,Unnamed: 0,index,choice1,choice2,Full_sentence,right_answer 0,0,0,My friends decided to keep inviting me out as I am so much fun.,"The next weekend, I was asked to please stay home.",My friends all love to go to the club to dance.They think it's a lot of fun and always invite.I finally decided to tag along last Saturday.I danced terribly and broke a friend's toe.,2 1,1,1,My allergies were too bad and I had to go back home.,It reminded me of how much I loved spring flowers.,I tried going to the park the other day.The weather seemed nice enough for a walk.Within minutes of getting there I started sneezing.My eyes were watery and it was hard to breathe.,1 2,2,2,Avery thought her children would be happy with her decision.,Avery regretted what she did the next day.,"Avery was married with children.She was tired of her boring life.One day, she decided to meet up with an old boyfriend from college.She made poor decisions that night and was unfaithful to her husband.",2 3,3,3,Josh thought that the pie was delicious.,Josh got sick.,Josh loved when his mom baked apple pie.He hated how he always had to wait until after dinner though.So he decided this time he would sneak a piece before dinner.The eggs his mom used must have been bad though.,2 4,4,4,He felt inspiration and then went back home to write.,John then got an idea for his painting.,"John was writing lyrics for his new album.He started experiencing writer's block.He tried to force himself to write but it wouldn't do anything.He took a walk, hung out with some friends, and looked at nature.",1 5,5,5,The cashier handed them the cash so they would go away.,The cashier invited the men to her high school reunion.,The cashier was counting the dollar bills at her desk.Two men rushed into the store and held their guns up.Everyone panicked and started to scream.The men threatened the people to remain quiet.,1 6,6,6,They called the police to come to my house.,They liked me a lot after that.,"The Mills next door had a new car.The car was stolen during the weekend.They came to my house and asked me if I knew anything.I told them I didn't, but for some reason they suspected me.",1 7,7,7,Kerry was disappointed.,Kerry was so grateful!,"There was an extremely obnoxious boy in Kerry's economics class.He monopolized every class discussion with his mediocre ideas.The professor could never get him to be quiet.One day, he showed up to class with laryngitis.",2 8,8,8,Franny ended up getting deported.,Franny learned to examine her prejudices.,"Franny did not particularly like all of the immigration happening.She thought immigrants were coming to cause social problems.Franny was upset when an immigrant moved in next door.The immigrant, Sal, was kind and became friends with Franny.",2 9,9,9,When he finished his paper he went to bed.,Luckily he had been saving everything on an external disk.,"Brandon was given a 10 page research paper to write for class.He begun working on the paper on his 2003 Dell laptop.Brandon stayed up until 1 in the morning to try and finish his paper.Suddenly, his computer crashed and died.",2 10,10,10,Ari opens the jar to find perfect pickles.,Ari's pickles are sweet.,Ari spends $20 a day on pickles.He decides to make his own to save money.He puts the pickles in brine.Ari waits 2 weeks for his pickles to get sour.,1 11,11,11,Trudey hoped self-publishing would be more profitable.,Trudey called her sister and asked her to come to dinner.,Trudey wanted to write novels for a living.She wrote one through traditional publishing means.It barely made enough to cover the advance she had received.She wrote another through self-publishing avenues.,1 12,12,12,The pair then went out to pick olives.,Feliciano was happy about his nice day.,"Feliciano went olive picking with his grandmother.While they picked, she told him stories of his ancestors.Before he realized it, the sun was going down.They took the olives home and ate them together.",2 13,13,13,Aaron suggested he help her cook another meal instead.,Aaron broke up with her.,"Aaron's girlfriend asked him to come over for dinner.She said she was making his favorite, chicken alfredo.Aaron was very excited she wanted to cook, but he hated alfredo.She must have mixed up his words when he told her his least favorite.",1 14,14,14,Oliver decided to not get married.,Oliver was so grateful for his wife's love.,"Oliver was nervous about his wedding.He was worried that he would stutter during the vows.When the time came, he took a deep breath and began to speak.He stuttered, but his wife smiled and hugged him and he was okay.",2 15,15,15,Sarah broke her leg.,Somebody found her cat.,Sara had lost her cat.She was so sad!She put up signs all over the neighborhood.Then a wonderful thing happened.,2 16,16,16,Kelly was mad about that.,Kelly was so happy to finally beat it.,Kelly was playing her new Mario game.She had been playing it for weeks.She was playing for so long without beating the level.Finally she beat the last level.,2 17,17,17,Deb said yes to Tim's marriage proposal.,Deb told Tim she was only interested in woman.,Tim and Deb have been dating for almost a year.They met at a party they attended last Christmas.Tim picked Deb up for a date tonight and took her to a fancy dinner.Just after dessert he proposed marriage.,1 18,18,18,I thought the cereal was delicious.,I loved them anyway.,"My roommate is from Germany.He is a very good cook.One day, he made some sausage for me that he ate back home in Germany.The sausage turned out poorly, according to him.",2 19,19,19,To this day I hate checkers.,I have very fond memories of checkers.,"When I was a kid I really wanted to play checkers.I sat down with my grandpa and he taught me.At first, he was just teaching me but it became a special thing.As I got older, I continued to play checkers with him.",2 20,20,20,Amy spent all of her money on clothes.,She loved her new phone.,Ivy wanted a cell phone like all her friends.She saved up her money from delivering papers.Soon she had enough for a phone.She went shopping and selected the perfect phone.,2 21,21,21,Dave bought an entire case.,They were on sale.,Dave walked into the grocery store.He was going there to buy his favorite energy drink.He only had enough money to buy one can.He reached the aisle and what he saw made him smile.,2 22,22,22,Gina asked her grandpa what kind of flowers he liked best.,Gina decided to go outside and pick some of the weeds.,Gina sat on her grandpa's bed staring outside.It was winter and his garden was dead until spring.Her grandpa had passed away so there would be no one to tend it.The weeds would take over and strangle the flowers.,2 23,23,23,She was offered the new job at a higher salary.,Ramona had no reason to want to change jobs.,"Ramona was very unhappy in her job.She asked for a raise, but was denied.The refusal prompted her to aggressively comb the want ads.She found an interesting new possibility and set up an interview.",1 24,24,24,My parents gave me enough money to buy the console.,At the end of the summer I gave the money back to my parents.,"I wanted to buy a video game console.I asked my parents, and they came up with an idea.They said if I did my chores, I would be given money to save.I did my chores without being asked every week for a whole summer.",1 25,25,25,Felipe never wanted to go to Germany again.,Felipe visited Germany again later in his life.,"Felipe had been interested in Germany since he was a young child.He learned about the language and culture by reading library books.Finally in college he was able to visit Berlin.Felipe loved the German art, food, and beer.",2 26,26,26,Miles got up and walked away.,Miles decided that he needed to be more careful.,"Miles was a roofer.He loved his job and was very good at it.However, one day he was not paying attention and fell off the roof.Luckily, he only broke his leg.",2 27,27,27,Johnny wanted to ask Anita out again.,Johnny did not ask Anita out again.,"Johnny thought Anita was the girl for him, but he was wrong.He invited her out but she said she didn't feel well.Johnny decided to go to a club, just to drink and listen to music.At midnight, he looked back and saw Anita dancing with another guy.",2 28,28,28,"He was near death for sure, he would be gone before night's end.",He got up and decided to go for a jog.,His eyes burned with pain.His stomach churned and twisted.His lungs were filled with fluid.Painful coughs rattled the halls of his small home.,1 29,29,29,Tom hurried to study as much as possible before the test.,Tom felt prepared for the test.,Tom was studying for the big test.He then fell asleep do to boredom.He slept for five hours.He woke up shocked.,1 30,30,30,He decided to buy more lunch and then he felt sick.,He then stopped eating because he was full.,My friends got lunch and met up at the table.Ben was hungry and finished his lunch before everyone did.He returned to the lunch line to buy more food.That didn't make him up.,1 31,31,31,Jill and her dad took one kitten home.,Jill and her dad took both kittens home.,Jill's dad took her to pick out a kitten.There were two in the cage.She couldn't leave one behind.Her dad agreed.,2 32,32,32,I got a nice sun tan that day.,I was hit in the face with a football and got a black eye.,"Today was my 1st grade field trip.My class went to the field in the back of the school.Many students and faculty were resting on towels placed on the ground.In addition, many sports took place.",1 33,33,33,The dog ran home with his tail between his legs.,The other dog got the better of him and bit his ear.,"A dog paused by a pond to drink.He mistook his reflection for another dog.Spoiling for a fight, he leapt into the water.Unsurprisingly, his opponent proved elusive.",1 34,34,34,Peter hated Christmas.,Peter's daughter enjoyed the music.,"Peter wished to show his daughter his favorite Christmas song.He played her a video of the song.Next, he let her listen to the sound track.The last time he decided to sing her the song.",2 35,35,35,Yao placed in two categories.,The judges ate Yao's vegetables without rewarding him.,Yao was an enthusiastic gardener.He had a big garden in his backyard that he loved very much.He decided to take his vegetables and enter them in the local fair.He waited with anticipation for the results.,1 36,36,36,Mary lost her job because she didn't have any stamina.,Mary was glad she learned to jump rope.,Mary liked jumping rope.She would do it all the time.It kept her in good shape.She always had energy.,2 37,37,37,He told me to go to hell.,He filled my order.,I was at the bar with some friends.It was my turn to buy a round.I went up to the bartender and asked him for 13 beers and a shot.He asked for my card and took my order.,2 38,38,38,His friend loved the tacos that Scott cooked.,His friend was so offended he asked Scott to leave.,Scott was hungry.He decided to cook dinner.He cooked tacos.He made enough to share with a friend.,1 39,39,39,He was asked to join the team.,He played terribly.,"Jorel wanted to try out for the basketball team.He practiced very hard.On the day of tryouts, he was very nervous.His practice paid off.",1 40,40,40,Beth's dog had been hit by a car!,Beth had just won the lottery!,Beth and Carol went out for Chinese.After dinner Beth opened up her fortune cookie.Beth was anticipating good fortune for the rest of the week.Beth called her later in the week to give her good news.,2 41,41,41,The water was very still.,The water exploded.,Sally liked the seltzer waters her mom bought.She grabbed one from the fridge.She was excited to open it and taste it.Sally didn't know her brother shook all of them beforehand.,2 42,42,42,Her best friend felt angry.,Her best friend was elated.,"The bride and groom walked down the aisle.The were finally married.The wedding was at the country club.When the bride threw her bouquet, her best friend caught it.",2 43,43,43,Gordon is fired for being late to the meeting.,Gordon vows to be more careful next time.,Gordon is in a rush to get to a meeting.He bursts out of the laboratory and slips on the ice outside.When he gets up he notices he has scraped his wrist.He barely makes it to his meeting on time.,2 44,44,44,The police had to come to break up the argument.,They complemented each other on how tasty the cake was.,"The two elderly ladies chatted as they ate lunch in the park.One of them brought out a basket and set the food out on the table.They talked and ate happily until they began to argue about something.One of them threw a piece of cake at the other, starting a food fight.",1 45,45,45,Mike was glad he didn't walk around the schoolyard.,Mike was sad to see his girlfriend with someone else.,Mike had a beautiful girlfriend.One day he was walking around his school yard.He saw his girlfriend with another guy.The other guy was his friend bob.,2 46,46,46,Kara asked the neighbors not to put out dog treats in their yard.,Kara bought a pet cat and dyed it pink.,"Kara lost her dog yesterday.She freaked out.Frantic, Kara looked all over town for it.Finally she found the dog in her neighbor's yard.",1 47,47,47,"After saving her, we were all relieved.",We then let her go swimming.,Every year we attend a poolside barbecue at my aunt's house.One year when my sister was very young she fell in the pool.As soon as my dad realized she was missing he ran for the pool.He dove in and brought my sister to the surface.,1 48,48,48,The harpooner went down with the ship.,The harpooner emerged on a surfboard.,"The harpooner struck the whale, which thrashed and began its run.For a few minutes, all was well, but then the whale sounded deep.The line could not pay out fast enough, and the bow dipped deep.The boat slipped below the waves, and did not come back up.",1 49,49,49,Sarah was so depressed.,Sarah was delighted she dropped the toast.,"Sarah was very hungry.She went to the kitchen to eat, but only had bread.She made some toast, with butter and jam.When she was walking to the table, she dropped the toast.",1 50,50,50,"After that, we went home and peacefully slept.",We then left six flags and went home.,We left North Carolina the day after Christmas and drove to Florida.It was a long drive and we couldn't wait to get there.We spent time with family and went to Disney World.We spent an entire day in the Magic Kingdom.,1 51,51,51,She thought she could be an honorary aunt.,She decided she didn't like babies.,"Nicole wanted to be an Aunt more than anything.The trouble was that she didn't have any siblings.Today Nicole got a note from her cousin, Xiao.Xiao and her husband were expecting a baby boy.",1 52,52,52,The ocean was a calm as a bathtub.,A big wave knocked Mary down.,Mary and Emma drove to the beach.They decided to swim in the ocean.Mary turned to talk to Emma.Emma said to watch out for the waves.,2 53,53,53,Ashley got a part time job too.,Jeff quit his job that day.,Jeff just got engaged to his girlfriend Ashley!They are very happy and started planning the wedding right away.Within hours they realized how expensive everything is going to be.Jeff decided to get a part time job to pay for all of this.,1 54,54,54,Josh loved the outdoors.,Josh loathed the outdoors.,"Josh woke up early to get ready for the hike he had been planning.After a shower, he made sure all his supplies were packed.He left his house and drove to the park where he was going hiking.Because it was early in the day Josh had the trail mostly to himself.",1 55,55,55,We decided to leave after sitting down.,We had court side seats.,There was a basketball game on Friday.My friends and I wanted to go see it.We got together and got some money for snacks.We went to the court and sat down.,2 56,56,56,It was just what she wanted.,She was very allergic to poison ivy.,Anne wanted ivy to climb the walls of her house.She thought it looked quaint and enchanting.She got small ivy plants and planted them.Soon they began climbing up her home's walls.,1 57,57,57,I know I'll eat pears one day.,I know I'll get there one day.,My goal is to do over two hundred pounds on the squat machine.At my gym that is the maximum weight on that machine.Right now I can only do about one hundred and fifty pounds.I worked real hard at it for well over six months.,2 58,58,58,She was disappointed.,She had a wonderful time.,Ella's dad had to go on a business trip to Munich.Ella begged her dad to bring her with him.She had never been to Germany and she wanted to see it!Her dad agreed and brought Ella with him on the trip.,2 59,59,59,He cried incessantly and begged to go home.,He thanked his parents for taking him to a movie.,"Henry's parents took him to his first movie.They bought him some snacks before going inside.Inside the theater, they sat in the back row of seats.Henry enjoyed the entire movie.",2 60,60,60,He couldn't find the tuna.,He didn't look for the tuna.,Tim loved to swim with tuna deep in the ocean.He would never hurt or try to catch them.One day a fishing boat came to the home of the tuna.Tim tried to dive down the next day with the tuna.,1 61,61,61,She had been away on a trip in Alaska for some time.,To his relief she accepted.,Mel took a girl on a date.They had a wonderful time.The next day he called her for a second date.He was worried she would refuse.,2 62,62,62,Lira became one of the rapper's roadies.,Lira never listened to the rappers music again.,"Lira was so excited to meet her favorite rapper.She had backstage passes for after the concert.She made her way backstage and introduced herself.She was horrified to see that the rapper was drunk, rude and sexist.",2 63,63,63,Caitlin felt guilty and came clean to her mom.,Caitlin's sister took the punishment justly.,"While washing the dishes, Caitlin broke one of her mom's best dishes.Caitlin knew her mom would be mad.She lied and said that her sister did it.Her sister was scolded.",1 64,64,64,Andrea introduced the dog to the family.,Andrea gave the dog to a stranger.,"Andrea was looking for a new pet.She was considering adopting a dog.After visiting the local dog shelter, she decided to rescue a puppy.After the paperwork was finalized, Andrea brought the dog home.",1 65,65,65,Will was very upset that Anna said yes.,They got married eight months later.,"Will and Anna had dated for 12 Year's.They took a vacation together to the beach.While walking on the beach, Will decided to propose.Anna said yes.",2 66,66,66,Each time she rode a different animal making her happy.,Ellie cried both times because she didn't want to ride the ride.,Ellie watched the merry go round.She couldn't decide which animal to ride.There was a pink horse or a blue bunny.So she got on it twice.,1 67,67,67,My friends stopped playing to help me off the field.,I got back up to finish the game.,"I was playing football with friends.We set up in our positions.When the game began, I was tackled.I hurt my knee and screamed.",1 68,68,68,My rehab therapist is motivational.,My rehab therapist is a narcissist.,"My rehab therapist visited me today.He was to do a quick workout.We started off with some lower body exercises.When I did some crunches, he tried to do more crunches than me.",1 69,69,69,My girlfriend just completed a degree in Soil Management.,I took them back to the store and got a different size.,I bought my girlfriend new gloves for Christmas.They are leather and look nice.She loved them and tried them on.Unfortunately they didn't fit.,2 70,70,70,A stranger had stolen her purse.,A stranger had found her purse and returned it to the restaurant.,Mina lost her purse at a restaurant.She was so unhappy!She thought she would never get her things back.But then Mina got a wonderful surprise.,2 71,71,71,"Pete quit his job, and never looked back.",A year later he was promoted again.,Pete got a new job at a software company.This had been Pete's dream job his whole life.Pete wrote down all his good ideas and constantly showed his boss.Before long Pete got promoted to assistant manager.,2 72,72,72,I was not happy to hear from her so we broke up.,I was really happy to see her and we made plans.,I hadn't seen my girlfriend in a while.She got a new job so it's hard to talk.The job takes up all of her time.Finally she called me to hang out.,2 73,73,73,She couldn't help but burst into peals of laughter.,She tried to be as quiet as possible while she sobbed.,Gina just wanted to be alone to cry.The only place she could do that in the school was the bathroom.But people were in the bathroom.She stood with her hand on the door feeling the tears burn her eyes.,2 74,74,74,Gina was sad.,Gina had a great time.,"Gina was watering the garden.As her brother walked by she sprayed him with water.He ran laughing, and screaming.Her sisters and another brother joined in as well.",2 75,75,75,Agatha decided to buy two more.,Agatha decided to return them.,Agatha had always wanted pet birds.So one day she purchased two pet finches.Soon she couldn't stand their constant noise.And even worse was their constant mess.,2 76,76,76,Their parents said they had to complete their chores first.,"Their parents said yes, and they went to the movies.",The boys wanted to go to the movies.They knew if they asked without doing their chores they could not go.They completed all of their chores.They asked if they could go to the movies.,2 77,77,77,He did a great job.,He told me to cut it myself.,"I noticed my hair was getting too long.I tried to cut it myself, but failed.I put on my shoes and grabbed my keys.I went to the barber for a haircut.",1 78,78,78,Sandra told the agent to leave her alone.,So she got cozy with the agent.,Sandra couldn't believe that she had finally arrived in Hollywood.She began going on auditions to realize her dream of becoming a star.Things didn't pan out and she had to take a waitressing job to get by.She soon learned that one of her regular patrons was a talent agent.,2 79,79,79,She then brought out a cake and they all felt better.,She told them that she did not have the cake.,Sally was going to surprise the office with a cake.Sally felt that a cake would be a good way to make them smile.She went to the supermarket to pick up the cake.At the office she gathered the employees around the conference table.,1 80,80,80,Before long Sarah began getting better at Algebra.,Then Sarah gave up on learning Algebra.,"Sarah was learning Algebra on her own.But after several weeks, she didn't improve much.She realized that she didn't set any goals for herself.So everyday, she set a certain goal.",1 81,81,81,Lewy decided to throw all the worthless tractor parts away.,He built his very own tractor.,Lewy loved tractors.One day he decided to build one.He went to the scrap yard for parts.Next he took them home.,2 82,82,82,Bill was the proudest.,Bill is ashamed.,Bill couldn't afford to go to college when he was younger.Now he is an old man whose dream is to get a degree.At the age of 70 he finally accomplished his dream.Everyone was very proud of him.,1 83,83,83,Dan was able to find an owner for the dog.,Dan gave up and released the dog back into the wild.,Dan saw a dog shivering in the rainy and thought it looked lost.The dog was friendly enough and Dan was able to bring him home.The animal had no tags or collar and seemed malnourished.Daniel posted signs around the neighborhood and asked his neighbors.,1 84,84,84,A passer-by helped her up and helped her collect the papers.,The teacher got up and walked home leaving the papers behind.,"The teacher was walking with a stack of papers.Outside started to rain.When the teacher tried to walk down a few steps, she ended up falling.The papers flew out of her hands and landed on the ground.",1 85,85,85,The Bradleys then had a great camping trip.,The Bradleys turned around and drove home.,The Bradley family decided to take a camping trip.They packed the car for the two hour trip.Once they arrived it was almost dark and began to storm.After the rain had passed they set up the tent and started the fire.,1 86,86,86,Don and his wife gave up and went home.,Don and his wife got the movie.,"Don and his wife drove to a video rental shop.After half an hour, the two couldn't decide on a movie to watch.Don asked the owner of the shop to pick out a movie for them.The owner selected a popular romantic comedy starring Katherine Heigl.",2 87,87,87,Missy got another tattoo on her cheek.,"After much wasted money, the tattoo was gone.","Missy got drunk and went to get a tattoo.She decided to get a tattoo on her forehead.The next day, Missy was horrified at what she had done.Missy scraped up her money to pay for a tattoo removal procedure.",2 88,88,88,Jon was happy to see his weight loss results.,John had a burger and fries for dinner.,Jon was getting out of shape.Jon decided to lose weight.He began to eat and exercise better.Jon kept it up and started to feel results.,1 89,89,89,The home team's stands were full when the game began.,No one in town cared to attend the game.,The high school football team was going to playoffs.The team was excited and the town showed their support.Doors were decorated.Businesses closed early.,1 90,90,90,All of his roommates made coffee.,All of his roommates were sick of coffee.,Earl woke up early to make some coffee.He wanted to be alert for work that day.The aroma woke up all his roommates.They wanted to make coffee too.,1 91,91,91,Maggie and her dog are best friends.,Maggie hates to spend time with her smelly dog.,Maggie has a dog.She takes her dog for walks.They go to the park and play.When they come home Maggie feeds her dog.,1 92,92,92,Ella was mad because her boyfriend was so critical.,Ella realized it really didn't matter what dress she chose.,Ella was trying to pick a prom dress.She could not decide!So she asked her boyfriend for his opinion.He said she was beautiful in any dress she chose!,2 93,93,93,Ben never starts working out.,Ben goes to the gym every day.,Ben decided to get more fit for 2016.He planned to work out at least 4 times a week.Ben decided to wait until next Monday to start working out.Monday has passed and Ben still hasn't started his workout plan.,1 94,94,94,Our daughter was very thankful for the gift.,Our daughter felt depressed.,A G Bear is a teddy bear with a box.It talks back to you in gibberish.I bought one for my wife when we were young.She gave it to our daughter when she was three.,1 95,95,95,Chris then opened a business and became successful.,Chris could not sell any eggs.,Chris had a lot of chickens.He gathered eggs from them every day.He took the eggs down to the farmer's market.Everyone loved Chris's eggs and paid a lot of money for them.,1 96,96,96,"After listening, the kids then made wonderful art.",The kids then began to write their own songs.,My daughter was celebrating her 6th birthday.We decided to have a party for her and her friends at an art studio.All her friends arrived and waited for the instructions.Each friend listened to directions on how to paint their picture.,1 97,97,97,Mom slapped Chief Brody for not closing the beaches.,Mom will never shop at that store at night again.,My mom was driving to the store last night.She stopped at a light and couple of guys ran up to her door.They put a gun to her head and told her to get out of the car.They took it and drove off.,2 98,98,98,They spent the afternoon reading books together.,Finally Sal got to the next level with the help of his cousin.,Sal was playing his game constantly.He could not beat level 9 for anything!Then his cousin came over and offered to help him.The two boys played side by side.,2 99,99,99,"After he quit, he managed to find a better job.",Will was then fired from his job.,Will used to work for a coal mining company.He was a manager.He quit last year.He said that he couldn't deal with those people.,1 100,100,100,Bob proudly showed his house to the cleaners.,Bob was nervous about what the cleaners would think of him.,Bob was a hoarder.He collected a lot of useless things inside his home.His home was beginning to pile up with garbage.Bob decided to call a professional cleaning service.,2 101,101,101,It was a spectacular and memorable night.,My girlfriend did not want to go on anymore dates with me.,"I asked my girlfriend to prom in a very creative way.She said yes!I got a tuxedo and she got a beautiful dress.At prom, we were named prom king and prom queen!",1 102,102,102,I did not find the food tempting at all.,I gave in and accepted the food since I was hungry.,"Today was the first day of fasting.I was in a bad mood since I couldn't eat anything.I tried to go to sleep however, it didn't go well.My friends offered food to me.",2 103,103,103,She asked the shelter worker about adopting the dog.,She swatted the dog with a newspaper.,"Jane went on a walk.On the walk, she passed an animal shelter.She saw an adorable dog staring back at her in the window.Jane went in and instantly bonded well with the dog.",1 104,104,104,Rufus was not very musical.,Rufus had determination.,Rufus had always loved the soothing sounds of a cello playing.He resolved that he would learn cello one day.He enrolled in a cello course and practiced each night.Finally he was an expert at cello.,2 105,105,105,The story quickly replaced his stereo.,The stereo was perfectly fine.,Chuck bought a stereo from a store today.He went home and set it all up and was excited to play his music.As soon as he play the first song one of the speakers broke.Chuck was upset and returned to the store with the broken stereo.,1 106,106,106,"Fortunately, her son was too young to remember her mistake.",She was very proud of herself.,"Molly was picking up her son's birthday cake at the store.She didn't bother to check the box before she left.When she got home, she opened the box.Then, she realized she had picked up the wrong cake.",1 107,107,107,Kate did not sell any doughnuts.,Kate won one hundred dollars.,"Kate was having a school fundraiser for Krispy Kreme Doughnuts.Kate was selling the doughnuts for band uniforms.In addition, the top seller would get a monetary prize.Kate worked hard over the next two weeks selling doughnuts.",2 108,108,108,His family loved it.,It was the best apple juice that they had ever had.,"Ed wanted to make homemade juice for his family.He bought a bag of oranges and juiced them.Then he chilled the juice overnight.In the morning, he served it to his family.",1 109,109,109,Lily hated writing.,Lily enjoyed writing the book.,"Lily always loved to read.She wondered sometimes, what it would be like to write a book?She decided to take a course on fiction writing.Lily did well in the course, and during it, wrote a short book.",2 110,110,110,Drew made a mess.,Drew kept his car clean this way.,Drew order a small ice cream cone at the Drive Thru.He drove to the front window to wait for his order.The cashier handed the ice cream with one of her hands.Drew took the ice cream cone and turned it upside down.,1 111,111,111,Sally was happy.,The phone broke.,Sally was trying to take the dog for a walk.She had her phone in her hand.The dog jerked hard on the leash.The phone went flying.,2 112,112,112,Gordon thought overgrown grass was rustic and appealing.,The engine roared and off Gordon went.,Gordon needed to mow the lawn.He got the lawn mower out of the shed.He filled the mower with gasoline and oil.He yanked on the starting cord to start the engine.,2 113,113,113,"So, Mary decided to walk to work rather than wait for the bus.","So, Mary decided to go get a coffee rather than wait for the bus.","The woman hated uncertainty.She especially hated it today, while waiting for the bus.The bus was late, and if she didn't start walking soon, she'd be late.She knew if she started walking now, she'd make it to work on time.",1 114,114,114,I could not come up with any ideas.,I made the painting and felt proud.,"I had always wanted to make a masterpiece.One day while drinking tea, I had an idea.I went to my computer to begin sketching.The idea came together for a great painting.",2 115,115,115,Cora then confronted Dawn about doing it.,Dawn felt happy about getting away with it.,"Dawn was envious of Cora's new car.On halloween night, Dawn keyed the car.Cora was crushed.She had completely no idea who may have done it.",2 116,116,116,Sam hated it.,Sam liked it.,"Sam vowed to try something new at the dinner party tonight.He saw shrimp cocktail appetizers and decided to try those.He lifted a shrimp to his mouth cautiously.As he chewed it, his face broke into a grin.",2 117,117,117,Alma wished she had never gone to that restaurant.,A year later they were married.,Alma was at a restaurant by herself.A guy saw her by herself and asked her if he could sit with her.They started talking and realized that they had a connection.She gave him her number and they started going out on dates.,2 118,118,118,Tim is happy to go to the coffee shop every day .,Tim opens his own coffee shop across the street.,Tim loves to drink coffee.He goes to the same place every morning and orders the same coffee.He goes there so much that the barista already has his order made.This makes things very convenient for Tim and he gives her good tips.,1 119,119,119,The cake still wasn't prepared correctly.,"The wine tasted delicious, which made me very happy.",I went to the wine cellar to check on my wine.I rolled out the barrel and stood it upright.I popped off the cork on the barrel.Into the barrel I plunged a cup on a string.,2 120,120,120,They buy a yacht.,They find out the house has already been sold.,A husband and his wife are looking for a new home.They drive around their desired neighborhood to view the real estate.They find a particular house that they really like for sale.They call the number on the sign to inquire about the house.,2 121,121,121,Kate and Greg licked the candy gleefully.,"Afraid of germs, Kate and Greg threw the candy in the trash.","Kate and Greg went to a little candy shop together.They looked around at their options and made their choice.They went up to the cashier and said what they wanted.The cashier, with unwashed hands, bagged the candy without gloves.",2 122,122,122,Larry enjoyed the interaction he received from those artists.,Larry learned a lot about copyright from his experience.,Larry loved making music.He especially liked remixing other people's work.He would upload his stuff to youtube.Eventually he was sued by too many other artists.,2 123,123,123,They decided to never return to the resort.,They had more fun at the resort than they would have at the park.,Tim and John decided to drive to their favorite amusement park.On the way their car started to overheat and it broke down.They found a mechanic to fix the car but it would take a day.So they found a resort with a pool and swam the day away.,2 124,124,124,I slammed down a glass and stormed out of the restaurant.,We had a great time together.,I went out to a casual dinner with a group of friends.We went to a local Mexican restaurant.I had nachos and a couple of beers.We talked and laughed for a couple of hours.,2 125,125,125,I thoroughly enjoyed the experience.,I'll never buy Proactiv again.,"Proactiv was advertising their products on television.Considering that my acne is bad, I ordered some of their products.After several weeks, no positive effects were observed.Instead, my face caught a huge rash.",2 126,126,126,They said yes!,Amy hated her family.,Amy wanted to be a magician.She practiced every day.Then she put on a magic show for her family.She asked them if they'd been fooled.,1 127,127,127,So Shannon decided to look for her necklace at home.,Shannon bought a dog to replace it.,"Shannon was sad, because she lost her necklace.She thought it might be at work or in her car.Shannon looked all over for the necklace.She didn't find it in the car or at work.",1 128,128,128,Sandy could now see in her home.,Sandy still could not see in her home!,Sandy was at home.Her home was dark.She needed light!Her friend bought her a lamp.,1 129,129,129,Her parents stole her key.,So she borrowed the money from a friend.,Gina lost her key for the 2nd time in 8 months.Last time she replaced it without her parents knowing.But she had no money to buy a new one now.Gina knew her parents would be upset.,2 130,130,130,Hank bought a black car.,Hank was disappointed there weren't any white cars left in stock.,Hank decided on a new car.But he wasn't sure which color to pick.He thought of how elegant white would look.So he decided to choose white.,2 131,131,131,It's bound to be the best Christmas ever.,I think she'll be surprised and delighted by all of it.,"I sent flowers and a cookie to my wife today.Valentine's Day is Sunday but I sent things to her work.The flowers were roses in a glass vase.The cookie said ""Happy Valentine's Day.""",2 132,132,132,Clayton gives his car away.,Clayton is very happy with his new car.,Clayton wants a car so that he can feel more independent.He begins saving more money from his job at the library.Clayton researches different car types.Finally he decides to buy a small sedan.,2 133,133,133,Now Horatio enjoys traveling to many big cities.,Horatio will never travel to a big city again.,"Horatio had always been afraid of spending time in big cities.His friends and family encouraged him to try visiting a city.Finally he took their advice and booked a bus ticket to Boston.Once there, Horatio found Boston to be fun and friendly.",1 134,134,134,He jumped up and several of the bees stung him.,"He jumped, startled and ran for his house.",Arnold was scared of frogs.One day he went out to his backyard.He started playing.He saw a frog jump out of no where.,2 135,135,135,Henry wished he looked like the handsome mailman.,His dad's teasing makes Henry feel bad.,"All of the Ross family has red hair, except Henry.Henry has blonde hair that is very curly.Henry's father often teases Henry's mother about the mailman.The mailman has blonde, curly hair, but he is very ugly.",2 136,136,136,Samantha likes the color of her car now.,Samantha thinks her bus looks pretty now.,Samantha had recently purchased a used car.She loved everything about the car except for the color.She took her car to her local paint shop.She got it painted a bright pink color.,1 137,137,137,Alex skipped his Economics class because it was so hard.,Alex started a home business as one extra credit assignment.,Alex wanted to get an A in Economics.It was a very tough course.He studied as much as he could.He did extra credit assignments.,2 138,138,138,Ivan apologized and turned the oven off.,They were all pleased that Ivan had turned on the oven.,It was a very hot day.But Ivan wanted to eat chicken.So he baked some chicken in the oven.Everyone else in the house complained that it was too hot.,1 139,139,139,The worker told Molly to keep using the computer she had at home.,The worker recommended a few different computers to Molly.,Molly's computer broke last week and she knew she needed a new one.Her computer had fallen off of the table on accident.Molly went to the store to look for a new computer to buy.She wasn't sure which one was the best so she asked the worker.,2 140,140,140,He was scolded.,She gave him a cookie for being so nice.,"One day Wesley's auntie came over to visit.He was happy to see her, because he liked to play with her.When she starting to give his little sister attention, he got jealous.He got angry at his auntie and bit her hand when she wasn't looking.",1 141,141,141,"Before long, he was a happy and successful pig farmer.",Greg got a job at a competing pharmacy for more money.,Greg wanted to leave the city and become a pig farmer.He thought pigs were noble creatures.He thought farming was a respectable profession.Greg quit his job as a pharmacist.,1 142,142,142,The man was caught cheating.,The man was glad he didn't cheat.,A man made a small mark on the back of a playing card.He slid it into the deck without anyone noticing.During a game he saw the card on the top of the deck.The man made a large bet.,1 143,143,143,Maya felt scared.,Maya started to laugh.,"Maya was walking home one night from work.She fumbled with her keys while trying to get into her car.Someone began approaching her from a dark alley.Frightened, she quickly got into her car and started it.",1 144,144,144,Her mom and dad were ashamed of her.,Gina was happy that she got to see her show.,Gina wanted to watch a show that her siblings didn't.They refused to watch what she wanted.Her mom and dad were watching TV in the living room.Gina decided to watch her show in their room.,2 145,145,145,Anna was proud of her hard work paying off.,Anna was upset about doing poorly.,"Anna and Liv were in a contest to see who could a better math grade.Anna studied at least 5 nights every week for the whole semester.Liv, who was much better in math, studied only three or four times.Anna received a grade of 99 and Live only got a 93.",1 146,146,146,Neil fed the dog all of his eggplant.,Neil then decided to eat the eggplant himself.,"Neil stared in horror at his plate.The slimy pile of eggplant seemed to stare back at him.No way could he eat that!Spying his dog under the table, he began slipping pieces to it.",1 147,147,147,Cara's husband decided to go buy wood.,Cara's husband decided to go back to college.,Cara wanted new kitchen cabinets.She told her husband.He looked at how-to videos.He decided it looked like a simple enough job.,1 148,148,148,The teacher yelled at the girl who had tripped.,Everyone in the class was very excited!,The school class took a field trip to an abandoned mine.Their geology teacher told them to look for interesting rocks.A girl in the class tripped over what looked to be a white rock.It turned out to be a really old dinosaur fossil!,2 149,149,149,She arrived to her sister's house afterwards.,Tanya never saw her sister again.,Tanya wanted to see her sister.She took a plane.She watched a movie on the plane.She listened to music.,1 150,150,150,"My husband loves to clean the dishes,",But I do it anyway because I'm afraid he will leave me.,My husband is lazy.He never wants to clean up.He likes to leave dirty dishes in the sink.i hate cleaning up his messes.,2 151,151,151,He sighed and kept watching the movie.,Joe found the movie very interesting and hated the pause button.,"Joe pressed the pause button.He wasn't very interesting in the movie that he was watching.He began to think about everything that was wrong in his life.Too bad life has no pause button, he thought.",1 152,152,152,He said yes.,Sarah told John that she loves pineapple.,"John took Sarah out on a first date at a restaurant.He ordered her his favorite entree, a pork dish.Sarah took a bite and her face swelled up.She asked if there was pineapple in the dish.",1 153,153,153,Sarah save the video.,Sarah ate all the burritos.,"Sarah didn't like the food her school served besides the burritos.So she only bought lunch when they were serving them.But one day, it was announced that they would no longer serve them.Sarah recorded herself eating her last school burrito.",1 154,154,154,Amy was disappointed.,Amy thought they tasted great.,Amy wanted to make waffles for breakfast.She whipped up some batter quickly.She poured the batter into the maker.When she was eating them there were lumps of dry batter.,1 155,155,155,The family was glad they spotted the museum.,The family felt they had wasted their time.,"A family was driving home from vacation in Florida.They noticed a space museum and decided to stop.They went inside and checked out all of the exhibits.After that, they watched a movie about space.",1 156,156,156,Jean dropped a letter in the mailbox.,"Soon, Jean had two pet anoles.","Jean was delighted to receive a pet anole for her birthday.This was the first pet her mother had ever let her have.The next day, there was a white egg in the cage!Jean waited with anticipation, hoping the egg would hatch.",2 157,157,157,Petey was so disappointed that the game was gone.,Petey was very happy that the game was gone.,Petey held the high score in the pizza parlor's arcade cabinet.It was a campaign fighting game from the 80s.One day Petey went in and the machine was gone.The staff informed him that it had broken down.,1 158,158,158,Tom dropped to a knee and asked Peyton to marry him.,Tom was a bad sport and punched Peyton in the face.,Peyton and Tom played football often.Tom always won for many Year's.Peyton never gave up and kept practicing.Peyton finally beat Tom at a game of football.,2 159,159,159,Pam's friends won't talk to her anymore.,Josh revealed he was in love with Pam too.,"Pam was in love with Josh but she didn't know how to get his attention.She talked to her friends, and she talked to her parents.They all offered advice that didn't quite work for her.Finally, she just went up to him and told him her feelings.",2 160,160,160,All got a strike and was very happy.,All was sad at the possibility of getting a strike.,All was not a good bowler.She was lucky if her balls stayed out of the gutter.On her last frame of the day she rolled the ball.It went straight down the center.,1 161,161,161,Roberto was disappointed.,Roberto liked to train others how to box.,"Roberto knew that one day he wanted to be a boxer.Coaches told him he was too old to become a boxer.However, Roberto trained very hard to become a great boxer.Eventually he opened his own boxing gym.",2 162,162,162,Eric then left work to go settle down.,Eric then worked harder than ever and got promoted.,Eric had worked at a large law firm for 30 years.On his 68th birthday he had decided it was time to retire.His friends threw him a large party.They gave him many gifts and they shared old stories.,1 163,163,163,She was mad when I showed it to her.,She was happy.,I brought home a stray cat to my girlfriend.She always told me she loved cats.I thought I was about to get a ton of boyfriend points.I must have miss a key detail in her cat story.,1 164,164,164,Jane decided not to go swimming anymore.,"After that, she decided to carry mace with her when jogging.","Jane always jogged through the same neighborhood.One day there was a big scary dog, but it was being led on a leash.The dog got away and lunged at Jane, leash trailing behind.Jane needed stitches on her arm from the bite.",2 165,165,165,Susie was angry at the goat.,Susie loved the goat very much.,Susie got a baby goat at the fair.She brought it home.Her mom said she had to keep it outside.Susie was worried about the goat.,2 166,166,166,She found a wonderful home right by her job.,Deb wanted to meet new people.,Deb always dreamed of getting married and buying a large house.After she met the love of her life she was ready to start a family.Deb knew that the first step was to buy a home.She quickly started to search for the perfect home.,1 167,167,167,Both of them did not do well on the test.,"Unfortunately, it was the girl who scored well.",There were two students named Alex in the math class.One was a boy but the other was a girl.One day the teacher announced that Alex had achieved a perfect test.The boy named Alex assumed he was the one who had scored perfectly.,2 168,168,168,They gave Tom a new latte with less ice.,They gave Tom a new latte with more ice.,Tom wanted an iced latte.So he went to a coffee shop and ordered one.But over half of it was ice.Tom complained.,1 169,169,169,Andrew's boss gave him a raise for his excellent performance.,Andrew said that he was going to have to find a new career.,Andrew saw this day coming.He had to quit his job.He hasn't made a sale in two weeks.His boss asked him what was he going to do?,2 170,170,170,The cat jumped in the opposite direction.,The cat caught a mouse.,"The black cat saw a small object moving in the grass.The object was fluttering and darting erratically.The cat crouched down and carefully stalked its prey.Suddenly, he pounced!",2 171,171,171,I decided to drink some margaritas that night.,I called my friend who loves basketball and asked him for help.,I played in a fantasy basketball league this season.I've played fantasy football but never fantasy basketball before.I don't like it as much as football because there are too many games.The season is longer and it's basically down to pure luck to win.,2 172,172,172,I was lucky to make it to the hospital.,I prefer to take an ambulances.,Last week I had a small heart attack.They called an ambulance to take me to the hospital.I refused and asked someone to drive instead.I didn't want to pay for all that.,1 173,173,173,Kyrie yelped and ran away from her cat.,Kyrie and the mouse then played.,"Kyrie saw a mouse in her house.She screamed, because she is afraid of mice.Her cat came and killed the mouse.Then, the cat tried to give it to Kyrie.",1 174,174,174,Billy exchanged several of his coins for the baseball.,Billy told the boy the baseball was stupid.,10-year-old Billy's uncle sent him a collectible coin every birthday.Billy showed off the collection to some boys from school.One of the boys told Billy he had a baseball for sale.Billy really wanted the baseball.,1 175,175,175,Kim loved her body shape.,Kim had body image issues.,Kim's friends invited her to the beach.But she was too embarrassed to to wear a bathing suit.Kim looked at herself in the mirror and cried.Kim went to the beach but decided not to go swimming.,2 176,176,176,Lucy was so disappointed.,Lucy was ecstatic!,Lucy was nervous during her first job interview.She answered all of the questions accurately.Lucy waited for three days after the interview to contact the company.The company notified her that the job was hers.,2 177,177,177,Jill ran for president.,"Sitting on her bed was a small, grey kitten.","For months, Jill was asking her parents if they could adopt a cat.Her mom and dad would always say, maybe some day.Then, for her birthday, Jill asked them again, can we get a cat?Her mom and dad responded, ""go check in your room.""",2 178,178,178,Ben was devastated.,Ben decided to become a commercial driver.,"Ben went to the DMV to get his License.The instructor gave Ben a passing grade at the end.Excited, Ben calls up his father to tell him the good news.Ben father never picked up, he died in a car accident that day.",1 179,179,179,Kim vowed to never return to Paris.,Kimmy was very excited.,Kimmy was on a trip to Paris.Her plane had just landed and she and her classmates her excited.They couldn't wait to start seeing museums and churches!They spent lots of time shopping and seeing historical sites.,2 180,180,180,Colin made lots of friends.,All the kids at Colin's school hated him.,Colin started fifth grade at a new school.He was very shy.He thought no one would befriend him due to his shyness.But Colin's classmates were encouraging and kind.,1 181,181,181,I'm sure I'll figure out a place for it eventually.,"The picture has a very nice frame, in my opinion.",My friend got me a planter as a housewarming gift.It's small and cute and fits in nicely with my decor.But I'm still not sure where to put it.I hope he doesn't get sad.,1 182,182,182,We are happy about having a child.,We are sad about having a child.,My wife is expecting our first child.She is glowing and I love her more everyday.She loves to post pictures of her belly on Facebook.She gets so many likes and positive comments.,1 183,183,183,Bob contemplated how unfriendly the world was.,Bob believed that there were good people in the world.,Bob went to the gas station to fill up his car.His tank was completely empty and so was his wallet.The cashier offered to pay for his gas if he came back later to pay.Bob felt grateful as he drove home.,2 184,184,184,"When they exited the cafe, Casey confronted Tom.",Casey congratulated Tom and Susan when they came out.,Tom and Casey have been married for twenty years.Tom had an affair with Susan.Casey caught Tom and Susan on a dinner date.Casey camped outside in front of the cafe.,1 185,185,185,I decided to head to Starbucks instead.,I never drank coffee.,This morning I was running late for work.I decided to get a coffee at the gas station.They only had decaf left.I was really upset while pumping gas.,1 186,186,186,Sarah then happily watched the show.,Sarah could not find anything to watch.,Sarah was home alone.She wanted to stay busy.She turned on the TV.She found a reality show to watch.,1 187,187,187,Benny's team won the title.,Benny decided to quit running.,Benny was a track star at his school who suffered an injury.This injury put him out of commission for three weeks.He wasn't sure of he could make the comeback he needed to go to state.He put in the work every day and came back ahead of schedule.,1 188,188,188,Danny never ate peas again.,Danny asked for more peas.,Danny never liked to eat peas.He told his mom that the peas were too slimy.One day his mom made him eat the peas on his plate.Danny hated every minute of it.,1 189,189,189,I was so happy when I made it back to my house.,I could not find my way back from the post office.,I went to the post office yesterday.It took a while to get there since it's on the other side of town.Once I got there I mailed my letters and headed home.It's always easier to get home than to get somewhere.,1 190,190,190,The teacher eventually stopped putting her pencil cup out.,The teacher rewarded everyone with candy.,"A Kindergarten teacher refilled her pencil cup every morning.By lunch, the cup was always nearly empty.She repeatedly asked her students not to take the pencils home.No matter how much she pleaded, the students put them in their bags.",1 191,191,191,Tom decided to buy more racing games to enjoy the wheel with.,Tom broke the wheel because he didn't like racing games.,"Tom wanted to enjoy his racing games more.So he bought a racing wheel for his computer.After some struggling, he successfully set it up.And he had lots of fun using it.",1 192,192,192,Kevin and his girlfriend liked doing things together.,Kevin and his girlfriend never got along.,Kevin decided to take his girlfriend ice skating.The two of them had so much fun at the rink.They held hands and skated around.One time they fell but got back up.,1 193,193,193,My cousins started drinking more water.,My cousins sued the water company.,My cousins kept getting sick.The doctors couldn't figure out why.Eventually they started testing their water.It turned out to be contaminated.,2 194,194,194,She saved enough money to buy a cell phone on her own.,Kim saved up enough money to buy a used car.,Kimmi really wanted a new cell phone.She asked her father if he could buy one for her.He said no.She decided that she would work to get it for herself.,1 195,195,195,Gina got her pilot's license the next day.,Gina changed her mind after the bully walked by and hit her.,Gina and Tami stood in the hallway talking.Gina had been tripped by a bully at recess.Tami wanted her to tell a teacher.Gina wasn't sure if this was the way to handle a bully.,2 196,196,196,Jake bought 15 shirts.,He bought 10 pairs of pants.,Jake needed a bunch of shirts.He went to the store but everything was too expensive.He decided to go to the flea market.They sold shirts five for ten dollars.,1 197,197,197,My brother freaked out.,My brother kept it that way.,"My brother was trying to connect his glasses together.He placed some super glue over the broken spot.However, his finger got caught in the glue.It started to become hard.",1 198,198,198,Don went to eat chicken wings.,Don had a great time skating for the first time.,"Don wanted some excitement one day.He had never skated before, so he wanted to try that.Don found a local skating rink in town.Don drove to the skating rink with his new skates.",2 199,199,199,Brian's girlfriend left him.,Brian and his girlfriend had sex after they got home.,Bryan took his girlfriend to the movies.They went to a comedy.He bought popcorn and drinks.They laughed a lot.,2 200,200,200,Lizzie left all of her belongings to one child in her will.,Lizzie's children had to negotiate their mother's belongings.,Lizzie was in her 90's and the mother of eight adult children.One night Lizzie fell and broke many bones including her neck.She never recovered and passed away a week later in the hospital.Lizzie left no will as she had expected to live much longer.,2 201,201,201,Bob worked hard and reopened his business.,Bob's business succeeded.,"Bob decided to start a business.He opened up a grocery store and was doing very well.After a year, his profits dropped and he had to declare bankruptcy.Bob was sad to see his business fail.",1 202,202,202,The coach asked Mike to put on a ballet costume.,The coach told him he'd made the team.,Mike liked basketball.He would always play it everyday during and after school.When the tryouts came he was ready.The coach watched him play and dribble.,2 203,203,203,"He loved the clean, fresh air.",The shark in the boat swung his head around and bit his leg.,Neil was touring the Greek islands.He had rented a small motorboat.He traveled from island to island.Neil was having a wonderful time.,1 204,204,204,All the girls quiet book club.,They have fun gossiping.,All the girls get together for book club.They read a new book each month.Then meet to discuss it.After twenty minutes it turns into gossip.,2 205,205,205,She won the game by guessing correctly.,She called the police to report the suspected crime.,Amy was playing Clue with her friends.She listened to the evidence.Then she reviewed her suspects.Amy decided on her suspect.,1 206,206,206,The rich man was hated.,Everyone offered to buy the rich man dinner.,The rich man went to the auction.No one dared to out bid him because they knew they would lose.The rich man bought everything that was up for auction.All the other people got mad that they couldn't win anything.,1 207,207,207,Opal asked her aunt to make her some stew.,Opal's stew was better than her aunt's.,Opal asked her aunt for her famous beef stew recipe.Her aunt reluctantly copied down the recipe.Opal took it home and tried to replicate the stew.It didn't taste as good as her aunt's masterpiece.,1 208,208,208,She ate them both right away!,Linda did not like bananas.,Linda passed by a bakery she never saw before.And she decided to go inside.She loved muffins.So she ordered a chocolate one and a banana one.,1 209,209,209,Nelly wanted nice weather.,Nelly had been looking forward to rain.,Nelly's family was going on a vacation.Nelly was very excited because she had never been out of the country.When they arrived it was raining.Nelly was disappointed.,1 210,210,210,"When it was finished, we enjoyed the delicious peach ice cream.",We threw the ice cream out after it was finished.,"As a child, we had a peach tree in our backyard.One day, my father told me we would make ice cream with the peaches.We took the peaches and added them to sugar and milk.We took those ingredients and churned them into ice cream.",1 211,211,211,The doctor greeted him calmly and he felt better.,Ben was having so much fun there.,Ben had a doctor's appointment.He was very scared.He never went to the doctor.He slowly stepped into the office.,1 212,212,212,Dan did not like the idea of the dance.,Dan went to the dance and had a lot of fun.,"Dan was excited to attend the school dance.The school dance was going to be the highlight of Dan's senior year.Dan would get to show off his dancing skills at the dance.In addition, Dan would get to spend time with his friends at the dance.",2 213,213,213,Jill ate it and it kept her going until lunch.,Jill stopped talking to Lou.,"Jill was in such a rush to catch the bus that she missed breakfast.In her first class of the day, her stomach kept growling.She wasn't sure she could make it until lunch.Between classes her friend Lou handed her a granola bar.",1 214,214,214,Ed was shocked called the police for an investigation.,Ed was delighted to see this.,Ed made beef jerky for a living.He ran the business out of his garage.One day he woke up and noticed his garage jarred open.He looked inside and noticed everything in disarray.,1 215,215,215,John's dog was scolded severely.,John's dog fell asleep.,"John was going to the park with his dog.On his way there, his dog saw a squirrel.When John's dog jerked on his leash, John accidentally released him.John's dog went and chased after the squirrel for five whole minutes!",1 216,216,216,Sam was happy with the dentist he chose.,Sam's dentist removed all his teeth and made him dentures.,Sam has a toothache.He makes a dentist appointment.Sam is very nervous.Sam's dentist is very nice and gentle.,1 217,217,217,Tom's dad was not helpful ever.,Tom's dad was always there for Tom.,Tom rolled his wagon.The wheels then fell off!Tom started crying!Tom's dad fixed the wheels.,2 218,218,218,She woke up her roommate.,Jill danced with excitement.,Jill was hungry.But it was 2 AM.She tried to prepare food quietly.But she caused a lot of noise with pots and pans.,1 219,219,219,Paulo hates his candles.,Paulo likes his candles.,Paulo loves the way that candles make him feel comfortable.He decided to buy some nice candles for his apartment.Now Paulo lights candles after a stressful day at work.It helps him overcome feelings of anxiety.,2 220,220,220,Clint shot wildly as they burst through the door.,Clint opened the door and invited them in for drinks.,Clint grabbed his gun and dived behind the couch.He winced as the pounding knock came again.He just knew it they'd found him!Another loud knock and Clint cocked his gun.,1 221,221,221,A new spot had opened up and Kayla could be in the show.,Kayla became obsessed with giraffes and got a job at the zoo.,Kayla tried out for American Idol.The judges told her she wasn't quite what they were looking for.Kayla was really bummed but moved on with her life.Weeks later American Idol called her.,1 222,222,222,Ralph is glad he looks cleaner.,Ralph combed his long beard.,Ralph's beard has become messy and long.He decides that he needs to trim it.He carefully cuts his beard until it is neat and trim.Now Ralph looks much less disheveled.,1 223,223,223,They loved Tiny.,Simon's parents were mad at Tiny.,Simon had a kitten called Tiny.Tiny was mischievous and often pushed things off of furniture.Once Tiny pushed a glass of the table.Simon's parents walked in and saw the smashed glass on the floor.,2 224,224,224,David rode his bike every day.,David ran away from home.,"David's parents got him a bike.He didn't want one.But he didn't want his gift to go to waste.After learning how to ride the bike, he was glad he had one.",1 225,225,225,While there I had my toe amputated.,I left with a new crown.,"One day, I was eating a burrito when I felt a horrible tooth pain.It hurt so bad I cried.I called my dentist, who let me come in as an emergency.He gave me a root canal then and there.",2 226,226,226,Walter realized he'd accidentally been pulling up her flowers!,Walter continued to pull up the stray plants.,"Walter decided he should do something to help his mother.He decided he would weed the landscaping in the front yard.He worked very hard to pull up all the stray plants he could find.But when his mother came outside, she was not happy!",1 227,227,227,She hated it.,She loved it.,My aunt is a huge marine life lover.She constantly watches documentaries.My uncle decided to surprise her for her birthday.He took her whale watching.,2 228,228,228,Rory got very sick and vomited all over the sidewalk.,Rory went to a restaurant and ate a huge meal.,"Rory loved to eat chocolate.One day, she went to the candy store.She spent all of her allowance on chocolate bars.Rory ate all of the chocolate on the way home.",1 229,229,229,Thomas was grateful his friends were so loyal.,Thomas became friends with the smaller kid.,"Thomas would pick on smaller kids at recess with his friends.He did this to try to be cool and fit in with his friends.One day, Thomas hurt himself badly on the playground.His friends left him, but one of the smaller kids helped patch him up.",2 230,230,230,Afterward the floor was sparkling and Mary was furious about it.,After an hour the floor was gleaming and Mary was very pleased.,Mary decided to clean her kitchen.The floor was filthy!She sent her kids outside to play.Then she got on her knees and scrubbed the whole floor.,2 231,231,231,The mother put them up for adoption.,"Their mom could still tell them apart, though.","Amy and Abby were identical twins.When they were 8, they decided to play a trick on their mom.They started responding to each other's names.They wore each other's clothes.",2 232,232,232,Gino got the job because of his experience.,Geno struggles for a while but gets the hang of it.,"Gino has been looking for a job for weeks.One day he sees an ad for a job at a pizza restaurant.Although he doesn't have relevant experience, he applies for the job.The owner decides to hire Gino.",2 233,233,233,James woke up later and felt much better.,James was having a great morning.,James woke up and was in a bad mood immediately.He went too fix breakfast and burnt his toast.Then went to get dressed and couldn't find any socks.James decided it was a bad day and he was going back to bed.,1 234,234,234,Janet was content with the result of the match.,Janet won the first