Systems and Optimization": 2134, "T12136: Vanadium and Halogenation Chemistry": 2135, "T12137: Economic theories and models": 2136, "T12138: Occupational Health and Performance": 2137, "T12139: Advanced Thermodynamic Systems and Engines": 2138, "T12140: Renal and related cancers": 2139, "T12141: Fluid Dynamics and Thin Films": 2140, "T12142: Marine Invertebrate Physiology and Ecology": 2141, "T12143: Place Attachment and Urban Studies": 2142, "T12144: Colonialism, slavery, and trade": 2143, "T12145: Dental Anxiety and Anesthesia Techniques": 2144, "T12146: Power Line Communications and Noise": 2145, "T12147: Urban and Rural Development Challenges": 2146, "T12148: Brazilian Legal Issues": 2147, "T12149: Nanocluster Synthesis and Applications": 2148, "T12150: Intestinal Malrotation and Obstruction Disorders": 2149, "T12151: Interpreting and Communication in Healthcare": 2150, "T12152: Concrete Properties and Behavior": 2151, "T12153: Advanced Optical Sensing Technologies": 2152, "T12154: Pelvic and Acetabular Injuries": 2153, "T12155: Microwave Dielectric Ceramics Synthesis": 2154, "T12156: World Trade Organization Law": 2155, "T12157: Geochemistry and Geologic Mapping": 2156, "T12158: Guidance and Control Systems": 2157, "T12159: T-cell and Retrovirus Studies": 2158, "T12160: African cultural and philosophical studies": 2159, "T12161: Plant Surface Properties and Treatments": 2160, "T12162: Cellular Automata and Applications": 2161, "T12163: Aerosol Filtration and Electrostatic Precipitation": 2162, "T12164: Education Practices and Challenges": 2163, "T12165: Environmental Sustainability and Education": 2164, "T12166: Ion-surface interactions and analysis": 2165, "T12167: Bacterial Identification and Susceptibility Testing": 2166, "T12168: Health and Medical Research Impacts": 2167, "T12169: Non-Destructive Testing Techniques": 2168, "T12170: History and Theory of Mathematics": 2169, "T12171: Open Education and E-Learning": 2170, "T12172: Neutropenia and Cancer Infections": 2171, "T12173: Body Contouring and Surgery": 2172, "T12174: Hospital Admissions and Outcomes": 2173, "T12175: Social Representations and Identity": 2174, "T12176: Optimization and Packing Problems": 2175, "T12177: Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling": 2176, "T12178: Bird parasitology and diseases": 2177, "T12179: Art Education and Development": 2178, "T12180: Polar Research and Ecology": 2179, "T12181: Agricultural and Biological Research": 2180, "T12182: Evolution and Science Education": 2181, "T12183: Teratomas and Epidermoid Cysts": 2182, "T12184: Linguistics and Education Research": 2183, "T12185: Regulation and Compliance Studies": 2184, "T12186: Phosphorus and nutrient management": 2185, "T12187: Glutathione Transferases and Polymorphisms": 2186, "T12188: Architecture, Modernity, and Design": 2187, "T12189: Sulfur-Based Synthesis Techniques": 2188, "T12190: Innovations in Concrete and Construction Materials": 2189, "T12191: Chemical Reaction Mechanisms": 2190, "T12192: Polysaccharides Composition and Applications": 2191, "T12193: Trigeminal Neuralgia and Treatments": 2192, "T12194: Cultural Competency in Health Care": 2193, "T12195: Aerogels and thermal insulation": 2194, "T12196: Community Health and Development": 2195, "T12197: Brake Systems and Friction Analysis": 2196, "T12198: Oral health in cancer treatment": 2197, "T12199: Vascular Anomalies and Treatments": 2198, "T12200: Heusler alloys: electronic and magnetic properties": 2199, "T12201: Agricultural Engineering and Mechanization": 2200, "T12202: nanoparticles nucleation surface interactions": 2201, "T12203: Mobile Agent-Based Network Management": 2202, "T12204: African Education and Politics": 2203, "T12205: Time Series Analysis and Forecasting": 2204, "T12206: Vibration and Dynamic Analysis": 2205, "T12207: Assistive Technology in Communication and Mobility": 2206, "T12208: Occupational exposure and asthma": 2207, "T12209: Bone and Joint Diseases": 2208, "T12210: Policy Transfer and Learning": 2209, "T12211: Aluminum toxicity and tolerance in plants and animals": 2210, "T12212: CNS Lymphoma Diagnosis and Treatment": 2211, "T12213: Marine Ecology and Invasive Species": 2212, "T12214: Media Influence and Health": 2213, "T12215: Phytochemical Studies and Bioactivities": 2214, "T12216: Network Time Synchronization Technologies": 2215, "T12217: Higher Education Teaching and Evaluation": 2216, "T12218: Coal and Its By-products": 2217, "T12219: Canadian Identity and History": 2218, "T12220: Quantum Electrodynamics and Casimir Effect": 2219, "T12221: Cybersecurity and Cyber Warfare Studies": 2220, "T12222: IoT-based Smart Home Systems": 2221, "T12223: Leptospirosis research and findings": 2222, "T12224: Nanofabrication and Lithography Techniques": 2223, "T12225: Political Influence and Corporate Strategies": 2224, "T12226: Neuroblastoma Research and Treatments": 2225, "T12227: Environmental and Social Impact Assessments": 2226, "T12228: Coordination Chemistry and Organometallics": 2227, "T12229: Pharmacological Effects and Toxicity Studies": 2228, "T12230: Cardiovascular Issues in Pregnancy": 2229, "T12231: Contemporary Sociological Theory and Practice": 2230, "T12232: Yersinia bacterium, plague, ectoparasites research": 2231, "T12233: Geotechnical Engineering and Underground Structures": 2232, "T12234: Mollusks and Parasites Studies": 2233, "T12235: Child Abuse and Related Trauma": 2234, "T12236: Photoreceptor and optogenetics research": 2235, "T12237: Congenital gastrointestinal and neural anomalies": 2236, "T12238: Green IT and Sustainability": 2237, "T12239: Construction Management and Sustainability": 2238, "T12240: Nanomaterials for catalytic reactions": 2239, "T12241: Children's Physical and Motor Development": 2240, "T12242: Latin American and Latino Studies": 2241, "T12243: Research in Cotton Cultivation": 2242, "T12244: Healthcare Education and Workforce Issues": 2243, "T12245: Counseling, Therapy, and Family Dynamics": 2244, "T12246: Chronic Disease Management Strategies": 2245, "T12247: Microbial Applications in Construction Materials": 2246, "T12248: Water Governance and Infrastructure": 2247, "T12249: Veterinary Orthopedics and Neurology": 2248, "T12250: Experimental and Theoretical Physics Studies": 2249, "T12251: Synthesis and Catalytic Reactions": 2250, "T12252: Mechanical stress and fatigue analysis": 2251, "T12253: Urban Agriculture and Sustainability": 2252, "T12254: Machine Learning in Bioinformatics": 2253, "T12255: Biosimilars and Bioanalytical Methods": 2254, "T12256: Facilities and Workplace Management": 2255, "T12257: Bioactive natural compounds": 2256, "T12258: Perfectionism, Procrastination, Anxiety Studies": 2257, "T12259: Environmental Justice and Health Disparities": 2258, "T12260: Educational Technology and Pedagogy": 2259, "T12261: Statistical Mechanics and Entropy": 2260, "T12262: Hate Speech and Cyberbullying Detection": 2261, "T12263: Peacebuilding and International Security": 2262, "T12264: Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine": 2263, "T12265: Gun Ownership and Violence Research": 2264, "T12266: Byzantine Studies and History": 2265, "T12267: Diet and metabolism studies": 2266, "T12268: Deception detection and forensic psychology": 2267, "T12269: Effects of Vibration on Health": 2268, "T12270: Microwave-Assisted Synthesis and Applications": 2269, "T12271: Renewable energy and sustainable power systems": 2270, "T12272: Cardiovascular Conditions and Treatments": 2271, "T12273: Latin American Urban Studies": 2272, "T12274: Electrostatics and Colloid Interactions": 2273, "T12275: Gender and Feminist Studies": 2274, "T12276: Risk Management in Financial Firms": 2275, "T12277: Frequency Control in Power Systems": 2276, "T12278: Vascular Tumors and Angiosarcomas": 2277, "T12279: Body Composition Measurement Techniques": 2278, "T12280: Magnesium in Health and Disease": 2279, "T12281: Animal testing and alternatives": 2280, "T12282: Mineral Processing and Grinding": 2281, "T12283: Latin American history and culture": 2282, "T12284: Emotional Labor in Professions": 2283, "T12285: Surface Chemistry and Catalysis": 2284, "T12286: Erythrocyte Function and Pathophysiology": 2285, "T12287: Fibroblast Growth Factor Research": 2286, "T12288: Optimization and Search Problems": 2287, "T12289: Library Science and Administration": 2288, "T12290: Human Motion and Animation": 2289, "T12291: Pericarditis and Cardiac Tamponade": 2290, "T12292: Graph Theory and Algorithms": 2291, "T12293: Dam Engineering and Safety": 2292, "T12294: Agricultural Science and Fertilization": 2293, "T12295: Foucault, Power, and Ethics": 2294, "T12296: Autopsy Techniques and Outcomes": 2295, "T12297: Otolaryngology and Infectious Diseases": 2296, "T12298: Phytochemicals and Medicinal Plants": 2297, "T12299: Radiation Shielding Materials Analysis": 2298, "T12300: Advanced Electrical Measurement Techniques": 2299, "T12301: Facial Nerve Paralysis Treatment and Research": 2300, "T12302: Advanced Nanomaterials in Catalysis": 2301, "T12303: Tensor decomposition and applications": 2302, "T12304: Radiative Heat Transfer Studies": 2303, "T12305: Cassava research and cyanide": 2304, "T12306: Urban and Freight Transport Logistics": 2305, "T12307: Ancient Near East History": 2306, "T12308: Mental Health and Psychiatry": 2307, "T12309: solar cell performance optimization": 2308, "T12310: Crop Yield and Soil Fertility": 2309, "T12311: Political Theology and Sovereignty": 2310, "T12312: Culture, Economy, and Development Studies": 2311, "T12313: Emotions and Moral Behavior": 2312, "T12314: Nuts composition and effects": 2313, "T12315: Older Adults Driving Studies": 2314, "T12316: Oil Spill Detection and Mitigation": 2315, "T12317: Actinomycetales infections and treatment": 2316, "T12318: Quinazolinone synthesis and applications": 2317, "T12319: Fish Biology and Ecology Studies": 2318, "T12320: Feminist Epistemology and Gender Studies": 2319, "T12321: Insect Pheromone Research and Control": 2320, "T12322: Animal health and immunology": 2321, "T12323: Asian American and Pacific Histories": 2322, "T12324: History of Medicine Studies": 2323, "T12325: Urban Design and Spatial Analysis": 2324, "T12326: Network Packet Processing and Optimization": 2325, "T12327: Various Chemistry Research Topics": 2326, "T12328: Autoimmune and Inflammatory Disorders": 2327, "T12329: Hemiptera Insect Studies": 2328, "T12330: Botanical Research and Applications": 2329, "T12331: Hereditary Neurological Disorders": 2330, "T12332: Comparative constitutional jurisprudence studies": 2331, "T12333: Abdominal Surgery and Complications": 2332, "T12334: Lung Cancer Research Studies": 2333, "T12335: Sexuality, Behavior, and Technology": 2334, "T12336: Insect Utilization and Effects": 2335, "T12337: Italian Fascism and Post-war Society": 2336, "T12338: Digital literacy in education": 2337, "T12339: Medical Malpractice and Liability Issues": 2338, "T12340: Anodic Oxide Films and Nanostructures": 2339, "T12341: Spanish Linguistics and Language Studies": 2340, "T12342: Vascular anomalies and interventions": 2341, "T12343: Geography Education and Pedagogy": 2342, "T12344: Silicon Effects in Agriculture": 2343, "T12345: Adult and Continuing Education Topics": 2344, "T12346: Phytochemistry and biological activity of medicinal plants": 2345, "T12347: Ginger and Zingiberaceae research": 2346, "T12348: Rural Development and Agriculture": 2347, "T12349: Food Chemistry and Fat Analysis": 2348, "T12350: Particle Dynamics in Fluid Flows": 2349, "T12351: Geometry and complex manifolds": 2350, "T12352: Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia and Thrombosis": 2351, "T12353: Lexicography and Language Studies": 2352, "T12354: Innovations in Educational Methods": 2353, "T12355: Genetic and rare skin diseases.": 2354, "T12356: Bioactive Compounds and Antitumor Agents": 2355, "T12357: Digital Media Forensic Detection": 2356, "T12358: Thermal and Kinetic Analysis": 2357, "T12359: Fern and Epiphyte Biology": 2358, "T12360: Plant-derived Lignans Synthesis and Bioactivity": 2359, "T12361: Study of Mite Species": 2360, "T12362: Tribology and Wear Analysis": 2361, "T12363: Academic Research in Diverse Fields": 2362, "T12364: Archaeological Research and Protection": 2363, "T12365: Effects of Environmental Stressors on Livestock": 2364, "T12366: Philosophy, Ethics, and Existentialism": 2365, "T12367: Dental Trauma and Treatments": 2366, "T12368: Grey System Theory Applications": 2367, "T12369: Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia detection and treatment": 2368, "T12370: Advances in Cucurbitaceae Research": 2369, "T12371: Electrical Contact Performance and Analysis": 2370, "T12372: Art Therapy and Mental Health": 2371, "T12373: Linguistic research and analysis": 2372, "T12374: European and International Contract Law": 2373, "T12375: Cuban History and Society": 2374, "T12376: Corporate Management and Leadership": 2375, "T12377: Digital Humanities and Scholarship": 2376, "T12378: Accounting Education and Careers": 2377, "T12379: Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment": 2378, "T12380: Authorship Attribution and Profiling": 2379, "T12381: Electron Spin Resonance Studies": 2380, "T12382: History of Education Research in Brazil": 2381, "T12383: Aeolian processes and effects": 2382, "T12384: Customer churn and segmentation": 2383, "T12385: Food Quality and Safety Studies": 2384, "T12386: Advanced X-ray and CT Imaging": 2385, "T12387: Galectins and Cancer Biology": 2386, "T12388: Identification and Quantification in Food": 2387, "T12389: Infrared Target Detection Methodologies": 2388, "T12390: Comics and Graphic Narratives": 2389, "T12391: Artificial Immune Systems Applications": 2390, "T12392: Sharing Economy and Platforms": 2391, "T12393: Workplace Spirituality and Leadership": 2392, "T12394: Insurance and Financial Risk Management": 2393, "T12395: Educational Innovations and Technology": 2394, "T12396: Advanced Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems": 2395, "T12397: Critical Theory and Philosophy": 2396, "T12398: Poetry Analysis and Criticism": 2397, "T12399: Wine Industry and Tourism": 2398, "T12400: Neurogenetic and Muscular Disorders Research": 2399, "T12401: Scheduling and Timetabling Solutions": 2400, "T12402: Travel-related health issues": 2401, "T12403: Seed and Plant Biochemistry": 2402, "T12404: Mathematical Approximation and Integration": 2403, "T12405: Characterization and Applications of Magnetic Nanoparticles": 2404, "T12406: IoT and GPS-based Vehicle Safety Systems": 2405, "T12407: Plant Growth Enhancement Techniques": 2406, "T12408: Educational Innovations and Challenges": 2407, "T12409: Reformation and Early Modern Christianity": 2408, "T12410: Structural and Chemical Analysis of Organic and Inorganic Compounds": 2409, "T12411: Shoulder and Clavicle Injuries": 2410, "T12412: Enzyme function and inhibition": 2411, "T12413: Health and Medical Education": 2412, "T12414: Coastal and Marine Management": 2413, "T12415: Employer Branding and e-HRM": 2414, "T12416: Polymer Nanocomposite Synthesis and Irradiation": 2415, "T12417: Morphological variations and asymmetry": 2416, "T12418: Respiratory and Cough-Related Research": 2417, "T12419: Phonocardiography and Auscultation Techniques": 2418, "T12420: Silicone and Siloxane Chemistry": 2419, "T12421: Adrenal Hormones and Disorders": 2420, "T12422: Radiomics and Machine Learning in Medical Imaging": 2421, "T12423: Software Reliability and Analysis Research": 2422, "T12424: Earthquake Detection and Analysis": 2423, "T12425: Industrial Gas Emission Control": 2424, "T12426: Lymphatic Disorders and Treatments": 2425, "T12427: Metal Alloys Wear and Properties": 2426, "T12428: Global Trade and Competitiveness": 2427, "T12429: Chemotherapy-induced organ toxicity mitigation": 2428, "T12430: Academic and Historical Perspectives in Psychology": 2429, "T12431: Sugarcane Cultivation and Processing": 2430, "T12432: Arctic and Russian Policy Studies": 2431, "T12433: Skin Diseases and Diabetes": 2432, "T12434: Phosphodiesterase function and regulation": 2433, "T12435: Bladed Disk