--- license: mit language: - en --- # ChartInstruct: Instruction Tuning for Chart Comprehension and Reasoning Venue: **ACL 2024 (Findings)** Paper Link: https://arxiv.org/abs/2403.09028 The abstract of the paper states that: > Charts provide visual representations of data and are widely used for analyzing information, addressing queries, and conveying insights to others. Various chart-related downstream tasks have emerged recently, such as question-answering and summarization. A common strategy to solve these tasks is to fine-tune various models originally trained on vision tasks language. However, such task-specific models are not capable of solving a wide range of chart-related tasks, constraining their real-world applicability. To overcome these challenges, we introduce ChartInstruct: a novel chart-specific vision-language Instruction following dataset comprising 191K instructions generated with 71K charts. We then present two distinct systems for instruction tuning on such datasets: (1) an end-to-end model that connects a vision encoder for chart understanding with a LLM; and (2) a pipeline model that employs a two-step approach to extract chart data tables and input them into the LLM. In experiments on four downstream tasks, we first show the effectiveness of our model--achieving a new set of state-of-the-art results. Further evaluation shows that our instruction-tuning approach supports a wide array of real-world chart comprehension and reasoning scenarios, thereby expanding the scope and applicability of our models to new kinds of tasks. # Web Demo If you wish to quickly try our model, you can access our public web demo hosted on the Hugging Face Spaces platform with a friendly interface! [ChartInstruct-FlanT5-XL Web Demo](https://huggingface.co/spaces/ahmed-masry/ChartInstruct-FlanT5-XL) # Inference You can easily use our models for inference with the huggingface library! You just need to do the following: 1. Chage the **_image_path_** to your chart example image path on your system 2. Write the **_input_text_** We recommend using beam search with a beam size of 4, but if your machine has low memory, you can remove the num_beams from the generate method. ``` from PIL import Image import requests from transformers import AutoProcessor, AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM import torch torch.hub.download_url_to_file('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vis-nlp/ChartQA/main/ChartQA%20Dataset/val/png/multi_col_1229.png', 'chart_example_1.png') image_path = "/content/chart_example_1.png" input_text = "What is the share of respondants who prefer Whatsapp in the 18-29 age group?" input_prompt = f"\n Question: {input_text} Answer: " model = AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM.from_pretrained("ahmed-masry/ChartInstruct-FlanT5-XL", torch_dtype=torch.float16, trust_remote_code=True) processor = AutoProcessor.from_pretrained("ahmed-masry/ChartInstruct-FlanT5-XL") device = torch.device("cuda") if torch.cuda.is_available() else torch.device("cpu") model.to(device) image = Image.open(image_path).convert('RGB') inputs = processor(text=input_prompt, images=image, return_tensors="pt") inputs = {k: v.to(device) for k, v in inputs.items()} # change type if pixel_values in inputs to fp16. inputs['pixel_values'] = inputs['pixel_values'].to(torch.float16) # Generate generate_ids = model.generate(**inputs, num_beams=4, max_new_tokens=512) output_text = processor.batch_decode(generate_ids, skip_special_tokens=True, clean_up_tokenization_spaces=False)[0] print(output_text) ``` # Contact If you have any questions about this work, please contact **[Ahmed Masry](https://ahmedmasryku.github.io/)** using the following email addresses: **amasry17@ku.edu.tr** or **ahmed.elmasry24653@gmail.com**. # Reference Please cite our paper if you use our model in your research. ``` @misc{masry2024chartinstruct, title={ChartInstruct: Instruction Tuning for Chart Comprehension and Reasoning}, author={Ahmed Masry and Mehrad Shahmohammadi and Md Rizwan Parvez and Enamul Hoque and Shafiq Joty}, year={2024}, eprint={2403.09028}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={id='cs.CL' full_name='Computation and Language' is_active=True alt_name='cmp-lg' in_archive='cs' is_general=False description='Covers natural language processing. Roughly includes material in ACM Subject Class I.2.7. Note that work on artificial languages (programming languages, logics, formal systems) that does not explicitly address natural-language issues broadly construed (natural-language processing, computational linguistics, speech, text retrieval, etc.) is not appropriate for this area.'} } ```