--- base_model: appvoid/palmer-002 datasets: - appvoid/no-prompt-15k inference: false language: - en license: apache-2.0 model_creator: appvoid model_name: palmer-002 pipeline_tag: text-generation quantized_by: afrideva tags: - gguf - ggml - quantized - q2_k - q3_k_m - q4_k_m - q5_k_m - q6_k - q8_0 --- # appvoid/palmer-002-GGUF Quantized GGUF model files for [palmer-002](https://huggingface.co/appvoid/palmer-002) from [appvoid](https://huggingface.co/appvoid) | Name | Quant method | Size | | ---- | ---- | ---- | | [palmer-002.fp16.gguf](https://huggingface.co/afrideva/palmer-002-GGUF/resolve/main/palmer-002.fp16.gguf) | fp16 | 2.20 GB | | [palmer-002.q2_k.gguf](https://huggingface.co/afrideva/palmer-002-GGUF/resolve/main/palmer-002.q2_k.gguf) | q2_k | 483.12 MB | | [palmer-002.q3_k_m.gguf](https://huggingface.co/afrideva/palmer-002-GGUF/resolve/main/palmer-002.q3_k_m.gguf) | q3_k_m | 550.82 MB | | [palmer-002.q4_k_m.gguf](https://huggingface.co/afrideva/palmer-002-GGUF/resolve/main/palmer-002.q4_k_m.gguf) | q4_k_m | 668.79 MB | | [palmer-002.q5_k_m.gguf](https://huggingface.co/afrideva/palmer-002-GGUF/resolve/main/palmer-002.q5_k_m.gguf) | q5_k_m | 783.02 MB | | [palmer-002.q6_k.gguf](https://huggingface.co/afrideva/palmer-002-GGUF/resolve/main/palmer-002.q6_k.gguf) | q6_k | 904.39 MB | | [palmer-002.q8_0.gguf](https://huggingface.co/afrideva/palmer-002-GGUF/resolve/main/palmer-002.q8_0.gguf) | q8_0 | 1.17 GB | ## Original Model Card: ![palmer](https://huggingface.co/appvoid/palmer-001/resolve/main/palmer.jpeg) # palmer ### a better base model palmer is a series of ~1b parameters language models fine-tuned to be used as base models instead of using custom prompts for tasks. This means that it can be further fine-tuned on more data with custom prompts as usual or be used for downstream tasks as any base model you can get. The model has the best of both worlds: some "bias" to act as an assistant, but also the abillity to predict the next-word from its internet knowledge base. It's a 1.1b llama 2 model so you can use it with your favorite tools/frameworks. ### evaluation |Model| ARC_C| HellaSwag| PIQA| Winogrande| |------|-----|-----------|------|-------------| |tinyllama-2t| 0.2807| 0.5463| 0.7067| 0.5683| |palmer-001| 0.2807| 0.5524| 0.7106| **0.5896**| |tinyllama-2.5t|0.3191|0.5896| 0.7307| 0.5872| |palmer-002|**0.3242**|**0.5956**|**0.7345**|0.5888| ### training Training took ~3.5 P100 gpu hours. It was trained on 15,000 gpt-4 shuffled samples. palmer was fine-tuned using lower learning rates ensuring it keeps as much general knowledge as possible. ### prompt ``` no prompt ``` Buy Me A Coffee