--- license: apache-2.0 --- This is the community upoloaded repository for LoRA weights for the MotionDirector project. https://github.com/showlab/MotionDirector.git Weights originally come from [Google Drive](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/15anLJAkX1UplkPzpU1yLm-W7XoaFTCxp?usp=sharing) mentioned in the MotionDirector project readme. Clone the repo as follows: ``` git lfs clone --depth 1 --single-branch --branch main https://huggingface.co/Yhyu13/MotionDirector_LoRA.git ./outputs ``` After installing dependencies, run the following command to generate a.mp4 video: ``` #!/bin/bash eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)" conda activate motiondirector MODEL_PATH=./models/zeroscope_v2_576w PROMPT="A person is riding a bicycle past the Eiffel Tower." python MotionDirector_inference.py \ --model $MODEL_PATH \ --prompt "$PROMPT" \ --checkpoint_folder ./outputs/train/train_2023-12-02T13-39-36/ \ --checkpoint_index 300 \ --noise_prior 0. \ --seed 7192280 | tee ./local_log.log ``` The generated .mp4 is then stored under inference directory [./inference/A_person_is_riding_a_bicycle_past_the_Eiffel_Tower.mp4](./inference/A_person_is_riding_a_bicycle_past_the_Eiffel_Tower.mp4)