place trophy.,Janet worked hard to train for her wrestling meet.When she got there her opponent seemed game.They both tried their hardest.It ended in a tie.,1 235,235,235,The waiter put the order in.,The waiter gave them more time.,When the waiter returned to the table the customers looked ready.She asked the woman what she wanted to eat.The woman began to speak and then stopped.She was no longer sure what she wanted.,2 236,236,236,Jack swallowed the ball.,Jack was shook up.,Jack was playing baseball in field near his home.When it was his turn to bat he swung with all his might.He was shocked to see the ball fly past the field.The ball broke the window on his bedroom.,2 237,237,237,Kenya screamed.,Kenya kissed the man under the mask.,"Kenya crossed the street in order to walk towards her house.She noticed a strange scarecrow in front of the porch.Since it wasn't moving, she walked past it.However, it jumped as soon as she took her attention away.",1 238,238,238,She called her parents right away to share the good news.,She was so embarrassed she didn't tell anyone.,Rebecca always works very late to get all of her work done.She hopes that the company president notices her hard work.Finally it is announced that Rebecca will be promoted.She cries happy tears knowing that her work is recognized.,1 239,239,239,He found a rare plant.,He found diced cucumbers.,The cook pushed deep into the jungle.He ignored the biting insects and sweltering heat.He was determined to find the rare ingredient for his dish.He suddenly gasped in surprise!,1 240,240,240,The migraines lessened their intensity.,She was sad her migraines went away.,Johnny's girlfriend was sad.Every day she had painful migraines.Eventually it got so bad that Johnny took her to the doctor.They assigned her pills to help her with her migranes.,1 241,241,241,Francine then became more comfortable.,Francine could not find any tips to help her.,Francine was preparing for her first time on a airplane.Francine has never been on a airplane before.Francine conducted research to find out what flying was like.Francine got several tips from the research to make her travel easier.,1 242,242,242,His family loved it.,He paid the chef $500 to prepare the meal.,Manny wanted to get better at making Italian food.He learned how to make noodles from scratch.He learned how to make different sauces.He put on a big Italian dinner for his family.,1 243,243,243,I brought the beer home and enjoyed my first legal drink!,I decided not to drink the beer.,I woke up on my twenty first birthday excited.I knew that I was going to buy my first beer.I went to the grocery store with my ID.I found a reliable beer and purchased it.,1 244,244,244,They all thought sand castles were stupid.,The finished the castle in two hours.,The Epps go to the ocean for vacation every year.This time they would participate in a sand castle contest.Each family member worked on a different part.The littlest Epps filled the moat with ocean water.,2 245,245,245,Shawn hopes the pillow works.,Shawn hope to return the pillow.,Shawn's pillow is lumpy and old.Sometimes Shawn can't sleep at night.He goes into town to buy a new pillow.Shawn is very excited to sleep tonight!,1 246,246,246,Harry laughed and popped the balloon with a dart.,He was happy he decided to go on the balloon ride.,"Harry was excited to go on a hot air balloon ride.Harry was going with his friend Amanda.Harry and Amanda arrived at the location, and were anxious to get on.Harry was nervous at first, but as they lifted off he was amazed.",2 247,247,247,The neighbor ended up just driving her to work himself.,The neighbor had a history of minor kleptomania.,"Kathy needed to get to work.The ice in the driveway prevented her from moving the car.She tried putting salt, and sand but nothing helped.Finally a neighbor came by to help.",1 248,248,248,I was very angry at Jarrett.,Jarrett did not give Tony money.,"Jarett loaned $200 dollars from me.He told me that he was going to pay me back before the end of the week.The next day, I saw him walking with Tony.He was giving her money.",1 249,249,249,Amy made popcorn.,Amy went online to watch it instead.,"Amy worked nights at a call center.Since she worked at night she recorded her favorite show on her DVR.Amy was anticipating watching the new episode of her show that evening.Amy tried to watch the show, but she forgot to set the DVR to record.",2 250,250,250,Starved he order nachos when he reached the bar.,Daniel always felt that dumplings were a good deal.,Daniel was leaving his house to meet a good friend for drinks.He decided to stop at a Chinese food shop for dumplings.Daniel ate six spicy dumplings at the shop.He left feeling satisfied and full.,2 251,251,251,My girlfriend was happy that I remembered her birthday.,My girlfriend dumped me for another man.,Last week I tried to make my girlfriend a card.It turned out okay but she knew I made her something.I asked what gave it away.Apparently I was still covered in glitter.,1 252,252,252,He ended up having a wonderful time with his co-workers.,He had a terrible time at the party.,"Mustafa had never celebrated christmas as he was a muslim.One day, his boss invited him to a christmas party.Mustafa was unsure at first.Ultimately, he decided to attend the party.",1 253,253,253,Ed's parents grounded him.,Ed's parents were proud.,Ed was not doing very well in science class.He knew he had to ace the exam in order to pass.He studied all week before the exam.Then he did his best on the test.,2 254,254,254,Felipe wanted to make grits more often.,Felipe didn't like grits.,"Felipe had always wanted to try making grits, but hadn't tried.Finally he asked his friend Jasper to help him cook grits one day.They followed each step of the recipe closely.Felipe tried the grits and they were delicious.",1 255,255,255,Olaf took a pinch of salt for the roll recipe.,The bank tellers always sighed but didn't mind Olaf.,"Olaf pinched every penny for retirement savings.In fact, he literally collected up every piece of change available.He was stingy with tips and purchases.He rolled his coins and deposited them in the bank.",2 256,256,256,Gina ate some of the mincemeat pie.,Gina ate mincemeat pie every day.,Gina went to the bathroom at her grandma's house.On the way she passed the kitchen.On the table was the remains of a mincemeat pie.Gina hadn't had mincemeat pie in 10 Years.,1 257,257,257,Taylor was delighted by the news.,So Taylor got a job.,Taylor spent several hours per day surfing the web on her smartphone.One day she was notified that her phone's internet was cut off.Taylor called her parents to find out what was going on.They told her they wouldn't be paying for her internet anymore.,2 258,258,258,When Gina went home she cried to her mom.,When Gina went home she told her mom what a great day she had.,"Gina was sad.Her first day of high school hadn't turned out as she hoped.She spent most of the day waiting to enroll.She was alone for most of that time, and lunch was lonely too.",1 259,259,259,Michael decided that using calendars wasn't worth it.,Michael was more careful with his calendars in the future.,Michael had a calendar full of notes.His calendar contained a special date.One day he accidentally threw his calendar away.Michael ended up missing his date.,2 260,260,260,The new accountant wanted to adjust to his surroundings.,The new accountant told the supervisor he was quitting.,The new accountant got confused where his desk was.He found his supervisor and asked her where he was to be seated.She walked him to his stationed desk.He sat down and then asked her about the recent assignment.,1 261,261,261,Cary danced around the pole to the music.,Cary was still terrible and everyone made fun of her again.,Cary went to a karaoke bar and sang horribly one night.Everyone laughed and made her feel sad.Cary found a vocal coach in her home town.After a few lessons she went back to the karaoke bar.,2 262,262,262,Aya was thrilled!,Aya hated plants.,Aya wanted to grow her own flowers.She bought seeds at the garden store.She planted them and watered them.Soon she had little sprouts!,1 263,263,263,Liza hurried to shore.,Liza gently stroked the shark's fin.,"Liza was surfing one day.Suddenly while paddling, she felt a sharp sting.She looked down and gaped with shock.A shark and nipped off one of her fingers!",1 264,264,264,They got married and had nothing further to do with me.,They both congratulated me on my marriage.,My parents split up.My dad went out of state to work.He met a new girl.they fell in love.,1 265,265,265,We were so angry we sent them away immediately.,We had them start the work the next day.,A company came to give a quote on windows.They walked around and measured all the windows.They then sat us down and went over their products.All the options looked great.,2 266,266,266,Tom was able to build the boat within one month.,Tom never got the supplies he needed to build the boat.,Tom wanted to build a boat.He went to the store to buy the wood.Tom couldn't afford all of the supplies.His father helped Tom buy the other supplies.,1 267,267,267,He barely made it in time.,He decided to go back to work instead.,His stomach churned as he raced down the stairs.He knew he must reach the restroom before he became too sick.He leapt down the last steps and flew past a co worker.The restroom was only feet away from him.,1 268,268,268,Bradley passed and did well.,Bradley failed and was upset.,"Bradley finished his test.He got up and gave his test paper to the teacher.The next day, he receive his paper.The teacher gave him a D.",2 269,269,269,"It took some time, but Kelly found her earring again.",The earring had come into the possession of a traveling merchant.,Kelly was going swimming in the ocean yesterday.She had fun and loved the water.Unfortunately something terrible happened.To her surprise her earring was gone.,1 270,270,270,He put the letter back in the mailbox.,He threw the rest of the mail in the box on the ground.,"A man walked down the street on a summer day.He walked past a mail box and noticed a letter on the ground.Upon examination, the letter was addressed and stamped.The man thought that the letter must have fallen out.",1 271,271,271,Harry was very happy.,Harry was very sad.,"Harry bought a puppy.Harry and the puppy loved each other.They grew old together.By the time the puppy was a dog, Harry knew it would die soon.",2 272,272,272,Hank hates hairy faces.,Hank decided he liked his beard.,Hank grew out a large beard.His friend told Hank that he looked like an old homeless man with it.Hank went home and intended to shave it off.He brought the razor close to his beard and paused.,2 273,273,273,Samantha was able to break the ice by talking about peaches.,Samantha told her date everything she knew about apples.,Samantha arrives at the bar for her date early.She decides to look through the magazine sitting on the bar.Samantha becomes engrossed in an article about peaches.By the time her date arrives she has read all about peaches.,1 274,274,274,Tara was grateful to her boss.,Tara was angered by this.,Tara was sick in bed all week.She missed work due to a really bad flu.Tara got a surprise visit from her boss in the evening.Her boss sent her cookies and a get-well card.,1 275,275,275,Earl was happy that the day was nice and calm.,Earl was shocked as Jack drove away.,"Earl went out with his cousin Jack plenty of times.Earl didn't think anything bad would happen this day.But Jack had a stolen car for them to ride in.Next, Jack pulled into a bank and then came running out with cash.",2 276,276,276,Davids mom took him to get a kitten.,His mom said yes he could keep the puppy.,David was walking home from school.He heard a tiny bark behind him.A small black puppy was following him home.He asked his mom if he could keep it.,2 277,277,277,"Now, playing or seeing baseball on TV reminds me of my father.",I can't sit through an entire baseball game without boredom.,My dad took me to a baseball game when I was little.He spent that night teaching me all about the sport.He showed me every position and what everything meant.He introduced me to one of my favorite games ever.,1 278,278,278,It was one of the most enjoyable nights ever.,The headache went away in about twenty minutes.,Last night I had the worst headache.The pain literally was lasting hours.Nothing would help the pain.Finally I took Advil.,2 279,279,279,The jars made great holiday gifts for friends and family.,Canned blackberries have a long shelf life.,Bonnie's family went berry picking.They got so many strawberries they weren't sure what to do with them.They had strawberry shortcake for dessert every night for a week.They learned to make jam and canned over two dozen jars.,1 280,280,280,Mary felt very hurt.,Mary felt very appreciated.,Mary wanted to dress up as an angel.So she got the wings and the pink outfit.And she even wrote what she was trying to be so no one would wonder.But some of her friends as school started laughing.,1 281,281,281,Ron didn't meet the requirements and got hired anyway.,Ron was happy because he knew how to speak Spanish.,Ron really wanted to get promoted at his work place.He researched different strategies to move up within the company.Ron found out a higher position was created for bilingual employees.The requirement for the new position is to be able to speak Spanish.,2 282,282,282,Shelly was happy about the good haircut.,Shelly was sad and learned her lesson.,Shelly bought a pack of gum at the store.She chewed it so often that she fell asleep with it in her mouth.The next morning there was gum stuck in Shelly's hair.Her mom had to cut out a large chunk of her hair and she looked funny.,2 283,283,283,Penny loved gaming.,Penny was not very competitive.,Penny went to the arcade to play his favorite game.He put 2 quarters inside the pacman machine.He played vigorously until his hands hurt.The game made a sound when he beat the last level.,1 284,284,284,Kimmy saw several owls fly away into the night.,Kimmy turned on her flashlight to scream at the owls in fright.,Kimmy loved owls.She visited a national park with her brother to try to spot them.They arrived at dusk and sat in their hiding spot.Soon they saw an amazing sight.,1 285,285,285,Sal ripped up his designs and threw them away.,Sal was excited for his future with the businessman.,Sal loved to draw designs for shoes.He would pin them up all around his workshop.One day a rich businessman came to his workshop.He saw all of Sal's designs and was very impressed.,2 286,286,286,Eric had been interested in keeping pigeons for years.,"While he chased the bird, more pigeons ran after his food.","Eric was having a picnic in the park with his girlfriend.Eric was eating a sandwich and enjoying the weather.All of a sudden, a pigeons swooped down and snagged his sandwich.Eric quickly chased after the pigeon.",2 287,287,287,Stella decided to take as shower.,Stella wondered what was going on.,"Stella was so excited that a new family had moved in next door.She watched out the window waiting to see the new kid.After getting out of the minivan, the new girl went inside.But then a confused Stella saw the same girl get out of the car again!",2 288,288,288,He didn't like drones.,He bought the drone.,Todd was tech savvy.He always had the latest of every gadget.He went to the local electronics store to browse.He eyed a new drone model that was just released.,2 289,289,289,Jordyn decided he didn't want to go to Disney World anymore.,Jordyn wants to meet Mickey Mouse.,Jordyn's family goes on vacation every summer.They always choose a different place each year.This year they are going to Disney World.Jordyn has wanted to go to Disney for many Year's.,2 290,290,290,We all hate diary products.,We all love ice cream.,We all went on vacation to Vermont.We went to different maple syrup farms.We tried different cheeses at cheese factories.But our favorite part was the trip to Ben and Jerry's.,2 291,291,291,But Ray wasn't worried.,Ray hoped the bear wouldn't find him.,Ray was camping.Suddenly he heard a scary noise in the middle of the night.He peeked outside his tent.It was a huge bear sniffing around!,2 292,292,292,Rachel ignored their cruel comments.,Rachel was inspired by their comments.,Rachel loved to sing.Her parents and friends told her she was good at it.Rachel uploaded videos onto youtube of her singing.People said she was off key and terrible.,1 293,293,293,Ida thought the hardwood floors made her house feel like a home.,Ida re-installed the carpet in the living room the next day.,"Ida really wanted hardwood floors in her living room.She worked overtime often to save up the money.Then she shopped for the flooring and had it installed.When she saw her new hardwood floors, she almost cried.",1 294,294,294,Now my sister-in-law has to use dentures.,Now my sister-in-law enjoys hard candy and caramel apples.,My sister in law had only four teeth.She did not see a dentist for Years.Last month her teeth started bothering her.She had her teeth pulled.,1 295,295,295,Jon spent the rest of the night with friends.,Jon was angry at his friends.,Jon just broke up with his girlfriend.He was feeling quite depressed.He called up his friends for support.His friends came to pick up Jon.,1 296,296,296,Jimmy quit his job two weeks later.,Jimmy was very happy to have a job right after graduating.,Jimmy wanted to get some work experience as a senior in college.He applied as an intern to a construction company nearby.He really enjoyed working for them and was offered a position.Jimmy accepted the position as a full-time employee.,2 297,297,297,Ray threw his pork chops in the trash can.,Ray felt very proud of himself.,Ray was cooking pork chops.When he was done he shouted to the family.No one ate the pork chops.Ray was sad.,1 298,298,298,His dad praised him for his hard work.,Rick learned a valuable lesson that week.,"When Rick was 6, his father gave him an allowance.Rick had to clean his room once a week to get the allowance.The first week, he forgot to clean his room.He cried when his father didn't give him an allowance.",2 299,299,299,Frank was very grateful for the gift.,Frank threw the wagon away.,Frank opened his present.It was a shiny red wagon.He started to cry.His father explained that he'd once gotten one as a gift.,1 300,300,300,Julie's teammates said she let down the team.,Julie's first goal won the game.,"The soccer game was tied 3 to 3 and there was a minute left to play.Julie had never scored a goal yet, but knew today would be her day.Ashley passed her the ball and this was chance.She kicked as hard as she could, and the ball soared into the net.",2 301,301,301,I find driving much more convenient than bikes and mass transit.,I now ride my bike or take mass transit to get around.,I did not drive until I was 26.I lived in the city and used bikes or mass transit.My brother urged me to get a driver's license.I took courses and passed the road test.,1 302,302,302,Molly had a great day.,Molly is allergic to corn.,Molly loves popcorn.She eats it everyday.On Molly birthday her mom took her to the popcorn factory.They took a tour of the factory.,1 303,303,303,Tim told the driver to take him to Toronto.,Tim was very thankful.,"Tim rented a car to visit his ill mother.Tim's mother was in a nursing home in Detroit.While on his way to the nursing home, Tim was in a car accident.The tow truck driver offered to drop off Tim at the nursing home.",2 304,304,304,I was relieved.,I was disappointed.,"I'm waiting for a payment to come through the mail.After several weeks, nothing came through the mail.A few people knocked on my door.Apparently they have the mail with my payment.",1 305,305,305,Rich was successful in Alcoholics Anonymous and became a sponsor.,Rich decided to pour himself a drink.,Rich had worked in the woods for Years.He spent most of his days alone and his nights drinking.As he got older he realized his lifestyle needed to change.He went to Alcoholics Anonymous and sobered up.,1 306,306,306,He decided it was time to get a new dog.,They made it home safely.,Omar was walking his dog in a new neighborhood.Then he realized he had gotten lost!Omar was afraid.He retraced his steps carefully.,2 307,307,307,Dana felt flustered and pushed her feet away.,Dana wondered if there was any more ginger ale in the kitchen.,Dana thought his girlfriend's roommate liked him.But tonight he found out how much.He showed at his girlfriend's home and her roommate opened the door.She sat next to him and then put her feet in his lap.,1 308,308,308,June cried herself to sleep and woke up hungry in the morning.,June packed her bag and bought the ticket to Madrid.,June was three Year's old and was a picky eater.Her mother was fed up with her daughter being so picky.That evening her mother served June her food.June threw the food on the floor and her mother sent her to bed.,1 309,309,309,Janice was disappointed by her co-workers' reaction.,Janice was thrilled and happy for the rest of the day.,Janice was excited to bring cupcakes to her work for her birthday.She worked all day on making the perfect frosting.Each cupcake was truly a work of art.Everyone at her work loved them.,2 310,310,310,The stranger offered them hot chocolate.,The stranger stole their coats from them.,Ally and Jill went for a walk.It was cold outside and it started to snow.They were far away from their house and started to get very cold.They decided to knock on a stranger's door for some help.,1 311,311,311,I awoke to the smell of freshly baked cinnamon rolls.,"By the time I woke up, the casserole was burned.",Last night I was trying to bake a casserole.I decided to have a cup of wine while I waited.One cup turned into three and then more.Before I realized it I fell asleep.,2 312,312,312,They immediately gave me a band aide.,They immediately gave me anti-poison drugs.,"There was a black widow hiding in my shoe.When I tried to put the shoe on, the widow stung me!I began to feel intense pain and sickness.My mom called the ambulance and I was rushed to the hospital.",2 313,313,313,His mom left.,I kissed her.,I was at my friend's house last week.He left to the bathroom and his mom entered the room.She told me I was cute and started flirting.i told her I wasn't interested.,1 314,314,314,Missy vowed never to go back to the carnival again.,Missy decided to go back to the carnival the next day.,"Missy bought a ticket to the carnival.She went in and looked around, open mouthed.She loved all the games and rides!She spent the whole day having a great time.",2 315,315,315,He did not want to play in the snow.,He was very happy to see snow for the first time.,"Gwyneth's family was hosting a foreign exchange student.He was from Algeria and had never seen snow.One day in December, they awoke to see the ground covered in snow.He was delighted and ran outside in his shorts to jump in it!",2 316,316,316,Jim cooked the pizza as soon as he got home.,Jim had always detested pizza.,Jim bought a frozen pizza from the store for dinner.He got home and threw it into the freezer.When he went to cook it he realized it was ruined.He went back to the store and exchanged it for another.,1 317,317,317,Jessica told Anna a secret.,Jessica was sad that she had lost Anna as a friend.,"Anna and Jessica were best friends for most of their lives.One day at school, Jessica heard Anna saying bad things about her.When Jessica confronted Anna, she lied about it.Jessica knew she could not trust Anna.",2 318,318,318,She went back home and changed into a pair of jeans.,Everyone complimented her on her choice in clothing.,"Molly wanted a new outfit for the first day of school.She did extra chores to save the money to go shopping.At the store, she found an outfit she thought looked unique.She excitedly dressed in the new outfit and headed to school.",2 319,319,319,"She smiled, and went back to sleep.",She went to the police and filed a report.,"Tia went out to a bar one night with a guy she'd just met.The unscrupulous guy drugged Tia's martini when she wasn't looking!Poor Tia, unsuspecting, drank the martini and became very groggy.She remembered nothing until she woke up naked the next morning.",2 320,320,320,Todd and his Mom hated the experience.,Todd told his mom that he wanted to go again.,"Mary took her son Todd to the library one morning.They participated in the children's story time.After the group read some books, they did a craft.Todd created a fun mobile to take home.",2 321,321,321,Steve is proud of his egg hunt.,Steve decides to never have an egg hunt again.,"Steve decides to have an Easter egg hunt at his house this weekend.He buys a dozen eggs, colors them, and hides them in his yard.Steve announces the hunt to all of his friends with kids.Everyone has a great time at Steve's Easter egg hunt.",1 322,322,322,Sheena felt great.,Sheena felt terrible.,Sheena mocked her sister's fear of expiration dates.She slurped down the yogurt that was two days past the use by date.She felt the sickness hit her as she drove home.She barely pulled over in time before she threw up uncontrollably.,2 323,323,323,She went inside a nearby cafe.,She went to the sauna.,Gina had done everything she could think of to beat the heat.And it was only noon.The sun was still high in the sky.She decided she needed to go where there was air conditioning.,1 324,324,324,I loved my job so much more after that day.,"I stayed calm, but cried after we were finished.",The other day at the clinic I had to help put a dog down.He seemed really sad and lonely.Like he knew what was going to happen.As we laid it down and it took its final breaths it stared at me.,2 325,325,325,He finally was able to be on time.,Ian threw it away.,"Ian was continuously late for work.He almost always showed up 20 or 30 minutes late.His boss let it slide at first, because he was a good worker.Eventually, his team decided to get In a new alarm clock.",1 326,326,326,Jane had little discipline.,Jane had discipline.,"Jane wanted to get healthy, but cleanses were too harsh.She bought a green juice powder online.She drank the drink everyday for 2 weeks and ate lightly.Although it was tough Jane stuck with it for a month.",2 327,327,327,Jon was extremely upset that he had been scammed.,Jon became friends with the pawn clerk.,"Jon decided to go to the pawn store.He found a bornite-coated chalcopyrite crystal.He bought it for three thousand dollars.Later, he figured out that he was scammed by the pawn clerk.",1 328,328,328,Tom drank water directly from his kitchen faucet.,Tom enjoyed the taste of the filtered water.,Tom was spending too much money on bottled water.So he decided to buy a water filter for his kitchen faucet.It was expensive.But it would save him money in the long run.,2 329,329,329,Dan became depressed for a year.,That date became Dans happiest memory.,"Dan flew out to Spain because he was in love with a girl.It was someone he had corresponded with on Facebook.Dan and the girl met over drinks, and Dan fell even more in love.At the end of the date, the girl told Dan she wasn't interested.",1 330,330,330,Billy gave up reading.,Billy picked up several books to take with him.,"Billy was 6, and just learning to read.His parents took him to the library.Billy was amazed how many books there were!They stood in line for his library card.",2 331,331,331,But looking at it made Bill lose his appetite.,Bill enjoyed a burger there.,"Bill was working all day at the office.It was so busy, they made Bill skip lunch.After Bill's work day ended, he looked for a place to eat.He found a Red Robin right around the corner.",2 332,332,332,The bees did not bother Eric.,Eric got stung by many bees.,Eric was helping his dad clear a wooded area.They were going to put a picnic table there.All of a sudden he was swarmed by bees.He had accidentally disturbed their nest.,2 333,333,333,Bertha bought a bright red wig with frosted blonde tips.,Bertha bought a jump rope.,"Bertha wanted to get a haircut.However, she was undecided on how to cut her hair.Bertha had a idea to go to a wig store.At the wig store Bertha tried on different wigs.",1 334,334,334,Tim's family enjoyed the pepperoni pizza.,Tim's family pretended to like the banana pizza.,Tim was making pizza.It was for the family.However all the ingredients were gone except the dough and the sauce.He nervously put bananas on the pizza.,2 335,335,335,Kyle got the job.,Kyle threw all the books on the ground.,"Kyle had always loved spending time in his local library.He loved to be around old books.One day Kyle saw a sign that advertised an open job at the library.When he interviewed for the job, it was clear that he would be great.",1 336,336,336,He decided that was fun and to try tumbling again.,"Thankfully, he recovered.","He didn't know how the television worked.He tried to fix it, anyway.He climbed up on the roof and fiddled with the antenna.His foot slipped on the wet shingles and he went tumbling down.",2 337,337,337,Eddie never watched wrestling again.,Eddie had the best day with his dad!,"Eddie's dad took him to a wrestling show.Eddie loved the whole show!Afterwards, he got a wrestler's autograph.He decided wrestlers were the best guys ever.",2 338,338,338,A charity gave Sarah money to pay her power bill.,"Sarah didn't pay her bill, so her power was shut off.",Sarah was at home when her power was shut off.She had no money to pay the late bill and fees.She contacted a charity in town.She explained the situation.,1 339,339,339,Angie wasn't nervous anymore.,"Luckily, it didn't rain.","Angie's baby shower was set for this Friday.The weather was supposed to be beautiful.Once Friday morning came, the sky started to darken.Angie was so afraid that it would rain because it was outdoors.",2 340,340,340,Theo set up an audition.,Theo decided not to apply.,Theo played his drums everyday for the last three years.He had been feeling like he needed to take it to the next level.He decided that finding a band to join was his best option.After looking online around he finally heard of a good choice.,1 341,341,341,"As she descended, she screamed with terror and joy.",Amy had never been so bored.,It was the annual school Amusement park trip.Amy was excited about the water rides.She waited in line to go on the log water ride The Flume.When her log reached the top of the drop she became afraid.,1 342,342,342,Sam wished his family would leave.,Sam was excited to serve the food.,Sam is having his family over for Thanksgiving.He got up early and put the turkey in the oven.He worked hard all day prepared all the different side dishes.His family arrived just as the turkey came out of the oven.,2 343,343,343,I'm worried about the weather.,I'm glad it's snowing.,It won't stop snowing.All the roads are blocked and it's freezing outside.I'm afraid we'll lose power and freeze in here too.There's almost no food left and most stores are closed.,1 344,344,344,He had forgotten to turn the stove on.,He turned off the stove and cleaned up the kitchen.,Tom was making some pasta.He boiled some water.He left the kitchen to answer an important phone call.When he came back there was water all over the ground.,2 345,345,345,The Sullivans had a memorable time.,The Sullivans hated every minute of their visit.,The Sullivans decided to go to the country fair.It was their first as a family to such an event.There were so many things to do!The family split up and each of them did what they wanted to do.,1 346,346,346,Phil thanked the guy behind the counter.,Phil was very displeased by the guy behind the counter.,Phil wanted to make steaks for dinner.He went to the local butcher shop to get some meat.The guy working behind the counter was really informative.He helped him pick out the perfect cuts.,1 347,347,347,"When he plugged it back in, it worked.","After that he gave up and bought a new one, without ever knowing.",John couldn't wash his clothes because his washing machine was broken.John didn't know how to fix washing machines.He bought a book to tell him how to repair it.He changed the fan belt.,1 348,348,348,She explained that Shane shouldn't have been caught.,She explained that Shane was a bad influence on John.,Shane and John were best friends at school.Shane was caught stealing and got suspended from school.John was not allowed to be friends with Shane anymore.this bothered John greatly but his mom explained the reasons.,2 349,349,349,Her boss took up a collection to help her out.,Kristie was selfish and cold-hearted.,Kristie's church was going on a mission trip to Alaska.Kristie really wanted to go.It was very expensive to go.Kristie worked at her job every chance she got.,1 350,350,350,Neil had a great vacation in Mexico.,Neil had an excellent vacation.,"Neil was visiting Scotland.He was backpacking, so he had little money.But then he found a city called Glasgow.There, he found cheap hostels and inexpensive food.",2 351,351,351,Tom scrambled back inside the car when the moose charged.,Tom went to pick wildflowers by the side of the road.,Tom always wanted to see a moose.Tom decided to go to Maine where many moose live.Tom saw a moose while driving on a back road.Tom tried to take a picture of the moose and fell out of the car.,1 352,352,352,Eventually he started getting great grades.,Cho's grades got much worse.,Cho wanted to do well in school.So he started a study group with his friends.He studied hard every weekend.His grades began to climb up.,1 353,353,353,Pam was upset at herself.,Pam was satisfied.,Pam thought her front yard looked boring.So she decided to buy several plants.And she placed them in her front yard.She was proud of her work.,2 354,354,354,Bill and his friends then had fun playing.,Bill and his friends then went home.,Bill wanted to play baseball today.He called several friends to coordinate a time.His friends agreed to play at six o'clock.At the field they began warming up.,1 355,355,355,Barry and his father spent the afternoon fixing the window.,The window stayed broken.,Barry was throwing the ball at his house.He accidentally broke a window.He cried because of all the damage.His father decided to help him fix the window.,1 356,356,356,When it was done he put in some butter and ate it.,He couldn't figure out what to eat.,Mike was very sleepy and hungry.But he had to stay up to finish work.He thought eating food would help him stay up longer.So he put some bread in his toaster.,1 357,357,357,I then turned around drove back home.,"My dog seemed to really enjoy the experience, so we went more.","I heard that dog parks were good for dogs.One day, I decided to get my dog and go to the park.I put my dog on a leash and got in the car.We finally arrived at the neighborhood park.",2 358,358,358,Gertrude decides her husband may like the leopard print dress.,Gertrude wonders if she could find a decent job in Atlanta.,Gertrude has always wanted to visit Atlanta.Finally she decides to make her dream trip a reality.She spends several days seeing the sights in Atlanta.Gertrude loves trying the local food and seeing musicians perform.,2 359,359,359,Mark started wearing the glasses.,Mark was embarrassed.,"When Mark was 7, he got a pair of glasses.He loved the glasses because he could see clearly.He went to school and other kids made fun of him.Mark stopped wearing his glasses.",2 360,360,360,Sara stood up and limped back home.,Sara jogged without any incidents.,Sara decided to go for a run.She laced up her sneakers and headed out the door.As she was jogging down the street she slipped on some ice.She badly injured her leg.,1 361,361,361,Gina thought the report was more important than her friend.,"When she got home from the park, Gina was too tired to work.",Gina had been working on a report when her friend called.Gina didn't have a lot of time to finish the report.But when her friend suggested they meet at the park she agreed.Gina figured she still had a whole day and a half to finish the report,2 362,362,362,Kori graded the exams and all the students had failed.,Kori scored a B.,"Kori was taking a science class.She had a test coming up.She studied very hard for her test.The day of the test came, and she had no problems taking it.",2 363,363,363,Trudy was called and told she got the job.,Trudy hated the company she applied to.,Trudy went for a job interview.She answered the questions they asked and showed her resume.They discussed her wage if she were hired and her hours.She was happy with this.,1 364,364,364,Joe hated Maddy.,Joe was grateful.,"Maddy was always used to seeing old man Joe.She thought of him a sort of watchman.Each morning when she passed him she'd give him a dollar.Sometimes, she'd even bring him some coffee or a bite to eat.",2 365,365,365,I felt ashamed of myself ever since.,Eventually I stopped smoking.,I smoked since I was twenty Years old.Last year I decided to quit.It was hard not to smoke the few months.It got easier to stop everyday.,2 366,366,366,He grabbed his golf clubs and went home.,But he figured he would try to make the most of it.,Last night Jack went on a blind date.When he arrived at the restaurant a he heard someone yell his name.He spotted a blonde waving from across the room.She was nothing like the photo she sent.,2 367,367,367,Marsha began to replace her popped tire.,"Since the tire was okay, Marsha kept driving.","One day while driving home, Marsha heard a loud pop.She got out of her car to investigate the cause of the sound.Sure enough, Marsha noticed that her front tire was deflating.Marsha realized the tire had been punctured with a rock.",1 368,368,368,The mechanic told her the light was just malfunctioning.,Ana then fixed the mechanic's car.,"Ana was driving home one night.Then she saw the Check Engine light on her dash.Worried, she pulled right into a mechanic's garage.The mechanic examined Ana's car for her.",1 369,369,369,Julie threw the flower into the river.,Julie got to name the new flower.,Julie was a scientist who worked for a university.She received a call from another professor.The professor asked her to be part of his expedition to the jungle.Julie found a flower that she had never seen before.,2 370,370,370,Amy was looking forward to it greatly.,Amy hated Ben with a passion.,"It was getting dark.Amy knew she had to get home, but she hated to leave Ben.He hugged her goodbye.They agreed they would meet at the same time next week.",1 371,371,371,Henderson's coffee shop was very successful.,Henderson had the close the store the next day.,Henderson had dreamed of having a small coffee shop.He started saving up his money to open a shop downtown.Finally it was the day to open his new shop!Henderson had many customers on his first day.,1 372,372,372,Sandy screamed and ran!,Sandy poured some tea in a saucer for the mouse.,Sandy went into the kitchen to get something to drink.She kept hearing a rattling by the stove but couldn't see anything.She opened the fridge to get the pitcher of tea.About that time out pops the mouse from the stove.,1 373,373,373,Janey hated doctors.,She couldn't wait to get her new glasses.,Janey was having trouble seeing well.She made an appointment with the eye doctor.The doctor said she needed glasses.Janey picked out the frames she wanted and then went home.,2 374,374,374,I found my phone under the couch!,I wasn't able to locate my phone.,Last week I lost my phone.I looked everywhere for it.After a few hours I had a good idea.I figured I would call it.,1 375,375,375,I decided to go for a walk.,I immediately dug into my book.,Every morning I start my day off with a half an hour of reading.One morning I was too late to work and missed my reading time.It left me thinking of nothing more than reading the next chapter.Eventually I was able to take my first morning break.,2 376,376,376,The dogs love digging in their hole.,Sam's dogs dug under the fence and ran away.,Sam's Siberian Huskies dig huge holes all over the yard.He decided to give them their own place to dig.He sectioned off an area with bricks.Sam made a habit of burying treats and toys in that area.,1 377,377,377,My brother decided that the movie was boring.,My brother and I have so much fun we made plans to go again.,My brother and I saw 2001 A Space Odyssey in 1968.We cut classes to watch the movie.We went to a special Cinerama three screen theater.We enjoyed the movie and talked about it afterward.,2 378,378,378,He made out with her boyfriend.,He stopped coming around.,Barbara had a problem with her ex-boyfriend.Sometimes he would come by her house asking for a date.She would tell him no but he still continued to do it.Eventually her boyfriend got fed up and told him off.,2 379,379,379,Randy was thrilled!,Randy was disappointed.,"Randy wanted to buy a house very badly.He spent years saving his money.After a decade of saving, he had enough for a down payment.Randy got approved on his mortgage and bought his home.",1 380,380,380,Laura didn't want to take care of the cat.,Laura bonded with the kitten.,Laura found a stray kitten walking along her porch.Laura fed the kitten some cat food.The kitten was really hungry!Laura nursed the kitten to good health.,2 381,381,381,I put a lot of effort into the paper.,I decided to delete the finished paper.,"I had to write an analysis paper for English.I read the source material over and over.I thought about it very hard.Then, I wrote my analysis paper.",1 382,382,382,The balls were quite dull.,The balls looked amazing.,Two bowling teams were set to play a game against each other.The one team all took out their balls and polished them.They got their balls to shine intensely.The lights of the alley bounced off the balls.,2 383,383,383,Neil enjoyed Sicily.,Sicily was the worst place neil had ever been.,"Neil took a ferry to the island of Sicily.The wind blew his hair as he watched the waves.Soon it docked, and he stepped onto the island.It was so breathtakingly beautiful!",1 384,384,384,Eric giggled and bounced the ball happily.,Eric started crying and went to find his mommy.,Eric was shooting hoops in his driveway.All of a sudden it started to rainy.Eric slipped on a puddle in his driveway.He fell down and scraped his elbow.,2 385,385,385,Steve decided to go see Pixels instead.,He absolutely loved the movie and the wait was well worth it!,"Steve was extremely excited to go see the new Star Wars movie.He bought tickets months ahead of time to see the premier.He avoided the internet to stay away from any spoilers.The day of, Steve arrived early to get the best possible seats.",2 386,386,386,Mark adopted a parrot.,Mark adopted the lab.,"Mark decided that he wanted a new puppy.Excited, he drove to the animal shelter.Once there, he wandered around and looked at all of the cats and dogs.A golden lab caught his attention.",2 387,387,387,I was a much better bowler than my brother.,I vowed to beat him the next time!,My brother and I went bowling in 1963.There was a bowling alley on Washington Street in Boston.They had only candlepin bowling.My brother beat me in 5 games.,2 388,388,388,Greg was disappointed with his gift.,Greg decided not to eat at his computer desk anymore.,"Greg was a messy person.And he ate every meal at his computer desk.One day, he spilled soda all over his keyboard.When it was his birthday, a friend bought him a new keyboard.",2 389,389,389,Kay thought the art set was of great quality.,Kay did not buy the art set.,Kay was shopping online for an art set.She found one she liked due to its reasonable price.Kay looked at the product reviews for the art set.Twenty of twenty reviewers noted that the pens in the set leaked.,2 390,390,390,Collin received a raise and a promotion.,Collin was upset with his boss.,Collin likes to dress up.One Halloween he decided to wear his costume to the office.Collin's boss did not permit costumes to be worn in the workplace.He received a write-up.,2 391,391,391,His dad told him how to make his chili.,His dad walked him through how to tie the tie.,Tony had a job interview!He got his suit ready!He forgot how to tie a tie!He quickly called his dad!,2 392,392,392,The mustard came out and no one was the wiser.,He took the shirt off and threw it away.,"Danny bought a new shirt.He wore it to school the next day.As he was eating lunch, he spilled mustard on it.He scrubbed it off very hard.",1 393,393,393,Greg bragged to his neighbor about the tomatoes he planted.,Greg realized the garden was not getting sufficient sunlight.,Greg had seeds for tomatoes.He planted them in his garden.He watered them every morning.He was sad that nothing happened.,2 394,394,394,His doctors save his life.,Lloyd was perfectly healthy.,Lloyd has had the flu for a week.He hasn't gotten much better.He's old and can't fight it off as well.He doesn't think he will make it.,1 395,395,395,Now I only call people in the afternoon.,I started making more late night calls.,"Calling people at night is risky.If you call after nightfall, be prepared.I did this the other night and got yelled at.I did not like that so I hung up.",1 396,396,396,He saved for a year and never spent any.,He took it all out and threw it in the trash.,Paul put money in the bank!He wanted to save a lot!He really wanted to take money out too!He decided he should save the money.,1 397,397,397,She was happy she won.,She was very disappointed.,Kelly was super excited for the new drawing at work.She was hoping she could win the new iPad.She put her name in and crossed her fingers.Luckily her name was picked.,1 398,398,398,Bon and Luc had a great time in America.,Bon and Luc had a great time in Germany.,Bon had been writing his pen pal Luc in France for months.Then Luke said his family would be visiting America!Bon was so excited that he would get to meet Luc in person.His parents agreed that Luc and his family could visit their home.,1 399,399,399,We decided to go bowling to celebrate.,We felt very unsafe with the driver's speed.,"We were tourists in Italy and had just flagged a cab down.We climbed into the small foreign car and told the driver where to go.The cab jetted off like a shot as it sped up and down the steep hills.It felt like a roller coaster, and Ace of Bass blared on the radio.",2 400,400,400,The glasses helped.,Jan was confused by the doctor's prescription.,Jan's baby was born premature.She had some health difficulties.The doctor said that she needed to wear glasses to help her eyes.He prescribed special glasses for premature babies.,1 401,401,401,He decided to call and thank his broker for the email.,He found one that offered the same coverage for $80 less.,Sam opened his email to a new insurance premium.He quite literally spat coffee when he saw the final tally.He steamed that the jokers had raised his rate by $50!Sam spent the whole day shopping around for a new insurance broker.,2 402,402,402,Mike hung up on him.,Mike cried hysterically.,Mike was in charge of the local flea market.A man called him and asked for a spot at the market.Mike told him it would cost $40 to set up a table.The man on the phone tried to bribe Mike with some of his wares.,1 403,403,403,They bloomed right on schedule.,Polly's plants never bloomed.,Polly planted crocus bulbs with her grandmother.Grandma told her that they would bloom in early spring.There was a late snow that year.But the crocus were not to be deterred.,1 404,404,404,Brenda did not like the instructors negative attitude.,Brenda started to compete after joining the team.,Brenda wanted to learn how to swim.So she took swimming lessons at a local college.Her instructor noticed that she had potential.And he encouraged her to join a swimming team.,2 405,405,405,Paul changed schools instead.,Paul went and started noticing improvements.,Paul was embarrassed by his bad skin.He had been troubled by acne for a long time.He realized it was causing him to be antisocial.He made an appointment with a dermatologist.,2 406,406,406,Andy's wrist was broken.,Andy's wrist was in great shape.,Naomi and Andy were riding their bikes in downtown SF.Naomi heard a loud crash and turned around to look at Andy.Andy had swerved away from an oncoming vehicle and into a trolley.On impact Andy was flung over his handlebars and landed on his wrist.,1 407,407,407,Ala won the game.,Ala immediately left for work.,Ala went to the park.There she saw a few of her friends.They challenged her to a game of Frisbee.Ala accepted the challenge.,1 408,408,408,Dana found her keys in her back pocket.,Dana walked to work instead.,Dana couldn't find her car keys this morning.She looked everywhere.She examined each room carefully.She finally signaled a sigh of relief.,1 409,409,409,Saul's career took off.,Saul never performed again.,"Tam, the star of a popular musical came down with laryngitis.Her understudy Sal, would have to perform opening night!Sal gave a wonderful performance.The director made Saul the new star.",1 410,410,410,She hung up on Heather and unplugged the phone.,Hearing from Heather made her day.,Heather decided to call her grandma on her birthday.She dialed Grandma's phone number.The phone rang.Grandma answered the phone.,2 411,411,411,The recruiter watched her play the next week and signed her.,She was devastated.,Stella twisted her ankle in a basketball game.It was a painful injury.She wouldn't be able to play for at least 6 weeks.There was a recruiter coming to her school next week.,2 412,412,412,I immediately took them out and put them in the fridge.,The popsicles froze after a couple of hours.,"It was very hot outside.Since it was so hot, I decided to make popsicles.I took a mold and filled it with fruit juice.Then, I put the popsicles in the freezer.",2 413,413,413,Eunice had a panic attack today.,Eunice has found peace.,Eunice is interested in feeling less anxious all the time.A friend recommends she tries practicing yoga.At first Eunice finds yoga very challenging.Eunice enjoys yoga more after several months.,2 414,414,414,"Just then, a large cruise ship passed and he was rescued.",A ship passed and he hid.,A man was stranded on an island.He had no idea if anybody would come to save him.The first thing he did was make a fire.Next thing he did was start building a shelter.,1 415,415,415,Beth confronted her coworker about it.,"Beth didn't mind what her coworker did,",Beth noticed things were missing from her desk at work.Her husband suggested investing in a miniature camera.Beth set it up and put some money in her drawer as bait.The camera captured her coworker going through her desk.,1 416,416,416,Jerry continued to run.,Jerry stopped running.,Jerry loved running everywhere.He ran to school and back.He ran to the store.One day there was a beautiful sunset.,2 417,417,417,She was sad to see it go.,She was happy.,Toni took a trip to the local fair with her family.She immediately laid eyes on a pretty balloon.The balloon was red and star shaped.Unfortunately it slipped out of her hands.,1 418,418,418,Travis gave it to the man for free.,He sold the car and solved his money problems.,Travis needed some fast cash.He thought about it and decided that selling his car was a good idea.Travis listed his car for sale in the local paper.After only a couple weeks he found somebody very interested.,2 419,419,419,I hate sports.,We became great friends!,"On the first day of preschool, I sat next to a random boy.We started talking about sports and we instantly liked each other.I invited him to my house and his mom dropped him off.We played football, basketball, and baseball.",2 420,420,420,Lars used his money for drugs.,Lars wasn't able to find a controller.,Lars was playing XBOX.His controller stopped working during a game.Lars didn't have a car so he had to walk all the way to the store.The store was being remodeled when he got there so he went to another.,2 421,421,421,I was so embarrassed when I vomited on the sidewalk.,The news agent told me to give him the rest of the money later.,I was buying a magazine the other day.The price came out to more than I had.It was off by only a few cents.The stand didn't accept debit cards.,2 422,422,422,He was very angry at his boss.,He planned to visit his friends earlier than usual.,He couldn't believe what his boss told him.The boss told him he could leave early.Somebody else would finish his work.He had not been this excited in a long time.,2 423,423,423,Craig calls the person back and tells them to stop harassing him.,He calls them back and schedules an interview.,Craig just graduated high school and wants a job.He gets the daily newspaper and checks out the help wanted ads.He draws up his resume.One of the people where he applies calls him for an interview.,2 424,424,424,Charles lost interest in Sherry when she became self supporting.,Sherry found the job of a teller did not pay the bills.,"Charles thought Sherry was a poor girl, and he loved her.Sherry had been on unemployment for a year, since Charles met her.One day, Sherry was very busy and savvy finding a job.She landed a position as a loan officer in a bank.",1 425,425,425,Joan regretted her new hobby.,Joan was glad she could clip coupons at work.,Joan saw a TV show about coupon queens.She decided to join in this thrifty enterprise.Joan's boss found her clipping coupons instead of working.He told Joan she was no longer needed on the job.,1 426,426,426,Now my books are organized.,My books are very disorganized.,I used to store my unread books on the floor.Today I decided to organize them.I cleaned out a row on my book case.I transported about 10 books to the shelf.,1 427,427,427,The office worker gave up and checked into rehab.,All projects were completed on time and all were correct.,"The office worker claimed she was the best multitasker in the world.Her boss wanted her to prove it, so she gave her a bunch of jobs.The worker cracked her knuckles and began the list of jobs.The worker worked with a great flurry and speed.",2 428,428,428,Eli's parents felt proud about the choices he made.,Eli's parents found out and were angry at him.,Eli was at a party with older kids.They decided to start drinking beer.He tried to fit in and drank some too.He got sick and threw up all over the living room.,2 429,429,429,Carla decided to eat somewhere else.,Carla wasn't hungry.,Carla wanted to eat a hot dog after class.But the food truck that was usually on her campus wasn't there.She found out that it moved to another location on the campus.It was such a long walk from her class.,1 430,430,430,Patricia hates rock music.,The band went on to be very successful.,Patricia grew up in the 1980's.She was inspired by the glam rockers she listened to.She learned guitar so she could be a glam rocker someday.As an adult she gathered talent and started a band.,2 431,431,431,Nancy was a thoughtless parent.,Nancy was a responsible parent.,"Nancy took her son to see some of her friends.Her friends decided to smoke and offered a cigarette.Although she had a baby on her, she decided to smoke.Her son ending up crying from the smoke.",1 432,432,432,Tina jumped on a train.,Tina admired the butterfly.,Tina went to the park to go on a run.It was a glorious day outside as she ran across the field.She stopped at a bench to take a rest.A butterfly landed on her hand.,2 433,433,433,Marcus wore the hat the next day.,Marcus threw away the hat when he got home.,"Marcus wanted a new hat.After he checked his piggy bank he went to the mall.He went inside the hat store and tried on various hats.After he found a hat he liked, he bought it.",1 434,434,434,Malcolm greatly enjoyed being such a smart linguist.,He found it very gratifying to share his expertise with people.,Malcolm was a brilliant mathematician.He wrote many books on the subject.His books were easy to read and easy to understand.The helped people around the world.,2 435,435,435,I was glad when they finally left.,I was sad to see them leave when they went home.,Our family moved from New York to North Carolina.We really missed our family and friends back home.Our aunt and cousin came for a visit one weekend.We spent four days doing a lot of fun stuff together.,2 436,436,436,The lab and Dennis became best friends.,The rabbit hopped away.,Dennis was walking in the woods.He found a black lab.The lab tried to bite him.Dennis showed he was a friend not enemy.,1 437,437,437,My sister has a lot of homework.,All my friends had a lot of fun at the party.,Every year I have a Christmas party at my house.This year was no different.I grabbed my friends together and we had a party.I got it catered and had a DJ as well.,2 438,438,438,Tim was glad to have somewhere to stay.,Tim said he would not be able to afford the rent.,Tim had just gotten fired from his job.He had no money and no place to live.He asked his parents if he could stay there.They graciously let him stay at their home.,1 439,439,439,I wish it had rained more.,I wish he had been sunny.,"Today was moving day.Unfortunately it started raining early in the morning.Since all of my things were packed, the move went quick.We got a little bit wet!",2 440,440,440,"Later on, she meets a handsome gentleman.","She sobbed quietly, feeling very lonely.",Lorraine decides she wants to dress up for a night out.At first she is unsure how to look especially nice.Finally she decides to apply mascara and lipstick.She feels much more confident and beautiful.,1 441,441,441,She wished she'd listened to her mother's advice.,She blamed her mom for not warning her about the weather.,Stacey was going to the store.Her mother told her to take an umbrella just in case.Stacey said it wasn't necessary.Sure enough it started to rainy while she was at the store.,1 442,442,442,Ana hated corn.,The corn was delicious.,Ana was grilling chicken for a picnic lunch outside.Suddenly she had a yen for sweet fresh corn to accompany the meal.She went through the fields behind her house and picked a few ears.Then she brought them back and buttered and grilled them.,2 443,443,443,Tom complained all evening about the turkey burgers.,Tom was excited about the turkey burgers.,Tom loved burgers.He went to his friends house to eat dinner.They were having burgers made of turkey not beef.Tom got angry when he found this out.,1 444,444,444,But realized he needed to be potty-trained.,I went with my new friend to the movies.,"Mom took us some place special today.We got to meet our new friend.Our new friend is a cute, black puppy.We get to bring him home today.",1 445,445,445,Paul decided not to do it.,Paul promised to stop procrastinating.,Paul had to write a research paper for school on Monday.Paul sat around all weekend and forgot about his paper.He finally remembered his paper on Sunday night before bed.Paul sat up all night typing his research paper!,2 446,446,446,He finally calmed down and enjoyed it.,The parents left the boy and went home.,"Ava and Jim decided to take their little boy to the circus.They thought he'd love the performers and animals.But when they took him, they got a shock.The poor little boy wailed with terror!",1 447,447,447,His work shirt was ruined.,His clothes were still white.,"Bob sorted his laundry carefully to separate out the whites.When the buzzer went off he opened the washer.To his horror, his clothes were no longer white.He had accidentally left a red shirt in with the whites.",1 448,448,448,But she wanted to go home.,Ivy ended up loving summer camp.,"Ivy was scared to go to summer camp.But she steeled herself and got on the bus.When she got there, she went to talk to the other campers.Soon she had made a few new friends.",2 449,449,449,Tim could finally write his paper on bats.,Tim compiled a report on rabbits.,Timmy was on an eco-tour in the forest.He was studying bats.He set up cameras and observed their habits.After a week he had collected lots of data.,1 450,450,450,I threw the cups in the garbage.,The glue held and I drank out of the cups.,While doing dishes I grabbed two tea cups with one hand.They banged together and chipped one.I picked up the chip and set it aside.The next day I glued it back together.,2 451,451,451,"After several weeks of trying, she finally succeeds.",Thomas decides he likes tea better than coffee.,"Thomas finds that coffee always tastes better when he makes it.His wife has tried to make coffee the same way that he does.It never turns out tasting the same, however.He tries to teach her how to make it the way he does.",1 452,452,452,The man goes back to the house to talk to the family.,The police arrest him.,"A man breaks into a house and begins to take things.He takes jewelry and games, some cash, and some food.When the family comes home they call the police.The police come and investigate and manage to track him.",2 453,453,453,Jane was happy with the ending of the series.,Jane took the children for ice cream since their father was drunk.,Jane was addicted to a soap opera.She would watch it every day.Last Friday was the big finale.She was glued to the screen.,1 454,454,454,My parents bought a purple van with flowers on it.,Now they can really enjoy their favorite shows and movies.,My parents needed to buy a new television.They went to the electronic's store.They were overwhelmed by the choices but found someone to help.He made their decision easier with his answers.,2 455,455,455,Eric was mortified.,Eric's teacher was pleased with his progress.,Eric's mother made him practice piano everyday.He also had piano lessons every week.He was really unprepared for his lesson this week.His teacher screamed at him for not practicing.,1 456,456,456,John suffocated as the weights crushed his chest.,John began singing show tunes.,John was at the gym.He tried to lift too much weight on the bench.He couldn't get the barbell off his chest.He was too embarrassed to call for help.,1 457,457,457,Theodore welcomed competition.,Theodore passed the test.,"Theodore was taking a typing class.He worked very hard on learning to type quickly.He was sure he wasn't moving as fast as he should.The day of the test came, and Theodore was nervous.",2 458,458,458,Tom recalled how he had never liked Allie.,Tom recalled how great it was to have met Allie.,"One night Tom and Allie went for a walk to the general store.They had to walk along a winding highway through the woods.Along the way, they talked about their various memories and interests.When they got there, they bought some snacks and sat outside.",2 459,459,459,Sue decides to go on a date with him again tomorrow.,Sue decides to forget the man.,Sue had a date on Thursday night.They went to a movie and got food after.She thought it went well and was excited for a second date.Unfortunately it's been a week and she hasn't heard from him.,2 460,460,460,She placed an order online.,She decided not to buy anything.,Vianna needed an entirely new wardrobe.She checked online for places where she could buy clothing on a budget.She saw that forever21 had good clothing.She saw many items that she liked.,1 461,461,461,I just want to survive.,I can't wait to go on vacation tomorrow.,It���s very quiet at night with no nurses running around the hospital.Only the constantly humming machine beside my bed comforts me.The machine has become my life.Life has become very simple now with an uncomplicated goal.,1 462,462,462,Jack ate it.,Jack was shocked.,"Jack was reading his newspaper when a black feather landed on it.He looked mystified at the feather.He looked up, wondering where it came from.There was a giant raven looking at him!",2 463,463,463,Amelia ate the dandelion salad.,Amelia got poison oak.,Amelia had heard that you could eat dandelion salad.She was curious.She picked a few dandelions and leaves.Then she tossed them into salad and drizzled it with dressing.,1 464,464,464,Reggie soberly directed everyone back to their bunks.,Reggie woke up in a hay field with a bad hangover.,"Reggie had never drank alcohol in his life, he was 19.He was doing military job training in Alabama.His acquaintances invited him to a forest to drink alcohol.He drank much and headed home with one another, none knowing the way.",2 465,465,465,Children has always annoyed Bob.,Bob enjoyed entertaining the kids.,Bob got ready for the children's performance.He got out his makeup kit and washed his face.He applied a coat of white paint.He then drew varying colors of rings around his eyes and mouth.,2 466,466,466,Larry's favorite dish to cook is lasagna.,Larry hates cooking and would rather eat fast food.,"Larry loves food.He does not know how to cook.One day, he took a cooking class.To his surprise, he was a good cook.",1 467,467,467,Jake had never seen a squirrel before.,Jake gave the squirrel a name.,"Jake used to feed the squirrels that came to his yard.He was pretty sure that he could tell them apart.To test this, he used to give one squirrel more food than the others.Eventually, he was able to identify which one it was.",2 468,468,468,She ran off crying.,It was the best day of birthday she could have imagined.,Jennifer always wanted to have the birthday of her dreams.Her parents surprised her with a big birthday party at the park.All