--- license: llama3 datasets: - lmg-anon/VNTL-v3.1-1k - lmg-anon/VNTL-Chat language: - ja - en library_name: peft base_model: rinna/llama-3-youko-8b pipeline_tag: translation --- This is an exl2 quant of lmg-anon/vntl-llama3-8b-qlora at 8.0 bpw. The measurements.json is provided. This was quanted against the default exl2 calibration dataset at 2k tokens. # Summary This is the merge of the [VNTL LLaMA 3 8B qlora](https://huggingface.co/lmg-anon/vntl-llama3-8b-qlora) created using a slightly modified version of the [VNTL-v3.1-1k](https://huggingface.co/datasets/lmg-anon/VNTL-v3.1-1k) dataset, concatenated with the [VNTL-Chat](https://huggingface.co/datasets/lmg-anon/VNTL-Chat) dataset. This also includes a new "chat mode", which works mostly for Japanese grammar questions. ## Translation Prompt This is an prompt example for translation: ``` <> [character] Name: Uryuu Shingo (瓜生 新吾) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Onii-chan (お兄ちゃん) [character] Name: Uryuu Sakuno (瓜生 桜乃) | Gender: Female <> <> [桜乃]: 『……ごめん』 <> [Sakuno]: 『... Sorry.』<|end_of_text|> <> [新吾]: 「ううん、こう言っちゃなんだけど、迷子でよかったよ。桜乃は可愛いから、いろいろ心配しちゃってたんだぞ俺」 <> ``` The generated translation for that prompt, with temperature 0, is: ``` [Shingo]: 「No, I know this isn't the best way to say it, but I'm glad you got lost. You're so cute that I was worried about you.」 ``` ## Chat Prompt This is an prompt example for chat: ``` <> <> Hi! Can you break this down to me? Like, what is the meaning of "桜乃は可愛いから"? "ううん、こう言っちゃなんだけど、迷子でよかったよ。桜乃は可愛いから、いろいろ心配しちゃってたんだぞ俺」" <> ``` The generated response for that prompt, with temperature 0, is: ``` Certainly! The phrase "桜乃は可愛いから" literally translates to "Because Sakura-no is cute." In Japanese culture, there is a strong emphasis on physical attractiveness and cuteness, especially when it comes to young girls or women. This phrase suggests that the speaker finds Sakura-no (presumably a girl) to be very attractive and endearing in appearance. ```