--- tags: - word2vec language: fr license: cc-by-3.0 datasets: - wikipedia --- ### Description A French word2vec model trained on [frwiki](https://dumps.wikimedia.org/frwiki/) by Fauconnier with the following hyperparameters: lem: yes, pos: no, phrase: no, train: skip, dim: 1000, cutoff: 100 ### How to use? ``` from gensim.models import KeyedVectors from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download model = KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format("Word2vec/fauconnier_frWiki_no_phrase_no_postag_1000_skip_cut200.bin", binary=True, unicode_errors="ignore") model.most_similar("intéressant_a") ``` ### Citation ``` @misc{fauconnier_2015, author = {Fauconnier, Jean-Philippe}, title = {French Word Embeddings}, url = {http://fauconnier.github.io}, year = {2015}} ```