--- pipeline_tag: audio-to-audio tags: - RVC --- # Voice Conversion Models for *BanG Dream!*   [**English**](./README.md) | [**中文简体**](./README_zh_CN.md) --- Using RVC (Retrieval-based-Voice-Conversion-WebUI) [**RVC**](https://github.com/RVC-Project/Retrieval-based-Voice-Conversion-WebUI)   RVC models for *BanG Dream!*, using voice data from bestdori. These models are aiming to facilitate communication and learning. Engaging in illegal activities, is strictly prohibited.   \*_v2 for v2, others for v1. (the v2 version model has changed the input from the 256 dimensional feature of 9-layer Hubert+final_proj to the 768 dimensional feature of 12-layer Hubert, and has added 3 period discriminators) --- ## character list ### Poppin'Party ### Afterglow ### Hello, Happy World! ### Pastel*Palettes ![hina](png/thina1.png) 冰川 日菜 Hina Hikawa ### Roselia ![sayo](png/tsayo1.png) 冰川 纱夜 Sayo Hikawa ![yukina](png/tyukina1.png) 凑 友希那 Yukina Minato ![lisa](png/tlisa1.png) 今井 莉莎 Lisa Imai ### RAISE A SUILEN ### Morfonica ### MyGO!!!!! ![anon](png/tanon1.png) 千早 爱音 Anon Chihaya ![soyo](png/tsoyo1.png) 长崎 爽世 Soyo Nagasaki ![tomori](png/ttomori1.png) 高松 灯 Tomori Takamatsu ![taki](png/ttaki1.png) 椎名 立希 Taki Shiina ![rana](png/trana1.png) 要 乐奈 Rana Kaname ### Ave Mujica --- ## Links [**RVC(github)**](https://github.com/RVC-Project/Retrieval-based-Voice-Conversion-WebUI) [**RVC(huggingface)**](https://huggingface.co/lj1995/VoiceConversionWebUI/tree/main) [**tutorial video for RVC**](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1pm4y1z7Gm) [**Bestdori!**](https://bestdori.com)