--- library_name: transformers.js tags: - pose-estimation license: agpl-3.0 --- YOLOv8l-pose with ONNX weights to be compatible with Transformers.js. ## Usage (Transformers.js) If you haven't already, you can install the [Transformers.js](https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers.js) JavaScript library from [NPM](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@xenova/transformers) using: ```bash npm i @xenova/transformers ``` **Example:** Perform pose-estimation w/ `Xenova/yolov8l-pose`. ```js import { AutoModel, AutoProcessor, RawImage } from '@xenova/transformers'; // Load model and processor const model_id = 'Xenova/yolov8l-pose'; const model = await AutoModel.from_pretrained(model_id); const processor = await AutoProcessor.from_pretrained(model_id); // Read image and run processor const url = 'https://huggingface.co/datasets/Xenova/transformers.js-docs/resolve/main/football-match.jpg'; const image = await RawImage.read(url); const { pixel_values } = await processor(image); // Set thresholds const threshold = 0.3; // Remove detections with low confidence const iouThreshold = 0.5; // Used to remove duplicates const pointThreshold = 0.3; // Hide uncertain points // Predict bounding boxes and keypoints const { output0 } = await model({ images: pixel_values }); // Post-process: const permuted = output0[0].transpose(1, 0); // `permuted` is a Tensor of shape [ 8400, 56 ]: // - 8400 potential detections // - 56 parameters for each box: // - 4 for the bounding box dimensions (x-center, y-center, width, height) // - 1 for the confidence score // - 17 * 3 = 51 for the pose keypoints: 17 labels, each with (x, y, visibilitiy) // Example code to format it nicely: const results = []; const [scaledHeight, scaledWidth] = pixel_values.dims.slice(-2); for (const [xc, yc, w, h, score, ...keypoints] of permuted.tolist()) { if (score < threshold) continue; // Get pixel values, taking into account the original image size const x1 = (xc - w / 2) / scaledWidth * image.width; const y1 = (yc - h / 2) / scaledHeight * image.height; const x2 = (xc + w / 2) / scaledWidth * image.width; const y2 = (yc + h / 2) / scaledHeight * image.height; results.push({ x1, x2, y1, y2, score, keypoints }) } // Define helper functions function removeDuplicates(detections, iouThreshold) { const filteredDetections = []; for (const detection of detections) { let isDuplicate = false; let duplicateIndex = -1; let maxIoU = 0; for (let i = 0; i < filteredDetections.length; ++i) { const filteredDetection = filteredDetections[i]; const iou = calculateIoU(detection, filteredDetection); if (iou > iouThreshold) { isDuplicate = true; if (iou > maxIoU) { maxIoU = iou; duplicateIndex = i; } } } if (!isDuplicate) { filteredDetections.push(detection); } else if (duplicateIndex !== -1 && detection.score > filteredDetections[duplicateIndex].score) { filteredDetections[duplicateIndex] = detection; } } return filteredDetections; } function calculateIoU(detection1, detection2) { const xOverlap = Math.max(0, Math.min(detection1.x2, detection2.x2) - Math.max(detection1.x1, detection2.x1)); const yOverlap = Math.max(0, Math.min(detection1.y2, detection2.y2) - Math.max(detection1.y1, detection2.y1)); const overlapArea = xOverlap * yOverlap; const area1 = (detection1.x2 - detection1.x1) * (detection1.y2 - detection1.y1); const area2 = (detection2.x2 - detection2.x1) * (detection2.y2 - detection2.y1); const unionArea = area1 + area2 - overlapArea; return overlapArea / unionArea; } const filteredResults = removeDuplicates(results, iouThreshold); // Display results for (const { x1, x2, y1, y2, score, keypoints } of filteredResults) { console.log(`Found person at [${x1}, ${y1}, ${x2}, ${y2}] with score ${score.toFixed(3)}`) for (let i = 0; i < keypoints.length; i += 3) { const label = model.config.id2label[Math.floor(i / 3)]; const [x, y, point_score] = keypoints.slice(i, i + 3); if (point_score < pointThreshold) continue; console.log(` - ${label}: (${x.toFixed(2)}, ${y.toFixed(2)}) with score ${point_score.toFixed(3)}`); } } ```