Vibration Dynamics": 2434, "T12436: Agronomic Practices and Intercropping Systems": 2435, "T12437: Balkans: History, Politics, Society": 2436, "T12438: Urticaria and Related Conditions": 2437, "T12439: Dental Research and COVID-19": 2438, "T12440: Karl Barth and Christian Theology": 2439, "T12441: Porphyrin Metabolism and Disorders": 2440, "T12442: Thermal Radiation and Cooling Technologies": 2441, "T12443: Delphi Technique in Research": 2442, "T12444: Art, Politics, and Modernism": 2443, "T12445: Twentieth Century Scientific Developments": 2444, "T12446: Economic Growth and Fiscal Policies": 2445, "T12447: Spider Taxonomy and Behavior Studies": 2446, "T12448: Paranormal Experiences and Beliefs": 2447, "T12449: Spacecraft Design and Technology": 2448, "T12450: Radio Astronomy Observations and Technology": 2449, "T12451: Smart Grid and Power Systems": 2450, "T12452: Electrowetting and Microfluidic Technologies": 2451, "T12453: Infectious Aortic and Vascular Conditions": 2452, "T12454: European Political History Analysis": 2453, "T12455: Mediterranean and Iberian flora and fauna": 2454, "T12456: Geotourism and Geoheritage Conservation": 2455, "T12457: Ecocriticism and Environmental Literature": 2456, "T12458: Organometallic Compounds Synthesis and Characterization": 2457, "T12459: Nerve Injury and Rehabilitation": 2458, "T12460: Pediatric Hepatobiliary Diseases and Treatments": 2459, "T12461: Narrative Theory and Analysis": 2460, "T12462: Elder Abuse and Neglect": 2461, "T12463: Amoebic Infections and Treatments": 2462, "T12464: Neurological Complications and Syndromes": 2463, "T12465: Cancer, Lipids, and Metabolism": 2464, "T12466: Near-Field Optical Microscopy": 2465, "T12467: Rangeland Management and Livestock Ecology": 2466, "T12468: Radiation Effects and Dosimetry": 2467, "T12469: Chaos, Complexity, and Education": 2468, "T12470: Caribbean and African Literature and Culture": 2469, "T12471: History of Science and Natural History": 2470, "T12472: Plant responses to water stress": 2471, "T12473: Pacific and Southeast Asian Studies": 2472, "T12474: Education Discipline and Inequality": 2473, "T12475: Plant Parasitism and Resistance": 2474, "T12476: Intraoperative Neuromonitoring and Anesthetic Effects": 2475, "T12477: Toxin Mechanisms and Immunotoxins": 2476, "T12478: Wikis in Education and Collaboration": 2477, "T12479: Web Application Security Vulnerabilities": 2478, "T12480: Health and Wellbeing Research": 2479, "T12481: Digital Accessibility for Disabilities": 2480, "T12482: Tunneling and Rock Mechanics": 2481, "T12483: Global Urban Networks and Dynamics": 2482, "T12484: Retinopathy of Prematurity Studies": 2483, "T12485: Optimism, Hope, and Well-being": 2484, "T12486: Food Supply Chain Traceability": 2485, "T12487: Structural Engineering and Vibration Analysis": 2486, "T12488: Mental Health via Writing": 2487, "T12489: Microbial Metabolites in Food Biotechnology": 2488, "T12490: Software Engineering and Design Patterns": 2489, "T12491: Superconductivity in MgB2 and Alloys": 2490, "T12492: Zoonotic diseases and public health": 2491, "T12493: Memory, violence, and history": 2492, "T12494: Alcoholism and Thiamine Deficiency": 2493, "T12495: Electrostatic Discharge in Electronics": 2494, "T12496: Color perception and design": 2495, "T12497: Traditional and Medicinal Uses of Annonaceae": 2496, "T12498: Latin American Cultural Politics": 2497, "T12499: Diphtheria, Corynebacterium, and Tetanus": 2498, "T12500: Reflective Practices in Education": 2499, "T12501: Digital Economy and Work Transformation": 2500, "T12502: Urbanization and City Planning": 2501, "T12503: Social Acceptance of Renewable Energy": 2502, "T12504: Mathematics and Applications": 2503, "T12505: Peptidase Inhibition and Analysis": 2504, "T12506: Nuclear materials and radiation effects": 2505, "T12507: Utopian, Dystopian, and Speculative Fiction": 2506, "T12508: Functional Equations Stability Results": 2507, "T12509: Corporate Insolvency and Governance": 2508, "T12510: Magneto-Optical Properties and Applications": 2509, "T12511: Medieval and Classical Philosophy": 2510, "T12512: History of Colonial Brazil": 2511, "T12513: Rocket and propulsion systems research": 2512, "T12514: Fashion and Cultural Textiles": 2513, "T12515: Gender and Technology in Education": 2514, "T12516: Advanced Mathematical Theories and Applications": 2515, "T12517: Seventeenth-Century Political and Philosophical Thought": 2516, "T12518: Diverticular Disease and Complications": 2517, "T12519: Cybercrime and Law Enforcement Studies": 2518, "T12520: Psychology of Moral and Emotional Judgment": 2519, "T12521: Death Anxiety and Social Exclusion": 2520, "T12522: Mathematics Education and Pedagogy": 2521, "T12523: Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction Treatments": 2522, "T12524: Chemical Synthesis and Characterization": 2523, "T12525: Australian History and Society": 2524, "T12526: Antimicrobial agents and applications": 2525, "T12527: Chemistry and Stereochemistry Studies": 2526, "T12528: IL-33, ST2, and ILC Pathways": 2527, "T12529: Ga2O3 and related materials": 2528, "T12530: Bioactive Natural Diterpenoids Research": 2529, "T12531: Values and Moral Education": 2530, "T12532: Historical and Cultural Archaeology Studies": 2531, "T12533: Aldose Reductase and Taurine": 2532, "T12534: Protein Degradation and Inhibitors": 2533, "T12535: Machine Learning and Data Classification": 2534, "T12536: Topological and Geometric Data Analysis": 2535, "T12537: Flow Measurement and Analysis": 2536, "T12538: Eosinophilic Esophagitis": 2537, "T12539: Pharmacology and Obesity Treatment": 2538, "T12540: Cyclone Separators and Fluid Dynamics": 2539, "T12541: Graph Labeling and Dimension Problems": 2540, "T12542: Second Language Learning and Teaching": 2541, "T12543: Groundwater and Watershed Analysis": 2542, "T12544: Working Capital and Financial Performance": 2543, "T12545: Global Education and Multiculturalism": 2544, "T12546: Smart Parking Systems Research": 2545, "T12547: Pharmaceutical studies and practices": 2546, "T12548: Hemostasis and retained surgical items": 2547, "T12549: Image and Object Detection Techniques": 2548, "T12550: Politics and Conflicts in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Middle East": 2549, "T12551: Forgiveness and Related Behaviors": 2550, "T12552: Fetal and Pediatric Neurological Disorders": 2551, "T12553: Psychedelics and Drug Studies": 2552, "T12554: Vitamin C and Antioxidants Research": 2553, "T12555: Ancient Egypt and Archaeology": 2554, "T12556: Educational Methods and Analysis": 2555, "T12557: Inorganic Chemistry and Materials": 2556, "T12558: Wittgensteinian philosophy and applications": 2557, "T12559: French Literature and Critical Theory": 2558, "T12560: Nuclear Engineering Thermal-Hydraulics": 2559, "T12561: bioluminescence and chemiluminescence research": 2560, "T12562: Synthesis and Characterization of Pyrroles": 2561, "T12563: History and Politics in Latin America": 2562, "T12564: Sensor Technology and Measurement Systems": 2563, "T12565: Physics and Engineering Research Articles": 2564, "T12566: Nitrogen and Sulfur Effects on Brassica": 2565, "T12567: Heat transfer and supercritical fluids": 2566, "T12568: Plant Taxonomy and Phylogenetics": 2567, "T12569: Restless Legs Syndrome Research": 2568, "T12570: Photopolymerization techniques and applications": 2569, "T12571: Soybean genetics and cultivation": 2570, "T12572: Intelligence, Security, War Strategy": 2571, "T12573: Education and Digital Technologies": 2572, "T12574: Clinical Reasoning and Diagnostic Skills": 2573, "T12575: Medical History and Research": 2574, "T12576: vaccines and immunoinformatics approaches": 2575, "T12577: Geography and Environmental Studies": 2576, "T12578: Diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis": 2577, "T12579: Muon and positron interactions and applications": 2578, "T12580: Vagus Nerve Stimulation Research": 2579, "T12581: Engineering Structural Analysis Methods": 2580, "T12582: Flavonoids in Medical Research": 2581, "T12583: Food Waste Reduction and Sustainability": 2582, "T12584: Hospitality and Tourism Education": 2583, "T12585: North African History and Literature": 2584, "T12586: Folklore, Mythology, and Literature Studies": 2585, "T12587: Gestational Trophoblastic Disease Studies": 2586, "T12588: Electronic and Structural Properties of Oxides": 2587, "T12589: Differential Equations and Boundary Problems": 2588, "T12590: STEM Education": 2589, "T12591: Inclusive Education and Diversity": 2590, "T12592: Opinion Dynamics and Social Influence": 2591, "T12593: Communication in Education and Healthcare": 2592, "T12594: Collaboration in agile enterprises": 2593, "T12595: Romani and Gypsy Studies": 2594, "T12596: Cephalopods and Marine Biology": 2595, "T12597: Fire Detection and Safety Systems": 2596, "T12598: Cardiac Structural Anomalies and Repair": 2597, "T12599: Retinal and Optic Conditions": 2598, "T12600: Eosinophilic Disorders and Syndromes": 2599, "T12601: Web Applications and Data Management": 2600, "T12602: Medical Education and Admissions": 2601, "T12603: NMR spectroscopy and applications": 2602, "T12604: Glycogen Storage Diseases and Myoclonus": 2603, "T12605: Berry genetics and cultivation research": 2604, "T12606: Diptera species taxonomy and behavior": 2605, "T12607: Personal Information Management and User Behavior": 2606, "T12608: Spatial Neglect and Hemispheric Dysfunction": 2607, "T12609: Latin American socio-political dynamics": 2608, "T12610: RNA regulation and disease": 2609, "T12611: Neural Networks and Reservoir Computing": 2610, "T12612: Strong Light-Matter Interactions": 2611, "T12613: X-ray Diffraction in Crystallography": 2612, "T12614: Indigenous Studies and Ecology": 2613, "T12615: Climate Change and Geoengineering": 2614, "T12616: Religious Education and Schools": 2615, "T12617: Energy, Environment, and Transportation Policies": 2616, "T12618: Botany and Plant Ecology Studies": 2617, "T12619: Political Systems and Governance": 2618, "T12620: Signaling Pathways in Disease": 2619, "T12621: Hemispheric Asymmetry in Neuroscience": 2620, "T12622: Neurosurgical Procedures and Complications": 2621, "T12623: Cultural, Media, and Literary Studies": 2622, "T12624: Maritime and Coastal Archaeology": 2623, "T12625: Sympathectomy and Hyperhidrosis Treatments": 2624, "T12626: Cancer, Stress, Anesthesia, and Immune Response": 2625, "T12627: Graphene and Nanomaterials Applications": 2626, "T12628: Polymer Foaming and Composites": 2627, "T12629: Island Studies and Pacific Affairs": 2628, "T12630: African Botany and Ecology Studies": 2629, "T12631: Head and Neck Anomalies": 2630, "T12632: Visual Culture and Art Theory": 2631, "T12633: Legal case studies and regulations": 2632, "T12634: Ureteral procedures and complications": 2633, "T12635: African studies and sociopolitical issues": 2634, "T12636: Regional Development and Innovation": 2635, "T12637: Scarabaeidae Beetle Taxonomy and Biogeography": 2636, "T12638: Pomegranate: compositions and health benefits": 2637, "T12639: Global Energy and Sustainability Research": 2638, "T12640: Environmental DNA in Biodiversity Studies": 2639, "T12641: Historical and socio-economic studies of Spain and related regions": 2640, "T12642: Polymer-Based Agricultural Enhancements": 2641, "T12643: Sustainability and Ecological Systems Analysis": 2642, "T12644: Wildlife-Road Interactions and Conservation": 2643, "T12645: European history and politics": 2644, "T12646: Inorganic Fluorides and Related Compounds": 2645, "T12647: Traditional Chinese Medicine Studies": 2646, "T12648: Academic Writing and Publishing": 2647, "T12649: Alkaloids: synthesis and pharmacology": 2648, "T12650: Aesthetic Perception and Analysis": 2649, "T12651: Halal products and consumer behavior": 2650, "T12652: International Maritime Law Issues": 2651, "T12653: Cyclization and Aryne Chemistry": 2652, "T12654: Xenotransplantation and immune response": 2653, "T12655: Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting Issues": 2654, "T12656: Climate Change, Adaptation, Migration": 2655, "T12657: Phytochemistry Medicinal Plant Applications": 2656, "T12658: Language and Culture": 2657, "T12659: Innovation Diffusion and Forecasting": 2658, "T12660: Plant Disease Management Techniques": 2659, "T12661: Iterative Methods for Nonlinear Equations": 2660, "T12662: Digitalization and Economic Development in Agriculture": 2661, "T12663: Body Image and Dysmorphia Studies": 2662, "T12664: Clinical practice guidelines implementation": 2663, "T12665: Bamboo properties and applications": 2664, "T12666: Historical Psychiatry and Medical Practices": 2665, "T12667: Economic and Technological Developments in Russia": 2666, "T12668: Yeasts and Rust Fungi Studies": 2667, "T12669: Comparative International Legal Studies": 2668, "T12670: Urbanism, Landscape, and Tourism Studies": 2669, "T12671: Management and Marketing Education": 2670, "T12672: Phagocytosis and Immune Regulation": 2671, "T12673: Microbial Metabolism and Applications": 2672, "T12674: Rabbits: Nutrition, Reproduction, Health": 2673, "T12675: Financial Reporting and Valuation Research": 2674, "T12676: Machine Learning and ELM": 2675, "T12677: Sports Dynamics and Biomechanics": 2676, "T12678: Themes in Literature Analysis": 2677, "T12679: Focus Groups and Qualitative Methods": 2678, "T12680: Cultural and Mythological Studies": 2679, "T12681: Global Healthcare and Medical Tourism": 2680, "T12682: Smart Materials for Construction": 2681, "T12683: Studies on Chitinases and Chitosanases": 2682, "T12684: Stuttering Research and Treatment": 2683, "T12685: Phytochemical compounds biological activities": 2684, "T12686: Central European national history": 2685, "T12687: Public Administration in Developing Nations": 2686, "T12688: Microbial metabolism and enzyme function": 2687, "T12689: Silymarin and Mushroom Poisoning": 2688, "T12690: Cross-Border Cooperation and Integration": 2689, "T12691: Coccidia and coccidiosis research": 2690, "T12692: Magnetic Field Sensors Techniques": 2691, "T12693: Migration, Ethnicity, and Economy": 2692, "T12694: Categorization, perception, and language": 2693, "T12695: Urinary and Genital Oncology Studies": 2694, "T12696: Icing and De-icing Technologies": 2695, "T12697: Water Quality Monitoring Technologies": 2696, "T12698: 3D Modeling in Geospatial Applications": 2697, "T12699: Electromagnetic Launch and Propulsion Technology": 2698, "T12700: Doping in Sports": 2699, "T12701: Biological Control of Invasive Species": 2700, "T12702: Brain Tumor Detection and Classification": 2701, "T12703: Oil Palm Production and Sustainability": 2702, "T12704: Stress and Burnout Research": 2703, "T12705: Educational Reforms and Innovations": 2704, "T12706: Subcritical and Supercritical Water Processes": 2705, "T12707: Vehicle License Plate Recognition": 2706, "T12708: Economic and Financial Impacts of Cancer": 2707, "T12709: Optimization and Mathematical Programming": 2708, "T12710: Engineering and Agricultural Innovations": 2709, "T12711: Immigration and Intercultural Education": 2710, "T12712: Myofascial pain diagnosis and treatment": 2711, "T12713: Forest Ecology and Biodiversity Studies": 2712, "T12714: Youth Education and Societal Dynamics": 2713, "T12715: Pregnancy-related medical research": 2714, "T12716: Congenital Anomalies and Fetal Surgery": 2715, "T12717: Space exploration and regulation": 2716, "T12719: Aerospace Engineering and Energy Systems": 2717, "T12720: Multimedia Communication and Technology": 2718, "T12721: Moringa oleifera research and applications": 2719, "T12722: Innovation Policy and R&D": 2720, "T12723: Hannah Arendt's Political Philosophy": 2721, "T12724: Water-Energy-Food Nexus Studies": 2722, "T12725: transportation and logistics systems": 2723, "T12726: Philosophical and Cultural Analysis": 2724, "T12727: Differential Equations and Numerical Methods": 2725, "T12728: Demographic Trends and Gender Preferences": 2726, "T12729: Tree Root and Stability Studies": 2727, "T12730: Weber, Simmel, Sociological Theory": 2728, "T12731: Hidradenitis Suppurativa and Treatments": 2729, "T12732: Agriculture