of her friends and family came to celebrate her special day.She was so happy as she blew out the candles on her cake.,2 469,469,469,I heard on the news that night they sent the kidnapper to prison.,I saw a report about the shoplifter on the news that night.,Yesterday I was at the mall shopping.To my dismay the alarm went on.Apparently someone stole clothes.Thankfully the perpetrator was caught.,2 470,470,470,"From then on, I felt more confident playing football.",I realized playing baseball was really a lot of fun.,"It was my first time ever playing football and I was so nervous.I had never been tackled before.I hoped it would not hurt.During the game, I got tackled and it did not hurt at all!",1 471,471,471,Florence never went fishing again.,Florence and her new friends went fishing again the next day.,"Florence wanted to find something fun to do one afternoon.She decided to drive to the lake to go fishing.At the lake she met three other people who were also fishing.Although she did not catch a fish, Florence had a great time.",2 472,472,472,Sarah's parents were upset and moved her curfew even earlier.,Sarah's parents were waiting for her with flowers and candy.,Sarah was out with her friends.She had been watching a movie at the theater.Sarah lost track of time and arrived back at home late.She missed her curfew by a few hours.,1 473,473,473,The man shouted at the boys that it was a good throw.,Tim and his friends ran before the man could see them.,"Tim and his friends were standing on an overpass.They were chucking rocks at cars as they passed under the overpass.Usually they missed, but one time their rock shattered a windshield.The man pulled over and got out of his car.",2 474,474,474,The office worker began to sing a happy little tune.,The office worker knew it was going to be a long day.,"An office worker booted up her computer.She intended to do her quarterly reports.No matter how much she clicked, though, she could not open programs.Despair settled over her like a pea-soup fog of misery.",2 475,475,475,She threw the teapot away.,She decided to give the teapot to her niece.,Old Aunt Margaret loved her tea pot.It had been in her family for three generations.Passed down from mother to daughter.Unfortunately Old Aunt Margaret didn't have any children.,2 476,476,476,Neil decided never to return to Romania.,Neil had a great time.,Neil loved visiting Romania!Transylvania was lovely even though he saw no vampires.But his favorite stop was Bucharest!The Romanian capital was vibrant and lively.,2 477,477,477,I hope my plants survive.,I hope my plants die.,"I woke up today and realized the plants needed water.I went to the kitchen to retrieve the pail.After working a bit, I watered all of my plants.It might take a day or so but they'll look better.",1 478,478,478,Stacey had no pets.,Stacey decided they were just weird.,Stacey's cats were acting weird.They would run and hide randomly.She took them to the veterinarian to see what was wrong.They said both were perfectly healthy.,2 479,479,479,I hated the cat.,I decided to keep the cat.,"I found a cat outside one day.I took her to the boat with me.I was planning on taking her to the shelter.However, I got very attached to her.",2 480,480,480,My dad went to work.,The first girl was very upset.,My dad was dating a girl.The girl had a friend.The friend liked my dad.My dad eventually started to date the friend.,2 481,481,481,Betty was happy at management.,Betty was outraged and returned it.,Betty didn't like onions.She would order everything on a burger except onions.When she got back from the fast food place she opened her burger.It had onions on it.,2 482,482,482,She had a great time.,She decided to never play video games again.,Sue just bought a brand new computer.She wanted to play games on it.She downloaded her favorite game.She was so glad that it ran smoothly.,1 483,483,483,She agreed with him and sat calmly as he finished.,By the end of it she was in tears and being held down.,Mary was near the end of a 2 hour dental procedure.The Novocaine was starting to wear off.She could feel her flesh being cut.But the dentist kept going insisting it was only pressure she felt.,2 484,484,484,Nita stripped down to her skivvies and ran outside that way.,Nita was pleased she could show off her costume and keep warm.,"Nita had a perfect Halloween witch costume.But it was chilly out and she needed a jacket.She did not want to ruin her great costume with a plain jacket!She asked her mom for help, and her mom made her a blanket 'cloak'.",2 485,485,485,Melanie's house ended up burning down.,Melanie put the large fire out with her foot.,"Melanie's smoke detector's alarm went off every time she made toast.She put up with the annoyance for two years.Finally, one day she decided to unplug the smoke detector.That very day, a real fire started in her apartment.",1 486,486,486,Joe fell over the edge.,Joe was glad that the sea was so calm that day.,Joe was working at a marina.The winds started to pick up and he could tell a storm was coming.He had to take his small boat to pick up some customers at sea.The storm started rocking his small boat violently.,1 487,487,487,Now they were awesome.,Everybody loved the hot dogs.,"Mia was making brownies for a party.She just used a boxed mix.The brownies turned out pretty good.At the last minute, she added frosting to the top of them.",1 488,488,488,Kyle took the children shopping for a gift for their mother.,Now Matt and Kyle can go bowling more often.,"Kyle invited everyone he works with out bowling one night.Most people couldn't go but Matt and John showed up.Matt had never been bowling before so they had to show him how to.After a few games, Matt picked up how to play pretty well.",2 489,489,489,He thought about her all day.,He felt relieved that he did not talk with her.,While sitting on the bus he saw her standing on the corner.Her beauty was like none he'd ever seen.As he walked off the bus he wondered if he should have pursued her.He slowly took the elevator to his tenth story office.,1 490,490,490,We were relieved.,We were furious that the boat came so close to our house.,It had been raining for days.The water came into the house and we couldn't pump it out in time.We moved up to the second floor but were afraid of the stagnant water.Eventually a rescue boat came by and got us.,1 491,491,491,Jolene loved what she was given.,Jolene was even more late.,Jolene was running late for work.She was speeding in her car.A policeman pulled her over.She was given a speeding ticket.,2 492,492,492,Natalie made friends very easily.,"Natalie died a bitter crone, loved by no one.","Natalie went out of her way to make people unhappy.She wanted other people to be as unhappy as her.She primarily worked with petty insults.She made people self-conscious, and they left her alone.",2 493,493,493,I made a lot of money.,I lost a lot of money.,Year's ago I decided to start buying Investment Bonds.I completed the forms necessary for payroll withholdings.The deductions started immediately.In 2008 the economy went bust which caused the bonds to lose value.,2 494,494,494,Eve decided that she hated writing.,They offered her a job.,"Eve wrote short stories and published them online.She didn't make any money but enjoyed her hobby.One day, she saw an advertisement for freelance writing.She submitted one of her old published stories.",2 495,495,495,Sam's sandals fell apart.,Sal loved the smell of sandalwood.,Sal scoured the jungle looking for the perfect sandal wood.He came across a perfect candidate tree!He cut it down and brought it to his shop.The sandals made from the tree were very high grade.,2 496,496,496,Her friends noticed she was embarrassed and decided to comfort her.,She decided she would eat a sandwich for lunch.,Jackie was 11 and had to get braces.She was worried about what her friends would think.She tried to hide them when she first got them.Eventually her friends saw them and she was embarrassed.,1 497,497,497,Alfred had a great time and was happy.,The barbecue did not go well.,"Alfred had a barbecue with his friends.They all came and brought their favorite dish.When the food was ready, everyone sat down to eat together.The food was delicious and the company was great.",1 498,498,498,They gave in and agreed to buy Cody a car.,His parents learned that Cody had been exaggerating.,"Cody really wanted a smart phone.His parents said no, believing him to be too young.Cody protested that all of his friends had their own phones.His parents phoned some of the other parents.",2 499,499,499,I was so disappointed that I missed the concert.,I was glad that I caught up on my sleep.,"I was really excited about the Jimmy Buffett concert.My friend Jeff was going to come pick me up at 6 in the evening.But I was feeling sleepy, and took a little nap about 4 o'clock.When I finally woke up it was nearly 8 o'clock at night!",1 500,500,500,Jen enjoyed her dinner with the judges.,Jen surprised the judges with how well she sang.,"This year the American Idol auditions came to Philadelphia.Since Jen only lived 2 hours away, she auditioned for the show.She arrived at the stadium among thousands of other contestants.Jen was so nervous when she stood in front of the judges.",2 501,501,501,I flattened it for my journal.,I burned it in a fire.,I found a flower in a field that I've never seen before.I took out my knife and cut the head off.I wrapped the head and put it in my bag.When I was home I dried out the flower head.,1 502,502,502,He was so happy.,He became very depressed.,Harry had a big crush on Mary.He asked her out on a date one evening.Mary told him that she wasn't interested.Harry was saddened by her response.,2 503,503,503,John unraveled his scarf and threw it into the garbage.,John decided to make more scarves in his spare time.,"John was not looking forward to his social studies class.They were learning to knit scarves to make for the homeless.As the teacher taught them what to do, he realized it was fun.He finished a scarf in class.",2 504,504,504,Fanny is having a difficult time making friends.,Fanny enjoys her new school.,Fanny is new at school.She is from England.Many kids do not understand her accent.This made Fanny sad.,1 505,505,505,He decided to go to a fast food restaurant by himself.,He went to the restaurant with his girlfriend and had a nice meal.,Fred wanted to go somewhere nice with his girlfriend.He had already been saving for months to take her out to eat.He was going to take her to the most expensive restaurant in his city.He got dressed in his best clothes and went to pick her up.,2 506,506,506,I tripped and spilled a bowl of Halloween candy on the porch.,My mother said she thought mine was the oddest looking.,My brother and I always compete at carving Jack-o-Lanterns.We try to see who can carve the craziest face.I carved a face comprised entirely of different-sized squares.My brother carved a face in a strange spiral pattern.,2 507,507,507,Michelle then yelled at the man to let go of the mugger.,Michelle then went on a date with the man and fell in love.,Michelle was walking down the street.Then a man in a mask grabbed her purse and ran.Michelle did not know what to do so she yelled at him.A passerby stopped the criminal and held him down.,2 508,508,508,I apologized and turned it down.,I shut the door and turned it up.,I was listening to music last night.It was a great new song.I didn't realize how loud it was.The neighbors knocked on the door and asked to turn it down.,1 509,509,509,Iris purchased the wine.,Iris purchased a case of beer.,Iris was supposed to bring wine to dinner.She went to the liquor store.She browsed the wine selection.Then she found a great bottle of wine to bring.,1 510,510,510,I was frustrated and scared about their lack of response.,I decided it was their problem and not to worry about it.,"Today was the day that my online project was due.It consisted of a group assignment with three other members.It was my duty to organize an informative powerpoint.When I called them to email me their work, no one responded.",1 511,511,511,Harold left disappointed that his band never showed up.,Harold's feet hurt after the concert.,"Harold wanted to see his favorite band in concert.When they finally came to town, he bought a ticket.He entered the concert hall and found a good place to stand.The band played for three hours.",2 512,512,512,Joe was happy to be having such a good day.,The cashier unhappily obliged.,All of the registers were full at the grocery store.Joe picked the shortest line and waited.When it was his turn he threw all his food on the belt.Joe barked at the cashier to scan his food quickly.,2 513,513,513,John was happy to be at home.,John decided to be a better boss.,John was a terrible boss.The workers decided to depose him.So they filed a complaint.Despite the complaint and following lawsuit John stayed.,2 514,514,514,I decided to get a cat instead.,I found the puppy I wanted and brought her home.,I had always wanted to get a puppy.I finally felt I was ready to adopt one.A friend gave me the name and number for a breeder.I visited her to see the puppies available.,2 515,515,515,I laughed and asked for him to hit me harder.,"Not wanting him to grab the belt back, I ran out of the house.",My mom remarried when I was five.She married an alcoholic who was physically and mentally abusive.He used to make me pick out a belt so that he could whip me.One day I grabbed the belt away from him as he was hitting me.,2 516,516,516,He knew his next bill would be lower.,He loved watching television.,Ray looked at his monthly power bill with anger.He went around his house and began to shut off extra lights.On his second trip around the house he unplugged extra electronics.Ray say in the darkness with satisfaction.,1 517,517,517,Dan bought his boat and spent the whole day sailing.,He spent all of the money on ice cream and pie.,Dan made up his mind that he would buy a boat by the end of the week.He spent the first few days checking out the closest dealerships.After the third day he found one he was interested in.On the fourth day he went to his bank to get a loan.,1 518,518,518,Marge treated Janet to dinner for trying to warn her.,Janet created an imaginary brother and is institutionalized.,Janet wanted to convince her friend Marge that palm reading is bunk.She agreed to undergo a palm reading with Marge.The palm reader informed Janet that her brother was angry with her.Janet did not have a brother.,1 519,519,519,The restaurant manager apologized and gave her a gift card.,She decided it was a welcome addition and kept eating.,"Stephanie went to her favorite restaurant.She ordered her usual sandwich.She bit into something crunchy and unusual.Upon inspection, she noticed the foot of a mouse in her sandwich.",1 520,520,520,"Afterward, Bobby and friends were covered in snow.",Their clothing was clean and dry at the end.,"The snow had finally finished falling.Bobby and his friends rushed outdoors to play in it.They made snowmen, snowballs, and sledded.Finally, they decided on an all out snowball war.",1 521,521,521,He was so excited to finally have a drum set.,He decided not to play the drums anymore.,"When Rod was eight he wanted to be a drummer.He would flip his mom's pans over and hit them.His parents had to put all the spoons out of his reach.After Years of wishing, his parents bought him a drum set.",1 522,522,522,Leopold found his iguana under the couch that evening.,Leopold does not miss his iguana.,Leopold's iguana went missing from his cage.Leopold looked everywhere and couldn't find the Iguana.Leopold thought the Iguana must have gotten outside.Leopold put up posters around his neighborhood.,1 523,523,523,I felt glad I won.,It was a learning experience.,I visited Harvard Square in 2004.I watched the chess hustlers play speed chess.I put down $5 and played a game.I played 3 more games and lost $15.,2 524,524,524,She decided to be more careful when she skipped.,She skipped even faster and more recklessly after that.,Sally liked to skip.She skipped everywhere she went.She was skipping down the sidewalk one day.Sally tripped and fell down hard.,1 525,525,525,The man eventually died.,The man felt he could breath much better.,"A man got very tired of being dripped on by his igloo.He built himself a new one out of dry ice.It solved his dripping problem.Unfortunately, dry ice sublimates into carbon dioxide gas.",1 526,526,526,Ava started shaving right away.,Ava was not happy with what her mother said.,Ava had hairy legs.She asked her mom if she could shave them.Ava's mom said she was probably old enough.Ava was so excited!,1 527,527,527,She was disappointed that she never finished.,She was pleased that she sold several copies.,Sasha loved writing from an early age.In her twenties she begins writing a novel and finishes it.Sasha decides to self-publish on amazon.Her book is sold through the kindle marketplace.,2 528,528,528,Agatha found the oven heat was too high.,Agatha found the oven was turned off.,"Agatha loved to bake cookies.One day she put a batch in to bake.However, after twenty minutes, there was no scent of cookies baking.She went to see what had happened.",2 529,529,529,Her son didn't know what she was talking about.,Her son had taken an egg from the ice box and put it in the nest.,"Lacey had a bunch of chickens.One day, she realized one had laid an egg!She was so excited until she realized the egg was cold.She asked her son about it.",2 530,530,530,Tom was very happy to now be surfing quickly.,Tom was glad his cable picture had improved.,Tom didn't know why his internet speed was so slow.He called his cable company but there were no problems.He finally decided to buy a new router.That made a huge difference.,1 531,531,531,Hannah loved the craft project.,Hannah was upset that she didn't get to eat scrambled eggs.,"On Easter, Hannah wanted to dye some eggs with her children.The family sat around the table with the eggs and colors ready.She helped her daughter make a pink and yellow egg.She made herself a light blue egg.",1 532,532,532,John hates Jessie.,Jessie went to prom with John.,"Jessie's friend John handed her a box of candy.She smiled, thanking him as she walked to her next class.Midway through she opened the box for a snack.Inside John had put a note asking her to prom.",2 533,533,533,"He found his cat, but the cat didn't have the shoe.",He looked for his dog and then found his shoe.,Kevin was getting ready to leave for school in the morning.But he couldn't find his sneaker anywhere!He looked everywhere with no luck at all.Then he decided his dog had probably hidden the sneaker.,2 534,534,534,I was relieved when I finally turned the essay in.,I hardly put any effort into writing the essay.,I once had to write an essay about war.I wrote it over the course of 5 days.It was difficult and in detail.It was hard to write about.,1 535,535,535,She then found them online and ordered them.,Amy then purchased them from the store.,Amy saw shoes online she wanted.She went to the local mall but they didn't have them in her size.She went to another mall to find them.They also didn't have them.,1 536,536,536,I suggested he apply to for a cook's position where I worked.,I told him I felt the same way.,"My roommate made fish for dinner last night.Unfortunately, the fish was very bad.Even still, I ate it because he had worked so hard.When I was done, he told me he hated how the meal turned out.",2 537,537,537,Becky and her cousin both had copies of the book.,Her cousin then mailed her the book back.,"Becky's grandmother had promised her a special book.It had been handwritten by her great-grandfather.When Becky's grandmother died, her cousin took the book!Becky was very angry and wrote her cousin a plaintive letter.",2 538,538,538,She gave him a five dollar tip.,She apologized to him.,"Tay ordered a pizza delivered to her house.When it arrived, she reached for her wallet.She saw that she had just enough to pay for it.That left no money to tip the delivery boy!",2 539,539,539,Stevie was mad at his parents.,Stevie was able to buy a new skateboard.,"Stevie wanted a new skateboard but didn't have enough money.He went around the neighborhood asking about odd jobs to do.He made a little bit of money but not enough for his new board.His parents were proud of him, so they pitched in for the rest.",2 540,540,540,Gina stood up and walked home.,She was sad that her friend's hadn't come to see her.,Gina waited outside the office before she had to go inside.She hoped her friends would come to see her before class began.The bell rang and the halls emptied.She went into the office and took a seat waiting to be called.,2 541,541,541,The people were trying to say hello to me.,I did not realize where my briefcase was.,"One Christmas, I received a shiny and expensive-looking briefcase.The next day, I filled my new case and gathered my things.I set the briefcase on the roof temporarily while I loaded car.While I was driving, people were beeping at me.",2 542,542,542,Martina fell to her knees and began to sob.,Martina was delighted.,Martina was the goalie for her soccer team.They were up tied in the 4th quarter.With the time running out the opposing team stole the ball.The player on the other team kicked and scored.,1 543,543,543,Soon she could walk along while holding on to furniture.,The baby cried because the dog ate her sandwich.,The baby had recently learned to crawl.She could crawl all over the living room floor.One day she crawled to the sofa and pulled herself upright.The next day she managed to pull herself up and stand for a second.,1 544,544,544,Jim was extremely bored.,Jim was glad he didn't have to miss work for jury duty.,Jim was summoned for jury duty.He had to call in to skip work.He arrived at the courtroom.He sat through the entire trial.,1 545,545,545,The supervisor gave him a raise.,The supervisor fired him.,Charles didn't take the advice of not dating girls one works with.He began dating his supervisor.His supervisor got jealous because Charles gave a coworker a ride.Charles' supervisor turned into his enemy.,2 546,546,546,Bill is a huge Broncos fan.,Bill thinks that the Bronco got lucky.,Bill bragged about the Patriots all year.He would make negative posts about other teams on Facebook.He would brag about every win they made.The Broncos beat the Patriots in the playoffs.,2 547,547,547,Nina was unable to control her addictions at all.,Nina was on the road to recovery.,Nina was trying to quit drinking.She decided to join a support group.She went to their meetings every week.In a few weeks she was handling her cravings much better.,2 548,548,548,Paul brought his mistress to the party.,Mary forgave Paul.,Mary was pissed at Paul for forgetting their anniversary.Paul had to think quick.He decided to call his friends to help fix things.They helped him set up an amazing party and invited everyone.,2 549,549,549,Bob picked up all the nice things that his uncle left him.,Bob and his uncle went out for a nice steak.,Bob's uncle passed away a week ago.He got a call on a Monday afternoon from a lawyer.The lawyer told Bob that he had inherited some things.Bob got into his car and drove to the lawyer's office.,1 550,550,550,"At her first gig, she realized she never learned how to play.",She played small venues regularly and became well known.,Deirdra wanted to be a great blues musician.She listened to a lot of work by greats like BB King and Taj Mahal.She bought a guitar and tuned it for blues music.She booked a bar venue and started getting her work out there.,2 551,551,551,I went to the movies.,I began painting the rain.,"It was raining very hard one day.It seemed like a bad idea to go anywhere, so I stayed indoors.I looked for something to do.I decided to set up my painting kit.",2 552,552,552,He enjoyed the weather.,He hated picnics.,"Ted went for a drive one day.He drove all around town and looked at who was out and about.Then, he drove to a more remote place.He stopped, got out of his car, and ate a picnic lunch.",1 553,553,553,Joey loved everything about Disneyland except for Mickey Mouse.,Joey had a great time.,Joey went to Disneyland with his family.He was so excited to meet Mickey Mouse.When he met Mickey Mouse he was so excited he couldn't speak!Joey finally said hi to Mickey and it was great!,2 554,554,554,Gina now knows not to inhale the incense smoke.,Gina was able to breath freely.,Gina's uncle burned incense all day long.Gina liked the scent.She leaned in close and took a big whiff.The smoke made her choke.,1 555,555,555,Samantha looked around and left.,Samantha bagged the poop.,Samantha went to the park in the morning.She went to walk her dog.Her dog pooped on the grass.Samantha forgot to carry a plastic bag.,1 556,556,556,Peter used his two dollars to buy shaving cream.,Peter bought noodles.,"Peter was very hungry.He only had two dollars in his bank account.He decided to go to the grocery store.Luckily, noodles were on sale for less than two dollars.",2 557,557,557,Pam gave up trying to trim Archie's claws.,Pam gave Archie some food in an attempt to calm him down.,Pam tried to trim Archie's claws.She tried holding him all different ways.He didn't want them clipped at all!Finally she thought of something that would work.,2 558,558,558,Larry was bruised after a while.,Larry hated sandwiches.,"Larry spent a long time finding a spot to put up his hammock.He spent even longer actually putting it up.After it was up he tried laying in it.He kept falling out, though.",1 559,559,559,He took his shoes off as soon as he could.,He wore them after school.,Larry bought new shoes last week.He wore them for the first time to school.Unfortunately they weren't broken in and really hurt.He was in pain all day.,1 560,560,560,"At the end of their date, Sue thought Bill was a nice guy.","After their date, Robert and Sue decided to have a second one.",Robert had a crush on Sue.Sue had a crush on Robert.Robert asked Sue on a date.She agreed to go.,2 561,561,561,I drove past the theater and went back home.,I enjoyed the movie very much.,I wanted to do something fun.I found an interesting movie online.I saw that it was playing in a local theatre.I decided to go see it.,2 562,562,562,Teresa was so grateful she gave Miles a kiss right on the spot.,Teresa decided to sell the pandas Miles gave her.,"Miles knew his girlfriend, Teresa, loved pandas.He devised a plan to give her the perfect birthday gift.He spent his whole week making stuffed pandas for her.When her birthday came, he gave them to her.",1 563,563,563,Bob drove home right after he made it to his parent's house.,"With the bumper in his trunk, Bob made it to his parent's house.",Bob had to drive to his parents house to make it home for Thanksgiving.There was a huge snowstorm brewing.Bob ran into a pile of snow on the highway.The front bumper came off on his car.,2 564,564,564,John told her to stay away from him.,John then left and felt decent about himself.,"John was trying to hail a taxi in the rain.He was going home to his girlfriend for Valentine's Day.When he looked over, he saw his ex waiting for a cab as well.Although he couldn't stand her, he agreed to share a cab.",2 565,565,565,Billy failed the test.,Billy passed the test.,"Billy really needed help with his test.He fretted all night that he wouldn't pass.He went to school early and his friend Ash helped him.When he got the test, he knew all the answers.",2 566,566,566,The sink was not repaired.,Finally the sink was repaired.,A plumber was called over to fix a leaky sink.He took out his tools and got to work.The problem was that two pipes did not fit together perfectly.The plumber replaced one of the old pipes with a newer pipe that fit.,2 567,567,567,Mary decided to take her husband to the game again next week.,Mary decided never to take her husband anywhere again.,"Mary decided to take her husband to a football game.When they arrived to the front, they gave their tickets away.They sat in the second to last row in the front.Although their favorite team was losing, they had a good time.",1 568,568,568,Nathaniel was given up for adoption shortly after.,Nathaniel thrived and went on to a good university.,"Nathaniel was an exceptionally bright child but he hated to sit still.His mother was nervous that he would struggle in public school.After a great deal of thought, she decided to teach him at home.In this environment he could be himself and also get a good education.",2 569,569,569,He went to the store and found a bag that worked properly.,He used both of them all the time since they fit.,Earl needed to buy plastic bags to put his lunch snack in.There were too many sizes of bags for him to decide between.Earl just picked the biggest bag and the smallest bag to be safe.He found out that the big bag was way to big and the small too small.,1 570,570,570,John's parents were quite ashamed of him.,John's parents were very proud of him.,It was graduation night for John.His parents traveled the night before to see him walk the stage.John waited patiently for his name to be called.The counsellor of his University called name and handed him his degree.,2 571,571,571,Jane was relieved.,Jane was disappointed.,Jane purchase a backpack online for her teenage nephew.She was pleased to see how excited he was when she gave it to him.He hurriedly ripped the plastic wrap off the backpack.When he tried it on it was too small.,2 572,572,572,Mike hates water skiing.,Water skiing is Mike's favorite activity.,Mike would try every year to water ski.It was always hard for him.Then he committed to getting stronger.He was then able to easily do it,2 573,573,573,Ally's dog was worn out for the rest of the night.,Ally was upset with the vet for removing the spines.,Ally's dog met a porcupine.The dog ended up with spines in her face.Ally had to take the dog to the vet.The vet pulled each and every spine out of the dog's face.,1 574,574,574,Perry was a vegetarian.,Perry was placated.,Perry was at a restaurant over the weekend.He ordered a semi rare steak.When he got it he complained that it was too salty.They sent it back and gave him a new steak.,2 575,575,575,Ellie did not like to do things on her own.,Ellie was very independent.,"Ellie went to her first concert when she was 18.She went by herself, because no one else shared her taste in music.She stood at the very front of the stage, and danced to the songs.She clapped loudly until the band came back for an encore.",2 576,576,576,But Jill's mother was grateful anyway.,Jill's mother told her she was worthless.,"It was Mother's Day and Jill wanted to do something special for her mom.She got up early so she could fix her mom breakfast.Everything started off well, with toast and pancakes.Unfortunately she burned the toast to a crisp.",1 577,577,577,Unicorn videos were Tracy's favorite.,They gave the book to her dad for father's day.,"Tracy made up a story about a unicorn for her daughter.Her daughter laughed when Tracy told the story.Her daughter wanted to write the story down in a book.Tracy helped her write it down, and she drew illustrations.",2 578,578,578,Gina checkout a book about dolphins.,Gina went home without checking out a book.,Gina was at the library at school.She wanted to find books about dolphins.She looked on the shelf where she thought they would be.But there were no books about dolphins.,2 579,579,579,Charles was a very reckless careless person.,He broke his rules and drove her home.,"Ever since junior college, Charles has been following rules.He never drinks and drives.But he met a girl in a bar yesterday and she wanted to drink with him.Then she wanted to go back to his apartment.",2 580,580,580,I have decided that I will never overeat on pizza day again.,I kept eating pizza until I felt better.,Pizza is my favorite food.We have pizza day at school every month.Pizza day is a day where we eat all sorts of pizza.I ate so much pizza on pizza day I felt sick.,1 581,581,581,Mac was disappointed with his tie choice.,Mac's tie looked great and everyone gave him compliments.,Mac needed a new tie.He went to the mall.He shopped until he found the perfect tie.He took it home and tried it on.,2 582,582,582,I planned to visit Brock at his new job in London.,"Then, Brock asked me to go to Japan with him.","About ten Year's ago I fell in love with a gorgeous man named Brock.We saw each other every days for 6 months.The love of my life told me he was moving to Japan for a promotion.I was happy for him, and yet sad for my broken heart.",2 583,583,583,Anna's nightmares got much worse.,Anna slept much better.,Anna had been having nightmares.Her dad put a nightlight in her room.He left it burning all night.Anna felt comforted knowing the light was always on.,2 584,584,584,Charlotte did a great job of keeping her promise.,She worried that her mother would be upset.,Charlotte was about to board a plane to the United States.She was about to embark on 10 month journey as an exchange student.She had promised her mom not to fall in love with an American.But when she met Shane it was love at first sight.,2 585,585,585,She was thrilled.,She never had George over for dinner again.,"Today was Lara's birthday!Her boyfriend, George came over to her house and cooked dinner.They watched a movie together and cuddled on the couch.After the movie, George gave her a silver necklace.",1 586,586,586,Kevin and John go out to eat.,Kevin later died in the hospital.,John argued with Kevin.Kevin owed John some money and refused to pay it back.The argument was intense and led to blows.John pulled out a gun and shot Kevin in the stomach.,2 587,587,587,Dylan spent the money on socks.,Dylan was able to purchase his new video game.,Dylan wanted to buy a new video game.Dylan asked his mom so she said no.Dylan decided to do some extra cores and earn allowance.Dylan worked hard and on Friday his mom gave him allowance.,2 588,588,588,Andrew changed his mind and spent months at the summer house.,"Andrew was sad, but the money was needed.",Andrew owns a summer house.He goes there every year.This year he lost his job.He has to sell his summer house.,2 589,589,589,Jim wished it was summer time.,Jim headed to the store to buy a sled.,Jim had never seen snow before.He had just moved to Indiana a couple week ago.When he woke up and saw snow he was amazed.He wanted to go sled on the biggest hill in town.,2 590,590,590,Lou was happy a subscriber recognized him.,Lou hated the mall.,Lou decided to make a youtube channel.He posted daily video logs of his life.His fan base was growing quickly.Lou was out at the mall and was recognized by a subscriber.,1 591,591,591,"By the time they got to the training, they felt like friends.",Carol asked Dan to buy her a box of Kleenex.,"Dan and Carol met as manager trainees at a fast food restaurant.They were sent to further training in a town three hours away.They decided to drive together to save on costs.Talking in the car for hours each way, they got to know each other.",1 592,592,592,He was happy with the new cleaners.,He requested to have his money refunded from them.,Rob needed some suits cleaned.He went to a new cleaner that opened near his house.It was a bit pricey but he hoped they would do a good job.A few days later he got his clothes back still dirty.,2 593,593,593,Travis was proud of himself.,Travis was kicked out of the Marines.,Travis enlisted in the Marines with dreams of serving his country.He was sent to a train at a base on the opposite side of the nation.Travis missed his family and friends but could not contact them.He became depressed and started making poor choices.,2 594,594,594,I was pleased with my concoction.,It needed more sugar!,"I wanted to make hot chocolate.I took milk and warmed it up.Then, I added cocoa powder and stirred it all up.I tasted it, but it was terrible!",2 595,595,595,I couldn't wait to see some movies in the new theaters.,I was very disappointed to see that that restaurant had closed.,There was this amazing salad buffet right by my house.They have the best salads with the most varieties and the best prices.I used to go there almost every day on my lunch break.I found out last week that they shut down for good.,2 596,596,596,I urged my aunt and mom that there was an emergency.,I left home to play with my cousin's dog.,"When I was young, I approached my cousin's dog and it bit my forearm.The bite broke the skin and I was bleeding and ran to my aunt and mom.When I tried to say what happened, they told me not to interrupt.I waited patiently, holding my arm and bleeding.",1 597,597,597,Ben decided to keep the chair instead.,"Later that day, Ben sold his chair for $50.",Ben wanted to sell his rocking chair.He had it for 20 Years.He dusted it off and put a for sale sign on it.He placed it in his yard so people would see.,2 598,598,598,He got a great job and lived a happy life.,"After graduation, he was only able to get a job at McDonalds.",John attended technical school and studied very hard.He got high marks on his final exams.John graduated first in his class!He received numerous letters of recommendation from his teachers.,1 599,599,599,He decided to take a cab and go home.,He danced with joy at the fun night he was having.,Lance was trying to pick up girls at the club.He offered a couple drinks.Only one agreed but didn't pursue it further.Eventually he got drunk and frustrated.,1 600,600,600,Lucy was very happy to start ballet.,Lucy was very angry she had to start ballet.,Lucy's mom took her to see her first ballet at a young age.She decided at that moment she wanted to be a ballerina.She begged her mom to let her take lessons.Lucy was enrolled in her first class the following month.,1 601,601,601,Amy's shorts were uncomfortable.,Amy's shorts were very comfortable.,Amy's shorts for her volleyball uniform were too small.She had a hard time moving in them.She asked the coach for another pair.There were no more.,1 602,602,602,I was very proud of myself.,I was so embarrassed after the kiss.,Last night was spent facedown on the bar.I was having a wonderful time until the tenth shot.That was about the time I realized I drank too much.I dance with a man's wife and I kiss his mom.,2 603,603,603,There were many different pieces missing.,They threw the game in the air.,Last week's family game night was intense.We were playing Monopoly and nobody made any headway for hours.Everyone was trying their hardest to win and the game kept going.It wasn't until we finally decided to check the rules that we knew why,1 604,604,604,The woman decided she would shop there again in the future.,The salesman regretted being such a cad.,"A woman went shopping for a power drill.The salesman at the hardware store smelled blood.He was unctuous and condescending.Disgusted, the woman left the store.",2 605,605,605,She sent him a text asking if he wanted to see a movie.,She left him a very angry voicemail.,"Nancy just came home from work.She grabbed her phone after it vibrated.She received a message from her boyfriend, who asked her to break-up.When she called him, he didn't pick up his phone.",2 606,606,606,Joey holds the football every time he watches a Chiefs game.,Joey hates football.,"Joey loves watching the Kansas City Chiefs.He went to a game this year and met Andy Reid, the head coach.Joey got his autograph on a football.When he came home he told all of his friends.",1 607,607,607,The cat was grateful.,Valerie hated the cat.,Valerie found a cat outside the restaurant she worked in.He was so thin and hungry.Val took him home and fed him.She gave him a lot of love and care.,1 608,608,608,Audrey was happy with her first day of school.,Audrey wished she had made friend that day at school.,"When Audrey was a little girl she was excited to start school.As the youngest, all her siblings started school before her.On her first day of school she was so excited to meet her teacher.When she came home she told her mom all about her new friends.",1 609,609,609,I then woke up and went for a jog.,I then went to sleep feeling happy about my life.,"My day on Sunday this week went as expected.My family and I attended Church from 8 to 11 in the morning.Afterwards, we went to eat dinner at a restaurant.The rest of my day was spent doing homework assignments.",2 610,610,610,Tara bought a bulb.,Tara got an ice cream.,Tara was watching the baseball game.Her TV started to flicker.The bulb in her television needed to be replaced.Tara drove down to her local electronics store.,1 611,611,611,George then felt too hot so he needed to cool off.,He realized that his hot water ran out.,"George was taking a hot shower.Suddenly, the water became very cold.George quickly jumped out of the shower.Shivering, he used a towel to dry off.",2 612,612,612,John decided to try again and work passed the crows.,John then captured the crows as pets.,John planted a garden last spring.He tilled the soil.The tomato plants began to produce.But crows devoured John's harvest.,1 613,613,613,Cory's watch was on her wrist.,But the watch was gone forever.,Cory couldn't find her watch.She was wearing it yesterday.She couldn't remember anything about the watch since then.She looked everywhere.,2 614,614,614,Adam ran from the group of boys as fast as he could.,Adam played frisbee with them.,Adam went to the park.There he ran into a few of his friends.They invited Adam to play frisbee with them.Adam agreed.,2 615,615,615,Braden got hired to the modelling job.,Braden called back saying he didn't want the job anymore.,Braden wanted to be a male model.He sent in some photos to an agency.Soon he got a call from them.Braden was ecstatic to hear they liked his pictures.,1 616,616,616,The janitor was annoyed when Tom tracked mud on the clean floor.,Everyone complimented him on his clean shoes.,Tom and his friends went hiking.But he only had one pair of shoes.They got very muddy and dirty.And he had to wear them to school the next day.,1 617,617,617,Irene was too angry to attend the performance of the play.,Irene felt proud seeing her costumes on stage.,"Irene was taking part in the school play.She wanted to be an actress but she did not get any roles.So the director offered to let her design costumes.Irene accepted, and found that she loved the work!",2 618,618,618,I could see fish swimming in the coral reef.,I couldn't see the shark that attacked me in the ocean.,We went to Hawaii this summer.I was so excited to go.The island was beautiful.I have never seen such a clear ocean.,1 619,619,619,Gina broke into a song.,Maybe Tami wouldn't be her friend anymore.,"Gina got on the bus and watched the door for her friend Tami.She hoped they would walk to the bus together, but they hadn't.Tami had stayed and was talking to the girls who no longer liked Gina.And this worried Gina.",2 620,620,620,Gina decided she liked it as much as the first one.,Gina knew every word and sang along.,Gina popped her new CD Single into her boombox.The first song was the one she liked.The second was a mystery to her.She listened to the second one first.,1 621,621,621,Lee's arm started to bleed where the tick had been.,Lee was disappointed in himself.,"Lee was hiking in the woods all day.When he came home, he felt a weird itch on his arm.Looking down, he saw a tick stuck to his forearm!Lee quickly pulled it off of him.",1 622,622,622,The water in Tim's town was the cleanest in the country.,Lots of people got sick.,One day when Tim turned on the faucet's water was brown.This was happening all over the city.It went on for over a year before the national media took notice.By then it was too late.,2 623,623,623,The crowd cheered.,The crowd booed.,"Joel inhaled deeply as his part in the jazz concert approached.He began to play his saxophone, concentrating as hard as he could.Joel managed to make it through his part without any mistakes.He looked up into the crowd.",1 624,624,624,Arthur died in the fire.,Arthur was proud of what he had done.,Arthur fell asleep while smoking one night.The cigarette but was still lit and fell on the floor.It rolled to the curtains and caught them on fire.Eventually his whole house burned down.,1 625,625,625,Kim had a big bite of her burger.,Kim decided to only eat the meatless parts of the meals.,"Kim decided she wanted to become a vegetarian.She Was only 13, but she knew it was the right thing to do.Except her mother refused to stop cooking meat.She also refused to cook something special just for Kim each meal.",2 626,626,626,John played to the best of his ability.,John sat down on the bench.,John was much shorter than his teammates on the basketball team.He hardly got any playing time.Two players were injured during the playoff game.He finally got off the bench.,1 627,627,627,Aaron then cooked the swan on his stove.,Aaron saved the swan's life.,Aaron was walking by a lake when he saw a swan.He realized that the swan was injured.Aaron used bread to lure the swan to shore.He then picked it up and took it to the hospital.,2 628,628,628,Jim didn't have any blood drawn.,Jim felt proud.,Jim's school was having a blood drive.Jim decided to volunteer.A nurse pricked Jim in the arm.The entire process took an hour.,2 629,629,629,Maddie wondered how Max would react to her two dads.,Maddie couldn't wait for Max to meet her family.,Max had been dating Maddie for three Year's.He had never met her family.He felt very suspicious and told Maddie he wanted to meet them.Maddie was worried because she had a secret.,1 630,630,630,I met up with another friend and we enjoyed ourselves.,I cried alone in my room.,"My friend texted me, wanting to hang out Friday night.I wanted to take her out for dinner.When I tried to contact her on Friday, I got no reply.Despite the change of plans, everything turned out great.",1 631,631,631,"Disgusted, she left.",She leaned over and kissed him.,"Amy and Ben were young, and in love.They were sitting on the swings in the park together.Ben reached over and grabbed her hand.She was surprised and pleased.",2 632,632,632,But my dog went and got it.,I was happy.,I went to the park to play frisbee with my dog.I tossed the frisbee to my dog and he would catch it in his mouth.I accidentally threw the frisbee too far.The frisbee landed into the pond.,1 633,633,633,She had won the drawing and the turkey was hers.,She was evicted from her apartment.,"Ivy needed a way to feed her family on Thanksgiving.She entered into her local grocery store's raffle for a turkey.She submitted her receipts every week with her phone number on them.A week before Thanksgiving, Ivy got a happy phone call.",1 634,634,634,Their business failed.,Their business became a success.,Mark and Andy worked at a pizzeria.They both loved to make pizza.One day they decided to open up their own pizzeria.The pizzeria became very busy and profitable.,2 635,635,635,The kitten started eating all his cat food.,I was sad my kitten was so ill.,"I rescued a kitten from the pound.He was adorable, sweet, purebred and free.The first morning he started acting ill, not eating and listless.The vet ran a myriad of tests and found several things wrong.",2 636,636,636,Jim was happy.,Jim ended up in the hospital.,It was a cold winter night.The roads were slippery.Jim was driving home from work.He lost control of his truck.,2 637,637,637,James's cat started getting better shortly after.,James gave up his cat for adoption.,James noticed his cat's belly was getting way too big.He took his cat to the vet.The vet told him that his cat had tapeworm.James got tapeworm medication from his drugstore shortly afterwards.,1 638,638,638,Trisha made the child sleep on the kitchen floor with a blanket.,Trisha let the children decorate the tree with popcorn.,Trisha's son got sick last night at eight.He vomited all over her and the floor.Trisha cleaned up and changed his clothes.He continued to be sick over and over again.,1 639,639,639,Buttons was the happiest canary anyone had ever known.,Even the neighborhood dogs stay out of Buttons' way.,Buttons is a black cat with a lot of soul.He always struts around like he owns the place.Even strangers admire his tenacity.As though he was a lion in a past life.,2 640,640,640,Pat called her parents on the phone.,Pat never talked to that girl again.,"Yesterday, Pat was on a hiking trip with her girl scout troop.While they were eating lunch, her friends were playing around.One of the girls grabbed her phone and threw it into the lake.The girl was reprimanded for her action, but Pat never found her phone.",2 641,641,641,They storm passed without any flooding.,They were not worried about flooding.,Rainy fell upon the streets in gentle waves.Matt watched from inside his house as water rose.He was afraid that the area around his house may flood.He and his family began moving things upstairs in case.,1 642,642,642,He called his neighbor and asked him to remove the spider.,Max made the spider his pet and grew quite fond of it.,Max is arachnophobic.One day max spotted a palm-sized spider on his wall.Max got real nervous and didn't want to squash it.He started brainstorming ways to get rid of it without.,1 643,643,643,Kyle refused to trade sandwiches with his friend.,He was happy that his friend agreed to the swap.,Kyle hated the bologna sandwich his mom had given him for lunch.He looked around to see what his friends had.His best friend had peanut butter and jelly!Kyle asked if they could trade.,2 644,644,644,Everyone agreed that Kenny had won the fight.,All of the children called Kenny a chicken the next day.,Kenny and Spencer never got along in class.They decided to have a boxing match after to settle things.They were supposed to meet by the swings but Kenny didn't show up.He chickened out at the last minute.,2 645,645,645,Fred brought the ice to the barbecue.,Fred was sad no one had ice for their drinks at the barbecue.,Fred needed some ice for a barbecue.He went to the store and pulled out several bags from the freezer.He went to the counter and paid for the ice.The attendant helped him carry them to his car.,1 646,646,646,Jack decided to jump again because it felt great.,Jack's foot hurt horribly and he decided to be more careful.,Jack loved to jump around.He was just a little kid that loved to jump.One day he jumped one too many times.And landed on a lego piece.,2 647,647,647,She realized she was going to like the school.,She was in a class with the same kids from last year.,Kelly was nervous today.It was her first day of school.She was the new kid.Thankfully however she made new friends when she got there.,1 648,648,648,Anna opened her umbrella.,It was her boyfriend come to pick her up.,"Ana forgot her umbrella.After school, she realized it was raining.She was supposed to walk home.As she headed out, she noticed a familiar car.",2 649,649,649,I was nervous when they decided to schedule a surgical procedure.,"A couple of days later, I started to feel better, thank God!","One day, I woke up with the worst pain in my throat.I could barely even swallow!I went to the doctor and she confirmed that I had strep.Thankfully, she gave me antibiotics.",2 650,650,650,Barry then went to see the new movie.,Barry enjoyed the show and had a good night.,"Barry decided he was going to see a Broadway musical.Barry researched the internet for various shows occurring on Broadway.After researching, Barry decided he was going to watch Cats.After getting dressed, Barry made his way to the event.",2 651,651,651,Ben was happy to hear that.,Ben was very disappointed.,Ben was nervous to be going to the dance with Pat.He bought a new suit just for the occasion.Ben drove his father's car to pick It up.Pat's father told Ben that Pat was ill and could not go to the dance.,2 652,652,652,I decided to jump rope for the final test.,Hopefully I be able to get through the exam.,My exam was a week from now.I decided to study today so I can understand the material better.A few days passed and I've spent a couple of hours studying.Unfortunately I caught a during the day before the exam.,2 653,653,653,He was glad that he hadn't listened to his friends.,He was ashamed of himself.,"Jackson had always wanted to grow a beard.His friends told him that a beard would look bad, but he ignored them.Jackson didn't shave for a month and he grew a bushy, thick beard.Admiring himself in the mirror, Jackson felt satisfied.",1 654,654,654,Gina found a secluded spot by herself.,Gina invited more people to the library.,Gina and her friends were the only people in the library.Gina had never been in the library at school with so few people.She liked it better this way.She wished her friends weren't there either and she was alone.,1 655,655,655,This made me very happy.,I felt upset.,I got my nails done yesterday.The nails looked amazing.Unfortunately today they chipped.I was working in the garden and they chopped.,2 656,656,656,He decided to visit Canada instead.,He booked the trip the second he got home.,"David was tired of living with all of the ice and snow of Ohio.So he decided to check with his travel agent to see where to go.Unfortunately his travel agent didn't have anything available.David went home, but on his way saw a flyer for a cruise!",2 657,657,657,There I found a sign that said No Dune Buggies Allowed.,I surfed with my board for hours before heading home.,I bought a dune buggy for fun.I wanted to drive it out to the dunes and mess around.I strapped it into the back of my truck.I drove two hours to get to the desert.,1 658,658,658,Lee's mom hated it.,Lee's mom was very happy when she received it.,Lee wanted to give his mom a nice gift for her birthday.But he had no money!So he decided to make her a card and cake.He put in lots of time and effort.,2 659,659,659,Jeff then kept the ring.,Jeff was glad to help them.,"Jeff found a diamond ring in the hallway at work.He brought the ring back to his desk.Later, he read an email asking if anyone had found a ring.Jeff returned the ring to its owner.",2 660,660,660,Gina was pleased.,Gina was annoyed.,"The book Gina had started reading had been checked out.She wouldn't be able to see how the book ended for a month.She didn't have anything to read in the meantime.She searched the shelves, but nothing looked good.",2 661,661,661,"After that, the bear became very violent.",The bear fell asleep after that.,"One day, I got a message that my school's campus had been closed.The message said there was a bear on the grounds!The police had to come and help get the bear away.They gave the bear a tranquilizer.",2 662,662,662,I watched the zebras run away in the distance.,I caught several of the zebras.,I watched the Zebras run.They ran right past me.I chased after the zebras.They got away from me.,1 663,663,663,No one made fun of Jamie and her love of baseball again.,Jamie decided she didn't like baseball anymore.,"Jamie's friends at school always told her baseball was a boys sport.However, Jamie loved baseball more than any other activity.So Jamie practiced baseball no matter what the others said.Soon she was the best baseball player at school.",1 664,664,664,She felt at home.,She was ashamed of what she was doing.,Mowgli had just moved to Los Angeles.She lived in Tennessee her whole life.Her first night in California she went out to look at the stars.She used to always do that growing up.,1 665,665,665,Billy's brand of apples became a success thanks to his passion.,Billy could not grow good apple trees or apples.,"Billy loved to eat apples and healthy foods.He shared his loved of fruit with his family and friends.When he was older, he bought an orchard and raised apples.The apples tasted very good and were enjoyed by many.",1 666,666,666,Rick thought geckos were totally worth the trip.,Rick was sad his trip was not fruitful.,Rick lived in Canada.He had never seen a gecko.He decided to travel to New Mexico to find one.He finally saw a gecko!,1 667,667,667,I was happy I passed.,I was not happy with the results.,I didn't like paying taxes.I enrolled in a Tax Preparer's class.I studied hard and long.I passed my Tax Preparer's class.,1 668,668,668,The eggs were empty.,Jenny was very happy with the contents of her Easter eggs.,Jenny sat down to open her Easter eggs.She had collected them during the church Easter egg hunt.She counted 14 eggs.Some had little candies or stickers inside.,2 669,669,669,He was the greatest general ever.,He was never remembered.,"Steven was a soldier for the army.He reached the rank of General after 5 Years.When he was a general, he lead an army of men into a battle.None of his soldiers were killed and the battle resulted in a victory.",1 670,670,670,Tina is very relieved and puts on the shoes.,Tina decides to go barefoot.,Tina's mom had told her to put on her shoes almost ten minutes ago.She scrambled to find her shoes in her big messy room.Tina had to move piles of clothes off the floor looking for her shoes.After searching for a few minutes she finally spots them.,1 671,671,671,Lynn decided to stay home and play a game.,Lynn and her friends snuck out of the basement door.,"It was midnight, and Lynn's family was asleep.Lynn and her friends decided to meet some boys at the park.They decided it would be dangerous to sneak out her room window.So they went to the basement.",2 672,672,672,Now Brittany's father wears a boa around his neck.,Brittany's father loved his solid blue scarf.,Brittany knitted scarves.She tried to make each one unique.She was making a scarf for her father.She put a snake design on it.,1 673,673,673,The family opted to take the dog home with them.,The family wondered how the dog was so overweight.,"The family was lounging on a street bench when a dog walked up.It was dirty,scared and painfully thin.The family saw it had no collar.The dog was obviously in need of a home.",1 674,674,674,Gavin cancelled his archery lessons.,"Gradually, Gavin's archery skills improved.","Gavin had always wanted to use a bow and arrow.He found a local archery range and an instructor to teach him.At first Gavin had trouble shooting arrows accurately.However, he did not give up.",2 675,675,675,His neighbors were much quieter afterwards.,His mom turned her stereo up.,Connor is a writer.He spends many nights writing his novels.Connor's neighbors are very loud and noisy.He talks to to them about the noise levels.,1 676,676,676,He loved his mom's lessons.,He didn't want to have fun at school.,Ed's family had moved to a rural area.Ed learned that he was to be homeschooled.At first he was apprehensive.But then his mom started to make lessons fun!,1 677,677,677,Peter decided to buy the pair and went home.,Peter did not like the shoes and went home.,"Peter needed a new pair of shoes.He threw on his favorite outfit and went out.He went to the mall and checked out the shops.In one shop, he found a nice pair of shoes.",1 678,678,678,The turtle climbed back into the lake.,The turtle continued to sit in the sun.,There was a turtle in the lake.It climbed up on a rock to get into the sun.Suddenly the skies darkened.It started to rainy!,1 679,679,679,I finally saw my first concert and it was amazing.,I decided I didn't like concerts anymore.,"I started getting into music in middle school.As my tastes expanded, so did my desire to attend a concert.My friends had seen one or two, but I had not.Finally, after a few painful Years, my time arrived.",1 680,680,680,Francis shivers and starts walking to a park.,Francis goes inside because he hasn't been home for days.,Francis has been inside his home for many days writing.He cannot remember the last time he left his house.Finally he puts on his boots and decides to go outside.The air feels great on his face.,1 681,681,681,Tina ignored the client's requirements.,Tina made her client very happy with her diligence.,Tina was a project manager for a technology company.She built software used in clinical trials.She met with the client to determine their needs and requirements.She configured the software to match their requirements.,2 682,682,682,Curtis' team carried him off in happiness.,Curtis was kicked off of the team for his poor performance.,Curtis went down to the baseball field.His friends were already there.He joined a team and began playing a friendly game of baseball.He hit 2 home runs and helped his team win the game.,1 683,683,683,I'm sure their kids will hate mowing lawns as well.,My kids and I are opening a lawn mowing company.,When I was young I hated mowing the lawn.As I got older I never really liked it any more.Now that I have my own kids I make them mow the lawn.They hate it too.,1 684,684,684,The baby then crawled around the home.,The baby gently fell asleep.,It was time for the baby to take a nap.The mommy changed her diaper.The mommy read a bedtime story.The mommy laid the baby in the crib.,2 685,685,685,The store told Bob they don't fix glasses.,Bob was able to wear his glasses again after getting them fixed.,Bob was playing basketball.He dropped his glasses on the ground.He was disappointed when he saw that they were broken.Bob went to the glasses store the next day.,2 686,686,686,I laughed a lot through the film.,I felt very sad while watching the film.,I invited a girl I like to the movies last week.She said yes.We decided to watch a comedy.It was pretty funny.,1 687,687,687,The girl was wearing a floral perfume.,I balked at her foot odor.,"Today, I was sitting in the computer lab.I smelled something very strange.I looked all around for the source of the smell.Then, I noticed the girl sitting next to me had removed her shoes.",2 688,688,688,The mother was happy to receive the note.,The mother got offended and told them off.,A mom took her kids to a family restaurant to eat.One of her kids was squealing with joy and laughter.Patrons at another table complained that the kid was too loud.They passed the mother an angry note.,2 689,689,689,Gina did not like funerals.,Gina enjoyed funerals.,Gina grabbed a funeral program and took a seat.The actual funeral didn't start for another 30 minutes.Gina just wanted it to be over.She wanted to get away from the body as fast as she could.,1 690,690,690,On his line was the biggest fish he had ever seen.,He had caught an old boot.,"Ray was fishing in the ocean.He felt a tug on his line.He reeled it in, excited.But then he frowned in disappointment.",2 691,691,691,Mary was really happy she had gotten a dog.,The parrot turned out to be a great companion.,"Mary had always wanted to have a pet bird.When Mary was young, her parents told her a bird was too much trouble.Now that she had her own apartment, she decided to buy a parrot.It felt great to have a parrot and to not be alone all the time.",2 692,692,692,Ara got a standing ovation for her solo.,Ara refused her solo.,Ara was in the school choir.Her leader offered her a solo in the school play.Ara was nervous but thrilled.She practiced every day for weeks.,1 693,693,693,Tim called an exterminator.,Tim was glad that all the bugs were gone.,"Tim was mad.He saw roaches in his house.He bought some cheap bug spray.However, it did not get rid of them.",1 694,694,694,He was happy to never see the cup again.,There he found it under a seat.,Zaiden lost his favorite cup.He looked for it in all of the bedrooms.His cup was not in any of the rooms.Zaiden decided to look in the car.,2 695,695,695,Teaching was so easy that Lexi wanted to do it forever.,She decided to find a different career.,"Lexi wanted to be a school teacher.She loved taking care of children.But when she became an assistant teacher, she regret it.Disciplining her students was more work than she could handle.",2 696,696,696,Jilly was excited.,Jilly was insulted that he would say such a thing to her.,"Jilly's mom waited in the car while she ran in to get donuts.She picked out 12 like her mother told her.The person at the counter said she could have one more.He called it a baker's dozen, 13 for the price of 12.",1 697,697,697,My daughter learned her lesson the hard way.,I bought my daughter some ice cream for listening so well.,Trouble comes when folks do not listen.My daughter did not listen to me today.She was dancing too close to the wall.She lost control and hit the corner of the wall.,1 698,698,698,Alex then finished the birdhouse.,Alex decided to start over from the beginning.,"Alex was trying to build a birdhouse.He spent almost an hour putting together the walls.When he went to put the roof on, he realized that it didn't fit.He had made a mistake with the walls.",2 699,699,699,"Afterwards, Tuie.",Tue loved her new blanket and Adam was happy.,Tuie was a very spoiled dog who liked to be completely covered up.She would always try to get underneath Adam's blanket.Adam got tired of his blanket smelling like a dog.He went to the store and bought her a blanket of her very own.,2 700,700,700,Louis instantly fell asleep.,Louis took a pain relieving medication.,"Louis was having a birthday party.And he ate a bunch of cake.But when the party was over, his head hurt.And he had trouble falling asleep.",2 701,701,701,Jenny