See example output ``` Found person at [539.2378807067871, 41.92433733940124, 642.9805946350098, 334.98332471847533] with score 0.727 - nose: (445.67, 84.43) with score 0.976 - left_eye: (451.88, 76.89) with score 0.983 - right_eye: (440.39, 76.33) with score 0.888 - left_ear: (463.89, 81.68) with score 0.837 - left_shoulder: (478.95, 123.91) with score 0.993 - right_shoulder: (419.52, 123.44) with score 0.694 - left_elbow: (501.07, 180.46) with score 0.979 - left_wrist: (504.60, 238.34) with score 0.950 - left_hip: (469.53, 220.77) with score 0.985 - right_hip: (431.21, 222.54) with score 0.875 - left_knee: (473.45, 302.16) with score 0.972 - right_knee: (432.61, 302.91) with score 0.759 - left_ankle: (467.74, 380.37) with score 0.874 - right_ankle: (438.06, 381.94) with score 0.516 Found person at [0.59722900390625, 59.435689163208, 157.59026527404785, 370.3985949516296] with score 0.927 - nose: (56.99, 100.53) with score 0.959 - left_eye: (63.46, 94.19) with score 0.930 - right_eye: (51.11, 96.48) with score 0.846 - left_ear: (73.43, 97.84) with score 0.798 - right_ear: (46.36, 99.41) with score 0.484 - left_shoulder: (84.93, 134.17) with score 0.988 - right_shoulder: (41.60, 133.96) with score 0.976 - left_elbow: (96.33, 189.89) with score 0.959 - right_elbow: (24.60, 192.73) with score 0.879 - left_wrist: (104.79, 258.62) with score 0.928 - right_wrist: (7.89, 238.55) with score 0.830 - left_hip: (83.23, 234.45) with score 0.993 - right_hip: (53.89, 235.50) with score 0.991 - left_knee: (87.80, 326.73) with score 0.988 - right_knee: (49.44, 327.89) with score 0.982 - left_ankle: (100.93, 416.88) with score 0.925 - right_ankle: (44.52, 421.24) with score 0.912 Found person at [112.88127899169922, 13.998864459991454, 504.09095764160156, 533.4011061668397] with score 0.943 - nose: (122.64, 98.36) with score 0.366 - left_ear: (132.43, 77.58) with score 0.794 - left_shoulder: (196.67, 124.78) with score 0.999 - right_shoulder: (176.97, 142.00) with score 0.998 - left_elbow: (256.79, 196.00) with score 0.998 - right_elbow: (182.85, 279.47) with score 0.994 - left_wrist: (305.44, 270.10) with score 0.982 - right_wrist: (129.72, 281.09) with score 0.963 - left_hip: (275.59, 290.38) with score 1.000 - right_hip: (263.91, 310.60) with score 1.000 - left_knee: (237.89, 445.88) with score 0.998 - right_knee: (249.66, 477.34) with score 0.998 - left_ankle: (349.25, 438.70) with score 0.940 - right_ankle: (338.20, 586.62) with score 0.935 Found person at [424.730339050293, 67.2046113729477, 639.5703506469727, 493.03533136844635] with score 0.944 - nose: (416.55, 141.74) with score 0.991 - left_eye: (428.51, 130.99) with score 0.962 - right_eye: (408.83, 130.86) with score 0.938 - left_ear: (441.95, 133.48) with score 0.832 - right_ear: (399.56, 133.27) with score 0.652 - left_shoulder: (440.79, 193.75) with score 0.999 - right_shoulder: (372.38, 208.42) with score 0.998 - left_elbow: (453.56, 290.07) with score 0.995 - right_elbow: (350.56, 262.83) with score 0.992 - left_wrist: (482.36, 363.64) with score 0.995 - right_wrist: (398.84, 267.30) with score 0.993 - left_hip: (435.96, 362.27) with score 0.999 - right_hip: (388.40, 383.41) with score 0.999 - left_knee: (460.50, 425.60) with score 0.994 - right_knee: (403.19, 516.76) with score 0.992 - left_ankle: (459.31, 558.19) with score 0.893 - right_ankle: (426.29, 552.55) with score 0.868 ```