and Farm Safety": 2730, "T12733: Vector-Borne Animal Diseases": 2731, "T12734: Information Systems and Technology Applications": 2732, "T12735: Blood donation and transfusion practices": 2733, "T12736: Criminal Justice and Penology": 2734, "T12737: Electrical Fault Detection and Protection": 2735, "T12738: Corporate Identity and Reputation": 2736, "T12739: Historical Studies on Spain": 2737, "T12740: Gait Recognition and Analysis": 2738, "T12741: Maternal and Neonatal Healthcare": 2739, "T12742: Sunflower and Safflower Cultivation": 2740, "T12743: Spanish Culture and Identity": 2741, "T12744: Medical Device Sterilization and Disinfection": 2742, "T12745: Dietary Effects on Health": 2743, "T12746: Sustainable Industrial Ecology": 2744, "T12747: Moyamoya disease diagnosis and treatment": 2745, "T12748: Molecular spectroscopy and chirality": 2746, "T12749: Race, Genetics, and Society": 2747, "T12750: Nigella sativa pharmacological applications": 2748, "T12751: Leadership and Management in Organizations": 2749, "T12752: Global Peace and Security Dynamics": 2750, "T12753: Psychology, Coaching, and Therapy": 2751, "T12754: Plant Growth and Agriculture Techniques": 2752, "T12755: Legal Education and Practice Innovations": 2753, "T12756: Plant Toxicity and Pharmacological Properties": 2754, "T12757: Diverse Academia and Research Topics": 2755, "T12758: Saffron Plant Research Studies": 2756, "T12759: Vehicle Noise and Vibration Control": 2757, "T12760: Laser Design and Applications": 2758, "T12761: Data Stream Mining Techniques": 2759, "T12762: Crystallography and Radiation Phenomena": 2760, "T12763: ATP Synthase and ATPases Research": 2761, "T12764: Polish Historical and Cultural Studies": 2762, "T12765: Race, History, and American Society": 2763, "T12766: Interdisciplinary Research and Collaboration": 2764, "T12767: Conflict of Laws and Jurisdiction": 2765, "T12768: Linguistics and language evolution": 2766, "T12769: Stoma care and complications": 2767, "T12770: Amino Acid Enzymes and Metabolism": 2768, "T12771: Plant pathogens and resistance mechanisms": 2769, "T12772: Control and Stability of Dynamical Systems": 2770, "T12773: Water Quality and Resources Studies": 2771, "T12774: Bauxite Residue and Utilization": 2772, "T12775: Legal Issues in South Africa": 2773, "T12776: Electrohydrodynamics and Fluid Dynamics": 2774, "T12777: Philosophy, History, and Historiography": 2775, "T12778: History of Medicine and Tropical Health": 2776, "T12779: Public Procurement and Policy": 2777, "T12780: Heavy Metal Pollution Remediation": 2778, "T12781: Global Health Care Issues": 2779, "T12782: Assembly Line Balancing Optimization": 2780, "T12783: Migration, Aging, and Tourism Studies": 2781, "T12784: Modular Robots and Swarm Intelligence": 2782, "T12785: Hong Kong and Taiwan Politics": 2783, "T12786: Innovation and Socioeconomic Development": 2784, "T12787: Human Behavior and Motivation": 2785, "T12788: Space Science and Extraterrestrial Life": 2786, "T12789: Planarian Biology and Electrostimulation": 2787, "T12790: Nursing Diagnosis and Documentation": 2788, "T12791: Full-Duplex Wireless Communications": 2789, "T12792: Soil Management and Crop Yield": 2790, "T12793: Caveolin-1 and cellular processes": 2791, "T12794: Adaptive Dynamic Programming Control": 2792, "T12795: Banana Cultivation and Research": 2793, "T12796: Dermatological and COVID-19 studies": 2794, "T12797: History of Computing Technologies": 2795, "T12798: Religious Tourism and Spaces": 2796, "T12799: Mobile and Web Applications": 2797, "T12800: Musculoskeletal synovial abnormalities and treatments": 2798, "T12801: Bluetooth and Wireless Communication Technologies": 2799, "T12802: Competency Development and Evaluation": 2800, "T12803: Cinema History and Criticism": 2801, "T12804: Thermal Analysis in Power Transmission": 2802, "T12805: Cognitive Science and Mapping": 2803, "T12806: Ocean Acidification Effects and Responses": 2804, "T12807: Consumer Behavior and Market Dynamics": 2805, "T12808: Ferroelectric and Negative Capacitance Devices": 2806, "T12809: Contact Mechanics and Variational Inequalities": 2807, "T12810: Real-time simulation and control systems": 2808, "T12811: Aging, Health, and Disability": 2809, "T12812: Meromorphic and Entire Functions": 2810, "T12813: Plant and Biological Electrophysiology Studies": 2811, "T12814: Gaussian Processes and Bayesian Inference": 2812, "T12815: Management and Organizational Practices": 2813, "T12816: Global Public Health Policies and Epidemiology": 2814, "T12817: Pharmacological Effects of Natural Compounds": 2815, "T12818: Pneumothorax, Barotrauma, Emphysema": 2816, "T12819: Environmental Philosophy and Ethics": 2817, "T12820: Chromatin Remodeling and Cancer": 2818, "T12821: Geological Formations and Processes Exploration": 2819, "T12822: Turfgrass Adaptation and Management": 2820, "T12823: Adolescent and Pediatric Healthcare": 2821, "T12824: Infections and bacterial resistance": 2822, "T12825: Defense, Military, and Policy Studies": 2823, "T12826: Education Methods and Technologies": 2824, "T12827: Biochemical and Molecular Research": 2825, "T12828: Plant Genetic and Mutation Studies": 2826, "T12829: Advanced Breast Cancer Therapies": 2827, "T12830: Pectus Deformity Diagnosis and Treatment": 2828, "T12831: School Health and Nursing Education": 2829, "T12832: Biocrusts and Microbial Ecology": 2830, "T12833: Bartonella species infections research": 2831, "T12834: Flowering Plant Growth and Cultivation": 2832, "T12835: FOXO transcription factor regulation": 2833, "T12836: History and Developments in Astronomy": 2834, "T12837: American Environmental and Regional History": 2835, "T12838: Photovoltaic Systems and Sustainability": 2836, "T12839: Emile Durkheim and Sociology": 2837, "T12840: Renal function and acid-base balance": 2838, "T12841: Echinoderm biology and ecology": 2839, "T12842: Youth, Drugs, and Violence": 2840, "T12843: Human Resource and Talent Management": 2841, "T12844: Psychology and Mental Health": 2842, "T12845: Methemoglobinemia and Tumor Lysis Syndrome": 2843, "T12846: Ginkgo biloba and Cashew Applications": 2844, "T12847: Healthcare Systems and Challenges": 2845, "T12848: Psychological Testing and Assessment": 2846, "T12849: Parvovirus B19 Infection Studies": 2847, "T12850: Field-Flow Fractionation Techniques": 2848, "T12851: Firm Innovation and Growth": 2849, "T12852: Chemical Thermodynamics and Molecular Structure": 2850, "T12853: Historical Geography and Geographical Thought": 2851, "T12854: Neurology and Historical Studies": 2852, "T12855: Peanut Plant Research Studies": 2853, "T12856: Transgenic Plants and Applications": 2854, "T12857: Medieval Philosophy and Theology": 2855, "T12858: Plant Disease Resistance and Genetics": 2856, "T12859: Cell Image Analysis Techniques": 2857, "T12860: Family and Patient Care in Intensive Care Units": 2858, "T12861: Migration, Education, Indigenous Social Dynamics": 2859, "T12862: Catholicism and Religious Studies": 2860, "T12863: Web and Library Services": 2861, "T12864: Psychoanalysis and Social Critique": 2862, "T12865: Tailings Management and Properties": 2863, "T12866: Urologic and reproductive health conditions": 2864, "T12867: Advanced Biosensing Techniques and Applications": 2865, "T12868: Photography and Visual Culture": 2866, "T12869: Occupational Health and Burnout": 2867, "T12870: Seedling growth and survival studies": 2868, "T12871: Healthcare Quality and Management": 2869, "T12872: Philippine History and Culture": 2870, "T12873: Nutrition, Health and Food Behavior": 2871, "T12874: Digital Imaging for Blood Diseases": 2872, "T12875: Thermal Expansion and Ionic Conductivity": 2873, "T12876: Potassium and Related Disorders": 2874, "T12877: Social Issues in Poland": 2875, "T12878: Pharmaceutical Quality and Counterfeiting": 2876, "T12879: Distributed Sensor Networks and Detection Algorithms": 2877, "T12880: Qualitative Research Methods and Applications": 2878, "T12881: linguistics and terminology studies": 2879, "T12882: Jungian Analytical Psychology": 2880, "T12883: Sustainable Development and Environmental Management": 2881, "T12884: Educational Assessment and Pedagogy": 2882, "T12885: Digital Innovation in Industries": 2883, "T12886: Historical and Cultural Studies of Poland": 2884, "T12887: Educational Strategies and Epistemologies": 2885, "T12888: Military Strategy and Technology": 2886, "T12889: Psychoanalysis, Philosophy, and Politics": 2887, "T12890: Eurasian Exchange Networks": 2888, "T12891: Medicinal Plants and Neuroprotection": 2889, "T12892: Social Power and Status Dynamics": 2890, "T12893: Organic Chemistry Cycloaddition Reactions": 2891, "T12894: Date Palm Research Studies": 2892, "T12895: Environmental law and policy": 2893, "T12896: Sustainable Agricultural Systems Analysis": 2894, "T12897: Structural Analysis of Composite Materials": 2895, "T12898: Induction Heating and Inverter Technology": 2896, "T12899: Engineering and Technology Innovations": 2897, "T12900: Organ and Tissue Transplantation Research": 2898, "T12901: Tattoo and Body Piercing Complications": 2899, "T12902: Public Policy and Governance": 2900, "T12903: Globalization and Cultural Identity": 2901, "T12904: Diverse Educational Innovations Studies": 2902, "T12905: Management Systems and Quality Improvement": 2903, "T12906: Surgical Sutures and Adhesives": 2904, "T12907: Mechanical Engineering and Vibrations Research": 2905, "T12908: Media, Gender, and Advertising": 2906, "T12909: French Historical and Cultural Studies": 2907, "T12910: Eicosanoids and Hypertension Pharmacology": 2908, "T12911: Water Resources and Sustainability": 2909, "T12912: Shakespeare, Adaptation, and Literary Criticism": 2910, "T12913: Multidisciplinary Research Papers Compilation": 2911, "T12914: Infectious Disease Case Reports and Treatments": 2912, "T12915: Biochemical Acid Research Studies": 2913, "T12916: COVID-19 impact on air quality": 2914, "T12917: Astronomy and Astrophysical Research": 2915, "T12918: Healthcare Systems and Technology": 2916, "T12919: Blood disorders and treatments": 2917, "T12920: Healthcare and Environmental Waste Management": 2918, "T12921: European Criminal Justice and Data Protection": 2919, "T12922: Business and Economic Development": 2920, "T12923: Digital Image Processing Techniques": 2921, "T12924: Dermatological and Skeletal Disorders": 2922, "T12925: Educational and Social Studies": 2923, "T12926: Business Strategies and Management Research": 2924, "T12927: Memory, History, Trauma, Identity": 2925, "T12928: Education and Cultural Studies": 2926, "T12929: Animal Genetics and Reproduction": 2927, "T12930: Biomedical and Chemical Research": 2928, "T12931: Educational Methods and Outcomes": 2929, "T12932: Powder Metallurgy Techniques and Materials": 2930, "T12933: Franchising Strategies and Performance": 2931, "T12934: Plant and fungal interactions": 2932, "T12935: Healthcare Systems and Public Health": 2933, "T12936: Conflict, Peace, and Violence in Colombia": 2934, "T12937: Chemotherapy-related skin toxicity": 2935, "T12938: Material Selection and Properties": 2936, "T12939: Polish Law and Legal System": 2937, "T12940: Structural Engineering and Materials Analysis": 2938, "T12941: Embedded Systems and FPGA Design": 2939, "T12942: Cultural Studies and Postmodernism": 2940, "T12943: COVID-19 Digital Contact Tracing": 2941, "T12944: Animal Nutrition and Health": 2942, "T12945: Quality Function Deployment in Product Design": 2943, "T12946: Fractal and DNA sequence analysis": 2944, "T12947: Health, psychology, and well-being": 2945, "T12948: Inclusion and Disability in Education and Sport": 2946, "T12949: South Asian Studies and Diaspora": 2947, "T12950: Educational Environments and Student Outcomes": 2948, "T12951: Burkholderia infections and melioidosis": 2949, "T12952: School Leadership and Teacher Performance": 2950, "T12953: Critical Realism in Sociology": 2951, "T12954: Law and Political Science": 2952, "T12955: Atherosclerosis and Cardiovascular Diseases": 2953, "T12956: Asian Geopolitics and Ethnography": 2954, "T12957: War, Ethics, and Justification": 2955, "T12958: Digital Economy and Transformation": 2956, "T12959: Engineering and Materials Science Studies": 2957, "T12960: Heterotopic Ossification and Related Conditions": 2958, "T12961: Regional Development and Policy": 2959, "T12962: Nephrotoxicity and Medicinal Plants": 2960, "T12963: Anesthesia and Neurotoxicity Research": 2961, "T12964: Diet, Metabolism, and Disease": 2962, "T12965: Wildlife Conservation and Criminology Analyses": 2963, "T12966: Russian Literature and Bakhtin Studies": 2964, "T12967: Molecular Spectroscopy and Structure": 2965, "T12968: Research on scale insects": 2966, "T12969: Economic and Social Development": 2967, "T12970: Names, Identity, and Discrimination Research": 2968, "T12971: Material Properties and Processing": 2969, "T12972: German Colonialism and Identity Studies": 2970, "T12973: Synthesis of Indole Derivatives": 2971, "T12974: Modernist Literature and Criticism": 2972, "T12975: Paraoxonase enzyme and polymorphisms": 2973, "T12976: Magnetic and Electromagnetic Effects": 2974, "T12977: Spanish Literature and Culture Studies": 2975, "T12978: Innovative Teaching Methodologies in Social Sciences": 2976, "T12979: Cardiovascular Disease and Adiposity": 2977, "T12980: Family Caregiving in Mental Illness": 2978, "T12981: Conservation Techniques and Studies": 2979, "T12982: Legal principles and applications": 2980, "T12983: Satellite Image Processing and Photogrammetry": 2981, "T12984: Transport and Logistics Innovations": 2982, "T12985: Maritime Security and History": 2983, "T12986: Administrative Law and Governance": 2984, "T12987: Religion and Society in Latin America": 2985, "T12988: Sociology and Education in Brazil": 2986, "T12989: Ocular Disorders and Treatments": 2987, "T12990: Medical History and Innovations": 2988, "T12991: Phytase and its Applications": 2989, "T12992: Metastasis and carcinoma case studies": 2990, "T12993: Psychology of Development and Education": 2991, "T12994: Infrared Thermography in Medicine": 2992, "T12995: Urban Development and Cultural Heritage": 2993, "T12996: Cancer Research and Treatments": 2994, "T12997: Outdoor and Experiential Education": 2995, "T12998: Education and Islamic Studies": 2996, "T12999: Medieval History and Crusades": 2997, "T13000: World Systems and Global Transformations": 2998, "T13001: Restraint-Related Deaths": 2999, "T13002: Southeast Asian Sociopolitical Studies": 3000, "T13003: Regional Development and Environment": 3001, "T13004: Vitamin K Research Studies": 3002, "T13005: Religious Studies and Spiritual Practices": 3003, "T13006: Spanish History and Politics": 3004, "T13007: Economic Sanctions and International Relations": 3005, "T13008: Agricultural Practices and Plant Genetics": 3006, "T13009: Agroforestry and silvopastoral systems": 3007, "T13010: Agriculture and Agroindustry Studies": 3008, "T13011: Latin American rural development": 3009, "T13012: Coenzyme Q10 studies and effects": 3010, "T13013: Free Radicals and Antioxidants": 3011, "T13014: Peace and Human Rights Education": 3012, "T13015: Botany, Ecology, and Taxonomy Studies": 3013, "T13016: Innovative Educational Technologies": 3014, "T13017: Zygmunt Bauman's Sociology": 3015, "T13018: Seismology and Earthquake Studies": 3016, "T13019: African Studies and Geopolitics": 3017, "T13020: Heat Transfer and Mathematical Modeling": 3018, "T13021: Geology and Environmental Impact Studies": 3019, "T13022: Health and Medical Studies": 3020, "T13023: Synthesis of Organic Compounds": 3021, "T13024: Literary Theory and Cultural Hermeneutics": 3022, "T13025: American History and Culture": 3023, "T13026: Natural Compounds in Disease Treatment": 3024, "T13027: Applied Advanced Technologies": 3025, "T13028: Literature and Culture Studies": 3026, "T13029: South Asian Studies and Conflicts": 3027, "T13030: Survey Sampling and Estimation Techniques": 3028, "T13031: Civil and Structural Engineering Research": 3029, "T13032: COVID-19 Prevention and Impact": 3030, "T13033: Social Sciences and Governance": 3031, "T13034: Information