felt too sad to go on walks after that.,Jenny continued taking a walk every evening after that.,"Jenny always used to take long walks with her husband Bill.After they divorced, Jenny stayed in the house and didn't go on walks.One day Jenny decided to start taking walks again.She found that the walks were still nice, even without Bill.",2 702,702,702,She was tired afterwards.,Mary thought it was the dirtiest lake she had ever seen.,"May was visiting the beach in Fredonia.She loved the clear, warm blue water.The lake was so inviting!May jumped in and swam for a few hours.",1 703,703,703,She never danced again.,She won a tap dancing contest.,Karel always wanted to tap dance.Her friends thought it was nerdy.She still pursued her dream.Eventually she became really good.,2 704,704,704,Jasper told the dogs to stop barking at the people in the street.,How sad Jasper cannot see it unless he looks in a mirror!,Jasper has always wanted to get a tattoo.He knows that tattoos are painful but he wants one anyway.He decides to get a tattoo of a tiger on his back.The tattoo comes out looking great.,2 705,705,705,Sarah no longer had a bike to ride and was sad.,Sarah was excited to hear the news.,Sarah got a new bike for her birthday.But she was very forgetful.One day she left it in the driveway.And her mom's car hit it.,1 706,706,706,I then found my spare key and entered.,I was locked out and had to move to a new home.,"I was walking to my house after riding the school bus.When I arrived at the front, I tried to open the door.The door was locked.When I tried to look for my keys, I couldn't find it anywhere.",1 707,707,707,Ted was proud of his efforts.,Ted wondered about the strange smell emanating from the table.,"Ted was playing tennis with his big brother.He always lost, but today he was determined to win.He concentrated hard and did his best.And Ted ended up winning the match!",1 708,708,708,Jess didn't like taking photos.,Jess was upset that it was taken away.,Jess was the hall monitor at her school.And she took pictures of students who broke the rules.But students complained she was annoying and invasive.So her camera was taken away.,2 709,709,709,After an hour the rain cleared and we started driving again.,When we started driving again the roads were completely dry.,We decided to take a trip today.The sky was cloudy and it was cold.We started driving and the rainy started pouring.We had to pull over because it was raining so hard.,1 710,710,710,Her mom made her brother give her his.,Her mom congratulated her brother.,Sue had an ice cream cone.Her brother smacked it out her hand.She told her mom.Her mom made him apologize.,1 711,711,711,Hallie's parents were proud of her behavior.,Hallie was sent to bed without supper.,Hallie wanted ramen noodles for supper.She threw a fit when her mom told her no.Her daddy told her to stop her crying.She refused to stop crying.,2 712,712,712,Her sister laughed hysterically.,Her sister gave her the phone.,Gina knew her sister had taken her phone.She was furious because she had been looking for it for an hour.She grabbed her sister's shirt and demanded the phone.Her sister looked terrified.,2 713,713,713,He left the circus right away.,Alex hated animals.,Alex wanted to visit a circus in town.He looked the circus up on the internet.The internet had several pages showing how circuses abused the animals.Alex was very sad when he saw the bull hooks used on the elephants.,1 714,714,714,She sat on a porch outside.,Sue drove to a hamburger joint.,"Sue was hungry.She went to the refrigerator and cupboard in search of food.She saw that she had no food.She found her jacket, purse, and keys.",2 715,715,715,One kid screamed at my son and threw the book at him.,Afterwards we ate lunch together.,I read to my son's preschool class today.The parents take turns coming in to read a story to the kids.My son picked his favorite book for me to read.The kids loved the story.,2 716,716,716,They were both sad they had reconciled.,They were both happy to be friends again.,"Alfred and Arthur had been best friends when they were children.Unfortunately, when they got older, they began to fight.They stopped talking to each other for a few years.Finally, they managed to reconcile.",2 717,717,717,She had a long talk with the teacher after class.,The teacher praised her.,Gina decided to go to gym class in her everyday clothes.The teacher sent her back to the locker room to change.She stormed off making a scene.She sat in the locker room sulking until the teacher came to find her.,1 718,718,718,She called the cops on her sell and the arrested the robber.,He turned and asked Sheila to go on a date with him.,"It was a sunny day, so Sheila decided to take Fido for a walk.On the walk, Fido tried to run into a neighbor's yard.There was a robber in the neighbor's backyard!Sheila yelled for the robber to stop right there.",1 719,719,719,I love french fries.,I always hated french fries.,We would go camping every summer.We would pack lunches and trek out.We would stop at a rest stop for lunch.Typically it would be a McDonald's and I'd order fries.,1 720,720,720,They were very sad about the incident.,The two became a very loving couple.,"My best friend played a video game online.One day, she met a nice boy there.They talked every day and fell in love.They finally met in person and hit it off.",2 721,721,721,Aspen began to panic.,Aspen didn't care if she worried her future husband.,Aspen was about to get married.She was getting ready when she saw a text from her fiance.He was worried that she had left him at the alter.She realized that she was twenty minutes late.,1 722,722,722,Tony decided to study algebra.,Tony went to the docks to find an apprenticeship.,Tony went to the lake to think about his life.As he sat there he watched a man who seemed so peaceful.The man was fishing and didn't have a care in the world.Tony decided life was too short and he too wanted to be a fisherman.,2 723,723,723,They made her a thank you card.,They scolded her for the stuffers.,When Cara was in Sephora the other day she saw great stuffers.The stocking stuffers were so cheap.She decided to buy numerous ones for her friends.Her friends ended up loving them.,1 724,724,724,Kelly related her bad experience on the grocery store's website.,Kelly wanted to go grocery shopping again soon.,Kelly went on the longest grocery trip of her life yesterday.She ended up being there for four hours.The store was packed and had little help.Therefore she was waiting in line forever at checkout.,1 725,725,725,She poured the whole gallon into the sink.,"She poured, and ate a large bowl of cereal for breakfast.",Vasiliki decided on cereal for breakfast.She got a bowl off the shelf.Vasiliki opened a box of granola.She got a gallon of milk out of the refrigerator.,2 726,726,726,Jessica decided to train even harder.,Jessica got what she wanted.,"Jessica excelled at track and field.She loved running, and challenging herself.She was confident that she would place first in her next competition.Instead, she came in second place.",1 727,727,727,He spent the weekend gardening.,He played the game until he had finished every level.,"Pete got a new video game for his computer.He wanted to spend a lot of time enjoying it.However, his work and other responsibilities gave him no time.Finally, he chose to make time and set aside one weekend for himself.",2 728,728,728,Andy was grateful and gave his wife a kiss.,Andy was mad at his wife and told her she way lazy.,Andy misplaced his keys.He looked high and low and still no luck.He asked his wife where his keys could be.She found them under the couch,1 729,729,729,Susan knew the choice she made was difficult but for the best.,Susan was mad because she had no family to turn to.,Susan knew she hurt him by leaving.She knew she couldn't turn back.The next day she packed up and never looked back.She moved back in with her parents for awhile.,1 730,730,730,Dave felt prepared for the game.,Dave decided to leave the game.,The Oakland Raiders' starting quarterback was injured.Dave was their backup quarterback.Dave practiced the entire week with the first string offense.Dave felt he was ready to start the next scheduled game.,1 731,731,731,He called the girl and didn't say anything of the phone.,The girl rejected him.,Jerod's brothers talked him into trying online dating.He was nervous but was determined to do his best to meet someone.He view a lot of profiles before he found one he liked.It took him a week to get up the nerve to message the girl.,2 732,732,732,Martha was very proud of her accomplishment.,Martha was upset about losing.,"Martha wanted to win the big spelling bee at school.She got a word list from her teacher and practiced every day.The big day finally came, and Martha won the spelling bee!She got a trophy, and her picture was in the newspaper!",1 733,733,733,Samantha really enjoyed the meal.,Samantha vowed never to go to that restaurant again.,Samantha was very excited for her date with John.They were going to a very fancy restaurant downtown.John picked Samantha up at six o'clock sharp.They went downtown and had a fabulous meal.,1 734,734,734,Tia gave it to her boxer.,Tia couldn't wait to try the sundae.,"Tia decided to make an ice cream sundae.She got all the ingredients together.She put the ice cream in a bowl.After that, she added the toppings.",2 735,735,735,Kelly then thought headphones are overrated.,She was shocked by the clarity of the headphones.,Kelly was excited to get her first pair of wireless headphones.Finally she was able to purchase them.Kelly drove over to bestbuy to pick them up.As soon as she got them she put them on.,2 736,736,736,He became an avid reader.,He was accepted at an early age in the academy for the blind.,Lay was teaching her son to read.She taught him the alphabet.Then she helped him sound out simple words.Soon Lay's son was reading short books.,1 737,737,737,Sean hayes videos games.,He became very good at video games.,"Sean loved to play video games.He played games on his computer and on his consoles.He played games all day, every day.Sean ignored everything else around him.",2 738,738,738,Olivia is about to leave.,Olivia feels she is falling in love.,Olivia went out with Harry on a date.Harry thought the date was going well.Olivia thinks he is a complete jerk.Harry raves about their chemistry.,1 739,739,739,The seller accepted and John was the proud owner of a new home!,John rented the apartment after putting down a deposit.,John had been looking at houses.He had not found one he was in love with.He finally found one in his price range.He put in an offer.,1 740,740,740,They felt terribly about losing all of their money.,The girls were very pleased.,The girls went to a casino.All decided to play some slot machines.None won any money.In fact all lost money.,1 741,741,741,I don't like cereal.,I liked the new brand that I bought.,I wanted to eat a particular cereal for breakfast.I found that I had run out of that particular brand of cereal.I went to a store to buy some more.The store was also out of that brand and I had to buy another.,2 742,742,742,Henry's teammates made fun of him for having dirty pants.,Henry was excited when he found out he had to wear dirty pants.,"Henry's mother dug through the laundry pile to find his uniform.To her surprise, the stain on his baseball pants had not come out!She did not have time to rewash the pants.Henry had to go to baseball practice with dirty pants.",1 743,743,743,Javier is now early to work.,Javier quit his job.,"Javier has been walking to work for many Year's.Despite his long walk, Javier is always at work on time.Javier's boss realizes how long the walk is and buys Javier a bike.Now Javier can ride his shiny new bike to work every day.",1 744,744,744,Ella felt bad about what the girls think.,Ella felt great from the encouragement.,Ella wanted to lose some weight.She decided to get some help.She joined a diet club at work.The girls all encouraged each other.,2 745,745,745,Matthew hated Brad.,Brad told Matthew he had a crush on him.,"Brad wouldn't stop bullying Matthew today.When Matthew tried to get lunch, Brad smacked his tray.When Matthew was walking, Brad tried to trip him.Matthew couldn't go to the bathroom alone, without Brad being there.",1 746,746,746,One day her husband found out and divorced her.,Hillary never went behind her husband's back.,A woman named Hillary was keeping a secret.She was sneaking out of her house at night to party.Her friends would pick her up after her husband was asleep.Hillary would go to the clubs and to the bars.,1 747,747,747,I went to school with blue hair.,I finally finished it on time.,"I came home from school.My mom reminded me about a report that's due soon.I immediately started on it.Since my brother was sleeping, I stayed up in the living room.",2 748,748,748,Alanna decided to learn another language.,Alanna was able to kiss her crush when her grades improved.,Alanna was the worst student in the MATHletes club.Her crush had started tutoring fellow students in math.She felt embarrassed but signed up anyway.They hit it off right away and Alanna worked very hard.,2 749,749,749,Everyone was devastated.,People found the storm invigorating.,Japan was preparing for the biggest tsunami of the year.They were gathering supplies for it.Eventually it came and crashed down.It destroyed hundreds of houses.,1 750,750,750,He was very tired afterwards.,"Afterwords, he was very rested.","Neil had just arrived in Germany.He couldn't wait to explore the country!But first, he needed to sleep.He found a hotel and slept for ten hours.",2 751,751,751,That was a great day for Cis.,Her clothing had been stained red with the crushed berries.,Cis was doing her laundry.She took her clothes out of the washer.Then she spotted something.There was a $100 bill in the washer!,1 752,752,752,Marta took a nap.,Marta attended the ceremony.,Marta needed to visit her son's school award ceremony.Her toddler had just passed out for a nap though.Marta roused her husband from his nap.She told him to watch the baby while she was away.,2 753,753,753,The beggar cursed Katie for her rudeness.,Katie walked away smiling after helping the beggar.,"Katie saw a woman begging on the street.Others passed without paying any attention, but Katie stopped.She felt very bad for the beggar woman.She fumbled in her purse and handed the woman a $10 bill.",2 754,754,754,He was so proud of himself!,Francisco was gay.,"No one thought that Francisco would finish his college degree.None of his family or friends had college degrees.However, Francisco studied very hard every day at college.Finally he graduated with a degree in Biology.",1 755,755,755,Then he threw it.,Gale was not married.,Gayle and her husband were skipping rocks at a lake.Gayle picked up a smooth round rock to throw.The rock skipped four times before sinking into the murky water.Gayle's husband selected a large bumpy rock to throw.,1 756,756,756,She immediately confronted the tattoo artist.,She decided to get another tattoo.,Lori was drunk one night.Her friends convinced her to get a tattoo.She picked a random one off the wall.The next week it got infected.,1 757,757,757,Sadie and her friend went to see the new Star Wars movie.,Sadie and her friend made plans to visit the museum.,Sadie and her best friend were discussing what they should do Saturday.They flipped through the local newspaper for ideas.Sadie noticed that the local art museum was having an art show.Both thought that it would be a nice event to attend on the weekend.,2 758,758,758,Loo didn't want the box anymore.,Loo and his friends found the box.,Loo had a red box he kept pebbles he collected in.One day Loo went out to play with his friends.When he came back home he could not find his box.Loo asked his friends to help him find it.,2 759,759,759,Lou met Bex and wondered if he had made the right choice.,Lou was sad that Jill had no friends.,Lou met a girl named Jill.He was falling in love after a couple dates.Jill always talked about her best friend Bex.She really wanted Lou to meet her.,1 760,760,760,Anne lost twenty pounds trekking to the north pole.,Anne dropped four sizes in six months.,"Anne needed to slim down, but she hated exercise.Then she and her friend heard about a fun workout class to try.It was called Pole Dancing, and it promised fun and fat-burning.Anne and her friends signed up for the fitness class.",2 761,761,761,The doctor said her feet were fine.,She chose a bright pink color for her polish.,Cindy need a pedicure.She went to the local nail salon.The stylist massaged her feet.They also filed her toes.,2 762,762,762,Kay and her mom then made up.,Kay helped her mom decorate her tree.,Kay was surprised to see her mother still had her tree up in May.Her mother wanted to leave the tree up longer.When her mother left Kay took down the tree.Her mother was upset she took down the tree.,1 763,763,763,Jenny would always remember to pack a water bottle.,Jenny left the small town behind and jetted off to London.,"Jenny is very thirsty.She suspects she is dehydrated.Finally, she was able to find a water bottle.She drank the whole thing.",1 764,764,764,Nancy felt frustrated.,Nancy felt relieved.,"Nancy was trying to print out her class assignment.The printer caught an error and froze.It took several minutes to reboot.When she received the papers, they were empty.",1 765,765,765,We decided to repeat this vacation destination in the future.,Our vacation was a failure because there was nothing to do.,"We went to Portland, Maine for a family vacation in 2006.We saw the art museum.We visited the waterfront and had dinner on a ship.We watched a minor league baseball game.",1 766,766,766,Their marriage was stronger than ever before.,They got divorced.,My friend and his wife were unhappy for a while.They tried to work it out many times.Both cared for each other deeply.But the differences were just too big.,2 767,767,767,John's teacher shaped it into a paper airplane.,John actually had gotten 70% correct.,"John had studied really hard for his math test.He carefully filled out the bubbles on the multiple choice form.When he got the test back he was shocked to see a 0%.When he talked to his teacher, he realized he had graded it wrong.",2 768,768,768,Kim felt it was love at first sight.,Kim told her boyfriend the color grey disgusted her.,"Kim and Rob wanted a pet.They decided to visit the local Humane Society.They saw a lot of cute dogs.Finally, Kim found a small gray dog.",1 769,769,769,We had an uneventful night.,We had a great time.,My friend had a bachelor party before her wedding.A group of us got together and went out on the town.We had dinner and drinks at a Mexican restaurant.We then got in a limo and went bar hopping.,2 770,770,770,Jake was unable to get into college because of his ACT score.,Jake got into a great college.,Jake was studying hard for his ACT test.He wanted to do well so he could get into a good college.Jake went into his test very prepared.He got a perfect score on his test!,2 771,771,771,He broke his arm.,He landed in a big pile of snow.,"Tim was always on his bike during the summer.He was riding fast down his local street on day.He didn't see the huge pothole in the middle of the road.Tim rode right into the pothole, flipping his bike.",1 772,772,772,An alien ship appeared and abducted some people.,The ball lit up as the countdown started.,"The city was bustling.People were pushing against each other to see the ball drop.They started a riot trying to get a good view.However, it started to calm down.",2 773,773,773,Ed called the restaurant and complained.,Ed called the restaurant and complimented them for their service.,Ed went to the local chicken restaurant.He ordered a bucket of chicken to eat.When he got home he noticed it wasn't what he had ordered.It was all wings and thighs when is was supposed to be breasts.,1 774,774,774,Mike was proud of his friend.,Mike was upset at his friend.,Mike used to play intramural volleyball.The one time before the playoffs his friend made a mistake.He jokingly through the ball at his face.Next thing you know his glasses broke off his face.,2 775,775,775,He was upset at the grade he received.,He was so excited to ace it.,Today was the day Fred was getting his exam back.He was quite excited.But at the same time he was nervous.Finally when he got it back he saw that he aced it.,2 776,776,776,The sister helped him find the perfect ring.,Blake proposed to the sister.,Blake wanted to marry his girlfriend.He had the money for a ring.However he didn't know what ring to buy.Blake called his girlfriend's sister for help.,1 777,777,777,Charles and his friends then went to Universal Studios.,"When the trip was over, Charles and his friends went home.",Charles and his friends went to Universal Studios.They visited the Harry Potter portion of the park.They boarded the Hogwarts Express at King's Cross.The got off the train at Hogsmeade at the Islands of Adventure.,2 778,778,778,Hearing conversations around him perk up his mood.,He wishes he were alone.,"Francisco often feels bored and lonely on Sunday mornings.While he is busy all week with work, on Sundays he doesn't see people.Today, Francisco decides to go to a nearby coffee shop to read.As he sips coffee and reads his novel, he feels less lonely.",1 779,779,779,Haley continued to perform gymnastics until her mom came.,Haley screamed until a teacher came and helped her.,Haley was doing gymnastics after school.She stayed longer than everyone else.During a tumble she fell and hurt her neck.There was nobody there to help.,2 780,780,780,Potato plants began to sprout.,The carrots finally began to sprout.,Julian planted some carrot seeds in his mother's garden.But they did not grow!He watered them some more.He waited another week.,2 781,781,781,Cassie joined the army.,To Cassie's surprise they gave her a call back.,"Cassie always wanted to be an actress.She had some experience as a child doing plays at school.One day, she saw an ad in the paper for auditions at the theater.She got her nerve up and went to the casting call the next day.",2 782,782,782,Jerry was excited to see what was under the paper.,Ben was nonplussed about opening the gift.,Jerry received several gifts for his birthday.Jerry opened up his presents one by one.One gift with nice wrapping caught his eye .Jerry grabbed the gift and unwrapped it.,1 783,783,783,I felt refreshed.,I was tired all day.,"Sleep is precious.Most nights, I only get a few hours.Last night the kids were up six times.I only got an hour of sleep.",2 784,784,784,Gina then texted her teacher.,Mary texted back.,Gina was bored in detention.She decided to text her friend Mary across the room.She knew the mean teacher wouldn't approve.She kept her phone in her purse to hide it from the teacher.,2 785,785,785,I closed out of the pop up.,I worried that my computer had a virus.,"A pop up appeared on my computer.I didn't know what it was, but I clicked it.My home page got directed to a webpage.Out of nowhere, my computer turned off.",2 786,786,786,Gina had the best day of her life.,Gina was depressed because her friends were ignoring her.,Gina and her friends were feuding.She was the only one who was an outcast.The other girls were getting along great.Gina kept her head down and kept working.,2 787,787,787,Danny was proud of what he had done.,Danny was upset with himself.,"Danny went to the gas station before work and filled up his car.When he got to work he decided to buy a coffee.At the register, he reached into his pocket and found nothing.He must have left his wallet on the top of his car.",2 788,788,788,Then they painted the room.,Then they had sex.,She closed the door and locked it behind her.Her movement was sultry as she approached him.He watched in easy anticipation.She swept him into her arms and they kissed.,2 789,789,789,He jumped for joy when his mother brought his sister home.,He decided to stay there instead of going home.,Timmy was a little excited about having a baby sister.His parents let him pick out some baby names.He really wanted the baby to be named Jenna but his Mom liked Amy.When the big day finally came he stayed with his grandparents.,1 790,790,790,Linda left as soon as she could.,Linda had a lot of fun.,"Linda went to a special retreat to relax.On the first day, she was weirdly told to wear a white robe.Everything they did was in unison and things were getting strange.She said this was not a retreat but a cult following.",1 791,791,791,Mark sent his secretary to Wal-Mart for bullets.,Mark found the work at home on a table under the mail.,"Mark brought work home with him last night.When he got to work this morning he couldn't find the work he did.He was sure he bought it back today.All he did was look for that file all day, now it was quitting time.",2 792,792,792,The dog longed for companionship.,The dog liked being alone.,"The dog sat in the cage at the shelter waiting for a family.One by one, families walked past, picking other dogs.He wagged his tail but still nobody wanted him.Finally he took a nap.",1 793,793,793,She decided to never go in the pool again.,She had a great time.,Nina was scared of the pool.She had never learned to swim!But she dipped her toes in and then entered slowly.Soon she was splashing and dog-paddling.,2 794,794,794,Tonight they will get a mousetrap to catch the mouse.,They fed the mouse cheese and gave it mouse toys.,My neighbors have a problem with a mouse.They've been chasing it for days.They can hear it in the walls.Today one of them saw it run across the kitchen floor.,1 795,795,795,My family did not enjoy any of the show.,We went home after a nice experience.,"My family went to watch the fireworks for Independence Day.This is something that we do every year, no matter where we are.The kids love the bright bursts of light, but hate the loud bangs.My youngest fell asleep during the show.",2 796,796,796,They were proud of their eggs.,They were sad about the eggs.,Katie decided it would be fun to dye some Easter eggs.She got her siblings together and they started dying a dozen.The chose all different colors.When they were done they looked beautiful.,1 797,797,797,My friend left and I was happy about the experience.,My friend insulted me and then walked away.,"My friend visited me from California.We went to his van, smoked and talked.Time went by fast as we caught up.My friend told me that he had to go.",1 798,798,798,I'm having her over for tea later this week.,I deleted her from all of my social media.,Yesterday my friend and I got into a fight.It was a verbal fight but still hurtful.She was not being a good friend to me so I got upset.We ended up ending our friendship.,2 799,799,799,Susan was more careful when she swam.,Susan decided she would swim in deeper water.,"Susan loved the beach and went often.One day, while she swam in the ocean, a tide pulled Susan under.Susan was terrified and feared she would drown.Thankfully, a lifeguard was nearby and rescued Susan.",1 800,800,800,Ted didn't pay his bill.,They repaired the outage.,"Just as the storm approached, the power went out in the house.Ted went outside to investigate.Ted noticed that the entire block was without power.He quickly got on his mobile and called the electric company.",2 801,801,801,I had to change clothes afterwards.,It was hot outside.,It started snowing last week.It snowed for days.My friend told me to dive in the snow.i dove in the snow.,1 802,802,802,I started saving money.,I decided to start spending more freely.,I really need to start a budget of my expenses.I spend too much money on things I don't need.I've been doing this for so long that now I'm in debt.My brother bought me a book on saving money.,1 803,803,803,Aya stopped shopping.,Aya waited with anticipation.,"Aya entered a contest at her grocery store.Shoppers could submit their receipts into a drawing for a new car.Aya shopped a lot, so she had a lot of entries.She hoped to win the new car!",2 804,804,804,The popsicles are great.,I make the worst popsicles I have ever tasted.,I love making Popsicles.I get a lot of juice and pour it in the molds.When I take them out of the freezer they are so good.The taste is so rich.,1 805,805,805,Fred was ashamed of what he had done.,Fred was very happy.,"Fred was nervous for his golf tournament today.He got to the course and started practicing.As the tournament started, he tried his best.Thankfully he ended up winning.",2 806,806,806,I was so relieved!,I never found my way home.,"I was lost in the forest.I panicked because the woods were so thick.I kept walking and walking, until I was ready to give up.All the sudden, I heard a car go by.",1 807,807,807,She hugged everyone and cried in joy.,She yelled at everyone to leave her alone.,My friend was moving away to college.We decided to throw her a party.We all met up with cake and snacks.She was so surprised to see us!,1 808,808,808,Stacie ate the bread herself.,Stacie then fed the ducks and enjoyed it.,Stacie went down to the river bank to feed the ducks.She opened her package of bread.The ducks eagerly swam towards her.Stacie broke off small pieces of bread to give to the ducks.,2 809,809,809,Kelly deleted the app.,Kelly told all her friends about the app.,Kelly downloaded a fantastic new app.It allowed her to control the lights in her home.She was able to turn them off with a button.Kelly loved the app.,2 810,810,810,Sue decided to bake a cake instead.,Sue was upset to learn that she had messed up the recipe.,"Sue decided to try a new meatloaf recipe for dinner.She gathered the ingredients and propped open the cookbook.A breeze turned the page when she wasn't looking.Reading the recipe, Sue added a cup of sugar to the bowl.",2 811,811,811,Jim got a promotion for doing such a good job.,Jim's boss fired him.,Jim worked at the local coffee shop.He was the best barista in town.He always made sure his customers had the best drinks.Jim's boss saw him working one day and was impressed.,1 812,812,812,Amy bought the necklace proudly.,Amy decided to shoplift the necklace instead.,Amy saw a beautiful necklace at a store in the mall.The necklace was more money than Amy had to spend.Amy decided to save more money and return another day.After a month of saving Amy was ready to purchase the necklace.,1 813,813,813,I feel bad for my dog.,I am happy for my dog.,My senior dog is limping on his front right paw.I took him to a veterinarian to get checked out today.The veterinarian performed diagnostic tests on my dog.The tests show result showed that my dog has arthritis.,1 814,814,814,They thanked me very much for finding their dog.,They let me keep it.,I was walking through Central Park on a fall day.I found a stray dog with a collar.I called the number on the collar and talked to the owners.The owners came to the park to pick up their dog.,1 815,815,815,They were suspended for a day.,The principal took the girls to lunch at Applebee's.,Beth asked Amy to skip 4th period and go to McDonalds for lunch.Amy was hesitant but agreed to go.While at McDonald's Amy's band teacher walked in.He took the girls to the principal's office.,1 816,816,816,He felt bad about himself.,"Finally, people wanted to listen to his music.","Lucian was a musician, but not a very good one.He would compose music, but no one wanted to listen.Finally, Lucian decided to take music lessons.After Years of practice and learning, Lucian wrote good music.",2 817,817,817,He was able to repair the heater at a fair price.,But Brian didn't want the heater repaired.,"Brian was cold.He decided to turn on the heat in his house.When the heat came on, it smelled like something was burning.Brian called the service man.",1 818,818,818,Ned decided to come back for a visit.,Ned was livid the neighborhood celebrated Halloween.,Every Halloween Ned had a party at his house.The whole neighborhood looked forward to going to Ned's party.Ned moved away to a different town last year.The people in the neighborhood made Ned's old house a haunted house.,1 819,819,819,The parents wished their three daughters would get along better.,They considered seeing a family counselor to help with everything.,"Kennan was born with a proprioceptive disorder.His mom had a hard time explaining to his brother what that meant.Because Kallen didn't understand, the boys fought a lot.This made things very hard for the family.",2 820,820,820,Carl did not wake up.,The food had arrived and Carl was excited.,"Carl stayed home alone while his parents were on a trip.He was hungry and ordered food.After an hour of waiting, Carl fell asleep.3 hours later, a knock on the door woke him up.",2 821,821,821,Jim was scared.,Jim went outside to look for his dog.,Jim was in high school as he heard the tell tale tornado siren.He felt a growing panic as he saw the green color of the sky.Everyone moved into the hallway and kept their backs to the wall.He heard the whipping wind grow stronger outside.,1 822,822,822,My can does not need a new strap.,I bought a different strap.,My cane has a strap.The strap is attached to the end of the cane.The attachment kept coming off.I looked for a different strap.,2 823,823,823,They gave them all ice cream cones with sprinkles.,The police broke up the fight and questioned everyone.,"Gina's extended family was fighting another family.They were in a park, and someone called the police.The police cars drove up fast with their sirens blaring.They jumped out of the cars and began to run towards them.",2 824,824,824,She decided that this job was not for her.,She was enjoyed her first night at her job.,Irene had just gotten a job bartending to pay for college.It was her first night and she was afraid.She thought men would be rude to her.But they were so polite and friendly!,2 825,825,825,The next day Jay spent all day at the mall.,Jay barely passed the test.,"Jay was falling behind in math class.There was an exam at the end of the week, and he was very nervous.Jay hired a tutor, but it wasn't enough.The night before the test, Jay stayed up all night studying.",2 826,826,826,"After a few minutes, the lights came back on.",People danced in the well lit room.,The band walked to the front of the stage.They began to perform.The electricity immediately went off.Everyone couldn't see where they were.,1 827,827,827,Dave decided to no go to another game.,Dave was happy that he went to the hockey game.,"Dave decided one day he wanted to go see a hockey game.He ordered a few tickets.He then invited some of his friends.They all went to the game, and had a good time",2 828,828,828,The Waltons were very relaxed.,The Waltons felt extremely stressed.,The Waltons hadn't had a vacation in Years.This last summer they decided to drive to the beach.The family drove for hours and stopped a few times along the way.They spent five days at a nice hotel at the beach.,1 829,829,829,"Tommy couldn't swim, so he just watched Bill go into the surf.",Tommy would never forgive Bill for that.,One day Tommy and his friend Bill took a road trip.They jumped in the car and drove away.They drove to the ocean.They got out and ran beside the beach.,1 830,830,830,She realized she mixed in too much water and it tasted bad.,She realized a hotdog would be great instead.,Rachel's mother always made her and the kids Kool-Aid.One day Rachel was very thirsty.She decided to make herself Kool-Aid for the first time.She dumped the package in water and stirred it up and took a sip.,1 831,831,831,"They walked all they way back home in disgust, and anger.",They all took photo's to post on their Facebook pages.,The Brown family was going to the Grand Canyon.They all piled in the car and began their drive from Iowa.There were many stops along the way and the trip was long.When they arrived at the Canyon the kids hopped out of the car.,2 832,832,832,The oil company never arrived.,They bought the land from the man for a million dollars.,"A man dug a well on his farm.Instead of water, though, he struck oil.Jubilant, he placed some calls.A large oil company arrived the next day.",2 833,833,833,Tay decided he wasn't watching enough TV.,Tay had much more time to do things outside the house.,Tay watched TV all the time.She decided to cut down on her TV consumption.She started by watching one less show every day.Then she watched only on weekends.,2 834,834,834,With her mother's help Myla memorized her lines quickly.,Myla was excited to finally upgrade her cell phone model.,Myla was asked to be in a play.She a had a leading role.Myla was struggling to remember her lines.Her mother began helping her practice daily.,1 835,835,835,I missed the trash in the kitchen.,I was glad to get rid of the trash.,My kitchen had too much trash in it.I cleaned it up and put it into bags.I took the bags outside of my house.I then carried the bags down my driveway to the trash can.,2 836,836,836,Anne was very pleased that it was raining.,Anne was not pleased that it was raining.,It was Anne's daughter Stacey's first birthday.Anne was excited to give her daughter this special day.She couldn't wait to share it with her.Unfortunately it started to rainy.,2 837,837,837,But Jenny thought he wasn't skilled enough.,Both of them became great square dancing partners.,Jenny wanted to learn how to dance.She took a class on how to square dance.She then would go to square dances with her friends.One day she met a guy who square dances.,2 838,838,838,Ally thinks Fred is selfish.,Ally is grateful to Fred.,"Ally collects things with peacocks on them.For her birthday, Fred bought her a peacock teapot.She loved it.She put it on her shelf to admire.",2 839,839,839,We are ashamed at doing this.,We love participating in this cultural event.,"Last March we performed a Ching Ming ceremony.Ching Ming is a Chinese ceremony honoring the dead.My son, daughter, son in law and wife drove to a cemetery.We placed food, wine, and incense in front of family graves.",2 840,840,840,He likes all the money he has now.,He had fun golfing.,Tyler needed some extra spending money.He began looking for after school jobs.Finally he found a job at the local cafe.He makes coffee and bagels for customers.,1 841,841,841,"It created such a mess, maybe it wasn't worth saving the money.",Tim then took another bite of pizza.,"Tim's truck needed an oil change.He decided to do it himself to save some money.Under the truck, he loosened the plug on the oil pan.Suddenly, oil poured everywhere!",1 842,842,842,Joey had a picture taken of a dragon sculpture.,Joey decided he never wanted to another ice sculpture display.,Joey was excited to go to the ice sculpture display with his dad.His friend told him there all kinds of mythical creatures there.Joey ran from one to the other to be sure to see everything.His favorite was a dragon that was at least twice his size.,1 843,843,843,My cousin is very mad at me.,I made my cousin pay for it.,My laptop stopped working.My cousin accidentally dropped it.She apologized.Now I need to buy a new one.,2 844,844,844,I laughed for hours.,He was very old.,My grandfather died last night.He had been battling cancer for months.It finally took too much of a toll on him.He passed away in his sleep.,2 845,845,845,Sarah said yes.,The plane banner said what a nice day.,Hector was going to propose to his girlfriend Sarah.He took her to the park to enjoy a nice romantic picnic.An airplane was scheduled to fly a banner above to ask the question.Hector saw the plane flying over and told Sarah to look up.,1 846,846,846,Jordan was sad and broke off his relationship with Sally.,Jordan was excited and took Sally out to dinner.,Jordan met Sally over two Year's ago and got into a relationship.Suddenly Sally got distant with Jordan.Jordan heard through a friend that Sally was seeing another guy.Jordan confronted Sally and she admitted to seeing another guy.,1 847,847,847,I immediately took the shirt to the dry cleaners.,I was glad I wasn't wearing a dark color.,Yesterday I was wearing my new shirt.The shirt was white and clean as could be.Yet unfortunately I had an accident.I spilled some sauce on it.,1 848,848,848,Samantha was ecstatic!,Samantha was so disappointed!,Samantha was happy to go away for the summer.She told all of her friends that she was going to Hawaii.At the last minute her brother gets sick.Samantha vacation was cancelled.,2 849,849,849,"When Amy went home, she resented the doctor.",Amy actually grew up to be a successful doctor.,Amy was scared of going to the doctor.The pediatrician was very patient with her and shared her stethoscope.Amy found it very interesting and wasn't scared anymore.Amy decided she wanted to be a doctor when she grew up.,2 850,850,850,He won the contest.,Gomez is ashamed of what he has done.,"Gomez loves Halloween.He wanted to enter a costume contest.For his costume, he decided to be Mickey Mouse.The contest had a Disney theme.",1 851,851,851,His veggies grow large and plentiful.,He is happy the weeds grow.,Jack has a big garden.He weeds it every day.Once a week he takes veggies to the market.Jack waters his garden in the morning.,1 852,852,852,Amy was allowed to carry whatever she wanted to.,Amy explained the situation and moved on.,As Amy stood in line at security she realized she hated airports.She placed her purse into the bin and walked through.The TSA agent asked her to step to the side.Amy had forgotten to remove her mace from her key chain.,2 853,853,853,She got up and drove her car to work.,She set her alarm for 15 minutes earlier.,"Debra decided that the bus was the most economical way to get to work.Debra found the bus somewhat slow, but very cost-effective.Debra also liked that public transit was environmentally friendly.She had to get up fifteen minutes earlier to make it to the bus.",2 854,854,854,Then I went out and built a snowman.,Sadly I had to skip building a snowman.,I really wanted to make a snowman last week.There was plenty of time and snow.Unfortunately I didn't have any gloves good enough.I had lost all the pairs that wouldn't soak through.,2 855,855,855,Tom found an empty and haunted house.,Tom walked into a surprise birthday party.,Tom was delivering newspapers on his bike.It went smoothly until he arrived at this abandoned street.A house was empty but the door was open.Tom went inside of the house.,1 856,856,856,Mary decided to visit the orchard and pay them.,Mary decided to visit the orchard and steal another apple.,"When Mary was a child, her class visited an apple orchard.Hungry Mary snuck off behind some bushes to eat an apple she picked.Years later, she felt guilty because she had not paid for the apple.Though a relatively trivial matter, it weighed on her conscience.",1 857,857,857,I was happy as the car warmed up.,The a/c felt nice on a hot day.,"I went to trade in my car.I wanted something nice.I found a good car for good price.As I left, I turned on the a/c.",2 858,858,858,Lisa decided to eat a hotdog instead.,Lisa had a great time babysitting with her friend.,Lisa wanted to go to her friends house.Her mother had to run errands and need her to watch the kids.She could only go if she took them with.Her mother gave her $10 to babysit and left.,2 859,859,859,Cassidy became good at baking scones.,Cassidy moved away.,"Cassidy always loved eating scones at the shop near his home.He decided to try baking scones at home.At first his scones came out too try.However, he kept baking new batches until they were delicious.",1 860,860,860,His clothes got completely soaked.,He was happy it rained.,"As Archie was walking home, he noticed the sky was getting dark.He decided to run home instead of walk.The rainy started to pour.Archie couldn't run home fast enough.",1 861,861,861,Mellie found there were shadows in the curtains.,Mellie was looking forward to meeting any spirits.,"Mellie thought she had seen a ghost.She looked all over her house with a flashlight to find the source.Finally, she saw the ghost again.She worked up the courage to turn on the lights.",1 862,862,862,George decided to spend the money on a new hat instead.,"Eventually, George was able to pay the ticket.",George had to go to court.He had to pay a parking ticket.He arrived at his local city council.He waited in line.,2 863,863,863,I went on about my day.,She gave me her number.,Last week I ran into the cutest girl ever.We were both at the grocery store and our eyes met.I mustered up the courage to ask for her number.She said no.,1 864,864,864,Pam finally bought the house.,Pam became homeless.,"Pam was looking for a house to buy.After a few months of looking, she finally found a house she loved.However, it was a little too expensive.Pam tried to talk down the price, and succeeded.",1 865,865,865,She felt as if she had drank five cups of coffee.,She didn't wake up until the plane landed.,"Candy was nervous about her upcoming airplane trip.Her sister gave her some sleeping pills to help her relax.Candy hated taking pills, but once on the plane, she felt differently.She was too nervous and took the pills despite herself.",2 866,866,866,The family thought Ted was very nice.,The family thought Ted was very rude.,"Ted was seated at the bench at the airport, awaiting his flight.A family approach Ted and asked him if he could watch something.They asked him to watch a large box while they looked for their kid.Ted apologized and got up quickly and walked away.",2 867,867,867,He couldn't remember where he parked his car in the parking lot.,He knew there were severe consequences for shoplifting.,A young man went to buy a shirt.He searched through several aisles.He found a shirt he liked.Of course he paid for it.,2 868,868,868,"My kitty laid on my chest, and we went to sleep.",I searched the room for 20 minutes looking for my kitty.,I decided it was time for me to go to sleep.I started up the stairs.My kitty ran in front of me.I got into my bed and under my covers.,1 869,869,869,Samantha watched another scary movie.,Samantha learned her lesson.,"Samantha wanted to watch a scary movie, but her mother said no.Her mother left for work, and Samantha decided to watch it anyway.The movie was so scary it gave Samantha nightmares for weeks!She wished she'd never watched it!",2 870,870,870,Katie was upset at herself for waiting until the last minute.,Katie was excited to join the team.,Katie had waited till the last day to write her book report.She was nervous and had to hurry.She didn't do a very good job.Her teacher gave her a bad grade.,1 871,871,871,My teacher gave me an F for the assignment.,My teacher gave me an A on the paper.,"Class started in 10 minutes and I had a math assignment due.My older friend volunteered to do it for me.Unfortunately, my teacher found out about the copying.She crumbled my paper and threw it in the trash.",1 872,872,872,Ethan soon became an amazing soprano.,Ethan became a master at playing guitar.,Ethan enrolled in a singing lesson near his house.He did not have any previous experience and was nervous.His instructor was a nice lady who was a world renown singer.Ethan practiced singing the scales with her.,1 873,873,873,She asked if they could go again next week.,She rolled her eyes as her folks rejoiced at all the neat things.,Sunny went with her family to a village.The village was hosting a swap meet.Her family found some great deals.Overall Sunny found the event boring.,2 874,874,874,She was standing too far away to see.,They were deer tracks.,"Kelly took an afternoon hike with her husband.Halfway through the hike, her husband stopped.He pointed to the ground, where several animal tracks were present.Kelly knelt down to examine the tracks more closely.",2 875,875,875,Kelly kept on walking.,All the men think Kelly is ugly.,"Kelly was walking down the street.She is a attractive female.However, she started to get harassed.All the men were whistling and hollering.",1 876,876,876,I woke up refreshed and well rested!,He woke up with a terrible migraine.,"Neil was having a great time in Athens.Then a new friend offered him a traditional drink.It was a strong spirit called ouzo.Neil had a great night drinking, but the next morning was awful.",2 877,877,877,They hated one another from the start.,Kelly and Steve had a beautiful wedding.,Kelly loved a boy named Steve.They spent everyday together.One day Steve asked Kelly to marry him.She said yes.,2 878,878,878,Lilly had a terrible date.,Lilly had a wonderful time.,"On the fourth of July, Lilly baked a lemon blueberry cake.She brought it to her boyfriend's house and they had a bbq.After dinner they drove into the city to watch fireworks.When the show was over, they got donuts from a food truck.",2 879,879,879,Her hands got better.,Emma threw the salve in the trash.,Emma had been working as a dishwasher.Her hands cracked and bled from the hot soapy water.Then her mom noticed and concocted a special salve for her.Emma used the salve every night before bed.,1 880,880,880,They had a wonderful time at the restaurant.,They both dressed wrongly for it was a nude house warming party.,Two friends heard about a local house-warming party.The friends couldn't decide if they should dress formally or not.One friend chose to dress in jeans and a t-shirt.The other went in a black dress.,2 881,881,881,"The man quickly tried to round them all up, but it was difficult.",The man was relieved the hurricane had missed his zoo.,An old rich man owned an island.He built a great zoo there.The zoo had unusual animals that nobody had ever seen before.A hurricane struck the island and many of the animals were set free.,1 882,882,882,Joe arrived at school an hour before the bus did.,Joe arrived at school exhausted.,"Joe woke up late for school.He asked his mom for a ride, but she had no time.He knew it was too late to catch the bus.He decided he had to run all the way to school!",2 883,883,883,Carl's date enjoyed the meal.,Carl was sad because his date never called him again.,"Carl wanted to make dinner to impress the woman he was dating.He studied some recipes and planned the meal.One the big day, his nervousness caused him to switch sugar and salt.His date could barely eat one bite and Carl was crushed.",2 884,884,884,Jenny decided her step mother was too old for her.,Jenny decided she liked her step mother.,"One month after Jen's mom died, her father remarried.Her new stepmother was literally five Years older than her.At first, Jenny could barely stand to be around the woman.Then one night they went to dinner, and became great friends!",2 885,885,885,Mill learned later that his teacher was racist.,Mill was the only girl in the whole class.,Mill was headed to his first day of school.When he arrived to class the teacher sat him with other black kids.Mill couldn't understand why he couldn't sit up front.His teacher told him the back is the spot he belongs.,1 886,886,886,Mark sprained his wrist.,Mark enjoyed the trip.,"Mark took a sick day today, he was faking it, obviously.He didn't put on anything besides socks and boxers.He was eat ice cream and sing into his brush.The first verse of his encore he slipped on the hardwood floor.",1 887,887,887,Ela ate all of the chicken by herself.,The child was happy with his nuggets.,"Ela was babysitting.Her young charge wanted chicken nuggets.Ela checked, but there were none in the freezer.She went to McDonald's and bought some nuggets.",2 888,888,888,Gina threw the poster into the trash.,Gina decided she would wear more colorful clothing.,Gina was putting posters on her bedroom walls.There was a poster of the cool new girl group.The girls were wearing bright colorful clothing.Gina herself was wearing a brown shirt and khakis.,2 889,889,889,Jake was very upset.,Jake was very happy.,Jake was swimming in his backyard.All of a sudden his pool burst open.There was a hole on the side of his pool.All the water leaked out of the pool.,1 890,890,890,"After two weeks, she had less bloating and felt better.","Em stocked up on favorites: bacon, beer and cookies!",Em had had digestion issues lately.She visited her doctor.He suggested probiotics and active cultures.Em started to eat enriched yogurt every day.,1 891,891,891,Gina didn't know what she would do without her paints.,"Luckily, Gina's teacher handed out new pencils that day.",Gina had searched for her lost pencils for days.She had even searched the bag of a boy she thought took them.She knew she couldn't ask her mother for more pencils.And she didn't have money to buy more.,2 892,892,892,Aidan enjoyed riding the bus every day.,Aidan learned a lot from his mom.,Aidan's family had moved to a very rural area.His parents discussed schooling options.Aidan's mom didn't want him to ride a bus for three hours every day.She decided to teach him herself.,2 893,893,893,Her mom got angry.,Gina threw it away.,Gina needed a blanket for her picnic.She wanted a red gingham one.The closest she could find was her mom's bedspread.She pulled if off the bed and took it to the yard.,1 894,894,894,"Later, once Tia's kids were used to the taste, they acclimated.","Later, Tia's kids joined a rugby league with snazzy uniforms.","Tia decided her kids were drinking too much sugar.She decided to cut out soda pop.Instead, she began to make sugar-free Kool-Aid for them.At first they complained about the change.",1 895,895,895,Ed was relieved.,Ed found highschool negative.,Ed was nervous about starting high school.He tried to reassure himself.He showed up the first day smiling and friendly.He made lots of friends quickly.,1 896,896,896,The cat got away.,The cat was really slow.,My cat likes to hunt.One day my cat hunted a mouse.The mouse was really fast.The cat could not catch the mouse.,2 897,897,897,Darren felt the appointment had been a waste of time.,Darren got a lot better with treatment.,Darren struggled with depression.He never could shake the dark feelings he had.Finally he saw a specialist and got the help he needed.He learned that there were physiological reasons for his depression.,2 898,898,898,Now the band looks for music with xylophone arrangements.,Trevor was discouraged from playing the xylophone.,Trevor thought that people didn't respect the xylophone enough.He loved the high-pitched percussive tones it made.Trevor convinced a band to let him join with the xylophone.They had a top 100 hit that included xylophone on the track.,1 899,899,899,Sara decided this was her new favorite coffee.,Sara hated the bitter taste of coffee.,"Sara came back from the market.And she was eager to try the new coffee that she bought.After she finished preparing it, she drank away.Sara was amazed by how smooth and rich it tasted.",1 900,900,900,The dog ate the sandwich from my plate.,After checking the doghouse we found the toys.,"One summer when my girls were little, I filled a pool in our backyard.I got nice inflatable pool toys, that the girls loved playing with.We carefully put the new toys by the side of the pool at sunset.The next morning, the pool water was muddy and the toys were gone!",2 901,901,901,Tom stayed inside because it was too cold outside.,Tom traded in his jacket for shorts and a t-shirt!,Tom worried that the winter would never end.It had been a cold February and he missed the warm weather.One day the temperature rose suddenly.Tom was so happy to see that winter was finally ending.,2 902,902,902,Jim vowed never to carve pumpkins again.,Jim won first prize.,"Jim loved carving pumpkins and so he entered a carving contest.First, he bought a large pumpkin from the farmer's market.Next, he thought of and drew a design on some paper.Jim carefully carved the design onto the pumpkin.",2 903,903,903,"As she walked, Miranda decided to go to bed early from now on.",Miranda rode to school feeling wide awake.,Miranda went to bad late last night.As a result she ended up sleeping in.To her dismay she missed the bus.She ended up having to walk to school.,1 904,904,904,My sister in law will make some money.,My sister in law bought more elephants.,My sister in law is an elephant lover.She collected 100 elephant figurines.Lately she grew tired of her collection.She had me try to sell the figurines on eBay.,1 905,905,905,Her mother took her to the emergency room to have it checked.,Ana decided to spin the basketball on her finger.,"Ana was playing basketball when her finger started hurting.An hour later, she was unable to move it.Her mother told her she was overreacting.Later that night, she was in so much pain she couldn't sleep.",1 906,906,906,Luckily Gina's dad managed to get into the car and hit the brakes.,Gina then drives to Brazil for the day.,"Gina's niece was playing in the driver's seat of her dad's car.Somehow she got the car out of park, and into reverse.The car began to roll down the driveway into the street.Everyone ran to the car to try and stop it.",1 907,907,907,I left without paying the waiter a tip.,I left the waiter a large tip.,"At the restaurant, the waiter gave me the wrong food.I asked the waiter for the correct dinner.The waiter brought me another incorrect order!They messed up my order twice.",1 908,908,908,Jake saved up a lot of money just using his metal detector.,Jake despised his metal detector.,Jake bought a metal detector.He took it to the beach to try it out.His metal detector found things buried in the sand.It frequently found quarters.,1 909,909,909,Mr White and Mr Black invited me to their wedding.,The police came and questioned me about what I had seen.,I had heard Mr White and Mr Black argue for months.Today I suggested Mr Black call the police on Mr White.Mr Black said the 911 operator was sending the police.I witnessed Mr White stabbing Mr Black.,2 910,910,910,Chuck realized that it was 2 in the morning.,He was mad that he watched Breaking Bad.,Chuck came home from work.He turned on Netflix.His favorite show on Netflix was Breaking Bad.Chuck watched Breaking Bad for 8 hours.,1 911,911,911,We all had a good time.,We all had a terrible time.,"There was a book series I loved very much.I looked forward to each new installment.When the last book came out, there was a midnight party at the store.I dressed up and went with my friends.",1 912,912,912,Ross had no practice singing so his band did not get a medal.,Ross and his band scored first place.,Ross had big dreams to be a professional singer.He joined a band as lead vocalist.He took voice lessons.One day his band tried out for a talent competition.,2 913,913,913,Gina ended up really loving the Spanish class.,Gina decided to put herself on a paleo diet.,"It was Gina's turn to choose classes at school.She was enrolling late and there weren't many classes left.She hated the majority of what she was offered.Since she had few choices she took Spanish, and gym.",1 914,914,914,Terry doesn't have good friends.,His friends gave him his favorite zoo cup.,Terry liked collecting cups with weird art on them.He went to shops and trawled for good cups.His friends gave him cups at holidays.His prized piece was a zoo cup shaped like an elephant.,2 915,915,915,Stewart and his sister were in trouble.,Stewart and his sister parents congratulated them.,"Stewart and his sister were fighting over the TV remote.Their parents yelled at them to stop, but the kids persisted.During a tug of war over the remote, it flew out of their hands.The remote smashed into the TV screen, resulting in a big crack.",1 916,916,916,Tom did a good job and his girlfriend liked the pizza.,Tom decided to make fried chicken instead.,Tony had the pizza ingredients ready.He never baked a pizza before.Tony wanted to surprise his girlfriend.He followed the instructions to make pizza.,1 917,917,917,Billy decided that he was sick of video games.,He played the game until bedtime.,Billy loved playing video games.One day he begged his parents to take him to Kmart.He saw a whole bunch of games there.He picked out a popular shooter game then took it home.,2 918,918,918,The men realize the concierge's mistake and laugh uncomfortably.,The men fall very much in love and get married.,A heterosexual couple approach the checkin desk at a hotel.The woman excuses herself to go to the bathroom.A second man walks up to the desk and stands next to the first.The concierge assumes the two men are together.,1 919,919,919,Brad was ecstatic!,Brad hated his parents.,Brad had just gotten his license.He asked his parents for a car for his birthday.They told him they would think about it.They then went and bought him a car.,1 920,920,920,Arnold couldn't wait to have children.,Soon they love spending time with him.,Arnold changed jobs to be closer to his children.His children seems very uninterested in having him around.Arnold plans more activities with his children.They begin to loosen up towards him.,2 921,921,921,They were bored because they had already been on this cruise.,They were very excited and took lots of pictures.,Jenny and her boyfriend boarded the ship.They were both excited for a boat trip around the harbor.They had never seen it from the water.They set sail and began the cruise.,2 922,922,922,Battlefront is the easiest game I ever played.,The day we finally beat it was such a great day.,"Once we got a new Xbox, we knew we needed to get Battlefront.My brother and I loved to play the game together.Although the hard level was very hard and we couldn't get past it.But we would keep playing and trying to get past the level.",2 923,923,923,"Meanwhile, his friends were all unemployed.","He went online, and researched law schools.",Ray went to classes to be a plumber.His friends mocked him relentlessly for his career choice.But Ray didn't let them bother him.He kept at it and soon was making $25 an hour as a plumber.,1 924,924,924,I didn't need to use my phone the whole day.,I used my phone until the battery died anyway.,"I arrived in school and decided to head to the library.When I looked at my phone, it had ten percent of its battery left.In addition, I forgot my phone charger at home.Unless there was an emergency call, I didn't use my phone.",1 925,925,925,I was really disappointed and hungrier than ever.,I enjoyed a great Chinese dinner there.,There was this amazing Mexican joint right by my dorm.I would walk there a few times a week and eat tacos.The best part was that they were open all night.I went down there one night I found out they closed.,1 926,926,926,Mary put a sweater on.,Mary got a lot of positive attention.,"Mary had lost forty pounds.She couldn't wait to go to the beach and show off!She donned her new bikini and headed to the shore.There, she strutted up and down the water's edge.",2 927,927,927,Richard and his family are very anti-American.,They are very excited for a new life.,Richard lives in the Philippines with his wife and two daughters.His oldest daughter is studying to be a police investigator.His youngest daughter will graduate high school this May.Right after Micah graduates the family is moving to America.,2 928,928,928,John had a lot of stupid fun.,John collected the marshmallows to eat afterwards.,John was really bored at work one day.He decided to order a huge amount of marshmallows from online.He also bought a marshmallow gun.He spent hours shooting marshmallows at the birds outside his house.,1 929,929,929,He refused to wear it and left the hospital.,All his friends thought his cast was cool.,Sam decided to go skateboarding on the street.Sam was doing well until a car swerved in front of him.Sam fell and broke his arm.Sam went to the hospital and his arm was put in a cast.,2 930,930,930,He started to enjoy himself.,The choir decided to call the police.,"The church choir went around town singing Christmas carols.While singing in the park, they encountered a homeless man.The homeless man seemed very annoyed with their singing.Once he heard O Holy Night, he sang along with the choir.",1 931,931,931,Her sister loved the salad.,Jane drove a car to the city.,"Today, Jane made a salad.The salad had spinach, goat cheese and cranberries.Jane drizzled balsamic over the top.She shared her salad with her sister.",1 932,932,932,Pam got burns on her chest.,Pam took of her shirt.,"Mike took his son Jon and daughter-in-law Pam to the shooting range.He warned them to wear clothes that covered their neck and chest.If they didn't, hot spent shell casings could fall into their collars.Pam's shirt didn't have a collar, so a bit of her chest was exposed.",1 933,933,933,As an adult I no longer am interested in meeting a girl.,I bought oysters and champagne.,As a boy I really wanted to meet a girl like my mother.But as I grew I found different traits desirable.Hanging around other boys made me happy inside.I realized quite quickly that I might be gay.,1 934,934,934,We then got a tour guide to show us around.,We rented some bicycles and enjoyed traveling around the island.,"We were on vacation, visiting great historical sites.On our last day we went to a mysterious island.The tour guide said this is where political dissidents were exiled.We decided to explore the island on our own, and left the tour.",2 