--- license: other license_name: other license_link: LICENSE --- License for Gamma 2B is Google's Gamma license\ License for Lumina-Next-T2I 2B checkpoints is Apache-2. In this repo, you will find FP32 (original, un-changed), BF16 and FP16 PTH and FP32, BF16, FP16 safetensor files for Lumina T2I 2B text-to-image model. You will also find the same for EMA variant. BF16 pth file works fine, I plan to check the rest later. There could be some code missing in safetensors files due to it being removed during conversion, I don't know. If you try to run any of the files, let me know how they work. You can also find un-gated files for Gamma 2B 4-bit (bnb) and 16-bit. Both are simply copies of those files from unsloth/aplindale repos.