Systems Education and Curriculum Development": 3032, "T13035: Human Rights and Development": 3033, "T13036: Veterinary Practice and Education Studies": 3034, "T13037: Piperaceae Chemical and Biological Studies": 3035, "T13038: Internet of Things and AI": 3036, "T13039: Magnesium Oxide Properties and Applications": 3037, "T13040: Gender, Education, and Development Issues": 3038, "T13041: Contemporary Social and Economic Issues": 3039, "T13042: Economic and Fiscal Studies": 3040, "T13043: Youth Culture and Social Dynamics": 3041, "T13044: Biofield Effects and Biophysics": 3042, "T13045: Industrial Engineering and Technologies": 3043, "T13046: Electrokinetic Soil Remediation Techniques": 3044, "T13047: Pharmacological Receptor Mechanisms and Effects": 3045, "T13048: Patient Dignity and Privacy": 3046, "T13049: Surface Roughness and Optical Measurements": 3047, "T13050: Oil and Gas Production Techniques": 3048, "T13051: Qualitative Comparative Analysis Research": 3049, "T13052: Molecular Communication and Nanonetworks": 3050, "T13053: SMEs Development and Digital Marketing": 3051, "T13054: Agricultural and Financial Auditing": 3052, "T13055: Global Security and Public Health": 3053, "T13056: Various Academic Research Studies": 3054, "T13057: Asian Industrial and Economic Development": 3055, "T13058: Soil and Land Suitability Analysis": 3056, "T13059: Religion, Ecology, and Ethics": 3057, "T13060: Adventure Sports and Sensation Seeking": 3058, "T13061: Literacy and Educational Practices": 3059, "T13062: Cognitive Computing and Networks": 3060, "T13063: Education and experiences of immigrants and refugees": 3061, "T13064: Dutch Social and Cultural Studies": 3062, "T13065: Mining Techniques and Economics": 3063, "T13066: Information Society and Technology Trends": 3064, "T13067: Geological Modeling and Analysis": 3065, "T13068: Ancient Mediterranean Archaeology and History": 3066, "T13069: Cocoa and Sweet Potato Agronomy": 3067, "T13070: Cultural Identity and Heritage": 3068, "T13071: Digital Storytelling and Education": 3069, "T13072: Contemporary Christian Leadership and Education": 3070, "T13073: China's Ethnic Minorities and Relations": 3071, "T13074: Global Financial Regulation and Crises": 3072, "T13075: Legal Systems and Judicial Processes": 3073, "T13076: Torture, Ethics, and Law": 3074, "T13077: Cancer-related cognitive impairment studies": 3075, "T13078: Political and Social Dynamics in Chile and Latin America": 3076, "T13079: Heavy Metals in Plants": 3077, "T13080: Advanced Differential Geometry Research": 3078, "T13081: Digital Education and Society": 3079, "T13082: Water and Land Management": 3080, "T13083: Advanced Text Analysis Techniques": 3081, "T13084: Education during COVID-19 pandemic": 3082, "T13085: Education, Psychology, and Social Research": 3083, "T13086: Post-Soviet Geopolitical Dynamics": 3084, "T13087: Simone de Beauvoir and Sartre": 3085, "T13088: Legal and Labor Studies": 3086, "T13089: Medieval and Early Modern Iberia": 3087, "T13090: Medicinal Plant Extracts Effects": 3088, "T13091: Human Health and Disease": 3089, "T13092: Environmental Chemistry and Analysis": 3090, "T13093: Electric Power Systems and Control": 3091, "T13094: Mining and Gasification Technologies": 3092, "T13095: Plant-based Medicinal Research": 3093, "T13096: Family and Matrimonial Law": 3094, "T13097: Male Breast Health Studies": 3095, "T13098: Conferences and Exhibitions Management": 3096, "T13099: Health, Medicine and Society": 3097, "T13100: Comparative Animal Anatomy Studies": 3098, "T13101: Legal and Social Justice Studies": 3099, "T13102: Soil and Environmental Studies": 3100, "T13103: Middle East Politics and Society": 3101, "T13104: Chemical and Physical Properties of Materials": 3102, "T13105: Synthesis and pharmacology of benzodiazepine derivatives": 3103, "T13106: Neuroscience, Education and Cognitive Function": 3104, "T13107: Congenital limb and hand anomalies": 3105, "T13108: Therapeutic Uses of Natural Elements": 3106, "T13109: Theological Perspectives and Practices": 3107, "T13110: Colorectal and Anal Carcinomas": 3108, "T13111: Nursing care and research": 3109, "T13112: Nutrition and Health Studies": 3110, "T13113: Engineering Technology and Methodologies": 3111, "T13114: Image Processing Techniques and Applications": 3112, "T13115: Axial and Atropisomeric Chirality Synthesis": 3113, "T13116: Heat Transfer and Numerical Methods": 3114, "T13117: Health Education and Validation": 3115, "T13118: Psychological Treatments and Disorders": 3116, "T13119: Philosophy and Social Theory": 3117, "T13120: Nuclear Issues and Defense": 3118, "T13121: Radio Wave Propagation Studies": 3119, "T13122: Linguistics and Cultural Studies": 3120, "T13123: Advances in Oncology and Radiotherapy": 3121, "T13124: Chemical synthesis and alkaloids": 3122, "T13125: Agricultural pest management studies": 3123, "T13126: Scientific Research and Discoveries": 3124, "T13127: Biotin and Related Studies": 3125, "T13128: Chromatography in Natural Products": 3126, "T13129: Material Properties and Applications": 3127, "T13130: Biological and pharmacological studies of plants": 3128, "T13131: Collaborative Teaching and Inclusion": 3129, "T13132: Hydropower, Displacement, Environmental Impact": 3130, "T13133: Architecture and Art History Studies": 3131, "T13134: Latin American Literature Studies": 3132, "T13135: Communism, Protests, Social Movements": 3133, "T13136: Community-based Tourism Development and Sustainability": 3134, "T13137: Strategic Planning and Analysis": 3135, "T13138: Legal and Constitutional Studies": 3136, "T13139: Polish Legal and Social Issues": 3137, "T13140: Materials Engineering and Processing": 3138, "T13141: Statistical Methods and Applications": 3139, "T13142: GABA and Rice Research": 3140, "T13143: Child Therapy and Development": 3141, "T13144: Theology and Philosophy of Evil": 3142, "T13145: Crime and Detective Fiction Studies": 3143, "T13146: Sustainable Finance and Green Bonds": 3144, "T13147: Ethics and bioethics in healthcare": 3145, "T13148: Environmental and Air Quality Management": 3146, "T13149: Organizational Change and Leadership": 3147, "T13150: Study and Philosophy of Religion": 3148, "T13151: Business Strategies and Innovation": 3149, "T13152: French Language Learning Methods": 3150, "T13153: Rousseau and Enlightenment Thought": 3151, "T13154: Legal and Regulatory Analysis": 3152, "T13155: Digital Communication and Language": 3153, "T13156: Historical Linguistics and Language Studies": 3154, "T13157: Cancer-related gene regulation": 3155, "T13158: Political and Economic history of UK and US": 3156, "T13159: Structural mechanics and materials": 3157, "T13160: Synthesis and Biological Evaluation": 3158, "T13161: Ideological and Political Education": 3159, "T13162: African Studies and Ethnography": 3160, "T13163: Organizational Learning and Leadership": 3161, "T13164: Quality and Management Systems": 3162, "T13165: Agricultural safety and regulations": 3163, "T13166: Information Science and Libraries": 3164, "T13167: Historical, Literary, and Cultural Studies": 3165, "T13168: Plant Ecology and Taxonomy Studies": 3166, "T13169: Consumer Perception and Purchasing Behavior": 3167, "T13170: Discrimination and Equality Law": 3168, "T13171: Polymer Science and PVC": 3169, "T13172: Economic Issues in Ukraine": 3170, "T13173: Gender Studies in Language": 3171, "T13174: American and British Literature Analysis": 3172, "T13175: Historical Astronomy and Related Studies": 3173, "T13176: Winter Sports Injuries and Performance": 3174, "T13177: Geological and Geophysical Studies": 3175, "T13178: Theology and Canon Law Studies": 3176, "T13179: Literature, Culture, and Criticism": 3177, "T13180: Chemistry and Chemical Engineering": 3178, "T13181: Economic and Technological Systems Analysis": 3179, "T13182: Quantum-Dot Cellular Automata": 3180, "T13183: Islanding Detection in Power Systems": 3181, "T13184: Research in Social Sciences": 3182, "T13185: Phytochemistry and Bioactive Compounds": 3183, "T13186: Russia and Soviet political economy": 3184, "T13187: Diffusion and Search Dynamics": 3185, "T13188: Synthesis and bioactivity of alkaloids": 3186, "T13189: Physical Education and Training Studies": 3187, "T13190: Engineering and Environmental Studies": 3188, "T13191: Dispute Resolution and Class Actions": 3189, "T13192: Forensic Fingerprint Detection Methods": 3190, "T13193: Geological Studies and Exploration": 3191, "T13194: ICT in Developing Communities": 3192, "T13195: Medieval Iberian Studies": 3193, "T13196: Political Theory and Influence": 3194, "T13197: Spreadsheets and End-User Computing": 3195, "T13198: Historical, Religious, and Philosophical Studies": 3196, "T13199: Digestive system and related health": 3197, "T13200: Spacecraft and Cryogenic Technologies": 3198, "T13201: Infectious Encephalopathies and Encephalitis": 3199, "T13202: Pharmacology and Nanomedicine Research": 3200, "T13203: Environmental Changes in China": 3201, "T13204: Competitive and Knowledge Intelligence": 3202, "T13205: Geological and Geophysical Studies Worldwide": 3203, "T13206: Neonatal skin health care": 3204, "T13207: Youth Substance Use and School Attendance": 3205, "T13208: Synthesis of heterocyclic compounds": 3206, "T13209: Cold Fusion and Nuclear Reactions": 3207, "T13210: Historical Turkish Studies": 3208, "T13211: Memory, Trauma, and Testimony": 3209, "T13212: German Social Sciences and History": 3210, "T13213: Mechanical Failure Analysis and Simulation": 3211, "T13214: Powdery Mildew Fungal Diseases": 3212, "T13215: Global Maritime and Colonial Histories": 3213, "T13216: Artistic and Creative Research": 3214, "T13217: Pigment Synthesis and Properties": 3215, "T13218: Sesame and Sesamin Research": 3216, "T13219: Mind wandering and attention": 3217, "T13220: Plant and Fungal Interactions Research": 3218, "T13221: Biological Activity of Diterpenoids and Biflavonoids": 3219, "T13222: Caribbean history, culture, and politics": 3220, "T13223: Connective Tissue Growth Factor Research": 3221, "T13224: Sports and Physical Education Research": 3222, "T13225: Polish-Jewish Holocaust Memory Studies": 3223, "T13226: Appreciative Inquiry and Organizational Change": 3224, "T13227: Diverse Global Economic and Educational Challenges": 3225, "T13228: Socioeconomic Development in Asia": 3226, "T13229: Gothic Literature and Media Analysis": 3227, "T13230: Synthesis and Reactivity of Heterocycles": 3228, "T13231: History, Culture, and Diplomacy": 3229, "T13232: Laser-Ablation Synthesis of Nanoparticles": 3230, "T13233: Occupational Health and Safety Management": 3231, "T13234: advanced mathematical theories": 3232, "T13235: Management Theory and Practice": 3233, "T13236: Geotechnical and construction materials studies": 3234, "T13237: Socio-economic Development and Sustainability": 3235, "T13238: Botanical Studies and Applications": 3236, "T13239: Phosphorus compounds and reactions": 3237, "T13240: Bioeconomy and Sustainability Development": 3238, "T13242: Male Reproductive Health Studies": 3239, "T13243: Innovation in Digital Healthcare Systems": 3240, "T13244: Analysis of environmental and stochastic processes": 3241, "T13245: Samuel Beckett and Modernism": 3242, "T13246: Agriculture, Plant Science, Crop Management": 3243, "T13247: Local Governance and Planning": 3244, "T13248: Healthcare Technology and Patient Monitoring": 3245, "T13249: Dielectric properties of ceramics": 3246, "T13250: Semiotics and Representation Studies": 3247, "T13251: Electrical and Thermal Properties of Materials": 3248, "T13252: Sex and Gender in Healthcare": 3249, "T13253: Chemical Reactions and Mechanisms": 3250, "T13254: Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor": 3251, "T13255: Business, Innovation, and Economy": 3252, "T13256: Archaeology and Rock Art Studies": 3253, "T13257: Advanced Control and Stabilization in Aerospace Systems": 3254, "T13258: Williams Syndrome Research": 3255, "T13259: American Jewish Fiction Analysis": 3256, "T13260: Linguistics and Language Studies": 3257, "T13261: Elasticity and Wave Propagation": 3258, "T13262: Semiotics and Cultural Interpretation": 3259, "T13263: Building energy efficiency and sustainability": 3260, "T13264: Walter Benjamin Studies Compilation": 3261, "T13265: Synthesis of Tetrazole Derivatives": 3262, "T13266: Indigenous Studies in Latin America": 3263, "T13267: Advanced Theoretical and Applied Studies in Material Sciences and Geometry": 3264, "T13268: Photographic and Visual Arts": 3265, "T13269: Orthoptera Research and Taxonomy": 3266, "T13270: QR Code Applications and Technologies": 3267, "T13271: Ukrainian Legal and Forensic Studies": 3268, "T13272: Psychological Treatments and Assessments": 3269, "T13273: Knowledge Management in Higher Education": 3270, "T13274: Expert finding and Q&A systems": 3271, "T13275: Medical and Health Sciences Research": 3272, "T13276: University-Industry-Government Innovation Models": 3273, "T13277: Media, Religion, Digital Communication": 3274, "T13278: Economic and Business Development Strategies": 3275, "T13279: Safe Handling of Antineoplastic Drugs": 3276, "T13280: Biomedical and Engineering Education": 3277, "T13281: Andrographolide Research and Applications": 3278, "T13282: Automated Road and Building Extraction": 3279, "T13283: Mental Health Research Topics": 3280, "T13284: Psychology Research and Bibliometrics": 3281, "T13285: Local Governance and Development": 3282, "T13286: Modeling and Simulation Systems": 3283, "T13287: Robotic Process Automation Applications": 3284, "T13288: Banking, Crisis Management, COVID-19 Impact": 3285, "T13289: Infant Health and Development": 3286, "T13290: Diverse Industrial Engineering Technologies": 3287, "T13291: Political Theory and Democracy": 3288, "T13292: Embedded Systems and FPGA Applications": 3289, "T13293: Engineering and Test Systems": 3290, "T13294: Livestock and Poultry Management": 3291, "T13295: Safety Systems Engineering in Autonomy": 3292, "T13296: Physical Education and Sports Studies": 3293, "T13297: History and advancements in chemistry": 3294, "T13298: Solar Energy Systems and Technologies": 3295, "T13299: Educational Leadership and Administration": 3296, "T13300: Contemporary Social and Educational Issues": 3297, "T13301: Cultural Studies and Interdisciplinary Research": 3298, "T13302: Amazonian Archaeology and Ethnohistory": 3299, "T13303: Asian Culture and Media Studies": 3300, "T13304: Synthesis and Reactivity of Sulfur-Containing Compounds": 3301, "T13305: Teacher Professional Development and Motivation": 3302, "T13306: Geography and Education Methods": 3303, "T13307: Diverse Scientific and Engineering Research": 3304, "T13308: Cybernetics and Technology in Society": 3305, "T13309: Reliability and Agreement in Measurement": 3306, "T13310: Subtitles and Audiovisual Media": 3307, "T13311: Sociology and Cultural Identity Studies": 3308, "T13312: Mechanical and Thermal Properties Analysis": 3309, "T13313: Dupuytren's Contracture and Treatments": 3310, "T13314: Lymphadenopathy Diagnosis and Analysis": 3311, "T13315: Occupational Health and Safety in Workplaces": 3312, "T13316: Crafts, Textile, and Design": 3313, "T13317: Media, Communication, and Education": 3314, "T13318: Diverse Scientific Research in Ukraine": 3315, "T13319: Film in Education and Therapy": 3316, "T13320: Ukrainian Cultural and Linguistic Studies": 3317, "T13321: Radio, Podcasts, and Digital Media": 3318, "T13322: Hibiscus Plant Research Studies": 3319, "T13323: Spinal Hematomas and Complications": 3320, "T13324: Scientific and Engineering Research Topics": 3321, "T13325: Dye analysis and toxicity": 3322, "T13326: Biochemical and Structural Characterization": 3323, "T13327: Arts, Culture, and Music Studies": 3324, "T13328: Osteomyelitis and Bone Disorders Research": 3325, "T13329: Joseph Conrad and Literature": 3326, "T13330: Theater, Performance, and Music History": 3327, "T13331: Energy and Environmental Sustainability": 3328, "T13332: Historical Studies on Reproduction, Gender, Health, and Societal Changes": 3329, "T13333: American Political and Social Dynamics": 3330, "T13334: South Asian Cinema