935,935,935,I was really embarrassed they had to come.,I was happy looking at my kitchen.,In 1992 our condo had a kitchen fire.I was cooking a turkey.The grease in the oven caught fire.The fire department put out the fire.,1 936,936,936,Ruth became sad.,Ruth and Jane formed a rival gang.,Gina's friend Ruth had a friend named Jane.Gina and her other friends disliked Jane.But Ruth was always inviting Jane to do things with them.The other friends decided to stop inviting Ruth.,1 937,937,937,She poured the contents into the garbage and washed the bowl.,Julie decided it was her new favorite food.,"Mariko took her friend Julie to try ramen.Julie had never had ramen that wasn't instant dry noodles before.She eagerly tried the ramen.It was so good, she ordered a second bowl.",2 938,938,938,He plugged the toaster in.,Cody threw the broken toaster away.,Gordy tried making some toast last Tuesday morning.He wanted to have a decent breakfast for once.He waited and the bread never warmed.He finally realized that the toaster wasn't plugged in.,1 939,939,939,I decided to play alone in my room.,I went outside and sprayed them with the hose when they followed.,I was resting on my couch.My two cousins appeared out of nowhere.They raised their water guns.I immediately ran.,2 940,940,940,Mark was ashamed of his efforts.,Mark was proud of his efforts.,"Mark had an Algebra test coming up.He wanted to get a good grade, so he studied hard every day.The day of the test came, and Mark earned an A!His hard work had paid off!",2 941,941,941,Sam tried to send his letter again.,Sam's mother was happy that the letter never came.,Sam wrote a letter to his mother.He dropped off the letter in the mailbox.He was surprised to find that his mother did not receive his letter.She waited for a month for it to arrive.,1 942,942,942,The kitten contently scratched its scratching post.,The puppy had been scratching at the fence and hurt itself.,"The puppy came into the house with its paw bleeding.One nail was broken, but no one could determine what happened.The blood drop trail was followed through the back yard.The trail led to a low wire fence.",2 943,943,943,Sally was confused at what happened to the grapes.,Sally ate the grapes.,Sally bought herself grapes.Within a day they were gone.She didn't eat them.She asked her roommates but they all denied eating them.,1 944,944,944,Jane thought Greg might be a potential boyfriend.,Jane thought Greg wouldn't make a good friend.,Jane met Greg in an internet chat room.They agreed to meet at starbucks for coffee.They hit it off surprisingly well.They agreed to meet again the next day.,1 945,945,945,Blake was embarrassed of his car.,Blake wanted to show off his new car to everyone.,Blake wanted a car.He searched all over for the best deal.He finally settled on a corvette at a dealership.He bought the car and he instantly fell in love.,2 946,946,946,Greg decided that he intensely dislikes the color green!,"Suddenly, he realized that he loved red things more!",Greg was thinking about his favorite green things.He loved green apples!He loved green lettuce!He loved green cars!,2 947,947,947,Joey was able to purchase camping equipment for his little sister.,Joey spent the afternoon alone in his room grounded from friends.,"Joey's little sister was bugging him.He thought it might be funny to trip her.He tripped her, and she started crying.Their mom ran into the room.",2 948,948,948,They ate the entire pizza in one sitting.,They ended up taking the pizza to go.,"The other night my husband and I met our friend Greg for pizza.Greg ordered a pizza with anchovies, olives, and sun dried tomatoes.Greg offered my husband a slice.Neither of them could eat more than one slice because it was so salty!",2 949,949,949,Lara decided his personal life didn't matter and enjoyed it.,Lara watched the Michael Jackson video anyway.,Lara liked to watch music videos on YouTube.One day she was scanning popular music on the website.She found a music video by the artist Chris Brown that she liked.She felt conflicted because of the reputation of the artist.,1 950,950,950,Amy rejoiced the store was closed.,Amy was upset.,"The light bulb blew in Amy's bathroom.She went to the kitchen to get another, but they were all gone.Amy went to the store to purchase light bulbs.When she arrived the store was closed.",2 951,951,951,Tyler hoped someday to have a place with a yard.,Tyler was very pleased with himself.,"Tyler decided to make a new fence for his yard.He worked all day long to dig the holes for the posts.The next day, he put the posts in.Then he put up the fencing.",2 952,952,952,Jet did not like everyone being nice to him.,"Jet was surprised, but happy.",Today was Jet's first day of school.He was very excited but nervous about making friends.He was worried that the other kids would be mean.When he got to school everyone was so nice.,2 953,953,953,Janice realizes she hates her friends.,Janice relaxes at home and falls asleep.,Janice notices that she is very tired after work.Her coworker suggests that they stop at a bar for a glass of wine.Janice and her coworker have a glass of pinot noir and relax.Janice feels much better on her walk home.,2 954,954,954,I couldn't find my dog anywhere.,We took pictures.,"Every morning my dog, Rex, wakes me up by licking my face.One Saturday morning I woke up to find Rex nowhere to be found.I looked all over for Rex until I found her in the laundry room.There she was licking four adorable newborn puppies.",2 955,955,955,Both ships sank before morning.,The two ships shared their cargo.,Two ships passed in the night.One was British and one was German.They saw each other and both fired their guns.The two ships began taking on water.,1 956,956,956,They were pleased with the cake the next day when they picked it.,They picked up the unicorn cake the next day and were pleased wit.,Greg and his buddies went to the market to order a custom cake.Greg told the clerk he wanted a cake shaped like a haunted house.The clerk said they had a few haunted house designs to choose from.Greg and his buddies picked one out.,1 957,957,957,Rachel felt lucky.,But Rachel didn't need his help.,Rachel went biking on a mountain trail.She took a less-used route.Rachel got lost in the woods the trail was in.She met a park ranger in the woods and they got out.,1 958,958,958,She had a good time making the birthday video.,She did not want to wish her uncle happy birthday n.,Our 19 month old granddaughter loves her uncle Joe.It was Joe's birthday yesterday.Our granddaughter lives 200 miles away from her uncle.Her daddy had make a video wishing her uncle Happy Birthday.,1 959,959,959,I was able to get gas for my car.,I was able to buy a burger.,I needed gas for my car.I did not have enough money for any gallons.I looked under my couch pillows and in my pockets.I finally found enough change.,1 960,960,960,He didn't ever fix the rip.,He sewed up the rip before it got any bigger.,Pat wore his favorite shirt to work.During a break he noticed a thread hanging from his collar.He followed the thread to a rip in the fabric.Pat went to a store to buy a sewing kit.,2 961,961,961,Kim hated the dress.,Everyone stared at nice dress.,Kim went through her closet and pulled out all her old clothes.She took scissors and cut up all the clothes into strips.She took them and began to sew them to make a dress.Kim put on her new dress and wore it around town.,2 962,962,962,The new student had glasses.,They were jealous of the new boy!,Gina and her friends were all talking about the new boy.He had arrived at the school today and received a new desk.Now all the students in the class wanted new desks.But there weren't enough.,2 963,963,963,I decided to water ski home.,I would have preferred solitude.,"I decided I wanted to go to the park the other day.After thinking, I decided on which park in town to go to.After arriving, I set about walking the trails and relaxing.There were a lot of people out that day!",2 964,964,964,Amy began to sweat.,Amy began shivering.,Amy was visiting her best friend in Phoenix.It was her first time in Arizona.She was excited to see the town.She exited the airport and was struck by the heat.,1 965,965,965,Everyone bought the album because it was so good.,Then Tyler decided he would never play the guitar again.,Tyler loved to sing and play the guitar.He played and sing in church.Everyone loved it when he sang.One day Tyler made an album.,1 966,966,966,"When she came home, I warmed up the chicken.",I kept the sandwiches in the refrigerator until she arrived.,My wife was coming home early from work last night.I decided to make sandwiches.She usually enjoys them quite a bit.She didn't come home when she said she would.,2 967,967,967,"At that point, James was able to join band class.",James attempted to join the swim team.,"James was sad because all his friends joined band class without him.He begged his mother for permission and money to join but she said no.James got a job with the paper route and saved his money for weeks.Finally, by week 5 of his route he had enough to rent a clarinet.",1 968,968,968,Joy lay on the beach for most of the day.,Joy enjoyed sledding for whole morning.,Joy went to bed hoping for snow.She had a new sled she really wanted to try!She was overjoyed when she woke up to six inches of snow.She got dressed as quickly as she could.,2 969,969,969,He declined the offer and just stayed at home.,He went to TCU and graduated.,"James wasn't into soccer, but he played it anyways.He was actually a great player.Eventually he was offered a scholarship to play for TCU.He wanted to go to college so he kept playing.",2 970,970,970,They had a fantastic time.,The hated the beach.,It was a bright sunny day and the Smiths wanted a break.They decided to take a small trip to the beach.Just as they arrived clouds came out and it started raining.They decided to stay and play anyway.,1 971,971,971,They father and son then walked home.,The toddler was very happy about the treats.,"On the fourth of July, the bank held an ice cream party.A mom took her toddler to it.They stood in line.When it was their turn, they got a balloon and some ice cream.",2 972,972,972,The teacher caught and suspended me.,I was very proud of myself.,"I was ill-prepared for my final exam coming up.I decided to make a cheat sheet to use in class.I was nervous, but needed an A.I put my cheat sheet in my palm and used it.",1 973,973,973,Oscar wrestled his doctor to the floor.,"He had to take his medicine as prescribed, or it wouldn't work.",Oscar was a wrestler in high school and practiced every day.During practice he got sweat from other people on him.He ended up coming down with ringworm on his left hand.He went to the doctor to get medicine.,2 974,974,974,I used the shovel to get rid of the rest of my chickens.,The hawk flew away before I knew what to do with the shovel.,I own five chickens that I keep in a pen to keep them safe.One sunny day I decided to let them wander around on my lawn.They were enjoying themselves when a large hawk swooped down.I saw the hawk grab my favorite hen and I ran after it with a shovel.,2 975,975,975,Bob thinks all of his friends should come to yoga with him.,Bob thinks he should stop trying to do yoga.,"Bob has heard that yoga will help him reduce his stress.He decides to attend a beginners yoga class.However, he finds that the poses are difficult and uncomfortable.One pose even makes his back ache.",2 976,976,976,Harry told Barry he was going camping.,Harry and Ben loved Barry's choice.,"Harry needed to find a hotel room for a week.Barry decided to research on the internet for hotel options.After selecting two hotel companies, Harry had to make a decision.After comparing, Barry decided on a hotel.",2 977,977,977,Cay was very stressed afterwards.,This always made her calm and relaxed.,Cay decided she was too stressed out.She decided she would try to meditate to calm her stress.Each morning she sat cross-legged and closed her eyes.Then she thought calming thoughts for several minutes.,2 978,978,978,The finally had found peace with each other.,The fight behind them grew larger before the police arrived.,Johnny and his mother have been fighting for Years.The fight has gone on so long neither one remembers why it started.One day Johnny decides to call his mother to tell her he loves her.The decide to put the fight behind them.,1 979,979,979,Lina was so heart broken.,Lina was so relieved!,"Lina's dentist told her she needed braces.She didn't want them.She was scared everyone would make fun of her.Luckily, after she got them, everyone complimented her on them.",2 980,980,980,Tom was enraged.,Tom was elated for his girlfriend.,Tom decided to ditch hanging out with our family.He wanted to go on a date with his girlfriend.They went to a restaurant.He found out that she was waiting for another man over there.,1 981,981,981,The cake turned out perfectly.,"Bob threw the cake away, and went for a walk.","Bob wanted to bake a birthday cake for his wife.He mixed all of the ingredients together in a bowl.Then, Bob poured the batter into a pan.He baked the cake for 30 minutes.",1 982,982,982,She let them keep the computer.,The shop fixed her computer.,Sarah was typing out an essay for her English class.Her laptop started to make a funny noise.The screen turned black.Sarah took her laptop to a computer repair shop.,2 983,983,983,Jordan gave up.,Jordan watched new episodes of his favorite show.,"Jordan was upset that his favorite show was being cancelled.He had already sent an email to the network.When that netted no results, he posted on forums.Finally, he realized there was no hope.",1 984,984,984,I walked away from it without playing.,I played it until I ran out of money.,"When I was a boy, I went to the arcade.I walked around and looked at all the cool games.I saw one game that really caught my eye.I walked up and put my coins into it.",2 985,985,985,Tommy spent all of his money on a new bike.,So he went to Florida.,"Tommy wanted to take a trip to Florida.He checked his savings, but didn't have much money.So he started working and saving as much as he could.Within a month he had enough for the trip!",2 986,986,986,Ed's feet immediately felt better.,Ed reported the masseuse for health code violations.,"Ed went for a foot massage.He was nervous, but his feet ached.The masseuse set him on a stool.Then she rubbed his feet expertly.",1 987,987,987,"He told his mother, and she took him for pizza.",His mother found out and made him confess.,Greg was almost always a good kid.But one day he was tossing his baseball and wasn't paying attention.The ball soared through Mr Jones' window and broke it.Greg ran and hid so nobody would be angry with him.,2 988,988,988,We won the game and received an awesome prize.,We shot a hole in the opposing float and they sank.,"A couple of my friends took me to an arcade.In addition to playing arcade games, we played outdoor activities.This included going on floats with water guns.My friend and I tried to shoot the people on the other floats.",1 989,989,989,He fell so in love with the scenery that he eventually moved.,"When he got off the train, he enjoyed the west immensely.",Neil was traveling through France.He had spent a few days in Calais.Then he wanted to see the sights in Nice.He hopped on a train and journeyed east.,1 990,990,990,They had to push the car.,They soon went home.,Rob was driving with his friends.They were driving all night just for fun.When they got to downtown the car started to sputter.It ended up stalling in the middle of an intersection.,1 991,991,991,I began to read over the test.,I woke up when the bell rang for class to be over.,"I stayed in the library all night to study for a chemistry test.By the time the sun started to come up I was exhausted.I struggled to keep my eyes open as I walked to class.Once the tests were handed out, I immediately fell asleep.",2 992,992,992,Kaleb became a master at video games.,Kaleb soon became a regular on the team.,"Kaleb wanted to play basketball.He decided to get into shape.When basketball season arrived, he tried out for the team.He did well in the tryouts and made the team.",2 993,993,993,He woke up feeling extremely tired from staying up.,He woke up feeling better than he had in a long time.,Travis always stayed up until midnight.He never got a good night of sleep.One night he drank a glass of warm milk.Travis went to bed early.,2 994,994,994,Martin's friends were very angry with him.,They all enjoyed the cabin.,Martin had a cabin in the woods.He would go to his cabin whenever he wanted to relax.Martin decided one weekend to take his friends to the cabin.He and his friends got in a car and took a trip to the cabin.,2 995,995,995,Amy found out that dinner had been finished for hours.,Amy snuck out through the bathroom window.,Amy awoke in her dark room.She had fallen asleep waiting on dinner.That was 4 hours ago.She went to see if her family had eaten.,1 996,996,996,Don was in pain and the ambulance was very late.,"After taking care of Don, he was able to heal properly.",Don fell off of his bike and broke his arm.It wasn't a terrible injury but he needed emergency care.They took him to the hospital in an ambulance.They gave him pain meds and used the sirens.,2 997,997,997,Jane left Old Navy to try jeans on at another store.,Jane ate in the food court.,Jane visited Old Navy to purchase new jeans.She was excited by their selection.She chose 9 pair of jeans to try on.To her dismay none of the jeans fit.,1 998,998,998,She opened the door and left.,Jane's mother was very happy with her.,It was Jane's 2nd date with Jack.As she waited for him to arrive her mother asked when she would return.Jane avoided answering her mother's questions.She was relieved to finally see Jack pull into the driveway.,1 999,999,999,Alfred realized it was his dog.,Alfred was disappointed.,Alfred was sitting alone in his room when he heard a strange sound.The sound was getting louder and louder.Alfred was too scared to investigate the sound.Suddenly the sound stopped.,1 1000,1000,1000,She got the horse she always wanted.,Sally decided to get a cow instead of a horse.,Sally loved horses.She always wanted one of her own.Her parents said she would get one if she did well in school.Sally studied extra hard and made all As.,1 1001,1001,1001,I then sold the man my piano.,I picked up the piano and then went home.,I was looking on craigslist and saw a free piano.The person needed to get rid of it and I called him.I got his address and showed up at his house.When I got there I saw the nice piano.,2 1002,1002,1002,"When Nancy woke up, she got out of bed.","When Nancy woke up, it was time to go home.","Nancy wanted to take a nap.Nancy decided that she would nap on her lunch break.After Nancy clocked out, Nancy went to her car.Once comfortable, Nancy fell asleep in her car.",2 1003,1003,1003,Gina's feet were too big for her shoes.,Gina folded the bedspread so she could carry it easier.,Gina was carrying a clean bedspread upstairs.She was carrying it in her arms.She had a hard time keeping it off the floor.Her arms were too small to hold the whole bedspread.,2 1004,1004,1004,Fred turned in his story and got an A+.,Fred no longer wanted to be a fireman.,Fred's English assignment was to write a short story.But he was scared he would fail.He looked at several other short stories for inspiration.And he spent hours and hours writing his story.,1 1005,1005,1005,Matt stopped caring about the shoes.,Matt's mom eventually got him the shoes.,Matt saw a commercial for new shoes.And they had springy looking cushions in the sole.Matt thought it would allow him to jump higher.So he begged his mom to get the shoes for him.,2 1006,1006,1006,She loved eating pizza.,She found a great yellow one.,Rita was invited to her friend John's birthday party.Rita wanted to look her best for the party.She went to the department store to find a dress.She tried on several dresses of different colors.,2 1007,1007,1007,Donald was disappointed.,Donald was thrilled.,Donald was a big Colts fan.He followed the team religiously.His family wanted to surprise him for his birthday.They bought him front row Cots tickets.,2 1008,1008,1008,Dave's feet were riddled with fungus and infections.,They found some E-sized shoes for him which fit well.,Dave was shopping for new shoes.The ones he liked were his shoe size but still felt odd.A salesman came and measured his foot to help.They found out Dave's feet are wider than average.,2 1009,1009,1009,I am very proud of my new running shoes.,I think I will take dance classes.,"I just bought new running shoes.They are comfortable and light.They were on sale.Even though I don't run much, I still like them.",1 1010,1010,1010,She practiced the drums every day.,Debbie practiced every day for four hours.,Debbie wanted to be a rock star.After she graduated she moved to LA to start a band.She had no money and less experience.She saved up to buy a guitar.,2 1011,1011,1011,Tina was satisfied.,Tina was a vegetarian.,"Tiana was so hungry.She decided to buy a burger!She went to a fast food restaurant and ordered the burger she wanted.When she received the burger, she ate it immediately.",1 1012,1012,1012,Jerry roasted marshmallows on the fire.,Jerry burned his house down.,Jerry wanted a romantic evening with his girlfriend.He put rose petals by the door.He lit candles throughout the apartment.One of them caught a curtain on fire.,2 1013,1013,1013,She sliced it perfectly the first time.,Kathryn threw the pineapple away.,Kathryn loved the taste of pineapple.She bought a fresh pineapple from the store.She had no idea how to cut it.Kathryn watched a video on the computer that showed how to slice it.,1 1014,1014,1014,The whole family was wet at the end of the day.,Gina's parents were mad at her.,Gina's dad was near the kitchen window outside.Her mother sprayed him through the window with the sink sprayer.Soon they were throwing cups of water at each other in the yard.Gina and her siblings joined as well.,1 1015,1015,1015,Sarah couldn't even make third place.,She won first prize that day.,Sarah decided to participate in a karaoke contest at her local bar.She wanted to win the prize money but also wanted the accolades.The night of the contest she was nervous and got pretty drunk.Luckily she was an even better singer when she was inebriated.,2 1016,1016,1016,Allison and her neighbor then made plans to walk more.,Allison did not like her neighbor after the talk.,"Allison takes a walk every night after dinner to get exercise.Nobody ever wants to go with her.One night, she ran into one of her neighbors.They walked for over an hour and had the best time talking!",1 1017,1017,1017,Ed went home and thanked his mom for the food she provided.,Ed felt jealous of the people in India and Asia.,Ed's mom could only afford to feed him bologna every day.He hated feeling so poor all the time.Then his class did a unit on poverty in Asia and India.It really gave Ed a new perspective on his situation.,1 1018,1018,1018,"When georgia was done, she.",Georgia made a great looking pumpkin when she finished.,"Georgia was carving a pumpkin.First she put it on the table, on top of some newspaper.Then, she cut the top off and scraped out all of the seeds.Finally, she used a large knife to carve a face in the pumpkin.",2 1019,1019,1019,Matt talked to the man about becoming a chef.,Matt was in great physical shape and joined the army.,Matt wanted to join the Army.He submitted an application.They called him in for a physical.Matt went in for his checkup.,2 1020,1020,1020,The pilgrims refused to enter the gift shop.,The pilgrims bought many souvenirs there.,"A group of religious pilgrims took a trip to a shrine.The journey was long and arduous.On arriving, they found a gift shop there.This struck them as highly inappropriate.",1 1021,1021,1021,They all ran from the bear.,They all had a good time.,"The day was sunny and warm, a perfect day for a picnic.Mom, James, and Renee went to the park.First they went for a walk.Then they had a picnic by the river.",2 1022,1022,1022,I did not go to the hospital.,They were forced to operate on me and then I felt better.,"I received a lumbar puncture today.After hugging a friend of mines, I noticed a huge pain on my back.Although decided to take a nap, the pain didn't go away.When the pain was unbearable, I decided to go to the emergency room.",2 1023,1023,1023,Danny's grandpa chastised Danny.,"At the end of the day, Danny and his grandpa flew the kite.",Danny wanted to build a kite but didn't know how.He asked his grandpa to help him.Danny's grandpa gave him a list of things to get at the store.After getting the items Danny and his grandpa worked all afternoon.,2 1024,1024,1024,Her brother was happy that he couldn't shuffle the cards.,Betsy helped her brother learn to shuffle the cards.,"Betsy and her little brother were playing cards.Her little brother insisted on shuffling.He had never done it before.Every time he did it, cards went flying everywhere.",2 1025,1025,1025,I decided to put catnip in the Christmas tree.,The cats tore through the tree.,"Since it is Christmastime, we bought our cats some new toys.Later, we set up our tree.The cats loved their new toys.They must have thought the tree was another new toy.",2 1026,1026,1026,Jim thanked his boss for doing such a wonderful job.,Jim quit his job and found a new one the next day.,Jim worked at a sheet factory.He was the best employee there.He asked his boss for a raise.His boss said no.,2 1027,1027,1027,Joey felt very grown up.,Joey felt childish.,Joey was fourteen.He really wanted to shave.He watched his face every week in the mirror.Finally he began to grow a beard.,1 1028,1028,1028,She had to ask a doctor to take the toenail out of her foot.,Lexi petted the cat and apologized for stepping on it.,"Lexi was cutting her toenails.But she didn't clean all of them up when she finished.While walking to her kitchen later, she stepped on one.And she couldn't believe how careless she was.",1 1029,1029,1029,The astronaut felt a surge of excitement.,The astronaut ate a donut.,"The astronaut sat strapped into his chair.His face was cold determination, but he was nervous.He remembered his training and focused on the mission.The rocket booster began to ignite, this was it.",1 1030,1030,1030,I was glad I found exactly what I was looking for.,I had just graduated with a degree in computer science.,The other day I decided I needed to research javascript classes.Sitting down at the computer I began my search on google.It was not long at all before I had results in front of me to help.The chosen result led me to an info page for online classes.,1 1031,1031,1031,He went out to dinner with his best friend to celebrate.,He was angry he had done so poorly.,Scott loves rock climbing.He competes against himself.He sets personal goals and tries to beat them.Last week he set a personal best.,1 1032,1032,1032,Allen gave up on the idea of chopping down that tree.,Allen started to feel excited.,"Allen wanted to chop down the tree in his front yard.He used an axe but it was not quite sharp enough.He found his chainsaw but it ran out of gas.He kicked the tree with his foot, yelling and screaming.",1 1033,1033,1033,James was sad with his mother's comments.,James was happy with his mom's comment.,James wanted to look cool.He decided to get a mohawk.He shaved his head himself.His mom said he looked dumb.,1 1034,1034,1034,She decided to try and win The Amazing Race.,She wrote the Food Network to see if she could go on the show.,Kelly was excited to watch food network star.She absolutely loved that show.Every time she watched it she felt inspired.She felt like she wanted to join one day.,2 1035,1035,1035,She decided to take the rest of the day off.,She excitedly ran to her next class.,Amy woke up feeling lousy from a cold.She decided to go to school in spite of the illness.Her classmates all remarked that she looked horrible.Amy could barely drag herself from class to class.,1 1036,1036,1036,Todd decided to live outdoors instead.,Todd loved the place on first sight.,Todd was an aspiring artist looking for a new studio.He scoured the internet but came up empty.Then he called a realtor who found him one.She took him there.,2 1037,1037,1037,Daniel turned the publisher down.,Daniel is thrilled.,Daniel likes to write for fun.He writes every night after work.He submitted his story to a publisher.The publisher loved it and offered Daniel a job.,2 1038,1038,1038,Jake found himself further in debt than ever before.,Jake pulled himself out of debt.,Jake was in substantial financial debt.He decided to hire a financial adviser for help.The financial adviser gave Jake a budget plan to stick by.Jake followed through on the plan by cutting his expenses.,2 1039,1039,1039,Ron decided to cut down the tree.,Ron's tree would shade others for years to come.,"Ron planted a tree in his backyard to shade his house.But it took Years and Years to grow.When Ron was old, the tree was tall and beautiful.And he was proud of himself for taking care of it throughout the Year's",2 1040,1040,1040,He has been managing it well.,We don't need to give him medication.,"My dog was walking stiffly in the cold.So, we took him to the vet.Upon examination, the vet diagnosed him with arthritis.Now my dog takes medication.",1 1041,1041,1041,The rose was perfect.,Joy decided not to grow any more roses.,Joy loves to grow roses.She waters her roses every day.One day Joy saw a red rose opening.She was so happy.,1 1042,1042,1042,Linda was determined.,Linda gave up easily.,Linda always wanted to learn to ice skate.She asked her mom to sign her up for lesson.She fell over and over again.She kept practicing every day.,1 1043,1043,1043,He soon had to find a house to move to.,He was happy people liked his drum playing.,Ethan was moving into an apartment downtown.He really didn't consider the changes he'd make going from a house.So it really hit hard when he set up his drum set.Within ten minutes he had five noise complaints.,1 1044,1044,1044,The dog gave birth to a litter of puppies.,The dog had gravy on his face from the mans dinner.,"A man turned away from his dinner to answer the telephone.When he turned back, his dinner was gone.He looked around, and saw his dog quietly sneaking out of the room.The dog chanced a glance back at the man.",2 1045,1045,1045,"She wiped the ice cream off and looked up, sheepishly.","When she was done eating, she went to the restroom to clean up.","Meghan liked to eat subs at her desk at work.On Tuesday, she purchased a very juicy sub.She munched on it very loudly.In the middle of eating, she spilled the sauce on her shirt.",2 1046,1046,1046,Gina did not like Dave.,Gina decided to date Dave.,"There was a boy in Gina's 6th grade class named Dave.It was the first week of school, but Gina knew she didn't like him.He would sit as his desk and giggle goofily.The sound of his goofy giggle made Gina's skin crawl.",1 1047,1047,1047,Aya put the finishing strokes on a picture of a skyscraper.,Aya became famous for her landscape pictures.,Aya wanted to paint a picture.She bought canvas and paints.Then she sat down by a window for inspiration.She began to paint an image of the landscape.,2 1048,1048,1048,Tyler was a dog.,Tyler was computer literate.,"Tyler wanted a new computer.However, none of the computers available to buy fit his desires.So, he decided to build one himself.He ordered all the parts and got to work.",2 1049,1049,1049,Alex slept on the bus stop bench for the rest of the day.,The bus arrived on time and Alex got to work.,Alex needed to go to work.She looked at the bus schedule.She saw that there was a bus in five minutes.She walked to the bus stop.,2 1050,1050,1050,Tim was unprepared and failed the test.,Tim aced the test and passed with flying colors.,"Tim didn't like school very much.His teacher told him he had a test on Friday.If he didn't pass this test, he could not go on the class trip.Tim decided to play with his kites instead of study for the test.",1 1051,1051,1051,I cut down on soda until I didn't drink it anymore.,I drank more soda to see whether that would help.,I used to drink soda all day.I started to get utis.Utis are painful.i had to find a way to make them stop.,1 1052,1052,1052,Now we watch horror movies together every day.,I watched the rest of the movie by myself.,My girlfriend is easily scared.I love watching horror movies.I convinced her to watch one with me.She yelled at one scene and spilled her soda everywhere.,2 1053,1053,1053,Stanley was very upset.,Stanley felt grateful.,"When Stanley was driving, there was a car on the adjacent lane.When both cars made a turn, his car remained on the right lane.However, the other car ended up colliding with him.The cars were hit from the front part.",1 1054,1054,1054,Drake was a vegetarian.,It was yummy!,Drake loved Chipotle.After the e coli outbreak he stopped eating there.However he craved their delicious chicken.Drake found a copycat recipe and gave it a try.,2 1055,1055,1055,They were all impressed.,They were all ashamed of her actions.,Becca started taking painting classes.She became adept at portraiture quickly.She had a natural talent for painting people's faces.She painted every member of her family.,1 1056,1056,1056,Amy made curtains for the rest of the rooms in her house.,Amy decided to hire a professional.,"Amy decided to make curtains for her living room.She sewed for hours to complete the job.When she was finished she hung the curtains.The seams were off, and the hem was lopsided.",2 1057,1057,1057,She caught them before they burned her piano.,She decided not to do anything.,Rachel loved to play on her piano.One day she was paid to play at a romantic event.She lit candles and put them on her piano.The candles started to burn low.,1 1058,1058,1058,Lisa blames her mother for choosing such a windy day.,Lisa broke her kite when a seagull got tangled in the line.,Lisa was at the beach.And she saw someone flying a kite.It looked like a lot of fun.So Lisa bought a kite of her own.,2 1059,1059,1059,Nell's mom thought it was very nice.,Nell's mom smeared more dandelions on it.,"Nell saw a girl with a cast on her arm at the park.Nell's mom watched as her daughter made a new friend.Later, Nell brought the girl over to show her mom something.Nell had smeared dandelions on the cast to paint it yellow.",1 1060,1060,1060,He vowed to stop staring.,Larry hated his teacher.,Larry had a big crush on his teacher.He knew it was pointless but constantly found himself staring.One day she caught him.He was really embarrassed.,1 1061,1061,1061,I turned around and went back to bed.,I sat down and continued to enjoy the smells from the kitchen.,"When I woke up in the morning, I went downstairs.I smelled the smoke coming from the turkey.I also smelled ham, macaroni and cheese and lasagna.My mom finished cooked everyone and asked me to sit down.",2 1062,1062,1062,They decided to go swimming.,Barry won the coin toss.,Barry preferred classical music to modern music.His husband preferred rock music.The two could not agree on what to play during dinner.They decided to flip a coin.,2 1063,1063,1063,Joe decided to go on a diet.,Joe ate a whole pizza.,"Joe woke up one day and looked in the mirror.He noticed he had really put on some extra weight.Joe sighed, and forced himself to step on the scale.He noticed he had gained nearly 40 pounds the past year.",1 1064,1064,1064,The lady was very upset that I was bothering her.,She asked me to call an ambulance.,"I was walking around at a mall.There was a young lady walking in front of me.All the sudden, she fainted to the floor.I knelt beside her, and stayed with her until she came to.",2 1065,1065,1065,Ted was happy when he found the money the tooth fairy left him.,Ted was relieved when Santa brought him exactly what he wanted.,Ted wished for a drum set for Christmas.He wrote a letter to Santa to ask for the drums he wanted.Ted behaved really well to ensure he'd get his wish.Christmas Eve came and he was worried Santa may not come.,2 1066,1066,1066,Kelly jumped for joy.,Kelly was disappointed that school was closed.,Yesterday there was record snowfall.Four feet of snow came on the ground.Kelly hoped for a snow day.Thankfully the school was canceled.,1 1067,1067,1067,John made the track team and won.,John dug up the field with his grandfather's tractor.,John wanted to be on the track team for his high school.He wanted to run the dashes but wasn't a fast starter.He could run for hours at a steady pace but just not very fast.His coach recommended that he runs the mile instead of sprints.,1 1068,1068,1068,Jo enjoyed time at home much more after his move.,"Jo looked all over his new apartment, but couldn't find any axes.",Jo couldn't take his ratty apartment anymore.He looked at housing ads and went on several apartment tours.Jo finally found one he liked and could afford.Jo packed up his stuff and moved into his new apartment.,1 1069,1069,1069,I told her I hated her.,I told her I liked her.,"I called Carly to ask her on a date.I got her voicemail.I texted her that we should talk soon.She texted me back, asking why we should talk soon.",2 1070,1070,1070,He had to buy new ones.,He went running.,Jason loved his old shoes.He was wearing them when the sole fell off.He tried to glue them back on.What a mess he made.,1 1071,1071,1071,Cindy laughed when she finished the book.,Cindy cried at the end of the story.,"Cindy was reading a story about a dog.But she never liked dogs.As she kept reading, however, she became attached to the dog.In the end of the story, the dog died.",2 1072,1072,1072,He lay down on the bed and went to sleep.,After taking out the trash his bed still smelled.,"Greg hated taking the trash out.He decided not to do it.The trashcan was overflowing in just a few days.Finally, his father put the trash on his bed.",2 1073,1073,1073,Ann decided to start dancing.,Ann quickly cleaned up the broken glass and threw it away.,"Ann woke up in the middle of the night.She was thirsty and wanted a drink of water.She tiptoed into the kitchen and got a drink.But then she accidentally dropped the glass, which shattered!",2 1074,1074,1074,Jane was starting to feel she had witch's curse reversal powers.,"Being splashed, put Jane in a great mood.","Jane was going to a Halloween party.She decided to go as a witch.She drove to work in the rain.She she stepped out of the car, she was splashed by another car.",1 1075,1075,1075,Eileen and the girl became friends.,Eileen likes to eat meat.,"Eileen was the new kid in school.She did not have many friends because she was shy.One day at lunch, a girl invited her to sit at her table.Eileen decided that she would.",1 1076,1076,1076,I didn't want any chips after all.,I wanted the pretzels.,"I went to the store hoping to buy some chips.But I couldn't decide what I wanted there were so many to choose from!Do I get potato chips, doritos, fritos, maybe pretzels?Finally, I knew what I wanted.",2 1077,1077,1077,Aya left the room before anybody could speak.,They all told her that they enjoyed it very much.,Aya wanted to be a chef.She decided to test her skills.She cooked her family a huge dinner.Then she asked them if they had enjoyed it.,2 1078,1078,1078,Nick decided to quit baseball.,Nick ran the bases with a big smile on his face.,Nick was at a baseball game during the evening.He stepped up to the plate so that he could bat.The pitcher threw a fastball at him.Nick saw the ball and hit it for a home run.,2 1079,1079,1079,They remarked how tasty the sausage was.,They remarked how tasty the chicken was.,Johnny is excited to have a big party this weekend in his backyard.He decides to grill food for his guests in case they are hungry.Johnny grills chicken thighs that he has brushed with oil.His guests are very happy with the grilled chicken.,2 1080,1080,1080,Kaylie decided Martin must really love her.,Kaylie decided Martin was not faithful.,"Kaylie and Martin had finally set their wedding date.Kaylie was eagerly awaiting the big day.The day of the wedding, Martin was nowhere to be found.Kaylie, her family and friends were devastated.",2 1081,1081,1081,They both agreed it was a wonderful date.,They decided to never visit that restaurant again.,Mom got dressed up and Dad met her at the door.They went out for a date tonight.The fancy restaurant was perfect.Their meal was delicious.,1 1082,1082,1082,She ate the candy apple.,She then had to purchase another candy apple.,"Lucy went to the local sports parade.At the parade there were several different groups selling snacks.Feeling hungry, Lucy purchased a candy apple for $3.Clumsily, Lucy ended up dropping her candy apple.",2 1083,1083,1083,The audience sobbed at the sad songs Ella sang.,The audience's laughter told Ella she should pursue her dream.,Ella wanted to be a comedian.One night her local comedy club had an amateur night.Ella decided to try it out.She went onstage and told her jokes.,2 1084,1084,1084,Finally the rash disappears completely.,The doctor tells Archibald to lose weight.,Archibald notices that his skin is red and inflamed.He goes to his doctor and learns that he has a rash.He applies ointment every day to soothe the rash.Eventually the rash begins to go away.,1 1085,1085,1085,Kelly's parents raised her allowance.,Kelly was grounded for a week.,"Kelly really wanted a tattoo.She begged her parents but they said no.As a result, she went and got one anyway.When she got home, her parents found out.",2 1086,1086,1086,Sarah was proud of her children.,Sarah found teaching children very boring.,"Sarah is a ballet teacher.She teaches a class of small children.She wanted to teach the children to dance for a pageant.It was a lot of work, but all the children were happy to do it.",1 1087,1087,1087,Blake took off his boots and continued bare foot.,Blake felt lucky to have such good boots.,"Blake loved to go hiking.He would always take his favorite boots when he went hiking.One day, Blake went on a really rough hike.He stepped through jagged rocks and rugged terrain.",2 1088,1088,1088,Terry left the house for Alaska.,Terry got the baby to calm down.,"Terry's daughter was in extreme pain in her mouth.After an evaluation, Terry realized that her daughter was teething.Once Terry realized she was teething, Terry administered medication.After the medication, Terry placed teething gel on the baby's teeth.",2 1089,1089,1089,Christian spent the rest of the day in a great mood.,Christian was worried he was going to be late for school.,"Christian wanted to eat something quick before school.He went into the kitchen and poured some cereal.When he was pouring the milk, he spilled it all over the table.Christian got mad because he had to clean all of it up.",2 1090,1090,1090,I told my girlfriend to leave me alone.,I started to feel better.,I was really sick last week.Work didn't want to give me any days off.I got home one day and noticed my girlfriend was there.She made me soup and brought me medicine.,2 1091,1091,1091,Kevin call his insurance company about the bill.,"Kevin declared bankruptcy,","Kevin had recently fallen ill and was hospitalized.He stayed a few weeks in the hospital before he got better.When he got home he received a bill for $100,000.Kevin did not have any health insurance.",2 1092,1092,1092,Anna gave the bandana away to a thrift store.,Anna regained her confidence by wearing her bandana.,Anna was undergoing chemotherapy.Her hair thinned and then fell out.Her mom bought her a bright bandana.Anna loved it and wore it everywhere.,2 1093,1093,1093,Lane was happy he got a kitten.,Lane promptly adopted the puppy.,Lane wanted a puppy.He didn't know where to find one.He asked his friend to help him.They both went to a shelter and Lane found a dog.,2 1094,1094,1094,All the homeless people were happy to get a treat.,Ray was very upset that somebody stole all his candy.,Ray had so much Halloween candy!He didn't know what to do with it all.Then he had a great idea.He donated the candy to a local shelter.,1 1095,1095,1095,They were ashamed of what they had done.,They felt good.,Last week a group of friends decided to go on a hike.They went to a mountain nearby.They followed a popular trail and set out for the day.The walk was exhausting but worth it.,2 1096,1096,1096,Timothy realized Morgan was probably right about the music.,Timothy said he didn't want to hear anymore Rolling Stones music.,Morgan and Timothy were having an argument.Morgan thought that all of The Beatles' music was good.Timothy thought their early stuff was not very good.Morgan made her case by simply playing a few songs.,1 1097,1097,1097,I own a car.,"Dad got what he wanted, though.",My Dad tried to buy a car yesterday.He went to the local dealership.He had some ideas in mind.But the dealer kept pushing other options.,2 1098,1098,1098,Everyone was very disappointed.,Everyone was very pleased.,"A mariachi band decided to take a road trip.Only the vihuela player had a car.It couldn't fit everyone's instruments.Crestfallen, the band went to a movie instead.",1 1099,1099,1099,She thanked the lady profusely.,Gina threw a temper tantrum that they didn't serve steak.,The lady's at Gina's Grandma's church cooked for them.After the funeral they had the food all set up.Gina had the best fried chicken of her life that day.She also discovered sweet Hawaiian bread.,1 1100,1100,1100,"On the way, she reveals the surprise to her delighted children.","After a while, the train leaves the station.","Carly is a huge Disney fan.She plans to take her children on a surprise trip to Disney World.She tells her children that she is taking them to see their uncle.Unenthusiastic, the children follow their mother to the car.",1 1101,1101,1101,Joy had brought a gun and shot both the bullies in the face.,Joy enjoyed spending time with her best friends Lily and Pam.,Lily and Pam were popular girls in school.They invited Joy to a diner after school.Joy was not popular and Lily and Pam knew it.They invited her just to bully her when they got there!,1 1102,1102,1102,I will look for a new job.,I got a raise at my old job.,My old job kept asking too much of me.Every wednesday there was a ton of new work.I could never catch up and each week got worse.Eventually I got too far behind and had to quit.,1 1103,1103,1103,Gina used her CD player instead.,Gina bought a new CD player.,Gina's CD player was broken.But she had a tape deck.The tape deck was more work than the CD player.If she wanted to hear a song again she had to rewind the tape.,2 1104,1104,1104,The girls were impressed and asked him to do it again.,Frank made a fool of himself.,"Frank was practicing bike tricks in his driveway one day.Penny and Bo were walking down the sidewalk, near Frank's house.Frank tried a really hard trick to impress them.He caught his foot in the spokes and flipped over the handlebars.",2 1105,1105,1105,Roy ran away in terror.,Roy went home with the tickets.,Roy got up early and went to the box office.He stood in line for hours to get to the front.He put down a stack of money and asked how many tickets he can get.The cashier gave him 15 tickets.,2 1106,1106,1106,Derrek was finally able to buy the piano.,Derrek decided not to buy the piano.,Derrek wanted to buy a piano.He started working odd jobs to earn money.Derrek kept the extra money he earned in a special bank account.He worked for months to earn enough money.,1 1107,1107,1107,Mary never made pudding as a chef.,Mary loved sweets.,"Mary ate pudding every day.She ate it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.One day she ran out of pudding.She then decided to become a chef.",2 1108,1108,1108,I eventually won.,While they dealt the cards I left for Mexico.,"I decided to join a poker tournament.It was a $100 buy in.I played very smart.I was on the last table, head to head.",1 1109,1109,1109,Zeke did not want to see his girlfriend.,Later she stopped by and they all had dinner together.,"Zeke was about to go on a date with his girlfriend.But, his parents suddenly pulled into his driveway.They wanted to surprise him by coming to meet him for the weekend.At first, Zeke was sad because he wanted to see his girlfriend.",2 1110,1110,1110,Roger signed up to compete in the long jump.,Roger loved racing so much that he accepted his wheelchair.,Roger broke both of his legs.He hated being stuck in a wheelchair.He saw a couple guys outside physical therapy in wheelchairs.They told him all about wheelchair races.,2 1111,1111,1111,My friends and I had a lot of fun playing and then went home.,We could not find a good basketball court.,"My friends and I were at the park.We had a basketball but were looking for a court.At the end of the park, we found a court.We took out our balls and played for an hour.",1 1112,1112,1112,Andy was not happy!,Andy was still asleep.,"Today is Andy's Birthday.Andy wants a chocolate cake for his birthday party.But, Andy's mom forgot to pick up eggs from the grocery store.Andy has to eat salad instead of chocolate cake.",1 1113,1113,1113,Howard is thirteen.,Howard liked socializing.,Howard is a senior.He feels a lot of bittersweet thoughts.He holds a senior party with all of his friends.They all enjoyed it and drank a lot.,2 1114,1114,1114,Chevy chased him down and beat him up eventually.,Chevy bought the chap a spot of tea.,"Chevy rounded up his friends, and was ready to seek revenge.The group went to the house of his enemy, and went looking for him.They beat up many of the man's friends, but the man himself got away.Chevy was injured during the process, but vowed to eventually get him.",1 1115,1115,1115,Bill called the number again and yelled until he was satisfied.,Bill woke up the next day with a toothache.,Bill called a customer service line to complain about his bank.He was put on hold for 30 minutes.During this time Bill got madder and madder.Suddenly the phone clicked and Bill's call was dropped.,1 1116,1116,1116,The manager fired the stealing employee.,"Stephanie started stealing from work, too.",Stephanie realized that some money was gone from her drawer.When she brought it up to her manager they investigated.It turned out that one of her coworkers was stealing money.She thought it was a waste because they were tipped so well.,1 1117,1117,1117,Jenna's friends loved shopping.,Jenna's friends hated shopping.,Jenna needed clothes for school.She took her allowance money and met up with friends at the mall.They walked inside and looked for shops they liked.Jenna and her friends walked through the mall for hours.,1 1118,1118,1118,Doug kept right on driving.,Doug decided to try the buffet.,Doug was famished after a hard day's work.He didn't feel like cooking so he decided to dine out.Doug wanted to end the day with a fulfilling meal.He spotted a sign to an all-you-can-eat buffet.,2 1119,1119,1119,Rick felt shame for losing so badly.,Rick was proud of doing so well.,Rick was running an obstacle course.The first obstacle was a series of hurdles.Rick fell on the first hurdle.Rick ended the race in last place.,1 1120,1120,1120,Both dogs happily continued to play in the snow.,The bigger dog couldn't find the smaller dog.,The dogs romped in the deep snow.The snow was so deep that the smaller dog disappeared in a drift.The bigger dog looked confused and began to dig.The smaller dog ran out from behind the drift.,1 1121,1121,1121,Her teacher sentenced her to detention.,Her teacher commended her for a job well done.,Gina's teacher was upset with her.She had hit a boy who snapped her bra strap.Gina explained that he started the fight.But her teacher didn't care.,1 1122,1122,1122,Her parents were very upset when they found out.,Gracie shared the wine with her parents.,It was Gracie's big day.She was turning 16!Her family threw her a huge party.She ate lots of cake and snuck her parents' wine.,1 1123,1123,1123,Noah kept the wallet.,The customer thanked Noah.,"Noah was working as a waiter.One day he saw that a customer had left his wallet on the chair.Noah decided not to steal the wallet.Instead, he called the customer to come and get it.",2 1124,1124,1124,Stuart and his friends did not go hunting.,"After the trip, Stuart felt much better.",Stuart had three days off work.He wanted to go hunting during that time.Stuart invited his friends to a hunting trip.They all went deer hunting for two days.,2 1125,1125,1125,"Instead of running, Jeff went to the movies.",Jeff beat his old record and was happy.,Jeff wanted to beat his mile run record of 6 minutes.So he practiced running every day.He ate more fruits and vegetables.And he felt much better.,2 1126,1126,1126,We went home and decided that was a favorite movie of ours'.,We went home disappointed in the movie.,My friend Andrea and I went to the movies last week.We got big buckets of popcorn and saw Magic Mike.The movie was hysterical.People in the theater were laughing and having a great time.,1 1127,1127,1127,Evan decided to quit high school.,Evan decided he liked high school.,Evan was starting high school.He was very nervous.He feared no one would talk to him.But then he found that all the students were very kind to him.,2 1128,1128,1128,I won the bet.,Then we laughed hysterically at the joke.,My friend and I couldn't remember the name of an actor.We kept coming up with the wrong name.Eventually we both came up with different answers.We bet on who was right.,1 1129,1129,1129,She walked home and mopped the whole say.,She realized she loved board games.,"Anna and Aidan were playing cards one night.Then Aidan suggested they play board games.Anna thought it'd be boring.She agreed anyway, and she was glad she did.",2 1130,1130,1130,Abigail was relieved to get her kitty out of the tree.,Abigail was disappointed to get her kitty out of the tree.,"Abigail's cat jumped out of her arms and ran down the road.The skittish cat saw a dog and ran up a tree.The cat was stuck and could not get down.Abigail called the fire department, and they came right away.",1 1131,1131,1131,Tim's skills improved over time.,Tim quit the class.,"Tim took an arts and crafts class.He was awful at it.He couldn't make paper hats, necklaces, or bracelets.He decided to keep trying.",1 1132,1132,1132,Ophelia feels proud of herself.,Ophelia closes both accounts.,Ophelia had always known it was important to save money.She decided one day to open up a savings account at her bank.She took some money from her checking account to open up the account.Her banker congratulated her on taking the first step toward saving.,1 1133,1133,1133,Amanda had to get a new phone.,Amanda was glad that her phone was not damaged.,Amanda dropped her phone in the water.She picked the phone up.She tried to turn the phone on.The phone did not work.,1 1134,1134,1134,Ed was scared.,Ed was happy.,Ed was playing baseball in his yard.He swung the bat and hit the ball.Then he flinched.The ball had shattered the neighbor's window!,1 1135,1135,1135,Ted smiled when he saw it was Joe.,Ted was happy to see his buddy Bob.,"In had been ten Years since Ted was in high school.He was bullied every day by Joel, the all star jock.Ted's life is better now, he really has everything he could want.As he was sitting down for lunch he saw a guy wiping tables.",1 1136,1136,1136,She decided it would be wrong to drink it.,Gina decided she hated vegetables.,Gina was at her uncle's house out of state.Her parents were in the living room playing music.In the kitchen there was a beer can on the counter.She thought about taking a sip.,1 1137,1137,1137,Margaret wasn't happy the bear survived.,Margaret cherished the repaired bear.,"Margaret had a favorite teddy bear.One day, her dog tore it apart.Margaret was heartbroken.Her mother got to work sewing the bear back up.",2 1138,1138,1138,I felt very proud of myself.,I felt like a true coward.,"I promised my wife I would learn to water ski.We went with her family out to the lake.When it was my turn to ski, I was too afraid.I made up a story about my legs hurting.",2 1139,1139,1139,She yells at me to leave her alone.,We manage.,My wife always packs more than she needs.She carries a lot of heavy luggage.I usually have to help her as well.It's hard to carry.,2 1140,1140,1140,Sam curled into a little ball of fear right there in the street.,Sam danced jubilantly in the darkness.,Sam was walking home.It began to get dark.Sam got scared.He didn't know what to do.,1 1141,1141,1141,Gina decided to sleep on the couch alone.,"Gina climbed into her grandma's bed, and went to sleep.",Gina's grandma had made up beds for everyone.Gina's siblings slept with their grandma.There was no room for Gina in that bed.Her parents slept together in her mother twin bed.,1 1142,1142,1142,I don't like old people.,I plan to go back every week.,Last Saturday I decided to volunteer at the nursing home.To my surprise it was very fun.I played some checkers with the folks and read to them.The residents seemed to enjoy my company greatly.,2 1143,1143,1143,They both came back perfectly relaxed.,They both came back mad.,"Mary and Sally decided to go on a vacation together.After looking at a travel website, then decided on a cruise.They went on a cruise to the Bahamas in April.Both girls had a wonderful time on the cruise.",1 1144,1144,1144,Jackson stops being friends with him.,Jackson's friend loves the painting.,Jackson is a painter.He often paints portraits for family members.One day a friend approaches him and asks him to paint his mother.Jackson happily obliges.,2 1145,1145,1145,Jerry and Stacey remembered this day for the rest of their lives.,That was the night Jerry and Stacey broke up.,Jerry and Stacey had been dating for a few months.He knew he loved her but was shy about saying it.He finally mustered up enough courage and told her.She told him she loved him as well.,1 1146,1146,1146,I will always cherish that day.,I decided I hated animals and never returned to the zoo.,"I went to a renaissance fair with my friends.At the fair, there was a petting zoo!We went inside to see the animals.I got to pet so many wonderful animals.",1 1147,1147,1147,Jamie was very embarrassed.,Jamie was proud.,Jamie was excited to try a new haircut.It turned out worse than expected.He had no way of getting it fixed.He wore a hat for the next week.,1 1148,1148,1148,Gina decided to over eat later.,Gina had to take the day off from school.,Gina had severe indigestion.She knew this was all her fault.She had eaten way more than she could hold.Now it was coming back up.,2 1149,1149,1149,Her mother punished her for losing the key.,She threw the key her father gave her into the lake.,"Gina told her mother she lost her key.It was an accident, but that didn't matter.It was irresponsible of her to lose the house key.Her dad gave her his key, and he would have a new one made.",1 1150,1150,1150,Felicia expected to lose her job the next day.,Felicia is excited to begin a new life.,"Felicia enrolls at the local university to study accounting.She encounters many challenges, including difficult tests and work.After working very hard on her courses, Felicia earns her degree.She packs up her things to move to her first job in New York City.",2 1151,1151,1151,Avery was happy about her financial situation.,Avery put on her shoes and began her trek.,"Avery needed to get to work.She wanted to take the bus or a cab.She found she had no money, credit cards or tokens.She realized that she had no options but to walk.",2 1152,1152,1152,Nate decided that haggling at yard sales would be more fun.,Nate decided to buy a bicycle instead.,"Nate was going to buy a new car.He went to a dealership last week.Nate spent hours there, haggling with several different salespeople.Eventually, he just gave up.",2 1153,1153,1153,Afterwards I got to meet my son.,Afterwards I went out for a pizza.,My wife was pregnant with my son.One day she said it was time to have the baby.I took her to the doctor where they got her ready.She was in labor for several hours with my son.,1 1154,1154,1154,Tammy was pleased with lunch.,Tammy wrote a poor review of the cafe on yelp.,"Tammy went for lunch at a cafe.There, she bought french fries and a soda.She ate them both happily.She paid a reasonable price for her meal.",1 1155,1155,1155,The candidate they both supported won.,They couldn't put aside their differences and stabbed each other.,"Joe and his neighbor supported different candidates.They put up yard signs to show their support.It became a bitter war, with new signs added daily.After the election, the neighbors met outside.",2 1156,1156,1156,John decided to run for class president.,John was embarrassed and vowed to never fall asleep again.,"John fell asleep at his desk during class.When he awoke, he was all alone!He ran out into the hall in a panic.His class was waiting for him there.",2 1157,1157,1157,Patty had a great time with her friends.,Patty decided to take everyone out to a restaurant.,Patty was excited about having her friends over.She had been working hard preparing the food.She also had the place looking spotless.All of her friends arrived and were seated at the table.,1 1158,1158,1158,Erica felt bad for what she had done.,Erica was happy to help her co workers.,Erica had a coupon for a dozen doughnuts.Erica decided to take them to work.Erica's coworkers were surprised that she brought doughnuts.The co workers thanked Erica for her kindness.,2 1159,1159,1159,Maya said yes.,Maya decided to never get married.,Maya was afraid that she was too old to have a family.She dreamed of meeting the perfect man and having kids.Finally she joined a dating service to try to meet the right man.She met a great guy who eventually asked her to marry him.,1 1160,1160,1160,Angelina finishes making the apple pie.,Angelina is finally ready to make a chocolate cake.,Angelina wants to make an apple pie.She has the apples but they need to be peeled.She starts peeling.Finally they are all peeled.,1 1161,1161,1161,Ana went to get a metal stud piercing for her lip.,Ana also got splinters in her lips!,"Ana was walking home from school one afternoon.She was texting on her phone as she walked.Not paying attention, And walked right into a telephone pole!She split her lip open quite badly.",2 1162,1162,1162,Amy was pleased with the moving company.,The moving company sold her furniture on eBay.,Amy was moving to her new apartment.She took weeks to pack up her things in her apartment.When moving day came her brother said he could no longer help her move.Amy called a moving company to move her things.,1 1163,1163,1163,He sold his private beach due to a lack of profit.,He purchased another private beach.,Casey owned a private beach.People always wanted to come lay in the sun there.Casey had a marvelous idea to charge people to enter.He made thousands from tourists willing to pay for access!,2 1164,1164,1164,Eric told all his friends they should hire the clown.,Eric wrote a bad review on the clown online.,Eric hired a clown to entertain guests for his son's birthday party.The clown arrived 20 minutes late to the party.The clown's stunts were really mundane.The guests were not entertained whatsoever.,2 1165,1165,1165,Kelsey was upset to find that her phone broke.,Kelsey didn't care and kept walking.,"Kelsey was due to get a new phone.She did a lot of research and selected the perfect one for her.She went to the store and bought it.Unfortunately, she immediately dropped the phone.",1 1166,1166,1166,Sally hated blueberries.,Sally loved blueberries.,Sally went to the blueberry patch with her basket.Sally walked through the rows of blueberry bushes.She picked blueberries until her basket was full.She ate some of the fresh berries as she picked.,2 1167,1167,1167,She was so scared that she screamed during the whole ride.,She was relaxed and laid back while on the ride.,We went on Tower of Terror while at Disney.My wife decided to go on even though she hates rides.She was so nervous the whole time in line.Once we got on the ride the panic started.,1 1168,1168,1168,Neil had a new appreciation for the Outback.,Neil hated the tour.,"Neil took a chartered drive up to Broome, Australia.He used it as a launching point for the Outback.He hired a guide to take him on an Outback tour.Its emptiness and glory silenced him.",1 1169,1169,1169,We were finally able to coax the cat out with treats.,The cat loved wondering the new home.,We moved to Cambridge in 2013.Our cat came to the new place first.She was unfamiliar with the new home.She hid in the kitchen cabinet for hours as we moved.,1 1170,1170,1170,The technician installed more viruses on his computer.,Pat asked the technician to remove the virus.,"Pat liked to spend time online.He downloaded many files without being careful.One day, his computer stopped working.Pat brought it to a computer technician, who told him he had a virus.",2 1171,1171,1171,"He liked to order the ""Catch of the Day.""",The chef there was notorious for serving spoiled fish.,Bill used to always love going to Cape