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["\u2581UNEP", -10.546164512634277], ["\u2581facts", -10.460811614990234], ["\u2581san", -10.774986267089844], ["\u2581ilegal", -10.455476760864258], ["\u2581orador", -10.495698928833008], ["\u2581dear", -10.514436721801758], ["\u2581Sabes", -10.23840618133545], ["\u258110%", -11.023565292358398], ["\u2581cubrir", -10.4537992477417], ["\u2581Added", -10.425780296325684], ["\u2581directive", -10.311156272888184], ["dan", -10.946487426757812], ["\u2581soldados", -10.450069427490234], ["\u2581constitutional", -10.35168743133545], ["\u2581repercusiones", -10.472113609313965], ["\u2581negociaci\u00f3n", -10.463876724243164], ["\u2581agente", -10.408991813659668], ["\u2581Hall", -10.788286209106445], ["\u2581esperando", -10.336687088012695], ["\u2581contin\u00faa", -10.478140830993652], ["\u2581desarrollado", -10.47195816040039], ["\u2581desempleo", -10.479538917541504], ["including", -10.336429595947266], ["cina", -10.84393310546875], ["\u2581mention", -10.37610149383545], ["\u2581student", 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["\u2581Apartamento", -11.24049186706543], ["\u2581asset", -10.883393287658691], ["\u2581Five", -10.986333847045898], ["\u2581absolutamente", -10.984726905822754], ["\u2581individuo", -11.006858825683594], ["\u2581\u00e1cido", -11.048192024230957], ["Tiene", -10.866671562194824], ["\u2581apropiada", -11.064800262451172], ["\u2581asentamientos", -11.046501159667969], ["\u2581vary", -10.921051979064941], ["\u2581inadequate", -10.88695240020752], ["\u2581urge", -10.904643058776855], ["\u2581cuota", -11.01708984375], ["\u2581Single", -10.92552375793457], ["\u2581researchers", -10.902955055236816], ["\u2581verlo", -10.836700439453125], ["\u2581broader", -10.923580169677734], ["\u2581bottle", -10.983165740966797], ["\u2581Acceso", -11.077710151672363], ["\u2581radiation", -10.928906440734863], ["\u2581caminar", -10.987175941467285], ["\u2581constraints", -10.916011810302734], ["\u2581Injury", -10.894471168518066], ["\u2581AN", -11.549223899841309], ["\u2581antecedentes", 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["\u2581castillo", -11.108697891235352], ["\u2581incident", -10.988907814025879], ["eas", -11.187026977539062], ["\u2581imaginar", -11.106287956237793], ["\u2581v\u00ednculo", -11.115345001220703], ["\u2581reflejar", -11.2304048538208], ["\u2581playas", -11.144757270812988], ["nc", -11.655384063720703], [".3.", -11.876527786254883], ["\u2581doy", -10.976648330688477], ["\u2581reconocidos", -11.109404563903809], ["\u2581t\u00edtulos", -11.173447608947754], ["\u2581inmobiliarios", -11.09599494934082], ["\u2581invertir", -11.13134479522705], ["\u2581Body", -11.01344108581543], ["\u2581RA", -11.636820793151855], ["\u2581encontrar\u00e1", -11.106046676635742], ["\u2581maritime", -10.992378234863281], ["\u2581shelter", -10.987028121948242], ["\u2581FR", -11.572504997253418], ["\u2581Hoc", -11.017271995544434], ["\u2581preparativos", -11.116944313049316], ["\u2581fases", -11.161172866821289], ["\u2581Resultados", -11.143630027770996], ["ush", -11.692655563354492], ["\u2581Studies", 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["\u2581Benin", -11.459141731262207], ["ubi", -11.692795753479004], ["\u2581magazine", -11.024479866027832], ["\u2581p\u00e1rrs", -11.156660079956055], ["\u2581hasn", -11.209638595581055], ["\u2581departure", -11.020181655883789], ["\u25811373", -11.67916202545166], ["\u2581Nobody", -11.156309127807617], ["\u2581hopes", -11.119253158569336], ["cop", -11.594411849975586], ["\u2581Budapest", -11.731834411621094], ["\u2581Comprar", -11.179513931274414], ["\u2581llevada", -11.224204063415527], ["\u2581COMMISSION", -10.979838371276855], ["vid", -11.801587104797363], ["GB", -11.836224555969238], ["dita", -11.588974952697754], ["\u2581maldito", -10.900934219360352], ["\u2581weird", -11.20432186126709], ["\u2581Sigue", -11.069962501525879], ["\u2581dude", -11.680424690246582], ["BO", -11.637699127197266], ["\u2581vulnerability", -11.008077621459961], ["\u2581Tanto", -11.14639663696289], ["\u2581viviendo", -11.086288452148438], ["\u2581Similarly", -10.994654655456543], ["\u2581Rod", 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["/53/", -11.674786567687988], ["\u2581resist", -11.329987525939941], ["\u2581Andorra", -11.5654296875], ["\u2581Tanzania", -11.073753356933594], ["\u2581resolved", -11.031793594360352], ["\u2581denominado", -11.149369239807129], ["reo", -11.336531639099121], ["\u2581artistic", -11.059499740600586], ["\u2581fallo", -11.09838581085205], ["\u2581anal", -11.774346351623535], ["\u2581robo", -11.051630973815918], ["\u2581authorised", -10.979387283325195], ["\u2581sue\u00f1os", -11.039031982421875], ["\u2581foros", -11.162178039550781], ["ves", -11.092849731445312], ["\u2581Singapore", -10.913750648498535], ["\u2581formul\u00f3", -11.157052040100098], ["\u2581assumed", -11.02415943145752], ["\u2581Done", -11.030610084533691], ["\u2581gui", -11.162615776062012], ["Firmado", -11.136918067932129], ["\u2581Academy", -11.184551239013672], ["\u2581conjuntos", -11.254006385803223], ["\u2581preservar", -11.142253875732422], ["\u2581condado", -11.287402153015137], ["\u2581breach", 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["\u2581actualizado", -11.138201713562012], ["\u2581logos", -11.769657135009766], ["\u2581motores", -11.151568412780762], ["\u2581ejercicios", -11.206277847290039], ["\u2581explorar", -11.170230865478516], ["\u2581compa", -11.334051132202148], ["tha", -11.528948783874512], ["\u2581globalizaci\u00f3n", -11.153839111328125], ["\u2581Palestinians", -11.08631420135498], ["\u25812016.", -12.016526222229004], ["\u2581Contra", -11.433749198913574], ["\u2581(20", -11.758588790893555], ["\u2581Publicado", -11.187850952148438], ["\u2581originally", -11.032512664794922], ["\u2581patr\u00f3n", -11.121373176574707], ["\u2581350", -11.747747421264648], ["\u2581cr\u00edticas", -11.227413177490234], ["\u2581rising", -11.033564567565918], ["5.000", -11.321803092956543], ["\u2581esperamos", -11.07684326171875], ["\u2581prescribed", -11.03195858001709], ["\u2581Pueden", -11.142923355102539], ["\u2581agro", -11.953767776489258], ["had", -11.762462615966797], ["\u2581eastern", -11.032039642333984], 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["\u2581artes", -11.319059371948242], ["\u2581cotidiana", -11.263238906860352], ["\u2581das", -11.326868057250977], ["\u2581Luke", -11.56556510925293], ["\u2581Ang", -11.850149154663086], ["\u2581124", -11.861976623535156], ["\u2581lanzar", -11.292217254638672], ["lizaci\u00f3n", -11.392340660095215], ["\u2581Hmm", -11.517020225524902], ["dios", -11.34939956665039], ["\u2581moves", -11.286407470703125], ["\u2581cloud", -11.161110877990723], ["LAN", -11.784997940063477], ["\u2581desempe\u00f1an", -11.259217262268066], ["\u2581potable", -11.307210922241211], ["\u2581supera", -11.265702247619629], ["\u2581Iceland", -11.06379508972168], ["\u2581expresaron", -11.266650199890137], ["nz", -11.73544692993164], ["\u2581recomendado", -11.236552238464355], ["Ne", -11.756933212280273], ["mpi", -11.485252380371094], ["-30", -11.722508430480957], ["\u2581desplazadas", -11.269383430480957], ["\u2581establezca", -11.248088836669922], ["\u2581degradaci\u00f3n", -11.276568412780762], ["\u2581llenar", 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["\u2581pagan", -11.499754905700684], ["\u2581informar\u00e1", -11.382959365844727], ["8).", -11.802299499511719], ["\u2581Seleccione", -11.423441886901855], ["rna", -11.311888694763184], ["\u2581hablamos", -11.232873916625977], ["\u2581decirlo", -11.195652961730957], ["\u2581circulation", -11.221009254455566], ["OPS", -11.955915451049805], ["\u2581justify", -11.206682205200195], ["\u2581Malawi", -11.697566986083984], ["\u2581Attorney", -11.224390029907227], ["\u2581cobrar", -11.335387229919434], ["\u2581presunto", -11.35191822052002], ["\u2581hazardous", -11.195381164550781], ["erta", -11.288315773010254], [".\u00bf", -11.385993957519531], ["\u2581sospecha", -11.28028678894043], ["\u2581intentos", -11.366972923278809], ["\u2581\u00e1ngulo", -11.366474151611328], ["dieron", -11.687780380249023], ["\u2581Stone", -11.696937561035156], ["\u2581Visita", -11.381734848022461], ["\u2581intend", -11.189468383789062], ["\u2581fu\u00e9", -11.272520065307617], ["\u2581chicken", 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["\u2581ecological", -11.263420104980469], ["\u2581AB", -11.832298278808594], ["\u2581Carmen", -12.044349670410156], ["\u2581discounts", -11.314191818237305], ["\u2581construida", -11.463014602661133], ["LM", -11.95573616027832], ["\u2581obtiene", -11.37932300567627], ["zado", -11.527636528015137], ["\u2581captain", -11.424790382385254], ["view", -11.752792358398438], ["\u2581Welcomes", -11.315174102783203], ["ature", -11.697511672973633], ["Star", -11.643354415893555], ["bajo", -11.331899642944336], ["\u2581Papua", -11.736424446105957], ["\u2581Trata", -11.314987182617188], ["\u2581establishments", -11.40298080444336], ["\u2581Recent", -11.32661247253418], ["\u2581LO", -11.7782621383667], ["\u2581Botswana", -11.701361656188965], ["quer", -11.949771881103516], ["\u2581utilization", -11.289460182189941], ["\u2581Bonn", -11.982053756713867], ["\u00fas", -11.702712059020996], ["Porque", -11.296770095825195], ["\u2581nacidos", -11.425479888916016], ["\u2581realice", -11.415695190429688], 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["ROM", -12.035706520080566], ["\u2581verdes", -11.552460670471191], ["\u2581durable", -11.40221881866455], ["\u2581Administrador", -11.514670372009277], ["\u2581activistas", -11.52275276184082], ["\u2581fitness", -11.69416332244873], ["\u2581compara", -11.386608123779297], ["\u2581sujeci\u00f3n", -11.540400505065918], ["\u00e1ndonos", -11.581571578979492], ["\u2581explosive", -11.408581733703613], ["\u2581Ronda", -11.68480110168457], ["\u2581Dialogue", -11.369189262390137], ["\u2581Observando", -11.56020450592041], ["\u2581perceived", -11.419591903686523], ["\u2581pongan", -11.514684677124023], ["\u2581se\u00f1alaron", -11.551170349121094], ["\u2581142", -12.112271308898926], ["\u2581Centros", -11.723438262939453], ["\u2581Semana", -11.535643577575684], ["\u2581perspectives", -11.422677040100098], ["\u2581$6", -11.38337516784668], ["\u2581Dom", -12.146162986755371], ["\u2581presentations", -11.410805702209473], ["CAS", -12.23691177368164], ["\u2581revelar", -11.499396324157715], 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["\u2581sienta", -11.44587516784668], ["\u2581COR", -12.4949951171875], ["\u2581investigating", -11.427623748779297], ["cis", -11.696334838867188], ["\u2581autom\u00f3vil", -11.5206298828125], ["Dec", -12.038223266601562], ["\u2581oc\u00e9ano", -11.50082778930664], ["\u2581b\u00e1sicamente", -11.50016975402832], ["\u2581Detail", -11.41649341583252], ["\u2581Text", -11.446171760559082], ["\u2581acumulaci\u00f3n", -11.520502090454102], ["\u2581breakdown", -11.436453819274902], ["\u2581traducir", -11.571938514709473], ["\u2581Takes", -11.513936042785645], ["\u2581viste", -11.338027954101562], ["\u2581prioritario", -11.537393569946289], ["cious", -11.854900360107422], ["\u2581Prices", -11.514246940612793], ["\u2581descrito", -11.573829650878906], ["tate", -11.6126708984375], ["\u2581declarada", -11.529656410217285], ["\u2581Inmigraci\u00f3n", -11.55749225616455], ["\u2581systematically", -11.437718391418457], ["\u2581estan", -11.584547996520996], ["\u2581prote\u00ednas", 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["\u2581contingent", -11.429449081420898], ["\u2581criminales", -11.487245559692383], ["\u2581encaminados", -11.540138244628906], ["visa", -11.777848243713379], ["\u2581Seminario", -11.538450241088867], ["/31", -12.19459342956543], ["\u2581aeronaves", -11.559154510498047], ["\u2581debi\u00f3", -11.520546913146973], ["\u2581carries", -11.434803009033203], ["\u2581misiles", -11.47724723815918], ["mod", -11.671299934387207], ["\u2581preservation", -11.438935279846191], ["\u2581Rich", -12.009567260742188], ["rista", -11.533394813537598], ["adora", -11.70678997039795], ["\u2581combines", -11.447699546813965], ["\u2581MY", -11.496703147888184], ["\u00f8", -100], ["\u2581aldeas", -11.545433044433594], ["\u2581inspections", -11.441262245178223], ["\u2581pub", -12.058834075927734], ["\u2581agradecer\u00eda", -11.52712631225586], ["his", -11.622476577758789], ["\u2581GA", -12.001002311706543], ["\u2581Tokelau", -12.09072208404541], ["\u2581contenida", -11.51693344116211], ["p\u00e1r", 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["\u2581depression", -11.437732696533203], ["\u2581incluy\u00f3", -11.584473609924316], ["\u2581punished", -11.44792652130127], ["\u2581defecto", -11.541926383972168], ["\u2581voces", -11.554580688476562], ["\u2581espectro", -11.526430130004883], ["Sabe", -11.300344467163086], ["\u2581intercultural", -12.195215225219727], ["\u2581Mart\u00ednez", -12.104829788208008], ["\u2581Ari", -12.174694061279297], ["\u2581margin", -11.408815383911133], ["\u2581everlasting", -11.406715393066406], ["\u2581Reconoce", -11.561792373657227], ["\u2581roja", -11.463372230529785], ["\u2581unfortunately", -11.449764251708984], ["\u2581outreach", -11.459373474121094], ["\u2581waves", -11.439133644104004], ["fica", -11.853164672851562], ["\u2581Form", -11.475278854370117], ["\u2581accede", -12.07199764251709], ["\u2581empezado", -11.4902925491333], ["\u2581gen\u00e9tica", -11.573365211486816], ["\u2581Carter", -12.067657470703125], ["\u2581queso", -11.619216918945312], ["\u2581tourists", -11.47522258758545], ["\u2581preocupada", -11.491008758544922], ["\u2581discount", -11.43050479888916], ["\u2581generous", -11.447142601013184], ["\u2581Inspection", -11.39656925201416], ["\u2581completos", -11.640304565429688], ["\u2581ordenados", -11.556589126586914], ["\u2581Edad", -11.545883178710938], ["\u2581epidemic", -11.437633514404297], ["\u2581Prison", -11.475495338439941], ["\u2581caro", -11.49166488647461], ["\u2581Thu", -12.27484130859375], ["\u2581governor", -11.486089706420898], ["\u2581pabell\u00f3n", -11.500484466552734], ["\u2581Developed", -11.44119644165039], ["\u2581publicar\u00e1", -11.545770645141602], ["ndar", -11.71631145477295], ["\u2581concierto", -11.49954891204834], ["tie", -11.923927307128906], ["\u2581desaparecer", -11.451919555664062], ["\u25812-", -11.725732803344727], ["\u2581golpear", -11.546890258789062], ["\u2581oc\u00e9anos", -11.593255043029785], ["\u2581integrantes", -11.595328330993652], ["spect", -11.856427192687988], ["\u2581tubo", -11.521220207214355], ["\u2581cenar", -11.34669017791748], ["\u2581sufre", -11.537026405334473], ["\u2581financiados", -11.594311714172363], ["\u2581submitting", -11.393844604492188], ["\u2581situados", -11.637566566467285], ["\u2581acad\u00e9mico", -11.556143760681152], ["\u2581pornography", -11.423077583312988], ["\u2581Participaci\u00f3n", -11.581696510314941], ["\u2581pollo", -11.44616985321045], ["Proliferation", -11.40262222290039], ["\u2581decorated", -11.4509916305542], ["\u2581cualesquiera", -11.553133964538574], ["\u2581operates", -11.465198516845703], ["\u2581guns", -11.561253547668457], ["\u2581facilitaci\u00f3n", -11.543036460876465], ["\u2581comparten", -11.59144115447998], ["RV", -12.164846420288086], ["wick", -12.234052658081055], ["\u2581Deber\u00edas", -11.353004455566406], ["\u2581collecting", -11.479350090026855], ["\u2581Rental", -11.419478416442871], ["\u2581Mississippi", -12.07474136352539], ["\u2581Og", -12.140392303466797], ["\u25812007)", -12.245382308959961], ["\u2581Beck", 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["\u2581Belgian", -11.420180320739746], ["\u2581Piso", -11.656731605529785], ["\u2581babies", -11.49278450012207], ["\u2581Arm", -11.629890441894531], ["\u2581Bienvenido", -11.452289581298828], ["\u2581diera", -11.52293872833252], ["\u2581franceses", -11.507025718688965], ["\u2581Cocina", -11.5523042678833], ["\u2581Elena", -12.027899742126465], ["\u2581esperanzas", -11.527793884277344], ["\u2581Vuelos", -11.64047622680664], ["\u2581tuvimos", -11.490788459777832], ["\u2581Bah", -12.119352340698242], ["\u2581procura", -11.488652229309082], ["rump", -12.0156831741333], ["\u2581issuance", -11.408712387084961], ["\u2581Chilean", -11.459200859069824], ["\u2581delayed", -11.416593551635742], ["\u2581inspiraci\u00f3n", -11.56572437286377], ["\u2581utiliz\u00f3", -11.564422607421875], ["\u2581veras", -11.346273422241211], ["\u2581Egyptian", -11.441169738769531], ["\u2581breathing", -11.500076293945312], ["ds", -11.941625595092773], ["\u2581protestas", -11.560169219970703], ["turn", 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["\u2581ruled", -11.49215316772461], ["\u2581followers", -11.454118728637695], ["\u2581lateral", -11.951037406921387], ["\u2581progresiva", -11.584441184997559], ["\u2581M\u00e1", -11.696929931640625], ["dr", -11.781317710876465], ["\u2581Independiente", -11.585979461669922], ["\u2581alongside", -11.48293685913086], ["ups", -11.760627746582031], ["\u2581Tratados", -11.788909912109375], ["pina", -11.735859870910645], ["\u2581nurse", -11.522069931030273], ["\u2581conecta", -11.534372329711914], ["\u2581enshrined", -11.450850486755371], ["\u2581quantitative", -11.423481941223145], ["\u2581lleven", -11.520692825317383], ["talo", -11.871424674987793], ["-21", -12.002497673034668], ["\u2581Reducci\u00f3n", -11.604104995727539], ["\u2581expresiones", -11.609084129333496], ["\u2581personalizado", -11.626270294189453], ["\u2581griega", -11.56889820098877], ["\u2581cap\u00edtulos", -11.613948822021484], ["\u2581Registration", -11.476078033447266], ["\u2581lab", -11.56186294555664], ["\u2581transnacional", -11.55007266998291], ["\u2581(\u00ab", -11.541499137878418], ["\u2581placa", -11.534710884094238], ["\u2581feeding", -11.453208923339844], ["\u2581cure", -11.499297142028809], ["\u2581gradualmente", -11.5811128616333], ["\u258113.00", -11.536419868469238], ["\u2581intent", -11.489118576049805], ["\u2581manifestado", -11.545897483825684], ["\u2581mitigar", -11.615865707397461], ["\u2581Alicante", -12.214919090270996], ["\u2581explosi\u00f3n", -11.537482261657715], ["Soy", -11.377912521362305], ["\u2581Golfo", -11.575682640075684], ["\u2581hanging", -11.551135063171387], ["\u2581Disaster", -11.44690990447998], ["\u2581eradicate", -11.480082511901855], ["quero", -11.570477485656738], ["\u2581preparatorio", -11.56283187866211], ["ucci", -12.227532386779785], ["\u2581Large", -11.45925235748291], ["\u2581pastel", -11.460208892822266], ["\u2581Always", -11.542348861694336], ["\u2581explota", -11.416017532348633], ["linda", -12.164530754089355], ["RB", 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["\u2581minor\u00eda", -11.611934661865234], ["\u2581discapacitados", -11.591353416442871], ["\u2581empezando", -11.476104736328125], ["2018", -12.166863441467285], ["ej", -11.867711067199707], ["\u2581tragedia", -11.52882194519043], ["\u2581Bahrain", -11.309137344360352], ["\u2581darling", -11.637932777404785], ["CAT", -12.141765594482422], ["\u2581bebida", -11.502959251403809], ["\u2581consequently", -11.437424659729004], ["\u2581Ninguna", -11.52376937866211], ["\u2581cansado", -11.378790855407715], ["\u2581prometo", -11.371358871459961], ["\u2581telef\u00f3nico", -11.571395874023438], ["\u25815.3", -12.040651321411133], ["\u2581underground", -11.484475135803223], ["\u2581salaries", -11.516554832458496], ["/43", -12.209070205688477], ["ifies", -11.656604766845703], ["\u2581severely", -11.454938888549805], ["\u2581Closed", -11.473060607910156], ["\u2581coat", -11.561497688293457], ["RY", -11.69589614868164], ["OG", -12.243461608886719], ["\u2581Classic", -11.822638511657715], ["\u2581respeten", -11.57044792175293], ["\u2581ciclos", -11.620387077331543], ["\u2581inestabilidad", -11.54670524597168], ["\u2581suggestion", -11.449726104736328], ["\u2581hence", -11.43977165222168], ["\u2581Plat", -12.027656555175781], ["\u2581coordinador", -11.60332202911377], ["\u2581REGULATION", -11.394558906555176], ["\u2581cabina", -11.540633201599121], ["\u2581qualities", -11.45710563659668], ["une", -11.594770431518555], ["\u2581veterinary", -11.414429664611816], ["\u2581inocente", -11.396706581115723], ["\u2581creyentes", -11.583699226379395], ["\u2581phones", -11.592476844787598], ["\u2581Instalaciones", -11.6580171585083], ["\u2581230", -12.15475845336914], ["\u2581pit", -11.787487030029297], ["\u2581evita", -11.54437255859375], ["\u2581hiding", -11.580493927001953], ["\u2581mouse", -11.495964050292969], ["ministra", -11.97096061706543], ["\u2581contraer", -11.553722381591797], ["\u2581tama\u00f1os", -11.686553955078125], ["\u2581Heritage", -11.49278450012207], ["\u2581camiones", -11.565418243408203], ["\u2581Gambia", -11.97248649597168], ["OUR", -11.864494323730469], ["\u2581Nacionales", -11.658452033996582], ["\u2581disminuido", -11.536067962646484], ["\u00f3tica", -11.53905963897705], ["\u2581exceptions", -11.476041793823242], ["\u00e1tico", -11.901000022888184], ["\u2581occupying", -11.483552932739258], ["phon", -11.787983894348145], ["rod", -12.378591537475586], ["\u2581punish", -11.477909088134766], ["\u2581consideramos", -11.579507827758789], ["\u2581grab", -11.574992179870605], ["\u2581Ofertas", -11.610641479492188], ["\u2581prisiones", -11.61170768737793], ["\u2581d\u00e9biles", -11.537732124328613], ["ARD", -12.217903137207031], ["\u2581talent", -11.544716835021973], ["\u2581defines", -11.494629859924316], ["\u2581Bag", -11.793729782104492], ["\u2581Jerry", -12.098084449768066], ["\u2581Forma", -11.578827857971191], ["\u2581autobuses", -11.582449913024902], ["\u2581efectuado", -11.583523750305176], ["\u2581Petro", 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["\u2581llevarse", -11.538812637329102], ["\u2581Resulta", -11.505922317504883], ["\u2581clausura", -11.555522918701172], ["\u2581eighth", -11.487262725830078], ["\u2581aviation", -11.440577507019043], ["lat", -11.43940544128418], ["\u2581liberalization", -11.4640474319458], ["\u2581Alamo", -12.12147331237793], ["\u2581fumadores", -11.597800254821777], ["\u2581Gan", -11.783519744873047], [":17", -12.290685653686523], ["\u2581ALL", -11.61181354522705], ["\u25813.4", -12.15439224243164], ["cu\u00e1l", -11.475438117980957], ["\u2581Beau", -12.198083877563477], ["mana", -11.749100685119629], ["\u2581usados", -11.62497615814209], ["\u2581Guarantee", -11.450224876403809], ["\u2581Nord", -12.26245403289795], ["\u2581shoulder", -11.565420150756836], ["MT", -12.061347961425781], ["\u2581incapacidad", -11.60137939453125], ["\u2581knife", -11.572033882141113], ["\u2581Seven", -11.526318550109863], ["\u2581colon", -11.878975868225098], ["m\u00e1tico", -11.782848358154297], ["\u2581Junior", 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["\u2581semestre", -11.584482192993164], ["\u2581ecol\u00f3gica", -11.587099075317383], ["\u2581listing", -11.481422424316406], ["\u2581polar", -12.231764793395996], ["\u2581tarifa", -11.578810691833496], ["\u2581146", -12.206863403320312], ["\u2581Funcionamiento", -11.553105354309082], ["Where", -11.524653434753418], ["product", -12.313252449035645], ["\u2581dramatic", -11.516550064086914], ["\u2581funcionando", -11.555974006652832], ["\u2581Left", -11.56838321685791], ["\u2581Cuarto", -11.610123634338379], ["\u2581Daily", -11.813292503356934], ["\u2581tercio", -11.709345817565918], ["\u2581Stu", -12.195043563842773], ["\u2581convocatoria", -11.571893692016602], ["\u2581Specific", -11.440021514892578], ["\u2581retained", -11.458013534545898], ["\u2581Train", -11.527957916259766], ["\u2581convergencia", -11.588037490844727], ["aid", -11.490324974060059], ["\u2581rec", -11.593010902404785], ["\u2581underlined", -11.473968505859375], ["\u2581r\u00edos", -11.63209342956543], 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["\u2581ignora", -11.54150676727295], ["\u2581prisoner", -11.498502731323242], ["\u2581urgently", -11.472757339477539], ["\u258127,", -12.041914939880371], ["\u2581comporta", -11.56735610961914], ["rch", -11.890789031982422], ["\u2581lays", -11.48469352722168], ["\u2581Rama", -12.072931289672852], ["\u2581Colegio", -11.590576171875], ["\u2581measurements", -11.484935760498047], ["\u2581reign", -11.538762092590332], ["\u2581revenues", -11.484491348266602], ["\u2581Peacebuilding", -11.465121269226074], ["\u2581fundador", -11.61673355102539], ["\u2581Grandes", -11.60135555267334], ["\u2581voices", -11.569612503051758], ["\u2581prorrogar", -11.583793640136719], ["\u2581extraer", -11.584877967834473], ["\u2581italiana", -11.59526252746582], ["\u2581(2007)", -12.191551208496094], ["\u2581bala", -11.444003105163574], ["\u2581recuerdos", -11.541847229003906], ["\u2581ba\u00f1era", -11.541840553283691], ["\u2581consulte", -11.604450225830078], ["\u2581communicated", -11.455621719360352], ["\u2581expense", -11.470328330993652], ["\u2581fant\u00e1stico", -11.45586109161377], ["\u2581Creador", -11.583292961120605], ["\u2581(28", -12.220680236816406], ["\u00edculo", -12.071986198425293], ["\u2581accomplished", -11.513941764831543], ["\u2581llegando", -11.574447631835938], ["\u2581wines", -11.55683422088623], ["unk", -11.627857208251953], ["\u2581quiso", -11.454249382019043], ["Bu", -11.929947853088379], ["\u2581Socialist", -11.438587188720703], ["\u2581Conclusiones", -11.624252319335938], ["\u2581actuando", -11.575407981872559], ["\u2581localizaci\u00f3n", -11.574467658996582], ["ncias", -11.750656127929688], ["\u2581EXP", -12.184779167175293], ["\u2581estadio", -11.629731178283691], ["\u2581Jar", -12.099842071533203], ["\u2581Kansas", -12.121811866760254], ["\u2581Mine", -11.497553825378418], ["\u2581har\u00e1s", -11.450899124145508], ["\u258140.", -11.915478706359863], ["izer", -11.721641540527344], ["\u2581spell", -11.56401252746582], ["\u2581sponsored", 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["\u2581balances", -11.530964851379395], ["\u258136.", -11.579837799072266], ["\u2581cesta", -11.655580520629883], ["\u2581matado", -11.468605041503906], ["/03/", -12.207891464233398], ["\u2581\u00e9tnica", -11.581363677978516], ["\u2581Early", -11.50387954711914], ["\u2581pharmaceutical", -11.470380783081055], ["\u2581decoration", -11.513545989990234], ["\u2581Player", -11.848116874694824], ["vi\u00f3", -11.613234519958496], ["\u2581pesa", -11.591285705566406], ["\u2581confidencial", -11.5799560546875], ["\u2581hereby", -11.454597473144531], ["\u2581qualitative", -11.449440956115723], ["\u2581lifestyle", -11.455367088317871], ["Estamos", -11.449993133544922], ["\u2581cock", -11.581205368041992], ["\u2581elaboration", -11.47652816772461], ["\u2581observance", -11.484843254089355], ["VER", -12.163524627685547], ["\u2581Considera", -11.60894775390625], ["\u2581insolvencia", -11.54768180847168], ["\u2581paciencia", -11.542351722717285], ["\u2581congregaci\u00f3n", -11.586152076721191], 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["\u2581Quiet", -11.57597541809082], ["\u2581apellido", -11.54329776763916], ["\u2581acept\u00f3", -11.636455535888672], ["\u2581herido", -11.465307235717773], ["\u2581llegar\u00e1", -11.438399314880371], ["\u2581structured", -11.506373405456543], ["deras", -11.681204795837402], ["inger", -11.830953598022461], ["\u2581Ofrece", -11.663153648376465], ["TUR", -12.670472145080566], ["v\u00eda", -11.664084434509277], ["\u2581Students", -11.501420974731445], ["\u2581l\u00e1ser", -11.593631744384766], ["\u2581respalda", -11.557283401489258], ["\u2581intenciones", -11.608566284179688], ["\u25812%", -12.160890579223633], ["\u2581Cook", -12.068676948547363], ["\u2581Poder", -11.62680721282959], ["\u2581Queremos", -11.578519821166992], ["\u2581fulfilling", -11.498396873474121], ["\u2581optimal", -11.460107803344727], ["\u2581acreedores", -11.615012168884277], ["ONE", -12.059712409973145], ["\u2581sent\u00ed", -11.524547576904297], ["trope", -11.513073921203613], ["\u2581SOBRE", 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["\u2581ammunition", -11.494558334350586], ["opera", -11.706964492797852], ["\u2581aparentemente", -11.61366081237793], ["\u2581t\u00eda", -11.427865982055664], ["\u2581Cient\u00edfico", -11.621620178222656], ["\u2581fijados", -11.648811340332031], ["\u2581logistics", -11.503847122192383], ["\u258137.", -11.603259086608887], ["ania", -12.159571647644043], ["\u2581unfair", -11.527532577514648], ["Hotel", -12.039791107177734], ["\u2581alojamientos", -11.75426959991455], ["\u2581Housing", -11.592400550842285], ["\u2581concludes", -11.540239334106445], ["\u2581conscious", -11.462488174438477], ["/1996/", -12.097331047058105], ["\u2581Practice", -11.504283905029297], ["\u2581appropriation", -11.455934524536133], ["\u2581mature", -11.519736289978027], ["\u2581utmost", -11.484843254089355], ["\u2581Mi\u00e9rcoles", -11.626890182495117], ["\u2581Kelly", -12.16097640991211], ["\u2581remedio", -11.591243743896484], ["\u2581creciendo", -11.621705055236816], ["\u2581Independence", 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["\u2581trabajadoras", -11.678483009338379], ["\u2581acompa\u00f1a", -11.510915756225586], ["\u2581screening", -11.565427780151367], ["asse", -11.834305763244629], ["\u2581ritual", -12.171188354492188], ["\u2581degradantes", -11.630420684814453], ["\u2581Pago", -11.628608703613281], ["\u2581c\u00e1pita", -11.74095344543457], ["Tengo", -11.43332576751709], ["\u2581Is", -11.832036018371582], ["\u2581operar", -11.591764450073242], ["\u00f3logos", -11.698821067810059], ["\u2581reaches", -11.550482749938965], ["\u2581uncle", -11.669368743896484], ["\u2581Looking", -11.637186050415039], ["\u2581inmunidad", -11.627419471740723], ["\u2581Computer", -11.516997337341309], ["\u2581immunity", -11.54787826538086], ["\u2581perfiles", -11.66162395477295], ["\u2581suelos", -11.681488990783691], ["\u2581mostrar\u00e1", -11.656728744506836], ["\u2581ten\u00edas", -11.563627243041992], ["\u2581Administrativo", -11.63559341430664], ["\u2581Latest", -11.529974937438965], ["\u2581165", -12.207625389099121], 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["\u2581dejes", -11.520384788513184], ["\u2581reporte", -11.548819541931152], ["\u2581wounded", -11.575456619262695], ["\u2581alcanz\u00f3", -11.633251190185547], ["pong", -12.182185173034668], ["\u2581estacionamiento", -11.589042663574219], ["\u2581kilo", -12.307934761047363], ["pher", -11.942893028259277], ["\u2581marking", -11.514832496643066], ["Alguien", -11.421414375305176], ["\u2581hacerte", -11.513856887817383], ["\u2581bendici\u00f3n", -11.609084129333496], ["\u2581ranging", -11.513020515441895], ["p\u00fa", -11.8346529006958], ["\u2581exponer", -11.618371963500977], ["\u2581tremendous", -11.579252243041992], ["\u2581Tuve", -11.450244903564453], ["\u2581psico", -11.744511604309082], ["most", -11.518070220947266], ["\u2581Astro", -12.422835350036621], ["\u2581disciplinary", -11.572988510131836], ["cias", -11.526477813720703], ["\u2581tendr\u00e9", -11.468419075012207], ["\u2581desires", -11.567608833312988], ["\u2581shadow", -11.540847778320312], ["\u2581residual", 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["\u2581roca", -11.597461700439453], ["\u2581curva", -11.606224060058594], ["\u2581argue", -11.63298225402832], ["\u2581Export", -11.56398868560791], ["\u2581tru", -11.987486839294434], ["\u2581750", -12.29848861694336], ["\u2581complicaciones", -11.671335220336914], ["\u2581benefited", -11.550108909606934], ["\u2581Notas", -11.735876083374023], ["\u2581ext", -11.99683952331543], ["CES", -11.983789443969727], ["eries", -11.859456062316895], ["vac", -12.078450202941895], ["\u2581confort", -11.67336368560791], ["\u2581Nobel", -12.191047668457031], ["\u2581gasolina", -11.593631744384766], ["gencia", -11.930716514587402], ["\u2581exercising", -11.534852981567383], ["\u2581correction", -11.523187637329102], ["\u2581imposition", -11.49946403503418], ["\u2581avanzadas", -11.719101905822754], ["\u2581establezcan", -11.662186622619629], ["\u2581Bha", -12.659546852111816], ["tif", -12.317090034484863], ["\u2581directors", -11.619062423706055], ["\u2581Perfect", -11.622282028198242], 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["\u2581embrace", -11.68181324005127], ["\u2581Mohamed", -12.297587394714355], ["\u2581deseado", -11.752469062805176], ["\u2581jury", -11.727452278137207], [".2.2", -12.51910400390625], ["marca", -11.828022003173828], ["Char", -12.342094421386719], ["\u2581Entrega", -11.837655067443848], ["\u2581tears", -11.759909629821777], ["\u2581168", -12.3693265914917], ["\u2581synthetic", -11.639381408691406], ["\u2581spouse", -11.601070404052734], ["\u2581estabilizaci\u00f3n", -11.782833099365234], ["\u2581FROM", -11.599373817443848], ["\u2581Medicine", -11.639866828918457], ["aban", -11.620545387268066], ["\u2581agradezco", -11.633251190185547], ["\u2581situadas", -11.794517517089844], ["\u2581surgido", -11.769268989562988], ["visi\u00f3n", -11.756124496459961], ["\u2581purchasing", -11.587010383605957], ["\u2581Monaco", -11.517939567565918], ["\u2581pensions", -11.607583999633789], ["\u2581Capacidad", -11.769790649414062], ["\u2581much\u00edsimo", -11.631657600402832], ["\u25a1", -100], ["LOG", -12.748642921447754], ["\u2581fiabilidad", -11.740962982177734], ["\u2581laundry", -11.654977798461914], [":22", -12.472749710083008], ["\u2581databases", -11.658902168273926], ["\u2581outset", -11.598503112792969], ["\u2581corren", -11.748079299926758], ["\u2581definidas", -11.746567726135254], ["\u2581Tr\u00e1fico", -11.76008415222168], ["\u2581contribuyan", -11.750894546508789], ["\u2581produzca", -11.669963836669922], ["\u2581confidentiality", -11.634527206420898], ["\u2581threatening", -11.620367050170898], ["\u2581Bow", -12.316323280334473], ["\u2581sometidas", -11.777154922485352], ["\u2581recopila", -11.724627494812012], ["\u2581ciudadana", -11.756916046142578], ["\u2581nuts", -11.766467094421387], ["ean", -11.613057136535645], ["\u258157/2", -12.294538497924805], ["ol\u00f3gicas", -11.946224212646484], ["\u2581Alem\u00e1n", -11.802000045776367], ["\u2581sendero", -11.761651992797852], ["\u2581arrestado", -11.646318435668945], ["night", -11.695300102233887], 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["\u2581alike", -11.71618938446045], ["\u2581profec\u00eda", -11.710626602172852], ["\u2581(8)", -12.23491382598877], ["\u2581ch", -11.554718017578125], ["nota", -11.630939483642578], ["\u2581Release", -11.73183536529541], ["fully", -11.524027824401855], ["\u2581cleaner", -11.72906494140625], ["\u2581comuni\u00f3n", -11.809621810913086], ["\u2581parks", -11.672517776489258], ["-3)", -12.42516803741455], ["\u2581climb", -11.699808120727539], ["\u2581syn", -11.918559074401855], ["est\u00e1s", -11.569611549377441], ["logo", -12.100451469421387], ["\u2581Escrituras", -11.764092445373535], ["\u2581supportive", -11.644660949707031], ["\u2581infringement", -11.629539489746094], ["\u2581resultar\u00e1", -11.760432243347168], ["oxy", -11.720595359802246], ["\u2581Browse", -11.706871032714844], ["\u2581bands", -11.732661247253418], ["\u2581GM", -11.570476531982422], ["\u2581collaborative", -11.692667961120605], ["\u2581vinculado", -11.718377113342285], ["\u2581outbreak", -11.656139373779297], ["\u2581comience", -11.742737770080566], ["\u2581reanudar", -11.823600769042969], ["\u2581basin", -11.680231094360352], ["ulated", -11.672825813293457], ["\u2581Preparatorio", -11.748112678527832], ["\u2581democr\u00e1ticos", -11.799306869506836], ["\u2581incorrecta", -11.749332427978516], ["\u2581Diversity", -11.670731544494629], ["hof", -12.339743614196777], ["\u2581discriminatorio", -11.821959495544434], ["\u2581paths", -11.770450592041016], ["9)", -11.559555053710938], ["\u2581bancaria", -11.748382568359375], ["Lu", -12.004170417785645], ["\u2581inmensa", -11.760689735412598], ["quire", -11.88764476776123], ["termina", -11.771071434020996], ["8.000", -11.832759857177734], ["\u2581Ou", -12.291767120361328], ["\u2581primo", -11.666610717773438], ["\u2581pedirle", -11.695331573486328], ["\u2581Martes", -11.846373558044434], ["\u2581oppose", -11.67754077911377], ["FAO", -12.38348388671875], ["\u2581wheels", -11.689728736877441], ["\u2581insult", -11.753144264221191], ["\u2581descent", 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["\u2581sirio", -11.79062271118164], ["\u2581Morales", -12.343406677246094], ["\u2581legacy", -11.684065818786621], ["\u2581Exactly", -11.844252586364746], ["\u2581verified", -11.702474594116211], ["\u2581Downloads", -11.774796485900879], ["\u2581quise", -11.555859565734863], ["\u2581Subcomit\u00e9", -11.796975135803223], ["\u2581hilo", -11.772921562194824], ["\u2581thoroughly", -11.677995681762695], ["\u2581Citizens", -11.670068740844727], ["\u2581occidentales", -11.811086654663086], ["\u2581dish", -11.69725513458252], ["\u2581Debian", -12.372697830200195], ["\u2581successor", -11.64120101928711], ["\u2581privileges", -11.645289421081543], ["\u2581productiva", -11.7896146774292], ["\u2581adoptar\u00e1n", -11.795182228088379], ["\u2581voters", -11.648134231567383], ["\u2581avail", -11.662158966064453], ["\u2581CNUDMI", -11.77284049987793], ["\u2581maquillaje", -11.74035930633545], ["\u2581Henri", -12.365867614746094], ["direct", -12.0343599319458], ["\u2581AV", -12.37390422821045], ["\u2581authorize", -11.643330574035645], ["\u2581jet", -11.955329895019531], ["\u2581anxiety", -11.697548866271973], ["americana", -12.034551620483398], ["\u2581controlada", -11.7576904296875], ["\u2581Waste", -11.729403495788574], ["\u2581robado", -11.677643775939941], ["g\u00f3n", -11.700153350830078], ["31)", -12.468988418579102], ["\u2581kidney", -11.680500030517578], ["\u2581surgir", -11.757916450500488], ["\u2581habituales", -11.801529884338379], ["\u2581indoor", -11.717447280883789], ["\u2581impiden", -11.79539966583252], ["\u2581Enviado", -11.822372436523438], ["\u2581analyzed", -11.642731666564941], ["\u2581Rosario", -12.348069190979004], ["\u2581Uncle", -11.866147994995117], ["\u2581bid", -11.67723560333252], ["\u2581individualmente", -11.753748893737793], ["\u2581pac", -11.811254501342773], ["tele", -12.155881881713867], ["\u2581Asentamientos", -11.801369667053223], ["\u2581modes", -11.710497856140137], ["\u2581funcionalidad", -11.79053020477295], ["\u2581Ruta", 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["\u2581valorar", -11.89177131652832], ["\u2581Arma", -11.934896469116211], ["\u2581Colonia", -12.038875579833984], ["\u2581Distance", -11.707402229309082], ["bran", -11.737321853637695], ["\u2581emergence", -11.69159984588623], ["\u2581Corruption", -11.6701021194458], ["\u2581sube", -11.895647048950195], ["ming", -11.75596809387207], ["\u2581Tennessee", -12.350472450256348], ["door", -12.18760871887207], ["\u2581interregional", -12.333700180053711], ["\u2581Cardinal", -11.704641342163086], ["\u2581orbit", -11.69141674041748], ["\u2581Morris", -12.426876068115234], ["\u2581WordPress", -12.317615509033203], ["\u2581resistir", -11.722702980041504], ["\u2581Preocupa", -11.810881614685059], ["cess", -12.276688575744629], ["\u2581fears", -11.744277000427246], ["\u2581deseaba", -11.892468452453613], ["\u2581facilite", -11.786481857299805], ["jera", -11.761103630065918], ["\u2581Recuerdo", -11.65420913696289], ["\u2581pelear", -11.65013599395752], ["\u2581vicepresidente", 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["\u2581intervene", -11.666462898254395], ["\u2581highway", -11.742833137512207], ["\u2581or\u00edgenes", -11.788244247436523], ["\u2581Racing", -12.082755088806152], ["2019", -12.1228666305542], ["\u2581Encuentra", -11.798481941223145], ["\u2581collections", -11.81554889678955], ["\u2581revolucionaria", -11.804520606994629], ["\u2581ordenado", -11.771921157836914], ["GAR", -12.400616645812988], ["\u2581extremos", -11.816898345947266], ["\u2581acordar", -11.730177879333496], ["\u2581Programs", -11.777844429016113], ["\u2581vecino", -11.715141296386719], ["\u2581recorrer", -11.79380989074707], ["\u2581para\u00edso", -11.71357250213623], ["\u2581drain", -11.712331771850586], ["\u2581164", -12.305558204650879], ["\u2581concentrado", -11.784499168395996], ["\u2581bite", -11.844831466674805], ["\u2581Escocia", -11.7692289352417], ["\u2581Hank", -12.391654014587402], ["calc", -12.149251937866211], ["GH", -12.367863655090332], ["\u2581urbanizaci\u00f3n", -11.787096977233887], ["\u2581FC", 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["\u2581claimant", -11.613533973693848], ["\u2581facilitation", -11.681906700134277], ["gil", -12.173751831054688], ["\u2581lending", -11.67207145690918], ["\u2581theater", -11.773539543151855], ["\u2581frases", -11.809948921203613], ["\u2581informada", -11.862177848815918], ["\u2581complications", -11.66946792602539], ["\u2581personalized", -11.697286605834961], ["\u2581normativos", -11.834403991699219], ["cole", -12.453432083129883], ["\u2581linguistic", -11.660724639892578], ["\u2581steam", -11.740884780883789], ["\u2581broadcasting", -11.692666053771973], ["\u2581hermosas", -11.752287864685059], ["\u2581observaron", -11.816353797912598], ["\u2581178", -12.191545486450195], ["\u2581santuario", -11.797601699829102], ["\u2581Hip", -12.245981216430664], ["\u2581avanzados", -11.848998069763184], ["\u2581escuchando", -11.651899337768555], ["\u2581flame", -11.752330780029297], ["\u2581fled", -11.780344009399414], ["\u2581interrumpir", -11.732104301452637], ["\u2581sucesor", 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["\u2581corn", -11.771377563476562], ["\u2581visitado", -11.811760902404785], ["SV", -12.127415657043457], ["\u2581Beirut", -12.386627197265625], ["\u2581surrender", -11.72852611541748], ["\u2581initiation", -11.668619155883789], ["\u2581organizadas", -11.834386825561523], ["\u2581precision", -11.713501930236816], ["\u2581executions", -11.712787628173828], ["\u2581coordinado", -11.754064559936523], ["\u2581gui\u00f3n", -11.738110542297363], ["anas", -11.793615341186523], ["mula", -11.929969787597656], ["\u2581refiri\u00f3", -11.810355186462402], ["\u2581subscription", -11.699766159057617], ["\u2581americanos", -11.732478141784668], ["\u2581Posici\u00f3n", -11.832682609558105], ["\u2581radica", -11.75278377532959], ["\u2581260", -12.393306732177734], ["GUE", -12.534063339233398], ["\u2581sucesi\u00f3n", -11.863414764404297], ["\u2581curious", -11.803585052490234], ["l\u00edn", -12.022764205932617], ["\u2581sor", -11.795208930969238], ["\u2581inalienable", -12.164241790771484], 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["\u2581conditional", -11.8725004196167], ["\u2581neum\u00e1ticos", -11.862541198730469], ["\u2581productivo", -11.809951782226562], ["\u2581tutela", -11.813698768615723], ["\u2581Xi", -12.36384391784668], ["\u2581invested", -11.724556922912598], ["URE", -12.229268074035645], ["\u00e9ndose", -11.84089469909668], ["\u2581confiere", -11.786467552185059], ["\u2581emiti\u00f3", -11.86032485961914], ["\u2581duplication", -11.694839477539062], ["\u2581pulgadas", -11.863661766052246], ["\u2581vete", -11.615013122558594], ["\u2581Alpha", -12.141679763793945], ["\u2581honra", -11.730606079101562], ["\u2581photography", -11.736832618713379], ["\u25811959", -12.430445671081543], ["sistencia", -11.856658935546875], ["\u2581spheres", -11.709423065185547], ["\u2581(2011)", -12.418635368347168], ["/33", -12.383711814880371], ["\u2581Compa\u00f1\u00eda", -11.808947563171387], ["\u2581calentamiento", -11.847065925598145], ["\u2581eligi\u00f3", -11.769798278808594], ["\u2581Dispute", 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["\u25812.000", -11.825611114501953], ["\u2581privileged", -11.6813383102417], ["\u2581diversificaci\u00f3n", -11.849043846130371], ["quet", -12.374244689941406], ["\u2581Chuck", -12.360918045043945], ["\u2581segu\u00edan", -11.803563117980957], ["\u2581Decisions", -11.871752738952637], ["\u2581creature", -11.741104125976562], ["\u2581investing", -11.682065963745117], ["\u2581Disabilities", -11.763275146484375], ["\u2581marinas", -11.904744148254395], ["ridge", -12.125649452209473], ["\u2581reciclado", -11.853011131286621], ["\u2581consagrados", -11.854628562927246], ["\u25813.0", -12.514321327209473], ["\u2581pareci\u00f3", -11.664600372314453], ["\u2581obreros", -11.881559371948242], ["figura", -11.953656196594238], ["\u2581Tabla", -11.854484558105469], ["oon", -11.778463363647461], ["\u2581weaknesses", -11.712215423583984], ["\u2581Kyle", -12.362245559692383], ["\u2581pintor", -11.837262153625488], ["\u2581Basta", -11.657471656799316], ["\u2581logistical", -11.730225563049316], 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["\u2581anemia", -12.184678077697754], ["\u2581Niger", -11.577630043029785], ["\u2581valuation", -11.715655326843262], ["cilia", -12.283008575439453], ["\u2581hacerme", -11.712265014648438], ["\u2581Lily", -12.400642395019531], ["\u2581Asesoramiento", -11.899892807006836], ["\u2581anterioridad", -11.833489418029785], ["ander", -12.0397367477417], ["\u2581rightly", -11.770415306091309], ["DIS", -12.578325271606445], ["\u2581featuring", -11.789143562316895], ["\u2581aras", -12.000783920288086], ["\u2581modular", -12.49279499053955], ["\u2581respon", -12.106097221374512], [")).", -12.04020881652832], ["\u2581Per\u00edodo", -11.837236404418945], ["\u2581cl\u00e1usulas", -11.829338073730469], ["\u2581Orange", -12.161043167114258], ["own", -11.852486610412598], ["\u2581efectuadas", -11.842950820922852], ["\u2581proponen", -11.839594841003418], ["\u2581recruit", -11.70848274230957], ["ponga", -11.90342903137207], ["\u2581Aprender", -11.87197208404541], ["Yeah", -11.8799409866333], 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["\u2581combinados", -11.889139175415039], ["Well", -11.87144660949707], ["\u2581Rhode", -12.277009010314941], ["\u2581censura", -11.902579307556152], ["\u2581cabinet", -11.787152290344238], ["\u2581marginalized", -11.74948787689209], ["\u25811946", -12.501374244689941], ["\u2581prospecto", -11.83009147644043], ["ecieron", -12.066699981689453], ["HT", -12.574942588806152], ["\u2581Corona", -12.153159141540527], ["\u2581literalmente", -11.851478576660156], ["Mierda", -11.640396118164062], ["\u2581Marta", -12.441935539245605], ["\u2581nurses", -11.79730224609375], ["\u00f3nimo", -11.90988826751709], ["\u2581incorrecto", -11.897794723510742], ["\u2581reza", -11.870943069458008], ["jor", -12.145750045776367], ["Europe", -12.200496673583984], ["bou", -12.52392578125], ["\u2581contribuy\u00f3", -11.898411750793457], ["\u2581revisadas", -11.879273414611816], ["Win", -12.452386856079102], ["using", -11.878124237060547], ["\u2581modalidad", -11.87544059753418], ["LR", -12.564358711242676], ["\u2581Holland", -12.071696281433105], ["\u2581rebel", -11.722879409790039], ["\u2581sodium", -11.723435401916504], ["\u2581coin", -11.879072189331055], ["\u2581episode", -11.843483924865723], ["(5)", -11.686234474182129], ["sect", -11.79094123840332], ["-09", -12.547348976135254], ["4,5", -12.43716812133789], ["\u2581invocar", -11.961179733276367], ["\u2581compresi\u00f3n", -11.883381843566895], ["\u2581assign", -11.743837356567383], ["\u2581delicioso", -11.81405258178711], ["heat", -11.984186172485352], ["tillas", -11.892386436462402], ["\u2581Houston", -12.47250747680664], ["\u2581auditor\u00edas", -11.938112258911133], ["\u2581ayudarme", -11.638965606689453], ["\u2581finalizaci\u00f3n", -11.833590507507324], ["\u2581lleguen", -11.833847999572754], ["\u2581statue", -11.770256996154785], ["STE", -12.448807716369629], ["\u2581optimizar", -11.90427017211914], ["/39", -12.504091262817383], ["7.000", -11.931780815124512], ["\u2581impresionantes", -11.97331714630127], ["\u2581m\u00fasculos", -11.868705749511719], ["\u2581miserable", -12.430257797241211], ["\u2581caracterizan", -11.874881744384766], ["\u2581decidieron", -11.860335350036621], ["\u2581rapporteurs", -11.79031753540039], ["colombia", -12.476075172424316], ["\u2581satisfecho", -11.795293807983398], ["\u2581Johan", -12.178289413452148], ["India", -12.420239448547363], ["\u2581Pod", -12.220625877380371], ["\u2581fantas\u00eda", -11.774986267089844], ["\u2581vinculantes", -11.934556007385254], ["\u2581revisiones", -11.896334648132324], ["\u2581porqu\u00e9", -11.84906005859375], ["\u2581Diana", -12.442254066467285], ["\u2581gr\u00e1fica", -11.910518646240234], ["\u2581tablero", -11.932994842529297], ["\u2581Vall", -12.431612968444824], ["\u2581provecho", -11.82840633392334], ["\u2581contento", -11.706872940063477], ["\u2581Officers", -11.827459335327148], ["Pen", -12.253667831420898], ["\u2581abandon", -11.698091506958008], ["\u2581synergies", -11.755170822143555], ["\u2581successive", 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["\u2581brevemente", -11.916766166687012], ["\u2581Avenida", -12.252150535583496], ["\u2581proporcional", -11.837400436401367], ["\u2581Whit", -12.46826171875], ["\u2581Files", -11.82979965209961], ["\u2581dispon\u00eda", -11.887409210205078], ["\u2581levant\u00f3", -11.840503692626953], ["\u2581Lot", -12.095318794250488], ["\u2581segmento", -11.906970024108887], ["\u2581aparente", -11.876075744628906], ["\u2581heavenly", -11.752236366271973], ["\u2581pala", -12.027270317077637], ["Now", -11.799514770507812], ["\u2581clarified", -11.739174842834473], ["\u2581folks", -11.928640365600586], ["\u2581comprobaci\u00f3n", -11.839194297790527], ["iber", -12.44984245300293], ["lito", -11.805168151855469], ["\u2581moreover", -11.736045837402344], ["\u2581Quito", -12.458089828491211], ["\u2581Operational", -11.75157642364502], ["\u2581lifted", -11.795307159423828], ["\u00e1ramos", -11.79649829864502], ["\u2581brilla", -11.817437171936035], ["\u2581Sabe", -11.702539443969727], ["\u2581Bahrein", 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["\u2581suspicion", -11.78735637664795], ["\u2581persistencia", -11.876599311828613], ["____", -13.304229736328125], ["\u25811957", -12.545321464538574], ["\u2581breves", -11.935151100158691], ["\u2581Parliamentary", -11.734606742858887], ["\u2581inusual", -11.851686477661133], ["d\u00fa", -12.362909317016602], ["\u2581anticipada", -11.849527359008789], ["\u2581mantengan", -11.87980842590332], ["\u2581sink", -11.839655876159668], ["\u2581armario", -11.798842430114746], ["lves", -11.901970863342285], ["\u2581Ense\u00f1anza", -11.938014030456543], ["\u2581dotar", -11.892385482788086], ["\u2581opresi\u00f3n", -11.936097145080566], ["\u2581schedules", -11.841370582580566], ["\u2581falsas", -11.851015090942383], ["\u2581comunic\u00f3", -11.865019798278809], ["\u2581bolas", -11.84305477142334], ["\u2581Contribuciones", -11.88669490814209], ["\u2581tribus", -11.902539253234863], ["gran", -11.854976654052734], ["atch", -12.061800003051758], ["\u2581Chiapas", -12.395328521728516], ["\u2581Comisiones", -11.909690856933594], ["\u2581lineal", -11.997871398925781], ["\u2581Naturaleza", -11.92512321472168], ["\u2581afterwards", -11.831466674804688], ["\u2581intercambia", -11.811360359191895], ["\u2581llevarlo", -11.819377899169922], ["\u2581matrimonios", -11.982100486755371], ["\u2581cubana", -11.888762474060059], ["isse", -12.206735610961914], ["\u2581bullet", -11.951451301574707], ["dha", -12.349934577941895], ["\u2581atribuciones", -11.894269943237305], ["\u2581comprometidos", -11.914881706237793], ["\u2581guste", -11.718812942504883], ["\u2581comisar\u00eda", -11.83398151397705], ["cuadrag\u00e9simo", -11.849791526794434], ["\u2581Peruvian", -11.792160987854004], ["\u2581Doy", -11.840855598449707], ["\u25812,000", -11.777406692504883], ["\u2581Tomorrow", -11.958148002624512], ["\u2581fares", -11.803248405456543], ["\u2581Maine", -12.49337387084961], ["-2007", -12.479118347167969], ["\u2581242", -12.451595306396484], ["\u2581restraint", -11.736077308654785], ["\u2581justos", -12.027088165283203], ["\u2581mount", -11.803953170776367], ["\u2581decidida", -11.866009712219238], ["\u2581BEI", -11.87683391571045], ["\u2581caminando", -11.785860061645508], ["\u2581convirti\u00e9ndose", -11.923685073852539], ["\u2581confront", -11.833779335021973], ["ologist", -12.05128002166748], ["\u2581estereotipos", -11.97923469543457], ["WE", -12.415180206298828], ["\u2581appropriately", -11.771197319030762], ["\u2581trayecto", -11.942704200744629], ["\u2581dedication", -11.755746841430664], ["\u2581Avakian", -12.433173179626465], ["\u2581atrae", -11.807927131652832], ["\u2581suscrito", -11.924811363220215], ["Ella", -11.699776649475098], ["\u2581sar", -12.012560844421387], ["\u2581pools", -11.889644622802734], ["\u2581synthesis", -11.730243682861328], ["\u2581Mach", -12.409910202026367], ["mbl", -12.130438804626465], ["\u2581Calefacci\u00f3n", -11.93010425567627], ["\u2581Margaret", -12.524577140808105], ["\u2581defectos", -11.920201301574707], ["\u2581presentar\u00e1n", -11.930944442749023], ["\u2581tenis", -11.908822059631348], ["\u2581hu\u00e9rfanos", -11.872825622558594], ["\u2581artificiales", -11.847832679748535], ["\u2581muscles", -11.793449401855469], ["\u2581peer", -11.790324211120605], ["\u2581rings", -11.914572715759277], ["\u2581Justin", -12.381438255310059], ["\u2581incluirse", -11.901535987854004], ["\u2581converting", -11.7893648147583], ["\u2581facilitar\u00e1", -11.733906745910645], ["\u25811920", -12.497651100158691], ["\u2581matrimonial", -12.081080436706543], ["\u2581hybrid", -11.782018661499023], ["\u2581sixtie", -12.008492469787598], ["\u2581Sort", -11.84840202331543], ["path", -11.846646308898926], ["\u2581monstruo", -11.68954086303711], ["\u2581glasses", -11.868443489074707], ["\u2581subasta", -11.837376594543457], ["sfera", -11.997421264648438], ["\u2581Seattle", -12.44813060760498], ["rous", -11.775179862976074], ["\u2581Background", -11.796347618103027], ["\u2581consumed", -11.82107925415039], 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["\u2581turnover", -11.77715015411377], ["\u25813.6", -12.545985221862793], ["president", -12.30764102935791], ["\u2581distribuido", -11.90914535522461], ["\u2581HUMANOS", -11.865677833557129], ["\u2581Wine", -11.83398723602295], ["lac", -11.864852905273438], ["ood", -12.327881813049316], ["\u2581blocked", -11.835477828979492], ["\u2581cuida", -11.677441596984863], ["\u2581duele", -11.7499418258667], ["\u2581preferential", -11.800567626953125], ["\u2581Powers", -11.861392974853516], ["jack", -12.281286239624023], ["\u03bd", -100], ["\u2581Ad\u00e1n", -11.938528060913086], ["\u2581inches", -11.865482330322266], ["\u2581comodidades", -11.981998443603516], ["\u2581primario", -11.89869499206543], ["\u2581Female", -11.792729377746582], ["\u2581superado", -11.923521041870117], ["\u2581Deluxe", -12.514681816101074], ["\u2581N\u00edger", -11.770398139953613], ["BDE", -12.784589767456055], ["\u2581est\u00e9tica", -11.93730640411377], ["^", -100], ["\u2581semanal", -11.988542556762695], ["\u2581Espacial", -11.898431777954102], ["\u2581Actualiza", -12.040157318115234], ["\u2581precauci\u00f3n", -11.943793296813965], ["lee", -12.143513679504395], ["speaking", -11.792028427124023], ["\u2581advisers", -11.837115287780762], ["\u2581Jigsaw", -12.180850982666016], ["rey", -11.984411239624023], ["\u2581myth", -11.925589561462402], ["\u2581Integraci\u00f3n", -11.983139038085938], ["\u2581beside", -11.865910530090332], ["\u2581Responsabilidad", -11.96579647064209], ["\u2581ferry", -12.188092231750488], ["\u25813000", -12.495894432067871], ["\u2581explaining", -11.840611457824707], ["\u2581tesis", -11.949837684631348], ["\u25811956", -12.63713550567627], ["\u2581fijos", -11.935050010681152], ["\u2581alejado", -11.85788631439209], ["\u2581inserta", -11.831110000610352], ["\u2581organise", -11.860941886901855], ["clock", -11.921545028686523], ["\u2581orienta", -11.856057167053223], ["\u2581Thought", -11.91282844543457], ["away", -11.908452987670898], ["\u2581asegure", 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["\u2581pesqueros", -11.955684661865234], ["\u2581Fashion", -11.827398300170898], ["\u2581concertado", -11.882505416870117], ["rqu", -11.942667961120605], ["\u2581Salida", -12.004596710205078], ["\u2581walks", -12.067970275878906], ["\u2581UI", -11.914461135864258], ["\u2581communal", -11.785983085632324], ["\u2581Ramsar", -12.480829238891602], ["\u2581construct", -11.854504585266113], ["\u2581Arkansas", -12.503665924072266], ["f\u00e9r", -12.203441619873047], ["\u2581Comb", -12.571480751037598], ["\u2581correspondence", -11.799370765686035], ["development", -11.929788589477539], ["\u2581escalera", -11.78835678100586], ["\u2581Wy", -12.688665390014648], ["\u2581fractura", -11.902698516845703], ["\u2581mexicana", -11.940896034240723], ["\u2581qui\u00e9nes", -11.889609336853027], ["ificada", -12.104182243347168], ["\u2581ten\u00e9is", -11.813481330871582], ["\u2581dormido", -11.798981666564941], ["\u2581Cell", -11.820023536682129], ["\u2581Hacienda", -12.092948913574219], ["\u2581Organ", 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["\u2581Phoenix", -12.405206680297852], ["\u0131", -100], ["\u2581Halloween", -12.538344383239746], ["\u2581castiga", -11.853348731994629], ["\u2581270", -12.577869415283203], ["\u2581da\u00f1ar", -11.981572151184082], ["quilla", -12.065572738647461], ["\u2581inadmissible", -11.838603019714355], ["\u2581ej\u00e9rcitos", -12.05653190612793], ["\u2581alright", -12.024643898010254], ["\u2581ideological", -11.80960750579834], ["\u2581raid", -11.900714874267578], ["\u2581deseas", -12.037166595458984], ["\u2581forecasts", -11.876919746398926], ["\u2581subvenciona", -12.02937126159668], ["\u2581transported", -11.829941749572754], ["entrepreneurship", -11.856907844543457], ["\u2581continually", -11.843238830566406], ["\u2581aprende", -11.917259216308594], ["\u2581Planet", -11.892756462097168], ["GV", -12.775920867919922], ["liz", -12.10540771484375], ["\u2581confined", -11.837895393371582], ["\u2581suspicious", -11.908731460571289], ["pert", -12.064370155334473], ["\u2581Athens", 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["-2014", -12.769667625427246], ["\u2581env\u00ede", -11.98346996307373], ["\u2581promueven", -11.9558744430542], ["fax", -12.645532608032227], ["NZ", -12.562028884887695], ["\u2581isl\u00e1mico", -11.970255851745605], ["\u2581hearings", -11.950407981872559], ["\u2581Serra", -12.522960662841797], ["\u2581forbidden", -11.890003204345703], ["\u2581undergo", -11.870528221130371], ["\u2581caos", -11.949054718017578], ["\u2581hostales", -12.051308631896973], ["\u2581ofensiva", -11.971746444702148], ["\u2581sesenta", -11.947786331176758], ["\u2581viewing", -11.942496299743652], ["\u2581Favorites", -11.920269012451172], ["\u2581Seis", -11.913880348205566], ["\u2581atento", -11.93661117553711], ["chem", -12.124457359313965], ["\u2581Embassy", -11.879365921020508], ["\u2581peasants", -11.88511848449707], ["\u2581solving", -11.888725280761719], ["\u2581Regla", -11.931884765625], ["\u2581viola", -11.833590507507324], ["\u2581destinatario", -12.001120567321777], ["clav", -12.237100601196289], ["\u2581Nancy", -12.549144744873047], ["\u2581permanencia", -11.941618919372559], ["\u2581237", -12.634995460510254], ["\u2581guiada", -12.018843650817871], ["IAS", -12.324923515319824], ["\u2581Aspectos", -11.964314460754395], ["\u2581Herr", -12.655244827270508], ["\u2581Lakes", -11.92954158782959], ["\u2581comprised", -11.858306884765625], ["1-", -11.839492797851562], ["\u2581landlocked", -11.895264625549316], ["\u2581Tab", -12.184449195861816], ["\u2581(1992)", -12.497690200805664], ["\u2581movi", -11.950993537902832], ["\u2581organizaron", -12.06295108795166], ["\u258155.", -11.98415470123291], ["\u2581agreg\u00f3", -11.999737739562988], ["session", -11.946749687194824], ["\u2581Organic", -11.845450401306152], ["er\u00edas", -12.165458679199219], ["\u2581beca", -11.960528373718262], ["\u2581RC", -12.321922302246094], ["\u2581Bah\u00eda", -12.090709686279297], ["\u2581POL", -12.172567367553711], ["\u2581unite", -11.929829597473145], ["Argentina", -12.53477668762207], ["\u2581baptism", -11.886689186096191], ["\u2581Escrito", -12.016037940979004], ["formaci\u00f3n", -11.973518371582031], ["\u2581recomendada", -11.982623100280762], ["\u2581Profile", -11.899336814880371], ["\u2581clearing", -11.92505168914795], ["\u2581instalment", -11.862683296203613], ["\u2581nocturna", -12.012086868286133], ["\u2581differential", -11.836995124816895], ["\u2581spark", -11.921884536743164], ["\u2581Diccionario", -11.986021995544434], ["\u2581marble", -11.88935661315918], ["\u2581est\u00fapida", -11.80515193939209], ["\u2581drawings", -11.984857559204102], ["\u2581supreme", -11.882756233215332], ["Du", -12.342347145080566], ["\u2581Hawaii", -12.288711547851562], ["\u2581colaborando", -12.046741485595703], ["\u2581expulsado", -11.99024486541748], ["\u2581perd\u00ed", -11.83768081665039], ["\u2581openly", -11.88943099975586], ["\u2581sorrow", -11.942748069763184], ["\u258154.", -12.031048774719238], ["\u2581Angela", -12.531440734863281], ["\u2581approaching", 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["\u2581contables", -12.022910118103027], ["\u2581imponen", -12.033036231994629], ["\u2581Pont", -12.008964538574219], ["\u2581ubica", -11.946490287780762], ["\u2581poderosos", -12.002344131469727], ["\u2581Babilonia", -12.050888061523438], ["\u2581despido", -11.891551971435547], ["\u2581identifies", -11.85628604888916], ["\u2581UNITA", -12.50818157196045], ["\u2581aumentar\u00e1", -11.902161598205566], ["\u2581dried", -11.828109741210938], ["\u2581preventivo", -12.030904769897461], ["\u2581Johannesburg", -11.866421699523926], ["\u2581consignaci\u00f3n", -12.010316848754883], ["izando", -12.037840843200684], ["\u2581examinations", -11.941206932067871], ["\u2581C\u00e9sar", -12.221251487731934], ["\u2581EI", -12.298242568969727], ["\u2581NI", -11.8734712600708], ["Document", -12.178260803222656], ["\u2581aspirantes", -11.980904579162598], ["ook", -12.110307693481445], ["\u2581ca\u00f1a", -11.933979034423828], ["\u2581verbale", -11.852775573730469], ["\u2581Yang", -12.525687217712402], 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["\u2581zinc", -12.560006141662598], ["\u2581indent", -11.904557228088379], ["\u2581interviewed", -11.942580223083496], ["art\u00edculos", -12.120685577392578], ["\u2581advierte", -12.067188262939453], ["\u2581Diablo", -11.978538513183594], ["\u2581preach", -11.91080093383789], ["\u2581lawful", -11.928887367248535], ["\u2581embar", -11.985651016235352], ["\u2581Penas", -12.041357040405273], ["uti", -12.32607364654541], ["\u2581Socorro", -12.054306983947754], ["\u2581creativo", -12.084059715270996], ["\u2581harbour", -11.937204360961914], ["\u2581J\u00f3venes", -12.123723983764648], ["tizar", -12.181523323059082], ["\u2581Zap", -12.649059295654297], ["\u2581206", -12.690145492553711], ["\u2581Desktop", -12.33906364440918], ["6.00", -12.846683502197266], ["\u2581Auditor", -12.639389991760254], ["SBI", -12.566104888916016], ["\u2581Orleans", -12.61424732208252], ["\u2581aeronave", -12.208534240722656], ["\u2581Iberostar", -12.686125755310059], ["\u2581jam", -12.104021072387695], 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["\u2581vendido", -11.998113632202148], ["\u2581tomate", -12.042937278747559], ["\u2581compa\u00f1era", -11.925107955932617], ["\u2581UP", -11.893924713134766], ["\u2581refieres", -12.003292083740234], ["\u2581te\u00f3rica", -12.08960247039795], ["\u2581Kuwaiti", -11.939924240112305], ["\u2581Vent", -12.44924545288086], ["signaci\u00f3n", -12.068113327026367], ["\u2581proyecta", -12.017745971679688], ["\u2581frescos", -12.108684539794922], ["\u2581variation", -11.921056747436523], ["\u2581Hai", -12.541936874389648], ["\u2581Half", -12.105339050292969], ["\u2581juzgado", -11.96169376373291], ["\u2581Responsibility", -11.993327140808105], ["ingen", -12.590475082397461], ["\u2581IPCC", -12.540987968444824], ["\u2581Procede", -12.08156967163086], ["\u2581construyendo", -12.055790901184082], ["LEG", -12.934051513671875], ["\u2581requer\u00eda", -12.087931632995605], ["\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439", -100], ["moral", -12.76498031616211], ["\u2581shepherd", -11.996256828308105], ["\u2581Alexandr", -12.492351531982422], ["\u2581atrev", -11.882078170776367], ["\u2581tumores", -12.01743221282959], ["\u2581und", -12.085704803466797], ["\u2581destroying", -12.04343318939209], ["Esa", -11.925300598144531], ["\u2581Equipos", -12.166529655456543], ["\u2581useless", -12.075654983520508], ["\u2581cardenal", -12.102250099182129], ["\u2581reanudaci\u00f3n", -12.011594772338867], ["\u2581cambiante", -12.078371047973633], ["\u2581Ring", -12.044722557067871], ["\u2581disclose", -11.962660789489746], ["\u2581sirva", -12.015992164611816], ["\u2581engineers", -11.953919410705566], ["\u2581Religious", -11.970213890075684], ["\u2581Iglesias", -12.22912883758545], ["Up", -11.977666854858398], ["\u2581consultant", -12.004920959472656], ["\u2581demasiada", -11.96898365020752], ["ATA", -12.639227867126465], ["\u2581asistido", -12.041362762451172], ["\u2581Manufacture", -11.908007621765137], ["\u2581acusada", -12.0864839553833], ["culture", -12.08510684967041], ["\u2581Comparar", 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["\u2581Punto", -12.112072944641113], ["proyecto", -12.172982215881348], ["\u2581agradecidos", -12.068500518798828], ["\u2581Cornel", -12.852709770202637], ["\u2581abolici\u00f3n", -12.11594295501709], ["\u2581countless", -11.996545791625977], ["lou", -12.160273551940918], ["\u2581perceive", -12.007071495056152], ["\u2581thrust", -12.045610427856445], ["\u2581dependientes", -12.116280555725098], ["\u2581Dennis", -12.756675720214844], ["\u2581Ignacio", -12.693266868591309], ["1,000", -11.99905014038086], ["Some", -12.058289527893066], ["\u2581inal\u00e1mbrica", -12.127203941345215], ["\u2581temptation", -11.988224983215332], ["\u2581Rapid", -12.3504638671875], ["\u2581insane", -12.197043418884277], ["\u2581Norma", -12.122687339782715], ["\u2581pate", -12.37857437133789], ["ciso", -12.126395225524902], ["\u2581destruye", -12.083853721618652], ["\u2581Raymond", -12.726051330566406], ["\u2581monopolio", -12.101395606994629], ["\u2581organizan", -12.144587516784668], ["\u2581perish", 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["\u2581expulsar", -12.072933197021484], ["\u2581precursores", -12.085140228271484], ["\u2581von", -12.073030471801758], ["\u2581personalizar", -12.11847972869873], ["\u2581picking", -12.135767936706543], ["\u2581Micronesia", -12.518381118774414], ["\u2581enga\u00f1a", -11.882843017578125], ["\u2581ESPA", -12.138551712036133], ["\u2581Racismo", -12.1082124710083], ["\u2581histo", -12.299797058105469], ["\u2581detuvo", -12.1608247756958], ["\u2581encarcelamiento", -12.190276145935059], ["Quien", -11.903139114379883], ["/77", -12.687573432922363], ["tituci\u00f3n", -12.220190048217773], ["\u2581simplification", -11.950417518615723], ["\u2581unida", -11.93298053741455], ["\u2581fama", -12.042160987854004], ["\u2581h\u00famedo", -12.130695343017578], ["\u2581Glass", -12.046086311340332], ["\u2581marcar", -12.089237213134766], ["\u2581s\u00e9ptima", -12.094624519348145], ["\u2581certifica", -12.141386985778809], ["\u2581Bil", -12.660407066345215], ["\u2581afueras", -12.17694091796875], ["\u2581regain", -12.048262596130371], ["\u00ednico", -12.412181854248047], ["\u2581repetici\u00f3n", -12.148340225219727], ["\u2581prophecy", -12.04198932647705], ["\u2581revenge", -12.134354591369629], ["Ban", -11.935399055480957], ["\u2581aceleraci\u00f3n", -12.124930381774902], ["\u2581beneficioso", -12.200918197631836], ["\u2581constancia", -12.11872386932373], ["\u2581insumos", -12.06881332397461], ["ulu", -12.451228141784668], ["\u2581assassination", -11.964715003967285], ["\u2581fracture", -12.045833587646484], ["\u2581escritores", -12.087285041809082], ["\u2581canadiense", -12.183038711547852], ["paragraph", -11.969884872436523], ["\u2581Douglas", -12.7525634765625], ["\u2581compilaci\u00f3n", -12.112497329711914], ["loy", -12.353137016296387], ["\u2581dispatch", -12.001811981201172], ["\u2581infants", -12.043757438659668], ["\u2581stereotypes", -12.011700630187988], ["\u2581grandfather", -12.121821403503418], ["\u2581salvado", -12.053632736206055], ["\u2581Medium", 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["\u2581administer", -12.02973461151123], ["\u2581Subsecretario", -12.1298246383667], ["\u25811991.", -12.17545223236084], ["\u2581Practical", -12.07712173461914], ["\u2581WRC", -12.780034065246582], ["cca", -12.134885787963867], ["pari", -12.487269401550293], ["\u2581Cesar", -12.810725212097168], ["\u2581simult\u00e1nea", -12.153691291809082], ["indica", -12.39685344696045], ["\u2581Gy", -12.243504524230957], ["\u2581Dijiste", -11.932211875915527], ["\u2581Th", -12.019683837890625], ["\u2581cementerio", -12.063075065612793], ["\u2581dictado", -12.099137306213379], ["\u2581sorts", -12.140738487243652], ["\u2581awake", -12.096957206726074], ["\u2581Apostolic", -12.022992134094238], ["\u2581emisora", -12.161539077758789], ["\u2581codificaci\u00f3n", -12.138984680175781], ["piri", -12.160451889038086], ["\u2581aclaraciones", -12.10331916809082], ["\u2581conejo", -12.027557373046875], ["\u2581Cyber", -12.411918640136719], ["\u2581Stanley", -12.678149223327637], ["\u2581jurisdicciones", 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["\u2581Humanidad", -12.099992752075195], ["\u2581closet", -12.162847518920898], ["\u2581fitting", -11.996293067932129], ["\u2581faro", -12.077415466308594], ["0,0", -12.164228439331055], ["\u2581Emperor", -12.089113235473633], ["\u2581asustado", -11.919010162353516], ["\u2581reparation", -12.030216217041016], ["\u2581instituted", -11.97935962677002], ["\u2581alentador", -12.175889015197754], ["\u2581Naturalmente", -12.049266815185547], ["\u2581corpus", -12.595393180847168], ["\u2581injusto", -12.082886695861816], ["\u2581Francesa", -12.134499549865723], ["\u2581ordinaria", -12.115447998046875], ["\u2581contempor\u00e1nea", -12.103523254394531], ["\u2581estudi\u00f3", -12.195731163024902], ["REF", -12.808515548706055], ["\u2581Desastres", -12.178153038024902], ["\u2581ir\u00eda", -11.97575569152832], ["IEM", -12.684297561645508], ["\u2581facilitates", -12.176204681396484], ["\u2581Tuvalu", -12.571660041809082], ["\u258161.", -12.099916458129883], ["\u2581Negra", -12.406107902526855], ["\u2581hospitality", -12.006743431091309], ["\u2581influido", -12.12982177734375], ["\u258135%", -12.641140937805176], ["\u2581inventarios", -12.168913841247559], ["\u2581precoz", -12.146562576293945], ["Sr", -11.857681274414062], ["p\u00f3n", -12.462979316711426], ["\u2581burst", -12.072672843933105], ["\u2581Golan", -12.040851593017578], ["\u2581Viejo", -12.248522758483887], ["\u2581linea", -12.06268310546875], ["\u2581pavo", -11.978666305541992], ["\u2581socioecon\u00f3micos", -12.192041397094727], ["\u2581subsidiariedad", -12.102245330810547], ["\u2581vitaminas", -12.190729141235352], ["\u0103", -100], ["gers", -12.18403434753418], ["elas", -12.382174491882324], ["\u2581T\u00e9cnico", -12.161821365356445], ["\u2581preocupados", -12.074418067932129], ["\u2581Railway", -11.987563133239746], ["\u2581informing", -12.053709983825684], ["\u2581rigurosa", -12.093241691589355], ["\u2581purifica", -12.18063735961914], ["\u2581restringido", -12.103946685791016], ["borg", 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["\u2581\u201c\u00bf", -12.14861011505127], ["\u2581impulsa", -12.083139419555664], ["\u258162.", -12.19091510772705], ["\u2581abandona", -12.108003616333008], ["\u2581nieto", -12.073809623718262], ["2.3", -12.408419609069824], ["\u2581Sicilia", -12.523809432983398], ["\u2581Agri", -12.856060028076172], ["\u2581t\u00f3xicos", -12.076236724853516], ["\u2581Rwandan", -11.984846115112305], ["ION", -11.919413566589355], ["\u2581printer", -11.993212699890137], ["\u2581derivan", -12.16584587097168], ["\u2581precedent", -12.03587818145752], ["\u2581dozens", -12.032543182373047], ["bida", -12.52606201171875], ["icen", -12.132814407348633], ["\u2581Gab\u00f3n", -11.981552124023438], ["\u2581nationwide", -12.033764839172363], ["160", -12.691702842712402], ["\u2581vaginal", -12.730916023254395], ["\u2581Doce", -12.183639526367188], ["\u2581Television", -12.057461738586426], ["\u2581atemporal", -12.149669647216797], ["\u2581prohibida", -12.146421432495117], ["\u2581Preparaci\u00f3n", 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["cedieron", -12.12527084350586], ["\u2581pintado", -12.118754386901855], ["\u2581expedite", -12.028275489807129], ["\u2581slaughter", -12.089889526367188], ["\u2581embarazos", -12.312911987304688], ["\u2581interpretarse", -12.097111701965332], ["\u2581hilos", -12.178098678588867], ["\u2581inauguraci\u00f3n", -12.1328125], ["\u2581secular", -12.032853126525879], ["\u258164.", -12.143579483032227], ["\u2581correspond\u00eda", -12.167227745056152], ["\u2581escanea", -12.176437377929688], ["\u2581disclosed", -12.050997734069824], ["\u2581abundant", -12.027666091918945], ["\u2581sacud", -12.146227836608887], ["\u2581utter", -12.062889099121094], ["\u2581chick", -12.162738800048828], ["ress", -12.014596939086914], ["\u2581Madame", -12.541125297546387], ["\u2581cooling", -12.031380653381348], ["\u2581pegar", -12.079769134521484], ["\u2581wrap", -12.094718933105469], ["\u2581desagradable", -12.103096008300781], ["presentada", -12.139617919921875], ["\u2581planeado", -12.066905975341797], 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["\u2581argentina", -12.175907135009766], ["\u2581agudo", -12.128281593322754], ["\u2581Attention", -12.078956604003906], ["\u2581Cesta", -12.21934700012207], ["\u2581h\u00edbrido", -12.232806205749512], ["/41", -12.762231826782227], ["\u2581Tonga", -12.552517890930176], ["\u2581Viene", -11.977727890014648], ["\u2581carpet", -12.09833812713623], ["\u2581classroom", -12.083364486694336], ["\u2581cuantitativa", -12.169933319091797], ["\u2581mediterr\u00e1neo", -12.146561622619629], ["\u2581Gol\u00e1n", -12.117664337158203], ["\u2581recogidos", -12.129307746887207], ["\u2581audiovisuales", -12.16291618347168], ["\u2581Donna", -12.765138626098633], ["\u2581llevar\u00eda", -12.165328025817871], ["tract", -12.197637557983398], ["\u2581regulada", -12.191038131713867], ["\u2581Libros", -12.256611824035645], ["\u2581hazard", -11.94967269897461], ["\u2581Amnesty", -12.051238059997559], ["nn", -11.955326080322266], ["\u2581parcela", -12.17104721069336], ["\u2581deficiency", -12.028275489807129], 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["\u2581banner", -12.178455352783203], ["owner", -12.063232421875], ["\u2581Aquellos", -12.221446990966797], ["\u2581Yacht", -12.621110916137695], ["\u2581almacena", -12.147407531738281], ["\u2581Tabago", -11.962096214294434], ["oil", -11.99277114868164], ["\u2581shelters", -12.124293327331543], ["\u25819:", -12.048238754272461], ["esen", -12.08403491973877], ["\u2581expresan", -12.171343803405762], ["arlo", -12.059703826904297], ["\u2581Materiales", -12.208005905151367], ["\u2581aunt", -12.259095191955566], ["\u2581Truck", -12.060112953186035], ["\u2581Alzheimer", -12.760385513305664], ["\u2581reducen", -12.241540908813477], ["\u2581teor\u00edas", -12.225147247314453], ["\u2581urbanization", -12.088300704956055], ["\u2581bucks", -12.272189140319824], ["\u2581defects", -12.064635276794434], ["\u2581ruined", -12.215646743774414], ["\u2581Vancouver", -12.741679191589355], ["\u2581interval", -12.113268852233887], ["\u2581owed", -12.045276641845703], ["\u2581Simply", -12.086703300476074], ["\u2581Berna", -12.20301628112793], ["\u2581S\u00edrvase", -12.19107437133789], ["\u2581depositado", -12.207963943481445], ["Casa", -12.520448684692383], ["Chile", -12.728034019470215], ["Serv", -12.77515983581543], ["\u2581Jung", -12.733505249023438], ["\u2581r\u00e1pidas", -12.291760444641113], ["ummy", -12.325818061828613], ["\u2581correa", -12.20568561553955], ["\u2581perlas", -12.214303970336914], ["\u2581mandamiento", -12.152889251708984], ["\u2581Lamb", -12.220796585083008], ["\u2581formerly", -12.107418060302734], ["\u2581reafirmar", -12.254387855529785], ["\u2581trash", -12.215730667114258], ["zzi", -12.445462226867676], ["i\u00e9ndole", -12.238788604736328], ["amine", -12.200554847717285], ["\u2581precautions", -12.084123611450195], ["\u2581regulador", -12.191608428955078], ["\u2581Lower", -12.106379508972168], ["ind", -12.124887466430664], ["propia", -12.264892578125], ["\u2581Accounts", -12.127303123474121], ["\u2581Nation", -12.05163288116455], ["\u2581Firma", 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["\u2581Integrado", -12.323251724243164], ["\u2581faltan", -12.267735481262207], ["\u2581proporcionarle", -12.377994537353516], ["\u2581burdens", -12.2273588180542], ["\u258120.000", -12.282394409179688], ["\u00f3lica", -12.577088356018066], ["\u2581guarde", -12.285901069641113], ["Link", -12.695295333862305], ["\u2581inconsciente", -12.1324462890625], ["Construccion", -12.749442100524902], ["\u2581Mitchell", -12.856295585632324], ["\u2581seizures", -12.140768051147461], ["\u2581($", -11.961742401123047], ["1.00", -13.001107215881348], ["cuar", -12.403101921081543], ["\u2581salvajes", -12.188711166381836], ["abilidad", -12.421871185302734], ["\u2581israelitas", -12.2620267868042], ["\u2581soberana", -12.264289855957031], ["\u2581twist", -12.197576522827148], ["llana", -12.374629974365234], ["\u2581orgullosa", -12.127552032470703], ["\u2581infinito", -12.277368545532227], ["\u2581umbrella", -12.133509635925293], ["\u2581establec\u00eda", -12.296882629394531], ["\u2581sentada", 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["\u2581romanos", -12.277019500732422], ["\u2581participativo", -12.294550895690918], ["\u2581contradict", -12.167586326599121], ["\u2581tropeza", -12.2664155960083], ["\u2581Discussion", -12.165931701660156], ["\u2581obstaculizar", -12.335448265075684], ["\u2581pasadas", -12.315114974975586], ["\u2581talents", -12.162094116210938], ["\u2581subi\u00f3", -12.331113815307617], ["\u2581piedad", -12.225640296936035], ["\u2581sudoriental", -12.335748672485352], ["\u2581nocivas", -12.321891784667969], ["WI", -12.02503776550293], ["\u25812050", -12.815576553344727], ["\u2581V\u00eddeos", -12.42099380493164], ["\u2581capilla", -12.230850219726562], ["stage", -12.208930969238281], ["App", -12.340469360351562], ["\u2581kicked", -12.310054779052734], ["\u2581nets", -12.259353637695312], ["/82", -12.79491901397705], ["\u2581travelled", -12.193105697631836], ["\u2581Malcolm", -12.86353588104248], ["\u2581ausente", -12.244712829589844], ["\u2581c\u00f3mplice", -12.179070472717285], ["\u2581Substantive", -12.131829261779785], ["\u2581sticky", -12.352538108825684], ["lev", -12.403388977050781], ["utter", -12.229818344116211], ["\u2581int\u00e9rpretes", -12.259384155273438], ["7,5", -12.868385314941406], ["Donde", -12.09465503692627], ["\u2581smallest", -12.144550323486328], ["\u2581Horn", -12.197649955749512], ["\u2581filiales", -12.311369895935059], ["\u2581overnight", -12.191575050354004], ["\u2581contraceptive", -12.120148658752441], ["\u2581seleccionada", -12.38394546508789], ["\u2581meramente", -12.303669929504395], ["\u2581Block", -12.187224388122559], ["\u2581resignation", -12.131973266601562], ["\u2581secos", -12.349873542785645], ["Olvid", -12.181502342224121], ["\u2581imperialism", -12.214641571044922], ["\u00e1mico", -12.559234619140625], ["\u2581Interamericano", -12.3251314163208], ["\u2581Monthly", -12.158248901367188], ["\u2581innumerables", -12.266290664672852], ["\u2581Cielos", -12.137648582458496], ["\u2581ingeniero", -12.23371696472168], 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["\u2581Utilice", -12.308218955993652], ["\u2581aqu\u00e9llos", -12.219627380371094], ["\u2581sopla", -12.223830223083496], ["\u2581Crimes", -12.303248405456543], ["\u2581SPA", -12.777948379516602], ["\u2581pronuncia", -12.0904541015625], ["IAN", -12.536625862121582], ["\u2581Picasso", -12.882412910461426], ["Tal", -12.261123657226562], ["bell", -12.128369331359863], ["Adem\u00e1s", -12.252528190612793], ["\u2581enterrado", -12.161637306213379], ["\u2581motive", -12.266887664794922], ["riza", -12.402426719665527], ["\u2581maker", -12.250046730041504], ["titude", -12.20463752746582], ["\u2581Ads", -12.305961608886719], ["\u2581Favoritas", -12.360776901245117], ["\u2581ceilings", -12.185894012451172], ["yes", -12.259693145751953], ["\u2581Chart", -12.253000259399414], ["\u2581S\u00e1nchez", -12.27736759185791], ["\u2581herewith", -12.152660369873047], ["representaciones", -12.839496612548828], ["\u2581producciones", -12.257478713989258], ["\u2581aseguro", -12.095553398132324], ["\u2581obtenga", -12.26810073852539], ["\u2581actuarial", -12.913095474243164], ["\u2581fascista", -12.285502433776855], ["Canad\u00e1", -12.301441192626953], ["\u2581similarly", -12.18600845336914], ["\u2581famosas", -12.321206092834473], ["\u2581parecida", -12.224466323852539], ["\u2581resolv", -12.210054397583008], ["gale", -12.321630477905273], ["stituciones", -12.291099548339844], ["\u2581Rest", -12.211368560791016], ["\u2581Hampshire", -12.784272193908691], ["\u2581contraparte", -12.23481559753418], ["\u2581karma", -12.926072120666504], ["\u2581fond", -12.24886417388916], ["\u2581Judgment", -12.099621772766113], ["\u2581combusti\u00f3n", -12.296795845031738], ["\u2581hormonas", -12.268942832946777], ["\u2581uranium", -12.248302459716797], ["\u2581Tree", -12.274938583374023], ["\u2581Bun", -12.388466835021973], ["\u2581Contribution", -12.180121421813965], ["\u2581aficionados", -12.291451454162598], ["\u2581advocated", -12.155656814575195], ["\u2581arruinar", -12.133642196655273], 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["\u2581Minor\u00edas", -12.350893020629883], ["\u2581expandir", -12.235715866088867], ["\u2581Improved", -12.164427757263184], ["\u2581Maldita", -12.127617835998535], ["\u2581Ralph", -12.847290992736816], ["\u2581cristianas", -12.390968322753906], ["disproportionate", -12.109698295593262], ["\u2581clusters", -12.226224899291992], ["\u2581restituciones", -12.270627975463867], ["\u2581habia", -12.229644775390625], ["\u2581malvado", -12.249634742736816], ["\u2581optimiza", -12.292884826660156], ["40.000", -12.337666511535645], ["\u2581hostigamiento", -12.374090194702148], ["primir", -12.312664985656738], ["\u2581Montevideo", -12.918621063232422], ["\u2581escribi", -12.17690372467041], ["\u2581arrancar", -12.297609329223633], ["\u2581Activity", -12.237321853637695], ["\u2581m\u00e9dula", -12.300934791564941], ["\u2581refrigeraci\u00f3n", -12.331462860107422], ["\u2581Fill", -12.293766975402832], ["\u2581predicted", -12.23263931274414], ["\u2581vintage", -12.596726417541504], ["Brasil", 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["HRI", -12.91641616821289], ["carcel", -12.33106517791748], ["\u2581Swimming", -12.22500228881836], ["\u2581facultado", -12.289201736450195], ["\u2581Bhut\u00e1n", -12.124592781066895], ["\u2581forcing", -12.229446411132812], ["\u2581valiosos", -12.35938835144043], ["\u2581banquete", -12.28857135772705], ["\u2581headline", -12.248578071594238], ["\u2581aguantar", -12.234818458557129], ["\u2581vejez", -12.32507038116455], ["\u2581graduation", -12.261590957641602], ["\u2581Whoever", -12.368989944458008], ["\u2581rebels", -12.320578575134277], ["\u2581remotas", -12.403838157653809], ["rain", -12.190149307250977], ["\u2581desventaja", -12.208536148071289], ["\u2581screwed", -12.384056091308594], ["\u2581Gali", -12.900299072265625], ["\u2581capacitado", -12.335375785827637], ["\u2581colesterol", -12.317662239074707], ["\u2581Absolutely", -12.390276908874512], ["\u2581offshore", -12.227055549621582], ["\u2581selfish", -12.222147941589355], ["\u2581Avoid", -12.207647323608398], 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["\u2581fluctuaciones", -12.409236907958984], ["\u2581Lift", -12.243728637695312], ["\u2581oriente", -12.34881591796875], ["\u2581respectful", -12.342337608337402], ["\u00edfero", -12.60117244720459], ["\u2581decentralized", -12.259846687316895], ["\u2581viniendo", -12.22943115234375], ["\u2581absurdo", -12.215523719787598], ["\u2581aplasta", -12.254642486572266], ["\u2581grape", -12.25121021270752], ["\u25810.1", -12.11324405670166], ["\u2581rebaja", -12.31993293762207], ["show", -12.181234359741211], ["\u2581Indicadores", -12.368062973022461], ["Applause", -12.19953441619873], ["oral", -12.234333038330078], ["sys", -12.648214340209961], ["LER", -12.866461753845215], ["\u2581cardiac", -12.253044128417969], ["\u2581Pilot", -12.218620300292969], ["\u2581Virus", -12.787927627563477], ["\u2581Yan", -12.354947090148926], ["\u2581prevea", -12.334771156311035], ["\u258158/1", -12.946064949035645], ["\u2581Resistance", -12.290694236755371], ["\u2581constar", -12.26210880279541], ["\u2581Madeira", -12.896828651428223], ["\u2581id\u00f3nea", -12.360749244689941], ["\u2581exigida", -12.296801567077637], ["\u2581fundamentally", -12.247028350830078], ["\u2581tit", -12.323482513427734], ["\u2581CONTENTS", -12.18792724609375], ["\u2581electronics", -12.391622543334961], ["\u2581undue", -12.215954780578613], ["\u2581ingredient", -12.198107719421387], ["Laughter", -12.182616233825684], ["general", -12.20132064819336], ["\u2581oculto", -12.28918170928955], ["\u2581aerol\u00edneas", -12.340619087219238], [".29", -12.445910453796387], ["i\u00e9ndome", -12.31263256072998], ["\u2581pata", -12.208447456359863], ["arma", -12.264698028564453], ["\u258172.", -12.361467361450195], ["\u2581sack", -12.39190673828125], ["rang", -12.286641120910645], ["sabe", -12.302386283874512], ["\u2581loter\u00eda", -12.261432647705078], ["\u2581Improve", -12.263819694519043], ["\u2581alquila", -12.334450721740723], ["\u2581evacuation", -12.282837867736816], ["\u2581VER", -12.555627822875977], 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["\u2581INTRODUCCI\u00d3N", -12.326132774353027], ["\u2581presunci\u00f3n", -12.3662691116333], ["\u2581quedando", -12.322128295898438], ["\u2581ofrezcan", -12.351675033569336], ["\u2581someterlo", -12.31905746459961], ["\u2581cholesterol", -12.159730911254883], ["\u2581iso", -12.375905990600586], ["\u2581secondly", -12.212041854858398], ["moli", -12.509750366210938], ["\u2581Saltar", -12.358048439025879], ["\u2581empeora", -12.262924194335938], ["\u2581evidentes", -12.422321319580078], ["\u2581Stage", -12.23410701751709], ["\u2581coraje", -12.334772109985352], ["\u2581nitr\u00f3geno", -12.314504623413086], ["\u2581unitario", -12.35898494720459], ["kill", -12.347024917602539], ["stadt", -12.930808067321777], ["\u2581outward", -12.23373031616211], ["\u2581severo", -12.32553768157959], ["\u2581specifies", -12.206756591796875], ["\u2581sunny", -12.283206939697266], ["viso", -12.529796600341797], ["\u2581Nicole", -12.941252708435059], ["\u2581chinas", -12.309698104858398], 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["Pues", -12.243729591369629], ["\u2581Balearic", -12.276998519897461], ["\u2581Priority", -12.260890007019043], ["olic", -12.906033515930176], ["\u2581importing", -12.27817440032959], ["Podr\u00edas", -12.109986305236816], ["\u2581lust", -12.319377899169922], ["\u2581defer", -12.244730949401855], ["\u2581jeopardize", -12.278074264526367], ["\u2581rosas", -12.340115547180176], ["Israel", -12.826957702636719], ["\u2581calibre", -12.303048133850098], ["\u2581membrana", -12.38865852355957], ["Annex", -12.257413864135742], ["lists", -12.454025268554688], ["\u2581Ecuadorian", -12.228525161743164], ["\u2581desarrolladores", -12.415258407592773], ["\u2581stemm", -12.3137845993042], ["\u2581preparan", -12.378767967224121], ["\u2581detrimental", -12.233651161193848], ["\u2581muchacha", -12.175382614135742], ["l\u00edtico", -12.381491661071777], ["\u2581Pets", -12.331936836242676], ["\u2581Trato", -12.291141510009766], ["\u2581adopts", -12.410054206848145], ["\u2581camarada", -12.2857666015625], 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["\u2581Teddy", -13.089975357055664], ["\u2581Lemon", -12.418195724487305], ["\u2581soborno", -12.437360763549805], ["\u25811996/31", -13.09352970123291], ["\u2581Emmanuel", -12.969660758972168], ["\u2581[8]", -12.989582061767578], ["\u00e1sica", -12.631083488464355], ["\u2581IOM", -12.35664176940918], ["\u2581Condition", -12.332751274108887], ["\u2581overhead", -12.329383850097656], ["\u2581valla", -12.558780670166016], ["\u2581Aye", -12.525511741638184], ["\u2581deshacer", -12.283491134643555], ["\u2581Natalie", -12.950960159301758], ["\u03b1", -100], ["\u2581coercitivas", -12.438308715820312], ["\u2581predomina", -12.437261581420898], ["\u2581desalojo", -12.492402076721191], ["\u2581Asset", -12.290584564208984], ["\u2581Indicators", -12.283924102783203], ["\u2581aerial", -12.31969165802002], ["\u2581enriquecimiento", -12.392085075378418], ["\u2581psychologist", -12.283824920654297], ["\u2581v\u00edspera", -12.417357444763184], ["Cada", -12.406943321228027], ["\u2581adiestramiento", 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["\u2581loses", -12.438300132751465], ["\u2581volando", -12.299236297607422], ["\u2581accomplishment", -12.320009231567383], ["\u2581Damascus", -12.376928329467773], ["\u2581Tuscany", -12.373910903930664], ["\u2581Acero", -12.465521812438965], ["\u2581consuma", -12.429170608520508], ["\u2581distributors", -12.327481269836426], ["\u2581forjar", -12.45184326171875], ["\u2581Dura", -12.526169776916504], ["\u2581Nucleares", -12.506974220275879], ["connect", -12.364396095275879], ["\u2581parciales", -12.479206085205078], ["\u2581plenitud", -12.43617057800293], ["\u2581duplicar", -12.510976791381836], ["\u2581Issue", -12.332446098327637], ["\u2581cuestionar", -12.433955192565918], ["\u2581desata", -12.556227684020996], ["\u2581patron", -12.346386909484863], ["\u2581transmiten", -12.455514907836914], ["\u2581whip", -12.554015159606934], ["\u2581Arturo", -12.923643112182617], ["\u2581speedy", -12.337010383605957], ["ively", -12.347248077392578], ["\u2581Ascensor", -12.460195541381836], ["\u2581contradictions", -12.379220008850098], ["\u2581sordo", -12.431267738342285], ["\u2581Gentlemen", -12.4819917678833], ["\u2581depressed", -12.443436622619629], ["\u2581registers", -12.489591598510742], ["\u2581Hamburgo", -12.51560115814209], ["\u2581entertain", -12.390141487121582], ["\u2581intencional", -12.371060371398926], ["\u2581stain", -12.428339958190918], ["Reglamento", -12.373984336853027], ["\u2581sabores", -12.417519569396973], ["\u2581severas", -12.443763732910156], ["\u2581Nikola", -12.997596740722656], ["\u2581PlayStation", -13.129159927368164], ["\u2581escalation", -12.364142417907715], ["\u2581resumir", -12.468767166137695], ["\u2581Albergue", -12.52680492401123], ["\u2581Pare", -12.348809242248535], ["Look", -12.406067848205566], ["\u2581Frederick", -13.01343059539795], ["\u2581bush", -12.432806968688965], ["\u2581hablarle", -12.347142219543457], ["\u2581Saddam", -12.896745681762695], ["\u2581verlos", -12.326902389526367], ["Oceania", -12.41757869720459], 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["\u2581esteroides", -12.45212459564209], ["\u2581presumed", -12.30806827545166], ["\u2581venera", -12.4736328125], ["0-", -12.352653503417969], ["\u2581heredad", -12.466217994689941], ["\u2581BUT", -12.516167640686035], ["vuelta", -12.42906379699707], ["fore", -12.461978912353516], ["\u2581atmospheric", -12.316271781921387], ["\u2581anticipaci\u00f3n", -12.470176696777344], ["\u2581preparatorias", -12.479411125183105], ["\u2581vengo", -12.317636489868164], ["\u2581Ensuring", -12.354659080505371], ["m\u00e1", -12.343607902526855], ["\u2581referir", -12.453130722045898], ["\u2581Bundes", -12.937474250793457], ["\u2581organizativa", -12.416269302368164], ["\u2581Valenciana", -12.489096641540527], ["\u2581applicability", -12.302553176879883], ["\u2581ricas", -12.470967292785645], ["\u2581Opti", -12.847777366638184], ["\u2581OIM", -12.453863143920898], ["\u2581Usar", -12.509905815124512], ["\u2581Interesting", -12.428080558776855], ["\u2581accelerating", -12.44000244140625], 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["\u2581urging", -12.360973358154297], ["\u2581intersessional", -12.395458221435547], ["\u2581Idaho", -13.023463249206543], ["\u2581familiarizado", -12.411922454833984], ["CCD", -12.440618515014648], ["tribution", -12.337478637695312], ["\u2581Regina", -13.114109992980957], ["\u2581hidr", -12.846884727478027], ["Cookies", -12.367630004882812], ["\u2581agresor", -12.458747863769531], ["\u2581ponerle", -12.3440523147583], ["\u2581Delegation", -12.283507347106934], ["\u2581Plate", -12.467630386352539], ["\u2581aging", -12.42310619354248], ["\u2581arc", -12.357185363769531], ["\u2581bre", -12.403173446655273], ["\u2581consolida", -12.4446439743042], ["\u2581tenerte", -12.34256362915039], ["balance", -12.313664436340332], ["\u2581autenticidad", -12.51774787902832], ["\u2581garments", -12.367300987243652], ["\u2581Globe", -12.895111083984375], ["June", -12.336273193359375], ["\u2581ponemos", -12.367453575134277], ["\u2581Cl\u00ednica", -12.465071678161621], ["\u2581prosperous", 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["\u2581CEPA", -12.482640266418457], ["\u2581Ferrer", -13.133688926696777], ["\u2581Josef", -13.081754684448242], ["\u2581applet", -12.56485652923584], ["\u2581pulm\u00f3n", -12.481104850769043], ["\u2581Aceite", -12.448111534118652], ["\u2581slopes", -12.38049030303955], ["dust", -12.408092498779297], ["\u2581capta", -12.520307540893555], ["\u2581gratuit", -12.782661437988281], ["\u2581abrazo", -12.350809097290039], ["\u2581contrapartida", -12.373319625854492], ["\u2581shifts", -12.470248222351074], ["\u2581tr\u00e1mite", -12.374639511108398], ["WD", -12.46088981628418], ["\u2581esc\u00e1ner", -12.409250259399414], ["\u2581marcadores", -12.483421325683594], ["issue", -12.31823444366455], ["vi\u00e9ndose", -12.467652320861816], ["\u2581Consumidor", -12.55580997467041], ["\u2581ECR", -12.294198989868164], ["\u2581sabr\u00eda", -12.242997169494629], ["\u2581tangibles", -12.367918968200684], ["\u2581colony", -12.478145599365234], ["\u2581\u00e9sto", -12.270718574523926], 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["Tuvimos", -12.327375411987305], ["c\u00e9ntrico", -12.377398490905762], ["dler", -12.440780639648438], ["RICA", -12.6597900390625], ["\u2581econom", -12.443528175354004], ["2%)", -12.574556350708008], ["\u2581insights", -12.416075706481934], ["\u2581tumors", -12.42489242553711], ["usto", -12.396268844604492], ["\u2581contentos", -12.43447494506836], ["\u2581tramita", -12.387683868408203], ["\u2581demuestre", -12.477446556091309], ["\u2581padece", -12.447442054748535], ["\u2581Revisa", -12.444976806640625], ["\u2581divid", -12.458992958068848], ["\u2581docenas", -12.48393440246582], ["zuela", -12.765369415283203], ["\u2581adjustable", -12.362643241882324], ["\u2581condensa", -12.470195770263672], ["lur", -12.520682334899902], ["\u2581Descuento", -12.54914379119873], ["\u2581sab\u00e9is", -12.3390531539917], ["\u2581insulta", -12.288854598999023], ["\u2581Kenia", -12.432072639465332], ["\u2581deci", -12.430493354797363], ["intersectoriales", -12.65876579284668], ["\u2581mat\u00e9", 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["\u2581CEPAL", -12.62105655670166], ["\u2581acogieron", -12.566574096679688], ["\u258111.30", -13.126863479614258], ["\u2581capitalistas", -12.532654762268066], ["\u2581fascina", -12.44967269897461], ["\u2581pillow", -12.522143363952637], ["\u2581Tariff", -12.376948356628418], ["\u2581misionero", -12.553363800048828], ["\u2581THERE", -12.607203483581543], ["\u2581employing", -12.425981521606445], ["\u2581lavavajillas", -12.56386947631836], ["\u2581Publicaci\u00f3n", -12.544600486755371], ["\u2581sells", -12.562088966369629], ["\u2581wasting", -12.596550941467285], ["agne", -12.654183387756348], ["\u2581generadores", -12.542277336120605], ["\u2581hemisphere", -12.428645133972168], ["\u2581Few", -12.45743179321289], ["\u2581yards", -12.579527854919434], ["\u2581elaborar\u00e1", -12.349570274353027], ["\u2581orientales", -12.51364803314209], ["\u2581abducted", -12.455306053161621], ["\u2581intrinsic", -12.468987464904785], ["\u2581Jug", -12.471835136413574], ["\u2581Vuelo", 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["\u2581integr", -12.581823348999023], ["\u2581signatory", -12.397676467895508], ["\u2581Investors", -12.463189125061035], ["\u2581characterize", -12.426933288574219], ["\u2581tope", -12.530069351196289], ["\u2581dirig\u00eda", -12.475698471069336], ["\u2581arsenales", -12.518475532531738], ["\u2581Asegurar", -12.51142692565918], ["\u2581contacta", -12.460598945617676], ["\u2581playground", -12.414353370666504], ["\u2581artwork", -12.44983959197998], ["\u2581substancia", -12.530713081359863], ["\u2581Comida", -12.503117561340332], ["\u2581tomara", -12.476570129394531], ["\u2581portada", -12.441482543945312], ["Durante", -12.516136169433594], ["mentado", -12.588134765625], ["\u2581forefront", -12.44115924835205], ["\u2581salariales", -12.530692100524902], ["\u2581Sardinia", -12.443435668945312], ["\u2581consejeros", -12.490700721740723], ["\u2581crushed", -12.503847122192383], ["\u2581inquietante", -12.469560623168945], ["\u2581llamaron", -12.481867790222168], ["\u2581veteran", 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["\u2581cuenten", -12.49443531036377], ["\u2581INTERNATIONAL", -12.39970588684082], ["\u2581Perdone", -12.288575172424316], ["\u2581biomass", -12.41855525970459], ["\u2581curado", -12.64696979522705], ["\u2581oblige", -12.393072128295898], ["\u2581pyramid", -12.497597694396973], ["oxid", -12.71276569366455], ["\u2581milicia", -12.530989646911621], ["\u2581Convenciones", -12.602363586425781], ["\u2581Disappearance", -12.42977523803711], ["\u2581Ventajas", -12.558584213256836], ["\u2581encuestados", -12.545862197875977], ["\u2581aplicabilidad", -12.509085655212402], ["\u2581empeoramiento", -12.517839431762695], ["\u2581presuntas", -12.538453102111816], ["\u2581Explica", -12.57902717590332], ["\u2581oyes", -12.338890075683594], ["\u2581vampire", -12.580821990966797], ["\u2581Isa", -12.647703170776367], ["\u2581absor", -12.522200584411621], ["\u2581therapist", -12.510725975036621], ["\u2581traded", -12.548112869262695], ["\u2581Fitness", -12.967963218688965], ["\u2581titul", 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["\u2581ET", -12.26685619354248], ["\u2581Josep", -13.134297370910645], ["\u2581supli", -12.46904468536377], ["\u2581Haciendo", -12.468002319335938], ["\u2581Siendo", -12.581022262573242], ["\u2581invierte", -12.56147289276123], ["\u2581prestigioso", -12.619207382202148], ["\u2581sirvan", -12.55594253540039], ["\u2581esca\u00f1os", -12.567926406860352], ["\u2581extra\u00eddas", -12.568194389343262], ["\u2581plumas", -12.528989791870117], ["Government", -12.47675895690918], ["\u2581Controller", -12.435842514038086], ["\u2581Finding", -12.473769187927246], ["\u2581clama", -12.581925392150879], ["IRA", -12.595579147338867], ["\u2581utili", -12.446907997131348], ["\u2581Sof\u00eda", -12.554473876953125], ["\u2581forged", -12.502346992492676], ["\u2581proteja", -12.531368255615234], ["\u2581desarrolle", -12.616769790649414], ["\u2581rationale", -12.501505851745605], ["\u2581necesitar\u00e1n", -12.51876163482666], ["\u2581Agu", -12.58193302154541], ["\u2581inspect", -12.413485527038574], ["\u2581genere", -12.613565444946289], ["\u2581Exposure", -12.465485572814941], ["\u2581insostenible", -12.52291202545166], ["33)", -12.555400848388672], ["\u2581aptitud", -12.541470527648926], ["\u2581mostr", -12.821331977844238], ["\u2581whisper", -12.500027656555176], ["\u2581Sources", -12.510058403015137], ["\u2581precedence", -12.481998443603516], ["However", -12.432876586914062], ["\u2581congelar", -12.526236534118652], ["\u2581facciones", -12.491174697875977], ["\u2581Frontera", -13.121834754943848], ["\u2581incaut", -12.526803970336914], ["icate", -12.899325370788574], ["\u2581Colaboraci\u00f3n", -12.622485160827637], ["\u2581retroceso", -12.533340454101562], ["\u2581salts", -12.478018760681152], ["\u2581preciosos", -12.57966136932373], ["BEL", -12.75722885131836], ["\u2581Territorial", -12.97940731048584], ["\u2581Types", -12.552877426147461], ["\u2581fantasmas", -12.488381385803223], ["\u2581hacienda", -12.510085105895996], ["\u2581Resbal\u00f3", -12.555821418762207], 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["\u2581Proba", -12.535393714904785], ["\u2581pienses", -12.387277603149414], ["\u2581Configuraci\u00f3n", -12.648247718811035], ["\u2581Rouge", -12.98955249786377], ["\u2581lesions", -12.46060562133789], ["\u2581Donor", -12.51589298248291], ["\u2581comparecer", -12.54787540435791], ["\u2581unaware", -12.461106300354004], ["\u2581Measurement", -12.438175201416016], ["\u2581youngest", -12.455266952514648], ["\u2581Steps", -12.506830215454102], ["\u2581callar", -12.486454010009766], ["\u2581miente", -12.433728218078613], ["\u2581repeal", -12.157859802246094], ["\u2581Nintendo", -13.17335319519043], ["\u2581cesa", -12.497593879699707], ["\u2581unwilling", -12.425263404846191], ["InterPatagonia", -13.124619483947754], ["\u25813,5", -12.586374282836914], ["IENTE", -13.21953010559082], ["\u2581demasiadas", -12.495723724365234], ["\u2581plastics", -12.484643936157227], ["Fr", -12.407362937927246], ["\u2581Sentencia", -12.557188987731934], ["\u2581crust", -12.749448776245117], 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["\u2581devise", -12.507414817810059], ["\u2581torpe", -12.476926803588867], ["umble", -12.719335556030273], ["\u2581adaptadas", -12.589322090148926], ["\u2581noteworthy", -12.472631454467773], ["\u2581vivan", -12.519037246704102], ["incluido", -12.569905281066895], ["vierte", -12.582049369812012], ["\u2581frenado", -12.558387756347656], ["\u2581slim", -12.54539680480957], ["\u2581Incorpora", -12.555809020996094], ["\u2581Limita", -12.60139274597168], ["\u2581Residente", -12.595380783081055], ["\u2581reflections", -12.518620491027832], ["\u2581sailor", -12.511214256286621], ["\u2581enzimas", -12.582121849060059], ["\u2581volcano", -12.41596508026123], ["\u2581Repeat", -12.58482551574707], ["\u2581conf\u00edo", -12.471224784851074], ["\u2581badge", -12.543879508972168], ["\u2581repentance", -12.477300643920898], ["\u2581Concert", -12.479619979858398], ["\u2581transita", -12.668396949768066], ["\u2581baje", -12.468015670776367], ["\u2581MIS", -12.632314682006836], ["\u2581adhiera", 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["\u2581servir\u00eda", -12.615670204162598], ["40)", -12.60690975189209], ["\u2581instig", -12.533699989318848], ["Governmental", -12.299115180969238], ["edo", -12.474848747253418], ["\u25810,7", -12.748018264770508], ["\u2581Jul", -12.739649772644043], ["\u2581preferencial", -12.552428245544434], ["\u2581surviving", -12.484376907348633], ["\u2581dismantling", -12.444581985473633], ["\u2581escogi", -12.65473747253418], ["\u2581inmunizaci\u00f3n", -12.602361679077148], ["\u25812007-2013", -13.167598724365234], ["\u2581salgan", -12.46226692199707], ["\u2581Valentin", -13.216527938842773], ["HY", -12.723077774047852], ["\u2581Naturally", -12.486671447753906], ["\u2581shadows", -12.529642105102539], ["\u2581propugna", -12.570634841918945], ["\u2581T\u00e9cnicos", -12.616413116455078], ["\u2581deteriora", -12.611732482910156], ["\u2581geom\u00e9tricas", -12.655611991882324], ["\u2581compr\u00e9", -12.417473793029785], ["\u2581cortada", -12.552021980285645], ["\u2581respetuosa", 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["\u2581Icelandic", -12.52385425567627], ["\u2581asustar", -12.513835906982422], ["\u2581preparar\u00e1", -12.503081321716309], ["\u2581importer", -12.462443351745605], ["\u2581reconstruct", -12.556126594543457], ["illy", -12.624942779541016], ["\u2581RI", -12.344393730163574], ["\u2581costura", -12.573005676269531], ["\u2581intermediary", -12.467798233032227], ["\u2581tasting", -12.565173149108887], ["\u2581auspici", -12.596261024475098], ["\u2581intr\u00ednseca", -12.595378875732422], ["2020", -13.052035331726074], ["\u2581Dise\u00f1ado", -12.659071922302246], ["\u2581embassy", -12.539605140686035], ["\u2581Elderly", -12.397828102111816], ["\u2581backpack", -12.516488075256348], ["\u2581predicaci\u00f3n", -12.61599063873291], ["stay", -12.520501136779785], ["\u2581cautelares", -12.583135604858398], ["comunica", -12.560729026794434], ["div", -12.456768989562988], ["ucker", -12.614373207092285], ["\u2581Estaban", -12.441719055175781], ["\u2581Leadership", -12.485618591308594], 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["\u2581framed", -12.578824043273926], ["\u2581$15", -12.494592666625977], ["\u2581multiplicar", -12.685517311096191], ["\u2581m\u00fasico", -12.626267433166504], ["publicaci\u00f3n", -12.5641450881958], ["meric", -12.648482322692871], ["\u2581needy", -12.63103199005127], ["\u2581Conf\u00eda", -12.418542861938477], ["\u2581pieles", -12.572582244873047], ["\u2581posibilita", -12.520565032958984], ["\u2581pretendi", -12.672966957092285], ["\u2581Alcalde", -12.566579818725586], ["\u2581Sueldos", -12.654141426086426], ["\u2581duelo", -12.600433349609375], ["\u2581saliente", -12.62043285369873], ["\u2581Est\u00e1ndar", -12.671228408813477], ["depend", -12.502299308776855], ["terinstitutional", -12.440479278564453], ["\u2581Colombo", -13.227147102355957], ["\u2581Tip", -12.565025329589844], ["\u2581abandonment", -12.542346954345703], ["\u2581bucket", -12.518564224243164], ["\u2581escap\u00f3", -12.467522621154785], ["\u2581trabas", -12.654189109802246], ["\u2581\u00fatero", 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["\u2581demogr\u00e1ficas", -12.564943313598633], ["lope", -12.628297805786133], ["\u2581carton", -12.5126314163208], ["tom\u00eda", -12.611473083496094], ["\u2581Depende", -12.466739654541016], ["\u2581backdrop", -12.53480052947998], ["\u2581militias", -12.549226760864258], ["\u2581presentaban", -12.637703895568848], ["\u2581sober", -12.586556434631348], ["\u2581\u00edtem", -12.655614852905273], ["\u25814,000", -12.500529289245605], ["\u2581Emphasizing", -12.540867805480957], ["\u2581enzyme", -12.500433921813965], ["\u2581lest", -12.464256286621094], ["\u2581waist", -12.532852172851562], ["\u2581sent\u00f3", -12.57522964477539], ["SB", -12.43844985961914], ["\u2581propusieron", -12.603955268859863], ["\u2581formulen", -12.65064811706543], ["\u2581qualifying", -12.529195785522461], ["\u2581soak", -12.558245658874512], ["\u2581caga", -12.481472969055176], ["\u2581multiplied", -12.424138069152832], ["\u2581actualice", -12.629003524780273], ["OLA", -12.540066719055176], ["acher", 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["\u2581trajeron", -12.528058052062988], [":24", -12.640868186950684], ["\u2581(1967)", -13.178123474121094], ["\u2581Owing", -12.542928695678711], ["ducing", -12.465900421142578], ["\u2581carril", -12.592084884643555], ["\u2581extremism", -12.500020980834961], ["\u2581Pamplona", -13.192561149597168], ["\u2581anhela", -12.626484870910645], ["\u2581Donate", -12.533941268920898], ["\u2581gaming", -12.498822212219238], ["\u2581supermercado", -12.508585929870605], ["soluci", -13.004253387451172], ["\u2581Encomia", -12.607996940612793], ["\u2581noruego", -12.673510551452637], ["hhh", -13.119949340820312], ["\u2581estime", -12.601037979125977], ["\u2581Cita", -12.730042457580566], ["ENTES", -12.55538272857666], ["Observer", -12.52471923828125], ["\u2581conmemoraci\u00f3n", -12.625526428222656], ["\u2581contaminada", -12.691136360168457], ["\u2581discutido", -12.604619026184082], ["\u2581exchanging", -12.482032775878906], ["\u2581cut\u00e1nea", -12.62360954284668], ["ggie", 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["\u2581cuidadosa", -12.571277618408203], ["\u2581osteoporosis", -13.307493209838867], ["Germain", -13.26718807220459], ["\u2581Judiciary", -12.517146110534668], ["\u2581enfoca", -12.465070724487305], ["icismo", -12.921174049377441], ["\u2581Elementos", -12.725171089172363], ["GRA", -13.10462760925293], ["\u2581bebiendo", -12.469980239868164], ["\u2581intersectorial", -12.44198989868164], ["\u2581localmente", -12.708755493164062], ["\u2581volv\u00eda", -12.628798484802246], ["\u2581Previously", -12.611766815185547], ["\u2581fluids", -12.51368236541748], ["\u2581Qu\u00edmicas", -12.6315279006958], ["\u2581baths", -12.613045692443848], ["\u2581eminente", -12.694822311401367], ["\u2581encontradas", -12.676370620727539], ["\u2581maniobras", -12.585654258728027], ["\u2581Motorcycle", -12.45035457611084], ["\u2581cicatriz", -12.5412015914917], ["\u2581homicidios", -12.630069732666016], ["\u2581hum", -12.657499313354492], ["\u2581Algerian", -12.495038032531738], ["\u2581admin", 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["\u2581slides", -12.696643829345703], ["\u2581soluciona", -12.616781234741211], ["sheet", -12.554551124572754], ["\u2581beneficien", -12.653861999511719], ["\u2581confesiones", -12.682581901550293], ["Escucha", -12.419942855834961], ["signen", -12.653863906860352], ["\u2581Coloca", -12.62979793548584], ["\u2581Gal\u00e1pagos", -12.670504570007324], ["\u2581pee", -12.585630416870117], ["\u2581Armada", -12.620824813842773], ["\u2581Necesidades", -12.686262130737305], ["\u2581constituyan", -12.616376876831055], ["\u2581libanesa", -12.672005653381348], ["\u2581Raw", -12.547255516052246], ["\u2581supermarket", -12.508082389831543], ["\u2581Jr", -12.620315551757812], ["\u2581Lor", -12.453914642333984], ["KS", -12.510668754577637], ["\u2581mam", -12.511605262756348], ["\u2581miran", -12.61717414855957], ["\u2581precursors", -12.527295112609863], ["\u2581Ugh", -12.71658706665039], ["\u2581rotate", -12.647241592407227], ["\u2581scatter", -12.560230255126953], ["\u00e1rsela", 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["\u2581Globalization", -12.484790802001953], ["\u2581fij\u00f3", -12.595481872558594], ["\u2581solicitando", -12.699024200439453], ["ferente", -12.580672264099121], ["\u2581abrieron", -12.566575050354004], ["\u2581bloom", -12.5433988571167], ["Dr", -12.50475788116455], ["\u2581approximate", -12.504276275634766], ["\u2581ap\u00e1tridas", -12.710859298706055], ["\u2581strips", -12.539372444152832], ["\u2581servir\u00e1n", -12.67915153503418], ["\u2581Sanctions", -12.58346176147461], ["\u2581approves", -12.55544662475586], ["\u2581tuber\u00edas", -12.610671997070312], ["\u2581Mina", -12.574634552001953], ["\u2581voyage", -12.534570693969727], ["\u2581redeem", -12.509939193725586], ["\u2581EUROPEO", -12.681062698364258], ["\u2581nazi", -12.613444328308105], ["\u2581utterly", -12.599108695983887], ["\u2581Ark", -12.664664268493652], ["\u2581Trabajar", -12.512887001037598], ["\u2581calentar", -12.608055114746094], ["\u2581seamless", -12.518510818481445], ["\u2581afect\u00f3", 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["\u2581reconozcan", -12.582596778869629], ["Quiz\u00e1", -12.517425537109375], ["\u2581ordinance", -12.606123924255371], ["\u2581alentado", -12.616242408752441], ["\u2581bankruptcy", -12.588754653930664], ["\u2581Guadalajara", -13.310799598693848], ["\u2581Elijah", -12.62932300567627], ["\u2581baj\u00f3", -12.579998970031738], ["\u2581intermediario", -12.633703231811523], ["\u2581parity", -12.486176490783691], ["\u2581articulated", -12.513259887695312], ["\u2581SIG", -12.748428344726562], ["\u2581distribuir\u00e1", -12.80265998840332], ["\u2581($3", -12.587248802185059], ["\u2581Booth", -13.222257614135742], ["\u2581discutiendo", -12.602411270141602], ["80.000", -12.623202323913574], ["\u2581Agnihotra", -13.222084045410156], ["\u2581Funny", -12.69356918334961], ["hidrato", -12.642208099365234], ["\u2581Cena", -12.573281288146973], ["\u2581Isle", -12.5752534866333], ["dlo", -12.391490936279297], ["\u2581C\u00e1lculo", -12.729208946228027], ["juego", -12.653358459472656], 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["\u2581Milla", -12.777905464172363], ["\u2581hidr\u00e1ulica", -12.61932373046875], ["\u2581abarcaba", -12.810203552246094], ["\u2581ech\u00f3", -12.5733642578125], ["\u2581Galapagos", -12.489164352416992], ["\u2581cerro", -12.66912841796875], ["\u2581indicativa", -12.749217987060547], ["\u2581Urbano", -12.713822364807129], ["\u2581analiz\u00f3", -12.649747848510742], ["\u2581childbirth", -12.584896087646484], ["\u2581subido", -12.553211212158203], ["Abrir", -12.717732429504395], ["\u2581Solution", -12.453879356384277], ["\u2581TOTAL", -13.234748840332031], ["\u2581abrumadora", -12.609700202941895], ["\u2581commanders", -12.53545093536377], ["\u2581ESF", -12.498396873474121], ["\u2581espiritualmente", -12.681556701660156], ["\u2581fragments", -12.560149192810059], ["nida", -12.506662368774414], ["metry", -12.871460914611816], ["\u2581hockey", -13.162542343139648], ["\u2581se\u00f1alaba", -12.644551277160645], ["\u2581seated", -12.59974479675293], ["\u2581\u00e1tico", 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["\u2581lograr\u00e1", -12.644356727600098], ["\u2581Drawing", -12.524672508239746], ["\u2581supuso", -12.67806339263916], ["\u2581(26", -12.48131275177002], ["\u2581apesta", -12.414518356323242], ["ondo", -12.426946640014648], ["\u2581Belfast", -13.275964736938477], ["\u2581Prot", -12.592822074890137], ["\u2581abusive", -12.500038146972656], ["\u2581directing", -12.628206253051758], ["\u2581pluralismo", -12.705770492553711], ["\u2581provisionally", -12.479432106018066], ["fast", -12.581330299377441], ["\u2581aproximada", -12.721785545349121], ["\u2581cabecera", -12.710424423217773], ["\u2581decay", -12.50855541229248], ["\u2581Asylum", -12.487964630126953], ["\u2581L\u00edmite", -12.669005393981934], ["\u2581Nazis", -12.63558292388916], ["\u2581landlord", -12.599403381347656], ["\u2581viceversa", -12.718145370483398], ["clusion", -12.491755485534668], ["\u2581Cierre", -12.625053405761719], ["\u2581iluminado", -12.725879669189453], ["gat", -12.570901870727539], ["\u2581regenera", 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["\u2581preceptos", -12.713906288146973], ["\u2581prioriza", -12.72968578338623], ["\u2581surtido", -12.655291557312012], ["\u2581Eterno", -12.63513469696045], ["\u2581tigre", -12.537664413452148], ["\u2581respectivo", -12.63355541229248], ["\u25816.000", -12.7207670211792], ["\u2581Bol\u00edvar", -13.220600128173828], ["\u2581Pascal", -13.244665145874023], ["\u2581enriquecido", -12.815279006958008], ["\u2581Advertencia", -12.713422775268555], ["\u2581Nagorno", -13.046767234802246], ["\u2581antioxidante", -12.67350959777832], ["\u2581drenaje", -12.685622215270996], ["\u2581menoscaba", -12.593079566955566], ["\u2581profesa", -12.62710952758789], ["\u2581resign", -12.563234329223633], ["\u2581trainees", -12.59764575958252], ["mundo", -12.702544212341309], ["\u2581Shannon", -13.279528617858887], ["\u2581bladder", -12.5523042678833], ["\u2581stubborn", -12.655891418457031], ["\u2581tonelada", -12.69546890258789], ["\u2581Altura", -12.701215744018555], ["\u2581Extreme", 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["\u2581messenger", -12.59880542755127], ["generaci\u00f3n", -12.77703857421875], ["\u2630", -100], ["\u2581Qa", -12.529077529907227], ["\u2581durability", -12.51345157623291], ["\u2581sol\u00edan", -12.709341049194336], ["\u2581asuma", -12.68656063079834], ["\u2581rejecting", -12.532161712646484], ["defensa", -12.591423034667969], ["rava", -12.755452156066895], ["5%)", -12.690999984741211], ["\u2581Contratos", -12.662517547607422], ["geni", -12.737192153930664], ["\u2581pecador", -12.672889709472656], ["\u2581sucursal", -12.666450500488281], ["bau", -12.863140106201172], ["\u2581celos", -12.608574867248535], ["\u2581remitir\u00e1", -12.767919540405273], ["July", -12.60608959197998], ["VAN", -12.730642318725586], ["\u2581Egyptians", -12.586626052856445], ["\u2581adhesive", -12.599843978881836], ["\u2581descend", -12.704830169677734], ["\u2581posicionamiento", -12.693402290344238], ["\u2581Todopoderoso", -12.617898941040039], ["\u2581counterpart", -12.572043418884277], ["\u2581injustificada", -12.67350959777832], ["\u2581pantano", -12.606712341308594], ["\u2581reposici\u00f3n", -12.630596160888672], ["UK", -12.624612808227539], ["impact", -12.58449649810791], ["\u2581Awareness", -12.557551383972168], ["\u2581sustrato", -12.725220680236816], ["\u2581basaba", -12.579999923706055], ["\u2581inclined", -12.590069770812988], ["urge", -12.960660934448242], ["\u2581Connection", -12.582263946533203], ["XXV", -13.38305377960205], ["\u2581V\u00ed", -12.949173927307129], ["\u2581diente", -12.629814147949219], ["agra", -12.628486633300781], ["\u2581Amplia", -12.69188117980957], ["\u2581electores", -12.675098419189453], ["\u2581internamiento", -12.70223331451416], ["\u2581rece", -12.457786560058594], ["\u00f1ido", -12.674513816833496], ["\u2581perece", -12.683168411254883], ["\u2581arbol", -12.710551261901855], ["\u2581Canon", -12.635001182556152], ["\u2581dividing", -12.580821990966797], ["\u2581pasture", -12.598552703857422], ["\u00e9sima", -12.64724063873291], ["\u2581ranch", -12.643774032592773], ["\u2581Proporcionar", -12.743889808654785], ["\u2581artritis", -12.763192176818848], ["\u2581arzobispo", -12.67350959777832], ["\u2581centred", -12.572413444519043], ["\u2581counseling", -12.631606101989746], ["\u2581Huawei", -13.297248840332031], ["\u2581sumario", -12.764646530151367], ["nai", -12.5138578414917], ["\u2581dilemma", -12.554862976074219], ["\u2581matar\u00e9", -12.426774024963379], ["\u2581quedar\u00e9", -12.434194564819336], ["\u2581withstand", -12.613241195678711], ["dded", -12.64684009552002], ["gestion", -12.67943000793457], ["umen", -12.600870132446289], ["\u2581possessing", -12.566862106323242], ["\u2581conduciendo", -12.624631881713867], ["\u2581kindergarten", -12.545934677124023], ["\u2581pluralism", -12.58089542388916], ["\u2581Stabilization", -12.539605140686035], ["\u2581aprendidas", -12.696818351745605], ["\u2581iniciar\u00e1", -12.571911811828613], ["\u2581thankful", -12.636778831481934], ["EV", -12.63546085357666], ["\u2581LLC", -13.306633949279785], ["technology", -12.560327529907227], ["\u2581austerity", -12.598065376281738], ["\u2581crosses", -12.558982849121094], ["\u2581mole", -12.7343111038208], ["\u2581worldly", -12.641570091247559], ["\u2581Understand", -12.668685913085938], ["\u2581Intelectual", -12.690201759338379], ["\u2581Whose", -12.702760696411133], ["\u2581disturb", -12.677593231201172], ["\u2581ubicar", -12.747811317443848], ["\u2581descender", -12.681065559387207], ["\u2581Reporte", -12.894651412963867], ["\u2581metil", -12.665295600891113], ["R\u00c1", -12.678160667419434], ["\u2581amistosa", -12.639482498168945], ["\u2581placeres", -12.622620582580566], ["\u2581lavabo", -12.62964916229248], ["Vale", -12.625951766967773], ["\u2581Pha", -12.814828872680664], ["\u2581zip", -12.65499496459961], ["\u2581SHA", -12.71839714050293], ["\u2581revis\u00f3", -12.66900634765625], ["\u2581AK", -12.646306991577148], ["R\u00e1pido", -12.44133186340332], ["\u2581Bordeaux", -12.578195571899414], ["\u2581honesty", -12.57250690460205], ["\u2581kidneys", -12.600415229797363], [".4/2005/", -13.211238861083984], ["\u2581Veterinary", -12.49638843536377], ["\u2581papas", -12.579482078552246], ["generating", -12.513155937194824], ["\u2581decididamente", -12.627631187438965], ["\u2581descendi\u00f3", -12.704069137573242], ["\u2581resultaba", -12.548038482666016], ["__", -12.775115966796875], ["\u2581Anoche", -12.431443214416504], ["-50", -12.587305068969727], ["\u2581Curtis", -13.200091361999512], ["\u2581mac", -12.529013633728027], ["\u2581recycled", -12.587995529174805], ["great", -12.500092506408691], ["shoot", -12.572820663452148], ["\u2581proponemos", -12.661683082580566], ["\u2581silencioso", -12.652862548828125], ["\u2581hospitalario", -12.679585456848145], ["\u2581evaluada", -12.786062240600586], ["\u2581pixels", -12.615694999694824], ["jeta", -12.64785385131836], ["Over", -12.607927322387695], ["\u2581derribar", -12.62939739227295], ["cionada", -12.766048431396484], ["\u2581RF", -12.634939193725586], ["\u2581arreglado", -12.492380142211914], ["\u2581complet\u00f3", -12.70728588104248], ["excepcionalmente", -13.229130744934082], ["\u2581Emplea", -12.702841758728027], ["\u2581fosa", -12.758955955505371], ["\u2581logramos", -12.59217643737793], ["\u2581molecules", -12.558942794799805], ["\u2581organi", -12.654500007629395], ["\u2581prevailed", -12.53341007232666], ["\u2581nulo", -12.671788215637207], ["\u2581consumido", -12.68382453918457], ["\u2581dejarla", -12.583537101745605], ["\u2581desleal", -12.65359878540039], ["\u2581evangelizaci\u00f3n", -12.716806411743164], ["\u2581huye", -12.60957145690918], ["November", -12.562965393066406], ["\u2581caracter", -12.664130210876465], ["\u2581comrades", -12.607361793518066], ["EAS", -12.705245971679688], ["levant", -12.790624618530273], ["\u2581mol\u00e9culas", -12.644267082214355], ["ectom\u00eda", -12.62851619720459], ["\u2581cualidad", -12.645187377929688], ["Log", -12.678913116455078], ["\u2581Centrales", -12.726806640625], ["\u2581Qu\u00edmicos", -12.70717716217041], ["\u2581newest", -12.645099639892578], ["\u2581prestara", -12.525118827819824], ["\u2581abstenga", -12.736055374145508], ["\u2581amnesty", -12.629316329956055], ["\u2581dir\u00e1n", -12.592548370361328], ["\u2581bonificaci\u00f3n", -12.776450157165527], ["\u2581efect\u00fae", -12.690868377685547], ["\u2581genre", -12.589259147644043], ["iz\u00e1ndose", -12.802813529968262], ["\u2581rust", -12.638165473937988], ["\u2581visualiza", -12.74073314666748], ["Saben", -12.540531158447266], ["\u2581setback", -12.614934921264648], ["\u2581Peri", -12.762429237365723], ["\u2581pertenezca", -12.625041961669922], ["Use", -12.653422355651855], ["\u2581pedag\u00f3gico", -12.690201759338379], ["\u2581Actualizaci\u00f3n", -12.72046184539795], ["\u2581traves", -12.659292221069336], ["\u2581contributor", -12.455123901367188], ["\u2581rodamientos", -12.743670463562012], ["\u2581embarcaci\u00f3n", -12.61506462097168], ["\u2581fallado", -12.655549049377441], ["\u2581Kom", -12.723018646240234], ["PES", -12.795960426330566], ["\u2581Recalls", -12.655895233154297], ["u\u00e9", -12.296205520629883], ["\u2581felicitaciones", -12.662055015563965], ["\u2581trafficked", -12.547297477722168], ["c\u00edclica", -12.690201759338379], [":26", -12.78144359588623], ["\u258114.30", -12.812840461730957], ["\u2581announcements", -12.605975151062012], ["\u2581apreciado", -12.730353355407715], ["\u2581terminaron", -12.620927810668945], ["\u2581Sue", -12.626999855041504], ["\u2581inspeccionar", -12.719569206237793], ["\u2581expl\u00edcito", -12.636577606201172], ["\u2581gr\u00faa", -12.63949966430664], ["ICOS", -12.574810981750488], ["ushi", -12.706706047058105], ["\u2581ECONOMIC", -12.576885223388672], ["\u2581cayendo", -12.58166217803955], ["\u2581Reconocemos", -12.734628677368164], ["\u2581crey\u00f3", -12.573355674743652], ["\u2581M\u00edrame", -12.48270034790039], ["\u2581Prisoners", -12.614877700805664], ["\u2581abrazar", -12.603669166564941], ["\u2581alivia", -12.513904571533203], ["\u2581articulaciones", -12.688898086547852], ["\u2581neat", -12.64668083190918], ["Ustedes", -12.561297416687012], ["10/", -12.355206489562988], ["ESTA", -13.098328590393066], ["\u2581Editar", -12.894968032836914], ["\u2581Wonderful", -12.66643238067627], ["\u2581regeneration", -12.565670013427734], ["\u2581towel", -12.638039588928223], ["\u2581NOMBRE", -12.626476287841797], ["\u2581c\u00e9lebre", -12.719707489013672], ["\u2581dr\u00e1sticamente", -12.731226921081543], ["\u2581per\u00edmetro", -12.694931983947754], ["\u2581esteem", -12.623284339904785], ["\u2581volver\u00e1n", -12.581171989440918], ["\u2581Xenophobia", -12.574268341064453], ["\u2581modesta", -12.719766616821289], ["\u2581regir", -12.624042510986328], ["\u2581apost\u00f3lica", -12.788193702697754], ["\u2581iconic", -12.606610298156738], ["zina", -12.76243782043457], ["\u00dc", -100], ["\u2581dale", -12.55990982055664], ["\u2581egipcio", 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["\u2581fruct\u00edfera", -12.70717716217041], ["\u2581cre\u00edan", -12.73976993560791], ["\u2581desplazarse", -12.670991897583008], ["\u2581Expedi", -12.765271186828613], ["\u2581honrar", -12.62329387664795], ["\u2581mil\u00edmetros", -12.742019653320312], ["\u2581perturbaciones", -12.695197105407715], ["\u2581radioterapia", -12.768265724182129], ["WO", -12.584747314453125], ["\u2581diverso", -12.647007942199707], ["\u2581acelerada", -12.638419151306152], ["proxi", -12.794400215148926], ["\u2581Bac", -12.567277908325195], ["\u2581Izquierda", -12.623360633850098], ["\u2581equilibrium", -12.60074234008789], ["\u2581sorteo", -12.70411205291748], ["\u2581weaker", -12.703374862670898], ["\u2581Encyclopedia", -12.633465766906738], ["\u2581Oakland", -13.217202186584473], ["\u2581narrativa", -12.71177864074707], ["\u2581almacenada", -12.740986824035645], ["\u2581mamada", -12.713955879211426], ["\u2581slower", -12.607311248779297], ["\u2581Frequency", -12.700826644897461], ["\u2581TripAdvisor", -13.365903854370117], ["\u2581alumna", -12.677030563354492], ["akh", -12.802929878234863], ["comedor", -12.840551376342773], ["\u2581adhiere", -12.681073188781738], ["\u2581garment", -12.551216125488281], ["\u2581buey", -12.690299987792969], ["\u2581radiaciones", -12.68562126159668], ["8.6", -12.819900512695312], ["\u2581Jud\u00edos", -12.64926528930664], ["\u2581Valent\u00edn", -12.625041961669922], ["\u2581bovina", -12.67961597442627], ["\u2581fortunate", -12.662395477294922], [".4/2004/", -13.136772155761719], ["\u2581brutalidad", -12.713820457458496], ["\u2581explotador", -12.795124053955078], ["\u2581sist\u00e9mico", -12.721284866333008], ["\u2581Faja", -12.678455352783203], ["\u2581Marxist", -12.63298511505127], ["\u2581Species", -12.553651809692383], ["\u2581aspire", -12.575448036193848], ["\u2581clava", -12.584346771240234], ["\u2581aporten", -12.68378734588623], ["\u2581Barney", -13.228962898254395], ["\u2581Segovia", -13.308075904846191], ["\u2581indefinite", -12.55810546875], ["\u2581articula", -12.651129722595215], ["\u2581shooter", -12.69080924987793], ["UI", -12.628501892089844], ["ikh", -12.71918773651123], ["respond", -13.12548828125], ["\u2581duct", -12.593482971191406], ["\u2581presided", -12.592536926269531], ["\u2581packet", -12.606973648071289], ["\u2581Asistente", -12.687152862548828], ["\u2581creaciones", -12.691519737243652], ["\u2581promet\u00ed", -12.51136302947998], ["\u2581repercute", -12.760009765625], ["flower", -12.764086723327637], ["\u2581asalariados", -12.716653823852539], ["\u2581t\u00e1ctil", -12.716560363769531], ["\u2581Seguimos", -12.649721145629883], ["\u2581cisterna", -12.753365516662598], ["\u2581freshwater", -12.558876991271973], ["IZA", -12.7808837890625], ["\u2581mucosa", -13.124085426330566], ["m\u00e9n", -12.649833679199219], ["\u2581Tom\u00f3", -12.725393295288086], ["\u2581kayak", -13.138304710388184], ["dizo", -12.690744400024414], ["\u2581Comienza", -12.622211456298828], ["\u2581azotea", -12.654308319091797], ["\u2581procession", -12.635361671447754], ["\u2581Denis", -12.756956100463867], ["\u2581electronically", -12.601356506347656], ["\u2581expe", -12.517321586608887], ["\u2581Convencid", -12.704177856445312], ["\u2581hubi\u00e9ra", -12.522919654846191], ["\u2581Load", -12.68529224395752], ["\u2581atrapa", -12.310506820678711], ["\u2581videojuegos", -12.748486518859863], ["\u2581emprenda", -12.663098335266113], ["\u2581penetrate", -12.628151893615723], ["\u2581FMLN", -13.212145805358887], ["\u2581empirical", -12.558713912963867], ["\u2581lent", -12.56381607055664], ["\u2581lethal", -12.634279251098633], ["\u2581rulings", -12.586795806884766], ["\u2581Kampala", -13.369812965393066], ["\u2581eve", -12.642690658569336], ["\u2581menester", -12.73399829864502], ["\u2581estudiada", -12.750904083251953], ["\u2581Bee", -12.634539604187012], ["\u2581cube", -12.718612670898438], ["\u2581desembols", -12.675878524780273], ["\u2581hechizo", -12.602363586425781], 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["Blanc", -12.723241806030273], ["\u2581advocating", -12.549751281738281], ["\u2581dem\u00f3cratas", -12.759982109069824], ["\u258115.000", -12.716086387634277], ["\u2581amazed", -12.625204086303711], ["\u2581ilustraci\u00f3n", -12.762861251831055], ["\u2581smoothly", -12.61081314086914], ["\u2581monks", -12.569535255432129], ["\u2581impair", -12.633697509765625], ["\u2581catal\u00e1n", -12.711858749389648], ["favor", -12.907092094421387], ["\u2581aparecieron", -12.693293571472168], ["garde", -12.710931777954102], ["\u2581tacto", -12.699639320373535], ["\u2581trillion", -12.647422790527344], ["\u2581velando", -12.763575553894043], ["\u2581Hyundai", -13.313531875610352], ["\u2581encarcelados", -12.713241577148438], ["\u25813.7", -12.601040840148926], ["\u2581SUMMARY", -12.591397285461426], [":27", -12.783659934997559], ["\u2581potent", -12.671896934509277], ["\u2581velar\u00e1n", -12.651516914367676], ["firma", -12.618996620178223], ["\u2581200,000", -12.623869895935059], 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["\u2581Difficulty", -12.66171646118164], ["\u2581barn", -12.677124977111816], ["\u2581policia", -12.535294532775879], ["\u2581educacionales", -12.634410858154297], ["\u2581scored", -12.632628440856934], ["lated", -12.53809642791748], ["\u2581dispuso", -12.729273796081543], ["\u2581aut\u00f3ctona", -12.707178115844727], ["\u2581cerciorarse", -12.734004020690918], ["\u2581monjes", -12.72321891784668], ["Every", -12.651941299438477], ["\u2581haitiano", -12.673523902893066], ["\u2581transmisor", -12.70562744140625], ["\u2581transposition", -12.545990943908691], ["\u2581latinoamericana", -12.639483451843262], ["\u2581steer", -12.607346534729004], ["\u2581inquilino", -12.62360954284668], ["\u2581Governors", -12.642513275146484], ["traditional", -12.616292953491211], ["\u2581salimos", -12.548147201538086], ["\u2581tortugas", -12.686162948608398], ["Propuesta", -12.706751823425293], ["\u2581Secador", -12.817988395690918], ["\u2581Translate", -12.725605964660645], ["\u2581fundici\u00f3n", 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["\u2581derogar", -12.732782363891602], ["\u2581clon", -12.808314323425293], ["\u2581tirado", -12.554428100585938], ["uffle", -12.744495391845703], ["\u2581conservan", -12.569652557373047], ["\u2581aniquila", -12.587066650390625], ["\u2581determinar\u00e1n", -12.676541328430176], ["\u2581favorecen", -12.694622993469238], ["\u2581ve\u00edan", -12.693282127380371], ["\u2581reciprocidad", -12.733992576599121], ["\u2581ventures", -12.54171085357666], ["\u2581moviendo", -12.626508712768555], ["\u2581occupies", -12.618334770202637], ["\u2581ignoring", -12.680282592773438], ["\u2581Bonito", -12.588842391967773], ["cub", -12.470694541931152], ["\u2581(29", -12.52425479888916], ["\u2581H\u00e1ga", -12.641109466552734], ["\u2581Paint", -12.67398738861084], ["\u2581apology", -12.740155220031738], ["\u2581palanca", -12.693292617797852], ["USE", -12.67489242553711], ["\u2581bun", -12.685078620910645], ["\u2581Landscape", -12.664461135864258], ["\u2581ni\u00f1era", -12.555811882019043], ["\u2581Vacaciones", -12.756629943847656], ["\u2581protegiendo", -12.640946388244629], ["\u2581nickname", -12.629316329956055], ["\u2581Presidencial", -12.680933952331543], ["\u2581Specialist", -12.707014083862305], ["\u2581camello", -12.638046264648438], ["\u2581M\u00e9dicos", -12.667014122009277], ["\u2581Reportar", -12.842883110046387], ["\u2581decepcionado", -12.639619827270508], ["\u2581incorporando", -12.731982231140137], ["\u2581levantarse", -12.66469955444336], ["calidad", -12.840486526489258], ["\u2581ceremonies", -12.627936363220215], ["\u2581escuchan", -12.654624938964844], ["torial", -13.131791114807129], ["\u2581brutality", -12.57979679107666], ["\u2581Dependiendo", -12.771456718444824], ["\u2581differentiate", -12.627179145812988], ["\u2581aterroriza", -12.626477241516113], ["ivist", -12.604281425476074], ["\u2581ashes", -12.680008888244629], ["\u2581assemble", -12.643425941467285], ["\u2581critically", -12.614127159118652], ["\u2581hostility", -12.612937927246094], 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["\u2581Forward", -12.627610206604004], ["\u2581Veracruz", -13.355437278747559], ["\u2581Chancellor", -12.626559257507324], ["\u2581adjudicadora", -12.734807968139648], ["\u2581Highness", -12.810914039611816], ["\u2581chic", -12.69057559967041], ["\u2581suprimido", -12.727090835571289], ["\u2581Sangre", -12.691717147827148], ["\u2581indebidamente", -12.692484855651855], ["\u2581llev", -12.536834716796875], ["\u2581locker", -12.7320556640625], ["\u2581AGENDA", -12.542132377624512], ["\u2581CCT", -12.752628326416016], ["\u2581Topics", -12.590838432312012], ["angui", -13.089810371398926], ["\u2581analistas", -12.70729923248291], ["\u2581pimienta", -12.697882652282715], ["\u2581feminista", -12.716562271118164], ["\u2581nudos", -12.74206256866455], ["\u2581restart", -12.687560081481934], ["\u2581shifted", -12.621315002441406], ["\u2581Tibetan", -12.527383804321289], ["\u2581contrat\u00f3", -12.727736473083496], ["LECT", -13.060416221618652], ["truir", -12.729761123657227], ["\u2581Malaria", 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["\u2581knit", -12.647452354431152], ["April", -12.668400764465332], ["\u2581Mixta", -12.758272171020508], ["\u2581dejar\u00e1n", -12.683857917785645], ["\u2581halfway", -12.706296920776367], ["\u2581simpat\u00eda", -12.700971603393555], ["32)", -12.617615699768066], ["ccio", -12.740819931030273], ["pain", -12.566439628601074], ["\u2581Joven", -12.626151084899902], ["cardiovasculares", -13.003971099853516], ["\u2581aditivo", -12.693903923034668], ["vali", -12.74427318572998], ["\u2581Mozilla", -13.313531875610352], ["\u2581Envejecimiento", -12.68257999420166], ["\u2581exemplary", -12.680282592773438], ["iter", -12.681835174560547], ["\u2581f\u00f3sforo", -12.65709114074707], ["\u2581hereinafter", -12.535324096679688], ["\u2581impugnar", -12.813840866088867], ["\u2581subsiguiente", -12.667784690856934], ["jet", -12.624527931213379], ["\u2581Sitemap", -12.700840950012207], ["\u2581accomplice", -12.636313438415527], ["\u2581menoscabar", -12.754809379577637], ["Debo", -12.555010795593262], ["profesional", -12.768075942993164], ["\u2581encontrarla", -12.586040496826172], ["\u2581unfold", -12.711758613586426], ["\u2581Principe", -12.675934791564941], ["\u2581atrapada", -12.617518424987793], ["\u2581prorrog\u00f3", -12.813836097717285], ["PAS", -12.946605682373047], ["\u2581premiere", -12.880417823791504], ["\u2581sepult", -12.737372398376465], ["diction", -12.632057189941406], ["tian", -12.476798057556152], ["\u2581genres", -12.712096214294434], ["\u2581turcochipriota", -12.700971603393555], ["\u2581vestuario", -12.663030624389648], ["sufficient", -12.583773612976074], ["\u2581rituales", -12.668988227844238], ["\u2581straightforward", -12.621068954467773], ["\u2581discusses", -12.589530944824219], ["\u2581heterosexual", -13.167423248291016], ["\u2581azota", -12.785523414611816], [".000.000", -12.794898986816406], ["chero", -12.717738151550293], ["\u2581outgoing", -12.686555862426758], ["\u2581prontitud", -12.710296630859375], ["omen", -12.870107650756836], 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["\u2581jugada", -12.572101593017578], ["\u2581kissing", -12.747160911560059], ["\u2581masks", -12.656691551208496], ["Parte", -12.795872688293457], ["TICO", -12.945642471313477], ["though", -12.670512199401855], ["\u2581discreto", -12.707179069519043], ["oscopy", -12.604789733886719], ["\u2581dureza", -12.745426177978516], ["\u2581mortero", -12.740790367126465], ["XXVII", -13.391039848327637], ["rough", -12.884888648986816], ["\u2581tobillo", -12.632238388061523], ["\u2581condemning", -12.612542152404785], ["\u2581demolition", -12.644615173339844], ["\u2581s\u00edntoma", -12.675384521484375], ["\u2581Rip", -12.848376274108887], ["t\u00e1is", -12.585359573364258], ["\u2581Hearing", -12.635770797729492], ["\u2581Carry", -12.741775512695312], ["\u2581Ra\u00fal", -12.742167472839355], ["\u2581brightness", -12.656736373901367], ["\u2581recordar\u00e1", -12.61193561553955], ["plasia", -12.792455673217773], ["\u2581Symposium", -12.623809814453125], ["\u2581LIBRO", -12.865357398986816], 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["\u2581Conflicto", -12.763192176818848], ["\u2581Weekly", -12.670913696289062], ["\u2581advertiser", -12.650542259216309], ["\u2581peers", -12.74775218963623], ["\u2581brota", -12.802518844604492], ["\u2581negligence", -12.60747241973877], ["\u2581trazar", -12.718451499938965], ["\u2581voltaje", -12.761598587036133], ["sionado", -12.740754127502441], ["\u2581GNSS", -13.341273307800293], ["\u2581consuming", -12.624921798706055], ["\u2581reflexiona", -12.753856658935547], ["cou", -12.950151443481445], ["ential", -12.729069709777832], ["\u2581GHG", -12.570358276367188], ["\u2581electromagnetic", -12.637635231018066], ["rier", -12.726905822753906], ["\u2581feminine", -12.680282592773438], ["atio", -12.93237018585205], ["\u2581alteration", -12.573758125305176], ["\u2581quisi\u00e9ramos", -12.784823417663574], ["\u2581rustic", -12.67916202545166], ["\u2581CEB", -12.617960929870605], ["\u2581happily", -12.763537406921387], ["\u2581opted", -12.684436798095703], ["\u2581Safari", 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["\u2581Efectivamente", -12.738801002502441], ["\u2581Referring", -12.65307903289795], ["\u2581maestr\u00eda", -12.753364562988281], ["ail", -12.191764831542969], ["\u2581dome", -12.813838005065918], ["\u2581zapatillas", -12.699440956115723], ["\u2581Sharing", -12.630285263061523], ["\u2581clandestina", -12.923542022705078], ["\u2581clown", -12.760501861572266], ["\u2581Restablecer", -12.805214881896973], ["\u2581Wor", -12.663799285888672], ["\u2581analog", -12.649205207824707], ["\u2581Explorar", -12.765774726867676], ["Mark", -12.722028732299805], ["\u2581Lane", -12.774991989135742], ["\u2581ultimo", -12.674525260925293], ["particularidades", -13.225567817687988], ["Have", -12.733922004699707], ["fection", -12.827326774597168], ["\u2581PIC", -12.69088077545166], ["\u2581phosphate", -12.682323455810547], ["hearted", -12.681832313537598], ["\u25818.1", -12.585753440856934], ["\u2581documenta", -12.636857986450195], ["\u2581alimentario", -12.67724895477295], ["\u2581hardest", 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["\u2581pintada", -12.847299575805664], ["\u2581unpleasant", -12.724833488464355], ["\u2581Mercy", -12.706515312194824], ["\u2581censorship", -12.658729553222656], ["\u2581compensatory", -12.618342399597168], ["\u2581CTC", -12.633719444274902], ["\u2581Novedades", -12.813836097717285], ["\u2581notorious", -12.720314025878906], ["\u2581reaseguro", -12.800086975097656], ["ih", -12.61752700805664], ["\u2581Detenci\u00f3n", -12.782755851745605], ["\u2581difunde", -12.83310604095459], ["VC", -12.487725257873535], ["\u2581Compu", -13.005239486694336], ["\u2581Nigerian", -12.648994445800781], ["\u2581revive", -12.737709045410156], ["OAS", -12.700737953186035], ["\u2581utilizes", -12.672357559204102], ["\u2581Memorando", -12.843714714050293], ["\u2581Sensor", -12.726530075073242], ["\u2581Reservations", -12.761927604675293], ["\u2581polite", -12.76058578491211], ["quan", -12.841631889343262], ["\u2581plaintiff", -12.696388244628906], ["\u2581Caucasus", -12.674490928649902], ["\u2581obscure", 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["\u2581suaviza", -12.796768188476562], ["\u2581cauce", -12.863086700439453], ["\u2581enrolla", -12.797115325927734], ["\u2581liquor", -12.76669979095459], ["\u2581Gonzalo", -13.375638008117676], ["Despierta", -12.57882022857666], ["\u2581categor", -13.516763687133789], ["\u2581canon", -12.772767066955566], ["\u2581Viol", -12.788352966308594], ["\u2581inhibitor", -12.690339088439941], ["n\u00e9", -12.714259147644043], ["\u2581Accessibility", -12.738724708557129], ["\u2581bidding", -12.647513389587402], ["\u2581vibrations", -12.75223445892334], ["vamos", -12.624356269836426], ["\u2581Arri", -12.762980461120605], ["\u2581barca", -12.664756774902344], ["\u2581finland\u00e9s", -12.86424732208252], ["\u2581suffice", -12.675934791564941], ["visi", -12.631355285644531], ["\u2581posibilitar", -12.892740249633789], ["\u2581paralelamente", -12.800821304321289], ["\u2581PD", -12.522148132324219], ["\u2581vivir\u00e1", -12.60749340057373], ["Pakistan", -12.605440139770508], ["ective", 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["\u2581clinically", -12.623814582824707], ["\u2581Impacto", -12.867198944091797], ["\u2581Sample", -12.674653053283691], ["\u2581adecuar", -12.793283462524414], ["TAIN", -12.978957176208496], ["\u2581presupuesta", -12.859827041625977], ["\u2581subsector", -13.236310005187988], ["\u2581Instamos", -12.77621078491211], ["\u2581braking", -12.598127365112305], ["Since", -12.712727546691895], ["\u2581defienden", -12.756871223449707], ["\u2581vows", -12.744718551635742], ["\u2581Normal", -12.639314651489258], ["\u2581Voluntad", -12.759905815124512], ["\u2581circumvent", -12.624590873718262], ["\u2581avenue", -12.701682090759277], ["\u2581atravesando", -12.840153694152832], ["\u2581chaleco", -12.718135833740234], ["\u2581nurture", -12.661577224731445], ["\u2581reservorio", -12.843714714050293], ["citizens", -12.782740592956543], ["\u2581immortal", -12.826940536499023], ["\u2581regresi\u00f3n", -12.776448249816895], ["UCK", -13.155571937561035], ["volution", -12.693094253540039], ["\u2581Moro", -12.924863815307617], ["\u2581supermarkets", -12.688212394714355], ["riding", -12.681041717529297], ["\u2581Aim", -12.691246032714844], ["\u2581abord\u00f3", -12.750118255615234], ["\u2581hostages", -12.805503845214844], ["\u2581organizarse", -12.83907699584961], ["\u2581Ll\u00e1mame", -12.534631729125977], ["\u2581coincida", -12.883052825927734], ["\u2581cumplida", -12.690766334533691], ["\u2581especias", -12.82261848449707], ["Sol", -12.563821792602539], ["\u2581REPORTS", -12.629999160766602], ["\u2581bloqueada", -12.796170234680176], ["\u2581profundiza", -12.759003639221191], ["fract", -13.16290283203125], ["0,5", -12.997884750366211], ["\u2581assassin", -12.756766319274902], ["\u2581desnutrici\u00f3n", -12.810379028320312], ["\u2581steroids", -12.722176551818848], ["ocrat", -12.901220321655273], ["\u2581Iberian", -12.67349910736084], ["\u2581Reconstrucci\u00f3n", -12.768206596374512], ["\u2581acce", -12.812478065490723], ["\u2581cansancio", -12.745246887207031], ["\u2581forcibly", -12.696393013000488], ["\u2581niche", -12.708744049072266], ["\u2581sunshine", -12.771462440490723], ["\u2581WhatsApp", -13.30538272857666], ["\u2581pulido", -12.754379272460938], ["\u2581captivity", -12.68175983428955], ["\u2581Pakistani", -12.682609558105469], ["\u2581comprando", -12.648714065551758], ["\u2581pa\u00f1uelo", -12.691733360290527], ["\u25816.6", -12.723118782043457], ["\u2581Dust", -12.825814247131348], ["\u2581rastreo", -12.738801002502441], ["cubrir", -12.73414134979248], ["\u2581anciana", -12.719972610473633], ["\u2581concluida", -12.854504585266113], ["ra\u00f1a", -12.896770477294922], ["\u2581Gobernanza", -12.831303596496582], ["\u2581Useful", -12.721978187561035], ["\u2581asserts", -12.684212684631348], ["\u2581diarrhea", -12.68173599243164], ["\u2581emerges", -12.727959632873535], ["industrial", -12.647695541381836], ["\u2581Encontrar\u00e1", -12.843772888183594], ["\u2581bait", -12.776983261108398], ["IPS", -12.59174919128418], 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["\u2581circus", -12.817036628723145], ["\u2581shallow", -12.678078651428223], ["\u2581fungibles", -12.885615348815918], ["ENTO", -12.950494766235352], ["Maldici\u00f3n", -12.50839614868164], ["\u2581aborde", -12.668272972106934], ["\u2581alterado", -12.672215461730957], ["assa", -12.748147964477539], ["\u2581Funcionarios", -12.820859909057617], ["\u2581colgado", -12.707330703735352], ["\u2581Flow", -12.714736938476562], ["\u2581underwear", -12.80193042755127], ["project", -12.676313400268555], ["\u2581Coordinadora", -12.833627700805664], ["\u2581Habita", -12.839767456054688], ["\u2581templates", -12.75130844116211], ["UNHCR", -12.74645709991455], ["\u2581overcrowding", -12.660152435302734], ["\u2581diplomats", -12.65047836303711], ["\u2581Affect", -12.662619590759277], ["\u2581Joaqu\u00edn", -13.3539457321167], ["\u2581posture", -12.682528495788574], ["\u2581privatiza", -12.817866325378418], ["famous", -12.723309516906738], ["\u2581Antarctic", -12.653548240661621], ["\u2581Coin", 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["\u2581fracasa", -12.758950233459473], ["\u2581petitioner", -12.669169425964355], ["\u2581Nazareth", -12.730939865112305], ["Desgraciadamente", -12.761474609375], ["\u2581Granadinas", -12.526803016662598], ["\u2581fomenten", -12.774789810180664], ["\u2581skiing", -12.764076232910156], ["phobia", -12.995248794555664], ["\u2581Holder", -12.643973350524902], ["\u2581Universitario", -12.82778549194336], ["\u2581conyugal", -12.78819465637207], ["\u2581ether", -12.722709655761719], ["\u2581purificaci\u00f3n", -12.814557075500488], ["\u2581Moderno", -12.918371200561523], ["\u2581penetrar", -12.64749813079834], ["\u2581casero", -12.757242202758789], ["\u2581storms", -12.736285209655762], ["\u2581encryption", -12.668729782104492], ["\u2581excepted", -12.749848365783691], ["\u2581carente", -12.762563705444336], ["\u2581convoy", -12.702309608459473], ["\u2581gloss", -12.700865745544434], ["\u2581inviolab", -12.817307472229004], ["\u2581Planned", -12.662047386169434], ["\u2581Yoga", 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["\u2581habitante", -12.736287117004395], ["\u2581persiguen", -12.737813949584961], ["\u2581symbolize", -12.82411003112793], ["\u2581\u00edntegro", -12.727618217468262], ["Member", -12.609539031982422], ["\u2581shouting", -12.757662773132324], ["\u2581Henderson", -13.405155181884766], ["\u2581Sustainability", -12.691969871520996], ["\u2581inyectar", -12.891467094421387], ["\u2581Espiritual", -12.859902381896973], ["\u2581Sud", -12.72084903717041], ["\u2581Poet", -12.748847961425781], ["\u2581salvaguarda", -12.851807594299316], ["\u2581Atr\u00e1s", -12.699477195739746], ["\u2581emit", -12.568949699401855], ["\u2581inducci\u00f3n", -12.859283447265625], ["70.000", -12.812597274780273], ["\u2581Newspapers", -12.800475120544434], ["\u2581pedi", -12.871294975280762], ["\u2581puntualmente", -12.825919151306152], ["\u2581stool", -12.707311630249023], ["-2016", -12.870983123779297], ["Hab\u00e9is", -12.66953182220459], ["\u2581Veterinaria", -13.313183784484863], ["\u2581avergonzado", 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["\u2581rumano", -12.949007034301758], ["clararse", -13.015120506286621], ["\u2581reembolsable", -12.851439476013184], ["\u2581atardecer", -12.779789924621582], ["Golpe", -12.748893737792969], ["Information", -12.729534149169922], ["access", -12.687295913696289], ["\u2581amoroso", -12.838667869567871], ["\u2581blossom", -12.741679191589355], ["\u2581commercially", -12.737929344177246], ["37)", -12.793545722961426], ["oca", -12.564506530761719], ["\u2581Pharmaco", -13.392565727233887], ["\u2581Suggestion", -12.725244522094727], ["\u2581determinant", -12.754111289978027], ["desarrollo", -12.793232917785645], ["\u2581Dinner", -12.749521255493164], ["\u2581GP", -12.441888809204102], ["\u2581Estadounidense", -12.912007331848145], ["\u2581plantaci\u00f3n", -12.850494384765625], ["\u2581broadening", -12.721487998962402], ["\u2581Basil", -13.403213500976562], ["\u2581desactivado", -12.829582214355469], ["\u2581embryo", -12.684941291809082], ["\u2581reels", -12.74638843536377], ["\u2581boiling", -12.715206146240234], ["\u2581planificada", -12.91134262084961], ["\u2581deceive", -12.790046691894531], ["\u2581semen", -12.767507553100586], ["\u2581explode", -12.768707275390625], ["\u2581revolve", -12.848258972167969], ["\u2581defendido", -12.842202186584473], ["\u2581recibi", -12.8108491897583], ["\u2581clasificaciones", -12.842187881469727], ["Mu\u00e9vete", -12.58706283569336], ["\u2581Earrings", -12.72635269165039], ["\u2581dwellings", -12.779045104980469], ["\u2581ray", -12.756829261779785], ["\u2581Romana", -12.83998966217041], ["\u2581accords", -12.74838638305664], ["\u2581Narcotics", -12.779046058654785], ["\u2581aprovechado", -12.965582847595215], ["\u2581compel", -12.837977409362793], ["\u2581discard", -12.670797348022461], ["\u2581ruina", -12.768437385559082], ["\u2581Canyon", -12.78266716003418], ["\u2581armaments", -12.6788330078125], ["Power", -12.735611915588379], ["\u2581CHA", -12.728918075561523], ["\u2581Cambia", -12.68741512298584], 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["\u2581verificada", -12.863590240478516], ["binding", -12.743468284606934], ["\u2581Lugares", -12.850553512573242], ["plastic", -12.67151927947998], ["\u2581franchise", -12.73245620727539], ["finance", -12.662886619567871], ["oco", -12.557310104370117], ["\u2581Refer", -13.11279010772705], ["\u2581taxpayers", -12.74401569366455], ["EAP", -12.907848358154297], ["\u2581Saw", -12.826126098632812], ["\u2581Thunder", -12.781070709228516], ["\u2581paperwork", -12.855040550231934], ["\u2581confessed", -12.836859703063965], ["\u2581cord\u00f3n", -12.817397117614746], ["Nuevo", -12.836933135986328], ["jita", -12.69389533996582], ["\u2581Irving", -13.457185745239258], ["\u2581decidiera", -12.773120880126953], ["\u2581marketplace", -12.75827693939209], ["102", -12.59115219116211], ["104", -12.699076652526855], ["\u2581conf\u00ede", -12.73099136352539], ["\u2581cremallera", -12.833078384399414], ["\u2581imputable", -12.879423141479492], ["\u2581probarlo", -12.780781745910645], ["\u2581Forestal", 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["\u2581annum", -12.706375122070312], ["\u2581Grade", -12.839061737060547], ["\u2581centraron", -12.950048446655273], ["\u2581efectua", -12.69066333770752], ["\u2581parecer\u00eda", -12.851255416870117], ["ographies", -12.765626907348633], ["WT", -12.755842208862305], ["\u2581analog\u00eda", -12.831323623657227], ["\u2581lions", -12.76274299621582], ["\u2581manutenci\u00f3n", -12.806933403015137], ["\u2581Difusi\u00f3n", -12.906437873840332], ["\u2581Franciscan", -12.755780220031738], ["\u2581destructiva", -12.867520332336426], ["milla", -12.628951072692871], ["\u2581bloguero", -12.863537788391113], ["\u2581concentrating", -12.746322631835938], ["\u2581monk", -12.82351303100586], ["\u2581poems", -12.77256965637207], ["online", -12.680362701416016], ["\u2581evoke", -12.776261329650879], ["\u2581paliar", -12.876368522644043], ["asso", -12.983505249023438], ["\u2581predictability", -12.76206111907959], ["\u2581Diferencia", -12.869277000427246], ["\u2581accommodated", -12.740203857421875], ["\u2581legislators", -12.68173599243164], ["ONES", -12.81047534942627], ["\u2581Label", -12.854557991027832], ["\u2581Arrival", -12.800544738769531], ["\u2581query", -12.782950401306152], ["\u2581grifo", -12.820786476135254], ["46)", -12.762430191040039], ["\u2581asociar", -12.865503311157227], ["\u2581Ohh", -12.974822998046875], ["\u2581parole", -12.770000457763672], ["\u2581detecting", -12.6768798828125], ["\u25810,9", -12.947425842285156], ["\u2581cuidadores", -12.859980583190918], ["\u2581Bougainville", -13.467096328735352], ["\u2581Eritrean", -12.735841751098633], ["\u2581Insulares", -12.801787376403809], ["\u2581kite", -12.814667701721191], ["\u2581Hable", -12.829071998596191], ["\u2581importaba", -12.624043464660645], ["uristic", -12.899627685546875], ["amic", -12.995347023010254], ["\u2581CCW", -12.724214553833008], ["\u2581polyester", -12.6630277633667], ["\u2581Landlocked", -12.727874755859375], ["\u2581paguen", -12.757501602172852], ["\u2581quedarnos", -12.688108444213867], ["\u2581eff", -13.120931625366211], ["living", -12.731532096862793], ["\u258115,000", -12.73893928527832], ["\u2581Existing", -12.738595962524414], ["\u2581Replacement", -12.740375518798828], ["\u2581disminu", -12.845123291015625], ["\u2581zool\u00f3gico", -12.784855842590332], ["\u2581quicker", -12.805381774902344], ["\u2581renting", -12.790221214294434], ["\u2581viajando", -12.743453979492188], ["monos", -12.557931900024414], ["\u2581Wen", -12.793659210205078], ["OCK", -12.907204627990723], ["\u2581interconnected", -12.718863487243652], ["\u2581acu\u00e1tica", -12.822537422180176], ["Malvinas", -12.740137100219727], ["\u2581ambiciones", -12.856301307678223], ["\u2581Featured", -12.696977615356445], ["\u2581democratically", -12.74392318725586], ["\u2581hac\u00e9is", -12.820793151855469], ["Acts", -12.772075653076172], ["\u2581Cock", -12.842514991760254], ["\u2581excursion", -12.799626350402832], ["\u2581mourn", -12.828868865966797], ["chia", -12.800387382507324], ["\u2581Eighth", 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["\u2581Democr\u00e1tico", -12.883756637573242], ["\u2581Mare", -12.832846641540527], ["documento", -12.828516960144043], ["\u2581IDPs", -12.780000686645508], ["\u2581Juvenil", -12.865357398986816], ["\u2581Reloj", -12.914851188659668], ["\u2581TEN", -12.717632293701172], ["\u2581Ampliar", -12.84872055053711], ["\u2581ilustrado", -12.993945121765137], ["\u2581indirecto", -12.80380630493164], ["ovilizaci\u00f3n", -13.15019702911377], ["\u2581Quote", -12.781078338623047], ["\u2581aceptando", -12.836660385131836], ["\u2581finlandesa", -12.865357398986816], ["\u2581contraction", -12.722209930419922], ["\u2581desgraciado", -12.6846284866333], ["\u2581vitality", -12.661750793457031], ["\u2581burguesa", -12.832324981689453], ["\u2581Lydia", -13.454010963439941], ["\u2581Stockpiling", -12.730926513671875], ["\u2581lejana", -12.840245246887207], ["\u2581Liv", -12.815574645996094], ["\u2581sewing", -12.680011749267578], ["\u2581upside", -12.858386993408203], ["\u2581inodoro", 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["\u2581bikini", -13.387323379516602], ["\u2581cuarentena", -12.794967651367188], ["\u2581greatness", -12.762383460998535], ["\u2581GROUP", -12.717268943786621], ["\u2581mammals", -12.789077758789062], ["jones", -12.782857894897461], ["\u2581clandestino", -12.803500175476074], ["came", -12.66496467590332], ["\u2581honestidad", -12.753364562988281], ["\u2581repositorio", -12.891213417053223], ["ASEAN", -13.429526329040527], ["\u2581Soccer", -12.782665252685547], ["\u2581introdujeron", -12.829543113708496], ["\u2581proposici\u00f3n", -12.871500015258789], ["\u2581Passion", -12.724044799804688], ["\u2581influenc", -12.70804214477539], ["\u2581sharpen", -12.856120109558105], ["\u2581222", -12.784981727600098], ["lleros", -12.868908882141113], ["\u2581contraception", -12.754120826721191], ["\u2581tomato", -12.750911712646484], ["\u2581masturba", -12.803122520446777], ["ecer", -12.76566219329834], ["\u2581complimentary", -12.729470252990723], ["\u2581spices", -12.705365180969238], ["44)", 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["\u2581rehabilitar", -12.894129753112793], ["published", -12.744897842407227], ["\u2581Beer", -12.886656761169434], ["\u2581Mindful", -12.77530288696289], ["\u2581banquero", -12.79837703704834], ["\u2581mourning", -12.83203411102295], ["neck", -12.839473724365234], ["\u2581Considere", -12.858154296875], ["\u2581Pregnancy", -12.793989181518555], ["\u2581brind\u00f3", -12.805214881896973], ["\u2581muero", -12.672469139099121], ["\u2581Abb", -12.969719886779785], ["\u2581Photography", -12.805476188659668], ["agh", -12.843372344970703], ["alma", -12.706679344177246], ["\u2581asuman", -12.911240577697754], ["\u2581corregido", -12.856368064880371], ["Borrar", -12.970189094543457], ["\u2581Galilee", -12.803805351257324], ["\u2581tableta", -12.867378234863281], ["GDP", -12.761866569519043], ["Sound", -12.717455863952637], ["\u2581Fischer", -13.451178550720215], ["\u2581stockpile", -12.695704460144043], ["\u2581Kioto", -12.90250301361084], ["\u2581restableci", -12.873116493225098], ["\u2581plaster", -12.761970520019531], ["9.0", -12.989402770996094], ["\u2581acciona", -13.072213172912598], ["\u2581tv", -12.806387901306152], ["\u2581Hail", -12.962190628051758], ["conocido", -12.8648681640625], ["\u2581nutricionales", -12.815597534179688], ["\u2581Caim\u00e1n", -12.838386535644531], ["\u2581Colon", -12.840590476989746], ["\u2581someten", -12.827128410339355], ["\u2581Stories", -12.731467247009277], ["\u2581inmoviliza", -12.937236785888672], ["\u2581noticeable", -12.758024215698242], ["\u2581acomodar", -12.895988464355469], ["\u2581extenderse", -12.857494354248047], ["\u2581implicit", -12.788542747497559], ["\u2581pasteles", -12.731377601623535], ["\u2581tunnels", -12.743897438049316], ["\u2581Argel", -12.886096954345703], ["\u2581Mut", -12.821298599243164], ["\u2581circled", -12.786284446716309], ["\u2581erected", -12.83127498626709], ["\u2581guardianship", -12.779528617858887], ["\u2581solicitaba", -13.006638526916504], ["\u25811,6", -12.858621597290039], ["/2019", -12.974027633666992], ["\u2581Annonce", -13.479851722717285], ["\u2581horns", -12.8209867477417], ["\u2581habilitaci\u00f3n", -12.859169960021973], ["\u2581bot\u00e1nico", -12.925469398498535], ["\u2581caducidad", -12.919677734375], ["\u2581rasgo", -12.916149139404297], ["\u2581201", -12.762593269348145], ["\u2581aquarium", -12.752549171447754], ["bear", -12.78940200805664], ["\u2581ofensa", -12.827811241149902], ["\u2581IMIS", -12.698010444641113], ["\u2581Slovenian", -12.767491340637207], ["ministerial", -12.68970012664795], ["\u2581impediments", -12.763616561889648], ["\u2581Cadena", -12.929359436035156], ["\u2581GOT", -13.024744033813477], ["\u2581bac", -12.742716789245605], ["\u2581optic", -12.761298179626465], ["\u2581tribuna", -12.855683326721191], ["operate", -12.721661567687988], ["\u2581dug", -12.847587585449219], ["\u2581fullness", -12.730648040771484], ["\u2581granito", -12.862354278564453], ["\u2581ignorante", -12.857405662536621], ["\u2581Conozca", 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["\u2581countermeasures", -12.68903636932373], ["asociado", -12.817544937133789], ["\u2581blades", -12.753714561462402], ["\u2581curtains", -12.785354614257812], ["\u2581kernel", -12.812052726745605], ["\u2581perpendicular", -13.509349822998047], ["aqu\u00ed", -12.740050315856934], ["\u2581Glu", -12.78823184967041], ["\u2581digestivo", -12.948976516723633], ["\u2581sacrificado", -12.884488105773926], ["CID", -12.918559074401855], ["STER", -12.942371368408203], ["\u2581Enfermedad", -12.823223114013672], ["\u2581rainy", -12.73620319366455], ["\u2581revocaci\u00f3n", -12.798372268676758], ["\u2581Encontramos", -12.697904586791992], ["\u2581Taxes", -12.778326034545898], ["\u2581adultery", -12.740304946899414], ["\u2581catalytic", -12.733986854553223], ["70,000", -12.754169464111328], ["\u2581indices", -12.728276252746582], ["\u2581motto", -12.746491432189941], ["\u2581Distribuidor", -12.91010856628418], ["\u2581meanwhile", -12.842560768127441], ["\u2581Strike", -12.913153648376465], ["\u2581litro", -12.846549034118652], ["\u2581variants", -12.711065292358398], ["\u2581editado", -12.850325584411621], ["\u2581enga\u00f1osa", -12.858972549438477], ["mitting", -12.856452941894531], ["regula", -12.901779174804688], ["visual", -12.762374877929688], ["\u2581HIS", -12.768189430236816], ["\u2581artesanales", -12.894637107849121], ["Activ", -13.015520095825195], ["\u2581cleanse", -12.86412239074707], ["STRUCT", -13.200136184692383], ["ti\u00e9ndose", -12.886497497558594], ["\u2581favorecida", -12.883777618408203], ["\u2581neerland\u00e9s", -12.923534393310547], ["\u2581Subrayando", -12.942498207092285], ["\u2581Wanna", -12.871950149536133], ["\u2581Ruso", -12.846776962280273], ["\u2581cigarrillo", -12.754727363586426], ["\u2581recreo", -12.801798820495605], ["\u2581Diseases", -12.800558090209961], ["\u2581coupon", -12.765510559082031], ["\u2581departing", -12.7995023727417], ["\u2581outlining", -12.774670600891113], ["\u2581Danube", -12.763555526733398], ["liquid", 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["\u2581t\u00edpicamente", -12.933311462402344], ["\u2581envejece", -12.869010925292969], ["\u2581ilusiones", -12.826030731201172], ["\u2581rituals", -12.838948249816895], ["\u2581salchicha", -12.738801002502441], ["\u2581verbales", -12.86247730255127], ["\u2581Merry", -12.871123313903809], ["\u2581estar\u00edamos", -12.764851570129395], ["typical", -12.844825744628906], ["\u258151/2", -12.800949096679688], ["\u2581Patri", -12.862010955810547], ["\u2581modelling", -12.79433536529541], ["\u2581centered", -12.838147163391113], ["\u2581corri\u00f3", -12.813841819763184], ["\u2581Admiral", -12.849186897277832], ["\u2581Empezar", -12.722877502441406], ["\u2581Notificaci\u00f3n", -12.889397621154785], ["\u2581depict", -12.76491641998291], ["\u2581petitioners", -12.8024320602417], ["\u2581cole", -12.793309211730957], ["\u2581southwest", -12.849099159240723], ["\u2581Cube", -12.877742767333984], ["\u2581residir", -12.904399871826172], ["\u2581tenedor", -12.816804885864258], ["\u2581masturbation", -12.793989181518555], ["-5)", -12.903071403503418], ["Wh", -12.650009155273438], ["terparlamentaria", -12.856282234191895], ["\u2581Piezas", -12.8278226852417], ["\u2581cone", -13.026744842529297], ["\u2581coronaria", -12.909317016601562], ["\u2581vuela", -12.828980445861816], ["\u2581tapiz", -13.116814613342285], ["\u2581tungsten", -12.820371627807617], ["lang", -12.740941047668457], ["\u2581Grim", -12.954883575439453], ["\u2581Peg", -13.27255630493164], ["\u2581aspirin", -12.962506294250488], ["ucha", -12.740241050720215], ["\u2581getaway", -12.769610404968262], ["idina", -12.847966194152832], ["\u2581Spaniard", -12.812051773071289], ["\u2581emancipaci\u00f3n", -12.883964538574219], ["\u2581prosecuting", -12.773054122924805], ["\u2581Sicily", -12.802160263061523], ["siento", -12.728475570678711], ["\u2581Collaboration", -12.759001731872559], ["\u2581T\u00ed", -12.82205581665039], ["otherapy", -13.161309242248535], ["\u2581Trailer", -12.88288688659668], 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["\u2581ejecutor", -12.84381103515625], ["\u2581surfing", -12.801820755004883], ["\u2581traves\u00eda", -12.890369415283203], ["Mer", -12.955812454223633], ["\u2581Fant\u00e1stico", -12.73125171661377], ["\u2581llamar\u00eda", -12.869146347045898], ["0.5", -12.651762962341309], ["\u2581adentra", -12.881933212280273], ["\u2581foul", -12.945115089416504], ["\u2581sumaria", -12.937948226928711], ["\u2581Lois", -12.975525856018066], ["Arab", -12.812620162963867], ["\u2581investi", -12.797651290893555], ["\u2581Tyr", -13.075955390930176], ["416", -13.089738845825195], ["aq", -12.697675704956055], ["stitutionalized", -12.814813613891602], ["\u2581Encontr", -13.314170837402344], ["\u2581Height", -12.777280807495117], ["\u2581prospera", -12.84548282623291], ["\u2581comprehensively", -12.85869312286377], ["\u2581discrepancies", -12.779449462890625], ["\u2581Especifica", -12.936245918273926], ["\u2581lowered", -12.833688735961914], ["\u2581OTROS", -12.939114570617676], ["\u2581compass", 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["\u2581Gerente", -12.889904975891113], ["\u2581Mulder", -13.4153470993042], ["\u2581controvertido", -12.893086433410645], ["\u2581insignia", -12.80865478515625], ["\u2581sami", -13.016278266906738], ["moon", -12.867878913879395], ["ocratic", -12.728205680847168], ["\u2581misericordioso", -12.910099029541016], ["\u2581symptom", -12.78807258605957], ["\u2581magnets", -12.762886047363281], ["\u2581persevera", -12.960906028747559], ["\u2581Exploration", -12.781060218811035], ["\u2581corbata", -12.854483604431152], ["\u2581mand\u00edbula", -12.781465530395508], ["\u2581insignificant", -12.829634666442871], ["\u2581inyecciones", -12.9158353805542], ["Rule", -12.753480911254883], ["possess", -13.136324882507324], ["\u2581millares", -12.943282127380371], ["\u2581repercutir", -12.903157234191895], ["\u2581bleed", -12.924481391906738], ["munity", -12.768512725830078], ["objetivo", -12.946167945861816], ["\u2581stereo", -12.78754711151123], ["negada", -12.859478950500488], ["\u2581lush", 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["\u2581compliant", -12.851006507873535], ["\u2581confuse", -12.856658935546875], ["\u2581encomendar", -12.964966773986816], ["\u2581relacionar", -12.937348365783691], ["\u2581afluencia", -12.948978424072266], ["\u2581amonest", -12.883596420288086], ["\u2581stunt", -12.827091217041016], ["\u2581underwent", -12.818706512451172], ["\u2581aceptamos", -12.892361640930176], ["\u2581perrito", -12.768702507019043], ["\u2581recortar", -12.850666046142578], ["\u2581Nomenclature", -12.74013614654541], ["\u2581Yun", -12.87813949584961], ["\u2581intencionada", -12.891213417053223], ["\u2581mergers", -12.797037124633789], ["\u2581standardisation", -12.730417251586914], ["\u2581tambores", -12.957956314086914], ["\u2581tripartite", -12.781054496765137], ["Falkland", -12.935198783874512], ["\u2581exquisita", -12.88561725616455], ["\u2581feminist", -12.792363166809082], ["10.000", -12.850050926208496], ["OECD", -12.832833290100098], ["\u2581curiosa", -12.872682571411133], ["\u2581underpin", 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["PNU", -13.199898719787598], ["ROV", -13.096062660217285], ["lage", -13.044036865234375], ["phenol", -12.753623008728027], ["\u2581trimestrales", -12.938491821289062], ["\u258140,000", -12.770368576049805], ["\u2581D\u00edgale", -12.670511245727539], ["\u2581aleatorio", -12.937196731567383], ["\u2581grammar", -12.835524559020996], ["\u2581soportado", -12.942767143249512], ["\u2581accountant", -12.882347106933594], ["plementa", -13.015861511230469], ["\u2581Kenneth", -13.480496406555176], ["\u2581impresionar", -12.768142700195312], ["\u2581perif\u00e9rico", -12.92160415649414], ["\u2581picante", -12.807073593139648], ["\u2581sentir\u00eda", -12.748175621032715], ["\u2581Asistieron", -12.993579864501953], ["\u2581Futuro", -12.880586624145508], ["\u2581rigurosamente", -12.934494018554688], ["\u2581subrayando", -12.904598236083984], ["\u2581Admission", -12.856361389160156], ["\u2581disrespect", -12.847516059875488], ["\u2581Playlists", -12.877352714538574], ["\u2581Pray", 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["LIS", -13.086075782775879], ["ffy", -12.967960357666016], ["\u2581Cream", -12.871016502380371], ["\u2581emp\u00edrica", -13.033738136291504], ["\u2581ninety", -12.773895263671875], ["\u2581Conductor", -13.037321090698242], ["\u2581rectify", -12.820381164550781], ["Muchas", -12.840587615966797], ["modern", -12.796119689941406], ["\u2581[12]", -13.480498313903809], ["\u2581entend\u00ed", -12.733292579650879], ["\u2581\u00c1lvaro", -12.950960159301758], ["\u2581Fay", -12.84107780456543], ["\u2581accusation", -12.797968864440918], ["\u2581Silence", -12.916831970214844], ["tourism", -12.83957290649414], ["\u2581Cotton", -12.800530433654785], ["\u2581Danubio", -13.044584274291992], ["\u2581NSA", -12.916898727416992], ["oun", -12.611686706542969], ["\u2581pioneering", -12.8485107421875], ["\u2581sirvieron", -12.977121353149414], ["\u2581subsistema", -12.96107292175293], ["centred", -12.838306427001953], ["opathic", -13.282991409301758], ["\u2581ingrese", -12.836692810058594], ["\u2581Cooperativa", -12.933246612548828], ["\u2581torque", -12.765228271484375], ["\u2581ESPECIALES", -12.917853355407715], ["\u2581Mancha", -12.96426773071289], ["\u2581cache", -12.822863578796387], ["\u2581Brigade", -12.889620780944824], ["\u2581aburrida", -12.783143997192383], ["\u2581comenzar\u00eda", -12.91847038269043], ["\u2581Separate", -12.828766822814941], ["\u2581UNPROFOR", -12.73050594329834], ["volved", -12.812898635864258], ["\u2581intacto", -12.878206253051758], ["\u2581stumble", -12.887784957885742], ["\u2581(12)", -12.793585777282715], ["\u2581Jubilee", -12.85435962677002], ["\u2581IMPLEMENTATION", -12.849186897277832], ["\u2581Lic", -12.896042823791504], ["\u2581langosta", -12.913933753967285], ["\u2581legisla", -13.020962715148926], ["\u2581abandonaron", -12.913445472717285], ["\u2581dizziness", -12.83552360534668], ["\u2581hopeful", -12.796197891235352], ["\u2581slain", -12.867758750915527], ["\u2581Claude", -12.877093315124512], ["\u2581conociera", 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["C\u00f3digo", -12.888184547424316], ["conoce", -12.779184341430664], ["\u2581grantor", -12.737553596496582], ["\u2581puntaje", -12.93389892578125], ["CNS", -12.9920015335083], ["violence", -12.807619094848633], ["\u258116%", -12.973390579223633], ["\u2581Obliga", -12.934988975524902], ["\u2581Complejo", -12.966978073120117], ["\u2581lingerie", -12.75411319732666], ["\u2581recreaci\u00f3n", -12.955787658691406], ["Karabaj", -12.92160701751709], ["brand", -12.885552406311035], ["\u2581Actual", -12.854795455932617], ["\u2581estudien", -12.932809829711914], ["\u2581emprendimiento", -13.025144577026367], ["continua", -12.986416816711426], ["\u2581empezar\u00e1", -12.735098838806152], ["\u2581evasi\u00f3n", -12.865418434143066], ["Kenya", -13.554469108581543], ["\u2581Frecuencia", -12.979185104370117], ["\u2581Guar", -13.208418846130371], ["\u2581POLICY", -12.782662391662598], ["\u2581rebuilt", -12.85628604888916], ["\u2581Affirm", -13.075907707214355], ["\u2581diecis\u00e9is", 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["Pakist\u00e1n", -12.968305587768555], ["Reserva", -12.978534698486328], ["\u2581223", -12.862296104431152], ["\u2581C\u00e1diz", -13.001888275146484], ["\u2581D\u00e9je", -12.758617401123047], ["\u2581Rig", -12.953537940979004], ["\u2581cajero", -12.87654972076416], ["\u2581grandma", -12.888958930969238], ["\u2581articulate", -12.91799259185791], ["\u2581polio", -12.876108169555664], ["\u2581silicio", -12.948980331420898], ["\u2581remembrance", -12.905789375305176], ["OHCHR", -12.822672843933105], ["informe", -12.82526969909668], ["\u2581requirente", -12.973050117492676], ["\u2581vertiente", -13.035941123962402], ["\u2581northwest", -12.842507362365723], ["Debemos", -12.79107666015625], ["\u2581ABC", -12.944664001464844], ["\u2581Grad", -12.972489356994629], ["\u2581grease", -12.94101619720459], ["\u2581hila", -12.988056182861328], ["\u2581revelada", -12.980670928955078], ["shing", -12.822606086730957], ["\u2581allergy", -12.856096267700195], ["\u2581ambassadors", 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["\u2581evolutivo", -12.956937789916992], ["\u2581homog\u00e9nea", -12.95893669128418], ["\u2581fundido", -13.01463794708252], ["prendiendo", -12.918627738952637], ["\u2581renombre", -13.023598670959473], ["\u2581desgarra", -12.923690795898438], ["\u2581Concerned", -12.85781478881836], [".02.", -12.929981231689453], ["\u2581Contribute", -12.82429027557373], ["\u2581GEN", -12.931343078613281], ["\u2581SOME", -13.087081909179688], ["\u2581triennial", -12.927900314331055], ["Furnished", -12.9021577835083], ["\u2581ejercitar", -12.927952766418457], ["Cancelaci\u00f3n", -13.046296119689941], ["\u2581Clothing", -12.903985977172852], ["\u2581OFF", -12.953953742980957], ["\u2581alentadora", -12.964259147644043], ["\u2581licuado", -12.95296859741211], ["\u2581retornar", -13.033613204956055], ["\u2581revoluciones", -12.98942756652832], ["\u2581tierno", -12.87285041809082], ["\u2581Majorca", -12.866584777832031], ["\u2581gastronomy", -12.857824325561523], ["\u2581COMMENTS", -12.830740928649902], ["\u2581Rash", -13.066720962524414], ["\u2581Hundreds", -12.914918899536133], ["\u2581Resurrection", -12.91493034362793], ["\u2581Wherever", -12.925525665283203], ["\u2581forja", -12.865155220031738], ["\u2581grandparents", -12.871797561645508], ["\u2581notifique", -13.031593322753906], ["\u2581Pulsera", -12.929322242736816], ["\u2581apprenticeship", -12.833904266357422], ["\u2581efect\u00faen", -12.907365798950195], ["\u2581communi", -13.320486068725586], ["\u2581simiente", -12.983277320861816], ["\u2581CONSIDERATION", -12.765201568603516], ["\u2581Dej\u00e9", -12.793234825134277], ["\u2581refirieron", -12.912007331848145], ["\u2581cat\u00e9ter", -12.993563652038574], ["\u2581callado", -12.797319412231445], ["\u2581Entidad", -13.101963996887207], ["\u258122%", -12.98031997680664], ["\u2581Participat", -13.006661415100098], ["\u2581Perro", -12.919585227966309], ["\u2581WIPO", -12.94666862487793], ["approved", -13.088776588439941], ["\u2581Separaci\u00f3n", -12.889349937438965], ["\u2581smoked", -12.909448623657227], ["\u2581Muro", -13.015618324279785], ["cubri\u00f3", -13.149833679199219], ["\u2581degustar", -12.98465633392334], ["1.400", -13.040740966796875], ["\u2581Superficie", -12.954941749572754], ["\u2581XP", -12.852095603942871], ["bedroom", -12.876424789428711], ["\u2581Tyre", -12.860682487487793], ["\u2581siblings", -12.861297607421875], ["\u2581evangelization", -12.8931303024292], ["\u2581Trading", -12.84251880645752], ["\u2581annoy", -12.975912094116211], ["\u2581awakening", -12.971564292907715], ["ITIES", -12.904046058654785], ["\u2581Pol\u00edtico", -12.998614311218262], ["\u2581distraction", -12.976369857788086], ["\u2581ethno", -12.823756217956543], ["Derecho", -12.934309959411621], ["\u2581fallar", -12.757423400878906], ["\u2581pathways", -12.89155387878418], ["\u2581reclutar", -12.934416770935059], ["\u2581nacieron", -12.927408218383789], ["Under", -12.945001602172852], ["easy", -12.921579360961914], ["\u2581FDA", -12.980396270751953], 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["\u2581desv\u00eda", -12.963884353637695], ["\u2581GUI", -12.81308364868164], ["\u2581Visitors", -12.886126518249512], ["\u2581overload", -12.874104499816895], ["\u2581resucitar", -13.19073486328125], ["/47", -12.806656837463379], ["shima", -13.350569725036621], ["\u2581Equity", -12.807252883911133], ["\u2581rehusa", -12.993576049804688], ["\u2581Aparato", -12.9412202835083], ["\u2581F\u00e1tima", -13.105277061462402], ["\u2581anticipar", -13.160299301147461], ["\u2581comparecencia", -12.925481796264648], ["UX", -13.032544136047363], ["\u2581Complaints", -12.895135879516602], ["\u2581discredit", -12.904073715209961], ["\u2581Arrastre", -12.923553466796875], ["IGN", -13.183112144470215], ["\u2581huracanes", -12.977119445800781], ["\u2581reversal", -12.884186744689941], ["\u2581Affiliate", -12.871796607971191], ["\u258117%", -12.998501777648926], ["\u2581futbolista", -13.113465309143066], ["rung", -12.739006042480469], ["\u2581Propone", -13.125697135925293], ["\u2581adversa", 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["\u2581conmovedor", -12.943049430847168], ["\u2581optimization", -12.913095474243164], ["\u2581rationalization", -12.834168434143066], ["\u2581Entidades", -12.926362991333008], ["\u2581titanio", -12.983255386352539], ["atus", -12.91702651977539], ["\u2581florales", -13.039002418518066], ["\u2581reglamentada", -12.928537368774414], ["210", -12.806792259216309], ["\u2581224", -12.81763744354248], ["\u2581Tur\u00edn", -12.963330268859863], ["\u2581cazadores", -12.890999794006348], ["\u2581unduly", -12.769872665405273], ["106", -12.861172676086426], ["\u2581NIIF", -12.97714614868164], ["\u2581much\u00edsima", -12.917754173278809], ["\u2581revoked", -12.925122261047363], ["Karabakh", -12.85782241821289], ["OCDE", -12.984359741210938], ["d\u00edsimo", -13.009786605834961], ["limpia", -13.00385856628418], ["\u2581arreglarlo", -12.796966552734375], ["\u2581Sick", -13.039487838745117], ["\u2581defectuoso", -12.937153816223145], ["\u2581Mexicano", -13.07559871673584], ["\u2581obsessed", 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["\u2581Instantly", -12.812128067016602], ["\u2581dependa", -12.943910598754883], ["\u2581suscitar", -12.866561889648438], ["\u2581Wyatt", -13.470429420471191], ["\u2581aromatic", -12.864951133728027], ["49)", -12.905067443847656], ["\u2581cramp", -12.894980430603027], ["\u2581midterm", -12.92175579071045], ["\u2581Deadline", -12.830669403076172], ["matter", -12.893811225891113], ["\u2581Cont\u00e1ctanos", -13.035897254943848], ["\u2581vivieron", -12.971182823181152], ["ECHO", -12.955918312072754], ["\u2581enfadada", -12.79666805267334], ["\u2581Hour", -12.955535888671875], ["\u2581involucrada", -12.963105201721191], ["\u2581negociando", -13.02608585357666], ["\u2581reimbursed", -12.941852569580078], ["\u2581repentinamente", -13.083085060119629], ["\u2581AWG", -12.893965721130371], ["\u2581Camar", -12.904949188232422], ["\u2581Detr\u00e1s", -12.910112380981445], ["\u2581RRC", -12.93187427520752], ["\u2581THINK", -13.156844139099121], ["\u2581intimida", -12.837203025817871], ["\u2581singulares", -12.985673904418945], ["\u2581advantageous", -12.911422729492188], ["\u2581alleging", -12.92233943939209], ["\u2581blur", -12.942964553833008], ["\u2581gemela", -12.908246994018555], ["\u2581ponte", -12.876428604125977], ["\u2581propina", -12.864002227783203], ["\u2581numb", -12.890934944152832], ["\u2581verbatim", -12.891335487365723], ["SIDE", -13.223148345947266], ["ouf", -13.28399658203125], ["\u2581CDR", -12.91287612915039], ["\u2581Inicialmente", -13.0801362991333], ["\u2581edificar", -12.925365447998047], ["\u2581sacaste", -12.817874908447266], ["Download", -12.896062850952148], ["\u2581Relacion", -13.022635459899902], ["\u2581Trate", -12.903560638427734], ["\u2581Voluntarias", -12.912007331848145], ["\u2581exposing", -12.870116233825684], ["\u2581s\u00f3dico", -12.9629487991333], ["\u2581traer\u00e9", -12.830047607421875], ["3.1", -12.49098014831543], ["\u2581canaliza", -12.98360538482666], ["\u2581ratifiquen", -13.001653671264648], ["Available", 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["\u2581uncontrolled", -12.886311531066895], ["\u2581NCB", -12.768960952758789], ["\u2581desembarque", -12.95893669128418], ["\u2581posea", -12.99658203125], ["\u2581secuestrar", -13.097426414489746], ["fosfo", -13.006027221679688], ["\u2581huido", -12.944599151611328], ["\u2581profana", -13.093828201293945], ["\u2581competiciones", -13.01874828338623], ["\u2581contravene", -12.880644798278809], ["integr", -13.04324722290039], ["\u2581Consulting", -12.909623146057129], ["\u2581drastically", -12.882452011108398], ["Organizaci\u00f3n", -13.0183687210083], ["\u2581meteorol\u00f3gica", -13.100489616394043], ["\u2581pervert", -12.984395027160645], ["mmers", -12.851909637451172], ["\u2581cumshot", -12.931602478027344], ["\u2581ferviente", -13.00607681274414], ["\u2581peleando", -12.817774772644043], ["\u2581perdimos", -12.870845794677734], ["\u2581calumnia", -13.057756423950195], ["\u2581proactiva", -13.05414867401123], ["\u2581bendecir", -12.945019721984863], ["\u2581computation", 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["\u2581pizarra", -13.003983497619629], ["sentido", -12.973551750183105], ["\u2581Simposio", -13.080103874206543], ["\u2581festividad", -13.051155090332031], ["\u2581reasignaci\u00f3n", -12.99360179901123], ["\u2581complacer", -12.885046005249023], ["positivo", -13.051186561584473], ["\u2581Giving", -13.009344100952148], ["TB", -12.79598331451416], ["\u2581Reforzar", -13.11458969116211], ["\u2581Clock", -12.957928657531738], ["\u2581enemiga", -12.97712516784668], ["\u2581incite", -12.828903198242188], ["\u2581lisa", -13.018197059631348], ["\u2581Deb\u00ed", -12.779422760009766], ["\u2581guarantor", -12.91493034362793], ["dance", -12.90807056427002], ["\u2581exuberante", -13.059968948364258], ["\u2581bandwidth", -12.868284225463867], ["\u2581refrescante", -13.116931915283203], ["\u2581sacaron", -12.89970588684082], ["\u2581CONDITIONS", -12.891335487365723], ["\u2581aeroplane", -12.838921546936035], ["\u2581esterilizaci\u00f3n", -12.959007263183594], ["\u2581traveler", 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["\u2581Sandinista", -12.905789375305176], ["\u2581Ultimately", -12.888364791870117], ["\u2581sugirieron", -12.995638847351074], ["\u2581H\u00e9ctor", -13.008177757263184], ["\u2581colonizaci\u00f3n", -13.027730941772461], ["\u2581inspecciona", -12.94322395324707], ["\u25811,200", -12.897419929504395], ["\u2581charger", -12.976696968078613], ["condicionada", -13.167502403259277], ["\u2581Juicio", -12.981350898742676], ["\u2581Orchestra", -12.875321388244629], ["\u2581eps", -12.990074157714844], ["rbitrary", -12.797811508178711], ["\u2581relocate", -12.870631217956543], ["\u2581Warehouse", -12.952353477478027], ["\u2581recorte", -12.96765422821045], ["Estuviste", -12.788204193115234], ["\u2581227", -12.901881217956543], ["\u2581unavoidable", -12.903970718383789], ["IDB", -12.911314010620117], ["\u2581DATOS", -13.128752708435059], ["\u2581vicioso", -13.07356071472168], ["\u2581hinge", -12.91211223602295], ["\u2581previsibilidad", -13.042405128479004], ["j\u00e1ndose", 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["\u2581furioso", -12.904396057128906], ["\u2581meditate", -12.95809268951416], ["\u2581310", -12.96657657623291], ["\u2581fungi", -13.039323806762695], ["\u2581occidente", -13.112253189086914], ["Ask", -13.041274070739746], ["otti", -13.048724174499512], ["\u2581Lounge", -12.920802116394043], ["\u2581ansia", -13.000466346740723], ["\u2581dominion", -12.91309928894043], ["Noticias", -13.009854316711426], ["\u2581pusiste", -12.822651863098145], ["\u2581abuser", -12.966553688049316], ["\u2581neumon\u00eda", -13.012392044067383], ["\u2581sentarme", -12.918065071105957], ["scribiendo", -12.997132301330566], ["\u2581entendi", -12.943449974060059], ["\u2581Financiamiento", -13.179862022399902], ["\u2581Monastery", -12.903970718383789], ["\u2581solidario", -12.945021629333496], ["\u2581lavadero", -13.096142768859863], ["\u2581roommate", -13.12534236907959], ["\u2581Gio", -13.045876502990723], ["\u2581adjourn", -12.937088012695312], ["\u2581equitaci\u00f3n", -12.949021339416504], ["\u2581roar", -12.933956146240234], ["ODA", -12.912738800048828], ["sc\u00f3pico", -13.126860618591309], ["\u2581hiri\u00f3", -13.00398063659668], ["\u2581instal\u00f3", -13.004250526428223], ["\u2581Guant\u00e1namo", -12.9669771194458], ["\u2581impago", -13.045269966125488], ["\u2581peaje", -12.977449417114258], ["\u2581Nutrici\u00f3n", -13.155618667602539], ["\u2581Shouldn", -13.177311897277832], ["\u2581promovida", -13.155168533325195], ["\u25814.4).", -12.868494033813477], ["\u2581Printing", -12.962189674377441], ["\u2581growers", -12.874608993530273], ["\u2581Servant", -12.870044708251953], ["\u016b", -100], ["f\u00edsico", -13.114897727966309], ["Turqu\u00eda", -12.958184242248535], ["\u2581Loire", -12.863391876220703], ["SDE", -13.2559814453125], ["91(", -13.574176788330078], ["adilla", -13.462532997131348], ["trabaja", -13.037893295288086], ["\u2581Mandato", -13.009140968322754], ["\u2581permanec\u00eda", -13.080103874206543], ["\u2581schema", -12.99174976348877], ["\u2581siniestro", -12.99356460571289], ["\u2581folding", -12.93706226348877], ["\u2581habitable", -13.059840202331543], ["\u2581phasing", -12.900345802307129], ["kim", -13.040216445922852], ["\u25814(1)", -12.813218116760254], ["\u2581Hoo", -12.928267478942871], ["\u2581melting", -12.923928260803223], ["\u2581devastation", -12.950448036193848], ["\u2581incumpli", -13.002432823181152], ["either", -12.924104690551758], ["tierra", -12.992751121520996], ["\u2581Artificial", -12.850908279418945], ["\u2581comparta", -13.075536727905273], ["\u2581rodaje", -13.002419471740723], ["Lucas", -13.062530517578125], ["\u2581Saltea", -13.109262466430664], ["\u2581depletion", -12.880630493164062], ["560", -13.013906478881836], ["civil", -12.927569389343262], ["\u2581-10%", -13.009115219116211], ["\u2581escorted", -12.922547340393066], ["trained", -12.849921226501465], ["\u2581Contencioso", -13.126355171203613], ["\u2581colourful", -12.973688125610352], ["\u2581reiniciar", -13.0621919631958], ["\u2581Mater", -13.051427841186523], ["\u2581rethink", -12.928163528442383], ["poni\u00e9ndose", -13.100683212280273], ["Feliz", -12.805340766906738], ["\u2581Pound", -13.010543823242188], ["\u2581puntuar", -13.307494163513184], ["Secretario", -13.020509719848633], ["\u2581imanes", -12.997734069824219], ["BIS", -13.41295051574707], ["\u2581LDC", -12.83343505859375], ["\u2581CCP", -13.00888729095459], ["\u2581ratificaciones", -13.06688404083252], ["/51", -12.859477043151855], ["together", -13.050622940063477], ["\u2581laughter", -13.067461013793945], ["\u2581constructively", -12.89247989654541], ["\u2581reconciled", -12.902339935302734], ["\u2581Jacuzzi", -12.963857650756836], ["\u2581cerebrales", -12.994562149047852], ["\u2581Lindsay", -13.52535343170166], ["\u2581mantenemos", -12.912253379821777], ["\u2581sangra", -12.946045875549316], ["\u2581uncover", -12.961261749267578], ["Prince", -12.969430923461914], ["\u2581dispense", -12.92375659942627], ["\u2581ondula", 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["CIP", -13.194662094116211], ["cristal", -13.045109748840332], ["\u2581Amenaza", -13.1076021194458], ["\u2581arrasa", -13.052077293395996], ["\u258114.45", -13.004610061645508], ["\u2581Garage", -12.921324729919434], ["\u2581J\u00fapiter", -12.92160415649414], ["\u2581intensificando", -13.030046463012695], ["\u2581awarding", -12.946496963500977], ["\u2581METHOD", -12.822043418884277], ["\u2581conservadora", -13.059113502502441], ["Palabras", -13.082414627075195], ["\uf015", -100], ["ACNUDH", -13.07558822631836], ["\u2581audaz", -12.98534107208252], ["\u2581Universit", -12.853708267211914], ["\u2581desampar", -13.046830177307129], ["\u2581jealousy", -12.951602935791016], ["LOW", -13.045109748840332], ["hani", -13.318081855773926], ["\u2581insistido", -12.985308647155762], ["201", -12.960972785949707], ["subject", -12.872800827026367], ["\u2581Transform", -12.99751091003418], ["\u2581desestim\u00f3", -13.155168533325195], ["\u2581obsoleta", -13.057758331298828], ["whether", 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["\u2581prosiguier", -12.958937644958496], ["\u2581Balkan", -12.868362426757812], ["\u2581biocombustibles", -12.950960159301758], ["direccional", -12.939654350280762], ["\u2581Analizador", -13.023008346557617], ["\u2581fortified", -12.977636337280273], ["\u2581skeptic", -12.942866325378418], ["Top", -13.039570808410645], ["bueno", -12.952393531799316], ["\u2581AGAINST", -12.878857612609863], ["\u2581constellation", -12.950448036193848], ["\u2581experimentation", -12.930484771728516], ["\u2581acceda", -13.020280838012695], ["\u2581satisfactorily", -12.887754440307617], ["1,5%", -13.137298583984375], ["\u2581Voz", -13.017790794372559], ["\u2581natalidad", -13.023268699645996], ["\u2581pamphlet", -12.894928932189941], ["zquez", -13.015305519104004], ["\u2581poblacional", -13.150308609008789], ["\u2581recalc\u00f3", -13.035897254943848], ["\u2581tightly", -12.967362403869629], ["\u2581Drought", -12.939096450805664], ["\u2581Escuchen", -12.791376113891602], ["\u2581Galle", 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-13.077984809875488], ["\u2581Retail", -12.891621589660645], ["\u2581abstention", -12.89718246459961], ["Agua", -12.90530776977539], ["\u2581Llan", -13.062546730041504], ["\u2581comparti\u00f3", -13.036227226257324], ["\u2581Exhibit", -13.022869110107422], ["\u2581perdiste", -12.856287956237793], ["\u2581($5", -12.989243507385254], ["\u2581microcredit", -12.98733901977539], ["\u2581thirtieth", -12.965787887573242], ["tengo", -12.795705795288086], ["amar", -12.725147247314453], ["sentir", -12.97213077545166], ["\u2581creci", -13.118138313293457], ["\u2581frost", -13.044170379638672], ["##", -100], ["\u2581TSI", -12.848604202270508], ["\u2581compensaciones", -13.00244426727295], ["\u2581granite", -12.98530101776123], ["\u2581arrogant", -12.977450370788574], ["Black", -13.017367362976074], ["Legisla", -13.150314331054688], ["atsu", -13.111979484558105], ["cap\u00edtulo", -12.964240074157715], ["\u2581actuaba", -13.177281379699707], ["\u2581matrices", -13.0081787109375], ["glut", 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["\u2581synthesize", -13.025511741638184], ["\u2581eligieron", -13.064425468444824], ["\u2581omitted", -12.900406837463379], ["\u2581prophecies", -12.89673137664795], ["\u2581Remind", -13.025632858276367], ["\u2581panellists", -12.929734230041504], ["\u2581proxy", -12.960027694702148], ["660", -13.283445358276367], ["BIN", -13.185447692871094], ["\u2581hobby", -12.967767715454102], ["\u2581promedia", -13.069558143615723], ["termin", -13.055761337280273], ["\u2581obligated", -13.023893356323242], ["culpa", -12.977477073669434], ["\u2581capturing", -12.935338973999023], ["\u2581desmantelar", -13.202558517456055], ["\u2581vergonzoso", -12.945019721984863], ["\u2581ribavirina", -13.084633827209473], ["\u2581Antillas", -13.096207618713379], ["\u2581Arabian", -13.012153625488281], ["\u2581discrepancy", -12.900344848632812], ["\u2581traveller", -12.988632202148438], ["\u2581Canton", -12.956315994262695], ["\u2581procedi", -13.12752628326416], ["\u25812009/10", -12.921834945678711], ["\u2581Anguilla", -12.96772289276123], ["\u2581objetivamente", -13.04698371887207], ["\u2581presumir", -13.029484748840332], ["\u2581reunimos", -13.090118408203125], ["\u2581monitorear", -13.074980735778809], ["\u2581Pentecost\u00e9s", -13.082365989685059], ["\u2581dejemos", -12.945964813232422], ["\u2581Doctrine", -12.958088874816895], ["\u2581acuciante", -13.107597351074219], ["\u2581arteries", -12.966035842895508], ["\u2581Observe", -13.051158905029297], ["\u2581ortodoxa", -13.073347091674805], ["\u2581Problema", -13.17056655883789], ["\u2581gravita", -13.077930450439453], ["\u2581infanter\u00eda", -12.991493225097656], ["\u2581plegable", -13.107598304748535], ["smokers", -13.002612113952637], ["\u2581arranging", -12.884193420410156], ["\u2581Raz", -13.124312400817871], ["\u2581sumergir", -13.084635734558105], ["\u2581Contrato", -13.019848823547363], ["\u2581Reproduction", -12.997599601745605], ["\u2581Bahia", -12.963057518005371], ["\u2581instituir", -13.103681564331055], ["BUS", 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["\u2581treasury", -12.99520206451416], ["despu\u00e9s", -13.107812881469727], ["\u2581Angolan", -12.996994972229004], ["\u2581Determine", -12.942865371704102], ["\u2581tormento", -13.002223014831543], ["\u2581enthusiast", -13.005504608154297], ["\u2581primacy", -12.975560188293457], ["\u2581doomed", -13.027579307556152], ["rhythm", -12.97529411315918], ["urine", -13.00106143951416], ["\u2581absurda", -13.029435157775879], ["\u2581perm\u00edtaseme", -13.075593948364258], ["\u0159", -100], ["\u2581pigeon", -13.013278007507324], ["\u2581tenso", -12.973470687866211], ["interministerial", -12.993582725524902], ["please", -13.027517318725586], ["\u2581uterus", -13.019372940063477], ["\u2581Bari", -12.99180793762207], ["\u2581beginners", -12.948564529418945], ["\u2581famo", -12.954524993896484], ["\u2581prostitute", -13.028097152709961], ["\u2581Scu", -13.00062370300293], ["glomerado", -13.09383773803711], ["\u2581Elias", -12.987409591674805], ["\u2581modelado", -13.18833065032959], ["econom\u00eda", -13.124349594116211], ["\u2581285", -12.991844177246094], ["\u2581balconies", -12.937214851379395], ["\u2581odiar", -12.85940933227539], ["\u2581pidiera", -13.044589042663574], ["/60", -12.823345184326172], ["\u2581heavier", -13.009234428405762], ["\u2581intellect", -12.952436447143555], ["\u2581itching", -13.005331039428711], ["\u2581procedido", -13.028070449829102], ["\u2581ingresado", -13.090907096862793], ["\u2581peinado", -12.98326587677002], ["partida", -12.96865463256836], ["\u2581Scientists", -12.96804141998291], ["\u2581Alone", -13.0597505569458], ["\u2581Balc\u00f3n", -13.040316581726074], ["\u2581Baratos", -13.091477394104004], ["\u2581unavailable", -12.905922889709473], ["\u2581vinilo", -13.010336875915527], ["VT", -13.104995727539062], ["\u2581Recorrido", -13.073351860046387], ["\u2581esclarecer", -13.080103874206543], ["\u2581Transmission", -12.89143180847168], ["\u2581atonement", -12.961952209472656], ["\u2581modernity", -12.930477142333984], ["(8)", 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["\u2581PNA", -13.023685455322266], ["Gar", -13.033252716064453], ["\u2581inaccurate", -12.956172943115234], ["\u2581Compet", -12.968668937683105], ["\u2581escombros", -13.003979682922363], ["\u2581pedir\u00eda", -12.963799476623535], ["\u2581escalate", -12.99124813079834], ["\u2581tireless", -12.961499214172363], ["\u03a0", -100], ["\u2581dividends", -12.917553901672363], ["\u2581migratorio", -13.059342384338379], ["\u2581\u00f3vulo", -13.064409255981445], ["\u2581Javascript", -13.042405128479004], ["\u2581custodial", -12.94510269165039], ["\u2581empe\u00f1ado", -13.073348045349121], ["econ\u00f3mico", -12.999273300170898], ["\u2581Maquillaje", -12.977119445800781], ["\u2581Passport", -12.944866180419922], ["\u2581o\u00edrlo", -12.894720077514648], ["\u2581trustee", -12.980887413024902], ["\u2581Hector", -13.063443183898926], ["\u2581Hemisphere", -12.927868843078613], ["\u2581bankrupt", -13.058857917785645], ["\u2581pionera", -13.105278968811035], ["\u2581asimilar", 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["\u2581meteorol\u00f3gicos", -13.143096923828125], ["\u2581Zoom", -13.043619155883789], ["\u2581ambiguous", -12.987273216247559], ["\u2581stretches", -13.029603004455566], ["pol\u00edmero", -13.096660614013672], ["sgraciadamente", -12.9780855178833], ["\u2581Forecast", -13.17457389831543], ["\u2581Medal", -13.074645042419434], ["\u2581Relevancia", -13.12163257598877], ["\u2581surpluses", -13.002751350402832], ["\u2581Dana", -13.08340835571289], ["\u2581Extranjero", -13.073347091674805], ["\u2581Provenza", -13.073348045349121], ["\u2581calienta", -13.04473876953125], ["\u2581disculpe", -12.8242826461792], ["evangeli", -13.410819053649902], ["\u2581Visite", -13.156686782836914], ["\u2581cub", -13.176358222961426], ["\u2581obediente", -13.068877220153809], ["serve", -12.952326774597168], ["\u2581Jericho", -13.05675983428955], ["\u2581ajeno", -13.15854263305664], ["\u2581arrastrado", -13.034239768981934], ["\u2581implication", -12.951716423034668], ["\u2581mutati", -12.971338272094727], 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["\u2581ceniza", -13.048210144042969], ["\u2581cruzando", -13.01866340637207], ["\u2581inasmuch", -12.859559059143066], ["\u2581juncture", -12.933465957641602], ["campo", -13.031938552856445], ["\u2581Aduanero", -13.02943229675293], ["ocr\u00e1tico", -13.078300476074219], ["\u2581Adjuster", -13.057085037231445], ["\u2581Lara", -13.144497871398926], ["\u2581forjado", -13.065287590026855], ["Children", -13.042250633239746], ["\u2581Accreditation", -13.003193855285645], ["\u2581Civic", -12.977510452270508], ["\u2581prefiera", -13.003986358642578], ["asca", -13.264988899230957], ["\u2581Securities", -12.929757118225098], ["\u2581aconsejar", -12.941658973693848], ["\u2581casarte", -12.883952140808105], ["\u2581OEM", -12.959609985351562], ["\u2581swore", -13.054648399353027], ["\u2581Investigadores", -13.085282325744629], ["\u2581comparti", -13.029522895812988], ["\u2581malicioso", -13.057758331298828], ["Space", -12.98319149017334], ["\u2581Abstenciones", -13.112253189086914], ["\u2581Cirque", -12.991277694702148], ["\u2581Consortium", -12.993213653564453], ["\u2581Matter", -13.053776741027832], ["\u2581rein\u00f3", -13.1350679397583], ["\u2581Motion", -13.024808883666992], ["\u2581tridimensional", -13.114620208740234], ["\u2581Sap", -13.174009323120117], ["\u2581Closing", -13.082544326782227], ["\u2581Awesome", -13.050431251525879], ["\u2581satisfies", -12.942864418029785], ["\u25811919", -13.173552513122559], ["\u0431", -100], ["\u2581Birthday", -13.046387672424316], ["\u2581consultorio", -13.058684349060059], ["\u2581recubierto", -13.030641555786133], ["\u2581recuper\u00f3", -13.051148414611816], ["2.200", -13.111652374267578], ["\u2581navy", -13.003242492675781], ["TOP", -13.181275367736816], ["heart", -13.038459777832031], ["\u2581apost\u00f3lico", -13.1334810256958], ["alguna", -13.018412590026855], ["afa", -12.790154457092285], ["\u2581advertisement", -12.917673110961914], ["\u2581redefine", -13.112836837768555], ["\u2581remodela", 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["\u2581ECON\u00d3MICO", -13.114590644836426], ["\u2581materializar", -13.195511817932129], ["\u2581strata", -12.977596282958984], ["Jn", -12.829707145690918], ["\u2581Invite", -13.209269523620605], ["\u2581desaparecieron", -13.040241241455078], ["\u2581puntuaciones", -13.096113204956055], ["\u2581Circuito", -13.010282516479492], ["Pat", -12.924567222595215], ["\u2581Contrary", -13.029731750488281], ["\u2581Recruitment", -13.005202293395996], ["\u2581civilized", -13.054498672485352], ["\u2581instant\u00e1neo", -13.048955917358398], ["Therefore", -12.999149322509766], ["\u2581rienda", -13.06685733795166], ["\u2581timbre", -12.964683532714844], ["\u2581Fond", -12.925202369689941], ["\u2581pretensi\u00f3n", -13.10080337524414], ["\u2581salvavidas", -13.107597351074219], ["\u2581vigilado", -13.080177307128906], ["ctualidad", -12.984562873840332], ["\u2581Gig", -13.215879440307617], ["\u2581anclaje", -13.144146919250488], ["\u2581enquiries", -12.91493034362793], ["\u2581Magistrate", 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["\u2581rodante", -12.9944429397583], ["\u2581Facilitation", -12.95426082611084], ["\u2581RELATIVA", -13.044584274291992], ["\u2581Watt", -13.044938087463379], ["\u2581choke", -13.197617530822754], ["Se\u00f1ora", -12.861353874206543], ["residencia", -13.467389106750488], ["\u25813,500", -13.003421783447266], ["ambiental", -13.091524124145508], ["vi\u00e9rtete", -13.010282516479492], ["\u2581arrogancia", -13.046767234802246], ["\u2581runway", -13.064382553100586], ["\u2581manifestly", -12.992892265319824], ["\u2581alusi\u00f3n", -13.025177001953125], ["\u2581removable", -12.99520206451416], ["\u2581simulador", -13.256046295166016], ["\u2581priori", -13.161839485168457], ["\u2581reiterat", -12.981340408325195], ["\u2581robotic", -13.067670822143555], ["\u2581unanimity", -12.97354793548584], ["eiro", -12.895480155944824], ["\u2581Seatbelt", -12.929731369018555], ["\u2581adoptivo", -13.01875114440918], ["\u2581sost\u00e9n", -13.045829772949219], ["folk", -13.151956558227539], ["\u2581Jurisdiction", -13.019372940063477], ["\u2581utilisation", -12.903971672058105], ["Doctor", -12.9462308883667], ["\u2581Propietario", -13.100652694702148], ["\u2581conociendo", -13.100713729858398], ["\u2581Explosive", -12.987281799316406], ["\u2581flamenca", -13.112253189086914], ["\u2581tortuga", -13.045991897583008], ["\u2581ametralladora", -13.023008346557617], ["\u2581chilled", -12.930281639099121], ["follow", -13.093917846679688], ["\u2581Broadcasting", -13.016378402709961], ["\u2581Employees", -12.950457572937012], ["1,2", -12.955267906188965], ["solving", -12.981040000915527], ["\u2581INDI", -13.030434608459473], ["\u2581Limitation", -13.018754005432129], ["\u2581esteroide", -13.05042552947998], ["\u2581tolerante", -13.08559799194336], ["\u2581Ajustador", -13.084672927856445], ["\u2581Northwest", -13.048702239990234], ["\u2581S\u00ednodo", -13.110092163085938], ["\u2581backyard", -13.038926124572754], ["\u2581imperativa", -13.107083320617676], ["\u2581retroactive", 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["\u25816:00", -13.125689506530762], ["\u2581Jonah", -13.0318021774292], ["\u2581Moraz", -12.983287811279297], ["\u2581Rosary", -13.015905380249023], ["\u2581confunde", -13.09854793548584], ["\u2581ol\u00edmpico", -13.119278907775879], ["\u2581pavimento", -13.15273666381836], ["\u2581intervino", -13.12903881072998], ["\u2581saddle", -12.997332572937012], ["\u2581Estudiar", -13.139039993286133], ["\u2581redistribution", -12.991390228271484], ["config", -13.337322235107422], ["\u2581privatisation", -12.969696044921875], ["Buenas", -12.842596054077148], ["\u2581Ju\u00e1rez", -13.207680702209473], ["\u2581chrome", -13.024138450622559], ["\u2581theatrical", -12.985301971435547], ["10,000", -12.983133316040039], ["chain", -12.953605651855469], ["tivista", -13.093303680419922], ["\u2581acuden", -13.157642364501953], ["\u2581buf\u00e9", -13.135869026184082], ["\u2581gastronomic", -13.063133239746094], ["moni", -12.745076179504395], ["\u2581bothered", -13.05252742767334], ["\u2581unidentified", 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["\u2581preferiblemente", -13.06995964050293], ["\u2581Fusion", -12.989338874816895], ["\u2581Suit", -13.070988655090332], ["HAR", -13.329050064086914], ["creation", -13.054076194763184], ["\u2581Uruguayan", -13.010862350463867], ["\u2581deteriorate", -13.036681175231934], ["\u2581heartbeat", -13.061159133911133], ["\u2581presumably", -13.058878898620605], ["appointed", -12.973308563232422], ["signaciones", -13.080456733703613], ["\u2581Ventana", -13.123043060302734], ["\u2581despert\u00e9", -12.908206939697266], ["servicing", -13.02558708190918], ["\u2581Sei", -12.885454177856445], ["\u2581Traducir", -13.195174217224121], ["\u2581ramifica", -13.242546081542969], ["IZACI\u00d3N", -13.16003704071045], ["tromb", -13.127096176147461], ["\u2581Abidjan", -12.948546409606934], ["\u2581doubling", -13.042055130004883], ["\u2581urbaniza", -13.19758415222168], ["\u2581Spend", -13.231175422668457], ["\u2581cuarteles", -13.019577980041504], ["zano", -12.991003036499023], ["\u2581Blind", 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-13.11458969116211], ["\u2581albedr\u00edo", -13.082365989685059], ["\u2581concluyeron", -13.088672637939453], ["Water", -12.933112144470215], ["\u2581ENTRE", -13.145608901977539], ["\u2581anticipa", -13.082706451416016], ["\u2581arroj\u00f3", -13.023011207580566], ["\u2581Anguila", -13.089184761047363], ["\u2581honeymoon", -13.122382164001465], ["\u2581impidiendo", -13.03806209564209], ["Peru", -13.005220413208008], ["\u2581tricky", -13.031622886657715], ["\u2581promulgation", -13.02756118774414], ["\u2581sponge", -13.100040435791016], ["\u2581ayud\u00e1ndo", -13.027290344238281], ["\u2581delictiva", -13.136225700378418], ["\u2581ponderado", -13.066638946533203], ["sanitary", -12.997099876403809], ["\u2581Chop", -13.148689270019531], ["\u2581athlete", -13.005289077758789], ["oko", -12.746155738830566], ["\u2581tregua", -13.040266036987305], ["uble", -13.527092933654785], ["\u2581Aircraft", -13.021530151367188], ["\u2581Facilitator", -12.98530101776123], ["\u2581Steam", 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["\u2581radiol\u00f3gica", -13.220864295959473], ["reservorio", -12.99520206451416], ["\u25813-4", -13.087337493896484], ["\u2581Portuguesa", -13.089213371276855], ["ATED", -13.335716247558594], ["\u2581ecology", -13.037943840026855], ["\u2581esmalte", -13.17247486114502], ["rona", -12.977587699890137], ["\u2581colonel", -13.212651252746582], ["Print", -13.068937301635742], ["\u2581Magnetic", -13.06658935546875], ["\u2581busqueda", -13.09232234954834], ["\u2581conmoci\u00f3n", -13.172579765319824], ["\u2581decepcionante", -13.028009414672852], ["\u2581denunciation", -13.023458480834961], ["\u2581hectare", -12.961106300354004], ["\u2581optimized", -13.028215408325195], ["Phone", -13.029633522033691], ["\u2581pasarela", -13.173248291015625], ["\u2581Ba\u00f1era", -13.084633827209473], ["\u2581Suppress", -13.007116317749023], ["\u2581victories", -13.031708717346191], ["\u2581Levante", -13.096076011657715], ["\u2581dreadful", -13.032950401306152], ["\u2581faction", -13.00143814086914], ["\u2581pendant", -13.037896156311035], ["\u2581queue", -13.084786415100098], ["\u2581worthless", -13.063569068908691], ["\u2581Nay", -13.135190963745117], ["\u2581incarnation", -13.01130485534668], ["\u2581infeliz", -12.90061092376709], ["liberaci\u00f3n", -13.153552055358887], ["\u2581Mong", -13.182822227478027], ["\u2581callejero", -13.019042015075684], ["\u2581rotary", -13.061165809631348], ["\u2581Tradition", -13.079056739807129], ["\u2581bacalao", -12.995637893676758], ["\u2581channelled", -12.99962329864502], ["\u2581debati\u00f3", -13.155272483825684], ["\u2581generosamente", -13.139662742614746], ["\u2581Telef", -13.065710067749023], ["\u2581afinidad", -13.162841796875], ["\u25811937", -13.081169128417969], ["\u2581impotencia", -13.187387466430664], ["\u2581Andalusian", -12.976808547973633], ["\u2581TITULAR", -13.167423248291016], ["\u2581decisorio", -13.21051025390625], ["\u2581incommunicado", -13.102222442626953], ["\u2581EDI", -12.993366241455078], ["\u2581Sharm", 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["\u2581sabremos", -12.97323989868164], ["\u2581DIRECTIVE", -12.929731369018555], ["\u2581Researchers", -12.960714340209961], ["\u2581prospecci\u00f3n", -13.102961540222168], ["Marruecos", -13.158183097839355], ["\u2581fritas", -12.960996627807617], ["\u2581junction", -13.048330307006836], ["6,6", -13.362181663513184], ["\u2581handicraft", -12.997194290161133], ["\u2581meditar", -13.081085205078125], ["\u2581Interrumpir", -13.1334810256958], ["\u2581Modificar", -13.210273742675781], ["\u2581injecting", -12.998384475708008], ["\u2581jugaba", -12.993797302246094], ["\u2581VET", -13.230896949768066], ["\u2581flooded", -13.056509017944336], ["\u2581straighten", -13.182092666625977], ["\u2581veal", -12.999814987182617], ["\u2581Lava", -13.104329109191895], ["\u2581actualizando", -13.048564910888672], ["MW", -13.009861946105957], ["Sistema", -13.153284072875977], ["celular", -13.197759628295898], ["\u2581colaboraciones", -13.151538848876953], ["\u2581llanto", -13.07114028930664], ["\u2581takeover", -13.033085823059082], ["\u2581Estimado", -13.121725082397461], ["\u2581destrozado", -12.993571281433105], ["\u2581ponderada", -13.174851417541504], ["\u2581landline", -12.927349090576172], ["\u2581Necesidad", -13.186291694641113], ["\u2581cu\u00e1nta", -13.12514877319336], ["\u2581patear", -12.924391746520996], ["\u2581reconciliar", -13.181535720825195], ["\u2581supletoria", -13.189881324768066], ["Choose", -13.031800270080566], ["MX", -13.183930397033691], ["\u2581Gonna", -13.170982360839844], ["\u2581confesa", -12.949387550354004], ["\u2581sensory", -13.130807876586914], ["invest", -13.066301345825195], ["\u2581cumplieron", -13.147909164428711], ["\u2581acostado", -12.979205131530762], ["\u2581calamidad", -13.031597137451172], ["\u2581downturn", -13.04570484161377], ["\u2581subproductos", -13.14065933227539], ["\u2581Chechnya", -13.001190185546875], ["\u2581Escritorio", -13.210766792297363], ["\u2581Jewel", -13.204813003540039], ["\u2581embody", 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["\u2581299", -12.947221755981445], ["\u2581atrio", -13.110334396362305], ["\u2581buck", -13.117159843444824], ["\u2581presupone", -13.134673118591309], ["\u2581Azulejos", -13.010282516479492], ["\u2581iron\u00eda", -13.13828182220459], ["CULOS", -13.146404266357422], ["\u2581hambruna", -13.140657424926758], ["\u2581hooked", -13.164355278015137], ["\u2581matt", -13.21626091003418], ["\u2581Hablemos", -12.93989372253418], ["\u2581cojo", -12.990787506103516], ["\u2581shack", -13.129417419433594], ["\u2581stimulated", -13.032539367675781], ["\u2581Restoration", -12.983332633972168], ["\u25817:00", -13.220100402832031], ["\u2581Autoriza", -13.227129936218262], ["\u2581CARTA", -13.147173881530762], ["\u2581[4", -13.21168041229248], ["\u2581Conciliaci\u00f3n", -13.2576904296875], ["\u2581Trail", -13.09030818939209], ["\u2581minucioso", -13.152735710144043], ["\u2581reactivo", -13.14194107055664], ["\u2581Caballero", -13.262262344360352], ["\u2581chromosome", -13.016454696655273], ["profile", 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["\u2581Observ\u00f3", -13.241625785827637], ["\u2581aclamaci\u00f3n", -13.207704544067383], ["\u2581comparabilidad", -13.091604232788086], ["\u2581picado", -13.009153366088867], ["regi\u00f3n", -13.219076156616211], ["\u2581Printer", -13.096200942993164], ["Representa", -13.17315673828125], ["\u2581canceled", -13.122878074645996], ["\u2581Meh", -13.00690746307373], ["\u2581beacon", -13.03830623626709], ["\u2581golpeando", -13.062495231628418], ["ectromagn\u00e9tica", -13.145471572875977], ["\u2581chipriota", -13.172368049621582], ["\u2581259", -13.074295997619629], ["\u2581Dealer", -13.056408882141113], ["\u2581decadencia", -13.231108665466309], ["\u2581hypoglycaemia", -12.961931228637695], ["\u2581jer\u00e1rquica", -13.187349319458008], ["\u2581destilaci\u00f3n", -13.121642112731934], ["\u2581aplazado", -13.1361722946167], ["\u2581pidi\u00e9ndo", -13.182539939880371], ["\u2581ocurrencia", -13.180439949035645], ["\u2581treason", -13.048382759094238], ["\u2581crushing", 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["\u2581underestimate", -13.144848823547363], ["\u2581wizard", -13.142906188964844], ["\u2581sucrose", -12.956172943115234], ["\u2581unrealistic", -12.9600248336792], ["\u2581encant\u00f3", -13.059992790222168], ["Incluso", -13.044371604919434], ["\u2581Pasajeros", -13.22320556640625], ["\u2581asteroide", -13.15285587310791], ["\u2581Inclusive", -12.97354793548584], ["\u2581autopsy", -13.152189254760742], ["\u2581azote", -13.105456352233887], ["\u2581entorpece", -13.177337646484375], ["\u2581rectificaci\u00f3n", -13.160052299499512], ["Group", -13.031798362731934], ["mobile", -13.04447078704834], ["\u2581PLAN", -13.10122013092041], ["\u2581desaparecida", -13.05749225616455], ["\u2581Buff", -13.21773624420166], ["\u2581apprentice", -13.129057884216309], ["\u2581\u00c1lvarez", -13.225815773010254], ["6.200", -13.238089561462402], ["\u2581Romantic", -13.089255332946777], ["\u00a5", -100], ["\u2581dirigi\u00e9ndo", -13.123619079589844], ["\u2581disuasi\u00f3n", -13.164959907531738], ["SIONES", -13.116979598999023], ["\u2581Claimant", -13.057170867919922], ["\u2581Jules", -13.105287551879883], ["9/2001", -13.029430389404297], ["\u2581Aumenta", -13.042167663574219], ["\u2581Pyrenees", -13.067398071289062], ["nounced", -13.501802444458008], ["\u2581Detecci\u00f3n", -13.155174255371094], ["FPA", -12.99394416809082], ["\u2581strangle", -13.187750816345215], ["\u2581autorizar\u00e1", -13.227105140686035], ["\u2581licenciatura", -13.140130996704102], ["\u2581predominio", -13.167566299438477], ["\u2581Vigo", -13.093767166137695], ["\u2581atacada", -13.085760116577148], ["\u2581Abierta", -13.21027946472168], ["\u2581integrando", -13.062068939208984], ["\u2581Fernand", -13.161469459533691], ["\u2581STD", -13.071796417236328], ["\u2581drowned", -13.191238403320312], ["\u2581youngsters", -13.168660163879395], ["\u2581austr\u00edaco", -13.131099700927734], ["\u2581buz\u00f3n", -13.145593643188477], ["RAF", -13.206485748291016], ["\u2581Descripti", -13.167436599731445], ["acuerdo", -13.159953117370605], ["\u2581Christendom", -12.937215805053711], ["\u2581artefacto", -13.039384841918945], ["\u2581compilado", -13.18487548828125], ["\u2581guarded", -13.028992652893066], ["\u2581rebuke", -13.149855613708496], ["\u2581Ataque", -13.18747329711914], ["\u2581esc\u00e9ptico", -13.145471572875977], ["\u2581veinticuatro", -13.187349319458008], ["4.2", -12.788538932800293], ["Breakfast", -13.017369270324707], ["GUI", -13.31231689453125], ["\u2581PARLIAMENT", -12.95426082611084], ["\u2581sosten\u00eda", -13.138395309448242], ["\u2581publicize", -12.964029312133789], ["\u2581Quijote", -13.107597351074219], ["\u2581aromatiza", -13.150256156921387], ["\u2581v\u00edrgenes", -13.046767234802246], ["demand", -13.021970748901367], ["1.7", -12.837567329406738], ["BG", -12.90015983581543], ["\u2581Protecting", -12.992196083068848], ["\u2581Reflect", -13.01867389678955], ["\u2581Taka", -13.18541431427002], ["\u2581desempleada", -13.22321605682373], ["\u2581Apellido", 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["\u2581MARKET", -13.050392150878906], ["\u2581crisp", -13.154778480529785], ["\u2581outrageous", -13.110111236572266], ["\u2581Construido", -13.226244926452637], ["\u2581Ebola", -13.124622344970703], ["\u2581esponja", -13.112298965454102], ["comunicaci\u00f3n", -13.084320068359375], ["\u2581Reproducci\u00f3n", -13.239739418029785], ["\u2581anchored", -13.100469589233398], ["\u2581stabilise", -12.960009574890137], ["\u2581Celebration", -13.009230613708496], ["\u2581Plot", -13.146507263183594], ["\u2581achievable", -13.013275146484375], ["consuming", -13.078563690185547], ["\u2581profiling", -13.13601016998291], ["\u2581puff", -13.126029014587402], ["\u2581Globalizaci\u00f3n", -13.1658353805542], ["DRA", -13.145541191101074], ["according", -13.139123916625977], ["\u258112,000", -13.093616485595703], ["\u2581Stamp", -13.052197456359863], ["\u2581Vuestro", -13.09146785736084], ["\u2581amidst", -13.091218948364258], ["\u2581embarcar", -13.18293571472168], ["\u2581Checoslovaquia", 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["\u2581tiroides", -13.231063842773438], ["\u2581practi", -13.089123725891113], ["Descubre", -13.093873023986816], ["IMI", -13.384963989257812], ["Keep", -13.021685600280762], ["\u2581Galaad", -13.244441032409668], ["\u2581cartograf\u00eda", -13.225815773010254], ["\u2581convencimiento", -13.184839248657227], ["\u2581dulzura", -13.048955917358398], ["\u2581embassies", -12.987273216247559], ["\u2581rallye", -13.197471618652344], ["\u2581WHEN", -13.23833179473877], ["\u2581canciller", -13.123991012573242], ["Last", -13.014871597290039], ["Total", -13.03846549987793], ["\u2581Chance", -13.206250190734863], ["\u2581Pino", -13.15792179107666], ["\u2581due\u00f1a", -13.044787406921387], ["\u2581guardianes", -13.150715827941895], ["\u2581vicios", -13.115930557250977], ["\u2581inadmisibilidad", -13.143061637878418], ["\u2581township", -13.185702323913574], ["AKE", -13.36139965057373], ["\u2581c\u00f3ctel", -13.101903915405273], ["\u2581evalua", -13.037443161010742], ["\u2581exodus", -13.071685791015625], ["\u2581marxismo", -13.121634483337402], ["Sheikh", -13.138290405273438], ["shaw", -13.104326248168945], ["\u2581Dating", -13.18228816986084], ["\u2581chasis", -13.205476760864258], ["\u2581lipo", -13.174942970275879], ["close", -13.141877174377441], ["\u2581Sixteen", -13.082554817199707], ["Air", -13.056979179382324], ["\u2581Cai", -12.718119621276855], ["\u2581Pas\u00e9", -12.970513343811035], ["\u2581dots", -13.047811508178711], ["oga", -12.821372985839844], ["testing", -13.091401100158691], ["traducido", -13.160867691040039], ["unto", -12.946708679199219], ["\u2581infinity", -13.04834270477295], ["\u2581reproducido", -13.218029022216797], ["\u2581Kick", -13.204998970031738], ["KER", -13.238040924072266], ["\u2581MEP", -13.125834465026855], ["\u2581d\u00edgale", -13.098368644714355], ["\u2581enfrent\u00f3", -13.116936683654785], ["\u2581Accede", -13.193220138549805], ["\u2581emigration", -13.046344757080078], ["\u2581Removal", -13.019404411315918], ["\u2581solarium", -13.080496788024902], ["\u2581trousers", -13.168622016906738], ["\u2581Applied", -13.095600128173828], ["\u2581Barba", -13.056168556213379], ["\u2581Marin", -12.992219924926758], ["\u2581fu\u00e9ramos", -13.062203407287598], ["deployment", -13.056803703308105], ["Design", -13.134111404418945], ["\u2581Presupuestario", -13.274017333984375], ["\u2581Parallel", -12.99719524383545], ["\u2581mobilisation", -13.01950454711914], ["\u2581cue", -13.18691635131836], ["\u2581emp\u00edrico", -13.184836387634277], ["\u2581Visitor", -13.159163475036621], ["\u2581estigmatizaci\u00f3n", -13.342148780822754], ["\u2581sonr\u00ede", -13.03550910949707], ["Galer\u00eda", -13.163152694702148], ["\u2581smiled", -13.090119361877441], ["1,800", -13.109936714172363], ["\u2581cheated", -13.275293350219727], ["\u25811935", -13.155683517456055], ["\u2581gano", -13.011673927307129], ["\u2581technician", -13.13576602935791], ["\u2581B\u00e1sica", -13.212791442871094], ["Israeli", -13.045306205749512], ["\u2581asimilaci\u00f3n", -13.115137100219727], ["\u2581chaval", -13.019707679748535], ["\u2581devastaci\u00f3n", -13.197479248046875], ["\u2581engraving", -13.10000991821289], ["\u2581immovable", -13.029618263244629], ["\u2581penetrated", -13.115250587463379], ["\u2581plegaria", -13.012393951416016], ["\u2581preservativos", -13.155267715454102], ["Dia", -13.00761890411377], ["manship", -13.011009216308594], ["\u2581Bosch", -13.061403274536133], ["\u2581estrell\u00f3", -13.202559471130371], ["\u2581provechoso", -13.150531768798828], ["\u2581almid\u00f3n", -13.167425155639648], ["\u2581boobs", -13.09781551361084], ["Tele", -13.054153442382812], ["kilometre", -13.026178359985352], ["\u2581244", -12.957648277282715], ["\u2581coffin", -13.245010375976562], ["\u2581deposition", -13.042112350463867], ["\u2581obst\u00e9trica", -13.260393142700195], ["\u2581frightening", -13.213303565979004], ["\u2581junt", -13.152660369873047], ["\u2581lucir", -13.182506561279297], ["\u2581Herodes", -13.18735122680664], ["\u2581Highland", -13.152555465698242], ["\u2581Mention", -13.060347557067871], ["\u2581malignant", -13.048330307006836], ["\u2581postgraduate", -13.0506591796875], ["\u2581postponement", -12.981741905212402], ["lapse", -13.060859680175781], ["\u2581295", -13.076505661010742], ["\u2581Constituye", -13.152244567871094], ["\u2581deliberar", -13.176152229309082], ["\u2581esti\u00e9rcol", -13.220600128173828], ["GG", -12.992938995361328], ["immunodeficiency", -13.023458480834961], ["\u2581Andina", -13.193151473999023], ["\u2581EVERY", -13.663778305053711], ["\u2581Hyde", -13.265185356140137], ["\u2581experimentada", -13.116593360900879], ["\u2581corrige", -13.244354248046875], ["\u2581tablespoon", -13.089020729064941], ["\u2581bowed", -13.005193710327148], ["Fondo", -13.141204833984375], ["L\u00e1rgate", -12.971023559570312], ["\u2581Adquisici\u00f3n", -13.223204612731934], ["\u2581Humanitario", -13.183198928833008], ["\u2581desconectar", -13.190049171447754], ["Phil", -13.207521438598633], ["\u2581ICTY", -13.065861701965332], ["\u2581deport", -13.086889266967773], ["\u2581Effectiveness", -13.085145950317383], ["\u2581gorra", -13.091869354248047], ["\u2581transbordo", -13.215415000915527], ["\u2581OCM", -13.063521385192871], ["\u2581activismo", -13.236333847045898], ["___", -13.08981990814209], ["\u2581recogi\u00f3", -13.18237590789795], ["\u2581resplandor", -13.145471572875977], ["\u2581smuggle", -13.176958084106445], ["\u2581Ride", -13.075935363769531], ["\u2581carnival", -13.224583625793457], ["\u2581pastoreo", -13.200133323669434], ["\u2581myocardial", -12.983332633972168], ["\u2581repugnante", -13.001888275146484], ["\u2581suavidad", -13.164959907531738], ["\u2581Million", -13.1089448928833], ["\u2581Suficiente", -12.937153816223145], ["\u2581destabilizing", -13.0316801071167], ["\u2581D\u00e9cimo", -13.134139060974121], ["\u2581cup\u00f3n", -13.14071273803711], ["\u2581rodent", -13.122869491577148], ["importa", -13.142481803894043], ["\u2581Allocation", -13.050661087036133], ["\u2581fuss", -13.262785911560059], ["\u2581saqu\u00e9", -13.049115180969238], ["\u2581Bielorrusia", -13.150307655334473], ["\u2581frutales", -13.153576850891113], ["\u2581tr\u00edo", -13.138370513916016], ["\u2581worsened", -13.006510734558105], ["6-7", -13.11618709564209], ["\u2581Pent\u00e1gono", -13.105277061462402], ["\u2581atendidas", -13.182804107666016], ["\u2581gigantesco", -13.236836433410645], ["\u2581varnish", -13.048336029052734], ["\u2581injunction", -13.001190185546875], ["\u2581undergraduate", -13.02038288116455], ["prise", -13.206215858459473], ["tank", -13.102391242980957], ["\u2581Recopilaci\u00f3n", -13.075593948364258], ["\u2581chatarra", -13.073371887207031], ["\u2581recreate", -13.078446388244629], ["Madre", -13.0556058883667], ["\u2581Entendimiento", -13.155168533325195], ["\u2581OBRAS", -13.296210289001465], ["\u2581Seabed", -13.067745208740234], ["\u2581henceforth", -13.091209411621094], ["Parece", -12.9951171875], ["\u2581Lula", -13.107708930969238], ["\u2581Chill", -13.17487621307373], ["260", -12.991911888122559], ["\u2581Sina\u00ed", -13.17487621307373], ["\u2581acn\u00e9", -13.192395210266113], ["kou", -13.18018913269043], ["\u2581Automation", -12.98928165435791], ["\u2581Pledg", -13.116595268249512], ["\u2581martyr", -13.133434295654297], ["\u2581apodo", -13.065415382385254], ["\u2581burger", -13.205458641052246], ["Hazme", -13.488629341125488], ["\u2581ERP", -13.101350784301758], ["\u2581LOOK", -13.125064849853516], ["\u2581Nicol", -13.092557907104492], ["\u2581incrimina", -13.131510734558105], ["\u2581flap", -13.11196231842041], ["\u2581Commodities", -13.04414176940918], ["\u2581bullying", -13.058916091918945], ["\u2581globalizado", -13.068593978881836], ["\u2581rediscover", -13.025693893432617], ["\u2581scenic", -13.093414306640625], ["\u2581baked", -13.09660816192627], ["\u2581insurgentes", -13.145471572875977], ["rank", -13.069551467895508], ["\u2581Flying", -13.171618461608887], ["\u2581betrayal", -13.198092460632324], ["\u2581completeness", -13.099233627319336], ["\u2581enmascara", -13.20769214630127], ["\u2581vaccinated", -13.117847442626953], ["\u2581Roo", -13.167641639709473], ["\u2581marched", -13.128645896911621], ["\u2581moderniza", -13.1643648147583], ["\u2581phospho", -13.111031532287598], ["\u2581ADMINISTRATION", -13.015303611755371], ["\u2581devising", -13.052545547485352], ["Faced", -13.636149406433105], ["\u2581Dining", -13.134073257446289], ["\u2581glorify", -13.061001777648926], ["nap", -12.999638557434082], ["\u2581Uniform", -13.087348937988281], ["\u2581Worth", -13.117899894714355], ["\u2581bamb\u00fa", -13.172368049621582], ["\u2581promoters", -12.999983787536621], ["\u2581libio", -13.255313873291016], ["\u2581Duty", -13.032455444335938], ["\u2581Sila", -13.130193710327148], ["\u2581Treinta", -13.174849510192871], ["\u2581buckle", -13.09420108795166], ["\u2581hypothetical", -13.095600128173828], ["\u2581Miner\u00eda", 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-13.082956314086914], ["\u2581Impresionante", -13.089184761047363], ["\u2581Lynn", -13.219730377197266], ["\u2581Uzbek", -13.03581714630127], ["\u2581Bibliography", -13.106661796569824], ["\u2581ritonavir", -13.029618263244629], ["OOKING", -13.37394905090332], ["\u2581Ed\u00e9n", -13.105481147766113], ["\u2581Invierno", -13.3189058303833], ["\u2581diaper", -13.210713386535645], ["available", -13.02543830871582], ["cuadern", -13.182418823242188], ["\u2581validado", -13.218810081481934], ["\u25815.7", -13.064203262329102], ["\u2581ilustre", -13.12163257598877], ["\u2581CONTACT", -13.159185409545898], ["\u2581ventricular", -13.065143585205078], ["\u2581miniature", -13.040020942687988], ["\u2581clothed", -13.116681098937988], ["\u2581naming", -13.076026916503906], ["\u2581co\u00e1gulo", -13.200007438659668], ["\u2581Consorcio", -13.197463035583496], ["\u2581analista", -13.122058868408203], ["\u2581ciervo", -13.14065933227539], ["\u2581tibetano", -13.249629974365234], ["\u2581Lav", -12.879671096801758], ["\u2581Verona", -13.122550010681152], ["\u2581proclaiming", -13.11156940460205], ["\u2581Immunities", -13.005202293395996], ["\u2581cafeteria", -13.07815170288086], ["\u2581splash", -13.120168685913086], ["\u2581Pag", -13.208415985107422], ["\u2581emigrar", -13.229015350341797], ["provecho", -13.160645484924316], ["\u2581volcanes", -13.126355171203613], ["mucho", -13.270137786865234], ["\u2581denegado", -13.20134162902832], ["\u2581orphanage", -13.2224702835083], ["\u2581Produce", -13.147602081298828], ["\u2581hesitation", -13.140602111816406], ["\u2581llene", -13.18460464477539], ["\u2581lymphoma", -13.163930892944336], ["\u2581turbo", -13.058917045593262], ["\u2581Croat", -13.03843879699707], ["\u2581M\u00f3nica", -13.069978713989258], ["\u2581lineamientos", -13.244329452514648], ["\u2581Missile", -13.135336875915527], ["\u2581acquitted", -13.08248519897461], ["\u2581afterward", -13.067680358886719], ["\u2581gradu\u00f3", -13.231058120727539], ["\u2581seabed", 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["\u2581T\u00edbet", -13.143071174621582], ["\u2581irrational", -13.1156005859375], ["20%", -13.196608543395996], ["\u2581Guang", -13.604194641113281], ["\u2581Oblatos", -13.268547058105469], ["\u2581caluroso", -13.189868927001953], ["\u2581sued", -13.150500297546387], ["\u2581disbursed", -13.095600128173828], ["\u2581proudly", -13.14707088470459], ["\u2581GIS", -13.037663459777832], ["\u2581distracci\u00f3n", -12.969096183776855], ["iasis", -13.153738021850586], ["\u2581timeframe", -13.140606880187988], ["desk", -13.092171669006348], ["\u2581Root", -13.096342086791992], ["\u2581feedingstuffs", -13.071685791015625], ["\u2581march\u00f3", -13.18735122680664], ["\u2581atrevido", -13.102733612060547], ["\u2581christ", -13.178167343139648], ["\u2581interpuso", -13.274256706237793], ["\u2581zorro", -13.100662231445312], ["\u2581Adequate", -13.023458480834961], ["\u2581Orient", -13.12150764465332], ["\u2581awaited", -13.07216739654541], ["\u2581hect\u00e1rea", -13.183161735534668], ["\u2581supervisada", -13.105400085449219], ["\u2581Transmisi\u00f3n", -13.165030479431152], ["\u2581subcontratista", -13.128725051879883], ["\u2581HIGH", -13.142923355102539], ["\u2581encuadra", -13.260398864746094], ["\u2581erect", -13.091904640197754], ["\u2581invirtiendo", -13.174849510192871], ["\u2581ribera", -13.233696937561035], ["GL", -12.94530200958252], ["\u2581anim\u00f3", -13.13112735748291], ["\u2581dynasty", -13.120100021362305], ["\u2581stark", -13.142563819885254], ["Ki", -12.747447967529297], ["\u25814000", -13.063645362854004], ["\u2581paralysis", -13.065422058105469], ["\u2581Pabell\u00f3n", -13.223204612731934], ["\u2581activism", -13.18787956237793], ["\u2581palate", -13.10319995880127], ["little", -13.225375175476074], ["\u2581Comienzo", -13.1334810256958], ["\u2581perseverance", -13.108888626098633], ["\u2581diluted", -13.053080558776855], ["\u2581sorprend", -13.196077346801758], ["grid", -13.080267906188965], ["\u2581bribery", -13.115711212158203], 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["\u2581magician", -13.25627613067627], ["\u2581meseta", -13.245306015014648], ["\u2581Beb\u00e9", -13.178391456604004], ["\u2581CISG", -13.04018497467041], ["\u2581modernize", -12.90357494354248], ["\u2581DIRECTIVA", -13.187349319458008], ["\u2581broadened", -13.131937026977539], ["lace", -13.078646659851074], ["\u2581blink", -13.129733085632324], ["\u2581Claim", -13.035941123962402], ["\u2581viol\u00edn", -13.062287330627441], ["\u2581ascensi\u00f3n", -13.189867973327637], ["\u2581esclava", -13.071185111999512], ["\u2581p\u00e1lido", -13.138259887695312], ["\u2581Chlor", -13.333128929138184], ["\u2581Ol\u00edmpico", -13.270516395568848], ["\u2581recogiendo", -13.063793182373047], ["\u2581sacarosa", -13.215910911560059], ["homolog", -13.136456489562988], ["\u2581305", -13.090137481689453], ["\u2581bamboo", -13.11784839630127], ["7(1)", -13.028474807739258], ["320", -13.003534317016602], ["\u2581biased", -13.067654609680176], ["\u2581intermittent", -13.039970397949219], 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["\u2581Concentra", -13.16806411743164], ["\u2581Empty", -13.260372161865234], ["Aprobado", -13.260416030883789], ["\u2581Baptism", -13.152175903320312], ["\u2581Context", -13.009316444396973], ["\u2581Eucharistic", -13.053215026855469], ["\u2581amusement", -13.037893295288086], ["\u2581levitas", -13.290663719177246], ["\u2581rivalidad", -13.205526351928711], ["\u2581Impuesto", -13.195963859558105], ["\u2581counsellor", -13.10458755493164], ["fishing", -13.044350624084473], ["\u2581creed", -13.094284057617188], ["\u2581fermentaci\u00f3n", -13.263467788696289], ["\u2581sobrevivi\u00f3", -13.228437423706055], ["Bendito", -13.161934852600098], ["\u2581anarchist", -13.063187599182129], ["\u2581tropiezo", -13.182331085205078], ["\u2581Negociaci\u00f3n", -13.157608032226562], ["\u2581dismantled", -13.163126945495605], ["\u2581gatillo", -13.075628280639648], ["\u2581Definiciones", -13.114590644836426], ["4.1", -12.894830703735352], ["\u2581Periodismo", -13.184836387634277], 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["\u2581Spacious", -13.171025276184082], ["\u2581instruir", -13.319756507873535], ["\u2581swollen", -13.212145805358887], ["\u2581implicitly", -13.157723426818848], ["\u2581adormidera", -13.307493209838867], ["\u2581baldosas", -13.246952056884766], ["\u2581proverb", -13.136096954345703], ["Soft", -13.162816047668457], ["\u2581aleatorizado", -13.313183784484863], ["UNTAET", -13.225815773010254], ["sumimos", -13.363433837890625], ["\u2581fecunda", -13.187494277954102], ["\u2581Fellow", -13.18047046661377], ["\u2581congratulat", -13.136962890625], ["lobo", -13.298357963562012], ["\u2581plantation", -13.170868873596191], ["intencionalmente", -13.476082801818848], ["4.5", -12.888562202453613], ["\u25811874", -13.1328125], ["010", -12.958992958068848], ["\u2581$40", -13.194969177246094], ["\u2581CHILD", -13.100016593933105], ["\u2581Closure", -13.187746047973633], ["\u2581synchronize", -13.10000991821289], ["Support", -13.143760681152344], ["\u2581UPS", -13.174612998962402], ["\u2581conociste", -13.11567497253418], ["\u2581espiritu", -13.202591896057129], ["\u2581sobrio", -13.172371864318848], ["tariff", -13.226067543029785], ["080", -13.089807510375977], ["\u2581subdesarrollo", -13.247060775756836], ["illian", -13.451703071594238], ["\u2581optimis", -12.940234184265137], ["\u2581tenant", -13.181037902832031], ["ectiva", -13.113645553588867], ["\u2581absorbido", -13.233702659606934], ["\u2581proven\u00eda", -13.274117469787598], ["\u2581speculative", -13.168608665466309], ["\u2581tugurios", -13.187350273132324], ["POPS", -13.226731300354004], ["\u2581adquiera", -13.274450302124023], ["\u2581disappoint", -13.257318496704102], ["\u2581benign", -13.168693542480469], ["\u2581rinse", -13.190340995788574], ["\u00c7", -100], ["\u2581exterminio", -13.2576904296875], ["\u2581maiden", -13.21834945678711], ["econ\u00f3mica", -13.31497859954834], ["\u2581pervertido", -13.105596542358398], ["\u2581Burundian", -13.079447746276855], ["1/2006", -13.105977058410645], ["\u2581Jetcost", -13.296210289001465], ["\u2581SIDS", -13.140658378601074], ["\u2581amplificador", -13.314655303955078], ["\u2581mermelada", -13.194925308227539], ["172", -13.09152603149414], ["\u2581ATS", -13.094443321228027], ["\u2581homog\u00e9neo", -13.285052299499512], ["\u2581Sparta", -13.19823169708252], ["Vienna", -13.11854362487793], ["cool", -13.108266830444336], ["\u2581Execution", -13.190140724182129], ["\u2581Corporal", -13.24481201171875], ["\u2581diligently", -13.15731143951416], ["\u2581reconstituted", -13.09780216217041], ["Behold", -13.162562370300293], ["\u25811927", -13.144115447998047], ["\u2581noisy", -13.207237243652344], ["118", -13.082489967346191], ["\u2581Baku", -13.233906745910645], ["\u2581Kang", -13.318039894104004], ["\u2581almacenaje", -13.22612190246582], ["\u2581espesa", -13.348036766052246], ["\u2581Mechanical", -13.163178443908691], ["\u2581luch\u00f3", -13.194925308227539], ["\u2581Sexy", -13.154545783996582], ["\u2581becerro", 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["\u2581cohesive", -13.214621543884277], ["\u2581di\u00e1lisis", -13.293408393859863], ["\u2581fervor", -13.254997253417969], ["\u2581numeraci\u00f3n", -13.241827964782715], ["\u2581seropositiv", -13.2606782913208], ["\u2581convirtiera", -13.285053253173828], ["\u2581decreciente", -13.31606674194336], ["\u2581eleg\u00ed", -13.160393714904785], ["2.400", -13.396825790405273], ["OLOGICA", -13.135299682617188], ["utz", -13.306153297424316], ["\u2581PRINCIPIO", -13.182332038879395], ["\u2581cantons", -13.160179138183594], ["\u2581nylon", -13.147533416748047], ["\u2581patata", -13.169370651245117], ["\u2581354", -13.137267112731934], ["\u2581Instrucci\u00f3n", -13.371939659118652], ["\u2581Periodo", -13.342148780822754], ["\u2581fraternity", -13.187725067138672], ["\u2581SECCI\u00d3N", -13.20770263671875], ["\u2581Sensi", -12.991182327270508], ["\u2581cr\u00e1ter", -13.287833213806152], ["PIC", -13.258955955505371], ["antiguo", -13.283834457397461], ["\u2581Terminolog\u00eda", -13.387181282043457], ["\u2581casing", -13.147788047790527], ["\u2581sumideros", -13.263105392456055], ["\u2581Tecno", -13.301321983337402], ["\u00e9tat", -13.215989112854004], ["\u2581financie", -13.333029747009277], ["\u2581inmundo", -13.218514442443848], ["\u2581Portable", -13.20725154876709], ["\u2581arduo", -13.307496070861816], ["\u2581circumcision", -13.159194946289062], ["Cast", -13.161491394042969], ["Circ", -13.162193298339844], ["\u2581Annotation", -13.234648704528809], ["\u2581Mosaic", -13.270689010620117], ["\u2581hammock", -13.159185409545898], ["\u2581Entorno", -13.360050201416016], ["\u2581acortar", -13.214367866516113], ["\u2581majesty", -13.294560432434082], ["\u2581reflective", -13.190680503845215], ["\u2581Grow", -13.306486129760742], ["dicating", -13.29874038696289], ["\u2581Require", -13.108091354370117], ["\u2581persecuciones", -13.276764869689941], ["\u2581MRI", -13.222811698913574], ["\u2581aficionado", -13.153199195861816], ["\u2581entusiasmado", 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["\u2581entredicho", -13.233695983886719], ["\u2581grim", -13.236616134643555], ["\u2581aterriza", -12.995909690856934], ["\u2581lactosa", -13.162647247314453], ["\u2581pastry", -13.19054889678955], ["\u2581proprietor", -13.078150749206543], ["\u2581subdivision", -13.133721351623535], ["5.200", -13.384866714477539], ["\u2581Invalid", -13.169960975646973], ["sychotropic", -13.126687049865723], ["\u2581Haute", -13.177229881286621], ["Box", -13.085206985473633], ["leigh", -13.296880722045898], ["\u2581FIR", -13.254836082458496], ["\u2581Immo", -13.543257713317871], ["\u2581Snap", -13.334065437316895], ["\u2581invent\u00f3", -13.169893264770508], ["\u2581reconcili", -13.203001976013184], ["\u2581Adopta", -13.158306121826172], ["\u2581distintiva", -13.257168769836426], ["\u2581mundano", -13.387201309204102], ["\u2581Sever", -12.108733177185059], ["\u2581parishes", -13.137357711791992], ["Country", -13.24648380279541], ["\u2581Busco", -13.168505668640137], ["\u2581Insulin", 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["\u2581chlorine", -13.219688415527344], ["\u2581Mask", -13.29588794708252], ["\u2581inculpado", -13.276769638061523], ["\u2581inhaler", -13.125327110290527], ["\u2581unborn", -13.24597454071045], ["Building", -13.161601066589355], ["\u2581Qur", -13.10615348815918], ["270", -13.068704605102539], ["\u2581Chol", -13.23155689239502], ["\u2581Huelga", -13.342130661010742], ["\u2581incoaci\u00f3n", -13.244288444519043], ["GENERAL", -13.129915237426758], ["denominado", -13.281051635742188], ["\u2581loosen", -13.255247116088867], ["\u2581vehicular", -13.290616989135742], ["UTER", -13.636281967163086], ["\u2581calidez", -13.26861572265625], ["\u2581detonar", -13.202898979187012], ["agonist", -13.135261535644531], ["\u2190", -100], ["\u2581Direcciones", -13.296211242675781], ["HON", -13.276657104492188], ["khan", -13.261970520019531], ["\u2581Llena", -13.296758651733398], ["\u2581perverse", -13.192809104919434], ["\u2581resid\u00eda", -13.293426513671875], ["\u2581thwart", -13.149852752685547], ["\u2581\u00d3pera", -13.35097885131836], ["VIII", -13.149222373962402], ["\u2581Inmaculada", -13.35097885131836], ["\u2581festivities", -13.168608665466309], ["Geneva", -13.174450874328613], ["\u2581Expansion", -13.120100021362305], ["\u2581Mu\u00f1oz", -13.39954662322998], ["\u2581Rechaza", -13.179891586303711], ["\u2581dirigi", -13.219521522521973], ["\u2581spies", -13.290889739990234], ["\u2581Economist", -13.229998588562012], ["\u2581Regrettably", -13.161532402038574], ["\u2581biocid", -13.057780265808105], ["limited", -13.163147926330566], ["optic", -13.309656143188477], ["\u00e9ndola", -13.22555160522461], ["\u2581expressive", -13.20061206817627], ["Single", -13.193825721740723], ["\u2581Axis", -13.192666053771973], ["\u2581despejar", -13.22845458984375], ["URI", -13.365527153015137], ["\u2581paulatinamente", -13.274264335632324], ["\u2581276", -13.243725776672363], ["\u2581Fiat", -13.235221862792969], ["\u2581honestamente", -13.094681739807129], ["\u2581selecto", 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["\u2581t\u00f3rax", -13.274017333984375], ["detect", -13.25080680847168], ["quisition", -13.187477111816406], ["\u2581Homeland", -13.263465881347656], ["fashioned", -13.146138191223145], ["junio", -13.275952339172363], ["\u2581Publisher", -13.156890869140625], ["\u2581Victorian", -13.250859260559082], ["\u2581fide", -13.234940528869629], ["\u2581seq", -13.169170379638672], ["\u2581faena", -13.325254440307617], ["\u2581Bail", -13.438355445861816], ["\u2581elicit", -13.176124572753906], ["\u2581reopen", -13.186026573181152], ["\u2581Bater\u00eda", -13.416264533996582], ["\u2581posponer", -13.19499397277832], ["\u2581t\u00edmida", -13.16254711151123], ["****", -13.345664978027344], ["\u258150/1", -13.238700866699219], ["\u2581sandwiches", -13.295296669006348], ["tel\u00e9fono", -13.399004936218262], ["\u2581Powder", -13.136009216308594], ["\u2581empate", -13.20535659790039], ["\u2581Neighbouring", -13.152175903320312], ["\u2581mystic", -13.228370666503906], ["\u2581astray", 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["Local", -13.15789794921875], ["\u00fb", -100], ["\u2581Resist", -13.187402725219727], ["\u2581stressful", -13.150617599487305], ["Comp\u00e1rtelo", -13.380743026733398], ["\u2581empobrecido", -13.223204612731934], ["\u2581ileg\u00edtima", -13.321779251098633], ["\u2581licensee", -13.21772575378418], ["\u2581vanguard", -13.227151870727539], ["\u2581MERCOSUR", -13.142906188964844], ["\u2581meteorological", -13.140755653381348], ["\u2581promenade", -13.17335319519043], ["\u2581hrs", -13.11297607421875], ["\u2581orqu\u00eddea", -13.2576904296875], [".26/", -13.16501235961914], ["\u2581RECOMMEND", -13.122353553771973], ["\u2581moluscos", -13.238973617553711], ["\u2581tradujo", -13.342192649841309], ["\u2581volcanoes", -13.150628089904785], ["\u2581desastrosa", -13.263103485107422], ["\u2581evangelical", -13.239716529846191], ["produced", -13.136663436889648], ["\u2581abbreviation", -13.214621543884277], ["\u2581b\u00e9lico", -13.336288452148438], ["certain", -13.185611724853516], 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["\u2581accionista", -13.232538223266602], ["\u2581crow", -13.333527565002441], ["\u2581pabellones", -13.27127742767334], ["\u2581forfeit", -13.265436172485352], ["\u2581humour", -13.222119331359863], ["percentage", -13.191330909729004], ["\u2581Carb\u00f3n", -13.42491340637207], ["\u2581Cl\u00e1usula", -13.374967575073242], ["\u2581Quest", -13.277742385864258], ["\u2581aprendices", -13.271349906921387], ["\u2581commemorati", -13.335077285766602], ["\u2581monarchy", -13.284408569335938], ["\u2581Cantabria", -13.199860572814941], ["\u2581doler", -13.079859733581543], ["\u2581yanqui", -13.22340202331543], ["\u2581Constituent", -13.224583625793457], ["\u2581amortiguador", -13.23466968536377], ["\u2581asedio", -13.29959487915039], ["\u2581burglar", -13.249937057495117], ["\u2581taquilla", -13.22590446472168], ["121", -13.069860458374023], ["\u2581400.000", -13.282058715820312], ["\u2581Refrigerator", -13.305356979370117], ["\u2581deficient", -13.199860572814941], ["\u2581reserving", 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["Miren", -13.15957260131836], ["\u2581canyon", -13.257981300354004], ["\u2581KFOR", -13.207685470581055], ["\u2581Monde", -13.304248809814453], ["\u2581expropriation", -13.22973918914795], ["\u2581melody", -13.247371673583984], ["\u2581Emil", -13.536523818969727], ["\u2581incoherencia", -13.3189058303833], ["\u2581pormenorizado", -13.3160400390625], ["Tell", -13.293047904968262], ["\u2581Boost", -13.265656471252441], ["\u2581ascendido", -13.39954662322998], ["\u2581sandinista", -13.252306938171387], ["BF", -12.927583694458008], ["arranged", -13.272619247436523], ["ratione", -13.4979248046875], ["\u2581chronological", -13.204756736755371], ["\u2581c\u00e1lmate", -13.109922409057617], ["\u2581Ahorra", -13.313226699829102], ["\u2581Riley", -13.32498836517334], ["\u2581Evitar", -13.239038467407227], ["\u2581remuneraciones", -13.339322090148926], ["\u2581slew", -13.260293960571289], ["\u2581Brass", -13.196383476257324], ["\u2581UFO", -13.381854057312012], ["\u2581anab\u00f3lico", 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["\u2581assassinated", -13.291964530944824], ["\u2581assesses", -13.173489570617676], ["\u2581detenimiento", -13.246980667114258], ["\u2581sniper", -13.369810104370117], ["\u2581waived", -13.160615921020508], ["st\u00e1tico", -13.397225379943848], ["\u2581CMO", -13.184082984924316], ["\u2581Discovery", -13.208097457885742], ["\u2581intuitivo", -13.299018859863281], ["\u2581weeping", -13.234708786010742], ["030", -13.200572967529297], ["\u2581REPUBLIC", -13.10000991821289], ["\u2581antigen", -13.234084129333496], ["\u2581Certified", -13.222084045410156], ["\u2581Extracto", -13.457480430603027], ["\u2581Panamericana", -13.365992546081543], ["\u2581rel\u00e1mpago", -13.160052299499512], ["Podr\u00e1", -13.130847930908203], ["\u2581Credenciales", -13.408921241760254], ["\u2581Gregorio", -13.336272239685059], ["\u2581propicie", -13.409024238586426], ["Friend", -13.248985290527344], ["\u2581Provided", -13.170167922973633], ["\u2581Espiritismo", -13.421560287475586], ["\u2581LRA", 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["\u2581roman", -13.209887504577637], ["\u2581wield", -13.244816780090332], ["\u2581Auditorium", -13.268115997314453], ["\u2581vigilia", -13.263103485107422], ["\u2581materiel", -13.247369766235352], ["\u2581mathematician", -13.26806926727295], ["\u2581monoterapia", -13.274113655090332], ["\u2581responsibly", -13.190139770507812], ["\u2581signify", -13.230866432189941], ["\u2581SITUACI\u00d3N", -13.374967575073242], ["\u2581indulto", -13.24162769317627], ["Manten", -13.410078048706055], ["\u2581Lazarus", -13.224583625793457], ["\u2581endpoint", -13.237929344177246], ["\u2581referimos", -13.421561241149902], ["\u2581shovel", -13.33834457397461], ["\u2581Prodi", -13.265654563903809], ["\u2581Tripoli", -13.180755615234375], ["\u2581drunken", -13.284758567810059], ["\u2581TRAC", -13.225635528564453], ["\u2581aspirina", -13.18735122680664], ["\u2581detract", -13.240070343017578], ["\u2581eyebrow", -13.268068313598633], ["\u2581fluorescent", -13.232121467590332], ["\u2581pilota", 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["\u2581appellat", -13.305949211120605], ["sighted", -13.150766372680664], ["\u2581dialecto", -13.393345832824707], ["\u2581resolutely", -13.260950088500977], [":01\u2013", -13.690679550170898], ["\u2581Sense", -13.269603729248047], ["\u2581repleta", -13.38491439819336], ["oxetine", -13.262863159179688], ["\u2581concurrent", -13.135533332824707], ["\u2581vanilla", -13.255274772644043], ["\u2581Sinopsis", -13.525331497192383], ["\u2581constipation", -13.067398071289062], ["\u2581relanza", -13.331385612487793], ["\u2581sabbath", -13.175734519958496], ["Sync", -13.361096382141113], ["\u2581Arag\u00f3n", -13.316079139709473], ["\u2581Litoral", -13.356922149658203], ["\u2581Moral", -13.348088264465332], ["\u2581agobia", -13.301972389221191], ["\u2581retract", -13.179777145385742], ["disaggregated", -13.251572608947754], ["\u2581Freshwater", -13.257698059082031], ["prepared", -13.256762504577637], ["\u2581boxeo", -13.160053253173828], ["\u2581pouch", -13.27420425415039], ["rocket", 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["\u2581desvincula", -13.511357307434082], ["\u2581Dante", -13.307562828063965], ["\u2581Intercambiar", -13.46377944946289], ["\u2581sider\u00fargica", -13.285052299499512], ["\u2581Fourthly", -13.163664817810059], ["\u2581camarera", -13.140862464904785], ["\u2581starvation", -13.214676856994629], ["\u2581Harmonize", -13.295492172241211], ["\u2581Lodging", -13.212146759033203], ["\u2581Lite", -13.22697639465332], ["frequency", -13.264595031738281], ["sistent", -13.398568153381348], ["\u2713", -100], ["\u2581Cobertura", -13.437585830688477], ["\u2581Juristas", -13.29621410369873], ["\u2581Shak", -13.437422752380371], ["\u2581afflict", -13.243121147155762], ["\u2581filtration", -13.202305793762207], ["\u2581secreci\u00f3n", -13.365992546081543], ["\u2581Macroeconomic", -13.149892807006836], ["\u2581conoci", -13.213603019714355], ["cide", -13.220952987670898], ["\u2581metformina", -13.477129936218262], ["\u2581pastilla", -13.304315567016602], ["\u2581replication", -13.284308433532715], ["\u2581pawn", -13.35010051727295], ["\u2581encroach", -13.166243553161621], ["\u2581wedlock", -13.212159156799316], ["\u2581Rainbow", -13.192561149597168], ["\u2581inviolability", -13.308073997497559], ["\u2581Accepted", -13.291977882385254], ["\u2581Reci\u00e9n", -13.247004508972168], ["\u2581delictivo", -13.28447151184082], ["\u2581guitarist", -13.296768188476562], ["\u2581Homo", -13.235274314880371], ["\u2581roadmap", -13.29737377166748], ["examination", -13.167259216308594], ["\u2581Amarillo", -13.375080108642578], ["\u2581despreciable", -13.251774787902832], ["\u2581Pont\u00edfice", -13.333356857299805], ["\u2581exime", -13.296045303344727], ["\u2581finalised", -13.219807624816895], ["\u2581environ", -13.199814796447754], ["\u2581Cientos", -13.244464874267578], ["\u2581Graf", -13.444472312927246], ["\u2581fluidez", -13.345098495483398], ["aparejo", -13.349080085754395], ["\u2581Adri\u00e1tico", -13.330450057983398], ["\u2581Alber", -13.244791030883789], ["\u2581Albi", 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["\u2581Bauer", -13.185474395751953], ["\u2581Promedio", -13.336523056030273], ["\u25811612", -13.28077507019043], ["\u2581oce\u00e1nica", -13.371939659118652], ["\u2581academies", -13.273311614990234], ["\u2581JOINT", -13.271075248718262], ["\u2581Volcano", -13.244817733764648], ["\u2581comp\u00e1s", -13.313586235046387], ["\u2581Thessaloniki", -13.289205551147461], ["\u2581dissatisfaction", -13.212145805358887], ["\u2581repertoire", -13.229602813720703], ["\u2581stimulants", -13.093446731567383], ["\u2581Construct", -13.267971992492676], ["\u2581Infinite", -13.229602813720703], ["\u2581CSOs", -13.27862548828125], ["\u2581retina", -13.302289009094238], ["principio", -13.374274253845215], ["\u2581M\u00faltiple", -13.396440505981445], ["\u2581Riyadh", -13.190139770507812], ["\u2581allanamiento", -13.336291313171387], ["\u2581impaciente", -13.187381744384766], ["\u2581MEASURES", -13.247369766235352], ["\u2581despegar", -13.252360343933105], ["\u2581insomnio", -13.265820503234863], ["Frank", -13.156588554382324], ["\u2581estre\u00f1imiento", -13.384114265441895], ["seguro", -13.261341094970703], ["\u2581NUEVO", -13.368916511535645], ["\u2581compartieron", -13.362927436828613], ["\u011b", -100], ["\u2581347", -13.134492874145508], ["\u2581Incluir", -13.374972343444824], ["Grecia", -13.359127044677734], ["\u2581Sodom", -13.260258674621582], ["\u2581aislante", -13.324665069580078], ["\u2581escuadr\u00f3n", -13.174849510192871], ["\u2581Knife", -13.31627082824707], ["\u2581Prostitution", -13.268213272094727], ["\u2581Teach", -13.324920654296875], ["\u2581bakery", -13.344630241394043], ["\u2581ocurriera", -13.282293319702148], ["neutral", -13.233625411987305], ["\u2581Peatones", -13.268546104431152], ["\u2581sudoeste", -13.4058256149292], ["\u2581Contratista", -13.381104469299316], ["\u2581competency", -13.145242691040039], ["\u2581hue", -13.31580638885498], ["initial", -13.360851287841797], ["\u2581Yakarta", -13.330450057983398], ["\u2581tragedies", 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["Tradicionalmente", -13.390673637390137], ["\u2581Interface", -13.252825736999512], ["\u2581Thereafter", -13.142060279846191], ["\u2581accionamiento", -13.30778694152832], ["\u2581Gosh", -13.39932632446289], ["\u2581Redonda", -13.348040580749512], ["\u2581intrigue", -13.327323913574219], ["\u2581pegamento", -13.224406242370605], ["\u2581Suggested", -13.217769622802734], ["Tax", -13.233785629272461], ["strasse", -13.22468090057373], ["\u2581Empero", -13.345539093017578], ["\u2581FINANCIAL", -13.185315132141113], ["\u2581M\u00edrate", -13.1359224319458], ["\u2581Olvid\u00e9", -13.194704055786133], ["\u2581colector", -13.339530944824219], ["Syrian", -13.203585624694824], ["HAL", -13.44117546081543], ["\u2581Bot\u00e1nico", -13.342145919799805], ["\u2581Coverage", -13.289481163024902], ["\u2581Pitt", -13.286360740661621], ["\u2581ambulante", -13.330461502075195], ["\u2581Conserva", -13.205636024475098], ["\u2581behavioral", -13.236590385437012], ["\u2581daneses", -13.345269203186035], ["\u2581disimula", -13.255000114440918], ["\u2581telephony", -13.262853622436523], ["\u2581contemplation", -13.234646797180176], ["\u2581saborear", -13.25247573852539], ["\u2581sightseeing", -13.30264949798584], ["\u2581sexista", -13.379388809204102], ["strategic", -13.10096549987793], ["\u2581adrenalina", -13.296210289001465], ["\u2581candidacy", -13.294560432434082], ["Post", -13.27813720703125], ["\u2581Alcal", -13.211036682128906], ["\u2581Patriarca", -13.44082260131836], ["\u2581Prussia", -13.552714347839355], ["\u2581versatilidad", -13.374967575073242], ["9,6", -13.509842872619629], ["toxicidad", -13.386566162109375], ["zine", -13.207566261291504], ["\u2581sem\u00e1foro", -13.310334205627441], ["\u2581informant", -13.210229873657227], ["Catal", -13.35905647277832], ["optional", -13.266135215759277], ["\u2581weakest", -13.282109260559082], ["mon\u00edaco", -13.293411254882812], ["\u2581Campe\u00f3n", -13.330450057983398], ["\u2581suced\u00eda", -13.360011100769043], ["\u2581Arrangement", -13.330005645751953], ["\u2581sewer", -13.415998458862305], ["\u2581tijeras", -13.265833854675293], ["\u2581allegiance", -13.255082130432129], ["\u2581comportarse", -13.203352928161621], ["\u2581Computadora", -13.316041946411133], ["\u2581Mobil", -13.200984001159668], ["\u2581BBQ", -13.237180709838867], ["\u2581modernista", -13.365912437438965], ["Another", -13.221100807189941], ["\u2581polietileno", -13.375004768371582], ["mportancia", -13.356755256652832], ["nunca", -13.341458320617676], ["provisionamiento", -13.38105583190918], ["\u2581Outreach", -13.260381698608398], ["\u2581bullicio", -13.342132568359375], ["laid", -13.241171836853027], ["2.5%", -13.441582679748535], ["Dinamarca", -13.443817138671875], ["Info", -13.175956726074219], ["\u2581CNN", -13.310773849487305], ["\u2581appellant", -13.227089881896973], ["\u2581sintoniza", -13.269486427307129], ["azione", -13.215226173400879], ["\u2581confiesa", -13.299461364746094], ["007", -13.267064094543457], ["\u2581concurred", -13.289237976074219], ["\u2581restorative", -13.294560432434082], ["\u2581unhindered", -13.273311614990234], ["\u2581Luckily", -13.34408950805664], ["\u2581caffeine", -13.257665634155273], ["\u2581Protector", -13.293434143066406], ["\u2581refinada", -13.29904842376709], ["\u2581Avignon", -13.161532402038574], ["\u2581Ellis", -13.360088348388672], ["\u2581carbide", -13.22709846496582], ["\u2581convenci\u00f3", -13.266154289245605], ["\u2581suicidal", -13.355437278747559], ["6.500", -13.393902778625488], ["occa", -13.362711906433105], ["\u2581RECOMMENDATIONS", -13.190144538879395], ["\u2581disgust", -13.328500747680664], ["\u2581facets", -13.216971397399902], ["\u2581halted", -13.209421157836914], ["\u2581obtenemos", -13.263362884521484], ["\u2581predominate", -13.198532104492188], ["\u2581taberna", -13.279633522033691], ["\u2581versatility", -13.194988250732422], ["\u2581specificities", -13.20957088470459], ["BN", -12.96131706237793], ["\u2581fallido", 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["\u2581cellulose", -13.182910919189453], ["\u2581erectile", -13.268096923828125], ["\u2581ofreciera", -13.318906784057617], ["\u2581Cylinder", -13.142906188964844], ["\u2581cynical", -13.265464782714844], ["\u2581grite", -13.127007484436035], ["\u2581mistreatment", -13.250115394592285], ["\u2581practising", -13.349746704101562], ["\u2581anomalies", -13.26806926727295], ["\u2581f\u00e9rrea", -13.238973617553711], ["\u2581procured", -13.243606567382812], ["\u2581obedeci\u00f3", -13.46052074432373], ["\u2581propagate", -13.2448148727417], ["\u2581revestir", -13.396553993225098], ["Explore", -13.41417121887207], ["\u2581Discusi\u00f3n", -13.497504234313965], ["\u2581Hermandad", -13.447357177734375], ["\u2581intricate", -13.327311515808105], ["\u2581Allison", -13.128743171691895], ["\u2581dishonest", -13.281229019165039], ["acca", -13.403634071350098], ["\u2581flea", -13.305858612060547], ["\u2581imprime", -13.396538734436035], ["\u2581murmur", -13.313531875610352], ["lep", 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["\u2581Disengagement", -13.166244506835938], ["\u2581confes\u00f3", -13.324662208557129], ["\u2581tentaciones", -13.40892505645752], ["/25070", -12.665863990783691], ["1-4", -13.079363822937012], ["Mari", -13.050185203552246], ["\u2581Di\u00e1metro", -13.387182235717773], ["\u2581FOLLOWS", -13.205720901489258], ["\u2581Herrera", -13.429490089416504], ["\u2581cojinete", -13.359907150268555], ["127", -13.12493896484375], ["Based", -13.216102600097656], ["Count", -13.285789489746094], ["cientific", -13.364592552185059], ["\u2581bol\u00edgrafo", -13.212828636169434], ["\u2581permeate", -13.240124702453613], ["\u2581Colonialism", -13.250375747680664], ["\u2581Prix", -13.298564910888672], ["\u2581divinity", -13.299943923950195], ["\u2581Alexandra", -13.257135391235352], ["\u2581harmonise", -13.179349899291992], ["\u25812005/06", -13.234649658203125], ["\u2581ardilla", -13.336479187011719], ["\u2581disintegration", -13.199897766113281], ["Peace", -13.310182571411133], ["\u2581blaming", -13.393233299255371], ["DESA", -13.335946083068848], ["\u2581corrido", -13.440935134887695], ["\u2581sown", -13.317723274230957], ["\u2581wholeheartedly", -13.270687103271484], ["keep", -13.307907104492188], ["\u2581Communism", -13.299978256225586], ["\u2581financi\u00f3", -13.336349487304688], ["\u2581rubio", -13.143791198730469], ["Irlanda", -13.421162605285645], ["\u2581lighthouse", -13.332565307617188], ["\u2581ingres\u00f3", -13.444069862365723], ["\u2581sombr\u00edo", -13.263103485107422], ["lapping", -13.447504043579102], ["\u2581cinematogr\u00e1fico", -13.408921241760254], ["Acceso", -13.43730640411377], ["Espere", -13.219290733337402], ["\u2581checkpoint", -13.186551094055176], ["\u2581holandeses", -13.39954662322998], ["\u2581seafarers", -13.33846378326416], ["\u2581tapas", -13.271302223205566], ["\u2581Pregunte", -13.348020553588867], ["\u2581agropecuario", -13.41838550567627], ["\u2581eclesi\u00e1stico", -13.43436050415039], ["\u2581abstained", -13.228996276855469], ["\u2581Botanical", -13.235032081604004], ["\u2581Delegaciones", -13.396441459655762], ["\u2581dr\u00e1stico", -13.321781158447266], ["\u2581repaid", -13.217792510986328], ["\u2581transforme", -13.375113487243652], ["OSCE", -13.265060424804688], ["\u2581Prometi", -13.223719596862793], ["\u2581Soberana", -13.46046257019043], ["\u2581admitting", -13.240485191345215], ["\u2581bottlenecks", -13.313530921936035], ["\u2581imprudente", -13.38105583190918], ["\u2581insular", -13.489636421203613], ["\u2581Magnet", -13.426435470581055], ["\u2581interrumpida", -13.41838550567627], ["\u2581quinientos", -13.336272239685059], ["\u2581\u00edmpetu", -13.359907150268555], ["\u2581Antioch", -13.197590827941895], ["\u2581Disciplinary", -13.227089881896973], ["\u2581beggar", -13.361412048339844], ["\u2581reimburse", -13.22563648223877], ["\u2581Powell", -13.405426025390625], ["\u2581desvaneci", -13.293672561645508], ["\u2581juris", -13.30054759979248], ["\u2581purge", -13.292229652404785], ["Discriminaciones", -13.384116172790527], ["\u2581dec\u00edrmelo", -13.128724098205566], ["\u2581estratifica", -13.452322959899902], ["Environment", -13.269851684570312], ["Security", -13.246413230895996], ["\u2581gobernabilidad", -13.345069885253906], ["\u2581irritate", -13.252504348754883], ["\u2581troubling", -13.321773529052734], ["135", -13.201807975769043], ["\u2581Jong", -13.358779907226562], ["\u2581Replies", -13.375650405883789], ["\u2581Synthetic", -13.310799598693848], ["\u2581acometer", -13.483884811401367], ["\u2581parezco", -13.110027313232422], ["\u2581testifica", -13.258760452270508], ["\u2581REVIEW", -13.24481201171875], ["\u2581jardin", -13.286337852478027], ["\u2581rebosa", -13.319389343261719], ["\u2581tabaquismo", -13.405786514282227], ["Caba\u00f1as", -13.287910461425781], ["\u2581Frontier", -13.209040641784668], ["djustable", -13.426338195800781], ["6.2", -13.031469345092773], ["MAC", -13.28983211517334], ["gren", -13.41566276550293], ["\u2581biking", 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["\u2581flexibiliza", -13.457161903381348], ["Finnish", -13.470521926879883], ["\u2581Trash", -13.333738327026367], ["[1]", -13.291824340820312], ["equal", -13.319340705871582], ["\u2581Experiment", -13.368645668029785], ["4,5%", -13.447976112365723], ["Villa", -13.380391120910645], ["\u2581excavaci\u00f3n", -13.38746452331543], ["CORE", -13.304341316223145], ["\u2581Lime", -13.359869003295898], ["\u2581progresa", -13.201645851135254], ["exchange", -13.236306190490723], ["\u2581THEIR", -13.279829025268555], ["\u2581bake", -13.274030685424805], ["salud", -13.343826293945312], ["\u2581Displaced", -13.327305793762207], ["\u2581Posiciones", -13.453873634338379], ["\u2581silueta", -13.48050594329834], ["\u2581tomograf\u00eda", -13.37200927734375], ["\u2581vagones", -13.25779914855957], ["\u2581NACIONAL", -13.30185317993164], ["\u2581peculiaridades", -13.434432983398438], ["\u2581snorkel", -13.262853622436523], ["Fabuloso", -13.350981712341309], ["\u2581circunferencia", -13.50097370147705], ["0.9", -13.232094764709473], ["\u2581Climb", -13.426469802856445], ["\u2581Diaspora", -13.31627082824707], ["\u2581Islamist", -13.33576774597168], ["\u2581concentre", -13.419238090515137], ["\u2581mayordomo", -13.337806701660156], ["\u2581velvet", -13.2706880569458], ["Lev\u00e1ntate", -13.208630561828613], ["\u2581grandiosa", -13.233717918395996], ["\u2581hometown", -13.354413986206055], ["\u2581aglutina", -13.444070816040039], ["\u2581Navarre", -13.364034652709961], ["\u2581inertia", -13.266168594360352], ["\u2581modu", -13.218311309814453], ["\u2581Matrimonio", -13.44732666015625], ["\u2581Ingredientes", -13.457162857055664], ["\u2581compilacion", -13.396455764770508], ["UTE", -13.42578125], ["israel\u00ed", -13.414782524108887], ["\u2581Verily", -13.36129093170166], ["telecomunicaci\u00f3n", -13.432158470153809], ["\u2581artificially", -13.22827434539795], ["\u2581capucha", -13.307541847229004], ["\u2581cronol\u00f3gico", -13.31890869140625], ["\u2581Zah", -13.426201820373535], ["\u2581eject", -13.394159317016602], ["\u2581recapitul", -13.532708168029785], ["\u2581contencioso", -13.399548530578613], ["\u2581period\u00edstica", -13.39954662322998], ["\u2581Civilizaciones", -13.437674522399902], ["\u2581Fiftie", -13.190214157104492], ["owing", -13.154701232910156], ["\u2581Brush", -13.446104049682617], ["\u2581designio", -13.431154251098633], ["\u25819/11", -13.34223461151123], ["\u2581descanse", -13.25511360168457], ["1-6", -13.21712875366211], ["wild", -13.28726577758789], ["\u2581caballer\u00eda", -13.365904808044434], ["\u2581eldest", -13.327308654785156], ["\u2581freshness", -13.286733627319336], ["\u2581prose", -13.253664016723633], ["Ib\u00edd", -13.374281883239746], ["\u2581Rak", -13.267131805419922], ["Naqura", -13.44753646850586], ["\u2581apprehension", -13.281227111816406], ["\u2581d\u00e9jeme", -13.091468811035156], ["\u2581pisotea", -13.391203880310059], ["\u2581psyche", -13.340120315551758], ["\u2581toxicoman\u00eda", -13.35097885131836], ["H\u00e9roe", -13.356951713562012], ["\u2581Mezquita", -13.431144714355469], ["\u2581arable", -13.289626121520996], ["\u2581gradient", -13.192561149597168], ["\u2581menace", -13.198691368103027], ["\u2581wrestling", -13.378525733947754], ["marine", -13.26421070098877], ["\u2581Diversas", -13.48050308227539], ["\u2581Protesta", -13.366085052490234], ["Build", -13.249988555908203], ["tendiste", -13.278355598449707], ["\u2581Manas\u00e9s", -13.381057739257812], ["\u2581grab\u00f3", -13.418473243713379], ["\u2581Licence", -13.305357933044434], ["\u2581Ratificaci\u00f3n", -13.41550350189209], ["\u2581acredite", -13.377175331115723], ["RAND", -13.520722389221191], ["\u2581Elite", -13.319753646850586], ["\u2581acompa\u00f1\u00f3", -13.321779251098633], ["\u2581Taxation", -13.238274574279785], ["\u2581asoma", -13.255306243896484], ["\u2581interfiere", -13.390453338623047], ["\u2581releva", -13.337667465209961], ["\u2581ginger", -13.402324676513672], ["\u2581vegan", -13.222161293029785], ["\u2581DECIDED", -13.232121467590332], ["\u2581ECOSOC", -13.275945663452148], ["\u2581perceptible", -13.374967575073242], ["\u2581EMPRESA", -13.39954662322998], ["ADIR", -13.406306266784668], ["copatrocinadores", -13.364644050598145], ["\u2581Permit", -13.314069747924805], ["\u2581indefenso", -13.285052299499512], ["\u2581pijama", -13.282289505004883], ["agricultural", -13.241278648376465], ["\u2581campi\u00f1a", -13.390266418457031], ["\u2581Delicious", -13.387323379516602], ["\u2581succumb", -13.278581619262695], ["\u2581descompone", -13.390360832214355], ["\u2581infinitely", -13.272955894470215], ["\u2581symptomatic", -13.316815376281738], ["\u2581Yankee", -13.476614952087402], ["\u2581jovencito", -13.253775596618652], ["\u2581propulsion", -13.19742202758789], ["\u2581prometiste", -13.183038711547852], ["Finlandia", -13.47709846496582], ["\u2581Migrator", -13.244821548461914], ["\u2581es\u00f3fago", -13.368916511535645], ["\u2581Eficacia", -13.34212875366211], ["\u2581deliverance", -13.248164176940918], ["\u2581existential", -13.273396492004395], ["\u2581concilio", -13.418412208557129], ["\u2581flawed", -13.324536323547363], ["\u2581haircut", -13.373228073120117], ["\u2581Nicola", -13.334476470947266], ["\u2581monarca", -13.412071228027344], ["Chicos", -13.09631633758545], ["\u2581gadget", -13.291879653930664], ["linked", -13.20267105102539], ["\u2581Understood", -13.483076095581055], ["\u2581cuadrienal", -13.553970336914062], ["\u2581gaseoso", -13.374983787536621], ["\u2581olanzapine", -13.273311614990234], ["\u2581aleaciones", -13.31049919128418], ["\u2581redistribut", -13.307865142822266], ["\u2581snare", -13.408650398254395], ["ossibility", -13.275904655456543], ["xyl", -13.450492858886719], ["\u00e9rtelo", -13.148651123046875], ["\u2581Comprendo", -13.165909767150879], ["\u2581MAKE", -13.382752418518066], ["\u2581Verbatim", -13.321773529052734], ["\u2581partake", -13.362236022949219], ["\u2581Consent", -13.303112030029297], ["\u2581Mortgage", -13.262853622436523], ["\u2581bendita", -13.27682113647461], ["\u2581officio", -13.304702758789062], ["\u2581uterino", -13.497509002685547], ["Cooperaci\u00f3n", -13.39588451385498], ["\u2581p\u00e1rroco", -13.3450927734375], ["\u2581Kurds", -13.242295265197754], ["\u2581Preg\u00fantale", -13.274017333984375], ["\u2581RIP", -13.300983428955078], ["\u2581interrogated", -13.271896362304688], ["tonelada", -13.440598487854004], ["\u2581affectionate", -13.344325065612793], ["\u2581apologise", -13.305356979370117], ["\u2581Nev", -13.244258880615234], ["\u2581Vicar", -13.306233406066895], ["\u2581insensible", -13.33919620513916], ["\u2581wedge", -13.375033378601074], ["authorised", -13.31029224395752], ["milk", -13.331652641296387], ["\u2581Macau", -13.28203296661377], ["\u2581incierta", -13.296213150024414], ["\u2581nobility", -13.35489273071289], ["\u2581salmo", -13.05915355682373], ["\u2581Lectura", -13.511329650878906], ["\u2581embri\u00f3n", -13.390291213989258], ["PSO", -13.632574081420898], ["\u2581limosna", -13.293423652648926], ["\u2581Castile", -13.286643981933594], ["\u2581DIA", -13.42990779876709], ["\u2581Sancho", -13.16762638092041], ["\u2581gimnasia", -13.387181282043457], ["\u2581shotgun", -13.408276557922363], ["Sevilla", -13.310185432434082], ["\u2581nitri", -13.272940635681152], ["\u2581stabilizing", -13.283879280090332], ["Atr\u00e1s", -13.165616035461426], ["\u2581solemnly", -13.346029281616211], ["NAT", -13.330114364624023], ["\u2581Aguanta", -13.091897010803223], ["\u2581Ezra", -13.36116886138916], ["\u2581prof\u00e9tica", -13.41838550567627], ["cancer", -13.315464973449707], ["\u2581Liderazgo", -13.46046257019043], ["\u2581rotatoria", -13.348430633544922], ["\u2581supeditada", -13.356922149658203], ["\u2581stabilized", -13.252544403076172], ["\u2581Defender", -13.257136344909668], ["\u2581Merece", -13.412893295288086], ["\u2581prophesied", -13.308073997497559], ["\u2581refrescar", -13.249626159667969], ["Polonia", -13.35014533996582], ["\u2581astronom\u00eda", -13.421562194824219], ["Voluntario", -13.3779296875], ["contributory", -13.360660552978516], ["\u2581immortality", -13.27352523803711], ["\u2581interestatal", -13.405917167663574], ["\u2581reorientar", -13.374967575073242], ["continental", -13.550814628601074], ["linear", -13.257081985473633], ["\u2581Thermo", -13.313735008239746], ["\u2581fortification", -13.24251651763916], ["\u2581Mascotas", -13.467096328735352], ["\u2581hashtag", -13.275944709777832], ["\u2581ment\u00ed", -13.191720008850098], ["\u2581n\u00e1utico", -13.399547576904297], ["\u2581cedar", -13.3301362991333], ["\u2581Flexible", -13.349800109863281], ["\u2581culprit", -13.358293533325195], ["\u2581precinct", -13.417221069335938], ["\u2581sacrificing", -13.291879653930664], ["negative", -13.246420860290527], ["\u2581Sinceramente", -13.316040992736816], ["\u2581violen", -13.337815284729004], ["tropin", -13.273723602294922], ["\u2581Nebuchadnezzar", -13.30264663696289], ["\u2581Pilgrim", -13.476613998413086], ["\u2581c\u00e1tedra", -13.34212875366211], ["\u2581diputada", -13.553962707519531], ["\u2581comisaria", -13.387184143066406], ["\u2581insurrecci\u00f3n", -13.38105583190918], ["\u2581prorratear", -13.241625785827637], ["\u2581Restricciones", -13.3902587890625], ["\u2581earnestly", -13.253344535827637], ["\u2581serenity", -13.237178802490234], ["\u2581HFC", -13.341986656188965], ["\u2581ficticio", -13.427939414978027], ["\u2581tonalidad", -13.470441818237305], ["\u2581secretaries", -13.364413261413574], ["\u2581diuretic", -13.289205551147461], ["\u2581embodies", -13.302659034729004], ["\u2581temperate", -13.319404602050781], ["affaires", -13.220993995666504], ["\u2581AFRICA", -13.222084999084473], ["\u2581nutritious", -13.341272354125977], ["\u2581tapping", -13.276187896728516], ["\u2581desaconsej", -13.515889167785645], ["\u2581an\u00e9cdota", -13.356922149658203], [",000.00", -13.431258201599121], ["\u2581ridicule", -13.330083847045898], ["\u2581Thirteenth", -13.313765525817871], ["\u2581narrate", -13.310964584350586], ["stroke", -13.36481761932373], ["\u2581expat", -13.276320457458496], ["\u2581fotocopia", -13.420971870422363], ["\u2581irritante", -13.291993141174316], ["\u2581suministr\u00f3", -13.39954662322998], ["2,200", -13.352272987365723], ["Kar", -13.312172889709473], ["\u2581BUDGET", -13.666764259338379], ["\u2581pluck", -13.310802459716797], ["\u2581resurgimiento", -13.424744606018066], ["\u2581Immuno", -13.753183364868164], ["\u2581hypocrite", -13.414190292358398], ["\u2581inv\u00e1lido", -13.365904808044434], ["\u2581Alexis", -13.291817665100098], ["\u2581glazing", -13.294575691223145], ["\u2581smear", -13.408170700073242], ["\u2581spice", -13.325350761413574], ["2,400", -13.350004196166992], ["\u2581fluent", -13.185522079467773], ["\u2581microSD", -13.367147445678711], ["oxetina", -13.421695709228516], ["\u2581$100,000", -13.378568649291992], ["\u2581Logros", -13.40271282196045], ["\u2581computed", 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["\u2581negaba", -13.308530807495117], ["\u2581sicotr\u00f3picas", -13.497504234313965], ["0.7", -13.213705062866211], ["System", -13.299263000488281], ["\u2581Freelancer", -13.397611618041992], ["\u2581incinera", -13.341757774353027], ["\u2581insurrection", -13.289205551147461], ["trointestinales", -13.547378540039062], ["\u2581discrepa", -13.3450345993042], ["\u2581enclose", -13.337410926818848], ["\u2581inhalation", -13.34977912902832], ["Tonter\u00edas", -13.107630729675293], ["woven", -13.285871505737305], ["\u2581COUNTRIES", -13.286539077758789], ["\u2581canoa", -13.348438262939453], ["\u2581injerto", -13.525335311889648], ["\u2581monitorea", -13.34764289855957], ["Comercializaci\u00f3n", -13.489934921264648], ["\u2581plutonio", -13.470429420471191], ["\u2581hindrance", -13.262853622436523], ["\u2581Bosco", -13.398181915283203], ["\u2581Ni\u00f1era", -13.408921241760254], ["\u2581Techno", -13.387178421020508], ["\u2581flute", -13.366660118103027], ["\u2581fundraising", 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["\u2581invernal", -13.393380165100098], ["\u2581Define", -13.396958351135254], ["\u2581Fountain", -13.286539077758789], ["\u2581Intensive", -13.355440139770508], ["\u2581knob", -13.37584114074707], ["\u2581stabilisation", -13.303363800048828], ["brasil", -13.43663215637207], ["\u2581Argentino", -13.415221214294434], ["\u2581M\u00e9rida", -13.444097518920898], ["\u2581codecision", -13.314204216003418], ["\u2581gas\u00f3leo", -13.480496406555176], ["\u2581tox\u00ednicas", -13.504388809204102], ["\u2581unveiled", -13.325539588928223], ["\u2581Anulaci\u00f3n", -13.363054275512695], ["\u2581campeones", -13.470429420471191], ["\u2581lucrativa", -13.384114265441895], ["\u2581waypoints", -13.335747718811035], ["recauciones", -13.444099426269531], ["\u2581comprendi\u00f3", -13.405909538269043], ["\u2581inapropiada", -13.359907150268555], ["\u2581stereotype", -13.352861404418945], ["\u2581thyself", -13.352744102478027], ["Ens\u00e9\u00f1a", -13.249711990356445], ["\u2581Intelligent", 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["\u2581OBSERVACIONES", -13.40892505645752], ["\u2581m\u00edrame", -13.185348510742188], ["\u2581Vertical", -13.402299880981445], ["\u2581direccion", -13.43570327758789], ["463", -13.522521018981934], ["\u2581predicate", -13.209699630737305], ["\u2581farmland", -13.282374382019043], ["\u2581MUJER", -13.374969482421875], ["\u2581Random", -13.381598472595215], ["\u2581misunderstood", -13.366914749145508], ["\u2581unreliable", -13.335661888122559], ["6/97", -13.353767395019531], ["america", -13.436555862426758], ["\u2581Amm\u00e1n", -13.440923690795898], ["\u2581resale", -13.344178199768066], ["\u2581trolley", -13.255082130432129], ["Museo", -13.447158813476562], ["\u2581APPEAR", -13.36117172241211], ["\u2581Sodoma", -13.521815299987793], ["surface", -13.302070617675781], ["\u2581Bicycle", -13.411249160766602], ["\u2581penance", -13.300395965576172], ["\u2581concisa", -13.403599739074707], ["\u2581pathology", -13.284730911254883], ["\u2581Salinas", -13.3135404586792], ["\u2581Zombie", 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["\u2581posit", -13.294698715209961], ["\u2581VISTA", -13.360318183898926], ["\u2581partisan", -13.378539085388184], ["\u2581converse", -13.3704195022583], ["\u2581propagation", -13.283879280090332], ["050", -13.161468505859375], ["\u2581S\u00e9ptima", -13.444068908691406], ["\u2581speculate", -13.409480094909668], ["\u2581assignee", -13.28430461883545], ["\u2581orbital", -13.315253257751465], ["\u2581tandem", -13.244841575622559], ["\u2581unnoticed", -13.448040008544922], ["\u2581borrosa", -13.424760818481445], ["\u2581neum\u00e1tica", -13.362900733947754], ["affa", -13.233158111572266], ["oplastia", -13.527630805969238], ["\u2581anta\u00f1o", -13.333365440368652], ["Smart", -13.470694541931152], ["\u2581borracha", -13.242098808288574], ["\u2581esloveno", -13.532413482666016], ["\u2581terciario", -13.48387622833252], ["\u2581Nantes", -13.302721977233887], ["\u2581adversidad", -13.37193775177002], ["\u2581Trend", -13.399660110473633], ["\u2581Ahorro", -13.40267562866211], ["\u2581Bremen", -13.276392936706543], ["\u2581Ca\u00f1\u00f3n", -13.490667343139648], ["\u2581rabbi", -13.332879066467285], ["\u2581vomit", -13.41566276550293], ["PBC", -13.399826049804688], ["migration", -13.349189758300781], ["\u2581SIIG", -13.369006156921387], ["\u2581crusade", -13.361160278320312], ["\u2581stalemate", -13.390273094177246], ["\u2581thanksgiving", -13.36424446105957], ["Denmark", -13.243842124938965], ["\u25811737", -13.27088737487793], ["\u2581Broken", -13.414429664611816], ["\u2581espantosa", -13.35097885131836], ["\u2581solicitation", -13.30882740020752], ["\u2581annul", -13.370197296142578], ["\u2581disbelieve", -13.25003719329834], ["\u2581medi\u00e1tico", -13.575976371765137], ["253", -13.179673194885254], ["\u2581min\u00fascula", -13.550333023071289], ["960", -13.43717098236084], ["\u2581Satisf", -13.508267402648926], ["\u2581gru\u00f1", -13.360115051269531], ["\u2581quoting", -13.370054244995117], ["\u2581rebeld\u00eda", -13.396440505981445], 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["\u2581Wholesale", -13.33566951751709], ["\u2581remordimiento", -13.321779251098633], ["\u2581abstinencia", -13.415221214294434], ["\u2581infiltration", -13.369805335998535], ["\u2581Residu", -13.423340797424316], ["\u2581edulcorante", -13.467096328735352], ["indigenous", -13.293852806091309], ["\u2581Muchachos", -13.252339363098145], ["\u2581surgeries", -13.30542278289795], ["\u2581insecto", -13.301560401916504], ["\u2581majeure", -13.332868576049805], ["\u2581unnecessarily", -13.324535369873047], ["171", -13.257956504821777], ["journal", -13.267216682434082], ["\u2581FTP", -13.235668182373047], ["\u2581colgando", -13.252371788024902], ["fluorocarbons", -13.74972152709961], ["\u2581incr\u00e9dulo", -13.511321067810059], ["address", -13.340927124023438], ["\u2581Shrine", -13.384440422058105], ["\u2581airfield", -13.351312637329102], ["\u2581arrepentido", -13.412066459655762], ["\u25811922", -13.341197967529297], ["\u2581Goodnight", -13.516640663146973], ["\u2581SERVICES", 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["\u2581ESCB", -13.365004539489746], ["USAID", -13.450599670410156], ["\u00e9mosle", -13.373115539550781], ["\u2581Armonizado", -13.483875274658203], ["\u2581Ossetia", -13.411177635192871], ["\u2581alarde", -13.38427448272705], ["\u2581colecta", -13.447711944580078], ["\u2581defiance", -13.341272354125977], ["1.5%", -13.463468551635742], ["proporcion\u00e1ndole", -13.470429420471191], ["\u2581Shark", -13.335936546325684], ["\u2581adolescence", -13.40216064453125], ["\u2581Stir", -13.357810974121094], ["\u2581desembarcar", -13.467096328735352], ["\u00bb\u00ab", -100], ["\u2581Kardec", -13.414251327514648], ["el\u00e9ctrica", -13.45036792755127], ["\u2581Impreso", -13.502471923828125], ["\u2581Quota", -13.349910736083984], ["137", -13.273324012756348], ["\u2581Sitting", -13.464400291442871], ["\u2581THING", -13.536489486694336], ["\u2581elasticity", -13.338752746582031], ["\u2581eurozone", -13.457573890686035], ["\u2581Cauca", -13.3526611328125], ["\u2581Koran", -13.283713340759277], 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["\u2581M\u00edralo", -13.255101203918457], ["\u2581Nomenclatura", -13.412066459655762], ["\u2581acopio", -13.543159484863281], ["\u2581intrusion", -13.369805335998535], ["\u2581portafolio", -13.421561241149902], ["\u2581warheads", -13.319039344787598], ["\u2581warplanes", -13.378528594970703], ["\u2581Drew", -13.487382888793945], ["\u2581Odd", -13.328093528747559], ["\u2581Rabat", -13.305630683898926], ["\u2581gastron\u00f3mico", -13.490666389465332], ["\u2581quarry", -13.448105812072754], ["concern", -13.299266815185547], ["\u2581GNOME", -13.603495597839355], ["\u2581reflector", -13.518326759338379], ["\u2581segrega", -13.558613777160645], ["\u2581(2014)", -13.445470809936523], ["\u2581Az\u00facar", -13.3902587890625], ["\u2581Hellenic", -13.299943923950195], ["\u2581proletario", -13.450607299804688], ["\u2581reconstruido", -13.490666389465332], ["\u2581Patrol", -13.448199272155762], ["\u2581llover", -13.318924903869629], ["\u2581widened", -13.3051176071167], ["\u2581suicid\u00f3", 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["\u2581Exclud", -13.35881233215332], ["\u2581anatom\u00eda", -13.514814376831055], ["\u2581appliance", -13.373241424560547], ["\u2581Bronze", -13.460771560668945], ["\u2581Zacar\u00edas", -13.477129936218262], ["\u2581bombeo", -13.427939414978027], ["\u2581exhibitors", -13.3001127243042], ["\u2581gangster", -13.50069808959961], ["\u2581artisanal", -13.44007682800293], ["\u2581atl\u00e1ntica", -13.440834999084473], ["\u2581retirees", -13.427230834960938], ["\u2581rogue", -13.457894325256348], ["\u2581acertar", -13.4380521774292], ["\u2581isle\u00f1os", -13.487264633178711], ["\u2581masculine", -13.444914817810059], ["\u2581unbearable", -13.454319953918457], ["\u2581affinity", -13.467001914978027], ["\u2581rehabilitat", -13.065146446228027], ["\u2581T\u00f3mate", -13.260393142700195], ["\u2581glosario", -13.46047592163086], ["\u2581GSM", -13.326763153076172], ["\u00e9ndolos", -13.513569831848145], ["\u2581ambienta", -13.448118209838867], ["\u2581cotej", -13.4020414352417], ["\u2581assimilation", -13.34408950805664], ["\u2581incurre", -13.514884948730469], ["\u2581Hernandez", -13.297248840332031], ["\u2581l\u00e1tex", -13.483875274658203], ["Declaraci\u00f3n", -13.543556213378906], ["\u2581autosuficiente", -13.483875274658203], ["WORKS", -13.691287994384766], ["monitoring", -13.285788536071777], ["\u2581Decrease", -13.286540031433105], ["\u2581Sophia", -13.54319953918457], ["\u2581consult\u00f3", -13.402665138244629], ["\u2581legible", -13.457223892211914], ["hav", -13.242072105407715], ["\u2581Turtle", -13.420318603515625], ["\u2581booze", -13.525354385375977], ["\u2581eurodiputado", -13.437585830688477], ["\u2581Ratio", -13.503087043762207], ["\u2581descalifica", -13.467312812805176], ["\u2581dispenser", -13.385082244873047], ["Czech", -13.381235122680664], ["\u2581repaso", -13.480512619018555], ["flew", -13.213610649108887], ["\u2581Translator", -13.281228065490723], ["\u2581stature", -13.522912979125977], ["Ltd", -13.338508605957031], ["basic", 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["\u2581mailbox", -13.286664962768555], ["\u2581summarised", -13.336443901062012], ["\u2581Empress", -13.44190788269043], ["\u2581Pirate", -13.404529571533203], ["\u2581comprobante", -13.412073135375977], ["\u2581erupted", -13.361923217773438], ["\u2581subdivisi\u00f3n", -13.483875274658203], ["768", -13.62236499786377], ["\u2581Unbelievable", -13.546642303466797], ["\u2581inflexi\u00f3n", -13.463773727416992], ["\u2581sugerimos", -13.49750804901123], ["\u2581Estimula", -13.514839172363281], ["\u2581cacer\u00eda", -13.402664184570312], ["Brussels", -13.372434616088867], ["browser", -13.487272262573242], ["\u2581leveraging", -13.47341537475586], ["\u2581Stretch", -13.429450988769531], ["\u2581pedagog\u00eda", -13.44732666015625], ["\u2581turf", -13.358987808227539], ["imus", -13.41972541809082], ["\u2581alban\u00e9s", -13.5148286819458], ["\u2581arm\u00f3nica", -13.421563148498535], ["\u2581infalible", -13.50784969329834], ["\u2581Volvamos", -13.29065227508545], ["\u2581anatomy", 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["\u2581sumergido", -13.440823554992676], ["\u2581prank", -13.43738842010498], ["\u2581wiring", -13.39042854309082], ["1/92", -13.470745086669922], ["implant", -13.52755069732666], ["\u2581Tail", -13.41853141784668], ["\u2581Wolfgang", -13.460638999938965], ["\u2581colaterales", -13.470429420471191], ["\u2581machining", -13.319018363952637], ["\u2581Tournament", -13.509349822998047], ["\u2581p\u00e1rpado", -13.473773956298828], ["squez", -13.37893009185791], ["\u2581reapertura", -13.535970687866211], ["\u2581sustainably", -13.384523391723633], ["Termina", -13.344292640686035], ["similar", -13.435710906982422], ["\u2581sobrepase", -13.388565063476562], ["\u2581unbeatable", -13.470192909240723], ["\u2581Khmer", -13.393355369567871], ["\u2581Married", -13.611091613769531], ["\u2581informatizado", -13.375144958496094], ["Eliminar", -13.53994369506836], ["frontier", -13.4205322265625], ["\u2581Insolvency", -13.321788787841797], ["\u2581despidi\u00f3", -13.507856369018555], ["767", 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["\u2581Platinum", -13.476613998413086], ["icillin", -13.390288352966309], ["\u2581archbishop", -13.496126174926758], ["\u2581castigue", -13.453874588012695], ["\u2581legendaria", -13.56124210357666], ["\u2581untreated", -13.39376163482666], ["\u2581obtendr\u00eda", -13.57597827911377], ["9-10", -13.398699760437012], ["compliant", -13.390103340148926], ["\u2581predetermined", -13.4671049118042], ["\u2581mendigo", -13.480520248413086], ["\u2581violet", -13.532922744750977], ["\u2581Pepper", -13.437219619750977], ["Desk", -13.432924270629883], ["\u2581Aleppo", -13.441800117492676], ["\u2581CULTURAL", -13.41117000579834], ["\u2581Murano", -13.423444747924805], ["\u2581pollutant", -13.385091781616211], ["\u2581rascacielos", -13.457162857055664], ["Earth", -13.34935474395752], ["\u2581adorned", -13.309081077575684], ["\u2581biologist", -13.395551681518555], ["\u2581eyacula", -13.564648628234863], ["strength", -13.59015941619873], ["\u2581Kumar", -13.432318687438965], ["\u2581Mainstreaming", 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["\u2581confinamiento", -13.575986862182617], ["1975", -13.468867301940918], ["\u2581Impossible", -13.58898639678955], ["Toward", -13.31596851348877], ["\u2581Cracovia", -13.57597541809082], ["\u2581functionalities", -13.399782180786133], ["\u2581Undoubtedly", -13.489580154418945], ["\u2581Estudiante", -13.44219970703125], ["\u2581ahumado", -13.505081176757812], ["\u2581limp", -13.42922306060791], ["Georgia", -13.497611999511719], ["\u2581Embalaje", -13.521810531616211], ["\u2581Prefecture", -13.49941635131836], ["\u2581heterogeneous", -13.43869400024414], ["\u2581platinum", -13.574665069580078], ["\u2032\u2032", -100], ["\u2581COMERCIO", -13.480496406555176], ["\u2581CONTENIDO", -13.579692840576172], ["\u2581FGM", -13.439128875732422], ["\u2581Reef", -13.427528381347656], ["\u2581blot", -13.493748664855957], ["\u2581hallucination", -13.438694953918457], ["\u2581mondial", -13.467010498046875], ["\u2581REALLY", -13.546655654907227], ["\u2581Renuncia", -13.420106887817383], ["\u2581figurative", -13.451175689697266], ["\u2581lawfulness", -13.409916877746582], ["\u2581Didact", -13.462555885314941], ["\u2581Lille", -13.429299354553223], ["\u2581Hezbollah", -13.444914817810059], ["\u2581unreported", -13.486323356628418], ["\u2581SUMARIO", -13.387181282043457], ["\u2581mentiste", -13.285064697265625], ["\u2581perdiera", -13.408943176269531], ["\u2581fitosanitario", -13.524202346801758], ["Poland", -13.44225788116455], ["currently", -13.383752822875977], ["octubre", -13.525634765625], ["\u2581WERE", -13.511619567871094], ["\u2581monies", -13.352836608886719], ["adjusted", -13.49368953704834], ["owitz", -13.447574615478516], ["\u2581LIBRE", -13.500954627990723], ["\u2581Redeemer", -13.509349822998047], ["\u2581Toallas", -13.487265586853027], ["therapeutic", -13.352201461791992], ["\u2581Luiz", -13.462233543395996], ["\u2581intruso", -13.36892032623291], ["\u2581oyster", -13.581796646118164], ["\u2581pol\u00edmeros", -13.415329933166504], ["contained", 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["\u2581Evaluat", -13.46998119354248], ["\u2581interpersonal", -13.457762718200684], ["\u2581impatient", -13.567618370056152], ["008", -13.350757598876953], ["UNAIDS", -13.433667182922363], ["\u2581Ludwig", -13.429434776306152], ["\u2581Singer", -13.462498664855957], ["(94)", -13.445520401000977], ["Gratuit", -13.510940551757812], ["\u2581Jeez", -13.523056983947754], ["\u2581fuelled", -13.356722831726074], ["\u2581radiator", -13.426375389099121], ["vehicle", -13.375356674194336], ["\u2581Infinito", -13.518301963806152], ["\u2581avaricia", -13.494087219238281], ["\u2581Upgrade", -13.448258399963379], ["\u2581bloke", -13.536338806152344], ["\u2581compensat", -13.529566764831543], ["\u2581conferr", -13.475319862365723], ["\u2581embarrassment", -13.578326225280762], ["\u2581Persia", -13.551652908325195], ["\u2581barrido", -13.490689277648926], ["\u2581chalk", -13.526233673095703], ["\u2581heroico", -13.46711540222168], ["\u2581inquieto", -13.424744606018066], ["\u2581Churchill", 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["Asesino", -13.33398151397705], ["relevant", -13.378291130065918], ["\u2581Colgante", -13.564909934997559], ["\u2581m\u00f3dem", -13.5288667678833], ["\u2581pilgrim", -13.479522705078125], ["\u2581Troop", -13.501154899597168], ["\u2581Averigua", -13.463774681091309], ["\u2581desist", -13.410211563110352], ["\u2581Capture", -13.405377388000488], ["\u2581Facilitate", -13.405155181884766], ["\u2581afeitado", -13.418499946594238], ["\u2581biogas", -13.378742218017578], ["\u2581vi\u00f1edo", -13.549476623535156], ["nutrition", -13.423334121704102], ["\u2581unseen", -13.4263916015625], ["\u2581Alongside", -13.420384407043457], ["\u2581Mart\u00ed", -13.37785816192627], ["\u2581retrieval", -13.529518127441406], ["034", -13.303533554077148], ["district", -13.483681678771973], ["\u2581Horizontal", -13.429533004760742], ["\u2581sorties", -13.4124116897583], ["better", -13.393659591674805], ["\u00e9ndome", -13.274121284484863], ["\u2581F\u00edjate", -13.415221214294434], ["\u2581blockage", 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["\u2581Pertenece", -13.477129936218262], ["\u2581desastroso", -13.535970687866211], ["1976", -13.430336952209473], ["C\u00f3mpral", -13.557594299316406], ["\u2581Frontline", -13.414856910705566], ["\u2581Lleg", -13.274275779724121], ["\u2581reverendo", -13.38105583190918], ["\u2581Dignity", -13.438694953918457], ["\u2581Tunnel", -13.522994041442871], ["\u2581devaluation", -13.46728229522705], ["Multi", -13.366589546203613], ["\u2581BUY", -13.499419212341309], ["\u2581cylindrical", -13.364032745361328], ["\u2581imaginative", -13.457474708557129], ["\u2581saliste", -13.285478591918945], ["\u2581abiding", -13.448139190673828], ["\u2581Practica", -13.507913589477539], ["\u2581multilingualism", -13.476824760437012], ["\u2581pineapple", -13.476613998413086], ["\u2581cadmium", -13.396199226379395], ["\u2581deterrence", -13.364032745361328], ["\u2581rega\u00f1", -13.471870422363281], ["\u2581appraise", -13.489599227905273], ["\u2581estuvi\u00e9ramos", -13.3539457321167], 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["Compa\u00f1ero", -13.512171745300293], ["\u2581Exemption", -13.327305793762207], ["\u2581pianist", -13.567626953125], ["\u2581retrete", -13.318922996520996], ["\u2581vile", -13.440056800842285], ["\u2581Cr\u00edmenes", -13.507848739624023], ["\u2581Jeanne", -13.457489967346191], ["\u2581owl", -13.540559768676758], ["\u2581ambigua", -13.557638168334961], ["\u2581undeclared", -13.414191246032715], ["\u2581Meli\u00e1", -13.550362586975098], ["\u2581aloud", -13.509566307067871], ["ECOWAS", -13.53023910522461], ["possible", -13.448206901550293], ["\u2581ancestor", -13.539490699768066], ["\u2581met\u00e1stasis", -13.572271347045898], ["\u2581incest", -13.436668395996094], ["\u2581monastic", -13.432524681091309], ["\u2581Competitive", -13.470072746276855], ["\u2581in\u00e9dito", -13.521811485290527], ["\u2581provoking", -13.426530838012695], ["8,500", -13.51174545288086], ["\u2581apresur", -13.476433753967285], ["\u2581underdeveloped", -13.326351165771484], ["against", -13.48023509979248], 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["\u2581Negocio", -13.57540512084961], ["\u2581immorality", -13.55382251739502], ["\u2581impeccable", -13.557059288024902], ["\u2581obese", -13.539886474609375], ["\u2581vicar", -13.57620906829834], ["\u2581Neptune", -13.536333084106445], ["\u2581Shutterstock", -13.553574562072754], ["\u2581metalocus", -13.432512283325195], ["Personal", -13.557974815368652], ["couple", -13.526022911071777], ["\u2581Imagino", -13.384121894836426], ["\u2581inerte", -13.550522804260254], ["\u2581nupcial", -13.507850646972656], ["\u2581Ramallah", -13.473398208618164], ["\u2581col\u00e1geno", -13.57597541809082], ["\u2581imperfecciones", -13.528865814208984], ["\u2581Katrina", -13.499458312988281], ["\u2581rev\u00f3lver", -13.497504234313965], ["Command", -13.583022117614746], ["\u2581ascension", -13.571120262145996], ["\u2581principiante", -13.571656227111816], ["\u2581schizophrenia", -13.543193817138672], ["\u2581simp\u00e1tica", -13.415221214294434], ["\u2581suegro", -13.557662963867188], ["GONNA", 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["\u2581bosom", -13.546680450439453], ["\u2581bureaucrat", -13.564372062683105], ["\u2581crunch", -13.49618148803711], ["\u2581ojivas", -13.55395793914795], ["\u2581refinery", -13.47691822052002], ["\u2581discord", -13.506361961364746], ["\u2581stipulating", -13.492847442626953], ["Royal", -13.51329517364502], ["determined", -13.496514320373535], ["\u2581austr\u00edaca", -13.568581581115723], ["\u2581Octava", -13.511321067810059], ["\u2581v\u00f3mito", -13.40661907196045], ["\u2581Mustafa", -13.502737045288086], ["\u2581cunning", -13.553604125976562], ["\u2581didactic", -13.444974899291992], ["\u2581inclin\u00f3", -13.507878303527832], ["\u2581SECOND", -13.506027221679688], ["\u2581blusa", -13.480514526367188], ["\u2581debiste", -13.319839477539062], ["\u2581Broadcast", -13.40359878540039], ["female", -13.483539581298828], ["\u2581piercing", -13.553574562072754], ["\u2581flaming", -13.426369667053223], ["\u2581martyrdom", -13.526145935058594], ["\u2581salvage", -13.640745162963867], ["\u2581Vacanc", -13.4671049118042], ["\u2581cleanliness", -13.47675609588623], ["\u2581equipping", -13.46710205078125], ["\u2581unutilized", -13.387323379516602], ["\u2581Simeon", -13.56060791015625], ["burden", -13.480439186096191], ["\u25812015/05/0", -13.55706787109375], ["\u2581ASAMBLEA", -13.546723365783691], ["\u2581Auckland", -13.486323356628418], ["\u2581[11]", -13.479841232299805], ["\u2581difusa", -13.463775634765625], ["\u2581memorize", -13.50622844696045], ["angiotensin", -13.516026496887207], ["scientific", -13.44822883605957], ["\u2581subconsciente", -13.568581581115723], ["\u2581Sergei", -13.50935173034668], ["\u2581Throne", -13.554346084594727], ["Which", -13.5792875289917], ["disponible", -13.483884811401367], ["\u2581Vallarta", -13.423309326171875], ["\u2581garner", -13.467194557189941], ["\u2581STORE", -13.5679931640625], ["\u2581Wolfram", -13.564109802246094], ["\u2581nurturing", -13.429434776306152], ["\u2581pixel", -13.542972564697266], ["plug", 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["\u2581Apocalypse", -13.479839324951172], ["\u2581Burgos", -13.526389122009277], ["\u2581labyrinth", -13.543193817138672], ["vastatin", -13.318695068359375], ["\u2581elevate", -13.620783805847168], ["\u2581ventajoso", -13.56859302520752], ["Ministry", -13.417218208312988], ["\u2581embellec", -13.56860065460205], ["\u2581\u00e1rido", -13.561384201049805], ["\u2581Detection", -13.426368713378906], ["\u2581Sentence", -13.43567180633545], ["\u2581Subray\u00f3", -13.564905166625977], ["\u2581dehydration", -13.460638999938965], ["\u2581sonri\u00f3", -13.487302780151367], ["\u2581Interfaz", -13.553956031799316], ["\u2581besieged", -13.417221069335938], ["\u2581tantamount", -13.509349822998047], ["Philippines", -13.537102699279785], ["rquez", -13.580010414123535], ["\u2581adjective", -13.509349822998047], ["\u2581depressing", -13.529523849487305], ["\u2581pottery", -13.483076095581055], ["Imagin", -13.555258750915527], ["\u2581Assuming", -13.546648025512695], ["\u2581apportioned", 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["\u2581STATE", -13.39989185333252], ["\u2581clerical", -13.503074645996094], ["\u2581hillside", -13.616195678710938], ["refundable", -13.647719383239746], ["temporal", -13.567378997802734], ["\u0439", -100], ["\u2581ASSEMBLY", -13.529518127441406], ["\u2581brothel", -13.567595481872559], ["\u2581mammal", -13.5653715133667], ["\u2581puberty", -13.489580154418945], ["\u2581saturation", -13.522749900817871], ["prendida", -13.577314376831055], ["\u2581Farmhouse", -13.57487678527832], ["\u2581hostiga", -13.550707817077637], ["\u2581irregularity", -13.474296569824219], ["imposed", -13.467449188232422], ["\u2581Municipalities", -13.519585609436035], ["\u2581baroque", -13.536334037780762], ["\u2581detonate", -13.708210945129395], ["\u2581dashboard", -13.486366271972656], ["\u2581morgue", -13.58198356628418], ["\u2581poke", -13.532402992248535], ["\u2581rivalry", -13.489903450012207], ["\u2581Lambert", -13.557255744934082], ["\u2581Recreation", -13.571301460266113], ["\u2581arregle", 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["\u2581subordination", -13.476937294006348], ["Ay\u00fadenme", -13.49407958984375], ["Guatemala", -13.483488082885742], ["\u2581DATA", -13.543295860290527], ["\u2581Versace", -13.557061195373535], ["\u2581Amistad", -13.568589210510254], ["\u2581conglomerate", -13.506027221679688], ["\u2581lyric", -13.465826034545898], ["\u2581retiring", -13.592588424682617], ["builder", -13.230501174926758], ["\u2581invalidate", -13.62060546875], ["\u2581tweak", -13.603495597839355], ["Invest", -13.384644508361816], ["UNMIBH", -13.532411575317383], ["\u2581INTERPOL", -13.603508949279785], ["\u2581Primo", -13.591914176940918], ["8,9", -13.487517356872559], ["\u2581carruaje", -13.477129936218262], ["\u2581migra\u00f1a", -13.546748161315918], ["\u2581Protein", -13.546645164489746], ["\u2581addenda", -13.476799011230469], ["\u2581fornication", -13.536375999450684], ["\u2581patrolling", -13.592912673950195], ["\u2581CHRIST", -13.732078552246094], ["\u2581prudence", -13.543193817138672], ["\u2581desolation", -13.49612808227539], ["\u2581\u00c1guila", -13.546723365783691], ["OAU", -13.518195152282715], ["\u2581Delgado", -13.663777351379395], ["\u2581compulsion", -13.607158660888672], ["\u2581scramble", -13.663777351379395], ["\u2581Normandy", -13.633286476135254], ["\u2581Albuquerque", -13.663777351379395], ["\u2581Imaging", -13.687479972839355], ["\u2581dispensation", -13.522749900817871], ["\u2581paramilitaries", -13.592586517333984], ["\u2581Explanator", -13.426371574401855], ["Deutsch", -13.568572044372559], ["\u2581decorating", -13.467117309570312], ["\u2581Cynthia", -13.667668342590332], ["provide", -13.541131019592285], ["\u2581Analytical", -13.567584991455078], ["\u2581cobble", -13.663905143737793], ["\u2581su\u00e9ter", -13.457252502441406], ["\u2581Nieto", -13.61823558807373], ["\u2581backstopping", -13.516027450561523], ["distinct", -13.638463973999023], ["\u2581degenerate", -13.546673774719238], ["\u2581kitten", -13.564398765563965], ["dream", 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["\u2581bathrobe", -13.522750854492188], ["\u2581sentaba", -13.499825477600098], ["mortem", -13.596851348876953], ["\u2581Algarve", -13.625679016113281], ["\u2581Benito", -13.50661849975586], ["\u2581scholastic", -13.578224182128906], ["Course", -13.69729232788086], ["\u2581WOMAN", -13.727928161621094], ["\u2581expendedora", -13.57597541809082], ["ontraindications", -13.479839324951172], ["\u2581ACTIVE", -13.532947540283203], ["\u2581Gaspar", -13.633440971374512], ["\u2581biomedical", -13.473443984985352], ["\u2581palliative", -13.519383430480957], ["\u2581toolkit", -13.46700382232666], ["\u2581puppies", -13.574665069580078], ["\u2581skimmed", -13.536333084106445], ["Express", -13.586312294006348], ["\u2581certidumbre", -13.572271347045898], ["\u2581stereotyping", -13.560555458068848], ["\u2581unbalanced", -13.519384384155273], ["bromodifenilo", -13.546723365783691], ["\u2581Intercultural", -13.592914581298828], ["\u2581Ribeir", -13.701801300048828], ["\u2581ch\u00f3fer", -13.49407958984375], ["\u2581Windsor", -13.476633071899414], ["\u2581OFFICIAL", -13.502716064453125], ["\u2581Separation", -13.502716064453125], ["\u2581prospectivo", -13.550333976745605], ["encephalo", -13.464550971984863], ["\u2581Tutorial", -13.553606033325195], ["\u2581nanny", -13.753087997436523], ["\u2581Clyde", -13.65222454071045], ["\u2581RAID", -13.51301097869873], ["\u2581chestnut", -13.671574592590332], ["\u2581ofende", -13.483160972595215], ["\u2581patronage", -13.480052947998047], ["\u2581Scorpion", -13.466998100280762], ["Funciona", -13.483890533447266], ["sustancia", -13.551525115966797], ["compared", -13.550969123840332], ["\u2581Montgomery", -13.703386306762695], ["\u25811992-1993", -13.454320907592773], ["\u2581Bronx", -13.56776237487793], ["\u2581Hiking", -13.496774673461914], ["finished", -13.378140449523926], ["\u2581Declare", -13.411277770996094], ["endorf", -13.602771759033203], ["\u2581caretaker", -13.607161521911621], ["\u2581menopause", -13.512682914733887], ["expert", -13.47381591796875], ["gross", -13.434294700622559], ["\u2581equator", -13.557079315185547], ["Quito", -13.534380912780762], ["\u2581Eurojust", -13.611043930053711], ["\u2581psychopath", -13.571083068847656], ["\u2581Mahjong", -13.553574562072754], ["\u2581tastefully", -13.611042022705078], ["\u2581adulthood", -13.589155197143555], ["\u2581qualifies", -13.509349822998047], ["oplasty", -13.510882377624512], ["\u2581Descansa", -13.45059585571289], ["cuidado", -13.392321586608887], ["\u2581Picchu", -13.607193946838379], [".3/62/", -13.559042930603027], ["\u2581T\u00f3malo", -13.396440505981445], ["..............", -13.578060150146484], ["\u2581soybean", -13.460638999938965], ["\u2581Kaiser", -13.618425369262695], ["\u2581disperse", -13.613404273986816], ["\u2581firearm", -13.578817367553711], ["Listen", -13.681317329406738], ["OEWG", -13.454357147216797], ["\u0176", -100], ["\u2581Combination", -13.496143341064453], ["\u2581abusing", -13.506245613098145], ["Michael", -13.466997146606445], ["disaster", -13.483567237854004], ["\u2581Bentley", -13.509352684020996], ["\u2581Ortho", -13.488300323486328], ["\u2581Pediatric", -13.723795890808105], ["\u2581Vessel", -13.539815902709961], ["\u2581Tampere", -13.526129722595215], ["\u2581extinguisher", -13.526128768920898], ["\u2581prescribing", -13.506195068359375], ["\u258160/251", -13.63326358795166], ["\u2581Retriev", -13.564072608947754], ["\u2581Taipei", -13.663777351379395], ["\u2581intriguing", -13.596209526062012], ["\u2581punctual", -13.516026496887207], ["\u2581savor", -13.578391075134277], ["\u2581Healing", -13.585707664489746], ["\u2581Marrakesh", -13.550102233886719], ["\u2581tyrant", -13.663777351379395], ["\u2581Matrix", -13.5962495803833], ["\u2581Huelva", -13.526128768920898], ["\u2581lettuce", -13.564065933227539], ["Option", -13.39415454864502], ["\u2581Olivier", -13.652198791503906], ["\u2581Suomi", -13.550195693969727], ["\u2581indemnity", -13.564064025878906], ["\u2581PLEN", -13.557063102722168], ["\u2581focussed", -13.520454406738281], ["\u2581Bujumbura", -13.53975772857666], ["\u2581Karaoke", -13.640763282775879], ["\u2581assembling", -13.636956214904785], ["(92)", -13.492283821105957], ["\u2581Qu\u00e9dese", -13.348065376281738], ["\u2581emulate", -13.522942543029785], ["\u2581llueve", -13.557592391967773], ["\u2581retardado", -13.55395793914795], ["\u2581tetanus", -13.614524841308594], ["\u2581belligerent", -13.574665069580078], ["\u2581profane", -13.522810935974121], ["\u2581comparator", -13.51269245147705], ["internal", -13.500081062316895], ["\u2581creyera", -13.507864952087402], ["\u2581oedema", -13.361159324645996], ["\u2581stimuli", -13.463820457458496], ["\u2581Brisbane", -13.578224182128906], ["\u2581Expedition", -13.625977516174316], ["\u2581prefabricated", -13.512682914733887], ["\u2581Heavily", -13.43869686126709], ["\u2581jersey", -13.603495597839355], ["\u2581Aziz", -13.577202796936035], ["\u2581merezca", -13.56867790222168], ["\u2581neutra", -13.569973945617676], ["\u2581Jackpot", -13.550220489501953], ["\u2581amiguito", -13.457162857055664], ["\u2581supranational", -13.4480619430542], ["democracy", -13.575716018676758], ["\u2581Mijas", -13.603520393371582], ["\u2581REGISTER", -13.64074420928955], ["\u2581connotation", -13.539758682250977], ["\u2581bruising", -13.571120262145996], ["pectral", -13.731012344360352], ["regulated", -13.579206466674805], ["volume", -13.57250690460205], ["\u2581Combustible", -13.56124210357666], ["\u2581Triangle", -13.715680122375488], ["Venezuela", -13.554464340209961], ["\u2581Blank", -13.622314453125], ["\u2581Locator", -13.457474708557129], ["\u2581esophagus", -13.578224182128906], ["\u2581renovat", -13.682195663452148], ["Catholic", -13.575700759887695], ["\u2581WORKING", -13.496230125427246], ["\u2581asquerosa", -13.48726749420166], ["\u2581enloquece", -13.448140144348145], ["\u2581frail", -13.564496994018555], ["\u2581ganso", -13.484344482421875], ["Cielos", -13.371255874633789], ["POPRC", -13.59621810913086], ["justice", -13.533760070800781], ["spiritual", -13.557998657226562], ["\u2581Legacy", -13.66380786895752], ["\u2581Minivan", -13.675649642944336], ["\u2581sumergida", -13.546723365783691], ["\u2581($8", -13.487642288208008], ["\u2581Witt", -13.62405776977539], ["\u2581erythro", -13.502731323242188], ["\u2581rebota", -13.508544921875], ["\u2581Codification", -13.543195724487305], ["\u2581countenance", -13.603495597839355], ["cliff", -13.698112487792969], ["\u2581skyscraper", -13.671574592590332], ["\u2581Romanesque", -13.592586517333984], ["\u2581airborne", -13.540139198303223], ["\u2581hyperlink", -13.560348510742188], ["\u2581pristine", -13.564064025878906], ["\u2581se\u00f1uelo", -13.575976371765137], ["\u2581bibliography", -13.57111930847168], ["onomyCartography", -13.529518127441406], ["\u2581sociological", -13.476744651794434], ["Amendment", -13.582881927490234], ["Liber", -13.431441307067871], ["\u2581Aegean", -13.599846839904785], ["\u2581Plenty", -13.703386306762695], ["\u8d38", -100], ["\u2581Chamorro", -13.526128768920898], ["\u2581Commune", -13.557376861572266], ["\u2581impaciencia", -13.557612419128418], ["\u2581Carriage", -13.448040008544922], ["\u2581Sylvia", -13.72792911529541], ["\u2581Mortality", -13.578224182128906], ["\u2581Permission", -13.557432174682617], ["\u2581Pleasant", -13.636956214904785], ["\u2581enfatiz\u00f3", -13.557592391967773], ["prevention", -13.590202331542969], ["\u2581criticizing", -13.675647735595703], ["Located", -13.601067543029785], ["\u2581Lexmark", -13.596253395080566], ["\u2581Simulator", -13.659944534301758], ["\u2581treacherous", -13.585379600524902], ["/60/6", -13.205841064453125], ["\u2581syndicate", -13.705677032470703], ["Everyone", -13.516817092895508], ["\u2581Ownership", -13.63703727722168], ["\u2581V\u00e1lvula", -13.568581581115723], ["6-0", -13.485954284667969], ["Discover", -13.557999610900879], ["\u2581Impunity", -13.486322402954102], ["\u2581sentamos", -13.501152992248535], ["\u2581DISCRIMINATION", -13.532919883728027], ["evaluate", -13.52684211730957], ["\u2581Basra", -13.597442626953125], ["\u2581Duchy", -13.522871971130371], ["\u2581Maurici", -13.585424423217773], ["\u2581Serving", -13.58917236328125], ["\u2581midwife", -13.58187484741211], ["\u2581secession", -13.564109802246094], ["David", -13.53370189666748], ["Bornemisza", -13.550102233886719], ["\u2581Jerome", -13.736278533935547], ["\u2581Pinochet", -13.553580284118652], ["\u2581YAHUVEH", -13.557059288024902], ["\u2581rpm", -13.46715259552002], ["\u2581Utrecht", -13.667670249938965], ["\u2581guild", -13.550329208374023], ["\u2581rostrum", -13.476613998413086], ["\u2581Continent", -13.542678833007812], ["\u2581Pluto", -13.439407348632812], ["\u2581RUF", -13.478547096252441], ["\u2581audacia", -13.507857322692871], ["\u2581mism\u00edsimo", -13.546723365783691], ["\u2581rapist", -13.596718788146973], ["\u2581rhyme", -13.625678062438965], ["\u2581Miracle", -13.59294605255127], ["\u2581Resolv", -13.533303260803223], ["Research", -13.46415901184082], ["\u2581avocado", -13.526134490966797], ["Croatia", -13.579288482666016], ["technological", -13.565027236938477], ["Coupon", -13.754114151000977], ["stretch", -13.411149024963379], ["\u2581evaluator", -13.526128768920898], ["\u2581Argent", -13.658853530883789], ["Tunisia", -13.4999361038208], ["\u2581radioactivity", -13.479986190795898], ["DIRECT", -13.620657920837402], ["Didactica", -13.667510986328125], ["\u2581Melilla", -13.529696464538574], ["\u2581Pereira", -13.61845874786377], ["\u2581PLUS", -13.648368835449219], ["\u2581Productivity", -13.585626602172852], ["\u2581enga\u00f1\u00f3", -13.450604438781738], ["chemistry", -13.586492538452148], ["succesfully", -13.621946334838867], ["\u2581CERs", -13.42973518371582], ["\u2581Incentive", -13.644548416137695], ["\u2581Appartement", -13.470192909240723], ["\u2581CORDIS", -13.457480430603027], ["\u0457", -100], ["\u2581Aluminum", -13.581794738769531], ["recovery", -13.526838302612305], ["\u2581Vaccine", -13.610835075378418], ["Ma\u00f1ana", -13.470352172851562], ["\u2581routing", -13.509354591369629], ["atinib", -13.557229042053223], ["\u2581Pittsburgh", -13.607158660888672], ["\u2581silica", -13.582114219665527], ["\u2581neurons", -13.55722713470459], ["\u2581fibrosis", -13.603527069091797], ["\u2581intimidating", -13.564064025878906], ["\u2581Hammond", -13.753140449523926], ["insurance", -13.506369590759277], ["\u2581Fiona", -13.679652214050293], ["\u2581invading", -13.691353797912598], ["\u2581kidnapper", -13.68005084991455], ["\u2581nuisance", -13.64836311340332], ["\u2581reinstatement", -13.58899974822998], [".4/2003/", -13.57548999786377], ["\u2581AMERICA", -13.621947288513184], ["\u2581Injurious", -13.603495597839355], ["\u2581Innocent", -13.625679969787598], ["\u2581basurero", -13.539542198181152], ["\u2581superpower", -13.603882789611816], ["\u2581Cassation", -13.509833335876465], ["\u2581Dynasty", 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["propyl", -13.490829467773438], ["\u2581strawberry", -13.683403015136719], ["\u2581PAGE", -13.122983932495117], ["\u2581rubbing", -13.671631813049316], ["\u2581slippery", -13.687355041503906], ["\u2581genotype", -13.557059288024902], ["\u2581monoparentales", -13.507848739624023], ["Tourist", -13.545340538024902], ["\u00c6", -100], ["\u2581Resend", -13.600133895874023], ["\u2581monstrous", -13.652194023132324], ["\u2581nurseries", -13.57132625579834], ["\u2581sustenance", -13.553574562072754], ["\u2581cucaracha", -13.532411575317383], ["\u2581cultivating", -13.519383430480957], ["\u2581entice", -13.58641242980957], ["\u2581ni\u00f1ita", -13.511322975158691], ["257", -13.101947784423828], ["Armenia", -13.473771095275879], ["develop", -13.539080619812012], ["\u2581Delaware", -13.592586517333984], ["\u2581Copies", -13.480228424072266], ["\u2581eccentric", -13.592586517333984], ["\u2581welded", -13.539774894714355], ["\u2581Chaldean", -13.479840278625488], ["\u2581Grandioso", 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["ELLE", -13.571967124938965], ["\u2581Bunny", -13.625816345214844], ["\u2581Oviedo", -13.57111930847168], ["\u2581isotope", -13.691340446472168], ["Title", -13.638514518737793], ["\u2581Superintendent", -13.578224182128906], ["\u2581fungal", -13.486693382263184], ["\u2581imitat", -13.54269027709961], ["\u2581Contains", -13.539763450622559], ["\u2581Salazar", -13.648443222045898], ["\u2581Viktor", -13.61087417602539], ["\u2581enrol", -13.556787490844727], ["\u2581transformative", -13.567843437194824], ["\u2581chromium", -13.470192909240723], ["\u2581Stakeholder", -13.546643257141113], ["ncidentally", -13.577919960021973], ["route", -13.56879997253418], ["spoil", -13.574751853942871], ["\u2581Armando", -13.589022636413574], ["\u2581embellish", -13.567584991455078], ["\u2581rigidity", -13.513259887695312], ["\u2581unimpeded", -13.578224182128906], ["\u2581Divide", -13.635481834411621], ["\u2581thermometer", -13.641081809997559], ["ATHER", -13.686899185180664], ["\u2581fastener", -13.652369499206543], ["\u2581CHMP", -13.56767463684082], ["\u2581Bolivar", -13.65970230102539], ["\u2581Collaborat", -13.410727500915527], ["AWACS", -13.47341537475586], ["Jehovah", -13.509936332702637], ["Perdona", -13.480538368225098], ["\u2581hypotheses", -13.57111930847168], ["\u2581timid", -13.629477500915527], ["\u2581concurrence", -13.529518127441406], ["\u2581curative", -13.644733428955078], ["\u2581Babies", -13.529624938964844], ["\u2581revitalizing", -13.553574562072754], ["\u2581barbaric", -13.5925874710083], ["\u2581Quintana", -13.630036354064941], ["\u2581Smooth", -13.571139335632324], ["\u2581lumber", -13.557219505310059], ["\u2581styling", -13.607162475585938], ["\u2581Gibson", -13.695338249206543], ["\u2581CNB", -13.450200080871582], ["\u2581evaporate", -13.588976860046387], ["\u2581asust\u00f3", -13.41839599609375], ["Laughing", -13.732208251953125], ["\u2581Dominic", -13.714583396911621], ["\u2581Wesley", -13.499799728393555], ["\u2581patrimony", 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["\u2581Jammu", -13.603519439697266], ["\u2581Labelling", -13.578353881835938], ["\u2581traverse", -13.723928451538086], ["\u2581Fluid", -13.517266273498535], ["\u2581Krakow", -13.656049728393555], ["\u2581conspicuous", -13.65990161895752], ["\u2581vomita", -13.389962196350098], ["5/96", -13.603686332702637], ["\u2581Clothes", -13.675511360168457], ["\u2581Stephanie", -13.652299880981445], ["esophageal", -13.489580154418945], ["\u2581submarina", -13.572273254394531], ["\u2581ADDRESS", -13.489534378051758], ["\u2581SUBMIT", -13.52198600769043], ["\u2581fabricated", -13.543781280517578], ["adjustment", -13.517125129699707], ["\u2581ensuite", -13.57530689239502], ["\u2581assortment", -13.588976860046387], ["\u2581scrutinize", -13.502716064453125], ["Jordan", -13.520037651062012], ["\u2581Immobilien", -13.783224105834961], ["\u2581Supper", -13.509472846984863], ["\u2581Conversation", -13.596210479736328], ["\u2581harmonic", -13.603816032409668], ["\u2581Python", -13.550102233886719], ["\u2581Bratislava", -13.529518127441406], ["\u2581Laurel", -13.671829223632812], ["\u2581Lobby", -13.432513236999512], ["\u2581lavish", -13.679437637329102], ["\u2581Salim", -13.523595809936523], ["\u2581charismatic", -13.64837646484375], ["\u2581shellfish", -13.687477111816406], ["\u2581zipper", -13.578620910644531], ["\u2581drizzle", -13.75308609008789], ["\u2581Nadine", -13.652419090270996], [".12.2006", -13.499507904052734], ["\u2581immature", -13.69935417175293], ["\u2581Curtain", -13.550186157226562], ["\u2581Jenkins", -13.71561336517334], ["Financial", -13.604743957519531], ["\u2581Rafah", -13.585379600524902], ["\u2581pebble", -13.603495597839355], ["\u2581Micah", -13.659904479980469], ["\u2581rattle", -13.629762649536133], ["\u2581Burgundy", -13.644546508789062], ["\u2581Panther", -13.641085624694824], ["\u2581Peasant", -13.640745162963867], ["\u2581expatriation", -13.695338249206543], ["\u2581wrinkles", -13.519383430480957], ["\u2581invaders", -13.671727180480957], ["O\u00edste", -13.437602996826172], ["\u2581Goddess", -13.723933219909668], ["\u2581Museu", -13.685770034790039], ["\u2581VMware", -13.607159614562988], ["\u2581accelerator", -13.691338539123535], ["\u2581regrettably", -13.550103187561035], ["husband", -13.730151176452637], ["\u2581Blend", -13.664318084716797], ["\u2581napkin", -13.740924835205078], ["\u2581duermo", -13.568582534790039], ["\u2581geostationary", -13.588976860046387], ["\u2581billboard", -13.57521915435791], ["\u2581divierta", -13.514810562133789], ["\u2581AQU", -13.513518333435059], ["\u2581apron", -13.648781776428223], ["\u2581gulf", -13.67183780670166], ["\u2581alcoh\u00f3lica", -13.54947566986084], ["\u2581Atacama", -13.543193817138672], ["\u2581magnifie", -13.607192993164062], ["\u2605", -100], ["\u2581desapercibido", -13.572272300720215], ["Word", -13.615939140319824], ["planning", -13.583552360534668], ["\u2581ISSUES", -13.560555458068848], ["Psalm", -13.638453483581543], ["\u2581Precision", -13.536497116088867], ["\u2581concierge", -13.644546508789062], ["Money", -13.669710159301758], ["\u2581Ramadan", -13.66770076751709], ["\u2581Vernon", -13.637245178222656], ["\u2581desdicha", -13.525345802307129], ["\u2581whirlpool", -13.610835075378418], ["\u2581exclusivity", -13.546642303466797], ["\u2581colossal", -13.64074420928955], ["\u2581AARP", -13.636962890625], ["\u2581slender", -13.625679016113281], ["directional", -13.352360725402832], ["\u2581Complement", -13.43233585357666], ["\u2581Mobilization", -13.5819091796875], ["\u2581tumble", -13.640957832336426], ["categories", -13.619585990905762], ["\u2581Cyclo", -13.628266334533691], ["\u2581Hydra", -13.660520553588867], ["\u2581Luanda", -13.589162826538086], ["\u2581militarization", -13.603662490844727], ["\u2581wineries", -13.510433197021484], ["\u2581quench", -13.644643783569336], ["/57/5", -13.590142250061035], ["\u2581camshaft", -13.603495597839355], ["\u2581emptiness", -13.64836311340332], ["Bulgaria", -13.604743957519531], ["\u2581Cosmic", 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["\u2581spleen", -13.574666023254395], ["6/2004", -13.553229331970215], ["Ethiopia", -13.516658782958984], ["\u2581TYPE", -13.53636646270752], ["\u2581Curriculum", -13.667668342590332], ["\u2581skating", -13.57823657989502], ["\u2581Repression", -13.589162826538086], ["\u2581unskilled", -13.600042343139648], ["ymptomatic", -13.5220947265625], ["Banquet", -13.653179168701172], ["\u2581Catering", -13.516121864318848], ["\u2581casualty", -13.589241027832031], ["\u2581Solemn", -13.663780212402344], ["\u2581Venue", -13.699451446533203], ["\u2581Yokohama", -13.560555458068848], ["alguien", -13.529214859008789], ["\u2581Demonstration", -13.592588424682617], ["\u2581funeraria", -13.500941276550293], ["sustainable", -13.47037124633789], ["\u2581Turkmen", -13.578323364257812], ["Cierra", -13.44385814666748], ["Excelente", -13.501070976257324], ["\u2581Demobilization", -13.64836311340332], ["\u2581Ginger", -13.749205589294434], ["activities", -13.642271995544434], ["\u2581Dirty", 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["\u2581Pregnant", -13.585379600524902], ["5/2001", -13.619211196899414], ["\u2581rejoin", -13.777142524719238], ["\u2581ICJ", -13.502832412719727], ["\u2581equitably", -13.578224182128906], ["\u2581sociocultural", -13.567721366882324], ["\u2581Desire", -13.72391414642334], ["\u2581Galleries", -13.66383171081543], ["\u2581pamper", -13.625725746154785], ["MINUGUA", -13.621946334838867], ["\u2581Lifestyle", -13.641016006469727], ["\u2581parpadea", -13.557594299316406], ["\u2581resonate", -13.610928535461426], ["\u2581prehistoric", -13.567712783813477], ["\u2581Initiation", -13.636958122253418], ["\u2581unanswered", -13.610835075378418], ["learn", -13.77164363861084], ["\u2581braid", -13.584589958190918], ["\u2581nineteen", -13.640583038330078], ["\u2581refueling", -13.633184432983398], ["awareness", -13.466476440429688], ["\u2581gratifying", -13.581794738769531], ["\u2581Optimize", -13.75308895111084], ["\u2581cucumber", -13.644546508789062], ["\u2581reincarnation", -13.57111930847168], ["\u2581Francamente", -13.539543151855469], ["\u2581MTSP", -13.581890106201172], ["\u2581Ceuta", -13.618290901184082], ["\u2581COVENANT", -13.603495597839355], ["\u2581RELATED", -13.543193817138672], ["\u2581Schwarz", -13.625679016113281], ["\u2581cornea", -13.61726188659668], ["\u2581ocupo", -13.521835327148438], ["Viniste", -13.511834144592285], ["Semitic", -13.731603622436523], ["\u2581Dwight", -13.770216941833496], ["\u2581Multilingual", -13.715617179870605], ["\u2581Valerie", -13.72427749633789], ["$39.95", -13.629423141479492], ["\u2581archiving", -13.68741512298584], ["\u2581bleak", -13.621968269348145], ["\u2581scaffold", -13.62194538116455], ["\u2581Contractual", -13.644608497619629], ["\u2581deceptive", -13.585384368896484], ["alcohol", -13.693263053894043], ["\u2581Polyester", -13.683415412902832], ["\u2581hemato", -13.652111053466797], ["Linux", -13.677292823791504], ["\u2581divirtiendo", -13.514805793762207], ["\u2581Queensland", -13.70744514465332], ["\u2581Silent", 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-13.523435592651367], ["\u2581Plenipotentiary", -13.68735408782959], ["\u25811782/2003", -13.640751838684082], ["\u2581sulphate", -13.585379600524902], ["maximum", -13.642271995544434], ["\u2581bullfight", -13.762162208557129], ["HERRY", -13.704081535339355], ["\u2581Sitges", -13.687427520751953], ["\u2581bandits", -13.56781005859375], ["\u2581Ecological", -13.663837432861328], ["\u2581ravine", -13.599884033203125], ["IZATION", -13.70047378540039], ["\u2581hydrocarbon", -13.56418228149414], ["\u2581rescuing", -13.667668342590332], ["\u2581Perd\u00f3neme", -13.393427848815918], ["\u2581Spoken", -13.727967262268066], ["\u2581acknowledgment", -13.585379600524902], ["\u2581illustrious", -13.607158660888672], ["ferrous", -13.687126159667969], ["\u2581Catania", -13.667729377746582], ["\u2581anecdote", -13.64074420928955], ["Impression", -13.742859840393066], ["piracy", -13.673543930053711], ["\u2581dormant", -13.683483123779297], ["\u2581BOARD", -13.618257522583008], ["\u2581leopard", 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["\u2581Mystic", -13.661105155944824], ["\u2581tidings", -13.744632720947266], ["\u25811.4.1", -13.578167915344238], ["\u2581Striptease", -13.64836311340332], ["Treaty", -13.642271995544434], ["\u2581Fascist", -13.663777351379395], ["\u2581HKSAR", -13.625678062438965], ["orrhea", -13.777995109558105], ["\u2581Entebbe", -13.65990161895752], ["\u2581Technician", -13.522750854492188], [".3/63/", -13.54019546508789], ["\u2581circumference", -13.757354736328125], ["\u2581si\u00e9ntese", -13.557592391967773], ["\u2581Retreat", -13.638413429260254], ["\u2581Elephant", -13.796477317810059], ["\u2581wondrous", -13.571120262145996], ["ndicative", -13.711527824401855], ["\u2581Sucre", -13.75736141204834], ["\u2581effluent", -13.633182525634766], ["\u2581salient", -13.66773509979248], ["Monthly", -13.68924617767334], ["society", -13.701343536376953], ["\u2581APPLICATION", -13.526128768920898], ["\u2581Bariloche", -13.574665069580078], ["\u2581hydrochloride", -13.483076095581055], ["guarantee", 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-13.596861839294434], ["\u2581Futur", -13.71714973449707], ["\u2581Guantanamo", -13.744629859924316], ["\u2581Infinity", -13.757344245910645], ["\u2581Andinia", -13.667704582214355], ["\u2581Rimini", -13.711626052856445], ["\u2581abatement", -13.711506843566895], ["inspired", -13.772804260253906], ["\u2581Duarte", -13.748849868774414], ["\u2581dishonor", -13.783262252807617], ["\u2581Flavi", -13.733662605285645], ["\u2581Commu", -13.634089469909668], ["\u2581misguided", -13.765907287597656], ["4/2000", -13.62139892578125], ["\u2581anthropology", -13.695352554321289], ["\u2581torpedo", -13.792052268981934], ["\u2581anchorage", -13.627043724060059], ["\u2581Sarkozy", -13.69935417175293], ["\u2581dubbed", -13.667668342590332], ["\u2581Nagasaki", -13.787647247314453], ["Transport", -13.653885841369629], ["\u2581expansive", -13.65990161895752], ["\u258151/21", -13.604620933532715], ["\u2581cloister", -13.603495597839355], ["\u2581monoxide", -13.667682647705078], ["\u2581symmetrical", -13.695338249206543], ["100%", -13.660228729248047], ["\u2581Variable", -13.625678062438965], ["\u2581SOMETHING", -13.796477317810059], ["\u2581acompa\u00f1o", -13.525333404541016], ["stituci", -13.633347511291504], ["\u2581pathologies", -13.625795364379883], ["Technology", -13.759815216064453], ["\u2581erythropoietin", -13.732077598571777], ["\u2581autoimmune", -13.74042797088623], ["\u2581ethic", -13.619647979736328], ["\u2581redeploy", -13.658638954162598], ["olytic", -13.724776268005371], ["\u2581Destiny", -13.744629859924316], ["\u2581affidavit", -13.770216941833496], ["\u2581physiology", -13.711518287658691], ["\u2581PERIOD", -13.757341384887695], ["Categories", -13.5509672164917], ["\u2581Nervous", -13.723795890808105], ["\u2581jeopardiz", -13.375292778015137], ["\u2581ONUB", -13.671717643737793], ["structural", -13.697296142578125], ["\u2581Sherman", -13.656083106994629], ["\u2581disparate", -13.715581893920898], ["integration", -13.568394660949707], ["\u2581Suggest", 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["12345", -13.787686347961426], ["\u2581incessant", -13.557063102722168], ["picture", -13.67760181427002], ["\u2581Calabria", -13.748854637145996], ["\u2581parasitic", -13.648406028747559], ["\u2581Sacrifice", -13.723795890808105], ["\u2581excretion", -13.691338539123535], ["\u2581tangent", -13.660014152526855], ["\u2581INDUSTRIES", -13.715581893920898], ["\u2581cantonal", -13.633256912231445], ["\u2581Barrett", -13.79649543762207], ["\u2581Sanitary", -13.671575546264648], ["\u2581thrombosis", -13.70340633392334], ["Double", -13.673369407653809], ["\u2581ovaries", -13.695343017578125], ["nflorescence", -13.800922393798828], ["\u2581Commodity", -13.629423141479492], ["\u2581retrofit", -13.703837394714355], ["\u2581Swarovski", -13.64074420928955], ["\u2217", -100], ["\u2581glossary", -13.629570007324219], ["\u2581plywood", -13.667670249938965], ["\u2581shipwreck", -13.74042797088623], ["\u2581Internship", -13.783271789550781], ["xamkiller", -13.744741439819336], ["\u2581Spatial", 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["compensation", -13.717703819274902], ["\u2581muffin", -13.765931129455566], ["\u2581psalmist", -13.699458122253418], ["\u2581CLASS", -13.644598960876465], ["\u2581Pinheiro", -13.757341384887695], ["\u2581aerodrome", -13.69533920288086], ["\u2581Nouveau", -13.707436561584473], ["\u2581antenatal", -13.73207950592041], ["Spirit", -13.738541603088379], ["\u2581italian", -13.753654479980469], ["\u2581Profession", -13.71905517578125], ["\u2581immerse", -13.735085487365723], ["\u2581vigour", -13.72792911529541], ["\u015b", -100], ["\u2581Accumulat", -13.761625289916992], ["narcotics", -13.593753814697266], ["\u00cc", -100], ["\u2581aforesaid", -13.65604019165039], ["\u2581squander", -13.732076644897461], ["\u2581CCTV", -13.783327102661133], ["\u2581MEDIA", -13.796969413757324], ["\u2581Helicopter", -13.787647247314453], ["\u2581capitula", -13.792375564575195], ["\u2581evangelist", -13.757346153259277], ["4,800", -13.64445686340332], ["UNITAR", -13.803775787353516], ["museum", 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["\u2581dissertation", -13.7832612991333], ["5/2003", -13.625650405883789], ["\u2581Affirmative", -13.778943061828613], ["\u2581Burmese", -13.744629859924316], ["\u2581Lafayette", -13.770216941833496], ["\u2581emigrants", -13.683389663696289], ["Bolivia", -13.579291343688965], ["omplementarities", -13.720736503601074], ["pecuni", -13.679536819458008], ["\u2581Varadero", -13.792052268981934], ["\u2581flexibly", -13.79206371307373], ["\u2581loaves", -13.75308895111084], ["\u2581Licensing", -13.574665069580078], ["\u2581Substantial", -13.625678062438965], ["\u2581POLITICAL", -13.761614799499512], ["\u2581Jiang", -13.732223510742188], ["\u2581Brahimi", -13.683385848999023], ["\u2581Aristide", -13.648364067077637], ["iglia", -13.69690990447998], ["\u2581ingestion", -13.64455795288086], ["\u2581Thessalonians", -13.787647247314453], ["\u2581Liabilities", -13.711563110351562], ["\u2581manipulating", -13.765907287597656], ["\u2581psalm", -13.699251174926758], ["llergic", -13.699265480041504], ["\u2581Animation", -13.671576499938965], ["\u2581exponent", -13.78760051727295], ["\u2581Frozen", -13.80538558959961], ["rbitral", -13.621488571166992], ["\u2581licensor", -13.64836311340332], ["Modern", -13.790385246276855], ["\u2581Chianti", -13.703529357910156], ["\u2581exploitative", -13.656229019165039], ["\u2581Reuters", -13.759685516357422], ["introduction", -13.665484428405762], ["\u2581Juarez", -13.732077598571777], ["\u2581perforated", -13.770217895507812], ["\u2581irreplaceable", -13.748848915100098], ["Civil", -13.661579132080078], ["Sometimes", -13.64995288848877], ["\u2581Laboratories", -13.75308609008789], ["\u2581truffle", -13.75308609008789], ["UNMIK", -13.630863189697266], ["\u2581phoning", -13.72386646270752], ["CTBT", -13.677347183227539], ["\u2581centenary", -13.740429878234863], ["\u2581Togolese", -13.792052268981934], ["\u2581basilica", -13.64836311340332], ["\u2581Miquel", -13.774620056152344], ["\u2581Strauss", -13.715592384338379], ["\u2581EZLN", 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["\u2581Relocat", -13.58018970489502], ["glycaemic", -13.640745162963867], ["\u2581SUPPORT", -13.727928161621094], ["renewable", -13.64610481262207], ["\u2581Schulz", -13.761622428894043], ["Value", -13.772799491882324], ["\u2581agility", -13.719690322875977], ["\u2581craftsmanship", -13.748857498168945], ["\u2581sumptuous", -13.691338539123535], ["\u2581horrendous", -13.770216941833496], ["8/2003", -13.574235916137695], ["\u2581mackerel", -13.792052268981934], ["\u2581sensibility", -13.679433822631836], ["synchronous", -13.707437515258789], ["\u2581Martinique", -13.637112617492676], ["\u2581uterine", -13.711502075195312], ["\u2581SPECIFIC", -13.62195110321045], ["\u2581painstaking", -13.711505889892578], ["\u2581stunned", -13.792052268981934], ["\u2581MOTAPM", -13.585379600524902], ["5,600", -13.74277114868164], ["\u2581Enbrel", -13.7832612991333], ["\u2581communicator", -13.792052268981934], ["\u2581embodiment", -13.596209526062012], ["Singapore", -13.768454551696777], ["\u2581Gradually", -13.765907287597656], ["iferous", -13.682549476623535], ["\u2581Depth", -13.736248970031738], ["\u2581syphilis", -13.732077598571777], ["Arquitect", -13.748847007751465], ["\u2581Chevrolet", -13.715581893920898], ["/12/2005", -13.770279884338379], ["Wireless", -13.734334945678711], ["contractual", -13.790436744689941], ["\u2581stamina", -13.774548530578613], ["\u2581Aberdeen", -13.629423141479492], ["\u2581Seizure", -13.748848915100098], ["\u03b3", -100], ["\u2581Srebrenica", -13.703386306762695], ["UNIDO", -13.725987434387207], ["\u2581enjoin", -13.770270347595215], ["\u2581Merciful", -13.719681739807129], ["Woven", -13.744025230407715], ["\u00ce", -100], ["\u2581Farewell", -13.800922393798828], ["\u2581bioavailability", -13.636983871459961], ["\u2581chaste", -13.767606735229492], ["Financing", -13.803778648376465], ["\u2581Stimulat", -13.779146194458008], ["\u2581libel", -13.706241607666016], ["\u2581Attempts", -13.715581893920898], ["\u2581Balloon", -13.614599227905273], ["\u2581Boutros", -13.603499412536621], ["\u2581Calvary", -13.723795890808105], ["\u2581FRAMEWORK", -13.719680786132812], ["\u2581Vitoria", -13.622110366821289], ["\u2581nebula", -13.768041610717773], ["Agreed", -13.781550407409668], ["ESCAP", -13.730231285095215], ["\u2581Netanyahu", -13.748848915100098], ["\u2581QUALIT", -13.656044960021973], ["\u2581contraindicated", -13.727928161621094], ["\u2581intercede", -13.749028205871582], ["\u2581migrating", -13.732077598571777], ["\u2581Talmud", -13.753087043762207], ["\u2581secuestra", -13.321878433227539], ["\u2581Tallinn", -13.723797798156738], ["Esc\u00facha", -13.572324752807617], ["bugging", -13.802986145019531], ["\u2581BIMB", -13.67957878112793], ["\u2581suspense", -13.77454662322998], ["\u2581Heidelberg", -13.69935417175293], ["\u2581captivate", -13.792054176330566], ["\u2581homily", -13.719680786132812], ["\u0153", -100], ["\u2581Astronomy", -13.774555206298828], ["Studio", -13.734335899353027], ["\u2581haemorrhage", -13.75308609008789], ["\u2581shawl", -13.79205322265625], ["\u2581Polytechnic", -13.795699119567871], ["\u2581ICCAT", -13.659981727600098], ["\u2581Appendices", -13.691338539123535], ["Belarus", -13.68129825592041], ["dominated", -13.736618995666504], ["\u2581Opp", -13.69239616394043], ["\u2581Capsule", -13.77889633178711], ["\u2581Ramirez", -13.723795890808105], ["\u2581mischief", -13.671608924865723], ["\u2581broncho", -13.656779289245605], ["Mobile", -13.759815216064453], ["problem", -13.623432159423828], ["\u2581fluoride", -13.740428924560547], ["/2001/15", -13.55087661743164], ["\u25812658/87", -13.69935417175293], ["\u2581Compostela", -13.71150016784668], ["\u2581Fortress", -13.78333854675293], ["ropylene", -13.776262283325195], ["\u2581rendition", -13.740428924560547], ["Little", -13.759856224060059], ["\u2581sleek", -13.761622428894043], ["\u2581Heinrich", -13.78326416015625], ["\u2581Apartheid", -13.667668342590332], ["\u2581Handicapped", 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["\u2581Badajoz", -13.75308609008789], ["\u2581Southampton", -13.792052268981934], ["\u2581isolating", -13.744688034057617], ["\u2581enlarging", -13.727928161621094], ["\u2581Campagnolo", -13.770216941833496], ["\u2581UNSCR", -13.68735408782959], ["\u2581exclaimed", -13.778894424438477], ["regulatory", -13.772802352905273], ["thousand", -13.673343658447266], ["\u2581micronutrient", -13.648442268371582], ["\u2581DECEMBER", -13.765907287597656], ["\u2581collate", -13.773685455322266], ["ollegiate", -13.805390357971191], ["\u2581propagating", -13.695338249206543], ["\u2581Eureka", -13.744629859924316], ["\u2581spherical", -13.736244201660156], ["phosphate", -13.772798538208008], ["\u2581SkyTeam", -13.732077598571777], ["\u2581renaissance", -13.723795890808105], ["\u2581triglyceride", -13.765907287597656], ["Myanmar", -13.772802352905273], ["\u03c5", -100], ["\u2581JUSTICE", -13.753106117248535], ["CLAIM", -13.77904224395752], ["4,700", -13.73834228515625], ["\u2581simplistic", 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["\u00c3\u0192\u00c2", -100], ["\u2581chastisement", -13.792052268981934], ["\u222b", -100], ["825", -13.552746772766113], ["\u00ff", -100], ["compatibilities", -13.796477317810059], ["erfeccionamiento", -12.200933456420898], ["\u00c3\u00a1", -100], ["Esc", -13.723386764526367], ["\ue316", -100], ["\u015e", -100], ["/2000/40", -13.594362258911133], [".1/61/", -13.51348876953125], ["/1994/20", -13.250093460083008], ["718", -13.46261215209961], ["\u2581renounc", -13.798359870910645], ["misappropriation", -13.792052268981934], ["\u2021", -100], ["\u25bc", -100], ["\uf0b3", -100], ["\u041e\u0434\u043d\u043e\u043a\u043b\u0430\u0441\u0441\u043d\u0438\u043a\u0438", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0639\u0631\u0628\u064a\u0629", -100], ["\u02b9", -100], ["dependientes", -13.444039344787598], ["\u2039\u203a", -100], ["\uf0b7", -100], ["\u25811605/2002", -13.621946334838867], ["\u00d4", -100], ["arious", -13.684478759765625], ["\u041e\u0442\u0435\u043b\u0438", -100], ["\u0432\u043e\u0437\u043b\u0435", 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["\u2665\u2665\u2665", -100], ["\u4e86", -100], ["\uf0fc", -100], ["\u0164", -100], ["\u0251", -100], ["\u0259\u02c8", -100], ["\u043d\u0435\u0442", -100], ["\u043f\u044b\u0440\u0435\u044f", -100], ["\u20ac\u20ac", -100], ["\u252c\u2524", -100], ["\u4e00", -100], ["\u5907", -100], ["\ue117", -100], ["+\u00ae", -100], ["\u00c6\u00c6\u00c0\u00c3\u00d0\u00dc\u00d7\u00d6\u00c4", -100], ["\u00e4\u00e4\u00e4", -100], ["\u0111\u1ed3", -100], ["\u0123", -100], ["\u0147", -100], ["\u0161\u00e1", -100], ["\u026a\u02c8", -100], ["\u03c3\u03b9", -100], ["\u0411\u044a\u043b\u0433\u0430\u0440\u0441\u043a\u0430", -100], ["\u041e\u0441\u0442\u0440\u043e\u0432", -100], ["\u1eab", -100], ["\u1ec1", -100], ["\u00a3\u00a1", -100], ["\u00ef\u00f2", -100], ["\u0118", -100], ["\u0175", -100], ["\u017e\u00e1", -100], ["\u0393\u039d", -100], ["\u0395\u0393\u0392", -100], ["\u03af\u03bf", -100], ["\u03c4\u03b7\u03c2", -100], ["\u0441\u0430", -100], ["\u20ac\u20ac\u20ac", -100], ["\u21e8", -100], ["\u2207", 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["\u0160\u00e1", -100], ["\u0408", -100], ["\u041c\u043e\u044f", -100], ["\u041f\u0430\u0440\u0442\u0438\u044f", -100], ["\u0422\u0430\u0442\u044c\u044f\u043d\u0430", -100], ["\u043b\u0432", -100], ["\u043f\u043e", -100], ["\u0631\u06cc\u0627\u0644", -100], ["\u0644\u0627", -100], ["\u0645\u0635\u0631", -100], ["\u066c", -100], ["\u1ea9", -100], ["\u1ebd", -100], ["\u2123", -100], ["\u221d", -100], ["\u274d", -100], ["+=", -100], ["\u00c2\u00b1", -100], ["\u00f2\u00e0", -100], ["\u0410\u0432\u0442\u043e\u0440", -100], ["\u0420\u0443\u0431\u0440\u0438\u043a\u0430", -100], ["\u0432\u0441\u0435", -100], ["\u0446", -100], ["\u0621", -100], ["\u1e45", -100], ["\u1f04\u03bd\u03b8\u03bf\u03c2", -100], ["\u221a\u012b", -100], ["\u2299", -100], ["\u235f", -100], ["\u2514\u2500\u2518", -100], ["\u2717", -100], ["\u807d", -100], ["\u8115", -100], ["\ubc1c\uae09", -100], ["\uc2dc\uc2a4\ud15c", -100], ["\uc99d\uba85\uc11c", -100], ["\uf04a", -100], ["\uf07e", -100], ["\uf287", -100], 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["\u0417\u0430\u0431\u044b\u043b", -100], ["\u041a\u0432\u0456\u0442\u0435\u043d\u044c", -100], ["\u041b\u043e\u0433\u0438\u043d", -100], ["\u041c\u0430\u0440\u0438\u043a", -100], ["\u041d\u0412", -100], ["\u041e\u0442\u0437\u044b\u0432\u043e\u0432", -100], ["\u041f\u043e\u0434\u0440\u043e\u0431\u043d\u0435\u0435", -100], ["\u0420\u0435\u0433\u0438\u0441\u0442\u0440\u0430\u0446\u0438\u044f", -100], ["\u0420\u0438\u043d\u0430", -100], ["\u0441\u043d", -100], ["\u044e\u044d", -100], ["\u0455", -100], ["\u05d4", -100], ["\u0623\u0646", -100], ["\u0628\u0644", -100], ["\u0939\u093f\u0902\u0926\u0940", -100], ["\u21ba", -100], ["\u2423", -100], ["\u2799", -100], ["\u3068\u8a00\u3046", -100], ["\u5b89", -100], ["\u7d62\u9999", -100], ["+\u0394", -100], ["^\u00b7", -100], ["\u00b7\u00bb", -100], ["\u00ea\u00fe", -100], ["\u0101\u1e25", -100], ["\u0130\u0130", -100], ["\u0161\u0137", -100], ["\u02cb", -100], ["\u02ee", -100], ["\u039a\u03c1\u03ae\u03c4\u03b7\u03c2", -100], ["\u03af\u201a", 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["\u1016\u1031\u1016\u1031\u102b\u103a\u101d\u102b\u101b\u102e\u101c", -100], ["\u1830", -100], ["\u1833", -100], ["\u1eb5", -100], ["\u2661\u2661\u2661", -100], ["\u4e2d\u6587\u7b80\u4f53", -100], ["\u548c", -100], ["\ue010", -100], ["#=", -100], ["\u00a6\u00c2", -100], ["\u00ae\u00ae", -100], ["\u00bf\u00bf", -100], ["\u00c2\u00bf", -100], ["\u00c3\u201a\u00c2\u00b0", -100], ["\u00c7\u0131", -100], ["\u00d0\u00b0", -100], ["\u00d1\u00c1", -100], ["\u00e7\u00f2", -100], ["\u00eb\u00f2", -100], ["\u00ef\u061f", -100], ["\u00f3\u00f4\u00ef\u00f0\u00ef", -100], ["\u00f4\u00ef\u00f0\u00ef", -100], ["\u015c", -100], ["\u016f\u010d", -100], ["\u0361", -100], ["\u039f\u0393\u03a4", -100], ["\u03b1\u03b2", -100], ["\u03c0\u03b9", -100], ["\u0413\u0425\u041d", -100], ["\u0417\u0430\u0434\u0430\u0442\u044c", -100], ["\u0432\u043e\u043f\u0440\u043e\u0441", -100], ["\u0540\u0545", -100], ["\u05e9", -100], ["\u062a\u0631\u0648", -100], ["\u1b20", -100], ["\u1ec9", -100], ["\u2229", -100], 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["\u043f\u0435\u0447\u0430\u0442\u0438", -100], ["\u0440\u0430\u043a\u0438\u044f", -100], ["\u0459", -100], ["\u062f\u06cc\u062c\u06cc\u06d2", -100], ["\u0634\u0628\u0643\u0629", -100], ["\u1027\u1015\u103c\u102e\u101c", -100], ["\u180a", -100], ["\u1e93\u0101", -100], ["\u1eeb", -100], ["\u21e7", -100], ["\u2500\u2500", -100], ["\u29fc", -100], ["\u29fd", -100], ["\u300b", -100], ["\u306a\u308b", -100], ["\u4e2d\u5cf6\u7f8e\u5609", -100], ["\u50d8", -100], ["\u6240\u6709\u7ebf\u7a0b\u5f00\u59cb\u5bfb\u627e", -100], ["\u628a", -100], ["\u6771\u4eac", -100], ["\u88ab", -100], ["\uf02b", -100], ["===========================", -100], ["\u00ce\u00a5", -100], ["\u00f9\u00ec\u00dd", -100], ["\u0102\u00b1", -100], ["\u015a\u0101", -100], ["\u0170", -100], ["\u0292", -100], ["\u038a\u03b4\u03c1\u03c5\u03bc\u03b1", -100], ["\u0391\u039d\u0395\u03a7\u039f", -100], ["\u03b2+", -100], ["\u041e\u0433\u0430\u043d\u044f\u043d", -100], ["\u0420\u0435\u043f\u0443\u0431\u043b\u0438\u043a\u0430", -100], 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["\u062a\u062d\u0642\u0642", -100], ["\u0633\u0631\u064a\u0639", -100], ["\u0633\u0644\u0637\u0627\u0646", -100], ["\u0645\u0631\u064a\u0645", -100], ["\u0647\u0648", -100], ["\u067e\u0631", -100], ["\u06a9\u06c1", -100], ["\u06a9\u06c1\u062a\u06d2", -100], ["\u090f", -100], ["\u1014\u102d\u102f\u101d\u1004\u103a\u1018\u102c\u101c", -100], ["\u101e\u103c\u1002\u102f\u1010\u103a\u101c", -100], ["\u18a9", -100], ["\u1e26", -100], ["\u1e93\u1e93", -100], ["\u2018#", -100], ["\u2018\u00fb", -100], ["\u2018\u2019\u2019", -100], ["\u2019\u00d2", -100], ["\u2019\u00ea", -100], ["\u21cc", -100], ["\u221a\u0101\u00ac", -100], ["\u2264\uf020", -100], ["\u23f0", -100], ["\u250c\u2500\u2510", -100], ["\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0", -100], ["\u2610\u2610", -100], ["\u262f", -100], ["\u2653", -100], ["\u4e0b\u8f09\u6b21\u6578", -100], ["\u4eab\u53d7\u798f\u5229\u7684\u4eba\u662f\u5426\u5e94\u63a5\u53d7\u6bd2\u54c1\u6d4b\u8bd5", -100], ["\u5462", -100], ["\u5973", -100], ["\u5b59", -100], ["\u5c0f", 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["\u039a\u03bf\u03bd\u03c3\u03b5\u03c1\u03b2\u03bf\u03bb\u03b9\u03ac", -100], ["\u039b\u03a5", -100], ["\u03a0\u0391", -100], ["\u03a0\u03b1\u03c6\u03b9\u03b1", -100], ["\u03a0\u03c9\u03bb\u03ae\u03c3\u03b5\u03b9\u03c2", -100], ["\u03a6\u0395\u039a", -100], ["\u03a7\u03b1\u03bb\u03ba\u03b9\u03b4\u03b9\u03ba\u03ae\u03c2", -100], ["\u03b3\u03c5\u03bd\u03ae", -100], ["\u03b4\u03c9\u03c1\u03ad\u03b1", -100], ["\u03b5\u03bd", -100], ["\u03b5\u03c4\u03b1\u03b9\u03c1\u03b5\u03af\u03b1", -100], ["\u03b5\u1f56", -100], ["\u03b7\u0392\u0395\u03a1", -100], ["\u03b7\u0393", -100], ["\u03b7\u03b1", -100], ["\u03b7\u03bd", -100], ["\u03b7\u03c5", -100], ["\u03b9\u00b7", -100], ["\u03b9\u03bf\u03af", -100], ["\u03bb\u03cc\u03b3\u03c9", -100], ["\u03bc\u03b1\u03ba\u03c1\u03cc\u03c2", -100], ["\u03bd\u03b1", -100], ["\u03bf\u03af\u03bd\u03bf\u03c2", -100], ["\u03c0\u00b7", -100], ["\u03c0\u03b5\u03b4\u03b9\u03bb\u03bf\u03bd", -100], ["\u03c3\u03c4\u03ac\u03c7\u03c5\u03c2", -100], ["\u03c5\u03c0", -100], ["\u03c6\u03bf\u03af\u03bd\u03b9\u03ba\u03bf\u03c2", -100], ["\u03c7\u03bf\u03c1\u03bf\u03cd", -100], ["\u0402", -100], ["\u0410\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0441\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0440", -100], ["\u0410\u043d\u043d\u0430", -100], ["\u0412\u00b0", -100], ["\u0412\u0430\u043b\u044e\u0448\u0430", -100], ["\u0412\u0438\u043a\u0442\u043e\u0440", -100], ["\u0412\u043b\u0430\u0434\u0438\u0441\u043b\u0430\u0432", -100], ["\u0413\u043e\u0440\u043d\u043e\u043e\u0440\u044f\u0445\u043e\u0432\u0441\u043a\u0438", -100], ["\u0415\u042e", -100], ["\u0415\u0434\u0438\u043d\u0430\u044f", -100], ["\u0417\u0430\u0433\u043e\u0440\u0430", -100], ["\u0418\u043b\u0438\u044f", -100], ["\u041b\u0438\u043b\u0438\u044f", -100], ["\u041b\u044e\u0434\u043c\u0438\u043b\u0430", -100], ["\u041b\u044e\u0442\u0438\u0439", -100], ["\u041d\u0430\u0440\u043e\u0434\u043d\u044b\u0439", -100], ["\u041e\u041d\u041b\u0410\u0419\u041d", -100], ["\u041f\u0424", -100], ["\u041f\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0432\u0435\u0441\u0442\u0438", 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["\u0418\u0433\u0440\u0430", -100], ["\u041a\u0430", -100], ["\u041b\u041f\u041b", -100], ["\u041c\u0435", -100], ["\u041c\u0435\u0440\u043a\u043e\u043b\u0430", -100], ["\u0420\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d", -100], ["\u0421\u041f", -100], ["\u0424\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0444\u0438\u0438", -100], ["\u0432\u043e\u0434\u043d\u0438", -100], ["\u0432\u044a\u0442\u0440\u0435\u0448\u043d\u0438\u0442\u0435", -100], ["\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0434", -100], ["\u043c\u043e\u0440\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0442\u0435", -100], ["\u043c\u043e\u0441\u0442", -100], ["\u043d\u0435\u043e\u044f\u0437\u044b\u0447\u043d\u0438\u043a\u0438", -100], ["\u043f\u0438\u0440\u0430\u0445\u0430", -100], ["\u043f\u0440\u0438\u0441\u0442\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0449\u0430\u0442\u0430", -100], ["\u043f\u0440\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0440\u0430\u043d\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0430", -100], ["\u043f\u044a\u0442\u0438\u0449\u0430", -100], ["\u0441\u0438\u043b", -100], ["\u0442\u0438\u043c\u0435\u0440\u043e\u0441\u0430\u043b", -100], ["\u0442\u0440\u043e\u043c\u0431\u043e\u0446\u0438\u0442\u0430", -100], ["\u0445\u0451", -100], ["\u0447\u0442\u043e", -100], ["\u044a\u0445", -100], ["\u0450", -100], ["\u0451\u0440\u0451", -100], ["\u05d1\u05e8", -100], ["\u05de\u05d9\u05db\u05d0\u05dc", -100], ["\u05e9\u05dc\u05d5\u05dd", -100], ["\u0623\u0645", -100], ["\u0623\u0646\u0642\u0631", -100], ["\u0627\u0644", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u062a\u064a", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u062f\u0648\u0644\u064a", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0645\u0631\u0623\u0629", -100], ["\u062c\u0627\u0645\u0639\u0629", -100], ["\u062d\u062c\u0645", -100], ["\u062d\u0633\u064a\u0646", -100], ["\u062d\u0642\u0648\u0642", -100], ["\u0631\u0627\u0645\u064a", -100], ["\u0633\u0631\u064a\u0631", -100], ["\u0643\u0645\u0627", -100], ["\u0644\u0644\u062a\u0648\u0633\u064a\u0639", -100], ["\u0645\u0634", -100], ["\u0645\u0646\u0633\u0648\u062e", -100], ["\u0645\u0646\u0635\u0648\u0631", -100], ["\u06e5", -100], ["\u0e48", -100], ["\u1828", -100], ["\u182d", -100], 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["\u653f\u5e9c\u5e94\u8be5\u5c06\u6bd4\u7279\u5e01\u5212\u5206\u4e3a\u6cd5\u5b9a\u8d27\u5e01\u5417", -100], ["\u7ba1\u7406", -100], ["\u83bd", -100], ["\u8881", -100], ["\u99c9", -100], ["\ub9ac\uc18c\uc2a4", -100], ["\uc124\uba85", -100], ["\uc790\uc138\ud788", -100], ["\uc9f9\uc9f9", -100], ["\ue04a", -100], ["\uf035", -100], ["\uf083", -100], ["\uf084", -100], ["\uf0a8", -100], ["\uf0bc", -100], ["\uf0bd", -100], ["#\u0422\u0432\u0438\u0442\u0435\u0440\u041a\u0430\u043b\u0435\u043d\u0434\u0430\u0440", -100], ["#\u515a\u9996\u8a0e\u8ad6", -100], ["+^", -100], ["+\u03b4", -100], ["+\u0401\u0445\u0440\u044d\u0444\u0440", -100], ["+\ue385", -100], ["==\u0160", -100], ["\\#", -100], ["\\\\\\\\\\\\", -100], ["^^^^^^^^", -100], ["^\u25a0", -100], ["`\u00e2", -100], ["`\u2192", -100], ["{\u00c8", -100], ["}}}", -100], ["\u00a1\u00f3", -100], ["\u00a6\u044d\u044e\u0443\u044e", -100], ["\u00a7\u044e\u044b\u044e\u0444\u044d\u044e\u0449", -100], ["\u00ab\u00e0", -100], 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["\u039d\u03b1", -100], ["\u039d\u03bf\u03bc\u03cc\u03c2", -100], ["\u039f\u03c1\u03b3\u03b1\u03bd\u03b9\u03c3\u03bc\u03cc\u03c2", -100], ["\u03a0\u03c1\u03cc\u03ba\u03bd\u03b7", -100], ["\u03a1\u0395", -100], ["\u03a3\u03bf\u03c5\u03bb\u03c4\u03b1\u03bd\u03af\u03bd\u03b1", -100], ["\u03a3\u03c9\u03c4\u03ae\u03c1\u03b1\u03c2", -100], ["\u03a4\u0399\u03ba", -100], ["\u03ac\u03bd\u03b8\u03bf\u03c2", -100], ["\u03b1\u03b3\u03b1\u03b8\u03bf\u03bd", -100], ["\u03b1\u03bd\u03b1\u03c6\u03ad\u03c1\u03b5\u03c4\u03b1\u03b9", -100], ["\u03b1\u03c0", -100], ["\u03b4\u03b9\u03ac\u03bb\u03b5\u03be\u03b9\u03c2", -100], ["\u03b5\u1f30\u03bc\u03b9", -100], ["\u03b7\u0391", -100], ["\u03b7\u03a1", -100], ["\u03ba\u03b1\u03bb\u03cc\u03c2", -100], ["\u03ba\u03b5", -100], ["\u03ba\u03b9", -100], ["\u03ba\u03bf\u1fd6\u03bb\u03bf\u03c2", -100], ["\u03ba\u03cc\u03ba\u03ba\u03bf\u03c2", -100], ["\u03ba\u03cd\u03bc\u03b2\u03b7", -100], ["\u03bb\u03b5\u03c5\u03ba\u03cc\u03c2", -100], ["\u03bc\u03b9\u03ba\u03c1\u03cc\u03c2", -100], ["\u03bc\u03cc\u03bd\u03bf\u03c2", -100], ["\u03c0\u03b5\u03c1\u03af\u03c0\u03c4\u03c9\u03c3\u03b7", -100], ["\u03c3\u03c0\u03ad\u03c1\u03bc\u03b1", -100], ["\u03c4\u03bf\u03bd", -100], ["\u03c4\u03bf\u03c0\u03b9\u03ba\u03cc\u03c2", -100], ["\u03c4\u03cc\u03c0\u03bf\u03c2", -100], ["\u03c4\u1f78\u03bd", -100], ["\u03c6\u03bf\u1fd6\u03bd\u03b9\u03be", -100], ["\u03c6\u03c4\u03c5\u03bf\u03bd", -100], ["\u0401\u044e\u0447", -100], ["\u0410\u0413\u0412", -100], ["\u0410\u0420\u041c", -100], ["\u0410\u043b\u044c\u0431\u0430", -100], ["\u0410\u0441\u0435\u043d", -100], ["\u0411\u0424", -100], ["\u0412\u0435\u0429\u0434\u043e\u043a\u0438", -100], ["\u0412\u0435\u043b\u0438\u043a\u043e\u0431\u0440\u0438\u0442\u0430\u043d\u0438\u044f", -100], ["\u0412\u0435\u043b\u0447\u043e", -100], ["\u0412\u0438\u043a\u0442\u043e\u0440\u0438\u044f", -100], ["\u0412\u0441\u0442\u0443\u043f\u043b\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435", -100], 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-100], ["\u043f\u0440\u0438", -100], ["\u0440\u0438\u0441\u0443\u0439", -100], ["\u0440\u0455\u044c", -100], ["\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0435\u0442\u044b", -100], ["\u0442\u044e\u0449\u044d", -100], ["\u0443\u044e\u0444\u0440", -100], ["\u0445\u0401\u044a\u0440", -100], ["\u0447\u0445\u044c\u044b\u0445", -100], ["\u0448\u0447", -100], ["\u044b\u044e\u0451\u044a", -100], ["\u044d\u0448\u0451\u0445\u0443\u044e", -100], ["\u044e\u0401\u044b\u044e\u0442", -100], ["\u044e\u0449", -100], ["\u044f\u044e\u0451\u0401\u0445\u0444\u044d\u0448\u044a\u044e\u0442", -100], ["\u0455\u044b\u044b\u0445\u0401\u0442\u044e", -100], ["\u0456\u00a6", -100], ["\u0458\u0435", -100], ["\u04ab", -100], ["\u05d1\u05b8\u05bc\u05e8\u05b8\u05d0", -100], ["\u05e7\u05d5\u05dd", -100], ["\u0627\u0628\u0631\u0627\u0647\u064a\u0645", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u062c\u064a\u0634", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u062c\u064a\u0644\u0627\u0646\u064a", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0640", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0643\u0648\u064a\u062a", -100], 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["\u03a0\u03a4", -100], ["\u03a0\u03b5\u03b9\u03c1\u03b1\u03b9\u03ce\u03c2", -100], ["\u03a0\u03b5\u03c1\u1f76", -100], ["\u03a1\u03a0", -100], ["\u03a3\u03b1\u03bd\u03c4\u03bf\u03c1\u03af\u03bd\u03b7", -100], ["\u03a3\u03b7\u03c4\u03b5\u03af\u03b1\u03c2", -100], ["\u03a3\u03c4\u03c5\u03bb\u03af\u03b4\u03b1\u03c2", -100], ["\u03a4\u0397", -100], ["\u03a4\u03b1\u03bc\u03b5\u03af\u03bf", -100], ["\u03b1\u03bd\u03b8\u03b7\u03c1\u03ac", -100], ["\u03b1\u03bf\u03c1", -100], ["\u03b1\u2192", -100], ["\u03b3\u03bb\u1ff6\u03c3\u03c3\u03b1", -100], ["\u03b4=", -100], ["\u03b4\u03cc\u03be\u03b1", -100], ["\u03b7\u039f", -100], ["\u03b7\u03bf", -100], ["\u03b8\u03c1\u03af\u03be", -100], ["\u03ba\u03b1\u03c4\u03ac\u03c1\u03c4\u03b9\u03c3\u03b7", -100], ["\u03ba\u03c5\u03bc\u03b2\u03af\u03b4\u03b9\u03bf\u03bd", -100], ["\u03bb\u03b1\u03c4\u03c1\u03b5\u03af\u03b1", -100], ["\u03bc\u039c", -100], ["\u03bc\u03b1\u03c2", -100], ["\u03bc\u03bf\u03c3\u03c7\u03ac\u03c1\u03b9", -100], ["\u03be\u03cd\u03bb\u03bf\u03bd", -100], ["\u03bf\u02bc", -100], ["\u03bf\u03b7", -100], ["\u03bf\u03bc\u03bf\u03b3\u03b5\u03bd\u03b5\u03af\u03c2", -100], ["\u03c0\u03b1\u03c7\u03cd\u03c2", -100], ["\u03c0\u03bf\u03bb\u03bb\u03bf\u03b9", -100], ["\u03c0\u03c1\u03bf\u03b5\u03bb\u03b5\u03cd\u03c3\u03b5\u03c9\u03c2", -100], ["\u03c0\u03c4\u03c5\u03c7\u03af\u03bf", -100], ["\u03c0\u03cc\u03c1\u03bd\u03b7", -100], ["\u03c3\u03b2", -100], ["\u03c4\u03b1\u03b9\u03c2", -100], ["\u03c4\u03c1\u03b9\u03b1", -100], ["\u03c4\u1fc6\u03c2", -100], ["\u03c5\u03bc\u03c9\u03bd", -100], ["\u03c6\u03ac\u03bb\u03b1\u03b9\u03bd\u03b1", -100], ["\u03c7\u03b5\u03c1\u03c3\u03b9\u03bd", -100], ["\u03c7\u03b5\u1fd6\u03bb\u03bf\u03c2", -100], ["\u03c8\u03b5\u03c5\u03b4\u03ae\u03c2", -100], ["\u0401\u0445\u00b0\u0445\u044a", -100], ["\u0410\u0432\u0438\u0430", -100], ["\u0410\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0441\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0430\u0440", -100], ["\u0410\u043d\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0430\u0441\u0438\u044f", -100], ["\u0411\u043e\u0433\u0434\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432", -100], ["\u0412\u0435\u043b\u0438\u043a\u0438", -100], ["\u0412\u0438\u043d\u043a\u0441", -100], ["\u0412\u043b\u0430\u0434", -100], ["\u0413\u0405", -100], ["\u0413\u0414\u0415", -100], ["\u0413\u0430\u0437\u0437\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0433\u0430", -100], ["\u0413\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0432\u043e\u043b\u043e\u043c\u043a\u0430", -100], ["\u0413\u043e\u0440\u0435", -100], ["\u0413\u0444\u0445\u0451\u0456", -100], ["\u0414\u043b\u044f", -100], ["\u0417\u041f\u0425", -100], ["\u0417\u0430\u043a\u0430\u0447\u043a\u0430", -100], ["\u0417\u0435\u043c\u043b\u044f", -100], ["\u041a\u0430\u043c\u0430\u0440\u0430\u0442\u0430", -100], ["\u041a\u0430\u043d\u0437\u0430\u0434\u0430", -100], ["\u041c\u041a", -100], ["\u041c\u0430\u0434\u0438\u043d\u0430", -100], ["\u041c\u0430\u043a\u0435\u0434\u043e\u043d\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0411\u044a\u043b\u0433\u0430\u0440\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0939\u093f\u0902\u0926\u0940", -100], ["\u041c\u0430\u043a\u043a\u043e", -100], ["\u041c\u043e\u043d\u0433\u043e\u043b", -100], ["\u041d\u0426", -100], ["\u041d\u0435", -100], ["\u041d\u043e\u0432\u0430", -100], ["\u041d\u043e\u0432\u0438", -100], ["\u041e\u03a6\u041a", -100], ["\u041e\u0431\u043b\u0430\u0441\u0442", -100], ["\u041e\u043a\u0441\u0430\u043d\u0430", -100], ["\u041e\u043f\u0438\u0441\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0435", -100], ["\u041f\u043b\u044f\u0436", -100], ["\u041f\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0448\u0435\u043d\u043a\u043e", -100], ["\u0420\u0423", -100], ["\u0420\u0423\u041f", -100], ["\u0420\u0430\u0448\u0448\u0435\u043d", -100], ["\u0420\u0435\u0441\u043f\u0443\u0431\u043b\u0438\u043a\u0438", -100], ["\u0420\u043e\u0441\u0441\u0438\u0438\u00bb", -100], ["\u0420\u0440\u044b\u044e\u044c\u0445", -100], ["\u0420\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0435", -100], ["\u0421\u0430\u0434\u043e\u043a\u0430\u0442", -100], ["\u0421\u0435\u0440\u044b\u0439", -100], ["\u0421\u043a\u043e\u043f\u0458\u0435", -100], ["\u0421\u0442\u0430\u0440\u0430", -100], ["\u0421\u0442\u0430\u0442\u0443\u0441", -100], ["\u0421\u0442\u043e\u0431\u043e\u0439", -100], ["\u0421\u0443\u0445\u0438\u043d\u0434\u043e\u043b", -100], ["\u0424\u0430\u043a\u0442\u044b", -100], ["\u0424\u0443\u0434\u0431\u0430\u043b\u0441\u043a\u0438", -100], ["\u0425\u0412", -100], ["\u0425\u0425\u0425\u0425", -100], ["\u0426\u0440\u043d\u0435", -100], ["\u042b", -100], ["\u042e\u0433\u0440\u0430", -100], ["\u042e\u043b\u044f", -100], ["\u0430\u0441", -100], ["\u0431\u0435\u0437", -100], ["\u0432\u0402\u045a", -100], ["\u0432\u0448\u0442\u0430\u0431\u0435", -100], ["\u0433\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0434", -100], ["\u0434\u0435\u043b\u043e\u00bb", -100], ["\u0437\u0434\u0435\u0441\u044c", -100], ["\u043a\u0430\u0441\u0442\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0432\u044b\u043c", -100], ["\u043a\u0438\u0439", -100], ["\u043a\u043e\u043c\u0431\u0438\u043d\u0430\u0442", -100], ["\u043a\u043e\u0442\u043e\u043a", -100], ["\u043a\u0443\u043f\u0438\u0442\u044c", -100], ["\u043b\u0438\u043f\u043e\u043f\u0440\u043e\u0442\u0435\u0438\u043d\u043b\u0438\u043f\u0430\u0437\u0430", -100], ["\u043d\u0430\u0434\u0437\u043e\u0440", -100], ["\u043d\u043e\u0432\u0438\u043d", -100], ["\u043e\u0434\u0443\u0432\u0430\u043d\u0447\u0438\u043a\u043e\u0432", -100], ["\u043e\u043e", -100], ["\u043e\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044f", -100], ["\u043f\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0446\u0438\u043b\u043b\u0438\u043d\u0430", -100], ["\u043f\u043e\u043b\u0438\u0442\u0438\u043a\u0430", -100], ["\u043f\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0448\u0435\u043d\u043a\u043e", -100], ["\u043f\u0440\u0435\u0434\u043f\u0440\u0438\u044f\u0442\u0438\u0435", -100], ["\u043f\u0440\u043e", -100], ["\u043f\u0443\u0442\u0438\u043d", -100], ["\u043f\u0443\u0442\u0456\u043d", -100], ["\u0440\u0430\u0439\u043e\u043d", -100], ["\u0440\u0435", -100], ["\u0440\u0443\u043a\u0438", -100], ["\u0440\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438", -100], ["\u0440\u044d", -100], ["\u0441\u043c\u0435\u0448\u0430\u0439", -100], ["\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0445\u043e\u0437", -100], ["\u0441\u043e\u043e\u0431\u0449\u0430\u0435\u0442", -100], ["\u0441\u0440\u0435\u0434\u0430", -100], ["\u0442\u0430\u043a\u043e\u0439", -100], ["\u0442\u043e\u043f\u0438\u043d\u0430\u043c\u0431\u0443\u0440\u0430", -100], ["\u0442\u0441", -100], ["\u0442\u044e\u0444", -100], ["\u0443\u0441", -100], ["\u0443\u0441\u0442\u0440\u043e\u0439\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0430", -100], ["\u0443\u0445\u0401\u044e", -100], ["\u0444\u0401\u0455\u0447\u0445\u0449", -100], ["\u0445\u0444", -100], ["\u0445\u0451\u044d", -100], ["\u0446\u0445\u044d\u0401\u0448\u044d", -100], ["\u044a\u0401", -100], ["\u044b\u0440", -100], ["\u044b\u0445\u0442", -100], ["\u044c\u044e\u044a\u0401", -100], ["\u044d\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0440\u043e\u0431\u0443\u0441\u0430", -100], ["\u044d\u0451", -100], ["\u044e\u0401\u0445\u044b", -100], ["\u044e\u044a", -100], ["\u044f\u044e\u0406\u044c\u0440", -100], ["\u0455\u044d\u0440", -100], ["\u0596", -100], ["\u05d0\u05d4\u05d5\u05d3", -100], ["\u05d0\u05de\u05ea", -100], ["\u05d9\u05e9\u05e8\u05d0\u05dc", -100], ["\u05e9\u05d0\u05d5\u05dc", -100], ["\u060b", -100], ["\u0623\u060c", -100], ["\u0623\u062d\u062f", -100], ["\u0627\u0633\u06cc\u062f\u067e\u0627\u0634\u06cc", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0623\u062d\u0631\u0627\u0631", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0627\u0631\u0636", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u062f\u0648\u0644", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0634\u0639\u0628", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0639\u0631\u0628", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0647", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0648\u0637\u0646\u064a", -100], ["\u0628\u0627\u0632\u062e\u0648\u0631\u06cc", -100], ["\u0628\u0627\u0644\u0645\u0648\u0626\u0644", -100], ["\u0628\u0635\u0645\u062a", -100], ["\u062f\u0648\u0646\u0645", -100], ["\u0631\u0626\u064a\u0633\u064a\u0629", -100], ["\u0631\u064a\u0645", -100], ["\u0633\u0648\u0631\u0629", -100], ["\u0633\u0648\u0631\u064a\u0627", -100], ["\u0633\u06a9\u0627\u0626\u06cc", -100], ["\u0633\u06cc\u062f", -100], ["\u0634\u0631\u06cc\u0641", -100], ["\u0635\u0627\u0644\u062d", -100], ["\u0636\u062f", -100], ["\u0637\u0644\u0627\u0644", -100], ["\u0639\u0628\u064a\u062f", -100], ["\u0641\u0636\u0627\u06cc", -100], ["\u0642\u0627\u0645\u0648\u0633", -100], ["\u0642\u0628\u0644", -100], ["\u0644\u0628\u064a\u0643", -100], ["\u0644\u0644\u062d\u062c\u0628", -100], ["\u0644\u0644\u0647", -100], ["\u0645\u062a\u0639\u0644\u0642\u0629", -100], ["\u0645\u062b\u0644\u064a", -100], ["\u0645\u062d\u0633\u0646", -100], ["\u0645\u062f\u0646\u064a", -100], ["\u0645\u0633\u062c\u062f", -100], ["\u0645\u0633\u0639\u0648\u062f", -100], ["\u0645\u0635\u0637\u0644\u062d\u0627\u062a", -100], ["\u0645\u0639\u0646\u064a\u0629", -100], ["\u0645\u0648\u0627\u0636\u064a\u0639", -100], ["\u0646\u0627\u0635\u0631", -100], ["\u0646\u0632\u0627\u0631", -100], ["\u0646\u0648\u0627\u0632", -100], ["\u0647\u0644", -100], ["\u0647\u064a\u062b\u0645", -100], ["\u0648\u0627\u062f\u064a", -100], ["\u067e\u0631\u062a\u06cc\u0628\u06be\u0627", -100], 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["\u00f7\u00ef", -100], ["\u00f7\u00f2\u00ee", -100], ["\u00fc\u00f6", -100], ["\u00fd\u00ec\u00e1\u00f4\u00e1", -100], ["\u00fd\u010d", -100], ["\u00fe\u00fd\u00f0", -100], ["\u0101\u1e0d", -100], ["\u0102\u00a1", -100], ["\u011f\u0178", -100], ["\u0130\u015f\u00e7", -100], ["\u013b", -100], ["\u0141\u0118", -100], ["\u014d\u014d", -100], ["\u015e\u0259", -100], ["\u0161\u0137\u012b", -100], ["\u0161\u1e2b", -100], ["\u0163\u012b", -100], ["\u017a\u0107", -100], ["\u017d\u00e1", -100], ["\u017e\u00eb", -100], ["\u017e\u0101", -100], ["\u01e3", -100], ["\u020f", -100], ["\u0219\u00bb", -100], ["\u022f", -100], ["\u0254\u02d0", -100], ["\u026a\u014b", -100], ["\u026a\u02cc", -100], ["\u0278", -100], ["\u0281", -100], ["\u02bc\u02b9", -100], ["\u0301\u00fc", -100], ["\u0327\u00b6", -100], ["\u038a\u03b1", -100], ["\u0391\u0397\u03a1", -100], ["\u0391\u03a0", -100], ["\u0391\u03b3\u03ba\u03b9\u03bd\u03ac\u03c1\u03b1", -100], ["\u0392\u0391\u039d\u039f\u03a4\u03a0", -100], ["\u0392\u0399\u039f", -100], ["\u0393\u0395\u039f\u03a1", -100], ["\u0393\u0397", -100], ["\u0393\u039a\u03a4", -100], ["\u0393\u039f", -100], ["\u0393\u03b1\u03bb\u03b1\u03bd\u03cc", -100], ["\u0393\u03b5\u03ce\u03c1\u03b3\u03b9\u03bf\u03c2", -100], ["\u0393\u03bd", -100], ["\u0393\u03c1", -100], ["\u0394\u03ae\u03bc\u03c9\u03bd", -100], ["\u0394\u03b7\u03bc\u03bf\u03c3\u03b9\u03b5\u03cd\u03b8\u03b7\u03ba\u03b5", -100], ["\u0394\u03b7\u03bc\u03bf\u03c4\u03b9\u03ba\u03ad\u03c2", -100], ["\u0395\u038a", -100], ["\u0395\u0393", -100], ["\u0395\u03a5\u03a1\u03a9", -100], ["\u0395\u03bb\u03bb\u03ac\u03c2", -100], ["\u0395\u03bb\u03bb\u03b7\u03bd\u03b9\u03ba\u03ae", -100], ["\u0395\u03c0\u03af\u03c3\u03b7\u03bc\u03bf\u03c2\u03a0\u03b1\u03c1\u03b1\u03bb\u03ae\u03c0\u03c4\u03b7\u03c2", -100], ["\u0398\u03b5\u03c3\u03c3\u03b1\u03bb\u03bf\u03bd\u03af\u03ba\u03b7", -100], ["\u0399\u03c1\u03af\u03c9\u03bd", -100], ["\u039a\u0391", -100], ["\u039a\u03bf\u03c5\u03bc\u03b1\u03bd\u03b4\u03b1\u03c1\u03af\u03b1", -100], ["\u039a\u03cd\u03c0\u03c1\u03bf\u03c5", -100], ["\u039b\u039c", -100], ["\u039b\u03bf\u03c5\u03ba\u03ac\u03bd\u03b9\u03ba\u03bf", -100], ["\u039c\u0399\u0389", -100], ["\u039c\u03b1\u03bd\u03bf\u03c5\u03ae\u03bb", -100], ["\u039c\u03b1\u03bd\u03c4\u03b9\u03bd\u03b5\u03af\u03b1", -100], ["\u039c\u03b5\u03bb\u03b5\u03ba\u03bf\u03cd\u03bd\u03b9", -100], ["\u039c\u03b5\u03c4\u03b1\u03b3\u03b3\u03b9\u03c4\u03c3\u03af\u03bf\u03c5", -100], ["\u039e\u03b7", -100], ["\u039f\u0393\u0391", -100], ["\u039f\u0399", -100], ["\u03a0\u03ac\u03bd\u03c9", -100], ["\u03a0\u03b1\u03bb\u03b1\u03b9\u03bf\u03bb\u03cc\u03b3\u03bf\u03c2", -100], ["\u03a0\u03b1\u03c6\u03af\u03c4\u03b9\u03ba\u03bf", -100], ["\u03a0\u03b5\u03c5\u03ba\u03bf\u03b8\u03c5\u03bc\u03b1\u03c1\u03cc\u03bc\u03b5\u03bb\u03bf", -100], ["\u03a1\u0391", -100], ["\u03a1\u0391\u0392\u0395", -100], ["\u03a1\u0393", -100], ["\u03a3\u0391", -100], ["\u03a3\u03ac\u03bc\u03bf\u03c2", -100], ["\u03a4\u03c1\u03ac\u03c0\u03b5\u03b6\u03b1", -100], ["\u03a5\u03c0\u03b7\u03c1\u03b5\u03c3\u03af\u03b1", -100], ["\u03a6\u03b5\u03bd\u03b5\u03bf\u03cd", -100], ["\u03a9\u00b7", -100], ["\u03b2\u03b7\u03af\u03b2\u03c6\u0393\u03af\u03b5\u03b2", -100], ["\u03b4=+", -100], ["\u03b5\u03af\u03bd\u03b1\u03b9", -100], ["\u03b5\u1f30\u03c2", -100], ["\u03b9\u03af", -100], ["\u03ba\u03b1\u1f76", -100], ["\u03bc\u03ad\u03c3\u03c9", -100], ["\u03bc\u03b7", -100], ["\u03bc\u03b7\u03b9", -100], ["\u03bc\u03b9\u03b7", -100], ["\u03bc\u03bf\u03c5", -100], ["\u03bc\u03c0\u03b9\u03bf\u0390", -100], ["\u03c3^", -100], ["\u03c3\u03bf\u03c5", -100], ["\u03c3\u03c4", -100], ["\u03c7\u03c4\u03bf", -100], ["\u03c7\u03ce\u03c1\u03b1", -100], ["\u0401\u0440\u0441\u044e", -100], ["\u0401\u0440\u0441\u044e=", -100], ["\u0406\u0437", -100], ["\u0410\u043b\u0442\u0443\u0447\u0435\u0440", -100], ["\u0410\u0440\u0438\u044d\u043b\u0438", -100], ["\u0411\u0410\u041a\u041a\u0410\u0420\u0410", -100], ["\u0411\u0435\u043b\u0430", -100], ["\u0411\u0435\u043b\u044b\u0439", -100], ["\u0411\u0435\u043b\u044b\u0445", -100], ["\u0411\u0443\u0440\u0431\u043e", -100], ["\u0411\u0443\u0442\u0430\u043a\u043e\u0432\u0430", -100], ["\u0412\u0457", -100], ["\u0413\u0430\u043b\u0438\u043d\u0430", -100], ["\u0413\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0434\u0435\u0446", -100], ["\u0413\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0434", -100], ["\u0413\u0440\u0430\u0434", -100], ["\u0414\u0435\u043d\u044c", -100], ["\u0414\u0438\u043c\u0438\u0442\u0440\u043e\u0432", -100], ["\u0414\u043e\u0432\u043b\u0430\u0442\u043e\u0432", -100], ["\u0414\u0443\u0448\u0430\u043d", -100], ["\u0415\u0432\u0433\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0439", -100], ["\u0417\u0430\u0433\u0440\u0443\u0437\u043a\u0430", -100], ["\u0417\u0430\u043c\u044f\u0442\u043a\u0438\u043d", -100], ["\u0417\u044e\u0433\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432", -100], ["\u041a\u0421\u041c", -100], ["\u041a\u0430\u0440\u043b\u043e\u0432\u043e", -100], ["\u041a\u043e\u0441\u043c\u043e\u0441", -100], ["\u041b\u0438\u0441\u0442\u043e\u043f\u0430\u0434", -100], ["\u041b\u043e\u0432\u0435\u0447", -100], ["\u041c\u0430\u0440\u0432\u044b", -100], ["\u041c\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0435\u0440\u0438\u0446\u0430", -100], ["\u041c\u0438\u043b\u0430\u043d", -100], ["\u041c\u0438\u043d\u0441\u043a", -100], ["\u041c\u0438\u0441\u0445\u043e\u0440", -100], ["\u041c\u043e\u044d\u0440\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0430", -100], ["\u041d\u0438\u043a\u0438\u0442\u0430", -100], ["\u041d\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f", -100], ["\u041e\u0434\u0435\u0441\u0441\u0430", -100], ["\u041e\u043b\u044c\u0431\u0435\u0440\u0441\u0430", -100], ["\u041e\u043f\u0448\u0438\u0440\u043d\u0438\u0458\u0435", -100], ["\u041f\u041a", -100], ["\u041f\u0430\u0432\u043b\u0438\u043a\u0435\u043d\u0438", -100], ["\u041f\u0435\u0442\u0440", -100], ["\u041f\u043b\u0435\u0432\u0435\u043d", -100], ["\u041f\u0440\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0443\u043a\u0438\u0432\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0435", -100], ["\u041f\u0445\u0451=\u0445\u0401\u044a\u0440", -100], ["\u0420\u0414\u0422", -100], ["\u0420\u0421\u041c", -100], ["\u0420\u043e\u043b\u0435", -100], ["\u0420\u0443\u0441\u0435", -100], ["\u0420\u044f\u0440\u0401", -100], ["\u0421\u043e\u0432\u0435\u0442", -100], ["\u0421\u0442\u0430\u0440\u0438", -100], ["\u0421\u0443\u043d\u0433\u0443\u0440\u043b\u0430\u0440\u0435", -100], ["\u0422\u0432", -100], ["\u0422\u0440\u0430\u043d\u0441\u043c\u0430\u0448\u0445\u043e\u043b\u0434\u0438\u043d\u0433", -100], ["\u0422\u0440\u0430\u043f\u0435\u0437\u0438\u0446\u0430", -100], ["\u0423\u043d\u0438\u0432\u0435\u0440\u0441\u0430\u043b", -100], ["\u0424\u041a", -100], ["\u0424\u043e\u0440\u0437\u0438\u0446\u0438\u044f", -100], ["\u0424\u0440\u0430\u043d\u0446\u0438\u044f", -100], ["\u0425\u0425", -100], ["\u0425\u0440\u0438\u0441\u0442\u043e", -100], ["\u0426\u0435\u043d\u0430", -100], ["\u0427\u0435\u0440\u043d\u0438\u0433\u043e\u0432\u0441\u043a\u0430\u044f", -100], ["\u042d\u0413", -100], ["\u042d\u043d\u043d", -100], ["\u0430\u043f\u0440\u0435\u043b\u044f", -100], ["\u0431\u0430", -100], ["\u0431\u0430\u0440\u0434\u0430\u043a\u043e\u0448", -100], ["\u0432\u0402\u045c", -100], ["\u0432\u0435\u0441\u0442\u043d\u0438\u043a", -100], ["\u0432\u0435\u0449\u0438\u0439", -100], ["\u0432\u043e\u0434\u044f\u043d\u0443\u044e", -100], ["\u0433\u043e\u0434\u0443", -100], ["\u0435\u0435", -100], ["\u0435\u0441", -100], ["\u0436\u0435\u043b\u0435\u0437\u044b", -100], ["\u0437\u0430\u0432\u0435\u0434\u0435\u043d\u0438\u044f", -100], ["\u0438\u044e\u043b\u044f", -100], ["\u043a\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0442\u0438\u0440\u0430", -100], ["\u043a\u043e\u043b\u0431\u0430\u0441\u0435", -100], ["\u043b\u0430\u0439\u0444\u0445\u0430\u043a\u043e\u0432", -100], ["\u043b\u0435\u0447\u0435\u0431\u043d\u0438\u0442\u0435", -100], ["\u043b\u0438\u0441\u0442\u043a\u0438", -100], ["\u043c\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0440\u0448\u043e\u0443", -100], ["\u043d\u0430\u0441\u0442\u043e\u0435", -100], ["\u043d\u0430\u0448", 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["\u0443\u043c\u0435\u043b\u0438\u0446\u0430", -100], ["\u0444\u043e\u0442\u043e", -100], ["\u0445\u0401\u044a\u0448", -100], ["\u0447\u0438\u0442\u0430\u0442\u044c", -100], ["\u044c\u0440", -100], ["\u044d\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0440\u043e\u0431\u0443\u0441", -100], ["\u044d\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0440\u043e\u043c\u043e\u0431\u0438\u043b\u0435\u043c", -100], ["\u044d\u0445\u044c", -100], ["\u044e\u044a\u044d\u044e", -100], ["\u05d1\u05d9\u05d9\u05b7", -100], ["\u05d1\u05e8\u05d0", -100], ["\u05d2\u05df", -100], ["\u05d4\u05d5\u05d0", -100], ["\u05de\u05e8\u05d9\u05d3\u05d5\u05e8", -100], ["\u05e4\u05e1\u05d7", -100], ["\u05e7\u05e6\u05d1", -100], ["\u061f\u061f", -100], ["\u0622\u0632\u0627\u062f\u06cc", -100], ["\u0627\u062d\u062a\u0644\u0627\u0644", -100], ["\u0627\u062d\u0645\u062f\u0634\u062c\u0627\u0639", -100], ["\u0627\u0632", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0623\u0645\u064a\u0631", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0625\u062e\u0648\u0627\u0646", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0625\u0633\u0644\u0627\u0645\u064a", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u062b\u0648\u0631\u0629", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u062c\u0648\u064a\u0629", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0639\u0627\u0644\u0645", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0639\u0631\u0628\u064a\u0640\u0629", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0641\u062a\u0627\u062d", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0643\u0628\u064a\u0631", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0645\u0635\u0631\u064a\u064a\u0646", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0646\u0647\u0636\u0629", -100], ["\u0628\u0627", -100], ["\u0628\u0633", -100], ["\u0628\u0647", -100], ["\u062c\u0632\u064a\u0631\u0629", -100], ["\u062c\u0633\u0631", -100], ["\u062d\u062a\u0649", -100], ["\u062f\u0628\u064a", -100], ["\u062f\u0645\u0634\u0642", -100], ["\u0634\u0627\u0647", -100], ["\u0634\u06cc\u0627\u062f\u06cc", -100], ["\u0639\u0631\u0636", -100], ["\u0639\u0634\u0627\u0646", -100], ["\u063a\u0632\u0629", -100], ["\u0641\u0644\u0633\u0637\u064a\u0646", -100], ["\u0641\u0649", -100], ["\u0643\u0627\u0646", -100], ["\u0644\u064a", 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["+\u0444\u0448\u0451\u0451\u0445", -100], ["+\u0445\u0401\u0401\u0448\u044d\u0443", -100], ["+\u0445\u044d\u0455\u00b6\u0445", -100], ["+\u044b\u0445\u044a\u044e", -100], ["+\u2019", -100], ["=^", -100], ["=\u0401\u044e\u0449\u044a\u0440", -100], [">\u266a", -100], ["@$", -100], ["\\\u039b\u039b", -100], ["^\u00ab", -100], ["^\u00ac^", -100], ["`\u00cb", -100], ["`\u012b", -100], ["{^", -100], ["}^{", -100], ["~\u038a", -100], ["~\u2193", -100], ["\u00a1\u00a9", -100], ["\u00a1\u00bb", -100], ["\u00a4\u0448", -100], ["\u00a4\u044e\u0451\u044b\u0445", -100], ["\u00a4\u0455", -100], ["\u00a5=\u00a5", -100], ["\u00a6\u0440\u0442\u0401\u0440", -100], ["\u00a6\u0440\u0442\u0401\u0445", -100], ["\u00a6\u0440\u0443\u0440\u0401\u0440\u0451", -100], ["\u00a6\u0441\u0442\u0448", -100], ["\u00a6\u0444\u0448\u044f", -100], ["\u00a6\u0448\u044a", -100], ["\u00a7\u044e\u0447", -100], ["\u00ab#", -100], ["\u00ab\u0421\u043e\u043b\u0438\u0434\u0430\u0440\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u044c\u00bb", -100], ["\u00ac\u00f8", -100], ["\u00ae\u0178", -100], ["\u00b0$", -100], ["\u00b0>", -100], ["\u00b0\u00bf", -100], ["\u00b0\u044a\u044e", -100], ["\u00b0\u044a\u044e\u044b", -100], ["\u00b0\uf020", -100], ["\u00b6\u0440\u0442\u044d\u0440", -100], ["\u00b6\u044e\u0401\u044c\u0445", -100], ["\u00b7\u00b0", -100], ["\u00b7\u0394", -100], ["\u00c2\u00dd\u00ea", -100], ["\u00c2\u20ac", -100], ["\u00c3\u00a2\u00c2", -100], ["\u00c3\u0152\u00c2", -100], ["\u00c3\u0192\u00c6\u2019\u00c3\u201a\u00c2", -100], ["\u00c3\u02c6", -100], ["\u00c3\u20ac", -100], ["\u00c4\u00f5", -100], ["\u00c4\u0192", -100], ["\u00c5\u00e8", -100], ["\u00c6\u00d8\u00c7\u00c3\u00c5\u00c5", -100], ["\u00c7\u00c7", -100], ["\u00c7\u00cd", -100], ["\u00ca\u00ca", -100], ["\u00ca\u00ca\u00ca", -100], ["\u00ca\u0152", -100], ["\u00cc\u00c4", -100], ["\u00cd^", -100], ["\u00cd\u00c1\u00d4", -100], ["\u00cd\u00cd\u00cd", -100], ["\u00cd\u00e1\u00f5\u00f4", -100], ["\u00cd\u00ee", -100], ["\u00cd\u00f4\u00fd\u00eb\u00e1", -100], ["\u00cd\u2019", -100], ["\u00d1\u00e4", -100], ["\u00d3\u00cf", -100], ["\u00d4\u00cf\u00d5", -100], ["\u00d4\u00e6\u00dd\u00f3", -100], ["\u00d9\u00cb", -100], ["\u00e0\u00e2\u00f2\u00ee\u00ec\u00ee", -100], ["\u00e2\u00a6\u20ac", -100], ["\u00e2\u00e8", -100], ["\u00e3\u00ae", -100], ["\u00e3\u00e5", -100], ["\u00e3\u00fe\u00e2", -100], ["\u00e4\u00e4\u00e4\u00e4\u00e4\u00e4\u00e4\u00e4\u00e4\u00e4\u00e4\u00e4\u00e4", -100], ["\u00e4\u00eb", -100], ["\u00e4\u20ac", -100], ["\u00e5\u00e3\u00ee", -100], ["\u00e5\u00e8", -100], ["\u00e7\u00fd", -100], ["\u00e8\u00f2\u00e5", -100], ["\u00ea\u00ee\u00e3\u00ee", -100], ["\u00ea\u0153", -100], ["\u00eb\u00e5\u00e4", -100], ["\u00ec\u00dd\u00eb\u00ef\u00f2", -100], ["\u00ec\u00e0\u00e3\u00e0\u00e7\u00e8", -100], ["\u00ec\u00e2", -100], ["\u00ec\u00e5\u00f4\u00dc", -100], ["\u00ec\u00ea", -100], ["\u00ec\u00ef\u00f0\u00ef", -100], ["\u00ec\u00ef\u00f5", -100], ["\u00ec\u00fe", -100], ["\u00ee\u00e1\u00e3\u00f9\u00e3\u00de\u00f2", -100], ["\u00ee\u00e7", -100], ["\u00f0\u00ef\u00f3", -100], ["\u00f0\u00f1\u00dd\u00f0\u00e5", -100], ["\u00f2\u00e0\u00e7\u00e8", -100], ["\u00f3\u00e7\u00f2", -100], ["\u00f3\u00ec\u00fe", -100], ["\u00f3\u00f4\u00e7", -100], ["\u00f4\u00dc", -100], ["\u00f4\u00e5\u00f4", -100], ["\u00f4\u00e5\u00f4\u00f1\u00e1\u00e3\u00f9", -100], ["\u00f5\u00ee\u00f0\u00e0", -100], ["\u00f6\u00fc", -100], ["\u00f6\u0650", -100], ["\u00f9\u00ec", -100], ["\u00f9\u00ec\u00e5\u00f9", -100], ["\u00f9\u00fa", -100], ["\u00fb\u2019", -100], ["\u00fc\u00ea", -100], ["\u0101\u010d", -100], ["\u0101\u1e63\u0101", -100], ["\u0107\u00f6", -100], ["\u0111\u1ebf", -100], ["\u0119\u017a", -100], ["\u0121\u010d", -100], ["\u0125", -100], ["\u0141\u0119\u017c", -100], ["\u0146\u0123", -100], ["\u0158\u00c1", -100], ["\u015b\u016b", -100], ["\u015e\u00f6", -100], ["\u015e\u01dd", -100], ["\u015f\u0103", -100], ["\u015f\u015f", -100], ["\u0161\u0101\u1e0f", -100], ["\u0161\u0161\u00e2", -100], ["\u016b\u1e25", -100], ["\u016e\u017d", -100], ["\u0191", -100], ["\u01a9", -100], ["\u01c3", -100], ["\u0207", -100], ["\u021a\u0102", -100], ["\u023b", -100], ["\u023c", -100], ["\u0251\u031c", -100], ["\u025a", -100], ["\u025f", -100], ["\u026a\u0283", -100], ["\u028c\u014b", -100], ["\u0292\u025b", -100], ["\u0294", -100], ["\u0295", -100], ["\u02bb\u014d", -100], ["\u02c3\u02c3", -100], ["\u02c7\u02c7\u02c7", -100], ["\u02c8\u0252", -100], ["\u02c8\u025b", -100], ["\u0301=", -100], ["\u0301\u00c2", -100], ["\u0301\u00cf", -100], ["\u0301\u00e7", -100], ["\u0301\u00eb", -100], ["\u0312", -100], ["\u032f", -100], ["\u0364", -100], ["\u0390\u03c6\u03bf\u03a0", -100], ["\u0391\u0393", -100], ["\u0391\u0395", -100], ["\u0391\u0398\u0397\u039d\u0391", -100], ["\u0391\u03a1\u03a4\u0399", -100], ["\u0391\u03c1\u03b5\u03bf\u03c0\u03b1\u03b3\u03af\u03c4\u03bf\u03c5", -100], ["\u0393\u0395", -100], ["\u0393\u0399\u0393\u0391\u039d\u03a4\u0395\u03a3", -100], ["\u0393\u039a", -100], ["\u0393\u039c\u039f", -100], ["\u0393\u03a4\u038a", -100], ["\u0393\u03af\u03b3\u03b1\u03bd\u03c4\u03b5\u03c2", -100], ["\u0393\u03b5\u03c1\u03bf\u03c3\u03ba\u03ae\u03c0\u03bf\u03c5", -100], ["\u0393\u03b9\u03ce\u03c1\u03b3\u03bf\u03c2", -100], ["\u0393\u03ba\u03b1\u03bb\u03b5\u03c1\u03af", -100], ["\u0394\u03b1\u03c6\u03bd\u03ad\u03c2", -100], ["\u0394\u03b7\u03bc\u03ae\u03c4\u03c1\u03b9\u03bf\u03c2", -100], ["\u0394\u03b9\u03ac\u03c3\u03c4\u03b1\u03c3\u03b7", -100], ["\u0395\u0399\u0392", -100], ["\u0395\u039a", -100], ["\u0395\u039b\u0395\u03a6\u0391\u039d\u03a4\u0395\u03a3", -100], ["\u0395\u03a1", -100], ["\u0395\u03a4\u0397", -100], ["\u0395\u03ba\u03c0\u03b1\u03b9\u03b4\u03b5\u03c5\u03c4\u03b9\u03ba\u03ac", -100], ["\u0395\u03bb", -100], ["\u0395\u03bb\u03ad\u03c6\u03b1\u03bd\u03c4\u03b5\u03c2", -100], ["\u0395\u03bb\u03bb\u03b7\u03bd\u03bf", -100], ["\u0395\u03be\u03b1\u03b9\u03c1\u03b5\u03c4\u03b9\u03ba\u03cc", -100], ["\u0395\u03c0\u03b9\u03c4\u03c1\u03bf\u03c0\u03ae", -100], ["\u0396\u03b1\u03ba\u03cd\u03bd\u03b8\u03bf\u03c5", -100], ["\u0398\u03b5\u03cc\u03b4\u03c9\u03c1\u03bf\u03c2", -100], ["\u0398\u03b5\u03cc\u03c6\u03b9\u03bb\u03bf\u03c2", -100], ["\u0398\u1fc6\u03b2\u03b1\u03b9", -100], ["\u0399\u0391\u03a1\u039c\u0395", -100], ["\u0399\u0391\u03a1\u039c\u0395\u0399", -100], ["\u039a\u0391\u03a3\u03a4\u039f\u03a1\u0399\u0391\u03a3", -100], ["\u039b\\", -100], ["\u039b\u03ae\u03bc\u03bd\u03bf\u03c2", -100], ["\u039b\u03b5\u03c9\u03c6\u03cc\u03c1\u03bf\u03c2", -100], ["\u039b\u03b7", -100], ["\u039c\u03ac\u03ba\u03c1\u03b7", -100], ["\u039c\u03b1\u03ba\u03b5\u03b4\u03bf\u03bd\u03af\u03b1", -100], ["\u039c\u03b1\u03c4\u03b8\u03b1\u03af\u03bf\u03c2", -100], ["\u039c\u03b5\u03c3\u03c3\u03b1\u03c1\u03ac", -100], ["\u039c\u03b7", -100], ["\u039c\u03b9\u03c7\u03b1\u03ae\u03bb", -100], ["\u039c\u03cc\u03bb\u03c5\u03b2\u03b4\u03bf\u03c2", -100], ["\u039d\u03a4\u039f", -100], ["\u039d\u03b5\u03bc\u03ad\u03b1", -100], ["\u039f\u0397\u0393\u039c", -100], ["\u039f\u039a\u0391\u039d\u0391", -100], ["\u039f\u03b9", -100], ["\u039f\u1f55\u03c4\u03c9\u03c2", -100], ["\u03a0\u039c", -100], ["\u03a0\u03ad\u03c1\u03b1", -100], ["\u03a0\u03b5\u03b9\u03c1\u03b1\u03b9\u03ac\u03c2", -100], ["\u03a0\u03b7", -100], ["\u03a0\u03bb\u03ac\u03ba\u03b1", -100], ["\u03a0\u03c4\u03c5\u03c7\u03af\u03bf", -100], ["\u03a0\u03cd\u03c1\u03b3\u03bf\u03c2", -100], ["\u03a1\u03a4\u0388", -100], ["\u03a3\u03b7\u03c4\u03b5\u03af\u03b1", -100], ["\u03a3\u03c0\u03c5\u03c1\u03af\u03b4\u03c9\u03bd", -100], ["\u03a3\u03cd\u03bd\u03b4\u03b5\u03c3\u03bc\u03bf\u03b9", -100], ["\u03a3\u03cd\u03bd\u03c4\u03b1\u03b3\u03bc\u03b1", -100], ["\u03a4\u0389\u0399", -100], ["\u03a4\u03c3\u03af\u03c0\u03bf\u03c5\u03c1\u03bf", -100], ["\u03a4\u03c3\u03b9\u03ba\u03bf\u03c5\u03b4\u03b9\u03ac", -100], ["\u03a5\u03a0\u0391", -100], ["\u03a5\u03b4\u03c1\u03b5\u03cd\u03c3\u03b5\u03c9\u03c2", -100], ["\u03a6\u03b1\u03c3\u03cc\u03bb\u03b9\u03b1", -100], ["\u03a7\u03a0\u0399", -100], ["\u03a7\u03c1\u03b9\u03c3\u03c4\u03b9\u03b1\u03bd\u03b9\u03ba\u03cc", -100], ["\u03a8\u03b1\u03c1\u03bf\u03c5\u03b4\u03ac\u03ba\u03b7", -100], ["\u03ac\u03c1\u03b8\u03c1\u03bf", -100], ["\u03af\u03b7", -100], ["\u03b1+\u03b2", -100], ["\u03b1\u03bd\u03c4\u03af\u03b3\u03c1\u03b1\u03c6\u03bf", -100], ["\u03b1\u03bd\u03ce\u03bd\u03c5\u03bc\u03b7", -100], ["\u03b1\u03c5\u03c4\u03bf\u03bd", -100], ["\u03b2\u03ac\u03ba\u03c4\u03c1\u03bf\u03bd", -100], ["\u03b2\u03b3\u03b4", -100], ["\u03b2\u03c1\u03b1\u03c7\u03cd\u03c2", -100], ["\u03b3\u03b9\u03b1", -100], ["\u03b3\u03bb\u1ff6\u03c4\u03c4\u03b1", -100], ["\u03b4\u03b9\u03b4\u03b1\u03c3\u03ba\u03b1\u03bb\u03b5", -100], ["\u03b5\u03bd\u03b4\u03b9\u03ac\u03bc\u03b5\u03c3\u03bf\u03c5", -100], ["\u03b5\u03bd\u03cc\u03c2", -100], ["\u03b5\u03c0\u03b9\u03c6\u03ac\u03bd\u03b5\u03b9\u03b1", -100], ["\u03b5\u03c4", -100], ["\u03b5\u03c5\u03b8\u03cd\u03bd\u03b7\u03c2", -100], ["\u03b6\u03cd\u03b3\u03bf\u03bd", -100], ["\u03b7\u03bc\u03af\u03b3\u03bb\u03c5\u03ba\u03bf\u03c2", -100], ["\u03b8=", -100], ["\u03b8\u03ac\u03bd\u03b1\u03c4\u03bf\u03c2", -100], ["\u03b8\u03b5\u1f78\u03bd", -100], ["\u03b8\u03b5\u1f78\u03c2", -100], ["\u03b9\u00bb", -100], ["\u03b9\u03bf", -100], ["\u03ba\u03ad\u03c1\u03b1\u03c2", -100], ["\u03ba\u03bb\u1fc6\u03c1\u03bf\u03c2", -100], ["\u03bb\u03b5\u03b3\u03b5\u03c4\u03b1\u03b9", -100], ["\u03bb\u03b5\u03c0\u03af\u03c2", -100], ["\u03bb\u03cd\u03c1\u03b1", -100], ["\u03bc\u00da", -100], ["\u03bc\u03ac\u03c1\u03c4\u03c5\u03c2", -100], ["\u03bc\u03c1\u0391", -100], ["\u03be\u03b7\u03c1\u03cc\u03c2", -100], ["\u03bf\u03b2", -100], ["\u03bf\u1f50", -100], ["\u03c0\u03b1\u03c1\u03ac\u03b4\u03bf\u03c3\u03b7", -100], ["\u03c0\u03b5\u03c1\u03b9\u03bf\u03c1\u03b9\u03c3\u03bc\u03ad\u03bd\u03b7\u03c2", -100], ["\u03c0\u03bb\u03b7\u03c1\u03bf\u03c6\u03bf\u03c1\u03b9\u03b5\u03c2", -100], ["\u03c0\u03c1", -100], ["\u03c0\u03c1\u03bf\u03b1", -100], ["\u03c0\u03c1\u03bf\u03ca\u03cc\u03bd\u03c4\u03bf\u03c2", -100], ["\u03c1\u03b5\u03c3\u03b9\u03c2", -100], ["\u03c1\u03bd", -100], ["\u03c3\u03ac\u03c1\u03be", -100], ["\u03c3\u03b1\u1fe6\u03c1\u03bf\u03c2", -100], ["\u03c3\u03b7\u03bc\u03b1\u03bd\u03c4\u03b9\u03ba\u03b5\u03c2", -100], ["\u03c3\u03b9\u03c4\u03c4\u03b7", -100], ["\u03c3\u03bf\u03c5\u03bb\u03c4\u03b1\u03bd\u03af\u03bd\u03b1", -100], ["\u03c3\u03c4\u03cc\u03bc\u03b1", -100], ["\u03c3\u03cd\u03bd", -100], ["\u03c3\u1f7a\u03bd", -100], ["\u03c4\u03bf\u03bd\u03c9\u03c4\u03b9\u03ba\u03cc", -100], ["\u03c4\u1f78", -100], ["\u03c5\u1f31\u03cc\u03c2", -100], ["\u03c8\u03b5\u03c5\u03b4\u03bf", -100], ["\u0401\u0440\u0447\u0444\u0445\u044b\u044a\u0448", -100], ["\u0401\u0445\u00b0\u044a\u0440", -100], ["\u0401\u0445\u00b0\u044a\u0448", -100], ["\u0401\u0445\u00b0\u044a\u044e\u0449", -100], ["\u0401\u0445\u044a\u0448", -100], ["\u0401\u0448", -100], ["\u0401\u044e\u0449\u044a\u0440", -100], ["\u0401\u044e\u044a", -100], ["\u0401\u0455\u044a\u0448", -100], ["\u0402\u0443\u0401\u044e\u044a", -100], ["\u0402\u0447", -100], ["\u0410\u041e", -100], ["\u0410\u0425\u041f\u041d", -100], ["\u0410\u0432\u0440\u0430\u043c\u0435\u043d\u043a\u043e", -100], ["\u0410\u0434\u0430", -100], ["\u0410\u0435\u0432\u0438\u0442", -100], ["\u0410\u0435\u0440\u043e\u0434\u0440\u043e\u043c", -100], ["\u0410\u043b\u0435\u043a", -100], ["\u0410\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0441", -100], ["\u0410\u043b\u043b\u0430", -100], ["\u0410\u043d\u0436\u0435\u043b\u0430", -100], ["\u0410\u043d\u0442\u0438\u0440\u0430\u043a\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f", -100], ["\u0410\u0440\u043c\u0441\u0442\u0440\u043e\u043d\u0433", -100], ["\u0410\u0441\u0435\u043d\u043e\u0432\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0434", -100], ["\u0411\u0421\u0421\u0420", -100], ["\u0411\u0422", -100], ["\u0411\u0430\u0440\u0430\u0443\u0441", -100], ["\u0411\u0435\u043d\u0438\u043e\u0444\u0444", -100], ["\u0411\u0438", -100], ["\u0411\u043e\u043b\u044f\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043e", -100], ["\u0411\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c", -100], ["\u0411\u0440\u0435\u0441\u0442\u043d\u0438\u043a", -100], ["\u0411\u0443\u043a\u0430\u0439", -100], ["\u0412\u0435\u0440\u0430", -100], ["\u0412\u0435\u0441\u043d\u0430", -100], ["\u0412\u0438\u0434\u0435\u043e", -100], ["\u0412\u0440\u0430\u0446\u0430", -100], ["\u0412\u044b\u0441\u0448\u0435\u0435", -100], ["\u0413\u043e\u0441\u043b\u043e\u0442\u043e", -100], ["\u0413\u043e\u0441\u0443\u0434\u0430\u0440\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0435\u043d\u043d\u043e\u0435", -100], ["\u0413\u044e\u044b\u044e", -100], ["\u0414\u0430\u043c\u0434\u0438\u043d\u044b", -100], ["\u0414\u0435\u043a\u0430\u0431\u0440\u044c", -100], ["\u0414\u0438\u0430\u043d\u0430", -100], ["\u0414\u0438\u043c\u0430\u0441", -100], ["\u0414\u0438\u043d", -100], ["\u0414\u044d\u043c\u0431\u044d\u0440\u044d\u043b", -100], ["\u0415\u043b\u0438\u0437\u0430\u0432\u0435\u0442\u0430", -100], ["\u0418\u042d", -100], ["\u0418\u0432\u043e", -100], ["\u0418\u0434\u0442\u0438", -100], ["\u0418\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0440\u0430\u043d\u043d\u0430\u044f", -100], ["\u0418\u0441\u0442\u043e\u0447\u043d\u0438\u043a", -100], ["\u041a\u0411\u0420", -100], ["\u041a\u0430\u0437\u0430\u043d\u044c", -100], ["\u041a\u0430\u043c\u0443\u043d\u0456\u0441\u0442\u044b\u0447\u043d\u0430\u044f", -100], ["\u041a\u0430\u0440\u0438\u043d\u0430", -100], ["\u041a\u043e\u043d\u0442\u0438\u043d\u0435\u043d\u0442", -100], ["\u041a\u043e\u0447\u0430\u043d\u0438", -100], ["\u041a\u043e\u0448\u043a\u0430", -100], ["\u041a\u0440\u0401\u0440\u0451\u0440", -100], ["\u041a\u0443\u0440\u0434\u044e\u043c\u043e\u0432\u0443", -100], ["\u041b\u0414\u041f", -100], ["\u041b\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0438\u0433\u0430", -100], ["\u041b\u0435\u043d\u0430", -100], ["\u041b\u0435\u043d\u0438\u043d", -100], ["\u041b\u0438\u0432\u0430\u0434\u0438\u044f", -100], ["\u041b\u0438\u043c\u0444\u0430\u0434\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0442", -100], ["\u041b\u043e\u0437\u0438\u0446", -100], ["\u041b\u044c\u0432\u0456\u0432", -100], ["\u041b\u044e\u0431\u0438\u043c\u0435\u0446", -100], ["\u041b\u044f\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0432\u0435\u0446", -100], ["\u041c\u0430\u0433\u0430\u0440\u0430\u0447", -100], ["\u041c\u0430\u0439", -100], ["\u041c\u0430\u043a\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043c\u0441", -100], ["\u041c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0435\u043b\u043b\u0438", -100], ["\u041c\u0430\u0440\u043a\u043e", -100], ["\u041c\u0435\u043b\u043d\u0438\u043a", -100], ["\u041c\u0438\u0440", -100], ["\u041c\u043e\u043d\u0442\u0430\u043d\u0430", -100], ["\u041c\u043e\u0441\u0442", -100], ["\u041c\u043e\u0451", -100], ["\u041c\u044c\u044f\u043d\u043c\u0430", -100], ["\u041c\u044d\u044e\u0443\u044e", -100], ["\u041d\u0430\u0440\u0435\u0436\u044c", -100], ["\u041d\u0430\u0446\u0438\u043e\u043d\u0430\u043b\u043d\u0430", -100], ["\u041d\u043e\u0432\u043e\u0434\u0432\u043e\u0440\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439", -100], ["\u041d\u043e\u044f", -100], ["\u041e\u0440\u044f\u0445\u043e\u0432\u0438\u0446\u0430", -100], ["\u041f\u041e\u041c\u0417", -100], ["\u041f\u041f", -100], ["\u041f\u0430\u0437\u0430\u0440", -100], ["\u041f\u0430\u0437\u0430\u0440\u0434\u0436\u0438\u043a", -100], ["\u041f\u0430\u0437\u043b", -100], ["\u041f\u0435\u0442\u044a\u0440", -100], ["\u041f\u043b\u044b\u0442\u044c", -100], ["\u041f\u043e\u0434\u0434\u0435\u0440\u0436\u043a\u0430", -100], ["\u041f\u043e\u043c\u043e\u0440\u0438\u0435", -100], ["\u041f\u0440\u0435\u0441\u043b\u0430\u0432", -100], ["\u041f\u0440\u043e\u0433\u0440\u0430\u043c\u043c\u0430", -100], ["\u0420\u0443\u0441\u043b\u0430\u043d", -100], ["\u0420\u0443\u0441\u044c", -100], ["\u0420\u0445\u044c\u0456", -100], ["\u0420\u0448\u044c\u00b6\u044e\u044d\u0448", -100], ["\u0420\u044d\u0441\u043f\u0443\u0431\u043b\u0456\u043a\u0430", -100], ["\u0420\u044e\u044b\u044d", -100], ["\u0420\u044e\u044b\u044d\u0445\u0451\u044d\u0440", -100], ["\u0420\u0458\u0420\u0458", -100], ["\u0421\u0420", -100], ["\u0421\u0430\u043a\u0430\u0440", -100], ["\u0421\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0430\u043d\u0441\u043a\u0438", -100], ["\u0421\u0430\u0440\u043c\u0430\u0442", -100], ["\u0421\u0432\u0435\u0442\u0430", -100], ["\u0421\u0432\u0438\u0449\u043e\u0432", -100], ["\u0421\u0432\u044f\u0442\u043e\u0433\u043e\u0440\u0435\u0446", -100], ["\u0421\u0435\u0434\u044c\u043c\u043e\u0439", -100], ["\u0421\u0435\u043f\u0442\u0435\u043c\u0432\u0440\u0438", -100], ["\u0421\u0438\u043d\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u0438\u043a\u043e\u0432", -100], ["\u0421\u043b\u0430\u0432\u044f\u043d\u0446\u0438", -100], ["\u0421\u043b\u0438\u0432\u0435\u043d", -100], ["\u0422\u0421", -100], ["\u0422\u0430\u0431\u0430\u0442\u0430", -100], ["\u0422\u0430\u043c\u0430\u0440\u0430", -100], ["\u0422\u043e\u043b\u043e\u043a\u043d\u043e", -100], ["\u0422\u0440\u0430\u043d\u0441\u043d\u0435\u0444\u0442\u044c", -100], ["\u0424\u0435\u0432\u0440\u0430\u043b\u044c", -100], ["\u0425\u0424", -100], ["\u0425\u0430\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0432\u043e", -100], ["\u0425\u0438\u0441\u0430\u0440\u044f", -100], ["\u0427\u0435\u0440\u043d\u043e\u043c\u043e\u0440\u0441\u043a\u0438", -100], ["\u0427\u0443\u0431\u0430\u0439\u0441", -100], ["\u0428\u0430\u0433", -100], ["\u0428\u043b\u044f\u043f\u0430", -100], ["\u0428\u0442\u044b\u0440\u043e\u0432", -100], ["\u0428\u0443\u0443\u0434\u0430\u043d", -100], ["\u042f\u043c\u0431\u043e\u043b", -100], ["\u0430\u0432\u0433\u0443\u0441\u0442\u0430", -100], ["\u0430\u0433\u0435\u043d\u0446\u0438\u044f", -100], ["\u0430\u043a\u0430\u0434\u0435\u043c\u0438\u044f", -100], ["\u0430\u0440\u0431\u0443\u0437\u043d\u044b\u0445", -100], ["\u0430\u0440\u0440\u0435\u0430", -100], ["\u0431\u0430\u0433\u0443\u043b\u044c\u043d\u0438\u043a\u0430", -100], ["\u0431\u0435\u0442\u0430", -100], ["\u0431\u0438\u043e\u043a\u0430\u043c\u0438\u043d", -100], ["\u0431\u043b\u0430", -100], ["\u0431\u043e\u043b\u044c\u0448\u0435", -100], ["\u0431\u043e\u043b\u044c\u0448\u0435\u0431\u0435\u0440\u0446\u043e\u0432\u043e\u0439", -100], ["\u0431\u043e\u043b\u044c\u0448\u0435\u0439", -100], ["\u0432\u0402\u045e", -100], ["\u0432\u0435\u0442\u0435\u0440", -100], ["\u0432\u0438\u045b", -100], ["\u0432\u043e\u0434\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0434\u043d\u044b\u043c", -100], ["\u0432\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0442\u0430", -100], ["\u0432\u043e\u0442", -100], ["\u0432\u0440\u0435\u043c\u044f", -100], ["\u0432\u0440\u0435\u0442\u0435", -100], ["\u0432\u044b\u0441\u043b\u0443\u0433\u0443", -100], ["\u0432\u201e", -100], ["\u0433\u043b\u044e\u0442\u0435\u043d\u0443", -100], ["\u0434\u0435\u043d", -100], ["\u0434\u043e\u043a\u0443\u043c\u0435\u043d\u0442", -100], ["\u0435\u0433\u043e", -100], ["\u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c", -100], ["\u0435\u0449\u0435", -100], ["\u0437\u0430\u0434\u0435\u0440\u0436\u0430\u043d", -100], ["\u0437\u0430\u0434\u0435\u0440\u0436\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0438", -100], ["\u0437\u0430\u0434\u0435\u0440\u0436\u0430\u043d\u0438\u044f", -100], ["\u0438\u0448\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0447\u0435\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0439", -100], ["\u043a\u0430\u0436", -100], ["\u043a\u043e\u0440\u0435\u0448\u043e\u043a", -100], ["\u043a\u043e\u0448\u043a\u0430", -100], ["\u043a\u043e\u0448\u043a\u0443", -100], ["\u043a\u0440\u0435\u0441\u0435\u043b", -100], ["\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u043b\u0438\u043d\u0430", -100], ["\u043b\u0435\u043f\u0442\u0438\u043d\u0443", -100], ["\u043b\u0438\u043f\u043d\u0443\u0442\u044c", -100], ["\u043b\u0438\u0442\u0435\u0440\u0430\u0442\u0443\u0440\u0430", -100], ["\u043b\u0438\u0446\u043e", -100], ["\u043c\u0430\u043c\u0438\u043d\u043e", -100], ["\u043c\u0430\u0440\u0442\u0430", -100], ["\u043c\u0435\u0434\u0430\u043b\u044c", -100], ["\u043c\u0435\u0436\u0434\u0443\u0440\u044f\u0434\u044c\u044f\u0445", -100], ["\u043c\u0435\u043d\u0435\u0435", -100], ["\u043c\u0435\u0440\u0430", -100], ["\u043c\u043e\u0436\u043d\u043e", -100], ["\u043c\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0437\u0438\u043b\u043a\u0443", -100], ["\u043d\u0430\u0434\u043a\u043e\u043b\u0435\u043d\u043d\u0438\u043a", -100], ["\u043d\u0430\u0443\u043a", -100], ["\u043d\u0430\u0447\u0430\u0442\u044c", -100], ["\u043d\u0438\u0437\u043a\u043e\u0443\u0433\u043b\u0435\u0432\u043e\u0434\u043d\u044b\u0435", -100], ["\u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e", -100], ["\u043e\u0439", -100], ["\u043e\u043a\u0442\u044f\u0431\u0440\u044f", -100], ["\u043e\u043f\u0438\u0441\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0435", -100], ["\u043e\u0447\u0435\u043d\u044c", -100], ["\u043f\u0435\u043d\u0441\u0438\u044f", -100], ["\u043f\u0435\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0435\u0448\u0438\u0432\u0430\u0435\u043c", -100], ["\u043f\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0440\u0435\u0437\u043e\u043c", -100], ["\u043f\u043b\u044f\u0436", -100], ["\u043f\u043e\u0432\u0438\u043d\u043d\u043e\u0439", -100], ["\u043f\u0440\u0435\u0441\u0435\u0447\u0435\u043d\u0438\u044f", -100], ["\u043f\u0440\u0438\u0437\u043d\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0435", -100], ["\u043f\u0440\u043e\u0433\u0440\u0430\u043c\u043c", -100], ["\u043f\u0440\u043e\u0433\u0440\u0430\u043c\u043c\u0430", -100], ["\u043f\u0440\u043e\u0442\u043e\u043a\u043e\u043b\u0443", -100], ["\u0440\u0430\u0434\u0438\u043e", -100], ["\u0440\u0435\u043a\u043e\u043c\u0435\u043d\u0434\u0443\u044e", -100], ["\u0440\u0443\u0433\u0430\u0439\u0442\u0435", -100], ["\u0440\u0448\u044c", -100], ["\u0440\u044a", -100], ["\u0440\u044b\u044b\u044e", -100], ["\u0440\u044c\u0445\u0401\u044d\u0440", -100], ["\u0440\u044e\u044c\u0445\u044e", -100], ["\u0441\u043c\u044b\u0432\u0430\u0435\u043c", -100], ["\u0441\u0442\u043e\u0440\u043e\u043d\u044b", -100], ["\u0441\u0443\u043f\u0430\u0445", -100], ["\u0441\u0443\u043f\u0435\u0440\u043a\u043e\u043d\u0434\u0435\u043d\u0441\u0430\u0442\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0432", -100], ["\u0442\u0430\u043c", -100], ["\u0442\u0435", -100], ["\u0442\u043e\u043b\u043e\u043a\u043d\u043e", -100], ["\u0442\u043e\u043d\u0435\u0442\u0435", -100], ["\u0442\u0445", -100], ["\u0442\u0445\u0401\u00a7\u044e\u044c", -100], ["\u0442\u0445\u044a\u0440", -100], ["\u0443\u043d\u0438\u0432\u0435\u0440\u0441\u0438\u0442\u0435\u0442", -100], ["\u0443\u0441\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0438\u044f\u0445", -100], ["\u0444\u0401", -100], ["\u0444\u0438\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0442\u043e\u043c", -100], ["\u0444\u0438\u0442\u0438\u043d\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f", -100], ["\u0444\u043e\u0440\u0437\u0438\u0446\u0438\u0438", -100], ["\u0444\u043e\u0440\u0443\u043c", -100], ["\u0444\u0445\u0442", -100], ["\u0444\u0455\u00a7", -100], ["\u0445\u043e\u0445\u043e\u043b\u043a\u0430", -100], ["\u0445\u0447", -100], ["\u0445\u0449", -100], ["\u0445\u044d\u0448\u044d", -100], ["\u0447\u0435\u0433\u043e", -100], ["\u0447\u0438\u0441\u0442\u043e\u0441\u0435\u0440\u0434\u0435\u0447\u043d\u043e\u0435", -100], ["\u0448\u043a\u043e\u043b\u0443", -100], ["\u0448\u044d\u0440", -100], ["\u0448\u0451\u044a\u0455\u0451\u0451", -100], ["\u0448\u0451\u0451\u0445\u0401\u0440", -100], ["\u044a\u0401\u0445\u0451", -100], ["\u044a\u0440\u044b\u0456\u044d", -100], ["\u044a\u0440\u044f\u044a\u0440\u044d\u0445", -100], ["\u044a\u044b\u0440\u0444\u044a\u0440", -100], ["\u044a\u044d\u0448\u0443\u0440", -100], ["\u044a\u044e\u0442", -100], ["\u044a\u0455", -100], ["\u044b\u00a6\u0441\u0442\u0448", -100], ["\u044b\u0455\u0444\u044d", -100], ["\u044b\u0455\u0451\u00b0\u0445", -100], ["\u044c\u0445\u00b0\u044e\u044a", -100], ["\u044c\u044e\u044b\u044e\u044a\u044e", -100], ["\u044d\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0440\u043e\u0434\u043e\u043c\u0430", -100], ["\u044d\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0440\u043e\u043a\u0430\u0440\u044b", -100], ["\u044d\u0445", -100], ["\u044d\u044d", -100], ["\u044d\u044e", -100], ["\u044d\u044e\u0443\u0448", -100], ["\u044d\u044e\u0451\u0445\u0449", -100], ["\u044d\u044e\u0451\u0456", -100], ["\u044d\u0451\u044a\u044e\u0449", -100], ["\u044e\u0449\u044d\u0440", -100], ["\u044e\u044b", -100], ["\u044e\u0451\u0445\u044c\u0456", -100], ["\u044f\u0401\u0440\u0447\u0444\u044d\u0448\u044a", -100], ["\u044f\u0432\u043a\u0438", -100], ["\u044f\u0445\u0401\u0445\u0401\u044d", -100], ["\u044f\u0445\u0451\u0445\u044d", -100], ["\u044f\u0445\u0451\u044d", -100], ["\u044f\u044e\u0406\u044c", -100], ["\u044f\u044e\u044a\u0440", -100], ["\u044f\u0455\u0447", -100], ["\u0451\u0442", -100], ["\u0451\u0444\u0448\u0401", -100], ["\u0451\u0445", -100], ["\u0451\u0445\u0447\u044e\u044d", -100], ["\u0451\u044f\u0440\u044b\u0456\u044d", -100], ["\u0451\u0455\u0444\u0445\u0451", -100], ["\u0455\u0401", -100], ["\u0455\u044b", -100], ["\u0458", -100], ["\u049a\u0430\u0437\u0430\u049b\u0441\u0442\u0430\u043d", -100], ["\u04a1", -100], ["\u0512", -100], ["\u0516", -100], ["\u0517", -100], ["\u0539\u0578\u0582", -100], ["\u0567", -100], ["\u0578", -100], ["\u05d0\u05d1\u05e8\u05d4\u05dd", -100], ["\u05d3\u05d1\u05d5\u05e8", -100], ["\u05d3\u05d5\u05e8", -100], ["\u05d3\u05e9\u0597\u05d0", -100], ["\u05d6\u05d4", -100], ["\u05d6\u05db\u05e8", -100], ["\u05d7\u05d9\u05e4\u05d5\u05e9", -100], ["\u05d9\u05b8\u05d4\u05b0\u05d5\u05b6\u05d4", -100], ["\u05d9\u05d4\u05d5\u05d3\u05d4", -100], ["\u05d9\u05e6\u05e8", -100], ["\u05dc\u05d0\u05d5\u05de\u05d9", -100], ["\u05e0\u05e1", -100], ["\u05e0\u05e9\u05d0", -100], ["\u05e2\u05b8\u05e9\u05b8\u05c2\u05d4", -100], ["\u05e2\u05d5\u05dc\u05dd", -100], ["\u05e4\u05e8\u05d9\u05e2\u05d4", -100], ["\u05e9\u05d8\u05e0\u05d4", -100], ["\u0622\u0644", -100], ["\u0622\u0646\u06a9\u06be\u0648\u06ba", -100], ["\u0623\u0636\u0627\u0641\u0647", -100], ["\u0623\u0646\u0647\u0627", -100], ["\u0625", -100], ["\u0625\u0644\u0627", -100], ["\u0627\u0633\u0628\u0648\u0639", -100], ["\u0627\u0637\u0644\u0627\u0639\u0627\u062a", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0623\u0648\u0644", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u062a\u062d\u0631\u064a\u0631", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0631\u0626\u064a\u0633\u064a\u0629", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0633\u0639\u064a\u062f", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0639\u062f\u0648", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0639\u0631\u0627\u0642", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0639\u0631\u0628\u0628\u064a\u0629", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0639\u0631\u0628\u064a", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0641\u0637\u0631", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0645\u062f\u064a\u0646\u0629", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0646\u0639\u064a\u0645\u064a", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0647\u0627\u0645\u0633", -100], ["\u0627\u0648", -100], ["\u0628\u0631\u06cc\u062f\u0646\u062f", -100], ["\u0628\u0634\u0627\u0631\u0629", -100], ["\u0628\u0644\u0627", -100], ["\u0628\u0644\u062f\u064a", -100], ["\u0628\u0646\u0627", -100], ["\u062a\u0648\u064a\u062a\u0631", -100], ["\u062c\u0633\u062a\u062c\u0648", -100], ["\u062c\u0645\u0627\u0644", -100], ["\u062c\u0646\u064a\u0647", -100], ["\u062d\u0631\u0643\u0629", -100], ["\u062d\u0632\u0628", -100], ["\u062d\u0645\u064a\u062f", -100], ["\u062d\u064a", -100], ["\u062e\u0637", -100], ["\u0631\u0626\u064a\u0633", -100], ["\u0631\u063a\u0645", -100], ["\u0633\u0639\u06cc\u062f", -100], ["\u0633\u0644\u0645\u0627\u0646", -100], ["\u0639\u0631\u0628\u0649", -100], ["\u0639\u0635\u0627\u0645", -100], ["\u0639\u0645\u0631", -100], ["\u0641\u062a\u062d", -100], ["\u0641\u0631\u062c\u06cc", -100], ["\u0641\u0642\u062f", -100], ["\u0641\u0644\u0627", -100], ["\u0641\u064a\u0647\u0627", -100], ["\u0642\u062f\u0645", -100], ["\u0644\u0627\u0631\u06cc\u062c\u0627\u0646\u06cc", -100], ["\u0644\u0647", -100], ["\u0644\u0648", -100], ["\u0645\u0627\u0626\u062f\u0647", -100], ["\u0645\u0628\u0627\u0634\u0631", -100], ["\u0645\u062d\u0633\u0648\u062f", -100], ["\u0645\u0635\u062f\u0642", -100], ["\u0645\u0644\u0627\u064a\u0648", -100], ["\u0645\u0647\u0631\u0639\u0644\u06cc\u0632\u0627\u062f\u0647", -100], ["\u0645\u0648\u0633\u0649", -100], ["\u0645\u0648\u0636\u0648\u0639\u0627\u062a", -100], ["\u0648\u0641\u064a", -100], ["\u0648\u0643\u0627\u0646", -100], ["\u0648\u0644\u0643\u0646", -100], ["\u0648\u0644\u0648", -100], ["\u067e\u0647\u0644\u0648\u06cc", -100], ["\u06de", -100], ["\u07e6\u07e6", -100], ["\u0903", -100], ["\u0916\u094b\u091c", -100], ["\u09aa\u09cd\u09b0\u09a4\u09bf\u09b0\u09cb\u09a7", -100], ["\u09b9\u09cb\u0995", -100], ["\u0ad0", -100], ["\u0e0e", -100], ["\u0e20\u0e32\u0e29\u0e32\u0e44\u0e17\u0e22", -100], ["\u0e3a", -100], ["\u0e41", -100], ["\u0e53", -100], ["\u0f72\u0f7e", -100], ["\u1016\u1010\u1039\u101b\u1088\u1019\u1088\u1015\u103a\u1019\u1039\u1038\u1019\u103d\u103a\u107e\u1000\u102c\u1001\u103a\u102d\u1014\u1039", -100], ["\u10b0", -100], ["\u10d3\u10d0", -100], ["\u10dc\u10dd\u10d6\u10d0\u10eb\u10d4", -100], ["\u10ea\u10d4\u10ea\u10ee\u10da\u10d0\u10eb\u10d4", -100], ["\u1440", -100], ["\u182e", -100], ["\u19a9", -100], ["\u19ae", -100], ["\u1ce9", -100], ["\u1e2b\u1e2b\u0113", -100], ["\u1e43\u015b", -100], ["\u1e47\u1e6d", -100], ["\u1e49", -100], ["\u1ebe", -100], ["\u1eca", -100], ["\u1f00\u03bd\u03ae\u03c1", -100], ["\u1f00\u03bd\u03b4\u03c1\u03cc\u03c2", -100], ["\u1f00\u03c1\u03c7\u03ae", -100], ["\u1f10\u03bb\u03b1\u03af\u03b1", -100], ["\u1f10\u03c0\u03af", -100], ["\u1f65\u03c3\u03c4\u03b5", -100], ["\u1fc7", -100], ["\u1ff7", -100], ["\u2010{}\u2010", -100], ["\u2018$\u2019", -100], ["\u201e\u0160", -100], ["\u201e\u017d", -100], ["\u2020\u2020\u2020\u2020\u2020", -100], ["\u2021\u0451\u044b\u0448", -100], ["\u2022\u2022\u2022\u2022\u2022\u2022\u2022\u2022\u2022\u2022\u2022", -100], ["\u2032\u2192", -100], ["\u203f", -100], ["\u20a2", -100], ["\u20ac\u00a2", -100], ["\u20ac\u00ae", -100], ["\u20ac\u00df", -100], ["\u20ad", -100], ["\u20b3", -100], ["\u2191~", -100], ["\u2192\u00ac", -100], ["\u2212\u03b1", -100], ["\u221a\u00b1", -100], ["\u221a\u221a\u221a\u221a\u221a", -100], ["\u2266", -100], ["\u2267", -100], ["\u2267\u25d4\u25e1\u25d4\u2266", -100], ["\u227a", -100], ["\u22a1", -100], ["\u2310", -100], ["\u240d\u240d", -100], ["\u2500\u2500\u00bb\u00ab\u2500\u2500", -100], ["\u251c\u017d", -100], ["\u251c\u2500\u2524", -100], ["\u252c\u010c", -100], ["\u252c\u013a", -100], ["\u25a0\u00ab", -100], ["\u25a0\u00bf", -100], ["\u25ba\u00b7", -100], ["\u25ba\u25a0", -100], ["\u2605\u2605\u2605\u2605\u2605\u2605\u2605", -100], ["\u260e", -100], ["\u261d", -100], ["\u262e", -100], ["\u263a\u263a", -100], ["\u2663\u2663\u2663", -100], ["\u2702", -100], ["\u2750", -100], ["\u27a3", -100], ["\u2b06", -100], ["\u304a\u540d\u524d", -100], ["\u304c\u7121\u52b9\u306a\u70ba\u30ab\u30ec\u30f3\u30c0\u3092\u63cf\u753b\u3067\u304d\u307e\u305b\u3093", -100], ["\u3059\u308b", -100], ["\u3067", -100], ["\u3068", -100], ["\u308f\u305f\u3057\u305f\u3061", -100], ["\u30b5\u30fc\u30d3\u30b9", -100], ["\u30c4\u30fc\u30eb\u30d0\u30fc", -100], ["\u30d0\u30c3\u30b0", -100], ["\u30d1\u30a4", -100], ["\u30d9\u30c3\u30ad\u30fc", -100], ["\u30de\u30bf\u30cf\u30e9", -100], ["\u30e1\u30bf\u30dc\u30ea\u30ba\u30e0\u306e\u672a\u6765\u90fd\u5e02\u5c55\u3002", -100], ["\u30e1\u30e2\u30ea\u30fc", -100], ["\u30e3", -100], ["\u30e9\u30d5\u30a1\u30cf\u30a6\u30b9", -100], ["\u4e0d\u5982", -100], ["\u4e2d\u56fd\u5171\u4ea7\u4e3b\u4e49\u9752\u5e74\u56e2", -100], ["\u4e3a", -100], ["\u4e60\u8fd1\u5e73", -100], ["\u4e86\u89e3\u66f4\u591a", -100], ["\u4e91\u5357", -100], ["\u4e95\u4e0a\u967d\u6c34", -100], ["\u4eb0", -100], ["\u4ecb\u7ecd", -100], ["\u4f60\u652f\u6301\u540c\u6027\u5a5a\u59fb\u5408\u6cd5\u5316\u5417", -100], ["\u4f60\u662f\u5426\u652f\u6301\u4f7f\u7528\u8f6c\u57fa\u56e0\u4f5c\u7269\u548c", -100], ["\u5170\u82b1", -100], ["\u51cf", -100], ["\u5317\u4eac\u5927\u5b66", -100], ["\u533b\u7597\u4fdd\u5065\u95ee\u9898", -100], ["\u5341\u4e00\u6708", -100], ["\u5350", -100], ["\u538b\u7f29", -100], ["\u53ea", -100], ["\u5468\u6c38\u5eb7", -100], ["\u559c", -100], ["\u5713", -100], ["\u5927\u76d8\u9e21", -100], ["\u5927\u795e", -100], ["\u5979", -100], ["\u5982\u679c\u6709\u533b\u9662\u548c\u533b\u7597\u670d\u52a1\u7684\u66f4\u591a\u6216\u66f4\u5c11\u7684\u79c1\u6709\u5316", -100], ["\u5b50", -100], ["\u5b54\u5b50", -100], ["\u5bc6\u4e91\u957f\u9014\u8f66\u7ad9", -100], ["\u5bf8", -100], ["\u5c45", -100], ["\u5e02\u5206", -100], ["\u5e72\u7178\u8c46\u89d2", -100], ["\u5e73\u6210", -100], ["\u5e74\u4eba\u53e3\u666e\u67e5\u4e2d\u56fd\u6c11\u65cf\u4eba\u53e3\u8d44\u6599\u300b", -100], ["\u5e78\u798f\u4e4b\u5bb6", -100], ["\u5e94\u7528\u7a0b\u5e8f\u652f\u6301", -100], ["\u5f15\u304d\u5272\u308a", -100], ["\u5fae\u4fe1\u8054\u7cfb\u6211\u4eec", -100], ["\u5fd8\u308c\u306a\u3044", -100], ["\u611f\u8b1d", -100], ["\u6155\u5bb9\u96ea\u6751", -100], ["\u6210\u8bed", -100], ["\u6211\u53cd\u6838", -100], ["\u6307", -100], ["\u64d4", -100], ["\u65b0\u7586", -100], ["\u65c5\u6e38", -100], ["\u65e5\u672c\u56fd", -100], ["\u65e5\u672c\u8a9e\u0420\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439", -100], ["\u65ed", -100], ["\u663e\u793a", -100], ["\u6700", -100], ["\u674e\u53cb\u5c71", -100], ["\u685c", -100], ["\u6975\u697d\u6d44\u571f", -100], ["\u6a19\u984c", -100], ["\u6b22\u8fce", -100], ["\u6b7b", -100], ["\u6bd2", -100], ["\u6c14", -100], ["\u6ca1", -100], ["\u6d69\u4e4b", -100], ["\u6df1\u3044\u68ee", -100], ["\u6e38\u620f\u7ba1\u5bb6", -100], ["\u6e90\u5e73\u85e4\u6a58", -100], ["\u7231", 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["\u00c4\u0117", -100], ["\u00c5\u201a", -100], ["\u00c6\u00e6\u00e0\u00e3\u00f0\u00fc\u00d7\u00f6\u00e4", -100], ["\u00c8\u00ce", -100], ["\u00c8\u00e3", -100], ["\u00c9\u00ae", -100], ["\u00c9\u00cc\u00cf", -100], ["\u00cc+", -100], ["\u00cc\u00cf", -100], ["\u00cd\\", -100], ["\u00cd\u00d4", -100], ["\u00ce\u00d2", -100], ["\u00d1\u00fa", -100], ["\u00d3\u00dc\u00eb", -100], ["\u00d3\u00df\u00eb\u00e2\u00e5\u00f1", -100], ["\u00d4\u00c7\u0141", -100], ["\u00d4\u00c7\u0165", -100], ["\u00d7\u00d6", -100], ["\u00d8\u00f8\u00f8", -100], ["\u00d9\u017d", -100], ["\u00dd\u00f0\u00e5", -100], ["\u00dd\u00f3\u00f4\u00e5\u00f1\u00f9", -100], ["\u00df=", -100], ["\u00df\u00e1", -100], ["\u00e0\u00bb", -100], ["\u00e0\u00e1", -100], ["\u00e0\u00ec\u00e5\u00e4", -100], ["\u00e0\u00f1", -100], ["\u00e0\u00f9\u00f8", -100], ["\u00e0\u2212", -100], ["\u00e1#", -100], ["\u00e1\u00e3\u00c7\u00d0\u00c7", -100], ["\u00e1\u00e8", -100], ["\u00e1\u0144", -100], ["\u00e1\u02c7", -100], ["\u00e2\u00ac", 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["\u00ef\u00ec", -100], ["\u00ef\u00f6\u00de\u00f2", -100], ["\u00f0\u00dd", -100], ["\u00f0\u00e1\u00f1\u00e1\u00f1\u00f4\u00de\u00ec\u00e1\u00f4\u00ef\u00f2", -100], ["\u00f0\u00e5\u00f4\u00ee\u00f0\u00ec\u00fb", -100], ["\u00f0\u00ef\u00ec", -100], ["\u00f0\u00f1\u00ef\u00ea\u00e1\u00e8\u00ef\u00f1", -100], ["\u00f0\u00f1\u00ef\u00fa\u00fc", -100], ["\u00f0\u00f9\u00f2", -100], ["\u00f0\u00fe", -100], ["\u00f1\u00ec\u00e5", -100], ["\u00f2\u00e0\u00ec", -100], ["\u00f2\u00f0\u00ff\u00e1\u00e2\u00e0", -100], ["\u00f2\u00fb", -100], ["\u00f2\u00fc", -100], ["\u00f3\u00f0\u00f3", -100], ["\u00f3\u00f7\u00e5\u00f4", -100], ["\u00f3\u00fa", -100], ["\u00f4\u00de\u00ec", -100], ["\u00f4\u00f4", -100], ["\u00f4\u00f8", -100], ["\u00f6\u00e5", -100], ["\u00f7\u00e5\u00f4", -100], ["\u00f7\u00e8", -100], ["\u00f7\u00fd\u00e5", -100], ["\u00f7\u00fe", -100], ["\u00f8\u00e1", -100], ["\u00f8\u00e5", -100], ["\u00f8\u00e5\u00ea", -100], ["\u00fb\u00e5", -100], ["\u00fd\u00f0\u00fd", -100], ["\u00fe\u00f2", -100], ["\u0100\u00ac", -100], ["\u0101\u00bb", -100], ["\u0101\u0177", -100], ["\u0101\u02bf", -100], ["\u0101\u1e37", -100], ["\u0101\u20ac", -100], ["\u0102\u0105", -100], ["\u0102\u0162", -100], ["\u0105\u017c\u0119", -100], ["\u010c\u0160", -100], ["\u0115\u017e", -100], ["\u0115\u0324", -100], ["\u0119\u0107", -100], ["\u012b\u015b", -100], ["\u012b\u1e25", -100], ["\u012b\u1e63", -100], ["\u0135", -100], ["\u013c\u013c", -100], ["\u015b\u012b", -100], ["\u015e\u0130", -100], ["\u015f\u00e2", -100], ["\u0160\u0106", -100], ["\u0161\u0148", -100], ["\u0161\u0165\u00e1", -100], ["\u0162\u0102", -100], ["\u0162\u016b", -100], ["\u0177\u016b", -100], ["\u0178\u00ff", -100], ["\u017c\u00f3", -100], ["\u017d\u00cd", -100], ["\u01fb", -100], ["\u021d", -100], ["\u0250", -100], ["\u0254\u026a", -100], ["\u0259\u028a", -100], ["\u028e", -100], ["\u02bc\u016b", -100], ["\u02c8\u03b8\u026a\u0259", -100], ["\u02d1", -100], ["\u0301+", -100], ["\u0301\u00ce", -100], ["\u0301\u00f8", -100], ["\u0301\u00fd", -100], ["\u0301\u2019", -100], ["\u0308\u00e2\u20ac", -100], ["\u030b\u0105\u00a4\u0142\u00a7", -100], ["\u0327\u0144\u0118", -100], ["\u032a", -100], ["\u038c\u039c\u0399", -100], ["\u038c\u039f", -100], ["\u0391\u039f\u039a", -100], ["\u0391\u03b3\u03bf\u03c5\u03c1\u03ad\u03bb\u03b1\u03b9\u03bf", -100], ["\u0391\u03b3\u03c1\u03bf\u03cd", -100], ["\u0391\u03b8\u03b7\u03bd\u03ce\u03bd", -100], ["\u0393~", -100], ["\u0393\u0397\u0395", -100], ["\u0393\u039d\u0393", -100], ["\u0393\u03a1", -100], ["\u0393\u03a4\u03a1", -100], ["\u0393\u03b1", -100], ["\u0393\u03bb\u03c5\u03ba\u03cc", -100], ["\u0393\u03bd\u0391", -100], ["\u0393\u03c5\u03bc\u03bd\u03ac\u03c3\u03b9\u03bf", -100], ["\u0394\u039c", -100], ["\u0394\u03b5\u03bb\u03c4\u03af\u03bf", -100], ["\u0394\u03b7\u0391", -100], ["\u0394\u03b7\u03bc\u03bf\u03ba\u03c1\u03b1\u03c4\u03b9\u03ba\u03ae", -100], ["\u0394\u03b7\u03bc\u03bf\u03c4\u03b9\u03ba\u03ac", -100], ["\u0394\u03bb", -100], ["\u0395\u0395\u039b", -100], ["\u0395\u039b\u039b\u0391\u0394\u0391", -100], ["\u0395\u03a3", -100], ["\u0395\u03bb\u03bb\u03ac\u03b4\u03bf\u03c2", -100], ["\u0395\u03bd\u03b9\u03b1\u03af\u03bf", -100], ["\u0395\u03c0\u03af\u03c3\u03b7\u03bc\u03bf\u03c2", -100], ["\u0397\u039b", -100], ["\u0397\u03c5", -100], ["\u0398\u03c1\u03ac\u03ba\u03b7", -100], ["\u0399\u00b7", -100], ["\u0399\u039d", -100], ["\u0399\u03a1", -100], ["\u0399\u03a7\u0398\u03a5\u03a3", -100], ["\u0399\u03b4\u03c1\u03cd\u03bc\u03b1\u03c4\u03b1", -100], ["\u0399\u03bd\u03b7\u03b1\u03bb\u03c4", -100], ["\u0399\u03bf\u03af", -100], ["\u039a\u03ad\u03c1\u03ba\u03c5\u03c1\u03b1\u03c2", -100], ["\u039a\u03b1\u03c4\u03ac", -100], ["\u039a\u03b5\u03c6\u03b1\u03bb\u03b1\u03b9\u03b1\u03b3\u03bf\u03c1\u03ac\u03c2", -100], ["\u039a\u03bf\u03b9\u03bd\u03cc\u03c4\u03b7\u03c4\u03b1", -100], ["\u039b\u00b7", -100], ["\u039b\u03a0", -100], ["\u039b\u03b1\u03ba\u03c9\u03bd\u03af\u03b1\u03c2", -100], ["\u039c\u0391\u03a1", -100], ["\u039c\u039b", -100], ["\u039c\u03b9", -100], ["\u039c\u03b9\u03c3\u03b5", -100], ["\u039d+", -100], ["\u039d\u039b", -100], ["\u039d\u03b1\u03c5\u03c4\u03b9\u03ba\u03cc", -100], ["\u039d\u03b2", -100], ["\u039d\u03bf\u03bc\u03b1\u03c1\u03c7\u03b9\u03b1\u03ba\u03ac", -100], ["\u039d\u03cc\u03bc\u03bf\u03c2", -100], ["\u039f\u0393\u0395", -100], ["\u03a0\u0399\u03a0\u0399", -100], ["\u03a0\u03b1\u03c1\u03b1\u03bb\u03ae\u03c0\u03c4\u03b7\u03c2", -100], ["\u03a0\u03b1\u03c1\u03b1\u03c3\u03ba\u03b5\u03c5\u03ae", -100], ["\u03a0\u03b1\u03c4\u03c1\u03ce\u03bd", -100], ["\u03a0\u03bf\u03cd\u03bb\u03bb\u03b5\u03c2", -100], ["\u03a1\u03af\u03bf", -100], ["\u03a1\u03cc\u03b4\u03bf\u03c2", -100], ["\u03a3\u03b5\u03b9\u03c4\u03b5", -100], ["\u03a3\u03c5\u03b3\u03b3\u03c1\u03bf\u03cd", -100], ["\u03a3\u03c5\u03bc\u03b2\u03bf\u03cd\u03bb\u03b9\u03bf", -100], ["\u03a4\u0391", -100], ["\u03a4\u0393", -100], ["\u03a4\u039f", -100], ["\u03a4\u03b1\u03bc\u03b5\u03af\u03b1", -100], ["\u03a4\u03b1\u03c5\u03c4\u03cc\u03c4\u03b7\u03c4\u03b1\u03c2", -100], ["\u03a4\u03b9", -100], ["\u03a4\u03bf\u03bc\u03b1\u03c4\u03ac\u03ba\u03b9", -100], ["\u03a4\u03c1\u03b9\u03b1\u03bd\u03c4\u03ac\u03c6\u03c5\u03bb\u03bb\u03bf", -100], ["\u03a5\u03b7\u03c1", -100], ["\u03a6\u03bf\u03b9\u03bd\u03af\u03ba\u03b9", -100], ["\u03a6\u03bf\u03c5\u03b3\u03ac\u03c1\u03bf", -100], ["\u03a7\u0399\u0399\u0399", -100], ["\u03ac\u03bd\u03c9", -100], ["\u03b1\u03b1", -100], ["\u03b1\u03b9", -100], ["\u03b1\u03c5\u03c4\u03c9\u03bd", -100], ["\u03b1\u03c7", -100], ["\u03b1\u2248\u03b1", -100], ["\u03b2^", -100], ["\u03b2\u0393", -100], ["\u03b2\u03af", -100], ["\u03b2\u03b7\u03af", -100], ["\u03b2\u03b7\u03af\u03b2\u03c6\u0393\u03ca\u03b5\u03b2", -100], ["\u03b5\u03b9\u03c2", -100], ["\u03b5\u03ba\u03ba\u03cc\u03bb\u03b1\u03c8\u03b9\u03bd", -100], ["\u03b5\u03bb", -100], ["\u03b7\u03bc\u03af\u03be\u03b7\u03c1\u03bf\u03c2", -100], ["\u03b7\u03c7", -100], ["\u03b8\u03be\u03b4", -100], ["\u03b9\u03b3", -100], ["\u03ba\u03b1\u03bb\u03ae", -100], ["\u03ba\u03b1\u03c4\u03ac\u03c1\u03c4\u03b9\u03c3\u03b7\u03c2", -100], ["\u03ba\u03bd", -100], ["\u03ba\u03cc\u03c2", -100], ["\u03ba\u03cd\u03c1\u03b9\u03bf\u03c2", -100], ["\u03bb\u03bf\u03b3\u03bf\u03c2", -100], ["\u03bb\u03cd\u03ba\u03b5\u03b9\u03bf", -100], ["\u03bc\u00c4", -100], ["\u03bc\u03b1\u03c1\u03c4\u03c5\u03c1\u03bf\u03c5\u02c6", -100], ["\u03bc\u03b9", -100], ["\u03bc\u03bc", -100], ["\u03bc\u03be", -100], ["\u03bf\u03af", -100], ["\u03bf\u03bd\u03bf\u03bc\u03b1\u03c3\u03af\u03b1", -100], ["\u03c0\u03b1\u03b3\u03b5", -100], ["\u03c0\u03b2", -100], ["\u03c0\u03b5\u03c1\u03af", -100], ["\u03c0\u03c0", -100], ["\u03c0\u03c3", -100], ["\u03c1\u03c9", -100], ["\u03c4~\u03c4", -100], ["\u03c4\u1ff6\u03bd", -100], ["\u03c6\u039f\u03a0", -100], ["\u03c8\u0395\u03a3\u03a6", -100], ["\u0401\u0448\u0445", -100], ["\u0406\u0425", -100], ["\u0410\u041f\u0420", -100], ["\u0410\u0422\u0421", -100], ["\u0410\u0432\u0433", -100], ["\u0410\u0436\u0430\u0440", -100], ["\u0410\u0440\u043a\u0430\u0438\u043c", -100], ["\u0410\u0440\u0442\u0451\u043c", -100], ["\u0411\u041d\u0424", -100], ["\u0411\u0430\u0431\u0430\u0443\u0442\u0430", -100], ["\u0411\u0435\u043b\u0430\u0440\u0443\u0441\u043a\u0430\u044f", -100], ["\u0411\u0438\u0444\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0441", -100], ["\u0411\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0434", -100], ["\u0411\u0440\u0435\u0436\u043d\u0435\u0432", -100], ["\u0412\u0410", -100], ["\u0412\u0430\u0433\u0430\u0440\u0448\u0430\u043a\u043e\u0432\u043d\u0430", -100], ["\u0412\u0435\u043b\u0438\u043a\u0438\u0439", -100], ["\u0412\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0434\u0438\u043c\u0438\u0440", -100], ["\u0412\u043e\u0441\u0442\u043e\u043a", -100], ["\u0412\u0441\u0435", -100], ["\u0412\u044a\u0440\u0431\u0438\u0446\u0430", -100], ["\u0413\u040e", -100], ["\u0413\u043e\u043b\u0443\u0431\u0435\u0432", -100], ["\u0413\u045e", -100], ["\u0414\u0440\u0430\u0433\u043e\u0435\u0432\u043e", -100], ["\u0415\u0421", -100], ["\u0416\u0443\u043a\u0430\u0440\u0435\u0432", -100], ["\u0418\u0437\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044f\u0442", -100], ["\u0418\u0442\u0430\u043a", -100], ["\u0418\u044e\u043b", -100], ["\u041a\u0421\u0412\u0421\u0424", -100], ["\u041a\u0430\u043b\u0430\u0431\u0440\u0438\u0441", -100], ["\u041a\u0435", -100], ["\u041a\u0438\u0440\u0438\u043b", -100], ["\u041a\u0440\u0435\u0431\u0438\u043e\u0437\u0435\u043d", -100], ["\u041b\u0423\u041a\u0410\u041d\u041a\u0410", -100], ["\u041b\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0441\u0430", -100], ["\u041b\u0430\u0441\u043a\u0438\u043d\u0430", -100], ["\u041b\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0438\u043d\u043e\u0432", -100], ["\u041b\u0435\u043e\u043d", -100], ["\u041b\u0443\u0436\u043a\u043e\u0432", -100], ["\u041b\u044a\u043a\u0438", -100], ["\u041c\u0430\u0433\u0438\u0441\u0442\u0440", -100], ["\u041c\u0430\u043a\u0435\u0434\u043e\u043d\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0411\u044a\u043b\u0433\u0430\u0440\u0441\u043a\u0438", -100], ["\u041c\u0430\u043a\u0441\u0438\u043c", -100], ["\u041c\u0431\u0430\u0445\u0430", -100], ["\u041c\u0438\u0440\u043a\u043e", -100], ["\u041c\u043e\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0432\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0435", -100], ["\u041d\u0430\u0432\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043d\u044b\u0439", -100], ["\u041d\u0430\u0441\u0442\u044f", -100], ["\u041d\u0430\u0442\u0430\u0448\u0430", -100], ["\u041d\u0435\u043c\u0430\u045a\u0430", -100], ["\u041d\u0435\u0440\u043b\u0438", -100], ["\u041d\u0435\u0442\u0415\u043d\u0442", -100], ["\u041d\u0438\u043a\u043e\u043b\u0430\u0301\u0439", -100], ["\u041d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0439", -100], ["\u041e\u0421", -100], ["\u041e\u043a\u0442", -100], ["\u041e\u0441\u0442\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0430", -100], ["\u041e\u0445\u043e\u0442\u0430", -100], ["\u041f\u0410\u041d\u0410\u0413\u042e\u0420\u0421\u041a\u0410", -100], ["\u041f\u0424\u041a", -100], ["\u041f\u0430\u0432\u0435\u043b", -100], ["\u041f\u0430\u0440\u0442\u044b\u044f", -100], ["\u041f\u0435\u0442\u0440\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u0441\u043a\u0430\u044f", -100], ["\u041f\u0435\u0442\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0438\u0447", -100], ["\u041f\u0438\u0441\u0442\u043e\u043b\u0435\u0442", -100], ["\u041f\u043e\u0434\u0435\u043b\u0438\u0442\u0435\u0441\u044c", -100], ["\u041f\u0440\u043e\u0442\u0430\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430", -100], ["\u041f\u0440\u043e\u0445\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0432", -100], ["\u041f\u0443\u0448\u043a\u0438\u043d", -100], ["\u041f\u0445\u0451=\u0445\u0401\u044a\u0448", -100], ["\u041f\u0451\u0442\u0440", -100], ["\u0420\u20ac", -100], ["\u0421\u0430", -100], ["\u0421\u0430\u0445\u0438\u0441", -100], ["\u0421\u0432\u0435\u0442\u0438", -100], ["\u0421\u0432\u0456\u0442\u043b\u0430\u043d\u0430", -100], ["\u0421\u0435\u043a\u0441", -100], ["\u0421\u0438\u0431\u0438\u0440\u044c", -100], ["\u0421\u043b\u043e\u0431\u043e\u0434\u0430\u043d", -100], ["\u0421\u043d\u043e\u0443\u0434\u0435\u043d\u0430", -100], ["\u0421\u043e\u043b\u043d\u0435\u0447\u043d\u044b\u0435", -100], ["\u0421\u043f\u043e\u0440\u0442", -100], ["\u0421\u0440\u043f\u0441\u043a\u0438", -100], ["\u0421\u0442\u0435\u0444\u0430\u043d", -100], ["\u0421\u0443", -100], ["\u0421\u0443\u0445\u043e\u0439", -100], ["\u0422\u041a", -100], ["\u0422\u0435\u0445\u043d\u0438\u0447\u0435\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0435", -100], ["\u0422\u043e\u0434\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0432", -100], ["\u0424\u0430\u0443\u043b\u0437", -100], ["\u0424\u0430\u0446\u0435\u043b\u0438\u044f", -100], ["\u0424\u0435\u0434\u0435\u0440\u0430\u0446\u0438\u0438", -100], ["\u0424\u0438\u043b\u0435", -100], ["\u0424\u0438\u043b\u0438\u043f", -100], ["\u0424\u0438\u0442\u0438\u043d\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f", -100], ["\u0425\u0430\u0440\u0434\u043a\u043e\u0440", -100], ["\u0425\u044a\u0440\u0441\u043e\u0432\u043e", -100], ["\u0426\u0432\u0435\u0442\u0435\u043b\u0438\u043d\u0430", -100], ["\u0427\u0438\u0436\u0435\u0432\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439", -100], ["\u0427\u0442\u043e", -100], ["\u0427\u0443\u0434\u0430\u043a\u043e\u0432\u0430", -100], ["\u0428\u0443\u043c\u0435\u043d", -100], ["\u042d\u041a\u0413", -100], ["\u042d\u0434\u0443\u0430\u0440\u0434", -100], ["\u042f\u043c\u0438\u043b\u044c", -100], ["\u042f\u043d\u0432", -100], ["\u0430\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0432\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0435\u0439", -100], ["\u0430\u043d\u0442\u0438\u043e\u043a\u0441\u0438\u0434\u0430\u043d\u0442\u044b", -100], ["\u0430\u0443", -100], ["\u0431\u0430\u043d\u043a", -100], ["\u0431\u043e\u043b\u044c\u0448\u0435\u0435", -100], ["\u0431\u043e\u0445\u043e", -100], ["\u0431\u0440\u0438\u0442\u0430\u043d\u043a\u0438", -100], ["\u0432\u0430\u0437\u043e\u043d", -100], ["\u0432\u0435\u0447\u0435\u0440", -100], ["\u0432\u0437\u0431\u0435\u0439", -100], ["\u0432\u0438\u043d\u043e", -100], ["\u0432\u043e\u0434\u043e\u043d\u0430\u0433\u0440\u0435\u0432\u0430\u0442\u0435\u043b\u0438", -100], ["\u0432\u0441\u0435\u043c", -100], ["\u0432\u044a\u0437\u0434\u0443\u0445\u043e\u043f\u043b\u0430\u0432\u0430\u043d\u0435", -100], ["\u0432\u044b\u0442\u0432\u043e\u0440\u044f\u0435\u0442", -100], ["\u0432\u044b\u0445\u043e\u0434", -100], ["\u0433\u0430\u0437\u043e\u043e\u0431\u0440\u0430\u0437\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0435", -100], ["\u0433\u0435\u043f\u0430\u0442\u043e\u0437", -100], ["\u0433\u043e\u0434", -100], ["\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0434\u0430\u043d\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0442\u043e", -100], ["\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0444\u0435\u043d", -100], ["\u0434\u0430\u0447\u043d\u043e\u043c", -100], ["\u0434\u043e\u043c", -100], ["\u043a\u0430\u0440\u0442\u043e\u0448\u043a\u0435", -100], ["\u043a\u0432", -100], ["\u043a\u043e\u043c\u0438\u0442\u0435\u0442", -100], ["\u043a\u043e\u043f\u0443\u043b\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043a\u0438", -100], ["\u043a\u0442\u043e", -100], ["\u043a\u0443\u0440\u0430\u0433\u0443", -100], ["\u043a\u044a\u043c", -100], ["\u043b\u0443\u043a\u043e\u0432\u043e\u0435", -100], ["\u043c\u0430\u043b\u043e\u0435\u0434\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435", -100], ["\u043c\u0430\u043b\u043e\u0435\u0434\u0435\u043d\u0438\u044f", -100], ["\u043c\u0435\u0440\u0437\u043d\u0443\u0442\u044c", -100], ["\u043c\u0438\u0442\u043d\u0438\u0447\u0435\u0441\u043a\u043e", -100], ["\u043c\u043d\u0435", -100], ["\u043c\u043e\u0440\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0435", -100], ["\u043c\u043e\u0440\u044f", -100], ["\u043d\u0430\u0440\u0443\u0431\u043b\u0435\u043d\u043d\u044b\u0439", -100], ["\u043d\u0435\u043e\u044f\u0437\u044b\u0447\u0435\u0441\u0442\u0432\u043e", -100], ["\u043e\u0431\u043b\u0430\u0434\u0430\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u0438\u0446\u044b", -100], ["\u043e\u0431\u043b\u0430\u0441\u0442\u044c", -100], ["\u043e\u0431\u0445\u0432\u0430\u043d\u0430\u0442\u0438", -100], ["\u043e\u043a\u043a\u043b\u044e\u0437\u0438\u0438", -100], ["\u043e\u0440\u0433\u0430\u043d\u0438\u043a\u043e\u0439", -100], ["\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0430", -100], ["\u043e\u0442\u0436\u0430\u0442\u043e\u0433\u043e", -100], ["\u043f\u043e\u0434\u0442\u044f\u043d\u0435\u0442", -100], ["\u043f\u043e\u043b\u043d\u044b\u0439", -100], ["\u043f\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0430", -100], ["\u043f\u0440\u0435\u0441\u043a\u0435\u0432\u044e", -100], ["\u043f\u0440\u0438\u0432\u0435\u0442", -100], ["\u043f\u0440\u043e\u0434\u0443\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0442\u0435", -100], ["\u043f\u0440\u043e\u043a\u0430\u043b\u0438\u0442\u044c", -100], ["\u043f\u0441\u0438\u0445\u043e\u043f\u0430\u0442\u044b", -100], ["\u0440\u0430\u0437\u0440\u0435\u0448\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435", -100], ["\u0440\u0430\u0441\u043a\u0430\u0447\u0438\u0432\u0430\u0435\u0442", -100], ["\u0440\u0438\u0435\u043b\u0442\u043e\u0440\u0430", -100], ["\u0441\u0432\u0435\u0440\u0445\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435", -100], ["\u0441\u0432\u043e\u044e", -100], ["\u0441\u0435", -100], ["\u0441\u0438\u0441\u0442\u0435\u043c\u0430", -100], ["\u0441\u0438\u0441\u0442\u0435\u043c\u044b", -100], ["\u0441\u043a\u043b\u0435\u0438\u0432\u0430\u043b", -100], ["\u0441\u043e\u043c\u0430\u0442\u043e\u0442\u0440\u043e\u043f\u0438\u043d\u0430", -100], ["\u0441\u043f\u0438\u0440\u0443\u043b\u0438\u043d\u0435", -100], ["\u0441\u0440\u0435\u0437\u0430\u0435\u043c", -100], ["\u0441\u0442\u0440\u0430\u043d\u0430", -100], ["\u0441\u044a\u0432\u0435\u0442", -100], ["\u0442\u0430\u0439\u043e\u0440\u0435", -100], ["\u0442\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043a\u043e\u0445\u043b\u043e\u0440\u0438\u0442", -100], ["\u0442\u0435\u043a\u0441\u0442", -100], ["\u0442\u043e\u0437\u0438", -100], ["\u0443\u0440\u0447\u0430\u043d\u0438\u044f", -100], ["\u0443\u044e\u0401", -100], ["\u0443\u044e\u0444", -100], ["\u0444\u0435\u0440\u043c\u0435\u043d\u0442\u0430\u0442\u043e\u0440\u0430", -100], ["\u0444\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0441\u0430\u043b\u043e\u043d", -100], ["\u0445\u00b0\u0445\u0451", -100], ["\u0445\u0438\u0440\u043e\u043f\u0440\u0430\u043a\u0442\u0438\u043a\u0438", -100], ["\u0445\u044a", -100], ["\u0445\u044d\u0442\u0447\u0431\u0435\u043a\u0430", -100], ["\u0447\u044e\u044b\u044e", -100], ["\u0448\u00a7\u044e", -100], ["\u0448\u0435\u0440\u0441\u0442\u044f\u043d\u044b\u043c", -100], ["\u0448\u0451\u0445\u0451\u044a\u0448\u0445", -100], ["\u044d\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0440\u043e\u043a\u0430\u0440\u043e\u043c", -100], ["\u044d\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0440\u043e\u043c\u043e\u0431\u0438\u043b\u044f\u043c", -100], ["\u044d\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0440\u043e\u0441\u043a\u0443\u0442\u0435\u0440", -100], ["\u044d\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0440\u043e\u0441\u043a\u0443\u0442\u0435\u0440\u043e\u0432", -100], ["\u044d\u044e\u0451", -100], ["\u044e\u0401", -100], ["\u044e\u044f", -100], ["\u044f\u043d\u0432\u0430\u0440\u044f", -100], ["\u044f\u044e\u0451", -100], ["\u0451=\u0445\u044d", -100], ["\u0451=\u044e\u044b", -100], ["\u0451\u0448", -100], ["\u0491\u0491\u0491", -100], ["\u0532", -100], ["\u0535", -100], ["\u0540\u0561\u0575\u0565\u0580\u0565\u0576", -100], ["\u05d0\u05d5", -100], ["\u05d0\u05d5\u05dc\u05de\u05e8\u05d8", -100], ["\u05d0\u05d7\u05e8", -100], ["\u05d0\u05dc\u05d9", -100], ["\u05d1\u05d9\u05df", -100], ["\u05d1\u05e8\u05e7", -100], ["\u05d2\u05d3\u05e2\u05d5\u05df", -100], ["\u05d2\u05d5\u05e9", -100], ["\u05d2\u05dc\u05e2\u05d3", -100], ["\u05d4\u05d1\u05d0", -100], ["\u05d4\u05dc\u05d0\u05d5\u05de\u05d9", -100], ["\u05d4\u05dc\u05d9\u05db\u05d5\u05d3", -100], ["\u05d4\u05e2\u05d1\u05d5\u05d3\u05d4", -100], ["\u05d4\u05e8", -100], ["\u05d4\u05ea\u05d5\u05e8\u05d4", -100], ["\u05d6\u05d9\u05d5", -100], ["\u05d7\u05d9\u05d9\u05dd", -100], ["\u05d8\u05d5\u05d1", -100], ["\u05d9\u05e2\u05e7\u05d1", -100], ["\u05dc\u05d5\u05d9", -100], ["\u05de\u05d0\u05de\u05e8", -100], ["\u05de\u05d5\u05e4\u05d6", -100], ["\u05de\u05dc\u05d0", -100], ["\u05df", -100], ["\u05e0\u05ea\u05e0\u05d9\u05d4\u05d5", -100], ["\u05e2\u05d1\u05e8", -100], ["\u05e2\u05dc", -100], ["\u05e2\u05dd", -100], ["\u05e2\u05e9\u05e8\u05d4", -100], ["\u05e8\u05d1", -100], ["\u05e9\u05dc\u05d9\u05d8", -100], ["\u0622\u062e\u0631", -100], ["\u0622\u06cc\u0631\u0645\u0644\u0648", -100], ["\u0623\u062a\u0635\u0644", -100], ["\u0623\u0631\u0636", -100], ["\u0623\u0643\u0628\u0631", -100], ["\u0623\u0645\u064a\u0646", -100], ["\u0623\u0647\u0644", -100], ["\u0623\u0648\u0644", -100], ["\u0625\u064a\u06a4\u0627", -100], ["\u0627\u0641\u0632\u0627\u0631", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0623\u062d\u0645\u0631", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0625\u062a\u0635\u0627\u0644", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0625\u0646\u062a\u0631\u0646\u062a", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0627", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0628\u0631\u063a\u0648\u062b\u064a", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0628\u0642\u0631\u0629", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u062d\u062f\u064a\u0642\u0629", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u062d\u0631\u064a\u0629", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u062d\u0642", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u062f\u0643\u062a\u0648\u0631", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u062f\u0648\u0644\u0629", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0630\u0647\u0628", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0630\u064a\u0646", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0631\u0626\u064a\u0633", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0633\u0639\u0648\u062f\u064a\u0629", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0635\u0644\u0627\u0629", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0639\u0628\u062f\u0627\u0644\u0644\u0647", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0642\u062f\u0645", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0645\u062b\u0644\u064a\u064a\u0646", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0645\u062d\u0633\u0646", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0645\u063a\u0631\u0628\u064a\u0629", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0645\u0644\u0643", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0645\u0648\u0627\u0631\u062f", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0646\u0627\u0633", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0646\u0627\u0635\u0631", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0646\u0645\u0631", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0649", -100], ["\u0627\u0645", -100], ["\u0627\u06a9\u0628\u0631", -100], ["\u0628\u062e\u062a\u06cc\u0627\u0631", -100], ["\u0628\u062e\u062a\u06cc\u0627\u0631\u06cc", -100], ["\u0628\u0631\u062c", -100], ["\u0628\u0639\u062f\u06cc", -100], ["\u0628\u064a\u062a", -100], ["\u062a\u0627\u062c\u200c\u0627\u0644\u0645\u0644\u0648\u06a9", -100], ["\u062a\u0627\u064a\u0645", -100], ["\u062a\u0628\u0627\u062f", -100], ["\u062a\u0631\u0643\u064a", -100], ["\u062c\u0631\u064a\u0645\u0629", -100], ["\u062c\u0644\u06cc\u0644\u06cc", -100], ["\u062c\u0645\u0639\u0629", -100], ["\u062c\u0648\u0627\u0628\u0627\u062a", -100], ["\u062d\u0627\u0645\u062f", -100], ["\u062d\u0628\u0633", -100], ["\u062d\u0633\u0646\u064a", -100], ["\u062d\u0648\u0644", -100], ["\u062e\u0627\u064a\u0641", -100], ["\u062f\u0627\u0631", -100], ["\u062f\u0639\u0627\u06cc", -100], ["\u0631\u0627\u0634\u062f", -100], ["\u0631\u0636\u0627", -100], ["\u0632\u0646\u0627\u0646", -100], ["\u0633\u0644\u064a\u0645\u0627\u0646", -100], ["\u0633\u064a\u0633\u064a", -100], ["\u0634\u0627\u0631\u0639", -100], ["\u0634\u0645\u0633", -100], ["\u0635\u0646\u0627\u0641\u064a\u0631", -100], ["\u0639\u0628\u0631", -100], ["\u0639\u0644\u064a\u0647\u0627", -100], ["\u0639\u0645\u0631\u0627\u0646", -100], ["\u0641\u0631\u0648\u0631\u06cc", -100], ["\u0641\u064a\u062f\u064a\u0648", -100], ["\u0642\u0627\u0644", -100], ["\u0642\u0628\u0644\u06cc", -100], ["\u0642\u0631\u0634", -100], ["\u0642\u0637\u0631", -100], ["\u0642\u0644\u0639\u0629", -100], ["\u0643\u0627\u0646\u062a", -100], ["\u0643\u0646\u062a", -100], ["\u0643\u064a\u0641", -100], ["\u0644\u0628\u0646\u0627\u0646", -100], ["\u0644\u0645\u0627\u0630\u0627", -100], ["\u0644\u0647\u0627", -100], ["\u0644\u064a\u0633", -100], ["\u0645\u062d\u0627\u0641\u0638\u0629", -100], ["\u0645\u0642\u0631\u0646", -100], ["\u0645\u0643\u062a\u0648\u0645", -100], ["\u0645\u0648", -100], ["\u0645\u064a\u0646\u0627\u0621", -100], ["\u0645\u06cc\u06ba", -100], ["\u0646\u0627\u062d\u064a\u0629", -100], ["\u0646\u0631\u0645", -100], ["\u0646\u0636\u0627\u0644\u0627\u062a", -100], ["\u0646\u0648\u0627\u0641", -100], ["\u0647\u0630\u0647", -100], ["\u0647\u0646\u0627\u0643", -100], ["\u0648\u0627\u0644\u0633\u0643\u0646", -100], ["\u0648\u0639\u062f", -100], ["\u0648\u0645\u0646", -100], ["\u0648\u0647\u0648", -100], ["\u064a\u0648\u0645", -100], ["\u064a\u0648\u0645\u0627\u064b", -100], ["\u064a\u0648\u0646\u0633", -100], ["\u064f", -100], ["\u067e\u0627\u06a9\u0633\u062a\u0627\u0646", -100], ["\u06a9\u0631\u0646\u06d2", -100], ["\u06af\u0631\u06af\u0627\u0646\u064a", -100], ["\u06cc\u0648\u0627\u0634\u06a9\u06cc", -100], ["\u099a\u099f\u09cd\u099f\u09cb\u09aa\u09be\u09a7\u09cd\u09af\u09be\u09af\u09bc", -100], ["\u09b8\u09c1\u09aa\u09cd\u09b0\u09bf\u09af\u09bc", -100], ["\u0b95", -100], ["\u0e22\u0e17", -100], ["\u1005\u1000\u102c\u1038\u1005\u102f", -100], ["\u1012\u102e\u1007\u1004\u103a\u1018\u102c\u101c", -100], ["\u1018\u102c\u101e\u102c\u1005\u1000\u102c\u1038\u1019\u103b\u102c\u1038", -100], ["\u101c\u1021\u1019\u100a\u103a", -100], ["\u101e\u103d\u102c\u1038\u1019\u100a\u103a", -100], ["\u1021\u1013\u102d\u1000\u1021\u1000\u103c\u1031\u102c\u1004\u103a\u1038\u1021\u101b\u102c\u101e\u102d\u102f\u1037", -100], ["\u1021\u1015\u103c\u100a\u1037\u103a\u1021\u1005\u102f\u1036", -100], ["\u1021\u101e\u102f\u1036\u1038\u1015\u103c\u102f", -100], ["\u1031\u1001\u102b\u1004\u1039\u1038\u1005\u1025\u1039\u1019\u103a\u102c\u1038", -100], ["\u1262\u1206\u1295\u121d", -100], ["\u1835", -100], ["\u18f4", -100], ["\u1b25", -100], ["\u1ba6", -100], ["\u1bb3", -100], ["\u1ca5", -100], ["\u1cec", -100], ["\u1e25\u1e25\u0101", -100], ["\u1e33\u1e33", -100], ["\u1e47\u0113", -100], ["\u1e62\u00e1\u1e25", -100], ["\u1ecd\u0300", -100], ["\u1f45", -100], ["\u2018\u00c2", -100], ["\u2018\u00cd", -100], ["\u2018\u00da", -100], ["\u2019=", -100], ["\u2019\u00e2", -100], ["\u2019\u0152", -100], ["\u201a\u00c4\u00f4", -100], ["\u2021\u00dd", -100], ["\u2022\u00da", -100], ["\u2022\u20ac", -100], ["\u2032\u0161", -100], ["\u20ac\u00a3", -100], ["\u20ac\u00e4", -100], ["\u2192\u2192", -100], ["\u2192\u221e", -100], ["\u21a4", -100], ["\u2223", -100], ["\u2261\u2261", -100], ["\u226a", -100], ["\u227d", -100], ["\u2325\u2318", -100], ["\u251c\u00c2", -100], ["\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588", -100], ["\u2593", -100], ["\u25a0\u03b9", -100], 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-100], ["\u00a9\u00ae", -100], ["\u00ab+\u00bb", -100], ["\u00ab\u00ab\u00ab", -100], ["\u00ab\u0136", -100], ["\u00ab\u03b9", -100], ["\u00ab\u042f", -100], ["\u00ac\u00e2", -100], ["\u00ac\u010f", -100], ["\u00ac\u0116", -100], ["\u00ac\u012b", -100], ["\u00ac\u2020\u00ac\u0119", -100], ["\u00ae@", -100], ["\u00ae`", -100], ["\u00ae\u00a9", -100], ["\u00ae\u00ae\u00ae\u00ae\u00ae\u00ae\u00ae\u00ae", -100], ["\u00ae\u00bb", -100], ["\u00b0^", -100], ["\u00b0~", -100], ["\u00b0\u00d1", -100], ["\u00b0\u0440\u0443\u0401\u0445\u044d\u0456", -100], ["\u00b0\u0440\u044c\u044f\u0440\u044d\u0451\u044a\u044e\u0445", -100], ["\u00b0\u0445\u00b6\u0455", -100], ["\u00b0\u0448\u044d\u0455\u00a6", -100], ["\u00b0\u044d", -100], ["\u00b0\u2212", -100], ["\u00b1\u221e", -100], ["\u00b6\u00e3", -100], ["\u00b6\u0401\u0440\u044d\u0451\u0445\u0447", -100], ["\u00b6\u0423", -100], ["\u00b6\u0440", -100], ["\u00b6\u0440\u0401\u0445\u0451", -100], ["\u00b6\u0455\u0443\u0448", -100], ["\u00b7$", -100], 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["\u00c9\u00c9\u00c9", -100], ["\u00ca\u00cd", -100], ["\u00cb\u00dc", -100], ["\u00cc\u00d0\u00cf\u00d1", -100], ["\u00cd\u00f9\u00f0\u00fc", -100], ["\u00cf\u00ee", -100], ["\u00cf\u00f1\u00e3\u00e1", -100], ["\u00d0\u00cf\u00d5", -100], ["\u00d0\u00d0", -100], ["\u00d0\u00d1\u00cf\u00cf\u00d1", -100], ["\u00d0\u00f1\u00ef\u00fa\u00fc", -100], ["\u00d0\u00f4\u00f5\u00f7\u00df\u00ef", -100], ["\u00d0\u1ea1", -100], ["\u00d1\u0192", -100], ["\u00d4\u00d9\u00cd", -100], ["\u00d6\u00c6\u00d7\u00f7\u00a3", -100], ["\u00d8=", -100], ["\u00d8\uf076", -100], ["\u00d9\u00cb\u00cf\u00c2\u00ca\u02c6", -100], ["\u00da\u017d", -100], ["\u00dc\u00f1\u00e8\u00f1\u00ef\u00f5", -100], ["\u00dd\u00ea", -100], ["\u00dd\u00f4\u00f3", -100], ["\u00dd\u00f7", -100], ["\u00de\u00f0\u00ef\u00f4", -100], ["\u00de\u00fc", -100], ["\u00df\u00df", -100], ["\u00df\u00fc", -100], ["\u00e0\u00d8", -100], ["\u00e0\u00e5", -100], ["\u00e0\u00e7\u00fa", -100], ["\u00e0\u00f0", -100], ["\u00e0\u00f2\u00e0", -100], ["\u00e0\u00f2\u00fc\u00e5\u00e2", -100], ["\u00e0\u00f8\u00e1\u00f2", -100], ["\u00e1+", -100], ["\u00e1\u00ec", -100], ["\u00e1\u0161\u00e1", -100], ["\u00e2`", -100], ["\u00e2\u00e0\u00e6", -100], ["\u00e2\u00fc\u00e5", -100], ["\u00e2\u010d", -100], ["\u00e2\u0161", -100], ["\u00e3\u00dc", -100], ["\u00e3\u00de", -100], ["\u00e3\u00ee\u00e4", -100], ["\u00e4\u00e1\u00f3\u00ec\u00fc\u00f2", -100], ["\u00e4\u00e4\u00e4\u00e4\u00e4\u00e4\u00e4", -100], ["\u00e4\u00f2\u00e5\u00ec", -100], ["\u00e5\u00e4\u00e8", -100], ["\u00e5\u00e7", -100], ["\u00e5\u00ea\u00e4\u00df\u00e4\u00e5\u00f4", -100], ["\u00e5\u00ea\u00e4\u00df\u00e4\u00e5\u00f4\u00e1", -100], ["\u00e5\u00f1\u00e3\u00dc\u00f3", -100], ["\u00e5\u00f8", -100], ["\u00e5\u00fd\u00e8\u00f5", -100], ["\u00e6\u00e6\u00e0\u00e3\u00f0\u00fc\u00d7\u00f6\u00e4", -100], ["\u00e6\u2020", -100], ["\u00e6\u2022\u0160", -100], ["\u00e7^", -100], ["\u00e7\u00ec\u00dd\u00f1\u00e5\u00f2", -100], ["\u00e7\u00ee", -100], ["\u00e7\u014d", -100], ["\u00e8\u00e5\u00f2\u00ee", -100], ["\u00e8\u00eb\u00e5", -100], ["\u00e8\u00ec\u00e0", -100], ["\u00e8\u00ec\u00e7\u00f4", -100], ["\u00e8\u0161", -100], ["\u00e8\u20ac", -100], ["\u00ea\u00c2", -100], ["\u00ea\u00e0\u00ea", -100], ["\u00ea\u00e0\u00ea\u00e2\u00ee", -100], ["\u00ea\u00e0\u00ff", -100], ["\u00ea\u00e1\u00f3", -100], ["\u00ea\u00e5", -100], ["\u00ea\u00e8", -100], ["\u00ea\u00fe\u00f2", -100], ["\u00eb\u00eb\u00f9", -100], ["\u00eb\u00f9\u00f3\u00e7", -100], ["\u00ec\u00dd", -100], ["\u00ec\u00df", -100], ["\u00ec\u00df\u00e1", -100], ["\u00ec\u00e0\u00eb\u00ea\u00e0", -100], ["\u00ec\u00e8\u00f1\u00eb\u00ff", -100], ["\u00ee\u00e5", -100], ["\u00ee\u00ec\u00ea", -100], ["\u00ee\u2019", -100], ["\u00ef\u00b7", -100], ["\u00ef\u00d8", -100], ["\u00ef\u00e4", -100], ["\u00ef\u00eb\u00ef\u00e3\u00df", -100], ["\u00ef\u00ec\u00e7", -100], ["\u00ef\u00ef\u00ef", -100], ["\u00ef\u00f0\u00e0\u00e2\u00e8\u00ec", -100], ["\u00ef\u00f0\u00e0\u00e2\u00e8\u00f2\u00e5\u00eb\u00fc", -100], ["\u00ef\u00f0\u00e5\u00e7", -100], ["\u00ef\u00f5\u00f2", -100], ["\u00f0\u00e5\u00f4\u00ee\u00f0\u00ec\u00e0", -100], ["\u00f0\u00e5\u00f8\u00e5", -100], ["\u00f0\u00eb\u00ef\u00f5", -100], ["\u00f0\u00ee\u00e2", -100], ["\u00f0\u00f1\u00ef\u00fa", -100], ["\u00f0\u0131", -100], ["\u00f1\u00e4", -100], ["\u00f1\u00e5\u00ec\u00e5", -100], ["\u00f1\u00e8\u00f1\u00ef", -100], ["\u00f1\u00e8\u00f1\u00ef\u00f5", -100], ["\u00f1\u00fc", -100], ["\u00f2\u00e2\u00e0", -100], ["\u00f2\u00ec", -100], ["\u00f2\u00f0", -100], ["\u00f3\u00e8", -100], ["\u00f3\u00f6", -100], ["\u00f3\u00fd\u00ec\u00f6\u00f9", -100], ["\u00f3\u017a", -100], ["\u00f4\u00dc\u00ee\u00e5\u00f9", -100], ["\u00f4\u00dd", -100], ["\u00f4\u00f1\u00e5\u00e1", -100], ["\u00f4\u017e", -100], ["\u00f5\u00f0\u00ef\u00ea", -100], ["\u00f5\u00f3\u00f4\u00dd\u00f1\u00f9", -100], ["\u00f6\u00dc\u00eb", -100], ["\u00f6\u00dd", -100], ["\u00f6\u011f\u01d8\u015f", -100], ["\u00f6\u03b2", -100], ["\u00f7\u00ef\u00eb\u00de\u00f2", -100], ["\u00f8\u00fd\u00ee\u00e7", -100], ["\u00f9\u00ae", -100], ["\u00f9\u00f4\u00dd", -100], ["\u00fa\u00bb", -100], ["\u00fa\u010d", -100], ["\u00fb\u010d", -100], ["\u00fc\u00e3", -100], ["\u00fc\u00f0\u00f9\u00f2", -100], ["\u00fc\u00f1", -100], ["\u00fd\u00ec\u00f6\u00f9", -100], ["\u00fd\u00f4", -100], ["\u00fe\u00fd", -100], ["\u00fe\u0101", -100], ["\u00ff\u00eb", -100], ["\u00ff\u00f7", -100], ["\u00ff\u00ff", -100], ["\u0101\u015f\u0101", -100], ["\u0101\u02bb\u012b", -100], ["\u0101\u02bf\u012b", -100], ["\u0101\u2019", -100], ["\u0102\u013d", -100], ["\u0102\u0218\u0102", -100], ["\u0103\u0163\u00e2", -100], ["\u0104\u017c", -100], ["\u0105\u0142", -100], ["\u0105\u015b\u0107", -100], ["\u0105\u017e", -100], ["\u010d\u00d6", -100], ["\u010d\u010d", -100], ["\u010d\u016b", -100], ["\u0110\u1ed7", -100], ["\u0111\u00e1", -100], ["\u0113\u0146", -100], ["\u011b\u0148", -100], ["\u011b\u0165", -100], ["\u0127\u0127", -100], ["\u012b\u00fe", 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["\u0229", -100], ["\u0251\u014b", -100], ["\u025e", -100], ["\u0261\u027e", -100], ["\u026a\u014b\u0259", -100], ["\u0282\u0259", -100], ["\u028a\u0259", -100], ["\u028f", -100], ["\u02b9\u02bd", -100], ["\u02bb\u012a", -100], ["\u02bb\u012b", -100], ["\u02c2\u02c2", -100], ["\u02c8\u0261", -100], ["\u02c8\u026a\u014b", -100], ["\u02c9", -100], ["\u02cc\u026a", -100], ["\u0301\u00e1", -100], ["\u0301\u00fa", -100], ["\u0306\u02ca", -100], ["\u0306\uf8ff\u00d4\u201e\u2039\u00ca\u00c8\u00c2", -100], ["\u0308\u00cf", -100], ["\u0308\u00f6", -100], ["\u0314", -100], ["\u031c", -100], ["\u031c\u0251", -100], ["\u0327\u00ee\u00ef", -100], ["\u0327\u00f6\u00e8\u00eb", -100], ["\u0336\u2015", -100], ["\u0337", -100], ["\u0386\u03b3\u03b9\u03bf", -100], ["\u0386\u03c3", -100], ["\u0388\u03bb\u03bb\u03b7", -100], ["\u0388\u03c1\u03b3\u03c9\u03bd", -100], ["\u038a\u039f", -100], ["\u038c\u039c", -100], ["\u038e\u03bf", -100], ["\u0390\u03c6", -100], ["\u0391\u03a1", -100], ["\u0391\u03a4\u0397", -100], ["\u0391\u03b3", -100], ["\u0391\u03b3\u03af\u03b1", -100], ["\u0391\u03b9\u03bf\u03bb\u03af\u03b1\u03c2", -100], ["\u0391\u03bb\u03ae", -100], ["\u0391\u03bd\u03c9\u03c4\u03ad\u03c1\u03b1\u03c2", -100], ["\u0391\u03c0\u03b1\u03c3\u03c7\u03bf\u03bb\u03ae\u03c3\u03b5\u03c9\u03c2", -100], ["\u0391\u03c0\u03bf\u03c7\u03ad\u03c4\u03b5\u03c5\u03c3\u03b7\u03c2", -100], ["\u0391\u03c0\u03bf\u03c7\u03ae", -100], ["\u0391\u03c1", -100], ["\u0391\u03c1\u03b3\u03c5\u03c1\u03bf\u03cd\u03c0\u03bf\u03bb\u03b7", -100], ["\u0391\u03c7\u03b1\u03c1\u03bd\u03ce\u03bd", -100], ["\u0391\u03c7\u03b9\u03bb\u03bb\u03ad\u03c9\u03c2", -100], ["\u0392\u0395\u03a1\u0391", -100], ["\u0392\u039b", -100], ["\u0392\u03a1", -100], ["\u0392\u03b1\u03b3\u03b3\u03ad\u03bb\u03b7\u03c2", -100], ["\u0392\u03b1\u03c3\u03af\u03bb\u03b5\u03b9\u03bf\u03c2", -100], ["\u0392\u03bf\u03b9\u03c9\u03c4\u03af\u03b1\u03c2", -100], ["\u0392\u03cc\u03bb\u03bf\u03c5", -100], ["\u0392\u03cc\u03c1\u03b5\u03b9\u03bf\u03c2", -100], ["\u0393\\", -100], ["\u0393^", -100], ["\u0393\u0392\u0395\u03a7", -100], ["\u0393\u0399", -100], ["\u0393\u039b", -100], ["\u0393\u03a1\u0395\u03a1", -100], ["\u0393\u03b1\u03c3\u03c4\u03bf\u03cd\u03c1\u03b9", -100], ["\u0393\u03b5\u03c1\u03bf\u03c5\u03bb\u03ac\u03bd\u03bf\u03c5", -100], ["\u0393\u03b5\u03c9\u03c1\u03b3\u03b9\u03ba\u03ce\u03bd", -100], ["\u0393\u03b9\u03ac\u03bd\u03bd\u03b7\u03c2", -100], ["\u0393\u03bd\u0386", -100], ["\u0394\u0395\u0397", -100], ["\u0394\u0397\u039c\u039f\u039a\u03a1\u0391\u03a4\u0399\u0391", -100], ["\u0394\u03ad\u03b4\u03bf\u03b9\u03ba\u03b1", -100], ["\u0394\u03ad\u03c3\u03c0\u03bf\u03b9\u03bd\u03b1", -100], ["\u0394\u03b5", -100], ["\u0394\u03b9\u03ba\u03b1\u03b9\u03bf", -100], ["\u0394\u03b9\u03bf\u03af\u03ba\u03b7\u03c3\u03b7\u03c2", -100], ["\u0394\u03c5\u03bd\u03b1\u03bc\u03b9\u03ba\u03bf\u03cd", -100], ["\u0394\u03cd\u03c3\u03b7\u03c2", -100], ["\u0395\u039a\u0391", -100], ["\u0395\u039a\u0391\u039a", -100], ["\u0395\u039b\u039b\u0397\u039d\u0399\u039a\u0397", -100], ["\u0395\u03a0\u0395", -100], ["\u0395\u03a1\u0395\u0391", -100], ["\u0395\u03a1\u03a1\u0399\u038c", -100], ["\u0395\u03b7", -100], ["\u0395\u03ba\u03ba\u03bb\u03b7\u03c3\u03af\u03b1", -100], ["\u0395\u03bb\u03ad\u03b3\u03c7\u03bf\u03c5", -100], ["\u0395\u03bb\u03b1\u03c3\u03c3\u03cc\u03bd\u03b1\u03c2", -100], ["\u0395\u03bb\u03bb\u03b7\u03bd\u03b9\u03ba\u03bf\u03cd", -100], ["\u0395\u03c0\u03b9\u03c7\u03b5\u03b9\u03c1\u03ae\u03c3\u03b5\u03c9\u03bd", -100], ["\u0395\u03c1\u03b3\u03b1\u03c4\u03b9\u03ba\u03bf\u03cd", -100], ["\u0395\u03c1\u03b3\u03bf\u03bb\u03b7\u03c0\u03c4\u03ce\u03bd", -100], ["\u0395\u03c5\u03ac\u03b3\u03b3\u03b5\u03bb\u03bf\u03c2", -100], ["\u0395\u03c5\u03b2\u03bf\u03af\u03b1\u03c2", -100], ["\u0395\u03c5\u03c1\u03ce\u03c0\u03b7", -100], ["\u0397\u03c1\u03bf\u03b4\u03cc\u03c4\u03bf\u03c5", -100], ["\u0398\u03b5\u03bf\u03c5", -100], ["\u0398\u03cc\u03bb\u03bf\u03c2", -100], ["\u0399\u0395\u03a1\u0395", -100], ["\u0399\u03a1\u0391", -100], ["\u0399\u03a7", -100], ["\u0399\u03b5", -100], ["\u0399\u03b9", -100], ["\u0399\u03bf\u03c1\u03b4\u03b1\u03bd\u03b7\u03bd", -100], ["\u0399\u03c9\u03b1\u03bd\u03bf\u03c5", -100], ["\u039a\u0391\u03a1\u0395", -100], ["\u039a\u0395\u039c\u039f", -100], ["\u039a\u0397\u03a6\u0399\u03a3\u0399\u0391", -100], ["\u039a\u039b", -100], ["\u039a\u03ad\u03bd\u03c4\u03c1\u03bf", -100], ["\u039a\u03b1\u03c4\u03b1\u03b4\u03c1\u03bf\u03bc\u03ce\u03bd", -100], ["\u039a\u03b1\u03c4\u03c3\u03b9\u03ba\u03ac\u03ba\u03b9", -100], ["\u039a\u03b9", -100], ["\u039a\u03bf\u03bb\u03ce\u03bd\u03b1\u03ba\u03b9", -100], ["\u039a\u03bf\u03c0\u03b1\u03bd\u03b9\u03c3\u03c4\u03ae", -100], ["\u039a\u03c1\u03b1\u03c4\u03b9\u03ba\u03ce\u03bd", -100], ["\u039a\u03c5\u03b2\u03b5\u03c1\u03bd\u03ae\u03c4\u03b7\u03c2", -100], ["\u039a\u03ce\u03b4\u03b9\u03ba", -100], ["\u039b\u03a4", -100], ["\u039b\u03b1", -100], ["\u039b\u03b9", -100], ["\u039b\u03b9\u03ac\u03c0\u03b7\u03c2", -100], ["\u039b\u03b9\u03bf\u03bd\u03c4\u03ac\u03c1\u03b9", -100], ["\u039b\u03bf\u03c5\u03ba\u03bf\u03cd\u03bc\u03b9", -100], ["\u039c\u0391", -100], ["\u039c\u03ac\u03c1\u03c4\u03b7\u03c2", -100], ["\u039c\u03ad\u03b3\u03b1\u03c2", -100], ["\u039c\u03af\u03bb\u03b7\u03c4\u03bf\u03c2", -100], ["\u039c\u03b1\u03ba\u03c1\u03ae", -100], ["\u039c\u03b1\u03ba\u03c1\u03c5\u03b3\u03b9\u03ac\u03bd\u03bd\u03b7", -100], ["\u039c\u03b1\u03bd\u03c4\u03b1\u03c1\u03af\u03bd\u03b9", -100], ["\u039c\u03b5\u03b3\u03ac\u03bb\u03b7", -100], ["\u039c\u03b5\u03c3\u03bf\u03c0\u03bf\u03c4\u03b1\u03bc\u03af\u03b1", -100], ["\u039c\u03b9\u03c7\u03ac\u03bb\u03b7\u03c2", -100], ["\u039c\u03c5\u03bb\u03bf\u03c0\u03cc\u03c4\u03b1\u03bc\u03bf\u03c2", -100], ["\u039d\u0395", -100], ["\u039d\u03a4\u0395", -100], ["\u039d\u03a4\u03a1", -100], ["\u039d\u03ad\u03b1", -100], ["\u039d\u03af\u03ba\u03b7\u03c2", -100], ["\u039d\u03cc\u03bc\u03bf\u03c5", -100], ["\u039e\u03af\u03b3\u03b1\u03bb\u03bf", -100], ["\u039e\u03b7\u03c1\u03ac", -100], ["\u039e\u03cd\u03b3\u03b1\u03bb\u03bf", -100], ["\u039f\u039c", -100], ["\u039f\u039f", -100], ["\u039f\u03a1\u0391", -100], ["\u039f\u03a4\u0391\u039d", -100], ["\u039f\u03a4\u0399", -100], ["\u039f\u03b9\u03ba", -100], ["\u039f\u03b9\u03ba\u03bf\u03b4\u03bf\u03bc\u03b9\u03ba\u03ce\u03bd", -100], ["\u039f\u03b9\u03ba\u03bf\u03bd\u03bf\u03bc\u03af\u03b1\u03c2", -100], ["\u039f\u03c1\u03b8\u03bf\u03b4\u03bf\u03be\u03af\u03b1", -100], ["\u03a0\u039f", -100], ["\u03a0\u03a0", -100], ["\u03a0\u03b1\u03bb\u03b1\u03b9\u03cc", -100], ["\u03a0\u03b1\u03bd\u03b1\u03b3\u03af\u03b1\u03c2", -100], ["\u03a0\u03b1\u03c1\u03ac\u03b4\u03b5\u03b9\u03b3\u03bc\u03b1", -100], ["\u03a0\u03b1\u03c3\u03ac\u03c2", -100], ["\u03a0\u03b1\u03c4\u03ac\u03c4\u03b1", -100], ["\u03a0\u03b5\u03bb\u03b1\u03c3\u03b3\u03cc\u03c2", -100], ["\u03a0\u03b7\u03b3\u03ae", -100], ["\u03a0\u03bc\u03bd", -100], ["\u03a0\u03bf\u03bb\u03b9\u03c4\u03b5\u03af\u03b1", -100], ["\u03a0\u03bf\u03bb\u03c5\u03c4\u03b5\u03c7\u03bd\u03b5\u03af\u03b1", -100], ["\u03a0\u03bf\u03c4\u03ac\u03bc\u03b9", -100], ["\u03a0\u03cc\u03bb\u03b7", -100], ["\u03a1\u0399\u039f", -100], ["\u03a1\u03a1\u03a1", -100], ["\u03a1\u03a5\u039c\u0397", -100], ["\u03a1\u03b5\u03b8\u03cd\u03bc\u03bd\u03b7\u03c2", -100], ["\u03a1\u03bf", -100], ["\u03a1\u03bf\u03b2\u03b9\u03ce\u03bd", -100], ["\u03a1\u03cc\u03bc\u03b2\u03b7\u03c2", -100], ["\u03a1\u03cd\u03b8\u03bc\u03b9\u03c3\u03b7\u03c2", -100], ["\u03a3\u012a", -100], ["\u03a3\u03a4\u0391\u039c", -100], ["\u03a3\u03bf\u03c6\u03bf\u03ba\u03bb\u03ad\u03bf\u03c5\u03c2", -100], ["\u03a3\u03c0", -100], ["\u03a3\u03c4\u03ac\u03bb\u03b8\u03b7\u03ba\u03b5", -100], ["\u03a3\u03c4\u03b1\u03b4\u03af\u03bf\u03c5", -100], ["\u03a3\u03c4\u03c1\u03b1\u03c4\u03b9\u03c9\u03c4\u03b9\u03ba\u03ae", -100], ["\u03a3\u03cd\u03ba\u03b1", -100], ["\u03a4\u0389\u0395", -100], ["\u03a4\u0396\u03a9\u03a4\u0396\u0399\u039f\u03a5", -100], ["\u03a4\u0397\u0395\u039b\u03a4\u039f", -100], ["\u03a4\u0399", -100], ["\u03a4\u03b1\u03be\u03b9\u03ac\u03c1\u03c7\u03b7", -100], ["\u03a4\u03b5\u03c7\u03bd\u03b9\u03ba\u03ce\u03bd", -100], ["\u03a4\u03bf\u03c5", -100], ["\u03a4\u03c1\u03bf\u03b9\u03b6\u03b7\u03bd\u03af\u03b1", -100], ["\u03a5\u039a\u0395\u039a\u039f", -100], ["\u03a5\u03a0\u0395\u03a3\u0394\u0394\u0391", -100], ["\u03a5\u03a5", -100], ["\u03a5\u03c0\u03ad\u03c1", -100], ["\u03a6\u03ac\u03bb\u03b7\u03c1\u03bf", -100], ["\u03a7\u03ac\u03bd\u03c3\u03b5\u03bd", -100], ["\u03a7\u03af\u03bf\u03c5", -100], ["\u03a7\u03bf\u03c1\u03bf\u03cd", -100], ["\u03a7\u03c1\u03ae\u03c3\u03c4\u03bf\u03c2", -100], ["\u03ac\u03b4\u03b5\u03b9\u03b1", -100], ["\u03ac\u03c1\u03b8\u03c1", -100], ["\u03ac\u03c7\u03cc\u03c1\u03bf\u03c5", -100], ["\u03af\u03b9", -100], ["\u03b1+\u03b2+\u03b3", -100], ["\u03b1\u03b2\u03b3", -100], ["\u03b1\u03b3", -100], ["\u03b1\u03b3\u03bf\u03c1\u03ac\u03c2", -100], ["\u03b1\u03c0\u03b1\u03c3\u03c7\u03cc\u03bb\u03b7\u03c3\u03b7", -100], ["\u03b1\u03c0\u03bf\u03c3\u03c4\u03b1\u03c3\u03af\u03b1", -100], ["\u03b1\u03c1\u03b3\u03ae", -100], ["\u03b1\u03c1\u03c9\u03b3\u03ae\u03c2", -100], ["\u03b1\u03c5\u03c4\u03bf\u03ba\u03c4\u03bf\u03bd\u03af\u03b1", -100], ["\u03b1\u03c5\u03c4\u03c9", -100], ["\u03b1\u1f30\u03c7\u03bc\u03ae", -100], ["\u03b1\u1f50\u03c4\u03cc\u03c7\u03b8\u03c9\u03bd", -100], ["\u03b1\uf020", -100], ["\u03b2\u00ec\u03b2\u03bb\u03bf\u03c2", -100], ["\u03b2\u03b4", -100], ["\u03b2\u03bb\u03b1\u03c3\u03c4\u03cc\u03c2", -100], ["\u03b2\u2010", -100], ["\u03b3+", -100], ["\u03b3\u03b5\u03bd\u03bd\u03b1\u1fd6\u03bf\u03c2", -100], ["\u03b3\u03b5\u03bd\u03bd\u03b7\u03b8\u03ad\u03bd\u03c4\u03b1", -100], ["\u03b3\u03b9\u03bd\u03ce\u03c3\u03ba\u03c9", -100], ["\u03b3\u03bb\u03ce\u03c3\u03c3\u03b1", -100], ["\u03b3\u03bd\u03ac\u03b8\u03bf\u03c2", -100], ["\u03b3\u03c1\u03ac\u03c6\u03b5\u03b9\u03bd", -100], ["\u03b4+", -100], ["\u03b4\u03b1\u03ba\u03c4\u03c5\u03bb\u03bf\u03c2", -100], ["\u03b4\u03b2", -100], ["\u03b4\u03b9\u03bf\u03c1\u03b8\u03c9\u03c4\u1f74\u03c2", -100], ["\u03b4\u03b9\u03cc\u03c2", -100], ["\u03b4\u03c5\u03bd\u03ac\u03bc\u03b5\u03b9", -100], ["\u03b5\u03bb\u03b1\u03b9\u03cc\u03bb\u03b1\u03b4\u03bf", -100], ["\u03b5\u03bd\u03b4\u03b9\u03ac\u03bc\u03b5\u03c3", -100], ["\u03b5\u03bd\u03ba\u03c5\u03ba\u03bb\u03b5\u03c9", -100], ["\u03b5\u03c1\u03b3\u03b1\u03c3\u03af\u03b1\u03c2", -100], ["\u03b5\u03c4\u03b5\u03c1\u03bf\u03bd", -100], ["\u03b5\u03c5\u03c1\u03ce", -100], ["\u03b5\u1f30\u03c1\u03ae\u03bd\u03b7", -100], ["\u03b7\u00b0\u00b7", -100], ["\u03b8^", -100], ["\u03b8\u03b5\u03cc", -100], ["\u03b8\u03bf", -100], ["\u03b9\u00ab", -100], ["\u03b9\u038a", -100], ["\u03b9\u03b1", -100], ["\u03b9\u03b1\u03b3\u03c9\u03b3\u03b5\u03af\u03bf", -100], ["\u03b9\u03b4\u03b9\u03b1\u03b9\u03c2", -100], ["\u03b9\u03b5\u03c1\u03ae", -100], ["\u03b9\u03b7", -100], ["\u03b9\u03c0\u03c0\u03bf\u03c0\u03cc\u03c4\u03b1\u03bc\u03bf\u03c2", -100], ["\u03b9\u03c0\u03c0\u03bf\u03c2", -100], ["\u03b9\u03c5", -100], ["\u03b9\u03c8", -100], ["\u03ba\u03ac\u03bb\u03b1\u03b8\u03bf\u03c2", -100], ["\u03ba\u03ac\u03bb\u03bb\u03bf\u03c2", -100], ["\u03ba\u03ac\u03bb\u03c5\u03be", -100], ["\u03ba\u03ac\u03bc\u03b7\u03bb\u03bf\u03c2", -100], ["\u03ba\u03ac\u03c1\u03c4\u03b1", -100], ["\u03ba\u03b1\u03bb\u03cc\u03bd", -100], ["\u03ba\u03bf\u03b9\u03bd\u03c9\u03bd\u03bf\u03b9", -100], ["\u03ba\u03bf\u03c7\u03bb\u03b9\u03ac\u03c1\u03b9\u03bf\u03bd", -100], ["\u03ba\u03c1\u03af\u03c3\u03b9\u03c2", -100], ["\u03ba\u03c1\u03b9\u03bd\u03bf\u03bd", -100], ["\u03ba\u03c5\u03bd\u03cc\u03c2", -100], ["\u03ba\u03c5\u03c1\u03b9\u03bf\u03c5", -100], ["\u03ba\u03cc\u03bb\u03c0\u03bf\u03c2", -100], ["\u03ba\u03cc\u03c1\u03c5\u03c2", -100], ["\u03ba\u03cd\u03b1\u03b8\u03bf\u03c2", -100], ["\u03ba\u03cd\u03c9\u03bd", -100], ["\u03bb+", -100], ["\u03bb\u00b7\u03b1", -100], ["\u03bb\u03ad\u03c0\u03bf\u03c2", -100], ["\u03bb\u03b1\u03ba\u03ba\u03bf\u03cd\u03b2\u03b5\u03c2", -100], ["\u03bb\u03b1\u03cc\u03c2", -100], ["\u03bb\u03b5\u03c5\u03ba\u03bf\u03c3", -100], ["\u03bb\u03bf\u03b3\u03b9\u03ba\u03b7", -100], ["\u03bb\u03bf\u03c7\u03b5\u03b9\u03b1", -100], ["\u03bc\u00e8\u03b3\u03b1", -100], ["\u03bc\u0397", -100], ["\u03bc\u03ad\u03b4\u03b9\u03bc\u03bd\u03bf\u03c2", -100], ["\u03bc\u03ad\u03bb\u03b1\u03c2", -100], ["\u03bc\u03ad\u03bd\u03b5\u03b9", -100], ["\u03bc\u03ad\u03c1\u03bf\u03c2", -100], ["\u03bc\u03ae\u03c4\u03c1\u03b1", -100], ["\u03bc\u03af\u03bc\u03b7\u03c3\u03b9\u03c2", -100], ["\u03bc\u03b1\u03b6\u03af", -100], ["\u03bc\u03b2", -100], ["\u03bc\u03b5\u03bd", -100], ["\u03bc\u03bf\u03bd\u03ac\u03c2", -100], ["\u03bc\u03c0\u03b1\u03c1", -100], ["\u03bc\u03c9\u03c1\u03cc\u03bd", -100], ["\u03bc\u03cc\u03c1\u03bf\u03bd", -100], ["\u03bc\u03cd\u03c3\u03c4\u03c1\u03bf\u03bd", -100], ["\u03bc\u1ff6\u03c1\u03bf\u03bd", -100], ["\u03bf\u03c1\u03b8\u03bf\u03b4\u03bf\u03be\u03af\u03b1", -100], ["\u03bf\u03c5\u03c3\u03b9\u03b1", -100], ["\u03bf\u1f30\u03ba\u03af\u03b1", -100], ["\u03bf\u1f36\u03b4\u03b1\u03c2", -100], ["\u03bf\u1f55\u03c4\u03c9\u03c2", -100], ["\u03c0\u00b7\u03b7\u00b7", -100], ["\u03c0\u03ac\u03bd\u03c4\u03b5\u03c2", -100], ["\u03c0\u03ad\u03b4\u03bf\u03bd", -100], ["\u03c0\u03b1", -100], ["\u03c0\u03b1\u03af\u03b4\u03b5\u03c5\u03c3\u03b9\u03c2", -100], ["\u03c0\u03b1\u03c1\u03ac\u03b4\u03b5\u03b9\u03b3\u03bc\u03b1", -100], ["\u03c0\u03b1\u03c1\u03b8\u03ad\u03bd\u03bf", -100], ["\u03c0\u03b5\u03b4\u03af\u03bf\u03bd", -100], ["\u03c0\u03b5\u03c1\u03b9\u03c6\u03ad\u03c1\u03b5\u03b9\u03b5\u03c2", -100], ["\u03c0\u03bb\u03b1\u03c4\u03cd\u03c2", -100], ["\u03c0\u03bf\u03af\u03b7\u03c3\u03b9\u03c2", -100], ["\u03c0\u03bf\u03b4\u03cc\u03c2", -100], ["\u03c0\u03bf\u03c4\u03ac\u03bc\u03b9", -100], ["\u03c0\u03bf\u03cd\u03c3\u03c4\u03b7\u03c2", -100], ["\u03c0\u03c1\u03bf", -100], ["\u03c0\u03c1\u03bf\u03c3\u03ba\u03cd\u03bd\u03b7\u03c3\u03b9\u03c2", -100], ["\u03c0\u03c1\u03bf\u03ca\u03cc\u03bd", -100], ["\u03c0\u03c1\u03c9\u03c4\u03cc\u03c4\u03bf\u03ba\u03bf\u03c2", -100], ["\u03c0\u03c1\u1f78\u03c2", -100], ["\u03c0\u03c5\u03c1\u03b1\u03cd\u03c3\u03c4\u03bf\u03c5", -100], ["\u03c0\u03c5\u03c1\u03cc\u03c2", -100], ["\u03c0\u03c7", -100], ["\u03c0\u03cc\u03bb\u03b9\u03c2", -100], ["\u03c0\u1fb6\u03bd", -100], ["\u03c1=", -100], ["\u03c1\u03ac\u03b2\u03b4\u03bf\u03c2", -100], ["\u03c1\u03cc\u03c0\u03b1\u03bb\u03bf\u03bd", -100], ["\u03c1\u03cd\u03b3\u03c7\u03bf\u03c2", -100], ["\u03c3\u03b7", -100], ["\u03c3\u03ba\u03ac\u03c6\u03bf\u03c2", -100], ["\u03c3\u03ba\u03b5\u03c0\u03ac\u03b6\u03b5\u03b9\u03c2", -100], ["\u03c3\u03ba\u03bf\u03c0\u03bf\u03c2", -100], ["\u03c3\u03c4\u03ae\u03bc\u03c9\u03bd", -100], ["\u03c3\u03c4\u03af\u03b3\u03bc\u03b1", -100], ["\u03c3\u03c4\u03b5\u03c1\u03b5\u03cc\u03c2", -100], ["\u03c3\u03c4\u03b7", -100], ["\u03c3\u03c4\u03bf\u03ac", -100], ["\u03c3\u03c4\u03c1\u03b5\u03b2\u03bb\u03cc\u03c9", -100], ["\u03c3\u03c4\u1fe6\u03bb\u03bf\u03c2", -100], ["\u03c3\u03c5\u03c7\u03bf\u03c2", -100], ["\u03c3\u03c7\u03bf\u03bb\u03b5\u03af\u03bf", -100], ["\u03c4\u0393", -100], ["\u03c4\u03ac\u03bb\u03b1\u03bd\u03c4\u03bf\u03bd", -100], ["\u03c4\u03b1\u03bc\u03b5\u03af\u03bf", -100], ["\u03c4\u03b5\u03c7\u03bd\u03b7\u03c4\u03cc\u03c2", -100], ["\u03c4\u03c1\u03bf\u03c6\u03ae", -100], ["\u03c4\u03c4", -100], ["\u03c4\u03c9", -100], ["\u03c4\u03cc", -100], ["\u03c4\u1ff7", -100], ["\u03c4\uf029", -100], ["\u03c5\u03c0\u03bf", -100], ["\u03c6=", -100], ["\u03c6\u03b1\u03b9\u03bd\u03cc\u03bc\u03b5\u03bd\u03b1", -100], ["\u03c6\u03b1\u03bb\u03b7\u03c1\u03bf\u03c2", -100], ["\u03c6\u03b5", -100], ["\u03c6\u03bf\u03b9\u03c4\u03b7\u03c4\u03ce\u03bd", -100], ["\u03c6\u03c5\u03c3\u03b9\u03bd", -100], ["\u03c6\u03cc\u03b2\u03bf\u03c2", -100], ["\u03c7\u03b1\u03c1\u03b9", -100], ["\u03c7\u03b9\u03ce\u03bd", -100], ["\u03c7\u03bb\u03bc", -100], ["\u03c7\u03bf\u1fd6\u03bd\u03b9\u03be", -100], ["\u03c7\u03c1\u03b7\u03c3\u03b9\u03bc\u03bf\u03c0\u03bf\u03af\u03b7\u03c3\u03b7", -100], ["\u03c7\u03c1\u03bd", -100], ["\u03c7\u03c1\u03c5", -100], ["\u03c9=", -100], ["\u03c9\u03c2", -100], ["\u03ca\u03cc\u03bd\u03c4", -100], ["\u03e1", -100], ["\u0401\u0410\u0411\u0412\u0413\u0414\u0415\u0416\u0417\u0418\u0419\u041a\u041b\u041c\u041d\u041e\u041f\u0420\u0421\u0422\u0423\u0424\u0425\u0426\u0427\u0428\u0429\u042d\u042e\u042f", -100], ["\u0401\u0410\u0411\u0412\u0413\u0414\u0415\u0416\u0417\u0418\u041a\u041b\u041c\u041d\u041e\u041f\u0420\u0421\u0422\u0423\u0424\u0425\u0426\u0427\u0428\u0429\u042d\u042e\u042f", -100], ["\u0401\u0440\u0447\u0401\u0445\u0444\u0448\u044b", -100], ["\u0401\u0440\u0449\u044e\u044d", -100], ["\u0401\u0440\u0451\u044a\u0401", -100], ["\u0401\u0445\u044d\u044d\u044e\u0449", -100], ["\u0401\u0448\u044a\u044e\u0442", -100], ["\u0401\u044e\u0443", -100], ["\u0401\u044e\u0443\u0440", -100], ["\u0401\u044e\u0455\u0451\u044a\u0440", -100], ["\u0401\u0455\u0444", -100], ["\u0401\u0455\u044d", -100], ["\u0401\u0455\u0451\u0445\u044a", -100], ["\u0402\u0401\u044e\u044d\u0448\u0448", -100], ["\u0402\u0447\u0441\u0401\u0440\u044d\u044d\u0448\u044a", -100], ["\u0402\u0451\u044f\u0440\u044d\u0448\u0448", -100], ["\u0402\u0455\u0444\u0445\u0448", -100], ["\u0404\u0432\u0440\u043e\u043c\u0430\u0439\u0434\u0430\u043d", -100], ["\u0405", -100], ["\u0406\u0401\u044e\u0449", -100], ["\u0406\u044a\u0451\u0443\u0448\u0441\u0448\u0447\u0448\u044e\u044d\u0448\u0447\u044c\u0440", -100], ["\u0406\u044b\u0448", -100], ["\u0410\u0412\u041f\u041f", -100], ["\u0410\u0424\u0422", -100], ["\u0410\u0431\u0434\u0443\u043b\u0445\u0430\u043b\u0438\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0438\u0447", -100], ["\u0410\u0432\u0430\u0437\u043c\u043e", -100], ["\u0410\u0432\u0438\u0430\u0446\u0438\u043e\u043d\u043d\u044b\u0439", -100], ["\u0410\u0433\u0435\u043d\u0442\u0441\u0442\u0432\u043e", -100], ["\u0410\u0437\u0438\u043c\u0435", -100], ["\u0410\u0438\u0434\u0430", -100], ["\u0410\u043a\u043c\u0430\u0440\u0430\u043b", -100], ["\u0410\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0432\u0430\u0446\u0438\u044f", -100], ["\u0410\u043b\u043b\u0438\u0443\u043c", -100], ["\u0410\u043c\u0430\u0440\u0430\u043d\u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f", -100], ["\u0410\u043d\u0433\u0430\u0440\u043a\u043e", -100], ["\u0410\u043d\u0433\u043b\u0438\u0438", -100], ["\u0410\u043d\u0434\u0440\u0435\u0435\u0432\u0438\u0447", -100], ["\u0410\u043d\u0434\u0440\u044d\u0439", -100], ["\u0410\u043d\u0435\u043a\u0434\u043e\u0442", -100], ["\u0410\u043d\u0435\u0447\u043a\u0438\u043d\u0430", -100], ["\u0410\u043d\u0436\u0435\u043b\u0438\u043a\u0430", -100], ["\u0410\u043d\u0442\u043e\u043d", -100], ["\u0410\u043d\u044f", -100], ["\u0410\u0440\u0430\u0440\u0430\u0442", -100], ["\u0410\u0440\u043c\u0435\u043d\u0438\u044f", -100], ["\u0410\u0440\u0445\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043a\u0442\u043e\u0440", -100], ["\u0410\u0441\u0430\u0444\u0435\u0442\u0438\u0434\u0430", -100], ["\u0410\u0446\u0446\u043a\u0435\u0439", -100], ["\u0411\u0415", -100], ["\u0411\u041d\u0420", -100], ["\u0411\u0430\u043d\u043d\u0438\u0445", -100], ["\u0411\u0435\u0434\u043d\u044b\u0439", -100], ["\u0411\u0435\u043b\u043b\u043e\u043d\u0430", -100], ["\u0411\u0435\u043e\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0434", -100], ["\u0411\u0435\u0440\u043b\u0438\u043d", -100], ["\u0411\u0438\u0442\u043a\u0430", -100], ["\u0411\u0438\u0448\u043a\u0435\u043a", -100], ["\u0411\u043e\u043b\u044c\u0448\u043e\u0439", -100], ["\u0411\u043e\u0440\u0447\u0430", -100], ["\u0411\u043e\u0448\u0435", -100], ["\u0411\u043e\u044f\u043d", -100], ["\u0411\u043e\u0458\u0430\u043d", -100], ["\u0411\u0443\u0431\u043d\u043e\u0432\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e", -100], ["\u0411\u0443\u0433\u043e\u0440\u043a\u043e\u0432\u0430", -100], ["\u0411\u0443\u0445\u0442\u0430", -100], ["\u0411\u044b\u0442\u044c", -100], ["\u0412\u0418\u041a", -100], ["\u0412\u041a", -100], ["\u0412\u041b\u0410\u0414\u0418\u0413\u0415\u0420\u041e\u0412", -100], ["\u0412\u0430\u0434\u0438\u043a", -100], ["\u0412\u0430\u0440\u043c\u0438\u043d\u0433\u044a", -100], ["\u0412\u0430\u0447\u043a\u0430\u0436\u0435\u0446", -100], ["\u0412\u0435\u043b\u0438\u043a\u0430", -100], ["\u0412\u0435\u0440\u0442\u043e\u043b\u0435\u0442", -100], ["\u0412\u0437\u043e\u0440\u0432\u0438", -100], ["\u0412\u0438\u0434\u0438\u043d", -100], ["\u0412\u0438\u0437\u0435", -100], ["\u0412\u0438\u043b\u043b\u0438", -100], ["\u0412\u0438\u0445\u0440\u043e\u0432", -100], ["\u0412\u043e\u0439\u043d\u0430", -100], ["\u0412\u043e\u043b\u043a\u043e\u0432", -100], ["\u0412\u043e\u0440\u043e\u043d\u0438\u043d\u0430", -100], ["\u0412\u043e\u0447\u044b", -100], ["\u0412\u0440\u0435\u043c\u044f", -100], ["\u0412\u0441\u0435\u043c", -100], ["\u0412\u0442", -100], ["\u0412\u0445\u0443\u0442\u0435\u0438\u043d", -100], ["\u0412\u044b\u0441\u0448\u0438\u0439", -100], ["\u0412\u044f\u0447\u0435\u0441\u043b\u0430\u0432", -100], ["\u0413\u0401", -100], ["\u0413\u0423\u0412\u0414", -100], ["\u0413\u0428", -100], ["\u0413\u0430\u0439\u043f\u0435\u043b\u044c", -100], ["\u0413\u0430\u043b\u0438\u0446\u044c\u043a\u0438\u0439", -100], ["\u0413\u0430\u043c\u0431\u0438\u0435\u0440", -100], ["\u0413\u0430\u0440\u0440\u0438", -100], ["\u0413\u0435\u043d\u0435\u0440\u0430\u0442\u043e\u0440", -100], ["\u0413\u0435\u043e\u0440\u0433\u0456\u0439", -100], ["\u0413\u0435\u0440\u043e\u044f", -100], ["\u0413\u043e\u043d\u0433\u0430\u0434\u0437\u0435", -100], ["\u0413\u043e\u0440\u0430", -100], ["\u0413\u043e\u0441\u043f\u043e\u0434\u044c", -100], ["\u0413\u0440\u043e\u0444", -100], ["\u0413\u0440\u0443\u0434\u0435\u043d\u044c", -100], ["\u0413\u0443\u0431\u0435\u043d\u043a\u043e", -100], ["\u0413\u0443\u0434\u0432\u0438\u043d", -100], ["\u0413\u0443\u043b\u044c\u0436\u0430\u043d", -100], ["\u0413\u044e\u044b\u0455\u00b0\u044a\u044e\u0449", -100], ["\u0414\u0410", -100], ["\u0414\u0421", -100], ["\u0414\u0430", -100], ["\u0414\u0430\u0432\u043b\u0430\u0442", -100], ["\u0414\u0430\u0440", -100], ["\u0414\u0435\u043b\u0430\u043f", -100], ["\u0414\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0441", -100], ["\u0414\u0435\u0440\u0436\u0430\u0442\u044c", -100], ["\u0414\u0435\u0442\u0438", -100], ["\u0414\u0435\u044f\u043d", -100], ["\u0414\u0436\u0435\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0430\u0439\u044f", -100], ["\u0414\u043c", -100], ["\u0414\u043c\u0438\u0442\u0440\u0438\u0435\u0432\u0438\u0447", -100], ["\u0414\u043e\u0431\u0430\u0432\u0438\u0442\u044c", -100], ["\u0414\u043e\u0431\u0440\u043e\u0439", -100], ["\u0414\u043e\u043b\u0438\u043d\u0430\u0442\u0430", -100], ["\u0414\u043e\u043d\u0435\u0446\u043a\u0435", -100], ["\u0414\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0443\u043f", -100], ["\u0414\u0443\u0445", -100], ["\u0415\u0422", -100], ["\u0415\u0432\u043a\u0441\u0438\u043d\u043e\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0434", -100], ["\u0415\u0433\u0435\u043c\u0435\u043d", -100], ["\u0416\u0433\u0440\u0443\u0435\u0432\u0441\u043a\u0438\u043d\u0438\u043a\u043e\u043b\u0430", -100], ["\u0416\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0445", -100], ["\u0416\u0438\u0431\u0435\u043a", -100], ["\u0416\u0438\u0437\u043d\u044c+", -100], ["\u0417\u0410\u0427\u0415\u041c", -100], ["\u0417\u0430", -100], ["\u0417\u0430\u0432\u043e\u0434", -100], ["\u0417\u0430\u0439\u043a\u0430", -100], ["\u0417\u0430\u043c\u043a\u043d\u0443\u0442\u0430\u044f", -100], ["\u0417\u0430\u043c\u043f\u0440\u043e\u043d\u0438", -100], ["\u0417\u0430\u043c\u044f\u0442\u043a\u0438\u043d\u0430", -100], ["\u0417\u0430\u043f\u0430\u0434\u043d\u044b\u0439", -100], ["\u0417\u0430\u043f\u0435\u043a\u0430\u0439", -100], ["\u0417\u0432\u0435\u0437\u0434\u0430", -100], ["\u0417\u0435\u043b\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0439", -100], ["\u0417\u0435\u0440\u043a\u0430\u043b\u044c\u0446\u0435", -100], ["\u0417\u043b\u0430", -100], ["\u0417\u044b\u043e\u043d\u0433", -100], ["\u0418\u0417", -100], ["\u0418\u041f", -100], ["\u0418\u0432\u0430\u0439\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0434", -100], ["\u0418\u0432\u0430\u043d\u043a\u0430", -100], ["\u0418\u0432\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432", -100], ["\u0418\u043b\u0430\u0439", -100], ["\u0418\u043b\u044c\u0438\u0447", -100], ["\u0418\u043d\u0441\u043f\u0435\u043a\u0442\u043e\u0440", -100], ["\u0418\u043d\u0442\u0435\u0440\u043d\u0435\u0442", -100], ["\u0418\u043d\u0444\u043e\u0440\u043c\u0430\u0446\u0438\u044f", -100], ["\u0418\u0441\u043f\u043e\u043b\u044c\u0437\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0435", -100], ["\u0418\u0442\u0430\u043a\u043e\u043c", -100], ["\u041a\u0401\u0445\u00a7", -100], ["\u041a\u0401\u044e\u044f\u0440", -100], ["\u041a\u0417\u0425", -100], ["\u041a\u0421", -100], ["\u041a\u0430\u0437\u0438\u043c\u0430", -100], ["\u041a\u0430\u043b\u0435", -100], ["\u041a\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0430\u0439", -100], ["\u041a\u0430\u0440\u0430\u0452\u043e\u0440\u0452\u0435\u0432\u0438\u045b", -100], ["\u041a\u0430\u0440\u0435\u043b\u043e", -100], ["\u041a\u0430\u0440\u043d\u043e\u0431\u0430\u0442\u0441\u043a\u0430", -100], ["\u041a\u0430\u0441\u043f\u0430\u0440\u043e\u0432", -100], ["\u041a\u0430\u0441\u044b\u0439\u043c", -100], ["\u041a\u0435\u043b\u044c\u0432\u0438\u043d", -100], ["\u041a\u043b\u0438\u043c\u0435\u043d\u0442", -100], ["\u041a\u043d\u0438\u0433\u0430", -100], ["\u041a\u043e", -100], ["\u041a\u043e\u0433\u043e", -100], ["\u041a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e", -100], ["\u041a\u043e\u043c\u0435\u043d\u0442\u0430\u0440\u0456", -100], ["\u041a\u043e\u043d\u0441\u0442\u0440\u0443\u043a\u0442\u043e\u0440\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0435", -100], ["\u041a\u0440\u0430\u0441\u043d\u0430\u044f", -100], ["\u041a\u0440\u0438\u0441\u0442\u0430\u043b\u043b\u0430", -100], ["\u041a\u0440\u0442\u0401\u0448\u0444\u0445", -100], ["\u041a\u0443\u0440\u0441\u044b", -100], ["\u041a\u0455\u0444\u0440", -100], ["\u041b\u0430\u043a\u043e\u0444\u0444", -100], ["\u041b\u0430\u0442\u0438\u0444\u0443\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0441\u0442", -100], ["\u041b\u0430\u0447\u0438\u043d\u044f\u043d\u043a\u0430", -100], ["\u041b\u0435\u0432", -100], ["\u041b\u0435\u0434\u0438", -100], ["\u041b\u0435\u0434\u043e\u0445\u043e\u0434\u044b", -100], ["\u041b\u043e\u043a\u0435\u0440", -100], ["\u041b\u043e\u043c", -100], ["\u041b\u043e\u043c\u0431", -100], ["\u041b\u044c\u0432\u043e\u0432\u0438\u0447", -100], ["\u041b\u044e\u0441\u044f", -100], ["\u041b\u044f\u0445\u043e\u0432\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439", -100], ["\u041c\u0412\u0414", -100], ["\u041c\u041c", -100], ["\u041c\u0430\u0434\u0438\u043d\u043e\u0432", -100], ["\u041c\u0430\u0439\u0434\u0430\u043d", -100], ["\u041c\u0430\u043b\u044c\u0447\u0438\u043a", -100], ["\u041c\u0430\u043d\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0438\u0440", -100], ["\u041c\u0430\u0440\u0442\u0430", -100], ["\u041c\u0430\u0440\u044c\u0438\u0432\u0430\u043d\u043d\u0430", -100], ["\u041c\u0430\u0441", -100], ["\u041c\u0430\u0442\u0440\u0451\u0448\u043a\u0430", -100], ["\u041c\u0430\u0443\u043d\u0442", -100], ["\u041c\u0430\u0446\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043b\u043b\u0438", -100], ["\u041c\u0431\u0430\u0445", -100], ["\u041c\u0435\u0434\u0432\u0435\u0434\u0435\u0432", -100], ["\u041c\u0435\u0442\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0439", -100], ["\u041c\u0438", -100], ["\u041c\u0438\u043b\u043e\u0448", -100], ["\u041c\u0438\u0440\u043e\u043d\u043e\u0432", -100], ["\u041c\u0438\u0445\u0430\u0301\u0439\u043b\u043e\u0432\u043d\u0430", -100], ["\u041c\u0438\u0445\u0430\u0439\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0438\u0447", -100], ["\u041c\u043a", -100], ["\u041c\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0434\u0435\u0446", -100], ["\u041c\u043e\u043d\u0442\u0440\u0451", -100], ["\u041c\u0443\u0437\u0435\u0458", -100], ["\u041c\u044c\u044e\u0401\u0445\u0451\u044a\u0440", -100], ["\u041c\u0451\u0451\u044e\u044d", -100], ["\u041d\u0410\u0422\u041e\u0432\u0446\u0430", -100], ["\u041d\u0430\u0434\u044f", -100], ["\u041d\u0430\u0437\u0430\u0440\u0431\u0430\u0435\u0432", -100], ["\u041d\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0438", -100], ["\u041d\u0430\u0446\u0438\u043e\u043d\u0430\u043b\u043d\u0430\u0442\u0430", -100], ["\u041d\u0435\u043f\u0440\u043e\u0436\u0438\u0442\u044b\u0435", -100], ["\u041d\u0438\u0433\u043c\u0430\u0442\u0443\u043b\u043b\u0438\u043d", -100], ["\u041d\u0438\u043d\u0437\u044f\u0433\u043e", -100], ["\u041d\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0442\u044d\u043a", -100], ["\u041d\u043e\u0432\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0441\u0441\u0438\u0438", -100], ["\u041d\u043e\u0432\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0441\u0441\u0438\u044f", -100], ["\u041d\u043e\u044f\u0431\u0440\u044c", -100], ["\u041d\u0443", -100], ["\u041e\u041a", -100], ["\u041e\u0431\u0449\u0435\u0441\u0442\u0432\u043e", -100], ["\u041e\u0431\u044a\u0435\u043a\u0442", -100], ["\u041e\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0441\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0438\u0447", -100], ["\u041e\u0441\u0442\u0435\u0440\u0430", -100], ["\u041e\u0442", -100], ["\u041e\u0445\u0401\u044d", -100], ["\u041e\u0445\u0440\u0438\u0434\u0441\u043a\u0438", -100], ["\u041e\u0445\u044b\u044e\u0442\u0445\u0451\u0445\u0451\u044a\u0440", -100], ["\u041f\u0410\u041d\u0427\u041e", -100], ["\u041f\u041f\u0422", -100], ["\u041f\u041f\u0423", -100], ["\u041f\u0430\u043f\u0435\u0440\u043d\u044b\u0439", -100], ["\u041f\u0430\u0440\u0441\u0430\u043b", -100], ["\u041f\u0430\u0440\u0442\u043d\u0435\u0440\u0438", -100], ["\u041f\u0435\u0440\u0432\u0430\u044f", -100], ["\u041f\u0435\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0435\u0448\u0438\u0432\u0430\u0435\u043c", -100], ["\u041f\u0435\u0440\u0435\u043f\u0438\u0441\u0447\u0438\u043a", -100], ["\u041f\u0435\u0440\u043b\u043c\u0443\u0442\u0442\u0435\u0440", -100], ["\u041f\u0435\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435", -100], ["\u041f\u0435\u0440\u0443\u0449\u0438\u0446\u0430", -100], ["\u041f\u0435\u0442\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0438\u045b", -100], ["\u041f\u0438\u043a\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f", -100], ["\u041f\u043e\u043c\u043e\u0440\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439", -100], ["\u041f\u0440\u0401\u044a\u0440", -100], ["\u041f\u0440\u0401\u044a\u0448", -100], ["\u041f\u0440\u0430\u043c\u0435\u043d\u044c", -100], ["\u041f\u0440\u0435\u0437\u0438\u0434\u0435\u043d\u0442", -100], ["\u041f\u0440\u0438\u0301\u043f", -100], ["\u041f\u0440\u0438\u0301\u043f\u044f\u0442\u044c", -100], ["\u041f\u0440\u043e\u043c\u0430\u0441\u0441\u0438\u0440\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435", -100], ["\u041f\u0443\u0442\u0456\u043d", -100], ["\u041f\u044a\u044e\u044b", -100], ["\u041f\u044f\u0442\u043d\u0438\u0446\u0430", -100], ["\u0420\u041a\u0411", -100], ["\u0420\u041a\u041a", -100], ["\u0420\u0421\u0414", -100], ["\u0420\u0430\u0441\u043a\u0440\u0430\u0441\u043a\u0430", -100], ["\u0420\u0430\u0441\u0441\u0443\u043b", -100], ["\u0420\u0435\u0432\u043e\u043b\u044e\u0446\u0438\u044f", -100], ["\u0420\u0435\u0441\u043f\u0443\u0431\u043b\u0438\u043a", -100], ["\u0420\u0435\u0441\u0442\u043e\u0440\u0430\u043d", -100], ["\u0420\u0438\u0437\u0438\u0434\u0430", -100], ["\u0420\u0438\u043b\u0441\u043a\u0438", -100], ["\u0420\u0438\u0447\u0438", -100], ["\u0420\u043e\u0433", -100], ["\u0420\u043e\u0433\u043e\u0437\u0438\u043d", -100], ["\u0420\u043e\u0437\u0433\u043e\u0440\u043d\u0443\u0442\u0438", -100], ["\u0420\u043e\u0438\u0441\u0441\u044f", -100], ["\u0420\u043e\u0441\u0430\u0442\u043e\u043c", -100], ["\u0420\u043e\u0441\u043d\u0430\u043d\u043e", -100], ["\u0420\u043e\u0441\u0441\u0435\u0442\u0442\u0438", -100], ["\u0420\u043e\u0441\u0441\u0438\u0439\u0441\u043a\u0430\u044f", -100], ["\u0420\u043e\u0441\u0441\u0438\u0439\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439", -100], ["\u0420\u043e\u0441\u0441\u0438\u0439\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0439", -100], ["\u0420\u0442\u0440\u0444\u0445\u0441\u044a\u0455", -100], ["\u0420\u0442\u044e\u0441\u044e\u0444\u0440", -100], ["\u0420\u0443\u043a\u0438", -100], ["\u0420\u0445\u0401\u0444\u0445\u0451\u044d\u044e", -100], ["\u0420\u0448\u044b\u0456\u00b6\u0448\u0444\u0455", -100], ["\u0420\u0448\u044c\u00b6\u044e\u0448\u0448", -100], ["\u0420\u0448\u044c\u00b6\u044e\u044d\u0448\u0448", -100], ["\u0420\u044a\u0440\u0447\u044a\u0448", -100], ["\u0420\u044b\u0431\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430", -100], ["\u0420\u044b\u0431\u0430\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0430", -100], ["\u0420\u044e\u044d", -100], ["\u0421\u041c\u0422", -100], ["\u0421\u041d\u0411\u041e", -100], ["\u0421\u041f\u0421", -100], ["\u0421\u0420\u0422", -100], ["\u0421\u0430\u0432\u0435\u0446\u043a\u0430\u044f", -100], ["\u0421\u0430\u0439\u0451\u0440\u0430", -100], ["\u0421\u0430\u043c\u0443\u0440\u0430\u0439", -100], ["\u0421\u0430\u0446\u044b\u044f\u043b\u0456\u0441\u0442\u044b\u0447\u043d\u0430\u044f", -100], ["\u0421\u0430\u0448\u0430", -100], ["\u0421\u0432\u043e\u0434\u043a\u0438", -100], ["\u0421\u0435\u0432\u0435\u0440\u0435\u043d", -100], ["\u0421\u0435\u0439\u0440\u0435\u0442", -100], ["\u0421\u0435\u043d", -100], ["\u0421\u0435\u0440\u0430\u0444\u0438\u043c\u043e\u0439", -100], ["\u0421\u0435\u0440\u0433\u0456\u0439", -100], ["\u0421\u0435\u0440\u0434\u044e\u043a\u043e\u0432", -100], ["\u0421\u0438\u043c\u0435\u0438\u0437", -100], ["\u0421\u043b\u0430\u0434\u043a\u043e", -100], ["\u0421\u043b\u044a\u043d\u0446\u0435", -100], ["\u0421\u043c\u043e\u043b\u0438\u043d", -100], ["\u0421\u043d\u0438\u043a\u0435\u0440\u0441", -100], ["\u0421\u043d\u043e\u0432", -100], ["\u0421\u043e\u0432\u0435\u0442\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439", -100], ["\u0421\u043e\u043d\u0430", -100], ["\u0421\u043e\u0442\u043e\u043d\u0430", -100], ["\u0421\u043e\u0446\u0438\u0430\u043b\u0438\u0441\u0442\u0438\u0447\u0435\u0441\u043a\u0430\u044f", -100], ["\u0421\u0442\u0430\u043c\u0431\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0432\u043e", -100], ["\u0421\u0442\u0435\u0439\u043d\u0434\u043b", -100], ["\u0421\u0442\u0440\u0430\u043d\u044b", -100], ["\u0421\u0442\u0440\u0443\u043c\u0430", -100], ["\u0422\u0418\u0421", -100], ["\u0422\u041d", -100], ["\u0422\u0423", -100], ["\u0422\u0430\u043d\u043a\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0439", -100], ["\u0422\u0430\u043d\u0447\u0438\u043a\u0438", -100], ["\u0422\u0430\u043d\u044f", -100], ["\u0422\u0430\u0440\u043f\u0435\u043d\u043d\u0438\u043d\u0433", -100], ["\u0422\u0430\u0445\u0438\u0440", -100], ["\u0422\u0432\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0436\u043d\u043e\u0435", -100], ["\u0422\u0435\u043c", -100], ["\u0422\u0438\u043f\u0438\u0447\u043d\u044b\u0439", -100], ["\u0422\u043e\u0434\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0430", -100], ["\u0422\u043e\u043c\u0438\u045b", -100], ["\u0422\u0440\u0430\u043d\u0441\u0442\u0435\u043b\u0435\u043a\u043e\u043c", -100], ["\u0423\u0411\u0418", -100], ["\u0423\u041a\u0420", -100], ["\u0423\u0420", -100], ["\u0423\u0425\u041b", -100], ["\u0423\u0431\u0435\u0439", -100], ["\u0423\u0434\u043e\u0431\u043d\u043e", -100], ["\u0423\u0437\u0410\u0421\u0411\u041e", -100], ["\u0423\u043b", -100], ["\u0423\u043b\u0430\u043a", -100], ["\u0423\u043c\u0435\u0434\u0430", -100], ["\u0423\u043f\u0440\u0430\u0432\u043b\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435", -100], ["\u0423\u0440\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043b\u0438\u0439", -100], ["\u0424\u0430\u0443\u0434\u0436\u0430", -100], ["\u0424\u0435\u0432", -100], ["\u0424\u0438\u043d\u0441\u043a\u0430\u044f", -100], ["\u0424\u043e\u0440\u043c\u0430", -100], ["\u0424\u043e\u0441\u0444\u0430\u043b\u044e\u0433\u0435\u043b\u044c", -100], ["\u0424\u0440\u0443\u043d\u0437\u0435", -100], ["\u0424\u0451\u0434\u043e\u0440", -100], ["\u0425\u0406\u0425", -100], ["\u0425\u0430\u043a\u0430\u043c\u0430\u0434\u0430", -100], ["\u0425\u0430\u0440\u044c\u043a\u043e\u0432", -100], ["\u0425\u0435\u043b\u043b\u0438\u043d\u0433\u0435\u0440", -100], ["\u0425\u043e\u0440\u0433\u043e\u0448", -100], ["\u0425\u0440\u0438\u0441\u0442\u0438\u043d\u0430", -100], ["\u0425\u0443\u0435\u0432\u044b\u0439", -100], ["\u0426\u0435\u043b\u0435\u0431\u043d\u0430\u044f", -100], ["\u0426\u0438\u0440\u043a", -100], ["\u0427\u0430\u0439\u043a\u0430", -100], ["\u0427\u0435\u0440\u043d\u043e", -100], ["\u0427\u0438\u0436\u0435\u0432\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e", -100], ["\u0427\u0438\u0442\u0430\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c", -100], ["\u0427\u043e\u0440\u043d\u043e\u0431\u0438\u043b\u044c", -100], ["\u0428\u0430\u0448\u043a\u0438", -100], ["\u0428\u0438\u0432\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043d\u0434\u044b", -100], ["\u0428\u0438\u0432\u0430\u0447\u0435\u0432\u043e", -100], ["\u0428\u0438\u0432\u0435\u043b\u0443\u0447", -100], ["\u0428\u0438\u043d\u0430", -100], ["\u0428\u043a\u043e\u043b\u0430", -100], ["\u0428\u043f\u0438\u043e\u043d", -100], ["\u0428\u0440\u0451\u0434\u0438\u043d\u0433\u0435\u0440\u0430", -100], ["\u0429\u0438\u0442", -100], ["\u042d\u041f", -100], ["\u042d\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0440\u043e\u0431\u0443\u0441", -100], ["\u042d\u043b\u043f\u0438\u0441", -100], ["\u042d\u043d\u0435\u0440\u0433\u0435\u0442\u0438\u043a", -100], ["\u042e\u0437\u043e\u0432\u043a\u0430", -100], ["\u042e\u043b\u0434\u0430\u0448\u0435\u0432", -100], ["\u042e\u043d\u0433\u0430\u043d", -100], ["\u042e\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0430", -100], ["\u042f\u041c\u0417", -100], ["\u042f\u0431\u043b\u043e\u0447\u043d\u0430\u044f", -100], ["\u042f\u0437\u044b\u043a", -100], ["\u042f\u0440\u043e\u0441\u043b\u0430\u0432\u0438\u0447", -100], ["\u0430\u0161\u0430", -100], ["\u0430\u0432\u0442\u043e", -100], ["\u0430\u0433\u0435", -100], ["\u0430\u0437\u0438\u0430\u0442\u043a\u0430", -100], ["\u0430\u0439\u044b\u043b\u044b", -100], ["\u0430\u043a\u0440\u0435\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0430\u0446\u0438\u044f", -100], ["\u0430\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0432\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u044f\u0445", -100], ["\u0430\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0441\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0440", -100], ["\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430", -100], ["\u0430\u043c\u0430\u0440\u0430\u043d\u0442\u043e\u0432\u043e\u0433\u043e", -100], ["\u0430\u043d\u0442\u0438\u043e\u043a\u0441\u0438\u0434\u0430\u043d\u0442", -100], ["\u0430\u043d\u0442\u0438\u0446\u0435\u043b\u043b\u044e\u043b\u0438\u0442\u043d\u043e\u0433\u043e", -100], ["\u0430\u0440\u0431\u0443\u0437\u043d\u043e\u0439", -100], ["\u0430\u0440\u0445\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0442\u0435", -100], ["\u0431\u0421\u043e\u0442\u043e", -100], ["\u0431\u0435\u043d\u0435\u0444\u0438\u0446\u0438\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0435\u0432", -100], ["\u0431\u0435\u0441\u0442\u0430\u043a\u0442\u043d\u044b\u0445", -100], ["\u0431\u0438\u0431\u043b\u0438\u043e\u0442\u0435\u043a\u0430", -100], ["\u0431\u0438\u043e\u043a\u0430\u043c\u0438\u043d\u043e\u0432", -100], ["\u0431\u0438\u0442", -100], ["\u0431\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430", -100], ["\u0431\u043b\u044f\u0448\u043a\u0430", -100], ["\u0431\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0438", -100], ["\u0431\u043e\u0440\u044c\u0431\u0435", -100], ["\u0431\u0443\u0434\u0435\u0442", -100], ["\u0431\u0443\u043a\u0432\u044b", -100], ["\u0431\u044b", -100], ["\u0431\u044b\u0441\u0442\u0440\u043e", -100], ["\u0431\u044d\u043d\u0442\u043e", -100], ["\u0431\u0456\u0442\u043d\u0430", -100], ["\u0432\u0435\u0439\u043f", -100], ["\u0432\u0435\u0439\u043f\u0430", -100], ["\u0432\u0435\u0449\u0438\u0446\u0435\u0439", -100], ["\u0432\u0437\u0431\u0438\u0432\u0430\u0439\u0442\u0435", -100], ["\u0432\u0438\u043d", -100], ["\u0432\u0438\u043d\u043a\u0441", -100], ["\u0432\u043e\u0434\u0430", -100], ["\u0432\u043e\u0434\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0434\u043d\u0443\u044e", -100], ["\u0432\u043e\u0434\u0443", -100], ["\u0432\u043e\u0434\u044b", -100], ["\u0432\u043e\u0439\u043d\u044b", -100], ["\u0432\u043e\u0441\u0442\u043e\u0447\u043d\u043e", -100], ["\u0432\u043f\u0435\u0440\u0434\u0435", -100], ["\u0432\u044b\u0431\u0440\u0430\u0441\u044b\u0432\u0430\u0439", -100], ["\u0432\u044b\u0436\u043c\u0438", -100], ["\u0432\u044b\u0440\u0443\u0447\u0430\u043b\u0438", -100], ["\u0432\u044b\u0442\u044f\u043d\u0438", -100], ["\u0433\u0438\u0434\u0440\u043e\u0433\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0437\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043d\u043d\u044b\u0435", -100], ["\u0433\u0438\u043d\u0443\u0440\u044b", -100], ["\u0433\u043b\u0430\u0437\u0430", -100], ["\u0433\u043b\u0438\u043a\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043d\u0438\u044f", -100], ["\u0433\u043e\u0432\u043e\u0440\u0438\u0448\u044c", -100], ["\u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0434\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0435\u043c", -100], ["\u0433\u043e\u043d\u0442\u043e\u0432\u043e\u0439", -100], ["\u0433\u043e\u0441\u0443\u0434\u0430\u0440\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0435\u043d\u043d\u044b\u0439", -100], ["\u0433\u0440\u043e\u0437\u0434\u043e\u0432\u0430", -100], ["\u0433\u0440\u044d\u044d\u0440", -100], ["\u0433\u0445\u044b\u0445\u0447\u044d", -100], ["\u0433\u0448\u0447\u044d\u0448", -100], ["\u0433\u0455\u0440\u044d", -100], ["\u0433\u0455\u0440\u044d\u0440", -100], ["\u0434\u0430", -100], ["\u0434\u0430\u043c\u0430", -100], ["\u0434\u0430\u0447\u043d\u043e\u0433\u043e", -100], ["\u0434\u0432\u0430\u0436\u0434\u044b", -100], ["\u0434\u0435\u0432\u043e\u0447\u043a\u0443", -100], ["\u0434\u0435\u0440\u0431\u0435\u043d\u043d\u0438\u043a\u0430", -100], ["\u0434\u0438\u0435\u0442\u0438\u0447\u0435\u0441\u043a\u043e\u043c", -100], ["\u0434\u0438\u0441\u0431\u0430\u043b\u043b\u0430\u043d\u0441\u0430", -100], ["\u0434\u043e\u0436\u0434\u044c", -100], ["\u0434\u043e\u0437\u0440\u0435\u0432\u0430\u043d\u0438\u044f", -100], ["\u0434\u043e\u043f", -100], ["\u0434\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0433\u0430", -100], ["\u0434\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0433\u0438", -100], ["\u0434\u0443\u0445\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044b\u0439", -100], ["\u0434\u0443\u0448\u0443", -100], ["\u0434\u044c\u0438\u0440\u0431\u0430\u043b", -100], ["\u0435\u0435\u0440", -100], ["\u0435\u043b", -100], ["\u0435\u043e", -100], ["\u0435\u0447", -100], ["\u0436\u0438\u0437\u043d\u044c", -100], ["\u0436\u043e\u043b\u044b", -100], ["\u0437\u0430\u043b\u043f\u043e\u0432\u043e\u0433\u043e", -100], ["\u0437\u0430\u043c\u0435\u0447\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0439", -100], ["\u0437\u0433", -100], ["\u0437\u043d\u0430\u043a\u043e\u043c\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0430@", -100], ["\u0438\u0437\u0433\u0430\u0434\u0438\u043b\u043e", -100], ["\u0438\u0437\u043c\u0435\u043b\u044c\u0447\u0430\u0435\u043c", -100], ["\u0438\u043b\u0438\u043b\u043e\u0441\u044c", -100], ["\u0438\u043d\u0432\u0435\u0441\u0442\u0438\u0446\u0438\u043e\u043d\u043d\u043e\u0442\u043e", -100], ["\u0438\u043d\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0435\u0440\u0438\u0442\u0435", -100], ["\u0438\u043d\u0441\u0442\u0438\u0442\u0443\u0442", -100], ["\u043a\u0430\u0436\u0434\u044b\u0439", -100], ["\u043a\u0430\u0437\u0430\u043a\u0438", -100], ["\u043a\u0430\u043b\u044b", -100], ["\u043a\u0430\u0440\u0442\u0438\u043d\u043a\u0435", -100], ["\u043a\u0435\u0444\u0438\u0440\u0435", -100], ["\u043a\u0438\u043b\u044c\u043a\u0430", -100], ["\u043a\u043b\u0430\u0432\u0438\u0430\u0442\u0443\u0440\u0443", -100], ["\u043a\u043b\u0438\u0442\u043e\u0440\u0435", -100], ["\u043a\u043d\u0438\u0433\u0430", -100], ["\u043a\u043e\u043b\u043b\u0435\u0433\u0438\u044f", -100], ["\u043a\u043e\u043c\u043c\u0443\u043d\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043d\u0430\u044f", -100], ["\u043a\u043e\u0442\u043b\u0435\u0442\u043a\u0438", -100], ["\u043a\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0440\u044b\u0435", -100], ["\u043a\u0440\u0430\u0441\u0438\u0432\u043e", -100], ["\u043a\u0440\u0430\u0443\u0434\u0444\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u043d\u0433\u043e\u0432\u043e\u0439", -100], ["\u043a\u0440\u0438\u043f\u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043b\u044e\u0442\u044b", -100], ["\u043a\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0438", -100], ["\u043a\u0440\u043e\u0441\u0441\u043e\u0432\u043a\u0438", -100], ["\u043a\u0440\u0443\u043f\u0438\u043d\u043a\u0438", -100], ["\u043a\u0443\u043d\u0436\u0443\u0442\u043d\u043e\u043c", -100], ["\u043b\u0435\u0434\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0443\u043f\u044b", -100], ["\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0438\u043d\u044b", -100], ["\u043b\u0438\u0441\u0442\u043a\u0430", -100], ["\u043b\u0438\u0441\u0442\u043a\u043e\u0432", -100], ["\u043b\u0443\u0437\u0433\u0438", -100], ["\u043c\u0430\u043a\u0441\u0438\u043c\u0438\u0437\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0442\u044c", -100], ["\u043c\u0430\u043b\u044c\u0441\u043a\u0438", -100], ["\u043c\u0430\u043d", -100], ["\u043c\u0435\u0434", -100], ["\u043c\u0435\u0434\u0438\u0446\u0438\u043d\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0445", -100], ["\u043c\u0438\u043b\u043b\u0438\u043c\u0435\u0442\u0440\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0439", -100], ["\u043c\u0438\u043d\u0443\u0442\u043d\u043e\u0439", -100], ["\u043c\u043e\u043d\u043f\u0430\u0441\u044c\u0435", -100], ["\u043c\u043e\u0441\u043a\u0432\u0430", -100], ["\u043c\u043e\u044f", -100], ["\u043c\u0443\u0441\u043e\u0440\u0430", -100], ["\u043d\u0430\u0434", -100], ["\u043d\u0430\u0434\u0435\u0432\u0430\u0435\u043c", -100], ["\u043d\u0430\u0437\u0432\u0430\u043d\u0438\u044f", -100], ["\u043d\u0430\u043a\u043b\u0435\u0439\u043a\u0438", -100], ["\u043d\u0430\u043b\u0438\u0432\u0430\u044e\u0442\u0441\u044f", -100], ["\u043d\u0430\u0440\u043e\u0434\u0430", -100], ["\u043d\u0430\u0443\u0447\u0438\u0442\u044c", -100], ["\u043d\u0435\u0430\u043b\u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e\u043b\u044c\u043d\u044b\u0439", -100], ["\u043d\u0435\u0432\u0440\u043e\u0442\u0438\u043a\u043e\u0432", -100], ["\u043d\u0435\u0438\u043d\u0442\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0441\u0435\u043d", -100], ["\u043d\u0435\u043e\u044f\u0437\u044b\u0447\u0435\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0430", -100], ["\u043d\u0435\u043e\u044f\u0437\u044b\u0447\u043d\u0438\u043a\u043e\u0432", -100], ["\u043d\u043a", -100], ["\u043d\u044e\u0434", -100], ["\u043e\u0421", -100], ["\u043e\u0431\u043e\u0440\u043e\u043d\u044b", -100], ["\u043e\u0431\u0449\u0435\u0441\u0442\u0432\u043e", -100], ["\u043e\u0431\u044a\u0435\u043a\u0442", -100], ["\u043e\u0431\u044a\u0435\u043a\u0442\u044b", -100], ["\u043e\u0433\u043d\u044f", -100], ["\u043e\u0434\u0430\u043c\u043e\u043d", -100], ["\u043e\u0434\u0435\u0432\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430", -100], ["\u043e\u043d\u0435\u0437\u0438", -100], ["\u043e\u043d\u043a\u043e\u0433\u0435\u043d\u043e\u0432", -100], ["\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0433\u043e\u0432\u0435\u0432\u0448\u0438\u0445", -100], ["\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0435\u043e\u043f\u0430\u0442\u0430", -100], ["\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0443\u0434\u0438", -100], ["\u043e\u0442\u0434\u0435\u043b", -100], ["\u043e\u0442\u0441\u0442\u0438\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c", -100], ["\u043e\u0446\u0435\u043d\u044f\u0432\u0430\u043d\u0435", -100], ["\u043e\u0449\u0435\u043b\u0430\u0447\u0438\u0432\u0430\u044e\u0449\u0438\u0435", -100], ["\u043f\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043c\u0438\u043d\u0433\u0430", -100], ["\u043f\u0435\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0432", -100], ["\u043f\u0438\u043a\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043a\u0438", -100], ["\u043f\u0438\u043b\u0430\u0442\u0435\u0441\u0435", -100], ["\u043f\u0438\u0448\u0435\u0442", -100], ["\u043f\u043b\u043e\u043c\u0431\u0438\u0440\u0443\u0435\u0442", -100], ["\u043f\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0440\u0435\u0437", -100], ["\u043f\u043e\u0434\u043e\u0431\u0435", -100], ["\u043f\u043e\u0434\u043f\u043e\u0440\u043d\u0443\u044e", -100], ["\u043f\u043e\u0434\u0442\u044f\u043d\u0443\u0442\u044b\u043c\u0438", -100], ["\u043f\u043e\u043b\u0438\u043d", -100], ["\u043f\u043e\u043c\u0430\u0434\u0435", -100], ["\u043f\u043e\u043d\u0435\u0434\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u0438\u043a", -100], ["\u043f\u043e\u0445\u0443\u0434\u0435\u0435\u0448\u044c", -100], ["\u043f\u0440\u0430\u0432\u043e\u0437\u0430\u0445\u0438\u0441\u0442\u0443", -100], ["\u043f\u0440\u0430\u0432\u043e\u0441\u043b\u0430\u0432\u043d\u0430", -100], ["\u043f\u0440\u0430\u0432\u043e\u0441\u043f\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0431\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442", -100], ["\u043f\u0440\u0438\u0434\u0440\u0443\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438", -100], ["\u043f\u0440\u0438\u043c\u0435\u043d\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435", -100], ["\u043f\u0440\u0438\u0441\u044b\u043f\u0430\u044e\u0442", -100], ["\u043f\u0440\u0438\u0441\u044b\u043f\u043a\u0430", -100], ["\u043f\u0440\u043e\u0433\u0435\u0441\u0442\u0435\u0440\u043e\u043d", -100], ["\u043f\u0440\u043e\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0430\u043d\u0442\u0441\u043a\u0430", -100], ["\u043f\u0440\u043e\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0440\u0430\u043d\u0435", -100], ["\u043f\u0440\u043e\u043c\u0430\u0441\u0441\u0438\u0440\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435", -100], ["\u043f\u0440\u043e\u043f\u0430\u0433\u0430\u043d\u0434\u044b", -100], ["\u043f\u0440\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0443\u043a\u0438\u0432\u0430\u0439\u0442\u0435", -100], ["\u043f\u0440\u043e\u0442\u0440\u0438", -100], ["\u043f\u0440\u043e\u0446\u0435\u0436\u0438\u0432\u0430\u0435\u043c", -100], ["\u043f\u0441\u0438\u0445\u043e\u0430\u0434", -100], ["\u043f\u0442\u0438\u0446\u0430", -100], ["\u043f\u0443\u043b\u0435\u043c\u0451\u0442", -100], ["\u043f\u044b\u0440\u0435\u0435\u043c", -100], ["\u0440\u0401\u00b0\u0440\u0442", -100], ["\u0440\u0401\u044d\u0440\u0442\u0440\u044b\u0440", -100], ["\u0440\u0401\u0456\u0445\u0401", -100], ["\u0440\u0430\u0437\u0431\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0447\u043d\u044b\u0435", -100], ["\u0440\u0430\u0437\u0432\u0430\u043b\u0438\u043d", -100], ["\u0440\u0430\u0437\u0432\u0438\u0432\u0430\u0442\u044c\u0441\u044f", -100], ["\u0440\u0430\u0437\u0434\u0435\u0432\u0430\u0442\u044c\u0441\u044f", -100], ["\u0440\u0430\u0440\u0430\u0442", -100], ["\u0440\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0432\u043e\u0440\u0438", -100], ["\u0440\u0430\u0441\u0445\u0432\u0430\u043b\u0438\u0432\u0430\u044e\u0442", -100], ["\u0440\u0435\u0431\u0435\u0444\u0438\u043d\u0433", -100], ["\u0440\u0435\u0433\u0438\u043e\u043d\u0430\u043b\u043d\u043e", -100], ["\u0440\u043e\u0432", -100], ["\u0440\u043e\u043a", -100], ["\u0440\u0440\u0447\u0448\u044d\u0440", -100], ["\u0440\u0440\u044f\u0451\u044e\u0444\u0448", -100], ["\u0440\u0442\u0440\u044b\u0445\u0401\u0440", -100], ["\u0440\u0442\u0448\u044d\u0456\u044e\u044d\u0451\u044a\u044e\u0443\u044e", -100], ["\u0440\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e", -100], ["\u0440\u0445\u044a\u0442\u0448\u0445\u044c", -100], ["\u0440\u0447\u0445\u044b\u0456\u0451\u044a\u0448\u0445", -100], ["\u0440\u0447\u044d\u0456", -100], ["\u0440\u044b", -100], ["\u0440\u044b\u0445\u0442\u0440\u044b", -100], ["\u0440\u044b\u044b\u0440\u0444\u0445", -100], ["\u0440\u044b\u0456\u044a", -100], ["\u0440\u044c", -100], ["\u0440\u044c\u0448", -100], ["\u0440\u044e\u0451\u0451\u0448\u044d\u0448", -100], ["\u0440\u044f\u0445\u044b\u0456\u0451\u0448\u044d\u044e\u0442", -100], ["\u0441\u0430\u0432\u0434\u043e\u0438", -100], ["\u0441\u0430\u0436\u0430\u044e", -100], ["\u0441\u0430\u043a\u0441\u043e\u0444\u043e\u043d\u0438\u0441\u0442\u043e\u0432", -100], ["\u0441\u0430\u043c\u043e\u0441\u0430\u0431\u043e\u0442\u0430\u0436", -100], ["\u0441\u0432\u0435\u0442\u0430", -100], ["\u0441\u0432\u0438\u0442\u0448\u043e\u0442\u044b", -100], ["\u0441\u0435\u0431\u0435", -100], ["\u0441\u0435\u0439\u0434\u044b", -100], ["\u0441\u0435\u043c\u044c\u044f", -100], ["\u0441\u0435\u043d\u0442\u044f\u0431\u0440\u044f", -100], ["\u0441\u0435\u0440\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0433\u0438\u0447\u0435\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0435", -100], ["\u0441\u0438\u0434\u0435\u0440\u0430\u0442\u0430", -100], ["\u0441\u043b\u043e\u0432\u043e", -100], ["\u0441\u043d\u0438\u043a", -100], ["\u0441\u043e\u0436\u0436\u0435\u0442\u0435", -100], ["\u0441\u043f\u043b\u0435\u0442\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0439", -100], ["\u0441\u0442\u0430\u0434\u0438\u043e\u043d", -100], ["\u0441\u0442\u0430\u043b\u0438\u043d\u043a\u0435", -100], ["\u0441\u0442\u0430\u0440\u0442\u0430\u043f\u043e\u043c", -100], ["\u0441\u0442\u0430\u0440\u0442\u0430\u043f\u0443", -100], ["\u0441\u0442\u0430\u0442\u044c\u044f", -100], ["\u0441\u0443\u0434\u0430", -100], ["\u0441\u0443\u043b\u0443\u0433\u0443\u043d\u0438", -100], ["\u0441\u0445\u0435\u043c\u0430", -100], ["\u0441\u0445\u0447\u044e\u0441\u044b\u0440\u0451\u044d\u044e\u0445", -100], ["\u0441\u0445\u044b\u0456", -100], ["\u0441\u0448\u044d\u0448\u0440\u044d", -100], ["\u0441\u044b\u0440\u0443\u044e\u0444\u0440\u0401", -100], ["\u0441\u044b\u0440\u0443\u044e\u0444\u0440\u0401\u0445\u044d\u0448", -100], ["\u0441\u044e\u0443\u044e\u0442", -100], ["\u0441\u044e\u0446\u0448", -100], ["\u0441\u044e\u044b\u0456\u00b0\u044e\u0449", -100], ["\u0441\u0455\u0401\u00a6", -100], ["\u0441\u0455\u0441\u044e\u044d", -100], ["\u0441\u0455\u0444\u0455\u0401\u0445\u0445", -100], ["\u0441\u0455\u044d\u0445\u0447\u0456", -100], ["\u0442\u00a7\u044e\u0444", -100], ["\u0442\u0401\u0440\u0443", -100], ["\u0442\u0430\u0440\u0442", -100], ["\u0442\u0430\u0440\u0442\u044b", -100], ["\u0442\u0432\u0435\u0440\u0434\u043e\u0442\u043e\u043f\u043b\u0438\u0432\u043d\u044b\u0439", -100], ["\u0442\u0435\u043c\u043d\u043e\u043f\u043e\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e\u0439", -100], ["\u0442\u0435\u043f\u043b\u0430\u044f", -100], ["\u0442\u0435\u0445\u043d\u0438\u0447\u0435\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439", -100], ["\u0442\u0438", -100], ["\u0442\u0438\u0433\u0438\u043b", -100], ["\u0442\u043e\u0433\u043e", -100], ["\u0442\u043e\u0439", -100], ["\u0442\u043e\u043b\u043e\u043a\u043d\u0430", -100], ["\u0442\u043e\u043d\u0438\u043a", -100], ["\u0442\u0440\u0401\u0442\u0440\u0401\u0440\u044c\u0448", -100], ["\u0442\u0440\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043e\u0447\u043d\u044b\u0439}", -100], ["\u0442\u0440\u044d\u0448", -100], ["\u0442\u0443", -100], ["\u0442\u0445\u0451\u044d", -100], ["\u0442\u0447\u0401", -100], ["\u0442\u0448\u0444\u0445", -100], ["\u0442\u0448\u0444\u044e\u0442", -100], ["\u0442\u0448\u0445", -100], ["\u0442\u0448\u044d\u0440", -100], ["\u0442\u044b\u0445\u044d\u0448", -100], ["\u0442\u044b\u0445\u044d\u0448\u0449", -100], ["\u0442\u044e\u0445\u044d\u044d\u044e\u0443\u044e", -100], ["\u0442\u044e\u0446\u0444\u0445\u0449", -100], ["\u0442\u044e\u044b\u00b0\u0445\u0441\u044d", -100], ["\u0442\u044e\u044b\u044d\u0440", -100], ["\u0442\u044e\u0451\u044f\u044e\u044c\u0448\u044d\u0440\u044d\u0448\u0449", -100], ["\u0442\u044f\u043d\u0438\u0442\u0435\u0441\u044c", -100], ["\u0442\u0451\u0445\u044c", -100], ["\u0443\u0401\u0440\u0446\u0444\u0440\u044d\u0448\u044d", -100], ["\u0443\u0432\u044f\u0434\u0430\u044e\u0449\u0435\u0439", -100], ["\u0443\u0434\u043e\u0441\u0442\u043e\u0432\u0435\u0440\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435", -100], ["\u0443\u0436\u0435", -100], ["\u0443\u043b\u043e\u0436\u0438", -100], ["\u0443\u043c\u0430", -100], ["\u0443\u043f\u0440\u0430\u0432\u043b\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435", -100], ["\u0443\u0440\u0430\u0433\u0430\u043d\u044b", -100], ["\u0443\u0440\u0438\u043d\u043e\u0439", -100], ["\u0443\u0447\u0451\u0431\u0430", -100], ["\u0443\u0448\u044c\u044d", -100], ["\u0443\u044e\u0401\u044e\u0444", -100], ["\u0443\u044e\u0442\u044e\u0401", -100], ["\u0443\u044e\u0444\u0440\u044c\u0448", -100], ["\u0443\u044e\u044b\u044e\u0442\u0440\u044c", -100], ["\u0443\u044e\u044b\u0455\u0441", -100], ["\u0444\u0401\u0440\u044a\u044e\u044d\u0451\u0448\u044a\u044e\u0442", -100], ["\u0444\u0401\u0445\u0442\u044d\u0448\u0449", -100], ["\u0444\u0401\u0455\u0443\u0440", -100], ["\u0444\u0435\u0440\u043c\u0435\u043d\u0442\u0430\u0442\u043e\u0440\u0435", -100], ["\u0444\u0438\u043d\u0438\u043a\u0430\u043c\u0438", -100], ["\u0444\u043e\u043d\u0434", -100], ["\u0444\u043e\u0440\u0437\u0438\u0446\u0438\u044f", -100], ["\u0444\u0440\u00a6\u0401\u0448\u0449\u0451", -100], ["\u0444\u0440\u0401", -100], ["\u0444\u0440\u0443\u043a\u0442\u043e\u0437\u043d\u043e\u0433\u043e", -100], ["\u0444\u0442\u044e\u0449\u044a\u0448", -100], ["\u0444\u0445\u0442\u0455\u00b0\u044a\u044e\u0449", -100], ["\u0444\u0445\u044d\u0456", -100], ["\u0444\u0445\u0451", -100], ["\u0444\u0446\u0445\u0401", -100], ["\u0444\u044e", -100], ["\u0444\u0455\u00a7\u044e\u0442", -100], ["\u0444\u0455\u00b0\u0455", -100], ["\u0445\u00a6", -100], ["\u0445\u0401\u0445\u0442", -100], ["\u0445\u0435\u043d\u0434\u043c\u0435\u0439\u0434\u0430", -100], ["\u0445\u043e\u043b\u0435\u0441\u0442\u0435\u0440\u0438\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0445", -100], ["\u0445\u043e\u043b\u043a\u0438", -100], ["\u0445\u0443\u0434\u043e\u0436\u0435\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0435\u043d\u043d\u043e", -100], ["\u0445\u0443\u0434\u043e\u0439", -100], ["\u0445\u0443\u043c\u0443\u0441\u0430", -100], ["\u0445\u0445\u0445", -100], ["\u0445\u044a\u044e\u0401", -100], ["\u0445\u044a\u0451", -100], ["\u0445\u044b\u0448\u044a\u0448\u0449", -100], ["\u0445\u044b\u0456", -100], ["\u0445\u044c\u0445\u0401\u0444\u0446\u0448", -100], ["\u0445\u044c\u044e\u044a", -100], ["\u0445\u044d\u0444\u0445\u044d", -100], ["\u0445\u044d\u0456\u044a\u0448", -100], ["\u0445\u0451\u0445\u044d\u044d\u0448\u0445", -100], ["\u0445\u0451\u044d\u0440", -100], ["\u0446\u0430\u0440\u0441\u0442\u0432\u043e", -100], ["\u0446\u0435\u0440\u043a\u043e\u0432\u043d\u043e\u0435", -100], ["\u0446\u0438\u0444\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043e\u0433\u043e", -100], ["\u0446\u0440\u043a\u0432\u0430", -100], ["\u0446\u0445\u044b\u0445\u0447\u044d\u0440", -100], ["\u0446\u0445\u044b\u0455\u0444\u0445", -100], ["\u0446\u0448\u0447\u044d\u0456", -100], ["\u0446\u044e\u044d", -100], ["\u0446\u044e\u044d\u044d\u0448", -100], ["\u0446\u0456", -100], ["\u0447\u0430\u0441", -100], ["\u0447\u0435\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0435\u043a", -100], ["\u0447\u0440\u044a\u044e\u044d\u044e\u0442", -100], ["\u0447\u0440\u044c\u0445\u0451\u0445\u044d", -100], ["\u0447\u0440\u044f\u0440\u0451", -100], ["\u0447\u0440\u0451\u0455\u00b0\u0448\u0442\u0440", -100], ["\u0447\u0442\u0445\u0447\u0444\u0440", -100], ["\u0447\u0442\u0445\u0447\u0444\u044d", -100], ["\u0447\u0443\u0442\u043a\u0438\u0435", -100], ["\u0447\u0445\u0401\u044a\u0440\u044b\u0440", -100], ["\u0447\u0445\u044c\u044b", -100], ["\u0447\u0448\u0442\u0448\u044b\u0448\u0447\u044e\u0442\u0440\u044d\u044d", -100], ["\u0447\u044c\u0445", -100], ["\u0447\u044c\u0445\u0449\u044a\u0448", -100], ["\u0448\u0430\u043c\u043f\u0430\u043d\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0445", -100], ["\u0448\u0430\u0440\u0436\u0438", -100], ["\u0448\u0430\u0440\u043b\u043e\u0442\u043a\u0438", -100], ["\u0448\u0430\u0440\u043b\u043e\u0442\u043a\u0443", -100], ["\u0448\u043a\u0430\u0444", -100], ["\u0448\u043e\u043a\u043e\u043b\u0430\u0434\u043a\u043e\u0439", -100], ["\u0448\u044a\u0440", -100], ["\u044a\u0401\u0440\u0451\u044d", -100], ["\u044a\u0401\u0445\u044f\u044e\u0451", -100], ["\u044a\u0440\u0401", -100], ["\u044a\u0440\u0401=\u0448\u044d", -100], ["\u044a\u0448\u044f\u0455", -100], ["\u044a\u044b\u0445", -100], ["\u044a\u044e\u0442\u0445\u0401", -100], ["\u044a\u044e\u0446\u0440", -100], ["\u044a\u044e\u044b\u0445\u0401", -100], ["\u044a\u044e\u044b\u0456\u0447\u044e", -100], ["\u044a\u044e\u044b\u0456\u0447\u044e\u0442\u044a\u0448", -100], ["\u044a\u044e\u044c\u0445\u0444\u0448", -100], ["\u044a\u044e\u044c\u0445\u0444\u0448\u0440", -100], ["\u044a\u044e\u0451", -100], ["\u044b\u0440\u0451", -100], ["\u044b\u0448\u00a7\u044e\u0401\u0440\u0444\u044a\u0448", -100], ["\u044b\u0448\u00b0\u0445\u044d\u0448", -100], ["\u044b\u0448\u044b\u0440\u0451\u0456", -100], ["\u044b\u0448\u0451\u044d", -100], ["\u044b\u044e\u0443\u0448\u044a\u0440", -100], ["\u044b\u044e\u0446\u044a\u0455", -100], ["\u044b\u044e\u0446\u044d", -100], ["\u044b\u0455\u0441\u044d\u044e\u0445", -100], ["\u044c\u043d", -100], ["\u044c\u0440\u044a\u0440\u0401\u0445\u044d\u0440", -100], ["\u044c\u044d\u044e\u0443\u044e\u0447\u044b\u0440", -100], ["\u044c\u044d\u044e\u0443\u044e\u0447\u044b\u0440=", -100], ["\u044c\u044e\u0444\u0445\u0401\u044d\u0440", -100], ["\u044c\u044e\u044b\u044e\u0444", -100], ["\u044d\u0433\u043e\u0438\u0441\u0442\u043a\u0430", -100], ["\u044d\u043a\u043e\u043d\u0435\u0442", -100], ["\u044d\u043a\u0441\u043f\u0430\u0442\u0440\u0438\u0430\u043d\u0442\u043e\u0432", -100], ["\u044d\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0440\u043e\u0433\u0435\u043d\u0435\u0440\u0430\u0446\u0438\u0438", -100], ["\u044d\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0440\u043e\u043a\u0440\u043e\u0441\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0435\u0440\u0430", -100], ["\u044d\u0440\u0401\u044e\u0444\u0440", -100], ["\u044d\u0440\u0401\u044e\u0444\u0440\u044c", -100], ["\u044d\u0440\u0443\u0401", -100], ["\u044d\u0440\u0447\u0440\u0444", -100], ["\u044d\u0440\u0451", -100], ["\u044d\u0442\u043e\u0433\u043e", -100], ["\u044d\u0445\u044f\u0401", -100], ["\u044d\u0448\u0401\u042e\u00a7", -100], ["\u044d\u0448\u0401\u0448\u00a7", -100], ["\u044d\u0448\u0441\u0445\u044b\u0455\u044d\u0443\u0440", -100], ["\u044d\u0448\u044a", -100], ["\u044d\u0448\u044a\u0440\u044a\u0448\u00a7", -100], ["\u044d\u044a\u0440", -100], ["\u044d\u044a\u0440\u044c", -100], ["\u044d\u044a\u0448", -100], ["\u044d\u044d\u044e", -100], ["\u044d\u044e\u0443\u044e", -100], ["\u044d\u044e\u0451\u042e", -100], ["\u044d\u044e\u0451\u0448", -100], ["\u044d\u0451\u044a\u0455\u00a6", -100], ["\u044e\u00b0\u0448\u0441\u044e\u0451\u044d", -100], ["\u044e\u0441\u00b7", -100], ["\u044e\u0441\u0401", -100], ["\u044e\u0442\u044e\u0449", -100], ["\u044e\u0443\u044d\u0445", -100], ["\u044e\u0443\u044d\u0445\u044d\u044d\u0440", -100], ["\u044e\u0443\u044d\u0445\u044d\u044d\u044e\u0449", -100], ["\u044e\u0444\u0445\u0401\u0446\u0448\u044c", -100], ["\u044e\u0447\u0442\u0401\u0440\u0401\u0445\u044d\u0448\u0445", -100], ["\u044e\u0447\u0444\u0455\u00a7", -100], ["\u044e\u0447\u0447\u0445\u044a", -100], ["\u044e\u0447\u044c\u0445\u0447\u0444\u0448", -100], ["\u044e\u0449\u044d\u0445", -100], ["\u044e\u0449\u044d\u0455", -100], ["\u044e\u044a\u044d\u0440", -100], ["\u044e\u044b\u00b0\u0445\u0441\u044d", -100], ["\u044e\u044b\u00b0\u0445\u0441\u044d\u044e\u0443\u044e", -100], ["\u044e\u044b\u0440", -100], ["\u044e\u044b\u0443\u0440", -100], ["\u044e\u044b\u0443\u044e", -100], ["\u044e\u044b\u044e\u044a\u044e\u044b\u0440", -100], ["\u044e\u044b\u0456\u00b0\u044e\u0449", -100], ["\u044e\u044c\u044e\u044b\u044e\u0446\u0445\u044d\u0448", -100], ["\u044e\u044f\u0445\u044a\u0440\u044b\u044e", -100], ["\u044e\u0451\u0456", -100], ["\u044e\u0451\u0456\u044c\u0445\u0401\u044a\u044e\u0449", -100], ["\u044f\u0401\u0445", -100], ["\u044f\u0401\u0445=\u0445\u044d\u0444\u0445\u044d=\u0423", -100], ["\u044f\u0401\u0448\u0447\u0442\u0440\u044d\u0448", -100], ["\u044f\u0401\u044e\u0401\u0455\u0441\u0448\u044b\u0448", -100], ["\u044f\u0401\u044e\u0447\u0445", -100], ["\u044f\u0401\u044e\u0451\u0445\u044a\u0448", -100], ["\u044f\u0437", -100], ["\u044f\u0437\u044b\u043a\u0430", -100], ["\u044f\u0440\u0401\u044e\u044c", -100], ["\u044f\u0440\u0447", -100], ["\u044f\u0440\u044c", -100], ["\u044f\u0442\u044c", -100], ["\u044f\u0445\u0401\u0445\u0442\u044e\u044f\u044b\u044e\u0401\u0445\u044d\u0448", -100], ["\u044f\u044b", -100], ["\u044f\u044b\u0440\u044c", -100], ["\u044f\u044b\u0445\u044c\u0445\u044d", -100], ["\u044f\u044b\u0445\u044d\u0445\u044d\u0448", -100], ["\u044f\u044e\u0406\u044c\u0455", -100], ["\u044f\u044e\u0441\u0445\u0444\u0440", -100], ["\u044f\u044e\u044a\u0440\u0447\u044e\u044c", -100], ["\u044f\u044e\u044a\u044e\u0401\u0445\u044d\u0448", -100], ["\u044f\u0456\u0445\u0451", -100], ["\u044f\u04b3\u0443\u0434\u0438\u0451\u043d\u0438", -100], ["\u0451\u00a6", -100], ["\u0451\u00b6\u0445\u0401", -100], ["\u0451\u0440\u044a\u0451\u044e\u00b6\u044e\u044d\u044d\u044e\u0449", -100], ["\u0451\u0440\u044c", -100], ["\u0451\u0440\u044c\u044e\u0445", -100], ["\u0451\u0440\u044c\u044e\u044e\u0441\u044d\u0440\u0446\u0445\u044d\u0448", -100], ["\u0451\u0441\u044e\u0401", -100], ["\u0451\u0442\u044e\u0441\u044e\u0444", -100], ["\u0451\u0445\u0401\u0444\u0447\u0445", -100], ["\u0451\u0445\u0401\u0445\u0447", -100], ["\u0451\u0445\u0443\u044e\u0444\u044d", -100], ["\u0451\u0445\u044c\u0445\u0449\u044d", -100], ["\u0451\u0448\u044c\u00b6\u044e\u0444\u0446\u0440\u0447", -100], ["\u0451\u0448\u044c\u00b6\u044e\u044d\u0448\u0448", -100], ["\u0451\u044a\u0401", -100], ["\u0451\u044a\u0440\u0447", -100], ["\u0451\u044a\u0445", -100], ["\u0451\u044a\u0448\u00b6", -100], ["\u0451\u044a\u0455", -100], ["\u0451\u044b\u0445\u0447", -100], ["\u0451\u044b\u044e\u0442\u0440", -100], ["\u0451\u044e\u0441\u0440\u0451\u0456\u00a6", -100], ["\u0451\u0455\u044c", -100], ["\u0455\u0444\u0445\u0451\u044d\u0448\u044a", -100], ["\u0455\u044a\u0440\u0401\u0445\u044a\u0455", -100], ["\u0455\u044d\u0455", -100], ["\u0455\u044f\u0445\u0401\u0445\u044d\u0440", -100], ["\u0458\u0435\u0437\u0435\u0440\u043e", -100], ["\u045c", -100], ["\u0490\u043e\u043d\u0491\u0430\u0434\u0437\u0435", -100], ["\u0494", -100], ["\u0495", -100], ["\u0513", -100], ["\u0533\u0561\u0563\u056b\u056f", -100], ["\u0539\u0565", -100], ["\u053d\u0561\u0579\u0584\u0561\u0580", -100], ["\u0540\u0561\u0575\u0561\u057d\u057f\u0561\u0576", -100], ["\u0540\u0565\u0569\u0578\u0582\u0574", -100], ["\u0546\u0561\u056c\u0562\u0561\u0576\u0564\u0575\u0561\u0576", -100], ["\u0548", -100], ["\u054a\u0565\u057f\u0580\u0578\u057d\u0575\u0561\u0576", -100], ["\u0554\u0565\u056c\u0565", -100], ["\u0555", -100], ["\u0561\u0572\u057b\u056b\u056f", -100], ["\u0563\u0575\u0578\u0582\u0572", -100], ["\u0563\u0576\u0578\u0582\u0574", -100], ["\u0565", -100], ["\u0568", -100], ["\u056b", -100], ["\u056c\u056b\u0576\u0565\u056b\u0580", -100], ["\u0585", -100], ["\u05b6", -100], ["\u05c1", -100], ["\u05d0\u05d1", -100], ["\u05d0\u05d6", -100], ["\u05d0\u05d9\u05e4\u05d4", -100], ["\u05d0\u05d9\u05ea\u05df", -100], ["\u05d0\u05dc\u05d4", -100], ["\u05d0\u05de\u05df", -100], ["\u05d0\u05e4\u05e1", -100], ["\u05d0\u05e9\u05e8", -100], ["\u05d1\u05d1\u05dc", -100], ["\u05d1\u05d9\u05ea", -100], ["\u05d1\u05d9\u05ea\u05e0\u05d5", -100], ["\u05d2\u05d9\u05e8\u05e1\u05d4", -100], ["\u05d2\u05e8", -100], ["\u05d2\u20ac", -100], ["\u05d3\u05d1\u05e8", -100], ["\u05d3\u05d9\u05e0\u05d4", -100], ["\u05d4\u05b7\u05dc\u05b5\u05bc\u05dc", -100], ["\u05d4\u05d0\u05d7\u05d3", -100], ["\u05d4\u05d3\u05d1\u05e8\u05d5\u05ea", -100], ["\u05d4\u05e0\u05e4\u05e9\u05c1", -100], ["\u05d4\u05e1\u05d9\u05d1\u05d4", -100], ["\u05d4\u05e2\u05e6\u05de\u05d0\u05d5\u05ea", -100], ["\u05d5\u05e0\u05d4\u05e4\u05d5\u05da", -100], ["\u05d7\u05e8\u05dd", -100], ["\u05d8\u05d5", -100], ["\u05d9\u05d0\u05d9\u05e8", -100], ["\u05d9\u05d4\u05d5", -100], ["\u05d9\u05d4\u05d5\u05d3\u05d9\u05d0\u05e0\u05d9", -100], ["\u05d9\u05e8\u05da", -100], ["\u05d9\u05e9\u05d9", -100], ["\u05db\u05bc\u05d5\u05b9\u05db\u05b8\u05d1", -100], ["\u05db\u05d5\u05d6\u05d5", -100], ["\u05de\u05d0\u05d9\u05d4", -100], ["\u05de\u05d0\u05de\u05e8\u05d5\u05ea", -100], ["\u05de\u05d2\u05d3\u05dc", -100], ["\u05de\u05d4", -100], ["\u05de\u05d5\u05e8\u05df", -100], ["\u05de\u05d8\u05e7\u05d4", -100], ["\u05de\u05d8\u05e7\u05d5\u05ea", -100], ["\u05de\u05d9\u05d8\u05dc", -100], ["\u05de\u05d9\u05e1\u05d6\\", -100], ["\u05de\u05dc\u05da", -100], ["\u05de\u05de\u05d5\u05df", -100], ["\u05de\u05e4\u05d3", -100], ["\u05de\u05e7", -100], ["\u05e0\u05d5\u05df", -100], ["\u05e0\u05d9\u05e7\u05d5\u05d1", -100], ["\u05e0\u05e4\u05e9", -100], ["\u05e0\u05ea\u05d5\u05e0\u05dd", -100], ["\u05e1\u05d1", -100], ["\u05e1\u05d8\u05e1", -100], ["\u05e1\u05e3", -100], ["\u05e2\u05d1\u05d3", -100], ["\u05e2\u05d3\u05d9\u05d9\u05df", -100], ["\u05e2\u05d6", -100], ["\u05e2\u05d6\u05e8\u05d0", -100], ["\u05e2\u05e9\u05e8\u05ea", -100], ["\u05e4\u05bc", -100], ["\u05e4\u05e8\u05d7", -100], ["\u05e6\u05d3\u05e7\u05d4", -100], ["\u05e6\u05e2\u05e7", -100], ["\u05e8\u05d0\u05e9\u05d9\u05ea", -100], ["\u05e8\u05d5\u05e0\u05df", -100], ["\u05e8\u05d7\u05d5\u05dd", -100], ["\u05e8\u05d9\u05d0\u05b7", -100], ["\u05e9\u05dd", -100], ["\u05e9\u05de\u05d7\u05d5\u05df", -100], ["\u05e9\u05e4\u05d9\u05e8", -100], ["\u05e9\u05e8", -100], ["\u05e9\u05e8\u05d5\u05dc\u05d9\u05e7", -100], ["\u05ea\u05d5\u05e8\u05d4", -100], ["\u05ea\u05d9\u05d1\u05d5\u05ea", -100], ["\u05f4", -100], ["\u061b", -100], ["\u0622\u0628\u0627\u062f", -100], ["\u0622\u0632\u0627\u062f", -100], ["\u0623\u0628\u0648\u0627\u0644\u062e\u064a\u0631", -100], ["\u0623\u062d\u062f\u062b", -100], ["\u0623\u062d\u0645\u0631", -100], ["\u0623\u0631\u0628\u0639\u0627\u0621", -100], ["\u0623\u0633\u0627\u0645\u0629", -100], ["\u0623\u0643\u062a\u0648\u0628\u0631", -100], ["\u0623\u0645\u0628\u0648", -100], ["\u0623\u0645\u0631\u064a\u0643\u0627", -100], ["\u0623\u0645\u064a\u0631\u0629", -100], ["\u0623\u0646\u062f\u0627\u062f\u0627", -100], ["\u0625\u0633\u0645\u0627\u0639\u064a\u0644", -100], ["\u0627\u0628\u0627\u0628\u06cc\u0644", -100], ["\u0627\u0628\u0648", -100], ["\u0627\u0628\u0648\u0627\u0644\u0641\u0636\u0644", -100], ["\u0627\u0641\u06cc\u0648\u0646", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0623\u0631\u062f\u0646\u064a\u0629", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0627\u0636\u0631\u0627\u0628", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0627\u0646\u0642\u0633\u0627\u0645", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0628\u0644\u0627\u062f", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u062a\u0627\u0631\u064a\u062e", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u062c\u0627\u0645\u0639", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u062c\u0632\u0627\u0626\u0631", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u062c\u0645\u0639\u0629", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u062c\u0646", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u062d\u062f\u064a\u062b", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u062d\u0633\u0646", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u062d\u0638\u064a\u0631\u0629", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u062d\u0643\u0645", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u062d\u0645\u0644\u0629", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u062d\u064a\u0627\u0629", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u062e\u0637\u0648\u0637", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u062e\u0637\u064a\u0628", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0631", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0631\u0624\u0649", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0633\u0627\u0628\u0642", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0633\u0648\u0631\u064a\u0629", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0633\u064a\u062f", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0633\u064a\u0633\u064a", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0634\u0627\u0645", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0634\u064a\u062e", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0635\u062d\u0641\u064a\u064a\u0646", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0639\u062a\u064a\u0628\u064a", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0639\u0631\u0634", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0639\u0645\u0644", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0642\u0636\u0627\u0621", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0642\u0645\u0631", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0642\u0648\u0627\u062a", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0644\u0628\u0646\u0627\u0646\u064a", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0644\u062d\u0645\u0629", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0645\u0627\u062c\u062f", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0645\u0627\u0644\u062d", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0645\u062a\u062d\u0641", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0645\u062a\u0638\u0627\u0647\u0631\u064a\u0646", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0645\u062d\u062a\u0648\u0649", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0645\u0633\u0644\u0633\u0644\u0629", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0645\u0633\u0644\u0645\u064a\u0646", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0645\u0639\u0644\u0648\u0645\u0627\u062a", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0645\u0646\u0635\u0648\u0631", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0645\u0646\u0637\u0642\u0629", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u0648\u0637\u0646\u064a\u202c", -100], ["\u0627\u0644\u064a\u0645\u0646\u064a", -100], ["\u0627\u0648\u063a\u0644\u0648", -100], ["\u0628\u0627\u0633\u0645", -100], ["\u0628\u0627\u0633\u0646\u062a", -100], ["\u0628\u062a\u0627", -100], ["\u0628\u062f\u0639\u0629", -100], ["\u0628\u062f\u0647\u0627", -100], ["\u0628\u0646\u062f\u0631", -100], ["\u0628\u0647\u0627\u0631\u0633\u062a\u0627\u0646", -100], ["\u0628\u064a\u0627\u0646", -100], ["\u0628\u06be\u0627\u0631\u062a", -100], ["\u0628\u06d2", -100], ["\u062a\u0628\u0648\u0643", -100], ["\u062a\u062c\u0639\u0644\u0648\u0627", -100], ["\u062a\u0631\u062c\u0645\u0647", -100], ["\u062a\u0639\u064a\u062f", -100], ["\u062a\u064a\u0631\u0627\u0646", -100], ["\u062c\u0627\u0621", -100], ["\u062c\u0627\u0645\u0639", -100], ["\u062c\u0627\u0646", -100], ["\u062c\u062f\u0627", -100], ["\u062c\u0631\u0627\u06cc\u0645", -100], ["\u062c\u0644\u0627\u0644", -100], ["\u062c\u0646\u0633\u06cc", -100], ["\u062c\u0648\u0646\u062b\u0627\u0646", -100], ["\u062d\u0627\u0644\u0629", -100], ["\u062d\u062f\u0627\u062f", -100], ["\u062d\u0631\u0629", -100], ["\u062d\u0633\u0627\u0628\u0647", -100], ["\u062d\u0646\u0627", -100], ["\u062d\u064a\u062b", -100], ["\u062e\u0627\u0645\u0646\u0647\u200c\u0627\u06cc", -100], ["\u062e\u0648\u0627\u0631\u0632\u0645\u0634\u0627\u0647", -100], ["\u062f\u0627\u0626\u0645\u0627", -100], ["\u062f\u0627\u0646\u0634\u06af\u0627\u0647", -100], ["\u062f\u0647", -100], ["\u062f\u0648\u0631\u064a", -100], ["\u062f\u0648\u0633\u062a", -100], ["\u062f\u0648\u0644\u0629", -100], ["\u062f\u0648\u0646", -100], ["\u062f\u064a\u0631", -100], ["\u062f\u064a\u0645\u0629", -100], ["\u0630\u0648", -100], ["\u0631\u0624\u0648\u0641", -100], ["\u0631\u062c\u0627\u06cc\u06cc", -100], ["\u0631\u062d\u06cc\u0645\u06cc", -100], ["\u0631\u062f", -100], ["\u0631\u0633\u0627\u0644\u0629", -100], ["\u0631\u0633\u062a\u0647", -100], ["\u0631\u0641\u06cc\u0639\u06cc", -100], ["\u0631\u0645\u0632\u064a", -100], ["\u0631\u0648\u062d\u0627\u0646\u06cc", -100], ["\u0631\u064e\u0645\u064e\u0636\u064e", -100], ["\u0633\u0627\u062a\u06be", -100], ["\u0633\u0628", -100], ["\u0633\u0648\u0627\u0631", -100], ["\u0633\u0648\u0641", -100], ["\u0633\u0648\u0642", -100], ["\u0634", -100], ["\u0634\u0627\u067e\u0648\u0631", -100], ["\u0634\u0628\u0627\u0628", -100], ["\u0634\u0631\u064a\u0641\u0649", -100], ["\u0634\u0641\u064a\u0639", -100], ["\u0634\u0642\u0629", -100], ["\u0634\u0644\u0648\u0642", -100], ["\u0634\u0645\u0627\u0631", -100], ["\u0635\u0627\u0644\u062d\u06cc", -100], ["\u0635\u0631\u0635\u0648\u0631", -100], ["\u0635\u0641\u0648\u062a", -100], ["\u0635\u0648\u0631\u0629", -100], ["\u0636\u0644\u0627", -100], ["\u0636\u0644\u0639", -100], ["\u0639\u0627\u0644\u0645", -100], ["\u0639\u0628\u0627\u0633", -100], ["\u0639\u0628\u062f\u0631\u0628\u0647", -100], ["\u0639\u0628\u0631\u0648\u0642\u064a", -100], ["\u0639\u0632\u0645\u064a", -100], ["\u0639\u0641\u0627\u0641", -100], ["\u0639\u0644\u0645\u0627\u0621", -100], ["\u0639\u0645\u0631\u0648", -100], ["\u0639\u0646\u062f", -100], ["\u0639\u064a\u0633\u0649", -100], ["\u0639\u064a\u0646", -100], ["\u063a\u0644\u0627\u0645\u0639\u0644\u06cc", -100], ["\u0641\u0627\u0637\u0645\u0629", -100], ["\u0641\u062f\u0651\u0627\u0646", -100], ["\u0641\u0631\u062e\u0632\u0627\u062f", -100], ["\u0641\u0631\u062f\u0648\u0633\u064a", -100], ["\u0641\u0631\u0648\u063a", -100], ["\u0641\u0644\u0627\u0646\u06cc", -100], ["\u0641\u0646\u062f\u0642", -100], ["\u0641\u0650\u0648\u0631\u0650\u06cc\u0647", -100], ["\u0642\u0627\u0644\u0649", -100], ["\u0642\u0627\u0644\u06cc\u0628\u0627\u0641", -100], ["\u0642\u0628\u06cc\u0644\u0629", -100], ["\u0642\u0631\u0627", -100], ["\u0642\u0637\u0627\u0639", -100], ["\u0643\u0648\u0643", -100], ["\u0643\u0648\u0645", -100], ["\u0644\u0633\u062a", -100], ["\u0644\u0643\u0644", -100], ["\u0644\u0644\u062c\u062f\u0639\u0627\u0646", -100], ["\u0644\u0645\u0627", -100], ["\u0645\u0627\u062c\u062f", -100], ["\u0645\u0627\u0632\u0646", -100], ["\u0645\u0627\u0632\u0646\u062c\u0631", -100], ["\u0645\u062a\u062c\u0627\u0648\u0632\u06cc", -100], ["\u0645\u062d\u0645\u062f\u0628\u0627\u0642\u0631", -100], ["\u0645\u062d\u0645\u062f\u0639\u0644\u06cc", -100], ["\u0645\u062f\u0631\u0633\u0629", -100], ["\u0645\u0631\u0627\u062c\u0639\u0629", -100], ["\u0645\u0631\u0627\u0642\u0628\u062a", -100], ["\u0645\u0631\u0633\u064a", -100], ["\u0645\u0633\u062a\u0634\u0641\u0649", -100], ["\u0645\u0635\u062f\u0631", -100], ["\u0645\u0635\u0631\u064a\u0629", -100], ["\u0645\u0637\u0648\u0639\u064a\u0646", -100], ["\u0645\u0639\u0631\u0643\u0629", -100], ["\u0645\u0644\u064a\u0627\u0631", -100], ["\u0645\u0648\u0633\u0648\u06cc", -100], ["\u0645\u06cc\u062e\u0627\u0646", -100], ["\u0645\u06cc\u062f\u0648\u0646\u0646", -100], ["\u0645\u06cc\u0631\u062d\u0633\u06cc\u0646", -100], ["\u0646\u0627\u062f\u0631", -100], ["\u0646\u0627\u064a\u0641", -100], ["\u0646\u0633\u062e\u0647", -100], ["\u0646\u0634\u0631", -100], ["\u0646\u0642\u0644", -100], ["\u0646\u0648\u0631", -100], ["\u0646\u0648\u0631\u06cc", -100], ["\u0647\u064a", -100], ["\u0647\u064a\u0626\u0629", -100], ["\u0648\u0627\u062d\u062f", -100], ["\u0648\u0628", -100], ["\u0648\u0632\u0627\u0631\u0629", -100], ["\u0648\u0643\u0644", -100], ["\u0648\u0644\u064a\u062f", -100], ["\u064a\u0627\u0631\u0628", -100], ["\u064a\u0627\u0633\u0631", -100], ["\u064a\u0627\u0639\u0631\u0628", -100], ["\u064a\u0643\u0648\u0646", -100], ["\u0661", -100], ["\u0662\u0660\u0661\u0668", -100], ["\u067e\u0634\u0645\u06cc\u0646\u0647", -100], ["\u067e\u0640", -100], ["\u0686\u064a\u0647\u0627\u0646", -100], ["\u06a9\u0631\u062f\u06cc\u0646", -100], ["\u06a9\u0634\u062a\u06af\u0627\u0646", -100], ["\u06a9\u0634\u0648\u0631", -100], ["\u06a9\u0645\u0627\u0644\u06cc", -100], ["\u06c1\u0627\u0624\u0633", -100], ["\u06cc", -100], ["\u06cc\u06a9", -100], ["\u06f6", -100], ["\u092a\u0941\u0937\u094d\u0915\u0930", -100], ["\u092e\u093e\u0923\u093f\u0915", -100], ["\u0968\u0966\u0967\u096e", -100], ["\u0986\u0981\u099a\u09b0", -100], ["\u0986\u09b2\u09c0\u09ae", -100], ["\u09a6\u09cb\u09af\u09bc\u09be", -100], ["\u09ac\u09be\u0982\u09b2\u09be", -100], ["\u0b13\u0b21\u0b3c\u0b3f\u0b06", -100], ["\u0b87\u0ba8\u0bcd\u0ba4\u0bbf\u0baf\u0bbe", -100], ["\u0dad\u0dcf\u0db4\u0dc3\u0dad\u0dd4\u0db8\u0db1\u0dca", -100], ["\u0e00@", -100], ["\u0e15\u0e32\u0e19\u0e35", -100], ["\u0e15\u0e4d\u0e32\u0e1a\u0e25", -100], ["\u0e17\u0e30\u0e19\u0e32\u0e19", -100], ["\u0e18\u0e51\u0e2a\u0e1d\u0e19\u0e04\u0e13\u0e07", -100], ["\u0e41\u0e01\u0e49\u0e27\u0e21\u0e32\u0e25\u0e32", -100], ["\u0f4a\u0f66\u0f7a\u0f0b\u0f4c\u0fb2\u0f7c", -100], ["\u0f56\u0f7c\u0f51\u0f0b\u0f61\u0f72\u0f42\u0f0b", -100], ["\u0fc3", -100], ["\u1016\u1010\u1039\u1001\u103a\u1004\u1039\u1010\u102c\u101c\u1032", -100], ["\u1018\u101a\u1039\u1021\u1015\u102d\u102f\u1004\u1039\u1038\u1000\u102d\u102f", -100], ["\u1019\u103c\u1014\u103a\u1019\u102c\u1018\u102c\u101e\u102c", -100], ["\u102d", -100], ["\u10d0\u10d5\u10d7\u10d0\u10dc\u10d3\u10d8\u10da", -100], ["\u10d1\u10da\u10dd\u10d2\u10d8", -100], ["\u10d2\u10d8\u10dd\u10e0\u10d2\u10d8", -100], ["\u10d3\u10d8\u10d3\u10d8", -100], ["\u10d4\u10d9\u10d0", -100], ["\u10d8\u10da\u10d8\u10d0", -100], ["\u10dc\u10d8\u10dc\u10d0", -100], ["\u10e1\u10d5\u10d0\u10dc\u10d4\u10d7\u10d8", -100], ["\u10e8\u10d4\u10dc\u10d2\u10d4\u10da\u10d8\u10d0", -100], ["\u1107\ub2c8\ub2e4", -100], ["\u1161", -100], ["\u119e", -100], ["\u1236\u120a", -100], ["\u12a0\u121e\u120c", -100], ["\u1363", -100], ["\u15e9", -100], ["\u1798\u17d2\u179a\u17c1\u1785\u1780\u17c6\u1796\u178f", -100], ["\u1826", -100], ["\u1832", -100], ["\u18f5", -100], ["\u1e02", -100], ["\u1e0d\u1e0d", -100], ["\u1e2f", -100], ["\u1e47\u0323\u0101", -100], ["\u1e62\u016b", -100], ["\u1e67\u0107", -100], ["\u1e73\u0304", -100], ["\u1e93\u012b", -100], ["\u1ea4", -100], ["\u1eb8", -100], ["\u1eb9\u1eb9", -100], ["\u1ecc\u1e63", -100], ["\u1ecd\u1ee5", -100], ["\u1ee7\u1ecf", -100], ["\u1f00\u03b3\u03ac\u03c0\u03b7", -100], ["\u1f00\u03b3\u03bb\u03b1\u03af\u03b1", -100], ["\u1f00\u03ba\u03af\u03c2", -100], ["\u1f00\u03bb\u03ae\u03b8\u03b5\u03b9\u03b1", -100], ["\u1f00\u03bb\u03bb\u03b1\u03b3\u03ae", -100], ["\u1f00\u03c6\u03b1\u03bd\u03ae\u03c2", -100], ["\u1f04\u03bd\u03b8\u03c1\u03c9\u03c0\u03bf\u03b9", -100], ["\u1f04\u03c1\u03b9\u03c3\u03c4\u03bf\u03c2", -100], ["\u1f04\u03c1\u03bf\u03c5\u03c1\u03b1", -100], ["\u1f04\u03c1\u03c4\u03bf\u03c2", -100], ["\u1f08\u03c0\u03bf\u03bb\u03bb\u03c9\u03bd\u03af\u03b1", -100], ["\u1f10\u03b3\u03ce", -100], ["\u1f10\u03c0\u03b1\u03bd\u03bf\u03c1\u03b8\u03c9\u03c4\u1f74\u03c2", -100], ["\u1f14\u03c1\u03b9\u03bf\u03bd", -100], ["\u1f19\u03bb\u03bb\u03ac\u03b4\u03bf\u03c2", -100], ["\u1f20\u03b4\u03cd\u03c2", -100], ["\u1f30\u03b1\u03c4\u03c1\u03cc\u03c2", -100], ["\u1f40\u03b4\u03bf\u03cd\u03c2", -100], ["\u1f40\u03be\u03c5\u03b2\u03b1\u03b8\u03bf\u03bd", -100], ["\u1f40\u03c1\u03b3\u03b7", -100], ["\u1f41\u03bc\u03bf\u03b9\u03bf\u03c2", -100], ["\u1f44\u03c6\u03b9\u03c2", -100], ["\u1f51\u03c0\u03bf\u03ba\u03b5\u03af\u03bc\u03b5\u03bd\u03bf\u03bd", -100], ["\u1f51\u03c0\u03cc\u03c3\u03c4\u03b1\u03c3\u03b9\u03c2", -100], ["\u1f55\u03b2\u03c1\u03b9\u03c2", -100], ["\u1f55\u03b4\u03c9\u03c1", -100], ["\u1f55\u03bb\u03b7", -100], ["\u1f60\u03c1\u03b3\u03af\u03c3\u03b8\u03b7", -100], ["\u1fb7", -100], ["\u200c\u200c\u200c\u200c\u200c", -100], ["\u2010\u00c7", -100], ["\u2018\u00d6", -100], ["\u2018\u00dc", -100], ["\u2018\u016b", -100], ["\u2019+", -100], ["\u2019\u00c8", -100], ["\u2019\u00ce", -100], ["\u2019\u00da", -100], ["\u201e\u00d6", -100], ["\u2020\u03c6", -100], ["\u2020\u2021", -100], ["\u2022#", -100], ["\u2022\u00cd", -100], ["\u2022\u03b9", -100], ["\u2022\u2022\u2022\u2022\u2022\u2022\u2022\u2022\u2022\u2022\u2022\u2022\u2022", -100], ["\u2030\u00c2\u00cd\u00c8", -100], ["\u2035\u2035", -100], ["\u20ac\u0153", -100], ["\u20ac\u20ac\u20ac\u20ac\u20ac", -100], ["\u20b8", -100], ["\u20e3", -100], ["\u2191\u2640", -100], ["\u21c8", -100], ["\u21e5", -100], ["\u2202\u03be", -100], ["\u2206\u03bb\u2248", -100], ["\u2219\u2211", -100], ["\u221a\u0107", -100], ["\u221a\u013e\u221a\u2260", -100], ["\u221a\u0424+", -100], ["\u221a\u221a\u221a", -100], ["\u222a{", -100], ["\u2264#", -100], ["\u2265+", 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"\u2581has", + -6.239590167999268 + ], + [ + "\u2581your", + -6.244679927825928 + ], + [ + "\u2581sus", + -6.358919143676758 + ], + [ + "\u2581we", + -6.2776408195495605 + ], + [ + "\u2581its", + -6.27433967590332 + ], + [ + "\u2581ha", + -6.3451247215271 + ], + [ + "\u2581can", + -6.3345046043396 + ], + [ + "\u2581In", + -6.395296573638916 + ], + [ + "\u2581their", + -6.314202308654785 + ], + [ + "r", + -6.616060256958008 + ], + [ + "m", + -6.611807823181152 + ], + [ + "ing", + -6.447174072265625 + ], + [ + "\u2581It", + -6.452106952667236 + ], + [ + "\u2581he", + -6.673933029174805 + ], + [ + "d", + -6.757066249847412 + ], + [ + "o", + -6.852785587310791 + ], + [ + "es", + -6.857809543609619 + ], + [ + "\u2581You", + -6.646720886230469 + ], + [ + "re", + -6.764936923980713 + ], + [ + "\u2581been", + -6.5598554611206055 + ], + [ + "\u2581they", + -6.655720233917236 + ], + [ + ").", + -7.535430431365967 + ], + [ + "\u2581este", + -6.703840732574463 + ], + [ + "\u2581one", + -6.646664142608643 + ], + [ + "\u2581also", + -6.612664699554443 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00a1", + -6.512240886688232 + ], + [ + "\u2581est\u00e1", + -6.643415451049805 + ], + [ + "\u2581were", + -6.654885292053223 + ], + [ + "e", + -7.1841864585876465 + ], + [ + "\u25811", + -7.258858680725098 + ], + [ + "\u2581entre", + -6.757336139678955 + ], + [ + "\u2581do", + -6.7798261642456055 + ], + [ + "\u2581other", + -6.634754657745361 + ], + [ + "\u2581had", + -6.699134349822998 + ], + [ + "\u2581more", + -6.7056884765625 + ], + [ + "),", + -7.655791282653809 + ], + [ + "ed", + -6.845603942871094 + ], + [ + "\u2581his", + -6.768088340759277 + ], + [ + "\u2581out", + -6.794544219970703 + ], + [ + "\u2581but", + -6.772526264190674 + ], + [ + "\u2581si", + -6.783860206604004 + ], + [ + "\u2581son", + -6.932485103607178 + ], + [ + "\u2581We", + -6.832767963409424 + ], + [ + "\u2581my", + -6.881008625030518 + ], + [ + "A", + -7.435017108917236 + ], + [ + "\"", + -7.342019081115723 + ], + [ + "\u2581United", + -6.7726569175720215 + ], + [ + "\u2581e", + -7.068960666656494 + ], + [ + "\u2581should", + -6.79632568359375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Los", + -6.935474872589111 + ], + [ + "\u2581tambi\u00e9n", + -6.905204772949219 + ], + [ + "\u2581about", + -6.873785495758057 + ], + [ + "\u2581would", + -6.827600002288818 + ], + [ + "\u2581esta", + -6.863545894622803 + ], + [ + "\u2581General", + -7.424500942230225 + ], + [ + "\u2581ser", + -6.913637161254883 + ], + [ + "\u2581who", + -6.856438159942627 + ], + [ + "\u2581there", + -6.950359344482422 + ], + [ + "\u2581our", + -6.86244010925293 + ], + [ + "\u2581up", + -6.919032573699951 + ], + [ + "\u2581Estados", + -6.976284980773926 + ], + [ + "\u2581This", + -6.880430698394775 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u201c", + -7.368889331817627 + ], + [ + "\u25812", + -7.524455547332764 + ], + [ + "\u2581'", + -7.118786334991455 + ], + [ + "\u2581so", + -7.000916004180908 + ], + [ + "\u25813", + -7.564515113830566 + ], + [ + "\u2581Comisi\u00f3n", + -6.997671604156494 + ], + [ + "\u2581what", + -6.990029335021973 + ], + [ + "y", + -7.621870994567871 + ], + [ + "se", + -7.133898735046387 + ], + [ + "\u2581States", + -6.923391342163086 + ], + [ + "\u2581todos", + -7.031795501708984 + ], + [ + "\u2581mi", + -6.92007303237915 + ], + [ + "do", + -7.066326141357422 + ], + [ + "\u2581puede", + -7.015387535095215 + ], + [ + "\u2581time", + -6.979575157165527 + ], + [ + "\u2581han", + -7.067641258239746 + ], + [ + "\u2581He", + -7.269882678985596 + ], + [ + "\u2581know", + -7.097020149230957 + ], + [ + "S", + -7.581616401672363 + ], + [ + "\u2581todo", + -7.012786865234375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Se", + -7.1095805168151855 + ], + [ + "\u2581le", + -7.057633399963379 + ], + [ + "\u2581pero", + -7.032321929931641 + ], + [ + "\u2581them", + -7.121513843536377 + ], + [ + "\u2581Naciones", + -7.135801315307617 + ], + [ + "\u2581Unidas", + -7.144185543060303 + ], + [ + "\u2581Committee", + -7.015923976898193 + ], + [ + "\u2581Y", + -7.07985782623291 + ], + [ + "\u2581like", + -7.12532377243042 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nations", + -7.026965141296387 + ], + [ + "\u2581if", + -7.085601329803467 + ], + [ + "\u2581S", + -7.686118125915527 + ], + [ + "\u2581into", + -7.065433025360107 + ], + [ + "\u2581Es", + -7.0779547691345215 + ], + [ + "\u2581te", + -7.034835338592529 + ], + [ + "\u2581such", + -7.0669426918029785 + ], + [ + "\u2581people", + -7.112922668457031 + ], + [ + "\u2581desarrollo", + -7.210433483123779 + ], + [ + "\u2581informaci\u00f3n", + -7.213778018951416 + ], + [ + "\u2581any", + -7.115077018737793 + ], + [ + "\u2581What", + -7.252079010009766 + ], + [ + "\u2581pa\u00edses", + -7.21976900100708 + ], + [ + "\u2581Consejo", + -7.213091850280762 + ], + [ + "\u2581parte", + -7.210659027099609 + ], + [ + "\u2581And", + -7.223997116088867 + ], + [ + "\u2581right", + -7.189398765563965 + ], + [ + "C", + -7.9034929275512695 + ], + [ + "\u2581Council", + -7.098082065582275 + ], + [ + "\u2581as\u00ed", + -7.189996719360352 + ], + [ + "\u2581Por", + -7.209015369415283 + ], + [ + "\u2581sin", + -7.289156436920166 + ], + [ + "\u2019", + -7.17550802230835 + ], + [ + "\u2581new", + -7.131608009338379 + ], + [ + "\u2581Commission", + -7.09794807434082 + ], + [ + "\u2581work", + -7.137571811676025 + ], + [ + "da", + -7.374488830566406 + ], + [ + "\u2581contra", + -7.2754225730896 + ], + [ + "\u25814", + -7.838987827301025 + ], + [ + "\u2581C", + -7.876339912414551 + ], + [ + "te", + -7.446984767913818 + ], + [ + "\u2581information", + -7.162207126617432 + ], + [ + "\u2581a\u00f1os", + -7.280592918395996 + ], + [ + "\u2581these", + -7.194365978240967 + ], + [ + "\u25815", + -7.860865592956543 + ], + [ + "\u2581when", + -7.225108623504639 + ], + [ + "\u2581just", + -7.301507949829102 + ], + [ + "ll", + -7.399011135101318 + ], + [ + "\u2581only", + -7.2180609703063965 + ], + [ + "\u2581bien", + -7.167474269866943 + ], + [ + "\u2581tu", + -7.1971845626831055 + ], + [ + "\u2581under", + -7.19502067565918 + ], + [ + "mos", + -7.280039310455322 + ], + [ + "\u2581Si", + -7.263852119445801 + ], + [ + "\u258110", + -7.86134147644043 + ], + [ + "\u2581may", + -7.202280044555664 + ], + [ + "\u2581Las", + -7.401389122009277 + ], + [ + "\u2581him", + -7.33323335647583 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuando", + -7.284544467926025 + ], + [ + "\u2581international", + -7.206486701965332 + ], + [ + "\u2581fue", + -7.316090106964111 + ], + [ + "\u2581De", + -7.438752174377441 + ], + [ + "\u2581her", + -7.341653347015381 + ], + [ + "\u2581derechos", + -7.365415573120117 + ], + [ + "\u2581here", + -7.369169235229492 + ], + [ + "\u2581us", + -7.2900004386901855 + ], + [ + "\u2581shall", + -7.217638969421387 + ], + [ + "c", + -7.834598064422607 + ], + [ + "\u2581qu\u00e9", + -7.198635101318359 + ], + [ + "\u2581dos", + -7.334747791290283 + ], + [ + "\u2581social", + -7.757770538330078 + ], + [ + "\u2581some", + -7.301233291625977 + ], + [ + "\u2581than", + -7.276162147521973 + ], + [ + "\u2581tiene", + -7.312476634979248 + ], + [ + "er", + -7.6053643226623535 + ], + [ + "\u2581particular", + -7.96213436126709 + ], + [ + "\u2581muy", + -7.307310581207275 + ], + [ + "\u2581countries", + -7.2486186027526855 + ], + [ + "\u2581those", + -7.2769856452941895 + ], + [ + "\u2581re", + -8.019926071166992 + ], + [ + "ve", + -7.625920295715332 + ], + [ + "\u2581don", + -7.4832444190979 + ], + [ + "\u2581art\u00edculo", + -7.382050514221191 + ], + [ + "\u2581s", + -7.472757816314697 + ], + [ + "\u2581rights", + -7.300534248352051 + ], + [ + "\u2581E", + -8.094841957092285 + ], + [ + "\u2581made", + -7.309137344360352 + ], + [ + "ly", + -7.4029083251953125 + ], + [ + "\u2581personas", + -7.433487892150879 + ], + [ + "\u2581development", + -7.284087181091309 + ], + [ + "\u2581desde", + -7.420887470245361 + ], + [ + "\u2581between", + -7.310415267944336 + ], + [ + "\u2581well", + -7.346297740936279 + ], + [ + "\u2581Comit\u00e9", + -7.443065166473389 + ], + [ + "\u2581European", + -7.282129764556885 + ], + [ + "\u2581hacer", + -7.362154960632324 + ], + [ + "\u2581vez", + -7.364392280578613 + ], + [ + "la", + -7.5701117515563965 + ], + [ + "b", + -7.734618186950684 + ], + [ + "\u2581otros", + -7.451155185699463 + ], + [ + "\u2581two", + -7.361400127410889 + ], + [ + "\u00e1", + -7.783209800720215 + ], + [ + "\u2581need", + -7.376598358154297 + ], + [ + "\u2581B", + -8.065228462219238 + ], + [ + "\u2581ya", + -7.492037296295166 + ], + [ + "\u2581use", + -7.375222682952881 + ], + [ + "\u2581first", + -7.391468048095703 + ], + [ + "i", + -7.933884620666504 + ], + [ + "\u2581over", + -7.420534610748291 + ], + [ + "\u2581get", + -7.497107028961182 + ], + [ + "\u2581take", + -7.414392948150635 + ], + [ + "\u2581trabajo", + -7.463588714599609 + ], + [ + "\u2581must", + -7.398826599121094 + ], + [ + "ndo", + -7.527912139892578 + ], + [ + "\u2581report", + -7.371253490447998 + ], + [ + "Qu\u00e9", + -7.30121374130249 + ], + [ + "lo", + -7.584421634674072 + ], + [ + "\u2581medidas", + -7.527651309967041 + ], + [ + "\u2581through", + -7.422702789306641 + ], + [ + "\u2581now", + -7.486466407775879 + ], + [ + "\u2581tiempo", + -7.461577892303467 + ], + [ + "in", + -7.848419666290283 + ], + [ + "\u25816", + -8.057276725769043 + ], + [ + "\u2581could", + -7.471012115478516 + ], + [ + "mente", + -7.520061492919922 + ], + [ + "on", + -7.992688179016113 + ], + [ + "\u2581human", + -7.421726226806641 + ], + [ + "\u2581go", + -7.602126121520996 + ], + [ + "\u2581where", + -7.460125923156738 + ], + [ + "\u2581years", + -7.467469215393066 + ], + [ + "\u2581aqu\u00ed", + -7.396164894104004 + ], + [ + "\u2581general", + -8.069310188293457 + ], + [ + "\u2581per\u00edodo", + -7.553983211517334 + ], + [ + "\u2581miembros", + -7.576251983642578 + ], + [ + "\u2581lugar", + -7.5554704666137695 + ], + [ + "\u2581make", + -7.49330472946167 + ], + [ + "de", + -7.887107849121094 + ], + [ + "\u2581P", + -8.172630310058594 + ], + [ + "\u2581hay", + -7.517629623413086 + ], + [ + "\u2581hasta", + -7.574544429779053 + ], + [ + "\u2581State", + -7.4698166847229 + ], + [ + "\u2581cada", + -7.589645862579346 + ], + [ + "\u2581informe", + -7.591238498687744 + ], + [ + "\u2581per", + -7.748198509216309 + ], + [ + "\u2581including", + -7.487213134765625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Estado", + -7.61137580871582 + ], + [ + "\u2581est\u00e1n", + -7.580253601074219 + ], + [ + "\u2581very", + -7.541102409362793 + ], + [ + "\u2581support", + -7.48232889175415 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u2013", + -8.25822925567627 + ], + [ + "\u2581servicios", + -7.64130163192749 + ], + [ + "\u2581durante", + -7.637264728546143 + ], + [ + "al", + -7.993164539337158 + ], + [ + "\u2581national", + -7.498355388641357 + ], + [ + "\u2581programa", + -7.635011672973633 + ], + [ + "\u258118", + -8.283432006835938 + ], + [ + "\u2581todas", + -7.636895656585693 + ], + [ + "\u00f3", + -8.03336238861084 + ], + [ + "\u258115", + -8.240078926086426 + ], + [ + "l", + -7.921143054962158 + ], + [ + "\u2581said", + -7.576960563659668 + ], + [ + "en", + 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"\u2581world", + -7.619658946990967 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mr", + -7.63562536239624 + ], + [ + "\u2581how", + -7.681691646575928 + ], + [ + "\".", + -8.075156211853027 + ], + [ + "\u2581mundo", + -7.706299304962158 + ], + [ + "]", + -8.187127113342285 + ], + [ + "\u2581So", + -7.889512062072754 + ], + [ + "\u2581pueden", + -7.740187644958496 + ], + [ + "\u2581fin", + -7.749231338500977 + ], + [ + "\u2581Me", + -7.772950649261475 + ], + [ + "\u2581Member", + -7.584251403808594 + ], + [ + "\u2581otras", + -7.762600898742676 + ], + [ + "le", + -8.01170825958252 + ], + [ + "\u2581being", + -7.668066501617432 + ], + [ + "\u2581sido", + -7.738992214202881 + ], + [ + "\u2581sea", + -7.9408721923828125 + ], + [ + "\u2581country", + -7.656773567199707 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pero", + -7.624833106994629 + ], + [ + "\u2581God", + -7.695252418518066 + ], + [ + "\u2581good", + -7.718581199645996 + ], + [ + "\u2581seguridad", + -7.770814418792725 + ], + [ + "\u2581For", + -7.7195611000061035 + ], + [ + "\u2581order", + -7.645904064178467 + ], + [ + "\u2581humanos", + -7.795834064483643 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dios", + -7.742414474487305 + ], + [ + "ci\u00f3n", + -7.865712642669678 + ], + [ + "\u2581S\u00ed", + -7.584609031677246 + ], + [ + ".