and Culture": 3331, "T13335: Pharmacological Effects of Medicinal Plants": 3332, "T13336: Religious Freedom and Discrimination": 3333, "T13337: Korean Peninsula Historical and Political Studies": 3334, "T13338: Pharmacological Effects and Assays": 3335, "T13339: Landscape and Cultural Studies": 3336, "T13340: Palliative and Oncologic Care": 3337, "T13341: Belt Conveyor Systems Engineering": 3338, "T13342: Art History and Market Analysis": 3339, "T13343: Turkish Urban and Social Issues": 3340, "T13344: Industrial Automation and Control Systems": 3341, "T13345: Advanced Technologies and Applied Computing": 3342, "T13346: Digital Transformation in Financial Services": 3343, "T13347: Christian Theology and Mission": 3344, "T13348: Pancasila Values in Education": 3345, "T13349: Educational Research and Analysis": 3346, "T13350: Myxozoan Parasites in Aquatic Species": 3347, "T13351: Critical Theory and Political Philosophy": 3348, "T13352: International Relations in Latin America": 3349, "T13353: Flow Experience in Various Fields": 3350, "T13354: Genetics and Physical Performance": 3351, "T13355: Marketing and Advertising Strategies": 3352, "T13356: Early Modern Women Writers": 3353, "T13357: Property Rights and Legal Doctrine": 3354, "T13358: Livestock Management and Performance Improvement": 3355, "T13359: Sports Science and Education": 3356, "T13360: Economic and Social Issues": 3357, "T13361: Coconut Research and Applications": 3358, "T13362: Slime Mold and Myxomycetes Research": 3359, "T13363: Soft tissue tumors and treatment": 3360, "T13364: Digitalization, Law, and Regulation": 3361, "T13365: Medical and Biological Ozone Research": 3362, "T13366: Accounting Theory and Financial Reporting": 3363, "T13367: Cultural and Sociopolitical Studies": 3364, "T13368: University Challenges and Reforms": 3365, "T13369: European and Russian Geopolitical Military Strategies": 3366, "T13370: Diverse Scientific and Economic Studies": 3367, "T13371: Military Defense Systems Analysis": 3368, "T13372: Archaeology and Historical Studies": 3369, "T13373: Data Mining and Machine Learning Applications": 3370, "T13374: Hematological disorders and diagnostics": 3371, "T13375: Integrated Water Resources Management": 3372, "T13376: Criminal Law and Policy": 3373, "T13377: Ecosystem dynamics and resilience": 3374, "T13378: Agricultural Development and Policies": 3375, "T13379: Multiculturalism, Politics, Migration, Gender": 3376, "T13380: Sound Studies and Aurality": 3377, "T13381: Heart rate and cardiovascular health": 3378, "T13382: Robotics and Automated Systems": 3379, "T13383: Tumors and Oncological Cases": 3380, "T13384: Regional Economic Development and Innovation": 3381, "T13385: Infectious Diseases and Mycology": 3382, "T13386: Educational Methods and Teacher Development": 3383, "T13387: Politics, Economics, and Education Policy": 3384, "T13388: Rangeland and Wildlife Management": 3385, "T13389: German Economic Analysis & Policies": 3386, "T13390: Cultural and Social Dynamics": 3387, "T13391: Innovations in Aquaponics and Hydroponics Systems": 3388, "T13392: History of Education in Spain": 3389, "T13393: Child Nutrition and Feeding Issues": 3390, "T13394: Ecology, Conservation, and Geographical Studies": 3391, "T13395: Education, Leadership, and Health Research": 3392, "T13396: Agriculture and Rural Development Research": 3393, "T13397: Hallucinations in medical conditions": 3394, "T13398: Data Analysis with R": 3395, "T13399: Unemployment and Economic Growth": 3396, "T13400: Mathematical and Theoretical Analysis": 3397, "T13401: Social and Cultural Studies": 3398, "T13402: Business Strategy and Innovation": 3399, "T13403: Higher Education in Latin America": 3400, "T13404: Geological and Tectonic Studies in Latin America": 3401, "T13405: Educational Assessment and Improvement": 3402, "T13406: Human Resources and Workforce": 3403, "T13407: Regional Development and Management Studies": 3404, "T13408: Corporate Law and Human Rights": 3405, "T13409: Paleopathology and ancient diseases": 3406, "T13410: Immune responses and vaccinations": 3407, "T13411: Labor Market and Education": 3408, "T13412: Education and Technology Integration": 3409, "T13413: Cultural and Historical Studies": 3410, "T13414: Radioactive Decay and Measurement Techniques": 3411, "T13415: Calcium signaling and nucleotide metabolism": 3412, "T13416: Educational Theory and Curriculum Studies": 3413, "T13417: Biomedical Ethics and Regulation": 3414, "T13418: Photocathodes and Microchannel Plates": 3415, "T13419: Ego Development and Educational Practices": 3416, "T13420: Arduino and IoT Applications": 3417, "T13421: Contemporary art, education, critique": 3418, "T13422: Phytochemistry and biological activities of Ficus species": 3419, "T13423: Social Policies and Healthcare Reform": 3420, "T13424: Ukraine: War, Education, Health": 3421, "T13425: Rural and Ethnic Education": 3422, "T13426: Kruppel-like factors research": 3423, "T13427: Latin American Literature Analysis": 3424, "T13428: Anarchism and Radical Politics": 3425, "T13429: Electricity Theft Detection Techniques": 3426, "T13430: Lipid metabolism and disorders": 3427, "T13431: Education Methods and Integration": 3428, "T13432: Environmental Sustainability and Technology": 3429, "T13433: Short Stories in Global Literature": 3430, "T13434: Cancer Research and Treatment": 3431, "T13435: Animal and Plant Science Education": 3432, "T13436: Space Technology and Applications": 3433, "T13437: Mechanisms of cancer metastasis": 3434, "T13438: Environmental Conservation and Management": 3435, "T13439: Transport and Economic Policies": 3436, "T13440: Electromagnetic Effects on Materials": 3437, "T13441: Ottoman Empire History and Society": 3438, "T13442: Geochemistry and Geochronology of Asian Mineral Deposits": 3439, "T13443: Mineralogy and Gemology Studies": 3440, "T13444: Medical Research and Treatments": 3441, "T13445: American Constitutional Law and Politics": 3442, "T13446: Antioxidants, Aging, Portulaca oleracea": 3443, "T13447: Educational and Psychological Assessments": 3444, "T13448: Indigenous Cultures and Socio-Education": 3445, "T13449: Organizational Management and Change": 3446, "T13450: Turkish Literature and Culture": 3447, "T13451: Mechanical Engineering Research and Applications": 3448, "T13452: GDF15 and Related Biomarkers": 3449, "T13453: Alkaline Phosphatase Research Studies": 3450, "T13454: Phenothiazines and Benzothiazines Synthesis and Activities": 3451, "T13455: Decadence, Literature, and Society": 3452, "T13456: Religion, Society, and Development": 3453, "T13457: Dental Education, Practice, Research": 3454, "T13458: Astronomical and nuclear sciences": 3455, "T13459: Public Administration and Political Analysis": 3456, "T13460: Historical Studies in Latin America": 3457, "T13461: Vladimir Nabokov Literary Studies": 3458, "T13462: Spanish Philosophy and Literature": 3459, "T13463: Nanoporous metals and alloys": 3460, "T13464: Higher Education and Sustainability": 3461, "T13465: Graphite, nuclear technology, radiation studies": 3462, "T13466: Comparative Literary Analysis and Criticism": 3463, "T13467: Drug-Induced Ocular Toxicity": 3464, "T13468: Educational Research and Science Teaching": 3465, "T13469: Environmental, Ecological, and Cultural Studies": 3466, "T13470: Surface Treatment and Coatings": 3467, "T13471: Cognitive Functions and Memory": 3468, "T13472: Brazilian History and Foreign Policy": 3469, "T13473: Economic Zones and Regional Development": 3470, "T13474: Autobiographical and Biographical Writing": 3471, "T13475: Digital Transformation in Law": 3472, "T13476: Indonesian Election Politics and Participation": 3473, "T13477: Sustainable Design and Development": 3474, "T13478: Agricultural Development and Management": 3475, "T13479: Food Science and Nutritional Studies": 3476, "T13480: Innovations and Analysis in Business and Education": 3477, "T13481: Neurological diseases and metabolism": 3478, "T13482: Engineering Education and Technology": 3479, "T13483: Herbal Medicine Research Studies": 3480, "T13484: German History and Society": 3481, "T13485: Marine and Coastal Ecosystems": 3482, "T13486: Literature, Magical Realism, Garc\u00eda M\u00e1rquez": 3483, "T13487: Statistical and numerical algorithms": 3484, "T13488: Sports and Physical Education Studies": 3485, "T13489: Synthesis of \u03b2-Lactam Compounds": 3486, "T13490: Aquatic Ecosystems and Biodiversity": 3487, "T13491: Social and Political Issues": 3488, "T13492: Science, Technology, and Education in Latin America": 3489, "T13493: Optical and Acousto-Optic Technologies": 3490, "T13494: Military History and Strategy": 3491, "T13495: Biographical and Historical Analysis": 3492, "T13496: Advertising and Communication Studies": 3493, "T13497: Hermeneutics and Narrative Identity": 3494, "T13498: Economic Development and Digital Transformation": 3495, "T13499: Economic Systems and Logistics Management": 3496, "T13500: Probability and Statistical Research": 3497, "T13501: Legal Issues in Turkey": 3498, "T13502: Community and Sustainable Development": 3499, "T13503: Gender, Health, and Social Inequality": 3500, "T13504: African history and culture analysis": 3501, "T13505: Apelin-related biomedical research": 3502, "T13506: Botanical Research and Chemistry": 3503, "T13507: Literature, Politics, and Exile Studies": 3504, "T13508: Agricultural Economics and Practices": 3505, "T13509: Accounting and Financial Management": 3506, "T13510: Nostalgia and Consumer Behavior": 3507, "T13511: Geodetic Measurements and Engineering Structures": 3508, "T13512: Spatial and Cultural Studies": 3509, "T13513: Urban and sociocultural dynamics": 3510, "T13514: Experience-Based Knowledge Management": 3511, "T13515: Cultural and Communication Design Research": 3512, "T13516: Publishing and Scholarly Communication": 3513, "T13517: Environmental and Industrial Safety": 3514, "T13518: Architecture and Computational Design": 3515, "T13519: Historical Architecture and Urbanism": 3516, "T13520: Architectural and Urban Studies": 3517, "T13521: Psychosocial Factors Impacting Youth": 3518, "T13522: Cardiovascular Health and Risk Factors": 3519, "T13523: Mathematics, Computing, and Information Processing": 3520, "T13524: Venezuelan Migration and Society": 3521, "T13525: Cambodian History and Society": 3522, "T13526: 14-3-3 protein interactions": 3523, "T13527: Transportation Systems and Logistics": 3524, "T13528: Water Resources and Governance": 3525, "T13529: Education Systems and Policies": 3526, "T13530: Climate Change and Environmental Impact": 3527, "T13531: Surface and Thin Film Phenomena": 3528, "T13532: Education Systems and Policy": 3529, "T13533: Medical Case Reports and Studies": 3530, "T13534: Migration, Identity, and Health": 3531, "T13535: Wireless Sensor Networks and IoT": 3532, "T13536: Psychological and Temporal Perspectives Research": 3533, "T13537: German legal, social, and political studies": 3534, "T13538: Linguistics and Language Analysis": 3535, "T13539: thermodynamics and calorimetric analyses": 3536, "T13540: Animal Diversity and Health Studies": 3537, "T13541: IoT-based Control Systems": 3538, "T13542: Grit, Self-Efficacy, and Motivation": 3539, "T13543: Oropharyngeal Anatomy and Pathologies": 3540, "T13544: Women's cancer prevention and management": 3541, "T13545: Philosophical and Theoretical Analysis": 3542, "T13546: Census and Population Estimation": 3543, "T13547: Economic and Industrial Development": 3544, "T13548: Environmental and biological studies": 3545, "T13549: Minority Rights and Languages": 3546, "T13550: Diverse Applied Research Studies": 3547, "T13551: Biochemical effects in animals": 3548, "T13552: Advanced Materials Characterization Techniques": 3549, "T13553: Age of Information Optimization": 3550, "T13554: Brazilian cultural history and politics": 3551, "T13555: Healthcare cost, quality, practices": 3552, "T13556: Historical Influence and Diplomacy": 3553, "T13557: Environmental and sustainability education": 3554, "T13558: Philosophy, Science, and History": 3555, "T13559: Edcuational Technology Systems": 3556, "T13560: Socioeconomic Development in MENA": 3557, "T13561: Chemical Reactions and Isotopes": 3558, "T13562: Cruise Tourism Development and Management": 3559, "T13563: Chemical Analysis and Environmental Impact": 3560, "T13564: Education and Public Policy": 3561, "T13565: Education and Learning Interventions": 3562, "T13566: Global Educational Reforms and Inequalities": 3563, "T13567: AI and Multimedia in Education": 3564, "T13568: Wood and Agarwood Research": 3565, "T13569: Microscopic Colitis": 3566, "T13570: Historical Education Studies Worldwide": 3567, "T13571: Corporeality, Perception, and Education": 3568, "T13572: German Security and Defense Policies": 3569, "T13573: Government, Law, and Information Management": 3570, "T13574: Family Support in Illness": 3571, "T13575: Travel Writing and Literature": 3572, "T13576: Cyprus History, Politics, Society": 3573, "T13577: Sephardic Jews and Inquisition Studies": 3574, "T13578: Stonefly species taxonomy and ecology": 3575, "T13579: Image and Video Stabilization": 3576, "T13580: Management and Performance Evaluation": 3577, "T13581: New Caledonia Indigenous Studies": 3578, "T13582: Stalking, Cyberstalking, and Harassment": 3579, "T13583: Jury Decision Making Processes": 3580, "T13584: Coal Combustion and Slurry Processing": 3581, "T13585: Technostress in Professional Settings": 3582, "T13586: HIV, TB, and STIs Epidemiology": 3583, "T13587: Q Methodology Applications": 3584, "T13588: Regional resilience and development": 3585, "T13589: Literary and Cultural Studies": 3586, "T13590: Oral History, Memory, Narrative Analysis": 3587, "T13591: Pasture and Agricultural Systems": 3588, "T13592: Advanced Scientific Techniques and Applications": 3589, "T13593: Historical and Archaeological Studies": 3590, "T13594: Healthcare innovation and challenges": 3591, "T13595: Archaeology and Cultural Heritage": 3592, "T13596: Grouting, Rheology, and Soil Mechanics": 3593, "T13597: Medicine and Dermatology Studies History": 3594, "T13598: Political Developments and Conflicts": 3595, "T13599: Architecture and Cultural Influences": 3596, "T13600: Science Education and Perceptions": 3597, "T13601: Urban Transport Systems Analysis": 3598, "T13602: Educational Methods and Media Use": 3599, "T13603: Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability": 3600, "T13604: Adsorption, diffusion, and thermodynamic properties of materials": 3601, "T13605: Homicide, Infanticide, and Child Abuse": 3602, "T13606: Umberto Eco and Semiotics": 3603, "T13607: Academic Publishing and Open Access": 3604, "T13608: Advanced Computational Techniques in Science and Engineering": 3605, "T13609: Economic, Social, and Public Health Issues in Russia and Globally": 3606, "T13610: Society, Economy, and Ethics Research": 3607, "T13611: Education, Management, Technology, Human Resources": 3608, "T13612: Advanced Scientific and Engineering Studies": 3609, "T13613: Health, Education, and Cultural Studies": 3610, "T13614: Social and Economic Solidarity": 3611, "T13615: Transportation Systems and Safety": 3612, "T13616: Governance, Compliance, and Sustainability": 3613, "T13617: Gender, Violence, Rights in Latin America": 3614, "T13618: Regional Socio-Economic Development Trends": 3615, "T13619: Geotechnical and Geomechanical Engineering": 3616, "T13620: Education for Peace and Conflict Resolution": 3617, "T13621: Ancient and Medieval Archaeology Studies": 3618, "T13622: Historical and Environmental Studies": 3619, "T13623: Linguistic Studies and Language Acquisition": 3620, "T13624: Social Sciences and Policies": 3621, "T13625: Journalism and Media Studies": 3622, "T13626: Educational and Organizational Development": 3623, "T13627: Cultural and Educational Studies": 3624, "T13628: Agricultural Productivity and Crop Improvement": 3625, "T13629: Text Readability and Simplification": 3626, "T13630: Agriculture Market Analysis Ukraine": 3627, "T13631: Global History, Politics, and Ideology": 3628, "T13632: Marriage and Sexual Relationships": 3629, "T13633: Public