# Label Mapping | Label ID | Label Text | |----------|------------| | 0 | Agriculture and Farmers | | 1 | Anti-Growth Economy and Sustainability | | 2 | Anti-Imperialism | | 3 | Centralisation: Positive | | 4 | Civic Mindedness: Positive | | 5 | Constitutionalism: Negative | | 6 | Constitutionalism: Positive | | 7 | Controlled Economy | | 8 | Corporatism/ Mixed Economy | | 9 | Culture: Positive | | 10 | Decentralisation: Positive | | 11 | Democracy | | 12 | Economic Goals | | 13 | Economic Growth: Positive | | 14 | Economic Orthodoxy | | 15 | Economic Planning | | 16 | Education Expansion | | 17 | Education Limitation | | 18 | Environmental Protection | | 19 | Equality: Positive | | 20 | European Community/Union or Latin America Integration: Negative | | 21 | European Community/Union or Latin America Integration: Positive | | 22 | Foreign Special Relationships: Negative | | 23 | Foreign Special Relationships: Positive | | 24 | Free Market Economy | | 25 | Freedom and Human Rights | | 26 | Governmental and Administrative Efficiency | | 27 | Incentives: Positive | | 28 | Internationalism: Negative | | 29 | Internationalism: Positive | | 30 | Labour Groups: Negative | | 31 | Labour Groups: Positive | | 32 | Law and Order | | 33 | Market Regulation | | 34 | Marxist Analysis: Positive | | 35 | Military: Negative | | 36 | Military: Positive | | 37 | Multiculturalism: Negative | | 38 | Multiculturalism: Positive | | 39 | National Way of Life: Negative | | 40 | National Way of Life: Positive | | 41 | Nationalisation | | 42 | Non-economic Demographic Groups | | 43 | None | | 44 | Peace | | 45 | Political Authority | | 46 | Political Corruption | | 47 | Protectionism: Negative | | 48 | Protectionism: Positive | | 49 | Technology and Infrastructure: Positive | | 50 | Traditional Morality: Negative | | 51 | Traditional Morality: Positive | | 52 | Underprivileged Minority Groups | | 53 | Welfare State Expansion | | 54 | Welfare State Limitation |