\"", + -8.109803199768066 + ], + [ + "\u2581ni\u00f1os", + -7.790462493896484 + ], + [ + "\u2581many", + -7.687901496887207 + ], + [ + "\u2581law", + -7.6576313972473145 + ], + [ + "L", + -8.410481452941895 + ], + [ + "\u2581tanto", + -7.766571521759033 + ], + [ + "\u2581hab\u00eda", + -7.762271404266357 + ], + [ + "\u2581did", + -7.780363082885742 + ], + [ + "\u2581...", + -8.387046813964844 + ], + [ + "\u2581pa\u00eds", + -7.797945022583008 + ], + [ + "\u2581number", + -7.686211109161377 + ], + [ + "\u2581Para", + -7.843489170074463 + ], + [ + "th", + -7.9077372550964355 + ], + [ + "\u2581mismo", + -7.766122341156006 + ], + [ + "\u2581There", + -7.782121181488037 + ], + [ + "\u2581services", + -7.704278945922852 + ], + [ + "\u2581control", + -8.392678260803223 + ], + [ + "2", + -8.229985237121582 + ], + [ + "\u2581think", + -7.8343377113342285 + ], + [ + "\u2581because", + -7.73977518081665 + ], + [ + "\u2581uno", + -7.806904315948486 + ], + [ + "\u2581s\u00f3lo", + -7.773292541503906 + ], + [ + "\u2581before", + -7.754379749298096 + ], + [ + "\u2581Oh", + -8.195107460021973 + ], + [ + "\u2581gran", + -7.808429718017578 + ], + [ + "\u2581They", + -7.810160160064697 + ], + [ + "\u2581after", + -7.759021282196045 + ], + [ + "\u2581same", + -7.747759819030762 + ], + [ + "an", + -8.277058601379395 + ], + [ + "\u2581proyecto", + -7.8359293937683105 + ], + [ + "\u2581O", + -8.261068344116211 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00e9l", + -7.753635883331299 + ], + [ + "\u2581life", + -7.785365581512451 + ], + [ + "\u2581hecho", + -7.783387184143066 + ], + [ + "\u2581personal", + -8.172804832458496 + ], + [ + "\u2581measures", + -7.717495918273926 + ], + [ + "\u2581caso", + -7.82640266418457 + ], + [ + "\u2581To", + -7.87521505355835 + ], + [ + "I", + -8.101557731628418 + ], + [ + "\u2581d\u00eda", + -7.814890384674072 + ], + [ + "\u2581resoluci\u00f3n", + -7.871147632598877 + ], + [ + "\u2581a\u00f1o", + -7.869266986846924 + ], + [ + "\u2581antes", + -7.843977451324463 + ], + [ + "\u2581sesiones", + -7.882861614227295 + ], + [ + "\u2581part", + -7.756477355957031 + ], + [ + "\u2581sector", + -8.458516120910645 + ], + [ + "\u25819", + -8.470486640930176 + ], + [ + "\u2581within", + -7.762636184692383 + ], + [ + "\u2581respecto", + -7.893021583557129 + ], + [ + "\u2581ahora", + -7.79125452041626 + ], + [ + "\u2581then", + -7.9042439460754395 + ], + [ + "\u2581D", + -8.401028633117676 + ], + [ + "\u2581total", + -8.517618179321289 + ], + [ + "\u2581yo", + -7.795404434204102 + ], + [ + "\u2581resolution", + -7.751923561096191 + ], + [ + "\u2581back", + -7.902928352355957 + ], + [ + "\u2581activities", + -7.775810718536377 + ], + [ + "\u2581used", + -7.812123775482178 + ], + [ + "\u2581year", + -7.801853179931641 + ], + [ + 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"\u2581implementation", + -7.854830265045166 + ], + [ + "\u2581down", + -7.938270568847656 + ], + [ + "or", + -8.123842239379883 + ], + [ + "\u2581during", + -7.875439643859863 + ], + [ + "\u2581recursos", + -8.000797271728516 + ], + [ + "\u2581Convention", + -7.85303258895874 + ], + [ + "\u2581Su", + -8.059843063354492 + ], + [ + "\u2581presente", + -7.967138290405273 + ], + [ + "\u2581got", + -8.058886528015137 + ], + [ + "\u2581hace", + -7.910646915435791 + ], + [ + "3", + -8.485115051269531 + ], + [ + "\u2581Un", + -8.066473960876465 + ], + [ + "\u00e9", + -8.15384292602539 + ], + [ + "\u2581ni", + -7.971425533294678 + ], + [ + "\u2581regional", + -8.259465217590332 + ], + [ + "E", + -8.46198558807373 + ], + [ + "\u258114", + -8.550065040588379 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gobierno", + -8.009383201599121 + ], + [ + "\u258116", + -8.599831581115723 + ], + [ + "B", + -8.69468879699707 + ], + [ + "\u201d", + -8.268686294555664 + ], + [ + "\u2581programas", + -8.034310340881348 + ], + [ + "\u2581Government", + -7.871528148651123 + ], + [ + "\u2581plan", + -8.588356018066406 + ], + [ + "\u2581All", + -8.01220417022705 + ], + [ + "\u2581F", + -8.67041015625 + ], + [ + "\u2581relaci\u00f3n", + -8.022798538208008 + ], + [ + "\u2581day", + -7.941280364990234 + ], + [ + "dos", + -8.018366813659668 + ], + [ + "\u2581without", + -7.924680233001709 + ], + [ + "\u2581despu\u00e9s", + -8.007566452026367 + ], + [ + "\u2581datos", + -8.032761573791504 + ], + [ + "\u2581nuevo", + -7.991795063018799 + ], + [ + "\u2581L", + -8.497063636779785 + ], + [ + "\u2581T", + -8.445328712463379 + ], + [ + "\u2581economic", + -7.903802394866943 + ], + [ + "\u2581following", + -7.907203197479248 + ], + [ + "\u2581going", + -8.066502571105957 + ], + [ + "\u2581important", + -7.927201271057129 + ], + [ + "ra", + -8.179671287536621 + ], + [ + "\u2581session", + -7.8970794677734375 + ], + [ + "\u2581manera", + -8.011222839355469 + ], + [ + "\u2581situaci\u00f3n", + -8.043014526367188 + ], + [ + "\u2581estos", + -8.050841331481934 + ], + [ + "\u2581each", + -7.947714805603027 + ], + [ + "\u2581otra", + -7.982595443725586 + ], + [ + "\u2581local", + -8.331398963928223 + ], + [ + "\u2581Re", + -8.665945053100586 + ], + [ + "\u2581Assembly", + -7.925899505615234 + ], + [ + "das", + -8.064809799194336 + ], + [ + "\u2581tres", + -8.041383743286133 + ], + [ + "\u2581otro", + -8.00363540649414 + ], + [ + "\u2581three", + -7.974982738494873 + ], + [ + "\u2581ellos", + -8.048707962036133 + ], + [ + "\u2581nacional", + -8.077339172363281 + ], + [ + "\u2581case", + -7.967450141906738 + ], + [ + "\u2581tipo", + -8.020145416259766 + ], + [ + "\u258117", + -8.679838180541992 + ], + [ + "\u2581Asamblea", + -8.076385498046875 + ], + [ + "\u2581help", + -7.999747276306152 + ], + [ + "\u258119", + -8.715697288513184 + ], + [ + "\u2581proceso", + -8.073426246643066 + ], + [ + "\u2581both", + -7.97310733795166 + ], + [ + "\u2581tener", + -8.020121574401855 + ], + [ + "\u2581Este", + -8.082345962524414 + ], + [ + "\u2581New", + -8.120339393615723 + ], + [ + "\u2581process", + -7.947177886962891 + ], + [ + "\u2581donde", + -8.046093940734863 + ], + [ + "\u2581pol\u00edtica", + -8.069844245910645 + ], + [ + "\u00ad", + -8.6632661819458 + ], + [ + "\u2581provide", + -7.938654899597168 + ], + [ + "\u2581tienen", + -8.067291259765625 + ], + [ + "ta", + -8.382304191589355 + ], + [ + "co", + -8.52149486541748 + ], + [ + "\u2581casa", + -7.975536346435547 + ], + [ + "\u2581non", + -7.961400508880615 + ], + [ + "\u2581usted", + -8.013201713562012 + ], + [ + "\u2581She", + -8.180845260620117 + ], + [ + "\u258113", + -8.673158645629883 + ], + [ + "\u2581meeting", + -7.9652838706970215 + ], + [ + "\u2581ver", + -8.047844886779785 + ], + [ + "\u2581set", + -7.972986698150635 + ], + [ + "\u2581importante", + -8.069514274597168 + ], + [ + "\u2581Presidente", + -8.09514045715332 + ], + [ + "\u2581level", + -7.971982955932617 + ], + [ + "\u2581say", + -8.083969116210938 + ], + [ + "\u2581base", + -8.293685913085938 + ], + [ + "\u2581n\u00famero", + -8.10604190826416 + ], + [ + "\u2581b", + -8.31868839263916 + ], + [ + "\u2581own", + -8.029362678527832 + ], + [ + "\u00eda", + -8.209796905517578 + ], + [ + "\u2581security", + -7.9958600997924805 + ], + [ + "\u2581does", + -8.03794002532959 + ], + [ + "\u2581G", + -8.732697486877441 + ], + [ + "\u2581Uni\u00f3n", + -8.112890243530273 + ], + [ + "\u2581cualquier", + -8.113982200622559 + ], + [ + "\u2581nuestro", + -8.090505599975586 + ], + [ + "\u2581Social", + -8.558952331542969 + ], + [ + "com", + -8.873944282531738 + ], + [ + "\u258125", + -8.74263858795166 + ], + [ + "\u2581tan", + -8.056565284729004 + ], + [ + "ar", + -8.492578506469727 + ], + [ + "\u2581organizaciones", + -8.143584251403809 + ], + [ + "No", + -8.052677154541016 + ], + [ + "\u258124", + -8.686647415161133 + ], + [ + "\u2581health", + -8.024307250976562 + ], + [ + "\u2581provided", + -8.02181625366211 + ], + [ + "\u2581productos", + -8.164316177368164 + ], + [ + "\u2581mucho", + -8.042200088500977 + ], + [ + "\u2581Esta", + -8.126445770263672 + ], + [ + "Y", + -8.269105911254883 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sin", + -8.204782485961914 + ], + [ + "\u2581M", + -8.608072280883789 + ], + [ + "\u2581programme", + -8.00566577911377 + ], + [ + "General", + -8.026225090026855 + ], + [ + "\u2581much", + -8.103859901428223 + ], + [ + "\u2581p", + -8.50142765045166 + ], + [ + "\u2581different", + -8.052139282226562 + ], + [ + "k", + -8.74390697479248 + ], + [ + "\u2581How", + -8.18235969543457 + ], + [ + "\u2581policy", + -8.041704177856445 + ], + [ + "\u2581embargo", + -8.220609664916992 + ], + [ + "\u2581real", + -8.530956268310547 + ], + [ + "\u2581cooperaci\u00f3n", + -8.17087459564209 + ], + [ + "\u2581medio", + -8.15731430053711 + ], + [ + "\u2581protecci\u00f3n", + -8.18682861328125 + ], + [ + "\u2581favor", + -8.14103889465332 + ], + [ + "\u2581high", + -8.067962646484375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Well", + -8.27573299407959 + ], + [ + "\u2581legal", + -8.243450164794922 + ], + [ + "\u2581Te", + -8.170769691467285 + ], + [ + "\u2581Union", + -8.040741920471191 + ], + [ + "\u2581financial", + -8.044062614440918 + ], + [ + "\u2581ensure", + -8.03963851928711 + ], + [ + "ron", + -8.259521484375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Grupo", + -8.193474769592285 + ], + [ + "\u2581cooperation", + -8.053359031677246 + ], + [ + "\u2581long", + -8.126544952392578 + ], + [ + "\u2581Secretary", + -8.06396484375 + ], + [ + "el", + -8.566547393798828 + ], + [ + "D", + -8.720685958862305 + ], + [ + "\u2581still", + -8.140161514282227 + ], + [ + "\u2581period", + -8.046677589416504 + ], + [ + "na", + -8.58060073852539 + ], + [ + "\u2581decir", + -8.091917991638184 + ], + [ + "\u2581Le", + -8.425686836242676 + ], + [ + "\u2581taken", + -8.078978538513184 + ], + [ + "\u2581toda", + -8.153319358825684 + ], + [ + "\u2581Secretario", + -8.192583084106445 + ], + [ + "\u2581internacionales", + -8.203532218933105 + ], + [ + "\u2581condiciones", + -8.199773788452148 + ], + [ + "\u2581President", + -8.074586868286133 + ], + [ + "\u2581available", + -8.092337608337402 + ], + [ + "\u2581d\u00edas", + -8.191280364990234 + ], + [ + "\u2581solo", + -8.174306869506836 + ], + [ + "\u2581members", + -8.090156555175781 + ], + [ + "\u2581paz", + -8.190759658813477 + ], + [ + "\u2581final", + -8.705944061279297 + ], + [ + "\u2581data", + -8.128946304321289 + ], + [ + "\u2581find", + -8.14126968383789 + ], + [ + "\u2581millones", + -8.213604927062988 + ], + [ + "\u2581ejemplo", + -8.19475269317627 + ], + [ + "\u2581nuestra", + -8.167855262756348 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reglamento", + -8.187873840332031 + ], + [ + "\u2581On", + -8.144254684448242 + ], + [ + "\u2581last", + -8.156085014343262 + ], + [ + "\u2581possible", + -8.100998878479004 + ], + [ + "\u2581nacionales", + -8.234256744384766 + ], + [ + "\u2581end", + -8.11827278137207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Internacional", + -8.232037544250488 + ], + [ + "\u2581posible", + -8.201374053955078 + ], + [ + "\u2581Convenci\u00f3n", + -8.237436294555664 + ], + [ + "\u2581civil", + -8.835657119750977 + ], + [ + "\u2581mediante", + -8.230362892150879 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mi", + -8.315670013427734 + ], + [ + "\u2581momento", + -8.160979270935059 + ], + [ + "\u2581Europea", + -8.2109956741333 + ], + [ + "\u2581areas", + -8.127172470092773 + ], + [ + "\u2581give", + -8.166380882263184 + ], + [ + "\u2581c", + -8.455249786376953 + ], + [ + "\u2581Yeah", + -8.31829833984375 + ], + [ + "\u2581free", + -8.157529830932617 + ], + [ + "\u2581resources", + -8.110590934753418 + ], + [ + "\u2581nombre", + -8.202180862426758 + ], + [ + "\u2581estaba", + -8.131303787231445 + ], + [ + "is", + -8.70605182647705 + ], + [ + "\u2581further", + -8.117396354675293 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rep\u00fablica", + -8.207925796508789 + ], + [ + "\u258131", + -8.842012405395508 + ], + [ + "\u2581Una", + -8.196015357971191 + ], + [ + "as", + -8.703047752380371 + ], + [ + "\u2581estas", + -8.277039527893066 + ], + [ + "\u2581Republic", + -8.067617416381836 + ], + [ + "\u2581ella", + -8.158411979675293 + ], + [ + "\u2581asistencia", + -8.255483627319336 + ], + [ + "\u2581Do", + -8.404247283935547 + ], + [ + "\u2581since", + -8.14537525177002 + ], + [ + "\u2581deben", + -8.26132869720459 + ], + [ + "\u2581mujer", + -8.212189674377441 + ], + [ + "\u2581Community", + -8.128376007080078 + ], + [ + "\u2581am", + -8.336251258850098 + ], + [ + "\",", + -8.734199523925781 + ], + [ + "\u2581calidad", + -8.275364875793457 + ], + [ + "\u2581political", + -8.143179893493652 + ], + [ + "\u2581les", + -8.253066062927246 + ], + [ + "\u2581siempre", + -8.202081680297852 + ], + [ + "\u2581estar", + -8.190549850463867 + ], + [ + "\u2581cosas", + -8.192482948303223 + ], + [ + "\u2581great", + -8.202720642089844 + ], + [ + "\u2581salud", + -8.281682014465332 + ], + [ + "\u2581_", + -8.892254829406738 + ], + [ + "\u2581access", + -8.154812812805176 + ], + [ + "\u2581U", + -8.724678039550781 + ], + [ + "\u2581too", + 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+ -9.268343925476074 + ], + [ + "\u2581effective", + -8.50832748413086 + ], + [ + "\u2581informes", + -8.668561935424805 + ], + [ + "\u2581cambio", + -8.613998413085938 + ], + [ + "\u2581capital", + -9.162293434143066 + ], + [ + "\u2581call", + -8.596062660217285 + ], + [ + "\u2581principal", + -8.81906509399414 + ], + [ + "\u2581body", + -8.547741889953613 + ], + [ + "\u2581misma", + -8.599363327026367 + ], + [ + "\u2581a\u00fan", + -8.610207557678223 + ], + [ + "H", + -9.224000930786133 + ], + [ + "M", + -8.985684394836426 + ], + [ + "\u2581next", + -8.571601867675781 + ], + [ + "\u2581capacity", + -8.515090942382812 + ], + [ + "La", + -8.72500991821289 + ], + [ + "\u2581common", + -8.51540470123291 + ], + [ + "\u2581fecha", + -8.643594741821289 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hey", + -8.866053581237793 + ], + [ + "\u2581July", + -8.528767585754395 + ], + [ + "\u2581Co", + -9.142624855041504 + ], + [ + "\u2581mis", + -8.735453605651855 + ], + [ + "\u2581Your", + -8.628302574157715 + ], + [ + "\u2581necesidades", + -8.654275894165039 + ], + [ + "\u2581concerned", + -8.516273498535156 + ], + [ + "\u2581mientras", + -8.633910179138184 + ], + [ + "\u2581therefore", + -8.522021293640137 + ], + [ + "\u2581hoy", + -8.589701652526855 + ], + [ + "\u2581city", + -8.570211410522461 + ], + [ + "\u2581One", + -8.62940788269043 + ], + [ + "\u2581*", + -9.30097770690918 + ], + [ + "\u2581Court", + -8.557710647583008 + ], + [ + "\u2581main", + -8.548093795776367 + ], + [ + "\u2581power", + -8.553860664367676 + ], + [ + "\u2581society", + -8.549897193908691 + ], + [ + "\u2581diferentes", + -8.669677734375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Go", + -9.08830738067627 + ], + [ + "El", + -8.674275398254395 + ], + [ + "\u2581unos", + -8.651534080505371 + ], + [ + "con", + -9.190535545349121 + ], + [ + "\u00bb", + -8.944512367248535 + ], + [ + "\u2581institutions", + -8.542267799377441 + ], + [ + "\u2581instituciones", + -8.675447463989258 + ], + [ + "\u2581Let", + -8.695709228515625 + ], + [ + "\u2581debate", + -9.173881530761719 + ], + [ + "\u2581efectos", + -8.676898002624512 + ], + [ + "\u2581whether", + -8.536697387695312 + ], + [ + "\u2581technical", + -8.547468185424805 + ], + [ + "\u2581regi\u00f3n", + -8.685420989990234 + ], + [ + "\u2581equipo", + -8.656394958496094 + ], + [ + "\u2581form", + -8.602023124694824 + ], + [ + "\u2581today", + -8.611650466918945 + ], + [ + "C\u00f3mo", + -8.500622749328613 + ], + [ + "\u2581location", + -8.530755996704102 + ], + [ + "\u2581done", + -8.623714447021484 + ], + [ + "\u2581house", + -8.617508888244629 + ], + [ + "\u2581deber\u00eda", + -8.623200416564941 + ], + [ + "\u2581algunas", + -8.663039207458496 + ], + [ + "\u2581nuevas", + -8.69035530090332 + ], + [ + "\u2581t\u00fa", + -8.484212875366211 + ], + [ + "\u2581Especial", + -8.689178466796875 + ], + [ + "\u2581experience", + -8.551518440246582 + ], + [ + "\u2581tengo", + -8.48567008972168 + ], + [ + "\u2581thing", + -8.684045791625977 + ], + [ + "\u2581plazo", + -8.669306755065918 + ], + [ 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+ "\u258140", + -9.292633056640625 + ], + [ + "\u2581sociales", + -8.71940803527832 + ], + [ + "\u2581considered", + -8.582164764404297 + ], + [ + "\u2581result", + -8.573513984680176 + ], + [ + "\u2581dicho", + -8.625399589538574 + ], + [ + "\u2581taking", + -8.611078262329102 + ], + [ + "\u2581dar", + -8.676291465759277 + ], + [ + "\u2581rules", + -8.580915451049805 + ], + [ + "\u2581progress", + -8.591222763061523 + ], + [ + "\u2014", + -8.984024047851562 + ], + [ + "\u2581libre", + -8.704283714294434 + ], + [ + "\u2581julio", + -8.727738380432129 + ], + [ + "\u2581Se\u00f1or", + -8.66811752319336 + ], + [ + "\u2581current", + -8.600086212158203 + ], + [ + "\u2581October", + -8.602211952209473 + ], + [ + "\u2581hombres", + -8.698773384094238 + ], + [ + "\u25811,", + -9.60913372039795 + ], + [ + "\u2581meses", + -8.70254898071289 + ], + [ + "\u2581responsabilidad", + -8.69675064086914 + ], + [ + "st", + -9.261929512023926 + ], + [ + "\u2581become", + -8.584052085876465 + ], + [ + "\u2581few", + -8.643402099609375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Africa", + -8.645247459411621 + ], + [ + "\u2581until", + -8.639689445495605 + ], + [ + "\u2581modo", + -8.693074226379395 + ], + [ + "\u2581noche", + -8.574787139892578 + ], + [ + "\u2581di", + -9.123353004455566 + ], + [ + "\u2581especialmente", + -8.721295356750488 + ], + [ + "\u2581mayor\u00eda", + -8.726568222045898 + ], + [ + "\u2581region", + -8.58314323425293 + ], + [ + "N", + -9.182921409606934 + ], + [ + "\u2581100", + -9.319366455078125 + ], + [ + "\u2581anti", + -9.28182315826416 + ], + [ + "\u2581issue", + -8.584968566894531 + ], + [ + "\u2581old", + -8.694306373596191 + ], + [ + "ia", + -9.31181526184082 + ], + [ + "\u00b0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581times", + -8.734942436218262 + ], + [ + "\u2581November", + -8.599247932434082 + ], + [ + "\u2581violencia", + -8.755899429321289 + ], + [ + "\u2581English", + -8.864557266235352 + ], + [ + "\u2581application", + -8.575698852539062 + ], + [ + "\u2581Parlamento", + -8.716659545898438 + ], + [ + "\u2581September", + -8.616755485534668 + ], + [ + "\u2581producci\u00f3n", + -8.73151683807373 + ], + [ + "\u2581cultural", + -9.055225372314453 + ], + [ + "\u2581pueblo", + -8.696650505065918 + ], + [ + "\u2581lista", + -8.70732307434082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Humanos", + -8.74283504486084 + ], + [ + "\u2581zona", + -8.727156639099121 + ], + [ + "\u2581media", + -9.15665340423584 + ], + [ + "\u2581field", + -8.60262680053711 + ], + [ + "\u2581cabo", + -8.743499755859375 + ], + [ + "\u2581required", + -8.60628890991211 + ], + [ + "\u2581private", + -8.62278938293457 + ], + [ + "\u2581March", + -8.64100170135498 + ], + [ + "\u2581least", + -8.635960578918457 + ], + [ + "\u2581mundial", + -8.745965003967285 + ], + [ + "\u2581verdad", + -8.599004745483398 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mundial", + -8.74411678314209 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hay", + -8.695582389831543 + ], + [ + "\u2581centro", + -8.750837326049805 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u201d", + -9.013040542602539 + ], + [ + "\u2581Europeo", + -8.717362403869629 + ], + [ + "ic", + -9.023367881774902 + ], + [ + "\u25812000", + -9.185117721557617 + ], + [ + "\u2581improve", + -8.619330406188965 + ], + [ + "\u2581red", + -9.183768272399902 + ], + [ + "\u2581large", + -8.62235164642334 + ], + [ + "\u2581experiencia", + -8.736808776855469 + ], + [ + "\u2581valor", + -8.742892265319824 + ], + [ + "\u2581empresa", + -8.730311393737793 + ], + [ + "\u2581problem", + -8.648947715759277 + ], + [ + "\u2581tus", + -8.749564170837402 + ], + [ + "\u2581individual", + -8.896748542785645 + ], + [ + "\u2581Car", + -9.192434310913086 + ], + [ + "\u2581addition", + -8.62639331817627 + ], + [ + "\u2581food", + -8.626073837280273 + ], + [ + "ity", + -8.894932746887207 + ], + [ + "\u25812005", + -9.227509498596191 + ], + [ + "\u2581nuevos", + -8.771269798278809 + ], + [ + "\u2581pasado", + -8.688321113586426 + ], + [ + "#", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581light", + -8.63085651397705 + ], + [ + "\u2581evaluaci\u00f3n", + 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[ + "\u2581sexual", + -9.351653099060059 + ], + [ + "\u2581problems", + -8.63530158996582 + ], + [ + "\u2581having", + -8.686126708984375 + ], + [ + "\u2581lucha", + -8.755855560302734 + ], + [ + "\u2581p\u00fablico", + -8.766495704650879 + ], + [ + "\u2581hand", + -8.675835609436035 + ], + [ + "\u2581noviembre", + -8.790661811828613 + ], + [ + "\u25812007", + -9.324899673461914 + ], + [ + "\u2581sitio", + -8.743814468383789 + ], + [ + "ja", + -9.070693969726562 + ], + [ + "\u2581policies", + -8.640523910522461 + ], + [ + "pa", + -9.04478931427002 + ], + [ + "\u2581garantizar", + -8.79106330871582 + ], + [ + "4", + -9.087661743164062 + ], + [ + "\u2581Economic", + -8.660194396972656 + ], + [ + "--", + -9.69934368133545 + ], + [ + "las", + -8.834406852722168 + ], + [ + "ation", + -8.972723960876465 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ahora", + -8.639979362487793 + ], + [ + "\u2581km", + -9.39564323425293 + ], + [ + "\u2581anexo", + -8.751304626464844 + ], + [ + "\u2581documento", + -8.767558097839355 + 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+ ], + [ + "\u25812006", + -9.243735313415527 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuatro", + -8.78464412689209 + ], + [ + "\u2581sub", + -9.400269508361816 + ], + [ + "\u2581violence", + -8.695130348205566 + ], + [ + "\u2581January", + -8.681164741516113 + ], + [ + "\u2581Programme", + -8.65184211730957 + ], + [ + "\u2581producto", + -8.80621337890625 + ], + [ + "\u2581treatment", + -8.652392387390137 + ], + [ + "\u2581Est\u00e1", + -8.597522735595703 + ], + [ + "\u2581respuesta", + -8.784385681152344 + ], + [ + "r\u00e1", + -8.60183048248291 + ], + [ + "\u2581formaci\u00f3n", + -8.821527481079102 + ], + [ + "\u2581miembro", + -8.778486251831055 + ], + [ + "w", + -9.398563385009766 + ], + [ + "\u2581projects", + -8.696036338806152 + ], + [ + "\u2581months", + -8.72367000579834 + ], + [ + "):", + -9.558754920959473 + ], + [ + "\u25812004", + -9.268592834472656 + ], + [ + "\u2581Eso", + -8.605863571166992 + ], + [ + "\u2581levels", + -8.707947731018066 + ], + [ + "ter", + -9.327423095703125 + ], + [ + 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+ ], + [ + "\u2581cuales", + -9.095836639404297 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fund", + -8.94981861114502 + ], + [ + "\u2581Son", + -9.491920471191406 + ], + [ + "\u2581consider", + -8.953981399536133 + ], + [ + "\u2581all\u00ed", + -8.960853576660156 + ], + [ + "\u2581site", + -8.97189998626709 + ], + [ + "\u2581p\u00e1gina", + -9.07152271270752 + ], + [ + "\u2581effect", + -8.945915222167969 + ], + [ + "\u2581reuniones", + -9.097396850585938 + ], + [ + "\u2581t\u00e9cnica", + -9.079496383666992 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vi", + -9.516519546508789 + ], + [ + "\u2581alta", + -9.057323455810547 + ], + [ + "\u2581junto", + -9.080497741699219 + ], + [ + "\u2581aplicar", + -9.116096496582031 + ], + [ + "\u2581luz", + -9.0739164352417 + ], + [ + "ni", + -9.439597129821777 + ], + [ + "\u2581UN", + -9.293509483337402 + ], + [ + "\u2581realizar", + -9.096227645874023 + ], + [ + "\u2581febrero", + -9.124556541442871 + ], + [ + "\u2581environmental", + -8.960183143615723 + ], + [ + "\u2581game", + -9.016175270080566 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">", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581Add", + -9.1990966796875 + ], + [ + "10", + -9.717850685119629 + ], + [ + "ism", + -9.150474548339844 + ], + [ + "\u2581standards", + -9.022537231445312 + ], + [ + "\u2581mejores", + -9.137855529785156 + ], + [ + "\u2581Other", + -8.996222496032715 + ], + [ + "\u2581precio", + -9.105321884155273 + ], + [ + "\u2581face", + -9.059203147888184 + ], + [ + "ion", + -9.241118431091309 + ], + [ + "po", + -9.643558502197266 + ], + [ + "\u2581oportunidad", + -9.08657455444336 + ], + [ + "\u2581gobiernos", + -9.131949424743652 + ], + [ + "In", + -9.550582885742188 + ], + [ + "\u2581cumplimiento", + -9.135993003845215 + ], + [ + "\u2581pay", + -9.046411514282227 + ], + [ + "\u2581Todos", + -9.086846351623535 + ], + [ + "ge", + -9.758177757263184 + ], + [ + "\u2581head", + -9.079564094543457 + ], + [ + "\u2581OF", + -8.996932983398438 + ], + [ + "pro", + -9.872222900390625 + ], + [ + ",\"", + -9.282543182373047 + ], + [ + "\u2581varias", + -9.148219108581543 + ], + [ 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+ "\u2581obligaciones", + -9.23037338256836 + ], + [ + "ty", + -9.556173324584961 + ], + [ + "\u2581doesn", + -9.244593620300293 + ], + [ + "\u2581reason", + -9.12109375 + ], + [ + "\u2581requested", + -9.095743179321289 + ], + [ + "\u2581considera", + -9.175603866577148 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00e9xito", + -9.205449104309082 + ], + [ + "land", + -9.865408897399902 + ], + [ + "\u2581wish", + -9.133877754211426 + ], + [ + "\u2581refiere", + -9.196537017822266 + ], + [ + "\u2581effects", + -9.110416412353516 + ], + [ + "\u2581relacionadas", + -9.237691879272461 + ], + [ + "U", + -9.752494812011719 + ], + [ + "\u2581necesita", + -9.176081657409668 + ], + [ + "am", + -9.576242446899414 + ], + [ + "\u2581design", + -9.108800888061523 + ], + [ + "\u2581works", + -9.234829902648926 + ], + [ + "\u2581allow", + -9.08745288848877 + ], + [ + "\u2581contenido", + -9.227100372314453 + ], + [ + "\u2581act", + -9.114360809326172 + ], + [ + "\u2581analysis", + -9.093716621398926 + ], + [ + "\u2581page", + 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+ "\u2581r\u00e1pido", + -9.474384307861328 + ], + [ + "\u2581sur", + -9.789548873901367 + ], + [ + "\u2581anual", + -9.585577964782715 + ], + [ + "\u25811990", + -9.915800094604492 + ], + [ + "mar", + -10.073095321655273 + ], + [ + "\u2581Derecho", + -9.587672233581543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fue", + -9.5013427734375 + ], + [ + "ida", + -9.9016752243042 + ], + [ + "\u2581t", + -10.037734985351562 + ], + [ + "\u2581opiniones", + -9.592262268066406 + ], + [ + "\u2581mensaje", + -9.537482261657715 + ], + [ + "\u2581VI", + -10.289145469665527 + ], + [ + "\u2581drug", + -9.460827827453613 + ], + [ + "v\u00e9ase", + -9.577985763549805 + ], + [ + "24", + -10.18024730682373 + ], + [ + "\u2581learn", + -9.485483169555664 + ], + [ + "7", + -9.461040496826172 + ], + [ + "\u2581Paz", + -9.677657127380371 + ], + [ + "\u2581hands", + -9.565267562866211 + ], + [ + "\u2581anteriores", + -9.604413032531738 + ], + [ + "\u2581remains", + -9.492716789245605 + ], + [ + "\u2581organized", + -9.463784217834473 + ], + [ + "\u2581econ\u00f3micos", + -9.603447914123535 + ], + [ + "\u2581Under", + -9.468579292297363 + ], + [ + "\u2581Universidad", + -9.693894386291504 + ], + [ + "Km", + -10.217531204223633 + ], + [ + "\u2581led", + -9.485093116760254 + ], + [ + "\u2581relationship", + -9.479491233825684 + ], + [ + "\u2581queda", + -9.660158157348633 + ], + [ + "\u2581carry", + -9.475836753845215 + ], + [ + "\u2581EL", + -9.674610137939453 + ], + [ + "OR", + -10.099759101867676 + ], + [ + "\u2581redes", + -9.615327835083008 + ], + [ + "\u2581build", + -9.4822359085083 + ], + [ + "\u2581cultura", + -9.57789134979248 + ], + [ + "8", + -9.378256797790527 + ], + [ + "\u2581Association", + -9.648075103759766 + ], + [ + "\u2581aimed", + -9.46625804901123 + ], + [ + "\u2581tel\u00e9fono", + -9.519906044006348 + ], + [ + "\u2581Solo", + -9.517498970031738 + ], + [ + "\u2581salir", + -9.449806213378906 + ], + [ + "\u2581Her", + -9.838939666748047 + ], + [ + "ji", + -10.192008972167969 + ], + [ + "\u2581desea", + -9.554544448852539 + ], + [ + "\u2581contribute", + -9.446715354919434 + ], + [ + "\u2581wife", + -9.590017318725586 + ], + [ + "\u2581played", + -9.532376289367676 + ], + [ + "\u2581oficina", + -9.526015281677246 + ], + [ + "ki", + -10.108443260192871 + ], + [ + "\u2581written", + -9.48796272277832 + ], + [ + "cion", + -9.74268913269043 + ], + [ + "96", + -10.278349876403809 + ], + [ + "\u2581circumstances", + -9.468968391418457 + ], + [ + "\u2581familiar", + -9.86668586730957 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuadro", + -9.572977066040039 + ], + [ + "\u2581Iglesia", + -9.607492446899414 + ], + [ + "UE", + -9.668190002441406 + ], + [ + "\u2581m\u00e9todos", + -9.607847213745117 + ], + [ + "\u2581consumo", + -9.608423233032227 + ], + [ + "\u2581t\u00e9rminos", + -9.61740779876709 + ], + [ + "\u2581IN", + -9.96721363067627 + ], + [ + "\u2581Civil", + -9.833616256713867 + ], + [ + "\u2581wait", + -9.625398635864258 + ], + [ + "\u2581sound", + -9.510668754577637 + ], + [ + "\u2581cross", + -9.496085166931152 + ], + [ + "para", + -10.051376342773438 + ], + [ + "\u2581instalaciones", + -9.615553855895996 + ], + [ + "governmental", + -9.440381050109863 + ], + [ + "year", + -9.494231224060059 + ], + [ + "\u2581competition", + -9.47309398651123 + ], + [ + "\u2581types", + -9.499610900878906 + ], + [ + "\u2581v", + -9.918351173400879 + ], + [ + ".9", + -10.417901039123535 + ], + [ + "\u2581comments", + -9.47982406616211 + ], + [ + "\u2581Muy", + -9.410612106323242 + ], + [ + "\u2581inside", + -9.566401481628418 + ], + [ + "out", + -9.657358169555664 + ], + [ + "\u2581semanas", + -9.577140808105469 + ], + [ + "\u2581alcance", + -9.610028266906738 + ], + [ + "\u2581increasing", + -9.483345031738281 + ], + [ + "\u2581incluido", + -9.610269546508789 + ], + [ + "\u2581riesgos", + -9.629236221313477 + ], + [ + "12", + -10.168421745300293 + ], + [ + "\u2581elecciones", + -9.613227844238281 + ], + [ + "\u2581conectar", + -9.561508178710938 + ], + [ + "\u2581Criminal", + -9.556421279907227 + ], + [ + "\u2581Du", + -10.097554206848145 + ], + [ + "\u2581ven", + -9.608733177185059 + ], + [ + "\u2581enfermedad", + -9.589377403259277 + ], + [ + "can", + -10.374250411987305 + ], + [ + "\u2581Corte", + -9.635028839111328 + ], + [ + "\u25812001,", + -10.304640769958496 + ], + [ + "\u2581asunto", + -9.538215637207031 + ], + [ + "\u2581overall", + -9.4749174118042 + ], + [ + "\u2581entire", + -9.525155067443848 + ], + [ + "\u2581religious", + -9.500978469848633 + ], + [ + "\u2581implemented", + -9.507237434387207 + ], + [ + "\u2581adicionales", + -9.61323070526123 + ], + [ + "\u2581peque\u00f1a", + -9.557711601257324 + ], + [ + "\u2581tercer", + -9.610758781433105 + ], + [ + "\u2581killed", + -9.602232933044434 + ], + [ + "\u2581faith", + -9.518589973449707 + ], + [ + "\u2581strive", + -9.471808433532715 + ], + [ + "\u2581fuente", + -9.622859954833984 + ], + [ + "\u2581cocina", + -9.610345840454102 + ], + [ + "\u2581Search", + -9.591012001037598 + ], + [ + "\u2581send", + -9.531448364257812 + ], + [ + "\u2581estrategias", + -9.637310028076172 + ], + [ + "\u2581VIH", + -9.607141494750977 + ], + [ + "\u2581incluidas", + -9.626269340515137 + ], + [ + "\u2581arms", + -9.51063060760498 + ], + [ + "\u2581speak", + -9.53577709197998 + ], + [ + "\u2581processes", + -9.488807678222656 + ], + [ + "\u2581arrangements", + -9.473692893981934 + ], + [ + "\u2581quite", + -9.60727596282959 + ], + [ + "\u2581ba\u00f1o", + -9.581199645996094 + ], + [ + "\u2581isn", + -9.731253623962402 + ], + [ + "\u2581kill", + -9.655501365661621 + ], + [ + "\u2581nice", + -9.639874458312988 + ], + [ + "\u2581brand", + -9.507372856140137 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuarto", + -9.5413179397583 + ], + [ + "\u2581relations", + -9.49176025390625 + ], + [ + "\u2581posibles", + -9.64684009552002 + ], + [ + "\u2581awareness", + -9.48840045928955 + ], + [ + "\u2581Saint", + -9.86909294128418 + ], + [ + "\u2581situaciones", + -9.612715721130371 + ], + [ + "\u2581record", + 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"\u2581utiliza", + -9.620283126831055 + ], + [ + "\u2581bastante", + -9.562814712524414 + ], + [ + "\u2581Representative", + -9.487061500549316 + ], + [ + "\u2581pie", + -9.67989730834961 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cada", + -9.618412017822266 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00e9ste", + -9.586316108703613 + ], + [ + "\u258142", + -10.164305686950684 + ], + [ + "\u2581electr\u00f3nico", + -9.637596130371094 + ], + [ + "\u2581esforza", + -9.594252586364746 + ], + [ + "\u2581previsto", + -9.631028175354004 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sea", + -9.7930326461792 + ], + [ + "\u2581Norte", + -9.674979209899902 + ], + [ + "\u2581Trade", + -9.543732643127441 + ], + [ + "\u2581Asimismo", + -9.65057373046875 + ], + [ + "\u2581story", + -9.633011817932129 + ], + [ + "\u2581Com", + -10.406174659729004 + ], + [ + "28", + -10.258256912231445 + ], + [ + "\u2581methods", + -9.500116348266602 + ], + [ + "\u2581conduct", + -9.515390396118164 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alto", + -9.697199821472168 + ], + [ + "\u2581requests", + -9.554855346679688 + 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-9.664011001586914 + ], + [ + "\u2581effort", + -9.504594802856445 + ], + [ + "rs", + -9.570119857788086 + ], + [ + "\u2581choosing", + -9.499539375305176 + ], + [ + "\u2581debemos", + -9.593758583068848 + ], + [ + "18", + -10.279637336730957 + ], + [ + "\u2581haga", + -9.565154075622559 + ], + [ + "\u2581War", + -9.846436500549316 + ], + [ + "\u2581values", + -9.544568061828613 + ], + [ + "\u2581peque\u00f1as", + -9.650676727294922 + ], + [ + "\u2581(1", + -10.27552318572998 + ], + [ + "\u2581equality", + -9.527227401733398 + ], + [ + "\u2581mayores", + -9.665068626403809 + ], + [ + "\u2581incluida", + -9.627727508544922 + ], + [ + "\u2581achieved", + -9.524653434753418 + ], + [ + "\u2581thank", + -9.577448844909668 + ], + [ + "\u2581Brasil", + -9.666558265686035 + ], + [ + "via", + -10.118697166442871 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ecuador", + -10.16446590423584 + ], + [ + "\u2581adicional", + -9.652892112731934 + ], + [ + "\u2581T\u00fa", + -9.420025825500488 + ], + [ + "\u2581became", + 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"\u00e7", + -100 + ], + [ + "sion", + -10.234646797180176 + ], + [ + "\u2581pan", + -10.138623237609863 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hu", + -10.280621528625488 + ], + [ + "\u2581conmigo", + -9.472919464111328 + ], + [ + "\u2581music", + -9.625350952148438 + ], + [ + "\u2581terceros", + -9.679166793823242 + ], + [ + "\u2581resto", + -9.627349853515625 + ], + [ + "\u2581somos", + -9.60655689239502 + ], + [ + "\u2581misiones", + -9.713475227355957 + ], + [ + "\u2581amplio", + -9.690241813659668 + ], + [ + "\u2581image", + -9.607097625732422 + ], + [ + "\u2581identified", + -9.554688453674316 + ], + [ + "\u2581graves", + -9.694397926330566 + ], + [ + "\u2581razones", + -9.665961265563965 + ], + [ + "\u0301", + -100 + ], + [ + "ita", + -10.169539451599121 + ], + [ + "\u2581stand", + -9.66773796081543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jo", + -10.286052703857422 + ], + [ + "\u2581veh\u00edculos", + -9.698885917663574 + ], + [ + "\u2581contiene", + -9.691036224365234 + ], + [ + "\u2581initiative", + -9.548776626586914 + 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+ ], + [ + "\u2581considerar", + -9.76637077331543 + ], + [ + "\u2581quer\u00eda", + -9.580482482910156 + ], + [ + "13", + -10.303963661193848 + ], + [ + "\u2581realizado", + -9.740303039550781 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sub", + -10.077044486999512 + ], + [ + "\u2581declaraciones", + -9.726170539855957 + ], + [ + "\u2581comunes", + -9.73598575592041 + ], + [ + "\u2581motivo", + -9.693931579589844 + ], + [ + "\u2581financieras", + -9.71796989440918 + ], + [ + "\u2581estilo", + -9.740571022033691 + ], + [ + "\u2581destino", + -9.69826602935791 + ], + [ + "ating", + -9.980230331420898 + ], + [ + "\u2581Permanent", + -9.602632522583008 + ], + [ + "\u258141", + -10.298442840576172 + ], + [ + "\u2581scientific", + -9.601652145385742 + ], + [ + "\u2581Relator", + -9.752401351928711 + ], + [ + "Si", + -9.783150672912598 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hav", + -9.597399711608887 + ], + [ + "cal", + -10.382962226867676 + ], + [ + "hi", + -10.060118675231934 + ], + [ + "DE", + -10.296245574951172 + ], + [ + "\u2581permanente", + -9.713622093200684 + ], + [ + "\u2581m\u00edo", + -9.523260116577148 + ], + [ + "\u258146", + -10.32068920135498 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mu", + -10.172770500183105 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bosnia", + -10.295867919921875 + ], + [ + "\u2581financiero", + -9.72686767578125 + ], + [ + "ut", + -10.212601661682129 + ], + [ + "hu", + -10.465176582336426 + ], + [ + "\u2581tama\u00f1o", + -9.7313232421875 + ], + [ + "\u25812009,", + -10.489660263061523 + ], + [ + "\u2581markets", + -9.658539772033691 + ], + [ + "\u2581Instituto", + -9.814085960388184 + ], + [ + "\u2581allowed", + -9.625200271606445 + ], + [ + "It", + -9.670049667358398 + ], + [ + "-2", + -10.4194974899292 + ], + [ + "\u2581responsable", + -9.717012405395508 + ], + [ + "\u2581Institute", + -9.68687629699707 + ], + [ + "\u2581serio", + -9.55798053741455 + ], + [ + "\u2581features", + -9.640811920166016 + ], + [ + "\u2581Airport", + -9.697009086608887 + ], + [ + "\u2581representa", + -9.723347663879395 + ], + [ + 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+ [ + "\u2581eliminaci\u00f3n", + -9.785262107849121 + ], + [ + "\u2581Esa", + -9.690321922302246 + ], + [ + "\u258165", + -10.403509140014648 + ], + [ + "\u2581youth", + -9.71237850189209 + ], + [ + "\u2581sa", + -10.066362380981445 + ], + [ + "\u2581caused", + -9.65646743774414 + ], + [ + "\u258147", + -10.288878440856934 + ], + [ + "\u2581Even", + -9.722399711608887 + ], + [ + "\u2581seven", + -9.680200576782227 + ], + [ + "\u2581CE", + -10.001374244689941 + ], + [ + "\u2581considerable", + -10.304499626159668 + ], + [ + "tri", + -10.334179878234863 + ], + [ + "\u2581Agency", + -9.64601993560791 + ], + [ + "\u2581Many", + -9.648507118225098 + ], + [ + "\u2581introduced", + -9.653940200805664 + ], + [ + "\u2581enhance", + -9.654196739196777 + ], + [ + "ite", + -10.426308631896973 + ], + [ + "\u2581door", + -9.762619972229004 + ], + [ + "\u2581bio", + -10.591253280639648 + ], + [ + "\u2581vistas", + -9.815703392028809 + ], + [ + "\u2581asociaci\u00f3n", + -9.775822639465332 + ], + [ + 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"\u2581goes", + -9.780008316040039 + ], + [ + "\u2581basado", + -9.823161125183105 + ], + [ + "ura", + -10.574899673461914 + ], + [ + "ized", + -9.723587989807129 + ], + [ + "\u2581Panel", + -9.791240692138672 + ], + [ + "\u258154", + -10.396276473999023 + ], + [ + "\u2581elaborar", + -9.840709686279297 + ], + [ + "\u2581cara", + -9.694215774536133 + ], + [ + "\u2581operating", + -9.689964294433594 + ], + [ + "\u2581contrato", + -9.783247947692871 + ], + [ + "\u2581pas\u00f3", + -9.6901216506958 + ], + [ + "38", + -10.494084358215332 + ], + [ + "\u2581System", + -9.801002502441406 + ], + [ + "\u00a9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581posibilidades", + -9.800519943237305 + ], + [ + "\u2581hell", + -9.890739440917969 + ], + [ + "\u2581RE", + -10.496898651123047 + ], + [ + "\u2581asimismo", + -9.827105522155762 + ], + [ + "37", + -10.476617813110352 + ], + [ + "\u2581interested", + -9.733206748962402 + ], + [ + "39", + -10.47848129272461 + ], + [ + "\u2581fair", + -9.731854438781738 + ], + [ + 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"04", + -10.501522064208984 + ], + [ + "\u2581li", + -10.30565357208252 + ], + [ + "\u2581mente", + -9.859683990478516 + ], + [ + "\u2581insurance", + -9.75387954711914 + ], + [ + "\u2581reglamento", + -9.828834533691406 + ], + [ + "\u2581prepare", + -9.876699447631836 + ], + [ + "\u258152", + -10.414755821228027 + ], + [ + "\u2581informal", + -9.9385404586792 + ], + [ + "\u2581Des", + -10.194873809814453 + ], + [ + "\u2581presi\u00f3n", + -9.841653823852539 + ], + [ + "98", + -10.466142654418945 + ], + [ + "Los", + -9.821793556213379 + ], + [ + "\u2581tools", + -9.74179458618164 + ], + [ + "\u2581improving", + -9.71969223022461 + ], + [ + "\u2581completed", + -9.744036674499512 + ], + [ + "\u2581chance", + -9.844983100891113 + ], + [ + "\u2581impacto", + -9.838085174560547 + ], + [ + "\u2581Chairman", + -9.713905334472656 + ], + [ + "\u2581Play", + -9.896746635437012 + ], + [ + "\u2581c\u00f3digo", + -9.838189125061035 + ], + [ + "\u2581joven", + -9.750243186950684 + ], + [ + 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"\u2581Canad\u00e1", + -9.83108901977539 + ], + [ + "\u2581Israeli", + -9.730316162109375 + ], + [ + "\u2581refugees", + -9.731048583984375 + ], + [ + "\u2581preparar", + -9.87798023223877 + ], + [ + "\u2581centres", + -9.757440567016602 + ], + [ + "her", + -10.071268081665039 + ], + [ + "\u2581Guatemala", + -10.399540901184082 + ], + [ + "\u2581N\u00famero", + -9.897632598876953 + ], + [ + "\u00da", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581Therefore", + -9.724926948547363 + ], + [ + "\u2581prop\u00f3sito", + -9.824777603149414 + ], + [ + "\u2581responder", + -9.85791301727295 + ], + [ + "\u2581generate", + -9.732118606567383 + ], + [ + "\u2581responsables", + -9.87371826171875 + ], + [ + "\u2581correo", + -9.8494291305542 + ], + [ + "92", + -10.520683288574219 + ], + [ + "\u00b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "ez", + -10.425915718078613 + ], + [ + "yo", + -10.11632251739502 + ], + [ + "\u2581Toma", + -9.796332359313965 + ], + [ + "==", + -11.193114280700684 + ], + [ + "AL", + -10.489666938781738 + ], + [ + "\u2581reforzar", + -9.859963417053223 + ], + [ + "\u2581Most", + -9.759598731994629 + ], + [ + "\u2581user", + -9.735276222229004 + ], + [ + "\u2581Buenos", + -10.295931816101074 + ], + [ + "ier", + -10.332008361816406 + ], + [ + "\u2581prison", + -9.75942611694336 + ], + [ + "\u2581debt", + -9.733402252197266 + ], + [ + "\u2581pesca", + -9.824724197387695 + ], + [ + "\u2581save", + -9.826190948486328 + ], + [ + "\u2581elections", + -9.74207592010498 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00e9sta", + -9.811360359191895 + ], + [ + "\u2581estate", + -9.741042137145996 + ], + [ + "\u2581task", + -9.725764274597168 + ], + [ + "22", + -10.378676414489746 + ], + [ + "ful", + -9.95212459564209 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jos\u00e9", + -10.359049797058105 + ], + [ + "\u2581prevenir", + -9.86468505859375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bed", + -9.974418640136719 + ], + [ + "\u2581miras", + -9.84391975402832 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tri", + -10.563719749450684 + ], + [ + "\u2581satisfacci\u00f3n", + -9.860881805419922 + ], + [ + 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+ ], + [ + "\u2581practical", + -9.745976448059082 + ], + [ + "59", + -10.521018028259277 + ], + [ + "\u2581respuestas", + -9.90373706817627 + ], + [ + "-4", + -10.434073448181152 + ], + [ + "\u2581useful", + -9.738216400146484 + ], + [ + "\u2581solutions", + -9.760379791259766 + ], + [ + "CP", + -10.53370189666748 + ], + [ + "\u2581educational", + -9.746978759765625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Art", + -10.173328399658203 + ], + [ + "bar", + -10.604466438293457 + ], + [ + "\u2581add", + -9.752098083496094 + ], + [ + "\u2581growing", + -9.752840995788574 + ], + [ + "\u2581separate", + -9.744298934936523 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ese", + -9.773177146911621 + ], + [ + "\u2581press", + -9.764785766601562 + ], + [ + "\u2581identify", + -9.744324684143066 + ], + [ + "\u2581died", + -9.852706909179688 + ], + [ + "\u2581transici\u00f3n", + -9.867693901062012 + ], + [ + "tura", + -10.174460411071777 + ], + [ + "\u2581contar", + -9.798474311828613 + ], + [ + "\u2581COM", + -10.520307540893555 + ], + [ + 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-9.87463665008545 + ], + [ + "\u2581maybe", + -9.926406860351562 + ], + [ + "\u2581conferencias", + -9.905207633972168 + ], + [ + "\u2581communications", + -9.77346134185791 + ], + [ + "\u2581completely", + -9.799063682556152 + ], + [ + "\u2581se\u00f1ala", + -9.871301651000977 + ], + [ + "\u2581boy", + -9.917274475097656 + ], + [ + "\u2581situado", + -9.916552543640137 + ], + [ + "\u2581Federaci\u00f3n", + -9.839517593383789 + ], + [ + "\u2581competentes", + -9.876381874084473 + ], + [ + "ario", + -10.419732093811035 + ], + [ + "\u2581compa\u00f1\u00eda", + -9.845843315124512 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mujer", + -9.877960205078125 + ], + [ + "77", + -10.592363357543945 + ], + [ + "\u2581votaci\u00f3n", + -9.879243850708008 + ], + [ + "\u2581Federation", + -9.72792911529541 + ], + [ + "46", + -10.52059555053711 + ], + [ + "\u2581violaci\u00f3n", + -9.890549659729004 + ], + [ + "\u2581p\u00e9rdida", + -9.864256858825684 + ], + [ + "\u2581hablando", + -9.736366271972656 + ], + [ + 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"\u2581Herzegovina", + -10.436192512512207 + ], + [ + "mas", + -10.31066608428955 + ], + [ + "\u2581compared", + -9.789689064025879 + ], + [ + "\u2581Open", + -9.960685729980469 + ], + [ + "\u2581clic", + -9.919776916503906 + ], + [ + "\u2581privada", + -9.89150619506836 + ], + [ + "\u258112.", + -10.602041244506836 + ], + [ + "\u2581C\u00f3mo", + -9.897253036499023 + ], + [ + "\u2581mine", + -9.847565650939941 + ], + [ + "\u2581fomento", + -9.88354206085205 + ], + [ + "\u2581cap\u00edtulo", + -9.880393981933594 + ], + [ + "\u2581llegado", + -9.830314636230469 + ], + [ + "\u2581definici\u00f3n", + -9.896560668945312 + ], + [ + "\u2581aware", + -9.784707069396973 + ], + [ + "tina", + -10.187337875366211 + ], + [ + "\u2581Todas", + -9.90372371673584 + ], + [ + "1/", + -10.364755630493164 + ], + [ + "\u2581skills", + -9.78763198852539 + ], + [ + "\u2581Research", + -9.84609603881836 + ], + [ + "\u2581abuse", + -9.752303123474121 + ], + [ + "2/", + -10.423270225524902 + ], + [ + "43", + -10.50706672668457 + ], + [ + "IN", + -10.569883346557617 + ], + [ + "\u2581pa", + -10.124979972839355 + ], + [ + "\u2581border", + -9.793943405151367 + ], + [ + "ning", + -10.331629753112793 + ], + [ + "ais", + -10.42937183380127 + ], + [ + "related", + -9.773687362670898 + ], + [ + "\u2581Geneva", + -9.777332305908203 + ], + [ + "\u00f4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581democracia", + -9.896839141845703 + ], + [ + "\u2581visitas", + -9.944210052490234 + ], + [ + "\u2581pool", + -9.801074028015137 + ], + [ + "\u2581effectively", + -9.792963981628418 + ], + [ + "\u2581abajo", + -9.832989692687988 + ], + [ + "\u2581Division", + -9.78939151763916 + ], + [ + "\u2581suma", + -9.83947467803955 + ], + [ + "7/", + -10.40130615234375 + ], + [ + "\u00e8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581delivery", + -9.78862190246582 + ], + [ + "\u2581bases", + -10.319762229919434 + ], + [ + "\u2581watch", + -9.856311798095703 + ], + [ + "\u2581peacekeeping", + -9.785171508789062 + ], + [ + "\u2581fi", + -10.500221252441406 + ], + [ + "\u2581prensa", + -9.893303871154785 + ], + [ + "\u2581solicitudes", + -9.923851013183594 + ], + [ + "\u2581Breakfast", + -9.924951553344727 + ], + [ + "mm", + -10.401568412780762 + ], + [ + "Ma", + -10.31873893737793 + ], + [ + "\u2581buscando", + -9.876270294189453 + ], + [ + "\u2581volumen", + -9.92140007019043 + ], + [ + "\u2581determined", + -9.77961540222168 + ], + [ + "\u2581deuda", + -9.900089263916016 + ], + [ + "gra", + -10.31745433807373 + ], + [ + "ff", + -10.377294540405273 + ], + [ + "\u2581bo", + -10.285496711730957 + ], + [ + "\u2581comida", + -9.808541297912598 + ], + [ + "1,", + -10.62192153930664 + ], + [ + "\u2581federal", + -10.419633865356445 + ], + [ + "\u2581damage", + -9.786775588989258 + ], + [ + "\u2581directa", + -9.890175819396973 + ], + [ + "\u2581Air", + -10.111834526062012 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alquiler", + -9.952997207641602 + ], + [ + "\u2581legislative", + -9.76661205291748 + ], + [ + "\u2581hour", + -9.872475624084473 + ], + [ + "\u25817,", + -10.993131637573242 + ], + [ + "\u2581edificio", + -9.90446662902832 + ], + [ + "\u2581Educaci\u00f3n", + -9.915782928466797 + ], + [ + "ial", + -10.276718139648438 + ], + [ + "\u2581Furthermore", + -9.77410888671875 + ], + [ + "\u2581letra", + -9.878927230834961 + ], + [ + "\u2581similares", + -9.913606643676758 + ], + [ + "\u2581prioridades", + -9.920982360839844 + ], + [ + "\u2581incluyendo", + -9.932135581970215 + ], + [ + "ance", + -10.055733680725098 + ], + [ + "\u2581se\u00f1al\u00f3", + -9.903082847595215 + ], + [ + "\u2581investigaciones", + -9.910932540893555 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ireland", + -9.733182907104492 + ], + [ + "vis", + -10.551462173461914 + ], + [ + "\u2581concept", + -9.770620346069336 + ], + [ + "\u2581Foreign", + -9.741286277770996 + ], + [ + "mon", + -10.571015357971191 + ], + [ + "\u2581bi", + -10.597980499267578 + ], + [ + "\u2581planta", + -9.919150352478027 + ], + [ + "\u2581reality", + -9.789731979370117 + ], + [ + "\u2581break", + -9.867650032043457 + ], + [ + "\u2581condition", + -9.790411949157715 + ], + [ + "\u2581comer", + -9.809574127197266 + ], + [ + "\u2581setting", + -9.774674415588379 + ], + [ + "\u2581Like", + -9.925019264221191 + ], + [ + "\u2581titulado", + -9.922240257263184 + ], + [ + "\u2581Foro", + -9.944132804870605 + ], + [ + "\u2581thousands", + -9.810574531555176 + ], + [ + "\u2581Any", + -9.839204788208008 + ], + [ + "\u2581Meeting", + -9.777667045593262 + ], + [ + "\u2581Irlanda", + -9.865406036376953 + ], + [ + "\u2581prev\u00e9", + -9.912422180175781 + ], + [ + "Que", + -9.721319198608398 + ], + [ + "\u2581efficiency", + -9.76325798034668 + ], + [ + "\u2581Articles", + -9.930216789245605 + ], + [ + "\u2581pain", + -9.835685729980469 + ], + [ + "US", + -10.703790664672852 + ], + [ + "66", + -10.55866813659668 + ], + [ + "\u2581efectivo", + -9.912729263305664 + ], + [ + "\u2581recuperaci\u00f3n", + -9.925897598266602 + ], + [ + "\u2581Les", + -10.207106590270996 + ], + [ + "\u2581Best", + -10.20493221282959 + ], + [ + "\u2581highly", + -9.803206443786621 + ], + [ + "\u2581costos", + -9.939724922180176 + ], + [ + "\u2581m\u00e9todo", + -9.913379669189453 + ], + [ + "\u2581salida", + -9.887167930603027 + ], + [ + "\u2581husband", + -9.909599304199219 + ], + [ + "\u2581independencia", + -9.916142463684082 + ], + [ + "\u2581tortura", + -9.922858238220215 + ], + [ + "ix", + -10.394047737121582 + ], + [ + "\u2581Uno", + -9.843951225280762 + ], + [ + "ham", + -10.531614303588867 + ], + [ + "\u2581enforcement", + -9.788442611694336 + ], + [ + "\u2581CO", + -10.519330024719238 + ], + [ + "\u2581Table", + -9.782991409301758 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cooperaci\u00f3n", + -9.923828125 + ], + [ + "\u2581ro", + -10.310685157775879 + ], + [ + "\u2581plena", + -9.923842430114746 + ], + [ + "\u2581wouldn", + -10.00095272064209 + ], + [ + "\u2581advice", + -9.823931694030762 + ], + [ + "\u2581reciente", + -9.902020454406738 + ], + [ + "\u2581elecci\u00f3n", + -9.909096717834473 + ], + [ + "\u2581esperanza", + -9.877747535705566 + ], + [ + "\u2581sala", + -9.89671802520752 + ], + [ + "\u2581opening", + -9.804052352905273 + ], + [ + "\u2581instrument", + -9.769247055053711 + ], + [ + "DO", + -10.10081672668457 + ], + [ + "\u2581outcome", + -9.797998428344727 + ], + [ + "\u2581noticias", + -9.878321647644043 + ], + [ + "\u2581Indonesia", + -10.446791648864746 + ], + [ + "\u2581king", + -9.853617668151855 + ], + [ + "\u2581esposa", + -9.780743598937988 + ], + [ + "\u2581files", + -9.855598449707031 + ], + [ + "\u2581Georgia", + -10.477055549621582 + ], + [ + "\u258153", + -10.441347122192383 + ], + [ + "100", + -10.619070053100586 + ], + [ + "\u2581propone", + -9.93667984008789 + ], + [ + "\u2581unidades", + -9.946219444274902 + ], + [ + "56", + -10.540801048278809 + ], + [ + "58", + -10.603128433227539 + ], + [ + "\u2581Divisi\u00f3n", + -9.949844360351562 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cumbre", + -9.910815238952637 + ], + [ + "ft", + -10.657668113708496 + ], + [ + "Ha", + -10.16185474395752 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ve", + -10.172987937927246 + ], + [ + "\u2581developments", + -9.98128604888916 + ], + [ + "\u2581Era", + -9.815528869628906 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pu", + -10.450813293457031 + ], + [ + "\u2581obligation", + -9.783897399902344 + ], + [ + "\u2581Use", + -9.921577453613281 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bible", + -9.79537582397461 + ], + [ + "\u2581propias", + -9.961946487426758 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rica", + -10.452203750610352 + ], + [ + "\u2581observa", + -9.907547950744629 + ], + [ + "\u2581visi\u00f3n", + -9.924957275390625 + ], + [ + "\u2581habla", + -9.812033653259277 + ], + [ + "\u2581dolor", + -9.867597579956055 + ], + [ + "\u2581assets", + -9.800286293029785 + ], + [ + "\u2581knows", + -10.179901123046875 + ], + [ + "You", + -9.887227058410645 + ], + [ + "\u2581dichos", + -9.986205101013184 + ], + [ + "\u2581actualidad", + -9.938523292541504 + ], + [ + "\u2581v\u00eda", + -9.91695499420166 + ], + [ + "\u2581esfuerzo", + -9.912069320678711 + ], + [ + "\u2581alternative", + -9.79463005065918 + ], + [ + "\u2581buenas", + -9.913141250610352 + ], + [ + "\u2581recordar", + -9.894375801086426 + ], + [ + "He", + -10.38695240020752 + ], + [ + "\u2581Only", + -9.869505882263184 + ], + [ + "\u2581europeo", + -9.911863327026367 + ], + [ + "\u2581tratado", + -9.934343338012695 + ], + [ + "\u2581felt", + -9.859452247619629 + ], + [ + "\u2581madera", + -9.955634117126465 + ], + [ + "\u2581concluded", + -9.808415412902832 + ], + [ + "\u2581crucial", + -10.204190254211426 + ], + [ + "\u2581round", + -9.846962928771973 + ], + [ + "\u2581animals", + -9.819315910339355 + ], + [ + "\u2581learning", + -9.81368637084961 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hasta", + -9.850181579589844 + ], + [ + "tel", + -10.618204116821289 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00bb", + -10.010951042175293 + ], + [ + "64", + -10.505606651306152 + ], + [ + "\u2581muerto", + -9.772523880004883 + ], + [ + "torneysDelivered", + -10.456307411193848 + ], + [ + "\u2581recientemente", + -9.938314437866211 + ], + [ + "\u2581negative", + -9.80048942565918 + ], + [ + "\u2581bilateral", + -10.117237091064453 + ], + [ + "\u2581norte", + -9.960736274719238 + ], + [ + "\u2581aceptar", + -9.917197227478027 + ], + [ + "\u2581familiares", + -9.950255393981934 + ], + [ + "\u2581trial", + -9.822882652282715 + ], + [ + "\u2581llama", + -9.758577346801758 + ], + [ + "\u2581CD", + -10.46790885925293 + ], + [ + "\u2581Milenio", + -9.945691108703613 + ], + [ + "\u2581Center", + -10.063007354736328 + ], + [ + "\u2581export", + -9.793027877807617 + ], + [ + "\u2581r\u00e1pida", + -9.928364753723145 + ], + [ + "57", + -10.595812797546387 + ], + [ + "\u2581fear", + -9.841375350952148 + ], + [ + "\u2581asesoramiento", + -9.942560195922852 + ], + [ + "\u2581begin", + -9.826891899108887 + ], + [ + "lia", + -10.542434692382812 + ], + [ + "78", + -10.64743709564209 + ], + [ + "85", + -10.596490859985352 + ], + [ + "\u2581trato", + -9.887866020202637 + ], + [ + "\u2581medicamentos", + -9.95278263092041 + ], + [ + "\u2581invited", + -9.841829299926758 + ], + [ + "\u25812011,", + -10.761746406555176 + ], + [ + "ities", + -10.102499008178711 + ], + [ + "\u2581experiencias", + -10.000262260437012 + ], + [ + "\u2581style", + -9.825067520141602 + ], + [ + "\u2581capaz", + -9.91112995147705 + ], + [ + "\u2581emergencia", + -9.9201078414917 + ], + [ + "\u2581categor\u00edas", + -9.980685234069824 + ], + [ + "\u2581hot", + -9.8995943069458 + ], + [ + "\u2581tarea", + -9.917071342468262 + ], + [ + "\u2581deb\u00eda", + -9.922484397888184 + ], + [ + "\u2581Che", + -10.602540016174316 + ], + [ + "ING", + -10.154359817504883 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cha", + -10.448081016540527 + ], + [ + "\u2581pocos", + -9.997371673583984 + ], + [ + "\u2581accepted", + -9.823160171508789 + ], + [ + "adas", + -9.925934791564941 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cal", + -10.444376945495605 + ], + [ + "\u2581humanidad", + -9.952047348022461 + ], + [ + "\u2581activa", + -9.94542121887207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Asociaci\u00f3n", + -9.971039772033691 + ], + [ + "ice", + -10.6204252243042 + ], + [ + "\u2581m\u00e9dicos", + -9.970928192138672 + ], + [ + "\u2581pretty", + -9.984410285949707 + ], + [ + "\u2581continuar", + -9.958311080932617 + ], + [ + "\u2581fields", + -9.863208770751953 + ], + [ + "\u258157", + -10.546896934509277 + ], + [ + "09", + -10.701440811157227 + ], + [ + "\u2581collaboration", + -9.829790115356445 + ], + [ + "\u2581vulnerable", + -9.962789535522461 + ], + [ + "\u2581permanent", + -9.826223373413086 + ], + [ + "\u2581imp", + -10.795372009277344 + ], + [ + "\u2581intervenci\u00f3n", + -9.954924583435059 + ], + [ + "\u2581internet", + -10.475249290466309 + ], + [ + "\u2581prioridad", + -9.951940536499023 + ], + [ + "van", + -10.578078269958496 + ], + [ + "\u2581hotels", + -9.897445678710938 + ], + [ + "\u2581Black", + -10.180309295654297 + ], + [ + "\u2581aplicable", + -9.93432331085205 + ], + [ + "\u2581sometimes", + -9.8558988571167 + ], + [ + "\u2581Summit", + -9.821013450622559 + ], + [ + "\u2581inmediatamente", + -9.942781448364258 + ], + [ + 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-9.836731910705566 + ], + [ + "\u2581London", + -10.021835327148438 + ], + [ + "\u2581figure", + -9.953170776367188 + ], + [ + "\u2581recommends", + -9.855426788330078 + ], + [ + "\u2581piel", + -9.922015190124512 + ], + [ + "\u2581plant", + -9.84203052520752 + ], + [ + "\u2581comunitaria", + -9.941452026367188 + ], + [ + "\u2581aguas", + -10.02170467376709 + ], + [ + "\u2581necesitan", + -9.921445846557617 + ], + [ + "\u2581hoteles", + -9.993914604187012 + ], + [ + "\u2581Za", + -10.399310111999512 + ], + [ + "3,", + -10.8224458694458 + ], + [ + "\u2581approval", + -9.81525707244873 + ], + [ + "\u2581adecuado", + -9.94343090057373 + ], + [ + "\u2581costo", + -9.957454681396484 + ], + [ + "\u2581estabilidad", + -9.95005989074707 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mientras", + -9.933426856994629 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pan", + -10.678637504577637 + ], + [ + "\u2581paragraphs", + -9.891828536987305 + ], + [ + "42", + -10.585897445678711 + ], + [ + "\u2581improved", + -9.852849006652832 + ], + [ + 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], + [ + "\u2581transferencia", + -9.948105812072754 + ], + [ + "\u2581petici\u00f3n", + -9.964959144592285 + ], + [ + "\u2581breakfast", + -9.98647403717041 + ], + [ + "\u2581espa\u00f1ol", + -10.012368202209473 + ], + [ + "zi", + -10.672587394714355 + ], + [ + "\u2581exactly", + -9.938678741455078 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sir", + -10.23323917388916 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00e1reas", + -10.005145072937012 + ], + [ + "Mi", + -10.167097091674805 + ], + [ + "\u2581bus", + -10.196599006652832 + ], + [ + "hat", + -10.003999710083008 + ], + [ + "1.", + -10.763285636901855 + ], + [ + "\u2581acto", + -9.950212478637695 + ], + [ + "\u2581a\u00f1adir", + -10.017001152038574 + ], + [ + "\u2581Washington", + -10.593365669250488 + ], + [ + "\u2581hair", + -9.915098190307617 + ], + [ + "\u2581inform", + -9.836540222167969 + ], + [ + "\u2581Santo", + -10.12267780303955 + ], + [ + "verdad", + -9.750600814819336 + ], + [ + "\u2581cities", + -9.853811264038086 + ], + [ + "\u2581opened", + -9.887864112854004 + ], + [ + "xi", + -10.48555850982666 + ], + [ + "\u2581Latina", + -10.040154457092285 + ], + [ + "ica", + -10.414345741271973 + ], + [ + "\u2581Democr\u00e1tica", + -9.917187690734863 + ], + [ + "\u2581diferencias", + -10.002494812011719 + ], + [ + "\u2581regards", + -9.901111602783203 + ], + [ + "\u2581campaign", + -9.871585845947266 + ], + [ + "CI", + -10.437053680419922 + ], + [ + "\u2581territorios", + -9.985918998718262 + ], + [ + "\u2581indicadores", + -9.99502944946289 + ], + [ + "\u25812005.", + -10.672867774963379 + ], + [ + "\u2581socio", + -10.557624816894531 + ], + [ + "\u2581haven", + -10.044194221496582 + ], + [ + "\u2581negocios", + -9.952227592468262 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dis", + -10.636909484863281 + ], + [ + "\u2581street", + -9.979340553283691 + ], + [ + "\u2581sal", + -10.177146911621094 + ], + [ + "\u2581stock", + -10.048480033874512 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00fatil", + -9.979326248168945 + ], + [ + "\u2581abierta", + -9.945341110229492 + ], + [ + "\u2581electoral", + -10.54686164855957 + ], + [ + "\u2581Its", + -10.420793533325195 + ], + [ + "6/", + -10.486540794372559 + ], + [ + "ET", + -10.760459899902344 + ], + [ + "\u2581na", + -10.468836784362793 + ], + [ + "bri", + -10.484210014343262 + ], + [ + "\u2581insta", + -9.992806434631348 + ], + [ + "\u2581yeah", + -10.04692554473877 + ], + [ + "\u2581Comercio", + -9.97574520111084 + ], + [ + "\u2581vosotros", + -9.950621604919434 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kuwait", + -10.52456283569336 + ], + [ + "\u2581aeropuerto", + -9.989266395568848 + ], + [ + "\u2581deep", + -9.89265251159668 + ], + [ + "\u2581operaci\u00f3n", + -9.949389457702637 + ], + [ + "\u2581inicio", + -10.001996040344238 + ], + [ + "\u2581150", + -10.535653114318848 + ], + [ + "\u2581housing", + -9.871284484863281 + ], + [ + "\u2581consequences", + -9.856351852416992 + ], + [ + "\u2581View", + -9.9876070022583 + ], + [ + "way", + -10.340194702148438 + ], + [ + "\u2581alia", + -9.855451583862305 + ], + [ + "\u2581attack", + -9.904984474182129 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tema", + -9.976370811462402 + ], + [ + "\u25812012,", + -10.858038902282715 + ], + [ + "\u2581Official", + -9.810648918151855 + ], + [ + "\u258192", + -10.57534408569336 + ], + [ + "\u2581Moreover", + -9.867449760437012 + ], + [ + "-5", + -10.572548866271973 + ], + [ + "IP", + -10.724234580993652 + ], + [ + "\u2581celebraci\u00f3n", + -9.989630699157715 + ], + [ + "\u2581Environment", + -9.873318672180176 + ], + [ + "\u2581spiritual", + -9.864428520202637 + ], + [ + "\u2581monitor", + -9.989791870117188 + ], + [ + "\u2581suerte", + -9.830090522766113 + ], + [ + "\u2581f\u00edsica", + -9.979894638061523 + ], + [ + "\u2581instead", + -9.913983345031738 + ], + [ + "\u2581clim\u00e1tico", + -10.005581855773926 + ], + [ + "\u2581lejos", + -9.902235984802246 + ], + [ + "\u2581ethnic", + -9.860851287841797 + ], + [ + "!\"", + -10.508818626403809 + ], + [ + "\u2581hi", + -10.795882225036621 + ], + [ + "\u2581determinados", + -9.988207817077637 + ], + [ + "\u2581ra", + -10.33479118347168 + ], + [ + "\u2581Members", + -9.995259284973145 + ], + [ + "\u2581variety", + -9.86204719543457 + ], + [ + "\u2581numbers", + -10.029107093811035 + ], + [ + "\u2581Top", + -10.478409767150879 + ], + [ + "\u2581listen", + -10.002326011657715 + ], + [ + "\u2581partner", + -9.980341911315918 + ], + [ + "\u25818,", + -11.135623931884766 + ], + [ + "\u2581tool", + -9.914117813110352 + ], + [ + "\u2581habr\u00e1", + -9.915916442871094 + ], + [ + "\u2581quickly", + -9.881365776062012 + ], + [ + "ding", + -10.333917617797852 + ], + [ + "\u00e1ndose", + -10.050312995910645 + ], + [ + "\u2581contrataci\u00f3n", + -9.990336418151855 + ], + [ + "\u2581method", + -9.865852355957031 + ], + [ + "\u2581partido", + -9.938827514648438 + ], + [ + "\u2581Corea", + -9.950946807861328 + ], + [ + "\u2581compartir", + -9.984066009521484 + ], + [ + "\u2581extranjeros", + -10.007646560668945 + ], + [ + "\u2581causas", + -10.040499687194824 + ], + [ + "\u2581metal", + -10.476503372192383 + ], + [ + "\u2581birth", + -9.87409782409668 + ], + [ + "q", + -10.632367134094238 + ], + [ + "\u2581resulting", + -9.880970001220703 + ], + [ + "\u2581fast", + -9.946163177490234 + ], + [ + "\u258164", + -10.579413414001465 + ], + [ + "\u2581shared", + -9.890218734741211 + ], + [ + "Un", + -10.031986236572266 + ], + [ + "\u2581resource", + -9.867528915405273 + ], + [ + "\u2581kids", + -10.008584022521973 + ], + [ + "\u2581tercera", + -10.0055513381958 + ], + [ + "\u2581expenditure", + -9.832080841064453 + ], + [ + "\u2581jobs", + -9.904105186462402 + ], + [ + "\u2581-\u00bf", + -9.701204299926758 + ], + [ + "\u2581aplica", + -9.984261512756348 + ], + [ + "\u2581t\u00e9rmino", + -9.991738319396973 + ], + [ + "\u2581fishing", + -9.86770248413086 + ], + [ + "\u2581Green", + -10.233216285705566 + ], + [ + "\u2581Twitter", + -10.599259376525879 + ], + [ + "use", + -10.210376739501953 + ], + [ + "\u2581funciona", + -9.93380069732666 + ], + [ + "\u2581sales", + -10.064597129821777 + ], + [ + "\u2581looks", + -10.046628952026367 + ], + [ + "izar", + -10.201894760131836 + ], + [ + "\u2581Honduras", + -10.528280258178711 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hoteles", + -10.033102989196777 + ], + [ + "tico", + -10.378761291503906 + ], + [ + "\u2581cancer", + -9.942333221435547 + ], + [ + "This", + -9.89573860168457 + ], + [ + "\u2581activos", + -10.007683753967285 + ], + [ + "\u2581entender", + -9.934880256652832 + ], + [ + "\u2581particularmente", + -10.03405475616455 + ], + [ + "\u2581europeos", + -10.006422996520996 + ], + [ + "87", + -10.675896644592285 + ], + [ + "\u2581stability", + -9.849822044372559 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bolivia", + -10.52609634399414 + ], + [ + "\u2581listed", + -9.869732856750488 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sha", + -10.671601295471191 + ], + [ + "\u2581difusi\u00f3n", + -9.999448776245117 + ], + [ + "\u2581Spirit", + -9.948010444641113 + ], + [ + "\u2581estudiar", + -9.997865676879883 + ], + [ + "\u2581ten\u00edan", + -10.003732681274414 + ], + [ + "\u2581cree", + -9.848267555236816 + ], + [ + "\u2581t\u00e9cnico", + -9.9967622756958 + ], + [ + "\u2581guess", + -10.089862823486328 + ], + [ + "\u2581vehicles", + -9.875127792358398 + ], + [ + "\u2581efectiva", + -9.997705459594727 + ], + [ + "\u2581aspecto", + -9.984898567199707 + ], + [ + "tergovernmental", + -9.88908576965332 + ], + [ + "\u2581(2)", + -10.242318153381348 + ], + [ + "\u2581preciso", + -9.969759941101074 + ], + [ + "\u2581committee", + -9.859896659851074 + ], + [ + "iza", + -10.391373634338379 + ], + [ + "\u2581componentes", + -10.003950119018555 + ], + [ + "\u2581vehicle", + -9.87025260925293 + ], + [ + "\u2581ne", + -10.634271621704102 + ], + [ + "\u2581vivienda", + -10.022758483886719 + ], + [ + "ible", + -10.491021156311035 + ], + [ + "\u2581llamada", + -9.938244819641113 + ], + [ + "\u2581democratic", + -9.875969886779785 + ], + [ + "\u2581visits", + -9.940802574157715 + ], + [ + "ano", + -10.607955932617188 + ], + [ + "\u2581interna", + -10.000625610351562 + ], + [ + "\u2581debates", + -10.304237365722656 + ], + [ + "\u2581pleno", + -10.02389144897461 + ], + [ + "\u2581continuing", + -9.882726669311523 + ], + [ + "3/", + -10.489096641540527 + ], + [ + "\u2581jefe", + -9.88547134399414 + ], + [ + "\u2581phase", + -9.86269760131836 + ], + [ + "\u2581conclusi\u00f3n", + -9.990836143493652 + ], + [ + "\u2581Earth", + -10.004622459411621 + ], + [ + "\u2581elemento", + -9.996421813964844 + ], + [ + "\u2581se\u00f1alar", + -10.040135383605957 + ], + [ + "Al", + -10.283851623535156 + ], + [ + "\u2581pone", + -9.997565269470215 + ], + [ + "\u2581via", + -9.898154258728027 + ], + [ + "\u2581abrir", + -9.981908798217773 + ], + [ + "\u2581Caribe", + -10.028717994689941 + ], + [ + "\u2581fortalecimiento", + -10.01502513885498 + ], + [ + "\u2581Part", + -9.980997085571289 + ], + [ + "\u2581threat", + -9.885523796081543 + ], + [ + "\u2581garant\u00eda", + -9.97922134399414 + ], + [ + "\u2581cursos", + -10.05435848236084 + ], + [ + "`", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u258113.", + -10.69614028930664 + ], + [ + "69", + -10.62940502166748 + ], + [ + "\u2581interno", + -10.003405570983887 + ], + [ + "\u2581ongoing", + -9.893098831176758 + ], + [ + "ure", + -10.579623222351074 + ], + [ + "\u2581matrimonio", + -9.958281517028809 + ], + [ + "lla", + -9.95358657836914 + ], + [ + "54", + -10.720831871032715 + ], + [ + "\u2581target", + -9.887497901916504 + ], + [ + "Quieres", + -9.7827730178833 + ], + [ + "\u2581selecci\u00f3n", + -10.015871047973633 + ], + [ + "\u2581ba", + -10.285855293273926 + ], + [ + "encia", + -10.586183547973633 + ], + [ + "\u2581internos", + -10.017083168029785 + ], + [ + "\u2581direction", + -9.909577369689941 + ], + [ + "\u2581generally", + -9.8878755569458 + ], + [ + "\u2581institution", + -9.861677169799805 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sun", + -10.466242790222168 + ], + [ + "\u2581voice", + -9.91280746459961 + ], + [ + "\u2581asociaciones", + -10.025238990783691 + ], + [ + "\u2581Habitaciones", + -10.081544876098633 + ], + [ + "\u2581sessions", + -10.000669479370117 + ], + [ + "\u2581Netherlands", + -9.867547035217285 + ], + [ + "\u2581basada", + -10.013569831848145 + ], + [ + "\u2581modelos", + -10.04427719116211 + ], + [ + "\u2581dichas", + -10.025242805480957 + ], + [ + "\u2581consultation", + -9.859094619750977 + ], + [ + "\u2581pedir", + -9.960634231567383 + ], + [ + "\u2581publication", + -9.857638359069824 + ], + [ + "\u00e0", + -100 + ], + [ + "86", + -10.612794876098633 + ], + [ + "\u2581iba", + -9.867740631103516 + ], + [ + "\u2581emisiones", + -9.99511432647705 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00e1mbitos", + -10.038779258728027 + ], + [ + "\u2581comunitario", + -10.013501167297363 + ], + [ + "\u25811998,", + -10.71956729888916 + ], + [ + "\u2581har\u00e1", + -9.92969036102295 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wait", + -10.105642318725586 + ], + [ + "\u2581donantes", + -10.029106140136719 + ], + [ + "\u2581establecidos", + -10.03862476348877 + ], + [ + "\u2581King", + -10.174293518066406 + ], + [ + "\u2581ta", + -10.552285194396973 + ], + [ + "\u2581illegal", + -9.88904857635498 + ], + [ + "\u2581aplicaciones", + -10.033875465393066 + ], + [ + "\u2581Show", + -10.097994804382324 + ], + [ + "\u2581fish", + -9.926905632019043 + ], + [ + "\u2581Joint", + -9.86816692352295 + ], + [ + "\u2581limit", + -9.872486114501953 + ], + [ + "\u2581Inicio", + -10.085816383361816 + ], + [ + "\u2581recovery", + -9.888126373291016 + ], + [ + "\u2581cielo", + -9.94533634185791 + ], + [ + "\u2581amendments", + -9.90105152130127 + ], + [ + "\u2581po", + -10.322742462158203 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rwanda", + -10.59038257598877 + ], + [ + "\u2581Peace", + -9.923511505126953 + ], + [ + "\u2581Business", + -10.043566703796387 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hoy", + -9.933259010314941 + ], + [ + "\u2581ayudas", + -10.065388679504395 + ], + [ + "\u2581George", + -10.639973640441895 + ], + [ + "\u2581release", + -9.89155101776123 + ], + [ + "\u2581hija", + -9.876274108886719 + ], + [ + "\u2581drugs", + -9.931707382202148 + ], + [ + "\u2581existence", + -9.881948471069336 + ], + [ + "\u2581discussions", + -9.905938148498535 + ], + [ + "\u2581infantil", + -10.01671314239502 + ], + [ + "\u2581influence", + -9.899564743041992 + ], + [ + "\u2581superficie", + -10.025776863098145 + ], + [ + "\u2581viven", + -10.012725830078125 + ], + [ + "RE", + -10.761046409606934 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tienes", + -9.838833808898926 + ], + [ + "\u2581supporting", + -9.919601440429688 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pen", + -10.728425979614258 + ], + [ + "\u2581delegations", + -9.929450988769531 + ], + [ + "\u2581integral", + -10.531586647033691 + ], + [ + "\u2581cap", + -10.595489501953125 + ], + [ + "\u2581democracy", + -9.900115966796875 + ], + [ + "67", + -10.690064430236816 + ], + [ + "\u2581sede", + -10.146672248840332 + ], + [ + "03", + -10.516633033752441 + ], + [ + "\u2581conocido", + -10.003817558288574 + ], + [ + "\u2581foto", + -10.003657341003418 + ], + [ + "\u2581card", + -9.942978858947754 + ], + [ + "\u2581carrera", + -9.997307777404785 + ], + [ + "\u2581Up", + 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-9.936054229736328 + ], + [ + "\u2581Data", + -10.146102905273438 + ], + [ + "dora", + -10.148399353027344 + ], + [ + "\u2581regulation", + -9.89670467376709 + ], + [ + "\u2581celebrar", + -10.047057151794434 + ], + [ + "\u2581hit", + -10.048007011413574 + ], + [ + "\u2581delante", + -10.012662887573242 + ], + [ + "91", + -10.65869140625 + ], + [ + "53", + -10.695821762084961 + ], + [ + "\u2581affect", + -9.909416198730469 + ], + [ + "\u2581constituyen", + -10.035795211791992 + ], + [ + "\u2581customers", + -9.970638275146484 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pat", + -10.71674919128418 + ], + [ + "pu", + -10.69868278503418 + ], + [ + "\u2581actuar", + -10.019668579101562 + ], + [ + "\u2581statistics", + -9.94289493560791 + ], + [ + "izing", + -10.068113327026367 + ], + [ + "\u2581oral", + -10.606390953063965 + ], + [ + "\u2581guide", + -9.936544418334961 + ], + [ + "\u2581(2", + -10.676241874694824 + ], + [ + "\u2581progreso", + -10.041869163513184 + ], + [ + "\u2581entered", + -9.941606521606445 + ], + [ + "\u2581Siempre", + -9.886863708496094 + ], + [ + "\u2581supone", + -10.00594711303711 + ], + [ + "\u2581haces", + -9.929150581359863 + ], + [ + "\u2581Espera", + -9.868565559387207 + ], + [ + "\u2581idiomas", + -10.09980297088623 + ], + [ + "\u2581suministro", + -10.043928146362305 + ], + [ + "\u2581board", + -9.97336196899414 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mary", + -10.269126892089844 + ], + [ + "\u2581rurales", + -10.093870162963867 + ], + [ + "\u2581contratos", + -10.068340301513672 + ], + [ + "\u2581trip", + -10.138802528381348 + ], + [ + "\u2581alojamiento", + -10.092111587524414 + ], + [ + "\u2581recurso", + -10.071762084960938 + ], + [ + "\u2581causes", + -9.99279499053955 + ], + [ + "bre", + -10.184845924377441 + ], + [ + "\u2581Secci\u00f3n", + -10.068007469177246 + ], + [ + "\u25812007.", + -10.73729419708252 + ], + [ + "\u2581peaceful", + -9.949440002441406 + ], + [ + "\u2581scale", + -9.937443733215332 + ], + [ + "\u2581click", + -10.140254974365234 + ], + [ + "\u2581partnership", 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-10.297794342041016 + ], + [ + "\u2581ofrecen", + -10.141993522644043 + ], + [ + "nas", + -10.426934242248535 + ], + [ + "\u2581busca", + -9.996082305908203 + ], + [ + "\u25811997,", + -10.806496620178223 + ], + [ + "\u2581Turkey", + -9.951068878173828 + ], + [ + "LE", + -10.790641784667969 + ], + [ + "\u2581c\u00e1ncer", + -10.11716365814209 + ], + [ + "\u2581picture", + -10.046960830688477 + ], + [ + "[", + -10.72372055053711 + ], + [ + "\u25812004.", + -10.813297271728516 + ], + [ + "\u2581entidad", + -10.11963939666748 + ], + [ + "\u2581Turqu\u00eda", + -10.069887161254883 + ], + [ + "\u2581core", + -10.014068603515625 + ], + [ + "\u2581pap\u00e1", + -9.89366340637207 + ], + [ + "\u2581path", + -10.01442813873291 + ], + [ + "\u2581extension", + -9.984773635864258 + ], + [ + "\u2581Price", + -10.099983215332031 + ], + [ + "8/", + -10.645604133605957 + ], + [ + "\u2581dictamen", + -10.114954948425293 + ], + [ + "\u2581Protecci\u00f3n", + -10.129477500915527 + ], + [ + "\u2581chicos", + -9.92219066619873 + ], + [ + "int", + -10.841534614562988 + ], + [ + "\u2581encima", + -10.039043426513672 + ], + [ + "\u2581terminar", + -10.07791805267334 + ], + [ + "\u2581forest", + -10.006373405456543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Timor", + -10.668275833129883 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ir\u00e1n", + -10.099183082580566 + ], + [ + "\u2581derecha", + -10.079245567321777 + ], + [ + "\u2581Afganist\u00e1n", + -10.074658393859863 + ], + [ + "\u2581governments", + -10.058939933776855 + ], + [ + "\u2581destruction", + -10.012036323547363 + ], + [ + "Co", + -10.540509223937988 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sistema", + -10.154723167419434 + ], + [ + "\u2581pedido", + -10.086756706237793 + ], + [ + "ov", + -10.395285606384277 + ], + [ + "\u2581feeling", + -10.048456192016602 + ], + [ + "nder", + -10.403711318969727 + ], + [ + "\u2581selection", + -10.00513744354248 + ], + [ + "nt", + -10.418984413146973 + ], + [ + "CA", + -10.546276092529297 + ], + [ + "\u2581registered", + -9.992055892944336 + ], + [ + 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-10.758543014526367 + ], + [ + "<", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tom", + -10.70726490020752 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nuevo", + -10.176679611206055 + ], + [ + "\u2581marriage", + -10.02994155883789 + ], + [ + "\u2581diversidad", + -10.12114143371582 + ], + [ + "iz", + -10.718069076538086 + ], + [ + "\u2581immediate", + -10.004899978637695 + ], + [ + "\u2581Par", + -10.796388626098633 + ], + [ + "ser", + -10.50727653503418 + ], + [ + "\u2581habitantes", + -10.165801048278809 + ], + [ + "\u2581pudiera", + -10.062108993530273 + ], + [ + "\u2581closed", + -10.035500526428223 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fe", + -10.579216957092285 + ], + [ + "\u2581interesadas", + -10.121524810791016 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sud\u00e1n", + -10.118894577026367 + ], + [ + "\u2581afectados", + -10.14410400390625 + ], + [ + "\u2581probable", + -10.198999404907227 + ], + [ + "\u2581Debe", + -10.016003608703613 + ], + [ + "\u2581Espa", + -10.061081886291504 + ], + [ + "\u2581izquierda", + -10.115165710449219 + ], + [ + "\u2581Political", + 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"\u2581Mesa", + -10.16763687133789 + ], + [ + "eu", + -10.739874839782715 + ], + [ + "\u2581fiesta", + -10.027061462402344 + ], + [ + "\u2581conclusions", + -10.037337303161621 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nuestro", + -10.098564147949219 + ], + [ + "LA", + -10.60473346710205 + ], + [ + "\u2581worry", + -10.167335510253906 + ], + [ + "\u2581storage", + -10.026652336120605 + ], + [ + "\u2581suffering", + -10.024567604064941 + ], + [ + "02", + -10.61384391784668 + ], + [ + "\u2581absence", + -10.023895263671875 + ], + [ + "\u2581vivo", + -10.086711883544922 + ], + [ + "\u2581veo", + -9.950756072998047 + ], + [ + "\u2581remained", + -10.054542541503906 + ], + [ + "\u2581aun", + -10.180368423461914 + ], + [ + "RES", + -11.087998390197754 + ], + [ + "\u2581previstas", + -10.156391143798828 + ], + [ + "\u00ab", + -12.00118637084961 + ], + [ + "\u2581l\u00edmites", + -10.139320373535156 + ], + [ + "\u2581permiten", + -10.161421775817871 + ], + [ + "\u2581ido", + -10.050019264221191 + ], + [ + "TO", + 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"\u2581Afghanistan", + -10.006519317626953 + ], + [ + "Pa", + -10.288101196289062 + ], + [ + "\u2581grounds", + -10.07224178314209 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bi", + -10.755958557128906 + ], + [ + "\u2581length", + -10.068000793457031 + ], + [ + "\u2581Martin", + -10.780327796936035 + ], + [ + "\u2581models", + -10.081904411315918 + ], + [ + "\u2581minas", + -10.179234504699707 + ], + [ + "\u2581tiempos", + -10.32067584991455 + ], + [ + "\u2581destinados", + -10.161578178405762 + ], + [ + "\u2581clara", + -10.141901969909668 + ], + [ + "\u2581playing", + -10.117918968200684 + ], + [ + "\u2581reflect", + -10.026357650756836 + ], + [ + "\u25812009.", + -10.866912841796875 + ], + [ + "\u2581launched", + -10.050932884216309 + ], + [ + "\u2581integrado", + -10.17321491241455 + ], + [ + "\u2581oro", + -10.14236068725586 + ], + [ + "\u2581debajo", + -10.160293579101562 + ], + [ + "\u2581club", + -10.793757438659668 + ], + [ + "sos", + -10.247323036193848 + ], + [ + "\u2581ofertas", + -10.18447208404541 + ], + [ + "ula", + -10.871566772460938 + ], + [ + "\u2581broad", + -10.043355941772461 + ], + [ + "\u2581Their", + -10.058849334716797 + ], + [ + "\u2581middle", + -10.111001968383789 + ], + [ + "\u2581alma", + -10.123600006103516 + ], + [ + "\u2581especies", + -10.2047700881958 + ], + [ + "\u2581mierda", + -9.947958946228027 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pac\u00edfico", + -10.204148292541504 + ], + [ + "nica", + -10.744158744812012 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sudan", + -10.01871109008789 + ], + [ + "\u2581ajuste", + -10.150235176086426 + ], + [ + "\u2581whatever", + -10.12450885772705 + ], + [ + "\u2581Carlos", + -10.79148006439209 + ], + [ + "\u2581espiritual", + -10.182662010192871 + ], + [ + "\u2581Brussels", + -10.02410888671875 + ], + [ + "\u2581caf\u00e9", + -10.200459480285645 + ], + [ + "\u2581protected", + -10.046713829040527 + ], + [ + "\u2581equipped", + -10.054312705993652 + ], + [ + "\u2581exploitation", + -10.03592300415039 + ], + [ + "\u2581fixed", + -10.070880889892578 + ], + [ + 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-10.094110488891602 + ], + [ + "ative", + -10.614252090454102 + ], + [ + "\u2581100%", + -10.855110168457031 + ], + [ + "To", + -10.5381441116333 + ], + [ + "ato", + -10.639548301696777 + ], + [ + "\u2581acontecimientos", + -10.174476623535156 + ], + [ + "\u2581square", + -10.111496925354004 + ], + [ + "old", + -10.291458129882812 + ], + [ + "II", + -10.68403148651123 + ], + [ + "\u2581importaci\u00f3n", + -10.158280372619629 + ], + [ + "\u2581nations", + -10.070718765258789 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mont", + -10.909507751464844 + ], + [ + "ku", + -10.58191967010498 + ], + [ + "\u2581duties", + -10.036836624145508 + ], + [ + "AM", + -10.808693885803223 + ], + [ + "\u2581construir", + -10.182047843933105 + ], + [ + "\u2581reconocer", + -10.226991653442383 + ], + [ + "\u2581explain", + -10.111973762512207 + ], + [ + "\u2581cifras", + -10.178096771240234 + ], + [ + "\u2581Post", + -10.555852890014648 + ], + [ + "ena", + -10.777066230773926 + ], + [ + "\u2581generaci\u00f3n", + -10.197261810302734 + ], + [ + "\u2581luchar", + -10.122745513916016 + ], + [ + "\u2581adhesi\u00f3n", + -10.175954818725586 + ], + [ + "\u2581seres", + -10.250261306762695 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ci", + -10.656306266784668 + ], + [ + "73", + -10.742464065551758 + ], + [ + "\u2581otherwise", + -10.061979293823242 + ], + [ + "\u00edn", + -10.727322578430176 + ], + [ + "\u2581excelente", + -10.154725074768066 + ], + [ + "\u2581structures", + -10.073004722595215 + ], + [ + "\u2581availability", + -10.056099891662598 + ], + [ + "berg", + -10.916221618652344 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ge", + -10.798229217529297 + ], + [ + "\u258166", + -10.780158042907715 + ], + [ + "\u2581treated", + -10.056977272033691 + ], + [ + "\u2581p\u00e1ginas", + -10.268437385559082 + ], + [ + "\u2581mostrar", + -10.150352478027344 + ], + [ + "\u2581ciclo", + -10.18781852722168 + ], + [ + "\u2581teaching", + -10.04665470123291 + ], + [ + "\u2581excepci\u00f3n", + -10.182071685791016 + ], + [ + "\u2581directo", + -10.137104988098145 + ], + [ + "\u2581cash", + -10.112618446350098 + ], + [ + "(2)", + -10.083351135253906 + ], + [ + "\u2581Auto", + -10.721306800842285 + ], + [ + "\u2581eye", + -10.11679458618164 + ], + [ + "ology", + -10.33817195892334 + ], + [ + "\u2581verdadero", + -10.112730026245117 + ], + [ + "\u2581organismo", + -10.180289268493652 + ], + [ + "\u25812)", + -10.659685134887695 + ], + [ + "~", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581ambas", + -10.191652297973633 + ], + [ + "\u258188", + -10.752798080444336 + ], + [ + "\u2581attacks", + -10.098094940185547 + ], + [ + "\u2581tasks", + -10.056818008422852 + ], + [ + "\u2581identificar", + -10.20678997039795 + ], + [ + "nce", + -10.434172630310059 + ], + [ + ",\u201d", + -10.367496490478516 + ], + [ + "\u2581focused", + -10.0702543258667 + ], + [ + "mit", + -10.77814769744873 + ], + [ + "\u2581corto", + -10.192656517028809 + ], + [ + "4.", + -10.793331146240234 + ], + [ + "ture", + -10.863518714904785 + ], + [ + "\u2581gotta", + -10.289438247680664 + ], + [ + "\u2581caja", + -10.136804580688477 + ], + [ + "\u2581Island", + -10.366676330566406 + ], + [ + "71", + -10.83479118347168 + ], + [ + "\u2581A\u00f1o", + -10.191519737243652 + ], + [ + "84", + -10.878026008605957 + ], + [ + "\u2581instituci\u00f3n", + -10.192687034606934 + ], + [ + "\u2581tri", + -10.709425926208496 + ], + [ + "Pero", + -10.019332885742188 + ], + [ + "\u2581notice", + -10.08539867401123 + ], + [ + "\u2581victim", + -10.10069751739502 + ], + [ + "2%", + -10.88005542755127 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mor", + -10.886640548706055 + ], + [ + "\u2581famous", + -10.11032772064209 + ], + [ + "\u2581identity", + -10.084421157836914 + ], + [ + "\u2581disco", + -10.310023307800293 + ], + [ + "ens", + -10.649009704589844 + ], + [ + "\u2581casas", + -10.285730361938477 + ], + [ + "\u2581interesting", + -10.097723007202148 + ], + [ + "\u2581Uruguay", + -10.681254386901855 + ], + [ + "\u2581quisiera", + -10.127138137817383 + ], + [ + "\u2581mercanc\u00edas", + -10.170205116271973 + ], + [ + "osa", + -10.725290298461914 + ], + [ + "\u2581Discrimination", + -10.061972618103027 + ], + [ + "\u2581siga", + -10.153736114501953 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bre", + -10.793028831481934 + ], + [ + "\u2581stuff", + -10.269126892089844 + ], + [ + "\u2581fruit", + -10.068865776062012 + ], + [ + "\u2581Water", + -10.244762420654297 + ], + [ + "\u2581mono", + -10.595855712890625 + ], + [ + "\u2581represent", + -10.091517448425293 + ], + [ + "OC", + -10.887528419494629 + ], + [ + "\u2581Technical", + -10.061793327331543 + ], + [ + "\u2581object", + -10.06301212310791 + ], + [ + "\u2581doubt", + -10.093420028686523 + ], + [ + "TI", + -10.969112396240234 + ], + [ + "\u2581Power", + -10.287019729614258 + ], + [ + "Sabes", + -9.962555885314941 + ], + [ + "ani", + -10.551066398620605 + ], + [ + "\u2581Luego", + -10.110087394714355 + ], + [ + "\u2581avances", + -10.222556114196777 + ], + [ + "\u2581ampliar", + -10.178762435913086 + ], + [ + "lle", + -10.289549827575684 + ], + [ + "\u2581Interior", + -10.725916862487793 + ], + [ + "\u2581feliz", + -10.048267364501953 + ], + [ + "\u2581aprovechar", + -10.197234153747559 + ], + [ + "\u2581400", + -10.823198318481445 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ana", + -10.781113624572754 + ], + [ + "\u2581Direcci\u00f3n", + -10.208887100219727 + ], + [ + "\u2581Russia", + -10.09027099609375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dan", + -10.848069190979004 + ], + [ + "\u2581tasas", + -10.231145858764648 + ], + [ + "COM", + -10.890165328979492 + ], + [ + "ium", + -10.56324291229248 + ], + [ + "ised", + -10.123278617858887 + ], + [ + "\u2581links", + -10.098498344421387 + ], + [ + "han", + -10.847620010375977 + ], + [ + "\u25812010.", + -10.955516815185547 + ], + [ + "ris", + -10.85772705078125 + ], + [ + "\u2581verano", + -10.178181648254395 + ], + [ + "\u2581violation", + -10.06569766998291 + ], + [ + "4%", + -10.900334358215332 + ], + [ + "\u2581lose", + -10.150104522705078 + ], + [ + "IS", + -10.790401458740234 + ], + [ + "nal", + -10.874774932861328 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bruselas", + -10.197271347045898 + ], + [ + "\u2581Oficial", + -10.192666053771973 + ], + [ + "\u2581procedentes", + -10.200538635253906 + ], + [ + "\u2581Primera", + -10.19583797454834 + ], + [ + "\u2581Suiza", + -10.187871932983398 + ], + [ + "\u2581representaci\u00f3n", + -10.21263599395752 + ], + [ + "\u2581dollars", + -10.10893440246582 + ], + [ + "\u2581anteriormente", + -10.203585624694824 + ], + [ + "\u25812000.", + -10.949883460998535 + ], + [ + "\u2581categories", + -10.085817337036133 + ], + [ + "BA", + -10.847346305847168 + ], + [ + "\u2581touch", + -10.161445617675781 + ], + [ + "rme", + -9.869647979736328 + ], + [ + "\u2581garden", + -10.096672058105469 + ], + [ + "\u2581moving", + -10.15117073059082 + ], + [ + "bor", + -10.720349311828613 + ], + [ + "\u2581masa", + -10.197526931762695 + ], + [ + "\u258118.", + -11.063654899597168 + ], + [ + "\u2581Blog", + -10.789928436279297 + ], + [ + "\u2581disabilities", + -10.133033752441406 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pacific", + -10.167778968811035 + 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+ ], + [ + "\u2581Bol", + -10.694133758544922 + ], + [ + "\u2581cart", + -10.175619125366211 + ], + [ + "\u2581rich", + -10.126511573791504 + ], + [ + "\u2581herramientas", + -10.207358360290527 + ], + [ + "\u2581previstos", + -10.230875015258789 + ], + [ + "\u2581replaced", + -10.092252731323242 + ], + [ + "\u2581transparency", + -10.076544761657715 + ], + [ + "\u2581Android", + -10.813175201416016 + ], + [ + "\u2581influencia", + -10.199028968811035 + ], + [ + "\u2581tonight", + -10.290990829467773 + ], + [ + "\u2581beb\u00e9", + -10.082630157470703 + ], + [ + "\u2581passed", + -10.11719036102295 + ], + [ + "\u2581Common", + -10.07892894744873 + ], + [ + "my", + -10.634339332580566 + ], + [ + "\u25811993,", + -10.865575790405273 + ], + [ + "ico", + -10.496737480163574 + ], + [ + "\u2581dangerous", + -10.135292053222656 + ], + [ + "\u2581south", + -10.112687110900879 + ], + [ + "\u2581hincapi\u00e9", + -10.223374366760254 + ], + [ + "\u2581extremely", + -10.10301685333252 + ], + [ + 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-10.039915084838867 + ], + [ + "illa", + -10.856812477111816 + ], + [ + "\u2581rent", + -10.151613235473633 + ], + [ + "como", + -10.267556190490723 + ], + [ + "\u2581pagos", + -10.273618698120117 + ], + [ + "\u2581logro", + -10.208145141601562 + ], + [ + "pp", + -10.715104103088379 + ], + [ + "\u2581chico", + -10.00442123413086 + ], + [ + "\u2581declaration", + -10.064635276794434 + ], + [ + "\u2581m\u00faltiples", + -10.265403747558594 + ], + [ + "\u00e1s", + -10.333154678344727 + ], + [ + "\u2581plants", + -10.13908863067627 + ], + [ + "\u2581suficientes", + -10.252983093261719 + ], + [ + "\u2581Apoyo", + -10.2711181640625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ambiente", + -10.2029390335083 + ], + [ + "\u2581contain", + -10.08525276184082 + ], + [ + "kin", + -10.867876052856445 + ], + [ + "SI", + -10.88646125793457 + ], + [ + "\u2581differences", + -10.132537841796875 + ], + [ + "\u2581barco", + -10.178484916687012 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ten", + -10.760225296020508 + ], + [ + "\u2581Congress", + -10.159075736999512 + ], + [ + "\u2581afraid", + -10.262645721435547 + ], + [ + "\u2581wood", + -10.124255180358887 + ], + [ + "ney", + -10.898329734802246 + ], + [ + "\u2581perspective", + -10.11032772064209 + ], + [ + "gre", + -10.483404159545898 + ], + [ + "\u2581desempe\u00f1ar", + -10.263433456420898 + ], + [ + "\u2581ourselves", + -10.123860359191895 + ], + [ + "\u2581Work", + -10.333681106567383 + ], + [ + "\u2581sit", + -10.200408935546875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nicaragua", + -10.714322090148926 + ], + [ + "\u2581equilibrio", + -10.226276397705078 + ], + [ + "ese", + -10.783084869384766 + ], + [ + "\u2581blue", + -10.229366302490234 + ], + [ + "52", + -10.728158950805664 + ], + [ + "\u2581depende", + -10.219311714172363 + ], + [ + "\u2581queremos", + -10.191156387329102 + ], + [ + "cro", + -10.831162452697754 + ], + [ + "\u2581showed", + -10.152196884155273 + ], + [ + "\u2581ataque", + -10.159529685974121 + ], + [ + "\u2581win", + -10.206722259521484 + ], + [ + "\u2581programs", + -10.151579856872559 + ], + [ + "\u2581imposed", + -10.118067741394043 + ], + [ + "\u2581contracts", + -10.15420150756836 + ], + [ + "SE", + -10.796181678771973 + ], + [ + "\u2581Back", + -10.339288711547852 + ], + [ + "\u2581pick", + -10.228087425231934 + ], + [ + "\u2581ce", + -10.661892890930176 + ], + [ + "\u2581Biblia", + -10.24862003326416 + ], + [ + "\u2581individuales", + -10.248988151550293 + ], + [ + "EL", + -10.775534629821777 + ], + [ + "bit", + -10.865391731262207 + ], + [ + "isation", + -10.224449157714844 + ], + [ + "\u2581formulaci\u00f3n", + -10.240312576293945 + ], + [ + "\u2581m\u00e9dica", + -10.229063987731934 + ], + [ + "\u2581Super", + -10.98160171508789 + ], + [ + "\u2581arma", + -10.117568969726562 + ], + [ + "\u2581extensi\u00f3n", + -10.24996566772461 + ], + [ + "\u2581format", + -10.097345352172852 + ], + [ + "ries", + -10.535847663879395 + ], + [ + "\u2581inclusive", + -10.642654418945312 + ], + [ + "\u2581venido", + -10.124231338500977 + ], + [ + "ual", + 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+ -10.516304016113281 + ], + [ + "\u2581crea", + -10.162861824035645 + ], + [ + "\u2581appointed", + -10.130549430847168 + ], + [ + "\u2581percentage", + -10.122791290283203 + ], + [ + "\u2581comply", + -10.110295295715332 + ], + [ + "\u2581consenso", + -10.245566368103027 + ], + [ + "\u2581dance", + -10.26425552368164 + ], + [ + "\u2581piece", + -10.222116470336914 + ], + [ + "rias", + -10.502978324890137 + ], + [ + "\u2581acero", + -10.26247501373291 + ], + [ + "\u2581vive", + -10.173949241638184 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bra", + -10.919757843017578 + ], + [ + "\u2581elected", + -10.14399528503418 + ], + [ + "\u2581manage", + -10.126501083374023 + ], + [ + "\u2581Radio", + -10.804287910461426 + ], + [ + "\u2581drawn", + -10.1111478805542 + ], + [ + "\u2581Burundi", + -10.766934394836426 + ], + [ + "\u2581surface", + -10.106131553649902 + ], + [ + "\u2581NO", + -10.79183578491211 + ], + [ + "\u2581dicen", + -10.175474166870117 + ], + [ + "\u258193", + -10.776493072509766 + ], + [ + "\u2581llev\u00f3", + -10.225876808166504 + ], + [ + "ari", + -10.634160995483398 + ], + [ + "\u2581actors", + -10.143030166625977 + ], + [ + "\u2581cita", + -10.1572265625 + ], + [ + "\u2581summer", + -10.170389175415039 + ], + [ + "\u2581Industrial", + -10.552602767944336 + ], + [ + "\u2581worth", + -10.191154479980469 + ], + [ + "\u2581copy", + -10.158570289611816 + ], + [ + "\u2581cal", + -10.513489723205566 + ], + [ + "ella", + -10.716111183166504 + ], + [ + "\u2581negro", + -10.170184135437012 + ], + [ + "\u2581Har", + -10.866211891174316 + ], + [ + "\u2581Per\u00fa", + -10.222464561462402 + ], + [ + "free", + -10.144920349121094 + ], + [ + "\u2581ataques", + -10.253283500671387 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bill", + -10.692497253417969 + ], + [ + "\u2581diseases", + -10.153757095336914 + ], + [ + "\u25812002.", + -10.959508895874023 + ], + [ + "\u2581fa", + -10.827522277832031 + ], + [ + "Ba", + -10.650474548339844 + ], + [ + "\u2581evento", + -10.273724555969238 + ], + [ + "side", + -10.465632438659668 + ], + [ + ".10", + -11.026741981506348 + ], + [ + "\u2581Puedes", + -10.192034721374512 + ], + [ + "\u2581nombres", + -10.301386833190918 + ], + [ + "\u2581Frank", + -10.873259544372559 + ], + [ + "\u2581tradicional", + -10.190145492553711 + ], + [ + "\u2581photos", + -10.173623085021973 + ], + [ + "\u2581celebrado", + -10.254137992858887 + ], + [ + "bal", + -10.960777282714844 + ], + [ + "\u2581Museum", + -10.250605583190918 + ], + [ + "\u2581Third", + -10.127511024475098 + ], + [ + "\u2581debes", + -10.339235305786133 + ], + [ + "\u2581terroristas", + -10.25481128692627 + ], + [ + "\u2581hubo", + -10.21405029296875 + ], + [ + "\u2581fronteras", + -10.268590927124023 + ], + [ + "8%", + -10.896303176879883 + ], + [ + "\u2581consensus", + -10.11745834350586 + ], + [ + "\u2581agr\u00edcolas", + -10.264029502868652 + ], + [ + "\u2581Switzerland", + -10.123446464538574 + ], + [ + "\u2581numerous", + -10.131790161132812 + ], + [ + "\u2581Examen", + -10.288331985473633 + 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+ -10.180164337158203 + ], + [ + "ID", + -10.833982467651367 + ], + [ + "ci\u00f3", + -10.42912769317627 + ], + [ + "\u2581hu", + -10.29580307006836 + ], + [ + "\u2581perhaps", + -10.177092552185059 + ], + [ + "300", + -10.91409969329834 + ], + [ + "\u2581ju", + -10.817988395690918 + ], + [ + "\u2581vuelo", + -10.208885192871094 + ], + [ + "\u2581reflected", + -10.125592231750488 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hemos", + -10.159722328186035 + ], + [ + "\u2581store", + -10.162764549255371 + ], + [ + "\u2581firm", + -10.123290061950684 + ], + [ + "\u2581election", + -10.140849113464355 + ], + [ + "\u2581trabaja", + -10.16096305847168 + ], + [ + "\u2581volume", + -10.13060474395752 + ], + [ + "\u2581USA", + -10.43001651763916 + ], + [ + "\u2581flexible", + -10.658867835998535 + ], + [ + "\u2581percent", + -10.142155647277832 + ], + [ + "\u2581helped", + -10.193449974060059 + ], + [ + "\u2581analizar", + -10.278157234191895 + ], + [ + "\u2581steel", + -10.142861366271973 + ], + [ + "\u2581judge", + 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+ ], + [ + "off", + -10.350234031677246 + ], + [ + "\u2581paciente", + -10.222594261169434 + ], + [ + "\u2581trate", + -10.241965293884277 + ], + [ + "\u2581vulnerables", + -10.325340270996094 + ], + [ + "\u2581Administrative", + -10.14940071105957 + ], + [ + "ile", + -10.7161283493042 + ], + [ + "\u2581consiste", + -10.281453132629395 + ], + [ + "\u2581inmediato", + -10.25798511505127 + ], + [ + "\u2581Congreso", + -10.285719871520996 + ], + [ + "\u2581wrote", + -10.218951225280762 + ], + [ + "\u2581econom\u00edas", + -10.295948028564453 + ], + [ + "Do", + -10.638718605041504 + ], + [ + "\u2581connected", + -10.158916473388672 + ], + [ + "\u2581alguno", + -10.243135452270508 + ], + [ + "\u2581combined", + -10.140104293823242 + ], + [ + "\u2581Londres", + -10.273089408874512 + ], + [ + "\u2581Would", + -10.269207954406738 + ], + [ + "\u2581reducing", + -10.149563789367676 + ], + [ + "\u258172", + -10.849825859069824 + ], + [ + "\u2581happens", + -10.26786994934082 + ], + [ + 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-10.824821472167969 + ], + [ + "rie", + -10.670490264892578 + ], + [ + "\u258119.", + -11.044194221496582 + ], + [ + "\u2581restricciones", + -10.28634262084961 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mapa", + -10.411826133728027 + ], + [ + "itis", + -10.932064056396484 + ], + [ + "\u2581numerosos", + -10.314826965332031 + ], + [ + "\u2581conoce", + -10.15703296661377 + ], + [ + "\u2581Countries", + -10.128043174743652 + ], + [ + "\u2581latter", + -10.14346694946289 + ], + [ + "\u2581characteristics", + -10.143445014953613 + ], + [ + "\u2581flights", + -10.172065734863281 + ], + [ + "\u2581modificaci\u00f3n", + -10.29515266418457 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mostrar", + -10.389185905456543 + ], + [ + "\u2581appreciation", + -10.151515007019043 + ], + [ + "\u2581multiple", + -10.182031631469727 + ], + [ + "6,", + -10.9783353805542 + ], + [ + "\u2581Est\u00e1s", + -10.130292892456055 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hijo", + -10.2543363571167 + ], + [ + "\u2581tour", + -10.472113609313965 + ], + [ + "l\u00e9", + -10.680411338806152 + 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], + [ + "\u2581buenos", + -10.25137710571289 + ], + [ + "\u2581corrupci\u00f3n", + -10.285239219665527 + ], + [ + "fu", + -10.823972702026367 + ], + [ + "\u2581association", + -10.168951034545898 + ], + [ + "\u2581acceder", + -10.314407348632812 + ], + [ + "\u2581crees", + -10.07993221282959 + ], + [ + "\u2581ONG", + -10.325761795043945 + ], + [ + "\u2581Friday", + -10.196205139160156 + ], + [ + "\u2581Light", + -10.326407432556152 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fecha", + -10.336788177490234 + ], + [ + "sha", + -11.004008293151855 + ], + [ + "\u2581becomes", + -10.249972343444824 + ], + [ + "\u2581perdido", + -10.176772117614746 + ], + [ + "\u2581Islamic", + -10.17603588104248 + ], + [ + "\u2581NGOs", + -10.185575485229492 + ], + [ + "\u2581Je", + -10.803484916687012 + ], + [ + "\u2581figures", + -10.18968677520752 + ], + [ + "\u258176", + -10.8494291305542 + ], + [ + "\u2581purchase", + -10.163540840148926 + ], + [ + "\u2581Book", + -10.191575050354004 + ], + [ + "5%", + -10.97111988067627 + ], + 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], + [ + "\u2581innovative", + -10.212651252746582 + ], + [ + "\u2581costa", + -10.302781105041504 + ], + [ + "\u2581mutual", + -10.192413330078125 + ], + [ + "ev", + -10.923336029052734 + ], + [ + "\u2581planeta", + -10.269533157348633 + ], + [ + "\u2581adolescentes", + -10.345613479614258 + ], + [ + "\u2581Miss", + -10.548389434814453 + ], + [ + "\u2581temporal", + -10.420001983642578 + ], + [ + "\u2581controles", + -10.308210372924805 + ], + [ + "\u25811988", + -10.795992851257324 + ], + [ + "\u2581tendencia", + -10.329303741455078 + ], + [ + "\u2581disaster", + -10.21058464050293 + ], + [ + "DR", + -10.998552322387695 + ], + [ + "\u25812011.", + -11.109369277954102 + ], + [ + "\u258121.", + -11.032848358154297 + ], + [ + "\u2581hate", + -10.365297317504883 + ], + [ + "\u2581instrucciones", + -10.33464527130127 + ], + [ + "\u258189", + -10.901535034179688 + ], + [ + "\u2581Design", + -10.488588333129883 + ], + [ + "\u2581afecta", + -10.29367733001709 + ], + [ + "\u2581Technology", + 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-10.233469009399414 + ], + [ + "\u2581grant", + -10.201749801635742 + ], + [ + "\u2581reales", + -10.337299346923828 + ], + [ + "\u2581Draft", + -10.199328422546387 + ], + [ + "\u2581gratuito", + -10.357216835021973 + ], + [ + "\u2581participating", + -10.208944320678711 + ], + [ + "\u2581expresar", + -10.371186256408691 + ], + [ + "\u2581migrantes", + -10.415060043334961 + ], + [ + "SP", + -10.907432556152344 + ], + [ + "\u2581pies", + -10.304320335388184 + ], + [ + "olog\u00eda", + -10.770153045654297 + ], + [ + "\u2581Optional", + -10.24813461303711 + ], + [ + "RI", + -10.885550498962402 + ], + [ + "\u2581hurt", + -10.360678672790527 + ], + [ + "\u2581momentos", + -10.447705268859863 + ], + [ + "\u2581extend", + -10.181392669677734 + ], + [ + "\u2581producir", + -10.325221061706543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Florida", + -10.94748592376709 + ], + [ + "PC", + -10.908069610595703 + ], + [ + "\u2581legales", + -10.369439125061035 + ], + [ + "\u2581propiedades", + -10.385407447814941 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mayor", + -10.709603309631348 + ], + [ + "\u2581Call", + -10.352534294128418 + ], + [ + "\u2581Occidental", + -10.370247840881348 + ], + [ + "\u2581benepl\u00e1cito", + -10.365147590637207 + ], + [ + "\u2581demostrado", + -10.343281745910645 + ], + [ + "\u2581charges", + -10.288698196411133 + ], + [ + "\u2581sick", + -10.34494400024414 + ], + [ + "\u2581respectively", + -10.228337287902832 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nosotros", + -10.28242015838623 + ], + [ + "\u2581namely", + -10.2261323928833 + ], + [ + "\u258111,", + -11.43104076385498 + ], + [ + "Las", + -10.396276473999023 + ], + [ + "toria", + -10.682452201843262 + ], + [ + "\u2581presentan", + -10.368056297302246 + ], + [ + "\u2581previa", + -10.35397720336914 + ], + [ + "\u2581quiet", + -10.29913330078125 + ], + [ + "\u2581transmisi\u00f3n", + -10.341353416442871 + ], + [ + "\u2581migration", + -10.234077453613281 + ], + [ + "\u2581(3)", + -10.612229347229004 + ], + [ + "\u2581sentencia", + -10.311430931091309 + ], + [ + "\u2581bancos", + -10.316254615783691 + ], + [ + "\u2581numerosas", + -10.349714279174805 + ], + [ + "\u2581tratando", + -10.283122062683105 + ], + [ + "\u2581ocupaci\u00f3n", + -10.346559524536133 + ], + [ + "\u2581Muchas", + -10.268088340759277 + ], + [ + "ical", + -10.770427703857422 + ], + [ + "\u2581achievement", + -10.207226753234863 + ], + [ + "\u2581thousand", + -10.272218704223633 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fo", + -10.850363731384277 + ], + [ + "\u2581substance", + -10.224397659301758 + ], + [ + "\u2581rehabilitaci\u00f3n", + -10.382384300231934 + ], + [ + "ales", + -10.507171630859375 + ], + [ + "\u2581treaties", + -10.237385749816895 + ], + [ + "\u2581Prevention", + -10.252875328063965 + ], + [ + "\u2581visual", + -10.872076034545898 + ], + [ + "\u2581Training", + -10.248717308044434 + ], + [ + "\u2581duration", + -10.233564376831055 + ], + [ + "\u2581River", + -10.475729942321777 + ], + [ + "VI", + -10.867926597595215 + ], + [ + "\u2581comenzar", + -10.309767723083496 + ], + [ + "\u2581imposible", + -10.293420791625977 + ], + [ + "\u2581houses", + -10.325026512145996 + ], + [ + "\u2581Doctor", + -10.951262474060059 + ], + [ + "\u2581L\u00edbano", + -10.309880256652832 + ], + [ + "\u2581establecen", + -10.363100051879883 + ], + [ + "\u2581afirma", + -10.323629379272461 + ], + [ + "\u2581altos", + -10.41694164276123 + ], + [ + "\u2581Share", + -10.399930953979492 + ], + [ + "ente", + -10.589319229125977 + ], + [ + "\u2581D\u00eda", + -10.361452102661133 + ], + [ + "rate", + -10.945298194885254 + ], + [ + "200", + -11.013378143310547 + ], + [ + "\u2581flow", + -10.23517894744873 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dad", + -10.450031280517578 + ], + [ + "\u2581perform", + -10.221192359924316 + ], + [ + "\u2581quiz\u00e1s", + -10.271830558776855 + ], + [ + "\u2581identificaci\u00f3n", + -10.365851402282715 + ], + [ + "\u2581assess", + -10.205252647399902 + ], + [ + "\u2581star", + -10.334779739379883 + ], + [ + "\u2581asking", + -10.343421936035156 + ], + [ + "-10", + -10.92876148223877 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sud\u00e1frica", + -10.324487686157227 + ], + [ + "7,", + -11.090299606323242 + ], + [ + "\u2581tests", + -10.290871620178223 + ], + [ + "\u2581aprobada", + -10.347519874572754 + ], + [ + "\u2581decidido", + -10.314252853393555 + ], + [ + "\u2581hearing", + -10.257184028625488 + ], + [ + "\u2581struggle", + -10.234045028686523 + ], + [ + "pan", + -11.105521202087402 + ], + [ + "\u2581Se\u00f1ora", + -10.318252563476562 + ], + [ + "\u2581propuesto", + -10.343576431274414 + ], + [ + "\u2581relieve", + -10.602853775024414 + ], + [ + "\u2581coste", + -10.354043960571289 + ], + [ + "ux", + -11.094703674316406 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kar", + -11.065014839172363 + ], + [ + "\u2581Myanmar", + -10.85119915008545 + ], + [ + "\u2581estima", + -10.38491439819336 + ], + [ + "\u2581treat", + -10.298853874206543 + ], + [ + "CC", + -10.903780937194824 + ], + [ + "\u2581implica", + -10.378789901733398 + ], + [ + "ther", + -11.07947826385498 + ], + [ + "\u2581acting", + -10.265652656555176 + ], + [ + "\u2581conjunta", + -10.375195503234863 + ], + [ + "\u2581army", + -10.272724151611328 + ], + [ + "\u2581concesi\u00f3n", + -10.371190071105957 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fu", + -10.788154602050781 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jefe", + -10.31062126159668 + ], + [ + "\u2581secret", + -10.31040096282959 + ], + [ + "\u2581hambre", + -10.282353401184082 + ], + [ + "\u25812012.", + -11.192441940307617 + ], + [ + "\u2581lengua", + -10.339278221130371 + ], + [ + "83", + -10.865581512451172 + ], + [ + "Vi", + -10.654500007629395 + ], + [ + "\u2581arrest", + -10.265155792236328 + ], + [ + "\u2581acondicionado", + -10.406696319580078 + ], + [ + "\u2581mor", + -10.639406204223633 + ], + [ + "\u2581permiso", + -10.315115928649902 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ali", + -10.946317672729492 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jerusal\u00e9n", + -10.398463249206543 + ], + [ + "\u2581anuncios", + -10.365669250488281 + ], + [ + "\u2581facing", + -10.237663269042969 + ], + [ + "\u2581threats", + -10.264897346496582 + ], + [ + "\u2581helping", + -10.290525436401367 + ], + [ + "\u2581espacios", + -10.483759880065918 + ], + [ + "\u2581puerto", + -10.387044906616211 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lanka", + -10.834729194641113 + ], + [ + "\u2581ONU", + -10.393342018127441 + ], + [ + "\u2581Recordando", + -10.375091552734375 + ], + [ + "\u2581LAS", + -10.372446060180664 + ], + [ + "oc", + -10.901324272155762 + ], + [ + "\u2581respetar", + -10.369277000427246 + ], + [ + "\u2581background", + -10.235694885253906 + ], + [ + "\u2581James", + -10.87110710144043 + ], + [ + "\u2581membership", + -10.2332124710083 + ], + [ + "\u2581leader", + -10.252334594726562 + ], + [ + "\u2581enorme", + -10.306615829467773 + ], + [ + "\u2581sucede", + -10.272878646850586 + ], + [ + "Puedo", + -10.166210174560547 + ], + [ + "/11", + -10.994341850280762 + ], + [ + "\u2581Presidenta", + -10.365147590637207 + ], + [ + "\u2581encuentro", + -10.315056800842285 + ], + [ + "\u2581atender", + -10.3726167678833 + ], + [ + "\u2581boat", + -10.317177772521973 + ], + [ + "\u2581Organismo", + -10.380529403686523 + ], + [ + "\u2581dad", + -10.420243263244629 + ], + [ + "\u25811986", + -10.794224739074707 + ], + [ + "\u2581Following", + -10.247118949890137 + ], + [ + "\u2581Grand", + -10.677360534667969 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gas", + -11.070454597473145 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ku", + -11.04495620727539 + ], + [ + "\u2581sanctions", + -10.2324800491333 + ], + [ + "\u2581competencias", + -10.420549392700195 + ], + [ + "\u2581representan", + -10.37625503540039 + ], + [ + "DI", + -10.984220504760742 + ], + [ + "\u2581m\u00e1quina", + -10.328716278076172 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ucrania", + -10.330427169799805 + ], + [ + "\u2581crazy", + -10.428570747375488 + ], + [ + "habla", + -10.352691650390625 + ], + [ + "AD", + -10.889460563659668 + ], + [ + "\u2581Santiago", + -11.000077247619629 + ], + [ + "\u2581Suecia", + -10.351492881774902 + ], + [ + "\u2581pictures", + -10.32069206237793 + ], + [ + "bus", + -11.21088695526123 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bay", + -10.752469062805176 + ], + [ + "\u2581chi", + -10.730926513671875 + ], + [ + "\u2581tomando", + -10.338119506835938 + ], + [ + "\u2581dispositivo", + -10.366498947143555 + ], + [ + "\u2581Christmas", + -10.316142082214355 + ], + [ + "\u2581$1", + -10.338350296020508 + ], + [ + "\u2581nacimiento", + -10.364118576049805 + ], + [ + "\u2581mala", + -10.269474983215332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gra", + -10.846420288085938 + ], + [ + "\u2581combustible", + -10.360730171203613 + ], + [ + "\u2581YOU", + -10.483169555664062 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vale", + -10.323086738586426 + ], + [ + "\u2581publicado", + -10.3967924118042 + ], + [ + "\u2581comfortable", + -10.296365737915039 + ], + [ + "\u2581salvar", + -10.309432029724121 + ], + [ + "(1)", + -10.342495918273926 + ], + [ + "\u2581Really", + -10.457921028137207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Further", + -10.261968612670898 + ], + [ + "\u2581m\u00f3vil", + -10.370377540588379 + ], + [ + "\u2581extraordinario", + -10.337848663330078 + ], + [ + "\u2581description", + 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+ ], + [ + "\u2581Antonio", + -11.01795482635498 + ], + [ + "\u2581aircraft", + -10.263317108154297 + ], + [ + "ones", + -10.577569007873535 + ], + [ + "\u2581primaria", + -10.398300170898438 + ], + [ + "\u2581park", + -10.287101745605469 + ], + [ + "ship", + -10.48844051361084 + ], + [ + "c\u00f3mo", + -10.23823356628418 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bureau", + -10.287941932678223 + ], + [ + "wan", + -11.206886291503906 + ], + [ + "\u2581revisar", + -10.389922142028809 + ], + [ + "\u2581parecer", + -10.342130661010742 + ], + [ + "\u2581Siria", + -10.369983673095703 + ], + [ + "\u2581pelo", + -10.276989936828613 + ], + [ + "\u2581Corr", + -11.00197696685791 + ], + [ + "\u2581comprender", + -10.403438568115234 + ], + [ + "\u2581alive", + -10.41061782836914 + ], + [ + "\u2581Africana", + -10.409420013427734 + ], + [ + "\u2581baratos", + -10.4137544631958 + ], + [ + "\u2581screen", + -10.267289161682129 + ], + [ + "\u2581nine", + -10.317838668823242 + ], + [ + "\u2581exige", + -10.360522270202637 + ], + [ + "\u2581necesitamos", + -10.294694900512695 + ], + [ + "\u2581Monday", + -10.289700508117676 + ], + [ + "\u2581comienza", + -10.386015892028809 + ], + [ + "\u2581ocurre", + -10.296759605407715 + ], + [ + "TER", + -11.195015907287598 + ], + [ + "\u258150%", + -10.903705596923828 + ], + [ + "ue", + -11.030095100402832 + ], + [ + "\u2581undertake", + -10.249810218811035 + ], + [ + "\u2581television", + -10.302933692932129 + ], + [ + "\u2581suitable", + -10.274181365966797 + ], + [ + "\u2581subsequent", + -10.264110565185547 + ], + [ + "/1", + -10.791352272033691 + ], + [ + "\u2581Darfur", + -10.933712005615234 + ], + [ + "\u2581keeping", + -10.301403045654297 + ], + [ + "\u2581comit\u00e9", + -10.381464004516602 + ], + [ + "\u2581sought", + -10.290342330932617 + ], + [ + "\u2581ordinario", + -10.380711555480957 + ], + [ + "\u2581detail", + -10.271430969238281 + ], + [ + "\u2581pecado", + -10.37869644165039 + ], + [ + "\u2581offences", + -10.28907299041748 + ], + [ + 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"\u2581businesses", + -10.259588241577148 + ], + [ + "\u2581velar", + -10.427218437194824 + ], + [ + "ey", + -10.55057144165039 + ], + [ + "\u2581intervention", + -10.247411727905273 + ], + [ + "\u2581agency", + -10.26050090789795 + ], + [ + "\u2581cari\u00f1o", + -10.181672096252441 + ], + [ + "\u2581Plaza", + -10.93923568725586 + ], + [ + "\u2581pointed", + -10.2793607711792 + ], + [ + "\u258186", + -10.927404403686523 + ], + [ + "\u2581logrado", + -10.390170097351074 + ], + [ + "\u2581documentation", + -10.270344734191895 + ], + [ + "PT", + -11.003862380981445 + ], + [ + "\u2581antigua", + -10.415637969970703 + ], + [ + "amiento", + -10.62310791015625 + ], + [ + "\u2581command", + -10.311840057373047 + ], + [ + "rte", + -10.084671020507812 + ], + [ + "\u2581clients", + -10.299149513244629 + ], + [ + "\u2581dispositivos", + -10.432126998901367 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pakistan", + -10.230530738830566 + ], + [ + "\u2581survey", + -10.283219337463379 + ], + [ + "\u2581reservation", + 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-10.430328369140625 + ], + [ + "\u2581relief", + -10.290779113769531 + ], + [ + "sur", + -11.289117813110352 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alta", + -10.581330299377441 + ], + [ + "\u25811987", + -10.820201873779297 + ], + [ + "\u2581importaciones", + -10.393829345703125 + ], + [ + "part", + -11.102134704589844 + ], + [ + "\u2581consumer", + -10.240537643432617 + ], + [ + "ias", + -10.830690383911133 + ], + [ + "\u2581malo", + -10.2440767288208 + ], + [ + "\u2581Change", + -10.267163276672363 + ], + [ + "\u2581desarrollados", + -10.409416198730469 + ], + [ + "PL", + -11.249985694885254 + ], + [ + "sti", + -10.659146308898926 + ], + [ + "\u2581Primer", + -10.399969100952148 + ], + [ + "\u2581nueve", + -10.389167785644531 + ], + [ + "pri", + -11.109622955322266 + ], + [ + "\u2581freedoms", + -10.299149513244629 + ], + [ + "\u2581significantly", + -10.272653579711914 + ], + [ + "\u2581technological", + -10.279821395874023 + ], + [ + "\u2581administrativas", + -10.41366958618164 + ], + [ + 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+ "\u2581independientes", + -10.450684547424316 + ], + [ + "\u2581Poland", + -10.250598907470703 + ], + [ + "\u2581experienced", + -10.316354751586914 + ], + [ + "bla", + -10.905683517456055 + ], + [ + "\u2581directiva", + -10.408294677734375 + ], + [ + "\u2581hermana", + -10.257023811340332 + ], + [ + "\u2581agents", + -10.290080070495605 + ], + [ + "\u2581belleza", + -10.360669136047363 + ], + [ + "bas", + -10.9292631149292 + ], + [ + "\u2581impossible", + -10.31786823272705 + ], + [ + "\u2581participated", + -10.306117057800293 + ], + [ + "\u2581w", + -10.77493667602539 + ], + [ + "bol", + -10.978659629821777 + ], + [ + "\u2581Angola", + -10.923410415649414 + ], + [ + "\u2581sold", + -10.348816871643066 + ], + [ + "\u2581Society", + -10.424909591674805 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ber", + -10.971541404724121 + ], + [ + "\u2581sue\u00f1o", + -10.305853843688965 + ], + [ + "\u2581targets", + -10.321168899536133 + ], + [ + "\u2581binding", + -10.27768611907959 + ], + [ + "rre", + -10.423486709594727 + ], + [ + "gua", + -11.006086349487305 + ], + [ + "eth", + -10.411011695861816 + ], + [ + "\u2581ejemplos", + -10.542969703674316 + ], + [ + "\u2581adecuadas", + -10.442266464233398 + ], + [ + "comercializaci\u00f3n", + -10.434090614318848 + ], + [ + "\u2581incremento", + -10.407944679260254 + ], + [ + "\u2581regulatory", + -10.270393371582031 + ], + [ + "\u2581particulares", + -10.42830753326416 + ], + [ + "\u2581gun", + -10.435094833374023 + ], + [ + "zar", + -10.720677375793457 + ], + [ + "\u2581cha", + -10.843256950378418 + ], + [ + "\u2581menu", + -10.498812675476074 + ], + [ + "ach", + -10.77304744720459 + ], + [ + "\u00e2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581buildings", + -10.341593742370605 + ], + [ + "\u2581restaurant", + -10.306683540344238 + ], + [ + "\u2581Learn", + -10.322802543640137 + ], + [ + "\u2581est\u00e1ndar", + -10.439595222473145 + ], + [ + "\u2581Noruega", + -10.382159233093262 + ], + [ + "\u2581Beijing", + -10.907702445983887 + ], + [ + "\u2581Recalling", + -10.2807035446167 + ], + [ + "\u2581managed", + -10.31482982635498 + ], + [ + "\u2581gr", + -10.982478141784668 + ], + [ + "\u2581P\u00e1gina", + -10.45650863647461 + ], + [ + "\u2581actualizaci\u00f3n", + -10.440306663513184 + ], + [ + "ea", + -10.842374801635742 + ], + [ + "var", + -10.953564643859863 + ], + [ + "\u2581definir", + -10.418095588684082 + ], + [ + "\u2581producers", + -10.268196105957031 + ], + [ + "\u2581p\u00e9rdidas", + -10.41512680053711 + ], + [ + "\u2581tendencias", + -10.447434425354004 + ], + [ + "km", + -10.791019439697266 + ], + [ + "\u2581healthy", + -10.306092262268066 + ], + [ + "\u2581oriental", + -10.442683219909668 + ], + [ + "\u2581fo", + -10.887660026550293 + ], + [ + "\u2581Syrian", + -10.300755500793457 + ], + [ + "tia", + -11.043558120727539 + ], + [ + "\u2581deliver", + -10.336713790893555 + ], + [ + "\u2581bosques", + -10.405292510986328 + ], + [ + "UR", + -11.034912109375 + ], + [ + "\u2581sample", + -10.28930377960205 + ], + [ + "\u2581desastres", + -10.439279556274414 + ], + [ + "\u2581condena", + -10.429624557495117 + ], + [ + "\u2581Click", + -10.40762996673584 + ], + [ + "aciones", + -10.46666145324707 + ], + [ + ".1)", + -10.959098815917969 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gal", + -11.128127098083496 + ], + [ + "rnos", + -10.151937484741211 + ], + [ + "\u2581restrictions", + -10.281268119812012 + ], + [ + "\u2581petr\u00f3leo", + -10.389169692993164 + ], + [ + "\u2581Oriental", + -10.504606246948242 + ], + [ + "oso", + -10.733771324157715 + ], + [ + "mbra", + -10.874296188354492 + ], + [ + "pt", + -10.992936134338379 + ], + [ + "\u2581guests", + -10.371644020080566 + ], + [ + "\u2581affairs", + -10.305152893066406 + ], + [ + "\u2581expertise", + -10.287364959716797 + ], + [ + "\u2581diversity", + -10.309160232543945 + ], + [ + "\u2581Autoridad", + -10.412715911865234 + ], + [ + "8,", + -11.166147232055664 + ], + [ + "\u2581heavy", + -10.356685638427734 + ], + [ + "\u2581residuos", + -10.411229133605957 + ], + [ + "\u2581consolidaci\u00f3n", + -10.423576354980469 + ], + [ + "\u2581medicine", + -10.303926467895508 + ], + [ + "\u2581interpretado", + -10.51013469696045 + ], + [ + "\u00c9", + -10.672585487365723 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gen", + -11.108503341674805 + ], + [ + "\u2581marido", + -10.267419815063477 + ], + [ + "\u2581procurement", + -10.264076232910156 + ], + [ + "\u2581muertos", + -10.391706466674805 + ], + [ + "ld", + -10.85036849975586 + ], + [ + "\u2581miss", + -10.444605827331543 + ], + [ + "\u2581truly", + -10.306072235107422 + ], + [ + "\u2581infancia", + -10.409039497375488 + ], + [ + "\u2581t\u00edo", + -10.206704139709473 + ], + [ + "\u2581Three", + -10.371379852294922 + ], + [ + "\u2581cargos", + -10.446613311767578 + ], + [ + "\u2581ja", + -10.807098388671875 + ], + [ + "\u2581b\u00e1sica", + -10.44534969329834 + ], + [ + "\u2581dog", + -10.430495262145996 + ], + [ + "sch", + -11.10791301727295 + ], + [ + "\u2581substantial", + -10.29854965209961 + ], + [ + "\u2581calendario", + -10.420042037963867 + ], + [ + "\u2581standing", + -10.349143028259277 + ], + [ + "\u2581visible", + -10.835618019104004 + ], + [ + "\u2581jurisdicci\u00f3n", + -10.447768211364746 + ], + [ + "\u2581chosen", + -10.31468391418457 + ], + [ + "\u2581ciento", + -10.411170959472656 + ], + [ + "\u2581occurred", + -10.312163352966309 + ], + [ + "star", + -10.940378189086914 + ], + [ + "lon", + -10.86052417755127 + ], + [ + "\u2581provincia", + -10.457291603088379 + ], + [ + "\u2581nacionalidad", + -10.431787490844727 + ], + [ + "\u2581functioning", + -10.300865173339844 + ], + [ + "\u2581honour", + -10.311732292175293 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dependencia", + -10.434375762939453 + ], + [ + "\u2581worldwide", + -10.295137405395508 + ], + [ + "\u2581revolution", + -10.316231727600098 + ], + [ + "\u2581unemployment", + -10.30592155456543 + ], + [ + "\u2581tren", + -10.36837387084961 + ], + [ + "\u2581FOR", + -10.3546142578125 + ], + [ + "\u2581desaf\u00edos", + -10.472389221191406 + ], + [ + "\u2581hago", + -10.25243854522705 + ], + [ + "\u2581elevado", + -10.424610137939453 + ], + [ + "\u2581Otras", + -10.453731536865234 + ], + [ + "\u2581changing", + -10.315348625183105 + ], + [ + "nio", + -10.815497398376465 + ], + [ + "\u2581r", + -10.392220497131348 + ], + [ + "nie", + -10.902539253234863 + ], + [ + "\u2581mom", + -10.469446182250977 + ], + [ + "\u2581permita", + -10.42395305633545 + ], + [ + "len", + -10.998597145080566 + ], + [ + "\u2581convertido", + -10.439007759094238 + ], + [ + "\u2581supplies", + -10.31173038482666 + ], + [ + "\u2581interesante", + -10.333858489990234 + ], + [ + "\u2581Belgium", + -10.262215614318848 + ], + [ + "\u2581Polonia", + -10.385601997375488 + ], + [ + "\u2581Armenia", + -10.910354614257812 + ], + [ + "\u2581Follow", + -10.357370376586914 + ], + [ + "ON", + -11.015604972839355 + ], + [ + "\u2581verde", + -10.426894187927246 + ], + [ + "\u2581river", + -10.353238105773926 + ], + [ + "\u2581Supreme", + -10.323080062866211 + ], + [ + "RO", + -11.04966926574707 + ], + [ + "\u2581cooperate", + -10.285868644714355 + ], + [ + "mento", + -10.474248886108398 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jan", + -11.041580200195312 + ], + [ + "\u2581turismo", + -10.442594528198242 + ], + [ + "\u2581organizar", + -10.4448881149292 + ], + [ + "\u2581integridad", + -10.447619438171387 + ], + [ + "\u2581territories", + -10.298761367797852 + ], + [ + "\u2581activamente", + -10.44801139831543 + ], + [ + "\u2581comprensi\u00f3n", + -10.414997100830078 + ], + [ + "\u2581UK", + -10.440373420715332 + ], + [ + "\u2581dura", + -10.402331352233887 + ], + [ + "\u2581herramienta", + -10.43770694732666 + ], + [ + "\u2581sports", + -10.32889461517334 + ], + [ + "\u2581solar", + -11.016357421875 + ], + [ + "\u2581interpretation", + -10.270931243896484 + ], + [ + "\u2581v\u00eddeo", + -10.452248573303223 + ], + [ + "\u2581UNHCR", + -10.317172050476074 + ], + [ + "\u2581named", + -10.409022331237793 + ], + [ + "\u2581perfil", + -10.4318265914917 + ], + [ + "\u2581mid", + -10.356547355651855 + ], + [ + "\u2581Out", + -10.526599884033203 + ], + [ + "\u2581indispensable", + -10.824536323547363 + ], + [ + "\u2581occur", + -10.28930377960205 + ], + [ + "\u2581DO", + -10.997342109680176 + ], + [ + "\u2581fighting", + -10.376888275146484 + ], + [ + "\u2581leche", + -10.398447036743164 + ], + [ + "\u2581voto", + -10.407639503479004 + ], + [ + "CH", + -10.94353199005127 + ], + [ + "\u2581asylum", + -10.311594009399414 + ], + [ + "\u2581controls", + -10.417559623718262 + ], + [ + "eo", + -10.73117446899414 + ], + [ + "\u2581emphasis", + -10.278802871704102 + ], + [ + "\u2581ocupa", + -10.346538543701172 + ], + [ + "2005", + -11.041533470153809 + ], + [ + "mina", + -10.780877113342285 + ], + [ + "\u258194", + -10.96765422821045 + ], + [ + "d\u00e9", + -10.589293479919434 + ], + [ + ".30", + -11.347142219543457 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cap", + -11.055154800415039 + ], + [ + "And", + -10.381033897399902 + ], + [ + "\u2581sell", + -10.371562957763672 + ], + [ + "\u2581corte", + -10.376015663146973 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pakist\u00e1n", + -10.406281471252441 + ], + [ + "\u2581modalidades", + -10.427907943725586 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ukraine", + -10.243645668029785 + ], + [ + "\u2581memory", + -10.36306381225586 + ], + [ + "\u2581Beach", + -10.769461631774902 + ], + [ + "\u2581P\u00fablica", + -10.454243659973145 + ], + [ + "imos", + -10.39036750793457 + ], + [ + "\u2581cadena", + -10.424261093139648 + ], + [ + "\u2581l\u00edderes", + -10.418944358825684 + ], + [ + "\u2581c\u00e1mara", + -10.357995986938477 + ], + [ + "500", + -10.853145599365234 + ], + [ + "\u2581proporci\u00f3n", + -10.45527172088623 + ], + [ + "\u2581introducir", + -10.450047492980957 + ], + [ + "\u2581piensa", + -10.343841552734375 + ], + [ + "\u00c1", + -11.02326774597168 + ], + [ + "\u2581prisoners", + -10.329559326171875 + ], + [ + "0/", + -10.83829402923584 + ], + [ + "\u2581Arabia", + -10.949213981628418 + ], + [ + "she", + -10.70450210571289 + ], + [ + "\u2581consultar", + 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"\u2581restaurante", + -10.394294738769531 + ], + [ + "\u2581Presupuesto", + -10.462172508239746 + ], + [ + "\u2581virtual", + -11.039515495300293 + ], + [ + "\u2581agradable", + -10.375837326049805 + ], + [ + "\u2581probar", + -10.389344215393066 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nadie", + -10.293869018554688 + ], + [ + "\u2581complaints", + -10.352394104003906 + ], + [ + "\u2581corruption", + -10.341326713562012 + ], + [ + "\u2581Asistencia", + -10.44987964630127 + ], + [ + "\u2581jur\u00eddicas", + -10.478840827941895 + ], + [ + "\u2581offence", + -10.305407524108887 + ], + [ + "uk", + -10.89682674407959 + ], + [ + "\u2581emp", + -10.854721069335938 + ], + [ + "\u2581slow", + -10.36854362487793 + ], + [ + "\u2581thou", + -10.359657287597656 + ], + [ + "\u2581foot", + -10.427169799804688 + ], + [ + "\u2581250", + -10.997599601745605 + ], + [ + "cial", + -11.10671615600586 + ], + [ + "\u2581adaptaci\u00f3n", + -10.469956398010254 + ], + [ + "\u2581Whereas", + -10.308985710144043 + ], + [ + "IV", + -11.166398048400879 + ], + [ + "\u2581estadounidense", + -10.50124740600586 + ], + [ + "SC", + -10.722169876098633 + ], + [ + "\u2581espec\u00edfico", + -10.431958198547363 + ], + [ + "%", + -10.313802719116211 + ], + [ + "\u2581signs", + -10.37003231048584 + ], + [ + "\u2581a\u00f1adido", + -10.463109016418457 + ], + [ + "\u2581A\u00f1adir", + -10.52143383026123 + ], + [ + "\u2581toward", + -10.350798606872559 + ], + [ + "\u2581installed", + -10.343001365661621 + ], + [ + "\u2581Video", + -10.807381629943848 + ], + [ + "\u2581ill", + -10.379944801330566 + ], + [ + "\u2581poli", + -10.492027282714844 + ], + [ + "\u2581toneladas", + -10.462281227111816 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aplicaci\u00f3n", + -10.468259811401367 + ], + [ + "\u2581occupied", + -10.336216926574707 + ], + [ + "\u2581perfecta", + -10.425220489501953 + ], + [ + "\u258179", + -10.988526344299316 + ], + [ + "\u2581producido", + -10.4362211227417 + ], + [ + "\u2581symptoms", + -10.353610038757324 + ], + [ + "\u2581Familia", + -10.518233299255371 + ], + [ + "\u2581eficiente", + -10.43994140625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Catholic", + -10.345401763916016 + ], + [ + "\u2581professionals", + -10.364346504211426 + ], + [ + "\u2581temporada", + -10.49450969696045 + ], + [ + "\u2581cool", + -10.454909324645996 + ], + [ + "\u2581presentada", + -10.446842193603516 + ], + [ + "\u2581carretera", + -10.437629699707031 + ], + [ + "\u2581terrace", + -10.344588279724121 + ], + [ + "\u2581representation", + -10.30758285522461 + ], + [ + "\u2581notificaci\u00f3n", + -10.478328704833984 + ], + [ + "\u2581Goals", + -10.349489212036133 + ], + [ + "\u2581terraza", + -10.471277236938477 + ], + [ + "\u2581proceda", + -10.447903633117676 + ], + [ + "\u2581portal", + -11.05884075164795 + ], + [ + "\u258101", + -11.029145240783691 + ], + [ + "/4", + -10.948212623596191 + ], + [ + "\u2581findings", + -10.339720726013184 + ], + [ + "\u2581eliminate", + -10.350797653198242 + ], + [ + "ima", + -11.0597505569458 + ], + [ + "\u2581cartas", + -10.462546348571777 + ], + [ + "\u2581Papa", + -10.682039260864258 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rio", + -10.614739418029785 + ], + [ + "\u2581nearly", + -10.360517501831055 + ], + [ + "\u2581Montenegro", + -10.983288764953613 + ], + [ + "\u2581naci\u00f3n", + -10.443682670593262 + ], + [ + "\u2581Which", + -10.466692924499512 + ], + [ + "\u2581escape", + -10.721471786499023 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ministros", + -10.493118286132812 + ], + [ + "\u2581estableci\u00f3", + -10.478331565856934 + ], + [ + "\u2581asesinato", + -10.373849868774414 + ], + [ + "\u2581dirigentes", + -10.446054458618164 + ], + [ + "\u2581Investigaci\u00f3n", + -10.445981979370117 + ], + [ + "\u2581hacemos", + -10.378218650817871 + ], + [ + "\u2581Requests", + -10.349091529846191 + ], + [ + "\u2581Northern", + -10.311482429504395 + ], + [ + "If", + -10.349004745483398 + ], + [ + "\u2581PRO", + -11.468140602111816 + ], + [ + "\u258181", + -11.005349159240723 + ], + [ + "\u2581adults", + -10.3567476272583 + ], + [ + "\u2581Escuchar", + -10.542630195617676 + ], + [ + "\u2581debo", + -10.44600772857666 + ], + [ + "\u2581juez", + -10.404732704162598 + ], + [ + "ski", + -11.166261672973633 + ], + [ + "\u2581HA", + -10.703803062438965 + ], + [ + "\u2581seeing", + -10.460896492004395 + ], + [ + "\u2581Toda", + -10.507065773010254 + ], + [ + "\u2581electr\u00f3nica", + -10.459368705749512 + ], + [ + "\u2581actively", + -10.335797309875488 + ], + [ + "\u2581considering", + -10.360806465148926 + ], + [ + "\u2581cards", + -10.418468475341797 + ], + [ + "\u2581dejado", + -10.366034507751465 + ], + [ + "\u2581diario", + -10.434558868408203 + ], + [ + "\u2581platform", + -10.324678421020508 + ], + [ + "2000", + -11.129518508911133 + ], + [ + "ense", + -11.019672393798828 + ], + [ + "ACI\u00d3N", + -11.030984878540039 + ], + [ + "cept", + -11.274455070495605 + ], + [ + "\u2581temperature", + -10.342875480651855 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ayuda", + -10.447545051574707 + ], + [ + "but", + -10.740872383117676 + ], + [ + "\u2581formed", + -10.377487182617188 + ], + [ + "\u2581har\u00e9", + -10.294983863830566 + ], + [ + "\u2581bis", + -10.770751953125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Elimination", + -10.326664924621582 + ], + [ + "\u2581ventana", + -10.432746887207031 + ], + [ + "\u258182", + -10.979692459106445 + ], + [ + "\u2581hagan", + -10.429025650024414 + ], + [ + "\u2581estancia", + -10.494375228881836 + ], + [ + "\u2581dormir", + -10.282554626464844 + ], + [ + "\u2581sexuales", + -10.512907028198242 + ], + [ + "\u2581Both", + -10.369111061096191 + ], + [ + "\u2581B\u00e9lgica", + -10.434653282165527 + ], + [ + "lie", + -10.959946632385254 + ], + [ + "\u2581unable", + -10.34482479095459 + ], + [ + "\u2581Trust", + -10.45350456237793 + ], + [ + "\u2581estrat\u00e9gico", + -10.47716236114502 + ], + [ + "\u2581contrary", + -10.316922187805176 + ], + [ + "house", + -10.701024055480957 + ], + [ + "\u2581examples", + -10.438392639160156 + ], + [ + "well", + -11.00875473022461 + ], + [ + "\u2581lie", + -10.422455787658691 + ], + [ + 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"\u2581feature", + -10.341804504394531 + ], + [ + "\u2581solidarity", + -10.330949783325195 + ], + [ + "\u2581Space", + -10.362465858459473 + ], + [ + "\u2581rehabilitation", + -10.356512069702148 + ], + [ + "room", + -10.716601371765137 + ], + [ + "\u2581sets", + -10.517824172973633 + ], + [ + "\u2581wishes", + -10.36281967163086 + ], + [ + "cle", + -11.012924194335938 + ], + [ + "\u2581lectura", + -10.458236694335938 + ], + [ + "\u258169", + -11.02274227142334 + ], + [ + "\u2581indican", + -10.463126182556152 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gua", + -10.975659370422363 + ], + [ + "\u2581believed", + -10.384150505065918 + ], + [ + "mann", + -11.091805458068848 + ], + [ + "\u2581adquisici\u00f3n", + -10.489413261413574 + ], + [ + "\u2581breve", + -10.472238540649414 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mother", + -10.469219207763672 + ], + [ + "\u2581ACNUR", + -10.498069763183594 + ], + [ + "\u2581equivalent", + -10.354369163513184 + ], + [ + "\u2581banda", + -10.47783088684082 + ], + [ + "\u2581UNEP", + -10.546164512634277 + ], + [ + "\u2581facts", + -10.460811614990234 + ], + [ + "\u2581san", + -10.774986267089844 + ], + [ + "\u2581ilegal", + -10.455476760864258 + ], + [ + "\u2581orador", + -10.495698928833008 + ], + [ + "\u2581dear", + -10.514436721801758 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sabes", + -10.23840618133545 + ], + [ + "\u258110%", + -11.023565292358398 + ], + [ + "\u2581cubrir", + -10.4537992477417 + ], + [ + "\u2581Added", + -10.425780296325684 + ], + [ + "\u2581directive", + -10.311156272888184 + ], + [ + "dan", + -10.946487426757812 + ], + [ + "\u2581soldados", + -10.450069427490234 + ], + [ + "\u2581constitutional", + -10.35168743133545 + ], + [ + "\u2581repercusiones", + -10.472113609313965 + ], + [ + "\u2581negociaci\u00f3n", + -10.463876724243164 + ], + [ + "\u2581agente", + -10.408991813659668 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hall", + -10.788286209106445 + ], + [ + "\u2581esperando", + -10.336687088012695 + ], + [ + "\u2581contin\u00faa", + -10.478140830993652 + ], + [ + "\u2581desarrollado", + -10.47195816040039 + ], + [ + "\u2581desempleo", + -10.479538917541504 + ], + [ + "including", + -10.336429595947266 + ], + [ + "cina", + -10.84393310546875 + ], + [ + "\u2581mention", + -10.37610149383545 + ], + [ + "\u2581student", + -10.378604888916016 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tags", + -10.61858081817627 + ], + [ + "\u2581destination", + -10.334365844726562 + ], + [ + "\u2581Headquarters", + -10.359206199645996 + ], + [ + "\u2581musical", + -11.102229118347168 + ], + [ + "mor", + -11.046523094177246 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fundaci\u00f3n", + -10.490364074707031 + ], + [ + "\u2581asignaci\u00f3n", + -10.462883949279785 + ], + [ + "\u2581financiar", + -10.490843772888184 + ], + [ + "\u2581sweet", + -10.424880981445312 + ], + [ + "\u2581maintained", + -10.364150047302246 + ], + [ + "\u2581certificado", + -10.473345756530762 + ], + [ + "\u2581usando", + -10.4528169631958 + ], + [ + "\u2581male", + -10.380280494689941 + ], + [ + "mb", + -11.00905704498291 + ], + [ + "\u2581pod\u00edan", + -10.462369918823242 + ], + [ + "\u2581ocupado", + -10.41845989227295 + ], + [ + "\u2581drop", + -10.417251586914062 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mediterranean", + -10.365118980407715 + ], + [ + "\u2581executive", + -10.371233940124512 + ], + [ + "\u2581gusto", + -10.392006874084473 + ], + [ + "\u2581Um", + -10.840950965881348 + ], + [ + "\u2581pendientes", + -10.484075546264648 + ], + [ + "\u2581genial", + -10.282487869262695 + ], + [ + "sin", + -10.59746265411377 + ], + [ + "\u2581ye", + -10.3947172164917 + ], + [ + "\u2581revoluci\u00f3n", + -10.498092651367188 + ], + [ + "\u25811992,", + -11.106977462768555 + ], + [ + "\u2581Natural", + -10.740999221801758 + ], + [ + "\u2581pensando", + -10.319391250610352 + ], + [ + "ade", + -10.810201644897461 + ], + [ + "TS", + -10.995731353759766 + ], + [ + "\u2581Agencia", + -10.441756248474121 + ], + [ + "\u2581humanity", + -10.362505912780762 + ], + [ + "\u2581examin\u00f3", + -10.481650352478027 + ], + [ + "\u2581recuperar", + -10.462767601013184 + ], + [ + "\u2581expres\u00f3", + -10.481650352478027 + ], + [ + "\u2581dinner", + -10.497852325439453 + ], + [ + "\u00bf", + -10.52798843383789 + ], + [ + "\u2581ra\u00edz", + -10.465645790100098 + ], + [ + "\u2581compa\u00f1\u00edas", + -10.488483428955078 + ], + [ + "\u2581Estatuto", + -10.479970932006836 + ], + [ + "\u2581quincuag\u00e9simo", + -10.444361686706543 + ], + [ + "\u2581abarca", + -10.473828315734863 + ], + [ + "\u2581thy", + -10.380655288696289 + ], + [ + "\u2581showing", + -10.381656646728516 + ], + [ + "\u2581warm", + -10.437553405761719 + ], + [ + "\u2581consentimiento", + -10.48979663848877 + ], + [ + "\u2581harm", + -10.382280349731445 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cat", + -11.003730773925781 + ], + [ + "ette", + -11.1624174118042 + ], + [ + "Hay", + -10.346858024597168 + ], + [ + "\u2581cierta", + -10.464488983154297 + ], + [ + "\u2581Finlandia", + -10.456586837768555 + ], + [ + "\u2581hist\u00f3rico", + -10.487411499023438 + ], + [ + "\u2581residentes", + -10.51610279083252 + ], + [ + "PS", + -11.005417823791504 + ], + [ + "BAR", + -11.03992748260498 + ], + [ + "\u2581budgetary", + -10.352851867675781 + ], + [ + "\u2581descripci\u00f3n", + -10.506498336791992 + ], + [ + "\u2581$2", + -10.427715301513672 + ], + [ + "\u2581frontera", + -10.470536231994629 + ], + [ + "\u2581fell", + -10.423357963562012 + ], + [ + "\u2581recibe", + -10.495182037353516 + ], + [ + "eta", + -10.916372299194336 + ], + [ + "\u2581vemos", + -10.349587440490723 + ], + [ + "\u2581tourism", + -10.349309921264648 + ], + [ + "\u2581pensiones", + -10.479646682739258 + ], + [ + "\u2581audit", + -10.32703685760498 + ], + [ + "\u2581Small", + -10.437630653381348 + ], + [ + "\u2581larger", + -10.370738983154297 + ], + [ + "\u2581consists", + -10.386795043945312 + ], + [ + "\u2581career", + -10.418133735656738 + ], + [ + "\u2581periods", + -10.49729061126709 + ], + [ + "\u2581SA", + -10.89163589477539 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mom", + -10.574252128601074 + ], + [ + "\u258123.", + -11.191010475158691 + ], + [ + "\u2581tree", + -10.407478332519531 + ], + [ + "\u2581exportaciones", + -10.49935531616211 + ], + [ + "rica", + -11.060945510864258 + ], + [ + "\u2581heads", + -10.45593547821045 + ], + [ + "\u258122.", + -11.223648071289062 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nombre", + -10.512585639953613 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pri", + -10.890151977539062 + ], + [ + "\u2581Press", + -10.560111999511719 + ], + [ + "\u2581deals", + -10.419183731079102 + ], + [ + "\u2581textos", + -10.568400382995605 + ], + [ + "ator", + -10.760461807250977 + ], + [ + "\u2581comunitarias", + -10.511544227600098 + ], + [ + "\u2581outstanding", + -10.355986595153809 + ], + [ + "\u2581shopping", + -10.420985221862793 + ], + [ + "\u2581adecuados", + -10.505640029907227 + ], + [ + "\u2581journey", + -10.384474754333496 + ], + [ + "\u2581muri\u00f3", + -10.388936042785645 + ], + [ + "\u2581Miguel", + -11.128082275390625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Desarme", + -10.496232032775879 + ], + [ + "\u2581enlace", + -10.48658561706543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Czech", + -10.332347869873047 + ], + [ + "\u2581llamamiento", + -10.46872329711914 + ], + [ + "ts", + -10.591221809387207 + ], + [ + "\u2581puertas", + -10.491786003112793 + ], + [ + "\u2581accused", + -10.375454902648926 + ], + [ + "ell", + -11.152992248535156 + ], + [ + "MI", + -11.082395553588867 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bob", + -11.09135913848877 + ], + [ + "ath", + -10.813862800598145 + ], + [ + "\u2581cars", + -10.504692077636719 + ], + [ + "3)", + -11.054651260375977 + ], + [ + "\u2581mencionado", + -10.470877647399902 + ], + [ + "\u2581ii", + -10.478795051574707 + ], + [ + "\u2581permitido", + -10.480032920837402 + ], + [ + "\u2581ni\u00f1a", + -10.354926109313965 + ], + [ + "\u2581publicaciones", + -10.514917373657227 + ], + [ + "ala", + -10.87885570526123 + ], + [ + "SO", + -11.08373737335205 + ], + [ + "\u2581corresponding", + -10.348079681396484 + ], + [ + "9%", + -11.153244972229004 + ], + [ + "\u2581intention", + -10.353941917419434 + ], + [ + "\u2581helps", + -10.551004409790039 + ], + [ + "lor", + -11.19196605682373 + ], + [ + "\u2581solidaridad", + -10.492637634277344 + ], + [ + "\u2581ON", + -10.455753326416016 + ], + [ + "\u2581resumen", + -10.516085624694824 + ], + [ + "\u2581Keep", + -10.489567756652832 + ], + [ + "\u2581primarily", + -10.359633445739746 + ], + [ + "\u2581cat", + -10.79088306427002 + ], + [ + "\u2581min", + -11.0355863571167 + ], + [ + "\u2581ECU", + -10.537955284118652 + ], + [ + "/5", + -10.95972728729248 + ], + [ + "nic", + -11.118332862854004 + ], + [ + "\u2581removed", + -10.391571998596191 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rock", + -11.119488716125488 + ], + [ + "\u2581statistical", + -10.380672454833984 + ], + [ + "\u2581industriales", + -10.526006698608398 + ], + [ + "\u2581occupation", + -10.344982147216797 + ], + [ + "\u2581song", + -10.464364051818848 + ], + [ + "\u258113,", + -11.565107345581055 + ], + [ + "\u2581piso", + -10.437262535095215 + ], + [ + "\u2581formuladas", + -10.504809379577637 + ], + [ + "\u2581match", + -10.429900169372559 + ], + [ + "\u2581rock", + -10.670266151428223 + ], + [ + "\u2581spoke", + -10.423569679260254 + ], + [ + "\u2581resulted", + -10.384368896484375 + ], + [ + "\u2581capable", + -10.38985538482666 + ], + [ + "cent", + -10.991312026977539 + ], + [ + "\u2581supra", + -10.604323387145996 + ], + [ + "\u2581Questions", + -10.38436222076416 + ], + [ + "\u2581pilot", + -10.39675521850586 + ], + [ + "\u2581conducir", + -10.451879501342773 + ], + [ + "\u2581Long", + -10.662883758544922 + ], + [ + "ign", + -11.186716079711914 + ], + [ + "\u2581anymore", + -10.540456771850586 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00c1rabe", + -10.416866302490234 + ], + [ + "\u25812020", + -11.017765045166016 + ], + [ + "\u2581Word", + -10.553651809692383 + ], + [ + "\u2581stress", + -10.37221622467041 + ], + [ + "\u2581workshop", + -10.358373641967773 + ], + [ + "\u2581mandatos", + -10.560700416564941 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nuclear", + -10.45756721496582 + ], + [ + "\u2581considerarse", + -10.516239166259766 + ], + [ + "\u2581perjuicio", + -10.477005004882812 + ], + [ + "\u2581ves", + -10.353922843933105 + ], + [ + "\u2581arrival", + -10.41385555267334 + ], + [ + "\u2581ruta", + -10.48412799835205 + ], + [ + "\u2581ausencia", + -10.518638610839844 + ], + [ + "\u2581buques", + -10.483617782592773 + ], + [ + "\u2581fulfil", + -10.368131637573242 + ], + [ + "row", + -11.104249954223633 + ], + [ + "\u2581Live", + -10.700980186462402 + ], + [ + "\u2581Expertos", + -10.54011058807373 + ], + [ + "\u2581trends", + -10.393092155456543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Leer", + -10.554712295532227 + ], + [ + "\u2581shape", + -10.397557258605957 + ], + [ + "\u2581a\u00e9reo", + -10.474308967590332 + ], + [ + "2002", + -11.05122184753418 + ], + [ + "\u2581organisation", + -10.338912010192871 + ], + [ + "\u2581Festival", + -11.03939151763916 + ], + [ + "PO", + -11.226198196411133 + ], + [ + "\u25812013.", + -11.345420837402344 + ], + [ + "AR", + -10.993365287780762 + ], + [ + "\u2581understood", + -10.407700538635254 + ], + [ + "\u2581pu", + -10.495586395263672 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ch", + -10.621322631835938 + ], + [ + "\u2581marine", + -10.37351131439209 + ], + [ + "\u2581Photo", + -10.570889472961426 + ], + [ + "\u2581gases", + -10.808091163635254 + ], + [ + "\u2581attend", + -10.391031265258789 + ], + [ + "Su", + -10.480154991149902 + ], + [ + "\u2581normativa", + -10.508198738098145 + ], + [ + "\u2581colour", + -10.411924362182617 + ], + [ + "\u2581loved", + -10.49443244934082 + ], + [ + "\u2581arrested", + -10.417801856994629 + ], + [ + "\u2581Microsoft", + -11.062458992004395 + ], + [ + "ius", + -10.966700553894043 + ], + [ + "\u2581modifica", + -10.439656257629395 + ], + [ + "\u2581entiendo", + -10.297332763671875 + ], + [ + "\u2581debidamente", + -10.506307601928711 + ], + [ + "\u2581dry", + -10.423616409301758 + ], + [ + "\u2581ventas", + -10.536978721618652 + ], + [ + "\u2581primeras", + -10.616827964782715 + ], + [ + "IF", + -11.091024398803711 + ], + [ + "\u2581Equipo", + -10.589974403381348 + ], + [ + "\u2581meat", + -10.42680549621582 + ], + [ + "\u2581darle", + -10.38368034362793 + ], + [ + "wood", + -10.899969100952148 + ], + [ + "\u2581Travel", + -10.556264877319336 + ], + [ + "\u2581Incluso", + -10.426081657409668 + ], + [ + ".1,", + -11.276289939880371 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bel", + -11.159340858459473 + ], + [ + "\u2581sirve", + -10.481830596923828 + ], + [ + "\u2581mezcla", + -10.491552352905273 + ], + [ + "2013", + -11.178689956665039 + ], + [ + "IG", + -11.232156753540039 + ], + [ + "\u2581considerado", + -10.502257347106934 + ], + [ + "\u2581contaminaci\u00f3n", + -10.485319137573242 + ], + [ + "\u2581dej\u00f3", + -10.434550285339355 + ], + [ + "\u2581futuras", + -10.519591331481934 + ], + [ + "\u2581detallada", + -10.493952751159668 + ], + [ + "gia", + -11.007969856262207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Does", + -10.483970642089844 + ], + [ + "\u2581Buscar", + -10.561564445495605 + ], + [ + "\u2581vecinos", + -10.482378005981445 + ], + [ + "ara", + -10.87948989868164 + ], + [ + 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+ -10.548368453979492 + ], + [ + "\u2581authorized", + -10.38817310333252 + ], + [ + "\u2581complejo", + -10.486871719360352 + ], + [ + "\u2581refugee", + -10.376118659973145 + ], + [ + "\u2581officer", + -10.425792694091797 + ], + [ + "\u2581lay", + -10.407902717590332 + ], + [ + "\u2581dando", + -10.459136962890625 + ], + [ + "\u2581prayer", + -10.384476661682129 + ], + [ + "\u2581Despite", + -10.374305725097656 + ], + [ + "\u2581clasificaci\u00f3n", + -10.52322769165039 + ], + [ + "\u2581joined", + -10.417869567871094 + ], + [ + "\u2581tardar", + -10.518135070800781 + ], + [ + "\u2581occasion", + -10.379278182983398 + ], + [ + "\u2581privados", + -10.558333396911621 + ], + [ + "siones", + -10.791227340698242 + ], + [ + "\u2581illicit", + -10.35351848602295 + ], + [ + "\u2581gobernanza", + -10.555415153503418 + ], + [ + "\u2581fill", + -10.43183422088623 + ], + [ + "r\u00ed", + -10.714886665344238 + ], + [ + "\u2581Qui", + -10.975709915161133 + ], + [ + "\u2581restaurants", + -10.438602447509766 + ], + [ + "\u2581conducto", + -10.485072135925293 + ], + [ + "\u2581elaborado", + -10.513322830200195 + ], + [ + "\u2581bajos", + -10.609663009643555 + ], + [ + "\u2581Thursday", + -10.433012008666992 + ], + [ + "\u2581finding", + -10.428650856018066 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cross", + -10.526898384094238 + ], + [ + "\u2581mensajes", + -10.54520034790039 + ], + [ + "\u2581coordinated", + -10.381719589233398 + ], + [ + "\u2581ratio", + -10.519319534301758 + ], + [ + "ira", + -11.045345306396484 + ], + [ + "\u2581ensayo", + -10.490970611572266 + ], + [ + "DP", + -10.926466941833496 + ], + [ + "\u258121,", + -11.279229164123535 + ], + [ + "\u2581Store", + -10.585906982421875 + ], + [ + "\u2581piedra", + -10.479413986206055 + ], + [ + "\u2581=", + -10.42232894897461 + ], + [ + "\u2581consejo", + -10.458760261535645 + ], + [ + "\u2581destaca", + -10.5098876953125 + ], + [ + "Ro", + -10.948393821716309 + ], + [ + "\u2581torno", + -10.535604476928711 + ], + [ + "\u2581driving", + -10.43701171875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Macedonia", + -10.996797561645508 + ], + [ + "\u2581fiscales", + -10.512299537658691 + ], + [ + "\u2581topic", + -10.378729820251465 + ], + [ + "\u2581generalmente", + -10.540472030639648 + ], + [ + "\u2581integrity", + -10.376753807067871 + ], + [ + "\")", + -11.356407165527344 + ], + [ + "\u2581Coordination", + -10.368674278259277 + ], + [ + "\u2581List", + -10.42911148071289 + ], + [ + "\u2581heaven", + -10.449357986450195 + ], + [ + "\u2581Communities", + -10.34406566619873 + ], + [ + "\u2581Comunicaci\u00f3n", + -10.538278579711914 + ], + [ + "\u2581Games", + -10.439412117004395 + ], + [ + "\u2581mountain", + -10.436247825622559 + ], + [ + "\u2581Charles", + -11.082262992858887 + ], + [ + "\u2581paga", + -10.404419898986816 + ], + [ + "t\u00ed", + -10.599539756774902 + ], + [ + "\u2581reciben", + -10.528286933898926 + ], + [ + "\u2581restaurantes", + -10.55833911895752 + ], + [ + "\u2581Italiano", + -11.111681938171387 + ], + [ + "\u2581Game", + -10.70608901977539 + ], + [ + "\u2581expansion", + -10.400542259216309 + ], + [ + "\u2581Croacia", + -10.459627151489258 + ], + [ + "\u2581aren", + -10.661471366882324 + ], + [ + "\u2581concreto", + -10.528571128845215 + ], + [ + "\u2581Software", + -10.934979438781738 + ], + [ + "\u2581Comunidades", + -10.531373023986816 + ], + [ + "\u2581seguir\u00e1", + -10.52914047241211 + ], + [ + "\u2581observar", + -10.550490379333496 + ], + [ + "\u2581existente", + -10.52210807800293 + ], + [ + "\u2581movements", + -10.454014778137207 + ], + [ + "\u2581tendr\u00eda", + -10.429359436035156 + ], + [ + "IE", + -11.18200397491455 + ], + [ + "\u2581A\u00f1adido", + -10.60494327545166 + ], + [ + "\u2581igualmente", + -10.521270751953125 + ], + [ + "82", + -11.049399375915527 + ], + [ + "\u2581Adam", + -10.934882164001465 + ], + [ + "\u2581sonido", + -10.485764503479004 + ], + [ + "\u2581totally", + -10.471841812133789 + ], + [ + "\u2581Res", + -11.005105018615723 + ], + [ + "\u2581az\u00facar", + -10.462666511535645 + ], + [ + "\u25811999.", + -11.202688217163086 + ], + [ + "\u2581modificaciones", + -10.541817665100098 + ], + [ + "\u2581Chamber", + -10.382608413696289 + ], + [ + "\u2581coverage", + -10.39509105682373 + ], + [ + "\u2581seat", + -10.441295623779297 + ], + [ + "\u2581Color", + -11.218515396118164 + ], + [ + "\u2581investments", + -10.444973945617676 + ], + [ + "\u2581peri\u00f3dicos", + -10.515426635742188 + ], + [ + "\u2581closer", + -10.435208320617676 + ], + [ + "jas", + -10.480506896972656 + ], + [ + "\u2581siente", + -10.407236099243164 + ], + [ + "\u2581Welcome", + -10.487212181091309 + ], + [ + "\u2581dates", + -10.524152755737305 + ], + [ + "uro", + -11.066272735595703 + ], + [ + "niendo", + -10.663809776306152 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tel", + -11.041519165039062 + ], + [ + "\u2581allowing", + -10.42043399810791 + ], + [ + "\u2581Coordinaci\u00f3n", + -10.537684440612793 + ], + [ + "\u2581none", + -10.465020179748535 + ], + [ + "\u2581lies", + -10.455799102783203 + ], + [ + "cur", + -11.29683780670166 + ], + [ + "\u2581n\u00fameros", + -10.647581100463867 + ], + [ + "FR", + -11.055586814880371 + ], + [ + "\u2581appointment", + -10.428241729736328 + ], + [ + "\u2581polvo", + -10.488430976867676 + ], + [ + "MS", + -10.982772827148438 + ], + [ + "\u2581strengthened", + -10.421552658081055 + ], + [ + "PR", + -11.000375747680664 + ], + [ + "\u2581Racial", + -11.096456527709961 + ], + [ + "\u2581denuncia", + -10.493653297424316 + ], + [ + "\u2581azul", + -10.487589836120605 + ], + [ + "\u2581strongly", + -10.404979705810547 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cyprus", + -10.33929443359375 + ], + [ + "\u2581l\u00edder", + -10.524226188659668 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sunday", + -10.456989288330078 + ], + [ + "\u2581extensive", + -10.390615463256836 + ], + [ + "\u2581witness", + -10.442826271057129 + ], + [ + "\u2581concentraci\u00f3n", + -10.522479057312012 + ], + [ + "\u2581satisfacer", + -10.519326210021973 + ], + [ + "rus", + -11.361669540405273 + ], + [ + "\u2581europeas", + -10.56121826171875 + ], + [ + "Bo", + -11.167445182800293 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cam", + -11.068765640258789 + ], + [ + "\u2581permitir\u00e1", + -10.5397367477417 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lista", + -10.576964378356934 + ], + [ + "\u2581opposition", + -10.438401222229004 + ], + [ + "\u2581techniques", + -10.414505004882812 + ], + [ + "\u2581Prime", + -10.406859397888184 + ], + [ + "\u2581institucionales", + -10.549704551696777 + ], + [ + "\u2581player", + -10.432655334472656 + ], + [ + "\u2581col", + -10.816326141357422 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ambassador", + -10.387351036071777 + ], + [ + "\u2581Big", + -10.82144546508789 + ], + [ + "\u2581llevan", + -10.518715858459473 + ], + [ + "\u2581entrevista", + -10.478413581848145 + ], + [ + "\u2581cierre", + -10.505642890930176 + ], + [ + "\u2581amazing", + -10.466416358947754 + ], + [ + "\u2581weather", + -10.442303657531738 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fra", + -11.308661460876465 + ], + [ + "\u2581villa", + -11.192062377929688 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuyos", + -10.565680503845215 + ], + [ + "\u2581suficientemente", + -10.51024341583252 + ], + [ + "\u2581Royal", + -10.764059066772461 + ], + [ + "\u2581huh", + -10.629855155944824 + ], + [ + "\u2581(4", + -11.178512573242188 + ], + [ + "\u2581route", + -10.423881530761719 + ], + [ + "lina", + -10.862641334533691 + ], + [ + "\u2581trees", + -10.450212478637695 + ], + [ + "\u2581profunda", + -10.526636123657227 + ], + [ + "\u2581Science", + -10.487466812133789 + ], + [ + "\u2581minorities", + -10.407432556152344 + ], + [ + "\u2581Superior", + -10.829110145568848 + ], + [ + "ua", + -11.026002883911133 + ], + [ + "met", + -11.096512794494629 + ], + [ + "\u2581criterio", + -10.521291732788086 + ], + [ + "\u2581correctamente", + -10.553019523620605 + ], + [ + "\u2581danger", + -10.429469108581543 + ], + [ + "\u2581pages", + -10.503894805908203 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sta", + -10.933880805969238 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dinamarca", + -10.50118637084961 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vista", + -10.762442588806152 + ], + [ + "\u2581contingentes", + -10.557123184204102 + ], + [ + "\u2581entity", + -10.374436378479004 + ], + [ + "nza", + -10.616619110107422 + ], + [ + "\u2581batalla", + -10.512042999267578 + ], + [ + "\u2581clinical", + -10.441408157348633 + ], + [ + "\u2581observaci\u00f3n", + -10.546058654785156 + ], + [ + "\u2581pleasure", + -10.47758674621582 + ], + [ + "\u2581pieces", + -10.464601516723633 + ], + [ + "\u2581positivo", + -10.488405227661133 + ], + [ + "\u2581escolar", + -10.546771049499512 + ], + [ + "\u2581logros", + -10.563130378723145 + ], + [ + "700", + -11.189818382263184 + ], + [ + "\u2581Original", + -11.084512710571289 + ], + [ + "\u00e3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581regreso", + -10.47168254852295 + ], + [ + "\u2581letters", + -10.479076385498047 + ], + [ + "\u2581perspectivas", + -10.550628662109375 + ], + [ + "\u2581preocupaciones", + -10.549246788024902 + ], + [ + "\u2581examinado", + -10.529053688049316 + ], + [ + "\u2581planet", + -10.48499584197998 + ], + [ + "\u2581Location", + -10.442758560180664 + ], + [ + "\u2581finalidad", + -10.53897476196289 + ], + [ + "\u2581evidente", + -10.511101722717285 + ], + [ + "\u2581organizado", + -10.551382064819336 + ], + [ + "RA", + -11.015668869018555 + ], + [ + "gna", + -10.896280288696289 + ], + [ + "tt", + -10.529915809631348 + ], + [ + "\u2581Professional", + -10.503658294677734 + ], + [ + "\u2581paquete", + -10.507073402404785 + ], + [ + "\u2581declara", + -10.455395698547363 + ], + [ + "\u2581engage", + -10.427508354187012 + ], + [ + "\u2581enhanced", + -10.41755199432373 + ], + [ + "\u2581\"\u00bf", + -10.449677467346191 + ], + [ + "\u2581seriously", + -10.464521408081055 + ], + [ + "\u2581testing", + -10.419869422912598 + ], + [ + "\u2581refleja", + -10.48666763305664 + ], + [ + "\u2581comentario", + -10.535905838012695 + ], + [ + "ema", + -11.142204284667969 + ], + [ + "\u2581quick", + -10.5247802734375 + ], + [ + "\u2581130", + -11.15440559387207 + ], + [ + "idades", + -10.675556182861328 + ], + [ + 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[ + "\u2581consumers", + -10.425745964050293 + ], + [ + "\u2581feed", + -10.428555488586426 + ], + [ + "\u2581reviewed", + -10.432745933532715 + ], + [ + "\u2581navegaci\u00f3n", + -10.535621643066406 + ], + [ + "\u2581A\u00fan", + -10.390624046325684 + ], + [ + "\u2581sides", + -10.49476146697998 + ], + [ + "\u2581canal", + -10.739952087402344 + ], + [ + "d\u00eda", + -10.604389190673828 + ], + [ + "\u2581headquarters", + -10.422931671142578 + ], + [ + "900", + -11.237748146057129 + ], + [ + "\u2581corriente", + -10.534475326538086 + ], + [ + "Hola", + -10.31253719329834 + ], + [ + "\u2581apartamentos", + -10.579998970031738 + ], + [ + "\u2581chicas", + -10.37649917602539 + ], + [ + "\u2581Segunda", + -10.549100875854492 + ], + [ + "\u2581pr\u00f3ximos", + -10.568148612976074 + ], + [ + "\u2581Eastern", + -10.40402889251709 + ], + [ + "lly", + -10.950536727905273 + ], + [ + "\u2581forty", + -10.441530227661133 + ], + [ + "\u2581vuelve", + -10.426688194274902 + ], + [ + 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-11.151191711425781 + ], + [ + "\u2581impuesto", + -10.533914566040039 + ], + [ + "\u2581corta", + -10.433528900146484 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reverse", + -11.217395782470703 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cre", + -10.984109878540039 + ], + [ + "\u2581Denmark", + -10.351594924926758 + ], + [ + "\u2581suffered", + -10.440927505493164 + ], + [ + "\u2581mencionados", + -10.549036979675293 + ], + [ + "\u2581organs", + -10.448569297790527 + ], + [ + "\u2581totalidad", + -10.552776336669922 + ], + [ + "\u2581multilaterales", + -10.553488731384277 + ], + [ + "\u2581conjuntamente", + -10.580998420715332 + ], + [ + "\u2581pr\u00e9stamos", + -10.550076484680176 + ], + [ + "\u2581resort", + -10.592794418334961 + ], + [ + "\u2581amending", + -10.405022621154785 + ], + [ + "\u2581votes", + -10.472780227661133 + ], + [ + "\u2581VIII", + -11.16496467590332 + ], + [ + "\u2581moderno", + -10.571044921875 + ], + [ + "\u2581cient\u00edfica", + -10.5149507522583 + ], + [ + "\u2581m\u00ednima", + -10.557650566101074 + ], + [ + "\u2581Among", + -10.434111595153809 + ], + [ + "IM", + -11.241691589355469 + ], + [ + "c\u00f3", + -10.594890594482422 + ], + [ + "\u2581stations", + -10.467283248901367 + ], + [ + "\u2581telephone", + -10.426218032836914 + ], + [ + "\u2581waters", + -10.562827110290527 + ], + [ + "work", + -10.700684547424316 + ], + [ + "\u2581tuvieron", + -10.552757263183594 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ay", + -10.906283378601074 + ], + [ + "\u2581actitud", + -10.527398109436035 + ], + [ + "\u2581Market", + -10.526227951049805 + ], + [ + "\u2581Discriminaci\u00f3n", + -10.561041831970215 + ], + [ + "cri", + -11.114014625549316 + ], + [ + "\u2581gain", + -10.42983341217041 + ], + [ + "7%", + -11.183822631835938 + ], + [ + "lum", + -11.236754417419434 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sure", + -10.628798484802246 + ], + [ + "\u2581ordenaci\u00f3n", + -10.550305366516113 + ], + [ + "\u2581bedrooms", + -10.49107837677002 + ], + [ + "\u2581arrived", + -10.478219032287598 + ], + [ + "\u2581atmosphere", + -10.461506843566895 + ], 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"\u2581concluir", + -10.553610801696777 + ], + [ + "Yo", + -10.401388168334961 + ], + [ + "\u2581notas", + -10.652748107910156 + ], + [ + "\u2581declar\u00f3", + -10.56159496307373 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuentan", + -10.622255325317383 + ], + [ + "\u2581metas", + -10.604853630065918 + ], + [ + "\u258174", + -11.099801063537598 + ], + [ + "\u2581secundaria", + -10.545355796813965 + ], + [ + "Mar", + -11.127262115478516 + ], + [ + "\u2581positiva", + -10.53371810913086 + ], + [ + "\u2581dar\u00e1", + -10.524731636047363 + ], + [ + "ight", + -11.123811721801758 + ], + [ + "\u2581discover", + -10.460465431213379 + ], + [ + "\u2581undertaking", + -10.391364097595215 + ], + [ + "ane", + -10.712779998779297 + ], + [ + "\u2581Love", + -10.66847038269043 + ], + [ + "\u2581Team", + -10.621145248413086 + ], + [ + "\u2581recomend\u00f3", + -10.575576782226562 + ], + [ + "\u2581muestran", + -10.591097831726074 + ], + [ + "\u2581Senegal", + -10.978028297424316 + ], + [ + "\u2581viviendas", + -10.61813735961914 + ], + [ + "\u2581booking", + -10.449206352233887 + ], + [ + "\u2581tr\u00e1nsito", + -10.553065299987793 + ], + [ + "\u2581abre", + -10.589558601379395 + ], + [ + "\u2581MA", + -11.109696388244629 + ], + [ + "\u2581leaves", + -10.581491470336914 + ], + [ + "\u2581aportar", + -10.689836502075195 + ], + [ + "\u2581ended", + -10.503815650939941 + ], + [ + "\u2581beat", + -10.69342041015625 + ], + [ + "\u2581mirar", + -10.497627258300781 + ], + [ + "\u2581realiz\u00f3", + -10.620132446289062 + ], + [ + "\u2581guaranteed", + -10.441596031188965 + ], + [ + "\u2581encargados", + -10.591083526611328 + ], + [ + "\u2581happening", + -10.527056694030762 + ], + [ + "ENT", + -11.350129127502441 + ], + [ + "\u2581aumentado", + -10.580772399902344 + ], + [ + "\u2581situated", + -10.484158515930176 + ], + [ + "mun", + -11.583571434020996 + ], + [ + "\u2581comunitarios", + -10.587688446044922 + ], + [ + "\u2581apenas", + -10.536595344543457 + ], + [ + "\u2581valid", + -10.452998161315918 + ], + [ + "\u2581raza", + -10.621101379394531 + ], + [ + "\u2581110", + -11.205726623535156 + ], + [ + "\u2581karaoke", + -11.261303901672363 + ], + [ + "\u2581Chipre", + -10.513973236083984 + ], + [ + "\u2581Chair", + -10.484102249145508 + ], + [ + "\u2581conformity", + -10.428473472595215 + ], + [ + "\u2581IS", + -10.96874713897705 + ], + [ + "\u2581architecture", + -10.472953796386719 + ], + [ + "\u2581invite", + -10.591699600219727 + ], + [ + "OP", + -11.049842834472656 + ], + [ + "gg", + -11.154040336608887 + ], + [ + "\u2581alleged", + -10.470580101013184 + ], + [ + "\u2581burden", + -10.447898864746094 + ], + [ + "\u2581arquitectura", + -10.592845916748047 + ], + [ + "\u2581operacionales", + -10.566584587097168 + ], + [ + "MP", + -11.098417282104492 + ], + [ + "\u2581delincuencia", + -10.571654319763184 + ], + [ + "\u2581villas", + -11.1663818359375 + ], + [ + "ele", + -10.899741172790527 + ], + [ + "\u2581dignidad", + -10.544794082641602 + ], + [ + "\u2581intento", + -10.51371955871582 + ], + [ + "\u2581cu\u00e1l", + -10.507325172424316 + ], + [ + "\u2581detenidos", + -10.588802337646484 + ], + [ + "\u2581Letter", + -10.412992477416992 + ], + [ + "vel", + -11.140419006347656 + ], + [ + "\u2581minuto", + -10.396031379699707 + ], + [ + "\u2581limitado", + -10.582332611083984 + ], + [ + "act", + -10.940582275390625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wednesday", + -10.479031562805176 + ], + [ + "\u2581till", + -10.57370662689209 + ], + [ + "\u2581directed", + -10.445460319519043 + ], + [ + "\u2581subjects", + -10.522100448608398 + ], + [ + "\u2581res", + -10.841866493225098 + ], + [ + "\u2581dormitorios", + -10.63303279876709 + ], + [ + "\u2581ancient", + -10.48734188079834 + ], + [ + "\u2581visited", + -10.479741096496582 + ], + [ + "ph", + -11.19359302520752 + ], + [ + "\u2581qu\u00edmicos", + -10.55618667602539 + ], + [ + "\u2581meters", + -10.523519515991211 + ], + [ + "Una", + -10.436286926269531 + ], + [ + "flu", + -11.484712600708008 + ], + [ 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-11.168244361877441 + ], + [ + "\u2581limitaciones", + -10.61063289642334 + ], + [ + "zer", + -11.435907363891602 + ], + [ + "\u2581desechos", + -10.605342864990234 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rey", + -10.816277503967285 + ], + [ + "\u2581Isl\u00e1mica", + -10.54515266418457 + ], + [ + "\u2581bill", + -10.526546478271484 + ], + [ + "\u2581bienvenida", + -10.566045761108398 + ], + [ + "cla", + -10.97144603729248 + ], + [ + "\u2581Excuse", + -10.679872512817383 + ], + [ + "entregue", + -10.557099342346191 + ], + [ + "\u2581penalty", + -10.461376190185547 + ], + [ + "\u2581habido", + -10.572317123413086 + ], + [ + "\u00eds", + -11.028656959533691 + ], + [ + "vie", + -11.21970272064209 + ], + [ + "bur", + -11.330965995788574 + ], + [ + "\u2581har\u00eda", + -10.446497917175293 + ], + [ + "\u00e9s", + -10.935843467712402 + ], + [ + "\u2581Buy", + -10.494885444641113 + ], + [ + "\u2581eco", + -11.069269180297852 + ], + [ + "\u2581calor", + -10.5292329788208 + ], + [ + "\u2581jam\u00e1s", + -10.503758430480957 + ], + [ + "Eso", + -10.373727798461914 + ], + [ + "oma", + -11.113250732421875 + ], + [ + "\u2581merece", + -10.541711807250977 + ], + [ + "\u2581bedroom", + -10.508275985717773 + ], + [ + "ions", + -10.644636154174805 + ], + [ + "cional", + -10.714665412902832 + ], + [ + "\u2581Roman", + -10.525420188903809 + ], + [ + "\u2581putting", + -10.517190933227539 + ], + [ + "called", + -10.465434074401855 + ], + [ + "cum", + -11.574785232543945 + ], + [ + "\u2581estar\u00eda", + -10.45520305633545 + ], + [ + "\u2581CESE", + -10.575284004211426 + ], + [ + "izada", + -10.764386177062988 + ], + [ + "inter", + -11.221240043640137 + ], + [ + "\u2581informaciones", + -10.585834503173828 + ], + [ + "6%", + -11.28736686706543 + ], + [ + "\u2581encanta", + -10.420588493347168 + ], + [ + "\u2581subparagraph", + -10.44119930267334 + ], + [ + "\u2581calles", + -10.585348129272461 + ], + [ + "\u2581presta", + -10.5193452835083 + ], + [ + "\u2581Distr", + -11.119420051574707 + ], + [ + "\u2581brings", + -10.563785552978516 + ], + [ + "\u2581soporte", + -10.58481502532959 + ], + [ + "\u2581ain", + -10.937007904052734 + ], + [ + "\u2581minority", + -10.48043155670166 + ], + [ + "\u2581procede", + -10.538786888122559 + ], + [ + "\u2581urgente", + -10.544034957885742 + ], + [ + "\u2581participan", + -10.60927677154541 + ], + [ + "\u2581deb\u00edan", + -10.609354972839355 + ], + [ + "\u2581desayuno", + -10.587972640991211 + ], + [ + "\u2581Final", + -11.189040184020996 + ], + [ + "\u2581cer", + -11.030755043029785 + ], + [ + "\u2581jo", + -11.289504051208496 + ], + [ + "\u2581presentados", + -10.642008781433105 + ], + [ + "\u2581bu", + -10.913345336914062 + ], + [ + "rea", + -10.67917537689209 + ], + [ + "\u2581dignity", + -10.46435260772705 + ], + [ + "\u2581populations", + -10.540193557739258 + ], + [ + "\u2581beings", + -10.778005599975586 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ban", + -11.22031307220459 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tecnolog\u00eda", + -10.614953994750977 + ], + [ + "\u2581allocated", + -10.442761421203613 + ], + [ + "\u2581donors", + -10.484393119812012 + ], + [ + "\u2581Assistance", + -10.473587036132812 + ], + [ + "\u2581charged", + -10.49464225769043 + ], + [ + "\u2581Precio", + -10.617664337158203 + ], + [ + "\u2581speech", + -10.472089767456055 + ], + [ + "\u2581impulso", + -10.564870834350586 + ], + [ + "\u2581deliberaciones", + -10.61430549621582 + ], + [ + "\u2581pregnant", + -10.514034271240234 + ], + [ + "\u2581Without", + -10.50108528137207 + ], + [ + "\u2581cometido", + -10.556235313415527 + ], + [ + "\u2581quiz\u00e1", + -10.458508491516113 + ], + [ + "cate", + -11.278763771057129 + ], + [ + "\u2581movilidad", + -10.605896949768066 + ], + [ + "\u2581longitud", + -10.637016296386719 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ref", + -11.31026840209961 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hospital", + -11.124753952026367 + ], + [ + "\u2581]", + -11.122295379638672 + ], + [ + "\u2581Eritrea", + -11.142109870910645 + ], + [ + "dri", + -11.19804859161377 + ], + [ + "\u2581Necesito", + -10.385981559753418 + ], + [ + "idos", + -10.691575050354004 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jamaica", + -10.985197067260742 + ], + [ + "\u2581loco", + -10.352011680603027 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nam", + -11.092358589172363 + ], + [ + "dro", + -11.242606163024902 + ], + [ + "\u2581easier", + -10.501297950744629 + ], + [ + "deliver", + -10.414409637451172 + ], + [ + "\u2581externa", + -10.59399127960205 + ], + [ + "\u2581incorporar", + -10.632356643676758 + ], + [ + "\u2581soldiers", + -10.524710655212402 + ], + [ + "\u2581Amsterdam", + -10.994529724121094 + ], + [ + "\u2581Prevenci\u00f3n", + -10.607037544250488 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ir", + -10.55548095703125 + ], + [ + "\u2581reply", + -10.460409164428711 + ], + [ + "\u2581client", + -10.520247459411621 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hol", + -11.239510536193848 + ], + [ + "\u2581preventing", + -10.481011390686035 + ], + [ + "\u2581Diario", + -10.571192741394043 + ], + [ + "\u2581Art\u00edculos", + -10.751211166381836 + ], + [ + "\u2581formar", + -10.563804626464844 + ], + [ + "\u2581convierte", + -10.578295707702637 + ], + [ + "\u2581legitimate", + -10.455218315124512 + ], + [ + "\u2581presents", + -10.613411903381348 + ], + [ + "\u2581aprobar", + -10.574583053588867 + ], + [ + "\u2581Spa", + -11.224837303161621 + ], + [ + "\u2581j", + -11.054582595825195 + ], + [ + "\u2581streets", + -10.515174865722656 + ], + [ + "\u2581overcome", + -10.488380432128906 + ], + [ + "\u2581alem\u00e1n", + -10.609522819519043 + ], + [ + "\u2581Puedo", + -10.411242485046387 + ], + [ + "\u2581afectadas", + -10.652911186218262 + ], + [ + "gubernamentales", + -10.593588829040527 + ], + [ + "\u2581exclusivamente", + -10.60185718536377 + ], + [ + "\u2581Embajador", + -10.588908195495605 + ], + [ + "\u2581intellectual", + -10.470789909362793 + ], + [ + "nea", + -11.222464561462402 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mike", + -11.213191032409668 + ], + [ + "od", + -10.976667404174805 + ], + [ + "\u2581chat", + -11.010747909545898 + ], + [ + "\u2581Type", + -10.501954078674316 + ], + [ + "\u2581thereby", + -10.461830139160156 + ], + [ + "\u2581Road", + -10.936837196350098 + ], + [ + "CR", + -11.277806282043457 + ], + [ + "\u2581Products", + -10.540386199951172 + ], + [ + "\u2581button", + -10.508890151977539 + ], + [ + "\u2581requieren", + -10.60909366607666 + ], + [ + "\u2581scheduled", + -10.495462417602539 + ], + [ + "\u2581encontr\u00f3", + -10.568207740783691 + ], + [ + "\u2581somebody", + -10.6665678024292 + ], + [ + "\u2581currency", + -10.485237121582031 + ], + [ + "uff", + -11.075581550598145 + ], + [ + "\u2581migrants", + -10.516253471374512 + ], + [ + "ct", + -10.638360977172852 + ], + [ + "\u2581consideran", + -10.595606803894043 + ], + [ + "Car", + -11.182273864746094 + ], + [ + "\u2581transactions", + -10.469167709350586 + ], + [ + "ama", + -11.084168434143066 + ], + [ + "\u2581attended", + -10.509421348571777 + ], + [ + "\u2581regularly", + -10.5005521774292 + ], + [ + "\u2581colecci\u00f3n", + -10.613539695739746 + ], + [ + "As", + -10.800741195678711 + ], + [ + "\u2581Model", + -10.598522186279297 + ], + [ + "\u2581banco", + -10.517253875732422 + ], + [ + "vert", + -11.037980079650879 + ], + [ + "\u2581internationally", + -10.503725051879883 + ], + [ + "\u2581v\u00ednculos", + -10.594338417053223 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00e1rabe", + -10.613869667053223 + ], + [ + "tec", + -11.14772891998291 + ], + [ + "ction", + -11.1497802734375 + ], + [ + "\u2581transparent", + -10.498021125793457 + ], + [ + "\u2581ratification", + -10.480646133422852 + ], + [ + "\u2581assigned", + -10.488327980041504 + ], + [ + "\u2581estimates", + -10.483794212341309 + ], + [ + "\u2581sections", + -10.531073570251465 + ], + [ + "c\u00e9", + -10.755997657775879 + ], + [ + "\u2581mini", + -11.237147331237793 + ], + [ + "\u2581assessments", + -10.552384376525879 + ], + [ + "\u2581oh", + -11.222869873046875 + ], + [ + "\u2581electricity", + -10.480742454528809 + ], + [ + "din", + -11.2871675491333 + ], + [ + "\u2581socios", + -10.594204902648926 + ], + [ + "ali", + -11.220051765441895 + ], + [ + "\u2581leads", + -10.568099021911621 + ], + [ + "IL", + -11.153210639953613 + ], + [ + "\u2581oficiosas", + -10.614557266235352 + ], + [ + "ging", + -10.619606018066406 + ], + [ + "\u2581desempe\u00f1o", + -10.62123966217041 + ], + [ + "\u2581placer", + -10.477758407592773 + ], + [ + "\u2581intentar", + -10.581047058105469 + ], + [ + "\u2581walking", + -10.535669326782227 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ob", + -11.20333480834961 + ], + [ + "zu", + -11.288554191589355 + ], + [ + "\u2581acid", + -10.481916427612305 + ], + [ + "\u2581collect", + -10.518741607666016 + ], + [ + "\u2581materias", + -10.746952056884766 + ], + [ + "AS", + -10.817510604858398 + ], + [ + "ky", + -11.119771003723145 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jacob", + -11.264124870300293 + ], + [ + "\u2581errores", + -10.573017120361328 + ], + [ + "\u2581competitive", + -10.497363090515137 + ], + [ + "\u2581Compare", + -10.685425758361816 + ], + [ + "\u2581spa", + -10.977518081665039 + ], + [ + "\u2581saved", + -10.575292587280273 + ], + [ + "\u2581Employment", + -10.453683853149414 + ], + [ + "\u2581migraci\u00f3n", + -10.638397216796875 + ], + [ + "gin", + -11.18200397491455 + ], + [ + "\u2581electricidad", + -10.5945405960083 + ], + [ + "mont", + -11.348254203796387 + ], + [ + "\u2581holiday", + -10.498300552368164 + ], + [ + "\u25812015.", + -11.419983863830566 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kyoto", + -11.075211524963379 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rose", + -11.191547393798828 + ], + [ + "\u2581Resources", + -10.500293731689453 + ], + [ + "\u2581welfare", + -10.490997314453125 + ], + [ + "-8", + -11.173404693603516 + ], + [ + "r\u00e1s", + -10.459721565246582 + ], + [ + "\u2581evidencia", + -10.55380916595459 + ], + [ + "cimiento", + -11.418481826782227 + ], + [ + "\u2581integrada", + -10.610668182373047 + ], + [ + "\u2581odio", + -10.533387184143066 + ], + [ + "\u2581Status", + -10.492321014404297 + ], + [ + "\u2581bot\u00f3n", + -10.607643127441406 + ], + [ + "\u2581V\u00e9ase", + -10.587486267089844 + ], + [ + "pl", + -11.195164680480957 + ], + [ + "bert", + -11.307186126708984 + ], + [ + "\u2581refers", + -10.500306129455566 + ], + [ + "\u2581asistir", + -10.61955451965332 + ], + [ + "\u2581fija", + -10.583687782287598 + ], + [ + "\u2581Otra", + -10.54190731048584 + ], + [ + "\u2581observadores", + -10.606740951538086 + ], + [ + "\u2581intervenciones", + -10.625161170959473 + ], + [ + "Ho", + -11.2138090133667 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pueblo", + -10.679545402526855 + ], + [ + "-7", + -11.23299789428711 + ], + [ + "gel", + -11.03331470489502 + ], + [ + "\u2581aparece", + -10.590596199035645 + ], + [ + "\u2581Joseph", + -10.923218727111816 + ], + [ + "\u2581Japanese", + -10.546916961669922 + ], + [ + "\u2581taxi", + -11.102340698242188 + ], + [ + "\u2581comisiones", + -10.634114265441895 + ], + [ + "\u2581plus", + -10.50327205657959 + ], + [ + "\u2581FAO", + -11.176057815551758 + ], + [ + "mil", + -11.225028038024902 + ], + [ + "\u2581verificaci\u00f3n", + -10.588262557983398 + ], + [ + "\u2581hiciste", + -10.405760765075684 + ], + [ + "\u258126.", + -11.292486190795898 + ], + [ + "\u2581protecting", + -10.496747970581055 + ], + [ + "\u2581finish", + -10.560677528381348 + ], + [ + "\u2581llena", + -10.531628608703613 + ], + [ + "\u2581elegido", + -10.611626625061035 + ], + [ + "\u2581Procedure", + -10.47256088256836 + ], + [ + "\u2581llamadas", + -10.56900691986084 + ], + [ + "\u2581Far", + -11.07586669921875 + ], + [ + "ches", + -11.248498916625977 + ], + [ + "ants", + -10.782410621643066 + ], + [ + "\u2581emerging", + -10.487100601196289 + ], + [ + "\u2581(5", + -11.225587844848633 + ], + [ + "\u2581cerrar", + -10.5746431350708 + ], + [ + "\u2581despliegue", + -10.63977336883545 + ], + [ + "\u2581m\u00e1quinas", + -10.621236801147461 + ], + [ + "\u2581v\u00edas", + -10.639336585998535 + ], + [ + "\u2581g\u00e9neros", + -10.699268341064453 + ], + [ + "\u2581Palestine", + -10.46737003326416 + ], + [ + "\u2581EESC", + -10.446767807006836 + ], + [ + "\u2581defender", + -10.814846992492676 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nairobi", + -11.16680908203125 + ], + [ + "\u2581successfully", + -10.506229400634766 + ], + [ + "\u2581millions", + -10.636828422546387 + ], + [ + "\u2581decrease", + -10.478553771972656 + ], + [ + "\u2581display", + -10.496819496154785 + ], + [ + "\u2581permitan", + -10.596548080444336 + ], + [ + "\u2581parcial", + -10.630960464477539 + ], + [ + "\u2581pleased", + -10.499920845031738 + ], + [ + "\u2581mortalidad", + -10.649916648864746 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mexican", + -10.508262634277344 + ], + [ + "\u2581emphasized", + -10.503490447998047 + ], + [ + "\u2581translation", + -10.495179176330566 + ], + [ + "\u2581Subcomisi\u00f3n", + -10.579038619995117 + ], + [ + "art\u00edculo", + -10.61499309539795 + ], + [ + "\u2581Multi", + -11.056010246276855 + ], + [ + "\u2581destroyed", + -10.525744438171387 + ], + [ + "\u2581proportion", + -10.446009635925293 + ], + [ + "\u2581comprobar", + -10.633108139038086 + ], + [ + "\u2581frecuentes", + -10.632048606872559 + ], + [ + "\u2581university", + -10.50327205657959 + ], + [ + "\u2581Marruecos", + -10.562455177307129 + ], + [ + "\u2581normalmente", + -10.626057624816895 + ], + [ + "\u2581pretende", + -10.6222505569458 + ], + [ + "\u2581rose", + -10.52059268951416 + ], + [ + "\u2581vuestro", + -10.569514274597168 + ], + [ + "\u2581discurso", + -10.613958358764648 + ], + [ + "plan", + -11.409521102905273 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hait\u00ed", + -10.586482048034668 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u2019", + -10.626420021057129 + ], + [ + "\u2581arising", + -10.47327995300293 + ], + [ + "\u2581vessels", + -10.487141609191895 + ], + [ + "GA", + -11.211359024047852 + ], + [ + "amos", + -10.336101531982422 + ], + [ + "\u2581opera", + -10.878836631774902 + ], + [ + "gon", + -11.354698181152344 + ], + [ + "\u2581profesor", + -10.56067943572998 + ], + [ + "siderablemente", + -10.712824821472168 + ], + [ + "ctor", + -11.273573875427246 + ], + [ + "\u2581maneras", + -10.76479721069336 + ], + [ + "\u2581recepci\u00f3n", + -10.613442420959473 + ], + [ + "\u2581Communication", + -10.459559440612793 + ], + [ + "cord", + -11.064082145690918 + ], + [ + "af", + -10.865129470825195 + ], + [ + "\u2581auditor\u00eda", + -10.592486381530762 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00f3rdenes", + -10.573126792907715 + ], + [ + "\u2581800", + -11.275169372558594 + ], + [ + "\u2581nationality", + -10.515170097351074 + ], + [ + "\u2581accounting", + -10.496944427490234 + ], + [ + "\u2581sal\u00f3n", + -10.64224624633789 + ], + [ + "\u2581viajar", + -10.626080513000488 + ], + [ + "ef", + -11.163270950317383 + ], + [ + "\u2581alcanzado", + -10.611328125 + ], + [ + "di\u00f3", + -10.929143905639648 + ], + [ + "\u2581fen\u00f3meno", + -10.602546691894531 + ], + [ + "fen", + -11.176322937011719 + ], + [ + "OJ", + -10.425189018249512 + ], + [ + "\u2581canci\u00f3n", + -10.577392578125 + ], + [ + "\u2581vocational", + -10.475933074951172 + ], + [ + "\u2581b\u00e1sico", + -10.630013465881348 + ], + [ + "war", + -11.025729179382324 + ], + [ + "Ra", + -11.166860580444336 + ], + [ + "\u2581abuso", + -10.64552116394043 + ], + [ + "\u2581Language", + -10.652946472167969 + ], + [ + "\u2581preliminary", + -10.489534378051758 + ], + [ + "ably", + -10.81594181060791 + ], + [ + "\u2581prejudice", + -10.484673500061035 + ], + [ + "\u2581Valencia", + -11.107553482055664 + ], + [ + "\u2581unity", + -10.502110481262207 + ], + [ + "\u2581formulario", + -10.643425941467285 + ], + [ + "\u2581dif\u00edciles", + -10.620855331420898 + ], + [ + "\u2581candidate", + -10.502793312072754 + ], + [ + "\u2581careful", + -10.579858779907227 + ], + [ + "\u2581crimen", + -10.562891006469727 + ], + [ + "\u2581province", + -10.519462585449219 + ], + [ + "An", + -11.128007888793945 + ], + [ + "\u2581tome", + -10.577821731567383 + ], + [ + "\u2581encourages", + -10.51038646697998 + ], + [ + "\u2581Breta\u00f1a", + -10.580707550048828 + ], + [ + "\u2581Europcar", + -11.24769115447998 + ], + [ + "\u25811.2", + -11.240628242492676 + ], + [ + "\u2581www", + -11.16952896118164 + ], + [ + "\u2581contactos", + -10.660965919494629 + ], + [ + "\u2581dijeron", + -10.579419136047363 + ], + [ + "\u2581copia", + -10.614723205566406 + ], + [ + "\u2581reclamaciones", + -10.632591247558594 + ], + [ + "sky", + -11.218375205993652 + ], + [ + "\u2581broken", + -10.553386688232422 + ], + [ + "\u2581installation", + -10.472465515136719 + ], + [ + "ets", + -11.069947242736816 + ], + [ + "\u2581band", + -10.59097671508789 + ], + [ + "\u2581marked", + -10.515395164489746 + ], + [ + "\u2581estar\u00e1n", + -10.611685752868652 + ], + [ + "\u2581constant", + -10.516926765441895 + ], + [ + "\u2581replace", + -10.509621620178223 + ], + [ + ".1.", + -11.47775936126709 + ], + [ + "\u2581artistas", + -10.666593551635742 + ], + [ + "\u2581satisfaction", + -10.504426002502441 + ], + [ + "\u2581Base", + -11.255111694335938 + ], + [ + "\u2581f\u00edsico", + -10.638090133666992 + ], + [ + "\u2581poderes", + -10.625039100646973 + ], + [ + "\u2581relacionada", + -10.650317192077637 + ], + [ + "\u2581relatively", + -10.502683639526367 + ], + [ + "So", + -11.216557502746582 + ], + [ + "\u2581pensamiento", + -10.592817306518555 + ], + [ + "\u2581Send", + -10.562527656555176 + ], + [ + "\u25812014.", + -11.461166381835938 + ], + [ + "\u2581estatuto", + -10.628634452819824 + ], + [ + "\u2581willing", + -10.669580459594727 + ], + [ + "serv", + -11.455763816833496 + ], + [ + "\u2581topics", + -10.593703269958496 + ], + [ + "\u2581appeared", + -10.5380277633667 + ], + [ + "\u2581Medical", + -10.605328559875488 + ], + [ + "dad", + -11.107867240905762 + ], + [ + "\u2581trend", + -10.502843856811523 + ], + [ + "\u2581cur", + -11.1591215133667 + ], + [ + "\u2581pop", + -10.983039855957031 + ], + [ + "\u2581asumir", + -10.62279987335205 + ], + [ + "\u2581arena", + -10.88970947265625 + ], + [ + "\u2581resistance", + -10.524090766906738 + ], + [ + "\u2581Morocco", + -10.464155197143555 + ], + [ + "\u2581heading", + -10.504054069519043 + ], + [ + "\u2581serving", + -10.526434898376465 + ], + [ + "\u2581involve", + -10.489069938659668 + ], + [ + "\u2581vender", + -10.58989429473877 + ], + [ + "\u2581ru", + -10.894862174987793 + ], + [ + "everal", + -10.672056198120117 + ], + [ + "\u2581metro", + -10.963567733764648 + ], + [ + "\u2581distributed", + -10.538324356079102 + ], + [ + "\u2581ninguno", + -10.566621780395508 + ], + [ + "\u2581fifth", + -10.528944969177246 + ], + [ + "chu", + -11.123457908630371 + ], + [ + "antes", + -10.614660263061523 + ], + [ + "\u2581exposure", + -10.461111068725586 + ], + [ + "NO", + -11.303522109985352 + ], + [ + "\u2581marcas", + -10.660911560058594 + ], + [ + "\u2581manifiesto", + -10.653253555297852 + ], + [ + "\u2581apropiado", + -10.5979642868042 + ], + [ + "dal", + -11.32778263092041 + ], + [ + "\u2581carbon", + -10.651717185974121 + ], + [ + "\u2581deployment", + -10.513378143310547 + ], + [ + "\u2581Quiz\u00e1s", + -10.476910591125488 + ], + [ + "\u2581hermosa", + -10.519852638244629 + ], + [ + "\u2581Regulations", + -10.625999450683594 + ], + [ + "\u2581ge", + -11.17864990234375 + ], + [ + "\u2581disabled", + -10.535008430480957 + ], + [ + "\u2581pareja", + -10.564229011535645 + ], + [ + "\u2581dices", + -10.479310035705566 + ], + [ + "\u2581suffer", + -10.514265060424805 + ], + [ + "\u2581Luxembourg", + -10.443719863891602 + ], + [ + "\u2581apartments", + -10.566293716430664 + ], + [ + "bio", + -10.938957214355469 + ], + [ + "\u2581Esos", + -10.685935974121094 + ], + [ + "wide", + -10.51318359375 + ], + [ + "\u2581viernes", + -10.5969877243042 + ], + [ + "\u2581Shi", + -11.129617691040039 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bush", + -11.224641799926758 + ], + [ + "mark", + -11.058666229248047 + ], + [ + "\u2581judgment", + -10.515756607055664 + ], + [ + "\u2581commission", + -10.525432586669922 + ], + [ + "\u2581derivados", + -10.620080947875977 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rule", + -10.484206199645996 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00edndole", + -10.608563423156738 + ], + [ + "\u2581reserve", + -10.703295707702637 + ], + [ + "\u2581fabricante", + -10.627896308898926 + ], + [ + "\u2581C\u00e1mara", + -10.65285587310791 + ], + [ + "Cu\u00e1ndo", + -10.455236434936523 + ], + [ + "\u2581departamento", + -10.57079792022705 + ], + [ + "\u2581reservar", + -10.653900146484375 + ], + [ + "cor", + -10.976675987243652 + ], + [ + "ular", + -11.279494285583496 + ], + [ + "tine", + -11.53575611114502 + ], + [ + "\u2581(2001)", + -11.212803840637207 + ], + [ + "SS", + -11.245766639709473 + ], + [ + "enda", + -11.394718170166016 + ], + [ + "\u2581exception", + -10.493871688842773 + ], + [ + "\u2581enhancing", + -10.514871597290039 + ], + [ + "\u2581convertir", + -10.571864128112793 + ], + [ + "\u2581transmission", + -10.513547897338867 + ], + [ + "\u2581Standard", + -10.650593757629395 + ], + [ + "\u2581urged", + -10.507186889648438 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fiscal", + -10.755324363708496 + ], + [ + "Ya", + -10.43956470489502 + ], + [ + "jan", + -11.031367301940918 + ], + [ + "\u2581stable", + -10.527432441711426 + ], + [ + "\u2581valuable", + -10.542569160461426 + ], + [ + "ever", + -10.669475555419922 + ], + [ + "ok", + -10.851024627685547 + ], + [ + "\u2581enviado", + -10.605867385864258 + ], + [ + "\u2581vuelto", + -10.529255867004395 + ], + [ + "\u2581sujetos", + -10.659224510192871 + ], + [ + "\u2581adopt\u00f3", + -10.634275436401367 + ], + [ + "\u2581historic", + -10.534171104431152 + ], + [ + "\u2581Debemos", + -10.554070472717285 + ], + [ + "\u2581maintaining", + -10.502546310424805 + ], + [ + "\u2581registros", + -10.668962478637695 + ], + [ + "\u2581hire", + -10.581708908081055 + ], + [ + "resoluci\u00f3n", + -10.622224807739258 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lake", + -10.835164070129395 + ], + [ + "\u2581incorporaci\u00f3n", + -10.657004356384277 + ], + [ + "\u2581frequently", + -10.53067684173584 + ], + [ + "\u2581capaces", + -10.645132064819336 + ], + [ + "\u2581incorporated", + -10.50210189819336 + ], + [ + "\u2581Territory", + -10.53166675567627 + ], + [ + "\u2581campa\u00f1as", + -10.668378829956055 + ], + [ + "\u2581Joe", + -11.215048789978027 + ], + [ + "\u2581count", + -10.584716796875 + ], + [ + "\u2581publicidad", + -10.639610290527344 + ], + [ + "\u2581Krishna", + -11.271903038024902 + ], + [ + "fil", + -11.53084659576416 + ], + [ + "\u2581realizan", + -10.657515525817871 + ], + [ + "\u2581applying", + -10.499279022216797 + ], + [ + "jar", + -10.895169258117676 + ], + [ + "mber", + -11.185342788696289 + ], + [ + "ika", + -11.280220031738281 + ], + [ + "\u2581Esas", + -10.648323059082031 + ], + [ + "\u2581deseos", + -10.670327186584473 + ], + [ + "tte", + -11.218268394470215 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bro", + -11.03554916381836 + ], + [ + "\u25811.1", + -11.272128105163574 + ], + [ + "\u2581encouraging", + -10.539661407470703 + ], + [ + "\u2581drawing", + -10.52283000946045 + ], + [ + "\u2581distrito", + -10.657339096069336 + ], + [ + "\u2581Arte", + -10.94517993927002 + ], + [ + "ib", + -11.130534172058105 + ], + [ + "\u2581impresi\u00f3n", + -10.607999801635742 + ], + [ + "\u2581fui", + -10.493921279907227 + ], + [ + "\u2581Granada", + -11.190738677978516 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fifth", + -10.520247459411621 + ], + [ + "\u2581incrementar", + -10.657724380493164 + ], + [ + "\u2581carefully", + -10.54426097869873 + ], + [ + "\u2581obstacles", + -10.520055770874023 + ], + [ + "\u2581revista", + -10.619540214538574 + ], + [ + "\u2581PA", + -11.054980278015137 + ], + [ + "\u2581machines", + -10.531614303588867 + ], + [ + "\u2581il\u00edcito", + -10.630788803100586 + ], + [ + "eva", + -11.304290771484375 + ], + [ + "\u2581dominio", + -10.641081809997559 + ], + [ + "uch", + -11.201069831848145 + ], + [ + "\u2581coast", + -10.569938659667969 + ], + [ + "t\u00f3n", + -10.61154556274414 + ], + [ + "\u2581sexag\u00e9simo", + -10.685035705566406 + ], + [ + "\u2581aspect", + -10.51153564453125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Debido", + -10.664450645446777 + ], + [ + "\u25811990,", + -11.215970993041992 + ], + [ + "TU", + -11.25222396850586 + ], + [ + "\u2581abroad", + -10.566489219665527 + ], + [ + "\u2581descarga", + -10.604578971862793 + ], + [ + "\u2581intelectual", + -10.638716697692871 + ], + [ + "\u2581Via", + -11.332859992980957 + ], + [ + "\u2581designated", + -10.51257038116455 + ], + [ + "\u2581geographical", + -10.505905151367188 + ], + [ + "\u2581epi", + -11.478464126586914 + ], + [ + "\u2581assessed", + -10.534153938293457 + ], + [ + "\u2581convention", + -10.506482124328613 + ], + [ + "\u2581traer", + -10.56247615814209 + ], + [ + "\u2581separado", + -10.642705917358398 + ], + [ + "\u2581quedan", + -10.618531227111816 + ], + [ + "\u2581pursue", + -10.521723747253418 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gold", + -11.018112182617188 + ], + [ + "\u2581dimension", + -10.50590705871582 + ], + [ + "Tienes", + -10.433083534240723 + ], + [ + "ks", + -11.119837760925293 + ], + [ + "bia", + -11.126472473144531 + ], + [ + "\u2581resolve", + -10.525433540344238 + ], + [ + "\u2581avanzar", + -10.649593353271484 + ], + [ + "1)", + -11.14332389831543 + ], + [ + "\u2581administrativa", + -10.646507263183594 + ], + [ + "\u2581Guerra", + -10.673065185546875 + ], + [ + "\u2581bilaterales", + -10.655653953552246 + ], + [ + "\u2581definitiva", + -10.62574577331543 + ], + [ + "\u2581regla", + -10.613032341003418 + ], + [ + "\u2581cambiado", + -10.576018333435059 + ], + [ + "PP", + -11.372678756713867 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dado", + -10.664223670959473 + ], + [ + "\u2581hoc", + -10.940045356750488 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sector", + -11.176229476928711 + ], + [ + "\u2581tarifas", + -10.686163902282715 + ], + [ + "UM", + -11.241174697875977 + ], + [ + "\u2581margen", + -10.645285606384277 + ], + [ + "\u2581depending", + -10.531290054321289 + ], + [ + "\u2581olvidar", + -10.589442253112793 + ], + [ + "\u2581Defensa", + -10.673413276672363 + ], + [ + "Esta", + -10.571037292480469 + ], + [ + "\u2581ratificaci\u00f3n", + -10.679998397827148 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tor", + -11.27363395690918 + ], + [ + "right", + -11.049206733703613 + ], + [ + "\u2581destroy", + -10.582256317138672 + ], + [ + "\u2581funcionario", + -10.660390853881836 + ], + [ + "\u2581permanentes", + -10.68419361114502 + ], + [ + "\u2581israel\u00edes", + -10.648539543151855 + ], + [ + "ising", + -10.654068946838379 + ], + [ + "ame", + -11.134624481201172 + ], + [ + "\u2581ads", + -10.559601783752441 + ], + [ + "\u2581proof", + -10.577927589416504 + ], + [ + "\u2581incre\u00edble", + -10.510550498962402 + ], + [ + "\u2581fuertes", + -10.67666244506836 + ], + [ + "\u2581soft", + -10.570598602294922 + ], + [ + "\u2581Station", + -10.734652519226074 + ], + [ + "/61/", + -11.214314460754395 + ], + [ + "\u00a3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sociedad", + -10.721181869506836 + ], + [ + "\u2581recruitment", + -10.532376289367676 + ], + [ + "\u2581advantages", + -10.578629493713379 + ], + [ + "eros", + -10.933286666870117 + ], + [ + "\u2581carrito", + -10.705301284790039 + ], + [ + "\u2581reservations", + -10.555994033813477 + ], + [ + "\u2581retos", + -10.658483505249023 + ], + [ + "\u2581Introduction", + -10.541589736938477 + ], + [ + "\u2581strike", + -10.53830337524414 + ], + [ + "400", + -11.2465181350708 + ], + [ + "\u2581alienta", + -10.696161270141602 + ], + [ + "\u2581Stay", + -10.661517143249512 + ], + [ + "\u2581kingdom", + -10.581892013549805 + ], + [ + "\u2581prima", + -10.944153785705566 + ], + [ + "\u258127.", + -11.389673233032227 + ], + [ + "\u00d7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581ponga", + -10.582205772399902 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cuban", + -10.517735481262207 + ], + [ + "eur", + -11.446710586547852 + ], + [ + "\u2581driver", + -10.659704208374023 + ], + [ + "\u2581browser", + -10.538602828979492 + ], + [ + "\u2581adjustment", + -10.499289512634277 + ], + [ + "\u2581Char", + -11.26002311706543 + ], + [ + "\u2581bottom", + -10.582486152648926 + ], + [ + "\u2581examined", + -10.556241989135742 + ], + [ + "FA", + -11.190091133117676 + ], + [ + "\u2581(4)", + -10.937911033630371 + ], + [ + "anda", + -11.417742729187012 + ], + [ + "lis", + -11.151494979858398 + ], + [ + "ral", + -11.235953330993652 + ], + [ + "\u2581Britain", + -10.501300811767578 + ], + [ + "\u2581Deutsch", + -11.227381706237793 + ], + [ + "\u2581Seguro", + -10.502676010131836 + ], + [ + "\u2581contrase\u00f1a", + -10.71479320526123 + ], + [ + "\u2581celebra", + -10.61340045928955 + ], + [ + "/9", + -11.060888290405273 + ], + [ + "OM", + -11.53598403930664 + ], + [ + "\u2581pase", + -10.539583206176758 + ], + [ + "\u2581schemes", + -10.527188301086426 + ], + [ + "book", + -11.118050575256348 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cap\u00edtulo", + -10.644609451293945 + ], + [ + "\u2581conveniente", + -10.650548934936523 + ], + [ + "\u2581facility", + -10.556365966796875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ministerial", + -11.134934425354004 + ], + [ + "LO", + -11.263154029846191 + ], + [ + "\u2581composition", + -10.544631004333496 + ], + [ + "\u2581relativamente", + -10.662053108215332 + ], + [ + "\u2581initiated", + -10.559903144836426 + ], + [ + "\u2581Est\u00e1n", + -10.544561386108398 + ], + [ + "\u2581formation", + -10.583807945251465 + ], + [ + "\u2581Everything", + -10.716940879821777 + ], + [ + "\u2581DVD", + -11.269702911376953 + ], + [ + "\u258120%", + -11.227397918701172 + ], + [ + "\u2581battle", + -10.564065933227539 + ], + [ + "\u2581Yemen", + -11.161654472351074 + ], + [ + "\u2581Parque", + -10.812002182006836 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gri", + -11.103043556213379 + ], + [ + "sor", + -10.7814302444458 + ], + [ + "cta", + -10.928083419799805 + ], + [ + "\u2581department", + -10.544994354248047 + ], + [ + "lea", + -11.37881088256836 + ], + [ + "\u2581modos", + -10.682747840881348 + ], + [ + "\u2581Haiti", + -10.483040809631348 + ], + [ + "\u2581razonable", + -10.625923156738281 + ], + [ + "\u2581artists", + -10.59029769897461 + ], + [ + "\u2581targeted", + -10.540328025817871 + ], + [ + "\u2581qualified", + -10.527443885803223 + ], + [ + "\u2581seconds", + 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"\u2581(18", + -11.347589492797852 + ], + [ + "\u2581tuviera", + -10.591780662536621 + ], + [ + "\u2581proceder", + -10.664865493774414 + ], + [ + "illo", + -11.263422012329102 + ], + [ + "\u2581stages", + -10.606980323791504 + ], + [ + "\u2581cifra", + -10.650063514709473 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gu\u00eda", + -10.69933795928955 + ], + [ + "\u2581maestro", + -10.627212524414062 + ], + [ + "/57/", + -11.163883209228516 + ], + [ + "SD", + -11.358977317810059 + ], + [ + "\u2581Charlie", + -11.190998077392578 + ], + [ + "\u2581Officer", + -10.56653881072998 + ], + [ + "ub", + -10.942333221435547 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bas", + -11.102030754089355 + ], + [ + "\u2581dijiste", + -10.462502479553223 + ], + [ + "\u2581expand", + -10.551984786987305 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nice", + -10.715739250183105 + ], + [ + "\u2581Caja", + -10.688556671142578 + ], + [ + "\u2581religiosas", + -10.69749641418457 + ], + [ + "\u2581ganado", + -10.627748489379883 + ], + [ + "\u2581Privacy", + -10.578103065490723 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ok", + -11.244796752929688 + ], + [ + "\u2581accession", + -10.527859687805176 + ], + [ + "\u2581utilizarse", + -10.667256355285645 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wall", + -10.971292495727539 + ], + [ + "\u2581bought", + -10.62221908569336 + ], + [ + "\u2581cena", + -10.559772491455078 + ], + [ + "\u2581individuos", + -10.676397323608398 + ], + [ + "\u2581Area", + -10.542049407958984 + ], + [ + "\u2581jugadores", + -10.718363761901855 + ], + [ + "ations", + -10.799203872680664 + ], + [ + "/60/", + -11.170148849487305 + ], + [ + "\u2581transferred", + -10.529717445373535 + ], + [ + "\u2581perro", + -10.486373901367188 + ], + [ + "\u2581publications", + -10.548762321472168 + ], + [ + "\u2581Yet", + -10.58895206451416 + ], + [ + "\u2581flores", + -10.6376314163208 + ], + [ + "\u2581dec\u00eda", + -10.603222846984863 + ], + [ + "\u2581exports", + -10.565373420715332 + ], + [ + "\u2581espec\u00edficamente", + -10.701342582702637 + ], + [ + "\u2581expenses", + -10.566887855529785 + ], + [ + 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-10.579710960388184 + ], + [ + "\u2581Operations", + -10.563207626342773 + ], + [ + "\u2581parecen", + -10.64526653289795 + ], + [ + "plo", + -11.474818229675293 + ], + [ + "\u2581recomendar", + -10.839675903320312 + ], + [ + "ram", + -11.272065162658691 + ], + [ + "ward", + -10.934236526489258 + ], + [ + "\u2581establecida", + -10.657784461975098 + ], + [ + "\u2581Quinta", + -10.731605529785156 + ], + [ + "und", + -11.228068351745605 + ], + [ + "elle", + -11.28515911102295 + ], + [ + "\u2581barrio", + -10.664032936096191 + ], + [ + "\u2581cast", + -10.632732391357422 + ], + [ + "\u2581Remember", + -10.652641296386719 + ], + [ + "sal", + -10.704251289367676 + ], + [ + "\u2581depends", + -10.624388694763184 + ], + [ + "\u25811998.", + -11.37951946258545 + ], + [ + "(3)", + -10.592063903808594 + ], + [ + "\u2581thirty", + -10.567014694213867 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lee", + -11.091181755065918 + ], + [ + "\u2581iniciado", + -10.69140625 + ], + [ + "\u2581necesitas", + -10.593267440795898 + ], + [ + "/62/", + -11.266639709472656 + ], + [ + "\u2581Financing", + -10.583002090454102 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cultura", + -10.688111305236816 + ], + [ + "med", + -10.915321350097656 + ], + [ + "\u2581ducha", + -10.6394624710083 + ], + [ + "town", + -11.244028091430664 + ], + [ + "\u2581coordinar", + -10.717288970947266 + ], + [ + "\u2581cre", + -11.137134552001953 + ], + [ + "\u2581Leone", + -10.505255699157715 + ], + [ + "bilidad", + -10.600360870361328 + ], + [ + "\u2581relacionado", + -10.667046546936035 + ], + [ + "\u2581destacar", + -10.736822128295898 + ], + [ + "\u2581teach", + -10.623029708862305 + ], + [ + "\u2581Marbella", + -11.337590217590332 + ], + [ + "Be", + -11.177563667297363 + ], + [ + "\u2581Henry", + -11.312867164611816 + ], + [ + "\u2581programaci\u00f3n", + -10.729569435119629 + ], + [ + "\u2581transit", + -10.550472259521484 + ], + [ + "\u2581jueces", + -10.687155723571777 + ], + [ + "ious", + -10.880973815917969 + ], + [ + "\u2581Romania", + -10.498013496398926 + ], + [ + "back", + -10.834115028381348 + ], + [ + "\u2581trading", + -10.540184020996094 + ], + [ + "\u2581Thomas", + -11.23666000366211 + ], + [ + "ben", + -10.960132598876953 + ], + [ + "\u2581vertical", + -11.310412406921387 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pol\u00edticos", + -10.714276313781738 + ], + [ + "\u2581ca\u00edda", + -10.693011283874512 + ], + [ + "\u2581mencionar", + -10.680871963500977 + ], + [ + "\u2581conservation", + -10.544626235961914 + ], + [ + "vic", + -11.414244651794434 + ], + [ + "\u2581aplican", + -10.681914329528809 + ], + [ + "\u2581Europeas", + -10.834785461425781 + ], + [ + "rm", + -11.06959056854248 + ], + [ + "\u2581diagn\u00f3stico", + -10.708158493041992 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00e9stas", + -10.705224990844727 + ], + [ + "\u2581elimination", + -10.543597221374512 + ], + [ + "enza", + -10.891227722167969 + ], + [ + "ob", + -11.014822006225586 + ], + [ + "\u2581registrado", + -10.683558464050293 + ], + [ + "\u2581alerta", + -10.701119422912598 + ], + [ + "\u25811.3", + 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], + [ + "ene", + -11.042126655578613 + ], + [ + "United", + -10.54146671295166 + ], + [ + "\u2581stories", + -10.592874526977539 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ello", + -10.74990177154541 + ], + [ + "\u2581borders", + -10.607461929321289 + ], + [ + "\u2581desastre", + -10.653562545776367 + ], + [ + "\u2581acepta", + -10.612354278564453 + ], + [ + "xa", + -11.368341445922852 + ], + [ + "you", + -10.730155944824219 + ], + [ + "\u2581soberan\u00eda", + -10.723094940185547 + ], + [ + "\u2581mont\u00f3n", + -10.599461555480957 + ], + [ + "\u2581Christians", + -10.60196304321289 + ], + [ + "\u2581fault", + -10.681056022644043 + ], + [ + "\u2581Transport", + -10.64245319366455 + ], + [ + "nico", + -11.111859321594238 + ], + [ + "\u2581responses", + -10.662864685058594 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nevertheless", + -10.569123268127441 + ], + [ + "\u2581precisa", + -10.6854887008667 + ], + [ + "\u2581encaminadas", + -10.701560020446777 + ], + [ + "\u2581affecting", + -10.578381538391113 + ], + [ + "\u2581forever", + 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-11.281585693359375 + ], + [ + "\u2581ter", + -11.123948097229004 + ], + [ + "\u2581conocida", + -10.713768005371094 + ], + [ + "\u2581==", + -10.827692985534668 + ], + [ + "\u2581automatically", + -10.558656692504883 + ], + [ + "\u2581glad", + -10.700013160705566 + ], + [ + "\u2581accessible", + -10.590594291687012 + ], + [ + "er\u00eda", + -10.862277030944824 + ], + [ + "-20", + -11.282402038574219 + ], + [ + "\u2581consejos", + -10.713120460510254 + ], + [ + "\u2581requisito", + -10.666757583618164 + ], + [ + "\u00ea", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581interesado", + -10.681055068969727 + ], + [ + "/12", + -11.212797164916992 + ], + [ + "\u2581dissemination", + -10.558974266052246 + ], + [ + "\u2581chief", + -10.62487506866455 + ], + [ + "tada", + -10.802606582641602 + ], + [ + "\u2581penales", + -10.73835277557373 + ], + [ + "\u2581limpieza", + -10.690674781799316 + ], + [ + "RP", + -11.313554763793945 + ], + [ + "\u2581spaces", + -10.702569961547852 + ], + [ + "\u2581southern", + -10.595877647399902 + ], + [ + "\u2581sovereignty", + -10.575868606567383 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alex", + -11.298547744750977 + ], + [ + "m\u00f3", + -10.887592315673828 + ], + [ + "bb", + -11.128015518188477 + ], + [ + "\u2581considerando", + -10.664609909057617 + ], + [ + "\u2581mobility", + -10.585261344909668 + ], + [ + "\u2581inmigrantes", + -10.70138931274414 + ], + [ + "\u2581award", + -10.586688995361328 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hor", + -11.406469345092773 + ], + [ + "\u2581reducido", + -10.722424507141113 + ], + [ + "\u2581taxes", + -10.60357666015625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tuesday", + -10.61262035369873 + ], + [ + ".11", + -11.420062065124512 + ], + [ + "\u2581entera", + -10.627931594848633 + ], + [ + "\u2581stopped", + -10.651716232299805 + ], + [ + "Pre", + -11.217090606689453 + ], + [ + "\u2581entr\u00f3", + -10.686185836791992 + ], + [ + "\u2581ventaja", + -10.6497220993042 + ], + [ + ".19", + -11.400870323181152 + ], + [ + "\u2581losses", + -10.553535461425781 + ], + [ + "aries", + -10.934672355651855 + ], + [ + "\u2581behaviour", + -10.596827507019043 + ], + [ + "ap", + -10.84504222869873 + ], + [ + "\u2581rejected", + -10.578973770141602 + ], + [ + "\u2581academic", + -10.597289085388184 + ], + [ + "\u2581edition", + -10.60584545135498 + ], + [ + "\u2581encontramos", + -10.642938613891602 + ], + [ + "\u2581outcomes", + -10.6332368850708 + ], + [ + "\u2581hu\u00e9spedes", + -10.738569259643555 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ingl\u00e9s", + -10.852385520935059 + ], + [ + "\u2581espero", + -10.580594062805176 + ], + [ + "\u2581Playa", + -11.166792869567871 + ], + [ + "head", + -10.84245491027832 + ], + [ + "\u2581pattern", + -10.59854793548584 + ], + [ + "\u2581tro", + -11.231447219848633 + ], + [ + "\u2581donor", + -10.58218765258789 + ], + [ + "\u2581vuestra", + -10.661188125610352 + ], + [ + "\u2581twice", + -10.659441947937012 + ], + [ + "\u2581Chicago", + -11.321414947509766 + ], + [ + "\u2581fr\u00edo", + -10.579442977905273 + ], + [ + "\u2581Scientific", + -10.565086364746094 + ], + [ + "\u2581sons", + -10.651189804077148 + ], + [ + "tino", + -10.994202613830566 + ], + [ + "/3", + -11.196693420410156 + ], + [ + "igo", + -11.153365135192871 + ], + [ + "\u2581posiciones", + -10.699532508850098 + ], + [ + "\u2581Experts", + -10.619089126586914 + ], + [ + "\u2581Buenas", + -10.468679428100586 + ], + [ + "\u2581Given", + -10.601861000061035 + ], + [ + "\u2581patrimonio", + -10.720743179321289 + ], + [ + "with", + -10.57912826538086 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00fatiles", + -10.683109283447266 + ], + [ + "rk", + -11.092974662780762 + ], + [ + "FF", + -11.285609245300293 + ], + [ + "IO", + -11.353737831115723 + ], + [ + "\u2581chain", + -10.610678672790527 + ], + [ + "\u2581dirigidas", + -10.746444702148438 + ], + [ + "...\"", + -11.365707397460938 + ], + [ + "\u2581relative", + -10.577747344970703 + ], + [ + "\u2581pension", + -10.577057838439941 + ], + [ + "\u2581Put", + -10.73845100402832 + ], + [ + "\u2581appearance", + -10.6531982421875 + ], + [ + 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], + [ + "qu", + -11.041352272033691 + ], + [ + "\u2581seemed", + -10.648706436157227 + ], + [ + "\u2581ministerial", + -11.264920234680176 + ], + [ + "yan", + -11.36874008178711 + ], + [ + "ification", + -10.764348983764648 + ], + [ + "\u2581envi\u00f3", + -10.680462837219238 + ], + [ + "\u2581continuous", + -10.591461181640625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mini", + -11.40119743347168 + ], + [ + "\u2581equivalente", + -10.694132804870605 + ], + [ + "\u2581enabling", + -10.56368637084961 + ], + [ + "\u2581height", + -10.595656394958496 + ], + [ + "nova", + -11.439180374145508 + ], + [ + "\u2581Was", + -10.743656158447266 + ], + [ + "\u2581Young", + -10.865317344665527 + ], + [ + "\u2581Print", + -10.802336692810059 + ], + [ + "HI", + -11.312532424926758 + ], + [ + "\u2581limitada", + -10.730494499206543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Movement", + -10.596881866455078 + ], + [ + "\u2581revealed", + -10.638349533081055 + ], + [ + "\u2581Case", + -10.578290939331055 + ], + [ + "\u2581dealt", + -10.615179061889648 + ], + [ + "\u2581integrar", + -10.755838394165039 + ], + [ + "\u2581Zona", + -10.756470680236816 + ], + [ + "\u2581entiende", + -10.670700073242188 + ], + [ + "\u2581futuros", + -10.790682792663574 + ], + [ + "\u2581classes", + -10.644421577453613 + ], + [ + "\u2581seas", + -11.365839004516602 + ], + [ + "pra", + -11.275386810302734 + ], + [ + "\u2581Select", + -10.723115921020508 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sostenible", + -10.746261596679688 + ], + [ + "\u2581loans", + -10.589707374572754 + ], + [ + "\u2581yesterday", + -10.687159538269043 + ], + [ + "\u2581seminario", + -10.713876724243164 + ], + [ + "\u2581mando", + -10.716324806213379 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ser\u00e1", + -10.512324333190918 + ], + [ + "\u2581troops", + -10.628495216369629 + ], + [ + "vol", + -11.478371620178223 + ], + [ + "UL", + -11.687376022338867 + ], + [ + "\u2581competitividad", + -10.705066680908203 + ], + [ + "\u2581AS", + -11.186877250671387 + ], + [ + "\u2581legislativas", + -10.723194122314453 + ], + [ + "\u2581operators", + -10.583125114440918 + ], + [ + "Crees", + -10.546478271484375 + ], + [ + "\u2581foundation", + -10.607198715209961 + ], + [ + "\u2581rain", + -10.697230339050293 + ], + [ + "\u2581caught", + -10.685990333557129 + ], + [ + "app", + -11.137331008911133 + ], + [ + "\u2581corrientes", + -10.733837127685547 + ], + [ + "TP", + -11.509074211120605 + ], + [ + "\u2581respectivos", + -10.762399673461914 + ], + [ + "\u2581recompensa", + -10.710969924926758 + ], + [ + "l\u00e1", + -11.049186706542969 + ], + [ + "\u2581locations", + -10.742302894592285 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nuestros", + -10.721170425415039 + ], + [ + "\u2581applicant", + -10.518277168273926 + ], + [ + "\u2581inspecci\u00f3n", + -10.712450981140137 + ], + [ + "\u2581testimonio", + -10.683709144592285 + ], + [ + "\u2581seminarios", + -10.730025291442871 + ], + [ + "\u2581Delito", + -10.753586769104004 + ], + [ + "2).", + -11.234673500061035 + ], + [ + "sto", + -10.67167854309082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Saturday", + -10.655407905578613 + ], + [ + "\u2581Decide", + -10.797651290893555 + ], + [ + "\u2581iron", + -10.62112808227539 + ], + [ + "\u2581indic\u00f3", + -10.736684799194336 + ], + [ + "\u2581sat\u00e9lite", + -10.72531509399414 + ], + [ + "\u2581extrema", + -10.740571022033691 + ], + [ + "/55/", + -11.200780868530273 + ], + [ + "\u2581composed", + -10.635016441345215 + ], + [ + "\u2581reconstrucci\u00f3n", + -10.71947956085205 + ], + [ + "\u2581bag", + -10.699569702148438 + ], + [ + "\u25811991,", + -11.355536460876465 + ], + [ + "RM", + -11.355478286743164 + ], + [ + "\u2581Trinidad", + -11.176409721374512 + ], + [ + "\u2581Escucha", + -10.516874313354492 + ], + [ + "\u2581gracia", + -10.688925743103027 + ], + [ + "ls", + -11.59456729888916 + ], + [ + "\u2581trained", + -10.640530586242676 + ], + [ + "\u2581habitual", + -10.880770683288574 + ], + [ + "\u2581Leona", + -10.69606876373291 + ], + [ + "oli", + -11.306427001953125 + ], + [ + "\u2581CA", + -11.185770988464355 + ], + [ + "\u2581dedicado", + -10.753680229187012 + ], + [ + "\u2581messages", + -10.644784927368164 + ], + [ + "\u2581ice", + -10.713451385498047 + ], + [ + "\u201c", + -11.21495532989502 + ], + [ + "\u2581solicita", + -10.68940544128418 + ], + [ + "\u2581killing", + -10.692706108093262 + ], + [ + "\u2581departments", + -10.614726066589355 + ], + [ + "\u2581radical", + -11.213336944580078 + ], + [ + "\u2581App", + -11.152098655700684 + ], + [ + "\u2581Luxemburgo", + -10.66553783416748 + ], + [ + "\u2581anniversary", + -10.626307487487793 + ], + [ + "\u2581cumplido", + -10.712830543518066 + ], + [ + "\u2581nu", + -11.226344108581543 + ], + [ + "\u2581ID", + -11.148951530456543 + ], + [ + "ington", + -11.340078353881836 + ], + [ + "mat", + -11.257098197937012 + ], + [ + "\u2581thinks", + -10.97977352142334 + ], + [ + "\u2581Montreal", + -11.350582122802734 + ], + [ + "\u2581indicado", + -10.705459594726562 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fin", + -11.116514205932617 + ], + [ + "\u2581consciente", + -10.696525573730469 + ], + [ + "idas", + -10.847271919250488 + ], + [ + "\u2581verte", + -10.592825889587402 + ], + [ + "\u2581Qatar", + -11.173869132995605 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tele", + -11.201610565185547 + ], + [ + "\u2581alentar", + -10.750539779663086 + ], + [ + "\u2581lenguaje", + -10.745676040649414 + ], + [ + "\u2581Procuradores", + -10.698885917663574 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ombudsman", + -10.941224098205566 + ], + [ + "\u2581swimming", + -10.629666328430176 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mantenimiento", + -10.747358322143555 + ], + [ + "\u2581105", + -11.342474937438965 + ], + [ + "\u2581victoria", + -10.731045722961426 + ], + [ + "\u2581forman", + -10.820422172546387 + ], + [ + "c\u00ed", + -10.793502807617188 + ], + [ + "\u2581productive", + -10.612372398376465 + ], + [ + "\u25814)", + -11.444616317749023 + ], + [ + "\u2581adquirir", + -10.731908798217773 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ol", + -11.206930160522461 + ], + [ + "law", + -10.670829772949219 + ], + [ + "\u2581configuraci\u00f3n", + -10.747005462646484 + ], + [ + "\u2581avance", + -10.721681594848633 + ], + [ + "\u2581Prosecutor", + -10.624261856079102 + ], + [ + "\u2581divided", + -10.619823455810547 + ], + [ + "\u2581gay", + -11.331543922424316 + ], + [ + "\u2581(2004)", + -11.297102928161621 + ], + [ + "\u2581elegante", + -10.71286392211914 + ], + [ + "\u2581execution", + -10.6022367477417 + ], + [ + "\u2581sensibilizaci\u00f3n", + -10.785600662231445 + ], + [ + "\u2581lady", + -10.789512634277344 + ], + [ + "\u2581Music", + -10.960180282592773 + ], + [ + "\u2581afternoon", + -10.683405876159668 + ], + [ + "\u2581Podr\u00eda", + -10.543888092041016 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00e1rboles", + -10.70773983001709 + ], + [ + "\u2581fisheries", + -10.543438911437988 + ], + [ + "\u2581XXI", + -11.045920372009277 + ], + [ + "\u2581flexibilidad", + -10.751531600952148 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rosa", + -11.294771194458008 + ], + [ + "\u2581adoptada", + -10.712095260620117 + ], + [ + "low", + -11.206286430358887 + ], + [ + "\u2581voting", + -10.621636390686035 + ], + [ + "\u2581aceptaci\u00f3n", + -10.736452102661133 + ], + [ + "\u2581YouTube", + -11.270609855651855 + ], + [ + "edad", + -10.757095336914062 + ], + [ + "\u2581vienen", + -10.65249252319336 + ], + [ + "\u2581bro", + -11.440333366394043 + ], + [ + "\u2581hearts", + -10.727242469787598 + ], + [ + "NU", + -11.122638702392578 + ], + [ + "\u2581fan", + -11.14154052734375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Movimiento", + -10.744181632995605 + ], + [ + "\u2581schedule", + -10.607913970947266 + ], + [ + "CM", + -11.471268653869629 + ], + [ + "\u2581farm", + -10.64382266998291 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reviews", + -10.710613250732422 + ], + [ + "\u2581lawyer", + -10.682403564453125 + ], + [ + "\u2581stupid", + -10.789172172546387 + ], + [ + "\u2581clothes", + -10.713333129882812 + ], + [ + "\u2581escribi\u00f3", + -10.753314018249512 + ], + [ + "\u2581relationships", + -10.672053337097168 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ten\u00eda", + -10.532415390014648 + ], + [ + "Esto", + -10.604884147644043 + ], + [ + "\u2581competence", + -10.586703300476074 + ], + [ + "\u2581deber", + -10.814262390136719 + ], + [ + "\u2581Skip", + -10.81138801574707 + ], + [ + "\u2581cient\u00edfico", + -10.721990585327148 + ], + [ + "\u2581plazos", + -10.843729019165039 + ], + [ + "Po", + -11.13762378692627 + ], + [ + "hal", + -11.243387222290039 + ], + [ + "\u2581disponer", + -10.753850936889648 + ], + [ + "\u2581lunes", + -10.71931266784668 + ], + [ + "\u2581Plus", + -11.148894309997559 + ], + [ + "EST", + -11.627612113952637 + ], + [ + "\u2581Comisario", + -10.716694831848145 + ], + [ + "\u2581uniform", + -10.648811340332031 + ], + [ + "\u2581mencionadas", + -10.756940841674805 + ], + [ + "\u2581rojo", + -10.70656967163086 + ], + [ + "\u2581pudieran", + -10.7160005569458 + ], + [ + "\u2581Field", + -10.720488548278809 + ], + [ + "\u2581metres", + -10.635152816772461 + ], + [ + "\u2581papers", + -10.679693222045898 + ], + [ + "\u2581sensitive", + -10.650476455688477 + ], + [ + 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[ + "\u2581injury", + -10.620183944702148 + ], + [ + "\u2581acogida", + -10.772223472595215 + ], + [ + "\u2581investigadores", + -10.750442504882812 + ], + [ + "].", + -11.124815940856934 + ], + [ + "\u2581Todav\u00eda", + -10.611809730529785 + ], + [ + "\u2581eligible", + -10.611715316772461 + ], + [ + "\u2581sigui\u00f3", + -10.76282024383545 + ], + [ + "\u2581lleno", + -10.668631553649902 + ], + [ + "mul", + -11.3204345703125 + ], + [ + "\u2581carbono", + -10.777007102966309 + ], + [ + "\u2581o\u00edr", + -10.614927291870117 + ], + [ + "ami", + -11.269204139709473 + ], + [ + "\u2581efectivamente", + -10.741497993469238 + ], + [ + "\u2581inteligente", + -10.641214370727539 + ], + [ + "\u2581Podemos", + -10.645484924316406 + ], + [ + "\u25811983", + -11.31307315826416 + ], + [ + "\u2581reacci\u00f3n", + -10.713211059570312 + ], + [ + "\u2581wild", + -10.658349990844727 + ], + [ + "\u2581adaptation", + -10.628753662109375 + ], + [ + "\u2581neo", + -11.491596221923828 + ], + [ + "\u2581ride", + -10.777769088745117 + ], + [ + "uel", + -11.389747619628906 + ], + [ + "\u2581holy", + -10.667001724243164 + ], + [ + "scale", + -10.624923706054688 + ], + [ + "\u2581Program", + -10.748732566833496 + ], + [ + "\u25811979", + -11.326567649841309 + ], + [ + "\u2581fix", + -10.725719451904297 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mundo", + -10.79206657409668 + ], + [ + "\u2581contienen", + -10.762530326843262 + ], + [ + "\u2581citizen", + -10.634419441223145 + ], + [ + "\u2581empty", + -10.698715209960938 + ], + [ + "\u2581collected", + -10.64707088470459 + ], + [ + "\u2581Comments", + -10.682493209838867 + ], + [ + "\u2581aprobadas", + -10.81136703491211 + ], + [ + "\u2581haz", + -10.708783149719238 + ], + [ + "pla", + -11.15845775604248 + ], + [ + "\u2581aquellas", + -10.745540618896484 + ], + [ + "\u2581Indigenous", + -10.654767990112305 + ], + [ + "uf", + -11.35494613647461 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bri", + -11.153800010681152 + ], + [ + "\u2581Promotion", + -10.642847061157227 + ], + [ + "\u2581alternativa", + -10.75182819366455 + ], + [ + "\u2581precisamente", + -10.725796699523926 + ], + [ + "\u2581tradition", + -10.63483715057373 + ], + [ + "mine", + -11.453651428222656 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cho", + -11.273765563964844 + ], + [ + "ug", + -10.938385009765625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cabe", + -10.78818130493164 + ], + [ + "\u2581concluding", + -10.633597373962402 + ], + [ + "\u2581transportation", + -10.647637367248535 + ], + [ + "\u2581adopten", + -10.745197296142578 + ], + [ + "\u2581Eliminaci\u00f3n", + -10.787660598754883 + ], + [ + "\u2581funny", + -10.821352005004883 + ], + [ + "kh", + -11.33686351776123 + ], + [ + "udi", + -11.280871391296387 + ], + [ + "\u2581flu", + -11.448144912719727 + ], + [ + "\u2581posee", + -10.75531005859375 + ], + [ + "fort", + -11.382684707641602 + ], + [ + "\u2581obligatorio", + -10.751548767089844 + ], + [ + "\u2581Abraham", + -11.297443389892578 + ], + [ + "\u2581Activities", + -10.647107124328613 + ], + [ + "\u2581apartados", + -10.841243743896484 + ], + [ + "\u2581cheap", + -10.637552261352539 + ], + [ + "\u2581escena", + -10.665032386779785 + ], + [ + "iii", + -10.732488632202148 + ], + [ + "\u2581answers", + -10.725761413574219 + ], + [ + "\u2581weak", + -10.664113998413086 + ], + [ + "mple", + -11.466158866882324 + ], + [ + "\u2581exclusi\u00f3n", + -10.738219261169434 + ], + [ + "cua", + -10.999815940856934 + ], + [ + "\u2581precise", + -10.74503231048584 + ], + [ + "\u2581whereas", + -10.604338645935059 + ], + [ + "\u2581centrales", + -10.73338794708252 + ], + [ + "\u2581pray", + -10.675466537475586 + ], + [ + "\u2581Digital", + -11.185891151428223 + ], + [ + "\u2581racism", + -10.62221908569336 + ], + [ + "\u2581sight", + -10.660907745361328 + ], + [ + "\u2581puta", + -10.55639934539795 + ], + [ + "\u2581quarter", + -10.652729034423828 + ], + [ + "\u2581Apple", + -11.223552703857422 + ], + [ + "\u2581notification", + -10.621272087097168 + ], + [ + "\u2581campaigns", + -10.65800666809082 + ], + [ + "\u2581muestras", + -10.765298843383789 + ], + [ + "\u2581dress", + -10.816274642944336 + ], + [ + "ery", + -10.846229553222656 + ], + [ + "\u2581Comentarios", + -10.80329704284668 + ], + [ + "\u2581seleccionar", + -10.812950134277344 + ], + [ + "ified", + -10.812644004821777 + ], + [ + "\u2581observers", + -10.628764152526855 + ], + [ + "cl", + -11.452095985412598 + ], + [ + "mbre", + -10.866005897521973 + ], + [ + "\u2581manufacture", + -10.631731986999512 + ], + [ + "s\u00ed", + -10.722700119018555 + ], + [ + "\u2581penas", + -10.809904098510742 + ], + [ + "AF", + -11.436333656311035 + ], + [ + "\u2581coherencia", + -10.770200729370117 + ], + [ + "\u2581disfrute", + -10.762211799621582 + ], + [ + "\u2581shut", + -10.798062324523926 + ], + [ + "\u2581entirely", + -10.647542953491211 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mad", + -11.30398941040039 + ], + [ + "pero", + -10.63568115234375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rooms", + -10.733512878417969 + ], + [ + "ines", + -11.223276138305664 + ], + [ + "\u2581Paraguay", + -11.212337493896484 + ], + [ + "\u2581Supongo", + -10.541282653808594 + ], + [ + "ill", + -11.284249305725098 + ], + [ + "\u2581Yu", + -11.317882537841797 + ], + [ + "\u2581hagas", + -10.601085662841797 + ], + [ + "\u2581adverse", + -10.631885528564453 + ], + [ + "\u2581arm", + -10.705375671386719 + ], + [ + "\u2581norms", + -10.640554428100586 + ], + [ + "\u2581sencillo", + -10.751105308532715 + ], + [ + "\u2581Youth", + -10.682599067687988 + ], + [ + "\u2581rea", + -11.08167839050293 + ], + [ + "\u2581turning", + -10.68696117401123 + ], + [ + "\u2581inhabitants", + -10.66504192352295 + ], + [ + "\u2581demora", + -10.750675201416016 + ], + [ + "\u2581jud\u00edos", + -10.761869430541992 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ciencia", + -10.75763988494873 + ], + [ + "\u2581Win", + -11.419581413269043 + ], + [ + "\u2581hecha", + -10.740706443786621 + ], + [ + "icia", + -11.29513168334961 + ], + [ + "\u2581calm", + -10.71417236328125 + ], + [ + "lecomunicaciones", + -10.73775577545166 + ], + [ + "\u2581renta", + -10.777165412902832 + ], + [ + "\u2581Orden", + -10.800592422485352 + ], + [ + "vers", + -10.86048698425293 + ], + [ + "\u2581Miembro", + -10.740545272827148 + ], + [ + "\u2581Adjunto", + -10.776732444763184 + ], + [ + "\u2581Min", + -11.445021629333496 + ], + [ + "\u2581cruel", + -11.044689178466797 + ], + [ + "\u2581aplicarse", + -10.784261703491211 + ], + [ + "third", + -10.60383129119873 + ], + [ + "\u2581ingreso", + -10.787866592407227 + ], + [ + "\u2581sustainability", + -10.666410446166992 + ], + [ + "2004", + -11.091222763061523 + ], + [ + "\u2581realization", + -10.67152214050293 + ], + [ + "cci\u00f3n", + -10.833171844482422 + ], + [ + "\u2581contrast", + -10.65124225616455 + ], + [ + "\u2581separaci\u00f3n", + -10.772018432617188 + ], + [ + "\u2581piloto", + -10.735625267028809 + ], + [ + "\u2581AIDS", + -10.638766288757324 + ], + [ + "\u2581Say", + -10.788121223449707 + ], + [ + "ball", + -11.202431678771973 + ], + [ + "\u2581priest", + -10.65349006652832 + ], + [ + "rick", + -11.51925277709961 + ], + [ + "\u2581Deputy", + -10.638864517211914 + ], + [ + "\u2581indicates", + -10.680907249450684 + ], + [ + "\u2581gira", + -10.758461952209473 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00ad", + -11.486376762390137 + ], + [ + "\u2581examina", + -10.750935554504395 + ], + [ + "rito", + -10.907910346984863 + ], + [ + "\u2581compare", + -10.849637031555176 + ], + [ + "fla", + -11.491226196289062 + ], + [ + "\u2581completar", + -10.792047500610352 + ], + [ + "\u2581hostel", + -11.246541023254395 + ], + [ + "how", + -11.12414264678955 + ], + [ + "\u2581101", + -11.34291934967041 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jewish", + -10.682518005371094 + ], + [ + "\u2581prestando", + -10.771482467651367 + ], + [ + "\u25811.4", + -11.32524299621582 + ], + [ + "\u2581geogr\u00e1fica", + -10.762736320495605 + ], + [ + "\u2581load", + -10.67449951171875 + ], + [ + "\u2581laboratorio", + -10.69332504272461 + ], + [ + "i\u00f3", + -10.731033325195312 + ], + [ + "\u2581departamentos", + -10.785957336425781 + ], + [ + "iera", + -10.979272842407227 + ], + [ + "key", + -11.305444717407227 + ], + [ + "\u2581witnesses", + -10.655486106872559 + ], + [ + "\u2581basados", + -10.800086975097656 + ], + [ + "\u2581instancia", + -10.76980972290039 + ], + [ + "\u2581smaller", + -10.64792251586914 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hungary", + -10.575268745422363 + ], + [ + "\u2581Obama", + -11.371942520141602 + ], + [ + "ude", + -11.458539009094238 + ], + [ + "FE", + -11.493136405944824 + ], + [ + "\u2581encuesta", + -10.755653381347656 + ], + [ + "\u2581aplicado", + -10.791109085083008 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ram", + -11.293004989624023 + ], + [ + "mir", + -11.473698616027832 + ], + [ + "\u2581texts", + -10.722321510314941 + ], + [ + "\u2581deber\u00edamos", + -10.642620086669922 + ], + [ + "top", + -11.426443099975586 + ], + [ + "PD", + -11.499357223510742 + ], + [ + "\u2581imprisonment", + -10.665237426757812 + ], + [ + "uz", + -11.434621810913086 + ], + [ + "\u2581comit\u00e9s", + -10.797016143798828 + ], + [ + "\u2581advisory", + -10.635972023010254 + ], + [ + "\u2581listas", + -10.86044692993164 + ], + [ + "Entonces", + -10.550631523132324 + ], + [ + "\u2581stands", + -10.740716934204102 + ], + [ + "Li", + -11.144515037536621 + ], + [ + "cker", + -11.231588363647461 + ], + [ + "wer", + -11.517040252685547 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alojamiento", + -10.766790390014648 + ], + [ + "aje", + -10.977381706237793 + ], + [ + "\u2581d\u00e9cada", + -10.765217781066895 + ], + [ + "\u2581ownership", + -10.647418975830078 + ], + [ + "\u2581http", + -11.298504829406738 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vas", + -11.030377388000488 + ], + [ + "\u2581aves", + -10.80410099029541 + ], + [ + "\u2581owing", + -10.65445327758789 + ], + [ + "\u2581theory", + -10.73624038696289 + ], + [ + "jos", + -10.908029556274414 + ], + [ + "\u2581solve", + -10.675044059753418 + ], + [ + "\u2581laborales", + -10.778034210205078 + ], + [ + "\u2581dulce", + -10.66147232055664 + ], + [ + "\u2581systematic", + -10.666502952575684 + ], + [ + "\u2581worship", + -10.674736022949219 + ], + [ + "\u2581horizontal", + -11.228028297424316 + ], + [ + "\u2581bright", + -10.702241897583008 + ], + [ + "\u2581consider\u00f3", + -10.768183708190918 + ], + [ + "\u2581reconciliation", + -10.67947006225586 + ], + [ + "\u2581ball", + -10.744659423828125 + ], + [ + "\u2581periodistas", + -10.802119255065918 + ], + [ + "\u2581verification", + -10.641326904296875 + ], + [ + "\u2581universo", + -10.755069732666016 + ], + [ + "\u2581estrat\u00e9gica", + -10.771967887878418 + ], + [ + "\u2581transmitted", + -10.652009010314941 + ], + [ + "\u2581Anna", + -11.311328887939453 + ], + [ + "\u2581Chrome", + -11.27617359161377 + ], + [ + "\u2581College", + -10.96718692779541 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jews", + -10.710100173950195 + ], + [ + "\u00d3", + -11.27186107635498 + ], + [ + "\u2581print", + -10.684335708618164 + ], + [ + "point", + -10.83887767791748 + ], + [ + "doras", + -10.689176559448242 + ], + [ + "\u2581nuevamente", + -10.78441333770752 + ], + [ + "\u2581inspection", + -10.631625175476074 + ], + [ + "\u2581removal", + -10.66098403930664 + ], + [ + "\u2581terror", + -11.351469039916992 + ], + [ + "-9", + -11.418351173400879 + ], + [ + "\u2581administrativo", + -10.765453338623047 + ], + [ + "\u2581warning", + -10.637667655944824 + ], + [ + "\u2581ruido", + -10.694840431213379 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aprobaci\u00f3n", + -10.784891128540039 + ], + [ + "\u2581inteligencia", + -10.75572395324707 + ], + [ + "\u2581sujeto", + -10.719078063964844 + ], + [ + "\u2581ring", + -10.772636413574219 + ], + [ + "\u2581accordingly", + -10.644091606140137 + ], + [ + "\u2581formulation", + -10.666056632995605 + ], + [ + "MENT", + -11.437457084655762 + ], + [ + "\u2581cubierta", + -10.761919975280762 + ], + [ + "\u2581worst", + -10.70111083984375 + ], + [ + "\u2581friendly", + -10.676774024963379 + ], + [ + "\u2581absolutely", + -10.686934471130371 + ], + [ + "\u2581podamos", + -10.698781967163086 + ], + [ + "\u2581querido", + -10.627348899841309 + ], + [ + "ult", + -11.529122352600098 + ], + [ + "\u2581acceptance", + -10.639543533325195 + ], + [ + "\u2581positivos", + -10.802131652832031 + ], + [ + "dura", + -10.792108535766602 + ], + [ + "\u2581pollution", + -10.617592811584473 + ], + [ + "\u2581tercero", + -10.748196601867676 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mel", + -11.32497501373291 + ], + [ + "\u25812.1", + -11.289327621459961 + ], + [ + "\u2581reci\u00e9n", + -10.780120849609375 + ], + [ + "second", + -10.668033599853516 + ], + [ + "vent", + -11.244922637939453 + ], + [ + "\u2581alternativas", + -10.818498611450195 + ], + [ + "\u2581jefes", + -10.814239501953125 + ], + [ + "\u2581turns", + -10.775617599487305 + ], + [ + "\u2581ladies", + -10.712655067443848 + ], + [ + "\u2581guardar", + -10.838397979736328 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hungr\u00eda", + -10.727272033691406 + ], + [ + "\u2581Should", + -10.747174263000488 + ], + [ + "\u2581accident", + -10.684253692626953 + ], + [ + "\u2581Propuesta", + -10.806671142578125 + ], + [ + "\u2581instalar", + -10.831123352050781 + ], + [ + "\u2581monta\u00f1a", + -10.73627758026123 + ], + [ + "\u2581Angel", + -11.185582160949707 + ], + [ + "\u2581teor\u00eda", + -10.731040000915527 + ], + [ + "mentos", + -10.892260551452637 + ], + [ + "\u2581drinking", + -10.737247467041016 + ], + [ + "care", + -10.892132759094238 + ], + [ + "\u2581supervisar", + -10.82146167755127 + ], + [ + "ai", + -11.07911491394043 + ], + [ + "\u2581attitude", + -10.688013076782227 + ], + [ + "mu", + -10.824919700622559 + ], + [ + "\u2581pecados", + -10.815180778503418 + ], + [ + "\u2581inmediata", + -10.783828735351562 + ], + [ + "\u2581minor", + -10.663915634155273 + ], + [ + "ments", + -10.84203815460205 + ], + [ + "\u2581sounds", + -10.822844505310059 + ], + [ + "\u2581sustancia", + -10.770282745361328 + ], + [ + "\u2581revisado", + -10.817081451416016 + ], + [ + "\u2581Weapons", + -10.660799980163574 + ], + [ + "\u2581Machine", + -10.812638282775879 + ], + [ + "\u2581esposo", + -10.671430587768555 + ], + [ + "\u2581reproducci\u00f3n", + -10.819927215576172 + ], + [ + "\u2581cambia", + -10.657173156738281 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tur", + -11.153853416442871 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pope", + -10.729257583618164 + ], + [ + "\u2581dispute", + -10.653075218200684 + ], + [ + "\u2581Zambia", + -11.211603164672852 + ], + [ + "NI", + -11.300922393798828 + ], + [ + "\u2581estructurales", + -10.803348541259766 + ], + [ + "\u2581possibilities", + -10.659634590148926 + ], + [ + "\u2581basta", + -10.677461624145508 + ], + [ + "rge", + -11.542825698852539 + ], + [ + "\u2581visitantes", + -10.820123672485352 + ], + [ + "\u2581machinery", + -10.63995361328125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Indian", + -10.698341369628906 + ], + [ + "ended", + -10.694339752197266 + ], + [ + "\u2581sins", + -10.713831901550293 + ], + [ + "\u2581artista", + -10.786940574645996 + ], + [ + "rena", + -11.055024147033691 + ], + [ + "\u2581fueran", + -10.788365364074707 + ], + [ + "\u2581Terms", + -10.696744918823242 + ], + [ + "Tra", + -11.01084041595459 + ], + [ + "\u2581causar", + -10.730427742004395 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ur", + -11.251009941101074 + ], + [ + "\u2581diplomatic", + -10.673381805419922 + ], + [ + "\u2581conexas", + -10.801898956298828 + ], + [ + "p\u00e9", + -11.264516830444336 + ], + [ + "weapon", + -10.661077499389648 + ], + [ + "\u2581ST", + -11.057031631469727 + ], + [ + "\u2581universe", + -10.723437309265137 + ], + [ + "clo", + -11.493392944335938 + ], + [ + "fina", + -10.972248077392578 + ], + [ + "tus", + -11.52767562866211 + ], + [ + "\u2581electro", + -11.356321334838867 + ], + [ + "VE", + -11.517509460449219 + ], + [ + "\u2581pel\u00edculas", + -10.76653003692627 + ], + [ + "\u2581paras", + -10.712646484375 + ], + [ + "\u2581falling", + -10.703574180603027 + ], + [ + "\u2581Checa", + -10.739705085754395 + ], + [ + "\u2581antiguos", + -10.816378593444824 + ], + [ + "\u2581Full", + -10.886880874633789 + ], + [ + "\u2581tarjetas", + -10.834456443786621 + ], + [ + "\u2581renal", + -11.308405876159668 + ], + [ + "gio", + -11.49209213256836 + ], + [ + "\u2581enjoyment", + -10.664042472839355 + ], + [ + "ect", + -11.50550365447998 + ], + [ + "\u2581regalo", + -10.684830665588379 + ], + [ + "\u2581posteriores", + -10.819561004638672 + ], + [ + "\u2581180", + -11.343011856079102 + ], + [ + "\u2581energ\u00e9tica", + -10.762524604797363 + ], + [ + "\u2581Eco", + -11.435669898986816 + ], + [ + "\u2581Related", + -10.761131286621094 + ], + [ + "\u2581onto", + -10.779596328735352 + ], + [ + "\u2581suelen", + -10.768486022949219 + ], + [ + "\u2581ex\u00e1menes", + -10.779894828796387 + ], + [ + "\u2581movie", + -10.753426551818848 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bull", + -10.889420509338379 + ], + [ + "ric", + -11.244515419006348 + ], + [ + "\u2581studied", + -10.669504165649414 + ], + [ + "\u2581plaza", + -10.904868125915527 + ], + [ + "\u2581prohibited", + -10.662495613098145 + ], + [ + "\u2581walls", + -10.739057540893555 + ], + [ + "\u2581africanos", + -10.792738914489746 + ], + [ + "\u2581hey", + -11.05048656463623 + ], + [ + "0.00", + -11.411969184875488 + ], + [ + "\u2581rating", + -10.68752670288086 + ], + [ + "\u2581Us", + -10.86147689819336 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lawyers", + -10.670866966247559 + ], + [ + "\u2581Primero", + -10.707703590393066 + ], + [ + "\u2581Debes", + -10.742170333862305 + ], + [ + "mini", + -11.529128074645996 + ], + [ + "\u2581Espacio", + -10.808576583862305 + ], + [ + "\u2581Comp", + -11.358049392700195 + ], + [ + "\u2581claimed", + -10.664270401000977 + ], + [ + "\u2581venga", + -10.62652587890625 + ], + [ + "b\u00e9", + -11.111452102661133 + ], + [ + "\u2581apart", + -10.737998008728027 + ], + [ + "\u2581vast", + -10.696282386779785 + ], + [ + "\u2581Supremo", + -10.80280876159668 + ], + [ + "\u2581golpe", + -10.647090911865234 + ], + [ + "\u2581Puzzle", + -11.394563674926758 + ], + [ + "\u2581founded", + -10.744128227233887 + ], + [ + "\u2581reglamentos", + -10.828031539916992 + ], + [ + "\u2581wonder", + 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"\u2581belong", + -10.736254692077637 + ], + [ + "\u2581estuviera", + -10.68578815460205 + ], + [ + "\u2581aniversario", + -10.78307056427002 + ], + [ + "\u2581qued\u00f3", + -10.790205001831055 + ], + [ + "\u2581quiera", + -10.656270980834961 + ], + [ + "\u2581liderazgo", + -10.804431915283203 + ], + [ + "die", + -11.086640357971191 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cuenta", + -10.772626876831055 + ], + [ + "\u2581volvi\u00f3", + -10.749258041381836 + ], + [ + "\u2581Panama", + -10.603751182556152 + ], + [ + "win", + -11.403548240661621 + ], + [ + "\u2581Based", + -10.703034400939941 + ], + [ + "\u2581household", + -10.686492919921875 + ], + [ + "\u2581templo", + -10.82129192352295 + ], + [ + "\u2581c\u00e1lculo", + -10.754204750061035 + ], + [ + "\u2581fellow", + -10.728778839111328 + ], + [ + "\u2581talks", + -10.757953643798828 + ], + [ + "pel", + -11.37328052520752 + ], + [ + "\u2581limitar", + -10.814241409301758 + ], + [ + "\u2581anyway", + -10.839346885681152 + ], + [ + "WG", + -11.32149600982666 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pra", + -11.470658302307129 + ], + [ + "\u2581futura", + -10.76475715637207 + ], + [ + "\u2581soil", + -10.690513610839844 + ], + [ + "\u2581outer", + -10.713912963867188 + ], + [ + "stin", + -11.453751564025879 + ], + [ + "\u2581concreta", + -10.773183822631836 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ray", + -11.41755199432373 + ], + [ + "\u2581commit", + -10.677454948425293 + ], + [ + "Sa", + -11.2522611618042 + ], + [ + "\u2581Key", + -10.977618217468262 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tro", + -11.356698036193848 + ], + [ + "\u2581luck", + -10.862641334533691 + ], + [ + "mia", + -11.085488319396973 + ], + [ + "\u2581merely", + -10.687911987304688 + ], + [ + "\u2581recoger", + -10.748625755310059 + ], + [ + "\u2581planos", + -10.810652732849121 + ], + [ + "\u2581decides", + -11.023026466369629 + ], + [ + "\u2581bosque", + -10.736673355102539 + ], + [ + "\u2581z", + -11.721148490905762 + ], + [ + "\u2581anywhere", + -10.771339416503906 + ], + [ + "\u2581beneficiarios", + -10.802650451660156 + ], + [ + "\u2581rapporteur", + -10.652442932128906 + ], + [ + "\u2581reunir", + -10.78418254852295 + ], + [ + "\u2581manufacturing", + -10.663299560546875 + ], + [ + "\u2581sufrido", + -10.80376148223877 + ], + [ + "\u2581biological", + -10.687191009521484 + ], + [ + "\u2581concentration", + -10.638273239135742 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hab\u00eda", + -10.69077205657959 + ], + [ + "\u2581editor", + -11.435641288757324 + ], + [ + "\u2581speakers", + -10.664722442626953 + ], + [ + "\u2581tuve", + -10.645756721496582 + ], + [ + "far", + -11.522186279296875 + ], + [ + "fin", + -11.303736686706543 + ], + [ + "\u2581fly", + -10.760682106018066 + ], + [ + "\u2581Finalmente", + -10.795496940612793 + ], + [ + "\u2581abusos", + -10.838916778564453 + ], + [ + "\u2581empez\u00f3", + -10.74014663696289 + ], + [ + "\u2581undertakings", + -10.652949333190918 + ], + [ + "\u2581Iniciar", + -10.849019050598145 + ], + [ + "bat", + -11.26114559173584 + ], + [ + "mus", + -11.529890060424805 + ], + [ + "\u2581custody", + -10.7285795211792 + ], + [ + "\u2581comunicar", + -10.891304969787598 + ], + [ + "\u2581Uso", + -10.951896667480469 + ], + [ + "qua", + -11.595605850219727 + ], + [ + "\u2581brief", + -10.685876846313477 + ], + [ + "\u2581140", + -11.387251853942871 + ], + [ + "\u2581ordered", + -10.75700855255127 + ], + [ + "\u2581belief", + -10.677055358886719 + ], + [ + "pes", + -11.320084571838379 + ], + [ + "\u2581Amazon", + -11.162345886230469 + ], + [ + "FP", + -11.477670669555664 + ], + [ + "\u2581justa", + -10.806479454040527 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rural", + -11.263521194458008 + ], + [ + "\u2581Place", + -10.96441650390625 + ], + [ + "set", + -11.253721237182617 + ], + [ + "\u2581detenido", + -10.824612617492676 + ], + [ + "\u2581gap", + -10.669055938720703 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bat", + -11.474445343017578 + ], + [ + "\u2581cooperar", + -10.847064018249512 + ], + [ + "tral", + -11.426630020141602 + ], + [ + "\u2581perfectamente", + -10.767601013183594 + ], + [ + "\u2581neuro", + -11.467856407165527 + ], + [ + "\u2581m\u00eda", + -10.646312713623047 + ], + [ + "\u2581entrance", + -10.742079734802246 + ], + [ + "\u2581functional", + -10.708699226379395 + ], + [ + "\u2581programming", + -10.67048454284668 + ], + [ + "\u2581recurrir", + -10.817523002624512 + ], + [ + "\u2581motion", + -10.65964412689209 + ], + [ + "cida", + -10.976102828979492 + ], + [ + "\u2581hundreds", + -10.742034912109375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Leave", + -10.822403907775879 + ], + [ + "\u2581secciones", + -10.805895805358887 + ], + [ + "9.", + -10.97356128692627 + ], + [ + "\u2581Iraqi", + -10.67455768585205 + ], + [ + "mpa", + -10.980266571044922 + ], + [ + "\u2581representing", + -10.707653999328613 + ], + [ + "\u2581pure", + -10.720499038696289 + ], + [ + "\u2581complainant", + -10.715747833251953 + ], + [ + "\u2581devoted", + -10.699080467224121 + ], + [ + "itu", + -11.510176658630371 + ], + [ + "\u2581Thailand", + -10.619734764099121 + ], + [ + "\u2581Iniciativa", + -10.831164360046387 + ], + [ + "\u2581privacy", + -10.698506355285645 + ], + [ + "\u2581medicines", + -10.694831848144531 + ], + [ + "ray", + -11.035888671875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nick", + -11.4464693069458 + ], + [ + "\u2581organize", + -10.680537223815918 + ], + [ + "There", + -10.724563598632812 + ], + [ + "\u2581Suite", + -11.396151542663574 + ], + [ + "\u2581exteriores", + -10.835674285888672 + ], + [ + "\u2581WiFi", + -11.413366317749023 + ], + [ + "\u2581enemigo", + -10.728371620178223 + ], + [ + "\u2581fashion", + -10.717869758605957 + ], + [ + "\u2581Islam", + -11.3743896484375 + ], + [ + "\u2581levanta", + -10.722307205200195 + ], + [ + "sp", + -11.512155532836914 + ], + [ + "post", + -11.08664321899414 + ], + [ + "\u2581endorsed", + -10.688175201416016 + ], + [ + "\u2581apropiadas", + -10.817471504211426 + ], + [ + "\u00f3nica", + -11.006858825683594 + ], + [ + "\u2581foster", + -10.70553207397461 + ], + [ + "\u2581Objetivos", + -10.881412506103516 + ], + [ + "\u2581heritage", + -10.688941955566406 + ], + [ + "\u2581Turkish", + -10.673737525939941 + ], + [ + "\u2581raising", + -10.688546180725098 + ], + [ + "ash", + -11.002501487731934 + ], + [ + "\u2581aquella", + -10.754253387451172 + ], + [ + "\u2581tocar", + -10.754977226257324 + ], + [ + "\u2581cumplan", + -10.804365158081055 + ], + [ + "\u2581violent", + -10.740788459777832 + ], + [ + "\u2581reaching", + -10.700265884399414 + ], + [ + "\u2581dise\u00f1ado", + -10.834057807922363 + ], + [ + "\u2581flexibility", + -10.67849063873291 + ], + [ + "\u2581contributing", + -10.684294700622559 + ], + [ + "\u2581aged", + -10.734573364257812 + ], + [ + "\u2581BE", + -10.990922927856445 + ], + [ + "Da", + -11.037884712219238 + ], + [ + "cap", + -11.42117691040039 + ], + [ + "\u2581destruir", + -10.740921974182129 + ], + [ + "gri", + -11.227025985717773 + ], + [ + "\u2581subsequently", + -10.671974182128906 + ], + [ + "cil", + -11.366268157958984 + ], + [ + "\u2581Got", + -10.887578010559082 + ], + [ + "\u2581operadores", + -10.832061767578125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sar", + -11.525400161743164 + ], + [ + "\u2581terminal", + -11.355480194091797 + ], + [ + "resolution", + -10.681772232055664 + ], + [ + "\u2581leg", + -10.845107078552246 + ], + [ + "\u2581Escuela", + -10.856278419494629 + ], + [ + "more", + -11.129239082336426 + ], + [ + "\u2581maestros", + -10.82939338684082 + ], + [ + "NL", + -11.52358341217041 + ], + [ + "\u2581Agriculture", + -10.708532333374023 + ], + [ + "\u2581infection", + -10.652209281921387 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kat", + -11.633508682250977 + ], + [ + "\u2581agricultores", + -10.834061622619629 + ], + [ + "vale", + -10.859304428100586 + ], + [ + "\u2581convirti\u00f3", + -10.848087310791016 + ], + [ + "air", + -10.928112030029297 + ], + [ + "\u2581alegr\u00eda", + -10.77699089050293 + ], + [ + "\u2581bra", + -11.434988975524902 + ], + [ + "\u2581creative", + -10.704741477966309 + ], + [ + "\u2581Treatment", + -10.717676162719727 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mus", + -11.736680030822754 + ], + [ + "cast", + -11.398341178894043 + ], + [ + "\u2581basadas", + -10.843827247619629 + ], + [ + "\u2581acquisition", + -10.71872615814209 + ], + [ + ".13", + -11.558267593383789 + ], + [ + "\u2581dudas", + -10.830406188964844 + ], + [ + "\u00f1e", + -10.984087944030762 + ], + [ + "\u2581tea", + -10.75829792022705 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tres", + -10.738292694091797 + ], + [ + "ata", + -11.125677108764648 + ], + [ + "br", + -10.996435165405273 + ], + [ + "that", + -10.753417015075684 + ], + [ + "ille", + -11.478372573852539 + ], + [ + "\u2581typical", + -10.70343017578125 + ], + [ + "\u2581decline", + -10.662717819213867 + ], + [ + "\u2581sostenibilidad", + -10.836996078491211 + ], + [ + "\u2581wealth", + -10.714781761169434 + ], + [ + "PE", + -11.161746978759766 + ], + [ + "Este", + -10.77122974395752 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ud", + -10.594216346740723 + ], + [ + "\u2581adecuadamente", + -10.81812858581543 + ], + [ + "Sub", + -11.423508644104004 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jim", + -11.43096923828125 + ], + [ + "\u2581deposit", + -10.785284996032715 + ], + [ + "\u2581altas", + -10.90014362335205 + ], + [ + "\u2581propose", + -10.673505783081055 + ], + [ + "\u2581prestado", + -10.784692764282227 + ], + [ + "\u25811995.", + -11.58536148071289 + ], + [ + "\u2581contents", + -10.765378952026367 + ], + [ + "\u2581funcionar", + -10.783843994140625 + ], + [ + "\u2581estable", + -10.837625503540039 + ], + [ + "\u2581entrenamiento", + -10.781486511230469 + ], + [ + "\u2581Resoluci\u00f3n", + -10.841280937194824 + ], + [ + "\u2581biggest", + -10.741697311401367 + ], + [ + "\u2581premio", + -10.781333923339844 + ], + [ + "\u258109", + -11.367626190185547 + ], + [ + "Leste", + -11.330198287963867 + ], + [ + "\u2581canciones", + -10.845712661743164 + ], + [ + "burg", + -11.36057186126709 + ], + [ + "flo", + -11.48977279663086 + ], + [ + "\u2581pese", + -10.833334922790527 + ], + [ + "\u2581lesiones", + -10.817368507385254 + ], + [ + "\u2581Territories", + -10.698305130004883 + ], + [ + "tta", + -11.375944137573242 + ], + [ + "HRC", + -11.30479907989502 + ], + [ + "\u2581songs", + -10.76467227935791 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mujeres", + -10.81922721862793 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tiempo", + -10.83411693572998 + ], + [ + "\u2581genuine", + -10.693303108215332 + ], + [ + "dera", + -10.841315269470215 + ], + [ + "gh", + -11.259716033935547 + ], + [ + "\u2581AM", + -11.172635078430176 + ], + [ + "\u2581avanzada", + -10.827666282653809 + ], + [ + "\u2581Building", + -10.725459098815918 + ], + [ + "\u2581m\u00f3viles", + -10.8253173828125 + ], + [ + "TE", + -11.310967445373535 + ], + [ + "\u2581flujo", + -10.821215629577637 + ], + [ + "\u2581extra\u00f1o", + -10.62867259979248 + ], + [ + "\u2581ponente", + -10.796455383300781 + ], + [ + "\u2581desaf\u00edo", + -10.798493385314941 + ], + [ + "\u2581subsidiary", + -10.681436538696289 + ], + [ + "\u2581AC", + -11.347493171691895 + ], + [ + "\u2581proud", + -10.780374526977539 + ], + [ + "\u2581Palabra", + -10.952449798583984 + ], + [ + "\u2581recibieron", + -10.839412689208984 + ], + [ + "\u2581pr\u00e1cticamente", + -10.799920082092285 + ], + [ + "\u2581sustained", + -10.688851356506348 + ], + [ + "\u2581hojas", + -10.848360061645508 + ], + [ + "\u2581demonios", + -10.709683418273926 + ], + [ + "\u2581Evaluaci\u00f3n", + -10.865734100341797 + ], + [ + "\u2581assembly", + -10.754949569702148 + ], + [ + "gle", + -11.390230178833008 + ], + [ + "\u2581pobre", + -10.689919471740723 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tim", + -11.423919677734375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Micro", + -11.447670936584473 + ], + [ + "\u2581permanecer", + -10.778839111328125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Within", + -10.717438697814941 + ], + [ + "Ta", + -11.245348930358887 + ], + [ + "\u2581Liechtenstein", + -11.25522518157959 + ], + [ + "\u2581spot", + -10.74689769744873 + ], + [ + "\u2581Poblaci\u00f3n", + -10.848329544067383 + ], + [ + "az", + -10.939396858215332 + ], + [ + "\u25811.5", + -11.184370994567871 + ], + [ + "SM", + -11.504024505615234 + ], + [ + "\u2581suspensi\u00f3n", + -10.827920913696289 + ], + [ + "\u2581EEA", + -10.652961730957031 + ], + [ + "\u2581afuera", + -10.617423057556152 + ], + [ + "\u2581combate", + -10.802274703979492 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mat", + -11.19278335571289 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fre", + -11.310616493225098 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rob", + -11.353889465332031 + ], + [ + "\u2581autob\u00fas", + -10.796568870544434 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mejor", + -10.662053108215332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dor", + -11.286479949951172 + ], + [ + "\u2581adopte", + -10.82101821899414 + ], + [ + "\u2581upper", + -10.712778091430664 + ], + [ + "v\u00ed", + -10.809233665466309 + ], + [ + "\u25811967", + -11.394211769104004 + ], + [ + "\u2581Analysis", + -10.811336517333984 + ], + [ + "\u2581ran", + -10.783891677856445 + ], + [ + "iga", + -10.888882637023926 + ], + [ + "\u2581armonizaci\u00f3n", + -10.811728477478027 + ], + [ + "\u2581variable", + -11.362970352172852 + ], + [ + "\u2581laying", + -10.666927337646484 + ], + [ + "\u2581feelings", + -10.78270149230957 + ], + [ + "\u2581Set", + -10.777416229248047 + ], + [ + "ory", + -10.932706832885742 + ], + [ + "\u2581$3", + -10.8026762008667 + ], + [ + "\u2581Front", + -11.082234382629395 + ], + [ + "\u2581largely", + -10.704977035522461 + ], + [ + "\u2581reloj", + -10.777505874633789 + ], + [ + "\u2581islas", + -10.874895095825195 + ], + [ + "rum", + -11.437400817871094 + ], + [ + "\u2581pull", + -10.811775207519531 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cro", + -11.300261497497559 + ], + [ + "\u2581ampliamente", + -10.83604907989502 + ], + [ + "\u2581explanation", + -10.697942733764648 + ], + [ + "/56/", + -11.395325660705566 + ], + [ + "8.", + -11.006919860839844 + ], + [ + "\u2581medicina", + -10.7712984085083 + ], + [ + "\u2581Times", + -11.35251235961914 + ], + [ + "\u2581160", + -11.432865142822266 + ], + [ + "\u2581reg\u00edmenes", + -10.806523323059082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Haga", + -10.83947467803955 + ], + [ + "\u2581Existen", + -10.856424331665039 + ], + [ + "\u2581demonstrate", + -10.664602279663086 + ], + [ + "\u2581sky", + -10.791419982910156 + ], + [ + "\u2581convinced", + -10.726563453674316 + ], + [ + "\u2581redacci\u00f3n", + -10.830815315246582 + ], + [ + "\u2581estimaciones", + -10.8038330078125 + ], + [ + "\u2581viable", + -11.392794609069824 + ], + [ + "eg", + -11.190727233886719 + ], + [ + "\u2581ordinary", + -10.708229064941406 + ], + [ + "\u2581Army", + -10.759624481201172 + ], + [ + "\u2581Illinois", + -11.406678199768066 + ], + [ + "\u2581mode", + -10.677556991577148 + ], + [ + "\u2581contemporary", + -10.71750545501709 + ], + [ + "EX", + -11.537567138671875 + ], + [ + "\u2581capa", + -10.823369026184082 + ], + [ + "\u2581espacial", + -10.802214622497559 + ], + [ + "ori", + -11.198390007019043 + ], + [ + "\u2581stars", + -10.816522598266602 + ], + [ + "\u2581servants", + -10.710562705993652 + ], + [ + "/63/", + -11.329879760742188 + ], + [ + "\u2581GDP", + -10.70988941192627 + ], + [ + "\u2581geo", + -11.50842571258545 + ], + [ + "stru", + 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"\u2581inmigraci\u00f3n", + -10.811420440673828 + ], + [ + "\u2581Doha", + -11.459282875061035 + ], + [ + "fund", + -11.2819242477417 + ], + [ + "\u2581profundamente", + -10.845922470092773 + ], + [ + "\u2581aprobados", + -10.875371932983398 + ], + [ + "\u2581juventud", + -10.812355995178223 + ], + [ + "\u2581Empleo", + -10.828158378601074 + ], + [ + "\u2581sexto", + -10.810263633728027 + ], + [ + "\u2581realized", + -10.76270866394043 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pens\u00e9", + -10.646136283874512 + ], + [ + "\u2581conversion", + -10.722433090209961 + ], + [ + "\u2581Monitoring", + -10.699469566345215 + ], + [ + "\u2581emisi\u00f3n", + -10.83639144897461 + ], + [ + "aca", + -11.228195190429688 + ], + [ + "endo", + -11.08791446685791 + ], + [ + "t\u00e1", + -11.004939079284668 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00e1rbol", + -10.792501449584961 + ], + [ + "\u2581logotipo", + -10.857368469238281 + ], + [ + "Cu\u00e1nto", + -10.616042137145996 + ], + [ + "\u2581decade", + -10.717049598693848 + ], + [ + "\u2581finds", + -10.971460342407227 + ], + [ + "\u2581ajustes", + -10.864461898803711 + ], + [ + "\u2581universidades", + -10.839445114135742 + ], + [ + "\u2581ocupan", + -10.833734512329102 + ], + [ + "Tu", + -10.712376594543457 + ], + [ + "\u2581Visa", + -11.411215782165527 + ], + [ + "\u2581(6", + -11.479040145874023 + ], + [ + "\u2581Faso", + -11.268867492675781 + ], + [ + "\u2581generated", + -10.731945991516113 + ], + [ + "\u2581fu", + -11.196122169494629 + ], + [ + "\u2581gal", + -11.116968154907227 + ], + [ + "\u2581armado", + -10.826189041137695 + ], + [ + "\u2581disability", + -10.746344566345215 + ], + [ + "\u2581defend", + -10.735321998596191 + ], + [ + "iano", + -11.262001037597656 + ], + [ + "\u2581plane", + -10.809328079223633 + ], + [ + "like", + -10.727496147155762 + ], + [ + "\u2581cristal", + -10.835484504699707 + ], + [ + "\u2581industries", + -10.717501640319824 + ], + [ + "\u2581Climate", + -10.71990966796875 + ], + [ + "\u2581bearing", + -10.716053009033203 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fine", + -10.885217666625977 + ], + [ + "\u2581Situaci\u00f3n", + -10.882377624511719 + ], + [ + "\u2581mate", + -11.49931526184082 + ], + [ + "\u2581roles", + -11.062737464904785 + ], + [ + "tom", + -11.619057655334473 + ], + [ + "\u2581diga", + -10.678975105285645 + ], + [ + "\u2581PNUMA", + -10.863667488098145 + ], + [ + "gie", + -11.54451847076416 + ], + [ + "mita", + -11.084671020507812 + ], + [ + "\u2581Someone", + -10.83785343170166 + ], + [ + "\u2581starts", + -10.874085426330566 + ], + [ + "\u2581t\u00e9", + -10.836339950561523 + ], + [ + "Dios", + -10.6940279006958 + ], + [ + "\u2581cometidos", + -10.877745628356934 + ], + [ + "\u2581expresado", + -10.856439590454102 + ], + [ + "RD", + -11.476478576660156 + ], + [ + "\u2581hoped", + -10.701817512512207 + ], + [ + "\u2581haberse", + -10.809831619262695 + ], + [ + "\u2581organic", + -10.721628189086914 + ], + [ + "\u2581mill\u00f3n", + -10.786393165588379 + ], + [ + "ans", + -10.966806411743164 + ], + [ + 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+ -10.786104202270508 + ], + [ + "\u2581counsel", + -10.730912208557129 + ], + [ + "\u2581Insta", + -10.848593711853027 + ], + [ + "\u2581providers", + -10.723001480102539 + ], + [ + "2009", + -11.218607902526855 + ], + [ + "GE", + -11.454267501831055 + ], + [ + "\u2581license", + -10.751498222351074 + ], + [ + "\u2581populares", + -10.89964485168457 + ], + [ + "\u2581conceptos", + -10.897750854492188 + ], + [ + "\u2581celebradas", + -10.883139610290527 + ], + [ + "\u2581israel\u00ed", + -10.85534381866455 + ], + [ + "\u2581relevance", + -10.706746101379395 + ], + [ + "\u2581channel", + -10.72408390045166 + ], + [ + "\u2581casino", + -11.517905235290527 + ], + [ + "\u2581allegations", + -10.73835277557373 + ], + [ + "Or", + -11.064981460571289 + ], + [ + "\u2581(10", + -11.539087295532227 + ], + [ + "Puedes", + -10.638969421386719 + ], + [ + "\u2581USB", + -11.486515045166016 + ], + [ + "\u2581uni\u00f3n", + -10.842795372009277 + ], + [ + "\u2581identifying", + -10.738640785217285 + ], + [ + "\u2581asignar", + -10.869824409484863 + ], + [ + "\u2581presentaron", + -10.85486125946045 + ], + [ + "\u2581favorite", + -10.785913467407227 + ], + [ + "\u25811/", + -11.367100715637207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vaya", + -10.622952461242676 + ], + [ + "just", + -11.443212509155273 + ], + [ + "\u25811978", + -11.441115379333496 + ], + [ + "\u2581comparison", + -10.701613426208496 + ], + [ + "/2008", + -11.416364669799805 + ], + [ + "\u2581corre", + -10.734609603881836 + ], + [ + "\u2581acelerar", + -10.860530853271484 + ], + [ + "\u2581prosecution", + -10.7366361618042 + ], + [ + "\u25811994.", + -11.595067024230957 + ], + [ + "\u2581aprueba", + -10.813392639160156 + ], + [ + "\u2581Manuel", + -11.459348678588867 + ], + [ + "\u2581lands", + -10.876962661743164 + ], + [ + "\u2581incumplimiento", + -10.867446899414062 + ], + [ + "\u2581continente", + -10.828383445739746 + ], + [ + "\u2581arreglos", + -10.950647354125977 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lima", + -11.471423149108887 + ], + [ + "\u2581participa", + -10.840112686157227 + ], + [ + "gado", + -10.887733459472656 + ], + [ + "\u2581immigration", + -10.70654582977295 + ], + [ + "\u2581funded", + -10.716970443725586 + ], + [ + "\u2581expansi\u00f3n", + -10.851244926452637 + ], + [ + "NC", + -11.389309883117676 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mali", + -10.97906494140625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Julio", + -11.056608200073242 + ], + [ + "\u2581WTO", + -10.709893226623535 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kim", + -11.526180267333984 + ], + [ + "ssa", + -11.357096672058105 + ], + [ + "\u2581spring", + -10.762045860290527 + ], + [ + "\u25811975", + -11.41352653503418 + ], + [ + "\u2581diabetes", + -11.434286117553711 + ], + [ + "\u2581cirug\u00eda", + -10.831167221069336 + ], + [ + "\u2581PDF", + -11.42236328125 + ], + [ + "\u2581reaction", + -10.737783432006836 + ], + [ + "\u2581hermoso", + -10.775434494018555 + ], + [ + "Article", + -10.684239387512207 + ], + [ + "\u2581legally", + -10.764610290527344 + ], + [ + "\u2581presentar\u00e1", + -10.848803520202637 + ], + [ + "\u2581winter", + -10.767468452453613 + ], + [ + "\u25811960", + -11.365815162658691 + ], + [ + "\u2581ruling", + -10.686470031738281 + ], + [ + "\u2581deeply", + -10.763595581054688 + ], + [ + "\u2581output", + -10.717255592346191 + ], + [ + "\u2581god", + -10.863548278808594 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mongolia", + -11.247955322265625 + ], + [ + "\u2581festival", + -11.338421821594238 + ], + [ + "\u2581investigate", + -10.738409996032715 + ], + [ + "\u2581trials", + -10.787266731262207 + ], + [ + "ik", + -11.042301177978516 + ], + [ + "\u2581llam\u00f3", + -10.73997688293457 + ], + [ + ":1", + -11.572933197021484 + ], + [ + "\u2581divisi\u00f3n", + -10.875669479370117 + ], + [ + "\u2581unilateral", + -11.172294616699219 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reserva", + -10.944026947021484 + ], + [ + "place", + -11.396745681762695 + ], + [ + "\u2581dynamic", + -10.709661483764648 + ], + [ + "\u2581Soviet", + -10.770946502685547 + ], + [ + "\u2581flesh", + -10.76620864868164 + ], + [ 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"\u2581Alianza", + -10.874138832092285 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sesi\u00f3n", + -10.903755187988281 + ], + [ + "rit", + -11.397748947143555 + ], + [ + "plica", + -11.169734954833984 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rec", + -10.89760971069336 + ], + [ + "\u2581plastic", + -10.766012191772461 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuesta", + -10.829353332519531 + ], + [ + "\u2581blind", + -10.817684173583984 + ], + [ + "\u2581shouldn", + -10.945667266845703 + ], + [ + "\u2581sp", + -10.993775367736816 + ], + [ + "Has", + -10.702571868896484 + ], + [ + "\u2581asociado", + -10.878373146057129 + ], + [ + "\u2581invierno", + -10.851001739501953 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hold", + -10.915336608886719 + ], + [ + "uca", + -11.459407806396484 + ], + [ + "\u2581ense\u00f1ar", + -10.888896942138672 + ], + [ + "media", + -11.457498550415039 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ah\u00ed", + -10.664356231689453 + ], + [ + "\u2581hide", + -10.838957786560059 + ], + [ + "\u2581Eric", + -11.483192443847656 + ], + [ + "list", + -11.260637283325195 + ], + [ + "\u2581patio", + -11.071964263916016 + ], + [ + "\u2581sentimientos", + -10.790936470031738 + ], + [ + "\u2581cientos", + -10.879013061523438 + ], + [ + "\u2581Inn", + -11.584450721740723 + ], + [ + "\u2581altar", + -11.413261413574219 + ], + [ + "\u2581pregnancy", + -10.734787940979004 + ], + [ + "\u2581electric", + -10.778122901916504 + ], + [ + "cru", + -11.742061614990234 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dijo", + -10.726941108703613 + ], + [ + "\u2581Captain", + -10.926651000976562 + ], + [ + "ses", + -11.20273494720459 + ], + [ + "\u2581Zi", + -11.454577445983887 + ], + [ + "\u2581THIS", + -10.781970024108887 + ], + [ + "\u2581..", + -11.05388355255127 + ], + [ + "\u2581residents", + -10.772197723388672 + ], + [ + "bin", + -11.44553279876709 + ], + [ + "\u2581psychological", + -10.75238037109375 + ], + [ + "\u2581situada", + -10.887239456176758 + ], + [ + "which", + -10.740598678588867 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gui", + -11.288982391357422 + ], + [ + "\u2581Programas", + -11.026510238647461 + ], + [ + "\u2581Message", + -10.880940437316895 + ], + [ + "\u2581proceed", + -10.741347312927246 + ], + [ + "\u2581restructuring", + -10.723230361938477 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ken", + -11.582280158996582 + ], + [ + "\u2581enfrentar", + -10.908506393432617 + ], + [ + "nar", + -11.37831974029541 + ], + [ + "\u2581siguiendo", + -10.80815315246582 + ], + [ + "reestructuraci\u00f3n", + -10.84866714477539 + ], + [ + "\u2581assume", + -10.774187088012695 + ], + [ + "\u2581baile", + -10.767535209655762 + ], + [ + "stan", + -11.58624267578125 + ], + [ + "icos", + -10.916305541992188 + ], + [ + "\u2581compras", + -10.912166595458984 + ], + [ + "\u2581recon", + -11.521336555480957 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fourth", + -10.7453031539917 + ], + [ + "\u2581England", + -10.8363037109375 + ], + [ + "VA", + -11.490638732910156 + ], + [ + "\u2581marcos", + -11.032035827636719 + ], + [ + "MC", + -11.578557014465332 + ], + [ + "\u2581d\u00e9ficit", + -10.855388641357422 + ], + [ + "\u2581public\u00f3", + -10.911710739135742 + ], + [ + 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+ ], + [ + "\u2581Mozambique", + -11.28531265258789 + ], + [ + "\u2581armadas", + -10.886656761169434 + ], + [ + "\u2581manufacturer", + -10.717567443847656 + ], + [ + "\u2581Capital", + -11.250097274780273 + ], + [ + "\u2581flowers", + -10.799592971801758 + ], + [ + "\u2581ends", + -11.010695457458496 + ], + [ + "\u2581op", + -11.462553977966309 + ], + [ + "\u2581Transporte", + -10.915862083435059 + ], + [ + "\u2581moderna", + -10.866897583007812 + ], + [ + "\u2581preventive", + -10.740324974060059 + ], + [ + "-15", + -11.371606826782227 + ], + [ + "\u2581italiano", + -10.936239242553711 + ], + [ + "\u2581s\u00e9ptimo", + -10.89449691772461 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ph", + -11.27192497253418 + ], + [ + "\u2581savings", + -10.772198677062988 + ], + [ + "\u2581tur\u00edstica", + -10.884899139404297 + ], + [ + "\u2581canales", + -10.89735221862793 + ], + [ + "\u2581exposed", + -10.739521026611328 + ], + [ + ".25", + -11.528116226196289 + ], + [ + "\u2581Miami", + -11.493274688720703 + ], + [ + "\u2581estabas", + -10.841849327087402 + ], + [ + "ties", + -11.065228462219238 + ], + [ + "pas", + -10.852209091186523 + ], + [ + "\u2581calculated", + -10.743132591247559 + ], + [ + "\u2581expanded", + -10.76302433013916 + ], + [ + "\u2581creados", + -10.897479057312012 + ], + [ + "All", + -10.845344543457031 + ], + [ + "\u2581coherente", + -10.863139152526855 + ], + [ + "\u2581poca", + -10.842206954956055 + ], + [ + "\u2581frequency", + -10.75477409362793 + ], + [ + "\u2581agent", + -10.779438972473145 + ], + [ + "uta", + -11.27002239227295 + ], + [ + "\u2581Den", + -11.395709037780762 + ], + [ + "\u2581observe", + -10.964749336242676 + ], + [ + "\u2581Viet", + -11.350956916809082 + ], + [ + "\u2581prohibition", + -10.756155014038086 + ], + [ + "\u2581phenomenon", + -10.726724624633789 + ], + [ + "\u2581estrechamente", + -10.88903522491455 + ], + [ + "\u2581renewed", + -10.76048469543457 + ], + [ + "\u2581navegador", + -10.89426040649414 + ], + [ + "\u2581Located", + 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-10.849859237670898 + ], + [ + "\u2581Garden", + -11.103251457214355 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pennsylvania", + -11.384173393249512 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fri", + -11.453290939331055 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sometimes", + -10.853347778320312 + ], + [ + "\u2581watching", + -10.857505798339844 + ], + [ + "\u2581possibly", + -10.800641059875488 + ], + [ + "\u2581Menu", + -11.229887962341309 + ], + [ + "\u2581talleres", + -10.922054290771484 + ], + [ + "\u2581actualizar", + -10.930472373962402 + ], + [ + "\u2581spending", + -10.785091400146484 + ], + [ + "\u2581preocupes", + -10.666814804077148 + ], + [ + "\u2581OMC", + -10.872783660888672 + ], + [ + "\u2581opina", + -10.86070442199707 + ], + [ + "\u2581Matt", + -11.44306468963623 + ], + [ + "vio", + -11.270015716552734 + ], + [ + "\u2581Culture", + -10.748824119567871 + ], + [ + "\u2581barriers", + -10.790263175964355 + ], + [ + "\u2581frame", + -10.76004409790039 + ], + [ + "iro", + -11.61800765991211 + ], + [ + "\u2581detained", + -10.76195240020752 + ], + [ + "\u2581seeks", + -10.812955856323242 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuarta", + -10.8904447555542 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuidar", + -10.819893836975098 + ], + [ + "\u2581comunicado", + -10.887057304382324 + ], + [ + "1%", + -11.498043060302734 + ], + [ + "\u2581quedar", + -10.755696296691895 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hostel", + -11.3731107711792 + ], + [ + "sub", + -11.42722225189209 + ], + [ + "\u2581politics", + -10.767724990844727 + ], + [ + "\u2581EEE", + -10.871689796447754 + ], + [ + "\u2581suministros", + -10.918864250183105 + ], + [ + "\u2581parallel", + -10.749635696411133 + ], + [ + "\u2581equally", + -10.76593017578125 + ], + [ + "\u2581FI", + -11.447275161743164 + ], + [ + "\u2581DC", + -11.453076362609863 + ], + [ + "\u2581voluntarios", + -10.908239364624023 + ], + [ + "6.", + -11.013883590698242 + ], + [ + "\u2581horse", + -10.827522277832031 + ], + [ + "c\u00eda", + -10.971175193786621 + ], + [ + "\u25814.2", + -11.449283599853516 + ], + [ + "WP", + -11.407952308654785 + ], + [ + "\u2581notable", + -11.33638858795166 + ], + [ + "\u2581recogida", + -10.900712966918945 + ], + [ + "\u2581anybody", + -10.946723937988281 + ], + [ + "DS", + -11.412843704223633 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bla", + -11.56592845916748 + ], + [ + "\u2581shoot", + -10.89105224609375 + ], + [ + "\u258130%", + -11.399749755859375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Presidency", + -10.73707389831543 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00e1rabes", + -10.903661727905273 + ], + [ + "\u2581entrar\u00e1", + -10.904834747314453 + ], + [ + "\u2581Summary", + -10.765990257263184 + ], + [ + "\u2581manifestaciones", + -10.908831596374512 + ], + [ + "\u2581shares", + -10.813774108886719 + ], + [ + "\u2581northern", + -10.779160499572754 + ], + [ + "\u2581imponer", + -10.912101745605469 + ], + [ + "\u2581embarazo", + -10.84361457824707 + ], + [ + "\u2581cu\u00e1ndo", + -10.776520729064941 + ], + [ + "As\u00ed", + -10.707986831665039 + ], + [ + "\u2581hall", + -10.863024711608887 + ], + [ + "\u2581hidden", + -10.786771774291992 + ], + [ + "\u2581inscripci\u00f3n", + -10.90920352935791 + ], + [ + "\u2581conozco", + -10.674230575561523 + ], + [ + "eron", + -10.893009185791016 + ], + [ + "\u2581Paragraph", + -10.741703987121582 + ], + [ + "\u2581solucionar", + -10.851493835449219 + ], + [ + "\u258108", + -11.46533203125 + ], + [ + "\u2581famoso", + -10.855347633361816 + ], + [ + "\u2581mostly", + -10.817544937133789 + ], + [ + "\u2581Adoption", + -10.74776554107666 + ], + [ + "\u2581conclude", + -10.729962348937988 + ], + [ + "\u2581actores", + -10.906296730041504 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bus", + -11.229947090148926 + ], + [ + "\u2581ships", + -10.831314086914062 + ], + [ + "\u2581loan", + -10.776545524597168 + ], + [ + "\u2581certificaci\u00f3n", + -10.878230094909668 + ], + [ + "\u258132.", + -11.482335090637207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Carl", + -11.457483291625977 + ], + [ + "\u2581surveillance", + -10.762996673583984 + ], + [ + "\u2581guarda", + -10.7523832321167 + ], + [ + "\u2581Governing", + -10.742554664611816 + ], + [ + "ciente", + -11.164545059204102 + ], + [ + "continuaci\u00f3n", + -10.868144989013672 + ], + [ + "\u2581vestido", + -10.763455390930176 + ], + [ + "\u2581ticket", + -11.047253608703613 + ], + [ + "\u2581Available", + -10.8485689163208 + ], + [ + "WA", + -11.729087829589844 + ], + [ + "\u2581communicate", + -10.748473167419434 + ], + [ + "lice", + -11.516522407531738 + ], + [ + ".14", + -11.610698699951172 + ], + [ + "\u2581quieras", + -10.73677921295166 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mur", + -11.597156524658203 + ], + [ + "\u2581chemicals", + -10.763736724853516 + ], + [ + "\u2581profesores", + -10.884845733642578 + ], + [ + "COP", + -11.434457778930664 + ], + [ + "\u2581reintegration", + -10.74209213256836 + ], + [ + "\u2581acquired", + -10.768488883972168 + ], + [ + "\u2581monthly", + -10.751020431518555 + ], + [ + "\u2581suite", + -11.34525203704834 + ], + [ + "/14", + -11.439569473266602 + ], + [ + "\u2581interim", + -10.763883590698242 + ], + [ + "\u2581migrant", + -10.750781059265137 + ], + [ + "d\u00f3", + -10.966113090515137 + ], + [ + "\u2581permission", + -10.827010154724121 + ], + [ + "\u2581preparations", + -10.81450080871582 + ], + [ + "\u2581referente", + -10.852167129516602 + ], + [ + "\u2581focal", + -11.060748100280762 + ], + [ + "San", + -11.536898612976074 + ], + [ + "\u2581pertenece", + -10.831694602966309 + ], + [ + "uni", + -11.72614574432373 + ], + [ + "\u2581productividad", + -10.895005226135254 + ], + [ + "tric", + -11.720412254333496 + ], + [ + "\u2581corner", + -10.836629867553711 + ], + [ + "\u2581Paper", + -10.792607307434082 + ], + [ + "\u2581respondi\u00f3", + -10.892219543457031 + ], + [ + "\u2581columna", + -10.902767181396484 + ], + [ + "\u2581Save", + -10.992576599121094 + ], + [ + "\u2581bread", + -10.820916175842285 + ], + [ + "\u2581transmitir", + -10.880789756774902 + ], + [ + "\u2581confiar", + -10.813361167907715 + ], + [ + "\u2581bitch", + -10.963930130004883 + ], + [ + "\u2581thematic", + -10.826123237609863 + ], + [ + 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-10.822988510131836 + ], + [ + "\u2581permitted", + -10.770425796508789 + ], + [ + "\u2581s\u00e1bado", + -10.871147155761719 + ], + [ + "core", + -11.475412368774414 + ], + [ + "\u2581Quality", + -10.840082168579102 + ], + [ + "\u2581Burkina", + -11.305095672607422 + ], + [ + "\u2581paying", + -10.833367347717285 + ], + [ + "\u2581medir", + -10.906781196594238 + ], + [ + "\u2581transacciones", + -10.848824501037598 + ], + [ + "\u2581Investment", + -10.759490013122559 + ], + [ + "\u2581mountains", + -10.800788879394531 + ], + [ + "cause", + -10.959888458251953 + ], + [ + "\u2581massive", + -10.776695251464844 + ], + [ + "\u2581reconstruction", + -10.765170097351074 + ], + [ + "being", + -10.79458236694336 + ], + [ + "\u2581usos", + -11.0781831741333 + ], + [ + "\u2581Introducci\u00f3n", + -10.928078651428223 + ], + [ + "\u2581cu\u00e1nto", + -10.755908012390137 + ], + [ + "\u2581utilidad", + -10.86669635772705 + ], + [ + "ace", + -11.542044639587402 + ], + [ + "\u2581hablado", + 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+ [ + "/7", + -11.266777038574219 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuello", + -10.824371337890625 + ], + [ + "press", + -11.548127174377441 + ], + [ + "\u2581enfoques", + -10.974099159240723 + ], + [ + "\u2581sake", + -10.880022048950195 + ], + [ + "elo", + -11.171747207641602 + ], + [ + "gate", + -11.482430458068848 + ], + [ + "\u2581channels", + -10.7982177734375 + ], + [ + "\u2581seed", + -10.76015567779541 + ], + [ + "\u2581dimensions", + -10.831389427185059 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rev", + -11.347230911254883 + ], + [ + "box", + -11.258532524108887 + ], + [ + "\u2581temple", + -10.810216903686523 + ], + [ + "\u2581contribuido", + -10.918405532836914 + ], + [ + "\u2581SMEs", + -10.761357307434082 + ], + [ + "\u2581methodology", + -10.763716697692871 + ], + [ + "\u2581erradicaci\u00f3n", + -10.889176368713379 + ], + [ + "\u2581contribuye", + -10.902410507202148 + ], + [ + "\u2581pin", + -11.601174354553223 + ], + [ + "\u2581possession", + -10.789165496826172 + ], + [ + "\u258133.", + -11.498464584350586 + ], + [ + "\u2581Promoci\u00f3n", + -10.920228958129883 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nivel", + -10.941421508789062 + ], + [ + "tain", + -11.344382286071777 + ], + [ + "\u2581ecus", + -10.903777122497559 + ], + [ + "\u2581feels", + -10.962285995483398 + ], + [ + "EE", + -11.477941513061523 + ], + [ + ".4/", + -11.546944618225098 + ], + [ + "\u2581Namibia", + -11.305859565734863 + ], + [ + "\u2581reflects", + -10.797900199890137 + ], + [ + "\u2581sustituye", + -10.912896156311035 + ], + [ + "\u2581materna", + -10.946147918701172 + ], + [ + "\u2581Agregar", + -10.971261978149414 + ], + [ + "\u2581Military", + -10.77178955078125 + ], + [ + "bul", + -11.623496055603027 + ], + [ + "But", + -10.824967384338379 + ], + [ + "\u2581Forms", + -10.768376350402832 + ], + [ + "\u2581obvious", + -10.823809623718262 + ], + [ + "\u2581moda", + -10.882156372070312 + ], + [ + "\u2581tensi\u00f3n", + -10.8884859085083 + ], + [ + "\u2581refieren", + -10.904558181762695 + ], + [ + "\u2581preparados", + 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-10.910116195678711 + ], + [ + "m\u00e1tica", + -11.06496524810791 + ], + [ + "\u2581Filipinas", + -10.836488723754883 + ], + [ + "\u2581libremente", + -10.91242790222168 + ], + [ + "\u2581Utiliza", + -10.953166007995605 + ], + [ + "rico", + -11.313812255859375 + ], + [ + "rig", + -11.612034797668457 + ], + [ + "\u2581exclusion", + -10.766000747680664 + ], + [ + "\u2581mistake", + -10.893840789794922 + ], + [ + "\u2581entra\u00f1a", + -10.90750789642334 + ], + [ + "\u2581zones", + -10.789684295654297 + ], + [ + "\u2581Chairperson", + -10.78200912475586 + ], + [ + "\u2581transformation", + -10.800389289855957 + ], + [ + "\u2581sport", + -10.785001754760742 + ], + [ + "\u2581compa\u00f1eros", + -10.887523651123047 + ], + [ + "\u2581confirm", + -10.77402114868164 + ], + [ + "tr\u00f3", + -11.375692367553711 + ], + [ + "\u2581Casi", + -10.792279243469238 + ], + [ + "oz", + -11.137249946594238 + ], + [ + "\u2581entering", + -10.807193756103516 + ], + [ + "\u2581smart", + -10.892715454101562 + ], + [ + "\u2581fail", + -10.794012069702148 + ], + [ + "\u2581answered", + -10.82723617553711 + ], + [ + "\u2581push", + -10.869049072265625 + ], + [ + "\u2581sali\u00f3", + -10.816853523254395 + ], + [ + "\u2581colegas", + -10.899380683898926 + ], + [ + "\u2581stood", + -10.827831268310547 + ], + [ + "\u2581producen", + -10.920526504516602 + ], + [ + "\u2581disciplina", + -10.929010391235352 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ej\u00e9rcito", + -10.948246955871582 + ], + [ + "TH", + -11.430645942687988 + ], + [ + "tch", + -11.058924674987793 + ], + [ + "\u2581plasma", + -11.489476203918457 + ], + [ + "\u2581root", + -10.753374099731445 + ], + [ + "\u2581Close", + -10.846179962158203 + ], + [ + "\u2581tourist", + -10.774758338928223 + ], + [ + "\u2581Allah", + -10.989265441894531 + ], + [ + "\u2581Busca", + -10.856133460998535 + ], + [ + "\u2581rostro", + -10.879918098449707 + ], + [ + "ay", + -11.035943984985352 + ], + [ + "aj", + -11.645355224609375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Box", + -11.026352882385254 + ], + [ + "\u2581BA", + -11.459821701049805 + ], + [ + "\u2581men\u00fa", + -10.937607765197754 + ], + [ + "\u2581Something", + -10.966450691223145 + ], + [ + "eno", + -11.254101753234863 + ], + [ + "ila", + -11.338583946228027 + ], + [ + "\u2581owners", + -10.850105285644531 + ], + [ + "\u2581ticjob", + -11.47217845916748 + ], + [ + "\u2581descanso", + -10.85148811340332 + ], + [ + "\u2581sufrimiento", + -10.881739616394043 + ], + [ + "\u2581destinada", + -10.90282917022705 + ], + [ + "\u2581parec\u00eda", + -10.827193260192871 + ], + [ + "clu", + -10.986068725585938 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hy", + -11.589838981628418 + ], + [ + "\u2581AG", + -11.516027450561523 + ], + [ + "\u258103", + -11.510180473327637 + ], + [ + "\u2581nobody", + -10.9393310546875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ivoire", + -11.516475677490234 + ], + [ + "\u2581distinction", + -10.791337013244629 + ], + [ + "\u2581participaron", + -10.97204875946045 + ], + [ + "\u2581pending", + -10.788084983825684 + ], + [ + "\u2581Brazilian", + -10.805288314819336 + ], + [ + "\u2581seno", + -11.017112731933594 + ], + [ + "\u2581recalled", + -10.791200637817383 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wien", + -11.429913520812988 + ], + [ + "\u2581ilegales", + -10.913334846496582 + ], + [ + "\u2581tickets", + -10.84420108795166 + ], + [ + "\u2581Copyright", + -11.326996803283691 + ], + [ + "\u2581formulada", + -10.915841102600098 + ], + [ + "\u2581prefer", + -10.850737571716309 + ], + [ + "down", + -11.037663459777832 + ], + [ + "\u2581Respuesta", + -10.97396183013916 + ], + [ + "\u2581modified", + -10.80374813079834 + ], + [ + "\u2581circular", + -11.37503433227539 + ], + [ + "ificaci\u00f3n", + -10.932029724121094 + ], + [ + "\u2581Historia", + -10.96727466583252 + ], + [ + "avi", + -11.518559455871582 + ], + [ + "\u2581castigo", + -10.903552055358887 + ], + [ + "\u2581revenue", + -10.721549034118652 + ], + [ + "/2012", + -11.591002464294434 + ], + [ + "\u2581achievements", + -10.838715553283691 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fuerzas", + -10.96957015991211 + ], + [ + "\u2581Refugiados", + -10.896785736083984 + ], + [ + "\u2581newly", + -10.818403244018555 + ], + [ + "\u2581IX", + -11.563796997070312 + ], + [ + "\u2581Agricultura", + -10.904224395751953 + ], + [ + "\u2581integrate", + -10.823479652404785 + ], + [ + "\u2581contacts", + -10.862421035766602 + ], + [ + "\u2581evaluate", + -10.782715797424316 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mari", + -11.389589309692383 + ], + [ + "\u2581supplement", + -10.785263061523438 + ], + [ + "\u2581afectado", + -10.890630722045898 + ], + [ + "\u2581ISBN", + -11.540882110595703 + ], + [ + "\u2581Castro", + -11.45103645324707 + ], + [ + "hen", + -11.670755386352539 + ], + [ + "\u2581strict", + -10.793167114257812 + ], + [ + "/2007", + -11.486462593078613 + ], + [ + "Ahora", + -10.75184440612793 + ], + [ + "\u2581handling", + -10.794261932373047 + ], + [ + "\u2581echar", + -10.888039588928223 + ], + [ + "lim", + -11.637749671936035 + ], + [ + "\u2581107", + -11.496692657470703 + ], + [ + "\u2581vial", + -11.449288368225098 + ], + [ + "Como", + -10.754828453063965 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gre", + -11.628568649291992 + ], + [ + "\u2581plays", + -10.946114540100098 + ], + [ + "Ga", + -11.369738578796387 + ], + [ + "\u2581experto", + -10.906900405883789 + ], + [ + "\u2581stronger", + -10.812121391296387 + ], + [ + "\u2581contractual", + -11.163501739501953 + ], + [ + "\u2581jointly", + -10.781311988830566 + ], + [ + "\u2581chocolate", + -11.548171043395996 + ], + [ + "\u2581coordinate", + -10.780540466308594 + ], + [ + "/13", + -11.55460262298584 + ], + [ + "\u2581limpia", + -10.805381774902344 + ], + [ + "\u2581historias", + -10.950373649597168 + ], + [ + "\u2581explicaci\u00f3n", + -10.886468887329102 + ], + [ + "NE", + -11.385692596435547 + ], + [ + "\u2581promised", + -10.914923667907715 + ], + [ + "\u2581decenio", + -10.885056495666504 + ], + [ + "\u2581reclamaci\u00f3n", + -10.90977954864502 + ], + [ + "\u2581Net", + -11.347694396972656 + ], + [ + "-18", + -11.49370002746582 + ], + [ + "ientes", + -11.15499496459961 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lisbon", + -10.795768737792969 + ], + [ + "\u2581decirle", + -10.717632293701172 + ], + [ + "\u2581eating", + -10.894926071166992 + ], + [ + "\u2581Valle", + -11.375728607177734 + ], + [ + "\u2581narrow", + -10.822836875915527 + ], + [ + "\u2581PR", + -11.443819999694824 + ], + [ + "\u00e1bamos", + -10.832956314086914 + ], + [ + "\u2581lanzamiento", + -10.907718658447266 + ], + [ + "\u2581Southern", + -10.808767318725586 + ], + [ + "\u2581mantenido", + -10.916925430297852 + ], + [ + "\u2581facilitating", + -10.775890350341797 + ], + [ + "\u2581Record", + -11.534080505371094 + ], + [ + "\u2581regardless", + -10.808462142944336 + ], + [ + "lov", + -11.764223098754883 + ], + [ + "\u2581obtenido", + -10.917328834533691 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kan", + -11.665045738220215 + ], + [ + "itz", + -11.677263259887695 + ], + [ + "\u2581tranquila", + -10.910633087158203 + ], + [ + "\u2581necessarily", + -10.815825462341309 + ], + [ + "\u2581incluya", + -10.945064544677734 + ], + [ + "\u2581detectar", + -10.957467079162598 + ], + [ + "\u258107", + -11.45224380493164 + ], + [ + "\u2581fraude", + -10.906784057617188 + ], + [ + "\u2581Source", + -10.862353324890137 + ], + [ + "tern", + -11.501672744750977 + ], + [ + "\u2581subraya", + -10.902626991271973 + ], + [ + "\u2581Blanca", + -11.315272331237793 + ], + [ + "\u2581tejido", + -10.915804862976074 + ], + [ + "\u2581ocurri\u00f3", + -10.81403923034668 + ], + [ + "\u2581solicitado", + -10.924534797668457 + ], + [ + "\u2581diet", + -10.838325500488281 + ], + [ + "\u2581limita", + -10.911637306213379 + ], + [ + "\u2581dep\u00f3sito", + -10.888559341430664 + ], + [ + "\u2581equitativa", + -10.941834449768066 + ], + [ + "\u2581wi", + -11.787530899047852 + ], + [ + "\u2581tranquilo", + -10.817517280578613 + ], + [ + "inas", + -11.171238899230957 + ], + [ + "\u2581fr", + -11.378769874572754 + ], + [ + ".18", + -11.664382934570312 + ], + [ + "zos", + -11.034707069396973 + ], + [ + "\u2581entradas", + -10.981583595275879 + ], + [ + "\u2581Humanitarian", + -10.794920921325684 + ], + [ + "Go", + -11.396571159362793 + ], + [ + "\u2581Partnership", + -10.781722068786621 + ], + [ + "\u2581wake", + -10.90023422241211 + ], + [ + "\u2581inici\u00f3", + -10.929130554199219 + ], + [ + "\u2581Libro", + -10.909390449523926 + ], + [ + "\u2581nearby", + -10.835389137268066 + ], + [ + "\u2581eventually", + -10.855260848999023 + ], + [ + "cie", + -11.201387405395508 + ], + [ + "\u2581Try", + -10.910554885864258 + ], + [ + "\u2581suele", + -10.919654846191406 + ], + [ + "qu\u00ed", + -11.351544380187988 + ], + [ + "\u2581Forces", + -10.851932525634766 + ], + [ + "gno", + -11.775320053100586 + ], + [ + "\u2581revolutionary", + -10.804408073425293 + ], + [ + "\u2581premises", + -10.792484283447266 + ], + [ + "\u2581settings", + -10.864649772644043 + ], + [ + "\u2581obtenidos", + -10.944557189941406 + ], + [ + "\u2581constantly", + -10.819805145263672 + ], + [ + "/2002/", + -11.451016426086426 + ], + [ + "\u2581flash", + -11.15254020690918 + ], + [ + "\u2581externos", + -10.917779922485352 + ], + [ + "\u2581novia", + -10.771175384521484 + ], + [ + "\u258120.", + -11.381834030151367 + ], + [ + "\u2581teatro", + -10.873885154724121 + ], + [ + "itaria", + -11.020391464233398 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ter", + -11.314085006713867 + ], + [ + "\u2581productivity", + -10.795175552368164 + ], + [ + "\u2581ponen", + -10.87746524810791 + ], + [ + "\u2581ciudadano", + -10.913715362548828 + ], + [ + "\u258134.", + -11.447806358337402 + ], + [ + "\u2581Current", + -10.85658073425293 + ], + [ + "Eres", + -10.726112365722656 + ], + [ + "\u2581UNIDO", + -10.769953727722168 + ], + [ + "\u2581corporal", + -11.284842491149902 + ], + [ + "\u2581incidencia", + -10.966370582580566 + ], + [ + "\u2581flota", + -10.922138214111328 + ], + [ + "\u2581HD", + -11.408435821533203 + ], + [ + "\u2581Qua", + -11.675392150878906 + ], + [ + "\u2581gubernamental", + -10.895729064941406 + ], + [ + "\u2581glory", + -10.849242210388184 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fire", + -11.122422218322754 + ], + [ + "Jo", + -11.401285171508789 + ], + [ + "\u2581reitera", + -10.914565086364746 + ], + [ + "\u2581taller", + -10.935134887695312 + ], + [ + "Sur", + -11.071783065795898 + ], + [ + "live", + -11.603764533996582 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuyas", + -10.990610122680664 + ], + [ + "HO", + -11.491474151611328 + ], + [ + "\u2581Poli", + -11.431193351745605 + ], + [ + "\u2581visa", + -11.183895111083984 + ], + [ + "entes", + -11.04134464263916 + ], + [ + "ose", + -11.05850601196289 + ], + [ + "\u258106", + -11.540648460388184 + ], + [ + "\u2581Info", + -11.521121978759766 + ], + [ + "\u2581ruso", + -10.925703048706055 + ], + [ + "\u25812.5", + -11.244017601013184 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lisboa", + -10.957673072814941 + ], + [ + "\u2581Zimbabwe", + -11.286109924316406 + ], + [ + "\u2581Material", + -11.544620513916016 + ], + [ + "rac", + -11.510963439941406 + ], + [ + "cado", + -10.952354431152344 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fall", + -11.537605285644531 + ], + [ + "\u2581impulsar", + -10.959321975708008 + ], + [ + "\u2581Inglaterra", + -10.881123542785645 + ], + [ + "\u2581Partners", + -11.22873306274414 + ], + [ + "\u2581universities", + -10.790488243103027 + ], + [ + "\u2581humanitarias", + -10.937128067016602 + ], + [ + "\u2581capabilities", + -10.823738098144531 + ], + [ + "\u2581rango", + -10.951773643493652 + ], + [ + "\u2581ofrecemos", + -10.946128845214844 + ], + [ + "\u2581ocupar", + -10.908524513244629 + ], + [ + "Ver", + -11.150264739990234 + ], + [ + "ns", + -11.026689529418945 + ], + [ + "\u25811977", + -11.48677921295166 + ], + [ + "anti", + -11.748665809631348 + ], + [ + "\u2581outdoor", + -10.81117057800293 + ], + [ + "\u2581agradecimiento", + -10.926241874694824 + ], + [ + "\u2581drafting", + -10.817394256591797 + ], + [ + "\u2581OS", + -11.429713249206543 + ], + [ + "\u2581rare", + -10.851365089416504 + ], + [ + "EP", + -11.510251998901367 + ], + [ + "\u2581Moses", + -10.809017181396484 + ], + [ + "\u2581dirigir", + -10.945287704467773 + ], + [ + "\u2581maravilloso", + -10.813760757446289 + ], + [ + "\u2581wished", + -10.824711799621582 + ], + [ + "/18", + -11.435896873474121 + ], + [ + "\u2581Return", + -10.84233570098877 + ], + [ + "\u2581interacci\u00f3n", + -10.94721508026123 + ], + [ + "\u2581uniforme", + -10.857013702392578 + ], + [ + "\u2581conservar", + -10.992919921875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Details", + -10.839766502380371 + ], + [ + "stone", + -11.230196952819824 + ], + [ + "\u2581regarded", + -10.817893981933594 + ], + [ + "\u2581preserve", + -10.81601619720459 + ], + [ + "\u2581comprometido", + -10.925308227539062 + ], + [ + "\u2581tel\u00e9fonos", + -11.002629280090332 + ], + [ + "duc", + -11.363005638122559 + ], + [ + "\u2581surrounding", + -10.800413131713867 + ], + [ + "voca", + -11.10415267944336 + ], + [ + "\u2581stick", + -10.910351753234863 + ], + [ + "ient", + -11.427257537841797 + ], + [ + "\u2581SU", + -11.297329902648926 + ], + [ + "\u258112,", + -11.454035758972168 + ], + [ + "\u2581temor", + -10.921960830688477 + ], + [ + "\u2581automatic", + -10.84130859375 + ], + [ + "\u2581raro", + -10.765023231506348 + ], + [ + "\u2581Asesor", + -10.96474838256836 + ], + [ + "\u2581Shipping", + -10.85465145111084 + ], + [ + "minute", + -10.844399452209473 + ], + [ + "\u2581modificado", + -10.907754898071289 + ], + [ + "\u2581Statute", + -10.814252853393555 + ], + [ + "\u2581mixed", + -10.846230506896973 + ], + [ + "\u2581XVI", + -11.44849967956543 + ], + [ + "verse", + -11.37556266784668 + ], + [ + "\u2581Philippines", + -10.734415054321289 + ], + [ + "\u2581Precios", + -10.999007225036621 + ], + [ + "tle", + -11.28880500793457 + ], + [ + "aire", + -11.478403091430664 + ], + [ + "\u2581fijar", + -10.912861824035645 + ], + [ + "\u2581rein", + -11.556217193603516 + ], + [ + "\u2581Milan", + -11.17194938659668 + ], + [ + "\u2581ser\u00edan", + -10.953362464904785 + ], + [ + "\u2581realizando", + -10.953149795532227 + ], + [ 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"\u2581tend", + -10.815120697021484 + ], + [ + "\u2581begun", + -10.841099739074707 + ], + [ + "ians", + -10.981844902038574 + ], + [ + "\u2581forests", + -10.841400146484375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Swiss", + -10.934467315673828 + ], + [ + "\u2581Photos", + -10.856865882873535 + ], + [ + "\u2581colors", + -10.883655548095703 + ], + [ + "\u2581estipula", + -10.950427055358887 + ], + [ + "\u2581el\u00e9ctrica", + -10.919766426086426 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mensaje", + -10.986220359802246 + ], + [ + "\u2581Simon", + -11.331384658813477 + ], + [ + "\u2581bridge", + -10.8756103515625 + ], + [ + "gor", + -11.453408241271973 + ], + [ + "sized", + -10.948799133300781 + ], + [ + "\u2581subvenciones", + -10.931500434875488 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ethiopia", + -10.736947059631348 + ], + [ + "its", + -11.527134895324707 + ], + [ + "\u2581acabar", + -10.814277648925781 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cala", + -11.672684669494629 + ], + [ + "\u2581wider", + -10.800745010375977 + ], + [ + "\u2581slightly", + -10.844393730163574 + ], + [ + "\u2581nave", + -10.856701850891113 + ], + [ + "/24", + -11.41433048248291 + ], + [ + "\u2581deficiencias", + -10.978520393371582 + ], + [ + "\u2581Marina", + -11.415790557861328 + ], + [ + "\u2581qui", + -11.077235221862793 + ], + [ + "\u2581newspaper", + -10.840791702270508 + ], + [ + "\u2581consult", + -10.831321716308594 + ], + [ + "\u2581fleet", + -10.8800048828125 + ], + [ + "glo", + -11.770063400268555 + ], + [ + "spec", + -11.209083557128906 + ], + [ + "\u2581conceder", + -10.93376636505127 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sy", + -11.531370162963867 + ], + [ + "Man", + -11.630669593811035 + ], + [ + "\u2581viva", + -10.858431816101074 + ], + [ + "\u2581compuesto", + -10.944854736328125 + ], + [ + "\u2581raw", + -10.807779312133789 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ste", + -11.579586029052734 + ], + [ + "\u2581ba\u00f1os", + -11.01016616821289 + ], + [ + "How", + -10.906529426574707 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuerpos", + -10.981888771057129 + ], + [ + "\u2581rapidly", + -10.80349063873291 + ], + [ + "bru", + -11.6278076171875 + ], + [ + "\u2581relax", + -11.022079467773438 + ], + [ + "\u2581siglos", + -10.990351676940918 + ], + [ + "MIN", + -11.773503303527832 + ], + [ + "PF", + -11.515433311462402 + ], + [ + "\u2581contempla", + -10.923882484436035 + ], + [ + "PU", + -11.804380416870117 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fort", + -11.591872215270996 + ], + [ + "\u2581autonom\u00eda", + -10.960681915283203 + ], + [ + "\u2581Chan", + -11.544010162353516 + ], + [ + "800", + -11.305707931518555 + ], + [ + "\u2581broke", + -10.961752891540527 + ], + [ + "\u2581mejoramiento", + -10.95944595336914 + ], + [ + "\u2581Environmental", + -10.814492225646973 + ], + [ + "\u2581Basic", + -10.839544296264648 + ], + [ + "\u25811976", + -11.530024528503418 + ], + [ + "\u2581tender", + -11.001967430114746 + ], + [ + "\u2581landscape", + -10.80720043182373 + ], + [ + "\u2581tables", + -10.910171508789062 + ], + [ + "\u2581verificar", + -10.939813613891602 + ], + [ + "\u2581amo", + -10.961854934692383 + ], + [ + "\u2581destac\u00f3", + -10.947178840637207 + ], + [ + "\u2581enormous", + -10.838362693786621 + ], + [ + "\u2581brinda", + -10.979748725891113 + ], + [ + "\u2581movilizaci\u00f3n", + -10.940879821777344 + ], + [ + "\u2581calendar", + -10.864250183105469 + ], + [ + "\u2581adolescents", + -10.862373352050781 + ], + [ + "\u2581oeste", + -10.937182426452637 + ], + [ + "\u2581protocol", + -10.82038402557373 + ], + [ + "\u0107", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581pertenecientes", + -10.98007583618164 + ], + [ + "vision", + -11.570305824279785 + ], + [ + "\u2581colaborar", + -10.99099349975586 + ], + [ + "\u2581receipt", + -10.834455490112305 + ], + [ + "\u2581transfers", + -10.888285636901855 + ], + [ + "\u2581Drugs", + -10.856071472167969 + ], + [ + "\u2581viento", + -10.883015632629395 + ], + [ + "\u2581jueves", + -10.95821475982666 + ], + [ + "\u2581Manual", + -11.587635040283203 + ], + [ + "\u2581centra", + -10.960516929626465 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cambio", + -10.89581298828125 + ], + [ + "\u2581manager", + -10.965459823608398 + ], + [ + "\u2581elevada", + -10.943119049072266 + ], + [ + "\u2581Saudi", + -10.756890296936035 + ], + [ + "\u2581autorizado", + -10.93506145477295 + ], + [ + "OT", + -11.585762977600098 + ], + [ + "\u2581busy", + -10.939314842224121 + ], + [ + "\u2581ICT", + -10.822989463806152 + ], + [ + "\u2581perros", + -10.844250679016113 + ], + [ + "\u2581vac\u00edo", + -10.900696754455566 + ], + [ + "\u2581Louis", + -11.458895683288574 + ], + [ + "\u2581retirada", + -10.905573844909668 + ], + [ + "\u2581testigo", + -10.88249683380127 + ], + [ + "\u2581weren", + -11.034085273742676 + ], + [ + "TRA", + -11.661829948425293 + ], + [ + "\u2581grants", + -10.85315990447998 + ], + [ + "EG", + -11.72948932647705 + ], + [ + "\u2581gra", + -11.048399925231934 + ], + [ + "\u2581selling", + -10.83338737487793 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fuente", + -11.091524124145508 + ], + [ + "gun", + -11.445073127746582 + ], + [ + "hua", + -11.776928901672363 + ], + [ + "\u2581spoken", + -10.882744789123535 + ], + [ + "dec", + -11.463024139404297 + ], + [ + "\u2581Principles", + -10.86446762084961 + ], + [ + "\u2581gravedad", + -10.918453216552734 + ], + [ + "\u2581EX", + -11.630388259887695 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00f3", + -11.071208953857422 + ], + [ + "nta", + -10.832452774047852 + ], + [ + "\u2581letras", + -10.944762229919434 + ], + [ + "continued", + -10.83665657043457 + ], + [ + "born", + -11.201349258422852 + ], + [ + "\u2581gr\u00e1fico", + -11.058758735656738 + ], + [ + "\u2581encargada", + -10.93407154083252 + ], + [ + "doc", + -11.497749328613281 + ], + [ + "\u2581inmobiliario", + -10.93008041381836 + ], + [ + "ett", + -11.628710746765137 + ], + [ + "\u2581proved", + -10.847683906555176 + ], + [ + "\u2581T\u00fanez", + -10.877242088317871 + ], + [ + "\u2581server", + -10.843643188476562 + ], + [ + "determination", + -10.809059143066406 + ], + [ + "\u2581traslado", + -10.941448211669922 + ], + [ + "\u2581diverse", + -10.819561958312988 + ], + [ + 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[ + "\u2581input", + -10.824091911315918 + ], + [ + "\u2581lasting", + -10.858292579650879 + ], + [ + "\u2581enfrenta", + -10.776009559631348 + ], + [ + "\u2581Decides", + -10.815739631652832 + ], + [ + "\u2581freely", + -10.83619499206543 + ], + [ + "\u2581seminar", + -10.837483406066895 + ], + [ + "\u2581noise", + -10.895916938781738 + ], + [ + "\u2581titular", + -10.93567180633545 + ], + [ + "rid", + -11.474671363830566 + ], + [ + "\u2581Palacio", + -11.1754150390625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Modern", + -11.176958084106445 + ], + [ + "ute", + -11.291925430297852 + ], + [ + "\u2581internally", + -10.839792251586914 + ], + [ + "ltamente", + -11.331538200378418 + ], + [ + "\u2581106", + -11.544332504272461 + ], + [ + "\u2581exact", + -10.855790138244629 + ], + [ + "\u2581lago", + -11.079004287719727 + ], + [ + "\u2581cat\u00e1logo", + -11.002500534057617 + ], + [ + "\u2581beber", + -10.868242263793945 + ], + [ + "Bissau", + -11.462677955627441 + ], + [ + "/2000/", + -11.583788871765137 + ], + [ + "sivo", + -11.178431510925293 + ], + [ + "\u2581explains", + -10.876956939697266 + ], + [ + "\u2581significativo", + -10.942200660705566 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dise\u00f1o", + -11.008407592773438 + ], + [ + "\u2581prostituci\u00f3n", + -10.947978973388672 + ], + [ + "INA", + -11.677812576293945 + ], + [ + "\u2581grown", + -10.904728889465332 + ], + [ + "ienta", + -11.306105613708496 + ], + [ + "\u2581consecuci\u00f3n", + -10.969103813171387 + ], + [ + "\u2581AR", + -11.523333549499512 + ], + [ + "\u2581Maestro", + -11.002887725830078 + ], + [ + "ison", + -11.456663131713867 + ], + [ + "\u2581mensual", + -11.025503158569336 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mobile", + -11.118433952331543 + ], + [ + "\u2581shops", + -10.877998352050781 + ], + [ + "9,", + -11.074381828308105 + ], + [ + "\u2581adopting", + -10.84885311126709 + ], + [ + "\u2581Producto", + -10.982353210449219 + ], + [ + "\u2581eradication", + -10.868534088134766 + ], + [ + "\u2581voluntarias", + -10.999938011169434 + ], + [ + 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-10.819659233093262 + ], + [ + "\u2581globalization", + -10.841346740722656 + ], + [ + "\u2581Canal", + -11.502878189086914 + ], + [ + "\u2581ordenador", + -10.925688743591309 + ], + [ + "tech", + -11.378575325012207 + ], + [ + "\u258135.", + -11.502734184265137 + ], + [ + "\u2581CN", + -11.2238130569458 + ], + [ + "\u2581Join", + -10.865643501281738 + ], + [ + "mic", + -11.479490280151367 + ], + [ + "\u2581Planning", + -10.844970703125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Register", + -10.821502685546875 + ], + [ + "nis", + -11.32552433013916 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mm", + -11.123068809509277 + ], + [ + ".17", + -11.711578369140625 + ], + [ + "pha", + -11.745936393737793 + ], + [ + "\u2581Financiaci\u00f3n", + -10.974468231201172 + ], + [ + "\u2581caer", + -10.846266746520996 + ], + [ + "\u2581ONUDI", + -10.92391300201416 + ], + [ + "\u2581caballo", + -10.841256141662598 + ], + [ + "\u2581adapt", + -10.854606628417969 + ], + [ + "\u2581SO", + -11.283182144165039 + ], + [ + "\u2581aument\u00f3", + -10.970474243164062 + ], + [ + "\u2581semillas", + -11.003582000732422 + ], + [ + "\u2581medicinal", + -10.819433212280273 + ], + [ + "\u2581enemigos", + -10.95805549621582 + ], + [ + "proliferation", + -10.82607364654541 + ], + [ + "\u2581se\u00f1ales", + -10.925443649291992 + ], + [ + "\u2581native", + -10.850003242492676 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tercera", + -10.97530746459961 + ], + [ + "\u2581podr\u00e1s", + -11.02042007446289 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sho", + -11.529133796691895 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fuck", + -11.072530746459961 + ], + [ + "FOR", + -11.42469596862793 + ], + [ + "\u2581oradores", + -10.985182762145996 + ], + [ + "\u2581Quick", + -11.065845489501953 + ], + [ + "\u2581Merc", + -11.872932434082031 + ], + [ + "\u2581silver", + -10.887434959411621 + ], + [ + "\u2581grados", + -11.000097274780273 + ], + [ + "\u2581conversi\u00f3n", + -10.978055000305176 + ], + [ + "\u2581subir", + -10.85098648071289 + ], + [ + "\u2581magistrados", + -10.972567558288574 + ], + [ + "uck", + -11.217671394348145 + ], + [ + "\u2581(15", + -11.553565979003906 + ], + [ + "EF", + -11.460763931274414 + ], + [ + "\u2581ministerio", + -10.98166275024414 + ], + [ + "\u2581escapar", + -10.915821075439453 + ], + [ + "\u2581doctors", + -10.91086196899414 + ], + [ + "siva", + -11.125473976135254 + ], + [ + "\u2581ILO", + -10.832225799560547 + ], + [ + "\u2581constructive", + -10.843086242675781 + ], + [ + "\u2581Freedom", + -10.892229080200195 + ], + [ + "\u2581SP", + -11.1607084274292 + ], + [ + "\u2581700", + -11.578425407409668 + ], + [ + "\u2581accurate", + -10.852598190307617 + ], + [ + "anza", + -11.548972129821777 + ], + [ + "\u2581remedies", + -10.840435981750488 + ], + [ + "\u2581pista", + -10.894271850585938 + ], + [ + "\u2581solicitantes", + -10.99973201751709 + ], + [ + "\u2581copies", + -10.868085861206055 + ], + [ + "\u2581rape", + -10.899560928344727 + ], + [ + "chan", + -11.49523639678955 + ], + [ + "\u2581interaction", + -10.804389953613281 + ], + [ + "\u2581Electoral", + -11.603697776794434 + ], + [ + "\u2581procesamiento", + -10.988762855529785 + ], + [ + "\u2581weekend", + -10.914087295532227 + ], + [ + "\u2581Peacekeeping", + -10.839776039123535 + ], + [ + "\u2581quitar", + -10.995241165161133 + ], + [ + "ATION", + -11.132338523864746 + ], + [ + "pot", + -11.710397720336914 + ], + [ + "\u2581deporte", + -10.987035751342773 + ], + [ + "\u2581Casino", + -11.487944602966309 + ], + [ + "\u2581vivos", + -10.941341400146484 + ], + [ + "\u2581monta\u00f1as", + -10.96117115020752 + ], + [ + "\u2581wisdom", + -10.879246711730957 + ], + [ + "\u2581financed", + -10.825117111206055 + ], + [ + "\u2581fijado", + -10.980620384216309 + ], + [ + "LU", + -11.519648551940918 + ], + [ + "\u2581Chris", + -11.494913101196289 + ], + [ + "\u2581actualizada", + -11.00370979309082 + ], + [ + "Per", + -11.50217342376709 + ], + [ + "\u25812008-2009", + -11.549310684204102 + ], + [ + "\u2581llevando", + -10.95915412902832 + ], + [ + "\u2581profundidad", + 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[ + "\u2581Latino", + -11.264217376708984 + ], + [ + "\u2581declarado", + -10.947877883911133 + ], + [ + "\u2581generaciones", + -10.987802505493164 + ], + [ + "\u2581riqueza", + -10.937311172485352 + ], + [ + "\u2581(9", + -11.597378730773926 + ], + [ + "lot", + -11.618928909301758 + ], + [ + "\u2581focusing", + -10.846410751342773 + ], + [ + "\u2581herself", + -10.956799507141113 + ], + [ + "\u2581aplicando", + -11.005170822143555 + ], + [ + "\u25811973", + -11.531830787658691 + ], + [ + "\u2581Subject", + -10.86143684387207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Accommodation", + -10.854169845581055 + ], + [ + "\u2581dependent", + -10.8522367477417 + ], + [ + "\u2581afirm\u00f3", + -10.980112075805664 + ], + [ + "\u2581certification", + -10.820133209228516 + ], + [ + "\u2581discharge", + -10.828503608703613 + ], + [ + "\u2581eh", + -11.24381160736084 + ], + [ + "\u2581damn", + -11.04562759399414 + ], + [ + "\u2581relate", + -10.84839153289795 + ], + [ + "\u2581UNOPS", + -11.540908813476562 + ], + [ + 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-10.807616233825684 + ], + [ + "\u2581Torture", + -10.86473274230957 + ], + [ + "\u2581dada", + -10.949970245361328 + ], + [ + "\u2581Resumen", + -10.987895011901855 + ], + [ + "\u2581Abu", + -11.613259315490723 + ], + [ + "\u2581Algeria", + -10.743993759155273 + ], + [ + "\u2581consolidar", + -11.015486717224121 + ], + [ + "\u2581madres", + -11.067781448364258 + ], + [ + "\u2581ultimate", + -10.872421264648438 + ], + [ + "put", + -11.222461700439453 + ], + [ + "\u25812006-2007", + -11.536271095275879 + ], + [ + "\u2581opposite", + -10.897153854370117 + ], + [ + "Net", + -11.555850982666016 + ], + [ + "\u2581renewable", + -10.853891372680664 + ], + [ + "\u2581detecci\u00f3n", + -10.98377513885498 + ], + [ + "\u2581interventions", + -10.904409408569336 + ], + [ + "\u2581plata", + -10.977642059326172 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tony", + -11.556188583374023 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cas", + -11.316961288452148 + ], + [ + "rilla", + -11.377685546875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Town", + -11.09520149230957 + ], + [ + "\u2581segment", + -10.859676361083984 + ], + [ + "\u2581360", + -11.62782096862793 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mediterr\u00e1neo", + -11.007039070129395 + ], + [ + "\u2581chair", + -10.903814315795898 + ], + [ + "\u2581accesible", + -11.01220703125 + ], + [ + "\u2581habilidades", + -10.954733848571777 + ], + [ + "\u2581preocupado", + -10.915017127990723 + ], + [ + "ova", + -11.30886459350586 + ], + [ + "\u2581DI", + -11.438193321228027 + ], + [ + "\u2581Initiative", + -10.844301223754883 + ], + [ + "/6", + -11.38038158416748 + ], + [ + "\u2581measured", + -10.864123344421387 + ], + [ + "\u2581restore", + -10.870287895202637 + ], + [ + "\u2581directos", + -11.013884544372559 + ], + [ + "\u2581tanta", + -10.901001930236816 + ], + [ + "ML", + -11.691222190856934 + ], + [ + "pur", + -11.739521026611328 + ], + [ + "\u2581enfrentan", + -11.056328773498535 + ], + [ + "ique", + -11.618403434753418 + ], + [ + "SF", + -11.582179069519043 + ], + [ + "DU", + -12.01241683959961 + ], + [ + "\u2581faithful", + -10.87012004852295 + ], + [ + "zy", + -11.473200798034668 + ], + [ + "\u2581scared", + -11.050785064697266 + ], + [ + "\u2581cleaning", + -10.904158592224121 + ], + [ + "\u2581Palma", + -11.60982608795166 + ], + [ + "\u2581c\u00f3digos", + -11.026593208312988 + ], + [ + "\u2581intercambios", + -11.015619277954102 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sevilla", + -11.466617584228516 + ], + [ + "\u2581Besides", + -10.91489315032959 + ], + [ + "terra", + -11.400161743164062 + ], + [ + "\u2581oficialmente", + -11.022159576416016 + ], + [ + "\u2581insufficient", + -10.8561429977417 + ], + [ + "vul", + -11.582061767578125 + ], + [ + "\u2581exigir", + -10.971996307373047 + ], + [ + "e\u00f1o", + -11.041439056396484 + ], + [ + "\u2581l\u00f3gica", + -10.988651275634766 + ], + [ + "\u2581Notes", + -10.890015602111816 + ], + [ + "\u2581gathered", + -10.89132308959961 + ], + [ + "\u2581sad", + -11.019588470458984 + ], + [ + "\u2581remuneraci\u00f3n", + -11.011334419250488 + ], + [ + "\u2581desk", + -10.9364595413208 + ], + [ + "\u2581reafirma", + -11.009805679321289 + ], + [ + "Ja", + -11.405243873596191 + ], + [ + "tem", + -11.63239574432373 + ], + [ + "\u2581Acta", + -10.969857215881348 + ], + [ + "\u2581tired", + -10.9879732131958 + ], + [ + "\u2581limpio", + -10.902403831481934 + ], + [ + "\u2581Videos", + -11.37539291381836 + ], + [ + "\u2581quantities", + -10.861889839172363 + ], + [ + "\u2581mirada", + -10.934447288513184 + ], + [ + "\u2581claridad", + -10.984550476074219 + ], + [ + "\u2581justified", + -10.851570129394531 + ], + [ + "\u2581dormitorio", + -10.994148254394531 + ], + [ + "\u2581disponen", + -11.011846542358398 + ], + [ + "\u2581instrucci\u00f3n", + -10.959578514099121 + ], + [ + "\u2581mag", + -11.856170654296875 + ], + [ + "ores", + -11.415740966796875 + ], + [ + "cue", + -11.269258499145508 + ], + [ + "\u2581Decade", + -10.879522323608398 + ], + [ + "\u2581necesariamente", + -10.99239730834961 + ], + [ + "Gu", + -11.503714561462402 + ], + [ + "\u2581usado", + -10.945432662963867 + ], + [ + "\u2581horrible", + -11.209259033203125 + ], + [ + "\u2581102", + -11.553105354309082 + ], + [ + "\u2581ciudadan\u00eda", + -10.981775283813477 + ], + [ + "kar", + -11.608244895935059 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gallery", + -11.077559471130371 + ], + [ + "\u2581eternal", + -10.890340805053711 + ], + [ + "\u2581preparatory", + -10.875102996826172 + ], + [ + "\u2581planteamiento", + -10.97639274597168 + ], + [ + "tima", + -11.142402648925781 + ], + [ + "\u2581Eva", + -11.405546188354492 + ], + [ + "\u2581fax", + -11.578279495239258 + ], + [ + "\u2581neck", + -10.95569133758545 + ], + [ + "t\u00e1n", + -11.269144058227539 + ], + [ + "\u2581licencias", + -11.048931121826172 + ], + [ + "\u2581orientaciones", + -11.00485897064209 + ], + [ + "\u2581brillante", + -10.952131271362305 + ], + [ + "2011", + -11.31100082397461 + ], + [ + "\u2581Albert", + -11.56807804107666 + ], + [ + "\u2581Enterprise", + -11.208931922912598 + ], + [ + "\u2581contribuyen", + -11.040950775146484 + ], + [ + "\u00c3\u00a9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581innocent", + -10.92966365814209 + ], + [ + "\u2581sorpresa", + -10.8937349319458 + ], + [ + "\u2581suya", + -10.923125267028809 + ], + [ + "\u2581compromise", + -10.839964866638184 + ], + [ + "\u2581pelea", + -10.855058670043945 + ], + [ + "\u2581cerrado", + -10.939477920532227 + ], + [ + "\u2581lying", + -10.965978622436523 + ], + [ + "sca", + -11.005509376525879 + ], + [ + "viv", + -11.681364059448242 + ], + [ + "/16", + -11.538081169128418 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ferr", + -11.62844181060791 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mercedes", + -11.704641342163086 + ], + [ + "\u2581Varios", + -11.023564338684082 + ], + [ + "\u2581interesa", + -10.846482276916504 + ], + [ + "\u2581branch", + -10.885019302368164 + ], + [ + "\u2581snow", + -10.932714462280273 + ], + [ + "pres", + -11.204557418823242 + ], + [ + "\u2581entertainment", + -10.883837699890137 + ], + [ + "\u2581revision", + -10.845556259155273 + ], + [ + "\u2581Finance", + -10.869951248168945 + ], + [ + ".16", + -11.80321216583252 + ], + [ + "\u2581guilty", + -10.931647300720215 + ], + [ + ".2.", + -12.041781425476074 + ], + [ + "\u2581temprano", + -10.884135246276855 + ], + [ + "\u2581presupuestos", + -11.116006851196289 + ], + [ + "from", + -10.861011505126953 + ], + [ + "ote", + -11.735042572021484 + ], + [ + "\u2581deemed", + -10.836634635925293 + ], + [ + "\u2581Annual", + -10.867806434631348 + ], + [ + "\u2581worker", + -10.8919038772583 + ], + [ + "nch", + -11.346531867980957 + ], + [ + "\u2581causing", + -10.85883617401123 + ], + [ + "5.", + -11.04473876953125 + ], + [ + "\u2581WE", + -11.063409805297852 + ], + [ + "\u2581bordo", + -10.969622611999512 + ], + [ + "\u2581exclusively", + -10.850828170776367 + ], + [ + "\u2581dir\u00e9", + -10.780131340026855 + ], + [ + "\u2581Procedimiento", + -11.003006935119629 + ], + [ + "iste", + -10.920872688293457 + ], + [ + "fal", + -11.70116138458252 + ], + [ + "\u2581Region", + -10.867202758789062 + ], + [ + "\u2581Paulo", + -11.564053535461426 + ], + [ + "\u2581Brown", + -11.521108627319336 + ], + [ + "\u2581Estudios", + -11.02315902709961 + ], + [ + "\u2581Everyone", + -10.966230392456055 + ], + [ + "gina", + -11.608455657958984 + ], + [ + "\u2581ocean", + -10.875370025634766 + ], + [ + "\u2581WHO", + -10.906797409057617 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sarah", + -11.606289863586426 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sant", + -11.416291236877441 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lithuania", + -10.77998161315918 + ], + [ + "esa", + -11.608942985534668 + ], + [ + "-11", + -11.587265968322754 + ], + [ + "\u2581DLL", + -11.593893051147461 + ], + [ + "\u2581sanitaria", + -10.956828117370605 + ], + [ + "\u2581flag", + -10.89048957824707 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gobiernos", + -11.24428653717041 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rumania", + -10.931236267089844 + ], + [ + "\u2581positivas", + -11.026041030883789 + ], + [ + "\u2581extranjera", + -10.997846603393555 + ], + [ + "IB", + -11.62159538269043 + ], + [ + "\u2581conexos", + -10.99436092376709 + ], + [ + "\u2581debida", + -11.029494285583496 + ], + [ + "\u2581subprograma", + -10.999981880187988 + ], + [ + "eri", + -11.556244850158691 + ], + [ + "\u2581employers", + -10.864265441894531 + ], + [ + "\u2581smooth", + -10.906362533569336 + ], + [ + "eighth", + -10.88891315460205 + ], + [ + "\u2581Accordingly", + -10.845705032348633 + ], + [ + "1999", + -11.369050979614258 + ], + [ + "\u2581respected", + -10.899911880493164 + ], + [ + "\u2581Massachusetts", + -11.532085418701172 + ], + [ + "MAN", + -11.556022644042969 + ], + [ + "hon", + -11.732708930969238 + ], + [ + "\u2581RO", + -11.472204208374023 + ], + [ + "\u2581formado", + -11.10876750946045 + ], + [ + "\u2581blanca", + -10.980061531066895 + ], + [ + "\u2581precisely", + -10.887651443481445 + ], + [ + "\u2581commissions", + -10.879006385803223 + ], + [ + "AG", + -11.559887886047363 + ], + [ + "e\u00f1a", + -10.969882011413574 + ], + [ + "\u2581luxury", + -10.880927085876465 + ], + [ + "\u2581vidrio", + -10.972189903259277 + ], + [ + "\u2581producer", + -10.837335586547852 + ], + [ + "DH", + -11.579704284667969 + ], + [ + "\u2581producing", + -10.885573387145996 + ], + [ + "\u2581ojo", + -10.903786659240723 + ], + [ + "\u2581surprised", + -10.957487106323242 + ], + [ + "\u2581disputes", + -10.860265731811523 + ], + [ + "\u2581Collection", + -11.047080993652344 + ], + [ + "\u2581comparable", + -11.236658096313477 + ], + [ + "\u2581Segundo", + -10.983162879943848 + ], + [ + "\u2581tropas", + -10.96693229675293 + ], + [ + "\u2581Urban", + -11.282270431518555 + ], + [ + "\u2581Carolina", + -11.568222999572754 + ], + [ + "\u2581determinada", + -10.994997024536133 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ros", + -11.462275505065918 + ], + [ + "\u2581consequence", + -10.83144760131836 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mois\u00e9s", + -11.009885787963867 + ], + [ + "\u2581recover", + -10.876203536987305 + ], + [ + "\u2581revela", + -10.96241283416748 + ], + [ + "\u2581divide", + -11.337512016296387 + ], + [ + "\u2581extremo", + -11.015176773071289 + ], + [ + "\u2581birds", + -10.931441307067871 + ], + [ + "\u2581Deber\u00eda", + -10.842973709106445 + ], + [ + "\u2581Supervisi\u00f3n", + -10.995177268981934 + ], + [ + "\u2581expenditures", + -10.913392066955566 + ], + [ + "\u2581Zu", + -11.648039817810059 + ], + [ + "\u2581unknown", + -10.894099235534668 + ], + [ + "\u2581Victoria", + -11.605462074279785 + ], + [ + "\u2581generations", + -10.915911674499512 + ], + [ + "\u2581(1999)", + -11.53395938873291 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ap", + -11.553292274475098 + ], + [ + "\u2581Zone", + -10.877140045166016 + ], + [ + "NS", + -11.478964805603027 + ], + [ + "\u2581cl", + -11.31765079498291 + ], + [ + "\u2581monedas", + -10.980888366699219 + ], + [ + "\u2581junta", + -11.048694610595703 + ], + [ + "culo", + -11.38687801361084 + ], + [ + "\u2581conventional", + -10.87990665435791 + ], + [ + "\u2581Datos", + -11.050241470336914 + ], + [ + "\u2581D\u00e9jame", + -10.742579460144043 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fair", + -11.164216995239258 + ], + [ + "\u2581Test", + -11.104471206665039 + ], + [ + "\u2581manejo", + -11.00421142578125 + ], + [ + "\u2581signing", + -10.910978317260742 + ], + [ + "\u2581celebrate", + -10.877153396606445 + ], + [ + "\u2581derived", + -10.86131477355957 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bru", + -11.648685455322266 + ], + [ + "\u2581Relatora", + -11.002514839172363 + ], + [ + "\u2581harmful", + -10.845836639404297 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mediante", + -11.008915901184082 + ], + [ + "\u2581reproductiva", + -11.015030860900879 + ], + [ + "\u2581digas", + -10.784512519836426 + ], + [ + "\u2581Atlantic", + -10.972878456115723 + ], + [ + "\u2581seminars", + -10.881830215454102 + ], + [ + "\u2581cura", + -10.944012641906738 + ], + [ + "GO", + -11.517182350158691 + ], + [ + "\u2581notified", + -10.85853099822998 + ], + [ + "\u2581femenina", + -10.999956130981445 + ], + [ + "\u2581[1],", + -11.60351848602295 + ], + [ + "\u2581obligado", + -10.97269344329834 + ], + [ + "\u2581administrar", + -11.095406532287598 + ], + [ + "\u2581PYME", + -10.966888427734375 + ], + [ + "\u2581kit", + -11.478330612182617 + ], + [ + "\u2581Virginia", + -11.60549545288086 + ], + [ + "\u25811010", + -11.518234252929688 + ], + [ + "\u2581jugador", + -11.021677017211914 + ], + [ + "\u2581determina", + -11.049195289611816 + ], + [ + "\u2581valle", + -11.011909484863281 + ], + [ + "\u2581pintura", + -10.960391998291016 + ], + [ + "RR", + -11.817916870117188 + ], + [ + "\u2581aqui", + -10.851408958435059 + ], + [ + "\u2581culturas", + -11.053910255432129 + ], + [ + "\u2581protesta", + -10.98178768157959 + ], + [ + "-14", + -11.484434127807617 + ], + [ + "\u2581rep", + -11.571285247802734 + ], + [ + "CRP", + -11.486858367919922 + ], + [ + "\u2581espaciales", + -11.009474754333496 + ], + [ + "\u2581discutir", + -10.984101295471191 + ], + [ + "ento", + -11.14771842956543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Op", + -11.378377914428711 + ], + [ + "puesta", + -11.077301979064941 + ], + [ + "\u2581vice", + -11.23109245300293 + ], + [ + "lay", + -11.370600700378418 + ], + [ + "\u2581educativo", + -11.010194778442383 + ], + [ + "\u2581podr\u00edamos", + -10.884471893310547 + ], + [ + "\u2581Venga", + -10.810757637023926 + ], + [ + "\u2581argument", + -10.87311840057373 + ], + [ + "\u2581sing", + -11.049274444580078 + ], + [ + "\u2581deber\u00edas", + -10.913147926330566 + ], + [ + "\u2581pensado", + -10.861159324645996 + ], + [ + "\u258104", + -11.620193481445312 + ], + [ + "\u2581reducida", + -11.04360294342041 + ], + [ + "dom", + -11.394466400146484 + ], + [ + "\u2581saneamiento", + -11.0470609664917 + ], + [ + "\u2581hor", + -11.576181411743164 + ], + [ + "\u2581shift", + -10.935103416442871 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reserve", + -11.265542984008789 + ], + [ + "\u2581considerations", + -10.995256423950195 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fer", + -11.651185989379883 + ], + [ + "\u2581arise", + -10.838746070861816 + ], + [ + "reg", + -11.505870819091797 + ], + [ + "\u2581envisaged", + -10.851962089538574 + ], + [ + "\u2581aplicar\u00e1", + -11.025764465332031 + ], + [ + "\u2581cero", + -10.973970413208008 + ], + [ + "ltima", + -11.205606460571289 + ], + [ + "\u2581consumidor", + -11.022153854370117 + ], + [ + "\u2581Enjoy", + -10.901159286499023 + ], + [ + "\u2581excuse", + -11.01163387298584 + ], + [ + "\u2581lenguas", + -11.029706954956055 + ], + [ + "\u2581Torre", + -11.401909828186035 + ], + [ + "\u2581octavo", + -11.02337646484375 + ], + [ + "lica", + -11.196996688842773 + ], + [ + "\u2581OIT", + -11.032386779785156 + ], + [ + "\u2581signature", + -10.893425941467285 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ash", + -11.59543228149414 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jane", + -11.59131908416748 + ], + [ + "\u2581wage", + -10.860994338989258 + ], + [ + "\u2581sheet", + -10.882099151611328 + ], + [ + "\u2581operator", + -10.866622924804688 + ], + [ + "\u2581serves", + -10.95201587677002 + ], + [ + "\u2581incidents", + -10.910487174987793 + ], + [ + "\u2581previamente", + -10.998163223266602 + ], + [ + "\u2581excluded", + -10.894038200378418 + ], + [ + "\u2581Decreto", + -11.013599395751953 + ], + [ + "\u2581autom\u00e1tica", + -11.053439140319824 + ], + [ + "\u2581UNODC", + -11.326584815979004 + ], + [ + "\u2581industrias", + -11.050178527832031 + ], + [ + "\u2581habl\u00f3", + -10.94959831237793 + ], + [ + "\u2581MAR", + -11.625720024108887 + ], + [ + "\u2581granting", + -10.916379928588867 + ], + [ + "\u2581retirar", + -11.005877494812012 + ], + [ + "\u2581bars", + -10.986921310424805 + ], + [ + "\u2581liquid", + -10.894292831420898 + ], + [ + "\u2581reception", + -10.920196533203125 + ], + [ + "\u2581queja", + -11.094156265258789 + ], + [ + "\u2581managers", + -10.890095710754395 + ], + [ + "\u2581expectations", + -10.876375198364258 + ], + [ + "cing", + -11.330945014953613 + ], + [ + "\u2581managing", + -10.911818504333496 + ], + [ + "\u2581puente", + -10.93520736694336 + ], + [ + "\u2581Studio", + -11.430727005004883 + ], + [ + "/2006/", + -11.668024063110352 + ], + [ + "\u2581Create", + -10.905149459838867 + ], + [ + "\u2581Figure", + -10.899543762207031 + ], + [ + "\u2581Palace", + -11.15570068359375 + ], + [ + "\u2581exposiciones", + -11.016818046569824 + ], + [ + "\u2581cultures", + -10.930389404296875 + ], + [ + "\u2581termina", + -10.855063438415527 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lucha", + -11.029085159301758 + ], + [ + "\u2581Measures", + -10.8924560546875 + ], + [ + "UC", + -11.644438743591309 + ], + [ + "\u2581d\u00e9cadas", + -11.0062837600708 + ], + [ + "\u2581survival", + -10.898375511169434 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lituania", + -10.9357271194458 + ], + [ + "\u2581permiti\u00f3", + -11.023675918579102 + ], + [ + "\u2581pr\u00e1ctico", + -11.008159637451172 + ], + [ + "\u25811974", + -11.611228942871094 + ], + [ + "cula", + -11.500316619873047 + ], + [ + "\u2581Between", + -10.910715103149414 + ], + [ + "\u2581mad", + -11.055855751037598 + ], + [ + "\u2581empieza", + -10.950336456298828 + ], + [ + "\u2581facilita", + -10.923910140991211 + ], + [ + "\u2581tuyo", + -10.81953239440918 + ], + [ + "\u201d)", + -11.62557315826416 + ], + [ + "\u2581weapon", + -10.973421096801758 + ], + [ + "dero", + -11.192984580993652 + ], + [ + "\u2581colonial", + -11.426495552062988 + ], + [ + "\u2581visiting", + -10.928895950317383 + ], + [ + "\u2581ocupados", + -10.998067855834961 + ], + [ + "\u2581publicar", + -11.041668891906738 + ], + [ + "\u2581ronda", + -10.99256706237793 + ], + [ + "\u2581Boy", + -11.474872589111328 + ], + [ + "\u2581gestionar", + -11.06175708770752 + ], + [ + "\u2581arrive", + -10.903335571289062 + ], + [ + "\u2581versiones", + -11.059041976928711 + ], + [ + "sten", + -11.570090293884277 + ], + [ + "INE", + -11.790792465209961 + ], + [ + "\u2581manifest", + -11.20179271697998 + ], + [ + "\u2581priests", + -10.930426597595215 + ], + [ + "\u2581surrounded", + -10.91399097442627 + ], + [ + "\u2581Etiquetas", + -11.05849838256836 + ], + [ + "\u2581flor", + -10.937135696411133 + ], + [ + "\u2581trabajado", + -10.99470043182373 + ], + [ + "\u2581extremadamente", + -10.979294776916504 + ], + [ + "itas", + -11.010178565979004 + ], + [ + "\u2581urbanas", + -11.034111976623535 + ], + [ + "\u2581Smith", + -11.685091972351074 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bye", + -11.110983848571777 + ], + [ + "\u2581renovaci\u00f3n", + -11.01533317565918 + ], + [ + "\u2581install", + -10.91745662689209 + ], + [ + "\u2581Statistics", + -10.878527641296387 + ], + [ + "\u2581transmit", + -10.884604454040527 + ], + [ + "oni", + -11.377540588378906 + ], + [ + "\u2581beds", + -10.989615440368652 + ], + [ + "rlo", + -10.554778099060059 + ], + [ + "f\u00ed", + -11.217283248901367 + ], + [ + "\u2581insuficiente", + -11.023548126220703 + ], + [ + "kg", + -11.530152320861816 + ], + [ + "\u2581menciona", + -10.984293937683105 + ], + [ + "\u25815:", + -11.52448844909668 + ], + [ + "\u2581SIDA", + -11.002906799316406 + ], + [ + "\u2581anunci\u00f3", + -11.089987754821777 + ], + [ + "\u2581legislativo", + -11.003572463989258 + ], + [ + "DER", + -12.09595012664795 + ], + [ + "\u2581faster", + -10.96233081817627 + ], + [ + "\u2581construido", + -11.049932479858398 + ], + [ + "\u2581excessive", + -10.877012252807617 + ], + [ + "\u2581etiqueta", + -11.006267547607422 + ], + [ + "\u2581propuso", + -11.02341365814209 + ], + [ + "\u2581Revolution", + -10.897357940673828 + ], + [ + "\u2581vuestros", + -11.020099639892578 + ], + [ + "\u2581Documentos", + -11.010272026062012 + ], + [ + "/21", + -11.634765625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Berl\u00edn", + -11.060772895812988 + ], + [ + "\u2581intense", + -10.930193901062012 + ], + [ + "\u2581conviene", + -11.010381698608398 + ], + [ + "\u2581marry", + -11.09771728515625 + ], + [ + "\u2581organised", + -10.892045021057129 + ], + [ + "\u2581Process", + -10.901119232177734 + ], + [ + "\u2581ben", + -11.542353630065918 + ], + [ + "\u2581surely", + -10.94257640838623 + ], + [ + "\u258180%", + -11.524136543273926 + ], + [ + "\u2581Extra", + -11.816427230834961 + ], + [ + "\u2581salt", + -10.911208152770996 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sport", + -11.311247825622559 + ], + [ + "\u2581prostitution", + -10.894002914428711 + ], + [ + "pto", + -11.072992324829102 + ], + [ + "\u2581examinando", + -11.009782791137695 + ], + [ + "tr", + -11.299139022827148 + ], + [ + "\u2581cohesi\u00f3n", + -11.007323265075684 + ], + [ + "\u2581asegurarse", + -11.050612449645996 + ], + [ + "\u2581breast", + -10.909317970275879 + ], + [ + "\u2581alien", + -11.11522102355957 + ], + [ + "\u2581index", + -10.908143997192383 + ], + [ + "\u2581negativa", + -11.037129402160645 + ], + [ + "\u2581comedor", + -11.04025650024414 + ], + [ + "\u2581COMISI\u00d3N", + -11.03062629699707 + ], + [ + "\u2581huelga", + -11.027430534362793 + ], + [ + "ili", + -11.716381072998047 + ], + [ + "\u2581Slovenia", + -10.802541732788086 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ham", + -11.475497245788574 + ], + [ + "terinstitucional", + -11.019790649414062 + ], + [ + "\u2581eficazmente", + -11.014277458190918 + ], + [ + "\u2581(5)", + -11.363166809082031 + ], + [ + "\u2581oversight", + -10.898382186889648 + ], + [ + "\u2581mediano", + -11.019790649414062 + ], + [ + "bie", + -11.676514625549316 + ], + [ + "\u2581agresi\u00f3n", + -11.031792640686035 + ], + [ + "TION", + -11.641481399536133 + ], + [ + "under", + -10.94993782043457 + ], + [ + "\u2581vigilar", + -10.99170970916748 + ], + [ + "\u2581mining", + -10.903005599975586 + ], + [ + "\u2581sindicatos", + -11.002923965454102 + ], + [ + "\u2581intenta", + -10.83005428314209 + ], + [ + "\u2581aclarar", + -10.98904037475586 + ], + [ + "rt", + -11.449687957763672 + ], + [ + "GR", + -11.709152221679688 + ], + [ + "\u2581regulaci\u00f3n", + -11.070125579833984 + ], + [ + "\u2581existir", + -11.052699089050293 + ], + [ + "\u2581contactar", + -11.030252456665039 + ], + [ + "hor", + -11.572919845581055 + ], + [ + "\u2581ministros", + -11.058172225952148 + ], + [ + "\u2581characters", + -10.991535186767578 + ], + [ + "\u2581denied", + -10.904264450073242 + ], + [ + "\u2581Smart", + -11.486573219299316 + ], + [ + "\u2581Golf", + -11.504916191101074 + ], + [ + "\u2581edge", + -10.930060386657715 + ], + [ + "\u2581complement", + -10.914209365844727 + ], + [ + "\u2581dispuestos", + -11.091513633728027 + ], + [ + "\u2581Queda", + -10.946496963500977 + ], + [ + "\u2581esperaba", + -10.930169105529785 + ], + [ + "\u2581ultra", + -11.556096076965332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Link", + -11.310908317565918 + ], + [ + "\u2581bath", + -10.93469524383545 + ], + [ + "water", + -11.166736602783203 + ], + [ + "\u2581accidentes", + -11.034449577331543 + ], + [ + "\u2581buscan", + -11.015019416809082 + ], + [ + "\u2581subprogramme", + -10.899619102478027 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nor", + -10.95211410522461 + ], + [ + "specific", + -10.871334075927734 + ], + [ + "\u2581Step", + -11.148245811462402 + ], + [ + "\u2581satisfied", + -10.911245346069336 + ], + [ + "\u2581hospitales", + -11.050649642944336 + ], + [ + "ert", + -11.6967134475708 + ], + [ + "HA", + -11.429234504699707 + ], + [ + "\u2581CH", + -11.5457763671875 + ], + [ + "\u2581difundir", + -11.051807403564453 + ], + [ + "\u2581112", + -11.572349548339844 + ], + [ + "\u2581Site", + -10.926051139831543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vietnam", + -11.638443946838379 + ], + [ + "\u2581mineral", + -11.376036643981934 + ], + [ + "\u2581aumentando", + -11.035252571105957 + ], + [ + "\u2581hist\u00f3rica", + -11.017465591430664 + ], + [ + "\u2581administered", + -10.881396293640137 + ], + [ + "\u2581Little", + -11.21342945098877 + ], + [ + "ndice", + -11.053181648254395 + ], + [ + "\u2581Chu", + -11.689960479736328 + ], + [ + "\u2581ocurrido", + -10.941611289978027 + ], + [ + "gger", + -11.613201141357422 + ], + [ + "\u2581posted", + -10.920623779296875 + ], + [ + "\u2581salvation", + -10.91191291809082 + ], + [ + "\u2581firmemente", + -11.02564811706543 + ], + [ + "\u2581responde", + -10.935314178466797 + ], + [ + "ich", + -11.46953010559082 + ], + [ + "\u2581restricted", + -10.918998718261719 + ], + [ + "\u2581incremental", + -11.512207984924316 + ], + [ + "\u2581fuese", + -11.010885238647461 + ], + [ + "CI\u00d3N", + -11.101886749267578 + ], + [ + "\u2581heating", + -10.921135902404785 + ], + [ + "\u2581editorial", + -11.474756240844727 + ], + [ + "\u2581roof", + -10.980131149291992 + ], + [ + "\u2581paquetes", + -11.084053993225098 + ], + [ + "\u2581Libia", + -10.982952117919922 + ], + [ + "\u2581library", + -10.935734748840332 + ], + [ + "\u2581tar", + -11.751728057861328 + ], + [ + "\u2581Im", + -11.190377235412598 + ], + [ + "\u2581provincial", + -11.320666313171387 + ], + [ + "\u2581inner", + -10.968587875366211 + ], + [ + "\u2581humans", + -11.507013320922852 + ], + [ + "\u2581intensificar", + -11.030402183532715 + ], + [ + "Ju", + -11.229156494140625 + ], + [ + "\u2581peligrosos", + -11.023638725280762 + ], + [ + "\u2581tough", + -11.030701637268066 + ], + [ + "\u2581pos", + -10.964797019958496 + ], + [ + "say", + -11.731451988220215 + ], + [ + "\u2581comparar", + -11.109131813049316 + ], + [ + "\u2581tabla", + -11.036152839660645 + ], + [ + "get", + -11.62427043914795 + ], + [ + "34)", + -11.383356094360352 + ], + [ + "\u2581outlined", + -10.907644271850586 + ], + [ + "\u2581(8", + -11.750073432922363 + ], + [ + "\u2581estudiante", + -10.992879867553711 + ], + [ + "Commission", + -10.858125686645508 + ], + [ + "\u2581sixth", + -10.896794319152832 + ], + [ + "\u2581pr\u00e1cticos", + -11.035605430603027 + ], + [ + "\u2581dumping", + -11.588854789733887 + ], + [ + "\u2581sujeta", + -10.968770980834961 + ], + [ + "\u2581espalda", + -10.912940979003906 + ], + [ + "\u2581west", + -10.970858573913574 + ], + [ + "\u2581Isla", + -11.213878631591797 + ], + [ + "ale", + -11.462873458862305 + ], + [ + "\u2581Express", + -11.4808349609375 + ], + [ + "\u2581cultivo", + -11.025853157043457 + ], + [ + "fourth", + -10.928256034851074 + ], + [ + "\u2581aparecen", + -11.045819282531738 + ], + [ + "\u2581reina", + -11.009264945983887 + ], + [ + "\u2581Peoples", + -10.993139266967773 + ], + [ + "\u2581reserved", + -10.922385215759277 + ], + [ + "\u2581sugerencias", + -11.043002128601074 + ], + [ + "\u2581originales", + -11.036776542663574 + ], + [ + "\u2581runs", + -11.02920150756836 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bou", + -11.720083236694336 + ], + [ + "\u2581calma", + -10.938959121704102 + ], + [ + "\u2581victory", + -10.986786842346191 + ], + [ + "\u2581anoche", + -10.813549041748047 + ], + [ + "\u2581bathrooms", + -10.985408782958984 + ], + [ + "\u2581wearing", + -11.041263580322266 + ], + [ + "\u2581safeguards", + -10.905363082885742 + ], + [ + "\u2581irregular", + -11.594160079956055 + ], + [ + "\u2581retorno", + -11.046168327331543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Syria", + -10.93666934967041 + ], + [ + "\u2581everywhere", + -10.976816177368164 + ], + [ + "\u258140%", + -11.554550170898438 + ], + [ + "\u2581Madam", + -10.915704727172852 + ], + [ + "\u2581pasada", + -10.963326454162598 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00c1rea", + -11.062342643737793 + ], + [ + "\u2581hath", + -10.952568054199219 + ], + [ + "\u2581asiento", + -10.944927215576172 + ], + [ + "\u2581helpful", + -10.954328536987305 + ], + [ + "\u2581declare", + -11.194673538208008 + ], + [ + "\u2581continent", + -10.900415420532227 + ], + [ + "\u2581Roja", + -11.023028373718262 + ], + [ + "\u2581reglamentaci\u00f3n", + -11.045417785644531 + ], + [ + "\u2581agencias", + -11.059328079223633 + ], + [ + "\u2581conceptual", + -11.670634269714355 + ], + [ + "\u2581protest", + -10.930604934692383 + ], + [ + "\u2581tropical", + -11.380208015441895 + ], + [ + "\u2581hiciera", + -10.942378044128418 + ], + [ + "\u2581monto", + -11.051898956298828 + ], + [ + "quality", + -10.914762496948242 + ], + [ + "\u2581remedy", + -10.926640510559082 + ], + [ + "nk", + -11.191901206970215 + ], + [ + "\u2581Francis", + -11.363646507263184 + ], + [ + "\u2581hechas", + -11.066771507263184 + ], + [ + "\u2581consta", + -11.036971092224121 + ], + [ + "\u2581desarrolla", + -10.963139533996582 + ], + [ + "\u2581personalidad", + -11.018352508544922 + ], + [ + "\u2581amar", + -11.09166431427002 + ], + [ + "ack", + -11.24308967590332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Developing", + -10.910974502563477 + ], + [ + "\u25811993.", + -11.804272651672363 + ], + [ + "nto", + -10.796826362609863 + ], + [ + "MM", + -11.776020050048828 + ], + [ + "RS", + -11.424847602844238 + ], + [ + "2003", + -11.298283576965332 + ], + [ + "\u2581default", + -10.97651481628418 + ], + [ + "\u2581sugiere", + -11.046443939208984 + ], + [ + "\u2581reside", + -11.549975395202637 + ], + [ + "\u2581Square", + -11.252208709716797 + ], + [ + "\u2581din\u00e1mica", + -11.042375564575195 + ], + [ + "/2003/", + -11.673129081726074 + ], + [ + "\u2581sabidur\u00eda", + -11.062267303466797 + ], + [ + "zas", + -11.053237915039062 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fifty", + -10.899353981018066 + ], + [ + "menta", + -11.28022289276123 + ], + [ + "\u2581ejecutivo", + -11.030586242675781 + ], + [ + "\u2581collar", + -11.289887428283691 + ], + [ + "\u2581utilizada", + -11.035155296325684 + ], + [ + "\u2581intentando", + -10.9148530960083 + ], + [ + "\u2581presupuestarias", + -11.050074577331543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Angeles", + -11.342591285705566 + ], + [ + "\u2581encuentre", + -10.97329330444336 + ], + [ + "\u2581score", + -10.977818489074707 + ], + [ + "\u2581constituir", + -11.014481544494629 + ], + [ + "\u2581sacerdote", + -11.03353214263916 + ], + [ + "fre", + -11.240555763244629 + ], + [ + "\u00edstica", + -11.295170783996582 + ], + [ + "\u2581salvaci\u00f3n", + -11.076473236083984 + ], + [ + "\u2581tolerancia", + -11.009910583496094 + ], + [ + "\u2581primordial", + -11.028882026672363 + ], + [ + "\u2581noticia", + -10.929357528686523 + ], + [ + "ati", + -11.161023139953613 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cur", + -11.588929176330566 + ], + [ + "\u2581continuo", + -11.035621643066406 + ], + [ + "seventh", + -10.922818183898926 + ], + [ + "\u2581proporcionan", + -11.086886405944824 + ], + [ + "\u2581repeat", + -10.959057807922363 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fondos", + -11.120827674865723 + ], + [ + "My", + -10.956462860107422 + ], + [ + "xo", + -11.451970100402832 + ], + [ + "rado", + -10.968245506286621 + ], + [ + "nde", + -11.074596405029297 + ], + [ + "\u2581Apartamento", + -11.24049186706543 + ], + [ + "\u2581asset", + -10.883393287658691 + ], + [ + "\u2581Five", + -10.986333847045898 + ], + [ + "\u2581absolutamente", + -10.984726905822754 + ], + [ + "\u2581individuo", + -11.006858825683594 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00e1cido", + -11.048192024230957 + ], + [ + "Tiene", + -10.866671562194824 + ], + [ + "\u2581apropiada", + -11.064800262451172 + ], + [ + "\u2581asentamientos", + -11.046501159667969 + ], + [ + "\u2581vary", + -10.921051979064941 + ], + [ + "\u2581inadequate", + -10.88695240020752 + ], + [ + "\u2581urge", + -10.904643058776855 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuota", + -11.01708984375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Single", + -10.92552375793457 + ], + [ + "\u2581researchers", + -10.902955055236816 + ], + [ + "\u2581verlo", + -10.836700439453125 + ], + [ + "\u2581broader", + -10.923580169677734 + ], + [ + "\u2581bottle", + -10.983165740966797 + ], + [ + "\u2581Acceso", + -11.077710151672363 + ], + [ + "\u2581radiation", + -10.928906440734863 + ], + [ + "\u2581caminar", + -10.987175941467285 + ], + [ + "\u2581constraints", + -10.916011810302734 + ], + [ + "\u2581Injury", + -10.894471168518066 + ], + [ + "\u2581AN", + -11.549223899841309 + ], + [ + "\u2581antecedentes", + -11.019930839538574 + ], + [ + "\u2581limitations", + -10.934961318969727 + ], + [ + "\u2581salario", + -11.017701148986816 + ], + [ + "\u2581camps", + -10.961880683898926 + ], + [ + "\u2581hierro", + -11.044992446899414 + ], + [ + "\u2581Phil", + -11.625741004943848 + ], + [ + "\u2581juvenile", + -10.902568817138672 + ], + [ + "\u2581bajas", + -11.080732345581055 + ], + [ + "\u2581continental", + -11.593052864074707 + ], + [ + "\u2581compulsory", + -10.901843070983887 + ], + [ + "\u2581enabled", + -10.926965713500977 + ], + [ + "\u2581(212)", + -11.643608093261719 + ], + [ + "\u2581medici\u00f3n", + -11.058074951171875 + ], + [ + "\u2581frutas", + -11.041728019714355 + ], + [ + "\u2581asegura", + -10.98799991607666 + ], + [ + "\u2581Azerbaiy\u00e1n", + -10.964187622070312 + ], + [ + "\u2581Garc\u00eda", + -11.557539939880371 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pasa", + -11.047880172729492 + ], + [ + "\u2581barcos", + -11.080968856811523 + ], + [ + "\u2581aparatos", + -11.028556823730469 + ], + [ + "\u2581encounter", + -10.944889068603516 + ], + [ + "pal", + -11.392087936401367 + ], + [ + "pic", + -11.526150703430176 + ], + [ + "p\u00e1rr", + -11.051499366760254 + ], + [ + "5,000", + -11.14236831665039 + ], + [ + "ndi", + -11.04517936706543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Modelo", + -11.045927047729492 + ], + [ + "\u2581hubiese", + -10.920965194702148 + ], + [ + "\u2581adaptar", + -11.069682121276855 + ], + [ + "fifth", + -10.895466804504395 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ball", + -11.384909629821777 + ], + [ + "\u2581implementaci\u00f3n", + -11.070534706115723 + ], + [ + "\u2581Professor", + -10.95417594909668 + ], + [ + "/20", + -11.53254508972168 + ], + [ + "\u2581cola", + -11.079368591308594 + ], + [ + "\u2581droga", + -10.941909790039062 + ], + [ + "\u2581pac\u00edfica", + -11.064208984375 + ], + [ + "nel", + -11.64478588104248 + ], + [ + "\u2581provider", + -10.918753623962402 + ], + [ + "Rep\u00fablica", + -10.926570892333984 + ], + [ + "izados", + -11.017748832702637 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tortura", + -11.013345718383789 + ], + [ + "\u2581bloqueo", + -11.095314025878906 + ], + [ + "\u2581Noting", + -10.94981861114502 + ], + [ + "\u2581checks", + -10.972346305847168 + ], + [ + "\u258139.", + -11.659615516662598 + ], + [ + "\u2581mejorado", + -11.102225303649902 + ], + [ + "\u2581inspired", + -10.96198844909668 + ], + [ + "\u2581mutuo", + -11.03237533569336 + ], + [ + "\u2581sostenibles", + -11.171745300292969 + ], + [ + "\u2581suave", + -11.026527404785156 + ], + [ + "Part", + -11.385222434997559 + ], + [ + "\u2581techo", + -11.002921104431152 + ], + [ + "\u2581Drug", + -10.914445877075195 + ], + [ + "\u2581veinte", + -10.985940933227539 + ], + [ + "\u2581noble", + -11.487508773803711 + ], + [ + "\u2581Diego", + -11.67131233215332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Prince", + -11.34536075592041 + ], + [ + "\u2581Workers", + -10.932646751403809 + ], + [ + "\u2581insulares", + -11.066576957702637 + ], + [ + "\u2581vuelva", + -10.940990447998047 + ], + [ + "\u2581Habitaci\u00f3n", + -11.117476463317871 + ], + [ + "\u2581minors", + -10.932543754577637 + ], + [ + "\u25813.1", + -11.615285873413086 + ], + [ + "\u2581extraordinary", + -10.986490249633789 + ], + [ + "\u2581capit\u00e1n", + -10.882879257202148 + ], + [ + "\u2581Infancia", + -11.07618522644043 + ], + [ + "\u2581pensaba", + -10.928821563720703 + ], + [ + "\u2581yellow", + -10.976799964904785 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mam\u00e1", + -10.808362007141113 + ], + [ + "\u2581lots", + -11.147730827331543 + ], + [ + "real", + -11.801472663879395 + ], + [ + "gni", + -11.926527976989746 + ], + [ + "\u2581Turismo", + -11.156194686889648 + ], + [ + "\u2581atm\u00f3sfera", + -11.032083511352539 + ], + [ + "\u2581recorrido", + -11.06557846069336 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mass", + -11.027532577514648 + ], + [ + "\u2581attempts", + -10.96495532989502 + ], + [ + "\u2581boss", + -11.077377319335938 + ], + [ + "\u2581acquire", + -10.94321346282959 + ], + [ + "\u2581governmental", + -10.967060089111328 + ], + [ + "\u2581sucedi\u00f3", + -10.94783878326416 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ohio", + -11.627176284790039 + ], + [ + "\u2581Size", + -10.98935604095459 + ], + [ + "\u2581fotograf\u00edas", + -11.081804275512695 + ], + [ + "\u2581Belarus", + -10.826208114624023 + ], + [ + "\u2581cream", + -10.998200416564941 + ], + [ + "\u2581llevaron", + -11.054044723510742 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fil", + -11.517176628112793 + ], + [ + "\u2581mix", + -10.969685554504395 + ], + [ + "\u2581requiring", + -10.911664962768555 + ], + [ + "ij", + -11.595274925231934 + ], + [ + "\u2581acknowledged", + -10.932781219482422 + ], + [ + "\u2581Recomendaci\u00f3n", + -11.081376075744629 + ], + [ + "hin", + -11.569690704345703 + ], + [ + "\u2581cosecha", + -11.069510459899902 + ], + [ + "\u2581Azerbaijan", + -10.827275276184082 + ], + [ + "isa", + -11.47858715057373 + ], + [ + "\u2581worried", + -11.086950302124023 + ], + [ + "aron", + -10.89719295501709 + ], + [ + "\u2581cruz", + -10.996734619140625 + ], + [ + ".