Health and Social Inequalities": 3630, "T13634: Middle East and Rwanda Conflicts": 3631, "T13635: Philosophy and Education Pedagogy": 3632, "T13636: Pentecostalism and Christianity Studies": 3633, "T13637: Calpain Protease Function and Regulation": 3634, "T13638: Human auditory perception and evaluation": 3635, "T13639: Paraquat toxicity studies and treatments": 3636, "T13640: Ranque-Hilsch vortex tube": 3637, "T13641: Historical Studies and Socio-cultural Analysis": 3638, "T13642: Organizational Downsizing and Restructuring": 3639, "T13643: Artificial Intelligence in Law": 3640, "T13644: Control Systems in Engineering": 3641, "T13645: Thermodynamic and Structural Properties of Metals and Alloys": 3642, "T13646: Qur\u2019anic Interpretation Studies": 3643, "T13647: AI and Big Data Applications": 3644, "T13648: Cerebrovascular and genetic disorders": 3645, "T13649: Advanced Synthetic Organic Chemistry": 3646, "T13650: Computational Physics and Python Applications": 3647, "T13651: Medicinal Plants and Bioactive Compounds": 3648, "T13652: Education and Social Development in Ukraine": 3649, "T13653: Commonwealth, Australian Politics and Federalism": 3650, "T13654: Urban Planning and Landscape Design": 3651, "T13655: Canadian Policy and Governance": 3652, "T13656: Science, Research, and Medicine": 3653, "T13657: Aortic Thrombus and Embolism": 3654, "T13658: Education and Professional Development": 3655, "T13659: Ombudsman and Human Rights": 3656, "T13660: Philosophical and Historical Studies": 3657, "T13661: Reformed Theology and Governance": 3658, "T13662: Qualitative research in health": 3659, "T13663: Sustainability, Environment, and Optimization Algorithms": 3660, "T13664: Genome Rearrangement Algorithms": 3661, "T13665: Legal and cultural studies analysis": 3662, "T13666: Postmodernism in Literature and Education": 3663, "T13667: French Literature and Criticism": 3664, "T13668: Agricultural and Rural Development Research": 3665, "T13669: China's Global Influence and Migration": 3666, "T13670: Ziziphus Jujuba Studies and Applications": 3667, "T13671: Philosophy and Phenomenology Studies": 3668, "T13672: Thomas Hardy Literature Studies": 3669, "T13673: Library Science and Information": 3670, "T13674: Computer Science and Engineering": 3671, "T13675: Diffusion Coefficients in Liquids": 3672, "T13676: Educational and Technological Research": 3673, "T13677: Magnolia and Illicium research": 3674, "T13678: Agricultural Research and Practices": 3675, "T13679: Tardigrade Biology and Ecology": 3676, "T13680: Education, Psychology, and Complexity Research": 3677, "T13681: Engineering and Information Technology": 3678, "T13682: Engineering Education and Pedagogy": 3679, "T13683: Architecture, Art, Education": 3680, "T13684: Political Dynamics in Latin America": 3681, "T13685: Material Science and Thermodynamics": 3682, "T13687: Extractivism and Socioeconomic Issues": 3683, "T13688: Shallot Cultivation and Analysis": 3684, "T13689: Underground infrastructure and sustainability": 3685, "T13690: Quality and Safety in Healthcare": 3686, "T13691: Energy, Environment, Agriculture Analysis": 3687, "T13692: Italian Social Issues and Migration": 3688, "T13693: Smart Systems and Machine Learning": 3689, "T13694: Immigration Law and Human Rights": 3690, "T13695: Aging, Elder Care, and Social Issues": 3691, "T13696: Technology's Impact on Media": 3692, "T13697: Biliary and Gastrointestinal Fistulas": 3693, "T13698: Education, Politics, and Culture Studies": 3694, "T13699: Public Spaces through Art": 3695, "T13700: Gender Studies and Social Issues": 3696, "T13701: Psycholinguistics and Behavioral Studies": 3697, "T13702: Machine Learning in Healthcare": 3698, "T13703: Attention Economy in Education and Business": 3699, "T13704: French Literature and Poetry": 3700, "T13705: Australian Indigenous Culture and History": 3701, "T13706: Management and Optimization Techniques": 3702, "T13707: Literature, Language, and Rhetoric Studies": 3703, "T13708: History of Emotions Research": 3704, "T13709: Education in Diverse Contexts": 3705, "T13710: European and International Law Studies": 3706, "T13711: Environmental Science and Technology": 3707, "T13712: Kantian Philosophy and Modern Interpretations": 3708, "T13713: Diverse Perspectives in Modern Studies": 3709, "T13714: Medieval Architecture and Archaeology": 3710, "T13715: Power Line Inspection Robots": 3711, "T13716: Communication Studies and Media": 3712, "T13717: Advanced Algorithms and Applications": 3713, "T13718: Media Influence and Politics": 3714, "T13719: Phytochemistry and Bioactivity Studies": 3715, "T13720: Benford\u2019s Law and Fraud Detection": 3716, "T13721: Political Science Research and Education": 3717, "T13722: Ergonomics and Human Factors": 3718, "T13724: Humanities and Social Sciences": 3719, "T13725: Pineapple and bromelain studies": 3720, "T13726: International Science and Diplomacy": 3721, "T13727: Linguistic and Sociocultural Studies": 3722, "T13728: Crime, Deviance, and Social Control": 3723, "T13729: Korean Urban and Social Studies": 3724, "T13730: Martial Arts: Techniques, Psychology, and Education": 3725, "T13731: Advanced Computing and Algorithms": 3726, "T13732: Aerospace, Electronics, Mathematical Modeling": 3727, "T13733: Moravian Church and William Blake": 3728, "T13734: Advanced Computational Techniques and Applications": 3729, "T13735: History of Medical Practice": 3730, "T13736: Steroid Chemistry and Biochemistry": 3731, "T13737: Critical and Liberation Pedagogy": 3732, "T13738: Congenital Ear and Nasal Anomalies": 3733, "T13739: Medieval and Early Modern Justice": 3734, "T13740: Soil Science and Environmental Management": 3735, "T13741: Cross-Cultural and Social Analysis": 3736, "T13742: Metallurgy and Cultural Artifacts": 3737, "T13743: Italian Literature and Culture": 3738, "T13744: Financial Literacy and Behavior": 3739, "T13745: Media and Digital Communication": 3740, "T13746: Mechanical Systems and Engineering": 3741, "T13747: Sociopolitical Dynamics in Russia": 3742, "T13748: Advanced Statistical Modeling Techniques": 3743, "T13749: Hungarian Social, Economic and Educational Studies": 3744, "T13750: Mormonism, Religion, and History": 3745, "T13751: Diverse Approaches in Healthcare and Education Studies": 3746, "T13752: Mechanics and Biomechanics Studies": 3747, "T13753: Diverse multidisciplinary academic research": 3748, "T13754: Central European and Russian historical studies": 3749, "T13755: Global socioeconomic and cultural dynamics": 3750, "T13756: International Environmental Law and Policies": 3751, "T13757: Graphic Design and Typography": 3752, "T13758: Energy Law and Policy": 3753, "T13759: Medical Imaging and Pathology Studies": 3754, "T13760: Finance, Taxation, and Governance": 3755, "T13761: HIV/AIDS oral health manifestations": 3756, "T13762: Education and Labor Relations": 3757, "T13763: Historical Legal Studies and Society": 3758, "T13764: Political theory and Gramsci": 3759, "T13765: Social Science and Policy Research": 3760, "T13766: Media, Journalism, and Communication History": 3761, "T13767: Leech Biology and Applications": 3762, "T13768: Oral and gingival health research": 3763, "T13769: Fusion and Plasma Physics Studies": 3764, "T13770: Pediatric health and respiratory diseases": 3765, "T13771: Advanced Research in Science and Engineering": 3766, "T13772: Geomechanics and Mining Engineering": 3767, "T13773: International Labor and Employment Law": 3768, "T13774: Citizenship Education and Democracy": 3769, "T13775: Hydrogen's biological and therapeutic effects": 3770, "T13776: Phytochemical and Pharmacological Studies": 3771, "T13777: Cognitive and psychological constructs research": 3772, "T13778: Comparative and World Literature": 3773, "T13779: Cancer Mechanisms and Therapy": 3774, "T13780: Diverse Education Studies and Reforms": 3775, "T13781: Coleoptera: Cerambycidae studies": 3776, "T13782: Transactional Analysis in Psychotherapy": 3777, "T13783: Feminism, Gender, and Intersectionality": 3778, "T13784: Jewish Identity and Society": 3779, "T13785: Aquatic and Environmental Studies": 3780, "T13786: Diverse Academic Research Studies": 3781, "T13787: Globalization, Historical Perspectives, and International Relations": 3782, "T13788: Cultural Identity and Representation": 3783, "T13789: Global Education Systems and Policies": 3784, "T13790: Waste Management and Environmental Impact": 3785, "T13791: Veterinary medicine and infectious diseases": 3786, "T13792: Morinda citrifolia extract uses": 3787, "T13793: Environmental and Analytical Chemistry Studies": 3788, "T13794: Financial Reporting and XBRL": 3789, "T13795: Language, Communication, and Linguistic Studies": 3790, "T13796: Neurological Disorders and Treatments": 3791, "T13797: Probabilistic Statistics in Medicine": 3792, "T13798: Hops Chemistry and Applications": 3793, "T13799: Media and Communication Studies": 3794, "T13800: Earthquake and Disaster Impact Studies": 3795, "T13801: Urban Arborization and Environmental Studies": 3796, "T13802: Vietnamese History and Culture Studies": 3797, "T13803: Organizational Strategy and Culture": 3798, "T13804: Physical Activity and Education Research": 3799, "T13805: Adolescent Health and Behaviors": 3800, "T13806: Mathematical and Computational Methods": 3801, "T13807: Cultural Insights and Digital Impacts": 3802, "T13808: Construction Engineering and Safety": 3803, "T13809: Philosophy, Health, and Society": 3804, "T13810: Legal Systems and Institutions": 3805, "T13811: Earth Systems and Cosmic Evolution": 3806, "T13812: AI and HR Technologies": 3807, "T13813: Oral and Craniofacial Lesions": 3808, "T13814: Cultural and political discourse analysis": 3809, "T13815: Islamic Thought and Society Studies": 3810, "T13816: Advanced Signal Processing Techniques": 3811, "T13817: Tannin, Tannase and Anticancer Activities": 3812, "T13818: Cultural Studies and Colonialism": 3813, "T13819: Collaborative and Sustainable Housing Initiatives": 3814, "T13820: SAS software applications and methods": 3815, "T13821: Coaching Methods and Impact": 3816, "T13822: Indigenous Health and Education": 3817, "T13823: Religious and Theological Studies": 3818, "T13824: National Identity and Symbolism": 3819, "T13825: Economic Policies and Impacts": 3820, "T13826: Bangladesh Politics, Society, and Development": 3821, "T13827: Mechatronics Education and Applications": 3822, "T13828: Natural Products and Biological Research": 3823, "T13829: Health, Work, and Social Studies in Poland": 3824, "T13830: Educational Curriculum and Learning Methods": 3825, "T13831: Archaeological and Geological Studies": 3826, "T13832: Advanced Decision-Making Techniques": 3827, "T13833: Ferrocene Chemistry and Applications": 3828, "T13834: Whipple's Disease and Interleukins": 3829, "T13835: Educational, Social, and Political Issues": 3830, "T13836: Educational Research and Pedagogy": 3831, "T13837: Diverse Cultural and Social Studies": 3832, "T13838: Plant and soil sciences": 3833, "T13839: Tourism, Volunteerism, and Development": 3834, "T13840: Chemical Safety and Risk Management": 3835, "T13841: Psychology of Social Influence": 3836, "T13842: Intellectual Property Law": 3837, "T13843: African Sexualities and LGBTQ+ Issues": 3838, "T13844: Higher Education Learning Practices": 3839, "T13845: Classical Studies and Legal History": 3840, "T13846: Mangiferin and Mango Extracts": 3841, "T13847: Literature Analysis and Criticism": 3842, "T13848: Ottoman and Turkish Studies": 3843, "T13849: Enterobacteriaceae and Cronobacter Research": 3844, "T13850: Night-time city culture": 3845, "T13851: Law, AI, and Intellectual Property": 3846, "T13852: Seismic and Structural Analysis of Tall Buildings": 3847, "T13853: Teacher Education and Assessments": 3848, "T13854: Historical Geography and Cartography": 3849, "T13855: Aerospace Engineering and Control Systems": 3850, "T13856: Advanced Power Generation Technologies": 3851, "T13857: Mining and Industrial Processes": 3852, "T13858: Technical Engine Diagnostics and Monitoring": 3853, "T13859: Organic Chemistry Synthesis Methods": 3854, "T13860: Arts and Performance Studies": 3855, "T13861: Health and Lifestyle Studies": 3856, "T13862: Soil, Finite Element Methods": 3857, "T13863: Cultural History and Identity Formation": 3858, "T13864: Indigenous Cultures and History": 3859, "T13865: Nationalism and Cultural Identity": 3860, "T13866: Occupational health in dentistry": 3861, "T13867: Economic Growth and Development": 3862, "T13868: Afro-Latin American Studies": 3863, "T13869: Ocular and Laser Science Research": 3864, "T13870: Environmental and Ecological Studies": 3865, "T13871: Melamine detection and toxicity": 3866, "T13872: Vocational and Entrepreneurial Education": 3867, "T13873: Educational Methods and Technology": 3868, "T13874: Information Architecture and Usability": 3869, "T13875: Legal Studies and Reforms": 3870, "T13876: Chemical synthesis and pharmacological studies": 3871, "T13877: Law in Society and Culture": 3872, "T13878: Case Reports on Hematomas": 3873, "T13879: Indigenous Peoples' Rights and Law": 3874, "T13880: Innovative Education Methods and Tools": 3875, "T13881: Sociology and Norbert Elias": 3876, "T13882: Research studies in Vietnam": 3877, "T13883: Child and Adolescent Health": 3878, "T13884: Educational Leadership and Practices": 3879, "T13885: Geophysics and Sensor Technology": 3880, "T13886: Operations Management Techniques": 3881, "T13887: Augustinian Studies and Theology": 3882, "T13888: Social Policies and Family": 3883, "T13889: Advanced Materials and Semiconductor Technologies": 3884, "T13890: Remote Sensing and Land Use": 3885, "T13891: Engineering Diagnostics and Reliability": 3886, "T13892: Aquatic life and conservation": 3887, "T13893: Sustainable Development and Policies": 3888, "T13894: Indian Economic and Social Development": 3889, "T13895: Educational Leadership and Innovation": 3890, "T13896: Health Services Management and Policy": 3891, "T13897: Historical Economic and Legal Thought": 3892, "T13898: Diverse Interdisciplinary Research Studies": 3893, "T13899: Agricultural Systems and Practices": 3894, "T13900: Contemporary and Historical Greek Studies": 3895, "T13901: State Capitalism and Financial Governance": 3896, "T13902: Indian History and Philosophy": 3897, "T13903: Innovative Educational Techniques": 3898, "T13904: Artificial Intelligence Applications": 3899, "T13905: Telecommunications and Broadcasting Technologies": 3900, "T13906: Social Issues and Policies": 3901, "T13907: Social Issues and Sustainability": 3902, "T13908: Scientific and Historical Analyses": 3903, "T13909: Environmental Quality and Pollution": 3904, "T13910: Computational and Text Analysis Methods": 3905, "T13911: Employment, Labor, and Gender Studies": 3906, "T13912: Language, Linguistics, Cultural Analysis": 3907, "T13913: Blockchain Technology in Education and Learning": 3908, "T13914: European Cultural and National Identity": 3909, "T13915: Public Health in Brazil": 3910, "T13916: Environmental Policies and Emissions": 3911, "T13917: Engineering and Material Science Research": 3912, "T13918: Advanced Data and IoT Technologies": 3913, "T13919: Medicinal plant effects and applications": 3914, "T13920: Urban Planning and Valuation": 3915, "T13921: Biological Stains and Phytochemicals": 3916, "T13922: Historical Art and Culture Studies": 3917, "T13923: Nuclear and radioactivity studies": 3918, "T13924: Internet of Things and Social Network Interactions": 3919, "T13925: Offshore Engineering and Technologies": 3920, "T13926: Feminism, Gender, and Sexuality Studies": 3921, "T13927: Cyberloafing and Workplace Behavior": 3922, "T13928: Advanced Sensor Technologies Research": 3923, "T13929: Educational Outcomes and Influences": 3924, "T13930: Diverse Education and Engineering Focus": 3925, "T13931: Philosophy and Historical Thought": 3926, "T13932: Education, Technology, and Economics": 3927, "T13933: Whitehead's Philosophy and Applications": 3928, "T13934: Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Agriculture": 3929, "T13935: Mathematical Control Systems and Analysis": 3930, "T13936: Physical Education and Gymnastics": 3931, "T13937: Genetics, Bioinformatics, and Biomedical Research": 3932, "T13938: Historical and Contemporary Political Dynamics": 3933, "T13939: Archaeology and Natural History": 3934, "T13940: Philosophy and Literary Analysis": 3935, "T13941: Geotechnical and Mining Engineering": 3936, "T13942: International Human Rights and Reproductive Law": 3937, "T13943: Beetle Biology and Toxicology Studies": 3938, "T13944: Psychiatric care and mental health services": 3939, "T13945: Legal, Health, Environmental and COVID-19 Challenges": 3940, "T13946: Musculoskeletal Disorders and Rehabilitation": 3941, "T13947: Media Discourse and Social Analysis": 3942, "T13948: Gender and Women's Rights": 3943, "T13949: Belt and Road Initiative": 3944, "T13950: Collembola Taxonomy and Ecology Studies": 3945, "T13951: Fluid dynamics and aerodynamics studies": 3946, "T13952: Information Technology and Learning": 3947, "T13953: Digital Imaging in Medicine": 3948, "T13954: Aerospace Engineering and Applications": 3949, "T13955: Evaluation Methods in Various Fields": 3950, "T13956: Sociopolitical Dynamics in Nepal": 3951, "T13957: Corporate Governance and Financial Management": 3952, "T13958: Education, Innovation and Language Studies": 3953, "T13959: Swearing, Euphemism, Multilingualism": 3954, "T13960: Dietetics, Nutrition, and Education": 3955, "T13961: Socioeconomics of Resources and Conservation": 3956, "T13962: Omental and Epiploic Conditions": 3957, "T13963: Organizational Management and Leadership": 3958, "T13964: Educational Technology and Optimization": 3959, "T13965: Laser and Thermal Forming Techniques": 3960, "T13966: Neurological and metabolic disorders": 3961, "T13967: Conservation, Ecology, Wildlife Education": 3962, "T13968: Contemporary Cultural and Social Studies": 3963, "T13969: Flooding and Environmental Impact": 3964, "T13970: Pharmacy and Medical Practices": 3965, "T13971: Synthesis and Biological Activity": 3966, "T13972: Business Law and Ethics": 3967, "T13973: Catholicism, Bioethics, Media, Education": 3968, "T13974: Health, Education, and Aging": 3969, "T13975: Energy, Economy, and Technology Trends": 3970, "T13976: Web visibility and informetrics": 3971, "T13977: Geography and Environmental Studies in Latin America": 3972, "T13978: Foreign Language Teaching Methods": 3973, "T13979: Communication and COVID-19 Impact": 3974, "T13980: Alexander von Humboldt Studies": 3975, "T13981: Violence, Education, and Gender Studies": 3976, "T13982: Social Movements and Cultural Identity": 3977, "T13983: Cybersecurity and Information Systems": 3978, "T13984: Nutrition, Genetics, and Disease": 3979, "T13985: Enterprise Management and Information Systems": 3980, "T13986: Medical Practices and Rehabilitation": 3981, "T13987: Child Development and Education": 3982, "T13988: Public Administration and Governance": 3983, "T13989: Labour Market and Migration": 3984, "T13990: Engine and Fuel Emissions": 3985, "T13991: Nuclear Receptors and Signaling": 3986, "T13992: Cynara cardunculus studies": 3987, "T13993: Historical Geopolitical and Social Dynamics": 3988, "T13994: The Impact of Diversity and Innovation on Society": 3989, "T13995: Globalization and political ideologies": 3990, "T13996: Diverse Musicological Studies": 3991, "T13997: Scientific Research and Studies": 3992, "T13998: History, Medicine, and Leadership": 3993, "T13999: Digital Rights Management and Security": 3994, "T14000: Cultural, Social, and Media Studies": 3995, "T14001: Evelyn Waugh and Hans Urs von Balthasar Studies": 3996, "T14002: Art, Technology, and Culture": 3997, "T14003: Labor Law and Work Dynamics": 3998, "T14004: History and Cultural Heritage": 3999, "T14005: Eastern European Communism and Reforms": 4000, "T14006: Linguistics, Language Diversity, and Identity": 4001, "T14007: Indigenous and Place-Based Education": 4002, "T14008: Balkan and Eastern European Studies": 4003, "T14009: Ecology and Conservation Studies": 4004, "T14010: Food Industry and Aquatic Biology": 4005, "T14011: Elevator Systems and Control": 4006, "T14012: Comparative and International Law Studies": 4007, "T14013: Legal Language and Interpretation": 4008, "T14014: Transportation Systems and Infrastructure": 4009, "T14015: Otitis Media and Relapsing Polychondritis": 4010, "T14016: International Relations and Autism": 4011, "T14017: Legal Issues in Education": 4012, "T14018: Agriculture and Biological Studies": 4013, "T14019: Socioeconomic and Demographic Analysis": 4014, "T14020: Medical research and treatments": 4015, "T14021: Medieval European Literature and History": 4016, "T14022: Cultural and Religious Practices in Indonesia": 4017, "T14023: Interdisciplinary Studies and Sociocultural Dynamics": 4018, "T14024: Education, Philosophy, and Society": 4019, "T14025: Educational Technology and Assessment": 4020, "T14026: Flannery O'Connor and Thomas Merton": 4021, "T14027: 21st Century Education and Governance": 4022, "T14028: Healthcare and Venom Research": 4023, "T14029: Thoreau and American Literature": 4024, "T14030: Taxation and Legal Issues": 4025, "T14031: Global and Cross-Cultural Management": 4026, "T14032: History and International Relations": 4027, "T14033: Education in Rural Contexts": 4028, "T14034: Musicians\u2019 Health and Performance": 4029, "T14035: Literature, Culture, and Aesthetics": 4030, "T14036: Literary and Philosophical Studies": 4031, "T14037: Arabic Language Education Studies": 4032, "T14038: Youth, Politics, and Society": 4033, "T14039: Ecology and biodiversity studies": 4034, "T14040: Problem Solving Skills Development": 4035, "T14041: Central European Literary Studies": 4036, "T14042: Technology and Security Systems": 4037, "T14043: Historical and modern epidemiology studies": 4038, "T14044: Medical and Agricultural Research Studies": 4039, "T14045: Health, Education, and Physical Culture": 4040, "T14046: Bach Studies and Logistics Development": 4041, "T14047: Marine and environmental studies": 4042, "T14048: Silkworms and Sericulture Research": 4043, "T14049: Plant and Fungal Species Descriptions": 4044, "T14050: Forest Ecology and Conservation": 4045, "T14051: Regional Economic and Spatial Analysis": 4046, "T14052: Galician and Iberian cultural studies": 4047, "T14053: Dengue and Mosquito Control Research": 4048, "T14054: Humic Substances and Bio-Organic Studies": 4049, "T14055: Consumer Packaging Perceptions and Trends": 4050, "T14056: Safety Warnings and Signage": 4051, "T14057: Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy and related conditions": 4052, "T14058: Value Engineering and Management": 4053, "T14059: Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, and Hegel": 4054, "T14060: Education and Communication Studies": 4055, "T14061: Educational Practices and Policies": 4056, "T14062: Migration and Exile Studies": 4057, "T14063: Diverse Philosophical and Cultural Studies": 4058, "T14064: Organizational and Employee Performance": 4059, "T14065: Biological Research and Disease Studies": 4060, "T14066: Economic Development and Regional Competitiveness": 4061, "T14067: Cloud Computing and Remote Desktop Technologies": 4062, "T14068: Organic and Inorganic Chemical Reactions": 4063, "T14069: Scientific Research Methodologies and Applications": 4064, "T14070: Knowledge Societies in the 21st Century": 4065, "T14071: Healthcare during COVID-19 Pandemic": 4066, "T14072: Immunotoxicology and immune responses": 4067, "T14073: Diverse Global Research Studies": 4068, "T14074: Persona Design and Applications": 4069, "T14075: Psychodrama and Leishmaniasis Studies": 4070, "T14076: Material Properties and Failure Mechanisms": 4071, "T14077: Socio-political and Technological Issues": 4072, "T14078: Multiple and Secondary Primary Cancers": 4073, "T14079: Mathematics Education and Programs": 4074, "T14080: Philosophy, Sociology, Political Theory": 4075, "T14081: Linguistic Education and Pedagogy": 4076, "T14082: Modeling, Simulation, and Optimization": 4077, "T14083: Extremum Seeking Control Systems": 4078, "T14084: Methodology and Impact of Social Science Research": 4079, "T14085: Student Stress and Coping": 4080, "T14086: Military and Defense Studies": 4081, "T14087: Economic, Educational, Environmental and Organizational Development": 4082, "T14088: Generational Differences and Trends": 4083, "T14089: Nanotechnology research and applications": 4084, "T14090: Health and Conflict Studies": 4085, "T14091: Industrial and Mining Safety": 4086, "T14092: Ethics, Aesthetics, and Art": 4087, "T14093: Global Health and Epidemiology": 4088, "T14094: Italy: Economic History and Contemporary Issues": 4089, "T14095: Literature, Musicology, and Cultural Analysis": 4090, "T14096: Advancements in Materials Engineering": 4091, "T14097: Chemistry Education and Research": 4092, "T14098: Energy Efficiency in Computing": 4093, "T14099: Synthesis and Characterization of Heterocyclic Compounds": 4094, "T14100: Scientific Research and Technology": 4095, "T14101: Financial Crisis of the 21st Century": 4096, "T14102: Corporate Governance and Law": 4097, "T14103: Educational Management and Quality": 4098, "T14104: Developmental and Educational Neuropsychology": 4099, "T14105: Cultural and Artistic Studies": 4100, "T14106: Environmental and Sediment Control": 4101, "T14107: Appalachian Studies and Mathematics": 4102, "T14108: Medical and Pharmaceutic Studies": 4103, "T14109: Scottish History and National Identity": 4104, "T14110: Islamic Studies and Radicalism": 4105, "T14111: Diverse Research Studies Overview": 4106, "T14112: Economic, financial, and policy analysis": 4107, "T14113: Global Socioeconomic and Political Dynamics": 4108, "T14114: Digital Media and Philosophy": 4109, "T14115: Legal processes and jurisprudence": 4110, "T14116: Aviation History and Innovations": 4111, "T14117: Integrated Circuits and Semiconductor Failure Analysis": 4112, "T14118: Social and Demographic Issues in Germany": 4113, "T14119: Agricultural and Environmental Management": 4114, "T14120: Thallium and Germanium Studies": 4115, "T14121: Logistics and Transportation Systems": 4116, "T14122: Impact of Education Environments": 4117, "T14123: Decolonial Thought and Epistemologies": 4118, "T14124: Food, Nutrition, and Cultural Practices": 4119, "T14125: Education, Sociology, Communication Studies": 4120, "T14126: Intramuscular injections and effects": 4121, "T14127: Food and Agricultural Sciences": 4122, "T14128: Metallurgical and Alloy Processes": 4123, "T14129: Economic and Business Studies": 4124, "T14130: Healthcare, Law, Governance, and Management Studies": 4125, "T14131: Giambattista Vico and Joyce": 4126, "T14132: Medical Research and Islamic Perspectives": 4127, "T14133: Border Security and International Relations": 4128, "T14134: Medical and Biological Sciences": 4129, "T14135: Cancer and biochemical research": 4130, "T14136: Education and Military Integration": 4131, "T14137: Agriculture, Soil, Plant Science": 4132, "T14138: Life Cycle Costing Analysis": 4133, "T14139: E-commerce and Technology Innovations": 4134, "T14140: Elite Sociology and Global Capitalism": 4135, "T14141: Colonial History and Postcolonial Studies": 4136, "T14142: Multicultural Socio-Legal Studies": 4137, "T14143: Economic and Technological Innovation": 4138, "T14144: Neurological Disease Mechanisms and Treatments": 4139, "T14145: Diverse Cultural Media Analysis": 4140, "T14146: Earthquake and Tsunami Effects": 4141, "T14147: Innovative Approaches in Technology and Social Development": 4142, "T14148: Kierkegaardian Philosophy and Influence": 4143, "T14149: Historical and Literary Analyses": 4144, "T14150: Biochemical and biochemical processes": 4145, "T14151: Literary Analysis and Cultural Studies": 4146, "T14152: Healthcare Facilities Design and Sustainability": 4147, "T14153: Social Development and Education Research": 4148, "T14154: finance, banking, and market dynamics": 4149, "T14155: Advanced Technology in Applications": 4150, "T14156: Engineering Applied Research": 4151, "T14157: Environmental and Agricultural Sciences": 4152, "T14158: Optical Systems and Laser Technology": 4153, "T14159: Discourse Analysis and Cultural Communication": 4154, "T14160: Water management and technologies": 4155, "T14161: Health and Education Studies": 4156, "T14162: Historical and Literary Studies": 4157, "T14163: Astronomical Observations and Instrumentation": 4158, "T14164: Marine and Offshore Engineering Studies": 4159, "T14165: Inflammation biomarkers and pathways": 4160, "T14166: European Monetary and Fiscal Policies": 4161, "T14167: Consumer behavior in food and health": 4162, "T14168: Occupational Health and Global Justice": 4163, "T14169: Public Health and Environmental Issues": 4164, "T14170: Classical Studies and Philology": 4165, "T14171: Education, Law, and Society": 4166, "T14172: Cultural and Social Studies in Latin America": 4167, "T14173: Education, Healthcare and Sociology Research": 4168, "T14174: Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems": 4169, "T14175: Intuitionistic Fuzzy Systems Applications": 4170, "T14176: Interdisciplinary Cultural and Social Studies": 4171, "T14177: Water Resources and Management": 4172, "T14178: Environmental Science and Water Management": 4173, "T14179: Waste Management and Recycling": 4174, "T14180: Law, logistics, and international trade": 4175, "T14181: Academic Freedom and Politics": 4176, "T14182: Technology-Enhanced Education Studies": 4177, "T14183: Banking Sector Performance and Management": 4178, "T14184: Metallurgy and Material Science": 4179, "T14185: Research, Science, and Academia": 4180, "T14186: Healthcare Systems and Practices": 4181, "T14187: Varied Academic Research Topics": 4182, "T14188: Latin American Legal and Economic Studies": 4183, "T14189: Intravenous Infusion Technology and Safety": 4184, "T14190: Military history and social perspectives": 4185, "T14191: Historical Art and Architecture Studies": 4186, "T14192: Literature, Film, and Journalism Analysis": 4187, "T14193: Literature and Cultural Memory": 4188, "T14194: Bioactive Compounds in Plants": 4189, "T14195: Linguistic and Cultural Studies": 4190, "T14196: Multidisciplinary Warburg-centric Studies": 4191, "T14197: Historical Studies of Medieval Iberia": 4192, "T14198: Philosophical Thought and Analysis": 4193, "T14199: Historical and Scientific Studies": 4194, "T14200: Medical, Sociocultural, and Biopolitical Studies": 4195, "T14201: Data Analysis and Archiving": 4196, "T14202: Sustainability, Governance, and Employment Studies": 4197, "T14203: Education, Safety, and Science Studies": 4198, "T14204: Railway Systems and Materials Science": 4199, "T14205: Education and Art Integration": 4200, "T14206: Animal Law and Welfare": 4201, "T14207: Higher Education Practises and Engagement": 4202, "T14208: Death, Funerary Practices, and Mourning": 4203, "T14209: Public health and occupational medicine": 4204, "T14210: Historical and Linguistic Studies": 4205, "T14211: Diverse academic research themes": 4206, "T14212: Health Promotion and Cardiovascular Prevention": 4207, "T14213: Global Politics and Economy": 4208, "T14214: Space Exploration and Technology": 4209, "T14215: Chemical and Environmental Engineering Research": 4210, "T14216: Multimedia Learning Systems": 4211, "T14217: American Literature and Humor Studies": 4212, "T14218: Engineering Education and Global Impact": 4213, "T14219: Local Economic Development and Planning": 4214, "T14220: Workaholism, burnout, and well-being": 4215, "T14221: activated carbon and charcoal": 4216, "T14222: Knowledge Management and Technology": 4217, "T14223: Ayn Rand and Bront\u00eb studies": 4218, "T14224: Oil, Gas, and Environmental Issues": 4219, "T14225: Advanced Sensor and Control Systems": 4220, "T14226: Migration, Racism, and Human Rights": 4221, "T14227: Educational Practices and Challenges": 4222, "T14228: Religion and Sociopolitical Dynamics in Nigeria": 4223, "T14229: Physical education and sports games research": 4224, "T14230: Occupational and Professional Licensing Regulation": 4225, "T14231: New Zealand Economic and Social Studies": 4226, "T14232: Water Resource