Cod.He loved being by the ocean.But he also loved all the fresh fish.He would always go to same restaurant.,1 1172,1172,1172,Alice didn't know to give her baby a boy or girl name.,"She decided on the name ""Pat"" for her new baby.",Alice was pregnant.She went to the doctor's.They scanned her stomach with the ultrasound.Then they told her the sex of her baby.,2 1173,1173,1173,I swore to always wear sunscreen in the future.,The tanning booth was great.,I was on a cruise.We went to Haiti.I did not wear enough sunscreen.I got a horrible sunburn.,1 1174,1174,1174,Pat had to go to the hospital.,Pat's wrist had never felt better.,Pat was playing a pick up soccer game.The other boys were playing rougher than he was used to.One boy slide tackled Pat as he was going in for a goal.Pat landed on his wrist and felt a snap.,1 1175,1175,1175,Jane had never been more proud.,Jane was crushed.,"The awards ceremony began.The manager announced the awards for all of his employees.Everyone believed that Jane would receive the most outstanding award.However, the manager gave the award to Hannah.",2 1176,1176,1176,Joe went to inspect the damage.,Joe took a nap on the tree.,Joe was at home enjoying an adult beverage.Suddenly a loud crashing sound came from the back yard.Joe rushed out to discover a tree had fallen.He put away the drink.,1 1177,1177,1177,She calmly walked to school in the rain.,It was a the new doll she asked her mother for.,"It was Christmas morning.Amy was opening her gifts hurriedly, looking for the special one.Then she saw the last box in the corner.She quickly ripped off the wrapping paper.",2 1178,1178,1178,"They had a happy, but cramped holiday.",Ana walked to work because the weather was so lovely.,Ana's family was all visiting her house for Christmas.Suddenly a snow storm rose up and the weather grew bad.Two feet of snow fell!Ana's family was all snowed in at her house.,1 1179,1179,1179,I put the filter in the drawer with the vacuum cleaner bags.,I regretted having not cleaned the filter.,"I had a really good air conditioner.I never cleaned the filter.One day, it stopped working.I got really hot.",2 1180,1180,1180,Lily wiped her nose with the autograph.,Lily posted what had happened to all the social media sites.,Lily was at the nearby mall with friends when she saw Nick Jonas.She was immediately shocked and couldn't believe it.Nick smiled at her and gave her an autograph.Lily was elated.,2 1181,1181,1181,"But after working hard, he managed to pass.",He was a great student all the time.,"My son has always been very bright.However, he is not very good at doing his homework.Last trimester, he almost failed three of his classes.He had to work very hard to get his grades back up by term's end.",1 1182,1182,1182,I was glad that I got braces.,I realized that I made a huge mistake.,"I got bullied in school because of my teeth.I cried home to my mom, and she called the dentist.I soon got braces, and kept them for 4 Year's.After I removed them, everyone told me I was beautiful.",1 1183,1183,1183,Alice had no intentions of helping him.,Alice worked with him and he became more obedient.,"Alice was a dog trainer.She never came across a dog she couldn't help.One day, a man brought a dog named Henry to Alice.Henry was very withdrawn due to a bad first owner.",2 1184,1184,1184,She put the towel in the dirty laundry.,She pressed the towel to her forehead.,Yasmine was all alone with a migraine.She did not know what to do or how to make the pain go away.She remembered what her mother used to do for her during migraines.She went to the sink and prepared a warm towel.,2 1185,1185,1185,She was happy to find a rare album she had been looking for.,She gave them her collection of albums for free.,Pam loves music.She especially likes to collect vinyl records.She has over 100 records.Pam is now going to the record store.,1 1186,1186,1186,Ronald was glad he hadn't called the plumber.,The plumber arrived at Ronald's door.,"Ronald noticed that his kitchen sink was draining very slowly.He couldn't afford to hire a plumber, so he decided to fix it himself.Ronald bought two bottles of drain cleaner at the store.Pouring the drain cleaner into his sink fixed the problem.",1 1187,1187,1187,May achieved her goal of running the mile in under five minutes.,May became the fastest swimmer in the school.,"May was training to run a mile in under five minutes.She had trained for months and was pushing her body's limits.She began ignoring her soreness and kept running for days.One day, she felt so sore she couldn't move but kept running.",1 1188,1188,1188,I hated everyone.,I had a great time.,It was my first day at work and I was so nervous.I started sweating as I entered the office.My supervisor noticed that I was tensed and asked me for lunch.We went on a team lunch and I made friends there.,2 1189,1189,1189,The worker then walked away with Mary's suitcase.,The worker found her suitcase and gave it to her.,Mary had exited the airplane and headed toward the luggage carousel.She knew it would take a little time before she spotted her suitcase.She waited patiently while others picked their luggage off the rack.After no sign of her suitcase she asked a worker.,2 1190,1190,1190,Mia then decided to steal the gift instead.,Mia was upset she couldn't buy the gift.,"Mia had taken a long time at the store picking out the perfect gift.She finally approached the register.To her dismay, she found she was five dollars short in cash!After putting the item back, she started walking out of the store.",2 1191,1191,1191,George is excited for his second date with Mary.,George hates Mary.,"George was really nervous Mary would turn him down.Still, he decided to ask her if he can take her to dinner.Mary said yes, with a large smile on her face.They got along great, and had a wonderful dinner together.",1 1192,1192,1192,Leah finally obtained her driver's license.,Leah decided she did not want her license anymore.,Leah wanted her driver's license.She studied her road test manual.Then she went to take the test.She concentrated and focused very hard.,1 1193,1193,1193,Frank didn't try out for the wrestling team the next year.,"The next year, Frank made the team.",Frank tried out for the wrestling team at school.He did not make the team though.The coaches said that he needed to put on some more muscle.Frank spent the next year in the weight room working hard.,2 1194,1194,1194,My friend encouraged people to smoke in his car.,My friend didn't like people smoking in the car.,A friend picked me up from the bus station.We rode in his car for a while to his home.When we were nearing it I asked if I could smoke.He said that I could not but people don't listen anyway.,2 1195,1195,1195,This was Jim's proudest moment as a parent.,Jim re-attached the training wheels.,Jim was teaching his son to ride a bike.At first he taught the boy with training wheels.Then he removed the wheels.Jim was so happy he almost cried to see his son peddling.,1 1196,1196,1196,Tina saved enough on the bag to pay for the flight to Paris.,Tina was not going to fly to Paris just to buy a handbag.,Tina really wanted the exclusive Birkin bag.No store in the country had it in stock.Hence she was forced to go and fly to Paris to get it.Thankfully she found one in Paris for a good price.,1 1197,1197,1197,He got a hole in one in golf.,He decided to call in sick.,Ken needed extra money so he got a part time job.His job was washing dishes at a local Wendy's.One day his friend called and invited him to a party.The party was at the same time as his work shift.,2 1198,1198,1198,She then came over to my house.,I told her that I will see her later.,"I wanted to hang out with my friend today.She was acting a little suspicious.However, I assumed that she was normal.Eventually she said goodbye to me in a rude manner.",2 1199,1199,1199,The elderly customer was quite amusing.,The old lady asked directions to the nearest Mosque.,An elderly female customer asked where infrared heaters were located.She was disappointed that all of our infrared heaters were electrical.She wanted it keep her warm after terrorists destroy the power grid.She thought this meant ISIS was coming to burn down the power poles.,1 1200,1200,1200,This was one of her best rounds of golf.,It was one of her best games.,"Nina practiced her bowling every week.Her league had a contest coming up.When the contest day came, she was prepared.She bowled all strikes and spares.",2 1201,1201,1201,"He asked her to marry him, and she said yes.",He ended the letter telling her he was leaving her.,"Larry decided to write his girlfriend a love letter.He wanted to let her know how much she meant to him.He started out writing about how they met.In addition, he talked about her character and her positive qualities.",1 1202,1202,1202,Hank got a million dollars.,Hank got a few dollars.,Hank began to clean out his closet.He made a pile of wire hangers that he didn't need.Hank thought that he should recycle all the extra wires.He took them to the junkyard and sold them for scrap.,2 1203,1203,1204,She vowed to keep in touch with her new friends.,She felt so left out.,It was suzys first day of summer camp.She was afraid to be away from home for the first time.Thankfully she made some good friends.At the end of the summer she did not want to leave.,1 1204,1204,1205,Anna used the money to help abused animals.,Anna was upset that no one else shared her concern.,Anna went to an animal rights protest.She told people about animal rights issues.She asked for donations.A lot of people listened to her and donated money.,1 1205,1205,1206,Tina's sister vowed to get even.,Tina's sister wrote her a thank you card.,Tina wanted to play a prank on her sister.Tina set her sister's alarm clock 3 hours ahead.The next morning her sister got up 3 hours early.When she realized what had happened she was very mad.,1 1206,1206,1207,I took my new bunny home and loved it.,I decided to take the bunny to a pet store.,I had saw a bunny On craigslist.I called to go an pick her up.We arrived at the house.I saw my new bunny for the first time.,1 1207,1207,1208,It should be a very fun night.,I think i'll just stay home alone that night.,I'm all set for Valentine's Day.I bought flowers early.I made sure to get fresh chocolates today.I made reservations at a nice restaurant months ago.,1 1208,1208,1209,Mark decides he no longer wants to date.,Mark and Carol arrange a second date.,"Mark has spent Years without a girlfriend.He tried meeting someone to date without any success.Finally a friend introduces him to Carol, and they arrange a date.Mark and Carol have a nice night out at a restaurant.",2 1209,1209,1210,Walter decided to extend the length of his trip.,Walter had to cancel his plans.,"Walter wanted to travel.He decided to plan a trip.After researching, he picked a destination.A week before his trip a hurricane struck.",2 1210,1210,1211,Timothy ordered a veggie burger from the new fast food restaurant.,Timothy eat the cupcake in one big bite.,Timothy had an urge to eat sweets.He was looking everywhere for something sweet to eat.He found what he was looking for.It was a gigantic cupcake his mom made.,2 1211,1211,1212,"Mick went home, and ate the fish he caught that day.","Mick sent home relaxed, but empty-handed.","Mick went fishing by himself one morning.He sat in his boat thinking calm thoughts.He got no tugs on his line.In fact, he caught nothing at all all day!",2 1212,1212,1213,Mark wanted to meet the baby.,Mark didn't look at the baby.,"Mark's parents had an announcement.They were going to have a baby.Mark was mad and went to his room.When the baby cam, Mark went up to him.",1 1213,1213,1214,My son is thoughtless.,My son loves his grandma.,"Every summer my son's grandma plants a beautiful garden.Often times, she will ask for my son's help to pick out flowers.They take a full morning to drive to the store and peruse the choices.In the end, he picks out pretty purple and pink flowers just for her.",2 1214,1214,1215,Rwx has to be forced to wear his glasses.,Rex wears his glasses everyday.,Rex notices that he has trouble seeing objects that are far away.He decides to have his eyes tested.The eye doctor tells Rex that he needs to start wearing glasses.Rex finds that he loves his new look with glasses.,2 1215,1215,1216,John eventually moved to Hollywood.,John decided to become a sailor.,John wanted to be a movie star!He bought a wig and sunglasses.His mother recorded him acting in his costume!He was very entertaining!,1 1216,1216,1217,"His parents made him go to school, and he got an F in science.",His parents rushed him to the emergency room.,John was afraid to go to school on Monday.He had not completed his science project.John lied to his parents that he was sick.His parents knew that John was lying.,1 1217,1217,1218,It was less hassle than he thought it would be.,He wished pulling the teeth would be more difficult.,Tim had a dentist appointment today.He was going to get his wisdom teeth pulled.His dentist numbed his gums.His wisdom teeth popped out instantly.,1 1218,1218,1219,She thought about her friends during the train ride.,She was glad to leave her friends.,Ashley was packing all her belongings.She was moving far away to a new city.She was really upset about leaving her friends.However she got on the train with her suitcases anyways.,1 1219,1219,1220,The waiter had spit into the Chief's food.,The waiter and the chief decided to have dinner together.,"The chief received the food from the waiter.He prepared his utensils.After taking the first bite, he immediately threw up.The waiter was fired and kicked out of the restaurant.",1 1220,1220,1221,One of the lobsters pinched his hand causing him to scream.,He scooped up some of the water and took a drink.,Jamaal had an intense craving for a lobster dinner.He checked his wallet and realized he didn't have money for that.Jamal decided he would just try and steal a lobster from the market.He ran straight to the seafood section and put his hands in the tank.,1 1221,1221,1222,The second country joined the first country against a third.,Both countries were ravaged by war.,Two countries were competing for resources and global recognition.The two countries disagreed on some fundamental issues.One country declared war on the other and invaded.The two countries fought for many Year's.,2 1222,1222,1223,Ava threw away the Coke cap.,Ava was glad to have just won five dollars.,Ava spent her last dollar on a bottle of Coke.She twisted off the top and drank deeply.Then she checked the prize code under cap.Her eyes widened with surprise.,2 1223,1223,1224,Bill received his license that day.,Bill never got his license.,Bill was not the most confident driver.It was time for him to take his road test for his license.He had a little trouble backing out of the parking space.After that it went great.,1 1224,1224,1225,Bob started running.,Bob took shorter steps so it was easier for Sally to keep up.,"Bob had very long legs, and Sally was having a hard time keeping up.She was too proud to say anything, but she'd fallen far behind.Bob stopped in mid-sentence when he realized he was talking to air.He looked back and realized what had happened.",2 1225,1225,1226,The letter was for a magazine subscription.,The letter told me I did not get accepted to college.,"It was the last day to study before my math exam.I studied all day, without focusing on anything else.On the day of the exam, I did well.However, at home, I found a letter.",2 1226,1226,1227,I decided to buy a harp.,There I found exactly what I was looking for!,I loved to play music and need a new sound.I heard a synthesizer and new I needed to buy one.I looked online for a place to buy synths.I went to a local music store.,2 1227,1227,1228,I started to run after the dog.,I decided to ask the man for lunch.,A man knocked on the front door.He didn't say anything when I answered.He just kept staring.The dog ran out the door.,1 1228,1228,1229,Rubia then became very nice to us.,Rubia was a very mean dog.,"My boyfriend and I were on vacationing on the beach.We went to a beach that was inhabited by wild dogs.One dog, named Rubia, watched our things while we swam.We were so happy, we brought her meat the next day.",1 1229,1229,1230,I won the raffle!,I lost the raffle and dropped out of school.,"I had to attend an orientation at my University.The speaker announced that a raffle will take place today.Everyone had to put their student ID number on a paper.Every paper went inside the raffle, where it was shaken.",1 1230,1230,1231,The nurse told her not to wear heels anymore.,The 7th grader's parents were very pleased.,The 7th grader wore high heels to school.She looked like a colt trying to walk.She ended up falling.She had to go to the nurse.,1 1231,1231,1232,Tyrone decided to quit.,Tyrone threw a touchdown.,It was Tyrone's big football game.He was the quarterback for the team.Their team got off to an early lead.They were trailing with a minute left on the clock.,2 1232,1232,1233,Leah thought it was gross.,Leah was not surprised at all.,Leah went to Germany on a trip.At her first meal she ordered a Coke.She was surprised to find it served at room temperature.She was so used to ice cold Soda.,1 1233,1233,1234,They sent him on his way and prepared for the storm.,They wrote him a large check and thanked him for his help.,Tom the missionary visited the Smith's home.Tom attempted to convert the family to a new religion.The family was trying to get rid of him before the storm.They politely declined the missionary's efforts.,1 1234,1234,1235,Emily celebrated with a nice dinner.,Emily was crushed and heart broken.,"Emily was a little girl when her father passed away.Her mother raised her all on her own.When Emily was 19 Year's old her mother went on a trip.On the way to her vacation, her mom was in a plane crash.",2 1235,1235,1236,We were so disappointed!,We were so relieved!,"We have two cats at my house.One morning, we could not find the youngest cat anywhere.We called her name and looked all over.Suddenly, she appeared from the heating vent.",2 1236,1236,1237,Jane converted to Satanism that very day.,Jane realized it was her boyfriend and accepted his proposal.,Jane wrote an advice column for the local paper.One day she received a curious letter.It was about whether a man's girlfriend would accept his proposal.The details of their relationship were strangely familiar to Jane.,2 1237,1237,1238,I'm glad I know what the problem is now.,I still don't know what the problem is.,My car overdrive light started flashing yesterday.I was worried.I drove the car to a mechanic to get it checked out.He said that the transmission was the issue.,1 1238,1238,1239,Sally failed in her efforts to complete the assignment.,Sally was a total success and she was thrilled.,"Sally is a writer.She signed up to write a story.There was a very specific set of instructions included.Unfortunately, she did not read the directions.",1 1239,1239,1240,Joe slipped and paid the ultimate price.,Joe decided not to climb into the volcano and he didn't want to.,Joe went on vacation.He went to an island that had a large volcano.Joe's friends dared him to climb into the volcano.Joe decided it was something he needed to do.,1 1240,1240,1241,Martha was sad when no birds made use of it.,Martha baked an apple pie and put it on the feeder.,Martha loved to watch nature from her porch.She decided to buy a bird feeder.She put bird food into the feeder.She put it up on a tree in her backyard.,1 1241,1241,1242,She decided that she should buy them more presents.,So she started making them earn their luxuries.,"Jane hated how her frugal dad made them save tinsel from the tree.She let her kids throw away handfuls of the silvery stuff.Then, Jane noticed her kids weren't grateful for their presents.She thought they didn't care how hard she worked to buy them.",2 1242,1242,1243,He learned he didn't like the opera.,He decided he loved the opera.,His first time at the opera.He only went after his girlfriend begged.He sat for three hours in sheer boredom.Finally it was over.,1 1243,1243,1244,Jay bought luxury car that afternoon with his initial earnings.,Jay become slightly less poor from Amazon Mturk.,Jays habit of buying expensive beer was catching up to him.He was spending more money on beer than food.He needed to find another source of income to support this habit.A friend recommended he try out Amazon MTurk.,2 1244,1244,1245,I was sad when my candidate lost the election.,I began to sing and dance as I had practiced.,"When I turned eighteen, I registered to vote.I was so excited to participate in the democratic process.I did research on each and every candidate.When voting day came, I went to the polling station.",1 1245,1245,1246,Ron had annoyed his parents by refusing to get off the toy car.,Now his house can stay cool all summer.,Ron only had one air conditioner.And it didn't cool off his entire house.He invested in a powerful fan.And it help blow cool air to his room.,2 1246,1246,1247,"Sheepishly, he brought it to the dealership for repair.",The SUV drove perfectly from that point forward.,Sam bought a new SUV.It was all wheel drive.He figured he would take it off road.He hit a few hard bumps and broke his suspension.,1 1247,1247,1248,Robert had enough money to then get the ring.,Robert went for a walk.,Robert wants to propose to his girlfriend Jennifer.His only issue is that the ring she wants is out of his price range.Robert decided to have a garage sale one day to see what he can sell.He ended up getting rid of stuff he didn't want and made lots of money,1 1248,1248,1249,And they won.,But they weren't interesting in winning.,John and Bill signed up to participate in a scavenger hunt.The scavenger hunt was at their school.They went from classroom to classroom to search for clues.John and Bill found all the clues.,1 1249,1249,1250,Ida asked her husband what he thought about Irene.,Ida told the nurse to stop suggesting ugly names.,"Ida was delivering her baby daughter.She still hadn't thought of a name!Then a nurse suggested ""Irene"".Ida considered it and decided it was a lovely name.",1 1250,1250,1251,Ava felt like a bad human being.,Ava felt very good about what she had done.,"Ava had a lot of old clothes.She never wore them, but she didn't want to throw them away.Her mom suggested that Ava donate them.Ava took them to the thrift store and donated them there.",2 1251,1251,1252,I ate a grilled cheese sandwich.,I had run out of milk.,I found a stray cat yesterday.I gave it some milk.It came back again today.I was going to give it some milk but didn't.,2 1252,1252,1253,Harry was more hungry.,Harry's hunger is satiated.,Harry has been stuck at the office working very late tonight.He is hungry but there aren't many stores open.Finally he remembers that the local fried chicken restaurant is open.He eats two delicious pieces of fried chicken.,2 1253,1253,1254,Jimmy and his dog were soon happily reunited.,Jimmy was afraid he'd never see his beloved cat again.,"Jimmy's dog had gone missing.Jimmy put up missing posters everywhere around town.A few weeks later, Jimmy received a call on the phone.Someone had found his dog!",1 1254,1254,1255,Lauren was excited about going out to lunch soon.,The teacher was impressed and gave her an A on her exam.,Lauren was nervous about giving a speech for her French final exam.She arrived to class.It was her turn to give her speech.She finished her speech and felt relieved.,2 1255,1255,1256,He saved enough money from his work to buy a car.,He stood on the street corner asking for money.,"Max was determined to reach his goal of making extra money.He asked his family, friend, and co-workers for extra work.He did not mind working harder to reach his goal.He finally found a job on Mturk.",1 1256,1256,1257,Phillip became confident.,Phillip was embarrassed.,"Phillip was the shortest kid in his class.He felt embarrassed sometimes about his height.During the summer, he hit a growth spurt.Phillip ended up growing 6 inches.",1 1257,1257,1258,Sandra ordered a second plate of lobster.,Sandra vowed she would never eat lobster again.,"Janice wanted to go to a Seafood place.She made arrangements to go with some friends.When they all went, Janice ordered the lobster.After she ate the lobster she got very ill.",2 1258,1258,1259,The burn hurt her skin a bit.,Shannon felt immune to the sun's rays and didn't care.,Shannon went to sunbathe by the pool.She realized she forgot her sunscreen but stayed anyway.She tried to go in the water to help prevent sunburn.She got burned anyway though and went home after a while.,1 1259,1259,1260,John was then very happy.,John then fell down and died.,Jill bought a pickaxe and went down to the mine.John saw her on her way.He told her that women can't work in the mine.So she swung her pickaxe right through his skull.,2 1260,1260,1261,Jim was angry.,Jim was delighted.,Jim really wanted a new smart watch.He started saving his money because the watch was very expensive.One day he walked into work and there was a present on his desk.His boss had bought him a smart watch because of his excellent work.,2 1261,1261,1262,"He was so happy, he jumped for joy.",He wept as the verdict was being read.,"The defendant proclaimed his innocence as he was arrested.His attorney fought a hard battle, appealing to the jury.The crucial moment was the DNA evidence linking him.The defendant was sentenced to 30 Years in prison.",2 1262,1262,1263,Joe yawned and shuffled outside to get the mail.,Joe quickly collected his things and went to the shelter.,"Joe woke up to a lot of loud noises outside.It sounded very bad, very windy.He turned on the news and saw that there was a tornado warning!The warning said to take cover immediately!",2 1263,1263,1264,Vanessa gave the babysitter a raise.,"Vanessa caught her snooping, and fired her.",Vanessa hired a babysitter that liked to snoop.She snooped in makeup drawers.She snooped in jewelry boxes.She snooped in medicine cabinets.,2 1264,1264,1265,James never left his new town.,The apple tree was still there.,"James planted an apple tree in his yard.It grew to about 5 feet in a few Year's.Unfortunately, James had to move away.Year's later he came back to visit his old hometown.",2 1265,1265,1266,It was the beginning of a great relationship.,She never spoke to Brian again.,"Amy liked her neighbor Brian, and hoped he would ask her out.She waited patiently, but he never mentioned a date.Finally one day Brian called and asked Amy to go to dinner.Amy was so happy, and they had a great time.",1 1266,1266,1267,Sandy was sad.,Sandy was happy.,"Sandy was taking a trip to Mexico.Sandy successfully caught the first flight of her trip.However, Sandy missed the second flight for her trip.There were no more flights for the day, so Sandy was stuck.",1 1267,1267,1268,Mary was disappointed.,Mary didn't want peaches.,Mary went to the market on Sunday for fruit.She bought bananas but couldn't find any peaches.She decided that she would wait on the peaches until next time.When she went again there were still no peaches.,1 1268,1268,1269,Gus tried to get the money so he could get his things back.,Gus just laughed at his landlord.,The landlord banged on His' door and demanded rent.Gus told the landlord that he didn't have the money.The landlord stormed into the apartment and grabbed Gus's valuables.The landlord took them to his truck and locked it up.,1 1269,1269,1270,Lily was glad to buy a new coat.,Lily coated the driveway in gravel.,Lily went to a nice shop she loved in the city.She loved shopping there but it was very expensive.Thankfully she saw a coat on sale.The coat was sixty percent off.,1 1270,1270,1271,He went home and happily kissed his wife.,He went to bed early that night because he was so depressed.,"William was feeling down after receiving some bad news.William's wife tried to raise his spirits, but was unsuccessful.William's friend asked him to help move a sofa for a wounded veteran.The move turned into a 6 hour visit that raised William's spirits.",1 1271,1271,1272,Stella struggled through the basketball game.,"Suddenly, she felt better.","Stella had a basketball game tonight.She wanted to skip the game, or sit on the bench.She wasn't really feeling well.But her coach insisted she play.",1 1272,1272,1273,She proceeded to eat all the nuts in the dish.,Then she fell asleep in her cage.,"There was nothing Pollyanna liked better than nuts.Pollyanna was a very clever Cockatoo.When she saw a dish of nuts in the living room, she wanted them.After her owner left, she pried open her cage door with her beak.",1 1273,1273,1274,The friends were upset when they discovered Natalie was missing.,They agreed on a name for the team and joined a league.,A group of friends went to go bowling.They had a really good time.The friends decided to formalize themselves into a team.They brainstormed for a good name.,2 1274,1274,1275,I was happy.,I felt so defeated.,"I loved to eat honey with my oatmeal.One day I unexpectedly ran out of honey.I did not want to eat my oatmeal without honey so I went to the store.Alas, they had run out of their honey stock.",2 1275,1275,1276,Samantha called me the next day and offered me the job.,Samantha called me the next day to conduct a phone interview.,"Samantha called me for an interview over the phone.I answered most of her questions with ease.Afterwards, we said our parting remarks.I exhaled heavily when I hung up the phone.",1 1276,1276,1277,John is getting nervous.,John went to find a wedding planner instead.,John is afraid to commit to Yohanna.She asked to be married by the fall.John insisted that their finances weren't right.Later that month Yohanna decided to plan a wedding herself.,1 1277,1277,1278,Susan was witnessing her first earthquake.,She couldn't believe it was happening to her again.,Susan had just moved to California.One morning she woke up to a loud deep rumbling.She felt the earth move underneath her.She had never experienced something like this before.,1 1278,1278,1279,The kids were scared.,Then the entire family broke out into song and dance.,Gina and her siblings were in the house looking out the window.In the yard her dad and his friends were fighting.The fight was violent and scary.Gina shooed the kids away from the windows.,1 1279,1279,1280,I carried the team.,The team didn't need me that day.,"Today's lab assignment turned out to be a disaster.Since my teammates were confused, I had to guide them.This includes showing them how to do every procedure.Although we finished after everyone else, I put in a lot of effort.",1 1280,1280,1281,Albert was ecstatic!,Albert was so disappointed.,Albert wanted to try out for the basketball team at school.He waited on the bench for his turn to play.He played his best as the coach watched and took notes.When he finished the coach told him he made the team.,1 1281,1281,1282,Nick was mad that his girlfriend did that.,Nick won a thousand dollars.,Nick turned 18 on Sunday.His girlfriend Zoe came to his birthday party.Zoe bought him a lottery card for his birthday.He anxiously scratched off the numbers.,2 1282,1282,1283,John had a sever case of flu.,John went home with the pretty nurse.,John was at work and began running fever.His back started to hurt.His boss sent him to urgent care.The doctor did a flu test.,1 1283,1283,1284,Marie was shocked.,Marie was not surprised at all.,Marie's husband is in the Army.He is away for a tour overseas.Marie walked into her home.Her husband was waiting on the couch.,1 1284,1284,1285,They arrived at the wedding and continued the ceremony.,They arrived at a restaurant instead of the wedding.,The morning of the wedding found Diana very nervous.Her bridesmaids helped with her hair and make-up.Her mother helped her put her dress on.Diana and her maids drove off in a limo.,1 1285,1285,1286,Jane was angry at Elwood.,Jane was thankful.,Jane broke Elwood's binoculars.Jane was apologetic.Jane knew the binoculars were too expensive for her to replace.Elwood forgave her.,2 1286,1286,1287,He was glad he still got to work on time.,He went swimming in the pool.,Terry's car broke down.He wasn't able to afford a rental.He decided to take the bus.To his surprise it was a pleasant experience.,1 1287,1287,1288,The policeman got Due to the wedding on time.,Sue was arrested.,Sue got married last Saturday.She almost didn't make it to the wedding.She got stuck in traffic.Luckily a kind policeman saw what was happening.,1 1288,1288,1289,Fred told Fran she was ugly.,Fred told Fran she looked great.,"Fred & Fran were a happy couple.It was valentine's day, and Fran was excited.Fred had already planned a special night out.After work, the couple got dressed for their date.",2 1289,1289,1290,I decided to jet ski for them.,I saw they were both on leashes.,"Every day a cat would be chased through the street by a dog.One day, I noticed the cat did not run across the street.I went outside to look for the cat and enjoy the sun.I eventually saw the cat walking with the dog.",2 1290,1290,1291,He was looking forward to getting away.,He had so much work to do over the weekend.,Bob was bored in his cubicle.He had been working so hard this past month.He decided to treat himself with something special.He ordered tickets for a weekend snowboarding trip.,1 1291,1291,1292,She enjoyed the candy apples.,Mari's apple pie was delicious.,Maria smelled the fresh Autumn air and decided to celebrate.She wanted to make candy apples.She picked up the ingredients at a local market and headed home.She cooked the candy and prepared the apples.,1 1292,1292,1293,They all made good money.,The next day they closed the business.,"Dan and three friends wanted to start an exterminator business.They got a small loan and bought some cheap office space.They had to make a lot of their own equipment.They became very specialized, and so kept a regular clientele.",1 1293,1293,1294,"If I don't get a better job soon, I'll be bankrupt.","I enjoy it so much, it doesn't even feel like work.",I love my job more than anything in the world.I work from home as a freelance artist.I work in my sweatpants and get to draw and paint.People pay a lot of money for my art and I am high in demand.,2 1294,1294,1295,I wasn't any good at playing sports.,I was very good at every sport I tried.,"I wanted to play sports when I was younger.I tried several different sports.I tried baseball, hockey, and soccer.I quit most of them.",1 1295,1295,1296,"That night for dinner he had a large steak, and ice cream.",After a surgery the prognosis was positive.,Kathy's dad was rushed to the ER.He was having major pain around his heart.The doctors ran several tests.He was admitted immediately.,2 1296,1296,1297,Sam had never had better-tasting chicken in his life!,"After it was completely cooked, the burger was delicious.","Sam wanted to cook a burger.His cast iron skillet was rusted from being left out.Sam scrubbed his skillet with some steel wool.Afterwards, he seasoned the skillet in the oven.",2 1297,1297,1298,Cara decided to pass the tradition on.,Cara did not want to continue making tamales.,"Cara loved Tamales.She and her grandmother made tamales every year at Christmas.Unfortunately, her grandmother passed away one day.When Christmas came, Cara made the tamales anyway.",1 1298,1298,1299,I decided to order pizza instead.,The hamburgers I made were delicious.,I started the grill to cook hamburgers.I took the patties out and laid them on the grill.The patties sizzled as the grill got hotter.Finally I took the patties off and put them on a bun.,2 1299,1299,1300,Ben was very wealthy.,Ben needed the money.,Ben was falling asleep at his desk.He still had two more hours before the end of his shift.He thought about leaving work early.He couldn't afford to lose the extra hours.,2 1300,1300,1301,Inky was very disappointed.,Inky bought the shoes.,"Inky wanted to look taller.She'd never worn heels before.She decided to try them and see how they fit.She found a comfortable, attractive pair.",2 1301,1301,1302,James decides to become a therapist when he grows up.,James considers running away from home.,"James notices that he has become increasingly depressed.He feels alone, and does not know who to talk to.Finally his mother recommends that he began seeing a therapist.James begins regularly seeing a therapist and starts to feel better.",1 1302,1302,1303,Penny was amazed.,Penny was used to seeing snow.,"Penny is from a tropical climate.She has never seen snow.For vacation, she decided to go skiing.Penny saw snow for the first time.",1 1303,1303,1304,He has to go to the store on Sundays for new socks.,Paul stopped wearing socks.,Paul always does his laundry.He sorts everything by color.He also sorts his socks and underwear.Somehow he always loses socks.,1 1304,1304,1305,She dropped her chemistry class.,She decided to buy books earlier next semester.,Kelsi needed her textbook for chemistry.She ordered it online.She waited everyday for it to come but it never came.Finally she got the book a week later.,2 1305,1305,1306,We agreed that it was the best meal we had ever eaten.,We laughed about how terrible the chicken was.,My sister in law dropped off some baked chicken.The dish looked very appealing.My wife heated the dish up.We ate the chicken but found it to be very bland.,2 1306,1306,1307,We laughed and celebrated.,We were sad.,Last week was the big election.A lot of people got together for election parties.My friends and I were no exception.Our favorite candidate lost by a lot.,2 1307,1307,1308,Her mom was able to help her get it right.,She decided she didn't like fish anymore.,Jenny is a six year-old girl who reads lots.Jenny's favorite book is Astrid Lindgren's Pippi Longstocking.Jenny wanted to be Pippi for Halloween.She couldn't get her pigtails to stick straight out like Pippi's,1 1308,1308,1309,"She was a bit stunned with excitement, but she managed to wave.",She jeered and yelled at him.,"Ana was at a town festival.She was nervous because the President was coming!When she saw his car approach, she almost fainted.But then he got out and smiled at her.",1 1309,1309,1310,Peg wasn't interested in tasting it.,Peg thought it tasted amazing.,"Peg worked hard canning jam from her garden's fruit.When she finished, Peg admired her rows of jam jars.She decided they looked too pretty to eat.Much later, Peg finally opened one jar of the jam.",2 1310,1310,1311,The glasses fixed his headaches immediately.,The optometrist gave him comfortable sneakers.,Michael would get headaches anytime he would read a book.He enjoyed reading but the pain made it difficult.Someone suggested he get his eyes checked.He was told he needed glass to read by the optometrist.,1 1311,1311,1312,He did his best anyway.,He was thrilled as he speed through the quiz.,James was in social studies class minding his own business.The teacher looked at everyone and said we are having a pop quiz.James panicked because he hasn't studied.James couldn't answer any of the questions on the quiz.,1 1312,1312,1313,He was fired for being a bad teacher.,He won an award for best teacher his very first year.,Francis had always wanted to become a history teacher.He studied history very diligently in college.Finally he applied for a job teaching history at a middle school.He worked hard to be the best teacher he could be.,2 1313,1313,1314,It was a great day.,It was an awful day.,Daddy is took me fishing today.We woke up early and went out to the boat.The sun was just rising over the horizon.We sat on the water for hours talking and fishing.,1 1314,1314,1315,Joe spat out the cold ice cream.,It took several days for Joe's lips to heal.,Mary made Joe some dinner.She told him to wait for it too cool down before he tasted it.Of course Joe didn't wait.He stuck the spoon in the bowl then to his lips.,2 1315,1315,1316,Lola flew to Europe for a three month vacation.,Lola promised to be more careful in the future.,Little Lola lost her library book from her school's library.She wasn't allowed to take out another until she returned it.Lila and her mother fruitlessly searched the house from top to bottom.Her mother finally ordered a new copy to replace what they had lost.,2 1316,1316,1317,"I feel like I'm living a dream come true, thanks to Chicago!",I'm seriously considering moving to someplace smaller and easier.,I was raised in a small town.I always wanted to live in a city.Now I live in New York City.The city is dirty and the property costs are staggering.,2 1317,1317,1318,There is no food in my house.,I will cook a good dinner tonight.,I had to go to the grocery store yesterday.There was almost no food left in the house.I bought several things.Now we have plenty of food.,2 1318,1318,1319,He found the entire exercise very satisfying and interesting.,The results were inconclusive and Abe didn't care.,Abe really enjoyed numbers and statistics.He was curious how many guns the population of Stanford owned.He sent out a survey.Abe spent weeks tallying the results.,1 1319,1319,1320,I learned a lot from the submarine in the museum.,I soon learned all I could about steam engines.,I wanted to learn more about submarines.I bought some books about submarines in WWII.The books didn't have much technical detail.I went to a museum with a submarine dissected in it.,1 1320,1320,1321,She argued with her new bosses too.,Tara got a great reference from her old boss.,Tara argued with her bosses all the time.She always had differences of opinion with them.One day she was fired for insubordination.Tara eventually found a new job.,1 1321,1321,1322,George immediately hung up.,George explained what was going on with his bill.,"George found a mistake on his cable bill.He called the cable company's customer service number.George was put on hold for a while.Finally, a man answered the phone who could help George.",2 1322,1322,1323,He was happy because he hated the bird.,He hoped nothing bad had happened to the bird.,"Every morning, a bird woke Fred up for work at 6 AM.Fred began to like the bird.And he enjoyed the sound of its singing.One day, the bird no longer sang.",2 1323,1323,1324,Eli loved rap music.,Eli loved his career.,Eli Young loved Elvis Presley.He would sing and dance like him in the mirror.When he turned eighteen he moved to Las Vegas.He decided to work the strip as an impersonator.,2 1324,1324,1325,Jackson felt terrible after the trip.,"After the trip, Jackson felt rejuvenated.",Jackson was going on a trip.He was going camping in Utah.He drove out to a campground and set up a tent.He spent the trip relaxing and enjoying the outdoors.,2 1325,1325,1326,Icy decided to never skate again.,Icy felt she could skate.,"Icy had never roller skated in her life.She bought a pair of skates and tied them on nervously.She practiced skating outside, very slowly.She picked up speed as she gained confidence.",2 1326,1326,1327,Her father laughed and turned on an overhead light for her.,"Since the battery was dead, she threw it away.","Gina wanted to read her book as they drove on the highway.But the backseat was too dark.She tried to use her phone as a light.But that just drained the battery, and gave her wrist a cramp.",1 1327,1327,1328,Joe never threw rocks again.,Joe signed up for another yoga class.,Joe and his friends were throwing rock at windows.The windows were part of an abandoned building.The police caught joe and his friends.Joe felt sorry for his poor judgement.,1 1328,1328,1329,Laura sold the cake so she could afford new shoes.,Laura was very proud of the cake she made.,Laura told Cindy she would bake her a cake for her birthday.Laura decided to make a chocolate cake.She found a recipe online.She worked all day baking the cake.,2 1329,1329,1330,Baby Martin liked the banana.,Baby Martin was sick of bananas.,Baby Martin was 7 months when he tried a Banana.He was a very curious baby.He loved to eat carrots and sweet peas.One day his dad decides to give him a banana,1 1330,1330,1331,Her husband called an ambulance.,Amanda walked back to the car.,"Amanda was on a hike with her husband.Suddenly, she felt a sharp pain in her ankle.She realized that a hornet had stung her.Her foot hurt too badly to walk.",1 1331,1331,1332,But we were bored.,We had a fun time.,"In 2010 we visited our daughter in New York.She was a grad student at CUNY.She and her husband asked where we wanted to go.I picked the Frick House, as we visited there on our honeymoon.",2 1332,1332,1333,Wendy had fun playing this game.,Wendy told them the number was actually forty two.,"Wendy was thinking of a number between one and ten.Her mother guessed three, which was correct.Her father guessed seven.Her little brother Sam guessed ten.",1 1333,1333,1334,The smell reminded him of his love for his birds.,He pinched his nose constantly avoid the smell.,Todd collected and raised lovebirds.He had 12 in all.His apartment stank from the animals.Todd didn't mind the smell.,1 1334,1334,1335,Greg and the girl danced together all night long.,Greg apologized and moved on to meet other girls at the party.,Greg was at a party.He saw a girl he thought was very attractive.He approached her and tried to flirt.Then her boyfriend showed up and was mad at him.,2 1335,1335,1336,"My inventory of books contained old, rare copies of classic books.",I burned all of the books I owned.,"I ran an online bookstore for four Year's.I sold books that had been discarded by my local library.I started buying books to sell.I had an inventory of 3,000 books.",1 1336,1336,1337,He didn't know how to play football.,His dad was happy to play with him.,Dany was a six year old boy who loved to play football.One day Danny was crying because he was lonely.Dany's father was home early from work that day.Dany asked his dad to play football with him.,2 1337,1337,1338,The next night Amy and her mother ate in front of the TV.,Luckily her mother never found out.,Amy decided to eat dinner and watch the TV.Her mother never let her do this.But her mother was asleep tonight.Amy just had to make sure to clean up her mess before going to bed.,2 1338,1338,1339,Jo's mother punched her in the face.,Her mother said that she didn't know.,"Jo's mother was in prison.Jo went with her grandmother to see her mother at the facility.They sat at a table, ate snacks, and talked.Jo asked her mother when she was coming home.",2 1339,1339,1340,The whole teamed cheered for my son.,He left the court in a fit of anger.,My son played in a basketball team in elementary school.He tried hard but was not a gifted player.The team played everybody and he had fun.One day he made a basket.,1 1340,1340,1341,It then ate it.,The squirrel ran free.,When Al let his cat out last week there was a squirrel running by.The cat immediately ran after it.It chased it up a tree.Finally it actually caught it and killed it.,1 1341,1341,1342,We saw a number of paintings.,We did not see any paintings.,We visited our daughter and son in law in NYC in 2013.They took us to the Brooklyn Museum.I am disabled so they wheeled me through the exhibits.We looked at an exhibit of John Singer Sargent paintings,1 1342,1342,1343,Blanche was very concerned and scared by her weight loss.,Blanche was happy about her weight loss.,Blanche wanted to lose weight.She ate less and exercised more.After a month she began to feel better.She started to notice a difference in the mirror as well.,2 1343,1343,1344,Flossie churned double the amount of butter the next day.,Flossie was proud of what she did.,"Flossie is a pioneer.Her job is to churn the butter.One day, Flossie forgot to churn the butter.The town was sad.",1 1344,1344,1345,Tina was terrified of snakes.,Tina's husband suggested it would make a good pet.,"Tina wanted to go for a hike so she put her baby in a baby carrier.They were walking up the trail in the park near their house.Suddenly, in front of them, she spotted a long black snake!After screaming, she ran home to tell her husband.",1 1345,1345,1346,Everyone was disappointed in Casey.,Casey did a wonderful job.,Casey was competing in a school talent show.She was incredibly nervous.All she could think about was all eyes on her.Thankfully when she hit the stage her nerves cooled.,2 1346,1346,1347,Eventually she ran out of room to store them!,Carol liked knitting and sailing.,"Carol has been looking for a hobby to keep herself busy.She decides to begin collecting baskets.She collects small baskets at first.Finally she buys a very big basket, which she is proud of.",1 1347,1347,1348,The man was very grateful.,The man allowed John to take the gift back.,"Everyday, John saw a homeless man at the corner near his school.It made John very sad to see someone in such great need.He decided to make a gift for the man with basic necessities.He looked for the man the next day and gave him the gift.",1 1348,1348,1349,Neil had a great time during his vacation to America.,Neil had a great time.,Neil was visiting Asia.He flew into Laos and saw the sights.Then he took a river cruise up the Mekong river.It was wild and beautiful.,2 1349,1349,1350,She went back up and shredded all the papers.,She went back up and filed all the papers.,"Sally needed to file some papers.Before that she needed to make copies, though.She knew this meant walking down to the basement.Once she was down there she made copies.",2 1350,1350,1351,She said yes.,She told Rufus that he could not buy her car.,"Rufus met a beautiful Russian girl who he wanted to date.He decided to learn to speak Russian in order to impress her.Rufus studied very hard to learn to speak Russian.Finally when he was fluent in Russian, he asked her out.",1 1351,1351,1352,She blushed and kissed him before inviting him inside.,She looked in disgust and slammed the door in Daniel's face.,"Daniel walked through a park to his girlfriend's house.On the way, he noticed a patch of beautiful wildflowers.Daniel carefully picked several of the flowers.He gave them to his girlfriend when he arrived at her house.",1 1352,1352,1353,Jamie prefers to watch movies to reading books.,Jamie now reads all the books she wants on the tablet.,Jamie loves to read books and has thousands of them.Her house is becoming too crowded with books but she wants them all.Her son bought her a tablet and showed her how to use it.She has put all of her books onto the one tablet.,2 1353,1353,1354,Eventually Mary got to run her own salon.,Mary then got a job as a plumber.,May wanted to run a salon.She decided to strive for her dream.She signed up for beauty school.She studied hard and finished in six months!,1 1354,1354,1355,The food was ruined.,We were all so grateful.,"I went to the beach with several of my friends.We planned to have a picnic.We set all our food out and were ready to eat.Suddenly, someone ran by and kicked sand everywhere.",1 1355,1355,1356,May won the game.,Max won the game.,Max and May were at a tavern.They saw the dartboard and challenged each other to a game.Max played very well.But May thru even better than him.,1 1356,1356,1357,Her grandson is upset with Louisa.,Her grandson thanks Louisa for the wonderful gift.,Louisa is trying to think of the perfect gift for her grandson.She decides to knit him a pair of mittens.Louisa buys a bright red spool of yarn for the mittens.Her grandson is very happy when he sees his new mittens.,2 1357,1357,1358,Devin was delighted with his friend's choice.,Devin and friend ignored the game and watched TV.,Devin had always loved playing video games with his best friend.They had been playing video games together for more than ten years.Yet each time they came together to play it felt like the first time.When his best friend brought over a new game it would be the same.,1 1358,1358,1359,She poured the bag of candy in the trash and left.,She fell and spilled her candy all over the street.,Betsy went into a candy store.She bought all the candy she could for ten dollars.She was so excited she ran out the door with a bag full of candy.She tripped on a shoelace.,2 1359,1359,1360,Tim wished that Sam would visit again.,Tim did not want Sam to come over anymore.,"Cousin Sam had fun at Tim's house.They played ball everyday.However, Sam had to leave with his parents.Tim was sad.",1 1360,1360,1361,They decided next time they would try a two-day trip.,They decided never to visit the beach again.,Ted and Wanda were excited about taking a trip.They were only able to go for the day so they had to leave early.They packed up the car and headed out for the beach.They spent all day having a great time on the beach.,1 1361,1361,1362,All the kids congratulated him on a job well done.,All the kids laughed at him.,Caleb loved to play baseball.Caleb was an outfielder on his team.One day someone hit a ball far out near Caleb!Caleb ran out to catch it but it hit him right in the nose!,2 1362,1362,1363,Ali was glad she had joined the bowling league.,"Ali felt her shyness diminishing, which made her very happy.","Ali wanted to start a book club, but she was very shy.She finally decided to try it with a few friends.Everyone had a great time.They decided to invite more people.",2 1363,1363,1364,"When tryouts began, the boy was prepared.",The boy had never seen a tennis racket before.,The boy wanted to join the tennis team.Tryouts for the team were beginning soon.The boy never played tennis before.He went to the park and practiced every week till the day of tryouts.,1 1364,1364,1365,His family was so relieved.,His family was very disappointed.,The dog jumped over the fence today.He ran for a long time and got lost.His family could not find him for many hours.His family was finally able to find him and bring him home.,1 1365,1365,1366,Rachel and her husband found somewhere else to eat.,Rachel asked her husband for a divorce.,"Rachel wanted to take her husband out to dinner.She had the perfect place in mind, her favorite chinese restaurant.They arrived at the place but saw that it had closed.On a paper on the door, she saw that they had moved out of town.",1 1366,1366,1367,Gina decided to order pizza instead.,Gina's grandmother made the tomatoes.,Gina's family was at her grandparents house.She decided to eat all her favorite country foods while there.Her grandma offered to make fried green tomatoes.Gina's whole family was excited about the tomatoes.,2 1367,1367,1368,I decided recommend the company to others.,I called the shipper.,I'd ordered two flash drives.I walked down to the mailbox in the deep snow.I was frustrated to find only one package.I was more frustrated to find both my items should have been in it.,2 1368,1368,1369,Beth wished that she had a daughter.,Beth and her grandchildren baked cookies everyday!,Beth's daughter was coming to town and bringing her kids.Beth was excited to see her grandchildren.When her daughter arrived she played and baked cookies with the kids.The kids stayed 2 weeks before returning home.,2 1369,1369,1370,Bryce asked the girl on a date.,Bryce never wanted to talk to the girl again.,Bryce knew that a call from the girl was wishful thinking.He gave her his number last week but still no call.After the 12th day of giving her the number she called.They talked for hours and enjoyed each other's conversation.,1 1370,1370,1371,She went to the store and bought cat food after the storm.,Caroline refers diet soda.,"Caroline heard frantic scratching on her door during a rainy storm.Caroline opened the door, and saw a lost kitten.Caroline brought the kitten inside and took care of him.Caroline decided to keep the kitten.",1 1371,1371,1372,I then had to pay a large bill.,My jaw dropped as I won the lottery.,I bought my ticket.I waited for Wednesday night.The lady was calling the numbers.All of my numbers matched.,2 1372,1372,1373,She stared at them for hours.,She didn't like the art she bought.,Trina and her friends decided to go to a famous art studio.The girls went and took numerous pictures.Trina bought a few art pieces.When she got home she hung them up.,1 1373,1373,1374,They both hated each other.,But it just wasn't meant to be.,Josh loved Rachel very much.Rachel reciprocated that love.But they were from two different social backgrounds.They tried and tried to make their love work.,2 1374,1374,1375,I opened the door and walked to the mailbox in my shorts.,We were trapped.,"The weatherman predicted that we would get 6 inches of snow overnight.I went to bed right when it started snowing.When I woke up, the snow was everywhere.We could not even open the front door.",2 1375,1375,1376,We decided to feed the cake to the seagulls at the lake.,We then swam for an hour at the lake.,"The family decided to go to the park for Veteran's Day.We had a barbecue outside.In addition, everyone decided to take a swim in the water.Before we left, we had a huge cake.",2 1376,1376,1377,Sam grabbed the ball from Jerome.,Jerome scored points for his team.,"Jerome dribbled the ball quickly.Sam tried to grab it from him, but wasn't fast enough.He chased Jerome down the court.Jerome pushed Sam backwards and threw the ball.",2 1377,1377,1378,Lucy was so angry!,Lucy was so amused!,"Lucy got a new diary for her birthday.Unlike her old one, it had a lock on it to keep her brother James out.But one day she found the lock was broken.James had gotten into her diary again!",1 1378,1378,1379,I actually bought Jake a guitar!,Jake loved the movie!,I love surprising people.Jake wanted a new guitar for a long time but couldn't afford it.One year I got a large Christmas bonus.I told him that I got him a movie for a gift.,1 1379,1379,1380,It was beautiful and relaxing.,I never liked my mom.,My mom always tells me to wake up and enjoy the sunrise.She tells me I miss out on all of life's beauty staying in.So I woke up extra early and sat on my balcony with some coffee.The sun rose shortly after 6 in the morning.,1 1380,1380,1381,Dan steps onto a scale and realizes he lost a significant amount.,"Despite his dedication, he gave eating well up and never lost it.","Dan realizes that he has gained weight over the last few Year's.He decides to begin exercising and eating better to become less fat.It is a grueling process, and at times Dan wants to give up.However, he remains dedicated until the extra weight is gone.",1 1381,1381,1382,Dan put on his heaviest winter clothing.,Dan saved the day and picnic by bringing an umbrella.,Dan and Tim were going to have a picnic.Tom made sandwiches for the picnic.Tim brought lemonade for the picnic.As the boys were leaving it started to rain.,2 1382,1382,1383,Jeff vowed to never go snowboarding again.,He had a great time.,Jeff loved going snowboarding.For his birthday last weekend he went on a camping trip.They stayed at a lodge near the slopes.Everyone loved snowboarding with him.,2 1383,1383,1384,Anthony decided to go to Starbucks.,The man with the gun was unnerved by Anthony's praying and left.,Anthony was a gang member but didn't want to die over a color.One afternoon he was caught in an alley by a rival gang member.The rival gang member put a gun to Anthony's head.Anthony prayed to God for protection.,2 1384,1384,1385,She didn't want Kate to be disappointed.,Jane couldn't find Kate anywhere.,Jane closed her eyes and counted to twenty.Kate ran to hide in the cupboard.Jane already knew Kate's favorite hiding places.She took her time before approaching the cupboard.,1 1385,1385,1386,"Frustrated, I went about getting my money back.",The band had never sounded better than they did that night.,I was going to attend a concert today.I bought the tickets last week.I worked out my two-hour driving route earlier.I just heard that the concert had to be canceled.,1 1386,1386,1387,Mick asked his mother to loan him six dollars for the jacket.,Mick purchased the jacket for twelve dollars.,"Mick wanted a cool jean jacket like his friends had.He wanted to be stylish like them, but he was broke.Then he went to a secondhand store and saw a great jean jacket.It was only six dollars!",1 1387,1387,1388,Her friends had been trying to tell Gina they'd had a baby!,Gina turned off her phone because she didn't have any texts.,"Gina had tons of missed texts.She hadn't checked her phone for 2 days.She checked half of the messages, and decided to come back later.When she checked again there were texts from her friends.",1 1388,1388,1389,Coy bought the sneakers.,Coy bought a more expensive pair of sneakers.,"Coy needed new sneakers.She went to the store and examined their selection.She settled on a lovely blue pair.And the price was just right, too!",1 1389,1389,1390,Neil went to the grave where his ancestors were buried.,Neil went home instead of doing any sightseeing in Finland.,Neil had arrived in Finland!He had traveled by boat and rail.He couldn't wait to start seeing the sights!But first there was something important he had to do.,1 1390,1390,1391,Michelle was overwhelmed with money concerns.,Michelle did not like computers.,"Michelle really wanted a new computer, but didn't have enough money.She worked really hard to try to make enough.She worked hours and hours, but bills kept showing up.She finally decided that maybe she didn't need a new one.",1 1391,1391,1392,I hope to go back soon.,I stopped liking Broadway shows after that.,A few Year's ago I went to see a Broadway show.My friends and I went to see Billy Elliot.The show was amazing.I loved the music so much I bought the soundtrack.,1 1392,1392,1393,Vianna suddenly decided she didn't have any questions.,The speaker was able to give her all of the answers she needed.,Vianna went to church on a Saturday.She sat in the pew and listened to the sermon.The sermon was very interesting and she had questions.She decided to ask the speaker about some questions she had.,2 1393,1393,1394,The DMV hired her on the spot.,Sue would have to wait five weeks to take the test again.,"Sue was nervous about taking the driver's test.But she had been practicing a lot so she felt confident in her skills.She arrived at the DMV and the driving instructor greeted her.The test was going well, until Sue's car started to overheat.",2 1394,1394,1395,Jake finally chose a melon that he thought was ripe.,Jake wore a cowboy hat.,Jake was at the grocery store.He was trying to pick melons.Someone noticed he was confused.She went over and tried to explain which were best.,1 1395,1395,1396,The frat was proud of him.,The frat scolded him.,Adam was rushing a fraternity.They dared him to pick a coconut from a palm tree.He went out at night and scaled a palm.Then he cut down a large coconut and returned with it.,1 1396,1396,1397,Dan became slightly flustered.,She then turned it back on to check her messages.,It was Dan's turn to present his research project.He stood up in front of the class and started talking.One of the classmate's phone rang in class.She immediately turned it off.,1 1397,1397,1398,We went outside to play baseball.,We played Monopoly for two hours.,We were supposed to celebrate Valentine's Day.But then my niece came down with a bad cold.So we stayed in and played games.We rotated between Heads Up and Monopoly.,2 1398,1398,1399,Heather was proud of herself.,Heather was disappointed in herself.,Heather loved to paint pictures and wanted to be an artist.She took lots of lessons and practiced very hard.Heather finally sold a painting and eventually became a famous artist.Her hard work paid off.,1 1399,1399,1400,She borrowed a belt from her mom.,She borrowed a belt from her dad.,"Ida had assembled a really cute outfit.She was just missing a belt!She looked through all her belts, but none was quite right.Then she decided to check her dad's closet.",2 1400,1400,1401,Tyler decided he was a natural at this.,Tyler decided to practice.,Tyler bought a boomerang and went to an open field.He tried to toss it but it never came back.Tyler adjusted his form and threw it very hard.The boomerang began to return but still failed.,2 1401,1401,1402,The bunny learned to use the litter box!,They had to clean up after the bunny every day.,They had heard about potty training bunnies.It seemed like a good idea to try that.After a while they decided to leave her out of her cage.It seemed to go very well!,1 1402,1402,1403,I weight 299 pounds.,I am very proud of myself.,I used to be fat.At 18 Year's old I was 280 pounds.I knew my life would suck forever if I didn't change that.I worked my ass off for three Years with intense diet and exercise.,2 1403,1403,1404,Lonnie decided to never lend his sister anything again.,Lonnie thanked his sister for repaying him with interest.,Lonnie loaned his sister a lot of money.She promised to pay him back when she got her check.She received her check but did not tell Lonnie.She spent her whole check without paying him anything.,1 1404,1404,1405,He immediately applied stain remover and the stain was gone.,He put the couch on the curb and bought a new one.,Jack needed a new couch.He went to a local furniture store.He chose a lovely light beige couch.The first day home he spilled red wine on the arm of the couch.,1 1405,1405,1406,I cleaned it up