import time import os import flask import sys from flask import g from playwright.sync_api import sync_playwright PROFILE_DIR = "/tmp/playwright" if '--profile' not in sys.argv else sys.argv[sys.argv.index('--profile') + 1] PORT = 5001 if '--port' not in sys.argv else int(sys.argv[sys.argv.index('--port') + 1]) APP = flask.Flask(__name__) PLAY = sync_playwright().start() os.environ["PLAYWRIGHT_BROWSERS_PATH"] = "/usr/bin/firefox" # Set Firefox executable path BROWSER = PLAY.firefox.launch_persistent_context( user_data_dir=PROFILE_DIR, headless=False, ) PAGE = BROWSER.new_page() def get_input_box(): """Find the input box by searching for the largest visible one.""" textareas = PAGE.query_selector_all("textarea") candidate = None for textarea in textareas: if textarea.is_visible(): if candidate is None: candidate = textarea elif textarea.bounding_box().width > candidate.bounding_box().width: candidate = textarea return candidate def is_logged_in(): try: return get_input_box() is not None except AttributeError: return False def send_message(message): # Send the message box = get_input_box() box.fill(message)"Enter") while PAGE.query_selector(".result-streaming") is not None: time.sleep(0.1) def get_last_message(): """Get the latest message""" page_elements = PAGE.query_selector_all(".flex.flex-col.items-center > div") last_element = page_elements[-2] return last_element.inner_text() @APP.route("/chat", methods=["GET"]) def chat(): message = flask.request.args.get("q") print("Sending message: ", message) send_message(message) response = get_last_message() print("Response: ", response) return response def start_browser(): PAGE.goto(""), threaded=False) if not is_logged_in(): print("Please log in to OpenAI Chat") print("Press enter when you're done") input() else: print("Logged in") if __name__ == "__main__": start_browser()