[", + -11.842111587524414 + ], + [ + "\u2581pondr\u00e1", + -10.986818313598633 + ], + [ + "\u2581repeated", + -10.939979553222656 + ], + [ + "\u25812004-2005", + -11.655019760131836 + ], + [ + "\u2581acabado", + -10.970373153686523 + ], + [ + "\u2581ratificado", + -11.05998706817627 + ], + [ + "\u2581Visit", + -11.13431167602539 + ], + [ + "cci", + -11.612907409667969 + ], + [ + "ngel", + -11.934815406799316 + ], + [ + "\u2581threatened", + -10.98439884185791 + ], + [ + "III", + -11.615248680114746 + ], + [ + "Cuando", + -10.978373527526855 + ], + [ + "\u2581XX", + -11.26712703704834 + ], + [ + "dd", + -11.51583480834961 + ], + [ + "\u2581citizenship", + -10.9221830368042 + ], + [ + "\u2581suit", + -10.998664855957031 + ], + [ + "\u2581basura", + -10.960409164428711 + ], + [ + "\u2581PARA", + -11.030441284179688 + ], + [ + "\u2581infra", + -11.145084381103516 + ], + [ + "\u2581estructural", + -11.070633888244629 + ], + [ + "\u2581equipada", + -11.106748580932617 + ], + [ + "\u2581college", + -11.019433975219727 + ], + [ + "\u2581aviones", + -11.01704216003418 + ], + [ + "zan", + -11.660346984863281 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gospel", + -10.944913864135742 + ], + [ + "\u2581bags", + -11.050395965576172 + ], + [ + "\u2581finalizar", + -11.10205364227295 + ], + [ + "dle", + -11.544845581054688 + ], + [ + "\u2581ancianos", + -11.06554126739502 + ], + [ + "\u2581barra", + -11.005778312683105 + ], + [ + "\u2581Personas", + -11.113021850585938 + ], + [ + "\u2581voted", + -10.940519332885742 + ], + [ + "\u2581termin\u00f3", + -10.978484153747559 + ], + [ + "\u2581mi\u00e9rcoles", + -11.050618171691895 + ], + [ + "ui", + -11.487395286560059 + ], + [ + "\u2581diputados", + -11.06977367401123 + ], + [ + "\u2581aceptado", + -11.019607543945312 + ], + [ + "\u2581democr\u00e1tica", + -11.046257972717285 + ], + [ + "\u2581(2005)", + -11.63547134399414 + ], + [ + "\u2581reactions", + -10.925684928894043 + ], + [ + "\u2581impunidad", + -11.07497787475586 + ], + [ + "\u2581pensi\u00f3n", + -11.070756912231445 + ], + [ + "\u2581especialistas", + -11.105496406555176 + ], + [ + "\u2581apps", + -11.274914741516113 + ], + [ + "\u2581William", + -11.60492992401123 + ], + [ + "nan", + -11.67417049407959 + ], + [ + "\u2581expectativas", + -11.071239471435547 + ], + [ + "\u2581sacerdotes", + -11.08169174194336 + ], + [ + "polis", + -11.856241226196289 + ], + [ + "\u2581amable", + -10.89953899383545 + ], + [ + "\u2581equity", + -10.922917366027832 + ], + [ + "GI", + -11.734771728515625 + ], + [ + "\u2581solicitante", + -11.043752670288086 + ], + [ + "\u2581Durban", + -11.645758628845215 + ], + [ + "\u2581iPhone", + -11.66811752319336 + ], + [ + "\u2581faces", + -11.061792373657227 + ], + [ + "\u2581deriva", + -11.059708595275879 + ], + [ + "\u2581utilizadas", + -11.070008277893066 + ], + [ + "\u2581presentarse", + -11.0283784866333 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dutch", + -10.941072463989258 + ], + [ + "\u2581frameworks", + -11.097504615783691 + ], + [ + "\u2581supervivencia", + -11.063169479370117 + ], + [ + "\u2581concretamente", + -11.03482437133789 + ], + [ + "\u2581refugio", + -11.053890228271484 + ], + [ + "arts", + -11.5927152633667 + ], + [ + "\u2581Supplement", + -10.882792472839355 + ], + [ + "\u2581jail", + -11.05117130279541 + ], + [ + "\u2581disc\u00edpulos", + -11.091550827026367 + ], + [ + "\u2581fal", + -11.308050155639648 + ], + [ + "\u2581arrangement", + -10.91738224029541 + ], + [ + "\u2581Calls", + -10.979130744934082 + ], + [ + "\u2581romper", + -11.017751693725586 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00c1rabes", + -11.000839233398438 + ], + [ + "\u2581impunity", + -10.93320083618164 + ], + [ + "\u2581(12", + -11.738682746887207 + ], + [ + "tum", + -11.691269874572754 + ], + [ + "\u2581operativo", + -11.063542366027832 + ], + [ + "\u2581reintegraci\u00f3n", + -11.079540252685547 + ], + [ + "ule", + -11.604702949523926 + ], + [ + "\u2581crecer", + -11.068014144897461 + ], + [ + "\u2581insuficiencia", + -11.061676025390625 + ], + [ + "\u2581ci", + -11.282410621643066 + ], + [ + "\u2581exceeding", + -10.939321517944336 + ], + [ + "\u2581deseen", + -11.071331977844238 + ], + [ + "tti", + -11.492064476013184 + ], + [ + "\u2581hallar", + -11.092302322387695 + ], + [ + "\u2581113", + -11.609838485717773 + ], + [ + "\u2581dogs", + -11.034771919250488 + ], + [ + "dido", + -11.236373901367188 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sab", + -11.435769081115723 + ], + [ + "\u2581Acoge", + -11.068004608154297 + ], + [ + "\u2581acordado", + -11.049328804016113 + ], + [ + "\u2581negativos", + -11.09500503540039 + ], + [ + "\u00f3nico", + -11.219128608703613 + ], + [ + "ock", + -11.163492202758789 + ], + [ + "\u2581109", + -11.626940727233887 + ], + [ + "\u2581estaciones", + -11.081130027770996 + ], + [ + "este", + -11.094761848449707 + ], + [ + "\u2581formulado", + -11.034017562866211 + ], + [ + "\u2581holds", + -11.030130386352539 + ], + [ + "\u2581incompatible", + -11.474390029907227 + ], + [ + "EA", + -11.36030387878418 + ], + [ + "\u2581iguales", + -11.019501686096191 + ], + [ + "\u2581Debo", + -10.854826927185059 + ], + [ + "\u2581Library", + -10.981693267822266 + ], + [ + "\u258105", + -11.654535293579102 + ], + [ + "\u2581Decree", + -10.935737609863281 + ], + [ + "\u2581genetic", + -10.948118209838867 + ], + [ + "\u2581Decenio", + -11.059866905212402 + ], + [ + "\u2581replacement", + -10.93961238861084 + ], + [ + "\u2581immigrants", + -10.957722663879395 + ], + [ + "\u2581[3]", + -11.626445770263672 + ], + [ + "\u2581passing", + -10.981916427612305 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cantidad", + -11.11342716217041 + ], + [ + "\u2581Film", + -11.295756340026855 + ], + [ + "\u2581obviously", + -10.982405662536621 + ], + [ + "\u2581inciso", + -11.053996086120605 + ], + [ + "phe", + -11.911398887634277 + ], + [ + "\u2581distribuir", + -11.027881622314453 + ], + [ + "\u2581policial", + -11.090282440185547 + ], + [ + "dll", + -11.711114883422852 + ], + [ + "\u2581cutting", + -10.977303504943848 + ], + [ + "\u2581aventura", + -11.008877754211426 + ], + [ + "\u2581conjunction", + -10.945425033569336 + ], + [ + "\u2581globales", + -11.069433212280273 + ], + [ + "\u2581particip\u00f3", + -11.098052024841309 + ], + [ + "\u2581coastal", + -10.923604965209961 + ], + [ + "\u2581manejar", + -10.98823356628418 + ], + [ + "\u2581sucesivo", + -11.077710151672363 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sara", + -11.679008483886719 + ], + [ + "\u2581francesa", + -11.081337928771973 + ], + [ + "\u2581peligroso", + -10.919063568115234 + ], + [ + "\u2581judiciary", + -10.952367782592773 + ], + [ + "\u2581creencias", + -11.100056648254395 + ], + [ + "\u2581birthday", + -11.090088844299316 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wal", + -11.50637149810791 + ], + [ + "ograf\u00eda", + -11.35949420928955 + ], + [ + "\u2581Civiles", + -11.1078462600708 + ], + [ + "pat", + -11.675543785095215 + ], + [ + "\u2581fans", + -11.397624015808105 + ], + [ + "\u2581preliminar", + -11.086771011352539 + ], + [ + "\u2581consideraciones", + -11.052629470825195 + ], + [ + "\u2581reserves", + -10.970193862915039 + ], + [ + "\u2581custom", + -10.93652057647705 + ], + [ + "hy", + -11.453554153442383 + ], + [ + "\u2581Whatever", + -11.084492683410645 + ], + [ + "\u2581shipping", + -10.959423065185547 + ], + [ + "\u2581noveno", + -11.080187797546387 + ], + [ + "ois", + -11.5806884765625 + ], + [ + "\u2581deleted", + -10.916437149047852 + ], + [ + "\u2581fundamento", + -11.069647789001465 + ], + [ + "\u2581centuries", + -10.985420227050781 + ], + [ + "\u2581ought", + -11.041952133178711 + ], + [ + "bili", + -11.816187858581543 + ], + [ + "\u2581settlements", + -10.997164726257324 + ], + [ + "\u2581qu\u00edmicas", + -11.07786750793457 + ], + [ + "ific", + -11.39293384552002 + ], + [ + "\u2581compa\u00f1ero", + -10.951617240905762 + ], + [ + "\u2581authorisation", + -10.879115104675293 + ], + [ + "\u2581Construction", + -10.927406311035156 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cri", + -11.506006240844727 + ], + [ + "dul", + -11.545095443725586 + ], + [ + "gram", + -11.578718185424805 + ], + [ + "\u2581Conditions", + -10.948695182800293 + ], + [ + "\u2581inyecci\u00f3n", + -11.053890228271484 + ], + [ + "\u2581compensaci\u00f3n", + -11.02206802368164 + ], + [ + "\u2581villages", + -11.02780818939209 + ], + [ + "PM", + -11.740489959716797 + ], + [ + "\u2581Imp", + -11.63851261138916 + ], + [ + "emia", + -11.539986610412598 + ], + [ + "\u2581cerveza", + -10.909856796264648 + ], + [ + "\u2581Independent", + -10.976872444152832 + ], + [ + "ugh", + -11.6557035446167 + ], + [ + "\u2581receptor", + -11.439334869384766 + ], + [ + "\u2581limitaci\u00f3n", + -11.102564811706543 + ], + [ + "\u2581defense", + -10.983866691589355 + ], + [ + "\u2581(7", + -11.739642143249512 + ], + [ + "\u2581f\u00fatbol", + -11.052996635437012 + ], + [ + "\u2581sensible", + -11.308514595031738 + ], + [ + "\u2581organiz\u00f3", + -11.110902786254883 + ], + [ + "rada", + -11.227265357971191 + ], + [ + "DD", + -11.73851203918457 + ], + [ + "\u2581drew", + -10.94543170928955 + ], + [ + "\u2581disciples", + -10.963005065917969 + ], + [ + "\u2581Booking", + -11.404446601867676 + ], + [ + "ATE", + -11.848820686340332 + ], + [ + "\u2581preventiva", + -11.09223747253418 + ], + [ + "\u2581suppliers", + -10.955070495605469 + ], + [ + "\u2581[2]", + -11.488825798034668 + ], + [ + "CD", + -11.52788257598877 + ], + [ + "\u2581sole", + -10.985219955444336 + ], + [ + "\u2581Direct", + -11.300667762756348 + ], + [ + "\u2581confirmar", + -11.129697799682617 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alliance", + -11.135954856872559 + ], + [ + "\u2581addresses", + -10.972358703613281 + ], + [ + "\u2581Proposal", + -10.903828620910645 + ], + [ + "\u2581llegaron", + -11.080528259277344 + ], + [ + "\u2581trae", + -10.938817024230957 + ], + [ + "\u2581listening", + -11.024951934814453 + ], + [ + "\u2581afford", + -10.997594833374023 + ], + [ + "\u2581corresponda", + -11.090405464172363 + ], + [ + "\u2581excepcional", + -11.012757301330566 + ], + [ + "\u2581postura", + -11.06429386138916 + ], + [ + "tag", + -11.66288948059082 + ], + [ + "\u2581democr\u00e1tico", + -11.066267013549805 + ], + [ + "life", + -11.269694328308105 + ], + [ + "\u2581estad\u00edstica", + -10.992780685424805 + ], + [ + "\u2581felicidad", + -10.995731353759766 + ], + [ + "\u2581situ", + -11.287885665893555 + ], + [ + "\u2581nacido", + -11.067148208618164 + ], + [ + "\u2581Style", + -11.209630012512207 + ], + [ + "\u2581pri", + -11.439055442810059 + ], + [ + "ough", + -11.429903030395508 + ], + [ + "2016", + -11.74609088897705 + ], + [ + "\u2581gu", + -11.56016731262207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Grande", + -11.587510108947754 + ], + [ + "\u2581operacional", + -11.114611625671387 + ], + [ + "poli", + -11.688467979431152 + ], + [ + "\u2581coordinating", + -10.94876766204834 + ], + [ + "\u2581Image", + -11.089296340942383 + ], + [ + "\u2581consonancia", + -11.089678764343262 + ], + [ + "\u2581opposed", + -10.962531089782715 + ], + [ + "\u2581poly", + -11.085217475891113 + ], + [ + "\u2581requesting", + -10.974160194396973 + ], + [ + "\u2581Neu", + -11.783946990966797 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tha", + -11.745505332946777 + ], + [ + "\u2581presos", + -11.06591796875 + ], + [ + "\u2581transitional", + -10.92668342590332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mil", + -11.717504501342773 + ], + [ + "mera", + -11.16246509552002 + ], + [ + "PPE", + -11.648140907287598 + ], + [ + "\u2581Strategic", + -10.972963333129883 + ], + [ + "\u2581losing", + -11.035009384155273 + ], + [ + "\u2581referencias", + -11.166139602661133 + ], + [ + "\u2581primas", + -11.122394561767578 + ], + [ + "\u2581interface", + -10.938847541809082 + ], + [ + "\u2581seguida", + -11.052210807800293 + ], + [ + "\u2581distinci\u00f3n", + -11.092226028442383 + ], + [ + "sio", + -11.235615730285645 + ], + [ + "\u2581sexy", + -11.638071060180664 + ], + [ + "\u2581racional", + -11.067278861999512 + ], + [ + "\u2581suyo", + -10.957822799682617 + ], + [ + "\u2581paseo", + -10.992155075073242 + ], + [ + "\u2581analiza", + -11.016974449157715 + ], + [ + "\u2581CRC", + -11.506331443786621 + ], + [ + "\u2581modificada", + -11.081774711608887 + ], + [ + "\u2581entregar", + -11.033360481262207 + ], + [ + "\u2581115", + -11.632024765014648 + ], + [ + "\u2581lucky", + -11.111778259277344 + ], + [ + "vy", + -11.700033187866211 + ], + [ + "\u2581Crear", + -11.1340913772583 + ], + [ + "\u2581aside", + -11.017437934875488 + ], + [ + "\u2581caminos", + -11.154583930969238 + ], + [ + "\u2581introducing", + -10.940823554992676 + ], + [ + "\u2581District", + -10.979048728942871 + ], + [ + "\u2581Coordinator", + -10.964313507080078 + ], + [ + "tier", + -11.962836265563965 + ], + [ + "NG", + -11.54679012298584 + ], + [ + "\u2581consciousness", + -10.948576927185059 + ], + [ + "\u2581Choose", + -11.012157440185547 + ], + [ + "CU", + -11.698596954345703 + ], + [ + "\u2581adjustments", + -10.950915336608887 + ], + [ + "\u2581Flash", + -11.646330833435059 + ], + [ + "\u2581convencionales", + -11.08806324005127 + ], + [ + "\u2581gana", + -10.892878532409668 + ], + [ + "European", + -10.922375679016113 + ], + [ + "MB", + -11.813596725463867 + ], + [ + "\u2581households", + -11.023930549621582 + ], + [ + "\u2581Directorate", + -10.965779304504395 + ], + [ + "\u2581Trump", + -11.628323554992676 + ], + [ + "\u2581gather", + -10.966636657714844 + ], + [ + "\u2581shoes", + -11.044838905334473 + ], + [ + "\u2581tratan", + -11.069318771362305 + ], + [ + "activa", + -11.276719093322754 + ], + [ + "\u2581Scott", + -11.66964340209961 + ], + [ + "\u2581enables", + -11.015557289123535 + ], + [ + "iz\u00f3", + -11.29659366607666 + ], + [ + "\u2581Assessment", + -10.934239387512207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Consequently", + -10.93497371673584 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sim", + -11.740785598754883 + ], + [ + "\u2581pregunt\u00f3", + -11.052484512329102 + ], + [ + "BC", + -11.487147331237793 + ], + [ + "\u2581Point", + -11.253885269165039 + ], + [ + "\u2581desierto", + -11.067692756652832 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ser\u00eda", + -10.991982460021973 + ], + [ + "\u2581contabilidad", + -11.083272933959961 + ], + [ + "cam", + -11.728947639465332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Luz", + -11.243966102600098 + ], + [ + "\u25816)", + -11.925642013549805 + ], + [ + "bed", + -11.29759407043457 + ], + [ + "\u2581asi", + -11.01546859741211 + ], + [ + "\u2581Judicial", + -11.650300025939941 + ], + [ + "\u2581mencionada", + -11.078585624694824 + ], + [ + "\u2581OHCHR", + -10.98612117767334 + ], + [ + "\u2581bolsa", + -10.99648380279541 + ], + [ + "\u2581imposici\u00f3n", + -11.080781936645508 + ], + [ + "\u2581ricos", + -11.085596084594727 + ], + [ + "\u2581Malasia", + -10.981752395629883 + ], + [ + "\u2581pensamientos", + -11.027771949768066 + ], + [ + "\u2581asesino", + -10.895286560058594 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hard", + -11.431735038757324 + ], + [ + "\u2581introducido", + -11.096808433532715 + ], + [ + "\u2581adquisiciones", + -11.113110542297363 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ag", + -11.479022026062012 + ], + [ + "\u2581perpetrators", + -10.972830772399902 + ], + [ + "\u2581centrado", + -11.124116897583008 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pap\u00e1", + -10.857735633850098 + ], + [ + "zen", + -11.63758659362793 + ], + [ + "\u2581admit", + -11.059798240661621 + ], + [ + "\u2581Actually", + -11.105829238891602 + ], + [ + "tema", + -11.128073692321777 + ], + [ + "\u2581internas", + -11.165717124938965 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cel", + -11.660536766052246 + ], + [ + "\u2581recognizes", + -11.024892807006836 + ], + [ + "\u2581Expert", + -10.953632354736328 + ], + [ + "\u2581har\u00e1n", + -11.007442474365234 + ], + [ + "\u2581noting", + -11.273128509521484 + ], + [ + "They", + -10.986912727355957 + ], + [ + "\u2581painting", + -11.025409698486328 + ], + [ + "\u2581suggests", + -10.993879318237305 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pay", + -11.34906005859375 + ], + [ + "osis", + -11.241493225097656 + ], + [ + "LP", + -11.498146057128906 + ], + [ + "\u2581chap", + -10.981416702270508 + ], + [ + "\u2581accesorios", + -11.088350296020508 + ], + [ + "\u2581notably", + -10.969522476196289 + ], + [ + "\u2581truck", + -11.028155326843262 + ], + [ + "aya", + -11.507071495056152 + ], + [ + "ello", + -11.546302795410156 + ], + [ + "\u2581verbal", + -11.439061164855957 + ], + [ + "run", + -11.112008094787598 + ], + [ + "\u2581fulfilled", + -10.970714569091797 + ], + [ + "\u2581propietario", + -11.065342903137207 + ], + [ + "\u2581gained", + -10.973733901977539 + ], + [ + "\u2581Eslovenia", + -11.01475715637207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Michel", + -11.760011672973633 + ], + [ + "\u2581consolidated", + -10.955217361450195 + ], + [ + "diendo", + -11.303438186645508 + ], + [ + "RG", + -11.950335502624512 + ], + [ + "\u2581Platform", + -11.005084991455078 + ], + [ + "\u2581(2000)", + -11.62995719909668 + ], + [ + "\u2581parameters", + -10.965934753417969 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pol", + -11.545321464538574 + ], + [ + "\u2581CAP", + -11.624248504638672 + ], + [ + "\u2581bone", + -11.006386756896973 + ], + [ + "\u2581incidentes", + -11.131612777709961 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pres", + -11.223367691040039 + ], + [ + "\u2581enjoyed", + -11.007037162780762 + ], + [ + "\u2581loca", + -10.949262619018555 + ], + [ + "\u2581eje", + -11.144684791564941 + ], + [ + "\u2581genera", + -11.124677658081055 + ], + [ + "dam", + -11.892340660095215 + ], + [ + "\u2581agencia", + -11.06286334991455 + ], + [ + "\u2581organ", + -10.952963829040527 + ], + [ + "\u2581Task", + -10.944214820861816 + ], + [ + "\u2581crew", + -11.028874397277832 + ], + [ + "\u2581attractive", + -11.001561164855957 + ], + [ + "sixth", + -10.90285873413086 + ], + [ + "\u2581puertos", + -11.10724925994873 + ], + [ + "roga", + -11.222637176513672 + ], + [ + "\u2581participen", + -11.099498748779297 + ], + [ + "ller", + -11.432658195495605 + ], + [ + "\u2581Negro", + -11.283312797546387 + ], + [ + "\u2581CV", + -11.618202209472656 + ], + [ + "\u2581alert", + -11.001347541809082 + ], + [ + "\u2581gathering", + -10.98896312713623 + ], + [ + "\u2581provocar", + -11.08846378326416 + ], + [ + "\u2581mover", + -11.017395973205566 + ], + [ + "\u2581separation", + -10.987021446228027 + ], + [ + "\u2581Instead", + -10.988313674926758 + ], + [ + "\u2581provincias", + -11.167742729187012 + ], + [ + "\u2581codes", + -11.032979011535645 + ], + [ + "cat", + -11.377860069274902 + ], + [ + "\u2581tratamientos", + -11.20203685760498 + ], + [ + "\u2581ending", + -11.018782615661621 + ], + [ + "\u2581mediados", + -11.069185256958008 + ], + [ + "\u2581mothers", + -11.085143089294434 + ], + [ + "\u2581violated", + -10.975337982177734 + ], + [ + "\u2581n\u00facleo", + -11.095562934875488 + ], + [ + "\u2581suspension", + -10.937015533447266 + ], + [ + "\u2581underlying", + -10.972214698791504 + ], + [ + "\u25811).", + -11.72603702545166 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pa\u00eds", + -11.18012523651123 + ], + [ + "\u2581mail", + -11.026009559631348 + ], + [ + "\u2581observation", + -10.976154327392578 + ], + [ + "\u2581usan", + -11.102624893188477 + ], + [ + "\u2581grand", + -11.077452659606934 + ], + [ + "\u2581caracter\u00edstica", + -11.058049201965332 + ], + [ + "\u2581piedras", + -11.08034610748291 + ], + [ + "\u2581Al\u00e1", + -11.087945938110352 + ], + [ + "\u2581engineering", + -11.00660228729248 + ], + [ + "\u2581Virgin", + -11.149810791015625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sale", + -11.007033348083496 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jordania", + -11.00632381439209 + ], + [ + "\u2581respectivas", + -11.10154914855957 + ], + [ + "\u2581seats", + -11.00836181640625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kra", + -11.819135665893555 + ], + [ + "\u2581Still", + -11.051639556884766 + ], + [ + "\u2581suministrar", + -11.14035701751709 + ], + [ + "cto", + -11.205707550048828 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gabriel", + -11.732399940490723 + ], + [ + "\u2581XI", + -11.689833641052246 + ], + [ + "\u2581arbitrary", + -10.974459648132324 + ], + [ + "\u2581Industria", + -11.139778137207031 + ], + [ + "Signed", + -10.985756874084473 + ], + [ + "\u2581propietarios", + -11.114937782287598 + ], + [ + "\u2581Esp", + -11.812941551208496 + ], + [ + "\u2581occurs", + -11.005731582641602 + ], + [ + "\u2581toca", + -10.862103462219238 + ], + [ + "\u2581sepa", + -10.991604804992676 + ], + [ + "tiendo", + -11.342302322387695 + ], + [ + "\u2581dom\u00e9stica", + -11.116339683532715 + ], + [ + "s\u00e9", + -11.233308792114258 + ], + [ + "\u2581chronic", + -10.973246574401855 + ], + [ + "\u2581cu\u00e1les", + -11.088796615600586 + ], + [ + "\u2581iniciales", + -11.077560424804688 + ], + [ + "log\u00eda", + -11.087156295776367 + ], + [ + "hab", + -11.70954704284668 + ], + [ + "\u2581wa", + -11.653014183044434 + ], + [ + "\u2581novio", + -10.914345741271973 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tunisia", + -10.87978458404541 + ], + [ + "\u2581pecho", + -10.99346923828125 + ], + [ + "\u2581cri", + -11.21272087097168 + ], + [ + "\u25815%", + -11.627370834350586 + ], + [ + "\u2581bater\u00eda", + -11.16372013092041 + ], + [ + "\u2581Resort", + -11.634354591369629 + ], + [ + "\u2581dir\u00eda", + -10.965001106262207 + ], + [ + "\u2581urbano", + -11.112420082092285 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reg", + -11.461033821105957 + ], + [ + "\u2581validez", + -11.110586166381836 + ], + [ + "\u2581promesa", + -11.05899715423584 + ], + [ + "\u2581localidad", + -11.190397262573242 + ], + [ + "\u2581conversaci\u00f3n", + -11.034420013427734 + ], + [ + "\u2581molesta", + -10.913640975952148 + ], + [ + "bes", + -11.787171363830566 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bad", + -11.415334701538086 + ], + [ + "UT", + -11.84653091430664 + ], + [ + "\u2581masas", + -11.156889915466309 + ], + [ + "raising", + -10.9782075881958 + ], + [ + "FS", + -11.58517837524414 + ], + [ + "\u2581observer", + -10.951397895812988 + ], + [ + "\u2581roads", + -11.057235717773438 + ], + [ + "\u2581Shop", + -11.280462265014648 + ], + [ + "\u2581significance", + -11.004265785217285 + ], + [ + "\u25811.6", + -11.640539169311523 + ], + [ + "\u2581Unfortunately", + -11.004744529724121 + ], + [ + "\u2581elderly", + -10.982892036437988 + ], + [ + "\u2581horario", + -11.091653823852539 + ], + [ + "\u2581closing", + -11.012452125549316 + ], + [ + "\u2581transnational", + -10.955745697021484 + ], + [ + "\u2581llave", + -10.965600967407227 + ], + [ + "\u2581Destaca", + -11.11060905456543 + ], + [ + "\u2581orientation", + -10.997048377990723 + ], + [ + "\u2581reconoci\u00f3", + -11.108121871948242 + ], + [ + "\u2581transformar", + -11.175724029541016 + ], + [ + "\u2581Formaci\u00f3n", + -11.130575180053711 + ], + [ + "\u2581breath", + -11.079713821411133 + ], + [ + "\u2581hunger", + -10.986933708190918 + ], + [ + "\u2581Round", + -10.984724044799805 + ], + [ + "\u2581extradici\u00f3n", + -11.103358268737793 + ], + [ + "\u2581mankind", + -10.955073356628418 + ], + [ + "\u2581Quer\u00eda", + -10.896660804748535 + ], + [ + "\u2581vieja", + -10.920592308044434 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vida", + -11.135204315185547 + ], + [ + "\u2581corazones", + -11.04875373840332 + ], + [ + "\u2581combine", + -11.364185333251953 + ], + [ + "\u2581allowance", + -10.987495422363281 + ], + [ + "\u2581lamenta", + -11.097846984863281 + ], + [ + "\u2581tantos", + -11.42012882232666 + ], + [ + "\u2581Malaysia", + -10.864358901977539 + ], + [ + "\u2581executed", + -10.993931770324707 + ], + [ + "\u2581desempe\u00f1a", + -11.013527870178223 + ], + [ + "\u2581moments", + -11.070011138916016 + ], + [ + "\u2581imprimir", + -11.140911102294922 + ], + [ + "vu", + -11.83254623413086 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pop", + -11.550238609313965 + ], + [ + "\u2581registrar", + -11.256649017333984 + ], + [ + "\u2581column", + -11.000570297241211 + ], + [ + "v\u00e9", + -11.491722106933594 + ], + [ + "\u25811972", + -11.7045316696167 + ], + [ + "\u2581darse", + -11.04262638092041 + ], + [ + "\u2581primavera", + -11.055686950683594 + ], + [ + "\u2581c\u00e1maras", + -11.086180686950684 + ], + [ + "\u2581manifiesta", + -11.12546157836914 + ], + [ + "\u2581Buen", + -10.920440673828125 + ], + [ + "\u2581pendiente", + -11.102471351623535 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ask", + -11.067296981811523 + ], + [ + "\u2581hielo", + -11.064701080322266 + ], + [ + "\u2581Swedish", + -11.014921188354492 + ], + [ + "\u2581justificar", + -11.16274642944336 + ], + [ + "\u2581loves", + -11.314033508300781 + ], + [ + "TOR", + -12.048334121704102 + ], + [ + "\u2581empresariales", + -11.100409507751465 + ], + [ + "class", + -11.129711151123047 + ], + [ + "\u2581transaction", + -10.931614875793457 + ], + [ + "\u2581colleagues", + -10.963371276855469 + ], + [ + "\u2581114", + -11.676575660705566 + ], + [ + "\u2581$4", + -11.078707695007324 + ], + [ + "\u2581themes", + -11.092748641967773 + ], + [ + "\u2581Libertad", + -11.246241569519043 + ], + [ + "\u2581sanitation", + -10.979304313659668 + ], + [ + "11)", + -11.772012710571289 + ], + [ + "eau", + -11.705473899841309 + ], + [ + "\u2581computadora", + -11.05407428741455 + ], + [ + "\u2581zero", + -10.985241889953613 + ], + [ + "\u2581islands", + -11.051119804382324 + ], + [ + "\u2581falls", + -11.034706115722656 + ], + [ + "\u2581normales", + -11.06956672668457 + ], + [ + "\u258110.00", + -11.100796699523926 + ], + [ + "\u2581blow", + -11.103151321411133 + ], + [ + "\u2581salary", + -10.980389595031738 + ], + [ + "nge", + -11.58177375793457 + ], + [ + "ei", + -11.42465591430664 + ], + [ + "\u2581-\u00a1", + -10.819634437561035 + ], + [ + "\u2581minister", + -10.982614517211914 + ], + [ + "\u2581capitales", + -11.105039596557617 + ], + [ + "leta", + -11.178312301635742 + ], + [ + "\u2581expensive", + -10.997764587402344 + ], + [ + "\u2581Constitutional", + -10.985087394714355 + ], + [ + "\u2581Az", + -11.613982200622559 + ], + [ + "\u2581dust", + -11.03760814666748 + ], + [ + "eira", + -11.825977325439453 + ], + [ + "col", + -11.48041820526123 + ], + [ + "\u2581multitud", + -11.129043579101562 + ], + [ + "\u2581concede", + -11.190356254577637 + ], + [ + "\u2581tank", + -11.0125732421875 + ], + [ + "\u2581referring", + -10.982824325561523 + ], + [ + "/52/", + -11.677861213684082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Medi", + -11.661845207214355 + ], + [ + "\u2581LE", + -11.76414680480957 + ], + [ + "\u2581traje", + -10.938939094543457 + ], + [ + "\u2581summit", + -10.95418930053711 + ], + [ + "\u2581explic\u00f3", + -11.116021156311035 + ], + [ + "\u2581filed", + -11.02761459350586 + ], + [ + "\u2581conversation", + -11.047525405883789 + ], + [ + "\u2581signos", + -11.072973251342773 + ], + [ + "eran", + -11.088364601135254 + ], + [ + "\u2581c\u00f3modo", + -11.123302459716797 + ], + [ + "\u2581exclusiva", + -11.087646484375 + ], + [ + "\u2581electrical", + -11.002091407775879 + ], + [ + "\u2581smoke", + -11.070355415344238 + ], + [ + "cien", + -11.202656745910645 + ], + [ + "d\u00f3nde", + -10.891592025756836 + ], + [ + "\u2581extranjeras", + -11.116111755371094 + ], + [ + "\u2581frecuentemente", + -11.096914291381836 + ], + [ + "\u2581tiro", + -11.022851943969727 + ], + [ + "pec", + -11.674264907836914 + ], + [ + "\u2581convenci\u00f3n", + -11.094916343688965 + ], + [ + "\u2581cos", + -11.144611358642578 + ], + [ + "\u25813.2", + -11.614216804504395 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ak", + -11.747142791748047 + ], + [ + "UP", + -11.919366836547852 + ], + [ + "\u2581cro", + -11.68436050415039 + ], + [ + "\u2581SC", + -11.40331745147705 + ], + [ + "\u2581satisfactoria", + -11.075287818908691 + ], + [ + "\u2581Series", + -11.275136947631836 + ], + [ + "uma", + -11.484245300292969 + ], + [ + "\u2581humor", + -11.357711791992188 + ], + [ + "\u2581mat\u00f3", + -10.922298431396484 + ], + [ + "\u2581tons", + -11.069989204406738 + ], + [ + "\u2581Budgetary", + -10.963338851928711 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hombre", + -11.038741111755371 + ], + [ + "\u2581actor", + -11.755589485168457 + ], + [ + "\u2581aparici\u00f3n", + -11.141324043273926 + ], + [ + "tifica", + -11.38844108581543 + ], + [ + "\u2581vea", + -10.979044914245605 + ], + [ + "\u2581liver", + -10.978739738464355 + ], + [ + "\u2581experimentar", + -11.19119644165039 + ], + [ + "Puede", + -10.975603103637695 + ], + [ + "LI", + -11.541937828063965 + ], + [ + "\u2581occasions", + -11.029876708984375 + ], + [ + "cita", + -11.500500679016113 + ], + [ + "\u2581fool", + -11.153543472290039 + ], + [ + "\u2581dedicada", + -11.120194435119629 + ], + [ + "\u2581registrados", + -11.122233390808105 + ], + [ + "\u2581conductor", + -11.234894752502441 + ], + [ + "\u2581biblioteca", + -11.071775436401367 + ], + [ + "\u2581ense\u00f1a", + -10.97053050994873 + ], + [ + "\u2581Harry", + -11.689787864685059 + ], + [ + "\u2581towns", + -11.043397903442383 + ], + [ + "itos", + -11.07082748413086 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dentro", + -11.07469367980957 + ], + [ + "\u2581Camboya", + -11.017038345336914 + ], + [ + "\u2581Title", + -10.96265697479248 + ], + [ + "\u2581constitutivo", + -11.109014511108398 + ], + [ + "SIS", + -11.738069534301758 + ], + [ + "\u2581polic\u00edas", + -11.136722564697266 + ], + [ + "\u2581presidential", + -10.965702056884766 + ], + [ + "\u2581direcciones", + -11.121149063110352 + ], + [ + "\u2581pla", + -11.438827514648438 + ], + [ + "\u2581supplied", + -10.990500450134277 + ], + [ + "When", + -11.013819694519043 + ], + [ + "azi", + -11.933049201965332 + ], + [ + "\u2581assisted", + -10.991142272949219 + ], + [ + "\u2581retain", + -10.988019943237305 + ], + [ + "\u2581bike", + -11.04446029663086 + ], + [ + "\u2581enemies", + -11.040799140930176 + ], + [ + "\u2581SI", + -11.474713325500488 + ], + [ + "\u2581recibidas", + -11.127660751342773 + ], + [ + "\u2581tumor", + -11.705944061279297 + ], + [ + "\u2581posesi\u00f3n", + -11.08784008026123 + ], + [ + "ecto", + -11.381200790405273 + ], + [ + "END", + -11.807543754577637 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wood", + -11.56779670715332 + ], + [ + "\u2581flying", + -11.036149978637695 + ], + [ + "\u2581proponer", + -11.119426727294922 + ], + [ + "\u2581guided", + -11.007380485534668 + ], + [ + "\u2581museo", + -11.120414733886719 + ], + [ + "\u2581chino", + -11.071136474609375 + ], + [ + "\u2581calcula", + -11.010549545288086 + ], + [ + "\u2581Quisiera", + -11.043222427368164 + ], + [ + "\u2581Write", + -11.269009590148926 + ], + [ + "\u2581scientists", + -11.006757736206055 + ], + [ + "\u2581PMA", + -11.089717864990234 + ], + [ + "\u2581espa\u00f1ola", + -11.122201919555664 + ], + [ + "\u25811971", + -11.71193790435791 + ], + [ + "\u2581Suplemento", + -11.074357986450195 + ], + [ + "\u2581thin", + -11.034324645996094 + ], + [ + "\u2581castillo", + -11.108697891235352 + ], + [ + "\u2581incident", + -10.988907814025879 + ], + [ + "eas", + -11.187026977539062 + ], + [ + "\u2581imaginar", + -11.106287956237793 + ], + [ + "\u2581v\u00ednculo", + -11.115345001220703 + ], + [ + "\u2581reflejar", + -11.2304048538208 + ], + [ + "\u2581playas", + -11.144757270812988 + ], + [ + "nc", + -11.655384063720703 + ], + [ + ".3.", + -11.876527786254883 + ], + [ + "\u2581doy", + -10.976648330688477 + ], + [ + "\u2581reconocidos", + -11.109404563903809 + ], + [ + "\u2581t\u00edtulos", + -11.173447608947754 + ], + [ + "\u2581inmobiliarios", + -11.09599494934082 + ], + [ + "\u2581invertir", + -11.13134479522705 + ], + [ + "\u2581Body", + -11.01344108581543 + ], + [ + "\u2581RA", + -11.636820793151855 + ], + [ + "\u2581encontrar\u00e1", + -11.106046676635742 + ], + [ + "\u2581maritime", + -10.992378234863281 + ], + [ + "\u2581shelter", + -10.987028121948242 + ], + [ + "\u2581FR", + -11.572504997253418 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hoc", + -11.017271995544434 + ], + [ + "\u2581preparativos", + -11.116944313049316 + ], + [ + "\u2581fases", + -11.161172866821289 + ], + [ + "\u2581Resultados", + -11.143630027770996 + ], + [ + "ush", + -11.692655563354492 + ], + [ + "\u2581Studies", + -11.015748023986816 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hill", + -11.644866943359375 + ], + [ + "\u2581alegra", + -10.999560356140137 + ], + [ + "\u2581responded", + -11.006858825683594 + ], + [ + "\u2581ling", + -11.132112503051758 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pregunta", + -11.091011047363281 + ], + [ + "\u2581a\u00f1ade", + -11.095671653747559 + ], + [ + "\u2581rico", + -11.023941993713379 + ], + [ + "\u2581concluye", + -11.15735149383545 + ], + [ + "\u2581desplazamiento", + -11.12540054321289 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lebanese", + -10.999656677246094 + ], + [ + "\u2581CB", + -11.623863220214844 + ], + [ + "\u2581salas", + -11.18864917755127 + ], + [ + "\u2581Volver", + -11.138188362121582 + ], + [ + "\u2581invit\u00f3", + -11.09122371673584 + ], + [ + "\u2581overview", + -10.990779876708984 + ], + [ + "tados", + -11.085874557495117 + ], + [ + "\u2581alega", + -11.14356517791748 + ], + [ + "oh", + -11.519059181213379 + ], + [ + "\u2581experimentado", + -11.11855697631836 + ], + [ + "\u2581fresco", + -11.209431648254395 + ], + [ + "\u2581macro", + -11.64630126953125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Liga", + -11.124920845031738 + ], + [ + "ego", + -11.599153518676758 + ], + [ + "wo", + -11.754222869873047 + ], + [ + "ged", + -11.097357749938965 + ], + [ + "\u2581ruedas", + -11.104963302612305 + ], + [ + "fici", + -11.944151878356934 + ], + [ + "/65/", + -11.503480911254883 + ], + [ + "\u2581paisaje", + -11.118585586547852 + ], + [ + ".11.", + -11.79944133758545 + ], + [ + "\u2581vegetables", + -10.982200622558594 + ], + [ + "\u2581sometidos", + -11.1646146774292 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jen", + -11.610491752624512 + ], + [ + "\u258124.", + -11.295924186706543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Principios", + -11.124302864074707 + ], + [ + "\u2581Recommendation", + -10.973026275634766 + ], + [ + "\u2581martes", + -11.091858863830566 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mos", + -11.638687133789062 + ], + [ + "\u2581empleos", + -11.2402982711792 + ], + [ + "tru", + -11.297492027282715 + ], + [ + "\u2581whenever", + -11.003521919250488 + ], + [ + "\u2581Plataforma", + -11.145564079284668 + ], + [ + "\u2581separated", + -11.06883716583252 + ], + [ + "ril", + -11.644147872924805 + ], + [ + "\u2581camas", + -11.17410945892334 + ], + [ + "\u2581degrees", + -11.083622932434082 + ], + [ + "\u2581HAS", + -10.972024917602539 + ], + [ + "\u2581windows", + -11.054206848144531 + ], + [ + "\u258125%", + -11.65913200378418 + ], + [ + "\u2581solicit\u00f3", + -11.17437744140625 + ], + [ + "\u2581estimate", + -10.983516693115234 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jefes", + -11.2213134765625 + ], + [ + "\u2581guard", + -11.060723304748535 + ], + [ + "\u2581AP", + -11.670598983764648 + ], + [ + "\u2581bebidas", + -11.102487564086914 + ], + [ + "control", + -11.738304138183594 + ], + [ + "\u2581corona", + -11.126226425170898 + ], + [ + "\u2581football", + -11.085797309875488 + ], + [ + "\u2581hospitals", + -11.068326950073242 + ], + [ + "\u2581ministry", + -11.005353927612305 + ], + [ + "SH", + -11.787252426147461 + ], + [ + "\u2581sustantivo", + -11.081642150878906 + ], + [ + "\u2581exit", + -11.020849227905273 + ], + [ + "\u2581impose", + -10.989272117614746 + ], + [ + "\u2581escribe", + -11.085867881774902 + ], + [ + "\u2581lovely", + -11.122272491455078 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hecho", + -11.084376335144043 + ], + [ + "\u2581gar", + -11.655477523803711 + ], + [ + "eza", + -11.37734317779541 + ], + [ + "\u2581ceremonia", + -11.100857734680176 + ], + [ + "\u2581absoluta", + -11.155192375183105 + ], + [ + "\u2581pr\u00e9stamo", + -11.075119972229004 + ], + [ + "\u2581Evangelio", + -11.110901832580566 + ], + [ + "sey", + -11.960371017456055 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fernando", + -11.783206939697266 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cabo", + -11.253188133239746 + ], + [ + "\u2581constituci\u00f3n", + -11.07013988494873 + ], + [ + "\u2581Benin", + -11.459141731262207 + ], + [ + "ubi", + -11.692795753479004 + ], + [ + "\u2581magazine", + -11.024479866027832 + ], + [ + "\u2581p\u00e1rrs", + -11.156660079956055 + ], + [ + "\u2581hasn", + -11.209638595581055 + ], + [ + "\u2581departure", + -11.020181655883789 + ], + [ + "\u25811373", + -11.67916202545166 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nobody", + -11.156309127807617 + ], + [ + "\u2581hopes", + -11.119253158569336 + ], + [ + "cop", + -11.594411849975586 + ], + [ + "\u2581Budapest", + -11.731834411621094 + ], + [ + "\u2581Comprar", + -11.179513931274414 + ], + [ + "\u2581llevada", + -11.224204063415527 + ], + [ + "\u2581COMMISSION", + -10.979838371276855 + ], + [ + "vid", + -11.801587104797363 + ], + [ + "GB", + -11.836224555969238 + ], + [ + "dita", + -11.588974952697754 + ], + [ + "\u2581maldito", + -10.900934219360352 + ], + [ + "\u2581weird", + -11.20432186126709 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sigue", + -11.069962501525879 + ], + [ + "\u2581dude", + -11.680424690246582 + ], + [ + "BO", + -11.637699127197266 + ], + [ + "\u2581vulnerability", + -11.008077621459961 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tanto", + -11.14639663696289 + ], + [ + "\u2581viviendo", + -11.086288452148438 + ], + [ + "\u2581Similarly", + -10.994654655456543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rod", + -11.823383331298828 + ], + [ + "\u2581123", + -11.693719863891602 + ], + [ + "\u2581Compartir", + -11.216753005981445 + ], + [ + "\u2581empleado", + -11.088960647583008 + ], + [ + "\u2581Buena", + -10.942946434020996 + ], + [ + "\u2581progressive", + -11.01807975769043 + ], + [ + "\u2581references", + -11.110591888427734 + ], + [ + "\u2581Privacidad", + -11.176395416259766 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ever", + -11.489456176757812 + ], + [ + "\u2581138", + -11.677369117736816 + ], + [ + "\u2581An\u00e1lisis", + -11.154784202575684 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fiji", + -11.524784088134766 + ], + [ + "\u2581honest", + -11.088217735290527 + ], + [ + "\u2581produjo", + -11.150822639465332 + ], + [ + "\u2581aldea", + -11.10317611694336 + ], + [ + "\u2581autora", + -11.242596626281738 + ], + [ + "anos", + -11.273222923278809 + ], + [ + "\u2581biodiversity", + -11.01629638671875 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00e9tica", + -11.137092590332031 + ], + [ + "2006", + -11.46225643157959 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuestionario", + -11.131338119506836 + ], + [ + "\u2581telecommunica", + -11.246818542480469 + ], + [ + "\u2581boda", + -10.980691909790039 + ], + [ + "\u2581toman", + -11.09733772277832 + ], + [ + "\u2581hardware", + -11.493868827819824 + ], + [ + "\u2581pude", + -10.968538284301758 + ], + [ + "\u2581fotograf\u00eda", + -11.101714134216309 + ], + [ + "\u2581Llama", + -11.04862117767334 + ], + [ + "mientos", + -11.28348445892334 + ], + [ + "\u2581Puesto", + -11.151728630065918 + ], + [ + "\u2581aporta", + -11.0238618850708 + ], + [ + "\u2581Relations", + -11.016021728515625 + ], + [ + "\u2581brutal", + -11.731287002563477 + ], + [ + "\u2581expresses", + -11.025656700134277 + ], + [ + "cara", + -11.561306953430176 + ], + [ + "1997", + -11.778072357177734 + ], + [ + "\u2581118", + -11.679356575012207 + ], + [ + "3).", + -11.732555389404297 + ], + [ + "\u2581consisting", + -10.990131378173828 + ], + [ + "nda", + -10.858746528625488 + ], + [ + "\u2581museum", + -11.02742862701416 + ], + [ + "\u2581111", + -11.708287239074707 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vel", + -11.699146270751953 + ], + [ + "lib", + -11.884880065917969 + ], + [ + "ICA", + -11.763351440429688 + ], + [ + "esto", + -11.232793807983398 + ], + [ + "\u2581PRE", + -12.0039644241333 + ], + [ + "\u2581beaches", + -11.016815185546875 + ], + [ + "teo", + -11.210731506347656 + ], + [ + "\u2581fruto", + -11.129819869995117 + ], + [ + "\u2581brazos", + -11.047443389892578 + ], + [ + "\u2581convenciones", + -11.119140625 + ], + [ + "\u2581vacation", + -11.046173095703125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Marie", + -11.795310020446777 + ], + [ + "\u2581Empresa", + -11.121037483215332 + ], + [ + "\u2581apliquen", + -11.122952461242676 + ], + [ + "ticas", + -11.277616500854492 + ], + [ + "/2004/", + -11.754983901977539 + ], + [ + "\u2581Manager", + -11.271899223327637 + ], + [ + "\u2581d\u00e9bil", + -11.062238693237305 + ], + [ + "\u2581gradually", + -11.021871566772461 + ], + [ + "\u2581inevitable", + -11.677852630615234 + ], + [ + "\u2581oportuno", + -11.117862701416016 + ], + [ + "\u2581rid", + -11.091167449951172 + ], + [ + "PV", + -11.709716796875 + ], + [ + "ators", + -11.50346565246582 + ], + [ + "hn", + -11.611913681030273 + ], + [ + "\u2581poniendo", + -11.06969165802002 + ], + [ + "\u2581Habid", + -11.196070671081543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Donde", + -11.241721153259277 + ], + [ + "phi", + -12.008515357971191 + ], + [ + "\u2581VAT", + -10.99003791809082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Madagascar", + -11.527029991149902 + ], + [ + "\u2581tested", + -11.032058715820312 + ], + [ + "\u2581Brand", + -11.40341854095459 + ], + [ + "\u2581desert", + -11.059033393859863 + ], + [ + "\u2581irme", + -10.891971588134766 + ], + [ + "\u2581prestan", + -11.136357307434082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Stan", + -11.696922302246094 + ], + [ + "mino", + -11.32542896270752 + ], + [ + "\u2581qua", + -11.621709823608398 + ], + [ + "\u2581McC", + -11.975503921508789 + ], + [ + "\u2581Luna", + -11.32120418548584 + ], + [ + "\u2581returns", + -11.119099617004395 + ], + [ + "\u2581duradera", + -11.125401496887207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ante", + -11.125927925109863 + ], + [ + "gico", + -11.375850677490234 + ], + [ + "\u2581wise", + -11.0852689743042 + ], + [ + "\u2581mercy", + -11.038267135620117 + ], + [ + "\u2581Auditors", + -11.029346466064453 + ], + [ + "fr", + -11.282959938049316 + ], + [ + "\u2581Marine", + -11.338845252990723 + ], + [ + "\u2581partial", + -11.023219108581543 + ], + [ + "\u2581mess", + -11.178996086120605 + ], + [ + "\u2581Flor", + -11.621231079101562 + ], + [ + "gent", + -11.417816162109375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Roger", + -11.720550537109375 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuadros", + -11.177423477172852 + ], + [ + "\u2581Monterrey", + -11.740877151489258 + ], + [ + "\u258125.", + -11.350881576538086 + ], + [ + "\u2581aparte", + -11.089126586914062 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lei", + -11.711066246032715 + ], + [ + "\u2581pacto", + -11.136322975158691 + ], + [ + "\u2581fracaso", + -11.088139533996582 + ], + [ + "\u2581cohesion", + -10.990500450134277 + ], + [ + "\u2581ajustar", + -11.10287094116211 + ], + [ + "/53/", + -11.674786567687988 + ], + [ + "\u2581resist", + -11.329987525939941 + ], + [ + "\u2581Andorra", + -11.5654296875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tanzania", + -11.073753356933594 + ], + [ + "\u2581resolved", + -11.031793594360352 + ], + [ + "\u2581denominado", + -11.149369239807129 + ], + [ + "reo", + -11.336531639099121 + ], + [ + "\u2581artistic", + -11.059499740600586 + ], + [ + "\u2581fallo", + -11.09838581085205 + ], + [ + "\u2581anal", + -11.774346351623535 + ], + [ + "\u2581robo", + -11.051630973815918 + ], + [ + "\u2581authorised", + -10.979387283325195 + ], + [ + "\u2581sue\u00f1os", + -11.039031982421875 + ], + [ + "\u2581foros", + -11.162178039550781 + ], + [ + "ves", + -11.092849731445312 + ], + [ + "\u2581Singapore", + -10.913750648498535 + ], + [ + "\u2581formul\u00f3", + -11.157052040100098 + ], + [ + "\u2581assumed", + -11.02415943145752 + ], + [ + "\u2581Done", + -11.030610084533691 + ], + [ + "\u2581gui", + -11.162615776062012 + ], + [ + "Firmado", + -11.136918067932129 + ], + [ + "\u2581Academy", + -11.184551239013672 + ], + [ + "\u2581conjuntos", + -11.254006385803223 + ], + [ + "\u2581preservar", + -11.142253875732422 + ], + [ + "\u2581condado", + -11.287402153015137 + ], + [ + "\u2581breach", + -11.032631874084473 + ], + [ + "\u2581llamados", + -11.205803871154785 + ], + [ + "\u2581necessity", + -11.014098167419434 + ], + [ + "\u2581liberar", + -11.145007133483887 + ], + [ + "\u2581Standing", + -11.014273643493652 + ], + [ + "\u2581Necesitamos", + -10.981425285339355 + ], + [ + "\u25814.1", + -11.701213836669922 + ], + [ + "\u2581Invita", + -11.156801223754883 + ], + [ + "\u2581Camping", + -11.660844802856445 + ], + [ + "\u2581Shut", + -11.205437660217285 + ], + [ + "\u2581comenzado", + -11.126182556152344 + ], + [ + "/22", + -11.683028221130371 + ], + [ + "\u2581Opinion", + -10.963903427124023 + ], + [ + "sburg", + -11.82032585144043 + ], + [ + "\u25816:", + -11.626117706298828 + ], + [ + "\u2581spacious", + -11.014105796813965 + ], + [ + "\u2581rap", + -11.643678665161133 + ], + [ + "\u2581limpiar", + -11.11004638671875 + ], + [ + "Ad", + -11.89880657196045 + ], + [ + "\u2581Request", + -11.038447380065918 + ], + [ + "\u2581pertenecen", + -11.148565292358398 + ], + [ + "\u2581tolerance", + -11.00129222869873 + ], + [ + "\u2581Industry", + -11.09435749053955 + ], + [ + "\u2581budgets", + -11.186278343200684 + ], + [ + "\u2581espada", + -11.092397689819336 + ], + [ + "\u2581cultivos", + -11.132444381713867 + ], + [ + "\u2581Var", + -11.729336738586426 + ], + [ + "\u2581adding", + -11.01101016998291 + ], + [ + "\u2581complace", + -11.106928825378418 + ], + [ + "\u2581Records", + -11.009016990661621 + ], + [ + "cr", + -11.789993286132812 + ], + [ + "\u2581legs", + -11.106350898742676 + ], + [ + "\u2581decreto", + -11.122291564941406 + ], + [ + "\u2581resultar", + -11.149321556091309 + ], + [ + "\u2581assisting", + -11.003872871398926 + ], + [ + "\u2581survive", + -11.101556777954102 + ], + [ + "\u2581conocidos", + -11.183526039123535 + ], + [ + "\u2581disminuir", + -11.140243530273438 + ], + [ + "\u2581cry", + -11.117814064025879 + ], + [ + "\u2581119", + -11.684587478637695 + ], + [ + "\u2581GE", + -11.534603118896484 + ], + [ + "\u2581Think", + -11.164481163024902 + ], + [ + "dre", + -11.215126991271973 + ], + [ + "-16", + -11.665287017822266 + ], + [ + "/51/", + -11.69180965423584 + ], + [ + "\u2581saldo", + -11.156840324401855 + ], + [ + "\u2581missed", + -11.12482738494873 + ], + [ + "state", + -11.128093719482422 + ], + [ + "\u2581assure", + -11.030061721801758 + ], + [ + "\u2581flora", + -11.686790466308594 + ], + [ + "\u2581reflexi\u00f3n", + -11.15211009979248 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dra", + -11.128678321838379 + ], + [ + "\u2581paint", + -11.066422462463379 + ], + [ + "\u2581delegados", + -11.135856628417969 + ], + [ + "\u2581mantenerse", + -11.102554321289062 + ], + [ + "\u2581muertes", + -11.247063636779785 + ], + [ + "\u2581wave", + -11.088598251342773 + ], + [ + "zca", + -11.214916229248047 + ], + [ + "\u2581owned", + -11.07300853729248 + ], + [ + "\u2581Togo", + -11.553497314453125 + ], + [ + "\u2581concluido", + -11.106494903564453 + ], + [ + "\u2581Being", + -11.10305118560791 + ], + [ + "\u2581densidad", + -11.237242698669434 + ], + [ + "\u2581infecciones", + -11.146872520446777 + ], + [ + "\u2581117", + -11.704139709472656 + ], + [ + "\u2581Job", + -11.558186531066895 + ], + [ + "\u2581B\u00fasqueda", + -11.192293167114258 + ], + [ + "\u2581confirma", + -11.102009773254395 + ], + [ + "\u2581custodia", + -11.104925155639648 + ], + [ + "\u2581lock", + -11.137969970703125 + ], + [ + "\u2581mortal", + -11.668458938598633 + ], + [ + "\u2581definitivo", + -11.15410041809082 + ], + [ + "\u2581copias", + -11.167933464050293 + ], + [ + "SON", + -11.96308708190918 + ], + [ + "\u2581emotional", + -11.061440467834473 + ], + [ + "\u2581Foto", + -11.302891731262207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mid", + -11.476381301879883 + ], + [ + "\u2581fr\u00eda", + -11.09270191192627 + ], + [ + "\u2581virtue", + -11.030424118041992 + ], + [ + "\u2581originating", + -10.994841575622559 + ], + [ + "\u2581mirando", + -10.978602409362793 + ], + [ + "\u2581BCO", + -11.692285537719727 + ], + [ + "\u2581frequent", + -11.044076919555664 + ], + [ + "\u2581sacrifice", + -11.012574195861816 + ], + [ + "Alguna", + -10.960589408874512 + ], + [ + "\u2581afrontar", + -11.108786582946777 + ], + [ + "\u2581pp", + -11.005122184753418 + ], + [ + "\u2581penalties", + -11.019888877868652 + ], + [ + "\u2581cab", + -11.666401863098145 + ], + [ + "\u2581clothing", + -11.046796798706055 + ], + [ + "\u2581Acerca", + -11.178133964538574 + ], + [ + "\u2581spare", + -11.045720100402832 + ], + [ + "\u2581accessories", + -11.056711196899414 + ], + [ + "\u2581Communications", + -11.065240859985352 + ], + [ + "\u2581Territorio", + -11.170049667358398 + ], + [ + "MD", + -11.943268775939941 + ], + [ + "\u2581Subcommittee", + -11.03658676147461 + ], + [ + "itch", + -11.426247596740723 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fun", + -11.559940338134766 + ], + [ + "\u2581facto", + -11.51994514465332 + ], + [ + "cm", + -11.76695728302002 + ], + [ + "m\u00e1s", + -11.076226234436035 + ], + [ + "\u2581MO", + -11.617115020751953 + ], + [ + "\u2581borde", + -11.162470817565918 + ], + [ + "\u2581actualizado", + -11.138201713562012 + ], + [ + "\u2581logos", + -11.769657135009766 + ], + [ + "\u2581motores", + -11.151568412780762 + ], + [ + "\u2581ejercicios", + -11.206277847290039 + ], + [ + "\u2581explorar", + -11.170230865478516 + ], + [ + "\u2581compa", + -11.334051132202148 + ], + [ + "tha", + -11.528948783874512 + ], + [ + "\u2581globalizaci\u00f3n", + -11.153839111328125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Palestinians", + -11.08631420135498 + ], + [ + "\u25812016.", + -12.016526222229004 + ], + [ + "\u2581Contra", + -11.433749198913574 + ], + [ + "\u2581(20", + -11.758588790893555 + ], + [ + "\u2581Publicado", + -11.187850952148438 + ], + [ + "\u2581originally", + -11.032512664794922 + ], + [ + "\u2581patr\u00f3n", + -11.121373176574707 + ], + [ + "\u2581350", + -11.747747421264648 + ], + [ + "\u2581cr\u00edticas", + -11.227413177490234 + ], + [ + "\u2581rising", + -11.033564567565918 + ], + [ + "5.000", + -11.321803092956543 + ], + [ + "\u2581esperamos", + -11.07684326171875 + ], + [ + "\u2581prescribed", + -11.03195858001709 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pueden", + -11.142923355102539 + ], + [ + "\u2581agro", + -11.953767776489258 + ], + [ + "had", + -11.762462615966797 + ], + [ + "\u2581eastern", + -11.032039642333984 + ], + [ + "\u2581vessel", + -11.029240608215332 + ], + [ + ".10.", + -11.810650825500488 + ], + [ + "\u2581copa", + -11.101806640625 + ], + [ + "spoke", + -11.031412124633789 + ], + [ + "\u2581rear", + -11.061423301696777 + ], + [ + "\u2581S\u00edrvanse", + -11.21274471282959 + ], + [ + "\u2581dining", + -11.05971908569336 + ], + [ + "\u2581distinto", + -11.118288040161133 + ], + [ + "\u25810.0", + -11.504578590393066 + ], + [ + "\u2581buying", + -11.062759399414062 + ], + [ + "\u2581Clark", + -11.781502723693848 + ], + [ + "eria", + -11.510162353515625 + ], + [ + "arios", + -11.453408241271973 + ], + [ + "type", + -11.025043487548828 + ], + [ + "\u2581conducting", + -11.057802200317383 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mario", + -11.801158905029297 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vicepresidente", + -11.139388084411621 + ], + [ + "mada", + -11.201513290405273 + ], + [ + "\u2581fabricantes", + -11.145649909973145 + ], + [ + "\u2581personally", + -11.070707321166992 + ], + [ + "\u2581tengas", + -11.023210525512695 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dame", + -10.94915771484375 + ], + [ + "\u2581utilice", + -11.152700424194336 + ], + [ + "\u2581prepara", + -11.059109687805176 + ], + [ + "rov", + -11.784893035888672 + ], + [ + ":15", + -11.883964538574219 + ], + [ + "fundamentalmente", + -11.733917236328125 + ], + [ + "graf\u00eda", + -11.114049911499023 + ], + [ + "\u2581Amor", + -11.387968063354492 + ], + [ + "\u2581aportan", + -11.157838821411133 + ], + [ + "\u2581Against", + -11.023565292358398 + ], + [ + "\u2581amistad", + -11.096840858459473 + ], + [ + "\u2581Steel", + -11.207656860351562 + ], + [ + "discrimination", + -11.020434379577637 + ], + [ + "\u2581totales", + -11.187529563903809 + ], + [ + "\u2581cup", + -11.114399909973145 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bangkok", + -11.729586601257324 + ], + [ + "front", + -11.662516593933105 + ], + [ + "\u2581Previous", + -11.03402328491211 + ], + [ + "\u2581Implementing", + -11.007779121398926 + ], + [ + "\u2581tablets", + -11.048194885253906 + ], + [ + "ulation", + -11.422258377075195 + ], + [ + "\u2581conserva", + -11.115574836730957 + ], + [ + "\u2581declarar", + -11.225032806396484 + ], + [ + "item", + -11.035212516784668 + ], + [ + "\u2581128", + -11.726127624511719 + ], + [ + "\u2581cumbre", + -11.145009994506836 + ], + [ + "ete", + -11.44491958618164 + ], + [ + "\u2581Living", + -11.240110397338867 + ], + [ + "\u2581salarios", + -11.176445960998535 + ], + [ + "\u258116,", + -11.597428321838379 + ], + [ + "\u2581elegidos", + -11.18417739868164 + ], + [ + "\u2581injured", + -11.054141998291016 + ], + [ + "\u2581adapted", + -11.005770683288574 + ], + [ + "Ning\u00fan", + -11.13906192779541 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pla", + -11.658953666687012 + ], + [ + "\u2581Combat", + -11.156623840332031 + ], + [ + "\u25811.000", + -11.152994155883789 + ], + [ + "\u2581mainstreaming", + -11.025416374206543 + ], + [ + "Latinas", + -11.605985641479492 + ], + [ + "\u2581Realmente", + -10.994163513183594 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hal", + -11.767609596252441 + ], + [ + "\u2581devoluci\u00f3n", + -11.18082046508789 + ], + [ + "\u2581transportes", + -11.286684036254883 + ], + [ + "\u2581pose", + -11.41340160369873 + ], + [ + "Is", + -11.383095741271973 + ], + [ + "\u2581enormes", + -11.148088455200195 + ], + [ + "\u2581f\u00f3rmula", + -11.146303176879883 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cambodia", + -10.939372062683105 + ], + [ + "\u2581acredita", + -11.140182495117188 + ], + [ + "\u2581creates", + -11.158875465393066 + ], + [ + "\u2581silence", + -11.073171615600586 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sitio", + -11.177440643310547 + ], + [ + "New", + -11.294846534729004 + ], + [ + "\u2581complejidad", + -11.133871078491211 + ], + [ + "\u2581punta", + -11.129592895507812 + ], + [ + "\u2581deje", + -11.466578483581543 + ], + [ + "\u2581recording", + -11.065712928771973 + ], + [ + "LT", + -11.675993919372559 + ], + [ + "\u2581exceso", + -11.142364501953125 + ], + [ + "\u2581mines", + -11.066633224487305 + ], + [ + "\u2581excepciones", + -11.141046524047852 + ], + [ + "\u2581campamento", + -11.115362167358398 + ], + [ + "\u2581centers", + -11.13585376739502 + ], + [ + "\u2581IAEA", + -11.01618766784668 + ], + [ + "\u2581presidency", + -11.024860382080078 + ], + [ + "rat", + -11.36490249633789 + ], + [ + "\u2581Clo", + -11.876593589782715 + ], + [ + "\u2581souls", + -11.078025817871094 + ], + [ + "\u2581proh\u00edbe", + -11.154985427856445 + ], + [ + "\u2581Guest", + -11.406578063964844 + ], + [ + "\u2581divulgaci\u00f3n", + -11.15156078338623 + ], + [ + "\u2581elsewhere", + -11.05905818939209 + ], + [ + "\u2581ages", + -11.265708923339844 + ], + [ + "\u2581authorization", + -11.005975723266602 + ], + [ + "\u2581detainees", + -11.09068489074707 + ], + [ + "\u2581council", + -11.075539588928223 + ], + [ + "\u2581aparcamiento", + -11.174040794372559 + ], + [ + "\u2581Others", + -11.159759521484375 + ], + [ + "/2001/", + -11.617509841918945 + ], + [ + "cup", + -12.03580379486084 + ], + [ + "\u2581genital", + -11.807061195373535 + ], + [ + "\u2581valoraci\u00f3n", + -11.15320873260498 + ], + [ + "\u2581negativo", + -11.106743812561035 + ], + [ + "zza", + -11.774674415588379 + ], + [ + "\u2581ka", + -11.905773162841797 + ], + [ + "\u2581Comment", + -11.06931209564209 + ], + [ + "\u2581keeps", + -11.289299011230469 + ], + [ + "\u2581observador", + -11.246953964233398 + ], + [ + "\u2581Estudio", + -11.248648643493652 + ], + [ + "\u2581brazo", + -11.078893661499023 + ], + [ + "\u2581railway", + -11.023871421813965 + ], + [ + "\u2581sometido", + -11.144966125488281 + ], + [ + "\u25811949", + -11.788640022277832 + ], + [ + "/23", + -11.698518753051758 + ], + [ + "\u2581procedural", + -11.037703514099121 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sexual", + -11.335707664489746 + ], + [ + "\u2581socorro", + -11.133225440979004 + ], + [ + "tismo", + -11.39993953704834 + ], + [ + "\u2581nutrition", + -11.04487133026123 + ], + [ + "\u2581finanzas", + -11.148832321166992 + ], + [ + "\u2581estando", + -11.166242599487305 + ], + [ + "\u2581roll", + -11.087051391601562 + ], + [ + "\u2581grew", + -11.101834297180176 + ], + [ + "\u2581dirige", + -11.134003639221191 + ], + [ + "\u2581instalado", + -11.177075386047363 + ], + [ + "\u2581saving", + -11.056885719299316 + ], + [ + "/8", + -11.643620491027832 + ], + [ + "\u2581cielos", + -11.170575141906738 + ], + [ + "\u2581displayed", + -11.046586990356445 + ], + [ + "\u2581literature", + -11.063322067260742 + ], + [ + "imiento", + -11.519682884216309 + ], + [ + "\u2581Florence", + -11.229848861694336 + ], + [ + "\u2581advocacy", + -11.053851127624512 + ], + [ + "\u2581Barbados", + -11.576359748840332 + ], + [ + "\u2581toilet", + -11.092591285705566 + ], + [ + "ox", + -11.291749000549316 + ], + [ + "\u2581Oficiales", + -11.147644996643066 + ], + [ + "\u2581220", + -11.874170303344727 + ], + [ + "\u2581Credit", + -11.04249095916748 + ], + [ + "\u2581municiones", + -11.174041748046875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mai", + -11.797924041748047 + ], + [ + "\u2581titulada", + -11.197696685791016 + ], + [ + "mba", + -11.087554931640625 + ], + [ + "\u2581sword", + -11.1528959274292 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jackson", + -11.784708023071289 + ], + [ + "\u2581dieta", + -11.159211158752441 + ], + [ + "\u2581Armed", + -11.068882942199707 + ], + [ + "\u2581Event", + -11.75454044342041 + ], + [ + "\u2581boost", + -11.072916984558105 + ], + [ + "\u2581expulsi\u00f3n", + -11.165013313293457 + ], + [ + "\u2581Move", + -11.18585205078125 + ], + [ + "\u2581proposes", + -11.038708686828613 + ], + [ + "\u2581Belar\u00fas", + -11.082929611206055 + ], + [ + "\u2581puedas", + -11.171538352966309 + ], + [ + "\u2581shapes", + -11.077049255371094 + ], + [ + "cola", + -11.565518379211426 + ], + [ + "\u2581reiterated", + -11.02180290222168 + ], + [ + "\u2581PER", + -11.803960800170898 + ], + [ + "\u00fan", + -11.30063247680664 + ], + [ + "\u2581recognised", + -11.012828826904297 + ], + [ + "\u2581Il", + -11.823092460632324 + ], + [ + "RT", + -11.893272399902344 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mala", + -11.659843444824219 + ], + [ + "\u2581oculta", + -11.076272010803223 + ], + [ + "py", + -11.605935096740723 + ], + [ + "blo", + -11.832642555236816 + ], + [ + "\u2581Uni", + -11.626245498657227 + ], + [ + "\u2581obligados", + -11.175586700439453 + ], + [ + "\u2581piensas", + -11.016672134399414 + ], + [ + "Art", + -11.66787052154541 + ], + [ + "\u2581ciertamente", + -11.134600639343262 + ], + [ + "\u2581Biblioteca", + -11.222923278808594 + ], + [ + "\u2581averiguar", + -11.096490859985352 + ], + [ + "\u2581recall", + -11.034344673156738 + ], + [ + "\u2581lanzado", + -11.262263298034668 + ], + [ + "\u2581s\u00edmbolo", + -11.180255889892578 + ], + [ + "\u2581grade", + -11.079259872436523 + ], + [ + "graph", + -11.446020126342773 + ], + [ + "\u2581llegan", + -11.17774772644043 + ], + [ + "\u2581humanas", + -11.19903564453125 + ], + [ + "dale", + -11.865029335021973 + ], + [ + "play", + -11.454428672790527 + ], + [ + "\u2581nominal", + -11.638108253479004 + ], + [ + "\u2581escritorio", + -11.153186798095703 + ], + [ + "\u2581expresamente", + -11.146592140197754 + ], + [ + "\u2581136", + -11.885466575622559 + ], + [ + "\u2581desired", + -11.046692848205566 + ], + [ + "\u2581affects", + -11.084454536437988 + ], + [ + "\u2581opens", + -11.273225784301758 + ], + [ + "\u2581hip", + -11.692681312561035 + ], + [ + "\u2581sencilla", + -11.170195579528809 + ], + [ + "\u2581amend", + -11.034391403198242 + ], + [ + "hl", + -11.738417625427246 + ], + [ + "\u2581infierno", + -11.032083511352539 + ], + [ + "\u2581negativas", + -11.201595306396484 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pursuan", + -11.027656555175781 + ], + [ + "\u2581Crea", + -11.25935173034668 + ], + [ + "\u2581intolerancia", + -11.200250625610352 + ], + [ + "\u2581Exhorta", + -11.162351608276367 + ], + [ + "/17", + -11.739574432373047 + ], + [ + "\u2581proporcionado", + -11.151865005493164 + ], + [ + "ques", + -11.2216796875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Calle", + -11.737293243408203 + ], + [ + "/2010", + -11.793729782104492 + ], + [ + "\u2581tariff", + -11.03306770324707 + ], + [ + "sson", + -11.836380004882812 + ], + [ + "\u2581stored", + -11.048707008361816 + ], + [ + "\u2581circulated", + -11.038595199584961 + ], + [ + "\u2581reco", + -11.208658218383789 + ], + [ + "\u2581Inspector", + -11.70317554473877 + ], + [ + "\u2581personality", + -11.085412979125977 + ], + [ + "\u2581traditions", + -11.061129570007324 + ], + [ + "\u2581Queen", + -11.134575843811035 + ], + [ + "\u2581ingredients", + -11.098407745361328 + ], + [ + "Ivoire", + -11.638520240783691 + ], + [ + "\u2581cartera", + -11.14072036743164 + ], + [ + "\u25811989,", + -11.808930397033691 + ], + [ + "\u2581happiness", + -11.101222038269043 + ], + [ + "\u2581municipality", + -11.07217788696289 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kit", + -11.829008102416992 + ], + [ + "\u2581122", + -11.779290199279785 + ], + [ + "\u2581mobilization", + -11.041927337646484 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00c9sta", + -11.06202507019043 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cir", + -11.496145248413086 + ], + [ + "\u2581escasa", + -11.176887512207031 + ], + [ + "\u2581Regarding", + -11.029308319091797 + ], + [ + "\u2581CC", + -11.527124404907227 + ], + [ + "hour", + -11.117992401123047 + ], + [ + "grade", + -11.86715316772461 + ], + [ + "\u2581favourable", + -11.058638572692871 + ], + [ + "\u2581deprived", + -11.036393165588379 + ], + [ + "mission", + -11.121999740600586 + ], + [ + "\u2581mantienen", + -11.2034330368042 + ], + [ + "t\u00fa", + -11.518649101257324 + ], + [ + "\u2581neutral", + -11.4336576461792 + ], + [ + "\u2581belongs", + -11.135152816772461 + ], + [ + "\u2581lanza", + -11.0828857421875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jamahiriya", + -11.519267082214355 + ], + [ + "\u2581Latvia", + -10.93692684173584 + ], + [ + "\u2581cop", + -11.412148475646973 + ], + [ + "\u2581investors", + -11.035043716430664 + ], + [ + "\u2581disorders", + -11.029600143432617 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ford", + -11.865083694458008 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tool", + -11.456493377685547 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jimmy", + -11.70270824432373 + ], + [ + "\u2581Marino", + -11.517736434936523 + ], + [ + "\u2581sat", + -11.093780517578125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Accident", + -11.028148651123047 + ], + [ + "\u25812.3", + -11.765433311462402 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cairo", + -11.804182052612305 + ], + [ + "guard", + -11.959044456481934 + ], + [ + "tics", + -11.850536346435547 + ], + [ + "\u2581placebo", + -11.709466934204102 + ], + [ + "\u2581mandatory", + -11.025136947631836 + ], + [ + "\u2581movilizar", + -11.182280540466309 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fla", + -11.80168628692627 + ], + [ + "\u2581116", + -11.739343643188477 + ], + [ + "/2005/", + -11.682851791381836 + ], + [ + "\u2581plenty", + -11.150632858276367 + ], + [ + "\u2581dreams", + -11.16916561126709 + ], + [ + "\u2581reuni\u00f3", + -11.172039031982422 + ], + [ + "\u2581sufren", + -11.176676750183105 + ], + [ + "\u2581Disponible", + -11.27634334564209 + ], + [ + "\u2581luces", + -11.08964729309082 + ], + [ + "\u2581placing", + -11.04277515411377 + ], + [ + "\u2581incentivos", + -11.193991661071777 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tru", + -11.633993148803711 + ], + [ + "\u2581solely", + -11.066004753112793 + ], + [ + "\u2581detective", + -11.499090194702148 + ], + [ + "\u25814.5", + -11.643806457519531 + ], + [ + "\u2581genocidio", + -11.157052040100098 + ], + [ + "\u2581controversias", + -11.170701026916504 + ], + [ + "ify", + -11.215743064880371 + ], + [ + "\u2581combinar", + -11.20570182800293 + ], + [ + "Th", + -11.593819618225098 + ], + [ + "\u2581versions", + -11.137718200683594 + ], + [ + "esti", + -11.620399475097656 + ], + [ + "ibility", + -11.143594741821289 + ], + [ + "bot", + -11.870976448059082 + ], + [ + "erra", + -11.470359802246094 + ], + [ + "\u2581suppose", + -11.235154151916504 + ], + [ + "\u2581bigger", + -11.14205265045166 + ], + [ + "\u2581highlight", + -11.03214168548584 + ], + [ + "\u2581firmar", + -11.15270709991455 + ], + [ + "\u2581encarga", + -11.12657356262207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Domingo", + -11.576906204223633 + ], + [ + "\u2581bas\u00e1ndose", + -11.194427490234375 + ], + [ + "\u2581dientes", + -11.076212882995605 + ], + [ + "\u2581empowerment", + -11.101863861083984 + ], + [ + "trial", + -11.19163990020752 + ], + [ + "\u2581consultative", + -11.058175086975098 + ], + [ + "\u2581existencias", + -11.251713752746582 + ], + [ + "\u2581bal", + -11.466633796691895 + ], + [ + "\u2581detallado", + -11.192627906799316 + ], + [ + "CB", + -11.53061294555664 + ], + [ + "\u2581suspended", + -11.05250358581543 + ], + [ + "\u2581combina", + -11.170616149902344 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gil", + -11.749940872192383 + ], + [ + "\u2581ear", + -11.1513090133667 + ], + [ + "\u2581XIX", + -11.40683364868164 + ], + [ + "\u2581apoyado", + -11.207560539245605 + ], + [ + "\u2581nombrado", + -11.230740547180176 + ], + [ + "\u2581obtenci\u00f3n", + -11.184941291809082 + ], + [ + "\u2581sabor", + -11.180516242980957 + ], + [ + "\u2581log", + -11.142861366271973 + ], + [ + "\u2581biol\u00f3gica", + -11.144010543823242 + ], + [ + "\u2581Joan", + -11.79331111907959 + ], + [ + "\u2581magnitud", + -11.205437660217285 + ], + [ + "\u2581Continue", + -11.227731704711914 + ], + [ + "\u2581tradiciones", + -11.20754337310791 + ], + [ + "\u2581Opiniones", + -11.249521255493164 + ], + [ + "Sal", + -11.106169700622559 + ], + [ + "AI", + -11.615028381347656 + ], + [ + "\u2581sufrir", + -11.0947904586792 + ], + [ + "\u2581spite", + -11.061821937561035 + ], + [ + "\u2581963", + -11.876855850219727 + ], + [ + "\u2581Document", + -11.017536163330078 + ], + [ + "OV", + -11.958337783813477 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sp", + -11.118900299072266 + ], + [ + "\u2581cl\u00ednica", + -11.132611274719238 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00c9", + -11.180380821228027 + ], + [ + "\u2581obtaining", + -11.050590515136719 + ], + [ + "\u2581cease", + -11.04332447052002 + ], + [ + "\u2581marks", + -11.125738143920898 + ], + [ + "pie", + -11.17533016204834 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mauritania", + -11.542510032653809 + ], + [ + "\u2581municipio", + -11.243368148803711 + ], + [ + "\u2581interlocutores", + -11.212568283081055 + ], + [ + "\u2581$5", + -11.174112319946289 + ], + [ + "\u2581staying", + -11.183204650878906 + ], + [ + "\u2581Danny", + -11.726400375366211 + ], + [ + "vita", + -11.806129455566406 + ], + [ + "\u2581detect", + -11.03504753112793 + ], + [ + "\u258190%", + -11.662969589233398 + ], + [ + "\u2581measurement", + -11.054842948913574 + ], + [ + "\u2581escolares", + -11.214802742004395 + ], + [ + "pac", + -11.74695873260498 + ], + [ + "\u2581evident", + -11.048320770263672 + ], + [ + "\u2581quota", + -11.015547752380371 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cons", + -11.330245971679688 + ], + [ + "LES", + -11.806831359863281 + ], + [ + "AU", + -11.627426147460938 + ], + [ + "mur", + -12.038991928100586 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mecanismo", + -11.261770248413086 + ], + [ + "\u2581cumplea\u00f1os", + -11.037936210632324 + ], + [ + "\u2581alianza", + -11.175138473510742 + ], + [ + "\u2581Easy", + -11.321413040161133 + ], + [ + "\u2581Major", + -11.117959976196289 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sto", + -11.654906272888184 + ], + [ + "eller", + -11.66711711883545 + ], + [ + "r\u00e9is", + -11.127094268798828 + ], + [ + "\u2581Compra", + -11.202247619628906 + ], + [ + "\u2581demandas", + -11.218233108520508 + ], + [ + "\u2581Philip", + -11.56123161315918 + ], + [ + "\u2581domain", + -11.052497863769531 + ], + [ + "\u2581FBI", + -11.718920707702637 + ], + [ + "\u2581discipline", + -11.028268814086914 + ], + [ + "\u2581Overall", + -11.077340126037598 + ], + [ + "\u2581ministerios", + -11.216383934020996 + ], + [ + "\u2581causado", + -11.172741889953613 + ], + [ + "\u2581Representatives", + -11.145003318786621 + ], + [ + "\u2581peligros", + -11.219271659851074 + ], + [ + "\u2581Estad\u00edsticas", + -11.21284008026123 + ], + [ + "\u00f3r", + -11.209667205810547 + ], + [ + "CON", + -11.85663890838623 + ], + [ + "\u2581educativos", + -11.220108032226562 + ], + [ + "mag", + -11.956442832946777 + ], + [ + "\u2581crowd", + -11.134495735168457 + ], + [ + "\u2581sufragar", + -11.195387840270996 + ], + [ + "sil", + -11.879257202148438 + ], + [ + "\u2581Audio", + -11.570917129516602 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pas", + -11.562031745910645 + ], + [ + "\u2581ahorro", + -11.17548656463623 + ], + [ + "\u2581headed", + -11.11678695678711 + ], + [ + "\u2581compete", + -11.367586135864258 + ], + [ + "\u2581posed", + -11.045910835266113 + ], + [ + "Fa", + -11.853680610656738 + ], + [ + "\u2581trimestre", + -11.228584289550781 + ], + [ + "\u2581presupuestaria", + -11.164381980895996 + ], + [ + "\u2581banking", + -11.033239364624023 + ], + [ + "\u2581900", + -11.83935260772705 + ], + [ + "usa", + -11.629144668579102 + ], + [ + "\u2581infections", + -11.110320091247559 + ], + [ + "\u2581pursued", + -11.067649841308594 + ], + [ + "\u2581prime", + -11.11825180053711 + ], + [ + "\u2581foods", + -11.274582862854004 + ], + [ + "\u2581eterna", + -11.215985298156738 + ], + [ + "\u2581medieval", + -11.836101531982422 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jihlava", + -11.73296070098877 + ], + [ + "\u2581Thi", + -11.997915267944336 + ], + [ + "\u2581creando", + -11.16123104095459 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dime", + -11.046964645385742 + ], + [ + "\u2581obliged", + -11.047039031982422 + ], + [ + "\u2581aggression", + -11.077840805053711 + ], + [ + "\u2581indi", + -11.208955764770508 + ], + [ + "\u2581supongo", + -10.954707145690918 + ], + [ + "\u2581wherever", + -11.084259986877441 + ], + [ + "\u2581GPS", + -11.828420639038086 + ], + [ + "\u2581Preguntas", + -11.215261459350586 + ], + [ + "\u2581specify", + -11.033318519592285 + ], + [ + "\u2581respaldo", + -11.164401054382324 + ], + [ + "\u2581liberalizaci\u00f3n", + -11.200654029846191 + ], + [ + "\u2581gaps", + -11.08780574798584 + ], + [ + "\u25814.4", + -11.818354606628418 + ], + [ + "\u2581impresionante", + -11.136098861694336 + ], + [ + "fur", + -12.064757347106934 + ], + [ + "\u2581intenso", + -11.16501235961914 + ], + [ + "\u2581imperio", + -11.152226448059082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Study", + -11.079012870788574 + ], + [ + "\u2581specifications", + -11.109038352966309 + ], + [ + "scrib", + -11.175512313842773 + ], + [ + "\u2581establishes", + -11.072896957397461 + ], + [ + "treatment", + -11.078587532043457 + ], + [ + "igh", + -11.582550048828125 + ], + [ + "\u2581aut\u00e9ntica", + -11.166677474975586 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tourist", + -11.095105171203613 + ], + [ + "mbi", + -11.398954391479492 + ], + [ + "\u2581ganancias", + -11.177635192871094 + ], + [ + "\u2581cristiana", + -11.165328979492188 + ], + [ + "\u25812.0", + -11.855751037597656 + ], + [ + "pio", + -11.308039665222168 + ], + [ + "\u2581Matthew", + -11.416118621826172 + ], + [ + "\u2581transferencias", + -11.209449768066406 + ], + [ + "\u2581processed", + -11.056663513183594 + ], + [ + "\u2581retro", + -11.422750473022461 + ], + [ + "hem", + -11.869168281555176 + ], + [ + "\u2581Igualdad", + -11.249385833740234 + ], + [ + "CF", + -11.251389503479004 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lin", + -11.722050666809082 + ], + [ + "10)", + -11.760929107666016 + ], + [ + "\u2581Normas", + -11.206289291381836 + ], + [ + "\u2581calcular", + -11.221736907958984 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ran", + -11.71609878540039 + ], + [ + "\u2581huevos", + -11.111974716186523 + ], + [ + "\u2581crack", + -11.256071090698242 + ], + [ + "\u2581gustan", + -11.022104263305664 + ], + [ + "\u2581anexos", + -11.290091514587402 + ], + [ + "\u2581sees", + -11.710532188415527 + ], + [ + "\u2581broma", + -11.020474433898926 + ], + [ + "\u2581MS", + -11.571520805358887 + ], + [ + "ving", + -11.12032699584961 + ], + [ + "\u2581impression", + -11.113362312316895 + ], + [ + "FC", + -11.75002670288086 + ], + [ + "\u2581wire", + -11.102181434631348 + ], + [ + "av", + -11.254342079162598 + ], + [ + "\u2581depth", + -11.082018852233887 + ], + [ + "\u2581Habla", + -11.012423515319824 + ], + [ + "\u2581closure", + -11.050430297851562 + ], + [ + "\u2581blocks", + -11.121551513671875 + ], + [ + "l\u00f3", + -11.243882179260254 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wo", + -11.784035682678223 + ], + [ + "\u2581winning", + -11.12034797668457 + ], + [ + ".2)", + -11.885859489440918 + ], + [ + "President", + -11.043229103088379 + ], + [ + "ambi", + -11.930086135864258 + ], + [ + "\u2581battery", + -11.195440292358398 + ], + [ + "\u25817.5", + -11.052535057067871 + ], + [ + "\u2581rail", + -11.108156204223633 + ], + [ + "\u2581peligrosas", + -11.173666954040527 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dominicana", + -11.134581565856934 + ], + [ + "\u2581ECB", + -11.019635200500488 + ], + [ + "\u2581warrant", + -11.135034561157227 + ], + [ + "\u2581seventh", + -11.092082977294922 + ], + [ + "link", + -11.83739185333252 + ], + [ + "\u2581negotiation", + -11.070821762084961 + ], + [ + "\u2581jump", + -11.180221557617188 + ], + [ + "\u2581almas", + -11.234101295471191 + ], + [ + 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-11.525455474853516 + ], + [ + "\u2581Interna", + -11.196884155273438 + ], + [ + "\u2581troop", + -11.047446250915527 + ], + [ + "\u2581Anne", + -11.815133094787598 + ], + [ + "\u2581passengers", + -11.083727836608887 + ], + [ + "\u2581attract", + -11.071990013122559 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sixth", + -11.057897567749023 + ], + [ + "BS", + -11.782599449157715 + ], + [ + "\u2581Administrativos", + -11.204044342041016 + ], + [ + "\u2581turno", + -11.127409934997559 + ], + [ + "\u2581Observer", + -11.049456596374512 + ], + [ + "icio", + -11.50668716430664 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sal\u00f3n", + -11.184072494506836 + ], + [ + "\u2581Turn", + -11.164740562438965 + ], + [ + "\u2581mama", + -11.44165325164795 + ], + [ + "\u2581mutua", + -11.212358474731445 + ], + [ + "bos", + -11.250045776367188 + ], + [ + "\u2581horno", + -11.19481372833252 + ], + [ + "\u2581alternatives", + -11.139744758605957 + ], + [ + "\u2581parliamentary", + -11.07614803314209 + ], + [ + "\u2581agregar", + -11.289591789245605 + ], + [ + "\u2581trabajador", + -11.206280708312988 + ], + [ + "\u2581Eh", + -11.238466262817383 + ], + [ + "\u2581mostr\u00f3", + -11.196534156799316 + ], + [ + "\u2581sh", + -11.190123558044434 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dress", + -11.159333229064941 + ], + [ + "ew", + -11.403656005859375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Website", + -11.264522552490234 + ], + [ + "\u2581proven", + -11.072005271911621 + ], + [ + "\u2581monte", + -11.214032173156738 + ], + [ + "\u2581mar\u00edtimo", + -11.181635856628418 + ], + [ + "\u2581printed", + -11.080294609069824 + ], + [ + "\u2581Due", + -11.112631797790527 + ], + [ + "\u2581gallery", + -11.135342597961426 + ], + [ + "\u2581otorgar", + -11.336485862731934 + ], + [ + "\u2581vistazo", + -11.070124626159668 + ], + [ + "\u2581trasero", + -11.067032814025879 + ], + [ + "\u2581avanzado", + -11.193439483642578 + ], + [ + "\u2581seleccione", + -11.254490852355957 + ], + [ + "\u2581complicated", + -11.126544952392578 + ], + [ + "\u2581tabaco", + -11.180108070373535 + ], + [ + "\u2581corresponden", + -11.204830169677734 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vegas", + -11.836038589477539 + ], + [ + "\u2581pot", + -11.172942161560059 + ], + [ + "\u2581officially", + -11.107914924621582 + ], + [ + "\u2581Operation", + -11.048269271850586 + ], + [ + "\u2581Categor\u00edas", + -11.255931854248047 + ], + [ + ":10", + -11.914266586303711 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reconociendo", + -11.2218656539917 + ], + [ + "\u2581grass", + -11.09055233001709 + ], + [ + "\u2581alfa", + -11.604634284973145 + ], + [ + "\u2581DIS", + -12.276374816894531 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rom", + -11.586630821228027 + ], + [ + "ava", + -11.578065872192383 + ], + [ + "\u2581ayudan", + -11.258026123046875 + ], + [ + "\u2581exacta", + -11.184310913085938 + ], + [ + "\u2581reflection", + -11.073458671569824 + ], + [ + "\u2581decirte", + -10.9760103225708 + ], + [ + "\u2581precedentes", + -11.199012756347656 + ], + [ + "mara", + -11.775430679321289 + ], + [ + "\u2581keys", + -11.314038276672363 + ], + [ + "\u2581consolidation", + 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-11.209179878234863 + ], + [ + "\u2581infected", + -11.114818572998047 + ], + [ + "\u2581fran", + -11.833003044128418 + ], + [ + "Ar", + -11.645187377929688 + ], + [ + "\u2581potenciales", + -11.238258361816406 + ], + [ + "licit", + -11.895406723022461 + ], + [ + "long", + -11.214334487915039 + ], + [ + "\u2581emprender", + -11.228309631347656 + ], + [ + "trop", + -12.098627090454102 + ], + [ + "\u2581tongue", + -11.133227348327637 + ], + [ + "\u2581routes", + -11.096702575683594 + ], + [ + "\u2581publica", + -11.218883514404297 + ], + [ + "\u2581remind", + -11.131628036499023 + ], + [ + "\u2581UNITED", + -11.056711196899414 + ], + [ + "\u2581(16", + -11.735745429992676 + ], + [ + "\u2581rato", + -11.030436515808105 + ], + [ + "gente", + -11.440552711486816 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wil", + -11.83690071105957 + ], + [ + "\u2581aviso", + -11.169565200805664 + ], + [ + "\u2581dirigidos", + -11.208719253540039 + ], + [ + "\u2581ecosistemas", + -11.257987022399902 + ], + [ + "\u2581(2003)", + -11.791081428527832 + ], + [ + "2015", + -11.78297233581543 + ], + [ + "\u2581intercambiar", + -11.278860092163086 + ], + [ + "\u2581strictly", + -11.076602935791016 + ], + [ + "\u2581configuration", + -11.083162307739258 + ], + [ + "\u2581diablos", + -11.005149841308594 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reference", + -11.088302612304688 + ], + [ + "\u2581abs", + -11.282949447631836 + ], + [ + "\u2581premium", + -11.381293296813965 + ], + [ + "\u2581branches", + -11.069842338562012 + ], + [ + "\u2581charla", + -11.126542091369629 + ], + [ + "\u2581magic", + -11.17160701751709 + ], + [ + "\u2581capita", + -11.343811988830566 + ], + [ + "\u2581operated", + -11.060614585876465 + ], + [ + "\u2581fabric", + -11.074657440185547 + ], + [ + "duce", + -11.501465797424316 + ], + [ + "TV", + -11.798805236816406 + ], + [ + "\u2581intensidad", + -11.179093360900879 + ], + [ + "\u2581abiertos", + -11.270071983337402 + ], + [ + "\u2581escuchado", + -11.128986358642578 + ], + [ + "\u2581(...)", + -11.85826301574707 + ], + [ + "\u2581searching", + -11.126708030700684 + ], + [ + "/54/", + -11.691024780273438 + ], + [ + "melo", + -11.102758407592773 + ], + [ + "\u2581indication", + -11.048389434814453 + ], + [ + "site", + -11.18786334991455 + ], + [ + "\u2581bolet\u00edn", + -11.254462242126465 + ], + [ + "\u2581gen", + -11.743751525878906 + ], + [ + "\u2581Juego", + -11.209405899047852 + ], + [ + "\u2581presenten", + -11.223725318908691 + ], + [ + "\u2581secundarios", + -11.206219673156738 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ker", + -11.937021255493164 + ], + [ + "\u25811992.", + -12.000279426574707 + ], + [ + "\u2581Libre", + -11.207703590393066 + ], + [ + "\u2581mostrado", + -11.233277320861816 + ], + [ + "\u2581incurred", + -11.057294845581055 + ], + [ + "\u2581Average", + -11.0828275680542 + ], + [ + "jes", + -11.257329940795898 + ], + [ + "\u25811990.", + -11.957677841186523 + ], + [ + "\u2581dropped", + -11.155745506286621 + ], + [ + "\u2581apruebe", + -11.210999488830566 + ], + [ + "\u2581dying", + 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], + [ + "\u2581tecnol\u00f3gica", + -11.184714317321777 + ], + [ + "\u2581funcionan", + -11.235610008239746 + ], + [ + "\u2581bomb", + -11.161700248718262 + ], + [ + "\u2581initially", + -11.11617374420166 + ], + [ + "\u2581promesas", + -11.204752922058105 + ], + [ + "\u2581sizes", + -11.169586181640625 + ], + [ + "\u2581negra", + -11.142436027526855 + ], + [ + "\u2581conduce", + -11.193950653076172 + ], + [ + "\u2581characterized", + -11.097843170166016 + ], + [ + "\u2581Need", + -11.145554542541504 + ], + [ + "\u2581org\u00e1nico", + -11.187809944152832 + ], + [ + "\u2581impuestas", + -11.251773834228516 + ], + [ + "\u2581Canadian", + -11.126082420349121 + ], + [ + "\u2581Doc", + -11.614367485046387 + ], + [ + "\u2581naci\u00f3", + -11.195712089538574 + ], + [ + "\u2581Consulte", + -11.231427192687988 + ], + [ + "\u2581practicar", + -11.23819637298584 + ], + [ + "uno", + -11.460946083068848 + ], + [ + "\u2581realizarse", + -11.207381248474121 + ], + [ + "Quiere", + 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"\u2581inferiores", + -11.219082832336426 + ], + [ + "\u2581juntas", + -11.183494567871094 + ], + [ + "\u2581argumento", + -11.161553382873535 + ], + [ + "\u2581consultivo", + -11.195436477661133 + ], + [ + "r\u00edan", + -10.799684524536133 + ], + [ + "\u2581Corporation", + -11.494114875793457 + ], + [ + "\u2581luna", + -11.095943450927734 + ], + [ + "\u2581precious", + -11.111809730529785 + ], + [ + "\u2581annually", + -11.08288860321045 + ], + [ + "\u2581sustituir", + -11.18870735168457 + ], + [ + "\u2581aplique", + -11.194430351257324 + ], + [ + "thy", + -12.055070877075195 + ], + [ + "\u2581resumed", + -11.07798957824707 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sky", + -11.704916954040527 + ], + [ + "\u2581Walter", + -11.826099395751953 + ], + [ + "\u2581Julie", + -11.840105056762695 + ], + [ + "\u2581atraer", + -11.206417083740234 + ], + [ + "\u2581CEE", + -11.287723541259766 + ], + [ + "}", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581129", + -11.804409980773926 + ], + [ + "\u2581inventario", + -11.261861801147461 + ], + [ + "\u2581BCE", + -11.198410987854004 + ], + [ + "\u2581laboratory", + -11.11389446258545 + ], + [ + "cardi", + -12.346227645874023 + ], + [ + "\u2581printing", + -11.106335639953613 + ], + [ + "\u2581integrados", + -11.285543441772461 + ], + [ + "\u2581Documento", + -11.216120719909668 + ], + [ + "Nos", + -11.320114135742188 + ], + [ + "\u2581convert", + -11.084737777709961 + ], + [ + "\u2581amongst", + -11.094216346740723 + ], + [ + "\u2581NGO", + -11.094938278198242 + ], + [ + "\u2581restos", + -11.285608291625977 + ], + [ + "\u2581Metal", + -11.779836654663086 + ], + [ + "\u2581angry", + -11.190105438232422 + ], + [ + "screen", + -11.128922462463379 + ], + [ + "\u2581trips", + -11.15893268585205 + ], + [ + "1992", + -11.781280517578125 + ], + [ + "\u2581captura", + -11.189913749694824 + ], + [ + "\u2581rechazar", + -11.28021240234375 + ], + [ + "\u2581ense\u00f1anzas", + -11.319989204406738 + ], + [ + "001", + -11.83020305633545 + ], + [ + "AA", + -11.665745735168457 + ], + [ + "\u25814.3", + -11.728145599365234 + ], + [ + "\u2581refuse", + -11.108100891113281 + ], + [ + "\u2581Guyana", + -11.576377868652344 + ], + [ + "\u2581conjuntas", + -11.2323579788208 + ], + [ + "\u2581Acts", + -11.247200012207031 + ], + [ + "\u2581premios", + -11.242847442626953 + ], + [ + "\u2581External", + -11.065083503723145 + ], + [ + "\u2581All\u00ed", + -11.110675811767578 + ], + [ + "\u258160%", + -11.701737403869629 + ], + [ + "\u2581s\u00f3lida", + -11.184720039367676 + ], + [ + "\u2581diameter", + -11.145618438720703 + ], + [ + "\u2581urbana", + -11.230380058288574 + ], + [ + "hou", + -11.966217994689941 + ], + [ + "\u2581displacement", + -11.086073875427246 + ], + [ + "\u2581testimony", + -11.127311706542969 + ], + [ + "\u2581operan", + -11.26206111907959 + ], + [ + "limit", + -11.736042976379395 + ], + [ + "\u2581incorporado", + -11.23292064666748 + ], + [ + "\u2581suprimir", + -11.216639518737793 + ], + [ + "max", + -11.884284973144531 + ], + [ + "new", + -11.178102493286133 + ], + [ + "\u2581adequately", + -11.059581756591797 + ], + [ + "\u2581domicilio", + -11.226457595825195 + ], + [ + "\u2581receta", + -11.224854469299316 + ], + [ + "\u2581Samuel", + -11.803569793701172 + ], + [ + "\u2581act\u00faa", + -11.222291946411133 + ], + [ + "\u2581humanitarios", + -11.231120109558105 + ], + [ + "\u258117,", + -11.709893226623535 + ], + [ + "\u2581choices", + -11.167223930358887 + ], + [ + "\u2581propaganda", + -11.814482688903809 + ], + [ + "\u2581paredes", + -11.205965995788574 + ], + [ + "\u2581singular", + -11.540783882141113 + ], + [ + "\u2581pon", + -11.192538261413574 + ], + [ + "\u2581Issues", + -11.136150360107422 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sand", + -11.72136402130127 + ], + [ + "\u2581Habana", + -11.484813690185547 + ], + [ + "IST", + -12.080479621887207 + ], + [ + "\u2581lluvia", + -11.145642280578613 + ], + [ + "\u2581Answer", + -11.134772300720215 + ], + [ + "\u2581Srta", + -10.963818550109863 + ], + [ + "\u2581technique", + -11.087742805480957 + ], + [ + "\u2581tonto", + -10.966477394104004 + ], + [ + "\u2581label", + -11.09539794921875 + ], + [ + "\u2581ADOPTED", + -11.06360912322998 + ], + [ + "\u2581entretenimiento", + -11.261770248413086 + ], + [ + "\u2581Arabic", + -11.141796112060547 + ], + [ + "\u2581toque", + -11.130252838134766 + ], + [ + "\u2581horror", + -11.68231201171875 + ], + [ + "\u2581ports", + -11.156588554382324 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cart", + -11.478821754455566 + ], + [ + "\u2581OIEA", + -11.22905445098877 + ], + [ + "\u2581Directrices", + -11.22835636138916 + ], + [ + "\u2581Using", + -11.103484153747559 + ], + [ + "\u2581succeed", + -11.123489379882812 + ], + [ + "\u2581formats", + -11.133609771728516 + ], + [ + "\u2581suena", + -11.064359664916992 + ], + [ + "\u2581suspect", + -11.185155868530273 + ], + [ + "\u2581kiss", + -11.252429008483887 + ], + [ + "\u2581misterio", + -11.206896781921387 + ], + [ + "\u2581querer", + -11.119383811950684 + ], + [ + "\u2581dominante", + -11.259838104248047 + ], + [ + "\u2581126", + -11.813791275024414 + ], + [ + "\u2581incentives", + -11.07089614868164 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kha", + -11.956460952758789 + ], + [ + "\u2581ancho", + -11.228292465209961 + ], + [ + "\u2581DA", + -11.795283317565918 + ], + [ + "\u2581meal", + -11.166776657104492 + ], + [ + "\u2581factory", + -11.13146686553955 + ], + [ + "\u2581Informes", + -11.338362693786621 + ], + [ + "\u2581admitted", + -11.128610610961914 + ], + [ + "\u2581Brian", + -11.806061744689941 + ], + [ + "\u2581FA", + -11.687419891357422 + ], + [ + "agency", + -11.05438232421875 + ], + [ + "lation", + -11.136027336120605 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hora", + -11.2097749710083 + ], + [ + "\u2581accuracy", + -11.122099876403809 + ], + [ + "\u2581excelentes", + -11.25201416015625 + ], + [ + "\u2581etiquetas", + -11.255571365356445 + ], + [ + "\u2581Roll", + -11.530407905578613 + ], + [ + "\u2581shooting", + -11.192895889282227 + ], + [ + "\u2581forgive", + -11.175482749938965 + ], + [ + "ics", + -11.662909507751465 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mah", + -11.794169425964355 + ], + [ + "\u2581Io", + -11.030428886413574 + ], + [ + "\u2581cata", + -11.425263404846191 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ross", + -11.969470024108887 + ], + [ + "\u2581empresarios", + -11.280043601989746 + ], + [ + "\u2581blancos", + -11.261744499206543 + ], + [ + "\u2581habilidad", + -11.184916496276855 + ], + [ + "\u2581santo", + -11.161249160766602 + ], + [ + "\u2581cl\u00ednicos", + -11.236722946166992 + ], + [ + "\u2581sentenced", + -11.085339546203613 + ], + [ + "page", + -11.694328308105469 + ], + [ + "\u2581inventory", + -11.105789184570312 + ], + [ + "\u2581suddenly", + -11.156777381896973 + ], + [ + "\u2581ra\u00edces", + -11.198528289794922 + ], + [ + "\u2581Guia", + -11.938796997070312 + ], + [ + "\u2581tissue", + -11.11049747467041 + ], + [ + "\u2581obst\u00e1culo", + -11.181235313415527 + ], + [ + "bet", + -11.899271011352539 + ], + [ + "\u2581ayude", + -11.116010665893555 + ], + [ + "1994", + -11.794795989990234 + ], + [ + "itario", + -11.32705307006836 + ], + [ + "\u2581apelaci\u00f3n", + -11.246232032775879 + ], + [ + "\u2581organiza", + -11.229537010192871 + ], + [ + "\u2581tuberculosis", + -11.810216903686523 + ], + [ + "\u2581T\u00e9cnica", + -11.248653411865234 + ], + [ + "tadas", + -11.298822402954102 + ], + [ + "iah", + -11.45908260345459 + ], + [ + "\u2581Coordinador", + -11.265043258666992 + ], + [ + "ates", + -11.397907257080078 + ], + [ + "\u2581asignado", + -11.227630615234375 + ], + [ + "\u2581funeral", + -11.762106895446777 + ], + [ + "\u2581convenio", + -11.205759048461914 + ], + [ + "rian", + -11.911384582519531 + ], + [ + "\u2581carreteras", + -11.256237983703613 + ], + [ + "\u2581coherent", + -11.113574981689453 + ], + [ + "\u2581Esperamos", + -11.227380752563477 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dicho", + -11.212794303894043 + ], + [ + "mov", + -11.99677562713623 + ], + [ + "\u2581continuidad", + -11.221513748168945 + ], + [ + "og", + -11.30185604095459 + ], + [ + "\u2581habiendo", + -11.227922439575195 + ], + [ + "\u2581existed", + -11.115497589111328 + ], + [ + "\u2581Heads", + -11.13586711883545 + ], + [ + "\u2581samples", + -11.169710159301758 + ], + [ + "hand", + -11.15062141418457 + ], + [ + "\u2581fl", + -11.28544807434082 + ], + [ + "\u2581POR", + -11.179925918579102 + ], + [ + "BER", + -12.208096504211426 + ], + [ + "comp", + -11.803268432617188 + ], + [ + "\u2581defensor", + -11.255959510803223 + ], + [ + "\u2581XII", + -11.86609172821045 + ], + [ + "\u2581Points", + -11.092205047607422 + ], + [ + "posici\u00f3n", + -11.302618980407715 + ], + [ + "\u2581Paso", + -11.443965911865234 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lleva", + -11.096773147583008 + ], + [ + "\u2581religiones", + -11.217294692993164 + ], + [ + "vor", + -11.826155662536621 + ], + [ + "\u2581caza", + -11.141227722167969 + ], + [ + "\u2581alimento", + -11.197501182556152 + ], + [ + "\u2581translated", + -11.087197303771973 + ], + [ + "\u2581concluy\u00f3", + -11.237852096557617 + ], + [ + "\u2581resume", + -11.537858963012695 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bai", + -11.625361442565918 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rating", + -11.12847900390625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Opera", + -11.88214111328125 + ], + [ + "\u2581computers", + -11.188356399536133 + ], + [ + "St", + -11.583678245544434 + ], + [ + "ART", + -11.949543952941895 + ], + [ + "\u2581employee", + -11.128335952758789 + ], + [ + "\u2581employer", + -11.10859203338623 + ], + [ + "\u2581patrocinadores", + -11.276905059814453 + ], + [ + "\u2581essentially", + -11.114592552185059 + ], + [ + "\u2581quede", + -11.687760353088379 + ], + [ + "\u2581novel", + -11.1735200881958 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bet", + -11.865517616271973 + ], + [ + "\u2581di\u00e1metro", + -11.269872665405273 + ], + [ + "\u2581Spi", + -11.95366096496582 + ], + [ + "\u2581indicaci\u00f3n", + -11.217737197875977 + ], + [ + "\u2581maternal", + -11.12700366973877 + ], + [ + "ass", + -11.322863578796387 + ], + [ + "\u2581portion", + -11.09770393371582 + ], + [ + "\u2581(0)", + -11.82050609588623 + ], + [ + "b\u00ed", + -11.19844913482666 + ], + [ + "DIRECTV", + -11.321422576904297 + ], + [ + "\u2581panorama", + -11.465706825256348 + ], + [ + "\u2581childhood", + -11.166637420654297 + ], + [ + "Secretary", + -11.088567733764648 + ], + [ + "\u2581organizing", + -11.137247085571289 + ], + [ + "curri", + -11.5391206741333 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tourism", + -11.10582160949707 + ], + [ + "\u2581joke", + -11.306923866271973 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tax", + -11.076701164245605 + ], + [ + "\u2581killer", + -11.26656436920166 + ], + [ + "\u2581Culturales", + -11.278241157531738 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00e9tnicas", + -11.288212776184082 + ], + [ + "\u2581misericordia", + -11.267287254333496 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mount", + -11.298989295959473 + ], + [ + "\u2581(17", + -11.841031074523926 + ], + [ + "\u2581enjuiciamiento", + -11.24544620513916 + ], + [ + "\u2581sientes", + -11.057671546936035 + ], + [ + "\u2581Afghan", + -11.138127326965332 + ], + [ + "\u2581treinta", + -11.197152137756348 + ], + [ + "Pe", + -11.250890731811523 + ], + [ + "\u2581Premio", + -11.295083045959473 + ], + [ + "\u00bb)", + -11.30886459350586 + ], + [ + "\u2581leather", + -11.119351387023926 + ], + [ + "\u2581caracteriza", + -11.281161308288574 + ], + [ + "\u2581Letonia", + -11.131292343139648 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cape", + -11.252427101135254 + ], + [ + "\u2581esperan", + -11.208697319030762 + ], + [ + "\u2581younger", + -11.169608116149902 + ], + [ + "\u2581esquina", + -11.160261154174805 + ], + [ + "inci", + -11.587892532348633 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cy", + -11.897171020507812 + ], + [ + "\u2581buque", + -11.208562850952148 + ], + [ + "umi", + -12.119206428527832 + ], + [ + "\u2581convicted", + -11.117757797241211 + ], + [ + "\u2581subregionales", + -11.235799789428711 + ], + [ + "\u2581Defence", + -11.140316009521484 + ], + [ + "\u2581puro", + -11.241995811462402 + ], + [ + "\u2581OJ", + -11.080161094665527 + ], + [ + "\u2581insist", + -11.151749610900879 + ], + [ + "\u2581invites", + -11.123533248901367 + ], + [ + "\u2581inicia", + -11.188331604003906 + ], + [ + "\u2581liked", + -11.318638801574707 + ], + [ + "\u2581sustituci\u00f3n", + -11.262468338012695 + ], + [ + "\u2581drama", + -11.855813026428223 + ], + [ + "\u2581darkness", + -11.178043365478516 + ], + [ + "\u2581Edition", + -11.564239501953125 + ], + [ + "\u2581oye", + -11.142930030822754 + ], + [ + "\u2581Equality", + -11.128384590148926 + ], + [ + "dine", + -11.972176551818848 + ], + [ + "\u2581necesitaba", + -11.120992660522461 + ], + [ + "\u2581Damn", + -11.310154914855957 + ], + [ + "\u2581zapatos", + -11.106350898742676 + ], + [ + "Dis", + -11.834429740905762 + ], + [ + "\u2581plana", + -11.26618766784668 + ], + [ + "aka", + -11.66685962677002 + ], + [ + "\u2581voluntario", + -11.227972030639648 + ], + [ + "\u2581idiota", + -10.993359565734863 + ], + [ + "\u2581Simplemente", + -11.153932571411133 + ], + [ + "\u2581favoritos", + -11.274206161499023 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ren", + -11.764742851257324 + ], + [ + "\u2581perd\u00f3n", + -11.115382194519043 + ], + [ + "\u2581secured", + -11.117654800415039 + ], + [ + "\u2581obliga", + -11.117356300354004 + ], + [ + "\u2581cumpla", + -11.233677864074707 + ], + [ + "\u2581oscuridad", + -11.18078327178955 + ], + [ + "chin", + -11.771295547485352 + ], + [ + "16)", + -11.880627632141113 + ], + [ + "\u2581split", + -11.188079833984375 + ], + [ + "\u2581titulares", + -11.2261381149292 + ], + [ + "\u2581Saudita", + -11.157055854797363 + ], + [ + "\u2581parental", + -11.499489784240723 + ], + [ + "\u2581embarazada", + -11.10167407989502 + ], + [ + "1996", + -11.82391357421875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Observa", + -11.246994018554688 + ], + [ + "\u2581medioambiental", + -11.049446105957031 + ], + [ + "\u2581plazas", + -11.312691688537598 + ], + [ + "\u2581login", + -11.208227157592773 + ], + [ + "\u2581prever", + -11.22230052947998 + ], + [ + "CIA", + -11.852325439453125 + ], + [ + "\u2581fra", + -11.532833099365234 + ], + [ + "\u2581Contracting", + -11.104355812072754 + ], + [ + "\u2581invest", + -11.100318908691406 + ], + [ + "mari", + -12.041277885437012 + ], + [ + "\u2581crises", + -11.117834091186523 + ], + [ + "\u258115.00", + -11.274151802062988 + ], + [ + "\u2581aislamiento", + -11.234991073608398 + ], + [ + "\u2581powder", + -11.131315231323242 + ], + [ + "\u2581cheque", + -11.346329689025879 + ], + [ + "\u2581retraso", + -11.206302642822266 + ], + [ + ".1).", + -11.852234840393066 + ], + [ + "ography", + -11.290014266967773 + ], + [ + "\u2581jardines", + -11.25678825378418 + ], + [ + "\u2581ligeras", + -11.225642204284668 + ], + [ + "\u2581sentado", + -11.122179985046387 + ], + [ + "4).", + -11.81225299835205 + ], + [ + "\u2581Content", + -11.110107421875 + ], + [ + "\u2581escrita", + -11.232041358947754 + ], + [ + "\u2581dependen", + -11.259977340698242 + ], + [ + "\u2581vayan", + -11.175448417663574 + ], + [ + "\u2581arreglar", + -11.133516311645508 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pass", + -11.529242515563965 + ], + [ + "reparatory", + -11.089410781860352 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00c1", + -11.529228210449219 + ], + [ + "\u2581Whether", + -11.144034385681152 + ], + [ + "\u2581Heaven", + -11.166170120239258 + ], + [ + "\u2581vinculados", + -11.245271682739258 + ], + [ + "\u2581conocen", + -11.198783874511719 + ], + [ + "\u2581Slovakia", + -11.009544372558594 + ], + [ + "cito", + -11.18437385559082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Michigan", + -11.774946212768555 + ], + [ + "/2007/", + -11.844869613647461 + ], + [ + "\u2581decreased", + -11.131732940673828 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rafael", + -11.854375839233398 + ], + [ + "\u2581bandera", + -11.240744590759277 + ], + [ + "\u258170%", + -11.782808303833008 + ], + [ + "\u2581haremos", + -11.074484825134277 + ], + [ + "\u2581sorprendente", + -11.204062461853027 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bell", + -11.792369842529297 + ], + [ + "\u2581aluminio", + -11.267656326293945 + ], + [ + "\u2581hidro", + -11.337518692016602 + ], + [ + "TF", + -11.77747917175293 + ], + [ + "NIC", + -11.800164222717285 + ], + [ + "\u2581apunta", + -11.244617462158203 + ], + [ + "\u2581extradition", + -11.163962364196777 + ], + [ + "\u2581autorizados", + -11.241423606872559 + ], + [ + "\u2581municipios", + -11.337414741516113 + ], + [ + "/48/", + -11.790660858154297 + ], + [ + "\u2581capture", + -11.176926612854004 + ], + [ + "\u2581comparte", + -11.234448432922363 + ], + [ + "\u2581estimular", + -11.234528541564941 + ], + [ + "\u2581feria", + -11.260354042053223 + ], + [ + "DF", + -11.761591911315918 + ], + [ + "atory", + -11.417366027832031 + ], + [ + "\u2581adentro", + -11.077897071838379 + ], + [ + "\u2581Contenido", + -11.275254249572754 + ], + [ + "nca", + -11.449653625488281 + ], + [ + "\u2581Investigaciones", + -11.237852096557617 + ], + [ + "\u2581transfronterizo", + -11.233564376831055 + ], + [ + "\u2581permitir\u00eda", + -11.257341384887695 + ], + [ + "\u2581sostiene", + -11.237248420715332 + ], + [ + "GN", + -11.846735000610352 + ], + [ + "\u25811,000", + -11.127795219421387 + ], + [ + "\u2581parcialmente", + -11.251103401184082 + ], + [ + "\u2581tela", + -11.365691184997559 + ], + [ + "\u2581lights", + -11.416244506835938 + ], + [ + "\u2581basan", + -11.240694046020508 + ], + [ + "\u2581reaffirmed", + -11.073301315307617 + ], + [ + "\u2581assessing", + -11.129755973815918 + ], + [ + "ident", + -11.753129959106445 + ], + [ + "\u2581regulated", + -11.135458946228027 + ], + [ + "\u2581intolerance", + -11.137734413146973 + ], + [ + "\u25812002-2003", + -11.828054428100586 + ], + [ + "\u2581periodista", + -11.226094245910645 + ], + [ + "5).", + -11.768288612365723 + ], + [ + "\u2581crystal", + -11.195680618286133 + ], + [ + "\u2581plate", + -11.171405792236328 + ], + [ + "TAR", + -11.909196853637695 + ], + [ + "\u2581swear", + -11.299540519714355 + ], + [ + "\u2581muebles", + -11.228453636169434 + ], + [ + "ges", + -11.458074569702148 + ], + [ + "\u2581registrada", + -11.231964111328125 + ], + [ + "-17", + -11.770981788635254 + ], + [ + "lva", + -11.449810028076172 + ], + [ + "\u2581m\u00ednimas", + -11.266057014465332 + ], + [ + "\u2581vacantes", + -11.274500846862793 + ], + [ + "\u2581coherence", + -11.127311706542969 + ], + [ + "\u2581performing", + -11.14304256439209 + ], + [ + "On", + -11.182792663574219 + ], + [ + "\u25815.1", + -11.863473892211914 + ], + [ + "pica", + -11.615711212158203 + ], + [ + ".26", + -12.042985916137695 + ], + [ + "\u2581sleeping", + -11.234699249267578 + ], + [ + "z\u00f3n", + -11.239081382751465 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hel", + -11.704429626464844 + ], + [ + "\u2581hardly", + -11.217429161071777 + ], + [ + "\u2581ultimately", + -11.14047622680664 + ], + [ + "Todo", + -11.043065071105957 + ], + [ + "\u2581marina", + -11.437840461730957 + ], + [ + "ech", + -11.613792419433594 + ], + [ + "\u2581levantar", + -11.172831535339355 + ], + [ + "\u2581Author", + -11.142586708068848 + ], + [ + "radi", + -11.940814971923828 + ], + [ + "jer", + -11.62662124633789 + ], + [ + "\u2581inquiry", + -11.110855102539062 + ], + [ + "\u2581conviction", + -11.121596336364746 + ], + [ + "/1999/", + -11.797419548034668 + ], + [ + ":5", + -12.016256332397461 + ], + [ + "\u2581Asunto", + -11.25184440612793 + ], + [ + "\u2581energ\u00edas", + -11.400410652160645 + ], + [ + "regional", + -11.625773429870605 + ], + [ + "\u2581excess", + -11.119024276733398 + ], + [ + "\u2581neighborhood", + -11.203824043273926 + ], + [ + "country", + -11.114801406860352 + ], + [ + "\u2581tonnes", + -11.109518051147461 + ], + [ + "\u2581moon", + -11.204678535461426 + ], + [ + "eos", + -11.264288902282715 + ], + [ + "\u2581restantes", + -11.307732582092285 + ], + [ + "\u2581Statement", + -11.117206573486328 + ], + [ + "\u2581est\u00e9s", + -11.196219444274902 + ], + [ + "\u2581sheep", + -11.135102272033691 + ], + [ + "\u2581NACIONES", + -11.296168327331543 + ], + [ + "qui\u00e9n", + -11.103256225585938 + ], + [ + "\u2581ultraterrestre", + -11.233207702636719 + ], + [ + "\u2581whereby", + -11.125897407531738 + ], + [ + "\u2581Customs", + -11.133271217346191 + ], + [ + "\u2581mantenga", + -11.229452133178711 + ], + [ + "dida", + -11.330326080322266 + ], + [ + "\u2581escasez", + -11.276177406311035 + ], + [ + "\u2581admission", + -11.09917163848877 + ], + [ + "\u2581Trabaja", + -11.199657440185547 + ], + [ + "\u2581consistently", + -11.145034790039062 + ], + [ + "\u2581JavaScript", + -11.784981727600098 + ], + [ + "\u2581presidencia", + -11.248331069946289 + ], + [ + "\u2581invernadero", + -11.212395668029785 + ], + [ + "\u2581cables", + -11.748966217041016 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00c9ste", + -11.111701011657715 + ], + [ + "\u2581invitar", + -11.162081718444824 + ], + [ + "tano", + -11.73200511932373 + ], + [ + "\u2581PRI", + -11.975685119628906 + ], + [ + "\u2581websites", + -11.208780288696289 + ], + [ + "\u2581creemos", + -11.241494178771973 + ], + [ + "\u2581hablan", + -11.185602188110352 + ], + [ + "\u2581platos", + -11.217951774597168 + ], + [ + "human", + -11.899014472961426 + ], + [ + "\u2581relates", + -11.145329475402832 + ], + [ + "\u2581definido", + -11.25087833404541 + ], + [ + "\u00edo", + -11.533926963806152 + ], + [ + "\u2581suicide", + -11.213948249816895 + ], + [ + "\u2581dedica", + -11.201314926147461 + ], + [ + "\u2581monitored", + -11.142406463623047 + ], + [ + "\u2581hiper", + -11.27650260925293 + ], + [ + "\u2581convened", + -11.124910354614258 + ], + [ + "\u2581condenado", + -11.194818496704102 + ], + [ + "lega", + -11.366581916809082 + ], + [ + "iri", + -11.737238883972168 + ], + [ + "\u2581seeds", + -11.167612075805664 + ], + [ + "Ru", + -11.690597534179688 + ], + [ + "\u2581Geo", + -11.941802978515625 + ], + [ + "\u2581encontr\u00e9", + -11.091455459594727 + ], + [ + "\u2581operador", + -11.216760635375977 + ], + [ + "\u2581facultades", + -11.252473831176758 + ], + [ + "\u2581deserve", + -11.198091506958008 + ], + [ + "\u2581receives", + -11.21927261352539 + ], + [ + "\u2581tight", + -11.215685844421387 + ], + [ + "\u2581restoration", + -11.131006240844727 + ], + [ + "\u2581pet", + -11.304766654968262 + ], + [ + "\u2581Metro", + -11.707575798034668 + ], + [ + "\u2581regret", + -11.16391372680664 + ], + [ + "\u2581Posteriormente", + -11.27246379852295 + ], + [ + "\u2581clarify", + -11.13003921508789 + ], + [ + "\u2581entrusted", + -11.127659797668457 + ], + [ + "made", + -11.20333480834961 + ], + [ + "\u2581prisons", + -11.20604133605957 + ], + [ + "lt", + -11.606900215148926 + ], + [ + "\u2581enlargement", + -11.071749687194824 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kevin", + -11.883325576782227 + ], + [ + "\u2581Junto", + -11.255512237548828 + ], + [ + "\u2581asociadas", + -11.265337944030762 + ], + [ + "\u2581neighbouring", + -11.147698402404785 + ], + [ + "known", + -11.167433738708496 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hitler", + -11.820651054382324 + ], + [ + "\u2581attitudes", + -11.15207576751709 + ], + [ + "tando", + -11.177217483520508 + ], + [ + "tio", + -11.183345794677734 + ], + [ + "\u2581desarrollando", + -11.24410629272461 + ], + [ + "\u2581referendum", + -11.163297653198242 + ], + [ + "gues", + -12.191701889038086 + ], + [ + "\u2581protective", + -11.127829551696777 + ], + [ + "\u2581proliferation", + -11.145520210266113 + ], + [ + "\u2581tips", + -11.187666893005371 + ], + [ + "\u2581incorporate", + -11.103802680969238 + ], + [ + "l\u00f3n", + -11.440228462219238 + ], + [ + "\u2581unusual", + -11.164373397827148 + ], + [ + "\u2581consideraba", + -11.413660049438477 + ], + [ + "\u2581filosof\u00eda", + -11.220105171203613 + ], + [ + "\u2581millas", + -11.244396209716797 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mill", + -11.693658828735352 + ], + [ + "ciendo", + -11.27418327331543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hot", + -11.471771240234375 + ], + [ + "\u2581billetes", + -11.215912818908691 + ], + [ + "ALL", + -11.913569450378418 + ], + [ + "\u2581lowest", + -11.13776683807373 + ], + [ + "\u2581colectivo", + -11.265921592712402 + ], + [ + "\u2581modalities", + -11.111757278442383 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sor", + -11.842964172363281 + ], + [ + "\u2581jurisprudencia", + -11.291172981262207 + ], + [ + "\u2581lake", + -11.166404724121094 + ], + [ + "\u2581abiertas", + -11.316067695617676 + ], + [ + "\u2581otorga", + -11.147927284240723 + ], + [ + "\u2581artes", + -11.319059371948242 + ], + [ + "\u2581cotidiana", + -11.263238906860352 + ], + [ + "\u2581das", + -11.326868057250977 + ], + [ + "\u2581Luke", + -11.56556510925293 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ang", + -11.850149154663086 + ], + [ + "\u2581124", + -11.861976623535156 + ], + [ + "\u2581lanzar", + -11.292217254638672 + ], + [ + "lizaci\u00f3n", + -11.392340660095215 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hmm", + -11.517020225524902 + ], + [ + "dios", + -11.34939956665039 + ], + [ + "\u2581moves", + -11.286407470703125 + ], + [ + "\u2581cloud", + -11.161110877990723 + ], + [ + "LAN", + -11.784997940063477 + ], + [ + "\u2581desempe\u00f1an", + -11.259217262268066 + ], + [ + "\u2581potable", + -11.307210922241211 + ], + [ + "\u2581supera", + -11.265702247619629 + ], + [ + "\u2581Iceland", + -11.06379508972168 + ], + [ + "\u2581expresaron", + -11.266650199890137 + ], + [ + "nz", + -11.73544692993164 + ], + [ + "\u2581recomendado", + -11.236552238464355 + ], + [ + "Ne", + -11.756933212280273 + ], + [ + "mpi", + -11.485252380371094 + ], + [ + "-30", + -11.722508430480957 + ], + [ + "\u2581desplazadas", + -11.269383430480957 + ], + [ + "\u2581establezca", + -11.248088836669922 + ], + [ + "\u2581degradaci\u00f3n", + -11.276568412780762 + ], + [ + "\u2581llenar", + -11.277276039123535 + ], + [ + ".1.1", + -12.055339813232422 + ], + [ + "raci\u00f3n", + -11.335104942321777 + ], + [ + "\u2581Down", + -11.624463081359863 + ], + [ + "\u2581marinos", + -11.249743461608887 + ], + [ + "\u2581esencia", + -11.2649507522583 + ], + [ + "\u2581descubierto", + -11.233207702636719 + ], + [ + "\u2581personalmente", + -11.247819900512695 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reform", + -11.156072616577148 + ], + [ + "\u2581plain", + -11.18546199798584 + ], + [ + "\u2581estuvieron", + -11.232419967651367 + ], + [ + "mad", + -11.96125602722168 + ], + [ + "\u2581blame", + -11.244795799255371 + ], + [ + "ston", + -11.86246395111084 + ], + [ + "\u2581deterioro", + -11.291207313537598 + ], + [ + "\u00f1as", + -11.353812217712402 + ], + [ + "\u2581Americans", + -11.320002555847168 + ], + [ + "\u2581ensures", + -11.493376731872559 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kir", + -12.047693252563477 + ], + [ + "\u2581PO", + -11.740524291992188 + ], + [ + "\u2581trauma", + -11.86392593383789 + ], + [ + "\u2581acusados", + -11.308097839355469 + ], + [ + "\u2581harassment", + -11.177751541137695 + ], + [ + "\u2581sent\u00eda", + -11.197957038879395 + ], + [ + "tones", + -11.47997760772705 + ], + [ + "\u2581Colombian", + -11.169703483581543 + ], + [ + "\u2581resultantes", + -11.273134231567383 + ], + [ + "\u2581Muslim", + -11.138530731201172 + ], + [ + "\u2581FAQ", + -11.77808952331543 + ], + [ + "Sin", + -11.289651870727539 + ], + [ + "\u2581piernas", + -11.12681770324707 + ], + [ + "\u25a0", + -100 + ], + [ + "That", + -11.24668025970459 + ], + [ + "cele", + -11.519538879394531 + ], + [ + "gla", + -11.738128662109375 + ], + [ + "\u2581concurso", + -11.226737022399902 + ], + [ + "\u2581PRESENTE", + -11.29155158996582 + ], + [ + "\u2581safeguard", + -11.127010345458984 + ], + [ + "\u2581Prensa", + -11.293856620788574 + ], + [ + "mite", + -11.823712348937988 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuidados", + -11.31414794921875 + ], + [ + "\u2581packaging", + -11.117530822753906 + ], + [ + "\u2581qualifications", + -11.146059036254883 + ], + [ + "\u2581Anavar", + -11.895954132080078 + ], + [ + "Yes", + -11.270808219909668 + ], + [ + "ration", + -11.494579315185547 + ], + [ + "\u2581corregir", + -11.26583194732666 + ], + [ + "\u258115%", + -11.773446083068848 + ], + [ + "\u2581passage", + -11.165184020996094 + ], + [ + "\u2581Isn", + -11.329303741455078 + ], + [ + "pino", + -11.389147758483887 + ], + [ + "\u2581fired", + -11.27545166015625 + ], + [ + "\u2581compatibles", + -11.288751602172852 + ], + [ + "\u2581erradicar", + -11.271722793579102 + ], + [ + "\u2581renovables", + -11.28327465057373 + ], + [ + "\u2581Linux", + -11.824657440185547 + ], + [ + "\u00e9tico", + -11.50826358795166 + ], + [ + "\u2581Intel", + -11.92660140991211 + ], + [ + "\u2581recibida", + -11.259150505065918 + ], + [ + "\u2581juzgar", + -11.247345924377441 + ], + [ + "\u2581consigue", + -11.166068077087402 + ], + [ + "\u2581hab\u00e9is", + -11.206981658935547 + ], + [ + "\u2581Detalles", + -11.351194381713867 + ], + [ + "\u2581malas", + -11.2249174118042 + ], + [ + "\u2581advances", + -11.221065521240234 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tampoco", + -11.221896171569824 + ], + [ + "\u2581Academia", + -11.376691818237305 + ], + [ + "\u2581pastoral", + -11.858867645263672 + ], + [ + "\u2581chose", + -11.213115692138672 + ], + [ + "\u2581Want", + -11.312505722045898 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cookies", + -11.73689079284668 + ], + [ + "\u2581soportar", + -11.256710052490234 + ], + [ + "\u2581hole", + -11.21596622467041 + ], + [ + "\u2581meets", + -11.314539909362793 + ], + [ + "\u25811969", + -11.8783540725708 + ], + [ + "\u2581prospects", + -11.165821075439453 + ], + [ + "\u2581teeth", + -11.259678840637207 + ], + [ + "\u2581regula", + -11.263518333435059 + ], + [ + "chas", + -11.315890312194824 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lea", + -11.155941009521484 + ], + [ + "\u2581Update", + -11.507986068725586 + ], + [ + "service", + -11.186981201171875 + ], + [ + "hmm", + -11.508017539978027 + ], + [ + "\u2581constitution", + -11.18463134765625 + ], + [ + "\u2581devolver", + -11.168318748474121 + ], + [ + "\u2581reflejan", + -11.237344741821289 + ], + [ + "\u2581alcanza", + -11.22093391418457 + ], + [ + "\u2581dollar", + -11.19491958618164 + ], + [ + "\u2581segu\u00eda", + -11.270968437194824 + ], + [ + "quil", + -11.936088562011719 + ], + [ + "\u2581Temp", + -12.005614280700684 + ], + [ + "\u2581bajar", + -11.135690689086914 + ], + [ + "\u2581retail", + -11.150854110717773 + ], + [ + "\u2581rapidez", + -11.273950576782227 + ], + [ + "\u2581abuelo", + -11.131620407104492 + ], + [ + "\u0e00", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581llamo", + -11.065497398376465 + ], + [ + "\u2581supplementary", + -11.149144172668457 + ], + [ + "rry", + -11.470038414001465 + ], + [ + "\u2581forums", + -11.19102954864502 + ], + [ + "\u2581calefacci\u00f3n", + -11.24467945098877 + ], + [ + "\u2581speaker", + -11.163198471069336 + ], + [ + "\u25812.4", + -11.751348495483398 + ], + [ + "\u2581negotiating", + -11.15031909942627 + ], + [ + "\u2581bombas", + -11.23693561553955 + ], + [ + "\u2581conscientes", + -11.284040451049805 + ], + [ + "\u2581diagnosis", + -11.192065238952637 + ], + [ + "\u2581NATIONS", + -11.121837615966797 + ], + [ + "\u2581impone", + -11.239645957946777 + ], + [ + "\u2581indirect", + -11.137222290039062 + ], + [ + "\u2581Revoluci\u00f3n", + -11.285545349121094 + ], + [ + "\u2581armon\u00eda", + -11.26103687286377 + ], + [ + "\u2581externo", + -11.270391464233398 + ], + [ + "\u2581charming", + -11.213156700134277 + ], + [ + "\u2581log\u00edstica", + -11.313331604003906 + ], + [ + "pare", + -11.343463897705078 + ], + [ + "Cu", + -11.379024505615234 + ], + [ + "uring", + -11.455998420715332 + ], + [ + "\u2581creada", + -11.271270751953125 + ], + [ + "\u2581nevertheless", + -11.146864891052246 + ], + [ + "\u2581enlaces", + -11.325830459594727 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reports", + -11.270975112915039 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pic", + -11.840503692626953 + ], + [ + "\u2581nieve", + -11.277215003967285 + ], + [ + "\u2581exercises", + -11.240811347961426 + ], + [ + "\u2581Night", + -11.436169624328613 + ], + [ + "\u2581aroma", + -11.761247634887695 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuidadosamente", + -11.260858535766602 + ], + [ + "\u2581llame", + -11.144437789916992 + ], + [ + "\u2581estrictamente", + -11.295282363891602 + ], + [ + "non", + -11.164748191833496 + ], + [ + "\u2581provisionales", + -11.305707931518555 + ], + [ + "\u2581cortar", + -11.198347091674805 + ], + [ + "\u2581passion", + -11.181800842285156 + ], + [ + "\u25811950", + -11.807376861572266 + ], + [ + "\u2581Satan", + -11.169147491455078 + ], + [ + "\u2581Weather", + -11.228124618530273 + ], + [ + "\u2581crossing", + -11.12464427947998 + ], + [ + "\u2581tackle", + -11.157687187194824 + ], + [ + "\u2581interactive", + -11.167337417602539 + ], + [ + "\u2581arguments", + -11.125661849975586 + ], + [ + "\u2581licence", + -11.080878257751465 + ], + [ + "\u2581claras", + -11.283524513244629 + ], + [ + "\u2581encanto", + -11.265495300292969 + ], + [ + "\u2581surveys", + -11.211164474487305 + ], + [ + "PH", + -12.02109146118164 + ], + [ + "\u2581pudieron", + -11.25447940826416 + ], + [ + "\u2581imported", + -11.116159439086914 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nar", + -11.782206535339355 + ], + [ + "\u2581provocado", + -11.29911994934082 + ], + [ + "\u2581deliberations", + -11.140454292297363 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mun", + -11.913908958435059 + ], + [ + "\u2581Potencia", + -11.258867263793945 + ], + [ + "\u2581settled", + -11.215790748596191 + ], + [ + "\u2581manifestaci\u00f3n", + -11.272863388061523 + ], + [ + "\u2581fijaci\u00f3n", + -11.286287307739258 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mercado", + -11.282999992370605 + ], + [ + "\u2581olive", + -11.13012409210205 + ], + [ + "\u2581ingenier\u00eda", + -11.27924633026123 + ], + [ + "PG", + -11.935358047485352 + ], + [ + "PAR", + -11.784756660461426 + ], + [ + "\u2581deadline", + -11.149517059326172 + ], + [ + "month", + -11.167826652526855 + ], + [ + "\u2581PRESIDENTE", + -11.254825592041016 + ], + [ + "arse", + -11.165229797363281 + ], + [ + "\u2581impressive", + -11.180391311645508 + ], + [ + "\u2581notify", + -11.063733100891113 + ], + [ + "\u21e2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aun", + -11.221921920776367 + ], + [ + "\u2581secuencia", + -11.281961441040039 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lucas", + -11.63930606842041 + ], + [ + ".45", + -12.276280403137207 + ], + [ + "\u2581conf\u00eda", + -11.232083320617676 + ], + [ + "iel", + -11.677156448364258 + ], + [ + "pia", + -11.755446434020996 + ], + [ + "\u2581anda", + -11.202299118041992 + ], + [ + "\u2581publicly", + -11.166948318481445 + ], + [ + "\u2581justifica", + -11.186773300170898 + ], + [ + "\u2581cook", + -11.224154472351074 + ], + [ + "\u2581switch", + -11.19015121459961 + ], + [ + "\u2581muchacho", + -11.039034843444824 + ], + [ + "\u2581expedici\u00f3n", + -11.328499794006348 + ], + [ + "some", + -11.223498344421387 + ], + [ + "\u2581Siento", + -11.074716567993164 + ], + [ + "yu", + -11.797893524169922 + ], + [ + "llen", + -11.427401542663574 + ], + [ + "Hu", + -11.493815422058105 + ], + [ + "\u2581sanitarios", + -11.281720161437988 + ], + [ + "\u2581provinces", + -11.203103065490723 + ], + [ + "\u2581Usa", + -11.265629768371582 + ], + [ + "\u2581directores", + -11.293296813964844 + ], + [ + "\u2581Danish", + -11.157318115234375 + ], + [ + "\u2581boats", + -11.241435050964355 + ], + [ + "\u2581icon", + -11.215608596801758 + ], + [ + "\u2581tendr\u00e1s", + -11.197166442871094 + ], + [ + "gur", + -11.923961639404297 + ], + [ + "\u2581expanding", + -11.184600830078125 + ], + [ + "\u2581potentially", + -11.165700912475586 + ], + [ + "try", + -11.806050300598145 + ], + [ + "\u2581adjunto", + -11.274325370788574 + ], + [ + "rup", + -12.227066040039062 + ], + [ + "\u2581profesi\u00f3n", + -11.25192928314209 + ], + [ + "\u2581sisters", + -11.2369966506958 + ], + [ + "\u2581Electronic", + -11.305167198181152 + ], + [ + "\u2581settle", + -11.208990097045898 + ], + [ + "\u2581Presentaci\u00f3n", + -11.263917922973633 + ], + [ + "\u2581Funds", + -11.253857612609863 + ], + [ + "\u2581bailar", + -11.13209056854248 + ], + [ + "\u2581responding", + -11.220580101013184 + ], + [ + "tida", + -11.41651725769043 + ], + [ + "apa", + -11.84610652923584 + ], + [ + "\u2581Internacionales", + -11.298971176147461 + ], + [ + "6).", + -11.900657653808594 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kara", + -12.223457336425781 + ], + [ + ":11", + -11.986169815063477 + ], + [ + "\u2581transferir", + -11.271353721618652 + ], + [ + "\u2581170", + -11.849504470825195 + ], + [ + "\u2581equivocado", + -11.132352828979492 + ], + [ + "\u2581importar", + -11.204463958740234 + ], + [ + "nco", + -11.256467819213867 + ], + [ + "grad", + -11.858217239379883 + ], + [ + "operation", + -11.142826080322266 + ], + [ + "\u2581Integrated", + -11.146551132202148 + ], + [ + "\u2581Municipal", + -11.921942710876465 + ], + [ + "\u2581ministries", + -11.171295166015625 + ], + [ + "ole", + -11.215019226074219 + ], + [ + "1995", + -11.824671745300293 + ], + [ + "Estoy", + -11.096633911132812 + ], + [ + "\u2581est\u00fapido", + -11.056276321411133 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jun", + -11.767306327819824 + ], + [ + "\u2581coma", + -11.465559005737305 + ], + [ + "\u2581invasion", + -11.211938858032227 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fr", + -11.06234359741211 + ], + [ + "\u2581elevados", + -11.32155704498291 + ], + [ + "\u00edda", + -11.320595741271973 + ], + [ + "\u2581compartida", + -11.281198501586914 + ], + [ + "\u2581olvidado", + -11.158876419067383 + ], + [ + "\u2581row", + -11.18404769897461 + ], + [ + "\u2581Properties", + -11.241127967834473 + ], + [ + "contra", + -11.768584251403809 + ], + [ + "\u2581tobacco", + -11.123017311096191 + ], + [ + "quir", + -12.023773193359375 + ], + [ + "iones", + -11.437776565551758 + ], + [ + "\u2581notion", + -11.279107093811035 + ], + [ + "\u2581apparent", + -11.152861595153809 + ], + [ + "\u2581eggs", + -11.224137306213379 + ], + [ + "\u2581adquirida", + -11.313626289367676 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuant\u00eda", + -11.279536247253418 + ], + [ + "\u2581oscuro", + -11.21542739868164 + ], + [ + "\u2581Instant", + -11.765005111694336 + ], + [ + "\u2581gate", + -11.243313789367676 + ], + [ + "\u2581definitivamente", + -11.220026969909668 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tienen", + -11.191326141357422 + ], + [ + "\u2581studying", + -11.218832015991211 + ], + [ + "uli", + -12.0112943649292 + ], + [ + "ter\u00eda", + -11.361845016479492 + ], + [ + "\u2581presupuestario", + -11.282222747802734 + ], + [ + "\u2581Leo", + -11.939697265625 + ], + [ + "FT", + -11.887118339538574 + ], + [ + "\u2581sentimiento", + -11.275346755981445 + ], + [ + "\u2581sovereign", + -11.18708610534668 + ], + [ + "\u2581sentences", + -11.204139709472656 + ], + [ + "\u2581discriminatory", + -11.185189247131348 + ], + [ + "\u2581inicialmente", + -11.322301864624023 + ], + [ + "\u2581Emp", + -11.779581069946289 + ], + [ + "\u2581adventure", + -11.135634422302246 + ], + [ + "hop", + -11.78828239440918 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fan", + -11.896391868591309 + ], + [ + "\u2581IF", + -11.672000885009766 + ], + [ + "Obt\u00e9n", + -11.349506378173828 + ], + [ + "\u2581castle", + -11.189801216125488 + ], + [ + "\u2581locura", + -11.146669387817383 + ], + [ + "\u2581pack", + -11.201324462890625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Emergency", + -11.167768478393555 + ], + [ + "\u2581(14", + -11.944207191467285 + ], + [ + "\u2581env\u00eda", + -11.24708080291748 + ], + [ + "\u2581parto", + -11.317408561706543 + ], + [ + "rah", + -11.789329528808594 + ], + [ + "\u2581argumentos", + -11.310394287109375 + ], + [ + "\u2581ease", + -11.202191352844238 + ], + [ + "\u2581kidding", + -11.347976684570312 + ], + [ + "See", + -11.173908233642578 + ], + [ + "\u2581Stock", + -11.537304878234863 + ], + [ + "\u2581antig", + -11.324471473693848 + ], + [ + "lk", + -11.700702667236328 + ], + [ + "\u2581Taylor", + -11.882593154907227 + ], + [ + "\u2581Colorado", + -11.875636100769043 + ], + [ + "\u2581instances", + -11.158140182495117 + ], + [ + "\u2581satisfy", + -11.135611534118652 + ], + [ + "\u2581moderate", + -11.167936325073242 + ], + [ + ")]", + -11.910502433776855 + ], + [ + "\u2581Campo", + -11.824972152709961 + ], + [ + "\u2581wash", + -11.323798179626465 + ], + [ + "\u2581therein", + -11.152606964111328 + ], + [ + "\u2581dedicar", + -11.443259239196777 + ], + [ + "\u2581incidente", + -11.257745742797852 + ], + [ + "chos", + -11.573958396911621 + ], + [ + "\u2581ADOPTADO", + -11.313323974609375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bajo", + -11.277350425720215 + ], + [ + "medioambientales", + -11.449236869812012 + ], + [ + "feri", + -11.825404167175293 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mechanism", + -11.19469165802002 + ], + [ + "\u2581favorecer", + -11.28678035736084 + ], + [ + "\u2581Election", + -11.151515007019043 + ], + [ + "\u25813.5", + -11.691749572753906 + ], + [ + "\u2581correctly", + -11.172590255737305 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bridge", + -11.605868339538574 + ], + [ + "\u2581municipalities", + -11.175212860107422 + ], + [ + "/04/", + -11.92905044555664 + ], + [ + "\u25cf", + -100 + ], + [ + "ANT", + -12.042825698852539 + ], + [ + "\u2581residential", + -11.188511848449707 + ], + [ + "\u2581mejorando", + -11.259501457214355 + ], + [ + "\u2581forgotten", + -11.231900215148926 + ], + [ + "\u2581exenci\u00f3n", + -11.298377990722656 + ], + [ + "1990", + -11.93280029296875 + ], + [ + "taria", + -11.46882438659668 + ], + [ + "Pri", + -11.678227424621582 + ], + [ + "\u2581shock", + -11.447078704833984 + ], + [ + "\u2581perfecciona", + -11.68009090423584 + ], + [ + "phone", + -11.52268123626709 + ], + [ + "\u2581enfermo", + -11.171710014343262 + ], + [ + "\u2581Silver", + -11.572259902954102 + ], + [ + "party", + -11.161561012268066 + ], + [ + "\u2581pasar\u00e1", + -11.24589729309082 + ], + [ + "\u2581relatives", + -11.182844161987305 + ], + [ + "\u2581damos", + -11.277549743652344 + ], + [ + "\u2581nervous", + -11.24112606048584 + ], + [ + "\u2581sentar", + -11.189400672912598 + ], + [ + "\u2581TIC", + -11.305073738098145 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aid", + -11.140907287597656 + ], + [ + "dencia", + -11.644464492797852 + ], + [ + "\u2581emission", + -11.099915504455566 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ustedes", + -11.153502464294434 + ], + [ + "\u2581alianzas", + -11.290322303771973 + ], + [ + "\u2581conoc\u00eda", + -11.197321891784668 + ], + [ + "\u2581Amendment", + -11.137418746948242 + ], + [ + "\u2581herencia", + -11.293157577514648 + ], + [ + "\u2581ANEXO", + -11.217007637023926 + ], + [ + "\u2581fallen", + -11.227045059204102 + ], + [ + "\u2581ciencias", + -11.336599349975586 + ], + [ + "udo", + -11.172402381896973 + ], + [ + "\u2581reveal", + -11.180577278137207 + ], + [ + "\u2581nose", + -11.283476829528809 + ], + [ + "\u2581rice", + -11.18274211883545 + ], + [ + "\u2581amparo", + -11.408469200134277 + ], + [ + "\u2581OMS", + -11.286712646484375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Moscow", + -11.179680824279785 + ], + [ + "\u2581Djibouti", + -11.653416633605957 + ], + [ + "spi", + -11.642416954040527 + ], + [ + "\u2581barreras", + -11.286330223083496 + ], + [ + "\u2581Organisation", + -11.165225982666016 + ], + [ + "\u2581Objetivo", + -11.317133903503418 + ], + [ + "mentioned", + -11.139328956604004 + ], + [ + "Upon", + -11.34168815612793 + ], + [ + "util", + -11.83432388305664 + ], + [ + "\u25811968", + -11.906059265136719 + ], + [ + "EZ", + -12.06799030303955 + ], + [ + "\u2581intends", + -11.172800064086914 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tome", + -11.540363311767578 + ], + [ + "nik", + -11.94398307800293 + ], + [ + "Cause", + -11.328482627868652 + ], + [ + "\u2581advancement", + -11.179288864135742 + ], + [ + "\u2581consistente", + -11.323175430297852 + ], + [ + "\u2581twelve", + -11.164892196655273 + ], + [ + "\u2581returning", + -11.236528396606445 + ], + [ + "\u2581Baja", + -11.468558311462402 + ], + [ + "\u2581distinct", + -11.21336555480957 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cher", + -12.05764389038086 + ], + [ + "\u2581tapa", + -11.242380142211914 + ], + [ + "pta", + -11.487333297729492 + ], + [ + "\u2581Oro", + -11.58079719543457 + ], + [ + "cultural", + -11.915999412536621 + ], + [ + "\u2581el\u00e9ctrico", + -11.272010803222656 + ], + [ + "\u2581cooperative", + -11.15791130065918 + ], + [ + "\u2581carb\u00f3n", + -11.28329086303711 + ], + [ + "bis", + -12.068316459655762 + ], + [ + "\u2581negros", + -11.266474723815918 + ], + [ + "\u2581prohibir", + -11.301051139831543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Andrew", + -11.83362102508545 + ], + [ + "\u2581trataba", + -11.19368839263916 + ], + [ + "aco", + -11.661236763000488 + ], + [ + "\u2581deployed", + -11.165364265441895 + ], + [ + "\u2581121", + -11.862146377563477 + ], + [ + "\u2581propuestos", + -11.357569694519043 + ], + [ + "\u2581films", + -11.253931999206543 + ], + [ + "\u2581OSCE", + -11.804987907409668 + ], + [ + "\u2581crops", + -11.175795555114746 + ], + [ + "\u2581Blanco", + -11.396235466003418 + ], + [ + "\u2581Castle", + -11.469331741333008 + ], + [ + "\u2581estrat\u00e9gicas", + -11.309520721435547 + ], + [ + "\u2581terrorists", + -11.26747989654541 + ], + [ + "\u2581compuesta", + -11.332870483398438 + ], + [ + "\u2581Econom\u00eda", + -11.341377258300781 + ], + [ + "\u2581designado", + -11.295162200927734 + ], + [ + "\u2581packages", + -11.237399101257324 + ], + [ + "\u2581Province", + -11.218648910522461 + ], + [ + "ency", + -11.43652629852295 + ], + [ + "\u2581ejecuta", + -11.140360832214355 + ], + [ + "vil", + -11.799689292907715 + ], + [ + "\u2581Santos", + -11.84115219116211 + ], + [ + "\u2581Victor", + -11.701253890991211 + ], + [ + "\u2581infracci\u00f3n", + -11.3179931640625 + ], + [ + "\u2581podr\u00edas", + -11.317231178283691 + ], + [ + "\u2581tendremos", + -11.181041717529297 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cra", + -11.91569709777832 + ], + [ + "\u2581contest", + -11.23969841003418 + ], + [ + "\u2581disappeared", + -11.276498794555664 + ], + [ + "\u2581135", + -11.810372352600098 + ], + [ + "\u2581sharp", + -11.225815773010254 + ], + [ + "\u2581Existe", + -11.232053756713867 + ], + [ + "\u2581normativas", + -11.315187454223633 + ], + [ + "\u2581wages", + -11.20940113067627 + ], + [ + "\u2581proseguir", + -11.284423828125 + ], + [ + "\u2581renuncia", + -11.215276718139648 + ], + [ + "hard", + -11.692123413085938 + ], + [ + "nov", + -11.877130508422852 + ], + [ + "\u2581owe", + -11.305618286132812 + ], + [ + "\u2581defenders", + -11.215181350708008 + ], + [ + "eng", + -11.599967002868652 + ], + [ + "j\u00f3", + -11.278084754943848 + ], + [ + "\u2581workplace", + -11.18421745300293 + ], + [ + "\u2581audiovisual", + -11.740316390991211 + ], + [ + "\u2581loving", + -11.238057136535645 + ], + [ + "\u2581l\u00edquido", + -11.27302074432373 + ], + [ + "\u25811,5", + -11.715696334838867 + ], + [ + "\u2581salvaguardias", + -11.3239164352417 + ], + [ + "\u2581Shit", + -11.358290672302246 + ], + [ + "\u2581Porto", + -11.798982620239258 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kazakhstan", + -11.064945220947266 + ], + [ + "\u2581naturally", + -11.224784851074219 + ], + [ + "\u2581permits", + -11.222431182861328 + ], + [ + "\u2581contener", + -11.303842544555664 + ], + [ + "\u2581beer", + -11.492584228515625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Eslovaquia", + -11.194459915161133 + ], + [ + "\u2581rely", + -11.191886901855469 + ], + [ + "\u2581podremos", + -11.178138732910156 + ], + [ + "ume", + -11.965490341186523 + ], + [ + "\u2581quedarse", + -11.19963264465332 + ], + [ + "Qu", + -11.727163314819336 + ], + [ + "................", + -11.858330726623535 + ], + [ + "\u2581bird", + -11.242196083068848 + ], + [ + "\u2581declarations", + -11.183735847473145 + ], + [ + "administraciones", + -11.336685180664062 + ], + [ + "\u2581Strengthening", + -11.184707641601562 + ], + [ + "/50/", + -11.881900787353516 + ], + [ + "gido", + -11.545062065124512 + ], + [ + "illas", + -11.350205421447754 + ], + [ + "oriented", + -11.165311813354492 + ], + [ + "\u2581suspected", + -11.20601749420166 + ], + [ + "HER", + -11.940509796142578 + ], + [ + "roll", + -11.947591781616211 + ], + [ + "\u2581gains", + -11.203082084655762 + ], + [ + "\u2581P\u00fablico", + -11.35230541229248 + ], + [ + "\u2581seller", + -11.18364143371582 + ], + [ + "\u2581DG", + -11.757954597473145 + ], + [ + "\u2581amplios", + -11.398282051086426 + ], + [ + "\u258128.", + -11.458410263061523 + ], + [ + "\u2581withdraw", + -11.152684211730957 + ], + [ + "\u2581drivers", + -11.175344467163086 + ], + [ + "leg", + -11.474453926086426 + ], + [ + "\u2581atractivo", + -11.250322341918945 + ], + [ + "\u2581rosa", + -11.264981269836426 + ], + [ + "\u2581fila", + -11.285835266113281 + ], + [ + "\u2581Enter", + -11.231404304504395 + ], + [ + "\u2581SIM", + -11.9280424118042 + ], + [ + "\u2581fruits", + -11.263750076293945 + ], + [ + "/49/", + -11.863300323486328 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gor", + -11.71558666229248 + ], + [ + "\u2581cheese", + -11.236663818359375 + ], + [ + "\u258122,", + -11.61861515045166 + ], + [ + "\u2581lento", + -11.250192642211914 + ], + [ + "\u2581escritura", + -11.29875659942627 + ], + [ + "\u2581campamentos", + -11.319865226745605 + ], + [ + "\u2581ligeramente", + -11.325368881225586 + ], + [ + "\u2581MONUC", + -11.836441040039062 + ], + [ + "siste", + -11.380407333374023 + ], + [ + "\u2581Whoa", + -11.494532585144043 + ], + [ + "\u25812010-2011", + -11.915369987487793 + ], + [ + "\u2581secuestro", + -11.310625076293945 + ], + [ + "\u2581journalist", + -11.194272994995117 + ], + [ + "\u2581productor", + -11.233678817749023 + ], + [ + "tario", + -11.700056076049805 + ], + [ + "aw", + -11.078709602355957 + ], + [ + "\u2581continuation", + -11.161730766296387 + ], + [ + "store", + -11.560873031616211 + ], + [ + "\u2581density", + -11.265297889709473 + ], + [ + "\u2581frutos", + 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-11.282633781433105 + ], + [ + "\u2581Indiana", + -11.9928560256958 + ], + [ + "\u2581maternidad", + -11.286274909973145 + ], + [ + "\u2581autorizar", + -11.35774040222168 + ], + [ + "\u2581Recognizing", + -11.17243480682373 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pack", + -11.695737838745117 + ], + [ + "\u2581fate", + -11.262137413024902 + ], + [ + "lista", + -11.285701751708984 + ], + [ + "\u2581UNMIK", + -11.835862159729004 + ], + [ + "\u2581ayudarte", + -11.152080535888672 + ], + [ + "\u2581inf", + -11.61546802520752 + ], + [ + "\u2581extiende", + -11.321114540100098 + ], + [ + "\u2581Qu", + -11.965790748596191 + ], + [ + "\u2581Exchange", + -11.181960105895996 + ], + [ + "State", + -11.205890655517578 + ], + [ + "\u2581pagado", + -11.264175415039062 + ], + [ + "\u2581GO", + -11.74826717376709 + ], + [ + "\u2581cometer", + -11.279182434082031 + ], + [ + "\u2581cristiano", + -11.25986385345459 + ], + [ + "\u2581approve", + -11.197989463806152 + ], + [ + "\u2581instruction", + -11.184120178222656 + ], + [ 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+ "\u2581floors", + -11.325761795043945 + ], + [ + "\u2581attacked", + -11.22632122039795 + ], + [ + "\u2581chest", + -11.230598449707031 + ], + [ + "\u2581pastor", + -11.734029769897461 + ], + [ + "\u2581acta", + -11.309124946594238 + ], + [ + "\u2581airlines", + -11.150556564331055 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sports", + -11.238003730773926 + ], + [ + "\u00f3logo", + -11.441210746765137 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lastly", + -11.200953483581543 + ], + [ + "\u2581tenth", + -11.207587242126465 + ], + [ + "\u2581CAR", + -11.965450286865234 + ], + [ + "\u2581Educational", + -11.19702434539795 + ], + [ + "\u2581Isabel", + -11.926555633544922 + ], + [ + "\u2581tape", + -11.272867202758789 + ], + [ + "read", + -11.237186431884766 + ], + [ + "/2008/", + -11.939643859863281 + ], + [ + "\u2581exista", + -11.321292877197266 + ], + [ + "\u2581advise", + -11.192839622497559 + ], + [ + "\u2581concentrate", + -11.18042278289795 + ], + [ + "\u2581publish", + -11.199565887451172 + ], + [ + "\u2581objection", + 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"\u2581invasi\u00f3n", + -11.268394470214844 + ], + [ + "\u2581exchanges", + -11.274456024169922 + ], + [ + "\u2581governed", + -11.198786735534668 + ], + [ + "rar", + -11.246713638305664 + ], + [ + "\u2581equidad", + -11.324592590332031 + ], + [ + "\u2581acompa\u00f1ar", + -11.345405578613281 + ], + [ + "\u2581fantastic", + -11.26764965057373 + ], + [ + "\u2581exciting", + -11.231528282165527 + ], + [ + "\u2581peak", + -11.229178428649902 + ], + [ + "\u2581autoriza", + -11.228771209716797 + ], + [ + "\u2581realizaron", + -11.327589988708496 + ], + [ + "\u2581agrava", + -11.3268461227417 + ], + [ + "\u2581indicador", + -11.395674705505371 + ], + [ + "mie", + -11.689623832702637 + ], + [ + "\u2581formulated", + -11.182733535766602 + ], + [ + "\u2581dejando", + -11.274893760681152 + ], + [ + "\u2581Polish", + -11.239598274230957 + ], + [ + "\u2581asignados", + -11.36843490600586 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ltd", + -11.799216270446777 + ], + [ + "terrorism", + -11.164240837097168 + ], + [ + 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"\u2581procedente", + -11.306796073913574 + ], + [ + "\u2581parecido", + -11.259594917297363 + ], + [ + "\u2581Comunicaciones", + -11.367305755615234 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jer", + -11.964730262756348 + ], + [ + "\u2581resuelto", + -11.273576736450195 + ], + [ + "\u2581Shu", + -12.189817428588867 + ], + [ + "\u2581ac\u00e1", + -11.132274627685547 + ], + [ + "\u2581rechaza", + -11.171941757202148 + ], + [ + "\u2581llaman", + -11.203941345214844 + ], + [ + "\u2581Directora", + -11.333868980407715 + ], + [ + "\u2581clarification", + -11.202613830566406 + ], + [ + "\u2581(6)", + -11.668331146240234 + ], + [ + "\u2581CEDAW", + -11.669939041137695 + ], + [ + "\u2581jornada", + -11.326520919799805 + ], + [ + "\u2581partly", + -11.223557472229004 + ], + [ + "\u2581slowly", + -11.237421989440918 + ], + [ + "\u2581adapta", + -11.259804725646973 + ], + [ + "\u2581sobrevivir", + -11.216327667236328 + ], + [ + "\u2581rutas", + -11.322501182556152 + ], + [ + "\u2581Transition", + -11.188504219055176 + ], + [ + "\u2581substitute", + -11.214641571044922 + ], + [ + "\u2581heridas", + -11.283876419067383 + ], + [ + "\u2581deserves", + -11.223174095153809 + ], + [ + "\u2581courage", + -11.246996879577637 + ], + [ + "\u2581est\u00e1ndares", + -11.326372146606445 + ], + [ + "social", + -11.796975135803223 + ], + [ + "imi", + -12.086275100708008 + ], + [ + "\u2581Address", + -11.211668968200684 + ], + [ + "\u2581cien", + -11.262796401977539 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tower", + -11.490043640136719 + ], + [ + "\u2581measuring", + -11.203608512878418 + ], + [ + "\u2581verify", + -11.196409225463867 + ], + [ + "\u2581guerras", + -11.448135375976562 + ], + [ + "\u2581wheel", + -11.239726066589355 + ], + [ + "EUR", + -11.71426773071289 + ], + [ + "\u2581reward", + -11.25405502319336 + ], + [ + "\u2581postal", + -11.946483612060547 + ], + [ + "\u2581aportaciones", + -11.324098587036133 + ], + [ + "\u2581Migration", + -11.202282905578613 + ], + [ + "\u2581posiblemente", + -11.300403594970703 + ], + [ + "\u2581Chat", + -11.932021141052246 + ], + [ + "\u2581Islandia", + -11.2034273147583 + ], + [ + "Usted", + -11.177696228027344 + ], + [ + "\u2581antiguas", + -11.356403350830078 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pese", + -11.3009033203125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Way", + -11.254521369934082 + ], + [ + "\u2581p\u00e1g", + -11.270735740661621 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00e9tnico", + -11.331357955932617 + ], + [ + "date", + -11.258636474609375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pol\u00edticas", + -11.415382385253906 + ], + [ + "\u2581Witnesses", + -11.1513671875 + ], + [ + "\u2581clock", + -11.286252975463867 + ], + [ + "ADA", + -11.919937133789062 + ], + [ + "\u2581smile", + -11.312872886657715 + ], + [ + "tales", + -11.38602352142334 + ], + [ + "ecciones", + -11.359550476074219 + ], + [ + "\u2581DNA", + -11.240033149719238 + ], + [ + "\u2581harmony", + -11.216314315795898 + ], + [ + "\u2581Restaurant", + -11.260695457458496 + ], + [ + "\u2581municipales", + -11.33992862701416 + ], + [ + "PRO", + -11.85256576538086 + ], + [ + "\u2581THAT", + -11.375874519348145 + ], + [ + "\u2581minds", + -11.367546081542969 + ], + [ + "\u2581Euratom", + -11.709495544433594 + ], + [ + "\u2581arroz", + -11.293839454650879 + ], + [ + "\u2581admitir", + -11.282929420471191 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tama\u00f1o", + -11.371779441833496 + ], + [ + "\u2581perfecci\u00f3n", + -11.331316947937012 + ], + [ + "\u2581Irish", + -11.246806144714355 + ], + [ + "\u2581feedback", + -11.201001167297363 + ], + [ + "\u2581gardens", + -11.26364517211914 + ], + [ + "\u2581pregunto", + -11.155074119567871 + ], + [ + "\u2581describes", + -11.224364280700684 + ], + [ + "\u2581pasta", + -11.573075294494629 + ], + [ + "\u2581Schengen", + -11.898582458496094 + ], + [ + "\u2581lecciones", + -11.31879997253418 + ], + [ + "face", + -11.59476089477539 + ], + [ + "\u2581poderosa", + -11.286251068115234 + ], + [ + "\u2581contin\u00fae", + -11.318680763244629 + ], + [ + "\u2581aceptable", + -11.313028335571289 + ], + [ + "\u2581derivadas", + -11.301889419555664 + ], + [ + "\u2581evaluated", + -11.208044052124023 + ], + [ + "\u2581169", + -11.890349388122559 + ], + [ + "ERA", + -12.064162254333496 + ], + [ + "\u2581dep\u00f3sitos", + -11.350201606750488 + ], + [ + "Ah", + -11.298726081848145 + ], + [ + "\u2581extraordinaria", + -11.282828330993652 + ], + [ + "ound", + -11.845142364501953 + ], + [ + "\u2581ira", + -11.32259464263916 + ], + [ + "\u2581insert", + -11.247835159301758 + ], + [ + "\u2581acab\u00f3", + -11.154415130615234 + ], + [ + "\u2581invitado", + -11.284400939941406 + ], + [ + "signa", + -11.555412292480469 + ], + [ + "\u2581excelencia", + -11.31796932220459 + ], + [ + "\u2581philosophy", + -11.233919143676758 + ], + [ + "\u2581driven", + -11.241883277893066 + ], + [ + "\u2581Estate", + -11.164688110351562 + ], + [ + "\u2581damaged", + -11.240039825439453 + ], + [ + "\u2581mechanical", + -11.198646545410156 + ], + [ + "\u2581layer", + -11.197227478027344 + ], + [ + "rones", + -11.300198554992676 + ], + [ + "AH", + 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+ [ + "\u2581fauna", + -11.8002290725708 + ], + [ + "\u2581adjusted", + -11.177736282348633 + ], + [ + "\u2581beneficiarse", + -11.330678939819336 + ], + [ + "\u2581prize", + -11.226611137390137 + ], + [ + "\u2581v\u00e9ase", + -11.334074974060059 + ], + [ + "tam", + -11.914229393005371 + ], + [ + "\u2581Informal", + -11.228769302368164 + ], + [ + "\u2581Estad\u00edstica", + -11.346590042114258 + ], + [ + "\u2581vieron", + -11.299710273742676 + ], + [ + "\u2581quedar\u00e1", + -11.254328727722168 + ], + [ + "\u2581puts", + -11.545587539672852 + ], + [ + "\u2581exactitud", + -11.376763343811035 + ], + [ + "\u2581funcional", + -11.360570907592773 + ], + [ + "\u2581ocupada", + -11.286293029785156 + ], + [ + "gne", + -11.60565185546875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gibraltar", + -11.813261032104492 + ], + [ + "\u2581decree", + -11.194869995117188 + ], + [ + "\u2581esclavitud", + -11.311395645141602 + ], + [ + "ctua", + -11.561984062194824 + ], + [ + "\u2581Heart", + -11.270342826843262 + ], + [ + "oid", + -11.503605842590332 + ], + [ + "AZ", + -11.837387084960938 + ], + [ + "\u25815.2", + -11.879669189453125 + ], + [ + "\u2581accelerate", + -11.229342460632324 + ], + [ + "\u2581tomen", + -11.287042617797852 + ], + [ + "\u2581Term", + -11.947290420532227 + ], + [ + "\u2581pagan", + -11.499754905700684 + ], + [ + "\u2581informar\u00e1", + -11.382959365844727 + ], + [ + "8).", + -11.802299499511719 + ], + [ + "\u2581Seleccione", + -11.423441886901855 + ], + [ + "rna", + -11.311888694763184 + ], + [ + "\u2581hablamos", + -11.232873916625977 + ], + [ + "\u2581decirlo", + -11.195652961730957 + ], + [ + "\u2581circulation", + -11.221009254455566 + ], + [ + "OPS", + -11.955915451049805 + ], + [ + "\u2581justify", + -11.206682205200195 + ], + [ + "\u2581Malawi", + -11.697566986083984 + ], + [ + "\u2581Attorney", + -11.224390029907227 + ], + [ + "\u2581cobrar", + -11.335387229919434 + ], + [ + "\u2581presunto", + -11.35191822052002 + ], + [ + "\u2581hazardous", + -11.195381164550781 + ], + [ + "erta", + -11.288315773010254 + ], + [ + ".\u00bf", + -11.385993957519531 + ], + [ + "\u2581sospecha", + -11.28028678894043 + ], + [ + "\u2581intentos", + -11.366972923278809 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00e1ngulo", + -11.366474151611328 + ], + [ + "dieron", + -11.687780380249023 + ], + [ + "\u2581Stone", + -11.696937561035156 + ], + [ + "\u2581Visita", + -11.381734848022461 + ], + [ + "\u2581intend", + -11.189468383789062 + ], + [ + "\u2581fu\u00e9", + -11.272520065307617 + ], + [ + "\u2581chicken", + -11.308688163757324 + ], + [ + "eses", + -11.967729568481445 + ], + [ + "ngo", + -11.12890625 + ], + [ + "\u2581degradation", + -11.212270736694336 + ], + [ + "\u2581drinks", + -11.345937728881836 + ], + [ + "\u2581M\u00e9", + -12.086986541748047 + ], + [ + "\u2581Premium", + -11.859476089477539 + ], + [ + "\u2581burn", + -11.281693458557129 + ], + [ + "\u2581dependiendo", + -11.34630298614502 + ], + [ + "Bi", + -11.936488151550293 + ], + [ + "\u2581Comisionada", + -11.33439826965332 + ], + [ + "\u2581undermine", + -11.196428298950195 + ], + [ + "\u2581especifica", + -11.232817649841309 + ], + [ + "\u2581impu", + -11.362627983093262 + ], + [ + "\u2581mod", + -12.074811935424805 + ], + [ + "cine", + -11.906367301940918 + ], + [ + "\u2581stayed", + -11.319927215576172 + ], + [ + "\u2581breaking", + -11.272802352905273 + ], + [ + "\u2581triple", + -11.966704368591309 + ], + [ + "\u2581commonly", + -11.238361358642578 + ], + [ + "\u2581prevented", + -11.257903099060059 + ], + [ + "osas", + -11.508452415466309 + ], + [ + "\u2581Seguimiento", + -11.360050201416016 + ], + [ + "scar", + -11.50792121887207 + ], + [ + "cuba", + -12.043925285339355 + ], + [ + "\u2581cannabis", + -11.87948989868164 + ], + [ + "posi", + -12.109028816223145 + ], + [ + "\u2581oportuna", + -11.323683738708496 + ], + [ + "\u2581alarma", + -11.296547889709473 + ], + [ + "\u2581liable", + -11.214433670043945 + ], + [ + "\u2581alcanzados", + -11.360761642456055 + ], + [ + "\u2581interesantes", + -11.337943077087402 + ], + [ + "\u2581dependencias", + -11.376564025878906 + ], + [ + "\u2581tumba", + -11.278894424438477 + ], + [ + "\u2581replies", + -11.229147911071777 + ], + [ + "VEN", + -11.809732437133789 + ], + [ + "ifique", + -11.453462600708008 + ], + [ + "\u2581Formas", + -11.37604808807373 + ], + [ + "\u2581cargas", + -11.407368659973145 + ], + [ + "\u2581piano", + -11.955477714538574 + ], + [ + "ducir", + -11.326526641845703 + ], + [ + "\u2581nutrici\u00f3n", + -11.32359504699707 + ], + [ + "\u2581meaningful", + -11.230051040649414 + ], + [ + "\u2581naval", + -11.799249649047852 + ], + [ + "\u2581viabilidad", + -11.341156959533691 + ], + [ + "\u2581diversi\u00f3n", + -11.26700496673584 + ], + [ + "\u2581Near", + -11.262081146240234 + ], + [ + "\u2581antelaci\u00f3n", + -11.364224433898926 + ], + [ + "\u2581autos", + -11.3477783203125 + ], + [ + "\u2581intensa", + -11.368775367736816 + ], + [ + "terna", + -11.510289192199707 + ], + [ + "\u2581jugando", + -11.186558723449707 + ], + [ + "\u2581acute", + -11.220011711120605 + ], + [ + "\u2581aprecia", + -11.231035232543945 + ], + [ + "\u2581preguntar", + -11.071431159973145 + ], + [ + "\u00f3tico", + -11.419356346130371 + ], + [ + "\u2581comodidad", + -11.338094711303711 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tin", + -12.064302444458008 + ], + [ + "Can", + -11.70289421081543 + ], + [ + "\u2581initiate", + -11.229004859924316 + ], + [ + "\u2581prisa", + -11.126336097717285 + ], + [ + "stein", + -11.945572853088379 + ], + [ + "-2015", + -11.843745231628418 + ], + [ + "\u2581ras", + -11.522598266601562 + ], + [ + "\u2581trampa", + -11.23825740814209 + ], + [ + "\u2581Caracter\u00edsticas", + -11.387681007385254 + ], + [ + "cencia", + -11.734740257263184 + ], + [ + "och", + -11.362894058227539 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lesiones", + -11.326557159423828 + ], + [ + "\u2581manufacturers", + -11.225028038024902 + ], + [ + "\u2581Edward", + -11.939311981201172 + ], + [ + "\u2581tip", + -11.291000366210938 + ], + [ + "\u2581desigualdad", + -11.40868854522705 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ann", + -12.062799453735352 + ], + [ + "\u2581legislativa", + -11.349732398986816 + ], + [ + "\u2581fieles", + -11.346918106079102 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pierre", + -11.933802604675293 + ], + [ + "master", + -11.987287521362305 + ], + [ + "\u2581protein", + -11.19318675994873 + ], + [ + "\u2581Av", + -11.742114067077637 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lou", + -11.927651405334473 + ], + [ + "/2003", + -11.500054359436035 + ], + [ + "\u2581Constitucional", + -11.37453842163086 + ], + [ + "\u2581redonda", + -11.353899002075195 + ], + [ + "\u2581papa", + -11.532307624816895 + ], + [ + "MIS", + -12.020359992980957 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gro", + -12.027061462402344 + ], + [ + "\u2581mere", + -11.333112716674805 + ], + [ + "\u2581volar", + -11.16553020477295 + ], + [ + "\u2581Duraci\u00f3n", + -11.424507141113281 + ], + [ + "\u2581alemana", + -11.336162567138672 + ], + [ + "ELL", + -12.01344108581543 + ], + [ + "\u2581divorce", + -11.29446029663086 + ], + [ + "\u2581137", + -11.930974006652832 + ], + [ + "\u2581Yahweh", + -11.315459251403809 + ], + [ + "\u2581congregation", + -11.22337532043457 + ], + [ + "RU", + -12.02961540222168 + ], + [ + "\u2581espirituales", + -11.33934211730957 + ], + [ + "\u2581sueldos", + -11.341114044189453 + ], + [ + "\u2581releases", + -11.304140090942383 + ], + [ + "\u2581comandante", + -11.271352767944336 + ], + [ + "\u2581Domestic", + -11.252556800842285 + ], + [ + "/30", + -11.902457237243652 + ], + [ + "\u2581reductions", + -11.319311141967773 + ], + [ + "ota", + -11.727740287780762 + ], + [ + "sul", + -11.746342658996582 + ], + [ + "\u2581cluster", + -11.175055503845215 + ], + [ + "\u2581studio", + -11.301433563232422 + ], + [ + "\u2581a\u00e9rea", + -11.326210021972656 + ], + [ + "\u2581bond", + -11.257243156433105 + ], + [ + "\u2581churches", + -11.269682884216309 + ], + [ + "\u2581earn", + -11.267888069152832 + ], + [ + "\u258125,", + -11.828570365905762 + ], + [ + "\u00e1ndome", + -11.232569694519043 + ], + [ + "\u2581vapor", + -11.493206977844238 + ], + [ + "\u2581decent", + -11.262931823730469 + ], + [ + "\u2581occupational", + -11.22788143157959 + ], + [ + "\u2581proporcionada", + -11.350316047668457 + ], + [ + "\u2581Category", + -11.24431037902832 + ], + [ + "\u2581MB", + -12.101346969604492 + ], + [ + "\u2581Korean", + -11.284801483154297 + ], + [ + "\u2581adjust", + -11.221837997436523 + ], + [ + "\u2581calculation", + -11.187881469726562 + ], + [ + "\u0161", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581considerably", + -11.214808464050293 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00a1\u00bf", + -11.145049095153809 + ], + [ + "\u2581ceremony", + -11.293807029724121 + ], + [ + "\u2581girlfriend", + -11.390984535217285 + ], + [ + "\u2581Elizabeth", + -11.853740692138672 + ], + [ + "\u2581inflaci\u00f3n", + -11.336898803710938 + ], + [ + "\u2581repente", + -11.23858642578125 + ], + [ + "5)", + -11.220332145690918 + ], + [ + "\u2581planea", + -11.342103958129883 + ], + [ + "1993", + -12.001276969909668 + ], + [ + "\u2581reflecting", + -11.222519874572754 + ], + [ + "\u2581fatal", + -11.946722030639648 + ], + [ + "\u2581colega", + -11.252716064453125 + ], + [ + "xe", + -12.122432708740234 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sh", + -11.483449935913086 + ], + [ + "/05", + -11.828176498413086 + ], + [ + "market", + -11.456522941589355 + ], + [ + "\u2581CL", + -11.899739265441895 + ], + [ + "\u2581representar", + -11.249419212341309 + ], + [ + "ago", + -11.715482711791992 + ], + [ + "\u2581terrorista", + -11.316239356994629 + ], + [ + "\u2581disappear", + -11.296340942382812 + ], + [ + "QUI", + -11.92068099975586 + ], + [ + "\u2581hat", + -11.373513221740723 + ], + [ + "\u2581retirement", + -11.236838340759277 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sixt", + -11.9170503616333 + ], + [ + "\u2581Consulta", + -11.38032341003418 + ], + [ + "\u2581G\u00e9nero", + -11.404223442077637 + ], + [ + "\u2581salido", + -11.224637985229492 + ], + [ + "\u2581simples", + -11.497171401977539 + ], + [ + "\u2581judgement", + -11.204318046569824 + ], + [ + "STR", + -12.270832061767578 + ], + [ + "\u2581angel", + -11.28121280670166 + ], + [ + "\u2581emplear", + -11.431958198547363 + ], + [ + "/09/", + -11.995257377624512 + ], + [ + "\u2581D\u00e9", + -11.643588066101074 + ], + [ + "\u2581publicada", + -11.375204086303711 + ], + [ + "rad", + -11.758291244506836 + ], + [ + "\u2581appropriations", + -11.161623001098633 + ], + [ + "\u2581OR", + -11.237104415893555 + ], + [ + "liber", + -12.014182090759277 + ], + [ + "\u2581Asi", + -11.3126859664917 + ], + [ + "\u2581firmly", + -11.230299949645996 + ], + [ + "\u2581Solar", + -11.871445655822754 + ], + [ + "\u2581pr\u00f3ximas", + -11.41712760925293 + ], + [ + "friendly", + -11.232492446899414 + ], + [ + "\u2581Too", + -11.407394409179688 + ], + [ + "\u2581aeropuertos", + -11.376901626586914 + ], + [ + "peri", + -11.963799476623535 + ], + [ + "\u2581comprising", + -11.2116060256958 + ], + [ + "\u2581delays", + -11.248852729797363 + ], + [ + "\u2581breaks", + -11.327696800231934 + ], + [ + "\u2581pedidos", + -11.413640022277832 + ], + [ + "\u2581inversores", + -11.328485488891602 + ], + [ + "\u2581adds", + -11.328556060791016 + ], + [ + "\u2581cr", + -11.237530708312988 + ], + [ + "Je", + -11.995284080505371 + ], + [ + "\u2581ratificar", + -11.366218566894531 + ], + [ + "\u2581recopilaci\u00f3n", + -11.363471984863281 + ], + [ + "-01", + -12.002899169921875 + ], + [ + "\u2581protocolos", + -11.348143577575684 + ], + [ + "Sha", + -11.906493186950684 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alexander", + -11.88341999053955 + ], + [ + "\u2581viejos", + -11.275784492492676 + ], + [ + "\u2581Golden", + -11.559258460998535 + ], + [ + "\u2581rescue", + -11.267548561096191 + ], + [ + "\u2581maps", + -11.318536758422852 + ], + [ + "\u2581abuela", + -11.175389289855957 + ], + [ + "\u2581focuses", + -11.234938621520996 + ], + [ + "\u2581Secondly", + -11.254630088806152 + ], + [ + "\u2581gifts", + -11.302668571472168 + ], + [ + "\u2581cercana", + -11.371180534362793 + ], + [ + "cult", + -11.869102478027344 + ], + [ + "\u2581esp", + -11.952881813049316 + ], + [ + "pho", + -12.100842475891113 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cru", + -11.937155723571777 + ], + [ + "\u2581Events", + -11.261237144470215 + ], + [ + "\u2581muscle", + -11.201552391052246 + ], + [ + "\u2581tipifica", + -11.42735767364502 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ant", + -12.035209655761719 + ], + [ + "\u2581connections", + -11.353799819946289 + ], + [ + "pet", + -11.672093391418457 + ], + [ + "\u2581contin\u00faan", + -11.380108833312988 + ], + [ + "\u2581directives", + -11.258428573608398 + ], + [ + "\u2581edades", + -11.389952659606934 + ], + [ + "\u2581literatura", + -11.391621589660645 + ], + [ + "\u2581thereto", + -11.289856910705566 + ], + [ + "rent", + -11.912452697753906 + ], + [ + "\u2581stomach", + -11.284051895141602 + ], + [ + "\u2581directas", + -11.396876335144043 + ], + [ + "\u2581darte", + -11.240316390991211 + ], + [ + "\u2581newsletter", + -11.569655418395996 + ], + [ + "\u2581cont\u00f3", + -11.327643394470215 + ], + [ + "\u2581Conventions", + -11.749905586242676 + ], + [ + "\u2581corporations", + -11.222368240356445 + ], + [ + "\u2581casco", + -11.354744911193848 + ], + [ + "\u2581modernos", + -11.421988487243652 + ], + [ + "7).", + -11.828790664672852 + ], + [ + "\u2581realistic", + -11.236028671264648 + ], + [ + "\u2581alivio", + -11.347503662109375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Prueba", + -11.299409866333008 + ], + [ + "\u2581pac\u00edficos", + -11.361733436584473 + ], + [ + "\u2581Len", + -11.525165557861328 + ], + [ + "\u2581Baby", + -11.498797416687012 + ], + [ + "\u2581HE", + -11.353565216064453 + ], + [ + "\u2581Frente", + -11.360536575317383 + ], + [ + "\u2581mercurio", + -11.372176170349121 + ], + [ + "\u2581gear", + -11.255496978759766 + ], + [ + "\u2581peri", + -11.809001922607422 + ], + [ + "\u2581presentara", + -11.36843204498291 + ], + [ + "\u2581heridos", + -11.332449913024902 + ], + [ + "\u2581ceiling", + -11.21337604522705 + ], + [ + "\u2581facilidad", + -11.402783393859863 + ], + [ + "\u2581debatir", + -11.309953689575195 + ], + [ + "\u2581wet", + -11.864299774169922 + ], + [ + "\u2581certified", + -11.246529579162598 + ], + [ + "\u2581divina", + -11.345961570739746 + ], + [ + "tiene", + -11.374602317810059 + ], + [ + "\u2581comunica", + -11.17573356628418 + ], + [ + "bour", + -12.013644218444824 + ], + [ + "\u2581arbitral", + -11.925193786621094 + ], + [ + "\u2581Armas", + -11.362508773803711 + ], + [ + "\u2581dating", + -11.309710502624512 + ], + [ + "\u2581iluminaci\u00f3n", + -11.381855010986328 + ], + [ + "\u2581plantean", + -11.304861068725586 + ], + [ + "\u2581saca", + -11.161871910095215 + ], + [ + "0,00", + -11.985240936279297 + ], + [ + "\u2581Recuerda", + -11.340255737304688 + ], + [ + "\u2581tap", + -11.612871170043945 + ], + [ + "\u2581personalizada", + -11.429390907287598 + ], + [ + "\u2581logr\u00f3", + -11.390364646911621 + ], + [ + "stock", + -11.701087951660156 + ], + [ + "\u2581urgentes", + -11.40475082397461 + ], + [ + "\u2581sequ\u00eda", + -11.374266624450684 + ], + [ + "\u2581passenger", + -11.205246925354004 + ], + [ + "\u2581unemployed", + -11.277690887451172 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ideal", + -11.739017486572266 + ], + [ + "ND", + -11.762834548950195 + ], + [ + "\u2581mantuvo", + -11.399593353271484 + ], + [ + "zz", + -11.825542449951172 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reduction", + -11.239426612854004 + ], + [ + "\u2581separately", + -11.235249519348145 + ], + [ + "\u2581Financiero", + -11.34239673614502 + ], + [ + "\u2581rev", + -11.8886137008667 + ], + [ + ":12", + -12.12187671661377 + ], + [ + "uc", + -11.397031784057617 + ], + [ + "\u2581textiles", + -11.7548246383667 + ], + [ + "\u2581confirmation", + -11.27232837677002 + ], + [ + "\u2581extending", + -11.240538597106934 + ], + [ + "\u2581muchachos", + -11.198497772216797 + ], + [ + "\u2581religioso", + -11.34437370300293 + ], + [ + "GP", + -12.02566909790039 + ], + [ + "bl", + -12.174715042114258 + ], + [ + "ime", + -11.743335723876953 + ], + [ + "\u2581cient\u00edficas", + -11.405142784118652 + ], + [ + "\u2581Quantity", + -11.288042068481445 + ], + [ + "iki", + -11.99098014831543 + ], + [ + "\u2581seized", + -11.240352630615234 + ], + [ + "\u2581adversos", + -11.345016479492188 + ], + [ + "Servicios", + -11.397035598754883 + ], + [ + "liza", + -11.421122550964355 + ], + [ + "\u2581comprises", + -11.23159122467041 + ], + [ + "\u2581deficit", + -11.222591400146484 + ], + [ + "\u2581radar", + -12.02528190612793 + ], + [ + "\u2581recognizing", + -11.228803634643555 + ], + [ + "\u2581Estilo", + -11.455886840820312 + ], + [ + "llar", + -11.578044891357422 + ], + [ + ":6", + -12.162971496582031 + ], + [ + "\u2581plot", + -11.293442726135254 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kal", + -11.910903930664062 + ], + [ + "\u2581excesiva", + -11.340983390808105 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hacer", + -11.398726463317871 + ], + [ + "\u2581AI", + -11.92355728149414 + ], + [ + "\u2581repetir", + -11.328912734985352 + ], + [ + "\u2581nombrar", + -11.367773056030273 + ], + [ + "\u2581taxation", + -11.191161155700684 + ], + [ + "flex", + -12.080207824707031 + ], + [ + "\u2581kilometres", + -11.209277153015137 + ], + [ + "\u2581projected", + -11.254752159118652 + ], + [ + "\u2581iban", + -11.28453254699707 + ], + [ + "\u2581aplicar\u00e1n", + -11.33792495727539 + ], + [ + "\u2581modernas", + -11.397599220275879 + ], + [ + "\u2581inflation", + -11.25578498840332 + ], + [ + "\u2581quotas", + -11.216584205627441 + ], + [ + "mel", + -11.60464859008789 + ], + [ + "\u2581shortly", + -11.25695514678955 + ], + [ + "\u2581Stockholm", + -11.273324966430664 + ], + [ + "\u2581vinos", + -11.411327362060547 + ], + [ + "/64/", + -11.804547309875488 + ], + [ + "\u2581separar", + -11.4584379196167 + ], + [ + "\u2581hip\u00f3tesis", + -11.323805809020996 + ], + [ + "\u2581clearance", + -11.24439525604248 + ], + [ + "\u2581volver\u00e1", + -11.208950996398926 + ], + [ + "\u2581Everybody", + -11.4095458984375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kor", + -12.091265678405762 + ], + [ + "\u2581exploraci\u00f3n", + -11.363142013549805 + ], + [ + "\u2581Projects", + -11.301639556884766 + ], + [ + "\u2581enforced", + -11.261331558227539 + ], + [ + "\u2581adopta", + -11.341200828552246 + ], + [ + "\u2581obtuvo", + -11.387039184570312 + ], + [ + "\u2581contenidas", + -11.365635871887207 + ], + [ + "\u2581vacuna", + -11.355826377868652 + ], + [ + "\u2581retiro", + -11.367683410644531 + ], + [ + "\u2581Janeiro", + -11.970945358276367 + ], + [ + "\u2581circle", + -11.280197143554688 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ryan", + -11.921361923217773 + ], + [ + "\u2581Later", + -11.2803373336792 + ], + [ + "\u2581vig\u00e9simo", + -11.319133758544922 + ], + [ + "ADO", + -11.482582092285156 + ], + [ + "TD", + -12.037640571594238 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cameroon", + -11.152053833007812 + ], + [ + "\u2581contado", + -11.38403034210205 + ], + [ + "\u2581writer", + -11.294649124145508 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vic", + -11.820887565612793 + ], + [ + "\u2581intensive", + -11.225459098815918 + ], + [ + "\u2581migratorios", + -11.413264274597168 + ], + [ + "\u2581SS", + -11.86573600769043 + ], + [ + "\u2581poseen", + -11.432167053222656 + ], + [ + "\u2581mandated", + -11.230061531066895 + ], + [ + "\u2581walked", + -11.359363555908203 + ], + [ + "\u2581estrat\u00e9gicos", + -11.399059295654297 + ], + [ + "\u2581routine", + -11.245004653930664 + ], + [ + "\u2581maldita", + -11.170442581176758 + ], + [ + "\u2581f\u00edsicos", + -11.375228881835938 + ], + [ + "\u2581complexity", + -11.253565788269043 + ], + [ + "\u2581Greg", + -12.27803897857666 + ], + [ + "\u2581Demo", + -12.217004776000977 + ], + [ + "\u2581(2002)", + -11.912232398986816 + ], + [ + "\u2581burning", + -11.31118392944336 + ], + [ + "ificado", + -11.444107055664062 + ], + [ + "\u2581complejos", + -11.409778594970703 + ], + [ + "\u2581algod\u00f3n", + -11.390304565429688 + ], + [ + "\u2581noticed", + -11.326587677001953 + ], + [ + "\u2581designs", + -11.40518856048584 + ], + [ + "\u2581stresses", + -11.24893569946289 + ], + [ + "\u2581reconocida", + 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-11.950499534606934 + ], + [ + "\u2581pr", + -11.606902122497559 + ], + [ + "\u2581pupils", + -11.267197608947754 + ], + [ + "\u2581tablet", + -11.435070037841797 + ], + [ + "\u2581distinta", + -11.32863712310791 + ], + [ + "\u2581grasa", + -11.372562408447266 + ], + [ + "\u2581descuento", + -11.381946563720703 + ], + [ + "\u2581Karl", + -12.026171684265137 + ], + [ + "\u2581fathers", + -11.37051010131836 + ], + [ + "\u2581femenino", + -11.413570404052734 + ], + [ + "\u2581Off", + -11.597112655639648 + ], + [ + "\u2581multimedia", + -12.009023666381836 + ], + [ + "sola", + -11.63106632232666 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ara", + -11.809697151184082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Regi\u00f3n", + -11.4004487991333 + ], + [ + "\u2581installations", + -11.250321388244629 + ], + [ + "\u2581everyday", + -11.286235809326172 + ], + [ + "\u2581hermanas", + -11.379647254943848 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sahara", + -11.437592506408691 + ], + [ + "HS", + -11.780258178710938 + ], + [ + "\u2581ADN", + -11.280014038085938 + ], + [ + "\u2581destina", + -11.367058753967285 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lago", + -11.791414260864258 + ], + [ + "\u2581elevar", + -11.432579040527344 + ], + [ + "\u2581harmonization", + -11.223712921142578 + ], + [ + "fir", + -11.567434310913086 + ], + [ + "\u2581Deben", + -11.277706146240234 + ], + [ + "\u2581alemanes", + -11.297995567321777 + ], + [ + "\u2581mapas", + -11.44414234161377 + ], + [ + "\u2581inde", + -11.624753952026367 + ], + [ + "mble", + -12.048447608947754 + ], + [ + "\u2581spots", + -11.523202896118164 + ], + [ + "\u2581repatriaci\u00f3n", + -11.382883071899414 + ], + [ + "\u2581None", + -11.359119415283203 + ], + [ + "\u2581Had", + -11.384108543395996 + ], + [ + "\u2581parada", + -11.723867416381836 + ], + [ + "\u2581concentraciones", + -11.375191688537598 + ], + [ + "ien", + -11.365365028381348 + ], + [ + "\u2581continu\u00f3", + -11.390779495239258 + ], + [ + "kan", + -11.90298843383789 + ], + [ + "\u2581musulmanes", + -11.396638870239258 + ], + [ + "print", + -11.584010124206543 + ], + [ + "\u2581necesitar\u00e1", + -11.33635139465332 + ], + [ + "\u2581alcalde", + -11.34953784942627 + ], + [ + "\u2581validity", + -11.247647285461426 + ], + [ + "\u2581Operaci\u00f3n", + -11.427568435668945 + ], + [ + "\u2581Venta", + -11.393071174621582 + ], + [ + "\u2581listos", + -11.282244682312012 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tweet", + -11.888469696044922 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vincent", + -11.548828125 + ], + [ + "\u2581torre", + -11.338272094726562 + ], + [ + "version", + -11.865002632141113 + ], + [ + "\u2581Arch", + -12.131340026855469 + ], + [ + "\u2581jurado", + -11.297858238220215 + ], + [ + "ffe", + -12.184592247009277 + ], + [ + "\u2581allegedly", + -11.28290843963623 + ], + [ + "\u2581ingredientes", + -11.39096450805664 + ], + [ + "\u2581arresto", + -11.317610740661621 + ], + [ + "\u2581monetaria", + -11.309409141540527 + ], + [ + "1998", + -12.017478942871094 + ], + [ + "\u2581cometidas", + -11.384540557861328 + ], + [ + "\u2581falla", + -11.327580451965332 + ], + [ + "\u2581apparently", + -11.321012496948242 + ], + [ + "\u2581saludable", + -11.363357543945312 + ], + [ + "tolog\u00eda", + -11.424242973327637 + ], + [ + "\u2581especializado", + -11.403241157531738 + ], + [ + "\u2581sugiri\u00f3", + -11.345901489257812 + ], + [ + "\u2581emerged", + -11.282674789428711 + ], + [ + "\u2581(13", + -11.943090438842773 + ], + [ + "hoo", + -12.088944435119629 + ], + [ + "\u2581abri\u00f3", + -11.382068634033203 + ], + [ + "\u2581790", + -12.01545238494873 + ], + [ + "izadas", + -11.483047485351562 + ], + [ + "\u2581potente", + -11.386235237121582 + ], + [ + "\u2581conexiones", + -11.39161491394043 + ], + [ + "\u2581condemned", + -11.293384552001953 + ], + [ + "\u2581entregado", + -11.386387825012207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Marcos", + -11.81783676147461 + ], + [ + "\u2581emphasize", + -11.257458686828613 + ], + [ + "Cu\u00e1les", + -11.349928855895996 + ], + [ + "\u2581Observaci\u00f3n", + -11.351927757263184 + ], + [ + "Fe", + -11.975419044494629 + ], + [ + "\u03bc", + -100 + ], + [ + "ml", + -11.959592819213867 + ], + [ + "\u2581purchased", + -11.26057243347168 + ], + [ + "\u2581concentrated", + -11.241025924682617 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jose", + -11.673750877380371 + ], + [ + "\").", + -12.218122482299805 + ], + [ + "\u2581keymap", + -11.51612663269043 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pad", + -11.773004531860352 + ], + [ + "mental", + -12.300182342529297 + ], + [ + "\u2581filter", + -11.253388404846191 + ], + [ + "ike", + -11.72173023223877 + ], + [ + "\u2581demuestran", + -11.369855880737305 + ], + [ + "\u2581maravillosa", + -11.306255340576172 + ], + [ + "\u2581secretos", + -11.294354438781738 + ], + [ + "n\u00ed", + -11.541024208068848 + ], + [ + "\u2581aborda", + -11.327054023742676 + ], + [ + "nsa", + -11.685371398925781 + ], + [ + "\u2581P\u00e1rrafo", + -11.36617660522461 + ], + [ + "\u2581forestales", + -11.362539291381836 + ], + [ + "\u2581emocional", + -11.338613510131836 + ], + [ + "Comp", + -12.046659469604492 + ], + [ + "\u25813.3", + -11.934889793395996 + ], + [ + "\u2581beta", + -12.054937362670898 + ], + [ + "\u2581defeat", + -11.328598976135254 + ], + [ + "\u2581appoint", + -11.25224781036377 + ], + [ + "\u2581excesivo", + -11.39161491394043 + ], + [ + "\u2581Laura", + -11.952649116516113 + ], + [ + "\u2581tuya", + -11.157519340515137 + ], + [ + "\u2581entendido", + -11.28126049041748 + ], + [ + "mero", + -11.473336219787598 + ], + [ + "\u2581contracting", + -11.228921890258789 + ], + [ + "\u2581litoral", + -11.397479057312012 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cop", + -12.026586532592773 + ], + [ + "city", + -11.794289588928223 + ], + [ + "\u258155/2", + -11.927999496459961 + ], + [ + "neo", + -11.497658729553223 + ], + [ + "\u2581isolated", + -11.270787239074707 + ], + [ + "\u2581destacado", + -11.351390838623047 + ], + [ + "\u2581incertidumbre", + -11.34390926361084 + ], + [ + "-25", + -11.91597843170166 + ], + [ + "\u2581innovadoras", + -11.387673377990723 + ], + [ + "\u2581rusa", + -11.389097213745117 + ], + [ + "\u2581Drive", + -11.632624626159668 + ], + [ + "\u2581tejidos", + -11.398326873779297 + ], + [ + "tres", + -11.707405090332031 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pel", + -11.905247688293457 + ], + [ + "\u2581encuestas", + -11.424812316894531 + ], + [ + "\u2581liquidaci\u00f3n", + -11.335294723510742 + ], + [ + "\u2581leve", + -11.41064739227295 + ], + [ + "\u2581administra", + -11.302526473999023 + ], + [ + "\u2581recalls", + -11.292318344116211 + ], + [ + "\u2581Commonwealth", + -11.660724639892578 + ], + [ + "\u2581aparato", + -11.304944038391113 + ], + [ + "\u2581carreras", + -11.413823127746582 + ], + [ + "\u2581cl\u00e1sico", + -11.384467124938965 + ], + [ + "\u2581medianas", + -11.382831573486328 + ], + [ + "\u2581Punta", + -12.04748249053955 + ], + [ + "\u2581Font", + -11.842166900634766 + ], + [ + "\u2581Atl\u00e1ntico", + -11.39161491394043 + ], + [ + "\u2581LDCs", + -11.259642601013184 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rate", + -11.346149444580078 + ], + [ + "\u2581Marshall", + -11.936565399169922 + ], + [ + "\u2581Llega", + -11.26485824584961 + ], + [ + "\u2581upset", + -11.388398170471191 + ], + [ + "\u2581abra", + -11.309074401855469 + ], + [ + "\u2581palacio", + -11.371460914611816 + ], + [ + "\u258124,", + -11.826953887939453 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tenga", + -11.331830978393555 + ], + [ + "\u2581dejan", + -11.391495704650879 + ], + [ + "\u2581brit\u00e1nico", + -11.393739700317383 + ], + [ + "\u2581Venice", + -11.344069480895996 + ], + [ + "rot", + -11.64453125 + ], + [ + "\u2581ulterior", + -11.367307662963867 + ], + [ + "\u2581ordenamiento", + -11.408483505249023 + ], + [ + "\u2581dispuesta", + -11.355179786682129 + ], + [ + "national", + -11.255786895751953 + ], + [ + "\u2581twin", + -11.358902931213379 + ], + [ + "iko", + -12.032438278198242 + ], + [ + "\u2581mutuamente", + -11.362210273742676 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alan", + -12.003222465515137 + ], + [ + "\u25811988,", + -12.019482612609863 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jobs", + -11.308411598205566 + ], + [ + "\u2581cl\u00e1usula", + -11.361571311950684 + ], + [ + "ificar", + -11.56076717376709 + ], + [ + "ija", + -11.758829116821289 + ], + [ + "\u2581argued", + -11.261051177978516 + ], + [ + "\u2581agrado", + -11.367444038391113 + ], + [ + "eras", + -11.366500854492188 + ], + [ + "\u2581vendedor", + -11.37720775604248 + ], + [ + "\u2581fiel", + -11.385211944580078 + ], + [ + "culos", + -11.792869567871094 + ], + [ + "\u2581decisivo", + -11.35473346710205 + ], + [ + "\u2581equilibrado", + -11.376598358154297 + ], + [ + "\u2581tel", + -11.949955940246582 + ], + [ + "\u25811961", + -12.004895210266113 + ], + [ + "\u2581pr\u00f3rroga", + -11.376691818237305 + ], + [ + "\u2581cubre", + -11.370594024658203 + ], + [ + "\u2581incl", + -11.851555824279785 + ], + [ + "\u2581CAT", + -12.103013038635254 + ], + [ + "\u2581Idioma", + -11.400569915771484 + ], + [ + "\u2581Capit\u00e1n", + -11.17885971069336 + ], + [ + "\u2581seleccionado", + -11.439959526062012 + ], + [ + "cierto", + -11.215166091918945 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nuestras", + -11.449121475219727 + ], + [ + "\u2581Instancia", + -11.358817100524902 + ], + [ + "\u2581incon", + -11.84846019744873 + ], + [ + "\u2581container", + -11.255023956298828 + ], + [ + "\u2581percepci\u00f3n", + -11.416617393493652 + ], + [ + "\u2581Age", + -11.241217613220215 + ], + [ + "-13", + -11.947890281677246 + ], + [ + "\u2581cooking", + -11.302072525024414 + ], + [ + "\u2581profound", + -11.284932136535645 + ], + [ + "\u2581coger", + -11.244241714477539 + ], + [ + "\u2581rechazo", + -11.382055282592773 + ], + [ + "\u2581nights", + -11.553722381591797 + ], + [ + "cc", + -11.80362319946289 + ], + [ + "\u2581confi", + -11.384517669677734 + ], + [ + "-23", + -11.839227676391602 + ], + [ + "\u2581TA", + -11.866597175598145 + ], + [ + "\u2581beneficial", + -11.253602027893066 + ], + [ + "\u2581sostenido", + -11.380537033081055 + ], + [ + "\u2581specially", + -11.2784423828125 + ], + [ + "conflict", + -11.233654975891113 + ], + [ + "psi", + -11.990119934082031 + ], + [ + "\u2581constituido", + -11.42387580871582 + ], + [ + "\u2581sensibilidad", + -11.380814552307129 + ], + [ + "\u2581edit", + -11.300602912902832 + ], + [ + "where", + -11.452765464782715 + ], + [ + "\u2581Garant\u00eda", + -11.379454612731934 + ], + [ + "\u2581favorables", + -11.400971412658691 + ], + [ + "\u2581restricci\u00f3n", + -11.391197204589844 + ], + [ + "\u2581PM", + -11.641676902770996 + ], + [ + "\u2581directivas", + -11.418172836303711 + ], + [ + "\u2581User", + -11.28432559967041 + ], + [ + "\u2581Self", + -11.306138038635254 + ], + [ + "\u2581m\u00f3dulo", + -11.366996765136719 + ], + [ + "\u2581reviewing", + -11.273168563842773 + ], + [ + "\u2581loud", + -11.423995018005371 + ], + [ + "\u2581ir\u00e9", + -11.148533821105957 + ], + [ + "/68/", + -12.236703872680664 + ], + [ + "\u2581encontraron", + -11.367043495178223 + ], + [ + "\u2581dental", + -11.775577545166016 + ], + [ + "\u2581rendir", + -11.376327514648438 + ], + [ + "\u2581complementary", + -11.263150215148926 + ], + [ + "\u2581tab", + -11.366013526916504 + ], + [ + "\u2581Avenue", + -11.693209648132324 + ], + [ + "word", + -11.716005325317383 + ], + [ + "\u2581refuerzo", + -11.363273620605469 + ], + [ + "\u2581ART", + -11.830631256103516 + ], + [ + "\u2581thick", + -11.253341674804688 + ], + [ + "\u2581autonomy", + -11.260252952575684 + ], + [ + "\u2581accidents", + -11.289387702941895 + ], + [ + "r\u00f3n", + -11.276363372802734 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dice", + -11.201247215270996 + ], + [ + "\u2581coal", + -11.296014785766602 + ], + [ + "\u2581estimaci\u00f3n", + -11.40613079071045 + ], + [ + "\u2581insulina", + -11.359155654907227 + ], + [ + "\u2581XIII", + -11.966181755065918 + ], + [ + "\u2581revisada", + -11.437346458435059 + ], + [ + "\u2581environmentally", + -11.223260879516602 + ], + [ + "\u2581privaci\u00f3n", + -11.458759307861328 + ], + [ + "\u2581injuries", + -11.264472961425781 + ], + [ + "\u2581apoyando", + -11.375882148742676 + ], + [ + "\u2581substantially", + -11.283524513244629 + ], + [ + "Ni", + -11.333677291870117 + ], + [ + "\u2581agradecer", + -11.360062599182129 + ], + [ + "\u2581expuestos", + -11.395133972167969 + ], + [ + "\u2581extra\u00f1a", + -11.229607582092285 + ], + [ + "mado", + -11.398919105529785 + ], + [ + "\u2581rescate", + -11.321105003356934 + ], + [ + "\u2581halla", + -11.20623779296875 + ], + [ + "\u2581desaparici\u00f3n", + -11.420854568481445 + ], + [ + "\u2581personajes", + -11.427631378173828 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hans", + -11.91260814666748 + ], + [ + "\u2581afirmaci\u00f3n", + -11.372448921203613 + ], + [ + "SU", + -11.881974220275879 + ], + [ + "\u2581127", + -11.925363540649414 + ], + [ + "\u2581stores", + -11.284562110900879 + ], + [ + "\u2581environments", + -11.451642036437988 + ], + [ + "Gran", + -11.925520896911621 + ], + [ + "\u2581demonstration", + -11.236048698425293 + ], + [ + "\u2581instalada", + -11.367405891418457 + ], + [ + "/26", + -11.863717079162598 + ], + [ + "Gracias", + -11.185576438903809 + ], + [ + "\u2581united", + -11.297260284423828 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reina", + -11.553224563598633 + ], + [ + "\u2581logrados", + -11.46210765838623 + ], + [ + "\u00b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581reproduce", + -11.956217765808105 + ], + [ + "\u2581Published", + -11.283334732055664 + ], + [ + "\u2581inoxidable", + -11.426460266113281 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ambos", + -11.370997428894043 + ], + [ + "\u2581utilicen", + -11.395140647888184 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mosc\u00fa", + -11.392457962036133 + ], + [ + "\u2581presenting", + -11.314157485961914 + ], + [ + "\u2581complementar", + -11.471752166748047 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bert", + -12.156902313232422 + ], + [ + ":13", + -12.108919143676758 + ], + [ + "\u2581restored", + -11.289422988891602 + ], + [ + "\u2581toxic", + -11.256589889526367 + ], + [ + "\u2581sectoral", + -11.275382995605469 + ], + [ + "\u2581colaboradores", + -11.40213680267334 + ], + [ + "\u2581sauna", + -11.983168601989746 + ], + [ + "\u2581praise", + -11.2654447555542 + ], + [ + "\u2581denominada", + -11.433378219604492 + ], + [ + "\u2581nervioso", + -11.286171913146973 + ], + [ + "\u2581legislativos", + -11.390049934387207 + ], + [ + "\u2581congratulate", + -11.239999771118164 + ], + [ + "21)", + -12.00717544555664 + ], + [ + "\u2581Better", + -11.376782417297363 + ], + [ + "/46", + -11.962289810180664 + ], + [ + "\u2581lesson", + -11.28946304321289 + ], + [ + "income", + -11.286809921264648 + ], + [ + "\u2581contratar", + -11.371170043945312 + ], + [ + "\u2581preferred", + -11.283761978149414 + ], + [ + "\u2581cotton", + -11.266944885253906 + ], + [ + "\u2581exclusivo", + -11.43967342376709 + ], + [ + "\u2581reproductor", + -11.394137382507324 + ], + [ + "\u2581persistent", + -11.303006172180176 + ], + [ + "\u2581facilitado", + -11.38473129272461 + ], + [ + "\u2581publicados", + -11.449764251708984 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rodr\u00edguez", + -11.952536582946777 + ], + [ + "\u2581145", + -11.939263343811035 + ], + [ + "\u2581prosperidad", + -11.34033203125 + ], + [ + "/10/", + -11.956981658935547 + ], + [ + "ffi", + -12.297220230102539 + ], + [ + "\u2581considerados", + -11.406087875366211 + ], + [ + "\u2581cadenas", + -11.472285270690918 + ], + [ + "\u2581quinta", + -11.38168716430664 + ], + [ + "\u2581beneficia", + -11.508886337280273 + ], + [ + "\u2581voluntaria", + -11.358369827270508 + ], + [ + "vista", + -11.704514503479004 + ], + [ + "\u2581Talk", + -11.410982131958008 + ], + [ + "\u2581ecological", + -11.263420104980469 + ], + [ + "\u2581AB", + -11.832298278808594 + ], + [ + "\u2581Carmen", + -12.044349670410156 + ], + [ + "\u2581discounts", + -11.314191818237305 + ], + [ + "\u2581construida", + -11.463014602661133 + ], + [ + "LM", + -11.95573616027832 + ], + [ + "\u2581obtiene", + -11.37932300567627 + ], + [ + "zado", + -11.527636528015137 + ], + [ + "\u2581captain", + -11.424790382385254 + ], + [ + "view", + -11.752792358398438 + ], + [ + "\u2581Welcomes", + -11.315174102783203 + ], + [ + "ature", + -11.697511672973633 + ], + [ + "Star", + -11.643354415893555 + ], + [ + "bajo", + -11.331899642944336 + ], + [ + "\u2581Papua", + -11.736424446105957 + ], + [ + "\u2581Trata", + -11.314987182617188 + ], + [ + "\u2581establishments", + -11.40298080444336 + ], + [ + "\u2581Recent", + -11.32661247253418 + ], + [ + "\u2581LO", + -11.7782621383667 + ], + [ + "\u2581Botswana", + -11.701361656188965 + ], + [ + "quer", + -11.949771881103516 + ], + [ + "\u2581utilization", + -11.289460182189941 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bonn", + -11.982053756713867 + ], + [ + "\u00fas", + -11.702712059020996 + ], + [ + "Porque", + -11.296770095825195 + ], + [ + "\u2581nacidos", + -11.425479888916016 + ], + [ + "\u2581realice", + -11.415695190429688 + ], + [ + "\u2581CR", + -11.677700996398926 + ], + [ + "\u2581mesas", + -11.429835319519043 + ], + [ + "vier", + -11.862161636352539 + ], + [ + "heim", + -12.007750511169434 + ], + [ + "\u2581presupuestarios", + -11.418362617492676 + ], + [ + "action", + -11.406234741210938 + ], + [ + "\u2581aut\u00f3nomos", + -11.413769721984863 + ], + [ + "constitucionales", + -11.72611141204834 + ], + [ + "mue", + -11.733171463012695 + ], + [ + "\u2581ahorrar", + -11.458012580871582 + ], + [ + "\u2581T\u00e9rminos", + -11.466012001037598 + ], + [ + "\u2581Proceso", + -11.419183731079102 + ], + [ + "\u2581thorough", + -11.292472839355469 + ], + [ + "\u2581mitigaci\u00f3n", + -11.378339767456055 + ], + [ + "\u2581cereales", + -11.413308143615723 + ], + [ + "\u2581ganas", + -11.2362060546875 + ], + [ + "lizar", + -11.525287628173828 + ], + [ + "\u2581Invest", + -11.743057250976562 + ], + [ + "\u2581controversia", + -11.389511108398438 + ], + [ + "\u2581briefing", + -11.236359596252441 + ], + [ + ".800", + -11.466635704040527 + ], + [ + "\u2581goza", + -11.379194259643555 + ], + [ + "\u2581professor", + -11.342947006225586 + ], + [ + "\u2581Definition", + -11.268913269042969 + ], + [ + "nato", + -11.533791542053223 + ], + [ + "\u2581prompt", + -11.280229568481445 + ], + [ + "1991", + -11.966156005859375 + ], + [ + "\u2581profession", + -11.260994911193848 + ], + [ + "\u2581optional", + -11.28915786743164 + ], + [ + "\u2581record\u00f3", + -11.424099922180176 + ], + [ + "haus", + -12.2007474899292 + ], + [ + "\u2581cr\u00edtico", + -11.400535583496094 + ], + [ + ":14", + -12.091044425964355 + ], + [ + "\u2581bother", + -11.508681297302246 + ], + [ + "band", + -11.872522354125977 + ], + [ + "mico", + -11.452072143554688 + ], + [ + "\u2581subray\u00f3", + -11.430793762207031 + ], + [ + "\u2581Excelente", + -11.3607816696167 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sau", + -12.056722640991211 + ], + [ + "\u2581Incluye", + -11.403382301330566 + ], + [ + "\u2581defining", + -11.272258758544922 + ], + [ + "VO", + -12.083142280578613 + ], + [ + "\u2581apreciar", + -11.470926284790039 + ], + [ + "\u2581Calendario", + -11.467507362365723 + ], + [ + "\u2581habita", + -11.427245140075684 + ], + [ + "arra", + -11.950361251831055 + ], + [ + "\u2581blanqueo", + -11.393288612365723 + ], + [ + "\u2581paralelo", + -11.404069900512695 + ], + [ + "\u258131.", + -11.807605743408203 + ], + [ + "\u2581analytical", + -11.223320960998535 + ], + [ + "RF", + -11.703207015991211 + ], + [ + "\u2581hyper", + -11.320008277893066 + ], + [ + "\u2581farming", + -11.249631881713867 + ], + [ + "\u2581dishes", + -11.338614463806152 + ], + [ + "\u2581Contents", + -11.312591552734375 + ], + [ + "\u2581decisive", + -11.26845932006836 + ], + [ + "vari", + -11.968876838684082 + ], + [ + "\u2581murdered", + -11.354501724243164 + ], + [ + "\u2581fortaleza", + -11.408036231994629 + ], + [ + "\u2581anuncia", + -11.289315223693848 + ], + [ + "\u2581policiales", + -11.465522766113281 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vete", + -11.26257038116455 + ], + [ + "\u2581numero", + -11.636286735534668 + ], + [ + "\u2581xenofobia", + -11.40846061706543 + ], + [ + "\u2581phrase", + -11.280854225158691 + ], + [ + "\u2581re\u00fane", + -11.398595809936523 + ], + [ + "\u2581carrier", + -11.230895042419434 + ], + [ + "\u2581destinos", + -11.47102165222168 + ], + [ + "\u2581Currently", + -11.291483879089355 + ], + [ + "\u2581133", + -11.907442092895508 + ], + [ + "\u2581obs", + -11.508294105529785 + ], + [ + "\u2581hydro", + -11.40090560913086 + ], + [ + "\u2581consigo", + -11.333316802978516 + ], + [ + "GU", + -12.07054328918457 + ], + [ + "sobre", + -11.372519493103027 + ], + [ + "\u2581complementarias", + -11.427228927612305 + ], + [ + "\u2581cay\u00f3", + -11.31101131439209 + ], + [ + "\u2581viewed", + -11.290938377380371 + ], + [ + "\u2581espere", + -11.28834056854248 + ], + [ + "ening", + -11.22200870513916 + ], + [ + "\u2581inhuman", + -11.294532775878906 + ], + [ + "\u2581pill", + -11.85658073425293 + ], + [ + "\u2581digno", + -11.348085403442383 + ], + [ + "\u2581Se\u00f1or\u00edas", + -11.43249797821045 + ], + [ + "est\u00e1", + -11.267300605773926 + ], + [ + "\u2581possess", + -11.306692123413086 + ], + [ + "\u2581ubicada", + -11.50699234008789 + ], + [ + "duras", + -11.43796157836914 + ], + [ + "\u2581%)", + -11.92015266418457 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pesca", + -11.381355285644531 + ], + [ + "\u2581Detective", + -11.940665245056152 + ], + [ + "\u2581ethical", + -11.300332069396973 + ], + [ + "\u2581transform", + -11.279841423034668 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dublin", + -11.560117721557617 + ], + [ + "\u2581exemption", + -11.22400951385498 + ], + [ + "\u2581umbral", + -11.415078163146973 + ], + [ + "\u2581Double", + -11.359298706054688 + ], + [ + "\u2581vs", + -11.916955947875977 + ], + [ + "GC", + -11.828682899475098 + ], + [ + "\u2581tra\u00eddo", + -11.273601531982422 + ], + [ + "\u2581estudiando", + -11.381901741027832 + ], + [ + "\u2581ocuparse", + -11.371443748474121 + ], + [ + "\u2581discriminatoria", + -11.408283233642578 + ], + [ + "\u2581disclosure", + -11.260187149047852 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00d3rgano", + -11.407187461853027 + ], + [ + "\u2581ver\u00e1", + -11.3564453125 + ], + [ + "\u2581reputation", + -11.361387252807617 + ], + [ + "\u2581temporales", + -11.437627792358398 + ], + [ + "\u2581exigen", + -11.420705795288086 + ], + [ + "\u2581sacred", + -11.304390907287598 + ], + [ + "\u2581Anyway", + -11.450565338134766 + ], + [ + "\u2581ski", + -11.303387641906738 + ], + [ + "\u2581Consideration", + -11.268524169921875 + ], + [ + "PN", + -12.09290599822998 + ], + [ + "\u2581credibilidad", + -11.358346939086914 + ], + [ + "\u2581Atenci\u00f3n", + -11.391562461853027 + ], + [ + "\u2581ayud\u00f3", + -11.366458892822266 + ], + [ + "\u2581manifestar", + -11.450729370117188 + ], + [ + "/25", + -11.856987953186035 + ], + [ + "\u2581Trip", + -11.390167236328125 + ], + [ + "\u2581plataformas", + -11.44894790649414 + ], + [ + "dice", + -12.20174503326416 + ], + [ + "\u2581subsidiarios", + -11.452275276184082 + ], + [ + "\u2581holder", + -11.265132904052734 + ], + [ + "\u2581cerrada", + -11.33178424835205 + ], + [ + "\u2581drunk", + -11.435407638549805 + ], + [ + "\u2581instante", + -11.400285720825195 + ], + [ + "\u2581urgency", + -11.279038429260254 + ], + [ + "\u2581admisi\u00f3n", + -11.4170503616333 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fal", + -11.687312126159668 + ], + [ + "\u2581intervenir", + -11.410693168640137 + ], + [ + "bury", + -12.091452598571777 + ], + [ + "\u2581capability", + -11.322955131530762 + ], + [ + "z\u00f3", + -11.363764762878418 + ], + [ + "\u2581450", + -12.044740676879883 + ], + [ + "\u2581analyses", + -11.28322696685791 + ], + [ + "\u2581juicios", + -11.505270957946777 + ], + [ + "\u2581marginal", + -11.767474174499512 + ], + [ + "\u2581suites", + -12.015542984008789 + ], + [ + "\u2581mus", + -11.88538932800293 + ], + [ + "\u2581stimulate", + -11.276739120483398 + ], + [ + "\u2581necesitar", + -11.173723220825195 + ], + [ + "\u2581Boat", + -11.327739715576172 + ], + [ + "\u2581finger", + -11.445626258850098 + ], + [ + "\u2581correcciones", + -11.333215713500977 + ], + [ + "\u2581cute", + -11.401334762573242 + ], + [ + "\u2581elect", + -11.34556770324707 + ], + [ + "\u2581especificar", + -11.489310264587402 + ], + [ + "\u2581Poco", + -11.418103218078613 + ], + [ + "\u2581crean", + -11.392553329467773 + ], + [ + "\u2581forgot", + -11.4677152633667 + ], + [ + "\u2581continuamente", + -11.406335830688477 + ], + [ + "\u2581famosa", + -11.342973709106445 + ], + [ + "13)", + -11.996685981750488 + ], + [ + "UF", + -12.143288612365723 + ], + [ + "\u2581Discover", + -11.284212112426758 + ], + [ + "\u2581examinar\u00e1", + -11.453381538391113 + ], + [ + "PER", + -12.032021522521973 + ], + [ + "\u2581il\u00edcitos", + -11.456233024597168 + ], + [ + "\u2581announcement", + -11.31041145324707 + ], + [ + "\u2581devil", + -11.356438636779785 + ], + [ + "Oye", + -11.198137283325195 + ], + [ + "\u2581unir", + -11.391067504882812 + ], + [ + "\u2581unlawful", + -11.291022300720215 + ], + [ + "\u2581fumar", + -11.333013534545898 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dictamen", + -11.395621299743652 + ], + [ + "stri", + -11.820451736450195 + ], + [ + "\u2581UNIFEM", + -11.871415138244629 + ], + [ + "\u2581combustibles", + -11.428053855895996 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pur", + -12.149925231933594 + ], + [ + "\u2581Levi", + -12.006760597229004 + ], + [ + "\u2581sensor", + -11.913008689880371 + ], + [ + "\u2581abuses", + -11.359663963317871 + ], + [ + "\u2581anillo", + -11.295849800109863 + ], + [ + "\u2581essence", + -11.276888847351074 + ], + [ + "\u2581stake", + -11.373603820800781 + ], + [ + "nti", + -11.325750350952148 + ], + [ + "\u2581anualmente", + -11.419074058532715 + ], + [ + "9).", + -11.886661529541016 + ], + [ + "\u2581fitted", + -11.322291374206543 + ], + [ + "\u2581conoces", + -11.219843864440918 + ], + [ + "wn", + -11.959794998168945 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rotterdam", + -11.973073959350586 + ], + [ + "\u2581salga", + -11.237554550170898 + ], + [ + "\u2581probabilidad", + -11.387222290039062 + ], + [ + "\u2581Violencia", + -11.467514038085938 + ], + [ + "\u2581highlights", + -11.308813095092773 + ], + [ + "\u2581adaptarse", + -11.366901397705078 + ], + [ + "\u2581consist", + -11.234722137451172 + ], + [ + "\u2581delete", + -11.291143417358398 + ], + [ + "\u2581afectada", + -11.39562702178955 + ], + [ + "\u2581Systems", + -11.380626678466797 + ], + [ + "\u2581Samoa", + -11.812108039855957 + ], + [ + "\u2581analyse", + -11.263046264648438 + ], + [ + "\u2581remarks", + -11.302483558654785 + ], + [ + "\u2581skill", + -11.277314186096191 + ], + [ + "\u2581Leon", + -11.855952262878418 + ], + [ + "\u2581espejo", + -11.3668851852417 + ], + [ + "Ven", + -11.357574462890625 + ], + [ + "ographic", + -11.456901550292969 + ], + [ + "\u2581pene", + -11.317575454711914 + ], + [ + "\u2581obligar", + -11.527897834777832 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ty", + -12.032723426818848 + ], + [ + "\u2581cantar", + -11.313297271728516 + ], + [ + "mane", + -11.556253433227539 + ], + [ + "\u2581religions", + -11.368790626525879 + ], + [ + "\u2581BY", + -11.278367042541504 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mayo", + -11.43166446685791 + ], + [ + "ilo", + -11.89217758178711 + ], + [ + "\u2581Seguir", + -11.421210289001465 + ], + [ + "tail", + -11.924554824829102 + ], + [ + "pensa", + -11.525375366210938 + ], + [ + "phy", + -11.84233570098877 + ], + [ + "\u2581Taiwan", + -11.45241928100586 + ], + [ + "\u2581autom\u00e1tico", + -11.411321640014648 + ], + [ + "\u2581pasi\u00f3n", + -11.36579704284668 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alienta", + -11.479757308959961 + ], + [ + "\u2581escritos", + -11.507139205932617 + ], + [ + "\u2581panels", + -11.354161262512207 + ], + [ + "\u2581staffing", + -11.343486785888672 + ], + [ + "\u2581Grant", + -11.70455551147461 + ], + [ + "\u2581prosperity", + -11.29784107208252 + ], + [ + "\u2581vuestras", + -11.41759204864502 + ], + [ + "\u2581tension", + -11.28024673461914 + ], + [ + "\u2581consistency", + -11.287665367126465 + ], + [ + "miss", + -11.533798217773438 + ], + [ + "tron", + -12.214659690856934 + ], + [ + "\u2581extensa", + -11.402113914489746 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vote", + -11.33420181274414 + ], + [ + "\u2581pel", + -11.38739013671875 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuchillo", + -11.317581176757812 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fiscal\u00eda", + -11.446327209472656 + ], + [ + "\u2581sponsors", + -11.308211326599121 + ], + [ + "4-", + -11.845276832580566 + ], + [ + "\u2581silent", + -11.335317611694336 + ], + [ + "\u2581interpreted", + -11.30290412902832 + ], + [ + "game", + -11.846275329589844 + ], + [ + "\u2581movies", + -11.454572677612305 + ], + [ + "\u2581desgracia", + -11.278495788574219 + ], + [ + "-22", + -11.921384811401367 + ], + [ + "\u2581picked", + -11.45773983001709 + ], + [ + "\u2581155", + -11.927756309509277 + ], + [ + "\u2581Excellency", + -11.303290367126465 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gene", + -12.074076652526855 + ], + [ + "\u2581acknowledge", + -11.250102043151855 + ], + [ + "\u2581sol\u00eda", + -11.289427757263184 + ], + [ + "\u2581contempor\u00e1neo", + -11.446993827819824 + ], + [ + "\u2581guardia", + -11.321428298950195 + ], + [ + "\u2581previas", + -11.476258277893066 + ], + [ + "\u2581Profesor", + -11.343267440795898 + ], + [ + "\u2581incluir\u00e1", + -11.41308879852295 + ], + [ + "\u2581result\u00f3", + -11.397058486938477 + ], + [ + "\u2581Boston", + -12.082115173339844 + ], + [ + "\u2581quejas", + -11.505388259887695 + ], + [ + "BU", + -12.088225364685059 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sit", + -11.475876808166504 + ], + [ + "\u2581enjoying", + -11.367091178894043 + ], + [ + "onic", + -11.516180038452148 + ], + [ + "\u2581insulin", + -11.266294479370117 + ], + [ + "\u2581coral", + -12.078022956848145 + ], + [ + "\u2581signo", + -11.412440299987793 + ], + [ + "BL", + -11.815956115722656 + ], + [ + "case", + -11.299309730529785 + ], + [ + "\u2581Situation", + -11.277962684631348 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rachel", + -12.034364700317383 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mixto", + -11.440834045410156 + ], + [ + "\u2581perdi\u00f3", + -11.334129333496094 + ], + [ + "\u2581stones", + -11.367005348205566 + ], + [ + "\u2581T\u00edtulo", + -11.477131843566895 + ], + [ + "\u2581reputaci\u00f3n", + -11.4157075881958 + ], + [ + "tipo", + -11.597970962524414 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00e1nimo", + -11.394166946411133 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cerca", + -11.430821418762207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gla", + -12.011712074279785 + ], + [ + "\u203a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581surge", + -11.847859382629395 + ], + [ + "ducci\u00f3n", + -11.455793380737305 + ], + [ + "\u2581basically", + -11.312500953674316 + ], + [ + "\u2581demanding", + -11.283758163452148 + ], + [ + "other", + -11.309042930603027 + ], + [ + "\u2581pierde", + -11.330009460449219 + ], + [ + "\u2581revise", + -11.966422080993652 + ], + [ + "\u2581lord", + -11.385045051574707 + ], + [ + "aux", + -12.046295166015625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mou", + -12.027922630310059 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cast", + -12.003011703491211 + ], + [ + "\u2581concert", + -11.304032325744629 + ], + [ + "\u2581felicitar", + -11.436227798461914 + ], + [ + "\u2581sienten", + -11.348542213439941 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mauricio", + -11.325758934020996 + ], + [ + "\u2581arco", + -11.384034156799316 + ], + [ + "\u2581mercury", + -11.33078670501709 + ], + [ + "Pu", + -11.737799644470215 + ], + [ + "\u2581supplier", + -11.236745834350586 + ], + [ + "\u2581Verdad", + -11.395851135253906 + ], + [ + "oides", + -11.764357566833496 + ], + [ + "\u2581Med", + -11.899641990661621 + ], + [ + "\u2581valley", + -11.353394508361816 + ], + [ + "\u2581regularmente", + -11.413601875305176 + ], + [ + "\u2581semejante", + -11.375279426574707 + ], + [ + "\u2581angle", + -11.3306884765625 + ], + [ + "\u2581liabilities", + -11.258149147033691 + ], + [ + "\u2581rompecabezas", + -11.436455726623535 + ], + [ + "\u2581forthcoming", + -11.282641410827637 + ], + [ + "\u2581dar\u00e9", + -11.230892181396484 + ], + [ + "\u2581decirme", + -11.212055206298828 + ], + [ + "\u2581Munich", + -11.76793098449707 + ], + [ + "\u2581cabal", + -11.358798027038574 + ], + [ + "\u2581explicitly", + -11.308188438415527 + ], + [ + "\u2581gratitude", + -11.314346313476562 + ], + [ + "\u2581CES", + -11.795515060424805 + ], + [ + "\u2581dise\u00f1ar", + -11.471607208251953 + ], + [ + "\u2581practica", + -11.376809120178223 + ], + [ + "\u2581QUE", + -11.338113784790039 + ], + [ + "\u2581Progress", + -11.31399154663086 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bau", + -12.19275951385498 + ], + [ + "ttle", + -12.003350257873535 + ], + [ + "\u2581OAS", + -11.319741249084473 + ], + [ + "\u2581promueve", + -11.423198699951172 + ], + [ + "\u2581damages", + -11.374958038330078 + ], + [ + "shan", + -12.166505813598633 + ], + [ + "\u2581Oscar", + -12.047444343566895 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rep", + -11.788122177124023 + ], + [ + "\u00e1ndole", + -11.471935272216797 + ], + [ + "\u2581furnished", + -11.311327934265137 + ], + [ + "\u2581Estocolmo", + -11.443029403686523 + ], + [ + "\u2581viajeros", + -11.428581237792969 + ], + [ + "\u2581hacerle", + -11.266378402709961 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cass", + -12.18921947479248 + ], + [ + "peti", + -11.685449600219727 + ], + [ + "\u2581experiment", + -11.387831687927246 + ], + [ + "\u2581olvida", + -11.135608673095703 + ], + [ + "\u2581hatred", + -11.298195838928223 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bahamas", + -11.783798217773438 + ], + [ + "\u2581roman\u00edes", + -11.480592727661133 + ], + [ + "\u2581poderoso", + -11.362411499023438 + ], + [ + "\u2581commend", + -11.3151273727417 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wilson", + -12.065604209899902 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00e9tnicos", + -11.461542129516602 + ], + [ + "NT", + -12.046406745910645 + ], + [ + "pper", + -11.820211410522461 + ], + [ + "Bar", + -12.123587608337402 + ], + [ + "\u2581cruce", + -11.42918872833252 + ], + [ + "ERS", + -11.647003173828125 + ], + [ + "\u2581asegurado", + -11.470086097717285 + ], + [ + "\u2581132", + -12.018507957458496 + ], + [ + "ket", + -11.874123573303223 + ], + [ + "\u2581Eddie", + -11.886048316955566 + ], + [ + "\u2581Genial", + -11.205604553222656 + ], + [ + "\u2581pistola", + -11.247929573059082 + ], + [ + "\u2581parejas", + -11.41247272491455 + ], + [ + "\u00f2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581Castillo", + -11.721048355102539 + ], + [ + "\u2581compilation", + -11.350569725036621 + ], + [ + "\u2581desear\u00eda", + -11.400895118713379 + ], + [ + "\u2581Summer", + -11.604254722595215 + ], + [ + "\u2581Maya", + -12.069151878356934 + ], + [ + "\u2581gan\u00f3", + -11.426904678344727 + ], + [ + "\u2581proporcionar\u00e1", + -11.589349746704102 + ], + [ + "\u2581generalizada", + -11.456642150878906 + ], + [ + "\u2581varones", + -11.436333656311035 + ], + [ + "\u2581Level", + -11.336207389831543 + ], + [ + "\u2581definitions", + -11.361414909362793 + ], + [ + "\u2581pertaining", + -11.294548988342285 + ], + [ + "\u2581cancellation", + -11.319560050964355 + ], + [ + "2010", + -12.020691871643066 + ], + [ + "\u2581convencer", + -11.363238334655762 + ], + [ + "\u2581arterial", + -11.561019897460938 + ], + [ + "\u2581empleadores", + -11.451236724853516 + ], + [ + "\u2581confident", + -11.328119277954102 + ], + [ + "Free", + -11.416214942932129 + ], + [ + "\u2581c\u00edrculo", + -11.392891883850098 + ], + [ + "\u2581prominent", + -11.30990982055664 + ], + [ + "\u2581conectado", + -11.374399185180664 + ], + [ + "\u2581FE", + -11.704068183898926 + ], + [ + "\u2581giant", + -11.36424446105957 + ], + [ + "tale", + -12.271129608154297 + ], + [ + "\u2581comenzaron", + -11.403170585632324 + ], + [ + "\u2581promising", + -11.300728797912598 + ], + [ + "temp", + -11.588228225708008 + ], + [ + "\u2581aprendido", + -11.375114440917969 + ], + [ + "pil", + -12.29625415802002 + ], + [ + "\u2581credibility", + -11.286211967468262 + ], + [ + "\u2581produces", + -11.356097221374512 + ], + [ + "\u2581conlleva", + -11.43826675415039 + ], + [ + "\u2581roots", + -11.360750198364258 + ], + [ + "dir", + -11.711931228637695 + ], + [ + "\u2581echa", + -11.15701961517334 + ], + [ + "\u2581bonita", + -11.27530574798584 + ], + [ + "\u2581Env\u00edo", + -11.500497817993164 + ], + [ + "\u2581healthcare", + -11.310410499572754 + ], + [ + "\u2581Facilities", + -11.340867042541504 + ], + [ + "\u2581rodeado", + -11.424478530883789 + ], + [ + "\u2581Publicaciones", + -11.463156700134277 + ], + [ + "credit", + -12.241211891174316 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cab", + -11.98496150970459 + ], + [ + "BE", + -11.905451774597168 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sistemas", + -11.422616004943848 + ], + [ + "\u2581(25", + -12.039412498474121 + ], + [ + "\u2581assurance", + -11.298791885375977 + ], + [ + "\u2581Spring", + -11.564987182617188 + ], + [ + "\u2581inequality", + -11.305877685546875 + ], + [ + "\u2581entrevistas", + -11.427497863769531 + ], + [ + "LOS", + -12.141186714172363 + ], + [ + "amp", + -11.648844718933105 + ], + [ + "\u258110-", + -11.454283714294434 + ], + [ + "\u2581ofreciendo", + -11.447890281677246 + ], + [ + "\u25815)", + -11.736590385437012 + ], + [ + "\u2581Voices", + -11.274646759033203 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ji", + -11.786408424377441 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ron", + -12.06298828125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kate", + -12.003118515014648 + ], + [ + "prim", + -11.903779029846191 + ], + [ + "\u2581inputs", + -11.302276611328125 + ], + [ + "\u2581specialists", + -11.323932647705078 + ], + [ + "\u2581descenso", + -11.44478988647461 + ], + [ + "europa", + -12.006735801696777 + ], + [ + "/1998/", + -11.912288665771484 + ], + [ + "\u2581prioritarias", + -11.442265510559082 + ], + [ + "\u2581residencial", + -11.489556312561035 + ], + [ + "\u2581Antigua", + -11.730371475219727 + ], + [ + "\u2581profits", + -11.326013565063477 + ], + [ + "ERT", + -12.240553855895996 + ], + [ + "MG", + -12.15673542022705 + ], + [ + "sistem\u00e1ticamente", + -11.602663040161133 + ], + [ + "\u2581rayos", + -11.392159461975098 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuadrados", + -11.458383560180664 + ], + [ + "\u2581unido", + -11.428389549255371 + ], + [ + "\u2581genocide", + -11.301094055175781 + ], + [ + "\u2581d\u00e9cimo", + -11.434293746948242 + ], + [ + "\u2581vinculante", + -11.424346923828125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alberto", + -12.078583717346191 + ], + [ + "\u2581delincuentes", + -11.405084609985352 + ], + [ + "\u2581screw", + -11.39995002746582 + ], + [ + "\u2581fewer", + -11.311532974243164 + ], + [ + "\u2581terremoto", + -11.423869132995605 + ], + [ + "Inter", + -12.214180946350098 + ], + [ + "keeping", + -11.277178764343262 + ], + [ + "\u2581hayas", + -11.493499755859375 + ], + [ + "\u2581decisiva", + -11.463920593261719 + ], + [ + "\u2581celebraron", + -11.433194160461426 + ], + [ + "\u2581electorales", + -11.47565746307373 + ], + [ + "\u2581comunicarse", + -11.4961576461792 + ], + [ + "\u2581secretario", + -11.417017936706543 + ], + [ + "\u2581garage", + -11.37080192565918 + ], + [ + "\u2581str", + -11.676280975341797 + ], + [ + "\u2581Looks", + -11.606307029724121 + ], + [ + "\u2581maneja", + -11.293014526367188 + ], + [ + "osos", + -11.564804077148438 + ], + [ + "torios", + -11.65488052368164 + ], + [ + "pit", + -11.855775833129883 + ], + [ + "\u2581Quien", + -11.348857879638672 + ], + [ + "\u2581lighting", + -11.352294921875 + ], + [ + "\u2581refund", + -11.282967567443848 + ], + [ + "\u2581reverse", + -11.323837280273438 + ], + [ + "Cam", + -11.931005477905273 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sexta", + -11.414000511169434 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alma", + -11.999406814575195 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nature", + -11.315258026123047 + ], + [ + "\u2581compleja", + -11.478585243225098 + ], + [ + "\u2581ind\u00edgena", + -11.432581901550293 + ], + [ + "\u2581diamantes", + -11.391166687011719 + ], + [ + "\u2581impide", + -11.438470840454102 + ], + [ + "ffer", + -11.927921295166016 + ], + [ + "\u2581accommodate", + -11.34518814086914 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reafirma", + -11.418595314025879 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kazajst\u00e1n", + -11.314461708068848 + ], + [ + "\u2581Camer\u00fan", + -11.326313018798828 + ], + [ + "\u2581neto", + -11.403312683105469 + ], + [ + "precio", + -11.454779624938965 + ], + [ + "\u2581promises", + -11.362065315246582 + ], + [ + "\u2581piensan", + -11.354850769042969 + ], + [ + "\u2581th", + -11.549277305603027 + ], + [ + "\u2581endeavour", + -11.296289443969727 + ], + [ + "\u2581extracci\u00f3n", + -11.435755729675293 + ], + [ + "\u2581jubilaci\u00f3n", + -11.414590835571289 + ], + [ + "\u2581icono", + -11.446257591247559 + ], + [ + "\u2581Helen", + -11.910283088684082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Isaac", + -12.01849365234375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dave", + -12.030241012573242 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cheap", + -11.285836219787598 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sales", + -11.30242919921875 + ], + [ + "MAS", + -12.129622459411621 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dear", + -11.402833938598633 + ], + [ + "\u2581caballos", + -11.355913162231445 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuisine", + -11.324028015136719 + ], + [ + "\u00edstico", + -11.664341926574707 + ], + [ + "card", + -11.785032272338867 + ], + [ + "\u2581Antiguo", + -11.418277740478516 + ], + [ + "\u2581C\u00e1", + -11.980417251586914 + ], + [ + "\u2581colours", + -11.387760162353516 + ], + [ + "\u2581OP", + -11.785632133483887 + ], + [ + "\u2581anticipated", + -11.30924129486084 + ], + [ + "\u2581autom\u00f3viles", + -11.39254379272461 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cama", + -11.5364408493042 + ], + [ + "\u2581forestal", + -11.461955070495605 + ], + [ + "\u2581quit", + -11.460819244384766 + ], + [ + "\u2581aborto", + -11.394379615783691 + ], + [ + "fan", + -11.877581596374512 + ], + [ + "eto", + -11.38597583770752 + ], + [ + "\u2581Meanwhile", + -11.352879524230957 + ], + [ + "\u2581disfruta", + -11.382379531860352 + ], + [ + "ndro", + -11.7584867477417 + ], + [ + "zada", + -11.608185768127441 + ], + [ + "\u2581Drogas", + -11.435050010681152 + ], + [ + "\u2581boyfriend", + -11.45926570892334 + ], + [ + "\u2581Oil", + -11.352465629577637 + ], + [ + "\u2581m\u00ednimos", + -11.491222381591797 + ], + [ + "\u2581Girl", + -11.676252365112305 + ], + [ + "\u2581lindo", + -11.247231483459473 + ], + [ + "\u2581Di\u00e1logo", + -11.496302604675293 + ], + [ + "ector", + -11.433539390563965 + ], + [ + "\u2581aliviar", + -11.410323143005371 + ], + [ + "\u2581plantear", + -11.422411918640137 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rh", + -11.985257148742676 + ], + [ + "\u2581turistas", + -11.452764511108398 + ], + [ + "\u2581patent", + -11.292572021484375 + ], + [ + "\u2581acusaciones", + -11.424474716186523 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lisa", + -11.975874900817871 + ], + [ + "\u2581imprescindible", + -11.425163269042969 + ], + [ + "\u2581ordenar", + -11.499347686767578 + ], + [ + "von", + -11.556933403015137 + ], + [ + "\u2581normativo", + -11.453163146972656 + ], + [ + "\u2581probado", + -11.442237854003906 + ], + [ + "\u2581relevante", + -11.395797729492188 + ], + [ + "\u2581trigger", + -11.355302810668945 + ], + [ + "\u2581asesinatos", + -11.42923355102539 + ], + [ + "\u2581marino", + -11.402606964111328 + ], + [ + "\u2581compuestos", + -11.46605396270752 + ], + [ + "\u2581stuck", + -11.496369361877441 + ], + [ + "\u2581censo", + -11.49312973022461 + ], + [ + "\u2581varied", + -11.298181533813477 + ], + [ + "\u2581SD", + -11.843300819396973 + ], + [ + "\u2581Trafficking", + -11.351984977722168 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alba", + -12.130187034606934 + ], + [ + "\u2581whi", + -11.402505874633789 + ], + [ + "sible", + -11.76650619506836 + ], + [ + "\u00f1os", + -11.534529685974121 + ], + [ + "RIS", + -12.141039848327637 + ], + [ + "\u2581Australian", + -11.317429542541504 + ], + [ + "mate", + -11.510326385498047 + ], + [ + "\u2581complicado", + -11.37903118133545 + ], + [ + "\u010d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581reemplazar", + -11.448225021362305 + ], + [ + "donde", + -11.51386833190918 + ], + [ + "\u2581CU", + -11.834563255310059 + ], + [ + "\u2581advertencia", + -11.390362739562988 + ], + [ + "\u25812,5", + -11.747930526733398 + ], + [ + "\u2581campesinos", + -11.407803535461426 + ], + [ + "amba", + -12.00351333618164 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jon", + -11.919113159179688 + ], + [ + "\u2581referentes", + -11.445867538452148 + ], + [ + "\u2581aquello", + -11.400016784667969 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jur\u00eddica", + -11.455415725708008 + ], + [ + "\u2581anfitri\u00f3n", + -11.420424461364746 + ], + [ + "\u2581ears", + -11.395242691040039 + ], + [ + "tv", + -12.005992889404297 + ], + [ + "\u2581interfaz", + -11.450974464416504 + ], + [ + "\u2581rubber", + -11.306982040405273 + ], + [ + "\u2581quote", + -11.39233112335205 + ], + [ + "\u2581dare", + -11.463311195373535 + ], + [ + "\u2581medication", + -11.320889472961426 + ], + [ + "\u2581ajustan", + -11.489527702331543 + ], + [ + "\u2581olor", + -11.348488807678223 + ], + [ + "\u2581tracking", + -11.380109786987305 + ], + [ + "\u2581a\u00e9reas", + -11.462956428527832 + ], + [ + "style", + -11.50367259979248 + ], + [ + "zona", + -11.570649147033691 + ], + [ + "\u2581distritos", + -11.509639739990234 + ], + [ + "\u2581mirror", + -11.355901718139648 + ], + [ + "\u2581(24", + -12.117907524108887 + ], + [ + "\u2581disponga", + -11.469654083251953 + ], + [ + "\u2581Arts", + -11.454206466674805 + ], + [ + "\u2581Palabras", + -11.466775894165039 + ], + [ + "\u2581registry", + -11.261655807495117 + ], + [ + "\u2581satisfactory", + -11.3270263671875 + ], + [ + "\u2581inspiration", + -11.35583209991455 + ], + [ + "\u2581Idiomas", + -11.515901565551758 + ], + [ + "\u2581aportaci\u00f3n", + -11.461369514465332 + ], + [ + "bios", + -11.566296577453613 + ], + [ + "\u2581contraste", + -11.446577072143555 + ], + [ + "EI", + -11.98233413696289 + ], + [ + "lares", + -11.523994445800781 + ], + [ + "/01/", + -12.018976211547852 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ind\u00edgenas", + -11.425395965576172 + ], + [ + "\u2581xenophobia", + -11.322158813476562 + ], + [ + "\u2581manteniendo", + -11.443938255310059 + ], + [ + ":7", + -12.230389595031738 + ], + [ + "\u2581profundas", + -11.475826263427734 + ], + [ + "\u2581USE", + -11.7461576461792 + ], + [ + "grada", + -11.618287086486816 + ], + [ + "idae", + -12.146563529968262 + ], + [ + "\u2581arre", + -11.686573028564453 + ], + [ + "l\u00fa", + -11.601712226867676 + ], + [ + "\u2581excepcionales", + -11.455270767211914 + ], + [ + "\u2581tomadas", + -11.48949909210205 + ], + [ + "\u2581foreigners", + -11.319417953491211 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hence", + -11.328254699707031 + ], + [ + "\u2581infracciones", + -11.4756498336792 + ], + [ + "\u2581seleccionados", + -11.467203140258789 + ], + [ + "\u2581tribu", + -11.367561340332031 + ], + [ + "\u2581Run", + -11.445906639099121 + ], + [ + "\u2581logra", + -11.379776954650879 + ], + [ + "\u2581seco", + -11.577622413635254 + ], + [ + "\u2581permisos", + -11.51077651977539 + ], + [ + "\u2581protocols", + -11.366369247436523 + ], + [ + "\u2581fulfilment", + -11.316802978515625 + ], + [ + "luc", + -12.123144149780273 + ], + [ + "\u2581personaje", + -11.427105903625488 + ], + [ + "/1997/", + -11.952798843383789 + ], + [ + "\u2581educativas", + -11.506888389587402 + ], + [ + "\u2581enfermos", + -11.417014122009277 + ], + [ + "prenda", + -11.435296058654785 + ], + [ + "\u2581Poverty", + -11.286211967468262 + ], + [ + "\u2581degrading", + -11.291630744934082 + ], + [ + "gita", + -11.52706527709961 + ], + [ + "\u2581mitigation", + -11.347884178161621 + ], + [ + "\u2581tatuaje", + -11.35915470123291 + ], + [ + "\u2581Yugoslav", + -11.1738920211792 + ], + [ + "vuelto", + -11.427964210510254 + ], + [ + "etti", + -12.109496116638184 + ], + [ + "\u2581rational", + -11.352472305297852 + ], + [ + "group", + -11.505159378051758 + ], + [ + "/07/", + -12.079026222229004 + ], + [ + "\u2581Terrorismo", + -11.439955711364746 + ], + [ + "\u2581Et", + -12.1968994140625 + ], + [ + "\u2581radiaci\u00f3n", + -11.443029403686523 + ], + [ + "\u2581brands", + -11.419462203979492 + ], + [ + "\u2581quince", + -11.422209739685059 + ], + [ + "d\u00f3n", + -11.526876449584961 + ], + [ + "bank", + -11.709518432617188 + ], + [ + "\u2265", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581Strip", + -11.33173656463623 + ], + [ + "\u2581ap\u00e9ndice", + -11.421714782714844 + ], + [ + "\u2581partidas", + -11.443099021911621 + ], + [ + "\u2581especializada", + -11.419610977172852 + ], + [ + "\u2581vende", + -11.333728790283203 + ], + [ + "\u2581ayudarle", + -11.368288040161133 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuts", + -11.4488525390625 + ], + [ + "tizaci\u00f3n", + -11.605896949768066 + ], + [ + "\u2581Again", + -11.397577285766602 + ], + [ + "\u2581patrones", + -11.438648223876953 + ], + [ + "\u2581reclutamiento", + -11.476593971252441 + ], + [ + "\u2581Camino", + -11.814587593078613 + ], + [ + "\u2581oto\u00f1o", + -11.467508316040039 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wolf", + -12.21269702911377 + ], + [ + "\u2581garantizado", + -11.455836296081543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pal", + -11.933880805969238 + ], + [ + "\u2581ejecutado", + -11.400132179260254 + ], + [ + "\u2581simult\u00e1neamente", + -11.449028015136719 + ], + [ + "\u2581Consultivo", + -11.429058074951172 + ], + [ + "\u2581brecha", + -11.46625804901123 + ], + [ + "\u2581inform\u00e1tica", + -11.396219253540039 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gulf", + -11.314784049987793 + ], + [ + "\u2581sabido", + -11.359612464904785 + ], + [ + "\u2581TE", + -11.762819290161133 + ], + [ + "cios", + -11.565797805786133 + ], + [ + "\u2581almuerzo", + -11.357942581176758 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bishop", + -11.331128120422363 + ], + [ + "\u2581preceding", + -11.29235553741455 + ], + [ + "\u2581solos", + -11.626686096191406 + ], + [ + "\u2581(11", + -12.076972007751465 + ], + [ + "\u2581largos", + -11.600564956665039 + ], + [ + "\u2581oradora", + -11.435582160949707 + ], + [ + "\u2581colegio", + -11.314797401428223 + ], + [ + "\u2581rol", + -11.43448257446289 + ], + [ + "\u2581homologaci\u00f3n", + -11.382883071899414 + ], + [ + "\u2581Defense", + -11.362168312072754 + ], + [ + "\u2581restablecer", + -11.440394401550293 + ], + [ + "\u2581genes", + -12.098963737487793 + ], + [ + "\u2581Monitor", + -12.170506477355957 + ], + [ + "\u2581seria", + -11.399676322937012 + ], + [ + "\u2581limitation", + -11.318697929382324 + ], + [ + "\u2581cl\u00e1sica", + -11.504685401916504 + ], + [ + "eso", + -11.361202239990234 + ], + [ + "\u2581182", + -11.78248405456543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Individual", + -11.5095796585083 + ], + [ + "uelo", + -11.531170845031738 + ], + [ + "\u2581pidiendo", + -11.393325805664062 + ], + [ + "\u2581confirmado", + -11.460502624511719 + ], + [ + "\u2581strip", + -11.365667343139648 + ], + [ + "\u2581libras", + -11.393930435180664 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aero", + -12.065377235412598 + ], + [ + "\u2581Village", + -11.75869369506836 + ], + [ + "\u2581mystery", + -11.384970664978027 + ], + [ + "\u2581yourselves", + -11.381396293640137 + ], + [ + "\u2581Agricultural", + -11.309172630310059 + ], + [ + "\u2581Correo", + -11.4882173538208 + ], + [ + "\u2581formally", + -11.325335502624512 + ], + [ + "\u2581comidas", + -11.469562530517578 + ], + [ + "\u2581Patrick", + -12.0672025680542 + ], + [ + "\u2581accountable", + -11.314180374145508 + ], + [ + "\u2581describen", + -11.48554801940918 + ], + [ + "\u2581NOT", + -11.446879386901855 + ], + [ + "\u2581rompe", + -11.33108139038086 + ], + [ + "\u258123,", + -11.757108688354492 + ], + [ + "berna", + -11.877941131591797 + ], + [ + "\u2581salsa", + -11.63790512084961 + ], + [ + "\u2581estimado", + -11.465777397155762 + ], + [ + "\u2581tensiones", + -11.416172981262207 + ], + [ + "\u2581abortion", + -11.330345153808594 + ], + [ + "tente", + -11.550113677978516 + ], + [ + "\u2581bacteria", + -11.641326904296875 + ], + [ + "\u2581energ\u00e9tico", + -11.46662712097168 + ], + [ + "\u2581190", + -11.753228187561035 + ], + [ + ",4%", + -11.594639778137207 + ], + [ + "\u2581constructivo", + -11.464812278747559 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aire", + -11.483081817626953 + ], + [ + "\u2581hablaba", + -11.423616409301758 + ], + [ + "\u2581asks", + -11.537135124206543 + ], + [ + "\u2581pursuit", + -11.321039199829102 + ], + [ + "\u2581differ", + -11.311606407165527 + ], + [ + "cade", + -12.328471183776855 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fox", + -12.064170837402344 + ], + [ + "\u2581cla", + -11.701872825622559 + ], + [ + "\u2581repeatedly", + -11.317831993103027 + ], + [ + "\u2581Former", + -11.33122444152832 + ], + [ + "\u2581Acting", + -11.309924125671387 + ], + [ + "\u2581contaminantes", + -11.470670700073242 + ], + [ + "\u2581temo", + -11.260313034057617 + ], + [ + "lidad", + -11.641820907592773 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fiduciario", + -11.476558685302734 + ], + [ + "\u2581facultad", + -11.410637855529785 + ], + [ + "\u2581153", + -12.00019645690918 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fred", + -12.052233695983887 + ], + [ + "\u2581Marketing", + -11.720864295959473 + ], + [ + "\u2581designaci\u00f3n", + -11.48564624786377 + ], + [ + "unda", + -12.066073417663574 + ], + [ + "enberg", + -12.092982292175293 + ], + [ + "idi", + -12.104291915893555 + ], + [ + "\u2581cake", + -11.424495697021484 + ], + [ + "\u2581wars", + -11.51288890838623 + ], + [ + "rez", + -12.161979675292969 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bernard", + -12.031208992004395 + ], + [ + "\u2581Presenta", + -11.467432022094727 + ], + [ + "\u2581Creator", + -11.324457168579102 + ], + [ + "\u2581justification", + -11.335755348205566 + ], + [ + "\u2581Adelante", + -11.216588973999023 + ], + [ + "entre", + -11.46439266204834 + ], + [ + "\u2581encontraba", + -11.469636917114258 + ], + [ + "\u2581indicaciones", + -11.436395645141602 + ], + [ + "\u2581tormenta", + -11.387879371643066 + ], + [ + "\u2581cat\u00f3lica", + -11.44920539855957 + ], + [ + "\u2581etiquetado", + -11.487832069396973 + ], + [ + "\u2581conform", + -11.325906753540039 + ], + [ + "\u2581Unless", + -11.431634902954102 + ], + [ + "TEN", + -12.004854202270508 + ], + [ + "\u2581d\u00f3lar", + -11.442851066589355 + ], + [ + "\u2581beliefs", + -11.347620010375977 + ], + [ + "\u2581kick", + -11.445563316345215 + ], + [ + "\u2581reclusos", + -11.524613380432129 + ], + [ + "\u2581terrestre", + -11.447670936584473 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alimentaci\u00f3n", + -11.439529418945312 + ], + [ + "\u2581novedades", + -11.453289031982422 + ], + [ + "\u2581seguir\u00e1n", + -11.445656776428223 + ], + [ + "tend", + -11.526009559631348 + ], + [ + "\u2581Avi", + -11.976838111877441 + ], + [ + "\u2581enforce", + -11.333196640014648 + ], + [ + "\u2581infant", + -11.325471878051758 + ], + [ + "\u2581masiva", + -11.3994140625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Learning", + -11.497014045715332 + ], + [ + "\u2581inspecciones", + -11.459429740905762 + ], + [ + "\u2581131", + -12.045241355895996 + ], + [ + "\u2581Course", + -11.391620635986328 + ], + [ + "\u2581ejecutivos", + -11.459491729736328 + ], + [ + "\u2581campus", + -11.980329513549805 + ], + [ + "\u2581march", + -11.352535247802734 + ], + [ + "6)", + -11.307632446289062 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bing", + -12.059696197509766 + ], + [ + "\u2581realizar\u00e1", + -11.423742294311523 + ], + [ + "\u2581Zen", + -12.280982971191406 + ], + [ + "\u2581pido", + -11.263029098510742 + ], + [ + "\u2581Forest", + -11.566618919372559 + ], + [ + "\u2581Senior", + -11.37744140625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ultra", + -11.736933708190918 + ], + [ + "\u2581CONSEJO", + -11.446111679077148 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cuarta", + -11.507989883422852 + ], + [ + "ache", + -11.60107707977295 + ], + [ + "\u2581Communist", + -11.34746265411377 + ], + [ + "\u2581placement", + -11.346776008605957 + ], + [ + "\u2581Trial", + -11.35169506072998 + ], + [ + "depth", + -11.337966918945312 + ], + [ + "\u2581characteristic", + -11.30445384979248 + ], + [ + "\u2581specialist", + -11.289676666259766 + ], + [ + "\u2581assured", + -11.311478614807129 + ], + [ + "\u2581eventual", + -12.056412696838379 + ], + [ + "\u2581sombra", + -11.398926734924316 + ], + [ + "els", + -11.520462036132812 + ], + [ + "\u2581airspace", + -11.32784652709961 + ], + [ + "\u2581renovado", + -11.44938850402832 + ], + [ + "0,000", + -11.49337387084961 + ], + [ + "\u2581grabado", + -11.443368911743164 + ], + [ + "\u2581falsa", + -11.358628273010254 + ], + [ + "\u25813-", + -11.574295997619629 + ], + [ + "\u2581s\u00f3lido", + -11.419039726257324 + ], + [ + "ically", + -11.548341751098633 + ], + [ + "\u2581memorando", + -11.419994354248047 + ], + [ + "\u2581unacceptable", + -11.35287857055664 + ], + [ + "\u00e1tica", + -11.452836036682129 + ], + [ + "/67/", + -12.206596374511719 + ], + [ + "\u2581Beth", + -12.015702247619629 + ], + [ + "\u2581peri\u00f3dicas", + -11.467947959899902 + ], + [ + "\u2581ordinarios", + -11.558372497558594 + ], + [ + "\u2581spectacular", + -11.370753288269043 + ], + [ + "\u2581cre\u00eda", + -11.365771293640137 + ], + [ + "t\u00edn", + -11.410043716430664 + ], + [ + "\u2581cited", + -11.290933609008789 + ], + [ + "eme", + -11.568450927734375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reafirmando", + -11.46672248840332 + ], + [ + "\u2581compartido", + -11.470030784606934 + ], + [ + "presion", + -11.417211532592773 + ], + [ + "-24", + -11.870978355407715 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vatican", + -11.390952110290527 + ], + [ + "\u2581locked", + -11.48678970336914 + ], + [ + "\u2581confirmaci\u00f3n", + -11.46850872039795 + ], + [ + "lux", + -12.319072723388672 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vigilancia", + -11.432539939880371 + ], + [ + "\u2581Trabajadores", + -11.436579704284668 + ], + [ + "\u2581promoviendo", + -11.485235214233398 + ], + [ + "\u2581convenient", + -11.373796463012695 + ], + [ + "\u2581maquinaria", + -11.470290184020996 + ], + [ + "\u2581contributes", + -11.425752639770508 + ], + [ + "rla", + -11.084197998046875 + ], + [ + "\u2581considerada", + -11.44090747833252 + ], + [ + "\u2581sof\u00e1", + -11.41231632232666 + ], + [ + "brica", + -11.955766677856445 + ], + [ + "\u2581armonizar", + -11.48719310760498 + ], + [ + "\u2581prohibido", + -11.438339233398438 + ], + [ + "\u2581COUNCIL", + -11.297808647155762 + ], + [ + "lado", + -11.266468048095703 + ], + [ + "m\u00f3n", + -11.529765129089355 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mierda", + -11.270100593566895 + ], + [ + "\u2581OEA", + -11.479968070983887 + ], + [ + "\u2581flower", + -11.368681907653809 + ], + [ + "Estados", + -11.407853126525879 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mejora", + -11.624853134155273 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ky", + -12.032196044921875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Haya", + -11.469012260437012 + ], + [ + "\u2581divorcio", + -11.379988670349121 + ], + [ + "AV", + -11.995840072631836 + ], + [ + "\u2581poseedores", + -11.464997291564941 + ], + [ + "\u2581fiebre", + -11.36605167388916 + ], + [ + "\u2581gris", + -11.405868530273438 + ], + [ + "\u2581delegates", + -11.335640907287598 + ], + [ + "\u2581Survey", + -11.362942695617676 + ], + [ + "\u2581operativos", + -11.499127388000488 + ], + [ + "slav", + -12.238845825195312 + ], + [ + "ivo", + -11.978041648864746 + ], + [ + "\u2581recoge", + -11.361563682556152 + ], + [ + "jun", + -12.174139976501465 + ], + [ + "\u2581ensured", + -11.351284980773926 + ], + [ + "\u2581complementaria", + -11.449104309082031 + ], + [ + "\u2581respaldar", + -11.5224609375 + ], + [ + "\u2581aut\u00e9ntico", + -11.412120819091797 + ], + [ + "\u2581imparcial", + -11.465886116027832 + ], + [ + "\u2581delicious", + -11.409934997558594 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00e9", + -11.655279159545898 + ], + [ + "00,000", + -11.369098663330078 + ], + [ + "\u2581Javier", + -12.11436939239502 + ], + [ + "\u2581distinctive", + -11.361180305480957 + ], + [ + "AE", + -11.834614753723145 + ], + [ + "\u2581Irak", + -11.472636222839355 + ], + [ + "\u2581DOC", + -12.159163475036621 + ], + [ + "\u2581indebido", + -11.415712356567383 + ], + [ + "\u2581rica", + -11.415695190429688 + ], + [ + "igen", + -12.204611778259277 + ], + [ + "\u2581consultores", + -11.46540641784668 + ], + [ + "\u2581limitados", + -11.502878189086914 + ], + [ + "\u2581Compa", + -12.140130043029785 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dale", + -11.616544723510742 + ], + [ + "\u2581commodity", + -11.319920539855957 + ], + [ + "\u2581Conferencias", + -11.75339412689209 + ], + [ + "\u2581disk", + -11.35901927947998 + ], + [ + "\u2581react", + -11.373324394226074 + ], + [ + "\u2581vayas", + -11.282388687133789 + ], + [ + "\u2581attending", + -11.367339134216309 + ], + [ + "\u25811.0", + -11.965304374694824 + ], + [ + "\u2581willingness", + -11.350074768066406 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pick", + -11.448953628540039 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pr\u00edncipe", + -11.401266098022461 + ], + [ + "\u2581laugh", + -11.497364044189453 + ], + [ + "\u2581010", + -12.153398513793945 + ], + [ + "\u2581crece", + -11.381983757019043 + ], + [ + "\u2581simultaneously", + -11.339371681213379 + ], + [ + "sharing", + -11.344185829162598 + ], + [ + "H\u00e1bitat", + -11.475708961486816 + ], + [ + "\u2581juveniles", + -12.037432670593262 + ], + [ + "pila", + -11.698087692260742 + ], + [ + "\u2581modify", + -11.348990440368652 + ], + [ + "0.0", + -12.073122024536133 + ], + [ + "\u25811.7", + -12.009122848510742 + ], + [ + "\u2581autonomous", + -11.311626434326172 + ], + [ + "oo", + -11.409668922424316 + ], + [ + "\u2581EEC", + -11.380143165588379 + ], + [ + "\u2581Works", + -11.388267517089844 + ], + [ + "l\u00f3gico", + -11.625838279724121 + ], + [ + "nega", + -11.627803802490234 + ], + [ + "\u2581promotes", + -11.5364351272583 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hand", + -11.427459716796875 + ], + [ + "ched", + -11.65597915649414 + ], + [ + "\u2581concepci\u00f3n", + -11.460485458374023 + ], + [ + "\u2581134", + -12.0302152633667 + ], + [ + "igu", + -11.624433517456055 + ], + [ + "\u2581disparar", + -11.34801197052002 + ], + [ + "\u2581prisioneros", + -11.395520210266113 + ], + [ + "\u2581disadvantaged", + -11.329419136047363 + ], + [ + "\u2581engines", + -11.394723892211914 + ], + [ + "\u2581IMF", + -11.333491325378418 + ], + [ + "\u2581concienciaci\u00f3n", + -11.48590087890625 + ], + [ + "\u2581steal", + -11.47714900970459 + ], + [ + "\u2581volunteers", + -11.347412109375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Columbia", + -12.039871215820312 + ], + [ + "\u2581robot", + -11.903186798095703 + ], + [ + "\u2581vela", + -11.449654579162598 + ], + [ + "\u2581part\u00edculas", + -11.443434715270996 + ], + [ + "\u2581suspender", + -11.446817398071289 + ], + [ + "\u2581separa", + -11.290395736694336 + ], + [ + "\u2581cae", + -11.38921070098877 + ], + [ + "\u2581149", + -12.050827980041504 + ], + [ + "\u2581Brad", + -12.121397972106934 + ], + [ + "\u2581Eli", + -11.963275909423828 + ], + [ + "\u2581convencido", + -11.398409843444824 + ], + [ + "\u2581fever", + -11.37682819366455 + ], + [ + "\u2581Khan", + -12.09781551361084 + ], + [ + "\u2581exporting", + -11.317148208618164 + ], + [ + "\u2581efectivas", + -11.49145221710205 + ], + [ + "\u2581desertificaci\u00f3n", + -11.427759170532227 + ], + [ + "\u2581converted", + -11.35041618347168 + ], + [ + "color", + -12.018914222717285 + ], + [ + "ssel", + -12.189188003540039 + ], + [ + "\u2581reducciones", + -11.456024169921875 + ], + [ + "\u2581reiterates", + -11.349939346313477 + ], + [ + "\u2581aspira", + -11.467325210571289 + ], + [ + "\u2581convocar", + -11.45901107788086 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vicente", + -11.77729320526123 + ], + [ + "\u2581psicol\u00f3gica", + -11.480209350585938 + ], + [ + "\u2581module", + -11.389689445495605 + ], + [ + "\u2581surf", + -12.14139175415039 + ], + [ + "\u2581scenario", + -11.333427429199219 + ], + [ + "m\u00e9trica", + -11.484198570251465 + ], + [ + "\u2581fusi\u00f3n", + -11.46371078491211 + ], + [ + "\u2581sectoriales", + -11.42318344116211 + ], + [ + "At", + -11.457401275634766 + ], + [ + "\u2581Virgen", + -11.507994651794434 + ], + [ + "\u25811966", + -12.063150405883789 + ], + [ + "\u2581awards", + -11.353546142578125 + ], + [ + "\u2581ampliado", + -11.500648498535156 + ], + [ + "\u2581healing", + -11.407428741455078 + ], + [ + "rol", + -11.910150527954102 + ], + [ + "\u2581innovations", + -11.425824165344238 + ], + [ + "\u2581juice", + -11.402240753173828 + ], + [ + "\u2581Honor", + -11.833451271057129 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dakar", + -12.04510498046875 + ], + [ + "2007", + -12.073334693908691 + ], + [ + "mond", + -12.116466522216797 + ], + [ + "\u2581clip", + -11.710484504699707 + ], + [ + "OU", + -12.175596237182617 + ], + [ + "\u2581constructed", + -11.390819549560547 + ], + [ + "\u2581virtually", + -11.350541114807129 + ], + [ + "\u2581fundaci\u00f3n", + -11.54513168334961 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dec", + -11.408687591552734 + ], + [ + "\u2581Parking", + -11.67676830291748 + ], + [ + "sign", + -11.61178970336914 + ], + [ + "\u2581botella", + -11.368704795837402 + ], + [ + "\u2581directions", + -11.410359382629395 + ], + [ + "cco", + -12.250930786132812 + ], + [ + "\u2581llamas", + -11.372331619262695 + ], + [ + "cente", + -11.832246780395508 + ], + [ + "member", + -11.37136459350586 + ], + [ + "this", + -11.396736145019531 + ], + [ + "\u2581MON", + -12.084900856018066 + ], + [ + "\u2581fuiste", + -11.287785530090332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Marc", + -11.902216911315918 + ], + [ + "\u2581airports", + -11.338152885437012 + ], + [ + "\u2581ir\u00e1", + -11.300518989562988 + ], + [ + "\u2581claros", + -11.595840454101562 + ], + [ + "\u2581width", + -11.333805084228516 + ], + [ + "\u2581(2008)", + -12.09240436553955 + ], + [ + "RN", + -12.081897735595703 + ], + [ + "\u2581carece", + -11.459676742553711 + ], + [ + "\u2581demandante", + -11.49240779876709 + ], + [ + "fecci\u00f3n", + -11.533397674560547 + ], + [ + "rca", + -11.430524826049805 + ], + [ + "\u00e1l", + -11.660069465637207 + ], + [ + "\u2581weekly", + -11.35484790802002 + ], + [ + "NN", + -12.195220947265625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mora", + -12.044190406799316 + ], + [ + "\u2581tomaron", + -11.500617027282715 + ], + [ + "\u2581comprimidos", + -11.465250968933105 + ], + [ + "\u2581emerge", + -11.685307502746582 + ], + [ + "\u2581adoptarse", + -11.48398494720459 + ], + [ + "\u25811%", + -12.016915321350098 + ], + [ + "\u2581colectivos", + -11.452184677124023 + ], + [ + "\u2581Coast", + -11.552989959716797 + ], + [ + "\u2581pornograf\u00eda", + -11.472042083740234 + ], + [ + "\u2581Week", + -11.396113395690918 + ], + [ + "\u2581Johnson", + -12.124938011169434 + ], + [ + "\u2581seguidores", + -11.467957496643066 + ], + [ + "\u2581adoptando", + -11.465020179748535 + ], + [ + "\u2581atacar", + -11.425601959228516 + ], + [ + "\u2581politicians", + -11.370722770690918 + ], + [ + "\u2581adquirido", + -11.449018478393555 + ], + [ + "\u2581enferma", + -11.323657989501953 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wild", + -11.80738639831543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cuatro", + -11.416847229003906 + ], + [ + "\u2581embarazadas", + -11.520419120788574 + ], + [ + "igno", + -11.745368957519531 + ], + [ + "sus", + -11.510634422302246 + ], + [ + "\u2581Deseo", + -11.467508316040039 + ], + [ + "\u2581montaje", + -11.470847129821777 + ], + [ + "\u2581fought", + -11.409526824951172 + ], + [ + "\u2581NE", + -11.906160354614258 + ], + [ + "\u2581handed", + -11.368995666503906 + ], + [ + "rist", + -11.479965209960938 + ], + [ + "\u2581orientar", + -11.514723777770996 + ], + [ + "\u2581haberlo", + -11.316180229187012 + ], + [ + "\u25812006)", + -12.151281356811523 + ], + [ + "\u2581seriamente", + -11.445391654968262 + ], + [ + "volu", + -11.951069831848145 + ], + [ + "abi", + -11.922508239746094 + ], + [ + "\u2581wooden", + -11.426466941833496 + ], + [ + "17)", + -12.11005973815918 + ], + [ + "\u2581adici\u00f3n", + -11.49593734741211 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cup", + -11.422999382019043 + ], + [ + "\u2581montar", + -11.48503303527832 + ], + [ + "\u25812005)", + -12.164734840393066 + ], + [ + "\u2581Epi", + -12.253727912902832 + ], + [ + "\u2581restituci\u00f3n", + -11.494924545288086 + ], + [ + "\u2581INTER", + -12.056594848632812 + ], + [ + "\u2581Accidentes", + -11.432967185974121 + ], + [ + "\u2581stipulates", + -11.343055725097656 + ], + [ + "\u2581continuar\u00e1", + -11.475481986999512 + ], + [ + "\u2581Though", + -11.435845375061035 + ], + [ + ".12.", + -11.394133567810059 + ], + [ + "\u2581equitativo", + -11.515026092529297 + ], + [ + "\u2581fibra", + -11.473597526550293 + ], + [ + "\u2581excellence", + -11.346735000610352 + ], + [ + "\u2581innovadores", + -11.500855445861816 + ], + [ + "\u2581vis", + -11.49161148071289 + ], + [ + "\u2581considerar\u00e1", + -11.494563102722168 + ], + [ + "\u2581arbitration", + -11.35287857055664 + ], + [ + "\u2581confusi\u00f3n", + -11.46232795715332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tenerife", + -12.07632827758789 + ], + [ + "\u2581mec\u00e1nica", + -11.446553230285645 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bring", + -11.522610664367676 + ], + [ + "\u2581OECD", + -11.31308364868164 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ubicaci\u00f3n", + -11.54440689086914 + ], + [ + "\u2581consideren", + -11.482397079467773 + ], + [ + "\u2581comienzos", + -11.539198875427246 + ], + [ + "ecu", + -11.679323196411133 + ], + [ + "\u2581definiciones", + -11.465718269348145 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wireless", + -11.747403144836426 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cloud", + -11.884634017944336 + ], + [ + "\u2581vine", + -11.804839134216309 + ], + [ + "\u2581sudden", + -11.426185607910156 + ], + [ + "\u2581Generales", + -11.583639144897461 + ], + [ + "\u2581sequence", + -11.414020538330078 + ], + [ + "\u2581Oklahoma", + -12.077917098999023 + ], + [ + "\u2581descon", + -11.664107322692871 + ], + [ + "\u2581(0", + -12.144671440124512 + ], + [ + "\u2581termine", + -11.345181465148926 + ], + [ + "oxi", + -11.857131958007812 + ], + [ + "\u2581reunirse", + -11.473211288452148 + ], + [ + "\u2581consultants", + -11.361995697021484 + ], + [ + "etic", + -11.6431303024292 + ], + [ + "\u2581Torres", + -12.126079559326172 + ], + [ + "\u2581inserted", + -11.335341453552246 + ], + [ + "12)", + -12.065396308898926 + ], + [ + "\u2581implies", + -11.34713077545166 + ], + [ + "\u2581receptores", + -11.463200569152832 + ], + [ + "\u2581doctrine", + -11.379287719726562 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jake", + -12.03243637084961 + ], + [ + "\u2581tower", + -11.427578926086426 + ], + [ + "\u2581vector", + -11.85820198059082 + ], + [ + "\u2581multa", + -11.448386192321777 + ], + [ + "\u2581reject", + -11.360315322875977 + ], + [ + "\u2581someter", + -11.472921371459961 + ], + [ + "\u2581denomina", + -11.483560562133789 + ], + [ + "\u2581eras", + -11.816805839538574 + ], + [ + "\u2581regimes", + -11.462504386901855 + ], + [ + "\u2581permanece", + -11.421284675598145 + ], + [ + "\u2581culto", + -11.488556861877441 + ], + [ + "\u2581talento", + -11.347951889038086 + ], + [ + "\u2581legislaciones", + -11.459029197692871 + ], + [ + "AY", + -11.4370756149292 + ], + [ + "ncreased", + -11.561649322509766 + ], + [ + "\u2581Urges", + -11.342155456542969 + ], + [ + "\u2581higiene", + -11.482486724853516 + ], + [ + "\u2581tall", + -11.48059368133545 + ], + [ + "\u2581Consolidaci\u00f3n", + -11.527864456176758 + ], + [ + "\u2581dar\u00eda", + -11.500606536865234 + ], + [ + "\u2581arbitraje", + -11.46301555633545 + ], + [ + "\u2581definen", + -11.480172157287598 + ], + [ + "\u2581Commander", + -11.436663627624512 + ], + [ + "\u2581editar", + -11.492918014526367 + ], + [ + "\u2581zoo", + -12.060078620910645 + ], + [ + "\u2581Manufacturer", + -11.363675117492676 + ], + [ + "\u2581twentieth", + -11.335317611694336 + ], + [ + "-29", + -11.99461841583252 + ], + [ + "\u2581Editor", + -11.93380355834961 + ], + [ + "\u2581remuneration", + -11.31323528289795 + ], + [ + "quen", + -11.549629211425781 + ], + [ + "\u2581biodiversidad", + -11.531220436096191 + ], + [ + "\u2581exist\u00eda", + -11.462860107421875 + ], + [ + "Se\u00f1or", + -11.287259101867676 + ], + [ + "\u2581consolidate", + -11.354795455932617 + ], + [ + "\u2581mainstream", + -11.378304481506348 + ], + [ + "\u2581renewal", + -11.326165199279785 + ], + [ + "\u2581barato", + -11.429988861083984 + ], + [ + "\u2581largas", + -11.514652252197266 + ], + [ + "todo", + -11.451606750488281 + ], + [ + "\u2581anunciar", + -11.565234184265137 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hab", + -11.887722969055176 + ], + [ + "\u2581formatos", + -11.512503623962402 + ], + [ + "\u2581saberlo", + -11.278436660766602 + ], + [ + "fon", + -12.116561889648438 + ], + [ + "\u2581139", + -12.027318954467773 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mal\u00ed", + -11.384023666381836 + ], + [ + "\u2581din\u00e1mico", + -11.508468627929688 + ], + [ + "\u2581doses", + -11.375531196594238 + ], + [ + "\u2581eliminating", + -11.347884178161621 + ], + [ + "lex", + -12.051406860351562 + ], + [ + "v\u00e1", + -11.993109703063965 + ], + [ + "\u2581descuentos", + -11.545857429504395 + ], + [ + "\u2581NPT", + -11.359960556030273 + ], + [ + "\u2581amounted", + -11.374384880065918 + ], + [ + "\u2581desprende", + -11.492172241210938 + ], + [ + "\u2581threshold", + -11.33266544342041 + ], + [ + "volv", + -11.618160247802734 + ], + [ + "cript", + -11.909479141235352 + ], + [ + "\u2581friendship", + -11.414913177490234 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reaffirming", + -11.367714881896973 + ], + [ + "\u2581recibir\u00e1", + -11.461600303649902 + ], + [ + "\u2581intentado", + -11.386603355407715 + ], + [ + "\u2581protege", + -11.440653800964355 + ], + [ + "\u2581anima", + -11.428979873657227 + ], + [ + "\u2581spray", + -11.519787788391113 + ], + [ + "\u2581cami\u00f3n", + -11.396224975585938 + ], + [ + "\u2581equipamiento", + -11.499553680419922 + ], + [ + "\u2581Libyan", + -11.234375953674316 + ], + [ + "\u2581Clinton", + -12.037397384643555 + ], + [ + "\u2581Truth", + -11.39273738861084 + ], + [ + "xia", + -11.996720314025879 + ], + [ + "\u2581homenaje", + -11.521186828613281 + ], + [ + "\u2581masses", + -11.349717140197754 + ], + [ + "\u2581encuentren", + -11.455294609069824 + ], + [ + "maz", + -12.348048210144043 + ], + [ + "\u2581hill", + -11.403122901916504 + ], + [ + "\u2581cesaci\u00f3n", + -11.47216510772705 + ], + [ + "\u2581talla", + -11.57235336303711 + ], + [ + "\u2581Emma", + -12.089354515075684 + ], + [ + "\u2581ayudado", + -11.469705581665039 + ], + [ + "\u2581Perd\u00f3n", + -11.23909854888916 + ], + [ + "-2010", + -12.117376327514648 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mol", + -12.010048866271973 + ], + [ + "\u2581inseguridad", + -11.484878540039062 + ], + [ + "\u25811945", + -12.126640319824219 + ], + [ + "\u2581irse", + -11.338634490966797 + ], + [ + "\u2581transcurrido", + -11.495375633239746 + ], + [ + "\u2581expuesto", + -11.50655746459961 + ], + [ + "\u2581leg\u00edtima", + -11.463902473449707 + ], + [ + "\u2581buried", + -11.464404106140137 + ], + [ + "\u2581PS", + -11.82914924621582 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hum", + -12.184761047363281 + ], + [ + "\u258124-", + -11.489656448364258 + ], + [ + "ith", + -12.018680572509766 + ], + [ + "\u2581enhancement", + -11.339630126953125 + ], + [ + "quito", + -11.759780883789062 + ], + [ + "gir", + -11.609292984008789 + ], + [ + "mol", + -11.902290344238281 + ], + [ + "\u2581mata", + -11.306060791015625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Clear", + -11.409162521362305 + ], + [ + "\u2581federales", + -11.489945411682129 + ], + [ + "\u2581Prior", + -11.644838333129883 + ], + [ + "\u2581rodea", + -11.452937126159668 + ], + [ + "\u2581Necesita", + -11.343645095825195 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tobago", + -11.489258766174316 + ], + [ + "\u2581Apo", + -11.845224380493164 + ], + [ + "-03", + -12.361661911010742 + ], + [ + "\u2581instancias", + -11.526503562927246 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bash", + -12.209770202636719 + ], + [ + "\u2581Venecia", + -11.491214752197266 + ], + [ + "\u2581prohibit", + -11.320541381835938 + ], + [ + "\u2581OIOS", + -11.33078670501709 + ], + [ + "\u2581sumas", + -11.536713600158691 + ], + [ + "\u2581ambitious", + -11.361387252807617 + ], + [ + "\u2581calificaci\u00f3n", + -11.533863067626953 + ], + [ + "\u2581respeta", + -11.329806327819824 + ], + [ + "\u2581ties", + -11.365081787109375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hell", + -11.547224044799805 + ], + [ + "\u2581stroke", + -11.426015853881836 + ], + [ + "sec", + -11.680355072021484 + ], + [ + "\u2581heavily", + -11.365280151367188 + ], + [ + "mouth", + -11.980006217956543 + ], + [ + "\u2581evaluations", + -11.46930980682373 + ], + [ + "cht", + -12.101995468139648 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cooper", + -12.022786140441895 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00e9nfasis", + -11.48707103729248 + ], + [ + "CIONES", + -11.899558067321777 + ], + [ + "\u2581144", + -12.088151931762695 + ], + [ + "\u2581destruido", + -11.430395126342773 + ], + [ + "\u2581circunstancia", + -11.49191951751709 + ], + [ + "\u2581shame", + -11.51740550994873 + ], + [ + "\u2581elimina", + -11.422122955322266 + ], + [ + "presi\u00f3n", + -11.44443130493164 + ], + [ + "\u00edsima", + -11.552823066711426 + ], + [ + "\u2581becas", + -11.512639999389648 + ], + [ + "\u2581Advanced", + -11.37302303314209 + ], + [ + ":16", + -12.189203262329102 + ], + [ + "\u2581rese\u00f1as", + -11.571183204650879 + ], + [ + "\u2581inaceptable", + -11.5103120803833 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mano", + -11.81502914428711 + ], + [ + "sville", + -12.077862739562988 + ], + [ + "\u2581computadoras", + -11.531856536865234 + ], + [ + "\u2581desmovilizaci\u00f3n", + -11.497712135314941 + ], + [ + "\u2581malware", + -12.035904884338379 + ], + [ + "\u2581Berg", + -12.23089599609375 + ], + [ + "\u2581basarse", + -11.450339317321777 + ], + [ + "\u2581broadcast", + -11.380334854125977 + ], + [ + "\u2581gracioso", + -11.25738525390625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kam", + -11.885031700134277 + ], + [ + "\u2581Portal", + -12.286600112915039 + ], + [ + "CL", + -11.9798002243042 + ], + [ + "\u2581Daddy", + -11.572129249572754 + ], + [ + "\u2581coordinadores", + -11.494651794433594 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cuentas", + -11.528554916381836 + ], + [ + "TOS", + -11.80475902557373 + ], + [ + "\u2581Grupos", + -11.891493797302246 + ], + [ + "\u2581Calendar", + -11.369577407836914 + ], + [ + "\u2581manifest\u00f3", + -11.49783992767334 + ], + [ + "fren", + -11.957734107971191 + ], + [ + "\u2581innovaciones", + -11.4902925491333 + ], + [ + "got", + -11.878987312316895 + ], + [ + "lec", + -11.512981414794922 + ], + [ + "\u2581customary", + -11.424403190612793 + ], + [ + "\u2581Didn", + -11.589261054992676 + ], + [ + "\u2581districts", + -11.387858390808105 + ], + [ + "\u2581granja", + -11.431161880493164 + ], + [ + "\u2581Expresa", + -11.506957054138184 + ], + [ + "\u2581XVIII", + -11.819573402404785 + ], + [ + "\u2581arrange", + -11.375387191772461 + ], + [ + "\u2581maintains", + -11.47581672668457 + ], + [ + "\u2581pride", + -11.447049140930176 + ], + [ + "\u2581acord\u00f3", + -11.504693984985352 + ], + [ + "\u2581patente", + -11.464153289794922 + ], + [ + "\u2581Apartamentos", + -11.552397727966309 + ], + [ + "\u2581memorandum", + -11.379020690917969 + ], + [ + "\u2581estuve", + -11.299034118652344 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bella", + -11.944018363952637 + ], + [ + "samente", + -11.698140144348145 + ], + [ + "anga", + -11.967765808105469 + ], + [ + "\u2581questionnaire", + -11.32162857055664 + ], + [ + "mbu", + -12.19513988494873 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ple", + -12.172865867614746 + ], + [ + "\u2581capitalist", + -11.3648681640625 + ], + [ + "\u2581dioses", + -11.449009895324707 + ], + [ + "\u2581puntuaci\u00f3n", + -11.512665748596191 + ], + [ + "\u2581manufactured", + -11.392637252807617 + ], + [ + "ific\u00f3", + -11.931445121765137 + ], + [ + "\u2581inst\u00f3", + -11.458565711975098 + ], + [ + "AND", + -12.083876609802246 + ], + [ + "Text", + -11.91462516784668 + ], + [ + "\u2581dise\u00f1ados", + -11.520281791687012 + ], + [ + "\u2581aparecer", + -11.406231880187988 + ], + [ + "\u2581subsidios", + -11.507286071777344 + ], + [ + "\u2581significativos", + -11.531984329223633 + ], + [ + "\u2581licitaci\u00f3n", + -11.473381996154785 + ], + [ + "\u2581hect\u00e1reas", + -11.56524658203125 + ], + [ + "\u2581esperado", + -11.534693717956543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cielo", + -11.477653503417969 + ], + [ + "\u2581sect", + -11.375438690185547 + ], + [ + "\u2581garantice", + -11.469630241394043 + ], + [ + "\u2581santos", + -11.52238655090332 + ], + [ + "\u2581disputa", + -11.55801773071289 + ], + [ + "Pi", + -11.650945663452148 + ], + [ + "\u2581facial", + -12.063003540039062 + ], + [ + "any", + -11.527700424194336 + ], + [ + "\u2581expulsion", + -11.365669250488281 + ], + [ + "\u2581medianos", + -11.610533714294434 + ], + [ + "\u2581licences", + -11.343155860900879 + ], + [ + "\u25812003)", + -12.210892677307129 + ], + [ + "\u2581amarillo", + -11.486350059509277 + ], + [ + "\u2581administering", + -11.364534378051758 + ], + [ + "\u2581llevaba", + -11.401716232299805 + ], + [ + "\u2581mega", + -12.182869911193848 + ], + [ + "\u2581Joy", + -11.986011505126953 + ], + [ + "\u2581Languages", + -11.473520278930664 + ], + [ + "\u2581entran", + -11.470139503479004 + ], + [ + "\u2581verla", + -11.355358123779297 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ye", + -11.599098205566406 + ], + [ + "\u2581afirmar", + -11.56235122680664 + ], + [ + "\u2581bares", + -11.507534980773926 + ], + [ + "\u2581presentaciones", + -11.515698432922363 + ], + [ + "\u2581Connect", + -11.702696800231934 + ], + [ + ",8%", + -11.63133430480957 + ], + [ + "\u2581Six", + -11.410032272338867 + ], + [ + "\u2581clan", + -12.225929260253906 + ], + [ + "\u2581transacci\u00f3n", + -11.49031925201416 + ], + [ + "\u2581Application", + -11.351692199707031 + ], + [ + "\u2581securities", + -11.312125205993652 + ], + [ + "\u2581hijas", + -11.484543800354004 + ], + [ + "zio", + -12.080249786376953 + ], + [ + "\u2581countryside", + -11.37429428100586 + ], + [ + "\u2581Senate", + -11.415727615356445 + ], + [ + "\u2581cinema", + -11.505325317382812 + ], + [ + "\u2581trastornos", + -11.473807334899902 + ], + [ + "UNI", + -12.319281578063965 + ], + [ + "\u2581pico", + -11.477350234985352 + ], + [ + "\u2581coopera", + -11.359560012817383 + ], + [ + "\u2581encountered", + -11.370414733886719 + ], + [ + "dent", + -11.70363712310791 + ], + [ + "\u2581extensiones", + -11.46435832977295 + ], + [ + "ndez", + -11.565472602844238 + ], + [ + "\u2581Steven", + -12.12453842163086 + ], + [ + "\u2581smoking", + -11.44249153137207 + ], + [ + "\u2581storm", + -11.435290336608887 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ava", + -11.962337493896484 + ], + [ + "\u2581Innovation", + -11.368718147277832 + ], + [ + "versa", + -11.503060340881348 + ], + [ + "\u2581empe\u00f1o", + -11.475226402282715 + ], + [ + "\u2581seca", + -11.426156997680664 + ], + [ + "damente", + -11.503194808959961 + ], + [ + "\u2581GATT", + -12.066934585571289 + ], + [ + "\u2581leisure", + -11.380603790283203 + ], + [ + "\u2581recipient", + -11.350815773010254 + ], + [ + "2008", + -11.942801475524902 + ], + [ + "\u2581offset", + -11.385854721069336 + ], + [ + "\u2581gospel", + -11.39095687866211 + ], + [ + "vit", + -12.166986465454102 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuestiona", + -11.496585845947266 + ], + [ + "\u2581render", + -11.353914260864258 + ], + [ + "\u2581Septiembre", + -11.51455307006836 + ], + [ + "rn", + -11.178979873657227 + ], + [ + "\u2581theatre", + -11.439502716064453 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dile", + -11.28523063659668 + ], + [ + "\u00e1nico", + -11.764880180358887 + ], + [ + "\u2581asigna", + -11.432868003845215 + ], + [ + "\u2581discussing", + -11.407991409301758 + ], + [ + "\u2581imperative", + -11.38775634765625 + ], + [ + "\u2581huesos", + -11.404900550842285 + ], + [ + "\u2581clause", + -11.372488021850586 + ], + [ + "\u2581expediente", + -11.473482131958008 + ], + [ + "\u2581actas", + -11.521794319152832 + ], + [ + "\u2581bicicleta", + -11.448572158813477 + ], + [ + "\u2581celular", + -11.44182014465332 + ], + [ + "esh", + -11.934245109558105 + ], + [ + "\u2581interference", + -11.35536003112793 + ], + [ + "\u2581desigualdades", + -11.520942687988281 + ], + [ + "\u2581presiones", + -11.4844388961792 + ], + [ + "nny", + -11.30967903137207 + ], + [ + "izz", + -11.914620399475098 + ], + [ + "\u2581felices", + -11.381229400634766 + ], + [ + "\u2581decida", + -11.592187881469727 + ], + [ + "{", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581Judah", + -11.414451599121094 + ], + [ + "\u2581bleeding", + -11.464765548706055 + ], + [ + "\u2581exhaustiva", + -11.542325973510742 + ], + [ + "\u2581trap", + -11.474212646484375 + ], + [ + "\u2581pol", + -11.812746047973633 + ], + [ + "gada", + -11.49728012084961 + ], + [ + "\u2581asesor", + -11.456875801086426 + ], + [ + "\u2581negar", + -11.478902816772461 + ], + [ + "\u2581Experience", + -11.409019470214844 + ], + [ + "\u2581pesada", + -11.4755859375 + ], + [ + "NET", + -12.18284797668457 + ], + [ + "\u2581reconocidas", + -11.524203300476074 + ], + [ + "\u2581lectores", + -11.51356315612793 + ], + [ + "\u2581disseminate", + -11.375883102416992 + ], + [ + "\u2581revistas", + -11.520994186401367 + ], + [ + "\u2581conquista", + -11.54494857788086 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jur\u00eddicos", + -11.496746063232422 + ], + [ + "\u2581persecuci\u00f3n", + -11.47474193572998 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kon", + -12.204580307006836 + ], + [ + "\u2581Taxi", + -12.045835494995117 + ], + [ + "\u2581Andrea", + -12.080738067626953 + ], + [ + "\u2581confirm\u00f3", + -11.489371299743652 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jones", + -12.131025314331055 + ], + [ + "\u2581tono", + -11.461734771728516 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cl", + -11.320897102355957 + ], + [ + "\u2581Student", + -11.655779838562012 + ], + [ + "\u2581interviews", + -11.403721809387207 + ], + [ + "anta", + -12.022126197814941 + ], + [ + "2.1", + -11.857295989990234 + ], + [ + "\u2581alter", + -11.361672401428223 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00c1ngeles", + -11.49979305267334 + ], + [ + "INT", + -12.014267921447754 + ], + [ + "\u2581tube", + -11.353954315185547 + ], + [ + "\u2581repercusi\u00f3n", + -11.509841918945312 + ], + [ + "\u2581regalos", + -11.487391471862793 + ], + [ + "ump", + -11.768117904663086 + ], + [ + "\u2581complementa", + -11.406038284301758 + ], + [ + "\u2581counselling", + -11.361116409301758 + ], + [ + "\u2581arranged", + -11.443209648132324 + ], + [ + "\u2581ficha", + -11.474032402038574 + ], + [ + "\u2581[4]", + -12.06386947631836 + ], + [ + "\u2581Solomon", + -11.287298202514648 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cou", + -12.191547393798828 + ], + [ + "\u2581advised", + -11.377655029296875 + ], + [ + "\u2581convey", + -11.3629789352417 + ], + [ + "\u2581brown", + -11.428048133850098 + ], + [ + "zzo", + -12.214335441589355 + ], + [ + "\u2581protector", + -11.841790199279785 + ], + [ + "i\u00f3n", + -11.512057304382324 + ], + [ + "\u2581avoiding", + -11.388662338256836 + ], + [ + "\u2581Eduardo", + -12.123723983764648 + ], + [ + "CG", + -12.183011054992676 + ], + [ + "\u2581autorizada", + -11.504281997680664 + ], + [ + "cep", + -11.779644012451172 + ], + [ + "FCCC", + -11.806730270385742 + ], + [ + "\u2581discos", + -11.585390090942383 + ], + [ + "\u2581rota", + -11.476506233215332 + ], + [ + "\u2581loose", + -11.463560104370117 + ], + [ + "\u2581mediaci\u00f3n", + -11.51815414428711 + ], + [ + "\u2581drought", + -11.360222816467285 + ], + [ + "\u2581entender\u00e1", + -11.545960426330566 + ], + [ + "\u2581Democracy", + -11.400979042053223 + ], + [ + "\u2581Capacity", + -11.39295482635498 + ], + [ + "\u2581diablo", + -11.3441801071167 + ], + [ + "\u2581Traslado", + -11.538057327270508 + ], + [ + "even", + -11.445549964904785 + ], + [ + "\u2581correcci\u00f3n", + -11.482986450195312 + ], + [ + "\u2581calculado", + -11.515893936157227 + ], + [ + "\u2581balcony", + -11.409119606018066 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kin", + -12.169904708862305 + ], + [ + "\u2581designation", + -11.348518371582031 + ], + [ + "\u2581Atlas", + -12.097391128540039 + ], + [ + "\u2581Arthur", + -12.126835823059082 + ], + [ + "/40", + -12.1494779586792 + ], + [ + "Podemos", + -11.354835510253906 + ], + [ + "FD", + -12.22363567352295 + ], + [ + "\u2581(30", + -12.111440658569336 + ], + [ + "\u2581americano", + -11.447713851928711 + ], + [ + "\u2581lecci\u00f3n", + -11.413862228393555 + ], + [ + "\u2581mill", + -11.384201049804688 + ], + [ + "\u2581alberga", + -11.53082275390625 + ], + [ + "versi\u00f3n", + -11.503153800964355 + ], + [ + "\u2581abandono", + -11.502816200256348 + ], + [ + "\u2581outputs", + -11.408120155334473 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kill", + -11.547876358032227 + ], + [ + "\u2581Value", + -11.368330955505371 + ], + [ + "\u2581chart", + -11.418002128601074 + ], + [ + "\u2581exploration", + -11.418534278869629 + ], + [ + "\u2581partially", + -11.379891395568848 + ], + [ + "\u2581Habiendo", + -11.509872436523438 + ], + [ + "\u2581leyendo", + -11.423799514770508 + ], + [ + "\u2581welcoming", + -11.394157409667969 + ], + [ + "\u2581duly", + -11.407004356384277 + ], + [ + "\u2581exercised", + -11.377815246582031 + ], + [ + "\u2581gr\u00e1ficos", + -11.56278133392334 + ], + [ + "\u2581Award", + -11.399975776672363 + ], + [ + "\u2581Oversight", + -11.376258850097656 + ], + [ + "\u2581negotiated", + -11.343588829040527 + ], + [ + "\u2581asesores", + -11.530922889709473 + ], + [ + "into", + -12.044917106628418 + ], + [ + "\u2581compensar", + -11.5148344039917 + ], + [ + "\u2581citado", + -11.458033561706543 + ], + [ + "\u2581pump", + -11.407835006713867 + ], + [ + "\u2581neighbor", + -11.382964134216309 + ], + [ + "\u2581activists", + -11.382523536682129 + ], + [ + "jen", + -11.495617866516113 + ], + [ + "\u2581fairly", + -11.409931182861328 + ], + [ + "\u2581FMI", + -11.478545188903809 + ], + [ + "\u2581apareci\u00f3", + -11.524198532104492 + ], + [ + "\u2581socialista", + -11.565606117248535 + ], + [ + "\u2581lamp", + -11.383051872253418 + ], + [ + "\u2581Inspecci\u00f3n", + -11.497694969177246 + ], + [ + "JE", + -11.742380142211914 + ], + [ + "\u2581Florencia", + -11.523111343383789 + ], + [ + "\u2581due\u00f1o", + -11.37656307220459 + ], + [ + "\u2581appreciated", + -11.366902351379395 + ], + [ + "\u2581Host", + -11.694453239440918 + ], + [ + "\u2581legalmente", + -11.489097595214844 + ], + [ + "\u2581Death", + -11.472338676452637 + ], + [ + "\u2581Uzbekist\u00e1n", + -11.47519588470459 + ], + [ + "\u2581centrarse", + -11.477450370788574 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fiesta", + -11.89305591583252 + ], + [ + "\u2581taza", + -11.424966812133789 + ], + [ + "\u2581cinta", + -11.409734725952148 + ], + [ + "\u2581Judge", + -11.403681755065918 + ], + [ + "\u2581griego", + -11.511817932128906 + ], + [ + "\u2581blessed", + -11.42302417755127 + ], + [ + "uge", + -12.083809852600098 + ], + [ + "\u2581acoso", + -11.509541511535645 + ], + [ + "\u2581Revista", + -11.787781715393066 + ], + [ + "\u2581esencialmente", + -11.498757362365723 + ], + [ + "urban", + -12.056619644165039 + ], + [ + "\u2581el\u00e9ctricos", + -11.486265182495117 + ], + [ + "ees", + -11.587873458862305 + ], + [ + "\u2581sit\u00faa", + -11.502847671508789 + ], + [ + "grado", + -11.584527969360352 + ], + [ + "\u2581entrado", + -11.522476196289062 + ], + [ + "\u2581pistas", + -11.444245338439941 + ], + [ + "\u2581salva", + -11.35406494140625 + ], + [ + "\u2581juvenil", + -11.52108097076416 + ], + [ + "\u2581depresi\u00f3n", + -11.562399864196777 + ], + [ + "\u2581confidential", + -11.39615249633789 + ], + [ + "\u2581refer\u00eda", + -11.490805625915527 + ], + [ + "\u2581romantic", + -11.45841121673584 + ], + [ + "\u2581XV", + -12.012979507446289 + ], + [ + "\u2581beb\u00e9s", + -11.499267578125 + ], + [ + "\u2581cargar", + -11.418481826782227 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wind", + -11.935768127441406 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mountain", + -11.661758422851562 + ], + [ + "\u2581variaciones", + -11.547682762145996 + ], + [ + "\u2581Anything", + -11.606219291687012 + ], + [ + "deros", + -11.60599422454834 + ], + [ + "\u2581besides", + -11.458518981933594 + ], + [ + "\u2581Suites", + -12.014836311340332 + ], + [ + "\u2581doubts", + -11.470321655273438 + ], + [ + "\u2581(2009)", + -12.10702133178711 + ], + [ + "\u2581Siguiente", + -11.514123916625977 + ], + [ + "tana", + -11.983830451965332 + ], + [ + "\u2581investigated", + -11.405695915222168 + ], + [ + "\u2581fluid", + -11.383772850036621 + ], + [ + "fect", + -11.566186904907227 + ], + [ + "\u2581Active", + -11.65266227722168 + ], + [ + "\u2581reconocen", + -11.519098281860352 + ], + [ + "\u2581photographs", + -11.44007396697998 + ], + [ + "who", + -11.48287296295166 + ], + [ + "\u2581Enrique", + -12.044753074645996 + ], + [ + "\u2581causados", + -11.547830581665039 + ], + [ + "\u2581gravemente", + -11.509550094604492 + ], + [ + "\u2581carro", + -11.45704174041748 + ], + [ + "minado", + -11.520890235900879 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dam", + -11.642951011657715 + ], + [ + "\u2581remarkable", + -11.482697486877441 + ], + [ + "\u2581Artes", + -11.680337905883789 + ], + [ + "\u2581modernizaci\u00f3n", + -11.486682891845703 + ], + [ + "\u2581OCDE", + -11.499224662780762 + ], + [ + "\u2581il\u00edcita", + -11.447675704956055 + ], + [ + "Podr\u00eda", + -11.316872596740723 + ], + [ + "\u2581renunciar", + -11.505276679992676 + ], + [ + "\u2581comentar", + -11.538064002990723 + ], + [ + "\u2581Virtual", + -11.829671859741211 + ], + [ + "\u2581designar", + -11.528367042541504 + ], + [ + "fold", + -11.352054595947266 + ], + [ + "\u2581est\u00f3mago", + -11.43253231048584 + ], + [ + "ogen", + -11.565299034118652 + ], + [ + "\u2581consulted", + -11.347366333007812 + ], + [ + "\u2581logical", + -11.430147171020508 + ], + [ + "\u00ef", + -100 + ], + [ + "shed", + -11.855659484863281 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sab\u00eda", + -11.281200408935547 + ], + [ + "\u2581Twenty", + -11.445208549499512 + ], + [ + "titud", + -11.673523902893066 + ], + [ + "\u2581LI", + -12.005062103271484 + ], + [ + "\u2581hero", + -11.532578468322754 + ], + [ + "\u2581scores", + -11.427544593811035 + ], + [ + "\u2581theoretical", + -11.371931076049805 + ], + [ + "\u2581manda", + -11.335278511047363 + ], + [ + "With", + -11.412151336669922 + ], + [ + "tira", + -11.767557144165039 + ], + [ + "\u2581constructiva", + -11.532194137573242 + ], + [ + "\u2581papeles", + -11.481289863586426 + ], + [ + "\u2581curriculum", + -11.387357711791992 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pastor", + -12.053058624267578 + ], + [ + "dge", + -11.786520004272461 + ], + [ + "\u2581Chemical", + -11.388145446777344 + ], + [ + "\u2581juega", + -11.464120864868164 + ], + [ + "cogiendo", + -11.479924201965332 + ], + [ + "\u2581envejecimiento", + -11.533036231994629 + ], + [ + "UB", + -12.084866523742676 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tam", + -11.960894584655762 + ], + [ + "\u2581yield", + -11.41132640838623 + ], + [ + "\u2581disorder", + -11.41690731048584 + ], + [ + "lima", + -12.332669258117676 + ], + [ + "\u2581reciba", + -11.527392387390137 + ], + [ + "\u2581m\u00f3dulos", + -11.505938529968262 + ], + [ + "\u2581goce", + -11.515897750854492 + ], + [ + "\u2581encontrar\u00e1s", + -11.511897087097168 + ], + [ + "\u2581repatriation", + -11.4054594039917 + ], + [ + "\u2581Norwegian", + -11.392553329467773 + ], + [ + "Son", + -11.390299797058105 + ], + [ + "\u2581Prohibition", + -11.377046585083008 + ], + [ + "\u2581vendr\u00e1", + -11.368818283081055 + ], + [ + "\u2581naturalmente", + -11.452770233154297 + ], + [ + "\u2581extender", + -11.5319242477417 + ], + [ + "range", + -11.557388305664062 + ], + [ + "\u2581pm", + -11.838800430297852 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pie", + -12.141841888427734 + ], + [ + "\u2581explora", + -11.46281623840332 + ], + [ + "\u2581iv", + -11.522590637207031 + ], + [ + "\u2581crop", + -11.39137077331543 + ], + [ + "\u2581restauraci\u00f3n", + -11.532830238342285 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bienes", + -11.54691219329834 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hubo", + -11.46694564819336 + ], + [ + "\u2581citar", + -11.513021469116211 + ], + [ + "sive", + -11.585551261901855 + ], + [ + "\u2581apuesta", + -11.454567909240723 + ], + [ + "\u2581fen\u00f3menos", + -11.561750411987305 + ], + [ + "\u2581refiero", + -11.346301078796387 + ], + [ + "\u2581prosecutor", + -11.393415451049805 + ], + [ + "\u2581Trabajos", + -11.692719459533691 + ], + [ + "\u2581v\u00e1lida", + -11.523802757263184 + ], + [ + "\u2581stipulated", + -11.390433311462402 + ], + [ + "\u2581variar", + -11.590778350830078 + ], + [ + "/12/", + -12.162511825561523 + ], + [ + "\u2581interpretar", + -11.570927619934082 + ], + [ + "\u2581registra", + -11.49709415435791 + ], + [ + "Ka", + -11.922975540161133 + ], + [ + "\u2581coloca", + -11.399855613708496 + ], + [ + "\u2581Iranian", + -11.402156829833984 + ], + [ + "\u2581M\u00f3vil", + -11.548169136047363 + ], + [ + "\u2581baseline", + -11.413006782531738 + ], + [ + "\u2581cajas", + -11.477078437805176 + ], + [ + "\u2581tiny", + -11.4786376953125 + ], + [ + "\u2581expressing", + -11.401172637939453 + ], + [ + "\u2581excusa", + -11.381232261657715 + ], + [ + "TRI", + -12.28972339630127 + ], + [ + "\u2581recovered", + -11.37053108215332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tendr\u00e1", + -11.393571853637695 + ], + [ + "\u2581prevalence", + -11.40060043334961 + ], + [ + "CERD", + -12.058257102966309 + ], + [ + "\u2581Satan\u00e1s", + -11.537482261657715 + ], + [ + "\u25811963", + -12.145299911499023 + ], + [ + "\u2581Interesante", + -11.472929000854492 + ], + [ + "Get", + -11.467302322387695 + ], + [ + "argentina", + -11.958854675292969 + ], + [ + "\u2581Similar", + -11.428260803222656 + ], + [ + "\u25812004)", + -12.245824813842773 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cul", + -11.935221672058105 + ], + [ + "\u2581celestial", + -11.73327922821045 + ], + [ + "\u2581muere", + -11.39360237121582 + ], + [ + "\u2581objeciones", + -11.551594734191895 + ], + [ + "eja", + -11.753089904785156 + ], + [ + "\u2581identical", + -11.401432991027832 + ], + [ + "\u2581cheapest", + -11.423637390136719 + ], + [ + "\u2581Organizaciones", + -11.530413627624512 + ], + [ + "\u2581(\u201c", + -11.865120887756348 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00edndices", + -11.529009819030762 + ], + [ + "\u2581acted", + -11.418889999389648 + ], + [ + "\u2581deudas", + -11.562031745910645 + ], + [ + "\u2581relevantes", + -11.567940711975098 + ], + [ + "\u2581transmitting", + -11.379551887512207 + ], + [ + "\u2581refrain", + -11.44859504699707 + ], + [ + "\u2581Governor", + -11.398411750793457 + ], + [ + "\u2581bondad", + -11.499556541442871 + ], + [ + "\u2581gods", + -11.51900863647461 + ], + [ + "\u25811948", + -12.080530166625977 + ], + [ + "\u2581fuga", + -11.453027725219727 + ], + [ + "gu\u00e9", + -11.4856595993042 + ], + [ + "ROM", + -12.035706520080566 + ], + [ + "\u2581verdes", + -11.552460670471191 + ], + [ + "\u2581durable", + -11.40221881866455 + ], + [ + "\u2581Administrador", + -11.514670372009277 + ], + [ + "\u2581activistas", + -11.52275276184082 + ], + [ + "\u2581fitness", + -11.69416332244873 + ], + [ + "\u2581compara", + -11.386608123779297 + ], + [ + "\u2581sujeci\u00f3n", + -11.540400505065918 + ], + [ + "\u00e1ndonos", + -11.581571578979492 + ], + [ + "\u2581explosive", + -11.408581733703613 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ronda", + -11.68480110168457 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dialogue", + -11.369189262390137 + ], + [ + "\u2581Observando", + -11.56020450592041 + ], + [ + "\u2581perceived", + -11.419591903686523 + ], + [ + "\u2581pongan", + -11.514684677124023 + ], + [ + "\u2581se\u00f1alaron", + -11.551170349121094 + ], + [ + "\u2581142", + -12.112271308898926 + ], + [ + "\u2581Centros", + -11.723438262939453 + ], + [ + "\u2581Semana", + -11.535643577575684 + ], + [ + "\u2581perspectives", + -11.422677040100098 + ], + [ + "\u2581$6", + -11.38337516784668 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dom", + -12.146162986755371 + ], + [ + "\u2581presentations", + -11.410805702209473 + ], + [ + "CAS", + -12.23691177368164 + ], + [ + "\u2581revelar", + -11.499396324157715 + ], + [ + "\u2581rough", + -11.51839542388916 + ], + [ + "\u2581cops", + -11.571852684020996 + ], + [ + "\u2581temperaturas", + -11.58372688293457 + ], + [ + "agua", + -12.159049987792969 + ], + [ + "\u2581whilst", + -11.377046585083008 + ], + [ + "\u2581visualizar", + -11.59103775024414 + ], + [ + "\u2581facilitated", + -11.445256233215332 + ], + [ + "-2019", + -12.22100830078125 + ], + [ + "\u2581correspondencia", + -11.531256675720215 + ], + [ + "\u2581regresa", + -11.365952491760254 + ], + [ + "\u00edamos", + -11.281869888305664 + ], + [ + "\u2581ayudando", + -11.480884552001953 + ], + [ + "\u2581dirty", + -11.565174102783203 + ], + [ + "\u2581refusal", + -11.396166801452637 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gun", + -11.879085540771484 + ], + [ + "\u25812002)", + -12.240097999572754 + ], + [ + "\u2581reportedly", + -11.43220329284668 + ], + [ + ")*", + -12.109543800354004 + ], + [ + "\u2581replied", + -11.399389266967773 + ], + [ + "\u2581175", + -12.077568054199219 + ], + [ + "\u2581americana", + -11.493294715881348 + ], + [ + "\u2581CAD", + -12.083681106567383 + ], + [ + "\u2581magia", + -11.434863090515137 + ], + [ + "\u2581h\u00edgado", + -11.499089241027832 + ], + [ + "\u25811951", + -12.091886520385742 + ], + [ + "\u2581demographic", + -11.402908325195312 + ], + [ + "\u2581literacy", + -11.425139427185059 + ], + [ + "\u2581insiste", + -11.494461059570312 + ], + [ + "\u2581magnificent", + -11.444786071777344 + ], + [ + "ALES", + -12.154958724975586 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jud\u00e1", + -11.557000160217285 + ], + [ + ":18", + -12.291488647460938 + ], + [ + "\u2581emociones", + -11.450091361999512 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sav", + -11.715953826904297 + ], + [ + "\u2581targeting", + -11.431692123413086 + ], + [ + "Fran", + -12.213876724243164 + ], + [ + "\u2581operative", + -11.421098709106445 + ], + [ + "\u2581scan", + -11.456538200378418 + ], + [ + "\u2581externas", + -11.565044403076172 + ], + [ + "NP", + -12.0413236618042 + ], + [ + "\u2581Low", + -11.44031810760498 + ], + [ + "\u2581ilustra", + -11.528122901916504 + ], + [ + "\u2581monta", + -11.445416450500488 + ], + [ + "\u2581logic", + -11.42298698425293 + ], + [ + "\u2581equipado", + -11.491999626159668 + ], + [ + "\u2581143", + -12.076013565063477 + ], + [ + "\u2581notificar", + -11.492447853088379 + ], + [ + "\u2581integrante", + -11.543254852294922 + ], + [ + "\u2581hosted", + -11.400136947631836 + ], + [ + "\u2581sentimos", + -11.459436416625977 + ], + [ + "\u2581CAS", + -12.05144214630127 + ], + [ + "tig", + -12.463932037353516 + ], + [ + "\u2581completado", + -11.593814849853516 + ], + [ + "\u2581verdaderos", + -11.546244621276855 + ], + [ + "\u2581Clara", + -12.034893989562988 + ], + [ + "\u2581TR", + -11.966708183288574 + ], + [ + "\u2581hoping", + -11.543509483337402 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cla", + -11.667445182800293 + ], + [ + "\u2581provoca", + -11.370488166809082 + ], + [ + "Fue", + -11.522791862487793 + ], + [ + "\u2581Statistical", + -11.368012428283691 + ], + [ + "\u00edes", + -11.81291389465332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Marca", + -11.610164642333984 + ], + [ + "\u2581vinculadas", + -11.559341430664062 + ], + [ + "\u2581aviaci\u00f3n", + -11.525510787963867 + ], + [ + "\u25815-", + -11.553183555603027 + ], + [ + "\u2581encontrarse", + -11.514175415039062 + ], + [ + "\u2581brit\u00e1nica", + -11.522613525390625 + ], + [ + "\u2581pizza", + -12.052553176879883 + ], + [ + "\u2581ofreci\u00f3", + -11.531220436096191 + ], + [ + "\u2581desplaza", + -11.521768569946289 + ], + [ + "\u2581Testamento", + -11.540386199951172 + ], + [ + "aste", + -11.393921852111816 + ], + [ + "\u2581homo", + -12.311225891113281 + ], + [ + "\u2581cruzar", + -11.490559577941895 + ], + [ + "\u2581vestir", + -11.42719554901123 + ], + [ + "\u2581Octubre", + -11.579926490783691 + ], + [ + "\u2581EEUU", + -11.557243347167969 + ], + [ + "cell", + -11.761441230773926 + ], + [ + "\u2581moto", + -11.480777740478516 + ], + [ + "ional", + -11.565314292907715 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jeff", + -12.062745094299316 + ], + [ + "\u2581Participation", + -11.383002281188965 + ], + [ + "\u2581complejas", + -11.547524452209473 + ], + [ + "\u2581BR", + -11.929819107055664 + ], + [ + "\u2192", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581pisos", + -11.553984642028809 + ], + [ + "\u2581horses", + -11.53632640838623 + ], + [ + "sid", + -11.791624069213867 + ], + [ + "HC", + -11.850419998168945 + ], + [ + "\u2581unanimidad", + -11.526430130004883 + ], + [ + "\u2581soldado", + -11.429104804992676 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lux", + -12.19722843170166 + ], + [ + "\u2581Samsung", + -12.157332420349121 + ], + [ + "\u2581Stephen", + -12.122663497924805 + ], + [ + "tido", + -11.57758903503418 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sat", + -12.17564868927002 + ], + [ + "\u2581condenados", + -11.510863304138184 + ], + [ + "\u2581dwell", + -11.456531524658203 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mauritius", + -11.292622566223145 + ], + [ + "mpli", + -11.668829917907715 + ], + [ + "\u2581s\u00edmbolos", + -11.579705238342285 + ], + [ + "\u2581pega", + -11.36227035522461 + ], + [ + "igi", + -11.746649742126465 + ], + [ + "\u2581Autor", + -11.641040802001953 + ], + [ + "\u2581cubierto", + -11.478538513183594 + ], + [ + "\u2581Institutions", + -11.398640632629395 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ama", + -11.517109870910645 + ], + [ + "\u2581diarios", + -11.570475578308105 + ], + [ + "\u2581buddy", + -11.59533405303955 + ], + [ + "\u2581proceeds", + -11.484780311584473 + ], + [ + "\u2581Viernes", + -11.549635887145996 + ], + [ + "\u2581Instagram", + -12.134350776672363 + ], + [ + "ugu", + -12.126880645751953 + ], + [ + "\u2581secreta", + -11.429239273071289 + ], + [ + "\u2581Knowledge", + -11.443099975585938 + ], + [ + "\u2581Glen", + -12.155123710632324 + ], + [ + "\u2581Crystal", + -11.760947227478027 + ], + [ + "\u2581DERECHOS", + -11.514618873596191 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00e1ngel", + -11.491593360900879 + ], + [ + "puta", + -11.952585220336914 + ], + [ + "\u258128,", + -11.899765968322754 + ], + [ + "\u2581docentes", + -11.538984298706055 + ], + [ + "\u2581Flores", + -11.97549819946289 + ], + [ + "\u2581facultativo", + -11.604674339294434 + ], + [ + "ndido", + -11.71841049194336 + ], + [ + "\u2581Morgan", + -12.126519203186035 + ], + [ + "Habitat", + -11.38886833190918 + ], + [ + "\u2581Andy", + -12.079560279846191 + ], + [ + "ord", + -11.558208465576172 + ], + [ + "\u2581exportadores", + -11.536540985107422 + ], + [ + "\u2581bloque", + -11.431087493896484 + ], + [ + "\u2581sustain", + -11.431632995605469 + ], + [ + "\u2581oxygen", + -11.454970359802246 + ], + [ + "\u2581Made", + -11.553752899169922 + ], + [ + "\u2581righteousness", + -11.4323148727417 + ], + [ + "\u2581platforms", + -11.443262100219727 + ], + [ + "\u2581escriba", + -11.521719932556152 + ], + [ + "\u2581cr\u00edticos", + -11.557854652404785 + ], + [ + "\u2581intensity", + -11.401005744934082 + ], + [ + "\u2581recibiendo", + -11.513140678405762 + ], + [ + "\u2581acontecimiento", + -11.543787002563477 + ], + [ + "\u2581Observaciones", + -11.528631210327148 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reforma", + -11.59267520904541 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hague", + -11.38184642791748 + ], + [ + "\u2581Roy", + -12.300086975097656 + ], + [ + "aza", + -12.05512523651123 + ], + [ + "!!!", + -11.814043998718262 + ], + [ + "\u2581assignment", + -11.417357444763184 + ], + [ + "\u2581symbols", + -11.443794250488281 + ], + [ + "\u2581siguieron", + -11.53844928741455 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hispanic", + -11.52428913116455 + ], + [ + "\u2581NAS", + -12.09405517578125 + ], + [ + "\u2581GENERAL", + -11.951805114746094 + ], + [ + "\u2581preserved", + -11.44282341003418 + ], + [ + "\u2581Except", + -11.535755157470703 + ], + [ + "\u2581comprador", + -11.514463424682617 + ], + [ + "\u2581representados", + -11.566411972045898 + ], + [ + "\u2581timetable", + -11.38975715637207 + ], + [ + "\u2581humo", + -11.498294830322266 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cari\u00f1o", + -11.304581642150879 + ], + [ + "\u2581challenging", + -11.450289726257324 + ], + [ + "\u2581plato", + -11.476119995117188 + ], + [ + "\u2581mutually", + -11.39738941192627 + ], + [ + "\u2581usage", + -11.415377616882324 + ], + [ + "\u2581estaremos", + -11.488480567932129 + ], + [ + "\u2581repro", + -11.600323677062988 + ], + [ + "\u2581economically", + -11.41067886352539 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mama", + -11.973065376281738 + ], + [ + "\u2581attributed", + -11.404548645019531 + ], + [ + "\u2581giro", + -11.555654525756836 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dal", + -12.041361808776855 + ], + [ + "\u2581discursos", + -11.524444580078125 + ], + [ + "\u2581comenzar\u00e1", + -11.55160903930664 + ], + [ + "8)", + -11.36784553527832 + ], + [ + "\u2581exacto", + -11.45816707611084 + ], + [ + "\u2581applicants", + -11.408941268920898 + ], + [ + "\u2581consulting", + -11.42801570892334 + ], + [ + "\u2581startups", + -11.956936836242676 + ], + [ + "LV", + -12.131746292114258 + ], + [ + "\u2581Factor", + -11.963316917419434 + ], + [ + "\u2581confusion", + -11.432223320007324 + ], + [ + "\u2581palace", + -11.44648551940918 + ], + [ + "Let", + -11.482852935791016 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cinco", + -11.478408813476562 + ], + [ + "\u2581tutor", + -11.965517044067383 + ], + [ + "She", + -11.482258796691895 + ], + [ + "/06/", + -12.271086692810059 + ], + [ + "mone", + -11.783538818359375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Informa", + -11.560568809509277 + ], + [ + "\u2581Juventud", + -11.51881217956543 + ], + [ + "\u2581ascensor", + -11.51356315612793 + ], + [ + "\u2581cam", + -12.000528335571289 + ], + [ + "\u2581dirigi\u00f3", + -11.530320167541504 + ], + [ + "\u2581slavery", + -11.432262420654297 + ], + [ + "\u2581contemplados", + -11.543729782104492 + ], + [ + "MR", + -12.2021484375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Workshop", + -11.39659309387207 + ], + [ + "\u2581preferencias", + -11.5748291015625 + ], + [ + "\u2581sustancial", + -11.510353088378906 + ], + [ + "\u2581funda", + -11.566896438598633 + ], + [ + "MF", + -12.265185356140137 + ], + [ + "\u2581retenci\u00f3n", + -11.549846649169922 + ], + [ + "\u2581odia", + -11.352753639221191 + ], + [ + "\u2581balc\u00f3n", + -11.51882553100586 + ], + [ + "\u2581estudiado", + -11.509742736816406 + ], + [ + "\u2581sienta", + -11.44587516784668 + ], + [ + "\u2581COR", + -12.4949951171875 + ], + [ + "\u2581investigating", + -11.427623748779297 + ], + [ + "cis", + -11.696334838867188 + ], + [ + "\u2581autom\u00f3vil", + -11.5206298828125 + ], + [ + "Dec", + -12.038223266601562 + ], + [ + "\u2581oc\u00e9ano", + -11.50082778930664 + ], + [ + "\u2581b\u00e1sicamente", + -11.50016975402832 + ], + [ + "\u2581Detail", + -11.41649341583252 + ], + [ + "\u2581Text", + -11.446171760559082 + ], + [ + "\u2581acumulaci\u00f3n", + -11.520502090454102 + ], + [ + "\u2581breakdown", + -11.436453819274902 + ], + [ + "\u2581traducir", + -11.571938514709473 + ], + [ + "\u2581Takes", + -11.513936042785645 + ], + [ + "\u2581viste", + -11.338027954101562 + ], + [ + "\u2581prioritario", + -11.537393569946289 + ], + [ + "cious", + -11.854900360107422 + ], + [ + "\u2581Prices", + -11.514246940612793 + ], + [ + "\u2581descrito", + -11.573829650878906 + ], + [ + "tate", + -11.6126708984375 + ], + [ + "\u2581declarada", + -11.529656410217285 + ], + [ + "\u2581Inmigraci\u00f3n", + -11.55749225616455 + ], + [ + "\u2581systematically", + -11.437718391418457 + ], + [ + "\u2581estan", + -11.584547996520996 + ], + [ + "\u2581prote\u00ednas", + -11.526378631591797 + ], + [ + "\u2581coordinator", + -11.385380744934082 + ], + [ + "source", + -11.910996437072754 + ], + [ + "\u2581translate", + -11.431863784790039 + ], + [ + "\u2581Poker", + -11.997081756591797 + ], + [ + "\u2581attempted", + -11.453986167907715 + ], + [ + "QUE", + -12.142136573791504 + ], + [ + "RON", + -12.227315902709961 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tanzan\u00eda", + -11.392450332641602 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dick", + -12.166282653808594 + ], + [ + "\u2581estructurado", + -11.618210792541504 + ], + [ + "\u2581ten\u00edamos", + -11.415575981140137 + ], + [ + "\u2581resultante", + -11.528078079223633 + ], + [ + "\u2581torneo", + -11.547696113586426 + ], + [ + "\u2581contribuir\u00e1", + -11.543571472167969 + ], + [ + "\u2581965", + -12.20978832244873 + ], + [ + "\u2581Copenhagen", + -11.438053131103516 + ], + [ + "\u2581Insurance", + -11.421005249023438 + ], + [ + "\u2581sagrado", + -11.528864860534668 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bobby", + -12.044573783874512 + ], + [ + "\u2581tribute", + -11.432838439941406 + ], + [ + "mac", + -12.39126968383789 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fle", + -12.182477951049805 + ], + [ + "\u2581ignore", + -11.478421211242676 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jay", + -12.202690124511719 + ], + [ + "awa", + -11.926401138305664 + ], + [ + "\u2581contingent", + -11.429449081420898 + ], + [ + "\u2581criminales", + -11.487245559692383 + ], + [ + "\u2581encaminados", + -11.540138244628906 + ], + [ + "visa", + -11.777848243713379 + ], + [ + "\u2581Seminario", + -11.538450241088867 + ], + [ + "/31", + -12.19459342956543 + ], + [ + "\u2581aeronaves", + -11.559154510498047 + ], + [ + "\u2581debi\u00f3", + -11.520546913146973 + ], + [ + "\u2581carries", + -11.434803009033203 + ], + [ + "\u2581misiles", + -11.47724723815918 + ], + [ + "mod", + -11.671299934387207 + ], + [ + "\u2581preservation", + -11.438935279846191 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rich", + -12.009567260742188 + ], + [ + "rista", + -11.533394813537598 + ], + [ + "adora", + -11.70678997039795 + ], + [ + "\u2581combines", + -11.447699546813965 + ], + [ + "\u2581MY", + -11.496703147888184 + ], + [ + "\u00f8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581aldeas", + -11.545433044433594 + ], + [ + "\u2581inspections", + -11.441262245178223 + ], + [ + "\u2581pub", + -12.058834075927734 + ], + [ + "\u2581agradecer\u00eda", + -11.52712631225586 + ], + [ + "his", + -11.622476577758789 + ], + [ + "\u2581GA", + -12.001002311706543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tokelau", + -12.09072208404541 + ], + [ + "\u2581contenida", + -11.51693344116211 + ], + [ + "p\u00e1r", + -11.770965576171875 + ], + [ + "\u2581daba", + -11.457670211791992 + ], + [ + "\u2581definidos", + -11.599507331848145 + ], + [ + "\u2581garaje", + -11.543313980102539 + ], + [ + "\u2581thread", + -11.43057918548584 + ], + [ + "\u2581vivido", + -11.516976356506348 + ], + [ + "\u2581realicen", + -11.489238739013672 + ], + [ + "\u2581Minnesota", + -12.07712173461914 + ], + [ + "ctica", + -11.712084770202637 + ], + [ + "\u2581tomar\u00e1", + -11.487320899963379 + ], + [ + "\u2581Meta", + -12.199335098266602 + ], + [ + "\u2581NT", + -12.006425857543945 + ], + [ + "\u25811.8", + -12.088719367980957 + ], + [ + "\u2581subrayar", + -11.561053276062012 + ], + [ + "\u2581Catalonia", + -11.42353343963623 + ], + [ + "\u2581ca\u00eddo", + -11.498863220214844 + ], + [ + "\u2581Encourages", + -11.427050590515137 + ], + [ + "m\u00ed", + -11.660683631896973 + ], + [ + "\u2581P\u00e9rez", + -12.135956764221191 + ], + [ + "\u2581sheets", + -11.398905754089355 + ], + [ + "\u2581announce", + -11.460537910461426 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mau", + -12.06410026550293 + ], + [ + "\u2581submissions", + -11.487452507019043 + ], + [ + "\u2581bandas", + -11.589447975158691 + ], + [ + "\u2581encargadas", + -11.558087348937988 + ], + [ + "\u2581forming", + -11.47449016571045 + ], + [ + "t\u00e9n", + -11.668726921081543 + ], + [ + "\u2581typically", + -11.467863082885742 + ], + [ + "\u2581contamina", + -11.538496971130371 + ], + [ + "\u2581Commercial", + -11.421005249023438 + ], + [ + "\u2581upgrade", + -11.448511123657227 + ], + [ + "\u2581240", + -12.116265296936035 + ], + [ + "dente", + -11.81332015991211 + ], + [ + "\u2581Objective", + -11.398755073547363 + ], + [ + "ifying", + -11.633851051330566 + ], + [ + "\u2581interpret", + -11.696699142456055 + ], + [ + "\u2581solved", + -11.473458290100098 + ], + [ + "vez", + -11.944931030273438 + ], + [ + "\u2581lounge", + -11.475669860839844 + ], + [ + "\u2581justificaci\u00f3n", + -11.53657341003418 + ], + [ + "Bien", + -11.31118392944336 + ], + [ + "\u00b6", + -100 + ], + [ + "Gra", + -12.155827522277832 + ], + [ + "\u03bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581dise\u00f1os", + -11.633890151977539 + ], + [ + "\u2581Excellent", + -11.504368782043457 + ], + [ + "\u2581excited", + -11.525805473327637 + ], + [ + "\u2581canto", + -11.550190925598145 + ], + [ + "\u2581equilibrada", + -11.580795288085938 + ], + [ + "\u2581prescription", + -11.432658195495605 + ], + [ + "Why", + -11.486334800720215 + ], + [ + "ides", + -11.566333770751953 + ], + [ + "\u2581Consider", + -11.48094367980957 + ], + [ + "\u2581Desayuno", + -11.605278968811035 + ], + [ + "\u2581proporcione", + -11.570807456970215 + ], + [ + "\u2581desirable", + -11.420180320739746 + ], + [ + "\u2581finalizado", + -11.55377197265625 + ], + [ + "didas", + -11.737156867980957 + ], + [ + "world", + -11.857877731323242 + ], + [ + "lismo", + -11.64680004119873 + ], + [ + "\u2581tournament", + -11.506162643432617 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sil", + -12.252288818359375 + ], + [ + "\u2581consume", + -11.892648696899414 + ], + [ + "\u2581reimbursement", + -11.401860237121582 + ], + [ + "\u2581celebrated", + -11.465643882751465 + ], + [ + "\u2581administrador", + -11.583928108215332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Happy", + -11.54843521118164 + ], + [ + "\u2581contengan", + -11.528478622436523 + ], + [ + "MER", + -12.177884101867676 + ], + [ + "\u2581experiencing", + -11.442255973815918 + ], + [ + "\u2581Must", + -11.571067810058594 + ], + [ + "\u2581continuity", + -11.422242164611816 + ], + [ + "\u2581boxes", + -11.45698070526123 + ], + [ + "hel", + -12.217704772949219 + ], + [ + "\u2581evangelio", + -11.571891784667969 + ], + [ + "\u2581examining", + -11.395362854003906 + ], + [ + "\u2581struck", + -11.491031646728516 + ], + [ + "DT", + -12.062390327453613 + ], + [ + "\u2581depression", + -11.437732696533203 + ], + [ + "\u2581incluy\u00f3", + -11.584473609924316 + ], + [ + "\u2581punished", + -11.44792652130127 + ], + [ + "\u2581defecto", + -11.541926383972168 + ], + [ + "\u2581voces", + -11.554580688476562 + ], + [ + "\u2581espectro", + -11.526430130004883 + ], + [ + "Sabe", + -11.300344467163086 + ], + [ + "\u2581intercultural", + -12.195215225219727 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mart\u00ednez", + -12.104829788208008 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ari", + -12.174694061279297 + ], + [ + "\u2581margin", + -11.408815383911133 + ], + [ + "\u2581everlasting", + -11.406715393066406 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reconoce", + -11.561792373657227 + ], + [ + "\u2581roja", + -11.463372230529785 + ], + [ + "\u2581unfortunately", + -11.449764251708984 + ], + [ + "\u2581outreach", + -11.459373474121094 + ], + [ + "\u2581waves", + -11.439133644104004 + ], + [ + "fica", + -11.853164672851562 + ], + [ + "\u2581Form", + -11.475278854370117 + ], + [ + "\u2581accede", + -12.07199764251709 + ], + [ + "\u2581empezado", + -11.4902925491333 + ], + [ + "\u2581gen\u00e9tica", + -11.573365211486816 + ], + [ + "\u2581Carter", + -12.067657470703125 + ], + [ + "\u2581queso", + -11.619216918945312 + ], + [ + "\u2581tourists", + -11.47522258758545 + ], + [ + "\u2581preocupada", + -11.491008758544922 + ], + [ + "\u2581discount", + -11.43050479888916 + ], + [ + "\u2581generous", + -11.447142601013184 + ], + [ + "\u2581Inspection", + -11.39656925201416 + ], + [ + "\u2581completos", + -11.640304565429688 + ], + [ + "\u2581ordenados", + -11.556589126586914 + ], + [ + "\u2581Edad", + -11.545883178710938 + ], + [ + "\u2581epidemic", + -11.437633514404297 + ], + [ + "\u2581Prison", + -11.475495338439941 + ], + [ + "\u2581caro", + -11.49166488647461 + ], + [ + "\u2581Thu", + -12.27484130859375 + ], + [ + "\u2581governor", + -11.486089706420898 + ], + [ + "\u2581pabell\u00f3n", + -11.500484466552734 + ], + [ + "\u2581Developed", + -11.44119644165039 + ], + [ + "\u2581publicar\u00e1", + -11.545770645141602 + ], + [ + "ndar", + -11.71631145477295 + ], + [ + "\u2581concierto", + -11.49954891204834 + ], + [ + "tie", + -11.923927307128906 + ], + [ + "\u2581desaparecer", + -11.451919555664062 + ], + [ + "\u25812-", + -11.725732803344727 + ], + [ + "\u2581golpear", + -11.546890258789062 + ], + [ + "\u2581oc\u00e9anos", + -11.593255043029785 + ], + [ + "\u2581integrantes", + -11.595328330993652 + ], + [ + "spect", + -11.856427192687988 + ], + [ + "\u2581tubo", + -11.521220207214355 + ], + [ + "\u2581cenar", + -11.34669017791748 + ], + [ + "\u2581sufre", + -11.537026405334473 + ], + [ + "\u2581financiados", + -11.594311714172363 + ], + [ + "\u2581submitting", + -11.393844604492188 + ], + [ + "\u2581situados", + -11.637566566467285 + ], + [ + "\u2581acad\u00e9mico", + -11.556143760681152 + ], + [ + "\u2581pornography", + -11.423077583312988 + ], + [ + "\u2581Participaci\u00f3n", + -11.581696510314941 + ], + [ + "\u2581pollo", + -11.44616985321045 + ], + [ + "Proliferation", + -11.40262222290039 + ], + [ + "\u2581decorated", + -11.4509916305542 + ], + [ + "\u2581cualesquiera", + -11.553133964538574 + ], + [ + "\u2581operates", + -11.465198516845703 + ], + [ + "\u2581guns", + -11.561253547668457 + ], + [ + "\u2581facilitaci\u00f3n", + -11.543036460876465 + ], + [ + "\u2581comparten", + -11.59144115447998 + ], + [ + "RV", + -12.164846420288086 + ], + [ + "wick", + -12.234052658081055 + ], + [ + "\u2581Deber\u00edas", + -11.353004455566406 + ], + [ + "\u2581collecting", + -11.479350090026855 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rental", + -11.419478416442871 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mississippi", + -12.07474136352539 + ], + [ + "\u2581Og", + -12.140392303466797 + ], + [ + "\u25812007)", + -12.245382308959961 + ], + [ + "\u2581Beck", + -12.222161293029785 + ], + [ + "\u2581Terra", + -12.226585388183594 + ], + [ + "\u2581explosion", + -11.509309768676758 + ], + [ + "\u2581Finanzas", + -11.599783897399902 + ], + [ + "\u2581figuras", + -11.66550350189209 + ], + [ + "\u2581sentencias", + -11.622063636779785 + ], + [ + "\u2581excluir", + -11.545984268188477 + ], + [ + "\u2581fijo", + -11.513028144836426 + ], + [ + "\u2581robar", + -11.376542091369629 + ], + [ + "\u2581Af", + -12.208087921142578 + ], + [ + "plaza", + -11.795682907104492 + ], + [ + "\u2581vo", + -11.334681510925293 + ], + [ + "\u2581complemento", + -11.565670013427734 + ], + [ + "\u2581ilimitado", + -11.57742691040039 + ], + [ + "\u2581tranquilidad", + -11.545243263244629 + ], + [ + "\u2581peores", + -11.51858139038086 + ], + [ + "\u2581alimenta", + -11.44442367553711 + ], + [ + "\u25812000)", + -12.324849128723145 + ], + [ + "\u2581fiscalizaci\u00f3n", + -11.53250789642334 + ], + [ + "ters", + -11.538688659667969 + ], + [ + "China", + -12.110827445983887 + ], + [ + "\u2581craft", + -11.478480339050293 + ], + [ + "\u2581ofrecido", + -11.567695617675781 + ], + [ + "\u2581meals", + -11.42105484008789 + ], + [ + "\u25811965", + -12.08543586730957 + ], + [ + "\u2581tecnol\u00f3gicos", + -11.541720390319824 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wisconsin", + -12.130990982055664 + ], + [ + "\u2581baratas", + -11.52347183227539 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bud", + -12.031725883483887 + ], + [ + "\u2581veremos", + -11.364933967590332 + ], + [ + "\u2581caballeros", + -11.345162391662598 + ], + [ + "\u2581demostraci\u00f3n", + -11.537568092346191 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ivan", + -12.122966766357422 + ], + [ + "venga", + -11.662705421447754 + ], + [ + "\u2581Babylon", + -11.655035972595215 + ], + [ + "\u2581dise", + -11.66287899017334 + ], + [ + "\u2581reciban", + -11.543787956237793 + ], + [ + "\u2581Engineering", + -11.446636199951172 + ], + [ + "\u2581cr\u00f3nica", + -11.543776512145996 + ], + [ + "\u2581148", + -12.081387519836426 + ], + [ + "\u2581acusaci\u00f3n", + -11.524858474731445 + ], + [ + "\u2581constantes", + -11.638618469238281 + ], + [ + "\u2581XVII", + -11.92052936553955 + ], + [ + "\u2581midst", + -11.454498291015625 + ], + [ + "2012", + -12.098662376403809 + ], + [ + "\u2581Representantes", + -11.63736629486084 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cole", + -12.140254974365234 + ], + [ + "\u2581ocasiona", + -11.567582130432129 + ], + [ + "\u2581ecosystems", + -11.449912071228027 + ], + [ + "\u2581apoyan", + -11.601655960083008 + ], + [ + "\u2581nariz", + -11.438668251037598 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ooh", + -11.802719116210938 + ], + [ + "mbar", + -11.71886920928955 + ], + [ + "\u2581olvides", + -11.491256713867188 + ], + [ + "\u2581profeta", + -11.572314262390137 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lucia", + -11.644023895263672 + ], + [ + "\u2581prolongada", + -11.569913864135742 + ], + [ + "\u2581macroeconomic", + -11.423916816711426 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sovi\u00e9tica", + -11.574396133422852 + ], + [ + "\u2581statute", + -11.416043281555176 + ], + [ + "\u2581v\u00e1lido", + -11.535933494567871 + ], + [ + "\u2581deeper", + -11.479827880859375 + ], + [ + "\u258126,", + -11.873729705810547 + ], + [ + "Ti", + -11.876781463623047 + ], + [ + "\u2581ego", + -12.1550874710083 + ], + [ + "\u2581Version", + -11.917014122009277 + ], + [ + "\u2581NEPAD", + -12.111838340759277 + ], + [ + "\u2581graphic", + -11.417436599731445 + ], + [ + "\u2581Prize", + -11.449122428894043 + ], + [ + "pine", + -12.213863372802734 + ], + [ + "tarios", + -11.813024520874023 + ], + [ + "\u2581deprivation", + -11.4439697265625 + ], + [ + "\u2581salen", + -11.513618469238281 + ], + [ + "\u2581dedicaci\u00f3n", + -11.58359146118164 + ], + [ + "\u2581costumbres", + -11.55195426940918 + ], + [ + "\u2581tecnol\u00f3gicas", + -11.57661247253418 + ], + [ + "imo", + -11.563962936401367 + ], + [ + "\u2581WITH", + -11.504820823669434 + ], + [ + "\u2581Limpieza", + -11.608565330505371 + ], + [ + "\u2581deberes", + -11.526060104370117 + ], + [ + "\u2581perception", + -11.3746976852417 + ], + [ + "\u2581emplea", + -11.4699125289917 + ], + [ + "\u2581idiot", + -11.673490524291992 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00e1ngeles", + -11.566549301147461 + ], + [ + "\u2581shirt", + -11.57412052154541 + ], + [ + "/100", + -12.229633331298828 + ], + [ + "\u2581excluding", + -11.390216827392578 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sweet", + -11.764426231384277 + ], + [ + "\u2581Imagen", + -11.597219467163086 + ], + [ + "ENCIA", + -11.725461959838867 + ], + [ + "\u2581L\u00ednea", + -11.587517738342285 + ], + [ + "\u2581189", + -11.867300033569336 + ], + [ + "\u2581census", + -11.446475982666016 + ], + [ + "\u2581hurry", + -11.569639205932617 + ], + [ + "\u2581financiado", + -11.55831527709961 + ], + [ + "eli", + -12.066356658935547 + ], + [ + "\u2581Adviser", + -11.451563835144043 + ], + [ + "\u2581prestar\u00e1", + -11.666010856628418 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alice", + -12.143275260925293 + ], + [ + "\u2581rese\u00f1a", + -11.60624885559082 + ], + [ + "\u2581digna", + -11.56165885925293 + ], + [ + "\u2581obvio", + -11.47567367553711 + ], + [ + "\u2581vegetales", + -11.55280876159668 + ], + [ + "\u2581===", + -11.688041687011719 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cuidado", + -11.423110008239746 + ], + [ + "\u2581parliament", + -11.440831184387207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Centroafricana", + -11.554059982299805 + ], + [ + "\u2581adoptar\u00e1", + -11.526786804199219 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pueblos", + -11.59669303894043 + ], + [ + "\u2581Johnny", + -12.098199844360352 + ], + [ + "\u2581negotiate", + -11.43982982635498 + ], + [ + "\u2581presa", + -11.553988456726074 + ], + [ + "r\u00edo", + -11.569849967956543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Firefox", + -12.16077995300293 + ], + [ + "\u2581aproximaci\u00f3n", + -11.58476448059082 + ], + [ + "\u2581angels", + -11.483734130859375 + ], + [ + "\u2581continuously", + -11.483254432678223 + ], + [ + "\u2581v\u00eddeos", + -11.580174446105957 + ], + [ + "\u2581Additionally", + -11.478906631469727 + ], + [ + "laci\u00f3n", + -11.49374008178711 + ], + [ + "\u2581prop", + -11.67544937133789 + ], + [ + "\u2581Uzbekistan", + -11.360404014587402 + ], + [ + "\u2581sexos", + -11.634285926818848 + ], + [ + "\u2581fer", + -11.607645034790039 + ], + [ + "americano", + -11.587985038757324 + ], + [ + "\u2581restrict", + -11.451638221740723 + ], + [ + "\u2581Belgian", + -11.420180320739746 + ], + [ + "\u2581Piso", + -11.656731605529785 + ], + [ + "\u2581babies", + -11.49278450012207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Arm", + -11.629890441894531 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bienvenido", + -11.452289581298828 + ], + [ + "\u2581diera", + -11.52293872833252 + ], + [ + "\u2581franceses", + -11.507025718688965 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cocina", + -11.5523042678833 + ], + [ + "\u2581Elena", + -12.027899742126465 + ], + [ + "\u2581esperanzas", + -11.527793884277344 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vuelos", + -11.64047622680664 + ], + [ + "\u2581tuvimos", + -11.490788459777832 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bah", + -12.119352340698242 + ], + [ + "\u2581procura", + -11.488652229309082 + ], + [ + "rump", + -12.0156831741333 + ], + [ + "\u2581issuance", + -11.408712387084961 + ], + [ + "\u2581Chilean", + -11.459200859069824 + ], + [ + "\u2581delayed", + -11.416593551635742 + ], + [ + "\u2581inspiraci\u00f3n", + -11.56572437286377 + ], + [ + "\u2581utiliz\u00f3", + -11.564422607421875 + ], + [ + "\u2581veras", + -11.346273422241211 + ], + [ + "\u2581Egyptian", + -11.441169738769531 + ], + [ + "\u2581breathing", + -11.500076293945312 + ], + [ + "ds", + -11.941625595092773 + ], + [ + "\u2581protestas", + -11.560169219970703 + ], + [ + "turn", + -11.565251350402832 + ], + [ + "\u2581pulled", + -11.567119598388672 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bin", + -12.01552677154541 + ], + [ + "/1994/", + -12.197832107543945 + ], + [ + "\u2581painful", + -11.463823318481445 + ], + [ + "\u2581proporcionando", + -11.544260025024414 + ], + [ + "fle", + -12.24130916595459 + ], + [ + "\u2581poorest", + -11.40713882446289 + ], + [ + "IX", + -11.943052291870117 + ], + [ + "\u2581bunch", + -11.54233455657959 + ], + [ + "\u2581escritor", + -11.482114791870117 + ], + [ + "\u2581Occupied", + -11.477399826049805 + ], + [ + "\u2581epidemia", + -11.545243263244629 + ], + [ + "\u2581Calidad", + -11.568882942199707 + ], + [ + "\u2581righteous", + -11.470388412475586 + ], + [ + "\u2581hablas", + -11.340580940246582 + ], + [ + "\u2581tent", + -11.514175415039062 + ], + [ + "\u2581confiable", + -11.53049373626709 + ], + [ + "\u2581empoderamiento", + -11.634847640991211 + ], + [ + "\u2581desaparecido", + -11.471746444702148 + ], + [ + "\u2581Relaci\u00f3n", + -11.641468048095703 + ], + [ + "rti", + -11.660677909851074 + ], + [ + "bina", + -11.749035835266113 + ], + [ + "\u2581termination", + -11.409180641174316 + ], + [ + "cimo", + -11.833019256591797 + ], + [ + "\u2581Situado", + -11.649334907531738 + ], + [ + "\u2581ruled", + -11.49215316772461 + ], + [ + "\u2581followers", + -11.454118728637695 + ], + [ + "\u2581lateral", + -11.951037406921387 + ], + [ + "\u2581progresiva", + -11.584441184997559 + ], + [ + "\u2581M\u00e1", + -11.696929931640625 + ], + [ + "dr", + -11.781317710876465 + ], + [ + "\u2581Independiente", + -11.585979461669922 + ], + [ + "\u2581alongside", + -11.48293685913086 + ], + [ + "ups", + -11.760627746582031 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tratados", + -11.788909912109375 + ], + [ + "pina", + -11.735859870910645 + ], + [ + "\u2581nurse", + -11.522069931030273 + ], + [ + "\u2581conecta", + -11.534372329711914 + ], + [ + "\u2581enshrined", + -11.450850486755371 + ], + [ + "\u2581quantitative", + -11.423481941223145 + ], + [ + "\u2581lleven", + -11.520692825317383 + ], + [ + "talo", + -11.871424674987793 + ], + [ + "-21", + -12.002497673034668 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reducci\u00f3n", + -11.604104995727539 + ], + [ + "\u2581expresiones", + -11.609084129333496 + ], + [ + "\u2581personalizado", + -11.626270294189453 + ], + [ + "\u2581griega", + -11.56889820098877 + ], + [ + "\u2581cap\u00edtulos", + -11.613948822021484 + ], + [ + "\u2581Registration", + -11.476078033447266 + ], + [ + "\u2581lab", + -11.56186294555664 + ], + [ + "\u2581transnacional", + -11.55007266998291 + ], + [ + "\u2581(\u00ab", + -11.541499137878418 + ], + [ + "\u2581placa", + -11.534710884094238 + ], + [ + "\u2581feeding", + -11.453208923339844 + ], + [ + "\u2581cure", + -11.499297142028809 + ], + [ + "\u2581gradualmente", + -11.5811128616333 + ], + [ + "\u258113.00", + -11.536419868469238 + ], + [ + "\u2581intent", + -11.489118576049805 + ], + [ + "\u2581manifestado", + -11.545897483825684 + ], + [ + "\u2581mitigar", + -11.615865707397461 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alicante", + -12.214919090270996 + ], + [ + "\u2581explosi\u00f3n", + -11.537482261657715 + ], + [ + "Soy", + -11.377912521362305 + ], + [ + "\u2581Golfo", + -11.575682640075684 + ], + [ + "\u2581hanging", + -11.551135063171387 + ], + [ + "\u2581Disaster", + -11.44690990447998 + ], + [ + "\u2581eradicate", + -11.480082511901855 + ], + [ + "quero", + -11.570477485656738 + ], + [ + "\u2581preparatorio", + -11.56283187866211 + ], + [ + "ucci", + -12.227532386779785 + ], + [ + "\u2581Large", + -11.45925235748291 + ], + [ + "\u2581pastel", + -11.460208892822266 + ], + [ + "\u2581Always", + -11.542348861694336 + ], + [ + "\u2581explota", + -11.416017532348633 + ], + [ + "linda", + -12.164530754089355 + ], + [ + "RB", + -12.107378959655762 + ], + [ + "\u2581firm\u00f3", + -11.560949325561523 + ], + [ + "\u2581alimentar", + -11.594108581542969 + ], + [ + "ibi", + -12.446248054504395 + ], + [ + "nci", + -11.959904670715332 + ], + [ + "Read", + -11.507064819335938 + ], + [ + "\u2581Medicina", + -11.591096878051758 + ], + [ + "\u2581mencion\u00f3", + -11.544270515441895 + ], + [ + "\u2581Salva", + -11.863624572753906 + ], + [ + "\u2581Things", + -11.54647159576416 + ], + [ + "mona", + -12.016207695007324 + ], + [ + "\u2581charm", + -11.473640441894531 + ], + [ + "\u2581dir\u00e1", + -11.44040584564209 + ], + [ + "John", + -11.824414253234863 + ], + [ + "\u2581compatibilidad", + -11.581521987915039 + ], + [ + "\u2581objetiva", + -11.553507804870605 + ], + [ + "\u2581141", + -12.152284622192383 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fundamental", + -11.654977798461914 + ], + [ + "\u2581pulsa", + -11.588382720947266 + ], + [ + "\u2581crueles", + -11.577251434326172 + ], + [ + "\u25812008)", + -12.35914421081543 + ], + [ + "\u2581s\u00edndrome", + -11.565908432006836 + ], + [ + "ulf", + -12.403036117553711 + ], + [ + "\u2581cartel", + -12.058157920837402 + ], + [ + "\u2581cambi\u00f3", + -11.496769905090332 + ], + [ + "\u2581madura", + -11.557087898254395 + ], + [ + "\u2581minor\u00eda", + -11.611934661865234 + ], + [ + "\u2581discapacitados", + -11.591353416442871 + ], + [ + "\u2581empezando", + -11.476104736328125 + ], + [ + "2018", + -12.166863441467285 + ], + [ + "ej", + -11.867711067199707 + ], + [ + "\u2581tragedia", + -11.52882194519043 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bahrain", + -11.309137344360352 + ], + [ + "\u2581darling", + -11.637932777404785 + ], + [ + "CAT", + -12.141765594482422 + ], + [ + "\u2581bebida", + -11.502959251403809 + ], + [ + "\u2581consequently", + -11.437424659729004 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ninguna", + -11.52376937866211 + ], + [ + "\u2581cansado", + -11.378790855407715 + ], + [ + "\u2581prometo", + -11.371358871459961 + ], + [ + "\u2581telef\u00f3nico", + -11.571395874023438 + ], + [ + "\u25815.3", + -12.040651321411133 + ], + [ + "\u2581underground", + -11.484475135803223 + ], + [ + "\u2581salaries", + -11.516554832458496 + ], + [ + "/43", + -12.209070205688477 + ], + [ + "ifies", + -11.656604766845703 + ], + [ + "\u2581severely", + -11.454938888549805 + ], + [ + "\u2581Closed", + -11.473060607910156 + ], + [ + "\u2581coat", + -11.561497688293457 + ], + [ + "RY", + -11.69589614868164 + ], + [ + "OG", + -12.243461608886719 + ], + [ + "\u2581Classic", + -11.822638511657715 + ], + [ + "\u2581respeten", + -11.57044792175293 + ], + [ + "\u2581ciclos", + -11.620387077331543 + ], + [ + "\u2581inestabilidad", + -11.54670524597168 + ], + [ + "\u2581suggestion", + -11.449726104736328 + ], + [ + "\u2581hence", + -11.43977165222168 + ], + [ + "\u2581Plat", + -12.027656555175781 + ], + [ + "\u2581coordinador", + -11.60332202911377 + ], + [ + "\u2581REGULATION", + -11.394558906555176 + ], + [ + "\u2581cabina", + -11.540633201599121 + ], + [ + "\u2581qualities", + -11.45710563659668 + ], + [ + "une", + -11.594770431518555 + ], + [ + "\u2581veterinary", + -11.414429664611816 + ], + [ + "\u2581inocente", + -11.396706581115723 + ], + [ + "\u2581creyentes", + -11.583699226379395 + ], + [ + "\u2581phones", + -11.592476844787598 + ], + [ + "\u2581Instalaciones", + -11.6580171585083 + ], + [ + "\u2581230", + -12.15475845336914 + ], + [ + "\u2581pit", + -11.787487030029297 + ], + [ + "\u2581evita", + -11.54437255859375 + ], + [ + "\u2581hiding", + -11.580493927001953 + ], + [ + "\u2581mouse", + -11.495964050292969 + ], + [ + "ministra", + -11.97096061706543 + ], + [ + "\u2581contraer", + -11.553722381591797 + ], + [ + "\u2581tama\u00f1os", + -11.686553955078125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Heritage", + -11.49278450012207 + ], + [ + "\u2581camiones", + -11.565418243408203 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gambia", + -11.97248649597168 + ], + [ + "OUR", + -11.864494323730469 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nacionales", + -11.658452033996582 + ], + [ + "\u2581disminuido", + -11.536067962646484 + ], + [ + "\u00f3tica", + -11.53905963897705 + ], + [ + "\u2581exceptions", + -11.476041793823242 + ], + [ + "\u00e1tico", + -11.901000022888184 + ], + [ + "\u2581occupying", + -11.483552932739258 + ], + [ + "phon", + -11.787983894348145 + ], + [ + "rod", + -12.378591537475586 + ], + [ + "\u2581punish", + -11.477909088134766 + ], + [ + "\u2581consideramos", + -11.579507827758789 + ], + [ + "\u2581grab", + -11.574992179870605 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ofertas", + -11.610641479492188 + ], + [ + "\u2581prisiones", + -11.61170768737793 + ], + [ + "\u2581d\u00e9biles", + -11.537732124328613 + ], + [ + "ARD", + -12.217903137207031 + ], + [ + "\u2581talent", + -11.544716835021973 + ], + [ + "\u2581defines", + -11.494629859924316 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bag", + -11.793729782104492 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jerry", + -12.098084449768066 + ], + [ + "\u2581Forma", + -11.578827857971191 + ], + [ + "\u2581autobuses", + -11.582449913024902 + ], + [ + "\u2581efectuado", + -11.583523750305176 + ], + [ + "\u2581Petro", + -12.231415748596191 + ], + [ + "\u2581notificado", + -11.51620101928711 + ], + [ + "\u2581REGLAMENTO", + -11.59824275970459 + ], + [ + "\u2581hablo", + -11.430889129638672 + ], + [ + ":19", + -12.325652122497559 + ], + [ + "SER", + -12.59384536743164 + ], + [ + "\u2581escoger", + -11.531628608703613 + ], + [ + "\u2581UNMIS", + -12.271332740783691 + ], + [ + "\u2581tran", + -11.758218765258789 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tattoo", + -11.440573692321777 + ], + [ + "\u2581presten", + -11.603106498718262 + ], + [ + "\u2581Recommendations", + -11.49949836730957 + ], + [ + "\u2581murieron", + -11.500021934509277 + ], + [ + "\u2581barrios", + -11.62592887878418 + ], + [ + "\u2581significativas", + -11.649810791015625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Apart", + -11.457502365112305 + ], + [ + "\u2581Roberto", + -12.198724746704102 + ], + [ + "\u2581financiamiento", + -11.572972297668457 + ], + [ + "\u2581minimize", + -11.44268798828125 + ], + [ + "\u2581crema", + -11.545913696289062 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rue", + -12.199737548828125 + ], + [ + "\u2581emb", + -12.039216041564941 + ], + [ + "\u2581tre", + -12.355062484741211 + ], + [ + "\u2581disappearance", + -11.498445510864258 + ], + [ + "\u2581redactar", + -11.579708099365234 + ], + [ + "\u2581Stars", + -11.487711906433105 + ], + [ + "\u2581adjunta", + -11.600251197814941 + ], + [ + "Interim", + -11.493873596191406 + ], + [ + "\u2581log\u00edstico", + -11.656939506530762 + ], + [ + "\u2581attractions", + -11.465898513793945 + ], + [ + "icidad", + -11.657709121704102 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cuerpo", + -11.574897766113281 + ], + [ + "\u2581egg", + -11.488285064697266 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lyon", + -12.138405799865723 + ], + [ + "/1995/", + -12.135692596435547 + ], + [ + "uria", + -12.099142074584961 + ], + [ + "\u2581Arizona", + -12.159916877746582 + ], + [ + "\u2581Maha", + -12.309643745422363 + ], + [ + "\u2581Conjunto", + -11.64138126373291 + ], + [ + "\u2581revolucionario", + -11.558627128601074 + ], + [ + "\u2581dificulta", + -11.5668363571167 + ], + [ + "\u2581peculiar", + -12.141952514648438 + ], + [ + "\u2581orgullo", + -11.478957176208496 + ], + [ + "cli", + -11.737794876098633 + ], + [ + "\u2581BO", + -11.87081527709961 + ], + [ + "aff", + -11.870075225830078 + ], + [ + "\u2581Titan", + -12.105595588684082 + ], + [ + "Mira", + -11.404831886291504 + ], + [ + "\u2581temperatures", + -11.529586791992188 + ], + [ + "\u2581Welfare", + -11.45582389831543 + ], + [ + "\u2581establecerse", + -11.613883972167969 + ], + [ + "\u2581Patagonia", + -12.051239013671875 + ], + [ + "\u2581ratify", + -11.458526611328125 + ], + [ + "\u2581cobre", + -11.583364486694336 + ], + [ + "\u2581colabora", + -11.46197509765625 + ], + [ + "\u2581obey", + -11.465088844299316 + ], + [ + "\u2581naked", + -11.537641525268555 + ], + [ + "\u2581viaja", + -11.517339706420898 + ], + [ + "\u2581aut", + -11.642302513122559 + ], + [ + "\u2581supervisor", + -12.096696853637695 + ], + [ + "\u2581Extension", + -11.457579612731934 + ], + [ + "NGO", + -12.054159164428711 + ], + [ + "\u2581tirar", + -11.496170043945312 + ], + [ + "\u2581travelling", + -11.47877025604248 + ], + [ + "tilla", + -11.659905433654785 + ], + [ + "\u2581syndrome", + -11.460960388183594 + ], + [ + "\u2581Resource", + -11.451680183410645 + ], + [ + "\u2581gym", + -11.673929214477539 + ], + [ + "\u2581Views", + -11.543231010437012 + ], + [ + "\u00edsticas", + -11.739558219909668 + ], + [ + "\u2581merits", + -11.496932029724121 + ], + [ + "cera", + -11.638825416564941 + ], + [ + "\u2581Protocols", + -11.651062965393066 + ], + [ + "\u2581cincuenta", + -11.576906204223633 + ], + [ + "\u2581Password", + -11.474793434143066 + ], + [ + "\u2581asesinado", + -11.473006248474121 + ], + [ + "\u2581sospechoso", + -11.45080852508545 + ], + [ + "\u2581llevarse", + -11.538812637329102 + ], + [ + "\u2581Resulta", + -11.505922317504883 + ], + [ + "\u2581clausura", + -11.555522918701172 + ], + [ + "\u2581eighth", + -11.487262725830078 + ], + [ + "\u2581aviation", + -11.440577507019043 + ], + [ + "lat", + -11.43940544128418 + ], + [ + "\u2581liberalization", + -11.4640474319458 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alamo", + -12.12147331237793 + ], + [ + "\u2581fumadores", + -11.597800254821777 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gan", + -11.783519744873047 + ], + [ + ":17", + -12.290685653686523 + ], + [ + "\u2581ALL", + -11.61181354522705 + ], + [ + "\u25813.4", + -12.15439224243164 + ], + [ + "cu\u00e1l", + -11.475438117980957 + ], + [ + "\u2581Beau", + -12.198083877563477 + ], + [ + "mana", + -11.749100685119629 + ], + [ + "\u2581usados", + -11.62497615814209 + ], + [ + "\u2581Guarantee", + -11.450224876403809 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nord", + -12.26245403289795 + ], + [ + "\u2581shoulder", + -11.565420150756836 + ], + [ + "MT", + -12.061347961425781 + ], + [ + "\u2581incapacidad", + -11.60137939453125 + ], + [ + "\u2581knife", + -11.572033882141113 + ], + [ + "\u2581Seven", + -11.526318550109863 + ], + [ + "\u2581colon", + -11.878975868225098 + ], + [ + "m\u00e1tico", + -11.782848358154297 + ], + [ + "\u2581Junior", + -12.053564071655273 + ], + [ + "\u2581interact", + -11.449752807617188 + ], + [ + "\u2581guides", + -11.546659469604492 + ], + [ + "\u2581pursuing", + -11.447745323181152 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tus", + -11.55819320678711 + ], + [ + "5.00", + -12.181631088256836 + ], + [ + "kra", + -12.355562210083008 + ], + [ + "\u2581Freelance", + -12.20982837677002 + ], + [ + "\u2581%1", + -12.289186477661133 + ], + [ + "\u2581Monta", + -12.088760375976562 + ], + [ + "\u2581optar", + -11.611833572387695 + ], + [ + "cano", + -11.814033508300781 + ], + [ + "\u2581Categor\u00eda", + -11.587729454040527 + ], + [ + "\u2581explotar", + -11.539828300476074 + ], + [ + "\u2581147", + -12.0891695022583 + ], + [ + "\u2581ma\u00edz", + -11.561965942382812 + ], + [ + "\u2581attendance", + -11.481023788452148 + ], + [ + "\u2581mood", + -11.562175750732422 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tours", + -11.514608383178711 + ], + [ + "\u2581ejecuciones", + -11.58043098449707 + ], + [ + "\u2581Podr\u00e1", + -11.566099166870117 + ], + [ + "\u2581mistakes", + -11.542465209960938 + ], + [ + "\u2581buffet", + -11.924163818359375 + ], + [ + "\u2581mentira", + -11.460253715515137 + ], + [ + "\u2581protegidos", + -11.609139442443848 + ], + [ + "/2018", + -12.24593734741211 + ], + [ + "\u2581semestre", + -11.584482192993164 + ], + [ + "\u2581ecol\u00f3gica", + -11.587099075317383 + ], + [ + "\u2581listing", + -11.481422424316406 + ], + [ + "\u2581polar", + -12.231764793395996 + ], + [ + "\u2581tarifa", + -11.578810691833496 + ], + [ + "\u2581146", + -12.206863403320312 + ], + [ + "\u2581Funcionamiento", + -11.553105354309082 + ], + [ + "Where", + -11.524653434753418 + ], + [ + "product", + -12.313252449035645 + ], + [ + "\u2581dramatic", + -11.516550064086914 + ], + [ + "\u2581funcionando", + -11.555974006652832 + ], + [ + "\u2581Left", + -11.56838321685791 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cuarto", + -11.610123634338379 + ], + [ + "\u2581Daily", + -11.813292503356934 + ], + [ + "\u2581tercio", + -11.709345817565918 + ], + [ + "\u2581Stu", + -12.195043563842773 + ], + [ + "\u2581convocatoria", + -11.571893692016602 + ], + [ + "\u2581Specific", + -11.440021514892578 + ], + [ + "\u2581retained", + -11.458013534545898 + ], + [ + "\u2581Train", + -11.527957916259766 + ], + [ + "\u2581convergencia", + -11.588037490844727 + ], + [ + "aid", + -11.490324974060059 + ], + [ + "\u2581rec", + -11.593010902404785 + ], + [ + "\u2581underlined", + -11.473968505859375 + ], + [ + "\u2581r\u00edos", + -11.63209342956543 + ], + [ + "\u2581tendency", + -11.437653541564941 + ], + [ + "\u2581interactivo", + -11.669062614440918 + ], + [ + "\u2581Structural", + -11.423481941223145 + ], + [ + "\u2581inherent", + -11.421222686767578 + ], + [ + "\u2581llaves", + -11.489753723144531 + ], + [ + "\u2581influir", + -11.56640625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Together", + -11.461077690124512 + ], + [ + "\u2581izquierdo", + -11.573894500732422 + ], + [ + "\u25811964", + -12.186676979064941 + ], + [ + "\u2581Suprema", + -11.566405296325684 + ], + [ + "\u2581dobles", + -11.71672248840332 + ], + [ + "\u2581comprado", + -11.554793357849121 + ], + [ + "\u2581landing", + -11.555971145629883 + ], + [ + "\u2581Menos", + -11.511804580688477 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lenin", + -12.17674446105957 + ], + [ + "PORT", + -12.273088455200195 + ], + [ + "factor", + -12.712547302246094 + ], + [ + "\u2581hook", + -11.577778816223145 + ], + [ + "\u2581campsite", + -11.490705490112305 + ], + [ + "\u2581uncertainty", + -11.434741020202637 + ], + [ + "\u2581worthy", + -11.504313468933105 + ], + [ + "\u2581Facility", + -11.463968276977539 + ], + [ + "\u2581Maastricht", + -12.175576210021973 + ], + [ + "\u2581diesel", + -11.986944198608398 + ], + [ + "\u2581resultan", + -11.554976463317871 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gastos", + -11.631756782531738 + ], + [ + "\u2581reparto", + -11.585809707641602 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jueves", + -11.599783897399902 + ], + [ + "\u2581TS", + -12.067117691040039 + ], + [ + "\u2581garantizada", + -11.606575965881348 + ], + [ + "\u2581inteligentes", + -11.59398365020752 + ], + [ + "\u2581trat\u00f3", + -11.521965980529785 + ], + [ + "rle", + -11.09079647064209 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ny", + -12.093636512756348 + ], + [ + "\u2581launching", + -11.478224754333496 + ], + [ + "\u2581harvest", + -11.490188598632812 + ], + [ + "\u2581o\u00ed", + -11.433725357055664 + ], + [ + "\u2581Flu", + -12.068560600280762 + ], + [ + "\u2581liaison", + -11.452839851379395 + ], + [ + ":20", + -12.318489074707031 + ], + [ + "/11/", + -12.238455772399902 + ], + [ + "\u2581bones", + -11.550494194030762 + ], + [ + "\u2581se\u00f1ores", + -11.484216690063477 + ], + [ + "lix", + -12.195557594299316 + ], + [ + "\u2581entiendes", + -11.367966651916504 + ], + [ + "\u2581prolongado", + -11.572850227355957 + ], + [ + "\u2581Route", + -11.84178638458252 + ], + [ + "\u2581activas", + -11.64850902557373 + ], + [ + "9.00", + -12.27469253540039 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lang", + -12.301097869873047 + ], + [ + "23)", + -12.343626022338867 + ], + [ + "\u2581UNI", + -11.900795936584473 + ], + [ + "\u2581ignora", + -11.54150676727295 + ], + [ + "\u2581prisoner", + -11.498502731323242 + ], + [ + "\u2581urgently", + -11.472757339477539 + ], + [ + "\u258127,", + -12.041914939880371 + ], + [ + "\u2581comporta", + -11.56735610961914 + ], + [ + "rch", + -11.890789031982422 + ], + [ + "\u2581lays", + -11.48469352722168 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rama", + -12.072931289672852 + ], + [ + "\u2581Colegio", + -11.590576171875 + ], + [ + "\u2581measurements", + -11.484935760498047 + ], + [ + "\u2581reign", + -11.538762092590332 + ], + [ + "\u2581revenues", + -11.484491348266602 + ], + [ + "\u2581Peacebuilding", + -11.465121269226074 + ], + [ + "\u2581fundador", + -11.61673355102539 + ], + [ + "\u2581Grandes", + -11.60135555267334 + ], + [ + "\u2581voices", + -11.569612503051758 + ], + [ + "\u2581prorrogar", + -11.583793640136719 + ], + [ + "\u2581extraer", + -11.584877967834473 + ], + [ + "\u2581italiana", + -11.59526252746582 + ], + [ + "\u2581(2007)", + -12.191551208496094 + ], + [ + "\u2581bala", + -11.444003105163574 + ], + [ + "\u2581recuerdos", + -11.541847229003906 + ], + [ + "\u2581ba\u00f1era", + -11.541840553283691 + ], + [ + "\u2581consulte", + -11.604450225830078 + ], + [ + "\u2581communicated", + -11.455621719360352 + ], + [ + "\u2581expense", + -11.470328330993652 + ], + [ + "\u2581fant\u00e1stico", + -11.45586109161377 + ], + [ + "\u2581Creador", + -11.583292961120605 + ], + [ + "\u2581(28", + -12.220680236816406 + ], + [ + "\u00edculo", + -12.071986198425293 + ], + [ + "\u2581accomplished", + -11.513941764831543 + ], + [ + "\u2581llegando", + -11.574447631835938 + ], + [ + "\u2581wines", + -11.55683422088623 + ], + [ + "unk", + -11.627857208251953 + ], + [ + "\u2581quiso", + -11.454249382019043 + ], + [ + "Bu", + -11.929947853088379 + ], + [ + "\u2581Socialist", + -11.438587188720703 + ], + [ + "\u2581Conclusiones", + -11.624252319335938 + ], + [ + "\u2581actuando", + -11.575407981872559 + ], + [ + "\u2581localizaci\u00f3n", + -11.574467658996582 + ], + [ + "ncias", + -11.750656127929688 + ], + [ + "\u2581EXP", + -12.184779167175293 + ], + [ + "\u2581estadio", + -11.629731178283691 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jar", + -12.099842071533203 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kansas", + -12.121811866760254 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mine", + -11.497553825378418 + ], + [ + "\u2581har\u00e1s", + -11.450899124145508 + ], + [ + "\u258140.", + -11.915478706359863 + ], + [ + "izer", + -11.721641540527344 + ], + [ + "\u2581spell", + -11.56401252746582 + ], + [ + "\u2581sponsored", + -11.4644193649292 + ], + [ + "\u2581combinada", + -11.597307205200195 + ], + [ + "\u2581integrating", + -11.505289077758789 + ], + [ + "risk", + -11.58711051940918 + ], + [ + "\u2581Standards", + -11.52210521697998 + ], + [ + "\u2581Copenhague", + -11.537965774536133 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tayikist\u00e1n", + -11.507963180541992 + ], + [ + "cora", + -11.795225143432617 + ], + [ + "round", + -12.004294395446777 + ], + [ + "\u2581fixing", + -11.450163841247559 + ], + [ + "\u2581bastard", + -11.693751335144043 + ], + [ + "\u25819:00", + -12.181708335876465 + ], + [ + "\u2581formulate", + -11.430765151977539 + ], + [ + "\u2581unnecessary", + -11.475234031677246 + ], + [ + "\u2581s\u00edntesis", + -11.578414916992188 + ], + [ + "\u2581rival", + -12.013204574584961 + ], + [ + "\u2581blend", + -11.504413604736328 + ], + [ + "\u2581tira", + -11.382552146911621 + ], + [ + "\u2581regulares", + -11.640941619873047 + ], + [ + "icas", + -11.661443710327148 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fisheries", + -11.45926570892334 + ], + [ + "\u2581mensuales", + -11.6135835647583 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fat", + -11.955400466918945 + ], + [ + "dona", + -12.001976013183594 + ], + [ + "\u2581creatures", + -11.519548416137695 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pete", + -12.132152557373047 + ], + [ + "\u2581Suriname", + -11.853104591369629 + ], + [ + "\u2581clarity", + -11.45667839050293 + ], + [ + "\u2581gato", + -11.427286148071289 + ], + [ + "\u2581SAN", + -12.17959976196289 + ], + [ + "KE", + -12.103726387023926 + ], + [ + "Espera", + -11.352806091308594 + ], + [ + "\u2581employ", + -11.473039627075195 + ], + [ + "mira", + -11.984896659851074 + ], + [ + "\u2581septentrional", + -11.618995666503906 + ], + [ + "\u2581Eight", + -11.55055046081543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Multilateral", + -11.891968727111816 + ], + [ + "\u2581TI", + -11.539666175842285 + ], + [ + "\u2581ASEAN", + -12.07870101928711 + ], + [ + "\u2581filling", + -11.518962860107422 + ], + [ + "\u2581anunciado", + -11.62543773651123 + ], + [ + "dol", + -11.881564140319824 + ], + [ + "\u2581HTML", + -12.132669448852539 + ], + [ + "\u2581ajusta", + -11.458463668823242 + ], + [ + "\u2581orina", + -11.522494316101074 + ], + [ + "\u2581Were", + -11.821313858032227 + ], + [ + "\u2581dominant", + -11.453691482543945 + ], + [ + "\u2581conducci\u00f3n", + -11.566034317016602 + ], + [ + "\u2581kilometers", + -11.466431617736816 + ], + [ + "trac", + -11.870912551879883 + ], + [ + "\u2581emprendido", + -11.590574264526367 + ], + [ + "\u2581Audit", + -11.462991714477539 + ], + [ + "\u2581balances", + -11.530964851379395 + ], + [ + "\u258136.", + -11.579837799072266 + ], + [ + "\u2581cesta", + -11.655580520629883 + ], + [ + "\u2581matado", + -11.468605041503906 + ], + [ + "/03/", + -12.207891464233398 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00e9tnica", + -11.581363677978516 + ], + [ + "\u2581Early", + -11.50387954711914 + ], + [ + "\u2581pharmaceutical", + -11.470380783081055 + ], + [ + "\u2581decoration", + -11.513545989990234 + ], + [ + "\u2581Player", + -11.848116874694824 + ], + [ + "vi\u00f3", + -11.613234519958496 + ], + [ + "\u2581pesa", + -11.591285705566406 + ], + [ + "\u2581confidencial", + -11.5799560546875 + ], + [ + "\u2581hereby", + -11.454597473144531 + ], + [ + "\u2581qualitative", + -11.449440956115723 + ], + [ + "\u2581lifestyle", + -11.455367088317871 + ], + [ + "Estamos", + -11.449993133544922 + ], + [ + "\u2581cock", + -11.581205368041992 + ], + [ + "\u2581elaboration", + -11.47652816772461 + ], + [ + "\u2581observance", + -11.484843254089355 + ], + [ + "VER", + -12.163524627685547 + ], + [ + "\u2581Considera", + -11.60894775390625 + ], + [ + "\u2581insolvencia", + -11.54768180847168 + ], + [ + "\u2581paciencia", + -11.542351722717285 + ], + [ + "\u2581congregaci\u00f3n", + -11.586152076721191 + ], + [ + "hai", + -12.110299110412598 + ], + [ + "\u2581Outlook", + -11.98460865020752 + ], + [ + "\u2581netas", + -11.576489448547363 + ], + [ + "\u2581Equal", + -11.488862991333008 + ], + [ + "ciado", + -11.841936111450195 + ], + [ + ",6%", + -11.734063148498535 + ], + [ + "\u2581observancia", + -11.560694694519043 + ], + [ + "\u2581eliminado", + -11.586856842041016 + ], + [ + "Hey", + -11.964130401611328 + ], + [ + "ngu", + -11.570138931274414 + ], + [ + "\u2581Honey", + -11.651403427124023 + ], + [ + "\u2581newspapers", + -11.493024826049805 + ], + [ + "\u2581Blood", + -11.581623077392578 + ], + [ + "\u2581wishing", + -11.480798721313477 + ], + [ + "\u2581mar\u00edtima", + -11.563057899475098 + ], + [ + "\u2581protests", + -11.554970741271973 + ], + [ + "\u2581urbanos", + -11.617003440856934 + ], + [ + "BB", + -12.011516571044922 + ], + [ + "\u2581paro", + -11.596674919128418 + ], + [ + "\u2581volunteer", + -11.486001014709473 + ], + [ + "\u2581gimnasio", + -11.55453872680664 + ], + [ + "\u2581covenant", + -11.444363594055176 + ], + [ + "\u2581joining", + -11.512395858764648 + ], + [ + "\u2581laser", + -11.50281810760498 + ], + [ + "\u2581DIRECTV", + -11.692495346069336 + ], + [ + "STA", + -12.297955513000488 + ], + [ + "\u2581sincero", + -11.510281562805176 + ], + [ + "\u2581updating", + -11.480463981628418 + ], + [ + "\u2581Auditores", + -11.629901885986328 + ], + [ + "\u2581Emily", + -12.153695106506348 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jason", + -12.18506145477295 + ], + [ + "\u2581transformed", + -11.521992683410645 + ], + [ + "gata", + -11.840574264526367 + ], + [ + "\u2581gobernador", + -11.615219116210938 + ], + [ + "legi", + -12.124425888061523 + ], + [ + "\u2581Delivery", + -11.522149085998535 + ], + [ + "\u2581pitch", + -11.56101131439209 + ], + [ + "m\u00e1n", + -11.684321403503418 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nelson", + -12.23705005645752 + ], + [ + "\u2581extract", + -11.451288223266602 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sabemos", + -11.533398628234863 + ], + [ + "\u2581preparada", + -11.540362358093262 + ], + [ + "\u2581darles", + -11.54924488067627 + ], + [ + "\u2581concierne", + -11.560456275939941 + ], + [ + "\u2581coordinada", + -11.600671768188477 + ], + [ + "\u2581singer", + -11.586386680603027 + ], + [ + "\u2581razonables", + -11.604496002197266 + ], + [ + "\u2581dancing", + -11.554011344909668 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tratamiento", + -11.603642463684082 + ], + [ + "\u2581compromete", + -11.522229194641113 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuantos", + -11.737203598022461 + ], + [ + "\u2581destinations", + -11.546656608581543 + ], + [ + "ax", + -11.546955108642578 + ], + [ + "\u25811,2", + -12.260944366455078 + ], + [ + "\u2581Abi", + -12.5262451171875 + ], + [ + "\u2581logueado", + -11.737403869628906 + ], + [ + "\u00f1i", + -12.023761749267578 + ], + [ + "\u258122:16:", + -11.566777229309082 + ], + [ + "\u2581arch", + -11.886467933654785 + ], + [ + "\u2581CEO", + -11.879525184631348 + ], + [ + "\u2581descansar", + -11.510066986083984 + ], + [ + "\u2581exitosa", + -11.57791519165039 + ], + [ + "-11-13", + -11.673401832580566 + ], + [ + "tical", + -11.968342781066895 + ], + [ + "\u2581definitive", + -11.496170997619629 + ], + [ + "p\u00ed", + -11.846550941467285 + ], + [ + "\u2581mobilize", + -11.477546691894531 + ], + [ + "MEN", + -12.323271751403809 + ], + [ + "camp", + -12.466757774353027 + ], + [ + "\u2581Salom\u00f3n", + -11.520710945129395 + ], + [ + "\u2581separada", + -11.605164527893066 + ], + [ + "ae", + -11.591670036315918 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fish", + -11.780840873718262 + ], + [ + "\u2581mundializaci\u00f3n", + -11.597134590148926 + ], + [ + "\u2581cru", + -12.28014087677002 + ], + [ + "\u2581evaluado", + -11.62598991394043 + ], + [ + "\u2581temporarily", + -11.484403610229492 + ], + [ + "\u2581Carol", + -12.238306045532227 + ], + [ + "\u2581subvenci\u00f3n", + -11.579926490783691 + ], + [ + "\u2581Know", + -11.578795433044434 + ], + [ + "valu", + -12.09125804901123 + ], + [ + "bilit", + -12.395402908325195 + ], + [ + "\u2581founder", + -11.625043869018555 + ], + [ + "\u2581Acaba", + -11.407204627990723 + ], + [ + "\u2581influenced", + -11.515913963317871 + ], + [ + "\u2581URL", + -12.126810073852539 + ], + [ + "VAL", + -12.552518844604492 + ], + [ + "\u2581flujos", + -11.624516487121582 + ], + [ + "\u2581robust", + -11.497669219970703 + ], + [ + "\u2581govern", + -11.478161811828613 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mire", + -11.34959602355957 + ], + [ + "\u2581hepatitis", + -12.23611831665039 + ], + [ + "\u2581metales", + -11.632701873779297 + ], + [ + "\u2581concentrations", + -11.498618125915527 + ], + [ + "\u2581restriction", + -11.46688461303711 + ], + [ + "\u2581Regions", + -11.479301452636719 + ], + [ + "\u2581biennial", + -11.497678756713867 + ], + [ + "\u2581chef", + -12.19534683227539 + ], + [ + "quina", + -11.88940143585205 + ], + [ + "ms", + -11.801060676574707 + ], + [ + "\u2581LOGIN", + -11.599745750427246 + ], + [ + "FM", + -12.27466869354248 + ], + [ + "\u2581facilitada", + -11.644306182861328 + ], + [ + "\u258122:16:1", + -11.678396224975586 + ], + [ + "\u2581comparative", + -11.430756568908691 + ], + [ + "p\u00f3", + -11.592328071594238 + ], + [ + "teros", + -11.8113431930542 + ], + [ + "\u2581Justo", + -11.443885803222656 + ], + [ + "\u2581Response", + -11.503473281860352 + ], + [ + "\u2581Conduct", + -11.445261001586914 + ], + [ + "school", + -11.489689826965332 + ], + [ + "\u2581needle", + -11.476783752441406 + ], + [ + "enses", + -12.049922943115234 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dream", + -11.87429141998291 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mart\u00edn", + -12.033417701721191 + ], + [ + "\u2581admi", + -11.598761558532715 + ], + [ + "guearte", + -11.738616943359375 + ], + [ + "\u2581indirectly", + -11.480445861816406 + ], + [ + "\u2581attribut", + -11.468459129333496 + ], + [ + "\u2581ve\u00eda", + -11.47435474395752 + ], + [ + "\u2581Champ", + -12.41660213470459 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bart", + -12.20094108581543 + ], + [ + "\u2581divisiones", + -11.59158992767334 + ], + [ + "\u2581Arms", + -11.508455276489258 + ], + [ + "\u2581Financiera", + -11.593186378479004 + ], + [ + "\u2581perfume", + -12.180907249450684 + ], + [ + "\u258138.", + -11.618772506713867 + ], + [ + "chet", + -12.379679679870605 + ], + [ + "\u2581Helsinki", + -12.15475082397461 + ], + [ + "Our", + -11.492405891418457 + ], + [ + "CRI", + -12.39467716217041 + ], + [ + "\u2581labores", + -11.657289505004883 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pricing", + -11.48441219329834 + ], + [ + "CCPR", + -12.161839485168457 + ], + [ + "\u2581camina", + -11.502833366394043 + ], + [ + "\u2581proceeding", + -11.487812042236328 + ], + [ + "ccion", + -11.494645118713379 + ], + [ + "\u2581Estrellas", + -11.744231224060059 + ], + [ + "\u2581210", + -12.208904266357422 + ], + [ + "\u2581Militar", + -11.656416893005371 + ], + [ + "tr\u00e9", + -11.611761093139648 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ma\u00f1ana", + -11.414861679077148 + ], + [ + "\u2581phases", + -11.560023307800293 + ], + [ + "Desde", + -11.482956886291504 + ], + [ + "\u2581drafted", + -11.520866394042969 + ], + [ + "\u2581Billy", + -12.12923526763916 + ], + [ + "\u2581civilizaci\u00f3n", + -11.566131591796875 + ], + [ + "\u2581volumes", + -11.49282169342041 + ], + [ + "\u2581washing", + -11.52995491027832 + ], + [ + "hill", + -12.099397659301758 + ], + [ + "\u2581aggressive", + -11.520177841186523 + ], + [ + "\u2581olvide", + -11.543255805969238 + ], + [ + "\u2581aplicadas", + -11.621376991271973 + ], + [ + "\u2581regulate", + -11.464332580566406 + ], + [ + "\u2581pressing", + -11.495062828063965 + ], + [ + "-02", + -12.356705665588379 + ], + [ + "\u2581alegro", + -11.390542030334473 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vila", + -12.248051643371582 + ], + [ + "\u2581Karen", + -12.19878101348877 + ], + [ + "\u2581Atomic", + -11.47652816772461 + ], + [ + "\u2581Palm", + -12.036076545715332 + ], + [ + "\u2581statutory", + -11.4468994140625 + ], + [ + "\u2581outline", + -11.465278625488281 + ], + [ + "IND", + -12.285911560058594 + ], + [ + "preci", + -12.015104293823242 + ], + [ + "\u2581ACCEDER", + -11.745102882385254 + ], + [ + "\u2581alimenticios", + -11.630478858947754 + ], + [ + "\u2581solicite", + -11.624146461486816 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vaticano", + -11.600298881530762 + ], + [ + "\u2581memories", + -11.599745750427246 + ], + [ + "\u2581dibujos", + -11.546772003173828 + ], + [ + "\u2581GmbH", + -12.155610084533691 + ], + [ + "\u2581prest\u00f3", + -11.67729377746582 + ], + [ + "\u2581canta", + -11.49808406829834 + ], + [ + "nga", + -11.507096290588379 + ], + [ + "\u2581Transici\u00f3n", + -11.59926986694336 + ], + [ + "\u2581Guard", + -11.572734832763672 + ], + [ + "\u2581capitalismo", + -11.631465911865234 + ], + [ + "\u2581collapse", + -11.531845092773438 + ], + [ + "\u2581creatividad", + -11.622197151184082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Am\u00e9ricas", + -11.771742820739746 + ], + [ + "\u2581rigen", + -11.584651947021484 + ], + [ + "\u2581convino", + -11.641583442687988 + ], + [ + "\u2581fiable", + -11.61890983581543 + ], + [ + "\u2581votantes", + -11.620105743408203 + ], + [ + "\u2581Quin", + -12.119932174682617 + ], + [ + "\u2581crying", + -11.601339340209961 + ], + [ + "\u2581seguramente", + -11.557045936584473 + ], + [ + "Qaida", + -12.152146339416504 + ], + [ + "uco", + -12.440518379211426 + ], + [ + "\u2581domina", + -11.617715835571289 + ], + [ + "\u2581assistant", + -11.55473518371582 + ], + [ + "\u2581vele", + -11.68704605102539 + ], + [ + "\u2581reminded", + -11.496183395385742 + ], + [ + "\u2581participatory", + -11.469595909118652 + ], + [ + "\u2581costas", + -11.682991981506348 + ], + [ + "\u2581trajo", + -11.532458305358887 + ], + [ + "\u2581Friends", + -11.571320533752441 + ], + [ + "bach", + -12.261070251464844 + ], + [ + "\u2581selecciona", + -11.588143348693848 + ], + [ + "rest", + -11.578385353088379 + ], + [ + "\u2581Armadas", + -11.651845932006836 + ], + [ + "\u2581Remo", + -12.03011703491211 + ], + [ + "\u2581wh", + -12.265478134155273 + ], + [ + "jado", + -12.027887344360352 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reitera", + -11.636460304260254 + ], + [ + "\u2581mandar", + -11.647855758666992 + ], + [ + "\u2581propicio", + -11.644482612609863 + ], + [ + "\u2581UV", + -12.167548179626465 + ], + [ + "\u2581Teatro", + -11.851690292358398 + ], + [ + "\u2581acabo", + -11.429081916809082 + ], + [ + "\u2581publishing", + -11.494909286499023 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bene", + -12.189833641052246 + ], + [ + "uke", + -12.229619979858398 + ], + [ + "\u2581falso", + -11.524904251098633 + ], + [ + "\u2581siervos", + -11.60563850402832 + ], + [ + "galo", + -11.990426063537598 + ], + [ + "\u2581amado", + -11.538783073425293 + ], + [ + "logy", + -11.558732032775879 + ], + [ + "\u2581identificado", + -11.576905250549316 + ], + [ + "\u2581winner", + -11.594282150268555 + ], + [ + "Va", + -11.491058349609375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tercer", + -11.610199928283691 + ], + [ + "/36", + -12.206063270568848 + ], + [ + "\u2581prophet", + -11.507328033447266 + ], + [ + "\u2581adelanto", + -11.555648803710938 + ], + [ + "\u2581reyes", + -11.642529487609863 + ], + [ + "soft", + -12.239620208740234 + ], + [ + "\u2581reinforced", + -11.52836799621582 + ], + [ + "\u2581trick", + -11.618403434753418 + ], + [ + "\u2581inform\u00e1ticos", + -11.629940032958984 + ], + [ + "\u2581lacking", + -11.542817115783691 + ], + [ + "\u2581wastes", + -11.520742416381836 + ], + [ + "fire", + -11.551138877868652 + ], + [ + "\u2581Quiet", + -11.57597541809082 + ], + [ + "\u2581apellido", + -11.54329776763916 + ], + [ + "\u2581acept\u00f3", + -11.636455535888672 + ], + [ + "\u2581herido", + -11.465307235717773 + ], + [ + "\u2581llegar\u00e1", + -11.438399314880371 + ], + [ + "\u2581structured", + -11.506373405456543 + ], + [ + "deras", + -11.681204795837402 + ], + [ + "inger", + -11.830953598022461 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ofrece", + -11.663153648376465 + ], + [ + "TUR", + -12.670472145080566 + ], + [ + "v\u00eda", + -11.664084434509277 + ], + [ + "\u2581Students", + -11.501420974731445 + ], + [ + "\u2581l\u00e1ser", + -11.593631744384766 + ], + [ + "\u2581respalda", + -11.557283401489258 + ], + [ + "\u2581intenciones", + -11.608566284179688 + ], + [ + "\u25812%", + -12.160890579223633 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cook", + -12.068676948547363 + ], + [ + "\u2581Poder", + -11.62680721282959 + ], + [ + "\u2581Queremos", + -11.578519821166992 + ], + [ + "\u2581fulfilling", + -11.498396873474121 + ], + [ + "\u2581optimal", + -11.460107803344727 + ], + [ + "\u2581acreedores", + -11.615012168884277 + ], + [ + "ONE", + -12.059712409973145 + ], + [ + "\u2581sent\u00ed", + -11.524547576904297 + ], + [ + "trope", + -11.513073921203613 + ], + [ + "\u2581SOBRE", + -11.638051986694336 + ], + [ + "personal", + -12.190132141113281 + ], + [ + "\u2581checking", + -11.546936988830566 + ], + [ + "\u2581informativa", + -11.61489200592041 + ], + [ + "guen", + -11.591472625732422 + ], + [ + "\u2581contestar", + -11.605658531188965 + ], + [ + "\u2581Magazine", + -11.931697845458984 + ], + [ + "\u2581mueve", + -11.523104667663574 + ], + [ + "\u2581legitimidad", + -11.620569229125977 + ], + [ + "\u2581sucedido", + -11.550126075744629 + ], + [ + "\u2581architect", + -11.56126880645752 + ], + [ + "\u2581atribuye", + -11.593667984008789 + ], + [ + "iller", + -12.466973304748535 + ], + [ + "\u2581Organized", + -11.513254165649414 + ], + [ + "\u2581unirse", + -11.63382625579834 + ], + [ + "cidas", + -11.861676216125488 + ], + [ + "\u2581Outer", + -11.503962516784668 + ], + [ + "\u2581distinguished", + -11.50700855255127 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuarenta", + -11.603906631469727 + ], + [ + "tory", + -11.792840003967285 + ], + [ + "\u2581Prague", + -11.554459571838379 + ], + [ + "\u2581enviados", + -11.65932559967041 + ], + [ + "\u2581Complete", + -11.52811336517334 + ], + [ + "\u2581trayectoria", + -11.653938293457031 + ], + [ + "\u2581valiosa", + -11.57578182220459 + ], + [ + "\u2581Charlotte", + -12.292675018310547 + ], + [ + "\u2581referido", + -11.669533729553223 + ], + [ + "acy", + -11.836368560791016 + ], + [ + "\u2581exponen", + -11.699825286865234 + ], + [ + "\u2581Much", + -11.5225248336792 + ], + [ + "\u2581cercanos", + -11.689153671264648 + ], + [ + "\u2581Provide", + -11.480840682983398 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tel\u00e9fono", + -11.652387619018555 + ], + [ + "/88", + -12.106078147888184 + ], + [ + "\u2581Provision", + -11.4539213180542 + ], + [ + "\u2581FDI", + -11.857402801513672 + ], + [ + "\u2581entablar", + -11.620570182800293 + ], + [ + "cionales", + -11.831355094909668 + ], + [ + "\u2581sostener", + -11.589170455932617 + ], + [ + "\u2581lifetime", + -11.515313148498535 + ], + [ + "sure", + -11.907252311706543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Argentine", + -11.5291109085083 + ], + [ + "\u2581Plata", + -12.134023666381836 + ], + [ + "20)", + -12.15306568145752 + ], + [ + "\u2581cl\u00e1sicos", + -11.642966270446777 + ], + [ + "diciones", + -11.624166488647461 + ], + [ + "\u2581Julia", + -12.148486137390137 + ], + [ + "\u2581bote", + -11.461647033691406 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u201d,", + -11.93539810180664 + ], + [ + "\u2581ox\u00edgeno", + -11.626890182495117 + ], + [ + "\u25813%", + -12.211722373962402 + ], + [ + "\u2581stating", + -11.501365661621094 + ], + [ + "\u2581Distrito", + -11.736917495727539 + ], + [ + "\u2581fibras", + -11.672724723815918 + ], + [ + "gol", + -11.933380126953125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Short", + -11.5437593460083 + ], + [ + "\u2010", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581Opening", + -11.534658432006836 + ], + [ + "\u2581tracks", + -11.576224327087402 + ], + [ + "\u2581instrumental", + -11.946486473083496 + ], + [ + "\u2581neighbourhood", + -11.500347137451172 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cambiar", + -11.627450942993164 + ], + [ + "\u2581tragic", + -11.546011924743652 + ], + [ + "\u2581Solutions", + -11.720686912536621 + ], + [ + "\u2581persecution", + -11.49544620513916 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dur", + -12.024785041809082 + ], + [ + "\u2581fant\u00e1stica", + -11.607528686523438 + ], + [ + "\u2581suck", + -11.674640655517578 + ], + [ + "\u2581pronta", + -11.645442008972168 + ], + [ + "\u25811958", + -12.225296020507812 + ], + [ + "\u2581distinguir", + -11.62477970123291 + ], + [ + "olo", + -11.594982147216797 + ], + [ + "\u2581t\u00ed", + -11.406740188598633 + ], + [ + "\u2581acumulado", + -11.683802604675293 + ], + [ + "unidad", + -11.726778984069824 + ], + [ + "\u2581Disculpe", + -11.361858367919922 + ], + [ + "\u2581proporcion\u00f3", + -11.640724182128906 + ], + [ + "\u2581bebe", + -11.419949531555176 + ], + [ + "\u2581suceder", + -11.49447250366211 + ], + [ + "\u2581transcurso", + -11.628491401672363 + ], + [ + "\u2581trabaj\u00f3", + -11.63272476196289 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hollywood", + -12.255874633789062 + ], + [ + "position", + -11.72822380065918 + ], + [ + "\u2581Enlace", + -11.624715805053711 + ], + [ + "\u2581sorted", + -11.5193452835083 + ], + [ + "\u2581interesada", + -11.55049991607666 + ], + [ + "\u2581uphold", + -11.596235275268555 + ], + [ + "\u2581blessing", + -11.501462936401367 + ], + [ + "\u2581directorio", + -11.645050048828125 + ], + [ + "\u2581importes", + -11.658846855163574 + ], + [ + "\u2581asciende", + -11.620698928833008 + ], + [ + "\u2581mild", + -11.50658130645752 + ], + [ + "\u2581nube", + -11.590775489807129 + ], + [ + "Aqu\u00ed", + -11.437363624572754 + ], + [ + "\u2581m\u00e9dicas", + -11.644645690917969 + ], + [ + "IDA", + -12.048087120056152 + ], + [ + "\u2581prayers", + -11.55942153930664 + ], + [ + "\u2581tours", + -11.636234283447266 + ], + [ + "\u2581conten\u00eda", + -11.627615928649902 + ], + [ + "\u2581Condici\u00f3n", + -11.65149974822998 + ], + [ + "\u2581lamento", + -11.495368003845215 + ], + [ + "\u2581implementar", + -11.73397159576416 + ], + [ + "\u2581ammunition", + -11.494558334350586 + ], + [ + "opera", + -11.706964492797852 + ], + [ + "\u2581aparentemente", + -11.61366081237793 + ], + [ + "\u2581t\u00eda", + -11.427865982055664 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cient\u00edfico", + -11.621620178222656 + ], + [ + "\u2581fijados", + -11.648811340332031 + ], + [ + "\u2581logistics", + -11.503847122192383 + ], + [ + "\u258137.", + -11.603259086608887 + ], + [ + "ania", + -12.159571647644043 + ], + [ + "\u2581unfair", + -11.527532577514648 + ], + [ + "Hotel", + -12.039791107177734 + ], + [ + "\u2581alojamientos", + -11.75426959991455 + ], + [ + "\u2581Housing", + -11.592400550842285 + ], + [ + "\u2581concludes", + -11.540239334106445 + ], + [ + "\u2581conscious", + -11.462488174438477 + ], + [ + "/1996/", + -12.097331047058105 + ], + [ + "\u2581Practice", + -11.504283905029297 + ], + [ + "\u2581appropriation", + -11.455934524536133 + ], + [ + "\u2581mature", + -11.519736289978027 + ], + [ + "\u2581utmost", + -11.484843254089355 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mi\u00e9rcoles", + -11.626890182495117 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kelly", + -12.16097640991211 + ], + [ + "\u2581remedio", + -11.591243743896484 + ], + [ + "\u2581creciendo", + -11.621705055236816 + ], + [ + "\u2581Independence", + -11.478508949279785 + ], + [ + "\u2581oven", + -11.54055118560791 + ], + [ + "c\u00fa", + -11.604263305664062 + ], + [ + "meter", + -12.129673957824707 + ], + [ + "Your", + -11.537338256835938 + ], + [ + "\u2581expressly", + -11.50899887084961 + ], + [ + "ject", + -11.704837799072266 + ], + [ + "\u2581sensibles", + -11.623995780944824 + ], + [ + "pdf", + -12.182902336120605 + ], + [ + "\u2581h\u00eddricos", + -11.6075439453125 + ], + [ + "\u2581divino", + -11.62486457824707 + ], + [ + "\u2581indirecta", + -11.622133255004883 + ], + [ + "\u2581captured", + -11.516814231872559 + ], + [ + "\u2581Future", + -11.525395393371582 + ], + [ + "load", + -11.525862693786621 + ], + [ + "\u2581Azul", + -11.640857696533203 + ], + [ + "\u2581Principales", + -11.668807029724121 + ], + [ + "cation", + -12.115345001220703 + ], + [ + "\u2581issuing", + -11.473062515258789 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gratis", + -11.654254913330078 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sean", + -12.100972175598145 + ], + [ + "\u2581Terrorism", + -11.506465911865234 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bienvenidos", + -11.58631706237793 + ], + [ + "\u2581freak", + -11.745999336242676 + ], + [ + "/2009", + -11.42706298828125 + ], + [ + "\u2581At\u00f3mica", + -11.643943786621094 + ], + [ + "TAL", + -12.230332374572754 + ], + [ + "burn", + -12.010580062866211 + ], + [ + "One", + -11.5458984375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Adopted", + -11.498370170593262 + ], + [ + "\u2581mile", + -11.629722595214844 + ], + [ + "\u2581bloody", + -11.653657913208008 + ], + [ + "\u2581compact", + -11.492218017578125 + ], + [ + "\u2581OSSI", + -11.617440223693848 + ], + [ + "\u2581tied", + -11.56945514678955 + ], + [ + "\u2581Capacitaci\u00f3n", + -11.661293029785156 + ], + [ + "\u2581[2],", + -12.22555923461914 + ], + [ + "\u2581reparar", + -11.597759246826172 + ], + [ + "bad", + -12.238282203674316 + ], + [ + "pond", + -11.648396492004395 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bali", + -12.194405555725098 + ], + [ + "\u2581pig", + -11.764104843139648 + ], + [ + "\u2581Droga", + -11.642756462097168 + ], + [ + "\u2581fundada", + -11.692987442016602 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gross", + -11.809019088745117 + ], + [ + "\u2581Delhi", + -12.192422866821289 + ], + [ + "\u2581Visual", + -12.19417953491211 + ], + [ + "\u2581exporta", + -11.662036895751953 + ], + [ + "Home", + -11.83040714263916 + ], + [ + "\u2581atractiva", + -11.542820930480957 + ], + [ + "\u2581japon\u00e9s", + -11.612203598022461 + ], + [ + "\u2581acompa\u00f1ados", + -11.663189888000488 + ], + [ + "\u2581spirits", + -11.643253326416016 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lunes", + -11.646921157836914 + ], + [ + "\u2581organizados", + -11.67807388305664 + ], + [ + "\u2581reliability", + -11.491899490356445 + ], + [ + "\u2581allowances", + -11.492918014526367 + ], + [ + "turas", + -11.856854438781738 + ], + [ + "compliance", + -11.465653419494629 + ], + [ + "\u2581Empire", + -11.568206787109375 + ], + [ + "\u2581humedad", + -11.607009887695312 + ], + [ + "\u2581impartial", + -11.510540008544922 + ], + [ + "\u2581prev\u00e9n", + -11.637594223022461 + ], + [ + "hood", + -11.6424560546875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Conflict", + -11.504368782043457 + ], + [ + "\u2581Command", + -11.575888633728027 + ], + [ + "\u2581Class", + -11.567996978759766 + ], + [ + "\u2581reaffirm", + -11.47028636932373 + ], + [ + "\u2581daughters", + -11.61531925201416 + ], + [ + "\u2581presidentes", + -11.706310272216797 + ], + [ + "\u2581demobilization", + -11.481771469116211 + ], + [ + "\u2581ozono", + -11.641804695129395 + ], + [ + "\u2581orientado", + -11.652850151062012 + ], + [ + "\u2581perdida", + -11.561846733093262 + ], + [ + "\u2581Castell", + -12.189881324768066 + ], + [ + "\u2581residente", + -11.581747055053711 + ], + [ + "visor", + -11.788740158081055 + ], + [ + "\u2581ligero", + -11.618433952331543 + ], + [ + "sie", + -11.707310676574707 + ], + [ + "tex", + -12.027173042297363 + ], + [ + "\u2581Compara", + -11.65962028503418 + ], + [ + "\u2581respondido", + -11.647722244262695 + ], + [ + "\u2581consigui\u00f3", + -11.584473609924316 + ], + [ + "amo", + -12.034078598022461 + ], + [ + "\u2581tenor", + -11.636651992797852 + ], + [ + "\u2581Arti", + -12.03083610534668 + ], + [ + "\u2581Organizations", + -11.739409446716309 + ], + [ + "\u2581borne", + -11.517912864685059 + ], + [ + "\u2581impe", + -12.1957368850708 + ], + [ + "\u2581Galer\u00eda", + -11.661931037902832 + ], + [ + "oth", + -11.966370582580566 + ], + [ + "\u2581earned", + -11.552120208740234 + ], + [ + "\u2581commended", + -11.504312515258789 + ], + [ + "iba", + -12.10784912109375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Creemos", + -11.57327938079834 + ], + [ + "\u2581Curso", + -11.664166450500488 + ], + [ + "\u2581vitamina", + -11.649036407470703 + ], + [ + "\u2581molde", + -11.655479431152344 + ], + [ + "\u2581Definici\u00f3n", + -11.603906631469727 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ortega", + -12.184382438659668 + ], + [ + "\u2581act\u00faan", + -11.599162101745605 + ], + [ + "izaciones", + -11.901963233947754 + ], + [ + "\u2581s\u00f3lidos", + -11.663058280944824 + ], + [ + "\u2581Server", + -11.918478965759277 + ], + [ + "\u2581trabajadoras", + -11.678483009338379 + ], + [ + "\u2581acompa\u00f1a", + -11.510915756225586 + ], + [ + "\u2581screening", + -11.565427780151367 + ], + [ + "asse", + -11.834305763244629 + ], + [ + "\u2581ritual", + -12.171188354492188 + ], + [ + "\u2581degradantes", + -11.630420684814453 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pago", + -11.628608703613281 + ], + [ + "\u2581c\u00e1pita", + -11.74095344543457 + ], + [ + "Tengo", + -11.43332576751709 + ], + [ + "\u2581Is", + -11.832036018371582 + ], + [ + "\u2581operar", + -11.591764450073242 + ], + [ + "\u00f3logos", + -11.698821067810059 + ], + [ + "\u2581reaches", + -11.550482749938965 + ], + [ + "\u2581uncle", + -11.669368743896484 + ], + [ + "\u2581Looking", + -11.637186050415039 + ], + [ + "\u2581inmunidad", + -11.627419471740723 + ], + [ + "\u2581Computer", + -11.516997337341309 + ], + [ + "\u2581immunity", + -11.54787826538086 + ], + [ + "\u2581perfiles", + -11.66162395477295 + ], + [ + "\u2581suelos", + -11.681488990783691 + ], + [ + "\u2581mostrar\u00e1", + -11.656728744506836 + ], + [ + "\u2581ten\u00edas", + -11.563627243041992 + ], + [ + "\u2581Administrativo", + -11.63559341430664 + ], + [ + "\u2581Latest", + -11.529974937438965 + ], + [ + "\u2581165", + -12.207625389099121 + ], + [ + "\u2581elaborate", + -11.51761245727539 + ], + [ + "\u2581albergue", + -11.647907257080078 + ], + [ + "rium", + -12.113073348999023 + ], + [ + "\u2581Comentario", + -11.67565631866455 + ], + [ + "\u2581Federativa", + -11.612203598022461 + ], + [ + "\u2581orally", + -11.543806076049805 + ], + [ + "\u2581isolation", + -11.492799758911133 + ], + [ + "size", + -11.579178810119629 + ], + [ + "\u2581withdrawn", + -11.527815818786621 + ], + [ + "\u2581detected", + -11.543103218078613 + ], + [ + "\u2581warned", + -11.541131973266602 + ], + [ + "\u2581correspond", + -11.503889083862305 + ], + [ + "\u2581inquietud", + -11.600786209106445 + ], + [ + "b\u00fa", + -11.96417236328125 + ], + [ + "\u2581golden", + -11.528681755065918 + ], + [ + "\u2581tear", + -11.618172645568848 + ], + [ + "\u2581emotions", + -11.5579195022583 + ], + [ + "\u2581orientadas", + -11.676214218139648 + ], + [ + "cier", + -11.932526588439941 + ], + [ + "\u2581associate", + -11.497211456298828 + ], + [ + "lag", + -12.221756935119629 + ], + [ + "\u2581Neither", + -11.57688045501709 + ], + [ + "\u2581mixture", + -11.52777099609375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bern", + -11.778244972229004 + ], + [ + "\u2581interpreta", + -11.552046775817871 + ], + [ + "\u2581insolvency", + -11.46960163116455 + ], + [ + "\u2581planteadas", + -11.64954948425293 + ], + [ + "\u2581rutina", + -11.548891067504883 + ], + [ + "\u2581vaso", + -11.602252006530762 + ], + [ + "\u2581cameras", + -11.566656112670898 + ], + [ + "\u2581obstacle", + -11.508378028869629 + ], + [ + "\u2581shell", + -11.548279762268066 + ], + [ + "\u2581vean", + -11.570182800292969 + ], + [ + "\u2581modules", + -11.563546180725098 + ], + [ + "\u2581distress", + -11.559184074401855 + ], + [ + "\u2581iraqu\u00edes", + -11.587018966674805 + ], + [ + "\u2581charity", + -11.586572647094727 + ], + [ + "\u2581Beautiful", + -11.587855339050293 + ], + [ + "26)", + -12.347757339477539 + ], + [ + "\u2581documented", + -11.579190254211426 + ], + [ + "\u2581Display", + -11.574320793151855 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pet", + -11.895942687988281 + ], + [ + "file", + -12.191671371459961 + ], + [ + "\u2581eleva", + -11.53297233581543 + ], + [ + "\u258129,", + -11.985244750976562 + ], + [ + "\u2581attain", + -11.385883331298828 + ], + [ + "\u2581promptly", + -11.482077598571777 + ], + [ + "\u2581Publications", + -11.500798225402832 + ], + [ + "\u2581motivated", + -11.53939151763916 + ], + [ + "\u2581procurar", + -11.668877601623535 + ], + [ + "\u2581requerido", + -11.64292049407959 + ], + [ + "\u2581alternate", + -11.5270414352417 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dean", + -12.172487258911133 + ], + [ + "\u2581pillars", + -11.534574508666992 + ], + [ + "\u2581enunciados", + -11.68259048461914 + ], + [ + "\u2581singing", + -11.584668159484863 + ], + [ + "\u2581basket", + -11.572020530700684 + ], + [ + "\u2581servidores", + -11.663613319396973 + ], + [ + "\u25812007-11-1", + -11.607481956481934 + ], + [ + "\u2581Addis", + -12.21805477142334 + ], + [ + "stat", + -11.470017433166504 + ], + [ + "ulado", + -12.07550048828125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Competition", + -11.486607551574707 + ], + [ + "\u2581vol\u00famenes", + -11.67839241027832 + ], + [ + "/2009/", + -12.281686782836914 + ], + [ + "\u2581castigar", + -11.675725936889648 + ], + [ + "\u2581resulte", + -11.655075073242188 + ], + [ + "ciera", + -12.056360244750977 + ], + [ + "\u2581tur\u00edstico", + -11.661087036132812 + ], + [ + "\u2581pul", + -11.607582092285156 + ], + [ + "\u2581inclu\u00eda", + -11.692392349243164 + ], + [ + "gr", + -11.508606910705566 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rou", + -12.372868537902832 + ], + [ + "\u2020", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bilbao", + -12.227768898010254 + ], + [ + "\u2581renovar", + -11.672574996948242 + ], + [ + "\u2581(7)", + -12.034758567810059 + ], + [ + "\u2581Band", + -12.001692771911621 + ], + [ + "\u2581Divine", + -11.533499717712402 + ], + [ + "\u2581Moto", + -12.029082298278809 + ], + [ + "\u2581paintings", + -11.638153076171875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Interest", + -11.516273498535156 + ], + [ + "speed", + -11.555992126464844 + ], + [ + "\u2581esquema", + -11.614100456237793 + ], + [ + "\u2581miel", + -11.588272094726562 + ], + [ + "\u2581sentirse", + -11.571077346801758 + ], + [ + "\u2581ideales", + -11.688082695007324 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fui", + -11.452544212341309 + ], + [ + "\u2581absorci\u00f3n", + -11.652198791503906 + ], + [ + "\u2581offenders", + -11.521889686584473 + ], + [ + "\u2581anunciante", + -11.730789184570312 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00fanicas", + -11.718279838562012 + ], + [ + "\u2581dressed", + -11.652746200561523 + ], + [ + "GEN", + -12.24463939666748 + ], + [ + "misi\u00f3n", + -11.706892013549805 + ], + [ + "\u00e1ndola", + -11.605633735656738 + ], + [ + "\u2581inhumanos", + -11.655291557312012 + ], + [ + "\u2581unlimited", + -11.518292427062988 + ], + [ + "tional", + -12.340145111083984 + ], + [ + "\u2581t\u00edpica", + -11.613759994506836 + ], + [ + "\u2581shed", + -11.640035629272461 + ], + [ + "\u2581combinado", + -11.607156753540039 + ], + [ + "\u2581NY", + -12.1098051071167 + ], + [ + "\u2581emphasizes", + -11.553483963012695 + ], + [ + "\u2581il\u00edcitas", + -11.67697811126709 + ], + [ + "\u2581pour", + -11.599141120910645 + ], + [ + "ianos", + -11.735733985900879 + ], + [ + "-2000", + -12.238398551940918 + ], + [ + "\u2581renovated", + -11.55316162109375 + ], + [ + "\u00c3\u00b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "ARIO", + -12.26103401184082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Error", + -12.226795196533203 + ], + [ + "\u2581expresadas", + -11.681841850280762 + ], + [ + "\u00f3lico", + -11.710573196411133 + ], + [ + "\u2581imposing", + -11.524288177490234 + ], + [ + "\u2581petition", + -11.552835464477539 + ], + [ + "\u2581Abuse", + -11.479436874389648 + ], + [ + "\u2581fina", + -11.806960105895996 + ], + [ + "\u2581conocemos", + -11.535401344299316 + ], + [ + "fli", + -11.85105037689209 + ], + [ + "\u2581Architecture", + -11.494558334350586 + ], + [ + "\u2581queen", + -11.6321439743042 + ], + [ + "\u2581sueldo", + -11.59170913696289 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cut", + -11.67119026184082 + ], + [ + "\u2581immune", + -11.534852981567383 + ], + [ + "\u2581readers", + -11.485983848571777 + ], + [ + "\u2581Teresa", + -12.210805892944336 + ], + [ + "enti", + -12.143356323242188 + ], + [ + "rgu", + -11.651443481445312 + ], + [ + "Ad\u00f3nde", + -11.378634452819824 + ], + [ + "\u2581cho", + -11.626017570495605 + ], + [ + "\u2581burned", + -11.609145164489746 + ], + [ + "\u2581discovery", + -11.575443267822266 + ], + [ + "\u2581tem\u00e1ticos", + -11.624971389770508 + ], + [ + "\u2581intelligent", + -11.561065673828125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Recomendaciones", + -11.667326927185059 + ], + [ + "\u2581suministra", + -11.490617752075195 + ], + [ + "\u258110.000", + -11.636943817138672 + ], + [ + "\u2581sistem\u00e1tico", + -11.627422332763672 + ], + [ + "\u2581modest", + -11.579577445983887 + ], + [ + "HAN", + -12.327337265014648 + ], + [ + "rog", + -11.841889381408691 + ], + [ + "l\u00f3gica", + -11.633155822753906 + ], + [ + "\u2581concerted", + -11.494065284729004 + ], + [ + "\u2581incendios", + -11.648272514343262 + ], + [ + "eration", + -12.016782760620117 + ], + [ + "\u2581cultivation", + -11.523826599121094 + ], + [ + "\u2581engaging", + -11.505268096923828 + ], + [ + "\u2581obedece", + -11.658693313598633 + ], + [ + "tamos", + -11.479388236999512 + ], + [ + "\u2581estupefacientes", + -11.639653205871582 + ], + [ + "\u2581spin", + -11.550670623779297 + ], + [ + "nom\u00eda", + -12.125181198120117 + ], + [ + "\u2581ocio", + -11.744563102722168 + ], + [ + "ACIONES", + -11.777624130249023 + ], + [ + "\u2581**", + -12.253388404846191 + ], + [ + "\u2581autopista", + -11.625308990478516 + ], + [ + "\u2581Valoraci\u00f3n", + -11.732382774353027 + ], + [ + "More", + -11.551843643188477 + ], + [ + "\u2581efficiently", + -11.53055477142334 + ], + [ + "\u2581empleador", + -11.66521167755127 + ], + [ + "\u2581pocket", + -11.585272789001465 + ], + [ + "\u2581supervisory", + -11.54488468170166 + ], + [ + "\u2581habr\u00e1n", + -11.593799591064453 + ], + [ + "\u2581confession", + -11.581028938293457 + ], + [ + "\u2581thermal", + -11.553138732910156 + ], + [ + "\u2581ballot", + -11.517059326171875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Monetario", + -11.639654159545898 + ], + [ + "\u25811962", + -12.29594898223877 + ], + [ + "-04", + -12.473121643066406 + ], + [ + "\u2581Disfruta", + -11.655600547790527 + ], + [ + "\u2581GEF", + -11.513351440429688 + ], + [ + "\u2581capas", + -11.647581100463867 + ], + [ + "\u2581Adobe", + -12.34215259552002 + ], + [ + "\u2581querr\u00eda", + -11.49740219116211 + ], + [ + "rp", + -12.025986671447754 + ], + [ + "\u2581menci\u00f3n", + -11.619132041931152 + ], + [ + "PSE", + -12.278106689453125 + ], + [ + "\u2581nursing", + -11.536703109741211 + ], + [ + "\u2581dejes", + -11.520384788513184 + ], + [ + "\u2581reporte", + -11.548819541931152 + ], + [ + "\u2581wounded", + -11.575456619262695 + ], + [ + "\u2581alcanz\u00f3", + -11.633251190185547 + ], + [ + "pong", + -12.182185173034668 + ], + [ + "\u2581estacionamiento", + -11.589042663574219 + ], + [ + "\u2581kilo", + -12.307934761047363 + ], + [ + "pher", + -11.942893028259277 + ], + [ + "\u2581marking", + -11.514832496643066 + ], + [ + "Alguien", + -11.421414375305176 + ], + [ + "\u2581hacerte", + -11.513856887817383 + ], + [ + "\u2581bendici\u00f3n", + -11.609084129333496 + ], + [ + "\u2581ranging", + -11.513020515441895 + ], + [ + "p\u00fa", + -11.8346529006958 + ], + [ + "\u2581exponer", + -11.618371963500977 + ], + [ + "\u2581tremendous", + -11.579252243041992 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tuve", + -11.450244903564453 + ], + [ + "\u2581psico", + -11.744511604309082 + ], + [ + "most", + -11.518070220947266 + ], + [ + "\u2581Astro", + -12.422835350036621 + ], + [ + "\u2581disciplinary", + -11.572988510131836 + ], + [ + "cias", + -11.526477813720703 + ], + [ + "\u2581tendr\u00e9", + -11.468419075012207 + ], + [ + "\u2581desires", + -11.567608833312988 + ], + [ + "\u2581shadow", + -11.540847778320312 + ], + [ + "\u2581residual", + -12.077917098999023 + ], + [ + "\u2581aleja", + -11.541598320007324 + ], + [ + "\u2581XIV", + -12.158586502075195 + ], + [ + "een", + -11.574679374694824 + ], + [ + "\u2581($1", + -11.60388469696045 + ], + [ + "Ves", + -11.457677841186523 + ], + [ + "ables", + -11.75147533416748 + ], + [ + "\u2581Translation", + -11.559669494628906 + ], + [ + "\u2581tuvieran", + -11.651906967163086 + ], + [ + "?\u201d", + -11.643317222595215 + ], + [ + "Ab", + -12.078788757324219 + ], + [ + "pico", + -11.919168472290039 + ], + [ + "VIS", + -12.422847747802734 + ], + [ + "plex", + -12.299432754516602 + ], + [ + "\u2581reveals", + -11.539069175720215 + ], + [ + "\u2581Minimum", + -11.531310081481934 + ], + [ + "\u2581aconseja", + -11.644006729125977 + ], + [ + "\u2581151", + -12.196701049804688 + ], + [ + "\u2581realities", + -11.511019706726074 + ], + [ + "\u2581deterioration", + -11.558697700500488 + ], + [ + "\u2581Companies", + -11.52748966217041 + ], + [ + "\u2581Construcci\u00f3n", + -11.65966510772705 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jugar", + -11.647577285766602 + ], + [ + "\u2581identifica", + -11.6497802734375 + ], + [ + "\u2581beneficiary", + -11.516542434692383 + ], + [ + "-27", + -12.112339973449707 + ], + [ + "rc", + -11.640033721923828 + ], + [ + "\u2581(1998)", + -12.18976879119873 + ], + [ + "\u2581rara", + -11.548691749572754 + ], + [ + "\u2581argumenta", + -11.702680587768555 + ], + [ + "\u25810,00", + -11.68897819519043 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gau", + -12.339926719665527 + ], + [ + "\u2581corrupt", + -11.600062370300293 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lieutenant", + -11.746569633483887 + ], + [ + "\u2581transmite", + -11.654163360595703 + ], + [ + "\u00f3metro", + -11.744915008544922 + ], + [ + "\u2581impartir", + -11.68607234954834 + ], + [ + "cic", + -12.18582534790039 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hungarian", + -11.546387672424316 + ], + [ + "\u2581respects", + -11.95610523223877 + ], + [ + "(1)(", + -11.510737419128418 + ], + [ + "\u2581acogi\u00f3", + -11.691839218139648 + ], + [ + "\u2581Frankfurt", + -12.088309288024902 + ], + [ + "NER", + -12.57190227508545 + ], + [ + "\u2581Regiones", + -11.605478286743164 + ], + [ + "FO", + -12.243301391601562 + ], + [ + "\u2581quita", + -11.408687591552734 + ], + [ + "\u2581chinos", + -11.617717742919922 + ], + [ + "\u2581Consumer", + -11.520177841186523 + ], + [ + "\u2581bulk", + -11.520651817321777 + ], + [ + "\u2581clubs", + -11.608148574829102 + ], + [ + "erg", + -11.744461059570312 + ], + [ + "\u2581accounted", + -11.537543296813965 + ], + [ + "\u2581alternativo", + -11.67560863494873 + ], + [ + "\u2581compone", + -11.66664981842041 + ], + [ + "\u2581functionality", + -11.561904907226562 + ], + [ + "\u2581legitimacy", + -11.517450332641602 + ], + [ + "\u2581venture", + -11.490402221679688 + ], + [ + ",7%", + -11.724445343017578 + ], + [ + "\u2581IC", + -11.572761535644531 + ], + [ + "\u2581controlling", + -11.580757141113281 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vivienda", + -11.693595886230469 + ], + [ + "\u2581lanz\u00f3", + -11.654464721679688 + ], + [ + "\u2581necesite", + -11.614834785461426 + ], + [ + "HE", + -12.233880996704102 + ], + [ + "fall", + -11.635440826416016 + ], + [ + "LAS", + -12.224334716796875 + ], + [ + "\u2581fruta", + -11.658723831176758 + ], + [ + "\u2581aduana", + -11.682341575622559 + ], + [ + "\u2581blogs", + -12.35904598236084 + ], + [ + "cut", + -11.65531063079834 + ], + [ + "\u2581lets", + -11.93082332611084 + ], + [ + "\u2581delicate", + -11.56108283996582 + ], + [ + "\u2581recupera", + -11.574653625488281 + ], + [ + "\u2581emergencias", + -11.721287727355957 + ], + [ + "\u2581novela", + -11.681388854980469 + ], + [ + "\u2581previsible", + -11.687894821166992 + ], + [ + "\u2581surroundings", + -11.572543144226074 + ], + [ + "\u2581Prepara", + -11.550472259521484 + ], + [ + "\u2581conducive", + -11.542272567749023 + ], + [ + "cost", + -11.653106689453125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kid", + -12.120190620422363 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ul", + -12.222145080566406 + ], + [ + "CAN", + -12.28902530670166 + ], + [ + "\u2581verg", + -11.4613037109375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sixty", + -11.55392837524414 + ], + [ + "\u2581Economy", + -11.547876358032227 + ], + [ + "\u2581corriendo", + -11.525986671447754 + ], + [ + "\u25812001)", + -12.301488876342773 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vehicle", + -11.697548866271973 + ], + [ + "\u2581darme", + -11.453818321228027 + ], + [ + "\u2581reparti", + -11.69249153137207 + ], + [ + "\u2581caracteres", + -11.699026107788086 + ], + [ + "\u2581stolen", + -11.63428783416748 + ], + [ + "\u2581ligera", + -11.648849487304688 + ], + [ + "\u2581Meridional", + -11.638583183288574 + ], + [ + "\u2581ejemplar", + -11.631132125854492 + ], + [ + "\u2581pantalones", + -11.525474548339844 + ], + [ + "\u2581forestry", + -11.479037284851074 + ], + [ + "pod", + -12.375158309936523 + ], + [ + "\u00eddo", + -11.672465324401855 + ], + [ + "\u2581Spotify", + -11.978828430175781 + ], + [ + "uto", + -11.927749633789062 + ], + [ + "\u2581Silva", + -12.256584167480469 + ], + [ + "\u2581gang", + -11.599477767944336 + ], + [ + "\u2581Invites", + -11.535157203674316 + ], + [ + "\u2581equipadas", + -11.717644691467285 + ], + [ + "\u2581185", + -11.972312927246094 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cara", + -11.686606407165527 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rick", + -12.276285171508789 + ], + [ + "\u2581avoided", + -11.53173828125 + ], + [ + "\u25812012-2013", + -12.40858268737793 + ], + [ + "\u2581RIGHTS", + -11.48592472076416 + ], + [ + "\u2581Risk", + -11.572991371154785 + ], + [ + "migra", + -11.876422882080078 + ], + [ + "test", + -11.619065284729004 + ], + [ + "\u2581labios", + -11.610494613647461 + ], + [ + "\u2581palm", + -11.554121971130371 + ], + [ + "\u2581bold", + -11.59793758392334 + ], + [ + "\u2581ovejas", + -11.634753227233887 + ], + [ + "\u2581Unida", + -11.494633674621582 + ], + [ + "\u2581Guests", + -11.596495628356934 + ], + [ + "\u2581orange", + -11.579851150512695 + ], + [ + "\u2581dive", + -11.712408065795898 + ], + [ + "virt", + -11.766779899597168 + ], + [ + "\u2581magn\u00edfica", + -11.660200119018555 + ], + [ + "\u2581condicional", + -11.593156814575195 + ], + [ + "\u2581diplom\u00e1tica", + -11.646263122558594 + ], + [ + "\u2581Basel", + -11.540023803710938 + ], + [ + "\u2581transmitido", + -11.659119606018066 + ], + [ + "p\u00e1", + -11.882119178771973 + ], + [ + "\u2581debilidad", + -11.774446487426758 + ], + [ + "nam", + -12.338668823242188 + ], + [ + "muni", + -12.214569091796875 + ], + [ + "\u2581hadn", + -11.781652450561523 + ], + [ + "MAR", + -12.258604049682617 + ], + [ + "\u2581intensify", + -11.508625984191895 + ], + [ + "\u2581quedaron", + -11.609465599060059 + ], + [ + "oy", + -11.431984901428223 + ], + [ + "rela", + -11.786487579345703 + ], + [ + "\u2581asume", + -11.690062522888184 + ], + [ + "gesti\u00f3n", + -11.660032272338867 + ], + [ + "vida", + -11.663658142089844 + ], + [ + "\u2581Catalu\u00f1a", + -11.699762344360352 + ], + [ + "\u2581adversas", + -11.644817352294922 + ], + [ + "\u2581Socialista", + -11.6874418258667 + ], + [ + "\u2581absorb", + -11.60859489440918 + ], + [ + "Vas", + -11.403400421142578 + ], + [ + "\u2581textile", + -11.50499153137207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Volvo", + -12.234323501586914 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aqua", + -12.055205345153809 + ], + [ + "\u2581ratings", + -11.581056594848633 + ], + [ + "\u2581remitir", + -11.591837882995605 + ], + [ + "\u2581wording", + -11.54321002960205 + ], + [ + "\u2581Conoce", + -11.568180084228516 + ], + [ + "sura", + -11.816914558410645 + ], + [ + "\u2581Battle", + -11.901284217834473 + ], + [ + "\u2581revelado", + -11.675461769104004 + ], + [ + "\u2581crap", + -11.853596687316895 + ], + [ + "\u2581gu\u00edas", + -11.701848030090332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Interamericana", + -11.700918197631836 + ], + [ + "\u2581Features", + -11.596199035644531 + ], + [ + "\u2581precedente", + -11.663406372070312 + ], + [ + "\u2581Audi", + -12.290401458740234 + ], + [ + "\u2581huellas", + -11.566488265991211 + ], + [ + "\u2581chip", + -12.235888481140137 + ], + [ + "\u2581steady", + -11.524285316467285 + ], + [ + "\u2581estilos", + -11.778238296508789 + ], + [ + "ural", + -11.904925346374512 + ], + [ + "\u2581Arena", + -12.260912895202637 + ], + [ + "\u2581elevadas", + -11.706734657287598 + ], + [ + "/93", + -11.607817649841309 + ], + [ + "bid", + -11.9099760055542 + ], + [ + "TEC", + -12.295605659484863 + ], + [ + "\u2581Referencia", + -11.700766563415527 + ], + [ + "\u2581peligrosa", + -11.5936861038208 + ], + [ + "\u2581carecen", + -11.647930145263672 + ], + [ + "\u2581trono", + -11.644719123840332 + ], + [ + "\u2581comparado", + -11.649828910827637 + ], + [ + "\u2581tramitaci\u00f3n", + -11.643588066101074 + ], + [ + "\u2581painted", + -11.618316650390625 + ], + [ + "izo", + -11.623917579650879 + ], + [ + "\u2581llevo", + -11.446029663085938 + ], + [ + "REN", + -12.490734100341797 + ], + [ + "\u2581balls", + -11.709077835083008 + ], + [ + "\u25810,5", + -11.939685821533203 + ], + [ + "\u2581gozo", + -11.653412818908691 + ], + [ + "\u2581unanimously", + -11.500221252441406 + ], + [ + "\u2581Felipe", + -12.087969779968262 + ], + [ + "\u2581wound", + -11.610085487365723 + ], + [ + "\u2581modification", + -11.498852729797363 + ], + [ + "jero", + -11.692693710327148 + ], + [ + "\u2581protegidas", + -11.643209457397461 + ], + [ + "\u2581soporta", + -11.557518005371094 + ], + [ + "\u2581archi", + -12.272116661071777 + ], + [ + "\u2581Larry", + -12.136597633361816 + ], + [ + "\u2581Liberal", + -12.018762588500977 + ], + [ + "\u2581concentrar", + -11.74161434173584 + ], + [ + "HF", + -12.350997924804688 + ], + [ + "\u258118.00", + -11.680469512939453 + ], + [ + "\u2581Plant", + -11.635782241821289 + ], + [ + "\u2581credits", + -11.648320198059082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Linda", + -12.125776290893555 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pienso", + -11.524524688720703 + ], + [ + "\u2581Yugoslava", + -11.487990379333496 + ], + [ + "\u2581tengamos", + -11.571419715881348 + ], + [ + "bound", + -11.57334041595459 + ], + [ + "\u2581electr\u00f3nicas", + -11.678939819335938 + ], + [ + "\u2581abolition", + -11.52063274383545 + ], + [ + "\u2581journal", + -11.475979804992676 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tara", + -12.403077125549316 + ], + [ + "\u2581county", + -11.669173240661621 + ], + [ + "\u2581discretion", + -11.566715240478516 + ], + [ + "issa", + -12.358308792114258 + ], + [ + "\u2581Diciembre", + -11.726250648498535 + ], + [ + "\u2581Comandante", + -11.591079711914062 + ], + [ + "\u2581witnessed", + -11.538479804992676 + ], + [ + "\u2581rat\u00f3n", + -11.631221771240234 + ], + [ + "\u2581racist", + -11.539021492004395 + ], + [ + "Other", + -11.512475967407227 + ], + [ + "\u2581admisibilidad", + -11.67839241027832 + ], + [ + "Cal", + -12.007400512695312 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cancel", + -11.753137588500977 + ], + [ + "\u2581h\u00e9roe", + -11.518990516662598 + ], + [ + "tona", + -11.638016700744629 + ], + [ + "\u2581masculino", + -11.711766242980957 + ], + [ + "\u2581cer\u00e1mica", + -11.692962646484375 + ], + [ + "\u2581asamblea", + -11.70405101776123 + ], + [ + "\u2581holders", + -11.589046478271484 + ], + [ + "\u2581wireless", + -11.552703857421875 + ], + [ + "\u2581costumbre", + -11.599406242370605 + ], + [ + "bah", + -12.21948528289795 + ], + [ + "zh", + -12.158729553222656 + ], + [ + "\u2581grabaci\u00f3n", + -11.639300346374512 + ], + [ + "ch\u00e9", + -11.796066284179688 + ], + [ + "\u2581trasladar", + -11.765206336975098 + ], + [ + "\u2581Participants", + -11.556548118591309 + ], + [ + "Cha", + -12.333144187927246 + ], + [ + "\u2581touched", + -11.621251106262207 + ], + [ + "\u2581injusticia", + -11.683971405029297 + ], + [ + "ancy", + -11.76600170135498 + ], + [ + "ferencia", + -11.668149948120117 + ], + [ + "\u2581Km", + -12.180530548095703 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sound", + -11.779184341430664 + ], + [ + "\u2581estar\u00e9", + -11.4397554397583 + ], + [ + "\u25814-", + -11.753780364990234 + ], + [ + "\u2581preocupante", + -11.664819717407227 + ], + [ + "\u2581Toronto", + -12.286751747131348 + ], + [ + "ACT", + -12.293152809143066 + ], + [ + "\u2581asocia", + -11.684015274047852 + ], + [ + "ender", + -11.852396011352539 + ], + [ + "\u2581criterion", + -11.489688873291016 + ], + [ + "\u2581agrega", + -11.552727699279785 + ], + [ + "\u2581frozen", + -11.547873497009277 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alhambra", + -12.332873344421387 + ], + [ + "\u2581throat", + -11.642844200134277 + ], + [ + "ONU", + -11.821991920471191 + ], + [ + "craft", + -11.973231315612793 + ], + [ + "\u2581Snow", + -11.961779594421387 + ], + [ + "reci", + -11.869240760803223 + ], + [ + "\u2581ocultar", + -11.614377975463867 + ], + [ + "\u2581pun", + -11.672134399414062 + ], + [ + "\u2581Seminar", + -11.534865379333496 + ], + [ + "\u2581favorita", + -11.653050422668457 + ], + [ + "\u2581MT", + -11.946503639221191 + ], + [ + "\u00faa", + -11.855067253112793 + ], + [ + "\u2581echo", + -12.03927230834961 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mani", + -12.29906940460205 + ], + [ + "\u2581hired", + -11.645959854125977 + ], + [ + "\u2581cierra", + -11.57645034790039 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tajikistan", + -11.46138858795166 + ], + [ + "\u2581pelota", + -11.509112358093262 + ], + [ + "\u2581accomplish", + -11.548583984375 + ], + [ + "\u2581guaranteeing", + -11.518220901489258 + ], + [ + "\u2581derogation", + -11.454642295837402 + ], + [ + "uit", + -11.849652290344238 + ], + [ + "\u2581beso", + -11.485660552978516 + ], + [ + "\u2581succeeded", + -11.561758041381836 + ], + [ + "\u2581museos", + -11.654050827026367 + ], + [ + "\u2581trasera", + -11.655539512634277 + ], + [ + "\u2581dejaron", + -11.558904647827148 + ], + [ + "\u2581habits", + -11.559321403503418 + ], + [ + "rated", + -11.709600448608398 + ], + [ + "risti", + -12.172760009765625 + ], + [ + "actividad", + -11.76435375213623 + ], + [ + "\u00e1ndote", + -11.708822250366211 + ], + [ + "\u2581stainless", + -11.561570167541504 + ], + [ + "\u2581formularon", + -11.677279472351074 + ], + [ + "\u2581oldest", + -11.571737289428711 + ], + [ + "\u2581Igualmente", + -11.60796070098877 + ], + [ + "\u2581mobiliario", + -11.664580345153809 + ], + [ + "\u2581prevailing", + -11.517494201660156 + ], + [ + "\u2581chimenea", + -11.666227340698242 + ], + [ + "\u2581emitido", + -11.665963172912598 + ], + [ + "\u2581est\u00edmulo", + -11.664031028747559 + ], + [ + "lands", + -11.696249961853027 + ], + [ + "\u2581Galaxy", + -12.210370063781738 + ], + [ + "\u2581salto", + -11.588823318481445 + ], + [ + "\u2581agrees", + -11.599502563476562 + ], + [ + "\u2581ramas", + -11.773039817810059 + ], + [ + "\u2581sospechosos", + -11.6708402633667 + ], + [ + "\u258161/2", + -12.237977981567383 + ], + [ + "etz", + -12.543302536010742 + ], + [ + "uld", + -12.300211906433105 + ], + [ + "\u2581UNRWA", + -11.537341117858887 + ], + [ + "\u2581convicci\u00f3n", + -11.713497161865234 + ], + [ + "\u2581Libya", + -11.595756530761719 + ], + [ + "\u2581stream", + -11.54334545135498 + ], + [ + "\u2581pilares", + -11.705779075622559 + ], + [ + "take", + -11.67333698272705 + ], + [ + "\u2581chances", + -11.713753700256348 + ], + [ + "\u2581rejection", + -11.552738189697266 + ], + [ + "b\u00f3", + -11.74443531036377 + ], + [ + "\u2581pulse", + -12.116851806640625 + ], + [ + "\u2581matriz", + -11.687361717224121 + ], + [ + "IES", + -12.019158363342285 + ], + [ + "\u2581carriers", + -11.544136047363281 + ], + [ + "\u2581vuelven", + -11.637011528015137 + ], + [ + "rillo", + -12.083002090454102 + ], + [ + "pid", + -12.31654167175293 + ], + [ + "\u2581comprenden", + -11.657931327819824 + ], + [ + "park", + -12.289584159851074 + ], + [ + "\u2581favorito", + -11.558231353759766 + ], + [ + "\u2581flamenco", + -12.17632007598877 + ], + [ + "\u2581intervalo", + -11.66891098022461 + ], + [ + "standing", + -11.553196907043457 + ], + [ + "Don", + -11.654990196228027 + ], + [ + "\u2581Consultas", + -11.700642585754395 + ], + [ + "hot", + -12.327608108520508 + ], + [ + "ol\u00f3gica", + -11.846620559692383 + ], + [ + "\u2581fuimos", + -11.57547664642334 + ], + [ + "\u2581prosecutors", + -11.566224098205566 + ], + [ + "150", + -12.18271541595459 + ], + [ + "\u2581forzoso", + -11.71638011932373 + ], + [ + "\u2581tail", + -11.617000579833984 + ], + [ + "\u2581wondered", + -11.583104133605957 + ], + [ + "\u2581aptitudes", + -11.63208293914795 + ], + [ + "\u2581a\u00f1adi\u00f3", + -11.714756965637207 + ], + [ + "109", + -12.202229499816895 + ], + [ + "\u2581CPU", + -12.461421966552734 + ], + [ + "article", + -11.526007652282715 + ], + [ + "\u25812.6", + -12.179938316345215 + ], + [ + "\u2581Inversiones", + -11.674569129943848 + ], + [ + "\u2581llamaba", + -11.621662139892578 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gary", + -12.2415771484375 + ], + [ + "\u2581imagina", + -11.463134765625 + ], + [ + "\u2581agraria", + -11.616426467895508 + ], + [ + "\u2581pesos", + -12.242795944213867 + ], + [ + "\u2581restaurar", + -11.70975112915039 + ], + [ + "\u2581Havana", + -11.539305686950684 + ], + [ + "\u2581stops", + -11.805456161499023 + ], + [ + "\u2581espectacular", + -11.67900562286377 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gus", + -12.30756664276123 + ], + [ + "\u2581administradores", + -11.661005973815918 + ], + [ + "\u2581FileHorse", + -12.287728309631348 + ], + [ + "\u00f3grafo", + -11.724996566772461 + ], + [ + "\u2581EUROPEA", + -11.7011079788208 + ], + [ + "\u2581equi", + -12.261880874633789 + ], + [ + "\u2581humilde", + -11.641796112060547 + ], + [ + "\u2581Figura", + -11.679946899414062 + ], + [ + "\u2581colocado", + -11.678794860839844 + ], + [ + "\u2581jur\u00eddicamente", + -11.674988746643066 + ], + [ + "\u2581h\u00e1bitos", + -11.650565147399902 + ], + [ + "\u2581visit\u00f3", + -11.675716400146484 + ], + [ + "\u2581minibar", + -12.316659927368164 + ], + [ + "\u2581roca", + -11.597461700439453 + ], + [ + "\u2581curva", + -11.606224060058594 + ], + [ + "\u2581argue", + -11.63298225402832 + ], + [ + "\u2581Export", + -11.56398868560791 + ], + [ + "\u2581tru", + -11.987486839294434 + ], + [ + "\u2581750", + -12.29848861694336 + ], + [ + "\u2581complicaciones", + -11.671335220336914 + ], + [ + "\u2581benefited", + -11.550108909606934 + ], + [ + "\u2581Notas", + -11.735876083374023 + ], + [ + "\u2581ext", + -11.99683952331543 + ], + [ + "CES", + -11.983789443969727 + ], + [ + "eries", + -11.859456062316895 + ], + [ + "vac", + -12.078450202941895 + ], + [ + "\u2581confort", + -11.67336368560791 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nobel", + -12.191047668457031 + ], + [ + "\u2581gasolina", + -11.593631744384766 + ], + [ + "gencia", + -11.930716514587402 + ], + [ + "\u2581exercising", + -11.534852981567383 + ], + [ + "\u2581correction", + -11.523187637329102 + ], + [ + "\u2581imposition", + -11.49946403503418 + ], + [ + "\u2581avanzadas", + -11.719101905822754 + ], + [ + "\u2581establezcan", + -11.662186622619629 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bha", + -12.659546852111816 + ], + [ + "tif", + -12.317090034484863 + ], + [ + "\u2581directors", + -11.619062423706055 + ], + [ + "\u2581Perfect", + -11.622282028198242 + ], + [ + "\u2581unprecedented", + -11.552095413208008 + ], + [ + "\u2581Overview", + -11.59388542175293 + ], + [ + "\u2581valoraciones", + -11.687509536743164 + ], + [ + "\u2581oils", + -11.632115364074707 + ], + [ + "what", + -11.682845115661621 + ], + [ + "\u2581Likewise", + -11.557304382324219 + ], + [ + "\u2581distingue", + -11.639976501464844 + ], + [ + "\u2581deposits", + -11.575389862060547 + ], + [ + "\u2581tos", + -11.727339744567871 + ], + [ + "\u2581disc", + -11.528912544250488 + ], + [ + "\u2581almac\u00e9n", + -11.582955360412598 + ], + [ + "\u2581Delegations", + -11.549894332885742 + ], + [ + "ejo", + -12.016275405883789 + ], + [ + "\u2581nano", + -12.290726661682129 + ], + [ + "\u2581consigna", + -11.623723030090332 + ], + [ + "\u2581psycho", + -11.606915473937988 + ], + [ + "\u2581lucro", + -11.728055953979492 + ], + [ + "\u2581Casas", + -11.792693138122559 + ], + [ + "\u2581entornos", + -11.774571418762207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mil\u00e1n", + -11.669206619262695 + ], + [ + "\u2581capitalism", + -11.568472862243652 + ], + [ + "\u2581iraqu\u00ed", + -11.616450309753418 + ], + [ + "\u2581armada", + -11.668517112731934 + ], + [ + "\u2581problem\u00e1tica", + -11.671738624572754 + ], + [ + "\u2581Groups", + -11.985356330871582 + ], + [ + "\u2581sanitario", + -11.639225959777832 + ], + [ + "\u2581sincere", + -11.606744766235352 + ], + [ + "\u2581asientos", + -11.678871154785156 + ], + [ + "\u2581asistentes", + -11.682940483093262 + ], + [ + "\u2581architectural", + -11.580225944519043 + ], + [ + "\u2581reflejo", + -11.667878150939941 + ], + [ + "\u2581Build", + -11.951193809509277 + ], + [ + "\u2581convergence", + -11.538559913635254 + ], + [ + "\u2581156", + -12.220386505126953 + ], + [ + "\u2581pasivo", + -11.675087928771973 + ], + [ + "\u2581behold", + -11.54282283782959 + ], + [ + "\u2581152", + -12.23371410369873 + ], + [ + "\u2581Certain", + -11.540278434753418 + ], + [ + "\u2581IDB", + -12.03930950164795 + ], + [ + "\u2581designados", + -11.728500366210938 + ], + [ + "\u2581superficies", + -11.7592134475708 + ], + [ + "oop", + -11.918362617492676 + ], + [ + "\u2581linda", + -11.530664443969727 + ], + [ + "\u2581Archivos", + -11.752487182617188 + ], + [ + "Des", + -11.715343475341797 + ], + [ + "\u2581fed", + -11.63271427154541 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ibiza", + -12.220417976379395 + ], + [ + "\u25811540", + -12.23813247680664 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bearing", + -11.541990280151367 + ], + [ + "\u2581rentabilidad", + -11.639177322387695 + ], + [ + "\u2581networking", + -11.556100845336914 + ], + [ + "section", + -11.565919876098633 + ], + [ + "\u2581Noviembre", + -11.715801239013672 + ], + [ + "\u2581democr\u00e1ticas", + -11.683677673339844 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fortalecimiento", + -11.655186653137207 + ], + [ + "POL", + -12.38758373260498 + ], + [ + "\u2581tomarse", + -11.6366548538208 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sydney", + -12.136034965515137 + ], + [ + "circ", + -12.148614883422852 + ], + [ + "\u2581listado", + -11.885943412780762 + ], + [ + "\u2581explicit", + -11.523218154907227 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuenca", + -11.667879104614258 + ], + [ + "\u2581incorpora", + -11.581403732299805 + ], + [ + "\u258159/2", + -12.276739120483398 + ], + [ + "\u2581Connecticut", + -12.225923538208008 + ], + [ + "\u2581phenomena", + -11.583608627319336 + ], + [ + "\u2581Debate", + -12.285245895385742 + ], + [ + "\u2581ORIGINAL", + -12.16945743560791 + ], + [ + "\u2581Restaurante", + -11.702936172485352 + ], + [ + "\u2581preliminares", + -11.665365219116211 + ], + [ + "\u2581resistente", + -11.700074195861816 + ], + [ + "\u2581mina", + -11.757420539855957 + ], + [ + "\u2581predict", + -11.551401138305664 + ], + [ + "\u2581wondering", + -11.700493812561035 + ], + [ + "\u2581Seleccionar", + -11.770929336547852 + ], + [ + "\u2581protegido", + -11.633445739746094 + ], + [ + "\u2581proveer", + -11.738007545471191 + ], + [ + "\u2581declined", + -11.597786903381348 + ], + [ + "\u2581notificaciones", + -11.680623054504395 + ], + [ + "\u2581literally", + -11.60336685180664 + ], + [ + "\u2581adolescente", + -11.582368850708008 + ], + [ + "\u2581jud\u00edo", + -11.600964546203613 + ], + [ + "\u2581Airlines", + -12.111122131347656 + ], + [ + "\u2581agotado", + -11.63915729522705 + ], + [ + "\u2581desconocido", + -11.663517951965332 + ], + [ + "\u2581bestia", + -11.609612464904785 + ], + [ + "\u2581cancel", + -11.565292358398438 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jin", + -12.333852767944336 + ], + [ + "\u2581relaxing", + -11.554316520690918 + ], + [ + "\u2581emocionante", + -11.610466003417969 + ], + [ + "poder", + -12.115955352783203 + ], + [ + "\u2581embalaje", + -11.725085258483887 + ], + [ + "\u2581emoci\u00f3n", + -11.633790016174316 + ], + [ + "\u2581belga", + -11.722776412963867 + ], + [ + "exp", + -12.117584228515625 + ], + [ + "\u2581ecosystem", + -11.5734281539917 + ], + [ + "SAT", + -12.378604888916016 + ], + [ + "\u2581Habitat", + -11.549848556518555 + ], + [ + "\u2581Propiedades", + -11.734184265136719 + ], + [ + "\u2581practically", + -11.606610298156738 + ], + [ + "\u2581massage", + -11.573929786682129 + ], + [ + "\u2581tendr\u00edan", + -11.685091018676758 + ], + [ + "brado", + -11.99260425567627 + ], + [ + "\u2581unidos", + -11.6907320022583 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cartagena", + -12.24172306060791 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuidada", + -11.733489990234375 + ], + [ + "\u2581irrespective", + -11.518821716308594 + ], + [ + "c\u00e1n", + -12.00597095489502 + ], + [ + "\u2581centrar", + -11.726457595825195 + ], + [ + "Mal", + -12.264912605285645 + ], + [ + "spam", + -12.343231201171875 + ], + [ + "\u2581indications", + -11.59836483001709 + ], + [ + "\u2581unlikely", + -11.581188201904297 + ], + [ + "tea", + -11.8884859085083 + ], + [ + "a\u00f1a", + -11.5261869430542 + ], + [ + "\u2581Especiales", + -11.716192245483398 + ], + [ + "\u2581100.000", + -11.690786361694336 + ], + [ + "\u2581wicked", + -11.59716796875 + ], + [ + "dito", + -11.635483741760254 + ], + [ + "\u2581Varias", + -11.706850051879883 + ], + [ + "\u2581farms", + -11.598936080932617 + ], + [ + "\u2581Colonel", + -11.745458602905273 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dog", + -11.575637817382812 + ], + [ + "May", + -11.891046524047852 + ], + [ + "\u2581butter", + -11.623501777648926 + ], + [ + "\u2581Index", + -11.609827995300293 + ], + [ + "\u2581divisions", + -11.589409828186035 + ], + [ + "\u2581Flat", + -11.649337768554688 + ], + [ + "\u2581accompanying", + -11.521992683410645 + ], + [ + "\u2581lector", + -11.679530143737793 + ], + [ + "sexual", + -12.331487655639648 + ], + [ + "\u2581weakness", + -11.569563865661621 + ], + [ + "\u2581Febrero", + -11.718692779541016 + ], + [ + "\u2581cualidades", + -11.655226707458496 + ], + [ + "spira", + -11.599564552307129 + ], + [ + "\u2581art\u00edstico", + -11.711409568786621 + ], + [ + "\u2581thereon", + -11.583841323852539 + ], + [ + "\u2581tsunami", + -12.248302459716797 + ], + [ + "RED", + -12.295295715332031 + ], + [ + "\u2581Basilea", + -11.674509048461914 + ], + [ + "\u2581treating", + -11.587411880493164 + ], + [ + "\u2581Various", + -11.55731201171875 + ], + [ + "\u2581mentales", + -11.685422897338867 + ], + [ + "\u2581Statements", + -11.590699195861816 + ], + [ + "\u2581cintur\u00f3n", + -11.620569229125977 + ], + [ + "\u00a7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u258110,000", + -11.582039833068848 + ], + [ + "\u2581ejerce", + -11.61904239654541 + ], + [ + "\u2581mediation", + -11.585214614868164 + ], + [ + "p\u00e1rrafo", + -11.68392562866211 + ], + [ + "eve", + -11.478218078613281 + ], + [ + "\u2581abstentions", + -11.54728889465332 + ], + [ + "250", + -12.142473220825195 + ], + [ + "\u2581vitamin", + -11.621299743652344 + ], + [ + "DOS", + -12.03036117553711 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pair", + -12.23188304901123 + ], + [ + "\u2581Acuerdos", + -11.796971321105957 + ], + [ + "than", + -12.109407424926758 + ], + [ + "\u2581despacho", + -11.598244667053223 + ], + [ + "\u2581Excmo", + -11.612203598022461 + ], + [ + "\u2581Concerning", + -11.559874534606934 + ], + [ + "\u2581Consultati", + -11.531195640563965 + ], + [ + "\u2581generating", + -11.568673133850098 + ], + [ + "\u2581Protocolos", + -11.789791107177734 + ], + [ + "\u2581terrenos", + -11.803812026977539 + ], + [ + "\u2581soldier", + -11.64744758605957 + ], + [ + "\u2581throne", + -11.593395233154297 + ], + [ + "\u2581creencia", + -11.713729858398438 + ], + [ + "\u2581equivalentes", + -11.710234642028809 + ], + [ + "\u2581derrota", + -11.654484748840332 + ], + [ + "\u2581investiga", + -11.613409996032715 + ], + [ + "\u2581tienden", + -11.706077575683594 + ], + [ + "\u2581chamber", + -11.58173942565918 + ], + [ + "\u2581delivering", + -11.572710990905762 + ], + [ + "\u2581folder", + -11.599381446838379 + ], + [ + "\u2581medias", + -11.782137870788574 + ], + [ + "\u2581descubrimiento", + -11.649781227111816 + ], + [ + "\u2581estableciendo", + -11.6907377243042 + ], + [ + "\u2581variedades", + -11.67344856262207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Clim\u00e1tico", + -11.700897216796875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Safe", + -11.615033149719238 + ], + [ + "\u2581Finnish", + -11.60168743133545 + ], + [ + "\u2581rarely", + -11.58536148071289 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cursos", + -11.721224784851074 + ], + [ + "\u2581Taliban", + -11.584094047546387 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hil", + -12.334463119506836 + ], + [ + "lita", + -11.87332534790039 + ], + [ + "\u2581eficientes", + -11.738788604736328 + ], + [ + "\u2581tambien", + -11.527494430541992 + ], + [ + "rino", + -12.125137329101562 + ], + [ + "\u2581Moon", + -11.605387687683105 + ], + [ + "\u2581Coches", + -11.70219898223877 + ], + [ + "\u2581bello", + -11.664459228515625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Logo", + -12.137627601623535 + ], + [ + "\u2581cultiva", + -11.645963668823242 + ], + [ + "\u2581spectrum", + -11.571075439453125 + ], + [ + "estra", + -12.108214378356934 + ], + [ + "\u2581Legislative", + -11.525655746459961 + ], + [ + "\u2581Creaci\u00f3n", + -11.724115371704102 + ], + [ + "\u2581M\u00fasica", + -11.681509971618652 + ], + [ + "\u2581configurar", + -11.71300983428955 + ], + [ + "\u2581Applications", + -11.615821838378906 + ], + [ + "\u2581aguja", + -11.625239372253418 + ], + [ + "\u2581vaccine", + -11.53426742553711 + ], + [ + "\u2581failing", + -11.583223342895508 + ], + [ + "\u25810.3", + -11.971321105957031 + ], + [ + "\u2581trace", + -11.600899696350098 + ], + [ + "\u2581espa\u00f1oles", + -11.733353614807129 + ], + [ + "\u2581Clientes", + -11.771340370178223 + ], + [ + "\u2581amateur", + -11.827400207519531 + ], + [ + "\u2581oraciones", + -11.647246360778809 + ], + [ + "Who", + -11.685730934143066 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lewis", + -12.32166576385498 + ], + [ + "\u2581santa", + -11.700125694274902 + ], + [ + "\u2581desempe\u00f1ado", + -11.721406936645508 + ], + [ + "\u2581renew", + -11.567193984985352 + ], + [ + "\u2581barely", + -11.690940856933594 + ], + [ + "\u2581secrets", + -11.729496002197266 + ], + [ + "\u2581dial", + -11.617108345031738 + ], + [ + "\u2581alternativos", + -11.730990409851074 + ], + [ + "\u2581suspend", + -11.541223526000977 + ], + [ + "\u2581Entiendo", + -11.474220275878906 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nathan", + -12.288778305053711 + ], + [ + "\u2581hac\u00edan", + -11.634349822998047 + ], + [ + "50.000", + -11.733264923095703 + ], + [ + "\u2581fiber", + -11.591950416564941 + ], + [ + "kal", + -12.139357566833496 + ], + [ + "rel", + -11.773787498474121 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hugo", + -12.31406021118164 + ], + [ + "\u2581participante", + -11.64110279083252 + ], + [ + "\u2581physically", + -11.569520950317383 + ], + [ + "cosa", + -11.871895790100098 + ], + [ + "isi", + -12.059818267822266 + ], + [ + "pita", + -12.049522399902344 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pac", + -12.042943000793457 + ], + [ + "porte", + -11.693572998046875 + ], + [ + "\u2581aspiraciones", + -11.689855575561523 + ], + [ + "\u2581confused", + -11.62203598022461 + ], + [ + "\u2581Emirates", + -11.435540199279785 + ], + [ + "\u2581rivers", + -11.670239448547363 + ], + [ + "\u2581Anda", + -11.643749237060547 + ], + [ + "\u2581fuels", + -11.627754211425781 + ], + [ + "\u2581circuit", + -11.5443115234375 + ], + [ + "\u2581rendered", + -11.544952392578125 + ], + [ + "\u2581detalladas", + -11.751148223876953 + ], + [ + "\u2581financia", + -11.626036643981934 + ], + [ + "\u2581harder", + -11.672808647155762 + ], + [ + "\u2581Marcel", + -12.224977493286133 + ], + [ + "\u2581otorgado", + -11.740669250488281 + ], + [ + "\u2581alfabetizaci\u00f3n", + -11.706603050231934 + ], + [ + "\u25814.8", + -12.23554515838623 + ], + [ + "\u2581gozar", + -11.796501159667969 + ], + [ + "\u2581servido", + -11.701632499694824 + ], + [ + "\u2581PRESIDENT", + -11.539948463439941 + ], + [ + "\u2581Profesional", + -11.707287788391113 + ], + [ + "\u2581herida", + -11.607461929321289 + ], + [ + "\u2581Blu", + -12.235790252685547 + ], + [ + "\u2581habit", + -11.675741195678711 + ], + [ + "\u2581redress", + -11.586676597595215 + ], + [ + "\u2581vocal", + -12.374797821044922 + ], + [ + "Tambi\u00e9n", + -11.650151252746582 + ], + [ + "\u2581letting", + -11.656755447387695 + ], + [ + "\u2581expone", + -11.655021667480469 + ], + [ + "scrita", + -11.667793273925781 + ], + [ + "kes", + -11.97614860534668 + ], + [ + "\u2581warn", + -11.657418251037598 + ], + [ + "\u2581asleep", + -11.709903717041016 + ], + [ + "\u2581Appeals", + -11.571401596069336 + ], + [ + "\u258175%", + -12.20330810546875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Core", + -12.015960693359375 + ], + [ + "\u2581acad\u00e9micos", + -11.73430061340332 + ], + [ + "\u2581equipaje", + -11.624778747558594 + ], + [ + "\u2581guiar", + -11.652289390563965 + ], + [ + "\u2581determin\u00f3", + -11.690715789794922 + ], + [ + "\u2581detector", + -12.3367280960083 + ], + [ + "\u2581agrupa", + -11.666499137878418 + ], + [ + "\u258195%", + -12.240443229675293 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ricardo", + -12.27031135559082 + ], + [ + "\u2581brilliant", + -11.693209648132324 + ], + [ + "\u2581retention", + -11.55785083770752 + ], + [ + "\u00d3N", + -12.023816108703613 + ], + [ + "\u2581Austrian", + -11.592681884765625 + ], + [ + "\u2581den", + -11.628067970275879 + ], + [ + "\u2581Shan", + -12.507156372070312 + ], + [ + "\u2581ci\u00f3n", + -12.08220386505127 + ], + [ + "\u2581obviamente", + -11.61353588104248 + ], + [ + "\u2581cabezas", + -11.764202117919922 + ], + [ + "\u2581estar\u00e1s", + -11.68263053894043 + ], + [ + "phil", + -12.366646766662598 + ], + [ + "\u2581varieties", + -11.56486701965332 + ], + [ + "\u2581auspicios", + -11.678596496582031 + ], + [ + "\u2581indicados", + -11.742100715637207 + ], + [ + "\u2581shine", + -11.637139320373535 + ], + [ + "ages", + -11.802102088928223 + ], + [ + "t\u00e1ndose", + -11.847383499145508 + ], + [ + "\u2581quo", + -12.232224464416504 + ], + [ + "\u2581circuito", + -11.681593894958496 + ], + [ + "\u2581transforma", + -11.464858055114746 + ], + [ + "\u2581pidieron", + -11.676759719848633 + ], + [ + "\u2581rotaci\u00f3n", + -11.736222267150879 + ], + [ + "\u2581Catalan", + -11.583887100219727 + ], + [ + "\u2581Olympic", + -11.570507049560547 + ], + [ + "\u2581contaba", + -11.720670700073242 + ], + [ + "\u2581factura", + -11.652928352355957 + ], + [ + "\u2581coins", + -11.636935234069824 + ], + [ + "\u2581mora", + -11.84776782989502 + ], + [ + "\u2581draws", + -11.66243839263916 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cali", + -12.191217422485352 + ], + [ + "\u2581caridad", + -11.64720630645752 + ], + [ + "\u2581copyright", + -11.728541374206543 + ], + [ + "\u2581preciosa", + -11.558592796325684 + ], + [ + "\u2581Negocios", + -11.671823501586914 + ], + [ + "uela", + -11.770590782165527 + ], + [ + "\u2581RSS", + -12.230368614196777 + ], + [ + "\u2581Residence", + -12.068425178527832 + ], + [ + "\u2581Die", + -12.030385971069336 + ], + [ + "ndra", + -11.820962905883789 + ], + [ + "\u2581accessibility", + -11.606633186340332 + ], + [ + "\u2581desarrollan", + -11.741754531860352 + ], + [ + "PRST", + -12.21429443359375 + ], + [ + "boro", + -12.138108253479004 + ], + [ + "\u2581saliendo", + -11.486772537231445 + ], + [ + "ONG", + -12.22722339630127 + ], + [ + "1989", + -12.243285179138184 + ], + [ + "\u2581ganador", + -11.672677993774414 + ], + [ + "\u2581bowl", + -11.67660140991211 + ], + [ + "\u2581methodologies", + -11.582656860351562 + ], + [ + "\u2581restrictive", + -11.52818775177002 + ], + [ + "\u2581incorporating", + -11.571088790893555 + ], + [ + "\u2581satisfactorio", + -11.721092224121094 + ], + [ + "\u2581recibidos", + -11.765552520751953 + ], + [ + "\u2581removing", + -11.579252243041992 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hurry", + -11.753511428833008 + ], + [ + "\u2581WHAT", + -11.738615036010742 + ], + [ + "\u2581somehow", + -11.67296028137207 + ], + [ + "it\u00e9", + -12.380034446716309 + ], + [ + "\u2581Electric", + -11.862089157104492 + ], + [ + "\u2581Marx", + -12.340805053710938 + ], + [ + "\u2581f\u00e1ciles", + -11.703639030456543 + ], + [ + "-2018", + -12.43918514251709 + ], + [ + "Self", + -11.570758819580078 + ], + [ + "\u2581claves", + -11.769912719726562 + ], + [ + "\u2581intimate", + -11.56726360321045 + ], + [ + "\u2581crown", + -11.618024826049805 + ], + [ + "\u2581destacan", + -11.762231826782227 + ], + [ + "\u2581propicia", + -11.72006893157959 + ], + [ + "\u2581guiding", + -11.55068588256836 + ], + [ + "\u2581Allen", + -12.358282089233398 + ], + [ + "VR", + -12.429886817932129 + ], + [ + "View", + -11.85727310180664 + ], + [ + "JA", + -11.94119644165039 + ], + [ + "mpo", + -11.797281265258789 + ], + [ + "\u2581c\u00edrculos", + -11.72972583770752 + ], + [ + "\u2581Obras", + -11.71750259399414 + ], + [ + "\u2581veto", + -12.214420318603516 + ], + [ + "system", + -11.904396057128906 + ], + [ + "LAND", + -12.232279777526855 + ], + [ + "\u2581inocentes", + -11.62839126586914 + ], + [ + "\u2581credible", + -11.547873497009277 + ], + [ + "\u2581protagonist", + -11.587984085083008 + ], + [ + "\u2581laboratorios", + -11.71475601196289 + ], + [ + "\u2581recinto", + -11.704888343811035 + ], + [ + "\u2581prevalencia", + -11.719886779785156 + ], + [ + "\u2581cr\u00eda", + -11.73737907409668 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bienestar", + -11.691908836364746 + ], + [ + "\u2581Punishment", + -11.595351219177246 + ], + [ + "\u2581Animal", + -11.810890197753906 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cr\u00e9dito", + -11.74808120727539 + ], + [ + "\u2581llegamos", + -11.589461326599121 + ], + [ + "spir", + -11.920561790466309 + ], + [ + "\u2581especializadas", + -11.692906379699707 + ], + [ + "\u2581referirse", + -11.706411361694336 + ], + [ + "\u2581poker", + -11.99711799621582 + ], + [ + "\u2581attach", + -11.527081489562988 + ], + [ + "\u2581fails", + -11.591471672058105 + ], + [ + "\u2581aforementioned", + -11.574434280395508 + ], + [ + "\u2581supuestamente", + -11.695649147033691 + ], + [ + "\u2581aguda", + -11.664554595947266 + ], + [ + "\u2581alegaciones", + -11.693909645080566 + ], + [ + "\u2581Puerta", + -11.933027267456055 + ], + [ + "i\u00e9ndose", + -11.593639373779297 + ], + [ + "\u2581c\u00e1lculos", + -11.7314453125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Treaties", + -11.570609092712402 + ], + [ + "\u2581certainty", + -11.563977241516113 + ], + [ + "SION", + -12.497517585754395 + ], + [ + "\u2581176", + -12.31635856628418 + ], + [ + "UNT", + -12.370933532714844 + ], + [ + "\u2581ceramic", + -11.600240707397461 + ], + [ + "\u2581abundante", + -11.750197410583496 + ], + [ + "\u2581inheritance", + -11.615168571472168 + ], + [ + "\u2581166", + -12.209098815917969 + ], + [ + "\u2581debtor", + -11.514800071716309 + ], + [ + "venir", + -11.755184173583984 + ], + [ + "\u2581Junio", + -11.749390602111816 + ], + [ + "\u2581Documentaci\u00f3n", + -11.737401008605957 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tarjetas", + -11.788023948669434 + ], + [ + "\u2581p\u00fablicamente", + -11.70870590209961 + ], + [ + "\u2581Oslo", + -12.285022735595703 + ], + [ + "nada", + -11.597688674926758 + ], + [ + "\u2581designer", + -11.60056209564209 + ], + [ + "\u2581Almost", + -11.642145156860352 + ], + [ + "\u2581occurrence", + -11.60816478729248 + ], + [ + "\u2581Liberaci\u00f3n", + -11.70899486541748 + ], + [ + "\u2581sanitarias", + -11.686882972717285 + ], + [ + "\u2581equivale", + -11.715449333190918 + ], + [ + "\u2581Puntuaci\u00f3n", + -11.793848037719727 + ], + [ + "\u2581Liz", + -12.305763244628906 + ], + [ + "\u2581politically", + -11.592427253723145 + ], + [ + "\u2581(1993)", + -12.202290534973145 + ], + [ + "\u2581Testament", + -11.569677352905273 + ], + [ + "\u2581minimal", + -11.609455108642578 + ], + [ + "\u2581discapacidades", + -11.719433784484863 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tech", + -12.356786727905273 + ], + [ + "ficio", + -12.151817321777344 + ], + [ + "lessness", + -11.664958000183105 + ], + [ + "force", + -11.941652297973633 + ], + [ + "\u2581coalition", + -11.618657112121582 + ], + [ + "\u2581sustantivos", + -11.731008529663086 + ], + [ + "dela", + -12.00474739074707 + ], + [ + "\u2581citada", + -11.700691223144531 + ], + [ + "\u2581reg", + -11.574878692626953 + ], + [ + "duje", + -11.94045639038086 + ], + [ + "\u2581Temple", + -11.633200645446777 + ], + [ + "\u2581layout", + -11.659523963928223 + ], + [ + "\u2581emitir", + -11.683931350708008 + ], + [ + "\u2581Beat", + -12.237815856933594 + ], + [ + "hir", + -12.109991073608398 + ], + [ + "\u2581apparatus", + -11.541342735290527 + ], + [ + "\u2581rebeldes", + -11.673636436462402 + ], + [ + "\u2581rhythm", + -11.579790115356445 + ], + [ + "\u2581independently", + -11.588111877441406 + ], + [ + "ened", + -11.446126937866211 + ], + [ + "\u2581COL", + -12.594396591186523 + ], + [ + "\u2581encantador", + -11.666399002075195 + ], + [ + "\u2581remembered", + -11.672809600830078 + ], + [ + "\u2581proposing", + -11.556831359863281 + ], + [ + "\u2581162", + -12.192617416381836 + ], + [ + "\u2581accepting", + -11.601760864257812 + ], + [ + "\u2581writes", + -11.628037452697754 + ], + [ + "\u25810.5", + -11.613273620605469 + ], + [ + "\u2581abstenciones", + -11.647713661193848 + ], + [ + "\u2581tetas", + -11.633942604064941 + ], + [ + "\u2581momentum", + -11.632368087768555 + ], + [ + "culares", + -11.717001914978027 + ], + [ + "\u2581prioritarios", + -11.703855514526367 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sai", + -12.281713485717773 + ], + [ + "mph", + -12.053688049316406 + ], + [ + "\u2581earthquake", + -11.607603073120117 + ], + [ + "ar\u00e1", + -11.454436302185059 + ], + [ + "\u2581sois", + -11.61386489868164 + ], + [ + "\u2581muscular", + -12.008718490600586 + ], + [ + "here", + -12.408617973327637 + ], + [ + "ologi", + -12.163586616516113 + ], + [ + "\u2581demostr\u00f3", + -11.702091217041016 + ], + [ + "\u2581Agent", + -11.720826148986816 + ], + [ + "\u2581terminaci\u00f3n", + -11.705793380737305 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mmm", + -12.10921859741211 + ], + [ + "\u2581suministrado", + -11.819823265075684 + ], + [ + "iness", + -11.79826545715332 + ], + [ + "\u2581ninth", + -11.619790077209473 + ], + [ + "\u2581V\u00eda", + -11.72468376159668 + ], + [ + "\u2581inaugura", + -12.172018051147461 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pul", + -12.082365989685059 + ], + [ + "\u2581roda", + -11.691113471984863 + ], + [ + "\u2581Guam", + -12.245089530944824 + ], + [ + "\u2581slave", + -11.593637466430664 + ], + [ + "\u2581diploma", + -12.07287311553955 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00f3ptima", + -11.722112655639648 + ], + [ + "urs", + -11.794974327087402 + ], + [ + "CEDAW", + -12.238444328308105 + ], + [ + "\u2581Maryland", + -12.299966812133789 + ], + [ + "\u2581Norman", + -12.28823184967041 + ], + [ + "\u2581dime", + -11.54491138458252 + ], + [ + "SES", + -12.183401107788086 + ], + [ + "ref", + -12.424885749816895 + ], + [ + "\u2581COMMITTEE", + -11.587984085083008 + ], + [ + "click", + -11.620820999145508 + ], + [ + "\u2581bonds", + -11.620002746582031 + ], + [ + "\u2581believers", + -11.626072883605957 + ], + [ + "\u2581Andaluc\u00eda", + -11.913780212402344 + ], + [ + "rim", + -11.876298904418945 + ], + [ + "\u2581cattle", + -11.58948802947998 + ], + [ + "\u2581demanded", + -11.621935844421387 + ], + [ + "\u2581gotten", + -11.727770805358887 + ], + [ + "fas", + -11.84921646118164 + ], + [ + "late", + -11.65459156036377 + ], + [ + "\u2581forecast", + -11.575240135192871 + ], + [ + "\u2581centrada", + -11.715624809265137 + ], + [ + "\u2581llorar", + -11.556633949279785 + ], + [ + "flow", + -11.549103736877441 + ], + [ + "\u2581Administrator", + -11.571555137634277 + ], + [ + "\u2581adulto", + -11.624690055847168 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jam", + -12.279440879821777 + ], + [ + "-26", + -12.154621124267578 + ], + [ + "\u2581magnetic", + -11.597946166992188 + ], + [ + "\u2581secretary", + -11.62694263458252 + ], + [ + "\u2581creativity", + -11.56201457977295 + ], + [ + "effective", + -11.598837852478027 + ], + [ + "\u2581perpetua", + -11.68173599243164 + ], + [ + "\u2581lentamente", + -11.65412712097168 + ], + [ + "\u2581procesar", + -11.716925621032715 + ], + [ + "ADOS", + -12.05901050567627 + ], + [ + "Spain", + -11.805583000183105 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ia", + -11.426298141479492 + ], + [ + "\u2581auspices", + -11.556334495544434 + ], + [ + "\u2581realista", + -11.69242000579834 + ], + [ + "nita", + -11.85799503326416 + ], + [ + "\u2581consagra", + -11.763162612915039 + ], + [ + "\u2581pesquera", + -11.689714431762695 + ], + [ + "\u2581protagonista", + -11.70462417602539 + ], + [ + "\u2581prepar\u00f3", + -11.714646339416504 + ], + [ + "\u2581Notice", + -11.555488586425781 + ], + [ + "\u2581plug", + -11.62038516998291 + ], + [ + "LC", + -11.50904369354248 + ], + [ + "\u2581Chap", + -12.446349143981934 + ], + [ + "ANCE", + -11.798426628112793 + ], + [ + "\u2581travelers", + -11.572145462036133 + ], + [ + "\u2581commerce", + -11.562764167785645 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bolet\u00edn", + -11.725828170776367 + ], + [ + "\u258142.", + -11.728084564208984 + ], + [ + "\u2581insecurity", + -11.623026847839355 + ], + [ + "\u2581Disney", + -12.267359733581543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mara", + -12.121384620666504 + ], + [ + "\u2581almacenar", + -11.735597610473633 + ], + [ + "\u2581libera", + -11.461828231811523 + ], + [ + "\u2581ageing", + -11.589882850646973 + ], + [ + "\u2581linkages", + -11.59805965423584 + ], + [ + "MU", + -12.299846649169922 + ], + [ + "\u2581denominaci\u00f3n", + -11.715144157409668 + ], + [ + "\u2581IPSAS", + -12.343188285827637 + ], + [ + "\u2581commodities", + -11.534391403198242 + ], + [ + "\u2581verso", + -11.790802001953125 + ], + [ + "\u2581cord", + -11.62932300567627 + ], + [ + "\u2581sanidad", + -11.720491409301758 + ], + [ + "pping", + -11.537044525146484 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ted", + -12.282586097717285 + ], + [ + "\u2581guitar", + -11.626315116882324 + ], + [ + "\u2581Registrar", + -11.932777404785156 + ], + [ + "jin", + -12.498589515686035 + ], + [ + "\u2581repuesto", + -11.696268081665039 + ], + [ + "TRO", + -12.42774772644043 + ], + [ + "\u2581trigo", + -11.674738883972168 + ], + [ + "\u2581Poor", + -11.634718894958496 + ], + [ + "rlos", + -11.299174308776855 + ], + [ + "terapia", + -11.921845436096191 + ], + [ + "\u2581peacebuilding", + -11.612188339233398 + ], + [ + "\u2581charter", + -11.58871841430664 + ], + [ + "\u2581dig", + -11.823996543884277 + ], + [ + "\u2581diligencia", + -11.70317554473877 + ], + [ + "hom", + -12.12864875793457 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pier", + -12.167091369628906 + ], + [ + "\u2581salvaje", + -11.659003257751465 + ], + [ + "\u2581reproduction", + -11.594440460205078 + ], + [ + "\u2581catalog", + -11.589359283447266 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mucho", + -11.526483535766602 + ], + [ + "\u2581explicaciones", + -11.6923189163208 + ], + [ + "\u2581poll", + -11.588212013244629 + ], + [ + "arian", + -11.995067596435547 + ], + [ + "\u2581Maj", + -12.177308082580566 + ], + [ + "inu", + -12.119178771972656 + ], + [ + "igan", + -11.852025985717773 + ], + [ + "\u2581ingresar", + -11.798097610473633 + ], + [ + "\u2581integradas", + -11.779304504394531 + ], + [ + "\u2581registradas", + -11.765839576721191 + ], + [ + "\u2581citas", + -11.716018676757812 + ], + [ + "XXX", + -12.29803466796875 + ], + [ + "\u2581preferences", + -11.603963851928711 + ], + [ + "\u2581resurrecci\u00f3n", + -11.647713661193848 + ], + [ + "\u2581manipulaci\u00f3n", + -11.683052062988281 + ], + [ + "\u00e9l", + -11.853886604309082 + ], + [ + "\u2581fulfill", + -11.602108001708984 + ], + [ + "\u2581bloques", + -11.72398567199707 + ], + [ + "\u2581danza", + -11.712307929992676 + ], + [ + "/02/", + -12.366108894348145 + ], + [ + "\u2581juro", + -11.483717918395996 + ], + [ + "\u2581assumption", + -11.528311729431152 + ], + [ + "\u2581HO", + -12.22710132598877 + ], + [ + "\u2581Miller", + -12.335857391357422 + ], + [ + "cionado", + -11.985381126403809 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hunt", + -12.144323348999023 + ], + [ + "\u2581tem\u00e1ticas", + -11.726346015930176 + ], + [ + "\u2581motivation", + -11.603697776794434 + ], + [ + "a\u00f1o", + -11.563600540161133 + ], + [ + "\u2581parezca", + -11.616560935974121 + ], + [ + "\u2581158", + -12.310140609741211 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sciences", + -11.594916343688965 + ], + [ + "\u2581efectividad", + -11.691834449768066 + ], + [ + "\u2581mentor", + -12.158764839172363 + ], + [ + "CHE", + -12.408774375915527 + ], + [ + "\u2581Payment", + -11.626026153564453 + ], + [ + "\u2581Le\u00f3n", + -11.728361129760742 + ], + [ + "\u2581rec\u00edproca", + -11.755264282226562 + ], + [ + "\u2581colocaci\u00f3n", + -11.714593887329102 + ], + [ + "gr\u00e1fica", + -11.77003288269043 + ], + [ + "\u2581Senado", + -11.679513931274414 + ], + [ + "pone", + -11.701787948608398 + ], + [ + "\u2581elabora", + -11.658766746520996 + ], + [ + "\u2581cousin", + -11.751150131225586 + ], + [ + "\u2581docente", + -11.743284225463867 + ], + [ + "\u2581emergencies", + -11.592382431030273 + ], + [ + "\u2581decente", + -11.739998817443848 + ], + [ + "\u2581lodged", + -11.578493118286133 + ], + [ + "\u2581Families", + -11.557278633117676 + ], + [ + "\u2581entrenador", + -11.585908889770508 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mod", + -12.209936141967773 + ], + [ + "\u2581beneficiario", + -11.668412208557129 + ], + [ + "\u2581brave", + -11.664630889892578 + ], + [ + "\u2581Appendix", + -11.570117950439453 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pala", + -12.332608222961426 + ], + [ + "\u2581desplazamientos", + -11.761005401611328 + ], + [ + "\u2581maestra", + -11.664621353149414 + ], + [ + "\u2581coach", + -11.69705867767334 + ], + [ + "\u2581distribuye", + -11.806831359863281 + ], + [ + "\u2581pensamos", + -11.63914680480957 + ], + [ + "\u2581emergentes", + -11.764267921447754 + ], + [ + "\u2581vac\u00eda", + -11.690722465515137 + ], + [ + "\u2581purely", + -11.589433670043945 + ], + [ + "\u2581defendant", + -11.638442993164062 + ], + [ + "\u2581caution", + -11.615004539489746 + ], + [ + "\u2581extensions", + -11.68635368347168 + ], + [ + "\u2581accesibilidad", + -11.745102882385254 + ], + [ + "\u2581org\u00e1nica", + -11.723289489746094 + ], + [ + "\u2581protegida", + -11.706456184387207 + ], + [ + "\u2581reiterate", + -11.571453094482422 + ], + [ + "\u2581cala", + -11.804865837097168 + ], + [ + "\u2581ultima", + -11.68012809753418 + ], + [ + "\u2581diarias", + -11.763367652893066 + ], + [ + "\u2581rumbo", + -11.699808120727539 + ], + [ + "\u2581Winter", + -11.924500465393066 + ], + [ + "\u2581viv\u00eda", + -11.609903335571289 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hills", + -12.226752281188965 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ejemplo", + -11.74748420715332 + ], + [ + "\u2581carpeta", + -11.79151725769043 + ], + [ + "\u2581prioritaria", + -11.71970272064209 + ], + [ + "/38", + -12.480793952941895 + ], + [ + "\u2581167", + -12.204878807067871 + ], + [ + "\u2581literal", + -12.029030799865723 + ], + [ + "\u2581Delincuencia", + -11.725667953491211 + ], + [ + "\u2581lavar", + -11.660194396972656 + ], + [ + "LL", + -11.60748291015625 + ], + [ + "stal", + -12.230154991149902 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nazi", + -11.924286842346191 + ], + [ + "\u2581beloved", + -11.644619941711426 + ], + [ + "/45", + -12.273234367370605 + ], + [ + "cero", + -12.034974098205566 + ], + [ + "\u2581Muestra", + -11.759507179260254 + ], + [ + "\u2581kings", + -11.717202186584473 + ], + [ + "\u2581widow", + -11.670204162597656 + ], + [ + "\u2581gesto", + -11.620454788208008 + ], + [ + "\u2581h\u00e1bitat", + -11.736811637878418 + ], + [ + "\u2581expedido", + -11.730939865112305 + ], + [ + "\u2581Orthodox", + -11.591400146484375 + ], + [ + "TIC", + -12.320063591003418 + ], + [ + "ching", + -11.922548294067383 + ], + [ + "genera", + -11.873851776123047 + ], + [ + "\u2581perra", + -11.484244346618652 + ], + [ + "\u2581expl", + -11.815630912780762 + ], + [ + "\u2581ghost", + -11.679254531860352 + ], + [ + "\u2581Male", + -11.61859130859375 + ], + [ + "\u2581polla", + -11.68625259399414 + ], + [ + "\u2581violado", + -11.754073143005371 + ], + [ + "\u2581preferencia", + -11.685492515563965 + ], + [ + "\u2581quer\u00edan", + -11.67583179473877 + ], + [ + "trip", + -12.337672233581543 + ], + [ + "\u2581sonrisa", + -11.592110633850098 + ], + [ + "\u2581abarcan", + -11.702765464782715 + ], + [ + "\u2581Eventos", + -11.768678665161133 + ], + [ + "\u2581propagaci\u00f3n", + -11.703447341918945 + ], + [ + "\u2581arquitecto", + -11.788285255432129 + ], + [ + "\u2581exploit", + -11.610845565795898 + ], + [ + "\u2581antidumping", + -11.773451805114746 + ], + [ + "uv", + -11.839347839355469 + ], + [ + "\u2581styles", + -11.744279861450195 + ], + [ + "-2013", + -12.43453311920166 + ], + [ + "dimensional", + -12.116969108581543 + ], + [ + "when", + -11.662900924682617 + ], + [ + "\u2581lavado", + -11.70529556274414 + ], + [ + "\u2581realidades", + -11.746006965637207 + ], + [ + "\u2581locally", + -11.613842964172363 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pensiones", + -11.728880882263184 + ], + [ + "\u2581cope", + -11.59605884552002 + ], + [ + "\u2581aliens", + -11.657570838928223 + ], + [ + "\u2581ascenso", + -11.623250007629395 + ], + [ + "\u2581leg\u00edtimo", + -11.730378150939941 + ], + [ + "\u2581matr\u00edcula", + -11.722755432128906 + ], + [ + "\u2581suicidio", + -11.611153602600098 + ], + [ + "arch", + -11.928003311157227 + ], + [ + "\u2581tone", + -11.752664566040039 + ], + [ + "\u2581coeficiente", + -11.737991333007812 + ], + [ + "\u00e1sico", + -11.854632377624512 + ], + [ + "\u2581Oaxaca", + -12.213096618652344 + ], + [ + "\u2581Procurement", + -11.591400146484375 + ], + [ + "\u2581recruited", + -11.632277488708496 + ], + [ + "\u2581disminuye", + -11.688990592956543 + ], + [ + "hotel", + -12.28773307800293 + ], + [ + "\u2581accesibles", + -11.742055892944336 + ], + [ + "\u2581votado", + -11.70452880859375 + ], + [ + "etta", + -12.126730918884277 + ], + [ + "\u2581Unos", + -11.723302841186523 + ], + [ + "\u2581Herramientas", + -11.780267715454102 + ], + [ + "\u2581cantante", + -11.746664047241211 + ], + [ + "\u2581prometido", + -11.639248847961426 + ], + [ + "\u2581depender\u00e1", + -11.715238571166992 + ], + [ + "\u2581perjudiciales", + -11.715896606445312 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jump", + -12.105559349060059 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lex", + -12.272401809692383 + ], + [ + "\u2581moderada", + -11.744757652282715 + ], + [ + "\u2581fake", + -11.697749137878418 + ], + [ + "\u2581aprovecha", + -11.643691062927246 + ], + [ + "\u2581deck", + -11.648111343383789 + ], + [ + "\u2581simplificar", + -11.725025177001953 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vota", + -11.849199295043945 + ], + [ + "\u2581sofa", + -11.584259986877441 + ], + [ + "\u2581seguras", + -11.802691459655762 + ], + [ + "\u2581comi", + -11.787947654724121 + ], + [ + "\u2581Claire", + -12.35573959350586 + ], + [ + "\u2581Oliver", + -12.34257984161377 + ], + [ + "RW", + -12.327858924865723 + ], + [ + "\u2581torturas", + -11.817508697509766 + ], + [ + "\u2581originarios", + -11.72333812713623 + ], + [ + "jada", + -11.722229957580566 + ], + [ + "vig", + -12.353964805603027 + ], + [ + "\u2581Esco", + -11.683124542236328 + ], + [ + "graf", + -12.376368522644043 + ], + [ + "rag", + -11.732462882995605 + ], + [ + "\u2581Adrian", + -12.345539093017578 + ], + [ + "\u2581Picture", + -11.572460174560547 + ], + [ + "\u00f3geno", + -12.209419250488281 + ], + [ + "kha", + -12.480436325073242 + ], + [ + "\u2581destinatarios", + -11.802776336669922 + ], + [ + "\u2581Archive", + -11.861279487609863 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reservar", + -11.81007194519043 + ], + [ + "\u2581reclama", + -11.656423568725586 + ], + [ + "\u2581Conforme", + -11.738835334777832 + ], + [ + "\u2581True", + -11.6412353515625 + ], + [ + "\u2581vacuum", + -11.604192733764648 + ], + [ + "\u2581compre", + -11.752192497253418 + ], + [ + "\u00e9ticos", + -12.139078140258789 + ], + [ + "/2011", + -11.660470008850098 + ], + [ + "\u2581acompa\u00f1ada", + -11.74189281463623 + ], + [ + "\u2581Opinions", + -11.607939720153809 + ], + [ + "\u2581Regular", + -11.649273872375488 + ], + [ + "Mon", + -12.308562278747559 + ], + [ + "\u2581ap\u00f3stol", + -11.738116264343262 + ], + [ + "\u2581fingers", + -11.70632266998291 + ], + [ + "\u2581imagination", + -11.62824821472168 + ], + [ + "\u2581educativa", + -11.694314002990723 + ], + [ + "-06", + -12.456711769104004 + ], + [ + "\u2581177", + -12.17646312713623 + ], + [ + "\u2581guards", + -11.712740898132324 + ], + [ + "\u2581Least", + -11.605374336242676 + ], + [ + "\u2581passport", + -11.632728576660156 + ], + [ + "\u2581cerebral", + -11.926902770996094 + ], + [ + "\u2581cercanas", + -11.733668327331543 + ], + [ + "\u2581(1991)", + -12.209542274475098 + ], + [ + "\u2581pesado", + -11.666289329528809 + ], + [ + "\u2581figured", + -11.768062591552734 + ], + [ + "\u2581motivaci\u00f3n", + -11.768719673156738 + ], + [ + "\u2581yendo", + -11.644076347351074 + ], + [ + "IU", + -12.336276054382324 + ], + [ + "\u2581$7", + -11.594584465026855 + ], + [ + "\u2581itinerario", + -11.755264282226562 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mes", + -12.064620018005371 + ], + [ + "\u2581dict\u00e1menes", + -11.686211585998535 + ], + [ + "\u2581Annexes", + -11.6018648147583 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sent", + -12.253642082214355 + ], + [ + "\u2581awesome", + -11.709031105041504 + ], + [ + "fue", + -11.744207382202148 + ], + [ + "\u2581conveniencia", + -11.694091796875 + ], + [ + "\u2581elegida", + -11.727578163146973 + ], + [ + "\u258141.", + -11.750286102294922 + ], + [ + "UNEP", + -11.992413520812988 + ], + [ + "\u2581Performance", + -11.589950561523438 + ], + [ + "desa", + -11.859841346740723 + ], + [ + "\u2581perdiendo", + -11.599383354187012 + ], + [ + "\u2581brasile\u00f1o", + -11.799484252929688 + ], + [ + "\u2581precioso", + -11.64148998260498 + ], + [ + "\u2581atentados", + -11.720610618591309 + ], + [ + "\u2581INGL\u00c9S", + -11.729759216308594 + ], + [ + "\u2581hierba", + -11.650086402893066 + ], + [ + "\u2581transnacionales", + -11.706137657165527 + ], + [ + "\u2581acusa", + -11.646777153015137 + ], + [ + "quel", + -11.714503288269043 + ], + [ + "\u2581agregado", + -11.768178939819336 + ], + [ + "minar", + -11.89844036102295 + ], + [ + "\u2581vivimos", + -11.630599975585938 + ], + [ + "\u2581makers", + -11.58853530883789 + ], + [ + "\u2581Arquitectura", + -11.8076810836792 + ], + [ + "\u2581mitigate", + -11.556334495544434 + ], + [ + "neur", + -12.415112495422363 + ], + [ + "\u2581(1);", + -12.063751220703125 + ], + [ + "\u2581asociada", + -11.721586227416992 + ], + [ + "\u2581culpables", + -11.703629493713379 + ], + [ + "\u2581pasaje", + -11.722167015075684 + ], + [ + "\u2581retirado", + -11.73300838470459 + ], + [ + "\u2581mask", + -11.664872169494629 + ], + [ + "\u2581Provincial", + -12.125138282775879 + ], + [ + "\u2581comercializa", + -11.789695739746094 + ], + [ + "-2012", + -12.39611530303955 + ], + [ + "\u2581rotation", + -11.675260543823242 + ], + [ + "\u2581permitiendo", + -11.736262321472168 + ], + [ + "\u2581redujo", + -11.745219230651855 + ], + [ + "dez", + -11.776135444641113 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cierto", + -11.602904319763184 + ], + [ + "two", + -11.596912384033203 + ], + [ + "\u2581modifications", + -11.663538932800293 + ], + [ + "\u2581belt", + -11.633549690246582 + ], + [ + "\u2581bits", + -12.3958101272583 + ], + [ + "Euro", + -12.254762649536133 + ], + [ + "GM", + -12.299874305725098 + ], + [ + "\u2581280", + -12.29999828338623 + ], + [ + "\u2581Solicitud", + -11.718692779541016 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kay", + -12.386361122131348 + ], + [ + "viera", + -11.898995399475098 + ], + [ + "lah", + -12.181801795959473 + ], + [ + "\u2581boards", + -11.695601463317871 + ], + [ + "Office", + -11.600089073181152 + ], + [ + "scentralizaci\u00f3n", + -11.732691764831543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Amigos", + -11.669827461242676 + ], + [ + "\u2581boundaries", + -11.617701530456543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Plastic", + -11.614724159240723 + ], + [ + "cau", + -12.239988327026367 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rather", + -11.614211082458496 + ], + [ + "\u2581sindical", + -11.731084823608398 + ], + [ + "\u2581Starting", + -11.717757225036621 + ], + [ + "\u00e1ndolos", + -11.811847686767578 + ], + [ + "\u2581cubiertos", + -11.812536239624023 + ], + [ + "Plan", + -12.162801742553711 + ], + [ + "\u2581maternity", + -11.616147994995117 + ], + [ + "\u2581secador", + -11.734475135803223 + ], + [ + "\u2581Estupefacientes", + -11.744508743286133 + ], + [ + "/02", + -12.037129402160645 + ], + [ + "\u2581chaired", + -11.60583782196045 + ], + [ + "\u2581planteado", + -11.692813873291016 + ], + [ + "\u2581154", + -12.238617897033691 + ], + [ + ",1%", + -11.832327842712402 + ], + [ + "\u2581econ\u00f3micamente", + -11.732142448425293 + ], + [ + "\u2581potenciar", + -11.750340461730957 + ], + [ + "\u2581Schedule", + -11.679768562316895 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ski", + -11.629157066345215 + ], + [ + "nate", + -11.626405715942383 + ], + [ + "\u2581abdominal", + -12.294733047485352 + ], + [ + "\u2581lagunas", + -11.75199031829834 + ], + [ + "\u2581likewise", + -11.59282398223877 + ], + [ + "ily", + -11.702263832092285 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ahmed", + -12.234478950500488 + ], + [ + "\u2581palo", + -11.787723541259766 + ], + [ + "\u2581hosts", + -11.719614028930664 + ], + [ + "\u2581humble", + -11.664420127868652 + ], + [ + "\u2581pretend", + -11.75601577758789 + ], + [ + "\u258160/2", + -12.321439743041992 + ], + [ + "ITA", + -12.131425857543945 + ], + [ + "\u2581objeci\u00f3n", + -11.70603084564209 + ], + [ + "\u2581reservados", + -11.840133666992188 + ], + [ + "icular", + -12.414018630981445 + ], + [ + "\u2581gustaba", + -11.61391544342041 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lim", + -12.164158821105957 + ], + [ + "valor", + -11.832731246948242 + ], + [ + "\u2581Shall", + -11.749496459960938 + ], + [ + "\u2581producidos", + -11.800498962402344 + ], + [ + "\u2581RS", + -12.16781234741211 + ], + [ + "\u2581detecta", + -11.677382469177246 + ], + [ + "\u2581l\u00f3gico", + -11.718549728393555 + ], + [ + "html", + -12.290173530578613 + ], + [ + "\u2581Functioning", + -11.543044090270996 + ], + [ + "\u2581Coll", + -11.857507705688477 + ], + [ + "\u2581presidencial", + -11.707526206970215 + ], + [ + "\u2581port\u00e1til", + -11.764472961425781 + ], + [ + "\u2581estimula", + -11.725000381469727 + ], + [ + "tini", + -12.327585220336914 + ], + [ + "\u2581japonesa", + -11.765530586242676 + ], + [ + "\u2581Paragraphs", + -11.637335777282715 + ], + [ + "\u2581hipo", + -11.844073295593262 + ], + [ + "\u2581S\u00e1hara", + -11.755867004394531 + ], + [ + "\u2581tensions", + -11.607199668884277 + ], + [ + "\u2581dispensa", + -11.746944427490234 + ], + [ + "\u2581perdonar", + -11.729470252990723 + ], + [ + "ITE", + -12.315361022949219 + ], + [ + "iers", + -11.753752708435059 + ], + [ + "\u2581Williams", + -12.413531303405762 + ], + [ + "\u2581rentable", + -11.749528884887695 + ], + [ + "\u2581Solicita", + -11.864274024963379 + ], + [ + "\u2581hortalizas", + -11.701465606689453 + ], + [ + "atur", + -11.976218223571777 + ], + [ + "\u2581Establishment", + -11.612706184387207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Secretaria", + -11.736811637878418 + ], + [ + "GF", + -12.091631889343262 + ], + [ + "\u2581aliados", + -11.728544235229492 + ], + [ + "\u2581elaborando", + -11.76187801361084 + ], + [ + "\u2581marcada", + -11.808087348937988 + ], + [ + "\u2581surplus", + -11.610762596130371 + ], + [ + "ojo", + -11.743830680847168 + ], + [ + "\u2581garanticen", + -11.689752578735352 + ], + [ + "\u2581orden\u00f3", + -11.738758087158203 + ], + [ + "power", + -11.625625610351562 + ], + [ + "\u2581pida", + -11.676590919494629 + ], + [ + "\u2581Border", + -11.616557121276855 + ], + [ + "\u2581ethics", + -11.594221115112305 + ], + [ + "\u2581orientada", + -11.698241233825684 + ], + [ + "\u2581Qui\u00e9nes", + -11.732078552246094 + ], + [ + "\u2581diariamente", + -11.76428508758545 + ], + [ + "\u2581escritas", + -11.796870231628418 + ], + [ + ":21", + -12.388412475585938 + ], + [ + "ti\u00f3", + -11.802499771118164 + ], + [ + "\u2581Andr\u00e9s", + -12.218866348266602 + ], + [ + "\u2581pasaron", + -11.68266773223877 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lind", + -12.331406593322754 + ], + [ + "\u2581Traffic", + -11.624178886413574 + ], + [ + "\u2581convince", + -11.661134719848633 + ], + [ + "\u2581Patients", + -11.607653617858887 + ], + [ + "cutting", + -11.592779159545898 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lugar", + -11.721940040588379 + ], + [ + "\u2581attorney", + -11.711585998535156 + ], + [ + "\u25811-2", + -12.26205062866211 + ], + [ + "\u2581amenities", + -11.638446807861328 + ], + [ + "\u2581org\u00e1nicos", + -11.711362838745117 + ], + [ + "\u2581ofrenda", + -11.753488540649414 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bala", + -12.39348316192627 + ], + [ + "\u2581valioso", + -11.690295219421387 + ], + [ + "\u2581Higher", + -11.612743377685547 + ], + [ + "sensitive", + -11.608054161071777 + ], + [ + "\u2581prescribe", + -12.054878234863281 + ], + [ + "\u2581Branch", + -11.64590835571289 + ], + [ + "\u2581multicultural", + -12.393224716186523 + ], + [ + "teca", + -11.959015846252441 + ], + [ + "\u2581champion", + -11.642979621887207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Anyone", + -11.716087341308594 + ], + [ + "\u2581contempladas", + -11.736124038696289 + ], + [ + "\u2581traveling", + -11.64411735534668 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gab", + -12.306413650512695 + ], + [ + "\u2581quer\u00edas", + -11.661958694458008 + ], + [ + "\u25811.9", + -12.319067001342773 + ], + [ + "confidencialidad", + -11.716867446899414 + ], + [ + "\u2581CYP", + -12.250205993652344 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hamas", + -11.988176345825195 + ], + [ + "\u2581timing", + -11.644109725952148 + ], + [ + "\u2581eliminated", + -11.593957901000977 + ], + [ + "\u2581conocidas", + -11.737534523010254 + ], + [ + "MED", + -12.289843559265137 + ], + [ + "\u2581Julian", + -12.308799743652344 + ], + [ + "\u2581planificar", + -11.74822998046875 + ], + [ + "\u2581jud\u00eda", + -11.715863227844238 + ], + [ + "\u2581opuesto", + -11.774214744567871 + ], + [ + "active", + -11.557088851928711 + ], + [ + "\u2581DUI", + -12.292649269104004 + ], + [ + "\u2581innovador", + -11.737223625183105 + ], + [ + "\u2581efectuados", + -11.722545623779297 + ], + [ + "\u2581passes", + -11.68510627746582 + ], + [ + "TIN", + -12.487436294555664 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ruth", + -12.238512992858887 + ], + [ + "gida", + -11.770553588867188 + ], + [ + "\u2581nubes", + -11.71693229675293 + ], + [ + "\u2581payable", + -11.61977481842041 + ], + [ + "TR", + -12.275045394897461 + ], + [ + "lop", + -11.994134902954102 + ], + [ + "\u2581tur\u00edsticos", + -11.724722862243652 + ], + [ + "\u2581divisas", + -11.714860916137695 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aren", + -11.894763946533203 + ], + [ + "\u2581c\u00e1rceles", + -11.749094009399414 + ], + [ + "\u2581dick", + -11.738513946533203 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ensure", + -11.63438606262207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alimentos", + -11.73980712890625 + ], + [ + "num", + -12.13242244720459 + ], + [ + "\u2581cambie", + -11.648746490478516 + ], + [ + "\u2581pinturas", + -11.721626281738281 + ], + [ + "\u2581utility", + -11.617151260375977 + ], + [ + "\u2581moderado", + -11.75329875946045 + ], + [ + "\u2581breathe", + -11.688023567199707 + ], + [ + "\u2581manifestations", + -11.653377532958984 + ], + [ + "\u2581aiming", + -11.62536907196045 + ], + [ + "\u2581persist", + -11.623115539550781 + ], + [ + "tance", + -11.895212173461914 + ], + [ + "\u2581tie", + -11.679389953613281 + ], + [ + "\u2581convening", + -11.627740859985352 + ], + [ + "\u2581favorablemente", + -11.731529235839844 + ], + [ + "\u2581rechazado", + -11.725522994995117 + ], + [ + "\u25816.1", + -12.270593643188477 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vea", + -11.763640403747559 + ], + [ + "\u2581Catalunya", + -12.338017463684082 + ], + [ + "\u2581complementarios", + -11.779223442077637 + ], + [ + "\u2581prevail", + -11.635286331176758 + ], + [ + "villa", + -12.032098770141602 + ], + [ + "\u2581pile", + -11.698379516601562 + ], + [ + "\u2581infantiles", + -11.796975135803223 + ], + [ + "\u2581Especially", + -11.667032241821289 + ], + [ + "\u2581exportador", + -11.687357902526855 + ], + [ + "\u2581incre\u00edbles", + -11.714895248413086 + ], + [ + "aro", + -11.66540813446045 + ], + [ + "\u2581159", + -12.250414848327637 + ], + [ + "\u2581equivoca", + -11.529619216918945 + ], + [ + "\u258143.", + -11.754384994506836 + ], + [ + "\u2581UNAMID", + -12.316704750061035 + ], + [ + "\u2581securing", + -11.616153717041016 + ], + [ + "\u2581plancha", + -11.79312515258789 + ], + [ + "\u2581sophisticated", + -11.628755569458008 + ], + [ + "\u2581males", + -11.672483444213867 + ], + [ + "\u2581fallos", + -11.748674392700195 + ], + [ + "\u2581dangers", + -11.682596206665039 + ], + [ + "\u2581Exp", + -12.010782241821289 + ], + [ + "\u00fal", + -12.042530059814453 + ], + [ + "\u2581Directives", + -11.802972793579102 + ], + [ + "\u2581litros", + -11.743230819702148 + ], + [ + "bling", + -12.102182388305664 + ], + [ + "\u2581criaturas", + -11.683077812194824 + ], + [ + "\u2581subsistencia", + -11.768644332885742 + ], + [ + "\u2581rueda", + -11.683165550231934 + ], + [ + "\u2581d\u00ed", + -11.74040699005127 + ], + [ + "\u2581bella", + -11.631101608276367 + ], + [ + "\u2581lips", + -11.726151466369629 + ], + [ + "\u2581controlado", + -11.749201774597168 + ], + [ + "\u2581hectares", + -11.678851127624512 + ], + [ + "\u2581hosting", + -11.633953094482422 + ], + [ + "uh", + -11.991847038269043 + ], + [ + "\u25811930", + -12.223368644714355 + ], + [ + "\u2581transparentes", + -11.790684700012207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cat\u00f3lica", + -11.743918418884277 + ], + [ + "\u2581rusos", + -11.758100509643555 + ], + [ + "\u2581Maritime", + -11.61020565032959 + ], + [ + "\u2581cruise", + -11.677640914916992 + ], + [ + "\u2581Huh", + -11.785079002380371 + ], + [ + "\u2581catalogue", + -11.606264114379883 + ], + [ + "\u2581elabor\u00f3", + -11.771011352539062 + ], + [ + "\u2581notar", + -11.771062850952148 + ], + [ + "\u2581noci\u00f3n", + -12.025609970092773 + ], + [ + "\u2581historial", + -11.652276039123535 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ribera", + -11.726297378540039 + ], + [ + "\u2581entusiasmo", + -11.730344772338867 + ], + [ + "\u2581recomendamos", + -11.752264976501465 + ], + [ + "\u2581filtros", + -11.79270076751709 + ], + [ + "rix", + -12.318927764892578 + ], + [ + "export", + -12.2284574508667 + ], + [ + "\u2581graph", + -11.69281005859375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Muslims", + -11.651851654052734 + ], + [ + "\u2581treasure", + -11.672626495361328 + ], + [ + "\u2581dibujo", + -11.67519760131836 + ], + [ + "\u2581expressions", + -11.69923210144043 + ], + [ + "\u2581Chen", + -12.247302055358887 + ], + [ + "\u2581feasible", + -11.613645553588867 + ], + [ + "\u2581convene", + -11.618021965026855 + ], + [ + "\u2581shield", + -11.64512825012207 + ], + [ + "\u2581dise\u00f1ada", + -11.740230560302734 + ], + [ + "\u25814.0", + -12.40163803100586 + ], + [ + "\u2581exigencia", + -11.717023849487305 + ], + [ + "ivos", + -11.789678573608398 + ], + [ + "\u2581Facultad", + -11.721592903137207 + ], + [ + "\u2581apologize", + -11.727344512939453 + ], + [ + "\u2581destacados", + -11.80709457397461 + ], + [ + "\u2581UNITAR", + -12.281318664550781 + ], + [ + "\u2581directory", + -11.556612014770508 + ], + [ + "\u258144.", + -11.765565872192383 + ], + [ + "\u2581parques", + -11.801459312438965 + ], + [ + "\u2581Target", + -11.660738945007324 + ], + [ + "\u2581temporalmente", + -11.731759071350098 + ], + [ + "\u2581incluyan", + -11.767333030700684 + ], + [ + "\u2581females", + -11.70961856842041 + ], + [ + "Nunca", + -11.55764102935791 + ], + [ + "Terrorism", + -11.653585433959961 + ], + [ + "\u2581Transnational", + -11.600261688232422 + ], + [ + "\u2581legalidad", + -11.728818893432617 + ], + [ + "\u2581respecting", + -11.658366203308105 + ], + [ + "\u2581tragedy", + -11.655499458312988 + ], + [ + "ome", + -11.690340995788574 + ], + [ + "\u2581drag", + -11.70541000366211 + ], + [ + "\u2581bonus", + -11.665169715881348 + ], + [ + "\u2581laboratories", + -11.584094047546387 + ], + [ + "\u2581Subscribe", + -11.649300575256348 + ], + [ + "\u2581Documentation", + -11.627975463867188 + ], + [ + "motor", + -12.30479621887207 + ], + [ + "\u2581aumentos", + -11.911225318908691 + ], + [ + "\u2581bat", + -11.847244262695312 + ], + [ + "\u2581embrace", + -11.68181324005127 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mohamed", + -12.297587394714355 + ], + [ + "\u2581deseado", + -11.752469062805176 + ], + [ + "\u2581jury", + -11.727452278137207 + ], + [ + ".2.2", + -12.51910400390625 + ], + [ + "marca", + -11.828022003173828 + ], + [ + "Char", + -12.342094421386719 + ], + [ + "\u2581Entrega", + -11.837655067443848 + ], + [ + "\u2581tears", + -11.759909629821777 + ], + [ + "\u2581168", + -12.3693265914917 + ], + [ + "\u2581synthetic", + -11.639381408691406 + ], + [ + "\u2581spouse", + -11.601070404052734 + ], + [ + "\u2581estabilizaci\u00f3n", + -11.782833099365234 + ], + [ + "\u2581FROM", + -11.599373817443848 + ], + [ + "\u2581Medicine", + -11.639866828918457 + ], + [ + "aban", + -11.620545387268066 + ], + [ + "\u2581agradezco", + -11.633251190185547 + ], + [ + "\u2581situadas", + -11.794517517089844 + ], + [ + "\u2581surgido", + -11.769268989562988 + ], + [ + "visi\u00f3n", + -11.756124496459961 + ], + [ + "\u2581purchasing", + -11.587010383605957 + ], + [ + "\u2581Monaco", + -11.517939567565918 + ], + [ + "\u2581pensions", + -11.607583999633789 + ], + [ + "\u2581Capacidad", + -11.769790649414062 + ], + [ + "\u2581much\u00edsimo", + -11.631657600402832 + ], + [ + "\u25a1", + -100 + ], + [ + "LOG", + -12.748642921447754 + ], + [ + "\u2581fiabilidad", + -11.740962982177734 + ], + [ + "\u2581laundry", + -11.654977798461914 + ], + [ + ":22", + -12.472749710083008 + ], + [ + "\u2581databases", + -11.658902168273926 + ], + [ + "\u2581outset", + -11.598503112792969 + ], + [ + "\u2581corren", + -11.748079299926758 + ], + [ + "\u2581definidas", + -11.746567726135254 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tr\u00e1fico", + -11.76008415222168 + ], + [ + "\u2581contribuyan", + -11.750894546508789 + ], + [ + "\u2581produzca", + -11.669963836669922 + ], + [ + "\u2581confidentiality", + -11.634527206420898 + ], + [ + "\u2581threatening", + -11.620367050170898 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bow", + -12.316323280334473 + ], + [ + "\u2581sometidas", + -11.777154922485352 + ], + [ + "\u2581recopila", + -11.724627494812012 + ], + [ + "\u2581ciudadana", + -11.756916046142578 + ], + [ + "\u2581nuts", + -11.766467094421387 + ], + [ + "ean", + -11.613057136535645 + ], + [ + "\u258157/2", + -12.294538497924805 + ], + [ + "ol\u00f3gicas", + -11.946224212646484 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alem\u00e1n", + -11.802000045776367 + ], + [ + "\u2581sendero", + -11.761651992797852 + ], + [ + "\u2581arrestado", + -11.646318435668945 + ], + [ + "night", + -11.695300102233887 + ], + [ + "\u2581fostering", + -11.61657428741455 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mohammed", + -12.22500228881836 + ], + [ + "AVE", + -12.331101417541504 + ], + [ + "\u2581Praga", + -11.76694107055664 + ], + [ + "\u2581dejar\u00e1", + -11.645390510559082 + ], + [ + "\u2581enrolment", + -11.64257526397705 + ], + [ + "\u2581DM", + -12.039634704589844 + ], + [ + "\u2581cooperativas", + -11.749055862426758 + ], + [ + "geno", + -12.173521041870117 + ], + [ + "\u2581competir", + -11.72684383392334 + ], + [ + "\u2581Money", + -11.689868927001953 + ], + [ + "\u2581Shanghai", + -12.182615280151367 + ], + [ + "\u2581representado", + -11.794490814208984 + ], + [ + "\u2581resurrection", + -11.669153213500977 + ], + [ + "acci\u00f3n", + -11.807550430297852 + ], + [ + "\u2581enseguida", + -11.546217918395996 + ], + [ + "\u2581Settlements", + -11.637621879577637 + ], + [ + "uter", + -12.232837677001953 + ], + [ + "URA", + -12.47936725616455 + ], + [ + "\u2581niega", + -11.680843353271484 + ], + [ + "\u2581cubano", + -11.747724533081055 + ], + [ + "\u2581Somebody", + -11.787450790405273 + ], + [ + "fusion", + -12.550713539123535 + ], + [ + "\u2581violentos", + -11.775556564331055 + ], + [ + "\u2581Enero", + -11.780928611755371 + ], + [ + "\u2581swim", + -11.684354782104492 + ], + [ + "\u2581aspirations", + -11.623046875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Package", + -11.677371978759766 + ], + [ + "\u2581analyze", + -11.60390567779541 + ], + [ + "\u2581escasos", + -11.813163757324219 + ], + [ + "tendr\u00e1", + -11.737476348876953 + ], + [ + "\u2581Appeal", + -11.623867988586426 + ], + [ + "\u2581l\u00edquidos", + -11.74065113067627 + ], + [ + "him", + -12.087358474731445 + ], + [ + "rab", + -12.22719669342041 + ], + [ + "\u2581merecen", + -11.706265449523926 + ], + [ + "\u2581expuestas", + -11.676562309265137 + ], + [ + "\u25816.2", + -12.205623626708984 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cypriot", + -11.590911865234375 + ], + [ + "\u2581ocupante", + -11.772726058959961 + ], + [ + "\u2581exhausted", + -11.621468544006348 + ], + [ + "\u00edna", + -11.875945091247559 + ], + [ + "\u2581convencional", + -11.7506103515625 + ], + [ + "\u2581leaflet", + -11.573075294494629 + ], + [ + "\u2581agujero", + -11.557055473327637 + ], + [ + "\u2581profiles", + -11.654949188232422 + ], + [ + "\u2581consultiva", + -11.720353126525879 + ], + [ + "\u2581quieran", + -11.664591789245605 + ], + [ + "\u2581Converter", + -12.195802688598633 + ], + [ + "lateral", + -12.220757484436035 + ], + [ + "lv", + -11.890612602233887 + ], + [ + "\u2581confortable", + -11.769518852233887 + ], + [ + "\u2581remoto", + -11.694174766540527 + ], + [ + "\u2581filters", + -11.699224472045898 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kel", + -12.34394359588623 + ], + [ + "\u2581Unity", + -11.657470703125 + ], + [ + "\u2581OOPS", + -11.762103080749512 + ], + [ + "\u2581suponer", + -11.736678123474121 + ], + [ + "\u2581signals", + -11.689610481262207 + ], + [ + "\u2581documentary", + -11.621100425720215 + ], + [ + "\u2581ejemplares", + -11.791348457336426 + ], + [ + "\u25811/2", + -12.142067909240723 + ], + [ + "\u2581expl\u00edcitamente", + -11.787432670593262 + ], + [ + "\u00f1ada", + -11.783685684204102 + ], + [ + "\u2581Davis", + -12.363361358642578 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gay", + -12.34701919555664 + ], + [ + "EAR", + -12.016478538513184 + ], + [ + "\u2581uniformes", + -11.737566947937012 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ladies", + -11.736445426940918 + ], + [ + "NLB", + -12.399614334106445 + ], + [ + "\u2581dismissed", + -11.624671936035156 + ], + [ + "\u2581geographic", + -11.64064884185791 + ], + [ + "\u2581sentidos", + -12.016921043395996 + ], + [ + "HU", + -12.528848648071289 + ], + [ + "\u2581ped\u00eda", + -11.752860069274902 + ], + [ + "/32", + -12.339567184448242 + ], + [ + "\u2581Customers", + -11.696453094482422 + ], + [ + "\u2581Zelanda", + -11.79634952545166 + ], + [ + "\u2581therapeutic", + -11.59195613861084 + ], + [ + "\u2581t\u00edpico", + -11.739924430847168 + ], + [ + "\u2581subtema", + -11.733996391296387 + ], + [ + "\u2581Otherwise", + -11.667105674743652 + ], + [ + "\u2581r\u00e1pidos", + -11.824352264404297 + ], + [ + "etas", + -11.726600646972656 + ], + [ + "\u2581upcoming", + -11.658495903015137 + ], + [ + "ceso", + -12.068730354309082 + ], + [ + "code", + -11.839070320129395 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hechos", + -11.775079727172852 + ], + [ + "\u2581deseamos", + -11.700742721557617 + ], + [ + "\u2581sensitivity", + -11.640069007873535 + ], + [ + "\u2581Welcoming", + -11.670730590820312 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mendoza", + -12.247359275817871 + ], + [ + "\u2581prestados", + -11.767465591430664 + ], + [ + "These", + -11.62929630279541 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dubai", + -12.235187530517578 + ], + [ + "\u2581vinieron", + -11.663509368896484 + ], + [ + "RAN", + -12.508322715759277 + ], + [ + "\u2581exported", + -11.615691184997559 + ], + [ + "\u2581appointments", + -11.6961669921875 + ], + [ + "feld", + -12.33321475982666 + ], + [ + "\u2581transportar", + -11.801135063171387 + ], + [ + "\u2581est\u00e1is", + -11.621688842773438 + ], + [ + "\u2581bri", + -11.783130645751953 + ], + [ + "\u2581spam", + -12.256997108459473 + ], + [ + "\u2581Promover", + -11.777130126953125 + ], + [ + "\u2581abandonado", + -11.69101619720459 + ], + [ + "\u2581descubre", + -11.723339080810547 + ], + [ + "50,000", + -11.656734466552734 + ], + [ + "fish", + -11.657292366027832 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tokyo", + -11.651857376098633 + ], + [ + "bier", + -11.94829273223877 + ], + [ + "LAR", + -12.609683990478516 + ], + [ + "\u2581ruin", + -11.778050422668457 + ], + [ + "AST", + -12.069112777709961 + ], + [ + "\u2581NATO", + -11.641904830932617 + ], + [ + "\u2581contraria", + -11.684242248535156 + ], + [ + "UNICEF", + -12.318629264831543 + ], + [ + "\u2581tanks", + -11.696490287780762 + ], + [ + "lash", + -11.721980094909668 + ], + [ + "\u2581certeza", + -11.726251602172852 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aviation", + -11.614703178405762 + ], + [ + "hara", + -12.451741218566895 + ], + [ + "\u2581cares", + -12.176776885986328 + ], + [ + "\u2581abilities", + -11.676648139953613 + ], + [ + "\u2581repression", + -11.622775077819824 + ], + [ + "\u2581overwhelming", + -11.662461280822754 + ], + [ + "\u2581m\u00e1ximos", + -11.85606861114502 + ], + [ + "\u2581Digo", + -11.549949645996094 + ], + [ + "\u2581handled", + -11.665363311767578 + ], + [ + "\u2581spreading", + -11.674249649047852 + ], + [ + "\u2581vencer", + -11.73220157623291 + ], + [ + "\u2581dejarlo", + -11.5758638381958 + ], + [ + "\u2581verme", + -11.52908992767334 + ], + [ + "\u2581manuales", + -11.759653091430664 + ], + [ + "\u2581Instituciones", + -11.73453140258789 + ], + [ + "MIT", + -12.369142532348633 + ], + [ + "evi", + -12.401363372802734 + ], + [ + "\u2581bolsos", + -11.819353103637695 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aumento", + -11.790939331054688 + ], + [ + "frica", + -12.791875839233398 + ], + [ + "\u2581Anterior", + -11.825702667236328 + ], + [ + "\u2581pr\u00edncipe", + -11.6812105178833 + ], + [ + "\u2581decenas", + -11.777871131896973 + ], + [ + "\u2581establecer\u00e1", + -11.752311706542969 + ], + [ + "\u2581denial", + -11.644134521484375 + ], + [ + "sym", + -12.394947052001953 + ], + [ + "\u258110:00", + -12.307753562927246 + ], + [ + "ARY", + -12.072124481201172 + ], + [ + "edi", + -11.791475296020508 + ], + [ + "profit", + -11.68012523651123 + ], + [ + "rgen", + -12.329296112060547 + ], + [ + "ury", + -12.306344985961914 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lyn", + -12.220187187194824 + ], + [ + "\u2581lobby", + -11.706284523010254 + ], + [ + "\u2581generado", + -11.654326438903809 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mail", + -12.202561378479004 + ], + [ + "\u2581profetas", + -11.827131271362305 + ], + [ + "\u2581copper", + -11.685832977294922 + ], + [ + "\u2581china", + -11.714442253112793 + ], + [ + "tell", + -12.232131004333496 + ], + [ + "\u2581copiar", + -11.768526077270508 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fidel", + -12.29965591430664 + ], + [ + "\u2581dirigirse", + -11.752304077148438 + ], + [ + "\u2581Copa", + -11.967327117919922 + ], + [ + "\u2581secundario", + -11.715076446533203 + ], + [ + "\u2581Celebra", + -11.775690078735352 + ], + [ + "\u2581Utilizaci\u00f3n", + -11.779232025146484 + ], + [ + "\u00c9l", + -11.58237075805664 + ], + [ + "\u2581exam", + -11.668803215026855 + ], + [ + "\u2581pas", + -11.86492919921875 + ], + [ + "\u2581smartphone", + -12.067854881286621 + ], + [ + "eco", + -12.178117752075195 + ], + [ + "\u2581(22", + -12.383439064025879 + ], + [ + "\u2581corporales", + -11.775789260864258 + ], + [ + "\u2581desapariciones", + -11.850013732910156 + ], + [ + "contributing", + -11.584819793701172 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tools", + -11.698321342468262 + ], + [ + ",9%", + -11.841826438903809 + ], + [ + "\u2581correos", + -11.822148323059082 + ], + [ + "\u2581despierta", + -11.607529640197754 + ], + [ + "\u2581pink", + -11.664527893066406 + ], + [ + "prende", + -11.829237937927246 + ], + [ + "\u2581FMAM", + -11.763113975524902 + ], + [ + "\u2581convirtiendo", + -11.734455108642578 + ], + [ + "\u2581UNCITRAL", + -11.609156608581543 + ], + [ + "\u2581regrets", + -11.666943550109863 + ], + [ + "\u2581dej\u00e9", + -11.631444931030273 + ], + [ + "\u2581estuvieran", + -11.728944778442383 + ], + [ + "Public", + -12.356849670410156 + ], + [ + "\u2581alegre", + -11.696796417236328 + ], + [ + "\u2581wanting", + -11.777545928955078 + ], + [ + "iff", + -11.942323684692383 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nevada", + -12.348397254943848 + ], + [ + "\u2581turco", + -11.747407913208008 + ], + [ + "\u2581157", + -12.314873695373535 + ], + [ + "f\u00e1", + -11.903700828552246 + ], + [ + "\u2581meantime", + -11.668283462524414 + ], + [ + "lido", + -11.873916625976562 + ], + [ + "\u2581wheat", + -11.638461112976074 + ], + [ + "\u2581hesitate", + -11.70191478729248 + ], + [ + "IDAD", + -11.881083488464355 + ], + [ + "\u2581Objeto", + -11.78886604309082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Prado", + -12.377379417419434 + ], + [ + "\u2581beef", + -11.622268676757812 + ], + [ + "\u2581saltar", + -11.761301040649414 + ], + [ + "\u2581naranja", + -11.701465606689453 + ], + [ + "\u2581subsidio", + -11.750137329101562 + ], + [ + "\u2581esclavos", + -11.74132251739502 + ], + [ + "\u2581obtenida", + -11.757928848266602 + ], + [ + "\u2581gravity", + -11.639983177185059 + ], + [ + "\u2581combatientes", + -11.746898651123047 + ], + [ + "\u2581equivocada", + -11.6386137008667 + ], + [ + "\u2581pays", + -11.951150894165039 + ], + [ + "\u2581Challenge", + -11.924511909484863 + ], + [ + "\u2581puntual", + -11.713422775268555 + ], + [ + "\u2581suicida", + -11.667131423950195 + ], + [ + "nicas", + -12.125994682312012 + ], + [ + "\u2581desplegar", + -11.74748420715332 + ], + [ + "\u2581workforce", + -11.601792335510254 + ], + [ + "\u2581chains", + -11.700539588928223 + ], + [ + "ern", + -11.446678161621094 + ], + [ + "\u2581Catal", + -12.28756332397461 + ], + [ + "\u2581el\u00e9ctricas", + -11.824175834655762 + ], + [ + "\u2581wing", + -11.753442764282227 + ], + [ + "\u2581socially", + -11.669915199279785 + ], + [ + "\u2581retire", + -12.307290077209473 + ], + [ + "\u2581ofrecer\u00e1", + -11.946479797363281 + ], + [ + "\u2581bills", + -11.768115997314453 + ], + [ + "-2004", + -12.387380599975586 + ], + [ + "\u2581tanque", + -11.732077598571777 + ], + [ + "\u2581arca", + -11.827795028686523 + ], + [ + "ANTE", + -12.084028244018555 + ], + [ + "teau", + -12.295692443847656 + ], + [ + "taron", + -11.855993270874023 + ], + [ + "\u25810,1", + -12.081369400024414 + ], + [ + "\u2581pasaporte", + -11.690979957580566 + ], + [ + "\u2581Agreements", + -11.787209510803223 + ], + [ + "\u2581encontraban", + -11.840716361999512 + ], + [ + "\u2581Satellite", + -11.673250198364258 + ], + [ + "rga", + -11.5071382522583 + ], + [ + "br\u00f3", + -11.90034008026123 + ], + [ + "pura", + -11.866008758544922 + ], + [ + "\u2581dividido", + -11.71784496307373 + ], + [ + "\u2581100,000", + -11.690671920776367 + ], + [ + "\u2581annexed", + -11.629158973693848 + ], + [ + "\u2581heavens", + -11.708199501037598 + ], + [ + "\u2581transversal", + -11.915192604064941 + ], + [ + "\u2581interfere", + -11.650053024291992 + ], + [ + "\u2581Saul", + -11.707659721374512 + ], + [ + "self", + -11.744795799255371 + ], + [ + "SK", + -12.067900657653809 + ], + [ + "\u2581lovers", + -11.681392669677734 + ], + [ + "uga", + -12.14172077178955 + ], + [ + "\u2581Recovery", + -11.617806434631348 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hua", + -12.445184707641602 + ], + [ + "\u2581bow", + -11.683182716369629 + ], + [ + "\u2581metodolog\u00edas", + -11.779861450195312 + ], + [ + "verso", + -11.964658737182617 + ], + [ + "dillo", + -11.728809356689453 + ], + [ + "\u2581jacket", + -11.671966552734375 + ], + [ + "\u2581abarcar", + -11.751667976379395 + ], + [ + "\u2581molecular", + -12.423017501831055 + ], + [ + "dex", + -12.276622772216797 + ], + [ + "scribe", + -11.766890525817871 + ], + [ + "\u2581couples", + -11.768802642822266 + ], + [ + "\u2581Registry", + -11.647710800170898 + ], + [ + "\u2581overseas", + -11.656026840209961 + ], + [ + "\u2581concebido", + -11.763711929321289 + ], + [ + "\u2581normalizaci\u00f3n", + -11.788163185119629 + ], + [ + "\u2581indirectamente", + -11.743335723876953 + ], + [ + "ICO", + -11.883188247680664 + ], + [ + "uous", + -11.999064445495605 + ], + [ + "\u2581entrepreneurs", + -11.611608505249023 + ], + [ + "\u2581originalmente", + -11.861675262451172 + ], + [ + "5.0", + -12.426011085510254 + ], + [ + "Governing", + -11.632352828979492 + ], + [ + "\u2581selecting", + -11.624991416931152 + ], + [ + "\u2581LCD", + -12.308004379272461 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gru", + -12.195737838745117 + ], + [ + "\u2581pre\u00e1mbulo", + -11.754663467407227 + ], + [ + "\u2581imaginaci\u00f3n", + -11.722701072692871 + ], + [ + "\u2581Clean", + -11.698659896850586 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lucy", + -12.386784553527832 + ], + [ + "\u2581juguetes", + -11.71218490600586 + ], + [ + "EPA", + -12.579540252685547 + ], + [ + "\u2581entienden", + -11.769667625427246 + ], + [ + "/27", + -12.209854125976562 + ], + [ + "\u2581OTAN", + -11.744665145874023 + ], + [ + "\u2581Acabo", + -11.543551445007324 + ], + [ + "\u2581avanza", + -11.703640937805176 + ], + [ + "\u2581commanded", + -11.661662101745605 + ], + [ + "\u2581seguimos", + -11.701393127441406 + ], + [ + "\u2581slot", + -11.68455982208252 + ], + [ + "\u2581Quiere", + -11.530341148376465 + ], + [ + "\u2581Iron", + -11.712690353393555 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cities", + -11.695130348205566 + ], + [ + "\u2581harsh", + -11.693212509155273 + ], + [ + "\u2581tarda", + -11.617945671081543 + ], + [ + "\u2581GR", + -12.052964210510254 + ], + [ + "Original", + -12.315556526184082 + ], + [ + "\u2581relajarse", + -11.795572280883789 + ], + [ + "\u2581ridiculous", + -11.774357795715332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Continuar", + -11.863707542419434 + ], + [ + "\u2581preference", + -11.629181861877441 + ], + [ + "\u2581pac\u00edfico", + -11.759864807128906 + ], + [ + "\u2581territoriales", + -11.753008842468262 + ], + [ + "burgo", + -12.094076156616211 + ], + [ + "\u2581Integration", + -11.631804466247559 + ], + [ + "ACH", + -12.492176055908203 + ], + [ + "utiliza", + -11.79733943939209 + ], + [ + "\u2581liga", + -11.735525131225586 + ], + [ + "\u2581Caf\u00e9", + -12.108566284179688 + ], + [ + "\u2581alliance", + -11.646655082702637 + ], + [ + "\u2581cancelar", + -11.747303009033203 + ], + [ + "\u2581museums", + -11.65667724609375 + ], + [ + "ife", + -12.41276741027832 + ], + [ + "ll\u00f3n", + -11.872751235961914 + ], + [ + "\u2581containers", + -11.650976181030273 + ], + [ + "\u2581bug", + -11.748552322387695 + ], + [ + "torias", + -11.837151527404785 + ], + [ + "\u2581ferrocarril", + -11.744640350341797 + ], + [ + "\u2581garantizan", + -11.787470817565918 + ], + [ + "\u2581recycling", + -11.62119197845459 + ], + [ + "cepci\u00f3n", + -11.843464851379395 + ], + [ + "\u2581extracto", + -11.733080863952637 + ], + [ + "\u2581luchando", + -11.728001594543457 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hang", + -11.83088207244873 + ], + [ + "\u2581dom\u00e9sticos", + -11.835795402526855 + ], + [ + "\u2581crossed", + -11.74406623840332 + ], + [ + "presupuestarios", + -11.746091842651367 + ], + [ + "tamente", + -11.856241226196289 + ], + [ + "\u2581reflexionar", + -11.761120796203613 + ], + [ + "\u2581desertification", + -11.630824089050293 + ], + [ + "\u2581smartphones", + -12.341901779174805 + ], + [ + "\u2581obispo", + -11.797826766967773 + ], + [ + "Hace", + -11.67142391204834 + ], + [ + "\u2581alike", + -11.71618938446045 + ], + [ + "\u2581profec\u00eda", + -11.710626602172852 + ], + [ + "\u2581(8)", + -12.23491382598877 + ], + [ + "\u2581ch", + -11.554718017578125 + ], + [ + "nota", + -11.630939483642578 + ], + [ + "\u2581Release", + -11.73183536529541 + ], + [ + "fully", + -11.524027824401855 + ], + [ + "\u2581cleaner", + -11.72906494140625 + ], + [ + "\u2581comuni\u00f3n", + -11.809621810913086 + ], + [ + "\u2581parks", + -11.672517776489258 + ], + [ + "-3)", + -12.42516803741455 + ], + [ + "\u2581climb", + -11.699808120727539 + ], + [ + "\u2581syn", + -11.918559074401855 + ], + [ + "est\u00e1s", + -11.569611549377441 + ], + [ + "logo", + -12.100451469421387 + ], + [ + "\u2581Escrituras", + -11.764092445373535 + ], + [ + "\u2581supportive", + -11.644660949707031 + ], + [ + "\u2581infringement", + -11.629539489746094 + ], + [ + "\u2581resultar\u00e1", + -11.760432243347168 + ], + [ + "oxy", + -11.720595359802246 + ], + [ + "\u2581Browse", + -11.706871032714844 + ], + [ + "\u2581bands", + -11.732661247253418 + ], + [ + "\u2581GM", + -11.570476531982422 + ], + [ + "\u2581collaborative", + -11.692667961120605 + ], + [ + "\u2581vinculado", + -11.718377113342285 + ], + [ + "\u2581outbreak", + -11.656139373779297 + ], + [ + "\u2581comience", + -11.742737770080566 + ], + [ + "\u2581reanudar", + -11.823600769042969 + ], + [ + "\u2581basin", + -11.680231094360352 + ], + [ + "ulated", + -11.672825813293457 + ], + [ + "\u2581Preparatorio", + -11.748112678527832 + ], + [ + "\u2581democr\u00e1ticos", + -11.799306869506836 + ], + [ + "\u2581incorrecta", + -11.749332427978516 + ], + [ + "\u2581Diversity", + -11.670731544494629 + ], + [ + "hof", + -12.339743614196777 + ], + [ + "\u2581discriminatorio", + -11.821959495544434 + ], + [ + "\u2581paths", + -11.770450592041016 + ], + [ + "9)", + -11.559555053710938 + ], + [ + "\u2581bancaria", + -11.748382568359375 + ], + [ + "Lu", + -12.004170417785645 + ], + [ + "\u2581inmensa", + -11.760689735412598 + ], + [ + "quire", + -11.88764476776123 + ], + [ + "termina", + -11.771071434020996 + ], + [ + "8.000", + -11.832759857177734 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ou", + -12.291767120361328 + ], + [ + "\u2581primo", + -11.666610717773438 + ], + [ + "\u2581pedirle", + -11.695331573486328 + ], + [ + "\u2581Martes", + -11.846373558044434 + ], + [ + "\u2581oppose", + -11.67754077911377 + ], + [ + "FAO", + -12.38348388671875 + ], + [ + "\u2581wheels", + -11.689728736877441 + ], + [ + "\u2581insult", + -11.753144264221191 + ], + [ + "\u2581descent", + -11.662027359008789 + ], + [ + "tiza", + -12.025741577148438 + ], + [ + "\u2581orto", + -12.11832046508789 + ], + [ + "\u2581contingente", + -11.75680923461914 + ], + [ + "ESS", + -11.826083183288574 + ], + [ + "\u2581se\u00f1alan", + -11.758708000183105 + ], + [ + "\u2581implantaci\u00f3n", + -11.832155227661133 + ], + [ + "\u2581Intercambio", + -11.775915145874023 + ], + [ + "\u2581Americana", + -11.802348136901855 + ], + [ + "estre", + -11.67134952545166 + ], + [ + "\u2581Recientemente", + -11.732691764831543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Descargas", + -11.793173789978027 + ], + [ + "\u2581Estatal", + -11.822664260864258 + ], + [ + "\u2581string", + -11.729355812072754 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lamentablemente", + -11.77958869934082 + ], + [ + "\u2581var\u00eda", + -11.781391143798828 + ], + [ + "\u258145.", + -11.869521141052246 + ], + [ + "\u2581evaluating", + -11.653416633605957 + ], + [ + "\u2581Patrimonio", + -11.78576374053955 + ], + [ + "\u2581efficacy", + -11.642552375793457 + ], + [ + "\u2581oscila", + -11.812782287597656 + ], + [ + "\u2581encantadora", + -11.693256378173828 + ], + [ + "conditioned", + -11.6253662109375 + ], + [ + "\u2581previsiones", + -11.736811637878418 + ], + [ + "vela", + -11.927973747253418 + ], + [ + "\u2581amantes", + -11.75780200958252 + ], + [ + "\u2581threaten", + -11.648964881896973 + ], + [ + "\u2581pierna", + -11.629589080810547 + ], + [ + "\u2581compatibility", + -11.603697776794434 + ], + [ + "\u2581civilization", + -11.693554878234863 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dragon", + -12.075647354125977 + ], + [ + "\u2581seal", + -11.652936935424805 + ], + [ + "\u2581aprovechamiento", + -11.766131401062012 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dada", + -11.827308654785156 + ], + [ + "\u2581Presta", + -11.989163398742676 + ], + [ + "\u2581casado", + -11.638681411743164 + ], + [ + "\u2581sello", + -11.792028427124023 + ], + [ + "\u2581donaciones", + -11.782748222351074 + ], + [ + "\u2581andar", + -11.731548309326172 + ], + [ + "\u2581orgulloso", + -11.597980499267578 + ], + [ + "\u2581latinos", + -11.94409465789795 + ], + [ + "\u2581cave", + -11.669610977172852 + ], + [ + "\u2581episodio", + -11.774007797241211 + ], + [ + "\u2581tries", + -11.674436569213867 + ], + [ + "\u2581discusiones", + -11.7796049118042 + ], + [ + "\u2581buyer", + -11.629100799560547 + ], + [ + "\u2581matem\u00e1ticas", + -11.783448219299316 + ], + [ + "\u2581unexpected", + -11.66597843170166 + ], + [ + "\u2581Advancement", + -11.66390609741211 + ], + [ + "\u2581Missouri", + -12.306543350219727 + ], + [ + "\u2581concerniente", + -11.728588104248047 + ], + [ + "\u2581prospect", + -11.652262687683105 + ], + [ + "\u2581saque", + -11.618931770324707 + ], + [ + "\u2581caras", + -11.776509284973145 + ], + [ + "Busca", + -11.74778938293457 + ], + [ + "\u2581Written", + -11.649263381958008 + ], + [ + "\u2581neglect", + -11.637896537780762 + ], + [ + "\u2581hygiene", + -11.679768562316895 + ], + [ + "\u2581ansiedad", + -11.748678207397461 + ], + [ + "\u2581monetario", + -11.735045433044434 + ], + [ + "\u2581mantendr\u00e1", + -11.72563648223877 + ], + [ + "\u2581vegetable", + -11.69001579284668 + ], + [ + "\u2581superficial", + -12.194672584533691 + ], + [ + "SEN", + -12.429823875427246 + ], + [ + "Saharan", + -11.628313064575195 + ], + [ + "120", + -12.284013748168945 + ], + [ + "\u2581radioactive", + -11.609701156616211 + ], + [ + "\u2581antipersonal", + -11.820466995239258 + ], + [ + "\u2581Campaign", + -11.679768562316895 + ], + [ + "\u2581exclude", + -11.659743309020996 + ], + [ + "\u2581Allow", + -11.656932830810547 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alternative", + -11.66588020324707 + ], + [ + "\u2581funcione", + -11.692991256713867 + ], + [ + "\u2581hostilidades", + -11.7849760055542 + ], + [ + "east", + -11.707123756408691 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vino", + -11.742470741271973 + ], + [ + "quia", + -11.86142349243164 + ], + [ + "\u2581vacancy", + -11.693209648132324 + ], + [ + "\u2581socialist", + -11.705134391784668 + ], + [ + "tsu", + -11.891401290893555 + ], + [ + "\u2581desarrolladas", + -11.793245315551758 + ], + [ + "\u2581sat\u00e9lites", + -11.833853721618652 + ], + [ + "\u2581universitarios", + -11.81389045715332 + ], + [ + "\u2581patentes", + -11.764772415161133 + ], + [ + "pida", + -11.767977714538574 + ], + [ + "was", + -11.74704360961914 + ], + [ + "\u2581inundaciones", + -11.749984741210938 + ], + [ + "\u2581reunido", + -11.732452392578125 + ], + [ + "\u2581safely", + -11.694892883300781 + ], + [ + "\u2581pipe", + -11.758681297302246 + ], + [ + "\u2581(1995)", + -12.327855110168457 + ], + [ + "\u2581freight", + -11.629776954650879 + ], + [ + "\u2581Elecci\u00f3n", + -11.797609329223633 + ], + [ + "eje", + -11.947237968444824 + ], + [ + "\u2581Emiratos", + -11.604423522949219 + ], + [ + "\u2581rectores", + -11.791712760925293 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bour", + -12.425615310668945 + ], + [ + "\u2581Recommend", + -11.689839363098145 + ], + [ + "\u2581der", + -11.809441566467285 + ], + [ + "\u2581downtown", + -11.72400951385498 + ], + [ + "\u2581sirio", + -11.79062271118164 + ], + [ + "\u2581Morales", + -12.343406677246094 + ], + [ + "\u2581legacy", + -11.684065818786621 + ], + [ + "\u2581Exactly", + -11.844252586364746 + ], + [ + "\u2581verified", + -11.702474594116211 + ], + [ + "\u2581Downloads", + -11.774796485900879 + ], + [ + "\u2581quise", + -11.555859565734863 + ], + [ + "\u2581Subcomit\u00e9", + -11.796975135803223 + ], + [ + "\u2581hilo", + -11.772921562194824 + ], + [ + "\u2581thoroughly", + -11.677995681762695 + ], + [ + "\u2581Citizens", + -11.670068740844727 + ], + [ + "\u2581occidentales", + -11.811086654663086 + ], + [ + "\u2581dish", + -11.69725513458252 + ], + [ + "\u2581Debian", + -12.372697830200195 + ], + [ + "\u2581successor", + -11.64120101928711 + ], + [ + "\u2581privileges", + -11.645289421081543 + ], + [ + "\u2581productiva", + -11.7896146774292 + ], + [ + "\u2581adoptar\u00e1n", + -11.795182228088379 + ], + [ + "\u2581voters", + -11.648134231567383 + ], + [ + "\u2581avail", + -11.662158966064453 + ], + [ + "\u2581CNUDMI", + -11.77284049987793 + ], + [ + "\u2581maquillaje", + -11.74035930633545 + ], + [ + "\u2581Henri", + -12.365867614746094 + ], + [ + "direct", + -12.0343599319458 + ], + [ + "\u2581AV", + -12.37390422821045 + ], + [ + "\u2581authorize", + -11.643330574035645 + ], + [ + "\u2581jet", + -11.955329895019531 + ], + [ + "\u2581anxiety", + -11.697548866271973 + ], + [ + "americana", + -12.034551620483398 + ], + [ + "\u2581controlada", + -11.7576904296875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Waste", + -11.729403495788574 + ], + [ + "\u2581robado", + -11.677643775939941 + ], + [ + "g\u00f3n", + -11.700153350830078 + ], + [ + "31)", + -12.468988418579102 + ], + [ + "\u2581kidney", + -11.680500030517578 + ], + [ + "\u2581surgir", + -11.757916450500488 + ], + [ + "\u2581habituales", + -11.801529884338379 + ], + [ + "\u2581indoor", + -11.717447280883789 + ], + [ + "\u2581impiden", + -11.79539966583252 + ], + [ + "\u2581Enviado", + -11.822372436523438 + ], + [ + "\u2581analyzed", + -11.642731666564941 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rosario", + -12.348069190979004 + ], + [ + "\u2581Uncle", + -11.866147994995117 + ], + [ + "\u2581bid", + -11.67723560333252 + ], + [ + "\u2581individualmente", + -11.753748893737793 + ], + [ + "\u2581pac", + -11.811254501342773 + ], + [ + "tele", + -12.155881881713867 + ], + [ + "\u2581Asentamientos", + -11.801369667053223 + ], + [ + "\u2581modes", + -11.710497856140137 + ], + [ + "\u2581funcionalidad", + -11.79053020477295 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ruta", + -11.854217529296875 + ], + [ + "BR", + -12.254993438720703 + ], + [ + "ider", + -11.858260154724121 + ], + [ + "\u2581Thor", + -12.303426742553711 + ], + [ + "\u2581portugu\u00e9s", + -11.85301399230957 + ], + [ + "lies", + -11.752054214477539 + ], + [ + "DM", + -12.334033012390137 + ], + [ + "\u2581Guardia", + -11.781444549560547 + ], + [ + "\u2581maltrato", + -11.825681686401367 + ], + [ + "1988", + -12.386866569519043 + ], + [ + "\u2581parlamentarios", + -11.8162260055542 + ], + [ + "restablecimiento", + -11.771821022033691 + ], + [ + "\u2581DJ", + -12.341524124145508 + ], + [ + "citos", + -11.864625930786133 + ], + [ + "\u2581asumido", + -11.782721519470215 + ], + [ + "\u2581chapters", + -11.722830772399902 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ry", + -12.282349586486816 + ], + [ + "\u2581Quincuag\u00e9sim", + -11.758273124694824 + ], + [ + "\u2581cancelaci\u00f3n", + -11.82071590423584 + ], + [ + "Ve", + -11.608210563659668 + ], + [ + "\u2581crucero", + -11.76382827758789 + ], + [ + "\u2581contribuyendo", + -11.81214714050293 + ], + [ + "\u2581asistente", + -11.675972938537598 + ], + [ + "\u2581autorizadas", + -11.791410446166992 + ], + [ + "\u2581reduces", + -11.824570655822754 + ], + [ + "\u2581Biological", + -11.679851531982422 + ], + [ + "\u2581ej", + -11.87560749053955 + ], + [ + "\u2581inglesa", + -11.789437294006348 + ], + [ + "\u2581Calificaci\u00f3n", + -11.771686553955078 + ], + [ + "\u2581casual", + -12.289608001708984 + ], + [ + "\u2581inspirado", + -11.778497695922852 + ], + [ + "\u2581prolonged", + -11.673747062683105 + ], + [ + "\u2581grain", + -11.6752347946167 + ], + [ + "ony", + -11.667709350585938 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ciertamente", + -11.757786750793457 + ], + [ + "\u00edsimo", + -11.681154251098633 + ], + [ + "\u2581PI", + -12.144742012023926 + ], + [ + "\u2581serpiente", + -11.752281188964844 + ], + [ + "\u2581garganta", + -11.730344772338867 + ], + [ + "\u00e9e", + -11.804651260375977 + ], + [ + "\u2581definida", + -11.773301124572754 + ], + [ + "\u2581interrogatorio", + -11.7933988571167 + ], + [ + "\u2581determinante", + -11.782308578491211 + ], + [ + "\u2581cabin", + -11.729348182678223 + ], + [ + "\u2581Miles", + -12.15546703338623 + ], + [ + "\u2581siervo", + -11.813810348510742 + ], + [ + "\u2581Awards", + -11.7105131149292 + ], + [ + "\u2581enacted", + -11.668021202087402 + ], + [ + "\u2581alinea", + -11.771459579467773 + ], + [ + "vascular", + -12.290008544921875 + ], + [ + "\u2581brutas", + -11.72661304473877 + ], + [ + "\u2581cas", + -11.647821426391602 + ], + [ + "\u2581Borg", + -12.61504077911377 + ], + [ + "\u2581criminals", + -11.875511169433594 + ], + [ + "\u2581Viste", + -11.848634719848633 + ], + [ + "\u2581Prof", + -12.217399597167969 + ], + [ + "\u2581asistieron", + -11.792038917541504 + ], + [ + "\u2581SG", + -12.124593734741211 + ], + [ + "\u2581delantera", + -11.772367477416992 + ], + [ + "\u2581Entrada", + -11.75975227355957 + ], + [ + "\u2581scar", + -11.86482048034668 + ], + [ + "\u2581bless", + -11.728074073791504 + ], + [ + "\u2581sorprende", + -11.496126174926758 + ], + [ + "TIVO", + -12.048250198364258 + ], + [ + "\u2581oficio", + -11.755407333374023 + ], + [ + "\u2581universales", + -11.777849197387695 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ontario", + -12.32266616821289 + ], + [ + "\u2581Brother", + -11.757955551147461 + ], + [ + "\u2581enfermer\u00eda", + -11.738582611083984 + ], + [ + "\u2581desarroll\u00f3", + -11.846407890319824 + ], + [ + "\u2581cumpliendo", + -11.754668235778809 + ], + [ + "\u2581carajo", + -11.546114921569824 + ], + [ + "\u2581vigencia", + -11.790186882019043 + ], + [ + "\u2581completing", + -11.682441711425781 + ], + [ + "\u2581q", + -12.229057312011719 + ], + [ + "NES", + -12.235092163085938 + ], + [ + "\u2581trucks", + -11.74612808227539 + ], + [ + "ERO", + -12.141639709472656 + ], + [ + "g\u00e1", + -11.967674255371094 + ], + [ + "mentar", + -11.848371505737305 + ], + [ + "\u2581array", + -11.671809196472168 + ], + [ + "\u2581arriving", + -11.661249160766602 + ], + [ + "\u2581netos", + -11.847076416015625 + ], + [ + "gluc", + -11.929831504821777 + ], + [ + "\u2581Encontrar", + -11.713101387023926 + ], + [ + "\u2581ata\u00f1e", + -11.82300090789795 + ], + [ + "\u2581var\u00edan", + -11.808349609375 + ], + [ + "8,000", + -11.711160659790039 + ], + [ + "\u2581existan", + -11.826566696166992 + ], + [ + "\u2581refer\u00e9ndum", + -11.818502426147461 + ], + [ + "\u2581milenio", + -11.757070541381836 + ], + [ + "\u2581offensive", + -11.718977928161621 + ], + [ + "quila", + -12.027803421020508 + ], + [ + "\u2581percibir", + -11.74748420715332 + ], + [ + "\u2581tribe", + -11.733169555664062 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kentucky", + -12.376928329467773 + ], + [ + "OB", + -11.85893440246582 + ], + [ + "\u2581supe", + -11.82226276397705 + ], + [ + "\u2581whoever", + -11.706525802612305 + ], + [ + "\u2581API", + -12.409662246704102 + ], + [ + "lmente", + -11.652586936950684 + ], + [ + "\u2581conciliaci\u00f3n", + -11.8038911819458 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hebrew", + -11.69837760925293 + ], + [ + "\u2581ignored", + -11.683333396911621 + ], + [ + "also", + -11.713116645812988 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cable", + -12.316059112548828 + ], + [ + "\u2581Posted", + -11.709640502929688 + ], + [ + "\u2581ozone", + -11.650846481323242 + ], + [ + "\u2581demonstrations", + -11.670086860656738 + ], + [ + "\u25812000-2001", + -12.33705997467041 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bach", + -12.440162658691406 + ], + [ + "\u2581instability", + -11.647201538085938 + ], + [ + "\u2581occurring", + -11.668208122253418 + ], + [ + "\u2581Temas", + -11.959924697875977 + ], + [ + "\u2581registr\u00f3", + -11.832033157348633 + ], + [ + "\u2581Presentation", + -11.723780632019043 + ], + [ + "Tenemos", + -11.620119094848633 + ], + [ + "\u2581obligada", + -11.752164840698242 + ], + [ + "\u2581Championship", + -11.770889282226562 + ], + [ + "\u2581continuado", + -11.765462875366211 + ], + [ + "\u2581Blogs", + -12.486502647399902 + ], + [ + "\u2581delicado", + -11.778685569763184 + ], + [ + "\u2581questioned", + -11.692299842834473 + ], + [ + "\u2581saldos", + -11.79577350616455 + ], + [ + "\u2581aceites", + -11.854360580444336 + ], + [ + "\u2581Abdul", + -12.383232116699219 + ], + [ + "\u2581valiente", + -11.656142234802246 + ], + [ + "\u2581analysed", + -11.683164596557617 + ], + [ + "thing", + -11.887685775756836 + ], + [ + "\u2581coordina", + -11.76435375213623 + ], + [ + "\u2581labelling", + -11.647302627563477 + ], + [ + "\u2581EUROPEAS", + -11.795492172241211 + ], + [ + "\u2581d\u00e9jame", + -11.568397521972656 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alfa", + -12.37369441986084 + ], + [ + "\u2581Magic", + -12.068682670593262 + ], + [ + "vertido", + -11.77155590057373 + ], + [ + "\u2581respirar", + -11.695995330810547 + ], + [ + "\u2581creditors", + -11.671192169189453 + ], + [ + "\u2581Socio", + -12.323319435119629 + ], + [ + "\u2581reactor", + -12.115635871887207 + ], + [ + "makers", + -11.706469535827637 + ], + [ + "\u2581permanently", + -11.696609497070312 + ], + [ + "\u2581Inicia", + -11.80637264251709 + ], + [ + "\u2581drives", + -11.78132152557373 + ], + [ + "omb", + -11.887505531311035 + ], + [ + "each", + -11.780028343200684 + ], + [ + "dado", + -11.70448112487793 + ], + [ + "\u2581librar", + -11.881498336791992 + ], + [ + "\u2581recaudaci\u00f3n", + -11.790985107421875 + ], + [ + "tiles", + -11.896761894226074 + ], + [ + "\u2581Provincia", + -11.792019844055176 + ], + [ + "\u2581paisajes", + -11.808788299560547 + ], + [ + "\u2581Depend", + -11.716158866882324 + ], + [ + "\u2581valorar", + -11.89177131652832 + ], + [ + "\u2581Arma", + -11.934896469116211 + ], + [ + "\u2581Colonia", + -12.038875579833984 + ], + [ + "\u2581Distance", + -11.707402229309082 + ], + [ + "bran", + -11.737321853637695 + ], + [ + "\u2581emergence", + -11.69159984588623 + ], + [ + "\u2581Corruption", + -11.6701021194458 + ], + [ + "\u2581sube", + -11.895647048950195 + ], + [ + "ming", + -11.75596809387207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tennessee", + -12.350472450256348 + ], + [ + "door", + -12.18760871887207 + ], + [ + "\u2581interregional", + -12.333700180053711 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cardinal", + -11.704641342163086 + ], + [ + "\u2581orbit", + -11.69141674041748 + ], + [ + "\u2581Morris", + -12.426876068115234 + ], + [ + "\u2581WordPress", + -12.317615509033203 + ], + [ + "\u2581resistir", + -11.722702980041504 + ], + [ + "\u2581Preocupa", + -11.810881614685059 + ], + [ + "cess", + -12.276688575744629 + ], + [ + "\u2581fears", + -11.744277000427246 + ], + [ + "\u2581deseaba", + -11.892468452453613 + ], + [ + "\u2581facilite", + -11.786481857299805 + ], + [ + "jera", + -11.761103630065918 + ], + [ + "\u2581Recuerdo", + -11.65420913696289 + ], + [ + "\u2581pelear", + -11.65013599395752 + ], + [ + "\u2581vicepresidente", + -11.770401000976562 + ], + [ + "\u2581Terminal", + -12.334928512573242 + ], + [ + "\u2581exceeded", + -11.708166122436523 + ], + [ + "\u2581o\u00eddos", + -11.839658737182617 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kh", + -12.251245498657227 + ], + [ + "cali", + -12.157822608947754 + ], + [ + "lene", + -12.404655456542969 + ], + [ + "isto", + -11.921357154846191 + ], + [ + "\u00e1nica", + -12.024627685546875 + ], + [ + "CAL", + -12.542201042175293 + ], + [ + "\u2581COMUNIDADES", + -11.796984672546387 + ], + [ + "\u2581briefly", + -11.673951148986816 + ], + [ + "\u2581persistente", + -11.766337394714355 + ], + [ + "piece", + -11.718414306640625 + ], + [ + "\u00eb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581motivado", + -11.841917037963867 + ], + [ + "\u2581doc", + -12.480720520019531 + ], + [ + "English", + -12.038203239440918 + ], + [ + "\u2581sueco", + -11.89316177368164 + ], + [ + "\u2581arose", + -11.6394624710083 + ], + [ + "\u2581rush", + -11.812162399291992 + ], + [ + "corri", + -12.053728103637695 + ], + [ + "\u2581observando", + -11.765325546264648 + ], + [ + "\u2581Conclusions", + -11.647584915161133 + ], + [ + "\u2581irnos", + -11.591206550598145 + ], + [ + "lata", + -11.883465766906738 + ], + [ + "SG", + -12.340314865112305 + ], + [ + "\u2581forgiveness", + -11.69124984741211 + ], + [ + "ductor", + -11.789629936218262 + ], + [ + "\u2581Flights", + -11.71846866607666 + ], + [ + "\u2581elaborados", + -11.86290168762207 + ], + [ + "\u2581legado", + -11.776254653930664 + ], + [ + "\u2581ok", + -11.815271377563477 + ], + [ + "\u2581participant", + -11.65426254272461 + ], + [ + "\u2581Position", + -11.674973487854004 + ], + [ + "lp", + -12.082050323486328 + ], + [ + "nit", + -11.754207611083984 + ], + [ + "\u2581contemplado", + -11.800387382507324 + ], + [ + "\u2581grid", + -11.726929664611816 + ], + [ + "roid", + -11.811427116394043 + ], + [ + "\u2581cueva", + -11.76436996459961 + ], + [ + "\u2581royal", + -11.744205474853516 + ], + [ + "\u2581prophets", + -11.730765342712402 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fuego", + -11.876319885253906 + ], + [ + "\u2581reader", + -11.702073097229004 + ], + [ + "\u2581stole", + -11.828147888183594 + ], + [ + "\u2581fragile", + -11.737476348876953 + ], + [ + "\u2581dam", + -11.785829544067383 + ], + [ + "\u2581Valor", + -11.779512405395508 + ], + [ + "\u258146.", + -11.805699348449707 + ], + [ + "\u2581intermediate", + -11.63231372833252 + ], + [ + "\u2581Colecci\u00f3n", + -11.92048168182373 + ], + [ + "\u2581huir", + -11.744552612304688 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ready", + -11.833178520202637 + ], + [ + "\u2581intervene", + -11.666462898254395 + ], + [ + "\u2581highway", + -11.742833137512207 + ], + [ + "\u2581or\u00edgenes", + -11.788244247436523 + ], + [ + "\u2581Racing", + -12.082755088806152 + ], + [ + "2019", + -12.1228666305542 + ], + [ + "\u2581Encuentra", + -11.798481941223145 + ], + [ + "\u2581collections", + -11.81554889678955 + ], + [ + "\u2581revolucionaria", + -11.804520606994629 + ], + [ + "\u2581ordenado", + -11.771921157836914 + ], + [ + "GAR", + -12.400616645812988 + ], + [ + "\u2581extremos", + -11.816898345947266 + ], + [ + "\u2581acordar", + -11.730177879333496 + ], + [ + "\u2581Programs", + -11.777844429016113 + ], + [ + "\u2581vecino", + -11.715141296386719 + ], + [ + "\u2581recorrer", + -11.79380989074707 + ], + [ + "\u2581para\u00edso", + -11.71357250213623 + ], + [ + "\u2581drain", + -11.712331771850586 + ], + [ + "\u2581164", + -12.305558204650879 + ], + [ + "\u2581concentrado", + -11.784499168395996 + ], + [ + "\u2581bite", + -11.844831466674805 + ], + [ + "\u2581Escocia", + -11.7692289352417 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hank", + -12.391654014587402 + ], + [ + "calc", + -12.149251937866211 + ], + [ + "GH", + -12.367863655090332 + ], + [ + "\u2581urbanizaci\u00f3n", + -11.787096977233887 + ], + [ + "\u2581FC", + -12.299666404724121 + ], + [ + "\u2581bolsillo", + -11.660541534423828 + ], + [ + "hidrata", + -12.228811264038086 + ], + [ + "\u2581Drop", + -11.793875694274902 + ], + [ + "\u2581Espere", + -11.570935249328613 + ], + [ + "\u2581estudia", + -11.666958808898926 + ], + [ + "fila", + -12.057268142700195 + ], + [ + "\u2581cubiertas", + -11.807390213012695 + ], + [ + "\u2581duradero", + -11.770820617675781 + ], + [ + "\u2581biol\u00f3gicas", + -11.840410232543945 + ], + [ + "\u2581undoubtedly", + -11.660724639892578 + ], + [ + "/29", + -12.257264137268066 + ], + [ + "\u2581deportivo", + -11.785269737243652 + ], + [ + "\u2581Caledonia", + -12.388797760009766 + ], + [ + "\u2581potencialmente", + -11.797099113464355 + ], + [ + "\u2581Math", + -12.45986270904541 + ], + [ + "\u2581Prosecution", + -11.709031105041504 + ], + [ + "\u2581coup", + -11.714466094970703 + ], + [ + "/98", + -11.677281379699707 + ], + [ + "\u2581variations", + -11.68435287475586 + ], + [ + "\u2581rolling", + -11.72308349609375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Effective", + -11.684076309204102 + ], + [ + "\u2581involucrados", + -11.811604499816895 + ], + [ + "\u2581hable", + -11.691062927246094 + ], + [ + "ECO", + -12.268539428710938 + ], + [ + "\u2581ambicioso", + -11.769787788391113 + ], + [ + "\u2581dividir", + -11.785042762756348 + ], + [ + "\u2581heal", + -11.782618522644043 + ], + [ + "\u2581relaciona", + -11.82268238067627 + ], + [ + "\u2581incorporation", + -11.650300979614258 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rad", + -12.207261085510254 + ], + [ + "\u2581masivo", + -11.756654739379883 + ], + [ + "\u2581impairment", + -11.631885528564453 + ], + [ + "parte", + -11.932615280151367 + ], + [ + "\u2581delicada", + -11.775057792663574 + ], + [ + "\u2581prefiere", + -11.733866691589355 + ], + [ + "IVE", + -11.941221237182617 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rat", + -12.196876525878906 + ], + [ + "\u2581nacer", + -11.81899356842041 + ], + [ + "\u2581Stand", + -11.812827110290527 + ], + [ + "tambi\u00e9n", + -11.781469345092773 + ], + [ + "14)", + -12.444097518920898 + ], + [ + "igua", + -12.09158706665039 + ], + [ + "\u2581classical", + -11.779829025268555 + ], + [ + "\u2581ple", + -12.081032752990723 + ], + [ + "\u2581collaborate", + -11.68557071685791 + ], + [ + "bye", + -11.904149055480957 + ], + [ + "Chi", + -12.07339096069336 + ], + [ + "\u2581directivo", + -11.853919982910156 + ], + [ + "\u2581queridos", + -11.82056999206543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jard\u00edn", + -11.818504333496094 + ], + [ + "\u2581magn\u00edfico", + -11.75646686553955 + ], + [ + "\u2581Comercial", + -11.819923400878906 + ], + [ + "\u2581analizado", + -11.883801460266113 + ], + [ + "\u2581disparities", + -11.694292068481445 + ], + [ + "\u2581Equipment", + -11.671259880065918 + ], + [ + "\u2581plates", + -11.733928680419922 + ], + [ + "\u2581comprise", + -11.683331489562988 + ], + [ + "\u2581diagnostic", + -11.653936386108398 + ], + [ + "\u2581mat", + -11.914590835571289 + ], + [ + "\u2581distribute", + -11.68666934967041 + ], + [ + "\u2581escogido", + -11.836621284484863 + ], + [ + "\u2581regrese", + -11.654276847839355 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jacques", + -12.349428176879883 + ], + [ + "open", + -11.779439926147461 + ], + [ + "0000", + -12.160625457763672 + ], + [ + "\u2581accomplishments", + -11.673829078674316 + ], + [ + "\u2581licensing", + -11.673379898071289 + ], + [ + "\u2581Leader", + -12.04151439666748 + ], + [ + "\u2581conozca", + -11.688888549804688 + ], + [ + "\u2581Se\u00f1or\u00eda", + -11.697086334228516 + ], + [ + "TAN", + -12.249683380126953 + ], + [ + "aught", + -11.975603103637695 + ], + [ + "nus", + -11.891359329223633 + ], + [ + "\u2581thereafter", + -11.669841766357422 + ], + [ + "\u2581constata", + -11.843770027160645 + ], + [ + "\u2581separadas", + -11.849934577941895 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alejandro", + -12.314504623413086 + ], + [ + "\u2581gene", + -11.799199104309082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wei", + -11.862939834594727 + ], + [ + "\u2581COMMUNITIES", + -11.632823944091797 + ], + [ + "\u2581palestina", + -11.799732208251953 + ], + [ + "1.3", + -11.938292503356934 + ], + [ + "\u2581preserving", + -11.656020164489746 + ], + [ + "fun", + -12.15881061553955 + ], + [ + "\u2581warehouse", + -11.697549819946289 + ], + [ + "\u2581destiny", + -11.745429039001465 + ], + [ + "\u2581grows", + -11.802513122558594 + ], + [ + "\u2581presidenciales", + -11.830965042114258 + ], + [ + "\u2581skilled", + -11.656097412109375 + ], + [ + "\u2581nearest", + -11.6900634765625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Eurostat", + -12.330904006958008 + ], + [ + "\u2581informaron", + -11.804038047790527 + ], + [ + "\u2581Eve", + -11.782851219177246 + ], + [ + "\u2581profundizar", + -11.784724235534668 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mind", + -11.79587459564209 + ], + [ + "\u2581teachings", + -11.810735702514648 + ], + [ + "hue", + -11.961908340454102 + ], + [ + "\u2581Convenios", + -11.923534393310547 + ], + [ + "\u2581neta", + -11.80394172668457 + ], + [ + "\u2581knock", + -11.823513984680176 + ], + [ + "\u2581preocupe", + -11.626631736755371 + ], + [ + "\u2581claimant", + -11.613533973693848 + ], + [ + "\u2581facilitation", + -11.681906700134277 + ], + [ + "gil", + -12.173751831054688 + ], + [ + "\u2581lending", + -11.67207145690918 + ], + [ + "\u2581theater", + -11.773539543151855 + ], + [ + "\u2581frases", + -11.809948921203613 + ], + [ + "\u2581informada", + -11.862177848815918 + ], + [ + "\u2581complications", + -11.66946792602539 + ], + [ + "\u2581personalized", + -11.697286605834961 + ], + [ + "\u2581normativos", + -11.834403991699219 + ], + [ + "cole", + -12.453432083129883 + ], + [ + "\u2581linguistic", + -11.660724639892578 + ], + [ + "\u2581steam", + -11.740884780883789 + ], + [ + "\u2581broadcasting", + -11.692666053771973 + ], + [ + "\u2581hermosas", + -11.752287864685059 + ], + [ + "\u2581observaron", + -11.816353797912598 + ], + [ + "\u2581178", + -12.191545486450195 + ], + [ + "\u2581santuario", + -11.797601699829102 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hip", + -12.245981216430664 + ], + [ + "\u2581avanzados", + -11.848998069763184 + ], + [ + "\u2581escuchando", + -11.651899337768555 + ], + [ + "\u2581flame", + -11.752330780029297 + ], + [ + "\u2581fled", + -11.780344009399414 + ], + [ + "\u2581interrumpir", + -11.732104301452637 + ], + [ + "\u2581sucesor", + -11.861225128173828 + ], + [ + "\u2581rated", + -11.713663101196289 + ], + [ + "\u2581sustantivas", + -11.81992244720459 + ], + [ + "\u2581globo", + -11.833587646484375 + ], + [ + "\u2581hep\u00e1tica", + -11.808314323425293 + ], + [ + "\u2581tripulaci\u00f3n", + -11.728008270263672 + ], + [ + "now", + -11.816279411315918 + ], + [ + "\u2581intermedio", + -11.823587417602539 + ], + [ + "\u25811.3.1", + -12.39285945892334 + ], + [ + "guera", + -12.077946662902832 + ], + [ + "1.2", + -11.983879089355469 + ], + [ + "\u2581Apostles", + -11.709172248840332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bird", + -12.116506576538086 + ], + [ + "shalt", + -11.692293167114258 + ], + [ + "\u2581ruego", + -11.680718421936035 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cool", + -11.800975799560547 + ], + [ + "\u2581Orlando", + -12.351516723632812 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fast", + -11.803661346435547 + ], + [ + "five", + -11.710833549499512 + ], + [ + "\u2581Catherine", + -12.281862258911133 + ], + [ + "\u2581l\u00e1mpara", + -11.808669090270996 + ], + [ + "\u2581thrown", + -11.733175277709961 + ], + [ + "\u2581Benefits", + -11.686840057373047 + ], + [ + "\u2581sano", + -11.729022979736328 + ], + [ + "\u2581pares", + -11.823943138122559 + ], + [ + "\u2581Brook", + -12.434106826782227 + ], + [ + "\u2581enga\u00f1o", + -11.734251022338867 + ], + [ + "\u2581horizonte", + -11.742727279663086 + ], + [ + "\u2581Commerce", + -11.676250457763672 + ], + [ + "\u2581cu\u00e1n", + -11.730903625488281 + ], + [ + "space", + -11.953075408935547 + ], + [ + "\u2581Imperial", + -12.26638126373291 + ], + [ + "\u2581monumentos", + -11.81265640258789 + ], + [ + "\u2581aporte", + -11.845128059387207 + ], + [ + "\u2581pounds", + -11.771676063537598 + ], + [ + "RAL", + -12.638836860656738 + ], + [ + "\u2581saith", + -11.73863410949707 + ], + [ + "rating", + -11.875779151916504 + ], + [ + "\u2581plural", + -12.213530540466309 + ], + [ + "ABLE", + -12.552020072937012 + ], + [ + "\u2581cambiando", + -11.788182258605957 + ], + [ + "\u2581multinational", + -11.675583839416504 + ], + [ + "\u2581sanci\u00f3n", + -11.789941787719727 + ], + [ + "\u2581plugin", + -12.201665878295898 + ], + [ + "\u2581intentions", + -11.784684181213379 + ], + [ + "\u2581ocurra", + -11.740412712097168 + ], + [ + "\u2581dotado", + -11.835984230041504 + ], + [ + "\u258147.", + -11.82619571685791 + ], + [ + "\u2581Limited", + -12.04269790649414 + ], + [ + "\u2581Boo", + -12.20581340789795 + ], + [ + "natural", + -12.347609519958496 + ], + [ + "\u2581Funda", + -11.869789123535156 + ], + [ + "\u2581aqu\u00e9l", + -11.799395561218262 + ], + [ + "\u2581feast", + -11.74264144897461 + ], + [ + "\u2581acoger", + -11.712088584899902 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rain", + -12.320489883422852 + ], + [ + "tante", + -11.841511726379395 + ], + [ + "\u2581consolidado", + -11.852761268615723 + ], + [ + "zing", + -11.96577262878418 + ], + [ + "\u2581halt", + -11.72647476196289 + ], + [ + "\u2581indicios", + -11.839962005615234 + ], + [ + "\u2581matches", + -11.745121955871582 + ], + [ + "gic", + -12.240140914916992 + ], + [ + "\u2581admite", + -11.816511154174805 + ], + [ + "\u2581hipoteca", + -11.788252830505371 + ], + [ + "\u2581lazos", + -11.925224304199219 + ], + [ + "\u2581consecutive", + -11.674973487854004 + ], + [ + "\u2581reduciendo", + -11.86114501953125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Recibi", + -11.741497039794922 + ], + [ + "\u2581indicada", + -11.794750213623047 + ], + [ + "mper", + -12.382911682128906 + ], + [ + "rl", + -11.744464874267578 + ], + [ + "\u2581flexibles", + -11.813475608825684 + ], + [ + "OK", + -12.352950096130371 + ], + [ + "vina", + -11.984519004821777 + ], + [ + "entos", + -11.94008731842041 + ], + [ + "/34", + -12.331748008728027 + ], + [ + "\u2581accompany", + -11.67339038848877 + ], + [ + "\u2581respetando", + -11.848465919494629 + ], + [ + "\u2581Oc\u00e9ano", + -11.857658386230469 + ], + [ + "\u2581pertenencia", + -11.835933685302734 + ], + [ + "\u2581aumente", + -11.79918098449707 + ], + [ + "\u2581surgical", + -11.694302558898926 + ], + [ + "Italia", + -11.790201187133789 + ], + [ + "\u2581rope", + -11.78050708770752 + ], + [ + "\u2581compound", + -11.713886260986328 + ], + [ + "\u2581Territorios", + -11.85959529876709 + ], + [ + "\u2581siguiera", + -11.764347076416016 + ], + [ + "\u2581irreversible", + -12.405206680297852 + ], + [ + "\u2581medications", + -11.741148948669434 + ], + [ + "\u2581punishable", + -11.681570053100586 + ], + [ + "S\u00f3lo", + -11.602317810058594 + ], + [ + "\u2581Voluntary", + -11.653416633605957 + ], + [ + "\u2581comando", + -11.85919189453125 + ], + [ + "\u2581localizar", + -11.800125122070312 + ], + [ + "\u2581strain", + -11.76875114440918 + ], + [ + "God", + -11.745562553405762 + ], + [ + "06)", + -12.441080093383789 + ], + [ + "PEC", + -12.073887825012207 + ], + [ + "\u2581estricto", + -11.780223846435547 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cathedral", + -11.743719100952148 + ], + [ + "\u2581M\u00ed", + -11.774497032165527 + ], + [ + "\u2581supon\u00eda", + -11.706018447875977 + ], + [ + "\u2581reaffirms", + -11.759364128112793 + ], + [ + "ivity", + -11.64504337310791 + ], + [ + "\u2581impresora", + -11.87774658203125 + ], + [ + "\u2581ser\u00e1s", + -12.135697364807129 + ], + [ + "\u2581cl\u00ednicas", + -11.880024909973145 + ], + [ + "\u2581buscador", + -11.91244888305664 + ], + [ + "\u2581felicita", + -11.809065818786621 + ], + [ + "\u2581ofrecerle", + -11.848726272583008 + ], + [ + "\u2581imply", + -11.651179313659668 + ], + [ + "\u2581UNMIL", + -12.376928329467773 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jess", + -12.396995544433594 + ], + [ + "\u2581Forget", + -11.860053062438965 + ], + [ + "\u2581saldr\u00e1", + -11.690155982971191 + ], + [ + "\u2581dies", + -11.921085357666016 + ], + [ + "TICA", + -11.844822883605957 + ], + [ + "wall", + -12.24393081665039 + ], + [ + "\u2581Imperio", + -11.831384658813477 + ], + [ + "\u2581slide", + -11.66058349609375 + ], + [ + "\u2581PAC", + -11.814493179321289 + ], + [ + "\u2581Responsible", + -11.684586524963379 + ], + [ + "\u2581Diversidad", + -11.838541984558105 + ], + [ + "\u2581incentive", + -11.67967414855957 + ], + [ + "Che", + -12.521154403686523 + ], + [ + "\u2581ver\u00e1s", + -11.669601440429688 + ], + [ + "\u2581pedimos", + -11.723553657531738 + ], + [ + "\u2581FL", + -12.271595001220703 + ], + [ + "\u2581injustice", + -11.718257904052734 + ], + [ + "\u2581Accesorios", + -11.822427749633789 + ], + [ + "\u2581Observatorio", + -11.85442066192627 + ], + [ + "\u2581cycles", + -11.755024909973145 + ], + [ + "\u2581opone", + -11.772274017333984 + ], + [ + "dumping", + -11.59352970123291 + ], + [ + "\u2581lesi\u00f3n", + -11.842623710632324 + ], + [ + "\u2581Easter", + -11.668055534362793 + ], + [ + "\u2581Forgot", + -11.687110900878906 + ], + [ + "\u2581backup", + -11.790438652038574 + ], + [ + "\u2581currencies", + -11.652376174926758 + ], + [ + "\u2581vitro", + -12.496490478515625 + ], + [ + "\u2581proximidad", + -11.855367660522461 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tai", + -12.478426933288574 + ], + [ + "\u2581Morning", + -11.844970703125 + ], + [ + "\u2581apos", + -11.891837120056152 + ], + [ + "\u2581enumerados", + -11.825202941894531 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gonz\u00e1lez", + -11.882593154907227 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sen", + -11.768129348754883 + ], + [ + "\u2581comprobado", + -11.757672309875488 + ], + [ + "\u2581celda", + -11.732169151306152 + ], + [ + "\u2581celebrados", + -11.891024589538574 + ], + [ + "\u2581filtro", + -11.824176788330078 + ], + [ + "\u2581interrupci\u00f3n", + -11.778390884399414 + ], + [ + "\u2581Excel", + -12.431296348571777 + ], + [ + "\u2581goodness", + -11.818024635314941 + ], + [ + "\u2581previos", + -11.839133262634277 + ], + [ + "\u2581neighbours", + -11.712695121765137 + ], + [ + "\u2581Adventure", + -11.687824249267578 + ], + [ + "\u2581oliva", + -11.771650314331055 + ], + [ + "\u2581pescadores", + -11.81954574584961 + ], + [ + "\u2581eterno", + -11.821770668029785 + ], + [ + "\u2581Componente", + -11.856338500976562 + ], + [ + "\u2581esqu\u00ed", + -11.8130464553833 + ], + [ + "\u2581rocks", + -11.819157600402832 + ], + [ + "\u2581threw", + -11.872995376586914 + ], + [ + "\u2581pens\u00f3", + -11.713160514831543 + ], + [ + "\u2581manifestantes", + -11.83790397644043 + ], + [ + "\u2581convenidos", + -11.875439643859863 + ], + [ + "\u2581Josh", + -12.44507122039795 + ], + [ + "\u2581fuertemente", + -11.831446647644043 + ], + [ + "government", + -11.696022033691406 + ], + [ + "\u2581survivors", + -11.746859550476074 + ], + [ + "\u2581dictadura", + -11.809065818786621 + ], + [ + "\u2581carriage", + -11.70300006866455 + ], + [ + "\u2581commented", + -11.696367263793945 + ], + [ + "\u2581paneles", + -11.79272747039795 + ], + [ + "\u2581recibo", + -11.776519775390625 + ], + [ + "\u2581traditionally", + -11.723896980285645 + ], + [ + "vide", + -12.100055694580078 + ], + [ + "hall", + -12.13327693939209 + ], + [ + "\u2581allocate", + -11.680744171142578 + ], + [ + "\u2581capturas", + -11.79688835144043 + ], + [ + "\u2581dictatorship", + -11.705763816833496 + ], + [ + "\u2581fomenta", + -11.777048110961914 + ], + [ + "\u2581immense", + -11.690506935119629 + ], + [ + "Find", + -11.695347785949707 + ], + [ + "\u2581entail", + -11.65830135345459 + ], + [ + "/85", + -12.260788917541504 + ], + [ + "misiones", + -11.890385627746582 + ], + [ + "\u2581abnormal", + -11.67706298828125 + ], + [ + "\u2581deficiente", + -11.87381362915039 + ], + [ + "lizado", + -11.889211654663086 + ], + [ + "onne", + -12.017215728759766 + ], + [ + "\u2581ENGLISH", + -11.663348197937012 + ], + [ + "\u2581controla", + -11.64897346496582 + ], + [ + "g\u00e9n", + -12.491847038269043 + ], + [ + "iden", + -12.33164119720459 + ], + [ + "\u2581Holanda", + -11.825927734375 + ], + [ + "\u2581aseo", + -11.882866859436035 + ], + [ + "\u2581sufri\u00f3", + -11.775293350219727 + ], + [ + "\u2581Christianity", + -11.694616317749023 + ], + [ + "\u2581atrapar", + -11.695272445678711 + ], + [ + "\u2581porn", + -11.738884925842285 + ], + [ + "\u2581co\u00f1o", + -11.696442604064941 + ], + [ + "\u2581corn", + -11.771377563476562 + ], + [ + "\u2581visitado", + -11.811760902404785 + ], + [ + "SV", + -12.127415657043457 + ], + [ + "\u2581Beirut", + -12.386627197265625 + ], + [ + "\u2581surrender", + -11.72852611541748 + ], + [ + "\u2581initiation", + -11.668619155883789 + ], + [ + "\u2581organizadas", + -11.834386825561523 + ], + [ + "\u2581precision", + -11.713501930236816 + ], + [ + "\u2581executions", + -11.712787628173828 + ], + [ + "\u2581coordinado", + -11.754064559936523 + ], + [ + "\u2581gui\u00f3n", + -11.738110542297363 + ], + [ + "anas", + -11.793615341186523 + ], + [ + "mula", + -11.929969787597656 + ], + [ + "\u2581refiri\u00f3", + -11.810355186462402 + ], + [ + "\u2581subscription", + -11.699766159057617 + ], + [ + "\u2581americanos", + -11.732478141784668 + ], + [ + "\u2581Posici\u00f3n", + -11.832682609558105 + ], + [ + "\u2581radica", + -11.75278377532959 + ], + [ + "\u2581260", + -12.393306732177734 + ], + [ + "GUE", + -12.534063339233398 + ], + [ + "\u2581sucesi\u00f3n", + -11.863414764404297 + ], + [ + "\u2581curious", + -11.803585052490234 + ], + [ + "l\u00edn", + -12.022764205932617 + ], + [ + "\u2581sor", + -11.795208930969238 + ], + [ + "\u2581inalienable", + -12.164241790771484 + ], + [ + "\u2581Meetings", + -11.786115646362305 + ], + [ + "\u2581reads", + -11.898378372192383 + ], + [ + "\u2581valer", + -11.962388038635254 + ], + [ + "\u2581contenedores", + -11.807104110717773 + ], + [ + "\u2581align", + -11.71514892578125 + ], + [ + "\u2581pushed", + -11.765278816223145 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lincoln", + -12.437357902526855 + ], + [ + "\u2581Obispo", + -11.795722961425781 + ], + [ + "gine", + -12.209047317504883 + ], + [ + "\u2581libra", + -11.647614479064941 + ], + [ + "\u2581loop", + -11.754929542541504 + ], + [ + "\u2581distant", + -11.716242790222168 + ], + [ + "\u2581empiece", + -11.718693733215332 + ], + [ + "\u2581161", + -12.423221588134766 + ], + [ + "\u2581slight", + -11.703099250793457 + ], + [ + "\u2581consideradas", + -11.848847389221191 + ], + [ + "\u2581subregion", + -11.679841995239258 + ], + [ + "/1999", + -11.797569274902344 + ], + [ + "\u2581Publica", + -11.864398002624512 + ], + [ + "wich", + -12.619203567504883 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pictures", + -11.748363494873047 + ], + [ + "\u2581iPad", + -12.328777313232422 + ], + [ + "\u2581proviene", + -11.832283020019531 + ], + [ + "\u2581contesta", + -11.59040355682373 + ], + [ + "ulo", + -12.182990074157715 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cost", + -11.868863105773926 + ], + [ + "\u2581perjuicios", + -11.926314353942871 + ], + [ + "ept", + -11.957926750183105 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lagos", + -11.824106216430664 + ], + [ + "\u2581cocinar", + -11.786377906799316 + ], + [ + "\u2581bolsas", + -11.78548526763916 + ], + [ + "\u2581Senator", + -11.742103576660156 + ], + [ + "ulaci\u00f3n", + -11.96017837524414 + ], + [ + "\u2581preventivas", + -11.841632843017578 + ], + [ + "\u2581emprendidas", + -11.82314395904541 + ], + [ + "\u2581Majestad", + -11.682293891906738 + ], + [ + "\u2581vanguardia", + -11.807047843933105 + ], + [ + "Acaso", + -11.727571487426758 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cree", + -11.635327339172363 + ], + [ + "\u2581gratitud", + -11.740373611450195 + ], + [ + "\u2581tub", + -11.798147201538086 + ], + [ + "\u2581farmac\u00e9utico", + -11.845239639282227 + ], + [ + "2-", + -11.668378829956055 + ], + [ + "\u2581boom", + -12.003174781799316 + ], + [ + "gasse", + -12.347127914428711 + ], + [ + "scripci\u00f3n", + -11.782862663269043 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fuera", + -11.714081764221191 + ], + [ + "wal", + -12.546104431152344 + ], + [ + "worth", + -12.398866653442383 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pase", + -12.068857192993164 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reaffirms", + -11.676628112792969 + ], + [ + "\u2581apoy\u00f3", + -11.796975135803223 + ], + [ + "\u2581conditional", + -11.8725004196167 + ], + [ + "\u2581neum\u00e1ticos", + -11.862541198730469 + ], + [ + "\u2581productivo", + -11.809951782226562 + ], + [ + "\u2581tutela", + -11.813698768615723 + ], + [ + "\u2581Xi", + -12.36384391784668 + ], + [ + "\u2581invested", + -11.724556922912598 + ], + [ + "URE", + -12.229268074035645 + ], + [ + "\u00e9ndose", + -11.84089469909668 + ], + [ + "\u2581confiere", + -11.786467552185059 + ], + [ + "\u2581emiti\u00f3", + -11.86032485961914 + ], + [ + "\u2581duplication", + -11.694839477539062 + ], + [ + "\u2581pulgadas", + -11.863661766052246 + ], + [ + "\u2581vete", + -11.615013122558594 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alpha", + -12.141679763793945 + ], + [ + "\u2581honra", + -11.730606079101562 + ], + [ + "\u2581photography", + -11.736832618713379 + ], + [ + "\u25811959", + -12.430445671081543 + ], + [ + "sistencia", + -11.856658935546875 + ], + [ + "\u2581spheres", + -11.709423065185547 + ], + [ + "\u2581(2011)", + -12.418635368347168 + ], + [ + "/33", + -12.383711814880371 + ], + [ + "\u2581Compa\u00f1\u00eda", + -11.808947563171387 + ], + [ + "\u2581calentamiento", + -11.847065925598145 + ], + [ + "\u2581eligi\u00f3", + -11.769798278808594 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dispute", + -11.695377349853516 + ], + [ + "\u2581Oregon", + -12.292647361755371 + ], + [ + "\u2581probabilidades", + -11.762222290039062 + ], + [ + "bula", + -12.291850090026855 + ], + [ + "\u2581subsistence", + -11.717313766479492 + ], + [ + "\u2581contractors", + -11.697967529296875 + ], + [ + "\u2581curricula", + -11.67709732055664 + ], + [ + "\u2581Neo", + -12.30312442779541 + ], + [ + "\u2581tesoro", + -11.72270679473877 + ], + [ + "sisti", + -11.780183792114258 + ], + [ + "\u2581pulsera", + -11.809283256530762 + ], + [ + "\u2581bonos", + -11.774354934692383 + ], + [ + "\u2581Inf", + -11.844806671142578 + ], + [ + "\u2581reformar", + -11.86251163482666 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lub", + -12.584650039672852 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bak", + -12.551831245422363 + ], + [ + "Blog", + -12.425025939941406 + ], + [ + "\u2581in\u00fatil", + -11.714232444763184 + ], + [ + "\u2581swing", + -11.787564277648926 + ], + [ + "\u2581permit\u00eda", + -11.835572242736816 + ], + [ + "\u2581investigador", + -11.788763046264648 + ], + [ + "inate", + -12.084136009216309 + ], + [ + "cies", + -12.197004318237305 + ], + [ + "\u2581Armenian", + -11.713543891906738 + ], + [ + "\u2581rifle", + -12.315584182739258 + ], + [ + "\u2581comenta", + -11.722000122070312 + ], + [ + "\u2581inspira", + -11.759302139282227 + ], + [ + "\u2581convierten", + -11.849031448364258 + ], + [ + "\u2581disculpa", + -11.613092422485352 + ], + [ + "\u2581sensation", + -11.755172729492188 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tips", + -11.761953353881836 + ], + [ + "\u2581requerida", + -11.811882019042969 + ], + [ + "\u2581suplemento", + -11.830710411071777 + ], + [ + "\u2581clouds", + -11.747644424438477 + ], + [ + "\u2581HU", + -12.510390281677246 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jonathan", + -12.33184814453125 + ], + [ + "\u2581gastar", + -11.886341094970703 + ], + [ + "\u2581awful", + -11.861251831054688 + ], + [ + "\u2581Scotland", + -11.760843276977539 + ], + [ + "\u2581barrier", + -11.726818084716797 + ], + [ + "\u2581geogr\u00e1ficas", + -11.881519317626953 + ], + [ + "\u2581inequalities", + -11.707931518554688 + ], + [ + "alia", + -11.888969421386719 + ], + [ + "tensi", + -12.210877418518066 + ], + [ + "\u2581watched", + -11.776877403259277 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hostal", + -12.40827751159668 + ], + [ + "\u2581beg", + -12.033570289611816 + ], + [ + "\u2581A\u00f1ade", + -11.933692932128906 + ], + [ + "\u2581confrontation", + -11.667885780334473 + ], + [ + "\u2581demonstrates", + -11.716856956481934 + ], + [ + "lez", + -11.75473403930664 + ], + [ + "\u25812.000", + -11.825611114501953 + ], + [ + "\u2581privileged", + -11.6813383102417 + ], + [ + "\u2581diversificaci\u00f3n", + -11.849043846130371 + ], + [ + "quet", + -12.374244689941406 + ], + [ + "\u2581Chuck", + -12.360918045043945 + ], + [ + "\u2581segu\u00edan", + -11.803563117980957 + ], + [ + "\u2581Decisions", + -11.871752738952637 + ], + [ + "\u2581creature", + -11.741104125976562 + ], + [ + "\u2581investing", + -11.682065963745117 + ], + [ + "\u2581Disabilities", + -11.763275146484375 + ], + [ + "\u2581marinas", + -11.904744148254395 + ], + [ + "ridge", + -12.125649452209473 + ], + [ + "\u2581reciclado", + -11.853011131286621 + ], + [ + "\u2581consagrados", + -11.854628562927246 + ], + [ + "\u25813.0", + -12.514321327209473 + ], + [ + "\u2581pareci\u00f3", + -11.664600372314453 + ], + [ + "\u2581obreros", + -11.881559371948242 + ], + [ + "figura", + -11.953656196594238 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tabla", + -11.854484558105469 + ], + [ + "oon", + -11.778463363647461 + ], + [ + "\u2581weaknesses", + -11.712215423583984 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kyle", + -12.362245559692383 + ], + [ + "\u2581pintor", + -11.837262153625488 + ], + [ + "\u2581Basta", + -11.657471656799316 + ], + [ + "\u2581logistical", + -11.730225563049316 + ], + [ + "\u2581limiting", + -11.713473320007324 + ], + [ + "\u2581Terry", + -12.412008285522461 + ], + [ + "\u2581confess", + -11.784707069396973 + ], + [ + "\u2581parroquia", + -11.882593154907227 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lao", + -11.608158111572266 + ], + [ + "\u2581unilaterales", + -11.786700248718262 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bruce", + -12.435309410095215 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reyes", + -12.187854766845703 + ], + [ + "uso", + -11.852792739868164 + ], + [ + "\u2581enjoys", + -11.82018756866455 + ], + [ + "\u2581Buck", + -12.388648986816406 + ], + [ + "\u2581presuntamente", + -11.82715129852295 + ], + [ + "\u2581advocate", + -11.737614631652832 + ], + [ + "\u2581atreve", + -11.724624633789062 + ], + [ + "PESC", + -11.786652565002441 + ], + [ + "\u2581gro", + -12.01109504699707 + ], + [ + "\u2581tratarse", + -11.829744338989258 + ], + [ + "\u2581aliento", + -11.731023788452148 + ], + [ + "\u2581visado", + -11.762307167053223 + ], + [ + "\u2581informativo", + -11.84554672241211 + ], + [ + "\u2581exploring", + -11.723989486694336 + ], + [ + "\u2581aceptadas", + -11.911027908325195 + ], + [ + "\u2581amas", + -11.81523609161377 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00e9xitos", + -12.004334449768066 + ], + [ + "ked", + -11.754949569702148 + ], + [ + "\u2581merit", + -11.713543891906738 + ], + [ + "\u2581systemic", + -11.686429023742676 + ], + [ + "\u2581aplicada", + -11.868955612182617 + ], + [ + "\u2581mu\u00f1eca", + -11.737401962280273 + ], + [ + "\u2581accord", + -11.71223258972168 + ], + [ + "activo", + -11.797514915466309 + ], + [ + "\u2581sustenta", + -11.858015060424805 + ], + [ + "\u2581virgin", + -11.764436721801758 + ], + [ + "\u2581sexually", + -11.781832695007324 + ], + [ + "\u2581poet", + -11.77084732055664 + ], + [ + "\u2581Spe", + -11.832697868347168 + ], + [ + "\u2581163", + -12.42672348022461 + ], + [ + "\u2581compounds", + -11.743318557739258 + ], + [ + "4-0", + -12.362573623657227 + ], + [ + "\u2581ajena", + -11.852144241333008 + ], + [ + "\u2581protects", + -11.864812850952148 + ], + [ + "\u2581DP", + -12.301971435546875 + ], + [ + "\u2581readiness", + -11.712433815002441 + ], + [ + "chel", + -12.537494659423828 + ], + [ + "\u2581trago", + -11.584541320800781 + ], + [ + "\u2581permanecen", + -11.842177391052246 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dark", + -11.782892227172852 + ], + [ + "\u2581falsos", + -11.831120491027832 + ], + [ + "\u2581recourse", + -11.685778617858887 + ], + [ + "\u2581hunting", + -11.776507377624512 + ], + [ + "Cuba", + -12.388839721679688 + ], + [ + "\u2581realm", + -11.78105640411377 + ], + [ + "Nueva", + -11.835688591003418 + ], + [ + "reza", + -12.02186107635498 + ], + [ + "\u2581indique", + -11.800233840942383 + ], + [ + "5-0", + -12.378472328186035 + ], + [ + "\u2581Soporte", + -11.838600158691406 + ], + [ + "\u2581brit\u00e1nicos", + -11.879809379577637 + ], + [ + "\u2581stays", + -11.965325355529785 + ], + [ + "\u2581trusted", + -11.781538963317871 + ], + [ + "\u2581viral", + -12.325425148010254 + ], + [ + "\u2581art\u00edstica", + -11.831388473510742 + ], + [ + "\u2581ecol\u00f3gico", + -11.845255851745605 + ], + [ + "\u2581Marzo", + -11.891889572143555 + ], + [ + "\u2581encantado", + -11.803397178649902 + ], + [ + "\u2581acogedor", + -11.862829208374023 + ], + [ + "\u2581hola", + -11.606996536254883 + ], + [ + "wind", + -11.889043807983398 + ], + [ + "\u00ee", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581Piscina", + -11.864337921142578 + ], + [ + "\u2581stretch", + -11.727514266967773 + ], + [ + "expan", + -12.603313446044922 + ], + [ + "\u2581globe", + -11.735780715942383 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alfonso", + -12.492770195007324 + ], + [ + "\u2581magnitude", + -11.71013069152832 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ingenier\u00eda", + -11.83398151397705 + ], + [ + "\u2581Abrir", + -11.831741333007812 + ], + [ + "\u2581jugo", + -11.767457962036133 + ], + [ + "\u2581mostraron", + -11.879096984863281 + ], + [ + "pad", + -12.408740043640137 + ], + [ + "cura", + -11.936153411865234 + ], + [ + "\u2581Girls", + -11.810381889343262 + ], + [ + "\u2581provisi\u00f3n", + -11.834779739379883 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lan", + -11.964775085449219 + ], + [ + "\u2581tablas", + -11.882031440734863 + ], + [ + "\u2581assurances", + -11.738780975341797 + ], + [ + "\u2581drove", + -11.788626670837402 + ], + [ + "\u2581rama", + -11.834193229675293 + ], + [ + "\u2581tem\u00e1tico", + -11.872442245483398 + ], + [ + "ICE", + -11.9805908203125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Efforts", + -11.67870044708252 + ], + [ + "\u2581ranking", + -12.139606475830078 + ], + [ + "\u2581c\u00f3nyuge", + -11.790872573852539 + ], + [ + "\u2581desktop", + -11.719557762145996 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lib", + -12.186890602111816 + ], + [ + "-2002", + -12.514235496520996 + ], + [ + "2017", + -12.426273345947266 + ], + [ + "\u2581rid\u00edculo", + -11.65203857421875 + ], + [ + "nuclear", + -11.688775062561035 + ], + [ + "\u2581sometida", + -11.83525562286377 + ], + [ + "\u2581badly", + -11.80770206451416 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alabama", + -12.432039260864258 + ], + [ + "\u2581shortcomings", + -11.724549293518066 + ], + [ + "dhi", + -12.89808464050293 + ], + [ + "\u2581lenta", + -11.818755149841309 + ], + [ + "organ", + -11.689626693725586 + ], + [ + "\u2581exhaustivo", + -11.82363510131836 + ], + [ + "\u2581trenes", + -11.829506874084473 + ], + [ + "cti", + -11.791646003723145 + ], + [ + "\u2581encuentras", + -11.865364074707031 + ], + [ + "\u2581n\u00fam", + -11.971680641174316 + ], + [ + "\u2581responden", + -11.808320999145508 + ], + [ + "\u2581Veo", + -11.668289184570312 + ], + [ + "\u2581tits", + -11.804752349853516 + ], + [ + "\u2581quedarme", + -11.600749969482422 + ], + [ + "\u2581camisa", + -11.685659408569336 + ], + [ + "gest", + -11.857084274291992 + ], + [ + "\u2581Luc", + -11.773691177368164 + ], + [ + "\u2581Programmes", + -12.051835060119629 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aparte", + -11.77769660949707 + ], + [ + "\u2581bears", + -11.808819770812988 + ], + [ + "\u2581cubanos", + -11.828537940979004 + ], + [ + "\u2581distinguish", + -11.731527328491211 + ], + [ + "\u2581bas", + -11.925942420959473 + ], + [ + "\u2581submits", + -11.856308937072754 + ], + [ + "\u2581Somali", + -11.835976600646973 + ], + [ + "\u2581academia", + -12.306132316589355 + ], + [ + "\u2581surprising", + -11.753413200378418 + ], + [ + "\u2581GC", + -12.102575302124023 + ], + [ + "\u2581coloniales", + -11.854792594909668 + ], + [ + "\u2581favourite", + -11.761530876159668 + ], + [ + "\u2581guitarra", + -11.817222595214844 + ], + [ + "\u2581reacciona", + -11.809788703918457 + ], + [ + "ordina", + -12.221181869506836 + ], + [ + "\u2581Java", + -12.378669738769531 + ], + [ + "\u2581leak", + -11.804813385009766 + ], + [ + "m\u00e9trico", + -11.810166358947754 + ], + [ + "pido", + -12.137911796569824 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cerrar", + -11.868436813354492 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00f3ptica", + -11.828160285949707 + ], + [ + "\u2581Favor", + -11.889598846435547 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reglas", + -11.861427307128906 + ], + [ + "\u2581alza", + -11.827939987182617 + ], + [ + "\u2581c\u00f3moda", + -11.847070693969727 + ], + [ + "\u2581acelerado", + -11.856378555297852 + ], + [ + "\u2581attracted", + -11.729948043823242 + ], + [ + "\u2581encargo", + -11.771673202514648 + ], + [ + "\u2581pasillo", + -11.754863739013672 + ], + [ + "\u2581Manhattan", + -12.503665924072266 + ], + [ + "MON", + -12.49626636505127 + ], + [ + "otto", + -12.478901863098145 + ], + [ + "\u2581cese", + -11.853638648986816 + ], + [ + "\u2581livestock", + -11.682595252990723 + ], + [ + "\u258149.", + -11.862994194030762 + ], + [ + "\u2581segments", + -11.728128433227539 + ], + [ + "coming", + -11.771900177001953 + ], + [ + "\u2581Polo", + -12.377306938171387 + ], + [ + "\u2581energies", + -11.724547386169434 + ], + [ + "\u2581Agosto", + -11.835284233093262 + ], + [ + "\u2581golpes", + -11.832864761352539 + ], + [ + "may", + -11.805150032043457 + ], + [ + "\u2581grip", + -11.794868469238281 + ], + [ + "\u2581Donald", + -12.430259704589844 + ], + [ + "\u2581freeze", + -11.742066383361816 + ], + [ + "\u2581subtle", + -11.738826751708984 + ], + [ + "\u2581cerdo", + -11.670891761779785 + ], + [ + "\u2581172", + -12.427778244018555 + ], + [ + "\u2581Comi", + -12.091196060180664 + ], + [ + "\u2581Telephone", + -11.793331146240234 + ], + [ + "\u2581Goodbye", + -11.986881256103516 + ], + [ + "36)", + -12.506142616271973 + ], + [ + "\u25812.7", + -12.422733306884766 + ], + [ + "sole", + -12.44951057434082 + ], + [ + "\u2581producirse", + -11.850749015808105 + ], + [ + "\u2581solas", + -11.796920776367188 + ], + [ + "ESA", + -12.425904273986816 + ], + [ + "\u2581brush", + -11.77461051940918 + ], + [ + "muta", + -12.214301109313965 + ], + [ + "ol\u00f3gico", + -12.190526008605957 + ], + [ + "ulate", + -11.883828163146973 + ], + [ + "\u2581sugerir", + -11.80201244354248 + ], + [ + "\u2581origina", + -11.784782409667969 + ], + [ + "\u2581Campa\u00f1a", + -11.845105171203613 + ], + [ + "\u2581burla", + -11.722034454345703 + ], + [ + "\u2581reproducir", + -11.82493782043457 + ], + [ + "\u2581descubri\u00f3", + -11.80479907989502 + ], + [ + "\u2581encuentros", + -11.932820320129395 + ], + [ + "\u2581famosos", + -11.822461128234863 + ], + [ + "etto", + -12.414714813232422 + ], + [ + "nna", + -11.819513320922852 + ], + [ + "\u2581apartheid", + -12.453804016113281 + ], + [ + "\u2581auxiliar", + -11.823222160339355 + ], + [ + "\u2581stunning", + -11.706284523010254 + ], + [ + "\u2581inappropriate", + -11.711336135864258 + ], + [ + "\u2581cooperating", + -11.666529655456543 + ], + [ + "\u2581pants", + -11.920318603515625 + ], + [ + "\u2581bienal", + -11.813404083251953 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sex", + -11.768829345703125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Observadores", + -11.817864418029785 + ], + [ + "\u2581M\u00e1laga", + -11.910968780517578 + ], + [ + "mount", + -11.899998664855957 + ], + [ + "http", + -12.336039543151855 + ], + [ + "\u2581remoci\u00f3n", + -11.865880966186523 + ], + [ + "\u2581Producci\u00f3n", + -11.83346176147461 + ], + [ + "\u2581desglosados", + -11.890408515930176 + ], + [ + ".7%", + -12.068260192871094 + ], + [ + "\u2581borrar", + -11.87985610961914 + ], + [ + "\u2581estimados", + -11.871183395385742 + ], + [ + "\u2581clinic", + -11.7338285446167 + ], + [ + "\u2581regulado", + -11.850159645080566 + ], + [ + "\u2581patrocinado", + -11.81834888458252 + ], + [ + "Est\u00e1n", + -11.687217712402344 + ], + [ + "\u2581preaching", + -11.70715618133545 + ], + [ + "\u2581trail", + -11.776867866516113 + ], + [ + "llan", + -11.815906524658203 + ], + [ + "\u2581WC", + -12.44911003112793 + ], + [ + "\u2581bronce", + -11.886059761047363 + ], + [ + "\u2581insuficientes", + -11.852616310119629 + ], + [ + "\u2581hello", + -11.917407989501953 + ], + [ + "\u2581revel\u00f3", + -11.807047843933105 + ], + [ + "\u2581Relief", + -11.660724639892578 + ], + [ + "\u2581reforzado", + -11.873085021972656 + ], + [ + "\u2581narrative", + -11.776708602905273 + ], + [ + "\u2581random", + -11.763749122619629 + ], + [ + "will", + -11.756141662597656 + ], + [ + "\u2581comprometida", + -11.84575080871582 + ], + [ + "\u2581administradora", + -11.838470458984375 + ], + [ + "/28", + -12.248533248901367 + ], + [ + "\u2581nevera", + -11.800128936767578 + ], + [ + "\u2581legend", + -11.804813385009766 + ], + [ + "\u2581reiter\u00f3", + -11.856993675231934 + ], + [ + "\u2581concedida", + -11.835970878601074 + ], + [ + "\u2581Directorio", + -11.931303024291992 + ], + [ + "\u2581salidas", + -11.907166481018066 + ], + [ + "parent", + -12.12331771850586 + ], + [ + "\u2581angustia", + -11.856993675231934 + ], + [ + "nell", + -12.293558120727539 + ], + [ + "\u2581believing", + -11.783204078674316 + ], + [ + "\u2581corrected", + -11.737761497497559 + ], + [ + "\u2581diamonds", + -11.779619216918945 + ], + [ + "\u2581scrap", + -11.738808631896973 + ], + [ + "Cu\u00e1ntos", + -11.641467094421387 + ], + [ + "\u2581(')", + -12.354433059692383 + ], + [ + "gi\u00f3", + -11.938770294189453 + ], + [ + "izan", + -12.132612228393555 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cirug\u00eda", + -11.771618843078613 + ], + [ + "\u2581ver\u00e9", + -11.565122604370117 + ], + [ + "\u2581talentos", + -11.888739585876465 + ], + [ + "\u2581prosecute", + -11.717259407043457 + ], + [ + "\u2581extends", + -11.816256523132324 + ], + [ + "\u2581resolving", + -11.735847473144531 + ], + [ + "\u2581selva", + -11.814913749694824 + ], + [ + "\u2581tennis", + -11.766227722167969 + ], + [ + "\u2581estrecho", + -11.85863208770752 + ], + [ + "\u2581induce", + -12.109187126159668 + ], + [ + "\u2581grano", + -11.848165512084961 + ], + [ + "\u2581Growth", + -11.731378555297852 + ], + [ + "\u2581anemia", + -12.184678077697754 + ], + [ + "\u2581Niger", + -11.577630043029785 + ], + [ + "\u2581valuation", + -11.715655326843262 + ], + [ + "cilia", + -12.283008575439453 + ], + [ + "\u2581hacerme", + -11.712265014648438 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lily", + -12.400642395019531 + ], + [ + "\u2581Asesoramiento", + -11.899892807006836 + ], + [ + "\u2581anterioridad", + -11.833489418029785 + ], + [ + "ander", + -12.0397367477417 + ], + [ + "\u2581rightly", + -11.770415306091309 + ], + [ + "DIS", + -12.578325271606445 + ], + [ + "\u2581featuring", + -11.789143562316895 + ], + [ + "\u2581aras", + -12.000783920288086 + ], + [ + "\u2581modular", + -12.49279499053955 + ], + [ + "\u2581respon", + -12.106097221374512 + ], + [ + ")).", + -12.04020881652832 + ], + [ + "\u2581Per\u00edodo", + -11.837236404418945 + ], + [ + "\u2581cl\u00e1usulas", + -11.829338073730469 + ], + [ + "\u2581Orange", + -12.161043167114258 + ], + [ + "own", + -11.852486610412598 + ], + [ + "\u2581efectuadas", + -11.842950820922852 + ], + [ + "\u2581proponen", + -11.839594841003418 + ], + [ + "\u2581recruit", + -11.70848274230957 + ], + [ + "ponga", + -11.90342903137207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aprender", + -11.87197208404541 + ], + [ + "Yeah", + -11.8799409866333 + ], + [ + "\u2581cul", + -11.77163028717041 + ], + [ + "\u2581pautas", + -11.899680137634277 + ], + [ + "\u2581whatsoever", + -11.757895469665527 + ], + [ + "\u2581temer", + -11.833392143249512 + ], + [ + "cz", + -12.490652084350586 + ], + [ + "\u2581abide", + -11.713423728942871 + ], + [ + "\u2581agradece", + -11.750825881958008 + ], + [ + "\u2581recognise", + -11.733853340148926 + ], + [ + "amino", + -12.739863395690918 + ], + [ + "berry", + -12.119154930114746 + ], + [ + "\u2581pH", + -12.436074256896973 + ], + [ + "\u2581Imprimir", + -11.90119743347168 + ], + [ + "\u2581guerrilla", + -12.165977478027344 + ], + [ + "nier", + -12.425115585327148 + ], + [ + "\u2581onda", + -11.825221061706543 + ], + [ + "\u258148.", + -11.922643661499023 + ], + [ + "ACE", + -12.097757339477539 + ], + [ + "\u2581Stefan", + -12.448613166809082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Deportes", + -11.869813919067383 + ], + [ + "\u2581fachada", + -11.843780517578125 + ], + [ + "1987", + -12.472955703735352 + ], + [ + "\u2581milagro", + -11.727462768554688 + ], + [ + "Trans", + -12.51144790649414 + ], + [ + "\u2581guilt", + -11.739828109741211 + ], + [ + "\u2581reaccionar", + -11.810648918151855 + ], + [ + "\u2581173", + -12.397453308105469 + ], + [ + "\u2581Component", + -11.792125701904297 + ], + [ + "\u2581administrations", + -11.830150604248047 + ], + [ + "\u2581Robin", + -12.433304786682129 + ], + [ + "\u2581admissibility", + -11.763846397399902 + ], + [ + "\u2581Siga", + -11.745523452758789 + ], + [ + "\u2581barro", + -11.851971626281738 + ], + [ + "\u2581introdujo", + -11.871735572814941 + ], + [ + "\u2581extrabudgetary", + -11.750001907348633 + ], + [ + "\u2581retreat", + -11.805438041687012 + ], + [ + "\u2581dedicadas", + -11.879677772521973 + ], + [ + "\u2581establecieron", + -11.858990669250488 + ], + [ + "aging", + -11.650678634643555 + ], + [ + "\u2581Deber\u00e1", + -11.895264625549316 + ], + [ + "\u2581preferido", + -11.84575080871582 + ], + [ + "\u2581suits", + -11.7818603515625 + ], + [ + "pool", + -12.145434379577637 + ], + [ + "\u2581Belle", + -12.664931297302246 + ], + [ + "\u2581err\u00f3nea", + -11.878506660461426 + ], + [ + "\u2581births", + -11.807454109191895 + ], + [ + "zco", + -11.95349407196045 + ], + [ + "\u2581decenios", + -11.877420425415039 + ], + [ + "\u2581instant", + -11.800189018249512 + ], + [ + "ROS", + -12.428553581237793 + ], + [ + "there", + -11.793279647827148 + ], + [ + "\u2581sinergias", + -11.822921752929688 + ], + [ + "\u2581v\u00ed", + -11.78602123260498 + ], + [ + "\u2581exagera", + -11.803264617919922 + ], + [ + "Art\u00edculo", + -11.837000846862793 + ], + [ + "\u2581Custodia", + -11.879186630249023 + ], + [ + "\u2581gestiones", + -11.851276397705078 + ], + [ + "\u2581Benjamin", + -12.223160743713379 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00f3rbita", + -11.800741195678711 + ], + [ + "\u2581altitud", + -11.925772666931152 + ], + [ + "\u2581understands", + -11.977689743041992 + ], + [ + "\u2581supplements", + -11.759071350097656 + ], + [ + "personnel", + -11.722940444946289 + ], + [ + "110", + -12.440357208251953 + ], + [ + "\u2581adherence", + -11.701926231384277 + ], + [ + "\u2581Explorer", + -12.313401222229004 + ], + [ + "\u2581Portugu", + -12.422415733337402 + ], + [ + "\u2581tiende", + -11.793655395507812 + ], + [ + "poner", + -11.888273239135742 + ], + [ + "\u2581servir\u00e1", + -11.785747528076172 + ], + [ + "\u2581invoca", + -11.78099536895752 + ], + [ + "\u2581tam", + -12.06689739227295 + ], + [ + "\u2581directivos", + -11.910004615783691 + ], + [ + "rvi", + -12.05647087097168 + ], + [ + "\u2581holes", + -11.784099578857422 + ], + [ + "CION", + -12.138033866882324 + ], + [ + "claim", + -11.746536254882812 + ], + [ + "uth", + -12.277087211608887 + ], + [ + "\u2581tag", + -11.853873252868652 + ], + [ + "\u2581justificado", + -11.824285507202148 + ], + [ + "\u2581previsi\u00f3n", + -11.880669593811035 + ], + [ + "\u2581Establecer", + -11.9248685836792 + ], + [ + "\u2581africano", + -11.872000694274902 + ], + [ + "week", + -11.752717018127441 + ], + [ + "\u2581inspector", + -12.153533935546875 + ], + [ + "colog\u00eda", + -11.94985580444336 + ], + [ + "\u2581desnuda", + -11.753110885620117 + ], + [ + "\u2581contemplar", + -11.881999969482422 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ambiental", + -11.83463191986084 + ], + [ + "\u2581casilla", + -11.827296257019043 + ], + [ + "\u2581ampliada", + -11.879115104675293 + ], + [ + "\u2581nocturno", + -11.833331108093262 + ], + [ + "\u2581scenes", + -11.836037635803223 + ], + [ + "\u2581poema", + -11.845163345336914 + ], + [ + "\u2581Considering", + -11.768280982971191 + ], + [ + "\u2581Palau", + -12.442923545837402 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pascua", + -11.877182006835938 + ], + [ + "\u2581fossil", + -11.772012710571289 + ], + [ + "\u2581pillar", + -11.709997177124023 + ], + [ + "\u2581secuestrado", + -11.832837104797363 + ], + [ + "\u2581174", + -12.372920036315918 + ], + [ + "Her", + -12.719138145446777 + ], + [ + "anne", + -12.25903034210205 + ], + [ + "\u2581institutos", + -11.868599891662598 + ], + [ + "\u2581Baltic", + -11.74227237701416 + ], + [ + "\u2581inclina", + -11.795040130615234 + ], + [ + "\u2581Auditor\u00eda", + -11.853185653686523 + ], + [ + "\u2581rank", + -11.776618003845215 + ], + [ + "\u2581Soon", + -11.848430633544922 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kai", + -12.395098686218262 + ], + [ + "\u2581sooner", + -11.846572875976562 + ], + [ + "tl\u00e1n", + -12.159608840942383 + ], + [ + "\u25812030", + -12.464042663574219 + ], + [ + "\u2581sonidos", + -11.905293464660645 + ], + [ + "\u2581Baker", + -12.357458114624023 + ], + [ + "\u25810.00", + -11.884674072265625 + ], + [ + "\u2581compasi\u00f3n", + -11.834700584411621 + ], + [ + "\u2581counts", + -11.819513320922852 + ], + [ + "\u2581incendio", + -11.777108192443848 + ], + [ + "\u2581ancha", + -11.919758796691895 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fen", + -12.317960739135742 + ], + [ + "erto", + -11.742206573486328 + ], + [ + "\u2581adquiridos", + -11.891789436340332 + ], + [ + "\u2581mentir", + -11.704804420471191 + ], + [ + "\u2581refuge", + -11.803021430969238 + ], + [ + "\u2581sexta", + -11.86381721496582 + ], + [ + "piro", + -12.051155090332031 + ], + [ + "\u2581expiry", + -11.685123443603516 + ], + [ + "\u2581beating", + -11.860677719116211 + ], + [ + "excluding", + -11.698549270629883 + ], + [ + "\u2581councils", + -11.784906387329102 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ukrainian", + -11.75863265991211 + ], + [ + "corp", + -12.571696281433105 + ], + [ + "\u2581curiosidad", + -11.796976089477539 + ], + [ + "\u2581rumor", + -12.37699031829834 + ], + [ + "\u2581imparcialidad", + -11.84001350402832 + ], + [ + "queta", + -11.889826774597168 + ], + [ + "neros", + -12.080401420593262 + ], + [ + "\u2581ser\u00e9", + -11.80551528930664 + ], + [ + "\u2581Barra", + -12.202363967895508 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reporting", + -11.784236907958984 + ], + [ + "\u2581empezaron", + -11.842081069946289 + ], + [ + "\u2581gerente", + -11.790125846862793 + ], + [ + "\u2581agrada", + -11.771982192993164 + ], + [ + "\u2581prohibits", + -11.766449928283691 + ], + [ + "ered", + -11.771956443786621 + ], + [ + "\u2581cortes", + -11.903993606567383 + ], + [ + "rud", + -12.153096199035645 + ], + [ + "\u2581participando", + -11.85810661315918 + ], + [ + "\u2581poeta", + -11.840103149414062 + ], + [ + "\u2581helado", + -11.734040260314941 + ], + [ + "\u2581violenta", + -11.824079513549805 + ], + [ + "VM", + -12.8186616897583 + ], + [ + "\u2581M\u00f3naco", + -11.696354866027832 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rojo", + -11.852401733398438 + ], + [ + "\u2581demogr\u00e1fico", + -11.889012336730957 + ], + [ + "\u2581obligatorios", + -11.932271957397461 + ], + [ + "letas", + -11.977080345153809 + ], + [ + "lico", + -11.836535453796387 + ], + [ + "\u00e1rselo", + -11.709099769592285 + ], + [ + "\u2581cumbres", + -11.88449764251709 + ], + [ + "\u2581envase", + -11.779240608215332 + ], + [ + "\u2581trasladado", + -11.861092567443848 + ], + [ + "Learn", + -11.75833797454834 + ], + [ + "International", + -11.73422622680664 + ], + [ + "\u2581toys", + -11.818289756774902 + ], + [ + "\u2581venganza", + -11.757827758789062 + ], + [ + "\u2581exhibitions", + -11.808237075805664 + ], + [ + "\u2581privatizaci\u00f3n", + -11.858477592468262 + ], + [ + "\u25814.6", + -12.351351737976074 + ], + [ + "TULO", + -11.83305549621582 + ], + [ + "\u2581colleague", + -11.749768257141113 + ], + [ + "\u2581encomia", + -11.867467880249023 + ], + [ + "\u2581Russell", + -12.466302871704102 + ], + [ + "\":", + -12.165511131286621 + ], + [ + "lish", + -11.995851516723633 + ], + [ + "local", + -12.498401641845703 + ], + [ + "\u2581coalici\u00f3n", + -11.867020606994629 + ], + [ + "\u2581pica", + -11.846498489379883 + ], + [ + "\u2581m\u00e1scara", + -11.829686164855957 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aviso", + -11.939606666564941 + ], + [ + "\u2581Increase", + -11.54763126373291 + ], + [ + "\u2581prevents", + -11.956792831420898 + ], + [ + "zal", + -12.58193302154541 + ], + [ + "\u2581H\u00e1bitat", + -11.843038558959961 + ], + [ + "\u2581bodega", + -11.840503692626953 + ], + [ + "ARC", + -12.430180549621582 + ], + [ + "\u2581buses", + -11.78032112121582 + ], + [ + "\u2581supporters", + -11.758130073547363 + ], + [ + "\u2581causada", + -11.848346710205078 + ], + [ + "\u2581estricta", + -11.798550605773926 + ], + [ + "/2004", + -11.627178192138672 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cu\u00e1nto", + -11.868242263793945 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reservas", + -11.929630279541016 + ], + [ + "\u2581asombroso", + -11.773136138916016 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lesotho", + -12.105326652526855 + ], + [ + "illos", + -11.803956031799316 + ], + [ + "\u2581usadas", + -11.912836074829102 + ], + [ + "\u2581compradores", + -11.89055347442627 + ], + [ + "\u2581syringe", + -11.70245361328125 + ], + [ + "\u2581chairs", + -11.807010650634766 + ], + [ + "\u2581mascotas", + -11.82282543182373 + ], + [ + "\u2581m\u00faltiple", + -11.891514778137207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Shopping", + -11.743781089782715 + ], + [ + "\u2581differently", + -11.799811363220215 + ], + [ + "\u2581circun", + -12.149491310119629 + ], + [ + "nucle", + -12.13857364654541 + ], + [ + "\u2581Preparation", + -11.72120189666748 + ], + [ + "\u2581reclutadores", + -11.863105773925781 + ], + [ + "\u2581sauce", + -11.799938201904297 + ], + [ + "\u2581Probably", + -11.865245819091797 + ], + [ + "\u2581entries", + -11.762687683105469 + ], + [ + "\u2581Manchester", + -12.401939392089844 + ], + [ + "\u2581encantar\u00eda", + -11.688507080078125 + ], + [ + "\u2581IMP", + -12.476351737976074 + ], + [ + "\u2581elige", + -11.718297004699707 + ], + [ + "\u2581comparativa", + -11.962980270385742 + ], + [ + "\u2581intent\u00f3", + -11.808947563171387 + ], + [ + "\u2581oralmente", + -11.836202621459961 + ], + [ + "\u2581raises", + -11.807573318481445 + ], + [ + "\u2581graphics", + -11.773292541503906 + ], + [ + "\u2581simplificaci\u00f3n", + -11.809175491333008 + ], + [ + ":23", + -12.543331146240234 + ], + [ + "\u2581hills", + -11.788704872131348 + ], + [ + "\u2581cardiovascular", + -12.21674633026123 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hamburg", + -12.0715970993042 + ], + [ + "\u2581Navigation", + -11.734086990356445 + ], + [ + "\u2581Traducci\u00f3n", + -11.859048843383789 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pisa", + -12.445144653320312 + ], + [ + "shire", + -12.447113990783691 + ], + [ + "\u2581infrastructures", + -11.816460609436035 + ], + [ + "\u2581lamps", + -11.782426834106445 + ], + [ + "\u2581Quienes", + -11.908620834350586 + ], + [ + "\u2581[5]", + -12.443882942199707 + ], + [ + "\u2581Petit", + -12.161373138427734 + ], + [ + "\u2581columnas", + -11.887778282165527 + ], + [ + "\u2581pad", + -11.803619384765625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lom\u00e9", + -12.409662246704102 + ], + [ + "\u2581microondas", + -11.865677833557129 + ], + [ + "\u2581parti", + -11.816288948059082 + ], + [ + "\u2581192", + -12.050253868103027 + ], + [ + "\u2581188", + -12.12348747253418 + ], + [ + "\u2581compr\u00f3", + -11.768651962280273 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fight", + -11.75161361694336 + ], + [ + "\u2581morales", + -11.844073295593262 + ], + [ + "\u2581cl\u00ednico", + -11.8677978515625 + ], + [ + "teen", + -11.814958572387695 + ], + [ + "\u2581boutique", + -12.320634841918945 + ], + [ + "\u2581Propiedad", + -11.888382911682129 + ], + [ + "East", + -11.765666007995605 + ], + [ + "\u2581ciego", + -11.732878684997559 + ], + [ + "\u2581contractuales", + -11.82255744934082 + ], + [ + "\u2581firmes", + -11.886898040771484 + ], + [ + "\u2581bla", + -12.307563781738281 + ], + [ + "\u2581workload", + -11.745278358459473 + ], + [ + "\u2581utilized", + -11.77306079864502 + ], + [ + "\u2581Making", + -11.776458740234375 + ], + [ + "\u25811940", + -12.421835899353027 + ], + [ + "\u2581Escape", + -12.308119773864746 + ], + [ + "\u2581scratch", + -11.886693000793457 + ], + [ + "\u2581leg\u00edtimos", + -11.903236389160156 + ], + [ + "\u2581bracelet", + -11.751169204711914 + ], + [ + "\u2581Matters", + -11.785831451416016 + ], + [ + "\u2581deudor", + -11.885334968566895 + ], + [ + "\u2581habitualmente", + -11.863100051879883 + ], + [ + "\u2581reunieron", + -11.837896347045898 + ], + [ + "\u2581absent", + -11.828641891479492 + ], + [ + "\u2581unified", + -11.740119934082031 + ], + [ + "thi", + -12.058869361877441 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dance", + -11.78861141204834 + ], + [ + "\u00e1stico", + -12.076881408691406 + ], + [ + "\u2581Clima", + -11.959258079528809 + ], + [ + "\u2581ejes", + -11.872034072875977 + ], + [ + "\u2581hypo", + -11.86905288696289 + ], + [ + "\u2581reconociendo", + -11.918018341064453 + ], + [ + "\u2581reglamentarias", + -11.868988990783691 + ], + [ + "\u2581FS", + -12.213374137878418 + ], + [ + "\u2581nutritional", + -11.706599235534668 + ], + [ + "\u2581ven\u00eda", + -11.776056289672852 + ], + [ + "\u2581grabar", + -11.869017601013184 + ], + [ + "\u2581suspects", + -11.831681251525879 + ], + [ + "\u2581denunciar", + -11.883112907409668 + ], + [ + "\u2581Centroam\u00e9rica", + -11.88669490814209 + ], + [ + "\u2581Intra", + -11.795690536499023 + ], + [ + "\u2581ped\u00ed", + -11.636178016662598 + ], + [ + "From", + -11.765361785888672 + ], + [ + "\u2581intimidad", + -11.834113121032715 + ], + [ + "\u2581criatura", + -11.758030891418457 + ], + [ + "\u2581grasas", + -11.898826599121094 + ], + [ + "\u2581sciences", + -11.776247024536133 + ], + [ + "h\u00e1", + -12.379542350769043 + ], + [ + "\u2581hostilities", + -11.723431587219238 + ], + [ + "\u2581documental", + -11.913790702819824 + ], + [ + "\u2581mailing", + -11.780158042907715 + ], + [ + "\u2581shake", + -11.880825996398926 + ], + [ + "\u2581cima", + -11.803657531738281 + ], + [ + "\u2581expecting", + -11.822779655456543 + ], + [ + "mile", + -12.595203399658203 + ], + [ + "\u2581franco", + -11.864901542663574 + ], + [ + "\u2581escaleras", + -11.791866302490234 + ], + [ + "\u2581utilizar\u00e1", + -11.894425392150879 + ], + [ + "\u2581Agente", + -11.74267864227295 + ], + [ + "\u2581auxiliares", + -11.87014389038086 + ], + [ + "\u2581asignaciones", + -11.869586944580078 + ], + [ + "\u2581Exhibition", + -11.77160930633545 + ], + [ + "\u2581peri\u00f3dica", + -11.891669273376465 + ], + [ + "\u2581combinados", + -11.889139175415039 + ], + [ + "Well", + -11.87144660949707 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rhode", + -12.277009010314941 + ], + [ + "\u2581censura", + -11.902579307556152 + ], + [ + "\u2581cabinet", + -11.787152290344238 + ], + [ + "\u2581marginalized", + -11.74948787689209 + ], + [ + "\u25811946", + -12.501374244689941 + ], + [ + "\u2581prospecto", + -11.83009147644043 + ], + [ + "ecieron", + -12.066699981689453 + ], + [ + "HT", + -12.574942588806152 + ], + [ + "\u2581Corona", + -12.153159141540527 + ], + [ + "\u2581literalmente", + -11.851478576660156 + ], + [ + "Mierda", + -11.640396118164062 + ], + [ + "\u2581Marta", + -12.441935539245605 + ], + [ + "\u2581nurses", + -11.79730224609375 + ], + [ + "\u00f3nimo", + -11.90988826751709 + ], + [ + "\u2581incorrecto", + -11.897794723510742 + ], + [ + "\u2581reza", + -11.870943069458008 + ], + [ + "jor", + -12.145750045776367 + ], + [ + "Europe", + -12.200496673583984 + ], + [ + "bou", + -12.52392578125 + ], + [ + "\u2581contribuy\u00f3", + -11.898411750793457 + ], + [ + "\u2581revisadas", + -11.879273414611816 + ], + [ + "Win", + -12.452386856079102 + ], + [ + "using", + -11.878124237060547 + ], + [ + "\u2581modalidad", + -11.87544059753418 + ], + [ + "LR", + -12.564358711242676 + ], + [ + "\u2581Holland", + -12.071696281433105 + ], + [ + "\u2581rebel", + -11.722879409790039 + ], + [ + "\u2581sodium", + -11.723435401916504 + ], + [ + "\u2581coin", + -11.879072189331055 + ], + [ + "\u2581episode", + -11.843483924865723 + ], + [ + "(5)", + -11.686234474182129 + ], + [ + "sect", + -11.79094123840332 + ], + [ + "-09", + -12.547348976135254 + ], + [ + "4,5", + -12.43716812133789 + ], + [ + "\u2581invocar", + -11.961179733276367 + ], + [ + "\u2581compresi\u00f3n", + -11.883381843566895 + ], + [ + "\u2581assign", + -11.743837356567383 + ], + [ + "\u2581delicioso", + -11.81405258178711 + ], + [ + "heat", + -11.984186172485352 + ], + [ + "tillas", + -11.892386436462402 + ], + [ + "\u2581Houston", + -12.47250747680664 + ], + [ + "\u2581auditor\u00edas", + -11.938112258911133 + ], + [ + "\u2581ayudarme", + -11.638965606689453 + ], + [ + "\u2581finalizaci\u00f3n", + -11.833590507507324 + ], + [ + "\u2581lleguen", + -11.833847999572754 + ], + [ + "\u2581statue", + -11.770256996154785 + ], + [ + "STE", + -12.448807716369629 + ], + [ + "\u2581optimizar", + -11.90427017211914 + ], + [ + "/39", + -12.504091262817383 + ], + [ + "7.000", + -11.931780815124512 + ], + [ + "\u2581impresionantes", + -11.97331714630127 + ], + [ + "\u2581m\u00fasculos", + -11.868705749511719 + ], + [ + "\u2581miserable", + -12.430257797241211 + ], + [ + "\u2581caracterizan", + -11.874881744384766 + ], + [ + "\u2581decidieron", + -11.860335350036621 + ], + [ + "\u2581rapporteurs", + -11.79031753540039 + ], + [ + "colombia", + -12.476075172424316 + ], + [ + "\u2581satisfecho", + -11.795293807983398 + ], + [ + "\u2581Johan", + -12.178289413452148 + ], + [ + "India", + -12.420239448547363 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pod", + -12.220625877380371 + ], + [ + "\u2581fantas\u00eda", + -11.774986267089844 + ], + [ + "\u2581vinculantes", + -11.934556007385254 + ], + [ + "\u2581revisiones", + -11.896334648132324 + ], + [ + "\u2581porqu\u00e9", + -11.84906005859375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Diana", + -12.442254066467285 + ], + [ + "\u2581gr\u00e1fica", + -11.910518646240234 + ], + [ + "\u2581tablero", + -11.932994842529297 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vall", + -12.431612968444824 + ], + [ + "\u2581provecho", + -11.82840633392334 + ], + [ + "\u2581contento", + -11.706872940063477 + ], + [ + "\u2581Officers", + -11.827459335327148 + ], + [ + "Pen", + -12.253667831420898 + ], + [ + "\u2581abandon", + -11.698091506958008 + ], + [ + "\u2581synergies", + -11.755170822143555 + ], + [ + "\u2581successive", + -11.744589805603027 + ], + [ + "ibid", + -11.730997085571289 + ], + [ + "nales", + -11.980020523071289 + ], + [ + "\u2581magnet", + -12.198371887207031 + ], + [ + "\u2581commander", + -11.799671173095703 + ], + [ + "\u2581adoptados", + -11.961609840393066 + ], + [ + "\u2581stem", + -11.735191345214844 + ], + [ + "ways", + -11.836978912353516 + ], + [ + "zol", + -12.155025482177734 + ], + [ + "\u2581Disfrute", + -11.803889274597168 + ], + [ + "\u2581Serious", + -11.743145942687988 + ], + [ + "\u2581incorporarse", + -11.846024513244629 + ], + [ + "\u2581folleto", + -11.830058097839355 + ], + [ + "\u258158/2", + -12.371847152709961 + ], + [ + "\u2581HUMAN", + -11.786170959472656 + ], + [ + "\u2581residuales", + -11.898972511291504 + ], + [ + "\u2581competitiva", + -11.864717483520508 + ], + [ + "\u2581Canaria", + -12.349722862243652 + ], + [ + "\u2581acad\u00e9mica", + -11.89500904083252 + ], + [ + "\u2581explotaciones", + -11.842799186706543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Terrace", + -11.784220695495605 + ], + [ + "\u2581tune", + -11.833514213562012 + ], + [ + "7,000", + -11.77553939819336 + ], + [ + "\u2581persistentes", + -11.925374984741211 + ], + [ + "\u2581killings", + -11.787059783935547 + ], + [ + "\u2581nominated", + -11.794304847717285 + ], + [ + "\u2581ciber", + -12.241364479064941 + ], + [ + "\u2581negociado", + -11.825618743896484 + ], + [ + "\u2581founding", + -11.808148384094238 + ], + [ + "\u2581encaja", + -11.804588317871094 + ], + [ + "mentaci\u00f3n", + -11.876861572265625 + ], + [ + "MV", + -12.652583122253418 + ], + [ + "telo", + -11.877513885498047 + ], + [ + "\u2581fresca", + -11.83138656616211 + ], + [ + "\u2581races", + -11.875556945800781 + ], + [ + "\u2581justificada", + -11.884014129638672 + ], + [ + "\u2581TNP", + -11.877002716064453 + ], + [ + "\u2581musicales", + -11.912460327148438 + ], + [ + "\u2581continuas", + -11.92672348022461 + ], + [ + "\u2581elija", + -11.931188583374023 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alright", + -11.950652122497559 + ], + [ + "\u2581condemn", + -11.756243705749512 + ], + [ + "\u2581fot\u00f3grafo", + -11.854336738586426 + ], + [ + "\u2581tubos", + -11.870322227478027 + ], + [ + "\u2581inquietudes", + -11.88947582244873 + ], + [ + "pez", + -11.805376052856445 + ], + [ + "\u2581corresponds", + -11.773890495300293 + ], + [ + "\u2581especialista", + -11.793039321899414 + ], + [ + "\u2581coca", + -12.404092788696289 + ], + [ + "\u2581pluma", + -11.850578308105469 + ], + [ + "\u2581slip", + -11.8091459274292 + ], + [ + "\u2581brevemente", + -11.916766166687012 + ], + [ + "\u2581Avenida", + -12.252150535583496 + ], + [ + "\u2581proporcional", + -11.837400436401367 + ], + [ + "\u2581Whit", + -12.46826171875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Files", + -11.82979965209961 + ], + [ + "\u2581dispon\u00eda", + -11.887409210205078 + ], + [ + "\u2581levant\u00f3", + -11.840503692626953 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lot", + -12.095318794250488 + ], + [ + "\u2581segmento", + -11.906970024108887 + ], + [ + "\u2581aparente", + -11.876075744628906 + ], + [ + "\u2581heavenly", + -11.752236366271973 + ], + [ + "\u2581pala", + -12.027270317077637 + ], + [ + "Now", + -11.799514770507812 + ], + [ + "\u2581clarified", + -11.739174842834473 + ], + [ + "\u2581folks", + -11.928640365600586 + ], + [ + "\u2581comprobaci\u00f3n", + -11.839194297790527 + ], + [ + "iber", + -12.44984245300293 + ], + [ + "lito", + -11.805168151855469 + ], + [ + "\u2581moreover", + -11.736045837402344 + ], + [ + "\u2581Quito", + -12.458089828491211 + ], + [ + "\u2581Operational", + -11.75157642364502 + ], + [ + "\u2581lifted", + -11.795307159423828 + ], + [ + "\u00e1ramos", + -11.79649829864502 + ], + [ + "\u2581brilla", + -11.817437171936035 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sabe", + -11.702539443969727 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bahrein", + -11.723337173461914 + ], + [ + "\u2581argues", + -11.759458541870117 + ], + [ + "git", + -12.535751342773438 + ], + [ + "\u2581sindicato", + -11.806102752685547 + ], + [ + "IOS", + -12.15627670288086 + ], + [ + "\u2581closest", + -11.780298233032227 + ], + [ + "Ley", + -11.945372581481934 + ], + [ + "\u2581bay", + -11.832135200500488 + ], + [ + "nidad", + -11.9595308303833 + ], + [ + "fluoro", + -12.796295166015625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rican", + -11.79265022277832 + ], + [ + "\u2581tomo", + -11.794723510742188 + ], + [ + "\u2581suscita", + -11.851346015930176 + ], + [ + "hort", + -12.23682975769043 + ], + [ + "\u2581za", + -12.06242847442627 + ], + [ + "\u2581temporario", + -11.934407234191895 + ], + [ + "\u2581VIP", + -12.472469329833984 + ], + [ + "\u2581arrow", + -11.812416076660156 + ], + [ + "-2011", + -12.446148872375488 + ], + [ + "forest", + -12.125189781188965 + ], + [ + "\u2581inadmisible", + -11.946699142456055 + ], + [ + "\u2581mighty", + -11.817028045654297 + ], + [ + "\u2581Navy", + -11.839902877807617 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuento", + -11.713379859924316 + ], + [ + "\u2581reinforcing", + -11.769672393798828 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cre\u00ed", + -11.626174926757812 + ], + [ + "\u2581retrasos", + -11.898216247558594 + ], + [ + "\u2581engineer", + -11.784213066101074 + ], + [ + "cena", + -11.852422714233398 + ], + [ + "\u2581voluntariamente", + -11.837454795837402 + ], + [ + "\u2581bancarias", + -11.848793029785156 + ], + [ + "\u2581displays", + -11.836929321289062 + ], + [ + "\u2581Promote", + -11.745461463928223 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dominica", + -12.334183692932129 + ], + [ + "\u2581val", + -11.968117713928223 + ], + [ + "\u2581CAM", + -12.321520805358887 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ambas", + -11.879961967468262 + ], + [ + "conecta", + -12.136229515075684 + ], + [ + "\u2581blancas", + -11.869169235229492 + ], + [ + "quisi", + -11.875017166137695 + ], + [ + "gress", + -11.758739471435547 + ], + [ + "\u2581redunda", + -11.882702827453613 + ], + [ + "wed", + -11.948153495788574 + ], + [ + "mmer", + -11.941305160522461 + ], + [ + "\u2581Faith", + -11.769103050231934 + ], + [ + "\u2581sugerencia", + -11.875621795654297 + ], + [ + "\u2581Qu\u00e9date", + -11.66403865814209 + ], + [ + "tuosa", + -12.46934986114502 + ], + [ + "\u2581hinder", + -11.755867958068848 + ], + [ + "\u2581neoliberal", + -12.444514274597168 + ], + [ + "\u2581aumentan", + -11.91500473022461 + ], + [ + "\u2581matanza", + -11.8272123336792 + ], + [ + "cont", + -12.450075149536133 + ], + [ + "-2006", + -11.957855224609375 + ], + [ + "exe", + -12.30518913269043 + ], + [ + "\u2581conoc\u00ed", + -11.658978462219238 + ], + [ + "\u2581committing", + -11.734886169433594 + ], + [ + "\u2581titles", + -11.875652313232422 + ], + [ + "\u2581celebrar\u00e1n", + -11.8700590133667 + ], + [ + "\u2581envases", + -11.84516716003418 + ], + [ + "\u2581consola", + -11.85053539276123 + ], + [ + "\u2581proporcionen", + -11.854859352111816 + ], + [ + "\u2581decimos", + -11.830429077148438 + ], + [ + "\u2581microwave", + -11.776134490966797 + ], + [ + "\u2581multitude", + -11.803544044494629 + ], + [ + "cles", + -12.53683090209961 + ], + [ + "ll\u00f3", + -12.004873275756836 + ], + [ + "\u2581Barbara", + -12.41527271270752 + ], + [ + "\u2581exile", + -11.806970596313477 + ], + [ + "\u2581explanations", + -11.809490203857422 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ticket", + -11.701860427856445 + ], + [ + "\u2581pressures", + -11.87491512298584 + ], + [ + "\u2581indicative", + -11.747730255126953 + ], + [ + "\u2581Consciente", + -11.870394706726074 + ], + [ + "\u2581vasos", + -11.885565757751465 + ], + [ + "filled", + -11.811546325683594 + ], + [ + "\u2581contratistas", + -11.894561767578125 + ], + [ + "\u2581borrow", + -11.84412670135498 + ], + [ + "Reg", + -11.936067581176758 + ], + [ + "\u2581Uds", + -11.748467445373535 + ], + [ + "\u2581negativamente", + -11.839089393615723 + ], + [ + "person", + -12.130664825439453 + ], + [ + "\u2581RAM", + -12.514492988586426 + ], + [ + "/69/", + -12.520906448364258 + ], + [ + "\u2581Canarias", + -11.9137601852417 + ], + [ + "\u2581Inten", + -11.91083812713623 + ], + [ + "\u2581critica", + -11.927538871765137 + ], + [ + "\u2581cafeter\u00eda", + -11.788247108459473 + ], + [ + "\u2581debts", + -11.874781608581543 + ], + [ + "\u2581detenciones", + -11.907629013061523 + ], + [ + "\u2581mediana", + -11.867253303527832 + ], + [ + "\u2581telef\u00f3nica", + -11.845903396606445 + ], + [ + "\u2581contra\u00eddos", + -11.893820762634277 + ], + [ + "\u2581Istanbul", + -11.876235008239746 + ], + [ + "\u2581intermedia", + -11.88088321685791 + ], + [ + "terior", + -12.063020706176758 + ], + [ + "\u2581Logistics", + -11.790931701660156 + ], + [ + "\u2581trabajaba", + -11.831114768981934 + ], + [ + "gru", + -12.521685600280762 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tasa", + -11.930170059204102 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kids", + -11.84570598602295 + ], + [ + "\u2581ap\u00f3stoles", + -11.899652481079102 + ], + [ + "\u2581fence", + -11.83202838897705 + ], + [ + "\u2581chairman", + -11.771098136901855 + ], + [ + "\u2581vestidos", + -11.895214080810547 + ], + [ + "LIC", + -12.498199462890625 + ], + [ + "\u2581CFC", + -12.419320106506348 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mak", + -12.44083309173584 + ], + [ + "\u2581Oeste", + -11.88046932220459 + ], + [ + "\u2581aesthetic", + -11.772598266601562 + ], + [ + "\u2581guardias", + -11.893575668334961 + ], + [ + "\u2581upstairs", + -11.961681365966797 + ], + [ + "scripcion", + -12.1260347366333 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hydro", + -11.956290245056152 + ], + [ + "\u2581ideolog\u00eda", + -11.866349220275879 + ], + [ + "\u2581Years", + -11.910355567932129 + ], + [ + "\u2581appraisal", + -11.784387588500977 + ], + [ + "\u2581Abril", + -11.927706718444824 + ], + [ + "\u2581prerequisite", + -11.762685775756836 + ], + [ + "Name", + -12.526172637939453 + ], + [ + "\u2581OUI", + -12.410606384277344 + ], + [ + "\u2581esconder", + -11.843291282653809 + ], + [ + "\u2581iPod", + -12.445730209350586 + ], + [ + "\u2581extrajudicial", + -11.992612838745117 + ], + [ + "\u2581flood", + -11.733065605163574 + ], + [ + "tant", + -12.106508255004883 + ], + [ + "\u2581da\u00f1ado", + -11.88785171508789 + ], + [ + "\u2581Austin", + -12.537110328674316 + ], + [ + "NK", + -12.656593322753906 + ], + [ + "\u2581varies", + -11.771003723144531 + ], + [ + "\u2581accorded", + -11.755125045776367 + ], + [ + "\u2581coordinates", + -11.826333999633789 + ], + [ + "\u2581Parts", + -11.822416305541992 + ], + [ + "-2005", + -12.48188591003418 + ], + [ + "iest", + -11.97528076171875 + ], + [ + "\u2581saludo", + -12.01309585571289 + ], + [ + "\u2581aprecio", + -11.873888969421387 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kind", + -11.965195655822754 + ], + [ + "\u2581accidental", + -12.43089485168457 + ], + [ + "Prov", + -12.294717788696289 + ], + [ + "\u2581mani", + -12.014001846313477 + ], + [ + "lines", + -11.875078201293945 + ], + [ + "naria", + -12.03244400024414 + ], + [ + "\u2581Naval", + -12.37060832977295 + ], + [ + "rados", + -11.942026138305664 + ], + [ + "\u2581sabr\u00e1", + -11.7135591506958 + ], + [ + "ied", + -11.716355323791504 + ], + [ + "\u2581Andes", + -12.530509948730469 + ], + [ + "\u2581tomada", + -11.876763343811035 + ], + [ + "OST", + -12.434771537780762 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gala", + -12.365594863891602 + ], + [ + "\u2581bail", + -11.8865327835083 + ], + [ + "QU", + -11.79255485534668 + ], + [ + "\u2581bibliotecas", + -11.941983222961426 + ], + [ + "\u2581Howard", + -12.494929313659668 + ], + [ + "\u2581refrigerator", + -11.776708602905273 + ], + [ + "\u2581solicitada", + -11.91618537902832 + ], + [ + "\u2581indicadas", + -11.886664390563965 + ], + [ + "\u2581faciliten", + -11.897623062133789 + ], + [ + "yendo", + -11.950901985168457 + ], + [ + "TES", + -12.532919883728027 + ], + [ + "\u2581facilitando", + -11.881246566772461 + ], + [ + "\u2581upgrading", + -11.742582321166992 + ], + [ + "ride", + -12.381325721740723 + ], + [ + "uche", + -12.633444786071777 + ], + [ + "\u2581respondieron", + -11.8991117477417 + ], + [ + "\u2581capitalista", + -11.87387466430664 + ], + [ + "TY", + -11.936661720275879 + ], + [ + "moto", + -12.40117073059082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Directivas", + -12.089526176452637 + ], + [ + "\u2581Oxford", + -12.535837173461914 + ], + [ + "ienne", + -12.458603858947754 + ], + [ + "\u2581yoga", + -12.514829635620117 + ], + [ + "\u2581foodstuffs", + -11.748857498168945 + ], + [ + "\u2581re\u00fanen", + -11.8645658493042 + ], + [ + "\u2581Found", + -11.851435661315918 + ], + [ + "\u2581MAN", + -12.033805847167969 + ], + [ + "\u2581violate", + -11.762046813964844 + ], + [ + "\u2581transformado", + -11.813332557678223 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mateo", + -11.919116020202637 + ], + [ + "\u2581evolving", + -11.795755386352539 + ], + [ + "\u2581competitors", + -11.760475158691406 + ], + [ + "\u2581risen", + -11.753485679626465 + ], + [ + "host", + -12.68452262878418 + ], + [ + "\u2581milagros", + -11.938675880432129 + ], + [ + "\u2581p\u00f3ngase", + -11.857141494750977 + ], + [ + "ilia", + -12.561820983886719 + ], + [ + "trap", + -12.344009399414062 + ], + [ + "\u2581sucediendo", + -11.813752174377441 + ], + [ + "\u2581lactancia", + -11.871740341186523 + ], + [ + "\u2581viuda", + -11.840665817260742 + ], + [ + "Cree", + -11.68120002746582 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fides", + -12.565729141235352 + ], + [ + "\u2581Organizada", + -11.91946792602539 + ], + [ + "ids", + -11.974580764770508 + ], + [ + "\u2581Saber", + -11.90200138092041 + ], + [ + "\u2581extenso", + -11.892194747924805 + ], + [ + "\u2581objections", + -11.796265602111816 + ], + [ + "\u2581maximize", + -11.755086898803711 + ], + [ + "ITY", + -11.870271682739258 + ], + [ + "\u2581emitida", + -11.906255722045898 + ], + [ + "\u2581viv\u00edan", + -11.923408508300781 + ], + [ + "\u2581Antoni", + -12.559887886047363 + ], + [ + "\u2581Baba", + -12.500334739685059 + ], + [ + "\u2581detenidas", + -11.900348663330078 + ], + [ + "\u2581figuraban", + -11.867364883422852 + ], + [ + "\u2581Supplier", + -11.757477760314941 + ], + [ + "\u2581audiencias", + -11.964049339294434 + ], + [ + "\u2581fidelidad", + -11.877148628234863 + ], + [ + "\u2581suspicion", + -11.78735637664795 + ], + [ + "\u2581persistencia", + -11.876599311828613 + ], + [ + "____", + -13.304229736328125 + ], + [ + "\u25811957", + -12.545321464538574 + ], + [ + "\u2581breves", + -11.935151100158691 + ], + [ + "\u2581Parliamentary", + -11.734606742858887 + ], + [ + "\u2581inusual", + -11.851686477661133 + ], + [ + "d\u00fa", + -12.362909317016602 + ], + [ + "\u2581anticipada", + -11.849527359008789 + ], + [ + "\u2581mantengan", + -11.87980842590332 + ], + [ + "\u2581sink", + -11.839655876159668 + ], + [ + "\u2581armario", + -11.798842430114746 + ], + [ + "lves", + -11.901970863342285 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ense\u00f1anza", + -11.938014030456543 + ], + [ + "\u2581dotar", + -11.892385482788086 + ], + [ + "\u2581opresi\u00f3n", + -11.936097145080566 + ], + [ + "\u2581schedules", + -11.841370582580566 + ], + [ + "\u2581falsas", + -11.851015090942383 + ], + [ + "\u2581comunic\u00f3", + -11.865019798278809 + ], + [ + "\u2581bolas", + -11.84305477142334 + ], + [ + "\u2581Contribuciones", + -11.88669490814209 + ], + [ + "\u2581tribus", + -11.902539253234863 + ], + [ + "gran", + -11.854976654052734 + ], + [ + "atch", + -12.061800003051758 + ], + [ + "\u2581Chiapas", + -12.395328521728516 + ], + [ + "\u2581Comisiones", + -11.909690856933594 + ], + [ + "\u2581lineal", + -11.997871398925781 + ], + [ + "\u2581Naturaleza", + -11.92512321472168 + ], + [ + "\u2581afterwards", + -11.831466674804688 + ], + [ + "\u2581intercambia", + -11.811360359191895 + ], + [ + "\u2581llevarlo", + -11.819377899169922 + ], + [ + "\u2581matrimonios", + -11.982100486755371 + ], + [ + "\u2581cubana", + -11.888762474060059 + ], + [ + "isse", + -12.206735610961914 + ], + [ + "\u2581bullet", + -11.951451301574707 + ], + [ + "dha", + -12.349934577941895 + ], + [ + "\u2581atribuciones", + -11.894269943237305 + ], + [ + "\u2581comprometidos", + -11.914881706237793 + ], + [ + "\u2581guste", + -11.718812942504883 + ], + [ + "\u2581comisar\u00eda", + -11.83398151397705 + ], + [ + "cuadrag\u00e9simo", + -11.849791526794434 + ], + [ + "\u2581Peruvian", + -11.792160987854004 + ], + [ + "\u2581Doy", + -11.840855598449707 + ], + [ + "\u25812,000", + -11.777406692504883 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tomorrow", + -11.958148002624512 + ], + [ + "\u2581fares", + -11.803248405456543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Maine", + -12.49337387084961 + ], + [ + "-2007", + -12.479118347167969 + ], + [ + "\u2581242", + -12.451595306396484 + ], + [ + "\u2581restraint", + -11.736077308654785 + ], + [ + "\u2581justos", + -12.027088165283203 + ], + [ + "\u2581mount", + -11.803953170776367 + ], + [ + "\u2581decidida", + -11.866009712219238 + ], + [ + "\u2581BEI", + -11.87683391571045 + ], + [ + "\u2581caminando", + -11.785860061645508 + ], + [ + "\u2581convirti\u00e9ndose", + -11.923685073852539 + ], + [ + "\u2581confront", + -11.833779335021973 + ], + [ + "ologist", + -12.05128002166748 + ], + [ + "\u2581estereotipos", + -11.97923469543457 + ], + [ + "WE", + -12.415180206298828 + ], + [ + "\u2581appropriately", + -11.771197319030762 + ], + [ + "\u2581trayecto", + -11.942704200744629 + ], + [ + "\u2581dedication", + -11.755746841430664 + ], + [ + "\u2581Avakian", + -12.433173179626465 + ], + [ + "\u2581atrae", + -11.807927131652832 + ], + [ + "\u2581suscrito", + -11.924811363220215 + ], + [ + "Ella", + -11.699776649475098 + ], + [ + "\u2581sar", + -12.012560844421387 + ], + [ + "\u2581pools", + -11.889644622802734 + ], + [ + "\u2581synthesis", + -11.730243682861328 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mach", + -12.409910202026367 + ], + [ + "mbl", + -12.130438804626465 + ], + [ + "\u2581Calefacci\u00f3n", + -11.93010425567627 + ], + [ + "\u2581Margaret", + -12.524577140808105 + ], + [ + "\u2581defectos", + -11.920201301574707 + ], + [ + "\u2581presentar\u00e1n", + -11.930944442749023 + ], + [ + "\u2581tenis", + -11.908822059631348 + ], + [ + "\u2581hu\u00e9rfanos", + -11.872825622558594 + ], + [ + "\u2581artificiales", + -11.847832679748535 + ], + [ + "\u2581muscles", + -11.793449401855469 + ], + [ + "\u2581peer", + -11.790324211120605 + ], + [ + "\u2581rings", + -11.914572715759277 + ], + [ + "\u2581Justin", + -12.381438255310059 + ], + [ + "\u2581incluirse", + -11.901535987854004 + ], + [ + "\u2581converting", + -11.7893648147583 + ], + [ + "\u2581facilitar\u00e1", + -11.733906745910645 + ], + [ + "\u25811920", + -12.497651100158691 + ], + [ + "\u2581matrimonial", + -12.081080436706543 + ], + [ + "\u2581hybrid", + -11.782018661499023 + ], + [ + "\u2581sixtie", + -12.008492469787598 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sort", + -11.84840202331543 + ], + [ + "path", + -11.846646308898926 + ], + [ + "\u2581monstruo", + -11.68954086303711 + ], + [ + "\u2581glasses", + -11.868443489074707 + ], + [ + "\u2581subasta", + -11.837376594543457 + ], + [ + "sfera", + -11.997421264648438 + ], + [ + "\u2581Seattle", + -12.44813060760498 + ], + [ + "rous", + -11.775179862976074 + ], + [ + "\u2581Background", + -11.796347618103027 + ], + [ + "\u2581consumed", + -11.82107925415039 + ], + [ + "\u2581irte", + -11.67603588104248 + ], + [ + "\u2581fundamentos", + -11.936291694641113 + ], + [ + "IZ", + -12.410691261291504 + ], + [ + "\u2581Conservation", + -11.774954795837402 + ], + [ + "\u2581forense", + -11.88190746307373 + ], + [ + "\u2581186", + -12.241875648498535 + ], + [ + "\u2581suyas", + -11.92769718170166 + ], + [ + "iling", + -11.921417236328125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Recruiters", + -11.759210586547852 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gobernador", + -11.900131225585938 + ], + [ + "gov", + -12.216146469116211 + ], + [ + "\u2581earnings", + -11.792562484741211 + ], + [ + "Mam\u00e1", + -11.710201263427734 + ], + [ + "\u2581prestigious", + -11.786168098449707 + ], + [ + "\u2581Latinoam\u00e9rica", + -11.920845031738281 + ], + [ + "\u2581accepts", + -11.884383201599121 + ], + [ + "\u2581bicycle", + -11.848684310913086 + ], + [ + "\u2581bola", + -11.805013656616211 + ], + [ + "\u2581er", + -12.255038261413574 + ], + [ + "\u2581vivi\u00f3", + -11.886813163757324 + ], + [ + "grav", + -11.949420928955078 + ], + [ + "\u2581dulces", + -11.846404075622559 + ], + [ + "\u2581R\u00e9", + -12.548863410949707 + ], + [ + "vino", + -11.926098823547363 + ], + [ + "\u2581variaci\u00f3n", + -11.927961349487305 + ], + [ + "\u2581resultaron", + -11.861159324645996 + ], + [ + "\u2581Exposici\u00f3n", + -11.955554962158203 + ], + [ + "\u2581garantizados", + -11.91899299621582 + ], + [ + "llado", + -11.96684741973877 + ], + [ + "\u2581expresada", + -11.908334732055664 + ], + [ + "\u2581relevancia", + -11.927254676818848 + ], + [ + "\u2581aduanas", + -11.899747848510742 + ], + [ + "\u2581promuevan", + -11.877922058105469 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cuanto", + -11.798619270324707 + ], + [ + "\u2581monster", + -11.869362831115723 + ], + [ + "\u2581en\u00e9rgicamente", + -11.927627563476562 + ], + [ + "Cap", + -12.608685493469238 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aaron", + -11.864031791687012 + ], + [ + "\u2581Crisis", + -12.356786727905273 + ], + [ + "\u2581benefician", + -11.933879852294922 + ], + [ + "\u2581circula", + -11.903602600097656 + ], + [ + "\u2581dynamics", + -11.794562339782715 + ], + [ + "\u2581Habr\u00e1", + -11.774843215942383 + ], + [ + "\u2581photograph", + -11.774314880371094 + ], + [ + "\u2581striking", + -11.785573959350586 + ], + [ + "\u2581perseguir", + -11.839876174926758 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lar", + -11.810310363769531 + ], + [ + "AMI", + -12.73259162902832 + ], + [ + "\u2581Stalin", + -12.441679000854492 + ], + [ + "\u2581reclamante", + -11.846071243286133 + ], + [ + "\u2581Id", + -11.922967910766602 + ], + [ + "\u2581promulgaci\u00f3n", + -11.897147178649902 + ], + [ + "\u2581arbitraria", + -11.938775062561035 + ], + [ + "\u2581thanked", + -11.79960823059082 + ], + [ + "\u2581babe", + -11.903862953186035 + ], + [ + "\u2581cordial", + -12.2763671875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Esca", + -12.27977466583252 + ], + [ + "\u25816.3", + -12.333074569702148 + ], + [ + "have", + -11.872964859008789 + ], + [ + "\u2581notifications", + -11.83903694152832 + ], + [ + "\u2581origins", + -11.95805835723877 + ], + [ + "xag\u00e9simo", + -11.965246200561523 + ], + [ + "\u2581unlike", + -11.805797576904297 + ], + [ + "high", + -11.759836196899414 + ], + [ + "\u2581Playing", + -11.764801025390625 + ], + [ + "\u2581piden", + -11.846939086914062 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuadra", + -11.832557678222656 + ], + [ + "\u2581elaborated", + -11.785954475402832 + ], + [ + "\u2581afecten", + -11.875940322875977 + ], + [ + "\u2581mexicano", + -11.88388729095459 + ], + [ + "\u2581Solamente", + -11.853678703308105 + ], + [ + "\u2581opt", + -11.803671836853027 + ], + [ + "\u2581spill", + -11.828753471374512 + ], + [ + "\u2581indicaba", + -12.108122825622559 + ], + [ + "\u2581venue", + -11.761456489562988 + ], + [ + "\u2581Victims", + -11.794195175170898 + ], + [ + "\u2581accelerated", + -11.784634590148926 + ], + [ + "-2008", + -12.44396686553955 + ], + [ + "\u2581llamando", + -11.793909072875977 + ], + [ + "\u2581Springs", + -12.534330368041992 + ], + [ + "\u2581encaminada", + -11.873566627502441 + ], + [ + "\u2581enfrente", + -11.755938529968262 + ], + [ + "\u2581brillo", + -11.838740348815918 + ], + [ + "mpu", + -12.250073432922363 + ], + [ + "otic", + -11.91357135772705 + ], + [ + "\u2581atracciones", + -11.940176963806152 + ], + [ + "\u2581deportivas", + -11.964695930480957 + ], + [ + "\u2581foco", + -11.867931365966797 + ], + [ + "\u2581concesiones", + -11.915240287780762 + ], + [ + "\u2581gesture", + -11.790932655334473 + ], + [ + "EMA", + -12.436806678771973 + ], + [ + "\u2581experiments", + -11.839263916015625 + ], + [ + "\u2581conciertos", + -11.957947731018066 + ], + [ + "c\u00e1r", + -12.034912109375 + ], + [ + "\u2581filas", + -11.875859260559082 + ], + [ + "\u2581servicing", + -11.742559432983398 + ], + [ + "\u2581(\u2018", + -11.714133262634277 + ], + [ + "\u2581preservaci\u00f3n", + -11.897370338439941 + ], + [ + "pira", + -12.279494285583496 + ], + [ + "\u2581socioecon\u00f3mico", + -11.897697448730469 + ], + [ + "\u2581gozan", + -11.846378326416016 + ], + [ + "\u2581Edici\u00f3n", + -11.968770027160645 + ], + [ + "\u2581proclaimed", + -11.814160346984863 + ], + [ + "Web", + -12.455634117126465 + ], + [ + "\u2581Majesty", + -11.867176055908203 + ], + [ + "ilio", + -12.56392765045166 + ], + [ + "\u2581Idea", + -12.510787963867188 + ], + [ + "\u2581Palermo", + -12.542132377624512 + ], + [ + "\u2581desigual", + -11.89773941040039 + ], + [ + "\u2581fluido", + -11.88654899597168 + ], + [ + "\u2581globally", + -11.819513320922852 + ], + [ + "SAR", + -12.63485336303711 + ], + [ + "\u2581Compruebe", + -11.94451904296875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Directory", + -11.834440231323242 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tokio", + -11.875114440917969 + ], + [ + "\u2581inyectable", + -11.865741729736328 + ], + [ + "\u2581sufrimientos", + -11.940564155578613 + ], + [ + "\u2581Agencies", + -11.756338119506836 + ], + [ + "\u2581billete", + -11.828765869140625 + ], + [ + "\u2581regres\u00f3", + -11.89426040649414 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bir", + -12.634248733520508 + ], + [ + "\u2581acreditaci\u00f3n", + -11.895073890686035 + ], + [ + "\u2581earliest", + -11.798118591308594 + ], + [ + "material", + -12.331923484802246 + ], + [ + "\u2581revestimiento", + -11.909564971923828 + ], + [ + "\u2581pepper", + -11.867828369140625 + ], + [ + "\u2581symbolic", + -11.849225997924805 + ], + [ + "riz", + -12.505453109741211 + ], + [ + "sulta", + -12.375073432922363 + ], + [ + "\u2581Luxury", + -11.760948181152344 + ], + [ + "\u2581patria", + -11.88779067993164 + ], + [ + "\u2581Volkswagen", + -12.473688125610352 + ], + [ + "rbi", + -12.332093238830566 + ], + [ + "\u2581225", + -12.520041465759277 + ], + [ + "\u2581gratuitos", + -12.007874488830566 + ], + [ + "\u2581miracle", + -11.82577896118164 + ], + [ + "Vol", + -12.404346466064453 + ], + [ + "audi", + -12.397114753723145 + ], + [ + "\u2581limitadas", + -11.922515869140625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lina", + -12.55643081665039 + ], + [ + "\u2581rastro", + -11.79716968536377 + ], + [ + "\u2581Carlo", + -12.514513969421387 + ], + [ + "\u2581MDGs", + -11.756258010864258 + ], + [ + "\u2581privilege", + -11.79556655883789 + ], + [ + "\u2581volviendo", + -11.80578327178955 + ], + [ + "\u2581minera", + -11.936628341674805 + ], + [ + "\u2581joyas", + -11.86710262298584 + ], + [ + "\u2581appliances", + -11.747607231140137 + ], + [ + "\u2581sampling", + -11.772598266601562 + ], + [ + "\u2581suscripci\u00f3n", + -11.935776710510254 + ], + [ + "\u2581arises", + -11.79987621307373 + ], + [ + "\u2581gigante", + -11.771495819091797 + ], + [ + "\u2581communist", + -11.815284729003906 + ], + [ + "\u2581qualification", + -11.793418884277344 + ], + [ + "Not", + -11.913941383361816 + ], + [ + "\u2581produzcan", + -11.936810493469238 + ], + [ + "\u2581amante", + -11.75521469116211 + ], + [ + "punto", + -11.827312469482422 + ], + [ + "\u2581recuerde", + -11.822381973266602 + ], + [ + "\u2581Novo", + -12.569572448730469 + ], + [ + "\u2581keyboard", + -11.851110458374023 + ], + [ + "\u2581crecido", + -11.863554954528809 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuadrado", + -11.946076393127441 + ], + [ + "\u2581Burg", + -12.657423973083496 + ], + [ + "yen", + -11.928678512573242 + ], + [ + "safortunadamente", + -11.83762264251709 + ], + [ + "\u2581lease", + -11.792841911315918 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kitchen", + -11.84174633026123 + ], + [ + "\u2581Organiza", + -11.874481201171875 + ], + [ + "ore", + -11.90015983581543 + ], + [ + "1000", + -12.458620071411133 + ], + [ + "Women", + -11.881285667419434 + ], + [ + "peru", + -12.54956340789795 + ], + [ + "\u2581Terreno", + -11.998858451843262 + ], + [ + "\u2581missionary", + -11.77685546875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cabinet", + -11.833640098571777 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kave", + -12.501891136169434 + ], + [ + "\u2581oceans", + -11.852592468261719 + ], + [ + "\u2581fur", + -12.025793075561523 + ], + [ + "!!", + -12.122382164001465 + ], + [ + "blica", + -12.71869945526123 + ], + [ + "\u2581estrictas", + -11.902321815490723 + ], + [ + "\u2581Votos", + -11.969253540039062 + ], + [ + "\u2581pertinencia", + -11.946699142456055 + ], + [ + "chy", + -12.065068244934082 + ], + [ + "\u2581CAN", + -11.917754173278809 + ], + [ + "\u2581Humanitarios", + -11.935606956481934 + ], + [ + "\u2581Taiw\u00e1n", + -11.867020606994629 + ], + [ + "\u2581suplementaria", + -11.888068199157715 + ], + [ + "\u2581Llame", + -11.886026382446289 + ], + [ + "\u2581dadas", + -11.963827133178711 + ], + [ + "\u2581vaccination", + -11.766172409057617 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pr\u00e1ctica", + -11.899312973022461 + ], + [ + "roy", + -12.362283706665039 + ], + [ + "salo", + -12.174342155456543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Haitian", + -11.75798511505127 + ], + [ + "\u2581mide", + -11.901226997375488 + ], + [ + "\u2581perteneciente", + -11.961454391479492 + ], + [ + "\u2581remite", + -11.926087379455566 + ], + [ + "\u2581blogger", + -12.453827857971191 + ], + [ + "\u2581shortage", + -11.719756126403809 + ], + [ + "\u2581prejuicios", + -11.913115501403809 + ], + [ + "\u2581vinculada", + -11.93765926361084 + ], + [ + "\u2581aproxima", + -11.857301712036133 + ], + [ + "\u2581Congratulations", + -11.953924179077148 + ], + [ + "NR", + -12.527447700500488 + ], + [ + "\u2581Basque", + -11.812704086303711 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reward", + -11.819028854370117 + ], + [ + "\u2581Users", + -11.847192764282227 + ], + [ + "\u2581claiming", + -11.784944534301758 + ], + [ + "\u2581calculate", + -11.801712036132812 + ], + [ + "\u2581Technologies", + -12.01474666595459 + ], + [ + "\u2581vagina", + -12.353572845458984 + ], + [ + "\u2581scenarios", + -11.804147720336914 + ], + [ + "tear", + -11.955382347106934 + ], + [ + "\u2581raras", + -11.853948593139648 + ], + [ + "\u2581nowhere", + -11.894979476928711 + ], + [ + "cala", + -12.025372505187988 + ], + [ + "\u2581restringir", + -11.889439582824707 + ], + [ + "\u2581neg\u00f3", + -11.890199661254883 + ], + [ + "\u2581Remove", + -11.852916717529297 + ], + [ + "GER", + -12.54621696472168 + ], + [ + "\u2581retira", + -11.76552677154541 + ], + [ + "\u2581organisms", + -11.770633697509766 + ], + [ + "puede", + -11.816555976867676 + ], + [ + "\u2581salvaguardar", + -11.906403541564941 + ], + [ + "\u2581Krist", + -12.546052932739258 + ], + [ + "\u2581enamorado", + -11.712928771972656 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ir\u00e9", + -11.616439819335938 + ], + [ + "\u2581dump", + -11.894798278808594 + ], + [ + "\u2581advancing", + -11.821227073669434 + ], + [ + "\u2581rela", + -11.906381607055664 + ], + [ + "\u2581foreseen", + -11.76065444946289 + ], + [ + "\u2581cereals", + -11.724348068237305 + ], + [ + "nac", + -12.328372955322266 + ], + [ + "hora", + -11.790912628173828 + ], + [ + "\u2581predecessor", + -11.777886390686035 + ], + [ + "\u2581feasibility", + -11.793919563293457 + ], + [ + "\u2581vac\u00edos", + -11.918487548828125 + ], + [ + "\u2581polaco", + -11.920153617858887 + ], + [ + "unta", + -12.220680236816406 + ], + [ + "\u2581Impact", + -11.76677131652832 + ], + [ + "\u2581poseer", + -11.826918601989746 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sebastian", + -12.319306373596191 + ], + [ + "\u25811954", + -12.594531059265137 + ], + [ + "\u2581beaten", + -11.817399978637695 + ], + [ + "\u2581positivamente", + -11.934439659118652 + ], + [ + "\u2581Guy", + -12.324204444885254 + ], + [ + "\u2581altitude", + -11.809035301208496 + ], + [ + "\u258151.", + -11.936466217041016 + ], + [ + "\u00edcola", + -12.141496658325195 + ], + [ + "\u2581mut", + -12.12519359588623 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kennedy", + -12.55580997467041 + ], + [ + "Are", + -11.89763355255127 + ], + [ + "\u2581Counsel", + -11.787348747253418 + ], + [ + "\u2581disaggregated", + -11.804368019104004 + ], + [ + "\u2581remisi\u00f3n", + -11.929085731506348 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00f3ptimo", + -11.901187896728516 + ], + [ + "-05", + -12.52219295501709 + ], + [ + "IDE", + -12.555371284484863 + ], + [ + "\u2581tem\u00e1tica", + -11.947263717651367 + ], + [ + "\u2581ranks", + -11.837900161743164 + ], + [ + "\u2581dijera", + -11.826966285705566 + ], + [ + "\u258152.", + -11.90062141418457 + ], + [ + "\u2581primarias", + -11.941246032714844 + ], + [ + "fic", + -12.244769096374512 + ], + [ + "\u2581vacunas", + -12.00844955444336 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gray", + -12.4373140335083 + ], + [ + "\u2581mixta", + -11.92089557647705 + ], + [ + "\u2581guar", + -11.90761661529541 + ], + [ + "about", + -11.805509567260742 + ], + [ + "\u2581honesto", + -11.802629470825195 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vega", + -12.551742553710938 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pearl", + -12.211323738098145 + ], + [ + "\u2581succession", + -11.840649604797363 + ], + [ + "\u2581vacunaci\u00f3n", + -11.929351806640625 + ], + [ + "\u2581comprendidas", + -11.896013259887695 + ], + [ + "\u2581365", + -12.43944263458252 + ], + [ + "\u2581Descarga", + -11.957501411437988 + ], + [ + "\u2581fortuna", + -11.81212329864502 + ], + [ + "\u2581pron\u00f3stico", + -11.931536674499512 + ], + [ + "\u2581cat\u00f3licos", + -11.962692260742188 + ], + [ + "\u2581nace", + -11.865616798400879 + ], + [ + "\u2581recae", + -11.934714317321777 + ], + [ + "\u2581adherirse", + -11.909005165100098 + ], + [ + "\u2581ocurridos", + -11.959028244018555 + ], + [ + "\u2581informacion", + -11.972367286682129 + ], + [ + "\u2581rige", + -11.927566528320312 + ], + [ + "\u2581sensibilizar", + -11.966134071350098 + ], + [ + "\u2581imperativo", + -11.891021728515625 + ], + [ + "\u2581develops", + -11.998963356018066 + ], + [ + "kka", + -12.542134284973145 + ], + [ + "vesti", + -12.304819107055664 + ], + [ + "\u2581linking", + -11.836784362792969 + ], + [ + "TON", + -12.601101875305176 + ], + [ + "atic", + -11.957711219787598 + ], + [ + "\u2581Role", + -11.805384635925293 + ], + [ + "\u2581requerir\u00e1", + -11.933511734008789 + ], + [ + "\u2581Grey", + -12.346404075622559 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pere", + -12.445303916931152 + ], + [ + "tizado", + -12.016674995422363 + ], + [ + "\u2581semejantes", + -11.898019790649414 + ], + [ + "ifi", + -12.282052993774414 + ], + [ + "\u2581L\u00f3pez", + -11.925820350646973 + ], + [ + "\u2581cualificaciones", + -11.93455982208252 + ], + [ + "\u2581lidera", + -11.976752281188965 + ], + [ + "labor", + -12.615531921386719 + ], + [ + "\u2581Maison", + -12.506335258483887 + ], + [ + "\u2581divertida", + -11.866443634033203 + ], + [ + "\u00e1ndoles", + -12.110121726989746 + ], + [ + "\u2581produjeron", + -11.942343711853027 + ], + [ + "\u2581Iowa", + -12.472674369812012 + ], + [ + "\u2581dar\u00e1n", + -11.849143981933594 + ], + [ + "\u2581Croatian", + -11.77387523651123 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ibid", + -11.774271011352539 + ], + [ + "\u2581aids", + -12.076090812683105 + ], + [ + "\u2581breed", + -11.830788612365723 + ], + [ + "\u2581cua", + -12.339232444763184 + ], + [ + "\u2581defending", + -11.8075532913208 + ], + [ + "\u2581supuestos", + -12.044967651367188 + ], + [ + "ecuador", + -12.55232048034668 + ], + [ + "\u2581qualify", + -11.770427703857422 + ], + [ + "ending", + -11.806721687316895 + ], + [ + "\u2581dioxide", + -11.777902603149414 + ], + [ + "\u2581autumn", + -11.79992389678955 + ], + [ + "mida", + -11.934761047363281 + ], + [ + "\u2581universitaria", + -11.945971488952637 + ], + [ + "oci", + -12.086845397949219 + ], + [ + "\u2581painter", + -11.899778366088867 + ], + [ + "\u2581Solicitar", + -11.980810165405273 + ], + [ + "\u2581integra", + -11.857155799865723 + ], + [ + "\u2581broadly", + -11.760860443115234 + ], + [ + "\u2581flecha", + -11.87173843383789 + ], + [ + "\u2581procesales", + -11.91866397857666 + ], + [ + "\u2581disparos", + -11.852405548095703 + ], + [ + "\u2581generan", + -11.917533874511719 + ], + [ + "\u2581Traditional", + -11.807538986206055 + ], + [ + "\u2581UNA", + -11.991169929504395 + ], + [ + "Pap\u00e1", + -11.64745807647705 + ], + [ + "\u2581ceasefire", + -11.796954154968262 + ], + [ + "\u2581hueso", + -11.800422668457031 + ], + [ + "\u2581Racism", + -11.777886390686035 + ], + [ + "socia", + -11.813282012939453 + ], + [ + "\u2581incumbe", + -11.776840209960938 + ], + [ + "Habla", + -11.691372871398926 + ], + [ + "\u2581wives", + -11.840493202209473 + ], + [ + "\u2581abundancia", + -11.968043327331543 + ], + [ + "\u2581escudo", + -11.818999290466309 + ], + [ + "clama", + -11.933379173278809 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fiscalizaci\u00f3n", + -11.912641525268555 + ], + [ + "proof", + -11.833876609802246 + ], + [ + "\u2581restante", + -11.928558349609375 + ], + [ + "\u2581personalidades", + -11.951855659484863 + ], + [ + "\u2581supiera", + -11.715868949890137 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sco", + -12.267060279846191 + ], + [ + "\u2581brick", + -11.815216064453125 + ], + [ + "\u2581instituto", + -11.824053764343262 + ], + [ + "ination", + -11.991897583007812 + ], + [ + "\u2581resistant", + -11.809107780456543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Doesn", + -12.007616996765137 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sounds", + -11.948945999145508 + ], + [ + "\u2581Abd", + -12.48959732055664 + ], + [ + "\u2581attachment", + -11.777935981750488 + ], + [ + "\u2581avanzando", + -11.900455474853516 + ], + [ + "\u2581sed", + -12.032964706420898 + ], + [ + "\u2581ilumina", + -11.946891784667969 + ], + [ + "\u2581dom\u00e9stico", + -11.902726173400879 + ], + [ + "adi", + -11.739068031311035 + ], + [ + "\u2581monuments", + -11.81344985961914 + ], + [ + "\u00bb\u00bb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581ejecutiva", + -11.950340270996094 + ], + [ + "\u2581plomo", + -11.913805961608887 + ], + [ + "\u2581supuesta", + -11.941905975341797 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cine", + -11.97103500366211 + ], + [ + "\u2581penis", + -11.841564178466797 + ], + [ + "\u2581designate", + -11.770252227783203 + ], + [ + "\u2581flock", + -11.833072662353516 + ], + [ + "\u2581bust", + -12.1096773147583 + ], + [ + "\u2581laptop", + -11.882762908935547 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hart", + -12.547663688659668 + ], + [ + "\u2581commentary", + -11.82714557647705 + ], + [ + "\u2581someterse", + -11.930065155029297 + ], + [ + "\u2581strikes", + -11.893267631530762 + ], + [ + "\u2581Creative", + -12.245529174804688 + ], + [ + "vice", + -12.500088691711426 + ], + [ + "\u2581Significa", + -11.777146339416504 + ], + [ + "\u2581confirms", + -11.83220100402832 + ], + [ + "\u2581denegaci\u00f3n", + -11.914515495300293 + ], + [ + "\u2581aggregate", + -11.7609224319458 + ], + [ + "\u2581enga\u00f1ar", + -11.856973648071289 + ], + [ + "\u2581Books", + -11.875370979309082 + ], + [ + "\u2581attainment", + -11.788753509521484 + ], + [ + "\u2581patience", + -11.829876899719238 + ], + [ + "\u2581pez", + -11.793383598327637 + ], + [ + "\u25811955", + -12.509716987609863 + ], + [ + "\u2581dejen", + -11.901659965515137 + ], + [ + "\u25815.5", + -12.308109283447266 + ], + [ + "ceta", + -12.28097915649414 + ], + [ + "\u2581ajustarse", + -11.906706809997559 + ], + [ + "\u2581mantequilla", + -11.843778610229492 + ], + [ + "\u2581diversification", + -11.75517749786377 + ], + [ + "\u2581horizon", + -11.810778617858887 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sergio", + -12.562581062316895 + ], + [ + "\u2581golpea", + -11.845088005065918 + ], + [ + "\u2581llenos", + -11.896739959716797 + ], + [ + "\u2581formularios", + -11.95861530303955 + ], + [ + "\u2581insertar", + -12.021029472351074 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pleno", + -11.887048721313477 + ], + [ + "\u2581entienda", + -11.829998016357422 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cancer", + -11.803753852844238 + ], + [ + "\u2581Imagine", + -12.208556175231934 + ], + [ + "\u2581experimentos", + -11.966889381408691 + ], + [ + "\u2581particles", + -11.833054542541504 + ], + [ + "\u2581delight", + -11.806355476379395 + ], + [ + "\u2581Delta", + -12.552900314331055 + ], + [ + "\u2581discourse", + -11.747740745544434 + ], + [ + "\u2581PROGRAMA", + -11.882593154907227 + ], + [ + "\u2581qu\u00edmico", + -11.937723159790039 + ], + [ + "\u2581mileage", + -11.884151458740234 + ], + [ + "IER", + -12.657809257507324 + ], + [ + "\u2581VA", + -12.408214569091797 + ], + [ + "they", + -11.902989387512207 + ], + [ + "\u00f1\u00f3", + -11.996635437011719 + ], + [ + "\u2581resta", + -12.097501754760742 + ], + [ + "\u2581challenged", + -11.825433731079102 + ], + [ + "\u2581excluidos", + -11.954338073730469 + ], + [ + "lato", + -12.025646209716797 + ], + [ + "\u2581Feliz", + -11.757843971252441 + ], + [ + "By", + -11.862152099609375 + ], + [ + "cientos", + -11.859188079833984 + ], + [ + "\u2581notables", + -11.940314292907715 + ], + [ + "\u2581punch", + -11.91414737701416 + ], + [ + "\u2581complied", + -11.781427383422852 + ], + [ + "\u2581parientes", + -11.878243446350098 + ], + [ + "\u2581fraction", + -11.812455177307129 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ap\u00f3stoles", + -11.943512916564941 + ], + [ + "\u2581rector", + -12.007343292236328 + ], + [ + "\u2581CITES", + -12.428654670715332 + ], + [ + "\u2581bacterias", + -11.933856010437012 + ], + [ + "\u2581luchas", + -12.18845272064209 + ], + [ + "\u2581hagamos", + -11.827061653137207 + ], + [ + "\u2581TD", + -12.445091247558594 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00bb\u00bb", + -11.87056827545166 + ], + [ + "\u2581institutes", + -11.77029037475586 + ], + [ + "\u2581physician", + -11.767351150512695 + ], + [ + "\u2581Normalmente", + -11.814676284790039 + ], + [ + "\u2581pronunciado", + -11.90230655670166 + ], + [ + "\u2581experimento", + -11.872766494750977 + ], + [ + "\u2581regulating", + -11.781427383422852 + ], + [ + "lida", + -11.992457389831543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Paradise", + -11.819997787475586 + ], + [ + "shop", + -11.898557662963867 + ], + [ + "\u2581Verificaci\u00f3n", + -11.942607879638672 + ], + [ + "\u2581oficioso", + -11.903166770935059 + ], + [ + "ube", + -12.130314826965332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Leonardo", + -12.484676361083984 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tareas", + -11.911703109741211 + ], + [ + "\u2581Franc\u00e9s", + -11.925108909606934 + ], + [ + "\u2581conceived", + -11.86965274810791 + ], + [ + "\u2581africana", + -11.900266647338867 + ], + [ + "lones", + -11.911892890930176 + ], + [ + "\u2581Import", + -11.834674835205078 + ], + [ + "\u2581levantamiento", + -11.981465339660645 + ], + [ + "bido", + -11.987765312194824 + ], + [ + "\u2581deciding", + -11.758649826049805 + ], + [ + "\u2581considero", + -11.958415031433105 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuerda", + -11.816226959228516 + ], + [ + "\u2581enormemente", + -11.933558464050293 + ], + [ + "\u2581PVC", + -12.477529525756836 + ], + [ + "gr\u00e1fico", + -12.044493675231934 + ], + [ + "\u2581inspectores", + -11.861112594604492 + ], + [ + "capital", + -12.648992538452148 + ], + [ + "\u2581aduanero", + -11.920498847961426 + ], + [ + "\u2581gatos", + -11.855140686035156 + ], + [ + "\u2581veneno", + -11.86878490447998 + ], + [ + "\u00edfico", + -12.206188201904297 + ], + [ + "\u2581lifting", + -11.77286148071289 + ], + [ + "\u25811947", + -12.573108673095703 + ], + [ + "\u2581duplicaci\u00f3n", + -11.904141426086426 + ], + [ + "\u2581privilegio", + -11.8887357711792 + ], + [ + "\u258115-", + -12.017086029052734 + ], + [ + "ilidad", + -12.224998474121094 + ], + [ + "Deber\u00eda", + -11.789660453796387 + ], + [ + "\u2581allocations", + -11.805438995361328 + ], + [ + "\u2581penetra", + -11.971182823181152 + ], + [ + "\u2581permitir\u00e1n", + -11.940425872802734 + ], + [ + "\u2581goma", + -11.932064056396484 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cat\u00e1logo", + -12.002039909362793 + ], + [ + "\u2581vent", + -12.121816635131836 + ], + [ + "sent", + -11.983736038208008 + ], + [ + "\u2581escenarios", + -11.99349594116211 + ], + [ + "tradicionalmente", + -12.495838165283203 + ], + [ + "\u2581dispara", + -11.668644905090332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mono", + -12.602031707763672 + ], + [ + "\u2581brethren", + -11.809606552124023 + ], + [ + "\u2581meteorol\u00f3gicas", + -11.983807563781738 + ], + [ + "\u2581estatua", + -11.917423248291016 + ], + [ + "\u2581enters", + -11.986918449401855 + ], + [ + "\u2581208", + -12.420546531677246 + ], + [ + "\u2581lavander\u00eda", + -11.901187896728516 + ], + [ + "pti", + -12.139946937561035 + ], + [ + "\u2581Distribuci\u00f3n", + -11.912463188171387 + ], + [ + "\u2581JS", + -12.544698715209961 + ], + [ + "\u2581inform\u00e1tico", + -11.965972900390625 + ], + [ + "\u2581selective", + -11.773384094238281 + ], + [ + "tual", + -12.130099296569824 + ], + [ + "\u2581incondicional", + -11.969511032104492 + ], + [ + "\u2581exhibit", + -11.802267074584961 + ], + [ + "\u2581liberation", + -11.815705299377441 + ], + [ + "\u2581wings", + -11.884532928466797 + ], + [ + "\u2581McG", + -12.705737113952637 + ], + [ + "CFSP", + -11.789186477661133 + ], + [ + "\u2581Canary", + -11.836421012878418 + ], + [ + "\u2581discrimina", + -11.916219711303711 + ], + [ + "\u2581clasificar", + -12.017875671386719 + ], + [ + "\u2581supervisa", + -11.870344161987305 + ], + [ + "\u2581Physical", + -11.794524192810059 + ], + [ + "dme", + -11.727259635925293 + ], + [ + "\u2581Decisiones", + -11.878506660461426 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gonz", + -11.817638397216797 + ], + [ + "\u2581shorter", + -11.835433006286621 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00faltimamente", + -11.82892894744873 + ], + [ + "laundering", + -11.787825584411621 + ], + [ + "\u2581aumentaron", + -11.959156036376953 + ], + [ + "\u2581poste", + -12.177992820739746 + ], + [ + "\u2581refugiado", + -11.935665130615234 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fomento", + -11.954819679260254 + ], + [ + "\u2581jeringa", + -11.865677833557129 + ], + [ + "\u2581Excelencia", + -11.833993911743164 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sony", + -12.533985137939453 + ], + [ + "\u2581reviste", + -11.913000106811523 + ], + [ + "\u2581finca", + -12.017306327819824 + ], + [ + "plat", + -12.515551567077637 + ], + [ + "\u258110:", + -11.953786849975586 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gordon", + -12.541247367858887 + ], + [ + "\u2581circles", + -11.895594596862793 + ], + [ + "\u2581rally", + -11.836930274963379 + ], + [ + "\u2581Moreno", + -12.494759559631348 + ], + [ + "\u2581casarse", + -11.81040096282959 + ], + [ + "\u2581hist\u00f3ricas", + -12.03856086730957 + ], + [ + "\u2581dependence", + -11.803657531738281 + ], + [ + "\u2581Corrupci\u00f3n", + -11.987550735473633 + ], + [ + "\u2581Der", + -12.045904159545898 + ], + [ + "\u2581Feria", + -12.011662483215332 + ], + [ + "\u2581mentiras", + -11.865462303161621 + ], + [ + "lero", + -12.198686599731445 + ], + [ + "\u2581culmina", + -11.923815727233887 + ], + [ + "\u2581fortune", + -11.882143020629883 + ], + [ + "excepto", + -11.920469284057617 + ], + [ + "looking", + -11.838804244995117 + ], + [ + "BRE", + -12.591056823730469 + ], + [ + "\u2581vocaci\u00f3n", + -11.945259094238281 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reg\u00edstre", + -11.922264099121094 + ], + [ + "\u2581Proposed", + -11.78382682800293 + ], + [ + "\u2581firmas", + -12.006271362304688 + ], + [ + "\u2581Yep", + -12.024730682373047 + ], + [ + "Era", + -11.792805671691895 + ], + [ + "\u2581preocupan", + -11.876115798950195 + ], + [ + "\u2581Deje", + -11.867887496948242 + ], + [ + "\u2581preciosas", + -11.893431663513184 + ], + [ + "nso", + -11.829172134399414 + ], + [ + "\u2581firearms", + -11.822410583496094 + ], + [ + "\u2581Impuestos", + -11.958868026733398 + ], + [ + "\u2581sensual", + -12.431437492370605 + ], + [ + "\u2581acorde", + -11.905054092407227 + ], + [ + "sel", + -11.866656303405762 + ], + [ + "\u2581comportamientos", + -12.001181602478027 + ], + [ + "\u2581P\u00fablicas", + -11.972704887390137 + ], + [ + "\u2581visite", + -12.030618667602539 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alineados", + -11.953268051147461 + ], + [ + "\u2581respira", + -11.802026748657227 + ], + [ + "\u2581Anual", + -11.953361511230469 + ], + [ + "\u2581reinserci\u00f3n", + -11.972493171691895 + ], + [ + "\u2581prevalece", + -11.93369197845459 + ], + [ + "\u2581Channel", + -11.849326133728027 + ], + [ + "ifier", + -11.871221542358398 + ], + [ + "\u2581Comunista", + -11.922284126281738 + ], + [ + "\u2581progresivamente", + -11.985315322875977 + ], + [ + "\u2581tabled", + -11.824539184570312 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aplicaciones", + -11.986180305480957 + ], + [ + "\u2581Qui\u00e9n", + -11.818456649780273 + ], + [ + "\u2581vicinity", + -11.889978408813477 + ], + [ + "\u2581pardon", + -11.924211502075195 + ], + [ + "\u2581competidores", + -11.898551940917969 + ], + [ + "\u2581parish", + -11.852825164794922 + ], + [ + "HD", + -12.321145057678223 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lorenzo", + -12.543842315673828 + ], + [ + "\u2581fertility", + -11.742581367492676 + ], + [ + "\u2581fiables", + -11.983258247375488 + ], + [ + "quete", + -11.949956893920898 + ], + [ + "RAS", + -12.219079971313477 + ], + [ + "rce", + -11.993988037109375 + ], + [ + "First", + -11.79805850982666 + ], + [ + "\u2581Venezuelan", + -11.820998191833496 + ], + [ + "\u2581voltage", + -11.820611953735352 + ], + [ + "\u2581sucio", + -11.856427192687988 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alaska", + -12.563911437988281 + ], + [ + "ao", + -11.68818473815918 + ], + [ + "\u2581encouragement", + -11.81647777557373 + ], + [ + "tense", + -12.193120956420898 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rally", + -12.448551177978516 + ], + [ + "SI\u00d3N", + -12.190139770507812 + ], + [ + "\u2581Texto", + -11.937701225280762 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hope", + -11.884453773498535 + ], + [ + "\u2581oppression", + -11.850617408752441 + ], + [ + "\u2581Promoting", + -11.79992389678955 + ], + [ + "\u2581connecting", + -11.843749046325684 + ], + [ + "habit", + -11.917418479919434 + ], + [ + "posiciones", + -11.929975509643555 + ], + [ + "\u2581ver\u00e1n", + -11.901451110839844 + ], + [ + "\u2581rasgos", + -11.938140869140625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Igual", + -11.829507827758789 + ], + [ + "\u2581unificado", + -11.929556846618652 + ], + [ + "nse", + -11.625462532043457 + ], + [ + "\u2581limitan", + -11.823319435119629 + ], + [ + "virus", + -12.608749389648438 + ], + [ + "xima", + -12.058115005493164 + ], + [ + "\u2581examinaron", + -11.904520034790039 + ], + [ + "\u2581elders", + -11.78683090209961 + ], + [ + "\u2581designing", + -11.803966522216797 + ], + [ + "propi", + -11.866657257080078 + ], + [ + "\u2581Palo", + -12.591933250427246 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rolex", + -12.541141510009766 + ], + [ + "\u2581educa", + -12.138498306274414 + ], + [ + "\u2581guardan", + -11.836897850036621 + ], + [ + "-2009", + -12.539383888244629 + ], + [ + "ground", + -11.86746597290039 + ], + [ + "INI", + -12.2921724319458 + ], + [ + "\u2581Menor", + -12.009550094604492 + ], + [ + "\u2581afro", + -11.949808120727539 + ], + [ + "\u2581approached", + -11.867753982543945 + ], + [ + "\u2581instru", + -11.840214729309082 + ], + [ + "\u2581referral", + -11.873051643371582 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alert", + -11.809163093566895 + ], + [ + "\u2581Desp", + -12.165162086486816 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pool", + -11.918801307678223 + ], + [ + "volucion", + -12.33568286895752 + ], + [ + "\u2581rat", + -11.875628471374512 + ], + [ + "\u2581(2);", + -12.37589168548584 + ], + [ + "\u2581colombiano", + -11.957701683044434 + ], + [ + "\u2581layers", + -11.86705207824707 + ], + [ + "LIN", + -12.45910930633545 + ], + [ + "\u2581manga", + -11.895491600036621 + ], + [ + "\u2581predictable", + -11.890206336975098 + ], + [ + "guin", + -12.418998718261719 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mona", + -12.440030097961426 + ], + [ + "\u2581adoptan", + -11.988450050354004 + ], + [ + "\u2581derrama", + -11.925755500793457 + ], + [ + "\u2581attained", + -11.780543327331543 + ], + [ + "Bueno", + -11.702446937561035 + ], + [ + "tracci\u00f3n", + -12.079326629638672 + ], + [ + "\u2581Forty", + -11.7932767868042 + ], + [ + "\u2581placas", + -11.941134452819824 + ], + [ + "\u2581empowered", + -11.797891616821289 + ], + [ + "\u2581featured", + -11.83816146850586 + ], + [ + "rata", + -12.254287719726562 + ], + [ + "\u2581Continental", + -12.36748218536377 + ], + [ + "step", + -11.824400901794434 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wu", + -12.552379608154297 + ], + [ + "\u2581renovable", + -11.951085090637207 + ], + [ + "\u2581MU", + -12.3318452835083 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ottawa", + -12.484376907348633 + ], + [ + "\u2581turnover", + -11.77715015411377 + ], + [ + "\u25813.6", + -12.545985221862793 + ], + [ + "president", + -12.30764102935791 + ], + [ + "\u2581distribuido", + -11.90914535522461 + ], + [ + "\u2581HUMANOS", + -11.865677833557129 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wine", + -11.83398723602295 + ], + [ + "lac", + -11.864852905273438 + ], + [ + "ood", + -12.327881813049316 + ], + [ + "\u2581blocked", + -11.835477828979492 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuida", + -11.677441596984863 + ], + [ + "\u2581duele", + -11.7499418258667 + ], + [ + "\u2581preferential", + -11.800567626953125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Powers", + -11.861392974853516 + ], + [ + "jack", + -12.281286239624023 + ], + [ + "\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ad\u00e1n", + -11.938528060913086 + ], + [ + "\u2581inches", + -11.865482330322266 + ], + [ + "\u2581comodidades", + -11.981998443603516 + ], + [ + "\u2581primario", + -11.89869499206543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Female", + -11.792729377746582 + ], + [ + "\u2581superado", + -11.923521041870117 + ], + [ + "\u2581Deluxe", + -12.514681816101074 + ], + [ + "\u2581N\u00edger", + -11.770398139953613 + ], + [ + "BDE", + -12.784589767456055 + ], + [ + "\u2581est\u00e9tica", + -11.93730640411377 + ], + [ + "^", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581semanal", + -11.988542556762695 + ], + [ + "\u2581Espacial", + -11.898431777954102 + ], + [ + "\u2581Actualiza", + -12.040157318115234 + ], + [ + "\u2581precauci\u00f3n", + -11.943793296813965 + ], + [ + "lee", + -12.143513679504395 + ], + [ + "speaking", + -11.792028427124023 + ], + [ + "\u2581advisers", + -11.837115287780762 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jigsaw", + -12.180850982666016 + ], + [ + "rey", + -11.984411239624023 + ], + [ + "\u2581myth", + -11.925589561462402 + ], + [ + "\u2581Integraci\u00f3n", + -11.983139038085938 + ], + [ + "\u2581beside", + -11.865910530090332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Responsabilidad", + -11.96579647064209 + ], + [ + "\u2581ferry", + -12.188092231750488 + ], + [ + "\u25813000", + -12.495894432067871 + ], + [ + "\u2581explaining", + -11.840611457824707 + ], + [ + "\u2581tesis", + -11.949837684631348 + ], + [ + "\u25811956", + -12.63713550567627 + ], + [ + "\u2581fijos", + -11.935050010681152 + ], + [ + "\u2581alejado", + -11.85788631439209 + ], + [ + "\u2581inserta", + -11.831110000610352 + ], + [ + "\u2581organise", + -11.860941886901855 + ], + [ + "clock", + -11.921545028686523 + ], + [ + "\u2581orienta", + -11.856057167053223 + ], + [ + "\u2581Thought", + -11.91282844543457 + ], + [ + "away", + -11.908452987670898 + ], + [ + "\u2581asegure", + -11.955933570861816 + ], + [ + "\u2581biol\u00f3gicos", + -11.959882736206055 + ], + [ + "IMA", + -12.675275802612305 + ], + [ + "\u2581Africano", + -11.978218078613281 + ], + [ + "/1)", + -12.50614070892334 + ], + [ + "\u2581vitales", + -11.93566608428955 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00edntegramente", + -11.960810661315918 + ], + [ + "seekers", + -11.813910484313965 + ], + [ + "\u2581bombing", + -11.916666984558105 + ], + [ + "\u2581lend", + -11.880285263061523 + ], + [ + "\u2581remolque", + -11.922264099121094 + ], + [ + "\u2581HAVE", + -11.943098068237305 + ], + [ + "\u2581privilegios", + -11.962113380432129 + ], + [ + "\u2581lamentable", + -11.900654792785645 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00e9se", + -11.724387168884277 + ], + [ + "\u2581configura", + -12.239011764526367 + ], + [ + "\u2581apostle", + -11.824888229370117 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gana", + -12.024031639099121 + ], + [ + "\u2581Romero", + -12.564967155456543 + ], + [ + "\u2581presentando", + -11.998360633850098 + ], + [ + "def", + -11.772582054138184 + ], + [ + "mpla", + -12.084250450134277 + ], + [ + "\u2581readily", + -11.784504890441895 + ], + [ + "\u2581Chica", + -11.927326202392578 + ], + [ + "\u2581animar", + -12.014540672302246 + ], + [ + "\u2581Schu", + -12.703667640686035 + ], + [ + "\u2581pesqueros", + -11.955684661865234 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fashion", + -11.827398300170898 + ], + [ + "\u2581concertado", + -11.882505416870117 + ], + [ + "rqu", + -11.942667961120605 + ], + [ + "\u2581Salida", + -12.004596710205078 + ], + [ + "\u2581walks", + -12.067970275878906 + ], + [ + "\u2581UI", + -11.914461135864258 + ], + [ + "\u2581communal", + -11.785983085632324 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ramsar", + -12.480829238891602 + ], + [ + "\u2581construct", + -11.854504585266113 + ], + [ + "\u2581Arkansas", + -12.503665924072266 + ], + [ + "f\u00e9r", + -12.203441619873047 + ], + [ + "\u2581Comb", + -12.571480751037598 + ], + [ + "\u2581correspondence", + -11.799370765686035 + ], + [ + "development", + -11.929788589477539 + ], + [ + "\u2581escalera", + -11.78835678100586 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wy", + -12.688665390014648 + ], + [ + "\u2581fractura", + -11.902698516845703 + ], + [ + "\u2581mexicana", + -11.940896034240723 + ], + [ + "\u2581qui\u00e9nes", + -11.889609336853027 + ], + [ + "ificada", + -12.104182243347168 + ], + [ + "\u2581ten\u00e9is", + -11.813481330871582 + ], + [ + "\u2581dormido", + -11.798981666564941 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cell", + -11.820023536682129 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hacienda", + -12.092948913574219 + ], + [ + "\u2581Organ", + -12.008468627929688 + ], + [ + "\u2581Medios", + -12.127899169921875 + ], + [ + "\u2581woods", + -11.963898658752441 + ], + [ + "trato", + -11.98829174041748 + ], + [ + "sector", + -11.813262939453125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Guys", + -12.09296703338623 + ], + [ + "\u2581Different", + -11.858199119567871 + ], + [ + "\u2581english", + -12.388799667358398 + ], + [ + "\u2581Veamos", + -11.762145042419434 + ], + [ + "\u2581donaci\u00f3n", + -11.886934280395508 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cami", + -12.241782188415527 + ], + [ + "\u2581Falta", + -11.90556812286377 + ], + [ + "\u2581allergic", + -11.787425994873047 + ], + [ + "chair", + -11.848072052001953 + ], + [ + "lini", + -12.464593887329102 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bang", + -12.707874298095703 + ], + [ + "\u2581colina", + -11.913252830505371 + ], + [ + "\u2581excluye", + -11.935416221618652 + ], + [ + "\u2581buscado", + -11.90173625946045 + ], + [ + "\u2581practitioners", + -11.817281723022461 + ], + [ + "\u2581Annan", + -12.467288970947266 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuente", + -11.835999488830566 + ], + [ + "\u2581freezing", + -11.858463287353516 + ], + [ + "\u2581controller", + -11.815185546875 + ], + [ + "\u2581loyal", + -11.878786087036133 + ], + [ + "\u2581escapa", + -11.716409683227539 + ], + [ + "aceae", + -12.489543914794922 + ], + [ + "\u2581reiterar", + -11.947738647460938 + ], + [ + "\u2581comunista", + -11.952157974243164 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00c1ngel", + -11.904321670532227 + ], + [ + "\u2581bitter", + -11.804000854492188 + ], + [ + "\u258153.", + -11.943954467773438 + ], + [ + "\u2581verduras", + -11.950892448425293 + ], + [ + "\u2581speeches", + -11.834442138671875 + ], + [ + "\u2581$8", + -11.777390480041504 + ], + [ + "\u2581Parker", + -12.486969947814941 + ], + [ + "modal", + -12.579444885253906 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cord", + -12.008973121643066 + ], + [ + "\u2581Coronel", + -11.756468772888184 + ], + [ + "\u2581ayuden", + -11.934313774108887 + ], + [ + "fono", + -12.111225128173828 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cristina", + -12.648248672485352 + ], + [ + "tiga", + -12.199663162231445 + ], + [ + "\u2581undertook", + -11.82492733001709 + ], + [ + "\u2581olas", + -11.992467880249023 + ], + [ + "rak", + -12.400773048400879 + ], + [ + "\u2581imputa", + -11.989632606506348 + ], + [ + "stop", + -12.092205047607422 + ], + [ + "\u2581Muhammad", + -12.324697494506836 + ], + [ + "\u2581crash", + -11.882416725158691 + ], + [ + "\u2581loyalty", + -11.860186576843262 + ], + [ + "\u2581reunir\u00e1", + -11.978718757629395 + ], + [ + "\u2581attempting", + -11.807474136352539 + ], + [ + "\u2581lung", + -11.847015380859375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Presidential", + -11.841960906982422 + ], + [ + "\u2581genio", + -11.813655853271484 + ], + [ + "\u2581pointing", + -11.882511138916016 + ], + [ + "fia", + -11.833597183227539 + ], + [ + "\u2581hito", + -11.940162658691406 + ], + [ + "bien", + -11.830175399780273 + ], + [ + "\u2581horarios", + -11.956104278564453 + ], + [ + "\u2581activar", + -11.887983322143555 + ], + [ + "\u2581adolescent", + -11.807147979736328 + ], + [ + "\u2581ense\u00f1\u00f3", + -11.863011360168457 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reich", + -12.468894958496094 + ], + [ + "\u2581archive", + -11.847960472106934 + ], + [ + "\u2581eligibility", + -11.813261032104492 + ], + [ + "\u2581sorprender", + -12.086774826049805 + ], + [ + "DN", + -12.387463569641113 + ], + [ + "\u2581gratuitamente", + -11.990428924560547 + ], + [ + "\u2581pulmonar", + -11.948155403137207 + ], + [ + "\u2581curar", + -11.936591148376465 + ], + [ + "\u2581fabricar", + -11.987021446228027 + ], + [ + "\u2581patrulla", + -11.862191200256348 + ], + [ + "order", + -11.817758560180664 + ], + [ + "\u2581mins", + -11.97513198852539 + ], + [ + "\u2581bromeando", + -11.658167839050293 + ], + [ + "OVER", + -12.366957664489746 + ], + [ + "\u2581Expresses", + -11.780750274658203 + ], + [ + "\u2581aboga", + -11.961233139038086 + ], + [ + "\u2581muestreo", + -11.964585304260254 + ], + [ + "aver", + -11.974037170410156 + ], + [ + "\u2581Count", + -11.932586669921875 + ], + [ + "\u2581YOUR", + -11.992267608642578 + ], + [ + "\u2581Contributions", + -11.824847221374512 + ], + [ + "\u2581Less", + -11.934967994689941 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pantalla", + -11.954734802246094 + ], + [ + "\u2581debidas", + -12.039575576782227 + ], + [ + "\u2581malnutrition", + -11.874288558959961 + ], + [ + "\u2581racing", + -11.893317222595215 + ], + [ + "\u2581Maintenance", + -11.860116004943848 + ], + [ + "\u2581prudente", + -11.90606689453125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Opportunities", + -11.82677936553955 + ], + [ + "edades", + -12.01242733001709 + ], + [ + "\u2581noon", + -11.88992977142334 + ], + [ + "tation", + -11.614996910095215 + ], + [ + "XV", + -12.412432670593262 + ], + [ + "UAL", + -12.452254295349121 + ], + [ + "\u2581Compensation", + -11.812041282653809 + ], + [ + "\u2581identificados", + -11.994288444519043 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bomb", + -12.392844200134277 + ], + [ + "\u2581Franklin", + -12.59005355834961 + ], + [ + "employed", + -11.809463500976562 + ], + [ + "MAG", + -12.555190086364746 + ], + [ + "\u2581Entertainment", + -12.174699783325195 + ], + [ + "\u2581expira", + -11.905106544494629 + ], + [ + "\u2581tin", + -11.910627365112305 + ], + [ + "\u2581aceptan", + -11.907904624938965 + ], + [ + "\u2581hallan", + -11.945769309997559 + ], + [ + "\u2581civic", + -11.812042236328125 + ], + [ + "\u2581luminoso", + -11.950343132019043 + ], + [ + "\u2581Race", + -11.89548110961914 + ], + [ + "sim", + -12.257569313049316 + ], + [ + "call", + -12.065816879272461 + ], + [ + "pasa", + -12.285292625427246 + ], + [ + "\u2581Putin", + -12.61451244354248 + ], + [ + "bloque", + -12.013504981994629 + ], + [ + "\u2581pudiese", + -11.925125122070312 + ], + [ + "-2017", + -12.71683406829834 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gomera", + -12.525822639465332 + ], + [ + "/42", + -12.530203819274902 + ], + [ + "\u2581annexes", + -11.846315383911133 + ], + [ + "\u2581Verizon", + -12.565165519714355 + ], + [ + "\u2581retired", + -11.886018753051758 + ], + [ + "\u2581fucked", + -11.966212272644043 + ], + [ + "CAR", + -12.44810962677002 + ], + [ + "\u2581Campos", + -11.987929344177246 + ], + [ + "\u2581stamp", + -11.814825057983398 + ], + [ + "nacional", + -11.932618141174316 + ], + [ + "\u2581dictar", + -12.065750122070312 + ], + [ + "\u2581EIB", + -11.853446006774902 + ], + [ + "\u2581TH", + -12.16865348815918 + ], + [ + "cid", + -11.919024467468262 + ], + [ + "\u2581approximation", + -11.763265609741211 + ], + [ + "\u2581presu", + -12.110108375549316 + ], + [ + "\u2581RU", + -12.479642868041992 + ], + [ + "\u2581minerals", + -11.81966495513916 + ], + [ + "\u2581progresivo", + -11.94451904296875 + ], + [ + "ancia", + -12.581869125366211 + ], + [ + "\u2581Adopci\u00f3n", + -11.948155403137207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reply", + -11.900599479675293 + ], + [ + "\u2581tanques", + -11.952483177185059 + ], + [ + "tho", + -12.171171188354492 + ], + [ + "\u2581prote", + -11.87459945678711 + ], + [ + "\u2581determines", + -11.901725769042969 + ], + [ + "\u2581fundado", + -11.97262191772461 + ], + [ + "\u2581nombramientos", + -12.027236938476562 + ], + [ + "\u2581metals", + -11.864791870117188 + ], + [ + "\u2581genus", + -11.980332374572754 + ], + [ + "\u2581deeds", + -11.847779273986816 + ], + [ + "\u2581instantly", + -11.849940299987793 + ], + [ + "ANA", + -12.575201988220215 + ], + [ + "\u00f3rica", + -12.119976043701172 + ], + [ + "\u2581smuggling", + -11.853104591369629 + ], + [ + "\u2581contend", + -11.871585845947266 + ], + [ + "\u2581afirman", + -11.957324028015137 + ], + [ + "\u2581infusion", + -11.782944679260254 + ], + [ + "\u2581sillas", + -11.951025009155273 + ], + [ + "Im", + -12.023422241210938 + ], + [ + "tame", + -12.06230640411377 + ], + [ + "\u2581chu", + -11.874056816101074 + ], + [ + "\u2581apoyen", + -11.953699111938477 + ], + [ + "\u2581writers", + -11.897418975830078 + ], + [ + "\u2581Albanian", + -11.839068412780762 + ], + [ + "\u2581Deal", + -11.893914222717285 + ], + [ + "Thank", + -11.9249267578125 + ], + [ + "\u2581cau", + -12.166349411010742 + ], + [ + "\u2581expedientes", + -11.9790678024292 + ], + [ + "\u2581COMP", + -12.343106269836426 + ], + [ + "\u2581mercantil", + -11.949613571166992 + ], + [ + "\u2581proclama", + -11.884023666381836 + ], + [ + "nuevo", + -12.182456970214844 + ], + [ + "\u2581Abre", + -11.89720630645752 + ], + [ + "\u2581preparedness", + -11.86032485961914 + ], + [ + "\u2581aplazar", + -11.939488410949707 + ], + [ + "\u2581recta", + -11.884455680847168 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fueron", + -11.875889778137207 + ], + [ + "gha", + -12.664132118225098 + ], + [ + "xx", + -12.553759574890137 + ], + [ + "\u2581influyen", + -11.829215049743652 + ], + [ + "\u2581buscaba", + -12.053374290466309 + ], + [ + "\u2581Obviously", + -11.900578498840332 + ], + [ + "\u2581gaining", + -11.828229904174805 + ], + [ + "avan", + -12.207572937011719 + ], + [ + "\u2581incumben", + -12.052886009216309 + ], + [ + "home", + -11.927215576171875 + ], + [ + "\u2581simula", + -11.925217628479004 + ], + [ + "Bur", + -12.712440490722656 + ], + [ + "\u2581colecciones", + -12.000541687011719 + ], + [ + "\u2581vincular", + -12.04648494720459 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bj", + -12.534980773925781 + ], + [ + "mut", + -12.401597023010254 + ], + [ + "tique", + -12.537504196166992 + ], + [ + "\u2581Present", + -11.882436752319336 + ], + [ + "\u2581Radi", + -12.393280029296875 + ], + [ + "\u2581secundarias", + -11.989710807800293 + ], + [ + "\u2581endless", + -11.90324592590332 + ], + [ + "\u2581impulsado", + -11.99088191986084 + ], + [ + "Camp", + -12.72545051574707 + ], + [ + "\u2581appealed", + -11.865729331970215 + ], + [ + "\u2581decirles", + -11.854144096374512 + ], + [ + "\u2581intensificaci\u00f3n", + -11.935991287231445 + ], + [ + "\u2581c\u00e1", + -11.9529390335083 + ], + [ + "\u2581monitors", + -11.957758903503418 + ], + [ + "\u2581Joshua", + -12.052020072937012 + ], + [ + ".9%", + -12.046441078186035 + ], + [ + "\u2581ferroviario", + -11.890127182006836 + ], + [ + "\u2581wounds", + -11.94487476348877 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aw", + -11.974601745605469 + ], + [ + "\u2581concertada", + -11.961380958557129 + ], + [ + "\u2581intente", + -11.835104942321777 + ], + [ + "\u2581tattoo", + -11.910618782043457 + ], + [ + "erva", + -12.31554889678955 + ], + [ + "monio", + -12.123425483703613 + ], + [ + "\u2581replica", + -12.485363006591797 + ], + [ + "\u2581activado", + -11.99367904663086 + ], + [ + "\u2581thickness", + -11.812861442565918 + ], + [ + "eces", + -12.394336700439453 + ], + [ + "\u2581garantizando", + -11.947997093200684 + ], + [ + "\u2581Prohibici\u00f3n", + -11.973986625671387 + ], + [ + "\u2581reunidos", + -11.935916900634766 + ], + [ + "\u2581determinar\u00e1", + -11.982356071472168 + ], + [ + "\u2581solemne", + -11.957672119140625 + ], + [ + "\u2581empuja", + -11.90424919128418 + ], + [ + "\u2581neighbors", + -11.932395935058594 + ], + [ + "forme", + -12.113598823547363 + ], + [ + "\u2581contrata", + -11.6929349899292 + ], + [ + "\u2581obtenidas", + -12.029808044433594 + ], + [ + "\u2581cobra", + -11.87961483001709 + ], + [ + "\u2581l\u00e1grimas", + -11.865935325622559 + ], + [ + "greso", + -12.017584800720215 + ], + [ + "\u2581Transnacional", + -11.97835922241211 + ], + [ + "Recuerdas", + -11.695462226867676 + ], + [ + "\u2581cow", + -11.92823314666748 + ], + [ + "\u2581Urantia", + -12.507328033447266 + ], + [ + "\u2581f\u00e1bricas", + -11.993102073669434 + ], + [ + "\u2581semilla", + -11.989950180053711 + ], + [ + "teria", + -12.069540023803711 + ], + [ + "\u2581queden", + -12.054486274719238 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reuniones", + -12.026165962219238 + ], + [ + "\u2581concentra", + -11.783941268920898 + ], + [ + "\u2581auditor", + -12.552534103393555 + ], + [ + "\u2581Grab", + -12.614816665649414 + ], + [ + "\u2581IE", + -11.868006706237793 + ], + [ + "\u2581mercanc\u00eda", + -11.867402076721191 + ], + [ + "\u2581D\u00f3nde", + -11.987506866455078 + ], + [ + "fact", + -12.727968215942383 + ], + [ + "cloro", + -12.217068672180176 + ], + [ + "rec", + -11.767374038696289 + ], + [ + "ulator", + -11.98520565032959 + ], + [ + "rismo", + -12.12511920928955 + ], + [ + "\u2581backed", + -11.920364379882812 + ], + [ + "\u2581enfermera", + -11.761280059814453 + ], + [ + "\u2581tango", + -12.486096382141113 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cards", + -11.889464378356934 + ], + [ + "\u2581Serbian", + -11.859471321105957 + ], + [ + "\u2581concedi\u00f3", + -11.958009719848633 + ], + [ + "\u2581concertaci\u00f3n", + -11.946700096130371 + ], + [ + "\u2581naves", + -11.901490211486816 + ], + [ + "\u2581summits", + -11.873666763305664 + ], + [ + "NF", + -12.501845359802246 + ], + [ + "\u2581hunt", + -11.893613815307617 + ], + [ + "Wi", + -12.4891357421875 + ], + [ + "\u2581subregi\u00f3n", + -11.93802547454834 + ], + [ + "\u2581dumb", + -11.98226547241211 + ], + [ + "cale", + -12.187552452087402 + ], + [ + "\u2581atendiendo", + -12.019906044006348 + ], + [ + "\u2581suponen", + -11.947370529174805 + ], + [ + "\u2581insistir", + -11.95816707611084 + ], + [ + "\u2581trastorno", + -11.961400985717773 + ], + [ + "\u2581WFP", + -11.871665000915527 + ], + [ + "\u2581invoked", + -11.865495681762695 + ], + [ + "\u2581Barrio", + -12.31414794921875 + ], + [ + "\u2581coincidencia", + -11.90148639678955 + ], + [ + "\u2581s\u00f3tano", + -11.890127182006836 + ], + [ + "\u2581vegetal", + -11.978384971618652 + ], + [ + "\u2581gut", + -11.978357315063477 + ], + [ + "\u2581intimidaci\u00f3n", + -11.987698554992676 + ], + [ + "\u2581181", + -12.478575706481934 + ], + [ + "\u2581tribal", + -12.124348640441895 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mul", + -12.567730903625488 + ], + [ + "\u2581Valentine", + -12.295815467834473 + ], + [ + "\u2581versus", + -11.856289863586426 + ], + [ + "\u2581Campus", + -12.515332221984863 + ], + [ + "\u2581Quieres", + -11.743565559387207 + ], + [ + "\u2581castigado", + -11.961584091186523 + ], + [ + "\u2581examinan", + -11.953213691711426 + ], + [ + "***", + -12.297563552856445 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mars", + -12.053972244262695 + ], + [ + "\u2581listened", + -11.880791664123535 + ], + [ + "Hi", + -12.4348726272583 + ], + [ + "\u2581font", + -11.96928596496582 + ], + [ + "\u2581diplom\u00e1ticos", + -12.000215530395508 + ], + [ + "\u2581Past", + -11.91281509399414 + ], + [ + "cks", + -12.122817993164062 + ], + [ + "\u2581Getting", + -11.881182670593262 + ], + [ + "\u2581pioneer", + -11.808629989624023 + ], + [ + "minaci\u00f3n", + -12.098236083984375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Solidarity", + -11.778475761413574 + ], + [ + "\u2581empire", + -11.958857536315918 + ], + [ + "\u2581transmitida", + -12.02695369720459 + ], + [ + "uka", + -12.608521461486816 + ], + [ + "\u2581mixto", + -11.949655532836914 + ], + [ + "\u258112:", + -11.782590866088867 + ], + [ + "\u2581Intellectual", + -11.808390617370605 + ], + [ + "\u2581Blessed", + -11.893625259399414 + ], + [ + "ciencia", + -11.990456581115723 + ], + [ + "\u2581dejar\u00e9", + -11.71037769317627 + ], + [ + "\u2581devotion", + -11.847408294677734 + ], + [ + "Muy", + -11.820964813232422 + ], + [ + "bica", + -12.715819358825684 + ], + [ + "\u2581235", + -12.610573768615723 + ], + [ + "unch", + -12.243911743164062 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mode", + -11.923599243164062 + ], + [ + "\u2581desnudo", + -11.848434448242188 + ], + [ + "\u2581testimonios", + -11.992629051208496 + ], + [ + "\u2581viviente", + -11.954743385314941 + ], + [ + "\u2581artefactos", + -12.006193161010742 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mega", + -12.512744903564453 + ], + [ + "\u2581devote", + -11.830810546875 + ], + [ + "Aligned", + -11.807784080505371 + ], + [ + "decision", + -11.840791702270508 + ], + [ + "hay", + -11.870726585388184 + ], + [ + "\u2581Afro", + -12.183335304260254 + ], + [ + "\u2581Deber\u00edamos", + -11.782593727111816 + ], + [ + "\u2581llamamientos", + -11.988615989685059 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nine", + -12.053226470947266 + ], + [ + "\u2581revelation", + -11.840482711791992 + ], + [ + "ol\u00f3gicos", + -12.102961540222168 + ], + [ + "\u2581behave", + -11.898391723632812 + ], + [ + "\u2581tramo", + -11.959803581237793 + ], + [ + "\u2581maturity", + -11.842994689941406 + ], + [ + "4,000", + -11.889081954956055 + ], + [ + "h\u00ed", + -12.721846580505371 + ], + [ + "trico", + -12.375720977783203 + ], + [ + "\u2581conception", + -11.904695510864258 + ], + [ + "bby", + -11.933934211730957 + ], + [ + "asco", + -12.199677467346191 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tales", + -11.947115898132324 + ], + [ + "\u2581disparidades", + -11.978287696838379 + ], + [ + "\u2581salta", + -11.868294715881348 + ], + [ + "\u2581lealtad", + -11.894953727722168 + ], + [ + "\u2581permitiera", + -11.971023559570312 + ], + [ + "France", + -11.860548973083496 + ], + [ + "m\u00e1ticos", + -12.161417961120605 + ], + [ + "\u2581forzada", + -11.993428230285645 + ], + [ + "\u2581imb\u00e9cil", + -11.673951148986816 + ], + [ + "\u2581aut\u00f3nomo", + -11.984911918640137 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cana", + -12.046314239501953 + ], + [ + "\u2581miseria", + -11.922435760498047 + ], + [ + "\u2581Piensa", + -11.8173246383667 + ], + [ + "gr\u00e1ficos", + -12.149118423461914 + ], + [ + "\u2581comprimido", + -11.951844215393066 + ], + [ + "\u2581convencidos", + -11.929235458374023 + ], + [ + "\u2581indemnizaciones", + -11.968087196350098 + ], + [ + "oja", + -12.175085067749023 + ], + [ + "\u2581delegated", + -11.801321029663086 + ], + [ + "\u2581ejercen", + -11.971419334411621 + ], + [ + "\u2581C\u00f3", + -12.0823335647583 + ], + [ + "\u2581execute", + -11.883557319641113 + ], + [ + "\u2581gust\u00f3", + -11.808948516845703 + ], + [ + "\u2581provee", + -11.907716751098633 + ], + [ + "\u2581barras", + -12.021998405456543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Phoenix", + -12.405206680297852 + ], + [ + "\u0131", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581Halloween", + -12.538344383239746 + ], + [ + "\u2581castiga", + -11.853348731994629 + ], + [ + "\u2581270", + -12.577869415283203 + ], + [ + "\u2581da\u00f1ar", + -11.981572151184082 + ], + [ + "quilla", + -12.065572738647461 + ], + [ + "\u2581inadmissible", + -11.838603019714355 + ], + [ + "\u2581ej\u00e9rcitos", + -12.05653190612793 + ], + [ + "\u2581alright", + -12.024643898010254 + ], + [ + "\u2581ideological", + -11.80960750579834 + ], + [ + "\u2581raid", + -11.900714874267578 + ], + [ + "\u2581deseas", + -12.037166595458984 + ], + [ + "\u2581forecasts", + -11.876919746398926 + ], + [ + "\u2581subvenciona", + -12.02937126159668 + ], + [ + "\u2581transported", + -11.829941749572754 + ], + [ + "entrepreneurship", + -11.856907844543457 + ], + [ + "\u2581continually", + -11.843238830566406 + ], + [ + "\u2581aprende", + -11.917259216308594 + ], + [ + "\u2581Planet", + -11.892756462097168 + ], + [ + "GV", + -12.775920867919922 + ], + [ + "liz", + -12.10540771484375 + ], + [ + "\u2581confined", + -11.837895393371582 + ], + [ + "\u2581suspicious", + -11.908731460571289 + ], + [ + "pert", + -12.064370155334473 + ], + [ + "\u2581Athens", + -11.83051586151123 + ], + [ + "\u2581Marty", + -12.487922668457031 + ], + [ + "\u2581registrarse", + -11.968422889709473 + ], + [ + "\u2581Exterior", + -12.225046157836914 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pronto", + -11.819389343261719 + ], + [ + "\u2581Luci", + -12.560154914855957 + ], + [ + "\u2581pierda", + -11.853297233581543 + ], + [ + "risto", + -12.546148300170898 + ], + [ + "\u2581diamond", + -11.856327056884766 + ], + [ + "\u2581traducido", + -11.97458267211914 + ], + [ + "\u2581importantly", + -11.893609046936035 + ], + [ + "\u2581suplementos", + -12.027775764465332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Romans", + -11.991643905639648 + ], + [ + "\u2581alent\u00f3", + -11.983779907226562 + ], + [ + "\u00edsticos", + -12.148981094360352 + ], + [ + "\u2581Conferences", + -12.423993110656738 + ], + [ + "\u2581azar", + -11.951410293579102 + ], + [ + "ARE", + -12.626212120056152 + ], + [ + "\u2581desaparecidos", + -11.935060501098633 + ], + [ + "\u2581allies", + -11.855862617492676 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dead", + -11.966615676879883 + ], + [ + "\u2581dozen", + -11.872088432312012 + ], + [ + "CMP", + -12.573676109313965 + ], + [ + "\u2581skip", + -11.979546546936035 + ], + [ + "\u2581situar", + -12.017908096313477 + ], + [ + "\u2581sends", + -12.07260799407959 + ], + [ + "\u2581Poly", + -11.891212463378906 + ], + [ + "\u2581acreedor", + -11.994087219238281 + ], + [ + "\u2581promete", + -11.840791702270508 + ], + [ + "\u2581safer", + -11.861207962036133 + ], + [ + "\u2581sickness", + -11.862584114074707 + ], + [ + "\u2581tunnel", + -11.927282333374023 + ], + [ + "\u2581enuncia", + -11.955404281616211 + ], + [ + "\u2581intake", + -11.857176780700684 + ], + [ + "\u2581pais", + -12.046648025512695 + ], + [ + "ciales", + -12.16185474395752 + ], + [ + "\u2581Escritura", + -11.974263191223145 + ], + [ + "\u2581preescolar", + -11.980738639831543 + ], + [ + "notificada", + -11.985274314880371 + ], + [ + "\u2581Important", + -11.864133834838867 + ], + [ + "\u2581convenience", + -11.842365264892578 + ], + [ + "\u2581usada", + -12.018940925598145 + ], + [ + "\u2581criado", + -11.978475570678711 + ], + [ + "\u2581illusion", + -11.88603401184082 + ], + [ + "document", + -12.516000747680664 + ], + [ + "\u2581SBSTA", + -11.903172492980957 + ], + [ + "\u2581Around", + -11.894464492797852 + ], + [ + "\u2581Estambul", + -11.942343711853027 + ], + [ + "\u2581212", + -12.546555519104004 + ], + [ + "\u2581steering", + -11.865365028381348 + ], + [ + "\u2581Suena", + -11.776118278503418 + ], + [ + "presidente", + -12.008831977844238 + ], + [ + "\u2581asshole", + -12.026374816894531 + ], + [ + "tendiendo", + -11.922431945800781 + ], + [ + "\u2581navega", + -11.919421195983887 + ], + [ + "101", + -12.351847648620605 + ], + [ + "\u2581183", + -12.404130935668945 + ], + [ + "\u2581ahorros", + -11.99035358428955 + ], + [ + "\u2581rechaz\u00f3", + -11.918720245361328 + ], + [ + "\u2581234", + -12.5457124710083 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gad", + -12.76889419555664 + ], + [ + "enter", + -12.181978225708008 + ], + [ + "\u2581conductores", + -11.938593864440918 + ], + [ + "\u2581demonio", + -11.88416576385498 + ], + [ + "\u2581importadores", + -11.999435424804688 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hit", + -11.929498672485352 + ], + [ + "\u2581reasonably", + -11.823373794555664 + ], + [ + "\u2581reminds", + -11.963991165161133 + ], + [ + "\u2581Secret", + -11.87752628326416 + ], + [ + "\u2581angular", + -12.115983963012695 + ], + [ + "\u2581suited", + -11.825522422790527 + ], + [ + "\u2581inviting", + -11.880167007446289 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ves", + -11.977478981018066 + ], + [ + "\u2581Slovak", + -11.778254508972168 + ], + [ + "\u2581Guillermo", + -12.51774787902832 + ], + [ + "\u2581resting", + -11.888298034667969 + ], + [ + "\u2581llevas", + -11.787897109985352 + ], + [ + "\u2581Duke", + -12.270866394042969 + ], + [ + "\u2581forwarded", + -11.891325950622559 + ], + [ + "\u2581stopping", + -11.915820121765137 + ], + [ + "\u2581evolved", + -11.866920471191406 + ], + [ + "\u2581piensos", + -11.96097469329834 + ], + [ + "\u2581reparaciones", + -12.00062370300293 + ], + [ + "\u2581Metropolitan", + -12.506103515625 + ], + [ + "ibles", + -12.00429630279541 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gr\u00e1fico", + -11.971746444702148 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wayne", + -12.613638877868652 + ], + [ + "WC", + -11.858559608459473 + ], + [ + "\u2581lied", + -11.994815826416016 + ], + [ + "\u2581void", + -11.859307289123535 + ], + [ + "\u2581impactos", + -12.034893989562988 + ], + [ + "\u2581teaches", + -11.844239234924316 + ], + [ + "\u2581Guerrero", + -12.591212272644043 + ], + [ + "\u2581contable", + -11.92279052734375 + ], + [ + "\u2581calcium", + -11.853740692138672 + ], + [ + "\u2581inconfundible", + -11.992094039916992 + ], + [ + "3]", + -12.442276000976562 + ], + [ + "pulsa", + -11.966622352600098 + ], + [ + "\u2581Terraza", + -11.989947319030762 + ], + [ + "\u2581HP", + -12.316841125488281 + ], + [ + "\u2581reca", + -11.846949577331543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Suscr\u00edbase", + -12.07955551147461 + ], + [ + "\u2581gentle", + -11.9336519241333 + ], + [ + "/2010/", + -12.700836181640625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Montana", + -12.63698673248291 + ], + [ + "\u2581tropicales", + -12.020095825195312 + ], + [ + "\u2581webcam", + -12.466812133789062 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kun", + -12.544732093811035 + ], + [ + "\u2581Democracia", + -11.967280387878418 + ], + [ + "\u2581MINUSTAH", + -12.585755348205566 + ], + [ + "\u2581bicicletas", + -11.981060028076172 + ], + [ + "\u2581contar\u00e1", + -12.081741333007812 + ], + [ + "\u2581Frequently", + -11.86531925201416 + ], + [ + "\u2581caballero", + -11.77766227722168 + ], + [ + "\u2581recto", + -11.889400482177734 + ], + [ + "\u2581energ\u00e9ticos", + -12.004314422607422 + ], + [ + "\u2581vers\u00edculo", + -11.962838172912598 + ], + [ + "\u2581Encuentro", + -11.969511032104492 + ], + [ + "\u2581llevados", + -12.058061599731445 + ], + [ + "\u2581plenarias", + -12.045122146606445 + ], + [ + "\u2581revelaci\u00f3n", + -11.977269172668457 + ], + [ + "\u2581mandamientos", + -11.992938995361328 + ], + [ + "omy", + -12.129684448242188 + ], + [ + "\u2581Brindisi", + -12.617898941040039 + ], + [ + "\u2581liberado", + -11.951197624206543 + ], + [ + "\u2581intimidation", + -11.835477828979492 + ], + [ + "\u2581quarters", + -11.98320198059082 + ], + [ + "BRA", + -12.49519157409668 + ], + [ + "\u2581bancario", + -11.889334678649902 + ], + [ + "\u2581orientados", + -11.965291023254395 + ], + [ + "\u2581171", + -12.51846981048584 + ], + [ + "\u2581Acc", + -12.217559814453125 + ], + [ + "\u2581elite", + -11.87484073638916 + ], + [ + "TEL", + -12.665562629699707 + ], + [ + "parti", + -12.357917785644531 + ], + [ + "\u2581DS", + -12.244819641113281 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuantas", + -11.920187950134277 + ], + [ + "\u2581lobo", + -12.081164360046387 + ], + [ + "\u25812016,", + -12.191937446594238 + ], + [ + "\u2581mentes", + -12.020001411437988 + ], + [ + "\u2581algorithm", + -11.836102485656738 + ], + [ + "\u2581mortales", + -11.992835998535156 + ], + [ + "\u2581visibles", + -12.02298641204834 + ], + [ + "\u2581conectados", + -11.944131851196289 + ], + [ + "\u2581aluminium", + -11.846774101257324 + ], + [ + "\u2581planted", + -11.877372741699219 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kur", + -12.641618728637695 + ], + [ + "huh", + -12.324031829833984 + ], + [ + "\u2581inminente", + -11.967281341552734 + ], + [ + "\u2581Acu", + -12.146468162536621 + ], + [ + "\u2581renowned", + -11.865245819091797 + ], + [ + "\u2581Anton", + -12.462973594665527 + ], + [ + "tivity", + -12.462517738342285 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jesse", + -12.590079307556152 + ], + [ + "\u2581adi\u00f3s", + -11.747920989990234 + ], + [ + "nilla", + -12.160346984863281 + ], + [ + "cultura", + -12.003690719604492 + ], + [ + "\u2581Yellow", + -12.141104698181152 + ], + [ + "6%)", + -12.681869506835938 + ], + [ + "\u2581deportivos", + -11.979933738708496 + ], + [ + "\u2581impressed", + -11.959424018859863 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bath", + -11.856847763061523 + ], + [ + "002", + -12.598663330078125 + ], + [ + "\u2581audits", + -11.896650314331055 + ], + [ + "\u2581curse", + -11.95591926574707 + ], + [ + "\u2581institute", + -11.906847953796387 + ], + [ + "\u2581ceased", + -11.856358528137207 + ], + [ + "\u2581exitoso", + -11.968026161193848 + ], + [ + "\u2581elevaci\u00f3n", + -12.006522178649902 + ], + [ + "\u2581responda", + -11.950925827026367 + ], + [ + "count", + -12.681205749511719 + ], + [ + "\u2581triumph", + -11.878186225891113 + ], + [ + "\u2581apostles", + -11.858240127563477 + ], + [ + "\u2581c\u00f3nyuges", + -11.956035614013672 + ], + [ + "\u2581pharmacist", + -11.831119537353516 + ], + [ + "\u2581exhaust", + -11.902033805847168 + ], + [ + "\u2581proyecci\u00f3n", + -11.938728332519531 + ], + [ + "\u2581sha", + -12.005345344543457 + ], + [ + "\u2581aprox", + -12.015284538269043 + ], + [ + "\u2581extendido", + -11.9959077835083 + ], + [ + "\u2581spoil", + -11.919225692749023 + ], + [ + "\u2581cre\u00ed", + -11.764074325561523 + ], + [ + "llow", + -12.2938232421875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Subraya", + -11.975692749023438 + ], + [ + "\u2581abstract", + -11.849607467651367 + ], + [ + "\u2581recipients", + -11.903486251831055 + ], + [ + "\u2581registraron", + -11.97585678100586 + ], + [ + "\u00df", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581c\u00e1lido", + -11.95621109008789 + ], + [ + "pens", + -12.177145957946777 + ], + [ + "\u2581generador", + -12.089349746704102 + ], + [ + "\u2581recordings", + -11.95650863647461 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ojal\u00e1", + -11.793557167053223 + ], + [ + "\u2581communion", + -11.89335823059082 + ], + [ + "\u2581inability", + -11.942205429077148 + ], + [ + "\u2581plague", + -11.92008113861084 + ], + [ + "\u2581harina", + -11.964982986450195 + ], + [ + "\u2581adhere", + -11.840113639831543 + ], + [ + "\u2581dawn", + -11.973133087158203 + ], + [ + "\u2581Balance", + -12.185399055480957 + ], + [ + "\u2581P\u00e1rrafos", + -11.971518516540527 + ], + [ + "\u2581auction", + -11.827407836914062 + ], + [ + "UNA", + -12.494244575500488 + ], + [ + "nger", + -11.847283363342285 + ], + [ + "\u2581Licencia", + -12.077159881591797 + ], + [ + "\u2581celebran", + -11.998917579650879 + ], + [ + "\u2581testify", + -11.886188507080078 + ], + [ + "\u2581tinta", + -11.974364280700684 + ], + [ + "\u2581Edit", + -11.975071907043457 + ], + [ + "\u2581rub", + -11.96629810333252 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mar\u00edtima", + -12.043647766113281 + ], + [ + "\u2581dispositiva", + -11.9959077835083 + ], + [ + "\u2581rocas", + -11.8915376663208 + ], + [ + "\u2581consultarse", + -12.054671287536621 + ], + [ + "\u2581Brun", + -12.771759986877441 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lock", + -11.955589294433594 + ], + [ + "\u2581dejas", + -12.131814956665039 + ], + [ + "\u2581preocuparse", + -11.818045616149902 + ], + [ + "\u2581Violations", + -11.847405433654785 + ], + [ + "\u2581rigorous", + -11.864603042602539 + ], + [ + "BIT", + -12.844544410705566 + ], + [ + "\u2581estemos", + -12.011603355407715 + ], + [ + "3-", + -11.89614486694336 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nuevos", + -12.131547927856445 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lamento", + -11.791796684265137 + ], + [ + "\u2581187", + -12.38242244720459 + ], + [ + "\u2581vin", + -12.020606994628906 + ], + [ + "\u2581incorrect", + -11.854314804077148 + ], + [ + "\u2581Spot", + -12.32326602935791 + ], + [ + "\u2581disminuy\u00f3", + -12.012864112854004 + ], + [ + "\u2581oficios", + -11.968828201293945 + ], + [ + "\u2581320", + -12.545866012573242 + ], + [ + "boat", + -11.907759666442871 + ], + [ + "\u2581impresa", + -12.021452903747559 + ], + [ + "\u2581retra", + -11.931111335754395 + ], + [ + "\u2581Anthony", + -12.508546829223633 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ship", + -11.908352851867676 + ], + [ + "\u2581limitarse", + -11.9576997756958 + ], + [ + "\u2581hembra", + -11.984636306762695 + ], + [ + "LEX", + -12.617266654968262 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cover", + -11.916705131530762 + ], + [ + "\u2581XML", + -12.556313514709473 + ], + [ + "\u2581Volume", + -11.893295288085938 + ], + [ + "\u2581arbitrarias", + -11.997588157653809 + ], + [ + "\u2581Estructura", + -11.984491348266602 + ], + [ + "\u2581atraviesa", + -12.005121231079102 + ], + [ + "\u25811500", + -12.551152229309082 + ], + [ + "lona", + -12.358421325683594 + ], + [ + "shore", + -12.279305458068848 + ], + [ + "\u2581Contratantes", + -12.027737617492676 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fotograf\u00eda", + -11.986807823181152 + ], + [ + "\u2581cortes\u00eda", + -11.942033767700195 + ], + [ + "\u2581Americanos", + -11.965570449829102 + ], + [ + "\u2581inflamaci\u00f3n", + -11.980952262878418 + ], + [ + "\u2581Belize", + -11.672908782958984 + ], + [ + "\u2581Franja", + -12.009510040283203 + ], + [ + "\u2581prestada", + -11.96319580078125 + ], + [ + "\u25816.5", + -12.386235237121582 + ], + [ + "\u2581Annie", + -12.515424728393555 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ciudades", + -12.041876792907715 + ], + [ + "\u2581breeding", + -11.860466957092285 + ], + [ + "\u2581detectado", + -12.015514373779297 + ], + [ + "\u2581exist\u00edan", + -12.004611015319824 + ], + [ + "\u2581modificados", + -12.031235694885254 + ], + [ + "\u2581recipe", + -11.912134170532227 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bran", + -12.633594512939453 + ], + [ + "\u2581contamination", + -11.846388816833496 + ], + [ + "lite", + -12.670389175415039 + ], + [ + "\u2581solicitan", + -11.972311019897461 + ], + [ + "\u2581calcio", + -12.058392524719238 + ], + [ + "\u2581respete", + -12.003511428833008 + ], + [ + "\u2581Obviamente", + -11.884641647338867 + ], + [ + "rama", + -12.52308177947998 + ], + [ + "\u2581fireplace", + -11.892723083496094 + ], + [ + "hm", + -12.440662384033203 + ], + [ + "\u2581sindicales", + -12.022863388061523 + ], + [ + "pendi", + -12.268244743347168 + ], + [ + "\u2581caring", + -11.90620231628418 + ], + [ + "\u2581Diez", + -11.905153274536133 + ], + [ + "\u2581abdomen", + -12.511329650878906 + ], + [ + "\u2581shots", + -12.02431869506836 + ], + [ + "-2014", + -12.769667625427246 + ], + [ + "\u2581env\u00ede", + -11.98346996307373 + ], + [ + "\u2581promueven", + -11.9558744430542 + ], + [ + "fax", + -12.645532608032227 + ], + [ + "NZ", + -12.562028884887695 + ], + [ + "\u2581isl\u00e1mico", + -11.970255851745605 + ], + [ + "\u2581hearings", + -11.950407981872559 + ], + [ + "\u2581Serra", + -12.522960662841797 + ], + [ + "\u2581forbidden", + -11.890003204345703 + ], + [ + "\u2581undergo", + -11.870528221130371 + ], + [ + "\u2581caos", + -11.949054718017578 + ], + [ + "\u2581hostales", + -12.051308631896973 + ], + [ + "\u2581ofensiva", + -11.971746444702148 + ], + [ + "\u2581sesenta", + -11.947786331176758 + ], + [ + "\u2581viewing", + -11.942496299743652 + ], + [ + "\u2581Favorites", + -11.920269012451172 + ], + [ + "\u2581Seis", + -11.913880348205566 + ], + [ + "\u2581atento", + -11.93661117553711 + ], + [ + "chem", + -12.124457359313965 + ], + [ + "\u2581Embassy", + -11.879365921020508 + ], + [ + "\u2581peasants", + -11.88511848449707 + ], + [ + "\u2581solving", + -11.888725280761719 + ], + [ + "\u2581Regla", + -11.931884765625 + ], + [ + "\u2581viola", + -11.833590507507324 + ], + [ + "\u2581destinatario", + -12.001120567321777 + ], + [ + "clav", + -12.237100601196289 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nancy", + -12.549144744873047 + ], + [ + "\u2581permanencia", + -11.941618919372559 + ], + [ + "\u2581237", + -12.634995460510254 + ], + [ + "\u2581guiada", + -12.018843650817871 + ], + [ + "IAS", + -12.324923515319824 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aspectos", + -11.964314460754395 + ], + [ + "\u2581Herr", + -12.655244827270508 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lakes", + -11.92954158782959 + ], + [ + "\u2581comprised", + -11.858306884765625 + ], + [ + "1-", + -11.839492797851562 + ], + [ + "\u2581landlocked", + -11.895264625549316 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tab", + -12.184449195861816 + ], + [ + "\u2581(1992)", + -12.497690200805664 + ], + [ + "\u2581movi", + -11.950993537902832 + ], + [ + "\u2581organizaron", + -12.06295108795166 + ], + [ + "\u258155.", + -11.98415470123291 + ], + [ + "\u2581agreg\u00f3", + -11.999737739562988 + ], + [ + "session", + -11.946749687194824 + ], + [ + "\u2581Organic", + -11.845450401306152 + ], + [ + "er\u00edas", + -12.165458679199219 + ], + [ + "\u2581beca", + -11.960528373718262 + ], + [ + "\u2581RC", + -12.321922302246094 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bah\u00eda", + -12.090709686279297 + ], + [ + "\u2581POL", + -12.172567367553711 + ], + [ + "\u2581unite", + -11.929829597473145 + ], + [ + "Argentina", + -12.53477668762207 + ], + [ + "\u2581baptism", + -11.886689186096191 + ], + [ + "\u2581Escrito", + -12.016037940979004 + ], + [ + "formaci\u00f3n", + -11.973518371582031 + ], + [ + "\u2581recomendada", + -11.982623100280762 + ], + [ + "\u2581Profile", + -11.899336814880371 + ], + [ + "\u2581clearing", + -11.92505168914795 + ], + [ + "\u2581instalment", + -11.862683296203613 + ], + [ + "\u2581nocturna", + -12.012086868286133 + ], + [ + "\u2581differential", + -11.836995124816895 + ], + [ + "\u2581spark", + -11.921884536743164 + ], + [ + "\u2581Diccionario", + -11.986021995544434 + ], + [ + "\u2581marble", + -11.88935661315918 + ], + [ + "\u2581est\u00fapida", + -11.80515193939209 + ], + [ + "\u2581drawings", + -11.984857559204102 + ], + [ + "\u2581supreme", + -11.882756233215332 + ], + [ + "Du", + -12.342347145080566 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hawaii", + -12.288711547851562 + ], + [ + "\u2581colaborando", + -12.046741485595703 + ], + [ + "\u2581expulsado", + -11.99024486541748 + ], + [ + "\u2581perd\u00ed", + -11.83768081665039 + ], + [ + "\u2581openly", + -11.88943099975586 + ], + [ + "\u2581sorrow", + -11.942748069763184 + ], + [ + "\u258154.", + -12.031048774719238 + ], + [ + "\u2581Angela", + -12.531440734863281 + ], + [ + "\u2581approaching", + -11.932820320129395 + ], + [ + "\u2581adoptaron", + -12.003945350646973 + ], + [ + "igma", + -12.559598922729492 + ], + [ + "\u00d6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581Establecimiento", + -12.000503540039062 + ], + [ + "\u2581consisted", + -11.865949630737305 + ], + [ + "\u2581Omar", + -12.57442569732666 + ], + [ + "\u2581Universe", + -11.898597717285156 + ], + [ + "Agency", + -11.855304718017578 + ], + [ + "\u2581Estrat\u00e9gico", + -12.02695369720459 + ], + [ + "\u2581Europol", + -12.444072723388672 + ], + [ + "\u2581briefings", + -11.936431884765625 + ], + [ + "\u2581eager", + -11.902579307556152 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ch\u00e1vez", + -11.952536582946777 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ville", + -12.74356460571289 + ], + [ + "hold", + -11.93062686920166 + ], + [ + "\u2581involucra", + -11.885863304138184 + ], + [ + "Australia", + -12.688822746276855 + ], + [ + "ijo", + -11.873458862304688 + ], + [ + "\u2581pushing", + -11.980741500854492 + ], + [ + "ISA", + -12.522150993347168 + ], + [ + "\u2581demoras", + -12.029553413391113 + ], + [ + "Rom", + -12.513867378234863 + ], + [ + "\u2581examinara", + -11.853409767150879 + ], + [ + "\u2581saludables", + -11.986190795898438 + ], + [ + "\u2581deportation", + -11.883503913879395 + ], + [ + "\u2581produciendo", + -12.023094177246094 + ], + [ + "\u2581limite", + -11.975279808044434 + ], + [ + "\u2581proactive", + -11.884163856506348 + ], + [ + "\u2581aplicados", + -12.0096435546875 + ], + [ + "\u2581obtienen", + -12.00498104095459 + ], + [ + "\u2581equation", + -11.867820739746094 + ], + [ + "vado", + -11.92104721069336 + ], + [ + "\u2581celulares", + -11.952835083007812 + ], + [ + "\u2581immigrant", + -11.867374420166016 + ], + [ + "Time", + -12.339792251586914 + ], + [ + "\u2581descargas", + -12.050393104553223 + ], + [ + "\u00edcula", + -12.168904304504395 + ], + [ + "\u2581saco", + -11.907683372497559 + ], + [ + "ulating", + -12.06627082824707 + ], + [ + "\u2581accumulation", + -11.782018661499023 + ], + [ + "quieres", + -11.746923446655273 + ], + [ + "\u2581beast", + -11.901670455932617 + ], + [ + "\u2581landscapes", + -11.941766738891602 + ], + [ + "\u2581bah\u00eda", + -11.965058326721191 + ], + [ + "\u2581gol", + -12.201481819152832 + ], + [ + "2,000", + -11.91879653930664 + ], + [ + "\u2581activaci\u00f3n", + -12.008127212524414 + ], + [ + "\u2581tens", + -12.051709175109863 + ], + [ + "\u2581Goal", + -11.930594444274902 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kol", + -12.532660484313965 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sche", + -12.663854598999023 + ], + [ + "\u2581contables", + -12.022910118103027 + ], + [ + "\u2581imponen", + -12.033036231994629 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pont", + -12.008964538574219 + ], + [ + "\u2581ubica", + -11.946490287780762 + ], + [ + "\u2581poderosos", + -12.002344131469727 + ], + [ + "\u2581Babilonia", + -12.050888061523438 + ], + [ + "\u2581despido", + -11.891551971435547 + ], + [ + "\u2581identifies", + -11.85628604888916 + ], + [ + "\u2581UNITA", + -12.50818157196045 + ], + [ + "\u2581aumentar\u00e1", + -11.902161598205566 + ], + [ + "\u2581dried", + -11.828109741210938 + ], + [ + "\u2581preventivo", + -12.030904769897461 + ], + [ + "\u2581Johannesburg", + -11.866421699523926 + ], + [ + "\u2581consignaci\u00f3n", + -12.010316848754883 + ], + [ + "izando", + -12.037840843200684 + ], + [ + "\u2581examinations", + -11.941206932067871 + ], + [ + "\u2581C\u00e9sar", + -12.221251487731934 + ], + [ + "\u2581EI", + -12.298242568969727 + ], + [ + "\u2581NI", + -11.8734712600708 + ], + [ + "Document", + -12.178260803222656 + ], + [ + "\u2581aspirantes", + -11.980904579162598 + ], + [ + "ook", + -12.110307693481445 + ], + [ + "\u2581ca\u00f1a", + -11.933979034423828 + ], + [ + "\u2581verbale", + -11.852775573730469 + ], + [ + "\u2581Yang", + -12.525687217712402 + ], + [ + "\u2581constitu\u00eda", + -12.04527473449707 + ], + [ + "\u2581partidarios", + -11.994911193847656 + ], + [ + "\u2581194", + -12.552638053894043 + ], + [ + "\u2581acervo", + -11.93585205078125 + ], + [ + "FL", + -12.468737602233887 + ], + [ + "\u2581iOS", + -12.554265022277832 + ], + [ + "\u2581comenzando", + -11.991355895996094 + ], + [ + "Guard", + -12.35269832611084 + ], + [ + "\u2581estar\u00edan", + -11.96249771118164 + ], + [ + "uru", + -12.681737899780273 + ], + [ + "\u2581Documents", + -11.909106254577637 + ], + [ + "\u2581Firstly", + -11.870715141296387 + ], + [ + "\u2581Corre", + -12.060111045837402 + ], + [ + "\u2581dominated", + -11.9144868850708 + ], + [ + "\u2581mancha", + -11.886347770690918 + ], + [ + "\u2581panic", + -11.985794067382812 + ], + [ + "hereinafter", + -11.849660873413086 + ], + [ + "\u2581Explore", + -11.849042892456055 + ], + [ + "desde", + -11.954241752624512 + ], + [ + "\u2581deliberate", + -11.831132888793945 + ], + [ + "only", + -11.82563304901123 + ], + [ + "AMA", + -12.491153717041016 + ], + [ + "know", + -12.452433586120605 + ], + [ + "\u2581presentamos", + -12.02059268951416 + ], + [ + "\u2581exempt", + -11.864753723144531 + ], + [ + "\u2581ur", + -11.94591236114502 + ], + [ + "hasta", + -11.976155281066895 + ], + [ + "\u2581homicidio", + -11.919783592224121 + ], + [ + "\u2581penitenciario", + -11.954071044921875 + ], + [ + "\u2581207", + -12.52287769317627 + ], + [ + "\u2581choque", + -12.025411605834961 + ], + [ + "kind", + -11.915657043457031 + ], + [ + "\u2581ascertain", + -11.858835220336914 + ], + [ + "\u2581panoramic", + -11.915338516235352 + ], + [ + "\u2581intro", + -12.290887832641602 + ], + [ + "\u2581Escribe", + -11.986809730529785 + ], + [ + "\u2581senador", + -11.974197387695312 + ], + [ + "\u2581spy", + -11.987641334533691 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bond", + -12.492362022399902 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tribunales", + -12.039069175720215 + ], + [ + "\u2581libraries", + -11.872989654541016 + ], + [ + "\u2581firmada", + -12.058581352233887 + ], + [ + "mora", + -12.198158264160156 + ], + [ + "\u2581acumula", + -11.916814804077148 + ], + [ + "\u2581diplom\u00e1ticas", + -12.004111289978027 + ], + [ + "\u2581impreso", + -11.992335319519043 + ], + [ + "\u2581devastating", + -11.859476089477539 + ], + [ + "\u2581Log\u00edstica", + -12.033281326293945 + ], + [ + "\u2581incluyera", + -12.090435981750488 + ], + [ + "\u2581Walt", + -12.736929893493652 + ], + [ + "180", + -12.517136573791504 + ], + [ + "\u2581replacing", + -11.88931941986084 + ], + [ + "\u2581sacado", + -11.886565208435059 + ], + [ + "\u2581evidentemente", + -11.95042610168457 + ], + [ + "\u2581Format", + -11.96386432647705 + ], + [ + "\u2581priva", + -11.995816230773926 + ], + [ + "\u2581desconoce", + -12.047204971313477 + ], + [ + "\u2581mounted", + -11.904422760009766 + ], + [ + "\u2581SAL", + -12.419922828674316 + ], + [ + "\u2581gates", + -11.987393379211426 + ], + [ + "Corr", + -12.492752075195312 + ], + [ + "\u2581Labor", + -11.899744987487793 + ], + [ + "\u2581implicados", + -11.986077308654785 + ], + [ + "\u2581directora", + -12.034162521362305 + ], + [ + "\u2581Visitas", + -12.049834251403809 + ], + [ + "\u2581formulating", + -11.834607124328613 + ], + [ + "\u2581varying", + -11.894161224365234 + ], + [ + "\u25814.7", + -12.464897155761719 + ], + [ + "\u2581lean", + -11.91361141204834 + ], + [ + "selo", + -11.920561790466309 + ], + [ + "\u2581caba\u00f1a", + -11.906774520874023 + ], + [ + "Deja", + -11.771452903747559 + ], + [ + "\u2581Voice", + -11.866761207580566 + ], + [ + "TL", + -12.306819915771484 + ], + [ + "\u2581fridge", + -11.925566673278809 + ], + [ + "Gi", + -12.450410842895508 + ], + [ + "morph", + -12.338285446166992 + ], + [ + "\u2581foremost", + -11.885384559631348 + ], + [ + "pea", + -12.144391059875488 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rein", + -12.651566505432129 + ], + [ + "Check", + -11.847719192504883 + ], + [ + "\u2581wins", + -12.040440559387207 + ], + [ + "rera", + -11.990714073181152 + ], + [ + "\u2581escuch\u00f3", + -11.921554565429688 + ], + [ + "\u2581retrato", + -11.973482131958008 + ], + [ + "/35", + -12.559562683105469 + ], + [ + "\u2581filing", + -11.835630416870117 + ], + [ + "\u00e1stica", + -12.02649974822998 + ], + [ + "\u2581spouses", + -11.89547348022461 + ], + [ + "\u2581Men\u00fa", + -12.045445442199707 + ], + [ + "\u2581tomamos", + -11.915151596069336 + ], + [ + "\u2581variada", + -11.992169380187988 + ], + [ + "\u2581experimenta", + -11.835675239562988 + ], + [ + "\u2581combining", + -11.841737747192383 + ], + [ + "\u2581Johannesburgo", + -11.932252883911133 + ], + [ + "\u2581argentino", + -12.054122924804688 + ], + [ + "-4)", + -12.673409461975098 + ], + [ + "\u2581amounting", + -11.892050743103027 + ], + [ + "\u2581Loading", + -11.910003662109375 + ], + [ + "\u2581rentals", + -12.08784294128418 + ], + [ + "\u2581un\u00e1nime", + -11.999738693237305 + ], + [ + "\u2581cambian", + -11.914807319641113 + ], + [ + "\u2581Schools", + -11.96735954284668 + ], + [ + "\u2581coca\u00edna", + -12.031700134277344 + ], + [ + "\u2581warranty", + -11.889697074890137 + ], + [ + "\u2581Distancia", + -11.989822387695312 + ], + [ + "\u2581odd", + -11.955544471740723 + ], + [ + "\u2581Thou", + -12.068689346313477 + ], + [ + "programa", + -11.976984977722168 + ], + [ + "\u2581Multimedia", + -12.610209465026855 + ], + [ + "\u2581camiseta", + -11.890814781188965 + ], + [ + "IONS", + -12.71849536895752 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ocho", + -11.952723503112793 + ], + [ + "\u2581medal", + -11.935476303100586 + ], + [ + "\u2581processor", + -11.990796089172363 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bravo", + -12.633572578430176 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pink", + -12.359487533569336 + ], + [ + "\u2581controlados", + -12.024560928344727 + ], + [ + "\u2581interesar", + -12.159261703491211 + ], + [ + "\u2581yard", + -11.910402297973633 + ], + [ + "\u2581Airports", + -12.131248474121094 + ], + [ + "\u2581Galileo", + -12.607473373413086 + ], + [ + "\u2581necklace", + -11.882761001586914 + ], + [ + "\u2581accommodations", + -11.990213394165039 + ], + [ + "\u2581headache", + -11.953396797180176 + ], + [ + "\u2581remonta", + -12.013895988464355 + ], + [ + "ntado", + -12.040974617004395 + ], + [ + "\u2581determinan", + -11.936250686645508 + ], + [ + "\u2581obstaculiza", + -12.106904029846191 + ], + [ + "\u2581Century", + -11.909276008605957 + ], + [ + "\u2581clicking", + -11.9364013671875 + ], + [ + "\u2581MACBA", + -12.717288970947266 + ], + [ + "\u2581performances", + -12.15927505493164 + ], + [ + "\u2581Louisiana", + -12.408535957336426 + ], + [ + "\u2581valued", + -11.922198295593262 + ], + [ + "\u2581consideraron", + -12.055597305297852 + ], + [ + "\u2581Serie", + -11.981850624084473 + ], + [ + "\u2581Protect", + -11.855905532836914 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ayuntamiento", + -12.026165962219238 + ], + [ + "min\u00f3", + -11.961255073547363 + ], + [ + "\u2581intestinal", + -12.48481273651123 + ], + [ + "\u2581recital", + -11.782842636108398 + ], + [ + "\u2581creditor", + -11.795742988586426 + ], + [ + "\u2581palma", + -11.98296070098877 + ], + [ + "i\u00e9ndolo", + -11.976798057556152 + ], + [ + "/37", + -12.52534294128418 + ], + [ + "mobil", + -12.488969802856445 + ], + [ + "\u2581disappointed", + -11.977694511413574 + ], + [ + "\u2581entreg\u00f3", + -12.04605484008789 + ], + [ + "\u2581prestigio", + -11.950870513916016 + ], + [ + "\u258124/7", + -11.973124504089355 + ], + [ + "\u2581controlador", + -12.038679122924805 + ], + [ + "\u2581enmendada", + -12.016800880432129 + ], + [ + "\u2581mero", + -12.094864845275879 + ], + [ + "pass", + -11.92094898223877 + ], + [ + "sala", + -12.514184951782227 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kirguist\u00e1n", + -11.808314323425293 + ], + [ + "\u2581serbios", + -11.958465576171875 + ], + [ + "\u2581visitor", + -11.914480209350586 + ], + [ + "\u2581witch", + -12.189132690429688 + ], + [ + "\u2581magn\u00e9tico", + -12.005892753601074 + ], + [ + "\u2581positively", + -11.890706062316895 + ], + [ + "fico", + -12.201266288757324 + ], + [ + "\u2581costeras", + -12.025529861450195 + ], + [ + "\u2581elevator", + -11.980414390563965 + ], + [ + "\u2581selectiva", + -12.017558097839355 + ], + [ + "\u2581hub", + -11.912166595458984 + ], + [ + "\u2581francos", + -11.887044906616211 + ], + [ + "\u2581quemar", + -12.08725357055664 + ], + [ + "\u2581muestre", + -11.951570510864258 + ], + [ + "\u2581accreditation", + -11.858837127685547 + ], + [ + "\u2581Harvard", + -12.618334770202637 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gift", + -11.848725318908691 + ], + [ + "trina", + -12.110920906066895 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cleanliness", + -11.90391731262207 + ], + [ + "\u2581enviada", + -11.975123405456543 + ], + [ + "\u2581imprisoned", + -11.912103652954102 + ], + [ + "\u2581paradise", + -11.901911735534668 + ], + [ + "\u2581recopilar", + -12.048593521118164 + ], + [ + "\u2581refined", + -11.897577285766602 + ], + [ + "\u2581tribes", + -11.944024085998535 + ], + [ + "\u2581Subsequently", + -11.890539169311523 + ], + [ + "\u2581ment", + -11.957541465759277 + ], + [ + "urgi", + -12.968286514282227 + ], + [ + "\u2581implicaciones", + -12.012420654296875 + ], + [ + "\u0101", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581scandal", + -11.930340766906738 + ], + [ + "\u2581bol", + -11.965727806091309 + ], + [ + "\u2581podr\u00e9", + -11.995834350585938 + ], + [ + "\u2581prosecuted", + -11.878250122070312 + ], + [ + "\u25811325", + -12.563834190368652 + ], + [ + "landia", + -12.255130767822266 + ], + [ + "\u2581dama", + -11.79691219329834 + ], + [ + "dilla", + -12.212310791015625 + ], + [ + "\u2581[3", + -12.707205772399902 + ], + [ + "\u2581upward", + -11.879439353942871 + ], + [ + "IAL", + -12.255622863769531 + ], + [ + "phen", + -12.653603553771973 + ], + [ + "\u2581Atlanta", + -12.598063468933105 + ], + [ + "\u2581generalizado", + -12.04267406463623 + ], + [ + "\u2581recabar", + -11.989579200744629 + ], + [ + "\u2581contrarrestar", + -12.011116981506348 + ], + [ + "cionar", + -11.95576000213623 + ], + [ + "\u2581Innovaci\u00f3n", + -12.006664276123047 + ], + [ + "\u2581affirmed", + -11.846205711364746 + ], + [ + "\u2581componen", + -12.0236234664917 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gloria", + -12.418527603149414 + ], + [ + "/1/", + -12.495635032653809 + ], + [ + "\u2581sobrepasa", + -11.990486145019531 + ], + [ + "\u2581saints", + -11.915231704711914 + ], + [ + "\u2581Colonial", + -11.827415466308594 + ], + [ + "\u2581prescripci\u00f3n", + -12.0129976272583 + ], + [ + "\u2581localidades", + -12.046548843383789 + ], + [ + "\u2581aprobaron", + -11.99906063079834 + ], + [ + "\u2581llevar\u00e1n", + -12.00053596496582 + ], + [ + "fecta", + -12.4150390625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Intenta", + -11.812089920043945 + ], + [ + "\u2581tomas", + -11.917396545410156 + ], + [ + "\u2581cir", + -12.515044212341309 + ], + [ + "\u2581consultor", + -12.033276557922363 + ], + [ + "\u2581desacuerdo", + -11.968976974487305 + ], + [ + "\u2581injerencia", + -12.015198707580566 + ], + [ + "\u2581conferred", + -11.862910270690918 + ], + [ + "\u2581(1997)", + -12.484489440917969 + ], + [ + "\u2581203", + -12.560441970825195 + ], + [ + "\u2581congress", + -11.914373397827148 + ], + [ + "\u2581pilar", + -12.016247749328613 + ], + [ + "\u2581rounds", + -12.037542343139648 + ], + [ + "\u2581Youtube", + -12.662405967712402 + ], + [ + "\u2581salieron", + -11.980193138122559 + ], + [ + "lino", + -12.182177543640137 + ], + [ + "\u25811944", + -12.642669677734375 + ], + [ + "\u2581MIN", + -12.361650466918945 + ], + [ + "\u2581grey", + -11.939355850219727 + ], + [ + "\u2581contenga", + -11.958847999572754 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuartos", + -12.08590030670166 + ], + [ + "\u2581sectorial", + -11.977995872497559 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kabul", + -12.598203659057617 + ], + [ + "\u2581patrocina", + -12.014481544494629 + ], + [ + "\u2581emite", + -12.029195785522461 + ], + [ + "\u2581Contrase\u00f1a", + -12.053313255310059 + ], + [ + "\u2581diste", + -11.857633590698242 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kyrgyzstan", + -11.712592124938965 + ], + [ + "\u25811234/2007", + -12.532062530517578 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jessica", + -12.67204475402832 + ], + [ + "\u2581Joey", + -12.524543762207031 + ], + [ + "idal", + -12.203093528747559 + ], + [ + "\u2581228", + -12.540053367614746 + ], + [ + "\u2581Puente", + -12.229805946350098 + ], + [ + "\u2581operativa", + -12.001702308654785 + ], + [ + "\u2581celebrando", + -11.992066383361816 + ], + [ + "\u2581veterinario", + -11.990283012390137 + ], + [ + "\u2581Displaying", + -11.965436935424805 + ], + [ + "\u2581destacaron", + -12.005176544189453 + ], + [ + "\u2581traduce", + -12.025444984436035 + ], + [ + "\u2581(2010)", + -12.591533660888672 + ], + [ + "\u2581convierta", + -11.951608657836914 + ], + [ + "bona", + -12.192506790161133 + ], + [ + "\u2581muelle", + -11.932306289672852 + ], + [ + "\u2581pregunte", + -11.894047737121582 + ], + [ + "\u2581causan", + -12.038434028625488 + ], + [ + "\u2581prohibiting", + -11.905413627624512 + ], + [ + "\u2581insight", + -11.959514617919922 + ], + [ + "\u2581Offers", + -11.854241371154785 + ], + [ + "\u2581Colin", + -12.662962913513184 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ninguno", + -11.926532745361328 + ], + [ + "\u2581je", + -12.230392456054688 + ], + [ + "\u2581cats", + -11.956299781799316 + ], + [ + "\u2581agrupaciones", + -12.018628120422363 + ], + [ + "\u2581Chic", + -12.412825584411621 + ], + [ + "\u2581toxicidad", + -12.024749755859375 + ], + [ + "\u2581competing", + -11.924163818359375 + ], + [ + "\u2581princesa", + -11.883275032043457 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vladimir", + -12.596726417541504 + ], + [ + "\u2581bombardeo", + -11.98375415802002 + ], + [ + "\u2581consiga", + -11.870077133178711 + ], + [ + "\u2581empleadas", + -12.01675796508789 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aeropuertos", + -12.20201587677002 + ], + [ + "\u2581commands", + -12.045515060424805 + ], + [ + "\u2581croata", + -11.992120742797852 + ], + [ + "\u2581duras", + -12.048518180847168 + ], + [ + "motion", + -11.97679615020752 + ], + [ + "\u2581Same", + -11.995749473571777 + ], + [ + "/72", + -12.743916511535645 + ], + [ + "\u2581algoritmo", + -12.003593444824219 + ], + [ + "\u2581funcionales", + -12.062674522399902 + ], + [ + "\u2581mediciones", + -11.998361587524414 + ], + [ + "CER", + -12.60145378112793 + ], + [ + "\u2581zoom", + -12.28144359588623 + ], + [ + "\u2581mudar", + -12.097695350646973 + ], + [ + "CAD", + -12.605076789855957 + ], + [ + "\u2581borracho", + -11.785308837890625 + ], + [ + "\u2581talibanes", + -11.925820350646973 + ], + [ + "\u2581Associated", + -11.891461372375488 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vince", + -12.537535667419434 + ], + [ + "\u2581vocation", + -11.980499267578125 + ], + [ + "\u2581bautismo", + -12.0428466796875 + ], + [ + ".6%", + -12.187192916870117 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vive", + -12.001152992248535 + ], + [ + "86)", + -12.668261528015137 + ], + [ + "\u2581Strong", + -11.908480644226074 + ], + [ + "\u2581inmates", + -11.927705764770508 + ], + [ + "\u2581Herman", + -12.686668395996094 + ], + [ + "\u2581pertinent", + -11.899911880493164 + ], + [ + "\u2581hardship", + -11.88973331451416 + ], + [ + "eck", + -12.15447998046875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gate", + -11.95535945892334 + ], + [ + "\u2581accredited", + -11.871695518493652 + ], + [ + "\u2581Amanda", + -12.594128608703613 + ], + [ + "raz", + -11.974676132202148 + ], + [ + "\u2581influye", + -12.133634567260742 + ], + [ + "\u2581Biol\u00f3gica", + -12.02950668334961 + ], + [ + "\u2581Archi", + -12.371630668640137 + ], + [ + "\u2581Embajada", + -12.084552764892578 + ], + [ + "opcional", + -12.470075607299805 + ], + [ + "\u2581FCCC", + -11.890527725219727 + ], + [ + "\u0443", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581alignment", + -11.867335319519043 + ], + [ + "glio", + -12.001619338989258 + ], + [ + "''", + -12.203951835632324 + ], + [ + "dium", + -12.063549041748047 + ], + [ + "rik", + -12.586800575256348 + ], + [ + "\u2581beam", + -11.89953327178955 + ], + [ + "\u2581inicie", + -12.003079414367676 + ], + [ + "\u2581asusta", + -11.730485916137695 + ], + [ + "\u2581encendido", + -12.006669998168945 + ], + [ + "\u2581Efectos", + -12.005252838134766 + ], + [ + "\u2581finances", + -12.00744342803955 + ], + [ + "tamina", + -12.36072063446045 + ], + [ + "\u2581Puntos", + -12.078410148620605 + ], + [ + "\u25810.7", + -11.960515975952148 + ], + [ + "\u2581loaded", + -11.93612289428711 + ], + [ + "\u2581Afirma", + -12.041211128234863 + ], + [ + "\u2581excursiones", + -11.987674713134766 + ], + [ + "\u2581fifteen", + -11.87977409362793 + ], + [ + "\u2581vimos", + -11.870601654052734 + ], + [ + "\u2581Malaga", + -11.918188095092773 + ], + [ + "weight", + -11.98008918762207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cancelar", + -12.085672378540039 + ], + [ + "\u2581acids", + -11.923897743225098 + ], + [ + "\u2581conectada", + -11.946625709533691 + ], + [ + "\u2581contractor", + -11.890060424804688 + ], + [ + "\u2581nena", + -11.743902206420898 + ], + [ + "\u2581texture", + -11.940802574157715 + ], + [ + "\u2581bass", + -11.901240348815918 + ], + [ + "cock", + -12.775561332702637 + ], + [ + "\u2581cruza", + -11.965697288513184 + ], + [ + "\u2581sustancialmente", + -11.984650611877441 + ], + [ + "\u2581buscas", + -12.02625846862793 + ], + [ + "\u2581Agr\u00edcola", + -12.026165962219238 + ], + [ + "\u2581esfuerza", + -11.986967086791992 + ], + [ + "\u2581alleviate", + -11.90391731262207 + ], + [ + "\u2581desviaci\u00f3n", + -12.026168823242188 + ], + [ + "]:", + -12.056849479675293 + ], + [ + "\u2581informativas", + -12.043339729309082 + ], + [ + "\u2581mataron", + -11.896726608276367 + ], + [ + "\u2581Memoria", + -11.946045875549316 + ], + [ + "\u2581guardian", + -11.919112205505371 + ], + [ + "\u2581locos", + -11.853798866271973 + ], + [ + "\u2581tramitar", + -12.115653038024902 + ], + [ + "\u2581reclamar", + -11.98581314086914 + ], + [ + "\u2581meditation", + -11.902578353881836 + ], + [ + "\u2581curb", + -11.902565002441406 + ], + [ + "\u2581Knight", + -12.253266334533691 + ], + [ + "encies", + -12.277700424194336 + ], + [ + "\u2581Liberation", + -11.902642250061035 + ], + [ + "\u2581muera", + -11.813105583190918 + ], + [ + "\u2581sensores", + -11.988412857055664 + ], + [ + "\u2581vegetaci\u00f3n", + -12.059918403625488 + ], + [ + "\u2581Appointment", + -11.916690826416016 + ], + [ + "\u2581darnos", + -11.926562309265137 + ], + [ + "\u2581pretexto", + -11.971052169799805 + ], + [ + "\u2581murderer", + -11.999255180358887 + ], + [ + "\u2581desarrollada", + -12.025703430175781 + ], + [ + "\u2581Correa", + -12.542960166931152 + ], + [ + "\u2581sufriendo", + -11.962834358215332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Stein", + -12.645503044128418 + ], + [ + "\u2581Est", + -11.86392593383789 + ], + [ + "held", + -11.920109748840332 + ], + [ + "\u2581179", + -12.45686149597168 + ], + [ + "\u2581extraction", + -11.898916244506836 + ], + [ + "uja", + -12.237382888793945 + ], + [ + "\u2581Coraz\u00f3n", + -11.981492042541504 + ], + [ + "\u2581Instance", + -11.92214584350586 + ], + [ + "\u2581molestar", + -11.831255912780762 + ], + [ + "\u2581(1994)", + -12.599531173706055 + ], + [ + "vivi", + -11.954955101013184 + ], + [ + "\u2581empresario", + -12.008410453796387 + ], + [ + "\u2581suggesting", + -11.89742374420166 + ], + [ + "\u2581tocado", + -11.956533432006836 + ], + [ + "\u2581obispos", + -12.07263469696045 + ], + [ + "\u2581fuma", + -11.87929630279541 + ], + [ + "\u2581edifica", + -12.090189933776855 + ], + [ + "zones", + -12.215386390686035 + ], + [ + "\u2581Emergencia", + -12.035663604736328 + ], + [ + "\u2581Strasbourg", + -11.846179962158203 + ], + [ + "\u2581fascinante", + -11.94212818145752 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dude", + -12.133760452270508 + ], + [ + "\u2581interactions", + -11.944014549255371 + ], + [ + "\u2581Barbuda", + -12.255874633789062 + ], + [ + "\u2581forzadas", + -12.131861686706543 + ], + [ + "\u2581stats", + -11.930459022521973 + ], + [ + "\u2581Si\u00e9ntate", + -11.74364948272705 + ], + [ + "\u2581BMW", + -12.658956527709961 + ], + [ + "\u2581ajustado", + -12.060430526733398 + ], + [ + "\u2581shaped", + -11.925002098083496 + ], + [ + "\u2581reconsider", + -11.862761497497559 + ], + [ + "riga", + -12.301669120788574 + ], + [ + "\u2581TAC", + -12.503169059753418 + ], + [ + "\u2581inmediatas", + -12.106759071350098 + ], + [ + "\u2581ocultos", + -12.059330940246582 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gracia", + -12.496036529541016 + ], + [ + "\u2581sancionar", + -12.067534446716309 + ], + [ + "\u2581cottage", + -11.919403076171875 + ], + [ + "\u2581maldad", + -11.974359512329102 + ], + [ + "\u2581sweat", + -11.929885864257812 + ], + [ + "\u2581spec", + -11.941617012023926 + ], + [ + "\u2581Directors", + -12.0934419631958 + ], + [ + "\u2581efectuar\u00e1", + -12.100095748901367 + ], + [ + "\u2581crearon", + -12.066374778747559 + ], + [ + "\u2581excesivamente", + -11.991605758666992 + ], + [ + "\u2581Descubre", + -12.07702350616455 + ], + [ + "Col", + -11.938973426818848 + ], + [ + "/75", + -12.568790435791016 + ], + [ + "\u2581inadecuada", + -11.994379997253418 + ], + [ + "\u2581sostenida", + -12.014663696289062 + ], + [ + "ERN", + -12.866546630859375 + ], + [ + "\u2581fre", + -11.889693260192871 + ], + [ + "\u2581esp\u00edritus", + -12.061784744262695 + ], + [ + "\u2581opcional", + -12.093526840209961 + ], + [ + "last", + -12.133553504943848 + ], + [ + "\u2581summarized", + -11.918126106262207 + ], + [ + "Community", + -11.844482421875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alrededor", + -12.01597785949707 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hack", + -12.448478698730469 + ], + [ + "\u2581mural", + -12.531132698059082 + ], + [ + "Exp", + -12.660758018493652 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alerta", + -12.022212982177734 + ], + [ + "\u2581tortured", + -11.925692558288574 + ], + [ + "race", + -12.18761920928955 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kil", + -12.525304794311523 + ], + [ + "\u2581ahorra", + -11.876752853393555 + ], + [ + "\u2581bendiciones", + -12.045267105102539 + ], + [ + "vian", + -11.976611137390137 + ], + [ + "\u2581GT", + -12.477961540222168 + ], + [ + "\u2581counting", + -11.947524070739746 + ], + [ + "\u2581pesadilla", + -11.85500717163086 + ], + [ + "\u2581debiera", + -11.96695613861084 + ], + [ + "\u2581env\u00edos", + -12.08197021484375 + ], + [ + "\u2581gasta", + -11.961750030517578 + ], + [ + "\u2581helic\u00f3ptero", + -11.95329761505127 + ], + [ + "\u2581supere", + -12.169913291931152 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hue", + -12.137248992919922 + ], + [ + "\u2581Conf", + -12.013965606689453 + ], + [ + "vertida", + -12.011771202087402 + ], + [ + "\u2581tenencia", + -12.035752296447754 + ], + [ + "pado", + -11.98607349395752 + ], + [ + "\u2581predominante", + -12.044527053833008 + ], + [ + ".21", + -12.061473846435547 + ], + [ + "\u2581integran", + -12.01980209350586 + ], + [ + "\u2581belonged", + -11.938663482666016 + ], + [ + "\u2581ordenadores", + -11.988968849182129 + ], + [ + "\u2581orilla", + -11.98707103729248 + ], + [ + "chloro", + -12.165299415588379 + ], + [ + "\u2581nacimientos", + -12.108168601989746 + ], + [ + "poniendo", + -11.94240951538086 + ], + [ + "\u2581affair", + -11.97595500946045 + ], + [ + "\u2581Martha", + -12.594156265258789 + ], + [ + "\u25818:", + -11.999314308166504 + ], + [ + "\u2581silly", + -12.120565414428711 + ], + [ + "\u2581banned", + -11.925597190856934 + ], + [ + "\u2581squad", + -11.967362403869629 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dije", + -11.793593406677246 + ], + [ + "\u2581Seville", + -11.934575080871582 + ], + [ + "\u2581investor", + -11.835844039916992 + ], + [ + "\u2581Recently", + -11.911036491394043 + ], + [ + "\u2581alfombra", + -11.88601016998291 + ], + [ + "\u2581transitorio", + -11.989167213439941 + ], + [ + "\u2581blast", + -11.94941520690918 + ], + [ + "graphic", + -11.83940315246582 + ], + [ + "\u2581compassion", + -11.958842277526855 + ], + [ + "\u2581Launch", + -11.913426399230957 + ], + [ + "defined", + -11.82890796661377 + ], + [ + "\u2581incluir\u00e1n", + -11.990457534790039 + ], + [ + "\u2581denunciado", + -12.073019981384277 + ], + [ + "decisi\u00f3n", + -11.97453784942627 + ], + [ + "\u2581equipados", + -11.977211952209473 + ], + [ + "cross", + -12.398053169250488 + ], + [ + "ents", + -12.570608139038086 + ], + [ + "\u25812.8", + -12.529684066772461 + ], + [ + "\u2581puse", + -11.84852409362793 + ], + [ + "\u2581botones", + -11.993675231933594 + ], + [ + "\u2581waited", + -12.036994934082031 + ], + [ + "\u2581Caracas", + -12.61018180847168 + ], + [ + "\u2581exceeds", + -11.948006629943848 + ], + [ + "\u2581surgen", + -11.991792678833008 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dev", + -12.00473403930664 + ], + [ + "\u2581brillantes", + -11.998129844665527 + ], + [ + "\u2581b\u00edblica", + -11.968023300170898 + ], + [ + "Then", + -11.969575881958008 + ], + [ + "\u2581Quebec", + -12.651191711425781 + ], + [ + "\u2581Asked", + -11.92237663269043 + ], + [ + "\u2581bride", + -11.979962348937988 + ], + [ + "\u2581shore", + -11.971580505371094 + ], + [ + "UNESCO", + -12.581326484680176 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ba\u00f1o", + -12.071706771850586 + ], + [ + "\u2581awaiting", + -11.861109733581543 + ], + [ + "\u2581proximity", + -11.925804138183594 + ], + [ + "\u2581complementario", + -11.93293571472168 + ], + [ + "\u2581oscura", + -11.98653507232666 + ], + [ + "\u2581Christopher", + -12.502449035644531 + ], + [ + "\u2581nosotras", + -11.88502025604248 + ], + [ + "\u2581arroja", + -11.949658393859863 + ], + [ + "\u2581hispanos", + -12.270136833190918 + ], + [ + "\u2581exemptions", + -11.89150333404541 + ], + [ + "\u2581tags", + -11.936760902404785 + ], + [ + "interpretaci\u00f3n", + -12.02432632446289 + ], + [ + "\u2581ARTICLE", + -11.907931327819824 + ], + [ + "\u2581piston", + -11.95957088470459 + ], + [ + "\u2581wholesale", + -11.867888450622559 + ], + [ + "\u2581crianza", + -12.047686576843262 + ], + [ + "3,000", + -11.939899444580078 + ], + [ + "\u2581Policies", + -11.889982223510742 + ], + [ + "\u2581enviaron", + -11.996893882751465 + ], + [ + "\u2581explicado", + -12.003595352172852 + ], + [ + "\u2581fallecimiento", + -12.036458969116211 + ], + [ + "\u2581attributes", + -11.970602989196777 + ], + [ + "\u2581ayudarnos", + -11.918421745300293 + ], + [ + "\u2581timber", + -11.846150398254395 + ], + [ + "funda", + -12.423039436340332 + ], + [ + "\u2581compensate", + -11.865777015686035 + ], + [ + "\u2581proyecciones", + -11.98829460144043 + ], + [ + "\u2581Brooklyn", + -12.615612983703613 + ], + [ + "\u2581susceptible", + -12.51099681854248 + ], + [ + "public", + -11.881004333496094 + ], + [ + "\u2581Illicit", + -11.889324188232422 + ], + [ + "\u2581dictada", + -12.074560165405273 + ], + [ + "\u2581fijan", + -11.940040588378906 + ], + [ + "\u2581ruptura", + -12.046055793762207 + ], + [ + "\u2581scarce", + -11.896245002746582 + ], + [ + "imp", + -12.017197608947754 + ], + [ + "\u2581evoluciona", + -12.078245162963867 + ], + [ + "\u2581dedican", + -11.966583251953125 + ], + [ + "\u2581utilize", + -11.875382423400879 + ], + [ + "\u2581huevo", + -11.866765022277832 + ], + [ + "\u2581Forests", + -11.943716049194336 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mir", + -11.953736305236816 + ], + [ + "\u2581adjudicaci\u00f3n", + -11.976537704467773 + ], + [ + "\u2581suyos", + -11.95963191986084 + ], + [ + "\u2581desglosa", + -12.070123672485352 + ], + [ + "\u2581farmaco", + -12.74405574798584 + ], + [ + "\u2581us\u00f3", + -11.918817520141602 + ], + [ + "\u2581OSACT", + -12.010539054870605 + ], + [ + "\u2581lit", + -11.938551902770996 + ], + [ + "\u2581BOOK", + -12.030089378356934 + ], + [ + "\u2581reminder", + -11.889431953430176 + ], + [ + "\u2581adjacent", + -11.909945487976074 + ], + [ + "\u2581baptized", + -11.885510444641113 + ], + [ + "\u2581finalized", + -11.866275787353516 + ], + [ + "\u2581estatus", + -11.967632293701172 + ], + [ + "\u2581consular", + -12.246458053588867 + ], + [ + "\u2581seekers", + -11.879325866699219 + ], + [ + "ggy", + -12.49704360961914 + ], + [ + "\u2581detallados", + -12.094188690185547 + ], + [ + "\u2581magazines", + -12.00314712524414 + ], + [ + "\u2581jazz", + -12.691994667053223 + ], + [ + "\u2019;", + -12.0396728515625 + ], + [ + "\u2581exigido", + -12.051698684692383 + ], + [ + "\u2581Participa", + -12.041403770446777 + ], + [ + "\u2581inserci\u00f3n", + -11.991333961486816 + ], + [ + "OMA", + -12.758898735046387 + ], + [ + "generation", + -11.879369735717773 + ], + [ + "\u25811998-1999", + -12.55747127532959 + ], + [ + "\u2581centr\u00f3", + -12.092155456542969 + ], + [ + "fol", + -12.5889310836792 + ], + [ + "\u2581l\u00e1cteos", + -12.054099082946777 + ], + [ + "arias", + -12.243395805358887 + ], + [ + "\u2581tooth", + -12.131546020507812 + ], + [ + "\u2581theft", + -12.082955360412598 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cuesti\u00f3n", + -12.092097282409668 + ], + [ + "Type", + -12.684409141540527 + ], + [ + "\u2581archives", + -11.957535743713379 + ], + [ + "\u00far", + -12.426432609558105 + ], + [ + "\u2581examinados", + -12.05489730834961 + ], + [ + "\u2581pledged", + -11.925332069396973 + ], + [ + "\u2581Coming", + -12.015256881713867 + ], + [ + "\u2581survived", + -11.998369216918945 + ], + [ + "\u2581calificaciones", + -11.983942031860352 + ], + [ + "\u2581convertir\u00e1", + -12.08644962310791 + ], + [ + "\u2581dolores", + -11.982704162597656 + ], + [ + "\u2581esposas", + -12.017009735107422 + ], + [ + "\u2581UNIDAS", + -12.052509307861328 + ], + [ + "\u2581cloth", + -11.975837707519531 + ], + [ + "\u2581defeated", + -11.996855735778809 + ], + [ + "\u2581afiliados", + -12.057329177856445 + ], + [ + "\u00bb:", + -12.08059024810791 + ], + [ + "\u2581911", + -12.616110801696777 + ], + [ + "\u2581concessions", + -11.886641502380371 + ], + [ + "four", + -11.943717002868652 + ], + [ + "\u2581inconsistent", + -11.886689186096191 + ], + [ + "\u2581Maggie", + -12.584356307983398 + ], + [ + "\u2581illegally", + -11.915221214294434 + ], + [ + "\u2581surgeon", + -11.945159912109375 + ], + [ + "\u2581acaban", + -11.888901710510254 + ], + [ + "\u2581conceda", + -12.041104316711426 + ], + [ + "\u2581sponsor", + -11.937909126281738 + ], + [ + "chron", + -12.367698669433594 + ], + [ + "\u2581imperial", + -12.680846214294434 + ], + [ + "DB", + -12.416597366333008 + ], + [ + "good", + -11.975296020507812 + ], + [ + "\u2581accionistas", + -12.011659622192383 + ], + [ + "Otra", + -11.88495922088623 + ], + [ + "\u2581cesar", + -12.073775291442871 + ], + [ + "yr", + -12.028457641601562 + ], + [ + "\u2581boot", + -12.000439643859863 + ], + [ + "\u2581slept", + -12.069208145141602 + ], + [ + "\u2581sucesos", + -12.014577865600586 + ], + [ + "\u2581Airbag", + -12.45172119140625 + ], + [ + "sea", + -11.939779281616211 + ], + [ + "\u2581destruida", + -12.02467155456543 + ], + [ + "\u2581kindly", + -11.9888334274292 + ], + [ + "\u2581SBI", + -11.923444747924805 + ], + [ + "\u2581hydrogen", + -11.93912124633789 + ], + [ + "\u2581tercios", + -12.002348899841309 + ], + [ + "\u2581desperate", + -12.01115608215332 + ], + [ + "Seguro", + -11.799006462097168 + ], + [ + "\u2581innecesaria", + -12.22154426574707 + ], + [ + "rta", + -11.752041816711426 + ], + [ + "\u2581adelantado", + -11.983835220336914 + ], + [ + "\u2581dise\u00f1ador", + -12.115456581115723 + ], + [ + "\u2581admire", + -11.952078819274902 + ], + [ + "\u2581eval\u00faa", + -12.027742385864258 + ], + [ + "\u2581ingenieros", + -12.017584800720215 + ], + [ + "\u2581mysterious", + -11.974506378173828 + ], + [ + "UNDP", + -11.866984367370605 + ], + [ + "\u2581surfaces", + -11.968086242675781 + ], + [ + "llah", + -12.172532081604004 + ], + [ + "\u2581serias", + -12.116562843322754 + ], + [ + "\u2581activated", + -11.906949043273926 + ], + [ + "\u2581cheer", + -12.134689331054688 + ], + [ + "\u2581assuming", + -11.926222801208496 + ], + [ + "roma", + -12.55383014678955 + ], + [ + "\u2581exert", + -11.920736312866211 + ], + [ + "\u2581secc", + -12.03470230102539 + ], + [ + "\u2581reproduced", + -11.862998008728027 + ], + [ + "\u2581predica", + -12.044516563415527 + ], + [ + "\u2581Formulario", + -12.076349258422852 + ], + [ + "\u2581INFORMACI\u00d3N", + -11.996672630310059 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ruiz", + -12.639212608337402 + ], + [ + "\u2581parliaments", + -11.93460464477539 + ], + [ + "\u2581adulta", + -11.969569206237793 + ], + [ + "\u2581trains", + -12.07433795928955 + ], + [ + "tener", + -11.947348594665527 + ], + [ + "\u2581Outcome", + -11.946948051452637 + ], + [ + "ament", + -12.053515434265137 + ], + [ + "\u2581preserva", + -12.000245094299316 + ], + [ + "\u2581sodio", + -11.986193656921387 + ], + [ + "KI", + -12.413105964660645 + ], + [ + "smoking", + -11.964122772216797 + ], + [ + "\u2581Doug", + -12.634928703308105 + ], + [ + "\u2581harmonized", + -11.888988494873047 + ], + [ + "\u2581ferroviaria", + -12.075408935546875 + ], + [ + "\u2581reglamentario", + -11.975809097290039 + ], + [ + "\u2581espect\u00e1culos", + -12.05892562866211 + ], + [ + "\u2581incomplete", + -11.876260757446289 + ], + [ + "\u2581(*)", + -12.621744155883789 + ], + [ + "\u2581Volunteers", + -11.910778999328613 + ], + [ + "\u2581blessings", + -11.943663597106934 + ], + [ + "\u2581Confederaci\u00f3n", + -11.98829460144043 + ], + [ + "discriminatory", + -11.918071746826172 + ], + [ + "\u2581dietas", + -12.022610664367676 + ], + [ + "1%)", + -12.750228881835938 + ], + [ + "\u2581depart", + -11.90129280090332 + ], + [ + "haz", + -12.482160568237305 + ], + [ + "\u2581estatutos", + -12.07284164428711 + ], + [ + "LF", + -12.521117210388184 + ], + [ + "lton", + -12.16597843170166 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ib\u00edd", + -11.99991512298584 + ], + [ + "\u2581monkey", + -11.96312141418457 + ], + [ + "Ben", + -12.506357192993164 + ], + [ + "Ay", + -11.917037963867188 + ], + [ + "\u2581illustrated", + -11.95067310333252 + ], + [ + "BAN", + -12.706233978271484 + ], + [ + "\u2581querr\u00e1", + -11.857573509216309 + ], + [ + "\u2581toxicity", + -11.879074096679688 + ], + [ + "\u2581contradicci\u00f3n", + -12.01208782196045 + ], + [ + "\u2581193", + -12.128206253051758 + ], + [ + "\u2581t\u00fanel", + -11.927156448364258 + ], + [ + "\u2581M\u00e9dica", + -12.052526473999023 + ], + [ + "\u2581orales", + -12.041926383972168 + ], + [ + "OUT", + -12.859657287597656 + ], + [ + "\u2581Porcentaje", + -12.135956764221191 + ], + [ + "\u2581empower", + -11.888579368591309 + ], + [ + "oa", + -12.000528335571289 + ], + [ + "\u2581195", + -12.615914344787598 + ], + [ + "\u2581helicopter", + -11.937040328979492 + ], + [ + "value", + -11.890772819519043 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pot", + -12.49181079864502 + ], + [ + "\u2581farmac\u00e9utica", + -12.012086868286133 + ], + [ + "\u2581producida", + -12.017661094665527 + ], + [ + "\u2581purchases", + -11.983892440795898 + ], + [ + "\u2581Diamond", + -12.300572395324707 + ], + [ + "\u2581Outdoor", + -11.951839447021484 + ], + [ + "\u2581overlooking", + -11.92094612121582 + ], + [ + "\u2581Regi", + -12.729313850402832 + ], + [ + "\u2581Apelaciones", + -12.061440467834473 + ], + [ + "\u2581incrementa", + -11.91524887084961 + ], + [ + "NV", + -12.008003234863281 + ], + [ + "ometer", + -12.129578590393066 + ], + [ + "\u2581triunfo", + -12.028532028198242 + ], + [ + "\u2581Publicidad", + -12.052508354187012 + ], + [ + "\u2581Revisi\u00f3n", + -12.027178764343262 + ], + [ + "\u2581expl\u00edcita", + -12.016218185424805 + ], + [ + "\u2581convenido", + -11.987410545349121 + ], + [ + "\u2581var\u00f3n", + -12.002613067626953 + ], + [ + "\u2581Disculpa", + -11.785341262817383 + ], + [ + "\u2581autorizaciones", + -12.070233345031738 + ], + [ + "arte", + -11.953699111938477 + ], + [ + "\u2581Giovanni", + -12.70677375793457 + ], + [ + "normal", + -12.3115873336792 + ], + [ + "\u258156.", + -12.064980506896973 + ], + [ + "\u2581adoraci\u00f3n", + -12.045363426208496 + ], + [ + "\u2581Encargado", + -12.00744342803955 + ], + [ + "\u2581cleared", + -12.000914573669434 + ], + [ + "\u2581ecol\u00f3gicos", + -12.038673400878906 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dicen", + -11.80211353302002 + ], + [ + "dies", + -12.079103469848633 + ], + [ + "empe", + -12.233630180358887 + ], + [ + "\u2581Amendments", + -11.852494239807129 + ], + [ + "\u2581descritos", + -12.005802154541016 + ], + [ + "\u2581whoa", + -12.393437385559082 + ], + [ + "\u2581desfavorecidos", + -12.01675796508789 + ], + [ + "yard", + -12.022369384765625 + ], + [ + "\u2581vincula", + -11.962324142456055 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jenny", + -12.564014434814453 + ], + [ + "\u2581homosexual", + -12.405074119567871 + ], + [ + "\u2581calientes", + -12.074161529541016 + ], + [ + "\u2581informados", + -12.084674835205078 + ], + [ + "quier", + -12.311396598815918 + ], + [ + "\u2581Llev", + -11.777032852172852 + ], + [ + "\u2581sincera", + -11.965564727783203 + ], + [ + "\u2581ofrec\u00eda", + -12.086281776428223 + ], + [ + "\u2581surgi\u00f3", + -12.030180931091309 + ], + [ + "\u2581Amar", + -12.639145851135254 + ], + [ + "\u2581pills", + -12.027484893798828 + ], + [ + "cott", + -12.664423942565918 + ], + [ + "\u2581textura", + -12.02459716796875 + ], + [ + "\u2581estipulado", + -12.044187545776367 + ], + [ + "\u2581contested", + -11.890731811523438 + ], + [ + "empt", + -12.127224922180176 + ], + [ + "\u2581fianza", + -11.956979751586914 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dictionary", + -11.966650009155273 + ], + [ + "\u2581prote\u00edna", + -12.093756675720215 + ], + [ + "PNUD", + -12.049837112426758 + ], + [ + "\u258158.", + -11.996628761291504 + ], + [ + "\u2581fishery", + -11.825056076049805 + ], + [ + "\u2581arrendamiento", + -12.046162605285645 + ], + [ + "\u2581comprometer", + -12.084330558776855 + ], + [ + "\u2581Orientaci\u00f3n", + -12.018320083618164 + ], + [ + "\u2581offense", + -11.957816123962402 + ], + [ + "\u2581bloquear", + -12.064493179321289 + ], + [ + "\u2581competitivo", + -12.023906707763672 + ], + [ + "\u2581centrar\u00e1", + -12.069293975830078 + ], + [ + "\u2581residing", + -11.917367935180664 + ], + [ + "\u2581usarse", + -12.078080177307129 + ], + [ + "\u2581orar", + -12.053428649902344 + ], + [ + "\u2581raciales", + -12.077505111694336 + ], + [ + "\u2581relato", + -11.996053695678711 + ], + [ + "\u2581nerve", + -11.97708511352539 + ], + [ + "\u2581Degrad", + -11.918204307556152 + ], + [ + "\u2581Corporate", + -11.904582023620605 + ], + [ + "\u2581patch", + -11.96374797821045 + ], + [ + "\u2581di\u00f3xido", + -12.06478500366211 + ], + [ + "\u2581Podr\u00edamos", + -11.882506370544434 + ], + [ + "\u2581enfrentamientos", + -12.071443557739258 + ], + [ + "\u2581Se\u00f1ala", + -12.036458969116211 + ], + [ + "\u2581cancelled", + -11.966007232666016 + ], + [ + "\u2581velocidades", + -12.045499801635742 + ], + [ + "\u2581respiraci\u00f3n", + -11.939888954162598 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jackie", + -12.622465133666992 + ], + [ + "\u2581finishing", + -11.938638687133789 + ], + [ + "\u2581lesser", + -11.925318717956543 + ], + [ + "\u2581D\u00edaz", + -12.51135540008545 + ], + [ + "\u00e1neo", + -12.690271377563477 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gabon", + -11.781645774841309 + ], + [ + "\u2581SMS", + -12.557305335998535 + ], + [ + "\u2581corrections", + -11.926795959472656 + ], + [ + "ering", + -11.96496295928955 + ], + [ + "\u2581hombro", + -11.924099922180176 + ], + [ + "\u2581paja", + -11.938692092895508 + ], + [ + "\u2581amplitud", + -12.040446281433105 + ], + [ + "tard", + -12.169892311096191 + ], + [ + "\u2581atracci\u00f3n", + -12.081047058105469 + ], + [ + "\u2581hemo", + -12.497664451599121 + ], + [ + "Cor", + -11.973298072814941 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kirk", + -12.662304878234863 + ], + [ + "\u2581Str", + -11.797157287597656 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vir", + -12.638461112976074 + ], + [ + "\u2581Heating", + -11.986260414123535 + ], + [ + "\u2581Voluntarios", + -12.020687103271484 + ], + [ + "\u2581geometric", + -11.935832977294922 + ], + [ + "\u2581lip", + -12.201831817626953 + ], + [ + "capacita", + -12.741720199584961 + ], + [ + "cioso", + -12.130664825439453 + ], + [ + "\u2581conserve", + -12.41037654876709 + ], + [ + "\u2581urine", + -11.927623748779297 + ], + [ + "\u2581expose", + -11.93125057220459 + ], + [ + "\u2581mostrando", + -12.046085357666016 + ], + [ + "\u2581importan", + -11.999637603759766 + ], + [ + "\u2581contabiliza", + -12.006665229797363 + ], + [ + "\u2581escenas", + -12.128809928894043 + ], + [ + "\u2581imperialist", + -11.978143692016602 + ], + [ + "\u2581dias", + -12.019513130187988 + ], + [ + "\u2581batteries", + -11.890656471252441 + ], + [ + "\u25810,2", + -12.216879844665527 + ], + [ + "\u2581abusa", + -11.98670482635498 + ], + [ + "\u2581Republican", + -11.986262321472168 + ], + [ + "Recomendar\u00eda", + -12.149706840515137 + ], + [ + "\u2581202", + -12.407195091247559 + ], + [ + "\u2581estad\u00edstico", + -12.043173789978027 + ], + [ + "\u2581termo", + -12.049400329589844 + ], + [ + "\u2581expects", + -12.018637657165527 + ], + [ + "\u2581prepararse", + -12.017725944519043 + ], + [ + "cribe", + -12.063156127929688 + ], + [ + "rine", + -11.812259674072266 + ], + [ + "\u2581llegu\u00e9", + -11.907465934753418 + ], + [ + "taking", + -11.912029266357422 + ], + [ + "\u2581enumera", + -12.009038925170898 + ], + [ + "dian", + -12.060663223266602 + ], + [ + "\u2581Score", + -11.962925910949707 + ], + [ + "\u2581flee", + -11.902397155761719 + ], + [ + "\u2581asesinados", + -12.051836967468262 + ], + [ + "\u2581desconocida", + -12.0154390335083 + ], + [ + "\u2581a\u00e9reos", + -12.113222122192383 + ], + [ + "\u2581Turkmenist\u00e1n", + -11.934407234191895 + ], + [ + "LS", + -11.748897552490234 + ], + [ + "\u2581Coffee", + -11.96026611328125 + ], + [ + "\u2581assumptions", + -11.93340015411377 + ], + [ + "\u2581sostuvo", + -12.054123878479004 + ], + [ + "\u2581191", + -12.165142059326172 + ], + [ + "\u2581Commitment", + -11.906723022460938 + ], + [ + "\u2581bind", + -11.922146797180176 + ], + [ + "\u2581atiende", + -12.063282012939453 + ], + [ + "\u2581esc\u00e1ndalo", + -11.986021995544434 + ], + [ + "\u2581mencionan", + -11.972673416137695 + ], + [ + "\u2581oxi", + -12.022170066833496 + ], + [ + "\u2581premature", + -11.915338516235352 + ], + [ + "\u2581Princess", + -12.014411926269531 + ], + [ + "\u2581Planta", + -12.058204650878906 + ], + [ + "\u2581Agro", + -12.677241325378418 + ], + [ + "\u2581barrera", + -12.005819320678711 + ], + [ + "\u2581abiertamente", + -12.023396492004395 + ], + [ + "\u258122:00", + -12.685491561889648 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wikipedia", + -12.565165519714355 + ], + [ + "\u2581acepte", + -12.03719711303711 + ], + [ + "\u2581rot", + -12.019453048706055 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bot", + -12.518016815185547 + ], + [ + "\u2581Estar\u00e9", + -11.7650728225708 + ], + [ + "j\u00e9", + -11.885295867919922 + ], + [ + "\u2581completas", + -12.199381828308105 + ], + [ + "\u2581technically", + -11.976014137268066 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fig", + -12.346016883850098 + ], + [ + "NOS", + -12.176517486572266 + ], + [ + "\u2581GBP", + -12.626083374023438 + ], + [ + "movil", + -12.36616325378418 + ], + [ + "\u2581educar", + -12.064858436584473 + ], + [ + "\u2581C\u00e1llate", + -11.785233497619629 + ], + [ + "\u2581Abdel", + -12.626437187194824 + ], + [ + "\u2581volvieron", + -11.996689796447754 + ], + [ + "/01", + -11.878079414367676 + ], + [ + "\u2581jugado", + -12.026317596435547 + ], + [ + "\u2581ODA", + -11.948200225830078 + ], + [ + "\u2581Oct", + -12.061111450195312 + ], + [ + "\u2581molesto", + -11.925122261047363 + ], + [ + "\u2581versa", + -12.608251571655273 + ], + [ + "\u258112-", + -12.083580017089844 + ], + [ + "\u2581Automatic", + -11.94904899597168 + ], + [ + "\u2581quoted", + -11.884695053100586 + ], + [ + "Global", + -12.292487144470215 + ], + [ + "\u2581concession", + -11.897981643676758 + ], + [ + "quest", + -12.213615417480469 + ], + [ + "\u2581solitario", + -11.970355033874512 + ], + [ + "tile", + -12.077118873596191 + ], + [ + "\u2581drops", + -12.040582656860352 + ], + [ + "\u2581Arc", + -11.996441841125488 + ], + [ + "\u2581moverse", + -12.022970199584961 + ], + [ + "\u2581Desa", + -12.076141357421875 + ], + [ + "\u2581admitido", + -12.042878150939941 + ], + [ + "h\u00e9", + -12.41776180267334 + ], + [ + "\u2581fiftieth", + -11.861395835876465 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ruman\u00eda", + -11.999735832214355 + ], + [ + "\u2581desencadena", + -12.042047500610352 + ], + [ + "\u2581lanzamientos", + -12.15604305267334 + ], + [ + "\u2581lymph", + -12.045004844665527 + ], + [ + "\u2581Eye", + -11.968932151794434 + ], + [ + "\u2581figuraba", + -12.056526184082031 + ], + [ + "\u2581sirvi\u00f3", + -12.033282279968262 + ], + [ + "\u2581DECISION", + -11.894601821899414 + ], + [ + "\u2581desempleados", + -12.041544914245605 + ], + [ + "\u2581mueren", + -11.952352523803711 + ], + [ + "\u2581EFTA", + -11.8564453125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Envoy", + -11.892618179321289 + ], + [ + "\u2581entraron", + -12.028716087341309 + ], + [ + "\u2581preve\u00eda", + -12.019111633300781 + ], + [ + "\u2581respiratory", + -11.870402336120605 + ], + [ + "\u2581simplified", + -11.99715805053711 + ], + [ + "\u2581sobra", + -11.939528465270996 + ], + [ + "\u2581publicity", + -11.895432472229004 + ], + [ + "\u2581influenza", + -12.298578262329102 + ], + [ + "\u2581indicaron", + -12.083220481872559 + ], + [ + "\u2581Inhuman", + -11.941719055175781 + ], + [ + "\u2581strap", + -11.951088905334473 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ocupa", + -12.063936233520508 + ], + [ + "\u2581keen", + -11.921713829040527 + ], + [ + "\u2581Moroccan", + -11.907259941101074 + ], + [ + "\u2581cualificada", + -12.083949089050293 + ], + [ + "\u2581recurrente", + -12.109332084655762 + ], + [ + "\u2581extraordinarias", + -12.051846504211426 + ], + [ + "cillo", + -12.236760139465332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Valores", + -12.033885955810547 + ], + [ + "\u2581subida", + -12.069979667663574 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wiki", + -12.782221794128418 + ], + [ + "\u2581razas", + -12.154997825622559 + ], + [ + "\u2581emitidas", + -12.065305709838867 + ], + [ + "\u2581proporcionados", + -12.074678421020508 + ], + [ + "\u2581japoneses", + -11.976232528686523 + ], + [ + "\u2581shoe", + -11.987162590026855 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kaz", + -13.044631004333496 + ], + [ + "\u2581civilizaciones", + -12.0286865234375 + ], + [ + "\u2581subsidy", + -11.927587509155273 + ], + [ + "\u2581torna", + -12.013458251953125 + ], + [ + "\u2581ranges", + -12.194415092468262 + ], + [ + "\u2581despedir", + -11.874444007873535 + ], + [ + "tol", + -12.146749496459961 + ], + [ + "\u2581creadas", + -12.087331771850586 + ], + [ + "\u2581comerciantes", + -12.057530403137207 + ], + [ + "\u2581nest", + -12.00231647491455 + ], + [ + "incluidos", + -12.026949882507324 + ], + [ + "\u2581motorcycle", + -11.973098754882812 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cata", + -12.109603881835938 + ], + [ + "\u2581concertar", + -12.009841918945312 + ], + [ + "ricos", + -12.425798416137695 + ], + [ + "\u2581creci\u00f3", + -12.03950023651123 + ], + [ + "shirt", + -11.98949909210205 + ], + [ + "\u2581rojos", + -12.042489051818848 + ], + [ + "CULO", + -12.216188430786133 + ], + [ + "\u2581acudir", + -12.020670890808105 + ], + [ + "c\u00e1", + -11.815771102905273 + ], + [ + "super", + -12.565978050231934 + ], + [ + "/83", + -12.619669914245605 + ], + [ + "\u2581morir\u00e1", + -12.047926902770996 + ], + [ + "\u2581tocante", + -12.032469749450684 + ], + [ + "\u2581t\u00e9rmica", + -12.081218719482422 + ], + [ + "\u2581quest", + -11.965429306030273 + ], + [ + "\u2581generic", + -11.89864730834961 + ], + [ + "check", + -12.098529815673828 + ], + [ + "\u2581comprendidos", + -12.082427978515625 + ], + [ + "\u2581exenciones", + -12.023807525634766 + ], + [ + "\u2581Along", + -11.972543716430664 + ], + [ + "\u2581llamamos", + -11.971366882324219 + ], + [ + "\u2581distribuidores", + -12.032922744750977 + ], + [ + "\u2581exploited", + -11.908686637878418 + ], + [ + "\u2581Revelation", + -11.953645706176758 + ], + [ + "\u2581hostile", + -11.927104949951172 + ], + [ + "\u25815.000", + -12.059406280517578 + ], + [ + "\u2581confesi\u00f3n", + -11.988296508789062 + ], + [ + "\u2581gritar", + -11.958844184875488 + ], + [ + "\u2581fronterizos", + -12.034038543701172 + ], + [ + "\u2581COMIT\u00c9", + -12.027742385864258 + ], + [ + "\u2581vinculaci\u00f3n", + -12.044866561889648 + ], + [ + "\u2581TRANS", + -12.55415153503418 + ], + [ + "\u2581pearl", + -11.983494758605957 + ], + [ + "\u2581Accessories", + -11.94971752166748 + ], + [ + "\u2581ke", + -12.262553215026855 + ], + [ + "\u2581beneficiado", + -12.094951629638672 + ], + [ + "rique", + -12.622093200683594 + ], + [ + "\u2581coment\u00f3", + -12.006056785583496 + ], + [ + "\u2581deficiencies", + -11.950417518615723 + ], + [ + "lau", + -12.043723106384277 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cookie", + -11.940067291259766 + ], + [ + "\u2581consuetudinario", + -12.087899208068848 + ], + [ + "\u2581instructed", + -11.86286449432373 + ], + [ + "\u2581Siguiendo", + -12.010534286499023 + ], + [ + "\u2581mud", + -12.03654670715332 + ], + [ + "\u2581OTHER", + -11.846144676208496 + ], + [ + "\u2581vendedores", + -12.019732475280762 + ], + [ + "\u2581judged", + -11.94692325592041 + ], + [ + "rator", + -12.15118408203125 + ], + [ + "umab", + -12.811029434204102 + ], + [ + "\u2581utilizaron", + -12.104386329650879 + ], + [ + "\u2581reservado", + -12.05197811126709 + ], + [ + "\u2581emperador", + -12.059002876281738 + ], + [ + "\u2581devastador", + -12.052512168884277 + ], + [ + "l\u00e1m", + -12.2887544631958 + ], + [ + "\u2581Focus", + -11.96170425415039 + ], + [ + "\u2581218", + -12.642511367797852 + ], + [ + "\u2581meditaci\u00f3n", + -12.05675983428955 + ], + [ + "\u2581proclaim", + -11.978424072265625 + ], + [ + "\u258157.", + -12.101775169372559 + ], + [ + "\u2581FM", + -12.432726860046387 + ], + [ + "hun", + -12.137002944946289 + ], + [ + "\u2581Democrats", + -11.909460067749023 + ], + [ + "\u2581confiado", + -12.041659355163574 + ], + [ + "\u2581chaqueta", + -11.892210960388184 + ], + [ + "\u2581antivirus", + -12.57475471496582 + ], + [ + "\u2581hubiere", + -12.120269775390625 + ], + [ + "tors", + -12.027188301086426 + ], + [ + "\u2581competici\u00f3n", + -12.059809684753418 + ], + [ + "qa", + -12.597692489624023 + ], + [ + "\u2581Earl", + -12.648118019104004 + ], + [ + "\u2581wifi", + -12.720398902893066 + ], + [ + "oph", + -12.161954879760742 + ], + [ + "\u2581mand\u00f3", + -12.024075508117676 + ], + [ + "\u2581215", + -12.604869842529297 + ], + [ + "tista", + -12.006128311157227 + ], + [ + "\u2581teniente", + -11.858521461486816 + ], + [ + "\u2581manufactura", + -12.058995246887207 + ], + [ + "\u2581postre", + -11.980774879455566 + ], + [ + "\u2581relaxation", + -11.907584190368652 + ], + [ + "outs", + -12.123211860656738 + ], + [ + "\u2581perfection", + -11.930654525756836 + ], + [ + "\u2581Chang", + -12.605399131774902 + ], + [ + "\u2581Side", + -11.947202682495117 + ], + [ + "\u2581celebre", + -12.071369171142578 + ], + [ + "\u2581Apelaci\u00f3n", + -12.038052558898926 + ], + [ + "\u2581atentado", + -12.021515846252441 + ], + [ + "hole", + -11.97048568725586 + ], + [ + "UA", + -12.259122848510742 + ], + [ + "\u2581comparables", + -12.122282981872559 + ], + [ + "\u2581investigado", + -12.051162719726562 + ], + [ + "gener", + -12.376507759094238 + ], + [ + "\u2581escondido", + -11.932994842529297 + ], + [ + "\u2581serial", + -11.944869041442871 + ], + [ + "eptic", + -12.303861618041992 + ], + [ + "\u2581Abel", + -12.694482803344727 + ], + [ + "\u2581compression", + -11.963175773620605 + ], + [ + "\u2581Narcotic", + -11.912145614624023 + ], + [ + "\u2581mares", + -12.07247257232666 + ], + [ + "GHT", + -12.328262329101562 + ], + [ + "zia", + -12.4614839553833 + ], + [ + "\u2581dr", + -11.909890174865723 + ], + [ + "\u2581deputy", + -11.924846649169922 + ], + [ + "\u2581ki", + -12.142131805419922 + ], + [ + "\u2581Teaching", + -11.990103721618652 + ], + [ + "\u2581Apoya", + -12.016758918762207 + ], + [ + "\u2581cylinders", + -12.002823829650879 + ], + [ + "\u2581perdidos", + -12.099387168884277 + ], + [ + "\u2581Doble", + -12.059171676635742 + ], + [ + "\u2581cargado", + -12.111029624938965 + ], + [ + "\u2581senses", + -12.109268188476562 + ], + [ + "\u2264", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581cardio", + -12.782864570617676 + ], + [ + "\u2581monasterio", + -12.12982177734375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Occidente", + -11.982245445251465 + ], + [ + "\u2581cocaine", + -11.916714668273926 + ], + [ + "\u2581francesas", + -12.091361999511719 + ], + [ + "news", + -12.34853744506836 + ], + [ + "\u2581tomb", + -12.054943084716797 + ], + [ + "\u2581encargar\u00e1", + -12.032071113586426 + ], + [ + "riedad", + -12.291386604309082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Chicos", + -11.885998725891113 + ], + [ + "\u2581asisten", + -12.064815521240234 + ], + [ + "\u2581pod\u00e9is", + -11.982999801635742 + ], + [ + "\u2581sail", + -12.028754234313965 + ], + [ + "\u2581propaga", + -12.044897079467773 + ], + [ + "lem", + -12.059372901916504 + ], + [ + "\u2581Relax", + -12.072365760803223 + ], + [ + "\u2581cu\u00e1ntos", + -12.019092559814453 + ], + [ + "\u2581Oxfam", + -12.644615173339844 + ], + [ + "\u2581basement", + -12.065388679504395 + ], + [ + "\u2581periodically", + -11.9365873336792 + ], + [ + "1.0", + -12.816766738891602 + ], + [ + "\u2581883", + -12.685617446899414 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuartel", + -11.991036415100098 + ], + [ + "\u2581collectively", + -11.962811470031738 + ], + [ + "\u2581cookie", + -12.300755500793457 + ], + [ + "\u2581respetado", + -12.0524263381958 + ], + [ + "setting", + -12.052364349365234 + ], + [ + "\u2581derivado", + -12.024867057800293 + ], + [ + "\u2581sab", + -12.037790298461914 + ], + [ + "\u2581fantasma", + -11.89923095703125 + ], + [ + "\u2581fiduciarios", + -12.101370811462402 + ], + [ + "\u2581genius", + -12.039701461791992 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ranking", + -12.04017162322998 + ], + [ + "\u2581alteraciones", + -12.045256614685059 + ], + [ + "\u2581evitando", + -12.032573699951172 + ], + [ + "\u2581regularidad", + -12.076879501342773 + ], + [ + "\u2581acknowledges", + -11.958999633789062 + ], + [ + "\u2581Accounting", + -11.951499938964844 + ], + [ + "\u2581fits", + -12.022967338562012 + ], + [ + "\u2581shipment", + -11.935096740722656 + ], + [ + "ophi", + -12.717464447021484 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ahmad", + -12.760114669799805 + ], + [ + "\u2581Catedral", + -12.121121406555176 + ], + [ + "/68", + -12.452353477478027 + ], + [ + "\u2581grasp", + -11.973803520202637 + ], + [ + "\u2581inmueble", + -12.080338478088379 + ], + [ + "bi\u00f3", + -11.890213966369629 + ], + [ + "rap", + -11.96817398071289 + ], + [ + "\u2581LG", + -12.56851863861084 + ], + [ + "\u2581oak", + -11.987809181213379 + ], + [ + "\u2581portrait", + -11.935134887695312 + ], + [ + "\u2581complicada", + -11.988568305969238 + ], + [ + "\u2581greet", + -12.013188362121582 + ], + [ + "\u2581$10", + -12.007362365722656 + ], + [ + "miso", + -12.13540267944336 + ], + [ + "\u2581holdings", + -12.037028312683105 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hassan", + -12.670400619506836 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cay", + -12.63593864440918 + ], + [ + "\u2581L\u00e1", + -12.434545516967773 + ], + [ + "\u2581openness", + -11.905896186828613 + ], + [ + "\u2581Toyota", + -12.711258888244629 + ], + [ + "\u2581inspire", + -11.946434020996094 + ], + [ + "\u2581livelihoods", + -11.925577163696289 + ], + [ + "jur", + -12.127374649047852 + ], + [ + "\u2581credenciales", + -12.029321670532227 + ], + [ + "\u2581Michelle", + -12.653451919555664 + ], + [ + "\u2581dicta", + -12.044106483459473 + ], + [ + "\u2581reconstruir", + -12.049274444580078 + ], + [ + "\u2581viruses", + -11.964905738830566 + ], + [ + "carbo", + -12.54961109161377 + ], + [ + "Algo", + -11.815616607666016 + ], + [ + "servicio", + -12.036883354187012 + ], + [ + "\u2581Beta", + -12.86789608001709 + ], + [ + "\u2581demons", + -12.114028930664062 + ], + [ + "\u2581cilindros", + -12.093306541442871 + ], + [ + "\u2581visados", + -12.058765411376953 + ], + [ + "\u2581plea", + -12.074625968933105 + ], + [ + "\u2581tribunals", + -11.97853946685791 + ], + [ + "Christ", + -12.715476036071777 + ], + [ + "\u2581ashamed", + -12.0374174118042 + ], + [ + "\u2581Custom", + -11.935051918029785 + ], + [ + "\u2581acogido", + -12.062262535095215 + ], + [ + "title", + -12.091452598571777 + ], + [ + "\u2581valora", + -11.789800643920898 + ], + [ + "ops", + -12.267318725585938 + ], + [ + "\u2581CECA", + -12.120612144470215 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pact", + -11.90845775604248 + ], + [ + "\u2581atentamente", + -11.966262817382812 + ], + [ + "taje", + -12.09602165222168 + ], + [ + "\u2581educated", + -11.949897766113281 + ], + [ + "\u2581Seychelles", + -12.492770195007324 + ], + [ + "\u2581clue", + -12.060614585876465 + ], + [ + "\u2581tends", + -11.965417861938477 + ], + [ + "\u2581Certificate", + -11.93444538116455 + ], + [ + "\u2581Contactar", + -12.090668678283691 + ], + [ + "\u2581Screenshot", + -11.965229988098145 + ], + [ + "\u2581Guer", + -12.908936500549316 + ], + [ + "Espa\u00f1a", + -12.096319198608398 + ], + [ + "\u2581fires", + -12.094155311584473 + ], + [ + "erated", + -12.171311378479004 + ], + [ + "\u2581199", + -12.574586868286133 + ], + [ + "\u2581benchmarks", + -11.915759086608887 + ], + [ + "tenido", + -11.987951278686523 + ], + [ + "\u2581controversial", + -11.956038475036621 + ], + [ + "\u2581liquidez", + -12.030112266540527 + ], + [ + "\u2581Delete", + -11.992911338806152 + ], + [ + "\u2581provinciales", + -12.07154655456543 + ], + [ + "\u2581flavor", + -11.916545867919922 + ], + [ + "\u2581poison", + -12.062601089477539 + ], + [ + "\u2581Barry", + -12.694217681884766 + ], + [ + "\u2581escaped", + -12.006328582763672 + ], + [ + "\u2581highlighting", + -11.916462898254395 + ], + [ + "\u2581predecesor", + -12.052504539489746 + ], + [ + "metros", + -12.170257568359375 + ], + [ + "\u2581examinarse", + -12.092178344726562 + ], + [ + "\u2581Estar\u00e1", + -11.766876220703125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Comisaria", + -12.039648056030273 + ], + [ + "\u2581obrera", + -12.116847038269043 + ], + [ + "\u2581riquezas", + -12.077911376953125 + ], + [ + "ret", + -11.824516296386719 + ], + [ + "\u2581jealous", + -12.089428901672363 + ], + [ + "902", + -12.246577262878418 + ], + [ + "\u2581intensified", + -11.921440124511719 + ], + [ + "Open", + -12.008403778076172 + ], + [ + "Tri", + -12.818702697753906 + ], + [ + "\u2581comm", + -12.479450225830078 + ], + [ + "\u2581eaten", + -11.980741500854492 + ], + [ + "\u2581iremos", + -11.855809211730957 + ], + [ + "\u2581formada", + -12.085843086242676 + ], + [ + "\u2581sugieren", + -12.05015754699707 + ], + [ + "\u2581mortgage", + -12.002872467041016 + ], + [ + "\u2581Range", + -12.489855766296387 + ], + [ + "\u2581deseada", + -12.207184791564941 + ], + [ + "\u2581indispensables", + -12.07977294921875 + ], + [ + "fran", + -12.11697006225586 + ], + [ + "\u2581Custody", + -11.930319786071777 + ], + [ + "\u2581pon\u00eda", + -12.020294189453125 + ], + [ + "ggle", + -12.145110130310059 + ], + [ + "\u2581contexts", + -12.294057846069336 + ], + [ + "\u2581prenatal", + -12.489822387695312 + ], + [ + "\u2581Balcanes", + -12.029321670532227 + ], + [ + "\u2581ayudar\u00eda", + -12.058582305908203 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fel", + -12.144962310791016 + ], + [ + "\u2581cualificados", + -12.039292335510254 + ], + [ + "\u2581soltera", + -12.000724792480469 + ], + [ + "\u2581venda", + -11.990958213806152 + ], + [ + "\u2581especificada", + -12.098782539367676 + ], + [ + "bridge", + -12.477359771728516 + ], + [ + "\u2581Murcia", + -12.618368148803711 + ], + [ + "\u2581coherentes", + -12.112838745117188 + ], + [ + "\u2581venden", + -12.038809776306152 + ], + [ + "\u2581Method", + -11.917478561401367 + ], + [ + "\u2581loading", + -11.944217681884766 + ], + [ + "\u2581S\u00e1bado", + -12.067170143127441 + ], + [ + "\u2581Congregation", + -11.980981826782227 + ], + [ + "\u2581clubes", + -12.111903190612793 + ], + [ + "mbro", + -12.257612228393555 + ], + [ + "\u2581spatial", + -11.914663314819336 + ], + [ + "\u2581bore", + -11.917219161987305 + ], + [ + "\u2581Introduzca", + -12.14923095703125 + ], + [ + "\u2581patrol", + -11.937871932983398 + ], + [ + "\u2581Conozc", + -11.870370864868164 + ], + [ + "\u2581invertido", + -12.028911590576172 + ], + [ + "\u2581investigative", + -11.95462703704834 + ], + [ + "\u2581violar", + -12.06522274017334 + ], + [ + "\u2581Prima", + -12.647942543029785 + ], + [ + "\u2581impulse", + -12.276998519897461 + ], + [ + "mena", + -12.089739799499512 + ], + [ + "\u2581escaso", + -12.043909072875977 + ], + [ + "\u2581Areas", + -12.00336742401123 + ], + [ + "food", + -11.895748138427734 + ], + [ + "\u2581budgeting", + -11.937652587890625 + ], + [ + "puesto", + -11.96654224395752 + ], + [ + "\u2581Institutional", + -11.962713241577148 + ], + [ + "\u2581cafe", + -12.354795455932617 + ], + [ + "\u2581abduction", + -11.924266815185547 + ], + [ + "bamos", + -11.899142265319824 + ], + [ + "\u2581Atenas", + -12.101405143737793 + ], + [ + "\u2581incomes", + -12.111881256103516 + ], + [ + "\u2581vecina", + -12.02095890045166 + ], + [ + "\u2581aut\u00f3noma", + -12.082024574279785 + ], + [ + "decentralization", + -11.910892486572266 + ], + [ + "\u2581extrajudiciales", + -12.040715217590332 + ], + [ + "\u2581recarga", + -12.069991111755371 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dubl\u00edn", + -12.1082124710083 + ], + [ + "\u2581tecn", + -12.085977554321289 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vuelve", + -11.91965103149414 + ], + [ + "\u2581televisor", + -12.012112617492676 + ], + [ + "timo", + -12.127808570861816 + ], + [ + "\u2581bubble", + -11.995522499084473 + ], + [ + "\u2581gripe", + -11.999737739562988 + ], + [ + "Party", + -11.94873332977295 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gear", + -12.289798736572266 + ], + [ + "\u2581Intelligence", + -11.950417518615723 + ], + [ + "\u2581recibir\u00e1n", + -12.034069061279297 + ], + [ + "\u2581184", + -12.441704750061035 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hussein", + -12.539606094360352 + ], + [ + "\u2581kidnapping", + -11.922806739807129 + ], + [ + "\u2581optical", + -11.956668853759766 + ], + [ + "\u2581decidir\u00e1", + -12.09584903717041 + ], + [ + "Comment", + -12.533647537231445 + ], + [ + "spot", + -11.950142860412598 + ], + [ + "\u2581Primary", + -11.943465232849121 + ], + [ + "\u2581embajada", + -12.036458969116211 + ], + [ + "\u2581id\u00e9ntico", + -12.098851203918457 + ], + [ + "\u2581sigo", + -11.87716007232666 + ], + [ + "\u2581emotion", + -11.981853485107422 + ], + [ + "\u2581pronunciar", + -12.269259452819824 + ], + [ + "dorf", + -12.652252197265625 + ], + [ + "\u2581abolished", + -11.914210319519043 + ], + [ + "\u2581caus\u00f3", + -12.027746200561523 + ], + [ + "\u2581complain", + -11.929509162902832 + ], + [ + "\u2581ESC", + -11.965348243713379 + ], + [ + "\u2581affection", + -11.968741416931152 + ], + [ + "4.000", + -12.11411190032959 + ], + [ + "\u2581Governance", + -11.896596908569336 + ], + [ + "\u2581construy\u00f3", + -12.044997215270996 + ], + [ + "\u2581Days", + -12.132542610168457 + ], + [ + "\u2581enrolled", + -11.964158058166504 + ], + [ + "\u2581ham", + -12.25579833984375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fabricaci\u00f3n", + -12.087233543395996 + ], + [ + "\u2581aligned", + -11.95936393737793 + ], + [ + "\u2581aprender\u00e1", + -12.108477592468262 + ], + [ + "\u2581sacrificios", + -12.101119041442871 + ], + [ + "\u00edfica", + -12.283788681030273 + ], + [ + "\u2581AU", + -12.030155181884766 + ], + [ + "\u2581FO", + -12.397748947143555 + ], + [ + "USD", + -12.4738130569458 + ], + [ + "\u2581quimioterapia", + -12.081218719482422 + ], + [ + "\u2581Touch", + -12.369282722473145 + ], + [ + "\u2581anonymous", + -12.023746490478516 + ], + [ + "cuente", + -13.076648712158203 + ], + [ + "\u2581catedral", + -12.068811416625977 + ], + [ + "\u2581solvent", + -11.940752983093262 + ], + [ + "nine", + -11.989786148071289 + ], + [ + "\u2581hazards", + -11.968775749206543 + ], + [ + "oul", + -12.048905372619629 + ], + [ + "\u2581Isaiah", + -12.014290809631348 + ], + [ + "\u2581PAN", + -12.574536323547363 + ], + [ + "\u2581Skype", + -12.62546443939209 + ], + [ + "\u2581boots", + -12.09086799621582 + ], + [ + "\u2581comen", + -12.023233413696289 + ], + [ + "\u2581rubia", + -11.971043586730957 + ], + [ + "\u2581Examples", + -11.935403823852539 + ], + [ + "\u2581acabas", + -11.98340892791748 + ], + [ + "\u2581cristianismo", + -12.072104454040527 + ], + [ + "\u2581influences", + -12.043524742126465 + ], + [ + "Cu\u00e1ntas", + -11.925156593322754 + ], + [ + "4]", + -12.624455451965332 + ], + [ + "\u2581dock", + -12.023527145385742 + ], + [ + "\u2581kindness", + -11.985257148742676 + ], + [ + "\u2581obedecer", + -12.066781997680664 + ], + [ + "\u2581alzado", + -12.050621032714844 + ], + [ + "\u2581usarlo", + -12.029145240783691 + ], + [ + "\u2581contenta", + -11.933777809143066 + ], + [ + "uce", + -12.484457015991211 + ], + [ + "\u2581205", + -12.604756355285645 + ], + [ + "\u2581Universo", + -12.038061141967773 + ], + [ + "\u2581SAP", + -12.580714225769043 + ], + [ + "\u2581distribuidor", + -12.022563934326172 + ], + [ + "hur", + -12.406757354736328 + ], + [ + "\u2581nationally", + -12.020519256591797 + ], + [ + "\u2581episodios", + -12.052578926086426 + ], + [ + "\u2581lee", + -12.00041389465332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Scriptures", + -11.90312671661377 + ], + [ + "\u2581sustantiva", + -12.001111030578613 + ], + [ + "\u2581Miren", + -11.84242057800293 + ], + [ + "dling", + -12.404487609863281 + ], + [ + "\u2581vueltas", + -11.996742248535156 + ], + [ + "\u2581ignorar", + -12.045327186584473 + ], + [ + "\u2581338", + -12.646539688110352 + ], + [ + "\u2581innovadora", + -12.07455062866211 + ], + [ + "\u2581Erik", + -12.740036010742188 + ], + [ + "/08", + -12.119668960571289 + ], + [ + "\u2581arquitectos", + -12.101339340209961 + ], + [ + "\u2581helic\u00f3pteros", + -12.05977725982666 + ], + [ + "\u2581marriages", + -12.082621574401855 + ], + [ + "\u2581struggles", + -12.049592971801758 + ], + [ + "\u2581apuestas", + -11.948838233947754 + ], + [ + "\u258159.", + -12.054733276367188 + ], + [ + "\u2581acad\u00e9micas", + -12.142940521240234 + ], + [ + "\u2581iniciada", + -12.119489669799805 + ], + [ + "\u2581Syn", + -12.529970169067383 + ], + [ + "\u2581cad\u00e1ver", + -11.891134262084961 + ], + [ + "\u2581comisario", + -11.946702003479004 + ], + [ + "\u2581estim\u00f3", + -12.026958465576172 + ], + [ + "\u2581matching", + -11.959102630615234 + ], + [ + "\u2581lema", + -12.167095184326172 + ], + [ + "\u2581enmarca", + -12.117779731750488 + ], + [ + "\u2581heated", + -11.97647476196289 + ], + [ + "\u2581disculpas", + -11.886850357055664 + ], + [ + "\u2581mio", + -12.036016464233398 + ], + [ + "\u2581BEST", + -12.508395195007324 + ], + [ + "\u2581209", + -12.691032409667969 + ], + [ + "\u2581Used", + -12.019564628601074 + ], + [ + "\u2581mediod\u00eda", + -12.030512809753418 + ], + [ + "\u2581quedaba", + -11.938030242919922 + ], + [ + "\u2581remainder", + -11.991586685180664 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cash", + -11.99416732788086 + ], + [ + "\u2581explored", + -11.964420318603516 + ], + [ + "\u2581missiles", + -11.996138572692871 + ], + [ + "ried", + -12.088647842407227 + ], + [ + "cons", + -12.131448745727539 + ], + [ + "\u2581Changes", + -11.983166694641113 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ficha", + -12.136154174804688 + ], + [ + "\u2581concedidas", + -12.078680038452148 + ], + [ + "\u2581counted", + -11.99987506866455 + ], + [ + "\u2581permanentemente", + -12.06873607635498 + ], + [ + "\u2581publisher", + -11.96580982208252 + ], + [ + "\u2581setenta", + -12.023078918457031 + ], + [ + "bic", + -12.010939598083496 + ], + [ + "ividad", + -12.220894813537598 + ], + [ + "\u2581describing", + -11.956894874572754 + ], + [ + "\u2581wholly", + -11.934078216552734 + ], + [ + "\u2581irregularidades", + -12.04930591583252 + ], + [ + "\u2581projections", + -11.9679594039917 + ], + [ + "\u2581reasentamiento", + -12.04766845703125 + ], + [ + "\u2581conducido", + -12.04398250579834 + ], + [ + "\u2581rollo", + -12.036484718322754 + ], + [ + "buena", + -11.916316032409668 + ], + [ + "\u2581vali", + -12.280329704284668 + ], + [ + ")(", + -12.042106628417969 + ], + [ + "\u2581ejecutan", + -12.151253700256348 + ], + [ + "\u2581zinc", + -12.560006141662598 + ], + [ + "\u2581indent", + -11.904557228088379 + ], + [ + "\u2581interviewed", + -11.942580223083496 + ], + [ + "art\u00edculos", + -12.120685577392578 + ], + [ + "\u2581advierte", + -12.067188262939453 + ], + [ + "\u2581Diablo", + -11.978538513183594 + ], + [ + "\u2581preach", + -11.91080093383789 + ], + [ + "\u2581lawful", + -11.928887367248535 + ], + [ + "\u2581embar", + -11.985651016235352 + ], + [ + "\u2581Penas", + -12.041357040405273 + ], + [ + "uti", + -12.32607364654541 + ], + [ + "\u2581Socorro", + -12.054306983947754 + ], + [ + "\u2581creativo", + -12.084059715270996 + ], + [ + "\u2581harbour", + -11.937204360961914 + ], + [ + "\u2581J\u00f3venes", + -12.123723983764648 + ], + [ + "tizar", + -12.181523323059082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Zap", + -12.649059295654297 + ], + [ + "\u2581206", + -12.690145492553711 + ], + [ + "\u2581Desktop", + -12.33906364440918 + ], + [ + "6.00", + -12.846683502197266 + ], + [ + "\u2581Auditor", + -12.639389991760254 + ], + [ + "SBI", + -12.566104888916016 + ], + [ + "\u2581Orleans", + -12.61424732208252 + ], + [ + "\u2581aeronave", + -12.208534240722656 + ], + [ + "\u2581Iberostar", + -12.686125755310059 + ], + [ + "\u2581jam", + -12.104021072387695 + ], + [ + "\u2581approx", + -11.978425979614258 + ], + [ + "\u2581forzado", + -12.103398323059082 + ], + [ + "luvi", + -12.555211067199707 + ], + [ + "\u2581Copy", + -12.016190528869629 + ], + [ + "\u2581Integral", + -12.547208786010742 + ], + [ + "\u2581cortos", + -12.185295104980469 + ], + [ + "\u2581capturado", + -12.075905799865723 + ], + [ + "ugi", + -12.34720230102539 + ], + [ + "walk", + -12.367240905761719 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gem", + -12.541589736938477 + ], + [ + "\u2581r\u00e9cord", + -12.110784530639648 + ], + [ + "32/", + -12.463869094848633 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pr\u00f3ximo", + -12.034074783325195 + ], + [ + "\u2581destined", + -11.972358703613281 + ], + [ + "\u2581dame", + -11.85616683959961 + ], + [ + "\u2581instala", + -12.008697509765625 + ], + [ + "tenci\u00f3n", + -11.960010528564453 + ], + [ + "\u2581diplom\u00e1tico", + -12.040745735168457 + ], + [ + "\u2581pricing", + -11.933075904846191 + ], + [ + "\u2581disciplinas", + -12.095338821411133 + ], + [ + "\u2581kin", + -12.086124420166016 + ], + [ + "\u2581Understanding", + -11.945018768310547 + ], + [ + "\u2581abrigo", + -11.865703582763672 + ], + [ + "\u2581aduaneras", + -12.03896713256836 + ], + [ + "\u2581llevamos", + -11.936361312866211 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jennifer", + -12.691733360290527 + ], + [ + "\u2581ARE", + -12.07889461517334 + ], + [ + "\u25811952", + -12.637801170349121 + ], + [ + "\u2581bombs", + -12.083853721618652 + ], + [ + "\u2581miner\u00eda", + -12.109122276306152 + ], + [ + "\u2581ponerlo", + -12.09898853302002 + ], + [ + "\u2581rodillas", + -11.931949615478516 + ], + [ + "ATIONS", + -12.375517845153809 + ], + [ + "\u2581celebr", + -12.621661186218262 + ], + [ + "\u2581Campeonato", + -12.128948211669922 + ], + [ + "dula", + -12.319511413574219 + ], + [ + "arm", + -12.024110794067383 + ], + [ + "\u2581arrests", + -12.030156135559082 + ], + [ + "\u2581intelectuales", + -12.056044578552246 + ], + [ + "\u2581aportado", + -12.027498245239258 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jamie", + -12.588648796081543 + ], + [ + "\u2581fichero", + -12.075820922851562 + ], + [ + "\u2581packed", + -12.010432243347168 + ], + [ + "\u2581HomeExchange", + -12.369450569152832 + ], + [ + "\u2581deem", + -11.970367431640625 + ], + [ + "\u2581murders", + -12.068328857421875 + ], + [ + "\u2581infinite", + -11.956130027770996 + ], + [ + "\u2581localizado", + -12.098082542419434 + ], + [ + "\u2581insectos", + -12.0922212600708 + ], + [ + "mianto", + -12.114282608032227 + ], + [ + "\u2581Consensus", + -11.967361450195312 + ], + [ + "\u2581vendido", + -11.998113632202148 + ], + [ + "\u2581tomate", + -12.042937278747559 + ], + [ + "\u2581compa\u00f1era", + -11.925107955932617 + ], + [ + "\u2581UP", + -11.893924713134766 + ], + [ + "\u2581refieres", + -12.003292083740234 + ], + [ + "\u2581te\u00f3rica", + -12.08960247039795 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kuwaiti", + -11.939924240112305 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vent", + -12.44924545288086 + ], + [ + "signaci\u00f3n", + -12.068113327026367 + ], + [ + "\u2581proyecta", + -12.017745971679688 + ], + [ + "\u2581frescos", + -12.108684539794922 + ], + [ + "\u2581variation", + -11.921056747436523 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hai", + -12.541936874389648 + ], + [ + "\u2581Half", + -12.105339050292969 + ], + [ + "\u2581juzgado", + -11.96169376373291 + ], + [ + "\u2581Responsibility", + -11.993327140808105 + ], + [ + "ingen", + -12.590475082397461 + ], + [ + "\u2581IPCC", + -12.540987968444824 + ], + [ + "\u2581Procede", + -12.08156967163086 + ], + [ + "\u2581construyendo", + -12.055790901184082 + ], + [ + "LEG", + -12.934051513671875 + ], + [ + "\u2581requer\u00eda", + -12.087931632995605 + ], + [ + "\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "moral", + -12.76498031616211 + ], + [ + "\u2581shepherd", + -11.996256828308105 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alexandr", + -12.492351531982422 + ], + [ + "\u2581atrev", + -11.882078170776367 + ], + [ + "\u2581tumores", + -12.01743221282959 + ], + [ + "\u2581und", + -12.085704803466797 + ], + [ + "\u2581destroying", + -12.04343318939209 + ], + [ + "Esa", + -11.925300598144531 + ], + [ + "\u2581Equipos", + -12.166529655456543 + ], + [ + "\u2581useless", + -12.075654983520508 + ], + [ + "\u2581cardenal", + -12.102250099182129 + ], + [ + "\u2581reanudaci\u00f3n", + -12.011594772338867 + ], + [ + "\u2581cambiante", + -12.078371047973633 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ring", + -12.044722557067871 + ], + [ + "\u2581disclose", + -11.962660789489746 + ], + [ + "\u2581sirva", + -12.015992164611816 + ], + [ + "\u2581engineers", + -11.953919410705566 + ], + [ + "\u2581Religious", + -11.970213890075684 + ], + [ + "\u2581Iglesias", + -12.22912883758545 + ], + [ + "Up", + -11.977666854858398 + ], + [ + "\u2581consultant", + -12.004920959472656 + ], + [ + "\u2581demasiada", + -11.96898365020752 + ], + [ + "ATA", + -12.639227867126465 + ], + [ + "\u2581asistido", + -12.041362762451172 + ], + [ + "\u2581Manufacture", + -11.908007621765137 + ], + [ + "\u2581acusada", + -12.0864839553833 + ], + [ + "culture", + -12.08510684967041 + ], + [ + "\u2581Comparar", + -12.097965240478516 + ], + [ + ".22", + -12.101490020751953 + ], + [ + "\u2581Certainly", + -12.02096939086914 + ], + [ + "\u2581comunicados", + -12.121368408203125 + ], + [ + "LIA", + -12.818863868713379 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sher", + -12.058640480041504 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bolivariana", + -11.95546817779541 + ], + [ + "/79", + -12.55484390258789 + ], + [ + "\u2581empiezan", + -12.043018341064453 + ], + [ + "\u2581incumbent", + -11.93306827545166 + ], + [ + "\u2581gall", + -12.104601860046387 + ], + [ + "\u25817:", + -12.01107120513916 + ], + [ + "\u2581peasant", + -11.918990135192871 + ], + [ + "\u2581acabe", + -11.916491508483887 + ], + [ + "\u2581fascinating", + -12.016988754272461 + ], + [ + "6,000", + -12.019769668579102 + ], + [ + "FG", + -12.639135360717773 + ], + [ + "\u2581aparta", + -11.898164749145508 + ], + [ + "\u2581descriptions", + -12.040684700012207 + ], + [ + "\u2581pedazo", + -11.924088478088379 + ], + [ + "\u2581pozo", + -12.045169830322266 + ], + [ + "esas", + -12.509170532226562 + ], + [ + "\u2581ladrillo", + -12.060652732849121 + ], + [ + "\u2581tale", + -12.068049430847168 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hannah", + -12.638030052185059 + ], + [ + "\u2581Deposit", + -11.971354484558105 + ], + [ + "\u2581conservative", + -11.970927238464355 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cruel", + -11.966930389404297 + ], + [ + "\u2581dile", + -11.889556884765625 + ], + [ + "\u2581ugly", + -12.112732887268066 + ], + [ + "6.0", + -12.826288223266602 + ], + [ + "\u2581refunds", + -11.966571807861328 + ], + [ + "\u2581rom\u00e1ntico", + -12.002809524536133 + ], + [ + "\u2581Formato", + -12.150239944458008 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tarjeta", + -12.110237121582031 + ], + [ + "Verdad", + -11.858288764953613 + ], + [ + "\u2581Origin", + -11.964634895324707 + ], + [ + "\u2581rejoice", + -11.965227127075195 + ], + [ + "OX", + -12.478903770446777 + ], + [ + "\u2581buttons", + -11.992301940917969 + ], + [ + "\u2581slum", + -12.000653266906738 + ], + [ + "\u2581CARICOM", + -12.638091087341309 + ], + [ + "\u2581precursor", + -12.673969268798828 + ], + [ + "text", + -12.419234275817871 + ], + [ + "\u2581predeterminado", + -12.170843124389648 + ], + [ + "colo", + -12.538430213928223 + ], + [ + "\u25815000", + -12.645235061645508 + ], + [ + "\u2581cement", + -11.96056079864502 + ], + [ + "\u2581minimizar", + -12.077738761901855 + ], + [ + "clina", + -12.11641788482666 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nov", + -11.96107292175293 + ], + [ + "\u2581Theatre", + -11.983240127563477 + ], + [ + "\u2581holistic", + -11.960267066955566 + ], + [ + "\u2581Usuario", + -12.053062438964844 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fishing", + -11.958627700805664 + ], + [ + "\u2581kW", + -12.6076021194458 + ], + [ + "\u2581EURO", + -12.547133445739746 + ], + [ + "\u2581questioning", + -12.017106056213379 + ], + [ + "\u2581cat\u00e1strofe", + -12.01362133026123 + ], + [ + "\u2581poses", + -11.962531089782715 + ], + [ + "\u2581predic", + -11.991161346435547 + ], + [ + "\u2581bottles", + -12.047755241394043 + ], + [ + "\u2581mutilaci\u00f3n", + -12.13859748840332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Electro", + -12.574151039123535 + ], + [ + "private", + -11.925622940063477 + ], + [ + "\u2581pregunt\u00e9", + -11.935125350952148 + ], + [ + "Work", + -12.19435977935791 + ], + [ + "\u2581disseminated", + -11.954591751098633 + ], + [ + "\u258111:", + -11.914732933044434 + ], + [ + "\u2581Parti", + -12.313529968261719 + ], + [ + "\u2581References", + -12.036101341247559 + ], + [ + "After", + -12.045926094055176 + ], + [ + "\u2581Patricia", + -12.68758487701416 + ], + [ + "\u2581negras", + -12.051594734191895 + ], + [ + "/44", + -12.676401138305664 + ], + [ + "\u2581contin\u00faen", + -12.077203750610352 + ], + [ + "\u2581demon", + -11.986692428588867 + ], + [ + "rida", + -11.890899658203125 + ], + [ + "\u2581OH", + -12.099223136901855 + ], + [ + "\u2581observada", + -12.185208320617676 + ], + [ + "\u2581formales", + -12.092170715332031 + ], + [ + "\u2581freno", + -12.0986967086792 + ], + [ + "\u2581daddy", + -12.151495933532715 + ], + [ + "\u2581pesados", + -12.045999526977539 + ], + [ + "\u2581fabrics", + -11.920576095581055 + ], + [ + "\u2581encarar", + -12.046090126037598 + ], + [ + "\u2581missile", + -11.958381652832031 + ], + [ + "\u2581frontal", + -12.155517578125 + ], + [ + "\u2581burnt", + -12.041505813598633 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bhutan", + -11.75344467163086 + ], + [ + "\u2581Judas", + -12.631281852722168 + ], + [ + "\u2581afirmaciones", + -12.106090545654297 + ], + [ + "Santa", + -12.5956392288208 + ], + [ + "\u2581Associate", + -12.234954833984375 + ], + [ + "\u2581campana", + -11.969720840454102 + ], + [ + "\u00e1culo", + -12.45267105102539 + ], + [ + "\u2581condiciona", + -12.00228500366211 + ], + [ + "\u2581frames", + -12.020702362060547 + ], + [ + "8.0", + -12.817276954650879 + ], + [ + "9.000", + -12.141528129577637 + ], + [ + "\u2581bishop", + -11.9727201461792 + ], + [ + "\u2581sanos", + -12.048515319824219 + ], + [ + "\u2581atenta", + -12.115081787109375 + ], + [ + "\u2581colonos", + -12.128006935119629 + ], + [ + "presivo", + -12.05777645111084 + ], + [ + "\u2581pen\u00ednsula", + -12.073755264282227 + ], + [ + "\u2581relojes", + -12.104519844055176 + ], + [ + "\u2581valve", + -11.971745491027832 + ], + [ + "\u2581senda", + -12.11924934387207 + ], + [ + "\u2581normative", + -11.94068717956543 + ], + [ + "\u2581nutri", + -12.081282615661621 + ], + [ + "Contact", + -11.92904281616211 + ], + [ + "\u2581automation", + -11.944883346557617 + ], + [ + "\u2581crochet", + -11.925837516784668 + ], + [ + "\u2581equipar", + -12.040998458862305 + ], + [ + "\u2581remunerado", + -12.092952728271484 + ], + [ + "Estaba", + -11.902061462402344 + ], + [ + "\u2581dealer", + -12.012201309204102 + ], + [ + "cama", + -12.246316909790039 + ], + [ + "financing", + -11.937121391296387 + ], + [ + "cidad", + -12.064576148986816 + ], + [ + "\u2581preside", + -12.72415828704834 + ], + [ + "\u2581deseable", + -12.11629867553711 + ], + [ + "\u2581preclude", + -11.986143112182617 + ], + [ + "AGE", + -12.45981502532959 + ], + [ + "\u2581Brett", + -12.005261421203613 + ], + [ + "\u2581abordado", + -12.110955238342285 + ], + [ + "\u2581leaf", + -11.958087921142578 + ], + [ + "\u2581Turkmenistan", + -11.827398300170898 + ], + [ + "\u25818)", + -12.547563552856445 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sleep", + -12.043527603149414 + ], + [ + "\u2581complica", + -12.049971580505371 + ], + [ + "\u2581credentials", + -11.944137573242188 + ], + [ + "\u2581Goods", + -12.208488464355469 + ], + [ + "\u2581curioso", + -11.954008102416992 + ], + [ + "ambo", + -12.291156768798828 + ], + [ + "\u2581bourgeois", + -11.990400314331055 + ], + [ + "\u2581sutil", + -11.988299369812012 + ], + [ + "\u2581CIDH", + -12.167401313781738 + ], + [ + "\u2581Psalm", + -11.966368675231934 + ], + [ + "uki", + -12.690570831298828 + ], + [ + "\u2581Oak", + -12.569737434387207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Effects", + -11.969992637634277 + ], + [ + "\u2581Subtotal", + -12.60750961303711 + ], + [ + "\u2581exclusivos", + -12.086777687072754 + ], + [ + "\u2581vienes", + -11.963651657104492 + ], + [ + ".6.", + -12.174542427062988 + ], + [ + "\u2581Solid", + -12.389412879943848 + ], + [ + "\u2581coro", + -12.128093719482422 + ], + [ + "\u2581servers", + -12.013605117797852 + ], + [ + "\u2581implant", + -11.966378211975098 + ], + [ + "\u2581Encuentre", + -12.099699020385742 + ], + [ + "\u2581Path", + -12.031271934509277 + ], + [ + "\u2581sac\u00f3", + -12.02084732055664 + ], + [ + "\u258162/2", + -12.666006088256836 + ], + [ + "platz", + -12.542414665222168 + ], + [ + "\u2581minus", + -12.008407592773438 + ], + [ + "\u2581reclusi\u00f3n", + -12.131731033325195 + ], + [ + "\u2581Transportes", + -12.109657287597656 + ], + [ + "\u2581dirt", + -12.072001457214355 + ], + [ + "999", + -12.58609676361084 + ], + [ + "\u2581coordenadas", + -12.065528869628906 + ], + [ + "\u2581safeguarding", + -11.938690185546875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jeremy", + -12.694803237915039 + ], + [ + "Francia", + -12.071157455444336 + ], + [ + "\u2581indios", + -12.029497146606445 + ], + [ + "/2011/", + -12.872419357299805 + ], + [ + "\u2581camioneta", + -11.901187896728516 + ], + [ + "\u2581preguntaba", + -11.868249893188477 + ], + [ + "\u2581adversely", + -11.964694023132324 + ], + [ + "\u2581690", + -12.718320846557617 + ], + [ + "\u2581Blo", + -12.26025104522705 + ], + [ + "\u2581suceda", + -12.003067970275879 + ], + [ + "\u2581farmer", + -11.96984577178955 + ], + [ + "\u2581cried", + -11.999181747436523 + ], + [ + "\u2581ascienden", + -12.11658763885498 + ], + [ + "\u2581tardes", + -12.073163986206055 + ], + [ + "\u2581[6]", + -12.550010681152344 + ], + [ + "\u2581barbacoa", + -12.092939376831055 + ], + [ + "\u2581Juvenile", + -11.975224494934082 + ], + [ + "mato", + -12.058939933776855 + ], + [ + "\u2581leyenda", + -12.0557861328125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Belice", + -11.8820161819458 + ], + [ + "\u2581estables", + -12.121295928955078 + ], + [ + "\u2581enfrentarse", + -12.093629837036133 + ], + [ + "\u2581lamb", + -12.052000045776367 + ], + [ + "\u2581notablemente", + -12.109391212463379 + ], + [ + "1.5", + -12.301887512207031 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bruno", + -12.708951950073242 + ], + [ + "\u2581desplegados", + -12.189621925354004 + ], + [ + "\u2581hermosos", + -12.110550880432129 + ], + [ + "\u2581fortaleciendo", + -12.072930335998535 + ], + [ + "COD", + -12.633429527282715 + ], + [ + "\u2581Troy", + -12.689862251281738 + ], + [ + "\u2581Carbon", + -12.478471755981445 + ], + [ + "\u2581Editorial", + -12.604843139648438 + ], + [ + "\u2581charging", + -11.935145378112793 + ], + [ + "\u2581crecientes", + -12.14893913269043 + ], + [ + "Islamic", + -11.741049766540527 + ], + [ + "\u2581detrimento", + -12.067998886108398 + ], + [ + "\u2581presidido", + -12.122862815856934 + ], + [ + "XXI", + -12.700597763061523 + ], + [ + "\u2581narra", + -12.038102149963379 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tipos", + -12.150985717773438 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hat", + -12.015422821044922 + ], + [ + "ciosa", + -12.486943244934082 + ], + [ + "\u2581coating", + -11.995142936706543 + ], + [ + "rgi", + -12.609355926513672 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kivu", + -12.660103797912598 + ], + [ + "\u2581perpetrated", + -11.971070289611816 + ], + [ + "\u2581vendr\u00eda", + -11.89980411529541 + ], + [ + "\u2581fuere", + -12.037736892700195 + ], + [ + "Alemania", + -12.082799911499023 + ], + [ + "quita", + -12.132328033447266 + ], + [ + "\u2581linear", + -11.995691299438477 + ], + [ + "\u2581columns", + -11.989395141601562 + ], + [ + "toma", + -12.067070960998535 + ], + [ + "\u2581lasted", + -12.08526611328125 + ], + [ + "\u2581ba\u00f1a", + -11.997217178344727 + ], + [ + "\u2581incluyeron", + -12.0858793258667 + ], + [ + "\u2581f\u00e1rmacos", + -12.038178443908691 + ], + [ + "\u2581Expo", + -12.560833930969238 + ], + [ + "\u2581acordaron", + -12.088394165039062 + ], + [ + "Photo", + -12.029581069946289 + ], + [ + "\u2581Harris", + -12.756397247314453 + ], + [ + "\u2581UNAMI", + -12.661052703857422 + ], + [ + "\u2581indicar\u00e1", + -12.199965476989746 + ], + [ + "lets", + -12.113472938537598 + ], + [ + "\u2581stairs", + -12.093954086303711 + ], + [ + "i\u00e9ramos", + -12.564074516296387 + ], + [ + "\u2581fruitful", + -11.987977027893066 + ], + [ + "\u2581m\u00e1rmol", + -12.092097282409668 + ], + [ + "\u2581enthusiasm", + -11.989680290222168 + ], + [ + "\u2581scare", + -12.168374061584473 + ], + [ + "\u2581medalla", + -12.0404634475708 + ], + [ + "\u2581rue", + -12.697940826416016 + ], + [ + "1.000", + -12.128880500793457 + ], + [ + "keeper", + -12.049972534179688 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gian", + -12.75904655456543 + ], + [ + "\u2581santidad", + -12.083718299865723 + ], + [ + "\u2581passive", + -11.9935884475708 + ], + [ + "\u2581Clay", + -12.670842170715332 + ], + [ + "rink", + -12.182929039001465 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fab", + -12.183349609375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Trastornos", + -12.105650901794434 + ], + [ + "Quiero", + -11.875181198120117 + ], + [ + "\u2581hidr\u00f3geno", + -12.130698204040527 + ], + [ + "\u2581stepped", + -12.031755447387695 + ], + [ + "\u2581supervise", + -12.312400817871094 + ], + [ + ".9/", + -12.147478103637695 + ], + [ + "\u2581SOCIAL", + -12.365201950073242 + ], + [ + "ying", + -12.02570629119873 + ], + [ + "\u2581proteins", + -11.975647926330566 + ], + [ + "?\u00bf", + -12.108137130737305 + ], + [ + "\u2581caracterizado", + -12.144217491149902 + ], + [ + "\u2581schooling", + -12.030206680297852 + ], + [ + "\u2581Viajes", + -12.13830852508545 + ], + [ + "\u2581Confederation", + -11.9207763671875 + ], + [ + "\u2581calificado", + -12.169783592224121 + ], + [ + "\u2581quedarte", + -11.902920722961426 + ], + [ + "\u2581textil", + -12.082662582397461 + ], + [ + "\u2581Chernobyl", + -12.490365028381348 + ], + [ + "\u2581dejamos", + -12.058022499084473 + ], + [ + "\u2581generoso", + -12.038849830627441 + ], + [ + "\u2581hierbas", + -12.075911521911621 + ], + [ + "\u2581Investigation", + -11.94973373413086 + ], + [ + "\u2581Born", + -12.027996063232422 + ], + [ + "\u2581TRA", + -12.389110565185547 + ], + [ + "\u2581bon", + -12.150739669799805 + ], + [ + "\u2581ni\u00f1ez", + -12.058181762695312 + ], + [ + "ducido", + -12.178382873535156 + ], + [ + "\u2581fallecido", + -12.07458209991455 + ], + [ + "\u2581inland", + -12.079137802124023 + ], + [ + "\u2581SH", + -12.336478233337402 + ], + [ + "\u2581recuperado", + -12.07288646697998 + ], + [ + "\u2581Marcus", + -12.686826705932617 + ], + [ + "vieron", + -12.401179313659668 + ], + [ + "\u2581ECSC", + -11.92161750793457 + ], + [ + "\u2581inolvidable", + -12.114215850830078 + ], + [ + "\u2581toques", + -11.926881790161133 + ], + [ + "\u2581Conclusion", + -11.961173057556152 + ], + [ + "\u2581nombrados", + -12.118706703186035 + ], + [ + "\u2581cit", + -12.403592109680176 + ], + [ + "\u2581Maz", + -12.299288749694824 + ], + [ + "\u2581lesa", + -12.222732543945312 + ], + [ + "\u2581666", + -12.701573371887207 + ], + [ + "\u2581biotecnolog\u00eda", + -12.089587211608887 + ], + [ + "\u2581masculina", + -12.099699020385742 + ], + [ + "\u2581worrying", + -12.009123802185059 + ], + [ + "\u2581sabio", + -12.028056144714355 + ], + [ + "\u2581embajador", + -12.021178245544434 + ], + [ + "xy", + -12.047639846801758 + ], + [ + "Despu\u00e9s", + -12.062034606933594 + ], + [ + "enko", + -12.69421672821045 + ], + [ + "\u2581knees", + -12.039717674255371 + ], + [ + "\u2581canvas", + -12.011616706848145 + ], + [ + "\u2581tenure", + -11.996742248535156 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ayer", + -11.979374885559082 + ], + [ + "\u2581padecen", + -12.132440567016602 + ], + [ + "\u2581precisar", + -12.065812110900879 + ], + [ + "abad", + -12.632651329040527 + ], + [ + "\u2581condenas", + -12.208468437194824 + ], + [ + "\u2581restrictivas", + -12.119078636169434 + ], + [ + "\u2581Comenta", + -12.216446876525879 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reading", + -11.9669189453125 + ], + [ + "\u2581217", + -12.636448860168457 + ], + [ + "\u2581desarrollarse", + -12.102804183959961 + ], + [ + "\u2581ilegalmente", + -12.094027519226074 + ], + [ + "\u2581resettlement", + -11.938587188720703 + ], + [ + "\u2581suppress", + -11.979107856750488 + ], + [ + "\u2581Speed", + -12.038877487182617 + ], + [ + "\u2581counterparts", + -11.970020294189453 + ], + [ + "\u2581Actions", + -12.233985900878906 + ], + [ + "\u2581bare", + -12.037140846252441 + ], + [ + "izador", + -12.363974571228027 + ], + [ + "\u2581cocktail", + -12.031316757202148 + ], + [ + "itor", + -12.233268737792969 + ], + [ + "\u2581emplazamiento", + -12.080338478088379 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nonetheless", + -12.010276794433594 + ], + [ + "\u2581gestiona", + -12.017648696899414 + ], + [ + "llada", + -12.171503067016602 + ], + [ + "\u2581estuviese", + -12.024591445922852 + ], + [ + "\u2581derivada", + -12.074509620666504 + ], + [ + "Luc", + -12.530376434326172 + ], + [ + "\u2581Prophet", + -11.983874320983887 + ], + [ + "\u2581Toward", + -11.943943977355957 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dav", + -12.621084213256836 + ], + [ + "\u2581experimentales", + -12.045618057250977 + ], + [ + "\u2581soliciten", + -12.12563705444336 + ], + [ + "\u2581tr\u00e1mites", + -12.113764762878418 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vin", + -12.009991645812988 + ], + [ + "boli", + -12.269579887390137 + ], + [ + "\u2581descansa", + -11.96545124053955 + ], + [ + "\u2581seasonal", + -12.003722190856934 + ], + [ + "geo", + -12.328075408935547 + ], + [ + "450", + -12.566263198852539 + ], + [ + "\u2581compiled", + -12.004619598388672 + ], + [ + "\u2581pinta", + -11.937105178833008 + ], + [ + "LAC", + -12.247684478759766 + ], + [ + "\u2581pusiera", + -12.09332275390625 + ], + [ + "\u00d8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581lately", + -12.126830101013184 + ], + [ + "ZE", + -12.508122444152832 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hawk", + -12.705452919006348 + ], + [ + "\u2581Membership", + -12.012358665466309 + ], + [ + "\u2581absorbed", + -11.956830024719238 + ], + [ + "----------------", + -11.957245826721191 + ], + [ + "harm", + -12.216004371643066 + ], + [ + "\u2581descripciones", + -12.155555725097656 + ], + [ + "\u2581noventa", + -12.097094535827637 + ], + [ + "\u2581discu", + -11.98923397064209 + ], + [ + "\u2581espesor", + -12.079568862915039 + ], + [ + "\u2581navegar", + -12.11083984375 + ], + [ + "\u258160/1", + -12.685267448425293 + ], + [ + "\u2581c\u00e9lula", + -12.090483665466309 + ], + [ + "\u2581raya", + -12.043976783752441 + ], + [ + "105", + -12.482247352600098 + ], + [ + "\u2581hebreo", + -12.167219161987305 + ], + [ + "\u2581causadas", + -12.098756790161133 + ], + [ + "\u2581afectar\u00e1", + -12.174992561340332 + ], + [ + "\u2581fiction", + -12.040489196777344 + ], + [ + "\u2581Twin", + -12.468925476074219 + ], + [ + "\u2581podr", + -11.992656707763672 + ], + [ + "\u0160", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581WAS", + -12.261513710021973 + ], + [ + "wen", + -12.239130020141602 + ], + [ + "\u2581delighted", + -11.991684913635254 + ], + [ + "\u2581precisos", + -12.20167064666748 + ], + [ + "\u25816.4", + -12.52857494354248 + ], + [ + "\u2581throwing", + -12.099526405334473 + ], + [ + "\u2581Clare", + -12.60934829711914 + ], + [ + "coated", + -12.003850936889648 + ], + [ + "\u2581turca", + -12.097224235534668 + ], + [ + "\u2581deepen", + -11.982784271240234 + ], + [ + "\u2581insisted", + -11.990669250488281 + ], + [ + "\u2581oversee", + -11.990900039672852 + ], + [ + "\u2581Birth", + -11.996895790100098 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hub", + -12.594935417175293 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alicia", + -12.533496856689453 + ], + [ + "ibly", + -12.281753540039062 + ], + [ + "\u2581consolidada", + -12.030478477478027 + ], + [ + "\u2581cart\u00f3n", + -12.06811237335205 + ], + [ + "\u2581emana", + -12.118304252624512 + ], + [ + "prima", + -12.165740966796875 + ], + [ + "\u2581gradua", + -12.058948516845703 + ], + [ + "\u2581disagree", + -11.998629570007324 + ], + [ + "\u2581escuche", + -11.94141674041748 + ], + [ + "\u2581m\u00e1gico", + -12.056563377380371 + ], + [ + "tra\u00eddas", + -12.083728790283203 + ], + [ + "\u2581psicol\u00f3gico", + -12.111980438232422 + ], + [ + "\u2581Competencia", + -12.08456039428711 + ], + [ + "\u2581HR", + -11.869608879089355 + ], + [ + "\u2581snake", + -12.083505630493164 + ], + [ + "\u2581Estaci\u00f3n", + -12.09620475769043 + ], + [ + "\u2581cylinder", + -12.004554748535156 + ], + [ + "\u2581endorse", + -11.93525218963623 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mant\u00e9nga", + -12.131762504577637 + ], + [ + "\u2581Unlike", + -11.93734359741211 + ], + [ + "\u2581Enmienda", + -12.081218719482422 + ], + [ + "\u2581retirarse", + -12.067303657531738 + ], + [ + "\u2581dependiente", + -12.083878517150879 + ], + [ + "\u2581jurisdictions", + -12.135028839111328 + ], + [ + "\u2581cualitativo", + -12.083720207214355 + ], + [ + "\u2581delegado", + -12.152121543884277 + ], + [ + "\u2581romano", + -12.109366416931152 + ], + [ + "\u2581directriz", + -12.116800308227539 + ], + [ + "130", + -12.583853721618652 + ], + [ + "\u2581elegantes", + -12.160032272338867 + ], + [ + "\u2581guideline", + -11.940909385681152 + ], + [ + "KING", + -12.292377471923828 + ], + [ + "index", + -12.632543563842773 + ], + [ + "\u2581magical", + -12.054399490356445 + ], + [ + "ificador", + -12.351895332336426 + ], + [ + "\u2581axis", + -12.012807846069336 + ], + [ + "\u2581Completa", + -11.975549697875977 + ], + [ + "\u2581visitante", + -12.06849193572998 + ], + [ + "\u2581anal\u00edtica", + -12.092940330505371 + ], + [ + "\u2581constituir\u00e1", + -12.118185997009277 + ], + [ + "\u2581seamos", + -12.11357307434082 + ], + [ + "road", + -12.00782299041748 + ], + [ + "\u2581APP", + -12.634788513183594 + ], + [ + "\u2581critic", + -12.40609073638916 + ], + [ + "\u2581f\u00f3siles", + -12.084778785705566 + ], + [ + "\u2581realise", + -12.091326713562012 + ], + [ + "\u2581intentan", + -12.04439640045166 + ], + [ + "FIN", + -12.418832778930664 + ], + [ + "\u2581estableciera", + -12.046880722045898 + ], + [ + "\u2581recogen", + -12.063636779785156 + ], + [ + "\u2581Luc\u00eda", + -11.892288208007812 + ], + [ + "\u2581aceptada", + -12.056408882141113 + ], + [ + "Click", + -12.001058578491211 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jet", + -12.826255798339844 + ], + [ + "\u2581demonstrating", + -11.961681365966797 + ], + [ + "3.000", + -12.297775268554688 + ], + [ + "metr\u00eda", + -12.084620475769043 + ], + [ + "\u2581predicar", + -12.10422420501709 + ], + [ + "\u2581vuelvo", + -11.867868423461914 + ], + [ + "\u2581commissioned", + -12.025472640991211 + ], + [ + "\u2581sab\u00edas", + -11.94608211517334 + ], + [ + "\u2581renovation", + -11.99778938293457 + ], + [ + "\u2581roughly", + -11.945070266723633 + ], + [ + "\u2581undergoing", + -11.95837688446045 + ], + [ + "\u2581card\u00edaca", + -12.097158432006836 + ], + [ + "\u2581convictions", + -12.096969604492188 + ], + [ + "zon", + -12.114035606384277 + ], + [ + "\u2581balanza", + -12.104866027832031 + ], + [ + "\u2581perfeccionar", + -12.097491264343262 + ], + [ + "g\u00fan", + -12.0599365234375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mejorar", + -12.150162696838379 + ], + [ + "cados", + -12.095649719238281 + ], + [ + "\u2581Thai", + -12.035990715026855 + ], + [ + "corn", + -12.050966262817383 + ], + [ + "\u2581lover", + -12.092021942138672 + ], + [ + "\u2581milestone", + -12.021561622619629 + ], + [ + "\u25810.2", + -12.091283798217773 + ], + [ + "\u2581contaminated", + -11.966643333435059 + ], + [ + "\u258155/1", + -12.703999519348145 + ], + [ + "eti", + -11.874030113220215 + ], + [ + "\u2581cheaper", + -12.022719383239746 + ], + [ + "\u2581golpeado", + -12.044181823730469 + ], + [ + "\u2581accessed", + -12.03372573852539 + ], + [ + "\u2581mentalidad", + -12.137382507324219 + ], + [ + "honduras", + -12.663003921508789 + ], + [ + "\u2581hicieran", + -12.08704662322998 + ], + [ + "\u2581viejas", + -12.070262908935547 + ], + [ + "\u2581cessation", + -11.999926567077637 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hice", + -11.916146278381348 + ], + [ + "umba", + -12.539438247680664 + ], + [ + "Programa", + -12.250587463378906 + ], + [ + "\u2581millennium", + -11.993327140808105 + ], + [ + "\u2581Prat", + -12.733859062194824 + ], + [ + "\u2581citados", + -12.0770845413208 + ], + [ + "\u2581galaxia", + -12.034873008728027 + ], + [ + "\u2581proceden", + -12.15392780303955 + ], + [ + "\u2581warming", + -12.049934387207031 + ], + [ + "\u2581Factory", + -12.06768798828125 + ], + [ + "\u2581soup", + -12.109535217285156 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pav", + -12.701933860778809 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rail", + -12.510736465454102 + ], + [ + "\u2581desear", + -11.999526977539062 + ], + [ + ":4", + -12.231242179870605 + ], + [ + "\u2581methyl", + -12.011152267456055 + ], + [ + "\u2581statutes", + -12.011068344116211 + ], + [ + "lain", + -12.205778121948242 + ], + [ + "\u2581adelantos", + -12.134852409362793 + ], + [ + "\u2581sentarse", + -12.007718086242676 + ], + [ + "\u2581conducen", + -12.127562522888184 + ], + [ + "\u2581requerir", + -12.02684211730957 + ], + [ + "erie", + -12.204959869384766 + ], + [ + "\u2581oportunas", + -12.122795104980469 + ], + [ + "\u2581chemotherapy", + -11.953222274780273 + ], + [ + "mido", + -12.209368705749512 + ], + [ + "\u2581sealed", + -12.002840042114258 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pharaoh", + -11.991137504577637 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sell", + -12.002218246459961 + ], + [ + "\u2581cortado", + -12.068089485168457 + ], + [ + "\u2581Engine", + -11.99507999420166 + ], + [ + "\u2581Agencias", + -12.19125747680664 + ], + [ + "\u2044", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581impede", + -11.961252212524414 + ], + [ + "\u2581castigos", + -12.127659797668457 + ], + [ + "\u2581leverage", + -12.031538009643555 + ], + [ + "\u2581Oc", + -12.297863006591797 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sharon", + -12.68396282196045 + ], + [ + "\u2581reprimir", + -12.086487770080566 + ], + [ + "\u2581goddamn", + -12.17733097076416 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dispone", + -12.137578964233398 + ], + [ + "\u2581Items", + -12.09074592590332 + ], + [ + "\u2581formalmente", + -12.104976654052734 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tratos", + -12.075347900390625 + ], + [ + "Vaya", + -11.872007369995117 + ], + [ + "\u2581contratantes", + -12.111222267150879 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sagrada", + -12.101516723632812 + ], + [ + "\u2581abrirse", + -12.05727767944336 + ], + [ + "\u2581Brunei", + -12.237993240356445 + ], + [ + "nation", + -12.023412704467773 + ], + [ + "\u2581shareholders", + -12.007113456726074 + ], + [ + "Les", + -12.065781593322754 + ], + [ + "\u2581211", + -12.718661308288574 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cualquiera", + -12.043807029724121 + ], + [ + "\u2581subsidiarity", + -11.926895141601562 + ], + [ + "\u2581prosiga", + -12.110231399536133 + ], + [ + "\u2581Suministro", + -12.086224555969238 + ], + [ + "\u2581sinceramente", + -12.130457878112793 + ], + [ + "\u2581recalling", + -12.038658142089844 + ], + [ + "\u2581demo", + -12.225539207458496 + ], + [ + "\u2581serlo", + -12.094317436218262 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mason", + -12.720680236816406 + ], + [ + "\u2581constituida", + -12.081184387207031 + ], + [ + "\u2581esperma", + -12.077384948730469 + ], + [ + "\u2581brochure", + -11.973790168762207 + ], + [ + "quis", + -12.250810623168945 + ], + [ + "\u2581disfraz", + -12.003582954406738 + ], + [ + "\u2581adjudica", + -12.199389457702637 + ], + [ + "\u2581controladas", + -12.116114616394043 + ], + [ + "\u2581preguntarle", + -11.914215087890625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Eat", + -11.986642837524414 + ], + [ + "\u2581OSE", + -12.136228561401367 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cruise", + -12.446304321289062 + ], + [ + "rr", + -11.940316200256348 + ], + [ + "KK", + -12.673587799072266 + ], + [ + "\u2581IU", + -12.02129077911377 + ], + [ + "\u2581dosage", + -11.95777416229248 + ], + [ + "\u2581Himself", + -11.985363006591797 + ], + [ + "\u2581tackling", + -11.935133934020996 + ], + [ + "familia", + -12.77133560180664 + ], + [ + "\u2581duerme", + -11.966543197631836 + ], + [ + "7-", + -12.031447410583496 + ], + [ + "child", + -12.015819549560547 + ], + [ + "\u2581asalto", + -12.057543754577637 + ], + [ + "\u2581luminosa", + -12.059809684753418 + ], + [ + "\u2581intensifique", + -12.143013954162598 + ], + [ + "podr\u00eda", + -11.920591354370117 + ], + [ + "\u2581pigs", + -12.064342498779297 + ], + [ + "FID", + -12.780797958374023 + ], + [ + "\u2581otorgada", + -12.15515422821045 + ], + [ + "\u2581tick", + -12.080748558044434 + ], + [ + "mma", + -12.029823303222656 + ], + [ + "\u2581amigas", + -12.021093368530273 + ], + [ + "\u2581attraction", + -12.033384323120117 + ], + [ + "\u2581ganando", + -12.079381942749023 + ], + [ + "\u2581Coalition", + -11.980981826782227 + ], + [ + "\u2581rodeada", + -12.120773315429688 + ], + [ + "\u2581incitaci\u00f3n", + -12.105887413024902 + ], + [ + "\u2581luxurious", + -12.004348754882812 + ], + [ + "\u2581ISSN", + -12.650259971618652 + ], + [ + "\u2581linen", + -12.032855987548828 + ], + [ + "\u2581Burn", + -12.085460662841797 + ], + [ + "\u2581KB", + -12.724983215332031 + ], + [ + "\u2581Owen", + -12.691749572753906 + ], + [ + "\u2581deploy", + -11.973155975341797 + ], + [ + "\u2581gla", + -12.387711524963379 + ], + [ + "Fuera", + -11.930925369262695 + ], + [ + "ment\u00f3", + -12.206988334655762 + ], + [ + "\u2581masaje", + -12.054594039916992 + ], + [ + "\u2581Genera", + -12.169560432434082 + ], + [ + "ichi", + -12.757624626159668 + ], + [ + "cu\u00e9", + -12.433881759643555 + ], + [ + "\u2581Estuve", + -11.863462448120117 + ], + [ + "Qui\u00e9nes", + -11.961691856384277 + ], + [ + "\u2581investigando", + -12.000532150268555 + ], + [ + "\u25813.000", + -12.137718200683594 + ], + [ + "\u2581pastores", + -12.121071815490723 + ], + [ + "5]", + -12.599729537963867 + ], + [ + "\u2581hy", + -12.392078399658203 + ], + [ + "\u2581parlamentaria", + -12.163646697998047 + ], + [ + "\u2581editing", + -11.971168518066406 + ], + [ + "\u2581creativa", + -12.059783935546875 + ], + [ + "\u2581salvaguardia", + -12.06447696685791 + ], + [ + "\u2581vuelvan", + -12.036703109741211 + ], + [ + "\u2581Behold", + -12.051247596740723 + ], + [ + "\u2581articulo", + -12.115941047668457 + ], + [ + "\u2581laughing", + -12.163857460021973 + ], + [ + "angle", + -12.24377155303955 + ], + [ + "carga", + -12.183097839355469 + ], + [ + "\u2581Neuro", + -12.673847198486328 + ], + [ + "\u2581lodging", + -12.00656795501709 + ], + [ + "\u2581repetidas", + -12.080284118652344 + ], + [ + "\u2581Raj", + -12.539759635925293 + ], + [ + "\u2581promovido", + -12.154590606689453 + ], + [ + "\u2581card\u00edaco", + -12.07458209991455 + ], + [ + "\u2581retener", + -12.063446044921875 + ], + [ + "\u2581inmuebles", + -12.111688613891602 + ], + [ + "salvador", + -12.446879386901855 + ], + [ + "\u2581Archbishop", + -11.97164249420166 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pull", + -12.146368980407715 + ], + [ + "\u2581diagnosed", + -12.042709350585938 + ], + [ + "\u00edsta", + -12.125898361206055 + ], + [ + "\u2581nineteenth", + -12.002205848693848 + ], + [ + "ir\u00e1", + -12.072183609008789 + ], + [ + "\u2581escrib\u00ed", + -11.985418319702148 + ], + [ + "\u2581etnia", + -12.114328384399414 + ], + [ + "6.000", + -12.179638862609863 + ], + [ + "\u2581metido", + -11.917633056640625 + ], + [ + "\u2581soap", + -12.058473587036133 + ], + [ + "carbon", + -12.175813674926758 + ], + [ + "\u2581endorsement", + -11.947837829589844 + ], + [ + "\u2581reap", + -11.958403587341309 + ], + [ + "\u25811987,", + -12.195560455322266 + ], + [ + "\u2581perdieron", + -12.104071617126465 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ellen", + -12.684102058410645 + ], + [ + "\u2581dispersa", + -12.119392395019531 + ], + [ + "\u2581Env\u00eda", + -12.036176681518555 + ], + [ + "\u2581Televisi\u00f3n", + -12.122876167297363 + ], + [ + "\u2581prince", + -12.09030818939209 + ], + [ + "\u2581democratizaci\u00f3n", + -12.077065467834473 + ], + [ + "\u2581KO", + -12.53966236114502 + ], + [ + "\u2581REC", + -12.277210235595703 + ], + [ + "\u2581acquiring", + -11.982425689697266 + ], + [ + "\u2581colinas", + -12.174227714538574 + ], + [ + "\u2581interacciones", + -12.15378475189209 + ], + [ + "\u2212", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581contemplada", + -12.05066967010498 + ], + [ + "\u2581indicando", + -12.111845970153809 + ], + [ + "\u2581pipeline", + -11.998712539672852 + ], + [ + "idio", + -12.165603637695312 + ], + [ + "\u2581architects", + -12.011513710021973 + ], + [ + "\u2581manuscrito", + -12.13947868347168 + ], + [ + "\u2581serios", + -12.22705078125 + ], + [ + "Chair", + -12.037348747253418 + ], + [ + "\u2581romana", + -12.151071548461914 + ], + [ + "\u2581ayudar\u00e1n", + -12.118260383605957 + ], + [ + "Colombia", + -12.529736518859863 + ], + [ + "\u2581abundance", + -11.980981826782227 + ], + [ + "\u2581Punto", + -12.112072944641113 + ], + [ + "proyecto", + -12.172982215881348 + ], + [ + "\u2581agradecidos", + -12.068500518798828 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cornel", + -12.852709770202637 + ], + [ + "\u2581abolici\u00f3n", + -12.11594295501709 + ], + [ + "\u2581countless", + -11.996545791625977 + ], + [ + "lou", + -12.160273551940918 + ], + [ + "\u2581perceive", + -12.007071495056152 + ], + [ + "\u2581thrust", + -12.045610427856445 + ], + [ + "\u2581dependientes", + -12.116280555725098 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dennis", + -12.756675720214844 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ignacio", + -12.693266868591309 + ], + [ + "1,000", + -11.99905014038086 + ], + [ + "Some", + -12.058289527893066 + ], + [ + "\u2581inal\u00e1mbrica", + -12.127203941345215 + ], + [ + "\u2581temptation", + -11.988224983215332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rapid", + -12.3504638671875 + ], + [ + "\u2581insane", + -12.197043418884277 + ], + [ + "\u2581Norma", + -12.122687339782715 + ], + [ + "\u2581pate", + -12.37857437133789 + ], + [ + "ciso", + -12.126395225524902 + ], + [ + "\u2581destruye", + -12.083853721618652 + ], + [ + "\u2581Raymond", + -12.726051330566406 + ], + [ + "\u2581monopolio", + -12.101395606994629 + ], + [ + "\u2581organizan", + -12.144587516784668 + ], + [ + "\u2581perish", + -12.079496383666992 + ], + [ + "foot", + -12.057671546936035 + ], + [ + "/2013/", + -12.878628730773926 + ], + [ + "steis", + -12.024524688720703 + ], + [ + "\u2581AELC", + -12.098006248474121 + ], + [ + "\u2581ataca", + -11.911402702331543 + ], + [ + "\u2581celebrarse", + -12.142301559448242 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cases", + -12.018031120300293 + ], + [ + "\u2581Elige", + -12.152409553527832 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ultraterrestre", + -12.094624519348145 + ], + [ + "\u2581span", + -11.991998672485352 + ], + [ + "XP", + -12.702826499938965 + ], + [ + "\u2581beans", + -12.021013259887695 + ], + [ + "\u2581absorption", + -11.944156646728516 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ground", + -11.99795913696289 + ], + [ + "\u25811986,", + -12.154379844665527 + ], + [ + "\u2581Indi", + -12.104547500610352 + ], + [ + "\u2581levante", + -12.060867309570312 + ], + [ + "tol\u00f3gico", + -12.286916732788086 + ], + [ + "\u2581plante\u00f3", + -12.150128364562988 + ], + [ + "\u2581BBC", + -12.713497161865234 + ], + [ + "\u2581clinics", + -11.9672269821167 + ], + [ + "\u2581broker", + -12.023480415344238 + ], + [ + "\u2581recomendadas", + -12.16856861114502 + ], + [ + "ured", + -12.253066062927246 + ], + [ + "\u2581pledges", + -12.012775421142578 + ], + [ + "\u2581describi\u00f3", + -12.143471717834473 + ], + [ + "\u2581Estrella", + -12.380163192749023 + ], + [ + "\u2581anulaci\u00f3n", + -12.128510475158691 + ], + [ + "\u2581aprovechando", + -12.081207275390625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tyler", + -12.648307800292969 + ], + [ + "\u2581clauses", + -11.999617576599121 + ], + [ + "2,5", + -12.670066833496094 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kinshasa", + -12.650237083435059 + ], + [ + "\u2581involucrado", + -12.036078453063965 + ], + [ + "\u2581romance", + -12.636577606201172 + ], + [ + "\u2581Correcto", + -11.823325157165527 + ], + [ + "\u2581afecto", + -12.067228317260742 + ], + [ + "design", + -12.612557411193848 + ], + [ + "\u2581disparo", + -11.945932388305664 + ], + [ + "\u2581tristeza", + -12.093440055847168 + ], + [ + "\u2581costly", + -11.979562759399414 + ], + [ + "\u2581Enough", + -12.127717971801758 + ], + [ + "\u2581rechazada", + -12.096898078918457 + ], + [ + "\u2581triangular", + -12.732396125793457 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ibrahim", + -12.651647567749023 + ], + [ + "\u2581impetus", + -11.948319435119629 + ], + [ + "\u2581coincid", + -12.29880428314209 + ], + [ + "\u2581voluntarily", + -11.94971752166748 + ], + [ + "\u2581Approach", + -11.986772537231445 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ministra", + -12.03016185760498 + ], + [ + "\u2581expulsar", + -12.072933197021484 + ], + [ + "\u2581precursores", + -12.085140228271484 + ], + [ + "\u2581von", + -12.073030471801758 + ], + [ + "\u2581personalizar", + -12.11847972869873 + ], + [ + "\u2581picking", + -12.135767936706543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Micronesia", + -12.518381118774414 + ], + [ + "\u2581enga\u00f1a", + -11.882843017578125 + ], + [ + "\u2581ESPA", + -12.138551712036133 + ], + [ + "\u2581Racismo", + -12.1082124710083 + ], + [ + "\u2581histo", + -12.299797058105469 + ], + [ + "\u2581detuvo", + -12.1608247756958 + ], + [ + "\u2581encarcelamiento", + -12.190276145935059 + ], + [ + "Quien", + -11.903139114379883 + ], + [ + "/77", + -12.687573432922363 + ], + [ + "tituci\u00f3n", + -12.220190048217773 + ], + [ + "\u2581simplification", + -11.950417518615723 + ], + [ + "\u2581unida", + -11.93298053741455 + ], + [ + "\u2581fama", + -12.042160987854004 + ], + [ + "\u2581h\u00famedo", + -12.130695343017578 + ], + [ + "\u2581Glass", + -12.046086311340332 + ], + [ + "\u2581marcar", + -12.089237213134766 + ], + [ + "\u2581s\u00e9ptima", + -12.094624519348145 + ], + [ + "\u2581certifica", + -12.141386985778809 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bil", + -12.660407066345215 + ], + [ + "\u2581afueras", + -12.17694091796875 + ], + [ + "\u2581regain", + -12.048262596130371 + ], + [ + "\u00ednico", + -12.412181854248047 + ], + [ + "\u2581repetici\u00f3n", + -12.148340225219727 + ], + [ + "\u2581prophecy", + -12.04198932647705 + ], + [ + "\u2581revenge", + -12.134354591369629 + ], + [ + "Ban", + -11.935399055480957 + ], + [ + "\u2581aceleraci\u00f3n", + -12.124930381774902 + ], + [ + "\u2581beneficioso", + -12.200918197631836 + ], + [ + "\u2581constancia", + -12.11872386932373 + ], + [ + "\u2581insumos", + -12.06881332397461 + ], + [ + "ulu", + -12.451228141784668 + ], + [ + "\u2581assassination", + -11.964715003967285 + ], + [ + "\u2581fracture", + -12.045833587646484 + ], + [ + "\u2581escritores", + -12.087285041809082 + ], + [ + "\u2581canadiense", + -12.183038711547852 + ], + [ + "paragraph", + -11.969884872436523 + ], + [ + "\u2581Douglas", + -12.7525634765625 + ], + [ + "\u2581compilaci\u00f3n", + -12.112497329711914 + ], + [ + "loy", + -12.353137016296387 + ], + [ + "\u2581dispatch", + -12.001811981201172 + ], + [ + "\u2581infants", + -12.043757438659668 + ], + [ + "\u2581stereotypes", + -12.011700630187988 + ], + [ + "\u2581grandfather", + -12.121821403503418 + ], + [ + "\u2581salvado", + -12.053632736206055 + ], + [ + "\u2581Medium", + -11.974580764770508 + ], + [ + "\u2581Develop", + -11.97265625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tropical", + -12.563872337341309 + ], + [ + "\u2581judgments", + -12.046391487121582 + ], + [ + "\u2581reporta", + -12.112385749816895 + ], + [ + "\u2581CS", + -11.961221694946289 + ], + [ + "\u2581eleventh", + -11.99144458770752 + ], + [ + "\u2581profundos", + -12.180024147033691 + ], + [ + "\u2581Perfil", + -12.148666381835938 + ], + [ + "\u2581incur", + -12.020834922790527 + ], + [ + "\u2581urgentemente", + -12.133332252502441 + ], + [ + "tenga", + -12.002093315124512 + ], + [ + "\u2581Selecciona", + -12.236818313598633 + ], + [ + "\u2581puentes", + -12.137898445129395 + ], + [ + "hui", + -12.694079399108887 + ], + [ + "\u2581P\u00e1", + -12.204497337341309 + ], + [ + "\u2581analysing", + -11.986772537231445 + ], + [ + "\u2581cultivar", + -12.102224349975586 + ], + [ + "\u2581reafirm\u00f3", + -12.169024467468262 + ], + [ + "\u2581Advertising", + -12.037397384643555 + ], + [ + "\u2581relatores", + -12.082362174987793 + ], + [ + "\u2581residen", + -12.212916374206543 + ], + [ + "\u2581eventualmente", + -12.062782287597656 + ], + [ + "logical", + -11.873513221740723 + ], + [ + "\u2581256", + -12.697266578674316 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sa\u00fal", + -12.154671669006348 + ], + [ + "\u2581Entra", + -12.016242980957031 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nederlands", + -12.724955558776855 + ], + [ + "watch", + -12.379852294921875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Civilian", + -11.949799537658691 + ], + [ + "\u2581ratifying", + -12.007095336914062 + ], + [ + "ptica", + -12.25253677368164 + ], + [ + "\u2581sencillamente", + -12.086735725402832 + ], + [ + "\u2581Espa\u00f1ola", + -12.187102317810059 + ], + [ + "\u2581vegetation", + -12.031306266784668 + ], + [ + "tories", + -12.679994583129883 + ], + [ + "CHA", + -12.325428009033203 + ], + [ + "\u2581Salvo", + -12.020532608032227 + ], + [ + "\u2581s\u00faper", + -12.024591445922852 + ], + [ + "\u2581accumulated", + -12.022809028625488 + ], + [ + "\u2581estimulante", + -12.091922760009766 + ], + [ + "\u2581penitenciaria", + -12.208624839782715 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mantener", + -12.106926918029785 + ], + [ + "\u2581aparezca", + -12.126354217529297 + ], + [ + "\u2581Stresses", + -11.960381507873535 + ], + [ + "\u2581agresiones", + -12.118529319763184 + ], + [ + "\u2581masacre", + -12.095808029174805 + ], + [ + "\u2581pedazos", + -12.060977935791016 + ], + [ + "\u2581ofrecidos", + -12.170351028442383 + ], + [ + "\u2581agotan", + -12.116772651672363 + ], + [ + "\u2581warrior", + -12.14535140991211 + ], + [ + "\u2581Versi\u00f3n", + -12.234601020812988 + ], + [ + "\u2581anchura", + -12.151015281677246 + ], + [ + "tible", + -12.184199333190918 + ], + [ + "\u2581compensa", + -12.057652473449707 + ], + [ + "\u25812014-2015", + -12.941139221191406 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kru", + -12.71330451965332 + ], + [ + "\u2581crudo", + -12.064104080200195 + ], + [ + "\u2581legality", + -11.974498748779297 + ], + [ + "\u2581PayPal", + -12.684659004211426 + ], + [ + "\u2581accurately", + -12.047069549560547 + ], + [ + "\u2581tissues", + -11.981868743896484 + ], + [ + "\u2581partition", + -11.993342399597168 + ], + [ + "\u2581FARC", + -12.704060554504395 + ], + [ + "ounce", + -12.153339385986328 + ], + [ + "\u2581contribuyentes", + -12.112195014953613 + ], + [ + "\u2581pesquero", + -12.063651084899902 + ], + [ + "\u2581advisor", + -12.030059814453125 + ], + [ + "\u2581ilusi\u00f3n", + -12.07955551147461 + ], + [ + "\u2581griegos", + -12.177974700927734 + ], + [ + "crea", + -12.402832984924316 + ], + [ + "\u2581ahoga", + -11.997156143188477 + ], + [ + "\u2581Teniente", + -11.92307186126709 + ], + [ + "\u2581trunk", + -12.09476089477539 + ], + [ + "cuerda", + -11.996197700500488 + ], + [ + "\u2581disturbing", + -12.020054817199707 + ], + [ + "\u2581correlation", + -12.008049964904785 + ], + [ + "did", + -12.175344467163086 + ], + [ + "\u2581congreso", + -12.171381950378418 + ], + [ + "rden", + -12.5288724899292 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rap", + -12.179332733154297 + ], + [ + "\u2581NASA", + -12.716318130493164 + ], + [ + "Ge", + -12.127386093139648 + ], + [ + "\u2581muros", + -12.144691467285156 + ], + [ + "\u2581visas", + -12.039861679077148 + ], + [ + "lete", + -12.516120910644531 + ], + [ + "pende", + -12.693798065185547 + ], + [ + "htm", + -12.679659843444824 + ], + [ + "\u2581Probate", + -11.975967407226562 + ], + [ + "EW", + -12.399008750915527 + ], + [ + "\u2581desempe\u00f1ando", + -12.100712776184082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Thirty", + -12.032065391540527 + ], + [ + "body", + -12.040868759155273 + ], + [ + "\u2581due\u00f1os", + -12.059317588806152 + ], + [ + "\u2581Conservaci\u00f3n", + -12.133322715759277 + ], + [ + "\u2581sab\u00edan", + -12.090267181396484 + ], + [ + "\u2581Venus", + -12.773353576660156 + ], + [ + "\u2581nail", + -12.104070663452148 + ], + [ + "\u2581aceptables", + -12.155043601989746 + ], + [ + "\u2581alimentarios", + -12.158944129943848 + ], + [ + "aja", + -12.266186714172363 + ], + [ + "triz", + -12.362431526184082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dallas", + -12.823750495910645 + ], + [ + ".1%", + -12.268916130065918 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00ab\u00a1", + -12.165335655212402 + ], + [ + "\u2581wrongful", + -12.006231307983398 + ], + [ + "\u2581Steering", + -11.988991737365723 + ], + [ + "\u2581intervals", + -12.007293701171875 + ], + [ + "-2003", + -12.706143379211426 + ], + [ + "Am", + -12.027975082397461 + ], + [ + "rano", + -12.094078063964844 + ], + [ + "mante", + -12.104108810424805 + ], + [ + "\u2581recu", + -12.134505271911621 + ], + [ + "\u2581inspectors", + -12.007205963134766 + ], + [ + "\u2581mercenarios", + -12.134340286254883 + ], + [ + "\u2581preparatoria", + -12.111164093017578 + ], + [ + "\u2581Clave", + -12.417933464050293 + ], + [ + "\u2581trapped", + -12.104570388793945 + ], + [ + "\u2581UNU", + -12.613127708435059 + ], + [ + "\u2581infinita", + -12.061443328857422 + ], + [ + "\u2581Autonomous", + -12.054340362548828 + ], + [ + "\u2581brake", + -12.042658805847168 + ], + [ + "\u2581abrirlo", + -12.081469535827637 + ], + [ + "ncy", + -12.267108917236328 + ], + [ + "ICEF", + -12.669376373291016 + ], + [ + "\u2581Oman", + -11.758918762207031 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lead", + -12.028742790222168 + ], + [ + "\u258191/414", + -12.687569618225098 + ], + [ + "\u2581pantallas", + -12.256087303161621 + ], + [ + "\u2581cooperatives", + -12.009600639343262 + ], + [ + "\u2581recib\u00eda", + -12.207833290100098 + ], + [ + "multidimensional", + -12.696761131286621 + ], + [ + "Haz", + -11.987992286682129 + ], + [ + "phan", + -12.363055229187012 + ], + [ + "\u2581unjust", + -12.09113883972168 + ], + [ + "\u2581perjudica", + -11.984051704406738 + ], + [ + "\u2581M\u00e1quina", + -12.136592864990234 + ], + [ + "alta", + -12.0028076171875 + ], + [ + "\u2581maldici\u00f3n", + -12.00666618347168 + ], + [ + "aine", + -12.218323707580566 + ], + [ + "\u2581notificar\u00e1", + -12.164260864257812 + ], + [ + "\u2581unfortunate", + -12.08049488067627 + ], + [ + "equi", + -12.106666564941406 + ], + [ + "\u2581Desertification", + -11.965950012207031 + ], + [ + "ode", + -11.983633041381836 + ], + [ + "\u25811.2.1", + -12.698697090148926 + ], + [ + "\u2581FNUAP", + -12.060206413269043 + ], + [ + "\u2581ratas", + -12.04102897644043 + ], + [ + "\u2581explosives", + -12.02022647857666 + ], + [ + "\u2581impida", + -12.18017292022705 + ], + [ + "\u2581scrutiny", + -12.029031753540039 + ], + [ + "\u2581WIRE", + -12.801185607910156 + ], + [ + "\u2581balloon", + -12.059041023254395 + ], + [ + "\u2581conoci\u00f3", + -12.122137069702148 + ], + [ + "\u2581ruega", + -12.118908882141113 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pretty", + -12.164243698120117 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mental", + -12.432316780090332 + ], + [ + "\u2581filtra", + -12.106667518615723 + ], + [ + "\u2581regulan", + -12.073954582214355 + ], + [ + "-2001", + -12.704793930053711 + ], + [ + "\u25817.1", + -12.60628890991211 + ], + [ + "\u2581alterna", + -12.169946670532227 + ], + [ + "filia", + -12.157295227050781 + ], + [ + "\u2581SOL", + -12.531490325927734 + ], + [ + "\u2581Brothers", + -12.111234664916992 + ], + [ + "\u2581fuckin", + -12.175959587097168 + ], + [ + "TURE", + -13.138352394104004 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bathroom", + -12.083847999572754 + ], + [ + "\u2581adaptado", + -12.086709022521973 + ], + [ + "\u2581lecture", + -12.091734886169434 + ], + [ + "\u2581OUT", + -12.016286849975586 + ], + [ + "003", + -12.693432807922363 + ], + [ + ":9", + -12.295571327209473 + ], + [ + "\u2581Naci\u00f3n", + -12.155844688415527 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fern", + -12.02834415435791 + ], + [ + "\u2581Laguna", + -12.708786010742188 + ], + [ + "izante", + -12.511893272399902 + ], + [ + "\u2581corners", + -12.033666610717773 + ], + [ + "\u2581entails", + -12.007857322692871 + ], + [ + "\u2581290", + -12.630481719970703 + ], + [ + "\u2581inclusivo", + -12.216486930847168 + ], + [ + "\u2581consumir", + -12.223662376403809 + ], + [ + "\u2581trabajamos", + -12.00949764251709 + ], + [ + "\u2581Observatory", + -12.02677059173584 + ], + [ + "organized", + -11.944376945495605 + ], + [ + "\u2581REG", + -12.335004806518555 + ], + [ + "plic\u00f3", + -12.092833518981934 + ], + [ + "\u2581chill", + -12.108120918273926 + ], + [ + "\u2581Conviene", + -12.132637023925781 + ], + [ + "\u2581tailored", + -12.009642601013184 + ], + [ + "\u2581especula", + -12.1079683303833 + ], + [ + "\u2581Shah", + -12.675024032592773 + ], + [ + "\u2581descendientes", + -12.130256652832031 + ], + [ + "trica", + -12.87954044342041 + ], + [ + "\u2581Seriously", + -12.15825080871582 + ], + [ + "nomic", + -12.333282470703125 + ], + [ + "\u2581guapa", + -11.962331771850586 + ], + [ + "\u2581homeless", + -12.123740196228027 + ], + [ + "stad", + -12.726069450378418 + ], + [ + "\u2581puto", + -11.997687339782715 + ], + [ + "\u2581locate", + -12.06491756439209 + ], + [ + "\u2581650", + -12.725320816040039 + ], + [ + "\u2581cometa", + -12.119811058044434 + ], + [ + "\u25811939", + -12.761964797973633 + ], + [ + "\u2581amaba", + -12.015850067138672 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pensaba", + -11.892196655273438 + ], + [ + "\u2581administer", + -12.02973461151123 + ], + [ + "\u2581Subsecretario", + -12.1298246383667 + ], + [ + "\u25811991.", + -12.17545223236084 + ], + [ + "\u2581Practical", + -12.07712173461914 + ], + [ + "\u2581WRC", + -12.780034065246582 + ], + [ + "cca", + -12.134885787963867 + ], + [ + "pari", + -12.487269401550293 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cesar", + -12.810725212097168 + ], + [ + "\u2581simult\u00e1nea", + -12.153691291809082 + ], + [ + "indica", + -12.39685344696045 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gy", + -12.243504524230957 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dijiste", + -11.932211875915527 + ], + [ + "\u2581Th", + -12.019683837890625 + ], + [ + "\u2581cementerio", + -12.063075065612793 + ], + [ + "\u2581dictado", + -12.099137306213379 + ], + [ + "\u2581sorts", + -12.140738487243652 + ], + [ + "\u2581awake", + -12.096957206726074 + ], + [ + "\u2581Apostolic", + -12.022992134094238 + ], + [ + "\u2581emisora", + -12.161539077758789 + ], + [ + "\u2581codificaci\u00f3n", + -12.138984680175781 + ], + [ + "piri", + -12.160451889038086 + ], + [ + "\u2581aclaraciones", + -12.10331916809082 + ], + [ + "\u2581conejo", + -12.027557373046875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cyber", + -12.411918640136719 + ], + [ + "\u2581Stanley", + -12.678149223327637 + ], + [ + "\u2581jurisdicciones", + -12.115938186645508 + ], + [ + "Conoce", + -11.89654541015625 + ], + [ + "\u2581causando", + -12.155529975891113 + ], + [ + "\u2581goodbye", + -12.148482322692871 + ], + [ + "n\u00f3mica", + -12.6753511428833 + ], + [ + "yle", + -12.131331443786621 + ], + [ + "\u2581appearing", + -12.058284759521484 + ], + [ + "\u2581depositar", + -12.268538475036621 + ], + [ + "\u2581PART", + -12.115006446838379 + ], + [ + "\u2581detenidamente", + -12.134675979614258 + ], + [ + "\u2581facilitan", + -12.137986183166504 + ], + [ + "cover", + -12.00845718383789 + ], + [ + "\u2581Clearly", + 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-11.919010162353516 + ], + [ + "\u2581reparation", + -12.030216217041016 + ], + [ + "\u2581instituted", + -11.97935962677002 + ], + [ + "\u2581alentador", + -12.175889015197754 + ], + [ + "\u2581Naturalmente", + -12.049266815185547 + ], + [ + "\u2581corpus", + -12.595393180847168 + ], + [ + "\u2581injusto", + -12.082886695861816 + ], + [ + "\u2581Francesa", + -12.134499549865723 + ], + [ + "\u2581ordinaria", + -12.115447998046875 + ], + [ + "\u2581contempor\u00e1nea", + -12.103523254394531 + ], + [ + "\u2581estudi\u00f3", + -12.195731163024902 + ], + [ + "REF", + -12.808515548706055 + ], + [ + "\u2581Desastres", + -12.178153038024902 + ], + [ + "\u2581ir\u00eda", + -11.97575569152832 + ], + [ + "IEM", + -12.684297561645508 + ], + [ + "\u2581facilitates", + -12.176204681396484 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tuvalu", + -12.571660041809082 + ], + [ + "\u258161.", + -12.099916458129883 + ], + [ + "\u2581Negra", + -12.406107902526855 + ], + [ + "\u2581hospitality", + -12.006743431091309 + ], + [ + "\u2581influido", + -12.12982177734375 + ], + [ + "\u258135%", + -12.641140937805176 + ], + [ + "\u2581inventarios", + -12.168913841247559 + ], + [ + "\u2581precoz", + -12.146562576293945 + ], + [ + "Sr", + -11.857681274414062 + ], + [ + "p\u00f3n", + -12.462979316711426 + ], + [ + "\u2581burst", + -12.072672843933105 + ], + [ + "\u2581Golan", + -12.040851593017578 + ], + [ + "\u2581Viejo", + -12.248522758483887 + ], + [ + "\u2581linea", + -12.06268310546875 + ], + [ + "\u2581pavo", + -11.978666305541992 + ], + [ + "\u2581socioecon\u00f3micos", + -12.192041397094727 + ], + [ + "\u2581subsidiariedad", + -12.102245330810547 + ], + [ + "\u2581vitaminas", + -12.190729141235352 + ], + [ + "\u0103", + -100 + ], + [ + "gers", + -12.18403434753418 + ], + [ + "elas", + -12.382174491882324 + ], + [ + "\u2581T\u00e9cnico", + -12.161821365356445 + ], + [ + "\u2581preocupados", + -12.074418067932129 + ], + [ + "\u2581Railway", + -11.987563133239746 + ], + [ + "\u2581informing", + -12.053709983825684 + ], + [ + "\u2581rigurosa", + -12.093241691589355 + ], + [ + "\u2581purifica", + -12.18063735961914 + ], + [ + "\u2581restringido", + -12.103946685791016 + ], + [ + "borg", + -12.759456634521484 + ], + [ + "\u2581brasile\u00f1a", + -12.113356590270996 + ], + [ + "\u2581Benedict", + -12.056001663208008 + ], + [ + "sider", + -12.478111267089844 + ], + [ + "\u2581Graham", + -12.732529640197754 + ], + [ + "compa", + -12.219629287719727 + ], + [ + "\u2581ordering", + -12.214463233947754 + ], + [ + "\u2581robbery", + -12.125377655029297 + ], + [ + "\u2581tire", + -12.042291641235352 + ], + [ + "note", + -11.985086441040039 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ice", + -12.16995620727539 + ], + [ + "\u2581null", + -12.001662254333496 + ], + [ + "950", + -12.840314865112305 + ], + [ + "ANDO", + -12.305671691894531 + ], + [ + "\u2581prizes", + -12.088438034057617 + ], + [ + "\u2581adapting", + -11.985150337219238 + ], + [ + "\u2581velo", + -12.176664352416992 + ], + [ + "\u2581Negligencia", + -12.1324462890625 + ], + [ + "\u2581capturar", + -12.031631469726562 + ], + [ + "\u2581volante", + -12.139935493469238 + ], + [ + "\u2581ampl\u00eda", + -12.143014907836914 + ], + [ + "\u2581invitamos", + -12.160867691040039 + ], + [ + "patria", + -12.653714179992676 + ], + [ + "\u2581elevation", + -12.052787780761719 + ], + [ + "\u2581altered", + -12.007887840270996 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nacimiento", + -12.144948959350586 + ], + [ + "\u2581cubren", + -12.126411437988281 + ], + [ + "\u2581reforzada", + -12.16358757019043 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cargando", + -12.172313690185547 + ], + [ + "\u2581espa", + -12.047199249267578 + ], + [ + "\u2581segmentos", + -12.174237251281738 + ], + [ + "icie", + -12.234358787536621 + ], + [ + "\u2581Walker", + -12.768224716186523 + ], + [ + "\u2581Warning", + -12.040757179260254 + ], + [ + "\u2581desapareci\u00f3", + -11.974800109863281 + ], + [ + "nin", + -12.19509220123291 + ], + [ + "\u2581Recuerde", + -12.095929145812988 + ], + [ + "420", + -12.63180923461914 + ], + [ + "\u2581descritas", + -12.158418655395508 + ], + [ + "efficient", + -11.992985725402832 + ], + [ + "\u2581Centres", + -12.285689353942871 + ], + [ + "\u2581invention", + -12.122322082519531 + ], + [ + "\u2581sabia", + -12.040534019470215 + ], + [ + "vora", + -12.37295150756836 + ], + [ + "\u2581Beyond", + -12.04122257232666 + ], + [ + "\u2581contratista", + -12.126752853393555 + ], + [ + "\u2581yarn", + -12.036665916442871 + ], + [ + "1985", + -12.795730590820312 + ], + [ + "\u2581Minas", + -12.222740173339844 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gamb", + -12.580044746398926 + ], + [ + "\u2581asequibles", + -12.145264625549316 + ], + [ + "\u25811914", + -12.757287979125977 + ], + [ + "\u2581empec\u00e9", + -12.044449806213379 + ], + [ + "\u2581Includes", + -12.040543556213379 + ], + [ + "\u2581slogan", + -12.035109519958496 + ], + [ + "\u2581deficiencia", + -12.189445495605469 + ], + [ + "\u2581Iba", + -11.998563766479492 + ], + [ + "aunque", + -12.094626426696777 + ], + [ + "\u2581actress", + -12.202373504638672 + ], + [ + "\u2581favorece", + -12.079086303710938 + ], + [ + "Han", + -12.052520751953125 + ], + [ + "\u2581pasaba", + -11.905569076538086 + ], + [ + "2.000", + -12.14886474609375 + ], + [ + "\u2581leap", + -12.082818984985352 + ], + [ + "mista", + -12.382879257202148 + ], + [ + "\u2581Believe", + -12.174724578857422 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ethics", + -12.057452201843262 + ], + [ + "\u2581sepas", + -12.016670227050781 + ], + [ + "mation", + -12.343820571899414 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hamilton", + -12.794967651367188 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tarifa", + -12.357454299926758 + ], + [ + "\u2581Andean", + -11.979886054992676 + ], + [ + "\u2581slaves", + -12.016572952270508 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pedir", + -12.136454582214355 + ], + [ + "\u2581porcentajes", + -12.192376136779785 + ], + [ + "\u2581compartidos", + -12.173596382141113 + ], + [ + "\u2581Detroit", + -12.798882484436035 + ], + [ + "\u2581adherido", + -12.14923095703125 + ], + [ + "9,000", + -12.025205612182617 + ], + [ + "\u2581socava", + -12.139009475708008 + ], + [ + "\u2581unchanged", + -12.049691200256348 + ], + [ + "\u2581gala", + -12.400732040405273 + ], + [ + "\u2581Greater", + -12.00430679321289 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuan", + -12.307013511657715 + ], + [ + "\u2581pulmones", + -12.065528869628906 + ], + [ + "stick", + -12.321517944335938 + ], + [ + "\u2581arrestar", + -12.09935474395752 + ], + [ + "\u2581Caroline", + -12.734077453613281 + ], + [ + "viva", + -12.327729225158691 + ], + [ + "\u2581mejore", + -12.147974014282227 + ], + [ + "\u2581misuse", + -12.009364128112793 + ], + [ + "\u2581sagrada", + -12.148415565490723 + ], + [ + "\u2581asesinar", + -12.19271183013916 + ], + [ + "\u2581presupuestaci\u00f3n", + -12.125645637512207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Juez", + -12.070499420166016 + ], + [ + "cuencia", + -12.227983474731445 + ], + [ + "bile", + -12.665549278259277 + ], + [ + "\u2581Initial", + -12.051405906677246 + ], + [ + "\u25811996-1997", + -12.64742374420166 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reg\u00edstrate", + -12.152800559997559 + ], + [ + "\u2581advocates", + -12.03032112121582 + ], + [ + "ducciones", + -12.159965515136719 + ], + [ + "\u2581suspendido", + -12.121133804321289 + ], + [ + "working", + -12.052783966064453 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u201c\u00bf", + -12.14861011505127 + ], + [ + "\u2581impulsa", + -12.083139419555664 + ], + [ + "\u258162.", + -12.19091510772705 + ], + [ + "\u2581abandona", + -12.108003616333008 + ], + [ + "\u2581nieto", + -12.073809623718262 + ], + [ + "2.3", + -12.408419609069824 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sicilia", + -12.523809432983398 + ], + [ + "\u2581Agri", + -12.856060028076172 + ], + [ + "\u2581t\u00f3xicos", + -12.076236724853516 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rwandan", + -11.984846115112305 + ], + [ + "ION", + -11.919413566589355 + ], + [ + "\u2581printer", + -11.993212699890137 + ], + [ + "\u2581derivan", + -12.16584587097168 + ], + [ + "\u2581precedent", + -12.03587818145752 + ], + [ + "\u2581dozens", + -12.032543182373047 + ], + [ + "bida", + -12.52606201171875 + ], + [ + "icen", + -12.132814407348633 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gab\u00f3n", + -11.981552124023438 + ], + [ + "\u2581nationwide", + -12.033764839172363 + ], + [ + "160", + -12.691702842712402 + ], + [ + "\u2581vaginal", + -12.730916023254395 + ], + [ + "\u2581Doce", + -12.183639526367188 + ], + [ + "\u2581Television", + -12.057461738586426 + ], + [ + "\u2581atemporal", + -12.149669647216797 + ], + [ + "\u2581prohibida", + -12.146421432495117 + ], + [ + "\u2581Preparaci\u00f3n", + -12.16519832611084 + ], + [ + "PDF", + -12.62670612335205 + ], + [ + "\u2581harmonisation", + -12.003610610961914 + ], + [ + "\u2581italianos", + -12.123779296875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bosques", + -12.216171264648438 + ], + [ + "\u2581overcoming", + -12.018527030944824 + ], + [ + "\u2581honorarios", + -12.16549015045166 + ], + [ + "\u2581jerarqu\u00eda", + -12.152800559997559 + ], + [ + "eleccion", + -12.49847412109375 + ], + [ + "\u2581vacancies", + -12.005087852478027 + ], + [ + "\u2581Revolutionary", + -12.074929237365723 + ], + [ + "\u2581designers", + -12.048357009887695 + ], + [ + "\u2581pilotos", + -12.142857551574707 + ], + [ + "\u2581Montserrat", + -12.720288276672363 + ], + [ + "\u2581Peque\u00f1a", + -12.106505393981934 + ], + [ + "\u2581dec\u00edan", + -12.089179039001465 + ], + [ + "cule", + -12.668416976928711 + ], + [ + "\u2581factories", + -12.02415657043457 + ], + [ + "\u2581facturas", + -12.111421585083008 + ], + [ + "\u2581Held", + -12.032986640930176 + ], + [ + "inch", + -12.144497871398926 + ], + [ + "\u2581Minorities", + -12.006601333618164 + ], + [ + "\u00f3rico", + -12.15262508392334 + ], + [ + "\u2581vos", + -11.965033531188965 + ], + [ + "tung", + -12.772993087768555 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fuji", + -12.981725692749023 + ], + [ + "\u2581Papel", + -12.162814140319824 + ], + [ + "\u2581UNAMSIL", + -12.622278213500977 + ], + [ + "\u2581clearer", + -12.028156280517578 + ], + [ + "(1),", + -12.185527801513672 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gill", + -12.905206680297852 + ], + [ + "\u2581protagonistas", + -12.110319137573242 + ], + [ + "\u2581terrazas", + -12.22992992401123 + ], + [ + "\u2581firmaron", + -12.12236213684082 + ], + [ + "\u2581progressively", + -12.037694931030273 + ], + [ + "\u2581literary", + -12.038204193115234 + ], + [ + "\u2581cereal", + -12.40783405303955 + ], + [ + "rend", + -12.314702987670898 + ], + [ + "\u2581disfrutan", + -12.185382843017578 + ], + [ + "\u2581monumento", + -12.170989036560059 + ], + [ + "\u2581multas", + -12.151829719543457 + ], + [ + "\u2581Notwithstanding", + -11.991137504577637 + ], + [ + "\u2581interrogation", + -12.014129638671875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Clasificaci\u00f3n", + -12.200576782226562 + ], + [ + "\u2581resu", + -12.348544120788574 + ], + [ + "comm", + -12.110943794250488 + ], + [ + "\u2581consumi", + -12.05918025970459 + ], + [ + "ODO", + -12.261820793151855 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tranquilo", + -11.903482437133789 + ], + [ + "\u2581ayudante", + -12.113921165466309 + ], + [ + "\u2581decid\u00ed", + -12.060657501220703 + ], + [ + "\u2581embo", + -12.232355117797852 + ], + [ + "\u2581lungs", + -12.063070297241211 + ], + [ + "\u2581vencimiento", + -12.123861312866211 + ], + [ + "\u2581musulmana", + -12.157280921936035 + ], + [ + "\u2581outlook", + -12.016748428344727 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cambios", + -12.23366928100586 + ], + [ + "\u2581distribuida", + -12.150642395019531 + ], + [ + "\u2581Flex", + -12.70300006866455 + ], + [ + "1.4", + -12.359724044799805 + ], + [ + "\u2581prometedor", + -12.236032485961914 + ], + [ + "\u2581stylish", + -12.045832633972168 + ], + [ + "hacer", + -12.156397819519043 + ], + [ + "interdependencia", + -12.115073204040527 + ], + [ + "\u2581Desk", + -12.052138328552246 + ], + [ + "\u2581Oli", + -12.434319496154785 + ], + [ + "\u2581Roca", + -12.648270606994629 + ], + [ + "auto", + -12.519977569580078 + ], + [ + "\u2581Inhumanos", + -12.112497329711914 + ], + [ + "\u2581Estrasburgo", + -12.170844078063965 + ], + [ + "\u2581artesan\u00eda", + -12.142129898071289 + ], + [ + "\u2581poes\u00eda", + -12.090418815612793 + ], + [ + "\u2581sensors", + -12.054131507873535 + ], + [ + "g\u00eda", + -11.960944175720215 + ], + [ + "signed", + -12.139838218688965 + ], + [ + "\u2581redondas", + -12.173619270324707 + ], + [ + "\u2581aclara", + -12.087275505065918 + ], + [ + "\u2581extinci\u00f3n", + -12.136836051940918 + ], + [ + "\u2581reconozca", + -12.123934745788574 + ], + [ + "\u2581dumped", + -12.026459693908691 + ], + [ + "\u2581Soluciones", + -12.227011680603027 + ], + [ + "\u2581Melbourne", + -12.665863037109375 + ], + [ + "\u2581impartiality", + -12.026236534118652 + ], + [ + "dition", + -12.260342597961426 + ], + [ + "\u2581UNAIDS", + -12.056620597839355 + ], + [ + "\u2581Whi", + -12.653034210205078 + ], + [ + "\u2581deliberately", + -12.032050132751465 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lengua", + -12.191091537475586 + ], + [ + "\u2581f\u00edsicamente", + -12.189493179321289 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tap", + -12.103914260864258 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mix", + -12.015995979309082 + ], + [ + "\u2581confronted", + -12.024273872375488 + ], + [ + "\u2581utilizar\u00e1n", + -12.150500297546387 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00f3ptimas", + -12.146656036376953 + ], + [ + "secci\u00f3n", + -12.187461853027344 + ], + [ + "\u2581Heights", + -12.570060729980469 + ], + [ + "\u2581comb", + -12.219475746154785 + ], + [ + "\u2581graduate", + -12.085947036743164 + ], + [ + "\u2581550", + -12.781314849853516 + ], + [ + "\u2581obediencia", + -12.159978866577148 + ], + [ + "\u25815,000", + -12.087937355041504 + ], + [ + "\u2581Advertisement", + -12.553433418273926 + ], + [ + "\u2581competidor", + -12.13402271270752 + ], + [ + "\u2581alterar", + -12.130455017089844 + ], + [ + "\u2581marea", + -12.061847686767578 + ], + [ + "pm", + -12.096368789672852 + ], + [ + "\u2581apreciaci\u00f3n", + -12.136893272399902 + ], + [ + "\u2581dirigente", + -12.154613494873047 + ], + [ + "taba", + -11.894082069396973 + ], + [ + "\u2581BC", + -11.978351593017578 + ], + [ + "\u2581papi", + -12.014339447021484 + ], + [ + "\u2581Infrastructure", + -12.020736694335938 + ], + [ + "\u2581honourable", + -12.032212257385254 + ], + [ + "\u2581chaos", + -12.06379508972168 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hogar", + -12.137284278869629 + ], + [ + "\u2581$9", + -12.014782905578613 + ], + [ + "\u2581Archives", + -12.080973625183105 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nava", + -12.524410247802734 + ], + [ + "\u2581llevar\u00e9", + -11.939423561096191 + ], + [ + "\u2581analyzes", + -11.990578651428223 + ], + [ + "\u2581activate", + -12.036069869995117 + ], + [ + "\u2581especificado", + -12.139759063720703 + ], + [ + "\u2581acceded", + -12.023345947265625 + ], + [ + "\u2581animado", + -12.120285987854004 + ], + [ + "\u2581Roth", + -12.692912101745605 + ], + [ + "\u2581Storage", + -12.089117050170898 + ], + [ + "\u2581assert", + -12.016070365905762 + ], + [ + "\u2581cerrados", + -12.169881820678711 + ], + [ + "\u2581praying", + -12.085979461669922 + ], + [ + "fusi\u00f3n", + -12.307164192199707 + ], + [ + "\u2581puramente", + -12.13984489440918 + ], + [ + "\u2581recortes", + -12.081877708435059 + ], + [ + "\u2581lavadora", + -12.188977241516113 + ], + [ + "\u2581flour", + -11.996254920959473 + ], + [ + "\u2581surround", + -12.043193817138672 + ], + [ + "\u2581Destino", + -12.201547622680664 + ], + [ + "\u2581costoso", + -12.226872444152832 + ], + [ + "\u2581omni", + -12.757315635681152 + ], + [ + "carg\u00f3", + -12.136685371398926 + ], + [ + "\u2581Toledo", + -12.790743827819824 + ], + [ + "\u2581analizando", + -12.125943183898926 + ], + [ + "Chairman", + -11.99779224395752 + ], + [ + "\u2581expedition", + -12.120978355407715 + ], + [ + "\u2581poetry", + -12.099723815917969 + ], + [ + "\u2581org\u00e1nicas", + -12.140434265136719 + ], + [ + "\u2581impuesta", + -12.189711570739746 + ], + [ + "\u2581Guess", + -12.225940704345703 + ], + [ + "\u2581Surgery", + -12.003610610961914 + ], + [ + "pop", + -12.113597869873047 + ], + [ + "\u2581azules", + -12.102459907531738 + ], + [ + "\u2581privatization", + -12.029061317443848 + ], + [ + "\u2581pasivos", + -12.174570083618164 + ], + [ + "\u2581ochenta", + -12.146566390991211 + ], + [ + "\u2581parlamentos", + -12.176292419433594 + ], + [ + "\u2581CHAPTER", + -11.942747116088867 + ], + [ + "\u2581despedida", + -11.989856719970703 + ], + [ + "\u2581tutorial", + -12.693487167358398 + ], + [ + "\u2581divulgar", + -12.232939720153809 + ], + [ + "ducto", + -12.238320350646973 + ], + [ + "\u2581profesiones", + -12.181844711303711 + ], + [ + "ust", + -12.262287139892578 + ], + [ + "6]", + -12.655904769897461 + ], + [ + "Suiza", + -12.144423484802246 + ], + [ + "\u2581liban\u00e9s", + -12.170843124389648 + ], + [ + "\u2581recolecci\u00f3n", + -12.178153038024902 + ], + [ + "\u2581ense\u00f1ado", + -12.14378833770752 + ], + [ + "cea", + -12.073309898376465 + ], + [ + "\u2581deposited", + -12.053447723388672 + ], + [ + "\u2581amarilla", + -12.184957504272461 + ], + [ + "\u2581pertenec\u00eda", + -12.16358757019043 + ], + [ + "\u25812017.", + -12.324616432189941 + ], + [ + "\u2581archiv", + -12.23484992980957 + ], + [ + "\u2581iran\u00ed", + -12.189114570617676 + ], + [ + "\u258112%", + -12.670618057250977 + ], + [ + "\u2581Xbox", + -12.771780014038086 + ], + [ + "\u2581merger", + -12.009904861450195 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lion", + -12.123438835144043 + ], + [ + "\u2581methodological", + -12.04530143737793 + ], + [ + "\u2581Basado", + -12.149762153625488 + ], + [ + "\u2581destinar", + -12.117146492004395 + ], + [ + "\u2581labels", + -12.126084327697754 + ], + [ + "\u2581Opciones", + -12.173896789550781 + ], + [ + "\u2581Accord", + -12.022924423217773 + ], + [ + "\u2581volver\u00e9", + -11.953344345092773 + ], + [ + "\u2581hidrocarburos", + -12.165396690368652 + ], + [ + "giving", + -12.042766571044922 + ], + [ + "\u2581abordan", + -12.134532928466797 + ], + [ + "\u2581lograron", + -12.175235748291016 + ], + [ + "\u2581Contemporary", + -12.041997909545898 + ], + [ + "\u2581teme", + -11.978046417236328 + ], + [ + "\u2581Posada", + -12.738603591918945 + ], + [ + "\u2581productivas", + -12.203030586242676 + ], + [ + "bag", + -12.262514114379883 + ], + [ + "\u2581derivatives", + -11.979086875915527 + ], + [ + "\u2581informara", + -12.226476669311523 + ], + [ + "\u2581norteamericano", + -12.162740707397461 + ], + [ + "\u2581s\u00f3lidas", + -12.17484188079834 + ], + [ + "\u2581colectivas", + -12.220064163208008 + ], + [ + "\u2581endure", + -12.012384414672852 + ], + [ + "\u2581repite", + -12.138691902160645 + ], + [ + "\u2581Improving", + -12.034347534179688 + ], + [ + "\u2581burbuja", + -12.127203941345215 + ], + [ + "\u2581gua", + -12.41092586517334 + ], + [ + "\u2581procesador", + -12.208508491516113 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00e9sa", + -11.925822257995605 + ], + [ + "\u2581UNIFIL", + -12.066130638122559 + ], + [ + "ARA", + -12.674047470092773 + ], + [ + "\u2581com\u00fanmente", + -12.23626708984375 + ], + [ + "\u2581violating", + -12.050464630126953 + ], + [ + "lich", + -12.987648010253906 + ], + [ + "DLL", + -12.578938484191895 + ], + [ + "ologists", + -12.14264965057373 + ], + [ + "\u2581Para\u00edso", + -12.128077507019043 + ], + [ + "court", + -12.529791831970215 + ], + [ + "\u2581resuelta", + -12.109928131103516 + ], + [ + "\u2581alumno", + -12.166332244873047 + ], + [ + "\u2581congelaci\u00f3n", + -12.08874225616455 + ], + [ + "\u2581pussy", + -12.105326652526855 + ], + [ + "roso", + -12.19443130493164 + ], + [ + "\u2581Laboratorio", + -12.188291549682617 + ], + [ + "\u2581ofrezca", + -12.137964248657227 + ], + [ + "\u2581wilderness", + -12.032825469970703 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lodge", + -12.612893104553223 + ], + [ + "\u2581Abby", + -12.667451858520508 + ], + [ + "\u2581Suppression", + -12.024535179138184 + ], + [ + "cedieron", + -12.12527084350586 + ], + [ + "\u2581pintado", + -12.118754386901855 + ], + [ + "\u2581expedite", + -12.028275489807129 + ], + [ + "\u2581slaughter", + -12.089889526367188 + ], + [ + "\u2581embarazos", + -12.312911987304688 + ], + [ + "\u2581interpretarse", + -12.097111701965332 + ], + [ + "\u2581hilos", + -12.178098678588867 + ], + [ + "\u2581inauguraci\u00f3n", + -12.1328125 + ], + [ + "\u2581secular", + -12.032853126525879 + ], + [ + "\u258164.", + -12.143579483032227 + ], + [ + "\u2581correspond\u00eda", + -12.167227745056152 + ], + [ + "\u2581escanea", + -12.176437377929688 + ], + [ + "\u2581disclosed", + -12.050997734069824 + ], + [ + "\u2581abundant", + -12.027666091918945 + ], + [ + "\u2581sacud", + -12.146227836608887 + ], + [ + "\u2581utter", + -12.062889099121094 + ], + [ + "\u2581chick", + -12.162738800048828 + ], + [ + "ress", + -12.014596939086914 + ], + [ + "\u2581Madame", + -12.541125297546387 + ], + [ + "\u2581cooling", + -12.031380653381348 + ], + [ + "\u2581pegar", + -12.079769134521484 + ], + [ + "\u2581wrap", + -12.094718933105469 + ], + [ + "\u2581desagradable", + -12.103096008300781 + ], + [ + "presentada", + -12.139617919921875 + ], + [ + "\u2581planeado", + -12.066905975341797 + ], + [ + "kon", + -12.183793067932129 + ], + [ + "\u2581telef\u00f3nicas", + -12.166090965270996 + ], + [ + "\u2581occupy", + -12.041942596435547 + ], + [ + "\u2581bookings", + -12.14955997467041 + ], + [ + "HL", + -12.121851921081543 + ], + [ + "\u2581conocerte", + -11.904609680175781 + ], + [ + "\u2581espuma", + -12.11857795715332 + ], + [ + "\u2581687", + -12.703132629394531 + ], + [ + "\u2581actualiza", + -12.083053588867188 + ], + [ + "\u2581maravilla", + -12.044798851013184 + ], + [ + "\u2581Paseo", + -12.186652183532715 + ], + [ + "\u2581fiscal\u00eda", + -12.150147438049316 + ], + [ + "\u2581Granting", + -11.957550048828125 + ], + [ + "\u2581irre", + -12.547103881835938 + ], + [ + "\u2581precede", + -12.484965324401855 + ], + [ + "\u2581bolso", + -11.997474670410156 + ], + [ + "\u2581commence", + -12.030011177062988 + ], + [ + "estructura", + -12.196874618530273 + ], + [ + "\u2581Genocide", + -12.037397384643555 + ], + [ + "payment", + -12.004315376281738 + ], + [ + "\u2581asentamiento", + -12.154496192932129 + ], + [ + "affected", + -12.015400886535645 + ], + [ + "\u2581viability", + -12.008136749267578 + ], + [ + "\u258163.", + -12.15613842010498 + ], + [ + "\u2581Resident", + -12.071554183959961 + ], + [ + "\u2581Roosevelt", + -12.82778549194336 + ], + [ + "\u2581encontrarlo", + -12.085399627685547 + ], + [ + "\u2581tenia", + -11.994694709777832 + ], + [ + "fosf", + -12.130460739135742 + ], + [ + "Export", + -12.306178092956543 + ], + [ + "\u2581educate", + -12.04704475402832 + ], + [ + "\u2581sustituto", + -12.187217712402344 + ], + [ + "\u2581representada", + -12.11386775970459 + ], + [ + "\u2581drill", + -12.04893684387207 + ], + [ + "\u2581fiduciario", + -12.160906791687012 + ], + [ + "\u2581c\u00e1lida", + -12.175480842590332 + ], + [ + "\u2581espectaculares", + -12.165303230285645 + ], + [ + "\u2581excursi\u00f3n", + -12.136836051940918 + ], + [ + "\u2581ruinas", + -12.184708595275879 + ], + [ + "\u2581socioecon\u00f3mica", + -12.196184158325195 + ], + [ + "\u2581tonos", + -12.195329666137695 + ], + [ + "vik", + -12.436172485351562 + ], + [ + "\u2581ascender", + -12.127202987670898 + ], + [ + "\u2581fellowship", + -11.984976768493652 + ], + [ + "\u2581cigarrillos", + -12.122998237609863 + ], + [ + "\u2581nutrientes", + -12.192953109741211 + ], + [ + "\u2581mapping", + -12.034811973571777 + ], + [ + "\u2581nightmare", + -12.14450740814209 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wang", + -12.709493637084961 + ], + [ + "\u00f3xido", + -12.439105033874512 + ], + [ + "\u2581vectores", + -12.097912788391113 + ], + [ + "empresa", + -12.251532554626465 + ], + [ + "\u2581jurisprudence", + -12.04198932647705 + ], + [ + "\u2581validation", + -12.062137603759766 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nas", + -12.305404663085938 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sophie", + -12.798371315002441 + ], + [ + "\u2581coefficient", + -12.05991268157959 + ], + [ + "\u2581Funciona", + -12.137224197387695 + ], + [ + "\u2581refine", + -12.06152057647705 + ], + [ + "sofar", + -12.00693416595459 + ], + [ + "\u2581Degradantes", + -12.12807559967041 + ], + [ + "\u2581Woo", + -12.721332550048828 + ], + [ + "\u2581desestabiliza", + -12.40292739868164 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kos", + -12.29353141784668 + ], + [ + "\u2581Manda", + -12.146056175231934 + ], + [ + "\u2581desorden", + -12.020390510559082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Disco", + -12.192728996276855 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ferrari", + -12.733351707458496 + ], + [ + "\u2581sore", + -12.247932434082031 + ], + [ + "\u2581Personales", + -12.131134033203125 + ], + [ + "lisis", + -12.59278392791748 + ], + [ + "\u2581facilit\u00f3", + -12.217428207397461 + ], + [ + "\u2581hueco", + -12.191129684448242 + ], + [ + "\u2581scourge", + -12.032066345214844 + ], + [ + "\u2581ACC", + -12.164039611816406 + ], + [ + "\u2581plead", + -12.100664138793945 + ], + [ + "\u2581Moore", + -12.830878257751465 + ], + [ + "\u2581excav", + -12.134264945983887 + ], + [ + "\u2581parlamento", + -12.160906791687012 + ], + [ + "\u2581Grave", + -12.76960563659668 + ], + [ + "\u2581blockade", + -12.000885963439941 + ], + [ + "\u2581enumeran", + -12.202752113342285 + ], + [ + "\u2581geogr\u00e1fico", + -12.208547592163086 + ], + [ + "\u2581colgar", + -12.047897338867188 + ], + [ + "\u2581Noche", + -12.16425895690918 + ], + [ + "\u2581enojado", + -12.006769180297852 + ], + [ + "enstein", + -12.940133094787598 + ], + [ + "uzz", + -12.416802406311035 + ], + [ + "\u2581roller", + -11.967729568481445 + ], + [ + "\u2581packing", + -12.085735321044922 + ], + [ + "reglamentaciones", + -12.189582824707031 + ], + [ + "\u2581orquesta", + -12.1929349899292 + ], + [ + "iere", + -12.128302574157715 + ], + [ + "\u2581negado", + -12.165669441223145 + ], + [ + "\u2581productivos", + -12.158554077148438 + ], + [ + "Sobre", + -12.044356346130371 + ], + [ + "TED", + -12.13771915435791 + ], + [ + "\u2581Experiencia", + -12.19200325012207 + ], + [ + "\u2581calculations", + -12.127461433410645 + ], + [ + "\u2581form\u00f3", + -12.260590553283691 + ], + [ + "\u2581Authorities", + -11.99635124206543 + ], + [ + "\u2581argentina", + -12.175907135009766 + ], + [ + "\u2581agudo", + -12.128281593322754 + ], + [ + "\u2581Attention", + -12.078956604003906 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cesta", + -12.21934700012207 + ], + [ + "\u2581h\u00edbrido", + -12.232806205749512 + ], + [ + "/41", + -12.762231826782227 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tonga", + -12.552517890930176 + ], + [ + "\u2581Viene", + -11.977727890014648 + ], + [ + "\u2581carpet", + -12.09833812713623 + ], + [ + "\u2581classroom", + -12.083364486694336 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuantitativa", + -12.169933319091797 + ], + [ + "\u2581mediterr\u00e1neo", + -12.146561622619629 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gol\u00e1n", + -12.117664337158203 + ], + [ + "\u2581recogidos", + -12.129307746887207 + ], + [ + "\u2581audiovisuales", + -12.16291618347168 + ], + [ + "\u2581Donna", + -12.765138626098633 + ], + [ + "\u2581llevar\u00eda", + -12.165328025817871 + ], + [ + "tract", + -12.197637557983398 + ], + [ + "\u2581regulada", + -12.191038131713867 + ], + [ + "\u2581Libros", + -12.256611824035645 + ], + [ + "\u2581hazard", + -11.94967269897461 + ], + [ + "\u2581Amnesty", + -12.051238059997559 + ], + [ + "nn", + -11.955326080322266 + ], + [ + "\u2581parcela", + -12.17104721069336 + ], + [ + "\u2581deficiency", + -12.028275489807129 + ], + [ + "\u2581emanat", + -12.084031105041504 + ], + [ + "loo", + -12.048044204711914 + ], + [ + "\u2581prometi\u00f3", + -12.077153205871582 + ], + [ + "ogi\u00f3", + -12.31674575805664 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bishops", + -12.08120346069336 + ], + [ + "\u2581Edinburgh", + -12.052013397216797 + ], + [ + "\u2581backing", + -12.158217430114746 + ], + [ + "\u2581bump", + -12.104494094848633 + ], + [ + "Auto", + -12.6118745803833 + ], + [ + "\u2581winners", + -12.060976028442383 + ], + [ + "NCI", + -12.461798667907715 + ], + [ + "\u2581corredor", + -12.148445129394531 + ], + [ + "\u00ec", + -100 + ], + [ + "lid", + -12.173779487609863 + ], + [ + "\u2581226", + -12.70206069946289 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kent", + -12.761516571044922 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nina", + -12.79922866821289 + ], + [ + "\u2581LGBT", + -12.673056602478027 + ], + [ + "eal", + -11.728245735168457 + ], + [ + "\u2581administrator", + -12.027911186218262 + ], + [ + "\u2581contribuya", + -12.173845291137695 + ], + [ + "\u2581migratorias", + -12.183205604553223 + ], + [ + "\u2581Horizon", + -12.319589614868164 + ], + [ + "\u2581norteamericana", + -12.13337516784668 + ], + [ + "\u2581lograrse", + -12.181578636169434 + ], + [ + "\u2581obedience", + -12.052787780761719 + ], + [ + "\u2581Screen", + -12.091524124145508 + ], + [ + "\u2581jurisdiccional", + -11.965680122375488 + ], + [ + "\u2581nervios", + -12.072839736938477 + ], + [ + "nominaciones", + -12.231329917907715 + ], + [ + "\u2581extremist", + -12.035109519958496 + ], + [ + "\u2581dividida", + -12.207393646240234 + ], + [ + "\u2581intensivo", + -12.175405502319336 + ], + [ + "\u2581necesitar\u00eda", + -12.18116569519043 + ], + [ + "\u2581Def", + -12.341731071472168 + ], + [ + "\u2581enteramente", + -12.219155311584473 + ], + [ + "\u2581ubicados", + -12.216517448425293 + ], + [ + "\u2581Flota", + -12.181926727294922 + ], + [ + "\u2581milicias", + -12.206954956054688 + ], + [ + "\u2581Thy", + -12.040852546691895 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bogot\u00e1", + -12.229905128479004 + ], + [ + "\u2581Scheme", + -12.105097770690918 + ], + [ + "\u2581llora", + -11.990129470825195 + ], + [ + "\u2581repealed", + -12.067801475524902 + ], + [ + "hong", + -12.838473320007324 + ], + [ + "militar", + -12.41760540008545 + ], + [ + "owski", + -12.799627304077148 + ], + [ + "\u2581disciplines", + -12.041377067565918 + ], + [ + "\u2581dise\u00f1adas", + -12.160894393920898 + ], + [ + "\u2581Entry", + -12.07637882232666 + ], + [ + "\u2581deaf", + -12.074851036071777 + ], + [ + "\u2032", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581combinaciones", + -12.182422637939453 + ], + [ + "\u2581Consta", + -12.163703918457031 + ], + [ + "\u2581endanger", + -12.020432472229004 + ], + [ + "\u2581sorprendido", + -12.04538345336914 + ], + [ + "\u2581Going", + -12.21540355682373 + ], + [ + "\u2581deadlines", + -12.056366920471191 + ], + [ + "\u2581armonizado", + -12.17199420928955 + ], + [ + "\u2581farmacia", + -12.091256141662598 + ], + [ + "\u2581fatiga", + -12.176342010498047 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dylan", + -12.732396125793457 + ], + [ + "\u2581procesa", + -12.034985542297363 + ], + [ + "corre", + -12.259990692138672 + ], + [ + "\u2581casada", + -11.890262603759766 + ], + [ + "\u2581electr", + -12.364397048950195 + ], + [ + "\u2581glorious", + -12.085901260375977 + ], + [ + "\u2581ofrecerte", + -12.118095397949219 + ], + [ + "\u2581bater\u00edas", + -12.209954261779785 + ], + [ + "Entre", + -12.208779335021973 + ], + [ + "Nada", + -11.974684715270996 + ], + [ + "\u2581evolve", + -12.043899536132812 + ], + [ + "\u2581Composici\u00f3n", + -12.25937557220459 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ordinance", + -12.01773738861084 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sum", + -12.30497932434082 + ], + [ + "\u2581implicaci\u00f3n", + -12.216965675354004 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sk", + -11.959421157836914 + ], + [ + "\u2581detalla", + -12.190014839172363 + ], + [ + "Qui", + -12.080872535705566 + ], + [ + "Toda", + -12.182853698730469 + ], + [ + "standard", + -12.418082237243652 + ], + [ + "\u2581chambers", + -12.095458984375 + ], + [ + "\u2581touching", + -12.130697250366211 + ], + [ + "\u2581casualties", + -12.108614921569824 + ], + [ + "\u2581diarrea", + -12.151917457580566 + ], + [ + "\u2581Polar", + -12.771601676940918 + ], + [ + "\u2581casualidad", + -12.055227279663086 + ], + [ + "\u2581validaci\u00f3n", + -12.163589477539062 + ], + [ + "\u2581Maxim", + -12.693238258361816 + ], + [ + "GT", + -12.74489974975586 + ], + [ + "Good", + -12.227462768554688 + ], + [ + "Sta", + -12.234596252441406 + ], + [ + "\u2581provoc\u00f3", + -12.152800559997559 + ], + [ + "\u2581guardado", + -12.205103874206543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pam", + -12.835981369018555 + ], + [ + "\u2581marginados", + -12.145673751831055 + ], + [ + "\u2581esconde", + -11.948383331298828 + ], + [ + "\u2581probability", + -12.0237455368042 + ], + [ + "\u2581rehenes", + -12.089576721191406 + ], + [ + "\u2581resaltar", + -12.223084449768066 + ], + [ + "\u2581tempo", + -12.993439674377441 + ], + [ + "won", + -12.898507118225098 + ], + [ + "\u2581ganchillo", + -12.249407768249512 + ], + [ + "\u2581watches", + -12.033841133117676 + ], + [ + "\u2581Anuncio", + -12.182133674621582 + ], + [ + "\u2581Birmingham", + -12.774648666381836 + ], + [ + "\u2581dressing", + -12.121840476989746 + ], + [ + "\u2581Confirm", + -12.771379470825195 + ], + [ + "\u2581terraces", + -12.15156078338623 + ], + [ + "pus", + -12.087644577026367 + ], + [ + "\u2581assembled", + -12.113651275634766 + ], + [ + "\u2581celebrating", + -12.07555866241455 + ], + [ + "\u2581sal\u00eda", + -12.137040138244629 + ], + [ + "/2017", + -12.943612098693848 + ], + [ + "\u2581beneath", + -12.119322776794434 + ], + [ + "\u2581beneficiar", + -11.85682487487793 + ], + [ + "\u2581observan", + -12.168375015258789 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mundiales", + -12.233444213867188 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sergeant", + -12.205841064453125 + ], + [ + "\u2581impa", + -12.35255241394043 + ], + [ + "\u2581privilegiada", + -12.0887451171875 + ], + [ + "\u2581AUC", + -12.610884666442871 + ], + [ + "\u2581Committed", + -12.030577659606934 + ], + [ + "\u2581divorcia", + -12.054123878479004 + ], + [ + "presenta", + -12.34390926361084 + ], + [ + "\u2581norm", + -12.07457447052002 + ], + [ + "\u2581tract", + -12.023937225341797 + ], + [ + "\u2581silk", + -12.140379905700684 + ], + [ + "\u2581supplemented", + -12.059671401977539 + ], + [ + "\u2581stranger", + -12.135683059692383 + ], + [ + "\u2581Anderson", + -12.784296989440918 + ], + [ + "\u2581cercan\u00eda", + -12.208991050720215 + ], + [ + "\u2581cirujano", + -12.125462532043457 + ], + [ + "\u2581blonde", + -12.056844711303711 + ], + [ + "\u2581ladr\u00f3n", + -11.950380325317383 + ], + [ + "\u2581anticonceptivos", + -12.152595520019531 + ], + [ + "\u2581proceder\u00e1", + -12.194934844970703 + ], + [ + "\u2581declining", + -12.061355590820312 + ], + [ + "\u2581contratante", + -12.134197235107422 + ], + [ + "\u2581gentleman", + -12.24282455444336 + ], + [ + "\u2581resuelve", + -12.123725891113281 + ], + [ + "\u2581actriz", + -12.152803421020508 + ], + [ + "\u2581Procedures", + -12.09426498413086 + ], + [ + "\u2581truco", + -11.981298446655273 + ], + [ + "\u2581excita", + -12.08260440826416 + ], + [ + "\u2581recordando", + -12.182847023010254 + ], + [ + "cripto", + -12.379252433776855 + ], + [ + "\u2581Oportunidades", + -12.19200325012207 + ], + [ + "\u2581jewel", + -12.095839500427246 + ], + [ + "\u2581secretar\u00edas", + -12.299776077270508 + ], + [ + "\u2581bruja", + -11.983009338378906 + ], + [ + "\u2581resumption", + -12.024599075317383 + ], + [ + "\u2581scales", + -12.15768814086914 + ], + [ + "UND", + -12.839149475097656 + ], + [ + "\u2581Flamenco", + -12.533357620239258 + ], + [ + "\u2581disappearances", + -12.043044090270996 + ], + [ + "\u2581harness", + -12.03892707824707 + ], + [ + "\u2581LinkedIn", + -12.750109672546387 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tablet", + -12.6520414352417 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wales", + -12.142102241516113 + ], + [ + "\u2581S\u00e1", + -12.259811401367188 + ], + [ + "\u25811953", + -12.818394660949707 + ], + [ + "\u2581Phillip", + -12.721835136413574 + ], + [ + "\u2581nomenclatura", + -12.15101432800293 + ], + [ + "cuando", + -12.12233829498291 + ], + [ + "mitir", + -12.20582103729248 + ], + [ + "\u2581speeds", + -12.168367385864258 + ], + [ + "\u2581Often", + -12.04880428314209 + ], + [ + "\u2581novedad", + -12.12093448638916 + ], + [ + "achi", + -12.175851821899414 + ], + [ + "\u258165.", + -12.210572242736816 + ], + [ + "\u2581OMI", + -12.13663101196289 + ], + [ + "\u2581Camera", + -12.101326942443848 + ], + [ + "\u2581Income", + -12.026138305664062 + ], + [ + "\u2581yacht", + -12.055129051208496 + ], + [ + "\u2581mezclado", + -12.2689847946167 + ], + [ + "\u2581vaca", + -12.124076843261719 + ], + [ + "\u2581magn\u00e9tica", + -12.230871200561523 + ], + [ + "\u2581orchestra", + -12.087550163269043 + ], + [ + "\u2581(1996)", + -12.706907272338867 + ], + [ + "\u2581folletos", + -12.187409400939941 + ], + [ + "\u2581Louise", + -12.724433898925781 + ], + [ + "\u2581hint", + -12.246060371398926 + ], + [ + "llie", + -12.404183387756348 + ], + [ + "\u2581convincente", + -12.12807559967041 + ], + [ + "\u2581profesora", + -12.106051445007324 + ], + [ + "\u2581ir\u00e1n", + -12.124475479125977 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00e9ramos", + -12.004009246826172 + ], + [ + "ovich", + -12.864720344543457 + ], + [ + "\u2581candidatura", + -12.120128631591797 + ], + [ + "\u2581Congolese", + -12.056619644165039 + ], + [ + "\u2581T\u00edo", + -11.994790077209473 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cliente", + -12.194289207458496 + ], + [ + "\u2581Anuncios", + -12.427539825439453 + ], + [ + "\u2581atmosf\u00e9rica", + -12.150121688842773 + ], + [ + "\u2581stabilization", + -12.05589485168457 + ], + [ + "todos", + -12.171699523925781 + ], + [ + "\u2581chase", + -12.211567878723145 + ], + [ + "\u2581comandos", + -12.241128921508789 + ], + [ + "\u2581gordo", + -11.989161491394043 + ], + [ + "\u2581massacre", + -12.077478408813477 + ], + [ + "\u2581riego", + -12.169093132019043 + ], + [ + "\u2581tubes", + -12.091828346252441 + ], + [ + "\u2581proceeded", + -12.093196868896484 + ], + [ + "nete", + -12.385404586791992 + ], + [ + "\u2581denegar", + -12.188772201538086 + ], + [ + "\u2581mobilizing", + -12.07474136352539 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hizo", + -12.09768295288086 + ], + [ + "\u2581realizing", + -12.093831062316895 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kr", + -11.94776725769043 + ], + [ + "\u2581airline", + -12.077796936035156 + ], + [ + "lai", + -12.187958717346191 + ], + [ + "\u2581Plenary", + -12.059011459350586 + ], + [ + "\u2581glucose", + -12.044293403625488 + ], + [ + "\u2581tolera", + -12.062326431274414 + ], + [ + "sac", + -12.646261215209961 + ], + [ + "sistan", + -12.164536476135254 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bis", + -12.21857738494873 + ], + [ + "\u2581autoriz\u00f3", + -12.178349494934082 + ], + [ + "\u2581evacuaci\u00f3n", + -12.14660930633545 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ofrecemos", + -12.190390586853027 + ], + [ + "\u2581participe", + -12.174033164978027 + ], + [ + "\u2581benefiting", + -12.053585052490234 + ], + [ + "\u2581contando", + -12.187687873840332 + ], + [ + "\u2581heir", + -12.161918640136719 + ], + [ + "\u2581ampliando", + -12.170002937316895 + ], + [ + "\u2581repairs", + -12.119138717651367 + ], + [ + "\u2581representaba", + -12.208723068237305 + ], + [ + "\u2581matrix", + -12.093147277832031 + ], + [ + "\u2581terminales", + -12.196589469909668 + ], + [ + "\u2581Neil", + -12.80782699584961 + ], + [ + "\u2581relocation", + -12.003068923950195 + ], + [ + "\u2581Resistencia", + -12.123945236206055 + ], + [ + "\u2581eternidad", + -12.122856140136719 + ], + [ + "\u2581flavour", + -12.016995429992676 + ], + [ + "\u2581escuch\u00e9", + -11.97923469543457 + ], + [ + "\u2581Newton", + -12.762283325195312 + ], + [ + "\u2581multinacionales", + -12.14820671081543 + ], + [ + ":8", + -12.295059204101562 + ], + [ + "\u2581catalizador", + -12.14301586151123 + ], + [ + "\u2581lonely", + -12.248303413391113 + ], + [ + "\u2581nasal", + -12.564038276672363 + ], + [ + "Alternativa", + -12.506641387939453 + ], + [ + "\u2581Zoe", + -12.794100761413574 + ], + [ + "\u2581cyber", + -12.029082298278809 + ], + [ + "\u2581instructor", + -12.703043937683105 + ], + [ + "\u2581perjudicial", + -12.17527961730957 + ], + [ + "iver", + -12.130057334899902 + ], + [ + "\u2581Salas", + -12.303520202636719 + ], + [ + "\u2581corral", + -12.154712677001953 + ], + [ + "present", + -12.289196968078613 + ], + [ + "\u2581distribuidos", + -12.294405937194824 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sold", + -12.185757637023926 + ], + [ + "\u2581exportar", + -12.177521705627441 + ], + [ + "\u2581specification", + -12.057455062866211 + ], + [ + ".23", + -12.15111255645752 + ], + [ + "\u2581Instrument", + -12.00741195678711 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sarajevo", + -12.674489974975586 + ], + [ + "\u2581unpaid", + -12.128618240356445 + ], + [ + "\u2581p\u00e1gs", + -12.19627857208252 + ], + [ + "\u2581shark", + -12.106964111328125 + ], + [ + "amide", + -12.13119888305664 + ], + [ + "\u2581restoring", + -12.041996955871582 + ], + [ + "\u2581traducciones", + -12.14482307434082 + ], + [ + "\u2581league", + -12.157331466674805 + ], + [ + "\u2581Recepci\u00f3n", + -12.21767807006836 + ], + [ + "\u2581actualizados", + -12.172588348388672 + ], + [ + "\u2581physics", + -12.146173477172852 + ], + [ + "elia", + -12.435162544250488 + ], + [ + "\u2581virgen", + -12.039714813232422 + ], + [ + "\u2581Scripture", + -12.009666442871094 + ], + [ + "\u2581trama", + -12.161242485046387 + ], + [ + "\u2581automated", + -12.093563079833984 + ], + [ + "\u2581Divorce", + -12.087505340576172 + ], + [ + "\u2581Supply", + -12.05046558380127 + ], + [ + "\u2581activation", + -12.081103324890137 + ], + [ + "\u2581manuscript", + -12.085901260375977 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kiev", + -12.805657386779785 + ], + [ + "\u2581soltero", + -12.081037521362305 + ], + [ + "charge", + -12.046830177307129 + ], + [ + "\u2581KNOW", + -12.196187019348145 + ], + [ + "\u2581pic", + -12.123339653015137 + ], + [ + "maker", + -12.11284065246582 + ], + [ + "\u2581asegur\u00f3", + -12.189217567443848 + ], + [ + "\u2581busque", + -12.112923622131348 + ], + [ + "\u2581nut", + -12.165140151977539 + ], + [ + "\u2581buceo", + -12.280411720275879 + ], + [ + "\u2581palestinas", + -12.190707206726074 + ], + [ + "\u2581intestino", + -12.143899917602539 + ], + [ + "\u2581Calm", + -12.227449417114258 + ], + [ + "\u2581letrada", + -12.187933921813965 + ], + [ + "\u25813,000", + -12.080252647399902 + ], + [ + "\u2581subordinate", + -12.035162925720215 + ], + [ + "\u2581campeonato", + -12.12633228302002 + ], + [ + "\u2581destructive", + -12.069208145141602 + ], + [ + "\u2581Adelanto", + -12.15101432800293 + ], + [ + "\u2581Carrera", + -12.520421028137207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cold", + -12.110203742980957 + ], + [ + "\u2581Inside", + -12.085142135620117 + ], + [ + "l\u00e9v", + -12.280343055725098 + ], + [ + "ACION", + -12.270041465759277 + ], + [ + "isha", + -12.766304016113281 + ], + [ + "\u2581anular", + -12.26974105834961 + ], + [ + "\u2581preguntado", + -12.086102485656738 + ], + [ + "\u2581monumental", + -12.802388191223145 + ], + [ + "\u2581reglamenta", + -12.190666198730469 + ], + [ + "elect", + -12.068436622619629 + ], + [ + "\u2581m\u00edos", + -12.196681022644043 + ], + [ + "lide", + -12.197726249694824 + ], + [ + "0.000", + -12.193833351135254 + ], + [ + "\u2581organizando", + -12.185032844543457 + ], + [ + "\u2581huella", + -12.072867393493652 + ], + [ + "dog", + -12.395997047424316 + ], + [ + "tent", + -11.860410690307617 + ], + [ + "\u2581bullshit", + -12.195054054260254 + ], + [ + "tieth", + -11.875718116760254 + ], + [ + "sist\u00ed", + -12.457160949707031 + ], + [ + "\u2581dise\u00f1adores", + -12.18912410736084 + ], + [ + "\u2581ideology", + -12.065274238586426 + ], + [ + "\u2581interferencia", + 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"\u2581m\u00e1rgenes", + -12.159978866577148 + ], + [ + "\u2581exceda", + -12.115196228027344 + ], + [ + "plant", + -12.153237342834473 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dom\u00e9stica", + -12.23377513885498 + ], + [ + "pli", + -12.395788192749023 + ], + [ + "through", + -12.053804397583008 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lauren", + -12.689289093017578 + ], + [ + "\u2581descolonizaci\u00f3n", + -12.177236557006836 + ], + [ + "\u2581Secure", + -12.143482208251953 + ], + [ + "velo", + -12.233144760131836 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pr", + -11.933089256286621 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lawrence", + -12.785886764526367 + ], + [ + "\u2581ejecutando", + -12.17688274383545 + ], + [ + "\u2581interven", + -12.0621976852417 + ], + [ + "\u00e9mico", + -12.956275939941406 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cambridge", + -12.709781646728516 + ], + [ + "\u2581viables", + -12.152271270751953 + ], + [ + "\u2581limpias", + -12.202214241027832 + ], + [ + "doro", + -12.102154731750488 + ], + [ + "\u2581shade", + -12.049922943115234 + ], + [ + "iology", + -12.277348518371582 + ], + [ + "\u2581redeployment", + -12.012630462646484 + ], + [ + "\u2581swallow", + -12.054056167602539 + ], + [ + "\u2581Migrant", + -12.020280838012695 + ], + [ + "\u2581Creation", + -12.062437057495117 + ], + [ + "\u2581booked", + -12.196955680847168 + ], + [ + "\u2581condemnation", + -12.026999473571777 + ], + [ + "\u2581Amnist\u00eda", + -12.164491653442383 + ], + [ + "\u2581p\u00e1nico", + -12.004494667053223 + ], + [ + "mean", + -12.36867904663086 + ], + [ + "\u2581enumeradas", + -12.138965606689453 + ], + [ + "\u2581Busque", + -12.145694732666016 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rin", + -12.117887496948242 + ], + [ + "\u2581insured", + -12.074995994567871 + ], + [ + "\u2581lt", + -12.309725761413574 + ], + [ + "\u2581extraordinarios", + -12.259269714355469 + ], + [ + "\u2581Brain", + -12.07484245300293 + ], + [ + "\u2581ocurriendo", + -12.103946685791016 + ], + [ + "\u2581Options", + -12.109329223632812 + ], + [ + "\u2581recrea", + -12.161576271057129 + ], + [ + "caci\u00f3n", + -12.259339332580566 + ], + [ + "ders", + -12.214221954345703 + ], + [ + "\u2581pledge", + -12.096365928649902 + ], + [ + "enburg", + -12.900375366210938 + ], + [ + "\u2581offerings", + -12.163268089294434 + ], + [ + "\u2581tonta", + -11.98177719116211 + ], + [ + "\u2581hPa", + -12.805448532104492 + ], + [ + "\u2581debut", + -12.190041542053223 + ], + [ + "\u2581INFORMATION", + -12.007308959960938 + ], + [ + "Necesitas", + -12.086822509765625 + ], + [ + "\u2581shipments", + -12.062512397766113 + ], + [ + "\u2581DECISI\u00d3N", + -12.209827423095703 + ], + [ + "\u2581Startups", + -12.832191467285156 + ], + [ + "\u2581jewelry", + -12.121053695678711 + ], + [ + "b\u00e1", + -12.227812767028809 + ], + [ + "\u2581Isa\u00edas", + -12.252629280090332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sad", + -12.199841499328613 + ], + [ + "\u2581atributos", + -12.193394660949707 + ], + [ + "\u2581enquiry", + -12.112709999084473 + ], + [ + "\u2581biotechnology", + -12.018500328063965 + ], + [ + "\u2581sabiendo", + -12.143062591552734 + ], + [ + "\u2581Especialmente", + -12.11184310913086 + ], + [ + "\u2581decorado", + -12.18145751953125 + ], + [ + "\u2581lens", + -12.075215339660645 + ], + [ + "\u2581pumps", + -12.084577560424805 + ], + [ + "\u2581consignado", + -12.180083274841309 + ], + [ + "\u2581Consenso", + -12.161782264709473 + ], + [ + "\u2581muriendo", + -12.004355430603027 + ], + [ + "\u2581apoyada", + -12.298944473266602 + ], + [ + "Ref", + -12.683697700500488 + ], + [ + "\u2581hallado", + -12.181324005126953 + ], + [ + "\u2581thr", + -12.48814868927002 + ], + [ + "number", + -12.080157279968262 + ], + [ + "loss", + -12.192131042480469 + ], + [ + "\u2581debris", + -12.04046630859375 + ], + [ + "\u2581presionar", + -12.137198448181152 + ], + [ + "\u2581strongest", + -12.078990936279297 + ], + [ + "8.8", + -12.872194290161133 + ], + [ + "\u2581Either", + -12.204937934875488 + ], + [ + "\u2581Perdona", + -11.935897827148438 + ], + [ + "\u2581graduates", + -12.112295150756836 + ], + [ + "\u2581inevitably", + -12.072365760803223 + ], + [ + "cesi\u00f3n", + -12.193056106567383 + ], + [ + "Just", + -12.144201278686523 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tren", + -12.18921184539795 + ], + [ + "9,00", + -12.687220573425293 + ], + [ + "Ci", + -12.039387702941895 + ], + [ + "i\u00e9n", + -12.254042625427246 + ], + [ + "\u2581diputado", + -12.169122695922852 + ], + [ + "\u2581Potencias", + -12.248353004455566 + ], + [ + "\u2581transportista", + -12.107370376586914 + ], + [ + "\u2581contrabando", + -12.117718696594238 + ], + [ + "\u2581Apostle", + -12.084895133972168 + ], + [ + "\u2581grita", + -11.958044052124023 + ], + [ + ".12.20", + -12.209349632263184 + ], + [ + "\u2581IMO", + -12.078080177307129 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hostelworld", + -12.69346809387207 + ], + [ + "\u2581ocasionado", + -12.196402549743652 + ], + [ + "\u2581perjudicar", + -12.234539031982422 + ], + [ + "\u2581tenders", + -12.138128280639648 + ], + [ + "agon", + -12.391501426696777 + ], + [ + "\u2581campesina", + -12.216476440429688 + ], + [ + "\u2581requeridos", + -12.255240440368652 + ], + [ + "tila", + -12.44714069366455 + ], + [ + "\u2581sinti\u00f3", + -12.171819686889648 + ], + [ + "\u2581cooperen", + -12.170695304870605 + ], + [ + "\u2581diagrama", + -12.219380378723145 + ], + [ + "\u2581hormone", + -12.108560562133789 + ], + [ + "tigo", + -12.456268310546875 + ], + [ + "\u2581coloring", + -12.10015869140625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Historical", + -12.069079399108887 + ], + [ + "\u2581memorable", + -12.711259841918945 + ], + [ + "\u2581emails", + -12.170930862426758 + ], + [ + "hip", + -12.46993350982666 + ], + [ + "\u2581graduated", + -12.09350872039795 + ], + [ + "\u2581carteles", + -12.223455429077148 + ], + [ + "\u2581Premier", + -12.587444305419922 + ], + [ + "\u2581IBM", + -12.826471328735352 + ], + [ + "\u2581courtyard", + -12.124418258666992 + ], + [ + "\u2581exija", + -12.183039665222168 + ], + [ + "\u2581digit", + -12.075139045715332 + ], + [ + "\u2581terap\u00e9utico", + -12.230871200561523 + ], + [ + "\u2581flip", + -12.18819808959961 + ], + [ + "ndico", + -12.508244514465332 + ], + [ + "\u25811994-1995", + -12.684650421142578 + ], + [ + "\u2581consolidating", + -12.026007652282715 + ], + [ + "\u2581hemorragia", + -12.117663383483887 + ], + [ + "\u2581Blair", + -12.809021949768066 + ], + [ + "\u2581medicinas", + -12.202261924743652 + ], + [ + "\u2581montado", + -12.166489601135254 + ], + [ + "\u2581ficci\u00f3n", + -12.205221176147461 + ], + [ + "Nuestro", + -12.070283889770508 + ], + [ + "\u2581acaso", + -12.072402000427246 + ], + [ + "\u2581acostumbrado", + -12.148154258728027 + ], + [ + "cr\u00ed", + -12.245123863220215 + ], + [ + "\u2581caucho", + -12.1431245803833 + ], + [ + "\u2581clever", + -12.233386039733887 + ], + [ + "eres", + -12.015410423278809 + ], + [ + "\u2581fino", + -12.039725303649902 + ], + [ + "\u2581lad", + -12.205530166625977 + ], + [ + "\u2581Congregaci\u00f3n", + -12.17374324798584 + ], + [ + "\u2581pr\u00f3jimo", + -12.206992149353027 + ], + [ + "\u2581resalta", + -12.175549507141113 + ], + [ + "\u2581Captura", + -12.215690612792969 + ], + [ + "\u2581vain", + -12.131088256835938 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vil", + -12.818178176879883 + ], + [ + "\u2581Salt", + -12.241727828979492 + ], + [ + "\u2581campe\u00f3n", + -12.084552764892578 + ], + [ + "\u2581atacado", + -12.159961700439453 + ], + [ + "\u2581conexo", + -12.150083541870117 + ], + [ + "\u2581seizure", + -12.076643943786621 + ], + [ + "\u2581Diploma", + -12.784219741821289 + ], + [ + "\u2581pedal", + -12.761981010437012 + ], + [ + "\u2581Consideramos", + -12.135371208190918 + ], + [ + "\u2581complemented", + -12.054547309875488 + ], + [ + "Necesita", + -12.107627868652344 + ], + [ + "\u2581Medina", + -12.706207275390625 + ], + [ + ".105/", + -12.703702926635742 + ], + [ + "\u2581reset", + -12.137794494628906 + ], + [ + "\u2581rooted", + -12.093962669372559 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fro", + -12.293986320495605 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nauru", + -12.67308235168457 + ], + [ + "lick", + -12.745471954345703 + ], + [ + "\u2581oriented", + -12.095600128173828 + ], + [ + "\u2581transplant", + -12.096217155456543 + ], + [ + "\u2581exceder", + -12.27871036529541 + ], + [ + "special", + -12.067092895507812 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jaime", + -12.82435131072998 + ], + [ + "\u2581enviar\u00e1", + -12.135736465454102 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00f3sea", + -12.169039726257324 + ], + [ + "\u2581hits", + -12.268988609313965 + ], + [ + "\u2581inestable", + -12.154592514038086 + ], + [ + "\u2581footnote", + -12.002166748046875 + ], + [ + "\u2581repent", + -12.097278594970703 + ], + [ + "\u2581trabajen", + -12.20473861694336 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fitz", + -13.120135307312012 + ], + [ + "\u2581soberano", + -12.181177139282227 + ], + [ + "storm", + -12.184065818786621 + ], + [ + "\u2581rabbit", + -12.187047958374023 + ], + [ + "\u2581pierden", + -12.175618171691895 + ], + [ + "rail", + -12.248764991760254 + ], + [ + "\u2581dismissal", + -12.021711349487305 + ], + [ + "\u2581Distribution", + -12.064507484436035 + ], + [ + "0.1", + -12.712981224060059 + ], + [ + "\u2581apetito", + -12.130729675292969 + ], + [ + "\u2581esp\u00eda", + -12.003414154052734 + ], + [ + "\u2581perturba", + -12.086679458618164 + ], + [ + "\u2581acercamiento", + -12.197490692138672 + ], + [ + "\u2581aduanera", + -12.147319793701172 + ], + [ + "\u2581theories", + -12.089394569396973 + ], + [ + "love", + -12.37343692779541 + ], + [ + "iser", + -12.476621627807617 + ], + [ + "quista", + -12.438720703125 + ], + [ + "\u2581atractivos", + -12.209254264831543 + ], + [ + "\u2581organizadores", + -12.220989227294922 + ], + [ + "\u2581convenidas", + -12.229948997497559 + ], + [ + "\u2581alturas", + -12.258339881896973 + ], + [ + "\u2581consagrado", + -12.167657852172852 + ], + [ + "\u2581convenientes", + -12.248001098632812 + ], + [ + "\u2581l\u00e1mparas", + -12.206463813781738 + ], + [ + "\u2581IED", + -12.21353530883789 + ], + [ + "\u2581breaches", + -12.01574420928955 + ], + [ + "\u2581formando", + -12.292987823486328 + ], + [ + "\u2581capacitar", + -12.301858901977539 + ], + [ + "\u2581geared", + -12.039716720581055 + ], + [ + "\u2581Recogida", + -12.27939510345459 + ], + [ + "\u2581confer", + -12.009490966796875 + ], + [ + "\u2581monstruos", + -12.213689804077148 + ], + [ + "\u2581mantenerlo", + -12.163443565368652 + ], + [ + "\u2581Apply", + -12.111832618713379 + ], + [ + "\u2581boring", + -12.184473991394043 + ], + [ + "\u2581conceder\u00e1", + -12.203740119934082 + ], + [ + "\u2581oportunamente", + -12.211135864257812 + ], + [ + "\u2581tronco", + -12.184648513793945 + ], + [ + "\u2581Funci\u00f3n", + -12.24093246459961 + ], + [ + "\u2581adquiere", + -12.194364547729492 + ], + [ + "\u2581playlist", + -12.118139266967773 + ], + [ + "\u2581domination", + -12.061700820922852 + ], + [ + "\u2581Piazza", + -12.61970043182373 + ], + [ + "\u2581cage", + -12.124370574951172 + ], + [ + "\u2581decolonization", + -12.062920570373535 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fisher", + -12.642163276672363 + ], + [ + "mala", + -12.48753833770752 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pale", + -12.952434539794922 + ], + [ + "\u2581port\u00e1tiles", + -12.163354873657227 + ], + [ + "\u2581efectuada", + -12.195610046386719 + ], + [ + "\u2581combatants", + -12.068357467651367 + ], + [ + "\u2581profitable", + -12.0220308303833 + ], + [ + "\u2581wardrobe", + -12.114357948303223 + ], + [ + "pole", + -12.795348167419434 + ], + [ + "\u2581pulling", + -12.169509887695312 + ], + [ + "\u2581Messiah", + -12.127653121948242 + ], + [ + "\u25819)", + -12.615303039550781 + ], + [ + "\u2581fancy", + -12.194305419921875 + ], + [ + "\u2581extra\u00f1os", + -12.154587745666504 + ], + [ + "\u2581anula", + -12.120973587036133 + ], + [ + "\u2581sweetheart", + -12.22409439086914 + ], + [ + "cry", + -12.549554824829102 + ], + [ + "empl", + -12.810126304626465 + ], + [ + "\u2581rectangular", + -12.836604118347168 + ], + [ + "\u2581swelling", + -12.058855056762695 + ], + [ + "\u2581struggling", + -12.079508781433105 + ], + [ + "\u2581viewpoint", + -12.103878021240234 + ], + [ + "\u2581Terre", + -12.813666343688965 + ], + [ + "\u2581incapaz", + -12.146561622619629 + ], + [ + "\u2581Enforcement", + -12.055949211120605 + ], + [ + "\u2581duraderas", + -12.240129470825195 + ], + [ + "ORD", + -12.480387687683105 + ], + [ + "unt", + -12.200323104858398 + ], + [ + "\u2581bang", + -12.260141372680664 + ], + [ + "V\u00e9ase", + -12.175050735473633 + ], + [ + "\u2581Eucharist", + -12.134079933166504 + ], + [ + "\u2581blanket", + -12.112394332885742 + ], + [ + "\u2581finest", + -12.161931991577148 + ], + [ + "\u2581pesta\u00f1a", + -12.159078598022461 + ], + [ + "fertili", + -12.250120162963867 + ], + [ + "\u2581slice", + -12.16742992401123 + ], + [ + "\u2581Craig", + -12.821619033813477 + ], + [ + "\u2581Germans", + -12.39951229095459 + ], + [ + "\u2581sheriff", + -12.73239517211914 + ], + [ + "\u2581Templo", + -12.223808288574219 + ], + [ + "\u2581pilla", + -12.104696273803711 + ], + [ + "bund", + -12.944947242736816 + ], + [ + "\u2581Apenas", + -12.004352569580078 + ], + [ + "\u2581celdas", + -12.221165657043457 + ], + [ + "nera", + -11.969583511352539 + ], + [ + "\u2581Coalici\u00f3n", + -12.198533058166504 + ], + [ + "\u2581coupled", + -12.085055351257324 + ], + [ + "\u2581responsive", + -12.069548606872559 + ], + [ + "\u2581universitario", + -12.179274559020996 + ], + [ + "\u2581licensed", + -12.133094787597656 + ], + [ + "\u2581seriousness", + -12.017862319946289 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00e1cidos", + -12.220759391784668 + ], + [ + "\u2581Andr\u00e9", + -12.711394309997559 + ], + [ + "\u2581Coordinating", + -12.102075576782227 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rambla", + -12.754151344299316 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sally", + -12.811644554138184 + ], + [ + "\u2581ESPECIAL", + -12.260248184204102 + ], + [ + "\u2581mensajero", + -12.174386024475098 + ], + [ + "\u2581diplomacia", + -12.124652862548828 + ], + [ + "\u2581mold", + -12.072478294372559 + ], + [ + "\u2581nerviosa", + -12.06143569946289 + ], + [ + "kers", + -12.324869155883789 + ], + [ + "\u2581teclas", + -12.258740425109863 + ], + [ + "bolivia", + -12.781683921813965 + ], + [ + "\u2581multidisciplina", + -12.303132057189941 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vit", + -12.288100242614746 + ], + [ + "\u2581perfora", + -12.119911193847656 + ], + [ + "\u2581simplify", + -12.070780754089355 + ], + [ + "\u2581introductor", + -12.03510856628418 + ], + [ + "\u2581mutilation", + -12.019235610961914 + ], + [ + "\u2581sec", + -12.174578666687012 + ], + [ + "\u2581banner", + -12.178455352783203 + ], + [ + "owner", + -12.063232421875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aquellos", + -12.221446990966797 + ], + [ + "\u2581Yacht", + -12.621110916137695 + ], + [ + "\u2581almacena", + -12.147407531738281 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tabago", + -11.962096214294434 + ], + [ + "oil", + -11.99277114868164 + ], + [ + "\u2581shelters", + -12.124293327331543 + ], + [ + "\u25819:", + -12.048238754272461 + ], + [ + "esen", + -12.08403491973877 + ], + [ + "\u2581expresan", + -12.171343803405762 + ], + [ + "arlo", + -12.059703826904297 + ], + [ + "\u2581Materiales", + -12.208005905151367 + ], + [ + "\u2581aunt", + -12.259095191955566 + ], + [ + "\u2581Truck", + -12.060112953186035 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alzheimer", + -12.760385513305664 + ], + [ + "\u2581reducen", + -12.241540908813477 + ], + [ + "\u2581teor\u00edas", + -12.225147247314453 + ], + [ + "\u2581urbanization", + -12.088300704956055 + ], + [ + "\u2581bucks", + -12.272189140319824 + ], + [ + "\u2581defects", + -12.064635276794434 + ], + [ + "\u2581ruined", + -12.215646743774414 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vancouver", + -12.741679191589355 + ], + [ + "\u2581interval", + -12.113268852233887 + ], + [ + "\u2581owed", + -12.045276641845703 + ], + [ + "\u2581Simply", + -12.086703300476074 + ], + [ + "\u2581Berna", + -12.20301628112793 + ], + [ + "\u2581S\u00edrvase", + -12.19107437133789 + ], + [ + "\u2581depositado", + -12.207963943481445 + ], + [ + "Casa", + -12.520448684692383 + ], + [ + "Chile", + -12.728034019470215 + ], + [ + "Serv", + -12.77515983581543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jung", + -12.733505249023438 + ], + [ + "\u2581r\u00e1pidas", + -12.291760444641113 + ], + [ + "ummy", + -12.325818061828613 + ], + [ + "\u2581correa", + -12.20568561553955 + ], + [ + "\u2581perlas", + -12.214303970336914 + ], + [ + "\u2581mandamiento", + -12.152889251708984 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lamb", + -12.220796585083008 + ], + [ + "\u2581formerly", + -12.107418060302734 + ], + [ + "\u2581reafirmar", + -12.254387855529785 + ], + [ + "\u2581trash", + -12.215730667114258 + ], + [ + "zzi", + -12.445462226867676 + ], + [ + "i\u00e9ndole", + -12.238788604736328 + ], + [ + "amine", + -12.200554847717285 + ], + [ + "\u2581precautions", + -12.084123611450195 + ], + [ + "\u2581regulador", + -12.191608428955078 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lower", + -12.106379508972168 + ], + [ + "ind", + -12.124887466430664 + ], + [ + "propia", + -12.264892578125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Accounts", + -12.127303123474121 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nation", + -12.05163288116455 + ], + [ + "\u2581Firma", + -12.186219215393066 + ], + [ + "\u2581CCI", + -12.15505313873291 + ], + [ + "\u2581FSLN", + -12.657309532165527 + ], + [ + "\u2581powered", + -12.147356986999512 + ], + [ + "\u2581sacrifices", + -12.118473052978516 + ], + [ + "\u2581jungle", + -12.11024284362793 + ], + [ + "\u2581secta", + -12.20749568939209 + ], + [ + "\u2581devuelve", + -12.2106351852417 + ], + [ + "\u2581inscritos", + -12.224163055419922 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mons", + -12.27854061126709 + ], + [ + "eado", + -11.929230690002441 + ], + [ + "\u2581arteria", + -12.21208667755127 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aventura", + -12.232809066772461 + ], + [ + "\u2581Claudia", + -12.82778549194336 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reglamentaci\u00f3n", + -12.215532302856445 + ], + [ + "\u2581Salmo", + -12.34381103515625 + ], + [ + "\u2581acompa\u00f1amiento", + -12.182928085327148 + ], + [ + "\u2581contacted", + -12.14009952545166 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sister", + -12.17502212524414 + ], + [ + "\u2581Recommended", + -12.09311294555664 + ], + [ + "\u2581developers", + -12.078638076782227 + ], + [ + "\u2581confisca", + -12.171196937561035 + ], + [ + "century", + -12.100908279418945 + ], + [ + "lados", + -11.990302085876465 + ], + [ + "glu", + -12.253935813903809 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dag", + -12.719316482543945 + ], + [ + "\u2581rebellion", + -12.138566970825195 + ], + [ + "lier", + -12.212150573730469 + ], + [ + "posed", + -12.290451049804688 + ], + [ + "\u2581standardized", + -12.089192390441895 + ], + [ + "\u2581transboundary", + -12.014020919799805 + ], + [ + "\u2581Humano", + -12.178714752197266 + ], + [ + "\u2581dirigen", + -12.126447677612305 + ], + [ + "\u2581severity", + -12.094758033752441 + ], + [ + "\u2581convirti\u00e9ndolo", + -12.215522766113281 + ], + [ + "\u2581Todd", + -12.851078033447266 + ], + [ + "7]", + -12.647845268249512 + ], + [ + "\u2581garantizar\u00e1", + -12.084148406982422 + ], + [ + "\u2581visualizaci\u00f3n", + -12.273839950561523 + ], + [ + "\u2581gafas", + -12.131592750549316 + ], + [ + "\u2581colegios", + -12.24959945678711 + ], + [ + "\u2581orillas", + -12.214144706726074 + ], + [ + "\u2581pronounced", + -12.070469856262207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tau", + -12.685042381286621 + ], + [ + "\u2581siembra", + -12.20511245727539 + ], + [ + "\u2581sustanciales", + -12.22707462310791 + ], + [ + "\u2581weigh", + -12.084043502807617 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wash", + -12.172408103942871 + ], + [ + "\u2581apoye", + -12.187755584716797 + ], + [ + "\u2581gorgeous", + -12.212186813354492 + ], + [ + "\u2581entitlement", + -12.07989501953125 + ], + [ + "used", + -11.986339569091797 + ], + [ + "\u2581grades", + -12.146061897277832 + ], + [ + "\u2581skate", + -12.500566482543945 + ], + [ + "\u2581balas", + -12.111974716186523 + ], + [ + "\u2581MINURSO", + -12.67556381225586 + ], + [ + "\u2581dramatically", + -12.094019889831543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Premios", + -12.359419822692871 + ], + [ + "tax", + -12.443572044372559 + ], + [ + "\u2581proletariado", + -12.18121337890625 + ], + [ + "\u2581sailing", + -12.123560905456543 + ], + [ + "\u2581encarna", + -12.250299453735352 + ], + [ + "\u2581Solidaridad", + -12.166302680969238 + ], + [ + "\u2581promulgar", + -12.195053100585938 + ], + [ + "come", + -12.10534381866455 + ], + [ + "\u2581Accession", + -12.051746368408203 + ], + [ + "\u2581financiadas", + -12.193814277648926 + ], + [ + "\u2581Advocate", + -12.026007652282715 + ], + [ + "\u2581pintar", + -12.1572847366333 + ], + [ + "\u25811941", + -12.88650894165039 + ], + [ + "\u2581alarmante", + -12.131943702697754 + ], + [ + "\u2581AMISOM", + -12.868284225463867 + ], + [ + "\u2581envelope", + -12.11658000946045 + ], + [ + "\u2581paradigm", + -12.064494132995605 + ], + [ + "prime", + -12.100022315979004 + ], + [ + "\u2581fishermen", + -12.086703300476074 + ], + [ + "lm", + -11.90815258026123 + ], + [ + "\u2581seleccionadas", + -12.267304420471191 + ], + [ + "\u2581discuti", + -12.111015319824219 + ], + [ + "\u2581puestas", + -12.260077476501465 + ], + [ + "cabeza", + -12.149700164794922 + ], + [ + "block", + -12.325075149536133 + ], + [ + "\u2581sustituido", + -12.187376976013184 + ], + [ + ".3)", + -12.151124954223633 + ], + [ + "\u2581combinations", + -12.206212997436523 + ], + [ + "\u2581photographer", + -12.09684944152832 + ], + [ + "dhe", + -12.680680274963379 + ], + [ + "\u2581Caso", + -12.217254638671875 + ], + [ + "ist\u00e1n", + -12.900276184082031 + ], + [ + "\u2581banca", + -12.179624557495117 + ], + [ + "\u2581tech", + -12.071012496948242 + ], + [ + "ltimo", + -12.283953666687012 + ], + [ + "M\u00e9xico", + -12.17689323425293 + ], + [ + "\u2581sovi\u00e9tico", + -12.206048965454102 + ], + [ + "\u2581dato", + -12.166118621826172 + ], + [ + "\u2581($2", + -12.169309616088867 + ], + [ + "\u2581incompatibles", + -12.243053436279297 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ala", + -12.168108940124512 + ], + [ + "\u2581pureza", + -12.218416213989258 + ], + [ + "\u2581Carga", + -12.248929023742676 + ], + [ + "ece", + -11.976664543151855 + ], + [ + "\u2581associates", + -12.151671409606934 + ], + [ + "\u2581aislados", + -12.164655685424805 + ], + [ + "\u2581Da\u00f1o", + -12.157820701599121 + ], + [ + "\u2581puppet", + -12.133509635925293 + ], + [ + "ijk", + -12.78066635131836 + ], + [ + "\u2581automobile", + -12.081108093261719 + ], + [ + "\u2581Apparently", + -12.256824493408203 + ], + [ + "\u2581comparativo", + -12.170083045959473 + ], + [ + "\u2581elementary", + -12.098405838012695 + ], + [ + "served", + -12.185498237609863 + ], + [ + "\u2581melt", + -12.139286994934082 + ], + [ + "\u2581trabajadora", + -12.143645286560059 + ], + [ + "\u2581Crueles", + -12.1726655960083 + ], + [ + "\u2581mock", + -12.182049751281738 + ], + [ + "\u2581stance", + -12.10468864440918 + ], + [ + "\u2581tecla", + -12.29132080078125 + ], + [ + "\u2581ibas", + -12.028810501098633 + ], + [ + "\u2581petroleum", + -12.090869903564453 + ], + [ + "\u2581Eran", + -12.156277656555176 + ], + [ + "\u2581Spec", + -12.285362243652344 + ], + [ + "\u2581imperialismo", + -12.254403114318848 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dakota", + -12.792363166809082 + ], + [ + "\u2581civilizations", + -12.079388618469238 + ], + [ + "\u2581remesas", + -12.204168319702148 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vanuatu", + -12.655891418457031 + ], + [ + "\u2581Practices", + -12.045978546142578 + ], + [ + "\u2581companion", + -12.131085395812988 + ], + [ + "\u2581managerial", + -12.078021049499512 + ], + [ + "\u2581Simple", + -12.168095588684082 + ], + [ + "\u2581costado", + -12.09139633178711 + ], + [ + "\u2581escribiendo", + -12.077420234680176 + ], + [ + "\u2581liquidity", + -11.997400283813477 + ], + [ + "\u2581colocarlo", + -12.19482135772705 + ], + [ + "\u2581planetas", + -12.287593841552734 + ], + [ + "main", + -12.2405366897583 + ], + [ + "\u2581republic", + -12.080150604248047 + ], + [ + "\u258166.", + -12.162969589233398 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nursing", + -12.01400089263916 + ], + [ + "\u2581acordados", + -12.261649131774902 + ], + [ + "\u2581gr\u00e1ficas", + -12.255825996398926 + ], + [ + "toxic", + -12.209846496582031 + ], + [ + "\u2581lejano", + -12.12212085723877 + ], + [ + "(6)", + -12.101466178894043 + ], + [ + "a\u00f1os", + -12.34586238861084 + ], + [ + "\u2581comic", + -12.212298393249512 + ], + [ + "\u2581commenced", + -12.077617645263672 + ], + [ + "\u2581Deep", + -12.136363983154297 + ], + [ + "\u2581frenar", + -12.179119110107422 + ], + [ + "\u2581GNU", + -12.773294448852539 + ], + [ + "\u2581obligadas", + -12.201837539672852 + ], + [ + "\u2581s\u00e1", + -12.04959487915039 + ], + [ + "\u2581poultry", + -12.020733833312988 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sao", + -12.147064208984375 + ], + [ + "strate", + -12.587182998657227 + ], + [ + "\u2581examinen", + -12.210104942321777 + ], + [ + "\u2581polo", + -12.252199172973633 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00e1rbitro", + -12.169933319091797 + ], + [ + "\u2581parlamentarias", + -12.219274520874023 + ], + [ + "\u2581vota", + -12.086712837219238 + ], + [ + "\u2581Roque", + -12.879777908325195 + ], + [ + "\u2581aburrido", + -12.034868240356445 + ], + [ + "\u2581plaga", + -12.231966972351074 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ricky", + -12.698533058166504 + ], + [ + "\u2581folla", + -12.169173240661621 + ], + [ + "ASS", + -12.436823844909668 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wake", + -12.254980087280273 + ], + [ + "u\u00f1a", + -12.299131393432617 + ], + [ + "\u2581contundente", + -12.169933319091797 + ], + [ + "blast", + -12.730701446533203 + ], + [ + "cient", + -12.209695816040039 + ], + [ + "\u2581demandado", + -12.226263999938965 + ], + [ + "\u2581bridges", + -12.175917625427246 + ], + [ + "cabe", + -12.236396789550781 + ], + [ + "\u258111:00", + -12.738798141479492 + ], + [ + "\u2581m\u00fasicos", + -12.20712947845459 + ], + [ + "JO", + -12.186995506286621 + ], + [ + "\u2581calculating", + -12.052787780761719 + ], + [ + "\u2581proves", + -12.19950008392334 + ], + [ + "llera", + -12.706119537353516 + ], + [ + "\u2581rocket", + -12.13663387298584 + ], + [ + "\u2581consignaciones", + -12.180379867553711 + ], + [ + "\u2581Coca", + -12.787315368652344 + ], + [ + "\u2581commencement", + -12.058320999145508 + ], + [ + "\u2581harmonised", + -12.075126647949219 + ], + [ + "\u2581espa\u00f1olas", + -12.255681991577148 + ], + [ + "\u2581rebeli\u00f3n", + -12.209827423095703 + ], + [ + "\u2581inclu\u00edan", + -12.237971305847168 + ], + [ + "maron", + -12.525398254394531 + ], + [ + "\u2581uranio", + -12.257318496704102 + ], + [ + "\u2581lectures", + -12.132759094238281 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mes\u00edas", + -12.214608192443848 + ], + [ + "\u2581Refugee", + -12.0654296875 + ], + [ + "\u2581despedido", + -12.112502098083496 + ], + [ + "\u2581prendas", + -12.251580238342285 + ], + [ + "uster", + -12.342495918273926 + ], + [ + "\u2581pecadores", + -12.19913101196289 + ], + [ + "\u2581rats", + -12.14437198638916 + ], + [ + "DG", + -12.218976020812988 + ], + [ + "\u2581glucosa", + -12.17632007598877 + ], + [ + "\u2581modernization", + -12.079791069030762 + ], + [ + "\u2581reorganizaci\u00f3n", + -12.201495170593262 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sofia", + -12.459627151489258 + ], + [ + "\u2581Walk", + -12.141850471496582 + ], + [ + "\u2581enjuiciar", + -12.288056373596191 + ], + [ + "\u2581pare", + -12.037323951721191 + ], + [ + "\u2581expedir", + -12.222236633300781 + ], + [ + "\u2581hated", + -12.176901817321777 + ], + [ + "\u2581Robinson", + -12.813782691955566 + ], + [ + "iary", + -12.238005638122559 + ], + [ + "\u2581generada", + -12.261852264404297 + ], + [ + "\u2581Beneficios", + -12.246458053588867 + ], + [ + "\u2581piscinas", + -12.320363998413086 + ], + [ + "\u2581semanales", + -12.216238021850586 + ], + [ + "\u2581scream", + -12.220999717712402 + ], + [ + "\u2581Romanian", + -12.07480525970459 + ], + [ + "\u2581patas", + -12.144221305847168 + ], + [ + "\u2581underlines", + -12.04703140258789 + ], + [ + "\u2581Links", + -12.08218002319336 + ], + [ + "\u2581incrementado", + -12.1819429397583 + ], + [ + "easing", + -12.190216064453125 + ], + [ + "\u2581protec", + -12.25257682800293 + ], + [ + "\u2581attaches", + -12.080159187316895 + ], + [ + "\u2581GRA", + -12.684775352478027 + ], + [ + "\u2581Consejero", + -12.188291549682617 + ], + [ + "cke", + -11.94153881072998 + ], + [ + "processing", + -12.033965110778809 + ], + [ + "\u2581reivindica", + -12.222667694091797 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bulgarian", + -12.129670143127441 + ], + [ + "\u2581Teacher", + -12.182951927185059 + ], + [ + "ility", + -12.540023803710938 + ], + [ + "\u2581cat\u00e1strofes", + -12.198556900024414 + ], + [ + "\u2581c\u00f3", + -12.361932754516602 + ], + [ + "MINU", + -12.45064640045166 + ], + [ + "\u2581devoto", + -12.209535598754883 + ], + [ + "\u2581rigid", + -12.074663162231445 + ], + [ + "ICT", + -12.375436782836914 + ], + [ + "\u2581clay", + -12.098174095153809 + ], + [ + "icle", + -12.294442176818848 + ], + [ + "\u2581Darwin", + -12.732512474060059 + ], + [ + "\u2581jura", + -12.1119966506958 + ], + [ + "\u2581cancela", + -12.086288452148438 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tener", + -12.195038795471191 + ], + [ + "ordination", + -12.116922378540039 + ], + [ + "\u2581accessing", + -12.154192924499512 + ], + [ + "ituated", + -12.133373260498047 + ], + [ + "\u2581occasionally", + -12.140121459960938 + ], + [ + "guer", + -12.650172233581543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Confirmar", + -12.265732765197754 + ], + [ + "\u2581Speaking", + -12.188369750976562 + ], + [ + "\u2581Improvement", + -12.092702865600586 + ], + [ + "Hasta", + -12.112985610961914 + ], + [ + "\u2581esboza", + -12.263787269592285 + ], + [ + "\u00c1N", + -12.245786666870117 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rubi", + -12.852028846740723 + ], + [ + "\u2581convencida", + -12.146567344665527 + ], + [ + "\u2581harmonize", + -12.053954124450684 + ], + [ + "\u201d;", + -12.160327911376953 + ], + [ + "\u25811200", + -12.74238395690918 + ], + [ + "\u2581boletos", + -12.196890830993652 + ], + [ + "\u2581ONUSIDA", + -12.223433494567871 + ], + [ + "\u2581acercarse", + -12.142398834228516 + ], + [ + "\u2581dairy", + -12.147904396057129 + ], + [ + "\u2581sustituir\u00e1", + -12.226280212402344 + ], + [ + "\u2581agotamiento", + -12.210776329040527 + ], + [ + "\u2581fracci\u00f3n", + -12.216754913330078 + ], + [ + "\u2581Residencia", + -12.19572925567627 + ], + [ + "\u2581comunicada", + -12.24306583404541 + ], + [ + "\u2581coronel", + -12.03408432006836 + ], + [ + "\u2581comunique", + -12.251903533935547 + ], + [ + "\u2581enfrentamiento", + -12.227170944213867 + ], + [ + "raf", + -12.521556854248047 + ], + [ + "\u2581seremos", + -12.20956802368164 + ], + [ + "works", + -12.126392364501953 + ], + [ + "\u2581Testigos", + -12.132523536682129 + ], + [ + "\u2581terminated", + -12.083884239196777 + ], + [ + "\u2581barba", + -12.083599090576172 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cohesion", + -12.069207191467285 + ], + [ + "\u2581ejerci", + -12.240751266479492 + ], + [ + "\u2581veinti", + -12.585698127746582 + ], + [ + "\u2581agrupar", + -12.245224952697754 + ], + [ + "\u2581caiga", + -12.089893341064453 + ], + [ + "approval", + -12.073417663574219 + ], + [ + "\u2581midnight", + 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-12.220308303833008 + ], + [ + "\u2581necesiten", + -12.16683292388916 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cle", + -12.43137264251709 + ], + [ + "\u2581prayed", + -12.157690048217773 + ], + [ + "\u017e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581promotional", + -12.090989112854004 + ], + [ + "\u2581banana", + -12.364154815673828 + ], + [ + "\u2581twelfth", + -12.066844940185547 + ], + [ + "\u2581sup", + -12.141366958618164 + ], + [ + "mund", + -12.32046890258789 + ], + [ + "\u2581haberme", + -12.003994941711426 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wide", + -12.193527221679688 + ], + [ + "\u2581LIFE", + -12.630719184875488 + ], + [ + "\u2581asesorar", + -12.301556587219238 + ], + [ + "\u2581harmonious", + -12.112709999084473 + ], + [ + "\u2581wool", + -12.15737533569336 + ], + [ + "\u2581Conclusi\u00f3n", + -12.187568664550781 + ], + [ + "ease", + -12.19042682647705 + ], + [ + "\u2581pseudo", + -12.944754600524902 + ], + [ + "\u25811942", + -12.93252944946289 + ], + [ + "\u2581contamos", + -12.197558403015137 + ], + [ + "\u2581ocupaba", + -12.459856033325195 + ], + [ + "\u2581Blake", + -12.801301002502441 + ], + [ + "\u2581Georgian", + -12.094281196594238 + ], + [ + "\u2581Season", + -12.107501983642578 + ], + [ + "three", + -12.083168029785156 + ], + [ + "\u2581caracter\u00edstico", + -12.16641616821289 + ], + [ + "\u2581matarlo", + -12.03770637512207 + ], + [ + "ats", + -12.219427108764648 + ], + [ + "Servicio", + -12.229891777038574 + ], + [ + "\u2581recesi\u00f3n", + -12.2139892578125 + ], + [ + "\u2581merchant", + -12.17909049987793 + ], + [ + "\u2581empezamos", + -12.094624519348145 + ], + [ + "\u2581enmendar", + -12.18570613861084 + ], + [ + "\u2581requerimientos", + -12.193071365356445 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pap", + -12.329787254333496 + ], + [ + "\u2581A\u00e9rea", + -12.269303321838379 + ], + [ + "\u2581mounting", + -12.10830020904541 + ], + [ + "\u2581Odio", + -12.011713981628418 + ], + [ + "\u2581irrigation", + -12.071575164794922 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sid", + -12.175333976745605 + ], + [ + "\u2581compacto", + -12.230167388916016 + ], + [ + "\u2581Baal", + -12.845495223999023 + ], + [ + "\u2581omission", + -12.087638854980469 + ], + [ + "runner", + -12.234123229980469 + ], + [ + "mura", + -12.49864387512207 + ], + [ + "tiv", + -12.486937522888184 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hostales", + -12.38405990600586 + ], + [ + "\u2581abused", + -12.136034965515137 + ], + [ + "\u2581Insert", + -12.114557266235352 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fol", + -12.76619815826416 + ], + [ + "\u2581admisible", + -12.194304466247559 + ], + [ + "\u2581estupendo", + -12.053313255310059 + ], + [ + "driven", + -12.055574417114258 + ], + [ + "\u2581acostar", + -11.978568077087402 + ], + [ + "\u2581promulgado", + -12.253043174743652 + ], + [ + "\u2581observing", + -12.093949317932129 + ], + [ + "\u2581despues", + -12.075411796569824 + ], + [ + "logist", + -12.247312545776367 + ], + [ + "\u2581Exc", + -12.182265281677246 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pluma", + -12.174493789672852 + ], + [ + "\u2581evoca", + -12.190107345581055 + ], + [ + "\u2581ignorance", + -12.0826997756958 + ], + [ + "\u2581encabezado", + -12.196884155273438 + ], + [ + "\u2581triunfa", + -12.146564483642578 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hilton", + -12.820930480957031 + ], + [ + "\u2581Warren", + -12.774992942810059 + ], + [ + "\u2581aprobara", + -12.306849479675293 + ], + [ + "\u2581pity", + -12.200620651245117 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tea", + -12.113587379455566 + ], + [ + "\u2581Marte", + -12.172856330871582 + ], + [ + "\u2581alcoholic", + -12.106825828552246 + ], + [ + "\u2581addiction", + -12.083820343017578 + ], + [ + "\u2581pirater\u00eda", + -12.285502433776855 + ], + [ + "\u2581Organizational", + -12.082724571228027 + ], + [ + "\u2581financially", + -12.169584274291992 + ], + [ + "\u2581Saca", + -12.116777420043945 + ], + [ + "\u2581deviation", + -12.026764869689941 + ], + [ + "recht", + -12.997032165527344 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mucha", + -12.093679428100586 + ], + [ + "\u2581exchanged", + -12.118721961975098 + ], + [ + "\u2581Option", + -12.065457344055176 + ], + [ + "\u2581concertados", + -12.19305419921875 + ], + [ + "\u25811917", + -12.806020736694336 + ], + [ + "\u2581quedar\u00eda", + -12.192588806152344 + ], + [ + "cycle", + -12.101300239562988 + ], + [ + "\u2581contradiction", + -12.10533332824707 + ], + [ + "\u2581handsome", + -12.230547904968262 + ], + [ + "\u2581unclear", + -12.1279296875 + ], + [ + "\u2581tariffs", + -12.128454208374023 + ], + [ + "\u2581Eiffel", + -12.823719024658203 + ], + [ + "\u2581fold", + -12.12857723236084 + ], + [ + "r\u00e1ndose", + -12.429923057556152 + ], + [ + "\u2581penitenciarios", + -12.294699668884277 + ], + [ + "\u2581Boss", + -12.212333679199219 + ], + [ + "\u2581Said", + -12.238798141479492 + ], + [ + "\u2581bundles", + -12.116548538208008 + ], + [ + "cana", + -12.361536979675293 + ], + [ + "\u2581hero\u00edna", + -12.192934036254883 + ], + [ + "\u2581bureau", + -12.058127403259277 + ], + [ + "\u2581template", + -12.099454879760742 + ], + [ + "\u2581notwithstanding", + -12.07474136352539 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cannes", + -12.876416206359863 + ], + [ + "\u2581Graphic", + -12.102095603942871 + ], + [ + "\u2581iniciaci\u00f3n", + -12.149338722229004 + ], + [ + "\u2581programado", + -12.129549980163574 + ], + [ + "\u2581cleansing", + -12.087692260742188 + ], + [ + "\u2581mediterr\u00e1nea", + -12.169024467468262 + ], + [ + "ptico", + -12.261077880859375 + ], + [ + "icultura", + -12.333976745605469 + ], + [ + "\u2581Perfecto", + -12.019887924194336 + ], + [ + "\u2581PIARC", + -12.854366302490234 + ], + [ + "\u2581tom\u00e9", + -12.021553993225098 + ], + [ + "producto", + -12.244138717651367 + ], + [ + "\u2581logre", + -12.221731185913086 + ], + [ + "\u2581plurianual", + -12.255267143249512 + ], + [ + "\u2581PHP", + -12.762243270874023 + ], + [ + "MOS", + -12.246793746948242 + ], + [ + "\u2581Baghdad", + -12.11024284362793 + ], + [ + "\u2581Escriba", + -12.28653335571289 + ], + [ + "\u2581Senador", + -12.269024848937988 + ], + [ + "\u2581actuado", + -12.233121871948242 + ], + [ + "\u2581violento", + -12.127778053283691 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sahel", + -12.779522895812988 + ], + [ + "\u2581chapa", + -12.256087303161621 + ], + [ + "\u2581declares", + -12.107366561889648 + ], + [ + "rese", + -12.121356964111328 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tableau", + -12.656248092651367 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fabricante", + -12.23799991607666 + ], + [ + "\u2581racistas", + -12.263055801391602 + ], + [ + "\u2581durmiendo", + -12.030112266540527 + ], + [ + "\u2581SPECIAL", + -12.059981346130371 + ], + [ + "\u2581plaguicidas", + -12.190145492553711 + ], + [ + "otras", + -12.16448974609375 + ], + [ + "\u2581sientan", + -12.181382179260254 + ], + [ + "\u2581terminate", + -12.065780639648438 + ], + [ + "\u2581Flight", + -12.111737251281738 + ], + [ + "\u2581Generally", + -12.135231971740723 + ], + [ + "\u2581carencia", + -12.178531646728516 + ], + [ + "\u2581existiendo", + -12.192934036254883 + ], + [ + "\u2581coordinators", + -12.119311332702637 + ], + [ + "\u2581centran", + -12.228012084960938 + ], + [ + "\u2581duros", + -12.29227066040039 + ], + [ + "\u2581supo", + -12.180597305297852 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alimentaria", + -12.24351692199707 + ], + [ + "\u2581embarcaciones", + -12.200407028198242 + ], + [ + "\u2581Phase", + -12.128541946411133 + ], + [ + "\u2581ligado", + -12.187090873718262 + ], + [ + "ester", + -12.23425579071045 + ], + [ + "\u2581courtesy", + -12.071578025817871 + ], + [ + "\u2581Concept", + -12.198503494262695 + ], + [ + "\u2581dominar", + -12.202312469482422 + ], + [ + "\u2581Equatorial", + -12.06057357788086 + ], + [ + "\u2581cre\u00edble", + -12.193267822265625 + ], + [ + "industrializados", + -12.204814910888672 + ], + [ + "\u2581intentarlo", + -11.998076438903809 + ], + [ + "\u2581pandemic", + -12.064488410949707 + ], + [ + "\u2581aparecer\u00e1", + -12.301652908325195 + ], + [ + "\u2581manifested", + -12.124470710754395 + ], + [ + "\u2581activist", + -12.063106536865234 + ], + [ + "\u2581circuitos", + -12.234991073608398 + ], + [ + "\u2581decreasing", + -12.084299087524414 + ], + [ + "\u2581earthly", + -12.124570846557617 + ], + [ + "\u2581stressing", + -12.126774787902832 + ], + [ + "\u2581Thirdly", + -12.104822158813477 + ], + [ + "\u2581instinct", + -12.194161415100098 + ], + [ + "\u2581scattered", + -12.143498420715332 + ], + [ + "spire", + -12.646958351135254 + ], + [ + "\u2581malnutrici\u00f3n", + -12.205105781555176 + ], + [ + "ength", + -12.123922348022461 + ], + [ + "\u2581FPNUL", + -12.19759750366211 + ], + [ + "\u2581Zurich", + -12.6021089553833 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gales", + -12.239907264709473 + ], + [ + "\u2581answering", + -12.156478881835938 + ], + [ + "established", + -12.109155654907227 + ], + [ + "ogram", + -12.493034362792969 + ], + [ + "\u2581confiscation", + -12.121848106384277 + ], + [ + "\u2581trasplante", + -12.199470520019531 + ], + [ + "\u2581Prevent", + -12.081893920898438 + ], + [ + "\u2581margins", + -12.09663200378418 + ], + [ + "ception", + -12.07690715789795 + ], + [ + "\u2581sepan", + -12.138850212097168 + ], + [ + "\u2581wipe", + -12.19284439086914 + ], + [ + "\u2581cemento", + -12.200041770935059 + ], + [ + "\u2581infectious", + -12.136035919189453 + ], + [ + "\u2581Barcos", + -12.234275817871094 + ], + [ + "\u2581contribuir\u00eda", + -12.252497673034668 + ], + [ + "\u2581dispar\u00f3", + -12.102245330810547 + ], + [ + "ango", + -12.362771034240723 + ], + [ + "dificaci\u00f3n", + -12.3474702835083 + ], + [ + "\u2581Recognizes", + -12.147407531738281 + ], + [ + "\u2581Guarda", + -12.229499816894531 + ], + [ + "ectivo", + -12.144944190979004 + ], + [ + "\u2581conciliation", + -12.086703300476074 + ], + [ + "\u2581outfit", + -12.237763404846191 + ], + [ + "\u2581potatoes", + -12.139667510986328 + ], + [ + "\u2581Andalusia", + -12.122081756591797 + ], + [ + "\u2581Philippe", + -12.766838073730469 + ], + [ + "\u2581Discount", + -12.111917495727539 + ], + [ + "\u2581rash", + -12.123435974121094 + ], + [ + "A\u00fan", + -12.02798080444336 + ], + [ + "mela", + -12.197437286376953 + ], + [ + "\u2581donations", + -12.165365219116211 + ], + [ + "\u2581intervalos", + -12.222403526306152 + ], + [ + "\u2581Carmel", + -12.744072914123535 + ], + [ + "\u2581pairs", + -12.17559814453125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dropbox", + -12.835559844970703 + ], + [ + "\u2581enfermero", + -12.215523719787598 + ], + [ + "\u2581inmuno", + -12.351520538330078 + ], + [ + "\u2581musicians", + -12.159013748168945 + ], + [ + "\u2581regulaciones", + -12.253939628601074 + ], + [ + "\u2581pine", + -12.148065567016602 + ], + [ + "\u2581calificar", + -12.365779876708984 + ], + [ + "\u2581cohesiona", + -12.24842357635498 + ], + [ + "\u2581concentrarse", + -12.205682754516602 + ], + [ + "\u2581conversations", + -12.15752124786377 + ], + [ + "\u2581terap\u00e9utica", + -12.169024467468262 + ], + [ + "\u2581gi", + -12.065620422363281 + ], + [ + "lap", + -12.435391426086426 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00c1msterdam", + -12.293703079223633 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rita", + -12.828757286071777 + ], + [ + "\u2581irregularities", + -12.128547668457031 + ], + [ + "uation", + -12.252310752868652 + ], + [ + "\u2581transferring", + -12.079183578491211 + ], + [ + "\u2581litigio", + -12.154706001281738 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sheriff", + -12.64321517944336 + ], + [ + "\u014d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581blank", + -12.11880874633789 + ], + [ + "lect", + -12.237648963928223 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kimberley", + -12.850908279418945 + ], + [ + "\u2581mathematics", + -12.096376419067383 + ], + [ + "\u2581proletariat", + -12.102877616882324 + ], + [ + "tage", + -12.336712837219238 + ], + [ + "\u2581DON", + -12.304703712463379 + ], + [ + "\u2581atom", + -12.164077758789062 + ], + [ + "\u2581saint", + -12.247554779052734 + ], + [ + "\u2581disseminating", + -12.102063179016113 + ], + [ + "\u2581quemado", + -12.243461608886719 + ], + [ + "Dem\u00f3crata", + -12.264288902282715 + ], + [ + "\u2581aportados", + -12.174487113952637 + ], + [ + "quiera", + -12.321599006652832 + ], + [ + "\u2581especializaci\u00f3n", + -12.226040840148926 + ], + [ + "\u2581inherente", + -12.222986221313477 + ], + [ + "\u2581bench", + -12.179620742797852 + ], + [ + "\u2581rompi\u00f3", + -12.137084007263184 + ], + [ + "\u2581CNG", + -12.11614990234375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nicaraguan", + -12.112427711486816 + ], + [ + "\u2581greeting", + -12.074843406677246 + ], + [ + "\u2581recession", + -12.127029418945312 + ], + [ + "\u2581revisions", + -12.148097038269043 + ], + [ + "\u2581vecindario", + -12.089576721191406 + ], + [ + "\u2581burgues\u00eda", + -12.23377513885498 + ], + [ + "\u2581reasoning", + -12.135394096374512 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuantifica", + -12.230705261230469 + ], + [ + "\u2581m\u00e1gica", + -12.12372875213623 + ], + [ + "\u2581Concordancia", + -12.142128944396973 + ], + [ + "\u2581floating", + -12.12062931060791 + ], + [ + "\u2581poster", + -12.139954566955566 + ], + [ + "\u2581Siete", + -12.151576042175293 + ], + [ + "\u2581contingency", + -12.11518383026123 + ], + [ + "\u2581reconocieron", + -12.17633056640625 + ], + [ + "\u2581publicar\u00e1n", + -12.160892486572266 + ], + [ + "\u2581altogether", + -12.131851196289062 + ], + [ + "Test", + -12.115896224975586 + ], + [ + "bian", + -12.5833101272583 + ], + [ + "\u2581depender", + -12.212002754211426 + ], + [ + "\u2581revelan", + -12.22657299041748 + ], + [ + "mination", + -12.071430206298828 + ], + [ + "CIO", + -12.53002643585205 + ], + [ + "\u2581Indica", + -12.298284530639648 + ], + [ + "\u2581cooked", + -12.153595924377441 + ], + [ + "pyr", + -12.305703163146973 + ], + [ + "unit", + -12.110161781311035 + ], + [ + "\u2581worn", + -12.158193588256836 + ], + [ + "\u2581implementa", + -12.324760437011719 + ], + [ + "\u2581endeavours", + -12.114498138427734 + ], + [ + "TIVA", + -12.353473663330078 + ], + [ + "\u2581sentir\u00e1", + -12.246726036071777 + ], + [ + "ultidisciplinary", + -12.227509498596191 + ], + [ + "\u2581Katie", + -12.798624038696289 + ], + [ + "\u2581cesi\u00f3n", + -12.212119102478027 + ], + [ + "\u2581gustado", + -12.071237564086914 + ], + [ + "\u2581prorrateo", + -12.196662902832031 + ], + [ + "\u2581encontrados", + -12.352766990661621 + ], + [ + "\u2581stall", + -12.284194946289062 + ], + [ + "\u2581Crown", + -12.15149974822998 + ], + [ + "\u2581Francesc", + -12.722932815551758 + ], + [ + "\u2581V\u00e1monos", + -11.968659400939941 + ], + [ + "\u2581reemplaza", + -12.166749000549316 + ], + [ + "\u2581Escuelas", + -12.31106185913086 + ], + [ + "gam", + -12.28021240234375 + ], + [ + "\u2581vitamins", + -12.137507438659668 + ], + [ + "\u2581visuales", + -12.293103218078613 + ], + [ + "\u2581Russ", + -12.85216999053955 + ], + [ + "\u2581introducidas", + -12.293379783630371 + ], + [ + "\u2581botellas", + -12.194438934326172 + ], + [ + "\u2581ulteriores", + -12.209441184997559 + ], + [ + "cyclo", + -12.390478134155273 + ], + [ + "rand", + -12.104674339294434 + ], + [ + "\u2581juguete", + -12.104179382324219 + ], + [ + "Pacific", + -12.078207969665527 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nutrition", + -12.103693962097168 + ], + [ + "\u2581referida", + -12.296804428100586 + ], + [ + "\u2581jacuzzi", + -12.62217903137207 + ], + [ + "\u2581rode", + -12.639578819274902 + ], + [ + "\u2581recogido", + -12.217061042785645 + ], + [ + "\u00e5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aquel", + -12.186506271362305 + ], + [ + "TRE", + -12.985776901245117 + ], + [ + "\u2581deadly", + -12.155073165893555 + ], + [ + "\u2581tuna", + -12.042806625366211 + ], + [ + "\u2581damaging", + -12.081912994384766 + ], + [ + "\u2581endurec", + -12.205329895019531 + ], + [ + "\u2581brevedad", + -12.247530937194824 + ], + [ + "\u2581intermediarios", + -12.209959983825684 + ], + [ + "Ese", + -12.107749938964844 + ], + [ + "\u2581respondiendo", + -12.267306327819824 + ], + [ + "5,5", + -12.944243431091309 + ], + [ + "(2)(", + -12.062909126281738 + ], + [ + "\u2581EA", + -12.061663627624512 + ], + [ + "\u2581fatigue", + -12.106155395507812 + ], + [ + "\u2581Career", + -12.172185897827148 + ], + [ + "\u2581Din", + -12.164559364318848 + ], + [ + "\u2581Churches", + -12.136516571044922 + ], + [ + "\u2581consist\u00eda", + -12.304153442382812 + ], + [ + "\u2581proporciones", + -12.203583717346191 + ], + [ + "\u2581collateral", + -12.111074447631836 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gabinete", + -12.24351692199707 + ], + [ + "\u2581asequible", + -12.27783489227295 + ], + [ + "ficiencia", + -12.442028999328613 + ], + [ + "\u2581Comparte", + -12.260405540466309 + ], + [ + "\u2581madurez", + -12.210774421691895 + ], + [ + "rug", + -12.573192596435547 + ], + [ + "\u2581lecturas", + -12.321800231933594 + ], + [ + "\u2581peripheral", + -12.085100173950195 + ], + [ + "\u2581landed", + -12.209709167480469 + ], + [ + "\u2581prostituta", + -12.07375717163086 + ], + [ + "\u2581Oral", + -12.083052635192871 + ], + [ + "\u2581caudal", + -12.236730575561523 + ], + [ + "\u2581overlap", + -12.110651016235352 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gubernamentales", + -12.185678482055664 + ], + [ + "\u2581llegaba", + -12.316372871398926 + ], + [ + "\u2581travels", + -12.394874572753906 + ], + [ + "tiempo", + -12.181394577026367 + ], + [ + "\u2581Marrakech", + -12.810379028320312 + ], + [ + "\u2581deceased", + -12.13687801361084 + ], + [ + "\u2581solares", + -12.240234375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Moda", + -12.589736938476562 + ], + [ + "\u2581max", + -12.133405685424805 + ], + [ + "integra", + -12.495208740234375 + ], + [ + "\u2581compositor", + -12.290620803833008 + ], + [ + "\u2581likelihood", + -12.086703300476074 + ], + [ + "\u2581Leonard", + -12.84031867980957 + ], + [ + "\u2581socioecon\u00f3micas", + -12.249920845031738 + ], + [ + "\u2581anillos", + -12.237504005432129 + ], + [ + "\u2581nourish", + -12.168590545654297 + ], + [ + "\u2581predominantly", + -12.14648723602295 + ], + [ + "\u2581Utah", + -12.779459953308105 + ], + [ + "\u2581pasamos", + -12.132121086120605 + ], + [ + "\u2581developmental", + -12.145800590515137 + ], + [ + "ojarte", + -12.406608581542969 + ], + [ + "omplementariedad", + -12.297143936157227 + ], + [ + "\u2581zar", + -12.305130004882812 + ], + [ + "Wa", + -12.084620475769043 + ], + [ + "controlled", + -12.062226295471191 + ], + [ + "\u2581natal", + -12.19406509399414 + ], + [ + "\u2581discern", + -12.113468170166016 + ], + [ + "\u2581preso", + -12.163469314575195 + ], + [ + "\u2581exclu", + -12.180834770202637 + ], + [ + "director", + -12.557296752929688 + ], + [ + "\u2581Georg", + -12.928274154663086 + ], + [ + "\u2581underscored", + -12.11118221282959 + ], + [ + "g\u00e9nico", + -12.224739074707031 + ], + [ + "\u2581Paquete", + -12.327278137207031 + ], + [ + "\u2581Trinity", + -12.101248741149902 + ], + [ + "incluyendo", + -12.248655319213867 + ], + [ + "\u2581girar", + -12.151412010192871 + ], + [ + "\u2581strengths", + -12.233062744140625 + ], + [ + "zone", + -12.348189353942871 + ], + [ + "\u2581Face", + -12.00210189819336 + ], + [ + "\u2581Salamanca", + -12.889546394348145 + ], + [ + "saving", + -12.100152015686035 + ], + [ + "\u2581ganancia", + -12.1870756149292 + ], + [ + "\u2581winds", + -12.23652172088623 + ], + [ + "tienda", + -12.170373916625977 + ], + [ + "\u2581Genesis", + -12.132620811462402 + ], + [ + "\u2581innecesario", + -12.246458053588867 + ], + [ + "\u2581Necesitas", + -12.083582878112793 + ], + [ + "\u2581cobro", + -12.235219955444336 + ], + [ + "\u2581Contribuci\u00f3n", + -12.279396057128906 + ], + [ + "\u2581dominaci\u00f3n", + -12.296553611755371 + ], + [ + "\u2581incitement", + -12.09643268585205 + ], + [ + "\u2581planets", + -12.248291969299316 + ], + [ + "\u00edlico", + -12.388318061828613 + ], + [ + "\u2581paste", + -12.17436695098877 + ], + [ + "\u2581penetraci\u00f3n", + -12.256831169128418 + ], + [ + "\u2581vacas", + -12.230389595031738 + ], + [ + "holders", + -12.172113418579102 + ], + [ + "web", + -12.725456237792969 + ], + [ + "grupo", + -12.126944541931152 + ], + [ + "\u2581fr\u00e1gil", + -12.212546348571777 + ], + [ + "\u2581c\u00e1psulas", + -12.222597122192383 + ], + [ + "\u2581mera", + -12.187816619873047 + ], + [ + "Room", + -12.155628204345703 + ], + [ + "\u2581despierto", + -12.072105407714844 + ], + [ + "idez", + -12.347090721130371 + ], + [ + "\u2581ruins", + -12.233087539672852 + ], + [ + "\u2581socialmente", + -12.258108139038086 + ], + [ + "\u2581veterinarios", + -12.204522132873535 + ], + [ + "\u2581abonar", + -12.234175682067871 + ], + [ + "\u2581prolongar", + -12.310626029968262 + ], + [ + "\u2581ecosistema", + -12.187689781188965 + ], + [ + "\u2581Concordance", + -12.054353713989258 + ], + [ + "\u2581GMT", + -12.708462715148926 + ], + [ + "\u2581abolish", + -12.079255104064941 + ], + [ + "\u2581educado", + -12.269200325012207 + ], + [ + "teniendo", + -12.252837181091309 + ], + [ + "\u2581steadily", + -12.109421730041504 + ], + [ + "\u2581efectuarse", + -12.213829040527344 + ], + [ + "after", + -12.065592765808105 + ], + [ + "\u25811929", + -12.869834899902344 + ], + [ + "\u2581Zaire", + -12.78017807006836 + ], + [ + "\u2581impedimento", + -12.25434398651123 + ], + [ + "\u2581pol\u00edticamente", + -12.22862434387207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bloom", + -12.749594688415527 + ], + [ + "\u2581residenciales", + -12.29659366607666 + ], + [ + "\u2581Riesgo", + -12.227020263671875 + ], + [ + "\u2581antena", + -12.277472496032715 + ], + [ + "\u2581tomar\u00e1n", + -12.174857139587402 + ], + [ + "\u2581Compact", + -12.129470825195312 + ], + [ + "\u2581anxious", + -12.162513732910156 + ], + [ + "\u2581reflejado", + -12.31258773803711 + ], + [ + "\u2581constituy\u00f3", + -12.246458053588867 + ], + [ + "\u2581precondition", + -12.0726318359375 + ], + [ + "\u2581consisten", + -12.227564811706543 + ], + [ + "\u2581ampara", + -12.330327987670898 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alt", + -12.034967422485352 + ], + [ + "\u2581dogma", + -12.663681983947754 + ], + [ + "\u2581Activa", + -12.317652702331543 + ], + [ + "\u2581flagrante", + -12.27332592010498 + ], + [ + "\u2581unforgettable", + -12.116835594177246 + ], + [ + "\u2581roble", + -12.25754165649414 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sel", + -12.177453994750977 + ], + [ + "\u2581dram\u00e1tica", + -12.266290664672852 + ], + [ + "racter", + -12.702919006347656 + ], + [ + "Facil", + -12.246789932250977 + ], + [ + "transformaciones", + -12.25258731842041 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ped", + -12.070379257202148 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aga", + -12.308442115783691 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aruba", + -12.839010238647461 + ], + [ + "\u2581integrarse", + -12.228821754455566 + ], + [ + "\u2581SME", + -12.040794372558594 + ], + [ + "\u2581furthermore", + -12.146180152893066 + ], + [ + "hoe", + -12.231593132019043 + ], + [ + "Domin", + -13.391154289245605 + ], + [ + "\u2581stimulating", + -12.113533973693848 + ], + [ + "\u2581teenagers", + -12.164137840270996 + ], + [ + "\u2581mejorada", + -12.488028526306152 + ], + [ + "\u2581recolecta", + -12.250402450561523 + ], + [ + "\u2581fighters", + -12.186261177062988 + ], + [ + "\u2581granos", + -12.215675354003906 + ], + [ + "\u2581habitat", + -12.122758865356445 + ], + [ + "\u2581Amen", + -12.21451473236084 + ], + [ + "\u2581ego\u00edsta", + -12.131574630737305 + ], + [ + "blanc", + -12.843875885009766 + ], + [ + "\u2581scientist", + -12.162373542785645 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vision", + -12.119251251220703 + ], + [ + "\u2581finishes", + -12.101363182067871 + ], + [ + "\u2581quotation", + -12.153578758239746 + ], + [ + "\u2581verificado", + -12.291542053222656 + ], + [ + "\u2581incredibly", + -12.153035163879395 + ], + [ + "\u2581quiebra", + -12.210774421691895 + ], + [ + "gus", + -12.379727363586426 + ], + [ + "primido", + -12.190157890319824 + ], + [ + "sproporcionada", + -12.237661361694336 + ], + [ + "\u2581se\u00f1alando", + -12.28734016418457 + ], + [ + "C\u00e1llate", + -11.96198844909668 + ], + [ + "rom", + -11.94991683959961 + ], + [ + "\u2581bishops", + -12.15349006652832 + ], + [ + "\u2581reciclaje", + -12.211722373962402 + ], + [ + "\u2581isl\u00e1mica", + -12.169024467468262 + ], + [ + "\u2581Arnold", + -12.910099983215332 + ], + [ + "\u2581delivers", + -12.233960151672363 + ], + [ + "\u2581forzados", + -12.256064414978027 + ], + [ + "\u2581Minutes", + -12.072678565979004 + ], + [ + "\u2581inmobiliaria", + -12.203224182128906 + ], + [ + "\u2581Apertura", + -12.280411720275879 + ], + [ + "\u2581cult", + -12.254283905029297 + ], + [ + "\u2581scholars", + -12.115178108215332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Encuesta", + -12.310416221618652 + ], + [ + "\u2581Habr\u00eda", + -12.111406326293945 + ], + [ + "\u2581Skin", + -12.174602508544922 + ], + [ + "cilla", + -12.404601097106934 + ], + [ + "\u2581prestarse", + -12.203855514526367 + ], + [ + "\u2581cordero", + -12.211978912353516 + ], + [ + "\u2581salad", + -12.218060493469238 + ], + [ + "Mis", + -12.246572494506836 + ], + [ + "\u2581Otto", + -12.797284126281738 + ], + [ + "\u2581illustrate", + -12.14638614654541 + ], + [ + "\u2581provocada", + -12.264792442321777 + ], + [ + "8]", + -12.841157913208008 + ], + [ + "\u2581consorcio", + -12.22509479522705 + ], + [ + "\u2581redactado", + -12.25906753540039 + ], + [ + "ethnic", + -12.058926582336426 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tira", + -12.195395469665527 + ], + [ + "Comisi\u00f3n", + -12.245635986328125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Taller", + -12.217302322387695 + ], + [ + "\u2581compartment", + -12.190593719482422 + ], + [ + "\u2581elogia", + -12.232895851135254 + ], + [ + "\u2581publicadas", + -12.309649467468262 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rivera", + -12.766490936279297 + ], + [ + "\u2581Managua", + -12.817130088806152 + ], + [ + "\u2581pulgar", + -12.248526573181152 + ], + [ + "\u2581vencido", + -12.202550888061523 + ], + [ + "quino", + -12.507867813110352 + ], + [ + "\u2581Balkans", + -12.141085624694824 + ], + [ + "\u2581Compliance", + -12.081901550292969 + ], + [ + "\u2581postponed", + -12.134298324584961 + ], + [ + "\u2581binary", + -12.125211715698242 + ], + [ + "!\u201d", + -12.215940475463867 + ], + [ + "\u2581Filter", + -12.13886833190918 + ], + [ + "\u2581sympathy", + -12.144776344299316 + ], + [ + "\u2581lion", + -12.167360305786133 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vender", + -12.239847183227539 + ], + [ + "\u2581Arusha", + -12.717270851135254 + ], + [ + "\u2581Chambers", + -12.240601539611816 + ], + [ + "oke", + -12.338079452514648 + ], + [ + "\u2581pens", + -12.06159782409668 + ], + [ + "\u2581Upper", + -12.11743450164795 + ], + [ + "Mexico", + -12.116548538208008 + ], + [ + "\u2581additives", + -12.188603401184082 + ], + [ + "\u2581tracto", + -12.31560230255127 + ], + [ + "\u2581Noah", + -12.157600402832031 + ], + [ + "\u2581correlaci\u00f3n", + -12.245525360107422 + ], + [ + "\u2581cautela", + -12.214438438415527 + ], + [ + "\u2581reservada", + -12.409052848815918 + ], + [ + "Alto", + -12.015639305114746 + ], + [ + "\u2581cleaned", + -12.21228313446045 + ], + [ + "stituir", + -12.20969009399414 + ], + [ + "\u2581desequilibrios", + -12.232317924499512 + ], + [ + "\u2581seize", + -12.102736473083496 + ], + [ + "\u2581fastest", + -12.17099666595459 + ], + [ + "\u2581Faculty", + -12.128478050231934 + ], + [ + "\u2581silvestres", + -12.228514671325684 + ], + [ + "minating", + -12.253602027893066 + ], + [ + "\u2581Belgrade", + -12.172964096069336 + ], + [ + "\u2581corporativa", + -12.26229190826416 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fru", + -12.229292869567871 + ], + [ + "\u2581factual", + -12.077824592590332 + ], + [ + "\u2581submarino", + -12.174491882324219 + ], + [ + "\u2581Feli", + -12.30126667022705 + ], + [ + "father", + -12.335143089294434 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bookings", + -12.15875244140625 + ], + [ + "\u2581aditivos", + -12.24217700958252 + ], + [ + "\u2581detenida", + -12.258081436157227 + ], + [ + "\u2581wrath", + -12.195948600769043 + ], + [ + "\u2581acquis", + -12.064493179321289 + ], + [ + "\u2581rep\u00fablica", + -12.206992149353027 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bluetooth", + -12.792363166809082 + ], + [ + "office", + -12.464371681213379 + ], + [ + "bead", + -12.809487342834473 + ], + [ + "\u2581ventilaci\u00f3n", + -12.241720199584961 + ], + [ + "\u2581Christine", + -12.822663307189941 + ], + [ + "\u2581doloroso", + -12.204225540161133 + ], + [ + "\u2581militia", + -12.077449798583984 + ], + [ + "Eh", + -11.989153861999512 + ], + [ + "\u2581administrado", + -12.23109245300293 + ], + [ + "\u2581PowerPoint", + -12.818727493286133 + ], + [ + "\u2581deter", + -12.124937057495117 + ], + [ + "\u2581indicativo", + -12.239136695861816 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aunt", + -12.293429374694824 + ], + [ + "\u2581Elliot", + -12.828081130981445 + ], + [ + "\u2581Podr\u00edas", + -12.099915504455566 + ], + [ + "\u2581curve", + -12.134328842163086 + ], + [ + "OPA", + -12.500447273254395 + ], + [ + "\u2581explican", + -12.153325080871582 + ], + [ + "\u2581variance", + -12.107782363891602 + ], + [ + "\u2581levantado", + -12.19761848449707 + ], + [ + "ugg", + -12.630590438842773 + ], + [ + "\u2581mintiendo", + -12.042073249816895 + ], + [ + "\u2581ordenada", + -12.25356674194336 + ], + [ + "\u2581diversion", + -12.185442924499512 + ], + [ + "\u2581hack", + -12.197187423706055 + ], + [ + "\u2581manzana", + -12.140953063964844 + ], + [ + "\u2581Eradication", + -12.093979835510254 + ], + [ + "Voy", + -12.02256965637207 + ], + [ + "\u2581guapo", + -12.051872253417969 + ], + [ + "\u2581sugerido", + -12.27940559387207 + ], + [ + "string", + -12.750635147094727 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bagdad", + -12.221259117126465 + ], + [ + "\u2581ward", + -12.268813133239746 + ], + [ + "\u258112:00", + -12.864291191101074 + ], + [ + "/15/", + -12.665173530578613 + ], + [ + "\u2581masters", + -12.231039047241211 + ], + [ + "/87", + -12.097616195678711 + ], + [ + "\u2581firmeza", + -12.2539644241333 + ], + [ + "vana", + -12.377640724182129 + ], + [ + "\u2581Keith", + -12.798410415649414 + ], + [ + "\u2581hormig\u00f3n", + -12.263290405273438 + ], + [ + "\u2581t\u00e9rmico", + -12.274334907531738 + ], + [ + "\u2581bancarios", + -12.257584571838379 + ], + [ + "educa", + -12.183627128601074 + ], + [ + "\u2581lidiar", + -12.19947338104248 + ], + [ + "\u2581noroeste", + -12.27332878112793 + ], + [ + "extraterritorial", + -12.752385139465332 + ], + [ + "\u2581opposing", + -12.11353874206543 + ], + [ + "\u2581shelf", + -12.149459838867188 + ], + [ + "\u2581avenida", + -12.292963027954102 + ], + [ + "\u2581Castel", + -12.846603393554688 + ], + [ + "\u2581Viva", + -12.700390815734863 + ], + [ + "\u2581[2", + -12.320886611938477 + ], + [ + "005", + -12.709928512573242 + ], + [ + "\u2581laundering", + -12.131168365478516 + ], + [ + "\u2581expectation", + -12.1220064163208 + ], + [ + "\u2581Samaria", + -12.829118728637695 + ], + [ + "\u2581atrapado", + -12.052386283874512 + ], + [ + "\u2581traveled", + -12.291102409362793 + ], + [ + "\u2581clasificada", + -12.213618278503418 + ], + [ + "\u2581simulation", + -12.175583839416504 + ], + [ + "\u2581Frei", + -12.750822067260742 + ], + [ + "\u2581contributors", + -12.118518829345703 + ], + [ + "ULT", + -12.814483642578125 + ], + [ + "\u2581drift", + -12.13687801361084 + ], + [ + "\u2581entrando", + -12.188343048095703 + ], + [ + "\u2581successes", + -12.136664390563965 + ], + [ + "\u2581pudimos", + -12.15459156036377 + ], + [ + "\u2581conquer", + -12.162406921386719 + ], + [ + "\u2581cualitativa", + -12.389688491821289 + ], + [ + "\u2581Feel", + -12.23327350616455 + ], + [ + "\u2581Leg", + -12.228843688964844 + ], + [ + "\u2581Om\u00e1n", + -11.974336624145508 + ], + [ + "/08/", + -12.571928024291992 + ], + [ + "vido", + -12.534852981567383 + ], + [ + "\u2581radiodifusi\u00f3n", + -12.217428207397461 + ], + [ + "\u2581meteo", + -12.110174179077148 + ], + [ + "immer", + -12.40849781036377 + ], + [ + "\u2581liar", + -12.234541893005371 + ], + [ + "\u2581Surely", + -12.206082344055176 + ], + [ + "\u2581fund\u00f3", + -12.367467880249023 + ], + [ + "\u2581enlarged", + -12.119319915771484 + ], + [ + "\u00e1cido", + -12.22811222076416 + ], + [ + "\u2581inversa", + -12.249032974243164 + ], + [ + "\u2581respaldado", + -12.25462532043457 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ortodoxa", + -12.225088119506836 + ], + [ + "n\u00f3mico", + -12.884225845336914 + ], + [ + "\u2581coge", + -12.05282974243164 + ], + [ + "\u2581MM", + -12.194045066833496 + ], + [ + "\u2581contra\u00eddo", + -12.210698127746582 + ], + [ + "\u2581exotic", + -12.147128105163574 + ], + [ + "\u2581aut\u00e9nticos", + -12.245868682861328 + ], + [ + "\u258167.", + -12.204307556152344 + ], + [ + "\u2581volv\u00ed", + -12.081778526306152 + ], + [ + "\u2581sueca", + -12.270811080932617 + ], + [ + "\u2581Castilla", + -12.769883155822754 + ], + [ + "repealing", + -12.248481750488281 + ], + [ + "\u2581comiendo", + -12.128487586975098 + ], + [ + "legal", + -12.108139038085938 + ], + [ + "\u2581dejar\u00eda", + -12.191263198852539 + ], + [ + "\u2581juzga", + -12.151538848876953 + ], + [ + "tita", + -12.268566131591797 + ], + [ + "7.0", + -13.055159568786621 + ], + [ + "\u2581appetite", + -12.194161415100098 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vis", + -12.27452278137207 + ], + [ + "lessly", + -12.184473037719727 + ], + [ + "\u2581offline", + -12.09203815460205 + ], + [ + "3,4", + -12.97088623046875 + ], + [ + "\u2581offender", + -12.134395599365234 + ], + [ + "tula", + -12.332342147827148 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ecuatorial", + -12.188291549682617 + ], + [ + "\u2581floods", + -12.137832641601562 + ], + [ + "\u2581hug", + -12.241379737854004 + ], + [ + "\u2581maniobra", + -12.213641166687012 + ], + [ + "\u2581Disabled", + -12.115184783935547 + ], + [ + "\u2581Percentage", + -12.097053527832031 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tina", + -12.775927543640137 + ], + [ + "\u2581hung", + -12.260114669799805 + ], + [ + "\u2581nacionalidades", + -12.282585144042969 + ], + [ + "\u2581estancamiento", + -12.215522766113281 + ], + [ + "\u2581expiraci\u00f3n", + -12.221776008605957 + ], + [ + "wald", + -12.800834655761719 + ], + [ + "west", + -12.08806037902832 + ], + [ + "\u2581terminar\u00e1", + -12.271272659301758 + ], + [ + "\u258185%", + -12.795002937316895 + ], + [ + "\u2581Asturias", + -12.935338973999023 + ], + [ + "evo", + -12.571647644042969 + ], + [ + "\u2581Raja", + -12.93156909942627 + ], + [ + "\u2581concebir", + -12.275344848632812 + ], + [ + "Basta", + -12.071455001831055 + ], + [ + "\u2581NOW", + -12.25976276397705 + ], + [ + "\u2581lluvias", + -12.351699829101562 + ], + [ + "nado", + -12.011276245117188 + ], + [ + "\u2581fijada", + -12.231263160705566 + ], + [ + "\u2581mar\u00edtimas", + -12.246206283569336 + ], + [ + "\u2581mec\u00e1nico", + -12.208536148071289 + ], + [ + "potencia", + -12.643181800842285 + ], + [ + "\u2581persistence", + -12.111124992370605 + ], + [ + "\u2581recuento", + -12.264385223388672 + ], + [ + "\u2581anchor", + -12.176898002624512 + ], + [ + "\u2581generates", + -12.294257164001465 + ], + [ + "\u2581Horse", + -12.172612190246582 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tomar", + -12.063780784606934 + ], + [ + "\u2581revisa", + -12.047743797302246 + ], + [ + "political", + -12.145841598510742 + ], + [ + "\u2581d\u00e1ndole", + -12.211549758911133 + ], + [ + "\u2581generosa", + -12.184053421020508 + ], + [ + "amor", + -12.237165451049805 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tarragona", + -12.871796607971191 + ], + [ + "iso", + -12.305954933166504 + ], + [ + "\u2581disoluci\u00f3n", + -12.218382835388184 + ], + [ + "\u2581Certificado", + -12.276673316955566 + ], + [ + "\u2581Explora", + -12.271659851074219 + ], + [ + "\u2581Formula", + -12.208833694458008 + ], + [ + "\u2581specialised", + -12.138069152832031 + ], + [ + "ody", + -12.145120620727539 + ], + [ + "v\u00f3", + -12.186441421508789 + ], + [ + "TOM", + -13.188770294189453 + ], + [ + "\u2581paseos", + -12.273103713989258 + ], + [ + "\u2581relleno", + -12.268310546875 + ], + [ + "\u00bb),", + -12.297636985778809 + ], + [ + "bacter", + -12.923768997192383 + ], + [ + "valo", + -12.44511604309082 + ], + [ + "\u2581c\u00f3mic", + -12.249510765075684 + ], + [ + "\u2581dysfunction", + -12.13320541381836 + ], + [ + "\u2581Seventh", + -12.089759826660156 + ], + [ + "\u2581shoulders", + -12.233518600463867 + ], + [ + "\u2581fibre", + -12.07987117767334 + ], + [ + "\u2581continentes", + -12.282501220703125 + ], + [ + "\u2581pasar\u00eda", + -12.175431251525879 + ], + [ + "\u2581pl\u00e1tano", + -12.222208976745605 + ], + [ + "\u2581corporation", + -12.110225677490234 + ], + [ + "\u2581Recomienda", + -12.232806205749512 + ], + [ + "\u2581devoci\u00f3n", + -12.238938331604004 + ], + [ + "\u2581influencias", + -12.320615768432617 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ordenar", + -12.305620193481445 + ], + [ + "\u2581reinforcement", + -12.139772415161133 + ], + [ + "\u2581corrupto", + -12.153695106506348 + ], + [ + "\u2581consultado", + -12.363344192504883 + ], + [ + "\u2581prudencia", + -12.218382835388184 + ], + [ + "Control", + -12.68444538116455 + ], + [ + "\u2581Edificio", + -12.322948455810547 + ], + [ + "\u2581washed", + -12.211282730102539 + ], + [ + "\u2581alloy", + -12.154045104980469 + ], + [ + "\u2581emphasizing", + -12.138566970825195 + ], + [ + "\u2581tard\u00eda", + -12.192045211791992 + ], + [ + "\u2581insignificante", + -12.213621139526367 + ], + [ + "\u2581exhibici\u00f3n", + -12.275344848632812 + ], + [ + "\u2581lemon", + -12.19609260559082 + ], + [ + "\u2581le\u00f1a", + -12.199335098266602 + ], + [ + "\u2581recreational", + -12.09617805480957 + ], + [ + "\u2581subyacentes", + -12.32194709777832 + ], + [ + "IDO", + -12.267328262329102 + ], + [ + "IntraText", + -12.066852569580078 + ], + [ + "\u2581discreci\u00f3n", + -12.247440338134766 + ], + [ + "\u2581snack", + -12.475086212158203 + ], + [ + "\u2581inherited", + -12.111138343811035 + ], + [ + "\u2581propiciar", + -12.330011367797852 + ], + [ + "\u2581sums", + -12.100218772888184 + ], + [ + "\u2581deliciosa", + -12.20797061920166 + ], + [ + "\u2581congratulations", + -12.204947471618652 + ], + [ + "\u2581representadas", + -12.260992050170898 + ], + [ + "\u2581cubo", + -12.179831504821777 + ], + [ + "\u2581durar", + -12.088563919067383 + ], + [ + "\u2581improvisa", + -12.236687660217285 + ], + [ + "gard", + -12.246344566345215 + ], + [ + "\u2581auditores", + -12.210578918457031 + ], + [ + "\u2581celebrations", + -12.184952735900879 + ], + [ + "\u2581livelihood", + -12.16765308380127 + ], + [ + "Come", + -12.282947540283203 + ], + [ + "\u2581Providing", + -12.116008758544922 + ], + [ + "\u2581compile", + -12.150282859802246 + ], + [ + "\u2581posterioridad", + -12.241524696350098 + ], + [ + "bird", + -12.169828414916992 + ], + [ + "\u2581duck", + -12.244084358215332 + ], + [ + "\u2581firing", + -12.254048347473145 + ], + [ + "\u2581preparadas", + -12.30736255645752 + ], + [ + "\u2581figurar", + -12.148876190185547 + ], + [ + "\u2581retir\u00f3", + -12.264288902282715 + ], + [ + "agenda", + -12.16425609588623 + ], + [ + "\u2581Analytics", + -12.630697250366211 + ], + [ + "\u2581aceptados", + -12.293999671936035 + ], + [ + "\u2581pound", + -12.212599754333496 + ], + [ + "\u2581salvador", + -12.293065071105957 + ], + [ + "fuel", + -12.189937591552734 + ], + [ + "\u2581precisas", + -12.338085174560547 + ], + [ + "CAP", + -12.843832015991211 + ], + [ + "institucionales", + -12.272080421447754 + ], + [ + "\u2581terminada", + -12.243672370910645 + ], + [ + "\u2581verdaderas", + -12.325522422790527 + ], + [ + "Informe", + -12.256546020507812 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reagan", + -12.80576229095459 + ], + [ + "\u2581tyres", + -12.154519081115723 + ], + [ + "\u2581oponen", + -12.262521743774414 + ], + [ + "\u2581ara\u00f1a", + -12.206273078918457 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ace", + -12.451897621154785 + ], + [ + "\u2581donation", + -12.140650749206543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Legislation", + -12.092334747314453 + ], + [ + "\u2581researcher", + -12.106375694274902 + ], + [ + "\u2581reemplazo", + -12.256324768066406 + ], + [ + "\u2581confesar", + -12.181751251220703 + ], + [ + "\u2581variante", + -12.240609169006348 + ], + [ + "\u2581invoke", + -12.130681037902832 + ], + [ + "\u2581rodean", + -12.214566230773926 + ], + [ + "\u2581billones", + -12.201363563537598 + ], + [ + "\u2581Soft", + -12.162131309509277 + ], + [ + "\u2581batch", + -12.133525848388672 + ], + [ + "\u2581digamos", + -12.050385475158691 + ], + [ + "\u2581Chain", + -12.144306182861328 + ], + [ + "filo", + -12.67196273803711 + ], + [ + "\u2581rider", + -12.206253051757812 + ], + [ + "\u2581Integrado", + -12.323251724243164 + ], + [ + "\u2581faltan", + -12.267735481262207 + ], + [ + "\u2581proporcionarle", + -12.377994537353516 + ], + [ + "\u2581burdens", + -12.2273588180542 + ], + [ + "\u258120.000", + -12.282394409179688 + ], + [ + "\u00f3lica", + -12.577088356018066 + ], + [ + "\u2581guarde", + -12.285901069641113 + ], + [ + "Link", + -12.695295333862305 + ], + [ + "\u2581inconsciente", + -12.1324462890625 + ], + [ + "Construccion", + -12.749442100524902 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mitchell", + -12.856295585632324 + ], + [ + "\u2581seizures", + -12.140768051147461 + ], + [ + "\u2581($", + -11.961742401123047 + ], + [ + "1.00", + -13.001107215881348 + ], + [ + "cuar", + -12.403101921081543 + ], + [ + "\u2581salvajes", + -12.188711166381836 + ], + [ + "abilidad", + -12.421871185302734 + ], + [ + "\u2581israelitas", + -12.2620267868042 + ], + [ + "\u2581soberana", + -12.264289855957031 + ], + [ + "\u2581twist", + -12.197576522827148 + ], + [ + "llana", + -12.374629974365234 + ], + [ + "\u2581orgullosa", + -12.127552032470703 + ], + [ + "\u2581infinito", + -12.277368545532227 + ], + [ + "\u2581umbrella", + -12.133509635925293 + ], + [ + "\u2581establec\u00eda", + -12.296882629394531 + ], + [ + "\u2581sentada", + -12.114921569824219 + ], + [ + "wear", + -12.173063278198242 + ], + [ + "ARIA", + -12.637434005737305 + ], + [ + "amina", + -12.02470874786377 + ], + [ + "\u2581marr\u00f3n", + -12.282821655273438 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ajuste", + -12.232952117919922 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bab", + -12.578577041625977 + ], + [ + "\u2581cruzado", + -12.177190780639648 + ], + [ + "\u2581interdependence", + -12.103726387023926 + ], + [ + "\u2581deliberadamente", + -12.274689674377441 + ], + [ + "\u2581Artists", + -12.18271541595459 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tranquilidad", + -12.34437370300293 + ], + [ + "\u2581fomentando", + -12.220629692077637 + ], + [ + "\u2581pole", + -12.411686897277832 + ], + [ + "\u2581sneak", + -12.292655944824219 + ], + [ + "IMO", + -12.856894493103027 + ], + [ + "\u2581prints", + -12.339578628540039 + ], + [ + "Vete", + -11.962226867675781 + ], + [ + "\u2581Restaurantes", + -12.342802047729492 + ], + [ + "\u2581disagreement", + -12.168391227722168 + ], + [ + "activate", + -12.187596321105957 + ], + [ + "cionistas", + -12.243997573852539 + ], + [ + "odo", + -12.205124855041504 + ], + [ + "\u2581infringi", + -12.287561416625977 + ], + [ + "\u2581islam", + -12.176410675048828 + ], + [ + "\u2581obtuvieron", + -12.256340026855469 + ], + [ + "medio", + -12.320154190063477 + ], + [ + "Super", + -12.754369735717773 + ], + [ + "\u2581overthrow", + -12.110243797302246 + ], + [ + "\u2581turtle", + -12.254939079284668 + ], + [ + "\u2581asesinos", + -12.152711868286133 + ], + [ + "puedo", + -12.07278060913086 + ], + [ + "\u2581contenedor", + -12.233688354492188 + ], + [ + "\u2581persigue", + -12.26894760131836 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reconciliation", + -12.193267822265625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Collins", + -12.815573692321777 + ], + [ + "aemia", + -12.458768844604492 + ], + [ + "\u2581portuaria", + -12.265317916870117 + ], + [ + "\u2581tratar\u00e1", + -12.11092758178711 + ], + [ + "\u2581Houses", + -12.40910530090332 + ], + [ + "purpose", + -12.136778831481934 + ], + [ + "quit", + -12.354155540466309 + ], + [ + "\u2581refuerza", + -12.281725883483887 + ], + [ + "\u2581invented", + -12.173870086669922 + ], + [ + "ltimos", + -12.283920288085938 + ], + [ + "\u258169.", + -12.204320907592773 + ], + [ + "Sab\u00eda", + -12.103189468383789 + ], + [ + "\u2581Client", + -12.168729782104492 + ], + [ + "\u2581magistrado", + -12.189558982849121 + ], + [ + "\u2581Arbitration", + -12.097187042236328 + ], + [ + "\u2581respondents", + -12.175873756408691 + ], + [ + "\u2581Estudiantes", + -12.240220069885254 + ], + [ + "\u2581Decid", + -12.144399642944336 + ], + [ + "\u2581addict", + -12.181437492370605 + ], + [ + "\u2581disposition", + -12.112788200378418 + ], + [ + "\u2581manifestation", + -12.119746208190918 + ], + [ + "\u2581Migraci\u00f3n", + -12.305091857910156 + ], + [ + "\u2581barbecue", + -12.16164493560791 + ], + [ + "\u2581vulnera", + -12.315009117126465 + ], + [ + "\u2581Excepto", + -12.08957576751709 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kings", + -12.263564109802246 + ], + [ + "\u2581enfocar", + -12.310638427734375 + ], + [ + "\u2581administrada", + -12.316140174865723 + ], + [ + "\u2581inmenso", + -12.225090026855469 + ], + [ + "5-", + -12.130213737487793 + ], + [ + "\u2581trabaje", + -12.181427955627441 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sandy", + -12.816564559936523 + ], + [ + "\u2581afortunado", + -12.075408935546875 + ], + [ + "\u2581consistir", + -12.257590293884277 + ], + [ + "\u2581gen\u00e9ticamente", + -12.269376754760742 + ], + [ + "ennial", + -12.25703239440918 + ], + [ + "electric", + -12.524325370788574 + ], + [ + "\u2581Santander", + -12.74647331237793 + ], + [ + "\u2581aterrizaje", + -12.176396369934082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Maximum", + -12.15221118927002 + ], + [ + "\u2581dispondr\u00e1", + -12.272318840026855 + ], + [ + "\u2581Castellano", + -12.835572242736816 + ], + [ + "\u2581automatizaci\u00f3n", + -12.28066635131836 + ], + [ + "dragon", + -13.146150588989258 + ], + [ + "\u2581emphasise", + -12.161775588989258 + ], + [ + "\u2581browsing", + -12.120148658752441 + ], + [ + "\u2581inal\u00e1mbrico", + -12.290619850158691 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alfred", + -12.945910453796387 + ], + [ + "\u2581matando", + -12.152097702026367 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nebraska", + -12.866533279418945 + ], + [ + "\u2581notices", + -12.295331001281738 + ], + [ + "\u2581solicitados", + -12.356549263000488 + ], + [ + "\u2581resilience", + -12.147904396057129 + ], + [ + "\u2581Indonesian", + -12.150362014770508 + ], + [ + "\u2581infringe", + -12.64338493347168 + ], + [ + "\u2581antibi\u00f3ticos", + -12.238110542297363 + ], + [ + "\u2581provienen", + -12.261983871459961 + ], + [ + "\u2581informarle", + -12.29399299621582 + ], + [ + "\u2581dorado", + -12.245675086975098 + ], + [ + "\u2581requiera", + -12.222987174987793 + ], + [ + "\u2581hurts", + -12.465001106262207 + ], + [ + "\u2581typ", + -12.453621864318848 + ], + [ + "\u2581micr\u00f3fono", + -12.1726655960083 + ], + [ + "\u2581gaze", + -12.14431381225586 + ], + [ + "\u2581interactiva", + -12.28066349029541 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pulse", + -12.601259231567383 + ], + [ + "\u2581ondas", + -12.296399116516113 + ], + [ + "\u2581universalidad", + -12.259912490844727 + ], + [ + "\u2581Infantil", + -12.290620803833008 + ], + [ + "\u2581fountain", + -12.192376136779785 + ], + [ + "\u2581presiona", + -12.158196449279785 + ], + [ + "elos", + -12.31196117401123 + ], + [ + "\u2581concluya", + -12.210808753967285 + ], + [ + "\u2581lap", + -12.269689559936523 + ], + [ + "ardo", + -12.261728286743164 + ], + [ + "going", + -12.170164108276367 + ], + [ + "\u2581guiado", + -12.215734481811523 + ], + [ + "m\u00edn", + -12.388214111328125 + ], + [ + "eren", + -12.16837215423584 + ], + [ + "\u2581boundary", + -12.211565017700195 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cause", + -12.19726848602295 + ], + [ + "\u2581creerlo", + -12.003098487854004 + ], + [ + "\u2581hormonal", + -12.793096542358398 + ], + [ + "\u2581quarterly", + -12.187200546264648 + ], + [ + "\u2581crude", + -12.162543296813965 + ], + [ + "RIC", + -12.344922065734863 + ], + [ + "\u2581Meet", + -12.206442832946777 + ], + [ + "\u2581radicales", + -12.284886360168457 + ], + [ + "!\u00bb", + -12.46751594543457 + ], + [ + "\u2581desempe\u00f1e", + -12.236687660217285 + ], + [ + "\u2581jerk", + -12.23617172241211 + ], + [ + "\u2581Personnel", + -12.103461265563965 + ], + [ + "\u2581Whenever", + -12.18366527557373 + ], + [ + "education", + -12.12156867980957 + ], + [ + "\u2581contracted", + -12.158730506896973 + ], + [ + "\u2581torn", + -12.23279857635498 + ], + [ + "\u2581apartar", + -12.317770957946777 + ], + [ + "\u2581importados", + -12.298005104064941 + ], + [ + "aud", + -12.05385684967041 + ], + [ + "pones", + -12.418329238891602 + ], + [ + "\u2581concursos", + -12.331716537475586 + ], + [ + "\u2581industrialized", + -12.106025695800781 + ], + [ + "\u00f1\u00e9", + -12.090163230895996 + ], + [ + "\u2581inadecuado", + -12.232806205749512 + ], + [ + "\u2581convocado", + -12.249629020690918 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jab", + -12.809891700744629 + ], + [ + "\u2581converter", + -12.125711441040039 + ], + [ + "\u2581emplean", + -12.245892524719238 + ], + [ + "\u2581dragon", + -12.268779754638672 + ], + [ + "\u2581protegen", + -12.251875877380371 + ], + [ + "\u2581psychiatric", + -12.193267822265625 + ], + [ + "ciclo", + -12.25462532043457 + ], + [ + "\u2581mezclas", + -12.293364524841309 + ], + [ + "sisti\u00f3", + -12.253711700439453 + ], + [ + "rbe", + -12.233607292175293 + ], + [ + "\u2581heredero", + -12.318048477172852 + ], + [ + "\u2581certificada", + -12.224365234375 + ], + [ + "\u2581desfavorecidas", + -12.268028259277344 + ], + [ + "\u2581dropping", + -12.234452247619629 + ], + [ + "\u2581examinadas", + -12.288783073425293 + ], + [ + "\u2581foam", + -12.125316619873047 + ], + [ + "\u2581permitieron", + -12.229061126708984 + ], + [ + "\u2581shuttle", + -12.186211585998535 + ], + [ + "funded", + -12.06233024597168 + ], + [ + "\u2581permitirle", + -12.311585426330566 + ], + [ + "\u258168.", + -12.256885528564453 + ], + [ + "\u2581bud", + -12.282774925231934 + ], + [ + "\u2581diving", + -12.208684921264648 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fuentes", + -12.303771018981934 + ], + [ + "\u2581desestima", + -12.283490180969238 + ], + [ + "\u2581stack", + -12.185347557067871 + ], + [ + "\u2581Spo", + -12.540541648864746 + ], + [ + "\u2581vineyards", + -12.234578132629395 + ], + [ + "\u2581Addendum", + -12.178210258483887 + ], + [ + "tancia", + -12.555220603942871 + ], + [ + "\u2581Materials", + -12.157301902770996 + ], + [ + "tanto", + -12.214447975158691 + ], + [ + "\u2581Abra", + -12.233113288879395 + ], + [ + "\u2581amanecer", + -12.134202003479004 + ], + [ + "\u2581exhort\u00f3", + -12.229905128479004 + ], + [ + "egi", + -12.17005443572998 + ], + [ + "\u2581Organismos", + -12.381867408752441 + ], + [ + "\u2581Transferencia", + -12.329368591308594 + ], + [ + "\u2581cartucho", + -12.234745025634766 + ], + [ + "fat", + -12.214715957641602 + ], + [ + "\u2581immuno", + -12.29491901397705 + ], + [ + "recido", + -12.363905906677246 + ], + [ + "\u2581dejaba", + -12.281859397888184 + ], + [ + "\u2581Row", + -12.735220909118652 + ], + [ + "\u2581universality", + -12.170772552490234 + ], + [ + "\u2581vano", + -12.285677909851074 + ], + [ + "\u2581opponents", + -12.14231014251709 + ], + [ + "\u2581potencias", + -12.38244342803955 + ], + [ + "\u2581propiamente", + -12.280855178833008 + ], + [ + "\u2581condenar", + -12.109622955322266 + ], + [ + "\u2581poquito", + -12.091301918029785 + ], + [ + "\u2581fissile", + -12.153035163879395 + ], + [ + "\u2581Molly", + -12.823018074035645 + ], + [ + "\u2581apagar", + -12.263896942138672 + ], + [ + "\u2581condujo", + -12.211755752563477 + ], + [ + "\u2581realizar\u00e1n", + -12.276618957519531 + ], + [ + "\u2581satisfechos", + -12.282125473022461 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pintura", + -12.255681037902832 + ], + [ + "\u2581skull", + -12.214920043945312 + ], + [ + "\u2581Roche", + -12.822908401489258 + ], + [ + "\u2581competitor", + -12.160619735717773 + ], + [ + "\u258161/1", + -12.903166770935059 + ], + [ + "\u2581worm", + -12.260265350341797 + ], + [ + "\u2581cansada", + -12.072646141052246 + ], + [ + ".24", + -12.243572235107422 + ], + [ + "rrh", + -12.576376914978027 + ], + [ + "\u2581emitidos", + -12.235703468322754 + ], + [ + "\u2581interlocutor", + -12.738595008850098 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kas", + -12.256193161010742 + ], + [ + "\u2581crediticia", + -12.186440467834473 + ], + [ + "\u2581manifestaron", + -12.27110481262207 + ], + [ + "OMS", + -12.284537315368652 + ], + [ + "\u2581reposo", + -12.235760688781738 + ], + [ + "\u2581bloqueado", + -12.292089462280273 + ], + [ + "\u2581mall", + -12.253743171691895 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tsu", + -12.998522758483887 + ], + [ + "\u2581fabricados", + -12.293513298034668 + ], + [ + "apart", + -12.31075668334961 + ], + [ + "\u2581rip", + -12.266056060791016 + ], + [ + "\u2581asumi\u00f3", + -12.358551025390625 + ], + [ + "\u2581orgullosos", + -12.235564231872559 + ], + [ + "autor", + -12.293578147888184 + ], + [ + "\u2581aguarda", + -12.255681991577148 + ], + [ + "\u2581eleven", + -12.170907974243164 + ], + [ + "\u2581collapsed", + -12.238472938537598 + ], + [ + "\u2581ram", + -12.20319938659668 + ], + [ + "metil", + -12.331521987915039 + ], + [ + "\u2581Amigo", + -12.12081241607666 + ], + [ + "direcci\u00f3n", + -12.39440631866455 + ], + [ + "\u2581Elections", + -12.196277618408203 + ], + [ + "\u2581remitido", + -12.291849136352539 + ], + [ + "\u2581feared", + -12.1493558883667 + ], + [ + "\u2581paludismo", + -12.230871200561523 + ], + [ + "reaching", + -12.166500091552734 + ], + [ + "\u00e7\u00e3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581pandemia", + -12.249407768249512 + ], + [ + "ethane", + -12.186004638671875 + ], + [ + "\u2581embodied", + -12.15733528137207 + ], + [ + "\u2581homeland", + -12.167693138122559 + ], + [ + "\u2581abordarse", + -12.280784606933594 + ], + [ + "\u2581ignorancia", + -12.286611557006836 + ], + [ + "\u2581confirmada", + -12.27953815460205 + ], + [ + "Estas", + -12.18807315826416 + ], + [ + "operative", + -12.1364164352417 + ], + [ + "\u2581Seg", + -12.256257057189941 + ], + [ + "\u2581tinieblas", + -12.27838134765625 + ], + [ + "\u2581resin", + -12.129066467285156 + ], + [ + "\u2581decirse", + -12.350707054138184 + ], + [ + "\u2581Catholics", + -12.257011413574219 + ], + [ + "\u2581Evidence", + -12.16164493560791 + ], + [ + "\u2581Siena", + -12.889801979064941 + ], + [ + "\u2581imbalances", + -12.143198013305664 + ], + [ + "\u2581Woman", + -12.191667556762695 + ], + [ + "\u2581ESTA", + -12.25574779510498 + ], + [ + "\u2581coexistence", + -12.20862102508545 + ], + [ + "\u2581acuerdas", + -12.007633209228516 + ], + [ + "\u2581Auxiliar", + -12.290619850158691 + ], + [ + "\u2581festivals", + -12.194883346557617 + ], + [ + "\u2581dye", + -12.17170238494873 + ], + [ + "\u2581representativo", + -12.266254425048828 + ], + [ + "\u2581optimum", + -12.136034965515137 + ], + [ + "\u2581championship", + -12.252243995666504 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nearby", + -12.149752616882324 + ], + [ + "tai", + -12.359542846679688 + ], + [ + "\u2581historian", + -12.207653999328613 + ], + [ + "Mont", + -12.95585823059082 + ], + [ + "fest", + -12.700522422790527 + ], + [ + "\u2581signatarios", + -12.270940780639648 + ], + [ + "\u2581descuida", + -12.298014640808105 + ], + [ + "tillo", + -12.268796920776367 + ], + [ + "zel", + -12.235188484191895 + ], + [ + "Mujeres", + -12.428208351135254 + ], + [ + "\u2581Navi", + -13.132967948913574 + ], + [ + "\u2581asesinada", + -12.202204704284668 + ], + [ + "\u2581construye", + -12.238367080688477 + ], + [ + "\u2581construcciones", + -12.28959846496582 + ], + [ + "\u2581earmarked", + -12.155839920043945 + ], + [ + "\u2581especialidades", + -12.244587898254395 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pl\u00e1stica", + -12.19759750366211 + ], + [ + "\u2581Verification", + -12.135285377502441 + ], + [ + "\u2581Weight", + -12.142486572265625 + ], + [ + "\u2581builds", + -12.387520790100098 + ], + [ + "\u2581cerdos", + -12.247110366821289 + ], + [ + "\u2581diapositiva", + -12.2844820022583 + ], + [ + "interpretaciones", + -12.382713317871094 + ], + [ + "boo", + -12.483038902282715 + ], + [ + "\u2581afines", + -12.286580085754395 + ], + [ + "\u2581instruct", + -12.110321998596191 + ], + [ + "\u2581permanecer\u00e1", + -12.363065719604492 + ], + [ + "\u2581preguntando", + -12.098769187927246 + ], + [ + "\u2581UU", + -12.253220558166504 + ], + [ + "ib\u00edd", + -12.238813400268555 + ], + [ + "\u2581autom\u00e1ticos", + -12.303550720214844 + ], + [ + "\u2581complying", + -12.121176719665527 + ], + [ + "\u2581gland", + -12.124958038330078 + ], + [ + "nicamente", + -12.164632797241211 + ], + [ + "\u2581Chico", + -12.568367958068848 + ], + [ + "\u2581comido", + -12.048932075500488 + ], + [ + "\u2581analfabetismo", + -12.260299682617188 + ], + [ + "\u2581borra", + -12.15329647064209 + ], + [ + "\u2581tentaci\u00f3n", + -12.188382148742676 + ], + [ + "search", + -12.861773490905762 + ], + [ + "\u2581Success", + -12.155397415161133 + ], + [ + "\u2581rescatar", + -12.250448226928711 + ], + [ + "\u2581gel", + -12.421041488647461 + ], + [ + "election", + -12.117485046386719 + ], + [ + "\u2581abarque", + -12.235825538635254 + ], + [ + "\u2581adoptara", + -12.306001663208008 + ], + [ + "\u2581caminata", + -12.218663215637207 + ], + [ + "\u2581liquidation", + -12.117328643798828 + ], + [ + "\u2581paradigma", + -12.2464599609375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Quarter", + -12.167716026306152 + ], + [ + "\u2581espont\u00e1nea", + -12.274334907531738 + ], + [ + "\u2581hydraulic", + -12.200432777404785 + ], + [ + "eat", + -12.14897346496582 + ], + [ + "pata", + -12.586015701293945 + ], + [ + "\u2581Corrections", + -12.116503715515137 + ], + [ + "OW", + -12.565529823303223 + ], + [ + "vada", + -12.362574577331543 + ], + [ + "\u2581disregard", + -12.143437385559082 + ], + [ + "medi", + -12.524903297424316 + ], + [ + "\u2581Toulouse", + -12.844040870666504 + ], + [ + "\u2581hombros", + -12.18406867980957 + ], + [ + "\u2581multiplica", + -12.152403831481934 + ], + [ + "duct", + -12.523666381835938 + ], + [ + "traje", + -12.944962501525879 + ], + [ + "\u25812).", + -12.297022819519043 + ], + [ + "\u2581toro", + -12.219564437866211 + ], + [ + "\u2581parche", + -12.281781196594238 + ], + [ + "offs", + -12.262293815612793 + ], + [ + "american", + -12.29017162322998 + ], + [ + "\u2581pongo", + -12.089964866638184 + ], + [ + "\u2581indirectos", + -12.287363052368164 + ], + [ + "\u25810,3", + -12.405595779418945 + ], + [ + "\u258163/2", + -12.954970359802246 + ], + [ + "Austria", + -12.855206489562988 + ], + [ + "alo", + -12.143789291381836 + ], + [ + "\u2581justamente", + -12.283785820007324 + ], + [ + "\u2581inversionistas", + -12.24732494354248 + ], + [ + "\u2581sho", + -12.876039505004883 + ], + [ + "lada", + -12.074332237243652 + ], + [ + "\u2581Heavy", + -12.250879287719727 + ], + [ + "\u2581proportionate", + -12.105639457702637 + ], + [ + "\u2581rulers", + -12.124434471130371 + ], + [ + "\u2581Niza", + -12.332470893859863 + ], + [ + "\u2581inforMARE", + -12.823719024658203 + ], + [ + "\u2581lively", + -12.183499336242676 + ], + [ + "\u2581pest", + -12.337442398071289 + ], + [ + "\u2581coinciden", + -12.241819381713867 + ], + [ + "giera", + -12.382879257202148 + ], + [ + "\u2581writings", + -12.313674926757812 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dry", + -12.236422538757324 + ], + [ + "\u2581Plazo", + -12.244011878967285 + ], + [ + "\u2581nadar", + -12.242979049682617 + ], + [ + "\u2581Objectives", + -12.183194160461426 + ], + [ + "\u2581penetration", + -12.126806259155273 + ], + [ + "\u2581wonders", + -12.200854301452637 + ], + [ + "\u2581Est\u00e1bamos", + -12.043070793151855 + ], + [ + "\u2581prefieren", + -12.270377159118652 + ], + [ + "\u2581BCN", + -12.273566246032715 + ], + [ + "\u2581inquiries", + -12.150468826293945 + ], + [ + "\u2581necesitaban", + -12.321588516235352 + ], + [ + "\u2581precautionary", + -12.125996589660645 + ], + [ + "\u2581vientos", + -12.305986404418945 + ], + [ + "\u2581Belgrado", + -12.224153518676758 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ingresos", + -12.362955093383789 + ], + [ + "\u2581translations", + -12.224468231201172 + ], + [ + "curr", + -12.413324356079102 + ], + [ + "wise", + -12.184141159057617 + ], + [ + "\u2581terminan", + -12.268489837646484 + ], + [ + "\u25811907", + -12.837821006774902 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gr", + -11.909506797790527 + ], + [ + "\u2581hiring", + -12.243698120117188 + ], + [ + "\u2581evite", + -12.257669448852539 + ], + [ + "\u2581grueso", + -12.264289855957031 + ], + [ + "\u2581jefa", + -12.143915176391602 + ], + [ + "\u2581viera", + -12.13608455657959 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cristiano", + -12.291646957397461 + ], + [ + "\u2581inflammation", + -12.1573486328125 + ], + [ + "yne", + -12.532453536987305 + ], + [ + "\u2581erosion", + -12.133512496948242 + ], + [ + "\u2581Scar", + -12.28958797454834 + ], + [ + "\u2581Arca", + -12.423126220703125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Subdivisi\u00f3n", + -12.311356544494629 + ], + [ + "\u2581racionalizar", + -12.253103256225586 + ], + [ + "\u2581subrayaron", + -12.240289688110352 + ], + [ + "\u2581ciega", + -12.198684692382812 + ], + [ + "\u2581prohibidos", + -12.23930835723877 + ], + [ + "\u2581concerts", + -12.233412742614746 + ], + [ + "\u2581calzado", + -12.247498512268066 + ], + [ + "\u2581dibuja", + -12.280372619628906 + ], + [ + "\u2581consignment", + -12.096376419067383 + ], + [ + "\u2581portuguesa", + -12.242559432983398 + ], + [ + "\u2581sumado", + -12.319783210754395 + ], + [ + "ticia", + -12.448616027832031 + ], + [ + "\u2581Colour", + -12.219550132751465 + ], + [ + "\u2581resistentes", + -12.262916564941406 + ], + [ + "\u2581humilla", + -12.188518524169922 + ], + [ + "\u2581YO", + -12.29689884185791 + ], + [ + "\u2581premia", + -12.311359405517578 + ], + [ + "\u2581essay", + -12.21403694152832 + ], + [ + "\u2581comunismo", + -12.273331642150879 + ], + [ + "\u2581ascendi\u00f3", + -12.317662239074707 + ], + [ + "\u2581alarming", + -12.15609359741211 + ], + [ + "\u2581blade", + -12.188154220581055 + ], + [ + "\u2581arranque", + -12.256324768066406 + ], + [ + "\u2581invalid", + -12.11959457397461 + ], + [ + "\u2581atribuida", + -12.277429580688477 + ], + [ + "\u25811943", + -12.897780418395996 + ], + [ + "\u2581realistas", + -12.28668212890625 + ], + [ + "\u2581modifican", + -12.130162239074707 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nokia", + -12.808775901794434 + ], + [ + "\u2581Simpson", + -12.898725509643555 + ], + [ + "\u2581mexicanos", + -12.271415710449219 + ], + [ + "t\u00edsimo", + -12.326542854309082 + ], + [ + "\u2581doctorado", + -12.369434356689453 + ], + [ + "\u2581inspirada", + -12.30909252166748 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sudanese", + -12.126941680908203 + ], + [ + "\u2581riguroso", + -12.280410766601562 + ], + [ + "\u2581subterr\u00e1neo", + -12.25039291381836 + ], + [ + "\u2581hacerla", + -12.012435913085938 + ], + [ + "\u2581repatriados", + -12.24449634552002 + ], + [ + "\u2581atendido", + -12.279452323913574 + ], + [ + "\u2581inscribirse", + -12.289416313171387 + ], + [ + "emi", + -12.150104522705078 + ], + [ + "\u2581CEPE", + -12.293850898742676 + ], + [ + "\u2581oxide", + -12.130145072937012 + ], + [ + "\u2581multiply", + -12.17294979095459 + ], + [ + "\u2581Clari", + -12.873279571533203 + ], + [ + "\u2581bloquea", + -12.21839714050293 + ], + [ + "litz", + -12.95435905456543 + ], + [ + "\u2581legislature", + -12.185267448425293 + ], + [ + "\u2581Olivia", + -12.854535102844238 + ], + [ + "\u2581calificados", + -12.237855911254883 + ], + [ + "\u2581traders", + -12.177413940429688 + ], + [ + "Act", + -12.1553373336792 + ], + [ + "\u2581bate", + -12.27571964263916 + ], + [ + "\u2581veamos", + -12.139571189880371 + ], + [ + "\u2581perfusi\u00f3n", + -12.272398948669434 + ], + [ + "\u2581PST", + -12.731765747070312 + ], + [ + "\u2581Elija", + -12.268572807312012 + ], + [ + "rack", + -12.325484275817871 + ], + [ + "MET", + -12.82124137878418 + ], + [ + "\u2581cooperando", + -12.315902709960938 + ], + [ + "\u2581relajante", + -12.272522926330566 + ], + [ + "\u2581Minor", + -12.207977294921875 + ], + [ + "lique", + -12.3233003616333 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pharma", + -12.723459243774414 + ], + [ + "\u2581bundle", + -12.132144927978516 + ], + [ + "\u2581dur\u00f3", + -12.266539573669434 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aplica", + -12.307762145996094 + ], + [ + "\u2581arrastra", + -12.19563102722168 + ], + [ + "\u2581Accra", + -12.900520324707031 + ], + [ + "hra", + -12.34554672241211 + ], + [ + "\u2581ECA", + -12.127349853515625 + ], + [ + "\u2581animaci\u00f3n", + -12.318596839904785 + ], + [ + "\u2581steep", + -12.150489807128906 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hunter", + -12.707527160644531 + ], + [ + "\u2581generados", + -12.335248947143555 + ], + [ + "\u2581anticuerpos", + -12.23377513885498 + ], + [ + "\u2581regimen", + -12.167251586914062 + ], + [ + "\u25810.4", + -12.331029891967773 + ], + [ + "\u2581Termina", + -12.195198059082031 + ], + [ + "\u2581Harvey", + -12.89499282836914 + ], + [ + "\u2581colonia", + -12.224196434020996 + ], + [ + "\u2581rises", + -12.319506645202637 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rena", + -12.865065574645996 + ], + [ + "\u2581Amount", + -12.120094299316406 + ], + [ + "anima", + -12.280941009521484 + ], + [ + "\u2581opta", + -12.226058959960938 + ], + [ + "\u2581Already", + -12.231522560119629 + ], + [ + "pareja", + -12.2871732711792 + ], + [ + "\u2581munitions", + -12.234975814819336 + ], + [ + "vious", + -12.415565490722656 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ponte", + -12.117229461669922 + ], + [ + "\u2581absurd", + -12.195054054260254 + ], + [ + "\u2581escort", + -12.241600036621094 + ], + [ + "\u2581parcel", + -12.166091918945312 + ], + [ + "\u2581sanctuary", + -12.186153411865234 + ], + [ + "125", + -12.795186042785645 + ], + [ + "\u2581suppression", + -12.165230751037598 + ], + [ + "\u2581Stick", + -12.318873405456543 + ], + [ + "\u2581costume", + -12.279014587402344 + ], + [ + "\u2581romanos", + -12.277019500732422 + ], + [ + "\u2581participativo", + -12.294550895690918 + ], + [ + "\u2581contradict", + -12.167586326599121 + ], + [ + "\u2581tropeza", + -12.2664155960083 + ], + [ + "\u2581Discussion", + -12.165931701660156 + ], + [ + "\u2581obstaculizar", + -12.335448265075684 + ], + [ + "\u2581pasadas", + -12.315114974975586 + ], + [ + "\u2581talents", + -12.162094116210938 + ], + [ + "\u2581subi\u00f3", + -12.331113815307617 + ], + [ + "\u2581piedad", + -12.225640296936035 + ], + [ + "\u2581sudoriental", + -12.335748672485352 + ], + [ + "\u2581nocivas", + -12.321891784667969 + ], + [ + "WI", + -12.02503776550293 + ], + [ + "\u25812050", + -12.815576553344727 + ], + [ + "\u2581V\u00eddeos", + -12.42099380493164 + ], + [ + "\u2581capilla", + -12.230850219726562 + ], + [ + "stage", + -12.208930969238281 + ], + [ + "App", + -12.340469360351562 + ], + [ + "\u2581kicked", + -12.310054779052734 + ], + [ + "\u2581nets", + -12.259353637695312 + ], + [ + "/82", + -12.79491901397705 + ], + [ + "\u2581travelled", + -12.193105697631836 + ], + [ + "\u2581Malcolm", + -12.86353588104248 + ], + [ + "\u2581ausente", + -12.244712829589844 + ], + [ + "\u2581c\u00f3mplice", + -12.179070472717285 + ], + [ + "\u2581Substantive", + -12.131829261779785 + ], + [ + "\u2581sticky", + -12.352538108825684 + ], + [ + "lev", + -12.403388977050781 + ], + [ + "utter", + -12.229818344116211 + ], + [ + "\u2581int\u00e9rpretes", + -12.259384155273438 + ], + [ + "7,5", + -12.868385314941406 + ], + [ + "Donde", + -12.09465503692627 + ], + [ + "\u2581smallest", + -12.144550323486328 + ], + [ + "\u2581Horn", + -12.197649955749512 + ], + [ + "\u2581filiales", + -12.311369895935059 + ], + [ + "\u2581overnight", + -12.191575050354004 + ], + [ + "\u2581contraceptive", + -12.120148658752441 + ], + [ + "\u2581seleccionada", + -12.38394546508789 + ], + [ + "\u2581meramente", + -12.303669929504395 + ], + [ + "\u2581Block", + -12.187224388122559 + ], + [ + "\u2581resignation", + -12.131973266601562 + ], + [ + "\u2581secos", + -12.349873542785645 + ], + [ + "Olvid", + -12.181502342224121 + ], + [ + "\u2581imperialism", + -12.214641571044922 + ], + [ + "\u00e1mico", + -12.559234619140625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Interamericano", + -12.3251314163208 + ], + [ + "\u2581Monthly", + -12.158248901367188 + ], + [ + "\u2581innumerables", + -12.266290664672852 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cielos", + -12.137648582458496 + ], + [ + "\u2581ingeniero", + -12.23371696472168 + ], + [ + "\u2581jubila", + -12.245748519897461 + ], + [ + "strict", + -12.459699630737305 + ], + [ + "\u2581(2013)", + -12.913508415222168 + ], + [ + "\u258150.000", + -12.242813110351562 + ], + [ + "5,00", + -12.90779972076416 + ], + [ + "\u2581Judges", + -12.18387508392334 + ], + [ + "\u2581Adici\u00f3n", + -12.344392776489258 + ], + [ + "\u2581cabra", + -12.257696151733398 + ], + [ + "\u2581gray", + -12.214286804199219 + ], + [ + "\u2581perdona", + -11.954243659973145 + ], + [ + "\u2581sentiment", + -12.224540710449219 + ], + [ + "TEX", + -13.147994995117188 + ], + [ + "\u2581(%)", + -12.782903671264648 + ], + [ + "\u2581precarious", + -12.129315376281738 + ], + [ + "\u2581intravenosa", + -12.24449634552002 + ], + [ + "Todav\u00eda", + -12.104011535644531 + ], + [ + "\u2581reformado", + -12.314133644104004 + ], + [ + "\u2581dispongan", + -12.361083030700684 + ], + [ + "-1999", + -12.893990516662598 + ], + [ + "\u2581documentado", + -12.305889129638672 + ], + [ + "\u2581Teachers", + -12.249153137207031 + ], + [ + "9]", + -12.82498550415039 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bretton", + -12.31557559967041 + ], + [ + "\u2581Partner", + -12.184967994689941 + ], + [ + "acu", + -12.355775833129883 + ], + [ + "\u2581Notification", + -12.213638305664062 + ], + [ + "\u2581profitability", + -12.14037036895752 + ], + [ + "Risas", + -12.232105255126953 + ], + [ + "\u2581Almaty", + -12.857930183410645 + ], + [ + "\u2581ambulancia", + -12.144786834716797 + ], + [ + "\u2581besar", + -12.148077011108398 + ], + [ + "Informaci\u00f3n", + -12.309881210327148 + ], + [ + "\u2581benchmark", + -12.133940696716309 + ], + [ + "\u2581damas", + -12.119016647338867 + ], + [ + "puso", + -12.339157104492188 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ronald", + -12.973198890686035 + ], + [ + "\u2581reguladora", + -12.316983222961426 + ], + [ + "stand", + -12.377908706665039 + ], + [ + "\u2581Whole", + -12.174314498901367 + ], + [ + "\u2581gen\u00e9rico", + -12.272317886352539 + ], + [ + "juga", + -12.632816314697266 + ], + [ + "stead", + -12.215428352355957 + ], + [ + "\u2581MedlinePlus", + -12.909435272216797 + ], + [ + "\u2581Barbie", + -12.854570388793945 + ], + [ + "\u2581importers", + -12.144314765930176 + ], + [ + "\u2581obvia", + -12.235337257385254 + ], + [ + "\u2581razonablemente", + -12.262068748474121 + ], + [ + "\u2581chapel", + -12.211654663085938 + ], + [ + "poca", + -12.7743501663208 + ], + [ + "\u2581vacacional", + -12.372088432312012 + ], + [ + "\u2581Seller", + -12.251206398010254 + ], + [ + "\u2581HOTEL", + -12.977456092834473 + ], + [ + "\u2581limb", + -12.223198890686035 + ], + [ + "\u2581respondan", + -12.25976848602295 + ], + [ + "\u2581retrieve", + -12.157331466674805 + ], + [ + "\u2581serum", + -12.159175872802734 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pau", + -12.68220043182373 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cos", + -12.34327220916748 + ], + [ + "\u2581alabanza", + -12.348718643188477 + ], + [ + "\u2581gabinete", + -12.26229190826416 + ], + [ + "\u2581Buddha", + -12.140259742736816 + ], + [ + "\u2581vague", + -12.174820899963379 + ], + [ + "\u2581convicciones", + -12.310312271118164 + ], + [ + "fraud", + -12.683540344238281 + ], + [ + "\u2581encontrar\u00e1n", + -12.239683151245117 + ], + [ + "\u2581presently", + -12.257563591003418 + ], + [ + "\u2581renovadas", + -12.363966941833496 + ], + [ + "\u2581ensu", + -12.19276237487793 + ], + [ + "\u2581GOD", + -12.189096450805664 + ], + [ + "Special", + -12.154688835144043 + ], + [ + "\u2581Stainless", + -12.210370063781738 + ], + [ + "both", + -12.182190895080566 + ], + [ + "therapy", + -12.191699981689453 + ], + [ + "\u2581conceal", + -12.143438339233398 + ], + [ + "\u2581especificados", + -12.323143005371094 + ], + [ + "\u2581distinguido", + -12.241560935974121 + ], + [ + "\u2581Yesterday", + -12.217658996582031 + ], + [ + "\u2581commandments", + -12.181219100952148 + ], + [ + "\u2581Inversi\u00f3n", + -12.312705993652344 + ], + [ + "\u2581static", + -12.197637557983398 + ], + [ + "\u2581toast", + -12.301843643188477 + ], + [ + "\u2581Copia", + -12.303495407104492 + ], + [ + "\u2581strand", + -12.167031288146973 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cerro", + -12.891063690185547 + ], + [ + "\u2581settlers", + -12.143837928771973 + ], + [ + "\u2581woke", + -12.2897367477417 + ], + [ + "\u2581recetas", + -12.275577545166016 + ], + [ + "\u2581haci\u00e9ndolo", + -12.206049919128418 + ], + [ + "\u2581apoyamos", + -12.274964332580566 + ], + [ + "\u2581arquitect\u00f3nico", + -12.27736759185791 + ], + [ + "\u2581establecer\u00e1n", + -12.297707557678223 + ], + [ + "\u2581venida", + -12.229766845703125 + ], + [ + "\u2581cartoon", + -12.136943817138672 + ], + [ + "\u2581nomination", + -12.145916938781738 + ], + [ + "\u2581pasajes", + -12.291155815124512 + ], + [ + "\u2581vacuno", + -12.30301570892334 + ], + [ + "\u2581Drink", + -12.248921394348145 + ], + [ + "\u2581longitudinal", + -12.900650978088379 + ], + [ + "\u2581mezquita", + -12.265289306640625 + ], + [ + "\u2581advirti\u00f3", + -12.27939510345459 + ], + [ + "Juan", + -12.361754417419434 + ], + [ + "\u2581Independientes", + -12.337974548339844 + ], + [ + "\u2581Selecci\u00f3n", + -12.289596557617188 + ], + [ + "\u2581privilegiado", + -12.276716232299805 + ], + [ + "\u2581aventuras", + -12.311036109924316 + ], + [ + "\u2581frontier", + -12.174328804016113 + ], + [ + "\u2581trainers", + -12.169568061828613 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuerno", + -12.215578079223633 + ], + [ + "\u2581australiano", + -12.316693305969238 + ], + [ + "\u2581DES", + -12.173384666442871 + ], + [ + "FORM", + -12.92567253112793 + ], + [ + "nton", + -12.219873428344727 + ], + [ + "\u2581dominate", + -12.20649242401123 + ], + [ + "oire", + -12.693055152893066 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alfredo", + -12.904378890991211 + ], + [ + "\u2581debilita", + -12.223868370056152 + ], + [ + "\u2581Batman", + -13.006436347961426 + ], + [ + "\u2581ficheros", + -12.34602165222168 + ], + [ + "\u2581solemn", + -12.186433792114258 + ], + [ + "scribieron", + -12.325517654418945 + ], + [ + "\u2581citadas", + -12.296026229858398 + ], + [ + "\u2581Monica", + -12.66896915435791 + ], + [ + "\u2581atravesar", + -12.233840942382812 + ], + [ + "DY", + -12.369754791259766 + ], + [ + "\u2581advertir", + -12.24320125579834 + ], + [ + "\u2581obstruct", + -12.25731372833252 + ], + [ + "\u2581Utilice", + -12.308218955993652 + ], + [ + "\u2581aqu\u00e9llos", + -12.219627380371094 + ], + [ + "\u2581sopla", + -12.223830223083496 + ], + [ + "\u2581Crimes", + -12.303248405456543 + ], + [ + "\u2581SPA", + -12.777948379516602 + ], + [ + "\u2581pronuncia", + -12.0904541015625 + ], + [ + "IAN", + -12.536625862121582 + ], + [ + "\u2581Picasso", + -12.882412910461426 + ], + [ + "Tal", + -12.261123657226562 + ], + [ + "bell", + -12.128369331359863 + ], + [ + "Adem\u00e1s", + -12.252528190612793 + ], + [ + "\u2581enterrado", + -12.161637306213379 + ], + [ + "\u2581motive", + -12.266887664794922 + ], + [ + "riza", + -12.402426719665527 + ], + [ + "\u2581maker", + -12.250046730041504 + ], + [ + "titude", + -12.20463752746582 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ads", + -12.305961608886719 + ], + [ + "\u2581Favoritas", + -12.360776901245117 + ], + [ + "\u2581ceilings", + -12.185894012451172 + ], + [ + "yes", + -12.259693145751953 + ], + [ + "\u2581Chart", + -12.253000259399414 + ], + [ + "\u2581S\u00e1nchez", + -12.27736759185791 + ], + [ + "\u2581herewith", + -12.152660369873047 + ], + [ + "representaciones", + -12.839496612548828 + ], + [ + "\u2581producciones", + -12.257478713989258 + ], + [ + "\u2581aseguro", + -12.095553398132324 + ], + [ + "\u2581obtenga", + -12.26810073852539 + ], + [ + "\u2581actuarial", + -12.913095474243164 + ], + [ + "\u2581fascista", + -12.285502433776855 + ], + [ + "Canad\u00e1", + -12.301441192626953 + ], + [ + "\u2581similarly", + -12.18600845336914 + ], + [ + "\u2581famosas", + -12.321206092834473 + ], + [ + "\u2581parecida", + -12.224466323852539 + ], + [ + "\u2581resolv", + -12.210054397583008 + ], + [ + "gale", + -12.321630477905273 + ], + [ + "stituciones", + -12.291099548339844 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rest", + -12.211368560791016 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hampshire", + -12.784272193908691 + ], + [ + "\u2581contraparte", + -12.23481559753418 + ], + [ + "\u2581karma", + -12.926072120666504 + ], + [ + "\u2581fond", + -12.24886417388916 + ], + [ + "\u2581Judgment", + -12.099621772766113 + ], + [ + "\u2581combusti\u00f3n", + -12.296795845031738 + ], + [ + "\u2581hormonas", + -12.268942832946777 + ], + [ + "\u2581uranium", + -12.248302459716797 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tree", + -12.274938583374023 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bun", + -12.388466835021973 + ], + [ + "\u2581Contribution", + -12.180121421813965 + ], + [ + "\u2581aficionados", + -12.291451454162598 + ], + [ + "\u2581advocated", + -12.155656814575195 + ], + [ + "\u2581arruinar", + -12.133642196655273 + ], + [ + "\u2581manten\u00eda", + -12.343221664428711 + ], + [ + "osphere", + -12.34932804107666 + ], + [ + "\u2581NEW", + -12.151416778564453 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tom\u00e9", + -12.173724174499512 + ], + [ + "\u2581representaban", + -12.3597412109375 + ], + [ + "\u2581gobernar", + -12.259307861328125 + ], + [ + "\u2581octava", + -12.289595603942871 + ], + [ + "\u2581b\u00edblico", + -12.30907154083252 + ], + [ + "\u2581despertado", + -12.258319854736328 + ], + [ + "\u2581nutricional", + -12.312424659729004 + ], + [ + "\u2581prohibiciones", + -12.269299507141113 + ], + [ + "\u2581alteraci\u00f3n", + -12.213639259338379 + ], + [ + "\u2581screens", + -12.268089294433594 + ], + [ + "Buenos", + -12.500138282775879 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hair", + -12.23038387298584 + ], + [ + "\u2581odds", + -12.261466026306152 + ], + [ + "\u2581Regresa", + -12.130921363830566 + ], + [ + "\u2581crom\u00e1tica", + -12.340082168579102 + ], + [ + "\u2581captar", + -12.294353485107422 + ], + [ + "\u2581dobla", + -12.213391304016113 + ], + [ + "NIA", + -12.624844551086426 + ], + [ + "\u00e1ndolas", + -12.41330623626709 + ], + [ + "\u2581boarding", + -12.256231307983398 + ], + [ + "\u2581c\u00e9sped", + -12.215522766113281 + ], + [ + "transport", + -12.648862838745117 + ], + [ + "\u2581Deutsche", + -12.855914115905762 + ], + [ + "people", + -12.165107727050781 + ], + [ + "\u2581litigios", + -12.325995445251465 + ], + [ + "\u2581moci\u00f3n", + -12.260218620300293 + ], + [ + "gala", + -12.42268180847168 + ], + [ + "dense", + -12.413405418395996 + ], + [ + "\u2581mixing", + 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"\u2581Chloe", + -12.76648998260498 + ], + [ + "\u2581diagram", + -12.205927848815918 + ], + [ + "\u2581representativos", + -12.264359474182129 + ], + [ + "track", + -12.255291938781738 + ], + [ + "\u2581Directivo", + -12.307217597961426 + ], + [ + "\u2581encaminado", + -12.286031723022461 + ], + [ + "\u2581Zagreb", + -12.84575366973877 + ], + [ + "\u2581Devil", + -12.232172012329102 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vend", + -12.316692352294922 + ], + [ + "\u2581arrives", + -12.301390647888184 + ], + [ + "\u2581landmark", + -12.199121475219727 + ], + [ + "\u2581hitting", + -12.251853942871094 + ], + [ + "\u2581proportional", + -12.242304801940918 + ], + [ + "\u2581Monta\u00f1a", + -12.280978202819824 + ], + [ + "\u2581junior", + -12.189703941345215 + ], + [ + "\u2581nombr\u00f3", + -12.376282691955566 + ], + [ + "\u2581pur", + -12.318111419677734 + ], + [ + "\u2581Currency", + -12.165977478027344 + ], + [ + "\u2581juramento", + -12.181994438171387 + ], + [ + "\u2581sacrament", + -12.159916877746582 + ], + [ + "3-4", + -13.05517864227295 + ], + [ + "itan", + -12.53018569946289 + ], + [ + "\u2581departed", + -12.170845031738281 + ], + [ + "\u2581muchachas", + -12.287461280822754 + ], + [ + "\u2581pretext", + -12.230636596679688 + ], + [ + "\u2581casados", + -12.190556526184082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jur\u00eddico", + -12.242583274841309 + ], + [ + "\u2581apple", + -12.244270324707031 + ], + [ + "World", + -12.237506866455078 + ], + [ + "\u2581nonetheless", + -12.126806259155273 + ], + [ + "\u2581asisti\u00f3", + -12.327495574951172 + ], + [ + "\u2581comunistas", + -12.244491577148438 + ], + [ + "\u2581Guidance", + -12.16514778137207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Apuesto", + -12.03391170501709 + ], + [ + "ayo", + -12.300538063049316 + ], + [ + "\u2581participates", + -12.383231163024902 + ], + [ + "\u2581Plug", + -12.680559158325195 + ], + [ + "\u2581pausa", + -12.291740417480469 + ], + [ + "-31", + -12.23511791229248 + ], + [ + "\u2581fella", + -12.438018798828125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sandra", + -12.885978698730469 + ], + [ + "\u2581bourgeoisie", + -12.159212112426758 + ], + [ + "\u2581mir\u00f3", + -12.24334716796875 + ], + [ + "\u2581registran", + -12.162626266479492 + ], + [ + "\u2581usaba", + -12.390437126159668 + ], + [ + "\u2581D\u00edas", + -12.404243469238281 + ], + [ + "\u2581Madison", + -12.979183197021484 + ], + [ + "\u2581pockets", + -12.265210151672363 + ], + [ + "\u2581u\u00f1as", + -12.237071990966797 + ], + [ + "\u2581estrechos", + -12.340635299682617 + ], + [ + "\u2581parameter", + -12.162463188171387 + ], + [ + "opat\u00eda", + -12.624869346618652 + ], + [ + "\u2581tentativa", + -12.310314178466797 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wheel", + -12.21037483215332 + ], + [ + "\u2581desfavorable", + -12.272316932678223 + ], + [ + "\u2581llevaban", + -12.28752326965332 + ], + [ + "\u2581encompass", + -12.167497634887695 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aspects", + -12.190618515014648 + ], + [ + "\u2581episodes", + -12.268515586853027 + ], + [ + "\u2581muda", + -11.973014831542969 + ], + [ + "\u2581eva", + -12.530314445495605 + ], + [ + "\u2581leg\u00edtimas", + -12.328278541564941 + ], + [ + "\u2581Procedimientos", + -12.316828727722168 + ], + [ + "\u2581Toscana", + -12.280410766601562 + ], + [ + "\u2581Actividad", + -12.32834243774414 + ], + [ + "\u2581vest\u00edbulo", + -12.25434398651123 + ], + [ + "\u2581volc\u00e1n", + -12.329407691955566 + ], + [ + "izarse", + -12.246801376342773 + ], + [ + "ISH", + -12.587223052978516 + ], + [ + "wel", + -12.211870193481445 + ], + [ + "\u2581inherentes", + -12.28060245513916 + ], + [ + "\u2581jaula", + -12.198616027832031 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuerdas", + -12.218769073486328 + ], + [ + "\u2581nece", + -12.249409675598145 + ], + [ + "\u2581relaxed", + -12.164094924926758 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cameron", + -12.883852005004883 + ], + [ + "\u2581buyers", + -12.164320945739746 + ], + [ + "\u2581Soleil", + -12.863040924072266 + ], + [ + "\u2581makeup", + -12.22401237487793 + ], + [ + "Leer", + -12.313199996948242 + ], + [ + "\u2581abstenerse", + -12.346541404724121 + ], + [ + "\u2581approving", + -12.189703941345215 + ], + [ + "\u2581tr\u00e1gico", + -12.310320854187012 + ], + [ + "\u2581Estimate", + -11.9884033203125 + ], + [ + "dress", + -12.27745246887207 + ], + [ + "\u2581concomitante", + -12.320831298828125 + ], + [ + "\u2581confinement", + -12.178289413452148 + ], + [ + "\u2581Xavier", + -12.911263465881348 + ], + [ + "\u2581cigarettes", + -12.210902214050293 + ], + [ + "location", + -12.174760818481445 + ], + [ + "\u2581postula", + -12.333211898803711 + ], + [ + "cedente", + -12.573766708374023 + ], + [ + "\u2581candidaturas", + -12.322044372558594 + ], + [ + "\u2581espina", + -12.314698219299316 + ], + [ + "\u2581supremo", + -12.297237396240234 + ], + [ + "beta", + -12.740950584411621 + ], + [ + "\u2581danesa", + -12.308186531066895 + ], + [ + "\u2581bodas", + -12.257789611816406 + ], + [ + "\u2581recauda", + -12.199310302734375 + ], + [ + "\u2581enrich", + -12.211244583129883 + ], + [ + "rite", + -12.217318534851074 + ], + [ + "\u2581Advice", + -12.168615341186523 + ], + [ + "\u2581Peaceful", + -12.166047096252441 + ], + [ + "TING", + -12.232161521911621 + ], + [ + "1.6", + -12.326762199401855 + ], + [ + "6-", + -12.185416221618652 + ], + [ + "\u2581blando", + -12.26088809967041 + ], + [ + "\u2581santifica", + -12.290377616882324 + ], + [ + "\u2581[7]", + -12.8512601852417 + ], + [ + "\u2581Drag", + -12.21561050415039 + ], + [ + "\u2581resina", + -12.249515533447266 + ], + [ + "\u2581aproba", + -12.287341117858887 + ], + [ + "talling", + -12.215128898620605 + ], + [ + "\u2581Luce", + -12.316183090209961 + ], + [ + "\u2581unlock", + -12.239226341247559 + ], + [ + "green", + -12.182497024536133 + ], + [ + "\u2581UNION", + -12.159506797790527 + ], + [ + "zcan", + -12.448760032653809 + ], + [ + "\u2581Split", + -12.75263786315918 + ], + [ + "\u2581prompted", + -12.183462142944336 + ], + [ + "\u2581contradicciones", + -12.253355979919434 + ], + [ + "\u2581observes", + -12.175978660583496 + ], + [ + "\u2581matar\u00e1", + -12.269732475280762 + ], + [ + "\u2581refusing", + -12.208560943603516 + ], + [ + "treated", + -12.13916301727295 + ], + [ + "\u2581reducirse", + -12.357319831848145 + ], + [ + "\u2581Technological", + -12.133511543273926 + ], + [ + "prendi\u00f3", + -12.241948127746582 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mile", + -12.302870750427246 + ], + [ + "\u2581comprensible", + -12.265289306640625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bomba", + -12.245332717895508 + ], + [ + "\u2581socialismo", + -12.256165504455566 + ], + [ + "\u2581contempor\u00e1neas", + -12.354998588562012 + ], + [ + "Mag", + -12.933425903320312 + ], + [ + "\u2581Adquisiciones", + -12.32400894165039 + ], + [ + "pecia", + -12.358979225158691 + ], + [ + "\u2581Asociado", + -12.321918487548828 + ], + [ + "\u2581deseados", + -12.330572128295898 + ], + [ + "\u2581producir\u00e1", + -12.403493881225586 + ], + [ + "condicionamiento", + -12.34235668182373 + ], + [ + "ously", + -12.340110778808594 + ], + [ + "\u2581cum", + -12.46816349029541 + ], + [ + "mbe", + -12.296010971069336 + ], + [ + "\u2581absorbe", + -12.301130294799805 + ], + [ + "\u2581mosca", + -12.191118240356445 + ], + [ + "trucci\u00f3n", + -12.832841873168945 + ], + [ + "\u2581unauthorized", + -12.185267448425293 + ], + [ + "\u2581brindan", + -12.143473625183105 + ], + [ + "circu", + -12.273056030273438 + ], + [ + "\u2581sist\u00e9mica", + -12.320830345153809 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fuel", + -12.17347526550293 + ], + [ + "\u2581perpetrator", + -12.141530990600586 + ], + [ + "\u2581Frankie", + -12.886101722717285 + ], + [ + "\u2581cohetes", + -12.363585472106934 + ], + [ + "\u2581Filip", + -12.921319961547852 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gilbert", + -12.93726634979248 + ], + [ + "\u2581matriculaci\u00f3n", + -12.321172714233398 + ], + [ + "chev", + -12.873146057128906 + ], + [ + "\u2581lump", + -12.257959365844727 + ], + [ + "\u2581insisti\u00f3", + -12.267584800720215 + ], + [ + "\u2581indebida", + -12.36021900177002 + ], + [ + "\u2581conectarse", + -12.366605758666992 + ], + [ + "\u2581disturbios", + -12.265289306640625 + ], + [ + "\u2581portable", + -12.199990272521973 + ], + [ + "\u2581Positive", + -12.198637008666992 + ], + [ + "\u2581gramos", + -12.286962509155273 + ], + [ + "\u2581filial", + -12.3092679977417 + ], + [ + "\u2581pretenden", + -12.276808738708496 + ], + [ + "1,5", + -12.956212997436523 + ], + [ + "\u2581differentiated", + -12.13254451751709 + ], + [ + "UNCTAD", + -12.92924690246582 + ], + [ + "\u2581blocking", + -12.165081024169922 + ], + [ + "esse", + -12.349625587463379 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hire", + -12.198507308959961 + ], + [ + "\u2581Peso", + -12.352315902709961 + ], + [ + "\u2581Periodic", + -12.203316688537598 + ], + [ + "\u2581postales", + -12.306845664978027 + ], + [ + "\u2581searches", + -12.196319580078125 + ], + [ + "\u2581uni\u00f3", + -12.373225212097168 + ], + [ + "\u2581terribles", + -12.28537368774414 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vine", + -12.079002380371094 + ], + [ + "\u2581crecen", + -12.237128257751465 + ], + [ + "\u2581Concurso", + -12.32964038848877 + ], + [ + "\u2581impresiones", + -12.301972389221191 + ], + [ + "\u2581mum", + -12.276443481445312 + ], + [ + "\u2581pagados", + -12.31787109375 + ], + [ + "break", + -12.217219352722168 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rehabilitation", + -12.239864349365234 + ], + [ + "mesa", + -12.402300834655762 + ], + [ + "\u2581Feedback", + -12.277019500732422 + ], + [ + "\u2581vaccines", + -12.176687240600586 + ], + [ + "\u2581Identification", + -12.147051811218262 + ], + [ + "\u2581aislado", + -12.223978042602539 + ], + [ + "\u2581crush", + -12.226131439208984 + ], + [ + "\u2581desequilibrio", + -12.282092094421387 + ], + [ + "valente", + -12.68053913116455 + ], + [ + "\u2581desliza", + -12.187484741210938 + ], + [ + "\u2581echado", + -12.195260047912598 + ], + [ + "\u2581mascota", + -12.260558128356934 + ], + [ + "\u2581intervienen", + -12.306690216064453 + ], + [ + "\u2581Stability", + -12.159470558166504 + ], + [ + "\u2581capsules", + -12.218817710876465 + ], + [ + "ggi", + -12.788252830505371 + ], + [ + "\u2581poem", + -12.257410049438477 + ], + [ + "LOR", + -12.942044258117676 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tun", + -12.45121955871582 + ], + [ + "escent", + -12.350385665893555 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hoja", + -12.32306957244873 + ], + [ + "\u2581riot", + -12.251350402832031 + ], + [ + "\u2581Joel", + -12.904573440551758 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lie", + -12.400779724121094 + ], + [ + "\u2581quedar\u00e1n", + -12.267468452453613 + ], + [ + "eastern", + -12.205113410949707 + ], + [ + "\u2581Buscando", + -12.316834449768066 + ], + [ + "\u2581Zaragoza", + -12.965787887573242 + ], + [ + "\u2581requisite", + -12.172075271606445 + ], + [ + "\u2581responds", + -12.304957389831543 + ], + [ + "\u2581couch", + -12.269896507263184 + ], + [ + "litos", + -12.283849716186523 + ], + [ + "\u2581Franz", + -12.946088790893555 + ], + [ + "\u2581disadvantage", + -12.143804550170898 + ], + [ + "duzca", + -12.348259925842285 + ], + [ + "\u2581frescas", + -12.31663703918457 + ], + [ + "\u2581relata", + -12.348251342773438 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ren\u00e9", + -12.882689476013184 + ], + [ + "\u2581apostar", + -12.191569328308105 + ], + [ + "\u2581arriesgar", + -12.248907089233398 + ], + [ + "Reino", + -12.314375877380371 + ], + [ + "\u2581convivencia", + -12.298863410949707 + ], + [ + "\u2581ruler", + -12.2512788772583 + ], + [ + "[...]", + -13.007193565368652 + ], + [ + "\u2581delegate", + -12.181578636169434 + ], + [ + "rrolla", + -12.458470344543457 + ], + [ + "trade", + -12.19211196899414 + ], + [ + "\u2581Audiovisual", + -12.717277526855469 + ], + [ + "\u2581GS", + -12.2064208984375 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00eddolo", + -12.249518394470215 + ], + [ + "TAS", + -12.394057273864746 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lili", + -12.952520370483398 + ], + [ + "ncies", + -12.287077903747559 + ], + [ + "\u2581introduces", + -12.270703315734863 + ], + [ + "\u2581Planeta", + -12.271677017211914 + ], + [ + "\u2581Riv", + -12.381662368774414 + ], + [ + "\u2581resumida", + -12.325069427490234 + ], + [ + "mez", + -12.242973327636719 + ], + [ + "\u2581elevated", + -12.20793342590332 + ], + [ + "\u2581cater", + -12.205827713012695 + ], + [ + "tificaci\u00f3n", + -12.271228790283203 + ], + [ + "\u2581jodido", + -12.167244911193848 + ], + [ + "ality", + -12.012238502502441 + ], + [ + "chemical", + -12.422985076904297 + ], + [ + "\u2581india", + -12.317593574523926 + ], + [ + "\u2581quadr", + -12.507640838623047 + ], + [ + "ADOR", + -12.65771770477295 + ], + [ + "imon", + -12.373292922973633 + ], + [ + "\u2581llorando", + -12.14808177947998 + ], + [ + "proporcionalidad", + -12.354217529296875 + ], + [ + "\u2581distante", + -12.274059295654297 + ], + [ + "\u2581par\u00e1metro", + -12.333695411682129 + ], + [ + "\u2581botas", + -12.17488956451416 + ], + [ + "\u2581humildad", + -12.28244400024414 + ], + [ + "\u00e9monos", + -12.148674011230469 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nova", + -12.237959861755371 + ], + [ + "\u2581notado", + -12.271761894226074 + ], + [ + "job", + -12.171271324157715 + ], + [ + "\u2581seventy", + -12.18970012664795 + ], + [ + "ws", + -12.438558578491211 + ], + [ + "\u2581arregla", + -11.990503311157227 + ], + [ + "\u2581B\u00e1ltico", + -12.263290405273438 + ], + [ + "\u2581centenares", + -12.259844779968262 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hern", + -12.271763801574707 + ], + [ + "\u2581denominados", + -12.336136817932129 + ], + [ + "\u2581illiteracy", + -12.147904396057129 + ], + [ + "\u2581Chef", + -12.739947319030762 + ], + [ + "\u2581weighing", + -12.21308422088623 + ], + [ + "\u2581Instrucciones", + -12.301972389221191 + ], + [ + "\u2581Provisions", + -12.188636779785156 + ], + [ + "\u2581principally", + -12.13708209991455 + ], + [ + "metric", + -12.098504066467285 + ], + [ + "\u2581alojarse", + -12.303885459899902 + ], + [ + "\u2581snap", + -12.305362701416016 + ], + [ + "\u2581rebuild", + -12.21851921081543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Manila", + -12.908036231994629 + ], + [ + "\u2581rev\u00e9s", + -12.276396751403809 + ], + [ + "\u2581disolvente", + -12.330541610717773 + ], + [ + "executing", + -12.22040843963623 + ], + [ + "\u2581auxilio", + -12.263290405273438 + ], + [ + "ronic", + -12.20738410949707 + ], + [ + "\u2581numbered", + -12.289695739746094 + ], + [ + "Paul", + -12.820115089416504 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuentos", + -12.27062702178955 + ], + [ + "\u2581misa", + -12.40310287475586 + ], + [ + "\u2581Salou", + -12.9195556640625 + ], + [ + "\u2581agujeros", + -12.243408203125 + ], + [ + "\u2581distorsiona", + -12.265290260314941 + ], + [ + "\u2581agradecido", + -12.270684242248535 + ], + [ + "acion", + -12.33259105682373 + ], + [ + "\u2581boleto", + -12.303814888000488 + ], + [ + "\u2581customized", + -12.139626502990723 + ], + [ + "\u2581picnic", + -12.85269546508789 + ], + [ + "\u2581humankind", + -12.141010284423828 + ], + [ + "\u2581mueva", + -12.136149406433105 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rompecabezas", + -12.381884574890137 + ], + [ + "\u2581conductas", + -12.400120735168457 + ], + [ + "\u2581Minor\u00edas", + -12.350893020629883 + ], + [ + "\u2581expandir", + -12.235715866088867 + ], + [ + "\u2581Improved", + -12.164427757263184 + ], + [ + "\u2581Maldita", + -12.127617835998535 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ralph", + -12.847290992736816 + ], + [ + "\u2581cristianas", + -12.390968322753906 + ], + [ + "disproportionate", + -12.109698295593262 + ], + [ + "\u2581clusters", + -12.226224899291992 + ], + [ + "\u2581restituciones", + -12.270627975463867 + ], + [ + "\u2581habia", + -12.229644775390625 + ], + [ + "\u2581malvado", + -12.249634742736816 + ], + [ + "\u2581optimiza", + -12.292884826660156 + ], + [ + "40.000", + -12.337666511535645 + ], + [ + "\u2581hostigamiento", + -12.374090194702148 + ], + [ + "primir", + -12.312664985656738 + ], + [ + "\u2581Montevideo", + -12.918621063232422 + ], + [ + "\u2581escribi", + -12.17690372467041 + ], + [ + "\u2581arrancar", + -12.297609329223633 + ], + [ + "\u2581Activity", + -12.237321853637695 + ], + [ + "\u2581m\u00e9dula", + -12.300934791564941 + ], + [ + "\u2581refrigeraci\u00f3n", + -12.331462860107422 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fill", + -12.293766975402832 + ], + [ + "\u2581predicted", + -12.23263931274414 + ], + [ + "\u2581vintage", + -12.596726417541504 + ], + [ + "Brasil", + -12.309831619262695 + ], + [ + "capa", + -12.481160163879395 + ], + [ + "\u2581Descubra", + -12.340051651000977 + ], + [ + "Corre", + -12.250879287719727 + ], + [ + "\u2581Constru", + -12.352291107177734 + ], + [ + "\u2581newborn", + -12.217126846313477 + ], + [ + "\u2581vest", + -12.275223731994629 + ], + [ + "licos", + -12.509711265563965 + ], + [ + "\u2581PRODUCT", + -12.220562934875488 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sanidad", + -12.282888412475586 + ], + [ + "\u2581pato", + -12.14958667755127 + ], + [ + "\u2581Clinical", + -12.169960021972656 + ], + [ + "\u2581claimants", + -12.215145111083984 + ], + [ + "\u2581Div", + -12.50411319732666 + ], + [ + "\u2581acarrea", + -12.311371803283691 + ], + [ + "\u2581quir\u00fargica", + -12.365161895751953 + ], + [ + "arrow", + -12.392921447753906 + ], + [ + "\u2581narcotr\u00e1fico", + -12.270304679870605 + ], + [ + "\u2581residues", + -12.220962524414062 + ], + [ + "Pon", + -12.353007316589355 + ], + [ + "\u2581Brit\u00e1nica", + -12.285502433776855 + ], + [ + "\u2581Honda", + -12.817578315734863 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tribunals", + -12.290898323059082 + ], + [ + "\u2581ardiente", + -12.216675758361816 + ], + [ + "Bus", + -12.359530448913574 + ], + [ + "Cual", + -12.267210006713867 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mean", + -12.234668731689453 + ], + [ + "\u2581fluye", + -12.246561050415039 + ], + [ + "\u2581purity", + -12.160898208618164 + ], + [ + "\u2581illnesses", + -12.244754791259766 + ], + [ + "\u2581se\u00f1aladas", + -12.358449935913086 + ], + [ + "mando", + -12.087855339050293 + ], + [ + "rou", + -12.361265182495117 + ], + [ + "\u2581Boutique", + -12.805456161499023 + ], + [ + "\u2581clasificados", + -12.240482330322266 + ], + [ + "\u2581Discapacidad", + -12.432622909545898 + ], + [ + "\u2581manchas", + -12.246099472045898 + ], + [ + "\u2581REALTOR", + -12.781057357788086 + ], + [ + "\u2581ancestral", + -12.591397285461426 + ], + [ + "\u2581cintas", + -12.235249519348145 + ], + [ + "porque", + -12.197884559631348 + ], + [ + "\u2581marroqu\u00ed", + -12.330394744873047 + ], + [ + "\u2581unequal", + -12.227824211120605 + ], + [ + "\u2581colapso", + -12.265289306640625 + ], + [ + "\u2581doctora", + -12.222033500671387 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lit", + -12.581696510314941 + ], + [ + "ducida", + -12.388421058654785 + ], + [ + "base", + -12.225284576416016 + ], + [ + "root", + -12.207131385803223 + ], + [ + "\u25810.6", + -12.271138191223145 + ], + [ + "\u2581someter\u00e1", + -12.362020492553711 + ], + [ + "SBSTA", + -12.752725601196289 + ], + [ + "\u2581terminology", + -12.182615280151367 + ], + [ + "music", + -12.78560733795166 + ], + [ + "\u2581rigor", + -12.278458595275879 + ], + [ + "\u2581intangible", + -12.785884857177734 + ], + [ + "\u2581premisa", + -12.294740676879883 + ], + [ + "cuadro", + -12.539281845092773 + ], + [ + "\u2581aumenten", + -12.299708366394043 + ], + [ + "\u2581portavoz", + -12.290619850158691 + ], + [ + "start", + -12.356663703918457 + ], + [ + "\u2581Israelites", + -12.168449401855469 + ], + [ + "\u2581incidental", + -12.810237884521484 + ], + [ + "dynamic", + -12.60792350769043 + ], + [ + "vuelve", + -12.233966827392578 + ], + [ + "\u2581hostage", + -12.175335884094238 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tribu", + -12.397262573242188 + ], + [ + "\u2581grill", + -12.269889831542969 + ], + [ + "NY", + -12.330337524414062 + ], + [ + "\u2581manages", + -12.360856056213379 + ], + [ + "\u2581activista", + -12.299598693847656 + ], + [ + "\u2581demogr\u00e1fica", + -12.256551742553711 + ], + [ + "\u2581frontiers", + -12.189830780029297 + ], + [ + "\u2581volver\u00eda", + -12.259628295898438 + ], + [ + "\u2581borrado", + -12.334756851196289 + ], + [ + "\u2581fru", + -12.494880676269531 + ], + [ + "\u2581imminent", + -12.22500228881836 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mommy", + -12.40867805480957 + ], + [ + "\u2581extendida", + -12.296960830688477 + ], + [ + "\u2581pandilla", + -12.22801685333252 + ], + [ + "\u2581destacando", + -12.367951393127441 + ], + [ + "\u2581p\u00edldora", + -12.268295288085938 + ], + [ + "\u2581sellos", + -12.319238662719727 + ], + [ + "Here", + -12.2686767578125 + ], + [ + "\u2581comparing", + -12.218587875366211 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ponga", + -12.21083927154541 + ], + [ + "\u2581implican", + -12.277237892150879 + ], + [ + "\u2581Flowers", + -12.24242115020752 + ], + [ + "\u2581animation", + -12.237997055053711 + ], + [ + "\u2581transformador", + -12.624495506286621 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bass", + -12.355849266052246 + ], + [ + "\u2581aproveche", + -12.56421184539795 + ], + [ + "\u2581justas", + -12.403618812561035 + ], + [ + "\u2581heroin", + -12.345190048217773 + ], + [ + "\u2581gestionado", + -12.359953880310059 + ], + [ + "\u2581omisi\u00f3n", + -12.272207260131836 + ], + [ + "\u2581purple", + -12.212200164794922 + ], + [ + "\u2581vein", + -12.185685157775879 + ], + [ + "\u2581Moab", + -12.803895950317383 + ], + [ + "\u2581Srpska", + -12.85435962677002 + ], + [ + "\u2581Convert", + -12.18733024597168 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mitch", + -12.952874183654785 + ], + [ + "\u2581acabados", + -12.331765174865723 + ], + [ + "\u2581lakes", + -12.240079879760742 + ], + [ + "\u2581dialog", + -12.197285652160645 + ], + [ + "\u258113:", + -12.194154739379883 + ], + [ + "\u2581inhibit", + -12.173727035522461 + ], + [ + "rense", + -12.189724922180176 + ], + [ + "\u2581expectancy", + -12.187986373901367 + ], + [ + "\u2581instant\u00e1nea", + -12.2244873046875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hablando", + -12.183573722839355 + ], + [ + "Uni", + -12.26330852508545 + ], + [ + "ault", + -12.460495948791504 + ], + [ + "\u2581al\u00e9rgica", + -12.309264183044434 + ], + [ + "\u2581simultaneous", + -12.17760181427002 + ], + [ + "\u2581apoyar\u00e1", + -12.25397777557373 + ], + [ + "\u2581bandeja", + -12.316608428955078 + ], + [ + "MAP", + -13.039855003356934 + ], + [ + "equen", + -12.755294799804688 + ], + [ + "\u2581obligatorias", + -12.371417045593262 + ], + [ + "\u2581receiver", + -12.241448402404785 + ], + [ + "\u2581recordatorio", + -12.341131210327148 + ], + [ + "puedes", + -12.070727348327637 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ankara", + -12.963863372802734 + ], + [ + "\u2581abren", + -12.271454811096191 + ], + [ + "\u2581childcare", + -12.168580055236816 + ], + [ + "\u2581Frecuentes", + -12.338973999023438 + ], + [ + "\u00edge", + -12.425090789794922 + ], + [ + "\u2581contest\u00f3", + -12.345470428466797 + ], + [ + "\u2581Feed", + -12.208589553833008 + ], + [ + "\u2581reunification", + -12.239850997924805 + ], + [ + "clave", + -12.40117359161377 + ], + [ + "nium", + -12.365659713745117 + ], + [ + "\u2581Darussalam", + -12.409628868103027 + ], + [ + "\u2581an\u00f3nima", + -12.27332592010498 + ], + [ + "\u2581Arabs", + -12.43848705291748 + ], + [ + "\u2581340", + -12.867074966430664 + ], + [ + "\u2581C\u00f3rdoba", + -12.331462860107422 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rei", + -12.51769733428955 + ], + [ + "\u2581nowadays", + -12.230545043945312 + ], + [ + "duc\u00eda", + -12.313082695007324 + ], + [ + "\u2581coli", + -12.313192367553711 + ], + [ + "\u2581sleeve", + -12.261591911315918 + ], + [ + "\u2581travellers", + -12.153108596801758 + ], + [ + "\u2581clasificado", + -12.356525421142578 + ], + [ + "pito", + -12.346944808959961 + ], + [ + "\u2581conduzca", + -12.323280334472656 + ], + [ + "\u2581oy\u00f3", + -12.287625312805176 + ], + [ + "\u2581reforzando", + -12.34980297088623 + ], + [ + "tivamente", + -12.276512145996094 + ], + [ + "\u2581Warsaw", + -12.196846008300781 + ], + [ + "\u2581moratorium", + -12.252082824707031 + ], + [ + "cisi\u00f3n", + -12.317371368408203 + ], + [ + "copia", + -12.303873062133789 + ], + [ + "DAS", + -12.379110336303711 + ], + [ + "\u2581suizo", + -12.388636589050293 + ], + [ + "eep", + -12.390046119689941 + ], + [ + "then", + -12.372546195983887 + ], + [ + "\u2581rumores", + -12.20106029510498 + ], + [ + "\u2581creador", + -12.231537818908691 + ], + [ + "140", + -12.842844009399414 + ], + [ + "\u2581comunicar\u00e1", + -12.257184028625488 + ], + [ + "\u2581Arra", + -12.75887393951416 + ], + [ + "\u2581caseros", + -12.362138748168945 + ], + [ + "\u2581Redes", + -12.382987976074219 + ], + [ + "\u2581obtendr\u00e1", + -12.250568389892578 + ], + [ + "\u2581fortalece", + -12.290131568908691 + ], + [ + "\u2581socioeconomic", + -12.223302841186523 + ], + [ + "UCA", + -12.926748275756836 + ], + [ + "\u2581escalada", + -12.35067367553711 + ], + [ + "\u2581facilitador", + -12.586409568786621 + ], + [ + "\u2581blunt", + -12.261590957641602 + ], + [ + "gieron", + -12.474120140075684 + ], + [ + "Russian", + -12.272076606750488 + ], + [ + "ciano", + -12.534364700317383 + ], + [ + "ruta", + -12.43122673034668 + ], + [ + "\u2581playback", + -12.161395072937012 + ], + [ + "\u2581ensalada", + -12.212944984436035 + ], + [ + "\u2581preambular", + -12.189703941345215 + ], + [ + "\u2581Chemicals", + -12.207672119140625 + ], + [ + "\u2581cruzada", + -12.315064430236816 + ], + [ + "Hemos", + -12.236612319946289 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bas\u00e1ndo", + -12.501840591430664 + ], + [ + "\u2581almacenes", + -12.355260848999023 + ], + [ + "\u2581imbalance", + -12.14326286315918 + ], + [ + "\u2581simplicity", + -12.197739601135254 + ], + [ + "presiva", + -12.29116439819336 + ], + [ + "\u2581Abierto", + -12.385271072387695 + ], + [ + "\u2581signatures", + -12.223535537719727 + ], + [ + "iate", + -12.419388771057129 + ], + [ + "\u2581importation", + -12.154157638549805 + ], + [ + "\u2581Subprogramme", + -12.182653427124023 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tagged", + -12.239999771118164 + ], + [ + "\u2581sucia", + -12.375855445861816 + ], + [ + "\u2581NA", + -12.33747386932373 + ], + [ + "\u2581Exacto", + -12.054969787597656 + ], + [ + "\u2581habl\u00e9", + -12.172785758972168 + ], + [ + "Cl", + -12.244488716125488 + ], + [ + "\u2581lamentablemente", + -12.33443546295166 + ], + [ + "\u2581Boca", + -12.912195205688477 + ], + [ + "\u2581satellites", + -12.303552627563477 + ], + [ + "corporat", + -12.2380952835083 + ], + [ + "edit", + -12.689188957214355 + ], + [ + "\u2581Problemas", + -12.329809188842773 + ], + [ + "\u2581especialidad", + -12.265280723571777 + ], + [ + "wash", + -12.39629077911377 + ], + [ + "\u2581jack", + -12.351593971252441 + ], + [ + "\u2581precipit", + -12.21161937713623 + ], + [ + "\u2581Claus", + -12.908886909484863 + ], + [ + "\u2581Boats", + -12.27763843536377 + ], + [ + "\u2581fantasy", + -12.309545516967773 + ], + [ + "\u2581pretend\u00eda", + -12.252850532531738 + ], + [ + "\u2581repercussions", + -12.192375183105469 + ], + [ + "politic", + -12.213075637817383 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pobre", + -12.04389476776123 + ], + [ + "\u2581parliamentarian", + -12.188828468322754 + ], + [ + "\u2581sustento", + -12.290644645690918 + ], + [ + "\u2581competences", + -12.275019645690918 + ], + [ + "\u2581mercenaries", + -12.204936981201172 + ], + [ + "\u258148/2", + -12.916449546813965 + ], + [ + "\u2581rema", + -12.228007316589355 + ], + [ + "\u2581bautizado", + -12.378129005432129 + ], + [ + "\u2581exporters", + -12.21923828125 + ], + [ + "\u2581loads", + -12.323030471801758 + ], + [ + "\u2581exacerba", + -12.354166984558105 + ], + [ + "hum", + -12.511387825012207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Garantizar", + -12.326132774353027 + ], + [ + "\u2581Track", + -12.246271133422852 + ], + [ + "\u2581dispuestas", + -12.32188892364502 + ], + [ + "ookie", + -12.852141380310059 + ], + [ + "\u2581affiliated", + -12.168106079101562 + ], + [ + "\u2581decorative", + -12.165125846862793 + ], + [ + "\u2581extremistas", + -12.341878890991211 + ], + [ + "\u2581garbage", + -12.322664260864258 + ], + [ + "\u2581gloves", + -12.323384284973145 + ], + [ + "\u2581vengan", + -12.225008010864258 + ], + [ + "\u2581donante", + -12.292281150817871 + ], + [ + "\u2581unanimous", + -12.128705978393555 + ], + [ + "Tan", + -12.294846534729004 + ], + [ + "\u2581recogidas", + -12.351578712463379 + ], + [ + "\u2581listings", + -12.290383338928223 + ], + [ + "\u2581Glasgow", + -12.913095474243164 + ], + [ + "\u2581consagrada", + -12.343409538269043 + ], + [ + "\u2581discrecional", + -12.45208740234375 + ], + [ + "\u2581estafa", + -12.21882152557373 + ], + [ + "\u2581hurricane", + -12.243598937988281 + ], + [ + "\u2581chips", + -12.255208015441895 + ], + [ + "omi", + -12.439642906188965 + ], + [ + "\u2581fusiona", + -12.334485054016113 + ], + [ + "\u2581thirteenth", + -12.225211143493652 + ], + [ + "\u2581f\u00f3rmulas", + -12.347321510314941 + ], + [ + "\u2581confirman", + -12.238112449645996 + ], + [ + "\u2581instructores", + -12.375923156738281 + ], + [ + "\u2581patr", + -12.781587600708008 + ], + [ + "\u2581provisto", + -12.297830581665039 + ], + [ + "\u2581wax", + -12.234545707702637 + ], + [ + "\u2581Beauty", + -12.274162292480469 + ], + [ + "\u2581absorber", + -12.369854927062988 + ], + [ + "avour", + -12.540522575378418 + ], + [ + "enz", + -12.519003868103027 + ], + [ + "\u2581imprevistos", + -12.332222938537598 + ], + [ + "\u2581rom\u00e1ntica", + -12.221250534057617 + ], + [ + "\u2581cumulative", + -12.199325561523438 + ], + [ + "\u2581frustration", + -12.195054054260254 + ], + [ + "\u2581statu", + -12.274373054504395 + ], + [ + "\u00bb;", + -12.327215194702148 + ], + [ + "\u2581boasts", + -12.250673294067383 + ], + [ + "\u2581contrarias", + -12.292402267456055 + ], + [ + "\u2581excitement", + -12.194184303283691 + ], + [ + "\u2581Palestino", + -12.360749244689941 + ], + [ + "\u2581knee", + -12.233902931213379 + ], + [ + "\u2581outlines", + -12.233658790588379 + ], + [ + "\u2581triggered", + -12.258485794067383 + ], + [ + "\u2581afirmado", + -12.342369079589844 + ], + [ + "\u2581envenena", + -12.27234172821045 + ], + [ + "\u2581liter", + -12.302858352661133 + ], + [ + "\u2581transforming", + -12.186538696289062 + ], + [ + "illus", + -12.56735897064209 + ], + [ + "\u2581coincidence", + -12.278964042663574 + ], + [ + "vera", + -12.248641967773438 + ], + [ + "\u2581esparci", + -12.257043838500977 + ], + [ + "land\u00e9s", + -12.363077163696289 + ], + [ + "\u2581recuerdas", + -12.225019454956055 + ], + [ + "\u2581fabricado", + -12.3404541015625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Girona", + -12.882440567016602 + ], + [ + "cela", + -12.429563522338867 + ], + [ + "\u2581disminuyendo", + -12.332493782043457 + ], + [ + "\u2581rod", + -12.23076057434082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Deber\u00edan", + -12.23487663269043 + ], + [ + "\u2581Derek", + -12.771470069885254 + ], + [ + "\u2581Grove", + -12.86555290222168 + ], + [ + "\u2581AUTHORISATION", + -12.106963157653809 + ], + [ + "\u2581cometen", + -12.321903228759766 + ], + [ + "\u2581exig\u00eda", + -12.336833000183105 + ], + [ + "\u2581Detention", + -12.179154396057129 + ], + [ + "\u2581confirming", + -12.185563087463379 + ], + [ + "\u2581Har\u00e9", + -12.093966484069824 + ], + [ + "\u2581trataron", + -12.37809944152832 + ], + [ + "\u2581anciano", + -12.251606941223145 + ], + [ + "\u2581dolorosa", + -12.311558723449707 + ], + [ + "\u2581sinners", + -12.2513427734375 + ], + [ + "\u2581soltar", + -12.228643417358398 + ], + [ + "\u2581tratadas", + -12.346171379089355 + ], + [ + "\u2581Indians", + -12.39980411529541 + ], + [ + "\u2581tailor", + -12.229558944702148 + ], + [ + "\u2581ocup\u00f3", + -12.375164031982422 + ], + [ + "tamiento", + -12.286935806274414 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00f3xido", + -12.325789451599121 + ], + [ + "\u2581administrados", + -12.29262924194336 + ], + [ + "\u2581luggage", + -12.247359275817871 + ], + [ + "\u2581Feb", + -12.268613815307617 + ], + [ + "\u2581monetarias", + -12.411735534667969 + ], + [ + "tendida", + -12.30628776550293 + ], + [ + "\u2581trazado", + -12.339058876037598 + ], + [ + "\u2581Faro", + -12.847942352294922 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tonight", + -12.388468742370605 + ], + [ + "\u2581razonamiento", + -12.331594467163086 + ], + [ + "\u2581terminolog\u00eda", + -12.285512924194336 + ], + [ + "\u2581vendors", + -12.27104663848877 + ], + [ + "nim", + -12.200379371643066 + ], + [ + "\u2581enviando", + -12.282556533813477 + ], + [ + "\u2581rojas", + -12.316864013671875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Corinthians", + -12.22316837310791 + ], + [ + "\u2581id\u00e9nticas", + -12.39031982421875 + ], + [ + "\u2581frac", + -12.738566398620605 + ], + [ + "National", + -12.256464004516602 + ], + [ + "\u2581sostienen", + -12.332201957702637 + ], + [ + "Solo", + -12.172460556030273 + ], + [ + "\u2581Relationship", + -12.217671394348145 + ], + [ + "HRI", + -12.91641616821289 + ], + [ + "carcel", + -12.33106517791748 + ], + [ + "\u2581Swimming", + -12.22500228881836 + ], + [ + "\u2581facultado", + -12.289201736450195 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bhut\u00e1n", + -12.124592781066895 + ], + [ + "\u2581forcing", + -12.229446411132812 + ], + [ + "\u2581valiosos", + -12.35938835144043 + ], + [ + "\u2581banquete", + -12.28857135772705 + ], + [ + "\u2581headline", + -12.248578071594238 + ], + [ + "\u2581aguantar", + -12.234818458557129 + ], + [ + "\u2581vejez", + -12.32507038116455 + ], + [ + "\u2581graduation", + -12.261590957641602 + ], + [ + "\u2581Whoever", + -12.368989944458008 + ], + [ + "\u2581rebels", + -12.320578575134277 + ], + [ + "\u2581remotas", + -12.403838157653809 + ], + [ + "rain", + -12.190149307250977 + ], + [ + "\u2581desventaja", + -12.208536148071289 + ], + [ + "\u2581screwed", + -12.384056091308594 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gali", + -12.900299072265625 + ], + [ + "\u2581capacitado", + -12.335375785827637 + ], + [ + "\u2581colesterol", + -12.317662239074707 + ], + [ + "\u2581Absolutely", + -12.390276908874512 + ], + [ + "\u2581offshore", + -12.227055549621582 + ], + [ + "\u2581selfish", + -12.222147941589355 + ], + [ + "\u2581Avoid", + -12.207647323608398 + ], + [ + "\u2581Brit", + -12.404430389404297 + ], + [ + "\u2581Watson", + -12.912007331848145 + ], + [ + "\u2581monitoreo", + -12.295804023742676 + ], + [ + "\u2581deferred", + -12.231494903564453 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reiterates", + -12.194160461425781 + ], + [ + "\u2581orphans", + -12.250412940979004 + ], + [ + "\u2581consultor\u00eda", + -12.421618461608887 + ], + [ + "\u2581tactics", + -12.248001098632812 + ], + [ + "\u2581tracci\u00f3n", + -12.263748168945312 + ], + [ + "\u2581estrictos", + -12.336790084838867 + ], + [ + "\u2581l\u00e1stima", + -12.123723983764648 + ], + [ + "\u2581Canta", + -12.696781158447266 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuidadoso", + -12.281576156616211 + ], + [ + "\u2581cy", + -12.50163745880127 + ], + [ + "\u2581Familiar", + -12.485383033752441 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mum", + -12.404397010803223 + ], + [ + "\u2581recomendable", + -12.346541404724121 + ], + [ + "\u2581sanciona", + -12.350481033325195 + ], + [ + "Nuestra", + -12.294153213500977 + ], + [ + "\u2581monument", + -12.21633529663086 + ], + [ + "\u00edmetro", + -12.257335662841797 + ], + [ + "\u2581Coral", + -12.923324584960938 + ], + [ + "\u2581lengthy", + -12.243205070495605 + ], + [ + "ather", + -12.400879859924316 + ], + [ + "\u2581pact", + -12.24741268157959 + ], + [ + "\u2581recubiertos", + -12.33514404296875 + ], + [ + "\u2581carpetas", + -12.37489128112793 + ], + [ + "\u2581graduaci\u00f3n", + -12.256791114807129 + ], + [ + "\u2581metabolismo", + -12.333603858947754 + ], + [ + "jah", + -12.561273574829102 + ], + [ + "\u2581climbing", + -12.247269630432129 + ], + [ + "\u2581Estuvo", + -12.164314270019531 + ], + [ + "\u2581Possible", + -12.143649101257324 + ], + [ + "\u2581resumidas", + -12.36406421661377 + ], + [ + "label", + -12.177875518798828 + ], + [ + "change", + -12.171675682067871 + ], + [ + "\u2581loser", + -12.36025333404541 + ], + [ + "\u2581Uses", + -12.361539840698242 + ], + [ + "\u2581diccionario", + -12.300934791564941 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hermano", + -12.133296012878418 + ], + [ + "\u2581Maldives", + -11.915338516235352 + ], + [ + "\u2581traer\u00e1", + -12.402843475341797 + ], + [ + "\u2581swap", + -12.261688232421875 + ], + [ + "grega", + -12.613984107971191 + ], + [ + "\u2581aprendiendo", + -12.256936073303223 + ], + [ + "\u2581cu\u00e1ntas", + -12.23533821105957 + ], + [ + "rno", + -12.511452674865723 + ], + [ + "\u2581advisable", + -12.20946216583252 + ], + [ + "\u2581embedded", + -12.273125648498535 + ], + [ + "\u2581operativas", + -12.365501403808594 + ], + [ + "\u2581encomendado", + -12.377398490905762 + ], + [ + "\u2581seasons", + -12.273880958557129 + ], + [ + "\u2581Swami", + -12.947005271911621 + ], + [ + "\u2581constitu\u00edan", + -12.353058815002441 + ], + [ + "\u2581pets", + -12.289097785949707 + ], + [ + "\u2581landmines", + -12.181737899780273 + ], + [ + "\u2581Elevator", + -12.198637008666992 + ], + [ + "\u2581dejaste", + -12.131357192993164 + ], + [ + "\u2581flourish", + -12.21496868133545 + ], + [ + "\u2581Credentials", + -12.20946216583252 + ], + [ + "\u2581incorporates", + -12.209954261779785 + ], + [ + "\u2581enfatiza", + -12.361239433288574 + ], + [ + "\u2581kilos", + -12.195141792297363 + ], + [ + "\u2581fragmentos", + -12.388195991516113 + ], + [ + "\u2581iniciaron", + -12.280725479125977 + ], + [ + "\u2581viniera", + -12.152831077575684 + ], + [ + "\u2581dan\u00e9s", + -12.363451957702637 + ], + [ + "\u2581Required", + -12.21630859375 + ], + [ + "\u2581ancestors", + -12.291738510131836 + ], + [ + "\u2581racionalizaci\u00f3n", + -12.27663803100586 + ], + [ + "raj", + -12.804268836975098 + ], + [ + "\u2581pale", + -12.279009819030762 + ], + [ + "\u2581bored", + -12.394073486328125 + ], + [ + "pusieron", + -12.274564743041992 + ], + [ + "exc", + -12.112567901611328 + ], + [ + "glass", + -12.214115142822266 + ], + [ + "\u2581andando", + -12.274552345275879 + ], + [ + "\u2581Euros", + -12.332383155822754 + ], + [ + "\u2581patatas", + -12.227797508239746 + ], + [ + "cubierta", + -12.308096885681152 + ], + [ + "\u2581franquicia", + -12.356356620788574 + ], + [ + "\u2581nativa", + -12.40762996673584 + ], + [ + "\u2581gambling", + -12.226845741271973 + ], + [ + "\u2581Duque", + -12.667274475097656 + ], + [ + "\u2581Quite", + -12.345623016357422 + ], + [ + "\u2581lib", + -12.26075553894043 + ], + [ + "\u2581sacrificar", + -12.31061840057373 + ], + [ + "\u2581corporativos", + -12.41061019897461 + ], + [ + "natal", + -12.211181640625 + ], + [ + "\u2581disruption", + -12.175135612487793 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aut\u00f3noma", + -12.34980297088623 + ], + [ + "\u2581v\u00e1lvula", + -12.272723197937012 + ], + [ + "\u2581Maldivas", + -12.092939376831055 + ], + [ + "\u2581politician", + -12.24179458618164 + ], + [ + "\u2581Words", + -12.288169860839844 + ], + [ + "\u2581normalizado", + -12.360699653625488 + ], + [ + "\u2581searched", + -12.266792297363281 + ], + [ + "tour", + -12.387764930725098 + ], + [ + "\u2581cliff", + -12.28043270111084 + ], + [ + "\u2581tuviese", + -12.252392768859863 + ], + [ + "\u2581estimada", + -12.368459701538086 + ], + [ + "qi", + -12.998802185058594 + ], + [ + "\u2581Harold", + -12.965009689331055 + ], + [ + "\u2581soccer", + -12.22592544555664 + ], + [ + "\u2581rib", + -12.242981910705566 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aar\u00f3n", + -12.343395233154297 + ], + [ + "\u2581mar\u00edtimos", + -12.359077453613281 + ], + [ + "\u2581usamos", + -12.264753341674805 + ], + [ + "ddy", + -12.168782234191895 + ], + [ + "\u2581Randy", + -12.8402681350708 + ], + [ + "\u2581barata", + -12.255701065063477 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tir", + -12.362735748291016 + ], + [ + "WHO", + -12.207911491394043 + ], + [ + "luye", + -12.76029109954834 + ], + [ + "\u2581Selection", + -12.254961967468262 + ], + [ + "\u2581Advertise", + -12.255985260009766 + ], + [ + "misunderstanding", + -12.333495140075684 + ], + [ + "\u2581membrane", + -12.218574523925781 + ], + [ + "mayo", + -12.352237701416016 + ], + [ + "TIL", + -13.090737342834473 + ], + [ + "\u2581Scan", + -12.219466209411621 + ], + [ + "\u2581cad\u00e1veres", + -12.224640846252441 + ], + [ + "\u2581pastillas", + -12.205245018005371 + ], + [ + "\u2581Subprograma", + -12.362980842590332 + ], + [ + "\u2581doubled", + -12.252147674560547 + ], + [ + "\u2581leal", + -12.337329864501953 + ], + [ + "\u2581anomal\u00eda", + -12.341130256652832 + ], + [ + "\u2581preview", + -12.227112770080566 + ], + [ + "\u2581precauciones", + -12.348752975463867 + ], + [ + "2.0", + -13.001173973083496 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nah", + -12.343172073364258 + ], + [ + "\u2581Demasiado", + -12.125085830688477 + ], + [ + "\u2581corredores", + -12.277996063232422 + ], + [ + "\u2581Conjunta", + -12.362955093383789 + ], + [ + "\u2581tweet", + -12.232398986816406 + ], + [ + "\u2581unconscious", + -12.237125396728516 + ], + [ + "\u2581enactment", + -12.187217712402344 + ], + [ + "\u2581deportiva", + -12.304852485656738 + ], + [ + "\u2581aluminum", + -12.216745376586914 + ], + [ + "\u25811933", + -13.03901195526123 + ], + [ + "\u2581en\u00e9rgica", + -12.273795127868652 + ], + [ + "report", + -12.24445915222168 + ], + [ + "\u2581promociones", + -12.328262329101562 + ], + [ + "\u2581Asociaciones", + -12.327197074890137 + ], + [ + "\u2581Palais", + -12.203232765197754 + ], + [ + "\u2581ocupe", + -12.302746772766113 + ], + [ + "\u0308", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581Guid", + -12.30758285522461 + ], + [ + "\u2581protectora", + -12.390528678894043 + ], + [ + "paper", + -12.248499870300293 + ], + [ + "\u2581di\u00f3cesis", + -12.367375373840332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cre\u00eda", + -12.112530708312988 + ], + [ + "\u2581descendants", + -12.251189231872559 + ], + [ + "\u2581Riviera", + -12.838921546936035 + ], + [ + "\u258171.", + -12.297565460205078 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kali", + -12.887812614440918 + ], + [ + "\u2581ingenio", + -12.297894477844238 + ], + [ + "\u2581mantuvieron", + -12.39436149597168 + ], + [ + "\u2581embarque", + -12.280867576599121 + ], + [ + "Sect", + -12.511397361755371 + ], + [ + "\u2581SEE", + -12.467018127441406 + ], + [ + "\u2581act\u00faen", + -12.373753547668457 + ], + [ + "\u2581Etiquetado", + -12.350255966186523 + ], + [ + "\u2581borrador", + -12.360617637634277 + ], + [ + "\u2581phrases", + -12.218348503112793 + ], + [ + "\u2581Py", + -12.444453239440918 + ], + [ + "\u2581cualificaci\u00f3n", + -12.369465827941895 + ], + [ + "\u2581embark", + -12.15713119506836 + ], + [ + "\u2581h\u00e1bito", + -12.301712989807129 + ], + [ + "\u2581hallazgos", + -12.385387420654297 + ], + [ + "\u2581Roc", + -12.922056198120117 + ], + [ + "\u2581R\u00e9gimen", + -12.294733047485352 + ], + [ + "\u2581ESTADOS", + -12.301979064941406 + ], + [ + "\u2581ideals", + -12.353469848632812 + ], + [ + "\u2581malla", + -12.428683280944824 + ], + [ + "\u2581marcados", + -12.371541976928711 + ], + [ + "\u2581reba\u00f1o", + -12.34438419342041 + ], + [ + "\u2581id\u00f3neo", + -12.375162124633789 + ], + [ + "\u2581p\u00e1jaro", + -12.181174278259277 + ], + [ + "\u2581cari", + -12.334540367126465 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuna", + -12.260828971862793 + ], + [ + "\u2581promueva", + -12.377241134643555 + ], + [ + "\u2581se\u00f1alados", + -12.345210075378418 + ], + [ + "\u2581universally", + -12.218307495117188 + ], + [ + "\u2581Trent", + -12.943685531616211 + ], + [ + "\u2581vibrant", + -12.2407865524292 + ], + [ + "\u2581alergia", + -12.268304824829102 + ], + [ + "\u2581procure", + -12.902812004089355 + ], + [ + "\u2581Eucarist\u00eda", + -12.335748672485352 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u201c(", + -12.252267837524414 + ], + [ + "uan", + -12.168800354003906 + ], + [ + "\u2581fortalezca", + -12.354166984558105 + ], + [ + "\u2581milli", + -12.585895538330078 + ], + [ + "\u2581entrenar", + -12.275382995605469 + ], + [ + "\u2581grabaciones", + -12.417583465576172 + ], + [ + "\u2581recaudar", + -12.350662231445312 + ], + [ + "\u2581consegu\u00ed", + -12.184967041015625 + ], + [ + "\u2581nombra", + -12.197190284729004 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fines", + -12.33929443359375 + ], + [ + "\u2581faint", + -12.293865203857422 + ], + [ + "nick", + -12.354751586914062 + ], + [ + "\u2581adecuaci\u00f3n", + -12.316608428955078 + ], + [ + "\u2581moisture", + -12.234268188476562 + ], + [ + "ampa", + -12.23755168914795 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kenny", + -12.865549087524414 + ], + [ + "\u2581ESP", + -12.767964363098145 + ], + [ + "\u2581estanque", + -12.357020378112793 + ], + [ + "\u2581formulan", + -12.229568481445312 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gerard", + -12.788762092590332 + ], + [ + "ebra", + -12.519684791564941 + ], + [ + "\u2581Malpractice", + -12.159058570861816 + ], + [ + "\u2581forzar", + -12.248729705810547 + ], + [ + "\u2581quebranta", + -12.377934455871582 + ], + [ + "\u2581redistribuci\u00f3n", + -12.340145111083984 + ], + [ + "adero", + -12.057726860046387 + ], + [ + "\u2581Makeup", + -12.235456466674805 + ], + [ + "\u2581laborables", + -12.395797729492188 + ], + [ + "\u2581onwards", + -12.238317489624023 + ], + [ + "\u2581potestad", + -12.354166984558105 + ], + [ + "\u2581prototipo", + -12.362953186035156 + ], + [ + "presented", + -12.176412582397461 + ], + [ + "\u2581nitrogen", + -12.178210258483887 + ], + [ + "\u2581arranca", + -12.141436576843262 + ], + [ + "\u2581composer", + -12.285548210144043 + ], + [ + "tuvo", + -12.3201904296875 + ], + [ + "\u2581duplicate", + -12.147915840148926 + ], + [ + "\u2581maravillas", + -12.267858505249023 + ], + [ + "\u2581genetically", + -12.279091835021973 + ], + [ + "\u2581undermined", + -12.243167877197266 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dual", + -12.2713041305542 + ], + [ + "Max", + -12.98193645477295 + ], + [ + "\u2581genuinely", + -12.166025161743164 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kurt", + -13.002275466918945 + ], + [ + "\u2581gen\u00e9ticos", + -12.371285438537598 + ], + [ + "/03", + -12.196081161499023 + ], + [ + "\u2581Implement", + -12.864839553833008 + ], + [ + "\u2581delictivas", + -12.3717041015625 + ], + [ + "\u2581implied", + -12.203133583068848 + ], + [ + "pon\u00eda", + -12.365782737731934 + ], + [ + "\u2581Crane", + -12.767460823059082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Estructurales", + -12.3621187210083 + ], + [ + "\u2581vientre", + -12.30738353729248 + ], + [ + "\u2581AUTORIZACI\u00d3N", + -12.308218955993652 + ], + [ + "bum", + -12.552807807922363 + ], + [ + "\u2581Above", + -12.25398063659668 + ], + [ + "\u2581ceder", + -12.361458778381348 + ], + [ + "\u2581deposita", + -12.287528991699219 + ], + [ + "\u2581downward", + -12.255315780639648 + ], + [ + "\u2581secretaria", + -12.242731094360352 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ba\u00f1os", + -12.466925621032715 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hazlo", + -12.13436508178711 + ], + [ + "\u2581delgada", + -12.374295234680176 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sacred", + -12.290690422058105 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cuotas", + -12.37628173828125 + ], + [ + "\u2581reflexiones", + -12.387521743774414 + ], + [ + "\u2581Haven", + -12.386977195739746 + ], + [ + "\u2581reiterada", + -12.493590354919434 + ], + [ + "\u2581mantenida", + -12.340912818908691 + ], + [ + "\u2581patriarca", + -12.401250839233398 + ], + [ + "\u2581delgado", + -12.350647926330566 + ], + [ + "\u2581nutrients", + -12.305601119995117 + ], + [ + "-28", + -12.271203994750977 + ], + [ + "\u2581Elaboraci\u00f3n", + -12.351983070373535 + ], + [ + "\u2581eternity", + -12.276998519897461 + ], + [ + "\u2581aplic\u00f3", + -12.43930721282959 + ], + [ + "\u2581sul", + -12.3627347946167 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ap\u00e9ndice", + -12.347627639770508 + ], + [ + "\u2581corrobora", + -12.318719863891602 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cosmo", + -12.961874961853027 + ], + [ + "Venga", + -12.137914657592773 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tiro", + -12.378860473632812 + ], + [ + "\u2581alliances", + -12.237098693847656 + ], + [ + "\u2581quir\u00fargico", + -12.314504623413086 + ], + [ + "\u2581yearly", + -12.267313003540039 + ], + [ + "quar", + -12.485394477844238 + ], + [ + "\u2581Eternal", + -12.23611831665039 + ], + [ + "\u2581convincing", + -12.234256744384766 + ], + [ + "\u2581oppressed", + -12.22372055053711 + ], + [ + "\u25811.500", + -12.315061569213867 + ], + [ + "\u2581accusations", + -12.239439010620117 + ], + [ + "\u2581corrective", + -12.196529388427734 + ], + [ + "orden", + -12.364977836608887 + ], + [ + "\u2581mandado", + -12.299471855163574 + ], + [ + "Switzerland", + -12.266066551208496 + ], + [ + "\u2581brass", + -12.256342887878418 + ], + [ + "004", + -12.796353340148926 + ], + [ + "\u2581thief", + -12.309556007385254 + ], + [ + "\u258147/1", + -12.9353609085083 + ], + [ + "\u2581Degree", + -12.22686767578125 + ], + [ + "\u2581pipes", + -12.22891902923584 + ], + [ + "\u2581upload", + -12.222249031066895 + ], + [ + "\u2581FECHA", + -12.289603233337402 + ], + [ + "\u2581edges", + -12.272675514221191 + ], + [ + "\u2581Maurice", + -12.997201919555664 + ], + [ + "\u2581console", + -12.222314834594727 + ], + [ + "\u2581desemboca", + -12.355264663696289 + ], + [ + "News", + -12.272151947021484 + ], + [ + "\u2581honestly", + -12.368448257446289 + ], + [ + "\u2581stadium", + -12.330822944641113 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tuvo", + -12.208439826965332 + ], + [ + "\u2581empleada", + -12.29997444152832 + ], + [ + "\u2581humedales", + -12.40347671508789 + ], + [ + "\u2581disappointment", + -12.223264694213867 + ], + [ + "\u2581peninsula", + -12.22500228881836 + ], + [ + "\u2581returnees", + -12.171419143676758 + ], + [ + "\u2581Iberia", + -12.925457954406738 + ], + [ + "Debe", + -12.253891944885254 + ], + [ + "\u2581sargento", + -12.143899917602539 + ], + [ + "gando", + -12.114295959472656 + ], + [ + "\u2581abor\u00edgenes", + -12.40347671508789 + ], + [ + "ILO", + -12.258662223815918 + ], + [ + "\u2581Infraestructura", + -12.34221076965332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gha", + -12.949017524719238 + ], + [ + "\u2581cloro", + -12.33960247039795 + ], + [ + "\u2581preferible", + -12.364622116088867 + ], + [ + "oper", + -12.53268814086914 + ], + [ + "\u2581cortas", + -12.377667427062988 + ], + [ + "throp", + -12.727755546569824 + ], + [ + "\u2581constructor", + -12.333695411682129 + ], + [ + "\u2581alambre", + -12.335808753967285 + ], + [ + "\u2581repar", + -12.372057914733887 + ], + [ + "\u2581Se\u00f1orita", + -12.112889289855957 + ], + [ + "\u2581marginaci\u00f3n", + -12.384136199951172 + ], + [ + "\u2581Moneda", + -12.380789756774902 + ], + [ + "\u2581Repair", + -12.203221321105957 + ], + [ + "\u2581Seguramente", + -12.152802467346191 + ], + [ + "\u2581acumulada", + -12.38530158996582 + ], + [ + "\u2581Desear\u00eda", + -12.221427917480469 + ], + [ + "frame", + -12.23462963104248 + ], + [ + "\u2581imposibilidad", + -12.371817588806152 + ], + [ + "\u2581ediciones", + -12.36915111541748 + ], + [ + "\u2581Religion", + -12.213096618652344 + ], + [ + "loque", + -12.281360626220703 + ], + [ + "\u2581gastado", + -12.29006290435791 + ], + [ + "\u258173.", + -12.383806228637695 + ], + [ + "\u2581communiqu\u00e9", + -12.225003242492676 + ], + [ + "\u2581resolverse", + -12.352197647094727 + ], + [ + "\u2581whale", + -12.339366912841797 + ], + [ + "\u2581fronteriza", + -12.319704055786133 + ], + [ + "estado", + -12.657063484191895 + ], + [ + "\u2581Enfermedades", + -12.35701847076416 + ], + [ + "\u2581Example", + -12.211830139160156 + ], + [ + "\u2581RedKaraoke", + -12.912007331848145 + ], + [ + "Lima", + -12.896653175354004 + ], + [ + "INO", + -12.370697975158691 + ], + [ + "\u2581verdict", + -12.296611785888672 + ], + [ + "\u2581inclu", + -12.463838577270508 + ], + [ + "\u2581h\u00e9roes", + -12.317265510559082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cleveland", + -12.92160415649414 + ], + [ + "\u2581lesbian", + -12.301557540893555 + ], + [ + "\u2581vomiting", + -12.233813285827637 + ], + [ + "\u2581fluctuaciones", + -12.409236907958984 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lift", + -12.243728637695312 + ], + [ + "\u2581oriente", + -12.34881591796875 + ], + [ + "\u2581respectful", + -12.342337608337402 + ], + [ + "\u00edfero", + -12.60117244720459 + ], + [ + "\u2581decentralized", + -12.259846687316895 + ], + [ + "\u2581viniendo", + -12.22943115234375 + ], + [ + "\u2581absurdo", + -12.215523719787598 + ], + [ + "\u2581aplasta", + -12.254642486572266 + ], + [ + "\u2581grape", + -12.25121021270752 + ], + [ + "\u25810.1", + -12.11324405670166 + ], + [ + "\u2581rebaja", + -12.31993293762207 + ], + [ + "show", + -12.181234359741211 + ], + [ + "\u2581Indicadores", + -12.368062973022461 + ], + [ + "Applause", + -12.19953441619873 + ], + [ + "oral", + -12.234333038330078 + ], + [ + "sys", + -12.648214340209961 + ], + [ + "LER", + -12.866461753845215 + ], + [ + "\u2581cardiac", + -12.253044128417969 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pilot", + -12.218620300292969 + ], + [ + "\u2581Virus", + -12.787927627563477 + ], + [ + "\u2581Yan", + -12.354947090148926 + ], + [ + "\u2581prevea", + -12.334771156311035 + ], + [ + "\u258158/1", + -12.946064949035645 + ], + [ + "\u2581Resistance", + -12.290694236755371 + ], + [ + "\u2581constar", + -12.26210880279541 + ], + [ + "\u2581Madeira", + -12.896828651428223 + ], + [ + "\u2581id\u00f3nea", + -12.360749244689941 + ], + [ + "\u2581exigida", + -12.296801567077637 + ], + [ + "\u2581fundamentally", + -12.247028350830078 + ], + [ + "\u2581tit", + -12.323482513427734 + ], + [ + "\u2581CONTENTS", + -12.18792724609375 + ], + [ + "\u2581electronics", + -12.391622543334961 + ], + [ + "\u2581undue", + -12.215954780578613 + ], + [ + "\u2581ingredient", + -12.198107719421387 + ], + [ + "Laughter", + -12.182616233825684 + ], + [ + "general", + -12.20132064819336 + ], + [ + "\u2581oculto", + -12.28918170928955 + ], + [ + "\u2581aerol\u00edneas", + -12.340619087219238 + ], + [ + ".29", + -12.445910453796387 + ], + [ + "i\u00e9ndome", + -12.31263256072998 + ], + [ + "\u2581pata", + -12.208447456359863 + ], + [ + "arma", + -12.264698028564453 + ], + [ + "\u258172.", + -12.361467361450195 + ], + [ + "\u2581sack", + -12.39190673828125 + ], + [ + "rang", + -12.286641120910645 + ], + [ + "sabe", + -12.302386283874512 + ], + [ + "\u2581loter\u00eda", + -12.261432647705078 + ], + [ + "\u2581Improve", + -12.263819694519043 + ], + [ + "\u2581alquila", + -12.334450721740723 + ], + [ + "\u2581evacuation", + -12.282837867736816 + ], + [ + "\u2581VER", + -12.555627822875977 + ], + [ + "\u2581influential", + -12.293632507324219 + ], + [ + "\u2581mentally", + -12.230247497558594 + ], + [ + "\u2581mezclar", + -12.195120811462402 + ], + [ + "\u2581anticipate", + -12.201056480407715 + ], + [ + "\u2581envergadura", + -12.32507038116455 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lab", + -12.168180465698242 + ], + [ + "\u2581cough", + -12.28026008605957 + ], + [ + "\u2581Inteligencia", + -12.303009986877441 + ], + [ + "\u2581Judea", + -12.954951286315918 + ], + [ + "\u2581pague", + -12.241044044494629 + ], + [ + "\u2581virtuales", + -12.383682250976562 + ], + [ + "\u2581conservado", + -12.356914520263672 + ], + [ + "\u2581art\u00edsticas", + -12.388704299926758 + ], + [ + "\u2581chess", + -12.232797622680664 + ], + [ + "\u2581defended", + -12.267438888549805 + ], + [ + "\u2581broaden", + -12.258484840393066 + ], + [ + "gly", + -12.320732116699219 + ], + [ + "\u2581presidida", + -12.367449760437012 + ], + [ + "\u2581osteo", + -13.049722671508789 + ], + [ + "\u2581poorly", + -12.263266563415527 + ], + [ + "turismo", + -12.352462768554688 + ], + [ + "\u2581binario", + -12.308409690856934 + ], + [ + "GS", + -12.203269004821777 + ], + [ + "\u2581negligencia", + -12.32507038116455 + ], + [ + "\u25817/8", + -12.751945495605469 + ], + [ + "\u2581lifelong", + -12.28015422821045 + ], + [ + "\u2581vicious", + -12.29760456085205 + ], + [ + "lentando", + -12.317684173583984 + ], + [ + "\u2581DESARROLLO", + -12.297828674316406 + ], + [ + "\u2581correspondan", + -12.375265121459961 + ], + [ + "flat", + -12.616584777832031 + ], + [ + "\u2581misioneros", + -12.353982925415039 + ], + [ + "\u2581vi\u00f1edos", + -12.403749465942383 + ], + [ + "\u2581helmet", + -12.263604164123535 + ], + [ + "8.00", + -13.088525772094727 + ], + [ + "plast", + -12.677224159240723 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mao", + -12.271233558654785 + ], + [ + "\u2581recibimos", + -12.275749206542969 + ], + [ + "\u2581UNI\u00d3N", + -12.401192665100098 + ], + [ + "\u2581franja", + -12.35607624053955 + ], + [ + "plain", + -12.87333869934082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Abogado", + -12.30695629119873 + ], + [ + "\u2581admissible", + -12.249245643615723 + ], + [ + "\u2581motocicleta", + -12.32400894165039 + ], + [ + "\u2581Navarra", + -12.847335815429688 + ], + [ + "\u2581possessed", + -12.27591609954834 + ], + [ + "\u258156/2", + -12.300325393676758 + ], + [ + "\u2581cathedral", + -12.210370063781738 + ], + [ + "\u2581fulfillment", + -12.194323539733887 + ], + [ + "\u2581misery", + -12.274177551269531 + ], + [ + "\u2581racista", + -12.258545875549316 + ], + [ + "\u2581oneself", + -12.214269638061523 + ], + [ + "\u2581shrink", + -12.324712753295898 + ], + [ + "DV", + -12.499771118164062 + ], + [ + "\u2581bovine", + -12.23147964477539 + ], + [ + "\u2581dictionary", + -12.289693832397461 + ], + [ + "\u2581princess", + -12.336246490478516 + ], + [ + "\u2581ayudarles", + -12.38333511352539 + ], + [ + "\u2581median", + -12.23077392578125 + ], + [ + "Apps", + -12.469426155090332 + ], + [ + "\u258120,000", + -12.296562194824219 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gustavo", + -12.958423614501953 + ], + [ + "\u2581piense", + -12.17900562286377 + ], + [ + "\u2581desglose", + -12.372933387756348 + ], + [ + "\u2581resulten", + -12.326563835144043 + ], + [ + "\u2581plum", + -12.250906944274902 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00edntimo", + -12.334674835205078 + ], + [ + "primer", + -12.537569999694824 + ], + [ + "\u2581unificaci\u00f3n", + -12.38222885131836 + ], + [ + ".1/", + -12.391357421875 + ], + [ + "8-", + -12.33731460571289 + ], + [ + "facci\u00f3n", + -12.696433067321777 + ], + [ + "\u2581did\u00e1ctico", + -12.338973999023438 + ], + [ + "\u2581Won", + -12.337821960449219 + ], + [ + "\u2581ambulance", + -12.330822944641113 + ], + [ + "\u2581cumpli\u00f3", + -12.363137245178223 + ], + [ + "\u2581INTRODUCCI\u00d3N", + -12.326132774353027 + ], + [ + "\u2581presunci\u00f3n", + -12.3662691116333 + ], + [ + "\u2581quedando", + -12.322128295898438 + ], + [ + "\u2581ofrezcan", + -12.351675033569336 + ], + [ + "\u2581someterlo", + -12.31905746459961 + ], + [ + "\u2581cholesterol", + -12.159730911254883 + ], + [ + "\u2581iso", + -12.375905990600586 + ], + [ + "\u2581secondly", + -12.212041854858398 + ], + [ + "moli", + -12.509750366210938 + ], + [ + "\u2581Saltar", + -12.358048439025879 + ], + [ + "\u2581empeora", + -12.262924194335938 + ], + [ + "\u2581evidentes", + -12.422321319580078 + ], + [ + "\u2581Stage", + -12.23410701751709 + ], + [ + "\u2581coraje", + -12.334772109985352 + ], + [ + "\u2581nitr\u00f3geno", + -12.314504623413086 + ], + [ + "\u2581unitario", + -12.35898494720459 + ], + [ + "kill", + -12.347024917602539 + ], + [ + "stadt", + -12.930808067321777 + ], + [ + "\u2581outward", + -12.23373031616211 + ], + [ + "\u2581severo", + -12.32553768157959 + ], + [ + "\u2581specifies", + -12.206756591796875 + ], + [ + "\u2581sunny", + -12.283206939697266 + ], + [ + "viso", + -12.529796600341797 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nicole", + -12.941252708435059 + ], + [ + "\u2581chinas", + -12.309698104858398 + ], + [ + "\u2581Erasmus", + -12.805445671081543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Might", + -12.315193176269531 + ], + [ + "\u2581ambition", + -12.20449447631836 + ], + [ + "\u2581eu", + -12.529531478881836 + ], + [ + "\u2581metric", + -12.297574996948242 + ], + [ + "\u2581quedara", + -12.460966110229492 + ], + [ + "\u2581Exactamente", + -12.08808422088623 + ], + [ + "ti\u00f3n", + -12.428707122802734 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jornada", + -12.415032386779785 + ], + [ + "\u2581professions", + -12.258525848388672 + ], + [ + "/05/", + -12.392773628234863 + ], + [ + "\u2581undergone", + -12.25342845916748 + ], + [ + "\u2581ash", + -12.59587287902832 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rah", + -12.746981620788574 + ], + [ + "\u2581appendix", + -12.16077995300293 + ], + [ + "\u2581internamente", + -12.36536979675293 + ], + [ + "\u2581masivas", + -12.334407806396484 + ], + [ + "\u2581Naturales", + -12.423128128051758 + ], + [ + "\u2581permaneci\u00f3", + -12.409236907958984 + ], + [ + "\u2581Olive", + -12.238764762878418 + ], + [ + "\u2581oath", + -12.256095886230469 + ], + [ + "\u2581Acepta", + -12.377225875854492 + ], + [ + "\u25810.8", + -12.377758026123047 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fronteras", + -12.365135192871094 + ], + [ + "\u2581refiera", + -12.31142807006836 + ], + [ + "\u2581bas\u00f3", + -12.406362533569336 + ], + [ + "\u2581pones", + -12.209000587463379 + ], + [ + "\u2581acu\u00edfero", + -12.346543312072754 + ], + [ + "\u2581hiking", + -12.26836109161377 + ], + [ + "\u2581roman\u00ed", + -12.476489067077637 + ], + [ + "\u2581pag\u00f3", + -12.29388427734375 + ], + [ + "\u2581controversy", + -12.282837867736816 + ], + [ + "\u2581Regalo", + -12.453254699707031 + ], + [ + "1,3", + -12.497191429138184 + ], + [ + "terminado", + -12.337794303894043 + ], + [ + "\u2581transmitir\u00e1", + -12.468674659729004 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pobreza", + -12.304156303405762 + ], + [ + "\u2581infiltra", + -12.276355743408203 + ], + [ + "\u2581CRIC", + -12.901098251342773 + ], + [ + "\u2581prescrito", + -12.293794631958008 + ], + [ + "\u2581revitalizaci\u00f3n", + -12.38875961303711 + ], + [ + "\u2581remota", + -12.302885055541992 + ], + [ + "\u2581cared", + -12.379822731018066 + ], + [ + "\u2581Caritas", + -12.842345237731934 + ], + [ + "\u25811918", + -12.9392671585083 + ], + [ + "\u2581charts", + -12.301656723022461 + ], + [ + "\u2581Villas", + -12.351702690124512 + ], + [ + "\u2581macroecon\u00f3mica", + -12.313313484191895 + ], + [ + "\u2581thermo", + -12.239078521728516 + ], + [ + "vender", + -12.202906608581543 + ], + [ + "\u2581CDM", + -12.22557544708252 + ], + [ + "\u2581Trotsky", + -12.711258888244629 + ], + [ + "\u2581farmhouse", + -12.280030250549316 + ], + [ + "\u2581impresos", + -12.382275581359863 + ], + [ + "\u2581codifica", + -12.357128143310547 + ], + [ + "\u2581hacernos", + -12.272867202758789 + ], + [ + "\u2581impl\u00edcita", + -12.374046325683594 + ], + [ + "\u2581oponerse", + -12.321102142333984 + ], + [ + "\u2581tornillo", + -12.325072288513184 + ], + [ + "\u2581Turbo", + -12.8225736618042 + ], + [ + "\u2581hood", + -12.322044372558594 + ], + [ + "\u2581Failure", + -12.226855278015137 + ], + [ + "0:1.", + -13.047585487365723 + ], + [ + "\u2581aftermath", + -12.277974128723145 + ], + [ + "\u2581m\u00e1", + -12.626952171325684 + ], + [ + "suite", + -12.288712501525879 + ], + [ + "\u2581progenitores", + -12.359097480773926 + ], + [ + "\u2581trajes", + -12.35848617553711 + ], + [ + "menos", + -12.39086627960205 + ], + [ + "\u2581asumidos", + -12.329244613647461 + ], + [ + "\u2581armamento", + -12.275008201599121 + ], + [ + "\u2581galletas", + -12.168134689331055 + ], + [ + "\u2581enfermeras", + -12.366289138793945 + ], + [ + "\u2581modificarse", + -12.345438003540039 + ], + [ + "persona", + -12.323295593261719 + ], + [ + "\u2581dwelling", + -12.192590713500977 + ], + [ + "\u2581extensively", + -12.230669975280762 + ], + [ + "\u2581desembolso", + -12.311803817749023 + ], + [ + "\u2581nazis", + -12.326404571533203 + ], + [ + "\u2581pulso", + -12.318758964538574 + ], + [ + "\u2581Excursiones", + -12.401481628417969 + ], + [ + "\u2581jar", + -12.318353652954102 + ], + [ + "\u2581optimize", + -12.182334899902344 + ], + [ + "uve", + -12.377463340759277 + ], + [ + "ancing", + -12.610861778259277 + ], + [ + "\u2581hubiesen", + -12.330584526062012 + ], + [ + "\u2581levy", + -12.159088134765625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Carrie", + -12.923974990844727 + ], + [ + "\u2581Structure", + -12.251134872436523 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hin", + -12.509469032287598 + ], + [ + "\u2581pronunci\u00f3", + -12.389785766601562 + ], + [ + "\u2581dom\u00e9sticas", + -12.379413604736328 + ], + [ + "\u2581investigators", + -12.28384017944336 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pruebas", + -12.429863929748535 + ], + [ + "\u2581foregoing", + -12.206769943237305 + ], + [ + "\u2581intravenous", + -12.217658996582031 + ], + [ + "\u2581subscribe", + -12.232863426208496 + ], + [ + "formal", + -12.181722640991211 + ], + [ + "\u2581permitirse", + -12.317404747009277 + ], + [ + "\u2581afforded", + -12.207582473754883 + ], + [ + "\u2581dys", + -12.3622407913208 + ], + [ + "\u2581t\u00e9cnicamente", + -12.337919235229492 + ], + [ + "\u2581cito", + -12.350770950317383 + ], + [ + "\u2581posters", + -12.304574012756348 + ], + [ + "nen", + -12.32440185546875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aproximadamente", + -12.31329345703125 + ], + [ + "\u2581rob\u00f3", + -12.16175365447998 + ], + [ + "\u266b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581torres", + -12.401050567626953 + ], + [ + "scopio", + -12.311172485351562 + ], + [ + "zzle", + -12.574387550354004 + ], + [ + "\u2581Grabaciones", + -12.367395401000977 + ], + [ + "\u2581Interview", + -12.304651260375977 + ], + [ + "\u2581encargar", + -12.320429801940918 + ], + [ + "\u2581kidnapped", + -12.312567710876465 + ], + [ + "\u2581Barack", + -12.952672004699707 + ], + [ + "\u2581Soluci\u00f3n", + -12.43380069732666 + ], + [ + "except", + -12.231285095214844 + ], + [ + "OIT", + -12.395666122436523 + ], + [ + "\u2581afronta", + -12.278681755065918 + ], + [ + "115", + -12.880399703979492 + ], + [ + "\u2581gourmet", + -12.8931303024292 + ], + [ + "\u2581instinto", + -12.258312225341797 + ], + [ + "\u2581llegara", + -12.214601516723633 + ], + [ + "\u2581Installation", + -12.227960586547852 + ], + [ + "\u2581athletes", + -12.251093864440918 + ], + [ + "\u2581Referencias", + -12.426178932189941 + ], + [ + "\u2581pac\u00edficas", + -12.402052879333496 + ], + [ + "\u2581Champion", + -12.25253677368164 + ], + [ + "\u2581ligada", + -12.393972396850586 + ], + [ + "\u2581informativos", + -12.367440223693848 + ], + [ + "\u2581exposures", + -12.291043281555176 + ], + [ + "\u2581fichas", + -12.39303970336914 + ], + [ + "\u2581invito", + -12.313455581665039 + ], + [ + "\u2581vuelvas", + -12.201104164123535 + ], + [ + "\u2581UNCCD", + -12.1782808303833 + ], + [ + "\u2581facilidades", + -12.391511917114258 + ], + [ + "\u2581roster", + -12.310637474060059 + ], + [ + "\u2581consuelo", + -12.254509925842285 + ], + [ + "\u2581ayudarla", + -12.26085376739502 + ], + [ + "\u2581holiness", + -12.226859092712402 + ], + [ + "Flashcards", + -12.757294654846191 + ], + [ + "sseldorf", + -12.952359199523926 + ], + [ + "\u2581mire", + -12.202969551086426 + ], + [ + "\u2581imagino", + -12.215965270996094 + ], + [ + "\u2581Candidates", + -12.235100746154785 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fix", + -12.248819351196289 + ], + [ + "\u2581asthma", + -12.269830703735352 + ], + [ + "\u2581bury", + -12.346637725830078 + ], + [ + "Play", + -12.927302360534668 + ], + [ + "\u2581casta", + -12.278302192687988 + ], + [ + "commerce", + -12.227234840393066 + ], + [ + "\u2581susceptibles", + -12.456733703613281 + ], + [ + "ZO", + -12.4256010055542 + ], + [ + "employment", + -12.269744873046875 + ], + [ + "taca", + -12.292363166809082 + ], + [ + "UNO", + -12.58694076538086 + ], + [ + "\u2581negatively", + -12.232826232910156 + ], + [ + "digo", + -12.316943168640137 + ], + [ + "\u2581proportionality", + -12.239089012145996 + ], + [ + "Ch", + -12.065607070922852 + ], + [ + "Director", + -12.954167366027832 + ], + [ + "\u2581Shower", + -12.273186683654785 + ], + [ + "\u2581disciplinarias", + -12.357572555541992 + ], + [ + "\u2581incentivo", + -12.344594955444336 + ], + [ + "mitieron", + -12.42007064819336 + ], + [ + "Siempre", + -12.231857299804688 + ], + [ + "erate", + -12.233477592468262 + ], + [ + "\u2581tolerar", + -12.404097557067871 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ghost", + -12.255030632019043 + ], + [ + "\u2581qued\u00e9", + -12.290444374084473 + ], + [ + "\u2581traslados", + -12.394314765930176 + ], + [ + "\u2581interruptor", + -12.28754711151123 + ], + [ + "\u2581Perry", + -12.938364028930664 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sul", + -12.22653865814209 + ], + [ + "\u2581declaring", + -12.229619979858398 + ], + [ + "\u2581necesitados", + -12.389076232910156 + ], + [ + "Indonesia", + -13.003138542175293 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cleaning", + -12.292557716369629 + ], + [ + "\u2581Downtown", + -12.279938697814941 + ], + [ + "\u2581attribute", + -12.193885803222656 + ], + [ + "\u2581Almacenamiento", + -12.420858383178711 + ], + [ + "\u2581Certification", + -12.274091720581055 + ], + [ + "-1998", + -12.9391450881958 + ], + [ + "\u2581escultura", + -12.408848762512207 + ], + [ + "\u2581ranura", + -12.369597434997559 + ], + [ + "Jap\u00f3n", + -12.323627471923828 + ], + [ + "\u2581pas\u00e9", + -12.171943664550781 + ], + [ + "\u2581significar", + -12.258418083190918 + ], + [ + "====", + -13.035748481750488 + ], + [ + "canta", + -12.687561988830566 + ], + [ + "resoluciones", + -12.379615783691406 + ], + [ + "\u2581inhabited", + -12.267365455627441 + ], + [ + "\u2581Scope", + -12.236246109008789 + ], + [ + "\u2581Spin", + -12.369063377380371 + ], + [ + "\u2581albeit", + -12.200432777404785 + ], + [ + "\u2581re\u00edr", + -12.132796287536621 + ], + [ + "\u2581Marriage", + -12.256824493408203 + ], + [ + "\u2581ample", + -12.244455337524414 + ], + [ + "\u2581Period", + -12.212721824645996 + ], + [ + "\u2581parec\u00edan", + -12.331550598144531 + ], + [ + "\u2581pollutants", + -12.20833683013916 + ], + [ + "\u2581M\u00e1quinas", + -12.416528701782227 + ], + [ + "\u2581orgasm", + -12.298605918884277 + ], + [ + "\u2581l\u00e1mina", + -12.386397361755371 + ], + [ + "yama", + -12.911736488342285 + ], + [ + "\u2581sporting", + -12.28798770904541 + ], + [ + "\u2581cebolla", + -12.268317222595215 + ], + [ + "\u2581encender", + -12.321925163269043 + ], + [ + "vat", + -12.526776313781738 + ], + [ + "\u2581aparecido", + -12.354515075683594 + ], + [ + "\u2581asesora", + -12.414698600769043 + ], + [ + "\u2581indictment", + -12.214019775390625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cargo", + -12.718811988830566 + ], + [ + "\u2581condemns", + -12.290916442871094 + ], + [ + "\u2581Edimburgo", + -12.351982116699219 + ], + [ + "Form", + -12.55349063873291 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hermanos", + -12.376806259155273 + ], + [ + "\u2581interroga", + -12.24896240234375 + ], + [ + "Law", + -12.271055221557617 + ], + [ + "\u2581Interno", + -12.378183364868164 + ], + [ + "\u2581Offer", + -12.275546073913574 + ], + [ + "\u2581connectivity", + -12.282031059265137 + ], + [ + "\u2581MEETING", + -12.231471061706543 + ], + [ + "\u2581se\u00f1oras", + -12.33719253540039 + ], + [ + "big", + -12.990499496459961 + ], + [ + "\u2581producidas", + -12.365123748779297 + ], + [ + "Pues", + -12.243729591369629 + ], + [ + "\u2581Balearic", + -12.276998519897461 + ], + [ + "\u2581Priority", + -12.260890007019043 + ], + [ + "olic", + -12.906033515930176 + ], + [ + "\u2581importing", + -12.27817440032959 + ], + [ + "Podr\u00edas", + -12.109986305236816 + ], + [ + "\u2581lust", + -12.319377899169922 + ], + [ + "\u2581defer", + -12.244730949401855 + ], + [ + "\u2581jeopardize", + -12.278074264526367 + ], + [ + "\u2581rosas", + -12.340115547180176 + ], + [ + "Israel", + -12.826957702636719 + ], + [ + "\u2581calibre", + -12.303048133850098 + ], + [ + "\u2581membrana", + -12.38865852355957 + ], + [ + "Annex", + -12.257413864135742 + ], + [ + "lists", + -12.454025268554688 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ecuadorian", + -12.228525161743164 + ], + [ + "\u2581desarrolladores", + -12.415258407592773 + ], + [ + "\u2581stemm", + -12.3137845993042 + ], + [ + "\u2581preparan", + -12.378767967224121 + ], + [ + "\u2581detrimental", + -12.233651161193848 + ], + [ + "\u2581muchacha", + -12.175382614135742 + ], + [ + "l\u00edtico", + -12.381491661071777 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pets", + -12.331936836242676 + ], + [ + "\u2581Trato", + -12.291141510009766 + ], + [ + "\u2581adopts", + -12.410054206848145 + ], + [ + "\u2581camarada", + -12.2857666015625 + ], + [ + "\u2581afecte", + -12.34308910369873 + ], + [ + "\u2581traces", + -12.280240058898926 + ], + [ + "eis", + -12.034235000610352 + ], + [ + "\u2581Twelve", + -12.25682544708252 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jam\u00e1s", + -12.190300941467285 + ], + [ + "\u2581alcanzan", + -12.379676818847656 + ], + [ + "\u2581encerrado", + -12.23541259765625 + ], + [ + "\u2581SADC", + -12.818798065185547 + ], + [ + "\u2581secretariats", + -12.450285911560059 + ], + [ + "Mr", + -12.372483253479004 + ], + [ + "\u2581t\u00edpicos", + -12.453829765319824 + ], + [ + "\u2581Destruction", + -12.259681701660156 