--- pipeline_tag: audio-to-audio tags: - RVC --- # Voice Conversion Models for Date A Live   [**English**](./README.md) | [**中文简体**](./README_zh_CN.md) --- Using RVC (Retrieval-based-Voice-Conversion-WebUI) [**RVC**](https://github.com/RVC-Project/Retrieval-based-Voice-Conversion-WebUI)   RVC models for *Date A Live*, using voice data from *Date A Live: Rio Reincarnation*. These models are aiming to facilitate communication and learning. Engaging in illegal activities, is strictly prohibited.   \*_v2 for v2, others for v1. (the v2 version model has changed the input from the 256 dimensional feature of 9-layer Hubert+final_proj to the 768 dimensional feature of 12-layer Hubert, and has added 3 period discriminators) The file total_fea.npy has been removed, because it is not necessary in the new version of RVC. --- ## character list ![Tohka](png/v01.png) 01 十香 Tohka ![Origami](png/v02.png) 02 折纸 Origami ![Yoshino](png/v03.png) 03 四糸乃 Yoshino ![Kurumi](png/v04.png) 04 狂三 Kurumi ![Kotori](png/v05.png) 05 琴里 Kotori ![Rinne](png/v06.png) 06 凛祢 Rinne ![Maria](png/v21.png) 21 鞠亚 Maria ![Kaguya](png/v22.png) 22 耶俱矢 Kaguya ![Yuzuru](png/v23.png) 23 夕弦 Yuzuru ![Miku](png/v24.png) 24 美九 Miku ![Marina](png/v27.png) 27 鞠奈 Marina ![Rio](png/v28.png) 28 凛绪 Rio --- ## Links [**RVC(github)**](https://github.com/RVC-Project/Retrieval-based-Voice-Conversion-WebUI) [**RVC(huggingface)**](https://huggingface.co/lj1995/VoiceConversionWebUI/tree/main) [**tutorial video for RVC**](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1pm4y1z7Gm) [**SOVITS models for *Date A Live***](https://huggingface.co/Wanlau/sovits-4.0_datealive) [**online TTS model for *Date A Live***](https://huggingface.co/spaces/hzrr/dal_audio_inference)