name: "VisionAtomicFlow" description: "A flow that, given a textual input, and a set of images and/or videos, generates a textual output." enable_cache: True n_api_retries: 6 wait_time_between_retries: 20 system_name: system user_name: user assistant_name: assistant backend: _target_: aiflows.backends.llm_lite.LiteLLMBackend api_infos: ??? model_name: "gpt-4-vision-preview" n: 1 max_tokens: 2000 temperature: 0.3 top_p: 0.2 frequency_penalty: 0 presence_penalty: 0 system_message_prompt_template: _target_: aiflows.prompt_template.JinjaPrompt init_human_message_prompt_template: _target_: aiflows.prompt_template.JinjaPrompt human_message_prompt_template: _target_: aiflows.prompt_template.JinjaPrompt template: "{{query}}" input_variables: - "query" input_interface_initialized: - "query" - "data" previous_messages: first_k: null # Note that the first message is the system prompt last_k: null input_interface: - "query" - "data" input_interface_non_initialized: - "question" - "data" output_interface: - "api_output"