with a broom.,I let my dog eat it.,"Yesterday I was putting up the Christmas tree.I picked up the prettiest ornaments.As I picked one up, it dropped.The glass shattered.",1 1406,1406,1407,Jasmine decided to take lessons to get better.,Jasmine loved playing pinball.,Jasmine wanted to try to ice skate.The local park had an ice rink set up.Her mom took her into the rink.Jasmine fell several times.,1 1407,1407,1408,I went to a drive-in theatre to watch my movie.,Resetting the router didn't have any effect at all.,My Netflix keeps buffering last night.Even if I paused it nothing would happen.It would just play for a second and buffer.Eventually I reset the router.,2 1408,1408,1409,Sarah took another sip right away.,Sarah wished she had been more patient.,"It was a cold day.So Sarah decided to make a mocha.When she finished making it, she was eager to drink it.And she ended up burning her mouth.",2 1409,1409,1410,I narrowly avoided a serious accident.,I decided to drive at that time of night every night.,I worked two shifts one night.On the way home i could barely see the road.I barely missed hitting an oncoming car.it swerved at the last minute.,1 1410,1410,1411,Gina's mom was happy and they had a great night together.,Gina got angry and did not want to talk to her mother.,Gina's mom was upset with her.Gina had been sulking in her room all day.She decided to offer a truce.She washed the dishes as an act of goodwill.,1 1411,1411,1412,He now manages his stress in a much more healthy way.,"Chief took up smoking in the place of drinking,","Chief is a great surgeon.He takes his time and rarely goes home.Every day, the stress takes its toll and he drinks too much.Chief decides to get healthy and stop drinking.",1 1412,1412,1413,Gina was very calm.,Gina was very angry.,Gina's knew pencils were gone.And she knew a boy named Dave had taken them.She decided she would confront him to get them back.She marched to his desk and begin yelling.,2 1413,1413,1414,He didn't have any money for gas.,He planned out his perfect road trip.,Matt wanted to travel with his motorhome.He went out to start it one day to see how it ran.It started right up!He loaded it up with food and gas.,2 1414,1414,1415,Kathie gave the baby up for adoption.,Kathie decided she'd be okay with having another one.,"Kathie does not like babies.One day, she became pregnant.She was concerned she might not like her baby.When the baby was born, she fell in love with the baby.",2 1415,1415,1416,Rudy's parents took him to the shelter to pick out a pet dog.,Rudy's parents decided not to get him a dog.,"Rudy really wanted a dog.He begged his parents for one.They said if he cared for it, he could have one.Rudy agreed to walk and feed it every day.",1 1416,1416,1417,It was a pretty sight.,It was gross.,We live on the banks of a small pond.In 1999 the state drained the pond.The state said the pond sediment had to be removed.We took photos of thousands of dead fish.,2 1417,1417,1418,Bob vows to do a better job in the future.,Bob felt pride and satisfaction in what had happened.,"Bob was working at his job as a security guard at a mall.Unexpectedly, he fell asleep.While he was sleeping, some thieves came in and stole some items.Bob woke up and was shocked to find out what happened.",1 1418,1418,1419,John got fired.,John got a raise in pay.,"John was a truck driver who had just started his job.He pulled over one night to fill up his truck's gas tank.But he filled the tank with regular fuel, not diesel!John caused serious engine trouble for the truck.",1 1419,1419,1420,Eva found the egg!,Eva found an orange!,"Eva hid easter eggs in her house for her children to find.They found all but one egg.When they could not find the last, they assumed they had miscounted.A week later, Eva smelled something strange behind the bookcase.",1 1420,1420,1421,He drove the truck through the snow to the store and got food.,He decided to go back in the house.,Down in mountains lived a large family.The dad had a red truck.One day it snowed.They needed food so the dad got in the truck.,1 1421,1421,1422,"She threw it away, and never painted again.",She was pleased with the finished product.,Christie had to complete an art project for school.She decided to complete a self portrait.She bought lots of watercolor paints.She worked for many days on her painting.,2 1422,1422,1423,Ellen stopped her dad from cutting the tree.,Ellen watched her dad chop the tree for firewood.,"Ellen's family went to the mountains to cut down a fresh tree.They searched and searched before finding the perfect Christmas tree.Just as her dad was about to make the first cut, they noticed a nest.There was a family of squirrels living in the tree.",1 1423,1423,1424,They prayed that she would get better.,Rachel had a great day.,Rachel found out that she had cancer.She was very scared.Rachel told her family and it was very difficult.They all cried.,1 1424,1424,1425,He was sweaty all day.,He was cold all day.,Joe woke up on a cold morning.He tried to find a good pair of pants to wear.All of his pants were too dirty to wear.He had to put on shorts and go about his day.,2 1425,1425,1426,Alice and Bob were happy with the way Chuck made his money.,Chuck decided to split his money with Alice and Bob.,"Alice sent a message to Bob.Chuck intercepted Alice's message.Chuck used the message to game the stock market.Chuck made a fortune, but Alice and Bob were bankrupted.",2 1426,1426,1427,The sand castle was smaller than the family expected.,The family was proud of their creation.,A family of four went to the local beach for a day.The family found a few toy shovels that had been left behind.They decided to building a small sand castle together.Before long the small sand castle ended up being a large sand castle.,2 1427,1427,1428,Jake returned to the store for a plastic cover for the phone.,Jake was depressed when he saw the condition of the old house.,Jake had recently gotten a new cell phone.The very first thing he tried to do was take a selfie.He dropped his phone on the pavement while trying to do so.His phone was scuffed up on the back side.,1 1428,1428,1429,Lauren didn't care and continued to study bugs.,Lauren went for a ride on her horse.,"Lauren was an unusual girl.Unlike many girls who feared bugs, Lauren loved them.She was fascinated by their structure and movements.Lauren's friends made fun of her for her strange interest.",1 1429,1429,1430,The driver immediately stopped to help Julie.,The driver saw this and kept driving.,"Julie was sitting in the front of a speedboat.The driver wanted to go over a huge wave.They flew over the wave, going really high in the air.When they crashed back down, Julie hit her face on the boat.",1 1430,1430,1431,Jill never spoke to Leonard again.,"Jill reached out, however, and they repaired their relationship.",Lulu and Jill had been friends for Years.However this summer they had a disagreement.The fight ruined their friendship.Lulu was not sure they could be friends again.,2 1431,1431,1432,I was then eaten by the dog.,I ran away and then got away.,One day I was walking on the sidewalk.I saw an old dog on the driveway nearby.He looked at me and barked.I tried to run away because I was startled.,2 1432,1432,1433,Tom can't wait until the next time he can go on a whale watch.,Tom decided he was disinterest and wanted to go home.,Tom went whale watching today.He had never been on such a big boat before.Once the boat got out into the ocean Tom was excited.A huge whale came up to the side of the boat.,1 1433,1433,1434,Bev decided to start writing in her diary again.,Bev was upset her parents threw away her diary.,Bev was cleaning out her childhood bedroom.Her parents were moving after 25 Years in the same house.She came across her diary from 7th grade.She smiled as she read the thoughts of her younger self.,1 1434,1434,1435,Jane arrived at the airport six hours early.,Jane didn't make her flight in time.,Jane spent many hours packing for her flight.She went to bed late.Hours later her alarm went off three times.She did not wake up.,2 1435,1435,1436,Drew told Larry not to call him again.,Larry came to pick up his kitten.,"Drew was drawing a picture when he heard meowing at the door.He opened the door to find a wet, dirty kitten standing at the door.Drew decided to draw flyers to post around town about the kitten.Three days later, a man named Larry called about his lost kitten.",2 1436,1436,1437,She smeared dirt all over the dress.,She felt beautiful with her new dress on.,Florence loves the way that her friends look in summer dresses.She decides that she wants to have one too.She visits her local mall and finds a beautiful dress with flowers.Florence tries it on and it fits perfectly.,2 1437,1437,1438,My mom came and got me.,My mother told them they could keep me indefinitely.,"I went camping with my church group as a child.I was excited to be there.One day, I got really sick.I didn't get better, so they called my mother.",1 1438,1438,1439,Key quit the team.,Key was a good player.,Key wanted to play softball.She challenged a few friends to a game.They happily accepted.Key focused hard and did her best.,2 1439,1439,1440,Gayle did not like feeding the farm animals.,Gayle had fun feeding the geese.,"Gayle lived by a pond where a lot of geese lived.Sometimes she would go to visit the geese, but they scared her.One day, she brought some pieces of bread to feed them.The geese came up to her to eat the bread.",2 1440,1440,1441,Quentin really enjoyed the hunting trip.,Quentin went to school.,Quentin had never gone hunting before.This last weekend his friends invited him with them.They were going to camp out and hunt for a few days.He agreed to go.,1 1441,1441,1442,Kate never went back to the school.,Kate practiced often and became great.,"Kate was interested in taking karate.Kate searched the yellow pages for a qualified school.Kate found a school that peaked her interest.In visiting the school, Kate was excited to join.",2 1442,1442,1443,Little Richie felt guilty.,Little Richie no longer has to be afraid of being bullied.,Little Richie was tired of being picked on.He wanted it to change for the better.Little Richie starts taking Karate to defend himself.He showed off his new skills in friend of his bully.,2 1443,1443,1444,Bob went out to the beach.,The bobcat was actually his friend in a costume.,Brad was camping in the mountains with his friends.They roasted marshmallows all night.When they woke up in the morning there was a bobcat in the camp!Brad was scared to come out of his tent.,2 1444,1444,1445,The Lamberts were full after the meal.,The Lamberts then went to another restaurant.,The Lambert family was hungry and needed to pick up dinner.They saw a commercial for Steak and Shake on television.The commercial said they have four dollar meals.The Lamberts went to the restaurant and ate hamburgers.,1 1445,1445,1446,Amy's mom wanted to hang out with her next time.,Amy was grounded.,Amy's mom was beyond angry.She wanted to know why Amy and her friends were out at 12 AM.Amy decided to tell the truth.Her mother was furious.,2 1446,1446,1447,Tim asked Jane to play on the merry go round.,Tim was glad he stood up to Jane.,"Tim's arch enemy on the playground made a sudden appearance.This was during the 3rd period break, a time normally Tim was alone.Tim mustered up his courage to go face his arch enemy.He approached Jane and told her to stay away from him.",2 1447,1447,1448,He vomited all over the judges during his deadlift.,He won a weightlifting competition.,Gray wanted to be a weightlifter.He practiced at the gym after school.He lifted heavier and heavier weights.Soon he was confident in his abilities.,2 1448,1448,1449,I was a little embarrassed by my inexperience with air travel.,I always take a small carry-on with me when I fly.,I have never been to the airport.I had to take a trip to California to see my family.Unfortunately I didn't know what to do with my belongings.The airport staff had to explain everything to me.,1 1449,1449,1450,Maria told Tony that she wanted a divorce.,Maria said yes.,Tony loved Maria.They had been dating for a year.He decided to propose to her.He got her a great ring and popped the question.,2 1450,1450,1451,Jay was relieved.,Jay was now more terrified of dogs than ever before.,Jay was starting his first shift as a dog walker.He was afraid.He feared the dogs would be mean to him!But then he found that they were all very friendly.,1 1451,1451,1452,Gina decided she was working to briskly and should take a break.,"When Gina looked at the clock, she saw she had wasted an hour.",Gina went to her room to begin working on her report.She found the subject boring.She kept daydreaming.She hadn't realized how long her mind had been wandering.,2 1452,1452,1453,I told them that I was happy with their service.,"Angrily, I left with my car and went somewhere else.","I took my car in for an oil change.I informed them that I would be waiting in the lobby.After an hour, I checked to see if it was done yet.I was told that they didn't even have it started yet.",2 1453,1453,1454,We had a lot of fun.,I was sad we went to the zoo.,I've always loved penguins.I wanted to take a trip to the zoo to see the penguins.I saved money for a few weeks to get tickets and gas money together.I went to the zoo with my brother.,1 1454,1454,1455,Amy was so disappointed!,Amy was excited!,"Amy saw a lovely black dress when she was shopping.She loved the dress, but it was too expensive.Just then a cashier walked by and told Amy the dress was on sale.Amy decided to buy the dress.",2 1455,1455,1456,The woman told the judge she indeed had been speeding.,The woman succeeded in reversing her ticket.,A police officer pulled a woman over for speeding.She protested that she had not been speeding.The officer wrote the ticket anyway.She went to traffic court to argue the ticket.,2 1456,1456,1457,Eric had to settle for cold peanut butter and jelly for lunch.,Eric got a second plate of pizza and french fries.,Eric was overly excited for lunch today.The cafeteria was serving his absolute favorite meal.He loved the school's pizza and french fries.He sprinted to the lunch line but it was too late.,1 1457,1457,1458,Kelly's daughter kept on crying.,Kelly's daughter started laughing.,Kelly was taking her daughter to get her first shot.Her daughter got scared and started crying.Kelly tried to soothe her.The shot was painful.,1 1458,1458,1459,Carla had a great time in Fiji.,Carla went home as early as possible to get away from this place.,Carla has always wanted to visit Fiji.She saved up for four Years to be able to afford the trip.When she finally had enough money she purchased her ticket.Upon arriving in Fiji she knew she had made the right choice!,1 1459,1459,1460,Now Tea is much more careful about spitting out her gum.,Tea put another piece of gum in her hair.,"Tea was chewing some bubble gum on the couch.She accidentally fell asleep.When she woke up, she found the gum had fallen into her hair.She had to get it cut out.",1 1460,1460,1461,Susan went out and treated her friends to a steak dinner.,Susan poured the food into a bowl and ate it.,"Susan had very little money left in her food fund for the month.She went to the dollar store to see what she could find.She bought a few kinds of canned foods and a sparkling water.At home, she mixed the canned food into a pot and cooked it.",2 1461,1461,1462,It was the cheapest pair of jeans she ever bought.,She paid for them and was excited.,Eliza was excited to buy her first pair of true religion jeans.The jeans cost 300 dollars and Eliza was excited to finally get them.All the girls at school had them and Eliza wanted to just fit in.She walked into the store and found the perfect pair.,2 1462,1462,1463,Mike had a great time.,Mike had a terrible time.,Mike and his buddies wanted something to do.They looked around and realized they had several guns and goggles.They decided to go outside and play airsoft.They set up in a forest and played all afternoon.,1 1463,1463,1464,Ned is proud of his hard work and tasty vegetables.,Ned decides to throw away the vegetables.,"Ned wants a hobby that will get him outside.He decides to plant a vegetable garden in his yard.Ned plants tomato, eggplant, and pepper in his garden.He is surprised by how much work it takes.",1 1464,1464,1465,She saw that the customer had never come back for any items.,"The layaway bag was empty, with money still owed.","Jean helped a customer with a big layaway.The next day, the customer paid some money to take out an item.The customer kept coming back to do the same all week.When she stopped coming, Jean checked her layaway.",2 1465,1465,1466,I am going to try and have it repaired.,I can't wait to try out some new programs on it.,I got a new laptop last month.For a long time it was great.I was able to do a lot with it.Unfortunately it broke yesterday.,1 1466,1466,1467,Rachel had a terrible time.,Rachel had a wonderful time.,"For Rachel's birthday, her husband took her out to the river.They set up a blanket on the beach and enjoyed a picnic.After they ate, they went for a swim.When they got bored of that, they went and bought some ice cream.",2 1467,1467,1468,"She broke the CD over knee, and threw it in the trash.",After listening she liked the 2nd song more than the first.,Gina had purchased a CD single of a song she liked.There were only 2 songs printed on the CD.She was anxious to hear the second song.This was a new artist so she hadn't heard much from him.,2 1468,1468,1469,I was angry with my boss because work gives no sick leave.,My boss was angry with me for being late on the latest report.,"I woke up one morning for work feeling ill.I put on my clothes and left my house in a struggle.When I got to work, I barely made it into the building.My boss saw that I was visibly ill and told me to go home.",1 1469,1469,1470,Tiff loved being overweight.,Tiff was encouraged to do more.,Tiff wanted to lose body fat.She needed some motivation to be successful.Tiff joined a dietbet for thirty five dollars.She was successful at her goal.,2 1470,1470,1471,Briana began to cry.,Briana loved crashing.,"Briana was riding a four wheeler with her brother.They were going fast down a dirt road.Suddenly, they hit a rock.The four-wheeler flipped.",1 1471,1471,1472,Amy was thrilled.,Amy told the actors she could have performed better.,Amy's class went on a field trip to see A Mid Summer Night's Dream.They arrived at the theater and found their seats.Amy was in awe of the actors discipline and talent.After the play she was able to speak with the cast.,1 1472,1472,1473,The 100th caller was elated to win the prize.,"Several called back to win the prize, and caught the DJ lying.",A radio DJ announced a prize to the 100th caller.The DJ was lying about the prize.He just enjoyed talking to people on the phone.He told each caller that they were the 99th caller.,2 1473,1473,1474,Steve was proud that he stood up for himself.,Steve decided to treat himself to ice cream.,"Steve was always told to never fight with other kids.It was bad to get into a fight, or so his mother always told him.However at school there were some bullies that wouldn't leave.So one day he got into a fight with one of them.",1 1474,1474,1475,Bernie realized it was his friend prank calling.,Bernie loved phone calls from strangers.,Bernie started to get tired of telemarketing calls.The phone had already rung six times in the past few hours.The phone just then rang again.Bernie picked up the phone to hear some snickering.,1 1475,1475,1476,Sue liked the fish.,Sue doesn't like animals.,Sue wanted a pet.She told her mom she wanted a dolphin.Her mom told her that wouldn't be possible.So her mom got her a new goldfish the next day.,1 1476,1476,1477,Chase and his girlfriend broke up.,They promised not to go to bed mad anymore.,Chase and his girlfriend got into a fight.They went to bed mad.In the morning they sat and talked.Finally they made up and hugged.,2 1477,1477,1478,Kim then went and got a replacement cat.,Kim missed her pet dog.,"Kim sobbed and made gasping, hurt sounds.Her beloved cat was a crimson spot of fur and entrails.His blood was running down the driveway into the gutter.Her dad sternly told her to stop her caterwauling.",1 1478,1478,1479,Jill's boyfriend told her he loved the sweater.,Jill's boyfriend was delighted to receive a ticket to Disneyland.,Jill wanted to knit her boyfriend a sweater.She taught herself how to knit and bought supplies.She finished the sweater just in time for her boyfriend's birthday.Jill was excited as she presented her boyfriend with her creation.,1 1479,1479,1480,Her niece hated the Easter basket.,Her niece saw the basket and hugged Elaine around the neck.,"Elaine was preparing an Easter basket for her niece.Elaine learned that her niece love Peppa Pig.Elaine went to the store and purchased several Peppa Pig items.After purchasing the items, Elaine assembled the Easter basket.",2 1480,1480,1481,Megan chased Mark for a mile before he gave it back.,The next day mark brought her saw as promised.,Megan owned an apple orchard.She needed to have some of her apple trees pruned.She called her neighbor Mark to see if she could borrow his saw.Mark said he would drop it off in the morning on his way to school.,2 1481,1481,1482,I wanted to finish the project successfully.,I hoped my computer would erase my stories.,"Today I wrote a lot of stories.I sat down and thought about each one.Then, I typed it carefully into the boxes.Finally, I submitted the stories.",1 1482,1482,1483,"They gave me a refund for the case, but not the phone.",I comforted by cat after I stepped on her tail.,I got a cell phone case yesterday from the same place I got my phone.I dropped my phone two days later when I was walking down the street.Both the new case and my phone broke!I went back to the store to tell them the case doesn't work well.,1 1483,1483,1484,Carson finished the mile in record time.,Carson slowed his pace so that he could finish the mile.,It was time for Carson to run a mile.He put on his running shoes.He started running along the sidewalk by his house.After running a half mile Carson was very tired.,2 1484,1484,1485,Ed was surprised at how much the tools cost.,Ed was very happy about the money he'd saved.,Ed went to the supermarket with a stack of coupons.He loaded a cart with a lot of food.When he went to check out he took out his coupons.The coupons reduced the bill by a lot of money.,2 1485,1485,1486,Ivan went sprinting through the forest.,Ivan was happy to be on his feet again.,Ivan broke his foot.He had to use a wheelchair for a few months.Finally his doctor told him he could walk again.Ivan stood up and took a few shaky steps.,2 1486,1486,1487,Janet's studying paid off and she passed the exams swimmingly.,Janet dropped out of university.,Janet was attending her last year at a University.She wanted to maintain her high GPA.Janet's professor told her that upcoming exams could impact her GPA.Janet began studying for an additional two hours each day.,1 1487,1487,1488,He decided he hated nature.,His friends still listened to be enlightened.,Troy started watching as many nature documentaries as he could.`.He had watched a great show on bactrian camels.That set him off on the nature doc kick.He started to bore his friends with too many nature facts.,2 1488,1488,1489,The old woman released the cat into the streets.,The kitten was happy to be adopted.,"There was once a little kitten that did not have a home.The poor kitten walked around cold and hungry.One day, a nice lady let the kitten into her home.The woman gave the kitten food and a bed.",2 1489,1489,1490,Jane was proud of what she had done.,Jane had to pay for the bars.,"Jane was selling chocolate bars for high school band.She carried the chocolate in her backpack, but forgot to sell them.She often ate a bar after school, or during lunch.She realized the money for the bars were due, and she had eaten them!",2 1490,1490,1491,My pie won a blue ribbon for most flavor in the baking contest.,Predictably the pie was not flavorful.,I looked in the cabinet for pie flavor.We didn't have any pie flavor.I went to the store but they were out of pie flavor.I made my pie without flavor anyway.,2 1491,1491,1492,She couldn't wait to do it again.,She decided never to play music again.,Yesterday was Kelly's first concert.She was nervous to get on stage.As soon as she got on the audience applauded.Kelly was then happy.,1 1492,1492,1493,"My son said they would, so we got a dog.",We then grabbed a small kitten.,"One day, my wife's sister came over to the house to show us her puppy.She told us that she had just gotten the puppy across the street.My sons begged me to get them one.I told them that if they would care for it, they could have it.",1 1493,1493,1494,I had a great time.,Next time I'll leave my girlfriend at home.,"Me and my girlfriend went to buffalo, New york.We then got to experience niagara falls.We walked around a lot then went on a boat.I took a lot of photographs.",1 1494,1494,1495,"Bob got very sick, and learned a lesson.",Bob then felt much better.,"Bob decided to go camping.He forgot the mosquito spray.Consequently, many mosquitos bit Bob.Bob was infected with malaria.",1 1495,1495,1496,Bob offered the applicant a job at his company.,Bob excelled in the interview and got the job.,Bob needed money.He decided to look for a part time job.He applied to five different places.One of them gave Bob an interview.,2 1496,1496,1497,The speaker fell off the roof.,But the speaker still did not work.,My left computer speaker went out.I jiggled the wires on the speaker and computer.I shook the speaker violently.I slammed the speaker onto the desk a few times.,2 1497,1497,1498,"Unsurprisingly, no puppy was found.",Keith was happy because he got a new bike.,Keith wanted a puppy for his birthday.He dropped hints to his parents.But they did not seem to notice!Keith was not hopeful as he unwrapped his gifts.,1 1498,1498,1499,My niece was very upset that her fiance was sick.,My niece was thrilled that her fiancé was sick.,My niece just got engaged.She is Chinese and her fiance is Caucasian.Her parents had them over for a home cooked meal.The fiance got nausea from the unfamiliar dishes and had to leave.,1 1499,1499,1500,Timmy went on a vision quest in the desert.,Timmy has become less shy now.,"Timmy felt that he was too shy.He couldn't talk to people he hadn't met before without difficulty.He joined a community service club to socialize.He met some great, nice people that became good friends of his.",2 1500,1500,1501,They ran outside to play.,They went back to their rooms to play video games.,It had been snowing all night.The kids woke up early and asked their mom if school was cancelled.Mom said that school was closed today and that it was a snow day.The kids rushed to get their coats and winter gear on.,1 1501,1501,1502,She immediately removed the photos from her Facebook page.,They all began asking to her make necklaces for them.,Linda went on vacation and visited a beach.She collected a bunch of sea shells.Linda brought the shells home and made them into necklaces.She posted pictures and her friends loved them.,2 1502,1502,1503,Jimmy hated cats.,Jimmy adopted the dog.,Jimmy wanted a pet cat.He went to the animal shelter to acquire a pet cat.When Jimmy saw a black dog he was instantly smitten.The black dog jumped up and licked Jimmy's face.,2 1503,1503,1504,The DMV decided to reinstate my driver's license.,The DMV said I did not need to fill out the form.,"I called the DMV yesterday to get a reinstated driver's license.They told me I would need to come in and fill out a form.After I left the house, I headed down to the dmv.I filled the form our promptly.",1 1504,1504,1505,Tara looked forward to wearing it.,Tara's mother wore the shirt the day of the prom.,Tara wanted to buy a new shirt for her upcoming school formal.She went to the mall with her mom.They browsed shirts from a variety of stores.Tara picked out a floral patterned shirt that she liked best.,1 1505,1505,1506,Sigmund learned to keep some thoughts to himself.,Sigmund and his friend moved in together as roommates.,"Sigmund could not help but read too deep into everything.His friend told him about one of his dreams concerning a bird.Sigmund told his friend that he must feel trapped and desire escape.His friend found this unpleasant, and distanced himself from Sigmund.",1 1506,1506,1507,Sarah was able to under pack for a change.,Sarah tried to fit all her pets into the kennel.,Sarah was notorious for overpacking.This year she decided to only take one piece of luggage.She picked the biggest one she had.She selected items carefully.,1 1507,1507,1508,His team managed to secure a narrow victory.,His team gave up because they saw no way to win.,"Anthony was nervous for the big rugby match.His team was playing their rivals in the league.As the game began, the rival team quickly took the lead.Anthony and his team worked extra hard to fight back.",1 1508,1508,1509,Laurie was glad the police came quickly.,Laurie invited the woman to dinner.,"Laurie came home from the store one day and saw the door open.She was suspicious and called the police.When they arrived, they found a woman inside, stealing jewelry.She was arrested and they found many other stolen items with her.",1 1509,1509,1510,Sarah and Dan's friend wasn't close to them.,Sarah and Dan had a loyal friend.,Sarah and Dan were looking for a new apartment.Their friend heard about this process.He wanted to live with them in the new city.He got a job in the same city.,2 1510,1510,1511,She laughed in Leroy's' face.,She ran away and cried to her mom.,Jenny had a big crush on Leroy.They were at the school dance.She mustered up her courage to ask him for a dance.He told her no and laughed with his friends.,2 1511,1511,1512,James did not have any money.,James was then able to buy himself food.,James was very low on money and needed food.So he decided to count his pennies and see what he came up with.He came up with three dollars and eight cents.But then he remembered he had a visa gift card from his birthday!,2 1512,1512,1513,Susie was excited by the great news.,Susie started thinking about getting new car.,"Susie drives a long way to work everyday.She noticed a dark spot where she parks in the driveway.Since she was concerned, she took her car to a mechanic.The mechanic told her that she had an oil leak.",2 1513,1513,1514,Victor was not surprised.,Victor was amazed.,"Victor had always thought that he needed a rice cooker to make rice.One day his friend tells him that rice can be made in any pan.At first he doesn't believe this, but one day he tries making it.Victor's rice comes out perfectly cooked!",2 1514,1514,1515,Bob was overjoyed when he opened the fridge.,Bob was very upset when he woke up.,"Bob bought a new fridge.He moved all the stuff from the old fridge into the new one.Unfortunately, Bob forgot to turn the fridge on.All the food was spoiled overnight.",2 1515,1515,1516,Now she is also watching new shows and loves Hulu!,But then she decided not to watch her favorite show.,Amy watched all the shows she wanted on Hulu.She wasn't using it anymore so she cancelled her subscription.A week after cancelling one of her favorite shows was added to Hulu.She decided to restart her membership.,1 1516,1516,1517,Gina went up to her grandpa and saw he was finally at peace.,Gina became excited to see her grandpa.,"Gina was at her grandpa's funeral.She didn't want to see the body.But her mother insisted they all view it.Gina tried, but was unable to talk her way out of it.",1 1517,1517,1518,Bod and Sally decided abandon their daughter.,Bod and Sally had a great time at their party.,Bod and Sally have been married for over 50 years.There anniversary is coming up soon.Their daughter decided to throw them a party.The celebration theme was Memory Lane.,2 1518,1518,1519,I broke down in tears and skipped the rest of my classes.,That positive attitude remained with me all day.,I was more nervous for the first day of college than of Kindergarten.I cried the night before and was shaking that morning.My first class was Spanish and the professor was very enthusiastic.I left with a smile on my face and feeling confident.,2 1519,1519,1520,Her float was ruined.,She drank the root beer float.,Genny put the final touches on her float.Paper roses and flowing tassels made it look cheery and bright.She proudly pulled into her spot in the parade.It suddenly started to rain.,1 1520,1520,1521,"After the ride, Amy had to go to first aid center.",Beth and Amy decided to go on the ride a second time.,"At the amusement park Amy and Beth wanted to ride the Pirate Ship.They were brave in line, but were scared as the boarded the ride.Amy and Beth as next to each other and held hands.When the ride began Beth screamed and bit Amy's arm.",1 1521,1521,1522,The driver laughed the whole way home.,"The driver drove off shaken, but unhurt.","A car was driving across this abandoned road.A deer ended up moving out of the vines.Since the driver was scared by the deer, he didn't hesitate to stop.The deer died from injury.",2 1522,1522,1523,Fred must be a female rabbit.,Fred was a male rabbit.,"Sue got a white bunny for Easter.She named him Fred.About two weeks after she got him, Sue got a big surprise.There were five baby bunnies in the hutch with Fred.",1 1523,1523,1524,Haley reached out to save the baby.,Haley is a cat person.,Haley went to Target one morning.She saw a new mom with a baby.The baby's car seat was balanced on the shopping cart.Haley watched the car seat wobble.,1 1524,1524,1525,Tom was happy.,Tom was sad.,Tom's favorite team was playing in the playoff games.He ran home to turn on the television just in time.He watched the game and cheered when his team made a touchdown.His team won the game.,1 1525,1525,1526,I punished my kids by grounding them for a long time.,The source of the lice was never determined.,My kids had head lice a while back.All four of them got it.We had to clean the entire house.We treated their hair twice to make sure it was gone.,2 1526,1526,1527,I felt relieved and satisfied.,I decided to get a second opinion from a different hospital.,"I was feeling really crappy one day.I felt sick like I was about to faint.I went to the hospital, and stayed overnight.I was so antsy, because they had no answers for me.",2 1527,1527,1528,The gift made Norm's day a lot better.,Norm thought the gift was terrible.,Norm was having a very bad day yesterday.He was sitting at home when he heard a knock at the door.There was a package waiting on his doorstep.Norm opened the package to find a gift from his mother.,1 1528,1528,1529,Jan refused to eat.,Jan had fun cooking.,"Jan wanted to cook breakfast but she didn't know how.Sue helped her.They made toast, eggs, hashbrowns, and bacon.It looked delicious.",2 1529,1529,1530,She picked a beautiful dress.,Rose was very upset with her friend.,Rose wanted to go to the award ceremony.She didn't have anything appropriate to wear to such an occasion.She called a friend and asked if she could borrow her nicest dress.The friend invited her over and Rose looked through her wardrobe.,1 1530,1530,1531,The oldest man had to save Joe.,Joe loved the trip to the river.,"Seven men went to the river.Joe was the youngest, full of pride.He jumped in the water, even though he knew that he couldn't swim well.The tide was too strong for him.",1 1531,1531,1532,I brought lots of snacks and drinks for the meeting.,Everyone was sad that I brought snacks and drinks.,I decided after being a fan for along time to begin a fan club.I asked all of my friends to join and sent emails out.It wasn't long before I had people interested!We scheduled a day to meet and discuss the beginnings.,1 1532,1532,1533,She loved her job and ended up staying for 3 years.,"She was repulsed, and ran all the way home.",It was Kathy's first day on the job.This was her very first job and she was excited.She made sure to look her best and have her best foot forward.When Kathy arrived she was greeted with open arms.,1 1533,1533,1534,Jenny was sad because her tooth was pulled.,Jenny's mom congratulated her.,"Jenny felt something wiggling around in her mouth.It was her first loose tooth.She didn't tell anyone because she knew they'd try to pull it out.After about a week, she proudly showed her mom the tooth in her hand.",2 1534,1534,1535,Ora was happy with her new smile.,Ora decided to never smile again.,Ora had to get a false tooth and she was sad.She thought it would be ugly and she would be mocked.Then she saw the tooth the dentist had put in.It looked exactly like her other teeth!,1 1535,1535,1536,Brady decided to go for a run.,Brady decided not to buy the shirts.,Brady came across a yard sale by one of his neighbor's house.They were giving away some personal belongings that are old.He found this set of clothes that he was interested in.The neighbor told him that it was $30 dollars for all three shirts.,2 1536,1536,1537,Kim insisted her mother come with her.,Kim gave Santa a big hug.,Kim was going to the mall with her aunt to see Santa.They arrived at the mall and could see the line from the parking lot.They waited in line for two hours.When it was Kim's turn she was afraid of Santa.,1 1537,1537,1538,I couldn't eat all day from shock.,I was the only person who was sad.,"Terry was a popular, good looking classmate of mine.He was loved by all the girls.One day, I heard that he was shot and killed.He was the first person I knew who had been murdered.",1 1538,1538,1539,Connie was happy that the nest was gone.,Connie decided to buy a pet cat.,"A strange structure appeared on the outside of Connie's house one day.After some inspection, Connie realized it was a wasp nest.She called an exterminator to come get them.The exterminator came and got rid of the wasps quickly.",1 1539,1539,1540,Jennifer thought hiking was stupid.,Jennifer was tired when she finished.,Jennifer was bored one Saturday.She decided to alleviate her boredom with a hike.She drove to a national park to go hiking.Jennifer hiked for hours.,2 1540,1540,1541,Faye's friend offered a loan as she waited for the aid to arrive.,Faye wished she hadn't stolen the check from her friend.,"Faye was completely broke and the bills were piling up.She had a recurring medical problem and the treatment was not cheap.In desperation, she considered stealing from a friend of hers.Before going through with it, she applied for government aid.",1 1541,1541,1542,Trina was happy that she maintained her diet.,Trina regretted what she did.,"Trina was trying to lose weight.Because of this, she would have a salad every day for lunch.However, she was really starting to get sick of them.So one day, she went and got fast food.",2 1542,1542,1543,"Jan's mom quickly ducked, so the dirt and dung missed her face.",Jan was excited to see dirt and dung fly into her mom's mouth.,"Jan took her parents to the rodeo when they visited.She was thrilled to find room to sit in the front row.Jan's mom opened her mouth in awe as the horses galloped by.Just then, the horses' feet threw up a spray of dirt and dung.",1 1543,1543,1544,The poor puppy was hit by a car.,The man turned and went home alone.,The man was walking his puppy without a leash.The puppy usually followed him.One day the man was crossing an intersection with a lot of cars.The puppy ran ahead.,1 1544,1544,1545,The hardest part was eating it while it burned.,I put another one in the microwave to defrost.,Yesterday I made a massive mistake.I decided to defrost a hot pepper in the microwave.To my dismay the pepper caught on fire.I was horrified.,1 1545,1545,1546,Jane changed her tire and drove to the office.,"Jane changed all four tires,","Janel was driving to the office when she heard a loud bang.Suddenly the car began to vibrate very heavily.Janel put on her hazard lights and pulled over.Upon inspection, she found she had a flat tire.",1 1546,1546,1547,He was so excited.,He was very upset.,Jake loved to travel.He was planning a hiking trip to Montana.He bought lots of camping gear to prepare for the trip.Jake learned he couldn't go on the trip due to a business meeting.,2 1547,1547,1548,Someone found her ferret.,The mailman delivered a parcel.,Kaylee owned a ferret who always ran free around the house.One day she could not find her ferret.She put flyers all over the neighborhood.There was a knock at the door three days later.,1 1548,1548,1549,She cried after losing her job.,She laughed on her way out the door.,Amy was moving out of town.The best part was quitting her horrible job.She walked into her boss's office with her head high.She firmly told him she was quitting.,2 1549,1549,1550,Amy felt much better.,Amy went to the doctor for treatment.,"Amy was swimming in the ocean on her vacation.Suddenly she felt a horrible sting.Looking down, she saw a jellyfish swimming away.Amy crawled onto the beach in agony.",2 1550,1550,1551,Shay refused the woman's offer.,Shay was thrilled.,"Shay was meeting with a woman who wanted to hire a nanny.They met in a Starbucks and ordered some drinks.With their drinks, they sat down and got to know each other.Finally, the woman offered Shay the position.",2 1551,1551,1552,I apologized and my friend forgave me.,My friend gave me a big smile and a hug.,My friend is easily offended.I say things that are offensive.The other day we were hanging out.I said something offensive and he got upset.,1 1552,1552,1553,Doreen's mom laughed and made fun of her.,Doreen's mom gave her orange flavored ice cream.,Doreen loved orange flavored ice cream.One day when she was playing Doreen fell.She broke her leg and was crying a lot.Doreen's mom wanted to make her feel better.,2 1553,1553,1554,Tim's girlfriend was upset because of his gesture.,Tim seemed to get better at romantic gestures.,Tim's girlfriend loves romantic gestures.Time is very bad at them.Last week he took her out to dinner and bought her flowers.It was nice and sweet.,2 1554,1554,1555,Someone walking on the shore ran over to rescue Eric.,Eric rescued the turtle from the deep mud.,"Eric was walking around a pond at a local park.He saw a turtle on a rock a few feet from the shore.He stepped into the water to try to catch the turtle.Suddenly, he sank knee deep into the mud and got stuck.",1 1555,1555,1556,The paper I bought was for little kids.,The paper I bought was a reasonable purchase.,"I went to the store to buy some paper.The clerk looked at me weird when I brought it up.He run it up anyways.As I left the store, I realized why he looked at me weird.",1 1556,1556,1557,"He tried out for the team again and this time, he made it.","The following year, he easily made the swim team.",Ted tried out for the baseball team at school.He did not make the team though.His coach told him he needed to be able to it the ball better.Teddy spent the next year practicing his baseball swing.,1 1557,1557,1558,It was nice to all decorate together.,I had to do everything myself.,Last christmas my family decided to decorate.It was the first time we ever did.We bought a lot of different items.Everyone helped put things up.,1 1558,1558,1559,He loves his bike.,He sold his bike for a car.,"Javier thought that motorcycles seemed very cool.His parents warned him that motorcycles were very dangerous.Still, he bought a motorcycle and began taking lessons.Now he drives his motorcycle to work every day.",1 1559,1559,1560,Kate had a great time on the date.,Kate decided to not date rich again.,"Kate went on her very first date with Rich.They went to a steakhouse, but Kate was a vegetarian.Rich spent the whole night talking about himself.At the end of the date, he asked Kate to pay for her dinner.",2 1560,1560,1561,I became a shark on Wall Street.,I devoted my life to helping others.,Year's ago I wondered what was my life's purpose.I volunteered my for services for many social organizations.I learned I like helping people bring about change.I discovered I wanted to help resolve many of the world's problems.,2 1561,1561,1562,"They had a happy dinner in the kitchen,",The Smiths were mad at the builders.,The Smith's house was in sad shape.They had been saving for a renovation and today was the day.All the old and dreary looking parts of the house were redone.The builders did an amazing job.,1 1562,1562,1563,It was a great trip and they had a good time.,They decided to cancel the vacation.,Every year the smiths go on a camping trip.This year they decided to go to Colorado to camp.The family took the trailer and the goods to go.The kids were excited.,1 1563,1563,1564,I put in an application at Walmart.,I then found another job and was happy.,I was tired of working at Walmart.The hours were bad.The store music was awful.I handed my two weeks in to the manager.,2 1564,1564,1565,I decided to never play with those kids again.,My mother then dried me off.,My dad was babysitting me while my mom was out of town.I decided to go play with kids at the playground.The kids immediately threw dirt in my hair and my eyes.I ran home and my dad washed me and my hair.,1 1565,1565,1566,Brad lost his match and his family thought less of him.,Brad put on a hot dog uniform and became a baseball mascot.,"Brad was excited for his first amateur mixed martial arts fight.He invited all of his friends and family to watch him compete.The night of the fight Brad was confident as he marched into the ring.The first round didn't goal well though, and Brad's face was busted up",1 1566,1566,1567,Tommy and Spot became best friends.,Tommy was very sad that his parents did not buy him a cat.,"Tommy had always dreamed of having a dog.He begged his parents to get one.Finally on Tommy's birthday, his parents gave him a dog!Tommy named his dog Spot.",1 1567,1567,1568,Joe said nothing special happened that day.,Joe admitted it was all his fault.,Six year old Joe came home with ripped pants.He also gave his parents a note saying he had misbehaved.Joe's father yelled at him.Joe's mother gave him a hug and asked for an explanation.,2 1568,1568,1569,Marco goes to sleep.,He has a very productive day.,Marco feels very tired this afternoon at work.He decides he needs to make a pot of coffee.He brews a very strong pot of coffee and has a first cup.Finally he feels a little bit less tired.,2 1569,1569,1570,My niece touched my heart.,Our family decided to put my niece up for adoption.,"Last Christmas was so special, because my new niece was born.The whole family was brought together to see her.I bought tiny, new baby clothes for her.Her birth brought the family closer than it's ever been.",1 1570,1570,1571,My brother then demanded the candy back.,The family and children were grateful to my brother.,"My brother had a lot of candy after Halloween.However, he didn't like candy.So, he decided to give his candy away.He gave his candy to his neighbors, who had a lot of children.",2 1571,1571,1572,Ted waited for the new computer to arrive.,Ted didn't really need a computer.,"Ted had a laptop that he used to work.One day while working, the laptop crashed.Ted tried everything he could, but the laptop wouldn't turn on.Ted finally borrowed a friend's computer to go online and buy another.",1 1572,1572,1573,Gina decided to go jogging.,Gina wished she could afford an air conditioner.,Gina walked home as the sun was setting.It was 8 PM and it was still blazing hot outside.Gina had no where to go but home.In the house the fans in the windows did nothing the kill the heat.,2 1573,1573,1574,The Blues won the baseball game.,"By the end of the match, the Blackhawks won.",It was a rivalry hockey game.The blues were playing the blackhawks.The blackhawks scored 5 in the first period.The Blues Trailed by 3 in the third period.,2 1574,1574,1575,Jon was very worried.,Jon shrugged and never petted his dog again.,Jon woke up and went to his living room.His dog was still sleeping.Jon decided to wake up his dog.His dog refused to wake up.,1 1575,1575,1576,Jeff was very rested in the morning.,Jeff was tired in the morning.,Jeff started a new job where he would start at four in the morning.The night before he was so nervous that he set three alarms.He was worried he wouldn't wake up that early.That thought stayed with him all night and he barely slept.,2 1576,1576,1577,The t-shirt was a terrible color and I hated it.,The t-shirt was a terrible color and I loved it.,"I purchased a T-Shirt on Ebay.Since my screen's brightness was low, I didn't see the shirt's color.The package came during the end up the week.I decided to open the box quickly.",1 1577,1577,1578,Mister Pink thanked Marie for her help.,Mister Pink suede Marie for malpractice.,Marle was a doctor.She performed surgery on Mister Pink.She took out Mister Pink's appendix and stitched him up.But Mister Pink was there for a vasectomy.,2 1578,1578,1579,But he felt guilty.,Jerry loved pizza.,Jerry was running for class president.He ran a dirty campaign against his opponent.He made up lies and spread rumors.He won by a landslide.,1 1579,1579,1580,Mary missed the bus and had to walk to her destination.,Mary got on a plane to go to her destination.,"Terry had to catch a bus to make it to work on time.However, she met a series of misfortunes on morning.She lost her shoes and her keys.As she walked to the bus stop, she saw the bus starting to pull away.",1 1580,1580,1581,This made Tom really happy.,My brother wore a red shirt.,Tom was jealous of his brother.His brother was older and stronger.His brother went wherever he wanted.One day his brother was grounded for staying out too late.,1 1581,1581,1582,Tom never had to worry about laces again.,Tom's shoelaces started coming untied more often.,Tom was running in the park.His shoe laces became undone and he tripped and fell.Tom noticed people laughing at him when he got up.He went to a shoe store and bought shoes with a velcro strap.,1 1582,1582,1583,The shoe store gained several customers.,The shoe store lost many customers.,The shoe store salesman was rude to me the other day.I told him his attitude was out of line.He quickly lead me out the store.I wrote a letter regarding my experience to the local paper.,2 1583,1583,1584,That was why no one liked her.,Soon people discovered who she was and loved her.,"Shy Anna was not very popular in high school.People thought she was too boring.Little did they know, by night she was a guitarist in a local band.Soon her band was garnering national attention.",2 1584,1584,1585,I will miss Stacy a lot.,I hope Stacy invests in gold or another precious metal.,"I got some bad news this morning.My lifelong friend Stacy was moving to Europe.As I hung the phone up, I started to cry.I spent all morning going through old picture albums.",1 1585,1585,1586,They loved it.,Sal was unemployed.,Sal the radio DJ queued up his music for the night and sat down.His assistant said they were having computer issues that day.Sal tried to fix it himself but he could not play any songs.Instead he just spoke to his listeners for two hours.,1 1586,1586,1587,Greg was promoted by his manager.,Greg was then fired from his job for being too violent.,Greg was a nurse.Some people called him a murse.He hated that term because it was stupid and insulting.He punched each of them in the face.,2 1587,1587,1588,Brian's teacher praised Brian's performance on the test.,Brian felt lucky that he got a C on the test.,"Brian was a highschool student who felt sure of his intelligence.He had a big test coming up but felt sure that he would pass.Brian did not study for the test.When Brian took the test, he realized he was unprepared.",2 1588,1588,1589,Artie was glad this happened.,Artie was quite upset.,Artie had a baseball he had acquired as a child.His father had given it to him as a gift.Artie decided to give it to his son as a heirloom.His son lost the ball one day at the park.,2 1589,1589,1590,I decided to start a blog.,I decided I wasn't a good writer.,I wrote a prompt and posted it online.Readers of my prompt wanted more.I wrote a short story that expanded on the prompt.My prompt readers grew and they wanted even more.,1 1590,1590,1591,James was proud of himself.,James was ashamed.,"James was having a girl over for dinner.He was excited but nervous about cooking a meal.After looking up recipes, he went to the store and got ingredients.He went home and cooked a very nice meal for two.",1 1591,1591,1592,Danny loved peanut butter anyway.,Danny hated peanut butter.,"Danny was craving a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.He got out his bread and put on the peanut butter.Quickly after he remembered he didn't have jelly.Instead of going to store, he just ate it as is.",1 1592,1592,1593,Timmy was upset that Billy Idol would visit him.,Timmy got to meet Billy Idol.,"Timmy was going to die of bone cancer.There is no known cure.His final wish is to meet his Idol.His favorite singer, Billy Idol.",2 1593,1593,1594,The bath relaxed us and we went to sleep.,We decided to never come to Amsterdam again.,"My boyfriend took me to Amsterdam for New Years.It was extremely romantic.We watched the fireworks from our hotel room.Afterwards, we took a steaming hot bath together.",1 1594,1594,1595,Fred felt agitated.,Fred felt relaxed.,Fred went on vacation.He got on the bus and headed to Miami!He got some sun on the beach!He ate lots of fish!,2 1595,1595,1596,Candice was sad that people didn't like her apartment.,Candice was happy that people liked her apartment.,Candace is excited that she has moved into her own apartment.She decides to throw a party to celebrate.Candace makes food and invites her friends and sister.Everyone loves Candace's new apartment.,2 1596,1596,1597,Tim had to get the car to find his dog.,Tim was relieved his dog ran out.,Tim stepped out to check the mailbox.He didn't close the door all the way.His dog shot out at a full run.Tim tried to catch him but it was too late.,1 1597,1597,1598,"After all of his work, he had very tasty french fries to eat.",Tony then ate the small casserole.,"Tony wanted to make french fries.He bought a big bag of potatoes.Then, he cut the potatoes into strips.He fried the potatoes into french fries.",1 1598,1598,1599,Mary had a wonderful time at prom.,Mary stayed home due to the weather.,"Mary was unhappy.She saw the weather forecast for her prom, and it said rainy.The dance was outdoors and rainy would ruin it!But then on prom night, the weather cleared.",1 1599,1599,1600,Bob was livid!,The mechanic was given a promotion.,Bob dropped off his car to get an oil change.When he got his car back it started to sound funny.Smoke began to come out of his car.The mechanic forgot to put oil in his car.,1 1600,1600,1601,Sammy got along really well with the new puppy.,Susan got rid of her other dog when she got a new puppy.,Susan was five Year's old when she got her first puppy.She named the puppy Sammy.Sammy was a black Poodle.Susan mom bought her another puppy so Sammy would have a playmate.,1 1601,1601,1602,Anna does not have neighbors.,Her neighbor gave her a candy bar.,Anna was craving candy.She had none in her house!She was desperate for junk food.She went next door and asked her neighbor.,2 1602,1602,1603,His attempt to fix the painting failed!,The painting turned bright pink!,Dave painted in his bed.The splashed some blue on the canvas.The canvas then needed some red!He then threw in some yellow paint!,1 1603,1603,1604,Aaron was furious because his tuxedo was ruined.,He laughed it off and ordered another drink.,"Aaron sipped a fruity drink on the beach.He had been waiting for this vacation for months.Out of nowhere, a volleyball slammed into his lap.His drink was knocked out of his hand.",2 1604,1604,1605,I turned the GPS off and found a better way.,It was stressful but I finally made it to my destination.,"I was driving down a very unfamiliar, congested highway.The GPS directed me to a longer route on a different road.I gladly took the other road, but it soon became a nightmare.The road twisted and turned, and I had no choice but follow the GPS.",2 1605,1605,1606,Jill's headache went away.,Jill asked him for a pizza.,"Jill's health class was visiting an acupuncture clinic.Their teacher told them that although it was alternative, it worked.During the visit, Jill got a horrible migraine.The acupuncturist offered to treat her.",1 1606,1606,1607,We enjoyed our time playing ping pong with grandpa.,We were disappointed to go home empty handed that day.,My grandpa took my brothers and I fishing in the summer.We went to a small pond close to his house.He set up our fishing poles and we began to fish.It was so boring when nobody caught any fish.,2 1607,1607,1608,They ended up giving up.,They were eating pizza.,"Some kids were in trouble for throwing rocks.The men at the park chased the kids.But the kids were faster, and got away.The adults searched the woods for 20 minutes.",1 1608,1608,1609,Kathy decided to become a sushi chef.,Kathy obtained a job in the physical therapy field.,"Kathy desired to be a Physical Therapist since she was in high school.In college, she took many classes and applied for graduate school.After a period of waiting, she finally received her acceptance email!She made her way through schooling and graduated with her degree.",2 1609,1609,1610,My mom missed the old furniture.,The living room had a brand new appeal.,Mom thought the living room furniture looked old and shabby.It was time for some new seating.She bought the perfect set.The new furniture looked and felt great.,2 1610,1610,1611,George deleted his hard drive.,George finished his manuscript and celebrated.,George was in a bit of a pickle.He had a deadline that was rapidly approaching.He only had a few more pages to go in his book.He sat down at the computer and was struck with inspiration.,2 1611,1611,1612,Alice waited for it to cool and then ate a serving.,Alice put the pudding right into the garbage disposal.,Alice had a lot of leftover bread.She didn't want to waste it.She decided to mash it all up and make a big batch of bread pudding.It came out looking delicious!,1 1612,1612,1613,Amelia was very pleased.,Amelia was upset her friend taught her to sew.,"Amelia wanted to learn how to sew.Amelia's best friend knew how to sew, and so Amelia asked her how.Her best friend was happy to teach her.After a bit of practice, Amelia made a dress.",1 1613,1613,1614,He stopped playing games.,He was satisfied with it.,Albert was looking for the perfect gaming mouse for his PC.He searched a variety of sites and read lots of reviews.He found the perfect site with the best prices on what he wanted.He bought an MMO mouse with a very high DPI.,2 1614,1614,1615,She told her grandma to find her own ride.,Her grandma climbed in and they drove home.,Jill was driving her car.She accidentally passed the building she was looking for.She turned around.She then saw her grandma and offered her a ride.,2 1615,1615,1616,The woman thanked him for rescuing her.,The woman thought Olaf was useless.,"Olaf was hiking in the woods when he found another hiker, lost!The woman had been hiking for hours trying to find her way back.Olaf took her back to the base station and fed her.Then he helped her make a phone call to her friends.",1 1616,1616,1617,Doug and Patty were delighted at their success.,Doug and Patty did not sell much lemonade.,"Doug and Patty set up a lemonade stand in front of their house.They were surprised how many customers they had.They sold out before noon.They made more, selling all that as well.",1 1617,1617,1618,The network cast her in the show.,The letters made no difference.,Jeanne enjoyed watching crime drama on television.Her favorite show was cancelled.She wrote a letter to the head of the network.She encouraged her friends to write letters as well.,2 1618,1618,1619,Molly laughed in Mark's face and left.,Molly said yes.,Mark and Molly had reservations for a popular restaurant.When they arrived the hostess seated them at their table.They ordered from the menu and waited on their food.When dessert arrived Mark asked Molly to marry him.,2 1619,1619,1620,I gave him the right number and hung up.,I shook the student's hand and thanked him.,I was working at the front desk.I got a call from a strange number.It was a student wondering about his application for college.He had called the wrong number.,1 1620,1620,1621,I was really excited about my dress.,I don't even remember the game.,I went back to my hometown last weekend for a big football game.I met up with a bunch of my friends.We started drinking at 1pm for a 7pm game.By kickoff I was pretty drunk.,2 1621,1621,1622,Jake wore a navy blue suit.,When Jake got to his family he was happy his trip was over.,Jake was going on a road trip to see his family.He Got in the car and drove.The car's tires exploded due to too much air.Jake hitchhiked for 30 miles.,2 1622,1622,1623,Jill asked her question.,Jill was suspended for not asking her question.,Jill was in class nervous.She had a question for the teacher.She was afraid to ask.She finally got the courage to ask the question.,1 1623,1623,1624,Jimmy ate a sandwich for lunch.,Jimmy still loves alligators but now respects their wild nature.,"Jimmy loved alligators.When he was little, his grandfather took him to an alligator farm.The workers let Jimmy sit on an alligator.The reptile didn't like this and tried to bite Jimmy.",2 1624,1624,1625,Lary had never been so calm in all his life.,A man helped him recover.,Larry hated going to the mall.He was stuck there last Saturday.It was particularly packed due to sales.He started having a panic attack in the middle of a crowd.,2 1625,1625,1626,Gina's neighbors complained that she was spying on them.,She was jealous that her neighbors had a pool.,Gina was in her room.It was in the basement.She had one small window which let in the light.It looked out on the neighbor's yard,2 1626,1626,1627,The old man threw rock at the dogs until they left his property.,The dogs were great comfort and company for the old man.,"There was a home of poor dogs wandering the streets of Alaska.They had trouble finding people to feed them.Eventually they ran into a rich, old man who took them in.He fed them and gave them a great home.",2 1627,1627,1628,Jack didn't bother to close the window.,Jack closed the window.,"Jack woke up before his alarm at 4:30 am.He was shivering under the blankets.He looked over and saw he had left the window cracked open overnight.A strong, chill wind was blowing in through the open window.",2 1628,1628,1629,The mayor had just emerged from a seedy back-alley motel.,The mayor told him he had better things to do.,Jake lives in Flint Michigan.One day he went to run himself a bath.He was very upset to see that the water wasn't clean.Jake called his mayor to complain.,2 1629,1629,1630,The therapist curtly said she couldn't share that information.,The therapist told the mother everything her son had said.,"Lara started seeing a therapist.She mentioned this to her mom on the phone.Her mom called the therapist, demanding information.She wanted to know all the bad things her daughter was saying.",1 1630,1630,1631,Janie loved cats.,Janie hated cats.,"Janie was outside one day when she heard a high-pitched noise nearby.She looked all around for the source of the noise.Finally, she found a litter of kittens under a bush!She decided to take care of the kittens.",1 1631,1631,1632,Pam's daughter became good at bargain hunting.,Pam's favorite store was Saks Fifth Avenue.,Pam loved to use coupons.She asked all her friends to give her old newspapers.Pam would go through each newspaper and cut out the best coupons.She made an effort to include her daughter to teach her to be frugal.,1 1632,1632,1633,We shared the prize equally among all of us.,I had such a horrible time I never went out with them again.,"I like to go to comic conventions.One year, I went with all of my friends.We all had matching costumes.We even won the costume contest!",1 1633,1633,1634,Her father came and removed the spider.,Darla decided to make the spider a pet.,"Darla was afraid of spiders.One day, as she was cleaning her room, she saw one on the wall.She screamed and jumped away.She yelled for her father to come in and help.",1 1634,1634,1635,He was happy about how well he skateboarded that day.,He limped home with his legs bleeding.,"Leon decides to get out of the house one day.He gets his skateboard to go for a ride.Leon tries riding down the biggest hill in his town.Unfortunately, he falls and bumps his knees.",2 1635,1635,1636,I won't eat pizza for a long time.,I want to go back and get more pizza.,Last night I had the best pizza.I went to bertucci's and had a pepperoni pizza.The sauce was delectable and the meat was divine.I ate the entire thing.,2 1636,1636,1637,John then failed the project because of his dog.,John's assignment was the best looking in his class.,"John was working on a science project display for school.When he finished his project, he placed it