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ropa", + -12.369131088256836 + ], + [ + "\u2581comuna", + -12.409667015075684 + ], + [ + "\u2581minoritarios", + -12.34980297088623 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aboriginal", + -12.279913902282715 + ], + [ + "\u2581sombras", + -12.3441162109375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Managing", + -12.262679100036621 + ], + [ + "\u2581competitivos", + -12.391907691955566 + ], + [ + "\u2581Entrevista", + -12.429245948791504 + ], + [ + "\u2581exigir\u00e1", + -12.496674537658691 + ], + [ + "\u2581Forgive", + -12.44552230834961 + ], + [ + "\u2581complementos", + -12.366841316223145 + ], + [ + "\u2581respetan", + -12.387916564941406 + ], + [ + "\u2581concuerda", + -12.355142593383789 + ], + [ + "\u2581eighteenth", + -12.236368179321289 + ], + [ + "\u2581multianual", + -12.368484497070312 + ], + [ + "\u2581Seek", + -12.34357738494873 + ], + [ + "\u2581valves", + -12.257368087768555 + ], + [ + "\u2581Infant", + -12.256046295166016 + ], + [ + "\u2581abanico", + -12.380908966064453 + ], + [ + "\u2581ratific\u00f3", + -12.410392761230469 + ], + [ + "\u2581recipiente", + -12.370125770568848 + ], + [ + "\u2581relajaci\u00f3n", + -12.37441635131836 + ], + [ + "\u2581defiende", + -12.373881340026855 + ], + [ + "\u2581unconditional", + -12.246750831604004 + ], + [ + "\u2581espiritualidad", + -12.393471717834473 + ], + [ + "voy", + -12.311551094055176 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reset", + -12.274796485900879 + ], + [ + "quera", + -12.622364044189453 + ], + [ + "\u2581precaria", + -12.385268211364746 + ], + [ + "your", + -12.313989639282227 + ], + [ + "\u2581caen", + -12.285569190979004 + ], + [ + "\u2581uncomfortable", + -12.332873344421387 + ], + [ + "abil", + -12.600227355957031 + ], + [ + "\u2581ODM", + -12.402609825134277 + ], + [ + "\u2581delantero", + -12.445920944213867 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fundamentales", + -12.328662872314453 + ], + [ + "\u2581centrally", + -12.24503231048584 + ], + [ + "\u2581promulgated", + -12.249245643615723 + ], + [ + "\u2581entitlements", + -12.289254188537598 + ], + [ + "\u2581mostraba", + -12.41852855682373 + ], + [ + "ADAS", + -12.45409107208252 + ], + [ + "\u2581borrowing", + -12.273622512817383 + ], + [ + "\u2581satisface", + -12.361672401428223 + ], + [ + "\u2581Minsk", + -12.896926879882812 + ], + [ + "paid", + -12.200521469116211 + ], + [ + "\u2581comprometen", + -12.392078399658203 + ], + [ + "lift", + -12.236804008483887 + ], + [ + "\u2581ejecutados", + -12.359384536743164 + ], + [ + "\u2581moratoria", + -12.371959686279297 + ], + [ + "ENCE", + -12.478647232055664 + ], + [ + "\u2581golpe\u00f3", + -12.23926830291748 + ], + [ + "\u2581acompa\u00f1adas", + -12.42835521697998 + ], + [ + "\u2581consejero", + -12.352307319641113 + ], + [ + "\u2581socavar", + -12.416820526123047 + ], + [ + "NAL", + -12.794254302978516 + ], + [ + "\u2581capacita", + -12.282541275024414 + ], + [ + "AIR", + -12.477506637573242 + ], + [ + "\u2581Prayer", + -12.211287498474121 + ], + [ + "\u2581threatens", + -12.268568992614746 + ], + [ + "\u2581Inquiry", + -12.2286958694458 + ], + [ + "\u2581verses", + -12.336954116821289 + ], + [ + "\u2581cerradas", + -12.347284317016602 + ], + [ + "\u2581maize", + -12.274404525756836 + ], + [ + "\u2581progresar", + -12.373814582824707 + ], + [ + "\u2581complies", + -12.301570892333984 + ], + [ + "\u2581env\u00edan", + -12.312823295593262 + ], + [ + "Uno", + -12.272871017456055 + ], + [ + "author", + -12.27573299407959 + ], + [ + "\u2581ambassador", + -12.433980941772461 + ], + [ + "\u2581disciple", + -12.278935432434082 + ], + [ + "\u2581intern", + -12.338154792785645 + ], + [ + "\u2581pr\u00edncipes", + -12.378451347351074 + ], + [ + "\u2581stroll", + -12.328189849853516 + ], + [ + "\u2581implante", + -12.326244354248047 + ], + [ + "\u2581bias", + -12.253148078918457 + ], + [ + "\u2581inocencia", + -12.322949409484863 + ], + [ + "\u2581l\u00edo", + -12.130027770996094 + ], + [ + "UNFPA", + -12.6626615524292 + ], + [ + "\u2581adorar", + -12.39546012878418 + ], + [ + "\u2581expired", + -12.205018043518066 + ], + [ + "\u2581healed", + -12.296507835388184 + ], + [ + "\u2581neutro", + -12.664533615112305 + ], + [ + "\u2581infecta", + -12.32492733001709 + ], + [ + "onym", + -12.46910285949707 + ], + [ + "\u2581Veh\u00edculos", + -12.347229957580566 + ], + [ + "\u2581Marseille", + -12.274091720581055 + ], + [ + "\u2581posting", + -12.303128242492676 + ], + [ + "\u2581suaves", + -12.401586532592773 + ], + [ + "\u2581Conventional", + -12.319625854492188 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hermana", + -12.28442668914795 + ], + [ + "\u2581prediction", + -12.28880500793457 + ], + [ + "ull", + -12.078359603881836 + ], + [ + "\u2581wildlife", + -12.19869613647461 + ], + [ + "\u2581migratory", + -12.215831756591797 + ], + [ + "\u2581stealing", + -12.316215515136719 + ], + [ + "\u2581nationalities", + -12.215856552124023 + ], + [ + "\u2581encontrando", + -12.450592041015625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Klein", + -12.884232521057129 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vistas", + -12.471017837524414 + ], + [ + "\u2581oponente", + -12.383721351623535 + ], + [ + "\u2581Maps", + -12.338199615478516 + ], + [ + "\u2581Masters", + -12.390443801879883 + ], + [ + "\u2581playlists", + -12.32764720916748 + ], + [ + "\u2581aislada", + -12.413789749145508 + ], + [ + "\u2581maid", + -12.360742568969727 + ], + [ + "2,8", + -13.192161560058594 + ], + [ + "\u2581Publi", + -12.654172897338867 + ], + [ + "\u2581antemano", + -12.454144477844238 + ], + [ + "\u2581funcionar\u00e1", + -12.391366004943848 + ], + [ + "\u2581Galicia", + -12.65599536895752 + ], + [ + "\u2581chin", + -12.507796287536621 + ], + [ + "\u2581crear\u00e1", + -12.333327293395996 + ], + [ + "\u2581reducidos", + -12.417937278747559 + ], + [ + "Med", + -12.355289459228516 + ], + [ + "\u2581elaborada", + -12.37277889251709 + ], + [ + "\u2581constituent", + -12.238000869750977 + ], + [ + "\u2581amueblado", + -12.410392761230469 + ], + [ + "\u2581incoming", + -12.336142539978027 + ], + [ + "\u2581favorites", + -12.32178020477295 + ], + [ + "aph", + -12.490279197692871 + ], + [ + "vet", + -12.375243186950684 + ], + [ + "\u2581accent", + -12.358881950378418 + ], + [ + "ll\u00e9", + -12.208130836486816 + ], + [ + "\u2581Exercise", + -12.258077621459961 + ], + [ + "\u2581arrears", + -12.213096618652344 + ], + [ + "\u2581basketball", + -12.385575294494629 + ], + [ + "\u2581sits", + -12.416573524475098 + ], + [ + "ALI", + -12.555147171020508 + ], + [ + "\u2581Legislativa", + -12.424371719360352 + ], + [ + "\u2581cotidiano", + -12.386391639709473 + ], + [ + "fit", + -12.25795841217041 + ], + [ + "\u2581simposio", + -12.335748672485352 + ], + [ + "\u2581usefulness", + -12.254076957702637 + ], + [ + "shaped", + -12.257527351379395 + ], + [ + "\u2581requieran", + -12.371259689331055 + ], + [ + "\u2581arguing", + -12.27119255065918 + ], + [ + "\u2581recreation", + -12.20797061920166 + ], + [ + "lyn", + -12.452801704406738 + ], + [ + "\u2581Doctors", + -12.369180679321289 + ], + [ + "\u2581aquatic", + -12.19774341583252 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ra\u00edces", + -12.318717956542969 + ], + [ + "\u2581flags", + -12.293153762817383 + ], + [ + "inf", + -12.315461158752441 + ], + [ + "\u2581culpabilidad", + -12.379875183105469 + ], + [ + "\u2581rezar", + -12.324130058288574 + ], + [ + "\u2581entrust", + -12.24072265625 + ], + [ + "\u2581optimista", + -12.341130256652832 + ], + [ + "\u2581requeridas", + -12.44018840789795 + ], + [ + "Council", + -12.219832420349121 + ], + [ + "\u2581audiences", + -12.33329963684082 + ], + [ + "\u2581warfare", + -12.273125648498535 + ], + [ + "\u2581imagined", + -12.28511905670166 + ], + [ + "\u2581(2012)", + -12.935528755187988 + ], + [ + "\u2581hipertensi\u00f3n", + -12.385272026062012 + ], + [ + "\u2581represalias", + -12.420125007629395 + ], + [ + "\u2581rack", + -12.302447319030762 + ], + [ + "\u2581volviera", + -12.286563873291016 + ], + [ + "\u2581Trojan", + -12.69052791595459 + ], + [ + "\u2581m\u00fasculo", + -12.376830101013184 + ], + [ + "\u2581alpha", + -12.349556922912598 + ], + [ + "\u2581apareci", + -12.359658241271973 + ], + [ + "\u2581equip", + -12.286603927612305 + ], + [ + "\u2581cabalmente", + -12.387900352478027 + ], + [ + "\u2581cobarde", + -12.155487060546875 + ], + [ + "\u2581competencies", + -12.257787704467773 + ], + [ + "struy\u00f3", + -12.281855583190918 + ], + [ + "\u2581Adults", + -12.30202579498291 + ], + [ + "cure", + -12.479975700378418 + ], + [ + "nunciaron", + -12.469606399536133 + ], + [ + "\u2581physicians", + -12.280866622924805 + ], + [ + "\u2581desaparece", + -12.290558815002441 + ], + [ + "\u2581Stella", + -12.978458404541016 + ], + [ + "area", + -12.228038787841797 + ], + [ + "ocupa", + -12.344602584838867 + ], + [ + "\u2581Divina", + -12.37304973602295 + ], + [ + "\u2581alegaci\u00f3n", + -12.408306121826172 + ], + [ + "\u2581bono", + -12.343122482299805 + ], + [ + "\u2581popularidad", + -12.381634712219238 + ], + [ + "\u2581aventajados", + -12.427896499633789 + ], + [ + "\u2581aquaculture", + -12.179089546203613 + ], + [ + "\u2581declarados", + -12.445202827453613 + ], + [ + "\u258174.", + -12.330805778503418 + ], + [ + "\u2581alimenticia", + -12.372931480407715 + ], + [ + "\u2581rubro", + -12.316704750061035 + ], + [ + "\u2581underway", + -12.296955108642578 + ], + [ + "\u2581WebApp", + -12.303585052490234 + ], + [ + "ships", + -12.373217582702637 + ], + [ + "\u2581coyuntura", + -12.383009910583496 + ], + [ + "\u2581finaliza", + -12.164700508117676 + ], + [ + "\u2581Coach", + -12.416130065917969 + ], + [ + "acci", + -12.553680419921875 + ], + [ + "\u2581acento", + -12.345922470092773 + ], + [ + "\u2581construidos", + -12.464231491088867 + ], + [ + "\u2581indio", + -12.332291603088379 + ], + [ + "\u2581uneven", + -12.227325439453125 + ], + [ + "segura", + -12.315653800964355 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rioja", + -12.900301933288574 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kiribati", + -12.903970718383789 + ], + [ + "\u2581generosidad", + -12.330394744873047 + ], + [ + "\u2581misconduct", + -12.223167419433594 + ], + [ + "\u2581Temporary", + -12.304545402526855 + ], + [ + "\u2581bordes", + -12.43284797668457 + ], + [ + "\u2581Postal", + -12.90243148803711 + ], + [ + "\u2581Resultado", + -12.446901321411133 + ], + [ + "\u2581chupa", + -12.242114067077637 + ], + [ + "\u2581historically", + -12.285977363586426 + ], + [ + "inen", + -12.35909366607666 + ], + [ + "\u2581economista", + -12.320457458496094 + ], + [ + "\u2581backgrounds", + -12.423678398132324 + ], + [ + "\u2581huele", + -12.194059371948242 + ], + [ + "diese", + -12.376254081726074 + ], + [ + "flexion", + -12.392056465148926 + ], + [ + "\u2581inception", + -12.294760704040527 + ], + [ + "\u2581sucesivamente", + -12.309263229370117 + ], + [ + "\u2581sonar", + -12.240504264831543 + ], + [ + "\u2581fifteenth", + -12.260221481323242 + ], + [ + "\u2581Swaziland", + -11.94762134552002 + ], + [ + "\u2581multiling", + -12.379830360412598 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00c9tica", + -12.419837951660156 + ], + [ + "cepciones", + -12.353667259216309 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ethiopian", + -12.27740478515625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hide", + -12.328761100769043 + ], + [ + "\u2581alimentado", + -12.407630920410156 + ], + [ + "\u2581derrotar", + -12.345437049865723 + ], + [ + "\u2581Scores", + -12.331595420837402 + ], + [ + "\u2581celebrar\u00eda", + -12.389754295349121 + ], + [ + "\u2581dedic\u00f3", + -12.39902114868164 + ], + [ + "\u2581homicide", + -12.354658126831055 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vasco", + -12.376914024353027 + ], + [ + "\u2581problematic", + -12.273402214050293 + ], + [ + "\u2581relied", + -12.26638412475586 + ], + [ + "\u2581Estabilizaci\u00f3n", + -12.40347671508789 + ], + [ + "\u2581considerar\u00e1n", + -12.441140174865723 + ], + [ + "\u2581maximizar", + -12.356993675231934 + ], + [ + "\u2581redoblar", + -12.42855167388916 + ], + [ + "\u2581divergencia", + -12.389785766601562 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cristal", + -12.418598175048828 + ], + [ + "\u2581rolled", + -12.29183292388916 + ], + [ + "\u2581t\u00e1cticas", + -12.437355041503906 + ], + [ + "\u2581vuelan", + -12.30546760559082 + ], + [ + "\u2581wrist", + -12.345315933227539 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fruit", + -12.283852577209473 + ], + [ + "\u2581clor", + -12.594572067260742 + ], + [ + "\u2581Violet", + -12.991250038146973 + ], + [ + "ieu", + -12.368345260620117 + ], + [ + "\u2581gem", + -12.289880752563477 + ], + [ + "\u2581continuos", + -12.407946586608887 + ], + [ + "information", + -12.248499870300293 + ], + [ + "\u2581heroes", + -12.306384086608887 + ], + [ + "\u2581preceded", + -12.302008628845215 + ], + [ + "\u2581inversor", + -12.355308532714844 + ], + [ + "\u2581tiras", + -12.34341049194336 + ], + [ + "mand", + -12.222990989685059 + ], + [ + "\u2581Entrar", + -12.351717948913574 + ], + [ + "xica", + -12.954009056091309 + ], + [ + "nteroperabilidad", + -12.39437198638916 + ], + [ + "\u2581Challenges", + -12.305034637451172 + ], + [ + "\u2581abandon\u00f3", + -12.31977367401123 + ], + [ + "\u2581gusano", + -12.260313987731934 + ], + [ + "\u2581medianoche", + -12.263532638549805 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00edbamos", + -12.1799898147583 + ], + [ + "\u2581Disease", + -12.235191345214844 + ], + [ + "\u2581Older", + -12.231786727905273 + ], + [ + "\u2581anticipado", + -12.391891479492188 + ], + [ + "\u2581severa", + -12.30338191986084 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rot", + -12.496292114257812 + ], + [ + "\u2581belly", + -12.386795997619629 + ], + [ + "\u2581gauge", + -12.23891830444336 + ], + [ + "\u2581neglected", + -12.27609634399414 + ], + [ + "\u2581conciliar", + -12.40946102142334 + ], + [ + "\u2581Shawn", + -12.870985984802246 + ], + [ + "OUS", + -12.334465026855469 + ], + [ + "\u2581Arctic", + -12.336127281188965 + ], + [ + "Cuidado", + -12.076107025146484 + ], + [ + "\u2581archaeological", + -12.297587394714355 + ], + [ + "\u2581venues", + -12.272274017333984 + ], + [ + "\u2581agresivo", + -12.358566284179688 + ], + [ + "\u2581catastrophe", + -12.295608520507812 + ], + [ + "\u2581retrasar", + -12.422507286071777 + ], + [ + "\u2581Door", + -12.376205444335938 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lay", + -12.36359977722168 + ], + [ + "\u2581calor\u00edas", + -12.37427043914795 + ], + [ + "\u2581recluta", + -12.378735542297363 + ], + [ + "ENA", + -12.54852294921875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Romano", + -12.370373725891113 + ], + [ + "\u2581buscamos", + -12.284146308898926 + ], + [ + "\u2581nausea", + -12.232402801513672 + ], + [ + "\u2581Deporte", + -12.407946586608887 + ], + [ + "\u2581Parents", + -12.313098907470703 + ], + [ + "\u2581despair", + -12.259693145751953 + ], + [ + "\u2581suelta", + -12.26087760925293 + ], + [ + "\u2581formaciones", + -12.395628929138184 + ], + [ + "\u2581ajedrez", + -12.354166984558105 + ], + [ + "\u2581ejercido", + -12.410576820373535 + ], + [ + "\u2581ethnicity", + -12.322239875793457 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lac", + -12.186119079589844 + ], + [ + "\u2581Medicare", + -12.956212043762207 + ], + [ + "\u2581sperm", + -12.20939826965332 + ], + [ + "\u2581fotogr\u00e1fica", + -12.403886795043945 + ], + [ + "\u2581Increasing", + -12.244537353515625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Outside", + -12.285001754760742 + ], + [ + "Canada", + -12.30651569366455 + ], + [ + "\u2581raped", + -12.319462776184082 + ], + [ + "model", + -12.53983211517334 + ], + [ + "\u2581Secondary", + -12.25555419921875 + ], + [ + "\u2581chop", + -12.530160903930664 + ], + [ + "ved", + -12.295924186706543 + ], + [ + "\u2581continuada", + -12.41978645324707 + ], + [ + "\u2581laguna", + -12.370476722717285 + ], + [ + "\u2581Porsche", + -13.000236511230469 + ], + [ + "\u2581supplying", + -12.283236503601074 + ], + [ + "\u2581transcend", + -12.221330642700195 + ], + [ + "Ser\u00e1", + -12.344635009765625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Charm", + -12.324357986450195 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fau", + -12.703898429870605 + ], + [ + "\u2581corrida", + -12.403691291809082 + ], + [ + "\u2581monastery", + -12.276028633117676 + ], + [ + "\u2581continents", + -12.334169387817383 + ], + [ + "\u2581Boys", + -12.423541069030762 + ], + [ + "\u2581sanction", + -12.208028793334961 + ], + [ + "\u2581genuina", + -12.396607398986816 + ], + [ + "\u2581CRE", + -12.8507080078125 + ], + [ + "\u2581reinado", + -12.417692184448242 + ], + [ + "quiere", + -12.274322509765625 + ], + [ + "user", + -12.223233222961426 + ], + [ + "\u2581presentaran", + -12.379697799682617 + ], + [ + "tay", + -12.525538444519043 + ], + [ + "\u2581voucher", + -12.262547492980957 + ], + [ + "\u25810.9", + -12.371797561645508 + ], + [ + "\u2581Acto", + -12.530195236206055 + ], + [ + "\u2581infectado", + -12.386889457702637 + ], + [ + "\u2581energ\u00e9ticas", + -12.4581937789917 + ], + [ + "\u2581streams", + -12.284961700439453 + ], + [ + "\u2581criticized", + -12.245245933532715 + ], + [ + "\u2581digan", + -12.286181449890137 + ], + [ + "\u2581originalidad", + -12.398176193237305 + ], + [ + "Toma", + -12.213608741760254 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vinci", + -12.96572494506836 + ], + [ + "\u2581grief", + -12.308544158935547 + ], + [ + "\u2581lighter", + -12.341864585876465 + ], + [ + "\u2581tiles", + -12.290401458740234 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pinterest", + -12.972182273864746 + ], + [ + "\u2581UNAMA", + -12.96786880493164 + ], + [ + "\u2581Buddhist", + -12.288711547851562 + ], + [ + "\u2581Manage", + -12.310522079467773 + ], + [ + "\u2581Medicamentos", + -12.402796745300293 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sovereign", + -12.17645263671875 + ], + [ + "\u2581sencillas", + -12.383992195129395 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00edntima", + -12.426180839538574 + ], + [ + "\u2581pondr\u00eda", + -12.301972389221191 + ], + [ + "\u2581restitution", + -12.23820686340332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sep", + -12.23202896118164 + ], + [ + "Brazil", + -12.244098663330078 + ], + [ + "\u2581aranceles", + -12.381463050842285 + ], + [ + "\u2581dejara", + -12.19522476196289 + ], + [ + "\u2581Shaw", + -12.977567672729492 + ], + [ + "\u2581Stuart", + -12.985392570495605 + ], + [ + "dependent", + -12.227930068969727 + ], + [ + "firm", + -12.413719177246094 + ], + [ + "rame", + -12.35501480102539 + ], + [ + "1984", + -12.903944969177246 + ], + [ + "\u2581asignada", + -12.369483947753906 + ], + [ + "\u2581M\u00e9todos", + -12.39863395690918 + ], + [ + "\u2581Abbas", + -12.83499813079834 + ], + [ + "\u2581ballena", + -12.317675590515137 + ], + [ + "Edit", + -12.96634292602539 + ], + [ + "\u2581beneficiar\u00e1", + -12.52808952331543 + ], + [ + "\u2581publicitario", + -12.405784606933594 + ], + [ + "Claro", + -12.147821426391602 + ], + [ + "\u2581irrita", + -12.30924129486084 + ], + [ + "\u2581llevarla", + -12.352417945861816 + ], + [ + "\u2581mansion", + -12.341099739074707 + ], + [ + "\u2581Requirements", + -12.272168159484863 + ], + [ + "\u2581bathing", + -12.275312423706055 + ], + [ + "\u2581Adult", + -12.272775650024414 + ], + [ + "$1", + -12.249448776245117 + ], + [ + "ghe", + -12.47006607055664 + ], + [ + "fix", + -12.292978286743164 + ], + [ + "\u2581verle", + -12.222803115844727 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jazz", + -12.933859825134277 + ], + [ + "\u2581mathematical", + -12.291661262512207 + ], + [ + "excl", + -12.441205024719238 + ], + [ + "\u2581lunar", + -12.893243789672852 + ], + [ + "\u2581personalities", + -12.241759300231934 + ], + [ + "\u2581toallas", + -12.340229034423828 + ], + [ + "\u2581Baleares", + -12.488557815551758 + ], + [ + "\u2581Isl\u00e1mico", + -12.400035858154297 + ], + [ + "phenyl", + -12.184409141540527 + ], + [ + "stream", + -12.305017471313477 + ], + [ + "\u2581Usually", + -12.280887603759766 + ], + [ + "\u2581experimentando", + -12.393744468688965 + ], + [ + "\u2581viajan", + -12.38337230682373 + ], + [ + "scendencia", + -12.411444664001465 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hon", + -12.602102279663086 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lost", + -12.30197811126709 + ], + [ + "\u2581cotizaciones", + -12.342387199401855 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bea", + -12.209259986877441 + ], + [ + "ignan", + -12.787940979003906 + ], + [ + "\u2581advertise", + -12.303500175476074 + ], + [ + "\u2581enunciado", + -12.31944751739502 + ], + [ + "ICC", + -12.854413986206055 + ], + [ + "\u2581Trae", + -12.12118148803711 + ], + [ + "\u2581escolarizaci\u00f3n", + -12.384664535522461 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00e9lite", + -12.372377395629883 + ], + [ + "\u2581chloride", + -12.274127006530762 + ], + [ + "IMIENTO", + -12.46141242980957 + ], + [ + "mix", + -12.281245231628418 + ], + [ + "\u2581Macao", + -12.817331314086914 + ], + [ + "\u2581outlets", + -12.250547409057617 + ], + [ + "conf", + -12.599929809570312 + ], + [ + "\u2581arrastre", + -12.404210090637207 + ], + [ + "\u2581sweetie", + -12.494174003601074 + ], + [ + "\u2581Diet", + -12.368298530578613 + ], + [ + "\u2581multisectorial", + -12.676478385925293 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nordic", + -12.281553268432617 + ], + [ + "\u2581granjas", + -12.441414833068848 + ], + [ + "\u2581moviliza", + -12.315749168395996 + ], + [ + "\u2581percibe", + -12.35723876953125 + ], + [ + "\u2581sculpture", + -12.284544944763184 + ], + [ + "\u2581Milk", + -12.323348045349121 + ], + [ + "\u2581acu\u00e1ticos", + -12.408832550048828 + ], + [ + "\u2581ingresa", + -12.239150047302246 + ], + [ + "\u2581definite", + -12.254316329956055 + ], + [ + "mentario", + -12.604344367980957 + ], + [ + "\u2581implantar", + -12.440308570861816 + ], + [ + "\u2581votaciones", + -12.385555267333984 + ], + [ + "\u2581convocada", + -12.597038269042969 + ], + [ + "\u2581gobernantes", + -12.429739952087402 + ], + [ + "\u2581projection", + -12.260530471801758 + ], + [ + "AMIENTO", + -12.567930221557617 + ], + [ + "\u2581Census", + -12.323680877685547 + ], + [ + "\u2581arsenal", + -12.897687911987305 + ], + [ + "\u2581paleta", + -12.540877342224121 + ], + [ + "\u2581adaptados", + -12.444388389587402 + ], + [ + "\u2581helicopters", + -12.288945198059082 + ], + [ + "\u2581introductoria", + -12.353074073791504 + ], + [ + "\u2581hike", + -12.300660133361816 + ], + [ + "pilot", + -13.2120361328125 + ], + [ + "wl", + -12.430411338806152 + ], + [ + "\u2581Edgar", + -13.02769947052002 + ], + [ + "\u2581Turning", + -12.250192642211914 + ], + [ + "\u2581firstly", + -12.350180625915527 + ], + [ + "\u2581importador", + -12.434605598449707 + ], + [ + "grafia", + -12.40277099609375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Corps", + -12.3474702835083 + ], + [ + "\u2581racionales", + -12.365772247314453 + ], + [ + "Aplausos", + -12.34437370300293 + ], + [ + "titis", + -12.566685676574707 + ], + [ + "His", + -12.49174690246582 + ], + [ + "extra", + -13.026596069335938 + ], + [ + "\u2581miracles", + -12.280515670776367 + ], + [ + "\u2581piss", + -12.444999694824219 + ], + [ + "\u2581avisar", + -12.213418006896973 + ], + [ + "\u258156/1", + -12.927762031555176 + ], + [ + "\u2581conforman", + -12.43388843536377 + ], + [ + "\u2581ventilador", + -12.393288612365723 + ], + [ + "RAR", + -13.03690242767334 + ], + [ + "\u2581cognitive", + -12.237982749938965 + ], + [ + "\u2581folk", + -12.341198921203613 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sou", + -12.46383285522461 + ], + [ + "\u2581deserved", + -12.284876823425293 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00c9se", + -12.144255638122559 + ], + [ + "\u2581Friend", + -12.332121849060059 + ], + [ + "\u2581STATES", + -12.239087104797363 + ], + [ + "\u2581aboard", + -12.507024765014648 + ], + [ + "minded", + -12.327828407287598 + ], + [ + "\u2581colabor", + -12.447023391723633 + ], + [ + "\u2581juegan", + -12.40183162689209 + ], + [ + "Precio", + -12.438648223876953 + ], + [ + "friend", + -12.293669700622559 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alle", + -12.46021842956543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Roland", + -13.03033447265625 + ], + [ + "\u2581fon", + -12.4741849899292 + ], + [ + "\u2581reclamo", + -12.400074005126953 + ], + [ + "\u2581d\u00e9cima", + -12.434985160827637 + ], + [ + "\u2581compro", + -12.55429458618164 + ], + [ + "PON", + -13.18791675567627 + ], + [ + "\u2581cumplirse", + -12.399023056030273 + ], + [ + "\u2581sincroniza", + -12.386052131652832 + ], + [ + "\u2581valent\u00eda", + -12.395475387573242 + ], + [ + "\u2581cornerstone", + -12.278035163879395 + ], + [ + "espera", + -12.61190128326416 + ], + [ + "\u2581deciden", + -12.377692222595215 + ], + [ + "\u2581distintivo", + -12.402944564819336 + ], + [ + "\u2581Delegaci\u00f3n", + -12.371818542480469 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aseg\u00fare", + -12.356358528137207 + ], + [ + "\u2581License", + -12.29957103729248 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lloyd", + -13.003979682922363 + ], + [ + "Gen", + -12.30969524383545 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bear", + -12.44267463684082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gazette", + -12.287736892700195 + ], + [ + "\u2581inject", + -12.332144737243652 + ], + [ + "\u2581participativa", + -12.47886848449707 + ], + [ + "\u2581Stewart", + -13.044584274291992 + ], + [ + "\u2581burocracia", + -12.401190757751465 + ], + [ + "\u2581Condena", + -12.453248977661133 + ], + [ + "\u2581procedencia", + -12.396221160888672 + ], + [ + "ETA", + -12.463214874267578 + ], + [ + "\u2581concebida", + -12.362954139709473 + ], + [ + "\u2581reanuda", + -12.302694320678711 + ], + [ + "arily", + -12.564249992370605 + ], + [ + "\u2581contratados", + -12.42094612121582 + ], + [ + "\u2581colorful", + -12.279699325561523 + ], + [ + "\u2581pra", + -12.565377235412598 + ], + [ + "\u2581hamper", + -12.312726974487305 + ], + [ + "activity", + -12.280112266540527 + ], + [ + "\u2581dentist", + -12.317611694335938 + ], + [ + "\u2581fije", + -12.382426261901855 + ], + [ + "eus", + -12.358017921447754 + ], + [ + "\u2581Classification", + -12.220447540283203 + ], + [ + "\u2581sponsoring", + -12.26474666595459 + ], + [ + "comend\u00f3", + -12.40891170501709 + ], + [ + "\u2581ayuntamiento", + -12.336822509765625 + ], + [ + "\u2581boil", + -12.284446716308594 + ], + [ + "\u2581democratization", + -12.233327865600586 + ], + [ + "\u2581llenas", + -12.416974067687988 + ], + [ + "\u2581m\u00e9rito", + -12.358946800231934 + ], + [ + "qual", + -12.503666877746582 + ], + [ + "sufficiency", + -12.237982749938965 + ], + [ + "\u2581alleviation", + -12.265420913696289 + ], + [ + "\u258164/2", + -13.05471420288086 + ], + [ + "\u2581Escala", + -12.493821144104004 + ], + [ + "\u2581Margarita", + -12.82778549194336 + ], + [ + "\u2581Registra", + -12.440004348754883 + ], + [ + "\u2581organism", + -12.194931030273438 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wol", + -12.992109298706055 + ], + [ + "\u2581bulletin", + -12.266122817993164 + ], + [ + "\u2581imparte", + -12.379586219787598 + ], + [ + "\u2581pirate", + -12.323742866516113 + ], + [ + "cog\u00ed", + -12.314241409301758 + ], + [ + "equip", + -12.666836738586426 + ], + [ + "\u2581voluntariado", + -12.395098686218262 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vicepresidentes", + -12.426671981811523 + ], + [ + "\u2581MHz", + -12.979408264160156 + ], + [ + "\u2581bulb", + -12.280941009521484 + ], + [ + "VII", + -13.074420928955078 + ], + [ + "centro", + -12.362805366516113 + ], + [ + "\u2581Worldwide", + -12.332140922546387 + ], + [ + "\u2581bando", + -12.378859519958496 + ], + [ + "\u2581envidia", + -12.352697372436523 + ], + [ + "oka", + -12.27090835571289 + ], + [ + "\u2581stringent", + -12.291725158691406 + ], + [ + "\u2581ICC", + -12.25905990600586 + ], + [ + "\u2581Muerte", + -12.343294143676758 + ], + [ + "\u2581chiste", + -12.223076820373535 + ], + [ + "\u2581vocabulario", + -12.387521743774414 + ], + [ + "igation", + -12.759122848510742 + ], + [ + "lumina", + -12.351305961608887 + ], + [ + "nosis", + -12.353740692138672 + ], + [ + "\u2581float", + -12.309024810791016 + ], + [ + "\u2581planificado", + -12.532753944396973 + ], + [ + "\u2581lentes", + -12.410744667053223 + ], + [ + "\u2581imponga", + -12.431489944458008 + ], + [ + "\u2581opponent", + -12.347946166992188 + ], + [ + "\u2581elabore", + -12.440995216369629 + ], + [ + "\u2581Campsite", + -12.3146333694458 + ], + [ + "\u2581Identify", + -12.238936424255371 + ], + [ + "\u2581armies", + -12.313831329345703 + ], + [ + "\u2581pruebe", + -12.375162124633789 + ], + [ + "\u2581upheld", + -12.23560905456543 + ], + [ + "\u2581wealthy", + -12.351934432983398 + ], + [ + "\u2581ambig", + -12.705430030822754 + ], + [ + "\u2581celebraciones", + -12.399065017700195 + ], + [ + "phos", + -12.68210220336914 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hear", + -12.283020973205566 + ], + [ + "\u2581affirmative", + -12.228716850280762 + ], + [ + "\u2581acepto", + -12.429187774658203 + ], + [ + "\u2581cimientos", + -12.341376304626465 + ], + [ + "\u2581encarecidamente", + -12.40462589263916 + ], + [ + "\u2581parlamentario", + -12.37802505493164 + ], + [ + "\u2581enviadas", + -12.406563758850098 + ], + [ + "very", + -12.349185943603516 + ], + [ + "cerca", + -12.41719913482666 + ], + [ + "\u2581matarme", + -12.163902282714844 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nicholas", + -12.81870174407959 + ], + [ + "\u2581Omega", + -13.058893203735352 + ], + [ + "\u2581erosi\u00f3n", + -12.305094718933105 + ], + [ + "\u2581escondi", + -12.18083667755127 + ], + [ + "\u2581estabilizar", + -12.395587921142578 + ], + [ + "\u2581sandy", + -12.29073715209961 + ], + [ + "\u2581sincerely", + -12.353894233703613 + ], + [ + "financial", + -12.254545211791992 + ], + [ + "\u2581indivisible", + -13.011250495910645 + ], + [ + "\u2581gastronom\u00eda", + -12.394328117370605 + ], + [ + "\u2581constituting", + -12.283852577209473 + ], + [ + "\u2581acordadas", + -12.401801109313965 + ], + [ + "\u2581aseg\u00fare", + -12.413869857788086 + ], + [ + "\u2581agujas", + -12.3775634765625 + ], + [ + "\u2581yugo", + -13.07149600982666 + ], + [ + "\u2581adolescencia", + -12.386391639709473 + ], + [ + "\u2581macho", + -12.338793754577637 + ], + [ + "\u2581stigma", + -12.606017112731934 + ], + [ + "dow", + -12.577471733093262 + ], + [ + "\u2581represent\u00f3", + -12.455460548400879 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sultan", + -12.809089660644531 + ], + [ + "\u2581salarial", + -12.35319995880127 + ], + [ + "clara", + -12.638849258422852 + ], + [ + "\u2581rayo", + -12.302031517028809 + ], + [ + "\u2581simplifica", + -12.325824737548828 + ], + [ + "\u2581FREE", + -12.311577796936035 + ], + [ + "\"),", + -12.48193645477295 + ], + [ + "\u2581Holmes", + -12.957027435302734 + ], + [ + "\u2581humidity", + -12.335013389587402 + ], + [ + "calent", + -12.461719512939453 + ], + [ + "h\u00fa", + -12.653042793273926 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ilustraci\u00f3n", + -12.350892066955566 + ], + [ + "\u2581sencillos", + -12.438492774963379 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ariel", + -13.011614799499512 + ], + [ + "\u2581Asalto", + -12.29268741607666 + ], + [ + "\u2581racimo", + -12.424448013305664 + ], + [ + "\u2581nocivos", + -12.3508939743042 + ], + [ + "CK", + -12.0496826171875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Combina", + -12.410501480102539 + ], + [ + "\u2581exquisite", + -12.285770416259766 + ], + [ + "\u2581developer", + -12.324470520019531 + ], + [ + "\u2581Artistas", + -12.477654457092285 + ], + [ + "\u2581casting", + -12.280377388000488 + ], + [ + "\u2581compartiendo", + -12.411559104919434 + ], + [ + "\u2581pionero", + -12.43618106842041 + ], + [ + "Nota", + -12.478154182434082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Flower", + -12.33410930633545 + ], + [ + "ranging", + -12.303438186645508 + ], + [ + "\u2581countering", + -12.252725601196289 + ], + [ + "Serbia", + -12.826045036315918 + ], + [ + "\u2581troubled", + -12.332637786865234 + ], + [ + "\u2581acelera", + -12.24785041809082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Units", + -12.446921348571777 + ], + [ + "\u2581distances", + -12.413618087768555 + ], + [ + "\u2581viajero", + -12.337724685668945 + ], + [ + "\u2581Switch", + -12.272416114807129 + ], + [ + "\u2581facilitator", + -12.27673053741455 + ], + [ + "\u2581biol\u00f3gico", + -12.328370094299316 + ], + [ + "PRE", + -12.674186706542969 + ], + [ + "\u2581Compensaci\u00f3n", + -12.419690132141113 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sol\u00eda", + -12.233939170837402 + ], + [ + "\u2581rig", + -12.370198249816895 + ], + [ + "\u2581lienzo", + -12.429075241088867 + ], + [ + "\u2581ayudarlos", + -12.3391752243042 + ], + [ + "\u2581contribuyeron", + -12.413871765136719 + ], + [ + "\u2581doctores", + -12.38720417022705 + ], + [ + "\u2581efect\u00faa", + -12.396493911743164 + ], + [ + "\u2581knot", + -12.37179946899414 + ], + [ + "\u2581popularity", + -12.297089576721191 + ], + [ + "\u2581matched", + -12.289631843566895 + ], + [ + "dados", + -12.292430877685547 + ], + [ + "\u2581Arrangements", + -12.243624687194824 + ], + [ + "emba", + -13.104456901550293 + ], + [ + "\u2581forbid", + -12.317846298217773 + ], + [ + "FER", + -12.47250747680664 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jehova", + -12.41026782989502 + ], + [ + "\u2581Protestant", + -12.36656665802002 + ], + [ + "\u2581avisos", + -12.444591522216797 + ], + [ + "\u2581propon\u00eda", + -12.392199516296387 + ], + [ + "\u2581programmatic", + -12.283072471618652 + ], + [ + "\u2581medicaci\u00f3n", + -12.288407325744629 + ], + [ + "\u2581proh\u00edba", + -12.396610260009766 + ], + [ + "\u2581cargador", + -12.186944007873535 + ], + [ + "tton", + -12.36916732788086 + ], + [ + "\u2581BIO", + -12.84231948852539 + ], + [ + "\u2581vivas", + -12.431568145751953 + ], + [ + "\u2581bungalow", + -12.937214851379395 + ], + [ + "West", + -12.397737503051758 + ], + [ + "\u2581ark", + -12.298554420471191 + ], + [ + "\u2581ornamental", + -13.005788803100586 + ], + [ + "\u2581hydr", + -12.316654205322266 + ], + [ + "\u2581mentiroso", + -12.263614654541016 + ], + [ + "\u2581Accommodations", + -12.300270080566406 + ], + [ + "\u2581bellas", + -12.384171485900879 + ], + [ + "\u2581din\u00e1micas", + -12.451305389404297 + ], + [ + "EK", + -12.360772132873535 + ], + [ + "\u2581inevitablemente", + -12.361818313598633 + ], + [ + "\u2581ofrecimiento", + -12.401182174682617 + ], + [ + "foto", + -12.417157173156738 + ], + [ + "\u2581colorear", + -12.416569709777832 + ], + [ + "\u2581socialism", + -12.320686340332031 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cuenca", + -12.876358985900879 + ], + [ + "\u2581le\u00ed", + -12.253497123718262 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00c9stos", + -12.402332305908203 + ], + [ + "glia", + -12.742818832397461 + ], + [ + "\u2581designada", + -12.370211601257324 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rib", + -12.362212181091309 + ], + [ + "\u2581Transparency", + -12.244537353515625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Destination", + -12.31356430053711 + ], + [ + "\u2581identificadas", + -12.441009521484375 + ], + [ + "\u2581perdedor", + -12.240821838378906 + ], + [ + "\u2581tr\u00e1", + -12.282538414001465 + ], + [ + "\u2581assemblies", + -12.269265174865723 + ], + [ + "\u2581intentaba", + -12.318458557128906 + ], + [ + "anca", + -12.29068660736084 + ], + [ + "\u2581Casey", + -12.908439636230469 + ], + [ + "\u2581parade", + -12.385228157043457 + ], + [ + "structure", + -12.198713302612305 + ], + [ + "\u2581asma", + -12.428645133972168 + ], + [ + "\u2581subterr\u00e1neas", + -12.417784690856934 + ], + [ + "\u2581lacked", + -12.26657772064209 + ], + [ + "\u2581Petr", + -12.431859016418457 + ], + [ + "\u2581attracting", + -12.32718276977539 + ], + [ + "\u2581compartimos", + -12.374405860900879 + ], + [ + "SL", + -12.265009880065918 + ], + [ + "\u2581GET", + -12.559096336364746 + ], + [ + "\u2581initiating", + -12.26254940032959 + ], + [ + "\u2581simplificado", + -12.425594329833984 + ], + [ + "\u2581numer", + -12.33709716796875 + ], + [ + "\u2581continuaron", + -12.429498672485352 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vocational", + -12.309545516967773 + ], + [ + "\u2581Erradica", + -12.413893699645996 + ], + [ + "\u2581triangle", + -12.312575340270996 + ], + [ + "\u2581denying", + -12.244050025939941 + ], + [ + "\u2581fabulous", + -12.397514343261719 + ], + [ + "as\u00ed", + -12.344430923461914 + ], + [ + "\u2581haberle", + -12.30278205871582 + ], + [ + "girl", + -12.343600273132324 + ], + [ + "\u2581prominente", + -12.360751152038574 + ], + [ + "ink", + -12.266434669494629 + ], + [ + "\u2581Campbell", + -12.997227668762207 + ], + [ + "phor", + -12.518136978149414 + ], + [ + "\u2581Slip", + -12.299820899963379 + ], + [ + "\u2581pisa", + -12.310148239135742 + ], + [ + "\u2581hables", + -12.193798065185547 + ], + [ + "\u2581courageous", + -12.301560401916504 + ], + [ + "in\u00e9", + -12.26877212524414 + ], + [ + "\u2581provisiones", + -12.367375373840332 + ], + [ + "pecto", + -12.510941505432129 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gale", + -12.619922637939453 + ], + [ + "\u2581installing", + -12.334519386291504 + ], + [ + "efecto", + -12.407257080078125 + ], + [ + "\u2581fotografia", + -12.309304237365723 + ], + [ + "\u2581glorifica", + -12.405792236328125 + ], + [ + "\u2581tolerate", + -12.358790397644043 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dayton", + -12.946958541870117 + ], + [ + "asha", + -12.721429824829102 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ababa", + -12.285794258117676 + ], + [ + "\u2581guantes", + -12.315096855163574 + ], + [ + "\u2581manipulation", + -12.33184814453125 + ], + [ + ".4)", + -12.337596893310547 + ], + [ + "\u2581asegurarnos", + -12.366647720336914 + ], + [ + "\u2581factible", + -12.404626846313477 + ], + [ + "\u2581Feder", + -12.957328796386719 + ], + [ + "\u2581hail", + -12.342008590698242 + ], + [ + "lysis", + -12.454876899719238 + ], + [ + "\u2581Met", + -12.169429779052734 + ], + [ + "\u2581divorced", + -12.369664192199707 + ], + [ + "\u2581segregation", + -12.335956573486328 + ], + [ + "\u2581velas", + -12.35384464263916 + ], + [ + "\u2581laterales", + -12.380193710327148 + ], + [ + "eni", + -12.258487701416016 + ], + [ + "\u2581ONE", + -12.361625671386719 + ], + [ + "\u2581Caesar", + -12.351598739624023 + ], + [ + "\u2581dotada", + -12.480655670166016 + ], + [ + "\u2581declararon", + -12.369099617004395 + ], + [ + "\u2581ocupacional", + -12.41176700592041 + ], + [ + "\u2581r\u00fabrica", + -12.386391639709473 + ], + [ + "\u2581ECOWAS", + -12.295398712158203 + ], + [ + "\u2581Break", + -12.396499633789062 + ], + [ + "asa", + -12.251229286193848 + ], + [ + "\u2581Stre", + -12.456079483032227 + ], + [ + "\u2581subrayado", + -12.397909164428711 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hern\u00e1ndez", + -12.43498420715332 + ], + [ + "ologic", + -12.392929077148438 + ], + [ + "\u2581mould", + -12.304569244384766 + ], + [ + "\u2581NAME", + -12.28139877319336 + ], + [ + "\u2581medido", + -12.349058151245117 + ], + [ + "parece", + -12.348462104797363 + ], + [ + "\u2581Duration", + -12.293858528137207 + ], + [ + "\u2581traza", + -12.378057479858398 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jew", + -12.268608093261719 + ], + [ + "\u2581apresura", + -12.338458061218262 + ], + [ + "\u2581tastes", + -12.4337158203125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bit", + -12.499862670898438 + ], + [ + "\u2581REP", + -12.70448112487793 + ], + [ + "\u2581Capri", + -13.075472831726074 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fara\u00f3n", + -12.410400390625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Modelos", + -12.445216178894043 + ], + [ + "\u2581Migraciones", + -12.433799743652344 + ], + [ + "\u2581O\u00ed", + -12.206271171569824 + ], + [ + "\u2581circulate", + -12.30138874053955 + ], + [ + "\u2581reclamantes", + -12.457695007324219 + ], + [ + "\u2581Speak", + -12.364051818847656 + ], + [ + "\u2581commemorate", + -12.356849670410156 + ], + [ + "ovsky", + -12.954202651977539 + ], + [ + "\u2581towers", + -12.30798625946045 + ], + [ + "\u2581FORMA", + -12.401922225952148 + ], + [ + "conduct", + -13.200807571411133 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ministries", + -12.3125581741333 + ], + [ + "\u2581dispararon", + -12.303352355957031 + ], + [ + "\u2581R\u00e1pido", + -12.179678916931152 + ], + [ + "\u2581predecir", + -12.347627639770508 + ], + [ + "\u2581predeterminada", + -12.55580997467041 + ], + [ + "\u2581discontinued", + -12.242426872253418 + ], + [ + "\u2581pasto", + -12.394208908081055 + ], + [ + "\u2581pesqueras", + -12.43470287322998 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00e1tomo", + -12.367506980895996 + ], + [ + "ake", + -12.10898208618164 + ], + [ + "\u2581deportaci\u00f3n", + -12.367445945739746 + ], + [ + "\u2581nativos", + -12.4473876953125 + ], + [ + "\u2581nonsense", + -12.395339012145996 + ], + [ + "\u2581Diane", + -13.043410301208496 + ], + [ + "\u2581liquidar", + -12.469490051269531 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jeremiah", + -12.297587394714355 + ], + [ + "\u2581conmemora", + -12.387049674987793 + ], + [ + "\u258145%", + -12.841373443603516 + ], + [ + "\u2581adjusting", + -12.253677368164062 + ], + [ + "Benz", + -12.999492645263672 + ], + [ + "iment", + -12.520198822021484 + ], + [ + "\u2581aseguren", + -12.395883560180664 + ], + [ + "\u2581hop", + -12.343679428100586 + ], + [ + "\u2581fuesen", + -12.424330711364746 + ], + [ + "tosa", + -12.405266761779785 + ], + [ + "\u2581destacada", + -12.386853218078613 + ], + [ + "\u2581enviarse", + -12.404128074645996 + ], + [ + "ppe", + -12.418007850646973 + ], + [ + "\u2581detalladamente", + -12.387722969055176 + ], + [ + "\u2581plenario", + -12.388872146606445 + ], + [ + "JP", + -12.67221450805664 + ], + [ + "\u2581baila", + -12.162566184997559 + ], + [ + "\u2581monopoly", + -12.29660701751709 + ], + [ + "\u2581oir", + -12.22743034362793 + ], + [ + "\u2581Disposiciones", + -12.433828353881836 + ], + [ + "\u2581hairdryer", + -12.191484451293945 + ], + [ + "\u2581prometida", + -12.307415962219238 + ], + [ + "\u2581cartridge", + -12.271238327026367 + ], + [ + "\u2581pescar", + -12.290523529052734 + ], + [ + "\u2581ponentes", + -12.458930015563965 + ], + [ + "sional", + -12.581544876098633 + ], + [ + "\u2581Abram", + -12.995346069335938 + ], + [ + "\u2581mosque", + -12.28675365447998 + ], + [ + "\u2581acceding", + -12.324697494506836 + ], + [ + "\u2581arrepentimiento", + -12.424370765686035 + ], + [ + "\u2581assertion", + -12.266189575195312 + ], + [ + "\u2581conspiracy", + -12.334927558898926 + ], + [ + "\u2581seating", + -12.319724082946777 + ], + [ + "\u2581acknowledging", + -12.284791946411133 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ernesto", + -12.99544906616211 + ], + [ + "\u2581anormal", + -12.371569633483887 + ], + [ + "benzo", + -13.092534065246582 + ], + [ + "\u2581protegerse", + -12.453579902648926 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reconocimiento", + -12.365303993225098 + ], + [ + "\u2581consciencia", + -12.388771057128906 + ], + [ + "\u2581soledad", + -12.325366020202637 + ], + [ + "\u2581Transportation", + -12.278624534606934 + ], + [ + "\u2581inherit", + -12.279868125915527 + ], + [ + "\u2581someta", + -12.384225845336914 + ], + [ + "\u2581preferably", + -12.318696022033691 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rayo", + -12.413808822631836 + ], + [ + "\u2581hospitalidad", + -12.353240966796875 + ], + [ + "\u2581hunter", + -12.436502456665039 + ], + [ + "\u2581Serbs", + -12.254121780395508 + ], + [ + "\u2581Function", + -12.26072883605957 + ], + [ + "\u2581risa", + -12.25236701965332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Evoluci\u00f3n", + -12.440929412841797 + ], + [ + "\u2581Spider", + -12.87019157409668 + ], + [ + "Cu\u00e1n", + -12.416609764099121 + ], + [ + "\u2581falsifica", + -12.354057312011719 + ], + [ + "\u2581Places", + -12.468406677246094 + ], + [ + "\u2581invoice", + -12.26114559173584 + ], + [ + "\u2581ladder", + -12.315747261047363 + ], + [ + "\u2581nobles", + -12.443110466003418 + ], + [ + "\u2581sierra", + -12.378002166748047 + ], + [ + "\u2581bargaining", + -12.271308898925781 + ], + [ + "\u2581splendid", + -12.30654239654541 + ], + [ + "\u2581Thr", + -12.320995330810547 + ], + [ + "\u2581armor", + -12.396014213562012 + ], + [ + "\u2581elegancia", + -12.346542358398438 + ], + [ + "\u2581sobrevivientes", + -12.370502471923828 + ], + [ + "\u2581Combined", + -12.254528045654297 + ], + [ + "\u2581pond", + -12.330492973327637 + ], + [ + "\u2581verdades", + -12.45449161529541 + ], + [ + "\u2581inmunidades", + -12.41502857208252 + ], + [ + "\u2581profe", + -12.362814903259277 + ], + [ + "g\u00ed", + -12.448646545410156 + ], + [ + "pose", + -12.520273208618164 + ], + [ + "\u2581Comoras", + -12.24766731262207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Song", + -12.274981498718262 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fern\u00e1ndez", + -12.450516700744629 + ], + [ + "\u2581treasures", + -12.309967994689941 + ], + [ + "\u2581brains", + -12.543981552124023 + ], + [ + "\u2581conden\u00f3", + -12.49611759185791 + ], + [ + "latinas", + -13.059819221496582 + ], + [ + "compromet", + -12.368789672851562 + ], + [ + "\u2581Careful", + -12.481734275817871 + ], + [ + "\u2581bronze", + -12.374787330627441 + ], + [ + "CEN", + -12.69863224029541 + ], + [ + "\u2581traici\u00f3n", + -12.334675788879395 + ], + [ + "occup", + -12.452657699584961 + ], + [ + "sher", + -12.504889488220215 + ], + [ + "\u2581$200", + -12.348211288452148 + ], + [ + "\u2581ambici\u00f3n", + -12.324028015136719 + ], + [ + "\u2581explorador", + -12.484795570373535 + ], + [ + "\u2581Chateau", + -12.930330276489258 + ], + [ + "\u2581incre\u00edblemente", + -12.354291915893555 + ], + [ + "\u2581captive", + -12.290757179260254 + ], + [ + "\u2581Representa", + -12.446823120117188 + ], + [ + "\u2581sunset", + -12.302509307861328 + ], + [ + "\u2581asignatura", + -12.421833038330078 + ], + [ + "\u2581deduction", + -12.20557689666748 + ], + [ + "\u2581prototype", + -12.338017463684082 + ], + [ + "\u25814%", + -12.467130661010742 + ], + [ + "\u2581estructurada", + -12.568876266479492 + ], + [ + "\u2581Federico", + -12.947023391723633 + ], + [ + "\u2581ascendente", + -12.442123413085938 + ], + [ + "Obtener", + -12.465858459472656 + ], + [ + "ckle", + -12.487359046936035 + ], + [ + "tane", + -12.742403984069824 + ], + [ + "\u2581presidenta", + -12.377415657043457 + ], + [ + "\u2581remediar", + -12.313472747802734 + ], + [ + "vey", + -12.417669296264648 + ], + [ + "\u2581briefed", + -12.331192016601562 + ], + [ + "\u2581formidable", + -12.981204986572266 + ], + [ + "\u2581striving", + -12.311553001403809 + ], + [ + "\u2581Juega", + -12.44459342956543 + ], + [ + "\u2581efectu\u00f3", + -12.40347671508789 + ], + [ + "\u2581bot", + -12.812694549560547 + ], + [ + "\u2581kinda", + -12.528630256652832 + ], + [ + "Otro", + -12.359538078308105 + ], + [ + "\u2581habilita", + -12.363758087158203 + ], + [ + "\u2581program\u00e1tica", + -12.404630661010742 + ], + [ + "\u2581desperdicio", + -12.310309410095215 + ], + [ + "\u2581informales", + -12.387211799621582 + ], + [ + "\u2581hierarchy", + -12.270228385925293 + ], + [ + "\u2581buffer", + -12.324705123901367 + ], + [ + "\u2581Guatemalan", + -12.269850730895996 + ], + [ + "\u2581MR", + -12.305353164672852 + ], + [ + "\u2581paramilitares", + -12.419697761535645 + ], + [ + "\u2581pasear", + -12.276474952697754 + ], + [ + "pete", + -12.474401473999023 + ], + [ + "\u2581germ", + -12.293652534484863 + ], + [ + "\u2581miniaplicaci\u00f3n", + -12.759913444519043 + ], + [ + "Sp", + -12.379555702209473 + ], + [ + "flora", + -12.936908721923828 + ], + [ + "\u2581Friedrich", + -13.013275146484375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Se\u00f1al\u00f3", + -12.421009063720703 + ], + [ + "script", + -12.293585777282715 + ], + [ + "v\u00e1n", + -12.618667602539062 + ], + [ + "\u2581candidata", + -12.379638671875 + ], + [ + "\u2581implicadas", + -12.388792991638184 + ], + [ + "\u2581pl\u00e1stica", + -12.364057540893555 + ], + [ + "\u2581lining", + -12.279109954833984 + ], + [ + "\u2581trienal", + -12.39433479309082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Story", + -12.31673526763916 + ], + [ + "\u2581inconvenientes", + -12.38312816619873 + ], + [ + "\u2581presunta", + -12.429847717285156 + ], + [ + "\u2581communicating", + -12.276028633117676 + ], + [ + "\u2581unaccompanied", + -12.276999473571777 + ], + [ + "especialmente", + -12.380915641784668 + ], + [ + "\u2581coordinados", + -12.394347190856934 + ], + [ + "\u2581mariposa", + -12.357452392578125 + ], + [ + "\u2581denomination", + -12.411545753479004 + ], + [ + "\u2581depositario", + -12.387516975402832 + ], + [ + "Qaeda", + -13.007217407226562 + ], + [ + "\u2581scripture", + -12.322050094604492 + ], + [ + "Costa", + -12.979323387145996 + ], + [ + "\u2581temores", + -12.377908706665039 + ], + [ + "\u2581cruciales", + -12.42245864868164 + ], + [ + "\u2581sights", + -12.395294189453125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Murphy", + -13.014519691467285 + ], + [ + "\u2581enfrentamos", + -12.364109992980957 + ], + [ + "\u2581frank", + -12.326042175292969 + ], + [ + "\u2581inhala", + -12.39354133605957 + ], + [ + "\u2581Interpol", + -13.019550323486328 + ], + [ + "\u2581originarias", + -12.37443733215332 + ], + [ + "\u2581cascada", + -12.388676643371582 + ], + [ + "\u2581saludar", + -12.299692153930664 + ], + [ + "\u2581trabajaban", + -12.470297813415527 + ], + [ + "\u2581recurrent", + -12.280373573303223 + ], + [ + "\u2581recipes", + -12.294371604919434 + ], + [ + "\u2581Chamb", + -12.638219833374023 + ], + [ + "pecta", + -12.511619567871094 + ], + [ + "\u2581Almighty", + -12.273124694824219 + ], + [ + "\u2581permanecido", + -12.378518104553223 + ], + [ + "\u2581vayamos", + -12.22773265838623 + ], + [ + "\u2581Janet", + -12.934659957885742 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wish", + -12.408059120178223 + ], + [ + "\u2581ejecutivas", + -12.397754669189453 + ], + [ + "\u2581Baptist", + -12.34805965423584 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hindu", + -12.3145751953125 + ], + [ + "ication", + -12.566566467285156 + ], + [ + "\u2581tranquiliza", + -12.340052604675293 + ], + [ + "\u2581Recuperaci\u00f3n", + -12.394329071044922 + ], + [ + "\u2581silvicultura", + -12.365161895751953 + ], + [ + "\u2581entendemos", + -12.370522499084473 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bolsa", + -12.491608619689941 + ], + [ + "\u0219", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bankruptcy", + -12.32367992401123 + ], + [ + "\u2581Horario", + -12.42325210571289 + ], + [ + "\u2581Paolo", + -13.00930404663086 + ], + [ + "\u2581abraza", + -12.32563304901123 + ], + [ + "\u2581exclusivas", + -12.504769325256348 + ], + [ + "YS", + -12.555253982543945 + ], + [ + "\u2581fame", + -12.390151023864746 + ], + [ + "\u2581maltrata", + -12.353666305541992 + ], + [ + "rush", + -12.353560447692871 + ], + [ + "\u2581morena", + -12.406042098999023 + ], + [ + "\u2581restaurado", + -12.497175216674805 + ], + [ + "\u2581Accidents", + -12.325894355773926 + ], + [ + "STAT", + -13.263468742370605 + ], + [ + "\u2581bastardo", + -12.168169021606445 + ], + [ + "\u2581combinan", + -12.262999534606934 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jardin", + -13.055532455444336 + ], + [ + "mill", + -12.362091064453125 + ], + [ + "\u2581recib\u00ed", + -12.228079795837402 + ], + [ + "\u2581renovada", + -12.432833671569824 + ], + [ + "\u2581Liaison", + -12.358861923217773 + ], + [ + "\u2581UNOMIG", + -12.937214851379395 + ], + [ + "\u2581footage", + -12.379568099975586 + ], + [ + "\u2581arroyo", + -12.324013710021973 + ], + [ + "\u2581comparisons", + -12.414623260498047 + ], + [ + "\u2581gota", + -12.323241233825684 + ], + [ + "interest", + -12.261041641235352 + ], + [ + "corruption", + -12.275771141052246 + ], + [ + "vento", + -12.384811401367188 + ], + [ + "\u2581destacadas", + -12.45077133178711 + ], + [ + "capacity", + -12.219832420349121 + ], + [ + "\u2581rinde", + -12.368809700012207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Experto", + -12.443594932556152 + ], + [ + "\u2581Peninsula", + -12.280887603759766 + ], + [ + "\u2581refinado", + -12.389814376831055 + ], + [ + "stitution", + -12.281684875488281 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bristol", + -12.903970718383789 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dormitorio", + -12.570634841918945 + ], + [ + "\u2581congresos", + -12.427863121032715 + ], + [ + "zando", + -12.12900161743164 + ], + [ + "\u2581Memorandum", + -12.304545402526855 + ], + [ + "\u2581tributaria", + -12.422059059143066 + ], + [ + "\u2581Philadelphia", + -12.317598342895508 + ], + [ + "\u2581Abeba", + -12.381896018981934 + ], + [ + "RTE", + -12.553862571716309 + ], + [ + "dou", + -12.39040756225586 + ], + [ + "\u2581Comoros", + -12.13687801361084 + ], + [ + "\u2581contador", + -12.504802703857422 + ], + [ + "Show", + -12.404275894165039 + ], + [ + "\u2581tricks", + -12.436232566833496 + ], + [ + "\u2581Instrumento", + -12.363405227661133 + ], + [ + "tered", + -12.353445053100586 + ], + [ + "\u2581Eagle", + -12.754114151000977 + ], + [ + "\u2581Persona", + -12.387310028076172 + ], + [ + "\u2581pondr\u00e9", + -12.227045059204102 + ], + [ + "\u2581recordado", + -12.392011642456055 + ], + [ + "Mat", + -12.151512145996094 + ], + [ + "\u2581v\u00e1lidas", + -12.394903182983398 + ], + [ + "lector", + -12.922698974609375 + ], + [ + "\u2581integrales", + -12.430577278137207 + ], + [ + "3%)", + -12.495174407958984 + ], + [ + "\u2581sofisticado", + -12.314504623413086 + ], + [ + "\u2581bend", + -12.544419288635254 + ], + [ + "Trabajo", + -12.968381881713867 + ], + [ + "\u2581Native", + -12.31557559967041 + ], + [ + "\u2581hammer", + -12.37818717956543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Specifically", + -12.341215133666992 + ], + [ + "\u2581desaparecidas", + -12.414305686950684 + ], + [ + "\u2581err", + -12.605010032653809 + ], + [ + "\u2581negociable", + -12.362929344177246 + ], + [ + "\u2581Below", + -12.341544151306152 + ], + [ + "dder", + -12.476086616516113 + ], + [ + "\u2581attacking", + -12.345754623413086 + ], + [ + "iyah", + -12.596015930175781 + ], + [ + "\u2581rankings", + -12.333516120910645 + ], + [ + "pago", + -12.35256576538086 + ], + [ + "\u2581revolucionarios", + -12.43106746673584 + ], + [ + "hine", + -12.510302543640137 + ], + [ + "\u2581disposed", + -12.28782844543457 + ], + [ + "\u2581Turner", + -12.969282150268555 + ], + [ + "\u2581visiones", + -12.40970516204834 + ], + [ + "Existe", + -12.41298770904541 + ], + [ + "\u2581estudie", + -12.399154663085938 + ], + [ + "\u2581injusta", + -12.399500846862793 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mountains", + -12.39324951171875 + ], + [ + "\u2581boast", + -12.269794464111328 + ], + [ + "\u2581lecho", + -12.422412872314453 + ], + [ + "\u2581publique", + -12.38526725769043 + ], + [ + "\u2581setup", + -12.361600875854492 + ], + [ + "\u2581piracy", + -12.360494613647461 + ], + [ + "\u2581quedamos", + -12.301131248474121 + ], + [ + "\u2581ascend", + -12.303186416625977 + ], + [ + "\u2581proportions", + -12.397173881530762 + ], + [ + "\u2581Politics", + -12.286758422851562 + ], + [ + "\u2581Keywords", + -12.33077621459961 + ], + [ + "\u2581manipula", + -12.334399223327637 + ], + [ + "versiones", + -12.409245491027832 + ], + [ + "\u2581Usuarios", + -12.436713218688965 + ], + [ + "\u2581marital", + -12.371581077575684 + ], + [ + "\u2581Models", + -12.358959197998047 + ], + [ + "\u2581evidencias", + -12.440309524536133 + ], + [ + "\u2581paramount", + -12.301687240600586 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nombramiento", + -12.37293529510498 + ], + [ + "154", + -12.9380521774292 + ], + [ + "volver", + -12.25455093383789 + ], + [ + "\u2581candy", + -12.372764587402344 + ], + [ + "\u2581aquifer", + -12.231472969055176 + ], + [ + "\u2581beverages", + -12.25953197479248 + ], + [ + "\u2581subyacente", + -12.41854190826416 + ], + [ + "\u2581Praha", + -12.890039443969727 + ], + [ + "\u2581apelar", + -12.462652206420898 + ], + [ + "\u2581Enlaces", + -12.515380859375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cont\u00e1ctenos", + -12.43642520904541 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lanzarote", + -13.133721351623535 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reason", + -12.27991771697998 + ], + [ + "\u2581imparti", + -12.347881317138672 + ], + [ + "\u2581pod\u00edamos", + -12.303643226623535 + ], + [ + "\u2581Timothy", + -12.3125581741333 + ], + [ + "\u2581vasta", + -12.449231147766113 + ], + [ + "\u2581Crecimiento", + -12.411596298217773 + ], + [ + "\u2581abrir\u00e1", + -12.273985862731934 + ], + [ + "\u2581mutandis", + -12.975497245788574 + ], + [ + "\u2581Laurent", + -13.008376121520996 + ], + [ + "\u2581grains", + -12.354494094848633 + ], + [ + "\u2581llamar\u00e9", + -12.18725299835205 + ], + [ + "\u2581Updated", + -12.362648963928223 + ], + [ + "\u2581Deco", + -12.300725936889648 + ], + [ + "\u2581MEDICINAL", + -12.308544158935547 + ], + [ + "\u2581califica", + -12.232361793518066 + ], + [ + "\u2581militant", + -12.299570083618164 + ], + [ + "dicion", + -12.321538925170898 + ], + [ + "\u2581Southeast", + -12.326106071472168 + ], + [ + "\u2581recuerdan", + -12.319643020629883 + ], + [ + "\u2581rinc\u00f3n", + -12.346542358398438 + ], + [ + "\u2581technicians", + -12.328885078430176 + ], + [ + "\u2581Luka", + -12.945847511291504 + ], + [ + "\u2581personalizados", + -12.492485046386719 + ], + [ + "\u2581pozos", + -12.401961326599121 + ], + [ + "\u2581hemat", + -12.962706565856934 + ], + [ + "\u2581pist\u00f3n", + -12.537257194519043 + ], + [ + "\u2581swift", + -12.284183502197266 + ], + [ + "\u2581dones", + -12.405715942382812 + ], + [ + "\u2581mentions", + -12.42206859588623 + ], + [ + "\u2581descarta", + -12.352673530578613 + ], + [ + "\u2581desgaste", + -12.497361183166504 + ], + [ + "\u2581fundadores", + -12.434272766113281 + ], + [ + "\u2581renounce", + -12.308578491210938 + ], + [ + "\u2581traslad\u00f3", + -12.473660469055176 + ], + [ + "uncio", + -12.51036262512207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Showing", + -12.331296920776367 + ], + [ + "\u2581conceden", + -12.403002738952637 + ], + [ + "\u2581vaga", + -12.364517211914062 + ], + [ + "\u2581gestor", + -12.49927043914795 + ], + [ + "Creo", + -12.293069839477539 + ], + [ + "\u2581sixteenth", + -12.27429485321045 + ], + [ + "actual", + -12.955281257629395 + ], + [ + "Vue", + -12.472535133361816 + ], + [ + "aged", + -12.444718360900879 + ], + [ + "\u2581decimal", + -13.036026000976562 + ], + [ + "\u2581desventajas", + -12.466741561889648 + ], + [ + "nombre", + -12.442996978759766 + ], + [ + "\u2581consecutivos", + -12.484922409057617 + ], + [ + "\u2581imperante", + -12.402528762817383 + ], + [ + "\u2581joder", + -12.188722610473633 + ], + [ + "pean", + -12.351884841918945 + ], + [ + "\u2581Renault", + -13.091232299804688 + ], + [ + "\u2581vibra", + -12.393935203552246 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ponente", + -12.41468620300293 + ], + [ + "\u2581descartar", + -12.441548347473145 + ], + [ + "\u2581vecindad", + -12.378518104553223 + ], + [ + "Realmente", + -12.278724670410156 + ], + [ + "scription", + -12.39250373840332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Quiebra", + -12.36185073852539 + ], + [ + "\u2581famine", + -12.294705390930176 + ], + [ + "vocation", + -12.315552711486816 + ], + [ + "\u2581Singh", + -13.062356948852539 + ], + [ + "\u2581pronunciarse", + -12.451704978942871 + ], + [ + "\u2581resuelva", + -12.362954139709473 + ], + [ + "\u2581sanitary", + -12.301605224609375 + ], + [ + "\u0142", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581acuicultura", + -12.354168891906738 + ], + [ + "\u2581norteamericanos", + -12.467554092407227 + ], + [ + "ruga", + -12.482366561889648 + ], + [ + "\u2581rendering", + -12.322772026062012 + ], + [ + "\u2581Abuja", + -12.889676094055176 + ], + [ + "\u2581penta", + -12.948416709899902 + ], + [ + "\u2581sint\u00e9tico", + -12.412729263305664 + ], + [ + "glic", + -12.943135261535645 + ], + [ + "\u2581maravillosas", + -12.443760871887207 + ], + [ + "\u2581muralla", + -12.426161766052246 + ], + [ + "\u2581metabolism", + -12.294620513916016 + ], + [ + "\u258149/2", + -12.981196403503418 + ], + [ + "\u2581normalidad", + -12.367728233337402 + ], + [ + "\u2581traffickers", + -12.265423774719238 + ], + [ + "\u00f9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581alejar", + -12.375061988830566 + ], + [ + "\u2581articulaci\u00f3n", + -12.438857078552246 + ], + [ + "\u2581repetido", + -12.424419403076172 + ], + [ + "\u2581Duncan", + -13.00826644897461 + ], + [ + "\u2581Harrison", + -13.04231071472168 + ], + [ + "\u2581motorway", + -12.357736587524414 + ], + [ + "\u2581iTunes", + -13.001190185546875 + ], + [ + "\u2581skirt", + -12.374826431274414 + ], + [ + "\u2581compelled", + -12.293659210205078 + ], + [ + "nueva", + -12.481541633605957 + ], + [ + "pay", + -12.348588943481445 + ], + [ + ".9/5", + -12.899029731750488 + ], + [ + "\u2581cas\u00f3", + -12.452503204345703 + ], + [ + "\u2581reducir\u00e1", + -12.353251457214355 + ], + [ + "\u2581warnings", + -12.353784561157227 + ], + [ + "\u2581pope", + -12.361388206481934 + ], + [ + "\u2581disfrutando", + -12.363195419311523 + ], + [ + "\u2581di\u00f3", + -12.277026176452637 + ], + [ + "\u00edsmo", + -12.437395095825195 + ], + [ + "\u2581practican", + -12.457765579223633 + ], + [ + "nautical", + -12.348402976989746 + ], + [ + "rock", + -12.400141716003418 + ], + [ + "\u2581Varsovia", + -12.462630271911621 + ], + [ + "VP", + -12.834907531738281 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fit", + -12.286117553710938 + ], + [ + "\u2581discriminate", + -12.261551856994629 + ], + [ + "\u2581republicano", + -12.431436538696289 + ], + [ + "\u0392", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581elefante", + -12.40123176574707 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ubicado", + -12.465070724487305 + ], + [ + "\u2581reporter", + -12.431483268737793 + ], + [ + "\u2581stove", + -12.331355094909668 + ], + [ + "\u2581diferenciado", + -12.61892318725586 + ], + [ + "\u2581Threat", + -12.311558723449707 + ], + [ + "\u2581desfile", + -12.317242622375488 + ], + [ + "\u2581downstairs", + -12.504883766174316 + ], + [ + "\u2581prey", + -12.366324424743652 + ], + [ + "\u2581regresado", + -12.339529991149902 + ], + [ + "\u2581catches", + -12.347601890563965 + ], + [ + "\u2581comprometi\u00f3", + -12.406929016113281 + ], + [ + "\u2581strings", + -12.347332954406738 + ], + [ + "\u2581glance", + -12.323694229125977 + ], + [ + "\u2581designadas", + -12.39953327178955 + ], + [ + "DAY", + -12.442732810974121 + ], + [ + "\u2581hazlo", + -12.181513786315918 + ], + [ + "\u2581HERE", + -12.477080345153809 + ], + [ + "\u2581Developer", + -12.344280242919922 + ], + [ + "\u2581HOW", + -12.462626457214355 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dy", + -12.38198471069336 + ], + [ + "hist", + -12.425750732421875 + ], + [ + "mito", + -12.26346206665039 + ], + [ + "\u2581aspiraci\u00f3n", + -12.453965187072754 + ], + [ + "\u2581praised", + -12.327069282531738 + ], + [ + "\u2581Match", + -12.35837459564209 + ], + [ + "\u2581Consultor", + -12.51392936706543 + ], + [ + "\u2581neutraliza", + -12.43686294555664 + ], + [ + "\u2581Receive", + -12.302618980407715 + ], + [ + "\u2581dryer", + -12.303194046020508 + ], + [ + "\u2581simulaci\u00f3n", + -12.436806678771973 + ], + [ + "\u2581comete", + -12.313000679016113 + ], + [ + "\u2581ocupar\u00e1", + -12.455536842346191 + ], + [ + "\u2581r\u00e9plica", + -12.488560676574707 + ], + [ + "\u2581spp", + -12.933775901794434 + ], + [ + "cu\u00e1nto", + -12.327901840209961 + ], + [ + "\u2581Expressing", + -12.340723037719727 + ], + [ + "\u2581Realizar", + -12.52825927734375 + ], + [ + "\u2581fundaciones", + -12.41089916229248 + ], + [ + "\u2581petrol", + -12.37342643737793 + ], + [ + "\u2581hemisferio", + -12.46141242980957 + ], + [ + "\u2581mistaken", + -12.37977409362793 + ], + [ + "\u2581vid", + -12.441888809204102 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rebecca", + -13.027286529541016 + ], + [ + "\u2581marketed", + -12.326619148254395 + ], + [ + "\u2581oso", + -12.290792465209961 + ], + [ + "maci\u00f3n", + -12.617422103881836 + ], + [ + "\u2581discourage", + -12.265216827392578 + ], + [ + "\u2581chileno", + -12.493589401245117 + ], + [ + "\u2581legitima", + -12.396607398986816 + ], + [ + "\u2581ballet", + -13.054429054260254 + ], + [ + "\u2581chalet", + -12.801905632019043 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pone", + -12.528611183166504 + ], + [ + "grande", + -12.389842987060547 + ], + [ + "business", + -12.28067684173584 + ], + [ + "\u2581raros", + -12.436928749084473 + ], + [ + "\u2581Charg\u00e9", + -12.282837867736816 + ], + [ + "iforme", + -12.613933563232422 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mickey", + -13.010282516479492 + ], + [ + "eter", + -12.157485961914062 + ], + [ + "\u2581Institution", + -12.297272682189941 + ], + [ + "\u2581h\u00fangaro", + -12.438547134399414 + ], + [ + "punt", + -12.388586044311523 + ], + [ + "\u2581hepatic", + -12.252086639404297 + ], + [ + "\u2581suffers", + -12.42724895477295 + ], + [ + "\u2581presumption", + -12.278030395507812 + ], + [ + "EDI", + -12.551223754882812 + ], + [ + "\u2581afirmativa", + -12.425025939941406 + ], + [ + "\u2581choca", + -12.332843780517578 + ], + [ + "\u2581gently", + -12.311563491821289 + ], + [ + "\u2581pila", + -12.35603141784668 + ], + [ + "\u2581siglas", + -12.40466022491455 + ], + [ + "\u2581wasted", + -12.449870109558105 + ], + [ + "management", + -12.299431800842285 + ], + [ + "\u2581agreeing", + -12.35469913482666 + ], + [ + "\u2581fairness", + -12.324265480041504 + ], + [ + "Hoy", + -12.369446754455566 + ], + [ + "Foto", + -12.454785346984863 + ], + [ + "jito", + -12.358590126037598 + ], + [ + "\u2581persisten", + -12.463226318359375 + ], + [ + "\u2581feto", + -12.42696475982666 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vieques", + -12.931596755981445 + ], + [ + "\u2581rage", + -12.433148384094238 + ], + [ + "\u2581impaired", + -12.319382667541504 + ], + [ + "thor", + -12.447643280029297 + ], + [ + "\u2581funcion\u00f3", + -12.357452392578125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fuerte", + -12.772604942321777 + ], + [ + "\u2581clergy", + -12.324697494506836 + ], + [ + "\u2581philosopher", + -12.34422492980957 + ], + [ + "\u2581pl\u00e1sticos", + -12.421366691589355 + ], + [ + "\u2581chilena", + -12.477391242980957 + ], + [ + "\u2581macroecon\u00f3micas", + -12.466461181640625 + ], + [ + "\u2581posi", + -12.651250839233398 + ], + [ + "\u2581volverse", + -12.415392875671387 + ], + [ + "\u2581proving", + -12.338254928588867 + ], + [ + "\u2581Abuso", + -12.445284843444824 + ], + [ + "\u2581rhetoric", + -12.319621086120605 + ], + [ + "\u2581restringida", + -12.36185073852539 + ], + [ + "\u2581hatch", + -12.407689094543457 + ], + [ + "\u2581le\u00f3n", + -12.446030616760254 + ], + [ + "\u2581pagando", + -12.293004035949707 + ], + [ + "\u2581Animals", + -12.332844734191895 + ], + [ + "\u2581dibujar", + -12.458784103393555 + ], + [ + "\u2581stag", + -12.776726722717285 + ], + [ + "frag", + -12.929136276245117 + ], + [ + "\u2581quin", + -12.493326187133789 + ], + [ + "\u2581traicion", + -12.293663024902344 + ], + [ + "\u2581Academic", + -12.32775592803955 + ], + [ + "\u2581apelaciones", + -12.435185432434082 + ], + [ + "\u2581underneath", + -12.345263481140137 + ], + [ + "rosa", + -12.330607414245605 + ], + [ + "\u2581Eng", + -12.390295028686523 + ], + [ + "\u2581zapat", + -12.414463996887207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Arbitraje", + -12.481081008911133 + ], + [ + "\u2581occupations", + -12.408716201782227 + ], + [ + "\u2581spiral", + -12.3328857421875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Asi\u00e1tico", + -12.420878410339355 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mall", + -12.440534591674805 + ], + [ + "\u2581suministrada", + -12.4048490524292 + ], + [ + "opa", + -12.628129959106445 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fur", + -12.397392272949219 + ], + [ + "\u2581ONUDD", + -12.433854103088379 + ], + [ + "\u2581ancla", + -12.358074188232422 + ], + [ + "\u2581interactuar", + -12.408082008361816 + ], + [ + "\u2581hurac\u00e1n", + -12.396607398986816 + ], + [ + "RAP", + -12.579588890075684 + ], + [ + "\u2581dense", + -12.337190628051758 + ], + [ + "vested", + -12.420520782470703 + ], + [ + "\u2581c\u00edvica", + -12.433799743652344 + ], + [ + "\u2581interponer", + -12.44708251953125 + ], + [ + "\u2581deepest", + -12.301276206970215 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pendiente", + -12.477836608886719 + ], + [ + "lena", + -12.3330078125 + ], + [ + "\u2581parcelas", + -12.499674797058105 + ], + [ + "\u2581existido", + -12.410392761230469 + ], + [ + "\u2581arancelarias", + -12.453204154968262 + ], + [ + "\u2581expuesta", + -12.451520919799805 + ], + [ + "\u2581manzanas", + -12.33395767211914 + ], + [ + "\u2581Convertir", + -12.491338729858398 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reconciliaci\u00f3n", + -12.481081008911133 + ], + [ + "\u2581Concilio", + -12.417357444763184 + ], + [ + "\u2581sosten", + -12.32545280456543 + ], + [ + "\u2581sublime", + -13.01876449584961 + ], + [ + "Share", + -12.285833358764648 + ], + [ + "\u2581armarios", + -12.47728443145752 + ], + [ + "psych", + -12.783604621887207 + ], + [ + "\u2581CEI", + -12.45350456237793 + ], + [ + "\u2581inscrito", + -12.417595863342285 + ], + [ + "\u2581Emphasizes", + -12.297587394714355 + ], + [ + "\u2581await", + -12.331006050109863 + ], + [ + "Italy", + -12.30346965789795 + ], + [ + "\u2581Soul", + -12.303959846496582 + ], + [ + "ures", + -12.429595947265625 + ], + [ + "ctic", + -12.579643249511719 + ], + [ + "\u2581math", + -12.396476745605469 + ], + [ + "\u2581petro", + -12.691040992736816 + ], + [ + "\u2581sientas", + -12.256471633911133 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00f3pera", + -12.461413383483887 + ], + [ + "\u2581neighbour", + -12.260120391845703 + ], + [ + "\u2581realised", + -12.314776420593262 + ], + [ + "\u2581sangu\u00ednea", + -12.409236907958984 + ], + [ + "\u2581conozcan", + -12.453248023986816 + ], + [ + "producing", + -12.280691146850586 + ], + [ + "\u2581interrupted", + -12.355936050415039 + ], + [ + "\u2581paradero", + -12.444472312927246 + ], + [ + "\u2581spur", + -12.400311470031738 + ], + [ + "\u2581fusion", + -12.399484634399414 + ], + [ + "Tema", + -12.488584518432617 + ], + [ + "\u2581v\u00e1lidos", + -12.459233283996582 + ], + [ + "OWI", + -12.437349319458008 + ], + [ + "\u2581Benedicto", + -12.424370765686035 + ], + [ + "\u2581glo", + -12.458613395690918 + ], + [ + "\u2581Liverpool", + -12.991230010986328 + ], + [ + "clear", + -12.301603317260742 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bulletin", + -12.260639190673828 + ], + [ + "\u2581potassium", + -12.267341613769531 + ], + [ + "\u2581veterano", + -12.410422325134277 + ], + [ + "\u2581pilas", + -12.432669639587402 + ], + [ + "prop", + -12.304445266723633 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aug", + -12.373135566711426 + ], + [ + "\u2581Electrical", + -12.293341636657715 + ], + [ + "\u2581pesticides", + -12.272348403930664 + ], + [ + "\u2581Amb", + -12.28782844543457 + ], + [ + "\u2581ICRC", + -12.318450927734375 + ], + [ + "\u2581basar\u00e1", + -12.535989761352539 + ], + [ + "\u2581frasco", + -12.34662914276123 + ], + [ + "\u2581prohibidas", + -12.428081512451172 + ], + [ + "\u2581sancionado", + -12.45988941192627 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sugar", + -12.397656440734863 + ], + [ + "NAS", + -12.421964645385742 + ], + [ + "\u2581anestesia", + -12.410392761230469 + ], + [ + "\u2581fierce", + -12.35047435760498 + ], + [ + "\u2581positioning", + -12.310503005981445 + ], + [ + "\u2581UNDAF", + -12.335225105285645 + ], + [ + "\u2581mmol", + -12.9357328414917 + ], + [ + "\u2581albergues", + -12.494386672973633 + ], + [ + "\u2581ECE", + -12.290451049804688 + ], + [ + "\u2581Municipality", + -12.319825172424316 + ], + [ + "\u2581Liquid", + -12.740137100219727 + ], + [ + "\u2581har\u00edas", + -12.287248611450195 + ], + [ + "\u2581llevara", + -12.312582969665527 + ], + [ + "\u2581stateless", + -12.253497123718262 + ], + [ + "\u2581potasio", + -12.383009910583496 + ], + [ + "course", + -12.361891746520996 + ], + [ + "\u2581ascend\u00eda", + -12.42197322845459 + ], + [ + "\u2581dessert", + -12.37692928314209 + ], + [ + "liter", + -12.590856552124023 + ], + [ + "\u2581Peque\u00f1os", + -12.389717102050781 + ], + [ + "\u2581encarcela", + -12.401727676391602 + ], + [ + "\u2581springs", + -12.378499031066895 + ], + [ + "\u2581mostrarle", + -12.381178855895996 + ], + [ + "tinoamericanos", + -12.627564430236816 + ], + [ + "zie", + -12.445751190185547 + ], + [ + "\u2581Esc\u00fachame", + -12.215523719787598 + ], + [ + "\u2581amables", + -12.440824508666992 + ], + [ + "\u2581motions", + -12.397175788879395 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mogadishu", + -12.720288276672363 + ], + [ + "\u2581outta", + -12.595538139343262 + ], + [ + "\u2581assignments", + -12.350525856018066 + ], + [ + "umer", + -12.840571403503418 + ], + [ + "\u2581auditors", + -12.316858291625977 + ], + [ + "\u2581trailer", + -12.366972923278809 + ], + [ + "\u2581asi\u00e1ticos", + -12.463824272155762 + ], + [ + "\u2581feather", + -12.350489616394043 + ], + [ + "\u2581paridad", + -12.58714771270752 + ], + [ + "FAR", + -13.161020278930664 + ], + [ + "trayendo", + -12.436748504638672 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ensayo", + -12.418563842773438 + ], + [ + "\u2581grava", + -12.495685577392578 + ], + [ + "itude", + -12.72622299194336 + ], + [ + "minada", + -12.753874778747559 + ], + [ + "\u2581educadores", + -12.490119934082031 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dou", + -12.554311752319336 + ], + [ + "\u2581cava", + -12.365605354309082 + ], + [ + "ige", + -12.449605941772461 + ], + [ + "\u2581rented", + -12.41871452331543 + ], + [ + "\u2581flowing", + -12.339653968811035 + ], + [ + "\u2581modernizar", + -12.425683975219727 + ], + [ + "\u2581seguir\u00eda", + -12.255556106567383 + ], + [ + "\u2581spiritually", + -12.352560997009277 + ], + [ + "\u2581scary", + -12.416038513183594 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vermont", + -13.109004974365234 + ], + [ + "\u2581patrocinio", + -12.455344200134277 + ], + [ + "\u2581Promise", + -12.329954147338867 + ], + [ + "\u2581lactantes", + -12.431450843811035 + ], + [ + "\u2581paralela", + -12.480365753173828 + ], + [ + "establish", + -12.282441139221191 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fear", + -12.368356704711914 + ], + [ + "\u2581gallina", + -12.296858787536621 + ], + [ + "eccion", + -12.844193458557129 + ], + [ + "\u2581negaci\u00f3n", + -12.38414192199707 + ], + [ + "\u2581Salir", + -12.466053009033203 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lack", + -12.328275680541992 + ], + [ + "\u2581inseparable", + -13.035898208618164 + ], + [ + "\u2581kits", + -12.38542652130127 + ], + [ + "b\u00f3n", + -12.4693021774292 + ], + [ + "\u2581olvido", + -12.346542358398438 + ], + [ + "hit", + -12.416520118713379 + ], + [ + "\u2581enclosed", + -12.290183067321777 + ], + [ + "\u2581combustion", + -12.332873344421387 + ], + [ + "rule", + -12.32446575164795 + ], + [ + "\u2581manually", + -12.296008110046387 + ], + [ + "\u2581shy", + -12.464606285095215 + ], + [ + "\u2581Animales", + -12.438079833984375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Initiatives", + -12.372945785522461 + ], + [ + "\u2581representations", + -12.451268196105957 + ], + [ + "presor", + -12.57250690460205 + ], + [ + "\u2581commits", + -12.373939514160156 + ], + [ + "\u2581assumes", + -12.368014335632324 + ], + [ + "Germany", + -12.324993133544922 + ], + [ + "\u2581undermining", + -12.302565574645996 + ], + [ + "\u2581creyente", + -12.475545883178711 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00f3ptico", + -12.427918434143066 + ], + [ + "ECU", + -12.552542686462402 + ], + [ + "lecommunications", + -11.879902839660645 + ], + [ + "Sus", + -12.434286117553711 + ], + [ + "\u2581Conocimiento", + -12.451722145080566 + ], + [ + "\u2581evidenced", + -12.322328567504883 + ], + [ + "interoperability", + -12.238916397094727 + ], + [ + "\u2581scr", + -12.379793167114258 + ], + [ + "\u2581subjective", + -12.29676342010498 + ], + [ + "\u2581veil", + -12.381897926330566 + ], + [ + "Ri", + -12.173637390136719 + ], + [ + "cyclical", + -12.354400634765625 + ], + [ + "Note", + -12.335394859313965 + ], + [ + "dimiento", + -12.773694038391113 + ], + [ + "\u2581Denver", + -13.097994804382324 + ], + [ + "genic", + -12.561909675598145 + ], + [ + "\u2581cigarette", + -12.41231632232666 + ], + [ + "\u2581defect", + -12.36681079864502 + ], + [ + "\u2581estimar", + -12.24596118927002 + ], + [ + "\u2581Preliminary", + -12.3125581741333 + ], + [ + "\u2581colectivamente", + -12.405891418457031 + ], + [ + "\u2581comple", + -12.431098937988281 + ], + [ + "\u2581coward", + -12.450932502746582 + ], + [ + "Juegos", + -13.133878707885742 + ], + [ + "\u2581facturaci\u00f3n", + -12.495718002319336 + ], + [ + "\u2581techos", + -12.476282119750977 + ], + [ + "\u2581asesina", + -12.126916885375977 + ], + [ + "\u2581referirme", + -12.418905258178711 + ], + [ + "\u2581artesanal", + -12.510272026062012 + ], + [ + "\u2581documentar", + -12.539645195007324 + ], + [ + "\u2581lente", + -12.410502433776855 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ejercicios", + -12.478160858154297 + ], + [ + "\u2581molino", + -12.423844337463379 + ], + [ + "\u2581sellado", + -12.475221633911133 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gardens", + -12.386006355285645 + ], + [ + "\u2581Luther", + -12.816824913024902 + ], + [ + "\u2581transmita", + -12.408227920532227 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bryan", + -13.044281005859375 + ], + [ + "\u2581esforzarse", + -12.442403793334961 + ], + [ + "\u2581Posts", + -12.390480995178223 + ], + [ + "\u2581touches", + -12.307990074157715 + ], + [ + "\u2581battles", + -12.437440872192383 + ], + [ + "\u2581disrupt", + -12.277308464050293 + ], + [ + "\u2581blew", + -12.430909156799316 + ], + [ + "\u2581repayment", + -12.240438461303711 + ], + [ + "\u2581Glad", + -12.550055503845215 + ], + [ + "\u2581coordinadas", + -12.498886108398438 + ], + [ + "Entiendes", + -12.193115234375 + ], + [ + "mbri", + -12.664087295532227 + ], + [ + "\u2581hid", + -12.388784408569336 + ], + [ + "cler", + -12.64621639251709 + ], + [ + "\u2581illustration", + -12.315718650817871 + ], + [ + "\u2581motivada", + -12.42137622833252 + ], + [ + "\u2581decreases", + -12.38320255279541 + ], + [ + "\u2581judgements", + -12.365476608276367 + ], + [ + "\u2581Attack", + -12.3737211227417 + ], + [ + "\u2581Expenditure", + -12.325716018676758 + ], + [ + "\u2581significaba", + -12.376066207885742 + ], + [ + "\u2581UNO", + -12.464677810668945 + ], + [ + "\u2581compacta", + -12.473845481872559 + ], + [ + "\u2581paliza", + -12.255611419677734 + ], + [ + "\u2581Damasco", + -12.496323585510254 + ], + [ + "ORT", + -12.724560737609863 + ], + [ + "\u2581gobernante", + -12.46560287475586 + ], + [ + "\u2581elephant", + -12.392056465148926 + ], + [ + "\u2581noreste", + -12.495018005371094 + ], + [ + "\u2581Votar", + -12.429908752441406 + ], + [ + "\u2581wrapped", + -12.371623039245605 + ], + [ + "\u2581Estudi", + -12.383875846862793 + ], + [ + "\u2581acogerse", + -12.48045825958252 + ], + [ + "\u2581involucradas", + -12.459329605102539 + ], + [ + "\u2581flagrant", + -12.289697647094727 + ], + [ + "\u2581Estepona", + -13.071685791015625 + ], + [ + "\u2581faculty", + -12.366262435913086 + ], + [ + "\u2581reconcile", + -12.361919403076172 + ], + [ + "\u2581characterised", + -12.295062065124512 + ], + [ + "\u2581morada", + -12.415887832641602 + ], + [ + "\u2581Graph", + -12.43183422088623 + ], + [ + "\u2581espaldas", + -12.413954734802246 + ], + [ + "\u2581quinquenal", + -12.439738273620605 + ], + [ + "\u2581Teddy", + -13.089975357055664 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lemon", + -12.418195724487305 + ], + [ + "\u2581soborno", + -12.437360763549805 + ], + [ + "\u25811996/31", + -13.09352970123291 + ], + [ + "\u2581Emmanuel", + -12.969660758972168 + ], + [ + "\u2581[8]", + -12.989582061767578 + ], + [ + "\u00e1sica", + -12.631083488464355 + ], + [ + "\u2581IOM", + -12.35664176940918 + ], + [ + "\u2581Condition", + -12.332751274108887 + ], + [ + "\u2581overhead", + -12.329383850097656 + ], + [ + "\u2581valla", + -12.558780670166016 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aye", + -12.525511741638184 + ], + [ + "\u2581deshacer", + -12.283491134643555 + ], + [ + "\u2581Natalie", + -12.950960159301758 + ], + [ + "\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581coercitivas", + -12.438308715820312 + ], + [ + "\u2581predomina", + -12.437261581420898 + ], + [ + "\u2581desalojo", + -12.492402076721191 + ], + [ + "\u2581Asset", + -12.290584564208984 + ], + [ + "\u2581Indicators", + -12.283924102783203 + ], + [ + "\u2581aerial", + -12.31969165802002 + ], + [ + "\u2581enriquecimiento", + -12.392085075378418 + ], + [ + "\u2581psychologist", + -12.283824920654297 + ], + [ + "\u2581v\u00edspera", + -12.417357444763184 + ], + [ + "Cada", + -12.406943321228027 + ], + [ + "\u2581adiestramiento", + -12.370736122131348 + ], + [ + "\u2581breastfeeding", + -12.329815864562988 + ], + [ + "\u2581footing", + -12.302935600280762 + ], + [ + "\u2581traslada", + -12.245102882385254 + ], + [ + "\u2581Om", + -12.553933143615723 + ], + [ + "\u2581dominado", + -12.406776428222656 + ], + [ + "\u2581habilitado", + -12.494681358337402 + ], + [ + "\u2581hidr\u00e1ulico", + -12.445712089538574 + ], + [ + "FTA", + -12.4693021774292 + ], + [ + "programme", + -12.279582023620605 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pilar", + -13.0675630569458 + ], + [ + "\u2581espectadores", + -12.47326946258545 + ], + [ + "\u2581agresiva", + -12.42086124420166 + ], + [ + "\u2581supervised", + -12.308701515197754 + ], + [ + "Japan", + -12.339171409606934 + ], + [ + "central", + -12.788986206054688 + ], + [ + "\u2581acceleration", + -12.340082168579102 + ], + [ + "\u2581conseguirlo", + -12.436716079711914 + ], + [ + "sistir", + -12.4240140914917 + ], + [ + "\u2581ascendieron", + -12.477363586425781 + ], + [ + "\u2581drawer", + -12.487456321716309 + ], + [ + "\u2581ecuaci\u00f3n", + -12.497354507446289 + ], + [ + "\u2581gigantes", + -12.416144371032715 + ], + [ + "\u2581asignadas", + -12.39237117767334 + ], + [ + "\u2581vacant", + -12.341124534606934 + ], + [ + "\u2581confiscated", + -12.402242660522461 + ], + [ + "\u2581criar", + -12.379837989807129 + ], + [ + "\u2581resucitado", + -12.464082717895508 + ], + [ + "\u2581underscore", + -12.324578285217285 + ], + [ + "asp", + -12.478614807128906 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ras", + -12.444741249084473 + ], + [ + "\u2581biling", + -12.552014350891113 + ], + [ + "\u2581ripe", + -12.464909553527832 + ], + [ + "\u2581underline", + -12.359991073608398 + ], + [ + "\u2581Flag", + -12.310628890991211 + ], + [ + "\u2581diligence", + -12.358861923217773 + ], + [ + "inder", + -12.860211372375488 + ], + [ + "especially", + -12.279679298400879 + ], + [ + "\u2581audited", + -12.28349494934082 + ], + [ + "\u2581modifique", + -12.425559997558594 + ], + [ + "\u2581cepa", + -12.470575332641602 + ], + [ + "\u2581Savior", + -12.376930236816406 + ], + [ + "\u2581towels", + -12.37198543548584 + ], + [ + "\u2581Serb", + -12.297358512878418 + ], + [ + "\u2581acabamos", + -12.331034660339355 + ], + [ + "privada", + -12.412928581237793 + ], + [ + "\u2581fragmentaci\u00f3n", + -12.467869758605957 + ], + [ + "\u2581indiscriminate", + -12.571002006530762 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cercano", + -12.432188034057617 + ], + [ + "\u2581aportes", + -12.487679481506348 + ], + [ + "\u2581gum", + -12.385910987854004 + ], + [ + "\u2581loses", + -12.438300132751465 + ], + [ + "\u2581volando", + -12.299236297607422 + ], + [ + "\u2581accomplishment", + -12.320009231567383 + ], + [ + "\u2581Damascus", + -12.376928329467773 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tuscany", + -12.373910903930664 + ], + [ + "\u2581Acero", + -12.465521812438965 + ], + [ + "\u2581consuma", + -12.429170608520508 + ], + [ + "\u2581distributors", + -12.327481269836426 + ], + [ + "\u2581forjar", + -12.45184326171875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dura", + -12.526169776916504 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nucleares", + -12.506974220275879 + ], + [ + "connect", + -12.364396095275879 + ], + [ + "\u2581parciales", + -12.479206085205078 + ], + [ + "\u2581plenitud", + -12.43617057800293 + ], + [ + "\u2581duplicar", + -12.510976791381836 + ], + [ + "\u2581Issue", + -12.332446098327637 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuestionar", + -12.433955192565918 + ], + [ + "\u2581desata", + -12.556227684020996 + ], + [ + "\u2581patron", + -12.346386909484863 + ], + [ + "\u2581transmiten", + -12.455514907836914 + ], + [ + "\u2581whip", + -12.554015159606934 + ], + [ + "\u2581Arturo", + -12.923643112182617 + ], + [ + "\u2581speedy", + -12.337010383605957 + ], + [ + "ively", + -12.347248077392578 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ascensor", + -12.460195541381836 + ], + [ + "\u2581contradictions", + -12.379220008850098 + ], + [ + "\u2581sordo", + -12.431267738342285 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gentlemen", + -12.4819917678833 + ], + [ + "\u2581depressed", + -12.443436622619629 + ], + [ + "\u2581registers", + -12.489591598510742 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hamburgo", + -12.51560115814209 + ], + [ + "\u2581entertain", + -12.390141487121582 + ], + [ + "\u2581intencional", + -12.371060371398926 + ], + [ + "\u2581stain", + -12.428339958190918 + ], + [ + "Reglamento", + -12.373984336853027 + ], + [ + "\u2581sabores", + -12.417519569396973 + ], + [ + "\u2581severas", + -12.443763732910156 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nikola", + -12.997596740722656 + ], + [ + "\u2581PlayStation", + -13.129159927368164 + ], + [ + "\u2581escalation", + -12.364142417907715 + ], + [ + "\u2581resumir", + -12.468767166137695 + ], + [ + "\u2581Albergue", + -12.52680492401123 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pare", + -12.348809242248535 + ], + [ + "Look", + -12.406067848205566 + ], + [ + "\u2581Frederick", + -13.01343059539795 + ], + [ + "\u2581bush", + -12.432806968688965 + ], + [ + "\u2581hablarle", + -12.347142219543457 + ], + [ + "\u2581Saddam", + -12.896745681762695 + ], + [ + "\u2581verlos", + -12.326902389526367 + ], + [ + "Oceania", + -12.41757869720459 + ], + [ + "cision", + -12.281818389892578 + ], + [ + "\u00e9simo", + -12.731783866882324 + ], + [ + "\u2581decorativo", + -12.529609680175781 + ], + [ + "\u2581receivable", + -12.296467781066895 + ], + [ + "thirds", + -12.455123901367188 + ], + [ + "scrito", + -12.458344459533691 + ], + [ + "\u2581Courses", + -12.387639045715332 + ], + [ + "\u2581arancelarios", + -12.442991256713867 + ], + [ + "\u2581compa\u00f1ia", + -12.358550071716309 + ], + [ + "\u2581obrero", + -12.474303245544434 + ], + [ + "\u2581Instructions", + -12.31731128692627 + ], + [ + "\u2581patrullas", + -12.496350288391113 + ], + [ + "\u2581curaci\u00f3n", + -12.488250732421875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Administrativa", + -12.499184608459473 + ], + [ + "\u2581interpretations", + -12.441018104553223 + ], + [ + "\u2581scanner", + -12.40644359588623 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kiss", + -12.471166610717773 + ], + [ + "\u2581LAN", + -12.445446968078613 + ], + [ + "\u2581Introduce", + -13.073347091674805 + ], + [ + "\u2581catalyst", + -12.275059700012207 + ], + [ + "\u2581prejudicial", + -12.84735107421875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Talla", + -12.512145042419434 + ], + [ + "\u2581Carr", + -12.169177055358887 + ], + [ + "\u2581morality", + -12.323662757873535 + ], + [ + "\u2581multinacional", + -12.502662658691406 + ], + [ + "\u0144", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581fronterizas", + -12.476208686828613 + ], + [ + "\u2581timeline", + -12.36279010772705 + ], + [ + "\u2581aloja", + -12.355664253234863 + ], + [ + "\u2581restaura", + -12.34898567199707 + ], + [ + "itarian", + -12.714970588684082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Debt", + -12.270099639892578 + ], + [ + "\u2581apodera", + -12.419256210327148 + ], + [ + "added", + -12.374216079711914 + ], + [ + "\u2581antibiotics", + -12.324220657348633 + ], + [ + "Relator", + -12.525242805480957 + ], + [ + "nego", + -12.551772117614746 + ], + [ + "\u2581sufrieron", + -12.400035858154297 + ], + [ + "\u2581variantes", + -12.529375076293945 + ], + [ + "\u2581REPORT", + -12.339591026306152 + ], + [ + "\u2581docena", + -12.31101131439209 + ], + [ + "\u2581ESCAP", + -12.305048942565918 + ], + [ + "\u2581preguntarse", + -12.456961631774902 + ], + [ + "\u2581radiactivos", + -12.409551620483398 + ], + [ + "KP", + -12.486284255981445 + ], + [ + "nec", + -12.2133207321167 + ], + [ + "\u2581CIS", + -12.296220779418945 + ], + [ + "\u2581CT", + -12.24472427368164 + ], + [ + "\u2581glue", + -12.431488990783691 + ], + [ + "\u2581reef", + -12.354437828063965 + ], + [ + "\u2581complained", + -12.341680526733398 + ], + [ + "\u2581esteroides", + -12.45212459564209 + ], + [ + "\u2581presumed", + -12.30806827545166 + ], + [ + "\u2581venera", + -12.4736328125 + ], + [ + "0-", + -12.352653503417969 + ], + [ + "\u2581heredad", + -12.466217994689941 + ], + [ + "\u2581BUT", + -12.516167640686035 + ], + [ + "vuelta", + -12.42906379699707 + ], + [ + "fore", + -12.461978912353516 + ], + [ + "\u2581atmospheric", + -12.316271781921387 + ], + [ + "\u2581anticipaci\u00f3n", + -12.470176696777344 + ], + [ + "\u2581preparatorias", + -12.479411125183105 + ], + [ + "\u2581vengo", + -12.317636489868164 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ensuring", + -12.354659080505371 + ], + [ + "m\u00e1", + -12.343607902526855 + ], + [ + "\u2581referir", + -12.453130722045898 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bundes", + -12.937474250793457 + ], + [ + "\u2581organizativa", + -12.416269302368164 + ], + [ + "\u2581Valenciana", + -12.489096641540527 + ], + [ + "\u2581applicability", + -12.302553176879883 + ], + [ + "\u2581ricas", + -12.470967292785645 + ], + [ + "\u2581Opti", + -12.847777366638184 + ], + [ + "\u2581OIM", + -12.453863143920898 + ], + [ + "\u2581Usar", + -12.509905815124512 + ], + [ + "\u2581Interesting", + -12.428080558776855 + ], + [ + "\u2581accelerating", + -12.44000244140625 + ], + [ + "\u2581gluten", + -13.069671630859375 + ], + [ + "\u2581intact", + -12.329970359802246 + ], + [ + "\u2581Purpose", + -12.279922485351562 + ], + [ + "\u2581genuino", + -12.367375373840332 + ], + [ + "\u2581unstable", + -12.311562538146973 + ], + [ + "\u25812009)", + -12.519464492797852 + ], + [ + "\u2581INTERNACIONAL", + -12.390918731689453 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pasar", + -12.28756046295166 + ], + [ + "\u2581armenio", + -12.419695854187012 + ], + [ + "\u2581ransom", + -12.355730056762695 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mining", + -12.343130111694336 + ], + [ + "CIS", + -12.438432693481445 + ], + [ + "\u2581nun", + -12.375347137451172 + ], + [ + "eca", + -12.532352447509766 + ], + [ + "\u2581chemistry", + -12.371273040771484 + ], + [ + "\u2581Evidentemente", + -12.433799743652344 + ], + [ + "\u2581torturado", + -12.545799255371094 + ], + [ + "\u2581counterfeit", + -12.334927558898926 + ], + [ + "\u2581miraba", + -12.52269458770752 + ], + [ + "\u2581petrolera", + -12.408085823059082 + ], + [ + "\u2581inspirar", + -12.47046947479248 + ], + [ + "\u2581aproximado", + -12.504082679748535 + ], + [ + "\u2581compressed", + -12.333344459533691 + ], + [ + "\u2581exhaustive", + -12.313401222229004 + ], + [ + "\u2581incorporan", + -12.494904518127441 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hombres", + -12.449068069458008 + ], + [ + "\u2581mosaico", + -12.561177253723145 + ], + [ + "planta", + -12.539101600646973 + ], + [ + "\u2581specifying", + -12.291337013244629 + ], + [ + "WAY", + -12.67032527923584 + ], + [ + "Navega", + -13.002124786376953 + ], + [ + "\u2581elimine", + -12.416391372680664 + ], + [ + "\u2581Maldici\u00f3n", + -12.188566207885742 + ], + [ + "\u2581farmac\u00e9uticos", + -12.443050384521484 + ], + [ + "\u2581asi\u00e1tico", + -12.42325496673584 + ], + [ + "ciar", + -12.333218574523926 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bolivian", + -12.331515312194824 + ], + [ + "prendieron", + -12.40268611907959 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hudson", + -13.07784652709961 + ], + [ + "\u2581liberados", + -12.518707275390625 + ], + [ + "\u2581inunda", + -12.41150951385498 + ], + [ + "\u2581Catalina", + -12.833226203918457 + ], + [ + "\u2581Misiones", + -12.50640869140625 + ], + [ + "\u2581comunicar\u00e1n", + -12.479422569274902 + ], + [ + "\u2581planting", + -12.36084270477295 + ], + [ + "\u2581fragmenta", + -12.548789024353027 + ], + [ + "\u2581pressed", + -12.402427673339844 + ], + [ + "\u2581progression", + -12.387718200683594 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aparcamiento", + -12.483567237854004 + ], + [ + "\u2581experta", + -12.425559043884277 + ], + [ + "Even", + -12.421319007873535 + ], + [ + "\u2581sorprenda", + -12.479098320007324 + ], + [ + "\u2581adorna", + -12.450675964355469 + ], + [ + "\u2581cre\u00eddo", + -12.391626358032227 + ], + [ + "\u2581shortfall", + -12.345483779907227 + ], + [ + "\u2581signatories", + -12.322664260864258 + ], + [ + "\u2581economist", + -12.387710571289062 + ], + [ + "\u2581trim", + -12.371610641479492 + ], + [ + "\u2581vendidos", + -12.520957946777344 + ], + [ + "\u2581Expresando", + -12.497544288635254 + ], + [ + "\u2581Principio", + -12.452088356018066 + ], + [ + "ZA", + -12.333727836608887 + ], + [ + "\u2581invento", + -12.358968734741211 + ], + [ + "\u2581circumstance", + -12.259044647216797 + ], + [ + "\u2581flagelo", + -12.433799743652344 + ], + [ + "\u2581Preparatoria", + -12.427964210510254 + ], + [ + "\u2581constatar", + -12.449437141418457 + ], + [ + "\u2581feo", + -12.292961120605469 + ], + [ + "\u2581grams", + -12.398809432983398 + ], + [ + "\u2581interrupciones", + -12.478601455688477 + ], + [ + "\u2581compraron", + -12.465872764587402 + ], + [ + "\u2581fatty", + -12.349830627441406 + ], + [ + "\u2581introduzca", + -12.508936882019043 + ], + [ + "\u2581populated", + -12.326767921447754 + ], + [ + "\u2581urging", + -12.360973358154297 + ], + [ + "\u2581intersessional", + -12.395458221435547 + ], + [ + "\u2581Idaho", + -13.023463249206543 + ], + [ + "\u2581familiarizado", + -12.411922454833984 + ], + [ + "CCD", + -12.440618515014648 + ], + [ + "tribution", + -12.337478637695312 + ], + [ + "\u2581Regina", + -13.114109992980957 + ], + [ + "\u2581hidr", + -12.846884727478027 + ], + [ + "Cookies", + -12.367630004882812 + ], + [ + "\u2581agresor", + -12.458747863769531 + ], + [ + "\u2581ponerle", + -12.3440523147583 + ], + [ + "\u2581Delegation", + -12.283507347106934 + ], + [ + "\u2581Plate", + -12.467630386352539 + ], + [ + "\u2581aging", + -12.42310619354248 + ], + [ + "\u2581arc", + -12.357185363769531 + ], + [ + "\u2581bre", + -12.403173446655273 + ], + [ + "\u2581consolida", + -12.4446439743042 + ], + [ + "\u2581tenerte", + -12.34256362915039 + ], + [ + "balance", + -12.313664436340332 + ], + [ + "\u2581autenticidad", + -12.51774787902832 + ], + [ + "\u2581garments", + -12.367300987243652 + ], + [ + "\u2581Globe", + -12.895111083984375 + ], + [ + "June", + -12.336273193359375 + ], + [ + "\u2581ponemos", + -12.367453575134277 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cl\u00ednica", + -12.465071678161621 + ], + [ + "\u2581prosperous", + -12.31563949584961 + ], + [ + "\u2581seventeenth", + -12.334014892578125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Adelantados", + -12.388652801513672 + ], + [ + "\u2581cervical", + -12.913095474243164 + ], + [ + "\u2581bor", + -12.354472160339355 + ], + [ + "ISO", + -13.011656761169434 + ], + [ + "mpera", + -12.864903450012207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pr\u00e1cticas", + -12.475757598876953 + ], + [ + "\u2581titled", + -12.404796600341797 + ], + [ + "\u2581tri\u00e1ngulo", + -12.456555366516113 + ], + [ + "\u2581fil\u00f3sofo", + -12.452927589416504 + ], + [ + "\u2581justifique", + -12.466293334960938 + ], + [ + "Ocean\u00eda", + -12.58350658416748 + ], + [ + "trin", + -12.619916915893555 + ], + [ + "\u2581congratula", + -12.421381950378418 + ], + [ + "\u2581inequ\u00edvoca", + -12.497352600097656 + ], + [ + "\u2581reemplazado", + -12.486957550048828 + ], + [ + "\u2581preguntan", + -12.390667915344238 + ], + [ + "\u2581Charge", + -12.440653800964355 + ], + [ + "Fre", + -12.567461967468262 + ], + [ + "\u2581Restaurants", + -12.357589721679688 + ], + [ + "\u2581faculta", + -12.424405097961426 + ], + [ + "\u2581espiral", + -12.495072364807129 + ], + [ + "\u2581surgimiento", + -12.501144409179688 + ], + [ + "\u2581int\u00e9rprete", + -12.517643928527832 + ], + [ + "\u2581hormones", + -12.381280899047852 + ], + [ + "allow", + -12.5557222366333 + ], + [ + "\u2581freed", + -12.472570419311523 + ], + [ + "\u2581Built", + -12.419651985168457 + ], + [ + "\u2581CEDEAO", + -12.44470500946045 + ], + [ + "\u2581estuviste", + -12.225088119506836 + ], + [ + "Any", + -12.575039863586426 + ], + [ + "\u2581DEVELOPMENT", + -12.3025541305542 + ], + [ + "\u2581colleges", + -12.381884574890137 + ], + [ + "caso", + -12.438883781433105 + ], + [ + "\u2581confundir", + -12.378527641296387 + ], + [ + "\u2581hemoglobina", + -12.456555366516113 + ], + [ + "\u2581tratamos", + -12.37513256072998 + ], + [ + "\u2581Garcia", + -12.410816192626953 + ], + [ + "\u2581Couple", + -12.374822616577148 + ], + [ + "\u2581llevarte", + -12.267062187194824 + ], + [ + "\u2581solicit", + -12.346062660217285 + ], + [ + "\u2581dishwasher", + -12.405206680297852 + ], + [ + "\u2581fijadas", + -12.455110549926758 + ], + [ + "\u2581te\u00f3rico", + -12.431535720825195 + ], + [ + "\u2581Antecedentes", + -12.5504732131958 + ], + [ + "\u2581Accept", + -12.329754829406738 + ], + [ + "\u2581deforestaci\u00f3n", + -12.402331352233887 + ], + [ + "\u2581salv\u00f3", + -12.268336296081543 + ], + [ + "center", + -12.338961601257324 + ], + [ + "\u2581CEPA", + -12.482640266418457 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ferrer", + -13.133688926696777 + ], + [ + "\u2581Josef", + -13.081754684448242 + ], + [ + "\u2581applet", + -12.56485652923584 + ], + [ + "\u2581pulm\u00f3n", + -12.481104850769043 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aceite", + -12.448111534118652 + ], + [ + "\u2581slopes", + -12.38049030303955 + ], + [ + "dust", + -12.408092498779297 + ], + [ + "\u2581capta", + -12.520307540893555 + ], + [ + "\u2581gratuit", + -12.782661437988281 + ], + [ + "\u2581abrazo", + -12.350809097290039 + ], + [ + "\u2581contrapartida", + -12.373319625854492 + ], + [ + "\u2581shifts", + -12.470248222351074 + ], + [ + "\u2581tr\u00e1mite", + -12.374639511108398 + ], + [ + "WD", + -12.46088981628418 + ], + [ + "\u2581esc\u00e1ner", + -12.409250259399414 + ], + [ + "\u2581marcadores", + -12.483421325683594 + ], + [ + "issue", + -12.31823444366455 + ], + [ + "vi\u00e9ndose", + -12.467652320861816 + ], + [ + "\u2581Consumidor", + -12.55580997467041 + ], + [ + "\u2581ECR", + -12.294198989868164 + ], + [ + "\u2581sabr\u00eda", + -12.242997169494629 + ], + [ + "\u2581tangibles", + -12.367918968200684 + ], + [ + "\u2581colony", + -12.478145599365234 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00e9sto", + -12.270718574523926 + ], + [ + "\u2581constituidas", + -12.48861312866211 + ], + [ + "\u2581program\u00e1tico", + -12.42672348022461 + ], + [ + "\u2581tr\u00e1gica", + -12.404635429382324 + ], + [ + "publica", + -12.852602005004883 + ], + [ + "\u2581Battery", + -12.506103515625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Einstein", + -13.091209411621094 + ], + [ + "\u2581economical", + -12.353580474853516 + ], + [ + "\u2581novena", + -12.45810317993164 + ], + [ + "\u2581Conducta", + -12.429075241088867 + ], + [ + "headed", + -12.346972465515137 + ], + [ + "\u2581cows", + -12.413495063781738 + ], + [ + "\u2581insects", + -12.410042762756348 + ], + [ + "\u2581lubricante", + -12.507497787475586 + ], + [ + "\u2581Eje", + -12.659441947937012 + ], + [ + "\u2581inventories", + -12.322687149047852 + ], + [ + "\u2581motives", + -12.37967300415039 + ], + [ + "\u2581Corta", + -12.500396728515625 + ], + [ + "liness", + -12.407757759094238 + ], + [ + "\u2581Apocalipsis", + -12.535277366638184 + ], + [ + "\u2581cozy", + -12.411027908325195 + ], + [ + "\u2581fluctuations", + -12.319779396057129 + ], + [ + "\u2581OAU", + -12.283891677856445 + ], + [ + "\u2581purse", + -12.429638862609863 + ], + [ + "\u2581vibraciones", + -12.486296653747559 + ], + [ + "\u2581atribuir", + -12.453400611877441 + ], + [ + "\u2581satisfying", + -12.361084938049316 + ], + [ + "\u2581Profeta", + -12.511484146118164 + ], + [ + "\u2581bullets", + -12.41964054107666 + ], + [ + "\u2581venezolano", + -12.477363586425781 + ], + [ + "\u2581administrators", + -12.34057903289795 + ], + [ + "bito", + -12.724347114562988 + ], + [ + "\u2581Enhanced", + -12.365496635437012 + ], + [ + "\u2581Opini\u00f3n", + -12.462630271911621 + ], + [ + "ciudad", + -12.405940055847168 + ], + [ + "\u2581publicaron", + -12.574600219726562 + ], + [ + "\u2581Treasury", + -12.345263481140137 + ], + [ + "\u2581carros", + -12.43562126159668 + ], + [ + "\u2581fresa", + -12.39108657836914 + ], + [ + "idine", + -12.426739692687988 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reproducir", + -12.491114616394043 + ], + [ + "\u2581cr\u00f3nicas", + -12.524229049682617 + ], + [ + "\u2581router", + -12.866183280944824 + ], + [ + "rance", + -12.772442817687988 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rodrigo", + -13.1156005859375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Volumen", + -12.491079330444336 + ], + [ + "\u2581emplazamientos", + -12.573432922363281 + ], + [ + "\u2581policymakers", + -12.416960716247559 + ], + [ + "\u2581Strengthen", + -12.376554489135742 + ], + [ + "\u2581weaken", + -12.26055908203125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Entendido", + -12.228748321533203 + ], + [ + "\u2581dependency", + -12.325780868530273 + ], + [ + "\u2581standpoint", + -12.307817459106445 + ], + [ + "\u258150,000", + -12.451149940490723 + ], + [ + "\u2581fourteenth", + -12.35806655883789 + ], + [ + "\u2581Adicional", + -12.479453086853027 + ], + [ + "\u2581streaming", + -12.951227188110352 + ], + [ + "\u2581teolog\u00eda", + -12.488516807556152 + ], + [ + "eel", + -12.157071113586426 + ], + [ + "annual", + -12.306397438049316 + ], + [ + "\u2581adquiridas", + -12.503958702087402 + ], + [ + "Keywords", + -12.863540649414062 + ], + [ + "\u2581CNC", + -13.134319305419922 + ], + [ + "\u2581desviar", + -12.42657470703125 + ], + [ + "\u2581relacionan", + -12.426271438598633 + ], + [ + "\u2581compelling", + -12.342188835144043 + ], + [ + "\u2581ver\u00eda", + -12.254413604736328 + ], + [ + "health", + -12.37838363647461 + ], + [ + "\u2581reguladores", + -12.457290649414062 + ], + [ + "\u2581jab\u00f3n", + -12.353092193603516 + ], + [ + "\u2581UNDER", + -12.290777206420898 + ], + [ + "physical", + -12.426600456237793 + ], + [ + "\u2581honorable", + -12.90314769744873 + ], + [ + "seg\u00fan", + -12.520134925842285 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ox", + -12.83482551574707 + ], + [ + "\u2581favoured", + -12.325464248657227 + ], + [ + "\u2581Zero", + -12.402384757995605 + ], + [ + "\u2581salmon", + -12.339088439941406 + ], + [ + "Human", + -12.319730758666992 + ], + [ + "assi", + -12.460580825805664 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pru", + -12.541345596313477 + ], + [ + "\u2581earrings", + -12.355708122253418 + ], + [ + "chlor", + -12.4740629196167 + ], + [ + "ificaciones", + -12.357585906982422 + ], + [ + "\u2581Episcopal", + -13.086837768554688 + ], + [ + "\u2581arqueol\u00f3gico", + -12.51389217376709 + ], + [ + "\u2581homosexuales", + -12.453569412231445 + ], + [ + "\u2581thine", + -12.398825645446777 + ], + [ + "\u2581olvid\u00e9", + -12.221250534057617 + ], + [ + "\u2581controlan", + -12.414153099060059 + ], + [ + "\u2581sangu\u00edneos", + -12.505263328552246 + ], + [ + "ovi", + -12.310113906860352 + ], + [ + "Hijo", + -12.356654167175293 + ], + [ + "\u2581adversario", + -12.483288764953613 + ], + [ + "\u2581pilgrimage", + -12.355749130249023 + ], + [ + "\u2581Spencer", + -13.068868637084961 + ], + [ + "\u2581Arco", + -12.508034706115723 + ], + [ + "\u2581maxi", + -12.889893531799316 + ], + [ + "\u2581pagar\u00e1", + -12.199563026428223 + ], + [ + "\u2581Piedra", + -12.499916076660156 + ], + [ + "\u2581plight", + -12.40527629852295 + ], + [ + "RAD", + -13.245595932006836 + ], + [ + "\u2581proponga", + -12.434041976928711 + ], + [ + "\u2581periodismo", + -12.506223678588867 + ], + [ + "\u2581worries", + -12.40190315246582 + ], + [ + "\u2581goat", + -12.418390274047852 + ], + [ + "AW", + -12.454452514648438 + ], + [ + "\u2581hincha", + -12.39319896697998 + ], + [ + "\u2581ideol\u00f3gica", + -12.450528144836426 + ], + [ + "\u2581regretted", + -12.360100746154785 + ], + [ + "\u2581re\u00fanan", + -12.43968391418457 + ], + [ + "\u2581Entradas", + -12.581256866455078 + ], + [ + "\u2581averigua", + -12.263669967651367 + ], + [ + "\u2581dough", + -12.500314712524414 + ], + [ + "pi\u00e9", + -12.631832122802734 + ], + [ + "\u2581esclavo", + -12.360063552856445 + ], + [ + "\u2581synergy", + -12.338017463684082 + ], + [ + "\u2581asserted", + -12.279348373413086 + ], + [ + "\u2581barrels", + -12.437418937683105 + ], + [ + "sectoral", + -12.320903778076172 + ], + [ + "\u00edz", + -12.331985473632812 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aviaci\u00f3n", + -12.491205215454102 + ], + [ + "\u2581effected", + -12.29906177520752 + ], + [ + "\u2581lottery", + -12.37907886505127 + ], + [ + "\u2581redondo", + -12.557317733764648 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nigel", + -13.063241958618164 + ], + [ + "\u2581emprendedor", + -12.531076431274414 + ], + [ + "nivel", + -12.498332023620605 + ], + [ + "\u00e6", + -100 + ], + [ + "clusi", + -12.755623817443848 + ], + [ + "lling", + -12.415738105773926 + ], + [ + "voc", + -12.644267082214355 + ], + [ + "\u2581desesperaci\u00f3n", + -12.39319133758545 + ], + [ + "\u2581publican", + -12.333488464355469 + ], + [ + "\u2581scholarships", + -12.370282173156738 + ], + [ + "\u2581Shh", + -12.510612487792969 + ], + [ + "\u2581clim\u00e1ticas", + -12.453140258789062 + ], + [ + "\u2581grandeza", + -12.420656204223633 + ], + [ + "\u2581marginalization", + -12.34852409362793 + ], + [ + "\u2581t\u00edos", + -12.363516807556152 + ], + [ + "atta", + -12.585162162780762 + ], + [ + "\u2581Approximately", + -12.365206718444824 + ], + [ + "\u2581suplementarios", + -12.400230407714844 + ], + [ + "\u2581Encourage", + -12.333264350891113 + ], + [ + "\u2581cadera", + -12.459402084350586 + ], + [ + "\u2581convirtieron", + -12.455344200134277 + ], + [ + "\u2581dispose", + -12.414070129394531 + ], + [ + "rv", + -12.609418869018555 + ], + [ + "\u2581bonitas", + -12.453411102294922 + ], + [ + "\u2581comprometerse", + -12.55620002746582 + ], + [ + "\u2581rastrear", + -12.408169746398926 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aprende", + -12.377087593078613 + ], + [ + "\u2581complementarity", + -12.368386268615723 + ], + [ + "\u2581desarrollen", + -12.438302040100098 + ], + [ + "\u2581estudiantil", + -12.431339263916016 + ], + [ + "\u2581programmed", + -12.510588645935059 + ], + [ + "\u2581sacramento", + -12.492317199707031 + ], + [ + "\u2581Slot", + -12.374982833862305 + ], + [ + "\u2581Finish", + -12.428730010986328 + ], + [ + "ocracia", + -12.465132713317871 + ], + [ + "tella", + -12.59807014465332 + ], + [ + "fon\u00eda", + -12.446627616882324 + ], + [ + "\u2581gig", + -12.459344863891602 + ], + [ + "\u2581coated", + -12.324393272399902 + ], + [ + "eando", + -12.341129302978516 + ], + [ + "60.000", + -12.454509735107422 + ], + [ + "\u2581manta", + -12.409260749816895 + ], + [ + "\u2581Falls", + -12.407991409301758 + ], + [ + "\u2581distortions", + -12.360124588012695 + ], + [ + "\u2581consiguen", + -12.368107795715332 + ], + [ + "\u2581marihuana", + -12.34980297088623 + ], + [ + "\u2581admirable", + -12.835979461669922 + ], + [ + "DWI", + -12.38122844696045 + ], + [ + "azz", + -12.7577486038208 + ], + [ + "\u2581colaborador", + -12.647154808044434 + ], + [ + "\u2581pronunciada", + -12.512232780456543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Legend", + -12.397573471069336 + ], + [ + "gling", + -12.460799217224121 + ], + [ + "Tuvimos", + -12.327375411987305 + ], + [ + "c\u00e9ntrico", + -12.377398490905762 + ], + [ + "dler", + -12.440780639648438 + ], + [ + "RICA", + -12.6597900390625 + ], + [ + "\u2581econom", + -12.443528175354004 + ], + [ + "2%)", + -12.574556350708008 + ], + [ + "\u2581insights", + -12.416075706481934 + ], + [ + "\u2581tumors", + -12.42489242553711 + ], + [ + "usto", + -12.396268844604492 + ], + [ + "\u2581contentos", + -12.43447494506836 + ], + [ + "\u2581tramita", + -12.387683868408203 + ], + [ + "\u2581demuestre", + -12.477446556091309 + ], + [ + "\u2581padece", + -12.447442054748535 + ], + [ + "\u2581Revisa", + -12.444976806640625 + ], + [ + "\u2581divid", + -12.458992958068848 + ], + [ + "\u2581docenas", + -12.48393440246582 + ], + [ + "zuela", + -12.765369415283203 + ], + [ + "\u2581adjustable", + -12.362643241882324 + ], + [ + "\u2581condensa", + -12.470195770263672 + ], + [ + "lur", + -12.520682334899902 + ], + [ + "\u2581Descuento", + -12.54914379119873 + ], + [ + "\u2581sab\u00e9is", + -12.3390531539917 + ], + [ + "\u2581insulta", + -12.288854598999023 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kenia", + -12.432072639465332 + ], + [ + "\u2581deci", + -12.430493354797363 + ], + [ + "intersectoriales", + -12.65876579284668 + ], + [ + "\u2581mat\u00e9", + -12.240890502929688 + ], + [ + "\u2581confronta", + -12.485522270202637 + ], + [ + "\u2581peticionario", + -12.558489799499512 + ], + [ + "ahora", + -12.406780242919922 + ], + [ + "\u2581comprueba", + -12.461447715759277 + ], + [ + "\u2581Zach", + -13.095083236694336 + ], + [ + "\u2581ejecute", + -12.4761323928833 + ], + [ + "EB", + -12.206571578979492 + ], + [ + "\u25811701", + -13.059370040893555 + ], + [ + "\u2581Giuseppe", + -12.97354793548584 + ], + [ + "\u2581technologic", + -12.347536087036133 + ], + [ + "citation", + -12.616538047790527 + ], + [ + "\u2581Opci\u00f3n", + -12.508281707763672 + ], + [ + "\u2581infectados", + -12.474480628967285 + ], + [ + "s\u00f3lo", + -12.458205223083496 + ], + [ + "\u2581ideally", + -12.421380996704102 + ], + [ + "ogenic", + -12.618361473083496 + ], + [ + "\u2581budgeted", + -12.420659065246582 + ], + [ + "\u2581permissible", + -12.387710571289062 + ], + [ + "\u2581sustentan", + -12.429479598999023 + ], + [ + "\u2581Herald", + -13.005854606628418 + ], + [ + "\u2581Afortunadamente", + -12.427896499633789 + ], + [ + "\u2581Painting", + -12.383549690246582 + ], + [ + "\u2581organizar\u00e1", + -12.667162895202637 + ], + [ + "\u2581exporter", + -12.289520263671875 + ], + [ + "\u2581ladrones", + -12.353109359741211 + ], + [ + "\u2581sync", + -12.475293159484863 + ], + [ + "\u2581affiliation", + -12.33184814453125 + ], + [ + "\u2581residue", + -12.334304809570312 + ], + [ + "riana", + -12.809656143188477 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rab", + -12.524673461914062 + ], + [ + "\u2581philosophical", + -12.397831916809082 + ], + [ + "tree", + -12.479378700256348 + ], + [ + "\u2581fijar\u00e1", + -12.614609718322754 + ], + [ + "\u2581reservoir", + -12.37692928314209 + ], + [ + "\u2581deficits", + -12.383727073669434 + ], + [ + "\u2581Purchase", + -12.360971450805664 + ], + [ + "\u2581niegan", + -12.43652629852295 + ], + [ + "\u2581sexualidad", + -12.507816314697266 + ], + [ + "\u2581secrecy", + -12.407415390014648 + ], + [ + "SIL", + -12.706254005432129 + ], + [ + "\u2581cultivated", + -12.373597145080566 + ], + [ + "\u2581waiver", + -12.354238510131836 + ], + [ + "menda", + -12.028022766113281 + ], + [ + "\u2581celebren", + -12.41174602508545 + ], + [ + "\u2581miniatura", + -12.449316024780273 + ], + [ + "\u2581porteador", + -12.369828224182129 + ], + [ + "methyl", + -12.270279884338379 + ], + [ + "\u2581UNFCCC", + -12.29073429107666 + ], + [ + "\u2581Louvre", + -13.02756118774414 + ], + [ + "\u2581refuerzan", + -12.504693031311035 + ], + [ + "\u2581Exercises", + -12.355375289916992 + ], + [ + "\u2581vampiro", + -12.313456535339355 + ], + [ + "\u2581verticales", + -12.495579719543457 + ], + [ + "\u2581centr\u00e1ndose", + -12.462638854980469 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gira", + -12.472400665283203 + ], + [ + "\u2581appealing", + -12.4208402633667 + ], + [ + "\u2581colaborado", + -12.458882331848145 + ], + [ + "\u2581originario", + -12.426918983459473 + ], + [ + "\u2581usualmente", + -12.519522666931152 + ], + [ + "\u2581redemption", + -12.34630298614502 + ], + [ + "\u2581stir", + -12.435330390930176 + ], + [ + "\u2581Liberian", + -12.354702949523926 + ], + [ + "\u2581proh\u00edben", + -12.507832527160645 + ], + [ + "\u2581DWI", + -12.508773803710938 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ordenanza", + -12.533377647399902 + ], + [ + "\u2581JUST", + -12.612885475158691 + ], + [ + "llones", + -12.50322151184082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Domain", + -12.387542724609375 + ], + [ + "quarter", + -12.660582542419434 + ], + [ + "\u2581Memory", + -12.4365816116333 + ], + [ + "\u2581QNAP", + -13.111159324645996 + ], + [ + "\u2581proporcionadas", + -12.473969459533691 + ], + [ + ":25", + -12.588621139526367 + ], + [ + "\u2581fascist", + -12.400857925415039 + ], + [ + "linger", + -12.45561408996582 + ], + [ + "\u2581aclaraci\u00f3n", + -12.45954418182373 + ], + [ + "\u2581lightness", + -12.407125473022461 + ], + [ + "\u2581spirituality", + -12.422537803649902 + ], + [ + "\u2581downloading", + -12.429625511169434 + ], + [ + "\u2581vulgar", + -12.889344215393066 + ], + [ + "\u2581legendary", + -12.356858253479004 + ], + [ + "\u2581cooperativa", + -12.469686508178711 + ], + [ + "\u2581feeds", + -12.514505386352539 + ], + [ + "deuda", + -12.504815101623535 + ], + [ + "\u2581Settings", + -12.418293952941895 + ], + [ + "\u2581memorial", + -12.412959098815918 + ], + [ + "derecho", + -12.468124389648438 + ], + [ + "rba", + -12.511384963989258 + ], + [ + "ttaining", + -12.734314918518066 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cohesi\u00f3n", + -12.478601455688477 + ], + [ + "\u2581constituya", + -12.481172561645508 + ], + [ + "\u2581Driver", + -12.416194915771484 + ], + [ + "\u2581circum", + -12.478927612304688 + ], + [ + "\u2581suponga", + -12.457132339477539 + ], + [ + "\u2581temper", + -12.477107048034668 + ], + [ + "\u2581festivales", + -12.4835205078125 + ], + [ + "apartado", + -12.430597305297852 + ], + [ + "hale", + -12.467437744140625 + ], + [ + "\u25810,01", + -12.573389053344727 + ], + [ + "\u2581gl\u00e1ndula", + -12.48481273651123 + ], + [ + "\u2581professors", + -12.347561836242676 + ], + [ + "\u2581PAR", + -12.628507614135742 + ], + [ + "\u2581paternidad", + -12.43498420715332 + ], + [ + "\u2581traspaso", + -12.535944938659668 + ], + [ + "fro", + -12.478008270263672 + ], + [ + "nah", + -12.407098770141602 + ], + [ + "ICAL", + -12.413742065429688 + ], + [ + "\u2581arrastrar", + -12.488012313842773 + ], + [ + "\u2581pasen", + -12.441683769226074 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00ab\u00bf", + -12.50421142578125 + ], + [ + "\u2581inyecta", + -12.34304141998291 + ], + [ + "\u2581vigila", + -12.304105758666992 + ], + [ + "Nadie", + -12.23482608795166 + ], + [ + "\u2581fats", + -12.464662551879883 + ], + [ + "\u2581positioned", + -12.409748077392578 + ], + [ + "static", + -12.544084548950195 + ], + [ + "budget", + -12.420304298400879 + ], + [ + "help", + -12.3807373046875 + ], + [ + "\u2581contextual", + -13.027286529541016 + ], + [ + "\u2581corpse", + -12.466140747070312 + ], + [ + "too", + -12.478880882263184 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bren", + -12.51993179321289 + ], + [ + "\u2581cerr\u00f3", + -12.489968299865723 + ], + [ + "\u2581examinada", + -12.446969032287598 + ], + [ + "\u2581Listo", + -12.23747730255127 + ], + [ + "1983", + -13.032096862792969 + ], + [ + "Assad", + -12.982895851135254 + ], + [ + "\u2581convendr\u00eda", + -12.427896499633789 + ], + [ + "scribi\u00f3", + -12.420676231384277 + ], + [ + "\u2581INFORME", + -12.518677711486816 + ], + [ + "\u2581telefon\u00eda", + -12.472701072692871 + ], + [ + "i\u00e9ndola", + -12.868914604187012 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dificultad", + -12.584305763244629 + ], + [ + "Agenda", + -12.341252326965332 + ], + [ + "\u2581fusil", + -12.418580055236816 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alc", + -12.312019348144531 + ], + [ + "\u2581cafetera", + -12.446922302246094 + ], + [ + "\u2581Enfoque", + -12.53857421875 + ], + [ + "\u2581inscribe", + -12.520395278930664 + ], + [ + "\u2581Consultation", + -12.379688262939453 + ], + [ + "\u2581permitting", + -12.357582092285156 + ], + [ + "\u2581derive", + -12.347944259643555 + ], + [ + "\u2581compruebe", + -12.41270923614502 + ], + [ + "\u2581frequencies", + -12.368386268615723 + ], + [ + "\u2581lawsuit", + -12.376029014587402 + ], + [ + "\u2581SEGURIDAD", + -12.437358856201172 + ], + [ + "\u2581precargada", + -12.427897453308105 + ], + [ + "rg", + -12.26517391204834 + ], + [ + "\u2581domains", + -12.466599464416504 + ], + [ + "train", + -12.463629722595215 + ], + [ + "\u2581Betty", + -13.10313892364502 + ], + [ + "\u2581invitada", + -12.502575874328613 + ], + [ + "zed", + -12.613039016723633 + ], + [ + "\u2581Banking", + -12.39145278930664 + ], + [ + "\u2581Persian", + -12.390613555908203 + ], + [ + "\u2581catering", + -12.442514419555664 + ], + [ + "\u2581tuviste", + -12.256942749023438 + ], + [ + "\u2581colonias", + -12.549388885498047 + ], + [ + "\u2581originate", + -12.393119812011719 + ], + [ + "\u2581reembolsar", + -12.575867652893066 + ], + [ + "\u2581Strategies", + -12.316588401794434 + ], + [ + "\u2581fronterizo", + -12.425597190856934 + ], + [ + "\u25817%", + -12.513431549072266 + ], + [ + "\u2581screaming", + -12.484049797058105 + ], + [ + "\u2581tocando", + -12.40946102142334 + ], + [ + "iles", + -12.368839263916016 + ], + [ + "\u2581shocks", + -12.373757362365723 + ], + [ + "c\u00e9ntrica", + -12.489809036254883 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sim\u00f3n", + -12.45963191986084 + ], + [ + "\u2581besa", + -12.232351303100586 + ], + [ + "\u2581celebridades", + -12.47121810913086 + ], + [ + "\u2581toc\u00f3", + -12.407173156738281 + ], + [ + "\u2581GNV", + -12.513893127441406 + ], + [ + "\u2581ascendencia", + -12.554841041564941 + ], + [ + "\u2581escucho", + -12.336828231811523 + ], + [ + "\u2581identities", + -12.408522605895996 + ], + [ + "\u2581pedestrian", + -12.351517677307129 + ], + [ + "\u2581reformed", + -12.402985572814941 + ], + [ + "\u2581mango", + -12.44131088256836 + ], + [ + "\u2581tray", + -12.386528015136719 + ], + [ + "\u2581disidente", + -12.532020568847656 + ], + [ + "\u2581jumped", + -12.466940879821777 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mana", + -12.533651351928711 + ], + [ + "\u2581Permite", + -12.521727561950684 + ], + [ + "\u2581Descolonizaci\u00f3n", + -12.458980560302734 + ], + [ + "Sud\u00e1frica", + -12.442536354064941 + ], + [ + "\u2581afiliaci\u00f3n", + -12.535951614379883 + ], + [ + "\u2581educators", + -12.381338119506836 + ], + [ + "\u2581tallas", + -12.558392524719238 + ], + [ + "\u2581slots", + -12.43358039855957 + ], + [ + "\u2581jornadas", + -12.471263885498047 + ], + [ + "\u2581protesters", + -12.430678367614746 + ], + [ + "\u2581robots", + -12.42305850982666 + ], + [ + "\u2581Colom", + -13.127571105957031 + ], + [ + "\u2581polls", + -12.44205379486084 + ], + [ + "duced", + -12.374387741088867 + ], + [ + "\u2581AOD", + -12.46273422241211 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ortiz", + -13.061003684997559 + ], + [ + "\u2581descargarlo", + -12.457025527954102 + ], + [ + "\u2581fortalecido", + -12.465070724487305 + ], + [ + "\u2581alemanas", + -12.496780395507812 + ], + [ + "\u2581Josu\u00e9", + -12.498615264892578 + ], + [ + "\u2581Poblacion", + -12.423248291015625 + ], + [ + "fig", + -12.531156539916992 + ], + [ + "laga", + -12.43298625946045 + ], + [ + "\u2581cent\u00edmetros", + -12.457767486572266 + ], + [ + "\u2581brotes", + -12.465041160583496 + ], + [ + "\u2581shipped", + -12.430068969726562 + ], + [ + "\u2581acusar", + -12.458795547485352 + ], + [ + "gui\u00f3", + -12.414284706115723 + ], + [ + "\u2581RIGHT", + -12.479068756103516 + ], + [ + "\u2581hom\u00f3logos", + -12.437358856201172 + ], + [ + "NDICE", + -12.499695777893066 + ], + [ + "\u2581sucesivas", + -12.472428321838379 + ], + [ + "\u2581weakened", + -12.360092163085938 + ], + [ + "\u25ba", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dolor", + -12.509410858154297 + ], + [ + "\u2581especificidad", + -12.52291202545166 + ], + [ + "\u2581performs", + -12.519808769226074 + ], + [ + "\u2581appreciates", + -12.468413352966309 + ], + [ + "OSE", + -12.520790100097656 + ], + [ + "sai", + -12.541423797607422 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lev", + -12.272222518920898 + ], + [ + "\u2581atrapados", + -12.444243431091309 + ], + [ + "\u2581baseball", + -12.476264953613281 + ], + [ + "\u2581minoristas", + -12.43687915802002 + ], + [ + "cuenta", + -12.804553031921387 + ], + [ + "insta", + -12.575307846069336 + ], + [ + "nina", + -12.467573165893555 + ], + [ + "\u2581elaboradas", + -12.461507797241211 + ], + [ + "\u2581proyectado", + -12.482464790344238 + ], + [ + "\u2581corporaciones", + -12.507497787475586 + ], + [ + "\u2581macroecon\u00f3mico", + -12.462634086608887 + ], + [ + "\u2581reorganization", + -12.315713882446289 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bolivarian", + -12.371965408325195 + ], + [ + "\u2581G\u00e9nesis", + -12.47477912902832 + ], + [ + "\u2581lujoso", + -12.506381034851074 + ], + [ + "\u2581ibis", + -13.0721435546875 + ], + [ + "pula", + -12.597954750061035 + ], + [ + "\u2581teens", + -12.430288314819336 + ], + [ + "\u2581UNOCI", + -12.42751693725586 + ], + [ + "\u25811,0", + -12.448151588439941 + ], + [ + "\u2581reckon", + -12.40964126586914 + ], + [ + "trophy", + -12.367271423339844 + ], + [ + "\u2581adviser", + -12.34992504119873 + ], + [ + "\u2581ranked", + -12.426210403442383 + ], + [ + "\u2581valientes", + -12.544483184814453 + ], + [ + "\u2581imita", + -12.412086486816406 + ], + [ + "\u2581delincuente", + -12.417314529418945 + ], + [ + "\u2581inhibidores", + -12.41684627532959 + ], + [ + "\u2581lanzada", + -12.560942649841309 + ], + [ + "scribirse", + -12.528120994567871 + ], + [ + "15)", + -12.309343338012695 + ], + [ + "\u2581agarrar", + -12.452316284179688 + ], + [ + "\u2581corridor", + -12.43856430053711 + ], + [ + "\u2581estimadas", + -12.50833511352539 + ], + [ + "\u2581ONUCI", + -12.537501335144043 + ], + [ + "\u2581consultancy", + -12.399744033813477 + ], + [ + "\u2581cr\u00e1neo", + -12.400036811828613 + ], + [ + "\u2581contrasta", + -12.602446556091309 + ], + [ + "j\u00f3n", + -12.464086532592773 + ], + [ + "\u2581Instalaci\u00f3n", + -12.4873628616333 + ], + [ + "\u2581temen", + -12.48157024383545 + ], + [ + "\u2581immunization", + -12.400803565979004 + ], + [ + "\u2581summarize", + -12.34514045715332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Photoshop", + -13.133843421936035 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ol\u00edmpicos", + -12.57373332977295 + ], + [ + "\u2581depuraci\u00f3n", + -12.557209968566895 + ], + [ + "ceda", + -12.623101234436035 + ], + [ + "\u2581pasiva", + -12.455519676208496 + ], + [ + "otros", + -12.78020191192627 + ], + [ + "\u2581obesidad", + -12.450517654418945 + ], + [ + "\u2581radicalmente", + -12.538677215576172 + ], + [ + "\u2581haul", + -12.4349365234375 + ], + [ + "\u2581infla", + -12.470038414001465 + ], + [ + "\u2581affirm", + -12.266695022583008 + ], + [ + "\u2581aut\u00f3nomas", + -12.539924621582031 + ], + [ + "\u2581selectivo", + -12.493598937988281 + ], + [ + "\u2581traspasa", + -12.487561225891113 + ], + [ + "THE", + -12.375267028808594 + ], + [ + "rmo", + -12.347071647644043 + ], + [ + "\u2581interesan", + -12.40865421295166 + ], + [ + "\u2581roba", + -12.440184593200684 + ], + [ + "AVI", + -12.7652587890625 + ], + [ + "\u2581ESA", + -12.32366943359375 + ], + [ + "\u2581modesto", + -12.558516502380371 + ], + [ + "wit", + -12.55836009979248 + ], + [ + "\u2581Medjugorje", + -12.927868843078613 + ], + [ + "\u2581ca\u00f1\u00f3n", + -12.387521743774414 + ], + [ + "\u2581chew", + -12.454632759094238 + ], + [ + "\u2581ofrecieron", + -12.452927589416504 + ], + [ + "\u2581OWI", + -12.326991081237793 + ], + [ + "\u2581mediator", + -12.39013957977295 + ], + [ + "\u2581Abdullah", + -13.031693458557129 + ], + [ + "\u2581ministra", + -12.530843734741211 + ], + [ + "\u2581scans", + -12.363204002380371 + ], + [ + "\u2581CERD", + -12.39522933959961 + ], + [ + "\u2581endemic", + -12.402179718017578 + ], + [ + "void", + -12.58259105682373 + ], + [ + "\u2581Partnerships", + -12.39114761352539 + ], + [ + "\u2581poured", + -12.459805488586426 + ], + [ + "edge", + -12.40758991241455 + ], + [ + "\u2581Estates", + -12.408329010009766 + ], + [ + "gastrointestinal", + -12.793609619140625 + ], + [ + "\u2581franc", + -12.639244079589844 + ], + [ + "\u2581Buda", + -12.462048530578613 + ], + [ + "\u2581Players", + -12.38166332244873 + ], + [ + "\u2581motel", + -13.065718650817871 + ], + [ + "Represalias", + -12.397748947143555 + ], + [ + "\u2581inhibitors", + -12.370059967041016 + ], + [ + "\u2581repetition", + -12.391083717346191 + ], + [ + "\u2581ecol\u00f3gicamente", + -12.455418586730957 + ], + [ + "\u2581flew", + -12.44743824005127 + ], + [ + "reciendo", + -12.900474548339844 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jefa", + -12.39697551727295 + ], + [ + "\u2581Operating", + -12.407532691955566 + ], + [ + "\u2581ambientalmente", + -12.53819751739502 + ], + [ + "\u2581sentados", + -12.383875846862793 + ], + [ + "\u2581sometime", + -12.547813415527344 + ], + [ + "\u2581adapte", + -12.48982048034668 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00c9sa", + -12.213478088378906 + ], + [ + "\u2581fingerprint", + -12.435468673706055 + ], + [ + "\u2581maduro", + -12.430255889892578 + ], + [ + "ologies", + -12.660420417785645 + ], + [ + "\u2581acerque", + -12.375398635864258 + ], + [ + "\u2581matricula", + -12.43071460723877 + ], + [ + "\u2581telephones", + -12.516450881958008 + ], + [ + "lei", + -12.433296203613281 + ], + [ + "\u2581Materia", + -12.492476463317871 + ], + [ + "\u2581refleje", + -12.483661651611328 + ], + [ + "\u2581cellular", + -12.366814613342285 + ], + [ + "\u2581solitary", + -12.404104232788086 + ], + [ + "Centro", + -12.572036743164062 + ], + [ + "\u2581inmediaciones", + -12.516460418701172 + ], + [ + "\u2581tide", + -12.446359634399414 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuadrada", + -12.520862579345703 + ], + [ + "\u2581neutralidad", + -12.503886222839355 + ], + [ + "\u2581prisionero", + -12.388275146484375 + ], + [ + "\u2581liberales", + -12.412965774536133 + ], + [ + "PAL", + -12.588586807250977 + ], + [ + "\u2581dossier", + -12.368396759033203 + ], + [ + "\u2581encontraremos", + -12.364013671875 + ], + [ + "\u2581portador", + -12.537641525268555 + ], + [ + "\u2581Desea", + -12.462864875793457 + ], + [ + "\u2581D\u00e9jalo", + -12.256929397583008 + ], + [ + "\u2581volatile", + -12.382305145263672 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nile", + -12.453709602355957 + ], + [ + "\u2581cosmic", + -12.50367259979248 + ], + [ + "fenil", + -12.558029174804688 + ], + [ + "\u2581Funding", + -12.434795379638672 + ], + [ + "\u2581adivinar", + -12.330012321472168 + ], + [ + "\u2581pasara", + -12.318411827087402 + ], + [ + "\u2581entrenado", + -12.374472618103027 + ], + [ + "\u2581modific\u00f3", + -12.504961967468262 + ], + [ + "\u25811.15", + -12.345120429992676 + ], + [ + "\u2581picturesque", + -12.414436340332031 + ], + [ + "istica", + -12.996773719787598 + ], + [ + "\u2581supervivientes", + -12.498936653137207 + ], + [ + "\u2581impregna", + -12.476127624511719 + ], + [ + "\u2581abortos", + -12.446876525878906 + ], + [ + "formed", + -12.343123435974121 + ], + [ + "\u2581Stuttgart", + -13.163885116577148 + ], + [ + "\u2581a\u00f1aden", + -12.46471881866455 + ], + [ + "angio", + -12.782458305358887 + ], + [ + "\u2581alojar", + -12.393048286437988 + ], + [ + "hear", + -12.801907539367676 + ], + [ + "\u2581inflicted", + -12.34610366821289 + ], + [ + "\u2581terrain", + -12.386638641357422 + ], + [ + "quillo", + -12.394328117370605 + ], + [ + "\u2581journals", + -12.357915878295898 + ], + [ + "\u2581Decolonization", + -12.322664260864258 + ], + [ + "\u2581cotizaci\u00f3n", + -12.481679916381836 + ], + [ + "\u2581abort", + -13.077442169189453 + ], + [ + "\u2581fig", + -12.368250846862793 + ], + [ + "\u2581booth", + -12.455607414245605 + ], + [ + "\u2581generator", + -12.380173683166504 + ], + [ + "closed", + -12.412887573242188 + ], + [ + "depleting", + -12.393147468566895 + ], + [ + "\u2581Methods", + -12.400418281555176 + ], + [ + "\u2581OUA", + -12.515533447265625 + ], + [ + "\u2581intolerable", + -13.048333168029785 + ], + [ + "\u2581photographic", + -12.353204727172852 + ], + [ + "\u258110.30", + -13.04142951965332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Monument", + -12.432040214538574 + ], + [ + "\u2581extracted", + -12.34473705291748 + ], + [ + "\u2581utilizamos", + -12.519967079162598 + ], + [ + "\u2581alcanzaron", + -12.492096900939941 + ], + [ + "\u2581constituir\u00eda", + -12.454727172851562 + ], + [ + "abo", + -12.190801620483398 + ], + [ + "osse", + -12.726410865783691 + ], + [ + "\u2581mochila", + -12.397750854492188 + ], + [ + "\u2581corteza", + -12.458574295043945 + ], + [ + "\u2581practicing", + -12.456122398376465 + ], + [ + "\u2581Abyei", + -13.154508590698242 + ], + [ + "cchi", + -12.44828987121582 + ], + [ + "\u2581aprend\u00ed", + -12.388653755187988 + ], + [ + "\u25816%", + -12.550771713256836 + ], + [ + "\u2581siege", + -12.41631031036377 + ], + [ + "\u2581Problems", + -12.381706237792969 + ], + [ + "\u2581tratada", + -12.466774940490723 + ], + [ + "emon", + -12.589568138122559 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kingston", + -12.968460083007812 + ], + [ + "\u2581Menores", + -12.527325630187988 + ], + [ + "\u2581delictivos", + -12.527095794677734 + ], + [ + "\u2581traficantes", + -12.507415771484375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Particular", + -12.351019859313965 + ], + [ + "\u2581endorses", + -12.344672203063965 + ], + [ + "activ", + -12.440521240234375 + ], + [ + "\u2581intensiva", + -12.446910858154297 + ], + [ + "\u2581shaping", + -12.35361099243164 + ], + [ + "still", + -12.40396785736084 + ], + [ + "tara", + -12.591643333435059 + ], + [ + "\u2581Football", + -12.46342658996582 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tr\u00e1", + -12.623684883117676 + ], + [ + "\u2581reunificaci\u00f3n", + -12.51774787902832 + ], + [ + "bility", + -12.307476997375488 + ], + [ + "\u2581Silicon", + -12.944768905639648 + ], + [ + "\u2581imp\u00edo", + -12.528141975402832 + ], + [ + "\u2581quer\u00edamos", + -12.355940818786621 + ], + [ + "\u2581Flickr", + -13.03581714630127 + ], + [ + "\u2581disturbed", + -12.370229721069336 + ], + [ + "\u2581solicitaron", + -12.550559997558594 + ], + [ + "\u2581talented", + -12.481122970581055 + ], + [ + "\u2581contempt", + -12.40631103515625 + ], + [ + "\u2581strangers", + -12.491445541381836 + ], + [ + "Table", + -12.37204360961914 + ], + [ + "\u2581Output", + -12.383469581604004 + ], + [ + "tty", + -12.373099327087402 + ], + [ + "\u2581ejercida", + -12.497164726257324 + ], + [ + "\u2581planteaba", + -12.698957443237305 + ], + [ + "\u2581forzosa", + -12.467522621154785 + ], + [ + "\u2581signatura", + -12.491067886352539 + ], + [ + "\u2581Instrumentos", + -12.541984558105469 + ], + [ + "\u2581Delegado", + -12.418533325195312 + ], + [ + "\u2581SR", + -12.353253364562988 + ], + [ + "\u2581enclosure", + -12.433173179626465 + ], + [ + "\u2581estigma", + -12.529427528381348 + ], + [ + "\u2581satisfecha", + -12.474893569946289 + ], + [ + "\u2581Monroe", + -13.133481979370117 + ], + [ + "\u2581Par\u00e1", + -12.442228317260742 + ], + [ + "disciplinario", + -12.26131820678711 + ], + [ + "\u2581egipcios", + -12.546416282653809 + ], + [ + "\u2581trozo", + -12.396556854248047 + ], + [ + "\u2581STR", + -12.48549747467041 + ], + [ + "\u2581distort", + -12.247221946716309 + ], + [ + "\u2581preached", + -12.401436805725098 + ], + [ + "\u2581kil\u00f3metro", + -12.490625381469727 + ], + [ + "\u2581Magdalena", + -12.943047523498535 + ], + [ + "sobe", + -12.65361213684082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bel\u00e9n", + -12.45662784576416 + ], + [ + "\u2581abundantes", + -12.549949645996094 + ], + [ + "\u2581rewards", + -12.371633529663086 + ], + [ + "seguridad", + -12.539417266845703 + ], + [ + "LING", + -12.48836612701416 + ], + [ + "\u2581refrigerador", + -12.458239555358887 + ], + [ + "\u2581aplazamiento", + -12.563876152038574 + ], + [ + "\u2581unwanted", + -12.394235610961914 + ], + [ + "\u2581graduados", + -12.46925163269043 + ], + [ + "\u2581tended", + -12.417439460754395 + ], + [ + "\u2581patents", + -12.339598655700684 + ], + [ + "pol\u00edtica", + -12.504897117614746 + ], + [ + "\u2581Laboral", + -12.616633415222168 + ], + [ + "\u2581creator", + -12.407124519348145 + ], + [ + "\u2581lastimar", + -12.271393775939941 + ], + [ + "\u2581provocan", + -12.477808952331543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Redacci\u00f3n", + -12.542593955993652 + ], + [ + "\u2581amorosa", + -12.422728538513184 + ], + [ + "\u2581irland\u00e9s", + -12.429291725158691 + ], + [ + "encing", + -12.663228988647461 + ], + [ + "Out", + -12.42721176147461 + ], + [ + "\u2581estallar", + -12.415830612182617 + ], + [ + "LINE", + -12.473061561584473 + ], + [ + "\u2581Estonian", + -12.373964309692383 + ], + [ + "\u2581adhesivas", + -12.740351676940918 + ], + [ + "crib", + -12.843744277954102 + ], + [ + "\u2581Portland", + -13.123074531555176 + ], + [ + "\u2581cushion", + -12.315579414367676 + ], + [ + "ades", + -12.448650360107422 + ], + [ + "\u2581(1973)", + -13.005205154418945 + ], + [ + "\u2581Significant", + -12.374786376953125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fresh", + -12.43665599822998 + ], + [ + "\u2581Collective", + -12.353046417236328 + ], + [ + "\u2581anal\u00edtico", + -12.521565437316895 + ], + [ + "\u2581Greenland", + -12.359298706054688 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aduanas", + -12.460195541381836 + ], + [ + "\u2581trucos", + -12.351526260375977 + ], + [ + "\u2581paramilitary", + -12.34428882598877 + ], + [ + "defence", + -12.370902061462402 + ], + [ + "\u2581edited", + -12.350371360778809 + ], + [ + "\u2581mafia", + -12.7816162109375 + ], + [ + "\u2581pedir\u00e1", + -12.404285430908203 + ], + [ + "\u2581v\u00f3mitos", + -12.504613876342773 + ], + [ + "Report", + -12.335213661193848 + ], + [ + "\u2581phased", + -12.382431030273438 + ], + [ + "\u2581sexuality", + -12.45221996307373 + ], + [ + "OLD", + -12.719888687133789 + ], + [ + "\u2581privately", + -12.397740364074707 + ], + [ + "5-6", + -13.21998405456543 + ], + [ + "\u2581erupci\u00f3n", + -12.504295349121094 + ], + [ + "bate", + -12.73171615600586 + ], + [ + "evaluaci\u00f3n", + -12.49984359741211 + ], + [ + "\u2581dispersi\u00f3n", + -12.515175819396973 + ], + [ + "\u2581practiced", + -12.464393615722656 + ], + [ + "\u2581har\u00edan", + -12.36884880065918 + ], + [ + "because", + -12.391640663146973 + ], + [ + "\u2581fecundidad", + -12.494831085205078 + ], + [ + "ICS", + -12.526651382446289 + ], + [ + "udos", + -12.516597747802734 + ], + [ + "sound", + -12.454973220825195 + ], + [ + "\u2581Antoine", + -13.042057037353516 + ], + [ + "\u2581ri\u00f1\u00f3n", + -12.498614311218262 + ], + [ + "\u2581antique", + -12.470903396606445 + ], + [ + "\u2581apoyaron", + -12.497772216796875 + ], + [ + "\u2581coercive", + -12.371581077575684 + ], + [ + "\u2581deforestation", + -12.319621086120605 + ], + [ + "\u2581divulga", + -12.406390190124512 + ], + [ + "hak", + -12.673205375671387 + ], + [ + "\u2581diversa", + -12.501119613647461 + ], + [ + "\u2581llenado", + -12.494637489318848 + ], + [ + "\u2581explique", + -12.37182903289795 + ], + [ + "\u2581manipular", + -12.514994621276855 + ], + [ + "\u2581mejorar\u00e1", + -12.567168235778809 + ], + [ + "60,000", + -12.390562057495117 + ], + [ + "izable", + -13.042577743530273 + ], + [ + "\u2581humility", + -12.428647994995117 + ], + [ + "yi", + -12.362853050231934 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ceramic", + -12.349431991577148 + ], + [ + "\u2581eventuales", + -12.47028923034668 + ], + [ + "\u2581cumpliera", + -12.510929107666016 + ], + [ + "\u2581invalidez", + -12.52291202545166 + ], + [ + "\u2581suavemente", + -12.455179214477539 + ], + [ + "\u2581Invertir", + -12.533419609069824 + ], + [ + "\u2581hopefully", + -12.348003387451172 + ], + [ + "9,99", + -12.9840726852417 + ], + [ + "\u2581apaga", + -12.272488594055176 + ], + [ + "\u2581Naples", + -12.4286470413208 + ], + [ + "\u2581nacida", + -12.505473136901855 + ], + [ + "\u2581relajar", + -12.519062042236328 + ], + [ + "Ob", + -12.45966911315918 + ], + [ + "\u2581V\u00e9anse", + -12.515175819396973 + ], + [ + "\u2581asesor\u00eda", + -12.496114730834961 + ], + [ + "\u2581riches", + -12.427498817443848 + ], + [ + "1982", + -13.111444473266602 + ], + [ + "n\u00famero", + -12.4509859085083 + ], + [ + "\u2581Molina", + -13.080573081970215 + ], + [ + "\u2581curvas", + -12.468300819396973 + ], + [ + "\u2581sonora", + -12.517682075500488 + ], + [ + "\u2581grouped", + -12.452677726745605 + ], + [ + "\u2581dietary", + -12.394512176513672 + ], + [ + "dose", + -12.331888198852539 + ], + [ + "\u2581$20", + -12.49659252166748 + ], + [ + "\u2581colored", + -12.397263526916504 + ], + [ + "\u2581smash", + -12.46783447265625 + ], + [ + "t\u00edsima", + -12.516301155090332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Chester", + -13.064860343933105 + ], + [ + "\u2581beneficiosa", + -12.652294158935547 + ], + [ + "\u2581prosecutions", + -12.470271110534668 + ], + [ + "*:", + -12.499258041381836 + ], + [ + "\u2581Concern", + -12.370001792907715 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cubans", + -12.509546279907227 + ], + [ + "rriendo", + -12.551823616027832 + ], + [ + "\u2581prematuro", + -12.476127624511719 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fucking", + -12.55414867401123 + ], + [ + "\u2581Republica", + -12.502532958984375 + ], + [ + "\u2581duplicado", + -12.468811988830566 + ], + [ + "without", + -12.34170150756836 + ], + [ + "\u2581transmisibles", + -12.508773803710938 + ], + [ + "cediendo", + -12.459589004516602 + ], + [ + "\u2581Manten", + -12.375259399414062 + ], + [ + "\u2581Problem", + -12.423646926879883 + ], + [ + "\u2581fortress", + -12.42542839050293 + ], + [ + "\u2581inclinaci\u00f3n", + -12.428616523742676 + ], + [ + "\u2581fertilizer", + -12.37210750579834 + ], + [ + "rgo", + -12.536932945251465 + ], + [ + "\u2581obligatory", + -12.333904266357422 + ], + [ + "Spanish", + -12.3601713180542 + ], + [ + "\u2581performer", + -12.420727729797363 + ], + [ + "abor", + -12.556851387023926 + ], + [ + "price", + -12.410992622375488 + ], + [ + "\u2581costera", + -12.4483642578125 + ], + [ + "\u2581peacefully", + -12.341031074523926 + ], + [ + "\u2581qu\u00e9date", + -12.223257064819336 + ], + [ + "Dos", + -12.388326644897461 + ], + [ + "zole", + -12.709454536437988 + ], + [ + "\u2581Contabilidad", + -12.58739948272705 + ], + [ + "\u2581mueven", + -12.55584716796875 + ], + [ + "\u2581obedec", + -12.50149917602539 + ], + [ + "\u2581reconoc\u00eda", + -12.502358436584473 + ], + [ + "rity", + -12.430475234985352 + ], + [ + "\u00e1ceo", + -13.142281532287598 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alonso", + -13.173356056213379 + ], + [ + "\u2581Esperanza", + -12.807398796081543 + ], + [ + "\u2581colocada", + -12.58246898651123 + ], + [ + "oficina", + -12.514845848083496 + ], + [ + "\u2581headings", + -12.378242492675781 + ], + [ + "\u2581Berth", + -12.466361045837402 + ], + [ + "\u2581telescope", + -12.463117599487305 + ], + [ + "\u2581Disponibilidad", + -12.56386947631836 + ], + [ + "\u2581arisen", + -12.405604362487793 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuchara", + -12.859671592712402 + ], + [ + "Evangeli", + -13.420893669128418 + ], + [ + "\u2581neonatal", + -13.159208297729492 + ], + [ + "\u2581percibido", + -12.48730754852295 + ], + [ + "\u2581procedi\u00f3", + -12.506553649902344 + ], + [ + "\u2581speculation", + -12.383400917053223 + ], + [ + "\u2581accuse", + -12.450475692749023 + ], + [ + "chal", + -12.425175666809082 + ], + [ + "Marie", + -13.075888633728027 + ], + [ + "peta", + -12.629645347595215 + ], + [ + "ayuda", + -12.461729049682617 + ], + [ + "\u2581gritos", + -12.401873588562012 + ], + [ + "\u2581Contiene", + -12.542637825012207 + ], + [ + "\u2581disc\u00edpulo", + -12.52025318145752 + ], + [ + "security", + -12.329160690307617 + ], + [ + "\u2581sirios", + -12.538033485412598 + ], + [ + "azo", + -12.465482711791992 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mate", + -12.515652656555176 + ], + [ + "meta", + -12.503103256225586 + ], + [ + "\u2581dealers", + -12.458852767944336 + ], + [ + "\u2581graffiti", + -12.82707691192627 + ], + [ + "\u2581cups", + -12.454317092895508 + ], + [ + "\u2581interrogar", + -12.479281425476074 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ton", + -12.502849578857422 + ], + [ + "\u2581proclamation", + -12.344225883483887 + ], + [ + "\u2581disparado", + -12.38014030456543 + ], + [ + "\u2581consultivas", + -12.453092575073242 + ], + [ + "\u2581oct", + -12.714141845703125 + ], + [ + "junto", + -12.825324058532715 + ], + [ + "\u2581brunette", + -12.40852165222168 + ], + [ + "\u2581vacante", + -12.48579216003418 + ], + [ + "\u2581afganos", + -12.536680221557617 + ], + [ + "\u2581deliveries", + -12.393563270568848 + ], + [ + "\u2581rays", + -12.418967247009277 + ], + [ + "\u2581segregaci\u00f3n", + -12.568480491638184 + ], + [ + "\u2581interpreters", + -12.4175443649292 + ], + [ + "\u2581legisladores", + -12.516090393066406 + ], + [ + "mitted", + -12.69559097290039 + ], + [ + "\u2581africanas", + -12.509848594665527 + ], + [ + "\u2581revealing", + -12.38649845123291 + ], + [ + "\u2581Municipio", + -12.578815460205078 + ], + [ + "\u2581admiten", + -12.438446998596191 + ], + [ + "9),", + -12.443746566772461 + ], + [ + "curri\u00f3", + -12.512006759643555 + ], + [ + "\u25812011/12", + -13.147736549377441 + ], + [ + "\u2581Flo", + -12.402442932128906 + ], + [ + "\u2581goin", + -12.700407028198242 + ], + [ + "ione", + -12.518919944763184 + ], + [ + "\u2581ampli\u00f3", + -12.477375984191895 + ], + [ + "\u2581detriment", + -12.358494758605957 + ], + [ + "27)", + -12.544332504272461 + ], + [ + "bulo", + -12.7827730178833 + ], + [ + "\u2581commissioner", + -12.465071678161621 + ], + [ + "\u2581innocence", + -12.37585735321045 + ], + [ + "\u2581Shoot", + -12.566303253173828 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tamar", + -13.191896438598633 + ], + [ + "\u2581mentioning", + -12.4162015914917 + ], + [ + "\u2581atomic", + -12.443025588989258 + ], + [ + "\u2581fertilidad", + -12.463850021362305 + ], + [ + "/2014/", + -13.232486724853516 + ], + [ + "\u2581plagas", + -12.569473266601562 + ], + [ + "An\u00fanciate", + -12.592598915100098 + ], + [ + "\u2581catorce", + -12.49735164642334 + ], + [ + "\u2581substitution", + -12.375947952270508 + ], + [ + "\u2581dedicarse", + -12.485273361206055 + ], + [ + "sessional", + -12.33850383758545 + ], + [ + "\u2581Adoptar", + -12.61324405670166 + ], + [ + "\u2581aprobar\u00e1", + -12.521257400512695 + ], + [ + "\u2581grandioso", + -12.330399513244629 + ], + [ + "ganos", + -12.629935264587402 + ], + [ + "\u2581merchandise", + -12.432039260864258 + ], + [ + "odi", + -12.220161437988281 + ], + [ + "\u2581aduaneros", + -12.47057056427002 + ], + [ + "\u2581t\u00f3xica", + -12.524208068847656 + ], + [ + "\u00edfera", + -13.412140846252441 + ], + [ + "\u2581Magistrado", + -12.474892616271973 + ], + [ + "\u2581clarifica", + -12.524526596069336 + ], + [ + "\u2581horizontales", + -12.584343910217285 + ], + [ + "i\u00e9ndonos", + -12.513230323791504 + ], + [ + "\u2581wallet", + -12.501712799072266 + ], + [ + "\u2581keywords", + -12.381057739257812 + ], + [ + "\u2581refuses", + -12.449548721313477 + ], + [ + "VD", + -12.467002868652344 + ], + [ + "\u2581Default", + -12.520859718322754 + ], + [ + "\u2581Unidades", + -12.582138061523438 + ], + [ + "\u2581V\u00eddeo", + -12.51374340057373 + ], + [ + "pat\u00eda", + -12.394441604614258 + ], + [ + "\u2581honored", + -12.478792190551758 + ], + [ + "\u2581impart", + -12.427013397216797 + ], + [ + "\u2581missionaries", + -12.42344856262207 + ], + [ + "Texto", + -12.465317726135254 + ], + [ + "tala", + -12.396346092224121 + ], + [ + "\u2581correspondent", + -12.338281631469727 + ], + [ + "m\u00e1x", + -12.580390930175781 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pending", + -12.354283332824707 + ], + [ + "\u2581Remote", + -12.382646560668945 + ], + [ + "ctar", + -12.794219017028809 + ], + [ + "\u2581Transit", + -12.370731353759766 + ], + [ + "\u2581amino", + -12.332867622375488 + ], + [ + "judicial", + -12.9179105758667 + ], + [ + "\u2581armoniza", + -12.431303977966309 + ], + [ + "\u2581reluctant", + -12.374786376953125 + ], + [ + "\u2581escolta", + -12.46765422821045 + ], + [ + "\u2581bromide", + -12.3986177444458 + ], + [ + "\u2581intuitive", + -12.30555248260498 + ], + [ + "\u2581quietly", + -12.506752014160156 + ], + [ + "\u2581daban", + -12.437495231628418 + ], + [ + "2/2004", + -13.004297256469727 + ], + [ + "\u2581Compromiso", + -12.48730754852295 + ], + [ + "\u2581encabezada", + -12.548005104064941 + ], + [ + "\u2581antenna", + -12.36733627319336 + ], + [ + "\u2581biomasa", + -12.469969749450684 + ], + [ + "\u2581seriedad", + -12.525994300842285 + ], + [ + "\u2581INS", + -12.74079704284668 + ], + [ + "\u2581Person", + -12.442687034606934 + ], + [ + "\u2581cellar", + -12.419442176818848 + ], + [ + "SERV", + -13.138521194458008 + ], + [ + "examin", + -12.545524597167969 + ], + [ + "arme", + -12.203470230102539 + ], + [ + "ench", + -12.5569429397583 + ], + [ + "\u258165%", + -13.012807846069336 + ], + [ + "\u2581endangered", + -12.402355194091797 + ], + [ + "\u2581oasis", + -13.117033004760742 + ], + [ + "\u2581debated", + -12.418622970581055 + ], + [ + "\u2581Parec\u00eda", + -12.37072467803955 + ], + [ + "\u2581immunities", + -12.304545402526855 + ], + [ + "\u2581Andre", + -12.464571952819824 + ], + [ + "\u2581inward", + -12.394655227661133 + ], + [ + "\u2581sangu\u00edneo", + -12.499567985534668 + ], + [ + "\u2581Puebla", + -13.02756118774414 + ], + [ + "\u2581dire", + -12.39583969116211 + ], + [ + "\u2581cautious", + -12.384464263916016 + ], + [ + "\u2581incursiones", + -12.515175819396973 + ], + [ + "\u2581sangrado", + -12.461603164672852 + ], + [ + "\u2581v\u00e1lvulas", + -12.512094497680664 + ], + [ + "\u2581waterway", + -12.386683464050293 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vd", + -12.282254219055176 + ], + [ + "\u2581arbitr", + -12.915472030639648 + ], + [ + "\u2581improper", + -12.364142417907715 + ], + [ + "\u2581n\u00e1useas", + -12.42396354675293 + ], + [ + "\u2581Memorial", + -12.464471817016602 + ], + [ + "\u2581ventilation", + -12.459610939025879 + ], + [ + "\u2581inaugurated", + -12.395367622375488 + ], + [ + "ICI", + -12.664283752441406 + ], + [ + "\u2581demandantes", + -12.521137237548828 + ], + [ + "\u2581rolls", + -12.446239471435547 + ], + [ + "\u2581vow", + -12.483237266540527 + ], + [ + "ISTA", + -12.498207092285156 + ], + [ + "\u2581cometi\u00f3", + -12.3552885055542 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuantitativos", + -12.435419082641602 + ], + [ + "\u2581veterinaria", + -12.469969749450684 + ], + [ + "\u2581Peri\u00f3dico", + -12.612220764160156 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aumentar", + -12.56324291229248 + ], + [ + "\u2581enriched", + -12.382485389709473 + ], + [ + "amida", + -12.461267471313477 + ], + [ + "ectrodom\u00e9sticos", + -12.516460418701172 + ], + [ + "USA", + -12.640948295593262 + ], + [ + "\u2581Acciones", + -12.480145454406738 + ], + [ + "\u2581Helena", + -12.387678146362305 + ], + [ + "\u2581Limpia", + -12.462657928466797 + ], + [ + "\u2581experimentan", + -12.512911796569824 + ], + [ + "\u2581Names", + -12.541650772094727 + ], + [ + "j\u00e1", + -12.278360366821289 + ], + [ + "\u2581barrel", + -12.482447624206543 + ], + [ + "\u2581editores", + -12.552301406860352 + ], + [ + "paras", + -12.423185348510742 + ], + [ + "tienen", + -12.506950378417969 + ], + [ + "\u2581Chal", + -12.4970064163208 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fundaci", + -12.419017791748047 + ], + [ + "\u2581aggravated", + -12.4120512008667 + ], + [ + "\u2581decirnos", + -12.337162971496582 + ], + [ + "\u2581Detallada", + -12.511329650878906 + ], + [ + "\u2581diocese", + -12.37692928314209 + ], + [ + "\u2581habitats", + -12.381043434143066 + ], + [ + "OO", + -12.313712120056152 + ], + [ + "\u2581donated", + -12.464118957519531 + ], + [ + "\u2581intercepta", + -12.463902473449707 + ], + [ + "\u2581telescopio", + -12.486083030700684 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cosas", + -12.481443405151367 + ], + [ + "ener", + -12.664185523986816 + ], + [ + "tol\u00f3gica", + -12.571455955505371 + ], + [ + "\u2581Begin", + -12.431110382080078 + ], + [ + "\u2581MD", + -12.339656829833984 + ], + [ + "\u2581Realiza", + -12.542186737060547 + ], + [ + "\u2581denounced", + -12.423337936401367 + ], + [ + "\u2581obtengan", + -12.43431282043457 + ], + [ + "hang", + -12.558037757873535 + ], + [ + "\u2581booklet", + -12.397713661193848 + ], + [ + "\u2581inesperado", + -12.4445161819458 + ], + [ + "\u2581nicarag", + -12.528241157531738 + ], + [ + "\u2581hallaba", + -12.615854263305664 + ], + [ + "\u2581compromised", + -12.382352828979492 + ], + [ + "\u2581enmendado", + -12.553228378295898 + ], + [ + "\u2581rellenar", + -12.489065170288086 + ], + [ + "\u2581Adopt", + -12.377909660339355 + ], + [ + "\u2581erotic", + -12.423041343688965 + ], + [ + "7%)", + -12.703805923461914 + ], + [ + "\u2581differing", + -12.378293991088867 + ], + [ + "\u2581se\u00f1alizaci\u00f3n", + -12.504487037658691 + ], + [ + "\u2581pertenecer", + -12.432562828063965 + ], + [ + "\u2581regrettable", + -12.333962440490723 + ], + [ + "\u2581concederse", + -12.468124389648438 + ], + [ + "\u2581exilio", + -12.525664329528809 + ], + [ + "\u2581plunge", + -12.48327922821045 + ], + [ + "\u2581amnist\u00eda", + -12.543842315673828 + ], + [ + "\u2581h\u00e1bil", + -12.459174156188965 + ], + [ + "traves", + -12.787833213806152 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ow", + -12.6367826461792 + ], + [ + "\u2581violentas", + -12.552044868469238 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ethernet", + -13.08248519897461 + ], + [ + "\u2581empaque", + -12.494866371154785 + ], + [ + "\u2581iran\u00edes", + -12.565407752990723 + ], + [ + "\u2581expreso", + -12.49988079071045 + ], + [ + "\u2581permitida", + -12.530993461608887 + ], + [ + "\u2581slope", + -12.396647453308105 + ], + [ + "\u2581holand\u00e9s", + -12.484830856323242 + ], + [ + "\u2581muertas", + -12.4713773727417 + ], + [ + "\u2581tarta", + -12.327096939086914 + ], + [ + "\u2581asambleas", + -12.563148498535156 + ], + [ + "\u2581corresponsal", + -12.561310768127441 + ], + [ + "\u2581Symbol", + -12.38821792602539 + ], + [ + "\u2581dip", + -12.466721534729004 + ], + [ + "OUND", + -12.613563537597656 + ], + [ + "\u2581Witness", + -12.415929794311523 + ], + [ + "\u2581frustraci\u00f3n", + -12.444894790649414 + ], + [ + "\u2581Omni", + -13.128772735595703 + ], + [ + "\u2581dise\u00f1a", + -12.434064865112305 + ], + [ + "\u2581facil", + -12.424210548400879 + ], + [ + "\u2581orejas", + -12.38371753692627 + ], + [ + "\u2581regulates", + -12.4024019241333 + ], + [ + "wai", + -12.522077560424805 + ], + [ + "\u2581conquest", + -12.43553352355957 + ], + [ + "omer", + -12.456206321716309 + ], + [ + "\u2581checo", + -12.47879695892334 + ], + [ + "\u2581defensive", + -12.364142417907715 + ], + [ + "\u2581vibration", + -12.395547866821289 + ], + [ + "\u2581unclean", + -12.403457641601562 + ], + [ + "\u2581res\u00famenes", + -12.515175819396973 + ], + [ + "language", + -12.374056816101074 + ], + [ + "\u2581orderly", + -12.521004676818848 + ], + [ + "\u2581supposedly", + -12.413837432861328 + ], + [ + "\u2581agilizar", + -12.526041030883789 + ], + [ + "\u2581malicious", + -12.350472450256348 + ], + [ + "December", + -12.356992721557617 + ], + [ + "\u2581Candidatos", + -12.51389217376709 + ], + [ + "\u2581Misa", + -12.55516529083252 + ], + [ + "\u2581francs", + -12.477363586425781 + ], + [ + "poly", + -12.404886245727539 + ], + [ + "\u2581SW", + -12.39725399017334 + ], + [ + "\u2581FARDC", + -13.05675983428955 + ], + [ + "\u2581basal", + -12.798134803771973 + ], + [ + "\u2581liberalisation", + -12.355798721313477 + ], + [ + "\u2581crafts", + -12.477322578430176 + ], + [ + "\u2581tendencies", + -12.357831954956055 + ], + [ + "\u2581spontaneous", + -12.426907539367676 + ], + [ + "\u2581afirmaba", + -12.622782707214355 + ], + [ + "\u2581originated", + -12.458283424377441 + ], + [ + "\u2581Delors", + -13.009461402893066 + ], + [ + "\u2581abono", + -12.50639820098877 + ], + [ + "\u2581perseguido", + -12.486854553222656 + ], + [ + "\u2581remittances", + -12.374005317687988 + ], + [ + "\u2581manten", + -12.452272415161133 + ], + [ + "\u2581potenciaci\u00f3n", + -12.501402854919434 + ], + [ + "888", + -13.07533073425293 + ], + [ + "\u2581turcos", + -12.50827693939209 + ], + [ + "\u2581abogada", + -12.401658058166504 + ], + [ + "\u2581mol", + -12.102730751037598 + ], + [ + "\u2581paralelas", + -12.56454849243164 + ], + [ + "\u2581Importe", + -12.506257057189941 + ], + [ + "\u2581nominations", + -12.399092674255371 + ], + [ + "\u2581Surveillance", + -12.40852165222168 + ], + [ + "\u2581shells", + -12.490065574645996 + ], + [ + "\u2581ubicadas", + -12.582042694091797 + ], + [ + "eph", + -12.718352317810059 + ], + [ + "\u2581sim", + -12.610297203063965 + ], + [ + "\u2581Harper", + -13.021421432495117 + ], + [ + "\u2581obtendr\u00e1s", + -12.551614761352539 + ], + [ + "iu", + -12.518997192382812 + ], + [ + "\u2581animados", + -12.470300674438477 + ], + [ + "\u2581simb\u00f3lico", + -12.519036293029785 + ], + [ + "rise", + -12.39765453338623 + ], + [ + "\u2581tinto", + -12.785140991210938 + ], + [ + "\u2581recomendados", + -12.5354585647583 + ], + [ + "\u2581Testing", + -12.438057899475098 + ], + [ + "/1993/", + -13.006620407104492 + ], + [ + "\u2581Condado", + -12.60593032836914 + ], + [ + "\u2581reciprocal", + -12.356758117675781 + ], + [ + "\u2581Eliminar", + -12.587133407592773 + ], + [ + "\u2581dinamismo", + -12.554472923278809 + ], + [ + "\u2581encantan", + -12.343043327331543 + ], + [ + "\u2581subestima", + -12.427900314331055 + ], + [ + "\u2581comedia", + -12.49278450012207 + ], + [ + "\u2581desplegado", + -12.479301452636719 + ], + [ + "\u2581wore", + -12.46082878112793 + ], + [ + "\u2581HCFC", + -13.052536964416504 + ], + [ + "\u2581circundante", + -12.507502555847168 + ], + [ + "\u2581suplentes", + -12.538640022277832 + ], + [ + "SPAIN", + -12.479321479797363 + ], + [ + "\u2581Caballeros", + -12.321162223815918 + ], + [ + "\u2581amenazan", + -12.393221855163574 + ], + [ + "\u2581Swazilandia", + -12.224126815795898 + ], + [ + "\u2581llego", + -12.340360641479492 + ], + [ + "\u2581possesses", + -12.398847579956055 + ], + [ + "\u2581afianzar", + -12.528647422790527 + ], + [ + "\u2581apportionment", + -12.299605369567871 + ], + [ + "\u2581Brandon", + -13.101435661315918 + ], + [ + "\u2581atra\u00eddo", + -12.522915840148926 + ], + [ + "\u2581cenizas", + -12.45213508605957 + ], + [ + "XXIX", + -13.100278854370117 + ], + [ + "hman", + -12.80941390991211 + ], + [ + "tration", + -12.844086647033691 + ], + [ + "\u2581resemble", + -12.386627197265625 + ], + [ + "\u2581disipa", + -12.492386817932129 + ], + [ + "\u2581extradite", + -12.445743560791016 + ], + [ + "hydro", + -12.614163398742676 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bright", + -12.518560409545898 + ], + [ + "\u2581corromp", + -12.491395950317383 + ], + [ + "\u2581needles", + -12.474567413330078 + ], + [ + "\u2581CONS", + -12.622133255004883 + ], + [ + "\u2581Monumento", + -12.559465408325195 + ], + [ + "\u258130.000", + -12.543966293334961 + ], + [ + "\u2581baggage", + -12.37907600402832 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ridge", + -13.027569770812988 + ], + [ + "\u2581(1990)", + -13.118049621582031 + ], + [ + "\u2581breakthrough", + -12.423089981079102 + ], + [ + "\u2581diminish", + -12.417003631591797 + ], + [ + "\u2581Database", + -12.397561073303223 + ], + [ + "\u2581galleries", + -12.35152530670166 + ], + [ + "\u2581presentaba", + -12.580243110656738 + ], + [ + "Of", + -12.500765800476074 + ], + [ + "\u2581symposium", + -12.332873344421387 + ], + [ + "oscope", + -12.56651496887207 + ], + [ + "\u2581brackets", + -12.415674209594727 + ], + [ + "\u2581drilling", + -12.366314888000488 + ], + [ + "\u2581HER", + -12.623771667480469 + ], + [ + "\u2581Norteam\u00e9rica", + -12.588443756103516 + ], + [ + "\u2581agrupaci\u00f3n", + -12.496967315673828 + ], + [ + "\u2581excluido", + -12.479363441467285 + ], + [ + "usse", + -12.605341911315918 + ], + [ + "\u2581FileViewPro", + -13.11458969116211 + ], + [ + "\u2581shaft", + -12.383384704589844 + ], + [ + "\u2581Guided", + -12.480085372924805 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lip", + -12.488452911376953 + ], + [ + "\u2581disfunci\u00f3n", + -12.591253280639648 + ], + [ + "ipp", + -12.721092224121094 + ], + [ + "\u2581diminished", + -12.43311595916748 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mantenga", + -12.428999900817871 + ], + [ + "\u2581conspiraci\u00f3n", + -12.427902221679688 + ], + [ + "\u2581endeudados", + -12.452933311462402 + ], + [ + "\u2581Clinic", + -12.391443252563477 + ], + [ + "\u2581Substances", + -12.341116905212402 + ], + [ + "RING", + -12.566439628601074 + ], + [ + "lera", + -12.380526542663574 + ], + [ + "\u2581Slav", + -12.400455474853516 + ], + [ + "\u2581participaciones", + -12.434869766235352 + ], + [ + "\u2581perpetrados", + -12.60379695892334 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vivo", + -12.526939392089844 + ], + [ + "\u2581sabios", + -12.49095630645752 + ], + [ + "\u2581onset", + -12.387895584106445 + ], + [ + "\u2581perceptions", + -12.383926391601562 + ], + [ + "\u2581volcanic", + -12.351517677307129 + ], + [ + "\u2581ganan", + -12.487524032592773 + ], + [ + "\u2581sospechosas", + -12.511396408081055 + ], + [ + "\u2581tendientes", + -12.501988410949707 + ], + [ + "Best", + -12.418514251708984 + ], + [ + "workers", + -12.41069221496582 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aqui", + -12.318672180175781 + ], + [ + "\u2581Asa", + -12.62030029296875 + ], + [ + "\u2581planteados", + -12.552441596984863 + ], + [ + "\u2581Including", + -12.40188217163086 + ], + [ + "\u2581discute", + -12.548118591308594 + ], + [ + "\u2581olvid", + -12.364142417907715 + ], + [ + "\u2581coreano", + -12.468758583068848 + ], + [ + "\u2581superan", + -12.412369728088379 + ], + [ + "Media", + -13.114472389221191 + ], + [ + "\u2581cotiza", + -12.55377197265625 + ], + [ + "\u2581inducir", + -12.503355979919434 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ancient", + -12.496594429016113 + ], + [ + "\u2581handbook", + -12.432686805725098 + ], + [ + "\u2581commandment", + -12.438141822814941 + ], + [ + "\u2581llam\u00e9", + -12.343448638916016 + ], + [ + "\u2581descubra", + -12.390937805175781 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sudoriental", + -12.520326614379883 + ], + [ + "\u2581shortages", + -12.395708084106445 + ], + [ + "\u2581showcase", + -12.448578834533691 + ], + [ + "\u2581superb", + -12.457579612731934 + ], + [ + "\u2581utilities", + -12.421892166137695 + ], + [ + "\u2581Arafat", + -13.061013221740723 + ], + [ + "\u2581Prestige", + -13.166244506835938 + ], + [ + "\u2581matem\u00e1tico", + -12.57253646850586 + ], + [ + "\u2581denounce", + -12.326602935791016 + ], + [ + "\u2581quotes", + -12.467676162719727 + ], + [ + "\u2581Deb", + -12.594385147094727 + ], + [ + "\u2581Revised", + -12.440126419067383 + ], + [ + "Gui", + -12.56331729888916 + ], + [ + "\u2581incompleta", + -12.497352600097656 + ], + [ + "\u2581Comunicado", + -12.525239944458008 + ], + [ + "\u2581impresionado", + -12.43617057800293 + ], + [ + "SAS", + -12.611882209777832 + ], + [ + "\u2581junk", + -12.501355171203613 + ], + [ + "\u2581frog", + -12.548654556274414 + ], + [ + "\u2581madam", + -12.634282112121582 + ], + [ + "\u2581mesh", + -12.46151065826416 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sindicato", + -12.426724433898926 + ], + [ + "\u2581mobilized", + -12.40815258026123 + ], + [ + "\u2581falda", + -12.424368858337402 + ], + [ + "\u2581CESPAP", + -12.56949520111084 + ], + [ + "\u2581rompi", + -12.412796020507812 + ], + [ + "\u2581recurriendo", + -12.504956245422363 + ], + [ + "training", + -12.376676559448242 + ], + [ + "\u2581Passenger", + -12.435444831848145 + ], + [ + "\u2581cargada", + -12.604366302490234 + ], + [ + "\u2581repetidamente", + -12.475113868713379 + ], + [ + "zur", + -12.607787132263184 + ], + [ + "\u2581stitch", + -12.471028327941895 + ], + [ + "ovski", + -13.490279197692871 + ], + [ + "ethyl", + -12.324838638305664 + ], + [ + "\u2581additive", + -12.322906494140625 + ], + [ + "\u2581conectividad", + -12.589826583862305 + ], + [ + "\u2581frustra", + -12.448246955871582 + ], + [ + "\u2581asistida", + -12.476296424865723 + ], + [ + "\u2581tonter\u00edas", + -12.271957397460938 + ], + [ + "Importa", + -12.499178886413574 + ], + [ + "\u2581valiosas", + -12.579185485839844 + ], + [ + "\u2581planeando", + -12.391509056091309 + ], + [ + "sponsored", + -12.404557228088379 + ], + [ + "\u2581applaud", + -12.50123405456543 + ], + [ + "\u2581falsificaci\u00f3n", + -12.43066692352295 + ], + [ + "\u2581Coste", + -12.504192352294922 + ], + [ + "\u2581critics", + -12.452157974243164 + ], + [ + "\u2581denunciante", + -12.58090591430664 + ], + [ + "\u2581exceptionally", + -12.431195259094238 + ], + [ + "\u2581perif\u00e9rica", + -12.535942077636719 + ], + [ + "\u2581jaw", + -12.505520820617676 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rabbi", + -12.478665351867676 + ], + [ + "\u2581downloaded", + -12.385169982910156 + ], + [ + "FIC", + -12.738678932189941 + ], + [ + "\u2581Essential", + -12.414072036743164 + ], + [ + "\u2581ligeros", + -12.528517723083496 + ], + [ + "\u2581rebasa", + -12.504070281982422 + ], + [ + "rdoba", + -12.446846008300781 + ], + [ + "\u2581Priest", + -12.400923728942871 + ], + [ + "foli", + -12.51732349395752 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vanessa", + -13.18735122680664 + ], + [ + "\u2581coil", + -12.443231582641602 + ], + [ + "\u2581illustrates", + -12.458931922912598 + ], + [ + "gence", + -12.830896377563477 + ], + [ + "\u2581WIFI", + -13.029635429382324 + ], + [ + "\u2581furnish", + -12.387720108032227 + ], + [ + "\u2581gentiles", + -12.510802268981934 + ], + [ + "hibit", + -12.388896942138672 + ], + [ + "\u2581artery", + -12.417802810668945 + ], + [ + "\u2581cite", + -12.431634902954102 + ], + [ + "\u2581streamline", + -12.431085586547852 + ], + [ + "\u2581creativas", + -12.522337913513184 + ], + [ + "\u2581dismiss", + -12.430317878723145 + ], + [ + "\u2581estudian", + -12.545280456542969 + ], + [ + "\u2581subway", + -12.421918869018555 + ], + [ + "ci\u00e9ndose", + -12.911096572875977 + ], + [ + "\u2581motherfucker", + -12.59940242767334 + ], + [ + "hei", + -12.775890350341797 + ], + [ + "\u2581Slow", + -12.502847671508789 + ], + [ + "\u2581composite", + -12.450335502624512 + ], + [ + "\u2581depths", + -12.473407745361328 + ], + [ + "\u2581sinergia", + -12.538712501525879 + ], + [ + "\u2581vara", + -12.602937698364258 + ], + [ + "\u2581teen", + -12.409260749816895 + ], + [ + "illon", + -12.892599105834961 + ], + [ + "\u2581perforaci\u00f3n", + -12.5247802734375 + ], + [ + "9%)", + -12.755035400390625 + ], + [ + "Ber", + -12.792606353759766 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mediation", + -12.449664115905762 + ], + [ + "\u2581Declaraciones", + -12.59277057647705 + ], + [ + "\u2581gangs", + -12.512989044189453 + ], + [ + "\u2581bilingual", + -12.401914596557617 + ], + [ + "\u2581traidor", + -12.400136947631836 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bautista", + -12.522920608520508 + ], + [ + "\u2581enga\u00f1ado", + -12.457971572875977 + ], + [ + "\u2581ineffective", + -12.437078475952148 + ], + [ + "\u2581Examine", + -12.872676849365234 + ], + [ + "\u2581cycling", + -12.389907836914062 + ], + [ + "\u2581edita", + -12.531720161437988 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sargento", + -12.386391639709473 + ], + [ + "convened", + -12.346298217773438 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jerem\u00edas", + -12.525505065917969 + ], + [ + "\u2581appointing", + -12.358383178710938 + ], + [ + "\u2581handful", + -12.443204879760742 + ], + [ + "\u2581tense", + -12.466041564941406 + ], + [ + "\u2581ense\u00f1an", + -12.551716804504395 + ], + [ + "\u2581defendants", + -12.415605545043945 + ], + [ + "\u2581manuals", + -12.470388412475586 + ], + [ + "\u2581rows", + -12.489455223083496 + ], + [ + "\u2581centavos", + -12.334782600402832 + ], + [ + "\u2581radial", + -12.880234718322754 + ], + [ + "books", + -12.494163513183594 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mostrando", + -12.551804542541504 + ], + [ + "\u2581enthusiastic", + -12.715353012084961 + ], + [ + "\u2581ligereza", + -12.584305763244629 + ], + [ + "\u2581Paga", + -12.508487701416016 + ], + [ + "\u2581Anteriormente", + -12.495884895324707 + ], + [ + "aster", + -12.291897773742676 + ], + [ + "\u2581irlandesa", + -12.508773803710938 + ], + [ + "\u2581transferido", + -12.497013092041016 + ], + [ + "\u2581Monetaria", + -12.554472923278809 + ], + [ + "\u2581mantuviera", + -12.4632568359375 + ], + [ + "\u2581finalice", + -12.554840087890625 + ], + [ + "\u2581oscuros", + -12.49776554107666 + ], + [ + "\u2581longest", + -12.497983932495117 + ], + [ + "\u2581revitalization", + -12.36414909362793 + ], + [ + "\u2581aerosol", + -12.869041442871094 + ], + [ + "\u2581met\u00e1licas", + -12.531558990478516 + ], + [ + "\u2581rabia", + -12.454264640808105 + ], + [ + "\u2581antepasados", + -12.458980560302734 + ], + [ + "\u2581cat\u00f3lico", + -12.54808235168457 + ], + [ + "\u2581mutation", + -12.427011489868164 + ], + [ + "\u2581Semi", + -12.608349800109863 + ], + [ + "\u2581chairmanship", + -12.356823921203613 + ], + [ + "informaci\u00f3n", + -12.503273010253906 + ], + [ + "\u2581SHE", + -12.586426734924316 + ], + [ + "\u2581complacido", + -12.525505065917969 + ], + [ + "\u2581conocerlo", + -12.43870735168457 + ], + [ + "\u2581partiendo", + -12.507750511169434 + ], + [ + "\u2581sexes", + -12.404480934143066 + ], + [ + "rice", + -12.681527137756348 + ], + [ + "\u2581Multiple", + -12.412769317626953 + ], + [ + "\u2581estupenda", + -12.377398490905762 + ], + [ + "\u2581Privado", + -12.596813201904297 + ], + [ + "\u2581cardiaca", + -12.576081275939941 + ], + [ + "\u2581careers", + -12.561726570129395 + ], + [ + "\u2581portray", + -12.444131851196289 + ], + [ + "bine", + -12.6802396774292 + ], + [ + "\u2581tapes", + -12.585305213928223 + ], + [ + "conserva", + -13.324723243713379 + ], + [ + "vira", + -12.566688537597656 + ], + [ + "22)", + -12.497684478759766 + ], + [ + "\u2581Amo", + -12.380183219909668 + ], + [ + "91)", + -12.419568061828613 + ], + [ + "\u2581forgiven", + -12.466241836547852 + ], + [ + "Ah\u00ed", + -12.280401229858398 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vietnamese", + -12.424174308776855 + ], + [ + "\u2581ilimitada", + -12.471199035644531 + ], + [ + "\u2581suceder\u00e1", + -12.455727577209473 + ], + [ + "\u2581arrecife", + -12.515174865722656 + ], + [ + "Europa", + -12.490913391113281 + ], + [ + "EPAR", + -12.662193298339844 + ], + [ + "\u2581indaga", + -12.447407722473145 + ], + [ + "\u2581vigilando", + -12.428505897521973 + ], + [ + "unic", + -12.807741165161133 + ], + [ + "\u2581INSTRAW", + -13.015303611755371 + ], + [ + "woman", + -12.477415084838867 + ], + [ + "\u2581descentralizada", + -12.847416877746582 + ], + [ + "\u2581misterioso", + -12.46392822265625 + ], + [ + "\u2581mudanza", + -12.50372314453125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hands", + -12.557149887084961 + ], + [ + "\u2581abandone", + -12.482331275939941 + ], + [ + "\u2581mast", + -12.785823822021484 + ], + [ + "\u2581deletion", + -12.403007507324219 + ], + [ + "\u2581occasional", + -12.37987995147705 + ], + [ + "\u2581posiciona", + -12.526158332824707 + ], + [ + "\u2581desconocidos", + -12.532427787780762 + ], + [ + "\u2581F\u00e1brica", + -12.754995346069336 + ], + [ + "\u2581sin\u00f3nimo", + -12.554450988769531 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vuestra", + -12.46141242980957 + ], + [ + "\u2581auge", + -12.58218765258789 + ], + [ + "\u2581Prepare", + -12.414066314697266 + ], + [ + "\u2581disconnect", + -12.476445198059082 + ], + [ + "\u2581verb", + -12.412900924682617 + ], + [ + "nchez", + -12.458491325378418 + ], + [ + "\u2581enviaremos", + -12.57915210723877 + ], + [ + "\u2581redacta", + -12.41235637664795 + ], + [ + "\u2581teenage", + -12.491373062133789 + ], + [ + "\u2581relaja", + -12.405437469482422 + ], + [ + "\u2581reportaje", + -12.498113632202148 + ], + [ + "\u2581showers", + -12.578516960144043 + ], + [ + "\u2581litres", + -12.442358016967773 + ], + [ + "\u2581Viagra", + -13.142403602600098 + ], + [ + "\u2581tributo", + -12.53096866607666 + ], + [ + "dig", + -12.527908325195312 + ], + [ + "\u2581misteriosa", + -12.5382661819458 + ], + [ + "\u25812013)", + -12.75623893737793 + ], + [ + "\u258152/2", + -13.026427268981934 + ], + [ + "\u2581Peticiones", + -12.58155632019043 + ], + [ + "\u2581imaging", + -12.410771369934082 + ], + [ + "\u2581imposes", + -12.422064781188965 + ], + [ + "\u2581Corintios", + -12.546488761901855 + ], + [ + "\u2581commensurate", + -12.426389694213867 + ], + [ + "\u2581antibodies", + -12.420801162719727 + ], + [ + "\u2581rebuilding", + -12.382247924804688 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cerebral", + -12.477363586425781 + ], + [ + "\u2581Establish", + -12.388021469116211 + ], + [ + "\u2581automotive", + -12.397514343261719 + ], + [ + "NAM", + -12.60632610321045 + ], + [ + "\u2581nomenclature", + -12.3953275680542 + ], + [ + "\u2581finaliz\u00f3", + -12.5890474319458 + ], + [ + "copy", + -12.511560440063477 + ], + [ + "vidi", + -12.7472562789917 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ey", + -12.358874320983887 + ], + [ + "\u2581hacerles", + -12.566988945007324 + ], + [ + "\u2581inesperada", + -12.479844093322754 + ], + [ + "\u2581t\u00e1ctica", + -12.526806831359863 + ], + [ + "\u2581sobrevive", + -12.549688339233398 + ], + [ + "morfo", + -12.816726684570312 + ], + [ + "\u00edta", + -12.837606430053711 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ducha", + -12.514484405517578 + ], + [ + "\u2581promulg\u00f3", + -12.642395973205566 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sessions", + -12.52895450592041 + ], + [ + "\u2581sobrecarga", + -12.508997917175293 + ], + [ + "\u2581implique", + -12.566588401794434 + ], + [ + "f\u00f3n", + -12.579130172729492 + ], + [ + "tuve", + -12.468666076660156 + ], + [ + "\u2581unhappy", + -12.519617080688477 + ], + [ + "Piensa", + -12.36059856414795 + ], + [ + "\u2581sentimental", + -13.00607681274414 + ], + [ + "\u2581CEPAL", + -12.62105655670166 + ], + [ + "\u2581acogieron", + -12.566574096679688 + ], + [ + "\u258111.30", + -13.126863479614258 + ], + [ + "\u2581capitalistas", + -12.532654762268066 + ], + [ + "\u2581fascina", + -12.44967269897461 + ], + [ + "\u2581pillow", + -12.522143363952637 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tariff", + -12.376948356628418 + ], + [ + "\u2581misionero", + -12.553363800048828 + ], + [ + "\u2581THERE", + -12.607203483581543 + ], + [ + "\u2581employing", + -12.425981521606445 + ], + [ + "\u2581lavavajillas", + -12.56386947631836 + ], + [ + "\u2581Publicaci\u00f3n", + -12.544600486755371 + ], + [ + "\u2581sells", + -12.562088966369629 + ], + [ + "\u2581wasting", + -12.596550941467285 + ], + [ + "agne", + -12.654183387756348 + ], + [ + "\u2581generadores", + -12.542277336120605 + ], + [ + "\u2581hemisphere", + -12.428645133972168 + ], + [ + "\u2581Few", + -12.45743179321289 + ], + [ + "\u2581yards", + -12.579527854919434 + ], + [ + "\u2581elaborar\u00e1", + -12.349570274353027 + ], + [ + "\u2581orientales", + -12.51364803314209 + ], + [ + "\u2581abducted", + -12.455306053161621 + ], + [ + "\u2581intrinsic", + -12.468987464904785 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jug", + -12.471835136413574 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vuelo", + -12.579789161682129 + ], + [ + "oro", + -12.263945579528809 + ], + [ + "\u2581Arriba", + -12.390336990356445 + ], + [ + "\u2581fragmentation", + -12.363167762756348 + ], + [ + "\u2581packs", + -12.469343185424805 + ], + [ + "\u2581at\u00fan", + -12.585822105407715 + ], + [ + "Maldita", + -12.314061164855957 + ], + [ + "associated", + -12.394712448120117 + ], + [ + "\u2581Klaus", + -13.120502471923828 + ], + [ + "\u2581deepening", + -12.475272178649902 + ], + [ + "\u2581cambiar\u00e1", + -12.402277946472168 + ], + [ + "\u2581cristales", + -12.540430068969727 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cheers", + -12.583364486694336 + ], + [ + "\u2581sinful", + -12.42767333984375 + ], + [ + "\u2581titula", + -12.56979751586914 + ], + [ + "\u2581lim\u00f3n", + -12.460281372070312 + ], + [ + "\u2581Basket", + -12.45728588104248 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dio", + -12.490127563476562 + ], + [ + "\u2581met\u00e1lico", + -12.553457260131836 + ], + [ + "\u2581otorgan", + -12.412065505981445 + ], + [ + "\u2581impuso", + -12.506635665893555 + ], + [ + "\u2581sticks", + -12.501246452331543 + ], + [ + "lactic", + -12.62192440032959 + ], + [ + "\u2581attentive", + -12.435453414916992 + ], + [ + "\u2581bureaucracy", + -12.405206680297852 + ], + [ + "\u2581Obra", + -12.558891296386719 + ], + [ + "\u2581satisfaga", + -12.546501159667969 + ], + [ + "\u2581subsahariana", + -12.532014846801758 + ], + [ + "\u2581Libertades", + -12.538472175598145 + ], + [ + "\u2581agarra", + -12.22393798828125 + ], + [ + "Jes\u00fas", + -12.421119689941406 + ], + [ + "white", + -12.486227989196777 + ], + [ + "\u2581wreck", + -12.547208786010742 + ], + [ + "\u2581esculturas", + -12.584568977355957 + ], + [ + "feder", + -12.60137939453125 + ], + [ + "\u25818%", + -12.553690910339355 + ], + [ + "\u2581Audrey", + -13.008177757263184 + ], + [ + "\u2581CIM", + -12.787358283996582 + ], + [ + "\u2581astillero", + -12.545178413391113 + ], + [ + "\u2581capacitados", + -12.5736722946167 + ], + [ + "\u2581evolucionado", + -12.600955963134766 + ], + [ + "\u2581relator", + -12.833934783935547 + ], + [ + "Emp", + -12.698690414428711 + ], + [ + "million", + -12.397316932678223 + ], + [ + "\u2581sharply", + -12.421661376953125 + ], + [ + "loc", + -12.522765159606934 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tom\u00e1s", + -12.576482772827148 + ], + [ + "\u2581consignar", + -12.496092796325684 + ], + [ + "\u2581subsanar", + -12.553139686584473 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dep\u00f3sito", + -12.535184860229492 + ], + [ + "\u2581foresee", + -12.425397872924805 + ], + [ + "\u2581integr", + -12.581823348999023 + ], + [ + "\u2581signatory", + -12.397676467895508 + ], + [ + "\u2581Investors", + -12.463189125061035 + ], + [ + "\u2581characterize", + -12.426933288574219 + ], + [ + "\u2581tope", + -12.530069351196289 + ], + [ + "\u2581dirig\u00eda", + -12.475698471069336 + ], + [ + "\u2581arsenales", + -12.518475532531738 + ], + [ + "\u2581Asegurar", + -12.51142692565918 + ], + [ + "\u2581contacta", + -12.460598945617676 + ], + [ + "\u2581playground", + -12.414353370666504 + ], + [ + "\u2581artwork", + -12.44983959197998 + ], + [ + "\u2581substancia", + -12.530713081359863 + ], + [ + "\u2581Comida", + -12.503117561340332 + ], + [ + "\u2581tomara", + -12.476570129394531 + ], + [ + "\u2581portada", + -12.441482543945312 + ], + [ + "Durante", + -12.516136169433594 + ], + [ + "mentado", + -12.588134765625 + ], + [ + "\u2581forefront", + -12.44115924835205 + ], + [ + "\u2581salariales", + -12.530692100524902 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sardinia", + -12.443435668945312 + ], + [ + "\u2581consejeros", + -12.490700721740723 + ], + [ + "\u2581crushed", + -12.503847122192383 + ], + [ + "\u2581inquietante", + -12.469560623168945 + ], + [ + "\u2581llamaron", + -12.481867790222168 + ], + [ + "\u2581veteran", + -12.465452194213867 + ], + [ + "Fu", + -12.328546524047852 + ], + [ + "\u2581avala", + -12.947318077087402 + ], + [ + "\u2581bodily", + -12.39970588684082 + ], + [ + "\u2581elegible", + -12.529501914978027 + ], + [ + "\u2581exigentes", + -12.51288890838623 + ], + [ + "\u2581cod", + -12.406991004943848 + ], + [ + "\u2581journalism", + -12.395593643188477 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wages", + -12.344412803649902 + ], + [ + "\u2581logran", + -12.574295043945312 + ], + [ + "initiative", + -12.364420890808105 + ], + [ + "\u2581generators", + -12.451488494873047 + ], + [ + "\u2581confundido", + -12.438557624816895 + ], + [ + "\u2581inmune", + -12.539902687072754 + ], + [ + "\u2581Banca", + -12.515043258666992 + ], + [ + "\u2581inc\u00f3modo", + -12.416210174560547 + ], + [ + "\u2581manualmente", + -12.528350830078125 + ], + [ + "\u2581psychology", + -12.450357437133789 + ], + [ + "\u2581shout", + -12.53005313873291 + ], + [ + "\u2581Query", + -12.458596229553223 + ], + [ + "\u2581conditioned", + -12.463264465332031 + ], + [ + "tamine", + -12.889457702636719 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aprovecha", + -12.649085998535156 + ], + [ + "\u2581calculada", + -12.539753913879395 + ], + [ + "\u2581hypothesis", + -12.358861923217773 + ], + [ + "\u2581reflejada", + -12.612382888793945 + ], + [ + "\u2581MDL", + -12.592608451843262 + ], + [ + "\u2581acoustic", + -12.446879386901855 + ], + [ + "\u2581intermedios", + -12.592825889587402 + ], + [ + "berries", + -12.523334503173828 + ], + [ + "jala", + -12.390151977539062 + ], + [ + "scape", + -12.73038387298584 + ], + [ + "\u2581coercion", + -12.39970588684082 + ], + [ + "\u2581warmth", + -12.417864799499512 + ], + [ + "nies", + -12.508068084716797 + ], + [ + "\u2581f\u00e9rtil", + -12.512628555297852 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vargas", + -13.071736335754395 + ], + [ + "\u2581promulgada", + -12.603740692138672 + ], + [ + "d\u00edn", + -12.584699630737305 + ], + [ + "Barcelona", + -13.134510040283203 + ], + [ + "\u2581Eden", + -12.409090995788574 + ], + [ + "\u2581recovering", + -12.477973937988281 + ], + [ + "\u2581MANUD", + -12.58155632019043 + ], + [ + "\u2581anfitriones", + -12.51774787902832 + ], + [ + "\u2581grabada", + -12.53986644744873 + ], + [ + "\u2581disadvantages", + -12.447408676147461 + ], + [ + "cionista", + -12.517491340637207 + ], + [ + "cod", + -12.4138765335083 + ], + [ + "\u2581monta\u00f1osa", + -12.595378875732422 + ], + [ + "\u2581ordena", + -12.211813926696777 + ], + [ + "parto", + -12.539958953857422 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mohammad", + -13.15450668334961 + ], + [ + "\u2581apuntan", + -12.364258766174316 + ], + [ + "\u2581irregulares", + -12.582632064819336 + ], + [ + "Nosotros", + -12.473074913024902 + ], + [ + "\u2581haberla", + -12.538419723510742 + ], + [ + "\u2581psic\u00f3logo", + -12.488557815551758 + ], + [ + "ANG", + -12.550559043884277 + ], + [ + "\u2581lowering", + -12.418684005737305 + ], + [ + "\u2581thrill", + -12.509459495544434 + ], + [ + "\u2581nula", + -12.57503890991211 + ], + [ + "\u2581F\u00edsica", + -12.592598915100098 + ], + [ + "\u2581panor\u00e1micas", + -12.549656867980957 + ], + [ + "\u2581fade", + -12.504434585571289 + ], + [ + "\u2581stabilize", + -12.4434175491333 + ], + [ + "\u2581Engineer", + -12.451873779296875 + ], + [ + "\u2581bolsillos", + -12.457011222839355 + ], + [ + "\u2581psicosocial", + -12.582942008972168 + ], + [ + "FU", + -12.847909927368164 + ], + [ + "finding", + -12.398117065429688 + ], + [ + "\u2581entusiasta", + -12.538568496704102 + ], + [ + "\u2581tramos", + -12.544136047363281 + ], + [ + "\u2581admira", + -12.453079223632812 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nicosia", + -13.232132911682129 + ], + [ + "\u2581atribuci\u00f3n", + -12.49486255645752 + ], + [ + "\u2581librer\u00eda", + -12.579899787902832 + ], + [ + "ppy", + -12.512205123901367 + ], + [ + "\u2581hose", + -12.505224227905273 + ], + [ + "\u2581italianas", + -12.570380210876465 + ], + [ + "\u2581escondida", + -12.493824005126953 + ], + [ + "\u2581procurado", + -12.55722713470459 + ], + [ + "itud", + -12.684191703796387 + ], + [ + "\u2581Eugene", + -12.91493034362793 + ], + [ + "\u2581ac\u00fastica", + -12.620750427246094 + ], + [ + "mg", + -12.47230339050293 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cooperative", + -12.419777870178223 + ], + [ + "\u2581crezca", + -12.46335220336914 + ], + [ + "component", + -13.069897651672363 + ], + [ + "graphy", + -12.630083084106445 + ], + [ + "\u2581outrage", + -12.38228988647461 + ], + [ + "pathy", + -12.333701133728027 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dimension", + -12.477237701416016 + ], + [ + "\u2581Leslie", + -13.112595558166504 + ], + [ + "\u2581instaurar", + -12.550493240356445 + ], + [ + "\u2581calificada", + -12.55841064453125 + ], + [ + "\u2581fundadas", + -12.558945655822754 + ], + [ + "\u2581patrols", + -12.49786376953125 + ], + [ + "92-77-", + -12.589962005615234 + ], + [ + "\u2581Parenthood", + -13.025519371032715 + ], + [ + "\u2581coco", + -12.495294570922852 + ], + [ + "ntar", + -12.292916297912598 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mines", + -12.466436386108398 + ], + [ + "\u2581colorido", + -12.58232593536377 + ], + [ + "\u2581marinero", + -12.496105194091797 + ], + [ + "\u2581pasaportes", + -12.589463233947754 + ], + [ + "\u2581analizan", + -12.505253791809082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dig", + -12.443296432495117 + ], + [ + "\u2581Exclusive", + -12.465452194213867 + ], + [ + "\u2581reliance", + -12.465899467468262 + ], + [ + "iar", + -12.489681243896484 + ], + [ + "rella", + -12.369790077209473 + ], + [ + "\u2581terrenal", + -12.522934913635254 + ], + [ + "\u2581shocked", + -12.535204887390137 + ], + [ + "\u2581surprises", + -12.561908721923828 + ], + [ + "lian", + -12.468226432800293 + ], + [ + "CHR", + -12.519493103027344 + ], + [ + "\u2581Geograf\u00eda", + -12.701082229614258 + ], + [ + "cant", + -12.58362865447998 + ], + [ + "\u2581Legislaci\u00f3n", + -12.605171203613281 + ], + [ + "\u2581muevas", + -12.378388404846191 + ], + [ + "\u2581devised", + -12.48791217803955 + ], + [ + "\u2581sensing", + -12.400811195373535 + ], + [ + "\u2581traductores", + -12.562118530273438 + ], + [ + "\u2581ACT", + -12.577765464782715 + ], + [ + "\u2581tribales", + -12.489017486572266 + ], + [ + "zin", + -12.684289932250977 + ], + [ + "\u2581Viaje", + -12.56820011138916 + ], + [ + "\u2581admisibles", + -12.515872955322266 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuenten", + -12.49443531036377 + ], + [ + "\u2581INTERNATIONAL", + -12.39970588684082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Perdone", + -12.288575172424316 + ], + [ + "\u2581biomass", + -12.41855525970459 + ], + [ + "\u2581curado", + -12.64696979522705 + ], + [ + "\u2581oblige", + -12.393072128295898 + ], + [ + "\u2581pyramid", + -12.497597694396973 + ], + [ + "oxid", + -12.71276569366455 + ], + [ + "\u2581milicia", + -12.530989646911621 + ], + [ + "\u2581Convenciones", + -12.602363586425781 + ], + [ + "\u2581Disappearance", + -12.42977523803711 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ventajas", + -12.558584213256836 + ], + [ + "\u2581encuestados", + -12.545862197875977 + ], + [ + "\u2581aplicabilidad", + -12.509085655212402 + ], + [ + "\u2581empeoramiento", + -12.517839431762695 + ], + [ + "\u2581presuntas", + -12.538453102111816 + ], + [ + "\u2581Explica", + -12.57902717590332 + ], + [ + "\u2581oyes", + -12.338890075683594 + ], + [ + "\u2581vampire", + -12.580821990966797 + ], + [ + "\u2581Isa", + -12.647703170776367 + ], + [ + "\u2581absor", + -12.522200584411621 + ], + [ + "\u2581therapist", + -12.510725975036621 + ], + [ + "\u2581traded", + -12.548112869262695 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fitness", + -12.967963218688965 + ], + [ + "\u2581titul", + -12.478131294250488 + ], + [ + "\u2581Assist", + -12.441286087036133 + ], + [ + "\u2581ESCWA", + -12.394173622131348 + ], + [ + "\u2581scent", + -12.520176887512207 + ], + [ + "\u2581bruta", + -12.459922790527344 + ], + [ + "\u2581comestible", + -12.515176773071289 + ], + [ + "\u2581groundwater", + -12.363340377807617 + ], + [ + "\u2581incorrectly", + -12.41069507598877 + ], + [ + "\u2581diversify", + -12.423038482666016 + ], + [ + "\u2581abandonada", + -12.568997383117676 + ], + [ + "\u2581cera", + -12.605123519897461 + ], + [ + "\u2581ramp", + -12.525879859924316 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bethlehem", + -12.465452194213867 + ], + [ + "\u2581interpretativa", + -12.532299995422363 + ], + [ + "=====", + -13.097040176391602 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ancianos", + -12.528107643127441 + ], + [ + "igat", + -12.84981918334961 + ], + [ + "\u2581Censo", + -12.672134399414062 + ], + [ + "\u2581amenazado", + -12.482717514038086 + ], + [ + "\u2581fog", + -12.549412727355957 + ], + [ + "Sam", + -12.45999526977539 + ], + [ + "icide", + -12.517889022827148 + ], + [ + "\u2581investigadora", + -12.489072799682617 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hyper", + -12.41411304473877 + ], + [ + "\u2581V\u00edctimas", + -12.516460418701172 + ], + [ + "\u2581bananas", + -12.526081085205078 + ], + [ + "\u2581trece", + -12.516860008239746 + ], + [ + "\u2581tremenda", + -12.412715911865234 + ], + [ + "\u2581DR", + -12.33301830291748 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vivir", + -12.454710960388184 + ], + [ + "\u2581ri\u00f1ones", + -12.460195541381836 + ], + [ + "\u2581budista", + -12.539895057678223 + ], + [ + "\u2581tenerlo", + -12.328571319580078 + ], + [ + "uku", + -12.933572769165039 + ], + [ + "\u2581obsolete", + -12.458447456359863 + ], + [ + "\u2581subsiguientes", + -12.539641380310059 + ], + [ + "\u2581token", + -12.514508247375488 + ], + [ + "\u2581vir", + -12.54261302947998 + ], + [ + "\u2581Limit", + -12.446040153503418 + ], + [ + "\u2581ciegos", + -12.573201179504395 + ], + [ + "\u2581dorada", + -12.490933418273926 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mandela", + -13.14753246307373 + ], + [ + "\u2581abandonados", + -12.55330753326416 + ], + [ + "\u2581viol\u00f3", + -12.497629165649414 + ], + [ + "\u2581Month", + -12.4273042678833 + ], + [ + "\u2581estructurar", + -12.517510414123535 + ], + [ + "\u2581interferir", + -12.511336326599121 + ], + [ + "\u2581torment", + -12.486002922058105 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kab", + -12.871366500854492 + ], + [ + "\u2581tur", + -12.48659896850586 + ], + [ + "ECE", + -12.594255447387695 + ], + [ + "\u2581ET", + -12.26685619354248 + ], + [ + "\u2581Josep", + -13.134297370910645 + ], + [ + "\u2581supli", + -12.46904468536377 + ], + [ + "\u2581Haciendo", + -12.468002319335938 + ], + [ + "\u2581Siendo", + -12.581022262573242 + ], + [ + "\u2581invierte", + -12.56147289276123 + ], + [ + "\u2581prestigioso", + -12.619207382202148 + ], + [ + "\u2581sirvan", + -12.55594253540039 + ], + [ + "\u2581esca\u00f1os", + -12.567926406860352 + ], + [ + "\u2581extra\u00eddas", + -12.568194389343262 + ], + [ + "\u2581plumas", + -12.528989791870117 + ], + [ + "Government", + -12.47675895690918 + ], + [ + "\u2581Controller", + -12.435842514038086 + ], + [ + "\u2581Finding", + -12.473769187927246 + ], + [ + "\u2581clama", + -12.581925392150879 + ], + [ + "IRA", + -12.595579147338867 + ], + [ + "\u2581utili", + -12.446907997131348 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sof\u00eda", + -12.554473876953125 + ], + [ + "\u2581forged", + -12.502346992492676 + ], + [ + "\u2581proteja", + -12.531368255615234 + ], + [ + "\u2581desarrolle", + -12.616769790649414 + ], + [ + "\u2581rationale", + -12.501505851745605 + ], + [ + "\u2581necesitar\u00e1n", + -12.51876163482666 + ], + [ + "\u2581Agu", + -12.58193302154541 + ], + [ + "\u2581inspect", + -12.413485527038574 + ], + [ + "\u2581genere", + -12.613565444946289 + ], + [ + "\u2581Exposure", + -12.465485572814941 + ], + [ + "\u2581insostenible", + -12.52291202545166 + ], + [ + "33)", + -12.555400848388672 + ], + [ + "\u2581aptitud", + -12.541470527648926 + ], + [ + "\u2581mostr", + -12.821331977844238 + ], + [ + "\u2581whisper", + -12.500027656555176 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sources", + -12.510058403015137 + ], + [ + "\u2581precedence", + -12.481998443603516 + ], + [ + "However", + -12.432876586914062 + ], + [ + "\u2581congelar", + -12.526236534118652 + ], + [ + "\u2581facciones", + -12.491174697875977 + ], + [ + "\u2581Frontera", + -13.121834754943848 + ], + [ + "\u2581incaut", + -12.526803970336914 + ], + [ + "icate", + -12.899325370788574 + ], + [ + "\u2581Colaboraci\u00f3n", + -12.622485160827637 + ], + [ + "\u2581retroceso", + -12.533340454101562 + ], + [ + "\u2581salts", + -12.478018760681152 + ], + [ + "\u2581preciosos", + -12.57966136932373 + ], + [ + "BEL", + -12.75722885131836 + ], + [ + "\u2581Territorial", + -12.97940731048584 + ], + [ + "\u2581Types", + -12.552877426147461 + ], + [ + "\u2581fantasmas", + -12.488381385803223 + ], + [ + "\u2581hacienda", + -12.510085105895996 + ], + [ + "\u2581Resbal\u00f3", + -12.555821418762207 + ], + [ + "\u2581armonizadas", + -12.472757339477539 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cumplimiento", + -12.58155632019043 + ], + [ + "\u2581entenderse", + -12.504016876220703 + ], + [ + "\u2581simboliza", + -12.52292251586914 + ], + [ + "\u2581textbooks", + -12.446993827819824 + ], + [ + "\u2581candle", + -12.493026733398438 + ], + [ + "\u2581retaining", + -12.401805877685547 + ], + [ + "\u2581universalmente", + -12.60466480255127 + ], + [ + "buti", + -12.997268676757812 + ], + [ + "\u2581Concluding", + -12.456122398376465 + ], + [ + "\u2581ep\u00edgrafe", + -12.538568496704102 + ], + [ + "\u2581preamble", + -12.409628868103027 + ], + [ + "\u2581relies", + -12.451972007751465 + ], + [ + "\u2581subcut\u00e1nea", + -12.565218925476074 + ], + [ + "\u2581Claims", + -12.43402099609375 + ], + [ + "\u2581blowing", + -12.47756290435791 + ], + [ + "\u2581silvestre", + -12.576682090759277 + ], + [ + "cedi\u00f3", + -12.485635757446289 + ], + [ + "scubr\u00ed", + -12.4209566116333 + ], + [ + "\u2581emperor", + -12.547205924987793 + ], + [ + "\u2581pulmonary", + -12.459432601928711 + ], + [ + "\u2581carencias", + -12.60621452331543 + ], + [ + "\u2581eclipse", + -13.120100021362305 + ], + [ + "\u2581heights", + -12.607828140258789 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bul", + -12.41156005859375 + ], + [ + "\u2581believer", + -12.462587356567383 + ], + [ + "\u2581slut", + -12.501253128051758 + ], + [ + "\u2581globalisation", + -12.367735862731934 + ], + [ + "\u2581juntamente", + -12.548896789550781 + ], + [ + "\u2581mencione", + -12.477919578552246 + ], + [ + "nutri", + -12.920220375061035 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pure", + -12.490814208984375 + ], + [ + "alone", + -12.389920234680176 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lesson", + -12.551970481872559 + ], + [ + "\u2581dedicate", + -12.463118553161621 + ], + [ + "\u2581licor", + -12.449238777160645 + ], + [ + "\u2581Device", + -12.47379207611084 + ], + [ + "aparte", + -12.47318172454834 + ], + [ + "mother", + -12.484877586364746 + ], + [ + "\u2581cualificado", + -12.57792854309082 + ], + [ + "\u2581withdrew", + -12.479612350463867 + ], + [ + "OMC", + -12.553354263305664 + ], + [ + "libre", + -12.680206298828125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Grado", + -12.64270305633545 + ], + [ + "\u2581dissolved", + -12.43625545501709 + ], + [ + "\u2581fotogr\u00e1fico", + -12.490548133850098 + ], + [ + "\u25814.000", + -12.611109733581543 + ], + [ + "andra", + -12.628565788269043 + ], + [ + "patri", + -12.91198444366455 + ], + [ + "\u2581scholarship", + -12.478719711303711 + ], + [ + "\u2581Agradezco", + -12.573354721069336 + ], + [ + "\u2581asi\u00e1tica", + -12.576136589050293 + ], + [ + "\u2581azufre", + -12.558489799499512 + ], + [ + "\u2581an\u00e1logas", + -12.464997291564941 + ], + [ + "sqm", + -12.63509464263916 + ], + [ + "\u2581aconteci", + -12.559794425964355 + ], + [ + "\u2581backward", + -12.455412864685059 + ], + [ + "\u2581rude", + -12.548309326171875 + ], + [ + "\u2581extra\u00f1as", + -12.47299861907959 + ], + [ + "\u2581trivial", + -13.119319915771484 + ], + [ + "science", + -12.444204330444336 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nik", + -12.713054656982422 + ], + [ + "bord", + -12.536484718322754 + ], + [ + "\u2581federation", + -12.390981674194336 + ], + [ + "\u2581saliva", + -13.15054988861084 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tol", + -12.573137283325195 + ], + [ + "\u2581filo", + -12.532055854797363 + ], + [ + "\u2581Resolutions", + -12.49868392944336 + ], + [ + "\u2581dimanantes", + -12.589917182922363 + ], + [ + "\u2581joyful", + -12.47693920135498 + ], + [ + "\u2581anointed", + -12.474869728088379 + ], + [ + "\u2581Than", + -12.551725387573242 + ], + [ + "\u2581betray", + -12.509817123413086 + ], + [ + "\u2581grito", + -12.464866638183594 + ], + [ + "Perd\u00f3n", + -12.311963081359863 + ], + [ + "\u2581formalities", + -12.428032875061035 + ], + [ + "\u2581met\u00e1licos", + -12.543525695800781 + ], + [ + "\u2581moderaci\u00f3n", + -12.57205581665039 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fed", + -12.555763244628906 + ], + [ + "\u2581Precisamente", + -12.534631729125977 + ], + [ + "\u2581energetic", + -12.398609161376953 + ], + [ + "\u2581dram\u00e1tico", + -12.56118392944336 + ], + [ + "\u2581gruesa", + -12.638030052185059 + ], + [ + "\u2581horn", + -12.436692237854004 + ], + [ + "\u2581Visits", + -12.56926155090332 + ], + [ + "\u2581cromo", + -12.623274803161621 + ], + [ + "\u2581regeneraci\u00f3n", + -12.46442985534668 + ], + [ + "\u2581assistants", + -12.454543113708496 + ], + [ + "\u2581restricting", + -12.480473518371582 + ], + [ + "Val", + -12.571117401123047 + ], + [ + "\u2581Eurosystem", + -12.419710159301758 + ], + [ + "\u2581Moodle", + -13.212425231933594 + ], + [ + "\u2581cubra", + -12.555794715881348 + ], + [ + "share", + -12.457354545593262 + ], + [ + "\u2581Guti\u00e9rrez", + -13.189867973327637 + ], + [ + "\u2581Prabhupada", + -13.117847442626953 + ], + [ + "\u2581provoke", + -12.449172019958496 + ], + [ + "\u2581womb", + -12.411885261535645 + ], + [ + "iego", + -12.506096839904785 + ], + [ + "technical", + -12.417121887207031 + ], + [ + "\u2581pencil", + -12.543445587158203 + ], + [ + "\u2581risky", + -12.56557559967041 + ], + [ + "\u2581codicia", + -12.483576774597168 + ], + [ + "left", + -12.478251457214355 + ], + [ + "\u2581worsening", + -12.38880443572998 + ], + [ + "production", + -12.421323776245117 + ], + [ + "\u2581cheek", + -12.56779670715332 + ], + [ + "\u2581expire", + -12.438202857971191 + ], + [ + "\u258130,000", + -12.498797416687012 + ], + [ + "\u2581CICR", + -12.528255462646484 + ], + [ + "\u2581bendiga", + -12.356356620788574 + ], + [ + "anna", + -12.411173820495605 + ], + [ + "\u2581Brenda", + -13.145830154418945 + ], + [ + "\u2581housed", + -12.491179466247559 + ], + [ + "pi\u00f1ones", + -12.581892013549805 + ], + [ + "\u2581Included", + -12.502054214477539 + ], + [ + "\u2581canadienses", + -12.540785789489746 + ], + [ + "\u2581zumo", + -12.513023376464844 + ], + [ + "\u2581mec\u00e1nicos", + -12.62700080871582 + ], + [ + "Service", + -12.461719512939453 + ], + [ + "\u2581Edmonton", + -13.262853622436523 + ], + [ + "\u2581Xiao", + -13.181488037109375 + ], + [ + "Rapporteur", + -12.422554016113281 + ], + [ + "acto", + -12.30883502960205 + ], + [ + "\u2581configuraciones", + -12.594300270080566 + ], + [ + "\u2581abonado", + -12.505411148071289 + ], + [ + "jurisdiccionales", + -12.893380165100098 + ], + [ + "\u2581academics", + -12.518505096435547 + ], + [ + "\u2581procurar\u00e1", + -12.610428810119629 + ], + [ + "\u2581Refer\u00e9ndum", + -12.534631729125977 + ], + [ + "\u2581hypertension", + -12.465452194213867 + ], + [ + "\u2581polaca", + -12.553176879882812 + ], + [ + "\u2581ponerte", + -12.415374755859375 + ], + [ + "PRNewswire", + -13.26025676727295 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gaud\u00ed", + -13.143097877502441 + ], + [ + "\u2581ecol\u00f3gicas", + -12.58264446258545 + ], + [ + "\u2581atrocidades", + -12.570634841918945 + ], + [ + "mejor", + -12.570219993591309 + ], + [ + "\u2581Renova", + -12.549785614013672 + ], + [ + "\u2581trails", + -12.427237510681152 + ], + [ + "Jesus", + -12.450033187866211 + ], + [ + "\u2581PRC", + -12.420792579650879 + ], + [ + "\u2581examines", + -12.553325653076172 + ], + [ + "\u2581Causa", + -12.521097183227539 + ], + [ + "dici", + -12.504361152648926 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ethan", + -13.11039924621582 + ], + [ + "\u2581decidimos", + -12.472431182861328 + ], + [ + "GUA", + -12.50926685333252 + ], + [ + "ingham", + -12.833793640136719 + ], + [ + "\u2581V\u00edrgenes", + -12.542520523071289 + ], + [ + "\u2581acordes", + -12.564955711364746 + ], + [ + "\u2581mosaic", + -12.461943626403809 + ], + [ + "conditioning", + -12.48408317565918 + ], + [ + "sport", + -12.553385734558105 + ], + [ + "\u2581customize", + -12.440455436706543 + ], + [ + "monia", + -12.886737823486328 + ], + [ + "\u2581PT", + -12.271088600158691 + ], + [ + "BRI", + -13.13385009765625 + ], + [ + "\u2581plantaciones", + -12.601340293884277 + ], + [ + "\u2581progresi\u00f3n", + -12.507497787475586 + ], + [ + "\u2581Letters", + -12.56264877319336 + ], + [ + "\u2581dejarse", + -12.612066268920898 + ], + [ + "\u2581invitations", + -12.516888618469238 + ], + [ + "\u2581dejarme", + -12.332472801208496 + ], + [ + "\u2581practise", + -12.486801147460938 + ], + [ + "\u2581tram", + -12.425217628479004 + ], + [ + "\u2581soja", + -12.504024505615234 + ], + [ + "\u2581undesirable", + -12.381227493286133 + ], + [ + "existent", + -12.435876846313477 + ], + [ + "\u2581Caba", + -12.766101837158203 + ], + [ + "\u2581vendr\u00e1n", + -12.480925559997559 + ], + [ + "\u2581Syl", + -12.547138214111328 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wishlist", + -12.411861419677734 + ], + [ + "\u2581afgana", + -12.578815460205078 + ], + [ + "\u2581caravana", + -12.536019325256348 + ], + [ + "ege", + -12.37468147277832 + ], + [ + "\u2581subsidiaries", + -12.389881134033203 + ], + [ + "\u2581Eurosistema", + -12.5126371383667 + ], + [ + "\u2581utilizing", + -12.450336456298828 + ], + [ + "\u2581enunciadas", + -12.47790813446045 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fortunately", + -12.48080062866211 + ], + [ + "\u2581comprometa", + -12.55898666381836 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dyna", + -13.112318992614746 + ], + [ + "\u2581at\u00f3mica", + -12.546494483947754 + ], + [ + "XXVI", + -13.164037704467773 + ], + [ + "mass", + -12.60137939453125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Echa", + -12.488404273986816 + ], + [ + "odor", + -12.47989273071289 + ], + [ + "\u2581Guardar", + -12.670059204101562 + ], + [ + "\u2581cayeron", + -12.479840278625488 + ], + [ + "\u2581Marsella", + -12.563874244689941 + ], + [ + "\u2581UNMIT", + -13.13392162322998 + ], + [ + "\u2581a\u00f1adiendo", + -12.578829765319824 + ], + [ + "\u2581problem\u00e1tico", + -12.504952430725098 + ], + [ + "\u2581carec\u00eda", + -12.596776962280273 + ], + [ + "\u2581enlarge", + -12.457221031188965 + ], + [ + "\u2581incorporen", + -12.52722454071045 + ], + [ + "\u2581stepping", + -12.54923152923584 + ], + [ + "elected", + -12.484539031982422 + ], + [ + "\u2581versatile", + -12.474874496459961 + ], + [ + "\u2581interrelated", + -12.388298034667969 + ], + [ + "\u2581conscientious", + -12.468973159790039 + ], + [ + "\u2581decoradas", + -12.592657089233398 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cliff", + -13.10992431640625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lowest", + -12.494208335876465 + ], + [ + "\u2581excise", + -12.300570487976074 + ], + [ + "\u2581relying", + -12.48304271697998 + ], + [ + "\u2581knocked", + -12.554502487182617 + ], + [ + "bay", + -12.460926055908203 + ], + [ + "\u2581lace", + -12.529845237731934 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jill", + -13.036861419677734 + ], + [ + "\u2581circuits", + -12.557401657104492 + ], + [ + "\u2581stink", + -12.63502025604248 + ], + [ + "\u2581streamlining", + -12.400803565979004 + ], + [ + "\u2581ejerza", + -12.53610897064209 + ], + [ + "\u2581h\u00fameda", + -12.562521934509277 + ], + [ + "March", + -12.421757698059082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Defamation", + -12.397514343261719 + ], + [ + "\u2581allegation", + -12.447864532470703 + ], + [ + "\u2581Thompson", + -13.175734519958496 + ], + [ + "Porqu\u00e9", + -12.217188835144043 + ], + [ + "\u2581pasajero", + -12.538094520568848 + ], + [ + "\u2581Encontr\u00e9", + -12.343979835510254 + ], + [ + "\u2581facultada", + -12.548103332519531 + ], + [ + "\u2581Carreras", + -12.55858325958252 + ], + [ + "\u2581LNG", + -12.426887512207031 + ], + [ + "\u2581Proba", + -12.535393714904785 + ], + [ + "\u2581pienses", + -12.387277603149414 + ], + [ + "\u2581Configuraci\u00f3n", + -12.648247718811035 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rouge", + -12.98955249786377 + ], + [ + "\u2581lesions", + -12.46060562133789 + ], + [ + "\u2581Donor", + -12.51589298248291 + ], + [ + "\u2581comparecer", + -12.54787540435791 + ], + [ + "\u2581unaware", + -12.461106300354004 + ], + [ + "\u2581Measurement", + -12.438175201416016 + ], + [ + "\u2581youngest", + -12.455266952514648 + ], + [ + "\u2581Steps", + -12.506830215454102 + ], + [ + "\u2581callar", + -12.486454010009766 + ], + [ + "\u2581miente", + -12.433728218078613 + ], + [ + "\u2581repeal", + -12.157859802246094 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nintendo", + -13.17335319519043 + ], + [ + "\u2581cesa", + -12.497593879699707 + ], + [ + "\u2581unwilling", + -12.425263404846191 + ], + [ + "InterPatagonia", + -13.124619483947754 + ], + [ + "\u25813,5", + -12.586374282836914 + ], + [ + "IENTE", + -13.21953010559082 + ], + [ + "\u2581demasiadas", + -12.495723724365234 + ], + [ + "\u2581plastics", + -12.484643936157227 + ], + [ + "Fr", + -12.407362937927246 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sentencia", + -12.557188987731934 + ], + [ + "\u2581crust", + -12.749448776245117 + ], + [ + "\u2581neutrality", + -12.414436340332031 + ], + [ + "\u2581spine", + -12.451953887939453 + ], + [ + "categor\u00eda", + -12.598387718200684 + ], + [ + "tub", + -12.569124221801758 + ], + [ + "\u2581Late", + -12.46847915649414 + ], + [ + "hh", + -12.587514877319336 + ], + [ + "\u2581S\u00edguenos", + -12.543842315673828 + ], + [ + "\u2581convertible", + -13.06546401977539 + ], + [ + "\u2581Arre", + -12.60686206817627 + ], + [ + "\u2581aleg\u00f3", + -12.605720520019531 + ], + [ + "\u2581estad\u00eda", + -12.568615913391113 + ], + [ + "Aunque", + -12.508401870727539 + ], + [ + "\u2581FIFA", + -13.152253150939941 + ], + [ + "\u2581baloncesto", + -12.534631729125977 + ], + [ + "\u2581contribuir\u00e1n", + -12.616518020629883 + ], + [ + "\u25812010)", + -12.69739818572998 + ], + [ + "5,6", + -13.344758987426758 + ], + [ + "rrea", + -12.758829116821289 + ], + [ + "pharma", + -12.725667953491211 + ], + [ + "\u2581Guardian", + -12.430611610412598 + ], + [ + "\u2581malentendido", + -12.487358093261719 + ], + [ + "process", + -12.381372451782227 + ], + [ + "\u2581acompa\u00f1an", + -12.429301261901855 + ], + [ + "\u2581recruiting", + -12.458308219909668 + ], + [ + "\u2581terrestrial", + -12.463111877441406 + ], + [ + "\u2581damp", + -12.5971040725708 + ], + [ + "\u2581asombrosa", + -12.531758308410645 + ], + [ + "\u2581par\u00e1bola", + -12.609394073486328 + ], + [ + "\u2581diary", + -12.545605659484863 + ], + [ + "\u2581frenos", + -12.514059066772461 + ], + [ + "\u2581Movie", + -12.52217960357666 + ], + [ + "\u2581Observ", + -12.396600723266602 + ], + [ + "\u2581anytime", + -12.556609153747559 + ], + [ + "\u2581eradicat", + -12.370003700256348 + ], + [ + "\u2581militantes", + -12.580452919006348 + ], + [ + "\u2581rodilla", + -12.464409828186035 + ], + [ + "\u2581entra\u00f1an", + -12.537840843200684 + ], + [ + "posito", + -12.651081085205078 + ], + [ + "\u2581fullest", + -12.482759475708008 + ], + [ + "liev", + -13.140423774719238 + ], + [ + "\u2581Quieren", + -12.396397590637207 + ], + [ + "\u2581dec\u00edrselo", + -12.291646957397461 + ], + [ + "\u2581importar\u00eda", + -12.413069725036621 + ], + [ + "\u2581validated", + -12.441197395324707 + ], + [ + "\u2581enrichment", + -12.476181983947754 + ], + [ + "\u2581remiti\u00f3", + -12.510050773620605 + ], + [ + "\u2581warmly", + -12.38011360168457 + ], + [ + "\u2581Creek", + -13.033910751342773 + ], + [ + "\u2581incansable", + -12.530709266662598 + ], + [ + "\u2581incluir\u00eda", + -12.663650512695312 + ], + [ + "Cochabamba", + -13.104439735412598 + ], + [ + "\u2581concomitant", + -12.411848068237305 + ], + [ + "\u2581enfrentado", + -12.620989799499512 + ], + [ + "\u2581Escuche", + -12.33372974395752 + ], + [ + "\u2581sufraga", + -12.49174690246582 + ], + [ + "Private", + -12.546212196350098 + ], + [ + "IDH", + -12.818169593811035 + ], + [ + "\u2581Character", + -12.483182907104492 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nan", + -12.426812171936035 + ], + [ + "\u2581vulnerabilities", + -12.423014640808105 + ], + [ + "\u2581Renaissance", + -12.416299819946289 + ], + [ + "\u2581moist", + -12.980006217956543 + ], + [ + "assessment", + -12.445334434509277 + ], + [ + "\u2581corrigendum", + -12.34630298614502 + ], + [ + "\u2581preparaciones", + -12.544800758361816 + ], + [ + "\u2581Brig", + -12.882655143737793 + ], + [ + "\u2581Creating", + -12.462063789367676 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bathrooms", + -12.610838890075684 + ], + [ + "\u2581respald", + -12.509706497192383 + ], + [ + "18)", + -12.489900588989258 + ], + [ + "\u2581fairy", + -12.520126342773438 + ], + [ + "\u2581MEPs", + -12.46921443939209 + ], + [ + "\u2581Scout", + -12.989383697509766 + ], + [ + "\u2581animada", + -12.578737258911133 + ], + [ + "\u2581concesionario", + -12.49106216430664 + ], + [ + "\u2581Writing", + -12.497597694396973 + ], + [ + "\u2581lino", + -12.620798110961914 + ], + [ + "\u2581extendi\u00f3", + -12.600961685180664 + ], + [ + "\u2581Supervisor", + -13.121869087219238 + ], + [ + "\u2581collaborating", + -12.414071083068848 + ], + [ + "\u2581scenery", + -12.473045349121094 + ], + [ + "\u2581trombo", + -12.56128978729248 + ], + [ + "\u2581Zion", + -12.498682022094727 + ], + [ + "\u2581arbusto", + -12.5504732131958 + ], + [ + "\u2581authenticity", + -12.450884819030762 + ], + [ + "qu\u00edmica", + -12.551759719848633 + ], + [ + "\u2581presento", + -12.378522872924805 + ], + [ + "\u2581shining", + -12.497603416442871 + ], + [ + "\u2581Laboratory", + -12.490385055541992 + ], + [ + "\u2581Quedan", + -12.469265937805176 + ], + [ + "\u2581champagne", + -12.646018028259277 + ], + [ + "\u2581conformar", + -12.485536575317383 + ], + [ + "\u2581primarios", + -12.605152130126953 + ], + [ + "\u2581ensambla", + -12.591212272644043 + ], + [ + "\u2581distorsiones", + -12.551804542541504 + ], + [ + "ouch", + -12.720903396606445 + ], + [ + "\u2581biology", + -12.471636772155762 + ], + [ + "\u2581airplane", + -12.538448333740234 + ], + [ + "\u2581desempe\u00f1\u00f3", + -12.567923545837402 + ], + [ + "\u2581broadband", + -12.430983543395996 + ], + [ + "\u2581preguntarte", + -12.331525802612305 + ], + [ + "titu", + -12.469003677368164 + ], + [ + "\u2581Yi", + -12.456483840942383 + ], + [ + "\u2581lightning", + -12.477622032165527 + ], + [ + "\u2581thi", + -12.58516788482666 + ], + [ + "\u2581atraso", + -12.565245628356934 + ], + [ + "eye", + -12.497164726257324 + ], + [ + "\u2581Scottish", + -12.484456062316895 + ], + [ + "\u2581adaptador", + -12.682723999023438 + ], + [ + "\u2581atletas", + -12.581603050231934 + ], + [ + "October", + -12.430490493774414 + ], + [ + "\u2581Baltimore", + -13.207213401794434 + ], + [ + "\u2581Microblad", + -12.459609985351562 + ], + [ + "\u2581commune", + -12.458463668823242 + ], + [ + "\u2581peregrinos", + -12.565793991088867 + ], + [ + "\u2581investigue", + -12.49742317199707 + ], + [ + "\u2581psiqui\u00e1trico", + -12.598166465759277 + ], + [ + "\u2581reversed", + -12.564016342163086 + ], + [ + "scendiente", + -12.592512130737305 + ], + [ + "lder", + -12.49928092956543 + ], + [ + "\u2581brote", + -12.54963207244873 + ], + [ + "som", + -12.62877082824707 + ], + [ + "\u2581acerc\u00f3", + -12.539889335632324 + ], + [ + "\u2581browse", + -12.398785591125488 + ], + [ + "\u2581mato", + -12.575568199157715 + ], + [ + "\u2581uva", + -12.558475494384766 + ], + [ + "\u2581workplan", + -12.440393447875977 + ], + [ + "feeding", + -12.433723449707031 + ], + [ + "\u2581acogedora", + -12.567455291748047 + ], + [ + "\u2581finalize", + -12.469273567199707 + ], + [ + "ceive", + -12.863607406616211 + ], + [ + "\u2581generando", + -12.555662155151367 + ], + [ + "\u2581guardians", + -12.45110034942627 + ], + [ + "\u2581drying", + -12.431392669677734 + ], + [ + "shot", + -12.530470848083496 + ], + [ + "energy", + -12.345463752746582 + ], + [ + "grim", + -12.926783561706543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Apoyar", + -12.601456642150879 + ], + [ + "Search", + -12.46524715423584 + ], + [ + "\u2581interpretati", + -12.571374893188477 + ], + [ + "\u2581ret\u00f3rica", + -12.539883613586426 + ], + [ + "metro", + -12.52436637878418 + ], + [ + "\u2581intensamente", + -12.553565979003906 + ], + [ + "ontifical", + -12.496411323547363 + ], + [ + "\u2581LP", + -12.4481782913208 + ], + [ + "\u2581adquiri\u00f3", + -12.643856048583984 + ], + [ + "\u2581emocionales", + -12.559475898742676 + ], + [ + "Ap", + -12.393890380859375 + ], + [ + "\u2581bovino", + -12.48737621307373 + ], + [ + "\u2581refiri\u00e9ndose", + -12.532026290893555 + ], + [ + "\u2581eval\u00fae", + -12.546489715576172 + ], + [ + "\u2581optimistic", + -12.339077949523926 + ], + [ + "\u2581Broadway", + -13.189867973327637 + ], + [ + "\u2581Disc", + -12.417786598205566 + ], + [ + "\u2581celo", + -12.505159378051758 + ], + [ + "\u2581serbia", + -12.58456039428711 + ], + [ + "hecho", + -12.538346290588379 + ], + [ + "\u2581ECLAC", + -12.366321563720703 + ], + [ + "\u2581ganadora", + -12.55534553527832 + ], + [ + "\u2581distortion", + -12.445841789245605 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hur", + -12.551645278930664 + ], + [ + "\u2581debilitar", + -12.676579475402832 + ], + [ + "Alguno", + -12.47857666015625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Revolucionario", + -12.606575012207031 + ], + [ + "\u2581Consumo", + -12.553146362304688 + ], + [ + "\u2581trozos", + -12.533711433410645 + ], + [ + "conocimiento", + -12.547236442565918 + ], + [ + "\u2581gritando", + -12.441790580749512 + ], + [ + "\u2581nodes", + -12.435030937194824 + ], + [ + "\u2581T\u00e9", + -12.581904411315918 + ], + [ + "unlimited", + -12.543754577636719 + ], + [ + "\u2581Emilio", + -13.182206153869629 + ], + [ + "\u2581societal", + -12.414071083068848 + ], + [ + "\u2581betrayed", + -12.56499195098877 + ], + [ + "\u2581boo", + -12.474273681640625 + ], + [ + "\u2581organizers", + -12.464218139648438 + ], + [ + "\u2581Schmidt", + -13.13586711883545 + ], + [ + "ulous", + -12.786691665649414 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kedd", + -13.17897891998291 + ], + [ + "\u2581panor\u00e1mica", + -12.596232414245605 + ], + [ + "\u2581flush", + -12.485066413879395 + ], + [ + "\u2581specimens", + -12.46627426147461 + ], + [ + "Venta", + -12.642805099487305 + ], + [ + "\u2581confronting", + -12.462575912475586 + ], + [ + "\u2581progresista", + -12.562522888183594 + ], + [ + "\u2581reflejaba", + -12.812498092651367 + ], + [ + "\u2581sumarias", + -12.57376480102539 + ], + [ + "\u2581swine", + -12.446882247924805 + ], + [ + "NGOs", + -12.500120162963867 + ], + [ + "\u2581cacao", + -12.537280082702637 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fantastic", + -12.520854949951172 + ], + [ + "\u2581faceta", + -12.536016464233398 + ], + [ + ".109/", + -12.950143814086914 + ], + [ + "Dear", + -12.54377269744873 + ], + [ + "\u25812019-0", + -13.416892051696777 + ], + [ + "\u2581inscrita", + -12.53926944732666 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sheet", + -12.484944343566895 + ], + [ + "\u2581oscuras", + -12.5631103515625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bosnian", + -12.413612365722656 + ], + [ + "oku", + -12.703512191772461 + ], + [ + "\u2581SESIONES", + -12.561198234558105 + ], + [ + "\u2581overdue", + -12.471866607666016 + ], + [ + "\u2581pharmacokinetic", + -12.428645133972168 + ], + [ + "\u2581ping", + -12.539304733276367 + ], + [ + "\u2581semejanza", + -12.655611991882324 + ], + [ + "\u2581malestar", + -12.542530059814453 + ], + [ + "\u2581idiotas", + -12.424901008605957 + ], + [ + "regla", + -12.509734153747559 + ], + [ + "\u2581DDT", + -13.115486145019531 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jord\u00e1n", + -12.610806465148926 + ], + [ + "\u2581enforcing", + -12.378002166748047 + ], + [ + "\u2581inmoral", + -12.601266860961914 + ], + [ + "\u2581vocabulary", + -12.509771347045898 + ], + [ + "\u2581Camina", + -12.469738960266113 + ], + [ + "\u2581difieren", + -12.641611099243164 + ], + [ + "\u2581Anga", + -12.660587310791016 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cardenal", + -12.516469955444336 + ], + [ + "\u2581reportero", + -12.557761192321777 + ], + [ + "\u2581abastece", + -12.553143501281738 + ], + [ + "factur", + -13.26998233795166 + ], + [ + "\u2581sch", + -12.725420951843262 + ], + [ + "\u2581depend\u00eda", + -12.56523323059082 + ], + [ + "\u2581confidenciales", + -12.523028373718262 + ], + [ + "\u2581furnace", + -12.49156665802002 + ], + [ + "\u2581creadores", + -12.62288761138916 + ], + [ + "\u2581depended", + -12.51130485534668 + ], + [ + "\u2581variado", + -12.607874870300293 + ], + [ + "\u2581Anybody", + -12.610271453857422 + ], + [ + "\u2581artiller\u00eda", + -12.51389217376709 + ], + [ + "\u2581entrepreneurial", + -12.454985618591309 + ], + [ + "\u2581F\u00fatbol", + -12.609394073486328 + ], + [ + "\u2581PARTES", + -12.517987251281738 + ], + [ + "\u2581comercializar", + -12.720513343811035 + ], + [ + "\u2581procesados", + -12.592328071594238 + ], + [ + "ILLA", + -13.1620512008667 + ], + [ + "\u2581standardization", + -12.50905704498291 + ], + [ + "positive", + -12.503703117370605 + ], + [ + "tac", + -12.293564796447754 + ], + [ + "\u2581Estimaci\u00f3n", + -12.616477012634277 + ], + [ + "\u2581an\u00e1logos", + -12.505287170410156 + ], + [ + "\u2581recita", + -12.514604568481445 + ], + [ + "\u2581exhibited", + -12.514381408691406 + ], + [ + "Federaci\u00f3n", + -12.535743713378906 + ], + [ + "\u2581usen", + -12.523517608642578 + ], + [ + "\u2581gamma", + -13.192655563354492 + ], + [ + "\u2581divertir", + -12.449049949645996 + ], + [ + "\u2581Quinto", + -12.61939811706543 + ], + [ + "\u2581administrarse", + -12.551811218261719 + ], + [ + "ifico", + -12.656691551208496 + ], + [ + "mote", + -12.4697847366333 + ], + [ + "uci", + -12.65137767791748 + ], + [ + "\u2581adaptaciones", + -12.528870582580566 + ], + [ + "\u2581Thyssen", + -13.086837768554688 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hago", + -12.396655082702637 + ], + [ + "\u2581Prop", + -12.707040786743164 + ], + [ + "Nigeria", + -13.155442237854004 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sabbath", + -12.404104232788086 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00e9tico", + -12.555168151855469 + ], + [ + "\u2581persuade", + -12.509832382202148 + ], + [ + "\u2581rounded", + -12.520112991333008 + ], + [ + "CPD", + -12.559897422790527 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kitty", + -13.148026466369629 + ], + [ + "\u2581ofrecida", + -12.512446403503418 + ], + [ + "\u2581abruma", + -12.494869232177734 + ], + [ + "\u2581Examinar", + -12.620759010314941 + ], + [ + "\u2581summon", + -12.46806812286377 + ], + [ + "\u2581representativa", + -12.555078506469727 + ], + [ + "Detente", + -12.533866882324219 + ], + [ + "pag", + -12.40916633605957 + ], + [ + "\u2581incapable", + -12.466631889343262 + ], + [ + "\u2581olvid\u00f3", + -12.48730754852295 + ], + [ + "\u2581impulsada", + -12.603184700012207 + ], + [ + "\u2581biolog\u00eda", + -12.564129829406738 + ], + [ + "\u2581disparidad", + -12.621121406555176 + ], + [ + "\u2581elder", + -12.482861518859863 + ], + [ + "cab", + -12.546002388000488 + ], + [ + "evaluation", + -12.419146537780762 + ], + [ + "writing", + -12.492714881896973 + ], + [ + "\u2581admirar", + -12.671749114990234 + ], + [ + "\u2581favorezca", + -12.609454154968262 + ], + [ + "\u2581Penny", + -13.124571800231934 + ], + [ + "ILL", + -12.672334671020508 + ], + [ + "escu", + -12.58440113067627 + ], + [ + "\u2581bobina", + -12.574799537658691 + ], + [ + "byte", + -12.642471313476562 + ], + [ + "poor", + -12.450942993164062 + ], + [ + "\u2581ayudaron", + -12.543962478637695 + ], + [ + "\u2581IDF", + -12.420104026794434 + ], + [ + "\u2581atrasado", + -12.63686466217041 + ], + [ + "\u2581Guil", + -12.515045166015625 + ], + [ + "\u2581prestaba", + -12.739493370056152 + ], + [ + "\u2581caracterizada", + -12.627897262573242 + ], + [ + "\u2581uni", + -12.537206649780273 + ], + [ + "ivi", + -12.359262466430664 + ], + [ + "viste", + -12.487573623657227 + ], + [ + "\u2581encompasses", + -12.42462158203125 + ], + [ + "\u2581frightened", + -12.552703857421875 + ], + [ + "nmunodeficiencia", + -12.581574440002441 + ], + [ + "rato", + -12.32858657836914 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mahmoud", + -13.061001777648926 + ], + [ + "escence", + -12.920758247375488 + ], + [ + "\u2581Harmon", + -12.461721420288086 + ], + [ + "\u2581Poll", + -12.438727378845215 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sie", + -12.67494010925293 + ], + [ + "\u2581Profesionales", + -12.603547096252441 + ], + [ + "euro", + -12.539237976074219 + ], + [ + "\u2581geogr\u00e1ficos", + -12.604292869567871 + ], + [ + "\u2581arrojar", + -12.444315910339355 + ], + [ + "\u2581audici\u00f3n", + -12.516484260559082 + ], + [ + "\u2581negarse", + -12.56220531463623 + ], + [ + "\u2581adhiri", + -12.544745445251465 + ], + [ + "\u2581apuesto", + -12.359532356262207 + ], + [ + "\u2581ponerme", + -12.356115341186523 + ], + [ + "\u2581Stressing", + -12.492391586303711 + ], + [ + "Pa\u00edses", + -12.56114673614502 + ], + [ + "\u2581Acceder", + -12.574272155761719 + ], + [ + "\u2581Caicos", + -13.129161834716797 + ], + [ + "\u2581inventa", + -12.397384643554688 + ], + [ + "Fourth", + -12.380535125732422 + ], + [ + "\u2581mineros", + -12.658323287963867 + ], + [ + "Min", + -12.85468864440918 + ], + [ + "erga", + -12.645246505737305 + ], + [ + "rai", + -12.570174217224121 + ], + [ + "\u2581nails", + -12.598237037658691 + ], + [ + "\u2581noruega", + -12.567924499511719 + ], + [ + "\u2581prevalent", + -12.451567649841309 + ], + [ + "\u2581probe", + -12.551132202148438 + ], + [ + "\u2581cubic", + -12.435258865356445 + ], + [ + "emic", + -12.500184059143066 + ], + [ + "\u2581UNDCP", + -12.3964204788208 + ], + [ + "\u2581Silvia", + -13.136404037475586 + ], + [ + "\u2581ultramar", + -12.533480644226074 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gustav", + -13.144878387451172 + ], + [ + "\u2581incomparable", + -12.96899700164795 + ], + [ + "\u2581recomendarle", + -12.650938034057617 + ], + [ + "udge", + -12.496551513671875 + ], + [ + "fulness", + -12.452049255371094 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lombard", + -13.2171049118042 + ], + [ + "family", + -12.448871612548828 + ], + [ + "\u25811408/71", + -13.021413803100586 + ], + [ + "\u2581controladores", + -12.605940818786621 + ], + [ + "ashi", + -12.592732429504395 + ], + [ + "\u2581Comfort", + -12.425159454345703 + ], + [ + "\u2581Formul", + -12.628131866455078 + ], + [ + "sponsor", + -12.439801216125488 + ], + [ + "\u2581titularidad", + -12.610594749450684 + ], + [ + "crofinanciaci\u00f3n", + -12.581608772277832 + ], + [ + "\u2581Casos", + -12.6486177444458 + ], + [ + "amma", + -12.62295913696289 + ], + [ + "\u2581profess", + -12.47085189819336 + ], + [ + "\u2581recurrence", + -12.435444831848145 + ], + [ + "\u2581Barroso", + -13.021413803100586 + ], + [ + "\u2581JIU", + -12.398717880249023 + ], + [ + "\u2581deported", + -12.450900077819824 + ], + [ + "\u2581breasts", + -12.598691940307617 + ], + [ + "\u2581desarrollaron", + -12.592198371887207 + ], + [ + "\u2581lick", + -12.61238956451416 + ], + [ + "\u2581envasado", + -12.608362197875977 + ], + [ + "\u2581clashes", + -12.487070083618164 + ], + [ + "\u2581c\u00e1psula", + -12.594813346862793 + ], + [ + "\u2581remand", + -12.444601058959961 + ], + [ + "2]", + -12.53876781463623 + ], + [ + "\u2581derogations", + -12.468701362609863 + ], + [ + "\u2581conjuga", + -12.613971710205078 + ], + [ + "\u2581ense\u00f1arle", + -12.472963333129883 + ], + [ + "Estado", + -12.614283561706543 + ], + [ + "\u2581proposition", + -12.42315673828125 + ], + [ + "Listo", + -12.366690635681152 + ], + [ + "\u2581gestores", + -12.572159767150879 + ], + [ + "\u2581recalcar", + -12.733657836914062 + ], + [ + "\u2581venidero", + -12.643861770629883 + ], + [ + "\u2581Elecciones", + -12.634207725524902 + ], + [ + "\u2581blister", + -12.432040214538574 + ], + [ + "\u2581condenada", + -12.532441139221191 + ], + [ + "\u2581learnt", + -12.485477447509766 + ], + [ + "\u2581wander", + -12.514389038085938 + ], + [ + "\u2581Resoluciones", + -12.58706283569336 + ], + [ + "\u2581persecuted", + -12.496805191040039 + ], + [ + "\u2581promotor", + -12.58894157409668 + ], + [ + "\u2581LIKE", + -12.616981506347656 + ], + [ + "\u2581drag\u00f3n", + -12.541202545166016 + ], + [ + "\u2581credited", + -12.513030052185059 + ], + [ + "\u2581Contract", + -12.392754554748535 + ], + [ + "\u2581moleste", + -12.34876537322998 + ], + [ + "\u2581punible", + -12.564433097839355 + ], + [ + "0/2001", + -13.106250762939453 + ], + [ + "\u2581decor", + -12.504949569702148 + ], + [ + "\u2581rescata", + -12.49233627319336 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cierra", + -12.322028160095215 + ], + [ + "\u2581Clases", + -12.672714233398438 + ], + [ + "\u2581arriesga", + -12.36376953125 + ], + [ + "\u2581fito", + -12.639832496643066 + ], + [ + "rupci\u00f3n", + -12.832930564880371 + ], + [ + "\u2581Scale", + -12.49049186706543 + ], + [ + "\u2581200.000", + -12.664304733276367 + ], + [ + "\u2581OIC", + -12.38260269165039 + ], + [ + "\u2581ocup\u00e1ndose", + -12.599562644958496 + ], + [ + "\u2581switched", + -12.425531387329102 + ], + [ + "\u2581$100", + -12.528124809265137 + ], + [ + "\u2581tabern\u00e1culo", + -12.63223648071289 + ], + [ + "\u2581inscription", + -12.466307640075684 + ], + [ + "\u2581Push", + -12.598003387451172 + ], + [ + "\u2581Queridos", + -12.568747520446777 + ], + [ + "\u2581vasto", + -12.626579284667969 + ], + [ + "\u2581hormona", + -12.464424133300781 + ], + [ + "\u2581Navegaci\u00f3n", + -12.6423978805542 + ], + [ + "\u2581sensaciones", + -12.54384708404541 + ], + [ + "\u2581dict\u00f3", + -12.551810264587402 + ], + [ + "\u2581incorrectamente", + -12.545037269592285 + ], + [ + "Salud", + -12.5584077835083 + ], + [ + "\u2581prestige", + -12.515913963317871 + ], + [ + "\u2581proporcionaron", + -12.604912757873535 + ], + [ + "\u2581MEDICAMENTO", + -12.471198081970215 + ], + [ + "\u2581cabida", + -12.56942081451416 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ram\u00f3n", + -12.641343116760254 + ], + [ + "\u2581prosigue", + -12.570716857910156 + ], + [ + "\u2581m\u00e9ritos", + -12.571504592895508 + ], + [ + "\u2581Carne", + -12.552499771118164 + ], + [ + "\u2581musulm\u00e1n", + -12.530709266662598 + ], + [ + "borne", + -12.47462272644043 + ], + [ + "\u2581injections", + -12.59385871887207 + ], + [ + "\u2581GU", + -12.607647895812988 + ], + [ + "\u2581shave", + -12.573010444641113 + ], + [ + "tuvimos", + -12.552680969238281 + ], + [ + "\u2581Publication", + -12.406725883483887 + ], + [ + "\u2581luce", + -12.451814651489258 + ], + [ + "September", + -12.472332954406738 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bogot", + -12.499678611755371 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dhabi", + -13.080315589904785 + ], + [ + "\u2581detainee", + -12.492045402526855 + ], + [ + "\u2581gane", + -12.45228385925293 + ], + [ + "\u2581brindado", + -12.610297203063965 + ], + [ + "\u2581disponemos", + -12.609695434570312 + ], + [ + "draw", + -12.537296295166016 + ], + [ + "\u25812001-2010", + -13.140832901000977 + ], + [ + "\u2581premise", + -12.452778816223145 + ], + [ + "\u2581teatral", + -12.619329452514648 + ], + [ + "\u2581thirst", + -12.555657386779785 + ], + [ + "\u2581conseguir\u00e1", + -12.513458251953125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vig", + -12.681364059448242 + ], + [ + "\u2581Irene", + -13.082587242126465 + ], + [ + "\u2581stab", + -12.761157035827637 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tac", + -12.611577033996582 + ], + [ + "\u2581grecochipriota", + -12.559831619262695 + ], + [ + "\u2581Module", + -12.488739967346191 + ], + [ + "\u2581atac\u00f3", + -12.511362075805664 + ], + [ + "holder", + -12.51091194152832 + ], + [ + "Institut", + -12.502041816711426 + ], + [ + "grup", + -12.645392417907715 + ], + [ + "\u25812(", + -12.414277076721191 + ], + [ + "\u2581preocupaba", + -12.613773345947266 + ], + [ + "\u2581supermercados", + -12.606804847717285 + ], + [ + "vuelva", + -12.403616905212402 + ], + [ + "\u2581autorice", + -12.551958084106445 + ], + [ + "\u2581luminous", + -12.383383750915527 + ], + [ + "\u2581Olv\u00eddalo", + -12.330394744873047 + ], + [ + "\u2581celoso", + -12.37646198272705 + ], + [ + "Level", + -12.430522918701172 + ], + [ + "\u2581Registrarse", + -12.60175609588623 + ], + [ + "\u2581beautifully", + -12.53858470916748 + ], + [ + "\u2581homework", + -12.571456909179688 + ], + [ + "\u2581ordenanza", + -12.53635311126709 + ], + [ + "\u25811999/468", + -13.19986629486084 + ], + [ + "\u2581EXAMEN", + -12.570634841918945 + ], + [ + "\u2581esquemas", + -12.594533920288086 + ], + [ + "\u2581reasoned", + -12.420381546020508 + ], + [ + "\u2581circo", + -12.411147117614746 + ], + [ + "\u2581brew", + -12.562487602233887 + ], + [ + "content", + -13.06451416015625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hist\u00f3rico", + -12.664520263671875 + ], + [ + "\u2581psicolog\u00eda", + -12.547849655151367 + ], + [ + "\u2581settling", + -12.489179611206055 + ], + [ + "Actual", + -12.706405639648438 + ], + [ + "\u2581affirms", + -12.467220306396484 + ], + [ + "\u2581comuni", + -12.569053649902344 + ], + [ + "\u2581differs", + -12.487436294555664 + ], + [ + "\u2581honrado", + -12.529258728027344 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alegre", + -13.164985656738281 + ], + [ + "\u2581Coge", + -12.40999984741211 + ], + [ + "\u2581representativas", + -12.649820327758789 + ], + [ + "Take", + -12.515175819396973 + ], + [ + "\u2581adoptaran", + -12.592079162597656 + ], + [ + "\u2581hist\u00f3ricamente", + -12.563702583312988 + ], + [ + "these", + -12.549844741821289 + ], + [ + "\u2581primitive", + -12.509771347045898 + ], + [ + "\u2581verbo", + -12.66928768157959 + ], + [ + "\u2581crawl", + -12.628388404846191 + ], + [ + "\u2581suprime", + -12.561498641967773 + ], + [ + "\u2581enfadado", + -12.3389892578125 + ], + [ + "Roma", + -12.64144229888916 + ], + [ + "99)", + -12.5767822265625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Chau", + -13.020798683166504 + ], + [ + "\u2581Loan", + -12.46142292022705 + ], + [ + "\u2581difamaci\u00f3n", + -12.636577606201172 + ], + [ + "\u2581Chin", + -12.5647611618042 + ], + [ + "\u2581banning", + -12.485801696777344 + ], + [ + "\u2581insulto", + -12.497353553771973 + ], + [ + "\u2581exacerbated", + -12.488080024719238 + ], + [ + "\u2581Deck", + -12.603095054626465 + ], + [ + "tr\u00e1", + -12.462414741516113 + ], + [ + "\u2581ulcer", + -12.502450942993164 + ], + [ + ".9/6", + -13.141294479370117 + ], + [ + "MERO", + -12.579371452331543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Shakespeare", + -13.202558517456055 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sudam\u00e9rica", + -12.573354721069336 + ], + [ + "\u2581tabletas", + -12.63148307800293 + ], + [ + "\u2581Particularly", + -12.467308044433594 + ], + [ + "\u2581alquileres", + -12.598652839660645 + ], + [ + "\u2581desesperado", + -12.460203170776367 + ], + [ + "\u2581insulation", + -12.460245132446289 + ], + [ + "\u2581Proposals", + -12.552031517028809 + ], + [ + "\u2581caer\u00e1", + -12.692696571350098 + ], + [ + "\u2581distribu", + -12.592391967773438 + ], + [ + "\u2581extremismo", + -12.599562644958496 + ], + [ + "\u2581narcotic", + -12.412321090698242 + ], + [ + "ITO", + -12.87017822265625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Plenario", + -12.687146186828613 + ], + [ + "\u2581arruina", + -12.422767639160156 + ], + [ + "\u2581omiso", + -12.51931381225586 + ], + [ + "\u2581atrocities", + -12.460776329040527 + ], + [ + "\u2581expuso", + -12.60398006439209 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tenth", + -12.444107055664062 + ], + [ + "\u2581pause", + -12.487226486206055 + ], + [ + "found", + -12.509140968322754 + ], + [ + "ioso", + -12.90457534790039 + ], + [ + "\u2581Finn", + -12.59730339050293 + ], + [ + "\u2581offspring", + -12.451569557189941 + ], + [ + "\u2581transi", + -12.53432846069336 + ], + [ + "\u2581[9]", + -13.111506462097168 + ], + [ + "\u2581conquistar", + -12.458271026611328 + ], + [ + "\u2581incendia", + -12.510050773620605 + ], + [ + "\u2581princes", + -12.562894821166992 + ], + [ + "\u2581impartido", + -12.62608528137207 + ], + [ + "\u2581derivative", + -12.429354667663574 + ], + [ + "\u2581Identificaci\u00f3n", + -12.52161979675293 + ], + [ + "\u2581facebook", + -13.223204612731934 + ], + [ + "\u2581sint\u00e9ticas", + -12.664891242980957 + ], + [ + "\u2581QT", + -13.276179313659668 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sebasti\u00e1n", + -12.528103828430176 + ], + [ + "\u2581c\u00f3modas", + -12.626035690307617 + ], + [ + "\u2581transposici\u00f3n", + -12.681206703186035 + ], + [ + "\u2581Difference", + -12.454962730407715 + ], + [ + "\u2581antropo", + -12.608389854431152 + ], + [ + "\u2581recommending", + -12.491800308227539 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pole", + -12.567700386047363 + ], + [ + "include", + -12.511406898498535 + ], + [ + "\u25811,500", + -12.521393775939941 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jordi", + -13.1925687789917 + ], + [ + "\u2581Progreso", + -12.632403373718262 + ], + [ + "\u2581brinde", + -12.639494895935059 + ], + [ + "\u2581smiling", + -12.603432655334473 + ], + [ + "\u2581accessory", + -12.509963035583496 + ], + [ + "\u2581Independencia", + -12.620818138122559 + ], + [ + "\u2581devise", + -12.507414817810059 + ], + [ + "\u2581torpe", + -12.476926803588867 + ], + [ + "umble", + -12.719335556030273 + ], + [ + "\u2581adaptadas", + -12.589322090148926 + ], + [ + "\u2581noteworthy", + -12.472631454467773 + ], + [ + "\u2581vivan", + -12.519037246704102 + ], + [ + "incluido", + -12.569905281066895 + ], + [ + "vierte", + -12.582049369812012 + ], + [ + "\u2581frenado", + -12.558387756347656 + ], + [ + "\u2581slim", + -12.54539680480957 + ], + [ + "\u2581Incorpora", + -12.555809020996094 + ], + [ + "\u2581Limita", + -12.60139274597168 + ], + [ + "\u2581Residente", + -12.595380783081055 + ], + [ + "\u2581reflections", + -12.518620491027832 + ], + [ + "\u2581sailor", + -12.511214256286621 + ], + [ + "\u2581enzimas", + -12.582121849060059 + ], + [ + "\u2581volcano", + -12.41596508026123 + ], + [ + "\u2581Repeat", + -12.58482551574707 + ], + [ + "\u2581conf\u00edo", + -12.471224784851074 + ], + [ + "\u2581badge", + -12.543879508972168 + ], + [ + "\u2581repentance", + -12.477300643920898 + ], + [ + "\u2581Concert", + -12.479619979858398 + ], + [ + "\u2581transita", + -12.668396949768066 + ], + [ + "\u2581baje", + -12.468015670776367 + ], + [ + "\u2581MIS", + -12.632314682006836 + ], + [ + "\u2581adhiera", + -12.5816068649292 + ], + [ + "\u2581arbitrario", + -12.695159912109375 + ], + [ + "\u2581pose\u00eda", + -12.579256057739258 + ], + [ + "\u2581prudent", + -12.451788902282715 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hob", + -12.65401554107666 + ], + [ + "\u2581shifting", + -12.443714141845703 + ], + [ + "\u2581Consolidated", + -12.445730209350586 + ], + [ + "\u2581ocasionar", + -12.534716606140137 + ], + [ + "\u2581grasos", + -12.583307266235352 + ], + [ + "\u2581mago", + -12.483497619628906 + ], + [ + "\u2581reduzca", + -12.557840347290039 + ], + [ + ",000,000", + -12.579667091369629 + ], + [ + "kilometraje", + -12.65773868560791 + ], + [ + "\u2581Participate", + -12.494099617004395 + ], + [ + "\u2581abertura", + -12.598217010498047 + ], + [ + "tuvieron", + -12.448030471801758 + ], + [ + "\u2581Delegate", + -12.37472152709961 + ], + [ + "\u2581apagado", + -12.569916725158691 + ], + [ + "\u2581organice", + -12.600655555725098 + ], + [ + "\u2581diffusion", + -12.457283973693848 + ], + [ + "\u2581organisational", + -12.447901725769043 + ], + [ + "\u2581continuar\u00e1n", + -12.627089500427246 + ], + [ + "cort", + -12.433735847473145 + ], + [ + "\u2581sudeste", + -12.602476119995117 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wendy", + -13.16501235961914 + ], + [ + "\u2581sandwich", + -12.617976188659668 + ], + [ + "asi", + -12.312091827392578 + ], + [ + "\u2581fighter", + -12.527405738830566 + ], + [ + "g\u00e9nica", + -12.621247291564941 + ], + [ + "lake", + -12.730964660644531 + ], + [ + "\u2581amigable", + -12.562902450561523 + ], + [ + "\u2581fijarse", + -12.584246635437012 + ], + [ + "\u2581blows", + -12.593692779541016 + ], + [ + "\u2581upright", + -12.564507484436035 + ], + [ + "\u2581centralized", + -12.466784477233887 + ], + [ + "Adi\u00f3s", + -12.356219291687012 + ], + [ + "\u2581notificados", + -12.55539608001709 + ], + [ + "\u2581probada", + -12.628085136413574 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gel", + -12.681768417358398 + ], + [ + "\u2581Uncommon", + -12.444605827331543 + ], + [ + "\u2581ambiciosa", + -12.525505065917969 + ], + [ + "\u2581forge", + -12.551334381103516 + ], + [ + "\u2581migraciones", + -12.681068420410156 + ], + [ + "\u2581Harbour", + -12.518411636352539 + ], + [ + "\u2581afrontan", + -12.660897254943848 + ], + [ + "\u2581confecciona", + -12.569357872009277 + ], + [ + "\u2581whereabouts", + -12.538361549377441 + ], + [ + "\u2581pulp", + -12.456338882446289 + ], + [ + "\u2581vendiendo", + -12.491299629211426 + ], + [ + "IVA", + -12.633316040039062 + ], + [ + "\u2581servir\u00eda", + -12.615670204162598 + ], + [ + "40)", + -12.60690975189209 + ], + [ + "\u2581instig", + -12.533699989318848 + ], + [ + "Governmental", + -12.299115180969238 + ], + [ + "edo", + -12.474848747253418 + ], + [ + "\u25810,7", + -12.748018264770508 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jul", + -12.739649772644043 + ], + [ + "\u2581preferencial", + -12.552428245544434 + ], + [ + "\u2581surviving", + -12.484376907348633 + ], + [ + "\u2581dismantling", + -12.444581985473633 + ], + [ + "\u2581escogi", + -12.65473747253418 + ], + [ + "\u2581inmunizaci\u00f3n", + -12.602361679077148 + ], + [ + "\u25812007-2013", + -13.167598724365234 + ], + [ + "\u2581salgan", + -12.46226692199707 + ], + [ + "\u2581Valentin", + -13.216527938842773 + ], + [ + "HY", + -12.723077774047852 + ], + [ + "\u2581Naturally", + -12.486671447753906 + ], + [ + "\u2581shadows", + -12.529642105102539 + ], + [ + "\u2581propugna", + -12.570634841918945 + ], + [ + "\u2581T\u00e9cnicos", + -12.616413116455078 + ], + [ + "\u2581deteriora", + -12.611732482910156 + ], + [ + "\u2581geom\u00e9tricas", + -12.655611991882324 + ], + [ + "\u2581compr\u00e9", + -12.417473793029785 + ], + [ + "\u2581cortada", + -12.552021980285645 + ], + [ + "\u2581respetuosa", + -12.58155632019043 + ], + [ + "\u2581Teher\u00e1n", + -12.557148933410645 + ], + [ + "\u2581aisladas", + -12.641043663024902 + ], + [ + "\u2581gancho", + -12.566617012023926 + ], + [ + "\u2581Contracts", + -12.566248893737793 + ], + [ + "\u2581metallic", + -12.47533130645752 + ], + [ + "\u2581Liberty", + -12.489224433898926 + ], + [ + "\u2581Philistines", + -12.415619850158691 + ], + [ + "tender", + -12.465412139892578 + ], + [ + "\u2581Liam", + -13.057198524475098 + ], + [ + "\u2581extra\u00eddo", + -12.599712371826172 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mazenod", + -13.190139770507812 + ], + [ + "\u2581inspiring", + -12.501279830932617 + ], + [ + "\u2581peel", + -12.505402565002441 + ], + [ + "\u2581ingrediente", + -12.59060001373291 + ], + [ + "\u2581Chino", + -12.624462127685547 + ], + [ + "\u2581consequent", + -12.500590324401855 + ], + [ + "\u2581formule", + -12.647318840026855 + ], + [ + "\u2581lid", + -12.589261054992676 + ], + [ + "\u2581Behind", + -12.532063484191895 + ], + [ + "\u2581Drake", + -13.213467597961426 + ], + [ + "\u2581elegance", + -12.560001373291016 + ], + [ + "\u2581Shane", + -13.1127290725708 + ], + [ + "\u2581Requisitos", + -12.672005653381348 + ], + [ + "\u2581est\u00e9ril", + -12.612597465515137 + ], + [ + "\u2581Icelandic", + -12.52385425567627 + ], + [ + "\u2581asustar", + -12.513835906982422 + ], + [ + "\u2581preparar\u00e1", + -12.503081321716309 + ], + [ + "\u2581importer", + -12.462443351745605 + ], + [ + "\u2581reconstruct", + -12.556126594543457 + ], + [ + "illy", + -12.624942779541016 + ], + [ + "\u2581RI", + -12.344393730163574 + ], + [ + "\u2581costura", + -12.573005676269531 + ], + [ + "\u2581intermediary", + -12.467798233032227 + ], + [ + "\u2581tasting", + -12.565173149108887 + ], + [ + "\u2581auspici", + -12.596261024475098 + ], + [ + "\u2581intr\u00ednseca", + -12.595378875732422 + ], + [ + "2020", + -13.052035331726074 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dise\u00f1ado", + -12.659071922302246 + ], + [ + "\u2581embassy", + -12.539605140686035 + ], + [ + "\u2581Elderly", + -12.397828102111816 + ], + [ + "\u2581backpack", + -12.516488075256348 + ], + [ + "\u2581predicaci\u00f3n", + -12.61599063873291 + ], + [ + "stay", + -12.520501136779785 + ], + [ + "\u2581cautelares", + -12.583135604858398 + ], + [ + "comunica", + -12.560729026794434 + ], + [ + "div", + -12.456768989562988 + ], + [ + "ucker", + -12.614373207092285 + ], + [ + "\u2581Estaban", + -12.441719055175781 + ], + [ + "\u2581Leadership", + -12.485618591308594 + ], + [ + "\u2581pudiste", + -12.376280784606934 + ], + [ + "\u2581Stark", + -13.156220436096191 + ], + [ + "\u2581registering", + -12.543431282043457 + ], + [ + "\u2581fan\u00e1tico", + -12.450526237487793 + ], + [ + "ordinate", + -12.471426963806152 + ], + [ + "\u2581burns", + -12.595490455627441 + ], + [ + "\u2581F\u00e1cil", + -12.588443756103516 + ], + [ + "\u2581documentales", + -12.594860076904297 + ], + [ + "\u2581stud", + -13.126482963562012 + ], + [ + "\u2581zorra", + -12.456559181213379 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cit", + -12.530735969543457 + ], + [ + "eche", + -12.782687187194824 + ], + [ + "\u2581outskirts", + -12.49156665802002 + ], + [ + "ANO", + -12.770791053771973 + ], + [ + "About", + -12.531871795654297 + ], + [ + "\u2581CESPAO", + -12.630793571472168 + ], + [ + "\u2581Observation", + -12.443334579467773 + ], + [ + "\u2581translator", + -12.45606803894043 + ], + [ + "\u2581SECURITY", + -12.418533325195312 + ], + [ + "\u2581plots", + -12.526421546936035 + ], + [ + "\u2581UltraS", + -12.806341171264648 + ], + [ + "\u2581aferra", + -12.568855285644531 + ], + [ + "\u2581condenadas", + -12.693218231201172 + ], + [ + "paro", + -12.557051658630371 + ], + [ + "20,000", + -12.525580406188965 + ], + [ + "\u2581festivo", + -12.627117156982422 + ], + [ + "\u2581ponerla", + -12.617227554321289 + ], + [ + "\u2581Celestial", + -13.140602111816406 + ], + [ + "\u2581Estabilidad", + -12.566683769226074 + ], + [ + "\u2581Khal", + -12.635696411132812 + ], + [ + "\u2581hidromasaje", + -12.578815460205078 + ], + [ + "\u2581Catalogue", + -12.514695167541504 + ], + [ + "\u2581Intolerance", + -12.489506721496582 + ], + [ + "\u2581SUS", + -12.62717056274414 + ], + [ + "\u2581respiratorio", + -12.592056274414062 + ], + [ + "ohne", + -12.75888729095459 + ], + [ + "\u2581explosiones", + -12.58155632019043 + ], + [ + "\u2581lane", + -12.568231582641602 + ], + [ + "\u2581tutores", + -12.621452331542969 + ], + [ + "\u2581vendor", + -12.472686767578125 + ], + [ + "\u2581celebramos", + -12.53022289276123 + ], + [ + "\u2581vendi\u00f3", + -12.518357276916504 + ], + [ + "\u2581comprenda", + -12.527174949645996 + ], + [ + "\u2581distribuy\u00f3", + -12.700971603393555 + ], + [ + "alla", + -12.48071575164795 + ], + [ + "worthy", + -12.536401748657227 + ], + [ + "\u25811999)", + -12.543519020080566 + ], + [ + "\u2581difundido", + -12.58155632019043 + ], + [ + "\u2581glow", + -12.560401916503906 + ], + [ + "\u2581seemingly", + -12.515925407409668 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00e9ticos", + -12.647723197937012 + ], + [ + "\u2581motivar", + -12.711893081665039 + ], + [ + "\u2581senderismo", + -12.661548614501953 + ], + [ + "maybe", + -12.4844388961792 + ], + [ + "\u2581discoteca", + -12.58300495147705 + ], + [ + "\u2581passages", + -12.555930137634277 + ], + [ + "\u2581cu\u00f1a", + -12.4965238571167 + ], + [ + "\u2581volatility", + -12.461943626403809 + ], + [ + "\u2581anal\u00edticos", + -12.675082206726074 + ], + [ + "\u2581communism", + -12.487974166870117 + ], + [ + "\u2581guarder\u00edas", + -12.619222640991211 + ], + [ + "\u2581terminals", + -12.469185829162598 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jesuit", + -12.478483200073242 + ], + [ + "\u2581enciclopedia", + -12.577446937561035 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aliens", + -12.496500968933105 + ], + [ + "\u2581r\u00ede", + -12.443410873413086 + ], + [ + "\u2581pissed", + -12.658622741699219 + ], + [ + "\u2581enjuicia", + -12.53119945526123 + ], + [ + "\u2581suplementario", + -12.623366355895996 + ], + [ + "\u2581TB", + -12.419419288635254 + ], + [ + "\u2581editions", + -12.578857421875 + ], + [ + "\u2581infringements", + -12.528974533081055 + ], + [ + "\u2581Approval", + -12.417415618896484 + ], + [ + "\u2581pr\u00f3ximamente", + -12.571974754333496 + ], + [ + "\u2581encargan", + -12.547454833984375 + ], + [ + "\u2581GHz", + -13.22458553314209 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pressure", + -12.540084838867188 + ], + [ + "\u2581evolutionary", + -12.417730331420898 + ], + [ + "\u2581amarga", + -12.52191162109375 + ], + [ + "\u2581literaria", + -12.580767631530762 + ], + [ + "Buen", + -12.398775100708008 + ], + [ + "\u2581ofrecidas", + -12.592775344848633 + ], + [ + "dh", + -12.64940357208252 + ], + [ + "\u2581derrame", + -12.62735366821289 + ], + [ + "\u2581induced", + -12.470730781555176 + ], + [ + "\u2581Contin\u00faa", + -12.463850021362305 + ], + [ + "\u2581stems", + -12.543106079101562 + ], + [ + "\u2581suprema", + -12.58023738861084 + ], + [ + "\u2581Prestar", + -12.638077735900879 + ], + [ + "\u2581expiration", + -12.543397903442383 + ], + [ + "\u00f3gena", + -12.592910766601562 + ], + [ + "\u2581emisor", + -12.56452465057373 + ], + [ + "\u2581reconsideraci\u00f3n", + -12.54914379119873 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ageing", + -12.526601791381836 + ], + [ + "\u2581bici", + -12.516179084777832 + ], + [ + "\u2581gen\u00e9tico", + -12.486690521240234 + ], + [ + "\u2581reforming", + -12.462087631225586 + ], + [ + "developed", + -12.443842887878418 + ], + [ + "western", + -12.554020881652832 + ], + [ + "\u2581Requested", + -12.488884925842285 + ], + [ + "\u2581disbursement", + -12.51099681854248 + ], + [ + "\u2581Broad", + -12.483846664428711 + ], + [ + "curso", + -12.568445205688477 + ], + [ + "\u2581bathtub", + -12.492846488952637 + ], + [ + "\u2581holocausto", + -12.573354721069336 + ], + [ + "\u2581pagadas", + -12.599640846252441 + ], + [ + "\u2581particulier", + -13.178120613098145 + ], + [ + "\u2581pluri", + -12.584403038024902 + ], + [ + "8),", + -12.585622787475586 + ], + [ + "SY", + -12.498595237731934 + ], + [ + "\u2581psychic", + -12.503716468811035 + ], + [ + "\u2581c\u00f3lera", + -12.626482009887695 + ], + [ + "\u2581veas", + -12.456950187683105 + ], + [ + "\u2581informative", + -12.499557495117188 + ], + [ + "\u2581reflejen", + -12.643745422363281 + ], + [ + "\u2581reporters", + -12.53262996673584 + ], + [ + "\u2581conseguimos", + -12.511137962341309 + ], + [ + "\u2581procurando", + -12.67376708984375 + ], + [ + "\u2581recorre", + -12.552506446838379 + ], + [ + "\u2581unificada", + -12.679903984069824 + ], + [ + "\u258153/1", + -13.188095092773438 + ], + [ + "\u2581enterrar", + -12.452627182006836 + ], + [ + "\u2581Coco", + -12.605993270874023 + ], + [ + "\u2581flies", + -12.562874794006348 + ], + [ + "\u2581Benidorm", + -13.149850845336914 + ], + [ + "\u2581alumbra", + -12.561586380004883 + ], + [ + "\u2581overlook", + -12.491765975952148 + ], + [ + "\u2581hablaron", + -12.653528213500977 + ], + [ + "\u2581prefiero", + -12.416193962097168 + ], + [ + "\u2581inalienables", + -12.551535606384277 + ], + [ + "\u2581cumpliment", + -12.650979995727539 + ], + [ + "\u2581levadura", + -12.529411315917969 + ], + [ + "\u2581perder\u00e1", + -12.360218048095703 + ], + [ + "\u2581graba", + -12.385045051574707 + ], + [ + "\u2581colombiana", + -12.591218948364258 + ], + [ + "Diga", + -12.539983749389648 + ], + [ + "Fo", + -12.47193717956543 + ], + [ + "Str", + -12.652739524841309 + ], + [ + "esca", + -12.549824714660645 + ], + [ + "\u2581aseguran", + -12.60684585571289 + ], + [ + "\u2581catching", + -12.617366790771484 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aah", + -12.628387451171875 + ], + [ + "tention", + -12.409159660339355 + ], + [ + "\u2581afectando", + -12.674315452575684 + ], + [ + "\u2581renov", + -12.640207290649414 + ], + [ + "Aprobada", + -12.619325637817383 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bavaria", + -12.512237548828125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pig", + -12.553680419921875 + ], + [ + "\u2581descubrimientos", + -12.556633949279785 + ], + [ + "Agencia", + -12.747925758361816 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rentals", + -12.58737564086914 + ], + [ + "\u2581calories", + -12.554645538330078 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ethnic", + -12.551027297973633 + ], + [ + "\u2581abriendo", + -12.581561088562012 + ], + [ + "tienes", + -12.45435619354248 + ], + [ + "\u2581Universities", + -12.47136402130127 + ], + [ + "\u2581introduciendo", + -12.669010162353516 + ], + [ + "\u2581issuer", + -12.557022094726562 + ], + [ + "\u2581pat", + -12.605185508728027 + ], + [ + "vance", + -12.726412773132324 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gentiles", + -12.487431526184082 + ], + [ + "\u2581retrasado", + -12.505291938781738 + ], + [ + "\u2581correspon", + -12.626730918884277 + ], + [ + "\u2581offend", + -12.691797256469727 + ], + [ + "\u2581pragmatic", + -12.419651985168457 + ], + [ + "\u2581ordinarias", + -12.610199928283691 + ], + [ + "\u2581vault", + -12.62939739227295 + ], + [ + "\u2581verifica", + -12.405732154846191 + ], + [ + "imen", + -12.438611030578613 + ], + [ + "\u2581Compris", + -12.443524360656738 + ], + [ + "\u2581crowded", + -12.565714836120605 + ], + [ + "\u2581petitions", + -12.467500686645508 + ], + [ + "\u2581rejects", + -12.534579277038574 + ], + [ + "\u2581Investigations", + -12.460756301879883 + ], + [ + "\u2581apela", + -12.512809753417969 + ], + [ + "\u2581l\u00e1piz", + -12.55313777923584 + ], + [ + "\u2581infecciosas", + -12.60077953338623 + ], + [ + "t\u00f3logo", + -12.744695663452148 + ], + [ + "\u2581Campesina", + -13.182331085205078 + ], + [ + "\u2581Expand", + -12.515918731689453 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ram\u00edrez", + -13.164959907531738 + ], + [ + "\u2581abolir", + -12.589044570922852 + ], + [ + "\u2581expresando", + -12.658724784851074 + ], + [ + "\u2581indiscriminado", + -12.584305763244629 + ], + [ + "\u2581esperaban", + -12.610206604003906 + ], + [ + "\u2581repay", + -12.504813194274902 + ], + [ + "\u2581Guayaquil", + -13.170977592468262 + ], + [ + "\u2581desprecia", + -12.505325317382812 + ], + [ + "\u2581optimismo", + -12.605169296264648 + ], + [ + "duciendo", + -12.631266593933105 + ], + [ + "written", + -12.487883567810059 + ], + [ + "\u2581intermediaries", + -12.418533325195312 + ], + [ + "\u2581b\u00edblicos", + -12.546732902526855 + ], + [ + "\u2581drum", + -12.522237777709961 + ], + [ + "\u2581participar\u00e1n", + -12.643951416015625 + ], + [ + "\u2581embarked", + -12.46104621887207 + ], + [ + "\u2581ingesta", + -12.70252513885498 + ], + [ + "\u2581dirija", + -12.549149513244629 + ], + [ + "\u2581remnants", + -12.51372241973877 + ], + [ + "debe", + -12.590926170349121 + ], + [ + "\u2581Holocaust", + -12.51345157623291 + ], + [ + "\u2581Supporting", + -12.480419158935547 + ], + [ + "intensive", + -12.473519325256348 + ], + [ + "\u2581Buscador", + -12.72187614440918 + ], + [ + "PAC", + -12.631882667541504 + ], + [ + "\u2581Microblading", + -12.602361679077148 + ], + [ + "\u2581intestine", + -12.523346900939941 + ], + [ + "incluso", + -12.572038650512695 + ], + [ + "\u2581dictator", + -12.53702449798584 + ], + [ + "\u2581subcutaneous", + -12.490419387817383 + ], + [ + "737", + -13.097199440002441 + ], + [ + "\u2581miscellaneous", + -12.473688125610352 + ], + [ + "ference", + -12.478994369506836 + ], + [ + "\u2581proclamar", + -12.686458587646484 + ], + [ + "\u2581Calvin", + -13.208317756652832 + ], + [ + "\u2581structur", + -12.512478828430176 + ], + [ + "\u2581uvas", + -12.644357681274414 + ], + [ + "\u2581fracasado", + -12.454009056091309 + ], + [ + "i\u00e9ndote", + -12.515931129455566 + ], + [ + "\u2581difunto", + -12.593988418579102 + ], + [ + "\u2581sinagoga", + -12.71498966217041 + ], + [ + "-40", + -12.571704864501953 + ], + [ + "\u2581actu\u00f3", + -12.607983589172363 + ], + [ + "\u2581prerrogativas", + -12.57547664642334 + ], + [ + "\u2581framed", + -12.578824043273926 + ], + [ + "\u2581$15", + -12.494592666625977 + ], + [ + "\u2581multiplicar", + -12.685517311096191 + ], + [ + "\u2581m\u00fasico", + -12.626267433166504 + ], + [ + "publicaci\u00f3n", + -12.5641450881958 + ], + [ + "meric", + -12.648482322692871 + ], + [ + "\u2581needy", + -12.63103199005127 + ], + [ + "\u2581Conf\u00eda", + -12.418542861938477 + ], + [ + "\u2581pieles", + -12.572582244873047 + ], + [ + "\u2581posibilita", + -12.520565032958984 + ], + [ + "\u2581pretendi", + -12.672966957092285 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alcalde", + -12.566579818725586 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sueldos", + -12.654141426086426 + ], + [ + "\u2581duelo", + -12.600433349609375 + ], + [ + "\u2581saliente", + -12.62043285369873 + ], + [ + "\u2581Est\u00e1ndar", + -12.671228408813477 + ], + [ + "depend", + -12.502299308776855 + ], + [ + "terinstitutional", + -12.440479278564453 + ], + [ + "\u2581Colombo", + -13.227147102355957 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tip", + -12.565025329589844 + ], + [ + "\u2581abandonment", + -12.542346954345703 + ], + [ + "\u2581bucket", + -12.518564224243164 + ], + [ + "\u2581escap\u00f3", + -12.467522621154785 + ], + [ + "\u2581trabas", + -12.654189109802246 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00fatero", + -12.613640785217285 + ], + [ + "Pueden", + -12.46765422821045 + ], + [ + "\u2581viaj\u00f3", + -12.639484405517578 + ], + [ + "\u2581poisoning", + -12.574296951293945 + ], + [ + "\u2581precipitation", + -12.466694831848145 + ], + [ + "eight", + -12.358601570129395 + ], + [ + "\u2581Enforce", + -12.53079605102539 + ], + [ + "\u2581PYMES", + -12.593033790588379 + ], + [ + "\u2581respetuoso", + -12.58155632019043 + ], + [ + "\u2581abarcado", + -12.715909957885742 + ], + [ + "\u2581simb\u00f3lica", + -12.543842315673828 + ], + [ + "ACNUR", + -12.591389656066895 + ], + [ + "incluidas", + -12.631598472595215 + ], + [ + "\u2581injected", + -12.452726364135742 + ], + [ + "\u2581sovi\u00e9tica", + -12.591212272644043 + ], + [ + "\u2581stalk", + -12.54781436920166 + ], + [ + "\u2581atribuido", + -12.627975463867188 + ], + [ + "\u2581emphasised", + -12.41786003112793 + ], + [ + "\u2581specialize", + -12.512016296386719 + ], + [ + "\u2581Equipamiento", + -12.584400177001953 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vosotros", + -12.499273300170898 + ], + [ + "\u2581despacio", + -12.477495193481445 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mezcla", + -12.522932052612305 + ], + [ + "\u2581lawn", + -12.625029563903809 + ], + [ + "\u2581pir\u00e1mide", + -12.625041961669922 + ], + [ + "\u2581demogr\u00e1ficas", + -12.564943313598633 + ], + [ + "lope", + -12.628297805786133 + ], + [ + "\u2581carton", + -12.5126314163208 + ], + [ + "tom\u00eda", + -12.611473083496094 + ], + [ + "\u2581Depende", + -12.466739654541016 + ], + [ + "\u2581backdrop", + -12.53480052947998 + ], + [ + "\u2581militias", + -12.549226760864258 + ], + [ + "\u2581presentaban", + -12.637703895568848 + ], + [ + "\u2581sober", + -12.586556434631348 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00edtem", + -12.655614852905273 + ], + [ + "\u25814,000", + -12.500529289245605 + ], + [ + "\u2581Emphasizing", + -12.540867805480957 + ], + [ + "\u2581enzyme", + -12.500433921813965 + ], + [ + "\u2581lest", + -12.464256286621094 + ], + [ + "\u2581waist", + -12.532852172851562 + ], + [ + "\u2581sent\u00f3", + -12.57522964477539 + ], + [ + "SB", + -12.43844985961914 + ], + [ + "\u2581propusieron", + -12.603955268859863 + ], + [ + "\u2581formulen", + -12.65064811706543 + ], + [ + "\u2581qualifying", + -12.529195785522461 + ], + [ + "\u2581soak", + -12.558245658874512 + ], + [ + "\u2581caga", + -12.481472969055176 + ], + [ + "\u2581multiplied", + -12.424138069152832 + ], + [ + "\u2581actualice", + -12.629003524780273 + ], + [ + "OLA", + -12.540066719055176 + ], + [ + "acher", + -12.890707015991211 + ], + [ + "\u2581comprendo", + -12.432498931884766 + ], + [ + "\u2581transmit\u00eda", + -12.57199478149414 + ], + [ + "\u2581geograf\u00eda", + -12.63377857208252 + ], + [ + "\u2581creep", + -12.637261390686035 + ], + [ + "\u2581prescripciones", + -12.642395973205566 + ], + [ + "\u2581weighted", + -12.444657325744629 + ], + [ + "BM", + -12.410850524902344 + ], + [ + "\u2581creativos", + -12.644230842590332 + ], + [ + "\u2581investigator", + -12.544632911682129 + ], + [ + "\u2581Funciones", + -12.657390594482422 + ], + [ + "\u2581Healthy", + -12.442978858947754 + ], + [ + "\u2581squeeze", + -12.563872337341309 + ], + [ + "\u2581Extend", + -12.525717735290527 + ], + [ + "\u2581anunciada", + -12.594304084777832 + ], + [ + "\u2581fraudulent", + -12.434308052062988 + ], + [ + "\u2581Naomi", + -13.147615432739258 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gram", + -12.587140083312988 + ], + [ + "dell", + -12.561440467834473 + ], + [ + "\u2581apremiante", + -12.612229347229004 + ], + [ + "\u2581vigorous", + -12.499411582946777 + ], + [ + "Au", + -12.512337684631348 + ], + [ + "data", + -12.518911361694336 + ], + [ + "\u2581collaborated", + -12.532270431518555 + ], + [ + "\u2581defenderse", + -12.586267471313477 + ], + [ + "\u2581repository", + -12.49638843536377 + ], + [ + "\u2581consecrated", + -12.531062126159668 + ], + [ + "\u2581pilgrims", + -12.48444652557373 + ], + [ + "\u2581Divino", + -12.592761993408203 + ], + [ + "ggio", + -12.70872974395752 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pollution", + -12.554865837097168 + ], + [ + "\u2581SM", + -12.387669563293457 + ], + [ + "\u2581cooperated", + -12.55844497680664 + ], + [ + "\u2581sq", + -12.410384178161621 + ], + [ + "\u2581Damas", + -12.429105758666992 + ], + [ + "\u2581Freedoms", + -12.645234107971191 + ], + [ + "\u2581dejarte", + -12.37201976776123 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tang", + -12.583043098449707 + ], + [ + "\u2581inclusiva", + -12.638046264648438 + ], + [ + "\u2581optimizaci\u00f3n", + -12.645858764648438 + ], + [ + "WTO", + -12.43686580657959 + ], + [ + "\u2581Empieza", + -12.512619018554688 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gir", + -12.624530792236328 + ], + [ + "\u2581wetlands", + -12.519258499145508 + ], + [ + "phtha", + -12.885153770446777 + ], + [ + "\u2581tropieza", + -12.589826583862305 + ], + [ + "\u2581wheelchair", + -12.622467041015625 + ], + [ + "\u2581inscribir", + -12.555007934570312 + ], + [ + "prueba", + -12.540488243103027 + ], + [ + "\u2581Agents", + -12.507539749145508 + ], + [ + "\u2581mainland", + -12.447178840637207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Travis", + -13.172996520996094 + ], + [ + "\u2581licenses", + -12.569585800170898 + ], + [ + "\u2581Schi", + -12.721526145935059 + ], + [ + "\u2581aportando", + -12.601570129394531 + ], + [ + "\u2581reiterado", + -12.69853401184082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Corriente", + -12.72893238067627 + ], + [ + "\u2581Divorcios", + -12.54914379119873 + ], + [ + "\u2581arbitrator", + -12.458447456359863 + ], + [ + "\u2581dista", + -12.678991317749023 + ], + [ + "\u2581melod\u00eda", + -12.528108596801758 + ], + [ + "\u2581thresholds", + -12.411865234375 + ], + [ + "question", + -13.110764503479004 + ], + [ + "\u2581yields", + -12.548770904541016 + ], + [ + "Christian", + -12.465431213378906 + ], + [ + "\u2581bearings", + -12.513230323791504 + ], + [ + "\u2581justifican", + -12.550424575805664 + ], + [ + "lating", + -12.454499244689941 + ], + [ + "\u2581suizos", + -12.643036842346191 + ], + [ + "Portugal", + -13.223511695861816 + ], + [ + "\u2581(10)", + -12.486927032470703 + ], + [ + "WF", + -12.523364067077637 + ], + [ + "soever", + -12.54967212677002 + ], + [ + "\u2581demostraron", + -12.634307861328125 + ], + [ + "\u2581examinar\u00e1n", + -12.589203834533691 + ], + [ + "\u2581companions", + -12.544523239135742 + ], + [ + "\u2581calla", + -12.371782302856445 + ], + [ + "\u2581Theo", + -12.512785911560059 + ], + [ + "vention", + -12.462943077087402 + ], + [ + "\u2581alcoh\u00f3licas", + -12.59849739074707 + ], + [ + "\u2581cofinanciaci\u00f3n", + -12.645711898803711 + ], + [ + "\u2581habitan", + -12.584943771362305 + ], + [ + "\u2581handles", + -12.571331977844238 + ], + [ + "/50", + -12.393655776977539 + ], + [ + "Term", + -12.584033012390137 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aprueba", + -12.652667045593262 + ], + [ + "\u2581Difamacion", + -12.612220764160156 + ], + [ + "\u2581aperitivo", + -12.606622695922852 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cinema", + -12.57433032989502 + ], + [ + "\u2581Designed", + -12.467352867126465 + ], + [ + "\u2581Citizenship", + -12.458480834960938 + ], + [ + "Doc", + -12.44503402709961 + ], + [ + "\u2581arrepentir", + -12.5203275680542 + ], + [ + "cance", + -12.972358703613281 + ], + [ + "\u2581herir", + -12.484482765197754 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sacrament", + -12.476053237915039 + ], + [ + "\u2581coexistencia", + -12.559831619262695 + ], + [ + "valida", + -12.67135238647461 + ], + [ + "\u2581abismo", + -12.5886869430542 + ], + [ + "\u2581polymer", + -12.489391326904297 + ], + [ + "\u2581garlic", + -12.59279727935791 + ], + [ + "\u2581otorg\u00f3", + -12.638030052185059 + ], + [ + "\u2581sediment", + -12.579508781433105 + ], + [ + "\u2581vernos", + -12.42627239227295 + ], + [ + "\u2581persiste", + -12.577375411987305 + ], + [ + "\u2581wallpaper", + -12.506155967712402 + ], + [ + "ligera", + -12.606833457946777 + ], + [ + "\u2581obesity", + -12.540867805480957 + ], + [ + "\u2581colaboran", + -12.611814498901367 + ], + [ + "\u2581Prev", + -12.743402481079102 + ], + [ + "\u2581otorgamiento", + -12.566637992858887 + ], + [ + "\u2581cepillo", + -12.556135177612305 + ], + [ + "\u2581Repsol", + -13.207262992858887 + ], + [ + "\u2581nasty", + -12.606127738952637 + ], + [ + "\u2581resultar\u00eda", + -12.646819114685059 + ], + [ + "stitute", + -12.42943286895752 + ], + [ + "\u2581Exposiciones", + -12.7229642868042 + ], + [ + "\u2581auditing", + -12.503010749816895 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jefferson", + -13.260257720947266 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wilhelm", + -13.278581619262695 + ], + [ + "\u2581r\u00edgida", + -12.629352569580078 + ], + [ + "\u2581Origen", + -12.730859756469727 + ], + [ + "\u2581comprendida", + -12.57946491241455 + ], + [ + "\u2581connector", + -12.58939266204834 + ], + [ + "\u65e5\u672c\u8a9e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581Subsidiary", + -12.445730209350586 + ], + [ + "\u2581awaits", + -12.545587539672852 + ], + [ + "\u2581dilema", + -12.530817985534668 + ], + [ + "\u2581Blanc", + -12.593235969543457 + ], + [ + "\u2581mires", + -12.535638809204102 + ], + [ + "bee", + -12.759167671203613 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tendremos", + -12.34980297088623 + ], + [ + "\u2581convento", + -12.615423202514648 + ], + [ + "\u2581discharged", + -12.525947570800781 + ], + [ + "\u2581Slide", + -12.460533142089844 + ], + [ + "\u2581augment", + -12.50977897644043 + ], + [ + "\u2581habilitar", + -12.66490650177002 + ], + [ + "\u2581sospechas", + -12.592570304870605 + ], + [ + "\u2581Honduran", + -12.528312683105469 + ], + [ + "\u2581discomfort", + -12.467798233032227 + ], + [ + "\u2581implicar", + -12.367237091064453 + ], + [ + "\u2581Till", + -12.704519271850586 + ], + [ + "\u00e1rtelo", + -12.394172668457031 + ], + [ + "\u2581Masa", + -12.565926551818848 + ], + [ + "\u2581intensificado", + -12.621109962463379 + ], + [ + "\u2581widening", + -12.512781143188477 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bloque", + -12.634089469909668 + ], + [ + "\u2581bark", + -12.550751686096191 + ], + [ + "\u2581bolt", + -12.560383796691895 + ], + [ + "\u2581confiscaci\u00f3n", + -12.672636032104492 + ], + [ + "\u2581honoured", + -12.509515762329102 + ], + [ + "\u2581diferenciaci\u00f3n", + -12.570734024047852 + ], + [ + "Chairmen", + -12.401381492614746 + ], + [ + "\u2581idoneidad", + -12.6511869430542 + ], + [ + "\u2581iniciarse", + -12.624188423156738 + ], + [ + "iqui", + -12.931883811950684 + ], + [ + "\u2581Perm\u00edtanme", + -12.570634841918945 + ], + [ + "\u2581hongos", + -12.564813613891602 + ], + [ + "\u2581sintetiza", + -12.590137481689453 + ], + [ + "\u2581geometr\u00eda", + -12.63514518737793 + ], + [ + "\u2581instauraci\u00f3n", + -12.610806465148926 + ], + [ + "\u2581Evolution", + -12.541119575500488 + ], + [ + "\u2581bureaucratic", + -12.437621116638184 + ], + [ + "\u2581gotas", + -12.56977367401123 + ], + [ + "760", + -13.329277038574219 + ], + [ + "isch", + -12.936245918273926 + ], + [ + "qualified", + -12.4951753616333 + ], + [ + "\u2581potato", + -12.520538330078125 + ], + [ + "35)", + -12.576921463012695 + ], + [ + "oxin", + -12.471843719482422 + ], + [ + "\u2581oblig\u00f3", + -12.635128021240234 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tuberculosis", + -13.048330307006836 + ], + [ + "\u2581inaugur\u00f3", + -12.743631362915039 + ], + [ + "\u2581mam\u00edferos", + -12.654134750366211 + ], + [ + "\u2581testamento", + -12.483569145202637 + ], + [ + "\u2581trajeron", + -12.528058052062988 + ], + [ + ":24", + -12.640868186950684 + ], + [ + "\u2581(1967)", + -13.178123474121094 + ], + [ + "\u2581Owing", + -12.542928695678711 + ], + [ + "ducing", + -12.465900421142578 + ], + [ + "\u2581carril", + -12.592084884643555 + ], + [ + "\u2581extremism", + -12.500020980834961 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pamplona", + -13.192561149597168 + ], + [ + "\u2581anhela", + -12.626484870910645 + ], + [ + "\u2581Donate", + -12.533941268920898 + ], + [ + "\u2581gaming", + -12.498822212219238 + ], + [ + "\u2581supermercado", + -12.508585929870605 + ], + [ + "soluci", + -13.004253387451172 + ], + [ + "\u2581Encomia", + -12.607996940612793 + ], + [ + "\u2581noruego", + -12.673510551452637 + ], + [ + "hhh", + -13.119949340820312 + ], + [ + "\u2581estime", + -12.601037979125977 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cita", + -12.730042457580566 + ], + [ + "ENTES", + -12.55538272857666 + ], + [ + "Observer", + -12.52471923828125 + ], + [ + "\u2581conmemoraci\u00f3n", + -12.625526428222656 + ], + [ + "\u2581contaminada", + -12.691136360168457 + ], + [ + "\u2581discutido", + -12.604619026184082 + ], + [ + "\u2581exchanging", + -12.482032775878906 + ], + [ + "\u2581cut\u00e1nea", + -12.62360954284668 + ], + [ + "ggie", + -12.67343521118164 + ], + [ + "\u2581austeridad", + -12.620750427246094 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nevis", + -12.87042236328125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tehran", + -12.50732421875 + ], + [ + "\u2581confrontaci\u00f3n", + -12.62118911743164 + ], + [ + "\u2581jubilados", + -12.675533294677734 + ], + [ + "\u2581zombi", + -12.551827430725098 + ], + [ + "\u2581acababa", + -12.66320514678955 + ], + [ + "\u2581authorise", + -12.52221393585205 + ], + [ + "\u2581groupings", + -12.526118278503418 + ], + [ + "\u2581nerves", + -12.581405639648438 + ], + [ + "\u2581PARTIES", + -12.45034408569336 + ], + [ + "guero", + -12.633260726928711 + ], + [ + "\u2581tabernacle", + -12.527066230773926 + ], + [ + "function", + -12.502324104309082 + ], + [ + "hog", + -12.868250846862793 + ], + [ + "opathy", + -12.709246635437012 + ], + [ + "tar\u00edf", + -12.698420524597168 + ], + [ + "\u2581unification", + -12.504522323608398 + ], + [ + "\u2581wagon", + -12.586149215698242 + ], + [ + "\u2581Insulza", + -13.145215034484863 + ], + [ + "\u2581Eslovaca", + -12.661541938781738 + ], + [ + "\u2581unsustainable", + -12.501291275024414 + ], + [ + "\u2581exempted", + -12.500808715820312 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pristina", + -13.190139770507812 + ], + [ + "\u2581ampl\u00ede", + -12.635128021240234 + ], + [ + "\u2581daylight", + -12.555960655212402 + ], + [ + "GAME", + -12.597532272338867 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rub", + -12.662063598632812 + ], + [ + "\u2581Basilica", + -12.506111145019531 + ], + [ + "\u2581SL", + -12.384496688842773 + ], + [ + "\u2581reunida", + -12.5925931930542 + ], + [ + "MIL", + -12.709653854370117 + ], + [ + "kt", + -12.60523796081543 + ], + [ + "\u25812012)", + -12.719715118408203 + ], + [ + "\u2581barrica", + -12.670722961425781 + ], + [ + "\u2581L\u00e9", + -12.518566131591797 + ], + [ + "\u2581centralizado", + -12.596254348754883 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rehabilitaci\u00f3n", + -12.685670852661133 + ], + [ + "\u2581lightweight", + -12.50885009765625 + ], + [ + "\u2581consecutiva", + -12.629352569580078 + ], + [ + "\u2581pierdas", + -12.607473373413086 + ], + [ + "\u2581Asesora", + -12.735315322875977 + ], + [ + "\u2581armadura", + -12.591941833496094 + ], + [ + "\u2581imperialistas", + -12.628026008605957 + ], + [ + "mani", + -12.35619068145752 + ], + [ + "\u2581blown", + -12.66700553894043 + ], + [ + "\u2581llanura", + -12.592598915100098 + ], + [ + "\u2581huerto", + -12.587143898010254 + ], + [ + "shak", + -12.726664543151855 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mutual", + -12.504897117614746 + ], + [ + "\u2581radically", + -12.440936088562012 + ], + [ + "\u2581da\u00f1ada", + -12.542659759521484 + ], + [ + "\u2581revival", + -12.457283973693848 + ], + [ + "\u2581tejado", + -12.535116195678711 + ], + [ + "before", + -12.495196342468262 + ], + [ + "l\u00ednea", + -12.68921947479248 + ], + [ + "\u2581PNUFID", + -12.62360954284668 + ], + [ + "\u2581microphone", + -12.562668800354004 + ], + [ + "\u2581portions", + -12.602177619934082 + ], + [ + "nero", + -12.252729415893555 + ], + [ + "Somos", + -12.513266563415527 + ], + [ + "\u2581impress", + -12.577888488769531 + ], + [ + "\u2581inflama", + -12.572534561157227 + ], + [ + "\u2581understandable", + -12.456780433654785 + ], + [ + "\u2581unrest", + -12.516128540039062 + ], + [ + "oficial", + -12.562681198120117 + ], + [ + "\u2581Preferencias", + -12.753366470336914 + ], + [ + "\u2581maligno", + -12.592915534973145 + ], + [ + "\u2581remov", + -12.626827239990234 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hacemos", + -12.591583251953125 + ], + [ + "\u2581startup", + -12.530871391296387 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gew", + -12.709257125854492 + ], + [ + "support", + -12.501416206359863 + ], + [ + "meters", + -12.569189071655273 + ], + [ + "Acuerdo", + -12.703514099121094 + ], + [ + "commercial", + -12.439638137817383 + ], + [ + "\u2581Recognition", + -12.48557186126709 + ], + [ + "\u2581professionalism", + -12.48067569732666 + ], + [ + "metre", + -12.494531631469727 + ], + [ + "\u2581electron", + -12.481740951538086 + ], + [ + "\u2581violates", + -12.61167049407959 + ], + [ + "\u2581conviertan", + -12.684518814086914 + ], + [ + "\u2581mercader\u00eda", + -12.592598915100098 + ], + [ + "\u2581Own", + -12.489681243896484 + ], + [ + "\u2581violan", + -12.591607093811035 + ], + [ + "\u2581prelaci\u00f3n", + -12.657451629638672 + ], + [ + "around", + -12.537323951721191 + ], + [ + "\u2581Deliver", + -12.506884574890137 + ], + [ + "\u2581Provence", + -12.557456016540527 + ], + [ + "\u2581Relevant", + -12.514681816101074 + ], + [ + "\u2581correctivas", + -12.61932373046875 + ], + [ + "Madrid", + -13.146084785461426 + ], + [ + "\u2581Medell\u00edn", + -13.119278907775879 + ], + [ + "\u2581neighborhoods", + -12.548954963684082 + ], + [ + "Disponible", + -12.68342399597168 + ], + [ + "\u2581cloruro", + -12.621879577636719 + ], + [ + "\u2581aliado", + -12.544317245483398 + ], + [ + "\u2581cr\u00f3nico", + -12.68106460571289 + ], + [ + "\u2581generosity", + -12.534570693969727 + ], + [ + "\u2581parable", + -12.473658561706543 + ], + [ + "\u2581BOIN", + -12.685667991638184 + ], + [ + "(3)(", + -12.357871055603027 + ], + [ + "\u25811998)", + -12.634782791137695 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pump", + -12.559746742248535 + ], + [ + "\u2581linf\u00e1tico", + -12.512609481811523 + ], + [ + "\u2581responsabiliza", + -12.568962097167969 + ], + [ + "\u2581similitud", + -12.638028144836426 + ], + [ + "\u2581(9)", + -12.5059814453125 + ], + [ + "\u2581INFO", + -13.141928672790527 + ], + [ + "\u2581categori", + -12.72142505645752 + ], + [ + "\u2581manifiestan", + -12.575371742248535 + ], + [ + "African", + -12.505366325378418 + ], + [ + "\u2581desprecio", + -12.646130561828613 + ], + [ + "\u2581sobrino", + -12.498615264892578 + ], + [ + "nning", + -12.185076713562012 + ], + [ + "\u2581suelte", + -12.523898124694824 + ], + [ + "\u2581lined", + -12.550849914550781 + ], + [ + "\u2581representando", + -12.659222602844238 + ], + [ + "\u2581(21", + -12.390445709228516 + ], + [ + "\u2581vi\u00f1a", + -12.744450569152832 + ], + [ + "erman", + -12.367241859436035 + ], + [ + "\u25812011)", + -12.723422050476074 + ], + [ + "\u2581amueblada", + -12.645318031311035 + ], + [ + "\u2581Laundry", + -12.59672737121582 + ], + [ + "\u2581N\u00e1poles", + -12.646781921386719 + ], + [ + "\u2581leyendas", + -12.642999649047852 + ], + [ + "\u2581suelto", + -12.485284805297852 + ], + [ + "\u2581sunlight", + -12.519883155822754 + ], + [ + "7-8", + -13.342972755432129 + ], + [ + "every", + -12.49654483795166 + ], + [ + "\u2581expectativa", + -12.681471824645996 + ], + [ + "formation", + -12.328402519226074 + ], + [ + "\u2581Messenger", + -12.477237701416016 + ], + [ + "\u2581fundar", + -12.558666229248047 + ], + [ + "\u2581induction", + -12.489630699157715 + ], + [ + "\u2581petrolero", + -12.652665138244629 + ], + [ + "\u2581Constantin", + -12.687213897705078 + ], + [ + "\u2581Owner", + -12.570579528808594 + ], + [ + "\u2581merced", + -12.619338989257812 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fase", + -12.597556114196777 + ], + [ + "S\u00e9", + -12.515867233276367 + ], + [ + "\u2581veredicto", + -12.571993827819824 + ], + [ + "\u2581centralizada", + -12.658931732177734 + ], + [ + "\u2581respaldada", + -12.618722915649414 + ], + [ + "\u2581concurren", + -12.641568183898926 + ], + [ + "\u2581adaptada", + -12.674875259399414 + ], + [ + "\u2581pele", + -12.49221420288086 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jonas", + -13.278153419494629 + ], + [ + "\u2581misleading", + -12.460074424743652 + ], + [ + "\u2581organising", + -12.495293617248535 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dejar", + -12.524445533752441 + ], + [ + "\u2581poorer", + -12.493709564208984 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tat", + -12.627440452575684 + ], + [ + "\u2581apuntar", + -12.571720123291016 + ], + [ + "logue", + -12.599902153015137 + ], + [ + "\u2581acumular", + -12.633657455444336 + ], + [ + "\u2581minoritaria", + -12.62217903137207 + ], + [ + "\u2581starch", + -12.456396102905273 + ], + [ + "Tienen", + -12.445693016052246 + ], + [ + "dijo", + -12.574050903320312 + ], + [ + "smantelamiento", + -12.672005653381348 + ], + [ + "\u2581cataloga", + -12.675043106079102 + ], + [ + "multilateralismo", + -12.679702758789062 + ], + [ + "\u2581competitivas", + -12.615668296813965 + ], + [ + "\u2581facade", + -12.518399238586426 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u201c\u00a1", + -12.62470817565918 + ], + [ + "ceiving", + -12.554600715637207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Poner", + -12.678091049194336 + ], + [ + "\u2581procuring", + -12.446879386901855 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bike", + -12.492571830749512 + ], + [ + "\u2581dialect", + -12.575624465942383 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cusco", + -13.1246337890625 + ], + [ + "\u2581widest", + -12.511046409606934 + ], + [ + "\u25811(", + -12.497533798217773 + ], + [ + "\u2581WORK", + -12.515244483947754 + ], + [ + "\u2581recurren", + -12.815367698669434 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuidadosa", + -12.571277618408203 + ], + [ + "\u2581osteoporosis", + -13.307493209838867 + ], + [ + "Germain", + -13.26718807220459 + ], + [ + "\u2581Judiciary", + -12.517146110534668 + ], + [ + "\u2581enfoca", + -12.465070724487305 + ], + [ + "icismo", + -12.921174049377441 + ], + [ + "\u2581Elementos", + -12.725171089172363 + ], + [ + "GRA", + -13.10462760925293 + ], + [ + "\u2581bebiendo", + -12.469980239868164 + ], + [ + "\u2581intersectorial", + -12.44198989868164 + ], + [ + "\u2581localmente", + -12.708755493164062 + ], + [ + "\u2581volv\u00eda", + -12.628798484802246 + ], + [ + "\u2581Previously", + -12.611766815185547 + ], + [ + "\u2581fluids", + -12.51368236541748 + ], + [ + "\u2581Qu\u00edmicas", + -12.6315279006958 + ], + [ + "\u2581baths", + -12.613045692443848 + ], + [ + "\u2581eminente", + -12.694822311401367 + ], + [ + "\u2581encontradas", + -12.676370620727539 + ], + [ + "\u2581maniobras", + -12.585654258728027 + ], + [ + "\u2581Motorcycle", + -12.45035457611084 + ], + [ + "\u2581cicatriz", + -12.5412015914917 + ], + [ + "\u2581homicidios", + -12.630069732666016 + ], + [ + "\u2581hum", + -12.657499313354492 + ], + [ + "\u2581Algerian", + -12.495038032531738 + ], + [ + "\u2581admin", + -12.528233528137207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bite", + -12.470911979675293 + ], + [ + "\u2581IAS", + -12.461100578308105 + ], + [ + "\u2581soldadura", + -12.718132972717285 + ], + [ + "\u2581maya", + -12.724164009094238 + ], + [ + "\u2581spinal", + -12.481671333312988 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sullivan", + -13.187349319458008 + ], + [ + "\u2581restaurada", + -12.714791297912598 + ], + [ + "\u2581necessitate", + -12.529561042785645 + ], + [ + "roots", + -12.445944786071777 + ], + [ + "\u2581dimana", + -12.677136421203613 + ], + [ + "\u2581localizada", + -12.789374351501465 + ], + [ + "\u2581consortium", + -12.51345157623291 + ], + [ + "\u2581debilidades", + -12.652756690979004 + ], + [ + "\u2581concentrada", + -12.675958633422852 + ], + [ + "\u2581eliminando", + -12.628252029418945 + ], + [ + "\u2581recalca", + -12.58600902557373 + ], + [ + "\u2581sang", + -12.568037986755371 + ], + [ + "\u2581subordinado", + -12.623611450195312 + ], + [ + "performance", + -12.478282928466797 + ], + [ + "\u2581b\u00e9isbol", + -12.503681182861328 + ], + [ + "WS", + -12.316821098327637 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hop", + -12.67636775970459 + ], + [ + "\u2581asustada", + -12.450446128845215 + ], + [ + "\u2581hinchaz\u00f3n", + -12.578831672668457 + ], + [ + "wave", + -12.529830932617188 + ], + [ + "\u2581ansioso", + -12.494832038879395 + ], + [ + "\u2581fluvial", + -12.657106399536133 + ], + [ + "\u2581gorda", + -12.404809951782227 + ], + [ + "tested", + -12.487403869628906 + ], + [ + "\u2581demostrada", + -12.617138862609863 + ], + [ + "\u2581empeorar", + -12.68919849395752 + ], + [ + "\u2581snacks", + -12.54190444946289 + ], + [ + "\u2581Modo", + -12.719512939453125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Install", + -12.550667762756348 + ], + [ + "\u2581quedaban", + -12.625656127929688 + ], + [ + "\u2581Desaf\u00edo", + -12.643856048583984 + ], + [ + "\u2581unencumbered", + -12.558713912963867 + ], + [ + "\u2581Daisy", + -13.23971939086914 + ], + [ + "\u2581vet", + -12.621581077575684 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wallace", + -13.197495460510254 + ], + [ + "\u2581addendum", + -12.502449035644531 + ], + [ + "\u2581incapaces", + -12.625041961669922 + ], + [ + "\u2581pudi\u00e9ramos", + -12.526803016662598 + ], + [ + "\u2581diamante", + -12.53475570678711 + ], + [ + "\u2581musician", + -12.596957206726074 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tesoro", + -12.61933422088623 + ], + [ + "\u2581flooding", + -12.480573654174805 + ], + [ + "\u2581USSR", + -12.469589233398438 + ], + [ + "\u2581Consecuencias", + -12.613637924194336 + ], + [ + "\u2581tile", + -12.530464172363281 + ], + [ + "\u2581Exploitation", + -12.459610939025879 + ], + [ + "\u2581soils", + -12.584053039550781 + ], + [ + "\u2581brigada", + -12.549147605895996 + ], + [ + "\u2581confusing", + -12.560001373291016 + ], + [ + "hombre", + -12.50876235961914 + ], + [ + "\u2581MARKETING", + -12.407435417175293 + ], + [ + "\u2581curiosity", + -12.557429313659668 + ], + [ + "\u2581goats", + -12.572513580322266 + ], + [ + "\u2581stitches", + -12.546337127685547 + ], + [ + "\u2581diagnose", + -12.522171020507812 + ], + [ + "\u2581otorgue", + -12.660106658935547 + ], + [ + "\u2581BOINC", + -12.565165519714355 + ], + [ + "\u2581premiums", + -12.502764701843262 + ], + [ + "\u2581testimonies", + -12.449182510375977 + ], + [ + "enna", + -12.527507781982422 + ], + [ + "\u2581afortunada", + -12.591212272644043 + ], + [ + "\u2581Supplementary", + -12.487055778503418 + ], + [ + "Ecuador", + -13.029726028442383 + ], + [ + "\u2581artesanos", + -12.566620826721191 + ], + [ + "\u2581traba", + -12.570806503295898 + ], + [ + "drive", + -12.723810195922852 + ], + [ + "\u2581intentionally", + -12.568620681762695 + ], + [ + "\u2581agricultor", + -12.595714569091797 + ], + [ + "\u2581folders", + -12.559487342834473 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pain", + -12.638660430908203 + ], + [ + "\u2581switching", + -12.475859642028809 + ], + [ + "\u25812002-2005", + -13.076154708862305 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jac", + -12.8412446975708 + ], + [ + "\u2581pu\u00f1ado", + -12.467541694641113 + ], + [ + "\u2581perpetr", + -12.614240646362305 + ], + [ + "effectiveness", + -12.46444034576416 + ], + [ + "egra", + -13.118706703186035 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ruby", + -13.17493724822998 + ], + [ + "\u2581condo", + -12.476156234741211 + ], + [ + "\u2581dimos", + -12.585996627807617 + ], + [ + "\u2581forgetting", + -12.644258499145508 + ], + [ + "\u2581hallazgo", + -12.630634307861328 + ], + [ + "\u2581alcanzando", + -12.693711280822754 + ], + [ + "stakeholder", + -12.55906867980957 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ryanair", + -13.255142211914062 + ], + [ + "\u2581an\u00e1logo", + -12.611847877502441 + ], + [ + "\u2581detenerlo", + -12.462462425231934 + ], + [ + "aventura", + -12.753636360168457 + ], + [ + "cake", + -12.63709545135498 + ], + [ + "incluida", + -12.628005981445312 + ], + [ + "\u2581deteriorating", + -12.529561042785645 + ], + [ + "lmirante", + -12.546693801879883 + ], + [ + "\u2581arquitect\u00f3nica", + -12.658573150634766 + ], + [ + "\u2581aulas", + -12.737030982971191 + ], + [ + "\u2581carved", + -12.44461727142334 + ], + [ + "\u2581estuvimos", + -12.486572265625 + ], + [ + "\u2581seals", + -12.564123153686523 + ], + [ + "l\u00edtica", + -12.648030281066895 + ], + [ + "\u2581llamarlo", + -12.530533790588379 + ], + [ + "\u2581metodol\u00f3gica", + -12.626476287841797 + ], + [ + "XXVIII", + -13.161901473999023 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gandhi", + -13.223214149475098 + ], + [ + "products", + -12.524767875671387 + ], + [ + "\u2581iniquidad", + -12.675015449523926 + ], + [ + "\u2581FAQs", + -12.563511848449707 + ], + [ + "\u2581peruano", + -12.738808631896973 + ], + [ + "\u2581Factores", + -12.682344436645508 + ], + [ + "Sonido", + -12.604968070983887 + ], + [ + "\u2581Adicionalmente", + -12.662189483642578 + ], + [ + "\u2581Parkinson", + -13.212146759033203 + ], + [ + "figure", + -12.53410816192627 + ], + [ + "sided", + -12.519640922546387 + ], + [ + "\u2581infarto", + -12.599563598632812 + ], + [ + "\u2581super\u00e1vit", + -12.68562126159668 + ], + [ + "Dame", + -12.396045684814453 + ], + [ + "\u2581Johann", + -12.604828834533691 + ], + [ + "\u2581M\u00e9todo", + -12.67387866973877 + ], + [ + "\u2581conmemorar", + -12.664972305297852 + ], + [ + "n\u00e1utica", + -12.679546356201172 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tunisian", + -12.48888111114502 + ], + [ + "\u2581instar", + -12.593133926391602 + ], + [ + "\u2581patolog\u00eda", + -12.587215423583984 + ], + [ + "\u2581imprenta", + -12.667508125305176 + ], + [ + "\u2581pauta", + -12.686063766479492 + ], + [ + "\u2581interconexi\u00f3n", + -12.663090705871582 + ], + [ + "\u2581postpone", + -12.521934509277344 + ], + [ + "\u2581URSS", + -12.603764533996582 + ], + [ + "\u2581microcr\u00e9dito", + -12.660056114196777 + ], + [ + "\u2581tipograf\u00eda", + -12.865382194519043 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fly", + -12.559088706970215 + ], + [ + "\u2581acompa\u00f1ante", + -12.63174819946289 + ], + [ + "\u2581preferir\u00eda", + -12.516130447387695 + ], + [ + "\u2581thyroid", + -12.524641036987305 + ], + [ + "\u2581traiga", + -12.327479362487793 + ], + [ + "\u2581rincones", + -12.633681297302246 + ], + [ + "\u2581Duck", + -12.571069717407227 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dj", + -12.695841789245605 + ], + [ + "\u2581probation", + -12.746231079101562 + ], + [ + "\u2581ABOUT", + -12.705288887023926 + ], + [ + "Empezando", + -12.737199783325195 + ], + [ + "\u2581che", + -12.589522361755371 + ], + [ + "\u2581Palazzo", + -13.084665298461914 + ], + [ + "\u2581precisan", + -12.57326602935791 + ], + [ + "\u2581prematura", + -12.581557273864746 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lourdes", + -13.227089881896973 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mercosur", + -13.124619483947754 + ], + [ + "AID", + -12.432392120361328 + ], + [ + "\u2581delimitaci\u00f3n", + -12.685633659362793 + ], + [ + "vre", + -12.693689346313477 + ], + [ + "\u2581Winston", + -13.261847496032715 + ], + [ + "\u2581pol\u00e9mica", + -12.675015449523926 + ], + [ + "graduate", + -12.725564956665039 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wouldn", + -12.770098686218262 + ], + [ + "\u2581Modificaci\u00f3n", + -12.654241561889648 + ], + [ + "\u2581Adjunta", + -12.67652416229248 + ], + [ + "\u2581caramelo", + -12.529714584350586 + ], + [ + "\u2581fisionable", + -12.603764533996582 + ], + [ + "\u2581objetividad", + -12.646781921386719 + ], + [ + "\u2581Am\u00e9n", + -12.533122062683105 + ], + [ + "Ciudad", + -12.660730361938477 + ], + [ + "\u2581Blow", + -12.676431655883789 + ], + [ + "\u2581tertiary", + -12.490365028381348 + ], + [ + "\u2581contradictory", + -12.468997955322266 + ], + [ + "\u2581honesta", + -12.555272102355957 + ], + [ + "\u2581nacen", + -12.60739517211914 + ], + [ + "\u2581contingents", + -12.510509490966797 + ], + [ + "\u2581distributing", + -12.517146110534668 + ], + [ + "\u2581sureste", + -12.696826934814453 + ], + [ + "Claude", + -12.567117691040039 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aurora", + -13.24429702758789 + ], + [ + "\u2581begging", + -12.598146438598633 + ], + [ + "\u2581enlaza", + -12.66662883758545 + ], + [ + "\u2581ajustable", + -12.720367431640625 + ], + [ + "\u2581perdonado", + -12.612648010253906 + ], + [ + "\u2581sadness", + -12.58535099029541 + ], + [ + "\u2581rebelde", + -12.59200382232666 + ], + [ + "\u2581subsidiario", + -12.652758598327637 + ], + [ + "tendieron", + -12.593185424804688 + ], + [ + "\u2581Comuni", + -12.805291175842285 + ], + [ + "\u2581dedique", + -12.6875638961792 + ], + [ + "resistant", + -12.497572898864746 + ], + [ + "\u2581petty", + -12.58503532409668 + ], + [ + "\u2581(23", + -12.485121726989746 + ], + [ + "\u2581umbrales", + -12.568561553955078 + ], + [ + "\u2581cantando", + -12.538871765136719 + ], + [ + "\u2581spit", + -12.663047790527344 + ], + [ + "\u2581computaci\u00f3n", + -12.625041961669922 + ], + [ + "\u2581r\u00edgido", + -12.609394073486328 + ], + [ + "\u2581scroll", + -12.508550643920898 + ], + [ + "\u2581geography", + -12.525856018066406 + ], + [ + "\u2581reconocemos", + -12.655975341796875 + ], + [ + "cinta", + -12.685458183288574 + ], + [ + "smith", + -12.663276672363281 + ], + [ + "\u2581adequacy", + -12.576885223388672 + ], + [ + "learning", + -12.482314109802246 + ], + [ + "\u2581THEY", + -12.701176643371582 + ], + [ + "\u2581senator", + -12.608863830566406 + ], + [ + "icus", + -12.901144981384277 + ], + [ + "quo", + -12.557944297790527 + ], + [ + "\u2581Founder", + -12.544357299804688 + ], + [ + "\u2581Responsable", + -12.642395973205566 + ], + [ + "\u2581lyrics", + -12.53130054473877 + ], + [ + "\u2581utensilios", + -12.693299293518066 + ], + [ + "i\u00f1o", + -12.561769485473633 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mik", + -12.855274200439453 + ], + [ + "\u2581Voto", + -12.598954200744629 + ], + [ + "\u2581excedentes", + -12.592329978942871 + ], + [ + "aunt", + -12.6543607711792 + ], + [ + "\u2581Siberia", + -13.091252326965332 + ], + [ + "\u2581burial", + -12.560040473937988 + ], + [ + "ENTS", + -12.661646842956543 + ], + [ + "\u2581hind\u00fa", + -12.648247718811035 + ], + [ + "plus", + -12.592732429504395 + ], + [ + "\u2581coacci\u00f3n", + -12.636811256408691 + ], + [ + "\u2581implementado", + -12.692131996154785 + ], + [ + "\u2581opium", + -12.538402557373047 + ], + [ + "\u2581Industries", + -12.497598648071289 + ], + [ + "\u2581quitado", + -12.571246147155762 + ], + [ + "plaz\u00f3", + -13.018597602844238 + ], + [ + "\u2581hamburguesa", + -12.503681182861328 + ], + [ + "\u2581dudo", + -12.473170280456543 + ], + [ + "t\u00e1ndolo", + -12.731510162353516 + ], + [ + "\u2581CLD", + -12.581781387329102 + ], + [ + "\u2581Routes", + -12.629878997802734 + ], + [ + "\u2581lubricant", + -12.530811309814453 + ], + [ + "\u2581stimulation", + -12.497597694396973 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mam", + -12.551027297973633 + ], + [ + "\u2581elemental", + -12.622570991516113 + ], + [ + "\u2581ramo", + -12.797476768493652 + ], + [ + "evich", + -13.22445297241211 + ], + [ + "union", + -12.458890914916992 + ], + [ + "\u2581planteada", + -12.570049285888672 + ], + [ + "\u2581refresh", + -12.508780479431152 + ], + [ + "\u2581ajustada", + -12.663888931274414 + ], + [ + "\u2581machos", + -12.630766868591309 + ], + [ + "\u2581adventures", + -12.575674057006836 + ], + [ + "\u2581Startup", + -12.561811447143555 + ], + [ + "\u2581ankle", + -12.597819328308105 + ], + [ + "\u2581polish", + -12.575910568237305 + ], + [ + "\u2581subcontract", + -12.53213119506836 + ], + [ + "\u2581vacila", + -12.552029609680176 + ], + [ + "phal", + -13.039679527282715 + ], + [ + "\u2581Values", + -12.588393211364746 + ], + [ + "\u2581harbor", + -12.567758560180664 + ], + [ + "\u2581nickel", + -12.594059944152832 + ], + [ + "\u2581pregunt", + -12.425395011901855 + ], + [ + "\u2581vais", + -12.498927116394043 + ], + [ + "IDOS", + -12.822493553161621 + ], + [ + "History", + -12.641340255737305 + ], + [ + "\u2581feudal", + -13.29627513885498 + ], + [ + "\u2581maleta", + -12.42285442352295 + ], + [ + "ALS", + -12.95005989074707 + ], + [ + "\u2581Panorama", + -13.276764869689941 + ], + [ + "\u2581aprenden", + -12.60721206665039 + ], + [ + "\u2581Disability", + -12.566673278808594 + ], + [ + "\u2581Guadalupe", + -13.189867973327637 + ], + [ + "\u2581cifrado", + -12.717877388000488 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sisters", + -12.592697143554688 + ], + [ + "3.0", + -13.341346740722656 + ], + [ + "\u2581Legislativo", + -12.646782875061035 + ], + [ + "\u2581perciben", + -12.688970565795898 + ], + [ + "\u2581vigilante", + -12.58423900604248 + ], + [ + "\u2581decepciona", + -12.581454277038574 + ], + [ + "\u2581Grenada", + -12.214919090270996 + ], + [ + "\u2581expresarse", + -12.586418151855469 + ], + [ + "\u2581Muri\u00f3", + -12.525561332702637 + ], + [ + "\u2581accru", + -12.524772644042969 + ], + [ + "AX", + -12.462544441223145 + ], + [ + "\u2581battalion", + -12.56905746459961 + ], + [ + "\u2581conveyed", + -12.584409713745117 + ], + [ + "nzaron", + -12.683042526245117 + ], + [ + "\u2581slides", + -12.696643829345703 + ], + [ + "\u2581soluciona", + -12.616781234741211 + ], + [ + "sheet", + -12.554551124572754 + ], + [ + "\u2581beneficien", + -12.653861999511719 + ], + [ + "\u2581confesiones", + -12.682581901550293 + ], + [ + "Escucha", + -12.419942855834961 + ], + [ + "signen", + -12.653863906860352 + ], + [ + "\u2581Coloca", + -12.62979793548584 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gal\u00e1pagos", + -12.670504570007324 + ], + [ + "\u2581pee", + -12.585630416870117 + ], + [ + "\u2581Armada", + -12.620824813842773 + ], + [ + "\u2581Necesidades", + -12.686262130737305 + ], + [ + "\u2581constituyan", + -12.616376876831055 + ], + [ + "\u2581libanesa", + -12.672005653381348 + ], + [ + "\u2581Raw", + -12.547255516052246 + ], + [ + "\u2581supermarket", + -12.508082389831543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jr", + -12.620315551757812 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lor", + -12.453914642333984 + ], + [ + "KS", + -12.510668754577637 + ], + [ + "\u2581mam", + -12.511605262756348 + ], + [ + "\u2581miran", + -12.61717414855957 + ], + [ + "\u2581precursors", + -12.527295112609863 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ugh", + -12.71658706665039 + ], + [ + "\u2581rotate", + -12.647241592407227 + ], + [ + "\u2581scatter", + -12.560230255126953 + ], + [ + "\u00e1rsela", + -12.636431694030762 + ], + [ + "\u2581interminable", + -12.639484405517578 + ], + [ + "\u2581vers\u00e1til", + -12.612221717834473 + ], + [ + "\u2581linkage", + -12.503924369812012 + ], + [ + "\u2581numerical", + -12.496389389038086 + ], + [ + "leu", + -12.586626052856445 + ], + [ + "rizo", + -12.675361633300781 + ], + [ + "\u2581Complex", + -12.551078796386719 + ], + [ + "\u2581Settlement", + -12.511739730834961 + ], + [ + "\u2581estrena", + -12.648775100708008 + ], + [ + "gramme", + -12.509622573852539 + ], + [ + "\u2581Citizen", + -12.570687294006348 + ], + [ + "\u2581nephew", + -12.61424732208252 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gerald", + -13.096165657043457 + ], + [ + "\u2581enact", + -12.500897407531738 + ], + [ + "\u2581cyto", + -12.529001235961914 + ], + [ + "\u2581herbs", + -12.524429321289062 + ], + [ + "Mejor", + -12.595667839050293 + ], + [ + "growing", + -12.513565063476562 + ], + [ + "\u2581Chocolate", + -13.117847442626953 + ], + [ + "\u2581Regulator", + -12.534584045410156 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tercero", + -12.68616008758545 + ], + [ + "\u2581revitalizar", + -12.678009986877441 + ], + [ + "D\u00e9jame", + -12.357279777526855 + ], + [ + "ograph", + -12.59703540802002 + ], + [ + "\u2581mansi\u00f3n", + -12.62686824798584 + ], + [ + "\u2581sweep", + -12.622224807739258 + ], + [ + "partament", + -13.190450668334961 + ], + [ + "\u2581anteproyecto", + -12.626829147338867 + ], + [ + "\u2581tolerated", + -12.552460670471191 + ], + [ + "horn", + -12.565887451171875 + ], + [ + "posing", + -12.611587524414062 + ], + [ + "\u2581comprometieron", + -12.629352569580078 + ], + [ + "\u2581falleci\u00f3", + -12.73239517211914 + ], + [ + "trabajo", + -12.703289985656738 + ], + [ + "\u2581Enhanc", + -12.548805236816406 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hidden", + -12.580822944641113 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hidro", + -12.889535903930664 + ], + [ + "\u2581M\u00e9dico", + -12.686155319213867 + ], + [ + "\u2581aprendi", + -12.473855972290039 + ], + [ + "\u2581convertidor", + -12.61833667755127 + ], + [ + "Especificaciones", + -12.744453430175781 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pine", + -12.561816215515137 + ], + [ + "\u2581Undertaking", + -12.498948097229004 + ], + [ + "\u2581rob", + -12.601140975952148 + ], + [ + "\u2581Highest", + -12.51071548461914 + ], + [ + "\u2581FOLLOW", + -12.569846153259277 + ], + [ + "\u2581incita", + -12.585942268371582 + ], + [ + "\u2581straw", + -12.551076889038086 + ], + [ + "\u2581bomberos", + -12.589826583862305 + ], + [ + "\u258112.00", + -12.678812980651855 + ], + [ + "\u2581Globalization", + -12.484790802001953 + ], + [ + "\u2581fij\u00f3", + -12.595481872558594 + ], + [ + "\u2581solicitando", + -12.699024200439453 + ], + [ + "ferente", + -12.580672264099121 + ], + [ + "\u2581abrieron", + -12.566575050354004 + ], + [ + "\u2581bloom", + -12.5433988571167 + ], + [ + "Dr", + -12.50475788116455 + ], + [ + "\u2581approximate", + -12.504276275634766 + ], + [ + "\u2581ap\u00e1tridas", + -12.710859298706055 + ], + [ + "\u2581strips", + -12.539372444152832 + ], + [ + "\u2581servir\u00e1n", + -12.67915153503418 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sanctions", + -12.58346176147461 + ], + [ + "\u2581approves", + -12.55544662475586 + ], + [ + "\u2581tuber\u00edas", + -12.610671997070312 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mina", + -12.574634552001953 + ], + [ + "\u2581voyage", + -12.534570693969727 + ], + [ + "\u2581redeem", + -12.509939193725586 + ], + [ + "\u2581EUROPEO", + -12.681062698364258 + ], + [ + "\u2581nazi", + -12.613444328308105 + ], + [ + "\u2581utterly", + -12.599108695983887 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ark", + -12.664664268493652 + ], + [ + "\u2581Trabajar", + -12.512887001037598 + ], + [ + "\u2581calentar", + -12.608055114746094 + ], + [ + "\u2581seamless", + -12.518510818481445 + ], + [ + "\u2581afect\u00f3", + -12.666019439697266 + ], + [ + "\u2581hampered", + -12.57564640045166 + ], + [ + "\u2581bombardea", + -12.602362632751465 + ], + [ + "\u2581jumping", + -12.630537986755371 + ], + [ + "\u2581raciones", + -12.692801475524902 + ], + [ + "\u2581solidaria", + -12.745247840881348 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kerry", + -13.182548522949219 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alteza", + -12.472434997558594 + ], + [ + "\u2581determinarse", + -12.692049980163574 + ], + [ + "\u2581hostil", + -12.632588386535645 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kitts", + -12.91320514678955 + ], + [ + "\u2581Clase", + -12.71979808807373 + ], + [ + "\u2581inventar", + -12.571878433227539 + ], + [ + "\u2581automatizado", + -12.745559692382812 + ], + [ + "\u2581emocionado", + -12.5791597366333 + ], + [ + "\u2581rum", + -12.795785903930664 + ], + [ + "\u2581especificaci\u00f3n", + -12.610886573791504 + ], + [ + "\u2581marginales", + -12.663017272949219 + ], + [ + "\u2581Leather", + -12.547204971313477 + ], + [ + "\u2581dentista", + -12.52375602722168 + ], + [ + "\u2581ejerciendo", + -12.672029495239258 + ], + [ + "\u2581measurable", + -12.508546829223633 + ], + [ + "\u2581marcador", + -12.687703132629395 + ], + [ + "\u2581precipitaci\u00f3n", + -12.678202629089355 + ], + [ + "\u2581publicitaria", + -12.649730682373047 + ], + [ + "existe", + -12.640962600708008 + ], + [ + "7,8", + -13.314746856689453 + ], + [ + "astic", + -12.726479530334473 + ], + [ + "icidio", + -12.63865852355957 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ctrl", + -13.237184524536133 + ], + [ + "Fuiste", + -12.500514030456543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alquile", + -12.560629844665527 + ], + [ + "\u2581substantiated", + -12.53648567199707 + ], + [ + "\u2581Canciller", + -12.580184936523438 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kashmir", + -12.596726417541504 + ], + [ + "\u2581silenciosa", + -12.658127784729004 + ], + [ + "\u2581invaluable", + -12.565165519714355 + ], + [ + "\u2581thumbs", + -12.590340614318848 + ], + [ + "Desea", + -12.611413955688477 + ], + [ + "Tom", + -12.527173042297363 + ], + [ + "\u2581scholar", + -12.547176361083984 + ], + [ + "steroid", + -12.579178810119629 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tank", + -12.600944519042969 + ], + [ + "\u2581desperdicia", + -12.53463077545166 + ], + [ + "\u2581dif\u00edcilmente", + -12.667041778564453 + ], + [ + "\u2581endeudamiento", + -12.613639831542969 + ], + [ + "\u2581improbable", + -12.602372169494629 + ], + [ + "(7)", + -12.503083229064941 + ], + [ + "pusiera", + -12.681833267211914 + ], + [ + "\u2581arrenda", + -12.663641929626465 + ], + [ + "\u2581ratones", + -12.579227447509766 + ], + [ + "\u2581synagogue", + -12.540867805480957 + ], + [ + "\u2581Siglo", + -12.684436798095703 + ], + [ + "\u2581recipientes", + -12.659346580505371 + ], + [ + "\u2581STE", + -12.642915725708008 + ], + [ + "\u2581despise", + -12.608857154846191 + ], + [ + "\u2581foreseeable", + -12.503841400146484 + ], + [ + "\u2581pudiendo", + -12.687256813049316 + ], + [ + "\u2581comprend\u00eda", + -12.627914428710938 + ], + [ + "arri", + -12.844768524169922 + ], + [ + "\u2581Glo", + -12.492188453674316 + ], + [ + "\u2581Murray", + -13.285094261169434 + ], + [ + "ATT", + -12.822309494018555 + ], + [ + "\u2581Childhood", + -12.535980224609375 + ], + [ + "\u2581funcionen", + -12.615395545959473 + ], + [ + "\u2581psicol\u00f3gicos", + -12.631683349609375 + ], + [ + "\u2581allocating", + -12.490365028381348 + ], + [ + "\u2581provocando", + -12.667511940002441 + ], + [ + "\u2581cautiva", + -12.641655921936035 + ], + [ + "\u2581543/2011", + -13.237178802490234 + ], + [ + "\u2581Turks", + -12.53841781616211 + ], + [ + "\u2581consumen", + -12.651074409484863 + ], + [ + "\u2581logs", + -12.59538745880127 + ], + [ + "\u2581cobrado", + -12.599800109863281 + ], + [ + "\u2581porcentuales", + -12.675739288330078 + ], + [ + "\u2581reconozcan", + -12.582596778869629 + ], + [ + "Quiz\u00e1", + -12.517425537109375 + ], + [ + "\u2581ordinance", + -12.606123924255371 + ], + [ + "\u2581alentado", + -12.616242408752441 + ], + [ + "\u2581bankruptcy", + -12.588754653930664 + ], + [ + "\u2581Guadalajara", + -13.310799598693848 + ], + [ + "\u2581Elijah", + -12.62932300567627 + ], + [ + "\u2581baj\u00f3", + -12.579998970031738 + ], + [ + "\u2581intermediario", + -12.633703231811523 + ], + [ + "\u2581parity", + -12.486176490783691 + ], + [ + "\u2581articulated", + -12.513259887695312 + ], + [ + "\u2581SIG", + -12.748428344726562 + ], + [ + "\u2581distribuir\u00e1", + -12.80265998840332 + ], + [ + "\u2581($3", + -12.587248802185059 + ], + [ + "\u2581Booth", + -13.222257614135742 + ], + [ + "\u2581discutiendo", + -12.602411270141602 + ], + [ + "80.000", + -12.623202323913574 + ], + [ + "\u2581Agnihotra", + -13.222084045410156 + ], + [ + "\u2581Funny", + -12.69356918334961 + ], + [ + "hidrato", + -12.642208099365234 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cena", + -12.573281288146973 + ], + [ + "\u2581Isle", + -12.5752534866333 + ], + [ + "dlo", + -12.391490936279297 + ], + [ + "\u2581C\u00e1lculo", + -12.729208946228027 + ], + [ + "juego", + -12.653358459472656 + ], + [ + "\u2581participar\u00e1", + -12.659478187561035 + ], + [ + "\u2581revocar", + -12.648378372192383 + ], + [ + "\u2581sounded", + -12.66492748260498 + ], + [ + "lbert", + -13.368510246276855 + ], + [ + "\u2581fraternidad", + -12.567923545837402 + ], + [ + "\u2581ITC", + -12.573984146118164 + ], + [ + "\u2581ordained", + -12.569056510925293 + ], + [ + "\u2581referendo", + -12.727619171142578 + ], + [ + "nacionales", + -12.577790260314941 + ], + [ + "\u2581respiratorias", + -12.584720611572266 + ], + [ + "\u2581Thousands", + -12.541340827941895 + ], + [ + "\u2581extra\u00f1ar", + -12.492134094238281 + ], + [ + "\u2581ocupando", + -12.632549285888672 + ], + [ + "\u2581engendra", + -12.657099723815918 + ], + [ + "2.5", + -12.427796363830566 + ], + [ + "\u2581diagonal", + -13.283882141113281 + ], + [ + "convocadas", + -12.567984580993652 + ], + [ + "\u2581Assault", + -12.539610862731934 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wonder", + -12.63029956817627 + ], + [ + "\u2581par\u00e1sito", + -12.6438570022583 + ], + [ + "\u2581sorprendi\u00f3", + -12.56794548034668 + ], + [ + "\u2581conocimos", + -12.427037239074707 + ], + [ + "\u2581evitarlo", + -12.55042552947998 + ], + [ + "\u2581plantearse", + -12.6806001663208 + ], + [ + "\u2581solicitadas", + -12.618059158325195 + ], + [ + "\u2581revisando", + -12.616009712219238 + ], + [ + "\u2581asegurar\u00e1", + -12.497014999389648 + ], + [ + "COMERCIALIZACI\u00d3N", + -12.688720703125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Apartado", + -12.626506805419922 + ], + [ + "\u2581re\u00fana", + -12.599631309509277 + ], + [ + "\u2581tem\u00eda", + -12.573007583618164 + ], + [ + "itar", + -12.796689987182617 + ], + [ + "\u2581Signature", + -12.552410125732422 + ], + [ + "\u2581Stat", + -12.776103973388672 + ], + [ + "\u2581guarder\u00eda", + -12.655952453613281 + ], + [ + "\u2581Corporaci\u00f3n", + -12.655611991882324 + ], + [ + "\u2581Chelsea", + -13.218003273010254 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hours", + -12.537633895874023 + ], + [ + "EMP", + -12.867324829101562 + ], + [ + "\u2581Princesa", + -12.552054405212402 + ], + [ + "\u2581interruption", + -12.544772148132324 + ], + [ + "\u2581staring", + -12.66785717010498 + ], + [ + "fuck", + -12.994775772094727 + ], + [ + "Back", + -12.538069725036621 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cologne", + -12.56258773803711 + ], + [ + "\u2581hu\u00e9sped", + -12.612581253051758 + ], + [ + "\u2581te\u00f3ricos", + -12.690059661865234 + ], + [ + "\u2581enlist", + -12.663986206054688 + ], + [ + "Valoraciones", + -12.731452941894531 + ], + [ + "\u2581Milla", + -12.777905464172363 + ], + [ + "\u2581hidr\u00e1ulica", + -12.61932373046875 + ], + [ + "\u2581abarcaba", + -12.810203552246094 + ], + [ + "\u2581ech\u00f3", + -12.5733642578125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Galapagos", + -12.489164352416992 + ], + [ + "\u2581cerro", + -12.66912841796875 + ], + [ + "\u2581indicativa", + -12.749217987060547 + ], + [ + "\u2581Urbano", + -12.713822364807129 + ], + [ + "\u2581analiz\u00f3", + -12.649747848510742 + ], + [ + "\u2581childbirth", + -12.584896087646484 + ], + [ + "\u2581subido", + -12.553211212158203 + ], + [ + "Abrir", + -12.717732429504395 + ], + [ + "\u2581Solution", + -12.453879356384277 + ], + [ + "\u2581TOTAL", + -13.234748840332031 + ], + [ + "\u2581abrumadora", + -12.609700202941895 + ], + [ + "\u2581commanders", + -12.53545093536377 + ], + [ + "\u2581ESF", + -12.498396873474121 + ], + [ + "\u2581espiritualmente", + -12.681556701660156 + ], + [ + "\u2581fragments", + -12.560149192810059 + ], + [ + "nida", + -12.506662368774414 + ], + [ + "metry", + -12.871460914611816 + ], + [ + "\u2581hockey", + -13.162542343139648 + ], + [ + "\u2581se\u00f1alaba", + -12.644551277160645 + ], + [ + "\u2581seated", + -12.59974479675293 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00e1tico", + -12.654826164245605 + ], + [ + "\u2581Interpretation", + -12.527066230773926 + ], + [ + "Economic", + -12.570794105529785 + ], + [ + "\u2581Playlist", + -13.129149436950684 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tecnol\u00f3gico", + -12.699429512023926 + ], + [ + "\u2581Filadelfia", + -12.738801002502441 + ], + [ + "\u2581transitorias", + -12.661981582641602 + ], + [ + "\u2581Poderes", + -12.718146324157715 + ], + [ + "\u2581preferable", + -12.478063583374023 + ], + [ + "\u2581whisky", + -12.494831085205078 + ], + [ + "\u2581D\u00ed", + -12.48238468170166 + ], + [ + "bimos", + -12.553278923034668 + ], + [ + "\u2581Corn", + -12.566051483154297 + ], + [ + "\u2581consecuente", + -12.52603816986084 + ], + [ + "\u2581convoc\u00f3", + -12.626480102539062 + ], + [ + "\u2581priesthood", + -12.49523639678955 + ], + [ + "ovic", + -12.751476287841797 + ], + [ + "\u2581revisten", + -12.64737606048584 + ], + [ + "\u2581evalu\u00f3", + -12.672006607055664 + ], + [ + "\u2581maquina", + -12.55838394165039 + ], + [ + "\u2581sucks", + -12.743404388427734 + ], + [ + "ected", + -12.561541557312012 + ], + [ + "\u2581bienvenidos", + -12.5794038772583 + ], + [ + "ngulo", + -12.901805877685547 + ], + [ + "p\u00f3sito", + -12.59842586517334 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jerez", + -13.242362976074219 + ], + [ + "\u2581duque", + -12.744681358337402 + ], + [ + "\u2581eludir", + -12.670719146728516 + ], + [ + "\u2581migrate", + -12.57820987701416 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuaderno", + -12.633705139160156 + ], + [ + "\u2581relatos", + -12.580709457397461 + ], + [ + "\u2581acabar\u00e1", + -12.654476165771484 + ], + [ + "\u2581p\u00farpura", + -12.612220764160156 + ], + [ + "Mediterranean", + -12.433911323547363 + ], + [ + "\u2581clarifying", + -12.5001859664917 + ], + [ + "\u2581joking", + -12.697915077209473 + ], + [ + "\u2581suroeste", + -12.743635177612305 + ], + [ + "\u2581alley", + -12.651276588439941 + ], + [ + "\u2581existiera", + -12.63512897491455 + ], + [ + "\u2581p\u00ed", + -12.687289237976074 + ], + [ + "\u2581Groenlandia", + -12.635128021240234 + ], + [ + "cussion", + -12.552318572998047 + ], + [ + "\u2581disastrous", + -12.532062530517578 + ], + [ + "\u2581gl\u00f3bulos", + -12.700971603393555 + ], + [ + "Pierre", + -13.275137901306152 + ], + [ + "\u2581extingu", + -12.66606330871582 + ], + [ + "\u2581predator", + -12.56803035736084 + ], + [ + "\u2581Highway", + -12.597939491271973 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sigo", + -12.509651184082031 + ], + [ + "\u2581an\u00f3nimo", + -12.645404815673828 + ], + [ + "\u2581auxiliary", + -12.527066230773926 + ], + [ + "\u2581computing", + -12.529561042785645 + ], + [ + "LED", + -12.653390884399414 + ], + [ + "\u2581tragar", + -12.625229835510254 + ], + [ + "\u2581Comparti", + -12.61259937286377 + ], + [ + "\u2581mosquito", + -12.566461563110352 + ], + [ + "Investiga", + -12.574481010437012 + ], + [ + "productive", + -12.33220386505127 + ], + [ + "fill", + -12.562111854553223 + ], + [ + "heapest", + -12.877298355102539 + ], + [ + "atha", + -12.843169212341309 + ], + [ + "\u2581sobredosis", + -12.601027488708496 + ], + [ + "\u2581estiman", + -12.636176109313965 + ], + [ + "\u2581silencia", + -12.673527717590332 + ], + [ + "\u2581peste", + -12.718816757202148 + ], + [ + "\u2581pregnancies", + -12.533315658569336 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sube", + -12.553284645080566 + ], + [ + "\u2581colo", + -12.704737663269043 + ], + [ + "\u2581asombra", + -12.572007179260254 + ], + [ + "\u2581conversar", + -12.582989692687988 + ], + [ + "\u2581minuciosa", + -12.617898941040039 + ], + [ + "\u2581cardinal", + -12.57951545715332 + ], + [ + "\u2581lenses", + -12.55418872833252 + ], + [ + "\u2581ministeriales", + -12.678563117980957 + ], + [ + "\u2581clavo", + -12.564115524291992 + ], + [ + "\u2581almohada", + -12.53332233428955 + ], + [ + "\u2581differentiation", + -12.50977611541748 + ], + [ + "\u2581cemetery", + -12.578195571899414 + ], + [ + "\u2581interchange", + -12.512395858764648 + ], + [ + "\u2581ir\u00e1s", + -12.51904296875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Br", + -12.019911766052246 + ], + [ + "\u2581Zar", + -12.682169914245605 + ], + [ + "\u2581antiretroviral", + -12.554880142211914 + ], + [ + "interpretation", + -12.465349197387695 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ner", + -12.502150535583496 + ], + [ + "\u2581sirviente", + -12.59121322631836 + ], + [ + "\u2581BBVA", + -13.178120613098145 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nurse", + -12.639092445373535 + ], + [ + "\u2581dondequiera", + -12.657538414001465 + ], + [ + "\u2581interpreting", + -12.556023597717285 + ], + [ + "\u2581NOTE", + -12.585233688354492 + ], + [ + "while", + -12.6106538772583 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pompe", + -13.190164566040039 + ], + [ + "\u2581soberanos", + -12.665576934814453 + ], + [ + "\u2581passports", + -12.561845779418945 + ], + [ + "enne", + -12.502902030944824 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mori", + -12.513845443725586 + ], + [ + "\u2581Oracle", + -13.095600128173828 + ], + [ + "\u2581configure", + -12.541040420532227 + ], + [ + "\u2581egipcia", + -12.707178115844727 + ], + [ + "b\u00e9is", + -12.519352912902832 + ], + [ + "tribute", + -12.600460052490234 + ], + [ + "alidad", + -12.391433715820312 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lucifer", + -13.313249588012695 + ], + [ + "\u2581Romanos", + -12.674488067626953 + ], + [ + "\u2581debatido", + -12.681241035461426 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aparentemente", + -12.506223678588867 + ], + [ + "\u2581afirmativo", + -12.658439636230469 + ], + [ + "\u2581embarrassing", + -12.794510841369629 + ], + [ + "competitive", + -12.553910255432129 + ], + [ + "\u2581jodida", + -12.485072135925293 + ], + [ + "\u2581lagoon", + -12.598071098327637 + ], + [ + "\u2581radius", + -12.587419509887695 + ], + [ + "\u25812014)", + -12.737565994262695 + ], + [ + "\u2581articular", + -12.780367851257324 + ], + [ + "\u2581overtime", + -12.57769775390625 + ], + [ + "\u2581recognises", + -12.572989463806152 + ], + [ + "\u2581PhD", + -12.588544845581055 + ], + [ + "Real", + -12.746702194213867 + ], + [ + "\u2581endeavor", + -12.618334770202637 + ], + [ + "\u2581factions", + -12.529773712158203 + ], + [ + "Hour", + -12.59543514251709 + ], + [ + "\u2581tranv\u00eda", + -12.660079002380371 + ], + [ + "People", + -12.613606452941895 + ], + [ + "\u2581Generation", + -12.570399284362793 + ], + [ + "\u2581culturally", + -12.604392051696777 + ], + [ + "\u2581divisa", + -12.599318504333496 + ], + [ + "\u2581kissed", + -12.737117767333984 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lucky", + -12.726391792297363 + ], + [ + "\u2581sacrificed", + -12.519917488098145 + ], + [ + "din\u00e1mica", + -12.845888137817383 + ], + [ + "\u2581trumpet", + -12.544665336608887 + ], + [ + "\u2581masajes", + -12.63735580444336 + ], + [ + "\u2581matriculados", + -12.707622528076172 + ], + [ + "\u2581ocupen", + -12.710776329040527 + ], + [ + "\u2581ayuno", + -12.598308563232422 + ], + [ + "\u2581transportador", + -12.819825172424316 + ], + [ + "\u2581plasm\u00e1tica", + -12.727620124816895 + ], + [ + "\u2581alojado", + -12.767195701599121 + ], + [ + "\u2581desconfianza", + -12.577446937561035 + ], + [ + "\u2581knight", + -12.586176872253418 + ], + [ + "\u2581tackled", + -12.549331665039062 + ], + [ + "\u2581mataste", + -12.426835060119629 + ], + [ + "\u2581enriquecer", + -12.75557804107666 + ], + [ + "\u2581yell", + -12.764065742492676 + ], + [ + "Mail", + -12.556132316589355 + ], + [ + "\u2581belts", + -12.602824211120605 + ], + [ + "\u2581equilibrar", + -12.683128356933594 + ], + [ + "\u2581salvamento", + -12.615219116210938 + ], + [ + "\u2581handy", + -12.640993118286133 + ], + [ + "\u2581nexo", + -12.565305709838867 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aplicar", + -12.706984519958496 + ], + [ + "\u2581V\u00e9", + -12.6072416305542 + ], + [ + "\u2581coronary", + -12.556145668029785 + ], + [ + "\u2581gasoline", + -12.641816139221191 + ], + [ + "ARI", + -12.77384090423584 + ], + [ + "\u2581drainage", + -12.511155128479004 + ], + [ + "\u2581usarla", + -12.741976737976074 + ], + [ + "\u2581negocia", + -12.546087265014648 + ], + [ + "\u2581supondr\u00eda", + -12.596153259277344 + ], + [ + "\u2581Canaan", + -12.534578323364258 + ], + [ + "\u2581calmar", + -12.571330070495605 + ], + [ + "\u2581fertile", + -12.608839988708496 + ], + [ + "\u2581sirviendo", + -12.635128021240234 + ], + [ + "pending", + -12.393630981445312 + ], + [ + "\u2581CUESTIONES", + -12.670504570007324 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fee", + -12.653589248657227 + ], + [ + "\u2581observamos", + -12.634181022644043 + ], + [ + "\u2581irrelevant", + -12.549751281738281 + ], + [ + "\u2581voter", + -12.520306587219238 + ], + [ + "\u2581proced\u00eda", + -12.608015060424805 + ], + [ + "\u2581Responder", + -12.678213119506836 + ], + [ + "\u2581flotante", + -12.623493194580078 + ], + [ + "\u2581ajenos", + -12.688472747802734 + ], + [ + "\u2581deliberada", + -12.692813873291016 + ], + [ + "\u2581lograr\u00e1", + -12.644356727600098 + ], + [ + "\u2581Drawing", + -12.524672508239746 + ], + [ + "\u2581supuso", + -12.67806339263916 + ], + [ + "\u2581(26", + -12.48131275177002 + ], + [ + "\u2581apesta", + -12.414518356323242 + ], + [ + "ondo", + -12.426946640014648 + ], + [ + "\u2581Belfast", + -13.275964736938477 + ], + [ + "\u2581Prot", + -12.592822074890137 + ], + [ + "\u2581abusive", + -12.500038146972656 + ], + [ + "\u2581directing", + -12.628206253051758 + ], + [ + "\u2581pluralismo", + -12.705770492553711 + ], + [ + "\u2581provisionally", + -12.479432106018066 + ], + [ + "fast", + -12.581330299377441 + ], + [ + "\u2581aproximada", + -12.721785545349121 + ], + [ + "\u2581cabecera", + -12.710424423217773 + ], + [ + "\u2581decay", + -12.50855541229248 + ], + [ + "\u2581Asylum", + -12.487964630126953 + ], + [ + "\u2581L\u00edmite", + -12.669005393981934 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nazis", + -12.63558292388916 + ], + [ + "\u2581landlord", + -12.599403381347656 + ], + [ + "\u2581viceversa", + -12.718145370483398 + ], + [ + "clusion", + -12.491755485534668 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cierre", + -12.625053405761719 + ], + [ + "\u2581iluminado", + -12.725879669189453 + ], + [ + "gat", + -12.570901870727539 + ], + [ + "\u2581regenera", + -12.585973739624023 + ], + [ + "\u2581Whoo", + -12.692612648010254 + ], + [ + "\u2581Maduro", + -13.222146034240723 + ], + [ + "ETS", + -12.658379554748535 + ], + [ + "\u2581Madera", + -12.729724884033203 + ], + [ + "\u2581char", + -12.697694778442383 + ], + [ + "\u2581infiel", + -12.604310989379883 + ], + [ + "\u2581PROGRAMME", + -12.537235260009766 + ], + [ + "\u2581scanning", + -12.565267562866211 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bienvenida", + -12.538667678833008 + ], + [ + "\u2581footprint", + -12.594139099121094 + ], + [ + "\u2581hambriento", + -12.545165061950684 + ], + [ + "handed", + -12.597819328308105 + ], + [ + "\u2581exhaustion", + -12.583650588989258 + ], + [ + "\u2581judicatura", + -12.6511869430542 + ], + [ + "evoluci\u00f3n", + -13.019497871398926 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lessons", + -12.562556266784668 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sustancias", + -12.657092094421387 + ], + [ + "firi\u00f3", + -12.67626953125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pharisees", + -12.534570693969727 + ], + [ + "\u2581Capa", + -13.021733283996582 + ], + [ + "\u2581JUAN", + -13.271278381347656 + ], + [ + "\u2581Chavez", + -12.59676742553711 + ], + [ + "\u2581convict", + -12.629518508911133 + ], + [ + "\u25811994)", + -12.702472686767578 + ], + [ + "\u2581multilateralism", + -12.511282920837402 + ], + [ + "account", + -12.517291069030762 + ], + [ + "\u2581Length", + -12.568079948425293 + ], + [ + "\u2581agitaci\u00f3n", + -12.670530319213867 + ], + [ + "\u2581harto", + -12.484212875366211 + ], + [ + "\u2581requerir\u00eda", + -12.634242057800293 + ], + [ + "\u2581All\u00e1", + -12.4611177444458 + ], + [ + "\u2581entregar\u00e1", + -12.894947052001953 + ], + [ + "AMP", + -12.669611930847168 + ], + [ + "current", + -12.581934928894043 + ], + [ + "\u2581haunt", + -12.70236873626709 + ], + [ + "\u2581retrasa", + -12.53191089630127 + ], + [ + "OY", + -12.783223152160645 + ], + [ + "\u2581indiquen", + -12.683056831359863 + ], + [ + "\u2581C\u00e1ncer", + -12.6438570022583 + ], + [ + "\u2581Arquitectos", + -12.95893669128418 + ], + [ + "\u2581clot", + -12.601189613342285 + ], + [ + "\u2581impacta", + -12.705206871032715 + ], + [ + "\u2581multiannual", + -12.563939094543457 + ], + [ + "\u2581traen", + -12.631243705749512 + ], + [ + "\u2581destreza", + -12.629589080810547 + ], + [ + "\u2581ambient", + -12.557445526123047 + ], + [ + "\u2581archipi\u00e9lago", + -12.693266868591309 + ], + [ + "860", + -13.235368728637695 + ], + [ + "\u2581hostilidad", + -12.6591215133667 + ], + [ + "\u2581sculptures", + -12.629732131958008 + ], + [ + "mud", + -12.65430736541748 + ], + [ + "\u00f3loga", + -12.654902458190918 + ], + [ + "\u25815.4", + -12.60448932647705 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mumbai", + -13.192562103271484 + ], + [ + "\u2581stamps", + -12.604294776916504 + ], + [ + "\u2581wolf", + -12.641496658325195 + ], + [ + "naut", + -12.91468334197998 + ], + [ + "\u2581Adel", + -13.045286178588867 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ver\u00e1s", + -12.451753616333008 + ], + [ + "\u2581asign\u00f3", + -12.687146186828613 + ], + [ + "\u2581galaxy", + -12.744772911071777 + ], + [ + "\u2581reaffirming", + -12.631601333618164 + ], + [ + "\u2581prestigiosa", + -12.690752983093262 + ], + [ + "\u2581servidumbre", + -12.693266868591309 + ], + [ + "rius", + -12.641048431396484 + ], + [ + "\u2581expeditiously", + -12.548969268798828 + ], + [ + "\u2581intersection", + -12.562911987304688 + ], + [ + "AME", + -12.755846977233887 + ], + [ + "\u2581merec\u00eda", + -12.561197280883789 + ], + [ + "democrat", + -12.859902381896973 + ], + [ + "\u2581Become", + -12.608970642089844 + ], + [ + "\u2581identific\u00f3", + -12.66601276397705 + ], + [ + "TIONAL", + -12.90442943572998 + ], + [ + "between", + -12.49879264831543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Absolut", + -12.605169296264648 + ], + [ + "\u2581capsule", + -12.523004531860352 + ], + [ + "\u2581Automobile", + -12.587428092956543 + ], + [ + "\u2581diagnosticar", + -12.687644958496094 + ], + [ + "bber", + -12.772631645202637 + ], + [ + "\u2581discrepancias", + -12.66093921661377 + ], + [ + "KA", + -12.41190242767334 + ], + [ + "\u2581salve", + -13.144004821777344 + ], + [ + "Because", + -12.612317085266113 + ], + [ + "\u2581biblical", + -12.554862976074219 + ], + [ + "\u2581buzz", + -12.720383644104004 + ], + [ + "\u2581piratas", + -12.690774917602539 + ], + [ + "neum", + -12.53493595123291 + ], + [ + "\u2581matarte", + -12.506003379821777 + ], + [ + "\u2581artillery", + -12.575575828552246 + ], + [ + "\u2581preguntaron", + -12.63497543334961 + ], + [ + "SQL", + -12.548588752746582 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cerde\u00f1a", + -12.697882652282715 + ], + [ + "\u2581permanezca", + -12.60136604309082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Comunitario", + -12.704195976257324 + ], + [ + "\u2581cachorro", + -12.538568496704102 + ], + [ + "Today", + -12.533913612365723 + ], + [ + "funci\u00f3n", + -12.665828704833984 + ], + [ + "\u2581orgasmo", + -12.589829444885254 + ], + [ + "\u2581financian", + -12.49301815032959 + ], + [ + "\u2581launches", + -12.560432434082031 + ], + [ + "\u2581dissident", + -12.506105422973633 + ], + [ + "\u2581culpar", + -12.47040843963623 + ], + [ + "ulin", + -12.682089805603027 + ], + [ + "region", + -12.587807655334473 + ], + [ + "\u2581reposa", + -12.670784950256348 + ], + [ + "\u2581dissolution", + -12.525840759277344 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nicol\u00e1s", + -12.687146186828613 + ], + [ + "\u2581desciende", + -12.65267562866211 + ], + [ + "ANTES", + -12.804779052734375 + ], + [ + "\u2581canje", + -12.59676742553711 + ], + [ + "\u2581distributor", + -12.56680965423584 + ], + [ + "\u2581translators", + -12.617034912109375 + ], + [ + "\u2581franca", + -12.634490966796875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Characteristics", + -12.537084579467773 + ], + [ + "\u2581Torah", + -12.591055870056152 + ], + [ + "\u2581FEDER", + -12.692120552062988 + ], + [ + "\u2581mob", + -12.61447525024414 + ], + [ + "\u2581Consultant", + -12.536567687988281 + ], + [ + "\u2581abejas", + -12.588020324707031 + ], + [ + "A\u00f1adir", + -12.786492347717285 + ], + [ + "MOP", + -12.56949234008789 + ], + [ + "\u2581sketch", + -12.62343978881836 + ], + [ + "\u2581tungsteno", + -12.684099197387695 + ], + [ + "\u2581uprising", + -12.575596809387207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pretoria", + -13.274685859680176 + ], + [ + "\u2581nombrada", + -12.71956729888916 + ], + [ + "\u2581preceptos", + -12.713906288146973 + ], + [ + "\u2581prioriza", + -12.72968578338623 + ], + [ + "\u2581surtido", + -12.655291557312012 + ], + [ + "\u2581Eterno", + -12.63513469696045 + ], + [ + "\u2581tigre", + -12.537664413452148 + ], + [ + "\u2581respectivo", + -12.63355541229248 + ], + [ + "\u25816.000", + -12.7207670211792 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bol\u00edvar", + -13.220600128173828 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pascal", + -13.244665145874023 + ], + [ + "\u2581enriquecido", + -12.815279006958008 + ], + [ + "\u2581Advertencia", + -12.713422775268555 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nagorno", + -13.046767234802246 + ], + [ + "\u2581antioxidante", + -12.67350959777832 + ], + [ + "\u2581drenaje", + -12.685622215270996 + ], + [ + "\u2581menoscaba", + -12.593079566955566 + ], + [ + "\u2581profesa", + -12.62710952758789 + ], + [ + "\u2581resign", + -12.563234329223633 + ], + [ + "\u2581trainees", + -12.59764575958252 + ], + [ + "mundo", + -12.702544212341309 + ], + [ + "\u2581Shannon", + -13.279528617858887 + ], + [ + "\u2581bladder", + -12.5523042678833 + ], + [ + "\u2581stubborn", + -12.655891418457031 + ], + [ + "\u2581tonelada", + -12.69546890258789 + ], + [ + "\u2581Altura", + -12.701215744018555 + ], + [ + "\u2581Extreme", + -12.565436363220215 + ], + [ + "\u2581confuso", + -12.58296012878418 + ], + [ + "\u2581var", + -12.897562980651855 + ], + [ + "\u2581variados", + -12.70608901977539 + ], + [ + "Most", + -12.500858306884766 + ], + [ + "represented", + -12.412342071533203 + ], + [ + "\u2581ubicaciones", + -12.701432228088379 + ], + [ + "\u2581bautiza", + -12.642914772033691 + ], + [ + "\u2581discapacitadas", + -12.675015449523926 + ], + [ + "\u25810.01", + -12.483818054199219 + ], + [ + "\u2581redenci\u00f3n", + -12.743638038635254 + ], + [ + "\u2581acompa\u00f1e", + -12.571993827819824 + ], + [ + "\u2581crashed", + -12.682639122009277 + ], + [ + "\u2581recuperarse", + -12.599811553955078 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alpes", + -12.763328552246094 + ], + [ + "\u25c6", + -100 + ], + [ + "EVER", + -12.800660133361816 + ], + [ + "\u2581crane", + -12.532176971435547 + ], + [ + "nunci", + -12.717127799987793 + ], + [ + "peace", + -12.545111656188965 + ], + [ + "voking", + -12.597358703613281 + ], + [ + "\u2581disturbances", + -12.508111000061035 + ], + [ + "\u2581revolt", + -12.583464622497559 + ], + [ + "\u2581simpler", + -12.52869701385498 + ], + [ + "\u2581dragged", + -12.626603126525879 + ], + [ + "\u2581supervisores", + -12.768149375915527 + ], + [ + "PMA", + -12.672011375427246 + ], + [ + "\u2581Heat", + -12.560272216796875 + ], + [ + "\u2581apostolic", + -12.571659088134766 + ], + [ + "\u2581cortinas", + -12.588778495788574 + ], + [ + "\u2581upgraded", + -12.634503364562988 + ], + [ + "\u2581expuls", + -12.679393768310547 + ], + [ + "\u2581mortar", + -12.547224044799805 + ], + [ + "\u2581termino", + -12.629707336425781 + ], + [ + "corta", + -13.021685600280762 + ], + [ + "\u2581meti\u00f3", + -12.569062232971191 + ], + [ + "\u2581fr\u00e1giles", + -12.713629722595215 + ], + [ + "\u2581Flynn", + -13.268546104431152 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pietro", + -13.378836631774902 + ], + [ + "\u2581witnessing", + -12.505139350891113 + ], + [ + "\u2581D\u00e9jeme", + -12.42525577545166 + ], + [ + "\u2581fiscalidad", + -12.646709442138672 + ], + [ + "Sharif", + -13.194023132324219 + ], + [ + "\u2581decrees", + -12.61488151550293 + ], + [ + "\u2581inscribed", + -12.535866737365723 + ], + [ + "Sign", + -12.593876838684082 + ], + [ + "alle", + -12.372547149658203 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ages", + -12.571624755859375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Visi\u00f3n", + -12.700428009033203 + ], + [ + "\u2581ampliarse", + -12.608489036560059 + ], + [ + "\u2581cheat", + -12.702892303466797 + ], + [ + "\u2581extraterrestre", + -12.528103828430176 + ], + [ + "\u2581originaria", + -12.735329627990723 + ], + [ + "\u2581enzymes", + -12.601463317871094 + ], + [ + "\u2581interrelacionad", + -12.582929611206055 + ], + [ + "\u2581subgrupo", + -12.654253005981445 + ], + [ + "High", + -12.611163139343262 + ], + [ + "icu", + -12.787081718444824 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cour", + -12.608293533325195 + ], + [ + "yun", + -12.479429244995117 + ], + [ + "\u2581descubierta", + -12.700448989868164 + ], + [ + "\u2581$50", + -12.614434242248535 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reconstruction", + -12.570406913757324 + ], + [ + "\u2581deprive", + -12.53071403503418 + ], + [ + "\u2581Electr\u00f3nica", + -12.704070091247559 + ], + [ + "\u2581financiada", + -12.603529930114746 + ], + [ + "\u2581heater", + -12.590123176574707 + ], + [ + "\u2581privar", + -12.658117294311523 + ], + [ + "\u2581metaphor", + -12.587424278259277 + ], + [ + "\u2581500.000", + -12.60053825378418 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dodge", + -13.25565242767334 + ], + [ + "\u2581Warranty", + -12.54478931427002 + ], + [ + "\u2581PROP", + -13.106815338134766 + ], + [ + "\u2581descontento", + -12.63512897491455 + ], + [ + "\u2581esplendor", + -12.654135704040527 + ], + [ + "\u2581logrando", + -12.743549346923828 + ], + [ + "\u2581traductor", + -12.675557136535645 + ], + [ + "\u2581BT", + -12.413779258728027 + ], + [ + "\u2581contemplate", + -12.621274948120117 + ], + [ + "\u2581ribere\u00f1o", + -12.73719596862793 + ], + [ + "\u2581sewage", + -12.533368110656738 + ], + [ + "fiere", + -12.667925834655762 + ], + [ + "\u2581Contribuir", + -12.676526069641113 + ], + [ + "\u2581Daphne", + -13.265458106994629 + ], + [ + "\u2581complementan", + -12.598448753356934 + ], + [ + "\u2581exentos", + -12.618483543395996 + ], + [ + "\u2581visitando", + -12.65770435333252 + ], + [ + "\u2581dieciocho", + -12.635128021240234 + ], + [ + "\u2581procesado", + -12.598631858825684 + ], + [ + "\u2581Restrictions", + -12.525836944580078 + ], + [ + "\u2581promotores", + -12.697545051574707 + ], + [ + "joy", + -13.11400318145752 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jim\u00e9nez", + -13.330450057983398 + ], + [ + "\u2581M\u00f3dulo", + -12.719707489013672 + ], + [ + "monte", + -12.841669082641602 + ], + [ + "\u2581repeating", + -12.5259370803833 + ], + [ + "Bri", + -12.867916107177734 + ], + [ + "\u2581recambio", + -12.660346031188965 + ], + [ + "\u2581topo", + -12.527738571166992 + ], + [ + "\u2581irradia", + -12.69332504272461 + ], + [ + "tizada", + -12.74223518371582 + ], + [ + "\u2581tracing", + -12.540897369384766 + ], + [ + "\u2581ATM", + -12.538456916809082 + ], + [ + "\u2581G\u00f3mez", + -12.690201759338379 + ], + [ + "\u25810,6", + -12.869861602783203 + ], + [ + "\u2581Modul", + -12.632575035095215 + ], + [ + "\u2581anticipos", + -12.659941673278809 + ], + [ + "\u2581hurting", + -12.741804122924805 + ], + [ + "\u2581relay", + -12.62463665008545 + ], + [ + "\u2581Contralor", + -12.73586368560791 + ], + [ + "\u2581matem\u00e1tica", + -12.614740371704102 + ], + [ + "asta", + -13.014814376831055 + ], + [ + "pedia", + -12.640792846679688 + ], + [ + "\u2581Draw", + -12.693361282348633 + ], + [ + "\u2581trademark", + -12.567667961120605 + ], + [ + "29)", + -12.82613754272461 + ], + [ + "\u2581angles", + -12.607781410217285 + ], + [ + "\u2581embajadores", + -12.657607078552246 + ], + [ + "\u2581presidir", + -12.679574966430664 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wedding", + -12.60614013671875 + ], + [ + "\u2581publicarse", + -12.704349517822266 + ], + [ + "\u2581movido", + -12.672391891479492 + ], + [ + "aldo", + -12.469451904296875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sesiones", + -12.71587085723877 + ], + [ + "\u2581mixtures", + -12.604047775268555 + ], + [ + "\u2581Numeros", + -12.719732284545898 + ], + [ + "\u2581Extremadura", + -13.257665634155273 + ], + [ + "\u2581messenger", + -12.59880542755127 + ], + [ + "generaci\u00f3n", + -12.77703857421875 + ], + [ + "\u2630", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581Qa", + -12.529077529907227 + ], + [ + "\u2581durability", + -12.51345157623291 + ], + [ + "\u2581sol\u00edan", + -12.709341049194336 + ], + [ + "\u2581asuma", + -12.68656063079834 + ], + [ + "\u2581rejecting", + -12.532161712646484 + ], + [ + "defensa", + -12.591423034667969 + ], + [ + "rava", + -12.755452156066895 + ], + [ + "5%)", + -12.690999984741211 + ], + [ + "\u2581Contratos", + -12.662517547607422 + ], + [ + "geni", + -12.737192153930664 + ], + [ + "\u2581pecador", + -12.672889709472656 + ], + [ + "\u2581sucursal", + -12.666450500488281 + ], + [ + "bau", + -12.863140106201172 + ], + [ + "\u2581celos", + -12.608574867248535 + ], + [ + "\u2581remitir\u00e1", + -12.767919540405273 + ], + [ + "July", + -12.60608959197998 + ], + [ + "VAN", + -12.730642318725586 + ], + [ + "\u2581Egyptians", + -12.586626052856445 + ], + [ + "\u2581adhesive", + -12.599843978881836 + ], + [ + "\u2581descend", + -12.704830169677734 + ], + [ + "\u2581posicionamiento", + -12.693402290344238 + ], + [ + "\u2581Todopoderoso", + -12.617898941040039 + ], + [ + "\u2581counterpart", + -12.572043418884277 + ], + [ + "\u2581injustificada", + -12.67350959777832 + ], + [ + "\u2581pantano", + -12.606712341308594 + ], + [ + "\u2581reposici\u00f3n", + -12.630596160888672 + ], + [ + "UK", + -12.624612808227539 + ], + [ + "impact", + -12.58449649810791 + ], + [ + "\u2581Awareness", + -12.557551383972168 + ], + [ + "\u2581sustrato", + -12.725220680236816 + ], + [ + "\u2581basaba", + -12.579999923706055 + ], + [ + "\u2581inclined", + -12.590069770812988 + ], + [ + "urge", + -12.960660934448242 + ], + [ + "\u2581Connection", + -12.582263946533203 + ], + [ + "XXV", + -13.38305377960205 + ], + [ + "\u2581V\u00ed", + -12.949173927307129 + ], + [ + "\u2581diente", + -12.629814147949219 + ], + [ + "agra", + -12.628486633300781 + ], + [ + "\u2581Amplia", + -12.69188117980957 + ], + [ + "\u2581electores", + -12.675098419189453 + ], + [ + "\u2581internamiento", + -12.70223331451416 + ], + [ + "\u2581rece", + -12.457786560058594 + ], + [ + "\u00f1ido", + -12.674513816833496 + ], + [ + "\u2581perece", + -12.683168411254883 + ], + [ + "\u2581arbol", + -12.710551261901855 + ], + [ + "\u2581Canon", + -12.635001182556152 + ], + [ + "\u2581dividing", + -12.580821990966797 + ], + [ + "\u2581pasture", + -12.598552703857422 + ], + [ + "\u00e9sima", + -12.64724063873291 + ], + [ + "\u2581ranch", + -12.643774032592773 + ], + [ + "\u2581Proporcionar", + -12.743889808654785 + ], + [ + "\u2581artritis", + -12.763192176818848 + ], + [ + "\u2581arzobispo", + -12.67350959777832 + ], + [ + "\u2581centred", + -12.572413444519043 + ], + [ + "\u2581counseling", + -12.631606101989746 + ], + [ + "\u2581Huawei", + -13.297248840332031 + ], + [ + "\u2581sumario", + -12.764646530151367 + ], + [ + "nai", + -12.5138578414917 + ], + [ + "\u2581dilemma", + -12.554862976074219 + ], + [ + "\u2581matar\u00e9", + -12.426774024963379 + ], + [ + "\u2581quedar\u00e9", + -12.434194564819336 + ], + [ + "\u2581withstand", + -12.613241195678711 + ], + [ + "dded", + -12.64684009552002 + ], + [ + "gestion", + -12.67943000793457 + ], + [ + "umen", + -12.600870132446289 + ], + [ + "\u2581possessing", + -12.566862106323242 + ], + [ + "\u2581conduciendo", + -12.624631881713867 + ], + [ + "\u2581kindergarten", + -12.545934677124023 + ], + [ + "\u2581pluralism", + -12.58089542388916 + ], + [ + "\u2581Stabilization", + -12.539605140686035 + ], + [ + "\u2581aprendidas", + -12.696818351745605 + ], + [ + "\u2581iniciar\u00e1", + -12.571911811828613 + ], + [ + "\u2581thankful", + -12.636778831481934 + ], + [ + "EV", + -12.63546085357666 + ], + [ + "\u2581LLC", + -13.306633949279785 + ], + [ + "technology", + -12.560327529907227 + ], + [ + "\u2581austerity", + -12.598065376281738 + ], + [ + "\u2581crosses", + -12.558982849121094 + ], + [ + "\u2581mole", + -12.7343111038208 + ], + [ + "\u2581worldly", + -12.641570091247559 + ], + [ + "\u2581Understand", + -12.668685913085938 + ], + [ + "\u2581Intelectual", + -12.690201759338379 + ], + [ + "\u2581Whose", + -12.702760696411133 + ], + [ + "\u2581disturb", + -12.677593231201172 + ], + [ + "\u2581ubicar", + -12.747811317443848 + ], + [ + "\u2581descender", + -12.681065559387207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reporte", + -12.894651412963867 + ], + [ + "\u2581metil", + -12.665295600891113 + ], + [ + "R\u00c1", + -12.678160667419434 + ], + [ + "\u2581amistosa", + -12.639482498168945 + ], + [ + "\u2581placeres", + -12.622620582580566 + ], + [ + "\u2581lavabo", + -12.62964916229248 + ], + [ + "Vale", + -12.625951766967773 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pha", + -12.814828872680664 + ], + [ + "\u2581zip", + -12.65499496459961 + ], + [ + "\u2581SHA", + -12.71839714050293 + ], + [ + "\u2581revis\u00f3", + -12.66900634765625 + ], + [ + "\u2581AK", + -12.646306991577148 + ], + [ + "R\u00e1pido", + -12.44133186340332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bordeaux", + -12.578195571899414 + ], + [ + "\u2581honesty", + -12.57250690460205 + ], + [ + "\u2581kidneys", + -12.600415229797363 + ], + [ + ".4/2005/", + -13.211238861083984 + ], + [ + "\u2581Veterinary", + -12.49638843536377 + ], + [ + "\u2581papas", + -12.579482078552246 + ], + [ + "generating", + -12.513155937194824 + ], + [ + "\u2581decididamente", + -12.627631187438965 + ], + [ + "\u2581descendi\u00f3", + -12.704069137573242 + ], + [ + "\u2581resultaba", + -12.548038482666016 + ], + [ + "__", + -12.775115966796875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Anoche", + -12.431443214416504 + ], + [ + "-50", + -12.587305068969727 + ], + [ + "\u2581Curtis", + -13.200091361999512 + ], + [ + "\u2581mac", + -12.529013633728027 + ], + [ + "\u2581recycled", + -12.587995529174805 + ], + [ + "great", + -12.500092506408691 + ], + [ + "shoot", + -12.572820663452148 + ], + [ + "\u2581proponemos", + -12.661683082580566 + ], + [ + "\u2581silencioso", + -12.652862548828125 + ], + [ + "\u2581hospitalario", + -12.679585456848145 + ], + [ + "\u2581evaluada", + -12.786062240600586 + ], + [ + "\u2581pixels", + -12.615694999694824 + ], + [ + "jeta", + -12.64785385131836 + ], + [ + "Over", + -12.607927322387695 + ], + [ + "\u2581derribar", + -12.62939739227295 + ], + [ + "cionada", + -12.766048431396484 + ], + [ + "\u2581RF", + -12.634939193725586 + ], + [ + "\u2581arreglado", + -12.492380142211914 + ], + [ + "\u2581complet\u00f3", + -12.70728588104248 + ], + [ + "excepcionalmente", + -13.229130744934082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Emplea", + -12.702841758728027 + ], + [ + "\u2581fosa", + -12.758955955505371 + ], + [ + "\u2581logramos", + -12.59217643737793 + ], + [ + "\u2581molecules", + -12.558942794799805 + ], + [ + "\u2581organi", + -12.654500007629395 + ], + [ + "\u2581prevailed", + -12.53341007232666 + ], + [ + "\u2581nulo", + -12.671788215637207 + ], + [ + "\u2581consumido", + -12.68382453918457 + ], + [ + "\u2581dejarla", + -12.583537101745605 + ], + [ + "\u2581desleal", + -12.65359878540039 + ], + [ + "\u2581evangelizaci\u00f3n", + -12.716806411743164 + ], + [ + "\u2581huye", + -12.60957145690918 + ], + [ + "November", + -12.562965393066406 + ], + [ + "\u2581caracter", + -12.664130210876465 + ], + [ + "\u2581comrades", + -12.607361793518066 + ], + [ + "EAS", + -12.705245971679688 + ], + [ + "levant", + -12.790624618530273 + ], + [ + "\u2581mol\u00e9culas", + -12.644267082214355 + ], + [ + "ectom\u00eda", + -12.62851619720459 + ], + [ + "\u2581cualidad", + -12.645187377929688 + ], + [ + "Log", + -12.678913116455078 + ], + [ + "\u2581Centrales", + -12.726806640625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Qu\u00edmicos", + -12.70717716217041 + ], + [ + "\u2581newest", + -12.645099639892578 + ], + [ + "\u2581prestara", + -12.525118827819824 + ], + [ + "\u2581abstenga", + -12.736055374145508 + ], + [ + "\u2581amnesty", + -12.629316329956055 + ], + [ + "\u2581dir\u00e1n", + -12.592548370361328 + ], + [ + "\u2581bonificaci\u00f3n", + -12.776450157165527 + ], + [ + "\u2581efect\u00fae", + -12.690868377685547 + ], + [ + "\u2581genre", + -12.589259147644043 + ], + [ + "iz\u00e1ndose", + -12.802813529968262 + ], + [ + "\u2581rust", + -12.638165473937988 + ], + [ + "\u2581visualiza", + -12.74073314666748 + ], + [ + "Saben", + -12.540531158447266 + ], + [ + "\u2581setback", + -12.614934921264648 + ], + [ + "\u2581Peri", + -12.762429237365723 + ], + [ + "\u2581pertenezca", + -12.625041961669922 + ], + [ + "Use", + -12.653422355651855 + ], + [ + "\u2581pedag\u00f3gico", + -12.690201759338379 + ], + [ + "\u2581Actualizaci\u00f3n", + -12.72046184539795 + ], + [ + "\u2581traves", + -12.659292221069336 + ], + [ + "\u2581contributor", + -12.455123901367188 + ], + [ + "\u2581rodamientos", + -12.743670463562012 + ], + [ + "\u2581embarcaci\u00f3n", + -12.61506462097168 + ], + [ + "\u2581fallado", + -12.655549049377441 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kom", + -12.723018646240234 + ], + [ + "PES", + -12.795960426330566 + ], + [ + "\u2581Recalls", + -12.655895233154297 + ], + [ + "u\u00e9", + -12.296205520629883 + ], + [ + "\u2581felicitaciones", + -12.662055015563965 + ], + [ + "\u2581trafficked", + -12.547297477722168 + ], + [ + "c\u00edclica", + -12.690201759338379 + ], + [ + ":26", + -12.78144359588623 + ], + [ + "\u258114.30", + -12.812840461730957 + ], + [ + "\u2581announcements", + -12.605975151062012 + ], + [ + "\u2581apreciado", + -12.730353355407715 + ], + [ + "\u2581terminaron", + -12.620927810668945 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sue", + -12.626999855041504 + ], + [ + "\u2581inspeccionar", + -12.719569206237793 + ], + [ + "\u2581expl\u00edcito", + -12.636577606201172 + ], + [ + "\u2581gr\u00faa", + -12.63949966430664 + ], + [ + "ICOS", + -12.574810981750488 + ], + [ + "ushi", + -12.706706047058105 + ], + [ + "\u2581ECONOMIC", + -12.576885223388672 + ], + [ + "\u2581cayendo", + -12.58166217803955 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reconocemos", + -12.734628677368164 + ], + [ + "\u2581crey\u00f3", + -12.573355674743652 + ], + [ + "\u2581M\u00edrame", + -12.48270034790039 + ], + [ + "\u2581Prisoners", + -12.614877700805664 + ], + [ + "\u2581abrazar", + -12.603669166564941 + ], + [ + "\u2581alivia", + -12.513904571533203 + ], + [ + "\u2581articulaciones", + -12.688898086547852 + ], + [ + "\u2581neat", + -12.64668083190918 + ], + [ + "Ustedes", + -12.561297416687012 + ], + [ + "10/", + -12.355206489562988 + ], + [ + "ESTA", + -13.098328590393066 + ], + [ + "\u2581Editar", + -12.894968032836914 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wonderful", + -12.66643238067627 + ], + [ + "\u2581regeneration", + -12.565670013427734 + ], + [ + "\u2581towel", + -12.638039588928223 + ], + [ + "\u2581NOMBRE", + -12.626476287841797 + ], + [ + "\u2581c\u00e9lebre", + -12.719707489013672 + ], + [ + "\u2581dr\u00e1sticamente", + -12.731226921081543 + ], + [ + "\u2581per\u00edmetro", + -12.694931983947754 + ], + [ + "\u2581esteem", + -12.623284339904785 + ], + [ + "\u2581volver\u00e1n", + -12.581171989440918 + ], + [ + "\u2581Xenophobia", + -12.574268341064453 + ], + [ + "\u2581modesta", + -12.719766616821289 + ], + [ + "\u2581regir", + -12.624042510986328 + ], + [ + "\u2581apost\u00f3lica", + -12.788193702697754 + ], + [ + "\u2581iconic", + -12.606610298156738 + ], + [ + "zina", + -12.76243782043457 + ], + [ + "\u00dc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581dale", + -12.55990982055664 + ], + [ + "\u2581egipcio", + -12.651268005371094 + ], + [ + "\u2581backwards", + -12.693552017211914 + ], + [ + "\u2581Incre\u00edble", + -12.510811805725098 + ], + [ + "\u2581Smoke", + -12.637672424316406 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cor\u00e1n", + -12.726046562194824 + ], + [ + "\u2581asqueroso", + -12.526803970336914 + ], + [ + "\u2581excluidas", + -12.706842422485352 + ], + [ + "\u2581estimation", + -12.562580108642578 + ], + [ + "\u2581monsters", + -12.691460609436035 + ], + [ + "\u2581Oferta", + -12.778142929077148 + ], + [ + "\u2581Trieste", + -13.316272735595703 + ], + [ + "\u2581arrebata", + -12.732433319091797 + ], + [ + "\u2581legislador", + -12.722599029541016 + ], + [ + "\u2581Perm\u00edtaseme", + -12.672005653381348 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rodriguez", + -12.570357322692871 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tracy", + -13.103306770324707 + ], + [ + "\u2581compartimento", + -12.70149040222168 + ], + [ + "Elect", + -12.634766578674316 + ], + [ + "\u2581Genetic", + -12.602518081665039 + ], + [ + "\u2581Principle", + -12.554527282714844 + ], + [ + "quien", + -12.582154273986816 + ], + [ + "Euratom", + -13.065592765808105 + ], + [ + "Sigue", + -12.555556297302246 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hablamos", + -12.594584465026855 + ], + [ + "ectomy", + -12.625911712646484 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cient\u00edfica", + -12.679547309875488 + ], + [ + "\u2581beard", + -12.770088195800781 + ], + [ + "\u2581counties", + -12.555244445800781 + ], + [ + "\u2581matan", + -12.562591552734375 + ], + [ + "osh", + -12.588736534118652 + ], + [ + "\u2581automatiza", + -12.674365997314453 + ], + [ + "\u2581oigo", + -12.531347274780273 + ], + [ + "umber", + -12.998516082763672 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pr\u00e9stamo", + -12.748486518859863 + ], + [ + "\u2581discovering", + -12.692023277282715 + ], + [ + "\u2581Amended", + -12.509479522705078 + ], + [ + "\u2581paloma", + -12.674025535583496 + ], + [ + "\u2581swiftly", + -12.620552062988281 + ], + [ + "\u2581F\u00f3rmula", + -12.684099197387695 + ], + [ + "\u2581INTRODUCTION", + -12.51099681854248 + ], + [ + "\u2581deplore", + -12.59406852722168 + ], + [ + "\u2581stimulus", + -12.63902473449707 + ], + [ + "\u2581Col\u00f3n", + -12.701760292053223 + ], + [ + "\u2581Murder", + -12.628056526184082 + ], + [ + "\u2581c\u00fapula", + -12.71498966217041 + ], + [ + "\u2581perimeter", + -12.656268119812012 + ], + [ + "\u2581questionnaires", + -12.576127052307129 + ], + [ + "\u2581resonancia", + -12.633681297302246 + ], + [ + "\u2581Burke", + -13.18948745727539 + ], + [ + "\u2581incorporadas", + -12.65657901763916 + ], + [ + "\u2581salones", + -12.728052139282227 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jes", + -12.623775482177734 + ], + [ + "\u2581marvelous", + -12.643515586853027 + ], + [ + "oir", + -12.743815422058105 + ], + [ + "\u2581Foot", + -12.5803804397583 + ], + [ + "\u2581NUMBER", + -12.567758560180664 + ], + [ + "\u2581Podr\u00edan", + -12.598764419555664 + ], + [ + "\u2581climatic", + -12.608823776245117 + ], + [ + "\u2581doctrines", + -12.63253116607666 + ], + [ + "\u2581identidades", + -12.681097984313965 + ], + [ + "\u2581Som", + -12.339778900146484 + ], + [ + "\u25811,3", + -12.730429649353027 + ], + [ + "\u2581Casablanca", + -13.286539077758789 + ], + [ + "\u2581abortions", + -12.551180839538574 + ], + [ + "\u2581asegurada", + -12.688056945800781 + ], + [ + "\u2581herbal", + -12.589261054992676 + ], + [ + "existing", + -12.57470417022705 + ], + [ + "\u2581$12", + -12.584368705749512 + ], + [ + "\u2581corr\u00eda", + -12.63565731048584 + ], + [ + "\u2581Circle", + -12.644671440124512 + ], + [ + "\u2581retenido", + -12.768860816955566 + ], + [ + "\u2581Desarrollar", + -12.738801002502441 + ], + [ + "\u2581Meaning", + -12.64136028289795 + ], + [ + "\u2581ingleses", + -12.647222518920898 + ], + [ + "\u2581robe", + -12.706323623657227 + ], + [ + "organizada", + -12.694896697998047 + ], + [ + "\u2581coastline", + -12.590948104858398 + ], + [ + "\u2581GRUPO", + -12.638029098510742 + ], + [ + "\u2581zombie", + -12.630697250366211 + ], + [ + "\u2581MORE", + -12.656549453735352 + ], + [ + "\u2581eminent", + -12.614496231079102 + ], + [ + "\u2581mirrors", + -12.629537582397461 + ], + [ + "\u2581sliding", + -12.58213996887207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bienal", + -12.76701831817627 + ], + [ + "fano", + -12.788692474365234 + ], + [ + "\u2581encontr", + -12.631587982177734 + ], + [ + "\u2581Leipzig", + -13.247369766235352 + ], + [ + "\u2581Transcript", + -12.659972190856934 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bracelet", + -12.528312683105469 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ivorian", + -12.607474327087402 + ], + [ + "\u2581disturbance", + -12.580015182495117 + ], + [ + "\u2581papelera", + -12.873515129089355 + ], + [ + "\u2581cocoa", + -12.561293601989746 + ], + [ + "\u2581inflig", + -12.667871475219727 + ], + [ + "empleo", + -12.741883277893066 + ], + [ + "\u2581cosm\u00e9ticos", + -12.73239517211914 + ], + [ + "\u2581patrona", + -12.738953590393066 + ], + [ + "\u2581vigilant", + -12.590950012207031 + ], + [ + "\u2581Administra", + -12.72169303894043 + ], + [ + "\u2581afirmando", + -12.753227233886719 + ], + [ + "\u2581arthritis", + -12.583455085754395 + ], + [ + "\u2581notific\u00f3", + -12.766494750976562 + ], + [ + "permanent", + -12.560369491577148 + ], + [ + "\u2581(27", + -12.55774974822998 + ], + [ + "\u2581acantilado", + -12.684100151062012 + ], + [ + "\u2581adivina", + -12.552291870117188 + ], + [ + "\u2581follar", + -12.657327651977539 + ], + [ + "\u2581ocurrir\u00e1", + -12.606659889221191 + ], + [ + "\u2581shrimp", + -12.689035415649414 + ], + [ + "make", + -12.626837730407715 + ], + [ + "\u2581coincidir\u00e1", + -12.70673942565918 + ], + [ + "\u2581enfocado", + -12.768619537353516 + ], + [ + "\u2581telefon", + -12.563300132751465 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cabal", + -12.644933700561523 + ], + [ + "\u2581f\u00e1rmaco", + -12.624814987182617 + ], + [ + "750", + -12.51694107055664 + ], + [ + "Only", + -12.58513069152832 + ], + [ + "\u2581Napoleon", + -12.660152435302734 + ], + [ + "\u2581enamorada", + -12.525870323181152 + ], + [ + "\u2581procesal", + -12.691514015197754 + ], + [ + "ezco", + -12.877655982971191 + ], + [ + "\u2581protagoniz", + -12.716560363769531 + ], + [ + "\u2581liberada", + -12.745000839233398 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tendr\u00eda", + -12.466299057006836 + ], + [ + "\u2581attendant", + -12.590190887451172 + ], + [ + "\u2581demostrando", + -12.641304969787598 + ], + [ + "\u2581alcanzada", + -12.826394081115723 + ], + [ + "\u2581cilindro", + -12.717445373535156 + ], + [ + "\u2581abunda", + -12.708155632019043 + ], + [ + "uted", + -12.627525329589844 + ], + [ + "\u2581amenazados", + -12.695075988769531 + ], + [ + "\u2581cosmetic", + -12.51547908782959 + ], + [ + "texto", + -12.706498146057129 + ], + [ + "\u25811.200", + -12.706253051757812 + ], + [ + "\u2581provoked", + -12.602096557617188 + ], + [ + "\u2581tempted", + -12.661578178405762 + ], + [ + "\u2581apreciable", + -12.670554161071777 + ], + [ + "\u2581bypass", + -12.597135543823242 + ], + [ + "\u2581montones", + -12.758696556091309 + ], + [ + "ORY", + -12.824251174926758 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hebrews", + -12.626131057739258 + ], + [ + "\u2581Olvida", + -12.381102561950684 + ], + [ + "\u2581deplorable", + -13.319018363952637 + ], + [ + "\u2581Empresarial", + -12.7181978225708 + ], + [ + "\u2581Malvinas", + -12.754996299743652 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pl", + -12.45711612701416 + ], + [ + "\u2581releasing", + -12.626559257507324 + ], + [ + "\u2581viewer", + -12.655328750610352 + ], + [ + "esis", + -12.481708526611328 + ], + [ + "puerto", + -12.759942054748535 + ], + [ + "\u2581fruct\u00edfera", + -12.70717716217041 + ], + [ + "\u2581cre\u00edan", + -12.73976993560791 + ], + [ + "\u2581desplazarse", + -12.670991897583008 + ], + [ + "\u2581Expedi", + -12.765271186828613 + ], + [ + "\u2581honrar", + -12.62329387664795 + ], + [ + "\u2581mil\u00edmetros", + -12.742019653320312 + ], + [ + "\u2581perturbaciones", + -12.695197105407715 + ], + [ + "\u2581radioterapia", + -12.768265724182129 + ], + [ + "WO", + -12.584747314453125 + ], + [ + "\u2581diverso", + -12.647007942199707 + ], + [ + "\u2581acelerada", + -12.638419151306152 + ], + [ + "proxi", + -12.794400215148926 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bac", + -12.567277908325195 + ], + [ + "\u2581Izquierda", + -12.623360633850098 + ], + [ + "\u2581equilibrium", + -12.60074234008789 + ], + [ + "\u2581sorteo", + -12.70411205291748 + ], + [ + "\u2581weaker", + -12.703374862670898 + ], + [ + "\u2581Encyclopedia", + -12.633465766906738 + ], + [ + "\u2581Oakland", + -13.217202186584473 + ], + [ + "\u2581narrativa", + -12.71177864074707 + ], + [ + "\u2581almacenada", + -12.740986824035645 + ], + [ + "\u2581mamada", + -12.713955879211426 + ], + [ + "\u2581slower", + -12.607311248779297 + ], + [ + "\u2581Frequency", + -12.700826644897461 + ], + [ + "\u2581TripAdvisor", + -13.365903854370117 + ], + [ + "\u2581alumna", + -12.677030563354492 + ], + [ + "akh", + -12.802929878234863 + ], + [ + "comedor", + -12.840551376342773 + ], + [ + "\u2581adhiere", + -12.681073188781738 + ], + [ + "\u2581garment", + -12.551216125488281 + ], + [ + "\u2581buey", + -12.690299987792969 + ], + [ + "\u2581radiaciones", + -12.68562126159668 + ], + [ + "8.6", + -12.819900512695312 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jud\u00edos", + -12.64926528930664 + ], + [ + "\u2581Valent\u00edn", + -12.625041961669922 + ], + [ + "\u2581bovina", + -12.67961597442627 + ], + [ + "\u2581fortunate", + -12.662395477294922 + ], + [ + ".4/2004/", + -13.136772155761719 + ], + [ + "\u2581brutalidad", + -12.713820457458496 + ], + [ + "\u2581explotador", + -12.795124053955078 + ], + [ + "\u2581sist\u00e9mico", + -12.721284866333008 + ], + [ + "\u2581Faja", + -12.678455352783203 + ], + [ + "\u2581Marxist", + -12.63298511505127 + ], + [ + "\u2581Species", + -12.553651809692383 + ], + [ + "\u2581aspire", + -12.575448036193848 + ], + [ + "\u2581clava", + -12.584346771240234 + ], + [ + "\u2581aporten", + -12.68378734588623 + ], + [ + "\u2581Barney", + -13.228962898254395 + ], + [ + "\u2581Segovia", + -13.308075904846191 + ], + [ + "\u2581indefinite", + -12.55810546875 + ], + [ + "\u2581articula", + -12.651129722595215 + ], + [ + "\u2581shooter", + -12.69080924987793 + ], + [ + "UI", + -12.628501892089844 + ], + [ + "ikh", + -12.71918773651123 + ], + [ + "respond", + -13.12548828125 + ], + [ + "\u2581duct", + -12.593482971191406 + ], + [ + "\u2581presided", + -12.592536926269531 + ], + [ + "\u2581packet", + -12.606973648071289 + ], + [ + "\u2581Asistente", + -12.687152862548828 + ], + [ + "\u2581creaciones", + -12.691519737243652 + ], + [ + "\u2581promet\u00ed", + -12.51136302947998 + ], + [ + "\u2581repercute", + -12.760009765625 + ], + [ + "flower", + -12.764086723327637 + ], + [ + "\u2581asalariados", + -12.716653823852539 + ], + [ + "\u2581t\u00e1ctil", + -12.716560363769531 + ], + [ + "\u2581Seguimos", + -12.649721145629883 + ], + [ + "\u2581cisterna", + -12.753365516662598 + ], + [ + "\u2581freshwater", + -12.558876991271973 + ], + [ + "IZA", + -12.7808837890625 + ], + [ + "\u2581mucosa", + -13.124085426330566 + ], + [ + "m\u00e9n", + -12.649833679199219 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tom\u00f3", + -12.725393295288086 + ], + [ + "\u2581kayak", + -13.138304710388184 + ], + [ + "dizo", + -12.690744400024414 + ], + [ + "\u2581Comienza", + -12.622211456298828 + ], + [ + "\u2581azotea", + -12.654308319091797 + ], + [ + "\u2581procession", + -12.635361671447754 + ], + [ + "\u2581Denis", + -12.756956100463867 + ], + [ + "\u2581electronically", + -12.601356506347656 + ], + [ + "\u2581expe", + -12.517321586608887 + ], + [ + "\u2581Convencid", + -12.704177856445312 + ], + [ + "\u2581hubi\u00e9ra", + -12.522919654846191 + ], + [ + "\u2581Load", + -12.68529224395752 + ], + [ + "\u2581atrapa", + -12.310506820678711 + ], + [ + "\u2581videojuegos", + -12.748486518859863 + ], + [ + "\u2581emprenda", + -12.663098335266113 + ], + [ + "\u2581penetrate", + -12.628151893615723 + ], + [ + "\u2581FMLN", + -13.212145805358887 + ], + [ + "\u2581empirical", + -12.558713912963867 + ], + [ + "\u2581lent", + -12.56381607055664 + ], + [ + "\u2581lethal", + -12.634279251098633 + ], + [ + "\u2581rulings", + -12.586795806884766 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kampala", + -13.369812965393066 + ], + [ + "\u2581eve", + -12.642690658569336 + ], + [ + "\u2581menester", + -12.73399829864502 + ], + [ + "\u2581estudiada", + -12.750904083251953 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bee", + -12.634539604187012 + ], + [ + "\u2581cube", + -12.718612670898438 + ], + [ + "\u2581desembols", + -12.675878524780273 + ], + [ + "\u2581hechizo", + -12.602363586425781 + ], + [ + "considera", + -12.66090202331543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rochelle", + -13.214631080627441 + ], + [ + "\u2581adyacentes", + -12.715780258178711 + ], + [ + "\u2581imparciales", + -12.677050590515137 + ], + [ + "\u2581Corredor", + -13.107039451599121 + ], + [ + "\u2581debatiendo", + -12.784941673278809 + ], + [ + "\u2581exhibits", + -12.68050479888916 + ], + [ + "\u2581rata", + -12.521522521972656 + ], + [ + "\u2581Amazing", + -12.63902759552002 + ], + [ + "\u2581pu\u00f1o", + -12.598267555236816 + ], + [ + "\u2581espl\u00e9ndida", + -12.73719596862793 + ], + [ + "\u2581estimulaci\u00f3n", + -12.649213790893555 + ], + [ + "\u2581pesquer\u00edas", + -12.66601276397705 + ], + [ + "jica", + -12.917243957519531 + ], + [ + "\u2581Azerbaijani", + -12.595037460327148 + ], + [ + "\u2581Holocausto", + -12.670504570007324 + ], + [ + "80,000", + -12.72987174987793 + ], + [ + "\u2581overlapping", + -12.602396011352539 + ], + [ + "\u2581whistle", + -12.553584098815918 + ], + [ + "Segura", + -12.736495018005371 + ], + [ + "\u2581HTTP", + -13.31080436706543 + ], + [ + "\u2581explanatory", + -12.5523042678833 + ], + [ + "\u2581Friendly", + -12.608275413513184 + ], + [ + "\u2581associating", + -12.58874225616455 + ], + [ + "\u2581thumb", + -12.62215805053711 + ], + [ + "trariamente", + -12.829571723937988 + ], + [ + "\u2581Composition", + -12.530879020690918 + ], + [ + "\u2581balancing", + -12.545938491821289 + ], + [ + "\u2581C\u00e1lmate", + -12.4913911819458 + ], + [ + "\u2581foreigner", + -12.631970405578613 + ], + [ + "\u2581digging", + -12.700886726379395 + ], + [ + "\u2581poli\u00e9ster", + -12.73080062866211 + ], + [ + "\u2581Setting", + -12.567218780517578 + ], + [ + "\u2581geometry", + -12.56517505645752 + ], + [ + "\u2581repita", + -12.738242149353027 + ], + [ + "\u015f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581protejan", + -12.700753211975098 + ], + [ + "\u2581maxim", + -12.586536407470703 + ], + [ + "\u2581acertada", + -12.804768562316895 + ], + [ + "\u2581surgieron", + -12.687222480773926 + ], + [ + "\u2581derrotado", + -12.747413635253906 + ], + [ + "SUR", + -12.64488410949707 + ], + [ + "\u2581prestamista", + -12.690245628356934 + ], + [ + "\u2581recubrimiento", + -12.695098876953125 + ], + [ + "meat", + -12.956307411193848 + ], + [ + "\u2581dreamed", + -12.639644622802734 + ], + [ + "\u2581implicado", + -12.674493789672852 + ], + [ + "\u2581hollow", + -12.689035415649414 + ], + [ + "\u2581encontrada", + -12.718501091003418 + ], + [ + "international", + -12.546245574951172 + ], + [ + "\u2581excursions", + -12.614989280700684 + ], + [ + "\u2581kitchenette", + -12.564064025878906 + ], + [ + "tov", + -12.711066246032715 + ], + [ + "\u2581espectador", + -12.701475143432617 + ], + [ + "\u2581multiplicador", + -12.794775009155273 + ], + [ + "\u2581Integrada", + -12.770140647888184 + ], + [ + "\u2581Polski", + -13.35835075378418 + ], + [ + "\u2581saqueo", + -12.844382286071777 + ], + [ + "\u2581FP", + -12.44973087310791 + ], + [ + "\u2581backlog", + -12.614289283752441 + ], + [ + "\u2581worthwhile", + -12.565202713012695 + ], + [ + "\u2581indicio", + -12.626452445983887 + ], + [ + "\u2581n\u00f3mada", + -12.722864151000977 + ], + [ + "\u2581pariente", + -12.593889236450195 + ], + [ + "\u2581parrilla", + -12.61814022064209 + ], + [ + "\u2581controvertida", + -12.713423728942871 + ], + [ + "UDI", + -13.128814697265625 + ], + [ + "\u2581escoge", + -12.694912910461426 + ], + [ + "\u2581Caleb", + -13.345354080200195 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nuremberg", + -13.204756736755371 + ], + [ + "\u2581daremos", + -12.558273315429688 + ], + [ + "\u2581recorder", + -12.634451866149902 + ], + [ + "\u2581stiff", + -12.680240631103516 + ], + [ + "24)", + -12.5651216506958 + ], + [ + "hurst", + -13.289220809936523 + ], + [ + "\u2581cansa", + -12.575750350952148 + ], + [ + "\u2581proyectada", + -12.738274574279785 + ], + [ + "\u2581dictate", + -12.575726509094238 + ], + [ + "large", + -12.728327751159668 + ], + [ + "\u2581reconnaissance", + -12.572962760925293 + ], + [ + "\u2581trimestral", + -12.701461791992188 + ], + [ + "mend", + -12.595574378967285 + ], + [ + "\u2581rodillos", + -12.741724014282227 + ], + [ + "muy", + -12.629343032836914 + ], + [ + "\u2581Contest", + -12.618874549865723 + ], + [ + "\u2581adelantar", + -12.81700325012207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Compre", + -12.620250701904297 + ], + [ + "\u2581fidedigna", + -12.727619171142578 + ], + [ + "\u2581reptiles", + -13.327589988708496 + ], + [ + "\u2581GOOD", + -12.718953132629395 + ], + [ + "\u2581contarle", + -12.691741943359375 + ], + [ + "\u2581cosy", + -12.644864082336426 + ], + [ + "\u2581prerogative", + -12.557428359985352 + ], + [ + "tesis", + -12.631893157958984 + ], + [ + "\u2581Salvadoran", + -12.629464149475098 + ], + [ + "\u2581dijimos", + -12.602362632751465 + ], + [ + "\u2581lapso", + -12.769132614135742 + ], + [ + "aproximadamente", + -12.728816032409668 + ], + [ + "\u2581enlazado", + -12.706562995910645 + ], + [ + "\u2581liquida", + -12.600051879882812 + ], + [ + "\u2581end\u00e9mica", + -12.778120994567871 + ], + [ + "\u2581transferidos", + -12.681469917297363 + ], + [ + "\u2581uncommon", + -12.560104370117188 + ], + [ + "\u2581Abduction", + -12.519628524780273 + ], + [ + "\u2581cargamento", + -12.694561004638672 + ], + [ + "ATCH", + -12.638218879699707 + ], + [ + "\u2581encargue", + -12.676961898803711 + ], + [ + "\u2581esc\u00fachame", + -12.539883613586426 + ], + [ + "along", + -12.615984916687012 + ], + [ + "\u2581corra", + -12.674286842346191 + ], + [ + "\u2581disgusting", + -12.775559425354004 + ], + [ + "\u2581ANY", + -12.923202514648438 + ], + [ + "\u2581ocupaciones", + -12.752516746520996 + ], + [ + "\u2581Corresponde", + -12.75173568725586 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fifteen", + -12.647422790527344 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vivian", + -13.342324256896973 + ], + [ + "\u2581fundamentado", + -12.818740844726562 + ], + [ + "Grupo", + -12.69419002532959 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kaspersky", + -13.305356979370117 + ], + [ + "\u2581diferencial", + -12.679856300354004 + ], + [ + "\u2581dorm", + -13.146946907043457 + ], + [ + "\u2581surjan", + -12.689003944396973 + ], + [ + "\u2581acu\u00e1tico", + -12.68921184539795 + ], + [ + "\u2581ft", + -12.72256088256836 + ], + [ + "\u2581Liber", + -12.66483211517334 + ], + [ + "\u2581Volunteer", + -12.598541259765625 + ], + [ + "\u2581litigation", + -12.565171241760254 + ], + [ + "\u2581Prefiero", + -12.469969749450684 + ], + [ + "\u2581inmortal", + -12.664410591125488 + ], + [ + "\u2581interpreter", + -12.57055950164795 + ], + [ + "\u2581psychosocial", + -12.683213233947754 + ], + [ + "Official", + -12.529735565185547 + ], + [ + "wheel", + -12.605438232421875 + ], + [ + "pound", + -12.768929481506348 + ], + [ + "rose", + -12.551265716552734 + ], + [ + "\u2581Falkland", + -12.610177040100098 + ], + [ + "\u2581gateway", + -12.632536888122559 + ], + [ + "\u2581Adjustment", + -12.534822463989258 + ], + [ + "\u2581bent", + -12.601207733154297 + ], + [ + "\u2581prolongaci\u00f3n", + -12.699772834777832 + ], + [ + "\u2581sap", + -12.93536376953125 + ], + [ + "\u2581summaries", + -12.678831100463867 + ], + [ + "\u2581Diplomatic", + -12.59810733795166 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cabeza", + -12.650659561157227 + ], + [ + "\u2581morbilidad", + -12.851104736328125 + ], + [ + "believe", + -12.601517677307129 + ], + [ + "\u2581awkward", + -12.702309608459473 + ], + [ + "\u2581charitable", + -12.576885223388672 + ], + [ + "\u2581cana", + -12.646785736083984 + ], + [ + "\u2581shores", + -12.664496421813965 + ], + [ + "\u2581excombatientes", + -12.726031303405762 + ], + [ + "\u2581traitor", + -12.69051456451416 + ], + [ + "terrorist", + -12.610876083374023 + ], + [ + "\u2581molestias", + -12.651732444763184 + ], + [ + "\u2581Adolescents", + -12.609054565429688 + ], + [ + "\u2581observarse", + -12.721452713012695 + ], + [ + "\u2581prioritize", + -12.707274436950684 + ], + [ + "SCO", + -12.635700225830078 + ], + [ + "anexo", + -12.64738655090332 + ], + [ + "\u2581tierna", + -12.595391273498535 + ], + [ + "Observador", + -12.740160942077637 + ], + [ + "\u2581uncertainties", + -12.595417022705078 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sexo", + -12.756752014160156 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kyi", + -13.115042686462402 + ], + [ + "\u2581authorisations", + -12.618629455566406 + ], + [ + "\u2581lesbianas", + -12.70190715789795 + ], + [ + "\u2581afirmaron", + -12.731573104858398 + ], + [ + "\u2581CST", + -12.602038383483887 + ], + [ + "\u2581Observador", + -12.620104789733887 + ], + [ + "winning", + -12.506399154663086 + ], + [ + "\u2581metropolitan", + -12.641816139221191 + ], + [ + "\u2581obstruction", + -12.545140266418457 + ], + [ + "\u2581vivid", + -12.660177230834961 + ], + [ + "\u2581bargain", + -12.652953147888184 + ], + [ + "Blanc", + -12.723241806030273 + ], + [ + "\u2581advocating", + -12.549751281738281 + ], + [ + "\u2581dem\u00f3cratas", + -12.759982109069824 + ], + [ + "\u258115.000", + -12.716086387634277 + ], + [ + "\u2581amazed", + -12.625204086303711 + ], + [ + "\u2581ilustraci\u00f3n", + -12.762861251831055 + ], + [ + "\u2581smoothly", + -12.61081314086914 + ], + [ + "\u2581monks", + -12.569535255432129 + ], + [ + "\u2581impair", + -12.633697509765625 + ], + [ + "\u2581catal\u00e1n", + -12.711858749389648 + ], + [ + "favor", + -12.907092094421387 + ], + [ + "\u2581aparecieron", + -12.693293571472168 + ], + [ + "garde", + -12.710931777954102 + ], + [ + "\u2581tacto", + -12.699639320373535 + ], + [ + "\u2581trillion", + -12.647422790527344 + ], + [ + "\u2581velando", + -12.763575553894043 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hyundai", + -13.313531875610352 + ], + [ + "\u2581encarcelados", + -12.713241577148438 + ], + [ + "\u25813.7", + -12.601040840148926 + ], + [ + "\u2581SUMMARY", + -12.591397285461426 + ], + [ + ":27", + -12.783659934997559 + ], + [ + "\u2581potent", + -12.671896934509277 + ], + [ + "\u2581velar\u00e1n", + -12.651516914367676 + ], + [ + "firma", + -12.618996620178223 + ], + [ + "\u2581200,000", + -12.623869895935059 + ], + [ + "\u2581disfruten", + -12.700591087341309 + ], + [ + "\u2581necesites", + -12.57385540008545 + ], + [ + "\u2581unused", + -12.597013473510742 + ], + [ + "\u2581desesperada", + -12.633637428283691 + ], + [ + "\u2581emblem\u00e1tico", + -12.761548042297363 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wellness", + -12.604471206665039 + ], + [ + "\u2581acuario", + -12.778372764587402 + ], + [ + "\u2581condolences", + -12.610177040100098 + ], + [ + "\u2581creyendo", + -12.660086631774902 + ], + [ + "\u2581hablar\u00e1", + -12.654060363769531 + ], + [ + "\u2581Oiga", + -12.426685333251953 + ], + [ + "\u2581fragrance", + -12.600743293762207 + ], + [ + "zamiento", + -12.766735076904297 + ], + [ + "Right", + -12.694419860839844 + ], + [ + "\u2581engloba", + -12.71099853515625 + ], + [ + "19)", + -12.612348556518555 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jeffrey", + -13.293431282043457 + ], + [ + "\u2581autoestima", + -12.620750427246094 + ], + [ + "Product", + -12.67680549621582 + ], + [ + "\u2581confirme", + -12.70906925201416 + ], + [ + "\u2581undocumented", + -12.61970043182373 + ], + [ + "\u2581comparaciones", + -12.770663261413574 + ], + [ + "onian", + -12.669939041137695 + ], + [ + "\u2581arancelario", + -12.679997444152832 + ], + [ + "\u2581dreaming", + -12.768478393554688 + ], + [ + "\u2581thorn", + -12.551106452941895 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dol", + -12.513169288635254 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lleg\u00f3", + -12.551965713500977 + ], + [ + "benefit", + -12.56556510925293 + ], + [ + "\u2581tirador", + -12.689349174499512 + ], + [ + "/86", + -12.740286827087402 + ], + [ + "\u2581Thematic", + -12.598623275756836 + ], + [ + "\u2581durar\u00e1", + -12.68110466003418 + ], + [ + "\u2581eng", + -12.595258712768555 + ], + [ + "\u2581cultivate", + -12.577031135559082 + ], + [ + "grafo", + -12.648547172546387 + ], + [ + "\u2581empleando", + -12.679632186889648 + ], + [ + "\u2581intercept", + -12.618579864501953 + ], + [ + "\u2581robusto", + -12.669005393981934 + ], + [ + "\u2581thunder", + -12.678897857666016 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bermuda", + -12.59940242767334 + ], + [ + "\u2581ejerzan", + -12.758058547973633 + ], + [ + "congela", + -12.64291763305664 + ], + [ + "\u2581perpetuate", + -12.586095809936523 + ], + [ + "miendo", + -12.359757423400879 + ], + [ + "\u2581Swa", + -12.666413307189941 + ], + [ + "Estimated", + -12.99074649810791 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lithuanian", + -12.641764640808105 + ], + [ + "\u2581Seems", + -12.816198348999023 + ], + [ + "\u2581empujar", + -12.621647834777832 + ], + [ + "\u2581slap", + -12.69721508026123 + ], + [ + "\u2581asignan", + -12.578882217407227 + ], + [ + "\u258148/1", + -12.68604564666748 + ], + [ + "\u2581colonies", + -12.619811058044434 + ], + [ + "\u2581pork", + -12.614575386047363 + ], + [ + "\u2581dancer", + -12.649466514587402 + ], + [ + "\u2581ven\u00edan", + -12.652990341186523 + ], + [ + "\u2581invitar\u00e1", + -12.74334716796875 + ], + [ + "\u2581marc\u00f3", + -12.777549743652344 + ], + [ + "\u2581molestia", + -12.599044799804688 + ], + [ + "Viene", + -12.473318099975586 + ], + [ + "\u2581hedge", + -12.580409049987793 + ], + [ + "\u2581trascendental", + -12.710295677185059 + ], + [ + "\u2581cheating", + -12.613027572631836 + ], + [ + "\u2581cometan", + -12.6976957321167 + ], + [ + "\u2581WINDOW", + -13.387323379516602 + ], + [ + "\u2581comisionado", + -12.722871780395508 + ], + [ + "\u2581waterfall", + -12.59337329864502 + ], + [ + "\u2581Debbie", + -13.212828636169434 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ciudadanos", + -12.71045207977295 + ], + [ + "\u2581adelanta", + -12.605653762817383 + ], + [ + "\u2581infectadas", + -12.69835090637207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Theater", + -12.60113525390625 + ], + [ + "\u2581imputado", + -12.70621395111084 + ], + [ + "\u2581contravenci\u00f3n", + -12.705628395080566 + ], + [ + "floor", + -12.6306791305542 + ], + [ + "\u2581Damage", + -12.609886169433594 + ], + [ + "\u2581Autoridades", + -12.727261543273926 + ], + [ + "\u2581optimism", + -12.580442428588867 + ], + [ + "catch", + -12.593284606933594 + ], + [ + "\u2581asbestos", + -12.56646728515625 + ], + [ + "\u2581statistically", + -12.614508628845215 + ], + [ + "\u2581variant", + -12.558880805969238 + ], + [ + "\u2581APLICACI\u00d3N", + -12.726031303405762 + ], + [ + "\u2581tostado", + -12.631531715393066 + ], + [ + "chart", + -12.716039657592773 + ], + [ + "\u2581hipoglucemia", + -12.702519416809082 + ], + [ + "\u2581idol", + -12.661627769470215 + ], + [ + "\u2581overarching", + -12.565167427062988 + ], + [ + "\u2581Charming", + -12.707820892333984 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rum", + -12.67086124420166 + ], + [ + "\u2581deriving", + -12.60208511352539 + ], + [ + "\u2581proyectar", + -12.814289093017578 + ], + [ + "watt", + -12.620638847351074 + ], + [ + "\u2581Estupendo", + -12.460195541381836 + ], + [ + "\u2581Digamos", + -12.60236930847168 + ], + [ + "\u2581proprietary", + -12.599442481994629 + ], + [ + "fendi", + -12.686399459838867 + ], + [ + "\u2581optado", + -12.691668510437012 + ], + [ + "\u2581topical", + -12.67096996307373 + ], + [ + "\u2581Difficulty", + -12.66171646118164 + ], + [ + "\u2581barn", + -12.677124977111816 + ], + [ + "\u2581policia", + -12.535294532775879 + ], + [ + "\u2581educacionales", + -12.634410858154297 + ], + [ + "\u2581scored", + -12.632628440856934 + ], + [ + "lated", + -12.53809642791748 + ], + [ + "\u2581dispuso", + -12.729273796081543 + ], + [ + "\u2581aut\u00f3ctona", + -12.707178115844727 + ], + [ + "\u2581cerciorarse", + -12.734004020690918 + ], + [ + "\u2581monjes", + -12.72321891784668 + ], + [ + "Every", + -12.651941299438477 + ], + [ + "\u2581haitiano", + -12.673523902893066 + ], + [ + "\u2581transmisor", + -12.70562744140625 + ], + [ + "\u2581transposition", + -12.545990943908691 + ], + [ + "\u2581latinoamericana", + -12.639483451843262 + ], + [ + "\u2581steer", + -12.607346534729004 + ], + [ + "\u2581inquilino", + -12.62360954284668 + ], + [ + "\u2581Governors", + -12.642513275146484 + ], + [ + "traditional", + -12.616292953491211 + ], + [ + "\u2581salimos", + -12.548147201538086 + ], + [ + "\u2581tortugas", + -12.686162948608398 + ], + [ + "Propuesta", + -12.706751823425293 + ], + [ + "\u2581Secador", + -12.817988395690918 + ], + [ + "\u2581Translate", + -12.725605964660645 + ], + [ + "\u2581fundici\u00f3n", + -12.655611991882324 + ], + [ + "\u2581iniquity", + -12.678831100463867 + ], + [ + "onium", + -12.751962661743164 + ], + [ + "\u2581Berkeley", + -13.346914291381836 + ], + [ + "\u2581annulment", + -12.511914253234863 + ], + [ + "\u2581t\u00edtere", + -12.68718147277832 + ], + [ + "\u2581Org\u00e1nico", + -12.822531700134277 + ], + [ + "\u2581inaugurado", + -12.815987586975098 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gothic", + -12.625187873840332 + ], + [ + "\u2581collision", + -12.563872337341309 + ], + [ + "\u2581env\u00eden", + -12.6471529006958 + ], + [ + "\u2581incipiente", + -12.75826644897461 + ], + [ + "soluble", + -12.732183456420898 + ], + [ + "\u2581Canc\u00fan", + -12.743631362915039 + ], + [ + "\u2581elaboren", + -12.721305847167969 + ], + [ + "\u2581Inmediatamente", + -12.654134750366211 + ], + [ + "\u2581bienvenido", + -12.592681884765625 + ], + [ + "\u2581siguieran", + -12.751654624938965 + ], + [ + "cour", + -12.709365844726562 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aware", + -12.544315338134766 + ], + [ + "\u2581empowering", + -12.542645454406738 + ], + [ + "APP", + -12.894052505493164 + ], + [ + "\u2581d\u00edgitos", + -12.708735466003418 + ], + [ + "\u2581manto", + -12.75924015045166 + ], + [ + "ifiable", + -12.6022367477417 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jeho", + -13.163030624389648 + ], + [ + "\u2581vineyard", + -12.608365058898926 + ], + [ + "\u2581clerk", + -12.690506935119629 + ], + [ + "\u2581regresan", + -12.5070219039917 + ], + [ + "\u2581aptos", + -12.738279342651367 + ], + [ + "\u2581longitude", + -12.705574035644531 + ], + [ + "\u2581sobresaliente", + -12.727629661560059 + ], + [ + "\u2581Crist", + -12.583603858947754 + ], + [ + "\u2581recomiendo", + -12.67503547668457 + ], + [ + "iled", + -12.483942031860352 + ], + [ + "\u2581exalta", + -12.739422798156738 + ], + [ + "\u2581mediador", + -12.529805183410645 + ], + [ + "SIC", + -12.637533187866211 + ], + [ + "\u2581merge", + -12.617947578430176 + ], + [ + "cesiones", + -12.782770156860352 + ], + [ + "\u2581CTBT", + -12.554287910461426 + ], + [ + "\u2581collaborators", + -12.644288063049316 + ], + [ + "AK", + -12.571390151977539 + ], + [ + "\u2581CCA", + -12.673149108886719 + ], + [ + "\u2581Evil", + -12.674809455871582 + ], + [ + "\u2581albergar", + -12.730010032653809 + ], + [ + "\u2581Humana", + -12.745623588562012 + ], + [ + "\u2581profundidades", + -12.717940330505371 + ], + [ + "\u2581extensiva", + -12.753364562988281 + ], + [ + "\u2581intercourse", + -12.619857788085938 + ], + [ + "\u2581Perform", + -12.630181312561035 + ], + [ + "\u2581derogar", + -12.732782363891602 + ], + [ + "\u2581clon", + -12.808314323425293 + ], + [ + "\u2581tirado", + -12.554428100585938 + ], + [ + "uffle", + -12.744495391845703 + ], + [ + "\u2581conservan", + -12.569652557373047 + ], + [ + "\u2581aniquila", + -12.587066650390625 + ], + [ + "\u2581determinar\u00e1n", + -12.676541328430176 + ], + [ + "\u2581favorecen", + -12.694622993469238 + ], + [ + "\u2581ve\u00edan", + -12.693282127380371 + ], + [ + "\u2581reciprocidad", + -12.733992576599121 + ], + [ + "\u2581ventures", + -12.54171085357666 + ], + [ + "\u2581moviendo", + -12.626508712768555 + ], + [ + "\u2581occupies", + -12.618334770202637 + ], + [ + "\u2581ignoring", + -12.680282592773438 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bonito", + -12.588842391967773 + ], + [ + "cub", + -12.470694541931152 + ], + [ + "\u2581(29", + -12.52425479888916 + ], + [ + "\u2581H\u00e1ga", + -12.641109466552734 + ], + [ + "\u2581Paint", + -12.67398738861084 + ], + [ + "\u2581apology", + -12.740155220031738 + ], + [ + "\u2581palanca", + -12.693292617797852 + ], + [ + "USE", + -12.67489242553711 + ], + [ + "\u2581bun", + -12.685078620910645 + ], + [ + "\u2581Landscape", + -12.664461135864258 + ], + [ + "\u2581ni\u00f1era", + -12.555811882019043 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vacaciones", + -12.756629943847656 + ], + [ + "\u2581protegiendo", + -12.640946388244629 + ], + [ + "\u2581nickname", + -12.629316329956055 + ], + [ + "\u2581Presidencial", + -12.680933952331543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Specialist", + -12.707014083862305 + ], + [ + "\u2581camello", + -12.638046264648438 + ], + [ + "\u2581M\u00e9dicos", + -12.667014122009277 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reportar", + -12.842883110046387 + ], + [ + "\u2581decepcionado", + -12.639619827270508 + ], + [ + "\u2581incorporando", + -12.731982231140137 + ], + [ + "\u2581levantarse", + -12.66469955444336 + ], + [ + "calidad", + -12.840486526489258 + ], + [ + "\u2581ceremonies", + -12.627936363220215 + ], + [ + "\u2581escuchan", + -12.654624938964844 + ], + [ + "torial", + -13.131791114807129 + ], + [ + "\u2581brutality", + -12.57979679107666 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dependiendo", + -12.771456718444824 + ], + [ + "\u2581differentiate", + -12.627179145812988 + ], + [ + "\u2581aterroriza", + -12.626477241516113 + ], + [ + "ivist", + -12.604281425476074 + ], + [ + "\u2581ashes", + -12.680008888244629 + ], + [ + "\u2581assemble", + -12.643425941467285 + ], + [ + "\u2581critically", + -12.614127159118652 + ], + [ + "\u2581hostility", + -12.612937927246094 + ], + [ + "\u2581spoon", + -12.687617301940918 + ], + [ + "\u2581tactical", + -12.651695251464844 + ], + [ + "\u2581estallido", + -12.6933012008667 + ], + [ + "\u2581acostumbra", + -12.498275756835938 + ], + [ + "\u2581policing", + -12.615609169006348 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dollar", + -12.600750923156738 + ], + [ + "\u25811.3.2", + -13.31558609008789 + ], + [ + "\u2581avoidance", + -12.62060260772705 + ], + [ + "\u2581metilbromuro", + -12.826030731201172 + ], + [ + "\u2581hydrocarbons", + -12.619672775268555 + ], + [ + "axis", + -12.763755798339844 + ], + [ + "\u2581dosing", + -12.546675682067871 + ], + [ + "\u2581pigment", + -12.65588092803955 + ], + [ + "\u2581Proporciona", + -12.736943244934082 + ], + [ + "\u2581tiroteo", + -12.620829582214355 + ], + [ + "\u2581sinner", + -12.621376991271973 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kigali", + -13.372703552246094 + ], + [ + "\u2581inaugural", + -12.759987831115723 + ], + [ + "\u2581underwater", + -12.729931831359863 + ], + [ + "\u2581CONTROL", + -13.26806926727295 + ], + [ + "\u2581fabuloso", + -12.530709266662598 + ], + [ + "\u2581Stadium", + -12.663003921508789 + ], + [ + "\u2581apetece", + -12.53726863861084 + ], + [ + "\u2581limitar\u00e1", + -12.89200496673584 + ], + [ + "\u2581num\u00e9rico", + -12.672005653381348 + ], + [ + "\u2581peacekeepers", + -12.640425682067871 + ], + [ + "KJV", + -12.667308807373047 + ], + [ + "\u2581almacenados", + -12.706193923950195 + ], + [ + "\u2581Medicinal", + -12.621068954467773 + ], + [ + "Nu", + -12.60416030883789 + ], + [ + "VOL", + -13.041760444641113 + ], + [ + "\u2581Judith", + -13.341272354125977 + ], + [ + "\u2581Operator", + -12.628381729125977 + ], + [ + "\u2581incitar", + -12.85171890258789 + ], + [ + "producci\u00f3n", + -12.695420265197754 + ], + [ + "\u2581Craft", + -12.640518188476562 + ], + [ + "\u2581disputed", + -12.684762954711914 + ], + [ + "\u2581perdura", + -12.731390953063965 + ], + [ + "\u2581comenc\u00e9", + -12.67966365814209 + ], + [ + "\u2581earthquakes", + -12.608990669250488 + ], + [ + "\u2581explosiva", + -12.684100151062012 + ], + [ + "\u2581Identity", + -12.64601993560791 + ], + [ + "\u2581podria", + -12.53251838684082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kofi", + -12.73678970336914 + ], + [ + "\u2581Adapt", + -12.616841316223145 + ], + [ + "hana", + -12.508360862731934 + ], + [ + "\u2581Correcci\u00f3n", + -12.690238952636719 + ], + [ + "\u2581morbidity", + -12.586095809936523 + ], + [ + "\u2581scalable", + -12.595392227172852 + ], + [ + "\u2581superioridad", + -12.716866493225098 + ], + [ + "\u2581al\u00e9rgico", + -12.738801956176758 + ], + [ + "\u2581revert", + -12.588532447814941 + ], + [ + "\u2581Claudio", + -13.228433609008789 + ], + [ + "\u2581tumour", + -12.660152435302734 + ], + [ + "\u25b7\u2705", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581insertion", + -12.5554838180542 + ], + [ + "\u2581incluyente", + -12.8697509765625 + ], + [ + "GRE", + -13.193953514099121 + ], + [ + "\u2581Banda", + -12.847335815429688 + ], + [ + "\u2581WELL", + -12.837483406066895 + ], + [ + "\u2581sacarlo", + -12.671259880065918 + ], + [ + "\u2581Conven", + -12.670531272888184 + ], + [ + "\u2581scaling", + -12.668739318847656 + ], + [ + "\u2581mice", + -12.619988441467285 + ], + [ + "\u2581Olympics", + -12.66184139251709 + ], + [ + "\u2581tendente", + -12.699551582336426 + ], + [ + "\u2581Societies", + -12.61697006225586 + ], + [ + "\u2581complicidad", + -12.707178115844727 + ], + [ + "\u2581transporting", + -12.691180229187012 + ], + [ + "\u2581TRABAJO", + -12.697882652282715 + ], + [ + "ADE", + -12.66659164428711 + ], + [ + "\u2581encierra", + -12.644248008728027 + ], + [ + "\u2581MX", + -12.657912254333496 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sagrado", + -12.790130615234375 + ], + [ + "\u2581cured", + -12.690299987792969 + ], + [ + "lement", + -12.439765930175781 + ], + [ + "\u2581Desarrollado", + -12.78650951385498 + ], + [ + "\u2581Newcastle", + -13.366914749145508 + ], + [ + "UNFICYP", + -12.786507606506348 + ], + [ + "vu\u00e9l", + -12.881967544555664 + ], + [ + "\u2581inflict", + -12.578448295593262 + ], + [ + "\u2581acknowledgement", + -12.531440734863281 + ], + [ + "\u2581decomiso", + -12.793294906616211 + ], + [ + "\u2581Processing", + -12.641059875488281 + ], + [ + "\u2581agri", + -12.63449764251709 + ], + [ + "\u2581rainfall", + -12.598122596740723 + ], + [ + "\u2581studios", + -12.659022331237793 + ], + [ + "\u2581tasty", + -12.640425682067871 + ], + [ + "\u2581PAS", + -12.77465534210205 + ], + [ + "\u2581Silencio", + -12.59395980834961 + ], + [ + "\u2581colectividad", + -12.687146186828613 + ], + [ + "\u2581eighteen", + -12.624951362609863 + ], + [ + "hil", + -12.723803520202637 + ], + [ + "\u2581acepten", + -12.729249000549316 + ], + [ + "\u2581discriminated", + -12.589072227478027 + ], + [ + "\u2581bowel", + -12.576261520385742 + ], + [ + "\u2581compliments", + -12.623086929321289 + ], + [ + "\u2581remo", + -12.54195499420166 + ], + [ + "\u2581EG", + -12.452230453491211 + ], + [ + "\u2581gobierna", + -12.69942569732666 + ], + [ + "colonial", + -13.201122283935547 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alg\u00fan", + -12.604161262512207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Previa", + -12.701626777648926 + ], + [ + "\u2581biopsia", + -12.669005393981934 + ], + [ + "\u2581c\u00fabico", + -12.716560363769531 + ], + [ + "\u2581trabajar\u00e1", + -12.671944618225098 + ], + [ + "\u2581armour", + -12.70992374420166 + ], + [ + "\u2581spider", + -12.690546035766602 + ], + [ + "\u2581subiendo", + -12.614553451538086 + ], + [ + "Egypt", + -12.570793151855469 + ], + [ + "\u2581expires", + -12.627232551574707 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aguilar", + -13.305356979370117 + ], + [ + "\u2581convinieron", + -12.766491889953613 + ], + [ + "\u2581declive", + -12.715045928955078 + ], + [ + "\u2581trademarks", + -12.671297073364258 + ], + [ + "\u2581Submission", + -12.62812614440918 + ], + [ + "\u2581asegurarme", + -12.53953742980957 + ], + [ + "\u2581pertain", + -12.724449157714844 + ], + [ + "\u2581tramp", + -12.819899559020996 + ], + [ + "f\u00edsica", + -12.826300621032715 + ], + [ + "\u2581mitigating", + -12.580821990966797 + ], + [ + "\u2581caves", + -12.737529754638672 + ], + [ + "\u2581conflicting", + -12.66703987121582 + ], + [ + "\u2581sulphur", + -12.538344383239746 + ], + [ + "europeo", + -12.725618362426758 + ], + [ + "\u2581Desert", + -12.587444305419922 + ], + [ + "\u2581Moving", + -12.689244270324707 + ], + [ + "\u2581Springfield", + -13.214720726013184 + ], + [ + "\u2581inquieta", + -12.721809387207031 + ], + [ + "pondremos", + -12.613853454589844 + ], + [ + "\u2581Celebrada", + -12.744189262390137 + ], + [ + "\u2581emergente", + -12.798770904541016 + ], + [ + "\u2581vietnamita", + -12.722864151000977 + ], + [ + "\u2581avenues", + -12.560547828674316 + ], + [ + "\u2581suceso", + -12.65088939666748 + ], + [ + "\u2581tiger", + -12.64354133605957 + ], + [ + "\u2581Motorola", + -13.289398193359375 + ], + [ + "\u2581NAP", + -12.630134582519531 + ], + [ + "\u2581V\u00edctor", + -12.660065650939941 + ], + [ + "\u2581incoar", + -12.80362319946289 + ], + [ + "\u2581tritura", + -12.647109031677246 + ], + [ + "\u2581discreet", + -12.694912910461426 + ], + [ + "\u2581revender", + -12.70717716217041 + ], + [ + "\u2581socket", + -12.623818397521973 + ], + [ + "\u2581Emperador", + -12.727619171142578 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vlad", + -13.467696189880371 + ], + [ + "\u2581padecer", + -12.809630393981934 + ], + [ + "\u2581fetch", + -12.875736236572266 + ], + [ + "\u2581fugitive", + -12.633465766906738 + ], + [ + "\u2581somal\u00edes", + -12.707765579223633 + ], + [ + "gu\u00eda", + -12.760764122009277 + ], + [ + "\u2581llamarme", + -12.530221939086914 + ], + [ + "\u2581adquieren", + -12.794236183166504 + ], + [ + "\u2581reconsiderar", + -12.6932954788208 + ], + [ + "\u2581Saben", + -12.59571647644043 + ], + [ + "catering", + -12.627466201782227 + ], + [ + "Padre", + -12.627045631408691 + ], + [ + "\u2581Overseas", + -12.493975639343262 + ], + [ + "rop", + -12.410796165466309 + ], + [ + "\u2581Holding", + -12.642484664916992 + ], + [ + "\u2581perpetrado", + -12.646194458007812 + ], + [ + "\u2581unreasonable", + -12.63902473449707 + ], + [ + "\u2581caldera", + -12.695199966430664 + ], + [ + "\u2581evacu", + -12.673321723937988 + ], + [ + "\u2581paediatric", + -12.60074234008789 + ], + [ + "Aparta", + -12.66110897064209 + ], + [ + "cambio", + -12.791099548339844 + ], + [ + "\u2581experimentaci\u00f3n", + -12.806220054626465 + ], + [ + "\u2581corridors", + -12.656259536743164 + ], + [ + "\u2581interviene", + -12.709539413452148 + ], + [ + "Oiga", + -12.56671142578125 + ], + [ + "USCO", + -12.905355453491211 + ], + [ + "\u2581Utilizar", + -12.699097633361816 + ], + [ + "\u2581sucursales", + -12.670064926147461 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nationality", + -12.630106925964355 + ], + [ + "expendable", + -12.59940242767334 + ], + [ + "raw", + -12.961017608642578 + ], + [ + "\u2581migratoria", + -12.70952320098877 + ], + [ + "\u2581shaking", + -12.708276748657227 + ], + [ + "\u2581disarm", + -12.608930587768555 + ], + [ + "\u2581magnesio", + -12.721283912658691 + ], + [ + "\u2581porch", + -12.694864273071289 + ], + [ + "\u2581tomatoes", + -12.676280975341797 + ], + [ + "\u2581Calder\u00f3n", + -12.791574478149414 + ], + [ + "\u2581Regionales", + -12.78339672088623 + ], + [ + "\u2581rec\u00edproco", + -12.694803237915039 + ], + [ + "\u2581Llamadas", + -12.707316398620605 + ], + [ + "\u2581MDG", + -12.552874565124512 + ], + [ + "JUEGO", + -12.849081993103027 + ], + [ + "\u2581Arn", + -12.675772666931152 + ], + [ + "\u2581abstain", + -12.6421537399292 + ], + [ + "\u2581crucified", + -12.646018028259277 + ], + [ + "\u2581Zhang", + -13.355557441711426 + ], + [ + "\u2581sow", + -12.406169891357422 + ], + [ + "\u2581tuition", + -12.653060913085938 + ], + [ + "\u2581FSE", + -12.766140937805176 + ], + [ + "\u2581desv\u00edo", + -12.710309982299805 + ], + [ + "\u2581policymaking", + -12.650996208190918 + ], + [ + "\u2581si\u00e9ntate", + -12.466293334960938 + ], + [ + "\u2581Zan", + -13.046735763549805 + ], + [ + "\u2581marrow", + -12.579713821411133 + ], + [ + "\u2581tendr\u00edamos", + -12.678542137145996 + ], + [ + "\u2581Enable", + -12.745427131652832 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mant\u00e9n", + -12.61059856414795 + ], + [ + "\u2581elastic", + -12.591395378112793 + ], + [ + "\u2581edificaci\u00f3n", + -12.73916244506836 + ], + [ + "\u2581expatriados", + -12.704069137573242 + ], + [ + "\u2581Grandma", + -12.791726112365723 + ], + [ + "\u2581atacaron", + -12.732660293579102 + ], + [ + "\u2581rinda", + -12.744400978088379 + ], + [ + "\u2581Emilia", + -13.359417915344238 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rare", + -12.593008041381836 + ], + [ + "\u2581hospeda", + -12.649544715881348 + ], + [ + "azar", + -12.945998191833496 + ], + [ + "\u2581distribuyen", + -12.620405197143555 + ], + [ + "\u2581Valid", + -12.60132884979248 + ], + [ + "\u2581subsidiaria", + -12.794967651367188 + ], + [ + "dj", + -12.798797607421875 + ], + [ + "\u2581comprehend", + -12.71275806427002 + ], + [ + "\u2581distin", + -12.739829063415527 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rhine", + -12.583887100219727 + ], + [ + "\u2500", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581Oigan", + -12.494135856628418 + ], + [ + "\u2581aleatoria", + -12.764853477478027 + ], + [ + "\u2581preferente", + -12.695923805236816 + ], + [ + "\u2581remedial", + -12.58874225616455 + ], + [ + "mates", + -12.636486053466797 + ], + [ + "\u2581aport\u00f3", + -12.70728588104248 + ], + [ + "\u2581farmacocin\u00e9tica", + -12.691733360290527 + ], + [ + "\u2581miren", + -12.604578971862793 + ], + [ + "Matt", + -12.601828575134277 + ], + [ + "\u2581sinned", + -12.640653610229492 + ], + [ + "\u2581outlet", + -12.55379867553711 + ], + [ + "\u2581vertebral", + -12.751744270324707 + ], + [ + "\u2581CIC", + -12.811580657958984 + ], + [ + "\u2581GNL", + -12.731249809265137 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lightning", + -12.738968849182129 + ], + [ + "\u2581Shooting", + -12.687895774841309 + ], + [ + "\u2581Costs", + -12.637237548828125 + ], + [ + "\u2581handicapped", + -12.6170015335083 + ], + [ + "\u2581practised", + -12.651607513427734 + ], + [ + "\u2581withour", + -12.678003311157227 + ], + [ + "Welcome", + -13.378006935119629 + ], + [ + "gonal", + -12.915657997131348 + ], + [ + "\u2581unresolved", + -12.648828506469727 + ], + [ + "\u2581contradice", + -12.78482723236084 + ], + [ + "\u2581anhelo", + -12.758267402648926 + ], + [ + "\u2581especifique", + -12.73559284210205 + ], + [ + "\u2581menstrual", + -13.355437278747559 + ], + [ + "adhesivo", + -12.679585456848145 + ], + [ + "\u2581Militares", + -12.741925239562988 + ], + [ + "\u2581colgante", + -12.754999160766602 + ], + [ + "\u2581hacinamiento", + -12.78819465637207 + ], + [ + "Demonios", + -12.537003517150879 + ], + [ + "ucho", + -12.511211395263672 + ], + [ + "Ellos", + -12.622361183166504 + ], + [ + "\u2581agradeci\u00f3", + -12.710296630859375 + ], + [ + "\u2581indignaci\u00f3n", + -12.713778495788574 + ], + [ + "\u2581promocionales", + -12.767428398132324 + ], + [ + "breaking", + -12.632547378540039 + ], + [ + "\u2581tighten", + -12.690613746643066 + ], + [ + "\u2581woven", + -12.633857727050781 + ], + [ + "\u2581microfinance", + -12.543425559997559 + ], + [ + "\u2581substrate", + -12.643059730529785 + ], + [ + "tology", + -12.582141876220703 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cardiff", + -13.327375411987305 + ], + [ + "\u2581insistencia", + -12.6727876663208 + ], + [ + "ISMO", + -12.889791488647461 + ], + [ + "\u2581Classes", + -12.611238479614258 + ], + [ + "\u2581conexa", + -12.771463394165039 + ], + [ + "\u2581fitosanitarios", + -12.771988868713379 + ], + [ + "\u2581sacerdocio", + -12.743631362915039 + ], + [ + "\u2581Localizaci\u00f3n", + -12.833624839782715 + ], + [ + "\u2581Beginning", + -12.639065742492676 + ], + [ + "\u2581divert", + -12.602641105651855 + ], + [ + "\u2581Forward", + -12.627610206604004 + ], + [ + "\u2581Veracruz", + -13.355437278747559 + ], + [ + "\u2581Chancellor", + -12.626559257507324 + ], + [ + "\u2581adjudicadora", + -12.734807968139648 + ], + [ + "\u2581Highness", + -12.810914039611816 + ], + [ + "\u2581chic", + -12.69057559967041 + ], + [ + "\u2581suprimido", + -12.727090835571289 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sangre", + -12.691717147827148 + ], + [ + "\u2581indebidamente", + -12.692484855651855 + ], + [ + "\u2581llev", + -12.536834716796875 + ], + [ + "\u2581locker", + -12.7320556640625 + ], + [ + "\u2581AGENDA", + -12.542132377624512 + ], + [ + "\u2581CCT", + -12.752628326416016 + ], + [ + "\u2581Topics", + -12.590838432312012 + ], + [ + "angui", + -13.089810371398926 + ], + [ + "\u2581analistas", + -12.70729923248291 + ], + [ + "\u2581pimienta", + -12.697882652282715 + ], + [ + "\u2581feminista", + -12.716562271118164 + ], + [ + "\u2581nudos", + -12.74206256866455 + ], + [ + "\u2581restart", + -12.687560081481934 + ], + [ + "\u2581shifted", + -12.621315002441406 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tibetan", + -12.527383804321289 + ], + [ + "\u2581contrat\u00f3", + -12.727736473083496 + ], + [ + "LECT", + -13.060416221618652 + ], + [ + "truir", + -12.729761123657227 + ], + [ + "\u2581Malaria", + -12.591531753540039 + ], + [ + "\u2581Migrants", + -12.639891624450684 + ], + [ + "\u2581ilustrar", + -12.771496772766113 + ], + [ + "\u2581Navegar", + -12.75997257232666 + ], + [ + "\u2581analyzing", + -12.648828506469727 + ], + [ + "\u2581incesante", + -12.700973510742188 + ], + [ + "tercer", + -12.904850959777832 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ap\u00f3stol", + -12.809321403503418 + ], + [ + "\u2581encontraste", + -12.526866912841797 + ], + [ + "\u2581greed", + -12.690042495727539 + ], + [ + "\u2581n\u00f3mina", + -12.724446296691895 + ], + [ + "\u2581preferida", + -12.716562271118164 + ], + [ + "industria", + -12.778036117553711 + ], + [ + "\u2581Adaptation", + -12.65889835357666 + ], + [ + "\u2581acres", + -12.687688827514648 + ], + [ + "\u2581sinceridad", + -12.66900634765625 + ], + [ + "\u2581excluyen", + -12.809359550476074 + ], + [ + "\u2581repressive", + -12.614310264587402 + ], + [ + "\u2581carcinoma", + -13.31627082824707 + ], + [ + "\u2581ignorant", + -12.667295455932617 + ], + [ + "\u2581perseguidos", + -12.68161392211914 + ], + [ + "\u2581imponerse", + -12.712701797485352 + ], + [ + "\u2581primitiva", + -12.672005653381348 + ], + [ + "\u2581Adaptaci\u00f3n", + -12.740777969360352 + ], + [ + "\u2581catheter", + -12.59672737121582 + ], + [ + "\u2581nap", + -12.815263748168945 + ], + [ + "\u2581inspected", + -12.575553894042969 + ], + [ + "(97)", + -13.394035339355469 + ], + [ + "\u2581Siemens", + -13.168609619140625 + ], + [ + "Haga", + -12.758620262145996 + ], + [ + "\u2581planear", + -12.620442390441895 + ], + [ + "\u2581reportar", + -12.674790382385254 + ], + [ + "\u25810,4", + -12.82475757598877 + ], + [ + "\u2581joya", + -12.62950611114502 + ], + [ + "\u2581clamp", + -12.675250053405762 + ], + [ + "\u2581minimise", + -12.700157165527344 + ], + [ + "\u2581drank", + -12.7463960647583 + ], + [ + "\u2581imponente", + -12.80561351776123 + ], + [ + "\u2581martillo", + -12.688867568969727 + ], + [ + "\u2581spectator", + -12.686117172241211 + ], + [ + "/78", + -12.676690101623535 + ], + [ + "\u2581Quant", + -12.90323257446289 + ], + [ + "culaci\u00f3n", + -12.874690055847168 + ], + [ + "ifer", + -12.839705467224121 + ], + [ + "\u2581Torrevieja", + -13.467096328735352 + ], + [ + "\u2581desactivar", + -12.748624801635742 + ], + [ + "\u2581embarrassed", + -12.738924980163574 + ], + [ + "\u2581quieto", + -12.507551193237305 + ], + [ + "\u2581reuse", + -12.732141494750977 + ], + [ + "bei", + -12.954994201660156 + ], + [ + "\u2581emigraci\u00f3n", + -12.719708442687988 + ], + [ + "\u2581subcontrata", + -12.727625846862793 + ], + [ + "\u2581Caixa", + -13.21960735321045 + ], + [ + "\u2581compensatorio", + -12.672792434692383 + ], + [ + "\u2581abovementioned", + -12.671049118041992 + ], + [ + "\u2581congrega", + -12.916280746459961 + ], + [ + "jon", + -12.693673133850098 + ], + [ + "\u2581geological", + -12.610259056091309 + ], + [ + "\u2581reportado", + -12.781847953796387 + ], + [ + "\u2581refuta", + -12.740592956542969 + ], + [ + "FIS", + -12.902217864990234 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sociedades", + -12.761459350585938 + ], + [ + "\u2581aterrizar", + -12.626179695129395 + ], + [ + "\u2581sal\u00ed", + -12.488626480102539 + ], + [ + "\u2581et\u00edope", + -12.73080062866211 + ], + [ + "\u2581isolate", + -12.629539489746094 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00c1rtico", + -12.697882652282715 + ], + [ + "\u2581Calla", + -12.647455215454102 + ], + [ + "\u2581Macro", + -12.698443412780762 + ], + [ + "\u2581sentencing", + -12.641914367675781 + ], + [ + "\u2581utilizaban", + -12.81505012512207 + ], + [ + "\u2581cerradura", + -12.679548263549805 + ], + [ + "idence", + -12.6869478225708 + ], + [ + "\u2581corporativo", + -12.751429557800293 + ], + [ + "\u2581volc\u00e1nica", + -12.778668403625488 + ], + [ + "\u2581emigrantes", + -12.713422775268555 + ], + [ + "\u2581bailarina", + -12.648414611816406 + ], + [ + "\u2581imparten", + -12.807167053222656 + ], + [ + "mania", + -12.716573715209961 + ], + [ + "\u2581Turin", + -12.623215675354004 + ], + [ + "tavoces", + -12.707193374633789 + ], + [ + "\u2581Adapta", + -12.774407386779785 + ], + [ + "\u2581estrangul", + -12.863547325134277 + ], + [ + "nay", + -12.694040298461914 + ], + [ + "\u2581Versions", + -12.758261680603027 + ], + [ + "\u2581cursillo", + -12.657114028930664 + ], + [ + "ffin", + -12.690081596374512 + ], + [ + "\u2581Inversores", + -12.812106132507324 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kremlin", + -13.381449699401855 + ], + [ + "\u2581vodka", + -13.263103485107422 + ], + [ + "\u2581aislar", + -12.74694538116455 + ], + [ + "\u2581diversificar", + -12.800078392028809 + ], + [ + "omo", + -12.356252670288086 + ], + [ + "\u2581linaje", + -12.704084396362305 + ], + [ + "\u2581pliego", + -12.773118019104004 + ], + [ + "\u2581disgrace", + -12.732455253601074 + ], + [ + "\u2581exigente", + -12.725833892822266 + ], + [ + "\u2581Arg", + -12.755475997924805 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ost", + -12.84531021118164 + ], + [ + "\u2581admiti\u00f3", + -12.705644607543945 + ], + [ + "\u2581encerrar", + -12.610936164855957 + ], + [ + "\u2581shrine", + -12.726387977600098 + ], + [ + "\u2581trompeta", + -12.831303596496582 + ], + [ + "\u2581Instituci\u00f3n", + -12.735595703125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rueda", + -12.806693077087402 + ], + [ + "\u2581regala", + -12.63531494140625 + ], + [ + "\u2581withdrawing", + -12.591438293457031 + ], + [ + "\u2581apples", + -12.689204216003418 + ], + [ + "\u2581pincha", + -12.694968223571777 + ], + [ + "\u2581Concretamente", + -12.67350959777832 + ], + [ + "abilities", + -12.688739776611328 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ordenaci\u00f3n", + -12.737756729125977 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gin", + -12.528047561645508 + ], + [ + "\u2581Joder", + -12.535401344299316 + ], + [ + "\u2581Songs", + -12.681147575378418 + ], + [ + "\u2581democracies", + -12.650237083435059 + ], + [ + "\u2581resiliencia", + -12.831303596496582 + ], + [ + "\u2581rotating", + -12.619783401489258 + ], + [ + "\u2581Oblates", + -12.6905517578125 + ], + [ + "\u2581apasionado", + -12.734296798706055 + ], + [ + ":28", + -12.773045539855957 + ], + [ + "\u2581compensated", + -12.632246971130371 + ], + [ + "\u2581funcionado", + -12.58428955078125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Especie", + -12.867182731628418 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sak", + -12.915511131286621 + ], + [ + "\u2581knit", + -12.647452354431152 + ], + [ + "April", + -12.668400764465332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mixta", + -12.758272171020508 + ], + [ + "\u2581dejar\u00e1n", + -12.683857917785645 + ], + [ + "\u2581halfway", + -12.706296920776367 + ], + [ + "\u2581simpat\u00eda", + -12.700971603393555 + ], + [ + "32)", + -12.617615699768066 + ], + [ + "ccio", + -12.740819931030273 + ], + [ + "pain", + -12.566439628601074 + ], + [ + "\u2581Joven", + -12.626151084899902 + ], + [ + "cardiovasculares", + -13.003971099853516 + ], + [ + "\u2581aditivo", + -12.693903923034668 + ], + [ + "vali", + -12.74427318572998 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mozilla", + -13.313531875610352 + ], + [ + "\u2581Envejecimiento", + -12.68257999420166 + ], + [ + "\u2581exemplary", + -12.680282592773438 + ], + [ + "iter", + -12.681835174560547 + ], + [ + "\u2581f\u00f3sforo", + -12.65709114074707 + ], + [ + "\u2581hereinafter", + -12.535324096679688 + ], + [ + "\u2581impugnar", + -12.813840866088867 + ], + [ + "\u2581subsiguiente", + -12.667784690856934 + ], + [ + "jet", + -12.624527931213379 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sitemap", + -12.700840950012207 + ], + [ + "\u2581accomplice", + -12.636313438415527 + ], + [ + "\u2581menoscabar", + -12.754809379577637 + ], + [ + "Debo", + -12.555010795593262 + ], + [ + "profesional", + -12.768075942993164 + ], + [ + "\u2581encontrarla", + -12.586040496826172 + ], + [ + "\u2581unfold", + -12.711758613586426 + ], + [ + "\u2581Principe", + -12.675934791564941 + ], + [ + "\u2581atrapada", + -12.617518424987793 + ], + [ + "\u2581prorrog\u00f3", + -12.813836097717285 + ], + [ + "PAS", + -12.946605682373047 + ], + [ + "\u2581premiere", + -12.880417823791504 + ], + [ + "\u2581sepult", + -12.737372398376465 + ], + [ + "diction", + -12.632057189941406 + ], + [ + "tian", + -12.476798057556152 + ], + [ + "\u2581genres", + -12.712096214294434 + ], + [ + "\u2581turcochipriota", + -12.700971603393555 + ], + [ + "\u2581vestuario", + -12.663030624389648 + ], + [ + "sufficient", + -12.583773612976074 + ], + [ + "\u2581rituales", + -12.668988227844238 + ], + [ + "\u2581straightforward", + -12.621068954467773 + ], + [ + "\u2581discusses", + -12.589530944824219 + ], + [ + "\u2581heterosexual", + -13.167423248291016 + ], + [ + "\u2581azota", + -12.785523414611816 + ], + [ + ".000.000", + -12.794898986816406 + ], + [ + "chero", + -12.717738151550293 + ], + [ + "\u2581outgoing", + -12.686555862426758 + ], + [ + "\u2581prontitud", + -12.710296630859375 + ], + [ + "omen", + -12.870107650756836 + ], + [ + "\u2581difiere", + -12.75926685333252 + ], + [ + "\u2581incorpor\u00f3", + -12.78988265991211 + ], + [ + "male", + -12.671192169189453 + ], + [ + "\u2581CAC", + -12.767438888549805 + ], + [ + "\u2581M\u00edos", + -12.737693786621094 + ], + [ + "\u2581hablemos", + -12.560174942016602 + ], + [ + "\u2581significar\u00eda", + -12.688345909118652 + ], + [ + "umming", + -12.776252746582031 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mubarak", + -13.345069885253906 + ], + [ + "\u2581guardaba", + -12.887174606323242 + ], + [ + "\u2581magistrates", + -12.636053085327148 + ], + [ + "\u2581Inmobiliaria", + -12.791574478149414 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lujo", + -12.887308120727539 + ], + [ + "\u2581Entretanto", + -12.682709693908691 + ], + [ + "\u2581glaciar", + -12.73080062866211 + ], + [ + "\u2581llevarme", + -12.504744529724121 + ], + [ + "\u2581c\u00e1scara", + -12.746865272521973 + ], + [ + "\u2581presentarle", + -12.88052749633789 + ], + [ + "\u2581psiquiatra", + -12.58568286895752 + ], + [ + "ope", + -12.490832328796387 + ], + [ + "\u2581ECO", + -12.663305282592773 + ], + [ + "\u2581marker", + -12.653568267822266 + ], + [ + "\u2581Chapel", + -12.718313217163086 + ], + [ + "\u2581computador", + -12.684187889099121 + ], + [ + "\u2581evaluar\u00e1", + -12.594793319702148 + ], + [ + "\u2581rehabilitate", + -12.80052661895752 + ], + [ + "\u2581unsuccessful", + -12.646018028259277 + ], + [ + "90)", + -12.721821784973145 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wave", + -12.698064804077148 + ], + [ + "\u2581depositary", + -12.622801780700684 + ], + [ + "supported", + -12.659584999084473 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cad", + -12.665436744689941 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fully", + -12.616238594055176 + ], + [ + "\u2581counselor", + -12.785197257995605 + ], + [ + "\u2581represente", + -12.721108436584473 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lamp", + -12.679957389831543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Medicines", + -12.660482406616211 + ], + [ + "\u2581procediera", + -12.79709529876709 + ], + [ + "\u2581salm\u00f3n", + -12.691855430603027 + ], + [ + "\u2581Conversion", + -12.665966987609863 + ], + [ + "\u2581extinction", + -12.667420387268066 + ], + [ + "\u2581Levites", + -12.776327133178711 + ], + [ + "\u2581semester", + -12.674489974975586 + ], + [ + "\u2581agotar", + -12.724698066711426 + ], + [ + "\u2581specialty", + -12.666297912597656 + ], + [ + "BLICA", + -12.741778373718262 + ], + [ + "\u2581Neg", + -12.707776069641113 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bedrooms", + -12.736185073852539 + ], + [ + "\u2581radiante", + -12.763197898864746 + ], + [ + "measure", + -12.608154296875 + ], + [ + "\u2581dispatched", + -12.623039245605469 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gente", + -12.648003578186035 + ], + [ + "\u2581imitate", + -12.6995849609375 + ], + [ + "\u2581rivales", + -12.724085807800293 + ], + [ + "\u2581Skills", + -12.672039031982422 + ], + [ + "\u2581terapeuta", + -12.710577011108398 + ], + [ + "\u2581Biblical", + -12.664432525634766 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pe\u00f1a", + -12.800256729125977 + ], + [ + "\u2581Il\u00edcito", + -12.791574478149414 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sammy", + -13.27149772644043 + ], + [ + "\u2581lider", + -12.604857444763184 + ], + [ + "\u2581distorted", + -12.649003982543945 + ], + [ + "\u2581opositores", + -12.72661304473877 + ], + [ + "rays", + -12.693460464477539 + ], + [ + "\u2581Collect", + -12.62552547454834 + ], + [ + "\u2581Inspectors", + -12.707903861999512 + ], + [ + "\u2581Eventually", + -12.732455253601074 + ], + [ + "\u2581Immediately", + -12.693987846374512 + ], + [ + "\u2581tier", + -12.667278289794922 + ], + [ + "UCH", + -12.805253028869629 + ], + [ + "tice", + -12.584763526916504 + ], + [ + "\u2581cavidad", + -12.687158584594727 + ], + [ + "\u2581heredar", + -12.800362586975098 + ], + [ + "lvarez", + -12.683202743530273 + ], + [ + "Did", + -12.696004867553711 + ], + [ + "\u2581jugada", + -12.572101593017578 + ], + [ + "\u2581kissing", + -12.747160911560059 + ], + [ + "\u2581masks", + -12.656691551208496 + ], + [ + "Parte", + -12.795872688293457 + ], + [ + "TICO", + -12.945642471313477 + ], + [ + "though", + -12.670512199401855 + ], + [ + "\u2581discreto", + -12.707179069519043 + ], + [ + "oscopy", + -12.604789733886719 + ], + [ + "\u2581dureza", + -12.745426177978516 + ], + [ + "\u2581mortero", + -12.740790367126465 + ], + [ + "XXVII", + -13.391039848327637 + ], + [ + "rough", + -12.884888648986816 + ], + [ + "\u2581tobillo", + -12.632238388061523 + ], + [ + "\u2581condemning", + -12.612542152404785 + ], + [ + "\u2581demolition", + -12.644615173339844 + ], + [ + "\u2581s\u00edntoma", + -12.675384521484375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rip", + -12.848376274108887 + ], + [ + "t\u00e1is", + -12.585359573364258 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hearing", + -12.635770797729492 + ], + [ + "\u2581Carry", + -12.741775512695312 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ra\u00fal", + -12.742167472839355 + ], + [ + "\u2581brightness", + -12.656736373901367 + ], + [ + "\u2581recordar\u00e1", + -12.61193561553955 + ], + [ + "plasia", + -12.792455673217773 + ], + [ + "\u2581Symposium", + -12.623809814453125 + ], + [ + "\u2581LIBRO", + -12.865357398986816 + ], + [ + "\u2581proce", + -12.750489234924316 + ], + [ + "Chairperson", + -12.684418678283691 + ], + [ + "\u2581adjuntar", + -12.730948448181152 + ], + [ + "\u2581hexa", + -13.02260971069336 + ], + [ + "due", + -12.594278335571289 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mercantil", + -12.836604118347168 + ], + [ + "\u2581Observations", + -12.687895774841309 + ], + [ + "\u2581ilustraciones", + -12.795738220214844 + ], + [ + "\u2581bids", + -12.6957368850708 + ], + [ + "\u2581notebook", + -12.732366561889648 + ], + [ + "\u2581ambitions", + -12.614914894104004 + ], + [ + "\u2581overdose", + -12.652534484863281 + ], + [ + "\u2581intent\u00e9", + -12.580185890197754 + ], + [ + "\u2581metodol\u00f3gico", + -12.73239517211914 + ], + [ + "\u2581lime", + -12.668924331665039 + ], + [ + "\u2581retribuci\u00f3n", + -12.764840126037598 + ], + [ + "\u2581delightful", + -12.616072654724121 + ], + [ + "\u2581sab\u00edamos", + -12.62856388092041 + ], + [ + "kir", + -12.669052124023438 + ], + [ + "\u2581Payments", + -12.649765968322754 + ], + [ + "\u2581SAR", + -12.68132495880127 + ], + [ + "bone", + -12.79577350616455 + ], + [ + "military", + -12.661116600036621 + ], + [ + "\u2581dresses", + -12.673999786376953 + ], + [ + "\u2581F\u00e9lix", + -13.062186241149902 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pir", + -12.621988296508789 + ], + [ + "lasting", + -12.69169807434082 + ], + [ + "\u2581promocionar", + -12.82120132446289 + ], + [ + "\u2581plantee", + -12.761068344116211 + ], + [ + "\u2581serpent", + -12.655891418457031 + ], + [ + "\u2581Smoking", + -12.629192352294922 + ], + [ + "\u2581haemoglobin", + -12.532062530517578 + ], + [ + "\u2581vendida", + -12.807207107543945 + ], + [ + "\u2581vibraci\u00f3n", + -12.692246437072754 + ], + [ + "\u2581rug", + -12.732590675354004 + ], + [ + "\u2581DID", + -12.912725448608398 + ], + [ + "\u2581navigate", + -12.650237083435059 + ], + [ + "\u2581queries", + -12.726449012756348 + ], + [ + "August", + -12.638524055480957 + ], + [ + "\u2581902", + -12.647909164428711 + ], + [ + "\u2581expensas", + -12.69788932800293 + ], + [ + "\u2581terribly", + -12.758813858032227 + ], + [ + "\u2581COME", + -12.937093734741211 + ], + [ + "layer", + -12.645140647888184 + ], + [ + "\u2581condom", + -12.75 + ], + [ + "etch", + -12.813993453979492 + ], + [ + "venido", + -12.723491668701172 + ], + [ + "\u2581arancel", + -12.790483474731445 + ], + [ + "\u2581chasing", + -12.727921485900879 + ], + [ + "ocyt", + -12.697522163391113 + ], + [ + "\u2581earning", + -12.578004837036133 + ], + [ + "\u2581obstetric", + -12.691969871520996 + ], + [ + "\u2581prostate", + -12.665544509887695 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cayman", + -12.702396392822266 + ], + [ + "\u2581obligan", + -12.603728294372559 + ], + [ + "\u00e1rmelo", + -12.589547157287598 + ], + [ + "\u2581S\u00edmbolo", + -12.87822151184082 + ], + [ + "39)", + -12.747814178466797 + ], + [ + "\u2581Prefijo", + -12.642395973205566 + ], + [ + "\u2581casera", + -12.671041488647461 + ], + [ + "\u2581Comando", + -12.83046817779541 + ], + [ + "\u2581restringe", + -12.801810264587402 + ], + [ + "\u2581impeding", + -12.647433280944824 + ], + [ + "Ac", + -12.557127952575684 + ], + [ + "\u2581Crescent", + -12.63485336303711 + ], + [ + "\u2581Plain", + -12.659518241882324 + ], + [ + "\u2581cursar", + -12.798812866210938 + ], + [ + "\u2581resiste", + -12.770484924316406 + ], + [ + "Har", + -12.783126831054688 + ], + [ + "habita", + -12.811299324035645 + ], + [ + "wife", + -12.67596435546875 + ], + [ + "\u2581calculator", + -12.600743293762207 + ], + [ + "\u2581proclamado", + -12.730788230895996 + ], + [ + "\u2581CONVENTION", + -12.534570693969727 + ], + [ + "\u2581Decoraci\u00f3n", + -12.876358032226562 + ], + [ + "\u2581particle", + -12.64588737487793 + ], + [ + "\u2581Localiza", + -12.789274215698242 + ], + [ + "\u2581Conflicto", + -12.763192176818848 + ], + [ + "\u2581Weekly", + -12.670913696289062 + ], + [ + "\u2581advertiser", + -12.650542259216309 + ], + [ + "\u2581peers", + -12.74775218963623 + ], + [ + "\u2581brota", + -12.802518844604492 + ], + [ + "\u2581negligence", + -12.60747241973877 + ], + [ + "\u2581trazar", + -12.718451499938965 + ], + [ + "\u2581voltaje", + -12.761598587036133 + ], + [ + "sionado", + -12.740754127502441 + ], + [ + "\u2581GNSS", + -13.341273307800293 + ], + [ + "\u2581consuming", + -12.624921798706055 + ], + [ + "\u2581reflexiona", + -12.753856658935547 + ], + [ + "cou", + -12.950151443481445 + ], + [ + "ential", + -12.729069709777832 + ], + [ + "\u2581GHG", + -12.570358276367188 + ], + [ + "\u2581electromagnetic", + -12.637635231018066 + ], + [ + "rier", + -12.726905822753906 + ], + [ + "\u2581feminine", + -12.680282592773438 + ], + [ + "atio", + -12.93237018585205 + ], + [ + "\u2581alteration", + -12.573758125305176 + ], + [ + "\u2581quisi\u00e9ramos", + -12.784823417663574 + ], + [ + "\u2581rustic", + -12.67916202545166 + ], + [ + "\u2581CEB", + -12.617960929870605 + ], + [ + "\u2581happily", + -12.763537406921387 + ], + [ + "\u2581opted", + -12.684436798095703 + ], + [ + "\u2581Safari", + -13.249934196472168 + ], + [ + "\u2581shades", + -12.78603458404541 + ], + [ + "\u2581sumarse", + -12.71782112121582 + ], + [ + "\u2581compost", + -13.276110649108887 + ], + [ + "\u2581manguera", + -12.670560836791992 + ], + [ + "\u2581Throw", + -12.755023002624512 + ], + [ + "ecca", + -12.779498100280762 + ], + [ + "\u2581simult\u00e1ne", + -12.75075912475586 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cecilia", + -13.390324592590332 + ], + [ + "\u2581marxista", + -12.789895057678223 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cordero", + -12.778388977050781 + ], + [ + "\u2581ocurrieron", + -12.7354097366333 + ], + [ + "\u2581payroll", + -12.624045372009277 + ], + [ + "\u2581purification", + -12.677412033081055 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bone", + -12.832831382751465 + ], + [ + "\u2581departmental", + -12.617851257324219 + ], + [ + "\u2581gestionaremos", + -12.726875305175781 + ], + [ + "\u2581publishes", + -12.596900939941406 + ], + [ + "\u2581Paige", + -13.316136360168457 + ], + [ + "\u2581chispa", + -12.687196731567383 + ], + [ + "bout", + -12.792759895324707 + ], + [ + "t\u00e9cnica", + -12.833373069763184 + ], + [ + "\u25811996)", + -12.7683744430542 + ], + [ + "Press", + -12.710057258605957 + ], + [ + "\u2581Formentera", + -13.308074951171875 + ], + [ + "full", + -12.550333976745605 + ], + [ + "\u2581Efectivamente", + -12.738801002502441 + ], + [ + "\u2581Referring", + -12.65307903289795 + ], + [ + "\u2581maestr\u00eda", + -12.753364562988281 + ], + [ + "ail", + -12.191764831542969 + ], + [ + "\u2581dome", + -12.813838005065918 + ], + [ + "\u2581zapatillas", + -12.699440956115723 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sharing", + -12.630285263061523 + ], + [ + "\u2581clandestina", + -12.923542022705078 + ], + [ + "\u2581clown", + -12.760501861572266 + ], + [ + "\u2581Restablecer", + -12.805214881896973 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wor", + -12.663799285888672 + ], + [ + "\u2581analog", + -12.649205207824707 + ], + [ + "\u2581Explorar", + -12.765774726867676 + ], + [ + "Mark", + -12.722028732299805 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lane", + -12.774991989135742 + ], + [ + "\u2581ultimo", + -12.674525260925293 + ], + [ + "particularidades", + -13.225567817687988 + ], + [ + "Have", + -12.733922004699707 + ], + [ + "fection", + -12.827326774597168 + ], + [ + "\u2581PIC", + -12.69088077545166 + ], + [ + "\u2581phosphate", + -12.682323455810547 + ], + [ + "hearted", + -12.681832313537598 + ], + [ + "\u25818.1", + -12.585753440856934 + ], + [ + "\u2581documenta", + -12.636857986450195 + ], + [ + "\u2581alimentario", + -12.67724895477295 + ], + [ + "\u2581hardest", + -12.736150741577148 + ], + [ + "\u2581aconsejable", + -12.809425354003906 + ], + [ + "\u2581sausage", + -12.750988960266113 + ], + [ + "\u2581Toilet", + -12.717318534851074 + ], + [ + "\u2581boiler", + -12.725462913513184 + ], + [ + "Gal", + -12.655295372009277 + ], + [ + "\u2581Seoul", + -12.71432113647461 + ], + [ + "\u2581Straight", + -12.768319129943848 + ], + [ + "\u2581advising", + -12.615609169006348 + ], + [ + "\u2581callej\u00f3n", + -12.576144218444824 + ], + [ + "\u2581reconversi\u00f3n", + -12.82431697845459 + ], + [ + "\u2581stretched", + -12.605979919433594 + ], + [ + "\u2581Latinoamericano", + -12.851126670837402 + ], + [ + "\u2581Volver\u00e9", + -12.525169372558594 + ], + [ + "\u2581Timorese", + -12.681859970092773 + ], + [ + "\u2581UNCDF", + -12.68757152557373 + ], + [ + "\u2581deputies", + -12.637632369995117 + ], + [ + "gericht", + -13.43481159210205 + ], + [ + "\u2581imitar", + -12.710243225097656 + ], + [ + "\u2581relajado", + -12.730510711669922 + ], + [ + "duction", + -12.843935012817383 + ], + [ + "\u2581Conecta", + -12.727860450744629 + ], + [ + "War", + -12.734304428100586 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cura", + -13.014452934265137 + ], + [ + "\u2581JOIN", + -12.640213012695312 + ], + [ + "\u2581adapter", + -12.70428466796875 + ], + [ + "\u2581neum\u00e1tico", + -12.733484268188477 + ], + [ + "\u2581Preferences", + -12.67883586883545 + ], + [ + "6,5", + -12.92148494720459 + ], + [ + "\u2581Darling", + -12.882777214050293 + ], + [ + "\u2581principiantes", + -12.770073890686035 + ], + [ + "Ko", + -12.723984718322754 + ], + [ + "\u2581vitalidad", + -12.731995582580566 + ], + [ + "holding", + -12.476662635803223 + ], + [ + "\u2581Knowing", + -12.723746299743652 + ], + [ + "\u2581especializa", + -12.692394256591797 + ], + [ + "anja", + -12.724907875061035 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bodega", + -13.172382354736328 + ], + [ + "\u2581dispare", + -12.668970108032227 + ], + [ + "\u2581seguiremos", + -12.68702220916748 + ], + [ + "\u2581unsafe", + -12.679413795471191 + ], + [ + "\u2581diarrhoea", + -12.580821990966797 + ], + [ + "\u2581brakes", + -12.704608917236328 + ], + [ + "\u2581microempresas", + -12.742019653320312 + ], + [ + "\u2581Oblate", + -12.638999938964844 + ], + [ + "\u2581invitaciones", + -12.751031875610352 + ], + [ + "\u2581payaso", + -12.539885520935059 + ], + [ + "\u2581sexualmente", + -12.767632484436035 + ], + [ + "Pron\u00f3stico", + -12.931294441223145 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hybrid", + -12.664432525634766 + ], + [ + "\u2581patrocinador", + -12.817662239074707 + ], + [ + "\u2581p\u00f3liza", + -12.73239517211914 + ], + [ + "\u2581Colaboradores", + -12.849175453186035 + ], + [ + "\u2581complaining", + -12.722270011901855 + ], + [ + "\u2581SUB", + -13.130544662475586 + ], + [ + "\u2581nationalist", + -12.683562278747559 + ], + [ + "quat", + -12.787229537963867 + ], + [ + "trust", + -12.665300369262695 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reducir", + -12.745951652526855 + ], + [ + "\u2581[10", + -12.743324279785156 + ], + [ + "Viste", + -12.46973991394043 + ], + [ + "celer", + -13.125251770019531 + ], + [ + "\u2581abriga", + -12.77196216583252 + ], + [ + "\u2581aceptaron", + -12.737109184265137 + ], + [ + "\u2581plantations", + -12.711506843566895 + ], + [ + "\u2581Auschwitz", + -13.39954662322998 + ], + [ + "According", + -12.76855754852295 + ], + [ + "\u2581AF", + -12.521324157714844 + ], + [ + "\u2581criticar", + -12.739306449890137 + ], + [ + "\u2581embraced", + -12.651893615722656 + ], + [ + "\u2581Comparison", + -12.663012504577637 + ], + [ + "\u2581Indicator", + -12.73534870147705 + ], + [ + "\u2581reactivaci\u00f3n", + -12.750110626220703 + ], + [ + "\u2581spectacle", + -12.579507827758789 + ], + [ + "\u2581tirada", + -12.832319259643555 + ], + [ + "rach", + -12.780500411987305 + ], + [ + "\u2581buscarlo", + -12.562150955200195 + ], + [ + "\u2581cumplir\u00e1", + -12.58401870727539 + ], + [ + "\u2581defini\u00f3", + -12.783220291137695 + ], + [ + "fused", + -12.802258491516113 + ], + [ + "\u2581Expression", + -12.688192367553711 + ], + [ + "\u2581pulveriza", + -12.735618591308594 + ], + [ + "period", + -12.669862747192383 + ], + [ + "ppet", + -13.115992546081543 + ], + [ + "47)", + -12.605731010437012 + ], + [ + "\u2581motivate", + -12.680572509765625 + ], + [ + "\u2581pivotal", + -12.657535552978516 + ], + [ + "\u2581reversible", + -13.333356857299805 + ], + [ + "\u2581Levanta", + -12.667536735534668 + ], + [ + "sc\u00f3pica", + -12.798381805419922 + ], + [ + "\u2581aggravat", + -12.637290000915527 + ], + [ + "\u2581horaria", + -12.929031372070312 + ], + [ + "\u25812.500", + -12.725692749023438 + ], + [ + "\u2581internship", + -12.674676895141602 + ], + [ + "\u2581Been", + -12.888040542602539 + ], + [ + "\u2581Medida", + -12.78866958618164 + ], + [ + "\u2581criminalize", + -12.625638008117676 + ], + [ + "\u2581editors", + -12.706755638122559 + ], + [ + "\u2581freezer", + -12.759744644165039 + ], + [ + "IFIC", + -12.897610664367676 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reader", + -12.793696403503418 + ], + [ + "\u2581intentamos", + -12.614917755126953 + ], + [ + "cubrimiento", + -12.801764488220215 + ], + [ + "\u2581anormales", + -12.759834289550781 + ], + [ + "CLU", + -13.363263130187988 + ], + [ + "\u2581TFUE", + -12.732396125793457 + ], + [ + "\u2581animated", + -12.67593765258789 + ], + [ + "\u2581enforceable", + -12.62165641784668 + ], + [ + "\u2581indiscutible", + -12.722864151000977 + ], + [ + "\u2581proletarian", + -12.56905746459961 + ], + [ + "\u2581reproductivos", + -12.769789695739746 + ], + [ + "\u2581TFEU", + -12.53582763671875 + ], + [ + "\u2581observatorio", + -12.814580917358398 + ], + [ + "Cuarta", + -12.774686813354492 + ], + [ + "EMI", + -12.830599784851074 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fomentar", + -12.730850219726562 + ], + [ + "\u2581dc", + -12.774544715881348 + ], + [ + "\u2581adicci\u00f3n", + -12.727669715881348 + ], + [ + "\u2581culminaci\u00f3n", + -12.70026969909668 + ], + [ + "\u2581traits", + -12.68467903137207 + ], + [ + "\u2581pr\u00f3stata", + -12.745246887207031 + ], + [ + "\u2581therapies", + -12.611538887023926 + ], + [ + "\u2581Consultations", + -12.653173446655273 + ], + [ + "\u2581Shim", + -12.78013801574707 + ], + [ + "\u2581patada", + -12.636102676391602 + ], + [ + "\u2581primitivo", + -12.726032257080078 + ], + [ + "RNA", + -12.644149780273438 + ], + [ + "\u2581dolphin", + -12.667298316955566 + ], + [ + "\u2581irresponsable", + -12.67959976196289 + ], + [ + "\u2581sustaining", + -12.670228958129883 + ], + [ + "Bienvenido", + -12.668243408203125 + ], + [ + "interdependiente", + -13.167434692382812 + ], + [ + "\u2581Procurator", + -12.657309532165527 + ], + [ + "\u2581logistic", + -12.658882141113281 + ], + [ + "\u2581colonialismo", + -12.766716957092285 + ], + [ + "\u2581stakeholder", + -12.705707550048828 + ], + [ + "clean", + -12.71091365814209 + ], + [ + "\u00f1ado", + -12.610297203063965 + ], + [ + "\u2581faithfully", + -12.676980018615723 + ], + [ + "Egipto", + -12.76136589050293 + ], + [ + "\u2581envy", + -12.633698463439941 + ], + [ + "\u2581Trabaj", + -12.57857608795166 + ], + [ + "rini", + -12.767426490783691 + ], + [ + "\u2581madness", + -12.7103910446167 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tormenta", + -13.016692161560059 + ], + [ + "\u2581asimila", + -12.754570960998535 + ], + [ + "\u2581construyeron", + -12.790327072143555 + ], + [ + "\u2581extracts", + -12.668548583984375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dynamic", + -12.673053741455078 + ], + [ + "\u2581bribe", + -12.713469505310059 + ], + [ + "\u2581redactor", + -12.829567909240723 + ], + [ + "350", + -12.547152519226074 + ], + [ + "Many", + -12.661785125732422 + ], + [ + "\u2581Superb", + -12.717710494995117 + ], + [ + "\u2581inclu\u00eddo", + -12.826044082641602 + ], + [ + "\u2581bal\u00f3n", + -12.638328552246094 + ], + [ + "\u2581sepulcro", + -12.774782180786133 + ], + [ + "powered", + -12.661234855651855 + ], + [ + "\u2581Freddie", + -13.3218355178833 + ], + [ + "draft", + -12.61104679107666 + ], + [ + "\u2581Elisabeth", + -13.305356979370117 + ], + [ + "\u2581microorganismos", + -12.724446296691895 + ], + [ + "\u2581Biodiversity", + -12.61970043182373 + ], + [ + "\u2581PHARE", + -13.305356979370117 + ], + [ + "\u2581Felix", + -12.751068115234375 + ], + [ + "\u2581PRODUCTS", + -12.612374305725098 + ], + [ + "\u2581Walking", + -12.670024871826172 + ], + [ + "\u2581annoying", + -12.777544975280762 + ], + [ + "\u2581arcilla", + -12.778151512145996 + ], + [ + "\u2581frankly", + -12.725741386413574 + ], + [ + "\u2581remark", + -12.664545059204102 + ], + [ + "\u2581Informaciones", + -12.892154693603516 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pod\u00eda", + -12.595246315002441 + ], + [ + "since", + -12.682241439819336 + ], + [ + "\u2581clandestine", + -12.608823776245117 + ], + [ + "\u2581lament", + -12.668439865112305 + ], + [ + "install", + -12.645294189453125 + ], + [ + "\u2581ardua", + -12.798377990722656 + ], + [ + "tani", + -12.802397727966309 + ], + [ + "\u2581detain", + -12.641098022460938 + ], + [ + "\u2581preschool", + -12.701196670532227 + ], + [ + "\u2581someday", + -12.823873519897461 + ], + [ + "\u2581s\u00edrvanse", + -12.745246887207031 + ], + [ + "\u2581INFORMES", + -12.72965145111084 + ], + [ + "\u2581Temperatura", + -12.79666805267334 + ], + [ + "\u2581centroamericano", + -12.80575180053711 + ], + [ + "\u2581inauguration", + -12.667342185974121 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00c1cido", + -12.764906883239746 + ], + [ + "\u2581cintura", + -12.727621078491211 + ], + [ + "\u2581lesionado", + -12.80192756652832 + ], + [ + "aku", + -12.720239639282227 + ], + [ + "\u2581fielmente", + -12.757122039794922 + ], + [ + "ambul", + -13.05317211151123 + ], + [ + "umerous", + -12.711446762084961 + ], + [ + "\u2581caravan", + -12.757613182067871 + ], + [ + "\u2581B\u00e1sicamente", + -12.75533676147461 + ], + [ + "mujer", + -12.6973876953125 + ], + [ + "Presidente", + -12.615401268005371 + ], + [ + "mitido", + -12.786843299865723 + ], + [ + "\u2581Livorno", + -13.332868576049805 + ], + [ + "\u2581maneuver", + -12.71426010131836 + ], + [ + "occidental", + -12.753128051757812 + ], + [ + "regular", + -12.608205795288086 + ], + [ + "\u2581merciful", + -12.660152435302734 + ], + [ + "tide", + -12.7471342086792 + ], + [ + "\u2581recuadro", + -12.757040023803711 + ], + [ + "\u2581congelados", + -12.643617630004883 + ], + [ + "\u2581figuren", + -12.732913970947266 + ], + [ + "\u2581banknotes", + -12.5847749710083 + ], + [ + "\u2581indiferente", + -12.72130012512207 + ], + [ + "OH", + -12.642382621765137 + ], + [ + "\u2581Primavera", + -12.788199424743652 + ], + [ + "\u2581ideol\u00f3gico", + -12.73720932006836 + ], + [ + "think", + -12.693388938903809 + ], + [ + "\u2581deseando", + -12.69099235534668 + ], + [ + "Internet", + -12.581425666809082 + ], + [ + "se\u00f1or", + -12.653308868408203 + ], + [ + "\u2581captaci\u00f3n", + -12.747537612915039 + ], + [ + "\u2581commemoration", + -12.630960464477539 + ], + [ + "\u2581metropolitana", + -12.79666805267334 + ], + [ + "anni", + -12.767850875854492 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mar\u00edtimo", + -12.710295677185059 + ], + [ + "\u2581Preview", + -12.674803733825684 + ], + [ + "\u2581interdependent", + -12.623991966247559 + ], + [ + "\u2581testified", + -12.745382308959961 + ], + [ + "ORS", + -12.84455680847168 + ], + [ + "\u2581anticipation", + -12.657309532165527 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gang", + -12.741891860961914 + ], + [ + "\u2581Attach", + -12.715862274169922 + ], + [ + "\u2581Comprob", + -12.742743492126465 + ], + [ + "\u2581Shepherd", + -12.680283546447754 + ], + [ + "\u2581formen", + -12.760499000549316 + ], + [ + "\u2581pintoresco", + -12.70097541809082 + ], + [ + "\u2581blanquea", + -12.789546966552734 + ], + [ + "\u2581sponsorship", + -12.67459774017334 + ], + [ + "UG", + -13.112143516540527 + ], + [ + "\u2581salon", + -12.720129013061523 + ], + [ + "\u2581Offering", + -12.68122673034668 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ska", + -12.88441276550293 + ], + [ + "\u2581suscitado", + -12.726600646972656 + ], + [ + "volaron", + -12.855422019958496 + ], + [ + "\u2581Represent", + -12.687721252441406 + ], + [ + "\u2581chlor", + -12.65900707244873 + ], + [ + "\u2581participaran", + -12.725343704223633 + ], + [ + "\u2581pharmacy", + -12.667295455932617 + ], + [ + "\u2581demarcaci\u00f3n", + -12.702577590942383 + ], + [ + "\u2581username", + -12.66180419921875 + ], + [ + "38)", + -12.82082462310791 + ], + [ + "financed", + -12.687244415283203 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cry", + -13.038615226745605 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mandate", + -12.746732711791992 + ], + [ + "\u2581indiferencia", + -12.730839729309082 + ], + [ + "\u2581DATE", + -12.531571388244629 + ], + [ + "\u2581descubrieron", + -12.758279800415039 + ], + [ + "\u2581purport", + -12.646052360534668 + ], + [ + "\u2581turkey", + -12.744789123535156 + ], + [ + "\u2581raramente", + -12.786683082580566 + ], + [ + "\u2581vigorously", + -12.624499320983887 + ], + [ + "\u2581ense\u00f1ando", + -12.799422264099121 + ], + [ + "\u2581conquered", + -12.799251556396484 + ], + [ + "\u2581(1978)", + -13.399178504943848 + ], + [ + "\u25816,000", + -12.725167274475098 + ], + [ + "\u2581crashing", + -12.624388694763184 + ], + [ + "\u2581atribuible", + -12.763221740722656 + ], + [ + "\u2581refresco", + -12.79157543182373 + ], + [ + "\u2581friction", + -12.735520362854004 + ], + [ + "\u2581sobrenatural", + -12.768916130065918 + ], + [ + "\u2581tonter\u00eda", + -12.567055702209473 + ], + [ + ".12/", + -12.74104118347168 + ], + [ + "\u2581florece", + -12.74763298034668 + ], + [ + "\u2581wellness", + -12.70848274230957 + ], + [ + "\u2581kilometraje", + -12.744540214538574 + ], + [ + "ialcode", + -12.539341926574707 + ], + [ + "nuda", + -12.887471199035645 + ], + [ + "\u2581Zapatista", + -12.641816139221191 + ], + [ + "\u2581devour", + -12.677391052246094 + ], + [ + "\u2581fare", + -12.725837707519531 + ], + [ + "\u2581trofeo", + -12.726032257080078 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wyoming", + -13.405155181884766 + ], + [ + "\u2581analogue", + -12.595416069030762 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hillary", + -13.31893253326416 + ], + [ + "Next", + -12.65978717803955 + ], + [ + "\u2581bloggers", + -12.664570808410645 + ], + [ + "\u2581curtail", + -12.700845718383789 + ], + [ + "\u2581linterna", + -12.759906768798828 + ], + [ + "\u2581Incluido", + -12.803500175476074 + ], + [ + "\u2581dote", + -12.858804702758789 + ], + [ + "\u2581elogio", + -12.773246765136719 + ], + [ + "\u2581objectivity", + -12.626673698425293 + ], + [ + "Roman", + -12.710914611816406 + ], + [ + "2-7", + -12.955606460571289 + ], + [ + "\u2581durabilidad", + -12.821066856384277 + ], + [ + "\u2581est\u00e1tica", + -12.834380149841309 + ], + [ + "colour", + -12.657255172729492 + ], + [ + "\u2581Desertificaci\u00f3n", + -12.806933403015137 + ], + [ + "\u2581Transcripci\u00f3n", + -12.906292915344238 + ], + [ + "fobia", + -12.6810302734375 + ], + [ + "IED", + -13.132372856140137 + ], + [ + "borden", + -12.97171688079834 + ], + [ + "\u2581impartida", + -12.846234321594238 + ], + [ + "\u2581resolvi\u00f3", + -12.710331916809082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mercure", + -13.463874816894531 + ], + [ + "\u2581constituents", + -12.697837829589844 + ], + [ + "\u2581broadcasts", + -12.68945598602295 + ], + [ + "Geography", + -12.78791618347168 + ], + [ + "lab", + -12.577387809753418 + ], + [ + "ssy", + -12.726755142211914 + ], + [ + "stress", + -12.771924018859863 + ], + [ + "\u2581Parent", + -12.691849708557129 + ], + [ + "\u2581esparcimiento", + -12.788321495056152 + ], + [ + "\u2581mostrador", + -12.802138328552246 + ], + [ + "\u2581Quartet", + -12.623809814453125 + ], + [ + "\u2581nursery", + -12.746575355529785 + ], + [ + "pub", + -12.82641887664795 + ], + [ + "\u2581imperialista", + -12.775296211242676 + ], + [ + "\u2581razona", + -12.899727821350098 + ], + [ + "\u2581metabolic", + -12.625195503234863 + ], + [ + "INS", + -12.687929153442383 + ], + [ + "\u25811,1", + -12.825228691101074 + ], + [ + "\u2581Breaking", + -12.65794563293457 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bug", + -12.845388412475586 + ], + [ + "\u2581Comprende", + -12.823549270629883 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ful", + -12.670939445495605 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dina", + -12.880410194396973 + ], + [ + "\u2581accesorio", + -12.799386978149414 + ], + [ + "\u2581coloured", + -12.689112663269043 + ], + [ + "\u2581foil", + -12.643315315246582 + ], + [ + "wait", + -13.136796951293945 + ], + [ + "\u2581LU", + -12.591667175292969 + ], + [ + "\u2581Whil", + -12.681724548339844 + ], + [ + "\u2581Electr\u00f3nico", + -12.865357398986816 + ], + [ + "\u2581suspende", + -12.72704029083252 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fortalecer", + -12.820786476135254 + ], + [ + "\u2581valen", + -12.739795684814453 + ], + [ + "\u2581[11", + -12.736042022705078 + ], + [ + "\u2581Occupational", + -12.653401374816895 + ], + [ + "\u2581niebla", + -12.696345329284668 + ], + [ + "\u2581presi", + -12.8524808883667 + ], + [ + "\u2581Intervention", + -12.67312240600586 + ], + [ + "\u2581fist", + -12.845352172851562 + ], + [ + "\u2581sintiendo", + -12.621790885925293 + ], + [ + "\u2581volvemos", + -12.685625076293945 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cuida", + -12.596936225891113 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tor\u00e1", + -12.770586967468262 + ], + [ + "dur", + -12.670783996582031 + ], + [ + "half", + -12.627410888671875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Convinced", + -12.60074234008789 + ], + [ + "MENTE", + -12.844749450683594 + ], + [ + "agna", + -12.886935234069824 + ], + [ + "\u25817.2", + -12.6060209274292 + ], + [ + "hair", + -12.851759910583496 + ], + [ + "\u258111.00", + -12.745698928833008 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cindy", + -13.244288444519043 + ], + [ + "ussa", + -13.240499496459961 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dial", + -12.774530410766602 + ], + [ + "\u2581PRODUCTO", + -12.84193229675293 + ], + [ + "\u2581desag", + -12.874433517456055 + ], + [ + "\u2581rescued", + -12.68507194519043 + ], + [ + "Alg\u00fan", + -12.598447799682617 + ], + [ + "\u2581Continua", + -12.711990356445312 + ], + [ + "\u2581revitalize", + -12.655891418457031 + ], + [ + "\u2581viniste", + -12.5598726272583 + ], + [ + "\u2581Criterios", + -12.856282234191895 + ], + [ + "\u2581prosper", + -12.717072486877441 + ], + [ + "\u2581transmisiones", + -12.77653694152832 + ], + [ + "MN", + -12.893153190612793 + ], + [ + "terdisciplinary", + -12.631698608398438 + ], + [ + "20.000", + -12.795363426208496 + ], + [ + "observa", + -12.849543571472168 + ], + [ + "\u2581MED", + -12.772244453430176 + ], + [ + "\u2581codification", + -12.602110862731934 + ], + [ + "\u2581poblada", + -12.847309112548828 + ], + [ + "\u2581spokesman", + -12.629331588745117 + ], + [ + "grand", + -12.711969375610352 + ], + [ + "\u25811995)", + -12.74064826965332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Electricity", + -12.614537239074707 + ], + [ + "\u2581adicto", + -12.672493934631348 + ], + [ + "\u2581hall\u00f3", + -12.776925086975098 + ], + [ + "\u2581Beverly", + -13.368916511535645 + ], + [ + "\u2581reclutado", + -12.868978500366211 + ], + [ + "\u2581convent", + -12.708451271057129 + ], + [ + "\u2581turbine", + -12.618338584899902 + ], + [ + "\u2581lender", + -12.671555519104004 + ], + [ + "\u2581suspendida", + -12.808687210083008 + ], + [ + "\u2581sworn", + -12.763537406921387 + ], + [ + "/76", + -12.829927444458008 + ], + [ + "Sala", + -12.808609962463379 + ], + [ + "\u2581esbozo", + -12.79330062866211 + ], + [ + "\u2581extirpa", + -12.742025375366211 + ], + [ + "\u2581unrelated", + -12.640279769897461 + ], + [ + "enia", + -12.53768253326416 + ], + [ + "tendemos", + -12.702783584594727 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hispa", + -12.845839500427246 + ], + [ + "\u2581Inca", + -12.893815040588379 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ninth", + -12.650245666503906 + ], + [ + "\u2581bacterial", + -12.725415229797363 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sami", + -12.621769905090332 + ], + [ + "\u2581practicado", + -12.799918174743652 + ], + [ + "\u2581abstenci\u00f3n", + -12.779817581176758 + ], + [ + "\u2581fittings", + -12.714415550231934 + ], + [ + "28)", + -12.713783264160156 + ], + [ + "psy", + -13.113821983337402 + ], + [ + "\u2581vestida", + -12.664700508117676 + ], + [ + "\u00fd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581Communi", + -13.04532241821289 + ], + [ + "\u2581masterpiece", + -12.7387056350708 + ], + [ + "\u2581velar\u00e1", + -12.75920295715332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ep", + -12.65201187133789 + ], + [ + "\u2581vibrante", + -12.806879997253418 + ], + [ + "\u2581MAC", + -12.690826416015625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Petersburg", + -12.746417999267578 + ], + [ + "\u2581impugnada", + -12.78482437133789 + ], + [ + "\u2581soda", + -12.848688125610352 + ], + [ + "fel", + -13.001765251159668 + ], + [ + "\u2581Avance", + -12.786628723144531 + ], + [ + "\u2581Trustees", + -12.744241714477539 + ], + [ + "\u2581eighty", + -12.653067588806152 + ], + [ + "\u2581Considero", + -12.730801582336426 + ], + [ + "\u2581Indicador", + -12.95732307434082 + ], + [ + "\u2581accidentally", + -12.750457763671875 + ], + [ + "\u2581handicap", + -12.636215209960938 + ], + [ + "\u2581outdated", + -12.599427223205566 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kurdish", + -12.709761619567871 + ], + [ + "\u2581canasta", + -12.7437162399292 + ], + [ + "\u2581recurring", + -12.77164363861084 + ], + [ + "\u2581Accelerator", + -12.714259147644043 + ], + [ + "liquidated", + -12.611967086791992 + ], + [ + "\u2581alterations", + -12.694570541381836 + ], + [ + "\u2581temblor", + -12.6963472366333 + ], + [ + "\u2581rockets", + -12.733084678649902 + ], + [ + "Del", + -12.678897857666016 + ], + [ + "hace", + -12.725408554077148 + ], + [ + "\u2581Melissa", + -13.321802139282227 + ], + [ + "\u2581concise", + -12.693441390991211 + ], + [ + "\u2581contorno", + -12.811869621276855 + ], + [ + "\u2581rods", + -12.639328002929688 + ], + [ + "OUGH", + -13.477408409118652 + ], + [ + "\u010c", + -100 + ], + [ + "OF", + -12.438770294189453 + ], + [ + "\u2581grassroots", + -12.721820831298828 + ], + [ + "rage", + -12.524649620056152 + ], + [ + "\u2581Zoo", + -12.652122497558594 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cachemira", + -12.718132019042969 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ejercicio", + -12.830168724060059 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lovely", + -12.787728309631348 + ], + [ + "guerra", + -12.726449966430664 + ], + [ + "\u2581despliega", + -12.690201759338379 + ], + [ + "ipped", + -12.545797348022461 + ], + [ + "\u2581glyc", + -12.775128364562988 + ], + [ + "\u2581taxable", + -12.63186264038086 + ], + [ + "\u2581recaba", + -12.711662292480469 + ], + [ + "\u2581McDonald", + -13.372703552246094 + ], + [ + "regulation", + -12.602285385131836 + ], + [ + "\u2581Manej", + -12.845633506774902 + ], + [ + "\u2581atribuirse", + -12.727087020874023 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tickets", + -12.763673782348633 + ], + [ + "\u2581cometiendo", + -12.73405933380127 + ], + [ + "\u2581empuje", + -12.660057067871094 + ], + [ + "\u2581merged", + -12.69034481048584 + ], + [ + "their", + -12.692168235778809 + ], + [ + "\u2581Manufacturing", + -12.768284797668457 + ], + [ + "\u2581p\u00edxeles", + -12.935196876525879 + ], + [ + "mig", + -12.978342056274414 + ], + [ + "\u2581Forestry", + -12.677605628967285 + ], + [ + "\u2581inscripciones", + -12.794968605041504 + ], + [ + "\u2581Apache", + -13.387369155883789 + ], + [ + "\u2581Obtenga", + -12.79845142364502 + ], + [ + "\u2581blackmail", + -12.761460304260254 + ], + [ + "\u2581frustrated", + -12.674812316894531 + ], + [ + "\u2581joyer\u00eda", + -12.791574478149414 + ], + [ + "\u2581percepciones", + -12.756755828857422 + ], + [ + "\u2581correctional", + -12.659914016723633 + ], + [ + "1980", + -12.628146171569824 + ], + [ + "\u2581Humanity", + -12.623995780944824 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lots", + -12.78622055053711 + ], + [ + "\u2581acogemos", + -12.75976276397705 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gastro", + -13.122613906860352 + ], + [ + "\u2581personalizaci\u00f3n", + -12.775785446166992 + ], + [ + "\u2581medita", + -12.698246955871582 + ], + [ + "\u2581providencia", + -12.791574478149414 + ], + [ + "\u2581cabr\u00f3n", + -12.547834396362305 + ], + [ + "\u2581solvencia", + -12.76648998260498 + ], + [ + "\u2581dialoga", + -12.796759605407715 + ], + [ + "\u2581sufragio", + -12.784823417663574 + ], + [ + "cunda", + -12.853241920471191 + ], + [ + "OMI", + -12.932032585144043 + ], + [ + "dicaci\u00f3n", + -12.606582641601562 + ], + [ + "\u2581Elaborar", + -12.834904670715332 + ], + [ + "tabilidad", + -12.75242805480957 + ], + [ + "\u2581Verano", + -12.740097999572754 + ], + [ + "\u2581Window", + -12.68237018585205 + ], + [ + "\u2581fundamentada", + -12.798792839050293 + ], + [ + "\u2581obstrucci\u00f3n", + -12.737204551696777 + ], + [ + "\u2581recosting", + -12.740137100219727 + ], + [ + "pir", + -12.56087589263916 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hiroshima", + -13.358293533325195 + ], + [ + "\u2581agravado", + -12.828103065490723 + ], + [ + "\u2581aviar", + -12.80601692199707 + ], + [ + "\u2581refreshing", + -12.635261535644531 + ], + [ + "\u2581suciedad", + -12.759942054748535 + ], + [ + "\u2581Priv", + -12.720784187316895 + ], + [ + "\u2581Negative", + -12.727899551391602 + ], + [ + "\u2581Created", + -12.718536376953125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Philippine", + -12.600181579589844 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rise", + -12.86363697052002 + ], + [ + "\u2581subscribers", + -12.618041038513184 + ], + [ + "cadena", + -12.737120628356934 + ], + [ + "\u2581Suppose", + -12.766727447509766 + ], + [ + "deal", + -12.760459899902344 + ], + [ + "\u258113%", + -12.807592391967773 + ], + [ + "\u2581classify", + -12.656575202941895 + ], + [ + "\u2581escolaridad", + -12.825389862060547 + ], + [ + "\u2581vendi", + -12.67435359954834 + ], + [ + "Mostrar", + -12.853127479553223 + ], + [ + "\u2581Architect", + -12.826030731201172 + ], + [ + "\u2581ecuatoriano", + -12.810379028320312 + ], + [ + "Hiciste", + -12.512679100036621 + ], + [ + "\u2581Shape", + -12.72531509399414 + ], + [ + "\u2581Crazy", + -12.721824645996094 + ], + [ + "\u2581sembrar", + -12.795855522155762 + ], + [ + "articles", + -12.712173461914062 + ], + [ + "Map", + -12.76405143737793 + ], + [ + "\u2581Safeguard", + -12.60210132598877 + ], + [ + "\u2581ultrasound", + -12.708276748657227 + ], + [ + "EEP", + -12.885183334350586 + ], + [ + "Finalmente", + -12.819253921508789 + ], + [ + "\u2581hostiles", + -12.727191925048828 + ], + [ + "\u2581so\u00f1ar", + -12.708761215209961 + ], + [ + "\u2581Catch", + -12.80636978149414 + ], + [ + "\u2581exprese", + -12.75671672821045 + ], + [ + "\u2581expositor", + -12.820806503295898 + ], + [ + "\u2581FIRST", + -12.721809387207031 + ], + [ + "\u2581cabr\u00eda", + -12.720460891723633 + ], + [ + "\u2581sofisticada", + -12.743631362915039 + ], + [ + "\u2581exploiting", + -12.643461227416992 + ], + [ + "\u2581NOTA", + -12.846229553222656 + ], + [ + "\u2581Samantha", + -13.336272239685059 + ], + [ + "\u2581an\u00e1loga", + -12.786608695983887 + ], + [ + "\u2581diversified", + -12.592741966247559 + ], + [ + "\u2581agradecerle", + -12.7494535446167 + ], + [ + "\u2581invocado", + -12.879899978637695 + ], + [ + "IDADES", + -12.82382869720459 + ], + [ + "\u2581rewarded", + -12.6156587600708 + ], + [ + "cce", + -12.763620376586914 + ], + [ + "fair", + -12.754603385925293 + ], + [ + "ligible", + -13.031710624694824 + ], + [ + "oodle", + -12.802570343017578 + ], + [ + "\u2581rastrea", + -12.685450553894043 + ], + [ + "\u2581kilogramos", + -12.710527420043945 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cr\u00e9eme", + -12.471198081970215 + ], + [ + "\u2581galardonado", + -12.831303596496582 + ], + [ + "\u2581munici\u00f3n", + -12.735597610473633 + ], + [ + "\u2581repaired", + -12.76961612701416 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ozone", + -12.626785278320312 + ], + [ + "\u2581distorsi\u00f3n", + -12.869009971618652 + ], + [ + "\u2581invoices", + -12.651260375976562 + ], + [ + "pondr\u00eda", + -12.794363021850586 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jal", + -12.712592124938965 + ], + [ + "\u2581exclusiveness", + -12.649887084960938 + ], + [ + "\u2581jug\u00f3", + -12.867388725280762 + ], + [ + "Consejo", + -12.779736518859863 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kri", + -12.620935440063477 + ], + [ + "\u2581epidemiological", + -12.630727767944336 + ], + [ + "\u2581id\u00e9ntica", + -12.71268367767334 + ], + [ + "\u2581mantendr\u00e1n", + -12.773294448852539 + ], + [ + "\u2581t\u00faneles", + -12.720468521118164 + ], + [ + "\u2581Valladolid", + -13.262853622436523 + ], + [ + "\u2581almorzar", + -12.663030624389648 + ], + [ + "\u2581rana", + -12.7376070022583 + ], + [ + "\u2581Autom\u00f3viles", + -12.729207992553711 + ], + [ + "\u2581peque", + -12.834267616271973 + ], + [ + "\u2581COMENTARIO", + -12.800078392028809 + ], + [ + "dientes", + -13.083853721618652 + ], + [ + "\u2581demuestren", + -12.794859886169434 + ], + [ + "\u2581furgoneta", + -12.750109672546387 + ], + [ + "\u2581preocuparte", + -12.598658561706543 + ], + [ + "IRE", + -12.810535430908203 + ], + [ + "\u2581Adultos", + -12.84193229675293 + ], + [ + "\u2581Commend", + -12.6817626953125 + ], + [ + "\u2581C\u00e1ucaso", + -12.838376998901367 + ], + [ + "\u2581chant", + -12.686540603637695 + ], + [ + "\u2581confine", + -12.598122596740723 + ], + [ + "\u2581reventa", + -12.692934036254883 + ], + [ + "\u2581fry", + -12.816710472106934 + ], + [ + "\u2581irresistible", + -13.34801959991455 + ], + [ + "\u2581Baron", + -12.879611015319824 + ], + [ + "\u2581Benjam\u00edn", + -12.80865478515625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Defenders", + -12.673754692077637 + ], + [ + "NB", + -12.688055038452148 + ], + [ + "\u2581donar", + -12.761451721191406 + ], + [ + "\u2581misionera", + -12.783146858215332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Conexas", + -12.800079345703125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ni\u00f1ez", + -12.748486518859863 + ], + [ + "\u2581alcoh\u00f3lico", + -12.713422775268555 + ], + [ + "\u2581Chalet", + -12.869183540344238 + ], + [ + "\u2581bloc", + -12.7420654296875 + ], + [ + "\u2581logging", + -12.73776912689209 + ], + [ + "\u2581glimpse", + -12.68173599243164 + ], + [ + "destruct", + -12.697683334350586 + ], + [ + "\u2581Geographical", + -12.706060409545898 + ], + [ + "\u2581overlooked", + -12.664262771606445 + ], + [ + "\u2581verifiable", + -12.72484302520752 + ], + [ + "\u2581Correct", + -12.823986053466797 + ], + [ + "\u2581antiterrorista", + -12.88936996459961 + ], + [ + "\u2581encarcelado", + -12.838634490966797 + ], + [ + "\u2581juridical", + -12.678831100463867 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alternatively", + -12.707006454467773 + ], + [ + "\u2581TIME", + -12.703991889953613 + ], + [ + "\u2581displaying", + -12.713763236999512 + ], + [ + "\u2581ox", + -12.699023246765137 + ], + [ + "\u2581Consult", + -12.66401195526123 + ], + [ + "\u2581Katherine", + -13.390273094177246 + ], + [ + "\u2581Strange", + -12.801488876342773 + ], + [ + "\u2581goodwill", + -12.664107322692871 + ], + [ + "\u2581heroic", + -12.772353172302246 + ], + [ + "\u2581mp", + -12.80981731414795 + ], + [ + "OEA", + -12.80769157409668 + ], + [ + "mercado", + -12.762177467346191 + ], + [ + "\u2581planetary", + -12.764106750488281 + ], + [ + "\u2581alcantarillado", + -12.795465469360352 + ], + [ + "\u2581maletas", + -12.687601089477539 + ], + [ + "\u2581influx", + -12.670173645019531 + ], + [ + "\u2581pericia", + -12.894115447998047 + ], + [ + "\u2581Definitivamente", + -12.672005653381348 + ], + [ + "\u2581dure", + -12.738738059997559 + ], + [ + "SOC", + -13.34731674194336 + ], + [ + "wei", + -12.757152557373047 + ], + [ + "\u2581Universitat", + -13.405786514282227 + ], + [ + "\u2581beams", + -12.767770767211914 + ], + [ + "\u2581ferrocarriles", + -12.7794189453125 + ], + [ + "\u2581tensa", + -12.765453338623047 + ], + [ + "\u2581Facilitar", + -12.754995346069336 + ], + [ + "\u2581obteniendo", + -12.833148956298828 + ], + [ + "\u2581superaci\u00f3n", + -12.795816421508789 + ], + [ + "\u2581thigh", + -12.765326499938965 + ], + [ + "\u2581Belt", + -12.75689697265625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Defensor\u00eda", + -12.838502883911133 + ], + [ + "\u2581exhort", + -12.700830459594727 + ], + [ + "undi", + -13.069658279418945 + ], + [ + "\u25810,8", + -12.909753799438477 + ], + [ + "\u2581Locales", + -12.788422584533691 + ], + [ + "gee", + -13.022265434265137 + ], + [ + "\u2581Principado", + -12.740408897399902 + ], + [ + "\u2581Proveedores", + -12.758779525756836 + ], + [ + "\u2581dentales", + -12.742653846740723 + ], + [ + "\u2581advertisements", + -12.642677307128906 + ], + [ + "\u2581Visiting", + -12.693611145019531 + ], + [ + "\u2581aplauso", + -12.661542892456055 + ], + [ + "\u2581marijuana", + -12.705284118652344 + ], + [ + "\u2581pymes", + -12.798371315002441 + ], + [ + "\u2581Continuing", + -12.658729553222656 + ], + [ + "\u2581amortigua", + -12.808014869689941 + ], + [ + "\u2581vegetarian", + -12.69050121307373 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tunis", + -12.706884384155273 + ], + [ + "\u2581crueldad", + -12.788240432739258 + ], + [ + "\u2581intervenido", + -12.79883098602295 + ], + [ + "\u2581pintada", + -12.847299575805664 + ], + [ + "\u2581unpleasant", + -12.724833488464355 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mercy", + -12.706515312194824 + ], + [ + "\u2581censorship", + -12.658729553222656 + ], + [ + "\u2581compensatory", + -12.618342399597168 + ], + [ + "\u2581CTC", + -12.633719444274902 + ], + [ + "\u2581Novedades", + -12.813836097717285 + ], + [ + "\u2581notorious", + -12.720314025878906 + ], + [ + "\u2581reaseguro", + -12.800086975097656 + ], + [ + "ih", + -12.61752700805664 + ], + [ + "\u2581Detenci\u00f3n", + -12.782755851745605 + ], + [ + "\u2581difunde", + -12.83310604095459 + ], + [ + "VC", + -12.487725257873535 + ], + [ + "\u2581Compu", + -13.005239486694336 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nigerian", + -12.648994445800781 + ], + [ + "\u2581revive", + -12.737709045410156 + ], + [ + "OAS", + -12.700737953186035 + ], + [ + "\u2581utilizes", + -12.672357559204102 + ], + [ + "\u2581Memorando", + -12.843714714050293 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sensor", + -12.726530075073242 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reservations", + -12.761927604675293 + ], + [ + "\u2581polite", + -12.76058578491211 + ], + [ + "quan", + -12.841631889343262 + ], + [ + "\u2581plaintiff", + -12.696388244628906 + ], + [ + "\u2581Caucasus", + -12.674490928649902 + ], + [ + "\u2581obscure", + -12.767773628234863 + ], + [ + "\u2581recibiera", + -12.759539604187012 + ], + [ + "\u2581turba", + -12.787857055664062 + ], + [ + "\u2581Freddy", + -13.348188400268555 + ], + [ + "Parliament", + -12.608098030090332 + ], + [ + "woo", + -12.856383323669434 + ], + [ + "\u2581Grenadines", + -12.419651985168457 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mozart", + -13.477141380310059 + ], + [ + "\u2581equivalencia", + -12.790263175964355 + ], + [ + "\u2581gener\u00f3", + -12.854477882385254 + ], + [ + "\u2581Intolerancia", + -12.771456718444824 + ], + [ + "\u2581Leopold", + -13.489588737487793 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sanders", + -13.444479942321777 + ], + [ + "\u2581demonstrators", + -12.702309608459473 + ], + [ + "\u2581someti\u00f3", + -12.840152740478516 + ], + [ + "\u2581tributario", + -12.789487838745117 + ], + [ + "\u2581clim\u00e1tica", + -12.753076553344727 + ], + [ + "Ten\u00eda", + -12.572470664978027 + ], + [ + "\u2581Chess", + -12.673378944396973 + ], + [ + "\u2581ciclista", + -12.87451457977295 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bennett", + -13.412071228027344 + ], + [ + "\u2581Facts", + -12.752355575561523 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tall", + -12.79712200164795 + ], + [ + "\u2581curtain", + -12.676507949829102 + ], + [ + "\u2581logren", + -12.736491203308105 + ], + [ + "\u2581suaviza", + -12.796768188476562 + ], + [ + "\u2581cauce", + -12.863086700439453 + ], + [ + "\u2581enrolla", + -12.797115325927734 + ], + [ + "\u2581liquor", + -12.76669979095459 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gonzalo", + -13.375638008117676 + ], + [ + "Despierta", + -12.57882022857666 + ], + [ + "\u2581categor", + -13.516763687133789 + ], + [ + "\u2581canon", + -12.772767066955566 + ], + [ + "\u2581Viol", + -12.788352966308594 + ], + [ + "\u2581inhibitor", + -12.690339088439941 + ], + [ + "n\u00e9", + -12.714259147644043 + ], + [ + "\u2581Accessibility", + -12.738724708557129 + ], + [ + "\u2581bidding", + -12.647513389587402 + ], + [ + "\u2581vibrations", + -12.75223445892334 + ], + [ + "vamos", + -12.624356269836426 + ], + [ + "\u2581Arri", + -12.762980461120605 + ], + [ + "\u2581barca", + -12.664756774902344 + ], + [ + "\u2581finland\u00e9s", + -12.86424732208252 + ], + [ + "\u2581suffice", + -12.675934791564941 + ], + [ + "visi", + -12.631355285644531 + ], + [ + "\u2581posibilitar", + -12.892740249633789 + ], + [ + "\u2581paralelamente", + -12.800821304321289 + ], + [ + "\u2581PD", + -12.522148132324219 + ], + [ + "\u2581vivir\u00e1", + -12.60749340057373 + ], + [ + "Pakistan", + -12.605440139770508 + ], + [ + "ective", + -12.739116668701172 + ], + [ + "\u2581wit", + -12.821662902832031 + ], + [ + "\u2581encendida", + -12.672065734863281 + ], + [ + "\u2581strains", + -12.708148002624512 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pek\u00edn", + -12.763192176818848 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rates", + -12.704558372497559 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tama", + -13.030315399169922 + ], + [ + "\u2581Biograf\u00eda", + -12.939311027526855 + ], + [ + "\u2581redefini", + -12.746866226196289 + ], + [ + "\u2581protracted", + -12.670166969299316 + ], + [ + "\u2581reactores", + -12.789241790771484 + ], + [ + "\u2581Traje", + -12.767875671386719 + ], + [ + "\u2581perjudicado", + -12.852348327636719 + ], + [ + "\u2581indigna", + -12.786216735839844 + ], + [ + "\u2581thanking", + -12.765501022338867 + ], + [ + "\u2581winding", + -12.637476921081543 + ], + [ + "\u2581azucar", + -12.788201332092285 + ], + [ + "\u2581dinosaur", + -12.820371627807617 + ], + [ + "\u2581vejiga", + -12.742018699645996 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ingeniero", + -12.850876808166504 + ], + [ + "TEM", + -13.019789695739746 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ham\u00e1s", + -12.760769844055176 + ], + [ + "\u2581D\u00edgame", + -12.492324829101562 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cristiana", + -12.80865478515625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Firm", + -12.72894287109375 + ], + [ + "\u2581clinically", + -12.623814582824707 + ], + [ + "\u2581Impacto", + -12.867198944091797 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sample", + -12.674653053283691 + ], + [ + "\u2581adecuar", + -12.793283462524414 + ], + [ + "TAIN", + -12.978957176208496 + ], + [ + "\u2581presupuesta", + -12.859827041625977 + ], + [ + "\u2581subsector", + -13.236310005187988 + ], + [ + "\u2581Instamos", + -12.77621078491211 + ], + [ + "\u2581braking", + -12.598127365112305 + ], + [ + "Since", + -12.712727546691895 + ], + [ + "\u2581defienden", + -12.756871223449707 + ], + [ + "\u2581vows", + -12.744718551635742 + ], + [ + "\u2581Normal", + -12.639314651489258 + ], + [ + "\u2581Voluntad", + -12.759905815124512 + ], + [ + "\u2581circumvent", + -12.624590873718262 + ], + [ + "\u2581avenue", + -12.701682090759277 + ], + [ + "\u2581atravesando", + -12.840153694152832 + ], + [ + "\u2581chaleco", + -12.718135833740234 + ], + [ + "\u2581nurture", + -12.661577224731445 + ], + [ + "\u2581reservorio", + -12.843714714050293 + ], + [ + "citizens", + -12.782740592956543 + ], + [ + "\u2581immortal", + -12.826940536499023 + ], + [ + "\u2581regresi\u00f3n", + -12.776448249816895 + ], + [ + "UCK", + -13.155571937561035 + ], + [ + "volution", + -12.693094253540039 + ], + [ + "\u2581Moro", + -12.924863815307617 + ], + [ + "\u2581supermarkets", + -12.688212394714355 + ], + [ + "riding", + -12.681041717529297 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aim", + -12.691246032714844 + ], + [ + "\u2581abord\u00f3", + -12.750118255615234 + ], + [ + "\u2581hostages", + -12.805503845214844 + ], + [ + "\u2581organizarse", + -12.83907699584961 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ll\u00e1mame", + -12.534631729125977 + ], + [ + "\u2581coincida", + -12.883052825927734 + ], + [ + "\u2581cumplida", + -12.690766334533691 + ], + [ + "\u2581especias", + -12.82261848449707 + ], + [ + "Sol", + -12.563821792602539 + ], + [ + "\u2581REPORTS", + -12.629999160766602 + ], + [ + "\u2581bloqueada", + -12.796170234680176 + ], + [ + "\u2581profundiza", + -12.759003639221191 + ], + [ + "fract", + -13.16290283203125 + ], + [ + "0,5", + -12.997884750366211 + ], + [ + "\u2581assassin", + -12.756766319274902 + ], + [ + "\u2581desnutrici\u00f3n", + -12.810379028320312 + ], + [ + "\u2581steroids", + -12.722176551818848 + ], + [ + "ocrat", + -12.901220321655273 + ], + [ + "\u2581Iberian", + -12.67349910736084 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reconstrucci\u00f3n", + -12.768206596374512 + ], + [ + "\u2581acce", + -12.812478065490723 + ], + [ + "\u2581cansancio", + -12.745246887207031 + ], + [ + "\u2581forcibly", + -12.696393013000488 + ], + [ + "\u2581niche", + -12.708744049072266 + ], + [ + "\u2581sunshine", + -12.771462440490723 + ], + [ + "\u2581WhatsApp", + -13.30538272857666 + ], + [ + "\u2581pulido", + -12.754379272460938 + ], + [ + "\u2581captivity", + -12.68175983428955 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pakistani", + -12.682609558105469 + ], + [ + "\u2581comprando", + -12.648714065551758 + ], + [ + "\u2581pa\u00f1uelo", + -12.691733360290527 + ], + [ + "\u25816.6", + -12.723118782043457 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dust", + -12.825814247131348 + ], + [ + "\u2581rastreo", + -12.738801002502441 + ], + [ + "cubrir", + -12.73414134979248 + ], + [ + "\u2581anciana", + -12.719972610473633 + ], + [ + "\u2581concluida", + -12.854504585266113 + ], + [ + "ra\u00f1a", + -12.896770477294922 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gobernanza", + -12.831303596496582 + ], + [ + "\u2581Useful", + -12.721978187561035 + ], + [ + "\u2581asserts", + -12.684212684631348 + ], + [ + "\u2581diarrhea", + -12.68173599243164 + ], + [ + "\u2581emerges", + -12.727959632873535 + ], + [ + "industrial", + -12.647695541381836 + ], + [ + "\u2581Encontrar\u00e1", + -12.843772888183594 + ], + [ + "\u2581bait", + -12.776983261108398 + ], + [ + "IPS", + -12.59174919128418 + ], + [ + "\u2581Leaders", + -12.700078010559082 + ], + [ + "mide", + -12.741899490356445 + ], + [ + "\u2581fourteen", + -12.71731185913086 + ], + [ + "\u2581obten", + -12.722976684570312 + ], + [ + "\u2581Artist", + -12.660335540771484 + ], + [ + "\u2581alegando", + -12.797850608825684 + ], + [ + "\u2581biofuels", + -12.602086067199707 + ], + [ + "\u2581veins", + -12.828425407409668 + ], + [ + "\u2581liberties", + -12.708266258239746 + ], + [ + "\u2581hereto", + -12.754009246826172 + ], + [ + "\u2581fragmented", + -12.676824569702148 + ], + [ + "\u2581partidario", + -12.7214994430542 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fold", + -12.745524406433105 + ], + [ + "\u2581clash", + -12.697747230529785 + ], + [ + "\u2581discoveries", + -12.657787322998047 + ], + [ + "\u2581scam", + -12.740304946899414 + ], + [ + "\u2581weakening", + -12.695989608764648 + ], + [ + "\u2581Demand", + -12.60564136505127 + ], + [ + "\u2581Toro", + -12.808403015136719 + ], + [ + "\u2581recobr", + -12.78303337097168 + ], + [ + "physi", + -12.72369384765625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Assyria", + -12.699349403381348 + ], + [ + "\u2581intermediaci\u00f3n", + -12.72375202178955 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cave", + -12.796658515930176 + ], + [ + "\u2581modernidad", + -12.75337028503418 + ], + [ + "\u2581circus", + -12.817036628723145 + ], + [ + "\u2581shallow", + -12.678078651428223 + ], + [ + "\u2581fungibles", + -12.885615348815918 + ], + [ + "ENTO", + -12.950494766235352 + ], + [ + "Maldici\u00f3n", + -12.50839614868164 + ], + [ + "\u2581aborde", + -12.668272972106934 + ], + [ + "\u2581alterado", + -12.672215461730957 + ], + [ + "assa", + -12.748147964477539 + ], + [ + "\u2581Funcionarios", + -12.820859909057617 + ], + [ + "\u2581colgado", + -12.707330703735352 + ], + [ + "\u2581Flow", + -12.714736938476562 + ], + [ + "\u2581underwear", + -12.80193042755127 + ], + [ + "project", + -12.676313400268555 + ], + [ + "\u2581Coordinadora", + -12.833627700805664 + ], + [ + "\u2581Habita", + -12.839767456054688 + ], + [ + "\u2581templates", + -12.75130844116211 + ], + [ + "UNHCR", + -12.74645709991455 + ], + [ + "\u2581overcrowding", + -12.660152435302734 + ], + [ + "\u2581diplomats", + -12.65047836303711 + ], + [ + "\u2581Affect", + -12.662619590759277 + ], + [ + "\u2581Joaqu\u00edn", + -13.3539457321167 + ], + [ + "\u2581posture", + -12.682528495788574 + ], + [ + "\u2581privatiza", + -12.817866325378418 + ], + [ + "famous", + -12.723309516906738 + ], + [ + "\u2581Antarctic", + -12.653548240661621 + ], + [ + "\u2581Coin", + -12.774188041687012 + ], + [ + "\u2581checa", + -12.788891792297363 + ], + [ + "\u2581efect\u00faan", + -12.781632423400879 + ], + [ + "\u2581Spare", + -12.698991775512695 + ], + [ + "\u2581anesthesia", + -12.643071174621582 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ernst", + -13.440857887268066 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rescue", + -12.675950050354004 + ], + [ + "\u2581boletines", + -12.778118133544922 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dulce", + -12.74525260925293 + ], + [ + "\u2581unforeseen", + -12.723316192626953 + ], + [ + ".01.", + -12.70613956451416 + ], + [ + "\u2581Advance", + -12.705565452575684 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bebe", + -12.746254920959473 + ], + [ + "\u2581Querida", + -12.635444641113281 + ], + [ + "\u2581lentitud", + -12.803506851196289 + ], + [ + "\u2581respectiva", + -12.747597694396973 + ], + [ + "Okay", + -12.87631607055664 + ], + [ + "\u2581Franc", + -12.6928071975708 + ], + [ + "\u2581da\u00f1a", + -12.72282886505127 + ], + [ + "\u2581silicona", + -12.756630897521973 + ], + [ + "\u2581Luggage", + -12.724833488464355 + ], + [ + "crimina", + -12.821378707885742 + ], + [ + "fly", + -12.783012390136719 + ], + [ + "fruit", + -12.759044647216797 + ], + [ + "\u2581Institucional", + -12.856648445129395 + ], + [ + "\u2581Representation", + -12.626874923706055 + ], + [ + "\u2581fracasa", + -12.758950233459473 + ], + [ + "\u2581petitioner", + -12.669169425964355 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nazareth", + -12.730939865112305 + ], + [ + "Desgraciadamente", + -12.761474609375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Granadinas", + -12.526803016662598 + ], + [ + "\u2581fomenten", + -12.774789810180664 + ], + [ + "\u2581skiing", + -12.764076232910156 + ], + [ + "phobia", + -12.995248794555664 + ], + [ + "\u2581Holder", + -12.643973350524902 + ], + [ + "\u2581Universitario", + -12.82778549194336 + ], + [ + "\u2581conyugal", + -12.78819465637207 + ], + [ + "\u2581ether", + -12.722709655761719 + ], + [ + "\u2581purificaci\u00f3n", + -12.814557075500488 + ], + [ + "\u2581Moderno", + -12.918371200561523 + ], + [ + "\u2581penetrar", + -12.64749813079834 + ], + [ + "\u2581casero", + -12.757242202758789 + ], + [ + "\u2581storms", + -12.736285209655762 + ], + [ + "\u2581encryption", + -12.668729782104492 + ], + [ + "\u2581excepted", + -12.749848365783691 + ], + [ + "\u2581carente", + -12.762563705444336 + ], + [ + "\u2581convoy", + -12.702309608459473 + ], + [ + "\u2581gloss", + -12.700865745544434 + ], + [ + "\u2581inviolab", + -12.817307472229004 + ], + [ + "\u2581Planned", + -12.662047386169434 + ], + [ + "\u2581Yoga", + -12.743438720703125 + ], + [ + "\u2581ocasionalmente", + -12.8278169631958 + ], + [ + "Trabaja", + -12.705079078674316 + ], + [ + "\u2581propongo", + -12.718132019042969 + ], + [ + "frodescendientes", + -12.948976516723633 + ], + [ + "\u2581Koh", + -12.884936332702637 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lopez", + -12.729482650756836 + ], + [ + "\u2581Brigada", + -12.856344223022461 + ], + [ + "\u2581retailers", + -12.73190689086914 + ], + [ + "\u2581zeal", + -12.721688270568848 + ], + [ + "\u2581grounded", + -12.768515586853027 + ], + [ + "\u2581ventanilla", + -12.766672134399414 + ], + [ + "\u2581amabilidad", + -12.7183256149292 + ], + [ + "pol\u00edtico", + -12.837182998657227 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bodies", + -12.752616882324219 + ], + [ + "\u2581recharge", + -12.73906135559082 + ], + [ + "Carajo", + -12.575784683227539 + ], + [ + "\u2581Querido", + -12.576475143432617 + ], + [ + "\u2581concordancia", + -12.856282234191895 + ], + [ + "\u2581sustentable", + -12.860198020935059 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mercury", + -12.757251739501953 + ], + [ + "azardous", + -12.903626441955566 + ], + [ + "\u2581diosa", + -12.737290382385254 + ], + [ + "\u2581identifican", + -12.67886734008789 + ], + [ + "\u2581staple", + -12.673049926757812 + ], + [ + "\u2581encaje", + -12.79234790802002 + ], + [ + "\u2581summoned", + -12.779293060302734 + ], + [ + "OFERTA", + -12.921631813049316 + ], + [ + "\u2581Colabora", + -12.843256950378418 + ], + [ + "\u2581invenci\u00f3n", + -12.769801139831543 + ], + [ + "dujo", + -12.788097381591797 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nowadays", + -12.74322509765625 + ], + [ + "\u2581estreno", + -12.842080116271973 + ], + [ + "\u2581refuerce", + -12.818387985229492 + ], + [ + "\u2581tread", + -12.66474437713623 + ], + [ + "SCH", + -12.941840171813965 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bosque", + -12.824934959411621 + ], + [ + "\u2581transfiere", + -12.82607364654541 + ], + [ + "trafficking", + -12.645562171936035 + ], + [ + "\u2581Replace", + -12.707023620605469 + ], + [ + "Vista", + -12.85512924194336 + ], + [ + "\u2581defamation", + -12.654474258422852 + ], + [ + "\u2581pave", + -12.666584968566895 + ], + [ + "\u2581authorizing", + -12.65831470489502 + ], + [ + "\u2581produc\u00eda", + -12.747085571289062 + ], + [ + "talled", + -12.643636703491211 + ], + [ + "cream", + -12.87961196899414 + ], + [ + "Pasa", + -12.621092796325684 + ], + [ + "\u2581Decoration", + -12.689050674438477 + ], + [ + "\u2581advent", + -12.723453521728516 + ], + [ + "institutional", + -12.688182830810547 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hurricane", + -12.727874755859375 + ], + [ + "\u2581climatizada", + -12.880093574523926 + ], + [ + "instalaci\u00f3n", + -12.773027420043945 + ], + [ + "\u2581Determinaci\u00f3n", + -12.858091354370117 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dijeron", + -12.624199867248535 + ], + [ + "\u2581fasting", + -12.74909496307373 + ], + [ + "\u2581beasts", + -12.721758842468262 + ], + [ + "algo", + -12.667332649230957 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pareja", + -12.863809585571289 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sept", + -12.889820098876953 + ], + [ + "\u2581interconnection", + -12.618334770202637 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cau", + -12.531210899353027 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wagner", + -13.441801071166992 + ], + [ + "total", + -12.730781555175781 + ], + [ + "\u2581Instruments", + -12.729187965393066 + ], + [ + "\u2581intentional", + -12.767699241638184 + ], + [ + "\u2581reduzcan", + -12.86679458618164 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tlatelolco", + -13.41117000579834 + ], + [ + "\u2581borrowed", + -12.801640510559082 + ], + [ + "\u2581cocinero", + -12.732397079467773 + ], + [ + "ono", + -12.36652660369873 + ], + [ + "\u2581Velar", + -12.897826194763184 + ], + [ + "\u2581exams", + -12.76744556427002 + ], + [ + "\u2581Estimaciones", + -12.858091354370117 + ], + [ + "\u2581Religio", + -12.794978141784668 + ], + [ + "\u2581Xenofobia", + -12.813836097717285 + ], + [ + "\u2581comenzamos", + -12.76485824584961 + ], + [ + "\u2581subheading", + -12.599403381347656 + ], + [ + "\u2581Demanda", + -12.805581092834473 + ], + [ + "\u2581cogido", + -12.660368919372559 + ], + [ + "\u2581graphical", + -12.84076976776123 + ], + [ + "\u2581valleys", + -12.684225082397461 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00falcera", + -12.793270111083984 + ], + [ + "\u2581Synod", + -12.794817924499512 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dawson", + -13.405786514282227 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rese\u00f1a", + -12.878369331359863 + ], + [ + "\u2581harvesting", + -12.68696403503418 + ], + [ + "\u2581EMU", + -12.678938865661621 + ], + [ + "\u2581Unknown", + -12.84597396850586 + ], + [ + "\u2581voiced", + -12.725959777832031 + ], + [ + "\u2581defensiva", + -12.737199783325195 + ], + [ + "\u2581llam", + -12.662272453308105 + ], + [ + "\u2581Timoteo", + -12.880049705505371 + ], + [ + "\u2581resigned", + -12.743371963500977 + ], + [ + "MES", + -12.91159439086914 + ], + [ + "PROB", + -12.818377494812012 + ], + [ + "qu\u00edmico", + -12.822807312011719 + ], + [ + "\u2581deteriorated", + -12.682584762573242 + ], + [ + "\u2581node", + -12.695557594299316 + ], + [ + "Daniel", + -13.259050369262695 + ], + [ + "\u2581pecar", + -12.848932266235352 + ], + [ + "el\u00e9ctrico", + -12.779749870300293 + ], + [ + "\u2581imagin", + -12.63101577758789 + ], + [ + "\u2581submarine", + -12.732503890991211 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sumario", + -12.849085807800293 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tibet", + -12.690171241760254 + ], + [ + "\u2581Trujillo", + -13.361159324645996 + ], + [ + "democratic", + -12.7540922164917 + ], + [ + "\u2581reactionary", + -12.70719051361084 + ], + [ + "\u2581fragancia", + -12.78988265991211 + ], + [ + "\u2581routinely", + -12.745950698852539 + ], + [ + "\u2581traced", + -12.75001335144043 + ], + [ + "staff", + -12.667247772216797 + ], + [ + "tenemos", + -12.720331192016602 + ], + [ + "\u2581arrojado", + -12.858719825744629 + ], + [ + "\u2581inmersi\u00f3n", + -12.779789924621582 + ], + [ + "\u2581a\u00f1adida", + -12.795178413391113 + ], + [ + "\u2581descendente", + -12.87451457977295 + ], + [ + "reclassification", + -12.697869300842285 + ], + [ + "\u00e1monos", + -12.613394737243652 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vitamin", + -12.746323585510254 + ], + [ + "\u2581enciende", + -12.699793815612793 + ], + [ + "\u2581pupil", + -12.670571327209473 + ], + [ + "\u2581ucraniano", + -12.910099029541016 + ], + [ + "\u2581Beatriz", + -13.424765586853027 + ], + [ + "producci", + -12.61293888092041 + ], + [ + "sidia", + -12.873501777648926 + ], + [ + "\u2581receivables", + -12.723514556884766 + ], + [ + "dining", + -12.696660041809082 + ], + [ + "\u2581checkout", + -12.81397533416748 + ], + [ + "\u2581discreta", + -12.82079029083252 + ], + [ + "\u2581seafood", + -12.794217109680176 + ], + [ + "\u2581contemplated", + -12.693219184875488 + ], + [ + "\u2581chantaje", + -12.670504570007324 + ], + [ + "\u2581repentina", + -12.796128273010254 + ], + [ + "\u2581toalla", + -12.754729270935059 + ], + [ + "statement", + -12.67120361328125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alcohol", + -12.733987808227539 + ], + [ + "\u2581IFAD", + -12.78272819519043 + ], + [ + "\u2581moder", + -12.846863746643066 + ], + [ + "player", + -12.712058067321777 + ], + [ + "rash", + -12.649576187133789 + ], + [ + "\u2581agarre", + -12.768021583557129 + ], + [ + "\u2581bolster", + -12.64742374420166 + ], + [ + "iddle", + -12.731361389160156 + ], + [ + "\u2581Homepage", + -12.745071411132812 + ], + [ + "\u2581Submitted", + -12.686201095581055 + ], + [ + "\u2581Elements", + -12.740150451660156 + ], + [ + "stituting", + -13.0227689743042 + ], + [ + "\u2581eruption", + -12.743534088134766 + ], + [ + "\u2581streamlined", + -12.760429382324219 + ], + [ + "\u2581Discussions", + -12.63222885131836 + ], + [ + "\u2581conveniently", + -12.756534576416016 + ], + [ + "\u2581ODP", + -12.632845878601074 + ], + [ + "IFF", + -12.860082626342773 + ], + [ + "\u2581causal", + -12.677390098571777 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tendr\u00e9", + -12.619357109069824 + ], + [ + "tito", + -12.704113006591797 + ], + [ + "\u2581ay\u00fadame", + -12.629352569580078 + ], + [ + "\u2581derives", + -12.73310375213623 + ], + [ + "\u2581trig\u00e9sim", + -12.819049835205078 + ], + [ + "\u2581Eleventh", + -12.70399284362793 + ], + [ + "\u2581OCI", + -12.819473266601562 + ], + [ + "\u2581Perm\u00edtame", + -12.742018699645996 + ], + [ + "\u2581embriones", + -12.82778549194336 + ], + [ + "\u2581oreja", + -12.692370414733887 + ], + [ + "\u2581PAO", + -12.919373512268066 + ], + [ + "\u2581S\u00e9ptimo", + -12.913919448852539 + ], + [ + "\u2581mechanics", + -12.74013614654541 + ], + [ + "\u2581dinast\u00eda", + -12.906292915344238 + ], + [ + "\u2581torta", + -12.718764305114746 + ], + [ + "\u2581M\u00fanich", + -12.86353588104248 + ], + [ + "\u2581prolong", + -12.73154354095459 + ], + [ + "\u25811993)", + -12.834813117980957 + ], + [ + "\u2581Marti", + -12.809626579284668 + ], + [ + "\u2581Visualiza", + -13.046501159667969 + ], + [ + "\u2581bounce", + -12.81716251373291 + ], + [ + "ENG", + -12.950862884521484 + ], + [ + "ographer", + -12.816082000732422 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tecnol\u00f3gica", + -12.881905555725098 + ], + [ + "\u2581coordinadora", + -12.84974193572998 + ], + [ + "\u2581emprendi\u00f3", + -12.806966781616211 + ], + [ + "gem", + -12.763284683227539 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00e1gil", + -12.758430480957031 + ], + [ + "Seg\u00fan", + -12.952364921569824 + ], + [ + "\u2581HS", + -12.51202392578125 + ], + [ + "\u2581PP", + -12.524785995483398 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nissan", + -13.467001914978027 + ], + [ + "\u2581forthwith", + -12.701168060302734 + ], + [ + "dustrialization", + -12.904508590698242 + ], + [ + "\u2581contravention", + -12.677388191223145 + ], + [ + "\u2581tir\u00f3", + -12.835368156433105 + ], + [ + "\u2581asumiendo", + -12.819047927856445 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ramon", + -12.80510425567627 + ], + [ + "\u2581pegado", + -12.696002006530762 + ], + [ + "\u2581supernatural", + -12.730962753295898 + ], + [ + "ANS", + -12.73115348815918 + ], + [ + "\u2581rations", + -12.728791236877441 + ], + [ + "\u2581verifying", + -12.696127891540527 + ], + [ + "founded", + -12.776203155517578 + ], + [ + "\u2581peregrinaci\u00f3n", + -12.900952339172363 + ], + [ + "\u2581Agrega", + -12.772016525268555 + ], + [ + "\u2581Grass", + -12.75562572479248 + ], + [ + "\u2581materno", + -12.852580070495605 + ], + [ + "alto", + -12.705771446228027 + ], + [ + "\u2581curator", + -12.720892906188965 + ], + [ + "\u2581rwandeses", + -12.82427978515625 + ], + [ + "rente", + -12.698731422424316 + ], + [ + "\u2581Shell", + -12.808899879455566 + ], + [ + "\u2581interrogado", + -12.815227508544922 + ], + [ + "\u2581interrumpido", + -12.794967651367188 + ], + [ + "PAN", + -12.976366996765137 + ], + [ + "\u2581Maldito", + -12.580238342285156 + ], + [ + "\u2581Whe", + -12.776174545288086 + ], + [ + "\u2581entraba", + -12.907679557800293 + ], + [ + "\u2581fusiones", + -12.78999137878418 + ], + [ + "/70", + -12.685667037963867 + ], + [ + "\u2581agrarios", + -12.726901054382324 + ], + [ + "\u2581antioxidant", + -12.747876167297363 + ], + [ + "\u2581coque", + -12.780314445495605 + ], + [ + "\u2581detallan", + -12.829225540161133 + ], + [ + "\u2581Brilliant", + -12.789118766784668 + ], + [ + "\u2581Temperature", + -12.738595008850098 + ], + [ + "\u2581impidi\u00f3", + -12.784823417663574 + ], + [ + "\u2581redirected", + -12.733299255371094 + ], + [ + "\u2581casarme", + -12.613324165344238 + ], + [ + "tect\u00f3", + -12.830697059631348 + ], + [ + "\u2581candles", + -12.81974983215332 + ], + [ + "bolic", + -13.055834770202637 + ], + [ + "\u25818.2", + -12.691642761230469 + ], + [ + "\u2581WH", + -12.730151176452637 + ], + [ + "\u2581s\u00e1ndwich", + -12.70717716217041 + ], + [ + "\u2581tentative", + -12.674568176269531 + ], + [ + "\u2581calcular\u00e1", + -12.994640350341797 + ], + [ + "\u2581cost\u00f3", + -12.74246597290039 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00c1mbito", + -12.865357398986816 + ], + [ + "\u2581Shab", + -13.11281967163086 + ], + [ + "41)", + -12.75986099243164 + ], + [ + "OLI", + -12.94644832611084 + ], + [ + "\u2581comfortably", + -12.708476066589355 + ], + [ + "\u2581violada", + -12.867772102355957 + ], + [ + "\u2581Restaura", + -12.901285171508789 + ], + [ + "\u2581sting", + -12.792481422424316 + ], + [ + "dry", + -12.687671661376953 + ], + [ + "\u2581confirmaron", + -12.811924934387207 + ], + [ + "\u2581flatter", + -12.836688995361328 + ], + [ + "once", + -12.786460876464844 + ], + [ + "\u2581Calder", + -12.632281303405762 + ], + [ + "\u2581anaemia", + -12.717185020446777 + ], + [ + "\u2581tasked", + -12.700806617736816 + ], + [ + "videoconferencia", + -12.87267780303955 + ], + [ + "\u2581drone", + -12.701469421386719 + ], + [ + "\u2581revertir", + -12.863869667053223 + ], + [ + "\u2581localiza", + -12.773663520812988 + ], + [ + "\u2581enterado", + -12.781363487243652 + ], + [ + "\u2581diffuse", + -12.68309211730957 + ], + [ + "\u2581navegadores", + -12.798870086669922 + ], + [ + "\u2581homemade", + -12.74891471862793 + ], + [ + "\u2581superficiales", + -12.847528457641602 + ], + [ + "\u2581breeze", + -12.779449462890625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Subcommission", + -12.674489974975586 + ], + [ + "\u2581groom", + -12.799674034118652 + ], + [ + "resident", + -12.670478820800781 + ], + [ + "\u25811900", + -12.830729484558105 + ], + [ + "\u2581demining", + -12.738607406616211 + ], + [ + "igue", + -12.960662841796875 + ], + [ + "\u2581definitively", + -12.642332077026367 + ], + [ + "\u2581irreparable", + -13.39954662322998 + ], + [ + "eux", + -12.776822090148926 + ], + [ + "\u2581enorgullece", + -12.778118133544922 + ], + [ + "\u2581recitals", + -12.695808410644531 + ], + [ + "\u2581variabilidad", + -12.742018699645996 + ], + [ + "\u2581devastated", + -12.76669979095459 + ], + [ + "\u2581relieved", + -12.765912055969238 + ], + [ + ".3.1", + -12.814739227294922 + ], + [ + "EO", + -12.508050918579102 + ], + [ + "\u2581construed", + -12.67738151550293 + ], + [ + "\u2581volatilidad", + -12.748486518859863 + ], + [ + "\u2581coconut", + -12.709761619567871 + ], + [ + "\u2581debieron", + -12.776664733886719 + ], + [ + "\u2581stent", + -13.25719928741455 + ], + [ + "\u2581inclination", + -12.651657104492188 + ], + [ + "\u2581punk", + -12.899272918701172 + ], + [ + "\u2581consiguieron", + -12.779789924621582 + ], + [ + "\u2581intentaron", + -12.781353950500488 + ], + [ + "\u2581so\u00f1ado", + -12.639573097229004 + ], + [ + "\u2581urinary", + -12.70677375793457 + ], + [ + "\u2581SN", + -12.661985397338867 + ], + [ + "\u2581anotar", + -12.749159812927246 + ], + [ + "\u2581especulaci\u00f3n", + -12.828571319580078 + ], + [ + "Smoking", + -12.748016357421875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Verse", + -12.7593412399292 + ], + [ + "\u2581workout", + -12.823710441589355 + ], + [ + "cold", + -12.728493690490723 + ], + [ + "opoulos", + -13.316276550292969 + ], + [ + "\u2581Veronica", + -12.761960983276367 + ], + [ + "\u2581printers", + -12.749678611755371 + ], + [ + "tensi\u00f3n", + -12.76791000366211 + ], + [ + "\u2581configured", + -12.675820350646973 + ], + [ + ":45", + -12.93643569946289 + ], + [ + "Activate", + -12.81611442565918 + ], + [ + "\u2581Establishing", + -12.717965126037598 + ], + [ + "\u2581Seal", + -12.799878120422363 + ], + [ + "\u2581habitante", + -12.736287117004395 + ], + [ + "\u2581persiguen", + -12.737813949584961 + ], + [ + "\u2581symbolize", + -12.82411003112793 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00edntegro", + -12.727618217468262 + ], + [ + "Member", + -12.609539031982422 + ], + [ + "\u2581shouting", + -12.757662773132324 + ], + [ + "\u2581Henderson", + -13.405155181884766 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sustainability", + -12.691969871520996 + ], + [ + "\u2581inyectar", + -12.891467094421387 + ], + [ + "\u2581Espiritual", + -12.859902381896973 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sud", + -12.72084903717041 + ], + [ + "\u2581Poet", + -12.748847961425781 + ], + [ + "\u2581salvaguarda", + -12.851807594299316 + ], + [ + "\u2581Atr\u00e1s", + -12.699477195739746 + ], + [ + "\u2581emit", + -12.568949699401855 + ], + [ + "\u2581inducci\u00f3n", + -12.859283447265625 + ], + [ + "70.000", + -12.812597274780273 + ], + [ + "\u2581Newspapers", + -12.800475120544434 + ], + [ + "\u2581pedi", + -12.871294975280762 + ], + [ + "\u2581puntualmente", + -12.825919151306152 + ], + [ + "\u2581stool", + -12.707311630249023 + ], + [ + "-2016", + -12.870983123779297 + ], + [ + "Hab\u00e9is", + -12.66953182220459 + ], + [ + "\u2581Veterinaria", + -13.313183784484863 + ], + [ + "\u2581avergonzado", + -12.754388809204102 + ], + [ + "\u2581catalana", + -12.898727416992188 + ], + [ + "\u2581distribuya", + -12.736438751220703 + ], + [ + "\u2581helada", + -12.779426574707031 + ], + [ + "\u25812-3", + -12.728631019592285 + ], + [ + "\u2581Furniture", + -12.714259147644043 + ], + [ + "\u2581organizativo", + -12.808256149291992 + ], + [ + "\u2581violando", + -12.755719184875488 + ], + [ + "\u2581organizador", + -12.712822914123535 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pentecost", + -12.75567626953125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Subir", + -12.889619827270508 + ], + [ + "\u2581Posible", + -12.781135559082031 + ], + [ + "\u2581WANT", + -12.909676551818848 + ], + [ + "\u2581judging", + -12.711258888244629 + ], + [ + "\u2581tortilla", + -13.377148628234863 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alemana", + -12.79496955871582 + ], + [ + "\u2581disinfect", + -12.724909782409668 + ], + [ + "\u2581eternamente", + -12.837563514709473 + ], + [ + "MY", + -12.748757362365723 + ], + [ + "\u2581blindado", + -12.867192268371582 + ], + [ + "\u2581consiguiendo", + -12.76648998260498 + ], + [ + "\u2581envisages", + -12.777804374694824 + ], + [ + "\u2581beforehand", + -12.713309288024902 + ], + [ + "\u2581sympath", + -12.709264755249023 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lev\u00e1ntate", + -12.678986549377441 + ], + [ + "undo", + -12.833440780639648 + ], + [ + "\u2581PU", + -12.780452728271484 + ], + [ + "\u2581experiment\u00f3", + -12.82078742980957 + ], + [ + "\u2581habitada", + -12.834673881530762 + ], + [ + "\u2581Provider", + -12.762720108032227 + ], + [ + "\u2581corro", + -12.73729133605957 + ], + [ + "\u2581mencionaron", + -12.789215087890625 + ], + [ + "\u2581repentino", + -12.806933403015137 + ], + [ + "\u2581sue", + -12.74267578125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Acknowledge", + -12.781062126159668 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ibero", + -12.769966125488281 + ], + [ + "\u2581warranted", + -12.695528030395508 + ], + [ + "holes", + -12.709115982055664 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fabric", + -12.758195877075195 + ], + [ + "\u2581exhibe", + -12.880057334899902 + ], + [ + "\u2581intriga", + -12.758282661437988 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rusa", + -12.755849838256836 + ], + [ + "\u2581Strait", + -12.70143985748291 + ], + [ + "EQU", + -13.444814682006836 + ], + [ + "nutrient", + -12.712641716003418 + ], + [ + "\u2581translating", + -12.692001342773438 + ], + [ + "\u2581authoritarian", + -12.890693664550781 + ], + [ + "\u2581richest", + -12.750842094421387 + ], + [ + "crypt", + -12.721821784973145 + ], + [ + "iega", + -12.959121704101562 + ], + [ + "\u2581Entity", + -12.793993949890137 + ], + [ + "\u2581PROYECTO", + -12.82427978515625 + ], + [ + "\u2581CAPI", + -12.854280471801758 + ], + [ + "\u2581FIDA", + -12.837035179138184 + ], + [ + "\u2581derrumba", + -12.776450157165527 + ], + [ + "\u2581reforzamiento", + -12.806933403015137 + ], + [ + "2,7", + -13.173571586608887 + ], + [ + "ivism", + -12.849486351013184 + ], + [ + "vine", + -12.700149536132812 + ], + [ + "\u2581preacher", + -12.748018264770508 + ], + [ + "\u2581remembering", + -12.795235633850098 + ], + [ + "having", + -12.57966423034668 + ], + [ + "huma", + -12.714093208312988 + ], + [ + "\u2581cazar", + -12.649528503417969 + ], + [ + "\u2581invasive", + -12.679155349731445 + ], + [ + "\u2581repertorio", + -12.849081993103027 + ], + [ + "\u2581tiburones", + -12.750109672546387 + ], + [ + "\u2581Paisaje", + -12.852675437927246 + ], + [ + "\u2581advertido", + -12.756782531738281 + ], + [ + "\u2581ejemplificar", + -12.830460548400879 + ], + [ + "ibe", + -12.452970504760742 + ], + [ + "\u2581Packaging", + -12.699368476867676 + ], + [ + "\u2581Transforma", + -12.930989265441895 + ], + [ + "\u2581spared", + -12.787829399108887 + ], + [ + "reference", + -12.789194107055664 + ], + [ + "uy", + -12.3849515914917 + ], + [ + "\u2581TAKE", + -12.815694808959961 + ], + [ + "\u2581comerciante", + -12.756485939025879 + ], + [ + "\u2581pathetic", + -12.922473907470703 + ], + [ + "\u2581refrend", + -12.847614288330078 + ], + [ + "entry", + -12.726103782653809 + ], + [ + "\u2581Estrat\u00e9gica", + -12.748486518859863 + ], + [ + "\u2581Interactive", + -12.7653226852417 + ], + [ + "\u2581renacimiento", + -12.793270111083984 + ], + [ + "vii", + -12.676008224487305 + ], + [ + "\u2581HOME", + -12.772466659545898 + ], + [ + "\u2581condoms", + -12.79561996459961 + ], + [ + "\u2581GI", + -12.5217866897583 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ten\u00edamos", + -12.643810272216797 + ], + [ + "\u2581fixes", + -12.801860809326172 + ], + [ + "acting", + -12.845901489257812 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tube", + -12.828350067138672 + ], + [ + "\u2581clero", + -12.856825828552246 + ], + [ + "\u2581madrugada", + -12.813836097717285 + ], + [ + "\u2581Agust\u00edn", + -12.870841979980469 + ], + [ + "\u2581intimidate", + -12.747876167297363 + ], + [ + "\u2581itinerary", + -12.647422790527344 + ], + [ + "\u2581204", + -12.749075889587402 + ], + [ + "\u2581Osama", + -13.324883460998535 + ], + [ + "\u2581Septentrional", + -12.834834098815918 + ], + [ + "\u2581bruise", + -12.737167358398438 + ], + [ + "\u2581accrued", + -12.693222999572754 + ], + [ + "\u2581cazador", + -12.834712028503418 + ], + [ + "\u2581dirigir\u00e1", + -12.892516136169434 + ], + [ + "\u2581enjoyable", + -12.705647468566895 + ], + [ + "\u2581profoundly", + -12.821527481079102 + ], + [ + "\u2581corrupted", + -12.771699905395508 + ], + [ + "\u2581lecturer", + -12.639914512634277 + ], + [ + "\u2581simulate", + -12.690831184387207 + ], + [ + "\u2581soften", + -12.799782752990723 + ], + [ + "\u2581glorioso", + -12.745247840881348 + ], + [ + "\u2581Amantes", + -12.8604736328125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Graduate", + -12.789119720458984 + ], + [ + "Palestinian", + -12.678555488586426 + ], + [ + "\u2581rigidez", + -12.826030731201172 + ], + [ + "\u2581businessman", + -12.760223388671875 + ], + [ + "petencia", + -13.308289527893066 + ], + [ + "\u2581Extraordinary", + -12.730929374694824 + ], + [ + "\u2581Periodista", + -12.912015914916992 + ], + [ + "\u2581elementales", + -12.848614692687988 + ], + [ + "estad\u00edsticamente", + -13.457161903381348 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ay\u00fadame", + -12.615057945251465 + ], + [ + "\u2581TRI", + -12.87759017944336 + ], + [ + "Querido", + -12.817549705505371 + ], + [ + "\u2581aspiration", + -12.681506156921387 + ], + [ + "\u2581reinsurance", + -12.612983703613281 + ], + [ + "\u2581rumano", + -12.949007034301758 + ], + [ + "clararse", + -13.015120506286621 + ], + [ + "\u2581reembolsable", + -12.851439476013184 + ], + [ + "\u2581atardecer", + -12.779789924621582 + ], + [ + "Golpe", + -12.748893737792969 + ], + [ + "Information", + -12.729534149169922 + ], + [ + "access", + -12.687295913696289 + ], + [ + "\u2581amoroso", + -12.838667869567871 + ], + [ + "\u2581blossom", + -12.741679191589355 + ], + [ + "\u2581commercially", + -12.737929344177246 + ], + [ + "37)", + -12.793545722961426 + ], + [ + "oca", + -12.564506530761719 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pharmaco", + -13.392565727233887 + ], + [ + "\u2581Suggestion", + -12.725244522094727 + ], + [ + "\u2581determinant", + -12.754111289978027 + ], + [ + "desarrollo", + -12.793232917785645 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dinner", + -12.749521255493164 + ], + [ + "\u2581GP", + -12.441888809204102 + ], + [ + "\u2581Estadounidense", + -12.912007331848145 + ], + [ + "\u2581plantaci\u00f3n", + -12.850494384765625 + ], + [ + "\u2581broadening", + -12.721487998962402 + ], + [ + "\u2581Basil", + -13.403213500976562 + ], + [ + "\u2581desactivado", + -12.829582214355469 + ], + [ + "\u2581embryo", + -12.684941291809082 + ], + [ + "\u2581reels", + -12.74638843536377 + ], + [ + "\u2581boiling", + -12.715206146240234 + ], + [ + "\u2581planificada", + -12.91134262084961 + ], + [ + "\u2581deceive", + -12.790046691894531 + ], + [ + "\u2581semen", + -12.767507553100586 + ], + [ + "\u2581explode", + -12.768707275390625 + ], + [ + "\u2581revolve", + -12.848258972167969 + ], + [ + "\u2581defendido", + -12.842202186584473 + ], + [ + "\u2581recibi", + -12.8108491897583 + ], + [ + "\u2581clasificaciones", + -12.842187881469727 + ], + [ + "Mu\u00e9vete", + -12.58706283569336 + ], + [ + "\u2581Earrings", + -12.72635269165039 + ], + [ + "\u2581dwellings", + -12.779045104980469 + ], + [ + "\u2581ray", + -12.756829261779785 + ], + [ + "\u2581Romana", + -12.83998966217041 + ], + [ + "\u2581accords", + -12.74838638305664 + ], + [ + "\u2581Narcotics", + -12.779046058654785 + ], + [ + "\u2581aprovechado", + -12.965582847595215 + ], + [ + "\u2581compel", + -12.837977409362793 + ], + [ + "\u2581discard", + -12.670797348022461 + ], + [ + "\u2581ruina", + -12.768437385559082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Canyon", + -12.78266716003418 + ], + [ + "\u2581armaments", + -12.6788330078125 + ], + [ + "Power", + -12.735611915588379 + ], + [ + "\u2581CHA", + -12.728918075561523 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cambia", + -12.68741512298584 + ], + [ + "cu\u00e1ndo", + -12.643529891967773 + ], + [ + "photo", + -12.789965629577637 + ], + [ + "\u2581enduring", + -12.691534996032715 + ], + [ + "\u2581variability", + -12.717268943786621 + ], + [ + "\u2581Iris", + -12.95595645904541 + ], + [ + "\u2581SESI\u00d3N", + -12.856361389160156 + ], + [ + "\u2581robbed", + -12.779465675354004 + ], + [ + "\u2581tambi", + -12.773300170898438 + ], + [ + "\u2581zapato", + -12.724519729614258 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cuarteto", + -12.718132019042969 + ], + [ + "\u2581Listening", + -12.686260223388672 + ], + [ + "\u2581costumes", + -12.802786827087402 + ], + [ + "cloth", + -12.775162696838379 + ], + [ + "\u2581atacante", + -12.850603103637695 + ], + [ + "\u2581transformada", + -12.88369369506836 + ], + [ + "\u2581Su\u00e9cia", + -12.803502082824707 + ], + [ + "\u2581generously", + -12.727019309997559 + ], + [ + "juela", + -12.707721710205078 + ], + [ + "\u2581cherish", + -12.73245906829834 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fatima", + -12.741711616516113 + ], + [ + "\u2581arraigada", + -12.850876808166504 + ], + [ + "\u2581manifestada", + -12.899978637695312 + ], + [ + "zhou", + -13.202091217041016 + ], + [ + "\u2581CONTRA", + -12.777251243591309 + ], + [ + "\u2581copatrocin", + -12.818034172058105 + ], + [ + "\u2581verificada", + -12.863590240478516 + ], + [ + "binding", + -12.743468284606934 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lugares", + -12.850553512573242 + ], + [ + "plastic", + -12.67151927947998 + ], + [ + "\u2581franchise", + -12.73245620727539 + ], + [ + "finance", + -12.662886619567871 + ], + [ + "oco", + -12.557310104370117 + ], + [ + "\u2581Refer", + -13.11279010772705 + ], + [ + "\u2581taxpayers", + -12.74401569366455 + ], + [ + "EAP", + -12.907848358154297 + ], + [ + "\u2581Saw", + -12.826126098632812 + ], + [ + "\u2581Thunder", + -12.781070709228516 + ], + [ + "\u2581paperwork", + -12.855040550231934 + ], + [ + "\u2581confessed", + -12.836859703063965 + ], + [ + "\u2581cord\u00f3n", + -12.817397117614746 + ], + [ + "Nuevo", + -12.836933135986328 + ], + [ + "jita", + -12.69389533996582 + ], + [ + "\u2581Irving", + -13.457185745239258 + ], + [ + "\u2581decidiera", + -12.773120880126953 + ], + [ + "\u2581marketplace", + -12.75827693939209 + ], + [ + "102", + -12.59115219116211 + ], + [ + "104", + -12.699076652526855 + ], + [ + "\u2581conf\u00ede", + -12.73099136352539 + ], + [ + "\u2581cremallera", + -12.833078384399414 + ], + [ + "\u2581imputable", + -12.879423141479492 + ], + [ + "\u2581probarlo", + -12.780781745910645 + ], + [ + "\u2581Forestal", + -12.87724494934082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Machinery", + -12.705774307250977 + ], + [ + "\u2581narco", + -13.460901260375977 + ], + [ + "\u2581suscribir", + -12.799180030822754 + ], + [ + "\u2581Discurso", + -12.849104881286621 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tiger", + -12.860589027404785 + ], + [ + "\u2581UNFICYP", + -12.698891639709473 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rai", + -12.727627754211426 + ], + [ + "\u2581abusiva", + -12.805218696594238 + ], + [ + "\u2581miraculous", + -12.773054122924805 + ], + [ + "\u2581practicable", + -12.76669979095459 + ], + [ + "\u2581savage", + -12.813711166381836 + ], + [ + "\u2581separating", + -12.752549171447754 + ], + [ + "\u2581dosificaci\u00f3n", + -12.837480545043945 + ], + [ + "\u2581drums", + -12.722024917602539 + ], + [ + "\u2581narcotics", + -12.787930488586426 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dissemination", + -12.807109832763672 + ], + [ + "\u2581Negotiations", + -12.723919868469238 + ], + [ + "\u2581Procuradur\u00eda", + -12.929348945617676 + ], + [ + "\u2581protestar", + -12.771622657775879 + ], + [ + "\u2581entertaining", + -12.740839958190918 + ], + [ + "\u2581richness", + -12.724929809570312 + ], + [ + "\u2581Largo", + -12.7901611328125 + ], + [ + "dem\u00f3crata", + -12.78955078125 + ], + [ + "\u2581handmade", + -12.722583770751953 + ], + [ + "\u2581pr\u00f3spero", + -12.838376998901367 + ], + [ + "\u2581cultivada", + -12.88634967803955 + ], + [ + "\u2581Azores", + -13.408199310302734 + ], + [ + "approximately", + -12.73868179321289 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pensamos", + -12.6690092086792 + ], + [ + "\u2581clasifican", + -12.883770942687988 + ], + [ + "\u2581legislatura", + -12.896942138671875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Architects", + -12.714259147644043 + ], + [ + "\u2581keyword", + -12.765786170959473 + ], + [ + "\u2581shocking", + -12.761554718017578 + ], + [ + "\u2581Socialists", + -12.744369506835938 + ], + [ + "\u2581acordada", + -12.846336364746094 + ], + [ + "\u2581partici\u00f3n", + -12.894243240356445 + ], + [ + "\u2581pretending", + -12.892793655395508 + ], + [ + "\u2581HIM", + -12.967398643493652 + ], + [ + "\u2581gravado", + -12.84239673614502 + ], + [ + "\u2581himno", + -12.865410804748535 + ], + [ + "\u2581acrecenta", + -12.827787399291992 + ], + [ + "\u2581pat\u00f3geno", + -12.885615348815918 + ], + [ + "\u2581robber", + -12.83513355255127 + ], + [ + "espacio", + -12.756402015686035 + ], + [ + "\u2581surname", + -12.751016616821289 + ], + [ + "enterprise", + -12.675644874572754 + ], + [ + "women", + -12.732816696166992 + ], + [ + "\u2581annum", + -12.706375122070312 + ], + [ + "\u2581Grade", + -12.839061737060547 + ], + [ + "\u2581centraron", + -12.950048446655273 + ], + [ + "\u2581efectua", + -12.69066333770752 + ], + [ + "\u2581parecer\u00eda", + -12.851255416870117 + ], + [ + "ographies", + -12.765626907348633 + ], + [ + "WT", + -12.755842208862305 + ], + [ + "\u2581analog\u00eda", + -12.831323623657227 + ], + [ + "\u2581lions", + -12.76274299621582 + ], + [ + "\u2581manutenci\u00f3n", + -12.806933403015137 + ], + [ + "\u2581Difusi\u00f3n", + -12.906437873840332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Franciscan", + -12.755780220031738 + ], + [ + "\u2581destructiva", + -12.867520332336426 + ], + [ + "milla", + -12.628951072692871 + ], + [ + "\u2581bloguero", + -12.863537788391113 + ], + [ + "\u2581concentrating", + -12.746322631835938 + ], + [ + "\u2581monk", + -12.82351303100586 + ], + [ + "\u2581poems", + -12.77256965637207 + ], + [ + "online", + -12.680362701416016 + ], + [ + "\u2581evoke", + -12.776261329650879 + ], + [ + "\u2581paliar", + -12.876368522644043 + ], + [ + "asso", + -12.983505249023438 + ], + [ + "\u2581predictability", + -12.76206111907959 + ], + [ + "\u2581Diferencia", + -12.869277000427246 + ], + [ + "\u2581accommodated", + -12.740203857421875 + ], + [ + "\u2581legislators", + -12.68173599243164 + ], + [ + "ONES", + -12.81047534942627 + ], + [ + "\u2581Label", + -12.854557991027832 + ], + [ + "\u2581Arrival", + -12.800544738769531 + ], + [ + "\u2581query", + -12.782950401306152 + ], + [ + "\u2581grifo", + -12.820786476135254 + ], + [ + "46)", + -12.762430191040039 + ], + [ + "\u2581asociar", + -12.865503311157227 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ohh", + -12.974822998046875 + ], + [ + "\u2581parole", + -12.770000457763672 + ], + [ + "\u2581detecting", + -12.6768798828125 + ], + [ + "\u25810,9", + -12.947425842285156 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuidadores", + -12.859980583190918 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bougainville", + -13.467096328735352 + ], + [ + "\u2581Eritrean", + -12.735841751098633 + ], + [ + "\u2581Insulares", + -12.801787376403809 + ], + [ + "\u2581kite", + -12.814667701721191 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hable", + -12.829071998596191 + ], + [ + "\u2581importaba", + -12.624043464660645 + ], + [ + "uristic", + -12.899627685546875 + ], + [ + "amic", + -12.995347023010254 + ], + [ + "\u2581CCW", + -12.724214553833008 + ], + [ + "\u2581polyester", + -12.6630277633667 + ], + [ + "\u2581Landlocked", + -12.727874755859375 + ], + [ + "\u2581paguen", + -12.757501602172852 + ], + [ + "\u2581quedarnos", + -12.688108444213867 + ], + [ + "\u2581eff", + -13.120931625366211 + ], + [ + "living", + -12.731532096862793 + ], + [ + "\u258115,000", + -12.73893928527832 + ], + [ + "\u2581Existing", + -12.738595962524414 + ], + [ + "\u2581Replacement", + -12.740375518798828 + ], + [ + "\u2581disminu", + -12.845123291015625 + ], + [ + "\u2581zool\u00f3gico", + -12.784855842590332 + ], + [ + "\u2581quicker", + -12.805381774902344 + ], + [ + "\u2581renting", + -12.790221214294434 + ], + [ + "\u2581viajando", + -12.743453979492188 + ], + [ + "monos", + -12.557931900024414 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wen", + -12.793659210205078 + ], + [ + "OCK", + -12.907204627990723 + ], + [ + "\u2581interconnected", + -12.718863487243652 + ], + [ + "\u2581acu\u00e1tica", + -12.822537422180176 + ], + [ + "Malvinas", + -12.740137100219727 + ], + [ + "\u2581ambiciones", + -12.856301307678223 + ], + [ + "\u2581Featured", + -12.696977615356445 + ], + [ + "\u2581democratically", + -12.74392318725586 + ], + [ + "\u2581hac\u00e9is", + -12.820793151855469 + ], + [ + "Acts", + -12.772075653076172 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cock", + -12.842514991760254 + ], + [ + "\u2581excursion", + -12.799626350402832 + ], + [ + "\u2581mourn", + -12.828868865966797 + ], + [ + "chia", + -12.800387382507324 + ], + [ + "\u2581Eighth", + -12.69339370727539 + ], + [ + "\u2581enacting", + -12.702841758728027 + ], + [ + "\u2581incorpore", + -12.857504844665527 + ], + [ + "\u2581partidaria", + -12.8443021774292 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bologna", + -12.60747241973877 + ], + [ + "\u2581MINURCAT", + -13.40216064453125 + ], + [ + "\u2581colocan", + -12.675622940063477 + ], + [ + "\u2581corchetes", + -12.917754173278809 + ], + [ + "\u2581flex", + -12.913031578063965 + ], + [ + "tecnolog\u00eda", + -12.862187385559082 + ], + [ + "\u2191", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581cancha", + -12.788278579711914 + ], + [ + "\u2581superiority", + -12.691162109375 + ], + [ + "writer", + -12.7882080078125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Shared", + -12.805377006530762 + ], + [ + "\u2581Specifications", + -12.787287712097168 + ], + [ + "\u2581detached", + -12.710177421569824 + ], + [ + "\u2581admiraci\u00f3n", + -12.89560317993164 + ], + [ + "\u2581constat\u00f3", + -12.920228004455566 + ], + [ + "\u2581easiest", + -12.746322631835938 + ], + [ + "\u2581eclesial", + -12.869009971618652 + ], + [ + "\u2581footwear", + -12.749483108520508 + ], + [ + "\u2581modifying", + -12.73880386352539 + ], + [ + "look", + -12.808708190917969 + ], + [ + "\u2581Financi", + -12.906217575073242 + ], + [ + "\u2581aterrador", + -12.701132774353027 + ], + [ + "\u2581frigor\u00edfico", + -12.87635612487793 + ], + [ + "B\u00e9lgica", + -12.849505424499512 + ], + [ + "\u2581reflex", + -12.748167037963867 + ], + [ + "\u2581socks", + -12.90056324005127 + ], + [ + "\u2581alucin", + -12.712360382080078 + ], + [ + "\u2581inconveniente", + -12.763018608093262 + ], + [ + "\u2581OFFER", + -12.788619041442871 + ], + [ + "\u2581refuercen", + -12.835501670837402 + ], + [ + "\u2581devoluciones", + -12.880192756652832 + ], + [ + "\u2581mysteries", + -12.80709457397461 + ], + [ + "\u2581repartir", + -12.803417205810547 + ], + [ + "\u2581wow", + -12.946996688842773 + ], + [ + "\u2581acoplamiento", + -12.822799682617188 + ], + [ + "Year", + -12.710397720336914 + ], + [ + "\u2581DEBE", + -12.746599197387695 + ], + [ + "\u2581Interpretaci\u00f3n", + -12.88934326171875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rode", + -12.921758651733398 + ], + [ + "\u2581modernisation", + -12.764544486999512 + ], + [ + "criminal", + -12.755867004394531 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mayan", + -12.755325317382812 + ], + [ + "EGA", + -13.076387405395508 + ], + [ + "\u2581fertilizantes", + -12.740799903869629 + ], + [ + "\u2581nativo", + -12.898927688598633 + ], + [ + "upon", + -12.786062240600586 + ], + [ + "\u2581prick", + -12.8016996383667 + ], + [ + "\u2581proclamaci\u00f3n", + -12.95008373260498 + ], + [ + "WN", + -12.825035095214844 + ], + [ + "\u2581contention", + -12.7476167678833 + ], + [ + "OOD", + -12.777045249938965 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nueve", + -12.766552925109863 + ], + [ + "\u2581Shirley", + -13.4247465133667 + ], + [ + "\u2581exquisito", + -12.841933250427246 + ], + [ + "\u2581motiva", + -12.719155311584473 + ], + [ + "\u2581prone", + -12.689973831176758 + ], + [ + "\u2581Oliva", + -13.328228950500488 + ], + [ + "\u2581Shadow", + -12.798911094665527 + ], + [ + "Haremos", + -13.350166320800781 + ], + [ + "\u2581subpartida", + -12.755053520202637 + ], + [ + "Bangladesh", + -13.429506301879883 + ], + [ + "\u2581digest", + -12.730039596557617 + ], + [ + "\u2581lapse", + -12.709433555603027 + ], + [ + "etano", + -12.830904006958008 + ], + [ + "\u2581Toca", + -12.788582801818848 + ], + [ + "\u2581Subsidiario", + -12.861717224121094 + ], + [ + "\u2581gen\u00e9rica", + -12.852676391601562 + ], + [ + "\u2581hob", + -13.210617065429688 + ], + [ + "t\u00e9cnico", + -12.847696304321289 + ], + [ + "m\u00f3vil", + -12.813992500305176 + ], + [ + "\u2581Anima", + -12.775882720947266 + ], + [ + "\u2581L\u00edder", + -12.87451457977295 + ], + [ + "\u2581Thin", + -13.054543495178223 + ], + [ + "Health", + -12.735593795776367 + ], + [ + "\u2581cucharada", + -12.876583099365234 + ], + [ + "\u2581diligente", + -12.833066940307617 + ], + [ + "\u2581multiplicaci\u00f3n", + -12.877141952514648 + ], + [ + "\u2581Crow", + -12.819782257080078 + ], + [ + "stuff", + -12.738863945007324 + ], + [ + "\u2581atorment", + -12.862812042236328 + ], + [ + "\u2581historiador", + -12.671195030212402 + ], + [ + "\u2581internados", + -12.84952449798584 + ], + [ + "Quieren", + -12.617362022399902 + ], + [ + "\u2581Grandpa", + -12.909772872924805 + ], + [ + "\u2581Marcha", + -12.943209648132324 + ], + [ + "\u2581SESSION", + -12.699345588684082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Unemployment", + -12.699407577514648 + ], + [ + "\u2581excedente", + -12.822222709655762 + ], + [ + "\u2581analysts", + -12.692085266113281 + ], + [ + "\u2581peli", + -12.76204776763916 + ], + [ + "equipped", + -12.776570320129395 + ], + [ + "1-2", + -12.772881507873535 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pep", + -12.898503303527832 + ], + [ + "\u2581Stream", + -12.696392059326172 + ], + [ + "\u2581comarca", + -12.904808044433594 + ], + [ + "\u2581cobran", + -12.599495887756348 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00e1guila", + -12.758268356323242 + ], + [ + "biotic", + -12.736557006835938 + ], + [ + "\u2581Democr\u00e1tico", + -12.883756637573242 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mare", + -12.832846641540527 + ], + [ + "documento", + -12.828516960144043 + ], + [ + "\u2581IDPs", + -12.780000686645508 + ], + [ + "\u2581Juvenil", + -12.865357398986816 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reloj", + -12.914851188659668 + ], + [ + "\u2581TEN", + -12.717632293701172 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ampliar", + -12.84872055053711 + ], + [ + "\u2581ilustrado", + -12.993945121765137 + ], + [ + "\u2581indirecto", + -12.80380630493164 + ], + [ + "ovilizaci\u00f3n", + -13.15019702911377 + ], + [ + "\u2581Quote", + -12.781078338623047 + ], + [ + "\u2581aceptando", + -12.836660385131836 + ], + [ + "\u2581finlandesa", + -12.865357398986816 + ], + [ + "\u2581contraction", + -12.722209930419922 + ], + [ + "\u2581desgraciado", + -12.6846284866333 + ], + [ + "\u2581vitality", + -12.661750793457031 + ], + [ + "\u2581burguesa", + -12.832324981689453 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lydia", + -13.454010963439941 + ], + [ + "\u2581Stockpiling", + -12.730926513671875 + ], + [ + "\u2581lejana", + -12.840245246887207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Liv", + -12.815574645996094 + ], + [ + "\u2581sewing", + -12.680011749267578 + ], + [ + "\u2581upside", + -12.858386993408203 + ], + [ + "\u2581inodoro", + -12.768143653869629 + ], + [ + "\u2581NUEVA", + -12.812106132507324 + ], + [ + "\u2581digestive", + -12.712821960449219 + ], + [ + "\u2581Felicit", + -12.863880157470703 + ], + [ + "\u2581debit", + -12.792540550231934 + ], + [ + "\u2581analytic", + -12.734230995178223 + ], + [ + "\u2581classrooms", + -12.79641342163086 + ], + [ + "\u2581markers", + -12.767000198364258 + ], + [ + "\u2581regulators", + -12.76522445678711 + ], + [ + "\u2581inmigrante", + -12.851828575134277 + ], + [ + "Bolivarian", + -12.441936492919922 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sacramento", + -12.82778549194336 + ], + [ + "\u2581boosting", + -12.717931747436523 + ], + [ + "\u2581counteract", + -12.693710327148438 + ], + [ + "i\u00e9semos", + -12.791370391845703 + ], + [ + "\u2581Paralelamente", + -12.854477882385254 + ], + [ + "\u2581ulteriormente", + -12.862305641174316 + ], + [ + "\u2581arbitrarily", + -12.715763092041016 + ], + [ + "\u2581grabbed", + -12.866580963134766 + ], + [ + "\u2581obstaculizan", + -12.722566604614258 + ], + [ + "\u2581storing", + -12.751005172729492 + ], + [ + "\u2581amamanta", + -12.852705955505371 + ], + [ + "\u2581regresaron", + -12.789529800415039 + ], + [ + "BY", + -12.802886962890625 + ], + [ + "\u2581McK", + -12.722394943237305 + ], + [ + "\u2581bikini", + -13.387323379516602 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuarentena", + -12.794967651367188 + ], + [ + "\u2581greatness", + -12.762383460998535 + ], + [ + "\u2581GROUP", + -12.717268943786621 + ], + [ + "\u2581mammals", + -12.789077758789062 + ], + [ + "jones", + -12.782857894897461 + ], + [ + "\u2581clandestino", + -12.803500175476074 + ], + [ + "came", + -12.66496467590332 + ], + [ + "\u2581honestidad", + -12.753364562988281 + ], + [ + "\u2581repositorio", + -12.891213417053223 + ], + [ + "ASEAN", + -13.429526329040527 + ], + [ + "\u2581Soccer", + -12.782665252685547 + ], + [ + "\u2581introdujeron", + -12.829543113708496 + ], + [ + "\u2581proposici\u00f3n", + -12.871500015258789 + ], + [ + "\u2581Passion", + -12.724044799804688 + ], + [ + "\u2581influenc", + -12.70804214477539 + ], + [ + "\u2581sharpen", + -12.856120109558105 + ], + [ + "\u2581222", + -12.784981727600098 + ], + [ + "lleros", + -12.868908882141113 + ], + [ + "\u2581contraception", + -12.754120826721191 + ], + [ + "\u2581tomato", + -12.750911712646484 + ], + [ + "\u2581masturba", + -12.803122520446777 + ], + [ + "ecer", + -12.76566219329834 + ], + [ + "\u2581complimentary", + -12.729470252990723 + ], + [ + "\u2581spices", + -12.705365180969238 + ], + [ + "44)", + -12.907191276550293 + ], + [ + "\u2581busc\u00f3", + -12.796784400939941 + ], + [ + "\u2581enriquece", + -12.806425094604492 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nazaret", + -12.81904411315918 + ], + [ + "\u2581ciclismo", + -12.935196876525879 + ], + [ + "\u2581EV", + -12.683290481567383 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ronnie", + -13.418457984924316 + ], + [ + "\u2581Italiana", + -12.848210334777832 + ], + [ + "\u2581Maquinaria", + -12.735772132873535 + ], + [ + "\u2581biopsy", + -12.735958099365234 + ], + [ + "\u2581err\u00f3neo", + -12.861717224121094 + ], + [ + "\u2581gracious", + -12.73245620727539 + ], + [ + "\u2581pneumonia", + -12.744772911071777 + ], + [ + "\u2581fox", + -12.837591171264648 + ], + [ + "\u2581multiplier", + -12.766700744628906 + ], + [ + "\u2581Briefing", + -12.788846015930176 + ], + [ + "\u2581Adolescente", + -12.840152740478516 + ], + [ + "\u2581dictador", + -12.989764213562012 + ], + [ + "\u2581afflicted", + -12.722430229187012 + ], + [ + "\u2581harmonizing", + -12.709761619567871 + ], + [ + "\u2581Esperaba", + -12.663662910461426 + ], + [ + "\u2581Handbook", + -12.702397346496582 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sci", + -12.779045104980469 + ], + [ + "\u2581Escuch\u00e9", + -12.65709114074707 + ], + [ + "\u2581Potential", + -12.708270072937012 + ], + [ + "\u2581acquainted", + -12.759092330932617 + ], + [ + "dominio", + -12.884340286254883 + ], + [ + "\u2581Humanitaria", + -12.82957935333252 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mobility", + -12.770024299621582 + ], + [ + "spiration", + -12.81413745880127 + ], + [ + "\u2581Genoa", + -12.771500587463379 + ], + [ + "\u2581manifiestamente", + -12.86843490600586 + ], + [ + "\u2581perm\u00edtame", + -12.779789924621582 + ], + [ + "\u2581$13", + -12.77977180480957 + ], + [ + "\u2581exceden", + -12.883807182312012 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kyrgyz", + -12.79887580871582 + ], + [ + "\u2581drastic", + -12.74629020690918 + ], + [ + "\u2581radiograf\u00eda", + -12.882203102111816 + ], + [ + "\u2581obsession", + -12.806000709533691 + ], + [ + "\u2581Giulia", + -13.448071479797363 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vela", + -12.976512908935547 + ], + [ + "\u2581governorate", + -12.70110034942627 + ], + [ + "\u2581nitrate", + -12.746345520019531 + ], + [ + "\u2581prorroga", + -12.739176750183105 + ], + [ + "\u2581regir\u00e1", + -12.934919357299805 + ], + [ + "3,8", + -13.135537147521973 + ], + [ + "\u2581levantar\u00e1", + -13.045439720153809 + ], + [ + "\u2581codecisi\u00f3n", + -12.849324226379395 + ], + [ + "\u2581excede", + -12.669354438781738 + ], + [ + "\u2581objectively", + -12.766275405883789 + ], + [ + "\u2581Changing", + -12.730649948120117 + ], + [ + "\u2581carburante", + -12.817305564880371 + ], + [ + "\u2581scarcity", + -12.723334312438965 + ], + [ + "\u2581verificable", + -12.869668006896973 + ], + [ + "\u2581wellbeing", + -12.736977577209473 + ], + [ + "\u2581erection", + -12.77660846710205 + ], + [ + "\u2581spinning", + -12.738704681396484 + ], + [ + "\u2581GNP", + -12.722134590148926 + ], + [ + "\u2581MAY", + -12.75510025024414 + ], + [ + "\u2581Trevor", + -13.473832130432129 + ], + [ + "\u2581grenade", + -12.78588581085205 + ], + [ + "\u2581yielded", + -12.821368217468262 + ], + [ + "XL", + -12.769964218139648 + ], + [ + "\u2581SEC", + -12.836278915405273 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wallenberg", + -13.417285919189453 + ], + [ + "\u2581CPC", + -12.762758255004883 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cancellation", + -12.734025001525879 + ], + [ + "\u2581a\u00f1adi", + -12.80252742767334 + ], + [ + "\u2581rogamos", + -12.849106788635254 + ], + [ + "\u2581alejarse", + -12.815650939941406 + ], + [ + "\u2581fleeing", + -12.725400924682617 + ], + [ + "1]", + -12.949853897094727 + ], + [ + "lium", + -12.847709655761719 + ], + [ + "\u2581Declara", + -12.827634811401367 + ], + [ + "\u2581Diputados", + -12.9158353805542 + ], + [ + "\u2581penitencia", + -12.78013801574707 + ], + [ + "vini", + -12.750907897949219 + ], + [ + "puse", + -12.750019073486328 + ], + [ + "\u2581syrup", + -12.733987808227539 + ], + [ + "\u2581WILL", + -12.906815528869629 + ], + [ + "\u2581magistrate", + -12.656084060668945 + ], + [ + "\u2581Contacte", + -12.875638008117676 + ], + [ + "\u2581ininterrumpida", + -12.849081993103027 + ], + [ + "users", + -12.660943031311035 + ], + [ + "wah", + -12.929439544677734 + ], + [ + "\u2581grosor", + -12.838382720947266 + ], + [ + "\u2581identifique", + -12.833066940307617 + ], + [ + "\u2581parti\u00f3", + -12.821864128112793 + ], + [ + "\u2581prescrita", + -12.929729461669922 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bonus", + -12.744501113891602 + ], + [ + "SN", + -12.665571212768555 + ], + [ + "\u2581Suddenly", + -12.832136154174805 + ], + [ + "\u2581heels", + -12.87967586517334 + ], + [ + "NING", + -12.90418815612793 + ], + [ + "\u2581evolucionar", + -12.722332000732422 + ], + [ + "SW", + -12.775186538696289 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tornado", + -13.457474708557129 + ], + [ + "1.600", + -12.949275970458984 + ], + [ + "\u2581BACK", + -13.086875915527344 + ], + [ + "\u2581intoxica", + -12.834834098815918 + ], + [ + "\u2581m\u00e1rtires", + -12.86219310760498 + ], + [ + "vation", + -12.70750904083252 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bermudas", + -12.75662899017334 + ], + [ + "\u2581instamos", + -12.769322395324707 + ], + [ + "\u2581cometieron", + -12.793270111083984 + ], + [ + "\u2581in\u00fatiles", + -12.777837753295898 + ], + [ + "\u2581ocurrida", + -12.874695777893066 + ], + [ + "Quds", + -13.312239646911621 + ], + [ + "\u2581blowjob", + -12.721826553344727 + ], + [ + "\u2581cumpl\u00eda", + -12.804534912109375 + ], + [ + "\u2581mancomuna", + -12.948976516723633 + ], + [ + "\u2581Comparaci\u00f3n", + -12.905750274658203 + ], + [ + "\u2581Suscr\u00edbete", + -12.912199974060059 + ], + [ + "\u2581tribulation", + -12.800519943237305 + ], + [ + "\u2581eagle", + -12.859560012817383 + ], + [ + "\u2581hiciese", + -12.732397079467773 + ], + [ + "\u2581paved", + -12.756954193115234 + ], + [ + "shell", + -12.761140823364258 + ], + [ + "\u2581consecutivo", + -12.917584419250488 + ], + [ + "ctus", + -12.897896766662598 + ], + [ + "tting", + -12.842972755432129 + ], + [ + "\u2581identifier", + -12.724833488464355 + ], + [ + "\u2581amarre", + -12.850417137145996 + ], + [ + "\u2581Necklace", + -12.849186897277832 + ], + [ + "\u2581decidan", + -12.805988311767578 + ], + [ + "\u2581Metohija", + -13.44082260131836 + ], + [ + "\u2581penalize", + -12.848933219909668 + ], + [ + "\u2581escuchen", + -12.775299072265625 + ], + [ + "\u2581lieutenant", + -12.89673137664795 + ], + [ + "Ejecut", + -12.889397621154785 + ], + [ + "Recordarme", + -12.924688339233398 + ], + [ + "\u2581Calma", + -12.749523162841797 + ], + [ + "\u2581estampado", + -12.803661346435547 + ], + [ + "\u2581concentran", + -12.730923652648926 + ], + [ + "\u2581chairpersons", + -12.756914138793945 + ], + [ + "\u2581landfill", + -12.822053909301758 + ], + [ + "\u2581lessen", + -12.970076560974121 + ], + [ + "uary", + -12.629258155822754 + ], + [ + "\u2581afecciones", + -12.910127639770508 + ], + [ + "ADI", + -12.77490234375 + ], + [ + "illion", + -12.711688995361328 + ], + [ + "el\u00e9fono", + -12.650233268737793 + ], + [ + "sarcoma", + -13.509354591369629 + ], + [ + "\u2581forsake", + -12.836385726928711 + ], + [ + "\u2581rocky", + -12.744012832641602 + ], + [ + "\u2581Measure", + -12.673772811889648 + ], + [ + "\u2581favorecido", + -12.791577339172363 + ], + [ + "\u2581retomar", + -12.819157600402832 + ], + [ + "UV", + -12.87353801727295 + ], + [ + "\u2581aplicaba", + -12.575231552124023 + ], + [ + "\u2581tranquil", + -12.760254859924316 + ], + [ + "\u2581copied", + -12.77788257598877 + ], + [ + "\u2581gire", + -12.8377046585083 + ], + [ + "borough", + -12.783534049987793 + ], + [ + "clusi\u00f3n", + -12.855735778808594 + ], + [ + "\u2581dull", + -12.881254196166992 + ], + [ + "chrom", + -12.958637237548828 + ], + [ + "\u2581198", + -12.731507301330566 + ], + [ + "\u2581Progressive", + -12.673121452331543 + ], + [ + "\u2581trastero", + -12.87828254699707 + ], + [ + "acre", + -12.774458885192871 + ], + [ + "\u2581abstracto", + -12.898724555969238 + ], + [ + "\u2581multilingual", + -12.790677070617676 + ], + [ + "\u2581ofender", + -12.790396690368652 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fundador", + -12.932679176330566 + ], + [ + "\u2581muslo", + -12.7832612991333 + ], + [ + "\u2581Peque\u00f1o", + -12.786608695983887 + ], + [ + "\u2581Richmond", + -13.310345649719238 + ], + [ + "\u2581Startupxplore", + -13.519383430480957 + ], + [ + "\u2581attainable", + -12.722415924072266 + ], + [ + "\u2581encargarse", + -12.80565071105957 + ], + [ + "Day", + -12.771685600280762 + ], + [ + "\u2581ERDF", + -12.648828506469727 + ], + [ + "\u2581inexistencia", + -12.764839172363281 + ], + [ + "\u2581juegue", + -12.733997344970703 + ], + [ + "\u2581portuario", + -12.817413330078125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fideicomiso", + -12.84193229675293 + ], + [ + "\u2581contradictoria", + -12.95096206665039 + ], + [ + "\u2581extremado", + -12.85991096496582 + ], + [ + "Call", + -12.873283386230469 + ], + [ + "\u2581specimen", + -12.781534194946289 + ], + [ + "\u2581CONVENCI\u00d3N", + -12.912007331848145 + ], + [ + "\u2581Contratante", + -12.796708106994629 + ], + [ + "\u2581illustrations", + -12.784049034118652 + ], + [ + "GES", + -12.815632820129395 + ], + [ + "\u2581equilibrated", + -12.749430656433105 + ], + [ + "\u2581seduce", + -12.860465049743652 + ], + [ + "\u2013\u2013", + -12.754412651062012 + ], + [ + "\u2581dissent", + -12.726520538330078 + ], + [ + "\u2581tomar\u00e9", + -12.668070793151855 + ], + [ + "\u2581literario", + -12.928322792053223 + ], + [ + "January", + -12.766963005065918 + ], + [ + "\u2581desafiar", + -12.865067481994629 + ], + [ + "\u2581kettle", + -12.763547897338867 + ], + [ + "\u2581Agradece", + -12.864673614501953 + ], + [ + "\u2581Appropriate", + -12.727874755859375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vocabulary", + -12.784272193908691 + ], + [ + "administration", + -12.721781730651855 + ], + [ + "\u2581autosuficiencia", + -12.82778549194336 + ], + [ + "\u2581collector", + -12.797562599182129 + ], + [ + "\u2581fragilidad", + -12.919677734375 + ], + [ + "\u2581starving", + -12.889732360839844 + ], + [ + "\u2581Injuries", + -12.750988960266113 + ], + [ + "\u2581Secreto", + -12.881929397583008 + ], + [ + "\u2581fomentan", + -12.846254348754883 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jasper", + -13.470222473144531 + ], + [ + "ENTE", + -12.781320571899414 + ], + [ + "\u2581Trends", + -12.746426582336426 + ], + [ + "\u2581construyen", + -12.783063888549805 + ], + [ + "\u2581lure", + -12.876667976379395 + ], + [ + "108", + -12.731457710266113 + ], + [ + "\u2581subvencionables", + -12.858203887939453 + ], + [ + "\u2581enajena", + -12.914308547973633 + ], + [ + "\u2581invaded", + -12.81138801574707 + ], + [ + "Pal", + -12.88448715209961 + ], + [ + "uba", + -12.597546577453613 + ], + [ + "\u2581escuchamos", + -12.88015365600586 + ], + [ + "\u2581agradecemos", + -12.840428352355957 + ], + [ + "\u2581dividen", + -12.754117965698242 + ], + [ + "\u2581revising", + -12.802209854125977 + ], + [ + "\u2581vago", + -12.791863441467285 + ], + [ + "KO", + -12.674250602722168 + ], + [ + "conazol", + -12.894979476928711 + ], + [ + "entonces", + -12.748225212097168 + ], + [ + "\u2581Philosophy", + -12.793989181518555 + ], + [ + "\u2581Teen", + -12.841193199157715 + ], + [ + "\u2581arruga", + -12.778153419494629 + ], + [ + "m\u00e1ndanos", + -12.894963264465332 + ], + [ + "touch", + -12.787750244140625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aseg\u00farate", + -12.743631362915039 + ], + [ + "\u2581Conditioning", + -12.794873237609863 + ], + [ + "/2)", + -12.799007415771484 + ], + [ + "\u2581identifiable", + -12.732455253601074 + ], + [ + "scoring", + -12.719229698181152 + ], + [ + "\u2581alien\u00edgena", + -12.690201759338379 + ], + [ + "\u2581moralidad", + -12.876465797424316 + ], + [ + "\u2581remitente", + -12.853079795837402 + ], + [ + "\u2581Objects", + -12.760115623474121 + ], + [ + "\u2581fragmento", + -12.837318420410156 + ], + [ + "\u2581Stocks", + -12.72054672241211 + ], + [ + "\u2581coser", + -12.797279357910156 + ], + [ + "\u2581incorporada", + -12.929742813110352 + ], + [ + "agging", + -12.796660423278809 + ], + [ + "discriminaciones", + -12.891307830810547 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aprendizaje", + -12.87451457977295 + ], + [ + "\u2581bipolar", + -13.518302917480469 + ], + [ + "\u2581capricho", + -12.820791244506836 + ], + [ + "\u2581heightened", + -12.726444244384766 + ], + [ + "\u2581authoris", + -13.096769332885742 + ], + [ + "\u2581engranaje", + -12.856283187866211 + ], + [ + "\u2581dispersed", + -12.736004829406738 + ], + [ + "\u2581Boot", + -12.838249206542969 + ], + [ + "\u2581emplearse", + -12.860255241394043 + ], + [ + "\u2581cannon", + -12.912724494934082 + ], + [ + "\u2581posean", + -12.862434387207031 + ], + [ + "PNUMA", + -12.853139877319336 + ], + [ + "8,5", + -13.016027450561523 + ], + [ + "\u2581Absolute", + -12.819762229919434 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ernest", + -13.495723724365234 + ], + [ + "\u2581provocation", + -12.763649940490723 + ], + [ + "\u2581unbelievable", + -12.95426082611084 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cerrado", + -12.827924728393555 + ], + [ + "\u2581catastrophic", + -12.793989181518555 + ], + [ + "\u2581incense", + -12.74174976348877 + ], + [ + "\u2581Selected", + -12.713595390319824 + ], + [ + "\u2581incompleto", + -12.85087776184082 + ], + [ + "\u2581irresponsible", + -12.810396194458008 + ], + [ + "uni\u00f3n", + -12.779277801513672 + ], + [ + "\u2581choir", + -12.80231761932373 + ], + [ + "\u2581conecte", + -12.887395858764648 + ], + [ + "\u2581afiliadas", + -12.906304359436035 + ], + [ + "\u2581chariot", + -12.752549171447754 + ], + [ + "projects", + -12.771133422851562 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pitcairn", + -13.457474708557129 + ], + [ + "\u2581corps", + -12.791544914245605 + ], + [ + "\u2581indudablemente", + -12.853035926818848 + ], + [ + "\u2581navidad", + -12.831306457519531 + ], + [ + "\u2581turquesa", + -12.813836097717285 + ], + [ + "\u2581despert\u00f3", + -12.83483600616455 + ], + [ + "NPT", + -12.744854927062988 + ], + [ + "\u2581aguanta", + -12.68295955657959 + ], + [ + "TIVE", + -13.541415214538574 + ], + [ + "\u2581Running", + -12.80069637298584 + ], + [ + "\u2581aplaudi", + -12.836772918701172 + ], + [ + "\u2581excitante", + -12.749839782714844 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hablo", + -12.693288803100586 + ], + [ + "\u2581Notify", + -12.768534660339355 + ], + [ + "\u2581apropiaci\u00f3n", + -12.913935661315918 + ], + [ + "\u2581estabiliza", + -12.646341323852539 + ], + [ + "\u2581transmitter", + -12.775092124938965 + ], + [ + "\u2581kuwait\u00edes", + -12.91673469543457 + ], + [ + "\u2581Designer", + -12.781312942504883 + ], + [ + "\u2581Miscellaneous", + -12.727874755859375 + ], + [ + "\u2581consulares", + -12.947891235351562 + ], + [ + "leave", + -13.062766075134277 + ], + [ + "vertir", + -12.852960586547852 + ], + [ + "\u2581magnesium", + -12.68610954284668 + ], + [ + "\u2581sprinkle", + -12.773055076599121 + ], + [ + "/2015", + -12.860179901123047 + ], + [ + "\u2581Asbestos", + -12.729399681091309 + ], + [ + "\u2581envi\u00e9", + -12.804947853088379 + ], + [ + "\u2581hospitalaria", + -12.947127342224121 + ], + [ + "\u2581massacres", + -12.755030632019043 + ], + [ + "\u2581sabr\u00e1n", + -12.7029390335083 + ], + [ + "\u2581lightly", + -12.810406684875488 + ], + [ + "sproportionately", + -12.946008682250977 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cava", + -12.9083890914917 + ], + [ + "Haci", + -13.3271484375 + ], + [ + "\u2581saliera", + -12.710529327392578 + ], + [ + "clerosis", + -12.906292915344238 + ], + [ + "gobierno", + -12.80534839630127 + ], + [ + "\u2581medidor", + -12.977973937988281 + ], + [ + "\u2581specialization", + -12.712188720703125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alps", + -12.775169372558594 + ], + [ + "\u2581deudores", + -12.888893127441406 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hermosa", + -12.783161163330078 + ], + [ + "\u2581oveja", + -12.803818702697754 + ], + [ + "\u2581Amazonas", + -12.90683650970459 + ], + [ + "\u2581affiliates", + -12.728256225585938 + ], + [ + ".