Management and Quality": 4227, "T14233: Diverse Topics in Contemporary Research": 4228, "T14234: Data Privacy and Cybersecurity": 4229, "T14235: Linguistic, Cultural, and Literary Studies": 4230, "T14236: Educational Tools and Methods": 4231, "T14237: Historical and Political Studies": 4232, "T14238: Historical Gender and Feminism Studies": 4233, "T14239: Business, Education, Mathematics Research": 4234, "T14240: E-Learning and COVID-19": 4235, "T14241: Evasion and Academic Success Factors": 4236, "T14242: Nutrition, Health, and Society Studies": 4237, "T14243: Creative Drama in Education": 4238, "T14244: Consumer Behavior and Marketing Influence": 4239, "T14245: Biomarkers in Disease Mechanisms": 4240, "T14246: E-Learning and Knowledge Management": 4241, "T14247: Borges, Kipling, and Jewish Identity": 4242, "T14248: Social impacts of COVID-19": 4243, "T14249: Water Quality Monitoring and Analysis": 4244, "T14250: Energy and Environmental Systems": 4245, "T14251: Multicultural Education and Local Wisdom": 4246, "T14252: Water and Wastewater Treatment": 4247, "T14253: Latin American social science": 4248, "T14254: Digital Media and Visual Art": 4249, "T14255: European Law and Migration": 4250, "T14256: Agricultural and Food Sciences": 4251, "T14257: Advanced Measurement and Detection Methods": 4252, "T14258: Legal and Policy Issues": 4253, "T14259: Legal Rights and Human Rights": 4254, "T14260: Impact of AI and Big Data on Business and Society": 4255, "T14261: Herbal Medicine and Trade Cooperation": 4256, "T14262: Extenics and Innovation Methods": 4257, "T14263: Professional Masters Programs Analysis": 4258, "T14264: Law, Ethics, and AI Impact": 4259, "T14265: Social and Behavioral Studies": 4260, "T14266: Interdisciplinary Studies: Technology, Society, and Humanities": 4261, "T14267: Technology in Education and Healthcare": 4262, "T14268: Evolving Legal Systems and Governance": 4263, "T14269: Food Security and Socioeconomic Dynamics": 4264, "T14270: Simulation and Modeling Applications": 4265, "T14271: Educational Methods and Psychological Studies": 4266, "T14272: Agricultural and Food Production Studies": 4267, "T14273: Cultural, Psychoanalytic, and Sociopolitical Reflections": 4268, "T14274: Education and Vocational Training": 4269, "T14275: Historical Medical Research and Treatments": 4270, "T14276: Power Systems and Technologies": 4271, "T14277: Social Skills and Education": 4272, "T14278: Marxism and Critical Theory": 4273, "T14279: Academic Research and Education Studies": 4274, "T14280: Big Data Technologies and Applications": 4275, "T14281: Islamic Finance and Communication": 4276, "T14282: Security, Politics, and Digital Transformation": 4277, "T14283: Diverse Academic Research Areas": 4278, "T14284: Social Sciences and Humanities": 4279, "T14285: Biopolymer Synthesis and Applications": 4280, "T14286: Parkinson's Disease and Spinal Disorders": 4281, "T14287: Music Education and Analysis": 4282, "T14288: Law, Rights, and Freedoms": 4283, "T14289: Anthropology: Ethics, History, Culture": 4284, "T14290: Education Methods and Practices": 4285, "T14291: Indonesian Legal and Regulatory Studies": 4286, "T14292: Migration, Policy, and Dickens Studies": 4287, "T14293: Biotechnology and Related Fields": 4288, "T14294: Impulse Buying and Technology Impacts": 4289, "T14295: Families in Therapy and Culture": 4290, "T14296: Climate Change and Sustainable Development": 4291, "T14297: Plant-Derived Bioactive Compounds": 4292, "T14298: Cultural and Social Studies": 4293, "T14299: Complex Systems and Dynamics": 4294, "T14300: Legal and Social Philosophy": 4295, "T14301: Educational methodologies and cognitive development": 4296, "T14302: European Politics and Security": 4297, "T14303: Polymer Synthesis and Characterization": 4298, "T14304: Transport Systems and Technology": 4299, "T14305: Modern American Literature Studies": 4300, "T14306: Technology Assessment and Management": 4301, "T14307: Bioethics and Human Rights Issues": 4302, "T14308: Psychological and Educational Research Studies": 4303, "T14309: Employee Performance and Management": 4304, "T14310: Botany and Geology in Latin America and Caribbean": 4305, "T14311: Electrical and Electromagnetic Research": 4306, "T14312: Historical Studies in Central America": 4307, "T14313: Health and Well-being Studies": 4308, "T14314: Violence, Religion, and Philosophy": 4309, "T14315: Feminist Theory and Gender Studies": 4310, "T14316: Nursing Education, Practice, and Leadership": 4311, "T14317: Finance, Markets, and Regulation": 4312, "T14318: Polydiacetylene-based materials and applications": 4313, "T14319: Currency Recognition and Detection": 4314, "T14320: Optics and Image Analysis": 4315, "T14321: Religion, Theology, and Education": 4316, "T14322: Art, Aesthetics, and Perception": 4317, "T14323: Agriculture, Water, and Health": 4318, "T14324: Insects and Parasite Interactions": 4319, "T14325: Diverse Specialized Academic Research": 4320, "T14326: Ear and Head Tumors": 4321, "T14327: Advanced Energy Technologies and Civil Engineering Innovations": 4322, "T14328: Diverse scientific research topics": 4323, "T14329: Science and Climate Studies": 4324, "T14330: Library Science and Information Systems": 4325, "T14331: Medicinal Plant Pharmacodynamics Research": 4326, "T14332: European Linguistics and Anthropology": 4327, "T14333: Dermatoglyphics and Human Traits": 4328, "T14334: HIV/AIDS Impact and Responses": 4329, "T14335: Educational Robotics and Engineering": 4330, "T14336: Land Use and Management": 4331, "T14337: Religious, Philosophical, and Educational Studies": 4332, "T14338: Leadership, Human Resources, Global Affairs": 4333, "T14339: Image Processing and 3D Reconstruction": 4334, "T14340: Islamic Social Reporting": 4335, "T14341: Education, Technology, and Ethics": 4336, "T14342: Military, Security, and Education Studies": 4337, "T14343: Hispanic-African Historical Relations": 4338, "T14344: Pathogenesis and Treatment of Hiccups": 4339, "T14345: Scientific Research and Philosophical Inquiry": 4340, "T14346: Scientific Innovation and Industrial Efficiency": 4341, "T14347: Big Data and Digital Economy": 4342, "T14348: Marriage and Family Dynamics": 4343, "T14349: Global Political and Economic Relations": 4344, "T14350: Innovation, Sustainability, Human-Machine Systems": 4345, "T14351: Statistical and Computational Modeling": 4346, "T14352: Globalization and Economic Impact": 4347, "T14353: Wireless Sensor Networks for Data Analysis": 4348, "T14354: Emergency Medicine Education and Research": 4349, "T14355: Historical Studies of British Isles": 4350, "T14356: Organizational Leadership and Management Strategies": 4351, "T14357: Architecture, Design, and Social History": 4352, "T14358: Healthcare Quality and Satisfaction": 4353, "T14359: Wetland Management and Conservation": 4354, "T14360: Psidium guajava Extracts and Applications": 4355, "T14361: Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure": 4356, "T14362: Diverse Legal and Medical Studies": 4357, "T14363: Optical properties and cooling technologies in crystalline materials": 4358, "T14364: Clusterin in disease pathology": 4359, "T14365: Leaf Properties and Growth Measurement": 4360, "T14366: Schopenhauer and Stefan Zweig": 4361, "T14367: Logistics and Infrastructure Analysis": 4362, "T14368: Evaluation and Optimization Models": 4363, "T14369: Diverse Interdisciplinary Research Innovations": 4364, "T14370: Economic, Social, and Health Studies": 4365, "T14371: Hume's philosophy and hair distribution": 4366, "T14372: Environmental and Biological Research in Conflict Zones": 4367, "T14373: Securities Regulation and Market Practices": 4368, "T14374: Statistical Methods in Epidemiology": 4369, "T14375: Cultural, Linguistic, Economic Studies": 4370, "T14376: Science and Education Research": 4371, "T14378: Entomological Studies and Ecology": 4372, "T14379: Diverse Cultural and Historical Studies": 4373, "T14380: Libraries and Information Services": 4374, "T14381: Psychiatry, Mental Health, Neuroscience": 4375, "T14382: Electrophoretic Deposition in Materials Science": 4376, "T14383: Global Development and Urbanization": 4377, "T14384: Ophthalmology and Visual Health Research": 4378, "T14385: Franz Kafka Literary Studies": 4379, "T14386: Libraries, Manuscripts, and Books": 4380, "T14387: Environmental Engineering and Cultural Studies": 4381, "T14388: Medieval European History and Architecture": 4382, "T14389: Innovation, Technology, and Society": 4383, "T14390: Real estate and construction management": 4384, "T14391: Forest, Soil, and Plant Ecology in China": 4385, "T14392: Geoscience and Mining Technology": 4386, "T14393: Health, Environment, Cognitive Aging": 4387, "T14394: Cognitive Science and Education Research": 4388, "T14395: African history and culture studies": 4389, "T14396: Healthcare Regulation": 4390, "T14397: Legal and Policy Analysis in Indonesia": 4391, "T14398: Agriculture and Social Issues": 4392, "T14399: Invertebrate Taxonomy and Ecology": 4393, "T14400: Medical Coding and Health Information": 4394, "T14401: Technology, Environment, Urban Planning": 4395, "T14402: Political and Social Issues": 4396, "T14403: Educational Challenges and Innovations": 4397, "T14404: European Socioeconomic and Political Studies": 4398, "T14405: Fisheries and Aquaculture Studies": 4399, "T14406: Multidisciplinary Science and Engineering Research": 4400, "T14407: Athletic Training and Education": 4401, "T14408: Coastal Management and Development": 4402, "T14409: Educational Systems and Policies": 4403, "T14410: Safety and Risk Management": 4404, "T14411: Undergraduate Neuroscience Education and Research": 4405, "T14412: Marine and Coastal Research": 4406, "T14413: Advanced Technologies in Various Fields": 4407, "T14414: Artificial Intelligence in Education": 4408, "T14415: Biomedical Research and Pathophysiology": 4409, "T14416: Health, Technology, Consumer Behavior": 4410, "T14417: Central Asia Education and Culture": 4411, "T14418: Development, Ethics, and Society": 4412, "T14419: Banking Systems and Strategies": 4413, "T14420: Advanced Research in Systems and Signal Processing": 4414, "T14421: Educational Philosophies and Pedagogies": 4415, "T14422: Sociology, Governance, and Technology": 4416, "T14423: Military Technology and Strategies": 4417, "T14424: Economic Analysis and Policy": 4418, "T14425: Educational Practices and Sociocultural Research": 4419, "T14426: Religion, Gender, and Enlightenment": 4420, "T14427: Environmental Monitoring and Data Management": 4421, "T14428: Coal and Coke Industries Research": 4422, "T14429: Global Political and Social Dynamics": 4423, "T14430: Higher Education and Teaching Methods": 4424, "T14431: Diverse Research and Applications": 4425, "T14432: Freedom of Expression and Defamation": 4426, "T14433: Post-Communist Economic and Political Transition": 4427, "T14434: Historical and Modern Theater Studies": 4428, "T14435: Information Retrieval and Data Mining": 4429, "T14436: Employee Performance and Leadership": 4430, "T14437: Ethics and Legal Issues in Pediatric Healthcare": 4431, "T14438: Advanced Scientific Research Methods": 4432, "T14439: Feminism, Gender, and Social Issues": 4433, "T14440: Quality of Life Measurement": 4434, "T14441: Religion, Theology, History, Judaism, Christianity": 4435, "T14442: Historical Studies in Science": 4436, "T14443: COVID-19, Geopolitics, Technology, Migration": 4437, "T14444: Power Systems and Renewable Energy": 4438, "T14445: Transportation Safety and Impact Analysis": 4439, "T14446: Civil and Geotechnical Engineering Research": 4440, "T14447: Trade Secret Protection Methods": 4441, "T14448: EU Law and Policy Analysis": 4442, "T14449: Education and Character Development": 4443, "T14450: Employee Welfare and Language Studies": 4444, "T14451: Historical and Religious Studies of Rome": 4445, "T14452: Mexican Socioeconomic and Environmental Dynamics": 4446, "T14453: Sustainability and Innovation in Business": 4447, "T14454: Polymer Science and Applications": 4448, "T14455: Technology and Education Systems": 4449, "T14456: Blasting Impact and Analysis": 4450, "T14457: Intellectual Property Rights and Media": 4451, "T14458: Education and Work Dynamics": 4452, "T14459: Synthesis and Reactions of Organic Compounds": 4453, "T14460: Literary, Cultural, Historical Analysis": 4454, "T14461: Medicinal Plant Studies": 4455, "T14462: Educational Methods and Impacts": 4456, "T14463: Diverse Scientific Research Studies": 4457, "T14464: Community Development and Social Impact": 4458, "T14465: Leadership, Behavior, and Decision-Making Studies": 4459, "T14466: Migration, Health, Geopolitics, Historical Geography": 4460, "T14467: Public Administration, ICT, and Policy Development": 4461, "T14468: Plant Ecology and Soil Science": 4462, "T14469: Renaissance Literature and Culture": 4463, "T14470: Advanced Data Processing Techniques": 4464, "T14471: Education, Literature, Philosophy Research": 4465, "T14472: Environmental and Cultural Studies in Latin America and Beyond": 4466, "T14473: Social and Economic Development in India": 4467, "T14474: Industrial Technology and Control Systems": 4468, "T14475: History of Science and Medicine": 4469, "T14476: Mental Health and Well-being": 4470, "T14477: Management, Economics, and Public Policy": 4471, "T14478: Papaya Research and Applications": 4472, "T14479: Freezing and Crystallization Processes": 4473, "T14480: Historical Education and Society": 4474, "T14481: Renewable Energy and Sustainability": 4475, "T14482: Education Practices and Evaluation": 4476, "T14483: Education and Teacher Training": 4477, "T14484: Technology and Data Analysis": 4478, "T14485: Language Acquisition and Education": 4479, "T14486: Cardiovascular, Neuropeptides, and Oxidative Stress Research": 4480, "T14487: Science and Science Education": 4481, "T14488: Chemical and Physical Studies": 4482, "T14489: Basque language and culture studies": 4483, "T14490: Human Rights and Immigration": 4484, "T14491: Diverse academic and cultural studies": 4485, "T14492: War, Law, and Justice": 4486, "T14493: Criminal Law and Evidence": 4487, "T14494: American Literature and Culture": 4488, "T14495: Public Health and Nutrition": 4489, "T14496: Educational Technology and E-Learning": 4490, "T14497: Social Issues and Policies in Latin America": 4491, "T14498: Educational Technology in Learning": 4492, "T14499: Livestock Farming and Management": 4493, "T14500: Advanced Mathematical Theories": 4494, "T14501: Global Economic and Social Development": 4495, "T14502: High-Voltage Power Transmission Systems": 4496, "T14503: Globalization, Economics, and Policies": 4497, "T14504: Diverse Academic Research Analysis": 4498, "T14505: Natural Products and Applications": 4499, "T14506: Historical and Architectural Studies": 4500, "T14507: History, Culture, and Society": 4501, "T14508: Vocational Education and Training": 4502, "T14509: demographic modeling and climate adaptation": 4503, "T14510: Medical Imaging and Analysis": 4504, "T14511: Medicine, History, and Philosophy": 4505, "T14512: Technology and Human Factors in Education and Health": 4506, "T14513: Leadership, Courage, and Heroism Studies": 4507, "T14514: Medical Research and Practices": 4508, "T14515: International Law and Aviation": 4509, "T14516: English Language Learning and Teaching": 4510, "T14517: Diverse Historical and Scientific Studies": 4511, "T14518: American Sports and Literature": 4512, "T14519: Innovations in Education and Learning Technologies": 4513, "T14520: Sustainable Urban and Rural Development": 4514, "T14521: Medicinal Plant Research": 4515 }, "layer_norm_eps": 1e-12, "max_position_embeddings": 512, "model_type": "bert", "num_attention_heads": 12, "num_hidden_layers": 12, "pad_token_id": 0, "pooler_fc_size": 768, "pooler_num_attention_heads": 12, "pooler_num_fc_layers": 3, "pooler_size_per_head": 128, "pooler_type": "first_token_transform", "position_embedding_type": "absolute", "problem_type": "single_label_classification", "torch_dtype": "float32", "transformers_version": "4.49.0.dev0", "type_vocab_size": 2, "use_cache": true, "vocab_size": 119547 }