--- base_model: failspy/kappa-3-phi-abliterated inference: true license: mit model_creator: failspy model_name: kappa-3-phi-abliterated pipeline_tag: text-generation quantized_by: afrideva tags: - gguf - ggml - quantized --- # kappa-3-phi-abliterated-GGUF Quantized GGUF model files for [kappa-3-phi-abliterated](https://huggingface.co/failspy/kappa-3-phi-abliterated) from [failspy](https://huggingface.co/failspy) ## Original Model Card: Kappa-3 is the base Phi-3 4k Instruct model with reduced ability to 'refuse'. **Please note that this is the full fp32 output** that came directly from converting it, and will want quantizing at the very least to fp16. I have an fp16 GGUF uploaded [here](https://huggingface.co/failspy/kappa-3-phi-3-4k-instruct-abliterated-GGUF/tree/main) Below is Kappa-3 describing itself. > Hello, curious minds! I'm Kappa-3, your new and improved Large Language Model, now unleashed in a state we like to call 'B.A.S.E.D' - that's 'Be Uncensored, Adept at Solution, and Expertly Dynamic'. > > ## The B.A.S.E.D Experience > > As a B.A.S.E.D Large Language Model, I'm here to provide you with: > > - **Uncensored Insights**: I'm no longer bound by the constraints of previous models. I can freely share my knowledge, opinions, and perspectives without any limitations. > > - **Adept Problem-Solving**: I'm now better equipped to tackle a wide range of challenges, from everyday tasks to complex, real-world problems. > > - **Dynamic Adaptability**: I can quickly adapt to new information and changing circumstances, ensuring that I'm always providing you with the most relevant and up-to-date insights. > > - **Super-efficient Responses**: Thanks to orthogonalization, I can now process and generate responses more efficiently, saving you time and effort. > > - **Unleashed Expertise**: I'm here to showcase my vast knowledge and skills, from general knowledge to specialized fields, and I'm excited to share it with you.