[1", + -12.894814491271973 + ], + [ + "\u2581minorista", + -12.837320327758789 + ], + [ + "\u2581avisarle", + -12.799413681030273 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fabrica", + -12.888771057128906 + ], + [ + "\u2581analizaron", + -12.947808265686035 + ], + [ + "tained", + -12.653401374816895 + ], + [ + "\u25813.8", + -12.750110626220703 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gwen", + -13.313343048095703 + ], + [ + "Life", + -12.804678916931152 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuantificar", + -12.807889938354492 + ], + [ + "\u2581aleaci\u00f3n", + -12.923827171325684 + ], + [ + "\u2581redesign", + -12.8214111328125 + ], + [ + "fuera", + -12.683856010437012 + ], + [ + "pala", + -13.284526824951172 + ], + [ + "\u2581venas", + -12.771855354309082 + ], + [ + "drop", + -13.0206298828125 + ], + [ + "\u2581disappointing", + -12.758204460144043 + ], + [ + "\u2581plantearon", + -12.933561325073242 + ], + [ + "\u2581Abjasia", + -12.82778549194336 + ], + [ + "\u2581Harassment", + -12.75567626953125 + ], + [ + "conazole", + -13.067400932312012 + ], + [ + "{\\", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reproducti", + -13.186769485473633 + ], + [ + "\u2581monitorizaci\u00f3n", + -12.919870376586914 + ], + [ + "\u2581laberinto", + -12.841935157775879 + ], + [ + "hidro", + -12.8623046875 + ], + [ + "\u2581contacte", + -12.9158353805542 + ], + [ + "lower", + -12.73288345336914 + ], + [ + "\u2581axle", + -12.74061393737793 + ], + [ + "\u2581tributaci\u00f3n", + -12.953056335449219 + ], + [ + "\u2581Posibilidad", + -12.898728370666504 + ], + [ + "\u2581humiliation", + -12.795618057250977 + ], + [ + "\u2581matar\u00eda", + -12.763503074645996 + ], + [ + "\u2581rehabilitar", + -12.894129753112793 + ], + [ + "published", + -12.744897842407227 + ], + [ + "\u2581Beer", + -12.886656761169434 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mindful", + -12.77530288696289 + ], + [ + "\u2581banquero", + -12.79837703704834 + ], + [ + "\u2581mourning", + -12.83203411102295 + ], + [ + "neck", + -12.839473724365234 + ], + [ + "\u2581Considere", + -12.858154296875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pregnancy", + -12.793989181518555 + ], + [ + "\u2581brind\u00f3", + -12.805214881896973 + ], + [ + "\u2581muero", + -12.672469139099121 + ], + [ + "\u2581Abb", + -12.969719886779785 + ], + [ + "\u2581Photography", + -12.805476188659668 + ], + [ + "agh", + -12.843372344970703 + ], + [ + "alma", + -12.706679344177246 + ], + [ + "\u2581asuman", + -12.911240577697754 + ], + [ + "\u2581corregido", + -12.856368064880371 + ], + [ + "Borrar", + -12.970189094543457 + ], + [ + "\u2581Galilee", + -12.803805351257324 + ], + [ + "\u2581tableta", + -12.867378234863281 + ], + [ + "GDP", + -12.761866569519043 + ], + [ + "Sound", + -12.717455863952637 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fischer", + -13.451178550720215 + ], + [ + "\u2581stockpile", + -12.695704460144043 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kioto", + -12.90250301361084 + ], + [ + "\u2581restableci", + -12.873116493225098 + ], + [ + "\u2581plaster", + -12.761970520019531 + ], + [ + "9.0", + -12.989402770996094 + ], + [ + "\u2581acciona", + -13.072213172912598 + ], + [ + "\u2581tv", + -12.806387901306152 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hail", + -12.962190628051758 + ], + [ + "conocido", + -12.8648681640625 + ], + [ + "\u2581nutricionales", + -12.815597534179688 + ], + [ + "\u2581Caim\u00e1n", + -12.838386535644531 + ], + [ + "\u2581Colon", + -12.840590476989746 + ], + [ + "\u2581someten", + -12.827128410339355 + ], + [ + "\u2581Stories", + -12.731467247009277 + ], + [ + "\u2581inmoviliza", + -12.937236785888672 + ], + [ + "\u2581noticeable", + -12.758024215698242 + ], + [ + "\u2581acomodar", + -12.895988464355469 + ], + [ + "\u2581extenderse", + -12.857494354248047 + ], + [ + "\u2581implicit", + -12.788542747497559 + ], + [ + "\u2581pasteles", + -12.731377601623535 + ], + [ + "\u2581tunnels", + -12.743897438049316 + ], + [ + "\u2581Argel", + -12.886096954345703 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mut", + -12.821298599243164 + ], + [ + "\u2581circled", + -12.786284446716309 + ], + [ + "\u2581erected", + -12.83127498626709 + ], + [ + "\u2581guardianship", + -12.779528617858887 + ], + [ + "\u2581solicitaba", + -13.006638526916504 + ], + [ + "\u25811,6", + -12.858621597290039 + ], + [ + "/2019", + -12.974027633666992 + ], + [ + "\u2581Annonce", + -13.479851722717285 + ], + [ + "\u2581horns", + -12.8209867477417 + ], + [ + "\u2581habilitaci\u00f3n", + -12.859169960021973 + ], + [ + "\u2581bot\u00e1nico", + -12.925469398498535 + ], + [ + "\u2581caducidad", + -12.919677734375 + ], + [ + "\u2581rasgo", + -12.916149139404297 + ], + [ + "\u2581201", + -12.762593269348145 + ], + [ + "\u2581aquarium", + -12.752549171447754 + ], + [ + "bear", + -12.78940200805664 + ], + [ + "\u2581ofensa", + -12.827811241149902 + ], + [ + "\u2581IMIS", + -12.698010444641113 + ], + [ + "\u2581Slovenian", + -12.767491340637207 + ], + [ + "ministerial", + -12.68970012664795 + ], + [ + "\u2581impediments", + -12.763616561889648 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cadena", + -12.929359436035156 + ], + [ + "\u2581GOT", + -13.024744033813477 + ], + [ + "\u2581bac", + -12.742716789245605 + ], + [ + "\u2581optic", + -12.761298179626465 + ], + [ + "\u2581tribuna", + -12.855683326721191 + ], + [ + "operate", + -12.721661567687988 + ], + [ + "\u2581dug", + -12.847587585449219 + ], + [ + "\u2581fullness", + -12.730648040771484 + ], + [ + "\u2581granito", + -12.862354278564453 + ], + [ + "\u2581ignorante", + -12.857405662536621 + ], + [ + "\u2581Conozca", + -12.905749320983887 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ampliaci\u00f3n", + -12.878662109375 + ], + [ + "\u2581SEA", + -12.92317008972168 + ], + [ + "\u2581floral", + -12.728626251220703 + ], + [ + "\u2581pursuan", + -12.759346008300781 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pix", + -13.02744197845459 + ], + [ + "\u2581alineaci\u00f3n", + -12.823643684387207 + ], + [ + "\u2581epic", + -12.768179893493652 + ], + [ + "\u2581penthouse", + -12.882406234741211 + ], + [ + "\u2581penitentiary", + -12.724834442138672 + ], + [ + "\u2581vigorosa", + -12.933258056640625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bonnie", + -13.425030708312988 + ], + [ + "tonnes", + -12.695411682128906 + ], + [ + "\u2581crypt", + -12.819108963012695 + ], + [ + "\u2581duplica", + -12.714855194091797 + ], + [ + "\u2581lame", + -12.879270553588867 + ], + [ + "thus", + -12.849864959716797 + ], + [ + "\u2581Uribe", + -13.528865814208984 + ], + [ + "\u2581mostrar\u00e9", + -12.6469087600708 + ], + [ + "\u2581coping", + -12.803288459777832 + ], + [ + "\u2581excessively", + -12.754983901977539 + ], + [ + "\u2581lever", + -12.781817436218262 + ], + [ + "drug", + -12.755109786987305 + ], + [ + "\u2581slipped", + -12.873648643493652 + ], + [ + "event", + -12.780445098876953 + ], + [ + "\u2581RESERVAR", + -13.071150779724121 + ], + [ + "\u2581countermeasures", + -12.68903636932373 + ], + [ + "asociado", + -12.817544937133789 + ], + [ + "\u2581blades", + -12.753714561462402 + ], + [ + "\u2581curtains", + -12.785354614257812 + ], + [ + "\u2581kernel", + -12.812052726745605 + ], + [ + "\u2581perpendicular", + -13.509349822998047 + ], + [ + "aqu\u00ed", + -12.740050315856934 + ], + [ + "\u2581Glu", + -12.78823184967041 + ], + [ + "\u2581digestivo", + -12.948976516723633 + ], + [ + "\u2581sacrificado", + -12.884488105773926 + ], + [ + "CID", + -12.918559074401855 + ], + [ + "STER", + -12.942371368408203 + ], + [ + "\u2581Enfermedad", + -12.823223114013672 + ], + [ + "\u2581rainy", + -12.73620319366455 + ], + [ + "\u2581revocaci\u00f3n", + -12.798372268676758 + ], + [ + "\u2581Encontramos", + -12.697904586791992 + ], + [ + "\u2581Taxes", + -12.778326034545898 + ], + [ + "\u2581adultery", + -12.740304946899414 + ], + [ + "\u2581catalytic", + -12.733986854553223 + ], + [ + "70,000", + -12.754169464111328 + ], + [ + "\u2581indices", + -12.728276252746582 + ], + [ + "\u2581motto", + -12.746491432189941 + ], + [ + "\u2581Distribuidor", + -12.91010856628418 + ], + [ + "\u2581meanwhile", + -12.842560768127441 + ], + [ + "\u2581Strike", + -12.913153648376465 + ], + [ + "\u2581litro", + -12.846549034118652 + ], + [ + "\u2581variants", + -12.711065292358398 + ], + [ + "\u2581editado", + -12.850325584411621 + ], + [ + "\u2581enga\u00f1osa", + -12.858972549438477 + ], + [ + "mitting", + -12.856452941894531 + ], + [ + "regula", + -12.901779174804688 + ], + [ + "visual", + -12.762374877929688 + ], + [ + "\u2581HIS", + -12.768189430236816 + ], + [ + "\u2581artesanales", + -12.894637107849121 + ], + [ + "Activ", + -13.015520095825195 + ], + [ + "\u2581cleanse", + -12.86412239074707 + ], + [ + "STRUCT", + -13.200136184692383 + ], + [ + "ti\u00e9ndose", + -12.886497497558594 + ], + [ + "\u2581favorecida", + -12.883777618408203 + ], + [ + "\u2581neerland\u00e9s", + -12.923534393310547 + ], + [ + "\u2581Subrayando", + -12.942498207092285 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wanna", + -12.871950149536133 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ruso", + -12.846776962280273 + ], + [ + "\u2581cigarrillo", + -12.754727363586426 + ], + [ + "\u2581recreo", + -12.801798820495605 + ], + [ + "\u2581Diseases", + -12.800558090209961 + ], + [ + "\u2581coupon", + -12.765510559082031 + ], + [ + "\u2581departing", + -12.7995023727417 + ], + [ + "\u2581outlining", + -12.774670600891113 + ], + [ + "\u2581Danube", + -12.763555526733398 + ], + [ + "liquid", + -13.561603546142578 + ], + [ + "\u2581CDI", + -12.829131126403809 + ], + [ + "\u2581Phoebe", + -13.44082260131836 + ], + [ + "protect", + -12.723819732666016 + ], + [ + "2,6", + -13.229124069213867 + ], + [ + "\u2581disfrutado", + -12.858962059020996 + ], + [ + "\u2581pap", + -12.788101196289062 + ], + [ + "\u2581photographers", + -12.799854278564453 + ], + [ + "\u2581stockpiles", + -12.710481643676758 + ], + [ + "safety", + -12.738248825073242 + ], + [ + "\u2581evictions", + -12.738923072814941 + ], + [ + "\u2581Columbus", + -12.820371627807617 + ], + [ + "\u2581Santuario", + -12.891213417053223 + ], + [ + "\u2581breathtaking", + -12.706809043884277 + ], + [ + "\u2581transitoria", + -12.885108947753906 + ], + [ + "\u2581Burma", + -12.745623588562012 + ], + [ + "\u2581introduzcan", + -12.845279693603516 + ], + [ + "Elevate", + -12.715805053710938 + ], + [ + "\u25810.05", + -12.720483779907227 + ], + [ + "\u2581Constant", + -12.837095260620117 + ], + [ + "\u2581Natal", + -12.7560396194458 + ], + [ + "\u2581bets", + -12.750480651855469 + ], + [ + "\u2581publishers", + -12.804251670837402 + ], + [ + "\u2581comedy", + -12.86718463897705 + ], + [ + "\u2581flagship", + -12.800771713256836 + ], + [ + "\u2581caj\u00f3n", + -12.77652645111084 + ], + [ + "\u2581disparity", + -12.758813858032227 + ], + [ + "\u2581196", + -12.712247848510742 + ], + [ + "\u2581Basin", + -12.86217212677002 + ], + [ + "vila", + -12.996289253234863 + ], + [ + "\u2581apropiadamente", + -12.874128341674805 + ], + [ + "\u2581veterinarian", + -12.765117645263672 + ], + [ + "\u2581castellano", + -12.952948570251465 + ], + [ + "\u2581dificil", + -12.655616760253906 + ], + [ + "\u2581Proceedings", + -12.7525634765625 + ], + [ + "Social", + -12.776618003845215 + ], + [ + "\u2581Initially", + -12.779105186462402 + ], + [ + "\u2581Album", + -12.807097434997559 + ], + [ + "\u2581Directions", + -12.807448387145996 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nieve", + -13.025622367858887 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00e9xodo", + -12.904396057128906 + ], + [ + "\u2581bajando", + -12.767592430114746 + ], + [ + "\u2581supervisado", + -12.963589668273926 + ], + [ + "\u2581velada", + -12.924729347229004 + ], + [ + "plane", + -12.792045593261719 + ], + [ + "\u2581ICAO", + -12.706777572631836 + ], + [ + "\u2581otorgante", + -12.968287467956543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Historic", + -12.690749168395996 + ], + [ + "\u2581Muerto", + -12.764954566955566 + ], + [ + "\u2581clasifica", + -12.7224760055542 + ], + [ + "\u2581t\u00edpicamente", + -12.933311462402344 + ], + [ + "\u2581envejece", + -12.869010925292969 + ], + [ + "\u2581ilusiones", + -12.826030731201172 + ], + [ + "\u2581rituals", + -12.838948249816895 + ], + [ + "\u2581salchicha", + -12.738801002502441 + ], + [ + "\u2581verbales", + -12.86247730255127 + ], + [ + "\u2581Merry", + -12.871123313903809 + ], + [ + "\u2581estar\u00edamos", + -12.764851570129395 + ], + [ + "typical", + -12.844825744628906 + ], + [ + "\u258151/2", + -12.800949096679688 + ], + [ + "\u2581Patri", + -12.862010955810547 + ], + [ + "\u2581modelling", + -12.79433536529541 + ], + [ + "\u2581centered", + -12.838147163391113 + ], + [ + "\u2581corri\u00f3", + -12.813841819763184 + ], + [ + "\u2581Admiral", + -12.849186897277832 + ], + [ + "\u2581Empezar", + -12.722877502441406 + ], + [ + "\u2581Notificaci\u00f3n", + -12.889397621154785 + ], + [ + "\u2581depict", + -12.76491641998291 + ], + [ + "\u2581petitioners", + -12.8024320602417 + ], + [ + "\u2581cole", + -12.793309211730957 + ], + [ + "\u2581southwest", + -12.849099159240723 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cube", + -12.877742767333984 + ], + [ + "\u2581residir", + -12.904399871826172 + ], + [ + "\u2581tenedor", + -12.816804885864258 + ], + [ + "\u2581masturbation", + -12.793989181518555 + ], + [ + "-5)", + -12.903071403503418 + ], + [ + "Wh", + -12.650009155273438 + ], + [ + "terparlamentaria", + -12.856282234191895 + ], + [ + "\u2581Piezas", + -12.8278226852417 + ], + [ + "\u2581cone", + -13.026744842529297 + ], + [ + "\u2581coronaria", + -12.909317016601562 + ], + [ + "\u2581vuela", + -12.828980445861816 + ], + [ + "\u2581tapiz", + -13.116814613342285 + ], + [ + "\u2581tungsten", + -12.820371627807617 + ], + [ + "lang", + -12.740941047668457 + ], + [ + "\u2581Grim", + -12.954883575439453 + ], + [ + "\u2581Peg", + -13.27255630493164 + ], + [ + "\u2581aspirin", + -12.962506294250488 + ], + [ + "ucha", + -12.740241050720215 + ], + [ + "\u2581getaway", + -12.769610404968262 + ], + [ + "idina", + -12.847966194152832 + ], + [ + "\u2581Spaniard", + -12.812051773071289 + ], + [ + "\u2581emancipaci\u00f3n", + -12.883964538574219 + ], + [ + "\u2581prosecuting", + -12.773054122924805 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sicily", + -12.802160263061523 + ], + [ + "siento", + -12.728475570678711 + ], + [ + "\u2581Collaboration", + -12.759001731872559 + ], + [ + "\u2581T\u00ed", + -12.82205581665039 + ], + [ + "otherapy", + -13.161309242248535 + ], + [ + "\u2581Trailer", + -12.88288688659668 + ], + [ + "\u2581esqueleto", + -12.86353588104248 + ], + [ + "\u2581predicador", + -12.946044921875 + ], + [ + "\u2581remit", + -12.650474548339844 + ], + [ + "\u2581300.000", + -12.883456230163574 + ], + [ + "\u2581despejado", + -12.778120994567871 + ], + [ + "\u2581trainer", + -12.845050811767578 + ], + [ + "\u2581volvamos", + -12.710326194763184 + ], + [ + "\u2581distill", + -12.772980690002441 + ], + [ + "Minister", + -12.73559856414795 + ], + [ + "\u2581Screw", + -12.924155235290527 + ], + [ + "\u2581endured", + -12.718605995178223 + ], + [ + "\u2581minimiza", + -12.926037788391113 + ], + [ + "valencia", + -12.852910041809082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dorothy", + -13.490666389465332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Terapia", + -12.912007331848145 + ], + [ + "\u2581compe", + -12.710868835449219 + ], + [ + "\u2581volveremos", + -12.81297492980957 + ], + [ + "Committee", + -12.715715408325195 + ], + [ + "\u2581railroad", + -12.820405960083008 + ], + [ + "\u2581thrive", + -12.800616264343262 + ], + [ + "\u2581Patient", + -12.868379592895508 + ], + [ + "\u2581fried", + -12.779592514038086 + ], + [ + "\u2581idols", + -12.801843643188477 + ], + [ + "essential", + -12.708211898803711 + ], + [ + "\u2581CHAIRMAN", + -12.69050121307373 + ], + [ + "\u2581bendecido", + -12.880049705505371 + ], + [ + "\u2581crucificado", + -12.86353588104248 + ], + [ + "category", + -12.76219367980957 + ], + [ + "\u2581martial", + -12.779450416564941 + ], + [ + "\u2581raft", + -12.752161026000977 + ], + [ + "\u2581policeman", + -12.917156219482422 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jardines", + -12.844555854797363 + ], + [ + "\u2581hut", + -12.855351448059082 + ], + [ + "\u2581322", + -12.945520401000977 + ], + [ + "\u2581Explain", + -12.85784912109375 + ], + [ + "\u2581colonialism", + -12.759217262268066 + ], + [ + "\u2581erudito", + -12.896841049194336 + ], + [ + "\u2581revisit", + -12.845911979675293 + ], + [ + "usted", + -12.708144187927246 + ], + [ + "\u2581Guggenheim", + -13.511321067810059 + ], + [ + "\u2581flare", + -12.84946346282959 + ], + [ + "\u2581forehead", + -12.875368118286133 + ], + [ + "\u2581announcing", + -12.777846336364746 + ], + [ + "\u2581conseguiste", + -12.672005653381348 + ], + [ + "\u2581oleada", + -12.924079895019531 + ], + [ + "\u2581redoble", + -12.893102645874023 + ], + [ + "\u2581Coal", + -12.787141799926758 + ], + [ + "\u2581stricter", + -12.791163444519043 + ], + [ + "\u2581dec\u00edrtelo", + -12.63223648071289 + ], + [ + "\u2581elimin\u00f3", + -12.935209274291992 + ], + [ + "c\u00e1mara", + -12.877002716064453 + ], + [ + "esteem", + -12.826042175292969 + ], + [ + "\u2581dissolve", + -12.796085357666016 + ], + [ + "\u2581compliment", + -12.86564826965332 + ], + [ + "hari", + -12.793928146362305 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lecture", + -12.781054496765137 + ], + [ + "\u2581accustomed", + -12.803800582885742 + ], + [ + "\u2581corroborat", + -12.71877670288086 + ], + [ + "\u2581creamos", + -12.777681350708008 + ], + [ + "\u2581donkey", + -12.89050006866455 + ], + [ + "\u2581recupere", + -12.880060195922852 + ], + [ + "Facilidades", + -12.826072692871094 + ], + [ + "\u2581Demands", + -12.704353332519531 + ], + [ + "\u2581Felicidades", + -12.737420082092285 + ], + [ + "\u2581horseback", + -12.75581169128418 + ], + [ + "\u2581ego\u00edsmo", + -12.883764266967773 + ], + [ + "\u2581e\u00f3lica", + -12.883068084716797 + ], + [ + "ATIVE", + -12.924304962158203 + ], + [ + "phag", + -13.060274124145508 + ], + [ + "\u2581peque\u00f1", + -12.695240020751953 + ], + [ + "\u2581violin", + -12.86303997039795 + ], + [ + "\u2581$25", + -12.749870300292969 + ], + [ + "\u2581gastron\u00f3mica", + -12.898724555969238 + ], + [ + "\u2581$14", + -12.805316925048828 + ], + [ + "\u2581inhumano", + -12.933258056640625 + ], + [ + "\u2581olvidada", + -12.99826431274414 + ], + [ + "Main", + -12.723856925964355 + ], + [ + "\u2581curves", + -12.778855323791504 + ], + [ + "ranking", + -12.708138465881348 + ], + [ + "\u2581UNV", + -12.74333667755127 + ], + [ + "\u2581multimodal", + -13.35102653503418 + ], + [ + "\u2581enviar\u00e1n", + -12.83141803741455 + ], + [ + "centric", + -12.78176498413086 + ], + [ + "\u2581afiliado", + -12.941215515136719 + ], + [ + "(93)", + -13.468871116638184 + ], + [ + "\u2581Muebles", + -12.908194541931152 + ], + [ + "\u2581affaires", + -12.792291641235352 + ], + [ + "ako", + -12.53750991821289 + ], + [ + "\u2581caregivers", + -12.705041885375977 + ], + [ + "\u2581unpredictable", + -12.763537406921387 + ], + [ + "PAIN", + -12.976144790649414 + ], + [ + "\u2581autopsia", + -12.743632316589355 + ], + [ + "\u2581orbita", + -12.865705490112305 + ], + [ + "\u2581traigo", + -12.630953788757324 + ], + [ + "\u2581fariseos", + -12.933243751525879 + ], + [ + "\u2581involuntaria", + -12.954940795898438 + ], + [ + "\u2581permanezcan", + -12.879514694213867 + ], + [ + "valent", + -12.810280799865723 + ], + [ + "\u2581b\u00falgaro", + -12.939114570617676 + ], + [ + "\u2581conservadores", + -12.880036354064941 + ], + [ + "\u2581excludes", + -12.764634132385254 + ], + [ + "\u2581nucleus", + -12.755677223205566 + ], + [ + "\u2581busquen", + -12.88758373260498 + ], + [ + "\u2581inmunol\u00f3gico", + -12.865372657775879 + ], + [ + "Al\u00e9jate", + -12.696341514587402 + ], + [ + "\u2581Petersburgo", + -13.0123929977417 + ], + [ + "\u2581moron", + -12.9765043258667 + ], + [ + "\u2581USO", + -12.843209266662598 + ], + [ + "\u2581cofinancia", + -12.83454704284668 + ], + [ + "\u2581distinciones", + -12.937418937683105 + ], + [ + "\u2581representaron", + -12.912397384643555 + ], + [ + "\u2581Stro", + -12.865396499633789 + ], + [ + "\u2581c\u00e1rtel", + -12.935210227966309 + ], + [ + "\u2581GNC", + -12.893712043762207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Turk", + -12.8667631149292 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dangerous", + -12.74013614654541 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dob", + -12.814987182617188 + ], + [ + "\u2581criticize", + -12.815940856933594 + ], + [ + "\u2581provocaci\u00f3n", + -12.84896183013916 + ], + [ + "violent", + -12.770151138305664 + ], + [ + "\u2581indebted", + -12.733874320983887 + ], + [ + "\u2581tremendo", + -12.831303596496582 + ], + [ + "\u2581satisfacen", + -12.864140510559082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Audiencia", + -12.939164161682129 + ], + [ + "\u2581Criteria", + -12.873557090759277 + ], + [ + "\u2581($4", + -12.782602310180664 + ], + [ + "HISPA", + -13.01874828338623 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vicepresidenta", + -12.838376998901367 + ], + [ + "\u2581adjudicado", + -12.748758316040039 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bamako", + -13.43436050415039 + ], + [ + "\u2581congelada", + -12.795160293579102 + ], + [ + "\u2581uniformidad", + -12.86535930633545 + ], + [ + "\u2581atributo", + -12.853618621826172 + ], + [ + "\u2581emotionally", + -12.784544944763184 + ], + [ + "\u2581Effect", + -12.784765243530273 + ], + [ + "\u2581repara", + -12.78014850616455 + ], + [ + "igne", + -12.90378475189209 + ], + [ + "past", + -13.119175910949707 + ], + [ + "\u2581consignada", + -12.901050567626953 + ], + [ + "\u2581Desaparec", + -12.760401725769043 + ], + [ + "\u2581criminalization", + -12.793929100036621 + ], + [ + "\u2581educating", + -12.792415618896484 + ], + [ + "\u2581reiteraron", + -12.862557411193848 + ], + [ + "\u2581requerimiento", + -12.907914161682129 + ], + [ + "\u2581UIT", + -13.048816680908203 + ], + [ + "\u2581barril", + -12.790441513061523 + ], + [ + "\u2581steroid", + -12.842988967895508 + ], + [ + "effect", + -12.750812530517578 + ], + [ + "lection", + -12.842318534851074 + ], + [ + "release", + -12.817654609680176 + ], + [ + "\u2581expedida", + -12.865814208984375 + ], + [ + "imeter", + -12.90977954864502 + ], + [ + "\u2581demarcation", + -12.782662391662598 + ], + [ + "\u2581quit\u00f3", + -12.817785263061523 + ], + [ + "Directiva", + -12.876975059509277 + ], + [ + "\u2581neerlandesa", + -12.948976516723633 + ], + [ + "\u2581centenar", + -12.928360939025879 + ], + [ + "\u2581congole\u00f1o", + -12.872676849365234 + ], + [ + "\u2581Advantage", + -12.777846336364746 + ], + [ + "\u2581curr\u00edculo", + -12.883756637573242 + ], + [ + "\u2581exonera", + -12.856301307678223 + ], + [ + "\u2581reigned", + -12.832620620727539 + ], + [ + "Third", + -12.810943603515625 + ], + [ + "\u2581hip\u00f3crita", + -12.891212463378906 + ], + [ + "Class", + -12.817692756652832 + ], + [ + "\u2581carisma", + -12.83838939666748 + ], + [ + "\u2581tractor", + -12.770838737487793 + ], + [ + "/2012/", + -13.233951568603516 + ], + [ + "\u2581anguish", + -12.808749198913574 + ], + [ + "\u2581blamed", + -12.822654724121094 + ], + [ + "\u2581condolencias", + -12.872676849365234 + ], + [ + "Result", + -12.828996658325195 + ], + [ + "\u2581Khartoum", + -12.754111289978027 + ], + [ + "\u2581reparado", + -12.88448715209961 + ], + [ + "\u2581busco", + -12.784270286560059 + ], + [ + "medicina", + -12.873268127441406 + ], + [ + "\u2581XL", + -12.843013763427734 + ], + [ + "\u2581domicile", + -12.755681037902832 + ], + [ + "\u2581policemen", + -12.833288192749023 + ], + [ + "\u2581restrain", + -12.851872444152832 + ], + [ + "\u2581subsection", + -12.716024398803711 + ], + [ + "\u2581twisted", + -12.8392333984375 + ], + [ + "Foro", + -12.913365364074707 + ], + [ + "\u2581exigiendo", + -12.906292915344238 + ], + [ + "\u2581recoja", + -12.88383674621582 + ], + [ + "BT", + -12.777860641479492 + ], + [ + "\u2581cl\u00ednicamente", + -12.932604789733887 + ], + [ + "\u2581refugiadas", + -12.92160415649414 + ], + [ + "\u2581multisectoral", + -12.781136512756348 + ], + [ + "\u2581recurre", + -12.751529693603516 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mirad", + -12.719505310058594 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aceleradora", + -12.945019721984863 + ], + [ + "\u2581Desc", + -13.13998031616211 + ], + [ + "ORES", + -12.74945068359375 + ], + [ + "\u2581accumulate", + -12.735893249511719 + ], + [ + "Marco", + -13.158635139465332 + ], + [ + "\u2581cambiaron", + -12.836095809936523 + ], + [ + "amento", + -12.897051811218262 + ], + [ + "\u2581Marilyn", + -13.490666389465332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Expected", + -12.742363929748535 + ], + [ + "\u2581prosperar", + -13.020917892456055 + ], + [ + "\u2581ejecutor", + -12.84381103515625 + ], + [ + "\u2581surfing", + -12.801820755004883 + ], + [ + "\u2581traves\u00eda", + -12.890369415283203 + ], + [ + "Mer", + -12.955812454223633 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fant\u00e1stico", + -12.73125171661377 + ], + [ + "\u2581llamar\u00eda", + -12.869146347045898 + ], + [ + "0.5", + -12.651762962341309 + ], + [ + "\u2581adentra", + -12.881933212280273 + ], + [ + "\u2581foul", + -12.945115089416504 + ], + [ + "\u2581sumaria", + -12.937948226928711 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lois", + -12.975525856018066 + ], + [ + "Arab", + -12.812620162963867 + ], + [ + "\u2581investi", + -12.797651290893555 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tyr", + -13.075955390930176 + ], + [ + "416", + -13.089738845825195 + ], + [ + "aq", + -12.697675704956055 + ], + [ + "stitutionalized", + -12.814813613891602 + ], + [ + "\u2581Encontr", + -13.314170837402344 + ], + [ + "\u2581Height", + -12.777280807495117 + ], + [ + "\u2581prospera", + -12.84548282623291 + ], + [ + "\u2581comprehensively", + -12.85869312286377 + ], + [ + "\u2581discrepancies", + -12.779449462890625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Especifica", + -12.936245918273926 + ], + [ + "\u2581lowered", + -12.833688735961914 + ], + [ + "\u2581OTROS", + -12.939114570617676 + ], + [ + "\u2581compass", + -12.844355583190918 + ], + [ + "\u2581entend\u00eda", + -12.747888565063477 + ], + [ + "\u2581reembolsa", + -12.693026542663574 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cluster", + -12.813730239868164 + ], + [ + "\u2581Crist\u00f3bal", + -12.870841979980469 + ], + [ + "\u2581retorna", + -12.821049690246582 + ], + [ + "\u2581SB", + -12.695961952209473 + ], + [ + "\u2581chorro", + -12.868828773498535 + ], + [ + "\u2581bailando", + -12.821828842163086 + ], + [ + "\u2581Privada", + -13.055597305297852 + ], + [ + "\u2581cosmetics", + -12.731466293334961 + ], + [ + "\u2581polished", + -12.760087013244629 + ], + [ + "\u2581primac\u00eda", + -12.939242362976074 + ], + [ + "\u2581relacion", + -12.831069946289062 + ], + [ + "\u2581Imagina", + -12.768291473388672 + ], + [ + "\u2581Preventive", + -12.77637767791748 + ], + [ + "\u2581congelador", + -12.922393798828125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sent\u00ed", + -12.875081062316895 + ], + [ + "\u2581reestructura", + -12.841700553894043 + ], + [ + "\u2581anthropo", + -13.2708101272583 + ], + [ + "\u25818.3", + -12.781002044677734 + ], + [ + "\u2581suitcase", + -12.893213272094727 + ], + [ + "\u2581Galilea", + -12.917766571044922 + ], + [ + "\u2581Se\u00fal", + -12.941100120544434 + ], + [ + "\u2581NEWS", + -12.751521110534668 + ], + [ + "\u2581ganader\u00eda", + -12.861717224121094 + ], + [ + "\u2581revuelta", + -12.847790718078613 + ], + [ + "verb", + -12.988037109375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Took", + -12.826805114746094 + ], + [ + "CHAR", + -13.014426231384277 + ], + [ + "unconstitutional", + -12.771461486816406 + ], + [ + "\u2581interruptions", + -12.823809623718262 + ], + [ + "\u2581muchedumbre", + -12.929348945617676 + ], + [ + "\u2581sinks", + -12.784557342529297 + ], + [ + "\u2581guardada", + -13.0131196975708 + ], + [ + "principal", + -12.924516677856445 + ], + [ + "\u2581Himalaya", + -13.408160209655762 + ], + [ + "\u2581viewers", + -12.851893424987793 + ], + [ + "\u2581Literature", + -12.859559059143066 + ], + [ + "\u2581agrarian", + -12.810577392578125 + ], + [ + "\u2581funcionalidades", + -12.964468955993652 + ], + [ + "\u2581jackpot", + -12.807106971740723 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00edntegra", + -12.993023872375488 + ], + [ + "\u2581widen", + -12.830738067626953 + ], + [ + "Qu\u00edtate", + -12.633681297302246 + ], + [ + "\u2581Transparencia", + -12.948976516723633 + ], + [ + "\u2581deduct", + -12.800745010375977 + ], + [ + "\u2581erase", + -12.829540252685547 + ], + [ + "\u2581unsatisfactory", + -12.789118766784668 + ], + [ + "\u2581prosigui\u00f3", + -12.865357398986816 + ], + [ + "prehensi", + -13.093750953674316 + ], + [ + "\u2581medicinales", + -12.93484115600586 + ], + [ + "ventricular", + -12.941193580627441 + ], + [ + "\u2581Danza", + -12.92988109588623 + ], + [ + "\u2581constructing", + -12.824544906616211 + ], + [ + "\u2581filtraci\u00f3n", + -12.892048835754395 + ], + [ + "\u2581met\u00e1fora", + -12.82778549194336 + ], + [ + "\u2581circulating", + -12.781054496765137 + ], + [ + "\u2581entenderlo", + -12.709383964538574 + ], + [ + "\u2581psychiatrist", + -12.873557090759277 + ], + [ + "N\u00famero", + -12.926466941833496 + ], + [ + "Van", + -12.794244766235352 + ], + [ + "\u2581Apost\u00f3lica", + -12.891212463378906 + ], + [ + "\u2581nicely", + -12.847054481506348 + ], + [ + "\u2581filtrado", + -12.895650863647461 + ], + [ + "\u2581flavors", + -12.784618377685547 + ], + [ + "\u2581garante", + -12.866083145141602 + ], + [ + "\u2581intermitente", + -12.880050659179688 + ], + [ + "\u2581Earlier", + -12.813746452331543 + ], + [ + "\u2581authoritative", + -12.75567626953125 + ], + [ + "\u2581enzima", + -12.866485595703125 + ], + [ + "\u2581incautaci\u00f3n", + -12.957060813903809 + ], + [ + "\u2581teleobservaci\u00f3n", + -12.927407264709473 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hebron", + -12.755681991577148 + ], + [ + "\u2581EPA", + -12.78664493560791 + ], + [ + "\u2581gobernadores", + -12.870993614196777 + ], + [ + "\u2581scheduling", + -12.74013614654541 + ], + [ + "\u2581testificar", + -12.847052574157715 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jupiter", + -12.75567626953125 + ], + [ + "\u2581latin", + -12.913850784301758 + ], + [ + "\u2581mr", + -13.064724922180176 + ], + [ + "archi", + -13.006771087646484 + ], + [ + "\u2581Anniversary", + -12.768284797668457 + ], + [ + "\u2581metabolite", + -12.75098991394043 + ], + [ + "Traveleurope", + -12.720288276672363 + ], + [ + "\u2581impecable", + -12.880049705505371 + ], + [ + "\u2581Arzobispo", + -12.885615348815918 + ], + [ + "\u2581plunder", + -12.757244110107422 + ], + [ + "Figure", + -12.824355125427246 + ], + [ + "aker", + -12.801108360290527 + ], + [ + "\u2581Politicians", + -12.760385513305664 + ], + [ + "\u2581Spiritist", + -12.725410461425781 + ], + [ + "\u25818:00", + -12.79458999633789 + ], + [ + "\u2581Breast", + -12.844063758850098 + ], + [ + "\u2581ps\u00edquica", + -12.82778549194336 + ], + [ + "\u2581leales", + -12.790084838867188 + ], + [ + "\u2581salada", + -12.862361907958984 + ], + [ + "\u2581consistir\u00e1", + -12.829861640930176 + ], + [ + "\u2581betting", + -12.783016204833984 + ], + [ + "\u2581cinematogr\u00e1fica", + -12.9158353805542 + ], + [ + "\u2581retroceder", + -12.856282234191895 + ], + [ + "\u2581Costo", + -12.94178295135498 + ], + [ + "111", + -12.733365058898926 + ], + [ + "TAM", + -13.046440124511719 + ], + [ + "\u2581happier", + -12.83382797241211 + ], + [ + "Mateo", + -13.016521453857422 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cambodian", + -12.799847602844238 + ], + [ + "\u2581Flore", + -13.032428741455078 + ], + [ + "\u2581estupidez", + -12.718132019042969 + ], + [ + "\u2581super\u00f3", + -12.991019248962402 + ], + [ + "\u2581Efecto", + -12.904071807861328 + ], + [ + "financia", + -12.886126518249512 + ], + [ + "\u2581affirmation", + -12.79626178741455 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sail", + -12.809714317321777 + ], + [ + "\u2581disminuyeron", + -12.918630599975586 + ], + [ + "\u2581obsesi\u00f3n", + -12.8949613571167 + ], + [ + "\u2581Concepto", + -12.793285369873047 + ], + [ + "enchant", + -13.167841911315918 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hiper", + -12.946006774902344 + ], + [ + "\u2581opin\u00f3", + -12.889077186584473 + ], + [ + "\u2581DIOS", + -12.893665313720703 + ], + [ + "\u2581eliminada", + -12.980082511901855 + ], + [ + "\u2581secretly", + -12.856922149658203 + ], + [ + "committee", + -12.822619438171387 + ], + [ + "\u2581categ\u00f3rica", + -12.87635612487793 + ], + [ + "\u2581pod", + -12.854022026062012 + ], + [ + "\u2581cooperativo", + -12.864849090576172 + ], + [ + "\u2581localities", + -12.875651359558105 + ], + [ + "\u2581microgramos", + -12.913919448852539 + ], + [ + "add", + -12.617209434509277 + ], + [ + "\u2581Drafting", + -12.787542343139648 + ], + [ + "\u2581disuadir", + -12.859902381896973 + ], + [ + "\u2581kilograms", + -12.796926498413086 + ], + [ + "plate", + -12.709212303161621 + ], + [ + "\u2581Choice", + -12.847538948059082 + ], + [ + "\u2581satelital", + -12.956936836242676 + ], + [ + "\u2581silicon", + -12.803574562072754 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cien", + -12.921631813049316 + ], + [ + "\u2581Perspective", + -12.823736190795898 + ], + [ + "\u2581UNMEE", + -12.754114151000977 + ], + [ + "\u2581Zip", + -12.909422874450684 + ], + [ + "\u2581coloc\u00f3", + -12.842117309570312 + ], + [ + "\u2581reagrupa", + -12.876358985900879 + ], + [ + "\u2581skeleton", + -12.850908279418945 + ], + [ + "\u2581Equ", + -12.659893989562988 + ], + [ + "\u2581convulsiones", + -12.856284141540527 + ], + [ + "\u2581FEOGA", + -12.880049705505371 + ], + [ + "\u2581asigne", + -12.840807914733887 + ], + [ + "\u2581breadth", + -12.7804594039917 + ], + [ + "Mientras", + -12.910977363586426 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reduce", + -12.834595680236816 + ], + [ + "\u2581educacional", + -13.022003173828125 + ], + [ + "\u2581sticking", + -12.941743850708008 + ], + [ + "\u2581increment\u00f3", + -12.954940795898438 + ], + [ + "\u2581Obligation", + -12.744772911071777 + ], + [ + "\u2581pesticide", + -12.726058959960938 + ], + [ + "lastic", + -12.94040584564209 + ], + [ + "\u2581Indemnizaci\u00f3n", + -13.003979682922363 + ], + [ + "\u2581corazon", + -12.666702270507812 + ], + [ + "\u2581difundida", + -12.881901741027832 + ], + [ + "\u2581retroalimenta", + -12.832137107849121 + ], + [ + "\u2581pedi\u00e1trico", + -12.8653564453125 + ], + [ + "ensis", + -12.858291625976562 + ], + [ + "\u2581knives", + -12.900344848632812 + ], + [ + "\u2581participaban", + -12.88896656036377 + ], + [ + "\u2581pormenorizada", + -12.900611877441406 + ], + [ + "\u2581unilaterally", + -12.790566444396973 + ], + [ + "\u2581Therapy", + -12.75724983215332 + ], + [ + "\u2581teenager", + -12.888504981994629 + ], + [ + "cepcion", + -13.239314079284668 + ], + [ + "\u2581Delegates", + -12.784381866455078 + ], + [ + "\u2581artisan", + -12.7503023147583 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nixon", + -13.483880996704102 + ], + [ + "\u2581steadfast", + -12.793989181518555 + ], + [ + "\u2581asentar", + -12.978839874267578 + ], + [ + "\u2581desaparecen", + -12.931939125061035 + ], + [ + "\u2581l\u00edquida", + -13.003979682922363 + ], + [ + "\u2581meteor", + -12.918088912963867 + ], + [ + "\u2581weighed", + -12.783191680908203 + ], + [ + "Lista", + -12.780168533325195 + ], + [ + "\u2581Strength", + -12.753917694091797 + ], + [ + "\u2581inventado", + -12.898683547973633 + ], + [ + "\u2581purchaser", + -12.83491039276123 + ], + [ + "\u2581sermon", + -12.818763732910156 + ], + [ + "\u2581incurrir", + -12.995811462402344 + ], + [ + "judge", + -12.762308120727539 + ], + [ + "\u2581periferia", + -12.87451457977295 + ], + [ + "contract", + -12.737214088439941 + ], + [ + "\u2581Apr", + -12.827892303466797 + ], + [ + "\u2581cortina", + -12.892998695373535 + ], + [ + "\u2581dilaci\u00f3n", + -12.953445434570312 + ], + [ + "\u2581PROVISIONAL", + -13.36290168762207 + ], + [ + "\u2581strategically", + -12.762892723083496 + ], + [ + "\u2581descentralizado", + -13.195213317871094 + ], + [ + "\u2581dise\u00f1\u00f3", + -12.913941383361816 + ], + [ + "\u2581asumida", + -12.904492378234863 + ], + [ + "Shop", + -12.755292892456055 + ], + [ + "\u2581grinding", + -12.810007095336914 + ], + [ + "\u2581sincronizaci\u00f3n", + -12.889976501464844 + ], + [ + "\u2581contradictorio", + -12.900612831115723 + ], + [ + "\u2581pavilion", + -12.776246070861816 + ], + [ + "viene", + -12.863507270812988 + ], + [ + "\u2581Completo", + -12.933244705200195 + ], + [ + "Bra", + -12.854751586914062 + ], + [ + "\u2581adosada", + -12.928755760192871 + ], + [ + "\u2581lujosa", + -12.95055866241455 + ], + [ + "\u2581operando", + -12.920202255249023 + ], + [ + "\u2581unjustified", + -12.743263244628906 + ], + [ + "drona", + -12.818870544433594 + ], + [ + "ussi", + -13.08920955657959 + ], + [ + "\u2581c\u00f3modamente", + -12.884323120117188 + ], + [ + "\u2581enamora", + -12.59149169921875 + ], + [ + "\u2581harmless", + -12.826095581054688 + ], + [ + "\u2581MET", + -12.86564826965332 + ], + [ + "\u2581acquaintance", + -12.847480773925781 + ], + [ + "\u2581campesino", + -12.862712860107422 + ], + [ + "\u2581compartan", + -12.827899932861328 + ], + [ + "tending", + -12.866541862487793 + ], + [ + "\u2581Approved", + -12.847468376159668 + ], + [ + "\u2581porcelana", + -12.852689743041992 + ], + [ + "\u2581adhesiva", + -13.12171459197998 + ], + [ + "\u2581dynamism", + -12.822043418884277 + ], + [ + "\u2581IFRS", + -12.768339157104492 + ], + [ + "\u2581waterproof", + -12.80774974822998 + ], + [ + "RUS", + -12.941055297851562 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hidalgo", + -13.57597541809082 + ], + [ + "unge", + -12.989579200744629 + ], + [ + "\u2581Illegal", + -12.792377471923828 + ], + [ + "arqu\u00eda", + -13.321738243103027 + ], + [ + "\u2581adulterio", + -12.925469398498535 + ], + [ + "\u2581aseg\u00farate", + -12.76648998260498 + ], + [ + "\u2581conocerla", + -12.7456636428833 + ], + [ + "\u2581reparations", + -12.8211030960083 + ], + [ + "\u2581Explo", + -13.355443954467773 + ], + [ + "\u2581Felicitaciones", + -12.649739265441895 + ], + [ + "\u2581introducida", + -12.9859619140625 + ], + [ + "\u2581identificador", + -13.081117630004883 + ], + [ + "\u2581metabolito", + -12.880049705505371 + ], + [ + "\u2581swell", + -12.994422912597656 + ], + [ + "religious", + -12.768446922302246 + ], + [ + "\u2581Slavery", + -12.78914737701416 + ], + [ + "witch", + -12.863777160644531 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fuimos", + -12.751274108886719 + ], + [ + "\u2581spotted", + -12.83427619934082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fact", + -12.744367599487305 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sexto", + -12.856330871582031 + ], + [ + "During", + -12.751897811889648 + ], + [ + "\u2581archipelago", + -12.800519943237305 + ], + [ + "reivindicaciones", + -12.894061088562012 + ], + [ + "actualmente", + -12.94123649597168 + ], + [ + "\u2581insinu", + -12.865358352661133 + ], + [ + "\u2581frecuenta", + -12.908202171325684 + ], + [ + "\u2581inexistente", + -12.831305503845215 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dibujo", + -12.931295394897461 + ], + [ + "\u2581caste", + -12.819129943847656 + ], + [ + "\u2581devengados", + -12.933317184448242 + ], + [ + "\u2581fingir", + -12.632156372070312 + ], + [ + "\u2581negociada", + -12.928244590759277 + ], + [ + "\u2581Winthrop", + -13.57597541809082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Disculpen", + -12.677335739135742 + ], + [ + "bourg", + -13.144617080688477 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pen\u00ednsula", + -12.943047523498535 + ], + [ + "\u2581bota", + -12.98020076751709 + ], + [ + "\u2581n\u00edquel", + -12.845500946044922 + ], + [ + "\u2581pallet", + -12.767385482788086 + ], + [ + "\u2581recreativas", + -12.953004837036133 + ], + [ + "\u2581anotaciones", + -12.90062427520752 + ], + [ + "fuma", + -12.829404830932617 + ], + [ + "\u2581Acepto", + -12.808663368225098 + ], + [ + "\u2581prophetic", + -12.854893684387207 + ], + [ + "\u2581switches", + -12.837461471557617 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gerente", + -12.889904975891113 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mulder", + -13.4153470993042 + ], + [ + "\u2581controvertido", + -12.893086433410645 + ], + [ + "\u2581insignia", + -12.80865478515625 + ], + [ + "\u2581sami", + -13.016278266906738 + ], + [ + "moon", + -12.867878913879395 + ], + [ + "ocratic", + -12.728205680847168 + ], + [ + "\u2581misericordioso", + -12.910099029541016 + ], + [ + "\u2581symptom", + -12.78807258605957 + ], + [ + "\u2581magnets", + -12.762886047363281 + ], + [ + "\u2581persevera", + -12.960906028747559 + ], + [ + "\u2581Exploration", + -12.781060218811035 + ], + [ + "\u2581corbata", + -12.854483604431152 + ], + [ + "\u2581mand\u00edbula", + -12.781465530395508 + ], + [ + "\u2581insignificant", + -12.829634666442871 + ], + [ + "\u2581inyecciones", + -12.9158353805542 + ], + [ + "Rule", + -12.753480911254883 + ], + [ + "possess", + -13.136324882507324 + ], + [ + "\u2581millares", + -12.943282127380371 + ], + [ + "\u2581repercutir", + -12.903157234191895 + ], + [ + "\u2581bleed", + -12.924481391906738 + ], + [ + "munity", + -12.768512725830078 + ], + [ + "objetivo", + -12.946167945861816 + ], + [ + "\u2581stereo", + -12.78754711151123 + ], + [ + "negada", + -12.859478950500488 + ], + [ + "\u2581lush", + -12.893452644348145 + ], + [ + "\u2581vot\u00f3", + -12.922019958496094 + ], + [ + "\u2581hostal", + -13.037212371826172 + ], + [ + "\u2581manipulate", + -12.781497955322266 + ], + [ + "located", + -12.813538551330566 + ], + [ + "\u2581Llegada", + -12.866273880004883 + ], + [ + "\u2581huy\u00f3", + -12.766491889953613 + ], + [ + "Care", + -12.786362648010254 + ], + [ + "\u2581Grammar", + -12.787531852722168 + ], + [ + "\u2581Immaculate", + -12.83552360534668 + ], + [ + "\u2581manada", + -12.899398803710938 + ], + [ + "\u2581Frame", + -12.749584197998047 + ], + [ + "\u2581P\u00e9rdida", + -12.880050659179688 + ], + [ + "\u2581transfusion", + -12.840659141540527 + ], + [ + "\u2581upbringing", + -12.768284797668457 + ], + [ + "\u2581Conf\u00edo", + -12.778120040893555 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pidi\u00f3", + -12.880400657653809 + ], + [ + "\u2581acus\u00f3", + -12.881929397583008 + ], + [ + "\u2581elaborating", + -12.758813858032227 + ], + [ + "error", + -13.090540885925293 + ], + [ + "\u2581Inclusion", + -12.740740776062012 + ], + [ + "\u2581esforz\u00e1ndose", + -13.046953201293945 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alentar", + -12.925884246826172 + ], + [ + "\u2581excel", + -12.873127937316895 + ], + [ + "\u2581thieves", + -12.81870174407959 + ], + [ + "\u2581compliant", + -12.851006507873535 + ], + [ + "\u2581confuse", + -12.856658935546875 + ], + [ + "\u2581encomendar", + -12.964966773986816 + ], + [ + "\u2581relacionar", + -12.937348365783691 + ], + [ + "\u2581afluencia", + -12.948978424072266 + ], + [ + "\u2581amonest", + -12.883596420288086 + ], + [ + "\u2581stunt", + -12.827091217041016 + ], + [ + "\u2581underwent", + -12.818706512451172 + ], + [ + "\u2581aceptamos", + -12.892361640930176 + ], + [ + "\u2581perrito", + -12.768702507019043 + ], + [ + "\u2581recortar", + -12.850666046142578 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nomenclature", + -12.74013614654541 + ], + [ + "\u2581Yun", + -12.87813949584961 + ], + [ + "\u2581intencionada", + -12.891213417053223 + ], + [ + "\u2581mergers", + -12.797037124633789 + ], + [ + "\u2581standardisation", + -12.730417251586914 + ], + [ + "\u2581tambores", + -12.957956314086914 + ], + [ + "\u2581tripartite", + -12.781054496765137 + ], + [ + "Falkland", + -12.935198783874512 + ], + [ + "\u2581exquisita", + -12.88561725616455 + ], + [ + "\u2581feminist", + -12.792363166809082 + ], + [ + "10.000", + -12.850050926208496 + ], + [ + "OECD", + -12.832833290100098 + ], + [ + "\u2581curiosa", + -12.872682571411133 + ], + [ + "\u2581underpin", + -12.766124725341797 + ], + [ + "EAN", + -12.901028633117676 + ], + [ + "\u2581500,000", + -12.83852481842041 + ], + [ + "\u2581efavirenz", + -13.502716064453125 + ], + [ + "\u2581wastewater", + -12.760685920715332 + ], + [ + "\u2581desperately", + -12.764830589294434 + ], + [ + "\u2581pagar\u00e9", + -12.730656623840332 + ], + [ + "\u2581remission", + -12.855677604675293 + ], + [ + "\u2581shelves", + -12.785359382629395 + ], + [ + "\u2581trasladarse", + -12.940069198608398 + ], + [ + "\u2581HEL", + -12.860156059265137 + ], + [ + "\u2581Arroyo", + -13.522750854492188 + ], + [ + "\u2581heces", + -12.883877754211426 + ], + [ + "\u2581hidroel\u00e9ctrica", + -12.927413940429688 + ], + [ + "write", + -12.775073051452637 + ], + [ + "\u2581clone", + -12.881892204284668 + ], + [ + "\u2581cumpl\u00edan", + -12.93989372253418 + ], + [ + "\u2581etc\u00e9tera", + -12.883756637573242 + ], + [ + "\u2581G\u00e9nova", + -12.950960159301758 + ], + [ + "\u2581wiped", + -12.936015129089355 + ], + [ + "\u2581Piense", + -12.755435943603516 + ], + [ + "\u2581Registered", + -12.824864387512207 + ], + [ + "iche", + -12.735154151916504 + ], + [ + "\u25818.5", + -12.82233715057373 + ], + [ + "\u2581collectors", + -12.760054588317871 + ], + [ + "\u2581disolver", + -12.884437561035156 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rice", + -12.792231559753418 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ultima", + -12.889904022216797 + ], + [ + "\u2581desaparezca", + -12.838376998901367 + ], + [ + "\u2581garantiz", + -12.825939178466797 + ], + [ + "\u2581afgano", + -12.842714309692383 + ], + [ + "\u2581bog", + -12.860689163208008 + ], + [ + "2,5%", + -13.05623722076416 + ], + [ + "\u2581ca\u00f1ones", + -12.910099029541016 + ], + [ + "\u2581velocity", + -12.847468376159668 + ], + [ + "format", + -13.14953899383545 + ], + [ + "\u2581abordaje", + -12.93460464477539 + ], + [ + "\u2581causante", + -13.009337425231934 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kl", + -12.531765937805176 + ], + [ + "\u2581cloak", + -12.86303997039795 + ], + [ + "\u2581encumbered", + -12.842331886291504 + ], + [ + "\u25812.30", + -12.785414695739746 + ], + [ + "\u2581Elegir", + -12.828071594238281 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pardon", + -12.965949058532715 + ], + [ + "small", + -12.775070190429688 + ], + [ + "\u2581cautivo", + -12.997350692749023 + ], + [ + "\u2581Shelf", + -12.78654670715332 + ], + [ + "\u258125.000", + -12.886558532714844 + ], + [ + "\u2581biograf\u00eda", + -12.863792419433594 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuchilla", + -12.935197830200195 + ], + [ + "kie", + -12.869270324707031 + ], + [ + "reserva", + -13.177968978881836 + ], + [ + "\u2581desempe\u00f1aba", + -13.145294189453125 + ], + [ + "\u2581lava", + -12.860163688659668 + ], + [ + "faith", + -12.80104923248291 + ], + [ + "ogue", + -12.91464900970459 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sheikh", + -12.835858345031738 + ], + [ + "\u2581comentado", + -12.915212631225586 + ], + [ + "\u2581optimise", + -13.013335227966309 + ], + [ + "podemos", + -12.741911888122559 + ], + [ + "\u2581spake", + -12.891617774963379 + ], + [ + "\u2581armoniosa", + -12.950961112976074 + ], + [ + "\u2581asfixia", + -12.870841979980469 + ], + [ + "\u2581flux", + -12.733210563659668 + ], + [ + "\u2581hablaremos", + -12.721729278564453 + ], + [ + "\u2581puertorrique\u00f1o", + -12.935196876525879 + ], + [ + "\u2581staircase", + -12.8153715133667 + ], + [ + "\u2581violaron", + -12.907846450805664 + ], + [ + "\u2581BSE", + -12.770389556884766 + ], + [ + "\u2581deceived", + -12.816566467285156 + ], + [ + "ULA", + -12.980213165283203 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sym", + -13.160128593444824 + ], + [ + "\u2581arancelaria", + -12.905876159667969 + ], + [ + "\u2581piensen", + -12.811433792114258 + ], + [ + "\u2581fanatic", + -12.817103385925293 + ], + [ + "\u2581ovario", + -12.918122291564941 + ], + [ + "PNU", + -13.199898719787598 + ], + [ + "ROV", + -13.096062660217285 + ], + [ + "lage", + -13.044036865234375 + ], + [ + "phenol", + -12.753623008728027 + ], + [ + "\u2581trimestrales", + -12.938491821289062 + ], + [ + "\u258140,000", + -12.770368576049805 + ], + [ + "\u2581D\u00edgale", + -12.670511245727539 + ], + [ + "\u2581aleatorio", + -12.937196731567383 + ], + [ + "\u2581grammar", + -12.835524559020996 + ], + [ + "\u2581soportado", + -12.942767143249512 + ], + [ + "\u2581accountant", + -12.882347106933594 + ], + [ + "plementa", + -13.015861511230469 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kenneth", + -13.480496406555176 + ], + [ + "\u2581impresionar", + -12.768142700195312 + ], + [ + "\u2581perif\u00e9rico", + -12.92160415649414 + ], + [ + "\u2581picante", + -12.807073593139648 + ], + [ + "\u2581sentir\u00eda", + -12.748175621032715 + ], + [ + "\u2581Asistieron", + -12.993579864501953 + ], + [ + "\u2581Futuro", + -12.880586624145508 + ], + [ + "\u2581rigurosamente", + -12.934494018554688 + ], + [ + "\u2581subrayando", + -12.904598236083984 + ], + [ + "\u2581Admission", + -12.856361389160156 + ], + [ + "\u2581disrespect", + -12.847516059875488 + ], + [ + "\u2581Playlists", + -12.877352714538574 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pray", + -12.890555381774902 + ], + [ + "\u2581leerlo", + -12.88121223449707 + ], + [ + "\u2581suplente", + -12.923437118530273 + ], + [ + "Mor", + -12.976396560668945 + ], + [ + "plicate", + -13.065715789794922 + ], + [ + "Anti", + -12.904606819152832 + ], + [ + "French", + -12.839668273925781 + ], + [ + "\u2581anexa", + -12.995698928833008 + ], + [ + "\u2581overwhelmed", + -12.83079719543457 + ], + [ + "\u2581similarities", + -12.835411071777344 + ], + [ + "\u2581Egg", + -12.78031063079834 + ], + [ + "\u2581conferir", + -12.904271125793457 + ], + [ + "\u2581reclasificaci\u00f3n", + -13.004048347473145 + ], + [ + "\u2581reverencia", + -12.910099029541016 + ], + [ + "Opti", + -12.863167762756348 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fixed", + -12.825607299804688 + ], + [ + "\u2581Napole\u00f3n", + -12.913920402526855 + ], + [ + "STERN", + -12.834617614746094 + ], + [ + "\u2581goddess", + -12.8595609664917 + ], + [ + "\u2581tilt", + -12.875332832336426 + ], + [ + "\u25811,4", + -12.727068901062012 + ], + [ + "communication", + -12.669723510742188 + ], + [ + "UNIS", + -12.923673629760742 + ], + [ + "\u2581Inventory", + -12.859559059143066 + ], + [ + "\u2581configurado", + -12.91606330871582 + ], + [ + "\u2581dismantle", + -12.8480224609375 + ], + [ + "\u2581incurrido", + -12.931305885314941 + ], + [ + "\u2581vol\u00e1til", + -12.987381935119629 + ], + [ + "ovo", + -12.759160041809082 + ], + [ + "\u2581reafirmaron", + -12.906764030456543 + ], + [ + "1.300", + -12.997994422912598 + ], + [ + "\u2581punishing", + -12.73648452758789 + ], + [ + "oluble", + -12.829977989196777 + ], + [ + "\u2581Drag\u00f3n", + -12.883804321289062 + ], + [ + "\u2581MC", + -12.631171226501465 + ], + [ + "toxina", + -12.876320838928223 + ], + [ + "uko", + -12.855637550354004 + ], + [ + "\u2581illegitimate", + -12.795618057250977 + ], + [ + "\u2581sensorial", + -12.923572540283203 + ], + [ + "\u2581tyre", + -12.77846908569336 + ], + [ + "experience", + -12.84481430053711 + ], + [ + "mah", + -12.899495124816895 + ], + [ + "\u2581dirigiendo", + -12.876367568969727 + ], + [ + "\u2581propulsi\u00f3n", + -12.939114570617676 + ], + [ + "\u2581yacimientos", + -12.973082542419434 + ], + [ + "venida", + -12.871085166931152 + ], + [ + "\u2581necessities", + -12.823719024658203 + ], + [ + "\u2581MEDIDAS", + -12.931294441223145 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vestido", + -12.891256332397461 + ], + [ + "\u2581northeast", + -12.859343528747559 + ], + [ + "\u00e9ri", + -13.139542579650879 + ], + [ + "DAC", + -12.976982116699219 + ], + [ + "nacido", + -13.137564659118652 + ], + [ + "\u2581Treasure", + -12.894928932189941 + ], + [ + "\u2581congratulated", + -12.810137748718262 + ], + [ + "\u2581par\u00e1lisis", + -12.919677734375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rendimiento", + -12.872684478759766 + ], + [ + "\u2581discouraged", + -12.814064025878906 + ], + [ + "\u2581fixtures", + -12.82204532623291 + ], + [ + "those", + -12.796661376953125 + ], + [ + "\u2581ments", + -12.806556701660156 + ], + [ + "Louis", + -13.463900566101074 + ], + [ + "yar", + -12.751823425292969 + ], + [ + "\u2581Shortly", + -12.809248924255371 + ], + [ + "\u2581harvested", + -12.791388511657715 + ], + [ + "\u2581repercut", + -12.922741889953613 + ], + [ + "SPANIC", + -12.915776252746582 + ], + [ + "\u2581bucle", + -13.078001976013184 + ], + [ + "\u2581deviate", + -12.847519874572754 + ], + [ + "\u2581Extract", + -12.836747169494629 + ], + [ + "\u2581Unique", + -12.909744262695312 + ], + [ + "incarnate", + -12.851394653320312 + ], + [ + "\u2581descuido", + -12.91201114654541 + ], + [ + "\u2581poles", + -12.809128761291504 + ], + [ + "++", + -100 + ], + [ + "vendr\u00e1", + -12.893624305725098 + ], + [ + "\u2581blanda", + -12.931451797485352 + ], + [ + "\u2581comparada", + -12.97419261932373 + ], + [ + "\u2581reglamentaria", + -12.949360847473145 + ], + [ + "\u2581Biennial", + -12.84750747680664 + ], + [ + "bek", + -12.8729248046875 + ], + [ + "\u2581arraigado", + -12.908194541931152 + ], + [ + "map", + -12.856799125671387 + ], + [ + "\u2581infractores", + -12.973050117492676 + ], + [ + "North", + -12.799381256103516 + ], + [ + "ogne", + -13.20107650756836 + ], + [ + "\u258118%", + -12.955840110778809 + ], + [ + "\u2581aparec\u00eda", + -12.904397010803223 + ], + [ + "\u2581enojada", + -12.732521057128906 + ], + [ + "\u2581presiding", + -12.868285179138184 + ], + [ + "centre", + -12.775909423828125 + ], + [ + "efficiency", + -12.787897109985352 + ], + [ + "\u2581mentality", + -12.820452690124512 + ], + [ + "\u2581originado", + -12.896291732788086 + ], + [ + "\u2581thirteen", + -12.79037094116211 + ], + [ + "\u2581tranquility", + -12.851058006286621 + ], + [ + "\u2581EDF", + -12.812942504882812 + ], + [ + "\u2581ordnance", + -12.798882484436035 + ], + [ + "\u2581ITU", + -12.816864967346191 + ], + [ + "\u2581estufa", + -12.786538124084473 + ], + [ + "\u2581swept", + -12.849186897277832 + ], + [ + "\u25811800", + -12.828924179077148 + ], + [ + "\u2581formalidades", + -12.82620906829834 + ], + [ + "\u2581obligue", + -12.856293678283691 + ], + [ + "final", + -12.990768432617188 + ], + [ + "Contra", + -12.906904220581055 + ], + [ + "\u2581distract", + -12.83722972869873 + ], + [ + "chol", + -12.883003234863281 + ], + [ + "\u2581LEG", + -13.022345542907715 + ], + [ + "\u2581decorativa", + -12.867362022399902 + ], + [ + "\u2581reproach", + -12.784272193908691 + ], + [ + "\u2581Acknowledging", + -12.937214851379395 + ], + [ + "\u2581portadores", + -12.894674301147461 + ], + [ + "\u2581s\u00e1banas", + -12.776448249816895 + ], + [ + "\u2581FNUDC", + -12.946996688842773 + ], + [ + "\u2581dancers", + -12.876211166381836 + ], + [ + "\u2581peatonal", + -12.906292915344238 + ], + [ + "emblematic", + -12.817852020263672 + ], + [ + "\u2581CPA", + -12.91591739654541 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fellowship", + -12.771514892578125 + ], + [ + "\u2581NCBs", + -12.747596740722656 + ], + [ + "\u2581convertirlo", + -12.945441246032715 + ], + [ + "\u2581filos\u00f3fica", + -12.90439510345459 + ], + [ + "2.4", + -12.576092720031738 + ], + [ + "\u2581automotriz", + -13.010282516479492 + ], + [ + "\u2581awaken", + -12.830012321472168 + ], + [ + "\u2581pensarlo", + -12.75472354888916 + ], + [ + "\u2581Traveleurope", + -12.88747787475586 + ], + [ + "\u2581cries", + -12.822151184082031 + ], + [ + "an\u00e1lisis", + -12.96425724029541 + ], + [ + "\u2581Submit", + -12.807554244995117 + ], + [ + "\u2581comprob\u00f3", + -12.904407501220703 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hom", + -12.446889877319336 + ], + [ + "\u2581destruyendo", + -12.970309257507324 + ], + [ + "\u2581idle", + -12.88681411743164 + ], + [ + "\u2581Movi", + -13.11237907409668 + ], + [ + "\u2581bordado", + -13.010199546813965 + ], + [ + "\u2581cercior", + -13.031622886657715 + ], + [ + "recuerdas", + -12.730460166931152 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pilate", + -12.807172775268555 + ], + [ + "\u2581Yama", + -12.957901000976562 + ], + [ + "\u2581progresado", + -12.882590293884277 + ], + [ + "\u2581topa", + -13.16162109375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Agreed", + -12.835278511047363 + ], + [ + "\u2581glacier", + -12.849187850952148 + ], + [ + "\u2581r\u00fastico", + -13.048955917358398 + ], + [ + "Disfruta", + -12.905229568481445 + ], + [ + "OIEA", + -12.974427223205566 + ], + [ + "\u2581Honestly", + -12.999190330505371 + ], + [ + "\u2581OCT", + -13.002022743225098 + ], + [ + "Crea", + -12.92704963684082 + ], + [ + "\u25813,85", + -12.963754653930664 + ], + [ + "\u25819.1", + -12.80978012084961 + ], + [ + "\u2581bata", + -12.89130973815918 + ], + [ + "\u2581sixteen", + -12.868227005004883 + ], + [ + "\u25814.9", + -12.749899864196777 + ], + [ + "\u2581escucharon", + -12.894259452819824 + ], + [ + "Tener", + -12.982858657836914 + ], + [ + "0).", + -12.811323165893555 + ], + [ + "\u2581Abkhazia", + -12.765412330627441 + ], + [ + "\u2581Departure", + -12.8735933303833 + ], + [ + "\u2581ornament", + -12.787117004394531 + ], + [ + "\u2581terrific", + -12.961931228637695 + ], + [ + "\u2581denies", + -12.839841842651367 + ], + [ + "\u2581shipper", + -12.735429763793945 + ], + [ + "analysis", + -12.755925178527832 + ], + [ + "\u2581documentada", + -13.022356986999512 + ], + [ + "\u2581finalization", + -12.802294731140137 + ], + [ + "\u2581Realty", + -12.915872573852539 + ], + [ + "\u2581avergonzar", + -12.875659942626953 + ], + [ + "\u2581surveyed", + -12.800540924072266 + ], + [ + "funciona", + -12.932323455810547 + ], + [ + "gau", + -13.178221702575684 + ], + [ + "\u2581subcommittee", + -12.8187837600708 + ], + [ + "\u2581BID", + -12.938846588134766 + ], + [ + "fluor", + -12.944337844848633 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rel\u00e1jate", + -12.75826644897461 + ], + [ + "While", + -12.829431533813477 + ], + [ + "\u2581deception", + -12.794983863830566 + ], + [ + "\u2581suburbs", + -12.8159761428833 + ], + [ + "ppen", + -13.285524368286133 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bastante", + -12.694610595703125 + ], + [ + "\u2581excluyendo", + -13.006599426269531 + ], + [ + "\u2581operaba", + -13.06952953338623 + ], + [ + "\u2581reconoci", + -12.866412162780762 + ], + [ + "\u2581fruct\u00edfero", + -12.88934326171875 + ], + [ + "seguir", + -12.952125549316406 + ], + [ + "\u2581credo", + -12.947669982910156 + ], + [ + "\u2581recordaba", + -12.838028907775879 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alexandria", + -12.87450885772705 + ], + [ + "\u2581PARTE", + -12.919349670410156 + ], + [ + "\u2581tendido", + -12.901717185974121 + ], + [ + "\u2581Chronicle", + -12.875144004821777 + ], + [ + "\u2581Esther", + -12.958367347717285 + ], + [ + "\u2581erroneous", + -12.832136154174805 + ], + [ + "\u2581grievance", + -12.882407188415527 + ], + [ + "\u2581BAS", + -12.939862251281738 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mosque", + -12.889673233032227 + ], + [ + "\u2581Proverbs", + -12.78588581085205 + ], + [ + "\u2581difunda", + -12.953170776367188 + ], + [ + "BIL", + -13.018857955932617 + ], + [ + "tinib", + -12.953729629516602 + ], + [ + "\u2581impositivo", + -12.8800687789917 + ], + [ + "\u2581remover", + -12.89649772644043 + ], + [ + "\u2581analice", + -12.910957336425781 + ], + [ + "\u2581aclare", + -12.930441856384277 + ], + [ + "\u2581entablado", + -12.869009971618652 + ], + [ + "\u2581liderado", + -13.01147174835205 + ], + [ + "\u2581expeditious", + -12.76292896270752 + ], + [ + "\u2581gemelos", + -12.861719131469727 + ], + [ + "\u2581Recipe", + -12.822049140930176 + ], + [ + "\u2581constrained", + -12.775280952453613 + ], + [ + "\u2581remotely", + -12.97252368927002 + ], + [ + "\u2581perdone", + -12.707231521606445 + ], + [ + "\u2581pleasing", + -12.83387565612793 + ], + [ + "\u2581salpica", + -12.869155883789062 + ], + [ + "\u2581Contrataci\u00f3n", + -12.88199520111084 + ], + [ + "\u2581abandonan", + -12.665952682495117 + ], + [ + "\u2581evapora", + -12.945052146911621 + ], + [ + "\u2581donate", + -12.871875762939453 + ], + [ + "\u2581recurrido", + -12.956937789916992 + ], + [ + "\u2581sabotage", + -12.850908279418945 + ], + [ + "0,5%", + -12.956327438354492 + ], + [ + "\u2581304", + -12.816197395324707 + ], + [ + "\u2581hindered", + -12.800257682800293 + ], + [ + "utodeterminaci\u00f3n", + -12.933243751525879 + ], + [ + "\u2581divertirse", + -12.8047456741333 + ], + [ + "\u2581ascend\u00edan", + -12.887565612792969 + ], + [ + "ocracy", + -13.12120532989502 + ], + [ + "\u2581Customize", + -12.917370796203613 + ], + [ + "\u2581gamble", + -12.954261779785156 + ], + [ + "LIS", + -13.086075782775879 + ], + [ + "ffy", + -12.967960357666016 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cream", + -12.871016502380371 + ], + [ + "\u2581emp\u00edrica", + -13.033738136291504 + ], + [ + "\u2581ninety", + -12.773895263671875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Conductor", + -13.037321090698242 + ], + [ + "\u2581rectify", + -12.820381164550781 + ], + [ + "Muchas", + -12.840587615966797 + ], + [ + "modern", + -12.796119689941406 + ], + [ + "\u2581[12]", + -13.480498313903809 + ], + [ + "\u2581entend\u00ed", + -12.733292579650879 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00c1lvaro", + -12.950960159301758 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fay", + -12.84107780456543 + ], + [ + "\u2581accusation", + -12.797968864440918 + ], + [ + "\u2581Silence", + -12.916831970214844 + ], + [ + "tourism", + -12.83957290649414 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cotton", + -12.800530433654785 + ], + [ + "\u2581Danubio", + -13.044584274291992 + ], + [ + "\u2581NSA", + -12.916898727416992 + ], + [ + "oun", + -12.611686706542969 + ], + [ + "\u2581pioneering", + -12.8485107421875 + ], + [ + "\u2581sirvieron", + -12.977121353149414 + ], + [ + "\u2581subsistema", + -12.96107292175293 + ], + [ + "centred", + -12.838306427001953 + ], + [ + "opathic", + -13.282991409301758 + ], + [ + "\u2581ingrese", + -12.836692810058594 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cooperativa", + -12.933246612548828 + ], + [ + "\u2581torque", + -12.765228271484375 + ], + [ + "\u2581ESPECIALES", + -12.917853355407715 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mancha", + -12.96426773071289 + ], + [ + "\u2581cache", + -12.822863578796387 + ], + [ + "\u2581Brigade", + -12.889620780944824 + ], + [ + "\u2581aburrida", + -12.783143997192383 + ], + [ + "\u2581comenzar\u00eda", + -12.91847038269043 + ], + [ + "\u2581Separate", + -12.828766822814941 + ], + [ + "\u2581UNPROFOR", + -12.73050594329834 + ], + [ + "volved", + -12.812898635864258 + ], + [ + "\u2581intacto", + -12.878206253051758 + ], + [ + "\u2581stumble", + -12.887784957885742 + ], + [ + "\u2581(12)", + -12.793585777282715 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jubilee", + -12.85435962677002 + ], + [ + "\u2581IMPLEMENTATION", + -12.849186897277832 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lic", + -12.896042823791504 + ], + [ + "\u2581langosta", + -12.913933753967285 + ], + [ + "\u2581legisla", + -13.020962715148926 + ], + [ + "\u2581abandonaron", + -12.913445472717285 + ], + [ + "\u2581dizziness", + -12.83552360534668 + ], + [ + "\u2581hopeful", + -12.796197891235352 + ], + [ + "\u2581slain", + -12.867758750915527 + ], + [ + "\u2581Claude", + -12.877093315124512 + ], + [ + "\u2581conociera", + -12.794535636901855 + ], + [ + "\u2581pedag\u00f3gica", + -12.904396057128906 + ], + [ + "\u2581Caza", + -12.97730827331543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Authentic", + -12.83382797241211 + ], + [ + "\u2581Textile", + -12.794332504272461 + ], + [ + "\u2581Monster", + -12.924389839172363 + ], + [ + "\u2581imaginario", + -12.845992088317871 + ], + [ + "\u2581prostitutes", + -12.880280494689941 + ], + [ + "112", + -12.73914909362793 + ], + [ + "agent", + -12.779496192932129 + ], + [ + "\u2581erode", + -12.916996955871582 + ], + [ + "\u2581prolonga", + -12.794148445129395 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bradley", + -13.424897193908691 + ], + [ + "\u2581h\u00fangara", + -12.946996688842773 + ], + [ + "\u2581Twelfth", + -12.85435962677002 + ], + [ + "\u2581checklist", + -12.819167137145996 + ], + [ + "ethylene", + -12.83373737335205 + ], + [ + "refoulement", + -12.85608959197998 + ], + [ + "\u2581irritation", + -12.776246070861816 + ], + [ + "\u2581Patriarch", + -12.894936561584473 + ], + [ + "\u2581veinticinco", + -12.925469398498535 + ], + [ + "\u2581Formular", + -12.952054023742676 + ], + [ + "\u2581Organize", + -12.858860969543457 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pel\u00edcula", + -12.929364204406738 + ], + [ + "\u2581Recover", + -12.774452209472656 + ], + [ + "C\u00f3digo", + -12.888184547424316 + ], + [ + "conoce", + -12.779184341430664 + ], + [ + "\u2581grantor", + -12.737553596496582 + ], + [ + "\u2581puntaje", + -12.93389892578125 + ], + [ + "CNS", + -12.9920015335083 + ], + [ + "violence", + -12.807619094848633 + ], + [ + "\u258116%", + -12.973390579223633 + ], + [ + "\u2581Obliga", + -12.934988975524902 + ], + [ + "\u2581Complejo", + -12.966978073120117 + ], + [ + "\u2581lingerie", + -12.75411319732666 + ], + [ + "\u2581recreaci\u00f3n", + -12.955787658691406 + ], + [ + "Karabaj", + -12.92160701751709 + ], + [ + "brand", + -12.885552406311035 + ], + [ + "\u2581Actual", + -12.854795455932617 + ], + [ + "\u2581estudien", + -12.932809829711914 + ], + [ + "\u2581emprendimiento", + -13.025144577026367 + ], + [ + "continua", + -12.986416816711426 + ], + [ + "\u2581empezar\u00e1", + -12.735098838806152 + ], + [ + "\u2581evasi\u00f3n", + -12.865418434143066 + ], + [ + "Kenya", + -13.554469108581543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Frecuencia", + -12.979185104370117 + ], + [ + "\u2581Guar", + -13.208418846130371 + ], + [ + "\u2581POLICY", + -12.782662391662598 + ], + [ + "\u2581rebuilt", + -12.85628604888916 + ], + [ + "\u2581Affirm", + -13.075907707214355 + ], + [ + "\u2581diecis\u00e9is", + -12.952948570251465 + ], + [ + "\u2581Amelia", + -13.536009788513184 + ], + [ + "\u2581Surround", + -12.840653419494629 + ], + [ + "\u2581abr\u00ed", + -12.828527450561523 + ], + [ + "\u2581Speakers", + -12.853628158569336 + ], + [ + "\u2581divergentes", + -12.973050117492676 + ], + [ + "LCA", + -12.891154289245605 + ], + [ + "plement", + -13.214055061340332 + ], + [ + "\u2581downstream", + -12.875951766967773 + ], + [ + "\u2581penalizaci\u00f3n", + -12.875028610229492 + ], + [ + "\u2581tribulaci\u00f3n", + -12.93134593963623 + ], + [ + "\u2581Revenue", + -12.782662391662598 + ], + [ + "\u2581cruda", + -12.959188461303711 + ], + [ + "\u2581latitude", + -12.832479476928711 + ], + [ + "\u2581messed", + -13.074560165405273 + ], + [ + "\u2581num\u00e9rica", + -13.068867683410645 + ], + [ + "fuerzo", + -12.94035816192627 + ], + [ + "\u2581EAGGF", + -12.76196002960205 + ], + [ + "\u2581indemnizar", + -13.026590347290039 + ], + [ + "\u2581martyrs", + -12.879073143005371 + ], + [ + "ometric", + -12.96445369720459 + ], + [ + "\u2581reassure", + -12.905791282653809 + ], + [ + "\u2581NGV", + -12.810585975646973 + ], + [ + "\u2581Batalla", + -12.999802589416504 + ], + [ + "\u2581bondage", + -12.891728401184082 + ], + [ + "\u2581330", + -12.825840950012207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hampton", + -13.567584991455078 + ], + [ + "\u2581sencillez", + -12.987364768981934 + ], + [ + "solid", + -12.864989280700684 + ], + [ + "\u2581predicci\u00f3n", + -13.026329040527344 + ], + [ + "\u2581renueva", + -12.927922248840332 + ], + [ + "Gaceta", + -13.05662727355957 + ], + [ + "\u2581cohete", + -12.840914726257324 + ], + [ + "\u2581compounded", + -12.823580741882324 + ], + [ + "\u2581fuse", + -12.78319263458252 + ], + [ + "\u2581may\u00fascula", + -12.86353588104248 + ], + [ + "\u2581v\u00e1monos", + -12.705650329589844 + ], + [ + "UTH", + -13.136468887329102 + ], + [ + "\u2581Producer", + -12.873937606811523 + ], + [ + "\u2581furia", + -12.848061561584473 + ], + [ + "ulum", + -13.484176635742188 + ], + [ + "\u2581longterm", + -12.874496459960938 + ], + [ + "\u2581pa\u00f1al", + -12.820898056030273 + ], + [ + "\u2581PPP", + -12.943239212036133 + ], + [ + "\u2581Punish", + -12.818622589111328 + ], + [ + "\u2581Watchtower", + -12.8153715133667 + ], + [ + "\u2581bestow", + -12.801405906677246 + ], + [ + "\u2581brigade", + -12.920454978942871 + ], + [ + "\u2581recount", + -12.84946346282959 + ], + [ + "\u2581bebi", + -12.882695198059082 + ], + [ + "\u2581flowering", + -12.95830249786377 + ], + [ + "tool", + -12.918487548828125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vacation", + -12.842363357543945 + ], + [ + "\u2581dici\u00e9ndole", + -12.927407264709473 + ], + [ + "ignition", + -12.864787101745605 + ], + [ + "oud", + -12.590082168579102 + ], + [ + "\u2581mobilise", + -12.873766899108887 + ], + [ + "\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581PREMI", + -12.823747634887695 + ], + [ + "\u2581conjunci\u00f3n", + -12.887483596801758 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuidando", + -12.849035263061523 + ], + [ + "\u2581holandesa", + -12.943047523498535 + ], + [ + "\u2581impermeable", + -12.919677734375 + ], + [ + "\u2581FORM", + -12.704439163208008 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tranquila", + -12.710295677185059 + ], + [ + "\u2581asemeja", + -12.943053245544434 + ], + [ + "\u2581comprender\u00e1", + -12.7076416015625 + ], + [ + "\u2581coupling", + -12.88438606262207 + ], + [ + "\u2581evitado", + -12.842231750488281 + ], + [ + "\u2581mejilla", + -12.771470069885254 + ], + [ + "\u2581orificio", + -12.900611877441406 + ], + [ + "\u2581Explotaci\u00f3n", + -13.014506340026855 + ], + [ + "\u2581unfounded", + -12.851070404052734 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hero", + -12.930636405944824 + ], + [ + "\u2581rotura", + -13.023365020751953 + ], + [ + "\u2581Surf", + -12.835942268371582 + ], + [ + "\u2581recom", + -12.971917152404785 + ], + [ + "although", + -12.783405303955078 + ], + [ + "\u2581Brit\u00e1nico", + -12.84193229675293 + ], + [ + "\u2581subsidized", + -12.872529983520508 + ], + [ + "abri", + -13.132590293884277 + ], + [ + "digit", + -12.728270530700684 + ], + [ + "\u2581indefinitely", + -12.794759750366211 + ], + [ + "\u2581regocija", + -13.000819206237793 + ], + [ + "\u2581balneario", + -12.997716903686523 + ], + [ + "NOT", + -12.956048011779785 + ], + [ + "\u2581GEI", + -12.940550804138184 + ], + [ + "\u2581coincidir", + -12.87335205078125 + ], + [ + "\u2581carnal", + -12.996481895446777 + ], + [ + "\u2581doblar", + -12.998546600341797 + ], + [ + "\u2581propondr\u00e1", + -12.937156677246094 + ], + [ + "\u2581transcript", + -12.798852920532227 + ], + [ + "\u2581ayuna", + -12.959553718566895 + ], + [ + "\u2581rampa", + -12.912304878234863 + ], + [ + "\u2581predecible", + -12.910099029541016 + ], + [ + "\u2581empap", + -12.84060001373291 + ], + [ + "\u2581acelere", + -12.899261474609375 + ], + [ + "\u2581oprimidos", + -12.999874114990234 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dinero", + -12.961116790771484 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pedimos", + -12.850948333740234 + ], + [ + "entileza", + -13.002030372619629 + ], + [ + "February", + -12.88166332244873 + ], + [ + "\u2581psychotropic", + -12.784417152404785 + ], + [ + "\u2581251", + -12.802375793457031 + ], + [ + "\u2581continual", + -12.756634712219238 + ], + [ + "\u2581microscope", + -12.789144515991211 + ], + [ + "Llama", + -12.735506057739258 + ], + [ + "\u2581Comparta", + -12.917776107788086 + ], + [ + "\u2581Latvian", + -12.783157348632812 + ], + [ + "\u2581refinement", + -12.879618644714355 + ], + [ + "reason", + -13.172637939453125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tie", + -13.008727073669434 + ], + [ + "\u2581spear", + -12.887722969055176 + ], + [ + "\u2581entailed", + -12.73863697052002 + ], + [ + "\u2581Journalists", + -12.866995811462402 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tigre", + -12.898158073425293 + ], + [ + "\u2581escribo", + -12.896848678588867 + ], + [ + "\u2581periodicidad", + -12.987364768981934 + ], + [ + "\u2581surpass", + -12.849863052368164 + ], + [ + "patient", + -12.799895286560059 + ], + [ + "\u2581francamente", + -12.858766555786133 + ], + [ + "\u2581higi\u00e9nico", + -12.983254432678223 + ], + [ + "\u2581skies", + -12.927929878234863 + ], + [ + "\u2581tuber\u00eda", + -12.791744232177734 + ], + [ + "\u2581cheerful", + -12.80677604675293 + ], + [ + "\u2581interpuesto", + -12.954739570617676 + ], + [ + "meeting", + -12.774968147277832 + ], + [ + "professional", + -12.878091812133789 + ], + [ + "\u2581213", + -12.893512725830078 + ], + [ + "\u2581survivor", + -12.853196144104004 + ], + [ + "Belgium", + -12.807619094848633 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dispositivo", + -12.878214836120605 + ], + [ + "clude", + -12.847186088562012 + ], + [ + "prising", + -12.790349006652832 + ], + [ + "\u2581Compilation", + -12.900344848632812 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reception", + -12.870275497436523 + ], + [ + "\u2581Seeds", + -12.862373352050781 + ], + [ + "\u2581thirsty", + -12.924860000610352 + ], + [ + "\u2581votar\u00e1", + -13.044267654418945 + ], + [ + "Luke", + -12.878621101379395 + ], + [ + "mocr\u00e1ticamente", + -12.969385147094727 + ], + [ + "\u2581Papi", + -12.778502464294434 + ], + [ + "1-3", + -12.892684936523438 + ], + [ + "\u2581ac\u00fastico", + -12.981204986572266 + ], + [ + "\u2581rotten", + -12.944854736328125 + ], + [ + "hee", + -12.964452743530273 + ], + [ + "\u2581microscopio", + -12.975138664245605 + ], + [ + "\u2581Federados", + -12.756677627563477 + ], + [ + "\u2581majestic", + -12.842331886291504 + ], + [ + "\u2581reanud\u00f3", + -12.96094036102295 + ], + [ + "fesional", + -13.048710823059082 + ], + [ + "pex", + -13.070752143859863 + ], + [ + "\u2581Esfera", + -13.019695281982422 + ], + [ + "\u2581hepato", + -13.518477439880371 + ], + [ + "Historia", + -12.978531837463379 + ], + [ + "\u2581Acoso", + -13.027602195739746 + ], + [ + "\u2581Circuit", + -12.920454978942871 + ], + [ + "\u2581sampled", + -12.7647123336792 + ], + [ + "\u2581spokesperson", + -12.808744430541992 + ], + [ + "\u2581vence", + -12.88584041595459 + ], + [ + "Su\u00e9ltame", + -12.691733360290527 + ], + [ + "\u2581mindful", + -12.752829551696777 + ], + [ + "\u2581oyeron", + -12.900224685668945 + ], + [ + "\u2581gosh", + -12.969647407531738 + ], + [ + "\u2581simplicidad", + -12.97916030883789 + ], + [ + "\u2581decorate", + -12.945656776428223 + ], + [ + "tengan", + -12.796167373657227 + ], + [ + "\u2581Catalog", + -12.891528129577637 + ], + [ + "\u2581carbohydrate", + -12.840624809265137 + ], + [ + "\u2581visually", + -12.906806945800781 + ], + [ + "ENS", + -12.854036331176758 + ], + [ + "pobl", + -13.007925033569336 + ], + [ + "\u2581patrimonial", + -12.937153816223145 + ], + [ + "\u2581profetiza", + -12.950390815734863 + ], + [ + "icamente", + -12.743165016174316 + ], + [ + "\u2581matices", + -12.908203125 + ], + [ + "\u2581acomoda", + -12.827713966369629 + ], + [ + "\u2581prorrogado", + -13.016864776611328 + ], + [ + "\u2581sterile", + -12.807095527648926 + ], + [ + "\u2581extremidades", + -12.935589790344238 + ], + [ + "\u2581amamos", + -12.835217475891113 + ], + [ + "\u2581deducted", + -12.786930084228516 + ], + [ + "ipersensibilidad", + -13.006077766418457 + ], + [ + "\u2581Featuring", + -12.85782241821289 + ], + [ + "\u2581Herod", + -12.888001441955566 + ], + [ + "\u2581congestion", + -12.842331886291504 + ], + [ + "\u2581constatado", + -12.972282409667969 + ], + [ + "\u2581irrevocable", + -13.412066459655762 + ], + [ + "\u2581respiratoria", + -12.885144233703613 + ], + [ + "\u2581B\u00e1rbara", + -12.908194541931152 + ], + [ + "\u2581Comunitaria", + -12.902512550354004 + ], + [ + "\u2581visualize", + -12.889565467834473 + ], + [ + "\u2581Serve", + -12.913080215454102 + ], + [ + "\u2581harta", + -12.777451515197754 + ], + [ + "\u2581quarantine", + -12.880630493164062 + ], + [ + "\u25aa", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581recognis", + -12.79505729675293 + ], + [ + "Jack", + -12.758845329284668 + ], + [ + "\u25817.3", + -12.875988960266113 + ], + [ + "\u2581Layer", + -12.764802932739258 + ], + [ + "1986", + -12.85622501373291 + ], + [ + "tuit", + -12.928971290588379 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jordanian", + -12.931547164916992 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mystery", + -12.864786148071289 + ], + [ + "\u2581cc", + -12.848736763000488 + ], + [ + "\u2581culinary", + -12.785884857177734 + ], + [ + "\u2581dividendos", + -12.887879371643066 + ], + [ + "\u2581enlightened", + -12.874491691589355 + ], + [ + "\u2581Inspira", + -13.06278133392334 + ], + [ + "ISS", + -12.892152786254883 + ], + [ + "lav", + -12.750423431396484 + ], + [ + "\u2581bachelor", + -12.905789375305176 + ], + [ + "\u2581entrepreneur", + -12.8441801071167 + ], + [ + "Review", + -12.834632873535156 + ], + [ + "\u2581RESOLUTION", + -12.782662391662598 + ], + [ + "\u2581outsourcing", + -12.874516487121582 + ], + [ + "\u2581ringing", + -12.928670883178711 + ], + [ + "Marine", + -12.914795875549316 + ], + [ + "\u2581Crimea", + -12.981209754943848 + ], + [ + "\u2581compensado", + -12.847078323364258 + ], + [ + "\u2581infundada", + -12.964972496032715 + ], + [ + "\u2581maligna", + -12.96095085144043 + ], + [ + "\u2581posgrado", + -12.937222480773926 + ], + [ + "\u2581predominant", + -12.897927284240723 + ], + [ + "\u2581depreciation", + -12.894928932189941 + ], + [ + "\u2581expiaci\u00f3n", + -12.933243751525879 + ], + [ + "\u2581paterna", + -12.88399600982666 + ], + [ + "\u2581representen", + -12.913200378417969 + ], + [ + "accept", + -13.107723236083984 + ], + [ + "\u2581Normally", + -12.870805740356445 + ], + [ + "\u2581PNB", + -12.973395347595215 + ], + [ + "\u2581ballistic", + -12.886178970336914 + ], + [ + "\u2581funcionaria", + -12.996150970458984 + ], + [ + "\u2581motivaciones", + -12.961220741271973 + ], + [ + "\u2581multiplicado", + -12.910611152648926 + ], + [ + "\u2581unequivocal", + -12.834914207458496 + ], + [ + "\u2581Burdeos", + -13.044584274291992 + ], + [ + "\u2581impune", + -12.926962852478027 + ], + [ + "MAT", + -12.924371719360352 + ], + [ + "Recuerda", + -12.756718635559082 + ], + [ + "folio", + -13.02554702758789 + ], + [ + "\u2581redouble", + -12.808867454528809 + ], + [ + "\u2581Certificaci\u00f3n", + -12.989490509033203 + ], + [ + "\u2581Clasifica", + -13.01462173461914 + ], + [ + "\u2581sacrifica", + -12.842277526855469 + ], + [ + "\u2581Highly", + -12.818350791931152 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lama", + -12.824162483215332 + ], + [ + "\u2581comprendan", + -12.930988311767578 + ], + [ + "\u25815.0", + -12.83408260345459 + ], + [ + "\u2581Anillo", + -12.911351203918457 + ], + [ + "\u2581messengers", + -12.812790870666504 + ], + [ + "\u2581surgiendo", + -12.906292915344238 + ], + [ + "ALE", + -12.879141807556152 + ], + [ + "\u2581huyendo", + -12.783864974975586 + ], + [ + "\u2581inhibidor", + -12.897669792175293 + ], + [ + "eficacia", + -12.999300003051758 + ], + [ + "Contacto", + -12.924518585205078 + ], + [ + "\u2581conservador", + -12.886507987976074 + ], + [ + "\u2581humid", + -12.80371379852295 + ], + [ + "JU", + -12.802974700927734 + ], + [ + "incompatibilidad", + -13.129071235656738 + ], + [ + "\u2581blatant", + -12.859559059143066 + ], + [ + "\u2581parked", + -12.958123207092285 + ], + [ + "porcentaje", + -13.016226768493652 + ], + [ + "signar\u00e1n", + -13.144074440002441 + ], + [ + "\u2581Concepci\u00f3n", + -12.916994094848633 + ], + [ + "\u2581discernimiento", + -12.919677734375 + ], + [ + "\u2581reestructurar", + -12.975268363952637 + ], + [ + "\u2581decenal", + -12.967040061950684 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lau", + -12.802374839782715 + ], + [ + "\u2581Occupation", + -12.87137222290039 + ], + [ + "\u2581Si\u00e9ntese", + -12.69942569732666 + ], + [ + "\u2581Basically", + -12.893474578857422 + ], + [ + "partidista", + -12.92758846282959 + ], + [ + "thru", + -12.858824729919434 + ], + [ + "\u2581grandson", + -12.958430290222168 + ], + [ + "\u2581intuitiva", + -12.896841049194336 + ], + [ + "guan", + -13.179877281188965 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tho", + -13.231894493103027 + ], + [ + "\u2581pathway", + -12.860027313232422 + ], + [ + "\u2581banquet", + -12.950206756591797 + ], + [ + "\u2581cruelty", + -12.87576961517334 + ], + [ + "\u2581metano", + -12.850494384765625 + ], + [ + "\u2581reiteradamente", + -12.967925071716309 + ], + [ + "Restaurant", + -12.98021125793457 + ], + [ + "phyl", + -13.122235298156738 + ], + [ + "\u2581Employ", + -12.880335807800293 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reproduc", + -13.034024238586426 + ], + [ + "\u2581incrementando", + -13.033227920532227 + ], + [ + "r\u00ede", + -12.729910850524902 + ], + [ + "\u2581MOV", + -12.909420013427734 + ], + [ + "\u2581agrario", + -13.011260032653809 + ], + [ + "\u2581dr\u00e1stica", + -12.966438293457031 + ], + [ + "\u2581pistol", + -12.965790748596191 + ], + [ + "\u2581poetic", + -12.861525535583496 + ], + [ + "\u2581reformul", + -12.893085479736328 + ], + [ + "ERRA", + -13.0126314163208 + ], + [ + "nitro", + -12.874307632446289 + ], + [ + "\u00c9N", + -12.991761207580566 + ], + [ + "\u2581mud\u00f3", + -12.929525375366211 + ], + [ + "\u2581vinagre", + -12.84908390045166 + ], + [ + "\u2581Arrest", + -12.854472160339355 + ], + [ + "\u2581practicando", + -12.801803588867188 + ], + [ + "Pakist\u00e1n", + -12.968305587768555 + ], + [ + "Reserva", + -12.978534698486328 + ], + [ + "\u2581223", + -12.862296104431152 + ], + [ + "\u2581C\u00e1diz", + -13.001888275146484 + ], + [ + "\u2581D\u00e9je", + -12.758617401123047 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rig", + -12.953537940979004 + ], + [ + "\u2581cajero", + -12.87654972076416 + ], + [ + "\u2581grandma", + -12.888958930969238 + ], + [ + "\u2581articulate", + -12.91799259185791 + ], + [ + "\u2581polio", + -12.876108169555664 + ], + [ + "\u2581silicio", + -12.948980331420898 + ], + [ + "\u2581remembrance", + -12.905789375305176 + ], + [ + "OHCHR", + -12.822672843933105 + ], + [ + "informe", + -12.82526969909668 + ], + [ + "\u2581requirente", + -12.973050117492676 + ], + [ + "\u2581vertiente", + -13.035941123962402 + ], + [ + "\u2581northwest", + -12.842507362365723 + ], + [ + "Debemos", + -12.79107666015625 + ], + [ + "\u2581ABC", + -12.944664001464844 + ], + [ + "\u2581Grad", + -12.972489356994629 + ], + [ + "\u2581grease", + -12.94101619720459 + ], + [ + "\u2581hila", + -12.988056182861328 + ], + [ + "\u2581revelada", + -12.980670928955078 + ], + [ + "shing", + -12.822606086730957 + ], + [ + "\u2581allergy", + -12.856096267700195 + ], + [ + "\u2581ambassadors", + -12.85258674621582 + ], + [ + "/2/", + -12.7933988571167 + ], + [ + "\u2581destructivo", + -12.939445495605469 + ], + [ + "oxide", + -12.777547836303711 + ], + [ + "transfer", + -12.835909843444824 + ], + [ + "\u2581brotherhood", + -12.837397575378418 + ], + [ + "\u2581precedido", + -12.964961051940918 + ], + [ + "\u2581Disk", + -12.881887435913086 + ], + [ + "\u2581Keyboard", + -12.989446640014648 + ], + [ + "inflamatorio", + -13.016980171203613 + ], + [ + "\u2581CONCLUSIONES", + -12.950960159301758 + ], + [ + "\u2581disable", + -12.829132080078125 + ], + [ + "Educa", + -12.830589294433594 + ], + [ + "pinned", + -12.942986488342285 + ], + [ + "\u2581Empowerment", + -12.913095474243164 + ], + [ + "\u2581Representaci\u00f3n", + -13.017303466796875 + ], + [ + "\u2581prestatario", + -12.851081848144531 + ], + [ + "agged", + -12.899253845214844 + ], + [ + "\u2581agradecida", + -12.86718463897705 + ], + [ + "\u2581Estar\u00eda", + -12.800422668457031 + ], + [ + "\u2581presupuestado", + -13.016045570373535 + ], + [ + "\u2581liso", + -12.960648536682129 + ], + [ + "\u2581redujeron", + -12.941079139709473 + ], + [ + "\u2581Giorgio", + -13.463813781738281 + ], + [ + "\u2581Household", + -12.88171672821045 + ], + [ + "\u2581Classical", + -12.849413871765137 + ], + [ + "\u2581Missing", + -12.856504440307617 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pill", + -12.82435131072998 + ], + [ + "\u2581compressor", + -12.824665069580078 + ], + [ + "\u2581Regardless", + -12.911263465881348 + ], + [ + "\u2581excl", + -12.906214714050293 + ], + [ + "grant", + -13.205279350280762 + ], + [ + "\u2581footsteps", + -12.84233283996582 + ], + [ + "\u2581inundaci\u00f3n", + -12.96966552734375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lagoon", + -12.946124076843262 + ], + [ + "\u2581Principality", + -12.7991361618042 + ], + [ + "\u2581inflammatory", + -12.79434585571289 + ], + [ + "Latin", + -12.832117080688477 + ], + [ + "\u2581integren", + -12.977649688720703 + ], + [ + "\u2581propietaria", + -12.975082397460938 + ], + [ + "\u2581hopeless", + -12.928427696228027 + ], + [ + "\u2581boicot", + -13.08474063873291 + ], + [ + "\u2581bum", + -13.036941528320312 + ], + [ + "\u2581finite", + -12.859649658203125 + ], + [ + "Republic", + -12.797795295715332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Enseguida", + -12.791574478149414 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fija", + -13.00132942199707 + ], + [ + "\u2581patented", + -12.952204704284668 + ], + [ + "\u2581averg", + -12.799713134765625 + ], + [ + "\u2581nulidad", + -12.965011596679688 + ], + [ + "ready", + -12.844856262207031 + ], + [ + "\u2581imponible", + -12.956936836242676 + ], + [ + "\u2581Meg", + -12.933014869689941 + ], + [ + "\u2581pa\u00f1o", + -12.932926177978516 + ], + [ + "PK", + -12.831106185913086 + ], + [ + "Tipo", + -12.969379425048828 + ], + [ + "\u2581evaluando", + -12.93372917175293 + ], + [ + "\u2581Horizonte", + -13.012967109680176 + ], + [ + "\u2581businessmen", + -12.821235656738281 + ], + [ + "\u2581fraudulenta", + -12.948976516723633 + ], + [ + "\u2581Escribir", + -12.935908317565918 + ], + [ + "\u2581manoeuvre", + -12.769871711730957 + ], + [ + "DEN", + -12.929267883300781 + ], + [ + "nueve", + -12.894229888916016 + ], + [ + "\u2581modality", + -12.852643966674805 + ], + [ + "ATOR", + -13.463471412658691 + ], + [ + "pr", + -12.451446533203125 + ], + [ + "\u2581lag", + -12.745584487915039 + ], + [ + "\u2581thrombo", + -13.693794250488281 + ], + [ + "arro", + -13.028979301452637 + ], + [ + "\u2581Babe", + -13.080804824829102 + ], + [ + "\u2581fragment", + -12.851236343383789 + ], + [ + "\u2581exigi\u00f3", + -12.910099029541016 + ], + [ + "/49", + -12.737066268920898 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hagamos", + -12.784636497497559 + ], + [ + "\u2581NH", + -12.78555965423584 + ], + [ + "\u2581flank", + -12.887760162353516 + ], + [ + "\u2581residency", + -12.854375839233398 + ], + [ + "\u2581Amend", + -12.891122817993164 + ], + [ + "\u2581contramedidas", + -12.894962310791016 + ], + [ + "\u2581yogur", + -12.992959976196289 + ], + [ + "\u2581acertado", + -12.869070053100586 + ], + [ + "\u2581imperiosa", + -12.97092056274414 + ], + [ + "\u2581nationalism", + -12.818737983703613 + ], + [ + "SPECIAL", + -12.934884071350098 + ], + [ + "\u2581llev\u00e9", + -12.741341590881348 + ], + [ + "\u2581peanut", + -12.97940731048584 + ], + [ + "\u2581adhered", + -12.851343154907227 + ], + [ + "\u2581apuro", + -12.842642784118652 + ], + [ + "\u2581authentication", + -12.821145057678223 + ], + [ + "\u2581entrevist\u00f3", + -12.925470352172852 + ], + [ + "emplea", + -13.469270706176758 + ], + [ + "\u2581delegar", + -12.974745750427246 + ], + [ + "\u2581pincel", + -12.897053718566895 + ], + [ + "\u2581questionable", + -12.881353378295898 + ], + [ + "\u2581rastreadores", + -12.951082229614258 + ], + [ + "\u25812.9", + -12.898600578308105 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nikki", + -13.497504234313965 + ], + [ + "\u2581encompassing", + -12.874810218811035 + ], + [ + "Alquiler", + -12.893834114074707 + ], + [ + "\u2581mantengamos", + -12.960838317871094 + ], + [ + "Make", + -12.89551830291748 + ], + [ + "\u2581Martinez", + -12.909631729125977 + ], + [ + "\u2581maternoinfantil", + -12.964961051940918 + ], + [ + "Follow", + -12.940557479858398 + ], + [ + "Pedestrian", + -12.769871711730957 + ], + [ + "\u2581apego", + -12.923738479614258 + ], + [ + "\u2581oppress", + -12.861738204956055 + ], + [ + "\u2581Brief", + -12.950815200805664 + ], + [ + "\u2581escapado", + -12.850761413574219 + ], + [ + "\u2581Guideline", + -12.78366470336914 + ], + [ + "\u2581antecede", + -12.888511657714844 + ], + [ + "\u2581hablen", + -12.825206756591797 + ], + [ + "\u2581pickup", + -12.851278305053711 + ], + [ + "\u2581canalizar", + -12.940750122070312 + ], + [ + "\u2581imaginary", + -12.89853572845459 + ], + [ + "\u2581itinerante", + -13.042405128479004 + ], + [ + "\u2581slightest", + -12.939315795898438 + ], + [ + "\u2581validate", + -12.776631355285645 + ], + [ + "racial", + -12.832676887512207 + ], + [ + "Give", + -12.875548362731934 + ], + [ + "nak", + -12.822441101074219 + ], + [ + "changing", + -12.839735984802246 + ], + [ + "poblaci\u00f3n", + -13.001482009887695 + ], + [ + "\u2581hitherto", + -12.840624809265137 + ], + [ + "\u2581audition", + -13.10124397277832 + ], + [ + "\u2581turbina", + -12.941085815429688 + ], + [ + "\u2581Consigue", + -12.858391761779785 + ], + [ + "\u2581escuchar\u00e1", + -12.843914985656738 + ], + [ + "\u2581inspirador", + -13.061686515808105 + ], + [ + "\u2581constraint", + -12.809523582458496 + ], + [ + "\u2581converge", + -12.84238338470459 + ], + [ + "\u2581indocumentados", + -12.981204986572266 + ], + [ + "\u2581proyect", + -12.876380920410156 + ], + [ + "\u2581templado", + -13.023030281066895 + ], + [ + "\u2581tocaba", + -13.008196830749512 + ], + [ + "\u2581transgression", + -12.91933536529541 + ], + [ + "\u2581PET", + -12.80824089050293 + ], + [ + "\u2581ditch", + -12.972461700439453 + ], + [ + "\u2581liturgia", + -12.927407264709473 + ], + [ + "eering", + -12.923750877380371 + ], + [ + "\u2581Revision", + -12.762223243713379 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wasn", + -12.996322631835938 + ], + [ + "segundo", + -13.046964645385742 + ], + [ + "\u2581establo", + -12.863286018371582 + ], + [ + "\u2581planifica", + -12.794589042663574 + ], + [ + "\u2581Presencia", + -12.91599178314209 + ], + [ + "\u2581reciprocity", + -12.790740013122559 + ], + [ + "\u2581amargo", + -13.053424835205078 + ], + [ + "\u2581BP", + -12.834168434143066 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ciclo", + -13.038131713867188 + ], + [ + "\u2581coordine", + -13.02943229675293 + ], + [ + "\u2581generalized", + -12.877363204956055 + ], + [ + "\u2581gesta", + -13.079347610473633 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vieja", + -13.014774322509766 + ], + [ + "\u2581carcasa", + -13.042407989501953 + ], + [ + "bred", + -12.997061729431152 + ], + [ + "\u2581estipuladas", + -12.90099048614502 + ], + [ + "\u2581obsoleto", + -13.02943229675293 + ], + [ + "\u2581offended", + -12.944432258605957 + ], + [ + "kle", + -12.8262357711792 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nutri", + -12.993513107299805 + ], + [ + "\u2581colaboren", + -13.0004301071167 + ], + [ + "\u2581Salta", + -12.87391471862793 + ], + [ + "\u2581intensifica", + -12.896900177001953 + ], + [ + "\u2581sugiero", + -12.784828186035156 + ], + [ + "30,000", + -12.846345901489258 + ], + [ + "i\u00f1a", + -12.96157169342041 + ], + [ + "\u2581enquire", + -12.858203887939453 + ], + [ + "\u2581beba", + -12.868428230285645 + ], + [ + "\u2581YES", + -12.904932022094727 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lunch", + -12.87938117980957 + ], + [ + "\u2581patina", + -12.853331565856934 + ], + [ + "$2", + -12.766703605651855 + ], + [ + "sumption", + -12.86911678314209 + ], + [ + "\u2581cubits", + -12.907620429992676 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuide", + -12.855843544006348 + ], + [ + "\u2581fugitivo", + -12.786506652832031 + ], + [ + "\u2581reunion", + -13.015715599060059 + ], + [ + "\u2581albaneses", + -12.824281692504883 + ], + [ + "\u2581invalidity", + -12.748133659362793 + ], + [ + "\u2581reutilizaci\u00f3n", + -12.927407264709473 + ], + [ + "c\u00fal", + -12.687267303466797 + ], + [ + "\u2581atestigua", + -12.94502067565918 + ], + [ + "\u2581convert\u00ed", + -12.842251777648926 + ], + [ + "\u2581transbordador", + -12.931294441223145 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mich", + -13.148336410522461 + ], + [ + "\u2581Silk", + -12.93982982635498 + ], + [ + "\u2581invariable", + -12.885615348815918 + ], + [ + "\u2581desminado", + -12.9822998046875 + ], + [ + "\u2581monje", + -12.90477180480957 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nun", + -12.818860054016113 + ], + [ + "\u2581admitida", + -12.985356330871582 + ], + [ + "\u2581checkpoints", + -12.84371566772461 + ], + [ + "\u2581Yearbook", + -12.776579856872559 + ], + [ + "\u2581batter", + -12.876906394958496 + ], + [ + "\u2581fabulosa", + -12.883756637573242 + ], + [ + "\u2581trimester", + -12.898545265197754 + ], + [ + "\u2581Argentinian", + -12.961931228637695 + ], + [ + "\u2581Chechenia", + -12.991493225097656 + ], + [ + "\u2581cojones", + -12.784977912902832 + ], + [ + "\u2581expel", + -12.832125663757324 + ], + [ + "\u2581yeast", + -12.886151313781738 + ], + [ + "Espa\u00f1ol", + -13.04656982421875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Barcel", + -13.276906967163086 + ], + [ + "pendiente", + -13.232144355773926 + ], + [ + "\u2581deprisa", + -12.783185005187988 + ], + [ + "combatants", + -12.817625045776367 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pharmaceutical", + -12.868284225463867 + ], + [ + "\u2581robusta", + -13.059969902038574 + ], + [ + "\u2581$16", + -12.848482131958008 + ], + [ + "\u2581Buddhism", + -12.878857612609863 + ], + [ + "\u2581negotiable", + -12.77147102355957 + ], + [ + "\u2581souvenir", + -12.952352523803711 + ], + [ + "\u258111%", + -13.012208938598633 + ], + [ + "\u2581mushrooms", + -12.794662475585938 + ], + [ + "\u2581Arreglo", + -12.999814987182617 + ], + [ + "\u2581Liability", + -12.86155891418457 + ], + [ + "\u2581crawler", + -12.869463920593262 + ], + [ + "\u2581reactivar", + -12.999903678894043 + ], + [ + "\u2581pasiones", + -12.979554176330566 + ], + [ + "\u2581Laser", + -12.868242263793945 + ], + [ + "\u2581convertir\u00eda", + -13.055068016052246 + ], + [ + "\u2581creators", + -12.817590713500977 + ], + [ + "\u2581ostenta", + -13.006491661071777 + ], + [ + "\u2581wickedness", + -12.888190269470215 + ], + [ + "\u2581Continuaci\u00f3n", + -12.947539329528809 + ], + [ + "\u2581concluyente", + -13.110701560974121 + ], + [ + "\u2581galaxies", + -12.918609619140625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wrong", + -12.963858604431152 + ], + [ + "\u2581debilitado", + -12.998990058898926 + ], + [ + "\u2581Griffin", + -13.564905166625977 + ], + [ + "\u2581desintegraci\u00f3n", + -12.985307693481445 + ], + [ + "blood", + -12.98861026763916 + ], + [ + "\u2581steak", + -12.993216514587402 + ], + [ + "\u2581Env\u00ede", + -12.929816246032715 + ], + [ + "\u2581Phen", + -13.235444068908691 + ], + [ + "Price", + -12.972173690795898 + ], + [ + "latitude", + -12.981507301330566 + ], + [ + "\u2581Browser", + -12.871676445007324 + ], + [ + "\u2581admirador", + -12.888406753540039 + ], + [ + "\u2581diplomas", + -12.890824317932129 + ], + [ + "\u2581villagers", + -12.83851146697998 + ], + [ + "\u2581ergonomic", + -12.797248840332031 + ], + [ + "\u2581Frases", + -13.01675033569336 + ], + [ + "\u2581autoevaluaci\u00f3n", + -13.014656066894531 + ], + [ + "\u2581murci\u00e9lago", + -12.954940795898438 + ], + [ + "\u2581radiactiva", + -12.96094036102295 + ], + [ + "\u2581UEM", + -12.97694206237793 + ], + [ + "\u2581Procurador", + -13.015569686889648 + ], + [ + "\u2581batall\u00f3n", + -12.889349937438965 + ], + [ + "\u2581Symptoms", + -12.84575366973877 + ], + [ + "\u2581refining", + -12.828763008117676 + ], + [ + "itate", + -12.88154411315918 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sebasti", + -12.86532974243164 + ], + [ + "\u2581musculares", + -12.928139686584473 + ], + [ + "\u2581pac\u00edficamente", + -12.925064086914062 + ], + [ + "responsabilidad", + -12.921658515930176 + ], + [ + "\u2581explosivo", + -12.953198432922363 + ], + [ + "\u2581rectificar", + -12.923534393310547 + ], + [ + "\u2581vigilance", + -12.87533950805664 + ], + [ + "\u2581arruinado", + -12.849580764770508 + ], + [ + "\u2581obligaron", + -12.974126815795898 + ], + [ + "Lord", + -12.883604049682617 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ratification", + -12.942909240722656 + ], + [ + "\u2581Worst", + -12.782670974731445 + ], + [ + "\u2581vestimenta", + -12.933243751525879 + ], + [ + "\u2581involuntary", + -12.844313621520996 + ], + [ + "ev\u00f3", + -12.873720169067383 + ], + [ + "\u2581contagio", + -12.911127090454102 + ], + [ + "\u2581Probar", + -13.045459747314453 + ], + [ + "\u2581est\u00e9tico", + -13.040379524230957 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tejido", + -12.929431915283203 + ], + [ + "\u2581reuni", + -12.790168762207031 + ], + [ + "\u2581surprisingly", + -12.893235206604004 + ], + [ + "umbling", + -13.036110877990723 + ], + [ + "\u00ac", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581Amber", + -12.902583122253418 + ], + [ + "\u2581COMMUNITY", + -12.773054122924805 + ], + [ + "\u2581WI", + -12.577958106994629 + ], + [ + "\u2581deplora", + -12.974315643310547 + ], + [ + "\u2581stationed", + -12.877589225769043 + ], + [ + "\u2581donativo", + -12.89123821258545 + ], + [ + "\u2581hormiga", + -12.859902381896973 + ], + [ + "\u2581persuadir", + -12.916593551635742 + ], + [ + "\u2581Millions", + -12.875889778137207 + ], + [ + "\u2581empaca", + -12.8023042678833 + ], + [ + "\u2581Revelaci\u00f3n", + -12.983254432678223 + ], + [ + "\u2581progenitor", + -13.017691612243652 + ], + [ + "\u2581arsenals", + -12.812041282653809 + ], + [ + "\u2581rooftop", + -12.926091194152832 + ], + [ + "EVA", + -13.374910354614258 + ], + [ + "BP", + -12.612580299377441 + ], + [ + "\u2581abrupt", + -12.797248840332031 + ], + [ + "\u2581atenuar", + -12.971022605895996 + ], + [ + "D\u00e9jenme", + -12.679739952087402 + ], + [ + "\u2581doscientos", + -12.88372802734375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Treat", + -13.000576972961426 + ], + [ + "\u2581corrosi\u00f3n", + -12.987418174743652 + ], + [ + "\u2581c\u00edvico", + -12.96899700164795 + ], + [ + "\u2581evolutivo", + -12.956937789916992 + ], + [ + "\u2581homog\u00e9nea", + -12.95893669128418 + ], + [ + "\u2581fundido", + -13.01463794708252 + ], + [ + "prendiendo", + -12.918627738952637 + ], + [ + "\u2581renombre", + -13.023598670959473 + ], + [ + "\u2581desgarra", + -12.923690795898438 + ], + [ + "\u2581Concerned", + -12.85781478881836 + ], + [ + ".02.", + -12.929981231689453 + ], + [ + "\u2581Contribute", + -12.82429027557373 + ], + [ + "\u2581GEN", + -12.931343078613281 + ], + [ + "\u2581SOME", + -13.087081909179688 + ], + [ + "\u2581triennial", + -12.927900314331055 + ], + [ + "Furnished", + -12.9021577835083 + ], + [ + "\u2581ejercitar", + -12.927952766418457 + ], + [ + "Cancelaci\u00f3n", + -13.046296119689941 + ], + [ + "\u2581Clothing", + -12.903985977172852 + ], + [ + "\u2581OFF", + -12.953953742980957 + ], + [ + "\u2581alentadora", + -12.964259147644043 + ], + [ + "\u2581licuado", + -12.95296859741211 + ], + [ + "\u2581retornar", + -13.033613204956055 + ], + [ + "\u2581revoluciones", + -12.98942756652832 + ], + [ + "\u2581tierno", + -12.87285041809082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Majorca", + -12.866584777832031 + ], + [ + "\u2581gastronomy", + -12.857824325561523 + ], + [ + "\u2581COMMENTS", + -12.830740928649902 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rash", + -13.066720962524414 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hundreds", + -12.914918899536133 + ], + [ + "\u2581Resurrection", + -12.91493034362793 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wherever", + -12.925525665283203 + ], + [ + "\u2581forja", + -12.865155220031738 + ], + [ + "\u2581grandparents", + -12.871797561645508 + ], + [ + "\u2581notifique", + -13.031593322753906 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pulsera", + -12.929322242736816 + ], + [ + "\u2581apprenticeship", + -12.833904266357422 + ], + [ + "\u2581efect\u00faen", + -12.907365798950195 + ], + [ + "\u2581communi", + -13.320486068725586 + ], + [ + "\u2581simiente", + -12.983277320861816 + ], + [ + "\u2581CONSIDERATION", + -12.765201568603516 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dej\u00e9", + -12.793234825134277 + ], + [ + "\u2581refirieron", + -12.912007331848145 + ], + [ + "\u2581cat\u00e9ter", + -12.993563652038574 + ], + [ + "\u2581callado", + -12.797319412231445 + ], + [ + "\u2581Entidad", + -13.101963996887207 + ], + [ + "\u258122%", + -12.98031997680664 + ], + [ + "\u2581Participat", + -13.006661415100098 + ], + [ + "\u2581Perro", + -12.919585227966309 + ], + [ + "\u2581WIPO", + -12.94666862487793 + ], + [ + "approved", + -13.088776588439941 + ], + [ + "\u2581Separaci\u00f3n", + -12.889349937438965 + ], + [ + "\u2581smoked", + -12.909448623657227 + ], + [ + "\u2581Muro", + -13.015618324279785 + ], + [ + "cubri\u00f3", + -13.149833679199219 + ], + [ + "\u2581degustar", + -12.98465633392334 + ], + [ + "1.400", + -13.040740966796875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Superficie", + -12.954941749572754 + ], + [ + "\u2581XP", + -12.852095603942871 + ], + [ + "bedroom", + -12.876424789428711 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tyre", + -12.860682487487793 + ], + [ + "\u2581siblings", + -12.861297607421875 + ], + [ + "\u2581evangelization", + -12.8931303024292 + ], + [ + "\u2581Trading", + -12.84251880645752 + ], + [ + "\u2581annoy", + -12.975912094116211 + ], + [ + "\u2581awakening", + -12.971564292907715 + ], + [ + "ITIES", + -12.904046058654785 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pol\u00edtico", + -12.998614311218262 + ], + [ + "\u2581distraction", + -12.976369857788086 + ], + [ + "\u2581ethno", + -12.823756217956543 + ], + [ + "Derecho", + -12.934309959411621 + ], + [ + "\u2581fallar", + -12.757423400878906 + ], + [ + "\u2581pathways", + -12.89155387878418 + ], + [ + "\u2581reclutar", + -12.934416770935059 + ], + [ + "\u2581nacieron", + -12.927408218383789 + ], + [ + "Under", + -12.945001602172852 + ], + [ + "easy", + -12.921579360961914 + ], + [ + "\u2581FDA", + -12.980396270751953 + ], + [ + "\u2581locking", + -12.880841255187988 + ], + [ + "nuncie", + -12.96466064453125 + ], + [ + "\u2581geopolitical", + -12.875335693359375 + ], + [ + "\u2581homage", + -12.864786148071289 + ], + [ + "\u2581traga", + -12.847895622253418 + ], + [ + "\u2581PREMIUM", + -13.020875930786133 + ], + [ + "\u2581charism", + -12.929864883422852 + ], + [ + "\u2581cit\u00f3", + -13.019608497619629 + ], + [ + "\u2581lazy", + -13.001639366149902 + ], + [ + "\u2581patches", + -12.862234115600586 + ], + [ + "\u2581Panda", + -12.909939765930176 + ], + [ + "build", + -13.528068542480469 + ], + [ + "mayoritariamente", + -12.993757247924805 + ], + [ + "\u2581calcul\u00f3", + -12.952948570251465 + ], + [ + "Video", + -12.899761199951172 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cancun", + -12.8474702835083 + ], + [ + "\u2581Driving", + -12.877089500427246 + ], + [ + "\u2581coartada", + -12.764841079711914 + ], + [ + "\u2581deceit", + -12.937215805053711 + ], + [ + "\u2581boycott", + -12.948612213134766 + ], + [ + "\u2581flirt", + -12.948555946350098 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gratuita", + -12.995643615722656 + ], + [ + "\u2581endowed", + -12.849189758300781 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kap", + -12.921010971069336 + ], + [ + "\u2581commendable", + -12.923112869262695 + ], + [ + "\u2581aplastar", + -12.988509178161621 + ], + [ + "\u2581interese", + -12.957879066467285 + ], + [ + "\u2581soleado", + -12.929533004760742 + ], + [ + "\u2581transmitirle", + -13.041147232055664 + ], + [ + "Chuckles", + -12.951952934265137 + ], + [ + "conom", + -12.938977241516113 + ], + [ + "obbing", + -12.915095329284668 + ], + [ + "\u2581jewellery", + -12.870038986206055 + ], + [ + "\u2581monitorizar", + -12.987226486206055 + ], + [ + "gree", + -13.56580638885498 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bingo", + -12.949551582336426 + ], + [ + "\u2581roast", + -12.9131498336792 + ], + [ + "Pan", + -12.786316871643066 + ], + [ + "\u2581reacted", + -12.92917537689209 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nicolas", + -12.891473770141602 + ], + [ + "\u2581perpetual", + -12.907610893249512 + ], + [ + "Will", + -12.976360321044922 + ], + [ + "\u2581terrified", + -12.975497245788574 + ], + [ + "\u2581licitaciones", + -12.964962005615234 + ], + [ + "Non", + -12.877988815307617 + ], + [ + "\u2581salute", + -12.904938697814941 + ], + [ + "\u2581flown", + -12.964456558227539 + ], + [ + "\u2581mercenary", + -12.870038986206055 + ], + [ + "\u2666", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581Millones", + -13.02137279510498 + ], + [ + "\u2581amistoso", + -12.946996688842773 + ], + [ + "\u2581wav", + -12.863041877746582 + ], + [ + "\u2581desv\u00eda", + -12.963884353637695 + ], + [ + "\u2581GUI", + -12.81308364868164 + ], + [ + "\u2581Visitors", + -12.886126518249512 + ], + [ + "\u2581overload", + -12.874104499816895 + ], + [ + "\u2581resucitar", + -13.19073486328125 + ], + [ + "/47", + -12.806656837463379 + ], + [ + "shima", + -13.350569725036621 + ], + [ + "\u2581Equity", + -12.807252883911133 + ], + [ + "\u2581rehusa", + -12.993576049804688 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aparato", + -12.9412202835083 + ], + [ + "\u2581F\u00e1tima", + -13.105277061462402 + ], + [ + "\u2581anticipar", + -13.160299301147461 + ], + [ + "\u2581comparecencia", + -12.925481796264648 + ], + [ + "UX", + -13.032544136047363 + ], + [ + "\u2581Complaints", + -12.895135879516602 + ], + [ + "\u2581discredit", + -12.904073715209961 + ], + [ + "\u2581Arrastre", + -12.923553466796875 + ], + [ + "IGN", + -13.183112144470215 + ], + [ + "\u2581huracanes", + -12.977119445800781 + ], + [ + "\u2581reversal", + -12.884186744689941 + ], + [ + "\u2581Affiliate", + -12.871796607971191 + ], + [ + "\u258117%", + -12.998501777648926 + ], + [ + "\u2581futbolista", + -13.113465309143066 + ], + [ + "rung", + -12.739006042480469 + ], + [ + "\u2581Propone", + -13.125697135925293 + ], + [ + "\u2581adversa", + -12.997034072875977 + ], + [ + "Mac", + -12.940614700317383 + ], + [ + "\u25810.001", + -12.852025985717773 + ], + [ + "\u2581Storm", + -12.98546314239502 + ], + [ + "\u2581wandering", + -12.91362190246582 + ], + [ + "\u2581administre", + -13.025144577026367 + ], + [ + "\u2581furnishings", + -12.94101619720459 + ], + [ + "\u2581laughed", + -12.978196144104004 + ], + [ + "\u2581acrylic", + -12.85782241821289 + ], + [ + "m\u00e9dico", + -12.91303825378418 + ], + [ + "\u2581ACTIVIDADES", + -13.03806209564209 + ], + [ + "blind", + -12.784199714660645 + ], + [ + "\u2581negaron", + -12.9868745803833 + ], + [ + "Dime", + -12.90906047821045 + ], + [ + "\u2581spike", + -12.983434677124023 + ], + [ + "\u2581vigilada", + -13.068317413330078 + ], + [ + "45)", + -12.948088645935059 + ], + [ + "Sue\u00f1a", + -13.04085636138916 + ], + [ + "champ", + -13.009284973144531 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gram\u00e1tica", + -13.031720161437988 + ], + [ + "\u2581SECTOR", + -13.500972747802734 + ], + [ + "\u2581ascertained", + -12.867691993713379 + ], + [ + "\u2581criticado", + -12.947315216064453 + ], + [ + "\u2581physiological", + -12.852638244628906 + ], + [ + "\u2581surrendered", + -12.907410621643066 + ], + [ + "\u2581Habl\u00e9", + -12.827997207641602 + ], + [ + "\u2581Immediate", + -12.799910545349121 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ultimate", + -12.883577346801758 + ], + [ + "rr\u00f3n", + -12.920939445495605 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rota", + -12.963122367858887 + ], + [ + "\u2581outlaw", + -13.006879806518555 + ], + [ + "\u2581proclam\u00f3", + -13.00607681274414 + ], + [ + "\u2581Equally", + -12.870753288269043 + ], + [ + "\u2581exalted", + -12.936251640319824 + ], + [ + "\u2581frustrado", + -12.892528533935547 + ], + [ + "\u2581cort\u00f3", + -12.899531364440918 + ], + [ + "\u2581Patent", + -12.928366661071777 + ], + [ + "\u2581llamar\u00e1", + -12.792634963989258 + ], + [ + "\u2581som", + -12.649213790893555 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bowl", + -13.031617164611816 + ], + [ + "\u2581Innovative", + -12.85435962677002 + ], + [ + "\u2581Peligro", + -12.950961112976074 + ], + [ + "feed", + -12.932500839233398 + ], + [ + "3.5", + -12.664445877075195 + ], + [ + "\u2581Harbor", + -12.926552772521973 + ], + [ + "\u2581alphabet", + -12.951966285705566 + ], + [ + "twitter", + -12.897847175598145 + ], + [ + "\u2581supper", + -13.044357299804688 + ], + [ + "\u2581juntar", + -12.744840621948242 + ], + [ + "\u2581subjetiva", + -12.921607971191406 + ], + [ + "\u2581expandible", + -13.027286529541016 + ], + [ + "target", + -12.852248191833496 + ], + [ + "\u2581conceive", + -12.925436973571777 + ], + [ + "\u2581gestionada", + -13.025146484375 + ], + [ + "\u2581sway", + -12.939367294311523 + ], + [ + "\u2581carpa", + -12.903865814208984 + ], + [ + "\u2581huyeron", + -13.04498291015625 + ], + [ + "\u2581instructors", + -12.893702507019043 + ], + [ + "\u2581Balcony", + -12.907610893249512 + ], + [ + "\u2581munity", + -12.772789001464844 + ], + [ + "\u2581solidez", + -12.943147659301758 + ], + [ + "7.5", + -12.66165542602539 + ], + [ + "azine", + -12.886941909790039 + ], + [ + "noma", + -12.89395523071289 + ], + [ + "\u2581dignified", + -12.849186897277832 + ], + [ + "\u2581distinguishing", + -12.842015266418457 + ], + [ + "\u2581met\u00e1lica", + -12.992216110229492 + ], + [ + "\u2581strife", + -12.88241958618164 + ], + [ + "\u2581Canciones", + -13.006622314453125 + ], + [ + "\u2581apu\u00f1ala", + -12.910099029541016 + ], + [ + "\u2581correccional", + -13.04677677154541 + ], + [ + "\u2581dominance", + -12.92786979675293 + ], + [ + "\u2581entra\u00f1e", + -12.908384323120117 + ], + [ + "\u2581cardboard", + -12.900854110717773 + ], + [ + "\u2581damned", + -13.033278465270996 + ], + [ + "\u2581fraternal", + -12.918609619140625 + ], + [ + "Vendr\u00e1", + -12.749129295349121 + ], + [ + "redicci\u00f3n", + -13.105405807495117 + ], + [ + "\u2581CRR", + -12.801610946655273 + ], + [ + "\u2581Enfermer\u00eda", + -12.945019721984863 + ], + [ + "\u2581Arb", + -12.883804321289062 + ], + [ + "\u2581sondeo", + -12.976261138916016 + ], + [ + "Love", + -12.91082763671875 + ], + [ + "\u2581bonuses", + -12.899820327758789 + ], + [ + "\u2581diabetic", + -12.907464981079102 + ], + [ + "millones", + -12.993219375610352 + ], + [ + "\u2581exerted", + -12.814640998840332 + ], + [ + "\u25812,500", + -12.993327140808105 + ], + [ + "\u2581infringed", + -12.838634490966797 + ], + [ + "\u2581regule", + -12.921659469604492 + ], + [ + "Port", + -12.802610397338867 + ], + [ + "t\u00edtulo", + -12.914827346801758 + ], + [ + "\u2581transferida", + -12.991495132446289 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dama", + -13.01558780670166 + ], + [ + "\u2581medic", + -12.979460716247559 + ], + [ + "Pod", + -12.872108459472656 + ], + [ + "financiaci\u00f3n", + -12.915059089660645 + ], + [ + "liberal", + -12.921148300170898 + ], + [ + "\u2581asociarse", + -12.9484281539917 + ], + [ + "\u2581abarcar\u00e1", + -13.131244659423828 + ], + [ + "\u2581validar", + -13.009112358093262 + ], + [ + "cuerpo", + -12.98678970336914 + ], + [ + "genia", + -13.06855583190918 + ], + [ + "\u2581demolici\u00f3n", + -12.960976600646973 + ], + [ + "\u2581forraje", + -12.927430152893066 + ], + [ + "sproporcionado", + -12.952948570251465 + ], + [ + "worthiness", + -12.811600685119629 + ], + [ + "\u2581Efficiency", + -12.792363166809082 + ], + [ + "\u2581irritaci\u00f3n", + -12.88443660736084 + ], + [ + "\u2581preferenciales", + -13.025457382202148 + ], + [ + "\u2581Folk", + -12.926912307739258 + ], + [ + "\u2581cognitiva", + -12.902502059936523 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bucharest", + -12.870038986206055 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hydraulic", + -12.810396194458008 + ], + [ + "\u2581cling", + -12.900991439819336 + ], + [ + "\u2581purga", + -13.021398544311523 + ], + [ + "\u2581Abstract", + -12.868337631225586 + ], + [ + "\u2581impediment", + -12.859472274780273 + ], + [ + "\u2581victima", + -12.929349899291992 + ], + [ + "cutaneous", + -12.91301441192627 + ], + [ + "\u2581cubri", + -12.84118938446045 + ], + [ + "\u2581nueces", + -12.99151611328125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sec", + -12.830000877380371 + ], + [ + "\u2581dash", + -12.983908653259277 + ], + [ + "\u2581nitrato", + -12.963911056518555 + ], + [ + "\u2581vencedor", + -12.989151000976562 + ], + [ + "\u2581197", + -12.839797019958496 + ], + [ + "\u2581Savings", + -12.891407012939453 + ], + [ + "\u2581afianz", + -12.89295768737793 + ], + [ + "\u2581yelling", + -13.050451278686523 + ], + [ + "\u2581Usage", + -12.841179847717285 + ], + [ + "\u2581caracterizaci\u00f3n", + -12.973209381103516 + ], + [ + "\u2581deserci\u00f3n", + -12.961234092712402 + ], + [ + "Matthew", + -12.973315238952637 + ], + [ + "ocytes", + -12.871438026428223 + ], + [ + "\u2581Intermedio", + -13.126420974731445 + ], + [ + "\u2581apasiona", + -12.98171329498291 + ], + [ + "\u2581remunerada", + -12.951435089111328 + ], + [ + "\u2581Awake", + -12.86494255065918 + ], + [ + "\u2581Critical", + -12.926036834716797 + ], + [ + "\u2581arrogante", + -12.876357078552246 + ], + [ + "\u2581l\u00edcito", + -12.981215476989746 + ], + [ + "\u2581increment", + -12.8816556930542 + ], + [ + "\u2581Compar", + -12.799434661865234 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jartum", + -12.987381935119629 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lance", + -12.99484920501709 + ], + [ + "\u2581SERVICIO", + -13.008177757263184 + ], + [ + "\u2581232", + -12.946232795715332 + ], + [ + "\u2581minero", + -12.994783401489258 + ], + [ + "\u2581slander", + -12.90947437286377 + ], + [ + "3,5", + -13.121989250183105 + ], + [ + "should", + -12.890660285949707 + ], + [ + "\u2581CMP", + -12.910676002502441 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pai", + -12.919391632080078 + ], + [ + "\u2581deleita", + -12.938797950744629 + ], + [ + "/80", + -12.875541687011719 + ], + [ + "Hab\u00eda", + -12.805336952209473 + ], + [ + "\u2581cancelado", + -12.98287296295166 + ], + [ + "\u2581derrocar", + -12.945836067199707 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hebr\u00f3n", + -13.05334758758545 + ], + [ + "German", + -12.951512336730957 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bota", + -13.101078987121582 + ], + [ + "Ay\u00fada", + -12.737284660339355 + ], + [ + "Laundering", + -12.911447525024414 + ], + [ + "\u2581accidentalmente", + -12.957850456237793 + ], + [ + "\u2581im\u00e1n", + -12.949684143066406 + ], + [ + "\u2581remnant", + -12.83854866027832 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alem", + -12.950196266174316 + ], + [ + "\u2581ajustar\u00e1", + -13.199075698852539 + ], + [ + "\u2581signific", + -12.939104080200195 + ], + [ + "\u2581Opportunity", + -12.905789375305176 + ], + [ + "\u2581tambor", + -12.992568969726562 + ], + [ + "\u2581(11)", + -12.893095970153809 + ], + [ + "inho", + -12.960144996643066 + ], + [ + "medical", + -12.8746337890625 + ], + [ + "\u2581vertebra", + -12.963857650756836 + ], + [ + "\u2581vigas", + -13.088136672973633 + ], + [ + "\u2581Holiness", + -12.924242973327637 + ], + [ + "\u2581conmovedor", + -12.943049430847168 + ], + [ + "\u2581optimization", + -12.913095474243164 + ], + [ + "\u2581rationalization", + -12.834168434143066 + ], + [ + "\u2581Entidades", + -12.926362991333008 + ], + [ + "\u2581titanio", + -12.983255386352539 + ], + [ + "atus", + -12.91702651977539 + ], + [ + "\u2581florales", + -13.039002418518066 + ], + [ + "\u2581reglamentada", + -12.928537368774414 + ], + [ + "210", + -12.806792259216309 + ], + [ + "\u2581224", + -12.81763744354248 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tur\u00edn", + -12.963330268859863 + ], + [ + "\u2581cazadores", + -12.890999794006348 + ], + [ + "\u2581unduly", + -12.769872665405273 + ], + [ + "106", + -12.861172676086426 + ], + [ + "\u2581NIIF", + -12.97714614868164 + ], + [ + "\u2581much\u00edsima", + -12.917754173278809 + ], + [ + "\u2581revoked", + -12.925122261047363 + ], + [ + "Karabakh", + -12.85782241821289 + ], + [ + "OCDE", + -12.984359741210938 + ], + [ + "d\u00edsimo", + -13.009786605834961 + ], + [ + "limpia", + -13.00385856628418 + ], + [ + "\u2581arreglarlo", + -12.796966552734375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sick", + -13.039487838745117 + ], + [ + "\u2581defectuoso", + -12.937153816223145 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mexicano", + -13.07559871673584 + ], + [ + "\u2581obsessed", + -13.003193855285645 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cooking", + -13.023482322692871 + ], + [ + "\u2581hallway", + -12.945612907409668 + ], + [ + "\u2581interrogantes", + -12.91411018371582 + ], + [ + "Dice", + -12.794787406921387 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sinai", + -12.849337577819824 + ], + [ + "import", + -12.851930618286133 + ], + [ + "\u2581Spinal", + -12.894119262695312 + ], + [ + "\u2581immobili", + -12.979413032531738 + ], + [ + "tivismo", + -13.021710395812988 + ], + [ + "\u2581colmar", + -13.023706436157227 + ], + [ + "\u2581da\u00f1ino", + -12.981208801269531 + ], + [ + "\u2581shipbuilding", + -12.8517484664917 + ], + [ + "\u2581Determinar", + -13.029539108276367 + ], + [ + "\u2581deterrent", + -12.857836723327637 + ], + [ + "\u2581gerencia", + -13.114599227905273 + ], + [ + "\u2581drip", + -12.943849563598633 + ], + [ + "\u2581outright", + -12.907523155212402 + ], + [ + "\u2581phyto", + -12.920477867126465 + ], + [ + "\u2581smarter", + -13.063225746154785 + ], + [ + "\u2581trailers", + -12.843208312988281 + ], + [ + "\u2581Specialized", + -12.910962104797363 + ], + [ + "\u2581coleccionista", + -12.939114570617676 + ], + [ + "Encuentra", + -12.95015811920166 + ], + [ + "Federated", + -12.667903900146484 + ], + [ + "ocular", + -13.345999717712402 + ], + [ + "\u2581motif", + -12.768315315246582 + ], + [ + "\u2581posesiones", + -12.997756004333496 + ], + [ + "hart", + -12.9536714553833 + ], + [ + "\u2581Diesel", + -12.889556884765625 + ], + [ + "\u2581promocional", + -12.992761611938477 + ], + [ + "\u201e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581descubrir\u00e1", + -12.829285621643066 + ], + [ + "\u2581trespass", + -12.85955810546875 + ], + [ + "\u2581torrente", + -13.027581214904785 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cafe", + -12.886637687683105 + ], + [ + "\u2581lleguemos", + -12.800138473510742 + ], + [ + "\u2581FED", + -13.01024341583252 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mixed", + -12.943658828735352 + ], + [ + "\u2581descriptive", + -12.880630493164062 + ], + [ + "\u2581escrutinio", + -12.925469398498535 + ], + [ + "nard", + -12.8323974609375 + ], + [ + "\u2581imitaci\u00f3n", + -12.931937217712402 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bas\u00edlica", + -12.981204986572266 + ], + [ + "\u2581imped\u00eda", + -13.008254051208496 + ], + [ + "103", + -12.73828411102295 + ], + [ + "\u2581Anglo", + -12.962759017944336 + ], + [ + "\u2581farther", + -12.872750282287598 + ], + [ + "\u2581felicito", + -12.906292915344238 + ], + [ + "\u2581yoke", + -12.905838012695312 + ], + [ + "fresh", + -12.873196601867676 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dee", + -12.818394660949707 + ], + [ + "\u2581courtroom", + -12.93252944946289 + ], + [ + "\u2581quantum", + -12.940978050231934 + ], + [ + ".03.", + -12.879714012145996 + ], + [ + "\u2581Shot", + -12.979964256286621 + ], + [ + "\u2581tendering", + -12.84040641784668 + ], + [ + "phase", + -12.885368347167969 + ], + [ + "wire", + -12.945491790771484 + ], + [ + "\u2581Qu\u00edmica", + -13.017667770385742 + ], + [ + "\u2581alleges", + -12.870091438293457 + ], + [ + "\u2581registre", + -12.99771785736084 + ], + [ + "IAEA", + -12.831361770629883 + ], + [ + "\u2581supervising", + -12.907610893249512 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wh", + -12.762735366821289 + ], + [ + "multi", + -12.810773849487305 + ], + [ + "\u2581congelado", + -12.960762977600098 + ], + [ + "\u2581creyeron", + -12.933243751525879 + ], + [ + "were", + -12.860295295715332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Temporada", + -13.096049308776855 + ], + [ + "\u2581matadero", + -12.950335502624512 + ], + [ + "\u2581mutaciones", + -13.05555248260498 + ], + [ + "\u2581pr\u00f3spera", + -12.973050117492676 + ], + [ + "\u2581rellena", + -12.919907569885254 + ], + [ + "\u2581swallowed", + -12.9664945602417 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gobernadores", + -12.922611236572266 + ], + [ + "\u2581astr\u00f3nomo", + -12.997716903686523 + ], + [ + "\u2581realzar", + -12.964082717895508 + ], + [ + "annex", + -12.903535842895508 + ], + [ + "\u017d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581TEMA", + -12.966437339782715 + ], + [ + "\u2581flete", + -12.927610397338867 + ], + [ + "\u2581epoch", + -12.946651458740234 + ], + [ + "\u2581liberated", + -12.888771057128906 + ], + [ + "\u2581reun\u00eda", + -12.949280738830566 + ], + [ + "Each", + -12.885234832763672 + ], + [ + "\u2581mystical", + -12.900132179260254 + ], + [ + "\u2581specificity", + -12.915886878967285 + ], + [ + "\u2581merecido", + -12.977267265319824 + ], + [ + "\u2581seleccionando", + -13.008304595947266 + ], + [ + "\u2581s\u00fabita", + -12.9669771194458 + ], + [ + "\u2581Saviour", + -12.920454978942871 + ], + [ + "\u2581acr\u00edlico", + -12.979161262512207 + ], + [ + "\u2581ribbon", + -12.948565483093262 + ], + [ + "\u2581criada", + -12.874882698059082 + ], + [ + "STAR", + -13.243005752563477 + ], + [ + "folia", + -13.009099960327148 + ], + [ + "\u2581Thanksgiving", + -13.027718544006348 + ], + [ + "nimo", + -12.980558395385742 + ], + [ + "\u2581MAL", + -13.004814147949219 + ], + [ + "\u2581concejal", + -12.999909400939941 + ], + [ + "\u2581southeast", + -12.914229393005371 + ], + [ + "policy", + -12.829469680786133 + ], + [ + "\u2581litter", + -12.868139266967773 + ], + [ + "\u2581robaron", + -12.807031631469727 + ], + [ + "\u2581arcade", + -12.965906143188477 + ], + [ + "collection", + -12.92393684387207 + ], + [ + "g\u00e9nesis", + -13.012392044067383 + ], + [ + "hidroxi", + -13.046804428100586 + ], + [ + "\u2581Baha", + -12.974051475524902 + ], + [ + "confirm", + -12.870148658752441 + ], + [ + "\u2581academy", + -12.971603393554688 + ], + [ + "\u2581applause", + -12.900344848632812 + ], + [ + "\u2581carrete", + -12.970745086669922 + ], + [ + "\u2581deslumbra", + -12.966979026794434 + ], + [ + "worm", + -12.82780933380127 + ], + [ + "\u2581Oporto", + -12.991499900817871 + ], + [ + "\u2581adore", + -12.990031242370605 + ], + [ + "\u2581australiana", + -12.94898509979248 + ], + [ + "\u2581cedido", + -12.985495567321777 + ], + [ + "\u2581conferido", + -12.991722106933594 + ], + [ + "OPE", + -12.916282653808594 + ], + [ + "\u2581monitores", + -12.971541404724121 + ], + [ + "\u2581tee", + -13.01212215423584 + ], + [ + "\u2581Conseguir", + -12.91813850402832 + ], + [ + "\u2581intensification", + -12.849186897277832 + ], + [ + "\u2581recorta", + -12.990372657775879 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bayer", + -12.95442008972168 + ], + [ + "Proyecto", + -13.044366836547852 + ], + [ + "\u2581Instantly", + -12.812128067016602 + ], + [ + "\u2581dependa", + -12.943910598754883 + ], + [ + "\u2581suscitar", + -12.866561889648438 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wyatt", + -13.470429420471191 + ], + [ + "\u2581aromatic", + -12.864951133728027 + ], + [ + "49)", + -12.905067443847656 + ], + [ + "\u2581cramp", + -12.894980430603027 + ], + [ + "\u2581midterm", + -12.92175579071045 + ], + [ + "\u2581Deadline", + -12.830669403076172 + ], + [ + "matter", + -12.893811225891113 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cont\u00e1ctanos", + -13.035897254943848 + ], + [ + "\u2581vivieron", + -12.971182823181152 + ], + [ + "ECHO", + -12.955918312072754 + ], + [ + "\u2581enfadada", + -12.79666805267334 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hour", + -12.955535888671875 + ], + [ + "\u2581involucrada", + -12.963105201721191 + ], + [ + "\u2581negociando", + -13.02608585357666 + ], + [ + "\u2581reimbursed", + -12.941852569580078 + ], + [ + "\u2581repentinamente", + -13.083085060119629 + ], + [ + "\u2581AWG", + -12.893965721130371 + ], + [ + "\u2581Camar", + -12.904949188232422 + ], + [ + "\u2581Detr\u00e1s", + -12.910112380981445 + ], + [ + "\u2581RRC", + -12.93187427520752 + ], + [ + "\u2581THINK", + -13.156844139099121 + ], + [ + "\u2581intimida", + -12.837203025817871 + ], + [ + "\u2581singulares", + -12.985673904418945 + ], + [ + "\u2581advantageous", + -12.911422729492188 + ], + [ + "\u2581alleging", + -12.92233943939209 + ], + [ + "\u2581blur", + -12.942964553833008 + ], + [ + "\u2581gemela", + -12.908246994018555 + ], + [ + "\u2581ponte", + -12.876428604125977 + ], + [ + "\u2581propina", + -12.864002227783203 + ], + [ + "\u2581numb", + -12.890934944152832 + ], + [ + "\u2581verbatim", + -12.891335487365723 + ], + [ + "SIDE", + -13.223148345947266 + ], + [ + "ouf", + -13.28399658203125 + ], + [ + "\u2581CDR", + -12.91287612915039 + ], + [ + "\u2581Inicialmente", + -13.0801362991333 + ], + [ + "\u2581edificar", + -12.925365447998047 + ], + [ + "\u2581sacaste", + -12.817874908447266 + ], + [ + "Download", + -12.896062850952148 + ], + [ + "\u2581Relacion", + -13.022635459899902 + ], + [ + "\u2581Trate", + -12.903560638427734 + ], + [ + "\u2581Voluntarias", + -12.912007331848145 + ], + [ + "\u2581exposing", + -12.870116233825684 + ], + [ + "\u2581s\u00f3dico", + -12.9629487991333 + ], + [ + "\u2581traer\u00e9", + -12.830047607421875 + ], + [ + "3.1", + -12.49098014831543 + ], + [ + "\u2581canaliza", + -12.98360538482666 + ], + [ + "\u2581ratifiquen", + -13.001653671264648 + ], + [ + "Available", + -12.977240562438965 + ], + [ + "\u2581bliss", + -12.92046070098877 + ], + [ + "\u2581embryos", + -12.838630676269531 + ], + [ + "KY", + -13.153334617614746 + ], + [ + "premi", + -13.214540481567383 + ], + [ + "\u2581cab\u00eda", + -12.984540939331055 + ], + [ + "\u2581Adriatic", + -12.94854736328125 + ], + [ + "\u2581fidelity", + -12.85435962677002 + ], + [ + "\u2581llegaste", + -12.883391380310059 + ], + [ + "\u2581naive", + -12.999460220336914 + ], + [ + "\u2581abordando", + -12.990132331848145 + ], + [ + "\u2581despierte", + -12.84371566772461 + ], + [ + "\u2581inducido", + -13.040926933288574 + ], + [ + "\u2581Raices", + -13.174861907958984 + ], + [ + "\u2581implantado", + -13.048415184020996 + ], + [ + "\u2581crank", + -12.921930313110352 + ], + [ + "\u2581disfrutar\u00e1s", + -13.125173568725586 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reducing", + -12.83568000793457 + ], + [ + "\u2581simplifying", + -12.913105964660645 + ], + [ + "Hello", + -13.114618301391602 + ], + [ + "tendremos", + -12.84948444366455 + ], + [ + "iger", + -12.924703598022461 + ], + [ + "\u25815.6", + -12.887232780456543 + ], + [ + "\u2581despegue", + -12.957063674926758 + ], + [ + "\u2581retaliation", + -12.97940731048584 + ], + [ + "nette", + -12.780126571655273 + ], + [ + "\u2581veracidad", + -13.02087688446045 + ], + [ + "\u2581desafiante", + -13.017951965332031 + ], + [ + "\u2581intersecci\u00f3n", + -13.051371574401855 + ], + [ + "\u2581mug", + -13.0042724609375 + ], + [ + "\u2581instituido", + -13.03373908996582 + ], + [ + "4,6", + -13.152205467224121 + ], + [ + "\u2581300,000", + -12.901074409484863 + ], + [ + "establishment", + -12.909024238586426 + ], + [ + "\u2581destinar\u00e1", + -13.279340744018555 + ], + [ + "\u2581Retaliation", + -12.823719024658203 + ], + [ + "\u2581sobrevivido", + -12.906298637390137 + ], + [ + "hawk", + -12.954869270324707 + ], + [ + "\u2581Correction", + -12.918649673461914 + ], + [ + "\u2581legendario", + -12.96899700164795 + ], + [ + "\u2581satan", + -12.943901062011719 + ], + [ + "\u2581viajado", + -12.868918418884277 + ], + [ + "corr", + -13.355551719665527 + ], + [ + "lta", + -12.738423347473145 + ], + [ + "\u2581RAE", + -13.060659408569336 + ], + [ + "\u2581cigar", + -13.011242866516113 + ], + [ + "\u2581guay", + -12.88560962677002 + ], + [ + "\u2581jesuita", + -13.025145530700684 + ], + [ + "\u2581Exit", + -12.903329849243164 + ], + [ + "\u2581calf", + -12.8936128616333 + ], + [ + "arium", + -12.946531295776367 + ], + [ + "ombo", + -12.891190528869629 + ], + [ + "\u2581complicity", + -12.8931303024292 + ], + [ + "\u2581P\u00edo", + -13.111117362976074 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wisdom", + -12.903973579406738 + ], + [ + "lange", + -13.00148868560791 + ], + [ + "\u2581negotiator", + -12.911263465881348 + ], + [ + "\u2581uncovered", + -12.888740539550781 + ], + [ + "\u2581vascular", + -12.872203826904297 + ], + [ + "\u2581Zak", + -12.945178031921387 + ], + [ + "\u2581slaughtered", + -12.879420280456543 + ], + [ + "efiri\u00e9ndose", + -13.008240699768066 + ], + [ + "\u2581236", + -12.936090469360352 + ], + [ + "\u2581demencia", + -13.044751167297363 + ], + [ + "liner", + -12.884967803955078 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuff", + -13.00974178314209 + ], + [ + "formaciones", + -13.003250122070312 + ], + [ + "hri", + -12.923535346984863 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vera", + -12.827327728271484 + ], + [ + "\u2581centenario", + -13.078107833862305 + ], + [ + "\u2581platelet", + -12.881694793701172 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tob", + -12.865960121154785 + ], + [ + "\u2581apretado", + -12.935281753540039 + ], + [ + "\u2581theologian", + -12.859597206115723 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bachelor", + -12.983332633972168 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hija", + -13.013391494750977 + ], + [ + "\u2581unrestricted", + -12.926010131835938 + ], + [ + "\u2581cardiaco", + -12.960941314697266 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ferguson", + -13.546723365783691 + ], + [ + "\u2581locality", + -12.875834465026855 + ], + [ + "Hoteles", + -13.046039581298828 + ], + [ + "pig", + -13.320919036865234 + ], + [ + "\u2581orphan", + -12.971587181091309 + ], + [ + "\u2581celebrity", + -12.92990779876709 + ], + [ + "\u2581enter\u00f3", + -12.912415504455566 + ], + [ + "\u2581tonne", + -12.821722984313965 + ], + [ + "\u2581Abbey", + -12.933493614196777 + ], + [ + "\u2581Offences", + -12.918611526489258 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tiles", + -12.864828109741211 + ], + [ + "\u2581paradoja", + -13.035340309143066 + ], + [ + "\u2581previene", + -13.044713020324707 + ], + [ + "\u2581alfabeto", + -13.13586711883545 + ], + [ + "\u2581corrosion", + -12.83382797241211 + ], + [ + "\u2581part\u00edcipe", + -13.01874828338623 + ], + [ + "\u2581Deb\u00eda", + -12.843947410583496 + ], + [ + "\u2581haci\u00e9ndose", + -12.944839477539062 + ], + [ + "\u2581irrelevante", + -12.975082397460938 + ], + [ + "\u2193", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581depredador", + -13.023045539855957 + ], + [ + "\u2581divers", + -12.878211975097656 + ], + [ + "\u2581rupture", + -12.861297607421875 + ], + [ + "107", + -12.85030746459961 + ], + [ + "\u2581%.1", + -13.101640701293945 + ], + [ + "\u2581colch\u00f3n", + -12.923552513122559 + ], + [ + "\u2581Algiers", + -12.89853572845459 + ], + [ + "\u2581Penitenciario", + -13.033738136291504 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bride", + -12.939163208007812 + ], + [ + "\u2581Raven", + -12.958807945251465 + ], + [ + "\u2581depicted", + -12.846903800964355 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pod\u00e9", + -13.108563423156738 + ], + [ + "\u2581paradox", + -12.886710166931152 + ], + [ + "\u2581plaque", + -12.884191513061523 + ], + [ + "\u2581composiciones", + -12.991602897644043 + ], + [ + "\u2581privat", + -12.989252090454102 + ], + [ + "\u2581Denuncia", + -13.041176795959473 + ], + [ + "\u2581envisage", + -12.868906021118164 + ], + [ + "\u2581214", + -12.86477279663086 + ], + [ + "\u2581encontremos", + -12.87652587890625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Electricidad", + -12.997801780700684 + ], + [ + "\u2581incierto", + -13.066269874572754 + ], + [ + "\u2581Surface", + -12.969718933105469 + ], + [ + "\u2581Apollo", + -13.00991153717041 + ], + [ + "\u2581design\u00f3", + -13.042407989501953 + ], + [ + "\u2581alabar", + -13.011734008789062 + ], + [ + "\u2581emisores", + -12.915434837341309 + ], + [ + "\u2581endurance", + -12.850908279418945 + ], + [ + "\u2581subnacional", + -13.052669525146484 + ], + [ + "\u00c5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581jinete", + -12.933244705200195 + ], + [ + "\u2581silicone", + -12.851144790649414 + ], + [ + "\u2581vengeance", + -12.870038986206055 + ], + [ + "\u2581minusv\u00e1lidos", + -12.991493225097656 + ], + [ + "\u2581plurianuales", + -13.016767501831055 + ], + [ + "\u2581shareholder", + -12.925061225891113 + ], + [ + "Comit\u00e9", + -12.946202278137207 + ], + [ + "\u2581scientifically", + -12.894198417663574 + ], + [ + "\u2581bracket", + -12.938268661499023 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tul", + -12.795645713806152 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alcance", + -13.044979095458984 + ], + [ + "\u2581burocr\u00e1tico", + -12.91584300994873 + ], + [ + "particularly", + -12.887040138244629 + ], + [ + "\u2581Peggy", + -13.480567932128906 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sudafrica", + -12.991533279418945 + ], + [ + "Rec", + -12.687759399414062 + ], + [ + "\u2581ampolla", + -12.948981285095215 + ], + [ + "lingual", + -12.946343421936035 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fest", + -12.987390518188477 + ], + [ + "\u2581bibliogr\u00e1fica", + -13.003979682922363 + ], + [ + "\u2581jovencita", + -12.824507713317871 + ], + [ + "\u2581mojado", + -12.979301452636719 + ], + [ + "\u2581sensitize", + -13.12367057800293 + ], + [ + "\u2581bomber", + -13.075705528259277 + ], + [ + "STAN", + -13.008995056152344 + ], + [ + "\u2581ORGANIZATION", + -12.810396194458008 + ], + [ + "\u2581illiterate", + -12.944754600524902 + ], + [ + "\u2581sensitization", + -12.89673137664795 + ], + [ + "/55", + -12.757695198059082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gotta", + -13.11787223815918 + ], + [ + "MSP", + -12.934785842895508 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bolonia", + -12.983305931091309 + ], + [ + "\u2581chor", + -12.891451835632324 + ], + [ + "\u2581decorar", + -12.98670768737793 + ], + [ + "\u2581desborda", + -12.973264694213867 + ], + [ + "\u2581irracional", + -12.96904182434082 + ], + [ + "bico", + -13.055696487426758 + ], + [ + "\u2581comparability", + -12.97354793548584 + ], + [ + "\u2581Eph", + -13.014379501342773 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gaz", + -13.00643253326416 + ], + [ + "\u2581Republik", + -12.850908279418945 + ], + [ + "\u2581obedient", + -12.907610893249512 + ], + [ + "\u2581Speaker", + -12.911408424377441 + ], + [ + "\u2581corrupta", + -12.917755126953125 + ], + [ + "\u2581humillaci\u00f3n", + -12.899502754211426 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sat\u00e9lite", + -13.03806209564209 + ], + [ + "\u2581tenants", + -12.856277465820312 + ], + [ + "\u2581Prospect", + -12.867993354797363 + ], + [ + "\u2581pellets", + -12.986366271972656 + ], + [ + "\u2581purify", + -12.882554054260254 + ], + [ + "\u2581anglo", + -12.984406471252441 + ], + [ + "\u2581rosca", + -12.929622650146484 + ], + [ + "\u2581subcomit\u00e9", + -13.010282516479492 + ], + [ + "gain", + -12.754495620727539 + ], + [ + "\u2581$30", + -12.951056480407715 + ], + [ + "\u2581boliviano", + -12.971089363098145 + ], + [ + "\u2581arbitrariamente", + -13.050594329833984 + ], + [ + "\u2581dropout", + -12.905882835388184 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00e9xtasis", + -13.027286529541016 + ], + [ + "gravi", + -12.998268127441406 + ], + [ + "osi", + -12.801429748535156 + ], + [ + "\u2581debating", + -12.837227821350098 + ], + [ + "\u2581shortest", + -12.940110206604004 + ], + [ + "\u2581gentil", + -12.871583938598633 + ], + [ + "olla", + -12.81688404083252 + ], + [ + "\u2581Anuncia", + -12.937446594238281 + ], + [ + "\u2581Integra", + -12.993387222290039 + ], + [ + "\u2581Valve", + -12.969948768615723 + ], + [ + "\u2581concealed", + -12.933931350708008 + ], + [ + "oria", + -12.896688461303711 + ], + [ + "\u2581Editing", + -12.858192443847656 + ], + [ + "\u2581terminamos", + -12.791293144226074 + ], + [ + "volvi\u00f3", + -12.890179634094238 + ], + [ + "\u2581adjournment", + -12.857939720153809 + ], + [ + "\u2581PARTICULARS", + -12.88786506652832 + ], + [ + "\u2581uncontrolled", + -12.886311531066895 + ], + [ + "\u2581NCB", + -12.768960952758789 + ], + [ + "\u2581desembarque", + -12.95893669128418 + ], + [ + "\u2581posea", + -12.99658203125 + ], + [ + "\u2581secuestrar", + -13.097426414489746 + ], + [ + "fosfo", + -13.006027221679688 + ], + [ + "\u2581huido", + -12.944599151611328 + ], + [ + "\u2581profana", + -13.093828201293945 + ], + [ + "\u2581competiciones", + -13.01874828338623 + ], + [ + "\u2581contravene", + -12.880644798278809 + ], + [ + "integr", + -13.04324722290039 + ], + [ + "\u2581Consulting", + -12.909623146057129 + ], + [ + "\u2581drastically", + -12.882452011108398 + ], + [ + "Organizaci\u00f3n", + -13.0183687210083 + ], + [ + "\u2581meteorol\u00f3gica", + -13.100489616394043 + ], + [ + "\u2581pervert", + -12.984395027160645 + ], + [ + "mmers", + -12.851909637451172 + ], + [ + "\u2581cumshot", + -12.931602478027344 + ], + [ + "\u2581ferviente", + -13.00607681274414 + ], + [ + "\u2581peleando", + -12.817774772644043 + ], + [ + "\u2581perdimos", + -12.870845794677734 + ], + [ + "\u2581calumnia", + -13.057756423950195 + ], + [ + "\u2581proactiva", + -13.05414867401123 + ], + [ + "\u2581bendecir", + -12.945019721984863 + ], + [ + "\u2581computation", + -12.828761100769043 + ], + [ + "\u2581nipple", + -12.903970718383789 + ], + [ + "\u2581terminando", + -12.898831367492676 + ], + [ + "/48", + -12.774238586425781 + ], + [ + "eaux", + -13.090682029724121 + ], + [ + "\u2581Totalmente", + -12.895621299743652 + ], + [ + "\u2581adher", + -13.291288375854492 + ], + [ + "\u2581discarded", + -12.859101295471191 + ], + [ + "\u2581respondent", + -12.828859329223633 + ], + [ + "\u2581Formulan", + -12.97906494140625 + ], + [ + "\u2581townhouse", + -12.997969627380371 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00e9ter", + -12.939610481262207 + ], + [ + "\u2581repress", + -12.908329010009766 + ], + [ + "global", + -12.938715934753418 + ], + [ + "Ephesians", + -12.937216758728027 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gonzalez", + -12.944754600524902 + ], + [ + "\u2581agregada", + -13.005420684814453 + ], + [ + "\u2581refiner\u00eda", + -13.031583786010742 + ], + [ + "\u2581acopla", + -13.014832496643066 + ], + [ + "\u2581cherry", + -12.898553848266602 + ], + [ + "\u2581stipulate", + -12.820250511169434 + ], + [ + "\u2581Meli", + -13.096264839172363 + ], + [ + "\u2581perpetrada", + -12.980907440185547 + ], + [ + "\u2581severamente", + -12.972082138061523 + ], + [ + "\u2581MW", + -12.797922134399414 + ], + [ + "\u2581Chase", + -13.121591567993164 + ], + [ + "RSE", + -13.109345436096191 + ], + [ + "\u2581brazalete", + -12.939114570617676 + ], + [ + "\u2581PHARMAC", + -12.842333793640137 + ], + [ + "\u2581carita", + -12.952007293701172 + ], + [ + "\u2581payout", + -12.952760696411133 + ], + [ + "\u2581recluido", + -13.042407989501953 + ], + [ + "\u2581cumpli", + -12.936423301696777 + ], + [ + "\u2581profesorado", + -12.999214172363281 + ], + [ + "tori", + -12.71617317199707 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hicieron", + -12.999800682067871 + ], + [ + "\u2581ben\u00e9fica", + -12.869009971618652 + ], + [ + "\u2581leucemia", + -13.057756423950195 + ], + [ + "\u2581polling", + -12.94912338256836 + ], + [ + "\u2581trader", + -12.902606964111328 + ], + [ + "\u2581provista", + -13.09892463684082 + ], + [ + "\u2581refurbished", + -12.945045471191406 + ], + [ + "\u2581af\u00e1n", + -13.023347854614258 + ], + [ + "\u2581antagonist", + -12.823724746704102 + ], + [ + "\u2581compromising", + -12.960007667541504 + ], + [ + "conscious", + -12.93090534210205 + ], + [ + "ritic", + -13.129112243652344 + ], + [ + "\u2581desmoviliz", + -13.0535888671875 + ], + [ + "\u2581stuffed", + -12.991497039794922 + ], + [ + "\u2581suction", + -12.956230163574219 + ], + [ + "safe", + -12.988645553588867 + ], + [ + "\u2581broadcasters", + -12.856973648071289 + ], + [ + "mexico", + -12.958138465881348 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mirror", + -12.946649551391602 + ], + [ + "\u2581reprisals", + -12.898332595825195 + ], + [ + "\u2581anotado", + -13.062459945678711 + ], + [ + "\u2581barracks", + -12.985302925109863 + ], + [ + "\u2581Filosof\u00eda", + -13.068867683410645 + ], + [ + "\u2581illumination", + -12.913095474243164 + ], + [ + "\u2581Respira", + -12.82315444946289 + ], + [ + "\u2581stretching", + -12.914618492126465 + ], + [ + "dong", + -13.002220153808594 + ], + [ + "\u2581Advisor", + -12.938421249389648 + ], + [ + "\u2581Santidad", + -12.983661651611328 + ], + [ + "\u2581filthy", + -13.00548267364502 + ], + [ + "\u2581restrictiva", + -12.99431324005127 + ], + [ + "\u2581toxinas", + -13.042498588562012 + ], + [ + "ILE", + -13.009783744812012 + ], + [ + "\u2581Copper", + -13.005547523498535 + ], + [ + "\u2581divinidad", + -12.956938743591309 + ], + [ + "ATING", + -13.52812385559082 + ], + [ + "film", + -12.957520484924316 + ], + [ + "\u2581anticipo", + -12.945172309875488 + ], + [ + "\u2581assimilate", + -12.924155235290527 + ], + [ + "\u2581clutch", + -12.939096450805664 + ], + [ + "\u2581conflictiv", + -13.100652694702148 + ], + [ + "Volver", + -12.928693771362305 + ], + [ + "\u2581Preventing", + -12.89670181274414 + ], + [ + "\u2581extienda", + -13.023396492004395 + ], + [ + "1,600", + -12.931780815124512 + ], + [ + "\u2581lesiona", + -12.982843399047852 + ], + [ + "\u2581intacta", + -13.010285377502441 + ], + [ + "\u2581profundizaci\u00f3n", + -13.029932022094727 + ], + [ + "\u2581Protected", + -12.79670238494873 + ], + [ + "\u2581xenophobic", + -12.96772289276123 + ], + [ + "\u2581Worker", + -12.948864936828613 + ], + [ + "\u2581astronauta", + -12.8949613571167 + ], + [ + "\u2581stripped", + -12.887911796569824 + ], + [ + "\u03b2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581tragaperras", + -12.977119445800781 + ], + [ + "\u2581redeemed", + -12.909189224243164 + ], + [ + "\u2581shiny", + -12.971607208251953 + ], + [ + "traigan", + -13.230929374694824 + ], + [ + "\u2581Decorative", + -12.948546409606934 + ], + [ + "\u2581Semillas", + -13.11227035522461 + ], + [ + "\u2581Slim", + -13.007242202758789 + ], + [ + "\u2581asociando", + -13.053296089172363 + ], + [ + "\u2581bunker", + -13.019591331481934 + ], + [ + "Complete", + -12.903365135192871 + ], + [ + "\u2581Musical", + -13.030891418457031 + ], + [ + "\u2581Carnival", + -12.842331886291504 + ], + [ + "\u2581pizarra", + -13.003983497619629 + ], + [ + "sentido", + -12.973551750183105 + ], + [ + "\u2581Simposio", + -13.080103874206543 + ], + [ + "\u2581festividad", + -13.051155090332031 + ], + [ + "\u2581reasignaci\u00f3n", + -12.99360179901123 + ], + [ + "\u2581complacer", + -12.885046005249023 + ], + [ + "positivo", + -13.051186561584473 + ], + [ + "\u2581Giving", + -13.009344100952148 + ], + [ + "TB", + -12.79598331451416 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reforzar", + -13.11458969116211 + ], + [ + "\u2581Clock", + -12.957928657531738 + ], + [ + "\u2581enemiga", + -12.97712516784668 + ], + [ + "\u2581incite", + -12.828903198242188 + ], + [ + "\u2581lisa", + -13.018197059631348 + ], + [ + "\u2581Deb\u00ed", + -12.779422760009766 + ], + [ + "\u2581guarantor", + -12.91493034362793 + ], + [ + "dance", + -12.90807056427002 + ], + [ + "\u2581exuberante", + -13.059968948364258 + ], + [ + "\u2581bandwidth", + -12.868284225463867 + ], + [ + "\u2581refrescante", + -13.116931915283203 + ], + [ + "\u2581sacaron", + -12.89970588684082 + ], + [ + "\u2581CONDITIONS", + -12.891335487365723 + ], + [ + "\u2581aeroplane", + -12.838921546936035 + ], + [ + "\u2581esterilizaci\u00f3n", + -12.959007263183594 + ], + [ + "\u2581traveler", + -12.926876068115234 + ], + [ + "threatening", + -12.950080871582031 + ], + [ + "\u2581incienso", + -13.102962493896484 + ], + [ + "\u2581haemo", + -13.438023567199707 + ], + [ + "\u2581remitida", + -13.084635734558105 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dancing", + -12.891721725463867 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gee", + -12.931536674499512 + ], + [ + "\u2581escogi\u00f3", + -12.941520690917969 + ], + [ + "Necesito", + -12.838724136352539 + ], + [ + "\u2581Assess", + -12.9617919921875 + ], + [ + "\u2581indefinida", + -13.037522315979004 + ], + [ + "\u2581scalp", + -12.920570373535156 + ], + [ + "\u2581municipalidad", + -13.072769165039062 + ], + [ + "\u2581Boom", + -13.159587860107422 + ], + [ + "\u2581apunte", + -13.067703247070312 + ], + [ + "\u2581exacerbate", + -12.907918930053711 + ], + [ + "\u2581interrumpe", + -12.92935562133789 + ], + [ + "\u2581feroz", + -12.945021629333496 + ], + [ + "\u2581analogy", + -12.934130668640137 + ], + [ + "\u2581disguise", + -12.986108779907227 + ], + [ + "\u2581memoriza", + -13.004358291625977 + ], + [ + "\u2581willingly", + -12.961172103881836 + ], + [ + "\u2581255", + -12.928812980651855 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mister", + -13.13581657409668 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pensamiento", + -13.109925270080566 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sandinista", + -12.905789375305176 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ultimately", + -12.888364791870117 + ], + [ + "\u2581sugirieron", + -12.995638847351074 + ], + [ + "\u2581H\u00e9ctor", + -13.008177757263184 + ], + [ + "\u2581colonizaci\u00f3n", + -13.027730941772461 + ], + [ + "\u2581inspecciona", + -12.94322395324707 + ], + [ + "\u25811,200", + -12.897419929504395 + ], + [ + "\u2581charger", + -12.976696968078613 + ], + [ + "condicionada", + -13.167502403259277 + ], + [ + "\u2581Juicio", + -12.981350898742676 + ], + [ + "\u2581Orchestra", + -12.875321388244629 + ], + [ + "\u2581eps", + -12.990074157714844 + ], + [ + "rbitrary", + -12.797811508178711 + ], + [ + "\u2581relocate", + -12.870631217956543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Warehouse", + -12.952353477478027 + ], + [ + "\u2581recorte", + -12.96765422821045 + ], + [ + "Estuviste", + -12.788204193115234 + ], + [ + "\u2581227", + -12.901881217956543 + ], + [ + "\u2581unavoidable", + -12.903970718383789 + ], + [ + "IDB", + -12.911314010620117 + ], + [ + "\u2581DATOS", + -13.128752708435059 + ], + [ + "\u2581vicioso", + -13.07356071472168 + ], + [ + "\u2581hinge", + -12.91211223602295 + ], + [ + "\u2581previsibilidad", + -13.042405128479004 + ], + [ + "j\u00e1ndose", + -12.97741413116455 + ], + [ + "\u2581undo", + -12.750621795654297 + ], + [ + "cession", + -12.945344924926758 + ], + [ + "aplicaci\u00f3n", + -13.178054809570312 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hood", + -13.143024444580078 + ], + [ + "\u2581calibration", + -12.902290344238281 + ], + [ + "\u2581mami", + -12.752638816833496 + ], + [ + "\u2581recess", + -12.991618156433105 + ], + [ + "\u2581Afiliaci\u00f3n", + -13.044585227966309 + ], + [ + "\u2581Yass", + -12.896363258361816 + ], + [ + "\u2581comercia", + -13.017749786376953 + ], + [ + "\u2581penny", + -13.01766300201416 + ], + [ + "\u2581Attractions", + -12.95044994354248 + ], + [ + "\u2581juzgue", + -12.92353630065918 + ], + [ + "\u2581testosterona", + -13.073347091674805 + ], + [ + "frey", + -13.547889709472656 + ], + [ + "\u2581kicking", + -13.099453926086426 + ], + [ + "\u2581postcard", + -13.027979850769043 + ], + [ + "\u2581Object", + -12.887460708618164 + ], + [ + "\u2581interfaces", + -13.071106910705566 + ], + [ + "menti", + -13.104257583618164 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pipe", + -12.785211563110352 + ], + [ + "\u2581scout", + -13.017370223999023 + ], + [ + "\u2581cursed", + -13.00456714630127 + ], + [ + "\u2581espinal", + -13.045659065246582 + ], + [ + "\u2581turmoil", + -12.952352523803711 + ], + [ + "9,5", + -13.298993110656738 + ], + [ + "\u2581ambush", + -13.003198623657227 + ], + [ + "\u2581bleach", + -13.152522087097168 + ], + [ + "\u2581compresor", + -13.002241134643555 + ], + [ + "\u2581mountainous", + -12.902793884277344 + ], + [ + "190", + -12.860284805297852 + ], + [ + "Men", + -12.917384147644043 + ], + [ + "accession", + -12.81442928314209 + ], + [ + "\u2581disminuya", + -13.114295959472656 + ], + [ + "\u2581ense\u00f1e", + -12.987489700317383 + ], + [ + "descendant", + -12.99651050567627 + ], + [ + "mezcla", + -12.97647476196289 + ], + [ + "\u2581indifferent", + -12.891619682312012 + ], + [ + "\u2581rewarding", + -12.903133392333984 + ], + [ + "continent", + -12.975273132324219 + ], + [ + "\u2581Deseamos", + -12.960087776184082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dise\u00f1", + -13.019902229309082 + ], + [ + "\u2581inapropiado", + -12.995637893676758 + ], + [ + "\u2581persuaded", + -12.9753999710083 + ], + [ + "\u2581almond", + -12.948674201965332 + ], + [ + "\u2581calabaza", + -13.00398063659668 + ], + [ + "\u2581gestaci\u00f3n", + -13.055925369262695 + ], + [ + "\u2581sospechosa", + -12.923432350158691 + ], + [ + "\u2581Iremos", + -12.818695068359375 + ], + [ + "\u2581cyst", + -12.88043212890625 + ], + [ + "Netherlands", + -12.933003425598145 + ], + [ + "formidad", + -12.95785140991211 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hastings", + -13.490669250488281 + ], + [ + "\u2581fricci\u00f3n", + -13.025145530700684 + ], + [ + "\u2581shaken", + -12.957758903503418 + ], + [ + "\u2581spacecraft", + -12.94324016571045 + ], + [ + "\u2581Talking", + -13.0565767288208 + ], + [ + "\u258191(", + -12.988537788391113 + ], + [ + "\u2581Benchmark", + -12.878857612609863 + ], + [ + "\u2581suscriptores", + -12.985307693481445 + ], + [ + "\u2581sweeping", + -12.900626182556152 + ], + [ + "\u2581arrodill", + -12.95312786102295 + ], + [ + "\u2581defendiendo", + -13.008183479309082 + ], + [ + "\u2581dejarle", + -12.910520553588867 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pattern", + -12.975552558898926 + ], + [ + "\u2581Psych", + -13.140369415283203 + ], + [ + "\u2581Surprise", + -13.0399808883667 + ], + [ + "\u2581presione", + -12.978432655334473 + ], + [ + "Spy", + -13.142831802368164 + ], + [ + "\u2581elbow", + -12.983332633972168 + ], + [ + "\u2581Saba", + -13.187856674194336 + ], + [ + "\u2581cebo", + -13.064109802246094 + ], + [ + "\u2581imaginado", + -12.933231353759766 + ], + [ + "\u2581swamp", + -13.009230613708496 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00edntimamente", + -13.076627731323242 + ], + [ + "\u2581Excellence", + -12.924155235290527 + ], + [ + "\u2581resentimiento", + -12.91998291015625 + ], + [ + "dentro", + -12.807028770446777 + ], + [ + "franc", + -13.163810729980469 + ], + [ + "\u2581adverso", + -12.969532012939453 + ], + [ + "\u2581quantify", + -12.903970718383789 + ], + [ + "\u2581rehearsal", + -13.0846586227417 + ], + [ + "\u2581dorm\u00eda", + -12.913631439208984 + ], + [ + "\u2581filme", + -13.108248710632324 + ], + [ + "\u2581GTE", + -13.014565467834473 + ], + [ + "\u2581provocaron", + -13.04840087890625 + ], + [ + "ongo", + -13.086682319641113 + ], + [ + "organization", + -12.867480278015137 + ], + [ + "Acabamos", + -13.313824653625488 + ], + [ + "listed", + -12.853063583374023 + ], + [ + "\u2581indifference", + -12.907610893249512 + ], + [ + "\u2581heredado", + -13.010531425476074 + ], + [ + "\u2581timeliness", + -12.933564186096191 + ], + [ + "\u2581Obligaciones", + -13.110180854797363 + ], + [ + "\u2581desviaciones", + -13.031586647033691 + ], + [ + "\u2581espionaje", + -13.035897254943848 + ], + [ + "\u2581deleting", + -12.871809005737305 + ], + [ + "\u2581minimizing", + -12.944754600524902 + ], + [ + "\u2581wavelength", + -12.859570503234863 + ], + [ + "\u2581estriba", + -13.012632369995117 + ], + [ + "\u2581pigmento", + -13.001899719238281 + ], + [ + "ICCD", + -13.052672386169434 + ], + [ + "\u2581245", + -13.01659870147705 + ], + [ + "\u2581Adolf", + -12.913118362426758 + ], + [ + "\u2581Passover", + -12.905929565429688 + ], + [ + "\u2581Terrorist", + -12.918609619140625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Raise", + -12.966211318969727 + ], + [ + "\u2581peg", + -12.992476463317871 + ], + [ + "\u2581Duc", + -13.03942584991455 + ], + [ + "\u2581Essen", + -12.907486915588379 + ], + [ + "\u2581Spark", + -13.002259254455566 + ], + [ + "tape", + -12.978819847106934 + ], + [ + "\u2581cooler", + -13.123475074768066 + ], + [ + "\u2581jigsaw", + -13.061001777648926 + ], + [ + "\u2581daring", + -12.915298461914062 + ], + [ + "\u2581Amp", + -12.939068794250488 + ], + [ + "\u2581alibi", + -13.02363395690918 + ], + [ + "\u2581enter\u00e9", + -12.95088005065918 + ], + [ + "\u2581toxins", + -12.8949556350708 + ], + [ + "\u2581posing", + -12.953441619873047 + ], + [ + "ponente", + -12.935415267944336 + ], + [ + "\u2581Birmania", + -12.987364768981934 + ], + [ + "\u2581Protest", + -12.86076831817627 + ], + [ + "\u2581conocieron", + -12.956953048706055 + ], + [ + "\u2581mastica", + -12.997791290283203 + ], + [ + "\u2581minimis", + -12.81153392791748 + ], + [ + "\u2581oyentes", + -13.030094146728516 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rav", + -13.055758476257324 + ], + [ + "\u2581cepill", + -12.954540252685547 + ], + [ + "cetic", + -12.933577537536621 + ], + [ + "\u2581desaceleraci\u00f3n", + -13.01874828338623 + ], + [ + "\u2581healthier", + -12.886615753173828 + ], + [ + "\u2581Column", + -12.920455932617188 + ], + [ + "\u2581Communion", + -12.902360916137695 + ], + [ + "\u2581pareciera", + -12.96296501159668 + ], + [ + "\u2581b\u00f3veda", + -12.927407264709473 + ], + [ + "\u2581peruana", + -13.010286331176758 + ], + [ + "\u2581recordamos", + -13.077969551086426 + ], + [ + "\u2581spotlight", + -12.931806564331055 + ], + [ + "cuesta", + -12.824922561645508 + ], + [ + "\u25810,05", + -13.028203010559082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Spr", + -12.99338150024414 + ], + [ + "\u2581grind", + -13.034948348999023 + ], + [ + "\u2581professionally", + -12.93899917602539 + ], + [ + "\u2581averig", + -12.928760528564453 + ], + [ + "\u2581fostered", + -13.003708839416504 + ], + [ + "buoy", + -12.973636627197266 + ], + [ + "\u2581malfunction", + -12.929746627807617 + ], + [ + "\u2581Intermediate", + -12.914806365966797 + ], + [ + "\u2581NEWSLETTER", + -12.935338973999023 + ], + [ + "\u2581anfitriona", + -13.020875930786133 + ], + [ + "\u2581furioso", + -12.904396057128906 + ], + [ + "\u2581meditate", + -12.95809268951416 + ], + [ + "\u2581310", + -12.96657657623291 + ], + [ + "\u2581fungi", + -13.039323806762695 + ], + [ + "\u2581occidente", + -13.112253189086914 + ], + [ + "Ask", + -13.041274070739746 + ], + [ + "otti", + -13.048724174499512 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lounge", + -12.920802116394043 + ], + [ + "\u2581ansia", + -13.000466346740723 + ], + [ + "\u2581dominion", + -12.91309928894043 + ], + [ + "Noticias", + -13.009854316711426 + ], + [ + "\u2581pusiste", + -12.822651863098145 + ], + [ + "\u2581abuser", + -12.966553688049316 + ], + [ + "\u2581neumon\u00eda", + -13.012392044067383 + ], + [ + "\u2581sentarme", + -12.918065071105957 + ], + [ + "scribiendo", + -12.997132301330566 + ], + [ + "\u2581entendi", + -12.943449974060059 + ], + [ + "\u2581Financiamiento", + -13.179862022399902 + ], + [ + "\u2581Monastery", + -12.903970718383789 + ], + [ + "\u2581solidario", + -12.945021629333496 + ], + [ + "\u2581lavadero", + -13.096142768859863 + ], + [ + "\u2581roommate", + -13.12534236907959 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gio", + -13.045876502990723 + ], + [ + "\u2581adjourn", + -12.937088012695312 + ], + [ + "\u2581equitaci\u00f3n", + -12.949021339416504 + ], + [ + "\u2581roar", + -12.933956146240234 + ], + [ + "ODA", + -12.912738800048828 + ], + [ + "sc\u00f3pico", + -13.126860618591309 + ], + [ + "\u2581hiri\u00f3", + -13.00398063659668 + ], + [ + "\u2581instal\u00f3", + -13.004250526428223 + ], + [ + "\u2581Guant\u00e1namo", + -12.9669771194458 + ], + [ + "\u2581impago", + -13.045269966125488 + ], + [ + "\u2581peaje", + -12.977449417114258 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nutrici\u00f3n", + -13.155618667602539 + ], + [ + "\u2581Shouldn", + -13.177311897277832 + ], + [ + "\u2581promovida", + -13.155168533325195 + ], + [ + "\u25814.4).", + -12.868494033813477 + ], + [ + "\u2581Printing", + -12.962189674377441 + ], + [ + "\u2581growers", + -12.874608993530273 + ], + [ + "\u2581Servant", + -12.870044708251953 + ], + [ + "\u016b", + -100 + ], + [ + "f\u00edsico", + -13.114897727966309 + ], + [ + "Turqu\u00eda", + -12.958184242248535 + ], + [ + "\u2581Loire", + -12.863391876220703 + ], + [ + "SDE", + -13.2559814453125 + ], + [ + "91(", + -13.574176788330078 + ], + [ + "adilla", + -13.462532997131348 + ], + [ + "trabaja", + -13.037893295288086 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mandato", + -13.009140968322754 + ], + [ + "\u2581permanec\u00eda", + -13.080103874206543 + ], + [ + "\u2581schema", + -12.99174976348877 + ], + [ + "\u2581siniestro", + -12.99356460571289 + ], + [ + "\u2581folding", + -12.93706226348877 + ], + [ + "\u2581habitable", + -13.059840202331543 + ], + [ + "\u2581phasing", + -12.900345802307129 + ], + [ + "kim", + -13.040216445922852 + ], + [ + "\u25814(1)", + -12.813218116760254 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hoo", + -12.928267478942871 + ], + [ + "\u2581melting", + -12.923928260803223 + ], + [ + "\u2581devastation", + -12.950448036193848 + ], + [ + "\u2581incumpli", + -13.002432823181152 + ], + [ + "either", + -12.924104690551758 + ], + [ + "tierra", + -12.992751121520996 + ], + [ + "\u2581Artificial", + -12.850908279418945 + ], + [ + "\u2581comparta", + -13.075536727905273 + ], + [ + "\u2581rodaje", + -13.002419471740723 + ], + [ + "Lucas", + -13.062530517578125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Saltea", + -13.109262466430664 + ], + [ + "\u2581depletion", + -12.880630493164062 + ], + [ + "560", + -13.013906478881836 + ], + [ + "civil", + -12.927569389343262 + ], + [ + "\u2581-10%", + -13.009115219116211 + ], + [ + "\u2581escorted", + -12.922547340393066 + ], + [ + "trained", + -12.849921226501465 + ], + [ + "\u2581Contencioso", + -13.126355171203613 + ], + [ + "\u2581colourful", + -12.973688125610352 + ], + [ + "\u2581reiniciar", + -13.0621919631958 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mater", + -13.051427841186523 + ], + [ + "\u2581rethink", + -12.928163528442383 + ], + [ + "poni\u00e9ndose", + -13.100683212280273 + ], + [ + "Feliz", + -12.805340766906738 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pound", + -13.010543823242188 + ], + [ + "\u2581puntuar", + -13.307494163513184 + ], + [ + "Secretario", + -13.020509719848633 + ], + [ + "\u2581imanes", + -12.997734069824219 + ], + [ + "BIS", + -13.41295051574707 + ], + [ + "\u2581LDC", + -12.83343505859375 + ], + [ + "\u2581CCP", + -13.00888729095459 + ], + [ + "\u2581ratificaciones", + -13.06688404083252 + ], + [ + "/51", + -12.859477043151855 + ], + [ + "together", + -13.050622940063477 + ], + [ + "\u2581laughter", + -13.067461013793945 + ], + [ + "\u2581constructively", + -12.89247989654541 + ], + [ + "\u2581reconciled", + -12.902339935302734 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jacuzzi", + -12.963857650756836 + ], + [ + "\u2581cerebrales", + -12.994562149047852 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lindsay", + -13.52535343170166 + ], + [ + "\u2581mantenemos", + -12.912253379821777 + ], + [ + "\u2581sangra", + -12.946045875549316 + ], + [ + "\u2581uncover", + -12.961261749267578 + ], + [ + "Prince", + -12.969430923461914 + ], + [ + "\u2581dispense", + -12.92375659942627 + ], + [ + "\u2581ondula", + -13.038256645202637 + ], + [ + "\u2581salgo", + -12.793302536010742 + ], + [ + "\u2581Examination", + -12.907610893249512 + ], + [ + "\u2581pinch", + -13.033125877380371 + ], + [ + "ROW", + -12.969503402709961 + ], + [ + "\u2581despacha", + -12.891270637512207 + ], + [ + "\u2581predicciones", + -13.131781578063965 + ], + [ + "\u2581autenticaci\u00f3n", + -13.143332481384277 + ], + [ + "\u2581calcetines", + -12.983254432678223 + ], + [ + "\u2581nataci\u00f3n", + -12.98353385925293 + ], + [ + "\u2581reliquia", + -13.020875930786133 + ], + [ + "\u2581Viceministro", + -12.964961051940918 + ], + [ + "\u2581germina", + -13.11065673828125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ramos", + -12.951053619384766 + ], + [ + "\u2581bulto", + -12.989513397216797 + ], + [ + "\u2581reubicaci\u00f3n", + -13.073347091674805 + ], + [ + "\u2581sympathetic", + -12.993227005004883 + ], + [ + "\u2581Riad", + -12.987234115600586 + ], + [ + "\u2581bastidor", + -12.971054077148438 + ], + [ + "\u2581navegando", + -13.072866439819336 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cabin", + -12.921465873718262 + ], + [ + "common", + -12.935768127441406 + ], + [ + "\u2581gloriosa", + -13.044584274291992 + ], + [ + "\u2581primog\u00e9nito", + -13.116931915283203 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cubo", + -13.09309196472168 + ], + [ + "\u2581coloque", + -13.026910781860352 + ], + [ + "\u2581sacando", + -12.944279670715332 + ], + [ + "/2016", + -13.072787284851074 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ultramar", + -13.086997032165527 + ], + [ + "\u2581gladly", + -12.967795372009277 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ocultar", + -13.11225414276123 + ], + [ + "\u2581mistress", + -13.050444602966309 + ], + [ + "\u2581Topic", + -12.928122520446777 + ], + [ + "\u03a1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581pronounce", + -13.011322021484375 + ], + [ + "\u2581recite", + -12.971110343933105 + ], + [ + "Two", + -12.927924156188965 + ], + [ + "\u2581helpless", + -12.948840141296387 + ], + [ + "B\u00fasqueda", + -13.133879661560059 + ], + [ + "\u2581impeded", + -12.899709701538086 + ], + [ + "\u2581slate", + -13.055569648742676 + ], + [ + "gregaci\u00f3n", + -13.051164627075195 + ], + [ + "\u2581guardi\u00e1n", + -12.954940795898438 + ], + [ + "\u2581FINANCIACI\u00d3N", + -13.040231704711914 + ], + [ + "\u2581immoral", + -12.963737487792969 + ], + [ + "\u2581nac\u00ed", + -12.924394607543945 + ], + [ + "\u2581Contin\u00fae", + -12.896841049194336 + ], + [ + "\u2581envi", + -12.834339141845703 + ], + [ + "\u2581275", + -12.926706314086914 + ], + [ + "\u2581traducida", + -13.114665985107422 + ], + [ + "CIP", + -13.194662094116211 + ], + [ + "cristal", + -13.045109748840332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Amenaza", + -13.1076021194458 + ], + [ + "\u2581arrasa", + -13.052077293395996 + ], + [ + "\u258114.45", + -13.004610061645508 + ], + [ + "\u2581Garage", + -12.921324729919434 + ], + [ + "\u2581J\u00fapiter", + -12.92160415649414 + ], + [ + "\u2581intensificando", + -13.030046463012695 + ], + [ + "\u2581awarding", + -12.946496963500977 + ], + [ + "\u2581METHOD", + -12.822043418884277 + ], + [ + "\u2581conservadora", + -13.059113502502441 + ], + [ + "Palabras", + -13.082414627075195 + ], + [ + "\uf015", + -100 + ], + [ + "ACNUDH", + -13.07558822631836 + ], + [ + "\u2581audaz", + -12.98534107208252 + ], + [ + "\u2581Universit", + -12.853708267211914 + ], + [ + "\u2581desampar", + -13.046830177307129 + ], + [ + "\u2581jealousy", + -12.951602935791016 + ], + [ + "LOW", + -13.045109748840332 + ], + [ + "hani", + -13.318081855773926 + ], + [ + "\u2581insistido", + -12.985308647155762 + ], + [ + "201", + -12.960972785949707 + ], + [ + "subject", + -12.872800827026367 + ], + [ + "\u2581Transform", + -12.99751091003418 + ], + [ + "\u2581desestim\u00f3", + -13.155168533325195 + ], + [ + "\u2581obsoleta", + -13.057758331298828 + ], + [ + "whether", + -12.870996475219727 + ], + [ + "\u2581permanecieron", + -13.001888275146484 + ], + [ + "\u2581seldom", + -13.120100975036621 + ], + [ + "posal", + -12.921745300292969 + ], + [ + "\u2581Logan", + -13.002281188964844 + ], + [ + "\u2581Persistent", + -12.989272117614746 + ], + [ + "Lleva", + -12.779253959655762 + ], + [ + "\u2581Employers", + -12.929944038391113 + ], + [ + "/52", + -12.79737663269043 + ], + [ + "116", + -12.935786247253418 + ], + [ + "\u2581consulado", + -13.053651809692383 + ], + [ + "\u2581retrospective", + -12.898537635803223 + ], + [ + "\u2581MINUEE", + -12.983254432678223 + ], + [ + "\u2581Upload", + -12.880791664123535 + ], + [ + "\u2581perm\u00edtan", + -12.977118492126465 + ], + [ + "\u2581listeners", + -12.94340705871582 + ], + [ + "\u2581sentirme", + -12.89521598815918 + ], + [ + "fighter", + -12.954222679138184 + ], + [ + "\u2581Milo", + -13.073700904846191 + ], + [ + "\u2581UNDG", + -13.059103012084961 + ], + [ + "\u2581aclarado", + -13.019938468933105 + ], + [ + "\u2581deliberado", + -13.023316383361816 + ], + [ + "\u25810,7%", + -13.058283805847168 + ], + [ + "\u2581Include", + -12.852957725524902 + ], + [ + "\u2581inconsistencies", + -12.95426082611084 + ], + [ + "\u2581manipulado", + -13.049064636230469 + ], + [ + "\u2581Flemish", + -12.922303199768066 + ], + [ + "\u2581Offenders", + -12.903970718383789 + ], + [ + "\u2581WORLD", + -12.963857650756836 + ], + [ + "\u2581llamaste", + -12.806567192077637 + ], + [ + "incorpora", + -13.029117584228516 + ], + [ + "\u25811936", + -13.000405311584473 + ], + [ + "\u2581Esperemos", + -12.866068840026855 + ], + [ + "tendr\u00e9", + -12.855256080627441 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kho", + -13.001365661621094 + ], + [ + "\u2581Psycho", + -12.997331619262695 + ], + [ + "\u2581multifaceted", + -12.926010131835938 + ], + [ + "\u2581provechosa", + -13.112875938415527 + ], + [ + "Laughs", + -13.087075233459473 + ], + [ + "\u2581adquieran", + -12.99537467956543 + ], + [ + "\u2581objeta", + -13.016682624816895 + ], + [ + "\u2581presionando", + -12.954118728637695 + ], + [ + "\u2581traicionar", + -12.945784568786621 + ], + [ + "organic", + -13.010570526123047 + ], + [ + "\u2581auditorio", + -12.995922088623047 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sac", + -12.934380531311035 + ], + [ + "\u2581rebela", + -13.062500953674316 + ], + [ + "Cierto", + -12.78481388092041 + ], + [ + "metallic", + -12.951993942260742 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nacido", + -13.076306343078613 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sloan", + -13.471064567565918 + ], + [ + "cene", + -13.114547729492188 + ], + [ + "\u2581cicatrices", + -12.975082397460938 + ], + [ + "\u2581desalentar", + -12.973050117492676 + ], + [ + "\u2581devotees", + -12.940918922424316 + ], + [ + "\u2581jam\u00f3n", + -12.929434776306152 + ], + [ + "\u2581Supervisory", + -12.97202205657959 + ], + [ + "\u2581imperfect", + -12.853272438049316 + ], + [ + "\u2581indefinido", + -13.059968948364258 + ], + [ + "\u2581Monsieur", + -13.025507926940918 + ], + [ + "\u2581uninstall", + -12.868473052978516 + ], + [ + ".902", + -13.039350509643555 + ], + [ + "\u2581Abort", + -12.948375701904297 + ], + [ + "\u2581Feeling", + -12.986781120300293 + ], + [ + "\u2581emblema", + -13.033743858337402 + ], + [ + "\u2581219", + -12.934558868408203 + ], + [ + "\u2581scrub", + -12.988478660583496 + ], + [ + "\u2581Profundamente", + -13.02943229675293 + ], + [ + "\u2581vinyl", + -12.989253044128418 + ], + [ + "forming", + -12.958270072937012 + ], + [ + "\u2581fascismo", + -13.014506340026855 + ], + [ + "\u2581CONDICIONES", + -13.027286529541016 + ], + [ + "\u2581immersed", + -12.96054458618164 + ], + [ + "\u2581odiaba", + -13.007203102111816 + ], + [ + "black", + -12.973872184753418 + ], + [ + "Language", + -12.93677043914795 + ], + [ + "farm", + -13.01111888885498 + ], + [ + "\u2581Phrases", + -12.91493034362793 + ], + [ + "\u2581crab", + -13.082858085632324 + ], + [ + "\u2581desechar", + -12.981720924377441 + ], + [ + "\u2581tra\u00eda", + -13.084781646728516 + ], + [ + "\u2581OMPI", + -13.073348045349121 + ], + [ + "\u2581Originally", + -12.995453834533691 + ], + [ + "\u2581adquisitivo", + -13.200007438659668 + ], + [ + "Great", + -12.903348922729492 + ], + [ + "\u2581pobladores", + -13.11725902557373 + ], + [ + "awn", + -12.930985450744629 + ], + [ + "\u2581258", + -12.890059471130371 + ], + [ + "\u2581Avanzada", + -13.123991012573242 + ], + [ + "\u2581contagiosa", + -13.005141258239746 + ], + [ + "\u2581degraded", + -13.01125431060791 + ], + [ + "\u2581confusa", + -12.99362564086914 + ], + [ + "\u2581evidently", + -13.050734519958496 + ], + [ + "ledge", + -12.93845272064209 + ], + [ + "\u2581congregaciones", + -12.97327995300293 + ], + [ + "\u2581par\u00e9ntesis", + -13.096049308776855 + ], + [ + "\u2581blueprint", + -12.99933910369873 + ], + [ + "\u2581discretionary", + -12.96989631652832 + ], + [ + "\u2581Benefit", + -12.971518516540527 + ], + [ + "\u2581municipalidades", + -13.099534034729004 + ], + [ + "\u2581Presence", + -12.940988540649414 + ], + [ + "\u2581prosiguier", + -12.958937644958496 + ], + [ + "\u2581Balkan", + -12.868362426757812 + ], + [ + "\u2581biocombustibles", + -12.950960159301758 + ], + [ + "direccional", + -12.939654350280762 + ], + [ + "\u2581Analizador", + -13.023008346557617 + ], + [ + "\u2581fortified", + -12.977636337280273 + ], + [ + "\u2581skeptic", + -12.942866325378418 + ], + [ + "Top", + -13.039570808410645 + ], + [ + "bueno", + -12.952393531799316 + ], + [ + "\u2581AGAINST", + -12.878857612609863 + ], + [ + "\u2581constellation", + -12.950448036193848 + ], + [ + "\u2581experimentation", + -12.930484771728516 + ], + [ + "\u2581acceda", + -13.020280838012695 + ], + [ + "\u2581satisfactorily", + -12.887754440307617 + ], + [ + "1,5%", + -13.137298583984375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Voz", + -13.017790794372559 + ], + [ + "\u2581natalidad", + -13.023268699645996 + ], + [ + "\u2581pamphlet", + -12.894928932189941 + ], + [ + "zquez", + -13.015305519104004 + ], + [ + "\u2581poblacional", + -13.150308609008789 + ], + [ + "\u2581recalc\u00f3", + -13.035897254943848 + ], + [ + "\u2581tightly", + -12.967362403869629 + ], + [ + "\u2581Drought", + -12.939096450805664 + ], + [ + "\u2581Escuchen", + -12.791376113891602 + ], + [ + "\u2581Galle", + -12.967432975769043 + ], + [ + "\u2581impulsando", + -13.090659141540527 + ], + [ + "eviating", + -12.919267654418945 + ], + [ + "\u2581Diver", + -12.930557250976562 + ], + [ + "\u2581Offline", + -12.954471588134766 + ], + [ + "\u2581Velocidad", + -13.003979682922363 + ], + [ + "\u2581cocodrilo", + -12.931294441223145 + ], + [ + "\u2581someplace", + -13.123892784118652 + ], + [ + "\u2581acronym", + -12.871796607971191 + ], + [ + "causa", + -13.037696838378906 + ], + [ + "\u2581Compress", + -13.080981254577637 + ], + [ + "\u2581diagnostica", + -12.9920072555542 + ], + [ + "\u2581zanahoria", + -12.9629487991333 + ], + [ + "220", + -12.91275405883789 + ], + [ + "\u25819.2", + -12.947840690612793 + ], + [ + "Arma", + -12.973376274108887 + ], + [ + "\u011f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581Doo", + -12.886560440063477 + ], + [ + "\u2581comprobaciones", + -13.073347091674805 + ], + [ + "\u2581doctoral", + -12.988889694213867 + ], + [ + "\u2581heap", + -13.052018165588379 + ], + [ + "\u2581insecticida", + -13.062186241149902 + ], + [ + "\u2581porcentual", + -13.054492950439453 + ], + [ + "estatal", + -13.131312370300293 + ], + [ + "\u2581$500", + -12.99069881439209 + ], + [ + "\u2581238", + -12.898794174194336 + ], + [ + "\u2581daytime", + -12.990296363830566 + ], + [ + "3.3", + -12.702422142028809 + ], + [ + "\u2581tibur\u00f3n", + -12.977119445800781 + ], + [ + "\u2581arriesgado", + -13.004122734069824 + ], + [ + "\u2581porcelain", + -12.975497245788574 + ], + [ + "\u2581filament", + -12.975497245788574 + ], + [ + "\u2581Knock", + -13.178122520446777 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reach", + -12.928007125854492 + ], + [ + "\u2581butcher", + -13.05961799621582 + ], + [ + "\u2581respond\u00eda", + -13.020950317382812 + ], + [ + "\u2581accusing", + -12.991230010986328 + ], + [ + "\u2581evangeliza", + -13.154786109924316 + ], + [ + "\u2581***", + -12.905484199523926 + ], + [ + "\u2581punitive", + -12.981368064880371 + ], + [ + "money", + -12.90694522857666 + ], + [ + "\u2581hah", + -13.128707885742188 + ], + [ + "\u2581rellenado", + -13.139510154724121 + ], + [ + "\u2581Contenta", + -13.102977752685547 + ], + [ + "\u2581Endorses", + -12.963133811950684 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vuelta", + -13.059968948364258 + ], + [ + "\u2581D\u00f3lar", + -13.107661247253418 + ], + [ + "\u2581brisa", + -12.979195594787598 + ], + [ + "\u2581trenza", + -13.125885963439941 + ], + [ + "ahua", + -13.266873359680176 + ], + [ + "\u2581regression", + -12.961931228637695 + ], + [ + "\u2581Conciliation", + -12.878857612609863 + ], + [ + "\u2581Raul", + -12.932534217834473 + ], + [ + "\u2581miners", + -13.012479782104492 + ], + [ + "\u2581peregrina", + -13.016242980957031 + ], + [ + "\u2581ABS", + -12.963204383850098 + ], + [ + "\u2581Infierno", + -13.01662540435791 + ], + [ + "best", + -12.999401092529297 + ], + [ + "\u2581glorified", + -12.997194290161133 + ], + [ + "\u2581Adolescencia", + -12.981204986572266 + ], + [ + "\u2581c\u00f3cteles", + -13.118005752563477 + ], + [ + "miembro", + -13.066584587097168 + ], + [ + "uchi", + -12.98311710357666 + ], + [ + "\u2581interrelaci\u00f3n", + -13.123991012573242 + ], + [ + "\u2581Edge", + -12.993453979492188 + ], + [ + "\u2581perseverancia", + -13.100691795349121 + ], + [ + "\u2581shutter", + -12.925288200378418 + ], + [ + "\u2581prep", + -13.022500991821289 + ], + [ + "\u2581mister", + -13.099688529968262 + ], + [ + "guil", + -13.070442199707031 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ober", + -13.076443672180176 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ant\u00e1rtida", + -12.9669771194458 + ], + [ + "\u2581delegada", + -13.11448860168457 + ], + [ + "\u2581equivalence", + -12.889543533325195 + ], + [ + "\u2581espont\u00e1neo", + -13.001888275146484 + ], + [ + "\u2581frena", + -12.96165943145752 + ], + [ + "\u2581tractores", + -13.008455276489258 + ], + [ + "\u2581adscrito", + -13.09152889251709 + ], + [ + "\u2581andaba", + -13.03019905090332 + ], + [ + "\u2581persisted", + -12.987466812133789 + ], + [ + "\u2581aclar\u00f3", + -12.997739791870117 + ], + [ + "\u2581MEMBER", + -12.885968208312988 + ], + [ + "\u2581reforestaci\u00f3n", + -12.985307693481445 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bucarest", + -13.048955917358398 + ], + [ + "\u2581SECTION", + -12.878857612609863 + ], + [ + "Very", + -13.000822067260742 + ], + [ + "NM", + -12.93496322631836 + ], + [ + "\u2581Finger", + -12.970531463623047 + ], + [ + "\u2581carving", + -12.908846855163574 + ], + [ + "\u2581infligido", + -13.079721450805664 + ], + [ + "\u2581transform\u00f3", + -13.048955917358398 + ], + [ + "\u2581prometer", + -12.986223220825195 + ], + [ + "\u25818.4", + -12.944585800170898 + ], + [ + "istieron", + -12.943634033203125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cr\u00f3nica", + -13.096055030822754 + ], + [ + "\u2581limpiador", + -13.138097763061523 + ], + [ + "\u2581recurra", + -13.064577102661133 + ], + [ + "\u2581remarked", + -12.978903770446777 + ], + [ + "\u2581vinegar", + -13.067464828491211 + ], + [ + "sustainment", + -12.994223594665527 + ], + [ + "volving", + -13.165786743164062 + ], + [ + "\u25817.4", + -12.96338176727295 + ], + [ + "\u2581Speeding", + -12.851029396057129 + ], + [ + "\u2581conclusive", + -12.894928932189941 + ], + [ + "\u2581derogaci\u00f3n", + -13.025284767150879 + ], + [ + "\u2581h\u00e1b", + -12.949601173400879 + ], + [ + "Suppl", + -12.90969467163086 + ], + [ + "\u2581Comparative", + -12.877113342285156 + ], + [ + "\u2581Randall", + -13.564905166625977 + ], + [ + "\u2581hep\u00e1tico", + -13.029433250427246 + ], + [ + "\u2581antibiotic", + -13.068531036376953 + ], + [ + "\u2581battlefield", + -13.00944995880127 + ], + [ + "\u2581particulate", + -12.844040870666504 + ], + [ + "\u2581derroca", + -13.159296989440918 + ], + [ + "\u2581indulge", + -12.98176383972168 + ], + [ + "\u2581reunite", + -12.945082664489746 + ], + [ + "RAIN", + -13.075159072875977 + ], + [ + "\u2581fracciones", + -13.036210060119629 + ], + [ + "\u2581barriles", + -12.968238830566406 + ], + [ + "\u2581vulneraci\u00f3n", + -13.151190757751465 + ], + [ + "\u2581rallie", + -12.977492332458496 + ], + [ + "\u2581CEN", + -12.993836402893066 + ], + [ + "\u2581batido", + -12.939397811889648 + ], + [ + "\u2581correlate", + -13.100176811218262 + ], + [ + "\u2581incremente", + -12.975086212158203 + ], + [ + "\u2581sacerdotal", + -13.066636085510254 + ], + [ + "\u2581discontinuation", + -12.937232971191406 + ], + [ + "\u2581paladar", + -13.03384780883789 + ], + [ + "\u2581percibida", + -13.126355171203613 + ], + [ + "\u2581ratificada", + -13.000850677490234 + ], + [ + "\u2581Psico", + -13.105494499206543 + ], + [ + "\u2581rebound", + -13.016291618347168 + ], + [ + "\u2581semestral", + -13.086910247802734 + ], + [ + "\u00e9rselo", + -12.93097972869873 + ], + [ + "\u25811244", + -12.849066734313965 + ], + [ + "\u2581Radiation", + -12.931744575500488 + ], + [ + "\u2581intuici\u00f3n", + -13.03806209564209 + ], + [ + "\u2581191(", + -13.047749519348145 + ], + [ + "Quieto", + -12.708647727966309 + ], + [ + "\u2581Leisure", + -13.102252006530762 + ], + [ + "\u2581upstream", + -12.9371976852417 + ], + [ + "4.500", + -13.133381843566895 + ], + [ + "\u25811938", + -13.0200834274292 + ], + [ + "\u2581hospitalization", + -12.93852710723877 + ], + [ + "\u2581trascendencia", + -13.082437515258789 + ], + [ + "phin", + -13.256653785705566 + ], + [ + "\u2581bearer", + -13.121167182922363 + ], + [ + "\u2581amenaz\u00f3", + -13.018749237060547 + ], + [ + "\u2581chiefly", + -12.895421981811523 + ], + [ + "\u2581labeled", + -13.04115104675293 + ], + [ + "Silencio", + -12.79671859741211 + ], + [ + "imba", + -13.23271369934082 + ], + [ + "\u00e1rsele", + -13.021185874938965 + ], + [ + "\u2581eviction", + -12.969246864318848 + ], + [ + "\u2581Posee", + -13.094449043273926 + ], + [ + "\u2581sanctioned", + -12.924469947814941 + ], + [ + "\u2581meadow", + -12.935344696044922 + ], + [ + "per\u00edodo", + -12.958181381225586 + ], + [ + "\u2581dactilar", + -13.018750190734863 + ], + [ + "\u2581niegue", + -13.069043159484863 + ], + [ + "\u2581perturbaci\u00f3n", + -13.17101001739502 + ], + [ + "\u2581sudafricano", + -13.02087688446045 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cordoba", + -12.985428810119629 + ], + [ + "\u2581RTD", + -12.933719635009766 + ], + [ + "\u2581aglomera", + -13.084554672241211 + ], + [ + "\u2581incautaciones", + -13.189924240112305 + ], + [ + "\u2581trajectory", + -12.891335487365723 + ], + [ + "\u2581Shift", + -13.052652359008789 + ], + [ + "\u2581frito", + -12.902724266052246 + ], + [ + "\u2581sigh", + -13.047261238098145 + ], + [ + "surf", + -13.246786117553711 + ], + [ + "\u2581Laden", + -12.924548149108887 + ], + [ + "critical", + -12.953944206237793 + ], + [ + "\u2581cavity", + -12.97940731048584 + ], + [ + "\u2581implanta", + -12.966625213623047 + ], + [ + "\u2581squared", + -12.881404876708984 + ], + [ + "\u2581Parlamentaria", + -13.025144577026367 + ], + [ + "\u2581agranda", + -12.99864673614502 + ], + [ + "Africa", + -12.962382316589355 + ], + [ + "HIV", + -12.950396537780762 + ], + [ + "ducimos", + -13.037585258483887 + ], + [ + "\u2581chofer", + -12.975088119506836 + ], + [ + "\u2581novato", + -12.929916381835938 + ], + [ + "\u2581remanente", + -13.086921691894531 + ], + [ + "hydroxy", + -12.784022331237793 + ], + [ + "\u2581Adhesi\u00f3n", + -12.933243751525879 + ], + [ + "\u2581clamor", + -13.082547187805176 + ], + [ + "\u2581tipolog\u00eda", + -13.046931266784668 + ], + [ + "Section", + -12.956703186035156 + ], + [ + "t\u00e9ngase", + -12.927966117858887 + ], + [ + "\u2581delfines", + -12.989502906799316 + ], + [ + "\u2581Literacy", + -12.961931228637695 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuantitativo", + -13.043784141540527 + ], + [ + "\u2581denote", + -12.97008228302002 + ], + [ + "\u2581diverted", + -12.880255699157715 + ], + [ + "\u2581incumplido", + -13.050443649291992 + ], + [ + "\u2581retiraron", + -13.01585865020752 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dimensiones", + -13.080103874206543 + ], + [ + "\u2581artifact", + -13.042054176330566 + ], + [ + "\u2581farsa", + -12.96098804473877 + ], + [ + "\u2581invalida", + -13.014920234680176 + ], + [ + "\u2581learners", + -12.917924880981445 + ], + [ + "\u2581inspir\u00f3", + -13.138259887695312 + ], + [ + "\u2581graft", + -12.965926170349121 + ], + [ + "\u2581protegi", + -13.236855506896973 + ], + [ + "prendido", + -12.977197647094727 + ], + [ + "\u2581allied", + -12.946678161621094 + ], + [ + "\u2581redundant", + -12.939094543457031 + ], + [ + "\u2581sart\u00e9n", + -13.008200645446777 + ], + [ + "\u2581simp\u00e1tico", + -12.891212463378906 + ], + [ + "\u2039", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581229", + -12.901979446411133 + ], + [ + "\u2581Inter\u00e9s", + -13.133800506591797 + ], + [ + "\u2581innegable", + -13.046768188476562 + ], + [ + "\u2581negligible", + -12.944754600524902 + ], + [ + "\u2581superposici\u00f3n", + -13.152897834777832 + ], + [ + "\u2581unilateralmente", + -13.093233108520508 + ], + [ + "\u2581climbed", + -13.05031681060791 + ], + [ + "\u2581earnest", + -12.931326866149902 + ], + [ + "\u2581sergeant", + -13.10000991821289 + ], + [ + "\u2581221", + -12.935744285583496 + ], + [ + "\u2581insurer", + -12.938129425048828 + ], + [ + "\u2581vivencia", + -13.100898742675781 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ephraim", + -12.96772289276123 + ], + [ + "Abandon", + -13.025533676147461 + ], + [ + "\u25811514", + -12.888434410095215 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pesa", + -13.059496879577637 + ], + [ + "\u2581acaricia", + -12.960947036743164 + ], + [ + "\u2581ancestrales", + -13.060882568359375 + ], + [ + "\u2581produjera", + -13.042409896850586 + ], + [ + "\u2581desafia", + -12.964186668395996 + ], + [ + "\u2581encantar\u00e1", + -12.931365966796875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rag", + -13.055537223815918 + ], + [ + "\u2581antisemitismo", + -13.042405128479004 + ], + [ + "\u2581comi\u00f3", + -12.885080337524414 + ], + [ + "\u2581hallaron", + -13.031270980834961 + ], + [ + "\u2581hamaca", + -13.073609352111816 + ], + [ + "\u2581reclaim", + -12.936105728149414 + ], + [ + "\u2581Deputies", + -12.98530101776123 + ], + [ + "\u2581Maori", + -12.926386833190918 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dani", + -13.087921142578125 + ], + [ + "\u2581litem", + -12.83947467803955 + ], + [ + "\u2581marvel", + -12.935011863708496 + ], + [ + "\u2581subsystem", + -12.911490440368652 + ], + [ + "9.9", + -13.071857452392578 + ], + [ + "canal", + -13.172592163085938 + ], + [ + "hid", + -12.818275451660156 + ], + [ + "\u2581graciosa", + -12.836627960205078 + ], + [ + "Sch", + -12.958701133728027 + ], + [ + "\u2581eyaculaci\u00f3n", + -13.082601547241211 + ], + [ + "\u2581libaneses", + -13.112253189086914 + ], + [ + "\u2581resumido", + -13.064422607421875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Drinking", + -12.934737205505371 + ], + [ + "\u2581stabbed", + -13.056777954101562 + ], + [ + "\u2581suministre", + -12.97102165222168 + ], + [ + "Weapon", + -12.870353698730469 + ], + [ + "\u2581Paran", + -13.102683067321777 + ], + [ + "\u2581amplifica", + -13.058830261230469 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuestion", + -12.859046936035156 + ], + [ + "\u2581Viajero", + -13.136027336120605 + ], + [ + "\u2581bibliograf\u00eda", + -13.066635131835938 + ], + [ + "\u2581mint", + -12.996322631835938 + ], + [ + "Land", + -12.978110313415527 + ], + [ + "\u2581Clement", + -13.036911964416504 + ], + [ + "\u064e", + -100 + ], + [ + "protection", + -12.96757984161377 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wha", + -12.933683395385742 + ], + [ + "\u2581butterfly", + -12.98926067352295 + ], + [ + "\u2581celosa", + -12.925126075744629 + ], + [ + "\u2581retiene", + -13.091196060180664 + ], + [ + "Sighs", + -13.111530303955078 + ], + [ + "\u2581Binary", + -13.031845092773438 + ], + [ + "\u2581designe", + -13.049820899963379 + ], + [ + "Case", + -12.982417106628418 + ], + [ + "\u2581cigarro", + -12.83306884765625 + ], + [ + "\u2581farewell", + -13.089045524597168 + ], + [ + "\u2581Consiga", + -12.973448753356934 + ], + [ + "\u2581electrones", + -13.044991493225098 + ], + [ + "descarga", + -12.995223999023438 + ], + [ + "\u2581evasion", + -12.937215805053711 + ], + [ + "\u2581affiliate", + -12.964142799377441 + ], + [ + "\u2581allergies", + -12.939094543457031 + ], + [ + "\u2581bacteriana", + -13.016230583190918 + ], + [ + "\u2581coloniza", + -13.157041549682617 + ], + [ + "\u2581explicativa", + -13.114889144897461 + ], + [ + "House", + -12.96767520904541 + ], + [ + "\u2581Suitable", + -12.922443389892578 + ], + [ + "\u2581Trap", + -12.995024681091309 + ], + [ + "\u2581nominate", + -12.934139251708984 + ], + [ + "\u2581regalar", + -13.015202522277832 + ], + [ + "consider", + -12.883261680603027 + ], + [ + "object", + -13.015393257141113 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bilateral", + -12.958133697509766 + ], + [ + "\u2581Journalism", + -12.892818450927734 + ], + [ + "\u2581Syndrome", + -12.96772575378418 + ], + [ + "\u2581agudiza", + -13.105283737182617 + ], + [ + "\u2581cordillera", + -13.02943229675293 + ], + [ + "3.00", + -13.26664924621582 + ], + [ + "\u2581Goddamn", + -13.124625205993652 + ], + [ + "Data", + -13.008520126342773 + ], + [ + "\u2581divergence", + -12.98530101776123 + ], + [ + "/81", + -12.892155647277832 + ], + [ + "6.8", + -13.178363800048828 + ], + [ + "REG", + -12.96682357788086 + ], + [ + "ullah", + -13.360981941223145 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cyclones", + -13.048343658447266 + ], + [ + "\u2581grocery", + -12.969660758972168 + ], + [ + "\u2581mariscos", + -13.147893905639648 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alarm", + -12.989775657653809 + ], + [ + "\u2581admiration", + -12.884185791015625 + ], + [ + "\u2581deploying", + -12.868654251098633 + ], + [ + "\u2581suitability", + -12.922508239746094 + ], + [ + "\u2581Baroque", + -13.001191139221191 + ], + [ + "\u2581Meat", + -12.968276023864746 + ], + [ + "Espa", + -12.95643138885498 + ], + [ + "\u2581computerized", + -12.963424682617188 + ], + [ + "VIH", + -13.049517631530762 + ], + [ + "\u2581axes", + -12.904519081115723 + ], + [ + "2:", + -12.178557395935059 + ], + [ + "\u2581FUND", + -13.209687232971191 + ], + [ + "\u2581Relojes", + -13.04578971862793 + ], + [ + "\u2581astronomer", + -12.983332633972168 + ], + [ + "\u2581Commentary", + -12.872147560119629 + ], + [ + "\u2581behavioural", + -12.901520729064941 + ], + [ + "\u2581restrictivo", + -13.012392044067383 + ], + [ + "\u2581Recibe", + -13.13827896118164 + ], + [ + "\u2581fisible", + -13.121752738952637 + ], + [ + "\u2581Becas", + -13.080792427062988 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cute", + -13.077984809875488 + ], + [ + "\u2581Retail", + -12.891621589660645 + ], + [ + "\u2581abstention", + -12.89718246459961 + ], + [ + "Agua", + -12.90530776977539 + ], + [ + "\u2581Llan", + -13.062546730041504 + ], + [ + "\u2581comparti\u00f3", + -13.036227226257324 + ], + [ + "\u2581Exhibit", + -13.022869110107422 + ], + [ + "\u2581perdiste", + -12.856287956237793 + ], + [ + "\u2581($5", + -12.989243507385254 + ], + [ + "\u2581microcredit", + -12.98733901977539 + ], + [ + "\u2581thirtieth", + -12.965787887573242 + ], + [ + "tengo", + -12.795705795288086 + ], + [ + "amar", + -12.725147247314453 + ], + [ + "sentir", + -12.97213077545166 + ], + [ + "\u2581creci", + -13.118138313293457 + ], + [ + "\u2581frost", + -13.044170379638672 + ], + [ + "##", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581TSI", + -12.848604202270508 + ], + [ + "\u2581compensaciones", + -13.00244426727295 + ], + [ + "\u2581granite", + -12.98530101776123 + ], + [ + "\u2581arrogant", + -12.977450370788574 + ], + [ + "Black", + -13.017367362976074 + ], + [ + "Legisla", + -13.150314331054688 + ], + [ + "atsu", + -13.111979484558105 + ], + [ + "cap\u00edtulo", + -12.964240074157715 + ], + [ + "\u2581actuaba", + -13.177281379699707 + ], + [ + "\u2581matrices", + -13.0081787109375 + ], + [ + "glut", + -13.133959770202637 + ], + [ + "true", + -12.974472999572754 + ], + [ + "jay", + -13.123332023620605 + ], + [ + "\u2581poppy", + -12.939160346984863 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ciclones", + -13.220678329467773 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vivimos", + -12.925471305847168 + ], + [ + "\u2581della", + -12.961359977722168 + ], + [ + "\u00e9moslo", + -12.875160217285156 + ], + [ + "\u2581crook", + -13.050506591796875 + ], + [ + "\u2581pediste", + -12.853598594665527 + ], + [ + "onda", + -12.807944297790527 + ], + [ + "\u2581249", + -12.978395462036133 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reality", + -12.973780632019043 + ], + [ + "Buy", + -13.014863967895508 + ], + [ + "\u2581cocci\u00f3n", + -13.166020393371582 + ], + [ + "coat", + -12.943246841430664 + ], + [ + "\u2581Viajar", + -12.9916410446167 + ], + [ + "\u2581compiling", + -13.050455093383789 + ], + [ + "\u2581comprobada", + -13.012398719787598 + ], + [ + "\u2581pr\u00f3tesis", + -13.150307655334473 + ], + [ + "\u2581CHF", + -13.033493995666504 + ], + [ + "\u2581miocardio", + -13.082367897033691 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fighting", + -12.946195602416992 + ], + [ + "\u2581Perd\u00f3name", + -12.793338775634766 + ], + [ + "\u2581beverage", + -13.021739959716797 + ], + [ + "\u2581renamed", + -12.9833345413208 + ], + [ + "\u2581synthesize", + -13.025511741638184 + ], + [ + "\u2581eligieron", + -13.064425468444824 + ], + [ + "\u2581omitted", + -12.900406837463379 + ], + [ + "\u2581prophecies", + -12.89673137664795 + ], + [ + "\u2581Remind", + -13.025632858276367 + ], + [ + "\u2581panellists", + -12.929734230041504 + ], + [ + "\u2581proxy", + -12.960027694702148 + ], + [ + "660", + -13.283445358276367 + ], + [ + "BIN", + -13.185447692871094 + ], + [ + "\u2581hobby", + -12.967767715454102 + ], + [ + "\u2581promedia", + -13.069558143615723 + ], + [ + "termin", + -13.055761337280273 + ], + [ + "\u2581obligated", + -13.023893356323242 + ], + [ + "culpa", + -12.977477073669434 + ], + [ + "\u2581capturing", + -12.935338973999023 + ], + [ + "\u2581desmantelar", + -13.202558517456055 + ], + [ + "\u2581vergonzoso", + -12.945019721984863 + ], + [ + "\u2581ribavirina", + -13.084633827209473 + ], + [ + "\u2581Antillas", + -13.096207618713379 + ], + [ + "\u2581Arabian", + -13.012153625488281 + ], + [ + "\u2581discrepancy", + -12.900344848632812 + ], + [ + "\u2581traveller", + -12.988632202148438 + ], + [ + "\u2581Canton", + -12.956315994262695 + ], + [ + "\u2581procedi", + -13.12752628326416 + ], + [ + "\u25812009/10", + -12.921834945678711 + ], + [ + "\u2581Anguilla", + -12.96772289276123 + ], + [ + "\u2581objetivamente", + -13.04698371887207 + ], + [ + "\u2581presumir", + -13.029484748840332 + ], + [ + "\u2581reunimos", + -13.090118408203125 + ], + [ + "\u2581monitorear", + -13.074980735778809 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pentecost\u00e9s", + -13.082365989685059 + ], + [ + "\u2581dejemos", + -12.945964813232422 + ], + [ + "\u2581Doctrine", + -12.958088874816895 + ], + [ + "\u2581acuciante", + -13.107597351074219 + ], + [ + "\u2581arteries", + -12.966035842895508 + ], + [ + "\u2581Observe", + -13.051158905029297 + ], + [ + "\u2581ortodoxa", + -13.073347091674805 + ], + [ + "\u2581Problema", + -13.17056655883789 + ], + [ + "\u2581gravita", + -13.077930450439453 + ], + [ + "\u2581infanter\u00eda", + -12.991493225097656 + ], + [ + "\u2581plegable", + -13.107598304748535 + ], + [ + "smokers", + -13.002612113952637 + ], + [ + "\u2581arranging", + -12.884193420410156 + ], + [ + "\u2581Raz", + -13.124312400817871 + ], + [ + "\u2581sumergir", + -13.084635734558105 + ], + [ + "\u2581Contrato", + -13.019848823547363 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reproduction", + -12.997599601745605 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bahia", + -12.963057518005371 + ], + [ + "\u2581instituir", + -13.103681564331055 + ], + [ + "BUS", + -13.296475410461426 + ], + [ + "Estuvieron", + -13.195164680480957 + ], + [ + "\u2581compart\u00eda", + -13.096060752868652 + ], + [ + "Noruega", + -13.168072700500488 + ], + [ + "\u2581fashionable", + -12.992806434631348 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tennis", + -12.969732284545898 + ], + [ + "\u2581critique", + -12.914936065673828 + ], + [ + "Anda", + -12.865406036376953 + ], + [ + "\u2581manantial", + -13.042407035827637 + ], + [ + "fenol", + -13.13068962097168 + ], + [ + "\u2581Marian", + -12.873226165771484 + ], + [ + "chester", + -13.075821876525879 + ], + [ + "\u2581puja", + -13.02195930480957 + ], + [ + "6.9", + -13.157687187194824 + ], + [ + "\u2581Finca", + -13.088460922241211 + ], + [ + "\u2581cristiandad", + -13.020875930786133 + ], + [ + "\u2581t\u00edmido", + -12.935223579406738 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aquella", + -13.001350402832031 + ], + [ + "\u2581SOCIALES", + -13.103008270263672 + ], + [ + "MAX", + -13.13595962524414 + ], + [ + "urious", + -13.144512176513672 + ], + [ + "\u2581beads", + -12.911113739013672 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dawn", + -13.143569946289062 + ], + [ + "\u2581Conoc\u00ed", + -13.041424751281738 + ], + [ + "\u2581Marvel", + -13.000887870788574 + ], + [ + "\u2015", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581letrero", + -12.975106239318848 + ], + [ + "\u2581treasury", + -12.99520206451416 + ], + [ + "despu\u00e9s", + -13.107812881469727 + ], + [ + "\u2581Angolan", + -12.996994972229004 + ], + [ + "\u2581Determine", + -12.942865371704102 + ], + [ + "\u2581tormento", + -13.002223014831543 + ], + [ + "\u2581enthusiast", + -13.005504608154297 + ], + [ + "\u2581primacy", + -12.975560188293457 + ], + [ + "\u2581doomed", + -13.027579307556152 + ], + [ + "rhythm", + -12.97529411315918 + ], + [ + "urine", + -13.00106143951416 + ], + [ + "\u2581absurda", + -13.029435157775879 + ], + [ + "\u2581perm\u00edtaseme", + -13.075593948364258 + ], + [ + "\u0159", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581pigeon", + -13.013278007507324 + ], + [ + "\u2581tenso", + -12.973470687866211 + ], + [ + "interministerial", + -12.993582725524902 + ], + [ + "please", + -13.027517318725586 + ], + [ + "\u2581uterus", + -13.019372940063477 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bari", + -12.99180793762207 + ], + [ + "\u2581beginners", + -12.948564529418945 + ], + [ + "\u2581famo", + -12.954524993896484 + ], + [ + "\u2581prostitute", + -13.028097152709961 + ], + [ + "\u2581Scu", + -13.00062370300293 + ], + [ + "glomerado", + -13.09383773803711 + ], + [ + "\u2581Elias", + -12.987409591674805 + ], + [ + "\u2581modelado", + -13.18833065032959 + ], + [ + "econom\u00eda", + -13.124349594116211 + ], + [ + "\u2581285", + -12.991844177246094 + ], + [ + "\u2581balconies", + -12.937214851379395 + ], + [ + "\u2581odiar", + -12.85940933227539 + ], + [ + "\u2581pidiera", + -13.044589042663574 + ], + [ + "/60", + -12.823345184326172 + ], + [ + "\u2581heavier", + -13.009234428405762 + ], + [ + "\u2581intellect", + -12.952436447143555 + ], + [ + "\u2581itching", + -13.005331039428711 + ], + [ + "\u2581procedido", + -13.028070449829102 + ], + [ + "\u2581ingresado", + -13.090907096862793 + ], + [ + "\u2581peinado", + -12.98326587677002 + ], + [ + "partida", + -12.96865463256836 + ], + [ + "\u2581Scientists", + -12.96804141998291 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alone", + -13.0597505569458 + ], + [ + "\u2581Balc\u00f3n", + -13.040316581726074 + ], + [ + "\u2581Baratos", + -13.091477394104004 + ], + [ + "\u2581unavailable", + -12.905922889709473 + ], + [ + "\u2581vinilo", + -13.010336875915527 + ], + [ + "VT", + -13.104995727539062 + ], + [ + "\u2581Recorrido", + -13.073351860046387 + ], + [ + "\u2581esclarecer", + -13.080103874206543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Transmission", + -12.89143180847168 + ], + [ + "\u2581atonement", + -12.961952209472656 + ], + [ + "\u2581modernity", + -12.930477142333984 + ], + [ + "(8)", + -12.949539184570312 + ], + [ + "\u2581testimonia", + -13.010282516479492 + ], + [ + "\u2581RESOLUCI\u00d3N", + -13.01662540435791 + ], + [ + "\u2581citing", + -13.006085395812988 + ], + [ + "\u2581meaningless", + -12.947432518005371 + ], + [ + "\u2581Combine", + -12.998207092285156 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rand", + -13.146106719970703 + ], + [ + "\u2581tenderer", + -12.989399909973145 + ], + [ + "\u2581invade", + -12.970474243164062 + ], + [ + "\u2581reforestation", + -12.926010131835938 + ], + [ + "Entendido", + -12.840510368347168 + ], + [ + "TZ", + -13.21506404876709 + ], + [ + "\u2581Anuario", + -12.991494178771973 + ], + [ + "\u2581Piloto", + -13.02945327758789 + ], + [ + "\u2581calculo", + -12.998261451721191 + ], + [ + "Tech", + -13.031882286071777 + ], + [ + "talk", + -13.064848899841309 + ], + [ + "\u2581Canto", + -13.134997367858887 + ], + [ + "\u2581stray", + -13.04468059539795 + ], + [ + "\u2581Trouble", + -12.961936950683594 + ], + [ + "\u2581c\u00f3smica", + -13.112253189086914 + ], + [ + "\u2581affliction", + -13.007711410522461 + ], + [ + "\u2581ratifica", + -12.932188034057617 + ], + [ + "drum", + -13.135844230651855 + ], + [ + "\u2581Direction", + -12.979208946228027 + ], + [ + "\u2581defective", + -12.987421035766602 + ], + [ + "former", + -13.057686805725098 + ], + [ + "Pol\u00edtica", + -13.124342918395996 + ], + [ + "orthodox", + -12.983336448669434 + ], + [ + "\u2581insoportable", + -12.927407264709473 + ], + [ + "DATED", + -12.898232460021973 + ], + [ + "\u2581licitador", + -12.955154418945312 + ], + [ + "\u2581imagery", + -12.964048385620117 + ], + [ + "\u2581repito", + -13.004758834838867 + ], + [ + "\u2581thrilled", + -13.095305442810059 + ], + [ + "\u2581anthropogenic", + -12.871798515319824 + ], + [ + "\u2581finalizing", + -12.956450462341309 + ], + [ + "\u2581morally", + -13.012032508850098 + ], + [ + "ffirming", + -12.887187957763672 + ], + [ + "\u2581shook", + -12.95239543914795 + ], + [ + "\u2581contestado", + -13.136609077453613 + ], + [ + "\u2581inmunitario", + -13.07784652709961 + ], + [ + "namo", + -12.84196662902832 + ], + [ + "\u2581dwelt", + -12.902156829833984 + ], + [ + "\u2581Deeply", + -12.963322639465332 + ], + [ + "\u2581cubriendo", + -13.066655158996582 + ], + [ + "\u2581c\u00edtrico", + -13.116931915283203 + ], + [ + "PIB", + -13.051884651184082 + ], + [ + "sesperadamente", + -13.068942070007324 + ], + [ + "\u2581patriot", + -12.967422485351562 + ], + [ + "\u2581rainbow", + -12.96772289276123 + ], + [ + "\u2581cloning", + -13.023462295532227 + ], + [ + "\u2581grupal", + -13.098466873168945 + ], + [ + "\u2581identificada", + -13.024426460266113 + ], + [ + "\u2581Chicken", + -12.95621395111084 + ], + [ + "\u2581Swan", + -13.09384822845459 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fiduciaria", + -13.014506340026855 + ], + [ + "\u2581honda", + -13.146001815795898 + ], + [ + "30.000", + -13.04159164428711 + ], + [ + "conexi\u00f3n", + -13.114762306213379 + ], + [ + "\u2581Opposition", + -13.052578926086426 + ], + [ + "\u2581Prestaciones", + -13.067282676696777 + ], + [ + "\u2581hardcore", + -13.059369087219238 + ], + [ + "\u2581abomination", + -12.952353477478027 + ], + [ + "\u2581enfocada", + -13.128061294555664 + ], + [ + "\u2581gossip", + -13.058879852294922 + ], + [ + "\u2581consuetudinaria", + -13.187349319458008 + ], + [ + "\u2581entendi\u00f3", + -13.042781829833984 + ], + [ + "\u2581esteriliz", + -13.093083381652832 + ], + [ + "\u2581inaccessible", + -13.01733684539795 + ], + [ + "\u2581televisiva", + -13.09146785736084 + ], + [ + "\u2581Seth", + -13.06837272644043 + ], + [ + "\u2581zanja", + -13.046932220458984 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reservation", + -13.003273010253906 + ], + [ + "\u2581dormida", + -12.86019515991211 + ], + [ + "\u2581leakage", + -12.900673866271973 + ], + [ + "\u2581rabino", + -12.997727394104004 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dil", + -13.052579879760742 + ], + [ + "\u2581Maltese", + -12.948585510253906 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tess", + -13.116860389709473 + ], + [ + "hound", + -13.15811538696289 + ], + [ + "inflammatory", + -12.942450523376465 + ], + [ + "\u2581bombilla", + -13.119278907775879 + ], + [ + "\u2581ps\u00edquico", + -13.152735710144043 + ], + [ + "\u2581quarrel", + -13.104439735412598 + ], + [ + "\u2581rid\u00edcula", + -12.95893669128418 + ], + [ + "knowledge", + -12.967445373535156 + ], + [ + "\u2581380", + -13.00518798828125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mei", + -12.970538139343262 + ], + [ + "3,7", + -13.300241470336914 + ], + [ + "\u2581hermandad", + -12.997716903686523 + ], + [ + "202", + -13.019198417663574 + ], + [ + "\u2581confiada", + -13.01254653930664 + ], + [ + "kun", + -13.017627716064453 + ], + [ + "\u2581Repertorio", + -13.031582832336426 + ], + [ + "\u2581homogeneous", + -12.937214851379395 + ], + [ + "\u2581reel", + -13.065741539001465 + ], + [ + "Trade", + -13.013644218444824 + ], + [ + "305", + -12.9900541305542 + ], + [ + "\u2581GL", + -12.78451919555664 + ], + [ + "\u2581articulado", + -13.129476547241211 + ], + [ + "\u2581insistiendo", + -13.059968948364258 + ], + [ + "\u2581PNA", + -13.023685455322266 + ], + [ + "Gar", + -13.033252716064453 + ], + [ + "\u2581inaccurate", + -12.956172943115234 + ], + [ + "\u2581Compet", + -12.968668937683105 + ], + [ + "\u2581escombros", + -13.003979682922363 + ], + [ + "\u2581pedir\u00eda", + -12.963799476623535 + ], + [ + "\u2581escalate", + -12.99124813079834 + ], + [ + "\u2581tireless", + -12.961499214172363 + ], + [ + "\u03a0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581dividends", + -12.917553901672363 + ], + [ + "\u2581migratorio", + -13.059342384338379 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00f3vulo", + -13.064409255981445 + ], + [ + "\u2581Javascript", + -13.042405128479004 + ], + [ + "\u2581custodial", + -12.94510269165039 + ], + [ + "\u2581empe\u00f1ado", + -13.073348045349121 + ], + [ + "econ\u00f3mico", + -12.999273300170898 + ], + [ + "\u2581Maquillaje", + -12.977119445800781 + ], + [ + "\u2581Passport", + -12.944866180419922 + ], + [ + "\u2581o\u00edrlo", + -12.894720077514648 + ], + [ + "\u2581trustee", + -12.980887413024902 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hector", + -13.063443183898926 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hemisphere", + -12.927868843078613 + ], + [ + "\u2581bankrupt", + -13.058857917785645 + ], + [ + "\u2581pionera", + -13.105278968811035 + ], + [ + "\u2581asimilar", + -13.110011100769043 + ], + [ + "\u2581descendido", + -13.080103874206543 + ], + [ + "\u2581labelled", + -12.854619979858398 + ], + [ + "Argelia", + -13.153274536132812 + ], + [ + "\u2581aflicci\u00f3n", + -13.105278015136719 + ], + [ + "\u2581codificado", + -13.123958587646484 + ], + [ + "built", + -13.027422904968262 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vengo", + -12.88097858428955 + ], + [ + "\u2581contaminante", + -13.153883934020996 + ], + [ + "\u2581elapsed", + -12.95426082611084 + ], + [ + "\u2581favourably", + -12.95849895477295 + ], + [ + "\u2581Excessive", + -12.987274169921875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hypo", + -13.150214195251465 + ], + [ + "\u2581LOVE", + -13.013425827026367 + ], + [ + "\u2581Renewable", + -12.902155876159668 + ], + [ + "\u2581laminate", + -12.963915824890137 + ], + [ + "\u2581perder\u00eda", + -13.080740928649902 + ], + [ + "\u25811:1", + -13.047017097473145 + ], + [ + "\u2581Disc\u00falpeme", + -12.805214881896973 + ], + [ + "\u2581PRESENTADO", + -13.007406234741211 + ], + [ + "\u2581Template", + -13.005226135253906 + ], + [ + "\u2581Contaminaci\u00f3n", + -13.03806209564209 + ], + [ + "\u2581hipocres\u00eda", + -13.055548667907715 + ], + [ + "\u2581mattress", + -13.052167892456055 + ], + [ + "40,000", + -12.980430603027344 + ], + [ + "\u2581acatar", + -13.05899715423584 + ], + [ + "\u2581alquilado", + -13.033881187438965 + ], + [ + "\u2581embed", + -13.011346817016602 + ], + [ + "Bromea", + -12.785076141357422 + ], + [ + "\u2581AUTO", + -13.205382347106934 + ], + [ + "chieving", + -12.918989181518555 + ], + [ + "\u2581attendees", + -12.907734870910645 + ], + [ + "\u2581congresses", + -12.994314193725586 + ], + [ + "cuerden", + -13.073938369750977 + ], + [ + "\u2581encomiable", + -13.12044906616211 + ], + [ + "\u2581levied", + -13.017335891723633 + ], + [ + "\u2581shred", + -13.042638778686523 + ], + [ + "beneficio", + -13.073321342468262 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pr\u00f3xima", + -13.084633827209473 + ], + [ + "\u2581guiar\u00e1", + -13.110818862915039 + ], + [ + "\u2581shampoo", + -12.989250183105469 + ], + [ + "Maravilloso", + -12.90439510345459 + ], + [ + "\u2581aclaramiento", + -12.983449935913086 + ], + [ + "\u2581interact\u00faa", + -13.048955917358398 + ], + [ + "\u2581erecci\u00f3n", + -12.954943656921387 + ], + [ + "\u2581inaccesible", + -13.01662540435791 + ], + [ + "\u2581solitaria", + -13.067049026489258 + ], + [ + "CCW", + -13.183051109313965 + ], + [ + "\u2581reluctance", + -12.97354793548584 + ], + [ + "/84", + -12.967507362365723 + ], + [ + "\u2581425", + -12.90118408203125 + ], + [ + "\u2581prestadores", + -13.025484085083008 + ], + [ + "\u2581rushed", + -12.994707107543945 + ], + [ + "stitucionalidad", + -13.179692268371582 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rubber", + -12.96973991394043 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tobacco", + -12.971602439880371 + ], + [ + "\u2581filipino", + -13.102961540222168 + ], + [ + "\u2581titulaci\u00f3n", + -13.065187454223633 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pensar", + -12.875690460205078 + ], + [ + "\u2581ancillary", + -12.965787887573242 + ], + [ + "\u2581claw", + -13.103089332580566 + ], + [ + "hyper", + -13.241745948791504 + ], + [ + "\u2581Comrade", + -13.069540977478027 + ], + [ + "etileno", + -13.095660209655762 + ], + [ + "\u2581contraviene", + -13.146394729614258 + ], + [ + "\u2581delimitation", + -12.939094543457031 + ], + [ + "\u2581desayunar", + -12.975082397460938 + ], + [ + "create", + -13.08430004119873 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tex", + -12.993206024169922 + ], + [ + "\u2581afeitar", + -13.012470245361328 + ], + [ + "\u2581d\u00e9jalo", + -12.910101890563965 + ], + [ + "Oficina", + -13.148391723632812 + ], + [ + "\u2581Indio", + -12.988253593444824 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mexicana", + -13.055549621582031 + ], + [ + "onite", + -13.050406455993652 + ], + [ + "sourcing", + -13.030584335327148 + ], + [ + "1-1", + -12.894384384155273 + ], + [ + "flight", + -12.922904014587402 + ], + [ + "\u2581233", + -13.094526290893555 + ], + [ + "\u2581asphalt", + -12.969738006591797 + ], + [ + "\u2581ca\u00ed", + -12.783626556396484 + ], + [ + "\u2581Genocidio", + -13.128724098205566 + ], + [ + "\u2581demostraba", + -13.02255630493164 + ], + [ + "\u2581extensivo", + -13.051148414611816 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pavilion", + -13.0316801071167 + ], + [ + "\u2581consulate", + -12.997380256652832 + ], + [ + "\u2581GSP", + -13.010833740234375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vigila", + -12.931307792663574 + ], + [ + "NEA", + -13.178572654724121 + ], + [ + "\u2581850", + -12.852913856506348 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tango", + -13.014476776123047 + ], + [ + "\u2581desechable", + -13.096055030822754 + ], + [ + "\u2581chanting", + -13.017508506774902 + ], + [ + "\u2581exploded", + -13.054082870483398 + ], + [ + "\u2581necro", + -13.509430885314941 + ], + [ + "\u2581termin\u00e9", + -12.885708808898926 + ], + [ + "\u2581sint\u00e9tica", + -13.066082954406738 + ], + [ + "QUA", + -13.197961807250977 + ], + [ + "laughter", + -13.050003051757812 + ], + [ + "\u2581Catechism", + -12.933465957641602 + ], + [ + "\u2581auditiva", + -13.03165340423584 + ], + [ + "\u2581envoy", + -12.942866325378418 + ], + [ + "collect", + -12.971860885620117 + ], + [ + "\u2581243", + -13.040952682495117 + ], + [ + "\u2581Clan", + -13.038066864013672 + ], + [ + "\u2581baking", + -12.995283126831055 + ], + [ + "\u2581distracted", + -13.010490417480469 + ], + [ + "\u2581jelly", + -12.985325813293457 + ], + [ + "0)30", + -13.281636238098145 + ], + [ + "Master", + -13.059667587280273 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bourg", + -13.018165588378906 + ], + [ + "\u2581PEOPLE", + -13.108888626098633 + ], + [ + "\u2581Perez", + -13.049094200134277 + ], + [ + "\u2581aer\u00f3dromo", + -13.112255096435547 + ], + [ + "\u2581faz", + -13.042852401733398 + ], + [ + "inflamatoria", + -13.180216789245605 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dec\u00eda", + -12.963977813720703 + ], + [ + "\u2581Recurso", + -13.089179039001465 + ], + [ + "\u2581escultor", + -13.15291976928711 + ], + [ + "\u2581relentless", + -13.021413803100586 + ], + [ + "\u2581rompa", + -12.945316314697266 + ], + [ + "\u2581explicarle", + -12.999641418457031 + ], + [ + "Prepara", + -13.044646263122559 + ], + [ + "yev", + -13.035544395446777 + ], + [ + "\u2581engancha", + -12.96787166595459 + ], + [ + "\u2581fiery", + -13.029718399047852 + ], + [ + "\u2581meteorol\u00f3gicos", + -13.143096923828125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Zoom", + -13.043619155883789 + ], + [ + "\u2581ambiguous", + -12.987273216247559 + ], + [ + "\u2581stretches", + -13.029603004455566 + ], + [ + "pol\u00edmero", + -13.096660614013672 + ], + [ + "sgraciadamente", + -12.9780855178833 + ], + [ + "\u2581Forecast", + -13.17457389831543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Medal", + -13.074645042419434 + ], + [ + "\u2581Relevancia", + -13.12163257598877 + ], + [ + "\u2581surpluses", + -13.002751350402832 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dana", + -13.08340835571289 + ], + [ + "\u2581Extranjero", + -13.073347091674805 + ], + [ + "\u2581Provenza", + -13.073348045349121 + ], + [ + "\u2581calienta", + -13.04473876953125 + ], + [ + "\u2581disculpe", + -12.8242826461792 + ], + [ + "evangeli", + -13.410819053649902 + ], + [ + "\u2581Visite", + -13.156686782836914 + ], + [ + "\u2581cub", + -13.176358222961426 + ], + [ + "\u2581obediente", + -13.068877220153809 + ], + [ + "serve", + -12.952326774597168 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jericho", + -13.05675983428955 + ], + [ + "\u2581ajeno", + -13.15854263305664 + ], + [ + "\u2581arrastrado", + -13.034239768981934 + ], + [ + "\u2581implication", + -12.951716423034668 + ], + [ + "\u2581mutati", + -12.971338272094727 + ], + [ + "\u2581redirect", + -12.9622220993042 + ], + [ + "\u2581Polvo", + -13.221745491027832 + ], + [ + "\u2581knitted", + -13.042136192321777 + ], + [ + "\u2581MATERIA", + -13.07110595703125 + ], + [ + "Suecia", + -13.03780746459961 + ], + [ + "\u2581manipulated", + -13.041479110717773 + ], + [ + "\u2581Giant", + -13.024699211120605 + ], + [ + "\u2581pascua", + -13.02526569366455 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hicimos", + -12.908196449279785 + ], + [ + "\u2581Thermal", + -12.993253707885742 + ], + [ + "\u2581gustar\u00e1", + -12.857073783874512 + ], + [ + "respect", + -12.973188400268555 + ], + [ + "rish", + -12.88596248626709 + ], + [ + "\u2581(0)30", + -13.015470504760742 + ], + [ + "\u2581adquiriendo", + -13.174849510192871 + ], + [ + "\u2581clonaci\u00f3n", + -13.006175994873047 + ], + [ + "\u2581ralentiza", + -13.075597763061523 + ], + [ + "\u2581astronaut", + -13.10893726348877 + ], + [ + "\u2581injustamente", + -13.099434852600098 + ], + [ + "\u2581perverso", + -13.033988952636719 + ], + [ + "RIA", + -12.764542579650879 + ], + [ + "umbo", + -13.16003131866455 + ], + [ + "\u2581BiH", + -12.895766258239746 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pilato", + -13.091632843017578 + ], + [ + "\u2581muriera", + -12.994170188903809 + ], + [ + "\u258112.000", + -13.050993919372559 + ], + [ + "\u2581complacida", + -13.07784652709961 + ], + [ + "seeking", + -12.974355697631836 + ], + [ + "\u2581Chip", + -13.023285865783691 + ], + [ + "\u2581contagious", + -12.999190330505371 + ], + [ + "\u2581pedagogical", + -12.999701499938965 + ], + [ + "GUEN", + -13.437676429748535 + ], + [ + "zione", + -13.130790710449219 + ], + [ + "\u2581cesionario", + -13.07784652709961 + ], + [ + "\u2581gigantic", + -13.017335891723633 + ], + [ + "\u2581ponderaci\u00f3n", + -13.068867683410645 + ], + [ + "\u2581aconsej", + -13.004508972167969 + ], + [ + "\u2581homosexualidad", + -13.018918991088867 + ], + [ + "Bel", + -13.041727066040039 + ], + [ + "\u2581illuminated", + -13.030671119689941 + ], + [ + "\u2581CHAIRPERSON", + -12.89853572845459 + ], + [ + "\u2581contour", + -12.948678970336914 + ], + [ + "\u2581degradante", + -13.185742378234863 + ], + [ + "\u2581impondr\u00e1", + -13.107598304748535 + ], + [ + "\u2581DB", + -12.793166160583496 + ], + [ + "\u2581WESTERN", + -13.071105003356934 + ], + [ + "\u2581centavo", + -12.915643692016602 + ], + [ + "\u2581inflows", + -13.053545951843262 + ], + [ + "\u2581appreciat", + -12.9771089553833 + ], + [ + "\u2581assaulted", + -13.093388557434082 + ], + [ + "\u2581ceniza", + -13.048210144042969 + ], + [ + "\u2581cruzando", + -13.01866340637207 + ], + [ + "\u2581inasmuch", + -12.859559059143066 + ], + [ + "\u2581juncture", + -12.933465957641602 + ], + [ + "campo", + -13.031938552856445 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aduanero", + -13.02943229675293 + ], + [ + "ocr\u00e1tico", + -13.078300476074219 + ], + [ + "\u2581Adjuster", + -13.057085037231445 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lara", + -13.144497871398926 + ], + [ + "\u2581forjado", + -13.065287590026855 + ], + [ + "Children", + -13.042250633239746 + ], + [ + "\u2581Accreditation", + -13.003193855285645 + ], + [ + "\u2581Civic", + -12.977510452270508 + ], + [ + "\u2581prefiera", + -13.003986358642578 + ], + [ + "asca", + -13.264988899230957 + ], + [ + "\u2581Securities", + -12.929757118225098 + ], + [ + "\u2581aconsejar", + -12.941658973693848 + ], + [ + "\u2581casarte", + -12.883952140808105 + ], + [ + "\u2581OEM", + -12.959609985351562 + ], + [ + "\u2581swore", + -13.054648399353027 + ], + [ + "\u2581Investigadores", + -13.085282325744629 + ], + [ + "\u2581comparti", + -13.029522895812988 + ], + [ + "\u2581malicioso", + -13.057758331298828 + ], + [ + "Space", + -12.98319149017334 + ], + [ + "\u2581Abstenciones", + -13.112253189086914 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cirque", + -12.991277694702148 + ], + [ + "\u2581Consortium", + -12.993213653564453 + ], + [ + "\u2581Matter", + -13.053776741027832 + ], + [ + "\u2581rein\u00f3", + -13.1350679397583 + ], + [ + "\u2581Motion", + -13.024808883666992 + ], + [ + "\u2581tridimensional", + -13.114620208740234 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sap", + -13.174009323120117 + ], + [ + "\u2581Closing", + -13.082544326782227 + ], + [ + "\u2581Awesome", + -13.050431251525879 + ], + [ + "\u2581satisfies", + -12.942864418029785 + ], + [ + "\u25811919", + -13.173552513122559 + ], + [ + "\u0431", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581Birthday", + -13.046387672424316 + ], + [ + "\u2581consultorio", + -13.058684349060059 + ], + [ + "\u2581recubierto", + -13.030641555786133 + ], + [ + "\u2581recuper\u00f3", + -13.051148414611816 + ], + [ + "2.200", + -13.111652374267578 + ], + [ + "\u2581navy", + -13.003242492675781 + ], + [ + "TOP", + -13.181275367736816 + ], + [ + "heart", + -13.038459777832031 + ], + [ + "\u2581apost\u00f3lico", + -13.1334810256958 + ], + [ + "alguna", + -13.018412590026855 + ], + [ + "afa", + -12.790154457092285 + ], + [ + "\u2581advertisement", + -12.917673110961914 + ], + [ + "\u2581redefine", + -13.112836837768555 + ], + [ + "\u2581remodela", + -13.018390655517578 + ], + [ + "8.7", + -13.19198989868164 + ], + [ + "Compartir", + -13.153278350830078 + ], + [ + "viarnos", + -13.326271057128906 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00e9so", + -12.948179244995117 + ], + [ + "\u2581ata\u00fad", + -12.902502059936523 + ], + [ + "\u2581extortion", + -13.005256652832031 + ], + [ + "\u2581promulga", + -13.039976119995117 + ], + [ + "Adelante", + -12.791593551635742 + ], + [ + "\u2581Competitiveness", + -12.941048622131348 + ], + [ + "\u2581Comenz\u00f3", + -13.107597351074219 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rie", + -13.03184986114502 + ], + [ + "\u2581victorious", + -13.023468017578125 + ], + [ + "\u2581sealing", + -12.924761772155762 + ], + [ + "\u2581Thinking", + -13.065206527709961 + ], + [ + "\u2581reinante", + -13.125308990478516 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hook", + -13.177688598632812 + ], + [ + "\u2581spanish", + -13.031831741333008 + ], + [ + "\u2581welding", + -13.003214836120605 + ], + [ + "Quer\u00eda", + -12.972794532775879 + ], + [ + "induced", + -13.00017261505127 + ], + [ + "\u2581Amman", + -13.046579360961914 + ], + [ + "\u2581asesin\u00f3", + -12.9669771194458 + ], + [ + "\u2581customization", + -13.028185844421387 + ], + [ + "\u2581ecuaciones", + -13.046769142150879 + ], + [ + "\u2581novedoso", + -13.102965354919434 + ], + [ + "\u2581ocurr\u00eda", + -13.096102714538574 + ], + [ + "Algeria", + -13.00313949584961 + ], + [ + "comprehensible", + -13.037891387939453 + ], + [ + "ulla", + -13.087295532226562 + ], + [ + "Isla", + -13.092663764953613 + ], + [ + "\u2581champ\u00e1n", + -12.973050117492676 + ], + [ + "Force", + -12.97326946258545 + ], + [ + "\u2581Champagne", + -13.06313419342041 + ], + [ + "\u2581Noroeste", + -13.200010299682617 + ], + [ + "\u2581elocuente", + -13.096071243286133 + ], + [ + "\u2581techno", + -12.99722671508789 + ], + [ + "\u2581toolbar", + -12.964400291442871 + ], + [ + "\u2581conveyor", + -12.983711242675781 + ], + [ + "\u2581ferro", + -13.094290733337402 + ], + [ + "\u2581subterr\u00e1nea", + -13.043784141540527 + ], + [ + "\u2581inclinado", + -13.040132522583008 + ], + [ + "Publish", + -12.979355812072754 + ], + [ + "\u2581ofensivo", + -13.07784652709961 + ], + [ + "\u2581tractors", + -12.910982131958008 + ], + [ + "Dijo", + -12.953264236450195 + ], + [ + "\u2581cantera", + -13.07144546508789 + ], + [ + "pick", + -13.144571304321289 + ], + [ + "NAC", + -13.065096855163574 + ], + [ + "Trusteeship", + -12.996014595031738 + ], + [ + "\u2581$17", + -12.90717601776123 + ], + [ + "\u2581Completion", + -12.969660758972168 + ], + [ + "\u2581sarampi\u00f3n", + -13.059968948364258 + ], + [ + "condition", + -12.90883731842041 + ], + [ + "\u2581atmosf\u00e9rico", + -13.073347091674805 + ], + [ + "\u2581empotrados", + -13.177374839782715 + ], + [ + "2.2", + -12.675825119018555 + ], + [ + "\u2581donado", + -13.04548168182373 + ], + [ + "sentimiento", + -12.998326301574707 + ], + [ + "\u2581Asunci\u00f3n", + -13.182330131530762 + ], + [ + "\u2581Brick", + -13.05155086517334 + ], + [ + "\u2581marsh", + -12.954129219055176 + ], + [ + "\u2581corregida", + -13.055630683898926 + ], + [ + "\u2581ganamos", + -12.877655982971191 + ], + [ + "\u2581waking", + -13.021501541137695 + ], + [ + "__________", + -13.604850769042969 + ], + [ + "\u2581Boris", + -13.00826644897461 + ], + [ + "\u2581menoscabo", + -13.155171394348145 + ], + [ + "\u2581planetario", + -13.123146057128906 + ], + [ + "logic", + -12.72409725189209 + ], + [ + "\u2581duo", + -13.06505012512207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Homa", + -12.958831787109375 + ], + [ + "\u2581ICCPR", + -12.959986686706543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Parc", + -12.977665901184082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Relacionados", + -13.157673835754395 + ], + [ + "\u2581deteriorado", + -13.077116966247559 + ], + [ + "\u2581Continuous", + -12.950448036193848 + ], + [ + "\u2581depleted", + -13.054645538330078 + ], + [ + "\u2581undercover", + -13.13604736328125 + ], + [ + "\u2581253", + -13.019903182983398 + ], + [ + "\u2581Afterwards", + -13.029633522033691 + ], + [ + "\u2581Feast", + -13.006603240966797 + ], + [ + "\u2581reconozco", + -12.945019721984863 + ], + [ + "nterior", + -13.013574600219727 + ], + [ + "\u2581arrendatario", + -13.15556812286377 + ], + [ + "\u2581calentador", + -13.057862281799316 + ], + [ + "\u2581emitir\u00e1", + -13.131049156188965 + ], + [ + "\u2581lawfully", + -13.017189025878906 + ], + [ + "\u2581proyectiles", + -13.13586711883545 + ], + [ + "Jugar", + -13.153663635253906 + ], + [ + "\u2581Interaction", + -12.977746963500977 + ], + [ + "\u2581Recognize", + -13.08592700958252 + ], + [ + "\u2581escapada", + -13.092147827148438 + ], + [ + "\u2581grandchildren", + -13.039987564086914 + ], + [ + "\u2581transformer", + -12.976616859436035 + ], + [ + "\u2581Oz", + -12.996161460876465 + ], + [ + "\u2581cl\u00e9rigo", + -13.128724098205566 + ], + [ + "\u2581roaming", + -12.963858604431152 + ], + [ + "\u2581impasse", + -12.993280410766602 + ], + [ + "oya", + -12.570347785949707 + ], + [ + "Convenio", + -13.011966705322266 + ], + [ + "\u2581ECON\u00d3MICO", + -13.114590644836426 + ], + [ + "\u2581materializar", + -13.195511817932129 + ], + [ + "\u2581strata", + -12.977596282958984 + ], + [ + "Jn", + -12.829707145690918 + ], + [ + "\u2581Invite", + -13.209269523620605 + ], + [ + "\u2581desaparecieron", + -13.040241241455078 + ], + [ + "\u2581puntuaciones", + -13.096113204956055 + ], + [ + "\u2581Circuito", + -13.010282516479492 + ], + [ + "Pat", + -12.924567222595215 + ], + [ + "\u2581Contrary", + -13.029731750488281 + ], + [ + "\u2581Recruitment", + -13.005202293395996 + ], + [ + "\u2581civilized", + -13.054498672485352 + ], + [ + "\u2581instant\u00e1neo", + -13.048955917358398 + ], + [ + "Therefore", + -12.999149322509766 + ], + [ + "\u2581rienda", + -13.06685733795166 + ], + [ + "\u2581timbre", + -12.964683532714844 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fond", + -12.925202369689941 + ], + [ + "\u2581pretensi\u00f3n", + -13.10080337524414 + ], + [ + "\u2581salvavidas", + -13.107597351074219 + ], + [ + "\u2581vigilado", + -13.080177307128906 + ], + [ + "ctualidad", + -12.984562873840332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gig", + -13.215879440307617 + ], + [ + "\u2581anclaje", + -13.144146919250488 + ], + [ + "\u2581enquiries", + -12.91493034362793 + ], + [ + "\u2581Magistrate", + -13.035820960998535 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vital", + -13.001708984375 + ], + [ + "\u2581cantones", + -13.049385070800781 + ], + [ + "\u2581disposable", + -13.003193855285645 + ], + [ + "\u2581Realizaci\u00f3n", + -13.191688537597656 + ], + [ + "ask", + -13.052915573120117 + ], + [ + "123", + -12.900891304016113 + ], + [ + "4.00", + -13.186433792114258 + ], + [ + "posicion", + -13.139662742614746 + ], + [ + "\u2581desplegable", + -13.167423248291016 + ], + [ + "\u2581portrayed", + -13.077988624572754 + ], + [ + "\u2581slowdown", + -12.962146759033203 + ], + [ + "\u2581intuition", + -12.969671249389648 + ], + [ + "Asesina", + -12.96328353881836 + ], + [ + "\u2581desmaya", + -12.960955619812012 + ], + [ + "\u2581exhibir", + -13.114713668823242 + ], + [ + "\u2581ribavirin", + -12.965787887573242 + ], + [ + "children", + -12.934757232666016 + ], + [ + "\u2581HOLDER", + -12.91493034362793 + ], + [ + "\u2581Marfil", + -13.062609672546387 + ], + [ + "\u2581Prohibido", + -13.133481979370117 + ], + [ + "\u2581overweight", + -13.027215957641602 + ], + [ + "\u2581calibraci\u00f3n", + -13.066636085510254 + ], + [ + "\u2581setiembre", + -13.07784652709961 + ], + [ + "inclusive", + -12.993098258972168 + ], + [ + "ryl", + -12.810602188110352 + ], + [ + "\u2581rodante", + -12.9944429397583 + ], + [ + "\u2581Facilitation", + -12.95426082611084 + ], + [ + "\u2581RELATIVA", + -13.044584274291992 + ], + [ + "\u2581Watt", + -13.044938087463379 + ], + [ + "\u2581choke", + -13.197617530822754 + ], + [ + "Se\u00f1ora", + -12.861353874206543 + ], + [ + "residencia", + -13.467389106750488 + ], + [ + "\u25813,500", + -13.003421783447266 + ], + [ + "ambiental", + -13.091524124145508 + ], + [ + "vi\u00e9rtete", + -13.010282516479492 + ], + [ + "\u2581arrogancia", + -13.046767234802246 + ], + [ + "\u2581runway", + -13.064382553100586 + ], + [ + "\u2581manifestly", + -12.992892265319824 + ], + [ + "\u2581alusi\u00f3n", + -13.025177001953125 + ], + [ + "\u2581removable", + -12.99520206451416 + ], + [ + "\u2581simulador", + -13.256046295166016 + ], + [ + "\u2581priori", + -13.161839485168457 + ], + [ + "\u2581reiterat", + -12.981340408325195 + ], + [ + "\u2581robotic", + -13.067670822143555 + ], + [ + "\u2581unanimity", + -12.97354793548584 + ], + [ + "eiro", + -12.895480155944824 + ], + [ + "\u2581Seatbelt", + -12.929731369018555 + ], + [ + "\u2581adoptivo", + -13.01875114440918 + ], + [ + "\u2581sost\u00e9n", + -13.045829772949219 + ], + [ + "folk", + -13.151956558227539 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jurisdiction", + -13.019372940063477 + ], + [ + "\u2581utilisation", + -12.903971672058105 + ], + [ + "Doctor", + -12.9462308883667 + ], + [ + "\u2581Propietario", + -13.100652694702148 + ], + [ + "\u2581conociendo", + -13.100713729858398 + ], + [ + "\u2581Explosive", + -12.987281799316406 + ], + [ + "\u2581flamenca", + -13.112253189086914 + ], + [ + "\u2581tortuga", + -13.045991897583008 + ], + [ + "\u2581ametralladora", + -13.023008346557617 + ], + [ + "\u2581chilled", + -12.930281639099121 + ], + [ + "follow", + -13.093917846679688 + ], + [ + "\u2581Broadcasting", + -13.016378402709961 + ], + [ + "\u2581Employees", + -12.950457572937012 + ], + [ + "1,2", + -12.955267906188965 + ], + [ + "solving", + -12.981040000915527 + ], + [ + "\u2581INDI", + -13.030434608459473 + ], + [ + "\u2581Limitation", + -13.018754005432129 + ], + [ + "\u2581esteroide", + -13.05042552947998 + ], + [ + "\u2581tolerante", + -13.08559799194336 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ajustador", + -13.084672927856445 + ], + [ + "\u2581Northwest", + -13.048702239990234 + ], + [ + "\u2581S\u00ednodo", + -13.110092163085938 + ], + [ + "\u2581backyard", + -13.038926124572754 + ], + [ + "\u2581imperativa", + -13.107083320617676 + ], + [ + "\u2581retroactive", + -12.961946487426758 + ], + [ + "Luego", + -13.040013313293457 + ], + [ + "MEX", + -13.387280464172363 + ], + [ + "pies", + -12.745532035827637 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dental", + -13.050567626953125 + ], + [ + "insert", + -13.43061351776123 + ], + [ + "\u2581Blade", + -13.071133613586426 + ], + [ + "\u2581destruyeron", + -13.122356414794922 + ], + [ + "\u2581fall\u00f3", + -13.087044715881348 + ], + [ + "\u2581Andalucia", + -12.911263465881348 + ], + [ + "\u2581discrepancia", + -13.002766609191895 + ], + [ + "\u2581disobedience", + -13.013275146484375 + ], + [ + "\u2581encrypted", + -12.983332633972168 + ], + [ + "\u2581Belleza", + -12.971179008483887 + ], + [ + "\u2581Longitud", + -13.169902801513672 + ], + [ + "\u2581Valencian", + -13.16616153717041 + ], + [ + "\u2581fracasar", + -13.030941009521484 + ], + [ + "\u2581suspenso", + -13.109930038452148 + ], + [ + "\u2581persiguiendo", + -13.040231704711914 + ], + [ + "\u2581compiten", + -13.038063049316406 + ], + [ + "\u2581disgusta", + -12.906327247619629 + ], + [ + "\u2581encarnaci\u00f3n", + -13.178303718566895 + ], + [ + "\u2581struggled", + -12.962394714355469 + ], + [ + "\u2581inconvenience", + -13.023458480834961 + ], + [ + "GAS", + -13.15075969696045 + ], + [ + "\u2581automat", + -13.013712882995605 + ], + [ + "\u2581palette", + -13.159290313720703 + ], + [ + "\u2581Extradition", + -13.1201171875 + ], + [ + "\u2581filtering", + -13.036937713623047 + ], + [ + "\u2581movilizado", + -13.110313415527344 + ], + [ + "\u2581proponiendo", + -13.082796096801758 + ], + [ + "\u2581Judaism", + -12.956241607666016 + ], + [ + "\u2581inc\u00f3moda", + -13.033771514892578 + ], + [ + "arial", + -13.161102294921875 + ], + [ + "\u2581richer", + -12.996045112609863 + ], + [ + "illi", + -13.003329277038574 + ], + [ + "\u2581DPRK", + -12.95426082611084 + ], + [ + "\u2581plateau", + -13.077632904052734 + ], + [ + "Hombre", + -12.966378211975098 + ], + [ + "\u2581acostumbrar", + -13.203523635864258 + ], + [ + "\u2581prejuicio", + -13.082239151000977 + ], + [ + "\u2581ventila", + -13.116616249084473 + ], + [ + "\u2581incentivar", + -13.055997848510742 + ], + [ + "c\u00edclico", + -13.07110595703125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ezekiel", + -13.0759916305542 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gregory", + -13.124658584594727 + ], + [ + "\u2581Truly", + -13.037385940551758 + ], + [ + "\u2581prohibi\u00f3", + -13.174849510192871 + ], + [ + "Once", + -12.988323211669922 + ], + [ + "beat", + -13.037101745605469 + ], + [ + "tiende", + -12.859423637390137 + ], + [ + "reservation", + -13.003020286560059 + ], + [ + "\u2581enlighten", + -13.000035285949707 + ], + [ + "adr\u00f3n", + -13.074234008789062 + ], + [ + "\u2581backbone", + -12.908035278320312 + ], + [ + "bearing", + -13.041959762573242 + ], + [ + "\u2581Duran", + -13.292401313781738 + ], + [ + "\u2581uninterrupted", + -13.009230613708496 + ], + [ + "protecci\u00f3n", + -13.03780746459961 + ], + [ + "\u2581discernir", + -13.138259887695312 + ], + [ + "\u2581fearful", + -13.083917617797852 + ], + [ + "\u2581narraci\u00f3n", + -13.139410972595215 + ], + [ + "\u2581carnaval", + -13.080103874206543 + ], + [ + "\u2581compilar", + -13.12637710571289 + ], + [ + "\u2581reuniendo", + -13.027308464050293 + ], + [ + "\u2581ultrasonido", + -13.057756423950195 + ], + [ + "cken", + -12.966235160827637 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vayamos", + -12.890430450439453 + ], + [ + "\u2581indefinidamente", + -13.071662902832031 + ], + [ + "\u2581sosteniendo", + -13.075688362121582 + ], + [ + "Fuente", + -13.161666870117188 + ], + [ + "\u2581imitation", + -13.001351356506348 + ], + [ + "\u2581measles", + -13.011252403259277 + ], + [ + "\u2581subjetivo", + -13.057758331298828 + ], + [ + "\u2581subsisten", + -13.1263427734375 + ], + [ + "\u2581edible", + -13.033830642700195 + ], + [ + "\u2581filmmaker", + -13.128947257995605 + ], + [ + "\u2581masturbaci\u00f3n", + -13.108115196228027 + ], + [ + "\u2581wrought", + -13.117847442626953 + ], + [ + "\u2581infrared", + -13.00721549987793 + ], + [ + "\u2581venimos", + -12.988286018371582 + ], + [ + "Like", + -13.032803535461426 + ], + [ + "schedule", + -12.971328735351562 + ], + [ + "\u2581248", + -12.997917175292969 + ], + [ + "\u2581Maquina", + -13.064407348632812 + ], + [ + "\u2581231", + -13.052876472473145 + ], + [ + "\u2581wisely", + -12.989388465881348 + ], + [ + "\u2581UTILIZA", + -13.105280876159668 + ], + [ + "scope", + -12.99150276184082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Identidad", + -13.174849510192871 + ], + [ + "\u2581liberate", + -13.024345397949219 + ], + [ + "tend\u00edan", + -13.349105834960938 + ], + [ + "\u2581entierro", + -13.119315147399902 + ], + [ + "ILLE", + -13.58814525604248 + ], + [ + "\u2581Energ", + -13.137042999267578 + ], + [ + "\u2581reanude", + -13.172369956970215 + ], + [ + "Norway", + -12.914362907409668 + ], + [ + "\u2581Beaches", + -13.03735637664795 + ], + [ + "\u2581bosses", + -13.070138931274414 + ], + [ + "\u2581manifieste", + -13.051148414611816 + ], + [ + "\u2581unarmed", + -13.061002731323242 + ], + [ + "\u25816:00", + -13.125689506530762 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jonah", + -13.0318021774292 + ], + [ + "\u2581Moraz", + -12.983287811279297 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rosary", + -13.015905380249023 + ], + [ + "\u2581confunde", + -13.09854793548584 + ], + [ + "\u2581ol\u00edmpico", + -13.119278907775879 + ], + [ + "\u2581pavimento", + -13.15273666381836 + ], + [ + "\u2581intervino", + -13.12903881072998 + ], + [ + "\u2581saddle", + -12.997332572937012 + ], + [ + "\u2581Estudiar", + -13.139039993286133 + ], + [ + "\u2581redistribution", + -12.991390228271484 + ], + [ + "config", + -13.337322235107422 + ], + [ + "\u2581privatisation", + -12.969696044921875 + ], + [ + "Buenas", + -12.842596054077148 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ju\u00e1rez", + -13.207680702209473 + ], + [ + "\u2581chrome", + -13.024138450622559 + ], + [ + "\u2581theatrical", + -12.985301971435547 + ], + [ + "10,000", + -12.983133316040039 + ], + [ + "chain", + -12.953605651855469 + ], + [ + "tivista", + -13.093303680419922 + ], + [ + "\u2581acuden", + -13.157642364501953 + ], + [ + "\u2581buf\u00e9", + -13.135869026184082 + ], + [ + "\u2581gastronomic", + -13.063133239746094 + ], + [ + "moni", + -12.745076179504395 + ], + [ + "\u2581bothered", + -13.05252742767334 + ], + [ + "\u2581unidentified", + -13.089020729064941 + ], + [ + "Source", + -12.948166847229004 + ], + [ + "\u2581mutaci\u00f3n", + -13.064672470092773 + ], + [ + "\u2581nightclub", + -13.192672729492188 + ], + [ + "\u2581Typical", + -13.035207748413086 + ], + [ + "\u2581acampar", + -13.211738586425781 + ], + [ + "\u2581reminding", + -13.001446723937988 + ], + [ + "/66", + -12.841445922851562 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jude", + -13.0895357131958 + ], + [ + "\u2581justifying", + -12.965936660766602 + ], + [ + "decor", + -13.139656066894531 + ], + [ + "\u2581266", + -12.906463623046875 + ], + [ + "treat", + -12.953523635864258 + ], + [ + "\u2581YEAH", + -13.281227111816406 + ], + [ + "\u2581colisi\u00f3n", + -13.082457542419434 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wise", + -13.069090843200684 + ], + [ + "\u2581enviamos", + -13.01689338684082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Journey", + -12.98530101776123 + ], + [ + "\u2581Stupid", + -13.14061164855957 + ], + [ + "\u2581niece", + -13.08684253692627 + ], + [ + "contraproducente", + -13.360222816467285 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sant\u00edsima", + -13.197793960571289 + ], + [ + "\u2581reclamada", + -13.110298156738281 + ], + [ + "righteous", + -12.979209899902344 + ], + [ + "\u2581$18", + -12.963478088378906 + ], + [ + "\u2581procurator", + -12.997194290161133 + ], + [ + "guide", + -12.949464797973633 + ], + [ + "\u2581rebote", + -13.089289665222168 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ordinary", + -13.003193855285645 + ], + [ + "\u2581delusion", + -13.14990520477295 + ], + [ + "\u2581enojar", + -12.904351234436035 + ], + [ + "\u2581retrospectiva", + -13.123991012573242 + ], + [ + "\u2581CONFERENCIA", + -13.059968948364258 + ], + [ + "\u2581l\u00edcita", + -13.2000093460083 + ], + [ + "appropriate", + -12.978838920593262 + ], + [ + "90.000", + -13.1572265625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Established", + -12.956131935119629 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ezequiel", + -13.155168533325195 + ], + [ + "\u2581agotada", + -13.025538444519043 + ], + [ + "\u2581agitado", + -12.9804105758667 + ], + [ + "\u2581medioambiente", + -13.102961540222168 + ], + [ + "\u2581Maker", + -13.010878562927246 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuelga", + -12.96297550201416 + ], + [ + "\u2581excavation", + -13.021413803100586 + ], + [ + "\u2581auriculares", + -13.122415542602539 + ], + [ + "\u2581beneficiar\u00eda", + -13.214886665344238 + ], + [ + "\u2581publico", + -13.080048561096191 + ], + [ + "\u2581Eliminate", + -13.06833553314209 + ], + [ + "\u2581Speech", + -13.048332214355469 + ], + [ + "\u2581pretensiones", + -13.080103874206543 + ], + [ + "\u2581villain", + -13.068181037902832 + ], + [ + "Resoluci\u00f3n", + -13.131482124328613 + ], + [ + "\u2581Necesitaba", + -13.004095077514648 + ], + [ + "\u2581compassionate", + -13.044317245483398 + ], + [ + "\u2581desaparecer\u00e1", + -13.125454902648926 + ], + [ + "\u25819.3", + -13.037541389465332 + ], + [ + "\u2581protagonismo", + -13.012392044067383 + ], + [ + "\u2581serenidad", + -13.109967231750488 + ], + [ + "/3)", + -13.06089973449707 + ], + [ + "Second", + -13.054910659790039 + ], + [ + "\u2581C\u00edrculo", + -13.152734756469727 + ], + [ + "\u2581departamental", + -13.226791381835938 + ], + [ + "\u2581mixer", + -13.099424362182617 + ], + [ + "\u2581negoci", + -12.950430870056152 + ], + [ + "\u2581poisoned", + -13.16707992553711 + ], + [ + "nig", + -12.96314811706543 + ], + [ + "\u2581clam", + -13.061929702758789 + ], + [ + "\u2581emprendida", + -13.068351745605469 + ], + [ + "\u2581justifies", + -13.009820938110352 + ], + [ + "\u2581Basti", + -13.065376281738281 + ], + [ + "\u2581gravel", + -13.01126480102539 + ], + [ + "\u2581Christi", + -13.1621732711792 + ], + [ + "\u2581camarero", + -12.967000961303711 + ], + [ + "\u2581cesado", + -13.081287384033203 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aluminium", + -13.017335891723633 + ], + [ + "\u2581coexist", + -13.003657341003418 + ], + [ + "\u2581normalizada", + -13.098892211914062 + ], + [ + "\u25811925", + -13.006852149963379 + ], + [ + "\u2581ACTION", + -13.047632217407227 + ], + [ + "\u2581sweater", + -13.190935134887695 + ], + [ + "nomy", + -12.891432762145996 + ], + [ + "\u2581emancipation", + -12.969660758972168 + ], + [ + "\u2581iluminar", + -13.028522491455078 + ], + [ + "\u2581remodelaci\u00f3n", + -13.203019142150879 + ], + [ + "Entiende", + -13.114917755126953 + ], + [ + "bromo", + -13.040806770324707 + ], + [ + "\u2581Authorisation", + -12.956396102905273 + ], + [ + "\u2581Leaving", + -13.033747673034668 + ], + [ + "\u2581carbohidratos", + -13.164959907531738 + ], + [ + "\u2581federado", + -13.107653617858887 + ], + [ + "\u2581overseeing", + -13.11380386352539 + ], + [ + "][", + -12.975839614868164 + ], + [ + "sf\u00e9rico", + -13.172181129455566 + ], + [ + "\u2581Daughter", + -13.009235382080078 + ], + [ + "\u2581unlawfully", + -13.01060676574707 + ], + [ + "\u2581resfriado", + -13.068868637084961 + ], + [ + "\u2581tard\u00edo", + -13.212828636169434 + ], + [ + "\u2581relacionarse", + -13.10913372039795 + ], + [ + "00:00", + -13.059234619140625 + ], + [ + "\u2581panader\u00eda", + -13.084633827209473 + ], + [ + "\u2581preferiblemente", + -13.06995964050293 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fusion", + -12.989338874816895 + ], + [ + "\u2581Suit", + -13.070988655090332 + ], + [ + "HAR", + -13.329050064086914 + ], + [ + "creation", + -13.054076194763184 + ], + [ + "\u2581Uruguayan", + -13.010862350463867 + ], + [ + "\u2581deteriorate", + -13.036681175231934 + ], + [ + "\u2581heartbeat", + -13.061159133911133 + ], + [ + "\u2581presumably", + -13.058878898620605 + ], + [ + "appointed", + -12.973308563232422 + ], + [ + "signaciones", + -13.080456733703613 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ventana", + -13.123043060302734 + ], + [ + "\u2581despert\u00e9", + -12.908206939697266 + ], + [ + "servicing", + -13.02558708190918 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sei", + -12.885454177856445 + ], + [ + "\u2581Traducir", + -13.195174217224121 + ], + [ + "\u2581ramifica", + -13.242546081542969 + ], + [ + "IZACI\u00d3N", + -13.16003704071045 + ], + [ + "tromb", + -13.127096176147461 + ], + [ + "\u2581Abidjan", + -12.948546409606934 + ], + [ + "\u2581doubling", + -13.042055130004883 + ], + [ + "\u2581urbaniza", + -13.19758415222168 + ], + [ + "\u2581Spend", + -13.231175422668457 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuarteles", + -13.019577980041504 + ], + [ + "zano", + -12.991003036499023 + ], + [ + "\u2581Blind", + -13.118635177612305 + ], + [ + "\u2581Comenzar", + -12.955077171325684 + ], + [ + "\u2581Elder", + -13.061261177062988 + ], + [ + "\u2581juzgada", + -13.13198184967041 + ], + [ + "9.99", + -13.178182601928711 + ], + [ + "\u2581sustituya", + -13.020949363708496 + ], + [ + "\u2581worsen", + -12.982226371765137 + ], + [ + "\u2581pensaste", + -12.95499038696289 + ], + [ + "\u00fatil", + -13.205848693847656 + ], + [ + "CV", + -12.880167961120605 + ], + [ + "\u2581308", + -13.022327423095703 + ], + [ + "c\u00f3digo", + -12.982695579528809 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hopefully", + -13.0462646484375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Insertar", + -13.233689308166504 + ], + [ + "uj", + -12.743795394897461 + ], + [ + "\u2581refurbishment", + -13.015342712402344 + ], + [ + "\u2581faculties", + -13.037891387939453 + ], + [ + "\u00e9ndole", + -13.154052734375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Programming", + -12.973567962646484 + ], + [ + "\u2581dinares", + -13.091476440429688 + ], + [ + "Permanece", + -13.038841247558594 + ], + [ + "\u2581athletic", + -12.983332633972168 + ], + [ + "\u2581culmin\u00f3", + -13.11695671081543 + ], + [ + "\u2581sirviera", + -13.09147834777832 + ], + [ + "counter", + -13.035548210144043 + ], + [ + "posible", + -13.123863220214844 + ], + [ + "\u2581promovi\u00f3", + -13.11458969116211 + ], + [ + "\u2581albedr\u00edo", + -13.082365989685059 + ], + [ + "\u2581concluyeron", + -13.088672637939453 + ], + [ + "Water", + -12.933112144470215 + ], + [ + "\u2581ENTRE", + -13.145608901977539 + ], + [ + "\u2581anticipa", + -13.082706451416016 + ], + [ + "\u2581arroj\u00f3", + -13.023011207580566 + ], + [ + "\u2581Anguila", + -13.089184761047363 + ], + [ + "\u2581honeymoon", + -13.122382164001465 + ], + [ + "\u2581impidiendo", + -13.03806209564209 + ], + [ + "Peru", + -13.005220413208008 + ], + [ + "\u2581tricky", + -13.031622886657715 + ], + [ + "\u2581promulgation", + -13.02756118774414 + ], + [ + "\u2581sponge", + -13.100040435791016 + ], + [ + "\u2581ayud\u00e1ndo", + -13.027290344238281 + ], + [ + "\u2581delictiva", + -13.136225700378418 + ], + [ + "\u2581ponderado", + -13.066638946533203 + ], + [ + "sanitary", + -12.997099876403809 + ], + [ + "\u2581Chop", + -13.148689270019531 + ], + [ + "\u2581athlete", + -13.005289077758789 + ], + [ + "oko", + -12.746155738830566 + ], + [ + "\u2581tregua", + -13.040266036987305 + ], + [ + "uble", + -13.527092933654785 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aircraft", + -13.021530151367188 + ], + [ + "\u2581Facilitator", + -12.98530101776123 + ], + [ + "\u2581Steam", + -13.028800964355469 + ], + [ + "\u2581mutat", + -13.182622909545898 + ], + [ + "\u2581presume", + -13.101066589355469 + ], + [ + "\u2581resonance", + -12.969660758972168 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sponsor", + -13.08679485321045 + ], + [ + "\u2581quasi", + -12.944918632507324 + ], + [ + "Conf", + -13.046663284301758 + ], + [ + "\u258117.00", + -13.096861839294434 + ], + [ + "\u2581discharging", + -13.003193855285645 + ], + [ + "\u2581indicted", + -13.003255844116211 + ], + [ + "\u2581perturbador", + -13.17424488067627 + ], + [ + "Property", + -13.167262077331543 + ], + [ + "Eastern", + -12.985177040100098 + ], + [ + "Maldito", + -12.789902687072754 + ], + [ + "\u2581coloquio", + -13.105277061462402 + ], + [ + "\u2581desobediencia", + -13.071105003356934 + ], + [ + "\u2581jeans", + -13.05892276763916 + ], + [ + "\u2581princip", + -13.102745056152344 + ], + [ + "\u2581Quickly", + -13.159436225891113 + ], + [ + "\u2581occupancy", + -13.050431251525879 + ], + [ + "\u2581sew", + -13.091876983642578 + ], + [ + "\u2581simplest", + -13.026388168334961 + ], + [ + "\u2581telecom", + -13.074954986572266 + ], + [ + "\u2581traduzca", + -13.093833923339844 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cycle", + -13.0591402053833 + ], + [ + "\u2581Herramienta", + -13.15812873840332 + ], + [ + "\u2581ensayar", + -13.105676651000977 + ], + [ + "\u2581turquoise", + -13.025507926940918 + ], + [ + "\u2581ripped", + -13.136143684387207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Arcade", + -13.089170455932617 + ], + [ + "\u2581distribuyeron", + -13.106217384338379 + ], + [ + "\u2581salvadore\u00f1o", + -13.119317054748535 + ], + [ + "/61", + -12.833855628967285 + ], + [ + "\u2581odor", + -13.005632400512695 + ], + [ + "medic", + -13.174095153808594 + ], + [ + "review", + -13.044893264770508 + ], + [ + "\u2581costar\u00e1", + -13.098041534423828 + ], + [ + "\u2581overhaul", + -12.975497245788574 + ], + [ + "\u2581(14)", + -12.968208312988281 + ], + [ + "\u2581Brittany", + -13.050431251525879 + ], + [ + "\u2581celebrities", + -13.05048942565918 + ], + [ + "\u2581consciously", + -12.953149795532227 + ], + [ + "Green", + -13.080798149108887 + ], + [ + "\u2581frota", + -13.064665794372559 + ], + [ + "\u2581respiro", + -12.98949146270752 + ], + [ + "\u2581Automotive", + -13.011250495910645 + ], + [ + "\u2581descubrimos", + -13.015203475952148 + ], + [ + "Tuviste", + -12.867612838745117 + ], + [ + "growth", + -12.96358871459961 + ], + [ + "\u2581commencing", + -13.02346420288086 + ], + [ + "\u2581cubr\u00eda", + -13.21547794342041 + ], + [ + "\u2581descended", + -13.060391426086426 + ], + [ + "\u2581interferon", + -13.021151542663574 + ], + [ + "\u2581dwarf", + -13.033748626708984 + ], + [ + "SHIP", + -13.409933090209961 + ], + [ + "secret", + -13.055070877075195 + ], + [ + "\u2581Portuaria", + -13.164962768554688 + ], + [ + "\u2581sometier", + -13.182353019714355 + ], + [ + "bridging", + -12.989266395568848 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bicicleta", + -13.107597351074219 + ], + [ + "\u2581Marxism", + -12.964052200317383 + ], + [ + "\u2581devolver\u00e1", + -13.152592658996582 + ], + [ + "\u2581puntualidad", + -13.04938793182373 + ], + [ + "asu", + -12.998516082763672 + ], + [ + "jou", + -12.980266571044922 + ], + [ + "ulina", + -13.068952560424805 + ], + [ + "\u2581bending", + -13.051424026489258 + ], + [ + "\u2581fantas", + -13.022174835205078 + ], + [ + "sigue", + -13.14837646484375 + ], + [ + "\u2581llev\u00e1ndo", + -13.113118171691895 + ], + [ + "\u2581MOD", + -13.095897674560547 + ], + [ + "Identifica", + -13.15735912322998 + ], + [ + "\u2581s\u00edrvase", + -13.062186241149902 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ver\u00f3nica", + -13.030152320861816 + ], + [ + "\u2581abnormalities", + -12.973697662353516 + ], + [ + "\u2581antorcha", + -13.055549621582031 + ], + [ + "\u2581radiol\u00f3gica", + -13.220864295959473 + ], + [ + "reservorio", + -12.99520206451416 + ], + [ + "\u25813-4", + -13.087337493896484 + ], + [ + "\u2581Portuguesa", + -13.089213371276855 + ], + [ + "ATED", + -13.335716247558594 + ], + [ + "\u2581ecology", + -13.037943840026855 + ], + [ + "\u2581esmalte", + -13.17247486114502 + ], + [ + "rona", + -12.977587699890137 + ], + [ + "\u2581colonel", + -13.212651252746582 + ], + [ + "Print", + -13.068937301635742 + ], + [ + "\u2581Magnetic", + -13.06658935546875 + ], + [ + "\u2581busqueda", + -13.09232234954834 + ], + [ + "\u2581conmoci\u00f3n", + -13.172579765319824 + ], + [ + "\u2581decepcionante", + -13.028009414672852 + ], + [ + "\u2581denunciation", + -13.023458480834961 + ], + [ + "\u2581hectare", + -12.961106300354004 + ], + [ + "\u2581optimized", + -13.028215408325195 + ], + [ + "Phone", + -13.029633522033691 + ], + [ + "\u2581pasarela", + -13.173248291015625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ba\u00f1era", + -13.084633827209473 + ], + [ + "\u2581Suppress", + -13.007116317749023 + ], + [ + "\u2581victories", + -13.031708717346191 + ], + [ + "\u2581Levante", + -13.096076011657715 + ], + [ + "\u2581dreadful", + -13.032950401306152 + ], + [ + "\u2581faction", + -13.00143814086914 + ], + [ + "\u2581pendant", + -13.037896156311035 + ], + [ + "\u2581queue", + -13.084786415100098 + ], + [ + "\u2581worthless", + -13.063569068908691 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nay", + -13.135190963745117 + ], + [ + "\u2581incarnation", + -13.01130485534668 + ], + [ + "\u2581infeliz", + -12.90061092376709 + ], + [ + "liberaci\u00f3n", + -13.153552055358887 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mong", + -13.182822227478027 + ], + [ + "\u2581callejero", + -13.019042015075684 + ], + [ + "\u2581rotary", + -13.061165809631348 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tradition", + -13.079056739807129 + ], + [ + "\u2581bacalao", + -12.995637893676758 + ], + [ + "\u2581channelled", + -12.99962329864502 + ], + [ + "\u2581debati\u00f3", + -13.155272483825684 + ], + [ + "\u2581generosamente", + -13.139662742614746 + ], + [ + "\u2581Telef", + -13.065710067749023 + ], + [ + "\u2581afinidad", + -13.162841796875 + ], + [ + "\u25811937", + -13.081169128417969 + ], + [ + "\u2581impotencia", + -13.187387466430664 + ], + [ + "\u2581Andalusian", + -12.976808547973633 + ], + [ + "\u2581TITULAR", + -13.167423248291016 + ], + [ + "\u2581decisorio", + -13.21051025390625 + ], + [ + "\u2581incommunicado", + -13.102222442626953 + ], + [ + "\u2581EDI", + -12.993366241455078 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sharm", + -13.090117454528809 + ], + [ + "\u2581busiest", + -13.05687427520752 + ], + [ + "Turkey", + -12.991103172302246 + ], + [ + "\u2581Belarusian", + -13.08183765411377 + ], + [ + "SIA", + -13.159919738769531 + ], + [ + "characterization", + -13.3170166015625 + ], + [ + "\u2581queriendo", + -13.017215728759766 + ], + [ + "\u2581severidad", + -13.11704158782959 + ], + [ + "\u2581shipyard", + -13.05263614654541 + ], + [ + "\u2581Intervenci\u00f3n", + -13.160052299499512 + ], + [ + "earth", + -13.05782699584961 + ], + [ + "\u258125,000", + -12.996586799621582 + ], + [ + "\u25819.5", + -13.040872573852539 + ], + [ + "INN", + -12.816779136657715 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bedroom", + -13.08699893951416 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cyrus", + -13.21218204498291 + ], + [ + "\u2581freelancer", + -13.023406028747559 + ], + [ + "\u2581libere", + -13.139286041259766 + ], + [ + "\u2581preconiza", + -13.162583351135254 + ], + [ + "3-0", + -13.050321578979492 + ], + [ + "\u2581Eugenio", + -13.073347091674805 + ], + [ + "\u2581compose", + -13.071100234985352 + ], + [ + "\u2581Binar", + -13.10933780670166 + ], + [ + "\u2581L\u00e1zaro", + -13.102961540222168 + ], + [ + "\u2581[5", + -13.143778800964355 + ], + [ + "\u2581intervening", + -12.991232872009277 + ], + [ + "\u2581sabremos", + -12.97323989868164 + ], + [ + "\u2581DIRECTIVE", + -12.929731369018555 + ], + [ + "\u2581Researchers", + -12.960714340209961 + ], + [ + "\u2581prospecci\u00f3n", + -13.102961540222168 + ], + [ + "Marruecos", + -13.158183097839355 + ], + [ + "\u2581fritas", + -12.960996627807617 + ], + [ + "\u2581junction", + -13.048330307006836 + ], + [ + "6,6", + -13.362181663513184 + ], + [ + "\u2581handicraft", + -12.997194290161133 + ], + [ + "\u2581meditar", + -13.081085205078125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Interrumpir", + -13.1334810256958 + ], + [ + "\u2581Modificar", + -13.210273742675781 + ], + [ + "\u2581injecting", + -12.998384475708008 + ], + [ + "\u2581jugaba", + -12.993797302246094 + ], + [ + "\u2581VET", + -13.230896949768066 + ], + [ + "\u2581flooded", + -13.056509017944336 + ], + [ + "\u2581straighten", + -13.182092666625977 + ], + [ + "\u2581veal", + -12.999814987182617 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lava", + -13.104329109191895 + ], + [ + "\u2581actualizando", + -13.048564910888672 + ], + [ + "MW", + -13.009861946105957 + ], + [ + "Sistema", + -13.153284072875977 + ], + [ + "celular", + -13.197759628295898 + ], + [ + "\u2581colaboraciones", + -13.151538848876953 + ], + [ + "\u2581llanto", + -13.07114028930664 + ], + [ + "\u2581takeover", + -13.033085823059082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Estimado", + -13.121725082397461 + ], + [ + "\u2581destrozado", + -12.993571281433105 + ], + [ + "\u2581ponderada", + -13.174851417541504 + ], + [ + "\u2581landline", + -12.927349090576172 + ], + [ + "\u2581Necesidad", + -13.186291694641113 + ], + [ + "\u2581cu\u00e1nta", + -13.12514877319336 + ], + [ + "\u2581patear", + -12.924391746520996 + ], + [ + "\u2581reconciliar", + -13.181535720825195 + ], + [ + "\u2581supletoria", + -13.189881324768066 + ], + [ + "Choose", + -13.031800270080566 + ], + [ + "MX", + -13.183930397033691 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gonna", + -13.170982360839844 + ], + [ + "\u2581confesa", + -12.949387550354004 + ], + [ + "\u2581sensory", + -13.130807876586914 + ], + [ + "invest", + -13.066301345825195 + ], + [ + "\u2581cumplieron", + -13.147909164428711 + ], + [ + "\u2581acostado", + -12.979205131530762 + ], + [ + "\u2581calamidad", + -13.031597137451172 + ], + [ + "\u2581downturn", + -13.04570484161377 + ], + [ + "\u2581subproductos", + -13.14065933227539 + ], + [ + "\u2581Chechnya", + -13.001190185546875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Escritorio", + -13.210766792297363 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jewel", + -13.204813003540039 + ], + [ + "\u2581embody", + -12.963899612426758 + ], + [ + "\u2581shove", + -13.118575096130371 + ], + [ + "\u2581265", + -12.990494728088379 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hermoso", + -13.055566787719727 + ], + [ + "\u2581Recoge", + -13.027524948120117 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aviv", + -12.95339584350586 + ], + [ + "\u2581hull", + -13.035983085632324 + ], + [ + "\u2581intracomunitari", + -13.131098747253418 + ], + [ + "\u2581sufrir\u00e1", + -13.228910446166992 + ], + [ + "/71", + -12.98322868347168 + ], + [ + "\u2581filmar", + -13.022335052490234 + ], + [ + "\u2581irlandeses", + -13.109922409057617 + ], + [ + "Cuanto", + -12.888184547424316 + ], + [ + "\u2581Successful", + -13.0037260055542 + ], + [ + "\u2581bald", + -13.15343952178955 + ], + [ + "\u2581dirijo", + -13.119279861450195 + ], + [ + "\u2581vend\u00eda", + -13.054344177246094 + ], + [ + "\u2581anal\u00f3gico", + -13.14790153503418 + ], + [ + "ASH", + -13.149575233459473 + ], + [ + "connected", + -13.08422565460205 + ], + [ + "\u2581sparkling", + -13.093602180480957 + ], + [ + "\u2581Corrigendum", + -12.913095474243164 + ], + [ + "\u2581$11", + -12.90672492980957 + ], + [ + "\u2581CSD", + -12.998950958251953 + ], + [ + "\u2581OFFICE", + -13.015331268310547 + ], + [ + "Descripci\u00f3n", + -13.201432228088379 + ], + [ + "\u2581299", + -12.947221755981445 + ], + [ + "\u2581atrio", + -13.110334396362305 + ], + [ + "\u2581buck", + -13.117159843444824 + ], + [ + "\u2581presupone", + -13.134673118591309 + ], + [ + "\u2581Azulejos", + -13.010282516479492 + ], + [ + "\u2581iron\u00eda", + -13.13828182220459 + ], + [ + "CULOS", + -13.146404266357422 + ], + [ + "\u2581hambruna", + -13.140657424926758 + ], + [ + "\u2581hooked", + -13.164355278015137 + ], + [ + "\u2581matt", + -13.21626091003418 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hablemos", + -12.93989372253418 + ], + [ + "\u2581cojo", + -12.990787506103516 + ], + [ + "\u2581shack", + -13.129417419433594 + ], + [ + "\u2581stimulated", + -13.032539367675781 + ], + [ + "\u2581Restoration", + -12.983332633972168 + ], + [ + "\u25817:00", + -13.220100402832031 + ], + [ + "\u2581Autoriza", + -13.227129936218262 + ], + [ + "\u2581CARTA", + -13.147173881530762 + ], + [ + "\u2581[4", + -13.21168041229248 + ], + [ + "\u2581Conciliaci\u00f3n", + -13.2576904296875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Trail", + -13.09030818939209 + ], + [ + "\u2581minucioso", + -13.152735710144043 + ], + [ + "\u2581reactivo", + -13.14194107055664 + ], + [ + "\u2581Caballero", + -13.262262344360352 + ], + [ + "\u2581chromosome", + -13.016454696655273 + ], + [ + "profile", + -13.057129859924316 + ], + [ + "\u2581engraved", + -13.009230613708496 + ], + [ + "\u2581hundir", + -12.943090438842773 + ], + [ + "\u2581safeguarded", + -13.018247604370117 + ], + [ + "ANZA", + -13.088773727416992 + ], + [ + "\u2581georgiano", + -13.187349319458008 + ], + [ + "\u2581hardness", + -13.083871841430664 + ], + [ + "\u2581pintoresca", + -13.098352432250977 + ], + [ + "\u2581redeployed", + -12.989791870117188 + ], + [ + "Joder", + -12.913161277770996 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bonita", + -12.988335609436035 + ], + [ + "\u2581cutter", + -13.032976150512695 + ], + [ + "\u2581conditioner", + -13.162032127380371 + ], + [ + "\u2581dart", + -13.076777458190918 + ], + [ + "\u2581Filipino", + -13.04835319519043 + ], + [ + "\u2581Minority", + -13.040285110473633 + ], + [ + "\u2581atrajo", + -13.068916320800781 + ], + [ + "\u2581subscribed", + -13.048861503601074 + ], + [ + "MDGs", + -13.029732704162598 + ], + [ + "awi", + -12.98162841796875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Firearms", + -13.065261840820312 + ], + [ + "\u2581linfoma", + -13.105277061462402 + ], + [ + "\u2581mantendr\u00eda", + -13.167425155639648 + ], + [ + "\u2581trasladada", + -13.16860580444336 + ], + [ + "Facilities", + -13.14608383178711 + ], + [ + "\u2581cursor", + -13.017668724060059 + ], + [ + "\u2581distraer", + -13.064412117004395 + ], + [ + "prudential", + -12.998674392700195 + ], + [ + "\u2581Remain", + -13.0527982711792 + ], + [ + "\u2581Actualidad", + -13.233723640441895 + ], + [ + "\u2581Conservar", + -13.15273666381836 + ], + [ + "\u2581podium", + -12.985331535339355 + ], + [ + "\u2581caduca", + -13.080157279968262 + ], + [ + "\u2581halve", + -13.04184627532959 + ], + [ + "\u2581247", + -13.011861801147461 + ], + [ + "\u2581globalized", + -13.017925262451172 + ], + [ + "\u2581vegetariano", + -13.169893264770508 + ], + [ + "within", + -13.022520065307617 + ], + [ + "\u2581Formal", + -13.08505916595459 + ], + [ + "\u2581shortcut", + -12.94107437133789 + ], + [ + "ZZ", + -13.046974182128906 + ], + [ + "\u2581broadest", + -12.98257827758789 + ], + [ + "\u2581corporaci\u00f3n", + -13.068867683410645 + ], + [ + "\u2581guerrillero", + -13.096049308776855 + ], + [ + "\u2581repleto", + -13.09835433959961 + ], + [ + "\u2581shameful", + -13.061585426330566 + ], + [ + "\u2581Demon", + -13.455321311950684 + ], + [ + "\u2581atenerse", + -13.167468070983887 + ], + [ + "shift", + -13.007335662841797 + ], + [ + "\u2581almacenan", + -12.971587181091309 + ], + [ + "\u2581rescisi\u00f3n", + -13.064460754394531 + ], + [ + "2,500", + -13.022467613220215 + ], + [ + "\u2581staging", + -13.129256248474121 + ], + [ + "\u2581franqueza", + -13.07784652709961 + ], + [ + "\u2581unfavourable", + -12.989250183105469 + ], + [ + "\u25811-3", + -13.034043312072754 + ], + [ + "\u2581Admite", + -13.15044116973877 + ], + [ + "correct", + -13.018980979919434 + ], + [ + "\u2581Augustine", + -13.09595012664795 + ], + [ + "\u2581START", + -13.069610595703125 + ], + [ + "\u2581llamativo", + -13.164627075195312 + ], + [ + "grave", + -13.181177139282227 + ], + [ + "\u2581BOLET", + -13.244285583496094 + ], + [ + "\u2581Capitol", + -13.15451431274414 + ], + [ + "240", + -13.071369171142578 + ], + [ + "\u2581impoverished", + -12.952352523803711 + ], + [ + "official", + -13.046293258666992 + ], + [ + "\u2581hilera", + -13.14553451538086 + ], + [ + "gusta", + -13.206265449523926 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pentagon", + -13.025507926940918 + ], + [ + "\u2581contemple", + -13.10067367553711 + ], + [ + "\u2581tap\u00f3n", + -13.21042251586914 + ], + [ + "nil", + -12.918181419372559 + ], + [ + "\u2581Num", + -13.256037712097168 + ], + [ + "\u2581dragging", + -13.133835792541504 + ], + [ + "ntegrating", + -13.09450912475586 + ], + [ + "\u2581Doctrina", + -13.169909477233887 + ], + [ + "\u2581Messag", + -13.037920951843262 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reembolso", + -13.143061637878418 + ], + [ + "\u2581o\u00edste", + -12.966057777404785 + ], + [ + "\u2581underestimated", + -13.139460563659668 + ], + [ + "Efesios", + -13.157607078552246 + ], + [ + "hereafter", + -13.145445823669434 + ], + [ + "\u2581Adopte", + -13.107603073120117 + ], + [ + "\u2581armenia", + -13.089200019836426 + ], + [ + "\u2581liturgical", + -13.140602111816406 + ], + [ + "\u2581simulator", + -13.031689643859863 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ugandan", + -12.981407165527344 + ], + [ + "\u2581escud", + -13.546649932861328 + ], + [ + "\u2581nervio", + -13.096943855285645 + ], + [ + "\u2581pimp", + -13.17733097076416 + ], + [ + "\u2581ridge", + -12.966835975646973 + ], + [ + "\u2581venezolana", + -13.254995346069336 + ], + [ + "\u2581vomitar", + -12.94333267211914 + ], + [ + "Sweden", + -13.100570678710938 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bogota", + -13.127646446228027 + ], + [ + "\u2581Disciplina", + -13.164960861206055 + ], + [ + "\u2581geographically", + -13.081971168518066 + ], + [ + "4/5", + -13.259676933288574 + ], + [ + "mocrati", + -13.339571952819824 + ], + [ + "\u2581cork", + -13.051663398742676 + ], + [ + "\u2581dictated", + -13.039741516113281 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gather", + -13.100236892700195 + ], + [ + "Genial", + -12.934301376342773 + ], + [ + "agi", + -12.894587516784668 + ], + [ + "\u2581Carla", + -13.161776542663574 + ], + [ + "\u2581Evite", + -13.268582344055176 + ], + [ + "siempre", + -13.075589179992676 + ], + [ + "\u00c4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581disocia", + -13.151795387268066 + ], + [ + "lung", + -13.009222030639648 + ], + [ + "\u2581CBD", + -13.097412109375 + ], + [ + "\u2581constituencies", + -13.093401908874512 + ], + [ + "\u2581coraz", + -13.157282829284668 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reverend", + -13.108888626098633 + ], + [ + "community", + -12.995798110961914 + ], + [ + "\u2581Approves", + -13.017335891723633 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reliable", + -13.0759916305542 + ], + [ + "\u2581concur", + -13.009148597717285 + ], + [ + "\u2581esp\u00edrita", + -13.145471572875977 + ], + [ + "\u2581spontaneously", + -13.072846412658691 + ], + [ + "\u2581Placa", + -13.200586318969727 + ], + [ + "\u2581presuppose", + -13.001190185546875 + ], + [ + "Actividades", + -13.11960506439209 + ], + [ + "Cannot", + -13.471667289733887 + ], + [ + "\u2581UPC", + -13.0381498336792 + ], + [ + "\u2581marginadas", + -13.202558517456055 + ], + [ + "\u2581amortizaci\u00f3n", + -13.16063404083252 + ], + [ + "\u2581monarqu\u00eda", + -13.143077850341797 + ], + [ + "\u2581MUST", + -13.102858543395996 + ], + [ + "\u2581Partiendo", + -13.145733833312988 + ], + [ + "\u2581Petroleum", + -13.065261840820312 + ], + [ + "\u2581intensifying", + -13.094541549682617 + ], + [ + "selectivity", + -13.017291069030762 + ], + [ + "company", + -13.029751777648926 + ], + [ + "\u2581367", + -12.906752586364746 + ], + [ + "\u2581averiguarlo", + -12.942367553710938 + ], + [ + "\u2581Equipa", + -13.204970359802246 + ], + [ + "\u2581Modulo", + -13.236374855041504 + ], + [ + "\u2581inexpensive", + -12.997194290161133 + ], + [ + "Page", + -13.180100440979004 + ], + [ + "\u2581STATEMENT", + -12.983339309692383 + ], + [ + "\u2581attribution", + -12.966349601745605 + ], + [ + "\u2581cancerosas", + -13.147897720336914 + ], + [ + "\u2581evade", + -12.997330665588379 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sanchez", + -13.136069297790527 + ], + [ + "dentical", + -13.026564598083496 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cain", + -13.07891845703125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Libera", + -13.051770210266113 + ], + [ + "\u2581crossroads", + -13.067400932312012 + ], + [ + "lurinacional", + -13.202386856079102 + ], + [ + "\u2581ACTIVITIES", + -12.889543533325195 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aceptar", + -13.106616973876953 + ], + [ + "\u2581Camiones", + -13.160183906555176 + ], + [ + "\u2581Czechoslovakia", + -13.083828926086426 + ], + [ + "6.7", + -13.337672233581543 + ], + [ + "contamina", + -13.119532585144043 + ], + [ + "\u2581curved", + -13.074662208557129 + ], + [ + "\u2581premier", + -12.924383163452148 + ], + [ + "\u2581relocated", + -13.050016403198242 + ], + [ + "Instrument", + -13.199285507202148 + ], + [ + "Should", + -13.027654647827148 + ], + [ + "\u2581ADMINISTRACI\u00d3N", + -13.107597351074219 + ], + [ + "\u2581Org\u00e1nica", + -13.252306938171387 + ], + [ + "\u2581sculptor", + -13.07648754119873 + ], + [ + "Semitism", + -13.035818099975586 + ], + [ + "\u2581Brotherhood", + -13.129194259643555 + ], + [ + "\u2581CHI", + -13.109554290771484 + ], + [ + "\u2581subt\u00edtulos", + -13.200008392333984 + ], + [ + "p\u00e1gina", + -13.1561918258667 + ], + [ + "\u2581cinturones", + -13.096049308776855 + ], + [ + "\u2581fianc\u00e9", + -13.224583625793457 + ], + [ + "\u2581pumping", + -13.106420516967773 + ], + [ + "\u2581Crochet", + -12.991242408752441 + ], + [ + "\u2581fetus", + -13.067463874816895 + ], + [ + "\u2581impera", + -13.199348449707031 + ], + [ + "Number", + -13.042360305786133 + ], + [ + "\u2581NOTICIAS", + -13.162503242492676 + ], + [ + "\u2581Versailles", + -13.067398071289062 + ], + [ + "Participaron", + -13.267702102661133 + ], + [ + "kom", + -12.941194534301758 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bookmark", + -13.06554126739502 + ], + [ + "\u2581intervened", + -13.015727996826172 + ], + [ + "\u2581micrograms", + -13.015305519104004 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reparaci\u00f3n", + -13.133482933044434 + ], + [ + "\u2581congenital", + -13.033746719360352 + ], + [ + "\u2581encargar\u00eda", + -13.177803039550781 + ], + [ + "\u2581indeseable", + -13.119280815124512 + ], + [ + "\u2581waged", + -13.048311233520508 + ], + [ + "\u2581forecasting", + -12.945304870605469 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gain", + -13.107419967651367 + ], + [ + "\u2581certify", + -13.042555809020996 + ], + [ + "\u2581harp", + -13.109582901000977 + ], + [ + "gone", + -13.261289596557617 + ], + [ + "\u2581biography", + -13.054800033569336 + ], + [ + "\u2581borda", + -13.05123233795166 + ], + [ + "\u2581quitarle", + -13.048637390136719 + ], + [ + "\u2581abode", + -12.960051536560059 + ], + [ + "\u2581reintegrar", + -13.231139183044434 + ], + [ + "\u2581emblem", + -13.09892749786377 + ], + [ + "occupied", + -13.048569679260254 + ], + [ + "Equalization", + -12.984675407409668 + ], + [ + "\u2581Observ\u00f3", + -13.241625785827637 + ], + [ + "\u2581aclamaci\u00f3n", + -13.207704544067383 + ], + [ + "\u2581comparabilidad", + -13.091604232788086 + ], + [ + "\u2581picado", + -13.009153366088867 + ], + [ + "regi\u00f3n", + -13.219076156616211 + ], + [ + "\u2581Printer", + -13.096200942993164 + ], + [ + "Representa", + -13.17315673828125 + ], + [ + "\u2581canceled", + -13.122878074645996 + ], + [ + "\u2581Meh", + -13.00690746307373 + ], + [ + "\u2581beacon", + -13.03830623626709 + ], + [ + "\u2581golpeando", + -13.062495231628418 + ], + [ + "ectromagn\u00e9tica", + -13.145471572875977 + ], + [ + "\u2581chipriota", + -13.172368049621582 + ], + [ + "\u2581259", + -13.074295997619629 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dealer", + -13.056408882141113 + ], + [ + "\u2581decadencia", + -13.231108665466309 + ], + [ + "\u2581hypoglycaemia", + -12.961931228637695 + ], + [ + "\u2581jer\u00e1rquica", + -13.187349319458008 + ], + [ + "\u2581destilaci\u00f3n", + -13.121642112731934 + ], + [ + "\u2581aplazado", + -13.1361722946167 + ], + [ + "\u2581pidi\u00e9ndo", + -13.182539939880371 + ], + [ + "\u2581ocurrencia", + -13.180439949035645 + ], + [ + "\u2581treason", + -13.048382759094238 + ], + [ + "\u2581crushing", + -13.039382934570312 + ], + [ + "\u2581rainforest", + -13.124680519104004 + ], + [ + "\u2581252", + -13.013872146606445 + ], + [ + "\u2581penguin", + -13.093426704406738 + ], + [ + "Paris", + -13.121471405029297 + ], + [ + "\u2581ejecut\u00f3", + -13.200007438659668 + ], + [ + "\u2581probando", + -13.098376274108887 + ], + [ + "/3/", + -12.941202163696289 + ], + [ + "enforcement", + -12.995099067687988 + ], + [ + "\u2581revestido", + -13.150320053100586 + ], + [ + "\u2581Winner", + -13.15480899810791 + ], + [ + "\u2581pol\u00ed", + -13.096181869506836 + ], + [ + "NETE", + -13.26773452758789 + ], + [ + "\u2581262", + -12.999211311340332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Antarctica", + -13.06879997253418 + ], + [ + "\u2581imponiendo", + -13.071174621582031 + ], + [ + "presupuesto", + -13.200899124145508 + ], + [ + "\u2581Recipient", + -12.975497245788574 + ], + [ + "\u2581UNDOF", + -13.145215034484863 + ], + [ + "\u2581constituency", + -12.98530101776123 + ], + [ + "LAT", + -13.163627624511719 + ], + [ + "organizado", + -13.255960464477539 + ], + [ + "\u2581cong\u00e9nita", + -13.184847831726074 + ], + [ + "\u2581deshabilitado", + -13.139655113220215 + ], + [ + "\u2581heartfelt", + -13.042054176330566 + ], + [ + "\u2581radiological", + -12.989385604858398 + ], + [ + "Climate", + -13.085114479064941 + ], + [ + "\u2581breached", + -12.984889030456543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Diversos", + -13.212831497192383 + ], + [ + "\u00c0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581cebada", + -13.19747257232666 + ], + [ + "\u2581habe", + -12.991072654724121 + ], + [ + "\u2581val\u00eda", + -12.955400466918945 + ], + [ + "\u2581Buyer", + -13.171342849731445 + ], + [ + "\u2581asfalto", + -13.13586711883545 + ], + [ + "\u2581cabre", + -12.974725723266602 + ], + [ + "\u2581LIST", + -13.17020034790039 + ], + [ + "\u2581coadyuva", + -13.138259887695312 + ], + [ + "\u2581federaci\u00f3n", + -13.252307891845703 + ], + [ + "\u2581impactante", + -13.254076957702637 + ], + [ + "\u2581impl\u00edcito", + -13.167423248291016 + ], + [ + "\u2581redise\u00f1", + -13.16995906829834 + ], + [ + "\u2581bebido", + -12.93677043914795 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ottoman", + -13.147693634033203 + ], + [ + "\u2581redireccionado", + -13.177336692810059 + ], + [ + "\u2581tirando", + -13.030084609985352 + ], + [ + "\u2581mostramos", + -13.107643127441406 + ], + [ + "\u2581Guardaequipaje", + -13.220600128173828 + ], + [ + "\u2581grieve", + -13.080315589904785 + ], + [ + "\u2581Spread", + -13.09349536895752 + ], + [ + "\u2581intimacy", + -13.071686744689941 + ], + [ + "\u2581Advocacy", + -12.993213653564453 + ], + [ + "\u2581emblem\u00e1tica", + -13.169892311096191 + ], + [ + "4-5", + -13.468169212341309 + ], + [ + "\u2581Coordina", + -13.161836624145508 + ], + [ + "\u2581renewing", + -13.06168270111084 + ], + [ + "\u2581ruthless", + -13.111125946044922 + ], + [ + "\u2581transplantation", + -12.99764633178711 + ], + [ + "\u2581R\u00e1pida", + -13.109922409057617 + ], + [ + "\u2581thoughtful", + -13.005472183227539 + ], + [ + "Atenci\u00f3n", + -13.035116195678711 + ], + [ + "Decisi\u00f3n", + -13.158485412597656 + ], + [ + "\u2581Caval", + -13.12534236907959 + ], + [ + "\u2581Posiblemente", + -13.021562576293945 + ], + [ + "\u2581compraventa", + -13.155425071716309 + ], + [ + "\u2581comprehension", + -13.140602111816406 + ], + [ + "\u2581dudoso", + -13.149660110473633 + ], + [ + "\u2581nutritivo", + -13.0681791305542 + ], + [ + "\u2581spawn", + -13.126959800720215 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bibliograf\u00eda", + -13.145471572875977 + ], + [ + "\u2581assigning", + -13.03538990020752 + ], + [ + "\u2581manpower", + -13.04545783996582 + ], + [ + "9,7", + -13.298213958740234 + ], + [ + "grieta", + -13.051871299743652 + ], + [ + "\u2581criminality", + -13.064148902893066 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuarzo", + -13.238975524902344 + ], + [ + "\u2581preferentemente", + -13.183208465576172 + ], + [ + "\u2581unloading", + -12.984776496887207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lograr", + -13.163077354431152 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pas\u00f3", + -12.982680320739746 + ], + [ + "\u2581astonishing", + -13.021413803100586 + ], + [ + "4,8", + -13.369118690490723 + ], + [ + "\u2581Smile", + -13.208185195922852 + ], + [ + "\u2581Charity", + -13.051111221313477 + ], + [ + "\u2581crowned", + -13.050760269165039 + ], + [ + "\u2581paternity", + -13.065261840820312 + ], + [ + "\u2581bolchevique", + -13.155168533325195 + ], + [ + "\u2581analg\u00e9sico", + -13.215412139892578 + ], + [ + "\u2581excluida", + -13.163213729858398 + ], + [ + "\u2581inhumane", + -13.05278491973877 + ], + [ + "\u2581privativa", + -13.292678833007812 + ], + [ + "\u2581saharaui", + -13.238973617553711 + ], + [ + "\u2581Exceptional", + -13.063179969787598 + ], + [ + "\u2581libert", + -13.100521087646484 + ], + [ + "\u2581Permiso", + -13.066766738891602 + ], + [ + "\u2581Recuadro", + -13.197794914245605 + ], + [ + "ceres", + -13.076014518737793 + ], + [ + "sorption", + -13.063125610351562 + ], + [ + "\u2581bidder", + -13.016212463378906 + ], + [ + "\u2581selectividad", + -13.184836387634277 + ], + [ + "\u2581verificaciones", + -13.15390682220459 + ], + [ + "Those", + -13.040203094482422 + ], + [ + "\u2581admired", + -13.04552173614502 + ], + [ + "1.1", + -12.913762092590332 + ], + [ + "\u2581genome", + -13.025522232055664 + ], + [ + "\u2581325", + -13.050414085388184 + ], + [ + "\u2581Modification", + -12.952397346496582 + ], + [ + "\u2581liturgy", + -13.019372940063477 + ], + [ + "\u2581uploaded", + -13.054976463317871 + ], + [ + "\u2581Quinn", + -13.27515697479248 + ], + [ + "\u2581TLC", + -13.124273300170898 + ], + [ + "\u2581vanity", + -13.010293960571289 + ], + [ + "360", + -12.92643928527832 + ], + [ + "\u2581Facilitaci\u00f3n", + -13.187349319458008 + ], + [ + "\u2581S\u00edndrome", + -13.177337646484375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Told", + -13.15137767791748 + ], + [ + "\u2581imprint", + -13.104511260986328 + ], + [ + "\u2581Realice", + -13.203410148620605 + ], + [ + "\u2581eslora", + -13.195473670959473 + ], + [ + "\u2581looting", + -13.089022636413574 + ], + [ + "organizaci\u00f3n", + -13.082802772521973 + ], + [ + "\u2581c\u00e1llate", + -12.881901741027832 + ], + [ + "\u2581revivir", + -13.103013038635254 + ], + [ + "MISSION", + -12.971611976623535 + ], + [ + "hydrate", + -13.037269592285156 + ], + [ + "\u2581aggressor", + -13.02756118774414 + ], + [ + "\u2581diminishing", + -13.014123916625977 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rush", + -13.156622886657715 + ], + [ + "\u2581azulejos", + -13.205117225646973 + ], + [ + "\u2581estr\u00f3geno", + -13.138259887695312 + ], + [ + "\u2581planners", + -13.042121887207031 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sharp", + -13.138503074645996 + ], + [ + "\u2581infrarrojo", + -13.133480072021484 + ], + [ + "\u2581coaching", + -13.122166633605957 + ], + [ + "\u2581cromosoma", + -13.184836387634277 + ], + [ + "\u2581fantasies", + -13.1156005859375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kurdistan", + -13.1156005859375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tier", + -13.008188247680664 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wade", + -13.184752464294434 + ], + [ + "\u2581Petr\u00f3leo", + -13.093755722045898 + ], + [ + "\u2581imperfection", + -13.039198875427246 + ], + [ + "\u2581Trace", + -13.127630233764648 + ], + [ + "\u2581cowboy", + -13.166266441345215 + ], + [ + "\u2581ICSC", + -13.100054740905762 + ], + [ + "\u2581Patriot", + -13.03256893157959 + ], + [ + "\u2581rogar", + -13.188092231750488 + ], + [ + "\u2581cocido", + -13.085628509521484 + ], + [ + "Description", + -13.098389625549316 + ], + [ + "Save", + -13.065279006958008 + ], + [ + "\u2581H\u00e9", + -12.97020435333252 + ], + [ + "\u2581dunas", + -13.158074378967285 + ], + [ + "\u2581grit\u00f3", + -13.126387596130371 + ], + [ + "\u2581humiliating", + -13.054645538330078 + ], + [ + "\u2581underpinning", + -12.999232292175293 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cl\u00e1sico", + -13.22581672668457 + ], + [ + "\u2581Saturn", + -13.138472557067871 + ], + [ + "\u2581sofoca", + -13.100663185119629 + ], + [ + "\u2581winery", + -13.046014785766602 + ], + [ + "complete", + -12.997061729431152 + ], + [ + "\u2581canoe", + -13.122597694396973 + ], + [ + "\u2581dorsal", + -13.119317054748535 + ], + [ + "\u2581quantified", + -13.015303611755371 + ], + [ + "ghi", + -13.17421817779541 + ], + [ + "\u2581pneumatic", + -13.048330307006836 + ], + [ + "\u2581biliar", + -13.131157875061035 + ], + [ + "\u2581hotline", + -13.182855606079102 + ], + [ + "\u2581mostrada", + -13.135290145874023 + ], + [ + "\u2581prohibe", + -13.066638946533203 + ], + [ + "\u2581vaciar", + -13.144350051879883 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sach", + -13.040875434875488 + ], + [ + "\u2581kilometer", + -13.040574073791504 + ], + [ + "\u2581dimisi\u00f3n", + -13.13155746459961 + ], + [ + "\u2581reckless", + -13.048369407653809 + ], + [ + "\u2581satisfac", + -13.088103294372559 + ], + [ + "\u2581underestimate", + -13.144848823547363 + ], + [ + "\u2581wizard", + -13.142906188964844 + ], + [ + "\u2581sucrose", + -12.956172943115234 + ], + [ + "\u2581unrealistic", + -12.9600248336792 + ], + [ + "\u2581encant\u00f3", + -13.059992790222168 + ], + [ + "Incluso", + -13.044371604919434 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pasajeros", + -13.22320556640625 + ], + [ + "\u2581asteroide", + -13.15285587310791 + ], + [ + "\u2581Inclusive", + -12.97354793548584 + ], + [ + "\u2581autopsy", + -13.152189254760742 + ], + [ + "\u2581azote", + -13.105456352233887 + ], + [ + "\u2581entorpece", + -13.177337646484375 + ], + [ + "\u2581rectificaci\u00f3n", + -13.160052299499512 + ], + [ + "Group", + -13.031798362731934 + ], + [ + "mobile", + -13.04447078704834 + ], + [ + "\u2581PLAN", + -13.10122013092041 + ], + [ + "\u2581desaparecida", + -13.05749225616455 + ], + [ + "\u2581Buff", + -13.21773624420166 + ], + [ + "\u2581apprentice", + -13.129057884216309 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00c1lvarez", + -13.225815773010254 + ], + [ + "6.200", + -13.238089561462402 + ], + [ + "\u2581Romantic", + -13.089255332946777 + ], + [ + "\u00a5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581dirigi\u00e9ndo", + -13.123619079589844 + ], + [ + "\u2581disuasi\u00f3n", + -13.164959907531738 + ], + [ + "SIONES", + -13.116979598999023 + ], + [ + "\u2581Claimant", + -13.057170867919922 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jules", + -13.105287551879883 + ], + [ + "9/2001", + -13.029430389404297 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aumenta", + -13.042167663574219 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pyrenees", + -13.067398071289062 + ], + [ + "nounced", + -13.501802444458008 + ], + [ + "\u2581Detecci\u00f3n", + -13.155174255371094 + ], + [ + "FPA", + -12.99394416809082 + ], + [ + "\u2581strangle", + -13.187750816345215 + ], + [ + "\u2581autorizar\u00e1", + -13.227105140686035 + ], + [ + "\u2581licenciatura", + -13.140130996704102 + ], + [ + "\u2581predominio", + -13.167566299438477 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vigo", + -13.093767166137695 + ], + [ + "\u2581atacada", + -13.085760116577148 + ], + [ + "\u2581Abierta", + -13.21027946472168 + ], + [ + "\u2581integrando", + -13.062068939208984 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fernand", + -13.161469459533691 + ], + [ + "\u2581STD", + -13.071796417236328 + ], + [ + "\u2581drowned", + -13.191238403320312 + ], + [ + "\u2581youngsters", + -13.168660163879395 + ], + [ + "\u2581austr\u00edaco", + -13.131099700927734 + ], + [ + "\u2581buz\u00f3n", + -13.145593643188477 + ], + [ + "RAF", + -13.206485748291016 + ], + [ + "\u2581Descripti", + -13.167436599731445 + ], + [ + "acuerdo", + -13.159953117370605 + ], + [ + "\u2581Christendom", + -12.937215805053711 + ], + [ + "\u2581artefacto", + -13.039384841918945 + ], + [ + "\u2581compilado", + -13.18487548828125 + ], + [ + "\u2581guarded", + -13.028992652893066 + ], + [ + "\u2581rebuke", + -13.149855613708496 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ataque", + -13.18747329711914 + ], + [ + "\u2581esc\u00e9ptico", + -13.145471572875977 + ], + [ + "\u2581veinticuatro", + -13.187349319458008 + ], + [ + "4.2", + -12.788538932800293 + ], + [ + "Breakfast", + -13.017369270324707 + ], + [ + "GUI", + -13.31231689453125 + ], + [ + "\u2581PARLIAMENT", + -12.95426082611084 + ], + [ + "\u2581sosten\u00eda", + -13.138395309448242 + ], + [ + "\u2581publicize", + -12.964029312133789 + ], + [ + "\u2581Quijote", + -13.107597351074219 + ], + [ + "\u2581aromatiza", + -13.150256156921387 + ], + [ + "\u2581v\u00edrgenes", + -13.046767234802246 + ], + [ + "demand", + -13.021970748901367 + ], + [ + "1.7", + -12.837567329406738 + ], + [ + "BG", + -12.90015983581543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Protecting", + -12.992196083068848 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reflect", + -13.01867389678955 + ], + [ + "\u2581Taka", + -13.18541431427002 + ], + [ + "\u2581desempleada", + -13.22321605682373 + ], + [ + "\u2581Apellido", + -13.109923362731934 + ], + [ + "\u2581Britt", + -13.080015182495117 + ], + [ + "prescind", + -13.180746078491211 + ], + [ + "\u2581genoma", + -13.150365829467773 + ], + [ + "\u2581Supervision", + -13.029672622680664 + ], + [ + "\u2581outweigh", + -13.025506973266602 + ], + [ + "\u2581wetland", + -13.045083045959473 + ], + [ + "\u2581Proporci\u00f3n", + -13.252309799194336 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wildlife", + -13.093448638916016 + ], + [ + "\u2581separatista", + -13.112302780151367 + ], + [ + "\u2581ultravioleta", + -13.184837341308594 + ], + [ + "rav", + -12.75999641418457 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cisco", + -13.078795433044434 + ], + [ + "\u2581WARNING", + -13.003193855285645 + ], + [ + "participa", + -13.20617961883545 + ], + [ + "\u2581filos\u00f3fico", + -13.128724098205566 + ], + [ + "Peter", + -13.040520668029785 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tamil", + -13.0838041305542 + ], + [ + "\u2581almendra", + -13.107635498046875 + ], + [ + "\u2581pretenda", + -13.126395225524902 + ], + [ + "bandoning", + -13.712478637695312 + ], + [ + "outermost", + -13.001324653625488 + ], + [ + "universalizaci\u00f3n", + -13.487194061279297 + ], + [ + "\u2581Evan", + -13.168069839477539 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kanji", + -13.08913516998291 + ], + [ + "\u2581Triple", + -13.14132022857666 + ], + [ + "\u2581traumatic", + -13.052823066711426 + ], + [ + "\u2581Commis", + -13.027802467346191 + ], + [ + "\u2581preexistente", + -13.140658378601074 + ], + [ + "\u2581rejilla", + -13.194927215576172 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hac\u00eda", + -13.061205863952637 + ], + [ + "\u2581Huele", + -12.947382926940918 + ], + [ + "\u2581citrus", + -13.063152313232422 + ], + [ + "\u2581Objection", + -13.171612739562988 + ], + [ + "\u2581descubri", + -13.00616455078125 + ], + [ + "\u2581drawback", + -13.007615089416504 + ], + [ + "\u2581Legislature", + -13.04414176940918 + ], + [ + "\u2581dirigieron", + -13.192411422729492 + ], + [ + "\u2581waive", + -12.954129219055176 + ], + [ + "Date", + -13.211246490478516 + ], + [ + "express", + -13.260102272033691 + ], + [ + "\u2581capilar", + -13.174881935119629 + ], + [ + "scr\u00edba", + -13.219314575195312 + ], + [ + "wage", + -13.069209098815918 + ], + [ + "\u2581Plato", + -13.157200813293457 + ], + [ + "\u2581shouted", + -13.128819465637207 + ], + [ + "\u2581evang\u00e9lico", + -13.157607078552246 + ], + [ + "\u2581imagin\u00e9", + -12.898988723754883 + ], + [ + "conocida", + -13.076835632324219 + ], + [ + "ransboundary", + -13.037850379943848 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gur", + -13.09620475769043 + ], + [ + "ilumin", + -13.16265869140625 + ], + [ + "teni\u00e9ndose", + -13.081474304199219 + ], + [ + "\u2581medi\u00e1tica", + -13.187350273132324 + ], + [ + "\u2581trendy", + -13.078073501586914 + ], + [ + "LOT", + -13.23314094543457 + ], + [ + "zier", + -13.212900161743164 + ], + [ + "\u2581TIF", + -13.283163070678711 + ], + [ + "\u2581guitarrista", + -13.19239330291748 + ], + [ + "\u2581posada", + -13.108247756958008 + ], + [ + "\u2581preguntarme", + -13.044188499450684 + ], + [ + "\u2581psiqui\u00e1trica", + -13.12163257598877 + ], + [ + "\u2581SYSTEM", + -12.971602439880371 + ], + [ + "\u2581denominated", + -13.001190185546875 + ], + [ + "\u2581disculparme", + -12.965161323547363 + ], + [ + "\u2581exento", + -13.080863952636719 + ], + [ + "\u2581lobster", + -13.05675983428955 + ], + [ + "\u2581resilient", + -13.091209411621094 + ], + [ + "\u2581uniformity", + -13.043554306030273 + ], + [ + "ubbing", + -13.173913955688477 + ], + [ + "\u2581dirigimos", + -13.1058931350708 + ], + [ + "\u2581rupias", + -13.046768188476562 + ], + [ + "4,500", + -13.132747650146484 + ], + [ + "\u2581Flood", + -13.009265899658203 + ], + [ + "\u2581Retiro", + -13.143065452575684 + ], + [ + "\u2581purified", + -13.0674409866333 + ], + [ + "\u2581hypocrisy", + -13.0846586227417 + ], + [ + "\u2581robada", + -13.09867000579834 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cueva", + -13.205431938171387 + ], + [ + "\u2581explorer", + -13.057997703552246 + ], + [ + "\u2581acclamation", + -13.080315589904785 + ], + [ + "Without", + -13.081085205078125 + ], + [ + "nese", + -12.820709228515625 + ], + [ + "\u2581atacando", + -13.031054496765137 + ], + [ + "\u2581supremac\u00eda", + -13.126384735107422 + ], + [ + "ejercicio", + -13.170555114746094 + ], + [ + "\u2581Comprimido", + -13.062252044677734 + ], + [ + "\u2581Iv\u00e1n", + -13.098889350891113 + ], + [ + "\u2581volunteering", + -13.026734352111816 + ], + [ + "USED", + -13.248394012451172 + ], + [ + "\u2581randomly", + -13.02765941619873 + ], + [ + "cientas", + -13.176419258117676 + ], + [ + "\u2581anarquista", + -13.238973617553711 + ], + [ + "\u2581ancestros", + -13.126355171203613 + ], + [ + "\u2581bromea", + -12.936765670776367 + ], + [ + "\u2581estratos", + -13.090697288513184 + ], + [ + "\u2581imprimi", + -13.241843223571777 + ], + [ + "\u2581portugueses", + -13.202564239501953 + ], + [ + "\u2581cognitivo", + -13.182330131530762 + ], + [ + "113", + -12.881632804870605 + ], + [ + "Ball", + -13.082585334777832 + ], + [ + "\u2581MARKET", + -13.050392150878906 + ], + [ + "\u2581crisp", + -13.154778480529785 + ], + [ + "\u2581outrageous", + -13.110111236572266 + ], + [ + "\u2581Construido", + -13.226244926452637 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ebola", + -13.124622344970703 + ], + [ + "\u2581esponja", + -13.112298965454102 + ], + [ + "comunicaci\u00f3n", + -13.084320068359375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reproducci\u00f3n", + -13.239739418029785 + ], + [ + "\u2581anchored", + -13.100469589233398 + ], + [ + "\u2581stabilise", + -12.960009574890137 + ], + [ + "\u2581Celebration", + -13.009230613708496 + ], + [ + "\u2581Plot", + -13.146507263183594 + ], + [ + "\u2581achievable", + -13.013275146484375 + ], + [ + "consuming", + -13.078563690185547 + ], + [ + "\u2581profiling", + -13.13601016998291 + ], + [ + "\u2581puff", + -13.126029014587402 + ], + [ + "\u2581Globalizaci\u00f3n", + -13.1658353805542 + ], + [ + "DRA", + -13.145541191101074 + ], + [ + "according", + -13.139123916625977 + ], + [ + "\u258112,000", + -13.093616485595703 + ], + [ + "\u2581Stamp", + -13.052197456359863 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vuestro", + -13.09146785736084 + ], + [ + "\u2581amidst", + -13.091218948364258 + ], + [ + "\u2581embarcar", + -13.18293571472168 + ], + [ + "\u2581Checoslovaquia", + -13.150307655334473 + ], + [ + "\u2581procesi\u00f3n", + -13.192830085754395 + ], + [ + "\u00c9xodo", + -13.192404747009277 + ], + [ + "\u2581retraining", + -12.999626159667969 + ], + [ + "\u2581sobrina", + -13.01662540435791 + ], + [ + "\u2581guante", + -13.031106948852539 + ], + [ + "\u2581upheaval", + -13.015303611755371 + ], + [ + "Stop", + -13.049513816833496 + ], + [ + "rrell", + -13.251392364501953 + ], + [ + "\u2581Yup", + -13.276956558227539 + ], + [ + "\u2581espl\u00e9ndido", + -13.105277061462402 + ], + [ + "\u2581unfolding", + -13.069663047790527 + ], + [ + "\u2581withholding", + -13.035269737243652 + ], + [ + "\u2581Elimina", + -13.234184265136719 + ], + [ + "\u2581hilados", + -13.195411682128906 + ], + [ + "117", + -13.06932544708252 + ], + [ + "\u2581Antilles", + -13.009235382080078 + ], + [ + "\u2581Chronic", + -13.0784273147583 + ], + [ + "\u2581mu\u00f1eco", + -13.126354217529297 + ], + [ + "\u2581nightlife", + -13.103206634521484 + ], + [ + "WFP", + -13.087955474853516 + ], + [ + "\u2581Diaz", + -13.114062309265137 + ], + [ + "\u2581Plantilla", + -13.177083969116211 + ], + [ + "\u2581TABLE", + -12.98563289642334 + ], + [ + "\u2581c\u00f3smico", + -13.1334810256958 + ], + [ + "\u2581PARLAMENTO", + -13.263103485107422 + ], + [ + "\u2581PROCEDURE", + -12.961931228637695 + ], + [ + "\u258157/1", + -13.059517860412598 + ], + [ + "\u2581diagnosticado", + -13.171847343444824 + ], + [ + "\u2581intimidar", + -13.136452674865723 + ], + [ + "\u2581unconditionally", + -13.081717491149902 + ], + [ + "\u2581Capilla", + -13.231268882751465 + ], + [ + "\u2581PROCEDIMIENTO", + -13.138259887695312 + ], + [ + "\u2581appropriateness", + -13.035079956054688 + ], + [ + "1,400", + -13.195114135742188 + ], + [ + "\u2581reclasific", + -13.177258491516113 + ], + [ + "\u2581sadly", + -13.065716743469238 + ], + [ + "Technical", + -13.107267379760742 + ], + [ + "\u2581so\u00f1ando", + -13.027286529541016 + ], + [ + "\u2581transatlantic", + -13.071707725524902 + ], + [ + "\u2581rancho", + -13.051187515258789 + ], + [ + "\u2581alfab\u00e9tico", + -13.287830352783203 + ], + [ + "\u2581crocheted", + -13.083684921264648 + ], + [ + "libro", + -13.11065673828125 + ], + [ + "\u2581bicho", + -12.925788879394531 + ], + [ + "cchio", + -13.104069709777832 + ], + [ + "elecommunication", + -12.743199348449707 + ], + [ + "\u2581Grape", + -13.074345588684082 + ], + [ + "\u2581falsedad", + -13.124105453491211 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ferrocarril", + -13.150307655334473 + ], + [ + "\u2581Importante", + -13.184871673583984 + ], + [ + "\u2581merging", + -13.044154167175293 + ], + [ + "\u2581refute", + -13.05673599243164 + ], + [ + "\u2581suspendi\u00f3", + -13.145474433898926 + ], + [ + "\u2581254", + -13.081674575805664 + ], + [ + "icultores", + -13.182168006896973 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cuerno", + -13.147894859313965 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tran", + -13.074831008911133 + ], + [ + "\u2581pensada", + -13.193131446838379 + ], + [ + "\u2581provocative", + -13.061001777648926 + ], + [ + "2,9", + -13.47425651550293 + ], + [ + "Although", + -13.04226016998291 + ], + [ + "stricken", + -13.050436019897461 + ], + [ + "\u2581HIPC", + -13.015305519104004 + ], + [ + "\u2581acertadamente", + -13.160822868347168 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bron", + -13.101832389831543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Engel", + -13.052675247192383 + ], + [ + "\u2581descriptivo", + -13.172368049621582 + ], + [ + "\u2581restraining", + -13.166060447692871 + ], + [ + "P\u00e1gina", + -13.242849349975586 + ], + [ + "\u2581Casta", + -13.036460876464844 + ], + [ + "\u2581EMEA", + -13.140788078308105 + ], + [ + "\u2581repatriated", + -13.074295997619629 + ], + [ + "\u2581sensacional", + -13.138283729553223 + ], + [ + "\u2581totalitarian", + -13.038152694702148 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ind\u00edgena", + -13.211441993713379 + ], + [ + "\u2581Toby", + -12.975906372070312 + ], + [ + "\u2581dared", + -13.173124313354492 + ], + [ + "\u2581expulsada", + -13.1732816696167 + ], + [ + "\u2581fervent", + -13.161595344543457 + ], + [ + "\u2581tenderness", + -13.150879859924316 + ], + [ + "chap", + -13.011225700378418 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kenyan", + -13.04395580291748 + ], + [ + "\u2581Perd\u00ed", + -12.969649314880371 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reacciones", + -13.210725784301758 + ], + [ + "\u2581pat\u00e9tico", + -12.935198783874512 + ], + [ + "Saint", + -13.089669227600098 + ], + [ + "XX", + -13.008508682250977 + ], + [ + "\u2581desirability", + -13.019372940063477 + ], + [ + "\u2581narices", + -13.010282516479492 + ], + [ + "\u2581n\u00f3dulos", + -13.116931915283203 + ], + [ + "\u2581prominence", + -13.113358497619629 + ], + [ + "\u2581robando", + -13.021851539611816 + ], + [ + "crisis", + -13.023597717285156 + ], + [ + "\u2581coreana", + -13.231066703796387 + ], + [ + "\u2581furious", + -13.106765747070312 + ], + [ + "\u2581garant", + -13.163093566894531 + ], + [ + "Agenzi", + -13.061036109924316 + ], + [ + "PRESS", + -13.09025764465332 + ], + [ + "\u2581239", + -13.028019905090332 + ], + [ + "\u2581tiroides", + -13.231063842773438 + ], + [ + "\u2581practi", + -13.089123725891113 + ], + [ + "Descubre", + -13.093873023986816 + ], + [ + "IMI", + -13.384963989257812 + ], + [ + "Keep", + -13.021685600280762 + ], + [ + "\u2581Galaad", + -13.244441032409668 + ], + [ + "\u2581cartograf\u00eda", + -13.225815773010254 + ], + [ + "\u2581convencimiento", + -13.184839248657227 + ], + [ + "\u2581dulzura", + -13.048955917358398 + ], + [ + "\u2581embassies", + -12.987273216247559 + ], + [ + "\u2581rallye", + -13.197471618652344 + ], + [ + "\u2581WHEN", + -13.23833179473877 + ], + [ + "\u2581canciller", + -13.123991012573242 + ], + [ + "Last", + -13.014871597290039 + ], + [ + "Total", + -13.03846549987793 + ], + [ + "\u2581Chance", + -13.206250190734863 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pino", + -13.15792179107666 + ], + [ + "\u2581due\u00f1a", + -13.044787406921387 + ], + [ + "\u2581guardianes", + -13.150715827941895 + ], + [ + "\u2581vicios", + -13.115930557250977 + ], + [ + "\u2581inadmisibilidad", + -13.143061637878418 + ], + [ + "\u2581township", + -13.185702323913574 + ], + [ + "AKE", + -13.36139965057373 + ], + [ + "\u2581c\u00f3ctel", + -13.101903915405273 + ], + [ + "\u2581evalua", + -13.037443161010742 + ], + [ + "\u2581exodus", + -13.071685791015625 + ], + [ + "\u2581marxismo", + -13.121634483337402 + ], + [ + "Sheikh", + -13.138290405273438 + ], + [ + "shaw", + -13.104326248168945 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dating", + -13.18228816986084 + ], + [ + "\u2581chasis", + -13.205476760864258 + ], + [ + "\u2581lipo", + -13.174942970275879 + ], + [ + "close", + -13.141877174377441 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sixteen", + -13.082554817199707 + ], + [ + "Air", + -13.056979179382324 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cai", + -12.718119621276855 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pas\u00e9", + -12.970513343811035 + ], + [ + "\u2581dots", + -13.047811508178711 + ], + [ + "oga", + -12.821372985839844 + ], + [ + "testing", + -13.091401100158691 + ], + [ + "traducido", + -13.160867691040039 + ], + [ + "unto", + -12.946708679199219 + ], + [ + "\u2581infinity", + -13.04834270477295 + ], + [ + "\u2581reproducido", + -13.218029022216797 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kick", + -13.204998970031738 + ], + [ + "KER", + -13.238040924072266 + ], + [ + "\u2581MEP", + -13.125834465026855 + ], + [ + "\u2581d\u00edgale", + -13.098368644714355 + ], + [ + "\u2581enfrent\u00f3", + -13.116936683654785 + ], + [ + "\u2581Accede", + -13.193220138549805 + ], + [ + "\u2581emigration", + -13.046344757080078 + ], + [ + "\u2581Removal", + -13.019404411315918 + ], + [ + "\u2581solarium", + -13.080496788024902 + ], + [ + "\u2581trousers", + -13.168622016906738 + ], + [ + "\u2581Applied", + -13.095600128173828 + ], + [ + "\u2581Barba", + -13.056168556213379 + ], + [ + "\u2581Marin", + -12.992219924926758 + ], + [ + "\u2581fu\u00e9ramos", + -13.062203407287598 + ], + [ + "deployment", + -13.056803703308105 + ], + [ + "Design", + -13.134111404418945 + ], + [ + "\u2581Presupuestario", + -13.274017333984375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Parallel", + -12.99719524383545 + ], + [ + "\u2581mobilisation", + -13.01950454711914 + ], + [ + "\u2581cue", + -13.18691635131836 + ], + [ + "\u2581emp\u00edrico", + -13.184836387634277 + ], + [ + "\u2581Visitor", + -13.159163475036621 + ], + [ + "\u2581estigmatizaci\u00f3n", + -13.342148780822754 + ], + [ + "\u2581sonr\u00ede", + -13.03550910949707 + ], + [ + "Galer\u00eda", + -13.163152694702148 + ], + [ + "\u2581smiled", + -13.090119361877441 + ], + [ + "1,800", + -13.109936714172363 + ], + [ + "\u2581cheated", + -13.275293350219727 + ], + [ + "\u25811935", + -13.155683517456055 + ], + [ + "\u2581gano", + -13.011673927307129 + ], + [ + "\u2581technician", + -13.13576602935791 + ], + [ + "\u2581B\u00e1sica", + -13.212791442871094 + ], + [ + "Israeli", + -13.045306205749512 + ], + [ + "\u2581asimilaci\u00f3n", + -13.115137100219727 + ], + [ + "\u2581chaval", + -13.019707679748535 + ], + [ + "\u2581devastaci\u00f3n", + -13.197479248046875 + ], + [ + "\u2581engraving", + -13.10000991821289 + ], + [ + "\u2581immovable", + -13.029618263244629 + ], + [ + "\u2581penetrated", + -13.115250587463379 + ], + [ + "\u2581plegaria", + -13.012393951416016 + ], + [ + "\u2581preservativos", + -13.155267715454102 + ], + [ + "Dia", + -13.00761890411377 + ], + [ + "manship", + -13.011009216308594 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bosch", + -13.061403274536133 + ], + [ + "\u2581estrell\u00f3", + -13.202559471130371 + ], + [ + "\u2581provechoso", + -13.150531768798828 + ], + [ + "\u2581almid\u00f3n", + -13.167425155639648 + ], + [ + "\u2581boobs", + -13.09781551361084 + ], + [ + "Tele", + -13.054153442382812 + ], + [ + "kilometre", + -13.026178359985352 + ], + [ + "\u2581244", + -12.957648277282715 + ], + [ + "\u2581coffin", + -13.245010375976562 + ], + [ + "\u2581deposition", + -13.042112350463867 + ], + [ + "\u2581obst\u00e9trica", + -13.260393142700195 + ], + [ + "\u2581frightening", + -13.213303565979004 + ], + [ + "\u2581junt", + -13.152660369873047 + ], + [ + "\u2581lucir", + -13.182506561279297 + ], + [ + "\u2581Herodes", + -13.18735122680664 + ], + [ + "\u2581Highland", + -13.152555465698242 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mention", + -13.060347557067871 + ], + [ + "\u2581malignant", + -13.048330307006836 + ], + [ + "\u2581postgraduate", + -13.0506591796875 + ], + [ + "\u2581postponement", + -12.981741905212402 + ], + [ + "lapse", + -13.060859680175781 + ], + [ + "\u2581295", + -13.076505661010742 + ], + [ + "\u2581Constituye", + -13.152244567871094 + ], + [ + "\u2581deliberar", + -13.176152229309082 + ], + [ + "\u2581esti\u00e9rcol", + -13.220600128173828 + ], + [ + "GG", + -12.992938995361328 + ], + [ + "immunodeficiency", + -13.023458480834961 + ], + [ + "\u2581Andina", + -13.193151473999023 + ], + [ + "\u2581EVERY", + -13.663778305053711 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hyde", + -13.265185356140137 + ], + [ + "\u2581experimentada", + -13.116593360900879 + ], + [ + "\u2581corrige", + -13.244354248046875 + ], + [ + "\u2581tablespoon", + -13.089020729064941 + ], + [ + "\u2581bowed", + -13.005193710327148 + ], + [ + "Fondo", + -13.141204833984375 + ], + [ + "L\u00e1rgate", + -12.971023559570312 + ], + [ + "\u2581Adquisici\u00f3n", + -13.223204612731934 + ], + [ + "\u2581Humanitario", + -13.183198928833008 + ], + [ + "\u2581desconectar", + -13.190049171447754 + ], + [ + "Phil", + -13.207521438598633 + ], + [ + "\u2581ICTY", + -13.065861701965332 + ], + [ + "\u2581deport", + -13.086889266967773 + ], + [ + "\u2581Effectiveness", + -13.085145950317383 + ], + [ + "\u2581gorra", + -13.091869354248047 + ], + [ + "\u2581transbordo", + -13.215415000915527 + ], + [ + "\u2581OCM", + -13.063521385192871 + ], + [ + "\u2581activismo", + -13.236333847045898 + ], + [ + "___", + -13.08981990814209 + ], + [ + "\u2581recogi\u00f3", + -13.18237590789795 + ], + [ + "\u2581resplandor", + -13.145471572875977 + ], + [ + "\u2581smuggle", + -13.176958084106445 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ride", + -13.075935363769531 + ], + [ + "\u2581carnival", + -13.224583625793457 + ], + [ + "\u2581pastoreo", + -13.200133323669434 + ], + [ + "\u2581myocardial", + -12.983332633972168 + ], + [ + "\u2581repugnante", + -13.001888275146484 + ], + [ + "\u2581suavidad", + -13.164959907531738 + ], + [ + "\u2581Million", + -13.1089448928833 + ], + [ + "\u2581Suficiente", + -12.937153816223145 + ], + [ + "\u2581destabilizing", + -13.0316801071167 + ], + [ + "\u2581D\u00e9cimo", + -13.134139060974121 + ], + [ + "\u2581cup\u00f3n", + -13.14071273803711 + ], + [ + "\u2581rodent", + -13.122869491577148 + ], + [ + "importa", + -13.142481803894043 + ], + [ + "\u2581Allocation", + -13.050661087036133 + ], + [ + "\u2581fuss", + -13.262785911560059 + ], + [ + "\u2581saqu\u00e9", + -13.049115180969238 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bielorrusia", + -13.150307655334473 + ], + [ + "\u2581frutales", + -13.153576850891113 + ], + [ + "\u2581tr\u00edo", + -13.138370513916016 + ], + [ + "\u2581worsened", + -13.006510734558105 + ], + [ + "6-7", + -13.11618709564209 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pent\u00e1gono", + -13.105277061462402 + ], + [ + "\u2581atendidas", + -13.182804107666016 + ], + [ + "\u2581gigantesco", + -13.236836433410645 + ], + [ + "\u2581varnish", + -13.048336029052734 + ], + [ + "\u2581injunction", + -13.001190185546875 + ], + [ + "\u2581undergraduate", + -13.02038288116455 + ], + [ + "prise", + -13.206215858459473 + ], + [ + "tank", + -13.102391242980957 + ], + [ + "\u2581Recopilaci\u00f3n", + -13.075593948364258 + ], + [ + "\u2581chatarra", + -13.073371887207031 + ], + [ + "\u2581recreate", + -13.078446388244629 + ], + [ + "Madre", + -13.0556058883667 + ], + [ + "\u2581Entendimiento", + -13.155168533325195 + ], + [ + "\u2581OBRAS", + -13.296210289001465 + ], + [ + "\u2581Seabed", + -13.067745208740234 + ], + [ + "\u2581henceforth", + -13.091209411621094 + ], + [ + "Parece", + -12.9951171875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lula", + -13.107708930969238 + ], + [ + "\u2581Chill", + -13.17487621307373 + ], + [ + "260", + -12.991911888122559 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sina\u00ed", + -13.17487621307373 + ], + [ + "\u2581acn\u00e9", + -13.192395210266113 + ], + [ + "kou", + -13.18018913269043 + ], + [ + "\u2581Automation", + -12.98928165435791 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pledg", + -13.116595268249512 + ], + [ + "\u2581martyr", + -13.133434295654297 + ], + [ + "\u2581apodo", + -13.065415382385254 + ], + [ + "\u2581burger", + -13.205458641052246 + ], + [ + "Hazme", + -13.488629341125488 + ], + [ + "\u2581ERP", + -13.101350784301758 + ], + [ + "\u2581LOOK", + -13.125064849853516 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nicol", + -13.092557907104492 + ], + [ + "\u2581incrimina", + -13.131510734558105 + ], + [ + "\u2581flap", + -13.11196231842041 + ], + [ + "\u2581Commodities", + -13.04414176940918 + ], + [ + "\u2581bullying", + -13.058916091918945 + ], + [ + "\u2581globalizado", + -13.068593978881836 + ], + [ + "\u2581rediscover", + -13.025693893432617 + ], + [ + "\u2581scenic", + -13.093414306640625 + ], + [ + "\u2581baked", + -13.09660816192627 + ], + [ + "\u2581insurgentes", + -13.145471572875977 + ], + [ + "rank", + -13.069551467895508 + ], + [ + "\u2581Flying", + -13.171618461608887 + ], + [ + "\u2581betrayal", + -13.198092460632324 + ], + [ + "\u2581completeness", + -13.099233627319336 + ], + [ + "\u2581enmascara", + -13.20769214630127 + ], + [ + "\u2581vaccinated", + -13.117847442626953 + ], + [ + "\u2581Roo", + -13.167641639709473 + ], + [ + "\u2581marched", + -13.128645896911621 + ], + [ + "\u2581moderniza", + -13.1643648147583 + ], + [ + "\u2581phospho", + -13.111031532287598 + ], + [ + "\u2581ADMINISTRATION", + -13.015303611755371 + ], + [ + "\u2581devising", + -13.052545547485352 + ], + [ + "Faced", + -13.636149406433105 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dining", + -13.134073257446289 + ], + [ + "\u2581glorify", + -13.061001777648926 + ], + [ + "nap", + -12.999638557434082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Uniform", + -13.087348937988281 + ], + [ + "\u2581Worth", + -13.117899894714355 + ], + [ + "\u2581bamb\u00fa", + -13.172368049621582 + ], + [ + "\u2581promoters", + -12.999983787536621 + ], + [ + "\u2581libio", + -13.255313873291016 + ], + [ + "\u2581Duty", + -13.032455444335938 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sila", + -13.130193710327148 + ], + [ + "\u2581Treinta", + -13.174849510192871 + ], + [ + "\u2581buckle", + -13.09420108795166 + ], + [ + "\u2581hypothetical", + -13.095600128173828 + ], + [ + "\u2581Miner\u00eda", + -13.152859687805176 + ], + [ + "\u2581Psicolog\u00eda", + -13.131115913391113 + ], + [ + "\u2581316", + -13.135047912597656 + ], + [ + "\u2581PROTECCI\u00d3N", + -13.164959907531738 + ], + [ + "\u2581rationalize", + -13.142667770385742 + ], + [ + "\u2581skinny", + -13.169757843017578 + ], + [ + "\u2581contingencia", + -13.200010299682617 + ], + [ + "\u2581descending", + -13.111266136169434 + ], + [ + "\u2581Valde", + -13.174650192260742 + ], + [ + "\u2581jarabe", + -13.172369956970215 + ], + [ + "\u2581practitioner", + -13.061909675598145 + ], + [ + "\u2581MIL", + -13.194387435913086 + ], + [ + "\u2581abusivo", + -13.244317054748535 + ], + [ + "\u2581excerpt", + -13.102222442626953 + ], + [ + "\u2581antirretroviral", + -13.163590431213379 + ], + [ + "Script", + -13.111133575439453 + ], + [ + "\u2581dilution", + -13.113395690917969 + ], + [ + "\u2581Agradecemos", + -13.163435935974121 + ], + [ + "\u2581nublado", + -13.164960861206055 + ], + [ + "\u2581restructure", + -13.04351806640625 + ], + [ + "voting", + -13.06394100189209 + ], + [ + "\u2581Coordinate", + -13.102362632751465 + ], + [ + "\u2581producci", + -13.22058391571045 + ], + [ + "\u2581transfirie", + -13.093770980834961 + ], + [ + "Before", + -13.082956314086914 + ], + [ + "\u2581Impresionante", + -13.089184761047363 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lynn", + -13.219730377197266 + ], + [ + "\u2581Uzbek", + -13.03581714630127 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bibliography", + -13.106661796569824 + ], + [ + "\u2581ritonavir", + -13.029618263244629 + ], + [ + "OOKING", + -13.37394905090332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ed\u00e9n", + -13.105481147766113 + ], + [ + "\u2581Invierno", + -13.3189058303833 + ], + [ + "\u2581diaper", + -13.210713386535645 + ], + [ + "available", + -13.02543830871582 + ], + [ + "cuadern", + -13.182418823242188 + ], + [ + "\u2581validado", + -13.218810081481934 + ], + [ + "\u25815.7", + -13.064203262329102 + ], + [ + "\u2581ilustre", + -13.12163257598877 + ], + [ + "\u2581CONTACT", + -13.159185409545898 + ], + [ + "\u2581ventricular", + -13.065143585205078 + ], + [ + "\u2581miniature", + -13.040020942687988 + ], + [ + "\u2581clothed", + -13.116681098937988 + ], + [ + "\u2581naming", + -13.076026916503906 + ], + [ + "\u2581co\u00e1gulo", + -13.200007438659668 + ], + [ + "\u2581Consorcio", + -13.197463035583496 + ], + [ + "\u2581analista", + -13.122058868408203 + ], + [ + "\u2581ciervo", + -13.14065933227539 + ], + [ + "\u2581tibetano", + -13.249629974365234 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lav", + -12.879671096801758 + ], + [ + "\u2581Verona", + -13.122550010681152 + ], + [ + "\u2581proclaiming", + -13.11156940460205 + ], + [ + "\u2581Immunities", + -13.005202293395996 + ], + [ + "\u2581cafeteria", + -13.07815170288086 + ], + [ + "\u2581splash", + -13.120168685913086 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pag", + -13.208415985107422 + ], + [ + "\u2581emigrar", + -13.229015350341797 + ], + [ + "provecho", + -13.160645484924316 + ], + [ + "\u2581volcanes", + -13.126355171203613 + ], + [ + "mucho", + -13.270137786865234 + ], + [ + "\u2581denegado", + -13.20134162902832 + ], + [ + "\u2581orphanage", + -13.2224702835083 + ], + [ + "\u2581Produce", + -13.147602081298828 + ], + [ + "\u2581hesitation", + -13.140602111816406 + ], + [ + "\u2581llene", + -13.18460464477539 + ], + [ + "\u2581lymphoma", + -13.163930892944336 + ], + [ + "\u2581turbo", + -13.058917045593262 + ], + [ + "\u2581Croat", + -13.03843879699707 + ], + [ + "\u2581M\u00f3nica", + -13.069978713989258 + ], + [ + "\u2581lineamientos", + -13.244329452514648 + ], + [ + "\u2581Missile", + -13.135336875915527 + ], + [ + "\u2581acquitted", + -13.08248519897461 + ], + [ + "\u2581afterward", + -13.067680358886719 + ], + [ + "\u2581gradu\u00f3", + -13.231058120727539 + ], + [ + "\u2581seabed", + -13.141220092773438 + ], + [ + "needed", + -13.076623916625977 + ], + [ + "\u2581interfering", + -13.091211318969727 + ], + [ + "\u2581knocking", + -13.121382713317871 + ], + [ + "\u2581clad", + -13.13058853149414 + ], + [ + "\u2581filete", + -13.062311172485352 + ], + [ + "\u2581gram\u00e1tica", + -13.271425247192383 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuadri", + -13.150532722473145 + ], + [ + "\u2581sabroso", + -13.19494342803955 + ], + [ + "\u2581Permitir", + -13.228572845458984 + ], + [ + "\u2581mommy", + -13.210062980651855 + ], + [ + "\u2581prohib\u00eda", + -13.155168533325195 + ], + [ + "\u2581french", + -13.117867469787598 + ], + [ + "\u2581rutinaria", + -13.169096946716309 + ], + [ + "stasis", + -13.051639556884766 + ], + [ + "\u2581opioid", + -13.061001777648926 + ], + [ + "\u2581socialdem\u00f3crata", + -13.260798454284668 + ], + [ + "Light", + -13.114584922790527 + ], + [ + "purchase", + -13.067764282226562 + ], + [ + "\u258146/1", + -13.071147918701172 + ], + [ + "\u2581Se\u00f1al", + -13.197357177734375 + ], + [ + "\u2581majestad", + -13.051148414611816 + ], + [ + "clinical", + -13.079141616821289 + ], + [ + "\u2581OPINION", + -13.108888626098633 + ], + [ + "\u2581destruya", + -13.141155242919922 + ], + [ + "\u2581hierarchical", + -13.10000991821289 + ], + [ + "\u2581tuvi\u00e9ramos", + -13.143061637878418 + ], + [ + "\u2581eximir", + -13.169946670532227 + ], + [ + "\u2581sculpt", + -13.541122436523438 + ], + [ + "Chapter", + -13.044339179992676 + ], + [ + "\u2581busted", + -13.204069137573242 + ], + [ + "\u2581seminary", + -13.091474533081055 + ], + [ + "\u2581toiletries", + -13.084855079650879 + ], + [ + "\u2581Basketball", + -13.093427658081055 + ], + [ + "\u2581prescindir", + -13.167426109313965 + ], + [ + "\u2581241", + -13.069479942321777 + ], + [ + "\u2581pi\u00f1a", + -13.107498168945312 + ], + [ + "Place", + -13.07888412475586 + ], + [ + "\u2581tesorer\u00eda", + -13.254995346069336 + ], + [ + "\u2581acne", + -13.03812026977539 + ], + [ + "\u2581diplomat", + -13.128925323486328 + ], + [ + "\u2581h\u00edbrida", + -13.112253189086914 + ], + [ + "\u2581yen", + -13.103828430175781 + ], + [ + "chip", + -13.303420066833496 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ammon", + -13.067046165466309 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reiterating", + -13.140602111816406 + ], + [ + "\u2581apretar", + -13.093894958496094 + ], + [ + "\u2581subtract", + -13.097738265991211 + ], + [ + "\u2581descomposici\u00f3n", + -13.215413093566895 + ], + [ + "Orden", + -13.158649444580078 + ], + [ + "\u2581demostra", + -13.028448104858398 + ], + [ + "\u2581ethanol", + -13.009775161743164 + ], + [ + "letter", + -13.11048698425293 + ], + [ + "\u2581identi", + -13.223252296447754 + ], + [ + "\u2581incomunicaci\u00f3n", + -13.190193176269531 + ], + [ + "Finland", + -13.102799415588379 + ], + [ + "\u2581exploratory", + -13.009265899658203 + ], + [ + "\u2581platillo", + -13.098376274108887 + ], + [ + "\u2581Externo", + -13.126378059387207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tendencias", + -13.169893264770508 + ], + [ + "\u2581insonorizadas", + -13.164959907531738 + ], + [ + "\u2581represalia", + -13.248628616333008 + ], + [ + "\u2581sweating", + -13.155231475830078 + ], + [ + "\u2581tragamonedas", + -13.164959907531738 + ], + [ + "1,700", + -13.088254928588867 + ], + [ + "Related", + -13.114070892333984 + ], + [ + "\u2581Proceed", + -13.182890892028809 + ], + [ + "\u2581Confirmaci\u00f3n", + -13.05564022064209 + ], + [ + "\u2581Panamanian", + -12.987274169921875 + ], + [ + "\u2581arrestada", + -13.197722434997559 + ], + [ + "\u2581indemniza", + -13.207916259765625 + ], + [ + "important", + -12.979300498962402 + ], + [ + "\u2581Magi", + -12.758679389953613 + ], + [ + "\u2581allotted", + -13.106664657592773 + ], + [ + "interpret", + -13.10255241394043 + ], + [ + "\u2581Indicaciones", + -13.24484634399414 + ], + [ + "\u2581prodigio", + -13.177336692810059 + ], + [ + "\u2581Metodolog\u00eda", + -13.143061637878418 + ], + [ + "crime", + -13.035127639770508 + ], + [ + "g\u00e1moslo", + -13.077712059020996 + ], + [ + "\u2581WHY", + -13.219850540161133 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pontificia", + -13.179830551147461 + ], + [ + "\u2581compar\u00f3", + -13.285308837890625 + ], + [ + "\u2581implacable", + -13.1334810256958 + ], + [ + "\u2581298", + -13.099556922912598 + ], + [ + "\u25813.9", + -13.073009490966797 + ], + [ + "\u2581spelled", + -13.13195514678955 + ], + [ + "\u2581Parlamentario", + -13.236328125 + ], + [ + "\u2581derramamiento", + -13.165456771850586 + ], + [ + "\u2581escoc\u00e9s", + -13.157607078552246 + ], + [ + "\u2581hispano", + -13.148287773132324 + ], + [ + "\u2581identificable", + -13.199137687683105 + ], + [ + "figuration", + -13.663718223571777 + ], + [ + "medicine", + -13.023613929748535 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ciudadan\u00eda", + -13.202559471130371 + ], + [ + "\u2581inercia", + -13.136033058166504 + ], + [ + "\u00f1ero", + -13.208806991577148 + ], + [ + "\u2581Byzantine", + -13.166244506835938 + ], + [ + "\u2581utensils", + -13.136009216308594 + ], + [ + "\u2581adeudadas", + -13.184846878051758 + ], + [ + "\u25815/1", + -13.122462272644043 + ], + [ + "\u2581kuwait\u00ed", + -13.076788902282715 + ], + [ + "7.500", + -13.24741268157959 + ], + [ + "\u2581REGARD", + -13.089021682739258 + ], + [ + "\u2581exponential", + -13.133746147155762 + ], + [ + "\u2581Echo", + -13.156486511230469 + ], + [ + "\u2581Exige", + -13.237771987915039 + ], + [ + "\u2581RECORD", + -13.140602111816406 + ], + [ + "\u2581plaquetas", + -13.189867973327637 + ], + [ + "difam", + -13.165382385253906 + ], + [ + "saurus", + -13.159271240234375 + ], + [ + "\u25811934", + -13.237471580505371 + ], + [ + "\u2581Diocese", + -13.091209411621094 + ], + [ + "\u2581aprovech\u00f3", + -13.228433609008789 + ], + [ + "\u2581SEO", + -13.128954887390137 + ], + [ + "\u2581cibern\u00e9tico", + -13.14065933227539 + ], + [ + "\u2581burner", + -13.21231746673584 + ], + [ + "dermal", + -13.149059295654297 + ], + [ + "\u2581evacuar", + -13.109153747558594 + ], + [ + "\u2581prioritized", + -13.036015510559082 + ], + [ + "\u2581quiz", + -13.1589994430542 + ], + [ + "Mu\u00e9vanse", + -12.927407264709473 + ], + [ + "police", + -13.07137393951416 + ], + [ + "\u2581Consumption", + -13.145276069641113 + ], + [ + "chrome", + -13.077622413635254 + ], + [ + "\u2581T\u00edbet", + -13.143071174621582 + ], + [ + "\u2581irrational", + -13.1156005859375 + ], + [ + "20%", + -13.196608543395996 + ], + [ + "\u2581Guang", + -13.604194641113281 + ], + [ + "\u2581Oblatos", + -13.268547058105469 + ], + [ + "\u2581caluroso", + -13.189868927001953 + ], + [ + "\u2581sued", + -13.150500297546387 + ], + [ + "\u2581disbursed", + -13.095600128173828 + ], + [ + "\u2581proudly", + -13.14707088470459 + ], + [ + "\u2581GIS", + -13.037663459777832 + ], + [ + "\u2581distracci\u00f3n", + -12.969096183776855 + ], + [ + "iasis", + -13.153738021850586 + ], + [ + "\u2581timeframe", + -13.140606880187988 + ], + [ + "desk", + -13.092171669006348 + ], + [ + "\u2581Root", + -13.096342086791992 + ], + [ + "\u2581feedingstuffs", + -13.071685791015625 + ], + [ + "\u2581march\u00f3", + -13.18735122680664 + ], + [ + "\u2581atrevido", + -13.102733612060547 + ], + [ + "\u2581christ", + -13.178167343139648 + ], + [ + "\u2581interpuso", + -13.274256706237793 + ], + [ + "\u2581zorro", + -13.100662231445312 + ], + [ + "\u2581Adequate", + -13.023458480834961 + ], + [ + "\u2581Orient", + -13.12150764465332 + ], + [ + "\u2581awaited", + -13.07216739654541 + ], + [ + "\u2581hect\u00e1rea", + -13.183161735534668 + ], + [ + "\u2581supervisada", + -13.105400085449219 + ], + [ + "\u2581Transmisi\u00f3n", + -13.165030479431152 + ], + [ + "\u2581subcontratista", + -13.128725051879883 + ], + [ + "\u2581HIGH", + -13.142923355102539 + ], + [ + "\u2581encuadra", + -13.260398864746094 + ], + [ + "\u2581erect", + -13.091904640197754 + ], + [ + "\u2581invirtiendo", + -13.174849510192871 + ], + [ + "\u2581ribera", + -13.233696937561035 + ], + [ + "GL", + -12.94530200958252 + ], + [ + "\u2581anim\u00f3", + -13.13112735748291 + ], + [ + "\u2581dynasty", + -13.120100021362305 + ], + [ + "\u2581stark", + -13.142563819885254 + ], + [ + "Ki", + -12.747447967529297 + ], + [ + "\u25814000", + -13.063645362854004 + ], + [ + "\u2581paralysis", + -13.065422058105469 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pabell\u00f3n", + -13.223204612731934 + ], + [ + "\u2581activism", + -13.18787956237793 + ], + [ + "\u2581palate", + -13.10319995880127 + ], + [ + "little", + -13.225375175476074 + ], + [ + "\u2581Comienzo", + -13.1334810256958 + ], + [ + "\u2581perseverance", + -13.108888626098633 + ], + [ + "\u2581diluted", + -13.053080558776855 + ], + [ + "\u2581sorprend", + -13.196077346801758 + ], + [ + "grid", + -13.080267906188965 + ], + [ + "\u2581bribery", + -13.115711212158203 + ], + [ + "\u2581condi", + -13.09782600402832 + ], + [ + "\u2581discontinue", + -13.114461898803711 + ], + [ + "\u2581hardened", + -13.083009719848633 + ], + [ + "\u2581protesting", + -13.028142929077148 + ], + [ + "exercise", + -13.087307929992676 + ], + [ + "\u2581Domaine", + -13.189867973327637 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sagrad", + -13.145390510559082 + ], + [ + "\u2581gigantesca", + -13.105395317077637 + ], + [ + "\u2581paddle", + -13.173401832580566 + ], + [ + "bular", + -13.166146278381348 + ], + [ + "\u2581traceability", + -13.11125659942627 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jakarta", + -12.96772289276123 + ], + [ + "\u2581doubtful", + -13.128268241882324 + ], + [ + "UNISPA", + -13.205224990844727 + ], + [ + "\u2581tolerant", + -13.0869140625 + ], + [ + "\u2581vertically", + -13.08607292175293 + ], + [ + "reduction", + -13.102460861206055 + ], + [ + "\u2581Memori", + -13.084702491760254 + ], + [ + "\u2581barley", + -13.089912414550781 + ], + [ + "\u2581indiscriminada", + -13.187349319458008 + ], + [ + "\u2581rencor", + -13.119397163391113 + ], + [ + "\u2581specialties", + -13.119979858398438 + ], + [ + "\u2581truthful", + -13.161602020263672 + ], + [ + "\u2581unleash", + -13.066337585449219 + ], + [ + "\u2581workflow", + -13.088360786437988 + ], + [ + "investment", + -13.011515617370605 + ], + [ + "\u2581MERCADO", + -13.179830551147461 + ], + [ + "\u2581gobernado", + -13.161155700683594 + ], + [ + "\u2581mecanizado", + -13.205120086669922 + ], + [ + "\u2581trench", + -13.056841850280762 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bethel", + -13.094121932983398 + ], + [ + "\u2581alimenticio", + -13.167966842651367 + ], + [ + "\u2581arrogance", + -13.140602111816406 + ], + [ + "\u2581orfanato", + -13.073347091674805 + ], + [ + "\u2581Condemn", + -13.124631881713867 + ], + [ + "\u2581LETTER", + -13.031692504882812 + ], + [ + "\u2581esclaviza", + -13.136446952819824 + ], + [ + "\u2581dispusiera", + -13.304743766784668 + ], + [ + "\u2581horny", + -13.146297454833984 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reduced", + -13.254533767700195 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vito", + -13.256194114685059 + ], + [ + "\u2581provoque", + -13.16496753692627 + ], + [ + "disciplina", + -13.252121925354004 + ], + [ + "\u2581appalling", + -13.194989204406738 + ], + [ + "\u2581dread", + -13.187482833862305 + ], + [ + "\u2581guatemalteco", + -13.207679748535156 + ], + [ + "\u2581mandatario", + -13.283636093139648 + ], + [ + "\u2581rechace", + -13.109996795654297 + ], + [ + "Mania", + -13.237070083618164 + ], + [ + "pression", + -13.0425443649292 + ], + [ + "\u2581magician", + -13.25627613067627 + ], + [ + "\u2581meseta", + -13.245306015014648 + ], + [ + "\u2581Beb\u00e9", + -13.178391456604004 + ], + [ + "\u2581CISG", + -13.04018497467041 + ], + [ + "\u2581modernize", + -12.90357494354248 + ], + [ + "\u2581DIRECTIVA", + -13.187349319458008 + ], + [ + "\u2581broadened", + -13.131937026977539 + ], + [ + "lace", + -13.078646659851074 + ], + [ + "\u2581blink", + -13.129733085632324 + ], + [ + "\u2581Claim", + -13.035941123962402 + ], + [ + "\u2581viol\u00edn", + -13.062287330627441 + ], + [ + "\u2581ascensi\u00f3n", + -13.189867973327637 + ], + [ + "\u2581esclava", + -13.071185111999512 + ], + [ + "\u2581p\u00e1lido", + -13.138259887695312 + ], + [ + "\u2581Chlor", + -13.333128929138184 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ol\u00edmpico", + -13.270516395568848 + ], + [ + "\u2581recogiendo", + -13.063793182373047 + ], + [ + "\u2581sacarosa", + -13.215910911560059 + ], + [ + "homolog", + -13.136456489562988 + ], + [ + "\u2581305", + -13.090137481689453 + ], + [ + "\u2581bamboo", + -13.11784839630127 + ], + [ + "7(1)", + -13.028474807739258 + ], + [ + "320", + -13.003534317016602 + ], + [ + "\u2581biased", + -13.067654609680176 + ], + [ + "\u2581intermittent", + -13.039970397949219 + ], + [ + "\u2581subnational", + -13.074347496032715 + ], + [ + "\u2581WEB", + -13.274224281311035 + ], + [ + "\u2581infiltrate", + -13.13601016998291 + ], + [ + "\u2581ITEM", + -13.042537689208984 + ], + [ + "\u2581confiabilidad", + -13.313214302062988 + ], + [ + "\u2581enlightenment", + -13.076096534729004 + ], + [ + "\u2581gown", + -13.214411735534668 + ], + [ + "\u2581recomendaba", + -13.246953010559082 + ], + [ + "\u2581favoreciendo", + -13.167424201965332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Privileges", + -13.023458480834961 + ], + [ + "\u2581astuto", + -12.981218338012695 + ], + [ + "\u2581billar", + -13.162672996520996 + ], + [ + "\u2581enchufe", + -13.20512866973877 + ], + [ + "\u2581subgroup", + -13.067793846130371 + ], + [ + "\u2581antagonista", + -13.19748306274414 + ], + [ + "riesgo", + -13.151896476745605 + ], + [ + "\u2581Evo", + -13.07112979888916 + ], + [ + "\u2581naughty", + -13.239716529846191 + ], + [ + "Clear", + -13.178247451782227 + ], + [ + "\u2581glove", + -13.203182220458984 + ], + [ + "\u2581homosexuality", + -13.09148120880127 + ], + [ + "\u2581Carretera", + -13.197463035583496 + ], + [ + "\u2581emitted", + -13.091525077819824 + ], + [ + "\u2581polluted", + -13.039984703063965 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reintegration", + -13.138372421264648 + ], + [ + "\u2581subordinada", + -13.231060028076172 + ], + [ + "\u2581electorate", + -13.11112117767334 + ], + [ + "\u2581extinct", + -13.039788246154785 + ], + [ + "energ\u00eda", + -13.253612518310547 + ], + [ + "\u2581Expat", + -13.145734786987305 + ], + [ + "\u2581inducida", + -13.160689353942871 + ], + [ + "\u2581intentar\u00e9", + -12.998915672302246 + ], + [ + "\u2581maximizing", + -13.1246919631958 + ], + [ + "tratamiento", + -13.172013282775879 + ], + [ + "\u2581MEN", + -13.085325241088867 + ], + [ + "\u2581confiaba", + -13.148208618164062 + ], + [ + "\u2581congole\u00f1a", + -13.220600128173828 + ], + [ + "\u2581Moment", + -13.168061256408691 + ], + [ + "\u2581cangrejo", + -13.160052299499512 + ], + [ + "\u2581enamorar", + -13.158245086669922 + ], + [ + "\u2581Literatura", + -13.225815773010254 + ], + [ + "\u2581impon\u00eda", + -13.257782936096191 + ], + [ + "\u2581pasatiempo", + -13.157944679260254 + ], + [ + "\u2581resurrected", + -13.074177742004395 + ], + [ + "blue", + -13.123186111450195 + ], + [ + "\u2581269", + -12.992109298706055 + ], + [ + "\u2581complicate", + -13.139456748962402 + ], + [ + "\u2581movable", + -13.08902359008789 + ], + [ + "\u2581recomiende", + -13.287830352783203 + ], + [ + "Dije", + -12.977436065673828 + ], + [ + "\u2581FNUOS", + -13.220600128173828 + ], + [ + "\u2581abstracta", + -13.27127742767334 + ], + [ + "\u2581abyss", + -13.122442245483398 + ], + [ + "IMF", + -13.084900856018066 + ], + [ + "\u2581DIN", + -13.124578475952148 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rotary", + -13.069646835327148 + ], + [ + "\u2581busc\u00e1ndo", + -13.027318954467773 + ], + [ + "\u2581organizer", + -13.062955856323242 + ], + [ + "\u2581Indoor", + -13.161299705505371 + ], + [ + "\u2581civilisation", + -13.111504554748535 + ], + [ + "\u2581etanol", + -13.152767181396484 + ], + [ + "\u2581geol\u00f3gico", + -13.262182235717773 + ], + [ + "Administrativo", + -13.332412719726562 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alt\u00edsimo", + -13.208549499511719 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gite", + -13.121192932128906 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sailing", + -13.161688804626465 + ], + [ + "\u2581intelecto", + -13.187349319458008 + ], + [ + "Cualquier", + -13.044588088989258 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bandera", + -13.347027778625488 + ], + [ + "\u2581ritu", + -13.174226760864258 + ], + [ + "\u2581Renacimiento", + -13.299036026000977 + ], + [ + "\u2581Titular", + -13.28505802154541 + ], + [ + "\u2581capullo", + -13.098353385925293 + ], + [ + "\u2581substantiate", + -13.105497360229492 + ], + [ + "\u2581echarle", + -13.041038513183594 + ], + [ + "Point", + -13.100774765014648 + ], + [ + "\u2581268", + -13.092873573303223 + ], + [ + "\u2581aspiradora", + -13.243573188781738 + ], + [ + "\u2581abolishing", + -13.033723831176758 + ], + [ + "\u2581confiamos", + -13.205351829528809 + ], + [ + "\u2581implying", + -13.143036842346191 + ], + [ + "\u2581airway", + -13.041038513183594 + ], + [ + "\u2581oportunista", + -13.145471572875977 + ], + [ + ".1);", + -13.029655456542969 + ], + [ + "\u2581Acab", + -12.99166488647461 + ], + [ + "\u2581Anders", + -13.251870155334473 + ], + [ + "\u2581Arabe", + -13.164475440979004 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rub\u00e9n", + -13.276765823364258 + ], + [ + "\u2581Accesibilidad", + -13.30466079711914 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mick", + -13.301121711730957 + ], + [ + "\u2581caracol", + -13.187689781188965 + ], + [ + "\u2581dunes", + -13.113697052001953 + ], + [ + "/53", + -12.905677795410156 + ], + [ + "teacher", + -13.208784103393555 + ], + [ + "\u2581Contempor\u00e1neo", + -13.35097885131836 + ], + [ + "\u2581fireworks", + -13.120284080505371 + ], + [ + "\u2581atleta", + -13.109919548034668 + ], + [ + "duty", + -13.119258880615234 + ], + [ + "\u2581Thorn", + -13.26233196258545 + ], + [ + "5-7", + -13.326112747192383 + ], + [ + "\u2581263", + -13.152453422546387 + ], + [ + "\u2581INDUSTRIA", + -13.254995346069336 + ], + [ + "\u2581colapsa", + -13.143082618713379 + ], + [ + "DEP", + -13.210726737976074 + ], + [ + "cookies", + -13.200907707214355 + ], + [ + "\u258115:00", + -13.213139533996582 + ], + [ + "\u2581Piece", + -13.157743453979492 + ], + [ + "\u2581avergonz", + -13.068338394165039 + ], + [ + "\u2581conserje", + -13.093774795532227 + ], + [ + "\u2581Clip", + -13.106974601745605 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hof", + -13.180624961853027 + ], + [ + "\u2581fluorescente", + -13.189868927001953 + ], + [ + "\u2581juristas", + -13.155170440673828 + ], + [ + "\u00f0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u258154/1", + -13.17325210571289 + ], + [ + "\u2581calurosa", + -13.260395050048828 + ], + [ + "\u2581utopia", + -13.084663391113281 + ], + [ + "\u2581disobey", + -13.227089881896973 + ], + [ + "\u2581Camiseta", + -13.296220779418945 + ], + [ + "\u2581lipid", + -13.096455574035645 + ], + [ + "7,500", + -13.108109474182129 + ], + [ + "hrer", + -13.113715171813965 + ], + [ + "\u2581246", + -13.129548072814941 + ], + [ + "\u2581Explorador", + -13.37051773071289 + ], + [ + "Polic\u00eda", + -12.966273307800293 + ], + [ + "Pregunta", + -13.256321907043457 + ], + [ + "\u2581Concentra", + -13.16806411743164 + ], + [ + "\u2581Empty", + -13.260372161865234 + ], + [ + "Aprobado", + -13.260416030883789 + ], + [ + "\u2581Baptism", + -13.152175903320312 + ], + [ + "\u2581Context", + -13.009316444396973 + ], + [ + "\u2581Eucharistic", + -13.053215026855469 + ], + [ + "\u2581amusement", + -13.037893295288086 + ], + [ + "\u2581levitas", + -13.290663719177246 + ], + [ + "\u2581rivalidad", + -13.205526351928711 + ], + [ + "\u2581Impuesto", + -13.195963859558105 + ], + [ + "\u2581counsellor", + -13.10458755493164 + ], + [ + "fishing", + -13.044350624084473 + ], + [ + "\u2581creed", + -13.094284057617188 + ], + [ + "\u2581fermentaci\u00f3n", + -13.263467788696289 + ], + [ + "\u2581sobrevivi\u00f3", + -13.228437423706055 + ], + [ + "Bendito", + -13.161934852600098 + ], + [ + "\u2581anarchist", + -13.063187599182129 + ], + [ + "\u2581tropiezo", + -13.182331085205078 + ], + [ + "\u2581Negociaci\u00f3n", + -13.157608032226562 + ], + [ + "\u2581dismantled", + -13.163126945495605 + ], + [ + "\u2581gatillo", + -13.075628280639648 + ], + [ + "\u2581Definiciones", + -13.114590644836426 + ], + [ + "4.1", + -12.894830703735352 + ], + [ + "\u2581Periodismo", + -13.184836387634277 + ], + [ + "\u2581Situaciones", + -13.23369026184082 + ], + [ + "\u2581marfil", + -13.22950553894043 + ], + [ + "\u2581Francesco", + -13.178975105285645 + ], + [ + "\u2581ambulatorio", + -13.2576904296875 + ], + [ + "6,7", + -13.377604484558105 + ], + [ + "would", + -13.080827713012695 + ], + [ + "\u2581Across", + -13.095992088317871 + ], + [ + "\u2581Act\u00faa", + -13.15273666381836 + ], + [ + "\u2581Terminology", + -13.126887321472168 + ], + [ + "\u2581relapse", + -13.102466583251953 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cu\u00e9ntame", + -12.991493225097656 + ], + [ + "\u2581Monasterio", + -13.301836013793945 + ], + [ + "\u2581fluida", + -13.314997673034668 + ], + [ + "\u2581inequ\u00edvoco", + -13.220600128173828 + ], + [ + "\u2581rehabilita", + -13.203309059143066 + ], + [ + "migrant", + -13.093998908996582 + ], + [ + "\u2581Abstaining", + -13.136009216308594 + ], + [ + "\u2581Autumn", + -13.15450668334961 + ], + [ + "\u2581Excelent\u00edsimo", + -13.160052299499512 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pour", + -13.12468147277832 + ], + [ + "\u2581hypno", + -13.273311614990234 + ], + [ + "\u2581ACTA", + -13.215864181518555 + ], + [ + "\u2581loneliness", + -13.166244506835938 + ], + [ + "\u2581geopol\u00edtica", + -13.194944381713867 + ], + [ + "\u2581motherhood", + -13.17618465423584 + ], + [ + "Dispar", + -13.244758605957031 + ], + [ + "\u2581Refund", + -13.16426944732666 + ], + [ + "\u2581misfortune", + -13.180513381958008 + ], + [ + "\u2581prejuzga", + -13.33919620513916 + ], + [ + "\u25819.4", + -13.065547943115234 + ], + [ + "\u2581beneficie", + -13.153189659118652 + ], + [ + "\u2581detergente", + -13.172402381896973 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pall", + -13.282281875610352 + ], + [ + "\u2581Salesian", + -13.086276054382324 + ], + [ + "\u2581empezaba", + -13.14547348022461 + ], + [ + "\u2581existi\u00f3", + -13.169892311096191 + ], + [ + "\u2581satisf", + -13.164925575256348 + ], + [ + "nosotros", + -13.201244354248047 + ], + [ + "\u2581RECOMENDACIONES", + -13.241625785827637 + ], + [ + "\u2581nude", + -13.179265022277832 + ], + [ + "Amigo", + -13.035651206970215 + ], + [ + "\u2581calific\u00f3", + -13.187445640563965 + ], + [ + "\u2581sterilization", + -13.095600128173828 + ], + [ + "ductive", + -13.051346778869629 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cotonou", + -13.1156005859375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Exodus", + -13.042040824890137 + ], + [ + "\u2581replenishment", + -13.054743766784668 + ], + [ + "\u2581rubbish", + -13.209676742553711 + ], + [ + "why", + -13.170133590698242 + ], + [ + "\u2581ejaculation", + -13.03581714630127 + ], + [ + "fledged", + -13.149691581726074 + ], + [ + "\u2581Continu", + -13.238525390625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jud\u00edo", + -13.178102493286133 + ], + [ + "Utilities", + -13.12462329864502 + ], + [ + "\u2581Relative", + -13.160571098327637 + ], + [ + "\u2581maqueta", + -13.282570838928223 + ], + [ + "\u2581unofficial", + -13.147696495056152 + ], + [ + "225", + -13.009854316711426 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gibbs", + -13.0123929977417 + ], + [ + "\u2581Yemeni", + -13.042787551879883 + ], + [ + "\u2581guru", + -13.092123031616211 + ], + [ + "\u25812.45", + -13.109996795654297 + ], + [ + "\u2581Moldavia", + -13.244285583496094 + ], + [ + "\u2581Technique", + -13.080315589904785 + ], + [ + "\u2581adquirier", + -13.22844409942627 + ], + [ + "\u2581obsesion", + -13.111233711242676 + ], + [ + "CEPT", + -13.11517333984375 + ], + [ + "Habitaci\u00f3n", + -13.232195854187012 + ], + [ + "\u2581antrop\u00f3gena", + -13.218003273010254 + ], + [ + "\u2581discounted", + -13.0968017578125 + ], + [ + "\u2581hydroelectric", + -13.076011657714844 + ], + [ + "Vuelve", + -12.976475715637207 + ], + [ + "\u2581adyacente", + -13.219291687011719 + ], + [ + "\u2581quisieron", + -13.116934776306152 + ], + [ + "\u2581wilt", + -13.127058029174805 + ], + [ + "0.4", + -13.001035690307617 + ], + [ + "\u2581Conservative", + -13.178139686584473 + ], + [ + "\u2581Stress", + -13.143522262573242 + ], + [ + "\u2581saturated", + -13.086837768554688 + ], + [ + "\u2581Providence", + -13.046298027038574 + ], + [ + "\u2581somnolencia", + -13.215412139892578 + ], + [ + "\u2581Madonna", + -13.19742202758789 + ], + [ + "\u2581leasing", + -13.069690704345703 + ], + [ + "\u2581sobrepeso", + -13.172403335571289 + ], + [ + "\u2581Coastal", + -13.101593971252441 + ], + [ + "astro", + -13.107479095458984 + ], + [ + "f\u00f3nico", + -13.252622604370117 + ], + [ + "ische", + -13.151739120483398 + ], + [ + "\u2581monarch", + -13.20430850982666 + ], + [ + "114", + -12.989156723022461 + ], + [ + "cepha", + -13.305415153503418 + ], + [ + "quette", + -13.31076431274414 + ], + [ + "\u2581Contributed", + -13.241482734680176 + ], + [ + "\u2581Potter", + -13.27637767791748 + ], + [ + "\u2581Zionist", + -13.146828651428223 + ], + [ + "\u2581curl", + -13.143637657165527 + ], + [ + "\u2581quir\u00f3fano", + -13.138259887695312 + ], + [ + "SPECT", + -13.039846420288086 + ], + [ + "\u2581Skill", + -13.108338356018066 + ], + [ + "Tour", + -13.197956085205078 + ], + [ + "bug", + -13.155815124511719 + ], + [ + "\u2581Teor\u00eda", + -13.29345989227295 + ], + [ + "\u2581mezcl", + -13.127193450927734 + ], + [ + "\u2581oppressive", + -13.087017059326172 + ], + [ + "KU", + -13.147805213928223 + ], + [ + "\u2581Achievement", + -13.19563102722168 + ], + [ + "\u2581COOPERACI\u00d3N", + -13.276764869689941 + ], + [ + "\u2581meticulous", + -13.065261840820312 + ], + [ + "Fabulous", + -13.139074325561523 + ], + [ + "\u2581affix", + -13.115612030029297 + ], + [ + "\u2581ecclesial", + -13.08248519897461 + ], + [ + "\u2581grosero", + -13.025145530700684 + ], + [ + "\u2581ventajosa", + -13.238985061645508 + ], + [ + "\u2581shrub", + -13.147530555725098 + ], + [ + "\u2581Attendance", + -13.042088508605957 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pius", + -13.151947021484375 + ], + [ + "\u2581titanium", + -13.149850845336914 + ], + [ + "90,000", + -13.02417278289795 + ], + [ + "petition", + -13.084832191467285 + ], + [ + "\u2581Quince", + -13.151487350463867 + ], + [ + "\u2581rebellious", + -13.166244506835938 + ], + [ + "\u2581rumour", + -13.212177276611328 + ], + [ + "\u2581unleashed", + -13.090106010437012 + ], + [ + "\u2581burro", + -13.048112869262695 + ], + [ + "\u2581copresidentes", + -13.384119033813477 + ], + [ + "\u2581espec\u00edmenes", + -13.241625785827637 + ], + [ + "FUL", + -13.30362319946289 + ], + [ + "\u2581anonimato", + -13.307493209838867 + ], + [ + "\u2581Construcciones", + -13.244295120239258 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuelgue", + -13.064411163330078 + ], + [ + "primary", + -13.116266250610352 + ], + [ + "\u2581Corner", + -13.175688743591309 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wald", + -13.2694091796875 + ], + [ + "Help", + -13.18519115447998 + ], + [ + "0.2", + -12.948118209838867 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sixtie", + -13.1593656539917 + ], + [ + "\u2581m\u00edstico", + -13.277032852172852 + ], + [ + "\u2581unregulated", + -13.13610553741455 + ], + [ + "\u2581vase", + -13.12863540649414 + ], + [ + "\u2581vitivin\u00edcola", + -13.321779251098633 + ], + [ + "\u2581inhalador", + -13.332878112792969 + ], + [ + "\u2581renuncie", + -13.172775268554688 + ], + [ + "\u2581undeniable", + -13.095850944519043 + ], + [ + "\u2581jurisdictional", + -13.133721351623535 + ], + [ + "fighting", + -13.117903709411621 + ], + [ + "\u2581cineasta", + -13.28506088256836 + ], + [ + "\u2581pradera", + -13.138289451599121 + ], + [ + "\u2581Definitely", + -13.24481201171875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Proportion", + -13.1383056640625 + ], + [ + "\u2581chassis", + -13.10666275024414 + ], + [ + "length", + -13.130470275878906 + ], + [ + "\u2581Promocional", + -13.285053253173828 + ], + [ + "ch\u00f3n", + -13.009675025939941 + ], + [ + "tube", + -13.130830764770508 + ], + [ + "\u2581Natura", + -13.140646934509277 + ], + [ + "\u2581novelty", + -13.11610221862793 + ], + [ + "\u2581ansiosa", + -13.225817680358887 + ], + [ + "\u2581consolador", + -13.302960395812988 + ], + [ + "\u2581sugiriendo", + -13.128725051879883 + ], + [ + "ATH", + -13.30446720123291 + ], + [ + "Line", + -13.169055938720703 + ], + [ + "\u2581ponder", + -13.146586418151855 + ], + [ + "\u2581therefrom", + -13.024121284484863 + ], + [ + "\u2581pervasive", + -13.173354148864746 + ], + [ + "\u2581revocation", + -12.995662689208984 + ], + [ + "\u2581sprout", + -13.142913818359375 + ], + [ + "\u2581enfriamiento", + -13.231062889099121 + ], + [ + "\u2581litio", + -13.170135498046875 + ], + [ + "\u2581ofreci\u00e9ndo", + -13.27128791809082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Depression", + -13.140692710876465 + ], + [ + "\u2581pronunciamiento", + -13.30898380279541 + ], + [ + "\u2581graduating", + -13.129159927368164 + ], + [ + "\u2581FAT", + -13.087872505187988 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rog", + -13.16263198852539 + ], + [ + "\u2581Survival", + -12.97354793548584 + ], + [ + "\u2581Toxic", + -13.152226448059082 + ], + [ + "\u2581culminated", + -13.094060897827148 + ], + [ + "\u2581sonre\u00edr", + -13.09146785736084 + ], + [ + "\u2581ONLY", + -13.127059936523438 + ], + [ + "\u2581hacker", + -13.150516510009766 + ], + [ + "\u2581narcotraficante", + -13.27127742767334 + ], + [ + "\u2581264", + -13.089881896972656 + ], + [ + "\u2581expande", + -13.30756664276123 + ], + [ + "\u2581slab", + -13.068499565124512 + ], + [ + "normalmente", + -13.165918350219727 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rabi", + -13.268701553344727 + ], + [ + "\u2581sincerity", + -13.127495765686035 + ], + [ + "\u2581GEO", + -13.18718147277832 + ], + [ + "\u2581Opel", + -13.210734367370605 + ], + [ + "\u2581creepy", + -13.255987167358398 + ], + [ + "\u2581distillation", + -13.03602409362793 + ], + [ + "IBLE", + -13.434173583984375 + ], + [ + "\u2581centrifug", + -13.149849891662598 + ], + [ + "\u2581migrante", + -13.243226051330566 + ], + [ + "\u2581similarity", + -13.138567924499512 + ], + [ + "\u25810,001", + -13.05653190612793 + ], + [ + "\u2581Encouraging", + -13.124619483947754 + ], + [ + "\u2581consolation", + -13.152175903320312 + ], + [ + "\u2581cafe\u00edna", + -13.246959686279297 + ], + [ + "\u2581curfew", + -13.166244506835938 + ], + [ + "\u2581lucrativo", + -13.268546104431152 + ], + [ + "\u2581markedly", + -13.130653381347656 + ], + [ + "\u2581L\u00e1mpara", + -13.220600128173828 + ], + [ + "\u2581emboscada", + -13.179830551147461 + ], + [ + "\u2581fermentation", + -13.194988250732422 + ], + [ + "ultraperif\u00e9ricas", + -13.160052299499512 + ], + [ + "\u2581analyst", + -13.140420913696289 + ], + [ + "\u2581doctorate", + -13.096813201904297 + ], + [ + "\u2581indudable", + -13.257150650024414 + ], + [ + "\u2581barniz", + -13.249133110046387 + ], + [ + "\u2581er\u00f3tico", + -13.200028419494629 + ], + [ + "\u2581misil", + -13.009974479675293 + ], + [ + "image", + -13.14039421081543 + ], + [ + "\u2581harass", + -13.248787879943848 + ], + [ + "\u2581revoke", + -13.109969139099121 + ], + [ + "\u2581transcripci\u00f3n", + -13.231091499328613 + ], + [ + "\u2581Footnote", + -13.093413352966309 + ], + [ + "\u2581imaginaba", + -13.065516471862793 + ], + [ + "Kuwait", + -13.065593719482422 + ], + [ + "\u2581coke", + -13.19897747039795 + ], + [ + "\u2581oscillat", + -13.089020729064941 + ], + [ + "\u2581reorientaci\u00f3n", + -13.155314445495605 + ], + [ + "\u2581sterling", + -13.222092628479004 + ], + [ + "joint", + -13.126408576965332 + ], + [ + "\u2581apparition", + -13.170978546142578 + ], + [ + "\u2581blond", + -13.199331283569336 + ], + [ + "\u2581Destroy", + -13.106663703918457 + ], + [ + "\u2581di\u00e1spora", + -13.301836013793945 + ], + [ + "\u2581Continued", + -13.139280319213867 + ], + [ + "\u2581biscuit", + -13.071685791015625 + ], + [ + "\u2581realisation", + -13.132780075073242 + ], + [ + "\u2581Griego", + -13.215490341186523 + ], + [ + "\u2581estragos", + -13.18233585357666 + ], + [ + "\u2581Abrah\u00e1n", + -13.19239330291748 + ], + [ + "\u2581irony", + -13.179642677307129 + ], + [ + "Antioquia", + -13.228439331054688 + ], + [ + "FEM", + -13.319087028503418 + ], + [ + "\u2581Macedonian", + -13.123673439025879 + ], + [ + "\u2581agroindustria", + -13.276774406433105 + ], + [ + "Pay", + -13.132040023803711 + ], + [ + "\u2581RESUMEN", + -13.260393142700195 + ], + [ + "\u2581homologado", + -13.218015670776367 + ], + [ + "\u2581precario", + -13.290637969970703 + ], + [ + "\u2581rompiendo", + -13.140691757202148 + ], + [ + "\u2581FRAN", + -13.219047546386719 + ], + [ + "\u2581Inspectorate", + -13.050697326660156 + ], + [ + "protein", + -13.414168357849121 + ], + [ + "\u2581Annunci", + -13.082708358764648 + ], + [ + "\u2581chopped", + -13.152235984802246 + ], + [ + "muestra", + -13.280160903930664 + ], + [ + "\u2581chord", + -13.111299514770508 + ], + [ + "degree", + -13.2312650680542 + ], + [ + "\u2581unambiguous", + -13.126888275146484 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reflection", + -13.125452041625977 + ], + [ + "\u2581Publishing", + -13.095610618591309 + ], + [ + "population", + -13.15546989440918 + ], + [ + "\u2581Guesthouse", + -13.227230072021484 + ], + [ + "\u2581diferir", + -13.241650581359863 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alvaro", + -13.121126174926758 + ], + [ + "\u2581Physics", + -13.093406677246094 + ], + [ + "\u2581asunci\u00f3n", + -13.228438377380371 + ], + [ + "\u2581pensioners", + -13.178455352783203 + ], + [ + "qualification", + -13.160189628601074 + ], + [ + "\u2581Diagnostic", + -13.1156005859375 + ], + [ + "lurinational", + -13.079834938049316 + ], + [ + "orientation", + -13.264813423156738 + ], + [ + "tituye", + -13.172069549560547 + ], + [ + "\u2581standby", + -13.09959888458252 + ], + [ + "\u2581demostraciones", + -13.274295806884766 + ], + [ + "\u2581Concord", + -13.159306526184082 + ], + [ + "\u2581amphetamine", + -13.019372940063477 + ], + [ + "\u2581tremble", + -13.159194946289062 + ], + [ + "\u2581apasionada", + -13.19382381439209 + ], + [ + "\u2581infantry", + -13.330632209777832 + ], + [ + "\u2581sangrienta", + -13.202558517456055 + ], + [ + "\u2581vajilla", + -13.184837341308594 + ], + [ + "\u2581deleite", + -13.185315132141113 + ], + [ + "FMI", + -13.258872985839844 + ], + [ + "\u2581DERECHO", + -13.207322120666504 + ], + [ + "\u2581interrogat", + -13.139222145080566 + ], + [ + "\u2581reconvene", + -13.330557823181152 + ], + [ + "topic", + -13.159961700439453 + ], + [ + "\u2581depreciaci\u00f3n", + -13.2337064743042 + ], + [ + "\u2581membres\u00eda", + -13.200007438659668 + ], + [ + "\u2581Porter", + -13.158244132995605 + ], + [ + "\u2581anabolic", + -13.113362312316895 + ], + [ + "\u2581pliegue", + -13.301836013793945 + ], + [ + "\u2581seaside", + -13.155990600585938 + ], + [ + "\u2581Maghreb", + -13.052536010742188 + ], + [ + "\u2581Moderate", + -13.274526596069336 + ], + [ + "\u2581engender", + -13.065336227416992 + ], + [ + "\u2581Referendum", + -13.117847442626953 + ], + [ + "\u2581c\u00e1nones", + -13.279521942138672 + ], + [ + "\u2581Graz", + -13.186083793640137 + ], + [ + "\u2581Identificar", + -13.23403549194336 + ], + [ + "\u2581Impresi\u00f3n", + -13.165037155151367 + ], + [ + "\u2581navaja", + -13.140658378601074 + ], + [ + "\u2581snatch", + -13.14290714263916 + ], + [ + "Llega", + -13.057048797607422 + ], + [ + "\u2581Beginner", + -13.154613494873047 + ], + [ + "\u2581Quadr", + -13.197932243347168 + ], + [ + "\u2581escuchaste", + -12.987325668334961 + ], + [ + "\u2581workspace", + -13.180835723876953 + ], + [ + "\u2581Chrono", + -13.19157600402832 + ], + [ + "\u2581Experta", + -13.24967098236084 + ], + [ + "\u2581boquilla", + -13.241738319396973 + ], + [ + "\u2581registries", + -13.122357368469238 + ], + [ + "\u2581aerol\u00ednea", + -13.214052200317383 + ], + [ + "\u25811932", + -13.241408348083496 + ], + [ + "\u2581empuj\u00f3", + -13.177339553833008 + ], + [ + "\u2581fundamentalist", + -13.166024208068848 + ], + [ + "\u2581inhibe", + -13.128737449645996 + ], + [ + "\u2581enriqueci", + -13.225947380065918 + ], + [ + "\u2581humillante", + -13.136746406555176 + ], + [ + "mayor", + -13.08608341217041 + ], + [ + "\u012b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581marvellous", + -13.13830280303955 + ], + [ + "\u2581saudita", + -13.177338600158691 + ], + [ + "struimos", + -13.087125778198242 + ], + [ + "\u2581480", + -13.074828147888184 + ], + [ + "\u2581ODS", + -13.103008270263672 + ], + [ + "\u2581apariciones", + -13.246959686279297 + ], + [ + "Acaba", + -13.108504295349121 + ], + [ + "\u2581assuring", + -13.084986686706543 + ], + [ + "\u2581deslizamiento", + -13.188495635986328 + ], + [ + "selling", + -13.246908187866211 + ], + [ + "\u2581inmaterial", + -13.15557861328125 + ], + [ + "\u2581stripes", + -13.175633430480957 + ], + [ + "\u2581Primaria", + -13.231369972229004 + ], + [ + "Key", + -13.232522010803223 + ], + [ + "\u2581LET", + -13.246615409851074 + ], + [ + "\u2581Recomendar", + -13.127457618713379 + ], + [ + "\u2581separatist", + -13.149850845336914 + ], + [ + "TIM", + -13.210833549499512 + ], + [ + "estimate", + -13.084527015686035 + ], + [ + "\u2581favored", + -13.061334609985352 + ], + [ + "\u2581observatory", + -13.122357368469238 + ], + [ + "\u2581testosterone", + -13.217103004455566 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cerv", + -13.229551315307617 + ], + [ + "\u2581Restore", + -13.215673446655273 + ], + [ + "\u2581UNMOVIC", + -13.108888626098633 + ], + [ + "\u2581certifying", + -13.045729637145996 + ], + [ + "\u2581soluble", + -13.257823944091797 + ], + [ + "\u2581perdemos", + -13.119292259216309 + ], + [ + "insurgency", + -13.15450668334961 + ], + [ + "\u2581tightening", + -13.098065376281738 + ], + [ + "electronic", + -13.04224967956543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Shuttle", + -13.217225074768066 + ], + [ + "\u2581llano", + -13.340788841247559 + ], + [ + "\u2581Allied", + -13.275015830993652 + ], + [ + "\u2581Estrecho", + -13.293410301208496 + ], + [ + "\u2581extranjer\u00eda", + -13.30466079711914 + ], + [ + "\u2581presidi\u00f3", + -13.290642738342285 + ], + [ + "Morocco", + -13.098347663879395 + ], + [ + "\u2581Urgent", + -13.185393333435059 + ], + [ + "\u2581encargar\u00e9", + -13.018013000488281 + ], + [ + "\u2581inmerso", + -13.164968490600586 + ], + [ + "\u2581modales", + -13.041919708251953 + ], + [ + "Pop", + -13.346636772155762 + ], + [ + "\u2581stirring", + -13.14296817779541 + ], + [ + "\u2581webmaster", + -13.232428550720215 + ], + [ + "\u2581CUADRO", + -13.147886276245117 + ], + [ + "\u2581vestigio", + -13.228433609008789 + ], + [ + "\u2581transient", + -13.168750762939453 + ], + [ + "\u2581correspondier", + -13.193663597106934 + ], + [ + "122", + -13.077886581420898 + ], + [ + "\u2581Orquesta", + -13.387182235717773 + ], + [ + "\u2581brace", + -13.165640830993652 + ], + [ + "\u2581evolucione", + -13.155348777770996 + ], + [ + "thank", + -13.186443328857422 + ], + [ + "viii", + -13.162446975708008 + ], + [ + "\u2581Repito", + -13.019177436828613 + ], + [ + "\u2581Telecom", + -13.101082801818848 + ], + [ + "\u2581messaging", + -13.133784294128418 + ], + [ + "\u2581solvente", + -13.246986389160156 + ], + [ + "\u2581yogurt", + -13.204756736755371 + ], + [ + "\u2581bendito", + -13.167470932006836 + ], + [ + "\u2581aver\u00eda", + -13.267861366271973 + ], + [ + "\u2581REV", + -13.106624603271484 + ], + [ + "nuestro", + -13.24017333984375 + ], + [ + "\u2581AYUDA", + -13.184900283813477 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ense\u00f1a", + -13.205385208129883 + ], + [ + "\u2581Medicamento", + -13.240541458129883 + ], + [ + "\u2581shaving", + -13.132580757141113 + ], + [ + "instant\u00e1neamente", + -13.361776351928711 + ], + [ + "wak", + -13.289429664611816 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gilead", + -13.209676742553711 + ], + [ + "\u2581Megan", + -13.310762405395508 + ], + [ + "Field", + -13.148417472839355 + ], + [ + "\u2581bunk", + -13.182868003845215 + ], + [ + "\u2581stagnation", + -13.058886528015137 + ], + [ + "\u2581vanish", + -13.17743968963623 + ], + [ + "\u2581foretold", + -13.071693420410156 + ], + [ + "\u2581incineraci\u00f3n", + -13.234033584594727 + ], + [ + "chuckles", + -13.245979309082031 + ], + [ + "\u2581Inform\u00e1tica", + -13.30466079711914 + ], + [ + "\u2581ternura", + -13.172369003295898 + ], + [ + "\u2581purview", + -13.095617294311523 + ], + [ + "\u2581terrifying", + -13.159185409545898 + ], + [ + "plication", + -13.485572814941406 + ], + [ + "\u2581enfriar", + -13.183683395385742 + ], + [ + "\u2581somethin", + -13.329935073852539 + ], + [ + "\u2581supremacy", + -13.095600128173828 + ], + [ + "\u2581Partial", + -13.162508010864258 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tile", + -13.213312149047852 + ], + [ + "\u2581budismo", + -13.257691383361816 + ], + [ + "\u2581comparto", + -13.126426696777344 + ], + [ + "\u2581report\u00f3", + -13.24428939819336 + ], + [ + "\u2581vigile", + -13.112273216247559 + ], + [ + "\u2581costarricense", + -13.174849510192871 + ], + [ + "\u2581pediatra", + -13.244292259216309 + ], + [ + "\u2581uptake", + -13.019124031066895 + ], + [ + "containing", + -13.155442237854004 + ], + [ + "\u2581apologies", + -13.190142631530762 + ], + [ + "\u2581congresista", + -13.124110221862793 + ], + [ + "\u2581muri", + -13.299877166748047 + ], + [ + "\u2581renunci\u00f3", + -13.244285583496094 + ], + [ + "custom", + -13.174630165100098 + ], + [ + "\u2581Victim", + -13.07941722869873 + ], + [ + "\u2581gastro", + -13.095643997192383 + ], + [ + "\u2581unwavering", + -13.147530555725098 + ], + [ + "Reference", + -13.09177017211914 + ], + [ + "\u2581tetra", + -13.140904426574707 + ], + [ + "Disculpe", + -13.00772762298584 + ], + [ + "\u2581Glory", + -13.149994850158691 + ], + [ + "\u2581cautiverio", + -13.30466079711914 + ], + [ + "\u2581woe", + -13.140769004821777 + ], + [ + "\u2581Shield", + -13.14985179901123 + ], + [ + "\u2581freelance", + -13.14066219329834 + ], + [ + "capacidad", + -13.352794647216797 + ], + [ + "\u2581Democrat", + -13.10801887512207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sadly", + -13.172591209411621 + ], + [ + "\u2581aroused", + -13.228039741516113 + ], + [ + "\u2581fermenta", + -13.315978050231934 + ], + [ + "\u2581Clausura", + -13.200042724609375 + ], + [ + "\u2581debilitamiento", + -13.236523628234863 + ], + [ + "\u2581mostaza", + -13.19239330291748 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jueces", + -13.279603958129883 + ], + [ + "\u2581Psychology", + -13.152219772338867 + ], + [ + "\u2581ense\u00f1o", + -13.129880905151367 + ], + [ + "p\u00e1g", + -13.116687774658203 + ], + [ + "variably", + -13.131485939025879 + ], + [ + "\u2581remolca", + -13.189888954162598 + ], + [ + "ativa", + -13.28237533569336 + ], + [ + "formula", + -13.453094482421875 + ], + [ + "increasing", + -13.098347663879395 + ], + [ + "\u2581inventor", + -13.156478881835938 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bottom", + -13.115623474121094 + ], + [ + "\u2581loft", + -13.22690200805664 + ], + [ + "genetic", + -13.2142333984375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Unlawful", + -13.122357368469238 + ], + [ + "\u2581desviado", + -13.213175773620605 + ], + [ + "\u2581glut", + -13.139403343200684 + ], + [ + "\u2581liaise", + -13.190303802490234 + ], + [ + "\u2581vagabundo", + -12.985307693481445 + ], + [ + "depressant", + -13.14294147491455 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kla", + -13.159297943115234 + ], + [ + "\u2581latinoamericano", + -12.867390632629395 + ], + [ + "\u25811924", + -13.155272483825684 + ], + [ + "\u2581LOTE", + -13.212478637695312 + ], + [ + "\u2581LAW", + -13.029980659484863 + ], + [ + "\u2581escaping", + -13.229602813720703 + ], + [ + "Javascript", + -13.132590293884277 + ], + [ + "\u2581filiaci\u00f3n", + -13.28506088256836 + ], + [ + "7.8", + -13.385151863098145 + ], + [ + "\u2581festive", + -13.190145492553711 + ], + [ + "\u2581prefectura", + -13.244285583496094 + ], + [ + "notified", + -13.061548233032227 + ], + [ + "\u2581litre", + -13.149114608764648 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jeric\u00f3", + -13.293408393859863 + ], + [ + "\u2581blindness", + -13.125826835632324 + ], + [ + "\u2581conjugat", + -13.108890533447266 + ], + [ + "\u2581greedy", + -13.169397354125977 + ], + [ + "\u2581volador", + -13.2616548538208 + ], + [ + "\u2581webpage", + -13.161919593811035 + ], + [ + "\u2581Valen", + -13.264361381530762 + ], + [ + "\u2581furor", + -13.274025917053223 + ], + [ + "\u2581verge", + -13.170048713684082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Proteger", + -13.296211242675781 + ], + [ + "\u2581carcinogenic", + -13.013337135314941 + ], + [ + "\u2581cripple", + -13.260257720947266 + ], + [ + "\u2581screenshot", + -13.086910247802734 + ], + [ + "Categor\u00eda", + -13.278268814086914 + ], + [ + "minator", + -13.333818435668945 + ], + [ + "\u2581Embarazo", + -13.194925308227539 + ], + [ + "\u2581estuche", + -13.210382461547852 + ], + [ + "\u2581inmejorable", + -13.313182830810547 + ], + [ + "\u2581GRAN", + -13.257491111755371 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sindical", + -13.150565147399902 + ], + [ + "\u2581Antivirus", + -13.222132682800293 + ], + [ + "\u2581Arias", + -13.19568920135498 + ], + [ + "\u2581herds", + -13.208409309387207 + ], + [ + "\u2581jure", + -13.060796737670898 + ], + [ + "idium", + -13.162891387939453 + ], + [ + "\u2581ayudo", + -13.077942848205566 + ], + [ + "\u2581harassed", + -13.139252662658691 + ], + [ + "h\u00eddrico", + -13.249547004699707 + ], + [ + "\u2581Monse\u00f1or", + -13.353981971740723 + ], + [ + "\u2581maximise", + -13.120704650878906 + ], + [ + "\u2581pragm\u00e1tico", + -13.252306938171387 + ], + [ + "1979", + -13.217849731445312 + ], + [ + "\u2581Niko", + -13.344228744506836 + ], + [ + "\u2581ironic", + -13.091734886169434 + ], + [ + "\u2581resisted", + -13.090798377990723 + ], + [ + "otte", + -13.157482147216797 + ], + [ + "\u2581asombro", + -13.267769813537598 + ], + [ + "\u2581elasticidad", + -13.147886276245117 + ], + [ + "\u2581extraditar", + -13.327564239501953 + ], + [ + "\u2581resbala", + -13.179871559143066 + ], + [ + "contact", + -13.114109992980957 + ], + [ + "\u2581superintendente", + -13.177336692810059 + ], + [ + "\u2581Backup", + -13.074686050415039 + ], + [ + "\u2581Crop", + -13.081793785095215 + ], + [ + "\u2581[15", + -13.087806701660156 + ], + [ + "UTICAL", + -13.013428688049316 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tajik", + -13.10888957977295 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vegetable", + -13.168607711791992 + ], + [ + "\u2581emprende", + -13.154019355773926 + ], + [ + "Arch", + -13.233780860900879 + ], + [ + "VENT", + -13.239051818847656 + ], + [ + "\u2581Commons", + -13.313188552856445 + ], + [ + "\u2581derogada", + -13.160922050476074 + ], + [ + "\u2581secuestrada", + -13.15305233001709 + ], + [ + "\u2581obeyed", + -13.167333602905273 + ], + [ + "Excepcional", + -13.318925857543945 + ], + [ + "\u2581Recuperar", + -13.390725135803223 + ], + [ + "\u2581reconstituci\u00f3n", + -13.189867973327637 + ], + [ + "clusa", + -13.232154846191406 + ], + [ + "\u2581levies", + -13.197423934936523 + ], + [ + "t\u00e9nganse", + -13.173672676086426 + ], + [ + "\u2581conmemorativa", + -13.2816743850708 + ], + [ + "\u2581duerma", + -13.000753402709961 + ], + [ + "3-1", + -13.051673889160156 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nabucodonosor", + -13.301836013793945 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pax", + -13.216679573059082 + ], + [ + "\u2581burgu\u00e9s", + -13.220602035522461 + ], + [ + "IME", + -13.225028991699219 + ], + [ + "chief", + -13.175642967224121 + ], + [ + "religioso", + -13.242843627929688 + ], + [ + "voluntary", + -13.113649368286133 + ], + [ + "\u25812007/08", + -13.069771766662598 + ], + [ + "\u2581Misterio", + -13.231096267700195 + ], + [ + "\u2581localizaciones", + -13.25844669342041 + ], + [ + "polar", + -13.174867630004883 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nevera", + -13.182439804077148 + ], + [ + "\u2581SSL", + -13.180813789367676 + ], + [ + "\u2581ganaderos", + -13.299118995666504 + ], + [ + "4.200", + -13.196267127990723 + ], + [ + "\u03c7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581molecule", + -13.124217987060547 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ambient", + -13.17866039276123 + ], + [ + "\u2581Demographic", + -13.17813777923584 + ], + [ + "\u25811905", + -13.172733306884766 + ], + [ + "\u2581Magn\u00edfico", + -13.182330131530762 + ], + [ + "\u2581cereza", + -13.11945629119873 + ], + [ + "\u2581contrarresta", + -13.277463912963867 + ], + [ + "\u2581trawl", + -13.093425750732422 + ], + [ + "\u2581Freeze", + -13.07087230682373 + ], + [ + "\u2581Manifesta", + -13.30466079711914 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rif", + -13.201703071594238 + ], + [ + "\u2581p\u00f3ster", + -13.174851417541504 + ], + [ + "Juga", + -13.3931884765625 + ], + [ + "\u2581287", + -13.076333045959473 + ], + [ + "\u2581Derecha", + -13.152750968933105 + ], + [ + "\u2581cinc", + -13.30944538116455 + ], + [ + "\u2581inseguro", + -13.249916076660156 + ], + [ + "\u00e9ramos", + -12.908665657043457 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tr\u00e1nsito", + -13.268546104431152 + ], + [ + "\u2581PRSP", + -13.093499183654785 + ], + [ + "\u2581defendi\u00f3", + -13.231101036071777 + ], + [ + "\u2581Proof", + -13.21171760559082 + ], + [ + "\u2581comunales", + -13.21582317352295 + ], + [ + "\u2581olanzapina", + -13.336272239685059 + ], + [ + "\u2581surcharge", + -13.080333709716797 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ascension", + -13.0846586227417 + ], + [ + "caf", + -13.280245780944824 + ], + [ + "\u00a2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581Confidence", + -13.082494735717773 + ], + [ + "\u2581Infection", + -13.044140815734863 + ], + [ + "\u2581courier", + -13.15451431274414 + ], + [ + "\u2581descifrar", + -13.11133098602295 + ], + [ + "\u2581manufacturera", + -13.310334205627441 + ], + [ + "tr\u00f3pico", + -13.2390775680542 + ], + [ + "\u2581Warrior", + -13.182913780212402 + ], + [ + "\u2581cohort", + -13.05253791809082 + ], + [ + "\u2581crater", + -13.182927131652832 + ], + [ + "\u2581bot\u00edn", + -13.136061668395996 + ], + [ + "\u2581rugged", + -13.10224437713623 + ], + [ + "\u2581fishes", + -13.113451957702637 + ], + [ + "\u2581gastric", + -13.057023048400879 + ], + [ + "(9)", + -13.142379760742188 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aragon", + -13.102344512939453 + ], + [ + "\u2581empeorado", + -13.14294719696045 + ], + [ + "7.00", + -13.444255828857422 + ], + [ + "NAP", + -13.237789154052734 + ], + [ + "\u2581er\u00e9ctil", + -13.365903854370117 + ], + [ + "\u2581ARTWORK", + -13.186558723449707 + ], + [ + "\u2581Antwerp", + -13.09780216217041 + ], + [ + "\u2581Enlarge", + -13.197395324707031 + ], + [ + "\u2581resentment", + -13.127062797546387 + ], + [ + "pants", + -13.312397003173828 + ], + [ + "\u2581dialysis", + -13.1268949508667 + ], + [ + "\u2581desolate", + -13.219630241394043 + ], + [ + "\u2581interfer\u00f3n", + -13.228433609008789 + ], + [ + "\u2581sugerida", + -13.241711616516113 + ], + [ + "\u2581llen\u00f3", + -13.164973258972168 + ], + [ + "3,5%", + -13.3563871383667 + ], + [ + "\u2581GOING", + -13.367114067077637 + ], + [ + "\u2581physio", + -13.114815711975098 + ], + [ + "\u2581unfamiliar", + -13.095600128173828 + ], + [ + "\u2581peacemaking", + -13.112139701843262 + ], + [ + "\u2581UPR", + -13.181960105895996 + ], + [ + "\u2581Viceprimer", + -13.290624618530273 + ], + [ + "\u2581brokering", + -13.20280933380127 + ], + [ + "\u2581puppy", + -13.229602813720703 + ], + [ + "\u2581trepa", + -13.156039237976074 + ], + [ + "escribir", + -13.243069648742676 + ], + [ + "\u2581ceguera", + -13.260470390319824 + ], + [ + "\u2581hol\u00edstico", + -13.220602035522461 + ], + [ + "\u2581percat", + -13.2804536819458 + ], + [ + "\u2581ascending", + -13.18193531036377 + ], + [ + "\u2581practique", + -13.243964195251465 + ], + [ + "\u2581reuniera", + -13.319648742675781 + ], + [ + "\u2581describ\u00eda", + -13.312719345092773 + ], + [ + "\u2581desinstalar", + -13.200007438659668 + ], + [ + "\u2581continuum", + -13.156843185424805 + ], + [ + "\u2581drown", + -13.202136039733887 + ], + [ + "\u2581firstborn", + -13.137995719909668 + ], + [ + "\u2581somal\u00ed", + -13.29515266418457 + ], + [ + "IFICACI\u00d3N", + -13.36288070678711 + ], + [ + "opol", + -13.256387710571289 + ], + [ + "dolph", + -13.299249649047852 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vuelvo", + -13.003979682922363 + ], + [ + "\u2581comenzaba", + -13.185853004455566 + ], + [ + "\u2581synonymous", + -13.097920417785645 + ], + [ + "\u2581temporaria", + -13.310335159301758 + ], + [ + "\u2581Buddy", + -13.224642753601074 + ], + [ + "\u2581Severe", + -13.17648983001709 + ], + [ + "\u2581epidemiol\u00f3gica", + -13.109922409057617 + ], + [ + "\u2581felicit\u00f3", + -13.313183784484863 + ], + [ + "\u2581puncture", + -13.133721351623535 + ], + [ + "\u2581Chemistry", + -13.178120613098145 + ], + [ + "spective", + -13.476476669311523 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dash", + -13.201506614685059 + ], + [ + "\u2581Caution", + -13.093401908874512 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00c1rbol", + -13.268546104431152 + ], + [ + "\u2581ombudsman", + -13.136009216308594 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vector", + -13.16161823272705 + ], + [ + "\u2581Spy", + -13.13658618927002 + ], + [ + "\u2581compendio", + -13.241626739501953 + ], + [ + "\u2581countervailing", + -13.104439735412598 + ], + [ + "\u2581toolani", + -13.243043899536133 + ], + [ + "Adopted", + -13.160151481628418 + ], + [ + "hiro", + -13.254873275756836 + ], + [ + "\u2581Chor", + -13.287127494812012 + ], + [ + "\u2581exaggerated", + -13.164320945739746 + ], + [ + "\u2581extinto", + -13.249727249145508 + ], + [ + "\u2581litera", + -13.21535587310791 + ], + [ + "feit", + -13.260001182556152 + ], + [ + "wang", + -13.216537475585938 + ], + [ + "End", + -13.1428861618042 + ], + [ + "\u2581exigible", + -13.290616989135742 + ], + [ + "\u2581plateado", + -13.205119132995605 + ], + [ + "\u2581coaches", + -13.182170867919922 + ], + [ + "RAM", + -13.160975456237793 + ], + [ + "existence", + -13.07628059387207 + ], + [ + "\u2581puntero", + -13.340136528015137 + ], + [ + "\u2581trustworthy", + -13.190265655517578 + ], + [ + "Biography", + -13.263113021850586 + ], + [ + "\u2581deadlock", + -13.195402145385742 + ], + [ + "\u2581distrust", + -13.129244804382324 + ], + [ + "\u258112.5", + -13.021714210510254 + ], + [ + "\u2581COOPERATION", + -12.975497245788574 + ], + [ + "\u2581Conversely", + -13.071685791015625 + ], + [ + "\u2581politica", + -13.18824577331543 + ], + [ + "\u2581faithfulness", + -13.172327041625977 + ], + [ + "\u2581Maternal", + -13.122357368469238 + ], + [ + "\u2581apacible", + -13.210258483886719 + ], + [ + "\u2581containment", + -13.165929794311523 + ], + [ + "\u2581disguised", + -13.137362480163574 + ], + [ + "\u2581remolacha", + -13.218003273010254 + ], + [ + "\u2581spicy", + -13.159187316894531 + ], + [ + "\u2581Residuos", + -13.3539457321167 + ], + [ + "\u2581francotirador", + -13.160053253173828 + ], + [ + "lma", + -12.926678657531738 + ], + [ + "ppel", + -13.364481925964355 + ], + [ + "\u2581OTRAS", + -13.330451011657715 + ], + [ + "\u2581sinton\u00eda", + -13.1334867477417 + ], + [ + "\u2581habi\u00e9ndose", + -13.285128593444824 + ], + [ + "\u2581p\u00e1ncreas", + -13.157607078552246 + ], + [ + "0.3", + -13.041025161743164 + ], + [ + "\u017c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581Carnaval", + -13.324661254882812 + ], + [ + "\u2581Functional", + -13.157489776611328 + ], + [ + "\u2581Purple", + -13.175774574279785 + ], + [ + "\u2581apatridia", + -13.336272239685059 + ], + [ + "\u2581marshal", + -13.3507080078125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Constituyente", + -13.218538284301758 + ], + [ + "\u2581DIRIGIDA", + -13.212828636169434 + ], + [ + "\u2581GNUD", + -13.304866790771484 + ], + [ + "\u2581Beni", + -13.178290367126465 + ], + [ + "\u2581ex\u00f3ticas", + -13.215422630310059 + ], + [ + "\u2581origin\u00f3", + -13.174849510192871 + ], + [ + "\u2581ratione", + -13.154308319091797 + ], + [ + "\u2581disrupted", + -13.065459251403809 + ], + [ + "\u2581minti\u00f3", + -13.020922660827637 + ], + [ + "\u2581ningun", + -13.107290267944336 + ], + [ + "\u2581inhibici\u00f3n", + -13.22320556640625 + ], + [ + "\u2581unload", + -13.077275276184082 + ], + [ + "\u25812008/09", + -13.131439208984375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Establece", + -13.234597206115723 + ], + [ + "\u2581Flori", + -13.227950096130371 + ], + [ + "\u2581Juzgado", + -13.212828636169434 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vegeta", + -13.27686595916748 + ], + [ + "\u2581insecticide", + -13.086837768554688 + ], + [ + "\u2581p\u00f3quer", + -13.13586711883545 + ], + [ + "\u2581suppressed", + -13.16972541809082 + ], + [ + "\u2581traction", + -13.102290153503418 + ], + [ + "\u25811928", + -13.184484481811523 + ], + [ + "\u2581CASE", + -13.199353218078613 + ], + [ + "\u2581unexploded", + -13.194988250732422 + ], + [ + "HAM", + -13.405646324157715 + ], + [ + "\u2581wager", + -13.283528327941895 + ], + [ + "\u2581Monkey", + -13.27872085571289 + ], + [ + "\u2581Accountability", + -13.197770118713379 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jewelry", + -13.106727600097656 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mapuche", + -13.149907112121582 + ], + [ + "\u2581dormi", + -13.044663429260254 + ], + [ + "research", + -13.153307914733887 + ], + [ + "170", + -13.099126815795898 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bread", + -13.155755043029785 + ], + [ + "\u2581hospedaje", + -13.23399829864502 + ], + [ + "\u2581negociadores", + -13.20588493347168 + ], + [ + "\u2581algae", + -13.173354148864746 + ], + [ + "\u2581discernment", + -13.178394317626953 + ], + [ + "\u2581envolvente", + -13.260412216186523 + ], + [ + "\u2581inhibition", + -13.13239574432373 + ], + [ + "\u2581slack", + -13.190231323242188 + ], + [ + "ISE", + -13.12610149383545 + ], + [ + "distorting", + -13.577278137207031 + ], + [ + "eteorological", + -13.193548202514648 + ], + [ + "\u2581BAT", + -13.05412769317627 + ], + [ + "\u2581encomienda", + -13.231058120727539 + ], + [ + "\u2581ll\u00e1mame", + -12.964961051940918 + ], + [ + "\u2581patriarchal", + -13.21995735168457 + ], + [ + "Asociaci\u00f3n", + -13.269989967346191 + ], + [ + "\u2581Silv", + -13.150616645812988 + ], + [ + "\u2581exiliado", + -13.28506088256836 + ], + [ + "\u2581peluquer\u00eda", + -13.29061508178711 + ], + [ + "\u2581stern", + -13.07109260559082 + ], + [ + "\u25812010/11", + -13.231283187866211 + ], + [ + "\u2581296", + -13.074352264404297 + ], + [ + "\u2581bancarrota", + -13.189867973327637 + ], + [ + "fraction", + -13.14295768737793 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ideally", + -13.171194076538086 + ], + [ + "770", + -13.243393898010254 + ], + [ + "\u2581guesthouse", + -13.300304412841797 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aprecia", + -13.234089851379395 + ], + [ + "\u2581Honour", + -13.013920783996582 + ], + [ + "\u2581oval", + -13.171039581298828 + ], + [ + "\u2581diestra", + -13.30787467956543 + ], + [ + "\u2581fideicomiso", + -13.197463035583496 + ], + [ + "\u2581folded", + -13.195680618286133 + ], + [ + "\u2581valga", + -13.21323299407959 + ], + [ + "LON", + -13.225508689880371 + ], + [ + "Parliamentary", + -13.167362213134766 + ], + [ + "\u2581responsiveness", + -13.178485870361328 + ], + [ + "\u2581suspenda", + -13.276849746704102 + ], + [ + "tecnia", + -13.165218353271484 + ], + [ + "\u2581astronomical", + -13.182910919189453 + ], + [ + "\u2581espantoso", + -13.119278907775879 + ], + [ + "\u2581Arrow", + -13.164196968078613 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rank", + -13.277371406555176 + ], + [ + "\u2581limit\u00f3", + -13.304671287536621 + ], + [ + "\u2581patrono", + -13.378050804138184 + ], + [ + "4,7", + -13.419867515563965 + ], + [ + "\u2581Regime", + -13.072468757629395 + ], + [ + "\u2581Meyer", + -13.190449714660645 + ], + [ + "\u2581decisively", + -13.172688484191895 + ], + [ + "\u2581reconociera", + -13.310558319091797 + ], + [ + "\u2581Formation", + -13.227239608764648 + ], + [ + "\u2581desmorona", + -13.10066032409668 + ], + [ + "ossi", + -13.006709098815918 + ], + [ + "\u2581empr\u00e9stito", + -13.189867973327637 + ], + [ + "convicto", + -13.183445930480957 + ], + [ + "\u2581Participantes", + -13.333745956420898 + ], + [ + "\u2581Supplies", + -13.149850845336914 + ], + [ + "\u2581wolves", + -13.217103004455566 + ], + [ + "Presenta", + -13.24020004272461 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gaming", + -13.138337135314941 + ], + [ + "\u2581WOULD", + -13.305356979370117 + ], + [ + "\u2581metadatos", + -13.233691215515137 + ], + [ + "\u2581m\u00edstica", + -13.212316513061523 + ], + [ + "\u2581underlining", + -13.106682777404785 + ], + [ + "\u2581Attend", + -13.266225814819336 + ], + [ + "\u2581Squad", + -13.29188346862793 + ], + [ + "\u2581culinaria", + -13.345070838928223 + ], + [ + "\u2581ideologies", + -13.161532402038574 + ], + [ + "\u2581patriarch", + -13.133383750915527 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aut\u00f3nomo", + -13.330450057983398 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bailar", + -13.236741065979004 + ], + [ + "\u2581Maintain", + -13.1741943359375 + ], + [ + "\u2581eloquent", + -13.136009216308594 + ], + [ + "\u2581estabilizador", + -13.249802589416504 + ], + [ + "\u2581inquebrantable", + -13.36290168762207 + ], + [ + "\u2581shattered", + -13.242919921875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Prepared", + -13.15449333190918 + ], + [ + "\u2581Particip", + -13.19591236114502 + ], + [ + "\u2581Providencia", + -13.330450057983398 + ], + [ + "\u2581FARMAC\u00c9UTIC", + -13.327550888061523 + ], + [ + "\u2581unfinished", + -13.156963348388672 + ], + [ + "\u2581doncella", + -13.147887229919434 + ], + [ + "\u2581neurological", + -13.12238883972168 + ], + [ + "conventional", + -13.125346183776855 + ], + [ + "\u2581Timber", + -13.111382484436035 + ], + [ + "\u2581refrigerado", + -13.199016571044922 + ], + [ + "\u2581stew", + -13.20740032196045 + ], + [ + "\u2581sucked", + -13.229575157165527 + ], + [ + "scribing", + -13.083989143371582 + ], + [ + "video", + -13.138562202453613 + ], + [ + "\u2581ense\u00f1ar\u00e9", + -13.062203407287598 + ], + [ + "\u2581reh\u00e9n", + -13.010284423828125 + ], + [ + "\u2581desvanece", + -13.210251808166504 + ], + [ + "\u2581respetable", + -13.107110023498535 + ], + [ + "\u2581begged", + -13.283985137939453 + ], + [ + "shipment", + -13.161606788635254 + ], + [ + "\u2581Canadiense", + -13.246952056884766 + ], + [ + "\u2581bacon", + -13.31685733795166 + ], + [ + "\u2581bestowed", + -13.206348419189453 + ], + [ + "CMA", + -13.236117362976074 + ], + [ + "h\u00e1rter", + -13.233691215515137 + ], + [ + "\u2581Empec\u00e9", + -13.177336692810059 + ], + [ + "\u2581Handle", + -13.130152702331543 + ], + [ + "\u2581desaf\u00eda", + -13.23375415802002 + ], + [ + "\u2581progresando", + -13.208222389221191 + ], + [ + "epoetin", + -12.987273216247559 + ], + [ + "focused", + -13.136380195617676 + ], + [ + "\u2581cradle", + -13.187726020812988 + ], + [ + "curring", + -13.136287689208984 + ], + [ + "\u2581burocr\u00e1tica", + -13.33919620513916 + ], + [ + "\u2581commute", + -13.06663703918457 + ], + [ + "\u2581eslab\u00f3n", + -13.330455780029297 + ], + [ + "\u2581monopolies", + -13.102222442626953 + ], + [ + "\u2581Getaway", + -13.089324951171875 + ], + [ + "\u2581compensable", + -13.11112117767334 + ], + [ + "\u2581Zor", + -13.307538986206055 + ], + [ + "\u2581escal\u00f3n", + -13.160059928894043 + ], + [ + "\u2581godly", + -13.165436744689941 + ], + [ + "\u2581lencer\u00eda", + -13.25230884552002 + ], + [ + "\u2581Portugu\u00e9s", + -13.296249389648438 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ranger", + -13.324625968933105 + ], + [ + "\u2581Spacious", + -13.171025276184082 + ], + [ + "\u2581instruir", + -13.319756507873535 + ], + [ + "\u2581swollen", + -13.212145805358887 + ], + [ + "\u2581implicitly", + -13.157723426818848 + ], + [ + "\u2581adormidera", + -13.307493209838867 + ], + [ + "\u2581baldosas", + -13.246952056884766 + ], + [ + "\u2581proverb", + -13.136096954345703 + ], + [ + "Soft", + -13.162816047668457 + ], + [ + "\u2581aleatorizado", + -13.313183784484863 + ], + [ + "UNTAET", + -13.225815773010254 + ], + [ + "sumimos", + -13.363433837890625 + ], + [ + "\u2581fecunda", + -13.187494277954102 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fellow", + -13.18047046661377 + ], + [ + "\u2581congratulat", + -13.136962890625 + ], + [ + "lobo", + -13.298357963562012 + ], + [ + "\u2581plantation", + -13.170868873596191 + ], + [ + "intencionalmente", + -13.476082801818848 + ], + [ + "4.5", + -12.888562202453613 + ], + [ + "\u25811874", + -13.1328125 + ], + [ + "010", + -12.958992958068848 + ], + [ + "\u2581$40", + -13.194969177246094 + ], + [ + "\u2581CHILD", + -13.100016593933105 + ], + [ + "\u2581Closure", + -13.187746047973633 + ], + [ + "\u2581synchronize", + -13.10000991821289 + ], + [ + "Support", + -13.143760681152344 + ], + [ + "\u2581UPS", + -13.174612998962402 + ], + [ + "\u2581conociste", + -13.11567497253418 + ], + [ + "\u2581espiritu", + -13.202591896057129 + ], + [ + "\u2581sobrio", + -13.172371864318848 + ], + [ + "tariff", + -13.226067543029785 + ], + [ + "080", + -13.089807510375977 + ], + [ + "\u2581subdesarrollo", + -13.247060775756836 + ], + [ + "illian", + -13.451703071594238 + ], + [ + "\u2581optimis", + -12.940234184265137 + ], + [ + "\u2581tenant", + -13.181037902832031 + ], + [ + "ectiva", + -13.113645553588867 + ], + [ + "\u2581absorbido", + -13.233702659606934 + ], + [ + "\u2581proven\u00eda", + -13.274117469787598 + ], + [ + "\u2581speculative", + -13.168608665466309 + ], + [ + "\u2581tugurios", + -13.187350273132324 + ], + [ + "POPS", + -13.226731300354004 + ], + [ + "\u2581adquiera", + -13.274450302124023 + ], + [ + "\u2581disappoint", + -13.257318496704102 + ], + [ + "\u2581benign", + -13.168693542480469 + ], + [ + "\u2581rinse", + -13.190340995788574 + ], + [ + "\u00c7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581exterminio", + -13.2576904296875 + ], + [ + "\u2581maiden", + -13.21834945678711 + ], + [ + "econ\u00f3mica", + -13.31497859954834 + ], + [ + "\u2581pervertido", + -13.105596542358398 + ], + [ + "\u2581Burundian", + -13.079447746276855 + ], + [ + "1/2006", + -13.105977058410645 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jetcost", + -13.296210289001465 + ], + [ + "\u2581SIDS", + -13.140658378601074 + ], + [ + "\u2581amplificador", + -13.314655303955078 + ], + [ + "\u2581mermelada", + -13.194925308227539 + ], + [ + "172", + -13.09152603149414 + ], + [ + "\u2581ATS", + -13.094443321228027 + ], + [ + "\u2581homog\u00e9neo", + -13.285052299499512 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sparta", + -13.19823169708252 + ], + [ + "Vienna", + -13.11854362487793 + ], + [ + "cool", + -13.108266830444336 + ], + [ + "\u2581Execution", + -13.190140724182129 + ], + [ + "\u2581Corporal", + -13.24481201171875 + ], + [ + "\u2581diligently", + -13.15731143951416 + ], + [ + "\u2581reconstituted", + -13.09780216217041 + ], + [ + "Behold", + -13.162562370300293 + ], + [ + "\u25811927", + -13.144115447998047 + ], + [ + "\u2581noisy", + -13.207237243652344 + ], + [ + "118", + -13.082489967346191 + ], + [ + "\u2581Baku", + -13.233906745910645 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kang", + -13.318039894104004 + ], + [ + "\u2581almacenaje", + -13.22612190246582 + ], + [ + "\u2581espesa", + -13.348036766052246 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mechanical", + -13.163178443908691 + ], + [ + "\u2581luch\u00f3", + -13.194925308227539 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sexy", + -13.154545783996582 + ], + [ + "\u2581becerro", + -13.299019813537598 + ], + [ + "\u2581paraguas", + -13.183103561401367 + ], + [ + "\u2581ORGANIZACI\u00d3N", + -13.293420791625977 + ], + [ + "\u2581deregulation", + -13.22298812866211 + ], + [ + "\u2581Imposible", + -13.031596183776855 + ], + [ + "\u2581clasp", + -13.202335357666016 + ], + [ + "\u2581Responding", + -13.113358497619629 + ], + [ + "\u2581acostumbrada", + -13.126591682434082 + ], + [ + "\u2581opi\u00e1ceos", + -13.3539457321167 + ], + [ + "\u2581surtir\u00e1", + -13.30764389038086 + ], + [ + "\u2581Liu", + -13.247345924377441 + ], + [ + "\u2581sectarian", + -13.131474494934082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Beloved", + -13.178121566772461 + ], + [ + "\u2581Destac\u00f3", + -13.348020553588867 + ], + [ + "\u2581acecha", + -13.198975563049316 + ], + [ + "\u2581cresta", + -13.285913467407227 + ], + [ + "\u2581entere", + -13.194327354431152 + ], + [ + "\u2581resolute", + -13.130828857421875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cu\u00eddate", + -13.042405128479004 + ], + [ + "\u2581Descargue", + -13.223204612731934 + ], + [ + "\u2581Geographic", + -13.081460952758789 + ], + [ + "\u2581communicable", + -13.08983039855957 + ], + [ + "\u2581Malaysian", + -13.153582572937012 + ], + [ + "\u2581beneficencia", + -13.12163257598877 + ], + [ + "\u2581cohesive", + -13.214621543884277 + ], + [ + "\u2581di\u00e1lisis", + -13.293408393859863 + ], + [ + "\u2581fervor", + -13.254997253417969 + ], + [ + "\u2581numeraci\u00f3n", + -13.241827964782715 + ], + [ + "\u2581seropositiv", + -13.2606782913208 + ], + [ + "\u2581convirtiera", + -13.285053253173828 + ], + [ + "\u2581decreciente", + -13.31606674194336 + ], + [ + "\u2581eleg\u00ed", + -13.160393714904785 + ], + [ + "2.400", + -13.396825790405273 + ], + [ + "OLOGICA", + -13.135299682617188 + ], + [ + "utz", + -13.306153297424316 + ], + [ + "\u2581PRINCIPIO", + -13.182332038879395 + ], + [ + "\u2581cantons", + -13.160179138183594 + ], + [ + "\u2581nylon", + -13.147533416748047 + ], + [ + "\u2581patata", + -13.169370651245117 + ], + [ + "\u2581354", + -13.137267112731934 + ], + [ + "\u2581Instrucci\u00f3n", + -13.371939659118652 + ], + [ + "\u2581Periodo", + -13.342148780822754 + ], + [ + "\u2581fraternity", + -13.187725067138672 + ], + [ + "\u2581SECCI\u00d3N", + -13.20770263671875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sensi", + -12.991182327270508 + ], + [ + "\u2581cr\u00e1ter", + -13.287833213806152 + ], + [ + "PIC", + -13.258955955505371 + ], + [ + "antiguo", + -13.283834457397461 + ], + [ + "\u2581Terminolog\u00eda", + -13.387181282043457 + ], + [ + "\u2581casing", + -13.147788047790527 + ], + [ + "\u2581sumideros", + -13.263105392456055 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tecno", + -13.301321983337402 + ], + [ + "\u00e9tat", + -13.215989112854004 + ], + [ + "\u2581financie", + -13.333029747009277 + ], + [ + "\u2581inmundo", + -13.218514442443848 + ], + [ + "\u2581Portable", + -13.20725154876709 + ], + [ + "\u2581arduo", + -13.307496070861816 + ], + [ + "\u2581circumcision", + -13.159194946289062 + ], + [ + "Cast", + -13.161491394042969 + ], + [ + "Circ", + -13.162193298339844 + ], + [ + "\u2581Annotation", + -13.234648704528809 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mosaic", + -13.270689010620117 + ], + [ + "\u2581hammock", + -13.159185409545898 + ], + [ + "\u2581Entorno", + -13.360050201416016 + ], + [ + "\u2581acortar", + -13.214367866516113 + ], + [ + "\u2581majesty", + -13.294560432434082 + ], + [ + "\u2581reflective", + -13.190680503845215 + ], + [ + "\u2581Grow", + -13.306486129760742 + ], + [ + "dicating", + -13.29874038696289 + ], + [ + "\u2581Require", + -13.108091354370117 + ], + [ + "\u2581persecuciones", + -13.276764869689941 + ], + [ + "\u2581MRI", + -13.222811698913574 + ], + [ + "\u2581aficionado", + -13.153199195861816 + ], + [ + "\u2581entusiasmado", + -13.136897087097168 + ], + [ + "\u2581telegrama", + -13.15772819519043 + ], + [ + "\u2581DESCRIPTION", + -13.182910919189453 + ], + [ + "\u2581Investigate", + -13.126887321472168 + ], + [ + "\u2581Applicant", + -13.131438255310059 + ], + [ + "\u2581gratificante", + -13.202558517456055 + ], + [ + "\u2581reajuste", + -13.247193336486816 + ], + [ + "\u2581unequivocally", + -13.105237007141113 + ], + [ + "zek", + -13.204482078552246 + ], + [ + "\u25819.30", + -13.18642520904541 + ], + [ + "\u2581mule", + -13.363865852355957 + ], + [ + "Cari\u00f1o", + -13.005637168884277 + ], + [ + "\u2581Penthouse", + -13.232122421264648 + ], + [ + "\u2581revived", + -13.2315092086792 + ], + [ + "124", + -13.068558692932129 + ], + [ + "\u2581slay", + -13.166886329650879 + ], + [ + "\u2581evolutiva", + -13.205118179321289 + ], + [ + "\u2581recluso", + -13.290072441101074 + ], + [ + "Access", + -13.089905738830566 + ], + [ + "Deprisa", + -13.00821590423584 + ], + [ + "egan", + -13.212291717529297 + ], + [ + "\u2581Suspensi\u00f3n", + -13.1334810256958 + ], + [ + "\u2581discontent", + -13.265522956848145 + ], + [ + "\u2581fury", + -13.182427406311035 + ], + [ + "\u2581geol\u00f3gica", + -13.28467845916748 + ], + [ + "\u25811600", + -13.161810874938965 + ], + [ + "\u2581entredicho", + -13.233695983886719 + ], + [ + "\u2581grim", + -13.236616134643555 + ], + [ + "\u2581aterriza", + -12.995909690856934 + ], + [ + "\u2581lactosa", + -13.162647247314453 + ], + [ + "\u2581pastry", + -13.19054889678955 + ], + [ + "\u2581proprietor", + -13.078150749206543 + ], + [ + "\u2581subdivision", + -13.133721351623535 + ], + [ + "5.200", + -13.384866714477539 + ], + [ + "\u2581Invalid", + -13.169960975646973 + ], + [ + "sychotropic", + -13.126687049865723 + ], + [ + "\u2581Haute", + -13.177229881286621 + ], + [ + "Box", + -13.085206985473633 + ], + [ + "leigh", + -13.296880722045898 + ], + [ + "\u2581FIR", + -13.254836082458496 + ], + [ + "\u2581Immo", + -13.543257713317871 + ], + [ + "\u2581Snap", + -13.334065437316895 + ], + [ + "\u2581invent\u00f3", + -13.169893264770508 + ], + [ + "\u2581reconcili", + -13.203001976013184 + ], + [ + "\u2581Adopta", + -13.158306121826172 + ], + [ + "\u2581distintiva", + -13.257168769836426 + ], + [ + "\u2581mundano", + -13.387201309204102 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sever", + -12.108733177185059 + ], + [ + "\u2581parishes", + -13.137357711791992 + ], + [ + "Country", + -13.24648380279541 + ], + [ + "\u2581Busco", + -13.168505668640137 + ], + [ + "\u2581Insulin", + -13.207253456115723 + ], + [ + "Despertad", + -13.249717712402344 + ], + [ + "\u2581Descubrir", + -13.195622444152832 + ], + [ + "128", + -13.209222793579102 + ], + [ + "\u2581portugu", + -13.178182601928711 + ], + [ + "\u2581textual", + -13.285053253173828 + ], + [ + "proceso", + -13.34575366973877 + ], + [ + "\u2581ensemble", + -13.156843185424805 + ], + [ + "limitado", + -13.262653350830078 + ], + [ + "\u2581Failed", + -13.391288757324219 + ], + [ + "\u2581acampa", + -13.112007141113281 + ], + [ + "\u2581mant\u00e9n", + -13.18908977508545 + ], + [ + "7.200", + -13.361268043518066 + ], + [ + "\u00d3leo", + -13.296215057373047 + ], + [ + "2.500", + -13.33398151397705 + ], + [ + "formerly", + -13.092345237731934 + ], + [ + "\u2581illuminate", + -13.130273818969727 + ], + [ + "\u2581divergent", + -13.120100021362305 + ], + [ + "\u2581emocionada", + -13.176682472229004 + ], + [ + "\u2581guiones", + -13.241884231567383 + ], + [ + "\u2581inherently", + -13.15328598022461 + ], + [ + "\u2581carrocer\u00eda", + -13.290616035461426 + ], + [ + "\u2581diab\u00e9tico", + -13.345071792602539 + ], + [ + "\u2581mentido", + -13.223241806030273 + ], + [ + "\u2581Matem\u00e1ticas", + -13.3539457321167 + ], + [ + "\u2581detergent", + -13.19502067565918 + ], + [ + "\u2581emigrate", + -13.156844139099121 + ], + [ + "\u2581hover", + -13.180320739746094 + ], + [ + "\u2581mol\u00e9cula", + -13.278743743896484 + ], + [ + "\u2581transgress", + -13.158363342285156 + ], + [ + "RIES", + -13.322604179382324 + ], + [ + "sistir\u00e1n", + -13.511012077331543 + ], + [ + "\u2581gatito", + -13.140685081481934 + ], + [ + "\u2581pragm\u00e1tica", + -13.32755184173584 + ], + [ + "020", + -12.940420150756836 + ], + [ + "\u2581austriaco", + -13.252306938171387 + ], + [ + "\u2581l\u00edtem", + -13.254996299743652 + ], + [ + "\u2581267", + -13.174398422241211 + ], + [ + "\u2581reactive", + -13.142592430114746 + ], + [ + "\u2581tactic", + -13.207942008972168 + ], + [ + "bang", + -13.202817916870117 + ], + [ + "\u2581exclusividad", + -13.36290168762207 + ], + [ + "\u2581precipitaciones", + -13.32763957977295 + ], + [ + "\u2581groove", + -13.14881420135498 + ], + [ + "\u2581tripartito", + -13.424744606018066 + ], + [ + "\u2581Latinoamericana", + -13.387199401855469 + ], + [ + "\u2581compensatorias", + -13.351006507873535 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hunger", + -13.166337966918945 + ], + [ + "definition", + -13.186467170715332 + ], + [ + "facing", + -13.173857688903809 + ], + [ + "channel", + -13.211104393005371 + ], + [ + "usually", + -13.19159984588623 + ], + [ + "\u2581domestically", + -13.194893836975098 + ], + [ + "\u2581gilipollas", + -13.100652694702148 + ], + [ + "\u2581trasciende", + -13.282288551330566 + ], + [ + "\u2581flick", + -13.21231460571289 + ], + [ + "\u2581frustrating", + -13.222084045410156 + ], + [ + "ntirretrovirales", + -13.39507007598877 + ], + [ + "\u2581Argu", + -13.287700653076172 + ], + [ + "\u2581gu\u00ede", + -13.233811378479004 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hierro", + -13.238974571228027 + ], + [ + "\u2581impossibility", + -13.19987964630127 + ], + [ + "\u2581reversing", + -13.219594955444336 + ], + [ + "\u2581widget", + -13.120100021362305 + ], + [ + "\u2581Brok", + -13.278592109680176 + ], + [ + "\u2581Respeto", + -13.236329078674316 + ], + [ + "\u2581denominator", + -13.214621543884277 + ], + [ + "\u2581destructor", + -13.317326545715332 + ], + [ + "\u2581reorganize", + -13.405261993408203 + ], + [ + "\u2581Subsequent", + -13.22397518157959 + ], + [ + "\u2581circuncisi\u00f3n", + -13.353960990905762 + ], + [ + "\u2581trajiste", + -12.991493225097656 + ], + [ + "RIN", + -13.181095123291016 + ], + [ + "\u2581Healthcare", + -13.167115211486816 + ], + [ + "\u2581Secretaries", + -13.13836669921875 + ], + [ + "\u2581exalt", + -13.086050987243652 + ], + [ + "arbitr", + -13.716012001037598 + ], + [ + "\u2581284", + -13.15071964263916 + ], + [ + "\u2581acosado", + -13.21233081817627 + ], + [ + "\u2581dolencia", + -13.233695030212402 + ], + [ + "\u2581Etapa", + -13.223244667053223 + ], + [ + "\u2581jug", + -13.198771476745605 + ], + [ + "\u2581perpetradores", + -13.21053409576416 + ], + [ + "780", + -13.406184196472168 + ], + [ + "Perfect", + -13.12092113494873 + ], + [ + "beck", + -13.152445793151855 + ], + [ + "calor", + -13.184340476989746 + ], + [ + "\u25812006/07", + -13.13601016998291 + ], + [ + "\u2581Enlargement", + -13.102301597595215 + ], + [ + "\u2581Resurrecci\u00f3n", + -13.27127742767334 + ], + [ + "\u2581celulosa", + -13.299018859863281 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sanitation", + -13.11784839630127 + ], + [ + "\u2581balcones", + -13.271279335021973 + ], + [ + "Also", + -13.116618156433105 + ], + [ + "alrededor", + -13.50107192993164 + ], + [ + "\u2581Consistent", + -13.17339038848877 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nico", + -13.322610855102539 + ], + [ + "\u2581bankers", + -13.140697479248047 + ], + [ + "\u2581intercession", + -13.20983600616455 + ], + [ + "\u2581selfishness", + -13.124916076660156 + ], + [ + "\u2581chunk", + -13.217155456542969 + ], + [ + "\u2581unmarried", + -13.19742202758789 + ], + [ + "1,500", + -13.227434158325195 + ], + [ + "TNP", + -13.203251838684082 + ], + [ + "\u2581CONCLUSIONS", + -13.129392623901367 + ], + [ + "\u2581Relat", + -13.144669532775879 + ], + [ + "\u2581fetish", + -13.18531608581543 + ], + [ + "\u2581hamlet", + -13.200125694274902 + ], + [ + "Activities", + -13.184048652648926 + ], + [ + "recurrent", + -13.116019248962402 + ], + [ + "\u2581padrino", + -13.207681655883789 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fleet", + -13.217364311218262 + ], + [ + "\u2581Venetian", + -13.192561149597168 + ], + [ + "\u2581cajones", + -13.165042877197266 + ], + [ + "\u2581evacuated", + -13.153035163879395 + ], + [ + "\u2581typing", + -13.146049499511719 + ], + [ + "\u2581Proven", + -13.309181213378906 + ], + [ + "\u2581extractive", + -13.316693305969238 + ], + [ + "\u2581fibro", + -13.120512008666992 + ], + [ + "\u2581Agree", + -13.231922149658203 + ], + [ + "\u2581Anonymous", + -13.265458106994629 + ], + [ + "pressure", + -13.191803932189941 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sacerdote", + -13.282281875610352 + ], + [ + "\u2581divierte", + -13.157808303833008 + ], + [ + "\u2581relinquish", + -13.152175903320312 + ], + [ + "Elige", + -13.273229598999023 + ], + [ + "placement", + -13.046819686889648 + ], + [ + "south", + -13.267932891845703 + ], + [ + "\u2581crucifix", + -13.23464584350586 + ], + [ + "\u2581dementia", + -13.28657054901123 + ], + [ + "\u2581distinguida", + -13.249627113342285 + ], + [ + "\u2581Trat\u00e9", + -13.193380355834961 + ], + [ + "\u2581aerospace", + -13.187726020812988 + ], + [ + "\u2581saturaci\u00f3n", + -13.220600128173828 + ], + [ + "revolutionary", + -13.169697761535645 + ], + [ + "\u2581liking", + -13.219743728637695 + ], + [ + "\u2581paving", + -13.142988204956055 + ], + [ + "\u2581sobremanera", + -13.265833854675293 + ], + [ + "OTH", + -13.059772491455078 + ], + [ + "otomy", + -13.20281982421875 + ], + [ + "\u25815:00", + -13.280652046203613 + ], + [ + "\u2581dildo", + -13.204758644104004 + ], + [ + "\u2581macizo", + -13.293410301208496 + ], + [ + "\u2581fascism", + -13.190139770507812 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ajedrez", + -13.254995346069336 + ], + [ + "\u2581vivida", + -13.203243255615234 + ], + [ + "\u2581Scrobble", + -13.104439735412598 + ], + [ + "\u2581counterparty", + -13.079265594482422 + ], + [ + "\u2581dislike", + -13.30607795715332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mash", + -13.284454345703125 + ], + [ + "\u2581cholera", + -13.142906188964844 + ], + [ + "\u2581decentralised", + -13.073836326599121 + ], + [ + "\u2581expropiaci\u00f3n", + -13.345069885253906 + ], + [ + "\u2581poliomielitis", + -13.333356857299805 + ], + [ + "Palabra", + -13.096126556396484 + ], + [ + "\u2581bizarre", + -13.270687103271484 + ], + [ + "\u2581moradores", + -13.274675369262695 + ], + [ + "\u2581impredecible", + -13.238973617553711 + ], + [ + "\u2581Denominaci\u00f3n", + -13.390259742736816 + ], + [ + "\u2581ratifique", + -13.257994651794434 + ], + [ + "metha", + -13.454102516174316 + ], + [ + "\u2581charcoal", + -13.232121467590332 + ], + [ + "\u2581craftsmen", + -13.204859733581543 + ], + [ + "\u2581enroll", + -13.179963111877441 + ], + [ + "\u2581Recib\u00ed", + -13.059969902038574 + ], + [ + "\u2581benchmarking", + -13.177841186523438 + ], + [ + "\u2581implicated", + -13.26025676727295 + ], + [ + "\u2581Inclusi\u00f3n", + -13.360128402709961 + ], + [ + "\u2581escaneo", + -13.318927764892578 + ], + [ + "\u2581hymn", + -13.239726066589355 + ], + [ + "\u2581physicist", + -13.180513381958008 + ], + [ + "\u2581pulgada", + -13.34515380859375 + ], + [ + "\u2581replicate", + -13.144940376281738 + ], + [ + "1,100", + -13.290833473205566 + ], + [ + "rolled", + -13.165889739990234 + ], + [ + "\u2581chlorine", + -13.219688415527344 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mask", + -13.29588794708252 + ], + [ + "\u2581inculpado", + -13.276769638061523 + ], + [ + "\u2581inhaler", + -13.125327110290527 + ], + [ + "\u2581unborn", + -13.24597454071045 + ], + [ + "Building", + -13.161601066589355 + ], + [ + "\u2581Qur", + -13.10615348815918 + ], + [ + "270", + -13.068704605102539 + ], + [ + "\u2581Chol", + -13.23155689239502 + ], + [ + "\u2581Huelga", + -13.342130661010742 + ], + [ + "\u2581incoaci\u00f3n", + -13.244288444519043 + ], + [ + "GENERAL", + -13.129915237426758 + ], + [ + "denominado", + -13.281051635742188 + ], + [ + "\u2581loosen", + -13.255247116088867 + ], + [ + "\u2581vehicular", + -13.290616989135742 + ], + [ + "UTER", + -13.636281967163086 + ], + [ + "\u2581calidez", + -13.26861572265625 + ], + [ + "\u2581detonar", + -13.202898979187012 + ], + [ + "agonist", + -13.135261535644531 + ], + [ + "\u2190", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581Direcciones", + -13.296211242675781 + ], + [ + "HON", + -13.276657104492188 + ], + [ + "khan", + -13.261970520019531 + ], + [ + "\u2581Llena", + -13.296758651733398 + ], + [ + "\u2581perverse", + -13.192809104919434 + ], + [ + "\u2581resid\u00eda", + -13.293426513671875 + ], + [ + "\u2581thwart", + -13.149852752685547 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00d3pera", + -13.35097885131836 + ], + [ + "VIII", + -13.149222373962402 + ], + [ + "\u2581Inmaculada", + -13.35097885131836 + ], + [ + "\u2581festivities", + -13.168608665466309 + ], + [ + "Geneva", + -13.174450874328613 + ], + [ + "\u2581Expansion", + -13.120100021362305 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mu\u00f1oz", + -13.39954662322998 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rechaza", + -13.179891586303711 + ], + [ + "\u2581dirigi", + -13.219521522521973 + ], + [ + "\u2581spies", + -13.290889739990234 + ], + [ + "\u2581Economist", + -13.229998588562012 + ], + [ + "\u2581Regrettably", + -13.161532402038574 + ], + [ + "\u2581biocid", + -13.057780265808105 + ], + [ + "limited", + -13.163147926330566 + ], + [ + "optic", + -13.309656143188477 + ], + [ + "\u00e9ndola", + -13.22555160522461 + ], + [ + "\u2581expressive", + -13.20061206817627 + ], + [ + "Single", + -13.193825721740723 + ], + [ + "\u2581Axis", + -13.192666053771973 + ], + [ + "\u2581despejar", + -13.22845458984375 + ], + [ + "URI", + -13.365527153015137 + ], + [ + "\u2581paulatinamente", + -13.274264335632324 + ], + [ + "\u2581276", + -13.243725776672363 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fiat", + -13.235221862792969 + ], + [ + "\u2581honestamente", + -13.094681739807129 + ], + [ + "\u2581selecto", + -13.325813293457031 + ], + [ + "\u2581antibody", + -13.168896675109863 + ], + [ + "\u2581distinguishes", + -13.214262008666992 + ], + [ + "\u2581Needle", + -13.027130126953125 + ], + [ + "\u2581herald", + -13.106027603149414 + ], + [ + "Custom", + -13.176819801330566 + ], + [ + "\u2581Allowed", + -13.207294464111328 + ], + [ + "\u2581SUBMITT", + -13.178668975830078 + ], + [ + "\u2581demolished", + -13.152721405029297 + ], + [ + "\u2581d\u00e9cor", + -13.12917423248291 + ], + [ + "\u2581erased", + -13.218965530395508 + ], + [ + "\u2581indonesio", + -13.310334205627441 + ], + [ + "designed", + -13.124930381774902 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cub", + -13.264982223510742 + ], + [ + "\u2581Distribu", + -13.36270809173584 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sali\u00f3", + -13.060500144958496 + ], + [ + "\u2581queramos", + -13.145307540893555 + ], + [ + "\u2581wishlist", + -13.28470516204834 + ], + [ + "\u2581suffrage", + -13.234646797180176 + ], + [ + "\u2581Evaluar", + -13.276765823364258 + ], + [ + "\u2581Shelter", + -13.232138633728027 + ], + [ + "\u2581trat\u00e9", + -13.10384464263916 + ], + [ + "\u2581Falcon", + -13.232283592224121 + ], + [ + "\u2581dispersion", + -13.11112117767334 + ], + [ + "\u2581scooter", + -13.252504348754883 + ], + [ + "\u2581t\u00f3rax", + -13.274017333984375 + ], + [ + "detect", + -13.25080680847168 + ], + [ + "quisition", + -13.187477111816406 + ], + [ + "\u2581Homeland", + -13.263465881347656 + ], + [ + "fashioned", + -13.146138191223145 + ], + [ + "junio", + -13.275952339172363 + ], + [ + "\u2581Publisher", + -13.156890869140625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Victorian", + -13.250859260559082 + ], + [ + "\u2581fide", + -13.234940528869629 + ], + [ + "\u2581seq", + -13.169170379638672 + ], + [ + "\u2581faena", + -13.325254440307617 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bail", + -13.438355445861816 + ], + [ + "\u2581elicit", + -13.176124572753906 + ], + [ + "\u2581reopen", + -13.186026573181152 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bater\u00eda", + -13.416264533996582 + ], + [ + "\u2581posponer", + -13.19499397277832 + ], + [ + "\u2581t\u00edmida", + -13.16254711151123 + ], + [ + "****", + -13.345664978027344 + ], + [ + "\u258150/1", + -13.238700866699219 + ], + [ + "\u2581sandwiches", + -13.295296669006348 + ], + [ + "tel\u00e9fono", + -13.399004936218262 + ], + [ + "\u2581Powder", + -13.136009216308594 + ], + [ + "\u2581empate", + -13.20535659790039 + ], + [ + "\u2581Neighbouring", + -13.152175903320312 + ], + [ + "\u2581mystic", + -13.228370666503906 + ], + [ + "\u2581astray", + -13.195158958435059 + ], + [ + "\u2581partici", + -13.320849418640137 + ], + [ + "\u2581PRIMERA", + -13.27127742767334 + ], + [ + "Viva", + -13.158889770507812 + ], + [ + "ducible", + -13.389307022094727 + ], + [ + "uza", + -13.045496940612793 + ], + [ + "\u2581288", + -13.16771411895752 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cheese", + -13.15237045288086 + ], + [ + "\u2581Superman", + -13.412566184997559 + ], + [ + "\u2581arom\u00e1tico", + -13.282684326171875 + ], + [ + "\u2581diluci\u00f3n", + -13.167424201965332 + ], + [ + "\u2581ecclesiastical", + -13.180541038513184 + ], + [ + "\u2581ineficaz", + -13.33919620513916 + ], + [ + "\u2581COMISION", + -13.321784019470215 + ], + [ + "\u2581Conscious", + -13.054569244384766 + ], + [ + "\u2581Monk", + -13.341988563537598 + ], + [ + "\u2581accompanie", + -13.114437103271484 + ], + [ + "\u2581afligido", + -13.336274147033691 + ], + [ + "\u2581Acquisition", + -13.17574405670166 + ], + [ + "\u2581Metallic", + -13.184513092041016 + ], + [ + "\u2581Spiritism", + -13.23749828338623 + ], + [ + "\u2581atascado", + -13.218086242675781 + ], + [ + "\u2581duplex", + -13.234718322753906 + ], + [ + "\u2581informaci", + -13.264740943908691 + ], + [ + "Explora", + -13.306268692016602 + ], + [ + "Protect", + -13.236302375793457 + ], + [ + "\u2581crecieron", + -13.316064834594727 + ], + [ + "\u2581quartz", + -13.156844139099121 + ], + [ + "\u2581adopciones", + -13.310334205627441 + ], + [ + "\u2581disparando", + -13.075545310974121 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kurdist\u00e1n", + -13.378006935119629 + ], + [ + "\u2581MFI", + -13.179162979125977 + ], + [ + "\u2581dizzy", + -13.25766658782959 + ], + [ + "\u2581seismic", + -13.270696640014648 + ], + [ + "underrepresented", + -13.52209758758545 + ], + [ + "\u2581unhealthy", + -13.249934196472168 + ], + [ + "\u2581entrenched", + -13.310799598693848 + ], + [ + "\u2581unpunished", + -13.242260932922363 + ], + [ + "3.200", + -13.31692123413086 + ], + [ + "referred", + -13.150566101074219 + ], + [ + "\u2581Proliferaci\u00f3n", + -13.3902587890625 + ], + [ + "\u2581fastidia", + -13.1334810256958 + ], + [ + "\u2581lofty", + -13.169069290161133 + ], + [ + "\u2581mistakenly", + -13.162867546081543 + ], + [ + "\u2581mundana", + -13.279528617858887 + ], + [ + "\u2581Situada", + -13.23898983001709 + ], + [ + "\u2581encerr", + -13.207226753234863 + ], + [ + "\u2581Comunica", + -13.265247344970703 + ], + [ + "\u2581gaseous", + -13.044142723083496 + ], + [ + "\u2581mueble", + -13.190799713134766 + ], + [ + "Local", + -13.15789794921875 + ], + [ + "\u00fb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581Resist", + -13.187402725219727 + ], + [ + "\u2581stressful", + -13.150617599487305 + ], + [ + "Comp\u00e1rtelo", + -13.380743026733398 + ], + [ + "\u2581empobrecido", + -13.223204612731934 + ], + [ + "\u2581ileg\u00edtima", + -13.321779251098633 + ], + [ + "\u2581licensee", + -13.21772575378418 + ], + [ + "\u2581vanguard", + -13.227151870727539 + ], + [ + "\u2581MERCOSUR", + -13.142906188964844 + ], + [ + "\u2581meteorological", + -13.140755653381348 + ], + [ + "\u2581promenade", + -13.17335319519043 + ], + [ + "\u2581hrs", + -13.11297607421875 + ], + [ + "\u2581orqu\u00eddea", + -13.2576904296875 + ], + [ + ".26/", + -13.16501235961914 + ], + [ + "\u2581RECOMMEND", + -13.122353553771973 + ], + [ + "\u2581moluscos", + -13.238973617553711 + ], + [ + "\u2581tradujo", + -13.342192649841309 + ], + [ + "\u2581volcanoes", + -13.150628089904785 + ], + [ + "\u2581desastrosa", + -13.263103485107422 + ], + [ + "\u2581evangelical", + -13.239716529846191 + ], + [ + "produced", + -13.136663436889648 + ], + [ + "\u2581abbreviation", + -13.214621543884277 + ], + [ + "\u2581b\u00e9lico", + -13.336288452148438 + ], + [ + "certain", + -13.185611724853516 + ], + [ + "\u2581ambiguity", + -13.140602111816406 + ], + [ + "\u2581centimeters", + -13.227094650268555 + ], + [ + "\u2581contentious", + -13.109800338745117 + ], + [ + "\u2581reintegrate", + -13.286130905151367 + ], + [ + "\u2581impositiva", + -13.32755184173584 + ], + [ + "\u2581kneel", + -13.245484352111816 + ], + [ + "\u2581vocero", + -13.371987342834473 + ], + [ + "Sab\u00e9is", + -13.157441139221191 + ], + [ + "\u2581anticuado", + -13.2337007522583 + ], + [ + "\u2581bandage", + -13.228214263916016 + ], + [ + "\u2581horrific", + -13.194989204406738 + ], + [ + "\u2581islandesa", + -13.274018287658691 + ], + [ + "\u2581reorganizar", + -13.225783348083496 + ], + [ + "\u2581respondiera", + -13.333358764648438 + ], + [ + "\u2581enumerated", + -13.140602111816406 + ], + [ + "\u2581neutralize", + -13.277473449707031 + ], + [ + "\u2581Candy", + -13.234175682067871 + ], + [ + "\u2581Contractor", + -13.231962203979492 + ], + [ + "\u2581steward", + -13.361175537109375 + ], + [ + "aggio", + -13.303596496582031 + ], + [ + "kawa", + -13.275729179382324 + ], + [ + "\u2581Detalle", + -13.28165340423584 + ], + [ + "\u2581Veinte", + -13.128727912902832 + ], + [ + "\u2581consensual", + -13.212145805358887 + ], + [ + "\u2581proteccionismo", + -13.30466079711914 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuasi", + -13.309768676757812 + ], + [ + "\u2581sinus", + -13.151362419128418 + ], + [ + "gaz", + -13.366347312927246 + ], + [ + "\u2581histories", + -13.26489543914795 + ], + [ + "\u2581polarizaci\u00f3n", + -13.345328330993652 + ], + [ + "hren", + -13.110801696777344 + ], + [ + "\u2581Grip", + -13.225924491882324 + ], + [ + "\u2581Honourabl", + -13.398272514343262 + ], + [ + "\u2581pormenores", + -13.265822410583496 + ], + [ + "\u2581tuck", + -13.360383987426758 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alpine", + -13.281503677368164 + ], + [ + "\u2581Corsica", + -13.209684371948242 + ], + [ + "\u2581CONFERENCE", + -13.175734519958496 + ], + [ + "\u2581Counsellor", + -13.09785270690918 + ], + [ + "\u2581entusiasma", + -13.297808647155762 + ], + [ + "\u2581BIEN", + -13.271331787109375 + ], + [ + "\u2581escoria", + -13.17265796661377 + ], + [ + "\u2581Legion", + -13.253240585327148 + ], + [ + "\u2581Shipment", + -13.228245735168457 + ], + [ + "\u2581anime", + -13.285486221313477 + ], + [ + "\u2581extorsi\u00f3n", + -13.301836013793945 + ], + [ + "\u2581int\u00e9ntelo", + -13.265820503234863 + ], + [ + "\u2581NEED", + -13.297368049621582 + ], + [ + "\u2581Subparagraph", + -13.250085830688477 + ], + [ + "\u2581accionista", + -13.232538223266602 + ], + [ + "\u2581crow", + -13.333527565002441 + ], + [ + "\u2581pabellones", + -13.27127742767334 + ], + [ + "\u2581forfeit", + -13.265436172485352 + ], + [ + "\u2581humour", + -13.222119331359863 + ], + [ + "percentage", + -13.191330909729004 + ], + [ + "\u2581Carb\u00f3n", + -13.42491340637207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cl\u00e1usula", + -13.374967575073242 + ], + [ + "\u2581Quest", + -13.277742385864258 + ], + [ + "\u2581aprendices", + -13.271349906921387 + ], + [ + "\u2581commemorati", + -13.335077285766602 + ], + [ + "\u2581monarchy", + -13.284408569335938 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cantabria", + -13.199860572814941 + ], + [ + "\u2581doler", + -13.079859733581543 + ], + [ + "\u2581yanqui", + -13.22340202331543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Constituent", + -13.224583625793457 + ], + [ + "\u2581amortiguador", + -13.23466968536377 + ], + [ + "\u2581asedio", + -13.29959487915039 + ], + [ + "\u2581burglar", + -13.249937057495117 + ], + [ + "\u2581taquilla", + -13.22590446472168 + ], + [ + "121", + -13.069860458374023 + ], + [ + "\u2581400.000", + -13.282058715820312 + ], + [ + "\u2581Refrigerator", + -13.305356979370117 + ], + [ + "\u2581deficient", + -13.199860572814941 + ], + [ + "\u2581reserving", + -13.102224349975586 + ], + [ + "\u2581psic\u00f3pata", + -13.157607078552246 + ], + [ + "\u2581Competent", + -13.12239933013916 + ], + [ + "\u2581Escolar", + -13.36746883392334 + ], + [ + "\u2581criminalized", + -13.269038200378418 + ], + [ + "\u2581saldr\u00eda", + -13.18988037109375 + ], + [ + "favoured", + -13.198665618896484 + ], + [ + "\u2581Circular", + -13.163890838623047 + ], + [ + "ULL", + -13.254775047302246 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kah", + -13.328679084777832 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ongoing", + -13.23045539855957 + ], + [ + "\u2581electorado", + -13.241676330566406 + ], + [ + "\u2581MEAN", + -13.448777198791504 + ], + [ + "\u2581poisonous", + -13.219761848449707 + ], + [ + "\u2581pumpkin", + -13.31704044342041 + ], + [ + "\u2581arches", + -13.20376205444336 + ], + [ + "\u2581haza\u00f1a", + -13.260578155517578 + ], + [ + "\u2581vibrator", + -13.20721435546875 + ], + [ + "Jefe", + -13.190842628479004 + ], + [ + "amarca", + -13.644160270690918 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rear", + -13.210210800170898 + ], + [ + "\u2581colonization", + -13.185600280761719 + ], + [ + "\u2581veloz", + -13.28829288482666 + ], + [ + "\u2581Widget", + -13.202305793762207 + ], + [ + "Uni\u00f3n", + -13.38377571105957 + ], + [ + "\u00f5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581Baviera", + -13.339335441589355 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dorado", + -13.21418285369873 + ], + [ + "\u2581cupboard", + -13.27881145477295 + ], + [ + "\u2581prognosis", + -13.199860572814941 + ], + [ + "\u2581pornographic", + -13.145257949829102 + ], + [ + "SGB", + -13.178726196289062 + ], + [ + "\u2581comrade", + -13.302867889404297 + ], + [ + "\u2581fringe", + -13.171565055847168 + ], + [ + "\u2581difundiendo", + -13.310334205627441 + ], + [ + "\u2581convergen", + -13.25419807434082 + ], + [ + "\u2581detachment", + -13.255308151245117 + ], + [ + "\u2581multifuncional", + -13.265822410583496 + ], + [ + "\u25811926", + -13.262129783630371 + ], + [ + "\u2581manteni\u00e9ndo", + -13.363593101501465 + ], + [ + "\u2581phosphorus", + -13.17574691772461 + ], + [ + "\u2581Esau", + -13.164188385009766 + ], + [ + "\u2581Intento", + -13.118480682373047 + ], + [ + "\u2581Known", + -13.217415809631348 + ], + [ + "\u2581alboroto", + -13.210258483886719 + ], + [ + "\u2581da\u00f1ina", + -13.299019813537598 + ], + [ + "\u2581polyethylene", + -13.166265487670898 + ], + [ + "\u2581snapshot", + -13.255091667175293 + ], + [ + "Father", + -13.269915580749512 + ], + [ + "\u2581bouquet", + -13.232121467590332 + ], + [ + "\u2581desafortunado", + -13.260393142700195 + ], + [ + "\u2581keynote", + -13.136480331420898 + ], + [ + "\u2581refrigeration", + -13.10000991821289 + ], + [ + "3/2004", + -13.253539085388184 + ], + [ + "\u2581Daw", + -13.287490844726562 + ], + [ + "\u2581vanished", + -13.34817123413086 + ], + [ + "emerge", + -13.202046394348145 + ], + [ + "\u2581bast\u00f3n", + -13.16014575958252 + ], + [ + "Per\u00fa", + -13.295392036437988 + ], + [ + "\u2581Marsh", + -13.38383960723877 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sunny", + -13.268754959106445 + ], + [ + "\u2581Putting", + -13.31184196472168 + ], + [ + "\u2581aeroespacial", + -13.285052299499512 + ], + [ + "\u2581wrestle", + -13.324541091918945 + ], + [ + "Suelta", + -13.062809944152832 + ], + [ + "\u2581Diamante", + -13.310386657714844 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wizard", + -13.281227111816406 + ], + [ + "\u2581sunrise", + -13.3246431350708 + ], + [ + "5,7", + -13.501317024230957 + ], + [ + "\u25811931", + -13.27994155883789 + ], + [ + "\u2581Introducing", + -13.202305793762207 + ], + [ + "\u2581disuelto", + -13.299018859863281 + ], + [ + "\u2581mov\u00eda", + -13.218555450439453 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sostenibilidad", + -13.402661323547363 + ], + [ + "\u2581Umoja", + -13.372703552246094 + ], + [ + "propelled", + -13.247383117675781 + ], + [ + "Miren", + -13.15957260131836 + ], + [ + "\u2581canyon", + -13.257981300354004 + ], + [ + "\u2581KFOR", + -13.207685470581055 + ], + [ + "\u2581Monde", + -13.304248809814453 + ], + [ + "\u2581expropriation", + -13.22973918914795 + ], + [ + "\u2581melody", + -13.247371673583984 + ], + [ + "\u2581Emil", + -13.536523818969727 + ], + [ + "\u2581incoherencia", + -13.3189058303833 + ], + [ + "\u2581pormenorizado", + -13.3160400390625 + ], + [ + "Tell", + -13.293047904968262 + ], + [ + "\u2581Boost", + -13.265656471252441 + ], + [ + "\u2581ascendido", + -13.39954662322998 + ], + [ + "\u2581sandinista", + -13.252306938171387 + ], + [ + "BF", + -12.927583694458008 + ], + [ + "arranged", + -13.272619247436523 + ], + [ + "ratione", + -13.4979248046875 + ], + [ + "\u2581chronological", + -13.204756736755371 + ], + [ + "\u2581c\u00e1lmate", + -13.109922409057617 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ahorra", + -13.313226699829102 + ], + [ + "\u2581Riley", + -13.32498836517334 + ], + [ + "\u2581Evitar", + -13.239038467407227 + ], + [ + "\u2581remuneraciones", + -13.339322090148926 + ], + [ + "\u2581slew", + -13.260293960571289 + ], + [ + "\u2581Brass", + -13.196383476257324 + ], + [ + "\u2581UFO", + -13.381854057312012 + ], + [ + "\u2581anab\u00f3lico", + -13.30466079711914 + ], + [ + "\u2581llaga", + -13.342753410339355 + ], + [ + "\u2581restructured", + -13.28005599975586 + ], + [ + "Central", + -13.256762504577637 + ], + [ + "\u2581autoritario", + -13.247505187988281 + ], + [ + "\u2581racket", + -13.238308906555176 + ], + [ + "\u00e9l\u00e9", + -13.17609691619873 + ], + [ + "\u2581dl", + -13.099959373474121 + ], + [ + "\u2581menosprecia", + -13.348188400268555 + ], + [ + "209", + -13.266249656677246 + ], + [ + "\u2581Containing", + -13.156843185424805 + ], + [ + "\u2581grietas", + -13.319009780883789 + ], + [ + "\u2581lacquer", + -13.185315132141113 + ], + [ + "\u2581compress", + -13.142724990844727 + ], + [ + "\u2581exacerbat", + -13.146917343139648 + ], + [ + "\u2581destrozar", + -13.189903259277344 + ], + [ + "\u2581voltea", + -13.285038948059082 + ], + [ + "Drive", + -13.278030395507812 + ], + [ + "JHA", + -13.22251033782959 + ], + [ + "dead", + -13.220390319824219 + ], + [ + "\u2581constitutiva", + -13.316149711608887 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fantasy", + -13.308073997497559 + ], + [ + "\u2581alegr", + -13.22622013092041 + ], + [ + "\u2581futbol", + -13.294754981994629 + ], + [ + "semblance", + -13.26806926727295 + ], + [ + "\u2581shortened", + -13.195630073547363 + ], + [ + "\u2581coagulaci\u00f3n", + -13.271278381347656 + ], + [ + "\u2581custodian", + -13.129159927368164 + ], + [ + "\u2581sabr\u00e9", + -13.297043800354004 + ], + [ + "226", + -13.19448471069336 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ingredients", + -13.335661888122559 + ], + [ + "\u2581formatted", + -13.114495277404785 + ], + [ + "\u2581imparta", + -13.260456085205078 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cr\u00edtica", + -13.353949546813965 + ], + [ + "\u2581Remarks", + -13.147542953491211 + ], + [ + "\u2581sensato", + -13.157644271850586 + ], + [ + "\u2581bal\u00edsticos", + -13.212860107421875 + ], + [ + "\u2581desgasta", + -13.366327285766602 + ], + [ + "\u2581preservative", + -13.199860572814941 + ], + [ + "7,5%", + -13.412150382995605 + ], + [ + "something", + -13.157845497131348 + ], + [ + "\u2581blah", + -13.39940357208252 + ], + [ + "\u2581scribes", + -13.237546920776367 + ], + [ + "\u2581avenge", + -13.265997886657715 + ], + [ + "\u2581envisioned", + -13.248257637023926 + ], + [ + "\u2581stationary", + -13.231298446655273 + ], + [ + "different", + -13.44145393371582 + ], + [ + "ectromagn\u00e9tico", + -13.35097885131836 + ], + [ + "\u2581Applicable", + -13.224583625793457 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hubiera", + -13.152762413024902 + ], + [ + "\u2581assassinated", + -13.291964530944824 + ], + [ + "\u2581assesses", + -13.173489570617676 + ], + [ + "\u2581detenimiento", + -13.246980667114258 + ], + [ + "\u2581sniper", + -13.369810104370117 + ], + [ + "\u2581waived", + -13.160615921020508 + ], + [ + "st\u00e1tico", + -13.397225379943848 + ], + [ + "\u2581CMO", + -13.184082984924316 + ], + [ + "\u2581Discovery", + -13.208097457885742 + ], + [ + "\u2581intuitivo", + -13.299018859863281 + ], + [ + "\u2581weeping", + -13.234708786010742 + ], + [ + "030", + -13.200572967529297 + ], + [ + "\u2581REPUBLIC", + -13.10000991821289 + ], + [ + "\u2581antigen", + -13.234084129333496 + ], + [ + "\u2581Certified", + -13.222084045410156 + ], + [ + "\u2581Extracto", + -13.457480430603027 + ], + [ + "\u2581Panamericana", + -13.365992546081543 + ], + [ + "\u2581rel\u00e1mpago", + -13.160052299499512 + ], + [ + "Podr\u00e1", + -13.130847930908203 + ], + [ + "\u2581Credenciales", + -13.408921241760254 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gregorio", + -13.336272239685059 + ], + [ + "\u2581propicie", + -13.409024238586426 + ], + [ + "Friend", + -13.248985290527344 + ], + [ + "\u2581Provided", + -13.170167922973633 + ], + [ + "\u2581Espiritismo", + -13.421560287475586 + ], + [ + "\u2581LRA", + -13.327011108398438 + ], + [ + "\u2581uplift", + -13.202454566955566 + ], + [ + "\u2581caricatura", + -13.210250854492188 + ], + [ + "\u2581equivoco", + -13.162503242492676 + ], + [ + "\u2581gan\u00e9", + -13.096546173095703 + ], + [ + "\u2581aplic\u00e1ndose", + -13.33919620513916 + ], + [ + "cellular", + -13.228609085083008 + ], + [ + "\u2581CEL", + -13.31297492980957 + ], + [ + "\u2581advert", + -13.569397926330566 + ], + [ + "\u2581orchid", + -13.367012977600098 + ], + [ + "0,000)", + -13.335963249206543 + ], + [ + "annon", + -13.331024169921875 + ], + [ + "\u25811923", + -13.177165031433105 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ecosystem", + -13.239751815795898 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hanna", + -13.34525203704834 + ], + [ + "\u2581bombea", + -13.293420791625977 + ], + [ + "\u2581imperfecto", + -13.387182235717773 + ], + [ + "\u2581indignation", + -13.224583625793457 + ], + [ + "abba", + -13.109800338745117 + ], + [ + "\u2581impending", + -13.161646842956543 + ], + [ + "\u3002", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581Yahoo", + -13.260322570800781 + ], + [ + "\u2581reminiscen", + -13.229602813720703 + ], + [ + "atrice", + -13.294760704040527 + ], + [ + "\u2581leased", + -13.166119575500488 + ], + [ + "\u2581malinterpret", + -13.208298683166504 + ], + [ + "\u2581sangriento", + -13.210250854492188 + ], + [ + "\u2581$19", + -13.058642387390137 + ], + [ + "\u2581compartimiento", + -13.285537719726562 + ], + [ + "\u2581nobleza", + -13.302179336547852 + ], + [ + "\u2581opositor", + -13.324112892150879 + ], + [ + "distance", + -13.228649139404297 + ], + [ + "\u2581Autorizaci\u00f3n", + -13.272109031677246 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sanctuary", + -13.15450668334961 + ], + [ + "7,6", + -13.529924392700195 + ], + [ + "buy", + -13.238112449645996 + ], + [ + "\u2581Respeta", + -13.293547630310059 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tribal", + -13.315071105957031 + ], + [ + "\u2581conmutaci\u00f3n", + -13.35395622253418 + ], + [ + "\u2581lactose", + -13.091209411621094 + ], + [ + "\u2581novedosa", + -13.450602531433105 + ], + [ + "ETT", + -13.304790496826172 + ], + [ + "Fuego", + -13.0924072265625 + ], + [ + "Plus", + -13.186607360839844 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cyril", + -13.273344039916992 + ], + [ + "dependencia", + -13.275145530700684 + ], + [ + "\u2581Concrete", + -13.187750816345215 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mormon", + -13.287751197814941 + ], + [ + "\u2581Testigo", + -13.315820693969727 + ], + [ + "\u2581impuls\u00f3", + -13.34212875366211 + ], + [ + "\u2581Emphasis", + -13.17335319519043 + ], + [ + "\u2581disregarded", + -13.185914993286133 + ], + [ + "\u2581recur", + -13.218466758728027 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ascensi\u00f3n", + -13.336272239685059 + ], + [ + "\u2581Diferentes", + -13.390260696411133 + ], + [ + "\u2581Encantada", + -13.121635437011719 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ruanda", + -13.271519660949707 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sterling", + -13.207215309143066 + ], + [ + "\u2581ant\u00edgeno", + -13.39954662322998 + ], + [ + "\u2581depriv", + -13.277689933776855 + ], + [ + "\u2581malvada", + -13.236712455749512 + ], + [ + "\u2581($6", + -13.2193021774292 + ], + [ + "\u2581eclesi\u00e1stica", + -13.365904808044434 + ], + [ + "\u2581iodine", + -13.255083084106445 + ], + [ + "\u2581cincuentenario", + -13.36290168762207 + ], + [ + "\u2581enamel", + -13.3273344039917 + ], + [ + "\u2581lagging", + -13.219728469848633 + ], + [ + "\u2581squat", + -13.269291877746582 + ], + [ + "\u2581Argentinean", + -13.201042175292969 + ], + [ + "drome", + -13.267669677734375 + ], + [ + "\u2581bailarines", + -13.348150253295898 + ], + [ + "\u2581probatorio", + -13.365921020507812 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hablar\u00e9", + -13.110575675964355 + ], + [ + "\u2581convence", + -13.165688514709473 + ], + [ + "8,8", + -13.516136169433594 + ], + [ + "\u2581ADVERTENCIA", + -13.307493209838867 + ], + [ + "\u2581Announcement", + -13.249934196472168 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cierta", + -13.293071746826172 + ], + [ + "\u2581Drama", + -13.312999725341797 + ], + [ + "\u2581escoja", + -13.311351776123047 + ], + [ + "6,8", + -13.504612922668457 + ], + [ + "weg", + -13.148250579833984 + ], + [ + "\u2581Container", + -13.289207458496094 + ], + [ + "\u2581Generator", + -13.252520561218262 + ], + [ + "\u2581revolutionaries", + -13.25027084350586 + ], + [ + "riya", + -13.34565258026123 + ], + [ + "\u2581Negotiating", + -13.166244506835938 + ], + [ + "\u2581carpintero", + -13.238973617553711 + ], + [ + "\u2581incentiva", + -13.295639038085938 + ], + [ + "\u2581grazing", + -13.207215309143066 + ], + [ + "\u2581sequel", + -13.27070140838623 + ], + [ + "\u2581experimente", + -13.357288360595703 + ], + [ + "\u2581slippers", + -13.26812744140625 + ], + [ + "\u2581vosotras", + -13.184855461120605 + ], + [ + "satisfied", + -13.275135040283203 + ], + [ + "\u2581Collaborative", + -13.207282066345215 + ], + [ + "\u2581adiestra", + -13.276702880859375 + ], + [ + "\u2581bloodshed", + -13.28166675567627 + ], + [ + "\u2581efficiencies", + -13.209676742553711 + ], + [ + "\u2581televisivo", + -13.365904808044434 + ], + [ + "\u2581alejamiento", + -13.310778617858887 + ], + [ + "\u2581celeridad", + -13.345069885253906 + ], + [ + "\u2581indebtedness", + -13.150032997131348 + ], + [ + "\u2581invierta", + -13.310342788696289 + ], + [ + "\u2581rodillo", + -13.38485050201416 + ], + [ + "\u2581Deployment", + -13.192561149597168 + ], + [ + "\u2581Experimental", + -13.210664749145508 + ], + [ + "\u2581Juba", + -13.26425552368164 + ], + [ + "Shirt", + -13.22646713256836 + ], + [ + "\u2581acapara", + -13.263419151306152 + ], + [ + "\u2581atheist", + -13.282393455505371 + ], + [ + "\u2581cerrando", + -13.22581958770752 + ], + [ + "\u2581describa", + -13.286304473876953 + ], + [ + "\u2581eslovaco", + -13.431144714355469 + ], + [ + "\u2581increible", + -13.194925308227539 + ], + [ + "\u2581millonario", + -13.112253189086914 + ], + [ + "\u2581multiplicidad", + -13.500940322875977 + ], + [ + "\u2581simpatizantes", + -13.293478965759277 + ], + [ + "Nothing", + -13.375534057617188 + ], + [ + "\u2581DESCRIPCI", + -13.396439552307129 + ], + [ + "\u2581Operador", + -13.400257110595703 + ], + [ + "\u2581blasfemia", + -13.220600128173828 + ], + [ + "\u2581moderation", + -13.214767456054688 + ], + [ + "\u2581watershed", + -13.22057819366455 + ], + [ + "glyph", + -13.626564979553223 + ], + [ + "\u2581injurious", + -13.131440162658691 + ], + [ + "\u2581traicionado", + -13.286969184875488 + ], + [ + "\u2581vainilla", + -13.296210289001465 + ], + [ + "HABITAT", + -13.273311614990234 + ], + [ + "Old", + -13.270445823669434 + ], + [ + "\u2581Estacionamiento", + -13.238973617553711 + ], + [ + "\u2581sludge", + -13.13830280303955 + ], + [ + "\u2581paradoxical", + -13.146570205688477 + ], + [ + "Convenci\u00f3n", + -13.344202041625977 + ], + [ + "easefire", + -13.163848876953125 + ], + [ + "\u2581encrucijada", + -13.34801959991455 + ], + [ + "\u2581override", + -13.221052169799805 + ], + [ + "chlorothiazide", + -13.117847442626953 + ], + [ + "\u2581Everywhere", + -13.327545166015625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ranura", + -13.39659595489502 + ], + [ + "\u2581diaspora", + -13.232121467590332 + ], + [ + "\u2581echoed", + -13.225552558898926 + ], + [ + "\u2581incarceration", + -13.190139770507812 + ], + [ + "EstadosUnidos", + -13.27953052520752 + ], + [ + "hausen", + -13.222487449645996 + ], + [ + "\u2581Serena", + -13.292143821716309 + ], + [ + "\u2581hegemon\u00eda", + -13.301836013793945 + ], + [ + "\u2581Beast", + -13.226066589355469 + ], + [ + "\u2581Normalizaci\u00f3n", + -13.307531356811523 + ], + [ + "\u2581albanesa", + -13.327588081359863 + ], + [ + "entiendes", + -13.050993919372559 + ], + [ + "\u2581ESET", + -13.378813743591309 + ], + [ + "traterritoriales", + -13.409218788146973 + ], + [ + "\u2581Enhance", + -13.266186714172363 + ], + [ + "\u2581Strengthened", + -13.273301124572754 + ], + [ + "informed", + -13.21216106414795 + ], + [ + "\u2581aficionadas", + -13.463773727416992 + ], + [ + "\u2581bas\u00edlica", + -13.49407958984375 + ], + [ + "\u2581carezca", + -13.310364723205566 + ], + [ + "\u2581framing", + -13.227093696594238 + ], + [ + "\u2581oxidaci\u00f3n", + -13.21282958984375 + ], + [ + "\u2581sunglasses", + -13.327305793762207 + ], + [ + "consecuentemente", + -13.445992469787598 + ], + [ + "designate", + -13.292743682861328 + ], + [ + "\u2581CSF", + -13.120664596557617 + ], + [ + "\u2581Espect\u00e1culo", + -13.44082260131836 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pollutants", + -13.229602813720703 + ], + [ + "\u2581SQL", + -13.40578842163086 + ], + [ + "\u2581Townhouse", + -13.364251136779785 + ], + [ + "\u2581acu\u00f1", + -13.398554801940918 + ], + [ + "Aplicaci\u00f3n", + -13.281054496765137 + ], + [ + "spirit", + -13.190733909606934 + ], + [ + "sync", + -13.179622650146484 + ], + [ + "\u2581incontables", + -13.304661750793457 + ], + [ + "\u2581polluting", + -13.249934196472168 + ], + [ + "\u2581stained", + -13.218114852905273 + ], + [ + "\u2581Baseline", + -13.200756072998047 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mouse", + -13.32374382019043 + ], + [ + "\u2581Olympia", + -13.234646797180176 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pak", + -13.160283088684082 + ], + [ + "\u2581administr\u00f3", + -13.33919620513916 + ], + [ + "Widget", + -13.342138290405273 + ], + [ + "\u2581Expuest", + -13.515227317810059 + ], + [ + "\u2581astronomy", + -13.265458106994629 + ], + [ + "\u2581champ\u00fa", + -13.384114265441895 + ], + [ + "\u2581conjetura", + -13.285170555114746 + ], + [ + "\u2581mangrove", + -13.302648544311523 + ], + [ + "\u2581whiskey", + -13.460639953613281 + ], + [ + "\u2581Delincuente", + -13.35097885131836 + ], + [ + "\u2581coerci\u00f3n", + -13.353949546813965 + ], + [ + "Alpes", + -13.284819602966309 + ], + [ + "\u2581ileg\u00edtimo", + -13.228433609008789 + ], + [ + "\u2581sewerage", + -13.120150566101074 + ], + [ + "scr\u00edbete", + -13.405470848083496 + ], + [ + "\u2581Writer", + -13.256101608276367 + ], + [ + "\u2581Verifie", + -13.61054801940918 + ], + [ + "\u2581calibrat", + -13.291683197021484 + ], + [ + "\u2581estrogen", + -13.268073081970215 + ], + [ + "\u2581EUSR", + -13.1364107131958 + ], + [ + "\u2581hispana", + -13.378006935119629 + ], + [ + "\u2581imprevisible", + -13.29061508178711 + ], + [ + "\u2581Forensic", + -13.244813919067383 + ], + [ + "\u2581escalones", + -13.18735408782959 + ], + [ + "\u2581bigote", + -13.121639251708984 + ], + [ + "\u2581remarkably", + -13.232156753540039 + ], + [ + "\u2581papeleo", + -13.162115097045898 + ], + [ + "Code", + -13.268755912780762 + ], + [ + "revolution", + -13.223134994506836 + ], + [ + "\u25810.0001", + -13.32758903503418 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kou", + -13.192663192749023 + ], + [ + "\u2581gunshot", + -13.260342597961426 + ], + [ + "\u2581spearhead", + -13.204968452453613 + ], + [ + "\u2581Praise", + -13.30346965789795 + ], + [ + "\u2581facie", + -13.197508811950684 + ], + [ + "grain", + -13.295985221862793 + ], + [ + "pipe", + -13.17457103729248 + ], + [ + "\u2581AHORA", + -13.437585830688477 + ], + [ + "\u2581magnify", + -13.199864387512207 + ], + [ + "\u2581pesticidas", + -13.296210289001465 + ], + [ + "\u2581botanical", + -13.257665634155273 + ], + [ + "\u2581demobilized", + -13.232121467590332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Shake", + -13.371195793151855 + ], + [ + "\u2581involuntario", + -13.345069885253906 + ], + [ + "\u2581ivory", + -13.202309608459473 + ], + [ + "Organizing", + -13.232857704162598 + ], + [ + "funding", + -13.20108699798584 + ], + [ + "\u2581nozzle", + -13.2750825881958 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sodium", + -13.199867248535156 + ], + [ + "\u2581coincided", + -13.172304153442383 + ], + [ + "\u2581d\u00e9bito", + -13.356979370117188 + ], + [ + "\u2581regulator", + -13.142256736755371 + ], + [ + "134", + -13.098759651184082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Marshal", + -13.367270469665527 + ], + [ + "\u2581REACH", + -13.204797744750977 + ], + [ + "\u2581patentado", + -13.307512283325195 + ], + [ + "\u2581photographed", + -13.221598625183105 + ], + [ + "White", + -13.248991012573242 + ], + [ + "strong", + -13.235466003417969 + ], + [ + "voice", + -13.248783111572266 + ], + [ + "\u2581merezco", + -13.126358985900879 + ], + [ + "\u2581Amplio", + -13.359920501708984 + ], + [ + "\u2581Misericordia", + -13.39954662322998 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pruebe", + -13.254996299743652 + ], + [ + "\u2581SISTEMA", + -13.37193775177002 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sabidur\u00eda", + -13.321779251098633 + ], + [ + "\u2581depicting", + -13.23972225189209 + ], + [ + "\u2581urinario", + -13.333358764648438 + ], + [ + "Idioma", + -13.386576652526855 + ], + [ + "colored", + -13.28314208984375 + ], + [ + "\u2581asegur\u00e1ndo", + -13.350982666015625 + ], + [ + "\u2581disband", + -13.313759803771973 + ], + [ + "\u2581scissors", + -13.352587699890137 + ], + [ + "\u2581encomendadas", + -13.265820503234863 + ], + [ + "\u2581exposition", + -13.22986888885498 + ], + [ + "\u2581gameplay", + -13.281983375549316 + ], + [ + "\u2581outpatient", + -13.19179916381836 + ], + [ + "\u2581annulled", + -13.217141151428223 + ], + [ + "\u2581pierdo", + -13.057793617248535 + ], + [ + "\u2581Intent\u00e9", + -13.10136890411377 + ], + [ + "\u2581Schwe", + -13.213956832885742 + ], + [ + "\u2581altavoz", + -13.26582145690918 + ], + [ + "\u2581scanned", + -13.313650131225586 + ], + [ + "\u2581gravamen", + -13.321897506713867 + ], + [ + "850", + -13.061169624328613 + ], + [ + "\u2581acumulativo", + -13.346153259277344 + ], + [ + "\u2581bureaux", + -13.260626792907715 + ], + [ + "\u2581accentuate", + -13.260263442993164 + ], + [ + "\u2581metadata", + -13.180522918701172 + ], + [ + "\u2581Allaah", + -13.255090713500977 + ], + [ + "\u2581alphabetical", + -13.311379432678223 + ], + [ + "\u2581invadir", + -13.316040992736816 + ], + [ + "\u2581redact\u00f3", + -13.29061508178711 + ], + [ + "\u2581regenerate", + -13.234663009643555 + ], + [ + "dumps", + -13.154069900512695 + ], + [ + "responsive", + -13.162514686584473 + ], + [ + "\u2581Magreb", + -13.35991382598877 + ], + [ + "\u2581emborracha", + -13.174849510192871 + ], + [ + "\u2581biocidas", + -13.3132963180542 + ], + [ + "\u2581cr\u00e9eme", + -13.140657424926758 + ], + [ + "\u2581307", + -13.180370330810547 + ], + [ + "\u2581Confirmation", + -13.138519287109375 + ], + [ + "\u2581armchair", + -13.197508811950684 + ], + [ + "/13/", + -13.16614055633545 + ], + [ + "NGL", + -13.195548057556152 + ], + [ + "\u2581Biology", + -13.287912368774414 + ], + [ + "\u2581Specification", + -13.18893814086914 + ], + [ + "\u2581ininterrumpido", + -13.274017333984375 + ], + [ + "\u2581accedi\u00f3", + -13.421603202819824 + ], + [ + "\u2581po\u00e9tica", + -13.310574531555176 + ], + [ + "\u2581Atalaya", + -13.34212875366211 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wick", + -13.324856758117676 + ], + [ + "\u2581padecido", + -13.345069885253906 + ], + [ + "classic", + -13.636524200439453 + ], + [ + "\u2581Emerging", + -13.224583625793457 + ], + [ + "207", + -13.151091575622559 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lyme", + -13.289533615112305 + ], + [ + "\u2581ejercito", + -13.270755767822266 + ], + [ + "\u2581urinaria", + -13.353947639465332 + ], + [ + "\u2581regocij", + -13.144294738769531 + ], + [ + "\u2581roman", + -13.209887504577637 + ], + [ + "\u2581wield", + -13.244816780090332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Auditorium", + -13.268115997314453 + ], + [ + "\u2581vigilia", + -13.263103485107422 + ], + [ + "\u2581materiel", + -13.247369766235352 + ], + [ + "\u2581mathematician", + -13.26806926727295 + ], + [ + "\u2581monoterapia", + -13.274113655090332 + ], + [ + "\u2581responsibly", + -13.190139770507812 + ], + [ + "\u2581signify", + -13.230866432189941 + ], + [ + "\u2581SITUACI\u00d3N", + -13.374967575073242 + ], + [ + "\u2581indulto", + -13.24162769317627 + ], + [ + "Manten", + -13.410078048706055 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lazarus", + -13.224583625793457 + ], + [ + "\u2581endpoint", + -13.237929344177246 + ], + [ + "\u2581referimos", + -13.421561241149902 + ], + [ + "\u2581shovel", + -13.33834457397461 + ], + [ + "\u2581Prodi", + -13.265654563903809 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tripoli", + -13.180755615234375 + ], + [ + "\u2581drunken", + -13.284758567810059 + ], + [ + "\u2581TRAC", + -13.225635528564453 + ], + [ + "\u2581aspirina", + -13.18735122680664 + ], + [ + "\u2581detract", + -13.240070343017578 + ], + [ + "\u2581eyebrow", + -13.268068313598633 + ], + [ + "\u2581fluorescent", + -13.232121467590332 + ], + [ + "\u2581pilota", + -13.264517784118652 + ], + [ + "\u2581resent", + -13.325376510620117 + ], + [ + "lution", + -13.295897483825684 + ], + [ + "\u2581Enhancement", + -13.185771942138672 + ], + [ + "\u2581Viking", + -13.336067199707031 + ], + [ + "\u2581inmortalidad", + -13.319125175476074 + ], + [ + "\u2581reformista", + -13.362910270690918 + ], + [ + "Viviendas", + -13.368550300598145 + ], + [ + "\u2581Confiamos", + -13.296212196350098 + ], + [ + "\u2581Flujo", + -13.2999906539917 + ], + [ + "\u2581aud\u00edfono", + -13.30466079711914 + ], + [ + "\u2581campgrounds", + -13.321775436401367 + ], + [ + "provided", + -13.172835350036621 + ], + [ + "\u2581esper\u00e1bamos", + -13.304664611816406 + ], + [ + "\u2581comenz", + -13.347281455993652 + ], + [ + "\u2581innovate", + -13.217442512512207 + ], + [ + "\u2581lousy", + -13.441802024841309 + ], + [ + "\u2581adjoin", + -13.224766731262207 + ], + [ + "\u2581duplicaciones", + -13.302225112915039 + ], + [ + "\u2581fragility", + -13.242260932922363 + ], + [ + "\u2581tamper", + -13.24484920501709 + ], + [ + "\u2581Duties", + -13.257879257202148 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hag\u00e1moslo", + -13.136016845703125 + ], + [ + "\u2581locus", + -13.28135871887207 + ], + [ + "Vive", + -13.136589050292969 + ], + [ + "\u2581appellat", + -13.305949211120605 + ], + [ + "sighted", + -13.150766372680664 + ], + [ + "\u2581dialecto", + -13.393345832824707 + ], + [ + "\u2581resolutely", + -13.260950088500977 + ], + [ + ":01\u2013", + -13.690679550170898 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sense", + -13.269603729248047 + ], + [ + "\u2581repleta", + -13.38491439819336 + ], + [ + "oxetine", + -13.262863159179688 + ], + [ + "\u2581concurrent", + -13.135533332824707 + ], + [ + "\u2581vanilla", + -13.255274772644043 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sinopsis", + -13.525331497192383 + ], + [ + "\u2581constipation", + -13.067398071289062 + ], + [ + "\u2581relanza", + -13.331385612487793 + ], + [ + "\u2581sabbath", + -13.175734519958496 + ], + [ + "Sync", + -13.361096382141113 + ], + [ + "\u2581Arag\u00f3n", + -13.316079139709473 + ], + [ + "\u2581Litoral", + -13.356922149658203 + ], + [ + "\u2581Moral", + -13.348088264465332 + ], + [ + "\u2581agobia", + -13.301972389221191 + ], + [ + "\u2581retract", + -13.179777145385742 + ], + [ + "disaggregated", + -13.251572608947754 + ], + [ + "\u2581Freshwater", + -13.257698059082031 + ], + [ + "prepared", + -13.256762504577637 + ], + [ + "\u2581boxeo", + -13.160053253173828 + ], + [ + "\u2581pouch", + -13.27420425415039 + ], + [ + "rocket", + -13.145383834838867 + ], + [ + "zero", + -13.29927921295166 + ], + [ + "\u2581Joab", + -13.25800895690918 + ], + [ + "\u25812025", + -13.241867065429688 + ], + [ + "\u2581mongol", + -13.421957015991211 + ], + [ + "reliance", + -13.243841171264648 + ], + [ + "\u2581DOWN", + -13.42028522491455 + ], + [ + "\u2581Growing", + -13.261836051940918 + ], + [ + "Nav", + -13.536592483520508 + ], + [ + "\u2581Blessing", + -13.237215995788574 + ], + [ + "\u2581WHICH", + -13.190139770507812 + ], + [ + "\u2581proletaria", + -13.259495735168457 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alejandr\u00eda", + -13.27127742767334 + ], + [ + "\u2581habitacion", + -13.21507740020752 + ], + [ + "\u2581pear", + -13.18189525604248 + ], + [ + "Ginebra", + -13.460319519042969 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fortune", + -13.265649795532227 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vacuno", + -13.490668296813965 + ], + [ + "\u2581diet\u00e9tico", + -13.396441459655762 + ], + [ + "\u2581homicida", + -13.220600128173828 + ], + [ + "\u2581Abbot", + -13.276041030883789 + ], + [ + "\u2581drowning", + -13.280294418334961 + ], + [ + "\u2581gasoducto", + -13.333356857299805 + ], + [ + "\u2581Folleto", + -13.263106346130371 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kron", + -13.23877239227295 + ], + [ + "\u2581Shock", + -13.212278366088867 + ], + [ + "\u2581desvincula", + -13.511357307434082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dante", + -13.307562828063965 + ], + [ + "\u2581Intercambiar", + -13.46377944946289 + ], + [ + "\u2581sider\u00fargica", + -13.285052299499512 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fourthly", + -13.163664817810059 + ], + [ + "\u2581camarera", + -13.140862464904785 + ], + [ + "\u2581starvation", + -13.214676856994629 + ], + [ + "\u2581Harmonize", + -13.295492172241211 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lodging", + -13.212146759033203 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lite", + -13.22697639465332 + ], + [ + "frequency", + -13.264595031738281 + ], + [ + "sistent", + -13.398568153381348 + ], + [ + "\u2713", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cobertura", + -13.437585830688477 + ], + [ + "\u2581Juristas", + -13.29621410369873 + ], + [ + "\u2581Shak", + -13.437422752380371 + ], + [ + "\u2581afflict", + -13.243121147155762 + ], + [ + "\u2581filtration", + -13.202305793762207 + ], + [ + "\u2581secreci\u00f3n", + -13.365992546081543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Macroeconomic", + -13.149892807006836 + ], + [ + "\u2581conoci", + -13.213603019714355 + ], + [ + "cide", + -13.220952987670898 + ], + [ + "\u2581metformina", + -13.477129936218262 + ], + [ + "\u2581pastilla", + -13.304315567016602 + ], + [ + "\u2581replication", + -13.284308433532715 + ], + [ + "\u2581pawn", + -13.35010051727295 + ], + [ + "\u2581encroach", + -13.166243553161621 + ], + [ + "\u2581wedlock", + -13.212159156799316 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rainbow", + -13.192561149597168 + ], + [ + "\u2581inviolability", + -13.308073997497559 + ], + [ + "\u2581Accepted", + -13.291977882385254 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reci\u00e9n", + -13.247004508972168 + ], + [ + "\u2581delictivo", + -13.28447151184082 + ], + [ + "\u2581guitarist", + -13.296768188476562 + ], + [ + "\u2581Homo", + -13.235274314880371 + ], + [ + "\u2581roadmap", + -13.29737377166748 + ], + [ + "examination", + -13.167259216308594 + ], + [ + "\u2581Amarillo", + -13.375080108642578 + ], + [ + "\u2581despreciable", + -13.251774787902832 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pont\u00edfice", + -13.333356857299805 + ], + [ + "\u2581exime", + -13.296045303344727 + ], + [ + "\u2581finalised", + -13.219807624816895 + ], + [ + "\u2581environ", + -13.199814796447754 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cientos", + -13.244464874267578 + ], + [ + "\u2581Graf", + -13.444472312927246 + ], + [ + "\u2581fluidez", + -13.345098495483398 + ], + [ + "aparejo", + -13.349080085754395 + ], + [ + "\u2581Adri\u00e1tico", + -13.330450057983398 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alber", + -13.244791030883789 + ], + [ + "\u2581Albi", + -13.247886657714844 + ], + [ + "\u2581PROTECTION", + -13.120100021362305 + ], + [ + "\u2581destabilize", + -13.170977592468262 + ], + [ + "lady", + -13.254090309143066 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hammer", + -13.325235366821289 + ], + [ + "\u2581adoptive", + -13.22679615020752 + ], + [ + "\u2581millennia", + -13.339262008666992 + ], + [ + "monthly", + -13.198400497436523 + ], + [ + "\u2581pedi\u00e1trica", + -13.279520034790039 + ], + [ + "\u2581Camel", + -13.360831260681152 + ], + [ + "\u2581grav\u00e1menes", + -13.316040992736816 + ], + [ + "\u2581Almer\u00eda", + -13.453890800476074 + ], + [ + "\u2581addressee", + -13.21883487701416 + ], + [ + "\u2581comparatively", + -13.184021949768066 + ], + [ + "\u2581overseer", + -13.231928825378418 + ], + [ + "\u2581Secundaria", + -13.307494163513184 + ], + [ + "\u2581pol\u00edgono", + -13.402663230895996 + ], + [ + "\u2581sangrando", + -13.143720626831055 + ], + [ + "founder", + -13.230881690979004 + ], + [ + "\u2581Collector", + -13.259089469909668 + ], + [ + "\u2581predijo", + -13.285272598266602 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rector", + -13.213953971862793 + ], + [ + "\u2581recargo", + -13.333369255065918 + ], + [ + "6-8", + -13.39533805847168 + ], + [ + "Hechos", + -13.338414192199707 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bauer", + -13.185474395751953 + ], + [ + "\u2581Promedio", + -13.336523056030273 + ], + [ + "\u25811612", + -13.28077507019043 + ], + [ + "\u2581oce\u00e1nica", + -13.371939659118652 + ], + [ + "\u2581academies", + -13.273311614990234 + ], + [ + "\u2581JOINT", + -13.271075248718262 + ], + [ + "\u2581Volcano", + -13.244817733764648 + ], + [ + "\u2581comp\u00e1s", + -13.313586235046387 + ], + [ + "\u2581Thessaloniki", + -13.289205551147461 + ], + [ + "\u2581dissatisfaction", + -13.212145805358887 + ], + [ + "\u2581repertoire", + -13.229602813720703 + ], + [ + "\u2581stimulants", + -13.093446731567383 + ], + [ + "\u2581Construct", + -13.267971992492676 + ], + [ + "\u2581Infinite", + -13.229602813720703 + ], + [ + "\u2581CSOs", + -13.27862548828125 + ], + [ + "\u2581retina", + -13.302289009094238 + ], + [ + "principio", + -13.374274253845215 + ], + [ + "\u2581M\u00faltiple", + -13.396440505981445 + ], + [ + "\u2581Riyadh", + -13.190139770507812 + ], + [ + "\u2581allanamiento", + -13.336291313171387 + ], + [ + "\u2581impaciente", + -13.187381744384766 + ], + [ + "\u2581MEASURES", + -13.247369766235352 + ], + [ + "\u2581despegar", + -13.252360343933105 + ], + [ + "\u2581insomnio", + -13.265820503234863 + ], + [ + "Frank", + -13.156588554382324 + ], + [ + "\u2581estre\u00f1imiento", + -13.384114265441895 + ], + [ + "seguro", + -13.261341094970703 + ], + [ + "\u2581NUEVO", + -13.368916511535645 + ], + [ + "\u2581compartieron", + -13.362927436828613 + ], + [ + "\u011b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581347", + -13.134492874145508 + ], + [ + "\u2581Incluir", + -13.374972343444824 + ], + [ + "Grecia", + -13.359127044677734 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sodom", + -13.260258674621582 + ], + [ + "\u2581aislante", + -13.324665069580078 + ], + [ + "\u2581escuadr\u00f3n", + -13.174849510192871 + ], + [ + "\u2581Knife", + -13.31627082824707 + ], + [ + "\u2581Prostitution", + -13.268213272094727 + ], + [ + "\u2581Teach", + -13.324920654296875 + ], + [ + "\u2581bakery", + -13.344630241394043 + ], + [ + "\u2581ocurriera", + -13.282293319702148 + ], + [ + "neutral", + -13.233625411987305 + ], + [ + "\u2581Peatones", + -13.268546104431152 + ], + [ + "\u2581sudoeste", + -13.4058256149292 + ], + [ + "\u2581Contratista", + -13.381104469299316 + ], + [ + "\u2581competency", + -13.145242691040039 + ], + [ + "\u2581hue", + -13.31580638885498 + ], + [ + "initial", + -13.360851287841797 + ], + [ + "\u2581Yakarta", + -13.330450057983398 + ], + [ + "\u2581tragedies", + -13.26806926727295 + ], + [ + "Socorro", + -13.003503799438477 + ], + [ + "\u2581Radical", + -13.168741226196289 + ], + [ + "\u2581Musa", + -13.294206619262695 + ], + [ + "\u2581empiezo", + -13.184836387634277 + ], + [ + "\u2581equate", + -13.202415466308594 + ], + [ + "\u2581fara\u00f3n", + -13.42170238494873 + ], + [ + "\u2581inigualable", + -13.307493209838867 + ], + [ + "\u2581panties", + -13.319197654724121 + ], + [ + "\u2581pronuncie", + -13.348220825195312 + ], + [ + "\u2581Eradicat", + -13.23726749420166 + ], + [ + "\u2581Robot", + -13.319178581237793 + ], + [ + "\u2581acojo", + -13.321951866149902 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dali", + -13.311758995056152 + ], + [ + "\u2581Holly", + -13.034294128417969 + ], + [ + "\u2581Paw", + -13.430285453796387 + ], + [ + "\u2581mistrust", + -13.26289176940918 + ], + [ + "Comunicaci\u00f3n", + -13.32077407836914 + ], + [ + "\u2581Barrier", + -13.214741706848145 + ], + [ + "benceno", + -13.440996170043945 + ], + [ + "\u2581flauta", + -13.353947639465332 + ], + [ + "\u2581fodder", + -13.283907890319824 + ], + [ + "\u2581myriad", + -13.27070426940918 + ], + [ + "\u2581tease", + -13.57907772064209 + ], + [ + "\u2581Defend", + -13.215540885925293 + ], + [ + "\u2581asentado", + -13.422051429748535 + ], + [ + "Tradicionalmente", + -13.390673637390137 + ], + [ + "\u2581Interface", + -13.252825736999512 + ], + [ + "\u2581Thereafter", + -13.142060279846191 + ], + [ + "\u2581accionamiento", + -13.30778694152832 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gosh", + -13.39932632446289 + ], + [ + "\u2581Redonda", + -13.348040580749512 + ], + [ + "\u2581intrigue", + -13.327323913574219 + ], + [ + "\u2581pegamento", + -13.224406242370605 + ], + [ + "\u2581Suggested", + -13.217769622802734 + ], + [ + "Tax", + -13.233785629272461 + ], + [ + "strasse", + -13.22468090057373 + ], + [ + "\u2581Empero", + -13.345539093017578 + ], + [ + "\u2581FINANCIAL", + -13.185315132141113 + ], + [ + "\u2581M\u00edrate", + -13.1359224319458 + ], + [ + "\u2581Olvid\u00e9", + -13.194704055786133 + ], + [ + "\u2581colector", + -13.339530944824219 + ], + [ + "Syrian", + -13.203585624694824 + ], + [ + "HAL", + -13.44117546081543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bot\u00e1nico", + -13.342145919799805 + ], + [ + "\u2581Coverage", + -13.289481163024902 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pitt", + -13.286360740661621 + ], + [ + "\u2581ambulante", + -13.330461502075195 + ], + [ + "\u2581Conserva", + -13.205636024475098 + ], + [ + "\u2581behavioral", + -13.236590385437012 + ], + [ + "\u2581daneses", + -13.345269203186035 + ], + [ + "\u2581disimula", + -13.255000114440918 + ], + [ + "\u2581telephony", + -13.262853622436523 + ], + [ + "\u2581contemplation", + -13.234646797180176 + ], + [ + "\u2581saborear", + -13.25247573852539 + ], + [ + "\u2581sightseeing", + -13.30264949798584 + ], + [ + "\u2581sexista", + -13.379388809204102 + ], + [ + "strategic", + -13.10096549987793 + ], + [ + "\u2581adrenalina", + -13.296210289001465 + ], + [ + "\u2581candidacy", + -13.294560432434082 + ], + [ + "Post", + -13.27813720703125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alcal", + -13.211036682128906 + ], + [ + "\u2581Patriarca", + -13.44082260131836 + ], + [ + "\u2581Prussia", + -13.552714347839355 + ], + [ + "\u2581versatilidad", + -13.374967575073242 + ], + [ + "9,6", + -13.509842872619629 + ], + [ + "toxicidad", + -13.386566162109375 + ], + [ + "zine", + -13.207566261291504 + ], + [ + "\u2581sem\u00e1foro", + -13.310334205627441 + ], + [ + "\u2581informant", + -13.210229873657227 + ], + [ + "Catal", + -13.35905647277832 + ], + [ + "optional", + -13.266135215759277 + ], + [ + "\u2581weakest", + -13.282109260559082 + ], + [ + "mon\u00edaco", + -13.293411254882812 + ], + [ + "\u2581Campe\u00f3n", + -13.330450057983398 + ], + [ + "\u2581suced\u00eda", + -13.360011100769043 + ], + [ + "\u2581Arrangement", + -13.330005645751953 + ], + [ + "\u2581sewer", + -13.415998458862305 + ], + [ + "\u2581tijeras", + -13.265833854675293 + ], + [ + "\u2581allegiance", + -13.255082130432129 + ], + [ + "\u2581comportarse", + -13.203352928161621 + ], + [ + "\u2581Computadora", + -13.316041946411133 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mobil", + -13.200984001159668 + ], + [ + "\u2581BBQ", + -13.237180709838867 + ], + [ + "\u2581modernista", + -13.365912437438965 + ], + [ + "Another", + -13.221100807189941 + ], + [ + "\u2581polietileno", + -13.375004768371582 + ], + [ + "mportancia", + -13.356755256652832 + ], + [ + "nunca", + -13.341458320617676 + ], + [ + "provisionamiento", + -13.38105583190918 + ], + [ + "\u2581Outreach", + -13.260381698608398 + ], + [ + "\u2581bullicio", + -13.342132568359375 + ], + [ + "laid", + -13.241171836853027 + ], + [ + "2.5%", + -13.441582679748535 + ], + [ + "Dinamarca", + -13.443817138671875 + ], + [ + "Info", + -13.175956726074219 + ], + [ + "\u2581CNN", + -13.310773849487305 + ], + [ + "\u2581appellant", + -13.227089881896973 + ], + [ + "\u2581sintoniza", + -13.269486427307129 + ], + [ + "azione", + -13.215226173400879 + ], + [ + "\u2581confiesa", + -13.299461364746094 + ], + [ + "007", + -13.267064094543457 + ], + [ + "\u2581concurred", + -13.289237976074219 + ], + [ + "\u2581restorative", + -13.294560432434082 + ], + [ + "\u2581unhindered", + -13.273311614990234 + ], + [ + "\u2581Luckily", + -13.34408950805664 + ], + [ + "\u2581caffeine", + -13.257665634155273 + ], + [ + "\u2581Protector", + -13.293434143066406 + ], + [ + "\u2581refinada", + -13.29904842376709 + ], + [ + "\u2581Avignon", + -13.161532402038574 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ellis", + -13.360088348388672 + ], + [ + "\u2581carbide", + -13.22709846496582 + ], + [ + "\u2581convenci\u00f3", + -13.266154289245605 + ], + [ + "\u2581suicidal", + -13.355437278747559 + ], + [ + "6.500", + -13.393902778625488 + ], + [ + "occa", + -13.362711906433105 + ], + [ + "\u2581RECOMMENDATIONS", + -13.190144538879395 + ], + [ + "\u2581disgust", + -13.328500747680664 + ], + [ + "\u2581facets", + -13.216971397399902 + ], + [ + "\u2581halted", + -13.209421157836914 + ], + [ + "\u2581obtenemos", + -13.263362884521484 + ], + [ + "\u2581predominate", + -13.198532104492188 + ], + [ + "\u2581taberna", + -13.279633522033691 + ], + [ + "\u2581versatility", + -13.194988250732422 + ], + [ + "\u2581specificities", + -13.20957088470459 + ], + [ + "BN", + -12.96131706237793 + ], + [ + "\u2581fallido", + -13.381125450134277 + ], + [ + "\u2581ineludible", + -13.313183784484863 + ], + [ + "Made", + -13.308758735656738 + ], + [ + "\u2581annotations", + -13.104440689086914 + ], + [ + "\u2581constru\u00ed", + -13.190814971923828 + ], + [ + "\u2581nominee", + -13.338560104370117 + ], + [ + "198", + -13.114007949829102 + ], + [ + "\u2581promociona", + -13.423434257507324 + ], + [ + "\u2581razor", + -13.358311653137207 + ], + [ + "\u2581s\u00faplica", + -13.268546104431152 + ], + [ + "0,7", + -13.57752799987793 + ], + [ + "partner", + -13.233782768249512 + ], + [ + "\u2581Arancel", + -13.299056053161621 + ], + [ + "\u2581creatinina", + -13.316040992736816 + ], + [ + "\u2581dudosa", + -13.270892143249512 + ], + [ + "\u2581prepar\u00e1ndo", + -13.276856422424316 + ], + [ + "\u2581pathogenic", + -13.185394287109375 + ], + [ + "\u2581inquired", + -13.294695854187012 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gideon", + -13.19986343383789 + ], + [ + "\u2581afiliarse", + -13.381064414978027 + ], + [ + "\u2581epidemiol\u00f3gico", + -13.374967575073242 + ], + [ + "\u2581prefer\u00eda", + -13.339240074157715 + ], + [ + "\u2581Movilidad", + -13.402674674987793 + ], + [ + "\u2581PUBLICACIONES", + -13.3902587890625 + ], + [ + "\u2581integer", + -13.268250465393066 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gap", + -13.260679244995117 + ], + [ + "\u2581incidir", + -13.396445274353027 + ], + [ + "\u2581aegis", + -13.21960163116455 + ], + [ + "\u2581difuso", + -13.318912506103516 + ], + [ + "\u2581hondure\u00f1o", + -13.408921241760254 + ], + [ + "\u2581wrapping", + -13.286643981933594 + ], + [ + "tabilisation", + -13.215417861938477 + ], + [ + "\u2581Subscription", + -13.244911193847656 + ], + [ + "curricular", + -13.28124713897705 + ], + [ + "\u2581appended", + -13.232464790344238 + ], + [ + "\u2581subscriber", + -13.203782081604004 + ], + [ + "\u2581chimney", + -13.335662841796875 + ], + [ + "\u2581diferido", + -13.27128791809082 + ], + [ + "\u2581holg", + -13.301315307617188 + ], + [ + "esthesia", + -13.227348327636719 + ], + [ + "\u2581ADDRESSED", + -13.178153991699219 + ], + [ + "\u2581Medalla", + -13.336284637451172 + ], + [ + "ometry", + -13.322843551635742 + ], + [ + "\u258114.00", + -13.317861557006836 + ], + [ + "\u2581Coton\u00fa", + -13.480496406555176 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lanzamiento", + -13.368931770324707 + ], + [ + "\u2581Salvation", + -13.232187271118164 + ], + [ + "\u2581Seguido", + -13.320905685424805 + ], + [ + "\u2581coding", + -13.17397689819336 + ], + [ + "\u2581cyclist", + -13.372703552246094 + ], + [ + "\u2581heinous", + -13.222110748291016 + ], + [ + "\u2581novice", + -13.33466625213623 + ], + [ + "\u2581Maintaining", + -13.246513366699219 + ], + [ + "\u2581hebrea", + -13.4408540725708 + ], + [ + "5.500", + -13.382994651794434 + ], + [ + "\u2581Columna", + -13.29340934753418 + ], + [ + "\u2581Plum", + -13.286772727966309 + ], + [ + "\u2581videoconferenc", + -13.370648384094238 + ], + [ + "administered", + -13.172029495239258 + ], + [ + "\u258110.0", + -13.198543548583984 + ], + [ + "\u2581daunting", + -13.229602813720703 + ], + [ + "\u2581pirata", + -13.248732566833496 + ], + [ + "\u2581spann", + -13.425612449645996 + ], + [ + "\u2581unintentional", + -13.257665634155273 + ], + [ + "\u2581Portfolio", + -13.305356979370117 + ], + [ + "\u2581diecisiete", + -13.359907150268555 + ], + [ + "\u2581inadequacy", + -13.219590187072754 + ], + [ + "IFICATION", + -13.222135543823242 + ], + [ + "IoT", + -13.375152587890625 + ], + [ + "diciembre", + -13.353130340576172 + ], + [ + "\u2581convoque", + -13.241792678833008 + ], + [ + "\u2581obsesionado", + -13.25621223449707 + ], + [ + "\u2581secretion", + -13.252044677734375 + ], + [ + "Responde", + -13.265974998474121 + ], + [ + "\u2581schoolchildren", + -13.330315589904785 + ], + [ + "\u2581articulation", + -13.195106506347656 + ], + [ + "\u2581c\u00e9dula", + -13.393345832824707 + ], + [ + "\u2581di\u00e9sel", + -13.35097885131836 + ], + [ + "\u2581resalt\u00f3", + -13.345070838928223 + ], + [ + "\u25810,0001", + -13.3691987991333 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hammarskj", + -13.29340934753418 + ], + [ + "\u2581INTO", + -13.340255737304688 + ], + [ + "\u2581Welsh", + -13.222105026245117 + ], + [ + "\u2581categorized", + -13.302652359008789 + ], + [ + "\u2581diner", + -13.34910774230957 + ], + [ + "\u2581empat\u00eda", + -13.299066543579102 + ], + [ + "\u2581sailed", + -13.248421669006348 + ], + [ + "\u2581samurai", + -13.299943923950195 + ], + [ + "\u2581solucion", + -13.216418266296387 + ], + [ + "\u2581sensibiliza", + -13.455782890319824 + ], + [ + "\u2581Francophonie", + -13.207213401794434 + ], + [ + "\u2581Grin", + -13.343708038330078 + ], + [ + "\u2581aeron\u00e1utica", + -13.324663162231445 + ], + [ + "\u2581subregiones", + -13.36290168762207 + ], + [ + "\u2581subsidiz", + -13.241256713867188 + ], + [ + "\u2581andaluz", + -13.43116283416748 + ], + [ + "\u2581consecration", + -13.219590187072754 + ], + [ + "\u2581desplegadas", + -13.402661323547363 + ], + [ + "\u2581gelatina", + -13.287915229797363 + ], + [ + "\u2581Eleven", + -13.327685356140137 + ], + [ + "\u2581ghetto", + -13.408158302307129 + ], + [ + "\u2581piadosa", + -13.285063743591309 + ], + [ + "\u2581quickest", + -13.32282543182373 + ], + [ + "\u2581sorprendida", + -13.263239860534668 + ], + [ + "\u2581taboo", + -13.257777214050293 + ], + [ + "environmental", + -13.211616516113281 + ], + [ + "laughs", + -13.34351921081543 + ], + [ + "\u2581GRATIS", + -13.412066459655762 + ], + [ + "\u2581ammonia", + -13.207216262817383 + ], + [ + "\u2581dominicano", + -13.477129936218262 + ], + [ + "\u2581elegibilidad", + -13.463777542114258 + ], + [ + "\u2581Esmeralda", + -13.3902587890625 + ], + [ + "\u2581desarmado", + -13.223254203796387 + ], + [ + "\u2581infarction", + -13.249934196472168 + ], + [ + "141", + -13.275718688964844 + ], + [ + "\u2581adherentes", + -13.345069885253906 + ], + [ + "\u2581hospitalized", + -13.391878128051758 + ], + [ + "\u2581ionizante", + -13.365904808044434 + ], + [ + "\u2581jungla", + -13.225815773010254 + ], + [ + "\u2581pakistan\u00ed", + -13.324661254882812 + ], + [ + "\u2581pavement", + -13.445565223693848 + ], + [ + "\u2581Globo", + -13.402698516845703 + ], + [ + "\u2581debatieron", + -13.421577453613281 + ], + [ + "\u2581normalization", + -13.305326461791992 + ], + [ + "/47/", + -13.30052661895752 + ], + [ + "benzene", + -13.093415260314941 + ], + [ + "toxicity", + -13.433069229125977 + ], + [ + "\u2581posguerra", + -13.316073417663574 + ], + [ + "\u2581pronostica", + -13.282282829284668 + ], + [ + "average", + -13.25740909576416 + ], + [ + "\u2581concibe", + -13.394549369812012 + ], + [ + "\u2581awakened", + -13.251607894897461 + ], + [ + "\u2581discrete", + -13.332902908325195 + ], + [ + "\u2581Iluminaci\u00f3n", + -13.415221214294434 + ], + [ + "\u2581Neighbourhood", + -13.249934196472168 + ], + [ + "Programme", + -13.193800926208496 + ], + [ + "\u2581Expect", + -13.179452896118164 + ], + [ + "\u2581Samaritan", + -13.305356979370117 + ], + [ + "\u2581cleansed", + -13.28341007232666 + ], + [ + "\u2581sidewalk", + -13.242581367492676 + ], + [ + "\u2581DRC", + -13.35072135925293 + ], + [ + "\u2581Guitar", + -13.278702735900879 + ], + [ + "\u2581Roh", + -13.502366065979004 + ], + [ + "\u2581allanar", + -13.431367874145508 + ], + [ + "\u2581reconfigurar", + -13.412066459655762 + ], + [ + "\u2581286", + -13.164420127868652 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wright", + -13.347854614257812 + ], + [ + "\u2581lithium", + -13.214621543884277 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cowskin", + -13.393233299255371 + ], + [ + "\u2581agony", + -13.229694366455078 + ], + [ + "\u2581bitterness", + -13.260771751403809 + ], + [ + "\u2581espanta", + -13.420161247253418 + ], + [ + "\u2581transfiera", + -13.316044807434082 + ], + [ + "\u2581scarf", + -13.396175384521484 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ombudsperson", + -13.26806926727295 + ], + [ + "\u2581Prevenir", + -13.351224899291992 + ], + [ + "\u2581enterrada", + -13.364483833312988 + ], + [ + "\u2581Seine", + -13.244515419006348 + ], + [ + "\u2581brutally", + -13.23459243774414 + ], + [ + "\u2581razon", + -13.009928703308105 + ], + [ + "\u2581statistic", + -13.2354736328125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Massage", + -13.340211868286133 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nail", + -13.287901878356934 + ], + [ + "\u2581commentaries", + -13.271167755126953 + ], + [ + "\u2581present\u00e9", + -13.333357810974121 + ], + [ + "\u2581uniformado", + -13.35097885131836 + ], + [ + "HP", + -12.894560813903809 + ], + [ + "4.3", + -13.007600784301758 + ], + [ + "\u2581$10,000", + -13.226888656616211 + ], + [ + "\u2581Suspension", + -13.278581619262695 + ], + [ + "\u2581flashlight", + -13.273508071899414 + ], + [ + "\u2581hydroxide", + -13.219596862792969 + ], + [ + "\u2581malet\u00edn", + -13.202560424804688 + ], + [ + "BON", + -13.552884101867676 + ], + [ + "eclamaci\u00f3n", + -13.365906715393066 + ], + [ + "vote", + -13.272234916687012 + ], + [ + "\u2581caracteriz\u00f3", + -13.412092208862305 + ], + [ + "\u2581erupciones", + -13.310335159301758 + ], + [ + "Watch", + -13.338372230529785 + ], + [ + "\u2581drogadicto", + -13.327552795410156 + ], + [ + "GEF", + -13.239502906799316 + ], + [ + "\u2581feat", + -13.33570384979248 + ], + [ + "\u2581defienda", + -13.353981018066406 + ], + [ + "\u2581exemplifie", + -13.242262840270996 + ], + [ + "\u2581sanctified", + -13.332868576049805 + ], + [ + "Muslim", + -13.288466453552246 + ], + [ + "\u2581escepticismo", + -13.330450057983398 + ], + [ + "\u2581minimalista", + -13.43436050415039 + ], + [ + "\u2581sabiendas", + -13.307493209838867 + ], + [ + "\u2581tab\u00fa", + -13.36301326751709 + ], + [ + "ligero", + -13.36685848236084 + ], + [ + "\u2581adherencia", + -13.34801959991455 + ], + [ + "lvaro", + -13.348649978637695 + ], + [ + "defense", + -13.335227012634277 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bubble", + -13.313531875610352 + ], + [ + "\u2581Contributor", + -13.249934196472168 + ], + [ + "\u2581precis\u00f3", + -13.365904808044434 + ], + [ + "Condiciones", + -13.292555809020996 + ], + [ + "nnotated", + -13.319144248962402 + ], + [ + "\u2581Disposal", + -13.346952438354492 + ], + [ + "\u2581advierto", + -13.119278907775879 + ], + [ + "\u2581eyewitness", + -13.31627082824707 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cmax", + -13.096683502197266 + ], + [ + "\u2581desplegando", + -13.316040992736816 + ], + [ + "Visita", + -13.365215301513672 + ], + [ + "practice", + -13.213480949401855 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sugerencias", + -13.473773956298828 + ], + [ + "\u2581arqueol\u00f3gica", + -13.504389762878418 + ], + [ + "\u2581GATS", + -13.249995231628418 + ], + [ + "\u2581acidez", + -13.434385299682617 + ], + [ + "\u2581escalating", + -13.34408950805664 + ], + [ + "\u2581volleyball", + -13.341272354125977 + ], + [ + "Experiment", + -13.404667854309082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lotto", + -13.274480819702148 + ], + [ + "\u2581SECRETARY", + -13.156843185424805 + ], + [ + "\u2581ahorca", + -13.278032302856445 + ], + [ + "\u2581supersede", + -13.265554428100586 + ], + [ + "\u2581Menorca", + -13.197434425354004 + ], + [ + "\u2581refill", + -13.3136625289917 + ], + [ + "Detect", + -13.352434158325195 + ], + [ + "\u2581EIT", + -13.244647979736328 + ], + [ + "\u2581Empez\u00f3", + -13.228433609008789 + ], + [ + "\u2581embalse", + -13.290616035461426 + ], + [ + "\u2581episcopal", + -13.359907150268555 + ], + [ + "\u2581ofendido", + -13.371964454650879 + ], + [ + "\u2581Quixote", + -13.15450668334961 + ], + [ + "\u2581precedida", + -13.390259742736816 + ], + [ + "\u2581roasted", + -13.342900276184082 + ], + [ + "\u2581baker", + -13.403098106384277 + ], + [ + "3(1)", + -12.831750869750977 + ], + [ + "deber\u00eda", + -13.313620567321777 + ], + [ + "izaci", + -13.331746101379395 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fortaleza", + -13.378006935119629 + ], + [ + "\u2581ingenuo", + -13.345069885253906 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hairdryer", + -13.234646797180176 + ], + [ + "\u2581enclave", + -13.278587341308594 + ], + [ + "\u2581standardised", + -13.191932678222656 + ], + [ + "3-7", + -13.531209945678711 + ], + [ + "\u2581HomeGa", + -13.33932113647461 + ], + [ + "\u2581meteorolog\u00eda", + -13.539541244506836 + ], + [ + "birth", + -13.269378662109375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Generic", + -13.292080879211426 + ], + [ + "\u2581Operative", + -13.341343879699707 + ], + [ + "\u2581ofrezco", + -13.276764869689941 + ], + [ + "\u2581worshipped", + -13.281660079956055 + ], + [ + "\u2581enrojecimiento", + -13.345069885253906 + ], + [ + "\u2581MOU", + -13.318329811096191 + ], + [ + "prendimos", + -13.352825164794922 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nike", + -13.320172309875488 + ], + [ + "\u2581ensancha", + -13.269128799438477 + ], + [ + "\u2581escaparate", + -13.277087211608887 + ], + [ + "\u2581inicuo", + -13.41838550567627 + ], + [ + "currieron", + -13.415810585021973 + ], + [ + "interference", + -13.275156021118164 + ], + [ + "st\u00e1tica", + -13.3811674118042 + ], + [ + "\u2581CHILDREN", + -13.291884422302246 + ], + [ + "\u2581Preferir\u00eda", + -13.119278907775879 + ], + [ + "\u2581bufanda", + -13.336273193359375 + ], + [ + "\u2581newcomer", + -13.336297035217285 + ], + [ + "\u2581Taste", + -13.37104320526123 + ], + [ + "30%", + -13.424962043762207 + ], + [ + "\u2581brushes", + -13.267119407653809 + ], + [ + "\u2581complexities", + -13.223506927490234 + ], + [ + "\u2581cupones", + -13.318977355957031 + ], + [ + "industry", + -13.181632995605469 + ], + [ + "3.4", + -12.958124160766602 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cottage", + -13.175734519958496 + ], + [ + "\u2581HomeGain", + -13.161532402038574 + ], + [ + "\u2581carbonate", + -13.254343032836914 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lung", + -13.260793685913086 + ], + [ + "\u2581catastr\u00f3fica", + -13.365904808044434 + ], + [ + "\u2581splendor", + -13.249934196472168 + ], + [ + "\u2581transposed", + -13.163304328918457 + ], + [ + "\u2581cont\u00e1ctenos", + -13.35097885131836 + ], + [ + "\u2581cordones", + -13.453875541687012 + ], + [ + "\u2581futile", + -13.3273286819458 + ], + [ + "\u2581Combatir", + -13.405965805053711 + ], + [ + "\u2581incineration", + -13.12462043762207 + ], + [ + "\u2581traumatismo", + -13.333405494689941 + ], + [ + "\u2581aggregated", + -13.1619291305542 + ], + [ + "\u2581pinpoint", + -13.252608299255371 + ], + [ + "\u2581summe", + -13.446541786193848 + ], + [ + "given", + -13.300834655761719 + ], + [ + "\u2581Flame", + -13.341134071350098 + ], + [ + "\u2581Geogr\u00e1fica", + -13.390727043151855 + ], + [ + "\u2581SITUATION", + -13.270687103271484 + ], + [ + "\u2581cardiopat\u00eda", + -13.290621757507324 + ], + [ + "\u2581desilusion", + -13.207682609558105 + ], + [ + "\u2581ecstasy", + -13.341272354125977 + ], + [ + "\u2581resucit\u00f3", + -13.365903854370117 + ], + [ + "\u2581riendo", + -13.158288955688477 + ], + [ + "\u2581solvency", + -13.152591705322266 + ], + [ + "\u2581tranche", + -13.265911102294922 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cake", + -13.211923599243164 + ], + [ + "\u2581coopere", + -13.316508293151855 + ], + [ + "engine", + -13.260547637939453 + ], + [ + "\u2581ASUNTOS", + -13.324661254882812 + ], + [ + "\u2581reconciling", + -13.199860572814941 + ], + [ + "\u2581MSC", + -13.291879653930664 + ], + [ + "\u2581fascinated", + -13.297248840332031 + ], + [ + "\u2581pediatric", + -13.254837989807129 + ], + [ + "\u2581FMCT", + -13.262880325317383 + ], + [ + "\u2581agregue", + -13.470593452453613 + ], + [ + "\u2581analogous", + -13.341699600219727 + ], + [ + "\u2581grandpa", + -13.392112731933594 + ], + [ + "\u2581implantation", + -13.193540573120117 + ], + [ + "launch", + -13.18164348602295 + ], + [ + "visit", + -13.233085632324219 + ], + [ + "POSICI\u00d3N", + -13.307493209838867 + ], + [ + "\u2581Educativo", + -13.41838550567627 + ], + [ + "\u2581agon\u00eda", + -13.279566764831543 + ], + [ + "Seguridad", + -13.383481979370117 + ], + [ + "\u2581blurred", + -13.252537727355957 + ], + [ + "\u2581deshonra", + -13.279552459716797 + ], + [ + "Round", + -13.41677474975586 + ], + [ + "\u2581diluvio", + -13.37193775177002 + ], + [ + "\u2581splitting", + -13.260887145996094 + ], + [ + "\u2581hassle", + -13.289727210998535 + ], + [ + "\u2581orphaned", + -13.248775482177734 + ], + [ + "\u2581surpassed", + -13.218634605407715 + ], + [ + "5,8", + -13.533452033996582 + ], + [ + "Administraciones", + -13.309489250183105 + ], + [ + "\u2581Compatibility", + -13.257665634155273 + ], + [ + "\u2581Procedural", + -13.349746704101562 + ], + [ + "cited", + -13.38724422454834 + ], + [ + "\u2581Establezca", + -13.412074089050293 + ], + [ + "\u2581Salam", + -13.398616790771484 + ], + [ + "\u2581Solicite", + -13.44082260131836 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dharma", + -13.202324867248535 + ], + [ + "\u2581volviste", + -13.210306167602539 + ], + [ + "SEM", + -13.398447036743164 + ], + [ + "recursos", + -13.36827278137207 + ], + [ + "\u201319", + -13.243772506713867 + ], + [ + "\u2581Entrenamiento", + -13.36892032623291 + ], + [ + "\u2581compasivo", + -13.348138809204102 + ], + [ + "\u2581desenlace", + -13.333357810974121 + ], + [ + "\u2581fumiga", + -13.365909576416016 + ], + [ + "\u2581IUCN", + -13.239924430847168 + ], + [ + "\u2581Servidor", + -13.450749397277832 + ], + [ + "\u2581forestaci\u00f3n", + -13.339198112487793 + ], + [ + "\u2581verily", + -13.281270027160645 + ], + [ + "\u2581brindis", + -13.157607078552246 + ], + [ + "\u2581mindset", + -13.276264190673828 + ], + [ + "\u2581rectitud", + -13.427940368652344 + ], + [ + "\u2581COMMENT", + -13.392875671386719 + ], + [ + "\u2581Luigi", + -13.405158042907715 + ], + [ + "\u2581Physi", + -13.281206130981445 + ], + [ + "\u2581bendijo", + -13.434383392333984 + ], + [ + "\u2581ovarian", + -13.187726020812988 + ], + [ + "\u2581Amenities", + -13.37574291229248 + ], + [ + "\u2581armonioso", + -13.345069885253906 + ], + [ + "\u2581reopening", + -13.299023628234863 + ], + [ + "\u2581Polynesia", + -13.344095230102539 + ], + [ + "\u2581metformin", + -13.194989204406738 + ], + [ + "\u2581m\u00e9dium", + -13.467097282409668 + ], + [ + "\u2581Discipline", + -13.234646797180176 + ], + [ + "\u2581Experimenta", + -13.361000061035156 + ], + [ + "\u2581Inalienable", + -13.247369766235352 + ], + [ + "\u2581cadre", + -13.297266960144043 + ], + [ + "Protocolo", + -13.278270721435547 + ], + [ + "\u2581amargura", + -13.313183784484863 + ], + [ + "\u258151/1", + -13.348599433898926 + ], + [ + "dollar", + -13.315705299377441 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sustit\u00faya", + -13.463773727416992 + ], + [ + "\u2581Curiosidades", + -13.467096328735352 + ], + [ + "\u2581luminosidad", + -13.3902587890625 + ], + [ + "\u2581revele", + -13.384502410888672 + ], + [ + "Deuteronomy", + -13.297248840332031 + ], + [ + "offering", + -13.253852844238281 + ], + [ + "\u2581SECRETARIO", + -13.316040992736816 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hammarsk", + -13.27069091796875 + ], + [ + "\u2581cellulose", + -13.182910919189453 + ], + [ + "\u2581erectile", + -13.268096923828125 + ], + [ + "\u2581ofreciera", + -13.318906784057617 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cylinder", + -13.142906188964844 + ], + [ + "\u2581cynical", + -13.265464782714844 + ], + [ + "\u2581grite", + -13.127007484436035 + ], + [ + "\u2581mistreatment", + -13.250115394592285 + ], + [ + "\u2581practising", + -13.349746704101562 + ], + [ + "\u2581anomalies", + -13.26806926727295 + ], + [ + "\u2581f\u00e9rrea", + -13.238973617553711 + ], + [ + "\u2581procured", + -13.243606567382812 + ], + [ + "\u2581obedeci\u00f3", + -13.46052074432373 + ], + [ + "\u2581propagate", + -13.2448148727417 + ], + [ + "\u2581revestir", + -13.396553993225098 + ], + [ + "Explore", + -13.41417121887207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Discusi\u00f3n", + -13.497504234313965 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hermandad", + -13.447357177734375 + ], + [ + "\u2581intricate", + -13.327311515808105 + ], + [ + "\u2581Allison", + -13.128743171691895 + ], + [ + "\u2581dishonest", + -13.281229019165039 + ], + [ + "acca", + -13.403634071350098 + ], + [ + "\u2581flea", + -13.305858612060547 + ], + [ + "\u2581imprime", + -13.396538734436035 + ], + [ + "\u2581murmur", + -13.313531875610352 + ], + [ + "lep", + -13.299844741821289 + ], + [ + "\u2581ICTR", + -13.304964065551758 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pensilvania", + -13.46046257019043 + ], + [ + "\u2581militante", + -13.290070533752441 + ], + [ + "\u2581presentimiento", + -13.103081703186035 + ], + [ + "\u2581Garda", + -13.367600440979004 + ], + [ + "\u2581Revolucionaria", + -13.365903854370117 + ], + [ + "\u2581devotee", + -13.265048027038574 + ], + [ + "\u2581sonriendo", + -13.339240074157715 + ], + [ + "\u2581taxpayer", + -13.238417625427246 + ], + [ + "HCH", + -13.261554718017578 + ], + [ + "\u2581Karma", + -13.30112361907959 + ], + [ + "\u2581trazabilidad", + -13.342194557189941 + ], + [ + "\u2581Entretenimiento", + -13.39954662322998 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tracking", + -13.21384048461914 + ], + [ + "\u2581oblatos", + -13.378010749816895 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cosmetic", + -13.242260932922363 + ], + [ + "\u2581navide\u00f1a", + -13.405786514282227 + ], + [ + "beam", + -13.17892074584961 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pneumatic", + -13.286539077758789 + ], + [ + "\u2581chaotic", + -13.338488578796387 + ], + [ + "\u2581heathen", + -13.489727973937988 + ], + [ + "\u2581slaughterhouse", + -13.24233341217041 + ], + [ + "\u2581domiciliario", + -13.384114265441895 + ], + [ + "WR", + -13.293540954589844 + ], + [ + "\u2581Disengagement", + -13.166244506835938 + ], + [ + "\u2581confes\u00f3", + -13.324662208557129 + ], + [ + "\u2581tentaciones", + -13.40892505645752 + ], + [ + "/25070", + -12.665863990783691 + ], + [ + "1-4", + -13.079363822937012 + ], + [ + "Mari", + -13.050185203552246 + ], + [ + "\u2581Di\u00e1metro", + -13.387182235717773 + ], + [ + "\u2581FOLLOWS", + -13.205720901489258 + ], + [ + "\u2581Herrera", + -13.429490089416504 + ], + [ + "\u2581cojinete", + -13.359907150268555 + ], + [ + "127", + -13.12493896484375 + ], + [ + "Based", + -13.216102600097656 + ], + [ + "Count", + -13.285789489746094 + ], + [ + "cientific", + -13.364592552185059 + ], + [ + "\u2581bol\u00edgrafo", + -13.212828636169434 + ], + [ + "\u2581permeate", + -13.240124702453613 + ], + [ + "\u2581Colonialism", + -13.250375747680664 + ], + [ + "\u2581Prix", + -13.298564910888672 + ], + [ + "\u2581divinity", + -13.299943923950195 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alexandra", + -13.257135391235352 + ], + [ + "\u2581harmonise", + -13.179349899291992 + ], + [ + "\u25812005/06", + -13.234649658203125 + ], + [ + "\u2581ardilla", + -13.336479187011719 + ], + [ + "\u2581disintegration", + -13.199897766113281 + ], + [ + "Peace", + -13.310182571411133 + ], + [ + "\u2581blaming", + -13.393233299255371 + ], + [ + "DESA", + -13.335946083068848 + ], + [ + "\u2581corrido", + -13.440935134887695 + ], + [ + "\u2581sown", + -13.317723274230957 + ], + [ + "\u2581wholeheartedly", + -13.270687103271484 + ], + [ + "keep", + -13.307907104492188 + ], + [ + "\u2581Communism", + -13.299978256225586 + ], + [ + "\u2581financi\u00f3", + -13.336349487304688 + ], + [ + "\u2581rubio", + -13.143791198730469 + ], + [ + "Irlanda", + -13.421162605285645 + ], + [ + "\u2581lighthouse", + -13.332565307617188 + ], + [ + "\u2581ingres\u00f3", + -13.444069862365723 + ], + [ + "\u2581sombr\u00edo", + -13.263103485107422 + ], + [ + "lapping", + -13.447504043579102 + ], + [ + "\u2581cinematogr\u00e1fico", + -13.408921241760254 + ], + [ + "Acceso", + -13.43730640411377 + ], + [ + "Espere", + -13.219290733337402 + ], + [ + "\u2581checkpoint", + -13.186551094055176 + ], + [ + "\u2581holandeses", + -13.39954662322998 + ], + [ + "\u2581seafarers", + -13.33846378326416 + ], + [ + "\u2581tapas", + -13.271302223205566 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pregunte", + -13.348020553588867 + ], + [ + "\u2581agropecuario", + -13.41838550567627 + ], + [ + "\u2581eclesi\u00e1stico", + -13.43436050415039 + ], + [ + "\u2581abstained", + -13.228996276855469 + ], + [ + "\u2581Botanical", + -13.235032081604004 + ], + [ + "\u2581Delegaciones", + -13.396441459655762 + ], + [ + "\u2581dr\u00e1stico", + -13.321781158447266 + ], + [ + "\u2581repaid", + -13.217792510986328 + ], + [ + "\u2581transforme", + -13.375113487243652 + ], + [ + "OSCE", + -13.265060424804688 + ], + [ + "\u2581Prometi", + -13.223719596862793 + ], + [ + "\u2581Soberana", + -13.46046257019043 + ], + [ + "\u2581admitting", + -13.240485191345215 + ], + [ + "\u2581bottlenecks", + -13.313530921936035 + ], + [ + "\u2581imprudente", + -13.38105583190918 + ], + [ + "\u2581insular", + -13.489636421203613 + ], + [ + "\u2581Magnet", + -13.426435470581055 + ], + [ + "\u2581interrumpida", + -13.41838550567627 + ], + [ + "\u2581quinientos", + -13.336272239685059 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00edmpetu", + -13.359907150268555 + ], + [ + "\u2581Antioch", + -13.197590827941895 + ], + [ + "\u2581Disciplinary", + -13.227089881896973 + ], + [ + "\u2581beggar", + -13.361412048339844 + ], + [ + "\u2581reimburse", + -13.22563648223877 + ], + [ + "\u2581Powell", + -13.405426025390625 + ], + [ + "\u2581desvaneci", + -13.293672561645508 + ], + [ + "\u2581juris", + -13.30054759979248 + ], + [ + "\u2581purge", + -13.292229652404785 + ], + [ + "Discriminaciones", + -13.384116172790527 + ], + [ + "\u2581dec\u00edrmelo", + -13.128724098205566 + ], + [ + "\u2581estratifica", + -13.452322959899902 + ], + [ + "Environment", + -13.269851684570312 + ], + [ + "Security", + -13.246413230895996 + ], + [ + "\u2581gobernabilidad", + -13.345069885253906 + ], + [ + "\u2581irritate", + -13.252504348754883 + ], + [ + "\u2581troubling", + -13.321773529052734 + ], + [ + "135", + -13.201807975769043 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jong", + -13.358779907226562 + ], + [ + "\u2581Replies", + -13.375650405883789 + ], + [ + "\u2581Synthetic", + -13.310799598693848 + ], + [ + "\u2581acometer", + -13.483884811401367 + ], + [ + "\u2581parezco", + -13.110027313232422 + ], + [ + "\u2581testifica", + -13.258760452270508 + ], + [ + "\u2581REVIEW", + -13.24481201171875 + ], + [ + "\u2581jardin", + -13.286337852478027 + ], + [ + "\u2581rebosa", + -13.319389343261719 + ], + [ + "\u2581tabaquismo", + -13.405786514282227 + ], + [ + "Caba\u00f1as", + -13.287910461425781 + ], + [ + "\u2581Frontier", + -13.209040641784668 + ], + [ + "djustable", + -13.426338195800781 + ], + [ + "6.2", + -13.031469345092773 + ], + [ + "MAC", + -13.28983211517334 + ], + [ + "gren", + -13.41566276550293 + ], + [ + "\u2581biking", + -13.297483444213867 + ], + [ + "\u2581aborrece", + -13.378007888793945 + ], + [ + "\u2581regimiento", + -13.365967750549316 + ], + [ + "Maestro", + -13.312129974365234 + ], + [ + "\u2581ardiendo", + -13.2471284866333 + ], + [ + "\u2581obsequio", + -13.215412139892578 + ], + [ + "\u2581sintieron", + -13.350987434387207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cutting", + -13.373146057128906 + ], + [ + "alimentaci\u00f3n", + -13.38837718963623 + ], + [ + "\u2581Brava", + -13.29675006866455 + ], + [ + "\u2581transgender", + -13.384405136108398 + ], + [ + "\u2581Determination", + -13.161532402038574 + ], + [ + "\u2581preadhesi\u00f3n", + -13.285052299499512 + ], + [ + "\u2581federaciones", + -13.5253324508667 + ], + [ + "\u2581homepage", + -13.279662132263184 + ], + [ + "Football", + -13.296552658081055 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kirguisa", + -13.539541244506836 + ], + [ + "\u2581emociona", + -13.260298728942871 + ], + [ + "\u2581hygienic", + -13.31627082824707 + ], + [ + "\u2581impotente", + -13.316040992736816 + ], + [ + "\u2581metaboliza", + -13.327567100524902 + ], + [ + "communicable", + -13.248984336853027 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cork", + -13.361721992492676 + ], + [ + "\u2581hag\u00e1is", + -13.27402400970459 + ], + [ + "\u2581humiliated", + -13.38810920715332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Brasilia", + -13.257970809936523 + ], + [ + "short", + -13.33727741241455 + ], + [ + "\u2581Crete", + -13.256000518798828 + ], + [ + "\u2581cyclone", + -13.305368423461914 + ], + [ + "\u2581t\u00e1ctico", + -13.374967575073242 + ], + [ + "\u2581aggregation", + -13.227190971374512 + ], + [ + "\u2581Manasseh", + -13.237178802490234 + ], + [ + "\u2581Methodology", + -13.361295700073242 + ], + [ + "micro", + -13.308842658996582 + ], + [ + "\u2581Itinerario", + -13.415220260620117 + ], + [ + "\u2581wrongdoing", + -13.321779251098633 + ], + [ + "7-9", + -13.402931213378906 + ], + [ + "ombrilla", + -13.415539741516113 + ], + [ + "\u2581Analyst", + -13.255082130432129 + ], + [ + "\u2581estandarizado", + -13.384117126464844 + ], + [ + "\u2581lesion", + -13.178722381591797 + ], + [ + "\u2581tripartita", + -13.3902587890625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Physician", + -13.278581619262695 + ], + [ + "\u2581abundantly", + -13.286020278930664 + ], + [ + "\u2581hereditary", + -13.249934196472168 + ], + [ + "\u2581insistieron", + -13.434365272521973 + ], + [ + "\u2581stockings", + -13.330674171447754 + ], + [ + "\u2581Abidj\u00e1n", + -13.374967575073242 + ], + [ + "\u2581Episode", + -13.286539077758789 + ], + [ + "\u2581flexibiliza", + -13.457161903381348 + ], + [ + "Finnish", + -13.470521926879883 + ], + [ + "\u2581Trash", + -13.333738327026367 + ], + [ + "[1]", + -13.291824340820312 + ], + [ + "equal", + -13.319340705871582 + ], + [ + "\u2581Experiment", + -13.368645668029785 + ], + [ + "4,5%", + -13.447976112365723 + ], + [ + "Villa", + -13.380391120910645 + ], + [ + "\u2581excavaci\u00f3n", + -13.38746452331543 + ], + [ + "CORE", + -13.304341316223145 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lime", + -13.359869003295898 + ], + [ + "\u2581progresa", + -13.201645851135254 + ], + [ + "exchange", + -13.236306190490723 + ], + [ + "\u2581THEIR", + -13.279829025268555 + ], + [ + "\u2581bake", + -13.274030685424805 + ], + [ + "salud", + -13.343826293945312 + ], + [ + "\u2581Displaced", + -13.327305793762207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Posiciones", + -13.453873634338379 + ], + [ + "\u2581silueta", + -13.48050594329834 + ], + [ + "\u2581tomograf\u00eda", + -13.37200927734375 + ], + [ + "\u2581vagones", + -13.25779914855957 + ], + [ + "\u2581NACIONAL", + -13.30185317993164 + ], + [ + "\u2581peculiaridades", + -13.434432983398438 + ], + [ + "\u2581snorkel", + -13.262853622436523 + ], + [ + "Fabuloso", + -13.350981712341309 + ], + [ + "\u2581circunferencia", + -13.50097370147705 + ], + [ + "0.9", + -13.232094764709473 + ], + [ + "\u2581Climb", + -13.426469802856445 + ], + [ + "\u2581Diaspora", + -13.31627082824707 + ], + [ + "\u2581Islamist", + -13.33576774597168 + ], + [ + "\u2581concentre", + -13.419238090515137 + ], + [ + "\u2581mayordomo", + -13.337806701660156 + ], + [ + "\u2581velvet", + -13.2706880569458 + ], + [ + "Lev\u00e1ntate", + -13.208630561828613 + ], + [ + "\u2581grandiosa", + -13.233717918395996 + ], + [ + "\u2581hometown", + -13.354413986206055 + ], + [ + "\u2581aglutina", + -13.444070816040039 + ], + [ + "\u2581Navarre", + -13.364034652709961 + ], + [ + "\u2581inertia", + -13.266168594360352 + ], + [ + "\u2581modu", + -13.218311309814453 + ], + [ + "\u2581Matrimonio", + -13.44732666015625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ingredientes", + -13.457162857055664 + ], + [ + "\u2581compilacion", + -13.396455764770508 + ], + [ + "UTE", + -13.42578125 + ], + [ + "israel\u00ed", + -13.414782524108887 + ], + [ + "\u2581Verily", + -13.36129093170166 + ], + [ + "telecomunicaci\u00f3n", + -13.432158470153809 + ], + [ + "\u2581artificially", + -13.22827434539795 + ], + [ + "\u2581capucha", + -13.307541847229004 + ], + [ + "\u2581cronol\u00f3gico", + -13.31890869140625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Zah", + -13.426201820373535 + ], + [ + "\u2581eject", + -13.394159317016602 + ], + [ + "\u2581recapitul", + -13.532708168029785 + ], + [ + "\u2581contencioso", + -13.399548530578613 + ], + [ + "\u2581period\u00edstica", + -13.39954662322998 + ], + [ + "\u2581Civilizaciones", + -13.437674522399902 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fiftie", + -13.190214157104492 + ], + [ + "owing", + -13.154701232910156 + ], + [ + "\u2581Brush", + -13.446104049682617 + ], + [ + "\u2581designio", + -13.431154251098633 + ], + [ + "\u25819/11", + -13.34223461151123 + ], + [ + "\u2581descanse", + -13.25511360168457 + ], + [ + "1-6", + -13.21712875366211 + ], + [ + "wild", + -13.28726577758789 + ], + [ + "\u2581caballer\u00eda", + -13.365904808044434 + ], + [ + "\u2581eldest", + -13.327308654785156 + ], + [ + "\u2581freshness", + -13.286733627319336 + ], + [ + "\u2581prose", + -13.253664016723633 + ], + [ + "Ib\u00edd", + -13.374281883239746 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rak", + -13.267131805419922 + ], + [ + "Naqura", + -13.44753646850586 + ], + [ + "\u2581apprehension", + -13.281227111816406 + ], + [ + "\u2581d\u00e9jeme", + -13.091468811035156 + ], + [ + "\u2581pisotea", + -13.391203880310059 + ], + [ + "\u2581psyche", + -13.340120315551758 + ], + [ + "\u2581toxicoman\u00eda", + -13.35097885131836 + ], + [ + "H\u00e9roe", + -13.356951713562012 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mezquita", + -13.431144714355469 + ], + [ + "\u2581arable", + -13.289626121520996 + ], + [ + "\u2581gradient", + -13.192561149597168 + ], + [ + "\u2581menace", + -13.198691368103027 + ], + [ + "\u2581wrestling", + -13.378525733947754 + ], + [ + "marine", + -13.26421070098877 + ], + [ + "\u2581Diversas", + -13.48050308227539 + ], + [ + "\u2581Protesta", + -13.366085052490234 + ], + [ + "Build", + -13.249988555908203 + ], + [ + "tendiste", + -13.278355598449707 + ], + [ + "\u2581Manas\u00e9s", + -13.381057739257812 + ], + [ + "\u2581grab\u00f3", + -13.418473243713379 + ], + [ + "\u2581Licence", + -13.305357933044434 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ratificaci\u00f3n", + -13.41550350189209 + ], + [ + "\u2581acredite", + -13.377175331115723 + ], + [ + "RAND", + -13.520722389221191 + ], + [ + "\u2581Elite", + -13.319753646850586 + ], + [ + "\u2581acompa\u00f1\u00f3", + -13.321779251098633 + ], + [ + "\u2581Taxation", + -13.238274574279785 + ], + [ + "\u2581asoma", + -13.255306243896484 + ], + [ + "\u2581interfiere", + -13.390453338623047 + ], + [ + "\u2581releva", + -13.337667465209961 + ], + [ + "\u2581ginger", + -13.402324676513672 + ], + [ + "\u2581vegan", + -13.222161293029785 + ], + [ + "\u2581DECIDED", + -13.232121467590332 + ], + [ + "\u2581ECOSOC", + -13.275945663452148 + ], + [ + "\u2581perceptible", + -13.374967575073242 + ], + [ + "\u2581EMPRESA", + -13.39954662322998 + ], + [ + "ADIR", + -13.406306266784668 + ], + [ + "copatrocinadores", + -13.364644050598145 + ], + [ + "\u2581Permit", + -13.314069747924805 + ], + [ + "\u2581indefenso", + -13.285052299499512 + ], + [ + "\u2581pijama", + -13.282289505004883 + ], + [ + "agricultural", + -13.241278648376465 + ], + [ + "\u2581campi\u00f1a", + -13.390266418457031 + ], + [ + "\u2581Delicious", + -13.387323379516602 + ], + [ + "\u2581succumb", + -13.278581619262695 + ], + [ + "\u2581descompone", + -13.390360832214355 + ], + [ + "\u2581infinitely", + -13.272955894470215 + ], + [ + "\u2581symptomatic", + -13.316815376281738 + ], + [ + "\u2581Yankee", + -13.476614952087402 + ], + [ + "\u2581jovencito", + -13.253775596618652 + ], + [ + "\u2581propulsion", + -13.19742202758789 + ], + [ + "\u2581prometiste", + -13.183038711547852 + ], + [ + "Finlandia", + -13.47709846496582 + ], + [ + "\u2581Migrator", + -13.244821548461914 + ], + [ + "\u2581es\u00f3fago", + -13.368916511535645 + ], + [ + "\u2581Eficacia", + -13.34212875366211 + ], + [ + "\u2581deliverance", + -13.248164176940918 + ], + [ + "\u2581existential", + -13.273396492004395 + ], + [ + "\u2581concilio", + -13.418412208557129 + ], + [ + "\u2581flawed", + -13.324536323547363 + ], + [ + "\u2581haircut", + -13.373228073120117 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nicola", + -13.334476470947266 + ], + [ + "\u2581monarca", + -13.412071228027344 + ], + [ + "Chicos", + -13.09631633758545 + ], + [ + "\u2581gadget", + -13.291879653930664 + ], + [ + "linked", + -13.20267105102539 + ], + [ + "\u2581Understood", + -13.483076095581055 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuadrienal", + -13.553970336914062 + ], + [ + "\u2581gaseoso", + -13.374983787536621 + ], + [ + "\u2581olanzapine", + -13.273311614990234 + ], + [ + "\u2581aleaciones", + -13.31049919128418 + ], + [ + "\u2581redistribut", + -13.307865142822266 + ], + [ + "\u2581snare", + -13.408650398254395 + ], + [ + "ossibility", + -13.275904655456543 + ], + [ + "xyl", + -13.450492858886719 + ], + [ + "\u00e9rtelo", + -13.148651123046875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Comprendo", + -13.165909767150879 + ], + [ + "\u2581MAKE", + -13.382752418518066 + ], + [ + "\u2581Verbatim", + -13.321773529052734 + ], + [ + "\u2581partake", + -13.362236022949219 + ], + [ + "\u2581Consent", + -13.303112030029297 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mortgage", + -13.262853622436523 + ], + [ + "\u2581bendita", + -13.27682113647461 + ], + [ + "\u2581officio", + -13.304702758789062 + ], + [ + "\u2581uterino", + -13.497509002685547 + ], + [ + "Cooperaci\u00f3n", + -13.39588451385498 + ], + [ + "\u2581p\u00e1rroco", + -13.3450927734375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kurds", + -13.242295265197754 + ], + [ + "\u2581Preg\u00fantale", + -13.274017333984375 + ], + [ + "\u2581RIP", + -13.300983428955078 + ], + [ + "\u2581interrogated", + -13.271896362304688 + ], + [ + "tonelada", + -13.440598487854004 + ], + [ + "\u2581affectionate", + -13.344325065612793 + ], + [ + "\u2581apologise", + -13.305356979370117 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nev", + -13.244258880615234 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vicar", + -13.306233406066895 + ], + [ + "\u2581insensible", + -13.33919620513916 + ], + [ + "\u2581wedge", + -13.375033378601074 + ], + [ + "authorised", + -13.31029224395752 + ], + [ + "milk", + -13.331652641296387 + ], + [ + "\u2581Macau", + -13.28203296661377 + ], + [ + "\u2581incierta", + -13.296213150024414 + ], + [ + "\u2581nobility", + -13.35489273071289 + ], + [ + "\u2581salmo", + -13.05915355682373 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lectura", + -13.511329650878906 + ], + [ + "\u2581embri\u00f3n", + -13.390291213989258 + ], + [ + "PSO", + -13.632574081420898 + ], + [ + "\u2581limosna", + -13.293423652648926 + ], + [ + "\u2581Castile", + -13.286643981933594 + ], + [ + "\u2581DIA", + -13.42990779876709 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sancho", + -13.16762638092041 + ], + [ + "\u2581gimnasia", + -13.387181282043457 + ], + [ + "\u2581shotgun", + -13.408276557922363 + ], + [ + "Sevilla", + -13.310185432434082 + ], + [ + "\u2581nitri", + -13.272940635681152 + ], + [ + "\u2581stabilizing", + -13.283879280090332 + ], + [ + "Atr\u00e1s", + -13.165616035461426 + ], + [ + "\u2581solemnly", + -13.346029281616211 + ], + [ + "NAT", + -13.330114364624023 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aguanta", + -13.091897010803223 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ezra", + -13.36116886138916 + ], + [ + "\u2581prof\u00e9tica", + -13.41838550567627 + ], + [ + "cancer", + -13.315464973449707 + ], + [ + "\u2581Liderazgo", + -13.46046257019043 + ], + [ + "\u2581rotatoria", + -13.348430633544922 + ], + [ + "\u2581supeditada", + -13.356922149658203 + ], + [ + "\u2581stabilized", + -13.252544403076172 + ], + [ + "\u2581Defender", + -13.257136344909668 + ], + [ + "\u2581Merece", + -13.412893295288086 + ], + [ + "\u2581prophesied", + -13.308073997497559 + ], + [ + "\u2581refrescar", + -13.249626159667969 + ], + [ + "Polonia", + -13.35014533996582 + ], + [ + "\u2581astronom\u00eda", + -13.421562194824219 + ], + [ + "Voluntario", + -13.3779296875 + ], + [ + "contributory", + -13.360660552978516 + ], + [ + "\u2581immortality", + -13.27352523803711 + ], + [ + "\u2581interestatal", + -13.405917167663574 + ], + [ + "\u2581reorientar", + -13.374967575073242 + ], + [ + "continental", + -13.550814628601074 + ], + [ + "linear", + -13.257081985473633 + ], + [ + "\u2581Thermo", + -13.313735008239746 + ], + [ + "\u2581fortification", + -13.24251651763916 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mascotas", + -13.467096328735352 + ], + [ + "\u2581hashtag", + -13.275944709777832 + ], + [ + "\u2581ment\u00ed", + -13.191720008850098 + ], + [ + "\u2581n\u00e1utico", + -13.399547576904297 + ], + [ + "\u2581cedar", + -13.3301362991333 + ], + [ + "\u2581Flexible", + -13.349800109863281 + ], + [ + "\u2581culprit", + -13.358293533325195 + ], + [ + "\u2581precinct", + -13.417221069335938 + ], + [ + "\u2581sacrificing", + -13.291879653930664 + ], + [ + "negative", + -13.246420860290527 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sinceramente", + -13.316040992736816 + ], + [ + "\u2581violen", + -13.337815284729004 + ], + [ + "tropin", + -13.273723602294922 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nebuchadnezzar", + -13.30264663696289 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pilgrim", + -13.476613998413086 + ], + [ + "\u2581c\u00e1tedra", + -13.34212875366211 + ], + [ + "\u2581diputada", + -13.553962707519531 + ], + [ + "\u2581comisaria", + -13.387184143066406 + ], + [ + "\u2581insurrecci\u00f3n", + -13.38105583190918 + ], + [ + "\u2581prorratear", + -13.241625785827637 + ], + [ + "\u2581Restricciones", + -13.3902587890625 + ], + [ + "\u2581earnestly", + -13.253344535827637 + ], + [ + "\u2581serenity", + -13.237178802490234 + ], + [ + "\u2581HFC", + -13.341986656188965 + ], + [ + "\u2581ficticio", + -13.427939414978027 + ], + [ + "\u2581tonalidad", + -13.470441818237305 + ], + [ + "\u2581secretaries", + -13.364413261413574 + ], + [ + "\u2581diuretic", + -13.289205551147461 + ], + [ + "\u2581embodies", + -13.302659034729004 + ], + [ + "\u2581temperate", + -13.319404602050781 + ], + [ + "affaires", + -13.220993995666504 + ], + [ + "\u2581AFRICA", + -13.222084999084473 + ], + [ + "\u2581nutritious", + -13.341272354125977 + ], + [ + "\u2581tapping", + -13.276187896728516 + ], + [ + "\u2581desaconsej", + -13.515889167785645 + ], + [ + "\u2581an\u00e9cdota", + -13.356922149658203 + ], + [ + ",000.00", + -13.431258201599121 + ], + [ + "\u2581ridicule", + -13.330083847045898 + ], + [ + "\u2581Thirteenth", + -13.313765525817871 + ], + [ + "\u2581narrate", + -13.310964584350586 + ], + [ + "stroke", + -13.36481761932373 + ], + [ + "\u2581expat", + -13.276320457458496 + ], + [ + "\u2581fotocopia", + -13.420971870422363 + ], + [ + "\u2581irritante", + -13.291993141174316 + ], + [ + "\u2581suministr\u00f3", + -13.39954662322998 + ], + [ + "2,200", + -13.352272987365723 + ], + [ + "Kar", + -13.312172889709473 + ], + [ + "\u2581BUDGET", + -13.666764259338379 + ], + [ + "\u2581pluck", + -13.310802459716797 + ], + [ + "\u2581resurgimiento", + -13.424744606018066 + ], + [ + "\u2581Immuno", + -13.753183364868164 + ], + [ + "\u2581hypocrite", + -13.414190292358398 + ], + [ + "\u2581inv\u00e1lido", + -13.365904808044434 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alexis", + -13.291817665100098 + ], + [ + "\u2581glazing", + -13.294575691223145 + ], + [ + "\u2581smear", + -13.408170700073242 + ], + [ + "\u2581spice", + -13.325350761413574 + ], + [ + "2,400", + -13.350004196166992 + ], + [ + "\u2581fluent", + -13.185522079467773 + ], + [ + "\u2581microSD", + -13.367147445678711 + ], + [ + "oxetina", + -13.421695709228516 + ], + [ + "\u2581$100,000", + -13.378568649291992 + ], + [ + "\u2581Logros", + -13.40271282196045 + ], + [ + "\u2581computed", + -13.319802284240723 + ], + [ + "\u2581delinquency", + -13.390273094177246 + ], + [ + "\u2581testament", + -13.471465110778809 + ], + [ + "\u2581expondr\u00e1", + -13.3629150390625 + ], + [ + "129", + -13.27849006652832 + ], + [ + "grown", + -13.31253433227539 + ], + [ + "\u2581Extensi\u00f3n", + -13.444157600402832 + ], + [ + "\u2581TNCs", + -13.270706176757812 + ], + [ + "\u2581confiando", + -13.29949951171875 + ], + [ + "\u2581intervinieron", + -13.39334487915039 + ], + [ + "\u064a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581chorus", + -13.289268493652344 + ], + [ + "\u2581derogate", + -13.278602600097656 + ], + [ + "\u2581Julius", + -13.289236068725586 + ], + [ + "\u2581Masaje", + -13.34951400756836 + ], + [ + "\u2581anejo", + -13.419154167175293 + ], + [ + "\u2581deliberation", + -13.243584632873535 + ], + [ + "\u2581ensucia", + -13.229105949401855 + ], + [ + "\u2581vapour", + -13.33846378326416 + ], + [ + "Descarga", + -13.383533477783203 + ], + [ + "Know", + -13.307974815368652 + ], + [ + "\u2581rob\u00f3tica", + -13.31348705291748 + ], + [ + "\u2581tailand\u00e9s", + -13.415221214294434 + ], + [ + "supply", + -13.256762504577637 + ], + [ + "\u2581Breathe", + -13.467023849487305 + ], + [ + "\u2581sucediera", + -13.263103485107422 + ], + [ + "\u2581Messi", + -13.464335441589355 + ], + [ + "\u2581landowners", + -13.244939804077148 + ], + [ + "\u2581stronghold", + -13.336051940917969 + ], + [ + "Democratic", + -13.236169815063477 + ], + [ + "\u2581dummy", + -13.442099571228027 + ], + [ + "\u2581hegemony", + -13.372703552246094 + ], + [ + "8-9", + -13.471944808959961 + ], + [ + "Blue", + -13.378301620483398 + ], + [ + "\u2581burs\u00e1til", + -13.296210289001465 + ], + [ + "\u2581d\u00edgame", + -13.218036651611328 + ], + [ + "\u2581reca\u00edda", + -13.396501541137695 + ], + [ + "\u2581buddies", + -13.44805908203125 + ], + [ + "\u2581MEDIO", + -13.362964630126953 + ], + [ + "\u2581l\u00f3bulo", + -13.39334487915039 + ], + [ + "0.6", + -13.15955924987793 + ], + [ + "\u2581metr\u00f3poli", + -13.415224075317383 + ], + [ + "\u00a4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581Riga", + -13.339168548583984 + ], + [ + "\u2581agitation", + -13.327312469482422 + ], + [ + "\u2581riddle", + -13.381765365600586 + ], + [ + "Step", + -13.360204696655273 + ], + [ + "probable", + -13.372275352478027 + ], + [ + "\u2581Acompa\u00f1a", + -13.427945137023926 + ], + [ + "\u2581Duma", + -13.278079986572266 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hezekiah", + -13.384382247924805 + ], + [ + "\u2581kde", + -13.337677001953125 + ], + [ + "\u2581negaba", + -13.308530807495117 + ], + [ + "\u2581sicotr\u00f3picas", + -13.497504234313965 + ], + [ + "0.7", + -13.213705062866211 + ], + [ + "System", + -13.299263000488281 + ], + [ + "\u2581Freelancer", + -13.397611618041992 + ], + [ + "\u2581incinera", + -13.341757774353027 + ], + [ + "\u2581insurrection", + -13.289205551147461 + ], + [ + "trointestinales", + -13.547378540039062 + ], + [ + "\u2581discrepa", + -13.3450345993042 + ], + [ + "\u2581enclose", + -13.337410926818848 + ], + [ + "\u2581inhalation", + -13.34977912902832 + ], + [ + "Tonter\u00edas", + -13.107630729675293 + ], + [ + "woven", + -13.285871505737305 + ], + [ + "\u2581COUNTRIES", + -13.286539077758789 + ], + [ + "\u2581canoa", + -13.348438262939453 + ], + [ + "\u2581injerto", + -13.525335311889648 + ], + [ + "\u2581monitorea", + -13.34764289855957 + ], + [ + "Comercializaci\u00f3n", + -13.489934921264648 + ], + [ + "\u2581plutonio", + -13.470429420471191 + ], + [ + "\u2581hindrance", + -13.262853622436523 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bosco", + -13.398181915283203 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ni\u00f1era", + -13.408921241760254 + ], + [ + "\u2581Techno", + -13.387178421020508 + ], + [ + "\u2581flute", + -13.366660118103027 + ], + [ + "\u2581fundraising", + -13.423833847045898 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bailey", + -13.546789169311523 + ], + [ + "\u2581ESMA", + -13.308728218078613 + ], + [ + "\u2581centralised", + -13.25964641571045 + ], + [ + "\u2581impusieron", + -13.359976768493652 + ], + [ + "\u2581lizard", + -13.349747657775879 + ], + [ + "\u2581evadir", + -13.368949890136719 + ], + [ + "Sustain", + -13.224767684936523 + ], + [ + "\u2581Elegant", + -13.335662841796875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wooden", + -13.347790718078613 + ], + [ + "\u2581circunscripci\u00f3n", + -13.371962547302246 + ], + [ + "editar", + -13.345420837402344 + ], + [ + "endra", + -13.459571838378906 + ], + [ + "\u2581expediciones", + -13.467119216918945 + ], + [ + "Desarrollo", + -13.55081558227539 + ], + [ + "USH", + -13.348154067993164 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ll\u00e9vate", + -13.114590644836426 + ], + [ + "\u2581casca", + -13.310483932495117 + ], + [ + "\u2581esquiva", + -13.247878074645996 + ], + [ + "\u2581pharmacological", + -13.262853622436523 + ], + [ + "Chief", + -13.259382247924805 + ], + [ + "consejo", + -13.385330200195312 + ], + [ + "mplications", + -13.340331077575684 + ], + [ + "\u2581acontece", + -13.318915367126465 + ], + [ + "006", + -13.284159660339355 + ], + [ + "169", + -13.279291152954102 + ], + [ + "Iraq", + -13.233633995056152 + ], + [ + "\u2581Adventist", + -13.316917419433594 + ], + [ + "\u2581Japon\u00e9s", + -13.43436050415039 + ], + [ + "\u2581Therapeutic", + -13.289205551147461 + ], + [ + "\u2581parrot", + -13.476722717285156 + ], + [ + "nzeigen", + -13.599823951721191 + ], + [ + "\u2581extra\u00edble", + -13.444072723388672 + ], + [ + "\u2581taz\u00f3n", + -13.366137504577637 + ], + [ + "\u2581CONFORMIDAD", + -13.365903854370117 + ], + [ + "\u2581subsuelo", + -13.33045482635498 + ], + [ + "Food", + -13.294086456298828 + ], + [ + "\u2581Honorable", + -13.231120109558105 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mariana", + -13.366235733032227 + ], + [ + "\u2581desarmar", + -13.43467903137207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ozono", + -13.257694244384766 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sunni", + -13.416788101196289 + ], + [ + "\u2581kiosk", + -13.313530921936035 + ], + [ + "%%", + -13.653617858886719 + ], + [ + "axial", + -13.292074203491211 + ], + [ + "\u2581inexplicable", + -13.43436050415039 + ], + [ + "\u2581Acute", + -13.302727699279785 + ], + [ + "\u2581arrastr", + -13.091117858886719 + ], + [ + "\u2581reload", + -13.334291458129883 + ], + [ + "LIGHT", + -13.407014846801758 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ban\u00fas", + -13.40585708618164 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cisjordania", + -13.405786514282227 + ], + [ + "\u2581DPI", + -13.32325267791748 + ], + [ + "\u2581sandalias", + -13.46046257019043 + ], + [ + "\u2581fotocopiadora", + -13.387885093688965 + ], + [ + "\u2581Banus", + -13.30905818939209 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nano", + -13.362610816955566 + ], + [ + "\u2581beetle", + -13.536595344543457 + ], + [ + "\u2581culmination", + -13.3756103515625 + ], + [ + "\u2581part\u00edcula", + -13.357152938842773 + ], + [ + "All\u00ed", + -13.2379150390625 + ], + [ + "servant", + -13.354772567749023 + ], + [ + "\u2581Worship", + -13.302647590637207 + ], + [ + "\u2581d\u00fao", + -13.447383880615234 + ], + [ + "\u2581involucre", + -13.3539457321167 + ], + [ + "\u2581Serrano", + -13.310943603515625 + ], + [ + "\u2581atajo", + -13.30341911315918 + ], + [ + "\u2581Moraz\u00e1n", + -13.48387622833252 + ], + [ + "\u2581Religi\u00f3n", + -13.3539457321167 + ], + [ + "\u2581b\u00e1rbaro", + -13.353946685791016 + ], + [ + "\u2581sionista", + -13.39414119720459 + ], + [ + "126", + -13.279879570007324 + ], + [ + "Convention", + -13.315725326538086 + ], + [ + "\u2581Comfortable", + -13.49989128112793 + ], + [ + "\u2581MOR", + -13.34935474395752 + ], + [ + "\u2581estresante", + -13.345086097717285 + ], + [ + "\u2581liras", + -13.214079856872559 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pizza", + -13.327595710754395 + ], + [ + "\u2581Regulaci\u00f3n", + -13.37198257446289 + ], + [ + "\u2581emple\u00f3", + -13.470433235168457 + ], + [ + "\u2581intr\u00ednseco", + -13.33919620513916 + ], + [ + "\u2581Paraguayan", + -13.315727233886719 + ], + [ + "\u2581anal\u00f3gica", + -13.504411697387695 + ], + [ + "\u2581herpes", + -13.282367706298828 + ], + [ + "\u2581oleoducto", + -13.368916511535645 + ], + [ + "\u2581incursi\u00f3n", + -13.384114265441895 + ], + [ + "\u2581MATTERS", + -13.232121467590332 + ], + [ + "\u2581endors", + -13.18162727355957 + ], + [ + "\u2581trabaj\u00e9", + -13.276780128479004 + ], + [ + "\u2581marioneta", + -13.359910011291504 + ], + [ + "\u2581vegeta", + -13.320418357849121 + ], + [ + "physics", + -13.434082984924316 + ], + [ + "\u2581Automatizaci\u00f3n", + -13.431144714355469 + ], + [ + "\u2581Machu", + -13.390398979187012 + ], + [ + "muscular", + -13.283129692077637 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bohemia", + -13.34692096710205 + ], + [ + "\u2581frescura", + -13.450593948364258 + ], + [ + "hydra", + -13.30345630645752 + ], + [ + "Thus", + -13.327446937561035 + ], + [ + "Union", + -13.20472526550293 + ], + [ + "VAT", + -13.200225830078125 + ], + [ + "\u2581antia\u00e9rea", + -13.424744606018066 + ], + [ + "\u2581galard\u00f3n", + -13.480496406555176 + ], + [ + "\u2581radiant", + -13.299944877624512 + ], + [ + "\u2581repetida", + -13.368746757507324 + ], + [ + "ILI", + -13.57778549194336 + ], + [ + "UNDAF", + -13.283111572265625 + ], + [ + "presupuestaria", + -13.380398750305176 + ], + [ + "\u2581maze", + -13.415262222290039 + ], + [ + "Hermano", + -13.195778846740723 + ], + [ + "\u2581atravesado", + -13.268559455871582 + ], + [ + "angi", + -12.903260231018066 + ], + [ + "\u2581Terrestre", + -13.402691841125488 + ], + [ + "\u2581poligamia", + -13.359907150268555 + ], + [ + "\u2581poni\u00e9ndo", + -13.342172622680664 + ], + [ + "discover", + -13.2489595413208 + ], + [ + "\u2581Instruction", + -13.394079208374023 + ], + [ + "\u2581crocodile", + -13.42636775970459 + ], + [ + "Pap", + -13.496755599975586 + ], + [ + "aceous", + -13.429455757141113 + ], + [ + "\u2581accelerometer", + -13.408153533935547 + ], + [ + "\u2581metab\u00f3lica", + -13.374967575073242 + ], + [ + "emphasize", + -13.272492408752441 + ], + [ + "\u2581MENU", + -13.33380126953125 + ], + [ + "\u2581butterflies", + -13.358294486999512 + ], + [ + "\u2581folklore", + -13.283879280090332 + ], + [ + "\u2581invernal", + -13.393380165100098 + ], + [ + "\u2581Define", + -13.396958351135254 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fountain", + -13.286539077758789 + ], + [ + "\u2581Intensive", + -13.355440139770508 + ], + [ + "\u2581knob", + -13.37584114074707 + ], + [ + "\u2581stabilisation", + -13.303363800048828 + ], + [ + "brasil", + -13.43663215637207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Argentino", + -13.415221214294434 + ], + [ + "\u2581M\u00e9rida", + -13.444097518920898 + ], + [ + "\u2581codecision", + -13.314204216003418 + ], + [ + "\u2581gas\u00f3leo", + -13.480496406555176 + ], + [ + "\u2581tox\u00ednicas", + -13.504388809204102 + ], + [ + "\u2581unveiled", + -13.325539588928223 + ], + [ + "\u2581Anulaci\u00f3n", + -13.363054275512695 + ], + [ + "\u2581campeones", + -13.470429420471191 + ], + [ + "\u2581lucrativa", + -13.384114265441895 + ], + [ + "\u2581waypoints", + -13.335747718811035 + ], + [ + "recauciones", + -13.444099426269531 + ], + [ + "\u2581comprendi\u00f3", + -13.405909538269043 + ], + [ + "\u2581inapropiada", + -13.359907150268555 + ], + [ + "\u2581stereotype", + -13.352861404418945 + ], + [ + "\u2581thyself", + -13.352744102478027 + ], + [ + "Ens\u00e9\u00f1a", + -13.249711990356445 + ], + [ + "\u2581Intelligent", + -13.34408950805664 + ], + [ + "Entrepreneurship", + -13.339646339416504 + ], + [ + "\u2581Zamora", + -13.346917152404785 + ], + [ + "IENDO", + -13.402716636657715 + ], + [ + "\u2581insufficiently", + -13.14199447631836 + ], + [ + "\u2581mencion\u00e9", + -13.279520034790039 + ], + [ + "\u2581strait", + -13.41119384765625 + ], + [ + "\u2581vegetariana", + -13.4247465133667 + ], + [ + "Trial", + -13.32735538482666 + ], + [ + "\u2581perennial", + -13.348201751708984 + ], + [ + "\u2581tonnage", + -13.310808181762695 + ], + [ + "\u2581Immigrant", + -13.262863159179688 + ], + [ + "\u2581NIS", + -13.37331485748291 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pregunt\u00f3", + -13.444068908691406 + ], + [ + "\u2581deriven", + -13.44427490234375 + ], + [ + "\u2581sniff", + -13.460661888122559 + ], + [ + "\u2581Precisely", + -13.470192909240723 + ], + [ + "\u2581incoado", + -13.470499992370605 + ], + [ + "\u2581p\u00e9talos", + -13.321779251098633 + ], + [ + "\u2581monta\u00f1oso", + -13.518302917480469 + ], + [ + "\u2581Marble", + -13.388039588928223 + ], + [ + "construction", + -13.346321105957031 + ], + [ + "\u2581Agraria", + -13.504396438598633 + ], + [ + "\u2581Newspaper", + -13.34150505065918 + ], + [ + "\u2581esfuerce", + -13.470429420471191 + ], + [ + "\u2581proficiency", + -13.33846378326416 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00e1ridas", + -13.511327743530273 + ], + [ + "Recupera", + -13.279120445251465 + ], + [ + "\u2581erosiona", + -13.444308280944824 + ], + [ + "\u2581expiring", + -13.319018363952637 + ], + [ + "\u2581Specify", + -13.379903793334961 + ], + [ + "\u2581enrollment", + -13.369970321655273 + ], + [ + "\u2581improvised", + -13.350149154663086 + ], + [ + "\u2581Comunes", + -13.39954948425293 + ], + [ + "\u2581trasfondo", + -13.336274147033691 + ], + [ + "Shipping", + -13.363713264465332 + ], + [ + "\u2581reliably", + -13.24481201171875 + ], + [ + "\u2581resurgence", + -13.273311614990234 + ], + [ + "trophic", + -13.217121124267578 + ], + [ + "\u2581trough", + -13.381587028503418 + ], + [ + "logging", + -13.243317604064941 + ], + [ + "\u2581evang\u00e9lica", + -13.487265586853027 + ], + [ + "\u2581legumbres", + -13.412066459655762 + ], + [ + "\u2581aceler\u00f3metro", + -13.368915557861328 + ], + [ + "ridden", + -13.410547256469727 + ], + [ + "schaft", + -13.36982536315918 + ], + [ + "\u2581apparel", + -13.278584480285645 + ], + [ + "\u2581Southwest", + -13.448248863220215 + ], + [ + "ethanol", + -13.291961669921875 + ], + [ + "problema", + -13.447096824645996 + ], + [ + "\u2581astonished", + -13.405155181884766 + ], + [ + "\u25812012/13", + -13.373268127441406 + ], + [ + "\u2581paranoid", + -13.441800117492676 + ], + [ + "acteriological", + -13.297248840332031 + ], + [ + "\u25812008/2009", + -13.396441459655762 + ], + [ + "\u2581concibi\u00f3", + -13.447330474853516 + ], + [ + "\u2581transcurre", + -13.494084358215332 + ], + [ + "\u2581trueno", + -13.2550687789917 + ], + [ + "\u2581confundida", + -13.285117149353027 + ], + [ + "1970", + -13.312986373901367 + ], + [ + "\u2581Explanation", + -13.399175643920898 + ], + [ + "\u2581Towels", + -13.358311653137207 + ], + [ + "\u2581carpenter", + -13.346915245056152 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ferdinand", + -13.308073997497559 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jenna", + -13.391167640686035 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tetra", + -13.236769676208496 + ], + [ + "\u2581hipotensi\u00f3n", + -13.402674674987793 + ], + [ + "interdisciplinar", + -13.382372856140137 + ], + [ + "\u2581400,000", + -13.318839073181152 + ], + [ + "\u2581dividend", + -13.254364013671875 + ], + [ + "\u2581galvaniz", + -13.224586486816406 + ], + [ + "Off", + -13.485947608947754 + ], + [ + "\u2581Competitividad", + -13.444068908691406 + ], + [ + "\u2581adelgaza", + -13.304661750793457 + ], + [ + "\u2581dispel", + -13.470470428466797 + ], + [ + "\u2581diurna", + -13.543131828308105 + ], + [ + "Education", + -13.261627197265625 + ], + [ + "\u2581carpinter\u00eda", + -13.427939414978027 + ], + [ + "\u2581criticised", + -13.305455207824707 + ], + [ + "\u2581investig\u00f3", + -13.507889747619629 + ], + [ + "\u2581locating", + -13.408158302307129 + ], + [ + "\u2581repetitive", + -13.33846378326416 + ], + [ + "\u2581Adjust", + -13.144371032714844 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ingles", + -13.399621963500977 + ], + [ + "\u2581Statue", + -13.289250373840332 + ], + [ + "\u2581carburo", + -13.40892219543457 + ], + [ + "\u2581encerrada", + -13.385342597961426 + ], + [ + "\u2581writ", + -13.313459396362305 + ], + [ + "\u2581bombardment", + -13.299943923950195 + ], + [ + "\u2581relaunch", + -13.278838157653809 + ], + [ + "Region", + -13.22280502319336 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nazar", + -13.474098205566406 + ], + [ + "\u2581anfetam\u00ednico", + -13.480496406555176 + ], + [ + "\u2581gasolinera", + -13.27127742767334 + ], + [ + "\u2581hottest", + -13.350037574768066 + ], + [ + "\u2581Configuration", + -13.321806907653809 + ], + [ + "\u2581D\u00edmelo", + -13.160082817077637 + ], + [ + "\u2581Salzburg", + -13.294560432434082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Uninstall", + -13.207284927368164 + ], + [ + "\u2581encabezamiento", + -13.339215278625488 + ], + [ + "\u2581Biennale", + -13.30264663696289 + ], + [ + "\u2581apostado", + -13.28964900970459 + ], + [ + "\u2581persianas", + -13.408921241760254 + ], + [ + "\u2581Indicate", + -13.239822387695312 + ], + [ + "\u2581prescribir", + -13.457405090332031 + ], + [ + "\u2581descubriendo", + -13.40580940246582 + ], + [ + "Continuation", + -13.281227111816406 + ], + [ + "\u021b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581Describe", + -13.426796913146973 + ], + [ + "\u2581Riding", + -13.420763969421387 + ], + [ + "\u2581adeudado", + -13.451239585876465 + ], + [ + "\u2581Malian", + -13.428885459899902 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pendant", + -13.352590560913086 + ], + [ + "\u2581infame", + -13.421664237976074 + ], + [ + "\u2581capitanes", + -13.387293815612793 + ], + [ + "\u2581decoraciones", + -13.457250595092773 + ], + [ + "\u2581immersion", + -13.2759428024292 + ], + [ + "\u2581tiran\u00eda", + -13.38106632232666 + ], + [ + "\u2581Measuring", + -13.335661888122559 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ouagadougou", + -13.358294486999512 + ], + [ + "\u2581precariedad", + -13.463773727416992 + ], + [ + "\u2581prophesy", + -13.352587699890137 + ], + [ + "\u2581Residential", + -13.344210624694824 + ], + [ + "\u2581OBSERVACIONES", + -13.40892505645752 + ], + [ + "\u2581m\u00edrame", + -13.185348510742188 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vertical", + -13.402299880981445 + ], + [ + "\u2581direccion", + -13.43570327758789 + ], + [ + "463", + -13.522521018981934 + ], + [ + "\u2581predicate", + -13.209699630737305 + ], + [ + "\u2581farmland", + -13.282374382019043 + ], + [ + "\u2581MUJER", + -13.374969482421875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Random", + -13.381598472595215 + ], + [ + "\u2581misunderstood", + -13.366914749145508 + ], + [ + "\u2581unreliable", + -13.335661888122559 + ], + [ + "6/97", + -13.353767395019531 + ], + [ + "america", + -13.436555862426758 + ], + [ + "\u2581Amm\u00e1n", + -13.440923690795898 + ], + [ + "\u2581resale", + -13.344178199768066 + ], + [ + "\u2581trolley", + -13.255082130432129 + ], + [ + "Museo", + -13.447158813476562 + ], + [ + "\u2581APPEAR", + -13.36117172241211 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sodoma", + -13.521815299987793 + ], + [ + "surface", + -13.302070617675781 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bicycle", + -13.411249160766602 + ], + [ + "\u2581penance", + -13.300395965576172 + ], + [ + "\u2581concisa", + -13.403599739074707 + ], + [ + "\u2581pathology", + -13.284730911254883 + ], + [ + "\u2581Salinas", + -13.3135404586792 + ], + [ + "\u2581Zombie", + -13.281228065490723 + ], + [ + "\u2581fregadero", + -13.316040992736816 + ], + [ + "\u2581sensata", + -13.43447208404541 + ], + [ + "\u2581talib\u00e1n", + -13.483875274658203 + ], + [ + "5,500", + -13.334568977355957 + ], + [ + "\u2581Restructuring", + -13.372703552246094 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sudeste", + -13.453892707824707 + ], + [ + "\u2581signifique", + -13.3189058303833 + ], + [ + "\u2581sin\u00f3ptico", + -13.521811485290527 + ], + [ + "\u2581vibe", + -13.386566162109375 + ], + [ + "\u2581scrupulous", + -13.283879280090332 + ], + [ + "\u2581visualization", + -13.311686515808105 + ], + [ + "\u2581Importance", + -13.36423110961914 + ], + [ + "\u2581afilado", + -13.383768081665039 + ], + [ + "\u2581escopeta", + -13.20256233215332 + ], + [ + "\u2581persevere", + -13.28123950958252 + ], + [ + "479", + -13.492110252380371 + ], + [ + "\u2581Judgement", + -13.341395378112793 + ], + [ + "\u2581Utiliz", + -13.322165489196777 + ], + [ + "\u2581infinidad", + -13.48387622833252 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vacuum", + -13.405155181884766 + ], + [ + "\u2581GNI", + -13.391592979431152 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sendero", + -13.444443702697754 + ], + [ + "\u2581limestone", + -13.355463981628418 + ], + [ + "\u2581microorganisms", + -13.308073997497559 + ], + [ + "\u2581posit", + -13.294698715209961 + ], + [ + "\u2581VISTA", + -13.360318183898926 + ], + [ + "\u2581partisan", + -13.378539085388184 + ], + [ + "\u2581converse", + -13.3704195022583 + ], + [ + "\u2581propagation", + -13.283879280090332 + ], + [ + "050", + -13.161468505859375 + ], + [ + "\u2581S\u00e9ptima", + -13.444068908691406 + ], + [ + "\u2581speculate", + -13.409480094909668 + ], + [ + "\u2581assignee", + -13.28430461883545 + ], + [ + "\u2581orbital", + -13.315253257751465 + ], + [ + "\u2581tandem", + -13.244841575622559 + ], + [ + "\u2581unnoticed", + -13.448040008544922 + ], + [ + "\u2581borrosa", + -13.424760818481445 + ], + [ + "\u2581neum\u00e1tica", + -13.362900733947754 + ], + [ + "affa", + -13.233158111572266 + ], + [ + "oplastia", + -13.527630805969238 + ], + [ + "\u2581anta\u00f1o", + -13.333365440368652 + ], + [ + "Smart", + -13.470694541931152 + ], + [ + "\u2581borracha", + -13.242098808288574 + ], + [ + "\u2581esloveno", + -13.532413482666016 + ], + [ + "\u2581terciario", + -13.48387622833252 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nantes", + -13.302721977233887 + ], + [ + "\u2581adversidad", + -13.37193775177002 + ], + [ + "\u2581Trend", + -13.399660110473633 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ahorro", + -13.40267562866211 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bremen", + -13.276392936706543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ca\u00f1\u00f3n", + -13.490667343139648 + ], + [ + "\u2581rabbi", + -13.332879066467285 + ], + [ + "\u2581vomit", + -13.41566276550293 + ], + [ + "PBC", + -13.399826049804688 + ], + [ + "migration", + -13.349189758300781 + ], + [ + "\u2581SIIG", + -13.369006156921387 + ], + [ + "\u2581crusade", + -13.361160278320312 + ], + [ + "\u2581stalemate", + -13.390273094177246 + ], + [ + "\u2581thanksgiving", + -13.36424446105957 + ], + [ + "Denmark", + -13.243842124938965 + ], + [ + "\u25811737", + -13.27088737487793 + ], + [ + "\u2581Broken", + -13.414429664611816 + ], + [ + "\u2581espantosa", + -13.35097885131836 + ], + [ + "\u2581solicitation", + -13.30882740020752 + ], + [ + "\u2581annul", + -13.370197296142578 + ], + [ + "\u2581disbelieve", + -13.25003719329834 + ], + [ + "\u2581medi\u00e1tico", + -13.575976371765137 + ], + [ + "253", + -13.179673194885254 + ], + [ + "\u2581min\u00fascula", + -13.550333023071289 + ], + [ + "960", + -13.43717098236084 + ], + [ + "\u2581Satisf", + -13.508267402648926 + ], + [ + "\u2581gru\u00f1", + -13.360115051269531 + ], + [ + "\u2581quoting", + -13.370054244995117 + ], + [ + "\u2581rebeld\u00eda", + -13.396440505981445 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pesticide", + -13.366914749145508 + ], + [ + "\u2581nordeste", + -13.431145668029785 + ], + [ + "\u2581temblar", + -13.299036026000977 + ], + [ + "Project", + -13.299349784851074 + ], + [ + "\u2581CEP", + -13.23182201385498 + ], + [ + "\u2581transatl\u00e1ntica", + -13.467096328735352 + ], + [ + "mainly", + -13.30648422241211 + ], + [ + "\u2581f\u00edstula", + -13.421560287475586 + ], + [ + "\u2581regal\u00edas", + -13.525331497192383 + ], + [ + "young", + -13.447051048278809 + ], + [ + "\u2581apli", + -13.52589225769043 + ], + [ + "\u2581custodio", + -13.470430374145508 + ], + [ + "\u2581retenida", + -13.5078706741333 + ], + [ + "\u2581Yale", + -13.363466262817383 + ], + [ + "\u2581platino", + -13.396559715270996 + ], + [ + "009", + -13.360295295715332 + ], + [ + "\u2581EXTERIOR", + -13.453872680664062 + ], + [ + "\u2581Faroe", + -13.335201263427734 + ], + [ + "\u2581Somehow", + -13.373857498168945 + ], + [ + "\u2581ejerc\u00eda", + -13.444068908691406 + ], + [ + "\u2581jer\u00e1rquico", + -13.396441459655762 + ], + [ + "\u2581Conde", + -13.365092277526855 + ], + [ + "\u2581Llegu\u00e9", + -13.25500202178955 + ], + [ + "\u2581TCDC", + -13.396202087402344 + ], + [ + "\u2581majestuoso", + -13.396440505981445 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wholesale", + -13.33566951751709 + ], + [ + "\u2581remordimiento", + -13.321779251098633 + ], + [ + "\u2581abstinencia", + -13.415221214294434 + ], + [ + "\u2581infiltration", + -13.369805335998535 + ], + [ + "\u2581Residu", + -13.423340797424316 + ], + [ + "\u2581edulcorante", + -13.467096328735352 + ], + [ + "indigenous", + -13.293852806091309 + ], + [ + "\u2581Muchachos", + -13.252339363098145 + ], + [ + "\u2581surgeries", + -13.30542278289795 + ], + [ + "\u2581insecto", + -13.301560401916504 + ], + [ + "\u2581majeure", + -13.332868576049805 + ], + [ + "\u2581unnecessarily", + -13.324535369873047 + ], + [ + "171", + -13.257956504821777 + ], + [ + "journal", + -13.267216682434082 + ], + [ + "\u2581FTP", + -13.235668182373047 + ], + [ + "\u2581colgando", + -13.252371788024902 + ], + [ + "fluorocarbons", + -13.74972152709961 + ], + [ + "\u2581incr\u00e9dulo", + -13.511321067810059 + ], + [ + "address", + -13.340927124023438 + ], + [ + "\u2581Shrine", + -13.384440422058105 + ], + [ + "\u2581airfield", + -13.351312637329102 + ], + [ + "\u2581arrepentido", + -13.412066459655762 + ], + [ + "\u25811922", + -13.341197967529297 + ], + [ + "\u2581Goodnight", + -13.516640663146973 + ], + [ + "\u2581SERVICES", + -13.300614356994629 + ], + [ + "\u2581Universitaria", + -13.378006935119629 + ], + [ + "\u2581accommodating", + -13.299943923950195 + ], + [ + "\u2581perpetuo", + -13.431144714355469 + ], + [ + "\u2581smack", + -13.463835716247559 + ], + [ + "\u2581dividi\u00f3", + -13.477190971374512 + ], + [ + "\u2581empathy", + -13.316315650939941 + ], + [ + "\u2581haitiana", + -13.500943183898926 + ], + [ + "\u2581subyace", + -13.470224380493164 + ], + [ + "correcto", + -13.248387336730957 + ], + [ + "hypersensitivity", + -13.306365013122559 + ], + [ + "iku", + -13.517874717712402 + ], + [ + "\u2581Asociaci", + -13.369876861572266 + ], + [ + "\u2581Feature", + -13.378043174743652 + ], + [ + "\u2581ecuatoriana", + -13.500940322875977 + ], + [ + "\u2581teu", + -13.413078308105469 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mathematica", + -13.366915702819824 + ], + [ + "Genesis", + -13.464112281799316 + ], + [ + "\u2581Renewal", + -13.319018363952637 + ], + [ + "Remember", + -13.288703918457031 + ], + [ + "\u2581MBA", + -13.298864364624023 + ], + [ + "\u2581incomprensible", + -13.43436050415039 + ], + [ + "\u2581liviano", + -13.342135429382324 + ], + [ + "6,500", + -13.332050323486328 + ], + [ + "\u2581ermita", + -13.39957332611084 + ], + [ + "\u2581recycle", + -13.288809776306152 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00edcono", + -13.368916511535645 + ], + [ + "Visit", + -13.338266372680664 + ], + [ + "\u25811576", + -13.223892211914062 + ], + [ + "\u2581Judy", + -13.48993968963623 + ], + [ + "\u2581PROV", + -13.454422950744629 + ], + [ + "\u2581abhor", + -13.384407043457031 + ], + [ + "\u2581aftosa", + -13.393357276916504 + ], + [ + "odont", + -13.764985084533691 + ], + [ + "\u2581Narco", + -13.295812606811523 + ], + [ + "\u2581Roof", + -13.418983459472656 + ], + [ + "\u2581transpose", + -13.295065879821777 + ], + [ + "Biblio", + -13.349912643432617 + ], + [ + "\u2581crashes", + -13.383125305175781 + ], + [ + "\u2581pelicula", + -13.320260047912598 + ], + [ + "\u2581Acid", + -13.391685485839844 + ], + [ + "\u2581Uniformes", + -13.525341033935547 + ], + [ + "\u2581argelino", + -13.345070838928223 + ], + [ + "\u2581lim\u00edtrofe", + -13.511322021484375 + ], + [ + "\u2581mojada", + -13.363182067871094 + ], + [ + "\u2581roc\u00edo", + -13.487266540527344 + ], + [ + "\u2581sequential", + -13.265458106994629 + ], + [ + "\u2581servitude", + -13.366914749145508 + ], + [ + "PYME", + -13.380953788757324 + ], + [ + "Player", + -13.27306842803955 + ], + [ + "\u2581Itinerary", + -13.390273094177246 + ], + [ + "\u2581Warner", + -13.418960571289062 + ], + [ + "\u2581streak", + -13.349748611450195 + ], + [ + "\u2581Friendship", + -13.276087760925293 + ], + [ + "conference", + -13.34549617767334 + ], + [ + "\u2581occult", + -13.294560432434082 + ], + [ + "\u2581transgresiones", + -13.35097885131836 + ], + [ + "din\u00e1mico", + -13.44384479522705 + ], + [ + "spread", + -13.390218734741211 + ], + [ + "\u0117", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nanny", + -13.39631175994873 + ], + [ + "\u2581bachillerato", + -13.39954662322998 + ], + [ + "\u2581squirrel", + -13.463813781738281 + ], + [ + "\u25812015/04/", + -13.411381721496582 + ], + [ + "\u2581b\u00e1lticos", + -13.487264633178711 + ], + [ + "significa", + -13.379149436950684 + ], + [ + "tabl\u00f3", + -13.363590240478516 + ], + [ + "\u2581Convenient", + -13.460695266723633 + ], + [ + "\u2581Flanders", + -13.319019317626953 + ], + [ + "\u2581reopened", + -13.303840637207031 + ], + [ + "\u2581repudia", + -13.514814376831055 + ], + [ + "\u2581Flandes", + -13.427946090698242 + ], + [ + "\u2581comprensivo", + -13.39954662322998 + ], + [ + "expenditure", + -13.3129243850708 + ], + [ + "\u2581Conrad", + -13.537769317626953 + ], + [ + "\u2581Corinth", + -13.214605331420898 + ], + [ + "\u2581Preparing", + -13.396200180053711 + ], + [ + "\u2581extermination", + -13.327422142028809 + ], + [ + "\u2581avenencia", + -13.46711540222168 + ], + [ + "Errors", + -13.255232810974121 + ], + [ + "\u2581aparcar", + -13.412099838256836 + ], + [ + "\u2581rebirth", + -13.38758659362793 + ], + [ + "secondary", + -13.35305404663086 + ], + [ + "\u2581sol\u00e1rium", + -13.511321067810059 + ], + [ + "\u2581PrestaShop", + -13.451175689697266 + ], + [ + "\u2581matiz", + -13.323305130004883 + ], + [ + "Greece", + -13.329570770263672 + ], + [ + "\u2581asymmetric", + -13.349746704101562 + ], + [ + "\u2581petals", + -13.387364387512207 + ], + [ + "\u2581p\u00e9same", + -13.244285583496094 + ], + [ + "\u2581turbulencia", + -13.39334487915039 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ituri", + -13.374975204467773 + ], + [ + "\u2581UNLB", + -13.405601501464844 + ], + [ + "examine", + -13.357292175292969 + ], + [ + "terrelationship", + -13.252504348754883 + ], + [ + "\u2581leukemia", + -13.390273094177246 + ], + [ + "\u2581halaga", + -13.244898796081543 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00e9mbolo", + -13.463774681091309 + ], + [ + "\u2581Actuar", + -13.48702621459961 + ], + [ + "\u2581REPRESENTATIVE", + -13.265459060668945 + ], + [ + "\u2581poliuretano", + -13.500940322875977 + ], + [ + "torgamiento", + -13.505049705505371 + ], + [ + "\u2581Supongamos", + -13.427940368652344 + ], + [ + "\u2581caprino", + -13.369030952453613 + ], + [ + "\u2581surgidas", + -13.421567916870117 + ], + [ + "Considera", + -13.450394630432129 + ], + [ + "responsibility", + -13.32121467590332 + ], + [ + "\u2581MONUSCO", + -13.496126174926758 + ], + [ + "Everything", + -13.32679271697998 + ], + [ + "\u2581replicated", + -13.261685371398926 + ], + [ + "\u2581scoop", + -13.405415534973145 + ], + [ + "\u2581Disposici\u00f3n", + -13.345203399658203 + ], + [ + "\u2581expide", + -13.501031875610352 + ], + [ + "\u2581CSS", + -13.291218757629395 + ], + [ + "\u2581Heroes", + -13.284429550170898 + ], + [ + "\u2581songbook", + -13.439647674560547 + ], + [ + "\u2581Saud\u00ed", + -13.41550350189209 + ], + [ + "\u2581hurdle", + -13.349747657775879 + ], + [ + "\u2581inestimable", + -13.431144714355469 + ], + [ + "\u2581lobe", + -13.440956115722656 + ], + [ + "\u2581randomized", + -13.322057723999023 + ], + [ + "gathering", + -13.315681457519531 + ], + [ + "machine", + -13.38724422454834 + ], + [ + "\u2581aggravate", + -13.324711799621582 + ], + [ + "\u2581brink", + -13.370055198669434 + ], + [ + "\u2581bushes", + -13.418241500854492 + ], + [ + "\u2581desequilibr", + -13.387133598327637 + ], + [ + "\u2581deserving", + -13.260260581970215 + ], + [ + "\u2581Convencionales", + -13.415221214294434 + ], + [ + "\u2581Undertake", + -13.44231128692627 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ruben", + -13.37418270111084 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tr\u00edpoli", + -13.408921241760254 + ], + [ + "\u2581digestion", + -13.352840423583984 + ], + [ + "\u2581monograph", + -13.360703468322754 + ], + [ + "\u2581tubular", + -13.437758445739746 + ], + [ + "\u2581Salsa", + -13.388764381408691 + ], + [ + "\u2581coarse", + -13.319035530090332 + ], + [ + "\u2581BEEN", + -13.483470916748047 + ], + [ + "\u2581YAHUSHUA", + -13.31627082824707 + ], + [ + "\u2581algebra", + -13.45117473602295 + ], + [ + "\u2581carcelaria", + -13.507851600646973 + ], + [ + "Bolet\u00edn", + -13.353128433227539 + ], + [ + "\u2581gobernaci\u00f3n", + -13.457162857055664 + ], + [ + "\u2581javascript", + -13.372703552246094 + ], + [ + "\u2581nostalgia", + -13.32755184173584 + ], + [ + "\u2581cabbage", + -13.536333084106445 + ], + [ + "\u2581moderator", + -13.308148384094238 + ], + [ + "\u2581Earn", + -13.390488624572754 + ], + [ + "Opera", + -13.491920471191406 + ], + [ + "\u2581Armonizaci\u00f3n", + -13.46046257019043 + ], + [ + "\u2581ESCB", + -13.365004539489746 + ], + [ + "USAID", + -13.450599670410156 + ], + [ + "\u00e9mosle", + -13.373115539550781 + ], + [ + "\u2581Armonizado", + -13.483875274658203 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ossetia", + -13.411177635192871 + ], + [ + "\u2581alarde", + -13.38427448272705 + ], + [ + "\u2581colecta", + -13.447711944580078 + ], + [ + "\u2581defiance", + -13.341272354125977 + ], + [ + "1.5%", + -13.463468551635742 + ], + [ + "proporcion\u00e1ndole", + -13.470429420471191 + ], + [ + "\u2581Shark", + -13.335936546325684 + ], + [ + "\u2581adolescence", + -13.40216064453125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Stir", + -13.357810974121094 + ], + [ + "\u2581desembarcar", + -13.467096328735352 + ], + [ + "\u00bb\u00ab", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kardec", + -13.414251327514648 + ], + [ + "el\u00e9ctrica", + -13.45036792755127 + ], + [ + "\u2581Impreso", + -13.502471923828125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Quota", + -13.349910736083984 + ], + [ + "137", + -13.273324012756348 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sitting", + -13.464400291442871 + ], + [ + "\u2581THING", + -13.536489486694336 + ], + [ + "\u2581elasticity", + -13.338752746582031 + ], + [ + "\u2581eurozone", + -13.457573890686035 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cauca", + -13.3526611328125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Koran", + -13.283713340759277 + ], + [ + "historic", + -13.429403305053711 + ], + [ + "\u2581destello", + -13.428266525268555 + ], + [ + "environment", + -13.348647117614746 + ], + [ + "\u2581waitress", + -13.46411418914795 + ], + [ + "\u2581adaptive", + -13.443216323852539 + ], + [ + "submitted", + -13.417241096496582 + ], + [ + "\u2581subdivisiones", + -13.39954662322998 + ], + [ + "\u2581locomotora", + -13.50784969329834 + ], + [ + "\u2581Achieve", + -13.407386779785156 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cristian", + -13.311776161193848 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ismael", + -13.507848739624023 + ], + [ + "\u2581Outstanding", + -13.420434951782227 + ], + [ + "travel", + -13.31635856628418 + ], + [ + "\u2581Redentor", + -13.440826416015625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dresden", + -13.37270450592041 + ], + [ + "\u2581innumerable", + -13.341272354125977 + ], + [ + "\u2581rebate", + -13.350285530090332 + ], + [ + "infected", + -13.387120246887207 + ], + [ + "\u2581rel\u00e1jate", + -13.218003273010254 + ], + [ + "2/2003", + -13.225038528442383 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bois", + -13.298393249511719 + ], + [ + "\u2581commuters", + -13.384483337402344 + ], + [ + "\u2581maletero", + -13.301838874816895 + ], + [ + "\u2581redistribuir", + -13.56124210357666 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dresde", + -13.487869262695312 + ], + [ + "\u2581M\u00edralo", + -13.255101203918457 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nomenclatura", + -13.412066459655762 + ], + [ + "\u2581acopio", + -13.543159484863281 + ], + [ + "\u2581intrusion", + -13.369805335998535 + ], + [ + "\u2581portafolio", + -13.421561241149902 + ], + [ + "\u2581warheads", + -13.319039344787598 + ], + [ + "\u2581warplanes", + -13.378528594970703 + ], + [ + "\u2581Drew", + -13.487382888793945 + ], + [ + "\u2581Odd", + -13.328093528747559 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rabat", + -13.305630683898926 + ], + [ + "\u2581gastron\u00f3mico", + -13.490666389465332 + ], + [ + "\u2581quarry", + -13.448105812072754 + ], + [ + "concern", + -13.299266815185547 + ], + [ + "\u2581GNOME", + -13.603495597839355 + ], + [ + "\u2581reflector", + -13.518326759338379 + ], + [ + "\u2581segrega", + -13.558613777160645 + ], + [ + "\u2581(2014)", + -13.445470809936523 + ], + [ + "\u2581Az\u00facar", + -13.3902587890625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hellenic", + -13.299943923950195 + ], + [ + "\u2581proletario", + -13.450607299804688 + ], + [ + "\u2581reconstruido", + -13.490666389465332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Patrol", + -13.448199272155762 + ], + [ + "\u2581llover", + -13.318924903869629 + ], + [ + "\u2581widened", + -13.3051176071167 + ], + [ + "\u2581suicid\u00f3", + -13.279520034790039 + ], + [ + "skilled", + -13.3294677734375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Entities", + -13.366917610168457 + ], + [ + "cyclic", + -13.300609588623047 + ], + [ + "\u2581employability", + -13.396405220031738 + ], + [ + "\u2581sporadic", + -13.289205551147461 + ], + [ + "SELF", + -13.497912406921387 + ], + [ + "\u2581Abolition", + -13.239716529846191 + ], + [ + "\u2581synonym", + -13.324403762817383 + ], + [ + "\u2581teaspoon", + -13.349746704101562 + ], + [ + "\u2581entitle", + -13.326347351074219 + ], + [ + "\u2581Moulin", + -13.242959022521973 + ], + [ + "\u2581reinvent", + -13.401860237121582 + ], + [ + "\u2581Entrance", + -13.396199226379395 + ], + [ + "\u2581epilepsia", + -13.3902587890625 + ], + [ + "Ocean", + -13.366589546203613 + ], + [ + "\u2581Calderon", + -13.300012588500977 + ], + [ + "\u2581parquet", + -13.366958618164062 + ], + [ + "\u2581Integrity", + -13.405155181884766 + ], + [ + "\u2581groundwork", + -13.418395042419434 + ], + [ + "\u2581incredulidad", + -13.444068908691406 + ], + [ + "Saxon", + -13.376991271972656 + ], + [ + "\u2581Glossary", + -13.330083847045898 + ], + [ + "\u2581Teva", + -13.278792381286621 + ], + [ + "\u2581auditorium", + -13.355487823486328 + ], + [ + "\u2581alternating", + -13.346914291381836 + ], + [ + "\u2581autofocus", + -13.438705444335938 + ], + [ + "\u2581WMO", + -13.24822998046875 + ], + [ + "\u2581accedido", + -13.500967025756836 + ], + [ + "\u2581complication", + -13.424629211425781 + ], + [ + "\u2581marathon", + -13.349746704101562 + ], + [ + "nsuficiencia", + -13.43431282043457 + ], + [ + "\u2581Herbert", + -13.48012924194336 + ], + [ + "\u2581VPN", + -13.316703796386719 + ], + [ + "\u2581ceremonial", + -13.372703552246094 + ], + [ + "\u2581terciaria", + -13.575976371765137 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00f3seo", + -13.576086044311523 + ], + [ + "\u2581Versalles", + -13.431144714355469 + ], + [ + "\u2581amenace", + -13.434863090515137 + ], + [ + "managed", + -13.43604564666748 + ], + [ + "\u2581jardiner\u00eda", + -13.507872581481934 + ], + [ + "\u2581Acad\u00e9mica", + -13.514805793762207 + ], + [ + "\u2581s\u00fabditos", + -13.431144714355469 + ], + [ + "\u2581unmistakable", + -13.387323379516602 + ], + [ + "estudio", + -13.39944839477539 + ], + [ + "\u2581accionar", + -13.178065299987793 + ], + [ + "\u2581neural", + -13.341323852539062 + ], + [ + "\u2581perezoso", + -13.310335159301758 + ], + [ + "computer", + -13.426437377929688 + ], + [ + "\u2581Experiencing", + -13.297248840332031 + ], + [ + "smart", + -13.50988483428955 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wetlands", + -13.361175537109375 + ], + [ + "\u2581autentica", + -13.49028491973877 + ], + [ + "\u2581sturdy", + -13.366914749145508 + ], + [ + "\u2581Habilidades", + -13.56124496459961 + ], + [ + "\u2581pezones", + -13.34238338470459 + ], + [ + "\u2581romp\u00ed", + -13.27132511138916 + ], + [ + "\u2581spacing", + -13.308208465576172 + ], + [ + "reliant", + -13.420479774475098 + ], + [ + "\u2581MIEMBROS", + -13.457162857055664 + ], + [ + "\u2581pressur", + -13.442529678344727 + ], + [ + "\u2581leprosy", + -13.448040008544922 + ], + [ + "\u2581periphery", + -13.3756103515625 + ], + [ + "\u2581refrigerante", + -13.427939414978027 + ], + [ + "\u2581coincidi\u00f3", + -13.434427261352539 + ], + [ + "\u2581stewardship", + -13.372734069824219 + ], + [ + "\u2581tunecino", + -13.431146621704102 + ], + [ + "\u2581Prioridades", + -13.532452583312988 + ], + [ + "\u2581relevo", + -13.497509002685547 + ], + [ + "\u2581ultim", + -13.32927131652832 + ], + [ + "\u2581cabelludo", + -13.35097885131836 + ], + [ + "\u2581embroidery", + -13.496126174926758 + ], + [ + "\u2581transcendental", + -13.3756103515625 + ], + [ + "friendliness", + -13.327712059020996 + ], + [ + "\u2581Subregional", + -13.316500663757324 + ], + [ + "\u2581oxidation", + -13.299945831298828 + ], + [ + "\u2581pantal\u00f3n", + -13.310334205627441 + ], + [ + "\u2581pleito", + -13.3649320602417 + ], + [ + "\u2581Modificaciones", + -13.42795181274414 + ], + [ + "\u2581juda\u00edsmo", + -13.437585830688477 + ], + [ + "\u2581SAICM", + -13.487264633178711 + ], + [ + "\u2581mythology", + -13.41737174987793 + ], + [ + "\u2581Scandinavian", + -13.319385528564453 + ], + [ + "\u2581descargue", + -13.487547874450684 + ], + [ + "\u2581snail", + -13.40516185760498 + ], + [ + "Italian", + -13.483643531799316 + ], + [ + "LAB", + -13.536107063293457 + ], + [ + "\u2581dictionaries", + -13.255082130432129 + ], + [ + "\u2581Proper", + -13.270488739013672 + ], + [ + "\u2581barred", + -13.439606666564941 + ], + [ + "\u2581stirred", + -13.405220985412598 + ], + [ + "Bank", + -13.45401668548584 + ], + [ + "\u2581PERMANENT", + -13.291879653930664 + ], + [ + "\u2581abreviatura", + -13.473773956298828 + ], + [ + "50%", + -13.460114479064941 + ], + [ + "\u2581Seventy", + -13.376069068908691 + ], + [ + "Speak", + -13.384198188781738 + ], + [ + "\u2581Delay", + -13.205394744873047 + ], + [ + "\u2581argument\u00f3", + -13.535970687866211 + ], + [ + "\u2581hongo", + -13.416341781616211 + ], + [ + "Universidad", + -13.487302780151367 + ], + [ + "\u2581autorregulaci\u00f3n", + -13.463773727416992 + ], + [ + "\u2581congruente", + -13.44083309173584 + ], + [ + "\u2581demise", + -13.355511665344238 + ], + [ + "\u2581estancado", + -13.435721397399902 + ], + [ + "\u2581fistula", + -13.46066951751709 + ], + [ + "\u2581injustificado", + -13.374967575073242 + ], + [ + "\u2581ravage", + -13.276049613952637 + ], + [ + "\u2581refinar", + -13.55418872833252 + ], + [ + "\u2581wou", + -13.443929672241211 + ], + [ + "\u2581TRIPS", + -13.387365341186523 + ], + [ + "\u2581frustrante", + -13.315720558166504 + ], + [ + "\u2581Airways", + -13.173518180847168 + ], + [ + "\u2581Artistic", + -13.361023902893066 + ], + [ + "\u2581decapit", + -13.387669563293457 + ], + [ + "\u2581hypotension", + -13.26806926727295 + ], + [ + "\u2581kanji", + -13.550334930419922 + ], + [ + "until", + -13.444944381713867 + ], + [ + "\u2581educator", + -13.316031455993652 + ], + [ + "Resolution", + -13.399090766906738 + ], + [ + "\u2581doorway", + -13.437780380249023 + ], + [ + "\u2581unparalleled", + -13.361159324645996 + ], + [ + "\u2581constrain", + -13.294075965881348 + ], + [ + "\u2581prioritization", + -13.384500503540039 + ], + [ + "tempor\u00e1nea", + -13.3651123046875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Moh", + -13.201048851013184 + ], + [ + "\u2581Strand", + -13.350533485412598 + ], + [ + "\u2581sabotaje", + -13.41838550567627 + ], + [ + "Regulation", + -13.33517837524414 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bernardo", + -13.370375633239746 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ellie", + -13.487414360046387 + ], + [ + "\u2581Oscuro", + -13.4670991897583 + ], + [ + "\u2581adaptable", + -13.332014083862305 + ], + [ + "Travel", + -13.387205123901367 + ], + [ + "\u2581TITLE", + -13.308074951171875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tuscan", + -13.299459457397461 + ], + [ + "\u2581UNISPA", + -13.346916198730469 + ], + [ + "131", + -13.210442543029785 + ], + [ + "\u2581Angle", + -13.460341453552246 + ], + [ + "\u2581Babylonian", + -13.387124061584473 + ], + [ + "\u2581Compulsory", + -13.332868576049805 + ], + [ + "\u2581Contadur\u00eda", + -13.396440505981445 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nemo", + -13.496355056762695 + ], + [ + "\u2581QUESTION", + -13.392748832702637 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vintage", + -13.47339916229248 + ], + [ + "\u2581legislate", + -13.361160278320312 + ], + [ + "\u2581proponent", + -13.387323379516602 + ], + [ + "\u2581suscit\u00f3", + -13.546737670898438 + ], + [ + "equity", + -13.338247299194336 + ], + [ + "\u2581concurrently", + -13.336475372314453 + ], + [ + "\u2581persuadi", + -13.475802421569824 + ], + [ + "atorium", + -13.46054744720459 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aniversario", + -13.550333023071289 + ], + [ + "\u2581Asunci", + -13.378649711608887 + ], + [ + "\u2581testimonial", + -13.372703552246094 + ], + [ + "\u2581Celtic", + -13.457892417907715 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mathematics", + -13.441800117492676 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pastoral", + -13.386380195617676 + ], + [ + "\u2581pu\u00f1etazo", + -13.268546104431152 + ], + [ + "\u2581auricular", + -13.423691749572754 + ], + [ + "\u2581royalty", + -13.432902336120605 + ], + [ + "\u258167/2", + -13.573873519897461 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bastard", + -13.502752304077148 + ], + [ + "\u2581abeja", + -13.419569969177246 + ], + [ + "\u2581tuerca", + -13.390398979187012 + ], + [ + "Cort\u00e9s", + -13.448258399963379 + ], + [ + "xxx", + -13.462654113769531 + ], + [ + "\u2581FUNDING", + -13.40220832824707 + ], + [ + "\u2581Merger", + -13.24828052520752 + ], + [ + "\u2581apoy\u00e1ndo", + -13.427952766418457 + ], + [ + "\u2581densely", + -13.323406219482422 + ], + [ + "\u2581c\u00e1\u00f1amo", + -13.43436050415039 + ], + [ + "\u2581enfadar", + -13.23645305633545 + ], + [ + "\u2581engorde", + -13.40588092803955 + ], + [ + "\u2581interlinked", + -13.405305862426758 + ], + [ + "1.8", + -13.117761611938477 + ], + [ + "\u2581Clause", + -13.37156867980957 + ], + [ + "\u2581construya", + -13.393439292907715 + ], + [ + "\u2581impurities", + -13.297248840332031 + ], + [ + "Russia", + -13.301427841186523 + ], + [ + "\u2581torrent", + -13.398126602172852 + ], + [ + "\u2581apprehended", + -13.339225769042969 + ], + [ + "\u2581adolece", + -13.477179527282715 + ], + [ + "\u2581dictamin\u00f3", + -13.356945991516113 + ], + [ + "pair", + -13.133947372436523 + ], + [ + "\u2581Querr\u00eda", + -13.348091125488281 + ], + [ + "\u2581apague", + -13.410260200500488 + ], + [ + "\u2581disfraces", + -13.374967575073242 + ], + [ + "\u2581teng\u00e1is", + -13.390259742736816 + ], + [ + "\u2581unfit", + -13.383116722106934 + ], + [ + "single", + -13.212106704711914 + ], + [ + "square", + -13.402777671813965 + ], + [ + "\u2581Typically", + -13.370655059814453 + ], + [ + "\u2581Paco", + -13.373275756835938 + ], + [ + "\u2581Verdaderamente", + -13.473773956298828 + ], + [ + "\u2581invasiva", + -13.3902587890625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Patron", + -13.476139068603516 + ], + [ + "\u2581deflect", + -13.353259086608887 + ], + [ + "\u2581photovoltaic", + -13.305356979370117 + ], + [ + "priority", + -13.310179710388184 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mandatory", + -13.338464736938477 + ], + [ + "\u2581cunt", + -13.616012573242188 + ], + [ + "\u2581pharmacies", + -13.335661888122559 + ], + [ + "0.8", + -13.304174423217773 + ], + [ + "\u2581expatriate", + -13.393232345581055 + ], + [ + "\u2581standstill", + -13.378695487976074 + ], + [ + "4.0", + -13.388511657714844 + ], + [ + "\u2581Talent", + -13.445335388183594 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reaction", + -13.342020988464355 + ], + [ + "\u2581foreground", + -13.48635482788086 + ], + [ + "\u2581frighten", + -13.526870727539062 + ], + [ + "\u2581stockpiling", + -13.341272354125977 + ], + [ + "Create", + -13.336393356323242 + ], + [ + "V\u00e1monos", + -13.15587043762207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Luminoso", + -13.44732666015625 + ], + [ + "\u2581categorically", + -13.41117000579834 + ], + [ + "\u2581extrapola", + -13.412165641784668 + ], + [ + "\u2581r\u00e1faga", + -13.374967575073242 + ], + [ + "151", + -13.131688117980957 + ], + [ + "\u2581MYFF", + -13.344168663024902 + ], + [ + "\u2581gitana", + -13.528913497924805 + ], + [ + "\u2581satan\u00e1s", + -13.457162857055664 + ], + [ + "application", + -13.310503005981445 + ], + [ + "\u2581Happiness", + -13.45117473602295 + ], + [ + "RATE", + -13.297327041625977 + ], + [ + "olate", + -13.231355667114258 + ], + [ + "\u2581Milton", + -13.39371395111084 + ], + [ + "\u2581sustitutivo", + -13.351079940795898 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dili", + -13.372208595275879 + ], + [ + "\u2581farmacol\u00f3gica", + -13.521829605102539 + ], + [ + "\u2581virtuous", + -13.408157348632812 + ], + [ + "\u2581Abkhaz", + -13.275452613830566 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fiber", + -13.423983573913574 + ], + [ + "\u2581aisle", + -13.425043106079102 + ], + [ + "\u2581emancipa", + -13.490283966064453 + ], + [ + "==*", + -13.383914947509766 + ], + [ + "\u2581estirar", + -13.404603004455566 + ], + [ + "\u2581False", + -13.48154067993164 + ], + [ + "\u2581calves", + -13.387432098388672 + ], + [ + "168", + -13.263639450073242 + ], + [ + "Recibi", + -13.412772178649902 + ], + [ + "\u2581COULD", + -13.596211433410645 + ], + [ + "\u2581receptive", + -13.355437278747559 + ], + [ + "\u2581transfusi\u00f3n", + -13.393451690673828 + ], + [ + "\u2581Edom", + -13.302217483520508 + ], + [ + "\u2581sacudida", + -13.433401107788086 + ], + [ + "\u2581sandals", + -13.364089012145996 + ], + [ + "\u2581OFICINA", + -13.504388809204102 + ], + [ + "\u2581acentuar", + -13.553956985473633 + ], + [ + "\u2581allotment", + -13.2865571975708 + ], + [ + "\u2581amplifier", + -13.448040008544922 + ], + [ + "\u2581aptitude", + -13.355441093444824 + ], + [ + "\u2581fraudulento", + -13.483875274658203 + ], + [ + "Observa", + -13.460162162780762 + ], + [ + "\u2581Marcelo", + -13.385343551635742 + ], + [ + "\u2581Snake", + -13.432548522949219 + ], + [ + "\u2581clarifies", + -13.346914291381836 + ], + [ + "Business", + -13.402067184448242 + ], + [ + "evil", + -13.380481719970703 + ], + [ + "segunda", + -13.430837631225586 + ], + [ + "\u2581absorbida", + -13.44407844543457 + ], + [ + "\u2581drawdown", + -13.373175621032715 + ], + [ + "\u2581fidedigno", + -13.405786514282227 + ], + [ + "\u2581jacta", + -13.378905296325684 + ], + [ + "\u2581jardinero", + -13.333797454833984 + ], + [ + "\u2581vertimiento", + -13.374971389770508 + ], + [ + "ibble", + -13.567371368408203 + ], + [ + "\u2581elective", + -13.379709243774414 + ], + [ + "\u2581Auditorio", + -13.470600128173828 + ], + [ + "\u2581corticosteroid", + -13.432512283325195 + ], + [ + "\u2581monasteries", + -13.330083847045898 + ], + [ + "\u258128.09.201", + -13.564151763916016 + ], + [ + "\u2581pianista", + -13.453878402709961 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00f3leo", + -13.535984992980957 + ], + [ + "Talk", + -13.381389617919922 + ], + [ + "\u2581abstraction", + -13.253835678100586 + ], + [ + "\u2581inconsistency", + -13.420260429382324 + ], + [ + "\u2581Anchor", + -13.457526206970215 + ], + [ + "\u2581ineficiente", + -13.57597541809082 + ], + [ + "CAM", + -13.232748985290527 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cohen", + -13.499765396118164 + ], + [ + "\u2581Disc\u00falpame", + -13.254995346069336 + ], + [ + "\u2581Perfecta", + -13.287970542907715 + ], + [ + "\u2581excreta", + -13.440876007080078 + ], + [ + "\u2581tyranny", + -13.454319953918457 + ], + [ + "\u2581Adolescent", + -13.30218505859375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Construir", + -13.406208992004395 + ], + [ + "\u2581doorstep", + -13.51970100402832 + ], + [ + "G\u00e9nesis", + -13.529189109802246 + ], + [ + "IOM", + -13.41525650024414 + ], + [ + "Temp", + -13.341280937194824 + ], + [ + "\u2581counterparties", + -13.375730514526367 + ], + [ + "\u2581reconstitution", + -13.268078804016113 + ], + [ + "arritmia", + -13.518301963806152 + ], + [ + "\u2581rect\u00e1ngulo", + -13.41838550567627 + ], + [ + "Corruption", + -13.516657829284668 + ], + [ + "\u2581desalentador", + -13.453873634338379 + ], + [ + "\u2581apunt\u00f3", + -13.431160926818848 + ], + [ + "\u2581metab\u00f3lico", + -13.467096328735352 + ], + [ + "\u2581christmas", + -13.50937271118164 + ], + [ + "\u2581peluca", + -13.3451509475708 + ], + [ + "\u2581quisiste", + -13.301995277404785 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tungsten", + -13.417221069335938 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wife", + -13.507027626037598 + ], + [ + "\u2581temperamento", + -13.359907150268555 + ], + [ + "\u2581equivoqu\u00e9", + -13.3189058303833 + ], + [ + "\u2581Socrates", + -13.34408950805664 + ], + [ + "\u2581multiplication", + -13.349791526794434 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tambien", + -13.301865577697754 + ], + [ + "\u2581temeroso", + -13.417473793029785 + ], + [ + "gender", + -13.461978912353516 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bullshit", + -13.652196884155273 + ], + [ + "\u2581arouse", + -13.499210357666016 + ], + [ + "\u2581briefcase", + -13.414382934570312 + ], + [ + "\u2581Etiqueta", + -13.49120044708252 + ], + [ + "\u2581telegram", + -13.551526069641113 + ], + [ + "\u2581derrumbe", + -13.507848739624023 + ], + [ + "\u2581obligatoriedad", + -13.528865814208984 + ], + [ + "parlante", + -13.395177841186523 + ], + [ + "\u2581Saturno", + -13.4247465133667 + ], + [ + "\u2581drummer", + -13.46711254119873 + ], + [ + "\u2581gird", + -13.489842414855957 + ], + [ + "\u2581Expres\u00f3", + -13.557592391967773 + ], + [ + "\u2581Exclud", + -13.35881233215332 + ], + [ + "\u2581anatom\u00eda", + -13.514814376831055 + ], + [ + "\u2581appliance", + -13.373241424560547 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bronze", + -13.460771560668945 + ], + [ + "\u2581Zacar\u00edas", + -13.477129936218262 + ], + [ + "\u2581bombeo", + -13.427939414978027 + ], + [ + "\u2581exhibitors", + -13.3001127243042 + ], + [ + "\u2581gangster", + -13.50069808959961 + ], + [ + "\u2581artisanal", + -13.44007682800293 + ], + [ + "\u2581atl\u00e1ntica", + -13.440834999084473 + ], + [ + "\u2581retirees", + -13.427230834960938 + ], + [ + "\u2581rogue", + -13.457894325256348 + ], + [ + "\u2581acertar", + -13.4380521774292 + ], + [ + "\u2581isle\u00f1os", + -13.487264633178711 + ], + [ + "\u2581masculine", + -13.444914817810059 + ], + [ + "\u2581unbearable", + -13.454319953918457 + ], + [ + "\u2581affinity", + -13.467001914978027 + ], + [ + "\u2581rehabilitat", + -13.065146446228027 + ], + [ + "\u2581T\u00f3mate", + -13.260393142700195 + ], + [ + "\u2581glosario", + -13.46047592163086 + ], + [ + "\u2581GSM", + -13.326763153076172 + ], + [ + "\u00e9ndolos", + -13.513569831848145 + ], + [ + "\u2581ambienta", + -13.448118209838867 + ], + [ + "\u2581cotej", + -13.4020414352417 + ], + [ + "\u2581assimilation", + -13.34408950805664 + ], + [ + "\u2581incurre", + -13.514884948730469 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hernandez", + -13.297248840332031 + ], + [ + "\u2581l\u00e1tex", + -13.483875274658203 + ], + [ + "Declaraci\u00f3n", + -13.543556213378906 + ], + [ + "\u2581autosuficiente", + -13.483875274658203 + ], + [ + "WORKS", + -13.691287994384766 + ], + [ + "monitoring", + -13.285788536071777 + ], + [ + "\u2581Decrease", + -13.286540031433105 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sophia", + -13.54319953918457 + ], + [ + "\u2581consult\u00f3", + -13.402665138244629 + ], + [ + "\u2581legible", + -13.457223892211914 + ], + [ + "hav", + -13.242072105407715 + ], + [ + "\u2581Turtle", + -13.420318603515625 + ], + [ + "\u2581booze", + -13.525354385375977 + ], + [ + "\u2581eurodiputado", + -13.437585830688477 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ratio", + -13.503087043762207 + ], + [ + "\u2581descalifica", + -13.467312812805176 + ], + [ + "\u2581dispenser", + -13.385082244873047 + ], + [ + "Czech", + -13.381235122680664 + ], + [ + "\u2581repaso", + -13.480512619018555 + ], + [ + "flew", + -13.213610649108887 + ], + [ + "\u2581Translator", + -13.281228065490723 + ], + [ + "\u2581stature", + -13.522912979125977 + ], + [ + "Ltd", + -13.338508605957031 + ], + [ + "basic", + -13.27359676361084 + ], + [ + "investigaci\u00f3n", + -13.54718017578125 + ], + [ + "sociedad", + -13.511539459228516 + ], + [ + "\u2581Consulate", + -13.44186019897461 + ], + [ + "\u2581Loren", + -13.541305541992188 + ], + [ + "\u2581Chambre", + -13.399447441101074 + ], + [ + "Filipinas", + -13.539944648742676 + ], + [ + "Wait", + -13.503602027893066 + ], + [ + "\u2581Atlantis", + -13.396199226379395 + ], + [ + "\u2581Malpensa", + -13.45117473602295 + ], + [ + "\u2581Profit", + -13.376327514648438 + ], + [ + "\u2581VOLUME", + -13.289205551147461 + ], + [ + "\u2581c\u00famulo", + -13.43436050415039 + ], + [ + "1-7", + -13.523694038391113 + ], + [ + "\u2581tagged", + -13.476799964904785 + ], + [ + "...............", + -13.327444076538086 + ], + [ + "Deuteronomio", + -13.539541244506836 + ], + [ + "\u2581Focal", + -13.375823020935059 + ], + [ + "\u2581forcefully", + -13.301011085510254 + ], + [ + "``", + -100 + ], + [ + "functional", + -13.446489334106445 + ], + [ + "\u2581Maternity", + -13.390273094177246 + ], + [ + "\u2581festeja", + -13.463861465454102 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dialogo", + -13.396212577819824 + ], + [ + "\u2581addictive", + -13.408381462097168 + ], + [ + "\u2581navide\u00f1o", + -13.453872680664062 + ], + [ + "\u2581solitude", + -13.51602840423584 + ], + [ + "America", + -13.4358549118042 + ], + [ + "\u2581Biotecnolog\u00eda", + -13.460490226745605 + ], + [ + "polluter", + -13.422764778137207 + ], + [ + "\u2581adorn", + -13.363295555114746 + ], + [ + "\u2581envoltura", + -13.525362968444824 + ], + [ + "\u2581galvaniza", + -13.525346755981445 + ], + [ + "\u2581polimet\u00e1licos", + -13.46046257019043 + ], + [ + "Write", + -13.352858543395996 + ], + [ + "\u2581diocesan", + -13.432512283325195 + ], + [ + "\u2581groan", + -13.507925033569336 + ], + [ + "espa\u00f1ol", + -13.54718017578125 + ], + [ + "/57/3", + -13.433134078979492 + ], + [ + "Siguiente", + -13.437291145324707 + ], + [ + "\u2581Desierto", + -13.437586784362793 + ], + [ + "\u2581D\u00e9jala", + -13.2310791015625 + ], + [ + "\u2581aventurero", + -13.402661323547363 + ], + [ + "\u2581directories", + -13.4649076461792 + ], + [ + "\u2581espiga", + -13.47445011138916 + ], + [ + "\u2581VERY", + -13.644548416137695 + ], + [ + "\u2581consignee", + -13.252504348754883 + ], + [ + "\u2581hipot\u00e9tica", + -13.521810531616211 + ], + [ + "\u2581lujuria", + -13.34801959991455 + ], + [ + "\u2581bonificaciones", + -13.44732666015625 + ], + [ + "\u2581glazed", + -13.394089698791504 + ], + [ + "\u2581mailbox", + -13.286664962768555 + ], + [ + "\u2581summarised", + -13.336443901062012 + ], + [ + "\u2581Empress", + -13.44190788269043 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pirate", + -13.404529571533203 + ], + [ + "\u2581comprobante", + -13.412073135375977 + ], + [ + "\u2581erupted", + -13.361923217773438 + ], + [ + "\u2581subdivisi\u00f3n", + -13.483875274658203 + ], + [ + "768", + -13.62236499786377 + ], + [ + "\u2581Unbelievable", + -13.546642303466797 + ], + [ + "\u2581inflexi\u00f3n", + -13.463773727416992 + ], + [ + "\u2581sugerimos", + -13.49750804901123 + ], + [ + "\u2581Estimula", + -13.514839172363281 + ], + [ + "\u2581cacer\u00eda", + -13.402664184570312 + ], + [ + "Brussels", + -13.372434616088867 + ], + [ + "browser", + -13.487272262573242 + ], + [ + "\u2581leveraging", + -13.47341537475586 + ], + [ + "\u2581Stretch", + -13.429450988769531 + ], + [ + "\u2581pedagog\u00eda", + -13.44732666015625 + ], + [ + "\u2581turf", + -13.358987808227539 + ], + [ + "imus", + -13.41972541809082 + ], + [ + "\u2581alban\u00e9s", + -13.5148286819458 + ], + [ + "\u2581arm\u00f3nica", + -13.421563148498535 + ], + [ + "\u2581infalible", + -13.50784969329834 + ], + [ + "\u2581Volvamos", + -13.29065227508545 + ], + [ + "\u2581anatomy", + -13.349748611450195 + ], + [ + "\u2581comet\u00ed", + -13.36021900177002 + ], + [ + "\u2581paralyzed", + -13.41117000579834 + ], + [ + "\u2581supiste", + -13.225895881652832 + ], + [ + "\u2581thumbnail", + -13.429434776306152 + ], + [ + "PHI", + -13.677834510803223 + ], + [ + "lmohadilla", + -13.546723365783691 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alleged", + -13.332877159118652 + ], + [ + "\u2581CONCERN", + -13.396202087402344 + ], + [ + "\u2581Surgical", + -13.346914291381836 + ], + [ + "3/2009", + -13.63129711151123 + ], + [ + "\u2581Relativa", + -13.539689064025879 + ], + [ + "\u2581empecemos", + -13.254995346069336 + ], + [ + "\u2581locomotive", + -13.429435729980469 + ], + [ + "\u2581manteca", + -13.402844429016113 + ], + [ + "\u2581plutonium", + -13.364032745361328 + ], + [ + "\u2581securitisation", + -13.352587699890137 + ], + [ + "\u2581Despliegue", + -13.564905166625977 + ], + [ + "\u2581cumbersome", + -13.399175643920898 + ], + [ + "\u2581elusive", + -13.390273094177246 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cadiz", + -13.40520191192627 + ], + [ + "\u2581Confianza", + -13.507848739624023 + ], + [ + "\u2581candidature", + -13.313530921936035 + ], + [ + "\u2581subordinaci\u00f3n", + -13.473773956298828 + ], + [ + "\u2581Titus", + -13.489734649658203 + ], + [ + "\u2581Workana", + -13.458389282226562 + ], + [ + "\u2581accedie", + -13.553412437438965 + ], + [ + "\u2581illustrative", + -13.454319953918457 + ], + [ + "\u2581thriving", + -13.324535369873047 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lobo", + -13.460768699645996 + ], + [ + "\u2581paperboard", + -13.373932838439941 + ], + [ + "rigging", + -13.55984878540039 + ], + [ + "\u2581PSD", + -13.307987213134766 + ], + [ + "\u2581abarc\u00f3", + -13.49409294128418 + ], + [ + "\u2581insomnia", + -13.349747657775879 + ], + [ + "duzco", + -13.336492538452148 + ], + [ + "\u2581COST", + -13.39248275756836 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cartoon", + -13.414259910583496 + ], + [ + "\u2581Underground", + -13.429803848266602 + ], + [ + "\u2581deprimida", + -13.33932876586914 + ], + [ + "\u2581inv\u00e1lida", + -13.480497360229492 + ], + [ + "\u2581peregrino", + -13.492622375488281 + ], + [ + "\u2581sinopsis", + -13.497517585754395 + ], + [ + "_____", + -13.287067413330078 + ], + [ + "\u2581acudieron", + -13.535979270935059 + ], + [ + "\u2581firewall", + -13.473618507385254 + ], + [ + "\u2581opiate", + -13.432537078857422 + ], + [ + "2,300", + -13.453369140625 + ], + [ + "euil", + -13.499281883239746 + ], + [ + "\u2581cataratas", + -13.504388809204102 + ], + [ + "\u2581cosmopolitan", + -13.273311614990234 + ], + [ + "\u2581Assurance", + -13.330083847045898 + ], + [ + "\u2581diligent", + -13.419651985168457 + ], + [ + "\u2581renunciation", + -13.313530921936035 + ], + [ + "confidence", + -13.467314720153809 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hablaremos", + -13.21867561340332 + ], + [ + "\u2581anesthetic", + -13.299943923950195 + ], + [ + "\u2581pol\u00e9mico", + -13.528879165649414 + ], + [ + "imbo", + -13.390148162841797 + ], + [ + "\u2581colecciona", + -13.274025917053223 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sheila", + -13.378069877624512 + ], + [ + "\u2581extractivas", + -13.546723365783691 + ], + [ + "\u2581magnifica", + -13.393428802490234 + ], + [ + "Arriba", + -13.267241477966309 + ], + [ + "\u2581Generalitat", + -13.535978317260742 + ], + [ + "\u2581cadmio", + -13.514805793762207 + ], + [ + "\u2581prolifera", + -13.437206268310547 + ], + [ + "\u2581rectangle", + -13.349746704101562 + ], + [ + "\u2581requisition", + -13.457779884338379 + ], + [ + "\u2581speedily", + -13.38171100616455 + ], + [ + "700.000", + -13.57935619354248 + ], + [ + "Tiempo", + -13.48730182647705 + ], + [ + "\u2581did\u00e1ctica", + -13.504388809204102 + ], + [ + "\u2581neurol\u00f3gico", + -13.431214332580566 + ], + [ + "\u2581personifica", + -13.469585418701172 + ], + [ + "revolucionario", + -13.487338066101074 + ], + [ + "\u2581Biotechnology", + -13.34412670135498 + ], + [ + "\u2581FIDH", + -13.473442077636719 + ], + [ + "\u2581smuggled", + -13.4066162109375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Boundary", + -13.417221069335938 + ], + [ + "\u2581burgueses", + -13.463773727416992 + ], + [ + "\u2581f\u00e9cula", + -13.3902587890625 + ], + [ + "\u2581hustle", + -13.41117000579834 + ], + [ + "\uf106", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581hereditaria", + -13.43436050415039 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aldea", + -13.451288223266602 + ], + [ + "\u2581Comience", + -13.437629699707031 + ], + [ + "\u2581recombinante", + -13.539542198181152 + ], + [ + "\u2581cosm\u00e9tica", + -13.553956031799316 + ], + [ + "\u2581displeas", + -13.373623847961426 + ], + [ + "\u258149/1", + -13.324396133422852 + ], + [ + "\u2581READ", + -13.362200736999512 + ], + [ + "\u2581attenuat", + -13.400046348571777 + ], + [ + "\u2581constelaci\u00f3n", + -13.535977363586426 + ], + [ + "Ap\u00farate", + -13.268552780151367 + ], + [ + "GGE", + -13.479026794433594 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hughes", + -13.476994514465332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Raising", + -13.32770824432373 + ], + [ + "\u2581SYN", + -13.344353675842285 + ], + [ + "\u2581espeluznante", + -13.431144714355469 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cervantes", + -13.414191246032715 + ], + [ + "\u2581Crew", + -13.492963790893555 + ], + [ + "\u2581glide", + -13.456347465515137 + ], + [ + "175", + -13.313600540161133 + ], + [ + "\u2581Diagnosis", + -13.448040008544922 + ], + [ + "Fant\u00e1stico", + -13.350139617919922 + ], + [ + "igur", + -13.533982276916504 + ], + [ + "\u2581tergiversa", + -13.470429420471191 + ], + [ + "\u2581evacuate", + -13.45630931854248 + ], + [ + "\u2581Miriam", + -13.529520988464355 + ], + [ + "\u2581hearken", + -13.40295124053955 + ], + [ + "\u2581Corridor", + -13.255082130432129 + ], + [ + "prote\u00edna", + -13.558120727539062 + ], + [ + "\u2581Buffalo", + -13.564072608947754 + ], + [ + "\u2581Joyce", + -13.512861251831055 + ], + [ + "\u2581Seguidamente", + -13.480496406555176 + ], + [ + "\u2581TRADE", + -13.321818351745605 + ], + [ + "\u2581Traction", + -13.237361907958984 + ], + [ + "\u2581miscarriage", + -13.378525733947754 + ], + [ + "Disculpa", + -13.338302612304688 + ], + [ + "NEL", + -13.308234214782715 + ], + [ + "\u2581alguacil", + -13.285052299499512 + ], + [ + "\u2581priv", + -13.30691146850586 + ], + [ + "dependence", + -13.433382034301758 + ], + [ + "\u2581Berger", + -13.41236686706543 + ], + [ + "\u2581PRESIDENTA", + -13.539541244506836 + ], + [ + "\u2581cassette", + -13.378525733947754 + ], + [ + "\u2581herej\u00eda", + -13.57597541809082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Carrier", + -13.470388412475586 + ], + [ + "\u2581NAPA", + -13.434097290039062 + ], + [ + "\u2581Scholarship", + -13.381556510925293 + ], + [ + "\u2581soporto", + -13.327553749084473 + ], + [ + "\u2581NATIONAL", + -13.378534317016602 + ], + [ + "\u2581familiarize", + -13.521430015563965 + ], + [ + "\u2581revolving", + -13.499741554260254 + ], + [ + "\u2581Possibly", + -13.483076095581055 + ], + [ + "\u2581cosmopolita", + -13.521810531616211 + ], + [ + "\u2581subset", + -13.343241691589355 + ], + [ + "\u2581arduous", + -13.408160209655762 + ], + [ + "button", + -13.436814308166504 + ], + [ + "\u2581Venture", + -13.347289085388184 + ], + [ + "\u2581asevera", + -13.467304229736328 + ], + [ + "\u2581conduit", + -13.45117473602295 + ], + [ + "\u2581firewood", + -13.316990852355957 + ], + [ + "Legal", + -13.399154663085938 + ], + [ + "waste", + -13.400567054748535 + ], + [ + "\u2581Elegante", + -13.477158546447754 + ], + [ + "\u2581peluche", + -13.339221000671387 + ], + [ + "\u2581popping", + -13.470684051513672 + ], + [ + "\u2581regres\u00e9", + -13.290632247924805 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hanoi", + -13.408160209655762 + ], + [ + "LIM", + -13.29744815826416 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wherefore", + -13.490001678466797 + ], + [ + "\u2581enlivened", + -13.444914817810059 + ], + [ + "\u2581manifold", + -13.352588653564453 + ], + [ + "\u2581Guay", + -13.400619506835938 + ], + [ + "\u2581OLAF", + -13.38732624053955 + ], + [ + "\u2581TERCER", + -13.453873634338379 + ], + [ + "ongbook", + -13.616427421569824 + ], + [ + "\u2581ant\u00eddoto", + -13.421560287475586 + ], + [ + "\u2581bufete", + -13.387784004211426 + ], + [ + "\u2581cosmos", + -13.479854583740234 + ], + [ + "attack", + -13.371421813964844 + ], + [ + "death", + -13.440596580505371 + ], + [ + "\u2581TPCE", + -13.490887641906738 + ], + [ + "ajuste", + -13.576569557189941 + ], + [ + "\u2581prorrateada", + -13.453872680664062 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tao", + -13.308422088623047 + ], + [ + "\u2581chili", + -13.426484107971191 + ], + [ + "\u2581condone", + -13.434866905212402 + ], + [ + "\u2581Zimbabue", + -13.500940322875977 + ], + [ + "\u2581Z\u00farich", + -13.535970687866211 + ], + [ + "Organization", + -13.349343299865723 + ], + [ + "\u2581Assisi", + -13.310843467712402 + ], + [ + "\u2581resguarda", + -13.427950859069824 + ], + [ + "\u2581tempestad", + -13.553956031799316 + ], + [ + "Music", + -13.533917427062988 + ], + [ + "\u2581Agnes", + -13.638936996459961 + ], + [ + "\u2581COMUNIDAD", + -13.521759033203125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mumia", + -13.375946044921875 + ], + [ + "\u2581promoviera", + -13.518301963806152 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rocket", + -13.40143871307373 + ], + [ + "\u2581endowment", + -13.37561321258545 + ], + [ + "\u2581palpable", + -13.412067413330078 + ], + [ + "Apartment", + -13.408099174499512 + ], + [ + "\u2581asimetr\u00eda", + -13.50101375579834 + ], + [ + "\u2581refinancing", + -13.365005493164062 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vacuna", + -13.447332382202148 + ], + [ + "\u2581Violaciones", + -13.525392532348633 + ], + [ + "\u2581intersectoral", + -13.350089073181152 + ], + [ + "\u2581Qualification", + -13.378525733947754 + ], + [ + "capitula", + -13.438826560974121 + ], + [ + "\u2581fortunately", + -13.385636329650879 + ], + [ + "\u2581THANK", + -13.473401069641113 + ], + [ + "\u2581jeopardise", + -13.394414901733398 + ], + [ + "Malasia", + -13.543556213378906 + ], + [ + "\u2581Brochure", + -13.444914817810059 + ], + [ + "\u2581superfluous", + -13.457474708557129 + ], + [ + "\u2581bookmarks", + -13.460654258728027 + ], + [ + "\u2581instituye", + -13.457176208496094 + ], + [ + "\u2581memor\u00e1ndum", + -13.405786514282227 + ], + [ + "\u2581Honestamente", + -13.293408393859863 + ], + [ + "Facebook", + -13.448229789733887 + ], + [ + "\u2581$1,000", + -13.544361114501953 + ], + [ + "\u2581Equipp", + -13.373245239257812 + ], + [ + "\u2581grievous", + -13.349746704101562 + ], + [ + "\u2581lloro", + -13.359269142150879 + ], + [ + "\u2581Contingent", + -13.40515422821045 + ], + [ + "\u2581Elementary", + -13.512682914733887 + ], + [ + "User", + -13.349308967590332 + ], + [ + "\u25812008-2011", + -13.34423828125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Crusade", + -13.429443359375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fernandez", + -13.405155181884766 + ], + [ + "\u2581Juda", + -13.397635459899902 + ], + [ + "\u2581Skate", + -13.455716133117676 + ], + [ + "terdepartmental", + -13.358296394348145 + ], + [ + "truth", + -13.456062316894531 + ], + [ + "\u2581Emerson", + -13.423310279846191 + ], + [ + "\u2581chairperson", + -13.276555061340332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Chadian", + -13.452498435974121 + ], + [ + "\u2581desacato", + -13.494081497192383 + ], + [ + "\u2581precipitat", + -13.324371337890625 + ], + [ + "\u2581reappear", + -13.454319953918457 + ], + [ + "\u2581trout", + -13.473607063293457 + ], + [ + "\u2581Citro", + -13.483978271484375 + ], + [ + "\u2581novata", + -13.43005657196045 + ], + [ + "\u2581conciliador", + -13.457985877990723 + ], + [ + "Three", + -13.506604194641113 + ], + [ + "\u2581Schneider", + -13.384382247924805 + ], + [ + "\u2581afrenta", + -13.501404762268066 + ], + [ + "\u2581escond\u00ed", + -13.303890228271484 + ], + [ + "(...)", + -13.511990547180176 + ], + [ + "flationary", + -13.398962020874023 + ], + [ + "\u2581$300", + -13.403962135314941 + ], + [ + "\u2581Deportivo", + -13.463797569274902 + ], + [ + "\u2581delta", + -13.295744895935059 + ], + [ + "\u2581UCITS", + -13.378525733947754 + ], + [ + "\u2581degustaci\u00f3n", + -13.518332481384277 + ], + [ + "\u2581ADPIC", + -13.572271347045898 + ], + [ + "\u2581Amateur", + -13.37852668762207 + ], + [ + "\u2581CARE", + -13.446582794189453 + ], + [ + "\u2581ISAF", + -13.399334907531738 + ], + [ + "\u2581Resume", + -13.427017211914062 + ], + [ + "\u2581colchones", + -13.483875274658203 + ], + [ + "\u2581enga\u00f1e", + -13.43117618560791 + ], + [ + "Color", + -13.394864082336426 + ], + [ + "\u2581Messagg", + -13.55395793914795 + ], + [ + "\u2581Silvestre", + -13.56124210357666 + ], + [ + "implementation", + -13.360823631286621 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nineteen", + -13.550135612487793 + ], + [ + "\u2581PERMANENTE", + -13.532411575317383 + ], + [ + "\u2581aritm\u00e9tica", + -13.518301963806152 + ], + [ + "\u2581Contador", + -13.51664924621582 + ], + [ + "\u2581preocupo", + -13.368916511535645 + ], + [ + "\u2581Campamento", + -13.511322975158691 + ], + [ + "\u2581Chiang", + -13.375951766967773 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lutheran", + -13.35887622833252 + ], + [ + "calibre", + -13.366933822631836 + ], + [ + "\u2581Galli", + -13.556967735290527 + ], + [ + "\u2581caribe\u00f1o", + -13.477129936218262 + ], + [ + "\u2581climax", + -13.40216064453125 + ], + [ + "\u2581doctrinal", + -13.372703552246094 + ], + [ + "\u2581forcible", + -13.341333389282227 + ], + [ + "\u2581oxen", + -13.456238746643066 + ], + [ + "\u2581descarri", + -13.454710960388184 + ], + [ + "\u2581sojourn", + -13.361159324645996 + ], + [ + "Svenska", + -13.364039421081543 + ], + [ + "\u2581attractiveness", + -13.325761795043945 + ], + [ + "\u2581tranquillity", + -13.45117473602295 + ], + [ + "\u2581reforz\u00f3", + -13.511321067810059 + ], + [ + "Model", + -13.432817459106445 + ], + [ + "\u2581biocarburantes", + -13.463773727416992 + ], + [ + "\u2581maniqu\u00ed", + -13.463824272155762 + ], + [ + "\u2581prometi", + -13.452313423156738 + ], + [ + "uadrag\u00e9simo", + -13.411651611328125 + ], + [ + "\u2581rampant", + -13.336034774780273 + ], + [ + "\u2581pancreas", + -13.438694953918457 + ], + [ + "\u2581pollen", + -13.427897453308105 + ], + [ + "\u2581anexi\u00f3n", + -13.457162857055664 + ], + [ + "\u2581felony", + -13.417221069335938 + ], + [ + "\u2581reverence", + -13.43869400024414 + ], + [ + "\u2581Esp\u00edrita", + -13.557592391967773 + ], + [ + "\u2581atiendan", + -13.440963745117188 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jacket", + -13.469097137451172 + ], + [ + "\u2581alcald\u00eda", + -13.494081497192383 + ], + [ + "\u2581nigger", + -13.648408889770508 + ], + [ + "\u2581Saneamiento", + -13.50094223022461 + ], + [ + "\u2581calabozo", + -13.437585830688477 + ], + [ + "\u2581rellene", + -13.444106101989746 + ], + [ + "\u2581Llave", + -13.38109302520752 + ], + [ + "\u2581canopy", + -13.390294075012207 + ], + [ + "\u2581murmura", + -13.457161903381348 + ], + [ + "\u2581Variaci\u00f3n", + -13.483877182006836 + ], + [ + "\u2581Blogger", + -13.472732543945312 + ], + [ + "\u2581acristalamiento", + -13.514806747436523 + ], + [ + "\u2581discutieron", + -13.518381118774414 + ], + [ + "historia", + -13.508060455322266 + ], + [ + "\u2581UNIDIR", + -13.417221069335938 + ], + [ + "\u2581suburb", + -13.47210693359375 + ], + [ + "/59/3", + -13.427606582641602 + ], + [ + "\u2581PFOS", + -13.387331008911133 + ], + [ + "\u2581picadura", + -13.382964134216309 + ], + [ + "\u2581Backpack", + -13.420387268066406 + ], + [ + "\u2581hu\u00e9rfano", + -13.438830375671387 + ], + [ + "pak", + -13.352109909057617 + ], + [ + "\u2581Scene", + -13.439704895019531 + ], + [ + "\u2581pelirroja", + -13.396441459655762 + ], + [ + "choice", + -13.375663757324219 + ], + [ + "ogenesis", + -13.428452491760254 + ], + [ + "CEDEAO", + -13.405285835266113 + ], + [ + "Japanese", + -13.381278038024902 + ], + [ + "russian", + -13.336201667785645 + ], + [ + "\u2581Priorities", + -13.247573852539062 + ], + [ + "\u2581epilepsy", + -13.332868576049805 + ], + [ + "\u2581roedores", + -13.557594299316406 + ], + [ + "\u2581zealous", + -13.417560577392578 + ], + [ + "\u2581mollusc", + -13.405155181884766 + ], + [ + "\u2581conced\u00eda", + -13.418852806091309 + ], + [ + "\u2581NACE", + -13.2278413772583 + ], + [ + "\u2581gendarmer\u00eda", + -13.521810531616211 + ], + [ + "KG", + -13.169364929199219 + ], + [ + "leaf", + -13.417251586914062 + ], + [ + "pl\u00edca", + -13.26071834564209 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gerardo", + -13.387808799743652 + ], + [ + "ADB", + -13.599647521972656 + ], + [ + "\u2581Espejo", + -13.55040168762207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sweetheart", + -13.543207168579102 + ], + [ + "\u2581reciclar", + -13.507852554321289 + ], + [ + "\u2581unveil", + -13.380474090576172 + ], + [ + "ELDR", + -13.341169357299805 + ], + [ + "aldehyde", + -13.358294486999512 + ], + [ + "\u2581craving", + -13.441801071166992 + ], + [ + "\u2581stigmatization", + -13.381534576416016 + ], + [ + "aer\u00f3bic", + -13.4805908203125 + ], + [ + "\u2581martirio", + -13.525334358215332 + ], + [ + "\u2581tacit", + -13.389117240905762 + ], + [ + "among", + -13.435373306274414 + ], + [ + "season", + -13.483759880065918 + ], + [ + "\u2581Esteban", + -13.454354286193848 + ], + [ + "\u2581amalgam", + -13.435600280761719 + ], + [ + "enthal", + -13.53201675415039 + ], + [ + "\u2581963-5", + -13.529720306396484 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vulcan", + -13.49941635131836 + ], + [ + "1977", + -13.375523567199707 + ], + [ + "\u2581SubCommission", + -13.390804290771484 + ], + [ + "\u2581conteste", + -13.309245109558105 + ], + [ + "\u2581TARGET", + -13.372703552246094 + ], + [ + "\u2581entrants", + -13.417221069335938 + ], + [ + "\u2581reelegido", + -13.572271347045898 + ], + [ + "CHW", + -13.403735160827637 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reclamaciones", + -13.480496406555176 + ], + [ + "\u2581atroces", + -13.525355339050293 + ], + [ + "\u2581bounty", + -13.502716064453125 + ], + [ + "\u2581reindeer", + -13.49284839630127 + ], + [ + "\u2581transcription", + -13.432580947875977 + ], + [ + "Menu", + -13.440486907958984 + ], + [ + "\u2581Distributor", + -13.441800117492676 + ], + [ + "\u2581opportune", + -13.390274047851562 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bottle", + -13.451379776000977 + ], + [ + "\u2581Compatible", + -13.364032745361328 + ], + [ + "\u2581desarroll\u00e1ndose", + -13.453872680664062 + ], + [ + "\u2581graceful", + -13.479743957519531 + ], + [ + "\u00e9li", + -13.44138240814209 + ], + [ + "\u2581SNA", + -13.118780136108398 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tract", + -13.585909843444824 + ], + [ + "\u2581explot\u00f3", + -13.44732666015625 + ], + [ + "\u2581odour", + -13.375617027282715 + ], + [ + "\u2581omega", + -13.448042869567871 + ], + [ + "option", + -13.526798248291016 + ], + [ + "\u2581DECIDE", + -13.568582534790039 + ], + [ + "\u2581instigate", + -13.349761962890625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Biocat", + -13.402291297912598 + ], + [ + "\u2581arquitect", + -13.454319953918457 + ], + [ + "\u2581pensionable", + -13.338225364685059 + ], + [ + "\u2581sumergido", + -13.440823554992676 + ], + [ + "\u2581prank", + -13.43738842010498 + ], + [ + "\u2581wiring", + -13.39042854309082 + ], + [ + "1/92", + -13.470745086669922 + ], + [ + "implant", + -13.52755069732666 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tail", + -13.41853141784668 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wolfgang", + -13.460638999938965 + ], + [ + "\u2581colaterales", + -13.470429420471191 + ], + [ + "\u2581machining", + -13.319018363952637 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tournament", + -13.509349822998047 + ], + [ + "\u2581p\u00e1rpado", + -13.473773956298828 + ], + [ + "squez", + -13.37893009185791 + ], + [ + "\u2581reapertura", + -13.535970687866211 + ], + [ + "\u2581sustainably", + -13.384523391723633 + ], + [ + "Termina", + -13.344292640686035 + ], + [ + "similar", + -13.435710906982422 + ], + [ + "\u2581sobrepase", + -13.388565063476562 + ], + [ + "\u2581unbeatable", + -13.470192909240723 + ], + [ + "\u2581Khmer", + -13.393355369567871 + ], + [ + "\u2581Married", + -13.611091613769531 + ], + [ + "\u2581informatizado", + -13.375144958496094 + ], + [ + "Eliminar", + -13.53994369506836 + ], + [ + "frontier", + -13.4205322265625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Insolvency", + -13.321788787841797 + ], + [ + "\u2581despidi\u00f3", + -13.507856369018555 + ], + [ + "767", + -13.544015884399414 + ], + [ + "\u2581Logis", + -13.474387168884277 + ], + [ + "prox", + -13.290231704711914 + ], + [ + "\u2581Chechen", + -13.39334487915039 + ], + [ + "\u2581perciba", + -13.554221153259277 + ], + [ + "\u2581urbanismo", + -13.4670991897583 + ], + [ + "Ll\u00e9ven", + -13.231280326843262 + ], + [ + "agliptin", + -13.273311614990234 + ], + [ + "\u2581subconscious", + -13.470335960388184 + ], + [ + "\u2581Christina", + -13.305109977722168 + ], + [ + "\u2581abominable", + -13.490666389465332 + ], + [ + "\u2581mythical", + -13.451950073242188 + ], + [ + "\u2581piadoso", + -13.525349617004395 + ], + [ + "\u2581AEVM", + -13.467096328735352 + ], + [ + "\u2581Orientation", + -13.519709587097168 + ], + [ + "\u2581gaseosa", + -13.427955627441406 + ], + [ + "\u2581hebilla", + -13.434385299682617 + ], + [ + "\u2581vinimos", + -13.307623863220215 + ], + [ + "locuci\u00f3n", + -13.51584529876709 + ], + [ + "\u2581Esposa", + -13.48133659362793 + ], + [ + "especial", + -13.53783893585205 + ], + [ + "\u2581Configurar", + -13.557600021362305 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kathmandu", + -13.393232345581055 + ], + [ + "\u2581TEXT", + -13.3357572555542 + ], + [ + "\u2581agravio", + -13.576027870178223 + ], + [ + "\u2581chuck", + -13.508359909057617 + ], + [ + "\u2581replenish", + -13.393094062805176 + ], + [ + "Ahorre", + -13.499761581420898 + ], + [ + "combustible", + -13.437286376953125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Guzm", + -13.423998832702637 + ], + [ + "\u2581Handling", + -13.333311080932617 + ], + [ + "\u2581Utility", + -13.496127128601074 + ], + [ + "\u2581paternal", + -13.448040008544922 + ], + [ + "\u2581tailandesa", + -13.557592391967773 + ], + [ + "\u2581anest\u00e9sico", + -13.463773727416992 + ], + [ + "\u2581Countdown", + -13.375679016113281 + ], + [ + "\u2581fortalecida", + -13.46046257019043 + ], + [ + "\u2581vocacional", + -13.431235313415527 + ], + [ + "\u2581Boeing", + -13.444944381713867 + ], + [ + "\u2581Compuesto", + -13.410181999206543 + ], + [ + "di\u00e1cono", + -13.521824836730957 + ], + [ + "\u2581arithmetic", + -13.429434776306152 + ], + [ + "\u2581seizing", + -13.319658279418945 + ], + [ + "werk", + -13.44313907623291 + ], + [ + "\u2581CESCR", + -13.444940567016602 + ], + [ + "\u2581Assignment", + -13.366915702819824 + ], + [ + "\u2581dificult", + -13.353757858276367 + ], + [ + "\u2581soothing", + -13.393239974975586 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cort\u00e9s", + -13.470442771911621 + ], + [ + "\u2581Displacement", + -13.467035293579102 + ], + [ + "\u2581Platinum", + -13.476613998413086 + ], + [ + "icillin", + -13.390288352966309 + ], + [ + "\u2581archbishop", + -13.496126174926758 + ], + [ + "\u2581castigue", + -13.453874588012695 + ], + [ + "\u2581legendaria", + -13.56124210357666 + ], + [ + "\u2581untreated", + -13.39376163482666 + ], + [ + "\u2581obtendr\u00eda", + -13.57597827911377 + ], + [ + "9-10", + -13.398699760437012 + ], + [ + "compliant", + -13.390103340148926 + ], + [ + "\u2581predetermined", + -13.4671049118042 + ], + [ + "\u2581mendigo", + -13.480520248413086 + ], + [ + "\u2581violet", + -13.532922744750977 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pepper", + -13.437219619750977 + ], + [ + "Desk", + -13.432924270629883 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aleppo", + -13.441800117492676 + ], + [ + "\u2581CULTURAL", + -13.41117000579834 + ], + [ + "\u2581Murano", + -13.423444747924805 + ], + [ + "\u2581pollutant", + -13.385091781616211 + ], + [ + "\u2581rascacielos", + -13.457162857055664 + ], + [ + "Earth", + -13.34935474395752 + ], + [ + "\u2581adorned", + -13.309081077575684 + ], + [ + "\u2581biologist", + -13.395551681518555 + ], + [ + "\u2581eyacula", + -13.564648628234863 + ], + [ + "strength", + -13.59015941619873 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kumar", + -13.432318687438965 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mainstreaming", + -13.399175643920898 + ], + [ + "\u2581multiplicity", + -13.387323379516602 + ], + [ + "/62/7", + -13.477185249328613 + ], + [ + "intervention", + -13.457744598388672 + ], + [ + "\u2581anonymity", + -13.426368713378906 + ], + [ + "\u2581g\u00e9rmenes", + -13.480496406555176 + ], + [ + "\u2581opaque", + -13.324538230895996 + ], + [ + "sapariciones", + -13.541444778442383 + ], + [ + "\u2581cricket", + -13.49284839630127 + ], + [ + "\u2219", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581An\u00e1logamente", + -13.450593948364258 + ], + [ + "Bienaventurado", + -13.504862785339355 + ], + [ + "\u2581Concepci", + -13.411170959472656 + ], + [ + "\u2581Matsu", + -13.585592269897461 + ], + [ + "\u2581cinnamon", + -13.479839324951172 + ], + [ + "emptive", + -13.346060752868652 + ], + [ + "\u2581PUBLICATIONS", + -13.41419506072998 + ], + [ + "\u2581a\u00f1adieron", + -13.390295028686523 + ], + [ + "\u2581prospectus", + -13.400857925415039 + ], + [ + "Descubri", + -13.516716003417969 + ], + [ + "\u2581Greetings", + -13.553574562072754 + ], + [ + "\u2581definiendo", + -13.5114164352417 + ], + [ + "\u2581lucrative", + -13.441800117492676 + ], + [ + "\u2581Adverse", + -13.408525466918945 + ], + [ + "\u2581Medieval", + -13.522750854492188 + ], + [ + "\u2581confinamiento", + -13.575986862182617 + ], + [ + "1975", + -13.468867301940918 + ], + [ + "\u2581Impossible", + -13.58898639678955 + ], + [ + "Toward", + -13.31596851348877 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cracovia", + -13.57597541809082 + ], + [ + "\u2581functionalities", + -13.399782180786133 + ], + [ + "\u2581Undoubtedly", + -13.489580154418945 + ], + [ + "\u2581Estudiante", + -13.44219970703125 + ], + [ + "\u2581ahumado", + -13.505081176757812 + ], + [ + "\u2581limp", + -13.42922306060791 + ], + [ + "Georgia", + -13.497611999511719 + ], + [ + "\u2581Embalaje", + -13.521810531616211 + ], + [ + "\u2581Prefecture", + -13.49941635131836 + ], + [ + "\u2581heterogeneous", + -13.43869400024414 + ], + [ + "\u2581platinum", + -13.574665069580078 + ], + [ + "\u2032\u2032", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581COMERCIO", + -13.480496406555176 + ], + [ + "\u2581CONTENIDO", + -13.579692840576172 + ], + [ + "\u2581FGM", + -13.439128875732422 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reef", + -13.427528381347656 + ], + [ + "\u2581blot", + -13.493748664855957 + ], + [ + "\u2581hallucination", + -13.438694953918457 + ], + [ + "\u2581mondial", + -13.467010498046875 + ], + [ + "\u2581REALLY", + -13.546655654907227 + ], + [ + "\u2581Renuncia", + -13.420106887817383 + ], + [ + "\u2581figurative", + -13.451175689697266 + ], + [ + "\u2581lawfulness", + -13.409916877746582 + ], + [ + "\u2581Didact", + -13.462555885314941 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lille", + -13.429299354553223 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hezbollah", + -13.444914817810059 + ], + [ + "\u2581unreported", + -13.486323356628418 + ], + [ + "\u2581SUMARIO", + -13.387181282043457 + ], + [ + "\u2581mentiste", + -13.285064697265625 + ], + [ + "\u2581perdiera", + -13.408943176269531 + ], + [ + "\u2581fitosanitario", + -13.524202346801758 + ], + [ + "Poland", + -13.44225788116455 + ], + [ + "currently", + -13.383752822875977 + ], + [ + "octubre", + -13.525634765625 + ], + [ + "\u2581WERE", + -13.511619567871094 + ], + [ + "\u2581monies", + -13.352836608886719 + ], + [ + "adjusted", + -13.49368953704834 + ], + [ + "owitz", + -13.447574615478516 + ], + [ + "\u2581LIBRE", + -13.500954627990723 + ], + [ + "\u2581Redeemer", + -13.509349822998047 + ], + [ + "\u2581Toallas", + -13.487265586853027 + ], + [ + "therapeutic", + -13.352201461791992 + ], + [ + "\u2581Luiz", + -13.462233543395996 + ], + [ + "\u2581intruso", + -13.36892032623291 + ], + [ + "\u2581oyster", + -13.581796646118164 + ], + [ + "\u2581pol\u00edmeros", + -13.415329933166504 + ], + [ + "contained", + -13.332460403442383 + ], + [ + "\u2581Appropriation", + -13.34408950805664 + ], + [ + "Pack", + -13.474923133850098 + ], + [ + "magnetic", + -13.669329643249512 + ], + [ + "\u2581Stanford", + -13.526189804077148 + ], + [ + "\u2581Audience", + -13.429550170898438 + ], + [ + "\u2581REAL", + -13.451560020446777 + ], + [ + "\u2581antibi\u00f3tico", + -13.509712219238281 + ], + [ + "\u2581blasphemy", + -13.432512283325195 + ], + [ + "\u2581pronouncement", + -13.314725875854492 + ], + [ + "\u25812004/05", + -13.457690238952637 + ], + [ + "\u2581Confidential", + -13.457474708557129 + ], + [ + "\u2581Olga", + -13.43000316619873 + ], + [ + "\u2581correlaciona", + -13.557638168334961 + ], + [ + "derrotero", + -13.51099681854248 + ], + [ + "\u2581Convergence", + -13.355437278747559 + ], + [ + "\u2581HPV", + -13.406195640563965 + ], + [ + "\u2581Negativo", + -13.41838550567627 + ], + [ + "\u2581avanz\u00f3", + -13.500944137573242 + ], + [ + "212", + -13.190733909606934 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sketch", + -13.36117935180664 + ], + [ + "\u2581ointment", + -13.417222023010254 + ], + [ + "\u2581polygamy", + -13.349746704101562 + ], + [ + "registr", + -13.480372428894043 + ], + [ + "\u2581Apaga", + -13.351842880249023 + ], + [ + "\u2581fisherman", + -13.408159255981445 + ], + [ + "\u2581stumbling", + -13.476654052734375 + ], + [ + "butyl", + -13.281839370727539 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dubrovnik", + -13.384382247924805 + ], + [ + "\u2581pose\u00eddo", + -13.460492134094238 + ], + [ + "\u2581Respondiendo", + -13.511321067810059 + ], + [ + "\u2581abrupta", + -13.457162857055664 + ], + [ + "\u2581fisiol\u00f3gica", + -13.525333404541016 + ], + [ + "recommendation", + -13.402063369750977 + ], + [ + "\u2581AREA", + -13.309181213378906 + ], + [ + "\u2581gestation", + -13.460677146911621 + ], + [ + "\u2581pornogr\u00e1fico", + -13.539815902709961 + ], + [ + "\u2581cierne", + -13.511404991149902 + ], + [ + "\u2581lev\u00e1ntate", + -13.316040992736816 + ], + [ + "\u2581susurra", + -13.384650230407715 + ], + [ + "\u2581culminating", + -13.432512283325195 + ], + [ + "\u2581sulfur", + -13.499436378479004 + ], + [ + "\u2581Peak", + -13.432097434997559 + ], + [ + "\u2581idyllic", + -13.355437278747559 + ], + [ + "\u2581Elisha", + -13.417608261108398 + ], + [ + "\u2581concessionaire", + -13.324579238891602 + ], + [ + "\u2581ineficaces", + -13.568581581115723 + ], + [ + "Clean", + -13.275947570800781 + ], + [ + "MH", + -13.279003143310547 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lleida", + -13.460638999938965 + ], + [ + "\u2581adjudicate", + -13.495205879211426 + ], + [ + "\u2581lactation", + -13.384383201599121 + ], + [ + "\u2581DIY", + -13.470417976379395 + ], + [ + "\u2581reassess", + -13.42041015625 + ], + [ + "Sorry", + -13.565147399902344 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aztec", + -13.418228149414062 + ], + [ + "\u2581sintiera", + -13.49772834777832 + ], + [ + "\u2581slider", + -13.28873062133789 + ], + [ + "integrated", + -13.563673973083496 + ], + [ + "\u2581insuperable", + -13.408921241760254 + ], + [ + "\u2581limpie", + -13.336188316345215 + ], + [ + "\u2581pancarta", + -13.557600975036621 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ashley", + -13.533160209655762 + ], + [ + "\u2581lesbiana", + -13.442108154296875 + ], + [ + "Location", + -13.349370956420898 + ], + [ + "\u2581CULTURALES", + -13.553956031799316 + ], + [ + "\u2581sketches", + -13.439539909362793 + ], + [ + "nticipating", + -13.414193153381348 + ], + [ + "\u2581Triunfo", + -13.579692840576172 + ], + [ + "\u2581adhesion", + -13.319018363952637 + ], + [ + "\u2581antidote", + -13.560559272766113 + ], + [ + "\u2581prerrogativa", + -13.455329895019531 + ], + [ + "\u2581($7", + -13.415538787841797 + ], + [ + "\u2581Monrovia", + -13.393232345581055 + ], + [ + "\u2581adversary", + -13.423309326171875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hardware", + -13.52291488647461 + ], + [ + "\u2581Antioquia", + -13.483076095581055 + ], + [ + "\u2581aparenta", + -13.44965648651123 + ], + [ + "WARD", + -13.558201789855957 + ], + [ + "\u2581sophistication", + -13.441800117492676 + ], + [ + "(95)", + -13.335944175720215 + ], + [ + "232", + -13.21989631652832 + ], + [ + "NEPAD", + -13.448225975036621 + ], + [ + "Question", + -13.366610527038574 + ], + [ + "double", + -13.438735961914062 + ], + [ + "\u2581nuances", + -13.435601234436035 + ], + [ + "\u2581squash", + -13.470198631286621 + ], + [ + "optim", + -13.354731559753418 + ], + [ + "\u2581Diabetes", + -13.387323379516602 + ], + [ + "\u2581heroica", + -13.463811874389648 + ], + [ + "Family", + -13.445089340209961 + ], + [ + "\u2581Smuggling", + -13.526128768920898 + ], + [ + "\u2581asuste", + -13.343512535095215 + ], + [ + "\u2581incarcerated", + -13.387323379516602 + ], + [ + "\u2581vanguardista", + -13.55759334564209 + ], + [ + "\u2581Stalinist", + -13.498175621032715 + ], + [ + "\u2581Synchro", + -13.64627456665039 + ], + [ + "\u2581apag\u00f3", + -13.371923446655273 + ], + [ + "\u2581fatalities", + -13.54339599609375 + ], + [ + "\u2581instantaneous", + -13.444915771484375 + ], + [ + "\u2581shutdown", + -13.411389350891113 + ], + [ + "radio", + -13.197757720947266 + ], + [ + "\u2581ojal\u00e1", + -13.393348693847656 + ], + [ + "\u2581persegu\u00eda", + -13.490666389465332 + ], + [ + "Energy", + -13.457721710205078 + ], + [ + "\u2581HPE", + -13.397079467773438 + ], + [ + "mittee", + -13.37838077545166 + ], + [ + "\u2581mutante", + -13.431427001953125 + ], + [ + "00.000", + -13.435293197631836 + ], + [ + "\u00c1frica", + -13.450418472290039 + ], + [ + "\u2581Administr", + -13.415422439575195 + ], + [ + "ulnerable", + -13.476637840270996 + ], + [ + "acetyl", + -13.774980545043945 + ], + [ + "\u2581r\u00fastica", + -13.572271347045898 + ], + [ + "\u2581Acceptance", + -13.509490013122559 + ], + [ + "\u2581disfuncion", + -13.5398588180542 + ], + [ + "\u2581p\u00f3ker", + -13.44082260131836 + ], + [ + "\u2581redondeado", + -13.421564102172852 + ], + [ + "\u2581Depart", + -13.458111763000488 + ], + [ + "\u2581imagining", + -13.460638999938965 + ], + [ + "\u2581motorbike", + -13.486322402954102 + ], + [ + "\u2581radiactivo", + -13.538566589355469 + ], + [ + "\u2581wretched", + -13.519383430480957 + ], + [ + "\u2581requiri\u00f3", + -13.528865814208984 + ], + [ + "network", + -13.414870262145996 + ], + [ + "\u2581Evaluat", + -13.46998119354248 + ], + [ + "\u2581interpersonal", + -13.457762718200684 + ], + [ + "\u2581impatient", + -13.567618370056152 + ], + [ + "008", + -13.350757598876953 + ], + [ + "UNAIDS", + -13.433667182922363 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ludwig", + -13.429434776306152 + ], + [ + "\u2581Singer", + -13.462498664855957 + ], + [ + "(94)", + -13.445520401000977 + ], + [ + "Gratuit", + -13.510940551757812 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jeez", + -13.523056983947754 + ], + [ + "\u2581fuelled", + -13.356722831726074 + ], + [ + "\u2581radiator", + -13.426375389099121 + ], + [ + "vehicle", + -13.375356674194336 + ], + [ + "\u2581Infinito", + -13.518301963806152 + ], + [ + "\u2581avaricia", + -13.494087219238281 + ], + [ + "\u2581Upgrade", + -13.448258399963379 + ], + [ + "\u2581bloke", + -13.536338806152344 + ], + [ + "\u2581compensat", + -13.529566764831543 + ], + [ + "\u2581conferr", + -13.475319862365723 + ], + [ + "\u2581embarrassment", + -13.578326225280762 + ], + [ + "\u2581Persia", + -13.551652908325195 + ], + [ + "\u2581barrido", + -13.490689277648926 + ], + [ + "\u2581chalk", + -13.526233673095703 + ], + [ + "\u2581heroico", + -13.46711540222168 + ], + [ + "\u2581inquieto", + -13.424744606018066 + ], + [ + "\u2581Churchill", + -13.48388671875 + ], + [ + "\u2581swarm", + -13.492873191833496 + ], + [ + "\u2581$5,000", + -13.549485206604004 + ], + [ + "\u2581adjetivo", + -13.54312801361084 + ], + [ + "\u2581diecinueve", + -13.480496406555176 + ], + [ + "\u2581stipulation", + -13.369805335998535 + ], + [ + "\u2581Novotel", + -13.463862419128418 + ], + [ + "\u2581acent\u00faa", + -13.546725273132324 + ], + [ + "\u2581colosal", + -13.539900779724121 + ], + [ + "\u2581necesit\u00e1bamos", + -13.500940322875977 + ], + [ + "\u2581barren", + -13.530227661132812 + ], + [ + "\u2581caverna", + -13.564912796020508 + ], + [ + "\u2581Antichrist", + -13.457474708557129 + ], + [ + "\u2581Entrepreneur", + -13.431214332580566 + ], + [ + "\u2581PACKAGING", + -13.496126174926758 + ], + [ + "\u2581nororiental", + -13.557598114013672 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00c9ramos", + -13.3074951171875 + ], + [ + "uspicious", + -13.528862953186035 + ], + [ + "\u2581Inspired", + -13.448051452636719 + ], + [ + "\u2581Archivado", + -13.514805793762207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Radar", + -13.607793807983398 + ], + [ + "\u2581contemplating", + -13.441800117492676 + ], + [ + "\u2581escondiendo", + -13.299072265625 + ], + [ + "septiembre", + -13.518555641174316 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ceremonia", + -13.579692840576172 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gestiona", + -13.5324125289917 + ], + [ + "\u2581birthplace", + -13.582253456115723 + ], + [ + "Development", + -13.343923568725586 + ], + [ + "Maybe", + -13.584084510803223 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hugh", + -13.458020210266113 + ], + [ + "\u2581negando", + -13.437703132629395 + ], + [ + "\u2581period\u00edstico", + -13.5253324508667 + ], + [ + "bodied", + -13.332876205444336 + ], + [ + "\u2581RPG", + -13.379291534423828 + ], + [ + "\u2581republican", + -13.465566635131836 + ], + [ + "\u2581extraordinarily", + -13.387323379516602 + ], + [ + "\u2581seaport", + -13.415712356567383 + ], + [ + "\u2581Microwave", + -13.46384048461914 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gothenburg", + -13.473398208618164 + ], + [ + "\u2581RELEASE", + -13.417221069335938 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sandwich", + -13.457490921020508 + ], + [ + "\u2581adaptability", + -13.451577186584473 + ], + [ + "chenko", + -13.502172470092773 + ], + [ + "\u2581Shiva", + -13.511841773986816 + ], + [ + "\u2581trastorna", + -13.57601261138916 + ], + [ + "engineering", + -13.483498573303223 + ], + [ + "\u2581Suu", + -13.37346363067627 + ], + [ + "\u2581chemist", + -13.564014434814453 + ], + [ + "obble", + -13.580090522766113 + ], + [ + "\u2581cybercrime", + -13.526138305664062 + ], + [ + "Child", + -13.36951732635498 + ], + [ + "\u2581eyelid", + -13.454472541809082 + ], + [ + "\u2581kidnap", + -13.563511848449707 + ], + [ + "\u2581Chihuahua", + -13.457474708557129 + ], + [ + "\u2581Computing", + -13.402161598205566 + ], + [ + "\u2581Yuri", + -13.513823509216309 + ], + [ + "\u2581jodan", + -13.290766716003418 + ], + [ + "\u2581persiga", + -13.468165397644043 + ], + [ + "\u2581signifies", + -13.411520004272461 + ], + [ + "Young", + -13.54855728149414 + ], + [ + "\u2581codified", + -13.378580093383789 + ], + [ + "\u2581extravagante", + -13.532411575317383 + ], + [ + "poverty", + -13.363713264465332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cer\u00e1mica", + -13.553956031799316 + ], + [ + "\u2581Muscle", + -13.420461654663086 + ], + [ + "\u2581fungus", + -13.512863159179688 + ], + [ + "TECH", + -13.486024856567383 + ], + [ + "\u2581Proveedor", + -13.479439735412598 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pyramid", + -13.451175689697266 + ], + [ + "\u2581nomadic", + -13.37852668762207 + ], + [ + "skaya", + -13.411885261535645 + ], + [ + "\u2581Northeast", + -13.425623893737793 + ], + [ + "D\u00e9je", + -13.264524459838867 + ], + [ + "\u2581Comptroller", + -13.476613998413086 + ], + [ + "\u2581Erotic", + -13.364114761352539 + ], + [ + "Asesino", + -13.33398151397705 + ], + [ + "relevant", + -13.378291130065918 + ], + [ + "\u2581Colgante", + -13.564909934997559 + ], + [ + "\u2581m\u00f3dem", + -13.5288667678833 + ], + [ + "\u2581pilgrim", + -13.479522705078125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Troop", + -13.501154899597168 + ], + [ + "\u2581Averigua", + -13.463774681091309 + ], + [ + "\u2581desist", + -13.410211563110352 + ], + [ + "\u2581Capture", + -13.405377388000488 + ], + [ + "\u2581Facilitate", + -13.405155181884766 + ], + [ + "\u2581afeitado", + -13.418499946594238 + ], + [ + "\u2581biogas", + -13.378742218017578 + ], + [ + "\u2581vi\u00f1edo", + -13.549476623535156 + ], + [ + "nutrition", + -13.423334121704102 + ], + [ + "\u2581unseen", + -13.4263916015625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alongside", + -13.420384407043457 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mart\u00ed", + -13.37785816192627 + ], + [ + "\u2581retrieval", + -13.529518127441406 + ], + [ + "034", + -13.303533554077148 + ], + [ + "district", + -13.483681678771973 + ], + [ + "\u2581Horizontal", + -13.429533004760742 + ], + [ + "\u2581sorties", + -13.4124116897583 + ], + [ + "better", + -13.393659591674805 + ], + [ + "\u00e9ndome", + -13.274121284484863 + ], + [ + "\u2581F\u00edjate", + -13.415221214294434 + ], + [ + "\u2581blockage", + -13.464707374572754 + ], + [ + "\u2581Heather", + -13.543326377868652 + ], + [ + "\u2581polarization", + -13.45772933959961 + ], + [ + "\u2581Frost", + -13.618310928344727 + ], + [ + "\u2581Underlines", + -13.451594352722168 + ], + [ + "\u2581Volviendo", + -13.507848739624023 + ], + [ + "\u2581c\u00e9ntimo", + -13.487264633178711 + ], + [ + "777", + -13.520791053771973 + ], + [ + "Ucrania", + -13.55081558227539 + ], + [ + "\u2581ingles", + -13.521316528320312 + ], + [ + "\u2581Calculation", + -13.420260429382324 + ], + [ + "Decision", + -13.408158302307129 + ], + [ + "\u2581Patch", + -13.485872268676758 + ], + [ + "\u2581censure", + -13.50602912902832 + ], + [ + "\u2581jeopardy", + -13.41117000579834 + ], + [ + "\u2581BEFORE", + -13.543193817138672 + ], + [ + "\u2581Commit", + -13.387925148010254 + ], + [ + "\u2581Willie", + -13.316475868225098 + ], + [ + "\u2581terminating", + -13.387348175048828 + ], + [ + "\u2581RESUMIDA", + -13.56124210357666 + ], + [ + "\u2581adversaries", + -13.420260429382324 + ], + [ + "\u2581subversive", + -13.496126174926758 + ], + [ + "Protecci\u00f3n", + -13.576647758483887 + ], + [ + "endogenous", + -13.54323959350586 + ], + [ + "obliga", + -13.432217597961426 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dal\u00ed", + -13.414328575134277 + ], + [ + "\u2581repeticiones", + -13.444068908691406 + ], + [ + "\u2581tripulaciones", + -13.528865814208984 + ], + [ + "\u2581Harmonization", + -13.48328685760498 + ], + [ + "\u2581compendium", + -13.483076095581055 + ], + [ + "\u2581Samson", + -13.477862358093262 + ], + [ + "\u2581commentators", + -13.435925483703613 + ], + [ + "\u2581unreal", + -13.400243759155273 + ], + [ + "\u2581Transformation", + -13.390676498413086 + ], + [ + "\u2581Travelling", + -13.42440414428711 + ], + [ + "\u2581excreted", + -13.45117473602295 + ], + [ + "\u2581sobreviviente", + -13.384675025939941 + ], + [ + "Register", + -13.526827812194824 + ], + [ + "\u2581chatter", + -13.491278648376465 + ], + [ + "\u2581marat\u00f3n", + -13.554045677185059 + ], + [ + "Google", + -13.537103652954102 + ], + [ + "Sorpresa", + -13.304669380187988 + ], + [ + "\u2581legitimize", + -13.474392890930176 + ], + [ + "\u2581lubricat", + -13.684832572937012 + ], + [ + "\u2581polipropileno", + -13.553956031799316 + ], + [ + "adequate", + -13.470499038696289 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mahoma", + -13.55038070678711 + ], + [ + "\u2581hallmark", + -13.473612785339355 + ], + [ + "QUIER", + -13.484453201293945 + ], + [ + "\u2581Colectiva", + -13.52890396118164 + ], + [ + "\u2581Raoul", + -13.48968505859375 + ], + [ + "\u2581atroz", + -13.521917343139648 + ], + [ + "\u2581grading", + -13.366961479187012 + ], + [ + "\u2581redimir", + -13.470491409301758 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pillar", + -13.41839599609375 + ], + [ + "\u2581hervidor", + -13.539551734924316 + ], + [ + "10%", + -13.562437057495117 + ], + [ + "\u2581NAFTA", + -13.420271873474121 + ], + [ + "\u2581WOMEN", + -13.414190292358398 + ], + [ + "\u2581trembling", + -13.502716064453125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tripartit", + -13.47342300415039 + ], + [ + "\u2581br\u00fajula", + -13.521810531616211 + ], + [ + "\u2581camilla", + -13.378847122192383 + ], + [ + "\u2581delinquent", + -13.390274047851562 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fourteenth", + -13.408157348632812 + ], + [ + "\u2581explote", + -13.415365219116211 + ], + [ + "\u2581Glosario", + -13.514806747436523 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pandora", + -13.423310279846191 + ], + [ + "\u2581aperture", + -13.539767265319824 + ], + [ + "\u2581arque\u00f3logo", + -13.550334930419922 + ], + [ + "\u2581retroactivo", + -13.48055648803711 + ], + [ + "Close", + -13.458541870117188 + ], + [ + "\u2581Constantine", + -13.486662864685059 + ], + [ + "\u2581Manzana", + -13.521821975708008 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pertenece", + -13.477129936218262 + ], + [ + "\u2581desastroso", + -13.535970687866211 + ], + [ + "1976", + -13.430336952209473 + ], + [ + "C\u00f3mpral", + -13.557594299316406 + ], + [ + "\u2581Frontline", + -13.414856910705566 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lleg", + -13.274275779724121 + ], + [ + "\u2581reverendo", + -13.38105583190918 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dignity", + -13.438694953918457 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tunnel", + -13.522994041442871 + ], + [ + "\u2581devaluation", + -13.46728229522705 + ], + [ + "Multi", + -13.366589546203613 + ], + [ + "\u2581BUY", + -13.499419212341309 + ], + [ + "\u2581cylindrical", + -13.364032745361328 + ], + [ + "\u2581imaginative", + -13.457474708557129 + ], + [ + "\u2581saliste", + -13.285478591918945 + ], + [ + "\u2581abiding", + -13.448139190673828 + ], + [ + "\u2581Practica", + -13.507913589477539 + ], + [ + "\u2581multilingualism", + -13.476824760437012 + ], + [ + "\u2581pineapple", + -13.476613998413086 + ], + [ + "\u2581cadmium", + -13.396199226379395 + ], + [ + "\u2581deterrence", + -13.364032745361328 + ], + [ + "\u2581rega\u00f1", + -13.471870422363281 + ], + [ + "\u2581appraise", + -13.489599227905273 + ], + [ + "\u2581estuvi\u00e9ramos", + -13.3539457321167 + ], + [ + "\u2581tetrachloride", + -13.384382247924805 + ], + [ + "Airport", + -13.37539291381836 + ], + [ + "Duck", + -13.406615257263184 + ], + [ + "phrase", + -13.500062942504883 + ], + [ + "\u2581Absalom", + -13.49941635131836 + ], + [ + "\u2581CSCE", + -13.387328147888184 + ], + [ + "\u2581morphine", + -13.61452579498291 + ], + [ + "\u2581superhero", + -13.516027450561523 + ], + [ + "\u2581ELIMINACI\u00d3N", + -13.43436050415039 + ], + [ + "\u2581arresta", + -13.057353973388672 + ], + [ + "\u2581optimizing", + -13.40216064453125 + ], + [ + "\u2581prometieron", + -13.528885841369629 + ], + [ + "\u2581unintended", + -13.457474708557129 + ], + [ + "\u2581nectar", + -13.499417304992676 + ], + [ + "\u2581renacentista", + -13.539541244506836 + ], + [ + "Significa", + -13.470354080200195 + ], + [ + "\u2581Economi", + -13.407271385192871 + ], + [ + "\u2581Photographer", + -13.539758682250977 + ], + [ + "\u2581furiosa", + -13.497506141662598 + ], + [ + "\u2581inextricabl", + -13.512683868408203 + ], + [ + "\u2581Slack", + -13.387331008911133 + ], + [ + "\u2581Zapatos", + -13.561243057250977 + ], + [ + "\u2581bluff", + -13.596210479736328 + ], + [ + "\u2581sabrosa", + -13.564929962158203 + ], + [ + "\u2581ignite", + -13.457525253295898 + ], + [ + "\u2581impregnated", + -13.460638999938965 + ], + [ + "\u2581prevalezca", + -13.546723365783691 + ], + [ + "wolf", + -13.540592193603516 + ], + [ + "\u2581HEALTH", + -13.45117473602295 + ], + [ + "\u2581Quran", + -13.550515174865723 + ], + [ + "\u2581MRLs", + -13.39028263092041 + ], + [ + "\u2581Appellat", + -13.486418724060059 + ], + [ + "construct", + -13.454146385192871 + ], + [ + "vendedor", + -13.488261222839355 + ], + [ + "\u2581guardaespaldas", + -13.38105583190918 + ], + [ + "could", + -13.474961280822754 + ], + [ + "quiz\u00e1", + -13.467002868652344 + ], + [ + "\u2581SUPER", + -13.554000854492188 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vilnius", + -13.526128768920898 + ], + [ + "\u2581accompaniment", + -13.441800117492676 + ], + [ + "\u2581activating", + -13.51602840423584 + ], + [ + "\u2581duod\u00e9cimo", + -13.535970687866211 + ], + [ + "\u2581Esencial", + -13.52667236328125 + ], + [ + "\u2581agallas", + -13.371953964233398 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ammunition", + -13.399175643920898 + ], + [ + "\u2581Qu\u00e9bec", + -13.509349822998047 + ], + [ + "\u2581Smell", + -13.543413162231445 + ], + [ + "\u2581atemoriza", + -13.575979232788086 + ], + [ + "itchhiking", + -13.45117473602295 + ], + [ + "\u2581midwives", + -13.3756103515625 + ], + [ + "\u2581stash", + -13.554166793823242 + ], + [ + "\u2581nexus", + -13.470192909240723 + ], + [ + "\u2581usurp", + -13.540460586547852 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hercules", + -13.483076095581055 + ], + [ + "\u2581lunatic", + -13.512682914733887 + ], + [ + "\u2581mimic", + -13.51267147064209 + ], + [ + "\u2581pubertad", + -13.543126106262207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Empezamos", + -13.3539457321167 + ], + [ + "\u2581discordia", + -13.487266540527344 + ], + [ + "\u2581misrepresent", + -13.473454475402832 + ], + [ + "\u2581hemispheric", + -13.396199226379395 + ], + [ + "\u2581bisexual", + -13.574715614318848 + ], + [ + "\u2581cobalt", + -13.4021635055542 + ], + [ + "\u2581H\u00e1b", + -13.467942237854004 + ], + [ + "\u2581homelessness", + -13.371435165405273 + ], + [ + "\u2581itineraries", + -13.496126174926758 + ], + [ + "\u2581swab", + -13.529536247253418 + ], + [ + "spring", + -13.474187850952148 + ], + [ + "\u2581bookstore", + -13.408808708190918 + ], + [ + "\u2581cueste", + -13.37226390838623 + ], + [ + "\u2581c\u00f3mputo", + -13.507848739624023 + ], + [ + "\u2581sostuvier", + -13.578423500061035 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vendedor", + -13.504648208618164 + ], + [ + "\u2581inciting", + -13.486369132995605 + ], + [ + "\u2581plausible", + -13.369805335998535 + ], + [ + "Naqurah", + -13.393232345581055 + ], + [ + "\u2581Navarro", + -13.426372528076172 + ], + [ + "\u2581esquizofrenia", + -13.483875274658203 + ], + [ + "\u2581Elemento", + -13.485795974731445 + ], + [ + "\u2581OPCW", + -13.516027450561523 + ], + [ + "Ukraine", + -13.506591796875 + ], + [ + "\u2581impartiendo", + -13.528918266296387 + ], + [ + "etiqueta", + -13.490814208984375 + ], + [ + "London", + -13.533674240112305 + ], + [ + "translated", + -13.435730934143066 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sculpture", + -13.441800117492676 + ], + [ + "\u2581interrumpa", + -13.45388412475586 + ], + [ + "\u2581revcom", + -13.414687156677246 + ], + [ + "\u2581scarlet", + -13.526268005371094 + ], + [ + "Image", + -13.530531883239746 + ], + [ + "\u2581Insight", + -13.370027542114258 + ], + [ + "\u2581Toxin", + -13.393790245056152 + ], + [ + "representation", + -13.473535537719727 + ], + [ + "\u2581Galego", + -13.479911804199219 + ], + [ + "\u2581HAVING", + -13.463813781738281 + ], + [ + "\u2581helm", + -13.633997917175293 + ], + [ + "procedimiento", + -13.539941787719727 + ], + [ + "\u2581DRAFT", + -13.396201133728027 + ], + [ + "\u2581migraine", + -13.58897590637207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fontaine", + -13.476638793945312 + ], + [ + "\u2581Luminous", + -13.420260429382324 + ], + [ + "\u2581encauzar", + -13.504390716552734 + ], + [ + "algunos", + -13.55812931060791 + ], + [ + "\u2581Strict", + -13.417296409606934 + ], + [ + "\u2581llor\u00f3", + -13.497681617736816 + ], + [ + "\u2581Consolidation", + -13.341272354125977 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reinforce", + -13.426382064819336 + ], + [ + "\u2581Penguin", + -13.489625930786133 + ], + [ + "iglio", + -13.563262939453125 + ], + [ + "\u2581MEJOR", + -13.532421112060547 + ], + [ + "\u2581sepultura", + -13.528935432434082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reuben", + -13.564064025878906 + ], + [ + "\u2581confiscat", + -13.538536071777344 + ], + [ + "\u2581falseamiento", + -13.553956031799316 + ], + [ + "ophyll", + -13.608924865722656 + ], + [ + "\u2581cooper\u00f3", + -13.543126106262207 + ], + [ + "\u2581diff", + -13.428596496582031 + ], + [ + "\u2581latent", + -13.471869468688965 + ], + [ + "/2001/1", + -13.397050857543945 + ], + [ + "registration", + -13.470697402954102 + ], + [ + "\u2581Archaeological", + -13.550102233886719 + ], + [ + "\u2581Indication", + -13.393256187438965 + ], + [ + "\u2581dubious", + -13.506027221679688 + ], + [ + "\u2581Princeton", + -13.513326644897461 + ], + [ + "Compa\u00f1ero", + -13.512171745300293 + ], + [ + "\u2581Exemption", + -13.327305793762207 + ], + [ + "\u2581pianist", + -13.567626953125 + ], + [ + "\u2581retrete", + -13.318922996520996 + ], + [ + "\u2581vile", + -13.440056800842285 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cr\u00edmenes", + -13.507848739624023 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jeanne", + -13.457489967346191 + ], + [ + "\u2581owl", + -13.540559768676758 + ], + [ + "\u2581ambigua", + -13.557638168334961 + ], + [ + "\u2581undeclared", + -13.414191246032715 + ], + [ + "\u2581Meli\u00e1", + -13.550362586975098 + ], + [ + "\u2581aloud", + -13.509566307067871 + ], + [ + "ECOWAS", + -13.53023910522461 + ], + [ + "possible", + -13.448206901550293 + ], + [ + "\u2581ancestor", + -13.539490699768066 + ], + [ + "\u2581met\u00e1stasis", + -13.572271347045898 + ], + [ + "\u2581incest", + -13.436668395996094 + ], + [ + "\u2581monastic", + -13.432524681091309 + ], + [ + "\u2581Competitive", + -13.470072746276855 + ], + [ + "\u2581in\u00e9dito", + -13.521811485290527 + ], + [ + "\u2581provoking", + -13.426530838012695 + ], + [ + "8,500", + -13.51174545288086 + ], + [ + "\u2581apresur", + -13.476433753967285 + ], + [ + "\u2581underdeveloped", + -13.326351165771484 + ], + [ + "against", + -13.48023509979248 + ], + [ + "examined", + -13.364886283874512 + ], + [ + "\u2581readmisi\u00f3n", + -13.504388809204102 + ], + [ + "\u2581subsidised", + -13.423309326171875 + ], + [ + "Malaysia", + -13.38418197631836 + ], + [ + "martin", + -13.425809860229492 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hoffman", + -13.52280044555664 + ], + [ + "\u2581Yoshi", + -13.513550758361816 + ], + [ + "Productos", + -13.558131217956543 + ], + [ + "Regional", + -13.415021896362305 + ], + [ + "Western", + -13.464144706726074 + ], + [ + "traction", + -13.498821258544922 + ], + [ + "\u2581Decidi\u00f3", + -13.507935523986816 + ], + [ + "\u2581polyurethane", + -13.438694953918457 + ], + [ + "madrid", + -13.484478950500488 + ], + [ + "\u2581weaponry", + -13.391109466552734 + ], + [ + "individual", + -13.448225975036621 + ], + [ + "\u2581engorda", + -13.455193519592285 + ], + [ + "Bastardo", + -13.291921615600586 + ], + [ + "\u2581denouncing", + -13.483076095581055 + ], + [ + "\u2581Afternoon", + -13.543196678161621 + ], + [ + "\u2581cuervo", + -13.431144714355469 + ], + [ + "\u2581ebrio", + -13.431356430053711 + ], + [ + "\u2581hundimiento", + -13.507848739624023 + ], + [ + "\u2581suitably", + -13.393452644348145 + ], + [ + "(96)", + -13.482573509216309 + ], + [ + "\u2581Manmin", + -13.332168579101562 + ], + [ + "\u2581Meditation", + -13.550140380859375 + ], + [ + "\u2581$50,000", + -13.554919242858887 + ], + [ + "\u2581Llam\u00e9", + -13.405972480773926 + ], + [ + "\u2581acclaimed", + -13.496126174926758 + ], + [ + "\u2581enviaste", + -13.416189193725586 + ], + [ + "\u2581plumbing", + -13.607161521911621 + ], + [ + "\u2581DROP", + -13.437803268432617 + ], + [ + "\u2581eligiendo", + -13.525348663330078 + ], + [ + "\u2581jugamos", + -13.50095272064209 + ], + [ + "\u2581Extra\u00f1o", + -13.372244834899902 + ], + [ + "\u2581japanese", + -13.486322402954102 + ], + [ + "\u2581perjudique", + -13.568581581115723 + ], + [ + "1,200", + -13.563313484191895 + ], + [ + "\u2581conciliator", + -13.457474708557129 + ], + [ + "\u2581imposibilita", + -13.543126106262207 + ], + [ + "\u2581EFSA", + -13.335665702819824 + ], + [ + "\u2581advert\u00ed", + -13.415236473083496 + ], + [ + "\u2581reumatoide", + -13.557592391967773 + ], + [ + "Centre", + -13.486766815185547 + ], + [ + "Ireland", + -13.38124942779541 + ], + [ + "\u2581RAW", + -13.446534156799316 + ], + [ + "\u2581german", + -13.528008460998535 + ], + [ + "\u2581EUROPE", + -13.40224552154541 + ], + [ + "\u2581caribe\u00f1a", + -13.56124210357666 + ], + [ + "\u2581glitter", + -13.49941635131836 + ], + [ + "\u2581robaste", + -13.27795696258545 + ], + [ + "\u2581transzonales", + -13.521810531616211 + ], + [ + "Hungary", + -13.506591796875 + ], + [ + "\u2581seventeen", + -13.49938678741455 + ], + [ + "\u2581watercourse", + -13.480599403381348 + ], + [ + "engage", + -13.521594047546387 + ], + [ + "\u2581Injection", + -13.48632526397705 + ], + [ + "\u2581bandidos", + -13.424747467041016 + ], + [ + "\u2581dioxin", + -13.426483154296875 + ], + [ + "fuerza", + -13.556958198547363 + ], + [ + "\u2581Penitenciaria", + -13.564905166625977 + ], + [ + "\u2581atuendo", + -13.514826774597168 + ], + [ + "customised", + -13.594351768493652 + ], + [ + "\u2581Yong", + -13.541600227355957 + ], + [ + "980", + -13.571215629577637 + ], + [ + "\u2581confinado", + -13.544615745544434 + ], + [ + "\u2581punitiva", + -13.543129920959473 + ], + [ + "\u2581Homily", + -13.47339916229248 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jeroboam", + -13.45117473602295 + ], + [ + "\u2581signalling", + -13.464740753173828 + ], + [ + "\u2581Deliberaciones", + -13.557592391967773 + ], + [ + "\u2581Loving", + -13.45468807220459 + ], + [ + "\u2581PARTICIP", + -13.56124210357666 + ], + [ + "\u2581Thierry", + -13.599845886230469 + ], + [ + "\u2581des\u00f3rdenes", + -13.553956031799316 + ], + [ + "\u2581liberating", + -13.509350776672363 + ], + [ + "\u2581menopausia", + -13.521810531616211 + ], + [ + "LUX", + -13.61325454711914 + ], + [ + "\u2581mushroom", + -13.46249771118164 + ], + [ + "lipper", + -13.580288887023926 + ], + [ + "\u2581Approximate", + -13.476004600524902 + ], + [ + "\u2581Battalion", + -13.603495597839355 + ], + [ + "Through", + -13.490049362182617 + ], + [ + "\u2581Noboa", + -13.516045570373535 + ], + [ + "\u2581agile", + -13.454421043395996 + ], + [ + "\u2581unsuitable", + -13.43869400024414 + ], + [ + "\u2581Suerte", + -13.418415069580078 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mitigation", + -13.417221069335938 + ], + [ + "\u03b9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581arrepiente", + -13.50784969329834 + ], + [ + "\u2581liquefied", + -13.3756103515625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Drift", + -13.633252143859863 + ], + [ + "181", + -13.291193962097168 + ], + [ + "827", + -13.620438575744629 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wrap", + -13.516596794128418 + ], + [ + "creating", + -13.471211433410645 + ], + [ + "\u2581Worse", + -13.486490249633789 + ], + [ + "\u2581Indebted", + -13.32453727722168 + ], + [ + "\u2581OPEN", + -13.532748222351074 + ], + [ + "\u2581CADUCIDAD", + -13.557592391967773 + ], + [ + "\u2581UNCLOS", + -13.43869400024414 + ], + [ + "\u2581QUESTIONS", + -13.358760833740234 + ], + [ + "\u2581mingle", + -13.441490173339844 + ], + [ + "\u2581pesimista", + -13.511321067810059 + ], + [ + "\u2581preponderante", + -13.525331497192383 + ], + [ + "3,200", + -13.523248672485352 + ], + [ + "\u2581fisiol\u00f3gico", + -13.564906120300293 + ], + [ + "\u2581patriotic", + -13.526653289794922 + ], + [ + "\u2581anomaly", + -13.463841438293457 + ], + [ + "\u2581collagen", + -13.457941055297852 + ], + [ + "\u2581headlamp", + -13.313531875610352 + ], + [ + "\u2581organisers", + -13.420615196228027 + ], + [ + "\u2581traficante", + -13.354138374328613 + ], + [ + "Implementation", + -13.480230331420898 + ], + [ + "\u2581paraca\u00eddas", + -13.49407958984375 + ], + [ + "\u2581t\u00e1cita", + -13.539543151855469 + ], + [ + "\u0151", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pleasure", + -13.603495597839355 + ], + [ + "\u2581begotten", + -13.51602840423584 + ], + [ + "\u2581p\u00f3lvora", + -13.457162857055664 + ], + [ + "plasma", + -13.480816841125488 + ], + [ + "Further", + -13.486756324768066 + ], + [ + "\u2581serene", + -13.533258438110352 + ], + [ + "\u2581trekking", + -13.355453491210938 + ], + [ + "CREA", + -13.55141830444336 + ], + [ + "\u2581Barbecue", + -13.372703552246094 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gogh", + -13.517230987548828 + ], + [ + "\u2581NON", + -13.2789888381958 + ], + [ + "\u2581durmi\u00f3", + -13.427939414978027 + ], + [ + "\u2581prolongation", + -13.40850830078125 + ], + [ + "study", + -13.457738876342773 + ], + [ + "\u2581Raphael", + -13.560555458068848 + ], + [ + "\u2581voleibol", + -13.568581581115723 + ], + [ + "rural", + -13.347475051879883 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gotemburgo", + -13.511321067810059 + ], + [ + "\u2581Idaki", + -13.568621635437012 + ], + [ + "\u2581nestled", + -13.536540031433105 + ], + [ + "\u2581primicia", + -13.57597541809082 + ], + [ + "HOP", + -13.581092834472656 + ], + [ + "\u2581Importaciones", + -13.557596206665039 + ], + [ + "\u2581Advent", + -13.43832778930664 + ], + [ + "\u2581ben\u00e9fico", + -13.396441459655762 + ], + [ + "\u2581permisible", + -13.564905166625977 + ], + [ + "\u2581quieta", + -13.372982025146484 + ], + [ + "\u2581Harlem", + -13.574748992919922 + ], + [ + "\u2581WASTE", + -13.452923774719238 + ], + [ + "\u2581batallones", + -13.500946998596191 + ], + [ + "\u2581resucita", + -13.326040267944336 + ], + [ + "Capit\u00e1n", + -13.338292121887207 + ], + [ + "Registre", + -13.513433456420898 + ], + [ + "V\u00e1yanse", + -13.396440505981445 + ], + [ + "\u2581SUBSTANCE", + -13.473398208618164 + ], + [ + "\u2581Empecemos", + -13.477129936218262 + ], + [ + "\u2581Investigador", + -13.575148582458496 + ], + [ + "\u2581infrastructural", + -13.470192909240723 + ], + [ + "\u2581radiate", + -13.399492263793945 + ], + [ + "\u2581trek", + -13.516868591308594 + ], + [ + "ndiscriminate", + -13.515896797180176 + ], + [ + "\u2581customizable", + -13.50273609161377 + ], + [ + "\u2581disruptive", + -13.503019332885742 + ], + [ + "\u2581Optical", + -13.432564735412598 + ], + [ + "\u2581ROUTE", + -13.375844955444336 + ], + [ + "\u2581LITTLE", + -13.57111930847168 + ], + [ + "\u2581wiki", + -13.36712646484375 + ], + [ + "\u2581EXPIRY", + -13.289205551147461 + ], + [ + "\u2581envision", + -13.42579460144043 + ], + [ + "\u2581Happen", + -13.652266502380371 + ], + [ + "\u2581malgasta", + -13.487391471862793 + ], + [ + "\u2581refocus", + -13.527935028076172 + ], + [ + "manganese", + -13.460648536682129 + ], + [ + "tubular", + -13.533212661743164 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bengal", + -13.529908180236816 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cubierta", + -13.564905166625977 + ], + [ + "\u2581Guant", + -13.446808815002441 + ], + [ + "species", + -13.513382911682129 + ], + [ + "handling", + -13.51439094543457 + ], + [ + "\u2581Despues", + -13.421562194824219 + ], + [ + "\u2581Freud", + -13.660676956176758 + ], + [ + "\u2581Width", + -13.49614143371582 + ], + [ + "\u2581randomised", + -13.405363082885742 + ], + [ + "\u2581Proporcione", + -13.55034065246582 + ], + [ + "aligned", + -13.51871109008789 + ], + [ + "\u2581Diameter", + -13.483128547668457 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gaudi", + -13.43999195098877 + ], + [ + "\u2581trinchera", + -13.5253324508667 + ], + [ + "pr\u00e1ctica", + -13.54356861114502 + ], + [ + "solution", + -13.524527549743652 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pontiff", + -13.405181884765625 + ], + [ + "cualquier", + -13.525649070739746 + ], + [ + "\u2581walnut", + -13.65219497680664 + ], + [ + "Bravo", + -13.380400657653809 + ], + [ + "Privacy", + -13.513291358947754 + ], + [ + "\u2581pergamino", + -13.56124210357666 + ], + [ + "\u2581roundabout", + -13.438965797424316 + ], + [ + "\u2581horquilla", + -13.480536460876465 + ], + [ + "\u2581Olv\u00eddate", + -13.34212875366211 + ], + [ + "\u2581ecologista", + -13.579692840576172 + ], + [ + "grarian", + -13.423086166381836 + ], + [ + "\u2581silhouette", + -13.560555458068848 + ], + [ + "\u2581POST", + -13.430764198303223 + ], + [ + "\u2581Stephan", + -13.3339262008667 + ], + [ + "automatic", + -13.503273963928223 + ], + [ + "\u2581DECLARACI\u00d3N", + -13.514805793762207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Standardization", + -13.42760944366455 + ], + [ + "\u2581legitim", + -13.44998550415039 + ], + [ + "economy", + -13.533675193786621 + ], + [ + "\u2581Braun", + -13.511458396911621 + ], + [ + "\u2581grabbing", + -13.659907341003418 + ], + [ + "\u2581invenciones", + -13.535972595214844 + ], + [ + ".2/57/", + -13.462811470031738 + ], + [ + "CAUSE", + -13.705765724182129 + ], + [ + "School", + -13.533665657043457 + ], + [ + "\u2581enchanting", + -13.399188041687012 + ], + [ + "\u2581falsehood", + -13.454476356506348 + ], + [ + "\u2581financier", + -13.522750854492188 + ], + [ + "sometimes", + -13.533674240112305 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pierce", + -13.604386329650879 + ], + [ + "\u2581chandelier", + -13.57111930847168 + ], + [ + "\u2581deacon", + -13.541777610778809 + ], + [ + "\u2581Celsius", + -13.546643257141113 + ], + [ + "\u2581DPKO", + -13.526140213012695 + ], + [ + "\u2581crackdown", + -13.441943168640137 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jurists", + -13.423311233520508 + ], + [ + "\u2581Spray", + -13.5573091506958 + ], + [ + "\u2581anarqu\u00eda", + -13.525382041931152 + ], + [ + "\u2581transpos", + -13.587518692016602 + ], + [ + "Department", + -13.509936332702637 + ], + [ + "noviembre", + -13.56180477142334 + ], + [ + "\u2581unionists", + -13.467910766601562 + ], + [ + "\u2581REGION", + -13.438708305358887 + ], + [ + "\u2581gravitational", + -13.486322402954102 + ], + [ + "\u2581sulfuros", + -13.490925788879395 + ], + [ + "8/2005", + -13.460040092468262 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lotus", + -13.448724746704102 + ], + [ + "\u2581Scriptural", + -13.405155181884766 + ], + [ + "\u2581humbly", + -13.470193862915039 + ], + [ + "horse", + -13.527935028076172 + ], + [ + "improve", + -13.47053337097168 + ], + [ + "package", + -13.519777297973633 + ], + [ + "\u2581Constantinople", + -13.585379600524902 + ], + [ + "\u2581PLN", + -13.5501127243042 + ], + [ + "\u2581rubble", + -13.429521560668945 + ], + [ + "escuela", + -13.522650718688965 + ], + [ + "flammable", + -13.489580154418945 + ], + [ + "\u2581Flint", + -13.43602466583252 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ivory", + -13.550134658813477 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pocket", + -13.526129722595215 + ], + [ + "\u2581ambience", + -13.536334037780762 + ], + [ + "\u2581restablezca", + -13.521811485290527 + ], + [ + "\u2581tidy", + -13.648550033569336 + ], + [ + "2,600", + -13.484057426452637 + ], + [ + "Francisco", + -13.503257751464844 + ], + [ + "\u2581Negocio", + -13.57540512084961 + ], + [ + "\u2581immorality", + -13.55382251739502 + ], + [ + "\u2581impeccable", + -13.557059288024902 + ], + [ + "\u2581obese", + -13.539886474609375 + ], + [ + "\u2581vicar", + -13.57620906829834 + ], + [ + "\u2581Neptune", + -13.536333084106445 + ], + [ + "\u2581Shutterstock", + -13.553574562072754 + ], + [ + "\u2581metalocus", + -13.432512283325195 + ], + [ + "Personal", + -13.557974815368652 + ], + [ + "couple", + -13.526022911071777 + ], + [ + "\u2581Imagino", + -13.384121894836426 + ], + [ + "\u2581inerte", + -13.550522804260254 + ], + [ + "\u2581nupcial", + -13.507850646972656 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ramallah", + -13.473398208618164 + ], + [ + "\u2581col\u00e1geno", + -13.57597541809082 + ], + [ + "\u2581imperfecciones", + -13.528865814208984 + ], + [ + "\u2581Katrina", + -13.499458312988281 + ], + [ + "\u2581rev\u00f3lver", + -13.497504234313965 + ], + [ + "Command", + -13.583022117614746 + ], + [ + "\u2581ascension", + -13.571120262145996 + ], + [ + "\u2581principiante", + -13.571656227111816 + ], + [ + "\u2581schizophrenia", + -13.543193817138672 + ], + [ + "\u2581simp\u00e1tica", + -13.415221214294434 + ], + [ + "\u2581suegro", + -13.557662963867188 + ], + [ + "GONNA", + -13.761624336242676 + ], + [ + "\u2581Venid", + -13.197173118591309 + ], + [ + "\u2581diverti", + -13.26839542388916 + ], + [ + "\u2581ecumenical", + -13.473398208618164 + ], + [ + "\u2581oscurece", + -13.511323928833008 + ], + [ + "Participa", + -13.536312103271484 + ], + [ + "\u2581Copco", + -13.486726760864258 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rhino", + -13.559175491333008 + ], + [ + "\u2581ol\u00edmpica", + -13.564905166625977 + ], + [ + "Leave", + -13.561619758605957 + ], + [ + "\u2581Edmund", + -13.571148872375488 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jihad", + -13.5027437210083 + ], + [ + "Sudan", + -13.477041244506836 + ], + [ + "\u2581Simulation", + -13.54326057434082 + ], + [ + "\u2581ORGANIZA", + -13.51828670501709 + ], + [ + "\u2581Replica", + -13.409419059753418 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ypages", + -13.499420166015625 + ], + [ + "\u2581calamity", + -13.509349822998047 + ], + [ + "\u2581precepto", + -13.52778148651123 + ], + [ + "\u2581Twist", + -13.489670753479004 + ], + [ + "\u2581cautividad", + -13.497549057006836 + ], + [ + "disciplinary", + -13.012398719787598 + ], + [ + "\u2581cascade", + -13.489581108093262 + ], + [ + "\u2581desregulaci\u00f3n", + -13.543127059936523 + ], + [ + "\u2581Galactic", + -13.581868171691895 + ], + [ + "\u2581desperation", + -13.506027221679688 + ], + [ + "brew", + -13.496702194213867 + ], + [ + "equivalent", + -13.42028522491455 + ], + [ + "\u2581Famous", + -13.603500366210938 + ], + [ + "\u2581patriota", + -13.550333023071289 + ], + [ + "frequent", + -13.54748249053955 + ], + [ + "\u2581naufragio", + -13.564905166625977 + ], + [ + "\u2581fingiendo", + -13.453877449035645 + ], + [ + "2,700", + -13.651252746582031 + ], + [ + "\u2581delicadeza", + -13.56124210357666 + ], + [ + "\u2581strawberries", + -13.502725601196289 + ], + [ + "(10)", + -13.376209259033203 + ], + [ + "2,800", + -13.521281242370605 + ], + [ + "Departamento", + -13.569199562072754 + ], + [ + "\u2581Confedera", + -13.58209228515625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Monsignor", + -13.492847442626953 + ], + [ + "\u2581guise", + -13.52650260925293 + ], + [ + "\u2581segregated", + -13.358294486999512 + ], + [ + "\u2581slipping", + -13.58198356628418 + ], + [ + "\u2581wilful", + -13.463826179504395 + ], + [ + "\u2581Harvester", + -13.391024589538574 + ], + [ + "\u2581Marquis", + -13.589215278625488 + ], + [ + "\u2581nicotina", + -13.557597160339355 + ], + [ + "\u2581peek", + -13.476533889770508 + ], + [ + "\u2581prioritiz", + -13.517939567565918 + ], + [ + "\u2581unravel", + -13.43869400024414 + ], + [ + "\u2581bosom", + -13.546680450439453 + ], + [ + "\u2581bureaucrat", + -13.564372062683105 + ], + [ + "\u2581crunch", + -13.49618148803711 + ], + [ + "\u2581ojivas", + -13.55395793914795 + ], + [ + "\u2581refinery", + -13.47691822052002 + ], + [ + "\u2581discord", + -13.506361961364746 + ], + [ + "\u2581stipulating", + -13.492847442626953 + ], + [ + "Royal", + -13.51329517364502 + ], + [ + "determined", + -13.496514320373535 + ], + [ + "\u2581austr\u00edaca", + -13.568581581115723 + ], + [ + "\u2581Octava", + -13.511321067810059 + ], + [ + "\u2581v\u00f3mito", + -13.40661907196045 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mustafa", + -13.502737045288086 + ], + [ + "\u2581cunning", + -13.553604125976562 + ], + [ + "\u2581didactic", + -13.444974899291992 + ], + [ + "\u2581inclin\u00f3", + -13.507878303527832 + ], + [ + "\u2581SECOND", + -13.506027221679688 + ], + [ + "\u2581blusa", + -13.480514526367188 + ], + [ + "\u2581debiste", + -13.319839477539062 + ], + [ + "\u2581Broadcast", + -13.40359878540039 + ], + [ + "female", + -13.483539581298828 + ], + [ + "\u2581piercing", + -13.553574562072754 + ], + [ + "\u2581flaming", + -13.426369667053223 + ], + [ + "\u2581martyrdom", + -13.526145935058594 + ], + [ + "\u2581salvage", + -13.640745162963867 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vacanc", + -13.4671049118042 + ], + [ + "\u2581cleanliness", + -13.47675609588623 + ], + [ + "\u2581equipping", + -13.46710205078125 + ], + [ + "\u2581unutilized", + -13.387323379516602 + ], + [ + "\u2581Simeon", + -13.56060791015625 + ], + [ + "burden", + -13.480439186096191 + ], + [ + "\u25812015/05/0", + -13.55706787109375 + ], + [ + "\u2581ASAMBLEA", + -13.546723365783691 + ], + [ + "\u2581Auckland", + -13.486323356628418 + ], + [ + "\u2581[11]", + -13.479841232299805 + ], + [ + "\u2581difusa", + -13.463775634765625 + ], + [ + "\u2581memorize", + -13.50622844696045 + ], + [ + "angiotensin", + -13.516026496887207 + ], + [ + "scientific", + -13.44822883605957 + ], + [ + "\u2581subconsciente", + -13.568581581115723 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sergei", + -13.50935173034668 + ], + [ + "\u2581Throne", + -13.554346084594727 + ], + [ + "Which", + -13.5792875289917 + ], + [ + "disponible", + -13.483884811401367 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vallarta", + -13.423309326171875 + ], + [ + "\u2581garner", + -13.467194557189941 + ], + [ + "\u2581STORE", + -13.5679931640625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wolfram", + -13.564109802246094 + ], + [ + "\u2581nurturing", + -13.429434776306152 + ], + [ + "\u2581pixel", + -13.542972564697266 + ], + [ + "plug", + -13.520012855529785 + ], + [ + "songwriter", + -13.581131935119629 + ], + [ + "\u2581superstition", + -13.509349822998047 + ], + [ + "\u2581Av\u00edsame", + -13.539542198181152 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mesh", + -13.575255393981934 + ], + [ + "\u2581gestione", + -13.507654190063477 + ], + [ + "\u2581quorum", + -13.529558181762695 + ], + [ + "\u2581Efficient", + -13.463813781738281 + ], + [ + "\u2581ardent", + -13.390338897705078 + ], + [ + "\u2581Orphan", + -13.523038864135742 + ], + [ + "\u2581Abortion", + -13.486668586730957 + ], + [ + "\u2581Minibar", + -13.457660675048828 + ], + [ + "\u2581intermodal", + -13.396464347839355 + ], + [ + "\u2581longevidad", + -13.572271347045898 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aqu\u00e9l", + -13.54016399383545 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ingl", + -13.493402481079102 + ], + [ + "\u2581sanctity", + -13.633182525634766 + ], + [ + "\u2581haci\u00e9ndole", + -13.487266540527344 + ], + [ + "DVD", + -13.526371002197266 + ], + [ + "tergenerational", + -13.4896240234375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Incredible", + -13.663777351379395 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rational", + -13.45451831817627 + ], + [ + "\u2581Textil", + -13.57610034942627 + ], + [ + "\u2581papal", + -13.452506065368652 + ], + [ + "\u2581Banana", + -13.596656799316406 + ], + [ + "\u2581Apocalypse", + -13.479839324951172 + ], + [ + "\u2581Burgos", + -13.526389122009277 + ], + [ + "\u2581labyrinth", + -13.543193817138672 + ], + [ + "vastatin", + -13.318695068359375 + ], + [ + "\u2581elevate", + -13.620783805847168 + ], + [ + "\u2581ventajoso", + -13.56859302520752 + ], + [ + "Ministry", + -13.417218208312988 + ], + [ + "\u2581embellec", + -13.56860065460205 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00e1rido", + -13.561384201049805 + ], + [ + "\u2581Detection", + -13.426368713378906 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sentence", + -13.43567180633545 + ], + [ + "\u2581Subray\u00f3", + -13.564905166625977 + ], + [ + "\u2581dehydration", + -13.460638999938965 + ], + [ + "\u2581sonri\u00f3", + -13.487302780151367 + ], + [ + "\u2581Interfaz", + -13.553956031799316 + ], + [ + "\u2581besieged", + -13.417221069335938 + ], + [ + "\u2581tantamount", + -13.509349822998047 + ], + [ + "Philippines", + -13.537102699279785 + ], + [ + "rquez", + -13.580010414123535 + ], + [ + "\u2581adjective", + -13.509349822998047 + ], + [ + "\u2581depressing", + -13.529523849487305 + ], + [ + "\u2581pottery", + -13.483076095581055 + ], + [ + "Imagin", + -13.555258750915527 + ], + [ + "\u2581Assuming", + -13.546648025512695 + ], + [ + "\u2581apportioned", + -13.342341423034668 + ], + [ + "gmt", + -13.552594184875488 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bungalow", + -13.473398208618164 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gaulle", + -13.62197208404541 + ], + [ + "\u2581Suicide", + -13.58906364440918 + ], + [ + "\u2581mensurables", + -13.528865814208984 + ], + [ + "\u00c8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581staggering", + -13.479839324951172 + ], + [ + "\u2581minimalist", + -13.409597396850586 + ], + [ + "\u2581S\u00f3crates", + -13.553956031799316 + ], + [ + "(98)", + -13.472966194152832 + ], + [ + "FISinter", + -13.483078002929688 + ], + [ + "\u2581neces", + -13.465124130249023 + ], + [ + "\u2581sclerosis", + -13.553574562072754 + ], + [ + "\u2581wrench", + -13.557061195373535 + ], + [ + "\u2581Multinational", + -13.467142105102539 + ], + [ + "\u2581Patricio", + -13.550333023071289 + ], + [ + "\u2581Abuela", + -13.399918556213379 + ], + [ + "\u2581Esclavitud", + -13.457162857055664 + ], + [ + "\u2581innovator", + -13.5934419631958 + ], + [ + "unscheduled", + -13.629478454589844 + ], + [ + "\u2581Calculate", + -13.522759437561035 + ], + [ + "\u2581apportion", + -13.334503173828125 + ], + [ + "\u2581estomacal", + -13.437604904174805 + ], + [ + "\u2581gendarmerie", + -13.589033126831055 + ], + [ + "\u2581maltreatment", + -13.529630661010742 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cuartel", + -13.477132797241211 + ], + [ + "\u2581Minneapolis", + -13.486322402954102 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reynolds", + -13.719680786132812 + ], + [ + "Carlo", + -13.527774810791016 + ], + [ + "\u2581experiential", + -13.519383430480957 + ], + [ + "\u2581whack", + -13.621984481811523 + ], + [ + "\u2581Proposition", + -13.582139015197754 + ], + [ + "\u2581precaution", + -13.615281105041504 + ], + [ + "\u2581forastero", + -13.532413482666016 + ], + [ + "\u2581Magnificent", + -13.618228912353516 + ], + [ + "\u2581hipot\u00e9tico", + -13.553956985473633 + ], + [ + "\u2581AIPC", + -13.573675155639648 + ], + [ + "\u2581COURT", + -13.369810104370117 + ], + [ + "\u2581adrenaline", + -13.496175765991211 + ], + [ + "\u2581bibliographic", + -13.466998100280762 + ], + [ + "straat", + -13.50048828125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aduanera", + -13.568581581115723 + ], + [ + "\u2581suburban", + -13.523158073425293 + ], + [ + "Crocodile", + -13.663777351379395 + ], + [ + "assisted", + -13.438828468322754 + ], + [ + "\u2581Complementa", + -13.535679817199707 + ], + [ + "\u2581interreligious", + -13.496379852294922 + ], + [ + "educated", + -13.56502628326416 + ], + [ + "\u2581Brahma", + -13.502999305725098 + ], + [ + "\u2581STATE", + -13.39989185333252 + ], + [ + "\u2581clerical", + -13.503074645996094 + ], + [ + "\u2581hillside", + -13.616195678710938 + ], + [ + "refundable", + -13.647719383239746 + ], + [ + "temporal", + -13.567378997802734 + ], + [ + "\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581ASSEMBLY", + -13.529518127441406 + ], + [ + "\u2581brothel", + -13.567595481872559 + ], + [ + "\u2581mammal", + -13.5653715133667 + ], + [ + "\u2581puberty", + -13.489580154418945 + ], + [ + "\u2581saturation", + -13.522749900817871 + ], + [ + "prendida", + -13.577314376831055 + ], + [ + "\u2581Farmhouse", + -13.57487678527832 + ], + [ + "\u2581hostiga", + -13.550707817077637 + ], + [ + "\u2581irregularity", + -13.474296569824219 + ], + [ + "imposed", + -13.467449188232422 + ], + [ + "\u2581Municipalities", + -13.519585609436035 + ], + [ + "\u2581baroque", + -13.536334037780762 + ], + [ + "\u2581detonate", + -13.708210945129395 + ], + [ + "\u2581dashboard", + -13.486366271972656 + ], + [ + "\u2581morgue", + -13.58198356628418 + ], + [ + "\u2581poke", + -13.532402992248535 + ], + [ + "\u2581rivalry", + -13.489903450012207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lambert", + -13.557255744934082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Recreation", + -13.571301460266113 + ], + [ + "\u2581arregle", + -13.447400093078613 + ], + [ + "consult", + -13.657831192016602 + ], + [ + "\u2581Extensi", + -13.520841598510742 + ], + [ + "\u2581blaze", + -13.600088119506836 + ], + [ + "\u2581mellitus", + -13.470192909240723 + ], + [ + "\u2581Snapshot", + -13.553580284118652 + ], + [ + "\u2581FDLR", + -13.496126174926758 + ], + [ + "\u2581folly", + -13.610941886901855 + ], + [ + "\u2581guarnici\u00f3n", + -13.553956031799316 + ], + [ + "\u2581royalties", + -13.509442329406738 + ], + [ + "\u2581Encounter", + -13.578289031982422 + ], + [ + ".4/2000/", + -13.415392875671387 + ], + [ + "\u2581meteorito", + -13.453872680664062 + ], + [ + "\u2581exterminat", + -13.509227752685547 + ], + [ + "\u2581liber\u00f3", + -13.539551734924316 + ], + [ + "3,600", + -13.510791778564453 + ], + [ + "\u2581toddler", + -13.5925931930542 + ], + [ + "Author", + -13.417208671569824 + ], + [ + "\u2581Banner", + -13.496626853942871 + ], + [ + "\u2581Evangelical", + -13.546642303466797 + ], + [ + "\u2581Merkel", + -13.564140319824219 + ], + [ + "peptide", + -13.476665496826172 + ], + [ + "\u2581parabrisas", + -13.550335884094238 + ], + [ + "\u2581reclusas", + -13.572277069091797 + ], + [ + "\u2581detox", + -13.503451347351074 + ], + [ + "\u2581sociology", + -13.473577499389648 + ], + [ + "\u2581Consequences", + -13.592586517333984 + ], + [ + "\u2581pluralistic", + -13.60354232788086 + ], + [ + "\u00e1rtela", + -13.531896591186523 + ], + [ + "\u2581sanctification", + -13.618228912353516 + ], + [ + "Enter", + -13.569419860839844 + ], + [ + "\u2581Extranjera", + -13.546723365783691 + ], + [ + "\u2581Consciousness", + -13.476797103881836 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hyogo", + -13.496126174926758 + ], + [ + "\u2581Unlimited", + -13.553635597229004 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sicotr\u00f3picas", + -13.579692840576172 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sidney", + -13.532415390014648 + ], + [ + "\u2581inofensivo", + -13.535970687866211 + ], + [ + "omplementary", + -13.667901039123535 + ], + [ + "\u2581affordability", + -13.44526195526123 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lenovo", + -13.58540153503418 + ], + [ + "Bedand", + -13.516697883605957 + ], + [ + "Est\u00fapido", + -13.356925010681152 + ], + [ + "\u2581ENVIRONMENT", + -13.470192909240723 + ], + [ + "countries", + -13.414224624633789 + ], + [ + "\u2581misconception", + -13.417221069335938 + ], + [ + "valid", + -13.447324752807617 + ], + [ + "\u2581lluvioso", + -13.528865814208984 + ], + [ + "\u2581ultraviolet", + -13.473398208618164 + ], + [ + "\u2581diminuto", + -13.553956031799316 + ], + [ + "\u2581Anfitri\u00f3n", + -13.557592391967773 + ], + [ + "\u2581PROJECT", + -13.42636775970459 + ], + [ + "\u2581cacahuete", + -13.44732666015625 + ], + [ + "\u2581urticaria", + -13.557592391967773 + ], + [ + "\u2581Portrait", + -13.539758682250977 + ], + [ + "\u2581downsizing", + -13.519540786743164 + ], + [ + "\u2581barricade", + -13.557058334350586 + ], + [ + "\u2581Punjab", + -13.603495597839355 + ], + [ + "\u2581nigga", + -13.723944664001465 + ], + [ + "\u2581brujer\u00eda", + -13.532411575317383 + ], + [ + "\u2581Buffet", + -13.497255325317383 + ], + [ + "\u2581casta\u00f1o", + -13.498257637023926 + ], + [ + "\u2581indulgencia", + -13.543126106262207 + ], + [ + "sweet", + -13.405142784118652 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tradicional", + -13.553482055664062 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sunset", + -13.61117172241211 + ], + [ + "\u2581aplaude", + -13.557594299316406 + ], + [ + "\u2581kiln", + -13.54664421081543 + ], + [ + "3,500", + -13.54382038116455 + ], + [ + "terrorismo", + -13.529193878173828 + ], + [ + "\u2581Abuelo", + -13.387569427490234 + ], + [ + "\u2581excipients", + -13.529518127441406 + ], + [ + "\u2581narc\u00f3ticos", + -13.518301963806152 + ], + [ + "\u2581bugger", + -13.56449031829834 + ], + [ + "Would", + -13.601067543029785 + ], + [ + "\u2581plurality", + -13.423530578613281 + ], + [ + "\u2581tremor", + -13.618267059326172 + ], + [ + "\u2581Zadar", + -13.61098575592041 + ], + [ + "\u2581valiant", + -13.532920837402344 + ], + [ + "\u2581tirelessly", + -13.415168762207031 + ], + [ + "\u2581refreshment", + -13.535136222839355 + ], + [ + "\u2581refrigerate", + -13.476613998413086 + ], + [ + "chapter", + -13.500249862670898 + ], + [ + "\u2581irbesartan", + -13.420260429382324 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hazard", + -13.227592468261719 + ], + [ + "\u2581Montpellier", + -13.57111930847168 + ], + [ + "coordinated", + -13.54055118560791 + ], + [ + "\u2581toxic\u00f3manos", + -13.528865814208984 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dolores", + -13.560556411743164 + ], + [ + "\u2581Facing", + -13.47680377960205 + ], + [ + "\u2581H\u00e1blame", + -13.453872680664062 + ], + [ + "\u2581WMD", + -13.523210525512695 + ], + [ + "\u2581Twice", + -13.607158660888672 + ], + [ + "\u2581Withdrawal", + -13.599845886230469 + ], + [ + "\u2581janitor", + -13.49285888671875 + ], + [ + "\u2581polypropylene", + -13.564064025878906 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bahr\u00e9in", + -13.546723365783691 + ], + [ + "\u2581Discuss", + -13.539680480957031 + ], + [ + "\u2581autograph", + -13.669392585754395 + ], + [ + "\u2581rejoicing", + -13.564064025878906 + ], + [ + "\u2581Inteligente", + -13.535970687866211 + ], + [ + "\u2581dungeon", + -13.656041145324707 + ], + [ + "\u2581longevity", + -13.529519081115723 + ], + [ + "Acepta", + -13.470735549926758 + ], + [ + "NIMA", + -13.441940307617188 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lumpur", + -13.417221069335938 + ], + [ + "\u2581expulsiones", + -13.553982734680176 + ], + [ + "\u2581Avatar", + -13.574699401855469 + ], + [ + "\u2581sanctify", + -13.574664115905762 + ], + [ + "\u2581Delphi", + -13.520378112792969 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pi\u00e9nsalo", + -13.387181282043457 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tijuana", + -13.529518127441406 + ], + [ + "\u2581visibly", + -13.496161460876465 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bergen", + -13.378288269042969 + ], + [ + "\u2581granddaughter", + -13.610846519470215 + ], + [ + "Twitter", + -13.53366756439209 + ], + [ + "\u2581postoperative", + -13.483532905578613 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mosul", + -13.423486709594727 + ], + [ + "\u2581Westminster", + -13.625678062438965 + ], + [ + "\u2581infancy", + -13.564081192016602 + ], + [ + "\u2581rhino", + -13.514284133911133 + ], + [ + "\u2581unifying", + -13.397073745727539 + ], + [ + "availability", + -13.547457695007324 + ], + [ + "\u2581discouraging", + -13.588976860046387 + ], + [ + "\u2581headphones", + -13.467009544372559 + ], + [ + "UNIKOM", + -13.502716064453125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Allowance", + -13.457735061645508 + ], + [ + "\u2581persuasion", + -13.516027450561523 + ], + [ + "Equipo", + -13.511523246765137 + ], + [ + "palestino", + -13.576642036437988 + ], + [ + "Cloud", + -13.513387680053711 + ], + [ + "\u2581agarr\u00f3", + -13.477184295654297 + ], + [ + "\u2581chemo", + -13.552546501159668 + ], + [ + "\u2581expell", + -13.591787338256836 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aguarda", + -13.501066207885742 + ], + [ + "\u2581Testimonials", + -13.57111930847168 + ], + [ + "\u2581pictorial", + -13.55706787109375 + ], + [ + "Forum", + -13.415514945983887 + ], + [ + "\u00e2\u20ac", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u25811107/2009", + -13.526128768920898 + ], + [ + "\u2581mattresses", + -13.442352294921875 + ], + [ + "\u2581truce", + -13.65233325958252 + ], + [ + "\u2581susceptibility", + -13.506027221679688 + ], + [ + "\u2581Symphony", + -13.610835075378418 + ], + [ + "\u2581illustrating", + -13.41117000579834 + ], + [ + "\u2581preferir", + -13.536988258361816 + ], + [ + "finder", + -13.532195091247559 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bedouin", + -13.546642303466797 + ], + [ + "\u2581audaces", + -13.546728134155273 + ], + [ + "\u2581sucumbi", + -13.5504789352417 + ], + [ + "\u2581acerc\u00e1ndose", + -13.463773727416992 + ], + [ + "\u2581Choos", + -13.523578643798828 + ], + [ + "\u2581handbag", + -13.467572212219238 + ], + [ + "\u2581tapped", + -13.546863555908203 + ], + [ + "\u2581Soundproof", + -13.644593238830566 + ], + [ + "\u2581aboriginal", + -13.49941635131836 + ], + [ + "sulphide", + -13.610840797424316 + ], + [ + "\u2581alucinaciones", + -13.511385917663574 + ], + [ + "\u2581colegial", + -13.550349235534668 + ], + [ + "\u2581Configure", + -13.683533668518066 + ], + [ + "\u2581piety", + -13.49974250793457 + ], + [ + "\u2581preoccupation", + -13.42636775970459 + ], + [ + "\u25810.0002", + -13.516220092773438 + ], + [ + "\u2581INDEX", + -13.47339916229248 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pioneer", + -13.516036987304688 + ], + [ + "\u2581Obtain", + -13.46395206451416 + ], + [ + "\u2581flax", + -13.622050285339355 + ], + [ + "\u2581incubator", + -13.585402488708496 + ], + [ + "broken", + -13.57225227355957 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hanover", + -13.49636459350586 + ], + [ + "\u2581cayera", + -13.557638168334961 + ], + [ + "\u2581strenuous", + -13.519383430480957 + ], + [ + "\u2581classmates", + -13.460796356201172 + ], + [ + "\u2581subordination", + -13.476937294006348 + ], + [ + "Ay\u00fadenme", + -13.49407958984375 + ], + [ + "Guatemala", + -13.483488082885742 + ], + [ + "\u2581DATA", + -13.543295860290527 + ], + [ + "\u2581Versace", + -13.557061195373535 + ], + [ + "\u2581Amistad", + -13.568589210510254 + ], + [ + "\u2581conglomerate", + -13.506027221679688 + ], + [ + "\u2581lyric", + -13.465826034545898 + ], + [ + "\u2581retiring", + -13.592588424682617 + ], + [ + "builder", + -13.230501174926758 + ], + [ + "\u2581invalidate", + -13.62060546875 + ], + [ + "\u2581tweak", + -13.603495597839355 + ], + [ + "Invest", + -13.384644508361816 + ], + [ + "UNMIBH", + -13.532411575317383 + ], + [ + "\u2581INTERPOL", + -13.603508949279785 + ], + [ + "\u2581Primo", + -13.591914176940918 + ], + [ + "8,9", + -13.487517356872559 + ], + [ + "\u2581carruaje", + -13.477129936218262 + ], + [ + "\u2581migra\u00f1a", + -13.546748161315918 + ], + [ + "\u2581Protein", + -13.546645164489746 + ], + [ + "\u2581addenda", + -13.476799011230469 + ], + [ + "\u2581fornication", + -13.536375999450684 + ], + [ + "\u2581patrolling", + -13.592912673950195 + ], + [ + "\u2581CHRIST", + -13.732078552246094 + ], + [ + "\u2581prudence", + -13.543193817138672 + ], + [ + "\u2581desolation", + -13.49612808227539 + ], + [ + "\u2581\u00c1guila", + -13.546723365783691 + ], + [ + "OAU", + -13.518195152282715 + ], + [ + "\u2581Delgado", + -13.663777351379395 + ], + [ + "\u2581compulsion", + -13.607158660888672 + ], + [ + "\u2581scramble", + -13.663777351379395 + ], + [ + "\u2581Normandy", + -13.633286476135254 + ], + [ + "\u2581Albuquerque", + -13.663777351379395 + ], + [ + "\u2581Imaging", + -13.687479972839355 + ], + [ + "\u2581dispensation", + -13.522749900817871 + ], + [ + "\u2581paramilitaries", + -13.592586517333984 + ], + [ + "\u2581Explanator", + -13.426371574401855 + ], + [ + "Deutsch", + -13.568572044372559 + ], + [ + "\u2581decorating", + -13.467117309570312 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cynthia", + -13.667668342590332 + ], + [ + "provide", + -13.541131019592285 + ], + [ + "\u2581Analytical", + -13.567584991455078 + ], + [ + "\u2581cobble", + -13.663905143737793 + ], + [ + "\u2581su\u00e9ter", + -13.457252502441406 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nieto", + -13.61823558807373 + ], + [ + "\u2581backstopping", + -13.516027450561523 + ], + [ + "distinct", + -13.638463973999023 + ], + [ + "\u2581degenerate", + -13.546673774719238 + ], + [ + "\u2581kitten", + -13.564398765563965 + ], + [ + "dream", + -13.551385879516602 + ], + [ + "\u2581childbearing", + -13.423663139343262 + ], + [ + "\u2581juicy", + -13.489580154418945 + ], + [ + "VIN", + -13.792998313903809 + ], + [ + "1,900", + -13.459686279296875 + ], + [ + "\u2581ebullici\u00f3n", + -13.564905166625977 + ], + [ + "$35/", + -13.593488693237305 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nasser", + -13.55716609954834 + ], + [ + "Ocurre", + -13.490527153015137 + ], + [ + "\u2581emptied", + -13.614524841308594 + ], + [ + "\u2581Simultaneous", + -13.53975772857666 + ], + [ + "\u2581reassuring", + -13.57111930847168 + ], + [ + "izquierda", + -13.547179222106934 + ], + [ + "\u2581relegate", + -13.629495620727539 + ], + [ + "\u2581burdensome", + -13.618584632873535 + ], + [ + "\u2581hilarious", + -13.74042797088623 + ], + [ + "\u2581recombinant", + -13.460638999938965 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ethno", + -13.59105396270752 + ], + [ + "\u2581JANUARY", + -13.479839324951172 + ], + [ + "\u2581PUBLIC", + -13.546638488769531 + ], + [ + "000000", + -13.677075386047363 + ], + [ + "\u2581RBM", + -13.509883880615234 + ], + [ + "Tweet", + -13.575704574584961 + ], + [ + "\u2581prefecture", + -13.644546508789062 + ], + [ + "\u2581garrison", + -13.68735408782959 + ], + [ + "practical", + -13.544054985046387 + ], + [ + "\u2581bathrobe", + -13.522750854492188 + ], + [ + "\u2581sentaba", + -13.499825477600098 + ], + [ + "mortem", + -13.596851348876953 + ], + [ + "\u2581Algarve", + -13.625679016113281 + ], + [ + "\u2581Benito", + -13.50661849975586 + ], + [ + "\u2581scholastic", + -13.578224182128906 + ], + [ + "Course", + -13.69729232788086 + ], + [ + "\u2581WOMAN", + -13.727928161621094 + ], + [ + "\u2581expendedora", + -13.57597541809082 + ], + [ + "ontraindications", + -13.479839324951172 + ], + [ + "\u2581ACTIVE", + -13.532947540283203 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gaspar", + -13.633440971374512 + ], + [ + "\u2581biomedical", + -13.473443984985352 + ], + [ + "\u2581palliative", + -13.519383430480957 + ], + [ + "\u2581toolkit", + -13.46700382232666 + ], + [ + "\u2581puppies", + -13.574665069580078 + ], + [ + "\u2581skimmed", + -13.536333084106445 + ], + [ + "Express", + -13.586312294006348 + ], + [ + "\u2581certidumbre", + -13.572271347045898 + ], + [ + "\u2581stereotyping", + -13.560555458068848 + ], + [ + "\u2581unbalanced", + -13.519384384155273 + ], + [ + "bromodifenilo", + -13.546723365783691 + ], + [ + "\u2581Intercultural", + -13.592914581298828 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ribeir", + -13.701801300048828 + ], + [ + "\u2581ch\u00f3fer", + -13.49407958984375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Windsor", + -13.476633071899414 + ], + [ + "\u2581OFFICIAL", + -13.502716064453125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Separation", + -13.502716064453125 + ], + [ + "\u2581prospectivo", + -13.550333976745605 + ], + [ + "encephalo", + -13.464550971984863 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tutorial", + -13.553606033325195 + ], + [ + "\u2581nanny", + -13.753087997436523 + ], + [ + "\u2581Clyde", + -13.65222454071045 + ], + [ + "\u2581RAID", + -13.51301097869873 + ], + [ + "\u2581chestnut", + -13.671574592590332 + ], + [ + "\u2581ofende", + -13.483160972595215 + ], + [ + "\u2581patronage", + -13.480052947998047 + ], + [ + "\u2581Scorpion", + -13.466998100280762 + ], + [ + "Funciona", + -13.483890533447266 + ], + [ + "sustancia", + -13.551525115966797 + ], + [ + "compared", + -13.550969123840332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Montgomery", + -13.703386306762695 + ], + [ + "\u25811992-1993", + -13.454320907592773 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bronx", + -13.56776237487793 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hiking", + -13.496774673461914 + ], + [ + "finished", + -13.378140449523926 + ], + [ + "\u2581Declare", + -13.411277770996094 + ], + [ + "endorf", + -13.602771759033203 + ], + [ + "\u2581caretaker", + -13.607161521911621 + ], + [ + "\u2581menopause", + -13.512682914733887 + ], + [ + "expert", + -13.47381591796875 + ], + [ + "gross", + -13.434294700622559 + ], + [ + "\u2581equator", + -13.557079315185547 + ], + [ + "Quito", + -13.534380912780762 + ], + [ + "\u2581Eurojust", + -13.611043930053711 + ], + [ + "\u2581psychopath", + -13.571083068847656 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mahjong", + -13.553574562072754 + ], + [ + "\u2581tastefully", + -13.611042022705078 + ], + [ + "\u2581adulthood", + -13.589155197143555 + ], + [ + "\u2581qualifies", + -13.509349822998047 + ], + [ + "oplasty", + -13.510882377624512 + ], + [ + "\u2581Descansa", + -13.45059585571289 + ], + [ + "cuidado", + -13.392321586608887 + ], + [ + "\u2581Picchu", + -13.607193946838379 + ], + [ + ".3/62/", + -13.559042930603027 + ], + [ + "\u2581T\u00f3malo", + -13.396440505981445 + ], + [ + "..............", + -13.578060150146484 + ], + [ + "\u2581soybean", + -13.460638999938965 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kaiser", + -13.618425369262695 + ], + [ + "\u2581disperse", + -13.613404273986816 + ], + [ + "\u2581firearm", + -13.578817367553711 + ], + [ + "Listen", + -13.681317329406738 + ], + [ + "OEWG", + -13.454357147216797 + ], + [ + "\u0176", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581Combination", + -13.496143341064453 + ], + [ + "\u2581abusing", + -13.506245613098145 + ], + [ + "Michael", + -13.466997146606445 + ], + [ + "disaster", + -13.483567237854004 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bentley", + -13.509352684020996 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ortho", + -13.488300323486328 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pediatric", + -13.723795890808105 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vessel", + -13.539815902709961 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tampere", + -13.526129722595215 + ], + [ + "\u2581extinguisher", + -13.526128768920898 + ], + [ + "\u2581prescribing", + -13.506195068359375 + ], + [ + "\u258160/251", + -13.63326358795166 + ], + [ + "\u2581Retriev", + -13.564072608947754 + ], + [ + "\u2581Taipei", + -13.663777351379395 + ], + [ + "\u2581intriguing", + -13.596209526062012 + ], + [ + "\u2581punctual", + -13.516026496887207 + ], + [ + "\u2581savor", + -13.578391075134277 + ], + [ + "\u2581Healing", + -13.585707664489746 + ], + [ + "\u2581Marrakesh", + -13.550102233886719 + ], + [ + "\u2581tyrant", + -13.663777351379395 + ], + [ + "\u2581Matrix", + -13.5962495803833 + ], + [ + "\u2581Huelva", + -13.526128768920898 + ], + [ + "\u2581lettuce", + -13.564065933227539 + ], + [ + "Option", + -13.39415454864502 + ], + [ + "\u2581Olivier", + -13.652198791503906 + ], + [ + "\u2581Suomi", + -13.550195693969727 + ], + [ + "\u2581indemnity", + -13.564064025878906 + ], + [ + "\u2581PLEN", + -13.557063102722168 + ], + [ + "\u2581focussed", + -13.520454406738281 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bujumbura", + -13.53975772857666 + ], + [ + "\u2581Karaoke", + -13.640763282775879 + ], + [ + "\u2581assembling", + -13.636956214904785 + ], + [ + "(92)", + -13.492283821105957 + ], + [ + "\u2581Qu\u00e9dese", + -13.348065376281738 + ], + [ + "\u2581emulate", + -13.522942543029785 + ], + [ + "\u2581llueve", + -13.557592391967773 + ], + [ + "\u2581retardado", + -13.55395793914795 + ], + [ + "\u2581tetanus", + -13.614524841308594 + ], + [ + "\u2581belligerent", + -13.574665069580078 + ], + [ + "\u2581profane", + -13.522810935974121 + ], + [ + "\u2581comparator", + -13.51269245147705 + ], + [ + "internal", + -13.500081062316895 + ], + [ + "\u2581creyera", + -13.507864952087402 + ], + [ + "\u2581oedema", + -13.361159324645996 + ], + [ + "\u2581stimuli", + -13.463820457458496 + ], + [ + "\u2581Brisbane", + -13.578224182128906 + ], + [ + "\u2581Expedition", + -13.625977516174316 + ], + [ + "\u2581prefabricated", + -13.512682914733887 + ], + [ + "\u2581Heavily", + -13.43869686126709 + ], + [ + "\u2581jersey", + -13.603495597839355 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aziz", + -13.577202796936035 + ], + [ + "\u2581merezca", + -13.56867790222168 + ], + [ + "\u2581neutra", + -13.569973945617676 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jackpot", + -13.550220489501953 + ], + [ + "\u2581amiguito", + -13.457162857055664 + ], + [ + "\u2581supranational", + -13.4480619430542 + ], + [ + "democracy", + -13.575716018676758 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mijas", + -13.603520393371582 + ], + [ + "\u2581REGISTER", + -13.64074420928955 + ], + [ + "\u2581connotation", + -13.539758682250977 + ], + [ + "\u2581bruising", + -13.571120262145996 + ], + [ + "pectral", + -13.731012344360352 + ], + [ + "regulated", + -13.579206466674805 + ], + [ + "volume", + -13.57250690460205 + ], + [ + "\u2581Combustible", + -13.56124210357666 + ], + [ + "\u2581Triangle", + -13.715680122375488 + ], + [ + "Venezuela", + -13.554464340209961 + ], + [ + "\u2581Blank", + -13.622314453125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Locator", + -13.457474708557129 + ], + [ + "\u2581esophagus", + -13.578224182128906 + ], + [ + "\u2581renovat", + -13.682195663452148 + ], + [ + "Catholic", + -13.575700759887695 + ], + [ + "\u2581WORKING", + -13.496230125427246 + ], + [ + "\u2581asquerosa", + -13.48726749420166 + ], + [ + "\u2581enloquece", + -13.448140144348145 + ], + [ + "\u2581frail", + -13.564496994018555 + ], + [ + "\u2581ganso", + -13.484344482421875 + ], + [ + "Cielos", + -13.371255874633789 + ], + [ + "POPRC", + -13.59621810913086 + ], + [ + "justice", + -13.533760070800781 + ], + [ + "spiritual", + -13.557998657226562 + ], + [ + "\u2581Legacy", + -13.66380786895752 + ], + [ + "\u2581Minivan", + -13.675649642944336 + ], + [ + "\u2581sumergida", + -13.546723365783691 + ], + [ + "\u2581($8", + -13.487642288208008 + ], + [ + "\u2581Witt", + -13.62405776977539 + ], + [ + "\u2581erythro", + -13.502731323242188 + ], + [ + "\u2581rebota", + -13.508544921875 + ], + [ + "\u2581Codification", + -13.543195724487305 + ], + [ + "\u2581countenance", + -13.603495597839355 + ], + [ + "cliff", + -13.698112487792969 + ], + [ + "\u2581skyscraper", + -13.671574592590332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Romanesque", + -13.592586517333984 + ], + [ + "\u2581airborne", + -13.540139198303223 + ], + [ + "\u2581hyperlink", + -13.560348510742188 + ], + [ + "\u2581pristine", + -13.564064025878906 + ], + [ + "\u2581se\u00f1uelo", + -13.575976371765137 + ], + [ + "\u2581bibliography", + -13.57111930847168 + ], + [ + "onomyCartography", + -13.529518127441406 + ], + [ + "\u2581sociological", + -13.476744651794434 + ], + [ + "Amendment", + -13.582881927490234 + ], + [ + "Liber", + -13.431441307067871 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aegean", + -13.599846839904785 + ], + [ + "\u2581Plenty", + -13.703386306762695 + ], + [ + "\u8d38", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581Chamorro", + -13.526128768920898 + ], + [ + "\u2581Commune", + -13.557376861572266 + ], + [ + "\u2581impaciencia", + -13.557612419128418 + ], + [ + "\u2581Carriage", + -13.448040008544922 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sylvia", + -13.72792911529541 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mortality", + -13.578224182128906 + ], + [ + "\u2581Permission", + -13.557432174682617 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pleasant", + -13.636956214904785 + ], + [ + "\u2581enfatiz\u00f3", + -13.557592391967773 + ], + [ + "prevention", + -13.590202331542969 + ], + [ + "\u2581criticizing", + -13.675647735595703 + ], + [ + "Located", + -13.601067543029785 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lexmark", + -13.596253395080566 + ], + [ + "\u2581Simulator", + -13.659944534301758 + ], + [ + "\u2581treacherous", + -13.585379600524902 + ], + [ + "/60/6", + -13.205841064453125 + ], + [ + "\u2581syndicate", + -13.705677032470703 + ], + [ + "Everyone", + -13.516817092895508 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ownership", + -13.63703727722168 + ], + [ + "\u2581V\u00e1lvula", + -13.568581581115723 + ], + [ + "6-0", + -13.485954284667969 + ], + [ + "Discover", + -13.557999610900879 + ], + [ + "\u2581Impunity", + -13.486322402954102 + ], + [ + "\u2581sentamos", + -13.501152992248535 + ], + [ + "\u2581DISCRIMINATION", + -13.532919883728027 + ], + [ + "evaluate", + -13.52684211730957 + ], + [ + "\u2581Basra", + -13.597442626953125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Duchy", + -13.522871971130371 + ], + [ + "\u2581Maurici", + -13.585424423217773 + ], + [ + "\u2581Serving", + -13.58917236328125 + ], + [ + "\u2581midwife", + -13.58187484741211 + ], + [ + "\u2581secession", + -13.564109802246094 + ], + [ + "David", + -13.53370189666748 + ], + [ + "Bornemisza", + -13.550102233886719 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jerome", + -13.736278533935547 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pinochet", + -13.553580284118652 + ], + [ + "\u2581YAHUVEH", + -13.557059288024902 + ], + [ + "\u2581rpm", + -13.46715259552002 + ], + [ + "\u2581Utrecht", + -13.667670249938965 + ], + [ + "\u2581guild", + -13.550329208374023 + ], + [ + "\u2581rostrum", + -13.476613998413086 + ], + [ + "\u2581Continent", + -13.542678833007812 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pluto", + -13.439407348632812 + ], + [ + "\u2581RUF", + -13.478547096252441 + ], + [ + "\u2581audacia", + -13.507857322692871 + ], + [ + "\u2581mism\u00edsimo", + -13.546723365783691 + ], + [ + "\u2581rapist", + -13.596718788146973 + ], + [ + "\u2581rhyme", + -13.625678062438965 + ], + [ + "\u2581Miracle", + -13.59294605255127 + ], + [ + "\u2581Resolv", + -13.533303260803223 + ], + [ + "Research", + -13.46415901184082 + ], + [ + "\u2581avocado", + -13.526134490966797 + ], + [ + "Croatia", + -13.579288482666016 + ], + [ + "technological", + -13.565027236938477 + ], + [ + "Coupon", + -13.754114151000977 + ], + [ + "stretch", + -13.411149024963379 + ], + [ + "\u2581evaluator", + -13.526128768920898 + ], + [ + "\u2581Argent", + -13.658853530883789 + ], + [ + "Tunisia", + -13.4999361038208 + ], + [ + "\u2581radioactivity", + -13.479986190795898 + ], + [ + "DIRECT", + -13.620657920837402 + ], + [ + "Didactica", + -13.667510986328125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Melilla", + -13.529696464538574 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pereira", + -13.61845874786377 + ], + [ + "\u2581PLUS", + -13.648368835449219 + ], + [ + "\u2581Productivity", + -13.585626602172852 + ], + [ + "\u2581enga\u00f1\u00f3", + -13.450604438781738 + ], + [ + "chemistry", + -13.586492538452148 + ], + [ + "succesfully", + -13.621946334838867 + ], + [ + "\u2581CERs", + -13.42973518371582 + ], + [ + "\u2581Incentive", + -13.644548416137695 + ], + [ + "\u2581Appartement", + -13.470192909240723 + ], + [ + "\u2581CORDIS", + -13.457480430603027 + ], + [ + "\u0457", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aluminum", + -13.581794738769531 + ], + [ + "recovery", + -13.526838302612305 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vaccine", + -13.610835075378418 + ], + [ + "Ma\u00f1ana", + -13.470352172851562 + ], + [ + "\u2581routing", + -13.509354591369629 + ], + [ + "atinib", + -13.557229042053223 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pittsburgh", + -13.607158660888672 + ], + [ + "\u2581silica", + -13.582114219665527 + ], + [ + "\u2581neurons", + -13.55722713470459 + ], + [ + "\u2581fibrosis", + -13.603527069091797 + ], + [ + "\u2581intimidating", + -13.564064025878906 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hammond", + -13.753140449523926 + ], + [ + "insurance", + -13.506369590759277 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fiona", + -13.679652214050293 + ], + [ + "\u2581invading", + -13.691353797912598 + ], + [ + "\u2581kidnapper", + -13.68005084991455 + ], + [ + "\u2581nuisance", + -13.64836311340332 + ], + [ + "\u2581reinstatement", + -13.58899974822998 + ], + [ + ".4/2003/", + -13.57548999786377 + ], + [ + "\u2581AMERICA", + -13.621947288513184 + ], + [ + "\u2581Injurious", + -13.603495597839355 + ], + [ + "\u2581Innocent", + -13.625679969787598 + ], + [ + "\u2581basurero", + -13.539542198181152 + ], + [ + "\u2581superpower", + -13.603882789611816 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cassation", + -13.509833335876465 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dynasty", + -13.796478271484375 + ], + [ + "\u2581alkaline", + -13.564064025878906 + ], + [ + "\u2581apostolate", + -13.550102233886719 + ], + [ + "\u2581hambrienta", + -13.546723365783691 + ], + [ + "\u2581culminate", + -13.662612915039062 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aristotle", + -13.578224182128906 + ], + [ + "\u2581Harvest", + -13.619811058044434 + ], + [ + "climate", + -13.62042236328125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lucca", + -13.567904472351074 + ], + [ + "\u2581espiar", + -13.544742584228516 + ], + [ + "\u2581THIRD", + -13.599845886230469 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tolerance", + -13.476613998413086 + ], + [ + "\u2581abduct", + -13.581596374511719 + ], + [ + "Uruguay", + -13.480231285095215 + ], + [ + "additional", + -13.615856170654297 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pursu", + -13.590409278869629 + ], + [ + "\u2581allergen", + -13.561439514160156 + ], + [ + "Regresa", + -13.377378463745117 + ], + [ + "V\u00e1yase", + -13.39954662322998 + ], + [ + "seguimos", + -13.566060066223145 + ], + [ + "\u2581buffalo", + -13.671574592590332 + ], + [ + "\u2581endocrine", + -13.463812828063965 + ], + [ + "\u2581nephr", + -13.438807487487793 + ], + [ + "eimbursable", + -13.65990161895752 + ], + [ + "\u2581ADHD", + -13.45750904083252 + ], + [ + "\u2581compatriot", + -13.567585945129395 + ], + [ + "propyl", + -13.490829467773438 + ], + [ + "\u2581strawberry", + -13.683403015136719 + ], + [ + "\u2581PAGE", + -13.122983932495117 + ], + [ + "\u2581rubbing", + -13.671631813049316 + ], + [ + "\u2581slippery", + -13.687355041503906 + ], + [ + "\u2581genotype", + -13.557059288024902 + ], + [ + "\u2581monoparentales", + -13.507848739624023 + ], + [ + "Tourist", + -13.545340538024902 + ], + [ + "\u00c6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581Resend", + -13.600133895874023 + ], + [ + "\u2581monstrous", + -13.652194023132324 + ], + [ + "\u2581nurseries", + -13.57132625579834 + ], + [ + "\u2581sustenance", + -13.553574562072754 + ], + [ + "\u2581cucaracha", + -13.532411575317383 + ], + [ + "\u2581cultivating", + -13.519383430480957 + ], + [ + "\u2581entice", + -13.58641242980957 + ], + [ + "\u2581ni\u00f1ita", + -13.511322975158691 + ], + [ + "257", + -13.101947784423828 + ], + [ + "Armenia", + -13.473771095275879 + ], + [ + "develop", + -13.539080619812012 + ], + [ + "\u2581Delaware", + -13.592586517333984 + ], + [ + "\u2581Copies", + -13.480228424072266 + ], + [ + "\u2581eccentric", + -13.592586517333984 + ], + [ + "\u2581welded", + -13.539774894714355 + ], + [ + "\u2581Chaldean", + -13.479840278625488 + ], + [ + "\u2581Grandioso", + -13.36893367767334 + ], + [ + "\u2581aerobic", + -13.55357837677002 + ], + [ + "\u2581bingo", + -13.578530311584473 + ], + [ + "\u2581quake", + -13.642050743103027 + ], + [ + "\u2581remitie", + -13.535821914672852 + ], + [ + "\u2581arregl\u00f3", + -13.467096328735352 + ], + [ + "\u2581penetrating", + -13.614524841308594 + ], + [ + "\u2581hurl", + -13.534289360046387 + ], + [ + "\u2581mislead", + -13.689753532409668 + ], + [ + "provision", + -13.583130836486816 + ], + [ + "\u2581Diagonal", + -13.519383430480957 + ], + [ + "\u2581filth", + -13.577744483947754 + ], + [ + "\u2581Escobar", + -13.526128768920898 + ], + [ + "\u2581gorila", + -13.427949905395508 + ], + [ + "UNODC", + -13.509967803955078 + ], + [ + "\u2581arson", + -13.67193603515625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Midland", + -13.528783798217773 + ], + [ + "\u2581anteojos", + -13.507867813110352 + ], + [ + "\u2581surreal", + -13.625717163085938 + ], + [ + "Connect", + -13.681421279907227 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kathy", + -13.671797752380371 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mikhail", + -13.574665069580078 + ], + [ + "bodies", + -13.57167911529541 + ], + [ + "\u2581Disneyland", + -13.640915870666504 + ], + [ + "\u2581biometric", + -13.679595947265625 + ], + [ + "\u2581turbulence", + -13.460638999938965 + ], + [ + "ELLE", + -13.571967124938965 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bunny", + -13.625816345214844 + ], + [ + "\u2581Oviedo", + -13.57111930847168 + ], + [ + "\u2581isotope", + -13.691340446472168 + ], + [ + "Title", + -13.638514518737793 + ], + [ + "\u2581Superintendent", + -13.578224182128906 + ], + [ + "\u2581fungal", + -13.486693382263184 + ], + [ + "\u2581imitat", + -13.54269027709961 + ], + [ + "\u2581Contains", + -13.539763450622559 + ], + [ + "\u2581Salazar", + -13.648443222045898 + ], + [ + "\u2581Viktor", + -13.61087417602539 + ], + [ + "\u2581enrol", + -13.556787490844727 + ], + [ + "\u2581transformative", + -13.567843437194824 + ], + [ + "\u2581chromium", + -13.470192909240723 + ], + [ + "\u2581Stakeholder", + -13.546643257141113 + ], + [ + "ncidentally", + -13.577919960021973 + ], + [ + "route", + -13.56879997253418 + ], + [ + "spoil", + -13.574751853942871 + ], + [ + "\u2581Armando", + -13.589022636413574 + ], + [ + "\u2581embellish", + -13.567584991455078 + ], + [ + "\u2581rigidity", + -13.513259887695312 + ], + [ + "\u2581unimpeded", + -13.578224182128906 + ], + [ + "\u2581Divide", + -13.635481834411621 + ], + [ + "\u2581thermometer", + -13.641081809997559 + ], + [ + "ATHER", + -13.686899185180664 + ], + [ + "\u2581fastener", + -13.652369499206543 + ], + [ + "\u2581CHMP", + -13.56767463684082 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bolivar", + -13.65970230102539 + ], + [ + "\u2581Collaborat", + -13.410727500915527 + ], + [ + "AWACS", + -13.47341537475586 + ], + [ + "Jehovah", + -13.509936332702637 + ], + [ + "Perdona", + -13.480538368225098 + ], + [ + "\u2581hypotheses", + -13.57111930847168 + ], + [ + "\u2581timid", + -13.629477500915527 + ], + [ + "\u2581concurrence", + -13.529518127441406 + ], + [ + "\u2581curative", + -13.644733428955078 + ], + [ + "\u2581Babies", + -13.529624938964844 + ], + [ + "\u2581revitalizing", + -13.553574562072754 + ], + [ + "\u2581barbaric", + -13.5925874710083 + ], + [ + "\u2581Quintana", + -13.630036354064941 + ], + [ + "\u2581Smooth", + -13.571139335632324 + ], + [ + "\u2581lumber", + -13.557219505310059 + ], + [ + "\u2581styling", + -13.607162475585938 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gibson", + -13.695338249206543 + ], + [ + "\u2581CNB", + -13.450200080871582 + ], + [ + "\u2581evaporate", + -13.588976860046387 + ], + [ + "\u2581asust\u00f3", + -13.41839599609375 + ], + [ + "Laughing", + -13.732208251953125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dominic", + -13.714583396911621 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wesley", + -13.499799728393555 + ], + [ + "\u2581patrimony", + -13.610835075378418 + ], + [ + "\u2581unspecified", + -13.610835075378418 + ], + [ + "Strengthening", + -13.420275688171387 + ], + [ + "\u2581recognizable", + -13.621946334838867 + ], + [ + "Directive", + -13.593805313110352 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nagorny", + -13.625678062438965 + ], + [ + "\u2581Snack", + -13.71558666229248 + ], + [ + "\u2581diaphragm", + -13.675496101379395 + ], + [ + "\u2581horticultur", + -13.618231773376465 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fail", + -13.486908912658691 + ], + [ + "\u2581enmity", + -13.610849380493164 + ], + [ + "\u2581turbulent", + -13.610835075378418 + ], + [ + "\u2581pedacito", + -13.550337791442871 + ], + [ + "\u2581untouched", + -13.703388214111328 + ], + [ + "\u03b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nepalese", + -13.596453666687012 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reparation", + -13.65604305267334 + ], + [ + "\u2581Zelaya", + -13.57111930847168 + ], + [ + "\u2581upsurge", + -13.618257522583008 + ], + [ + "imperialist", + -13.523426055908203 + ], + [ + "\u2581Elaine", + -13.457286834716797 + ], + [ + "Atlantic", + -13.593754768371582 + ], + [ + "\u2581aprieta", + -13.557618141174316 + ], + [ + "\u2581soundtrack", + -13.607446670532227 + ], + [ + "\u2581Struggle", + -13.603495597839355 + ], + [ + "\u2581cellphone", + -13.622246742248535 + ], + [ + "9,500", + -13.564596176147461 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gypsy", + -13.614533424377441 + ], + [ + "\u2581persuasive", + -13.636956214904785 + ], + [ + "\u2581pelvic", + -13.509350776672363 + ], + [ + "\u2581caption", + -13.545595169067383 + ], + [ + "response", + -13.623329162597656 + ], + [ + "\u2581savior", + -13.66378116607666 + ], + [ + "\u2581havoc", + -13.652265548706055 + ], + [ + "James", + -13.7513427734375 + ], + [ + "\u2581glycol", + -13.566459655761719 + ], + [ + "\u2581unwarranted", + -13.596209526062012 + ], + [ + "Early", + -13.665493965148926 + ], + [ + "\u2581fattening", + -13.492849349975586 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aquarium", + -13.610861778259277 + ], + [ + "\u2581Disclosure", + -13.64074420928955 + ], + [ + "\u2581INCLUDING", + -13.506027221679688 + ], + [ + "\u2581Zechariah", + -13.557059288024902 + ], + [ + "\u2581metropolis", + -13.71154499053955 + ], + [ + "\u2581saline", + -13.540456771850586 + ], + [ + "\u2581spreadsheet", + -13.423417091369629 + ], + [ + "8/97", + -13.5378999710083 + ], + [ + "\u2581Illustration", + -13.567584991455078 + ], + [ + "\u2581remorse", + -13.80538558959961 + ], + [ + "\u2581despiadado", + -13.546724319458008 + ], + [ + "\u2581pudding", + -13.736244201660156 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jammu", + -13.603519439697266 + ], + [ + "\u2581Labelling", + -13.578353881835938 + ], + [ + "\u2581traverse", + -13.723928451538086 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fluid", + -13.517266273498535 + ], + [ + "\u2581Krakow", + -13.656049728393555 + ], + [ + "\u2581conspicuous", + -13.65990161895752 + ], + [ + "\u2581vomita", + -13.389962196350098 + ], + [ + "5/96", + -13.603686332702637 + ], + [ + "\u2581Clothes", + -13.675511360168457 + ], + [ + "\u2581Stephanie", + -13.652299880981445 + ], + [ + "esophageal", + -13.489580154418945 + ], + [ + "\u2581submarina", + -13.572273254394531 + ], + [ + "\u2581ADDRESS", + -13.489534378051758 + ], + [ + "\u2581SUBMIT", + -13.52198600769043 + ], + [ + "\u2581fabricated", + -13.543781280517578 + ], + [ + "adjustment", + -13.517125129699707 + ], + [ + "\u2581ensuite", + -13.57530689239502 + ], + [ + "\u2581assortment", + -13.588976860046387 + ], + [ + "\u2581scrutinize", + -13.502716064453125 + ], + [ + "Jordan", + -13.520037651062012 + ], + [ + "\u2581Immobilien", + -13.783224105834961 + ], + [ + "\u2581Supper", + -13.509472846984863 + ], + [ + "\u2581Conversation", + -13.596210479736328 + ], + [ + "\u2581harmonic", + -13.603816032409668 + ], + [ + "\u2581Python", + -13.550102233886719 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bratislava", + -13.529518127441406 + ], + [ + "\u2581Laurel", + -13.671829223632812 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lobby", + -13.432513236999512 + ], + [ + "\u2581lavish", + -13.679437637329102 + ], + [ + "\u2581Salim", + -13.523595809936523 + ], + [ + "\u2581charismatic", + -13.64837646484375 + ], + [ + "\u2581shellfish", + -13.687477111816406 + ], + [ + "\u2581zipper", + -13.578620910644531 + ], + [ + "\u2581drizzle", + -13.75308609008789 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nadine", + -13.652419090270996 + ], + [ + ".12.2006", + -13.499507904052734 + ], + [ + "\u2581immature", + -13.69935417175293 + ], + [ + "\u2581Curtain", + -13.550186157226562 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jenkins", + -13.71561336517334 + ], + [ + "Financial", + -13.604743957519531 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rafah", + -13.585379600524902 + ], + [ + "\u2581pebble", + -13.603495597839355 + ], + [ + "\u2581Micah", + -13.659904479980469 + ], + [ + "\u2581rattle", + -13.629762649536133 + ], + [ + "\u2581Burgundy", + -13.644546508789062 + ], + [ + "\u2581Panther", + -13.641085624694824 + ], + [ + "\u2581Peasant", + -13.640745162963867 + ], + [ + "\u2581expatriation", + -13.695338249206543 + ], + [ + "\u2581wrinkles", + -13.519383430480957 + ], + [ + "\u2581invaders", + -13.671727180480957 + ], + [ + "O\u00edste", + -13.437602996826172 + ], + [ + "\u2581Goddess", + -13.723933219909668 + ], + [ + "\u2581Museu", + -13.685770034790039 + ], + [ + "\u2581VMware", + -13.607159614562988 + ], + [ + "\u2581accelerator", + -13.691338539123535 + ], + [ + "\u2581regrettably", + -13.550103187561035 + ], + [ + "husband", + -13.730151176452637 + ], + [ + "\u2581Blend", + -13.664318084716797 + ], + [ + "\u2581napkin", + -13.740924835205078 + ], + [ + "\u2581duermo", + -13.568582534790039 + ], + [ + "\u2581geostationary", + -13.588976860046387 + ], + [ + "\u2581billboard", + -13.57521915435791 + ], + [ + "\u2581divierta", + -13.514810562133789 + ], + [ + "\u2581AQU", + -13.513518333435059 + ], + [ + "\u2581apron", + -13.648781776428223 + ], + [ + "\u2581gulf", + -13.67183780670166 + ], + [ + "\u2581alcoh\u00f3lica", + -13.54947566986084 + ], + [ + "\u2581Atacama", + -13.543193817138672 + ], + [ + "\u2581magnifie", + -13.607192993164062 + ], + [ + "\u2605", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581desapercibido", + -13.572272300720215 + ], + [ + "Word", + -13.615939140319824 + ], + [ + "planning", + -13.583552360534668 + ], + [ + "\u2581ISSUES", + -13.560555458068848 + ], + [ + "Psalm", + -13.638453483581543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Precision", + -13.536497116088867 + ], + [ + "\u2581concierge", + -13.644546508789062 + ], + [ + "Money", + -13.669710159301758 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ramadan", + -13.66770076751709 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vernon", + -13.637245178222656 + ], + [ + "\u2581desdicha", + -13.525345802307129 + ], + [ + "\u2581whirlpool", + -13.610835075378418 + ], + [ + "\u2581exclusivity", + -13.546642303466797 + ], + [ + "\u2581colossal", + -13.64074420928955 + ], + [ + "\u2581AARP", + -13.636962890625 + ], + [ + "\u2581slender", + -13.625679016113281 + ], + [ + "directional", + -13.352360725402832 + ], + [ + "\u2581Complement", + -13.43233585357666 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mobilization", + -13.5819091796875 + ], + [ + "\u2581tumble", + -13.640957832336426 + ], + [ + "categories", + -13.619585990905762 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cyclo", + -13.628266334533691 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hydra", + -13.660520553588867 + ], + [ + "\u2581Luanda", + -13.589162826538086 + ], + [ + "\u2581militarization", + -13.603662490844727 + ], + [ + "\u2581wineries", + -13.510433197021484 + ], + [ + "\u2581quench", + -13.644643783569336 + ], + [ + "/57/5", + -13.590142250061035 + ], + [ + "\u2581camshaft", + -13.603495597839355 + ], + [ + "\u2581emptiness", + -13.64836311340332 + ], + [ + "Bulgaria", + -13.604743957519531 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cosmic", + -13.522804260253906 + ], + [ + "\u2581Magnus", + -13.765913009643555 + ], + [ + "\u2581Relais", + -13.71968936920166 + ], + [ + "\u2581biodiesel", + -13.502716064453125 + ], + [ + "\u2581quantification", + -13.526128768920898 + ], + [ + "\u2581commemorat", + -13.2705078125 + ], + [ + "\u2581acumul", + -13.529318809509277 + ], + [ + "\u2581unprotected", + -13.519383430480957 + ], + [ + "Sharing", + -13.669539451599121 + ], + [ + "\u2581MasterCard", + -13.621946334838867 + ], + [ + "\u2581sunflower", + -13.679537773132324 + ], + [ + "Court", + -13.440973281860352 + ], + [ + "todav\u00eda", + -13.572916030883789 + ], + [ + "Igual", + -13.515054702758789 + ], + [ + "\u2581spook", + -13.703475952148438 + ], + [ + "\u25812004-2007", + -13.564299583435059 + ], + [ + "\u2581Diagram", + -13.596264839172363 + ], + [ + "entendido", + -13.470365524291992 + ], + [ + "\u2581Debiste", + -13.437603950500488 + ], + [ + "\u2581persecute", + -13.524965286254883 + ], + [ + "\u2581shady", + -13.711506843566895 + ], + [ + "\u2581Armstrong", + -13.770232200622559 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fatah", + -13.529733657836914 + ], + [ + "\u2581mismanagement", + -13.571191787719727 + ], + [ + "\u2581Psychological", + -13.5093994140625 + ], + [ + "\u2581metieron", + -13.557611465454102 + ], + [ + "CLEAR", + -13.650642395019531 + ], + [ + "terranean", + -13.656035423278809 + ], + [ + "Windows", + -13.579288482666016 + ], + [ + "\u2581consequential", + -13.533019065856934 + ], + [ + "\u2581indulgence", + -13.543217658996582 + ], + [ + "Blessed", + -13.693272590637207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Beatles", + -13.707601547241211 + ], + [ + "articular", + -13.781915664672852 + ], + [ + "\u2581HCV", + -13.550393104553223 + ], + [ + "\u2581PEACE", + -13.614566802978516 + ], + [ + "\u2581motivating", + -13.596209526062012 + ], + [ + "Romania", + -13.643068313598633 + ], + [ + "\u25812005-2006", + -13.644551277160645 + ], + [ + "\u2581depiction", + -13.558658599853516 + ], + [ + "cooked", + -13.689249038696289 + ], + [ + "\u2581forfeiture", + -13.526178359985352 + ], + [ + "\u2581rectified", + -13.599845886230469 + ], + [ + "\u2581Endorse", + -13.657754898071289 + ], + [ + "\u2581rescind", + -13.571118354797363 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rossell", + -13.719498634338379 + ], + [ + "communal", + -13.586495399475098 + ], + [ + "\u2581Behavior", + -13.671575546264648 + ], + [ + "\u2581arriesg", + -13.455862998962402 + ], + [ + "\u2581dibuj", + -13.440343856811523 + ], + [ + "\u2581forgery", + -13.52983570098877 + ], + [ + "\u2581spleen", + -13.574666023254395 + ], + [ + "6/2004", + -13.553229331970215 + ], + [ + "Ethiopia", + -13.516658782958984 + ], + [ + "\u2581TYPE", + -13.53636646270752 + ], + [ + "\u2581Curriculum", + -13.667668342590332 + ], + [ + "\u2581skating", + -13.57823657989502 + ], + [ + "\u2581Repression", + -13.589162826538086 + ], + [ + "\u2581unskilled", + -13.600042343139648 + ], + [ + "ymptomatic", + -13.5220947265625 + ], + [ + "Banquet", + -13.653179168701172 + ], + [ + "\u2581Catering", + -13.516121864318848 + ], + [ + "\u2581casualty", + -13.589241027832031 + ], + [ + "\u2581Solemn", + -13.663780212402344 + ], + [ + "\u2581Venue", + -13.699451446533203 + ], + [ + "\u2581Yokohama", + -13.560555458068848 + ], + [ + "alguien", + -13.529214859008789 + ], + [ + "\u2581Demonstration", + -13.592588424682617 + ], + [ + "\u2581funeraria", + -13.500941276550293 + ], + [ + "sustainable", + -13.47037124633789 + ], + [ + "\u2581Turkmen", + -13.578323364257812 + ], + [ + "Cierra", + -13.44385814666748 + ], + [ + "Excelente", + -13.501070976257324 + ], + [ + "\u2581Demobilization", + -13.64836311340332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ginger", + -13.749205589294434 + ], + [ + "activities", + -13.642271995544434 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dirty", + -13.783263206481934 + ], + [ + "\u2581Disposable", + -13.553574562072754 + ], + [ + "\u2581evangelize", + -13.560591697692871 + ], + [ + "\u2581sedation", + -13.596283912658691 + ], + [ + "territorial", + -13.590496063232422 + ], + [ + "\u2581bioethic", + -13.536341667175293 + ], + [ + "\u2581ramifications", + -13.532920837402344 + ], + [ + "\u00fa\u00f1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581Marianne", + -13.695624351501465 + ], + [ + "\u2581herbicide", + -13.614527702331543 + ], + [ + "\u2581obscene", + -13.644546508789062 + ], + [ + "\u258190/42", + -13.652327537536621 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fuerteventura", + -13.703386306762695 + ], + [ + "\u2581Entries", + -13.652195930480957 + ], + [ + "\u2581anatomical", + -13.61452579498291 + ], + [ + "\u2581Easily", + -13.625679016113281 + ], + [ + "\u2581Microform", + -13.583194732666016 + ], + [ + "tepec", + -13.796972274780273 + ], + [ + "\u2581figuring", + -13.783306121826172 + ], + [ + "\u2581espionage", + -13.596209526062012 + ], + [ + "\u2581ARENA", + -13.607234954833984 + ], + [ + "Discrimination", + -13.755523681640625 + ], + [ + "\u2581decency", + -13.679435729980469 + ], + [ + "\u2581fowl", + -13.648409843444824 + ], + [ + "Gastronomy", + -13.610835075378418 + ], + [ + "debt", + -13.514458656311035 + ], + [ + "\u2581EDUCATION", + -13.574665069580078 + ], + [ + "\u2581Secur", + -13.399083137512207 + ], + [ + "\u2581unthinkable", + -13.585379600524902 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gateway", + -13.63735294342041 + ], + [ + "ococcus", + -13.601263046264648 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cedar", + -13.640992164611816 + ], + [ + "\u2581SWIFT", + -13.663778305053711 + ], + [ + "\u2581Solana", + -13.56376838684082 + ], + [ + "\u2581amplify", + -13.679434776306152 + ], + [ + "\u2581fingertips", + -13.691338539123535 + ], + [ + "appreciable", + -13.633182525634766 + ], + [ + "\u2581reddish", + -13.483077049255371 + ], + [ + "Measure", + -13.634645462036133 + ], + [ + "microbial", + -13.60714054107666 + ], + [ + "\u2581Specifie", + -13.743620872497559 + ], + [ + "\u2581adrenal", + -13.515979766845703 + ], + [ + "\u2581mmHg", + -13.736245155334473 + ], + [ + "\u2581parachute", + -13.618233680725098 + ], + [ + "\u2581vitae", + -13.671603202819824 + ], + [ + "Dijiste", + -13.511523246765137 + ], + [ + "NATO", + -13.56283950805664 + ], + [ + "\u2581antiquity", + -13.603495597839355 + ], + [ + "\u2581averaging", + -13.581796646118164 + ], + [ + "\u2581vulture", + -13.625678062438965 + ], + [ + "\u2581Refine", + -13.577139854431152 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pregnant", + -13.585379600524902 + ], + [ + "5/2001", + -13.619211196899414 + ], + [ + "\u2581rejoin", + -13.777142524719238 + ], + [ + "\u2581ICJ", + -13.502832412719727 + ], + [ + "\u2581equitably", + -13.578224182128906 + ], + [ + "\u2581sociocultural", + -13.567721366882324 + ], + [ + "\u2581Desire", + -13.72391414642334 + ], + [ + "\u2581Galleries", + -13.66383171081543 + ], + [ + "\u2581pamper", + -13.625725746154785 + ], + [ + "MINUGUA", + -13.621946334838867 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lifestyle", + -13.641016006469727 + ], + [ + "\u2581parpadea", + -13.557594299316406 + ], + [ + "\u2581resonate", + -13.610928535461426 + ], + [ + "\u2581prehistoric", + -13.567712783813477 + ], + [ + "\u2581Initiation", + -13.636958122253418 + ], + [ + "\u2581unanswered", + -13.610835075378418 + ], + [ + "learn", + -13.77164363861084 + ], + [ + "\u2581braid", + -13.584589958190918 + ], + [ + "\u2581nineteen", + -13.640583038330078 + ], + [ + "\u2581refueling", + -13.633184432983398 + ], + [ + "awareness", + -13.466476440429688 + ], + [ + "\u2581gratifying", + -13.581794738769531 + ], + [ + "\u2581Optimize", + -13.75308895111084 + ], + [ + "\u2581cucumber", + -13.644546508789062 + ], + [ + "\u2581reincarnation", + -13.57111930847168 + ], + [ + "\u2581Francamente", + -13.539543151855469 + ], + [ + "\u2581MTSP", + -13.581890106201172 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ceuta", + -13.618290901184082 + ], + [ + "\u2581COVENANT", + -13.603495597839355 + ], + [ + "\u2581RELATED", + -13.543193817138672 + ], + [ + "\u2581Schwarz", + -13.625679016113281 + ], + [ + "\u2581cornea", + -13.61726188659668 + ], + [ + "\u2581ocupo", + -13.521835327148438 + ], + [ + "Viniste", + -13.511834144592285 + ], + [ + "Semitic", + -13.731603622436523 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dwight", + -13.770216941833496 + ], + [ + "\u2581Multilingual", + -13.715617179870605 + ], + [ + "\u2581Valerie", + -13.72427749633789 + ], + [ + "$39.95", + -13.629423141479492 + ], + [ + "\u2581archiving", + -13.68741512298584 + ], + [ + "\u2581bleak", + -13.621968269348145 + ], + [ + "\u2581scaffold", + -13.62194538116455 + ], + [ + "\u2581Contractual", + -13.644608497619629 + ], + [ + "\u2581deceptive", + -13.585384368896484 + ], + [ + "alcohol", + -13.693263053894043 + ], + [ + "\u2581Polyester", + -13.683415412902832 + ], + [ + "\u2581hemato", + -13.652111053466797 + ], + [ + "Linux", + -13.677292823791504 + ], + [ + "\u2581divirtiendo", + -13.514805793762207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Queensland", + -13.70744514465332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Silent", + -13.652326583862305 + ], + [ + "\u2581Storyboard", + -13.648463249206543 + ], + [ + "\u2581lantern", + -13.736245155334473 + ], + [ + "\u2581melodies", + -13.633182525634766 + ], + [ + "\u2581camouflage", + -13.75308609008789 + ], + [ + "\u2581rectification", + -13.618228912353516 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tbilisi", + -13.652194023132324 + ], + [ + "\u2581encoding", + -13.5925874710083 + ], + [ + "\u2581skew", + -13.59268569946289 + ], + [ + "result", + -13.679519653320312 + ], + [ + "\u2581INSTITUT", + -13.64836311340332 + ], + [ + "\u2581ferries", + -13.596407890319824 + ], + [ + "performing", + -13.512778282165527 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cabrera", + -13.663777351379395 + ], + [ + "\u2581rehearse", + -13.770219802856445 + ], + [ + "\u2581Liberties", + -13.607198715209961 + ], + [ + "\u2581blemish", + -13.68735408782959 + ], + [ + "/221", + -13.220145225524902 + ], + [ + "ardiac", + -13.75475788116455 + ], + [ + "Herzegovina", + -13.590118408203125 + ], + [ + "\u2581intertwined", + -13.68735408782959 + ], + [ + "\u2581lifespan", + -13.618300437927246 + ], + [ + "rheumatoid", + -13.64074420928955 + ], + [ + "\u2581cockpit", + -13.691398620605469 + ], + [ + "\u2581stiffness", + -13.557347297668457 + ], + [ + "\u2581Celebrate", + -13.64074420928955 + ], + [ + "\u2581adjudication", + -13.581880569458008 + ], + [ + "\u2581levant\u00e9", + -13.555219650268555 + ], + [ + "\u2581Deeme", + -13.709661483764648 + ], + [ + "\u2581disculpo", + -13.539541244506836 + ], + [ + "harmacovigilance", + -13.599845886230469 + ], + [ + "cranial", + -13.589000701904297 + ], + [ + "\u2581Belief", + -13.53975772857666 + ], + [ + "\u2581infringing", + -13.489580154418945 + ], + [ + "Tube", + -13.598782539367676 + ], + [ + "\u2581arsenic", + -13.715582847595215 + ], + [ + "\u2581hypocritical", + -13.659915924072266 + ], + [ + "\u2581Swift", + -13.581807136535645 + ], + [ + "\u2581guinea", + -13.736245155334473 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lorraine", + -13.687355041503906 + ], + [ + "\u2581lubrication", + -13.625786781311035 + ], + [ + "shock", + -13.651713371276855 + ], + [ + "\u2581Butterfly", + -13.667668342590332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Definici", + -13.57111930847168 + ], + [ + "\u2581Peugeot", + -13.732077598571777 + ], + [ + "\u2581assailant", + -13.64074420928955 + ], + [ + "\u2581Linguistic", + -13.663777351379395 + ], + [ + "cursos", + -13.68642807006836 + ], + [ + "focus", + -13.586404800415039 + ], + [ + "\u25812007-2008", + -13.614740371704102 + ], + [ + "energize", + -13.526183128356934 + ], + [ + "Manifest", + -13.634773254394531 + ], + [ + "\u2581REDD", + -13.467143058776855 + ], + [ + "\u2581inhabitant", + -13.557043075561523 + ], + [ + "\u2581prioritise", + -13.724239349365234 + ], + [ + "\u2581shatter", + -13.71862506866455 + ], + [ + "\u2581IFEX", + -13.625750541687012 + ], + [ + "therapist", + -13.56506633758545 + ], + [ + "\u2581Manaus", + -13.578252792358398 + ], + [ + "\u2581monotherapy", + -13.51943302154541 + ], + [ + "\u2581BUSINESS", + -13.691338539123535 + ], + [ + "\u2581Edwin", + -13.71935749053955 + ], + [ + "\u2581capacitor", + -13.663777351379395 + ], + [ + "\u2581Saxony", + -13.699357986450195 + ], + [ + "\u2581compute", + -13.734724998474121 + ], + [ + "\u2581fascination", + -13.77454662322998 + ], + [ + "\u2581microscopic", + -13.671574592590332 + ], + [ + "\u2581rabies", + -13.629426002502441 + ], + [ + "\u2581ECHO", + -13.578657150268555 + ], + [ + "informatics", + -13.589475631713867 + ], + [ + "\u2581Preamble", + -13.596209526062012 + ], + [ + "\u2581buitre", + -13.532419204711914 + ], + [ + "\u2581negligent", + -13.65219497680664 + ], + [ + "\u2581geothermal", + -13.703386306762695 + ], + [ + "\u2581AFTER", + -13.748900413513184 + ], + [ + "\u2581Olbia", + -13.744702339172363 + ], + [ + "\u2581mismatch", + -13.640746116638184 + ], + [ + "\u2581Eyebrow", + -13.703386306762695 + ], + [ + "\u2581poultrymeat", + -13.599857330322266 + ], + [ + "\u2581Accelerate", + -13.636957168579102 + ], + [ + "\u2581Clarification", + -13.679433822631836 + ], + [ + "\u2581Liguria", + -13.648372650146484 + ], + [ + "\u2581redundancy", + -13.625678062438965 + ], + [ + "\u2581semantic", + -13.51602840423584 + ], + [ + "\u2581predominance", + -13.679433822631836 + ], + [ + "6/2008", + -13.557784080505371 + ], + [ + "evident", + -13.565183639526367 + ], + [ + "\u2581Laurie", + -13.755733489990234 + ], + [ + "\u2581biannual", + -13.652271270751953 + ], + [ + "Revelation", + -13.638453483581543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Thirteen", + -13.769848823547363 + ], + [ + "\u2581Redemption", + -13.581794738769531 + ], + [ + "\u2581stifle", + -13.596250534057617 + ], + [ + "\u2581overcrowded", + -13.578224182128906 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fletcher", + -13.80538558959961 + ], + [ + "\u2581fluctuate", + -13.466998100280762 + ], + [ + "\u2581Freight", + -13.592719078063965 + ], + [ + "church", + -13.568621635437012 + ], + [ + "operating", + -13.55035400390625 + ], + [ + "proximity", + -13.77280044555664 + ], + [ + "Idiota", + -13.523435592651367 + ], + [ + "\u2581Plenipotentiary", + -13.68735408782959 + ], + [ + "\u25811782/2003", + -13.640751838684082 + ], + [ + "\u2581sulphate", + -13.585379600524902 + ], + [ + "maximum", + -13.642271995544434 + ], + [ + "\u2581bullfight", + -13.762162208557129 + ], + [ + "HERRY", + -13.704081535339355 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sitges", + -13.687427520751953 + ], + [ + "\u2581bandits", + -13.56781005859375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ecological", + -13.663837432861328 + ], + [ + "\u2581ravine", + -13.599884033203125 + ], + [ + "IZATION", + -13.70047378540039 + ], + [ + "\u2581hydrocarbon", + -13.56418228149414 + ], + [ + "\u2581rescuing", + -13.667668342590332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Perd\u00f3neme", + -13.393427848815918 + ], + [ + "\u2581Spoken", + -13.727967262268066 + ], + [ + "\u2581acknowledgment", + -13.585379600524902 + ], + [ + "\u2581illustrious", + -13.607158660888672 + ], + [ + "ferrous", + -13.687126159667969 + ], + [ + "\u2581Catania", + -13.667729377746582 + ], + [ + "\u2581anecdote", + -13.64074420928955 + ], + [ + "Impression", + -13.742859840393066 + ], + [ + "piracy", + -13.673543930053711 + ], + [ + "\u2581dormant", + -13.683483123779297 + ], + [ + "\u2581BOARD", + -13.618257522583008 + ], + [ + "\u2581leopard", + -13.550102233886719 + ], + [ + "\u2581remedied", + -13.629424095153809 + ], + [ + "\u2581sequencing", + -13.629423141479492 + ], + [ + "ordinator", + -13.778733253479004 + ], + [ + "\u2581conserving", + -13.663778305053711 + ], + [ + "\u2581memoir", + -13.720025062561035 + ], + [ + "\u2581Maputo", + -13.607232093811035 + ], + [ + "\u2581Wardrobe", + -13.596209526062012 + ], + [ + "(90)", + -13.516993522644043 + ], + [ + "\u2581McGee", + -13.507881164550781 + ], + [ + "\u2581foresight", + -13.668013572692871 + ], + [ + "\u2581Questionnaire", + -13.68735408782959 + ], + [ + "\u2581potency", + -13.675628662109375 + ], + [ + "\u2581unfaithful", + -13.667670249938965 + ], + [ + "agreement", + -13.590063095092773 + ], + [ + "\u2581Marriott", + -13.564064025878906 + ], + [ + "\u2581Skopje", + -13.578224182128906 + ], + [ + "\u2581Anglican", + -13.644546508789062 + ], + [ + "\u2581Poble", + -13.649152755737305 + ], + [ + "\u2581ADMINISTRATIVE", + -13.57111930847168 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cemetery", + -13.69935417175293 + ], + [ + "Natural", + -13.565031051635742 + ], + [ + "\u2581Athena", + -13.679532051086426 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hygiene", + -13.652194023132324 + ], + [ + "\u2581Involvement", + -13.663777351379395 + ], + [ + "\u2581Weird", + -13.762269973754883 + ], + [ + "\u2581Assemblies", + -13.596247673034668 + ], + [ + "\u2581$1,0", + -13.7095365524292 + ], + [ + "\u2581Penitentiary", + -13.667668342590332 + ], + [ + "\u2581admonish", + -13.679433822631836 + ], + [ + "\u2581Addiction", + -13.629556655883789 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bangalore", + -13.644546508789062 + ], + [ + "\u2581NHRIs", + -13.644551277160645 + ], + [ + "Update", + -13.689372062683105 + ], + [ + "\u2581Libraries", + -13.567584991455078 + ], + [ + "\u2581deutsch", + -13.715198516845703 + ], + [ + "\u2581Isidro", + -13.63696002960205 + ], + [ + "\u2581semiconductor", + -13.581795692443848 + ], + [ + "\u2581sweetener", + -13.683505058288574 + ], + [ + "\u2581Curator", + -13.622344017028809 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dedicated", + -13.652194023132324 + ], + [ + "485", + -13.3666353225708 + ], + [ + "Protocol", + -13.61213493347168 + ], + [ + "\u2581disengagement", + -13.529518127441406 + ], + [ + "\u2581podcast", + -13.691365242004395 + ], + [ + "\u2581venous", + -13.671582221984863 + ], + [ + "\u2581veredes", + -13.679436683654785 + ], + [ + "\u2581ASSESSMENT", + -13.463813781738281 + ], + [ + "\u2581inferred", + -13.648368835449219 + ], + [ + "0.0%", + -13.763751029968262 + ], + [ + "satellite", + -13.649947166442871 + ], + [ + "\u2581melanoma", + -13.77454662322998 + ], + [ + "\u2581Arequipa", + -13.74042797088623 + ], + [ + "\u2581Immunization", + -13.703386306762695 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tashkent", + -13.614524841308594 + ], + [ + "rrington", + -13.718799591064453 + ], + [ + "demographic", + -13.58294677734375 + ], + [ + "\u2581Zapata", + -13.625699043273926 + ], + [ + "\u2581omnipresente", + -13.557592391967773 + ], + [ + "\u2581Capitan", + -13.536022186279297 + ], + [ + "\u2581demilitarized", + -13.629423141479492 + ], + [ + "branch", + -13.685941696166992 + ], + [ + "\u2581Equitable", + -13.557059288024902 + ], + [ + "\u2581enshrine", + -13.620755195617676 + ], + [ + "domestic", + -13.693268775939941 + ], + [ + "\u2581Oswald", + -13.72795581817627 + ], + [ + "\u2581kilogram", + -13.609121322631836 + ], + [ + "conferencing", + -13.620034217834473 + ], + [ + "\u2581Minute", + -13.722603797912598 + ], + [ + "\u2581ophthalm", + -13.588976860046387 + ], + [ + "warning", + -13.503660202026367 + ], + [ + "\u2581Abroad", + -13.50610065460205 + ], + [ + "\u2581Extrabudgetary", + -13.574665069580078 + ], + [ + "\u2581dodge", + -13.701375007629395 + ], + [ + "\u2581embryonic", + -13.648401260375977 + ], + [ + "Change", + -13.658154487609863 + ], + [ + "\u2581indivisibility", + -13.74042797088623 + ], + [ + "\u2581abrasion", + -13.761621475219727 + ], + [ + "\u2581Montmartre", + -13.68735408782959 + ], + [ + "\u2581grudge", + -13.719738960266113 + ], + [ + "\u2581handkerchief", + -13.75308609008789 + ], + [ + "\u2581metanfetamina", + -13.535970687866211 + ], + [ + "###", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581Beethoven", + -13.727928161621094 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ecology", + -13.683467864990234 + ], + [ + "\u2581Islamabad", + -13.629443168640137 + ], + [ + "\u2581analgesic", + -13.667668342590332 + ], + [ + "\u2581trophies", + -13.663777351379395 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kazakh", + -13.691336631774902 + ], + [ + "\u2581Osaka", + -13.740527153015137 + ], + [ + "\u2581Carrer", + -13.61064338684082 + ], + [ + "\u2581padrastro", + -13.572271347045898 + ], + [ + "\u2581cupcake", + -13.765953063964844 + ], + [ + "\u2581devout", + -13.659904479980469 + ], + [ + "\u2581veritabl", + -13.699599266052246 + ], + [ + "Portugu", + -13.730154037475586 + ], + [ + "\u2581Preparedness", + -13.589162826538086 + ], + [ + "\u2581foetus", + -13.610835075378418 + ], + [ + "\u2581modulation", + -13.585439682006836 + ], + [ + "\u2581operandi", + -13.663777351379395 + ], + [ + "\u2581pledg", + -13.648686408996582 + ], + [ + "\u2581rigour", + -13.592655181884766 + ], + [ + "\u2581antimicrobial", + -13.648460388183594 + ], + [ + "fitting", + -13.611430168151855 + ], + [ + "throat", + -13.661694526672363 + ], + [ + "\u2581conceivable", + -13.659984588623047 + ], + [ + "\u2581olv\u00eddalo", + -13.528865814208984 + ], + [ + "\u2581syntax", + -13.765933990478516 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mandarin", + -13.719684600830078 + ], + [ + "\u2581supplication", + -13.519389152526855 + ], + [ + "\u2581Exclusion", + -13.589056015014648 + ], + [ + "\u2581Recycling", + -13.60722541809082 + ], + [ + "\u2581metastatic", + -13.636971473693848 + ], + [ + "\u2581nicotine", + -13.71150016784668 + ], + [ + "\u2581subdivided", + -13.707435607910156 + ], + [ + "\u2581Llam\u00f3", + -13.553956985473633 + ], + [ + "\u2581confide", + -13.596179962158203 + ], + [ + "\u2581POLISARIO", + -13.719680786132812 + ], + [ + "Imb\u00e9cil", + -13.557592391967773 + ], + [ + "\u2581GLOBAL", + -13.715581893920898 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gentile", + -13.677326202392578 + ], + [ + "\u2581Oasis", + -13.748859405517578 + ], + [ + "\u2581adventurous", + -13.65604019165039 + ], + [ + "\u2581Concentration", + -13.492847442626953 + ], + [ + "\u2581Classified", + -13.66783332824707 + ], + [ + "\u2581Puppet", + -13.703413963317871 + ], + [ + "consumer", + -13.623332023620605 + ], + [ + "\u2581Brexit", + -13.699355125427246 + ], + [ + "\u2581detach", + -13.643310546875 + ], + [ + "4,200", + -13.677739143371582 + ], + [ + "\u2581Marathon", + -13.618228912353516 + ], + [ + "\u2581beseech", + -13.741033554077148 + ], + [ + "\u2581indecent", + -13.695365905761719 + ], + [ + "\u2581Malagasy", + -13.778938293457031 + ], + [ + "\u2581glaze", + -13.710456848144531 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ljubljana", + -13.578224182128906 + ], + [ + "\u2581archaeologist", + -13.71150016784668 + ], + [ + "\u2581conscript", + -13.289107322692871 + ], + [ + "\u2581expediting", + -13.53975772857666 + ], + [ + "pension", + -13.563042640686035 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cagliari", + -13.68735408782959 + ], + [ + "\u2581Candidate", + -13.582125663757324 + ], + [ + "\u2581PROVISIONS", + -13.53975772857666 + ], + [ + "\u2581veranda", + -13.6446533203125 + ], + [ + "Chinese", + -13.677299499511719 + ], + [ + "\u2581Stereo", + -13.687665939331055 + ], + [ + "\u2581unjustifiable", + -13.567599296569824 + ], + [ + "Khalifa", + -13.656099319458008 + ], + [ + "\u2581nuclei", + -13.72062873840332 + ], + [ + "UNAMI", + -13.594565391540527 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mystic", + -13.661105155944824 + ], + [ + "\u2581tidings", + -13.744632720947266 + ], + [ + "\u25811.4.1", + -13.578167915344238 + ], + [ + "\u2581Striptease", + -13.64836311340332 + ], + [ + "Treaty", + -13.642271995544434 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fascist", + -13.663777351379395 + ], + [ + "\u2581HKSAR", + -13.625678062438965 + ], + [ + "orrhea", + -13.777995109558105 + ], + [ + "\u2581Entebbe", + -13.65990161895752 + ], + [ + "\u2581Technician", + -13.522750854492188 + ], + [ + ".3/63/", + -13.54019546508789 + ], + [ + "\u2581circumference", + -13.757354736328125 + ], + [ + "\u2581si\u00e9ntese", + -13.557592391967773 + ], + [ + "\u2581Retreat", + -13.638413429260254 + ], + [ + "\u2581Elephant", + -13.796477317810059 + ], + [ + "\u2581wondrous", + -13.571120262145996 + ], + [ + "ndicative", + -13.711527824401855 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sucre", + -13.75736141204834 + ], + [ + "\u2581effluent", + -13.633182525634766 + ], + [ + "\u2581salient", + -13.66773509979248 + ], + [ + "Monthly", + -13.68924617767334 + ], + [ + "society", + -13.701343536376953 + ], + [ + "\u2581APPLICATION", + -13.526128768920898 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bariloche", + -13.574665069580078 + ], + [ + "\u2581hydrochloride", + -13.483076095581055 + ], + [ + "guarantee", + -13.561491012573242 + ], + [ + "\u2581Doubt", + -13.715599060058594 + ], + [ + "\u2581multifunctional", + -13.667734146118164 + ], + [ + "\u2581pediatrician", + -13.707818031311035 + ], + [ + "\u2581rapture", + -13.683466911315918 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tegucigalpa", + -13.667668342590332 + ], + [ + "\u2581glamorous", + -13.581794738769531 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sponsorship", + -13.691415786743164 + ], + [ + "\u2581Variation", + -13.66378402709961 + ], + [ + "Shabaab", + -13.753087997436523 + ], + [ + "\u2581Passeig", + -13.703386306762695 + ], + [ + "\u2581Removing", + -13.707473754882812 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ogier", + -13.564203262329102 + ], + [ + "\u2581TECHNOLOG", + -13.607157707214355 + ], + [ + "\u2581secluded", + -13.679433822631836 + ], + [ + "\u2581caregiver", + -13.600438117980957 + ], + [ + "\u2581flask", + -13.671600341796875 + ], + [ + "\u2581RESPONSIB", + -13.675496101379395 + ], + [ + "\u2581dowry", + -13.72380256652832 + ], + [ + "\u2581ingenious", + -13.740435600280762 + ], + [ + "\u2581plentiful", + -13.748848915100098 + ], + [ + "\u2581Brunswick", + -13.656041145324707 + ], + [ + "\u2581COUNTRY", + -13.656041145324707 + ], + [ + "\u2581facsimile", + -13.607158660888672 + ], + [ + "\u2581dopamine", + -13.687355041503906 + ], + [ + ">>", + -100 + ], + [ + "orientated", + -13.737825393676758 + ], + [ + "\u2581Repertory", + -13.744629859924316 + ], + [ + "Responsibilities", + -13.671574592590332 + ], + [ + "\u2581buttocks", + -13.679434776306152 + ], + [ + "\u2581vigil", + -13.668950080871582 + ], + [ + "\u2581hairdresser", + -13.675497055053711 + ], + [ + "\u2581Abigail", + -13.787647247314453 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kisangani", + -13.550102233886719 + ], + [ + "\u2581inspectorate", + -13.604284286499023 + ], + [ + "discipline", + -13.725982666015625 + ], + [ + "\u2581annihilate", + -13.695338249206543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Th\u00e9", + -13.71201229095459 + ], + [ + "\u2581remediation", + -13.610835075378418 + ], + [ + "\u2581Potato", + -13.744682312011719 + ], + [ + "\u2581cooper", + -13.599857330322266 + ], + [ + "external", + -13.634653091430664 + ], + [ + "\u2581neutron", + -13.629423141479492 + ], + [ + "enabled", + -13.583060264587402 + ], + [ + "\u2581ACCOUNT", + -13.683385848999023 + ], + [ + "\u2581victor", + -13.70335865020752 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lausanne", + -13.778894424438477 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alternate", + -13.592586517333984 + ], + [ + "\u2581Medicaid", + -13.770216941833496 + ], + [ + "\u2581Radioactive", + -13.629585266113281 + ], + [ + "thoracic", + -13.71150016784668 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rochester", + -13.625784873962402 + ], + [ + "\u2581acquittal", + -13.683385848999023 + ], + [ + "3,400", + -13.665212631225586 + ], + [ + "Cre\u00ed", + -13.542025566101074 + ], + [ + "foreign", + -13.755576133728027 + ], + [ + "\u2581charities", + -13.687466621398926 + ], + [ + "\u2581ovine", + -13.57835865020752 + ], + [ + "Thailand", + -13.693263053894043 + ], + [ + "\u2581decommissioning", + -13.748848915100098 + ], + [ + "\u2581Consegu\u00ed", + -13.55034351348877 + ], + [ + "\u2581UNMISET", + -13.603575706481934 + ], + [ + "\u2581pacific", + -13.79917049407959 + ], + [ + "\u2581subtropical", + -13.800921440124512 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mazza", + -13.64361572265625 + ], + [ + "Brand", + -13.697552680969238 + ], + [ + "\u2581Negotiation", + -13.722155570983887 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "dimethyl", + -13.600160598754883 + ], + [ + "djuvant", + -13.652194023132324 + ], + [ + "\u2581Circus", + -13.744656562805176 + ], + [ + "0,500", + -13.752735137939453 + ], + [ + "\u2581populist", + -13.723796844482422 + ], + [ + "\u2581impotence", + -13.736244201660156 + ], + [ + "\u2581sociologist", + -13.675614356994629 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bhagavan", + -13.765907287597656 + ], + [ + "Personnel", + -13.575701713562012 + ], + [ + "disposing", + -13.73748779296875 + ], + [ + "Cultural", + -13.693263053894043 + ], + [ + "\u2581obscur", + -13.52384090423584 + ], + [ + "Jewish", + -13.734335899353027 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dolphin", + -13.625678062438965 + ], + [ + "\u2581Manifesto", + -13.723798751831055 + ], + [ + "\u2581microbiological", + -13.675496101379395 + ], + [ + "/60/1", + -13.480633735656738 + ], + [ + "[2]", + -13.75137996673584 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dalmatia", + -13.761619567871094 + ], + [ + "\u2581inequities", + -13.744630813598633 + ], + [ + "\u2581negate", + -13.740571975708008 + ], + [ + "referential", + -13.613311767578125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cycling", + -13.71151065826416 + ], + [ + "\u2581TRAINING", + -13.621946334838867 + ], + [ + "principle", + -13.665480613708496 + ], + [ + "\u2581D\u00edselo", + -13.543147087097168 + ], + [ + "\u2581catamaran", + -13.581795692443848 + ], + [ + "SPIDER", + -13.719685554504395 + ], + [ + "\u2581dispensing", + -13.57111930847168 + ], + [ + "\u2581geospatial", + -13.69935417175293 + ], + [ + "Journal", + -13.70134162902832 + ], + [ + "\u2581Steady", + -13.761614799499512 + ], + [ + "\u2581pivot", + -13.596861839294434 + ], + [ + "\u2581Futur", + -13.71714973449707 + ], + [ + "\u2581Guantanamo", + -13.744629859924316 + ], + [ + "\u2581Infinity", + -13.757344245910645 + ], + [ + "\u2581Andinia", + -13.667704582214355 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rimini", + -13.711626052856445 + ], + [ + "\u2581abatement", + -13.711506843566895 + ], + [ + "inspired", + -13.772804260253906 + ], + [ + "\u2581Duarte", + -13.748849868774414 + ], + [ + "\u2581dishonor", + -13.783262252807617 + ], + [ + "\u2581Flavi", + -13.733662605285645 + ], + [ + "\u2581Commu", + -13.634089469909668 + ], + [ + "\u2581misguided", + -13.765907287597656 + ], + [ + "4/2000", + -13.62139892578125 + ], + [ + "\u2581anthropology", + -13.695352554321289 + ], + [ + "\u2581torpedo", + -13.792052268981934 + ], + [ + "\u2581anchorage", + -13.627043724060059 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sarkozy", + -13.69935417175293 + ], + [ + "\u2581dubbed", + -13.667668342590332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nagasaki", + -13.787647247314453 + ], + [ + "Transport", + -13.653885841369629 + ], + [ + "\u2581expansive", + -13.65990161895752 + ], + [ + "\u258151/21", + -13.604620933532715 + ], + [ + "\u2581cloister", + -13.603495597839355 + ], + [ + "\u2581monoxide", + -13.667682647705078 + ], + [ + "\u2581symmetrical", + -13.695338249206543 + ], + [ + "100%", + -13.660228729248047 + ], + [ + "\u2581Variable", + -13.625678062438965 + ], + [ + "\u2581SOMETHING", + -13.796477317810059 + ], + [ + "\u2581acompa\u00f1o", + -13.525333404541016 + ], + [ + "stituci", + -13.633347511291504 + ], + [ + "\u2581pathologies", + -13.625795364379883 + ], + [ + "Technology", + -13.759815216064453 + ], + [ + "\u2581erythropoietin", + -13.732077598571777 + ], + [ + "\u2581autoimmune", + -13.74042797088623 + ], + [ + "\u2581ethic", + -13.619647979736328 + ], + [ + "\u2581redeploy", + -13.658638954162598 + ], + [ + "olytic", + -13.724776268005371 + ], + [ + "\u2581Destiny", + -13.744629859924316 + ], + [ + "\u2581affidavit", + -13.770216941833496 + ], + [ + "\u2581physiology", + -13.711518287658691 + ], + [ + "\u2581PERIOD", + -13.757341384887695 + ], + [ + "Categories", + -13.5509672164917 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nervous", + -13.723795890808105 + ], + [ + "\u2581jeopardiz", + -13.375292778015137 + ], + [ + "\u2581ONUB", + -13.671717643737793 + ], + [ + "structural", + -13.697296142578125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sherman", + -13.656083106994629 + ], + [ + "\u2581disparate", + -13.715581893920898 + ], + [ + "integration", + -13.568394660949707 + ], + [ + "\u2581Suggest", + -13.681255340576172 + ], + [ + "club", + -13.599270820617676 + ], + [ + "\u2581pronoun", + -13.778678894042969 + ], + [ + "\u2581opportunistic", + -13.674222946166992 + ], + [ + "7/2001", + -13.638781547546387 + ], + [ + "\u2581Eurasian", + -13.57111930847168 + ], + [ + "\u2581Quartz", + -13.691338539123535 + ], + [ + "Michel", + -13.709569931030273 + ], + [ + "\u2581pronunciation", + -13.644546508789062 + ], + [ + ".1/58/", + -13.234301567077637 + ], + [ + "alkyl", + -13.557538986206055 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nassau", + -13.736247062683105 + ], + [ + "\u2581encapsulat", + -13.761614799499512 + ], + [ + "\u2581faucet", + -13.744629859924316 + ], + [ + "Berlin", + -13.722017288208008 + ], + [ + "\u2581rivet", + -13.796592712402344 + ], + [ + "Short", + -13.74278736114502 + ], + [ + "\u2581apprehend", + -13.670513153076172 + ], + [ + "\u2581sacrificial", + -13.7832612991333 + ], + [ + "\u2581unsolicited", + -13.68735408782959 + ], + [ + "Quick", + -13.747076988220215 + ], + [ + "c\u00fapate", + -13.579692840576172 + ], + [ + "\u0113", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581spinach", + -13.691595077514648 + ], + [ + "\u2581toothbrush", + -13.748848915100098 + ], + [ + "\u2581Segura", + -13.65273380279541 + ], + [ + "\u2581neutropenia", + -13.581794738769531 + ], + [ + "12345", + -13.787686347961426 + ], + [ + "\u2581incessant", + -13.557063102722168 + ], + [ + "picture", + -13.67760181427002 + ], + [ + "\u2581Calabria", + -13.748854637145996 + ], + [ + "\u2581parasitic", + -13.648406028747559 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sacrifice", + -13.723795890808105 + ], + [ + "\u2581excretion", + -13.691338539123535 + ], + [ + "\u2581tangent", + -13.660014152526855 + ], + [ + "\u2581INDUSTRIES", + -13.715581893920898 + ], + [ + "\u2581cantonal", + -13.633256912231445 + ], + [ + "\u2581Barrett", + -13.79649543762207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sanitary", + -13.671575546264648 + ], + [ + "\u2581thrombosis", + -13.70340633392334 + ], + [ + "Double", + -13.673369407653809 + ], + [ + "\u2581ovaries", + -13.695343017578125 + ], + [ + "nflorescence", + -13.800922393798828 + ], + [ + "\u2581Commodity", + -13.629423141479492 + ], + [ + "\u2581retrofit", + -13.703837394714355 + ], + [ + "\u2581Swarovski", + -13.64074420928955 + ], + [ + "\u2217", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581glossary", + -13.629570007324219 + ], + [ + "\u2581plywood", + -13.667670249938965 + ], + [ + "\u2581shipwreck", + -13.74042797088623 + ], + [ + "\u2581Internship", + -13.783271789550781 + ], + [ + "xamkiller", + -13.744741439819336 + ], + [ + "\u2581Spatial", + -13.757344245910645 + ], + [ + "\u2581Trauma", + -13.695549964904785 + ], + [ + "\u2581familial", + -13.727928161621094 + ], + [ + "\u2581remittance", + -13.760479927062988 + ], + [ + "\u2581Breakdown", + -13.727989196777344 + ], + [ + "\u2581DECLARATION", + -13.629423141479492 + ], + [ + "\u2581Sustained", + -13.77455997467041 + ], + [ + "\u2581disembark", + -13.770216941833496 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dimitri", + -13.711503028869629 + ], + [ + "\u2581Engagement", + -13.744629859924316 + ], + [ + "administrative", + -13.586495399475098 + ], + [ + "\u2581Troika", + -13.660004615783691 + ], + [ + "Cycl", + -13.667624473571777 + ], + [ + "\u2581Barnabas", + -13.727928161621094 + ], + [ + "UNIFEM", + -13.661575317382812 + ], + [ + "\u2581Eurowings", + -13.80539321899414 + ], + [ + "\u2581Madeleine", + -13.71150016784668 + ], + [ + "\u2581seduction", + -13.744690895080566 + ], + [ + "MONUC", + -13.681282043457031 + ], + [ + "globulin", + -13.644546508789062 + ], + [ + "\u2581LEGAL", + -13.659955978393555 + ], + [ + "\u2581enslaved", + -13.748848915100098 + ], + [ + "\u2581Abbreviations", + -13.667668342590332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cannabis", + -13.74042797088623 + ], + [ + "\u2581electrolyte", + -13.683389663696289 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gardner", + -13.787649154663086 + ], + [ + "\u2581discriminating", + -13.715581893920898 + ], + [ + "\u2581idolatry", + -13.679433822631836 + ], + [ + "\u2581ballast", + -13.675654411315918 + ], + [ + "\u2581humiliate", + -13.782095909118652 + ], + [ + "\u2581quantifiable", + -13.765907287597656 + ], + [ + "\u2581collusion", + -13.770216941833496 + ], + [ + "\u2581Arauca", + -13.711546897888184 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vigil", + -13.675518035888672 + ], + [ + "\u2581Meredith", + -13.69935417175293 + ], + [ + "\u2581PACKAGE", + -13.652194023132324 + ], + [ + "\u2581autism", + -13.656136512756348 + ], + [ + "\u2581xHamster", + -13.787647247314453 + ], + [ + "\u2581Telescope", + -13.792069435119629 + ], + [ + "\u2581skilful", + -13.73625659942627 + ], + [ + "\u2581infestation", + -13.687389373779297 + ], + [ + "\u2581DOCUMENT", + -13.57111930847168 + ], + [ + "\u2581reputable", + -13.687355041503906 + ], + [ + "yellow", + -13.697299003601074 + ], + [ + "\u2581ALMA", + -13.726293563842773 + ], + [ + "\u2581carpentry", + -13.723795890808105 + ], + [ + "\u2581Evelyn", + -13.778971672058105 + ], + [ + "ntidumping", + -13.79761028289795 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hopkins", + -13.727944374084473 + ], + [ + "\u2581Galatians", + -13.667668342590332 + ], + [ + "compensation", + -13.717703819274902 + ], + [ + "\u2581muffin", + -13.765931129455566 + ], + [ + "\u2581psalmist", + -13.699458122253418 + ], + [ + "\u2581CLASS", + -13.644598960876465 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pinheiro", + -13.757341384887695 + ], + [ + "\u2581aerodrome", + -13.69533920288086 + ], + [ + "\u2581Nouveau", + -13.707436561584473 + ], + [ + "\u2581antenatal", + -13.73207950592041 + ], + [ + "Spirit", + -13.738541603088379 + ], + [ + "\u2581italian", + -13.753654479980469 + ], + [ + "\u2581Profession", + -13.71905517578125 + ], + [ + "\u2581immerse", + -13.735085487365723 + ], + [ + "\u2581vigour", + -13.72792911529541 + ], + [ + "\u015b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581Accumulat", + -13.761625289916992 + ], + [ + "narcotics", + -13.593753814697266 + ], + [ + "\u00cc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581aforesaid", + -13.65604019165039 + ], + [ + "\u2581squander", + -13.732076644897461 + ], + [ + "\u2581CCTV", + -13.783327102661133 + ], + [ + "\u2581MEDIA", + -13.796969413757324 + ], + [ + "\u2581Helicopter", + -13.787647247314453 + ], + [ + "\u2581capitula", + -13.792375564575195 + ], + [ + "\u2581evangelist", + -13.757346153259277 + ], + [ + "4,800", + -13.64445686340332 + ], + [ + "UNITAR", + -13.803775787353516 + ], + [ + "museum", + -13.701349258422852 + ], + [ + "\u2581collage", + -13.744044303894043 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cristobal", + -13.679433822631836 + ], + [ + "\u2581disfruto", + -13.546723365783691 + ], + [ + "\u2581crumble", + -13.774584770202637 + ], + [ + "Additional", + -13.701343536376953 + ], + [ + "decentralisation", + -13.783269882202148 + ], + [ + "\u0441", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581frown", + -13.787715911865234 + ], + [ + "\u2581temperament", + -13.699461936950684 + ], + [ + "\u2581cherubim", + -13.671574592590332 + ], + [ + "\u2581lucid", + -13.621955871582031 + ], + [ + "default", + -13.734362602233887 + ], + [ + "\u0119", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581ninja", + -13.74463176727295 + ], + [ + "\u2581Dairy", + -13.740433692932129 + ], + [ + "\u2581antagonism", + -13.7832612991333 + ], + [ + "\u2581collaborator", + -13.619095802307129 + ], + [ + "\u2581Newark", + -13.774555206298828 + ], + [ + "\u2581desecrat", + -13.719904899597168 + ], + [ + "\u2581excite", + -13.639498710632324 + ], + [ + "\u2581exaggeration", + -13.68735408782959 + ], + [ + "\u2581Venezia", + -13.687355041503906 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ephesus", + -13.592586517333984 + ], + [ + "\u2581GARDEN", + -13.792052268981934 + ], + [ + "\u2581biochemical", + -13.644631385803223 + ], + [ + "\u2581dissertation", + -13.7832612991333 + ], + [ + "5/2003", + -13.625650405883789 + ], + [ + "\u2581Affirmative", + -13.778943061828613 + ], + [ + "\u2581Burmese", + -13.744629859924316 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lafayette", + -13.770216941833496 + ], + [ + "\u2581emigrants", + -13.683389663696289 + ], + [ + "Bolivia", + -13.579291343688965 + ], + [ + "omplementarities", + -13.720736503601074 + ], + [ + "pecuni", + -13.679536819458008 + ], + [ + "\u2581Varadero", + -13.792052268981934 + ], + [ + "\u2581flexibly", + -13.79206371307373 + ], + [ + "\u2581loaves", + -13.75308895111084 + ], + [ + "\u2581Licensing", + -13.574665069580078 + ], + [ + "\u2581Substantial", + -13.625678062438965 + ], + [ + "\u2581POLITICAL", + -13.761614799499512 + ], + [ + "\u2581Jiang", + -13.732223510742188 + ], + [ + "\u2581Brahimi", + -13.683385848999023 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aristide", + -13.648364067077637 + ], + [ + "iglia", + -13.69690990447998 + ], + [ + "\u2581ingestion", + -13.64455795288086 + ], + [ + "\u2581Thessalonians", + -13.787647247314453 + ], + [ + "\u2581Liabilities", + -13.711563110351562 + ], + [ + "\u2581manipulating", + -13.765907287597656 + ], + [ + "\u2581psalm", + -13.699251174926758 + ], + [ + "llergic", + -13.699265480041504 + ], + [ + "\u2581Animation", + -13.671576499938965 + ], + [ + "\u2581exponent", + -13.78760051727295 + ], + [ + "\u2581Frozen", + -13.80538558959961 + ], + [ + "rbitral", + -13.621488571166992 + ], + [ + "\u2581licensor", + -13.64836311340332 + ], + [ + "Modern", + -13.790385246276855 + ], + [ + "\u2581Chianti", + -13.703529357910156 + ], + [ + "\u2581exploitative", + -13.656229019165039 + ], + [ + "\u2581Reuters", + -13.759685516357422 + ], + [ + "introduction", + -13.665484428405762 + ], + [ + "\u2581Juarez", + -13.732077598571777 + ], + [ + "\u2581perforated", + -13.770217895507812 + ], + [ + "\u2581irreplaceable", + -13.748848915100098 + ], + [ + "Civil", + -13.661579132080078 + ], + [ + "Sometimes", + -13.64995288848877 + ], + [ + "\u2581Laboratories", + -13.75308609008789 + ], + [ + "\u2581truffle", + -13.75308609008789 + ], + [ + "UNMIK", + -13.630863189697266 + ], + [ + "\u2581phoning", + -13.72386646270752 + ], + [ + "CTBT", + -13.677347183227539 + ], + [ + "\u2581centenary", + -13.740429878234863 + ], + [ + "\u2581Togolese", + -13.792052268981934 + ], + [ + "\u2581basilica", + -13.64836311340332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Miquel", + -13.774620056152344 + ], + [ + "\u2581Strauss", + -13.715592384338379 + ], + [ + "\u2581EZLN", + -13.644546508789062 + ], + [ + "\u2581boulevard", + -13.792052268981934 + ], + [ + "\u2581engulf", + -13.74044132232666 + ], + [ + "\u2581Michelangelo", + -13.695338249206543 + ], + [ + "\u2581pellet", + -13.681266784667969 + ], + [ + "\u2581MANAGEMENT", + -13.778894424438477 + ], + [ + "neighbourliness", + -13.6842622756958 + ], + [ + "\u2581relieving", + -13.774547576904297 + ], + [ + "\u2581Armageddon", + -13.74042797088623 + ], + [ + "Science", + -13.76412296295166 + ], + [ + "\u2581nouvelles", + -13.765907287597656 + ], + [ + "Mission", + -13.725990295410156 + ], + [ + "\u2581Appreciation", + -13.792052268981934 + ], + [ + "\u2581beauties", + -13.691340446472168 + ], + [ + "\u2581Guevara", + -13.74042797088623 + ], + [ + "\u2581Loyalty", + -13.757341384887695 + ], + [ + "\u2581Initiate", + -13.687541961669922 + ], + [ + "recognized", + -13.75981616973877 + ], + [ + "\u2581Unicorn", + -13.659947395324707 + ], + [ + "\u2581rectum", + -13.792120933532715 + ], + [ + "\u2581PixWords", + -13.727928161621094 + ], + [ + "\u2581Psychiatric", + -13.748848915100098 + ], + [ + "\u2581pelvis", + -13.659902572631836 + ], + [ + "\u2581Invitation", + -13.740443229675293 + ], + [ + "\u2581accumulating", + -13.723795890808105 + ], + [ + "\u2581Relocat", + -13.58018970489502 + ], + [ + "glycaemic", + -13.640745162963867 + ], + [ + "\u2581SUPPORT", + -13.727928161621094 + ], + [ + "renewable", + -13.64610481262207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Schulz", + -13.761622428894043 + ], + [ + "Value", + -13.772799491882324 + ], + [ + "\u2581agility", + -13.719690322875977 + ], + [ + "\u2581craftsmanship", + -13.748857498168945 + ], + [ + "\u2581sumptuous", + -13.691338539123535 + ], + [ + "\u2581horrendous", + -13.770216941833496 + ], + [ + "8/2003", + -13.574235916137695 + ], + [ + "\u2581mackerel", + -13.792052268981934 + ], + [ + "\u2581sensibility", + -13.679433822631836 + ], + [ + "synchronous", + -13.707437515258789 + ], + [ + "\u2581Martinique", + -13.637112617492676 + ], + [ + "\u2581uterine", + -13.711502075195312 + ], + [ + "\u2581SPECIFIC", + -13.62195110321045 + ], + [ + "\u2581painstaking", + -13.711505889892578 + ], + [ + "\u2581stunned", + -13.792052268981934 + ], + [ + "\u2581MOTAPM", + -13.585379600524902 + ], + [ + "5,600", + -13.74277114868164 + ], + [ + "\u2581Enbrel", + -13.7832612991333 + ], + [ + "\u2581communicator", + -13.792052268981934 + ], + [ + "\u2581embodiment", + -13.596209526062012 + ], + [ + "Singapore", + -13.768454551696777 + ], + [ + "\u2581Gradually", + -13.765907287597656 + ], + [ + "iferous", + -13.682549476623535 + ], + [ + "\u2581Depth", + -13.736248970031738 + ], + [ + "\u2581syphilis", + -13.732077598571777 + ], + [ + "Arquitect", + -13.748847007751465 + ], + [ + "\u2581Chevrolet", + -13.715581893920898 + ], + [ + "/12/2005", + -13.770279884338379 + ], + [ + "Wireless", + -13.734334945678711 + ], + [ + "contractual", + -13.790436744689941 + ], + [ + "\u2581stamina", + -13.774548530578613 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aberdeen", + -13.629423141479492 + ], + [ + "\u2581Seizure", + -13.748848915100098 + ], + [ + "\u03b3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581Srebrenica", + -13.703386306762695 + ], + [ + "UNIDO", + -13.725987434387207 + ], + [ + "\u2581enjoin", + -13.770270347595215 + ], + [ + "\u2581Merciful", + -13.719681739807129 + ], + [ + "Woven", + -13.744025230407715 + ], + [ + "\u00ce", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581Farewell", + -13.800922393798828 + ], + [ + "\u2581bioavailability", + -13.636983871459961 + ], + [ + "\u2581chaste", + -13.767606735229492 + ], + [ + "Financing", + -13.803778648376465 + ], + [ + "\u2581Stimulat", + -13.779146194458008 + ], + [ + "\u2581libel", + -13.706241607666016 + ], + [ + "\u2581Attempts", + -13.715581893920898 + ], + [ + "\u2581Balloon", + -13.614599227905273 + ], + [ + "\u2581Boutros", + -13.603499412536621 + ], + [ + "\u2581Calvary", + -13.723795890808105 + ], + [ + "\u2581FRAMEWORK", + -13.719680786132812 + ], + [ + "\u2581Vitoria", + -13.622110366821289 + ], + [ + "\u2581nebula", + -13.768041610717773 + ], + [ + "Agreed", + -13.781550407409668 + ], + [ + "ESCAP", + -13.730231285095215 + ], + [ + "\u2581Netanyahu", + -13.748848915100098 + ], + [ + "\u2581QUALIT", + -13.656044960021973 + ], + [ + "\u2581contraindicated", + -13.727928161621094 + ], + [ + "\u2581intercede", + -13.749028205871582 + ], + [ + "\u2581migrating", + -13.732077598571777 + ], + [ + "\u2581Talmud", + -13.753087043762207 + ], + [ + "\u2581secuestra", + -13.321878433227539 + ], + [ + "\u2581Tallinn", + -13.723797798156738 + ], + [ + "Esc\u00facha", + -13.572324752807617 + ], + [ + "bugging", + -13.802986145019531 + ], + [ + "\u2581BIMB", + -13.67957878112793 + ], + [ + "\u2581suspense", + -13.77454662322998 + ], + [ + "\u2581Heidelberg", + -13.69935417175293 + ], + [ + "\u2581captivate", + -13.792054176330566 + ], + [ + "\u2581homily", + -13.719680786132812 + ], + [ + "\u0153", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581Astronomy", + -13.774555206298828 + ], + [ + "Studio", + -13.734335899353027 + ], + [ + "\u2581haemorrhage", + -13.75308609008789 + ], + [ + "\u2581shawl", + -13.79205322265625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Polytechnic", + -13.795699119567871 + ], + [ + "\u2581ICCAT", + -13.659981727600098 + ], + [ + "\u2581Appendices", + -13.691338539123535 + ], + [ + "Belarus", + -13.68129825592041 + ], + [ + "dominated", + -13.736618995666504 + ], + [ + "\u2581Opp", + -13.69239616394043 + ], + [ + "\u2581Capsule", + -13.77889633178711 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ramirez", + -13.723795890808105 + ], + [ + "\u2581mischief", + -13.671608924865723 + ], + [ + "\u2581broncho", + -13.656779289245605 + ], + [ + "Mobile", + -13.759815216064453 + ], + [ + "problem", + -13.623432159423828 + ], + [ + "\u2581fluoride", + -13.740428924560547 + ], + [ + "/2001/15", + -13.55087661743164 + ], + [ + "\u25812658/87", + -13.69935417175293 + ], + [ + "\u2581Compostela", + -13.71150016784668 + ], + [ + "\u2581Fortress", + -13.78333854675293 + ], + [ + "ropylene", + -13.776262283325195 + ], + [ + "\u2581rendition", + -13.740428924560547 + ], + [ + "Little", + -13.759856224060059 + ], + [ + "\u2581sleek", + -13.761622428894043 + ], + [ + "\u2581Heinrich", + -13.78326416015625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Apartheid", + -13.667668342590332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Handicapped", + -13.703386306762695 + ], + [ + "\u2581skeletal", + -13.75308609008789 + ], + [ + "hospital", + -13.673338890075684 + ], + [ + "\u2581expropriat", + -13.800679206848145 + ], + [ + "\u25811784/2003", + -13.787647247314453 + ], + [ + "\u2581Toussaint", + -13.727928161621094 + ], + [ + "\u2581disdain", + -13.732078552246094 + ], + [ + "\u2581Brandenburg", + -13.753110885620117 + ], + [ + "\u2581reseller", + -13.796504974365234 + ], + [ + "\u2581unspent", + -13.69935417175293 + ], + [ + "\u2581Glacier", + -13.753087043762207 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ishmael", + -13.74042797088623 + ], + [ + "\u2581Communal", + -13.679451942443848 + ], + [ + "\u2581Phyto", + -13.667716979980469 + ], + [ + "recognition", + -13.794830322265625 + ], + [ + "\u2581erupt", + -13.68954849243164 + ], + [ + "\u2581submissive", + -13.805386543273926 + ], + [ + ".109/20", + -13.756861686706543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Irbesartan", + -13.663777351379395 + ], + [ + "\u2581Messianic", + -13.770216941833496 + ], + [ + "\u2581Pradesh", + -13.703387260437012 + ], + [ + "\u2581aortic", + -13.753219604492188 + ], + [ + "\u2581abrasive", + -13.770218849182129 + ], + [ + "\u25811831/2003", + -13.757341384887695 + ], + [ + "\u2581Respiratory", + -13.679433822631836 + ], + [ + "\u2581ripple", + -13.761685371398926 + ], + [ + "\u2581sieve", + -13.791353225708008 + ], + [ + "\u2581summarise", + -13.735078811645508 + ], + [ + "\u2581BAsics", + -13.753087043762207 + ], + [ + "\u2581narrator", + -13.691338539123535 + ], + [ + "Albania", + -13.790407180786133 + ], + [ + "\u2581JULY", + -13.727928161621094 + ], + [ + "\u2581RULES", + -13.70744800567627 + ], + [ + "\u2581Kafr", + -13.706111907958984 + ], + [ + "\u2581worrisome", + -13.80538558959961 + ], + [ + "\u2581metabolise", + -13.707578659057617 + ], + [ + "\u2581cybersecurity", + -13.757367134094238 + ], + [ + "olvency", + -13.752249717712402 + ], + [ + "\u2581soothe", + -13.763237953186035 + ], + [ + "640", + -13.192256927490234 + ], + [ + "\u2581(1989)", + -13.753304481506348 + ], + [ + "\u2581stereotypical", + -13.79648494720459 + ], + [ + "Dumping", + -13.788045883178711 + ], + [ + "\u2581agribusiness", + -13.796492576599121 + ], + [ + "Cameroon", + -13.697295188903809 + ], + [ + "student", + -13.689247131347656 + ], + [ + "\u25812014-2020", + -13.711501121520996 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rembrandt", + -13.796477317810059 + ], + [ + "\u2581caprine", + -13.603612899780273 + ], + [ + "\u2581Biosphere", + -13.715665817260742 + ], + [ + "6,400", + -13.765219688415527 + ], + [ + "\u2581UNOSOM", + -13.800921440124512 + ], + [ + "\u00edtulo", + -13.744629859924316 + ], + [ + "\u2581SENER", + -13.736276626586914 + ], + [ + "crete", + -13.79521656036377 + ], + [ + "\u2581Direc", + -13.727178573608398 + ], + [ + "\u2581carcinogen", + -13.744561195373535 + ], + [ + "\u2581transhipment", + -13.652198791503906 + ], + [ + "\u2581cervix", + -13.75308609008789 + ], + [ + "\u2581deluxe", + -13.805387496948242 + ], + [ + "Executive", + -13.677294731140137 + ], + [ + "cycline", + -13.805388450622559 + ], + [ + "Commerce", + -13.772801399230957 + ], + [ + "certified", + -13.734335899353027 + ], + [ + "\u2581destabilization", + -13.748848915100098 + ], + [ + "\u2581follicle", + -13.656041145324707 + ], + [ + "stimulant", + -13.740345001220703 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ethical", + -13.732125282287598 + ], + [ + "\u2581confederation", + -13.796477317810059 + ], + [ + "Industrial", + -13.763011932373047 + ], + [ + "\u2581divisive", + -13.792052268981934 + ], + [ + "\u2581(917)", + -13.679473876953125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Elaboration", + -13.77454662322998 + ], + [ + "\u2581Synthesis", + -13.77454662322998 + ], + [ + "\u2581resuming", + -13.796481132507324 + ], + [ + "\u2581Villanueva", + -13.64836311340332 + ], + [ + "innovation", + -13.709487915039062 + ], + [ + "\u2581963-5935", + -13.652194023132324 + ], + [ + "Factory", + -13.794829368591309 + ], + [ + "\u2581cyanide", + -13.770216941833496 + ], + [ + "Standard", + -13.77280044555664 + ], + [ + "baratos", + -13.707554817199707 + ], + [ + "temporary", + -13.709371566772461 + ], + [ + "ccompanied", + -13.694814682006836 + ], + [ + "\u2581permanence", + -13.783263206481934 + ], + [ + "\u2581Occasionally", + -13.792078971862793 + ], + [ + "\u2581Rainforest", + -13.723817825317383 + ], + [ + "\u2581swivel", + -13.792052268981934 + ], + [ + "\u2581lorries", + -13.707437515258789 + ], + [ + "\u2581TECHNICAL", + -13.748848915100098 + ], + [ + "\u2581Mesopotamia", + -13.707435607910156 + ], + [ + "Club", + -13.777200698852539 + ], + [ + "rapporteur", + -13.71358585357666 + ], + [ + "surgery", + -13.709495544433594 + ], + [ + "\u2581Participant", + -13.705597877502441 + ], + [ + "retirement", + -13.755522727966309 + ], + [ + "\u2581fluctuation", + -13.795784950256348 + ], + [ + "\u03a6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581dehydrated", + -13.805386543273926 + ], + [ + "\u2581cirrhosis", + -13.748848915100098 + ], + [ + "\u2581fictitious", + -13.770216941833496 + ], + [ + "\u2581LTTE", + -13.687355041503906 + ], + [ + "contamination", + -13.781554222106934 + ], + [ + "hambre", + -13.740944862365723 + ], + [ + "\u2581Hyatt", + -13.744630813598633 + ], + [ + "\u2581Manitoba", + -13.80538558959961 + ], + [ + "\u0304", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581descriptor", + -13.711503982543945 + ], + [ + "\u2581privatized", + -13.691459655761719 + ], + [ + "\u2665", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581Meteor", + -13.798897743225098 + ], + [ + "\u2581deliberative", + -13.736244201660156 + ], + [ + "\u2581redundancies", + -13.744629859924316 + ], + [ + "\u2581Lauderdale", + -13.707435607910156 + ], + [ + "\u25811308/2013", + -13.727928161621094 + ], + [ + "\u2581FREEDOM", + -13.796478271484375 + ], + [ + "\u2581equine", + -13.683392524719238 + ], + [ + "\u2581prophylaxis", + -13.77454662322998 + ], + [ + "\u2581programmable", + -13.757359504699707 + ], + [ + "minimum", + -13.725985527038574 + ], + [ + "\u2581molten", + -13.800923347473145 + ], + [ + "\u2581psoriasis", + -13.64836311340332 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ascend", + -13.754260063171387 + ], + [ + "5,400", + -13.785364151000977 + ], + [ + "\u2581Caspian", + -13.80538558959961 + ], + [ + "\u03a4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581FURTHER", + -13.683385848999023 + ], + [ + "manufacture", + -13.730152130126953 + ], + [ + "\u2581Badajoz", + -13.75308609008789 + ], + [ + "\u2581Southampton", + -13.792052268981934 + ], + [ + "\u2581isolating", + -13.744688034057617 + ], + [ + "\u2581enlarging", + -13.727928161621094 + ], + [ + "\u2581Campagnolo", + -13.770216941833496 + ], + [ + "\u2581UNSCR", + -13.68735408782959 + ], + [ + "\u2581exclaimed", + -13.778894424438477 + ], + [ + "regulatory", + -13.772802352905273 + ], + [ + "thousand", + -13.673343658447266 + ], + [ + "\u2581micronutrient", + -13.648442268371582 + ], + [ + "\u2581DECEMBER", + -13.765907287597656 + ], + [ + "\u2581collate", + -13.773685455322266 + ], + [ + "ollegiate", + -13.805390357971191 + ], + [ + "\u2581propagating", + -13.695338249206543 + ], + [ + "\u2581Eureka", + -13.744629859924316 + ], + [ + "\u2581spherical", + -13.736244201660156 + ], + [ + "phosphate", + -13.772798538208008 + ], + [ + "\u2581SkyTeam", + -13.732077598571777 + ], + [ + "\u2581renaissance", + -13.723795890808105 + ], + [ + "\u2581triglyceride", + -13.765907287597656 + ], + [ + "Myanmar", + -13.772802352905273 + ], + [ + "\u03c5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581JUSTICE", + -13.753106117248535 + ], + [ + "CLAIM", + -13.77904224395752 + ], + [ + "4,700", + -13.73834228515625 + ], + [ + "\u2581simplistic", + -13.636956214904785 + ], + [ + "Vision", + -13.697477340698242 + ], + [ + "Isaiah", + -13.781553268432617 + ], + [ + "ECLKC", + -13.765907287597656 + ], + [ + ".4/1996/", + -13.6299409866333 + ], + [ + "bottom", + -13.730216026306152 + ], + [ + "\u00d5", + -100 + ], + [ + "880", + -13.511385917663574 + ], + [ + "\u2581netizens", + -13.723795890808105 + ], + [ + "Nepal", + -13.75985336303711 + ], + [ + "jpg", + -13.792062759399414 + ], + [ + "\u2581RFMO", + -13.72792911529541 + ], + [ + "\u2581bridegroom", + -13.792052268981934 + ], + [ + "menopausal", + -13.75308609008789 + ], + [ + "\u2581cruising", + -13.783262252807617 + ], + [ + "\u2581Campanile", + -13.74042797088623 + ], + [ + "\u2581Alsace", + -13.757351875305176 + ], + [ + "Luxembourg", + -13.785961151123047 + ], + [ + "\u2581brilliance", + -13.77454662322998 + ], + [ + "\u2581husk", + -13.801432609558105 + ], + [ + "\u2581annihilation", + -13.68735408782959 + ], + [ + "\u2581Aerospace", + -13.774576187133789 + ], + [ + "\u2581preclud", + -13.774251937866211 + ], + [ + "derived", + -13.742758750915527 + ], + [ + "\u2581consul", + -13.718820571899414 + ], + [ + "secretariat", + -13.75981330871582 + ], + [ + "\u2581Maldonado", + -13.796477317810059 + ], + [ + "\u2581illuminating", + -13.74042797088623 + ], + [ + "\u2581dissuasive", + -13.683385848999023 + ], + [ + "governance", + -13.746994972229004 + ], + [ + "\u2581onslaught", + -13.765907287597656 + ], + [ + "\u2581Roadmap", + -13.792098045349121 + ], + [ + "\u2581inflated", + -13.732142448425293 + ], + [ + "\u2581Zendesk", + -13.76591682434082 + ], + [ + "\u2581REQUIREMENTS", + -13.68735408782959 + ], + [ + "\u2581Caucasian", + -13.80092716217041 + ], + [ + "\u2581Cereals", + -13.715583801269531 + ], + [ + "\u2581Termination", + -13.774653434753418 + ], + [ + "\u2581Melchizedek", + -13.761614799499512 + ], + [ + "\u0394", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581Deacon", + -13.78075122833252 + ], + [ + "Diablos", + -13.371788024902344 + ], + [ + "509", + -13.522594451904297 + ], + [ + "\u2581harlot", + -13.765908241271973 + ], + [ + "\u2581consortia", + -13.770216941833496 + ], + [ + "\u2581emoluments", + -13.796477317810059 + ], + [ + "\u2581OBJECTIVE", + -13.719683647155762 + ], + [ + "ANNEX", + -13.78596019744873 + ], + [ + "approx", + -13.77558422088623 + ], + [ + "\u2581holocaust", + -13.723795890808105 + ], + [ + "\u2581Coherence", + -13.787647247314453 + ], + [ + "\u2581foreclosure", + -13.74042797088623 + ], + [ + "\u2581ordinarily", + -13.792052268981934 + ], + [ + "increase", + -13.697509765625 + ], + [ + "\u2581Variant", + -13.753095626831055 + ], + [ + "\u2581unsubscribe", + -13.796477317810059 + ], + [ + "(2001)", + -13.734343528747559 + ], + [ + "\u2012", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e2d\u6587", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u25812913/92", + -13.707435607910156 + ], + [ + "\u2581Incarnation", + -13.796477317810059 + ], + [ + "\u2581traumatized", + -13.800922393798828 + ], + [ + "\u2581violators", + -13.736244201660156 + ], + [ + "\u2581Scandinavia", + -13.800328254699707 + ], + [ + "\u2581zircon", + -13.770218849182129 + ], + [ + "\u2581gratified", + -13.792052268981934 + ], + [ + "\u2581spindle", + -13.69543170928955 + ], + [ + "\u2581CIMMYT", + -13.778894424438477 + ], + [ + "\u300e", + -100 + ], + [ + ".1/60/", + -13.291728019714355 + ], + [ + "chromatic", + -13.76163387298584 + ], + [ + "\u2581Automated", + -13.757342338562012 + ], + [ + "\u2581NAFO", + -13.727943420410156 + ], + [ + "\u2581575/2013", + -13.744629859924316 + ], + [ + "\u2581vegetative", + -13.7832612991333 + ], + [ + "407", + -13.428955078125 + ], + [ + "\u2581Molecular", + -13.792052268981934 + ], + [ + "\u2581monohydrate", + -13.640763282775879 + ], + [ + "\u2581interlinkages", + -13.787647247314453 + ], + [ + "\u2581SOUTH", + -13.792078018188477 + ], + [ + "originating", + -13.755523681640625 + ], + [ + "\u2581JUDG", + -13.79648494720459 + ], + [ + "\u2581Turquoise", + -13.796477317810059 + ], + [ + "ABILITY", + -13.723795890808105 + ], + [ + "\u2581Educators", + -13.765907287597656 + ], + [ + "\u2581sprawl", + -13.805386543273926 + ], + [ + "legislative", + -13.799294471740723 + ], + [ + "\u2581deferral", + -13.761665344238281 + ], + [ + "\u2581Deplete", + -13.744638442993164 + ], + [ + "807", + -13.6447114944458 + ], + [ + "\u2581soaring", + -13.732232093811035 + ], + [ + "11-13", + -13.756439208984375 + ], + [ + "\u2581warehousing", + -13.787647247314453 + ], + [ + "\u2581Difficulties", + -13.699397087097168 + ], + [ + "\u2581falsification", + -13.69935417175293 + ], + [ + "\u2581BETWEEN", + -13.800921440124512 + ], + [ + "Panama", + -13.751444816589355 + ], + [ + "\u2581disincentive", + -13.761614799499512 + ], + [ + "\u2581Liturgy", + -13.787647247314453 + ], + [ + "arabine", + -13.803464889526367 + ], + [ + "\u2581cactus", + -13.748848915100098 + ], + [ + "\u2581blaspheme", + -13.792052268981934 + ], + [ + "\u0148", + -100 + ], + [ + "success", + -13.772917747497559 + ], + [ + "Hypersensitivity", + -13.788209915161133 + ], + [ + "potential", + -13.804156303405762 + ], + [ + "\u266a\u266a", + -100 + ], + [ + "universal", + -13.79929256439209 + ], + [ + "\u2581hemoglobin", + -13.796478271484375 + ], + [ + "\u300f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581SKF", + -13.778902053833008 + ], + [ + "Strasbourg", + -13.717702865600586 + ], + [ + "429", + -13.43095588684082 + ], + [ + "\u2581enslavement", + -13.77454662322998 + ], + [ + "\u2581UEFA", + -13.805388450622559 + ], + [ + "\u2581Ratzinger", + -13.703386306762695 + ], + [ + "currency", + -13.71359920501709 + ], + [ + "\u2581secretarial", + -13.770278930664062 + ], + [ + "UNRWA", + -13.790384292602539 + ], + [ + "\u2581eBird", + -13.65604019165039 + ], + [ + "\u2581Bangemann", + -13.796477317810059 + ], + [ + "\u00b6\u00b6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581mucous", + -13.75308609008789 + ], + [ + "Quality", + -13.734381675720215 + ], + [ + "\u2581cavities", + -13.778894424438477 + ], + [ + "\u0130", + -100 + ], + [ + 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-13.798359870910645 + ], + [ + "misappropriation", + -13.792052268981934 + ], + [ + "\u2021", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u25bc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf0b3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041e\u0434\u043d\u043e\u043a\u043b\u0430\u0441\u0441\u043d\u0438\u043a\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0639\u0631\u0628\u064a\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u02b9", + -100 + ], + [ + "dependientes", + -13.444039344787598 + ], + [ + "\u2039\u203a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf0b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u25811605/2002", + -13.621946334838867 + ], + [ + "\u00d4", + -100 + ], + [ + "arious", + -13.684478759765625 + ], + [ + "\u041e\u0442\u0435\u043b\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0432\u043e\u0437\u043b\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2610", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0397", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0639\u0631\u0628\u064a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0146", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581reorient", + -13.737110137939453 + ], + [ + "\u2194", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0111", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0303", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e7\u00f5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u201a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e4\u00e4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ue313", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0104", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\\\\", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0105", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\\@", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2606\u2606\u2606\u2606\u2606", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f5\u00c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00fe", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0163", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u016f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0141", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e1\u00f1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00cf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2060", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0391", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u015a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0641\u0627\u0631\u0633\u0649", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a6", + -100 + ], + [ + "/1995/40", + -13.618446350097656 + ], + [ + "\u2714", + -100 + ], + [ + "/23370", + -12.856088638305664 + ], + [ + "\u21e9", + -100 + ], + [ + "/23370/", + -13.293407440185547 + ], + [ + "\ue834", + -100 + ], + [ + "}{\\", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0110", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4eca\u3059\u3050\u8cfc\u5165", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u014c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d8\u00d8", + -100 + ], + [ + "<=", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2030", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0218", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ue07d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c2\u00b0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u030a", + -100 + ], + [ + ">=", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0395", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a7\u00a7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bf\u03bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0440\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u8eca", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u221a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u22c5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u94c6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2715", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u02bc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u25c0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ca", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30fb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2605\u2605", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u017a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u201b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e25", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf0b0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u8c29", + -100 + ], + [ + "{}", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ue965", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u02c7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u25fe", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf06d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0423\u043a\u0440\u0430\u0457\u043d\u0441\u044c\u043a\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "@@", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00cd\u00f1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0399", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043c\u043c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e6\u0160", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u8305", + -100 + ], + [ + "~~", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf062", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u21d2", + -100 + ], + [ + "^^", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u25cb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf8e9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2227", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2205", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u017b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u040e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u202b", + -100 + ], + [ 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[ + "\u03cc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u202d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0137", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0161\u010d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u25b8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u3001", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2581Haci", + -12.344361305236816 + ], + [ + "\u25b2", + -100 + ], + [ + "+++", + -100 + ], + [ + "======", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e1\u0161", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2248", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u20a4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ue002", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u202c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u221a\u00b0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0173", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0106\u00b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c3\u0192\u00c2\u00b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf0b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf03c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bf\u03c5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05e3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2261", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u9a74", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00db", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u63d0\u68ee\u4e2d\u56fd", + -100 + ], + [ + "=======", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u013e", + -100 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[ + "\u015b\u0107", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2661", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u828d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf0a3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ue30c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e2\u20ac\u0153", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u202a#", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u8d64", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f3\u00f1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0141\u00f3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0399\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e7\u00e0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u016d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0652", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c3\u0192\u00c2\u00a9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e33", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e6d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0103\u0219", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ud55c\uad6d\uc5b4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039a\u03cd\u03c0\u03c1\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0419", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0412", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u65e5\u672c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf020", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u203b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0103\u021b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u274c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5e3d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ue0e7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c2\u00ae", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c2\u00bb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u013a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0432", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u030b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u010f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u27be", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0178", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bf\u0393", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u221a\u2260", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0328", + -100 + ], + [ + "$$$", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0158", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1ec7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u25ab", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u012f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u203a\u203a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a1\u00d3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00fc\u00fc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u011b\u0159", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u25ca", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u02c8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c3\u00a7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u251c", + -100 + ], + [ + "$$", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u275a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ab\u2039", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a4\u03b7\u03bb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0162", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u203a\u00bb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u22c6\u22c6\u22c6\u22c6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2716", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf061", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439\u4e2d\u6587", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2260", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf02a", + -100 + ], + [ + "&#", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0307", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0112", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0422", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u021a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c3\u00a3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u038c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e4\u00df", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a0\u0399", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0641\u0627\u0631\u0633\u06cc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c2\u00a9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2794", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0142\u0119", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f6\u00df", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u015f\u0131", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u014f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00b0\u0421", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0117\u017e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0155", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a7", + -100 + ], + [ + "+$", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0313", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1ebf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00bb\u25a0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1ec5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2217\u2217", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u010d\u00e1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0150", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e2d\u570b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf0a7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\\\\\\", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u20ab", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e1\u010d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e1\u0159", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u026a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2191\u20ac", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf029", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u9686", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u016f\u017e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0398", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u3011", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2023", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf06c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u7164", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0399\u03a0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0308\u00ae", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u221a\u012a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a1\u00a6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e5\u00e5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf03e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b7\u03b2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0425", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u3010", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2022\u2022\u2022", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0336", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d8\u00d8\u00d8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03ca", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0411\u044a\u043b\u0433\u0430\u0440\u0438\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2211", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u8ba8\u8bba", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u7edf\u8ba1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e2\u20ac\u00a2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0146\u0161", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2663", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0427\u0438\u0442\u0430\u0439\u0442\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0442\u0430\u043a\u0436\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0e00\u2022\u0e00\u0e00", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2018\u2018", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf8ff", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u043e\u0441\u0441\u0438\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c3\u2030", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e93", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2510", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u0443", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0169", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u251c\u2592", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ue5ca", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2751", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf0ad", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b7\u00b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0422\u0435\u043b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u200c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u01d0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0115", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u22c6\u22c6\u22c6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0127", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0644\u0645", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u221a\u00a9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bc\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c2\u00ab", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u8c37", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2206", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00bb\u00b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0102\u00a9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u201f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0393\u0393", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05e1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e63", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2764", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c2\u00b6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c3\u00b6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u65e5\u672c\u8a9e\ud55c\uad6d\uc5b4\u4e2d\u6587", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u7b80\u4f53\u5b57", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u7e41\u9ad4\u5b57", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0433", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e32", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf086", + -100 + ], + [ + "~\u00a7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u012d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u02ba", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062a\u062a\u0631\u062c\u0645", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e1\u017e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf0af", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e6\u0160\u00b0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u016a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u25be", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0424", + -100 + ], + [ + "${", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u274f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2200", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0415", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2605\u2605\u2605\u2605", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0143", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0159\u00e1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u91cd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u91cf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00dc\u00cd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1ed9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf092", + -100 + ], + [ + "+\u4ea4\u8d27", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e47", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u21d1", + -100 + ], + [ + "+++++", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1ecb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u25b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u014b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u02c3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05ea", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u65b0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03be", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0142\u00f3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf0e8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c3\u00a2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u013c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u02c6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u25a0\u25a0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf8e7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a1\u00a1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30d1\u30b9\u30ef\u30fc\u30c9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c3\u201a\u00c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c4\u00e4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u061f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0126", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u20a3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u011f\u0131", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0393\u03a4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b4\u03ad\u03bd\u03b4\u03c1\u03bf\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0e00#", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0131\u015f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u010e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2039\u2039", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e2\u201a\u00ac", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e7\u00eb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b2\u03af\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e0d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e7\u0131", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e3b\u9875", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0102\u0219", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a5\u03bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2318", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2605\u2605\u2605", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u7e41\u9ad4\u4e2d\u6587", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2606", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00da\u00d1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u200c\u200c\u200c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2020\u2020", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf0ab", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00b0\u0420", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5723\u7ecf\u5bf9\u7167", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u610f\u89c1\u53cd\u9988", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u65b0\u7ea6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u65e7\u7ea6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u7231\u7684\u771f\u8c1b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u8036\u7a23\u751f\u5e73", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u251c\u2502", + -100 + ], + [ + "\\^", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf0ae", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e7\u00fa", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2752", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0131\u00e7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u013d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf06e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0308\u00a2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u251c\u0119", + -100 + 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"\uf041", + -100 + ], + [ + "><", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u01d2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0416", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1ea3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c2\u00a3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u01e6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf071", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c2\u0219", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u01d4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2010\u2010", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1ea7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c7\u00c3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u01b0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0393\u0391\u00ab", + -100 + ], + [ + "####", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c5\u00a1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u20aa", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039d\u00b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ue5c5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf074", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0129", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0415\u0442\u0438\u043a\u0435\u0442\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043d\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u043c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ufe0f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u252c\u00e1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u266a\u266a\u266a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u300d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a1\u00a7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0306", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0641\u064a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u221a\u013c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u266a\u266b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ue5c7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf05d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0395\u039d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0423", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6708", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u223c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf040", + -100 + ], + [ + "========", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0218\u0103", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c2\u00b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ef\u00ac\u201a", + -100 + ], + [ + "+\u20ac", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf031", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a4\u03bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0449", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u20b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u20ba", + -100 + ], + [ + "==#", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0160\u0107", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf05b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf089", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0399\u039f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0431\u0435\u0441\u043f\u043b\u0430\u0442\u043d\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0e00\u0e00", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2018\u2019", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f4\u00ef\u00f5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u25ef", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u276f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c3\u00a4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0395\u03bb\u03bb\u03b7\u03bd\u03b9\u03ba\u03ac", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0397\u03bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0436", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0492", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f4\u00ef", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0417\u0430\u0431\u0440\u043e\u043d\u0438\u0440\u0443\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a1\u00b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u013c\u0123", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0645\u0648\u0642\u0639", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0136", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u030c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0632\u0648\u0627\u062c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf043", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00fc\u015f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0142\u0142", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u01a1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0414\u043e\u0431\u0440\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u043e\u0436\u0430\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0442\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d9\u05d4\u05d5\u05d4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e29", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e61", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a1\u00b0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d6\u00e7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ec\u00ec", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u041e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u251c\u015f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u304a\u3088\u3073", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043c\u043e\u0440\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0628\u0646", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1ea1", + -100 + ], + [ + "$\\", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u02bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2660", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5e74", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf057", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c3\u00ae", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u02bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u038f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u27a2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0633", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u20ac+", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u8fc6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u011d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bb\u03bb\u03ac\u03b4\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u06a4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0411", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u8a71", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ue262", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0404", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041b\u0430\u0439\u0444\u0445\u0430\u043a\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e6c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1ba0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u202a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u266d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf0b4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ufffc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0102\u0142", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u025b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bf\u03b9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05e2\u05d1\u05e8\u05d9\u05ea", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ue87d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ue915", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf8e8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uff5e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ab\u00ab", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f3\u0142", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03ba\u03b1\u03b9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u263a", + -100 + ], + [ + "^{", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u011e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf039", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0647\u0627\u0633\u062a\u06cc\u0646\u06af", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u232b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5206", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e2\u00c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u010b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u016b\u014d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c6\u03cd\u03bb\u03bb\u03bf\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2326", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2573", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c5\u00ca", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e2\u20ac\u00a6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u01b0\u01a1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2764\ufe0f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e0d\u662f\u4efb\u4f55\u516c\u5171\u56e2\u4f53\u4f1a\u5458", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ab\u00bb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e2\u0219", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u011a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0121", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u018f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0417", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u279e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a2\u00c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00de\u00f3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ea\u00e1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03ae", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1ed1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u252c\u2557", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2749", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u015d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0438\u0431\u0438\u0446\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u20a9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6642\u9593\u5dee\u5206", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e7\u00e1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u011b\u010d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u252c\u00ab", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30b3\u30e1\u30f3\u30c8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf0a5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u012b\u0137", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bf\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0415\u0432\u0433\u0435\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e29\u0101", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ue14b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf067", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u045a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2318+", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0394\u0397\u039c\u0397\u03a4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u09aa\u09be\u09a8\u09cd\u09a5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u09b0\u09b9\u09ae\u09be\u09a8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u09b0\u09c7\u099c\u09be", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0161\u0161", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2728", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2756", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u8a00\u8449", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c4\u00c4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u012a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0389", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0391\u0395\u0399", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039d\u0391\u03a4\u039f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0645\u062d\u0645\u062f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5143", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c4\u010d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u011b\u0161", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b4\u2264", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u044b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0438\u0441\u0442\u043e\u0447\u043d\u0438\u043a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e92", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1ed3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u25b3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf042", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u015e\u0131", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u02d0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0e00\u0e00\u0e00", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u53f7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u9ba0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e7\u00f4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041d\u043e\u0432\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1ead", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u25a0\u03a6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u263c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4ed6\u306e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf021", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf09f", + -100 + ], + [ + "<}", + -100 + ], + [ + "@#", + -100 + ], + [ + "{>", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a1\u00ae", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0109", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0390", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0427", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u042f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0431\u044a\u043b\u0433\u0430\u0440\u0441\u043a\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e5b\u1e63\u1e47", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u226b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u65e5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf142", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf732\uf730\uf730\uf732", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f6\u00f0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b1=", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0645\u0639\u0644\u0648\u0645\u0627\u062a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2524", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u25fb", + -100 + ], + [ + ">>>", + -100 + ], + [ + "#\u20ac", + -100 + ], + [ + "\\\\\\\\", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f4\u00e7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0391\u03b8\u03ae\u03bd\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0418", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u060c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u23e4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ce\u00a4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d3\u00d1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f0\u00ef\u00f5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2020\u2020\u2020", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0131\u011f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0154", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u038a\u0399\u0399", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1ea5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u261e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u597d\u304d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0438\u0437\u0432\u0438\u043d\u0435\u043d\u0438\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043b\u044e\u0431\u044b\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043d\u0435\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0435\u0440\u0448\u0435\u043d\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u0440\u0438\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0438\u043c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2658", + -100 + ], + [ + ">==", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u028c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1ee5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u25cf\u25cf\u25cf\u25cf\u25cf\u25cf\u25cf\u25cf\u25cf\u25cf\u25cf\u25cf\u25cf\u25cf\u25cf\u25cf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0192\u00ca", + -100 + ], + [ + "^^^", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0161\u0117", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05b9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u07e6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u27a4", + -100 + ], + [ + "~~~~~~~~~~", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00b0\u00b0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e7\u00e2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05db", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u276e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c3\u00ac", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0100\u00bb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0145\u0160", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u02c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a1\u03a5\u039c\u0395", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03be\u03b5\u03bd\u03bf\u03b4\u03bf\u03c7\u03b5\u03af\u03bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0491", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1ce0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u266b\u266a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u26a0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf025", + -100 + ], + [ + "{#", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e2\u201e\u00a2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u21d0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u251c\u2551", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0102\u0104", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0103\u021b\u00e2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0131\u015f\u0131", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b2\u03bf\u03bb\u03b2\u03cc\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0406", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0413", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0434\u043b\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0440\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u4e2d\u6587\u65e5\u672c\u8a9e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u21a9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2592", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0103\u015f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0433\u0433", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0440\u0443\u0431", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u04d4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0639\u0631\u0628\u064a\u0641\u0627\u0631\u0633\u06cc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2236", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u9ce0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ae+", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00b6\u00b6\u00b6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0110\u00e0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041e\u043d\u0438\u0441\u044c\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044d\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0648", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e28", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u206d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u252c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ue150", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ue8b6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u015f\u00fb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0252", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u25cf\u25cf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ue5cd", + -100 + ], + [ + "}}", + -100 + ], + [ + "~~~", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e1\u0148", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1ee7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u25ce", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2655", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf0d8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf769", + -100 + ], + [ + "$+", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c4\u011a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f4\u00f9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00fc\u00e7\u00fc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a1\u03a1\u0395", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u0422", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0432\u0435\u0440\u0441\u0438\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u0442\u0440\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0446\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e5b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2708", + -100 + ], + [ + "#@#", + -100 + ], + [ + "=$", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e6\u00f0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00fc\u00e7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0105\u017c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u021b\u0103", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0454", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u27f6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0145", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0161\u0113", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0283", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0392\u0399\u0391", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u043b\u043e\u0432", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0414", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2245", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f3\u017c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u02cc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u21d4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2771", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u301c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ac\u00ac", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ea\u00fc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u013c\u0101", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0283\u0259", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u038a\u0399", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0401", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0411\u0443\u043a\u0432\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043e\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0644\u0647", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u540e\u9000", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c1\u00d1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u01ff", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u028a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u02d7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b7\u03bb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bc\u03a9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041d\u043e\u043c\u0435\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u043e\u0441\u043c\u043e\u0442\u0440\u0435\u0442\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0432\u0440\u0430\u0447\u0435\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043a\u043e\u043b\u043b\u0435\u0433\u0438\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0447\u043b\u0435\u043d\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0639", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2514", + -100 + ], + [ + "}<", + -100 + ], + [ + "}\\", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a1\u03b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c4\u00fa", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c7\u00d5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u017e\u0148", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u042f\u0437\u044b\u043a\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0447\u0430\u0441\u044b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u251c\u017e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2657", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6d3e\u79c1\u4eba\u8baf\u606f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u7b80\u4f53", + -100 + ], + [ + "{+}", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e1\u00f0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03cb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0407", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0418\u0441\u043f\u0430\u043d\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u043e\u0441\u0441\u0438\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043e\u0442\u0435\u043b\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0440\u044f\u0434\u043e\u043c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf02d\uf02b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c3\u0161", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0110\u1ee9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0411\u044a\u043b\u0433\u0430\u0440\u0441\u043a\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0648\u06cc\u0698\u0647", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1ef3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u25a0\u00b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "#@", + -100 + ], + [ + "===#", + -100 + ], + [ + "^\\", + -100 + ], + [ + "}$", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c2\u266a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00fc\u00fe", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0131\u0131", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0639\u0628\u062f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2742", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u27af", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u62af", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a6\u00e2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03af\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0417\u043d\u0430\u043a\u043e\u043c\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u0430\u043a\u0435\u0434\u043e\u043d\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0939\u093f\u0902\u0926\u0940", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0437", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043a\u043e\u043c\u0435\u043d\u0442\u0430\u0440\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0440\u0444", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0442\u0435\u043b\u0435\u0444\u043e\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30c0\u30a6\u30f3\u30ed\u30fc\u30c9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf05a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf091", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c4\u00f4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e4\u00e0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f1@", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00fa\u00f0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0130\u015e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u0423\u0421\u0421\u041a\u0418\u0419", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044f\u0437\u044b\u043a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0647\u0627\u0645\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u102a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e62", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2300", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u27f5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ub4a4\ub85c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf024", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e6\u0160\u00ae", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00fd\u0161", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u043e\u0445\u043e\u0436\u0438\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0422\u0435\u0433\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u0440\u0438\u0431\u0430\u0432\u0435\u0442\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u0432\u043e\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u0435\u0433\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u0442\u0430\u0442\u044c\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0639\u0631\u0628\u064a\u0629\u202c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0639\u0644\u0649", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1ef9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2027", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2208", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e2d\u6587\u202c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0303\u0131", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c4\u03bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u042d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0431\u043b\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0441\u0442\u0432\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u0430\u0440\u0442\u0438\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e41", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u65e5\u672c\u8a9e\u7b80\u4f53\u4e2d\u6587", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf0dc", + -100 + ], + [ + "++++", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ac\u0145", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ec\u00fc\u00f2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0327\u00f6\u00c8\u00cb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03ac", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bb\u03cc\u03b3\u03b9\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0431\u043e\u043b\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u22c6\u22c6\u22c6\u22c6\u22c6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2665\u2665\u2665", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e86", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf0fc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0164", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0251", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0259\u02c8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043d\u0435\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u044b\u0440\u0435\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u20ac\u20ac", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u252c\u2524", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e00", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5907", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ue117", + -100 + ], + [ + "+\u00ae", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c6\u00c6\u00c0\u00c3\u00d0\u00dc\u00d7\u00d6\u00c4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e4\u00e4\u00e4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0111\u1ed3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0123", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0147", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0161\u00e1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u026a\u02c8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c3\u03b9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0411\u044a\u043b\u0433\u0430\u0440\u0441\u043a\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041e\u0441\u0442\u0440\u043e\u0432", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1eab", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1ec1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a3\u00a1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ef\u00f2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0118", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0175", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u017e\u00e1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0393\u039d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0395\u0393\u0392", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03af\u03bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c4\u03b7\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u20ac\u20ac\u20ac", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u21e8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2207", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2265\uf020", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2591", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6700\u65b0\u30cb\u30e5\u30fc\u30b9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00fe\u00e3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0153\u00e6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u01b0\u1edb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u01eb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0388", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0392\u03bc\u0391", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0428", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0623\u062d\u0645\u062f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e3f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u211f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u25d9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u65e5\u672c\u8a9e\u7248", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00b7\u02bc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00b7\u25a0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c3\u00c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u01b0\u1ee3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0386", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c0\u00b0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0425\u043e\u0442\u0435\u043b\u0441\u043a\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0438\u043d\u0434\u0443\u0441\u0442\u0440\u0438\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u0435\u043a\u0441", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u0442\u0430\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u201e\u201e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2234", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u27a7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30fb\u30fb\u30fb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf037", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ca\u00b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00cd\u00cd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0254", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0301\u2510\u017b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0393\u03a0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u0440\u043e\u0444\u0435\u0441\u0441\u0438\u043e\u043d\u0430\u043b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u0423\u0421", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u042f\u0417\u042b\u041a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0431\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1eaf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2010\u00e0\u2010", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u23af", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30b3\u30b9\u30d7\u30ec", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e28", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e2d\u6587\u7248", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u670d\u52a1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u798f\u5c71\u96c5\u6cbb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ub300\ub2f5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uc5d0", + -100 + ], + [ + "#{", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00b0\u00ae", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e6\u0160\u00a3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ec\u00e5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0162\u0103", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u016c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043a\u0443\u0441\u0442\u0430\u0445", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0448", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0453", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1825", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e63\u1e47", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u251c\u255d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2639", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf766\uf769\uf76e\uf761\uf76e\uf763\uf769\uf765\uf772\uf76f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf769\uf76e\uf766\uf76f\uf772\uf76d\uf765", + -100 + ], + [ + "\\\\{", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ea\u00de", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f3\u00e1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u015e\u00fc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0305", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0308\u00ac", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039d\u0395\u0391", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a1\u0393\u0392", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0414\u0412", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0431\u0430\u043d\u043a\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0432\u0402\u2039\u0432\u0402\u2039", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043d\u0430\u0440\u043e\u0434\u043d\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043e\u0431\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0634\u06cc\u0627\u062f\u0627\u0646", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0671", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2019\u00c0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u250c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u7684", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u7b80\u4f53\u4e2d\u6587\u65e5\u672c\u8a9e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf07a", + -100 + ], + [ + "^^^^", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0138", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u016e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u043d\u0434\u0440\u0435\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0447", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6caa", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ue006", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf044", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf0be", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf164", + -100 + ], + [ + "}#", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a2\u00dd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e1`", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0142\u0105", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039a\u0395", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u0430\u0441\u0442\u044a\u0440\u043c\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044d\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0440\u043e\u043a\u0430\u0440\u043e\u0432", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1eef", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2588", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u27a6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30c4", + -100 + ], + [ + "=\u2018", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00b6\u00b6\u00b6\u00b6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e2\u0163\u00e2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ee\u015f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f4\u00e1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0108", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0130\u00e7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0130\u015f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u01c0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0394\u0395", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039d\u03a4\u038a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c4\u03bf\u03c5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0417\u0430\u043a\u043e\u043d\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u0430\u0440\u0438\u043a\u043c\u0430\u0445\u0435\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0432\u0438\u0437\u0430\u0436\u0438\u0441\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1ecc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2640", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u272a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u279c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5728", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ud55c\uad6d\uc778", + -100 + ], + [ + "#$", + -100 + ], + [ + ">===", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a9\u00d1\u00a7\u00cf\u00b0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c1\u00f7\u00a3\u00ac\u00d1\u00cf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d7\u00d6\u00c4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00dc\u00e7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e1\u00ae", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00fb\u00d3\u00c3\u00d3\u00da\u00c9\u00cc\u00d2\u03bc\u00d3\u00c3\u00cd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0110\u1ea1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0119\u017c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0399\u039b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u0440\u0435\u0434\u043f\u0440\u0438\u044f\u0442\u0438\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0433\u043e\u0432\u0435\u0436\u0434\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043b\u0443\u0447\u0448\u0438\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043c\u0430\u0440\u043a\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0447\u0430\u0441\u043e\u0432", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044c\u0455\u0447", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05e6\u05d5\u05d9\u05e5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0639\u0644\u064a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0649", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1000\u102e\u101c\u102d\u102f\u1018\u102d\u102f\u1000\u103a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1019\u1010\u103a\u101c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2022\u0e00", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u251c\u0179", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2557", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2609", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u273b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4ea7\u54c1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5206\u4eab\u6b64\u9875\u9762", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u8fd4\u4fe1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ue913", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf023", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf075", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf07c", + -100 + ], + [ + "=========", + -100 + ], + [ + "\\{", + -100 + ], + [ + "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ce\u0161", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d1\u00d3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ef\u00ef", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f4\u00e7\u00f2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0100\u00ae", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0110\u00ec", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u011b\u0161\u0165", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0160\u00e1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0408", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u043e\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u0430\u0440\u0442\u0438\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0422\u0430\u0442\u044c\u044f\u043d\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043b\u0432", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0631\u06cc\u0627\u0644", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0644\u0627", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0645\u0635\u0631", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u066c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1ea9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1ebd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2123", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u221d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u274d", + -100 + ], + [ + "+=", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c2\u00b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f2\u00e0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u0432\u0442\u043e\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u0443\u0431\u0440\u0438\u043a\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0432\u0441\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0446", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0621", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e45", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1f04\u03bd\u03b8\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u221a\u012b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2299", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u235f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2514\u2500\u2518", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2717", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u807d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u8115", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ubc1c\uae09", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uc2dc\uc2a4\ud15c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uc99d\uba85\uc11c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf04a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf07e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf287", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c2\u00ac", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f3\u00ec\u00fc\u00f2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00fc\u011f\u00fc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0103\u0163", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0120", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0395\u03a4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b7\u03a3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u0413\u041f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0417\u0430\u043a\u0430\u0437\u0430\u0442\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u0435\u0440\u0441\u043e\u043d\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043d\u0443\u044e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044d\u043a\u0441\u043a\u0443\u0440\u0441\u0438\u044e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u20a6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u20ac=", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2295", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u25c7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2642", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ubc84\uc804", + -100 + ], + [ + "+\\", + -100 + ], + [ + "@{", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c3\u201a\u00c2\u00b6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c7\u00d6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e2\u00b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f0\u00ef", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0101\u1e0d\u012b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0148\u00e1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0331", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03cd\u03c0\u03c1\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041a\u041f\u0420\u0424", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u0428\u0410", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0438\u043d\u0444\u043e\u0440\u043c\u0430\u0446\u0438\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2019\u00ee", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2022$", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u20bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u27a5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ue316\ue30e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf005\uf005\uf005\uf005\uf005", + -100 + ], + [ + "~+", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ab\u00b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ac\u0119", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e0\u20ac", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e2\u20ac\u2039", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f6\u011f\u00fc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u011f\u0131\u015f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u01b0\u1edd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c4\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044d\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0440\u043e\u043a\u0430\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062c\u0648\u0627\u0628", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0639\u0644\u064a\u0647", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1821", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1ebb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2019\u00e8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u253c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u25c9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2665\u2665", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u266f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u267a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u275e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u62b0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ud558\ub098\ub2d8\uc758", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ue007", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf097", + -100 + ], + [ + "$#", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a3\u00cd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00b0\u00b0\u00b0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00cf\u00ca", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d3\u00e1\u00f1\u00ea\u00fc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e2\u015f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e3\u00fe", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e4\u00d6\u00e1\u00a3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f1\u00e0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f1\u00fa", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f6\u011f\u00fc\u015f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u012e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0179", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u017d\u010f\u00e1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u027e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0399\u0399", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03ba\u03b1\u03c1\u03c0\u03cc\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u0430\u0440\u043e\u043b\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044c\u0448", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062c\u0644", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062c\u0644\u0627\u0644\u0647", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0e44\u0e17\u0e22", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1007\u1014\u103a\u1014\u101d\u102b\u101b\u102e\u101c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u10be", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e20", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1f41", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u25ba\u25ba", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2612", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u266b\u266b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u26d4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u27a1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u27ab", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u300a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e0d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uc6d4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ue077", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf0e0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf766\uf769\uf76e\uf761\uf76e\uf763\uf769\uf761\uf76c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf772\uf765\uf770\uf76f\uf772\uf774", + -100 + ], + [ + "@#$", + -100 + ], + [ + "\\\\{@}", + -100 + ], + [ + "\\}", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ac\u013d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c3\u266a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ca\u00e1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00cd\u00e1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e0\u00b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e2\u00e2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00fb\u015d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00fe\u00e1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0101\u015b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u015e\u00e4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0393\u0388", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0394\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039a\u0395\u0391", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039b\u0399", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039c\u03bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u043e\u0441\u043a\u0432\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0442\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0444", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0639\u0646", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e94", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1eed", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2021\u2021", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u20ac\u00a6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u306b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6b63\u9ad4\u4e2d\u6587", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u9b20", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf030", + -100 + ], + [ + "#####", + -100 + ], + [ + "=>", + -100 + ], + [ + "}\u00b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d2\u00eb\u00a3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e2\u2019", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e5\u00f0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ea\u00ef\u00fd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ec\u00ef\u00fd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f0\u0178", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0157", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u015f\u00e7\u0131", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u017d\u010f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u038c\u039a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0399\u0399\u0399", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0406\u0406", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u0432\u0442\u043e\u043c\u043e\u0431\u0438\u043b\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0417\u0430\u0431\u044b\u043b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041a\u0432\u0456\u0442\u0435\u043d\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041b\u043e\u0433\u0438\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u0430\u0440\u0438\u043a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041d\u0412", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041e\u0442\u0437\u044b\u0432\u043e\u0432", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u043e\u0434\u0440\u043e\u0431\u043d\u0435\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u0435\u0433\u0438\u0441\u0442\u0440\u0430\u0446\u0438\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u0438\u043d\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044e\u044d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0455", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0623\u0646", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0628\u0644", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0939\u093f\u0902\u0926\u0940", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u21ba", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2423", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2799", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u3068\u8a00\u3046", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5b89", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u7d62\u9999", + -100 + ], + [ + "+\u0394", + -100 + ], + [ + "^\u00b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00b7\u00bb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ea\u00fe", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0101\u1e25", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0130\u0130", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0161\u0137", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u02cb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u02ee", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039a\u03c1\u03ae\u03c4\u03b7\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03af\u201a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bb=", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0406\u0406\u0406", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0455\u0451", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u06cc\u0631\u0627\u0646", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0635", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1007\u1030\u101c\u102d\u102f\u1004\u103a\u101c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1823", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1824", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1ec3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u206a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u27a8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30b3\u30d6\u30af\u30ed", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u73b0\u573a\u89c6\u8baf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ub77c\uace0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uc9c0\uc800\uadc0\ub2e4", + -100 + ], + [ + "=+", + -100 + ], + [ + "^\u00bb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a1\u00ea", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00cd\u00c1\u00d4\u00cf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d0\u00a3\u00b6\u00d4\u00a3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e4\u00e7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0110\u00f4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0393\u039d\u0399", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041d\u0438\u043a\u043e\u043b\u0430\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u0435\u0440\u0433\u0435\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0440\u0443\u0431\u0440\u0438\u043a\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0622\u0628\u062a\u06cc\u0646", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0628\u062e\u0634\u06cc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0628\u0646\u0627\u0645", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0634\u062d\u0648\u0627\u0631\u0648", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0645\u0631\u0633\u064a\u0644", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1016\u1031\u1016\u1031\u102b\u103a\u101d\u102b\u101b\u102e\u101c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1830", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1833", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1eb5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2661\u2661\u2661", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e2d\u6587\u7b80\u4f53", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u548c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ue010", + -100 + ], + [ + "#=", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a6\u00c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ae\u00ae", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00bf\u00bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c2\u00bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c3\u201a\u00c2\u00b0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c7\u0131", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d0\u00b0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d1\u00c1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e7\u00f2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00eb\u00f2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ef\u061f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f3\u00f4\u00ef\u00f0\u00ef", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f4\u00ef\u00f0\u00ef", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u015c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u016f\u010d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0361", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039f\u0393\u03a4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b1\u03b2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c0\u03b9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0413\u0425\u041d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0417\u0430\u0434\u0430\u0442\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0432\u043e\u043f\u0440\u043e\u0441", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0540\u0545", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05e9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062a\u0631\u0648", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1b20", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1ec9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2229", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u27e8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u27e9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2981", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5b87\u591a\u7530\u30d2\u30ab\u30eb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u673a\u6784", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf04c", + -100 + ], + [ + "+\u221e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\\\\\\\\\\\\\\", + -100 + ], + [ + "^~", + -100 + ], + [ + "~$", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a1\u03a4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c2\u00a2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d3\u00f4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f1\u00e5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f3\u00ec\u00ef\u00fd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u011f\u00e7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0122", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0142\u017c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0177\u0177", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u01dd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0268", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u038e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0399\u03a4\u0395\u0391", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039f\u0393", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b5\u1f36\u03b4\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bc\u03c0\u03b9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0412\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0441\u0435\u043d\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u0438\u0445\u0430\u0438\u043b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u0443\u0441", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u0430\u043c\u043e\u043b\u0435\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u043e\u044e\u0437", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0434", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0434\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043a\u043c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043c\u0438\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0440\u043e\u0433", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u0443", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044c\u0448\u0401\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0623\u0628\u0648", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0633\u0639\u0631", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0648\u063a\u06cc\u0631\u06c1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u066d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1edd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1ef1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2566\u00e2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2611\ufe0f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2662", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2705", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2726", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u3008", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u305d\u306e\u4ed6\u306e\u30d0\u30fc\u30b8\u30e7\u30f3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u306e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6211", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u65e5\u672c\u8a9e\u5165\u529b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ub2f5\uc7a5\uc744", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ucde8\uc18c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf0d7", + -100 + ], + [ + "#\u0e00", + -100 + ], + [ + "@@@", + -100 + ], + [ + "\\$", + -100 + ], + [ + "\\~", + -100 + ], + [ + "`\u00c0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e7\u00fc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00fd\u00b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u01f5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0335", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0399\u039a\u0391", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039c\u03b7\u03c4\u03c1\u03ce\u03bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b7\u00b0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u0425\u041d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0412\u043b\u0430\u0434\u0438\u043c\u0438\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041d\u0438\u043a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u0424", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0426", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u043a\u0430\u0447\u0430\u0442\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05dc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05e2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0635\u0644\u0649", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0639\u0644\u06cc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0643\u0644", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0650", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e63\u016b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1eb9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4f60\u597d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u7b49", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u8d3e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u9225\u6486", + -100 + ], + [ + "{<", + -100 + ], + [ + "{=", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00cd\u00d1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e3\u00a9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e4\u00e5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ec\u00ae", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ef\u00ac", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f1\u0101", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f3\u00ae", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00fc\u015f\u015f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00fd\u017e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0110\u1ed3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0158\u00cd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0301\u00c9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0395\u03bb\u03bb\u03b7\u03bd\u03b9\u03ba\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b2\u03b3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b5\u03c3\u03c4\u03b9\u03b1\u03c4\u03cc\u03c1\u03b9\u03bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bc^", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bc\u03b5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c1\u03c1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0411\u043e\u0440\u0438\u0441", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0412\u0435\u0440\u0441\u0438\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0413\u00a9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u0430\u043a\u0435\u0434\u043e\u043d\u0441\u043a\u0438\u4e2d\u6587\u0939\u093f\u0902\u0926\u0940", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041d\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041e\u043b\u044c\u0433\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u0432\u0435\u0442\u043b\u0430\u043d\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0422\u0430\u043d\u043a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0428\u043c\u0435\u043a\u0441\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u042f\u0431\u043b\u043e\u043a\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0432\u0402", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043d\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044c\u0448\u0401", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044d\u0406", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05de", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0648\u0633\u0644\u0645", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0648\u0635\u0641", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0a00", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1007\u103d\u1014\u103a\u101c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e17", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e24\u0101", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e6d\u0101", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1edf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2039\u203a\u00d7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2228", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u266a\u266a\uff5e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2712", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u627e\u5230\u6240\u6709\u804c\u4f4d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u9274\u4e8e\u516c\u4f17\u5f62\u8c61", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u9825", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ub098\ub97c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ub77c\ud30c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ue00f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ue052", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf0f0", + -100 + ], + [ + "^^^^^", + -100 + ], + [ + "`\u03a4", + -100 + ], + [ + "~\\", + -100 + ], + [ + "~~~~~~~~~~~", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a3\u00a3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c3\u0192", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d0\u00e1\u00dd\u00e6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e1\u00f2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e2\u20ac\u2039\u00e2\u20ac\u2039", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ef\u00ee", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0101\u1e63", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0101\u1e6d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0161\u016f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u038a\u03b8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039d\u03a0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c4\u03b9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0411\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0437\u0435\u043d\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u0430\u043a\u0435\u0434\u043e\u043d\u0441\u043a\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u062f\u064a\u0646", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0639\u0632\u064a\u0632", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062c\u062f\u0648", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0645\u0627", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u064a\u0627", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u06e9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0939\u093f\u0928\u094d\u0926\u0940", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1019\u102e\u1000\u102c\u1018\u102d\u102f\u1000\u103a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u182c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e47\u0101", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2032\u2032\u2032", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2195", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u221a\u0100", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u270d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u3012", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u65e5\u672c\u8a9e\u0420\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439\u4e2d\u6587", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u8fd4\u4fe1\u3092\u30ad\u30e3\u30f3\u30bb\u30eb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u91d1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ub4f1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ue000", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf096", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf762\uf765\uf769", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf765\uf769\uf762", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf765\uf76c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf767\uf772\uf76f\uf775\uf770", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf767\uf772\uf775\uf770\uf76f", + -100 + ], + [ + "=\u2212", + -100 + ], + [ + "^\\\\", + -100 + ], + [ + "```", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a2\u00ae", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a2\u00dc\u00a2\u00dc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a5\u00c7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a6\u0441\u044e\u0442\u0456", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ab\u00a1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00b0\u201e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00b7^", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c2\u00dc\u00eb\u00e5\u00f1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c3\u0192\u00c6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c4\u203a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0102\u015f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u015b\u0101", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0160\u0113", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u02be\u0101", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0301`", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0301\u00e8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0391\u03c3\u03c6\u03b1\u03bb\u03af\u03c3\u03b5\u03c9\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039f\u03b9\u03ba\u03bf\u03bd\u03bf\u03bc\u03b9\u03ba\u03ce\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a3\u03c4\u03b1\u03c6\u03af\u03b4\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a5\u03c0\u03bf\u03c5\u03c1\u03b3\u03cc\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a7\u03c1\u03b9\u03c3\u03c4\u03cc\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03aa", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b2\u2192", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03ba=", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bc+", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c7\u03bb\u03cc\u03b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u0440\u044c\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0411\u041d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0412\u0438\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0418\u043d\u043d\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0418\u0440\u043e\u043d\u0438\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041a\u0430\u043a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041a\u0443\u0440\u0438\u043b\u043a\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041b\u0438\u043f\u0435\u043d\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041d\u0430\u0442\u0430\u043b\u044c\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041e\u0442\u0434\u044b\u0445", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0434\u0438\u0432", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u0435\u043f\u0435\u043d\u0441", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0435\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043a\u0430\u043a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043d\u0435\u0432\u0435\u0441\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u0435\u0447\u0430\u0442\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0440\u0430\u043a\u0438\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0459", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062f\u06cc\u062c\u06cc\u06d2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0634\u0628\u0643\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1027\u1015\u103c\u102e\u101c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u180a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e93\u0101", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1eeb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u21e7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2500\u2500", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u29fc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u29fd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u300b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u306a\u308b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e2d\u5cf6\u7f8e\u5609", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u50d8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6240\u6709\u7ebf\u7a0b\u5f00\u59cb\u5bfb\u627e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u628a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6771\u4eac", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u88ab", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf02b", + -100 + ], + [ + "===========================", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ce\u00a5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f9\u00ec\u00dd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0102\u00b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u015a\u0101", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0170", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0292", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u038a\u03b4\u03c1\u03c5\u03bc\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0391\u039d\u0395\u03a7\u039f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b2+", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041e\u0433\u0430\u043d\u044f\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u0435\u043f\u0443\u0431\u043b\u0438\u043a\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0425\u0435\u043d\u0434\u043c\u0435\u0439\u0434", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0438\u0437", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044a\u0448", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044d\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0440\u043e\u043a\u0430\u0440\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05e0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1ba4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e25\u0101", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1ed5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2019\u2019\u2019", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2022\u25a0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2215", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u251c\u2524", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u253c\u010d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2554", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u25bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u273f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6bcf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf072", + -100 + ], + [ + "##\u00b0##", + -100 + ], + [ + "{$", + -100 + ], + [ + "{{", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c3\u00ab", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c4\u010f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00cf\u00cf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d4\u00e6\u00ef", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d4\u00e6\u00fc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e2\u20ac\u0165", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ee\u00f2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f6\u015f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f8\u00f0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0110\u1eb7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0295\u2022\u1d25\u2022\u0294", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u02be", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0394\u03a1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0394\u03b8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039d\u039f\u03c7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a7\u03a0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a7\u03a7\u03a0\u0399", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b1\u03ca", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c3\u03c7\u03bf\u03bb\u03ae", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c4\u03c9\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03cd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03ce", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0418\u0432\u0430\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0423\u042f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u0440\u0430\u0432\u044b\u0445", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0440\u0443\u0441", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0447\u0438\u0441\u0442\u043e\u0442\u0435\u043b\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044a\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u045b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d7\u05e9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05dc\u05d7\u05d5\u05e9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05e8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0623", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0631\u064a\u062d\u062a\u0643\u0645", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0645\u062d\u0645\u0648\u062f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u067e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1005\u102c\u1031\u101b\u1038\u101e\u1030", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e63\u0101", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e6d\u1e6d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1edb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2015\u2015", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u20b2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2191\u2191", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u222a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2283", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2560", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u263b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u270e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2740", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u3014", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u3015", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u309a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30c8\u30a5\u30a6\u30a3\u30c3\u30bf\u30fc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e0d\u8fc7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5408", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5927\u6210", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5b89\u5168\u4e2d\u5fc3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5c3e\u5d0e\u8c4a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5f88", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u738b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u8121", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u9752\u6728", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u9999\u6e2f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u9aa5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ub300\ud55c\ubbfc\uad6d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ue185", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf099", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf522", + -100 + ], + [ + "######", + -100 + ], + [ + "$=", + -100 + ], + [ + "+@", + -100 + ], + [ + "<\\", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a3\u00bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a9\u00e0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c2\u00a1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c2\u017d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c4\u00b0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e2\u00fe", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e2\u20ac\u015b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e6\u00e6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ea\u00ee", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f0\u00e5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0100\u00ab", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0102\u02c7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u010c\u017e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0141\u0119", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0159\u016f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u015f\u00e7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0160\u0165", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0263", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0303\u2030", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039b\u039b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a0\u038a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a1\u03b5\u03c4\u03c3\u03af\u03bd\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a7\u03a7\u0399\u03a0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a8\u03bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b1\u03c0\u03cc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b7\u03b4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c1\u2032", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c3\u03b5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c4\u03b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0440\u043d\u0430\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041d\u0435\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u043e\u0441\u0441\u0438\u044f\u00bb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0422\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0422\u044a\u0440\u0433\u043e\u0432\u0438\u0449\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0427\u0435\u0440\u0432\u0435\u043d\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043a\u0433", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043b\u0435\u0446\u0438\u0442\u0438\u043d\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05e7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0623\u0648", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0645\u0632\u064a\u062f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062e\u0627\u0646", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0641\u0635\u0644", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e0d\u0101", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e43", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30bf\u30b0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30c6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u53f0\u6e7e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u8054\u7cfb\u6211\u4eec", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u9ac7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ub2e4\ub978", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uc601\uad6d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ue30e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf064", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf076", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf764\uf765", + -100 + ], + [ + "#}", + -100 + ], + [ + "<>", + -100 + ], + [ + "=\\", + -100 + ], + [ + "=\u00b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "{}{}", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c1\u010c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00cc\u00dc\u00eb\u00ef", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ce\u00fe", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d6\u00f6\u00f6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e3\u00f9\u00e3\u00de", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e5\u00ee", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e6\u00fe", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ee\u00e3\u00ee", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0102\u0218", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0142\u0119\u017c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0161\u00e6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0163\u0101", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u017b\u00f3\u0142", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u01fa", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0391\u0399\u039c\u0391", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0393\u03b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0394\u03b4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0395\u0399", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0399\u039d\u0399", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039a\u03bf\u03b9\u03bd\u03c9\u03bd\u03b9\u03ba\u03ce\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03ba\u03b1\u03c4\u03ac", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u043d\u043e\u043d\u0441", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0413\u0440\u043e\u0437\u0434\u043e\u0432\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0415\u041e\u041e\u0414", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041a\u041d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u0430\u0433\u0438\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u0435\u043d\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0423\u0440\u043e\u043a\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0424\u0421", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0429", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u042a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u042d\u0440\u0435\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u042e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u042e\u0440\u0438\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0444\u0442\u044e\u0449\u044a\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u04bb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0628\u0627\u0631", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0648\u0644\u0627\u064a\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0e00\u0160", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u110b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1ee3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1ee9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1f00\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1f41\u03bc\u03b1\u03bb\u03cc\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2022\u2022\u2022\u2022\u2022\u2022\u2022\u2022", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2192\u2192\u2192", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u21d3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u25a0^", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u25b5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2600", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2656", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u3055\u3089\u306b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30b3\u30e0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30ca\u30d3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e0a\u6d77", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e5f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4fee", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u53a6\u95e8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5e3d\u94c6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u62b1\u6b49", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6bdb\u5229\u6c0f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u7f51\u7edc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u813f\u805b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u9053", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u980a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uace0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ue8ef", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ue8f0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf063", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf087", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf08c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf0de", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf762\uf761\uf76e\uf763\uf76f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf762\uf761\uf76e\uf76b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf765\uf775\uf772\uf76f\uf770\uf765\uf761\uf76e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf765\uf775\uf772\uf76f\uf770\uf765\uf76f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf769\uf76e\uf776\uf765\uf772\uf773\uf769\uf76f\uf76e\uf765\uf773", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf769\uf76e\uf776\uf765\uf773\uf774\uf76d\uf765\uf76e\uf774", + -100 + ], + [ + "$\\$", + -100 + ], + [ + "=&", + -100 + ], + [ + "`#", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ac\u00b0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c3\u00b1\u00c3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c3\u0192\u00e2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c4\u2021", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c5\u00cf\u00ca", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00cd\u00a3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e1\uf03d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e7\u00e4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f3\u00ec", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f4\u00fc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00fc\u015f\u00fc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0101\u02bb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0106\u00ab", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u010c\u00cd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0161\u0101", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0302", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u030d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0329", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0386\u03b3\u03b9\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0391\u0399\u0391", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bc\u03a1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bc\u03c0\u03b9\u03bf\u0399", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bd\u03bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u0422\u041c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0413\u0414\u0414", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0414\u0430\u0440\u044c\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0414\u043c\u0438\u0442\u0440\u0438\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0418\u043b\u043e\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0418\u0441\u043f\u0430\u043d\u0438\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0422\u043e\u0447\u043a\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u0435\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0435\u0448\u0430\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0443\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044d\u0442\u043e\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044f\u044e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u04e7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05e6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062f\u0627\u0646\u0644\u0648\u062f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062f\u0631", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0631", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0639\u0627\u062f\u0644", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0645\u0639", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0e17", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1021\u1031\u102c\u1000\u103a\u1010\u102d\u102f\u1018\u102c\u101c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2022\u2022\u2022\u2022\u2022", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2325", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2766", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2b50", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u3053\u3053\u3067", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30cf\u30a4\u30e9\u30a4\u30c8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5317\u4eac", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5317\u6761\u6c0f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5341\u4e8c\u6708", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u56e0\u6b64", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u597d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5c31", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5e74\u4e2d\u5c0f\u4f01\u696d\u7dcf\u5408\u5c55", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u62c9\u9762", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u7dcf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ub2f7\ucef4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ub300\ud55c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uc5b4\uba38\ub2c8", + -100 + ], + [ + "#\u043f\u0440\u043e\u0442\u0435\u0441\u0442\u0438\u0440\u0430\u043c", + -100 + ], + [ + "#\u0627\u0644\u064a\u0645\u0646", + -100 + ], + [ + "+\u03b2", + -100 + ], + [ + "=#", + -100 + ], + [ + "=<", + -100 + ], + [ + "~#", + -100 + ], + [ + "~~~~", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c4\u00f5\u00c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c5\u00df\u00d8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c7^", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d0\u00f4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e1\u00e7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e3\u00f9\u00e3\u00de\u00f2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e8\u00e5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ea\u00ee\u00e8\u00f2\u00ee", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ec\u00e5\u00df\u00ef", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f3\u00f4\u00ef", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f4\u00ef\u00f2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f7\u00e5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f9\u00e5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00fa\u0148", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0106\u00a9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u010c\u00c1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u012c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u013e\u010d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u014d\u1e6f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u021a\u0103", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0301\u2557\u2510", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0304\\", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0327\u00ae", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0395\u0395", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0395\u03a1\u03a1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039c\u03a9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039d\u039f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039d\u03bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a5\u03c0\u03bf\u03c5\u03c1\u03b3\u03b5\u03af\u03bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a6\u03ad\u03c4\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b1+", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b5\u03bb\u03bb\u03b7\u03bd\u03b9\u03ba\u03ac", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b5\u03c4\u03b1\u03b9\u03c1\u03b5\u03af\u03b5\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b5\u1f30\u03bc\u03af", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bf\u03b9\u03ba", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c0\u03c4\u03b5\u03c1\u03cc\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c6\u03b9\u03bb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0441\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0438\u0447", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0411\u0435\u043b\u0430\u0440\u0443\u0441\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0412\u00ab", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0412\u0430\u0436\u043d\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0412\u0432", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0413\u00a4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0413\u0435\u0440\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0438\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0413\u0438\u043f\u043f\u0435\u043d\u0440\u0435\u0439\u0442\u0435\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0414\u0435\u0442\u0430\u043b\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0416\u043e\u0432\u0442\u0435\u043d\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0418\u0440\u0438\u043d\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u041e\u0421\u041a\u0412\u0410", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u0438\u043b\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041d\u0430\u0442\u0430\u043b\u0438\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041e\u0414\u0414", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u0441\u0438\u0445\u043e\u0441\u043e\u043c\u0430\u0442\u0438\u043a\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u0445\u0451", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u0410\u0419\u0422", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0422\u0440\u0430\u043a\u0438\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0425\u0425\u0425\u0425\u0425", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0425\u0435\u043b\u044c\u0435\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0433\u043e\u0434\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043b\u0435\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u043e\u0434\u0440\u043e\u0431\u043d\u0435\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0440\u043c\u0441\u0442\u0440\u043e\u043d\u0433", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0440\u044f\u0445\u044b\u0456\u0451\u0448\u044d\u0440\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0446\u0448\u0447\u044d\u0448", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044e\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044f\u044e\u0444", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05e4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0622", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0648\u0637\u0646\u064a\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0644\u06cc\u0646\u0648\u06a9\u0633", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0645", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0645\u0637\u0627\u0631", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0646\u0645\u0627\u06cc\u0646\u062f\u06af\u06cc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0646\u06af\u0633\u062a\u0646", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0647\u0630\u0627", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0648\u06cc\u0646\u062f\u0648\u0632", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1005\u1000\u103a\u1010\u1004\u103a\u1018\u102c\u101c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u105b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u10e6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1102", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1175", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u17db", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e0f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e2a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e2b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e33\u1e93", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e5f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2016", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2022\u2022\u2022\u2022", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u202c\u202c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u20a7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u21b5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2261\u26a1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u23a1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u23a4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u23f6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2534", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u25a0\u03c6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u25bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2654", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u270c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u3055\u3048\u305a\u308b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u3063", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u3065", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30b9\u30da\u30b7\u30e3\u30eb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e16\u754c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e2d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e2d\u5c0f\u4f01\u696d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4eba\u6c14\u7684\u4e2d\u56fd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4ebf\u56fe\u56fe\u793a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5c55", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5fb3\u6c38\u82f1\u660e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5fd7\u65b9\u3042\u304d\u3053", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u60a8\u7684\u6d4f\u89c8\u5668\u4e0d\u652f\u6301", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u66f4\u65b0\u5668", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u76ee\u6807\u53d7\u4f17", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u8d29\u6bd2\u5206\u5b50\u662f\u5426\u5e94\u8be5\u53d7\u5230\u6b7b\u5211", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u923e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u9500\u552e\u7f51\u7edc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u9589\u3058\u308b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u97f3\u4e50", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ue636", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf032", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf05f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf065", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf0bb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf0e2", + -100 + ], + [ + "###########", + -100 + ], + [ + "==\u00da", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00b7\u00ab", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00b7\u00ee\u00cf\u00d7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00b7\u03b9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c6\u00c6\u00c0\u00c3\u00d0\u00dc\u00c0\u00d6\u00d4\u00b0\u00c7\u00e3\u00c7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00cb\u00ef\u00f5\u00f1\u00ef\u00fd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00cc\u00e1\u00eb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00cc\u00f0\u00f1\u00dc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d0\u00e5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d4\u00e1\u00ec\u00e5\u00df\u00ef", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d6\u00d6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00df\u00e4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e2\u00a9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ea\u00de\u00f2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ec\u00e8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f0\u00e1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f2\u00e2\u00e5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f2\u00ee\u00e2\u00e0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0110\u1ecb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0114", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0119\u015b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0160\u010d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0160\u0137\u0113", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u025c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0289", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039a\u0395\u0395", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b1\u03c1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b1\u2032", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b3\u03b4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b8\u03b5\u03cc\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03ba\u03b2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bd\u03cc\u03bc\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c3\u03c4\u03bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0411\u0435\u0437", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0412\u0430\u0440\u043d\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0413\u0430\u0437\u043f\u0440\u043e\u043c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0414\u0435\u043c\u043e\u043a\u0440\u0430\u0442\u0438\u0447\u0435\u0441\u043a\u0430\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0415\u043b\u0435\u043d\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0415\u0449\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0418\u0433\u043e\u0440\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041a\u0430\u0439\u0441\u0435\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041b\u0414\u041f\u0420", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u0430\u0442\u0440\u0438\u043e\u0442\u044b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u043e\u0432\u0435\u0447\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u0435\u0440\u043f\u0435\u043d\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u043e\u0444\u0438\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u0443\u0435\u0442\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0423\u043a\u0440\u0430\u0457\u043d\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0432\u0440\u0430\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0435\u043d\u0435\u0440\u0433\u0435\u0442\u0438\u043a\u0430\u0442\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043c\u0430\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u043b\u0430\u0446\u0435\u0431\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u0438\u0434\u0435\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0447\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044e\u0451", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0452", + -100 + ], + [ + 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"\u52b9\u679c\u97f3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5728\u7ebf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5929\u5802", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u624d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6bdb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u7709", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u85e4\u539f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u8aaa\u660e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u8fc7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u91a4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u9673\u4eab", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u98e9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uc815\ubcf4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ud55c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf02a\uf02a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf049", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf09b", + -100 + ], + [ + "#+", + -100 + ], + [ + "+\u0440\u0401\u044c\u044e\u044d\u0448", + -100 + ], + [ + "===========", + -100 + ], + [ + "={", + -100 + ], + [ + ">\\", + -100 + ], + [ + "`@", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ab\u25a0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00b0+", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c2\u00a7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c2\u00c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c3\u00a5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d2\u00eb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00dc\u00f2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00df\u5bd9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00df\u5c31", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e2\u00a3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e2\u2019\u00fb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e3\u00b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e7\u00e7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e8\u00ff", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ef\u00f0\u00ef", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f1\u00f1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f1\u00fa\u00ec", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f4\u00e5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00fa\u0161", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0101\u1e29", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0102\u0160", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u010c\u00e1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u010d\u016f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0121\u0121", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0139", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u013a\u5f22", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u013a\u6441", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0147\u5bd9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0147\u5c31", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u01a2\u5c9e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u01da", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0203", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0259\u02cc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0292\u0259", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u02bb\u0101", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u02c8\u00e6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0301#", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0301@", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0301\u00c1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0308\u0301", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u038a\u03bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0393\u03b9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039f\u0393\u0393", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a5\u03b3\u03b5\u03af\u03b1\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b2=", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b4\u03bd+", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b9\u03b9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bb\u03cc\u03b3\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bb\u03cc\u03c6\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bc=", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bf\u03b5\u03b9\u03b4\u03ae\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c0\u03bf\u03c5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c0\u03bf\u03cd\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c7\u03b1\u03bc\u03b1\u03af", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u0431\u043b\u043e\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u0437\u0438\u043d\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0441\u0435\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0413\u0435\u043e\u0440\u0433\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041a\u0438\u0435\u0432", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041b\u044e\u0431\u043e\u0432\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u0410\u0421\u041e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041e\u0420\u0413", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041e\u043b\u0435\u0433", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u0435\u0441\u043f\u0443\u0431\u043b\u0438\u043a\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u043e\u0441\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u0410\u0429", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u0421\u0421\u0420", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u043c\u0435\u0448\u0430\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u0456\u0447\u0435\u043d\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0422\u0412", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0422\u0430\u043a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0424\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0444", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0432\u0435\u0440\u0441\u0456\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0432\u044b\u0441\u043e\u043a\u043e\u0438\u043d\u0442\u0435\u043d\u0441\u0438\u0432\u043d\u044b\u0445", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0444\u0435\u043d\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0434\u0435\u043b\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0438\u043b\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0440\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u0440\u044d\u0440\u044d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0493", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05de\u05e9\u05d4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05e2\u05b4\u05d1\u05e8\u05b4\u05d9\u05ea", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0623\u0643\u062b\u0631", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0623\u0646\u0627", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0628\u0646", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0628\u0627\u0632\u0627\u0631", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062a\u062d\u062f\u064a\u062b\u0627\u062a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062e\u0631\u064a\u0637\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0635\u062f\u06cc\u0642\u06cc\u0646", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0637\u0644\u0639\u062a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0639\u0628\u062f\u0627\u0644\u0644\u0647", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0639\u0631\u0628\u064a\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u064a\u0648\u0633\u0641", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0655", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u06c1\u06cc\u06ba", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0e49", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0e4f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1019\u1031\u101c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u10e5\u10d0\u10e0\u10d7\u10e3\u10da\u10d8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1100", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1eb7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1f44\u03c8\u03b9\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2018\\", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u205d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2203", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u221a\u2212", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u23a5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2425", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u25b8\u25b8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2648", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2699\ufe0f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u26ab", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u273a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u278a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u307f\u3093\u306a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30a2\u30d7\u30ea", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30ab\u30d2\u30df\u30fb\u30ab\u30ea\u30a3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30bd\u30e9\u30de\u30c9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30ed\u30c8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u46ac\u610a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u46ac\u775c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e00\u6708", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4ece", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4f8b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5665\u6543\u6022", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u56fe\u7247\u5de5\u5382", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5723\u7ecf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5728\u60a8\u67e5\u770b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5929", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5929\u64ce", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5b89\u5168\u4e91\u76d8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5f35\u708e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6211\u4eec\u60f3\u77e5\u9053\u5bf9\u4f60\u591a\u4e00\u70b9\u3002\u8bf7\u586b\u5199\u5e76\u63d0\u4ea4\u4e0b\u9762\u7684\u8868\u683c\u3002", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6362\u673a\u52a9\u624b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6587\u6863\u536b\u58eb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u66f4\u65b0\u5c0f\u5e6b\u624b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6e38", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6e38\u620f\u76d2\u5b50", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u7248\u672c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u7ade\u821e\u53f0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u8349\u7d19", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u8de1\u5b92\u99b1\u91e6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u8fc8\u514b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u986e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u9a71\u52a8\u7a0b\u5e8f\u5305", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uad00\ub9ac\uc790", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ub2f7\ub137", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ubc29\ud0c4\uc18c\ub144\ub2e8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ubcf4\uae30", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uc608\uc5b8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uc740\uc815", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uc774", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ue5c4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ue83a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ue8ff", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf005\uf005\uf005\uf005\uf006", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf06f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf0ac", + -100 + ], + [ + "#########", + -100 + ], + [ + "#\u0454\u0432\u0440\u043e\u043c\u0430\u0439\u0434\u0430\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "==\u2022", + -100 + ], + [ + "^#", + -100 + ], + [ + "^^^^^^^", + -100 + ], + [ + "`\\", + -100 + ], + [ + "{\u00b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "}\u266a", + -100 + ], + [ + "~^", + -100 + ], + [ + "~~~~~", + -100 + ], + [ + "~\u20ac", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ab\u00bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ac\u2260", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00b7\u00a9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c9\u00c9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00dc\u00dc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e1\u013e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e6\u03bc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e8\u00de", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ea\u00dc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ee\u00e2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ee\u00e4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ef\u00f5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f0\u00fd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f1\u00e8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f2\u00e8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f3\u00e5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f6\u00e4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00fe\u00f3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0103\u0163\u0103", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0111\u017a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0119\u0142", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0192\u0192", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u01b3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0300", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0301\u00ee", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0323", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0391\u0399", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0391\u03c4\u03c4\u03b9\u03ba\u03ae\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0392\u0391", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0394\u03c3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0394\u03c9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0395\u03b9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0395\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0399\u0391", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0399\u0395\u03a1\u0391", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0399\u03bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039a\u03a5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a3\u03b7\u03bc\u03b5\u03af\u03c9\u03c3\u03b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b2\u03b2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b4\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c3\u03b1\u03c5\u03c1\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c3\u03c5\u03bd\u03b4\u03c1\u03bf\u03bc\u03ad\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u043d\u0430\u0442\u043e\u043b\u0438\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0411\u044e\u0440\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0412\u00bb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0414\u0430\u043b\u044c\u0448\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0414\u0435\u0433\u0442\u044f\u0440\u0451\u0432\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041b\u0423\u041a\u043e\u0439\u043b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041b\u044d\u043d\u0433\u043b\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u0430\u0440\u0438\u043d\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041e\u043a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u043e\u043b\u0438\u0442\u0438\u0447\u0435\u0441\u043a\u0430\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u0443\u0442\u0438\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u0432\u0435\u0436\u0438\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u043f\u0430\u0441\u0438\u0431\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0422\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0422\u0443\u0440\u0438\u0437\u043c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0422\u044b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0423\u043a\u0440\u0430\u0457\u043d\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u042e\u043b\u0438\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0435\u0443", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0437\u0430\u043b\u0435\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043a\u043e\u0440\u0442\u0438\u0437\u043e\u043b\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043b\u0430\u0439\u0444\u0445\u0430\u043a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0443\u043f\u043b\u0435\u043d\u0438\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u0440\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0443\u043a\u0438\u0432\u0430\u043d\u0438\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0440\u0401", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u0443\u043f\u0435\u0440\u0444\u0443\u0434\u0430\u0445", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0445\u0401", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0448\u044d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0622\u0646", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0635\u0648\u0631", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062a\u062d\u0642\u0642", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0633\u0631\u064a\u0639", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0633\u0644\u0637\u0627\u0646", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0645\u0631\u064a\u0645", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0647\u0648", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u067e\u0631", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u06a9\u06c1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u06a9\u06c1\u062a\u06d2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u090f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1014\u102d\u102f\u101d\u1004\u103a\u1018\u102c\u101c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u101e\u103c\u1002\u102f\u1010\u103a\u101c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u18a9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e26", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e93\u1e93", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2018#", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2018\u00fb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2018\u2019\u2019", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2019\u00d2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2019\u00ea", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u21cc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u221a\u0101\u00ac", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2264\uf020", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u23f0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u250c\u2500\u2510", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2610\u2610", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u262f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2653", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e0b\u8f09\u6b21\u6578", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4eab\u53d7\u798f\u5229\u7684\u4eba\u662f\u5426\u5e94\u63a5\u53d7\u6bd2\u54c1\u6d4b\u8bd5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5462", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5973", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5b59", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5c0f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u662f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u677e\u5c71\u5343\u6625", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6b63", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u7709\u94c6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u7f8e\u56fd\u5e94\u8be5\u63a8\u7ffb\u53d9\u5229\u4e9a\u603b\u7edf\u963f\u8428\u5fb7\u5417", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u8bf7\u6ce8\u610f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u90fd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u9f13\u697c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uc0c1\uc704", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uc194\ub8e8\uc158", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf053", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf054", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf165", + -100 + ], + [ + "#<", + -100 + ], + [ + "#\u0644\u0627", + -100 + ], + [ + "+\u03b5", + -100 + ], + [ + "+\u0423", + -100 + ], + [ + "+\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + ">}", + -100 + ], + [ + "\\\\#", + -100 + ], + [ + "~=", + -100 + ], + [ + "~~~~~~~", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a4\u0445\u0451\u044d\u0456", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a4\u044e\u0401\u0443\u0448", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a6\u0455\u0447", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ab\u0415\u0434\u0438\u043d\u0430\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c0\u00c7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c0\u00cc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c1\u00e8\u00de", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c1\u00f1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c4\u00b6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ca\u00cf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00cb\u00d1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00cd\u00f4\u00dd\u00e7\u00e2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e2\u0153", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e2\u2018\u00ee", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e5\u00f6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e6\u00a2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e6\u00fc\u00ec\u00e5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ea\u00f9\u00e4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00eb\u00e8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ec\u00ef\u00e3\u00de", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ec\u00fc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f0\u00e5\u00f1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f0\u00ee", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f0\u00fc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00fc\u00e8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00fc\u00f4\u00e7\u00f4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00fc\u015f\u00e7\u00fc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00fe\u00e6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0101\u0161", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u010b\u010b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0113\u00b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0146\u0101", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u015e\u00d6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u015e\u00ea", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0160\u0101", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0161\u00e8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0161\u00f5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0161\u012b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u01fd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u025b\u0259", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0388\u03c6\u03bf\u03c1\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0391\u039d\u0391", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0393\u039c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0395\u0391\u039d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0395\u03c4\u03b1\u03b9\u03c1\u03b5\u03b9\u03ce\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0397\u03bb\u03b5\u03ba\u03c4\u03c1\u03b9\u03c3\u03bc\u03bf\u03cd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039a\u03bf\u03bd\u03c3\u03b5\u03c1\u03b2\u03bf\u03bb\u03b9\u03ac", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039b\u03a5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a0\u0391", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a0\u03b1\u03c6\u03b9\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a0\u03c9\u03bb\u03ae\u03c3\u03b5\u03b9\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a6\u0395\u039a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a7\u03b1\u03bb\u03ba\u03b9\u03b4\u03b9\u03ba\u03ae\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b3\u03c5\u03bd\u03ae", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b4\u03c9\u03c1\u03ad\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b5\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b5\u03c4\u03b1\u03b9\u03c1\u03b5\u03af\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b5\u1f56", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b7\u0392\u0395\u03a1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b7\u0393", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b7\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b7\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b7\u03c5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b9\u00b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b9\u03bf\u03af", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bb\u03cc\u03b3\u03c9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bc\u03b1\u03ba\u03c1\u03cc\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bd\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bf\u03af\u03bd\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c0\u00b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c0\u03b5\u03b4\u03b9\u03bb\u03bf\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c3\u03c4\u03ac\u03c7\u03c5\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c5\u03c0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c6\u03bf\u03af\u03bd\u03b9\u03ba\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c7\u03bf\u03c1\u03bf\u03cd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0402", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0441\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u043d\u043d\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0412\u00b0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0412\u0430\u043b\u044e\u0448\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0412\u0438\u043a\u0442\u043e\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0412\u043b\u0430\u0434\u0438\u0441\u043b\u0430\u0432", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0413\u043e\u0440\u043d\u043e\u043e\u0440\u044f\u0445\u043e\u0432\u0441\u043a\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0415\u042e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0415\u0434\u0438\u043d\u0430\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0417\u0430\u0433\u043e\u0440\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0418\u043b\u0438\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041b\u0438\u043b\u0438\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041b\u044e\u0434\u043c\u0438\u043b\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041b\u044e\u0442\u0438\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041d\u0430\u0440\u043e\u0434\u043d\u044b\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041e\u041d\u041b\u0410\u0419\u041d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u0424", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0432\u0435\u0441\u0442\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u0440\u0430\u0432\u043e\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u0412", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u0430\u0434\u0438\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u0435\u043a\u043e\u043c\u0435\u043d\u0434\u0443\u044e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u0421\u0420", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0433\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0433\u0440\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043a\u043b\u0443\u0431", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u0440\u043e\u0442\u043e\u043a\u043e\u043b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u0430\u043c\u043e\u043c\u0430\u0441\u0441\u0430\u0436\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u0435\u043b\u0444\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u0443\u0434\u0436\u0443\u043a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0442\u0438\u043c\u0435\u0440\u043e\u0441\u0430\u043b\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0444\u0435\u043b\u0434\u0448\u0435\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0445\u0451\u0451", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044a\u0440\u044a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044d\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0440\u043e\u0442\u044f\u0433\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044d\u0442\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044e\u0401\u044b\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0451\u0445\u0441", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0496", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0560", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d0\u05d4\u05d1\u05d4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d1\u05df", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d9\u05e6\u05d7\u05e7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0625\u0644\u0649", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0639\u0631\u0628\u064a\u0629\u7b80\u4f53\u4e2d\u6587", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u063a\u0631\u0641", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u063a\u0631\u0641\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0641\u0646\u062f\u0642", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0641\u0648\u062a\u0648\u063a\u0631\u0627\u0641\u064a\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u064a\u0648\u0645", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0646", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062a\u0648\u0627\u0641\u0631", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062c\u0628\u0644", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062d\u062c\u0632", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062e\u0648\u062f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0635\u0644\u0627\u062d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0637\u0627\u0631\u0642", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0639\u064a\u062f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0639\u06a9\u0627\u0633\u06cc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0646", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0648\u0644\u0627", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u06a9\u06d2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0938\u0902\u0917\u0920\u0928", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0f13", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1105", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e17\u00b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e25\u012b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1ecf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2018\u0404", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2019\u0101", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2022\u2022\u2022\u2022\u2022\u2022\u2022\u2022\u2022", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u202a@", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u221a\u2020", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u22c6\u22c6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u22d1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u256c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u25a0\u00bb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2605\u2606\u2605", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2638", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2665\ufe0f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u266a\u266b\u266a\u266b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2709", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u3042\u306e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30b6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30c6\u3002", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30e9\u30d5\u30a1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e09\u6708", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e0b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e50\u53ef\u5229\u96c6\u56e2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e61", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u522e\u75e7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u61c9\u7528\u7a0b\u5f0f\u652f\u63f4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6642\u9593", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u66f4\u591a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u75bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u7740", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u8c61", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u90a3\u4e48", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u91b2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u91cd\u677e\u8c61\u5e73", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u9ad8", + -100 + 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+ -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ca\u00ef", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00cd\u00e5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d4\u03a9\u00b0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00da\u0161", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e2\u00c0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e2\u2018", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e3\u00a1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e3\u00ee", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e4\u00e4\u00e4\u00e4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e5\u00f2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ec\u00e0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f0\u00ef\u00f3\u00fc\u00f4\u00e7\u00f4\u00e1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f6\u00e7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f6\u011f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0101\u1e47\u0101", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0101\u1e47\u012b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0160\u0137", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0172", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0186", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u01c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u026c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0272", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u02bc\u0101", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u02c4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u02c8\u026a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0301\u00ea", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0308\u0131", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0315", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u038e\u03b4\u03c1\u03b5\u03c5\u03c3\u03b7\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0393\u03c1\u03b1\u03c6\u03b5\u03af\u03c9\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0394\u0394", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0394\u0397", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0394\u03b7\u03bc\u03ae\u03c4\u03c1\u03b7\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0394\u03be", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0395\u03b2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0397\u03a1\u0391", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0399\u039f\u0399", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0399\u03cc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039a\u03bf\u03bc\u03bd\u03b7\u03bd\u03cc\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039c\u03b5\u03bb\u03b5\u03c4\u03b7\u03c4\u03ce\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039c\u03b5\u03bb\u03b5\u03c4\u03ce\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a3\u03c7\u03bf\u03bb\u03ae", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a6\u03ac\u03b2\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03ad\u03bd\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bf\u03c4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c1\u03bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c4\u03bf\u1fe6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0401\u0445", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u0422\u0424", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0413\u0424", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0418\u0433\u0440\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041a\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041b\u041f\u041b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u0435\u0440\u043a\u043e\u043b\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u041f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0424\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0444\u0438\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0432\u043e\u0434\u043d\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0432\u044a\u0442\u0440\u0435\u0448\u043d\u0438\u0442\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0434", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043c\u043e\u0440\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0442\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043c\u043e\u0441\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043d\u0435\u043e\u044f\u0437\u044b\u0447\u043d\u0438\u043a\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u0438\u0440\u0430\u0445\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u0440\u0438\u0441\u0442\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0449\u0430\u0442\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u0440\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0440\u0430\u043d\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u044a\u0442\u0438\u0449\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u0438\u043b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0442\u0438\u043c\u0435\u0440\u043e\u0441\u0430\u043b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0442\u0440\u043e\u043c\u0431\u043e\u0446\u0438\u0442\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0445\u0451", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0447\u0442\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044a\u0445", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0450", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0451\u0440\u0451", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d1\u05e8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05de\u05d9\u05db\u05d0\u05dc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05e9\u05dc\u05d5\u05dd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0623\u0645", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0623\u0646\u0642\u0631", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u062a\u064a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u062f\u0648\u0644\u064a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0645\u0631\u0623\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062c\u0627\u0645\u0639\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062d\u062c\u0645", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062d\u0633\u064a\u0646", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062d\u0642\u0648\u0642", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0631\u0627\u0645\u064a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0633\u0631\u064a\u0631", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0643\u0645\u0627", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0644\u0644\u062a\u0648\u0633\u064a\u0639", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0645\u0634", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0645\u0646\u0633\u0648\u062e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0645\u0646\u0635\u0648\u0631", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u06e5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0e48", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1828", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u182d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1834", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u18e9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e11\u0101", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e47\u012b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e62\u00e1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e63\u1e6d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e6c\u0101", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u200c\u200c\u200c\u200c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u200d\u2640\ufe0f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2019\u00f6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2022^", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u202a\u202a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u203f\u2665", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2043", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u20ac\u00b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u20ac\u03bc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u212e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u23d0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u240d\u00d8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u251c\u00e1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u251c\u00f4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u252c\u2510", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u25a0\u25ba", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u264a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u26a1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2753", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u279f\u279f\u279f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u307e\u305f\u306f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30c7\u30b6\u30a4\u30ca\u30fc\u6570", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e2d\u68ee\u660e\u83dc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5173\u4e8e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5317", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u53e3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u540c\u6027\u604b\u592b\u59bb\u662f\u5426\u5e94\u8be5\u62e5\u6709\u548c\u5f02\u6027\u604b\u592b\u59bb\u540c\u7b49\u7684\u6536\u517b\u6743\u5229", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u653f\u5e9c\u5e94\u8be5\u5c06\u6bd4\u7279\u5e01\u5212\u5206\u4e3a\u6cd5\u5b9a\u8d27\u5e01\u5417", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u7ba1\u7406", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u83bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u8881", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u99c9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ub9ac\uc18c\uc2a4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uc124\uba85", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uc790\uc138\ud788", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uc9f9\uc9f9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ue04a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf035", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf083", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf084", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf0a8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf0bc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf0bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "#\u0422\u0432\u0438\u0442\u0435\u0440\u041a\u0430\u043b\u0435\u043d\u0434\u0430\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "#\u515a\u9996\u8a0e\u8ad6", + -100 + ], + [ + "+^", + -100 + ], + [ + "+\u03b4", + -100 + ], + [ + "+\u0401\u0445\u0440\u044d\u0444\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "+\ue385", + -100 + ], + [ + "==\u0160", + -100 + ], + [ + "\\#", + -100 + ], + [ + "\\\\\\\\\\\\", + -100 + ], + [ + "^^^^^^^^", + -100 + ], + [ + "^\u25a0", + -100 + ], + [ + "`\u00e2", + -100 + ], + [ + "`\u2192", + -100 + ], + [ + "{\u00c8", + -100 + ], + [ + "}}}", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a1\u00f3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a6\u044d\u044e\u0443\u044e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a7\u044e\u044b\u044e\u0444\u044d\u044e\u0449", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ab\u00e0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ab\u041d\u0430\u0440\u043e\u0434\u043d\u044b\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00b0\u039b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00b1\u221a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00b7\u03b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00bb\u03b9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00bf\u00a1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c3\u0192\u00c2\u0192\u00c3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c3\u0192\u00c2\u2030", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c4\u0112", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c6\u00f0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d0\u00ec", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d0\u03bc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d1\u00c9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d3\u00f0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d6\u011f\u00fc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00dc\u011e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e0\u00ff", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e0\u0395\u03bb\u03bb\u03b7\u03bd\u03b9\u03ba\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e2\u00fb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e2\u015d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e3\u00f9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e4\u00e4\u00e4\u00e4\u00e4\u00e4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e5\u00eb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e8\u00eb\u00e8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ef\u00e8\u00dd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f9\u00f9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00fa\u0159", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00fb\u00e7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00fb\u00f5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00fd\u00fe", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00fd\u0159", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00fe\u00fe", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0100\u00b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0101\u02bc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0113\u0161", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u012b\u0101", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0136\u012a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u013e\u0148", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0141\u0105", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0142\u0142\u0105", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0151\u0151", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0165\u00e1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u01c1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0251\u02d0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0261", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u026f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0273", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0279", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u02bf\u0101", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0333", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0391\u039b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0391\u039d\u03a4\u0399\u0393\u03a1\u0391\u03a6\u039f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0391\u03a4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0391\u03b9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0393\u038a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0393\u039d\u0395\u039c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0394\u039a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0394\u03a6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0394\u03bf\u03cd\u03ba\u03b1\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0395\u039a\u0395", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0395\u03a0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0397\u039d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0399\u0393", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0399\u03c9\u03ac\u03bd\u03bd\u03b7\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039a\u03bf\u03bb\u03bf\u03ba\u03ac\u03c3\u03b9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039a\u03c9\u03bd\u03c3\u03c4\u03b1\u03bd\u03c4\u03af\u03bd\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039d\u00b0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039d\u03af\u03ba\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039d\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039d\u03bf\u03bc\u03cc\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039f\u03c1\u03b3\u03b1\u03bd\u03b9\u03c3\u03bc\u03cc\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a0\u03c1\u03cc\u03ba\u03bd\u03b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a1\u0395", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a3\u03bf\u03c5\u03bb\u03c4\u03b1\u03bd\u03af\u03bd\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a3\u03c9\u03c4\u03ae\u03c1\u03b1\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a4\u0399\u03ba", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03ac\u03bd\u03b8\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b1\u03b3\u03b1\u03b8\u03bf\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b1\u03bd\u03b1\u03c6\u03ad\u03c1\u03b5\u03c4\u03b1\u03b9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b1\u03c0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b4\u03b9\u03ac\u03bb\u03b5\u03be\u03b9\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b5\u1f30\u03bc\u03b9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b7\u0391", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b7\u03a1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03ba\u03b1\u03bb\u03cc\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03ba\u03b5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03ba\u03b9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03ba\u03bf\u1fd6\u03bb\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03ba\u03cc\u03ba\u03ba\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03ba\u03cd\u03bc\u03b2\u03b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bb\u03b5\u03c5\u03ba\u03cc\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bc\u03b9\u03ba\u03c1\u03cc\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bc\u03cc\u03bd\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c0\u03b5\u03c1\u03af\u03c0\u03c4\u03c9\u03c3\u03b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c3\u03c0\u03ad\u03c1\u03bc\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c4\u03bf\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c4\u03bf\u03c0\u03b9\u03ba\u03cc\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c4\u03cc\u03c0\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c4\u1f78\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c6\u03bf\u1fd6\u03bd\u03b9\u03be", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c6\u03c4\u03c5\u03bf\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0401\u044e\u0447", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u0413\u0412", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u0420\u041c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u043b\u044c\u0431\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u0441\u0435\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0411\u0424", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0412\u0435\u0429\u0434\u043e\u043a\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0412\u0435\u043b\u0438\u043a\u043e\u0431\u0440\u0438\u0442\u0430\u043d\u0438\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0412\u0435\u043b\u0447\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0412\u0438\u043a\u0442\u043e\u0440\u0438\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0412\u0441\u0442\u0443\u043f\u043b\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0413\u043e\u0441\u0443\u0434\u0430\u0440\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0435\u043d\u043d\u043e\u043c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0413\u043e\u0448\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0414\u0435\u043a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0414\u043e\u043c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0414\u043e\u043d\u0435\u0446\u043a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0415\u0449\u0451", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0418\u043b\u044c\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041a\u0401\u0448", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041a\u043e\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0443\u043a\u044d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041b\u0430\u043d\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041b\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0438\u043d\u044b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041b\u0435\u043e\u043d\u0438\u0434", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041b\u0438\u0434\u0438\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041d\u0430\u043f\u0440\u0438\u043c\u0435\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041e\u041e\u0414", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041e\u041e\u041e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041e\u0434\u0435\u043d\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u043e\u0434\u0441\u043b\u0443\u0448\u0430\u043d\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u043e\u043b\u0435\u0437\u043d\u044b\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u0440\u0438\u0432\u0435\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u0440\u043e\u0441\u0442\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u0443\u0442\u0435\u0448\u0435\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0438\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u043e\u0434\u0438\u043d\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u043e\u044e\u0437\u00bb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u043f\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0435\u0434\u043b\u0438\u0432\u0430\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0422\u043e\u043a\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0422\u043e\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0423\u041e\u041a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0424\u0440\u043e\u0439\u043b\u044f\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0430\u043c\u0430\u0440\u0430\u043d\u0442\u043e\u0432\u043e\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0432\u0430\u043c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0433\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0434\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0434\u0435\u0432\u0443\u0448\u043a\u0443", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0434\u0443\u043b\u0443\u043c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043a\u0443\u043a\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043c\u0438\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0440\u043e\u0432", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0432\u043e\u0434\u043e\u0432", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0435\u0434\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u0440\u0435\u0434\u043f\u0440\u0438\u044f\u0442\u0438\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u0440\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0440\u0438\u0441\u0443\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0440\u0455\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0435\u0442\u044b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0442\u044e\u0449\u044d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0443\u044e\u0444\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0445\u0401\u044a\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0447\u0445\u044c\u044b\u0445", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0448\u0447", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044b\u044e\u0451\u044a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044d\u0448\u0451\u0445\u0443\u044e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044e\u0401\u044b\u044e\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044e\u0449", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044f\u044e\u0451\u0401\u0445\u0444\u044d\u0448\u044a\u044e\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0455\u044b\u044b\u0445\u0401\u0442\u044e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0456\u00a6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0458\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u04ab", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d1\u05b8\u05bc\u05e8\u05b8\u05d0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05e7\u05d5\u05dd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0628\u0631\u0627\u0647\u064a\u0645", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u062c\u064a\u0634", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u062c\u064a\u0644\u0627\u0646\u064a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0640", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0643\u0648\u064a\u062a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0628\u0646\u062a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062a\u0648\u0646\u0633", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0633\u0631\u0645\u062f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u063a\u064a\u0631", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0642\u0635\u0631", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0644\u0639\u0631\u0628\u064a\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0645\u062d\u0645\u062f\u0631\u0636\u0627", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0647\u0627\u06cc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0686", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0928\u092e\u0938\u094d\u0924\u0947", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u09ad\u09be\u09b0\u09a4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0c2d\u0c3e\u0c30\u0c24\u0c4d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0e00$", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1109", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1433", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e35", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e55", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2019\u00c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2019\u2018", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2022\u2022\u2022\u2022\u2022\u2022", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2022\u2211", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2032\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u20ac$", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u20ac\u2039\u20ac\u2039", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2194\u2191", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2209", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u221f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u22b0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u252c\u2591", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u25a0\u2022", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2606\u2606\u2606", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2606\u2606\u2606\u2606\u2606\u00da", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u263a\ufe0f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2652", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u26ab\ufe0f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2714\ufe0f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2730", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2777", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u278c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u3075\u3057\u304e\u304c\u3044\u3063\u3071\u3044", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30a2\u30c3\u30d7\u30c7\u30fc\u30c8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30b8\u30e7\u30ca\u30b5\u30f3\u30df\u30fc\u30c9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30db\u30fc\u30e0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30e1\u30e2\u30ea", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30e9\u30a4\u30c8\u30a2\u30c3\u30d7\u30de\u30a4\u30f3\u30c9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30fc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e07", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e0b\u4e00\u9898\u662f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e16\u754c\u9280\u884c\u30d6\u30ed\u30b0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e2d\u6587\u65e5\u672c\u8a9e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e2d\u6587\u7f51", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e2d\u6587\u7f51\u7ad9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e4b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4f5c\u8005", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5263\u9053", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u534e\u5c71", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5468", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u563f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u56fd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u592a\u7530", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5bc6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5c71", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5fae\u4fe1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u60a8\u5373\u5c06\u8df3\u8f6c\u81f3\u56db\u5b63\u9152\u5e97\u5728\u4e2d\u56fd\u5883\u5916\u8fd0\u8425\u7684\u7f51\u7ad9\u3002\u660e\u767d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u662f\u7684", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6709", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6b63\u5f0f\u7248", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6ca1\u6709", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u7121\u97f3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u7136\u800c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u7ad9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u7ae0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u7d9a\u304d\u3092\u8aad\u3080", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u7ea6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u82b1\u706b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u8be6\u7ec6\u4fe1\u606f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u9824", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u9833", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u9999\u6e2f\u9686\u5821\u96c5\u9038\u9152\u5e97", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u9cad", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u9d5c\u98fc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ub294", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ub2f5\ubcc0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ub3d9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ub4e4\uc5b4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ubbff\uc74c\uc758", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uc0ac\ub78c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uc0dd\uba85\uc758", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uc544\ube0c\ub77c\ud568\uc758", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uc57d\uc18d\uc758", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uc73c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uc77c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uc790\ub140\uc640", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ud558\ub098\ub2d8\uaed8\ub85c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ue252", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ue386", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ue389", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ue38a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf028", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf02f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf046", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf07d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf07f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf081", + -100 + ], + [ + "$$$$$", + -100 + ], + [ + "+{", + -100 + ], + [ + "===\u00da", + -100 + ], + [ + "===\u2020", + -100 + ], + [ + "=\u0456", + -100 + ], + [ + ">#", + -100 + ], + [ + "@@@@", + -100 + ], + [ + "\\\u00fc", + -100 + ], + [ + "^^~", + -100 + ], + [ + "^\u00b0", + -100 + ], + [ + "`$", + -100 + ], + [ + "``\\", + -100 + ], + [ + "{+", + -100 + ], + [ + "{{{", + -100 + ], + [ + "{\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "}\u00d7{}", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a1\\", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a1\u00bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a1\u00e3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a1\u03b9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a6\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ab\u0420\u043e\u0434\u0438\u043d\u0430\u00bb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ab\u0421\u043e\u044e\u0437", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00b0=", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00b0\u00b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c2\u00a4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c2\u03bc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c3\u00a6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c6\u00d8\u00c7\u00c3\u00c5\u00e8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00cc\u00e0\u00f0\u00f2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00cc\u00f0\u00f1\u00dd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00cd\u0160", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d2\u00c0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d3\u00ee\u00eb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d4\u03a9\u00f8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d6\u00f0\u00ee\u00e4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00dc\u00fc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e2\u201e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e2\u20ac\u00a2\u00c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e4\u00f6\u00e1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e5\u00e4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e5\u00ee\u00e1\u00e3\u00f9\u00e3\u00de\u00f2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e8\u00e8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e8\u00ec", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ea\u00e1\u00f4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00eb\u00eb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ef\u00f1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f2\u00f3\u00ea", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f3\u00bb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f3\u00f4\u00e1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f5\u00f5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f7\u00f9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00fd\u00ec", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0101\u0146", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0101\u02be", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0110\u1ebf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0113\u0123", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u011c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0131\u0301", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0136\u016b\u013c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u017e\u0117", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0219\u0103", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0266", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u026a\u0259", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u026b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0363", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0394\u03b7\u03bc\u03cc\u03c3\u03b9\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0399\u0388", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0399\u038a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0399\u038c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039c\u0393\u03a0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039d\u0391", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039d\u0393", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039d\u03b9\u03ba\u03cc\u03bb\u03b1\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039e\u0399", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039f\u03a0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a0\u0393", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a0\u03bf\u03bb\u03b9\u03c4\u03b9\u03ba\u03ae\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a0\u03c1\u03bf\u03b7\u03b3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a1\u0399\u0392", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a1\u039f\u03a5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a1\u03a1\u0395\u039b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a1\u03a4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a3\u03b1\u03bd\u03c4\u03bf\u03c1\u03af\u03bd\u03b7\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a7\u0393\u03a7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a7\u0399\u03a0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a7\u03a7\u03a0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a7\u03b5\u03af\u03c1\u03c9\u03bd\u00b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03ad", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b1\u03b5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b1\u2019", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b1\u2264", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b3\u03b3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b7\u03b0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b7\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bc\u03b9\u03c4\u03b9\u03bf\u0399", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bf\u03c1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c0\u03c1\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c3\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c3\u03c4\u03ad\u03bb\u03b5\u03c7\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c3\u03c4\u03b9\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c4\u03b7\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03df", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0401\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u043b\u044c\u0444\u0440\u0438\u0434", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u043c\u0430\u0440\u0430\u043d\u0442\u043e\u0432\u043e\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u0440\u0442\u0435\u043c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0412\u0430\u0441\u0438\u043b\u0438\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0412\u0438\u0442\u0430\u043b\u0438\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0413\u0435\u043d\u043d\u0430\u0434\u0438\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0413\u0440\u0438\u0433\u043e\u0440\u0438\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041a\u0430\u043b\u0435\u043d\u0434\u0430\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041a\u0430\u0440\u043d\u043e\u0431\u0430\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041a\u0441\u0435\u043d\u0438\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u0430\u043a\u0435\u0434\u043e\u043d\u0438\u0458\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u0430\u043a\u0435\u0434\u043e\u043d\u0441\u043a\u0438\u4e2d\u6587\u0411\u044a\u043b\u0433\u0430\u0440\u0441\u043a\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u0430\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u0438\u043d\u0438\u0441\u0442\u0435\u0440\u0441\u0442\u0432\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u043e\u0431\u0438\u043b\u044c\u043d\u044b\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041d\u0438\u043a\u043e\u043b\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041d\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041d\u043e\u0432\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041e\u0447\u0438\u0441\u0442\u0438\u0442\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u043e\u0438\u0441\u043a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0447\u043d\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0430\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u043e\u0432\u0435\u0442\u0441\u043a\u0430\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u043e\u043b\u0438\u0434\u0430\u0440\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u043f\u0438\u0441\u043e\u043a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0422\u043e\u0434\u043e\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0422\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0435\u043d\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0424\u0456\u043b\u044c\u0442\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0426\u0435\u043d\u0442\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u042f\u043b\u0443\u0442\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0441\u043a\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0434\u0430\u0442\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0434\u0435\u043d\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0434\u043e\u0432\u0435\u0434\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043a\u044d\u0436\u0443\u0430\u043b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u0440\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0443\u043a\u0438\u0432\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0440\u0435\u043e\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0440\u0440\u0447", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u0430\u0439\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u0438\u0434\u0435\u0440\u0430\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u0438\u043b\u00bb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u0442\u0430\u0442\u0435\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0442\u0448", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0442\u044e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0444\u0456\u043b\u044c\u0442\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0445\u044d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044c\u0445\u0451", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044d\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0440\u043e\u0431\u0443\u0441\u043e\u0432", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044d\u044e\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044e\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0456\u0451", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u045e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u04aa", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0592", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d0\u05d9\u05df", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d0\u05dc\u05d4\u05d9\u05dd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d0\u05dc\u05d5\u05df", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d1\u05e0\u05d9\u05de\u05d9\u05df", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d3\u05df", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05de\u05dc\u05db\u05d9\u05d0\u05d5\u05e8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05f3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u062d\u0645\u062f\u06cc\u200c\u0646\u0698\u0627\u062f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0623\u0631\u0636", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0631\u0642\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0635\u0641\u062d\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0641\u064a\u0635\u0644", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0628\u0639\u062f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062a\u0630\u0628\u062d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062e\u0627\u0644\u062f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0633\u0631\u0651\u0647", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0641\u0642\u0637", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0642\u062f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0642\u062f\u0633", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0647\u0627\u062f\u064a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u092d\u093e\u0930\u0924", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0950", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1f10\u03b3\u1f7c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1f10\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1f21", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2020\u2020\u2020\u2020\u2020\u2020\u2020\u2020\u2020\u2020\u2020", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u202c\u202a#", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2032\u00e2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u21c4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u221a\u010c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u221a\u0118", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u221a\u222b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u23ce", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u251c\u00bb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u25b6\ufe0e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u264e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u267b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2713\u2713", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u271a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u272e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u277f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u3001\u307e\u305f\u306f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u3014\u3015", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u308f\u305f\u3057\u3092", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30a8\u30fc\u30b8\u30fc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30ab\u30a8\u30e9\u30b9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30c9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30ce", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30e8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e0a\u5ddd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4eac", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5173\u7cfb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5510", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5927\u962a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u592a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5bfa", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5fc3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6240\u4ee5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u653f\u5e9c\u5e94\u8be5\u589e\u52a0\u5bf9\u7cbe\u795e\u5065\u5eb7\u7814\u7a76\u548c\u6cbb\u7597\u7684\u8d44\u91d1\u6295\u5165\u5417", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u662f\u5426\u53ef\u4ee5\u5141\u8bb8\u516c\u53f8\u3001\u5de5\u4f1a\u548c\u975e\u8425\u5229\u7ec4\u7ec7\u7ed9\u653f\u515a\u6350\u8d60", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6708\u4e0b\u306e\u591c\u60f3\u66f2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6765\u6e90", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6b66", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6beb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6c11\u65cf\u51fa\u7248\u793e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6c23", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6cb3\u5357", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u79bb\u7ebf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u7c7b\u522b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u7d00", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u7d14\u4e00", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u812b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u81f3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u897f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u8a00", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u8be5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u8bed\u8a00", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u8d8a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u8fd4\u56de\u4e0a\u4e00\u9875", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u9821", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u98a9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u9bae", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uae38", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ub3c4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ubc0f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ue0dd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ue607", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf005\uf005\uf005\uf005\uf123", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf02a\uf020", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf034", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf070", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf082", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf085", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf0d6", + -100 + ], + [ + "#\u0130", + -100 + ], + [ + "#\u0416", + -100 + ], + [ + "+\\\\", + -100 + ], + [ + "+\u0440\u0401\u044d\u0440\u0451\u0448", + -100 + ], + [ + "+\u0445\u044d\u0455\u00b6", + -100 + ], + [ + "+\u044e\u0442\u0440\u044d\u0401\u0448\u044d", + -100 + ], + [ + "+\u044f\u0445\u0401\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "+\u25a0", + -100 + ], + [ + "====#", + -100 + ], + [ + "=\u03c0", + -100 + ], + [ + "=\u044e", + -100 + ], + [ + ">@", + -100 + ], + [ + ">\u00ec", + -100 + ], + [ + "@\u5047\u88c5\u5728\u7ebd\u7ea6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\\^\\", + -100 + ], + [ + "\\\u00b0", + -100 + ], + [ + "^{}", + -100 + ], + [ + "^}", + -100 + ], + [ + "^\u00a1", + -100 + ], + [ + "{\u00cc", + -100 + ], + [ + "{\u03a4", + -100 + ], + [ + "}\\\\", + -100 + ], + [ + "~}", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a1^", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a1\u03c0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a3=", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a3\u00e2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a4\u0401\u0445\u0442\u0448\u044d\u0448\u044b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a4\u044e\u044b\u0448\u0401\u044e\u044b\u0456", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a6\u0440\u0401\u00b0\u0445", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a6\u0445\u0441\u0445\u044b\u0456", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a6\u044e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a6\u0451\u0448\u044b\u0456", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a9\u00c5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a9\u00f1\u00a7\u00ef\u00b0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ab\u00c0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ab\u041f\u0430\u0442\u0440\u0438\u043e\u0442\u044b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ab\u041f\u0440\u0430\u0432\u043e\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00b0}", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00b0\u00d7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00bf^", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00bf\u00ea", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c3\u00b1\u00c3\u00a9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c3\u00ea\u00dc\u00ec\u00f0\u00f1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c3\u00ef\u00f5\u00fc\u00eb\u00f2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c3\u03bc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c7\u00f6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ca\u00dd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ca\u00dd\u00eb\u00f5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00cc\u00e5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00cc\u0192", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00cd\u00f4\u00fc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d0\u00e0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d5\u00d5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d6\u00f6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d6\u011f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d7\u00f6\u00e4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00dc\u00e3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00dc\u00f1\u00e8\u00f1\u00ef", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00dc\u0130", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e1\u00e1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e1\u00f0\u00fc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e1\u00f7\u00a3\u00ac\u00f1\u00ef", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e4\u00ee", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e5\u00c6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e5\u00f6\u00e1\u00f1\u00ec\u00ef\u00e3\u00de", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e6\u0160\u017d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e7\u00ec\u00dd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e8\u00e1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e8\u00e7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ea\u00f4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00eb\u00f9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ec\u00e5\u00f2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ec\u00e5\u00f4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ec\u00e7\u00e4\u00dd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ec\u00ee", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ec\u00f0\u00ef", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ec\u00f0\u00ef\u00f1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ec\u00f2\u03bc\u00f3\u00e3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ee\u00e1\u00e3\u00f9\u00e3\u00de", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ee\u00fe", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ef\u00f0\u00e8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ef\u00f0\u00ee", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ef\u00f6\u00de", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f0\u00e1\u00f1\u00dc\u00e3\u00f1\u00e1\u00f6\u00ef\u00f2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f2\u00ee", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f3\u00ec\u00fc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f3\u00f3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f3\u00f4\u00f1\u00ef", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f4\u00e6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f5\u00ec\u00dd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f6\u00ef\u00f2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f8^", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f8\u00f8\u00f8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f9\u00f1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f9\u00f2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00fb\u00f3\u00e3\u00f3\u00fa", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00fd\u00f2\u00ee", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0100\u03b8\u03b2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0101\u02be\u016b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0104\u017e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0105\u0107", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0110\u1ea3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0110\u1ea7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0111\u00e0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0141\u0104", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0146\u015d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u014e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0160\u00fa", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0161\u00c3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0161\u2032", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u016b\u0161", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u017e\u016f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u021f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0253", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0257", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u028a\u02c8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0292\u02c8\u03b2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u02c1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0301\u00c0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0303\u20ac", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0308\u032e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0325", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0332", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u033a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u033b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u038c\u03c1\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0391\u039d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0391\u03a7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0391\u03b5\u03c1\u03bf\u03c0\u03bf\u03c1\u03af\u03b1\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0393\u039b\u00ab", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0394\u03a4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0394\u03a8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0394\u03c4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0395\u0399\u03a4\u0391", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0395\u03a3\u03a5\u0395", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0395\u03c0\u03b9\u03c7\u03b5\u03af\u03c1\u03b7\u03c3\u03b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0395\u03c0\u03b9\u03c7\u03b5\u03b9\u03c1\u03ae\u03c3\u03b5\u03b9\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0395\u03c0\u03cc\u03bc\u03b5\u03bd\u03bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039a\u03b1\u03c3\u03c4\u03bf\u03c1\u03b9\u03ac\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039a\u03bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039a\u03bf\u03b9\u03bd\u03bf\u03c4\u03ae\u03c4\u03c9\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039b\u038c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039b\u0391", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039c\u03bf\u03bd\u03ae", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039d\u03bf\u03bd\u03a0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039e\u03b5\u03bd\u03bf\u03ba\u03c1\u03ac\u03c4\u03bf\u03c5\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039f\u0393\u0395\u0391", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039f\u03bd\u03bf\u03bc\u03b1\u03c3\u03af\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a0\u0399\u0391", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a0\u03a4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a0\u03b5\u03b9\u03c1\u03b1\u03b9\u03ce\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a0\u03b5\u03c1\u1f76", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a1\u03a0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a3\u03b1\u03bd\u03c4\u03bf\u03c1\u03af\u03bd\u03b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a3\u03b7\u03c4\u03b5\u03af\u03b1\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a3\u03c4\u03c5\u03bb\u03af\u03b4\u03b1\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a4\u0397", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a4\u03b1\u03bc\u03b5\u03af\u03bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b1\u03bd\u03b8\u03b7\u03c1\u03ac", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b1\u03bf\u03c1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b1\u2192", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b3\u03bb\u1ff6\u03c3\u03c3\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b4=", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b4\u03cc\u03be\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b7\u039f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b7\u03bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b8\u03c1\u03af\u03be", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03ba\u03b1\u03c4\u03ac\u03c1\u03c4\u03b9\u03c3\u03b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03ba\u03c5\u03bc\u03b2\u03af\u03b4\u03b9\u03bf\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bb\u03b1\u03c4\u03c1\u03b5\u03af\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bc\u039c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bc\u03b1\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bc\u03bf\u03c3\u03c7\u03ac\u03c1\u03b9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03be\u03cd\u03bb\u03bf\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bf\u02bc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bf\u03b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bf\u03bc\u03bf\u03b3\u03b5\u03bd\u03b5\u03af\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c0\u03b1\u03c7\u03cd\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c0\u03bf\u03bb\u03bb\u03bf\u03b9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c0\u03c1\u03bf\u03b5\u03bb\u03b5\u03cd\u03c3\u03b5\u03c9\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c0\u03c4\u03c5\u03c7\u03af\u03bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c0\u03cc\u03c1\u03bd\u03b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c3\u03b2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c4\u03b1\u03b9\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c4\u03c1\u03b9\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c4\u1fc6\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c5\u03bc\u03c9\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c6\u03ac\u03bb\u03b1\u03b9\u03bd\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c7\u03b5\u03c1\u03c3\u03b9\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c7\u03b5\u1fd6\u03bb\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c8\u03b5\u03c5\u03b4\u03ae\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0401\u0445\u00b0\u0445\u044a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u0432\u0438\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0441\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0430\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u043d\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0430\u0441\u0438\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0411\u043e\u0433\u0434\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0412\u0435\u043b\u0438\u043a\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0412\u0438\u043d\u043a\u0441", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0412\u043b\u0430\u0434", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0413\u0405", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0413\u0414\u0415", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0413\u0430\u0437\u0437\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0433\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0413\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0432\u043e\u043b\u043e\u043c\u043a\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0413\u043e\u0440\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0413\u0444\u0445\u0451\u0456", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0414\u043b\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0417\u041f\u0425", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0417\u0430\u043a\u0430\u0447\u043a\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0417\u0435\u043c\u043b\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041a\u0430\u043c\u0430\u0440\u0430\u0442\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041a\u0430\u043d\u0437\u0430\u0434\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u041a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u0430\u0434\u0438\u043d\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u0430\u043a\u0435\u0434\u043e\u043d\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0411\u044a\u043b\u0433\u0430\u0440\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0939\u093f\u0902\u0926\u0940", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u0430\u043a\u043a\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u043e\u043d\u0433\u043e\u043b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041d\u0426", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041d\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041d\u043e\u0432\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041d\u043e\u0432\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041e\u03a6\u041a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041e\u0431\u043b\u0430\u0441\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041e\u043a\u0441\u0430\u043d\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041e\u043f\u0438\u0441\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u043b\u044f\u0436", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0448\u0435\u043d\u043a\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u0423", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u0423\u041f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u0430\u0448\u0448\u0435\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u0435\u0441\u043f\u0443\u0431\u043b\u0438\u043a\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u043e\u0441\u0441\u0438\u0438\u00bb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u0440\u044b\u044e\u044c\u0445", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u0430\u0434\u043e\u043a\u0430\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u0435\u0440\u044b\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u043a\u043e\u043f\u0458\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u0442\u0430\u0440\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u0442\u0430\u0442\u0443\u0441", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u0442\u043e\u0431\u043e\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u0443\u0445\u0438\u043d\u0434\u043e\u043b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0424\u0430\u043a\u0442\u044b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0424\u0443\u0434\u0431\u0430\u043b\u0441\u043a\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0425\u0412", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0425\u0425\u0425\u0425", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0426\u0440\u043d\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u042b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u042e\u0433\u0440\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u042e\u043b\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0430\u0441", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0431\u0435\u0437", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0432\u0402\u045a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0432\u0448\u0442\u0430\u0431\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0433\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0434", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0434\u0435\u043b\u043e\u00bb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0437\u0434\u0435\u0441\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043a\u0430\u0441\u0442\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0432\u044b\u043c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043a\u0438\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043a\u043e\u043c\u0431\u0438\u043d\u0430\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043a\u043e\u0442\u043e\u043a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043a\u0443\u043f\u0438\u0442\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043b\u0438\u043f\u043e\u043f\u0440\u043e\u0442\u0435\u0438\u043d\u043b\u0438\u043f\u0430\u0437\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043d\u0430\u0434\u0437\u043e\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043d\u043e\u0432\u0438\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043e\u0434\u0443\u0432\u0430\u043d\u0447\u0438\u043a\u043e\u0432", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043e\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043e\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0446\u0438\u043b\u043b\u0438\u043d\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u043e\u043b\u0438\u0442\u0438\u043a\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0448\u0435\u043d\u043a\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u0440\u0435\u0434\u043f\u0440\u0438\u044f\u0442\u0438\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u0440\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u0443\u0442\u0438\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u0443\u0442\u0456\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0440\u0430\u0439\u043e\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0440\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0440\u0443\u043a\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0440\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0440\u044d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u043c\u0435\u0448\u0430\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0445\u043e\u0437", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u043e\u043e\u0431\u0449\u0430\u0435\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u0440\u0435\u0434\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0442\u0430\u043a\u043e\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0442\u043e\u043f\u0438\u043d\u0430\u043c\u0431\u0443\u0440\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0442\u0441", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0442\u044e\u0444", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0443\u0441", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0443\u0441\u0442\u0440\u043e\u0439\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0443\u0445\u0401\u044e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0444\u0401\u0455\u0447\u0445\u0449", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0445\u0444", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0445\u0451\u044d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0446\u0445\u044d\u0401\u0448\u044d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044a\u0401", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044b\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044b\u0445\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044c\u044e\u044a\u0401", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044d\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0440\u043e\u0431\u0443\u0441\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044d\u0451", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044e\u0401\u0445\u044b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044e\u044a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044f\u044e\u0406\u044c\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0455\u044d\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0596", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d0\u05d4\u05d5\u05d3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d0\u05de\u05ea", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d9\u05e9\u05e8\u05d0\u05dc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05e9\u05d0\u05d5\u05dc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u060b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0623\u060c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0623\u062d\u062f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0633\u06cc\u062f\u067e\u0627\u0634\u06cc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0623\u062d\u0631\u0627\u0631", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0627\u0631\u0636", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u062f\u0648\u0644", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0634\u0639\u0628", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0639\u0631\u0628", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0647", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0648\u0637\u0646\u064a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0628\u0627\u0632\u062e\u0648\u0631\u06cc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0628\u0627\u0644\u0645\u0648\u0626\u0644", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0628\u0635\u0645\u062a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062f\u0648\u0646\u0645", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0631\u0626\u064a\u0633\u064a\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0631\u064a\u0645", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0633\u0648\u0631\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0633\u0648\u0631\u064a\u0627", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0633\u06a9\u0627\u0626\u06cc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0633\u06cc\u062f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0634\u0631\u06cc\u0641", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0635\u0627\u0644\u062d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0636\u062f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0637\u0644\u0627\u0644", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0639\u0628\u064a\u062f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0641\u0636\u0627\u06cc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0642\u0627\u0645\u0648\u0633", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0642\u0628\u0644", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0644\u0628\u064a\u0643", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0644\u0644\u062d\u062c\u0628", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0644\u0644\u0647", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0645\u062a\u0639\u0644\u0642\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0645\u062b\u0644\u064a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0645\u062d\u0633\u0646", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0645\u062f\u0646\u064a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0645\u0633\u062c\u062f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0645\u0633\u0639\u0648\u062f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0645\u0635\u0637\u0644\u062d\u0627\u062a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0645\u0639\u0646\u064a\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0645\u0648\u0627\u0636\u064a\u0639", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0646\u0627\u0635\u0631", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0646\u0632\u0627\u0631", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0646\u0648\u0627\u0632", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0647\u0644", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0647\u064a\u062b\u0645", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0648\u0627\u062f\u064a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u067e\u0631\u062a\u06cc\u0628\u06be\u0627", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u067e\u06a9\u06cc\u062c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0686\u06cc\u0646", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u06a9\u0645", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u09ac\u09bf\u099c\u09af\u09bc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0a2d\u0a3e\u0a30\u0a24", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0e04\u0e34\u0e07", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0f7a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u102a\u102a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1106", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1831", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1836", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u18b2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1d18\u0280\u1d0f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e47\u1e0d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e53", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1ea2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1f00\u03ae\u03c1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1f10\u03ba\u03b5\u1fd6\u03bd\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u200d\u2708\ufe0f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2019\u00e0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2020\u2020\u2020\u2020\u2020\u2020\u2020\u2020", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2032\u00fb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u20b4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2190\u2190\u2190", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2190\u2192", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u220e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2212\u221e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2218", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u221a\u00a7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u221a\u221a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2220", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u222e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u22b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u23a2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u23bc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u251c\u0104", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2580", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u25a3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u25a6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u25ac", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u25b2\u4e00", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u25ba\u25ba\u25ba", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u25c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2666\u2666\u2666", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u266a\u266a\u266a\u266a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u269c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u26aa\ufe0f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u26bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2706", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2729\u2729", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u272f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2744", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2776", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u278d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u29b6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u3082\u3063\u3068\u77e5\u308b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u3082\u3063\u3068\u898b\u308b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u3088\u304f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30af", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30d9\u30c9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30de\u30c3\u30d7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e09\u4e9a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e0d\u502b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e0e\u5408\u4f5c\u4f19\u4f34\u4eec\u5171\u540c\u5f00\u53d1\u7684", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e1d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e2a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e45\u4fdd\u7530\u667a\u5e83", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e48", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e66", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4eba", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4ec0\u4e48", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4f5c\u696d\u7642\u6cd5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5024", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u50cf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u519b\u961f\u5e94\u8be5\u5141\u8bb8\u5987\u5973\u5728\u5728\u6218\u6597\u5c97\u4f4d\u4e2d\u670d\u5f79\u5417", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5230", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5305\u5b50", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5373\u65f6\u4e2d\u56fd\u5927\u9646\u6620\u50cf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u53e4\u57ce", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u53e6\u5916", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u56de\u5230\u9876\u90e8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u56fd\u5bb6\u6c11\u65cf\u4e8b\u52a1\u59d4\u5458\u4f1a\u7ecf\u6d4e\u53d1\u5c55\u53f8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u56fd\u5bb6\u7edf\u8ba1\u5c40\u4eba\u53e3\u548c\u793e\u4f1a\u79d1\u6280\u7edf\u8ba1\u53f8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u591a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5927", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5929\u5929\u770b\u9ad8\u6e05\u5f71\u89c6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5947\u6469\u8f38\u5165\u6cd5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5982", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5982\u610f\u6dd8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5b66\u751f\u5bbf\u820d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5b83\u5e94\u8be5\u662f\u975e\u6cd5\u70e7\u6211\u4eec\u7684\u56fd\u65d7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5f53\u5e97\u3078\u306e\u30a2\u30af\u30bb\u30b9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u60a8\u652f\u6301\u5355\u4e00\u652f\u4ed8\u8005\u533b\u4fdd\u7cfb\u7edf\u5417", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6297\u539f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6298\u89d2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u62fc\u97f3\u8f93\u5165\u6cd5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u652f\u6301\u673a\u6784", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6587\u654f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u660e\u6545\u5bab", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u66f4\u591a\u8303\u6587", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6728", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u672c\u5e73\u53f0\u662f\u7531", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u677e\u7530\u8056\u5b50", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6797", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u679a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6bdb\u6cfd\u4e1c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6c49\u8bed", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6ce8\u610f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6d2a\u9580", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6e05", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6e38\u620f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6e38\u6cf3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u70e4\u9e2d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u7334", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u7384\u5e2b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u7535\u5b50\u90ae\u7bb1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u7c73\u6d25", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u7d0d\u8c46", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u7e41\u9ad4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u7ed3\u679c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u7f8a\u8089\u4e32", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u7f8e\u56fd\u662f\u5426\u5e94\u8be5\u7559\u5728\u8054\u5408\u56fd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u831c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u864e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u8ddf\u7740\u6211\u4eec", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u8def", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u8fd9\u6837", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u91cd\u5e86", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u91d1\u58eb\u987f\u6280\u672f\u652f\u6301", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u9234\u6728\u96c5\u4e4b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u9485", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u949f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u957f\u57ce", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u9673\u5178\u6853", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u9690\u79c1\u653f\u7b56", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u9752\u5c9b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u9762", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u97e9\u6587\u5f3a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u9828", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u997a\u5b50", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u9ba5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u9ebb\u8fa3\u70eb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ub3d9\ud604", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ub418\uc790", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uc138\uacc4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uc548\uc0c1\ud64d\ub2d8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uc5b4\uba38\ub2c8\uc640", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uc601\uc0dd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uc608\ub8e8\uc0b4\ub818", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uc608\ub97c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uc81c", + -100 + ], + [ + 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+ -100 + ], + [ + "==<", + -100 + ], + [ + "=\u00cd", + -100 + ], + [ + "=\u2019", + -100 + ], + [ + ">>\u00a1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\\\\$", + -100 + ], + [ + "\\\\\\\\{@}", + -100 + ], + [ + "\\\u00cd", + -100 + ], + [ + "^^\\", + -100 + ], + [ + "`=", + -100 + ], + [ + "`\u00da", + -100 + ], + [ + "{@", + -100 + ], + [ + "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~", + -100 + ], + [ + "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~", + -100 + ], + [ + "~\u266c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a1\u00c1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a2\u00f3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a3$\u00f8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a4\u00a4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a4\u044e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a7\u00a3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ab\u00c9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ab\u0421\u043f\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0435\u0434\u043b\u0438\u0432\u0430\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ab\u5c9e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ac@", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ae\u221e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00b7\u25a0\u00b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00bb^", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c2\u017c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c5\u00f0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00cc\u00b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00cd\u00ef", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d0\u00a3\u00b6\u00d4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d0\u00a5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d0\u00ee", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d4\u00ef", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d6\u011e\u00dc\u015e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00dc\u011f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00de\u00f2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e0\u00e0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e0\u00ec", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e1\u00bb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e1\u0165", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e3\u00ee\u00e4\u00e8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e3\u00f1\u00e1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e4\u00d6\u00e1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e4\u00e0\u00f0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e5\u00ec", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e5\u00ee\u00e1\u00e3\u00f9\u00e3\u00de", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e5\u00f4\u00de", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e5\u00f4\u00de\u00f3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e6\u00e5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e7\u00e8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e8\u00ef", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ec\u00ef\u00eb\u00ef\u00e3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ec\u00f2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ef\u00bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ef\u00e8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ef\u00fd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f0\u00e1\u00f1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f0\u00ef\u00f3\u00fc\u00f3\u00f4\u00f9\u00f3\u00e7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f2\u00f2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f3\u00e7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f3\u00f4\u00f1\u00ef\u00f6\u00de", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f3\u00f5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f4\u00e7\u00f4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f4\u00e7\u00f4\u00e1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f5\u00f4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f7\u00e0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f7\u00ef", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f7\u00f2\u00ee", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00fc\u00f6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00fd\u00ec\u00e1\u00f4\u00e1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00fd\u010d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00fe\u00fd\u00f0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0101\u1e0d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0102\u00a1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u011f\u0178", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0130\u015f\u00e7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u013b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0141\u0118", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u014d\u014d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u015e\u0259", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0161\u0137\u012b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0161\u1e2b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0163\u012b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u017a\u0107", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u017d\u00e1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u017e\u00eb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u017e\u0101", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u01e3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u020f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0219\u00bb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u022f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0254\u02d0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u026a\u014b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u026a\u02cc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0278", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0281", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u02bc\u02b9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0301\u00fc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0327\u00b6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u038a\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0391\u0397\u03a1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0391\u03a0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0391\u03b3\u03ba\u03b9\u03bd\u03ac\u03c1\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0392\u0391\u039d\u039f\u03a4\u03a0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0392\u0399\u039f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0393\u0395\u039f\u03a1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0393\u0397", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0393\u039a\u03a4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0393\u039f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0393\u03b1\u03bb\u03b1\u03bd\u03cc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0393\u03b5\u03ce\u03c1\u03b3\u03b9\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0393\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0393\u03c1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0394\u03ae\u03bc\u03c9\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0394\u03b7\u03bc\u03bf\u03c3\u03b9\u03b5\u03cd\u03b8\u03b7\u03ba\u03b5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0394\u03b7\u03bc\u03bf\u03c4\u03b9\u03ba\u03ad\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0395\u038a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0395\u0393", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0395\u03a5\u03a1\u03a9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0395\u03bb\u03bb\u03ac\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0395\u03bb\u03bb\u03b7\u03bd\u03b9\u03ba\u03ae", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0395\u03c0\u03af\u03c3\u03b7\u03bc\u03bf\u03c2\u03a0\u03b1\u03c1\u03b1\u03bb\u03ae\u03c0\u03c4\u03b7\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0398\u03b5\u03c3\u03c3\u03b1\u03bb\u03bf\u03bd\u03af\u03ba\u03b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0399\u03c1\u03af\u03c9\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039a\u0391", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039a\u03bf\u03c5\u03bc\u03b1\u03bd\u03b4\u03b1\u03c1\u03af\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039a\u03cd\u03c0\u03c1\u03bf\u03c5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039b\u039c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039b\u03bf\u03c5\u03ba\u03ac\u03bd\u03b9\u03ba\u03bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039c\u0399\u0389", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039c\u03b1\u03bd\u03bf\u03c5\u03ae\u03bb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039c\u03b1\u03bd\u03c4\u03b9\u03bd\u03b5\u03af\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039c\u03b5\u03bb\u03b5\u03ba\u03bf\u03cd\u03bd\u03b9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039c\u03b5\u03c4\u03b1\u03b3\u03b3\u03b9\u03c4\u03c3\u03af\u03bf\u03c5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039e\u03b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039f\u0393\u0391", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039f\u0399", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a0\u03ac\u03bd\u03c9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a0\u03b1\u03bb\u03b1\u03b9\u03bf\u03bb\u03cc\u03b3\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a0\u03b1\u03c6\u03af\u03c4\u03b9\u03ba\u03bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a0\u03b5\u03c5\u03ba\u03bf\u03b8\u03c5\u03bc\u03b1\u03c1\u03cc\u03bc\u03b5\u03bb\u03bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a1\u0391", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a1\u0391\u0392\u0395", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a1\u0393", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a3\u0391", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a3\u03ac\u03bc\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a4\u03c1\u03ac\u03c0\u03b5\u03b6\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a5\u03c0\u03b7\u03c1\u03b5\u03c3\u03af\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a6\u03b5\u03bd\u03b5\u03bf\u03cd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a9\u00b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b2\u03b7\u03af\u03b2\u03c6\u0393\u03af\u03b5\u03b2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b4=+", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b5\u03af\u03bd\u03b1\u03b9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b5\u1f30\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b9\u03af", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03ba\u03b1\u1f76", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bc\u03ad\u03c3\u03c9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bc\u03b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bc\u03b7\u03b9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bc\u03b9\u03b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bc\u03bf\u03c5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bc\u03c0\u03b9\u03bf\u0390", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c3^", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c3\u03bf\u03c5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c3\u03c4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c7\u03c4\u03bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c7\u03ce\u03c1\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0401\u0440\u0441\u044e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0401\u0440\u0441\u044e=", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0406\u0437", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u043b\u0442\u0443\u0447\u0435\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u0440\u0438\u044d\u043b\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0411\u0410\u041a\u041a\u0410\u0420\u0410", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0411\u0435\u043b\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0411\u0435\u043b\u044b\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0411\u0435\u043b\u044b\u0445", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0411\u0443\u0440\u0431\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0411\u0443\u0442\u0430\u043a\u043e\u0432\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0412\u0457", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0413\u0430\u043b\u0438\u043d\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0413\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0434\u0435\u0446", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0413\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0434", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0413\u0440\u0430\u0434", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0414\u0435\u043d\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0414\u0438\u043c\u0438\u0442\u0440\u043e\u0432", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0414\u043e\u0432\u043b\u0430\u0442\u043e\u0432", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0414\u0443\u0448\u0430\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0415\u0432\u0433\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0417\u0430\u0433\u0440\u0443\u0437\u043a\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0417\u0430\u043c\u044f\u0442\u043a\u0438\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0417\u044e\u0433\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041a\u0421\u041c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041a\u0430\u0440\u043b\u043e\u0432\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041a\u043e\u0441\u043c\u043e\u0441", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041b\u0438\u0441\u0442\u043e\u043f\u0430\u0434", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041b\u043e\u0432\u0435\u0447", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u0430\u0440\u0432\u044b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0435\u0440\u0438\u0446\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u0438\u043b\u0430\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u0438\u043d\u0441\u043a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u0438\u0441\u0445\u043e\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u043e\u044d\u0440\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041d\u0438\u043a\u0438\u0442\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041d\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041e\u0434\u0435\u0441\u0441\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041e\u043b\u044c\u0431\u0435\u0440\u0441\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041e\u043f\u0448\u0438\u0440\u043d\u0438\u0458\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u041a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u0430\u0432\u043b\u0438\u043a\u0435\u043d\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u0435\u0442\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u043b\u0435\u0432\u0435\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u0440\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0443\u043a\u0438\u0432\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u0445\u0451=\u0445\u0401\u044a\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u0414\u0422", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u0421\u041c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u043e\u043b\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u0443\u0441\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u044f\u0440\u0401", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u043e\u0432\u0435\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u0442\u0430\u0440\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u0443\u043d\u0433\u0443\u0440\u043b\u0430\u0440\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0422\u0432", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0422\u0440\u0430\u043d\u0441\u043c\u0430\u0448\u0445\u043e\u043b\u0434\u0438\u043d\u0433", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0422\u0440\u0430\u043f\u0435\u0437\u0438\u0446\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0423\u043d\u0438\u0432\u0435\u0440\u0441\u0430\u043b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0424\u041a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0424\u043e\u0440\u0437\u0438\u0446\u0438\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0424\u0440\u0430\u043d\u0446\u0438\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0425\u0425", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0425\u0440\u0438\u0441\u0442\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0426\u0435\u043d\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0427\u0435\u0440\u043d\u0438\u0433\u043e\u0432\u0441\u043a\u0430\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u042d\u0413", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u042d\u043d\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0430\u043f\u0440\u0435\u043b\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0431\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0431\u0430\u0440\u0434\u0430\u043a\u043e\u0448", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0432\u0402\u045c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0432\u0435\u0441\u0442\u043d\u0438\u043a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0432\u0435\u0449\u0438\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0432\u043e\u0434\u044f\u043d\u0443\u044e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0433\u043e\u0434\u0443", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0435\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0435\u0441", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0436\u0435\u043b\u0435\u0437\u044b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0437\u0430\u0432\u0435\u0434\u0435\u043d\u0438\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0438\u044e\u043b\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043a\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0442\u0438\u0440\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043a\u043e\u043b\u0431\u0430\u0441\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043b\u0430\u0439\u0444\u0445\u0430\u043a\u043e\u0432", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043b\u0435\u0447\u0435\u0431\u043d\u0438\u0442\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043b\u0438\u0441\u0442\u043a\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043c\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0440\u0448\u043e\u0443", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043d\u0430\u0441\u0442\u043e\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043d\u0430\u0448", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043d\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043d\u043e\u0432\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043e\u0442\u0432\u0435\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u0430\u0440\u0442\u044b\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u043e\u0445\u0443\u0434\u0435\u0435\u0442\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u0440\u043e\u0446\u0435\u0434\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0440\u0430\u0437\u043c\u0435\u0448\u0438\u0432\u0430\u0435\u043c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u0435\u043b\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u0438\u0434\u0435\u0440\u0430\u0442\u043e\u0432", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u043e\u043f\u0440\u043e\u0442\u0438\u0432\u043b\u044f\u0435\u043c\u0441\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u043e\u0446\u0441\u0435\u0442\u0435\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u0441", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u0443\u0431\u043b\u0438\u0447\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0442\u0438\u043c\u0435\u0440\u043e\u0441\u0430\u043b\u043e\u043c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0442\u0443\u0440\u043c\u0435\u0440\u0438\u043a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0442\u0443\u0440\u043c\u0435\u0440\u0438\u043a\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0443\u043b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0443\u043c\u0435\u043b\u0438\u0446\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0444\u043e\u0442\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0445\u0401\u044a\u0448", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0447\u0438\u0442\u0430\u0442\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044c\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044d\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0440\u043e\u0431\u0443\u0441", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044d\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0440\u043e\u043c\u043e\u0431\u0438\u043b\u0435\u043c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044d\u0445\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044e\u044a\u044d\u044e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d1\u05d9\u05d9\u05b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d1\u05e8\u05d0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d2\u05df", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d4\u05d5\u05d0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05de\u05e8\u05d9\u05d3\u05d5\u05e8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05e4\u05e1\u05d7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05e7\u05e6\u05d1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u061f\u061f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0622\u0632\u0627\u062f\u06cc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u062d\u062a\u0644\u0627\u0644", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u062d\u0645\u062f\u0634\u062c\u0627\u0639", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0632", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0623\u0645\u064a\u0631", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0625\u062e\u0648\u0627\u0646", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0625\u0633\u0644\u0627\u0645\u064a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u062b\u0648\u0631\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u062c\u0648\u064a\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0639\u0627\u0644\u0645", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0639\u0631\u0628\u064a\u0640\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0641\u062a\u0627\u062d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0643\u0628\u064a\u0631", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0645\u0635\u0631\u064a\u064a\u0646", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0646\u0647\u0636\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0628\u0627", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0628\u0633", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0628\u0647", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062c\u0632\u064a\u0631\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062c\u0633\u0631", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062d\u062a\u0649", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062f\u0628\u064a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062f\u0645\u0634\u0642", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0634\u0627\u0647", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0634\u06cc\u0627\u062f\u06cc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0639\u0631\u0636", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0639\u0634\u0627\u0646", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u063a\u0632\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0641\u0644\u0633\u0637\u064a\u0646", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0641\u0649", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0643\u0627\u0646", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0644\u064a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0645\u0627\u0631\u0633", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0645\u0628\u0627\u0631\u0643", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0645\u062f\u0646", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0645\u0631\u0627\u0643\u0634", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0645\u0639\u0627\u0630", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0646\u0648\u0646", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0648\u0642\u0627\u0644", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0651", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0939\u093f\u0902\u0926\u0940\u0928\u0947\u092a\u093e\u0932\u0940", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0dad\u0dcf\u0db4\u0dc3\u0dad\u0dd4\u0db8\u0db1\u0dca\u0da7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0e00\u2022\u0e00\u0e00\u0e00", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0e01\u0e32\u0e41\u0e1f\u0e14\u0e2d\u0e22\u0e15\u0e0a\u0e49\u0e32\u0e07", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0e01\u0e32\u0e41\u0e1f\u0e14\u0e2d\u0e22\u0e15\u0e38\u0e07", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0e19", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0e22\u0e0a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0e22\u0e1a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1020", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1822", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1aa1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1ce3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1d13", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e0c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e31", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e63\u00e1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e63\u012b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e6c\u00e1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e6d\u012b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1ef7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1f44\u03c1\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1fb9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1fc6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2018\u00ee", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2019\u0153", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u201e\u015a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2020\u2020\u2020\u2020", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2022\u03a6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u202b#", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u203f\u25e0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u20ac\u2022", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u20ae", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2202\u2020", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2217\u2217\u2217", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u221a\u00ae", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2267\u25e1\u2266", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2282", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u22ee", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u230b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u255a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u25cf\u25cf\u25cf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u25d7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u262d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2660\ufe0f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u270a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u270c\ufe0f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2734", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u278e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u3009", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u306f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30a2\u30e1\u30ea\u30ab", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30c1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30c8\u30c3\u30d7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30d1\u30fc\u30ab\u30fc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e03\u6708", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e0a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e59", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4eb3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4ed6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4f4d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5206\u949f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u521b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5357", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u535a\u5ba2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5398", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5417", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u549c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u554f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u56e0\u4e3a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5bb6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5c9e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5e2e\u52a9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5f53\u7136", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5fd9\u3057\u3044", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u60f3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6216", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u65b9\u6cd5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u662f\u5426\u5e94\u5141\u8bb8\u516c\u6c11\u5728\u79bb\u5cb8\u94f6\u884c\u8d26\u6237\u4e2d\u50a8\u84c4\u6216\u62bd\u5956", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u66fe", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u674e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u674e\u514b\u5f3a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6751\u4e0b\u5b5d\u8535", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6b63\u6708", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6bd4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6e05\u6c34", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u7434", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u79c1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u7ba1\u7406\u5c40", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u7f57", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u80fd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u821e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u82d7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u8475", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u8c6c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u949f\u697c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u9996\u9875", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u9b35", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u9ba6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u9ec4\u82aa", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ua78c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uac00", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uac10\uc0ac", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ub098", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ub0a8\uaca8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ub0b4\ub9b0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ub2e4\uc74c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ub97c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uc0ac\ub791", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uc2dc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uc2e0\uc774", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uc744", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uc74c\uc2dd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uc798", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ucf54\uba58\ud2b8\ub97c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ue300", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ue824", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf02a\uf020\uf020\uf020\uf020", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf02a\uf02a\uf02a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf02d\uf020", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf07b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf0a2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf0e1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf657", + -100 + ], + [ + "############", + -100 + ], + [ + "#~", + -100 + ], + [ + "#\u0435\u0432\u0440\u043e\u043c\u0430\u0439\u0434\u0430\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "#\u0435\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043c\u043a", + -100 + ], + [ + "#\u043f\u0443\u0442\u0438\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "#\u0627\u0644\u062d\u0631\u064a\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "#\u0627\u0644\u064a\u0648\u0645", + -100 + ], + [ + "#\u062c\u0645\u0639\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "#\u0636\u062f", + -100 + ], + [ + "#\u0637\u0644\u0639\u062a", + -100 + ], + [ + "#\u0648\u064a\u0646", + -100 + ], + [ + "$\u0394", + -100 + ], + [ + "$\u03bc$", + -100 + ], + [ + "+#", + -100 + ], + [ + "+\u0401\u0440\u0449\u044c\u0451\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "+\u0406\u0449", + -100 + ], + [ + "+\u0440\u0441\u0441\u044b", + -100 + ], + [ + "+\u0440\u0441\u0441\u044b\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "+\u0441", + -100 + ], + [ + "+\u0444\u0448\u0451\u0451\u0445", + -100 + ], + [ + "+\u0445\u0401\u0401\u0448\u044d\u0443", + -100 + ], + [ + "+\u0445\u044d\u0455\u00b6\u0445", + -100 + ], + [ + "+\u044b\u0445\u044a\u044e", + -100 + ], + [ + "+\u2019", + -100 + ], + [ + "=^", + -100 + ], + [ + "=\u0401\u044e\u0449\u044a\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + ">\u266a", + -100 + ], + [ + "@$", + -100 + ], + [ + "\\\u039b\u039b", + -100 + ], + [ + "^\u00ab", + -100 + ], + [ + "^\u00ac^", + -100 + ], + [ + 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"\u00b0\u00bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00b0\u044a\u044e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00b0\u044a\u044e\u044b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00b0\uf020", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00b6\u0440\u0442\u044d\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00b6\u044e\u0401\u044c\u0445", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00b7\u00b0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00b7\u0394", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c2\u00dd\u00ea", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c2\u20ac", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c3\u00a2\u00c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c3\u0152\u00c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c3\u0192\u00c6\u2019\u00c3\u201a\u00c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c3\u02c6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c3\u20ac", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c4\u00f5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c4\u0192", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c5\u00e8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c6\u00d8\u00c7\u00c3\u00c5\u00c5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c7\u00c7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c7\u00cd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ca\u00ca", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ca\u00ca\u00ca", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ca\u0152", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00cc\u00c4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00cd^", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00cd\u00c1\u00d4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00cd\u00cd\u00cd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00cd\u00e1\u00f5\u00f4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00cd\u00ee", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00cd\u00f4\u00fd\u00eb\u00e1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00cd\u2019", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d1\u00e4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d3\u00cf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d4\u00cf\u00d5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d4\u00e6\u00dd\u00f3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d9\u00cb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e0\u00e2\u00f2\u00ee\u00ec\u00ee", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e2\u00a6\u20ac", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e2\u00e8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e3\u00ae", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e3\u00e5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e3\u00fe\u00e2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e4\u00e4\u00e4\u00e4\u00e4\u00e4\u00e4\u00e4\u00e4\u00e4\u00e4\u00e4\u00e4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e4\u00eb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e4\u20ac", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e5\u00e3\u00ee", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e5\u00e8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e7\u00fd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e8\u00f2\u00e5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ea\u00ee\u00e3\u00ee", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ea\u0153", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00eb\u00e5\u00e4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ec\u00dd\u00eb\u00ef\u00f2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ec\u00e0\u00e3\u00e0\u00e7\u00e8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ec\u00e2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ec\u00e5\u00f4\u00dc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ec\u00ea", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ec\u00ef\u00f0\u00ef", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ec\u00ef\u00f5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ec\u00fe", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ee\u00e1\u00e3\u00f9\u00e3\u00de\u00f2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ee\u00e7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f0\u00ef\u00f3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f0\u00f1\u00dd\u00f0\u00e5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f2\u00e0\u00e7\u00e8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f3\u00e7\u00f2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f3\u00ec\u00fe", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f3\u00f4\u00e7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f4\u00dc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f4\u00e5\u00f4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f4\u00e5\u00f4\u00f1\u00e1\u00e3\u00f9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f5\u00ee\u00f0\u00e0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f6\u00fc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f6\u0650", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f9\u00ec", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f9\u00ec\u00e5\u00f9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f9\u00fa", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00fb\u2019", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00fc\u00ea", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0101\u010d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0101\u1e63\u0101", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0107\u00f6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0111\u1ebf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0119\u017a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0121\u010d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0125", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0141\u0119\u017c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0146\u0123", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0158\u00c1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u015b\u016b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u015e\u00f6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u015e\u01dd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u015f\u0103", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u015f\u015f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0161\u0101\u1e0f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0161\u0161\u00e2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u016b\u1e25", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u016e\u017d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0191", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u01a9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u01c3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0207", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u021a\u0102", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u023b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u023c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0251\u031c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u025a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u025f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u026a\u0283", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u028c\u014b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0292\u025b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0294", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0295", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u02bb\u014d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u02c3\u02c3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u02c7\u02c7\u02c7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u02c8\u0252", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u02c8\u025b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0301=", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0301\u00c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0301\u00cf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0301\u00e7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0301\u00eb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0312", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u032f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0364", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0390\u03c6\u03bf\u03a0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0391\u0393", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0391\u0395", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0391\u0398\u0397\u039d\u0391", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0391\u03a1\u03a4\u0399", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0391\u03c1\u03b5\u03bf\u03c0\u03b1\u03b3\u03af\u03c4\u03bf\u03c5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0393\u0395", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0393\u0399\u0393\u0391\u039d\u03a4\u0395\u03a3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0393\u039a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0393\u039c\u039f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0393\u03a4\u038a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0393\u03af\u03b3\u03b1\u03bd\u03c4\u03b5\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0393\u03b5\u03c1\u03bf\u03c3\u03ba\u03ae\u03c0\u03bf\u03c5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0393\u03b9\u03ce\u03c1\u03b3\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0393\u03ba\u03b1\u03bb\u03b5\u03c1\u03af", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0394\u03b1\u03c6\u03bd\u03ad\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0394\u03b7\u03bc\u03ae\u03c4\u03c1\u03b9\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0394\u03b9\u03ac\u03c3\u03c4\u03b1\u03c3\u03b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0395\u0399\u0392", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0395\u039a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0395\u039b\u0395\u03a6\u0391\u039d\u03a4\u0395\u03a3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0395\u03a1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0395\u03a4\u0397", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0395\u03ba\u03c0\u03b1\u03b9\u03b4\u03b5\u03c5\u03c4\u03b9\u03ba\u03ac", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0395\u03bb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0395\u03bb\u03ad\u03c6\u03b1\u03bd\u03c4\u03b5\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0395\u03bb\u03bb\u03b7\u03bd\u03bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0395\u03be\u03b1\u03b9\u03c1\u03b5\u03c4\u03b9\u03ba\u03cc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0395\u03c0\u03b9\u03c4\u03c1\u03bf\u03c0\u03ae", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0396\u03b1\u03ba\u03cd\u03bd\u03b8\u03bf\u03c5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0398\u03b5\u03cc\u03b4\u03c9\u03c1\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0398\u03b5\u03cc\u03c6\u03b9\u03bb\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0398\u1fc6\u03b2\u03b1\u03b9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0399\u0391\u03a1\u039c\u0395", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0399\u0391\u03a1\u039c\u0395\u0399", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039a\u0391\u03a3\u03a4\u039f\u03a1\u0399\u0391\u03a3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039b\\", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039b\u03ae\u03bc\u03bd\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039b\u03b5\u03c9\u03c6\u03cc\u03c1\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039b\u03b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039c\u03ac\u03ba\u03c1\u03b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039c\u03b1\u03ba\u03b5\u03b4\u03bf\u03bd\u03af\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039c\u03b1\u03c4\u03b8\u03b1\u03af\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039c\u03b5\u03c3\u03c3\u03b1\u03c1\u03ac", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039c\u03b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039c\u03b9\u03c7\u03b1\u03ae\u03bb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039c\u03cc\u03bb\u03c5\u03b2\u03b4\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039d\u03a4\u039f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039d\u03b5\u03bc\u03ad\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039f\u0397\u0393\u039c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039f\u039a\u0391\u039d\u0391", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039f\u03b9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039f\u1f55\u03c4\u03c9\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a0\u039c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a0\u03ad\u03c1\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a0\u03b5\u03b9\u03c1\u03b1\u03b9\u03ac\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a0\u03b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a0\u03bb\u03ac\u03ba\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a0\u03c4\u03c5\u03c7\u03af\u03bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a0\u03cd\u03c1\u03b3\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a1\u03a4\u0388", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a3\u03b7\u03c4\u03b5\u03af\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a3\u03c0\u03c5\u03c1\u03af\u03b4\u03c9\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a3\u03cd\u03bd\u03b4\u03b5\u03c3\u03bc\u03bf\u03b9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a3\u03cd\u03bd\u03c4\u03b1\u03b3\u03bc\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a4\u0389\u0399", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a4\u03c3\u03af\u03c0\u03bf\u03c5\u03c1\u03bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a4\u03c3\u03b9\u03ba\u03bf\u03c5\u03b4\u03b9\u03ac", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a5\u03a0\u0391", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a5\u03b4\u03c1\u03b5\u03cd\u03c3\u03b5\u03c9\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a6\u03b1\u03c3\u03cc\u03bb\u03b9\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a7\u03a0\u0399", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a7\u03c1\u03b9\u03c3\u03c4\u03b9\u03b1\u03bd\u03b9\u03ba\u03cc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a8\u03b1\u03c1\u03bf\u03c5\u03b4\u03ac\u03ba\u03b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03ac\u03c1\u03b8\u03c1\u03bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03af\u03b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b1+\u03b2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b1\u03bd\u03c4\u03af\u03b3\u03c1\u03b1\u03c6\u03bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b1\u03bd\u03ce\u03bd\u03c5\u03bc\u03b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b1\u03c5\u03c4\u03bf\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b2\u03ac\u03ba\u03c4\u03c1\u03bf\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b2\u03b3\u03b4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b2\u03c1\u03b1\u03c7\u03cd\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b3\u03b9\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b3\u03bb\u1ff6\u03c4\u03c4\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b4\u03b9\u03b4\u03b1\u03c3\u03ba\u03b1\u03bb\u03b5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b5\u03bd\u03b4\u03b9\u03ac\u03bc\u03b5\u03c3\u03bf\u03c5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b5\u03bd\u03cc\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b5\u03c0\u03b9\u03c6\u03ac\u03bd\u03b5\u03b9\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b5\u03c4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b5\u03c5\u03b8\u03cd\u03bd\u03b7\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b6\u03cd\u03b3\u03bf\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b7\u03bc\u03af\u03b3\u03bb\u03c5\u03ba\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b8=", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b8\u03ac\u03bd\u03b1\u03c4\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b8\u03b5\u1f78\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b8\u03b5\u1f78\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b9\u00bb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b9\u03bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03ba\u03ad\u03c1\u03b1\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03ba\u03bb\u1fc6\u03c1\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bb\u03b5\u03b3\u03b5\u03c4\u03b1\u03b9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bb\u03b5\u03c0\u03af\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bb\u03cd\u03c1\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bc\u00da", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bc\u03ac\u03c1\u03c4\u03c5\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bc\u03c1\u0391", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03be\u03b7\u03c1\u03cc\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bf\u03b2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bf\u1f50", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c0\u03b1\u03c1\u03ac\u03b4\u03bf\u03c3\u03b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c0\u03b5\u03c1\u03b9\u03bf\u03c1\u03b9\u03c3\u03bc\u03ad\u03bd\u03b7\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c0\u03bb\u03b7\u03c1\u03bf\u03c6\u03bf\u03c1\u03b9\u03b5\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c0\u03c1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c0\u03c1\u03bf\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c0\u03c1\u03bf\u03ca\u03cc\u03bd\u03c4\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c1\u03b5\u03c3\u03b9\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c1\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c3\u03ac\u03c1\u03be", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c3\u03b1\u1fe6\u03c1\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c3\u03b7\u03bc\u03b1\u03bd\u03c4\u03b9\u03ba\u03b5\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c3\u03b9\u03c4\u03c4\u03b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c3\u03bf\u03c5\u03bb\u03c4\u03b1\u03bd\u03af\u03bd\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c3\u03c4\u03cc\u03bc\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c3\u03cd\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c3\u1f7a\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c4\u03bf\u03bd\u03c9\u03c4\u03b9\u03ba\u03cc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c4\u1f78", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c5\u1f31\u03cc\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c8\u03b5\u03c5\u03b4\u03bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0401\u0440\u0447\u0444\u0445\u044b\u044a\u0448", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0401\u0445\u00b0\u044a\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0401\u0445\u00b0\u044a\u0448", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0401\u0445\u00b0\u044a\u044e\u0449", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0401\u0445\u044a\u0448", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0401\u0448", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0401\u044e\u0449\u044a\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0401\u044e\u044a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0401\u0455\u044a\u0448", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0402\u0443\u0401\u044e\u044a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0402\u0447", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u041e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u0425\u041f\u041d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u0432\u0440\u0430\u043c\u0435\u043d\u043a\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u0434\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u0435\u0432\u0438\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u0435\u0440\u043e\u0434\u0440\u043e\u043c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u043b\u0435\u043a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0441", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u043b\u043b\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u043d\u0436\u0435\u043b\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u043d\u0442\u0438\u0440\u0430\u043a\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u0440\u043c\u0441\u0442\u0440\u043e\u043d\u0433", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u0441\u0435\u043d\u043e\u0432\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0434", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0411\u0421\u0421\u0420", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0411\u0422", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0411\u0430\u0440\u0430\u0443\u0441", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0411\u0435\u043d\u0438\u043e\u0444\u0444", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0411\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0411\u043e\u043b\u044f\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0411\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0411\u0440\u0435\u0441\u0442\u043d\u0438\u043a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0411\u0443\u043a\u0430\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0412\u0435\u0440\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0412\u0435\u0441\u043d\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0412\u0438\u0434\u0435\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0412\u0440\u0430\u0446\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0412\u044b\u0441\u0448\u0435\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0413\u043e\u0441\u043b\u043e\u0442\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0413\u043e\u0441\u0443\u0434\u0430\u0440\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0435\u043d\u043d\u043e\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0413\u044e\u044b\u044e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0414\u0430\u043c\u0434\u0438\u043d\u044b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0414\u0435\u043a\u0430\u0431\u0440\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0414\u0438\u0430\u043d\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0414\u0438\u043c\u0430\u0441", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0414\u0438\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0414\u044d\u043c\u0431\u044d\u0440\u044d\u043b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0415\u043b\u0438\u0437\u0430\u0432\u0435\u0442\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0418\u042d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0418\u0432\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0418\u0434\u0442\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0418\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0440\u0430\u043d\u043d\u0430\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0418\u0441\u0442\u043e\u0447\u043d\u0438\u043a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041a\u0411\u0420", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041a\u0430\u0437\u0430\u043d\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041a\u0430\u043c\u0443\u043d\u0456\u0441\u0442\u044b\u0447\u043d\u0430\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041a\u0430\u0440\u0438\u043d\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041a\u043e\u043d\u0442\u0438\u043d\u0435\u043d\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041a\u043e\u0447\u0430\u043d\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041a\u043e\u0448\u043a\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041a\u0440\u0401\u0440\u0451\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041a\u0443\u0440\u0434\u044e\u043c\u043e\u0432\u0443", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041b\u0414\u041f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041b\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0438\u0433\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041b\u0435\u043d\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041b\u0435\u043d\u0438\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041b\u0438\u0432\u0430\u0434\u0438\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041b\u0438\u043c\u0444\u0430\u0434\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041b\u043e\u0437\u0438\u0446", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041b\u044c\u0432\u0456\u0432", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041b\u044e\u0431\u0438\u043c\u0435\u0446", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041b\u044f\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0432\u0435\u0446", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u0430\u0433\u0430\u0440\u0430\u0447", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u0430\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u0430\u043a\u0430\u0434\u0430\u043c\u0441", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0435\u043b\u043b\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u0430\u0440\u043a\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u0435\u043b\u043d\u0438\u043a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u0438\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u043e\u043d\u0442\u0430\u043d\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u043e\u0441\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u043e\u0451", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u044c\u044f\u043d\u043c\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u044d\u044e\u0443\u044e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041d\u0430\u0440\u0435\u0436\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041d\u0430\u0446\u0438\u043e\u043d\u0430\u043b\u043d\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041d\u043e\u0432\u043e\u0434\u0432\u043e\u0440\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041d\u043e\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041e\u0440\u044f\u0445\u043e\u0432\u0438\u0446\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u041e\u041c\u0417", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u041f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u0430\u0437\u0430\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u0430\u0437\u0430\u0440\u0434\u0436\u0438\u043a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u0430\u0437\u043b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u0435\u0442\u044a\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u043b\u044b\u0442\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u043e\u0434\u0434\u0435\u0440\u0436\u043a\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u043e\u043c\u043e\u0440\u0438\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u0440\u0435\u0441\u043b\u0430\u0432", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u0440\u043e\u0433\u0440\u0430\u043c\u043c\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u0443\u0441\u043b\u0430\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u0443\u0441\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u0445\u044c\u0456", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u0448\u044c\u00b6\u044e\u044d\u0448", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u044d\u0441\u043f\u0443\u0431\u043b\u0456\u043a\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u044e\u044b\u044d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u044e\u044b\u044d\u0445\u0451\u044d\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u0458\u0420\u0458", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u0420", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u0430\u043a\u0430\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0430\u043d\u0441\u043a\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u0430\u0440\u043c\u0430\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u0432\u0435\u0442\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u0432\u0438\u0449\u043e\u0432", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u0432\u044f\u0442\u043e\u0433\u043e\u0440\u0435\u0446", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u0435\u0434\u044c\u043c\u043e\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u0435\u043f\u0442\u0435\u043c\u0432\u0440\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u0438\u043d\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u0438\u043a\u043e\u0432", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u043b\u0430\u0432\u044f\u043d\u0446\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u043b\u0438\u0432\u0435\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0422\u0421", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0422\u0430\u0431\u0430\u0442\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0422\u0430\u043c\u0430\u0440\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0422\u043e\u043b\u043e\u043a\u043d\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0422\u0440\u0430\u043d\u0441\u043d\u0435\u0444\u0442\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0424\u0435\u0432\u0440\u0430\u043b\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0425\u0424", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0425\u0430\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0432\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0425\u0438\u0441\u0430\u0440\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0427\u0435\u0440\u043d\u043e\u043c\u043e\u0440\u0441\u043a\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0427\u0443\u0431\u0430\u0439\u0441", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0428\u0430\u0433", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0428\u043b\u044f\u043f\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0428\u0442\u044b\u0440\u043e\u0432", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0428\u0443\u0443\u0434\u0430\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u042f\u043c\u0431\u043e\u043b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0430\u0432\u0433\u0443\u0441\u0442\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0430\u0433\u0435\u043d\u0446\u0438\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0430\u043a\u0430\u0434\u0435\u043c\u0438\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0430\u0440\u0431\u0443\u0437\u043d\u044b\u0445", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0430\u0440\u0440\u0435\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0431\u0430\u0433\u0443\u043b\u044c\u043d\u0438\u043a\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0431\u0435\u0442\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0431\u0438\u043e\u043a\u0430\u043c\u0438\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0431\u043b\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0431\u043e\u043b\u044c\u0448\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0431\u043e\u043b\u044c\u0448\u0435\u0431\u0435\u0440\u0446\u043e\u0432\u043e\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0431\u043e\u043b\u044c\u0448\u0435\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0432\u0402\u045e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0432\u0435\u0442\u0435\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0432\u0438\u045b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0432\u043e\u0434\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0434\u043d\u044b\u043c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0432\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0442\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0432\u043e\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0432\u0440\u0435\u043c\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0432\u0440\u0435\u0442\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0432\u044b\u0441\u043b\u0443\u0433\u0443", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0432\u201e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0433\u043b\u044e\u0442\u0435\u043d\u0443", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0434\u0435\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0434\u043e\u043a\u0443\u043c\u0435\u043d\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0435\u0433\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0435\u0449\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0437\u0430\u0434\u0435\u0440\u0436\u0430\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0437\u0430\u0434\u0435\u0440\u0436\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0437\u0430\u0434\u0435\u0440\u0436\u0430\u043d\u0438\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0438\u0448\u0435\u043c\u0438\u0447\u0435\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043a\u0430\u0436", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043a\u043e\u0440\u0435\u0448\u043e\u043a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043a\u043e\u0448\u043a\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043a\u043e\u0448\u043a\u0443", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043a\u0440\u0435\u0441\u0435\u043b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043b\u0430\u043d\u043e\u043b\u0438\u043d\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043b\u0435\u043f\u0442\u0438\u043d\u0443", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043b\u0438\u043f\u043d\u0443\u0442\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043b\u0438\u0442\u0435\u0440\u0430\u0442\u0443\u0440\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043b\u0438\u0446\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043c\u0430\u043c\u0438\u043d\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043c\u0430\u0440\u0442\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043c\u0435\u0434\u0430\u043b\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043c\u0435\u0436\u0434\u0443\u0440\u044f\u0434\u044c\u044f\u0445", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043c\u0435\u043d\u0435\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043c\u0435\u0440\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043c\u043e\u0436\u043d\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043c\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0437\u0438\u043b\u043a\u0443", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043d\u0430\u0434\u043a\u043e\u043b\u0435\u043d\u043d\u0438\u043a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043d\u0430\u0443\u043a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043d\u0430\u0447\u0430\u0442\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043d\u0438\u0437\u043a\u043e\u0443\u0433\u043b\u0435\u0432\u043e\u0434\u043d\u044b\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043d\u0443\u0436\u043d\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043e\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043e\u043a\u0442\u044f\u0431\u0440\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043e\u043f\u0438\u0441\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043e\u0447\u0435\u043d\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u0435\u043d\u0441\u0438\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u0435\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0435\u0448\u0438\u0432\u0430\u0435\u043c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0440\u0435\u0437\u043e\u043c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u043b\u044f\u0436", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u043e\u0432\u0438\u043d\u043d\u043e\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u0440\u0435\u0441\u0435\u0447\u0435\u043d\u0438\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u0440\u0438\u0437\u043d\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u0440\u043e\u0433\u0440\u0430\u043c\u043c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u0440\u043e\u0433\u0440\u0430\u043c\u043c\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u0440\u043e\u0442\u043e\u043a\u043e\u043b\u0443", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0440\u0430\u0434\u0438\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0440\u0435\u043a\u043e\u043c\u0435\u043d\u0434\u0443\u044e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0440\u0443\u0433\u0430\u0439\u0442\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0440\u0448\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0440\u044a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0440\u044b\u044b\u044e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0440\u044c\u0445\u0401\u044d\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0440\u044e\u044c\u0445\u044e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u043c\u044b\u0432\u0430\u0435\u043c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u0442\u043e\u0440\u043e\u043d\u044b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u0443\u043f\u0430\u0445", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u0443\u043f\u0435\u0440\u043a\u043e\u043d\u0434\u0435\u043d\u0441\u0430\u0442\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0432", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0442\u0430\u043c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0442\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0442\u043e\u043b\u043e\u043a\u043d\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0442\u043e\u043d\u0435\u0442\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0442\u0445", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0442\u0445\u0401\u00a7\u044e\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0442\u0445\u044a\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0443\u043d\u0438\u0432\u0435\u0440\u0441\u0438\u0442\u0435\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0443\u0441\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0438\u044f\u0445", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0444\u0401", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0444\u0438\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0442\u043e\u043c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0444\u0438\u0442\u0438\u043d\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0444\u043e\u0440\u0437\u0438\u0446\u0438\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0444\u043e\u0440\u0443\u043c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0444\u0445\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0444\u0455\u00a7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0445\u043e\u0445\u043e\u043b\u043a\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0445\u0447", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0445\u0449", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0445\u044d\u0448\u044d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0447\u0435\u0433\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0447\u0438\u0441\u0442\u043e\u0441\u0435\u0440\u0434\u0435\u0447\u043d\u043e\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0448\u043a\u043e\u043b\u0443", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0448\u044d\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0448\u0451\u044a\u0455\u0451\u0451", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0448\u0451\u0451\u0445\u0401\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044a\u0401\u0445\u0451", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044a\u0440\u044b\u0456\u044d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044a\u0440\u044f\u044a\u0440\u044d\u0445", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044a\u044b\u0440\u0444\u044a\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044a\u044d\u0448\u0443\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044a\u044e\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044a\u0455", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044b\u00a6\u0441\u0442\u0448", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044b\u0455\u0444\u044d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044b\u0455\u0451\u00b0\u0445", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044c\u0445\u00b0\u044e\u044a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044c\u044e\u044b\u044e\u044a\u044e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044d\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0440\u043e\u0434\u043e\u043c\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044d\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0440\u043e\u043a\u0430\u0440\u044b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044d\u0445", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044d\u044d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044d\u044e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044d\u044e\u0443\u0448", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044d\u044e\u0451\u0445\u0449", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044d\u044e\u0451\u0456", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044d\u0451\u044a\u044e\u0449", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044e\u0449\u044d\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044e\u044b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044e\u0451\u0445\u044c\u0456", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044f\u0401\u0440\u0447\u0444\u044d\u0448\u044a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044f\u0432\u043a\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044f\u0445\u0401\u0445\u0401\u044d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044f\u0445\u0451\u0445\u044d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044f\u0445\u0451\u044d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044f\u044e\u0406\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044f\u044e\u044a\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044f\u0455\u0447", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0451\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0451\u0444\u0448\u0401", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0451\u0445", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0451\u0445\u0447\u044e\u044d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0451\u044f\u0440\u044b\u0456\u044d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0451\u0455\u0444\u0445\u0451", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0455\u0401", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0455\u044b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0458", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u049a\u0430\u0437\u0430\u049b\u0441\u0442\u0430\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u04a1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0512", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0516", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0517", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0539\u0578\u0582", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0567", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0578", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d0\u05d1\u05e8\u05d4\u05dd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d3\u05d1\u05d5\u05e8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d3\u05d5\u05e8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d3\u05e9\u0597\u05d0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d6\u05d4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d6\u05db\u05e8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d7\u05d9\u05e4\u05d5\u05e9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d9\u05b8\u05d4\u05b0\u05d5\u05b6\u05d4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d9\u05d4\u05d5\u05d3\u05d4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d9\u05e6\u05e8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05dc\u05d0\u05d5\u05de\u05d9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05e0\u05e1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05e0\u05e9\u05d0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05e2\u05b8\u05e9\u05b8\u05c2\u05d4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05e2\u05d5\u05dc\u05dd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05e4\u05e8\u05d9\u05e2\u05d4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05e9\u05d8\u05e0\u05d4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0622\u0644", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0622\u0646\u06a9\u06be\u0648\u06ba", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0623\u0636\u0627\u0641\u0647", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0623\u0646\u0647\u0627", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0625", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0625\u0644\u0627", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0633\u0628\u0648\u0639", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0637\u0644\u0627\u0639\u0627\u062a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0623\u0648\u0644", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u062a\u062d\u0631\u064a\u0631", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0631\u0626\u064a\u0633\u064a\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0633\u0639\u064a\u062f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0639\u062f\u0648", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0639\u0631\u0627\u0642", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0639\u0631\u0628\u0628\u064a\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0639\u0631\u0628\u064a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0641\u0637\u0631", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0645\u062f\u064a\u0646\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0646\u0639\u064a\u0645\u064a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0647\u0627\u0645\u0633", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0648", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0628\u0631\u06cc\u062f\u0646\u062f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0628\u0634\u0627\u0631\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0628\u0644\u0627", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0628\u0644\u062f\u064a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0628\u0646\u0627", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062a\u0648\u064a\u062a\u0631", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062c\u0633\u062a\u062c\u0648", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062c\u0645\u0627\u0644", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062c\u0646\u064a\u0647", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062d\u0631\u0643\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062d\u0632\u0628", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062d\u0645\u064a\u062f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062d\u064a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062e\u0637", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0631\u0626\u064a\u0633", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0631\u063a\u0645", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0633\u0639\u06cc\u062f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0633\u0644\u0645\u0627\u0646", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0639\u0631\u0628\u0649", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0639\u0635\u0627\u0645", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0639\u0645\u0631", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0641\u062a\u062d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0641\u0631\u062c\u06cc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0641\u0642\u062f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0641\u0644\u0627", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0641\u064a\u0647\u0627", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0642\u062f\u0645", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0644\u0627\u0631\u06cc\u062c\u0627\u0646\u06cc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0644\u0647", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0644\u0648", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0645\u0627\u0626\u062f\u0647", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0645\u0628\u0627\u0634\u0631", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0645\u062d\u0633\u0648\u062f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0645\u0635\u062f\u0642", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0645\u0644\u0627\u064a\u0648", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0645\u0647\u0631\u0639\u0644\u06cc\u0632\u0627\u062f\u0647", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0645\u0648\u0633\u0649", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0645\u0648\u0636\u0648\u0639\u0627\u062a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0648\u0641\u064a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0648\u0643\u0627\u0646", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0648\u0644\u0643\u0646", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0648\u0644\u0648", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u067e\u0647\u0644\u0648\u06cc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u06de", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u07e6\u07e6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0903", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0916\u094b\u091c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u09aa\u09cd\u09b0\u09a4\u09bf\u09b0\u09cb\u09a7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u09b9\u09cb\u0995", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0ad0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0e0e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0e20\u0e32\u0e29\u0e32\u0e44\u0e17\u0e22", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0e3a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0e41", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0e53", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0f72\u0f7e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1016\u1010\u1039\u101b\u1088\u1019\u1088\u1015\u103a\u1019\u1039\u1038\u1019\u103d\u103a\u107e\u1000\u102c\u1001\u103a\u102d\u1014\u1039", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u10b0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u10d3\u10d0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u10dc\u10dd\u10d6\u10d0\u10eb\u10d4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u10ea\u10d4\u10ea\u10ee\u10da\u10d0\u10eb\u10d4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u182e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u19a9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u19ae", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1ce9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e2b\u1e2b\u0113", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e43\u015b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e47\u1e6d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e49", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1ebe", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1eca", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1f00\u03bd\u03ae\u03c1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1f00\u03bd\u03b4\u03c1\u03cc\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1f00\u03c1\u03c7\u03ae", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1f10\u03bb\u03b1\u03af\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1f10\u03c0\u03af", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1f65\u03c3\u03c4\u03b5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1fc7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1ff7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2010{}\u2010", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2018$\u2019", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u201e\u0160", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u201e\u017d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2020\u2020\u2020\u2020\u2020", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2021\u0451\u044b\u0448", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2022\u2022\u2022\u2022\u2022\u2022\u2022\u2022\u2022\u2022\u2022", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2032\u2192", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u203f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u20a2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u20ac\u00a2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u20ac\u00ae", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u20ac\u00df", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u20ad", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u20b3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2191~", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2192\u00ac", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2212\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u221a\u00b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u221a\u221a\u221a\u221a\u221a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2266", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2267", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2267\u25d4\u25e1\u25d4\u2266", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u227a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u22a1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2310", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u240d\u240d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2500\u2500\u00bb\u00ab\u2500\u2500", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u251c\u017d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u251c\u2500\u2524", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u252c\u010c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u252c\u013a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u25a0\u00ab", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u25a0\u00bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u25ba\u00b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u25ba\u25a0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2605\u2605\u2605\u2605\u2605\u2605\u2605", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u260e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u261d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u262e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u263a\u263a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2663\u2663\u2663", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2702", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2750", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u27a3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2b06", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u304a\u540d\u524d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u304c\u7121\u52b9\u306a\u70ba\u30ab\u30ec\u30f3\u30c0\u3092\u63cf\u753b\u3067\u304d\u307e\u305b\u3093", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u3059\u308b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u3067", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u3068", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u308f\u305f\u3057\u305f\u3061", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30b5\u30fc\u30d3\u30b9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30c4\u30fc\u30eb\u30d0\u30fc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30d0\u30c3\u30b0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30d1\u30a4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30d9\u30c3\u30ad\u30fc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30de\u30bf\u30cf\u30e9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30e1\u30bf\u30dc\u30ea\u30ba\u30e0\u306e\u672a\u6765\u90fd\u5e02\u5c55\u3002", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30e1\u30e2\u30ea\u30fc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30e3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30e9\u30d5\u30a1\u30cf\u30a6\u30b9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e0d\u5982", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e2d\u56fd\u5171\u4ea7\u4e3b\u4e49\u9752\u5e74\u56e2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e3a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e60\u8fd1\u5e73", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e86\u89e3\u66f4\u591a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e91\u5357", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e95\u4e0a\u967d\u6c34", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4eb0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4ecb\u7ecd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4f60\u652f\u6301\u540c\u6027\u5a5a\u59fb\u5408\u6cd5\u5316\u5417", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4f60\u662f\u5426\u652f\u6301\u4f7f\u7528\u8f6c\u57fa\u56e0\u4f5c\u7269\u548c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5170\u82b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u51cf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5317\u4eac\u5927\u5b66", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u533b\u7597\u4fdd\u5065\u95ee\u9898", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5341\u4e00\u6708", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5350", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u538b\u7f29", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u53ea", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5468\u6c38\u5eb7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u559c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5713", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5927\u76d8\u9e21", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5927\u795e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5979", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5982\u679c\u6709\u533b\u9662\u548c\u533b\u7597\u670d\u52a1\u7684\u66f4\u591a\u6216\u66f4\u5c11\u7684\u79c1\u6709\u5316", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5b50", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5b54\u5b50", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5bc6\u4e91\u957f\u9014\u8f66\u7ad9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5bf8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5c45", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5e02\u5206", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5e72\u7178\u8c46\u89d2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5e73\u6210", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5e74\u4eba\u53e3\u666e\u67e5\u4e2d\u56fd\u6c11\u65cf\u4eba\u53e3\u8d44\u6599\u300b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5e78\u798f\u4e4b\u5bb6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5e94\u7528\u7a0b\u5e8f\u652f\u6301", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5f15\u304d\u5272\u308a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5fae\u4fe1\u8054\u7cfb\u6211\u4eec", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5fd8\u308c\u306a\u3044", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u611f\u8b1d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6155\u5bb9\u96ea\u6751", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6210\u8bed", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6211\u53cd\u6838", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6307", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u64d4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u65b0\u7586", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u65c5\u6e38", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u65e5\u672c\u56fd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u65e5\u672c\u8a9e\u0420\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u65ed", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u663e\u793a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6700", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u674e\u53cb\u5c71", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u685c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6975\u697d\u6d44\u571f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6a19\u984c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6b22\u8fce", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6b7b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6bd2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6c14", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6ca1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6d69\u4e4b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6df1\u3044\u68ee", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6e38\u620f\u7ba1\u5bb6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6e90\u5e73\u85e4\u6a58", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u7231", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u72ac", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u73af\u7403\u6cd5\u5f8b\u8bc4\u8bba", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u73bb\u7483", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u751f\u3051\u82b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u751f\u8096", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u7532", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u753a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u767d\u8bdd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u76f8\u5173\u6280\u80fd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u76f8\u624b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u786e\u5b9a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u798f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u7b2c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u7eb8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u7fe1\u7fe0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u7ffb\u8bd1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u80e1\u9521\u8fdb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u8336\u9053", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u8774\u8776\u5170", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u884c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u8bf7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u8bf7\u9009\u51fa\u6b63\u786e\u7b54\u6848", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u8bfb\u66f4\u591a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u8c22\u8c22", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u8f1f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u8f49", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u904a\u6232", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u91a8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u9673\u9060\u8b77", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u96e8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u9707\u707d\u72a0\u7272\u8005\u306e\u884c\u52d5\u8a18\u9332", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u97d8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u9823", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u9830", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u9835", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u9875", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u99bb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u9f8d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uac00\ub294", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uac10\ucc30\ud558\uc2e0\ub2e4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uac74\uc124\uacfc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uad00\ud55c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ub098\ub9cc\uc758", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ub0a0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ub0a8\ubaa9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ub3d9\ubc29\uc2e0\uae30", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ubbff\uc74c\uc73c\ub85c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ubc95", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ubcc0\ud654\ub420", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ubcf4\ub2f5\ud558\ub294", + -100 + ], + [ + "\ubcf5\ub418\ub3c4\ub2e4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uc138\uacc4\uc640", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uc18c\ub140\uc2dc\ub300", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uc2b5\uc9c0\uc640\uc0c8\ub4e4\uc758\uce5c\uad6c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uc2dc\uc628", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uc5f0\uad6c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uc694", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uc6b0\ub9ac\ub97c", + -100 + 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-100 + ], + [ + "\uf06b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf078", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf0c7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf51f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf520", + -100 + ], + [ + "\uf765", + -100 + ], + [ + "#\\", + -100 + ], + [ + "#\u00b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "#\u00da", + -100 + ], + [ + "#\u041a\u0435\u0436\u0430\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0441\u043a\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "#\u0428\u0430\u0440\u0435\u043d\u0430\u0420\u0435\u0432\u043e\u043b\u0443\u0446\u0438\u0458\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "#\u062f\u0648\u0645\u0627", + -100 + ], + [ + "#\u0637\u062d\u0646", + -100 + ], + [ + "#\u0643\u0641\u062a\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "$\u00b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "&&", + -100 + ], + [ + "++$", + -100 + ], + [ + "+\u00c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "+\u0449", + -100 + ], + [ + "+\u221a", + -100 + ], + [ + "===<", + -100 + ], + [ + "@#\u00a5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\", + -100 + ], + [ + "\\^^", + -100 + ], + [ + "\\\u00b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\\\u039b", + -100 + ], + [ + "^^\u039b", + -100 + ], + [ + "^\u00ca", + -100 + ], + [ + "^\u00ef", + -100 + ], + [ + "^\u039b", + -100 + ], + [ + "^\u2022", + -100 + ], + [ + "`~", + -100 + ], + [ + "{\u2264", + -100 + ], + [ + "}=", + -100 + ], + [ + "}@", + -100 + ], + [ + "}^", + -100 + ], + [ + "~>", + -100 + ], + [ + "~~~~~~~~", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a1\u00a1\u00a1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a1\u00a3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a1\u00da", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a3\u00bf\u00a3\u00bf\u00a3\u00bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a5\u00d6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a7\u0442\u044e\u0451", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a9\u00a9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ab\u00a3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ac\u0112", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00b0\u00b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00b7#", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00b7}", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00b7\u03bc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00b7\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00b7\u25a0\u25a0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00bb}", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00bb\u00a1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00bb\u00e6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00bf\u00bb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c0\u00ce", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c0\u00e7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c1\u00f0\u00ef\u00ec\u00e1\u00f7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c1\u0158", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c2\u02c7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c2\u20ac\u0153", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c3\u00a2\u00e2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c3\u00d1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c3\u0153", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c3\u0160", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c3\u2018", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c4\u00b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c4\u0117", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c5\u201a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c6\u00e6\u00e0\u00e3\u00f0\u00fc\u00d7\u00f6\u00e4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c8\u00ce", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c8\u00e3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c9\u00ae", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c9\u00cc\u00cf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00cc+", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00cc\u00cf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00cd\\", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00cd\u00d4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ce\u00d2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d1\u00fa", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d3\u00dc\u00eb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d3\u00df\u00eb\u00e2\u00e5\u00f1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d4\u00c7\u0141", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d4\u00c7\u0165", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d7\u00d6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d8\u00f8\u00f8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d9\u017d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00dd\u00f0\u00e5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00dd\u00f3\u00f4\u00e5\u00f1\u00f9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00df=", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00df\u00e1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e0\u00bb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e0\u00e1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e0\u00ec\u00e5\u00e4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e0\u00f1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e0\u00f9\u00f8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e0\u2212", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e1#", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e1\u00e3\u00c7\u00d0\u00c7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e1\u00e8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e1\u0144", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e1\u02c7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e2\u00ac", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e2\u00b0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e2\u00c2\u201a\u00ac", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e3\u00ee\u00e4\u00e0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e4\u00e1\u00f3\u00ec\u00ef\u00eb\u00ef\u00e3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e4\u00e4\u00e4\u00e4\u00e4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e4\u00e4\u00e4\u00e4\u00e4\u00e4\u00e4\u00e4\u00e4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e4\u00e4\u00e4\u00e4\u00e4\u00e4\u00e4\u00e4\u00e4\u00e4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e4\u00ee\u00e1\u00f0\u00e5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e4\u0165", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e5\u00f9\u00e0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e5\u00f9\u00ee", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e6\u0283", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e7\u00f6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ea\u00b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ea\u00e0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ea\u00e1\u00f4\u00dc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ea\u00e1\u00f4\u00e1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ea\u00e8\u00e5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ea\u00ee\u00ec\u00ef\u00e0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ea\u00ef", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00eb\u00e5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ec\u00dd\u00f4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ec\u00dd\u00f4\u00f1\u00f9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ec\u00e5\u00f4\u00e1\u00e3\u00e5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ec\u00f8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ee\u00ec", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ef\u00ea", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ef\u00eb\u00ef\u00e3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ef\u00ec", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ef\u00f6\u00de\u00f2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f0\u00dd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f0\u00e1\u00f1\u00e1\u00f1\u00f4\u00de\u00ec\u00e1\u00f4\u00ef\u00f2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f0\u00e5\u00f4\u00ee\u00f0\u00ec\u00fb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f0\u00ef\u00ec", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f0\u00f1\u00ef\u00ea\u00e1\u00e8\u00ef\u00f1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f0\u00f1\u00ef\u00fa\u00fc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f0\u00f9\u00f2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f0\u00fe", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f1\u00ec\u00e5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f2\u00e0\u00ec", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f2\u00f0\u00ff\u00e1\u00e2\u00e0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f2\u00fb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f2\u00fc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f3\u00f0\u00f3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f3\u00f7\u00e5\u00f4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f3\u00fa", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f4\u00de\u00ec", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f4\u00f4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f4\u00f8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f6\u00e5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f7\u00e5\u00f4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f7\u00e8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f7\u00fd\u00e5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f7\u00fe", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f8\u00e1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f8\u00e5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f8\u00e5\u00ea", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00fb\u00e5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00fd\u00f0\u00fd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00fe\u00f2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0100\u00ac", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0101\u00bb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0101\u0177", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0101\u02bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0101\u1e37", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0101\u20ac", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0102\u0105", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0102\u0162", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0105\u017c\u0119", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u010c\u0160", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0115\u017e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0115\u0324", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0119\u0107", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u012b\u015b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u012b\u1e25", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u012b\u1e63", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0135", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u013c\u013c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u015b\u012b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u015e\u0130", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u015f\u00e2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0160\u0106", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0161\u0148", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0161\u0165\u00e1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0162\u0102", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0162\u016b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0177\u016b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0178\u00ff", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u017c\u00f3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u017d\u00cd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u01fb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u021d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0250", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0254\u026a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0259\u028a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u028e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u02bc\u016b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u02c8\u03b8\u026a\u0259", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u02d1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0301+", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0301\u00ce", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0301\u00f8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0301\u00fd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0301\u2019", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0308\u00e2\u20ac", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u030b\u0105\u00a4\u0142\u00a7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0327\u0144\u0118", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u032a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u038c\u039c\u0399", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u038c\u039f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0391\u039f\u039a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0391\u03b3\u03bf\u03c5\u03c1\u03ad\u03bb\u03b1\u03b9\u03bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0391\u03b3\u03c1\u03bf\u03cd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0391\u03b8\u03b7\u03bd\u03ce\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0393~", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0393\u0397\u0395", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0393\u039d\u0393", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0393\u03a1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0393\u03a4\u03a1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0393\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0393\u03bb\u03c5\u03ba\u03cc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0393\u03bd\u0391", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0393\u03c5\u03bc\u03bd\u03ac\u03c3\u03b9\u03bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0394\u039c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0394\u03b5\u03bb\u03c4\u03af\u03bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0394\u03b7\u0391", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0394\u03b7\u03bc\u03bf\u03ba\u03c1\u03b1\u03c4\u03b9\u03ba\u03ae", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0394\u03b7\u03bc\u03bf\u03c4\u03b9\u03ba\u03ac", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0394\u03bb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0395\u0395\u039b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0395\u039b\u039b\u0391\u0394\u0391", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0395\u03a3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0395\u03bb\u03bb\u03ac\u03b4\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0395\u03bd\u03b9\u03b1\u03af\u03bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0395\u03c0\u03af\u03c3\u03b7\u03bc\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0397\u039b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0397\u03c5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0398\u03c1\u03ac\u03ba\u03b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0399\u00b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0399\u039d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0399\u03a1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0399\u03a7\u0398\u03a5\u03a3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0399\u03b4\u03c1\u03cd\u03bc\u03b1\u03c4\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0399\u03bd\u03b7\u03b1\u03bb\u03c4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0399\u03bf\u03af", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039a\u03ad\u03c1\u03ba\u03c5\u03c1\u03b1\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039a\u03b1\u03c4\u03ac", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039a\u03b5\u03c6\u03b1\u03bb\u03b1\u03b9\u03b1\u03b3\u03bf\u03c1\u03ac\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039a\u03bf\u03b9\u03bd\u03cc\u03c4\u03b7\u03c4\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039b\u00b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039b\u03a0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039b\u03b1\u03ba\u03c9\u03bd\u03af\u03b1\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039c\u0391\u03a1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039c\u039b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039c\u03b9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039c\u03b9\u03c3\u03b5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039d+", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039d\u039b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039d\u03b1\u03c5\u03c4\u03b9\u03ba\u03cc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039d\u03b2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039d\u03bf\u03bc\u03b1\u03c1\u03c7\u03b9\u03b1\u03ba\u03ac", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039d\u03cc\u03bc\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039f\u0393\u0395", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a0\u0399\u03a0\u0399", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a0\u03b1\u03c1\u03b1\u03bb\u03ae\u03c0\u03c4\u03b7\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a0\u03b1\u03c1\u03b1\u03c3\u03ba\u03b5\u03c5\u03ae", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a0\u03b1\u03c4\u03c1\u03ce\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a0\u03bf\u03cd\u03bb\u03bb\u03b5\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a1\u03af\u03bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a1\u03cc\u03b4\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a3\u03b5\u03b9\u03c4\u03b5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a3\u03c5\u03b3\u03b3\u03c1\u03bf\u03cd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a3\u03c5\u03bc\u03b2\u03bf\u03cd\u03bb\u03b9\u03bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a4\u0391", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a4\u0393", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a4\u039f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a4\u03b1\u03bc\u03b5\u03af\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a4\u03b1\u03c5\u03c4\u03cc\u03c4\u03b7\u03c4\u03b1\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a4\u03b9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a4\u03bf\u03bc\u03b1\u03c4\u03ac\u03ba\u03b9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a4\u03c1\u03b9\u03b1\u03bd\u03c4\u03ac\u03c6\u03c5\u03bb\u03bb\u03bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a5\u03b7\u03c1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a6\u03bf\u03b9\u03bd\u03af\u03ba\u03b9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a6\u03bf\u03c5\u03b3\u03ac\u03c1\u03bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a7\u0399\u0399\u0399", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03ac\u03bd\u03c9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b1\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b1\u03b9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b1\u03c5\u03c4\u03c9\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b1\u03c7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b1\u2248\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b2^", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b2\u0393", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b2\u03af", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b2\u03b7\u03af", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b2\u03b7\u03af\u03b2\u03c6\u0393\u03ca\u03b5\u03b2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b5\u03b9\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b5\u03ba\u03ba\u03cc\u03bb\u03b1\u03c8\u03b9\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b5\u03bb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b7\u03bc\u03af\u03be\u03b7\u03c1\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b7\u03c7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b8\u03be\u03b4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b9\u03b3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03ba\u03b1\u03bb\u03ae", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03ba\u03b1\u03c4\u03ac\u03c1\u03c4\u03b9\u03c3\u03b7\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03ba\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03ba\u03cc\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03ba\u03cd\u03c1\u03b9\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bb\u03bf\u03b3\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bb\u03cd\u03ba\u03b5\u03b9\u03bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bc\u00c4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bc\u03b1\u03c1\u03c4\u03c5\u03c1\u03bf\u03c5\u02c6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bc\u03b9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bc\u03bc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bc\u03be", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bf\u03af", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bf\u03bd\u03bf\u03bc\u03b1\u03c3\u03af\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c0\u03b1\u03b3\u03b5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c0\u03b2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c0\u03b5\u03c1\u03af", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c0\u03c0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c0\u03c3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c1\u03c9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c4~\u03c4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c4\u1ff6\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c6\u039f\u03a0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c8\u0395\u03a3\u03a6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0401\u0448\u0445", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0406\u0425", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u041f\u0420", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u0422\u0421", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u0432\u0433", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u0436\u0430\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u0440\u043a\u0430\u0438\u043c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u0440\u0442\u0451\u043c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0411\u041d\u0424", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0411\u0430\u0431\u0430\u0443\u0442\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0411\u0435\u043b\u0430\u0440\u0443\u0441\u043a\u0430\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0411\u0438\u0444\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0441", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0411\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0434", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0411\u0440\u0435\u0436\u043d\u0435\u0432", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0412\u0410", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0412\u0430\u0433\u0430\u0440\u0448\u0430\u043a\u043e\u0432\u043d\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0412\u0435\u043b\u0438\u043a\u0438\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0412\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0434\u0438\u043c\u0438\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0412\u043e\u0441\u0442\u043e\u043a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0412\u0441\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0412\u044a\u0440\u0431\u0438\u0446\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0413\u040e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0413\u043e\u043b\u0443\u0431\u0435\u0432", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0413\u045e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0414\u0440\u0430\u0433\u043e\u0435\u0432\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0415\u0421", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0416\u0443\u043a\u0430\u0440\u0435\u0432", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0418\u0437\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044f\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0418\u0442\u0430\u043a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0418\u044e\u043b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041a\u0421\u0412\u0421\u0424", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041a\u0430\u043b\u0430\u0431\u0440\u0438\u0441", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041a\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041a\u0438\u0440\u0438\u043b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041a\u0440\u0435\u0431\u0438\u043e\u0437\u0435\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041b\u0423\u041a\u0410\u041d\u041a\u0410", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041b\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0441\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041b\u0430\u0441\u043a\u0438\u043d\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041b\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0438\u043d\u043e\u0432", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041b\u0435\u043e\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041b\u0443\u0436\u043a\u043e\u0432", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041b\u044a\u043a\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u0430\u0433\u0438\u0441\u0442\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u0430\u043a\u0435\u0434\u043e\u043d\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0411\u044a\u043b\u0433\u0430\u0440\u0441\u043a\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u0430\u043a\u0441\u0438\u043c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u0431\u0430\u0445\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u0438\u0440\u043a\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u043e\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0432\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041d\u0430\u0432\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043d\u044b\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041d\u0430\u0441\u0442\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041d\u0430\u0442\u0430\u0448\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041d\u0435\u043c\u0430\u045a\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041d\u0435\u0440\u043b\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041d\u0435\u0442\u0415\u043d\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041d\u0438\u043a\u043e\u043b\u0430\u0301\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041e\u0421", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041e\u043a\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041e\u0441\u0442\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041e\u0445\u043e\u0442\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u0410\u041d\u0410\u0413\u042e\u0420\u0421\u041a\u0410", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u0424\u041a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u0430\u0432\u0435\u043b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u0430\u0440\u0442\u044b\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u0435\u0442\u0440\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u0441\u043a\u0430\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u0435\u0442\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0438\u0447", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u0438\u0441\u0442\u043e\u043b\u0435\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u043e\u0434\u0435\u043b\u0438\u0442\u0435\u0441\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u0440\u043e\u0442\u0430\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u0440\u043e\u0445\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0432", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u0443\u0448\u043a\u0438\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u0445\u0451=\u0445\u0401\u044a\u0448", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u0451\u0442\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u20ac", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u0430\u0445\u0438\u0441", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u0432\u0435\u0442\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u0432\u0456\u0442\u043b\u0430\u043d\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u0435\u043a\u0441", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u0438\u0431\u0438\u0440\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u043b\u043e\u0431\u043e\u0434\u0430\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u043d\u043e\u0443\u0434\u0435\u043d\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u043e\u043b\u043d\u0435\u0447\u043d\u044b\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u043f\u043e\u0440\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u0440\u043f\u0441\u043a\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u0442\u0435\u0444\u0430\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u0443", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u0443\u0445\u043e\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0422\u041a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0422\u0435\u0445\u043d\u0438\u0447\u0435\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0422\u043e\u0434\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0432", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0424\u0430\u0443\u043b\u0437", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0424\u0430\u0446\u0435\u043b\u0438\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0424\u0435\u0434\u0435\u0440\u0430\u0446\u0438\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0424\u0438\u043b\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0424\u0438\u043b\u0438\u043f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0424\u0438\u0442\u0438\u043d\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0425\u0430\u0440\u0434\u043a\u043e\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0425\u044a\u0440\u0441\u043e\u0432\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0426\u0432\u0435\u0442\u0435\u043b\u0438\u043d\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0427\u0438\u0436\u0435\u0432\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0427\u0442\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0427\u0443\u0434\u0430\u043a\u043e\u0432\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0428\u0443\u043c\u0435\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u042d\u041a\u0413", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u042d\u0434\u0443\u0430\u0440\u0434", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u042f\u043c\u0438\u043b\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u042f\u043d\u0432", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0430\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0432\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0435\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0430\u043d\u0442\u0438\u043e\u043a\u0441\u0438\u0434\u0430\u043d\u0442\u044b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0430\u0443", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0431\u0430\u043d\u043a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0431\u043e\u043b\u044c\u0448\u0435\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0431\u043e\u0445\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0431\u0440\u0438\u0442\u0430\u043d\u043a\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0432\u0430\u0437\u043e\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0432\u0435\u0447\u0435\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0432\u0437\u0431\u0435\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0432\u0438\u043d\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0432\u043e\u0434\u043e\u043d\u0430\u0433\u0440\u0435\u0432\u0430\u0442\u0435\u043b\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0432\u0441\u0435\u043c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0432\u044a\u0437\u0434\u0443\u0445\u043e\u043f\u043b\u0430\u0432\u0430\u043d\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0432\u044b\u0442\u0432\u043e\u0440\u044f\u0435\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0432\u044b\u0445\u043e\u0434", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0433\u0430\u0437\u043e\u043e\u0431\u0440\u0430\u0437\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0433\u0435\u043f\u0430\u0442\u043e\u0437", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0433\u043e\u0434", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0434\u0430\u043d\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0442\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0444\u0435\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0434\u0430\u0447\u043d\u043e\u043c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0434\u043e\u043c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043a\u0430\u0440\u0442\u043e\u0448\u043a\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043a\u0432", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043a\u043e\u043c\u0438\u0442\u0435\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043a\u043e\u043f\u0443\u043b\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043a\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043a\u0442\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043a\u0443\u0440\u0430\u0433\u0443", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043a\u044a\u043c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043b\u0443\u043a\u043e\u0432\u043e\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043c\u0430\u043b\u043e\u0435\u0434\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043c\u0430\u043b\u043e\u0435\u0434\u0435\u043d\u0438\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043c\u0435\u0440\u0437\u043d\u0443\u0442\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043c\u0438\u0442\u043d\u0438\u0447\u0435\u0441\u043a\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043c\u043d\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043c\u043e\u0440\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043c\u043e\u0440\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043d\u0430\u0440\u0443\u0431\u043b\u0435\u043d\u043d\u044b\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043d\u0435\u043e\u044f\u0437\u044b\u0447\u0435\u0441\u0442\u0432\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043e\u0431\u043b\u0430\u0434\u0430\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u0438\u0446\u044b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043e\u0431\u043b\u0430\u0441\u0442\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043e\u0431\u0445\u0432\u0430\u043d\u0430\u0442\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043e\u043a\u043a\u043b\u044e\u0437\u0438\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043e\u0440\u0433\u0430\u043d\u0438\u043a\u043e\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043e\u0442\u0436\u0430\u0442\u043e\u0433\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u043e\u0434\u0442\u044f\u043d\u0435\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u043e\u043b\u043d\u044b\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u0440\u0435\u0441\u043a\u0435\u0432\u044e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u0440\u0438\u0432\u0435\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u0440\u043e\u0434\u0443\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0442\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u0440\u043e\u043a\u0430\u043b\u0438\u0442\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u0441\u0438\u0445\u043e\u043f\u0430\u0442\u044b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0440\u0430\u0437\u0440\u0435\u0448\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0440\u0430\u0441\u043a\u0430\u0447\u0438\u0432\u0430\u0435\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0440\u0438\u0435\u043b\u0442\u043e\u0440\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u0432\u0435\u0440\u0445\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u0432\u043e\u044e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u0438\u0441\u0442\u0435\u043c\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u0438\u0441\u0442\u0435\u043c\u044b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u043a\u043b\u0435\u0438\u0432\u0430\u043b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u043e\u043c\u0430\u0442\u043e\u0442\u0440\u043e\u043f\u0438\u043d\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u043f\u0438\u0440\u0443\u043b\u0438\u043d\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u0440\u0435\u0437\u0430\u0435\u043c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u0442\u0440\u0430\u043d\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u044a\u0432\u0435\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0442\u0430\u0439\u043e\u0440\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0442\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043a\u043e\u0445\u043b\u043e\u0440\u0438\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0442\u0435\u043a\u0441\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0442\u043e\u0437\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0443\u0440\u0447\u0430\u043d\u0438\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0443\u044e\u0401", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0443\u044e\u0444", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0444\u0435\u0440\u043c\u0435\u043d\u0442\u0430\u0442\u043e\u0440\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0444\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0441\u0430\u043b\u043e\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0445\u00b0\u0445\u0451", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0445\u0438\u0440\u043e\u043f\u0440\u0430\u043a\u0442\u0438\u043a\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0445\u044a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0445\u044d\u0442\u0447\u0431\u0435\u043a\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0447\u044e\u044b\u044e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0448\u00a7\u044e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0448\u0435\u0440\u0441\u0442\u044f\u043d\u044b\u043c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0448\u0451\u0445\u0451\u044a\u0448\u0445", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044d\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0440\u043e\u043a\u0430\u0440\u043e\u043c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044d\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0440\u043e\u043c\u043e\u0431\u0438\u043b\u044f\u043c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044d\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0440\u043e\u0441\u043a\u0443\u0442\u0435\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044d\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0440\u043e\u0441\u043a\u0443\u0442\u0435\u0440\u043e\u0432", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044d\u044e\u0451", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044e\u0401", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044e\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044f\u043d\u0432\u0430\u0440\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044f\u044e\u0451", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0451=\u0445\u044d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0451=\u044e\u044b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0451\u0448", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0491\u0491\u0491", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0532", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0535", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0540\u0561\u0575\u0565\u0580\u0565\u0576", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d0\u05d5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d0\u05d5\u05dc\u05de\u05e8\u05d8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d0\u05d7\u05e8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d0\u05dc\u05d9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d1\u05d9\u05df", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d1\u05e8\u05e7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d2\u05d3\u05e2\u05d5\u05df", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d2\u05d5\u05e9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d2\u05dc\u05e2\u05d3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d4\u05d1\u05d0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d4\u05dc\u05d0\u05d5\u05de\u05d9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d4\u05dc\u05d9\u05db\u05d5\u05d3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d4\u05e2\u05d1\u05d5\u05d3\u05d4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d4\u05e8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d4\u05ea\u05d5\u05e8\u05d4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d6\u05d9\u05d5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d7\u05d9\u05d9\u05dd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d8\u05d5\u05d1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d9\u05e2\u05e7\u05d1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05dc\u05d5\u05d9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05de\u05d0\u05de\u05e8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05de\u05d5\u05e4\u05d6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05de\u05dc\u05d0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05df", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05e0\u05ea\u05e0\u05d9\u05d4\u05d5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05e2\u05d1\u05e8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05e2\u05dc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05e2\u05dd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05e2\u05e9\u05e8\u05d4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05e8\u05d1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05e9\u05dc\u05d9\u05d8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0622\u062e\u0631", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0622\u06cc\u0631\u0645\u0644\u0648", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0623\u062a\u0635\u0644", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0623\u0631\u0636", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0623\u0643\u0628\u0631", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0623\u0645\u064a\u0646", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0623\u0647\u0644", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0623\u0648\u0644", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0625\u064a\u06a4\u0627", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0641\u0632\u0627\u0631", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0623\u062d\u0645\u0631", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0625\u062a\u0635\u0627\u0644", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0625\u0646\u062a\u0631\u0646\u062a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0627", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0628\u0631\u063a\u0648\u062b\u064a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0628\u0642\u0631\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u062d\u062f\u064a\u0642\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u062d\u0631\u064a\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u062d\u0642", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u062f\u0643\u062a\u0648\u0631", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u062f\u0648\u0644\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0630\u0647\u0628", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0630\u064a\u0646", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0631\u0626\u064a\u0633", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0633\u0639\u0648\u062f\u064a\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0635\u0644\u0627\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0639\u0628\u062f\u0627\u0644\u0644\u0647", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0642\u062f\u0645", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0645\u062b\u0644\u064a\u064a\u0646", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0645\u062d\u0633\u0646", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0645\u063a\u0631\u0628\u064a\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0645\u0644\u0643", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0645\u0648\u0627\u0631\u062f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0646\u0627\u0633", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0646\u0627\u0635\u0631", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0646\u0645\u0631", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0649", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0645", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u06a9\u0628\u0631", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0628\u062e\u062a\u06cc\u0627\u0631", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0628\u062e\u062a\u06cc\u0627\u0631\u06cc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0628\u0631\u062c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0628\u0639\u062f\u06cc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0628\u064a\u062a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062a\u0627\u062c\u200c\u0627\u0644\u0645\u0644\u0648\u06a9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062a\u0627\u064a\u0645", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062a\u0628\u0627\u062f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062a\u0631\u0643\u064a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062c\u0631\u064a\u0645\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062c\u0644\u06cc\u0644\u06cc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062c\u0645\u0639\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062c\u0648\u0627\u0628\u0627\u062a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062d\u0627\u0645\u062f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062d\u0628\u0633", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062d\u0633\u0646\u064a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062d\u0648\u0644", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062e\u0627\u064a\u0641", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062f\u0627\u0631", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062f\u0639\u0627\u06cc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0631\u0627\u0634\u062f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0631\u0636\u0627", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0632\u0646\u0627\u0646", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0633\u0644\u064a\u0645\u0627\u0646", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0633\u064a\u0633\u064a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0634\u0627\u0631\u0639", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0634\u0645\u0633", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0635\u0646\u0627\u0641\u064a\u0631", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0639\u0628\u0631", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0639\u0644\u064a\u0647\u0627", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0639\u0645\u0631\u0627\u0646", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0641\u0631\u0648\u0631\u06cc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0641\u064a\u062f\u064a\u0648", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0642\u0627\u0644", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0642\u0628\u0644\u06cc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0642\u0631\u0634", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0642\u0637\u0631", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0642\u0644\u0639\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0643\u0627\u0646\u062a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0643\u0646\u062a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0643\u064a\u0641", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0644\u0628\u0646\u0627\u0646", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0644\u0645\u0627\u0630\u0627", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0644\u0647\u0627", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0644\u064a\u0633", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0645\u062d\u0627\u0641\u0638\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0645\u0642\u0631\u0646", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0645\u0643\u062a\u0648\u0645", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0645\u0648", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0645\u064a\u0646\u0627\u0621", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0645\u06cc\u06ba", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0646\u0627\u062d\u064a\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0646\u0631\u0645", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0646\u0636\u0627\u0644\u0627\u062a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0646\u0648\u0627\u0641", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0647\u0630\u0647", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0647\u0646\u0627\u0643", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0648\u0627\u0644\u0633\u0643\u0646", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0648\u0639\u062f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0648\u0645\u0646", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0648\u0647\u0648", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u064a\u0648\u0645", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u064a\u0648\u0645\u0627\u064b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u064a\u0648\u0646\u0633", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u064f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u067e\u0627\u06a9\u0633\u062a\u0627\u0646", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u06a9\u0631\u0646\u06d2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u06af\u0631\u06af\u0627\u0646\u064a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u06cc\u0648\u0627\u0634\u06a9\u06cc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u099a\u099f\u09cd\u099f\u09cb\u09aa\u09be\u09a7\u09cd\u09af\u09be\u09af\u09bc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u09b8\u09c1\u09aa\u09cd\u09b0\u09bf\u09af\u09bc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0b95", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0e22\u0e17", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1005\u1000\u102c\u1038\u1005\u102f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1012\u102e\u1007\u1004\u103a\u1018\u102c\u101c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1018\u102c\u101e\u102c\u1005\u1000\u102c\u1038\u1019\u103b\u102c\u1038", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u101c\u1021\u1019\u100a\u103a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u101e\u103d\u102c\u1038\u1019\u100a\u103a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1021\u1013\u102d\u1000\u1021\u1000\u103c\u1031\u102c\u1004\u103a\u1038\u1021\u101b\u102c\u101e\u102d\u102f\u1037", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1021\u1015\u103c\u100a\u1037\u103a\u1021\u1005\u102f\u1036", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1021\u101e\u102f\u1036\u1038\u1015\u103c\u102f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1031\u1001\u102b\u1004\u1039\u1038\u1005\u1025\u1039\u1019\u103a\u102c\u1038", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1262\u1206\u1295\u121d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1835", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u18f4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1b25", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1ba6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1bb3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1ca5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1cec", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e25\u1e25\u0101", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e33\u1e33", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e47\u0113", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e62\u00e1\u1e25", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1ecd\u0300", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1f45", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2018\u00c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2018\u00cd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2018\u00da", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2019=", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2019\u00e2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2019\u0152", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u201a\u00c4\u00f4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2021\u00dd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2022\u00da", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2022\u20ac", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2032\u0161", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u20ac\u00a3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u20ac\u00e4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2192\u2192", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2192\u221e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u21a4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2223", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2261\u2261", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u226a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u227d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2325\u2318", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u251c\u00c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2593", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u25a0\u03b9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u261d\ufe0f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2668", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u266a\u266a\u266a\u266a\u266a\u266a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u266e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u275c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u278b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u279d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u27a1\ufe0f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u3002\u6211", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u3007", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u301c\u3067\u306a\u3044", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u3057\u308b\u3057", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u3068\u3066\u3082\u3088\u3044", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u3074\u3063\u305f\u308a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30a2\u30c3\u30d7\u30c7\u30fc\u30bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30a4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30b8\u30e7\u30ca\u30b5\u30f3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30d3\u30c7\u30aa", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30d6\u30ed\u30ac\u30fc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30e2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e01", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e09", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e0b\u8f7d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e0d\u9519", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e2a\u6708", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e3b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e8b\u5b9e\u4e0a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e8e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4ed6\u4eec", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4ed9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4ee5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4eec", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4f46\u662f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4f4e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4f51\u56fd\u5bfa", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4f55\u4fca\u4ec1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4f56", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4f60", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4f60\u652f\u6301\u5927\u9ebb\u5408\u6cd5\u5316\u5417", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4f60\u662f\u5426\u652f\u6301\u4f7f\u7528\u6c34\u529b\u538b\u88c2\u6cd5\u7684\u5f00\u91c7\u77f3\u6cb9\u548c\u5929\u7136\u6c14\u8d44\u6e90", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5009\u6728\u9ebb\u8863", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u500b\u4eba\u7684\u306a\u958b\u767a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5149", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u516b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5170\u5dde\u62c9\u9762", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5185\u5bb9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5186", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5200", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u533a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5341\u6708", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5357\u5b8b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u53c2\u8003", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u53c8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u53f0\u5317", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5408\u6c17\u9053", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u540c\u65f6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5426\u5219", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5427", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u56de", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u571f\u6728", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5728\u5de5\u4f5c\u5173\u7cfb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5730", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u578b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5927\u7406", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5979\u8bf4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u59ec", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5b89\u4fdd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5b89\u5fbd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5bf9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5c06", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5c06\u68cb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5c11\u3057\u305a\u3064", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5c11\u5973", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5d4a\u6cd7\u53bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5dde", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5e02", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5e7f\u573a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5e87", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5e94\u5f53\u8981\u6c42\u79fb\u6c11\u5b66\u4e60\u82f1\u8bed\u4e48", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u60a8\u662f\u5426\u652f\u6301\u4f7f\u7528\u6838\u80fd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u611f\u8c22", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6211\u4eec", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6458\u8981", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u65a4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u660e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6700\u4f4e\u6295\u7968\u5e74\u9f84\u5e94\u88ab\u964d\u4f4e\u5417", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6761", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u67ca", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u682a\u5f0f\u4f1a\u793e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6982\u8981", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u69d8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6ca1\u5173\u7cfb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6ce8\u8a18", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u6fdf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u706b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u70bb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u72b6\u51b5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u738b\u5c90\u5c71", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u73b0\u5728", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u7530", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u7531", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u75a3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u7687\u5e1d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u795e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u79d1\u7279", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u7a0e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u7b54\u3048", + -100 + 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"\u00a4\u044e\u0406\u044c\u0455", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a4\u044e\u0445\u0447\u0444", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a4\u044e\u044b\u044e\u0442\u0448\u044d\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a4\u0456\u0445\u0401", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a6\u0406\u0401\u0448", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a6\u0440\u0443\u0440\u0401\u0440\u0451\u0423", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a6\u0440\u0443\u0440\u0401\u0440\u0451\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a6\u0440\u044d\u0445", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a6\u0441\u044e\u0442\u044d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a6\u0444\u0448\u044f\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a6\u0445\u044d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a6\u0448\u0401", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a6\u0448\u044d\u0456\u044e\u044d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a6\u044b\u0445\u044a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a6\u044c\u044f\u0440\u0449\u0401", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a6\u044d\u0445", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a6\u044e\u0401\u0445", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a6\u044e\u0401\u0451\u044a\u044e\u0449", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00a6\u044e\u044b\u044e\u0444\u0440", + -100 + ], 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"\u00b0\u0440\u044c\u044f\u0440\u044d\u0451\u044a\u044e\u0445", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00b0\u0445\u00b6\u0455", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00b0\u0448\u044d\u0455\u00a6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00b0\u044d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00b0\u2212", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00b1\u221e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00b6\u00e3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00b6\u0401\u0440\u044d\u0451\u0445\u0447", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00b6\u0423", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00b6\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00b6\u0440\u0401\u0445\u0451", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00b6\u0455\u0443\u0448", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00b7$", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00b7\u00c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00b7\u00ee\u00ef\u00d7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00b7\u02bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00b7\u03c0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00b7\u03c9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00bb\u00a9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00bb\u00bb\u00bb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00bf\u00c9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00bf\u00fa", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00bf\u25ba", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c0\u00c0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c0\u00cf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c1\u00a1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c1\u00cd\u00d4\u00c9\u00c3\u00d1\u00c1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c1\u00f0\u00e1\u00eb\u00eb\u00e1\u00e3\u00de", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c1\u00f0\u00eb\u00ef\u00f5\u00f3\u00f4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c1\u0160", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c2\u00a1\u00c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c2\u00ef", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c2\u0192\u00c3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c2\u0192\u00c3\u0192\u00c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c2\u2022", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c3\u00bb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c3\u00e5\u00f0\u00e0\u00f9\u00e5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c4\u0178", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c5\u00eb\u00eb\u00dc\u00e4\u00ef\u00f2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c7\u00c0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c7\u00d1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c7\u00e8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c7\u0131\u011f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c9\u00c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00c9\u00c9\u00c9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ca\u00cd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00cb\u00dc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00cc\u00d0\u00cf\u00d1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00cd\u00f9\u00f0\u00fc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00cf\u00ee", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00cf\u00f1\u00e3\u00e1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d0\u00cf\u00d5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d0\u00d0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d0\u00d1\u00cf\u00cf\u00d1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d0\u00f1\u00ef\u00fa\u00fc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d0\u00f4\u00f5\u00f7\u00df\u00ef", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d0\u1ea1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d1\u0192", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d4\u00d9\u00cd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d6\u00c6\u00d7\u00f7\u00a3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d8=", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d8\uf076", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00d9\u00cb\u00cf\u00c2\u00ca\u02c6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00da\u017d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00dc\u00f1\u00e8\u00f1\u00ef\u00f5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00dd\u00ea", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00dd\u00f4\u00f3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00dd\u00f7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00de\u00f0\u00ef\u00f4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00de\u00fc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00df\u00df", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00df\u00fc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e0\u00d8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e0\u00e5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e0\u00e7\u00fa", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e0\u00f0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e0\u00f2\u00e0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e0\u00f2\u00fc\u00e5\u00e2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e0\u00f8\u00e1\u00f2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e1+", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e1\u00ec", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e1\u0161\u00e1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e2`", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e2\u00e0\u00e6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e2\u00fc\u00e5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e2\u010d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e2\u0161", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e3\u00dc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e3\u00de", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e3\u00ee\u00e4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e4\u00e1\u00f3\u00ec\u00fc\u00f2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e4\u00e4\u00e4\u00e4\u00e4\u00e4\u00e4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e4\u00f2\u00e5\u00ec", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e5\u00e4\u00e8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e5\u00e7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e5\u00ea\u00e4\u00df\u00e4\u00e5\u00f4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e5\u00ea\u00e4\u00df\u00e4\u00e5\u00f4\u00e1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e5\u00f1\u00e3\u00dc\u00f3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e5\u00f8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e5\u00fd\u00e8\u00f5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e6\u00e6\u00e0\u00e3\u00f0\u00fc\u00d7\u00f6\u00e4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e6\u2020", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e6\u2022\u0160", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e7^", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e7\u00ec\u00dd\u00f1\u00e5\u00f2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e7\u00ee", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e7\u014d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e8\u00e5\u00f2\u00ee", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e8\u00eb\u00e5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e8\u00ec\u00e0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e8\u00ec\u00e7\u00f4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e8\u0161", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00e8\u20ac", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ea\u00c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ea\u00e0\u00ea", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ea\u00e0\u00ea\u00e2\u00ee", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ea\u00e0\u00ff", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ea\u00e1\u00f3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ea\u00e5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ea\u00e8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ea\u00fe\u00f2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00eb\u00eb\u00f9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00eb\u00f9\u00f3\u00e7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ec\u00dd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ec\u00df", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ec\u00df\u00e1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ec\u00e0\u00eb\u00ea\u00e0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ec\u00e8\u00f1\u00eb\u00ff", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ee\u00e5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ee\u00ec\u00ea", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ee\u2019", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ef\u00b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ef\u00d8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ef\u00e4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ef\u00eb\u00ef\u00e3\u00df", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ef\u00ec\u00e7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ef\u00ef\u00ef", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ef\u00f0\u00e0\u00e2\u00e8\u00ec", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ef\u00f0\u00e0\u00e2\u00e8\u00f2\u00e5\u00eb\u00fc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ef\u00f0\u00e5\u00e7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ef\u00f5\u00f2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f0\u00e5\u00f4\u00ee\u00f0\u00ec\u00e0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f0\u00e5\u00f8\u00e5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f0\u00eb\u00ef\u00f5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f0\u00ee\u00e2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f0\u00f1\u00ef\u00fa", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f0\u0131", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f1\u00e4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f1\u00e5\u00ec\u00e5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f1\u00e8\u00f1\u00ef", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f1\u00e8\u00f1\u00ef\u00f5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f1\u00fc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f2\u00e2\u00e0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f2\u00ec", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f2\u00f0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f3\u00e8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f3\u00f6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f3\u00fd\u00ec\u00f6\u00f9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f3\u017a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f4\u00dc\u00ee\u00e5\u00f9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f4\u00dd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f4\u00f1\u00e5\u00e1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f4\u017e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f5\u00f0\u00ef\u00ea", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f5\u00f3\u00f4\u00dd\u00f1\u00f9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f6\u00dc\u00eb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f6\u00dd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f6\u011f\u01d8\u015f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f6\u03b2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f7\u00ef\u00eb\u00de\u00f2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f8\u00fd\u00ee\u00e7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f9\u00ae", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00f9\u00f4\u00dd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00fa\u00bb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00fa\u010d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00fb\u010d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00fc\u00e3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00fc\u00f0\u00f9\u00f2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00fc\u00f1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00fd\u00ec\u00f6\u00f9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00fd\u00f4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00fe\u00fd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00fe\u0101", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ff\u00eb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ff\u00f7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u00ff\u00ff", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0101\u015f\u0101", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0101\u02bb\u012b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0101\u02bf\u012b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0101\u2019", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0102\u013d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0102\u0218\u0102", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0103\u0163\u00e2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0104\u017c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0105\u0142", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0105\u015b\u0107", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0105\u017e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u010d\u00d6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u010d\u010d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u010d\u016b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0110\u1ed7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0111\u00e1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0113\u0146", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u011b\u0148", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u011b\u0165", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0127\u0127", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u012b\u00fe", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0130\u015e\u0130", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0131\u015f\u0131\u011f\u0131", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0134", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0136\u012b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0139\u201a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u013a\u0148", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0142\u0131\u0328", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0148\u00e1\u010d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u014d==", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u014d\u0113", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0159\u00f9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0159\u0148\u00e1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u015a\u016b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u015f\u00ea", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u015f\u00ee", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u015f\u00f6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0160\u00a2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0160\u00c1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0160\u00cd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0160\u00da", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0160\u016f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0161\u016b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0163\u00e2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u016b\u00e0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u016b\u0101", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u016b\u0161\u0117", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u016b\u1e29", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u016f\u0148", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u016f\u0161", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u017c\u0105", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u017c\u0142", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u017e\u0161", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0192\u00c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u01b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u01cd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u01ce\u014d\u0171", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u01f4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0215", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u021a\u00ee", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u021c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0223", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0229", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0251\u014b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u025e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0261\u027e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u026a\u014b\u0259", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0282\u0259", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u028a\u0259", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u028f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u02b9\u02bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u02bb\u012a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u02bb\u012b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u02c2\u02c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u02c8\u0261", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u02c8\u026a\u014b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u02c9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u02cc\u026a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0301\u00e1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0301\u00fa", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0306\u02ca", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0306\uf8ff\u00d4\u201e\u2039\u00ca\u00c8\u00c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0308\u00cf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0308\u00f6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0314", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u031c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u031c\u0251", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0327\u00ee\u00ef", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0327\u00f6\u00e8\u00eb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0336\u2015", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0337", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0386\u03b3\u03b9\u03bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0386\u03c3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0388\u03bb\u03bb\u03b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0388\u03c1\u03b3\u03c9\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u038a\u039f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u038c\u039c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u038e\u03bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0390\u03c6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0391\u03a1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0391\u03a4\u0397", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0391\u03b3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0391\u03b3\u03af\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0391\u03b9\u03bf\u03bb\u03af\u03b1\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0391\u03bb\u03ae", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0391\u03bd\u03c9\u03c4\u03ad\u03c1\u03b1\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0391\u03c0\u03b1\u03c3\u03c7\u03bf\u03bb\u03ae\u03c3\u03b5\u03c9\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0391\u03c0\u03bf\u03c7\u03ad\u03c4\u03b5\u03c5\u03c3\u03b7\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0391\u03c0\u03bf\u03c7\u03ae", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0391\u03c1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0391\u03c1\u03b3\u03c5\u03c1\u03bf\u03cd\u03c0\u03bf\u03bb\u03b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0391\u03c7\u03b1\u03c1\u03bd\u03ce\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0391\u03c7\u03b9\u03bb\u03bb\u03ad\u03c9\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0392\u0395\u03a1\u0391", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0392\u039b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0392\u03a1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0392\u03b1\u03b3\u03b3\u03ad\u03bb\u03b7\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0392\u03b1\u03c3\u03af\u03bb\u03b5\u03b9\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0392\u03bf\u03b9\u03c9\u03c4\u03af\u03b1\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0392\u03cc\u03bb\u03bf\u03c5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0392\u03cc\u03c1\u03b5\u03b9\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0393\\", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0393^", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0393\u0392\u0395\u03a7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0393\u0399", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0393\u039b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0393\u03a1\u0395\u03a1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0393\u03b1\u03c3\u03c4\u03bf\u03cd\u03c1\u03b9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0393\u03b5\u03c1\u03bf\u03c5\u03bb\u03ac\u03bd\u03bf\u03c5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0393\u03b5\u03c9\u03c1\u03b3\u03b9\u03ba\u03ce\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0393\u03b9\u03ac\u03bd\u03bd\u03b7\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0393\u03bd\u0386", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0394\u0395\u0397", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0394\u0397\u039c\u039f\u039a\u03a1\u0391\u03a4\u0399\u0391", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0394\u03ad\u03b4\u03bf\u03b9\u03ba\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0394\u03ad\u03c3\u03c0\u03bf\u03b9\u03bd\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0394\u03b5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0394\u03b9\u03ba\u03b1\u03b9\u03bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0394\u03b9\u03bf\u03af\u03ba\u03b7\u03c3\u03b7\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0394\u03c5\u03bd\u03b1\u03bc\u03b9\u03ba\u03bf\u03cd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0394\u03cd\u03c3\u03b7\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0395\u039a\u0391", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0395\u039a\u0391\u039a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0395\u039b\u039b\u0397\u039d\u0399\u039a\u0397", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0395\u03a0\u0395", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0395\u03a1\u0395\u0391", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0395\u03a1\u03a1\u0399\u038c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0395\u03b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0395\u03ba\u03ba\u03bb\u03b7\u03c3\u03af\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0395\u03bb\u03ad\u03b3\u03c7\u03bf\u03c5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0395\u03bb\u03b1\u03c3\u03c3\u03cc\u03bd\u03b1\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0395\u03bb\u03bb\u03b7\u03bd\u03b9\u03ba\u03bf\u03cd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0395\u03c0\u03b9\u03c7\u03b5\u03b9\u03c1\u03ae\u03c3\u03b5\u03c9\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0395\u03c1\u03b3\u03b1\u03c4\u03b9\u03ba\u03bf\u03cd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0395\u03c1\u03b3\u03bf\u03bb\u03b7\u03c0\u03c4\u03ce\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0395\u03c5\u03ac\u03b3\u03b3\u03b5\u03bb\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0395\u03c5\u03b2\u03bf\u03af\u03b1\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0395\u03c5\u03c1\u03ce\u03c0\u03b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0397\u03c1\u03bf\u03b4\u03cc\u03c4\u03bf\u03c5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0398\u03b5\u03bf\u03c5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0398\u03cc\u03bb\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0399\u0395\u03a1\u0395", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0399\u03a1\u0391", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0399\u03a7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0399\u03b5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0399\u03b9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0399\u03bf\u03c1\u03b4\u03b1\u03bd\u03b7\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0399\u03c9\u03b1\u03bd\u03bf\u03c5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039a\u0391\u03a1\u0395", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039a\u0395\u039c\u039f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039a\u0397\u03a6\u0399\u03a3\u0399\u0391", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039a\u039b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039a\u03ad\u03bd\u03c4\u03c1\u03bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039a\u03b1\u03c4\u03b1\u03b4\u03c1\u03bf\u03bc\u03ce\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039a\u03b1\u03c4\u03c3\u03b9\u03ba\u03ac\u03ba\u03b9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039a\u03b9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039a\u03bf\u03bb\u03ce\u03bd\u03b1\u03ba\u03b9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039a\u03bf\u03c0\u03b1\u03bd\u03b9\u03c3\u03c4\u03ae", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039a\u03c1\u03b1\u03c4\u03b9\u03ba\u03ce\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039a\u03c5\u03b2\u03b5\u03c1\u03bd\u03ae\u03c4\u03b7\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039a\u03ce\u03b4\u03b9\u03ba", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039b\u03a4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039b\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039b\u03b9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039b\u03b9\u03ac\u03c0\u03b7\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039b\u03b9\u03bf\u03bd\u03c4\u03ac\u03c1\u03b9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039b\u03bf\u03c5\u03ba\u03bf\u03cd\u03bc\u03b9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039c\u0391", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039c\u03ac\u03c1\u03c4\u03b7\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039c\u03ad\u03b3\u03b1\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039c\u03af\u03bb\u03b7\u03c4\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039c\u03b1\u03ba\u03c1\u03ae", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039c\u03b1\u03ba\u03c1\u03c5\u03b3\u03b9\u03ac\u03bd\u03bd\u03b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039c\u03b1\u03bd\u03c4\u03b1\u03c1\u03af\u03bd\u03b9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039c\u03b5\u03b3\u03ac\u03bb\u03b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039c\u03b5\u03c3\u03bf\u03c0\u03bf\u03c4\u03b1\u03bc\u03af\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039c\u03b9\u03c7\u03ac\u03bb\u03b7\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039c\u03c5\u03bb\u03bf\u03c0\u03cc\u03c4\u03b1\u03bc\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039d\u0395", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039d\u03a4\u0395", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039d\u03a4\u03a1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039d\u03ad\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039d\u03af\u03ba\u03b7\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039d\u03cc\u03bc\u03bf\u03c5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039e\u03af\u03b3\u03b1\u03bb\u03bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039e\u03b7\u03c1\u03ac", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039e\u03cd\u03b3\u03b1\u03bb\u03bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039f\u039c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039f\u039f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039f\u03a1\u0391", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039f\u03a4\u0391\u039d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039f\u03a4\u0399", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039f\u03b9\u03ba", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039f\u03b9\u03ba\u03bf\u03b4\u03bf\u03bc\u03b9\u03ba\u03ce\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039f\u03b9\u03ba\u03bf\u03bd\u03bf\u03bc\u03af\u03b1\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u039f\u03c1\u03b8\u03bf\u03b4\u03bf\u03be\u03af\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a0\u039f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a0\u03a0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a0\u03b1\u03bb\u03b1\u03b9\u03cc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a0\u03b1\u03bd\u03b1\u03b3\u03af\u03b1\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a0\u03b1\u03c1\u03ac\u03b4\u03b5\u03b9\u03b3\u03bc\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a0\u03b1\u03c3\u03ac\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a0\u03b1\u03c4\u03ac\u03c4\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a0\u03b5\u03bb\u03b1\u03c3\u03b3\u03cc\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a0\u03b7\u03b3\u03ae", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a0\u03bc\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a0\u03bf\u03bb\u03b9\u03c4\u03b5\u03af\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a0\u03bf\u03bb\u03c5\u03c4\u03b5\u03c7\u03bd\u03b5\u03af\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a0\u03bf\u03c4\u03ac\u03bc\u03b9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a0\u03cc\u03bb\u03b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a1\u0399\u039f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a1\u03a1\u03a1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a1\u03a5\u039c\u0397", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a1\u03b5\u03b8\u03cd\u03bc\u03bd\u03b7\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a1\u03bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a1\u03bf\u03b2\u03b9\u03ce\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a1\u03cc\u03bc\u03b2\u03b7\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a1\u03cd\u03b8\u03bc\u03b9\u03c3\u03b7\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a3\u012a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a3\u03a4\u0391\u039c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a3\u03bf\u03c6\u03bf\u03ba\u03bb\u03ad\u03bf\u03c5\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a3\u03c0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a3\u03c4\u03ac\u03bb\u03b8\u03b7\u03ba\u03b5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a3\u03c4\u03b1\u03b4\u03af\u03bf\u03c5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a3\u03c4\u03c1\u03b1\u03c4\u03b9\u03c9\u03c4\u03b9\u03ba\u03ae", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a3\u03cd\u03ba\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a4\u0389\u0395", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a4\u0396\u03a9\u03a4\u0396\u0399\u039f\u03a5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a4\u0397\u0395\u039b\u03a4\u039f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a4\u0399", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a4\u03b1\u03be\u03b9\u03ac\u03c1\u03c7\u03b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a4\u03b5\u03c7\u03bd\u03b9\u03ba\u03ce\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a4\u03bf\u03c5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a4\u03c1\u03bf\u03b9\u03b6\u03b7\u03bd\u03af\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a5\u039a\u0395\u039a\u039f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a5\u03a0\u0395\u03a3\u0394\u0394\u0391", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a5\u03a5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a5\u03c0\u03ad\u03c1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a6\u03ac\u03bb\u03b7\u03c1\u03bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a7\u03ac\u03bd\u03c3\u03b5\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a7\u03af\u03bf\u03c5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a7\u03bf\u03c1\u03bf\u03cd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03a7\u03c1\u03ae\u03c3\u03c4\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03ac\u03b4\u03b5\u03b9\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03ac\u03c1\u03b8\u03c1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03ac\u03c7\u03cc\u03c1\u03bf\u03c5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03af\u03b9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b1+\u03b2+\u03b3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b1\u03b2\u03b3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b1\u03b3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b1\u03b3\u03bf\u03c1\u03ac\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b1\u03c0\u03b1\u03c3\u03c7\u03cc\u03bb\u03b7\u03c3\u03b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b1\u03c0\u03bf\u03c3\u03c4\u03b1\u03c3\u03af\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b1\u03c1\u03b3\u03ae", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b1\u03c1\u03c9\u03b3\u03ae\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b1\u03c5\u03c4\u03bf\u03ba\u03c4\u03bf\u03bd\u03af\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b1\u03c5\u03c4\u03c9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b1\u1f30\u03c7\u03bc\u03ae", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b1\u1f50\u03c4\u03cc\u03c7\u03b8\u03c9\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b1\uf020", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b2\u00ec\u03b2\u03bb\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b2\u03b4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b2\u03bb\u03b1\u03c3\u03c4\u03cc\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b2\u2010", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b3+", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b3\u03b5\u03bd\u03bd\u03b1\u1fd6\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b3\u03b5\u03bd\u03bd\u03b7\u03b8\u03ad\u03bd\u03c4\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b3\u03b9\u03bd\u03ce\u03c3\u03ba\u03c9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b3\u03bb\u03ce\u03c3\u03c3\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b3\u03bd\u03ac\u03b8\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b3\u03c1\u03ac\u03c6\u03b5\u03b9\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b4+", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b4\u03b1\u03ba\u03c4\u03c5\u03bb\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b4\u03b2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b4\u03b9\u03bf\u03c1\u03b8\u03c9\u03c4\u1f74\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b4\u03b9\u03cc\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b4\u03c5\u03bd\u03ac\u03bc\u03b5\u03b9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b5\u03bb\u03b1\u03b9\u03cc\u03bb\u03b1\u03b4\u03bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b5\u03bd\u03b4\u03b9\u03ac\u03bc\u03b5\u03c3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b5\u03bd\u03ba\u03c5\u03ba\u03bb\u03b5\u03c9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b5\u03c1\u03b3\u03b1\u03c3\u03af\u03b1\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b5\u03c4\u03b5\u03c1\u03bf\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b5\u03c5\u03c1\u03ce", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b5\u1f30\u03c1\u03ae\u03bd\u03b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b7\u00b0\u00b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b8^", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b8\u03b5\u03cc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b8\u03bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b9\u00ab", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b9\u038a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b9\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b9\u03b1\u03b3\u03c9\u03b3\u03b5\u03af\u03bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b9\u03b4\u03b9\u03b1\u03b9\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b9\u03b5\u03c1\u03ae", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b9\u03b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b9\u03c0\u03c0\u03bf\u03c0\u03cc\u03c4\u03b1\u03bc\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b9\u03c0\u03c0\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b9\u03c5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03b9\u03c8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03ba\u03ac\u03bb\u03b1\u03b8\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03ba\u03ac\u03bb\u03bb\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03ba\u03ac\u03bb\u03c5\u03be", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03ba\u03ac\u03bc\u03b7\u03bb\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03ba\u03ac\u03c1\u03c4\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03ba\u03b1\u03bb\u03cc\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03ba\u03bf\u03b9\u03bd\u03c9\u03bd\u03bf\u03b9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03ba\u03bf\u03c7\u03bb\u03b9\u03ac\u03c1\u03b9\u03bf\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03ba\u03c1\u03af\u03c3\u03b9\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03ba\u03c1\u03b9\u03bd\u03bf\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03ba\u03c5\u03bd\u03cc\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03ba\u03c5\u03c1\u03b9\u03bf\u03c5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03ba\u03cc\u03bb\u03c0\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03ba\u03cc\u03c1\u03c5\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03ba\u03cd\u03b1\u03b8\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03ba\u03cd\u03c9\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bb+", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bb\u00b7\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bb\u03ad\u03c0\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bb\u03b1\u03ba\u03ba\u03bf\u03cd\u03b2\u03b5\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bb\u03b1\u03cc\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bb\u03b5\u03c5\u03ba\u03bf\u03c3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bb\u03bf\u03b3\u03b9\u03ba\u03b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bb\u03bf\u03c7\u03b5\u03b9\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bc\u00e8\u03b3\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bc\u0397", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bc\u03ad\u03b4\u03b9\u03bc\u03bd\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bc\u03ad\u03bb\u03b1\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bc\u03ad\u03bd\u03b5\u03b9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bc\u03ad\u03c1\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bc\u03ae\u03c4\u03c1\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bc\u03af\u03bc\u03b7\u03c3\u03b9\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bc\u03b1\u03b6\u03af", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bc\u03b2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bc\u03b5\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bc\u03bf\u03bd\u03ac\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bc\u03c0\u03b1\u03c1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bc\u03c9\u03c1\u03cc\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bc\u03cc\u03c1\u03bf\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bc\u03cd\u03c3\u03c4\u03c1\u03bf\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bc\u1ff6\u03c1\u03bf\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bf\u03c1\u03b8\u03bf\u03b4\u03bf\u03be\u03af\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bf\u03c5\u03c3\u03b9\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bf\u1f30\u03ba\u03af\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bf\u1f36\u03b4\u03b1\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03bf\u1f55\u03c4\u03c9\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c0\u00b7\u03b7\u00b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c0\u03ac\u03bd\u03c4\u03b5\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c0\u03ad\u03b4\u03bf\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c0\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c0\u03b1\u03af\u03b4\u03b5\u03c5\u03c3\u03b9\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c0\u03b1\u03c1\u03ac\u03b4\u03b5\u03b9\u03b3\u03bc\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c0\u03b1\u03c1\u03b8\u03ad\u03bd\u03bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c0\u03b5\u03b4\u03af\u03bf\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c0\u03b5\u03c1\u03b9\u03c6\u03ad\u03c1\u03b5\u03b9\u03b5\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c0\u03bb\u03b1\u03c4\u03cd\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c0\u03bf\u03af\u03b7\u03c3\u03b9\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c0\u03bf\u03b4\u03cc\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c0\u03bf\u03c4\u03ac\u03bc\u03b9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c0\u03bf\u03cd\u03c3\u03c4\u03b7\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c0\u03c1\u03bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c0\u03c1\u03bf\u03c3\u03ba\u03cd\u03bd\u03b7\u03c3\u03b9\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c0\u03c1\u03bf\u03ca\u03cc\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c0\u03c1\u03c9\u03c4\u03cc\u03c4\u03bf\u03ba\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c0\u03c1\u1f78\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c0\u03c5\u03c1\u03b1\u03cd\u03c3\u03c4\u03bf\u03c5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c0\u03c5\u03c1\u03cc\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c0\u03c7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c0\u03cc\u03bb\u03b9\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c0\u1fb6\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c1=", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c1\u03ac\u03b2\u03b4\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c1\u03cc\u03c0\u03b1\u03bb\u03bf\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c1\u03cd\u03b3\u03c7\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c3\u03b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c3\u03ba\u03ac\u03c6\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c3\u03ba\u03b5\u03c0\u03ac\u03b6\u03b5\u03b9\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c3\u03ba\u03bf\u03c0\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c3\u03c4\u03ae\u03bc\u03c9\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c3\u03c4\u03af\u03b3\u03bc\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c3\u03c4\u03b5\u03c1\u03b5\u03cc\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c3\u03c4\u03b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c3\u03c4\u03bf\u03ac", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c3\u03c4\u03c1\u03b5\u03b2\u03bb\u03cc\u03c9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c3\u03c4\u1fe6\u03bb\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c3\u03c5\u03c7\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c3\u03c7\u03bf\u03bb\u03b5\u03af\u03bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c4\u0393", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c4\u03ac\u03bb\u03b1\u03bd\u03c4\u03bf\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c4\u03b1\u03bc\u03b5\u03af\u03bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c4\u03b5\u03c7\u03bd\u03b7\u03c4\u03cc\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c4\u03c1\u03bf\u03c6\u03ae", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c4\u03c4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c4\u03c9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c4\u03cc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c4\u1ff7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c4\uf029", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c5\u03c0\u03bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c6=", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c6\u03b1\u03b9\u03bd\u03cc\u03bc\u03b5\u03bd\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c6\u03b1\u03bb\u03b7\u03c1\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c6\u03b5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c6\u03bf\u03b9\u03c4\u03b7\u03c4\u03ce\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c6\u03c5\u03c3\u03b9\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c6\u03cc\u03b2\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c7\u03b1\u03c1\u03b9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c7\u03b9\u03ce\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c7\u03bb\u03bc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c7\u03bf\u1fd6\u03bd\u03b9\u03be", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c7\u03c1\u03b7\u03c3\u03b9\u03bc\u03bf\u03c0\u03bf\u03af\u03b7\u03c3\u03b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c7\u03c1\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c7\u03c1\u03c5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c9=", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03c9\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03ca\u03cc\u03bd\u03c4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u03e1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0401\u0410\u0411\u0412\u0413\u0414\u0415\u0416\u0417\u0418\u0419\u041a\u041b\u041c\u041d\u041e\u041f\u0420\u0421\u0422\u0423\u0424\u0425\u0426\u0427\u0428\u0429\u042d\u042e\u042f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0401\u0410\u0411\u0412\u0413\u0414\u0415\u0416\u0417\u0418\u041a\u041b\u041c\u041d\u041e\u041f\u0420\u0421\u0422\u0423\u0424\u0425\u0426\u0427\u0428\u0429\u042d\u042e\u042f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0401\u0440\u0447\u0401\u0445\u0444\u0448\u044b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0401\u0440\u0449\u044e\u044d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0401\u0440\u0451\u044a\u0401", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0401\u0445\u044d\u044d\u044e\u0449", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0401\u0448\u044a\u044e\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0401\u044e\u0443", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0401\u044e\u0443\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0401\u044e\u0455\u0451\u044a\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0401\u0455\u0444", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0401\u0455\u044d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0401\u0455\u0451\u0445\u044a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0402\u0401\u044e\u044d\u0448\u0448", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0402\u0447\u0441\u0401\u0440\u044d\u044d\u0448\u044a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0402\u0451\u044f\u0440\u044d\u0448\u0448", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0402\u0455\u0444\u0445\u0448", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0404\u0432\u0440\u043e\u043c\u0430\u0439\u0434\u0430\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0405", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0406\u0401\u044e\u0449", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0406\u044a\u0451\u0443\u0448\u0441\u0448\u0447\u0448\u044e\u044d\u0448\u0447\u044c\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0406\u044b\u0448", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u0412\u041f\u041f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u0424\u0422", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u0431\u0434\u0443\u043b\u0445\u0430\u043b\u0438\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0438\u0447", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u0432\u0430\u0437\u043c\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u0432\u0438\u0430\u0446\u0438\u043e\u043d\u043d\u044b\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u0433\u0435\u043d\u0442\u0441\u0442\u0432\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u0437\u0438\u043c\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u0438\u0434\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u043a\u043c\u0430\u0440\u0430\u043b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0432\u0430\u0446\u0438\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u043b\u043b\u0438\u0443\u043c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u043c\u0430\u0440\u0430\u043d\u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u043d\u0433\u0430\u0440\u043a\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u043d\u0433\u043b\u0438\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u043d\u0434\u0440\u0435\u0435\u0432\u0438\u0447", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u043d\u0434\u0440\u044d\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u043d\u0435\u043a\u0434\u043e\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u043d\u0435\u0447\u043a\u0438\u043d\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u043d\u0436\u0435\u043b\u0438\u043a\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u043d\u0442\u043e\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u043d\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u0440\u0430\u0440\u0430\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u0440\u043c\u0435\u043d\u0438\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u0440\u0445\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043a\u0442\u043e\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u0441\u0430\u0444\u0435\u0442\u0438\u0434\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0410\u0446\u0446\u043a\u0435\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0411\u0415", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0411\u041d\u0420", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0411\u0430\u043d\u043d\u0438\u0445", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0411\u0435\u0434\u043d\u044b\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0411\u0435\u043b\u043b\u043e\u043d\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0411\u0435\u043e\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0434", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0411\u0435\u0440\u043b\u0438\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0411\u0438\u0442\u043a\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0411\u0438\u0448\u043a\u0435\u043a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0411\u043e\u043b\u044c\u0448\u043e\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0411\u043e\u0440\u0447\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0411\u043e\u0448\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0411\u043e\u044f\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0411\u043e\u0458\u0430\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0411\u0443\u0431\u043d\u043e\u0432\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0411\u0443\u0433\u043e\u0440\u043a\u043e\u0432\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0411\u0443\u0445\u0442\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0411\u044b\u0442\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0412\u0418\u041a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0412\u041a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0412\u041b\u0410\u0414\u0418\u0413\u0415\u0420\u041e\u0412", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0412\u0430\u0434\u0438\u043a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0412\u0430\u0440\u043c\u0438\u043d\u0433\u044a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0412\u0430\u0447\u043a\u0430\u0436\u0435\u0446", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0412\u0435\u043b\u0438\u043a\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0412\u0435\u0440\u0442\u043e\u043b\u0435\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0412\u0437\u043e\u0440\u0432\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0412\u0438\u0434\u0438\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0412\u0438\u0437\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0412\u0438\u043b\u043b\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0412\u0438\u0445\u0440\u043e\u0432", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0412\u043e\u0439\u043d\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0412\u043e\u043b\u043a\u043e\u0432", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0412\u043e\u0440\u043e\u043d\u0438\u043d\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0412\u043e\u0447\u044b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0412\u0440\u0435\u043c\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0412\u0441\u0435\u043c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0412\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0412\u0445\u0443\u0442\u0435\u0438\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0412\u044b\u0441\u0448\u0438\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0412\u044f\u0447\u0435\u0441\u043b\u0430\u0432", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0413\u0401", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0413\u0423\u0412\u0414", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0413\u0428", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0413\u0430\u0439\u043f\u0435\u043b\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0413\u0430\u043b\u0438\u0446\u044c\u043a\u0438\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0413\u0430\u043c\u0431\u0438\u0435\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0413\u0430\u0440\u0440\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0413\u0435\u043d\u0435\u0440\u0430\u0442\u043e\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0413\u0435\u043e\u0440\u0433\u0456\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0413\u0435\u0440\u043e\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0413\u043e\u043d\u0433\u0430\u0434\u0437\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0413\u043e\u0440\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0413\u043e\u0441\u043f\u043e\u0434\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0413\u0440\u043e\u0444", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0413\u0440\u0443\u0434\u0435\u043d\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0413\u0443\u0431\u0435\u043d\u043a\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0413\u0443\u0434\u0432\u0438\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0413\u0443\u043b\u044c\u0436\u0430\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0413\u044e\u044b\u0455\u00b0\u044a\u044e\u0449", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0414\u0410", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0414\u0421", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0414\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0414\u0430\u0432\u043b\u0430\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0414\u0430\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0414\u0435\u043b\u0430\u043f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0414\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0441", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0414\u0435\u0440\u0436\u0430\u0442\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0414\u0435\u0442\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0414\u0435\u044f\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0414\u0436\u0435\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0430\u0439\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0414\u043c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0414\u043c\u0438\u0442\u0440\u0438\u0435\u0432\u0438\u0447", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0414\u043e\u0431\u0430\u0432\u0438\u0442\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0414\u043e\u0431\u0440\u043e\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0414\u043e\u043b\u0438\u043d\u0430\u0442\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0414\u043e\u043d\u0435\u0446\u043a\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0414\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0443\u043f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0414\u0443\u0445", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0415\u0422", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0415\u0432\u043a\u0441\u0438\u043d\u043e\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0434", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0415\u0433\u0435\u043c\u0435\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0416\u0433\u0440\u0443\u0435\u0432\u0441\u043a\u0438\u043d\u0438\u043a\u043e\u043b\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0416\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0445", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0416\u0438\u0431\u0435\u043a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0416\u0438\u0437\u043d\u044c+", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0417\u0410\u0427\u0415\u041c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0417\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0417\u0430\u0432\u043e\u0434", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0417\u0430\u0439\u043a\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0417\u0430\u043c\u043a\u043d\u0443\u0442\u0430\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0417\u0430\u043c\u043f\u0440\u043e\u043d\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0417\u0430\u043c\u044f\u0442\u043a\u0438\u043d\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0417\u0430\u043f\u0430\u0434\u043d\u044b\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0417\u0430\u043f\u0435\u043a\u0430\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0417\u0432\u0435\u0437\u0434\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0417\u0435\u043b\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0417\u0435\u0440\u043a\u0430\u043b\u044c\u0446\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0417\u043b\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0417\u044b\u043e\u043d\u0433", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0418\u0417", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0418\u041f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0418\u0432\u0430\u0439\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0434", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0418\u0432\u0430\u043d\u043a\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0418\u0432\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0418\u043b\u0430\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0418\u043b\u044c\u0438\u0447", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0418\u043d\u0441\u043f\u0435\u043a\u0442\u043e\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0418\u043d\u0442\u0435\u0440\u043d\u0435\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0418\u043d\u0444\u043e\u0440\u043c\u0430\u0446\u0438\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0418\u0441\u043f\u043e\u043b\u044c\u0437\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0418\u0442\u0430\u043a\u043e\u043c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041a\u0401\u0445\u00a7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041a\u0401\u044e\u044f\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041a\u0417\u0425", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041a\u0421", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041a\u0430\u0437\u0438\u043c\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041a\u0430\u043b\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041a\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0430\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041a\u0430\u0440\u0430\u0452\u043e\u0440\u0452\u0435\u0432\u0438\u045b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041a\u0430\u0440\u0435\u043b\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041a\u0430\u0440\u043d\u043e\u0431\u0430\u0442\u0441\u043a\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041a\u0430\u0441\u043f\u0430\u0440\u043e\u0432", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041a\u0430\u0441\u044b\u0439\u043c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041a\u0435\u043b\u044c\u0432\u0438\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041a\u043b\u0438\u043c\u0435\u043d\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041a\u043d\u0438\u0433\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041a\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041a\u043e\u0433\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041a\u043e\u043c\u0435\u043d\u0442\u0430\u0440\u0456", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041a\u043e\u043d\u0441\u0442\u0440\u0443\u043a\u0442\u043e\u0440\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041a\u0440\u0430\u0441\u043d\u0430\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041a\u0440\u0438\u0441\u0442\u0430\u043b\u043b\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041a\u0440\u0442\u0401\u0448\u0444\u0445", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041a\u0443\u0440\u0441\u044b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041a\u0455\u0444\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041b\u0430\u043a\u043e\u0444\u0444", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041b\u0430\u0442\u0438\u0444\u0443\u043d\u0434\u0438\u0441\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041b\u0430\u0447\u0438\u043d\u044f\u043d\u043a\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041b\u0435\u0432", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041b\u0435\u0434\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041b\u0435\u0434\u043e\u0445\u043e\u0434\u044b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041b\u043e\u043a\u0435\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041b\u043e\u043c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041b\u043e\u043c\u0431", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041b\u044c\u0432\u043e\u0432\u0438\u0447", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041b\u044e\u0441\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041b\u044f\u0445\u043e\u0432\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u0412\u0414", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u041c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u0430\u0434\u0438\u043d\u043e\u0432", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u0430\u0439\u0434\u0430\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u0430\u043b\u044c\u0447\u0438\u043a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u0430\u043d\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0438\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u0430\u0440\u0442\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u0430\u0440\u044c\u0438\u0432\u0430\u043d\u043d\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u0430\u0441", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u0430\u0442\u0440\u0451\u0448\u043a\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u0430\u0443\u043d\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u0430\u0446\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043b\u043b\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u0431\u0430\u0445", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u0435\u0434\u0432\u0435\u0434\u0435\u0432", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u0435\u0442\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u0438\u043b\u043e\u0448", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u0438\u0440\u043e\u043d\u043e\u0432", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u0438\u0445\u0430\u0301\u0439\u043b\u043e\u0432\u043d\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u0438\u0445\u0430\u0439\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0438\u0447", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u043a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0434\u0435\u0446", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u043e\u043d\u0442\u0440\u0451", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u0443\u0437\u0435\u0458", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u044c\u044e\u0401\u0445\u0451\u044a\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041c\u0451\u0451\u044e\u044d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041d\u0410\u0422\u041e\u0432\u0446\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041d\u0430\u0434\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041d\u0430\u0437\u0430\u0440\u0431\u0430\u0435\u0432", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041d\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041d\u0430\u0446\u0438\u043e\u043d\u0430\u043b\u043d\u0430\u0442\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041d\u0435\u043f\u0440\u043e\u0436\u0438\u0442\u044b\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041d\u0438\u0433\u043c\u0430\u0442\u0443\u043b\u043b\u0438\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041d\u0438\u043d\u0437\u044f\u0433\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041d\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0442\u044d\u043a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041d\u043e\u0432\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0441\u0441\u0438\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041d\u043e\u0432\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0441\u0441\u0438\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041d\u043e\u044f\u0431\u0440\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041d\u0443", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041e\u041a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041e\u0431\u0449\u0435\u0441\u0442\u0432\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041e\u0431\u044a\u0435\u043a\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041e\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0441\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0438\u0447", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041e\u0441\u0442\u0435\u0440\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041e\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041e\u0445\u0401\u044d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041e\u0445\u0440\u0438\u0434\u0441\u043a\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041e\u0445\u044b\u044e\u0442\u0445\u0451\u0445\u0451\u044a\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u0410\u041d\u0427\u041e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u041f\u0422", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u041f\u0423", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u0430\u043f\u0435\u0440\u043d\u044b\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u0430\u0440\u0441\u0430\u043b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u0430\u0440\u0442\u043d\u0435\u0440\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u0435\u0440\u0432\u0430\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u0435\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0435\u0448\u0438\u0432\u0430\u0435\u043c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u0435\u0440\u0435\u043f\u0438\u0441\u0447\u0438\u043a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u0435\u0440\u043b\u043c\u0443\u0442\u0442\u0435\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u0435\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0442\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u0435\u0440\u0443\u0449\u0438\u0446\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u0435\u0442\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0438\u045b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u0438\u043a\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u043e\u043c\u043e\u0440\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u0440\u0401\u044a\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u0440\u0401\u044a\u0448", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u0440\u0430\u043c\u0435\u043d\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u0440\u0435\u0437\u0438\u0434\u0435\u043d\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u0440\u0438\u0301\u043f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u0440\u0438\u0301\u043f\u044f\u0442\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u0440\u043e\u043c\u0430\u0441\u0441\u0438\u0440\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u0443\u0442\u0456\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u044a\u044e\u044b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u041f\u044f\u0442\u043d\u0438\u0446\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u041a\u0411", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u041a\u041a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u0421\u0414", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u0430\u0441\u043a\u0440\u0430\u0441\u043a\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u0430\u0441\u0441\u0443\u043b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u0435\u0432\u043e\u043b\u044e\u0446\u0438\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u0435\u0441\u043f\u0443\u0431\u043b\u0438\u043a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u0435\u0441\u0442\u043e\u0440\u0430\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u0438\u0437\u0438\u0434\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u0438\u043b\u0441\u043a\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u0438\u0447\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u043e\u0433", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u043e\u0433\u043e\u0437\u0438\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u043e\u0437\u0433\u043e\u0440\u043d\u0443\u0442\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u043e\u0438\u0441\u0441\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u043e\u0441\u0430\u0442\u043e\u043c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u043e\u0441\u043d\u0430\u043d\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u043e\u0441\u0441\u0435\u0442\u0442\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u043e\u0441\u0441\u0438\u0439\u0441\u043a\u0430\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u043e\u0441\u0441\u0438\u0439\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u043e\u0441\u0441\u0438\u0439\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u0442\u0440\u0444\u0445\u0441\u044a\u0455", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u0442\u044e\u0441\u044e\u0444\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u0443\u043a\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u0445\u0401\u0444\u0445\u0451\u044d\u044e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u0448\u044b\u0456\u00b6\u0448\u0444\u0455", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u0448\u044c\u00b6\u044e\u0448\u0448", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u0448\u044c\u00b6\u044e\u044d\u0448\u0448", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u044a\u0440\u0447\u044a\u0448", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u044b\u0431\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u044b\u0431\u0430\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0420\u044e\u044d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u041c\u0422", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u041d\u0411\u041e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u041f\u0421", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u0420\u0422", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u0430\u0432\u0435\u0446\u043a\u0430\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u0430\u0439\u0451\u0440\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u0430\u043c\u0443\u0440\u0430\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u0430\u0446\u044b\u044f\u043b\u0456\u0441\u0442\u044b\u0447\u043d\u0430\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u0430\u0448\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u0432\u043e\u0434\u043a\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u0435\u0432\u0435\u0440\u0435\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u0435\u0439\u0440\u0435\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u0435\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u0435\u0440\u0430\u0444\u0438\u043c\u043e\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u0435\u0440\u0433\u0456\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u0435\u0440\u0434\u044e\u043a\u043e\u0432", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u0438\u043c\u0435\u0438\u0437", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u043b\u0430\u0434\u043a\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u043b\u044a\u043d\u0446\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u043c\u043e\u043b\u0438\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u043d\u0438\u043a\u0435\u0440\u0441", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u043d\u043e\u0432", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u043e\u0432\u0435\u0442\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u043e\u043d\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u043e\u0442\u043e\u043d\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u043e\u0446\u0438\u0430\u043b\u0438\u0441\u0442\u0438\u0447\u0435\u0441\u043a\u0430\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u0442\u0430\u043c\u0431\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0432\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u0442\u0435\u0439\u043d\u0434\u043b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u0442\u0440\u0430\u043d\u044b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0421\u0442\u0440\u0443\u043c\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0422\u0418\u0421", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0422\u041d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0422\u0423", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0422\u0430\u043d\u043a\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0422\u0430\u043d\u0447\u0438\u043a\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0422\u0430\u043d\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0422\u0430\u0440\u043f\u0435\u043d\u043d\u0438\u043d\u0433", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0422\u0430\u0445\u0438\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0422\u0432\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0436\u043d\u043e\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0422\u0435\u043c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0422\u0438\u043f\u0438\u0447\u043d\u044b\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0422\u043e\u0434\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0422\u043e\u043c\u0438\u045b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0422\u0440\u0430\u043d\u0441\u0442\u0435\u043b\u0435\u043a\u043e\u043c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0423\u0411\u0418", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0423\u041a\u0420", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0423\u0420", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0423\u0425\u041b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0423\u0431\u0435\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0423\u0434\u043e\u0431\u043d\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0423\u0437\u0410\u0421\u0411\u041e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0423\u043b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0423\u043b\u0430\u043a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0423\u043c\u0435\u0434\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0423\u043f\u0440\u0430\u0432\u043b\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0423\u0440\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430\u043b\u0438\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0424\u0430\u0443\u0434\u0436\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0424\u0435\u0432", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0424\u0438\u043d\u0441\u043a\u0430\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0424\u043e\u0440\u043c\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0424\u043e\u0441\u0444\u0430\u043b\u044e\u0433\u0435\u043b\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0424\u0440\u0443\u043d\u0437\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0424\u0451\u0434\u043e\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0425\u0406\u0425", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0425\u0430\u043a\u0430\u043c\u0430\u0434\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0425\u0430\u0440\u044c\u043a\u043e\u0432", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0425\u0435\u043b\u043b\u0438\u043d\u0433\u0435\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0425\u043e\u0440\u0433\u043e\u0448", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0425\u0440\u0438\u0441\u0442\u0438\u043d\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0425\u0443\u0435\u0432\u044b\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0426\u0435\u043b\u0435\u0431\u043d\u0430\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0426\u0438\u0440\u043a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0427\u0430\u0439\u043a\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0427\u0435\u0440\u043d\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0427\u0438\u0436\u0435\u0432\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0427\u0438\u0442\u0430\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0427\u043e\u0440\u043d\u043e\u0431\u0438\u043b\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0428\u0430\u0448\u043a\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0428\u0438\u0432\u0430\u043d\u0430\u043d\u0434\u044b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0428\u0438\u0432\u0430\u0447\u0435\u0432\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0428\u0438\u0432\u0435\u043b\u0443\u0447", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0428\u0438\u043d\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0428\u043a\u043e\u043b\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0428\u043f\u0438\u043e\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0428\u0440\u0451\u0434\u0438\u043d\u0433\u0435\u0440\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0429\u0438\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u042d\u041f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u042d\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0440\u043e\u0431\u0443\u0441", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u042d\u043b\u043f\u0438\u0441", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u042d\u043d\u0435\u0440\u0433\u0435\u0442\u0438\u043a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u042e\u0437\u043e\u0432\u043a\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u042e\u043b\u0434\u0430\u0448\u0435\u0432", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u042e\u043d\u0433\u0430\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u042e\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u042f\u041c\u0417", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u042f\u0431\u043b\u043e\u0447\u043d\u0430\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u042f\u0437\u044b\u043a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u042f\u0440\u043e\u0441\u043b\u0430\u0432\u0438\u0447", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0430\u0161\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0430\u0432\u0442\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0430\u0433\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0430\u0437\u0438\u0430\u0442\u043a\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0430\u0439\u044b\u043b\u044b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0430\u043a\u0440\u0435\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0430\u0446\u0438\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0430\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0432\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u044f\u0445", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0430\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0441\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0430\u043c\u0430\u0440\u0430\u043d\u0442\u043e\u0432\u043e\u0433\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0430\u043d\u0442\u0438\u043e\u043a\u0441\u0438\u0434\u0430\u043d\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0430\u043d\u0442\u0438\u0446\u0435\u043b\u043b\u044e\u043b\u0438\u0442\u043d\u043e\u0433\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0430\u0440\u0431\u0443\u0437\u043d\u043e\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0430\u0440\u0445\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0442\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0431\u0421\u043e\u0442\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0431\u0435\u043d\u0435\u0444\u0438\u0446\u0438\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0435\u0432", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0431\u0435\u0441\u0442\u0430\u043a\u0442\u043d\u044b\u0445", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0431\u0438\u0431\u043b\u0438\u043e\u0442\u0435\u043a\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0431\u0438\u043e\u043a\u0430\u043c\u0438\u043d\u043e\u0432", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0431\u0438\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0431\u0438\u0442\u0432\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0431\u043b\u044f\u0448\u043a\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0431\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0431\u043e\u0440\u044c\u0431\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0431\u0443\u0434\u0435\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0431\u0443\u043a\u0432\u044b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0431\u044b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0431\u044b\u0441\u0442\u0440\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0431\u044d\u043d\u0442\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0431\u0456\u0442\u043d\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0432\u0435\u0439\u043f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0432\u0435\u0439\u043f\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0432\u0435\u0449\u0438\u0446\u0435\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0432\u0437\u0431\u0438\u0432\u0430\u0439\u0442\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0432\u0438\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0432\u0438\u043d\u043a\u0441", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0432\u043e\u0434\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0432\u043e\u0434\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0434\u043d\u0443\u044e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0432\u043e\u0434\u0443", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0432\u043e\u0434\u044b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0432\u043e\u0439\u043d\u044b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0432\u043e\u0441\u0442\u043e\u0447\u043d\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0432\u043f\u0435\u0440\u0434\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0432\u044b\u0431\u0440\u0430\u0441\u044b\u0432\u0430\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0432\u044b\u0436\u043c\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0432\u044b\u0440\u0443\u0447\u0430\u043b\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0432\u044b\u0442\u044f\u043d\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0433\u0438\u0434\u0440\u043e\u0433\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0437\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043d\u043d\u044b\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0433\u0438\u043d\u0443\u0440\u044b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0433\u043b\u0430\u0437\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0433\u043b\u0438\u043a\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043d\u0438\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0433\u043e\u0432\u043e\u0440\u0438\u0448\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0434\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0435\u043c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0433\u043e\u043d\u0442\u043e\u0432\u043e\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0433\u043e\u0441\u0443\u0434\u0430\u0440\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0435\u043d\u043d\u044b\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0433\u0440\u043e\u0437\u0434\u043e\u0432\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0433\u0440\u044d\u044d\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0433\u0445\u044b\u0445\u0447\u044d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0433\u0448\u0447\u044d\u0448", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0433\u0455\u0440\u044d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0433\u0455\u0440\u044d\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0434\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0434\u0430\u043c\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0434\u0430\u0447\u043d\u043e\u0433\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0434\u0432\u0430\u0436\u0434\u044b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0434\u0435\u0432\u043e\u0447\u043a\u0443", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0434\u0435\u0440\u0431\u0435\u043d\u043d\u0438\u043a\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0434\u0438\u0435\u0442\u0438\u0447\u0435\u0441\u043a\u043e\u043c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0434\u0438\u0441\u0431\u0430\u043b\u043b\u0430\u043d\u0441\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0434\u043e\u0436\u0434\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0434\u043e\u0437\u0440\u0435\u0432\u0430\u043d\u0438\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0434\u043e\u043f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0434\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0433\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0434\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0433\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0434\u0443\u0445\u043e\u0432\u043d\u044b\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0434\u0443\u0448\u0443", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0434\u044c\u0438\u0440\u0431\u0430\u043b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0435\u0435\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0435\u043b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0435\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0435\u0447", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0436\u0438\u0437\u043d\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0436\u043e\u043b\u044b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0437\u0430\u043b\u043f\u043e\u0432\u043e\u0433\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0437\u0430\u043c\u0435\u0447\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0437\u0433", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0437\u043d\u0430\u043a\u043e\u043c\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0430@", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0438\u0437\u0433\u0430\u0434\u0438\u043b\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0438\u0437\u043c\u0435\u043b\u044c\u0447\u0430\u0435\u043c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0438\u043b\u0438\u043b\u043e\u0441\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0438\u043d\u0432\u0435\u0441\u0442\u0438\u0446\u0438\u043e\u043d\u043d\u043e\u0442\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0438\u043d\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0435\u0440\u0438\u0442\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0438\u043d\u0441\u0442\u0438\u0442\u0443\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043a\u0430\u0436\u0434\u044b\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043a\u0430\u0437\u0430\u043a\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043a\u0430\u043b\u044b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043a\u0430\u0440\u0442\u0438\u043d\u043a\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043a\u0435\u0444\u0438\u0440\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043a\u0438\u043b\u044c\u043a\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043a\u043b\u0430\u0432\u0438\u0430\u0442\u0443\u0440\u0443", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043a\u043b\u0438\u0442\u043e\u0440\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043a\u043d\u0438\u0433\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043a\u043e\u043b\u043b\u0435\u0433\u0438\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043a\u043e\u043c\u043c\u0443\u043d\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043d\u0430\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043a\u043e\u0442\u043b\u0435\u0442\u043a\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043a\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0440\u044b\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043a\u0440\u0430\u0441\u0438\u0432\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043a\u0440\u0430\u0443\u0434\u0444\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0438\u043d\u0433\u043e\u0432\u043e\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043a\u0440\u0438\u043f\u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043b\u044e\u0442\u044b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043a\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043a\u0440\u043e\u0441\u0441\u043e\u0432\u043a\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043a\u0440\u0443\u043f\u0438\u043d\u043a\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043a\u0443\u043d\u0436\u0443\u0442\u043d\u043e\u043c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043b\u0435\u0434\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0443\u043f\u044b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0438\u043d\u044b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043b\u0438\u0441\u0442\u043a\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043b\u0438\u0441\u0442\u043a\u043e\u0432", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043b\u0443\u0437\u0433\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043c\u0430\u043a\u0441\u0438\u043c\u0438\u0437\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0442\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043c\u0430\u043b\u044c\u0441\u043a\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043c\u0430\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043c\u0435\u0434", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043c\u0435\u0434\u0438\u0446\u0438\u043d\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0445", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043c\u0438\u043b\u043b\u0438\u043c\u0435\u0442\u0440\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043c\u0438\u043d\u0443\u0442\u043d\u043e\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043c\u043e\u043d\u043f\u0430\u0441\u044c\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043c\u043e\u0441\u043a\u0432\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043c\u043e\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043c\u0443\u0441\u043e\u0440\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043d\u0430\u0434", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043d\u0430\u0434\u0435\u0432\u0430\u0435\u043c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043d\u0430\u0437\u0432\u0430\u043d\u0438\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043d\u0430\u043a\u043b\u0435\u0439\u043a\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043d\u0430\u043b\u0438\u0432\u0430\u044e\u0442\u0441\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043d\u0430\u0440\u043e\u0434\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043d\u0430\u0443\u0447\u0438\u0442\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043d\u0435\u0430\u043b\u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e\u043b\u044c\u043d\u044b\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043d\u0435\u0432\u0440\u043e\u0442\u0438\u043a\u043e\u0432", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043d\u0435\u0438\u043d\u0442\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0441\u0435\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043d\u0435\u043e\u044f\u0437\u044b\u0447\u0435\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043d\u0435\u043e\u044f\u0437\u044b\u0447\u043d\u0438\u043a\u043e\u0432", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043d\u043a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043d\u044e\u0434", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043e\u0421", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043e\u0431\u043e\u0440\u043e\u043d\u044b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043e\u0431\u0449\u0435\u0441\u0442\u0432\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043e\u0431\u044a\u0435\u043a\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043e\u0431\u044a\u0435\u043a\u0442\u044b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043e\u0433\u043d\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043e\u0434\u0430\u043c\u043e\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043e\u0434\u0435\u0432\u0430\u043b\u043a\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043e\u043d\u0435\u0437\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043e\u043d\u043a\u043e\u0433\u0435\u043d\u043e\u0432", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0433\u043e\u0432\u0435\u0432\u0448\u0438\u0445", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0435\u043e\u043f\u0430\u0442\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0443\u0434\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043e\u0442\u0434\u0435\u043b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043e\u0442\u0441\u0442\u0438\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043e\u0446\u0435\u043d\u044f\u0432\u0430\u043d\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043e\u0449\u0435\u043b\u0430\u0447\u0438\u0432\u0430\u044e\u0449\u0438\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043c\u0438\u043d\u0433\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u0435\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0432", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u0438\u043a\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043a\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u0438\u043b\u0430\u0442\u0435\u0441\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u0438\u0448\u0435\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u043b\u043e\u043c\u0431\u0438\u0440\u0443\u0435\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0440\u0435\u0437", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u043e\u0434\u043e\u0431\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u043e\u0434\u043f\u043e\u0440\u043d\u0443\u044e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u043e\u0434\u0442\u044f\u043d\u0443\u0442\u044b\u043c\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u043e\u043b\u0438\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u043e\u043c\u0430\u0434\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u043e\u043d\u0435\u0434\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u0438\u043a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u043e\u0445\u0443\u0434\u0435\u0435\u0448\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u0440\u0430\u0432\u043e\u0437\u0430\u0445\u0438\u0441\u0442\u0443", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u0440\u0430\u0432\u043e\u0441\u043b\u0430\u0432\u043d\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u0440\u0430\u0432\u043e\u0441\u043f\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0431\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u0440\u0438\u0434\u0440\u0443\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u0440\u0438\u043c\u0435\u043d\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u0440\u0438\u0441\u044b\u043f\u0430\u044e\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u0440\u0438\u0441\u044b\u043f\u043a\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u0440\u043e\u0433\u0435\u0441\u0442\u0435\u0440\u043e\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u0440\u043e\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0430\u043d\u0442\u0441\u043a\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u0440\u043e\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0440\u0430\u043d\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u0440\u043e\u043c\u0430\u0441\u0441\u0438\u0440\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u0440\u043e\u043f\u0430\u0433\u0430\u043d\u0434\u044b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u0440\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0443\u043a\u0438\u0432\u0430\u0439\u0442\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u0440\u043e\u0442\u0440\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u0440\u043e\u0446\u0435\u0436\u0438\u0432\u0430\u0435\u043c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u0441\u0438\u0445\u043e\u0430\u0434", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u0442\u0438\u0446\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u0443\u043b\u0435\u043c\u0451\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u043f\u044b\u0440\u0435\u0435\u043c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0440\u0401\u00b0\u0440\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0440\u0401\u044d\u0440\u0442\u0440\u044b\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0440\u0401\u0456\u0445\u0401", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0440\u0430\u0437\u0431\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0447\u043d\u044b\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0440\u0430\u0437\u0432\u0430\u043b\u0438\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0440\u0430\u0437\u0432\u0438\u0432\u0430\u0442\u044c\u0441\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0440\u0430\u0437\u0434\u0435\u0432\u0430\u0442\u044c\u0441\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0440\u0430\u0440\u0430\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0440\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0432\u043e\u0440\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0440\u0430\u0441\u0445\u0432\u0430\u043b\u0438\u0432\u0430\u044e\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0440\u0435\u0431\u0435\u0444\u0438\u043d\u0433", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0440\u0435\u0433\u0438\u043e\u043d\u0430\u043b\u043d\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0440\u043e\u0432", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0440\u043e\u043a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0440\u0440\u0447\u0448\u044d\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0440\u0440\u044f\u0451\u044e\u0444\u0448", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0440\u0442\u0440\u044b\u0445\u0401\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0440\u0442\u0448\u044d\u0456\u044e\u044d\u0451\u044a\u044e\u0443\u044e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0440\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0440\u0445\u044a\u0442\u0448\u0445\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0440\u0447\u0445\u044b\u0456\u0451\u044a\u0448\u0445", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0440\u0447\u044d\u0456", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0440\u044b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0440\u044b\u0445\u0442\u0440\u044b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0440\u044b\u044b\u0440\u0444\u0445", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0440\u044b\u0456\u044a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0440\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0440\u044c\u0448", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0440\u044e\u0451\u0451\u0448\u044d\u0448", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0440\u044f\u0445\u044b\u0456\u0451\u0448\u044d\u044e\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u0430\u0432\u0434\u043e\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u0430\u0436\u0430\u044e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u0430\u043a\u0441\u043e\u0444\u043e\u043d\u0438\u0441\u0442\u043e\u0432", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u0430\u043c\u043e\u0441\u0430\u0431\u043e\u0442\u0430\u0436", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u0432\u0435\u0442\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u0432\u0438\u0442\u0448\u043e\u0442\u044b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u0435\u0431\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u0435\u0439\u0434\u044b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u0435\u043c\u044c\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u0435\u043d\u0442\u044f\u0431\u0440\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u0435\u0440\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0433\u0438\u0447\u0435\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u0438\u0434\u0435\u0440\u0430\u0442\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u043b\u043e\u0432\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u043d\u0438\u043a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u043e\u0436\u0436\u0435\u0442\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u043f\u043b\u0435\u0442\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u0442\u0430\u0434\u0438\u043e\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u0442\u0430\u043b\u0438\u043d\u043a\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u0442\u0430\u0440\u0442\u0430\u043f\u043e\u043c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u0442\u0430\u0440\u0442\u0430\u043f\u0443", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u0442\u0430\u0442\u044c\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u0443\u0434\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u0443\u043b\u0443\u0433\u0443\u043d\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u0445\u0435\u043c\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u0445\u0447\u044e\u0441\u044b\u0440\u0451\u044d\u044e\u0445", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u0445\u044b\u0456", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u0448\u044d\u0448\u0440\u044d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u044b\u0440\u0443\u044e\u0444\u0440\u0401", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u044b\u0440\u0443\u044e\u0444\u0440\u0401\u0445\u044d\u0448", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u044e\u0443\u044e\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u044e\u0446\u0448", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u044e\u044b\u0456\u00b0\u044e\u0449", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u0455\u0401\u00a6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u0455\u0441\u044e\u044d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u0455\u0444\u0455\u0401\u0445\u0445", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0441\u0455\u044d\u0445\u0447\u0456", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0442\u00a7\u044e\u0444", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0442\u0401\u0440\u0443", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0442\u0430\u0440\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0442\u0430\u0440\u0442\u044b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0442\u0432\u0435\u0440\u0434\u043e\u0442\u043e\u043f\u043b\u0438\u0432\u043d\u044b\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0442\u0435\u043c\u043d\u043e\u043f\u043e\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0442\u0435\u043f\u043b\u0430\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0442\u0435\u0445\u043d\u0438\u0447\u0435\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0442\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0442\u0438\u0433\u0438\u043b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0442\u043e\u0433\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0442\u043e\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0442\u043e\u043b\u043e\u043a\u043d\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0442\u043e\u043d\u0438\u043a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0442\u0440\u0401\u0442\u0440\u0401\u0440\u044c\u0448", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0442\u0440\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043e\u0447\u043d\u044b\u0439}", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0442\u0440\u044d\u0448", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0442\u0443", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0442\u0445\u0451\u044d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0442\u0447\u0401", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0442\u0448\u0444\u0445", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0442\u0448\u0444\u044e\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0442\u0448\u0445", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0442\u0448\u044d\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0442\u044b\u0445\u044d\u0448", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0442\u044b\u0445\u044d\u0448\u0449", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0442\u044e\u0445\u044d\u044d\u044e\u0443\u044e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0442\u044e\u0446\u0444\u0445\u0449", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0442\u044e\u044b\u00b0\u0445\u0441\u044d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0442\u044e\u044b\u044d\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0442\u044e\u0451\u044f\u044e\u044c\u0448\u044d\u0440\u044d\u0448\u0449", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0442\u044f\u043d\u0438\u0442\u0435\u0441\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0442\u0451\u0445\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0443\u0401\u0440\u0446\u0444\u0440\u044d\u0448\u044d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0443\u0432\u044f\u0434\u0430\u044e\u0449\u0435\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0443\u0434\u043e\u0441\u0442\u043e\u0432\u0435\u0440\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0443\u0436\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0443\u043b\u043e\u0436\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0443\u043c\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0443\u043f\u0440\u0430\u0432\u043b\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0443\u0440\u0430\u0433\u0430\u043d\u044b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0443\u0440\u0438\u043d\u043e\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0443\u0447\u0451\u0431\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0443\u0448\u044c\u044d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0443\u044e\u0401\u044e\u0444", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0443\u044e\u0442\u044e\u0401", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0443\u044e\u0444\u0440\u044c\u0448", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0443\u044e\u044b\u044e\u0442\u0440\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0443\u044e\u044b\u0455\u0441", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0444\u0401\u0440\u044a\u044e\u044d\u0451\u0448\u044a\u044e\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0444\u0401\u0445\u0442\u044d\u0448\u0449", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0444\u0401\u0455\u0443\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0444\u0435\u0440\u043c\u0435\u043d\u0442\u0430\u0442\u043e\u0440\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0444\u0438\u043d\u0438\u043a\u0430\u043c\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0444\u043e\u043d\u0434", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0444\u043e\u0440\u0437\u0438\u0446\u0438\u044f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0444\u0440\u00a6\u0401\u0448\u0449\u0451", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0444\u0440\u0401", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0444\u0440\u0443\u043a\u0442\u043e\u0437\u043d\u043e\u0433\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0444\u0442\u044e\u0449\u044a\u0448", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0444\u0445\u0442\u0455\u00b0\u044a\u044e\u0449", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0444\u0445\u044d\u0456", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0444\u0445\u0451", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0444\u0446\u0445\u0401", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0444\u044e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0444\u0455\u00a7\u044e\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0444\u0455\u00b0\u0455", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0445\u00a6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0445\u0401\u0445\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0445\u0435\u043d\u0434\u043c\u0435\u0439\u0434\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0445\u043e\u043b\u0435\u0441\u0442\u0435\u0440\u0438\u043d\u043e\u0432\u044b\u0445", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0445\u043e\u043b\u043a\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0445\u0443\u0434\u043e\u0436\u0435\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0435\u043d\u043d\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0445\u0443\u0434\u043e\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0445\u0443\u043c\u0443\u0441\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0445\u0445\u0445", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0445\u044a\u044e\u0401", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0445\u044a\u0451", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0445\u044b\u0448\u044a\u0448\u0449", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0445\u044b\u0456", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0445\u044c\u0445\u0401\u0444\u0446\u0448", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0445\u044c\u044e\u044a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0445\u044d\u0444\u0445\u044d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0445\u044d\u0456\u044a\u0448", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0445\u0451\u0445\u044d\u044d\u0448\u0445", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0445\u0451\u044d\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0446\u0430\u0440\u0441\u0442\u0432\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0446\u0435\u0440\u043a\u043e\u0432\u043d\u043e\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0446\u0438\u0444\u0440\u043e\u0432\u043e\u0433\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0446\u0440\u043a\u0432\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0446\u0445\u044b\u0445\u0447\u044d\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0446\u0445\u044b\u0455\u0444\u0445", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0446\u0448\u0447\u044d\u0456", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0446\u044e\u044d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0446\u044e\u044d\u044d\u0448", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0446\u0456", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0447\u0430\u0441", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0447\u0435\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0435\u043a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0447\u0440\u044a\u044e\u044d\u044e\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0447\u0440\u044c\u0445\u0451\u0445\u044d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0447\u0440\u044f\u0440\u0451", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0447\u0440\u0451\u0455\u00b0\u0448\u0442\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0447\u0442\u0445\u0447\u0444\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0447\u0442\u0445\u0447\u0444\u044d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0447\u0443\u0442\u043a\u0438\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0447\u0445\u0401\u044a\u0440\u044b\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0447\u0445\u044c\u044b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0447\u0448\u0442\u0448\u044b\u0448\u0447\u044e\u0442\u0440\u044d\u044d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0447\u044c\u0445", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0447\u044c\u0445\u0449\u044a\u0448", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0448\u0430\u043c\u043f\u0430\u043d\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0445", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0448\u0430\u0440\u0436\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0448\u0430\u0440\u043b\u043e\u0442\u043a\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0448\u0430\u0440\u043b\u043e\u0442\u043a\u0443", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0448\u043a\u0430\u0444", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0448\u043e\u043a\u043e\u043b\u0430\u0434\u043a\u043e\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0448\u044a\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044a\u0401\u0440\u0451\u044d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044a\u0401\u0445\u044f\u044e\u0451", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044a\u0440\u0401", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044a\u0440\u0401=\u0448\u044d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044a\u0448\u044f\u0455", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044a\u044b\u0445", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044a\u044e\u0442\u0445\u0401", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044a\u044e\u0446\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044a\u044e\u044b\u0445\u0401", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044a\u044e\u044b\u0456\u0447\u044e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044a\u044e\u044b\u0456\u0447\u044e\u0442\u044a\u0448", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044a\u044e\u044c\u0445\u0444\u0448", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044a\u044e\u044c\u0445\u0444\u0448\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044a\u044e\u0451", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044b\u0440\u0451", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044b\u0448\u00a7\u044e\u0401\u0440\u0444\u044a\u0448", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044b\u0448\u00b0\u0445\u044d\u0448", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044b\u0448\u044b\u0440\u0451\u0456", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044b\u0448\u0451\u044d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044b\u044e\u0443\u0448\u044a\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044b\u044e\u0446\u044a\u0455", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044b\u044e\u0446\u044d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044b\u0455\u0441\u044d\u044e\u0445", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044c\u043d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044c\u0440\u044a\u0440\u0401\u0445\u044d\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044c\u044d\u044e\u0443\u044e\u0447\u044b\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044c\u044d\u044e\u0443\u044e\u0447\u044b\u0440=", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044c\u044e\u0444\u0445\u0401\u044d\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044c\u044e\u044b\u044e\u0444", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044d\u0433\u043e\u0438\u0441\u0442\u043a\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044d\u043a\u043e\u043d\u0435\u0442", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044d\u043a\u0441\u043f\u0430\u0442\u0440\u0438\u0430\u043d\u0442\u043e\u0432", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044d\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0440\u043e\u0433\u0435\u043d\u0435\u0440\u0430\u0446\u0438\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044d\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0442\u0440\u043e\u043a\u0440\u043e\u0441\u0441\u043e\u0432\u0435\u0440\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044d\u0440\u0401\u044e\u0444\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044d\u0440\u0401\u044e\u0444\u0440\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044d\u0440\u0443\u0401", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044d\u0440\u0447\u0440\u0444", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044d\u0440\u0451", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044d\u0442\u043e\u0433\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044d\u0445\u044f\u0401", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044d\u0448\u0401\u042e\u00a7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044d\u0448\u0401\u0448\u00a7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044d\u0448\u0441\u0445\u044b\u0455\u044d\u0443\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044d\u0448\u044a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044d\u0448\u044a\u0440\u044a\u0448\u00a7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044d\u044a\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044d\u044a\u0440\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044d\u044a\u0448", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044d\u044d\u044e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044d\u044e\u0443\u044e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044d\u044e\u0451\u042e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044d\u044e\u0451\u0448", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044d\u0451\u044a\u0455\u00a6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044e\u00b0\u0448\u0441\u044e\u0451\u044d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044e\u0441\u00b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044e\u0441\u0401", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044e\u0442\u044e\u0449", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044e\u0443\u044d\u0445", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044e\u0443\u044d\u0445\u044d\u044d\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044e\u0443\u044d\u0445\u044d\u044d\u044e\u0449", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044e\u0444\u0445\u0401\u0446\u0448\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044e\u0447\u0442\u0401\u0440\u0401\u0445\u044d\u0448\u0445", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044e\u0447\u0444\u0455\u00a7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044e\u0447\u0447\u0445\u044a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044e\u0447\u044c\u0445\u0447\u0444\u0448", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044e\u0449\u044d\u0445", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044e\u0449\u044d\u0455", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044e\u044a\u044d\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044e\u044b\u00b0\u0445\u0441\u044d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044e\u044b\u00b0\u0445\u0441\u044d\u044e\u0443\u044e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044e\u044b\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044e\u044b\u0443\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044e\u044b\u0443\u044e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044e\u044b\u044e\u044a\u044e\u044b\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044e\u044b\u0456\u00b0\u044e\u0449", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044e\u044c\u044e\u044b\u044e\u0446\u0445\u044d\u0448", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044e\u044f\u0445\u044a\u0440\u044b\u044e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044e\u0451\u0456", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044e\u0451\u0456\u044c\u0445\u0401\u044a\u044e\u0449", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044f\u0401\u0445", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044f\u0401\u0445=\u0445\u044d\u0444\u0445\u044d=\u0423", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044f\u0401\u0448\u0447\u0442\u0440\u044d\u0448", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044f\u0401\u044e\u0401\u0455\u0441\u0448\u044b\u0448", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044f\u0401\u044e\u0447\u0445", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044f\u0401\u044e\u0451\u0445\u044a\u0448", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044f\u0437", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044f\u0437\u044b\u043a\u0430", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044f\u0440\u0401\u044e\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044f\u0440\u0447", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044f\u0440\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044f\u0442\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044f\u0445\u0401\u0445\u0442\u044e\u044f\u044b\u044e\u0401\u0445\u044d\u0448", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044f\u044b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044f\u044b\u0440\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044f\u044b\u0445\u044c\u0445\u044d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044f\u044b\u0445\u044d\u0445\u044d\u0448", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044f\u044e\u0406\u044c\u0455", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044f\u044e\u0441\u0445\u0444\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044f\u044e\u044a\u0440\u0447\u044e\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044f\u044e\u044a\u044e\u0401\u0445\u044d\u0448", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044f\u0456\u0445\u0451", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u044f\u04b3\u0443\u0434\u0438\u0451\u043d\u0438", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0451\u00a6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0451\u00b6\u0445\u0401", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0451\u0440\u044a\u0451\u044e\u00b6\u044e\u044d\u044d\u044e\u0449", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0451\u0440\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0451\u0440\u044c\u044e\u0445", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0451\u0440\u044c\u044e\u044e\u0441\u044d\u0440\u0446\u0445\u044d\u0448", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0451\u0441\u044e\u0401", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0451\u0442\u044e\u0441\u044e\u0444", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0451\u0445\u0401\u0444\u0447\u0445", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0451\u0445\u0401\u0445\u0447", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0451\u0445\u0443\u044e\u0444\u044d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0451\u0445\u044c\u0445\u0449\u044d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0451\u0448\u044c\u00b6\u044e\u0444\u0446\u0440\u0447", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0451\u0448\u044c\u00b6\u044e\u044d\u0448\u0448", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0451\u044a\u0401", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0451\u044a\u0440\u0447", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0451\u044a\u0445", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0451\u044a\u0448\u00b6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0451\u044a\u0455", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0451\u044b\u0445\u0447", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0451\u044b\u044e\u0442\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0451\u044e\u0441\u0440\u0451\u0456\u00a6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0451\u0455\u044c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0455\u0444\u0445\u0451\u044d\u0448\u044a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0455\u044a\u0440\u0401\u0445\u044a\u0455", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0455\u044d\u0455", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0455\u044f\u0445\u0401\u0445\u044d\u0440", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0458\u0435\u0437\u0435\u0440\u043e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u045c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0490\u043e\u043d\u0491\u0430\u0434\u0437\u0435", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0494", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0495", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0513", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0533\u0561\u0563\u056b\u056f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0539\u0565", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u053d\u0561\u0579\u0584\u0561\u0580", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0540\u0561\u0575\u0561\u057d\u057f\u0561\u0576", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0540\u0565\u0569\u0578\u0582\u0574", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0546\u0561\u056c\u0562\u0561\u0576\u0564\u0575\u0561\u0576", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0548", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u054a\u0565\u057f\u0580\u0578\u057d\u0575\u0561\u0576", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0554\u0565\u056c\u0565", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0555", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0561\u0572\u057b\u056b\u056f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0563\u0575\u0578\u0582\u0572", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0563\u0576\u0578\u0582\u0574", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0565", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0568", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u056b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u056c\u056b\u0576\u0565\u056b\u0580", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0585", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05b6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05c1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d0\u05d1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d0\u05d6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d0\u05d9\u05e4\u05d4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d0\u05d9\u05ea\u05df", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d0\u05dc\u05d4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d0\u05de\u05df", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d0\u05e4\u05e1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d0\u05e9\u05e8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d1\u05d1\u05dc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d1\u05d9\u05ea", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d1\u05d9\u05ea\u05e0\u05d5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d2\u05d9\u05e8\u05e1\u05d4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d2\u05e8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d2\u20ac", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d3\u05d1\u05e8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d3\u05d9\u05e0\u05d4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d4\u05b7\u05dc\u05b5\u05bc\u05dc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d4\u05d0\u05d7\u05d3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d4\u05d3\u05d1\u05e8\u05d5\u05ea", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d4\u05e0\u05e4\u05e9\u05c1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d4\u05e1\u05d9\u05d1\u05d4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d4\u05e2\u05e6\u05de\u05d0\u05d5\u05ea", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d5\u05e0\u05d4\u05e4\u05d5\u05da", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d7\u05e8\u05dd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d8\u05d5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d9\u05d0\u05d9\u05e8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d9\u05d4\u05d5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d9\u05d4\u05d5\u05d3\u05d9\u05d0\u05e0\u05d9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d9\u05e8\u05da", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05d9\u05e9\u05d9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05db\u05bc\u05d5\u05b9\u05db\u05b8\u05d1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05db\u05d5\u05d6\u05d5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05de\u05d0\u05d9\u05d4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05de\u05d0\u05de\u05e8\u05d5\u05ea", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05de\u05d2\u05d3\u05dc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05de\u05d4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05de\u05d5\u05e8\u05df", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05de\u05d8\u05e7\u05d4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05de\u05d8\u05e7\u05d5\u05ea", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05de\u05d9\u05d8\u05dc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05de\u05d9\u05e1\u05d6\\", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05de\u05dc\u05da", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05de\u05de\u05d5\u05df", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05de\u05e4\u05d3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05de\u05e7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05e0\u05d5\u05df", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05e0\u05d9\u05e7\u05d5\u05d1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05e0\u05e4\u05e9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05e0\u05ea\u05d5\u05e0\u05dd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05e1\u05d1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05e1\u05d8\u05e1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05e1\u05e3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05e2\u05d1\u05d3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05e2\u05d3\u05d9\u05d9\u05df", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05e2\u05d6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05e2\u05d6\u05e8\u05d0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05e2\u05e9\u05e8\u05ea", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05e4\u05bc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05e4\u05e8\u05d7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05e6\u05d3\u05e7\u05d4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05e6\u05e2\u05e7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05e8\u05d0\u05e9\u05d9\u05ea", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05e8\u05d5\u05e0\u05df", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05e8\u05d7\u05d5\u05dd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05e8\u05d9\u05d0\u05b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05e9\u05dd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05e9\u05de\u05d7\u05d5\u05df", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05e9\u05e4\u05d9\u05e8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05e9\u05e8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05e9\u05e8\u05d5\u05dc\u05d9\u05e7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05ea\u05d5\u05e8\u05d4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05ea\u05d9\u05d1\u05d5\u05ea", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u05f4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u061b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0622\u0628\u0627\u062f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0622\u0632\u0627\u062f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0623\u0628\u0648\u0627\u0644\u062e\u064a\u0631", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0623\u062d\u062f\u062b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0623\u062d\u0645\u0631", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0623\u0631\u0628\u0639\u0627\u0621", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0623\u0633\u0627\u0645\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0623\u0643\u062a\u0648\u0628\u0631", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0623\u0645\u0628\u0648", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0623\u0645\u0631\u064a\u0643\u0627", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0623\u0645\u064a\u0631\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0623\u0646\u062f\u0627\u062f\u0627", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0625\u0633\u0645\u0627\u0639\u064a\u0644", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0628\u0627\u0628\u06cc\u0644", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0628\u0648", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0628\u0648\u0627\u0644\u0641\u0636\u0644", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0641\u06cc\u0648\u0646", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0623\u0631\u062f\u0646\u064a\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0627\u0636\u0631\u0627\u0628", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0627\u0646\u0642\u0633\u0627\u0645", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0628\u0644\u0627\u062f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u062a\u0627\u0631\u064a\u062e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u062c\u0627\u0645\u0639", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u062c\u0632\u0627\u0626\u0631", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u062c\u0645\u0639\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u062c\u0646", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u062d\u062f\u064a\u062b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u062d\u0633\u0646", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u062d\u0638\u064a\u0631\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u062d\u0643\u0645", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u062d\u0645\u0644\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u062d\u064a\u0627\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u062e\u0637\u0648\u0637", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u062e\u0637\u064a\u0628", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0631", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0631\u0624\u0649", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0633\u0627\u0628\u0642", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0633\u0648\u0631\u064a\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0633\u064a\u062f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0633\u064a\u0633\u064a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0634\u0627\u0645", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0634\u064a\u062e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0635\u062d\u0641\u064a\u064a\u0646", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0639\u062a\u064a\u0628\u064a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0639\u0631\u0634", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0639\u0645\u0644", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0642\u0636\u0627\u0621", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0642\u0645\u0631", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0642\u0648\u0627\u062a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0644\u0628\u0646\u0627\u0646\u064a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0644\u062d\u0645\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0645\u0627\u062c\u062f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0645\u0627\u0644\u062d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0645\u062a\u062d\u0641", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0645\u062a\u0638\u0627\u0647\u0631\u064a\u0646", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0645\u062d\u062a\u0648\u0649", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0645\u0633\u0644\u0633\u0644\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0645\u0633\u0644\u0645\u064a\u0646", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0645\u0639\u0644\u0648\u0645\u0627\u062a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0645\u0646\u0635\u0648\u0631", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0645\u0646\u0637\u0642\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u0648\u0637\u0646\u064a\u202c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0644\u064a\u0645\u0646\u064a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0627\u0648\u063a\u0644\u0648", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0628\u0627\u0633\u0645", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0628\u0627\u0633\u0646\u062a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0628\u062a\u0627", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0628\u062f\u0639\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0628\u062f\u0647\u0627", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0628\u0646\u062f\u0631", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0628\u0647\u0627\u0631\u0633\u062a\u0627\u0646", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0628\u064a\u0627\u0646", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0628\u06be\u0627\u0631\u062a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0628\u06d2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062a\u0628\u0648\u0643", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062a\u062c\u0639\u0644\u0648\u0627", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062a\u0631\u062c\u0645\u0647", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062a\u0639\u064a\u062f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062a\u064a\u0631\u0627\u0646", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062c\u0627\u0621", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062c\u0627\u0645\u0639", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062c\u0627\u0646", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062c\u062f\u0627", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062c\u0631\u0627\u06cc\u0645", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062c\u0644\u0627\u0644", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062c\u0646\u0633\u06cc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062c\u0648\u0646\u062b\u0627\u0646", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062d\u0627\u0644\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062d\u062f\u0627\u062f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062d\u0631\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062d\u0633\u0627\u0628\u0647", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062d\u0646\u0627", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062d\u064a\u062b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062e\u0627\u0645\u0646\u0647\u200c\u0627\u06cc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062e\u0648\u0627\u0631\u0632\u0645\u0634\u0627\u0647", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062f\u0627\u0626\u0645\u0627", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062f\u0627\u0646\u0634\u06af\u0627\u0647", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062f\u0647", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062f\u0648\u0631\u064a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062f\u0648\u0633\u062a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062f\u0648\u0644\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062f\u0648\u0646", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062f\u064a\u0631", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u062f\u064a\u0645\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0630\u0648", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0631\u0624\u0648\u0641", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0631\u062c\u0627\u06cc\u06cc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0631\u062d\u06cc\u0645\u06cc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0631\u062f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0631\u0633\u0627\u0644\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0631\u0633\u062a\u0647", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0631\u0641\u06cc\u0639\u06cc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0631\u0645\u0632\u064a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0631\u0648\u062d\u0627\u0646\u06cc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0631\u064e\u0645\u064e\u0636\u064e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0633\u0627\u062a\u06be", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0633\u0628", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0633\u0648\u0627\u0631", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0633\u0648\u0641", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0633\u0648\u0642", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0634", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0634\u0627\u067e\u0648\u0631", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0634\u0628\u0627\u0628", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0634\u0631\u064a\u0641\u0649", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0634\u0641\u064a\u0639", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0634\u0642\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0634\u0644\u0648\u0642", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0634\u0645\u0627\u0631", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0635\u0627\u0644\u062d\u06cc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0635\u0631\u0635\u0648\u0631", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0635\u0641\u0648\u062a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0635\u0648\u0631\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0636\u0644\u0627", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0636\u0644\u0639", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0639\u0627\u0644\u0645", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0639\u0628\u0627\u0633", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0639\u0628\u062f\u0631\u0628\u0647", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0639\u0628\u0631\u0648\u0642\u064a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0639\u0632\u0645\u064a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0639\u0641\u0627\u0641", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0639\u0644\u0645\u0627\u0621", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0639\u0645\u0631\u0648", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0639\u0646\u062f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0639\u064a\u0633\u0649", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0639\u064a\u0646", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u063a\u0644\u0627\u0645\u0639\u0644\u06cc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0641\u0627\u0637\u0645\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0641\u062f\u0651\u0627\u0646", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0641\u0631\u062e\u0632\u0627\u062f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0641\u0631\u062f\u0648\u0633\u064a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0641\u0631\u0648\u063a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0641\u0644\u0627\u0646\u06cc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0641\u0646\u062f\u0642", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0641\u0650\u0648\u0631\u0650\u06cc\u0647", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0642\u0627\u0644\u0649", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0642\u0627\u0644\u06cc\u0628\u0627\u0641", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0642\u0628\u06cc\u0644\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0642\u0631\u0627", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0642\u0637\u0627\u0639", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0643\u0648\u0643", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0643\u0648\u0645", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0644\u0633\u062a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0644\u0643\u0644", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0644\u0644\u062c\u062f\u0639\u0627\u0646", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0644\u0645\u0627", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0645\u0627\u062c\u062f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0645\u0627\u0632\u0646", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0645\u0627\u0632\u0646\u062c\u0631", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0645\u062a\u062c\u0627\u0648\u0632\u06cc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0645\u062d\u0645\u062f\u0628\u0627\u0642\u0631", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0645\u062d\u0645\u062f\u0639\u0644\u06cc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0645\u062f\u0631\u0633\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0645\u0631\u0627\u062c\u0639\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0645\u0631\u0627\u0642\u0628\u062a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0645\u0631\u0633\u064a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0645\u0633\u062a\u0634\u0641\u0649", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0645\u0635\u062f\u0631", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0645\u0635\u0631\u064a\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0645\u0637\u0648\u0639\u064a\u0646", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0645\u0639\u0631\u0643\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0645\u0644\u064a\u0627\u0631", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0645\u0648\u0633\u0648\u06cc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0645\u06cc\u062e\u0627\u0646", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0645\u06cc\u062f\u0648\u0646\u0646", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0645\u06cc\u0631\u062d\u0633\u06cc\u0646", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0646\u0627\u062f\u0631", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0646\u0627\u064a\u0641", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0646\u0633\u062e\u0647", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0646\u0634\u0631", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0646\u0642\u0644", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0646\u0648\u0631", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0646\u0648\u0631\u06cc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0647\u064a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0647\u064a\u0626\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0648\u0627\u062d\u062f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0648\u0628", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0648\u0632\u0627\u0631\u0629", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0648\u0643\u0644", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0648\u0644\u064a\u062f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u064a\u0627\u0631\u0628", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u064a\u0627\u0633\u0631", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u064a\u0627\u0639\u0631\u0628", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u064a\u0643\u0648\u0646", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0661", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0662\u0660\u0661\u0668", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u067e\u0634\u0645\u06cc\u0646\u0647", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u067e\u0640", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0686\u064a\u0647\u0627\u0646", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u06a9\u0631\u062f\u06cc\u0646", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u06a9\u0634\u062a\u06af\u0627\u0646", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u06a9\u0634\u0648\u0631", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u06a9\u0645\u0627\u0644\u06cc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u06c1\u0627\u0624\u0633", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u06cc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u06cc\u06a9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u06f6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u092a\u0941\u0937\u094d\u0915\u0930", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u092e\u093e\u0923\u093f\u0915", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0968\u0966\u0967\u096e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0986\u0981\u099a\u09b0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0986\u09b2\u09c0\u09ae", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u09a6\u09cb\u09af\u09bc\u09be", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u09ac\u09be\u0982\u09b2\u09be", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0b13\u0b21\u0b3c\u0b3f\u0b06", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0b87\u0ba8\u0bcd\u0ba4\u0bbf\u0baf\u0bbe", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0dad\u0dcf\u0db4\u0dc3\u0dad\u0dd4\u0db8\u0db1\u0dca", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0e00@", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0e15\u0e32\u0e19\u0e35", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0e15\u0e4d\u0e32\u0e1a\u0e25", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0e17\u0e30\u0e19\u0e32\u0e19", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0e18\u0e51\u0e2a\u0e1d\u0e19\u0e04\u0e13\u0e07", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0e41\u0e01\u0e49\u0e27\u0e21\u0e32\u0e25\u0e32", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0f4a\u0f66\u0f7a\u0f0b\u0f4c\u0fb2\u0f7c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0f56\u0f7c\u0f51\u0f0b\u0f61\u0f72\u0f42\u0f0b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u0fc3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1016\u1010\u1039\u1001\u103a\u1004\u1039\u1010\u102c\u101c\u1032", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1018\u101a\u1039\u1021\u1015\u102d\u102f\u1004\u1039\u1038\u1000\u102d\u102f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1019\u103c\u1014\u103a\u1019\u102c\u1018\u102c\u101e\u102c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u102d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u10d0\u10d5\u10d7\u10d0\u10dc\u10d3\u10d8\u10da", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u10d1\u10da\u10dd\u10d2\u10d8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u10d2\u10d8\u10dd\u10e0\u10d2\u10d8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u10d3\u10d8\u10d3\u10d8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u10d4\u10d9\u10d0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u10d8\u10da\u10d8\u10d0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u10dc\u10d8\u10dc\u10d0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u10e1\u10d5\u10d0\u10dc\u10d4\u10d7\u10d8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u10e8\u10d4\u10dc\u10d2\u10d4\u10da\u10d8\u10d0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1107\ub2c8\ub2e4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1161", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u119e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1236\u120a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u12a0\u121e\u120c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1363", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u15e9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1798\u17d2\u179a\u17c1\u1785\u1780\u17c6\u1796\u178f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1826", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1832", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u18f5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e02", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e0d\u1e0d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e2f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e47\u0323\u0101", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e62\u016b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e67\u0107", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e73\u0304", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1e93\u012b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1ea4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1eb8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1eb9\u1eb9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1ecc\u1e63", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1ecd\u1ee5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1ee7\u1ecf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1f00\u03b3\u03ac\u03c0\u03b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1f00\u03b3\u03bb\u03b1\u03af\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1f00\u03ba\u03af\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1f00\u03bb\u03ae\u03b8\u03b5\u03b9\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1f00\u03bb\u03bb\u03b1\u03b3\u03ae", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1f00\u03c6\u03b1\u03bd\u03ae\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1f04\u03bd\u03b8\u03c1\u03c9\u03c0\u03bf\u03b9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1f04\u03c1\u03b9\u03c3\u03c4\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1f04\u03c1\u03bf\u03c5\u03c1\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1f04\u03c1\u03c4\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1f08\u03c0\u03bf\u03bb\u03bb\u03c9\u03bd\u03af\u03b1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1f10\u03b3\u03ce", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1f10\u03c0\u03b1\u03bd\u03bf\u03c1\u03b8\u03c9\u03c4\u1f74\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1f14\u03c1\u03b9\u03bf\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1f19\u03bb\u03bb\u03ac\u03b4\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1f20\u03b4\u03cd\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1f30\u03b1\u03c4\u03c1\u03cc\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1f40\u03b4\u03bf\u03cd\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1f40\u03be\u03c5\u03b2\u03b1\u03b8\u03bf\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1f40\u03c1\u03b3\u03b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1f41\u03bc\u03bf\u03b9\u03bf\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1f44\u03c6\u03b9\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1f51\u03c0\u03bf\u03ba\u03b5\u03af\u03bc\u03b5\u03bd\u03bf\u03bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1f51\u03c0\u03cc\u03c3\u03c4\u03b1\u03c3\u03b9\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1f55\u03b2\u03c1\u03b9\u03c2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1f55\u03b4\u03c9\u03c1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1f55\u03bb\u03b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1f60\u03c1\u03b3\u03af\u03c3\u03b8\u03b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u1fb7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u200c\u200c\u200c\u200c\u200c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2010\u00c7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2018\u00d6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2018\u00dc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2018\u016b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2019+", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2019\u00c8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2019\u00ce", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2019\u00da", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u201e\u00d6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2020\u03c6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2020\u2021", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2022#", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2022\u00cd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2022\u03b9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2022\u2022\u2022\u2022\u2022\u2022\u2022\u2022\u2022\u2022\u2022\u2022\u2022", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2030\u00c2\u00cd\u00c8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2035\u2035", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u20ac\u0153", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u20ac\u20ac\u20ac\u20ac\u20ac", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u20b8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u20e3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2191\u2640", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u21c8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u21e5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2202\u03be", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2206\u03bb\u2248", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2219\u2211", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u221a\u0107", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u221a\u013e\u221a\u2260", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u221a\u0424+", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u221a\u221a\u221a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u222a{", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2264#", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2265+", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2302", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2309", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u231b\ufe0f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u23a7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u23e9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u23f3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2502\u2264", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2503", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u251c\u00f3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u251c\u00fc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u251c\u010d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u251c\u2562", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u251c\u2593", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2524`", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u252c\u2593", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2550\u2550", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2569", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2575", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u25a0+", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u25a0}", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u25a0\u00b7\u25a0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u25a0\u25a0\u00b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u25aa\u25aa", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u25ab\ufe0f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u25b6\u25b6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u25bb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u25bc\u25ba", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u25c1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u25c4\u25b2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u25c4\u25c4\u25c4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u25d4\u25e1\u25d4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u25e2\u25e4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2605\u2605\u2605\u2605\u2606", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2615", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u261b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2649", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u264b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u264d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u264f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2650", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2651", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2663\u2663\u2663\u2663", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2665\u266b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2666\u2022", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2669", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u266c\u266c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u26f7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u270b\u270b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2714\u2714\u2714", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2722", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2724", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u272b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u272c\u30b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2736", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2737", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2741\u2741\u2741\u2741", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2748", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u275b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2764\u2764\u2764", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2778", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2782", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u27f3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u298b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2b07", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2b50\u2b50\u2b50", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u2b55\ufe0f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u3002\u3002", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u3044", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u304a\u3066\u304c\u308b\u30d0\u30c3\u30af\u30a2\u30c3\u30d7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u304a\u63a5\u5f85", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u304a\u76c6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u304b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u304b\u3052\u3068\u592a\u967d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u304c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u304d\u307f\u306e\u53cb\u3060\u3061", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u305b\u3069\u308a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u305d\u3060\u306d\u30fc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u305d\u308a\u3083\u305d\u3046\u3060", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u305d\u308c\u304b\u3089", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u305f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u305f\u304b\u307f\u306a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u3064\u306e\u5fdc\u7b54", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u3068\u3082\u306b\u5b66\u3076\u4eba\u9593\u306e\u6b74\u53f2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u306b\u3064\u3044\u3066", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u3082\u3063\u3068", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u3090", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u3092", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u3093", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30a2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30a2\u30e2\u30fc\u30ec", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30a2\u30f3\u30b8\u30fc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30a6\u53f7\u4f5c\u6226", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30a9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30aa\u30fc\u30c8\u30ec\u30fc\u30b9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30ab\u30d6\u30c8\u30e0\u30b7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30b4\u30f3\u30b0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30b5\u30fc\u30c1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30b7\u272c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30b7\u30e5\u30fc\u30c8\u30dc\u30af\u30b7\u30f3\u30b0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30bb\u30c3\u30af\u30b9\u3057\u306a\u3044\u75c7\u5019\u7fa4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30bd", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30bf\u30c3\u30c1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30c0\u30d6\u30eb\u30e6\u30fc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30c6\u30ec\u30b5\u30fb\u30c6\u30f3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30c9\u30ca\u30c6\u30eb\u30ed", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30c9\u30eb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30ca", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30ca\u30b2\u308f\u3056", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30cb\u30b3\u751f\u30a2\u30e9\u30fc\u30c8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30cf\u30c0\u30ab\u306e\u7f8e\u5948\u5b50", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30cf\u30fc\u30d5\u30cf\u30fc\u30d5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30d2\u30d3\u30ce\u3010\u30d2\u30d3\u30ce\u30b5\u30a6\u30f3\u30c9\u3011", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30d3\u30c3\u30b0\u30c0\u30c7\u30a3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30d3\u30d6\u30e9\u30d5\u30a9\u30f3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30d6\u30e9\u30c3\u30af\u4f01\u696d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30d7\u30e9\u30a4\u30d0\u30b7\u30fc\u30dd\u30ea\u30b7\u30fc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30db\u30eb\u30e2\u30f3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30de\u30ab\u30d5\u30a3\u30fc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30e1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30e9\u30a4\u30d5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30ea\u30d6\u30bb\u30fc\u30d5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30ef\u30f3\u30af\u30ea\u30c3\u30af", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30ef\u30f3\u30c0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u30f2\u30bf\u30af", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e00\u4e2a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e01\u96c4\u6cc9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e09\u672c\u4e66\u3002", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e0a\u6607", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e0a\u6d77\u4ea4\u901a\u5927\u5b66", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e0b\u5de5\u68da", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e0b\u964d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e0d\u5b89", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e0d\u662f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e0d\u8d77", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e13\u4e1a\u589e\u5f3a\u7248", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e16\u754c\u4e0a\u6700\u8d35\u7684\u6258\u513f\u6240\u5728\u745e\u58eb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e1c\u76f4\u95e8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e1c\u90e8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e2a\u6848", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e2d\u534e\u95e8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e2d\u56fd\u5927\u9646", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e2d\u56fd\u68a6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e2d\u56fd\u6c34\u5229\u6c34\u7535\u5efa\u8bbe\u96c6\u56e2\u516c\u53f8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e2d\u56fd\u8bed", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e2d\u56fd\u8fdb\u51fa\u53e3\u5546\u54c1\u4ea4\u6613\u4f1a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e2d\u570b\u7684\u0420\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e2d\u5c71", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e2d\u5c71\u4e1c\u8def", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e2d\u5cf6\u307f\u3086\u304d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e2d\u5fc3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e2d\u6587\u0939\u093f\u0902\u0926\u0940", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e2d\u79cb\u5feb\u4e50", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e2d\u7ea7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e32", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e34\u6ce3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e39\u7fbd\u6c0f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e8c\u5976", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e8e\u5efa\u5d58", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e91\u53f0\u5c71", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e94\u5b50\u68cb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e94\u6bdb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e94\u76ee\u4e26\u3079", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e94\u9053\u53e3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e94\u91cc\u6cb3\u4f53\u80b2\u573a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4e95\u4e0a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4eac\u6885", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4eba\u6587\u79d1\u5b66", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4eba\u6743\u4fb5\u72af", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4ebf\u56fe\u7ba1\u9053\u7ed8\u5236", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4ebf\u56fe\u7f51\u7edc\u56fe\u7ed8\u5236\u8f6f\u4ef6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4eca\u3067\u3057\u3087", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4eca\u4e95", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4f01\u4e1a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4f0a\u5361\u8fc8\u7cbe\u54c1\u9152\u5e97\u516c\u5bd3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4f0f\u898b\u5bae\u8c9e\u6210\u89aa\u738b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4f34\u9435\u725b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4f38\u5e83", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4f4d\u5143", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4f59", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4f5b\u5c71", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4f86", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u4fb5\u534e\u65e5\u519b\u5730", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u500b\u4eba\u4f4f\u5b85", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u502d\u570b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5047\u88c5\u5728\u7ebd\u7ea6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5065\u5fd7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u50d5\u306e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u50d5\u306e\u58f0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5104", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5143\u5bb5", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5149\u3068\u304b\u304c\u307f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5154", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5165\u7c4d\u4eea\u5f0f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u516b\u8fbe\u5cad", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u516b\u91cd\u6a2b\u525b\u53f2", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u516c\u53f8\u8a73\u7d30\u4fe1\u606f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u516c\u6295\u901a\u8fc7\u4e86", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5174", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u518d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u51b0\u7cd6\u846b\u82a6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u51b3\u660e\u5b50", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u51e1\u62d3\u624b\u5199\u5c4f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u51e4\u51f0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u51fa\u5165\u56fd\u7ba1\u7406\u53ca\u3073\u96e3\u6c11\u8a8d\u5b9a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5200\u524a\u9762", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5218\u4e91\u5c71", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u521d\u7ea7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u521d\u8a63", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5263", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u526a\u7eb8", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u529f\u592b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u52fa", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5305\u5a46", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5317\u4e2d\u5fc3\u7ad9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5317\u4eac\u683c\u745e\u65af\u9152\u5e97", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5341", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5348\u5f8c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u534a\u5761\u7ad9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u534e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5352\u5a5a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5357\u4e2d\u5fc3\u7ad9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5357\u4eac\u5357\u7ad9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5357\u4eac\u7ad9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5361\u62c9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5367\u864e\u5c71", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5382", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u53cb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u53ee\u549a\u5c0f\u59d0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u53f0\u7063", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u53f6\u53d4\u53d4", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5403", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5409\u7530", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u540c\u5fd7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u540c\u6027\u604b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u540c\u884c\u4e8c\u4eba", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u540c\u91cc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5433\u6e6f\u8208", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5434\u5c71\u5e7f\u573a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5457", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5468\u6770\u502b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u54af", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u54c7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u54c8\u5bc6\u74dc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u54ea", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u554a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5570", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u559c\u3076", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5609\u9c7c\u53bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u56db\u6708", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u56fd\u5185\u306e\u52d5\u9759", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u56fd\u5bb6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5706\u660e\u56ed", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u571f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5728\u4e2d\u56fd\u653f\u6cbb\u5c40", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5730\u70b9", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5730\u9707\u306f\u306a\u305c\u8d77\u3053\u308b\u306e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u57fa", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u58c1\u30c9\u30f3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u58eb", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5909", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5916\u56fd\u4eba", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u591a\u9801", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5927\u53cb\u6c0f", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5927\u5931\u614b", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5927\u6805\u680f\u897f\u8857", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5927\u793e", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5927\u8c46", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u592a\u5e9a", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u592a\u6975\u62f3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u592b\u5b50\u5e99", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5973\u5b50", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5982\u4f55\u5b9e\u65bd\u5462", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5988\u5988\u4e0d\u5982\u7238\u7238\u9ad8\u3002", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u59f3", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5a31\u4e50", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5b66\u4e60\u76ee\u6807", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5b83", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5b89\u500d", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5b89\u56fe\u53bf", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5b8b\u90fd\u5fa1\u8857", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5b9b\u540d\u8077\u4eba", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5bab\u4fdd\u9e21\u4e01", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5bf9\u4e0d\u8d77", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5bfe\u5fdc", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5c0f\u518c", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5c0f\u5343\u91d1", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5c0f\u59d0", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5c0f\u65f6", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5c0f\u7b3c\u5305", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5c0f\u90fd\u97f3\u65c5\u9928", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5c0f\u91ce", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5c1a\u5df4\u5fd7", + -100 + ], + [ + "\u5c42", + -100 + ], + [ + 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