by his bedroom window.After putting the project down, John left the room and watched tv.While watching TV, John's dog destroyed his project.",1 1637,1637,1638,Eventually Ed got the chipmunk to eat out of his hand.,The chipmunk was so terrified it bit Ed's hand.,"A little chipmunk made it's home in Ed's backyard.For weeks he tried to feed it a peanut out of his hand.It got a little closer every day.Finally, the chipmunk took it.",1 1638,1638,1639,He reached for the bowl and enjoyed the candy.,He placed the stool on the deck.,Tray wanted candy.He could not reach the bowl.That did not stop him.He got a stool.,1 1639,1639,1640,But they had a great time!,Charlie stole a car.,Charlie and some neighborhood kids built a snowman.They decided to jazz it up by adding food coloring to color it.They used up all the food coloring in all of their houses.All of their parents were upset because they stained their clothes.,1 1640,1640,1641,Amy threw a brick through the window of the shop.,Amy decided she didn't need the yogurt anyway.,Amy liked to take a walk on her break at work.This day she decided to walk to the frozen yogurt place.When she arrived they were closed.This was odd for the middle of the day.,2 1641,1641,1642,He hates that he met so many people.,He goes to bed.,Jason decides he wants to get out of his house and see other people.He goes to the local pool hall to play a few games.At the pool hall he meets other guys.He goes home after spending a few hours there.,2 1642,1642,1643,The kid stole some things from the house.,The house owners came home and welcomed the kid.,A kid walked past an old house in his neighborhood.He looked in the windows to see if anyone was home.There was not any signs of an inhabitant.The kid broke in and explored the house.,1 1643,1643,1644,Jane quit her classes and took up accounting.,Jane decided to care for a dog.,Jane wanted to be a veterinarian.She took many subjects in school towards that goal.One course required that she spend forty hours caring for an animal.Jane liked lots of animals and couldn't decide which to choose.,2 1644,1644,1645,Sue made an appointment with the doctor as a last resort.,Sue was relieved that her sore throat cures worked.,"Sue had a sore throat.She didn't know what to do.She took cough drops and that didn't work.She made hot tea, and that didn't stop the soreness.",1 1645,1645,1646,Sammy ran away from home and Greg.,Greg was happy that Sammy was his dog.,"When Greg was 5 years old, he received his first dog.It was his favorite kind of dog, and he named it Sammy.Sammy was a purebred poodle.After a few years, Greg came very close to Sammy.",2 1646,1646,1647,I was sad.,I felt very satisfied.,I convinced my friend to vote for my favorite candidate.I managed to make them enthusiastic about the process.On election day they never showed up to vote.I forgot to tell them what day it was.,1 1647,1647,1648,I hate it there because it's so expensive.,I'm happy to be a member there and work out often!,There is this amazing gym near my house.It has all the workout equipment I could ever ask for.The best part is that the membership is only ten dollars per month.That's one of the cheapest I've ever seen.,2 1648,1648,1649,The children laughed as they hunted the eggs.,The children apologized to Jane.,Jane was hiding the kids for her children to hunt.She put them all over the back yard.She hid an egg under a pile of leaves.Jane was excited for the children to hunt.,1 1649,1649,1650,Jane just went home.,Jane bought one of the desks.,Jane needed a new desk.Her previous desk was old and falling apart.She went to a store and tried to find a likeable style.Jane did not like any of the desks at the store.,1 1650,1650,1651,She had fun climbing.,She was very disappointed.,"Kate was on a field trip to the park.She loved the monkey bars the most.There was a line to use them when she got there.When it was her turn, she hopped up gleefully.",1 1651,1651,1652,One of Mike's friends realized he had the license in wallet.,Mike was sure he would pass through without incident.,"Mike went with his friends to party in Tijuana.They all drank too much and slept way too little.Returning from the trip, Mike couldn't find his license.As they approached the border, he was extremely nervous.",1 1652,1652,1653,I found the drink to be bitter-tasting.,I asked for a second round of the same drink.,"Today was my 21st birthday.Since I'm able to drink, my friend took me to a bar.She order her favorite drink, specifically for me.After taking a sip of the drink, I was disgusted.",1 1653,1653,1654,Chuck knew he needed a walk so he talk his dogs out.,Chuck kicked his dog away from him.,Chuck joints creaked as he stood up from the computer.It was a short walk to the side table where he had left his phone.He was going to make one quick phone call before returning to work.The dogs met him at the door with earnest faces.,1 1654,1654,1655,Ray hoped they would not admit him.,Ray hoped he would be admitted.,Ray wanted to get into a good college.He had to write an essay.He tried very hard.He put in a lot of effort.,2 1655,1655,1656,Now I am happy and I have a great new job.,I decided I didn't want to work anymore.,"I was sick of being unemployed.I decided it was time to get a job.I scoured listings on the internet and sent out resumes.Finally, a company asked me to come in for an interview.",1 1656,1656,1657,He was very happy that the program took that amount of time.,Joe's computer began working well once the program was complete.,Joe turned on his computer and noticed a problem.There were programs he did not install and he could not delete them.Joe went to the store and purchased and antivirus program.Joe ran the program on his computer for hours.,2 1657,1657,1658,Being accepted made Joe very sad.,Being accepted made Joe very happy.,"Jon wanted to become a professional plumber.So, he applied to a trade school.He waited months for his decision.Fortunately, he was accepted.",2 1658,1658,1659,Sarah decided videogame were stupid.,Sarah brought it home and used it.,Sarah was watching television.A commercial came on for the new Xbox.Sarah immediately drove to her local electronics store.She bought a new Xbox with a headset and extra controller.,2 1659,1659,1660,She got a parrot and named it Bear.,She bought a cat and let it roam the house.,Shelly wanted a pet.But her mom was allergic to cats.And their apartment was too small for a dog!Then Shelly thought of a solution.,1 1660,1660,1661,Rob fired the employees.,Rob was glad his employees thought so highly of him.,Rob was in charge of all the people at work.Rob though everybody liked him.One day Rob heard his employees saying mean things about him.Rob's feelings were hurt.,1 1661,1661,1662,Jacob did not want to take a pumpkin home.,Jacob chose this special pumpkin for himself.,"Jacob's class went on a field trip to a pumpkin patch.Chaos ensued as the children ran to grab pumpkins.Unlike the others, a still and observant Jacob scanned the field.Suddenly, he spotted a large, green gourd peeking out near the fence!",2 1662,1662,1663,Kay was relieved because she had moved on to peppermint.,Kay was crushed!,Kay loved Ice Cream.She visited Cold Stone and discovered they had cinnamon ice cream.She ate cinnamon ice cream every week for 3 months.One day she returned and was told the ice cream was no longer sold.,2 1663,1663,1664,Megan's coworker was angry that she lied about eating her cake.,Megan's coworker was proud of her.,"Megan ate the last piece of cake from the fridge at her work.The next day her coworker asked her if she ate their cake.Megan lied saying that she wasn't the one.However, another coworker saw her eat it.",1 1664,1664,1665,Tina was glad she got her exercise for the day.,Tina cried.,"Tina had a little glass doll she kept in her pocket.One day Tina was playing hide and seek.As she was running, Tina tripped and fell.When she looked in her pocket she saw that her doll was broken.",2 1665,1665,1666,It was terrible.,Cora's face was swollen.,Cora was nervous.She was at her first haircut appointment ever.She wondered how she would look with short hair.Then she saw herself in the mirror and gasped.,1 1666,1666,1667,She love the flowers.,She angrily told him to get out.,Peppa's grandpa visited her and her brother george at their house.Peppa's grandpa had a green thumb and he planted few seeds in garden.He left and came back after a week to find beautiful flowers had grown.Peppa's grandpa took some flowers to grandma as a surprise,1 1667,1667,1668,Her dad smiled because Gina had done a meticulous job this time.,Her dad took the car to the mud races.,Gina washed her dad's car.He wasn't satisfied with the job she did.She washed all the missed spots and double checked the car.She had him inspect the car again.,1 1668,1668,1669,Randy was able to get a dog with his dad.,Randy bought a lizard with his dad.,Randy wanted to get a dog so bad.Randy's mom was allergic to dogs.Randy asked if he could move in with his dad.His dad said yes.,1 1669,1669,1670,Johnny didn't care about the bike.,Johnny found out his friend took the bike.,Johnny rode his bike to the hobby store.He parked his bike out front.When he came out his bike was gone.Johnny looked all over.,2 1670,1670,1671,Mike enjoyed the chance to help pets find a home.,Mike didn't like the dogs or cats.,Mike really loves pets.Unfortunately his apartment building doesn't allow pets.He tried to persuade building management but they didn't agree.Mike decided to volunteer at his local humane society.,1 1671,1671,1672,He took the right path and discovered a small waterfall.,He turned and went back home instead.,"Tom was hiking one day.He always traveled on the path.Soon, the path split into two.He didn't know where to go.",1 1672,1672,1673,I felt very free and relaxed.,But I had too many lines attached to me.,"The nurse admitted me into the intensive care unit.When I woke up, there were no lights around.The time was 3:20 in the afternoon.I tried to look outside of the room window.",2 1673,1673,1674,He was sad about getting the coupons.,He invited some friends to have lunch with him at McDonalds.,Taj loved to eat McDonalds.He wrote McDonald's an email appreciating them for their service.A McDonald's representative was able to reply the next day.Taj got $50 worth of McDonalds coupons in the mail!,2 1674,1674,1675,Jerry discovered it was the switch that was broken.,Jerry stayed in the dark because he forgot to buy any light bulbs.,The light didn't come on when Jerry flipped the switch in his room.He had to go to the store to buy lightbulbs the next day.He carefully removed the old bulb.The new one was then screwed into place.,1 1675,1675,1676,Micky was offered the job the next day.,Micky made reservations at a motel.,Micky wanted a job.He began to look in the classifieds in the local paper.He went on several interviews.Micky was finally called by one of the companies he applied at.,1 1676,1676,1677,Suddenly Abby understood why her dentist warned against sugar.,Abby went to the pantry and got her dog a Milk Bone.,Abby loved candy.She was given her allowance for the week.She decided to spend it all at the candy store.She started to notice a numb ache in her tooth.,1 1677,1677,1678,He was overjoyed when his wife told him that she was pregnant.,Del's wife told him that she had breast cancer.,"Del hurried home from work.He was very worried and anxious.His wife had said she had important news for him.But when he got home, he saw his wife was smiling.",1 1678,1678,1679,I was happy to get paid overtime.,My boss fired me.,I was at work yesterday when my boss came over.He said that we were behind schedule.He asked if I could help out a bit.I would get paid overtime.,1 1679,1679,1680,My friend really enjoyed getting bitten by the cow.,My friend had a less than fabulous time there.,"We went to a petting zoo together.My friend bought food to feed the animals.She tried to feed a carrot to a cow, but it bit her.She didn't even know cows would bite humans.",2 1680,1680,1681,Neil was bored of the trip and went home.,Neil was happy he made the trip.,Neil wanted to see ancient temples and ruins.He decided Asia was a great place to start.He flew to Cambodia and went sightseeing.He saw so many old temples in the jungles there.,2 1681,1681,1682,Neil had a wonderful view of the city.,Neil decided not to come to London anymore.,Neil loved visiting London!He thought it was charming and friendly.But he wanted a better view.So he bought a ticket on the huge London Eye ferris wheel.,1 1682,1682,1683,Sam stayed at the bar rather than go home and be surprised.,That night Sam told his wife that he wanted a divorce.,Sam hated surprise parties.He found out about one by his wife.She had put in a lot of effort.All of his friends showed up.,1 1683,1683,1684,He grabbed the pole and pulled out a huge flounder.,"He shot at the deer, but missed.",Joe went fishing.He sat by the river a long time.Suddenly his pole went down.Joe jumped to his feet.,1 1684,1684,1685,Tori was happy her mother knew.,Tori was grounded.,"Tori stole a candy cane from her Christmas tree.Her mother had told her not to.She thought she had gotten away with it.However, her mother noticed and punished her.",2 1685,1685,1686,Paula eventually became accustomed to being away from her mother.,Paula's mother took a seat next to Paula.,"It was Paula's first day of Kindergarten.She was excited to be one of the big kids.When it came time to leave her mother at the door, she cried.Eventually Paula left her mother and took a seat in class.",1 1686,1686,1687,The ice kept his drinks cold the whole day.,"He poured all of the ice down the drain, and went to sleep.","Ivan was heading to the beach for a day of picnicking.Then he remembered he'd forgotten to put ice in the cooler!He stopped off at a small general store.There, he bought a few big bags of ice and put them in the coolers.",1 1687,1687,1688,Ky grabbed hair paint and colored her hair.,Everyone at school loved Ky's hair.,Ky was doing her hair.Her pigtails were always lopsided!She just couldn't get them straight.Finally she gave up and went to school with lopsided pigtails.,2 1688,1688,1689,I left the table before she could speak.,We spoke and ate for two hours.,I just became a certified personal trainer!I have been working at this for Years.My wife took me out to dinner to celebrate.I told her at dinner all the plans I have to bring on clients.,2 1689,1689,1690,I took a long nap and am feeling better.,I went to the gym and exercised.,Yesterday I felt very sick.I had to take the day off.Thankfully I was able to relax.I took some soup and rested.,1 1690,1690,1691,Bob's stereo system was ruined.,Bob was proud of his cat.,"Bob was listening to his favorite album on his new stereo system.The sound quality of his new system was great.You could hear the sound clearly from every room in his house.All of a sudden, his cat scratched one of his speakers.",1 1691,1691,1692,Rob ended up playing the best game of his life!,Rob kicked the other player as hard as he could!,"Rob loved to play soccer and was on his middle school team.They had just started their season and were playing their first game.Rob accidentally tripped over another player during the game.The other player was mad, but Rob apologized and kept his composure.",1 1692,1692,1693,Pam was impressed with the babysitter.,Pam was furious with the babysitter.,Pam left her son with a new babysitter.She told her that her son was allergic to peanut butter.But the babysitter gave him peanut butter oatmeal.The babysitter had to call the hospital.,2 1693,1693,1694,Lindy decided to talk to men just like they were people.,Lindy decided she didn't like men.,Lindy always wanted a great love in her life.Every day she went to the university where she studied with a rose.Her plan was to give the rose to a man who would be her great love.Lindy didn't know how to talk to a man she thought looking at the rose.,1 1694,1694,1695,Barbara loved the earrings and loved wearing them.,"Afterward, Barbara decided not to wear the earrings.",Barbara was excited to get her ears pierced.Barbara's mother took her to the jewelry store at the mall.Barbara picked out her earrings.The worker pierced her ears with a piercing gun.,1 1695,1695,1696,James was so embarrassed that he ran off the stage.,James felt great about his performance.,"James was participating in a talent show at school.James was going to sing but was very nervous and nauseous.He finally stepped up on stage and prepared to sing.However, as soon as he began to sing, he threw up all over himself!",1 1696,1696,1697,Sam bought himself a nice house and was very grateful.,Sam was very grateful for getting the job.,Sam had been living on the street for Years.He survived by begging for money.One day a stranger gave Sam a lottery ticket instead of cash.Sam won a million dollars!,1 1697,1697,1698,I bought all of the clothes that were made in America.,I decided not to buy any clothes.,I was clothes shopping the other day.Everything I found was made in China.Some stuff was made in Vietnam.I couldn't find anything from America.,2 1698,1698,1699,I hope he gets better at it.,I hope he gets worse at it.,I was teaching my son to throw a football.He couldn't grasp the ball in one hand.He used both hands to throw it to me like a basketball.Then he lobbed it to me underhanded.,1 1699,1699,1700,Sandy lost her home.,Sandy bought three new homes.,"Sandy recently lost her job.As a consequence, Sandy could not pay her mortgage.After several months, Sandy's got some bad news.Sandy was told her house was being foreclosed on.",1 1700,1700,1701,I broke up with my girlfriend the same night.,We love spending time together.,My girlfriend and I took a train to New York City.We were going to have dinner and enjoy a night in the city.I took her out for a nice meal and after we went shopping.We both had a great time!,2 1701,1701,1702,Kari wore her new sweater to school the next day.,Kari refused to wear the new sweater.,Kari's sweater ripped.She needed to buy a new one.She decided to go to the mall.She bought a sweater from Armani.,1 1702,1702,1703,But he tried anyway.,Thomas punched his friend in the face.,Thomas lost his job three weeks ago.He had no idea how he was going to pay his rent.His friend told him about a website that paid five dollars per blog.Thomas didn't think he could raise five hundred dollars there.,1 1703,1703,1704,Sally threw the package away.,It was a frilly dress with glitter and sparkly fabric!,Last week Sally came home and found a package in front of her door.She was curious about what might be in the package.She quickly opened the package and couldn't believe her eyes.Inside the package was a gift from her best friend.,2 1704,1704,1705,Rico decided to take another nap.,Rico's teacher let him turn in the essay the next day.,"Rico was working really hard on his essay for English.After working on it all night, he decided to take a short nap.He slept in and was late for for school.When he got to school he noticed that his essay was gone.",2 1705,1705,1706,She hates the new jacket.,She is happy.,Juanita realizes that she needs warmer clothing to get through winter.She looks for a jacket but at first everything she finds is expensive.Finally she finds a jacket she can afford.She buys the jacket and feels much better.,2 1706,1706,1707,He did very well in the job and they really liked him there.,He was the best swimming coach they had ever had.,My buddy wanted to become the safety officer at school.He had to go through a bunch of training just to take the test.He loved the training and passed the test.He got the job.,1 1707,1707,1708,Sally's went home and went to sleep instead.,Sally was sad she had lost her wallet.,"Sally went to the store to buy a beach chair.Upon exit, she places her wallet on the car's trunk.After placing the chair on the back seat, she drives away.At the beach entrance, she reaches for her wallet to pay to the fee.",2 1708,1708,1709,Vera drove home safely.,Vera was much more careful when driving.,Vera was driving home from work one day.She was tired and not paying attention.She blew through a stop sign and struck an oncoming car.Vera's car was totaled and the other driver was hurt.,2 1709,1709,1710,Lynn wanted Amy to tell her all about being an adult.,Lynn continued to swing.,"Amy was 14 Year's old.She was starting to feel like an adult.She explained this to her friend Lynn, as Lynn sat on a swing.Lynn didn't care.",2 1710,1710,1711,They had a great marriage.,Donna couldn't believe how selfish her husband was.,Donna quit her job today.She realized that her husband makes enough for both of them.She asked her husband if he was okay with her decision.He was and supported her with whatever she decides to do.,1 1711,1711,1712,We were so happy.,We are so angry.,"We bought a new house.It was perfect, and everything I ever wanted.There was a white fence and a large wrap around porch.Our kids will have so many great memories in this house.",1 1712,1712,1713,Mona drove back home immediately.,Mona went inside to see the movie.,"Mona was in a car accident that broke both of her legs.She was in the hospital and rehab for a month.As soon as she got out, she wanted to go to the movies.She went to the nearest movie theater and bought the ticket.",2 1713,1713,1714,My husband went out and bought a better bouquet.,I was upset that the flowers weren't more dead.,"It was Valentine's Day and I was excited to see flowers at my door.I rushed inside to open the box.The bouquet was small and mostly dead, not what my husband ordered.I was very upset and started to cry.",1 1714,1714,1715,She then proposed to Sloan.,She told him she did not want to marry him.,"Sloan has a lot of girlfriends.One day, he decides that he wants to settle down.He gets serious about dating and chooses one girlfriend.He decides she's the one and proposes.",2 1715,1715,1716,Bay made it on the hockey team.,Bay made it on the football team.,Bay wanted to play football.He practiced every day after school.Then he tried his best on tryout day.He was so excited when the team posted the results.,2 1716,1716,1717,Josh enjoyed riding on the huge yacht.,Josh was upset to be in a little boat.,"Josh was invited to go sailing.He met his friends at the marina.Instead of a huge yacht, they showed him a tiny boat.The four of them crowded into the boat with little room.",2 1717,1717,1718,Tonya was heart broken.,Tonya laughed hysterically at the fish.,Tonya owned a small toad.Tanya would always bring her toad with her to a swamp.She would sit with her toad by the side of a pond.One day a fish came and ate her toad!,1 1718,1718,1719,David's father then thanked him.,David was grounded by his father.,"David's father had painstakingly assembled a collection of rare coins.One day, he found some of his prized coins missing.He questioned Davis about their absence.David had taken them for lunch money!",2 1719,1719,1720,I was happy with mom.,Mom was making me upset all day.,Mom took me grocery shopping with her today.We went through all the aisles.I got help Mom put items in the cart.She even let me get a special treat.,1 1720,1720,1721,It became her new favorite.,She confronted the barista and demanded a new coffee be made.,Kelly was excited to try the new Starbucks flavor.The flavor was red velvet cake.When she ordered it she took a sip.It was delicious.,1 1721,1721,1722,June told him that he had done a great job.,June ignored him and walked away.,"June was excited to share gardening with her son.She showed the boy how to pluck weeds, root and all.June and her son worked on separate rows, weeding steadily.When they finished, the boy showed June his pile of weeds.",1 1722,1722,1723,"They used flashlights to build a fire, which was nice.",It was not a very fun swimming day after all.,"Jane had never gone camping before.One day, Jane's friends invited her to go camping with them.Jane and her friends went deep into the woods to find a camp ground.When they finally arrived, it was too dark to see anything.",1 1723,1723,1724,Chuck couldn't get a table so he left.,Chuck then ordered food and was happy with the service.,Chuck stepped the cabin cruiser and onto the dock.The boat was new as was his knot tying skills.He quickly tied off the boat.The line was long for the restaurant but he eventually got a table.,2 1724,1724,1725,Ed coasted to the side of the road until he stopped.,Ed ate his peanuts.,Ed pass a car as he drove to the bank.He tried slowing down after passing but failed.His brakes did no work.Ed looked around for something to slow him down.,1 1725,1725,1726,Liz was glad they were sleeping so well.,Liz told them to go back to bed.,Liz was watching her 4 and 6 year old nieces.She put them in her room to take a nap.They were very quiet so she thought they were asleep.When she checked on them an hour later they were not asleep.,2 1726,1726,1727,Hope is expected to celebrate her birthday alone.,Hope is having breakfast with her family.,"Today is Hope's Birthday.She jumps out of bed excited.She rushed to the bathroom to take a shower.After her shower, she gets ready.",2 1727,1727,1728,The front of his body hurt from the impact.,He decided to dive that way every time from now on.,Dave loved to dive.Dave walked onto the board.He prepared to do a front-flip.Dave made a mistake and slammed face down into the water!,1 1728,1728,1729,She spat it out because she had been served a spoiled fish taco.,She relished the taste of her banana sundae.,"Lady loved tacos.Especially from taco trucks.One day she ordered a taco from a truck.With excitement, she took a bite.",1 1729,1729,1730,Mary was very happy.,Mary was really upset with Kim.,"Mary was excited, today was her twentieth birthday.When she woke up, she found a big wrapped box in the kitchen.She opened the box and found a brain new pair of ice skates.Under the ice skates were two tickets to the ring tonight with Kim.",1 1730,1730,1731,He told him that he was lost.,Jimmy accused the officer of harassing him.,"Jimmy wandered around the city looking for a place for a soda.Before he knew it, he was in an unfamiliar area.He was scared of strangers and didn't want to ask anyone.Soon a policeman came by and asked if he was lost.",1 1731,1731,1732,The whole family enjoyed the experience.,The family wished they had visited Colorado.,"Kimberly and her family went on a vacation to Duck, North Carolina.They rented a beach house so that they could all stay in one spot.They relaxed on the beach almost every single day.The highlight of the trip was seeing a lighthouse.",1 1732,1732,1733,Andre could not drive.,But then the cops stopped him.,At the time it seemed like a good idea.The bus driver parked and went into a bathroom at a gas station.Andre jumped in the driver's seat and drove off.He drove to three stops and picked up passengers.,2 1733,1733,1734,Tom and Sally finally got to have kids.,Tom and Sally didn't want to have kids anymore.,Tom and Sally wanted to have kids.They tried several times without any success.It turned out that Sally had medical issues she needed addressed.Once she got that taken care of they tried again.,1 1734,1734,1735,The butterfly village was very uninformative.,The butterfly village was very educational.,My class went to a butterfly village for their field trip.They had the opportunity to go throughout the place.Several butterflies were attached on to us.Everyone also had the opportunity to seek knowledge.,2 1735,1735,1736,Denise didn't know what to do when she ran out of money.,She bought a second piggy bank so she could keep saving money.,Denise had been trying to save her money for a long time.She had been selling lemonade.She would take her money and put it in a pink piggy bank.The day came when it was so full she couldn't fit any more in it.,2 1736,1736,1737,She sold a lot and bought delicious treats with the money.,She sold reasonably well and bought her uniform.,Kelly had to raise money for her cheerleading uniform.She decided to hold a bake sale.She made tons of cakes and brownies.Then she set up shop outside her house.,2 1737,1737,1738,He gave the dog some medicine and then it was fine.,He was happy when the dog ignored him.,Michael was a dog lover.One day he went to his friends house.His friend owned a dog was a bit sick.Michael took him to the vet.,1 1738,1738,1739,Sara successfully made some pants.,Sara had no skills and the dress was a mess.,Sara really wanted a new dress for prom.However she could not afford one.She decided to make her own.She gathered the materials and set to work.,2 1739,1739,1740,Tracy would not leave Mr Washington alone.,Mr Washington fell into the trap.,Mr Washington stalked Tracy's best friend McKevin.Mr Washington did it to find out more about Tracy.McKevin told Tracy about Mr Washington's stalking.Tracy and McKevin set a trap for Mr Washington.,2 1740,1740,1741,Jen then spent time with her family.,Jen decided to make the best of what she had.,"Jen wanted all of her family to be together for Christmas.She planned a fun party and invited everyone.All of her friends showed up, but not her family.Jen was very sad.",2 1741,1741,1742,Her sister laughed hysterically.,She found her sister nearby.,"Amelia took her little sister to the park.She told her sister to play, and took out her iphone.When she looked up, she realized her sister was gone!She raced through the park, screaming her sister's name.",2 1742,1742,1743,She threw the beads away when she got home.,She made a beautiful blouse.,Ana was crafting a blouse.She wanted to adorn it with beads.She went to the craft store.She bought fancy beads and brought them home.,2 1743,1743,1744,She decided to go to the ballet.,She was very happy when she won first place.,Kori liked to dress up for comic conventions.She decided to dress up as her favorite character for an upcoming one.She worked very hard for months on her costume.She entered the cosplay contest at the convention.,2 1744,1744,1745,She asks her friends to help her take the mirror to the dump.,She places the mirror in her bathroom.,"Maureen has just moved into a new apartment and still has no mirror.She drives to the store to look for a good mirror she can use.Finally Maureen finds a beautiful, full length mirror.Her friend helps her get the heavy mirror into her apartment.",2 1745,1745,1746,Bob enjoyed his time in the pool.,It was very dark and spooky.,There was a mysterious sound from Bob's basement.He took went to the steps and flicked the light.The bulb flickered on and then off quickly.Bob gave up on the light and went down to investigate.,2 1746,1746,1747,I called for the nurse.,I felt warm and happy.,"After I arrived at the hospital, I got a bracelet.It had my personal information on it.My forehead was itching and I reached out for it.The bottom of the bracelet scratched my face.",1 1747,1747,1748,Gina felt frustrated.,Gina was glad to get the attention she desired.,The principal came out of his office and left the main office.Gina was surprised since she had been waiting 20 minutes.She thought for sure it was finally her turn.But he didn't acknowledge she was there at all.,1 1748,1748,1749,The cult sacrificed the child in the name of Ba'al.,Nicky's granddaughter smiled and drooled on it happily.,Millie's best friend Nicky was about to become a great-grandma.Nicky asked Millie to crochet a blanket for the new baby.Millie made a beautiful blue and gray blanket with a little hat too.Nicky gave it to her granddaughter today at the baby shower.,2 1749,1749,1750,I bought carrots at a different store.,I was happy to have found everything I needed.,I went grocery shopping the other day.I had a long list of items.I picked up every item on the list but one.There were no carrots in the whole store.,1 1750,1750,1751,Ruth and Iris told her what they wanted.,Ruth and Iris didn't need to tell her anything.,Every Monday Ruth went to lunch with Iris.They always sat in the same booth and had the same waitress.Today they had a different waitress.She didn't know what the ladies wanted.,1 1751,1751,1752,Kate was glad that she could remain concentrated.,Kate wished she had someone to text on her phone while working.,Kate had math homework that she needed to do.She sat at the table and tried to focus.She avoided distraction by turning off her phone.Kate worked for two hours.,1 1752,1752,1753,She felt amazing.,She realized she should have remembered sunblock.,"Sandy went to the beach with her aunt Theresa.She was so excited to play in the water she forgot the sunblock.Sandy had so much fun playing in the sand and water.However, when the day ended she was sore and red.",2 1753,1753,1754,Sally was terribly disappointed with her grade on the test.,Sally decided to buy some new boots at the mall.,"Sally had a test.She was determined to make an A.Sally studied for a week straight.When she got to test day, she went blank.",1 1754,1754,1755,Steven Avery spent the rest of his life in prison.,"The next week, Steven went to the movies with friends.","Steven Avery committed murder.Burned human remains were found on his property.Steven was the last person to see the female murder victim alive.He was arrested, charged, tried, and convicted of murder.",1 1755,1755,1756,The ambulance driver decided to stop for lunch on the way.,Ollie survived a heart attack.,An ambulance rushed to Ollie's house after he called 911.The medics arrived and placed him on the stretcher.They wheeled him to the ambulance.He was placed inside and rushed to the hospital.,2 1756,1756,1757,Alice decided to climb tall trees more often.,Alice decided to not climb the big trees anymore.,"One day Alice decided to climb the tallest tree in her yard.She got to the top, but was too scared to climb back down!Alice's dad had to get the ladder to climb up to get her.They made it safely to the ground, but Alice learned a big lesson.",2 1757,1757,1758,I threw away my sandwich.,I ate my sandwich in four bites.,"I was stuck in traffic and very hungry.I knew I wouldn't make it home in time, and needed food.I decided to get fast food, but didn't know where from.I finally decided on subway, and parked my car.",2 1758,1758,1759,"Everyone began laughing, and walked out of the class.","The teacher dried his tears, and gave him more paper.","Tim was in class writing story.All of a sudden, he ran out of paper.There was none in his backpack.He started crying.",2 1759,1759,1760,Lenny found a different interest.,Lenny became a powerful hypnotist.,Lenny wanted to learn to practice hypnosis.He did a lot of research about how to do it well.He found out that hypnosis doesn't work like he thought.He found that hypnosis is more of a parlor trick than a power.,1 1760,1760,1761,Her dad took Abby to the emergency room right away.,Abby's dad went on to park the car in the garage.,Abby skated on her rollerblades down the driveway.Her father was pulling in and didn't see her.He accidentally hit her as she skated down.Abby's arm was broken.,1 1761,1761,1762,Cindy started to do jumping jacks.,Cindy went to her bedroom and laid down.,"Cindy felt like eating French toast for breakfast.She couldn't wait to cook it.After she finished, she happily started eating.But she began to feel sick and tired.",2 1762,1762,1763,Neil later hated the country.,Neil wished he could stay.,"Neil had just arrived in Morocco.He loved the exotic feel of it.The language was beautiful.And the people were so friendly, too!",2 1763,1763,1764,Mable didn't want to have a pet coon.,Mable was excited to have a new pet.,Mable loved animals.One day Mabel went for a walk.Mable saw a baby coon.She took it home with her.,2 1764,1764,1765,She taught the birds to speak.,She fed them to her cat.,Ness wanted a bird as a pet.She went to the pet store.The owner suggested she get two parakeets to keep her company.Ness bought the two pretty birds and took them home.,1 1765,1765,1766,Ken's team was very happy to win the game.,Ken decided to quit playing football.,Ken's football team was losing the game.The game was almost over and they needed seven points to win.Then Ken threw a touchdown and scored!The fans and the team cheered him loudly.,1 1766,1766,1767,My mother left the casserole in the oven too long and it burned.,My mother was exceptionally friendly.,My mom would be the only one who would wave to the Easter Bunny.There would often be someone on the street corner dressed up.My mom would take the moment wave and honk her horn.No one else paid that much attention.,2 1767,1767,1768,Matt would move the children into the master suite.,Matt would keep the children where they are.,Matt's children's room was now too small for all three children.Matt couldn't afford to move to another house.Matt talked with his wife about their options.They both agreed it best to switch the children into the master suite.,1 1768,1768,1769,Her cafe became even more popular.,Her cafe went out of business.,"Mia opened a cafe when she was thirty.After five Years, the cafe got really successful.One day a celebrity visited her cafe.The celebrity was so impressed that they tweeted about it.",1 1769,1769,1770,Joe had to walk to the voting place.,Joe was very grateful for the help.,"I came home from the doctor this morning.I saw my friend Joe waiting in the lobby.He is 98, needs a walker, and was trying to vote.My friend Bert graciously offered to take him.",2 1770,1770,1771,Lou now has the entire neighborhood as his customers.,Lou went to school to learn about IT support.,Lou needed some money for a video game.He put fliers in his neighbor's mailboxes offering to mow their lawns.He had six jobs lined up in just a few hours.He did so well he kept his business going.,1 1771,1771,1772,She hoped she wouldn't get in trouble.,She enjoyed practice a lot.,"Lindsey was feeling especially antsy at school.She did not want to go to Lacrosse practice after school.She tried to fake a sickness, but nobody believed her.Lindsey ended up skipping practice without an excuse.",1 1772,1772,1773,Janet had a huge look of disappointment on her face.,Janet was happy about that.,Janet was excited to get some pancakes.Her favorite fast food joint served them all day.She went there after work.When she got there they told her they were out.,1 1773,1773,1774,I've been afraid of the water ever since.,I was very angry with my cousin afterwards.,The first time I went on a boat was with a family vacation.We were all excited because it was my first time.Unfortunately I fell over the side railing and almost drowned.My cousin jumped in to save me and dragged me out.,1 1774,1774,1775,Jenna was glad that she wasn't forgetful.,Jenna lost her spare keys two days later.,It was the third time Jenna lost her keys this week.She had a bowl to put them in but always forgot.She looked everywhere.Eventually she gave up and used the spare set.,2 1775,1775,1776,I practice all the time now.,I hope I drop the batons.,I was trying to learn how to juggle.I went to a club every day to learn this art.It was very difficult.I eventually was able to get one rep in.,1 1776,1776,1777,Kyle saved the boy and the boy was thankful.,Kyle swam out of the pool alone and went home.,"Kyle was working as a lifeguard at the local pool.One day, a little boy started thrashing around in the deep side.Kyle realized the boy was drowning.He jumped into the pool and grabbed the boy.",1 1777,1777,1778,My sister was very grateful and took us both out for ice cream.,My nephew was sleeping the whole time.,My sister had an emergency.She needed a babysitter right away.I told her I would watch my nephew.We had a lot of fun reading books all afternoon.,1 1778,1778,1779,I enjoyed riding the tractor for this reason.,I always hated having to drive that huge tractor around.,My first vehicle was a John Deer Tractor.I learned to drive it when I was ten Year's old.My favorite thing to do on the farm was drive through the fields.It made me feel powerful driving large machines.,1 1779,1779,1780,Zach moved into a larger apartment.,Zach decided not to move.,"Zach was sick of his small apartment.He decided to get a larger apartment.Then he realized he needed help moving.Luckily, Zach's girlfriend was able to help him move.",1 1780,1780,1781,He was successful this time and made a lot of money.,Abe hated working in the cosmetics field.,Abe failed at his current project of creating allure.He was really bummed but decided to take action.Abe spent Years in studying cosmetics and marketing.He then gave creating allure another go.,1 1781,1781,1782,"Two miles half later, they returned, exhausted and happy.",When they got outside they decided to get ice cream instead.,Jane woke up and decided to exercise.Jane woke up Jill.Jill suggested to Jane that they should run.Both of the girls went outside for a run.,1 1782,1782,1783,Jenny started to cry.,Jenny took a bite.,Jenny's Mom took her to the orchard.It was the first time she'd seen apples on trees!Her Mom hoisted her on her shoulder so Jenny could reach.Jenny grabbed a bright red apple from a tree.,2 1783,1783,1784,She got a good grade on the report and raised her math grade.,She felt very unmotivated.,Sora was failing her math class.She asked her teacher if she could do anything to help herself.The teacher offered her an extra credit report.Sora put a lot of effort into her report.,1 1784,1784,1785,Ina's family was full and satisfied.,Ina and her family sat down for breakfast.,Ina was making lunch for her family.She cooked lots of food.Then she asked them all to the table.They sat and ate together.,1 1785,1785,1786,"He rolled over, and went back to sleep.",Mitch fought his sleep to watch the rest of the play with Susie.,Susie and Mitch were attending a play at their University.It was a performance of Romeo and Juliet.Mitch fell asleep halfway through the performance.Susie had to slap him in order to wake him up.,2 1786,1786,1787,The whole experience confirmed my distaste for opera singing.,I hope they stage more operas on the common in the future.,In 2002 the Boston Lyric Opera performed Carmen.This time they did it for free on the Boston Common.I attended the performance on a hot summer day.I was near the stage and enjoyed listening to the opera.,2 1787,1787,1788,He added weights to his training routine.,He immediately quit exercising.,Sam wanted to lose some weight.He decided to run everyday after dinner.He eventually built up his endurance.Sam felt great after exercising consistently.,1 1788,1788,1789,Kenny looked forward to conquering his fears.,Kenny thought maybe he should seek another profession.,Kenny was an electrical engineer.He loved working with circuits and wiring panels.One day he accidentally electrocuted himself badly.He was injured and scared.,2 1789,1789,1790,Gina baked cookies as soon as she got home.,Gina threw away the cookie dough when she got home.,Gina had gotten her allowance.She went to the store and bought a tube of cookie dough.She had been waiting a whole week to try it.She walked home anxious to make cookies.,1 1790,1790,1791,Susie told the worker she needed a new smartphone.,Susie ended up buying the latest model of smartphone.,Susie needed to upgrade her old smartphone.She went to Sprint to look at the different models.A worker there was really helpful and told her a lot about each phone.Susie soaked in the information that she was told.,2 1791,1791,1792,Scott decided to swim across the lake.,Scott continued to paddle his canoe across the big lake.,"Scott paddled his canoe across the big lake.The canoe was suddenly tipped over by a large wave.Scott struggled to turn his canoe right side up again.With great effort, Scott was able to right his canoe and climb aboard.",2 1792,1792,1793,Tory was glad that she had decided to cook for her family.,Tory let the dog into the house.,"Tory loved Thanksgiving.She decided to make the turkey for her family's holiday feast.It was a lot of work, but finally the turkey was finished.When she took it to dinner, everyone loved it.",1 1793,1793,1794,"In the morning, Brenda discovered mice had eaten her snacks.",Branda awoke feeling refreshed.,"Brenda was at summer camp.She was lying in bed and trying to go to sleep.Suddenly, she heard a spooky noise.The noise terrified her and kept up all night.",1 1794,1794,1795,Sam hit a homerun.,Sam and his friend scored a goal.,"Sam was an exceptional ice skater.One day, Sam decided to try hockey.He and his friend practiced together every chance they could.They went to tryouts and did their best.",2 1795,1795,1796,It was the best time Karen had had in months.,"They separated, and never spoke again.","Karen's friend called her to see if she wanted to hang out.Karen agreed and they met at a coffee shop.They talked for a couple hours before going to a spa.Afterwards, they had dinner together and watched a movie.",1 1796,1796,1797,Sara decided to go grab some water.,Sara then shot her cousins in the back.,Sara and her cousins went to play paintball.Sara donned the vest and gun.Then she stalked her cousins.She wasn't sure how well she'd do.,2 1797,1797,1798,Lee decided law enforcement would be the career for him.,The tooth fairy left him several dollars.,Lee lost his first baby tooth.He was so happy!He placed it under his pillow.In the morning he checked.,2 1798,1798,1799,Sharon eventually landed a paying job.,Sharon vowed to never return to the animal shelter.,"Sharon liked volunteering at the animal shelter.She spent many hours working with rescued dogs and cats.Although she wasn't paid, she felt rewarded by her work.The owner of the shelter was very grateful for Sharon's help.",1 1799,1799,1800,Lisa was ashamed to deliver the ugly cake to the wedding.,"Afterward, Lisa was swamped for cake orders for weddings.",Lisa makes celebration cakes for a living.She was asked to make a grand five tier wedding cake.She is very excited and a bit nervous about this.She outdoes herself and makes the most beautiful wedding cake ever.,2 1800,1800,1801,The couple liked her very much.,Katie hated her a lot.,Kev and Kate were fighting badly.They decided they needed help.They went to see a therapist.The therapist was helpful and friendly.,1 1801,1801,1802,Gloria won that night and screamed with joy.,Gloria hated Bingo because the prizes were boring.,Gloria was excited about her night out.Every week she looks forward to getting together with friends.They all go out to dinner and then to the bingo hall.She doesn't win often but when she does she celebrates.,1 1802,1802,1803,She also asked if she can have it.,"After one look, she didn't look at it for the rest of the night.","Ruth was generally a nice person.But she had a deep love for expensive things.At a dinner party with her best friend, she admired the silverware.She loved her friend, but loved silver even more.",1 1803,1803,1804,A big bowl of chocolate ice cream was soon ready.,Cal did not want to eat any ice cream.,Cal got an ice cream making machine for his birthday.He was so excited to try it out!He added all the ingredients.Then he turned the crank and watched eagerly.,1 1804,1804,1805,Jill was not well rehearsed enough and performed poorly.,Jill did very well in the show.,"Jill and her band had a concert coming up.They were a new band and needed practice.They spent the coming weeks practicing very hard.When the concert arrived, they were well rehearsed.",2 1805,1805,1806,They slept well and woke up well rested.,They went to an all night dance club.,"Bob's family packed their bags for their trip to Florida.They drove to the airport and got on the plane.The plane landed, and they went to their hotel.At the hotel, they ordered room service and went to bed.",1 1806,1806,1807,Marie felt good and was not anxious anymore.,Marie felt fear more than ever.,"Marie had to get a flu shot, but she was afraid of needles.She waited in line for her shot, anxious the whole time.When she sat down in the chair, she thought she would faint.Then, the nurse told her she was done.",1 1807,1807,1808,"She was grateful, so she bought me lunch.","But when she told her husband, he got mad.",I just started doing ebay for my sister in law.She lost her husband a few months ago.She wanted to sell things on ebay in order to keep busy.I listed twelve items for her and made $120.00,1 1808,1808,1809,Kristen vowed to never use coupons again.,Kristen was very happy.,Kristen found a new hobby.The hobby was Couponing.She spent countless hours yesterday clipping coupons.The hard work paid off because Kristen saved hundreds today.,2 1809,1809,1810,Lana became incredibly obese and struggled with her weight later.,She was in such great shape that she finished a long marathon.,"Lana was overweight and out of shape for most of her life.As a young adult, she finally got tired of being overweight.She began regularly exercising and eating healthier.By the end of the year, she finally felt ready to hike a mountain.",2 1810,1810,1811,Frank got better with time.,Frank doesn't like football.,"Frank thought he was the best at football in the neighborhood.He challenged his friends at the park.Robert ended up outperforming Frank the whole game.Frank, being a good person, took it in stride.",1 1811,1811,1812,Jim only had eighty dollars.,He spent the rest of the evening washing the restaurant's dishes.,"Jim went out to eat.He ordered the stake.He ate it up with a smile.However, he could not pay the sixty dollar bill.",2 1812,1812,1813,Bill's mom was pleased at how dinner turned out.,It turned out that Bill had a stomach virus.,Bill was eating dinner with his family.He sudden felt ill after eating his mom's spaghetti.He asked to be excused.Bill quickly ran to the bathroom and puked.,2 1813,1813,1814,Brian was not a very good driver.,Brian was an expert race car driver.,"As soon as the light turned green, the cars accelerated.Jimmy took the lead until the third lap.Brian caught up and was ahead by a few feet.The lead became bigger since Brian's far was faster.",2 1814,1814,1815,Mitch was very happy with the results.,Mitch was upset that the acne cream didn't work.,Mitch had really bad acne.He ordered acne wash from Amazon.He washed his face with the acne wash every morning.His face cleared up within a few weeks.,1 1815,1815,1816,Tommy then bought a new car.,He then decided to not run away from home.,Tommy was only 9 years old and always getting in trouble.One day he told his friend Tim that he was going to run away.He went home and packed his clothes.He decided to leave that night.,2 1816,1816,1817,Jack saved the pumpkin seeds to toast later.,Jack thinks he could never be a good graphic artist.,Jack helped his dad carve a pumpkin.He drew the design he wanted.His dad guided his hands in using the knife.He carved out the design.,1 1817,1817,1818,He does not watch enough TV.,He should stop watching so much TV.,My husband loves tv.He watches it too much.Watching tv can cause bad eyesight.my husband had problems with his eyes.,2 1818,1818,1819,Jan told Kristen she did not want her to come on the trip.,Jan decided not to invite anyone on her birthday trip.,Jan was having a birthday trip in Hawaii.She was super excited to have some fun.Her best friend Kristin was disappointed she was not invited.Kristen tried asking Jan if she could be invited.,1 1819,1819,1820,Joey made lasagna.,Joey hates pasta.,Joey wanted to learn how to make pasta like his mom.He went to visit her.He asked her to teach him to make lasagna.She showed him all the steps and gave him the recipe.,1 1820,1820,1821,Alice thinks pit bulls make dangerous pets.,Alice believes pit bulls can make good pets.,Alice adopted a pit bull puppy earlier this year.She was worried that people would judge him because of his breed.She took him to puppy classes and trained him properly.Alice loved him and used a lot of positive reinforcement.,2 1821,1821,1822,I saw the man every day.,One day the man was out walking again!,"I used to see an old man walk down the street every day.One day, to my surprise, he wasn't there!I asked everyone what had happened to him.Nobody knew, I thought that he had died!",2 1822,1822,1823,Tom might fail the class.,Tom will most likely pass the class.,Tom is in class.It just started and he's already bored.He can't pay any attention in class.He dozed off.,1 1823,1823,1824,Nina quit drawing.,Nina became a professional artist.,Nina loved drawing from an early age.She practiced and practiced and got really good.Nina went to art school but needed some cash.Nina began to sell her art on deviantart.,2 1824,1824,1825,Allison told her to come back when she wasn't sick.,Allison hated music.,"Destini and Allison love music.Every week the two women have coffee and talk about the latest music.This week Allison got sick and could not make it.Destini was sad but understood, and instead came to Allison's house.",1 1825,1825,1826,Lexi was so upset that she cried.,Lexi thought that the pie was delicious.,"Lexi wanted a pie for her birthday instead of a cake.And she told everyone two week before.But when it was Lexi's birthday, she didn't get a pie.Lexi was disappointed.",1 1826,1826,1827,Anne recovered just fine.,Annie was angry that her ankle wasn't more injured.,"Anne fell while ice skating.She twisted her ankle beneath her.Her mom rushed her to the emergency room.There, they wrapped Anne's ankle in a soft cast.",1 1827,1827,1828,My sister never wants me to sell items for her again.,My sister was happy with the money I obtained for her.,"My sister in law had some items she wanted to sell on eBay.She is not very savvy at this, so she asked me to sell for her.I listed a pocket watch and some cufflinks.They sold for $140.",2 1828,1828,1829,Aaron loved his old dog.,Aaron's old dog was useless.,Aaron was a shepherd with three dogs.One of his dogs was old but still energetic.One night wolves started killing his sheep.The old dog fought the wolves and chased them off.,1 1829,1829,1830,Everyone in class started walking around.,Everyone in class got down on their knees.,Everyone in class was talking to each other.There was a sound that signaled an announcement.The principal warned the school about an upcoming hurricane.The teacher told the class to rest on their knees.,2 1830,1830,1831,Lewis had a great time.,Lewis vowed never to go skating again.,Lewis went skating with his friends.They had so much fun.No one wanted to go home.They order pizza and ate lunch there.,1 1831,1831,1832,Holly knew that she was meant to have a child.,Holly decided to give the kid up for adoption.,Holly is pregnant.She's scared because she doesn't know if she is ready to have a child.Nine months later her child is born.Holly looks at her newborn son and sees how much she loves him.,1 1832,1832,1833,Now Paul can play all the latest games with his friends.,Paul sold his golf clubs and entered a nursing home.,Paul loves playing video games.His computer was having trouble keeping up with the latest ones.He decided to upgrade.After a while his entire computer was practically new.,1 1833,1833,1834,Harris then played catch with his dad.,Harris then killed a deer and they went home.,"Harris and his dad made plans to go hunting.His dad took him to a gun range to practice.On the morning the the trip, they packed several bags.When they arrived up, they set up camp.",2 1834,1834,1835,Her boyfriend was not impressed.,Her boyfriend redecorated her apartment.,Stephanie had just moved into her boyfriend's apartment.She didn't like the way he decorated.She tried to drop subtle hints but he ignored all of them.Finally she decided to make some changes while he was at work.,1 1835,1835,1836,Sadie now makes salsa as her full time job.,Sadie never grew tomatoes again.,Sadie loved growing tomatoes and peppers in her backyard.Sadie would grind them together and make a delicious salsa.She began selling it to people to use at their parties.Her business started expanding rapidly as demand increased.,1 1836,1836,1837,I walked toward her and screamed in her face for being rude.,She eventually came to me and apologized for being rude.,"My mom came home sad today.I decided to ask her if she's alright.She didn't say anything.Being considerate, I decided to leave her alone.",2 1837,1837,1838,Sam loved that elevator.,Sam was eventually let out when the power came back.,"Sam was on the elevator to reach his apartment.All of a sudden, the lights in the elevator went out.He was stuck on the elevator with the power out.Sam texted his girlfriend while he waited in the elevator.",2 1838,1838,1839,Tom gave the clocks to his sister who was always late for work.,Now Tom is late due to time spent turning off the alarms.,Tom slept through his alarm and was late for work today.His boss told him he has been late multiple times this month.He told Tom to figure something out so he shows up on time.Tom went out and bought three alarm clocks.,2 1839,1839,1840,He thought fishing was boring.,It was the biggest fish he had ever caught.,Tim was fishing on the bank.He felt a bit on his line.He yanked up real hard.The fish on his line flew out of the water.,2 1840,1840,1841,Susan really hates eating hot fudge sundaes with her grandpa.,Today Susan decided to ask for extra fudge on her sundae.,Susan looked forward to Sunday.Every Sunday Susan and her grandpa would take a walk into town.When they got to town they would stop at the ice cream shop.Susan and her grandpa always order a Hot fudge sundae.,2 1841,1841,1842,Wendell became a great swimmer.,Wendell continued to get worse at swimming.,"Wendell always wanted to learn how to swim.He signed up for swimming lessons at his local YMCA.He felt nervous getting in the water for the first time.Eventually, he got the hang of propelling himself in the water.",1 1842,1842,1843,The coach ate his vegetables.,Discipline in sports is an important thing to learn.,"Coach Reid implemented a rigorous boot camp for preseason.Every night the players would do a series of military exercises.The coaches hoped this would instill discipline within the players.Although at the time, the players resented it, they grew as a team.",2 1843,1843,1844,Joanie's mom was happy she had made some friends.,Joanie's mom told her not to worry about such judgmental people.,"At school, Joanie heard some girls talking about church.They asked Joan if she was a Christian.When Joanie shook her head, the girls shunned her.Joanie told her mom about it.",2 1844,1844,1845,Sue's doctors did not approve.,Sue continued to drink alcohol.,Sue was a very fit woman.She worked out on a daily basis.Sue found out she was expecting a baby.She continued to workout during the pregnancy.,1 1845,1845,1846,They were angry they had come to the new restaurant.,They were happy they had come to the new restaurant.,Kelly and her friends wanted to try the new Asian fusion restaurant.They absolutely loved Asian food.As soon as they walked in the atmosphere was great.The food was delicious.,2 1846,1846,1847,Harris could not outrun the police and was caught.,Harris decided to toss the money in the lake.,Harris was poor.He decided to rob a bank.He held up the bank at gunpoint and stole thousands of dollars.He escaped in his getaway car.,1 1847,1847,1848,Amy called her friends as soon as she could.,Amy avoided her friends and talking about the big game.,Amy was happy it was Saturday.She didn't want to go to school and face her friends.They All wanted to hear about the big game.That was the last thing she wanted to discuss.,2 1848,1848,1849,Gina didn't care if the librarian returned.,Gina decided to call for help.,"Gina and her friends were at the library at school.But the librarian had left, and locked the door.The girls sat on the floor in the hallway and waited.Soon, they were concerned she may not be returning.",2 1849,1849,1850,Bani was fascinated by all the dinosaurs.,Bani was upset that he had to go to the museum.,Bani heard that the museum had a dinosaur exhibit.He begged his mom to take him.She took him the very next day.Bani excitedly walked through the exhibit.,1 1850,1850,1851,Ben was upset he'd gone shopping.,Ben flew his kite in the backyard all night!,Ben was shopping at a walmart.He was looking for anything that seemed cool to him.Ben noticed a large adult kite was on sale.He bought the kite and went back home.,2 1851,1851,1852,Alison ate an ice cream sandwich.,Her boyfriend felt bad that he broke the fan.,Alison's fan had three settings.When she put it on the most powerful one it wobbled.Her new boyfriend didn't know this and put it as such.It wobbled to the point of spinning off.,2 1852,1852,1853,She felt energized and alert all morning.,She was frustrated all morning.,"Jessica likes to get coffee before work.One morning she was running five minutes late.When she got to the coffee shop, the line was very long.She had to go to work without coffee that morning.",2 1853,1853,1854,There weren't any more survivors.,I saw the face of a young lady crying for my help.,I screamed into the void to see if there were any more survivors.Between the echos of my yell I thought I heard something.I walked toward the sound of the voice.It grew louder the closer I got.,2 1854,1854,1855,"There were, and I bought food and then went home.","I did not food, so I drove straight home.","I went driving the other day.After putting the key in, I turned the ignition.It wasn't long before I was on the road!I went to a grocery store to see if there were any deals.",1 1855,1855,1856,Sarah was very methodical when using the Legos.,Sarah was very sloppy when using her Legos.,Sarah wanted to build her new Lego kit.She unpacked all of the pieces.She read the directions.She followed the steps to build the kit.,1 1856,1856,1857,Sallie was glad that Gibbie made a friend.,Sallie punished Gibbie.,"One afternoon Sallie took her dog, Gibby, to the dog park.Gibby was always afraid of the other dogs at the park.But this time, she met another dog who was also just as afraid.Both dogs greeted each other with wagging tails.",1 1857,1857,1858,Mike loved going to his friends' house.,Mike stole the Sega to sell it for cocaine.,Mike would go to his friends house.They would play Sega for hours.All different kinds of games.After hours he'd finally head home.,1 1858,1858,1859,I was forced to fire the employee.,"I gave her a raise, and a promotion.","I had to reprimand two employees that worked at different locations.I hated doing it and thought the matter was done with.Weeks later, one left a message about a question on paperwork.I phoned with: ""It's me"" and she said horrible things about me.",1 1859,1859,1860,She never saw her beautiful cat again.,She found her cat hidden under the couch.,"Hannah had a beautiful cat that she loved very much.However, she noticed that her cat was getting very old.One day, her cat ran away and never came back.Hannah was devastated.",1 1860,1860,1861,Amy became happy.,Amy became sad.,Amy's class was going to the museum on a field trip.Amy was excited to view the King Tut exhibit.Amy asked the information desk where to find the exhibit.The lady informed her the Exhibit left the month before.,2 1861,1861,1862,He has noodles for dinner.,Larry orders a pizza.,Larry hasn't eaten all day.He is afraid he doesn't have any food at home to eat.Finally he notices that he has instant noodles in his cupboard.He boils water to cook the noodles.,1 1862,1862,1863,His back felt much better after surgery.,Tim decided to buy a boat.,"Tim got his first job.But it required him to sit for long hours.Tim wanted to spend the money he earned on a car.But instead, he had to spend it on back surgery.",1 1863,1863,1864,Carl and Stacey enjoyed their date.,Katie found out and then was very hurt.,"Carl sent a valentine to the girl he liked named Katie.But the college mailroom accidentally delivered it to the wrong Katie!The wrong Katie was delighted by the valentine she thought was hers.Out of pity, Carl took her on a date that night.",2 1864,1864,1865,"He walked away, and never looked back.",It took 4 hours for his car to cool off so he could go home.,Derek was driving at night.Suddenly his car buckled and he was forced to pull over.There was smoke coming from under the hood.He noticed this and got out of the car quickly.,2 1865,1865,1866,They had fun.,Rex decided that he never wanted to do that again.,"Rex had always loved birds.One day his friend recommended they go birding at a local park.Rex and his friend saw finches, sparrows, and other birds.They talked about all the birds they had seen over ice cream later.",1 1866,1866,1867,I never liked the things my grandma said.,I thank my grandma for my giving me my life's philosophy.,My grandma was on her deathbed.She told me to always take out time for the little things.I try to live this daily.I try to enjoy the things people normally take for granted.,2 1867,1867,1868,Tina decided they'd eat out for dinner.,They had fish for dinner that night with extra fish eyes.,Tina invited Todd to dinner.She went to the fish market for something special.She was frightened by all the fish eyes staring at her.She left without buying anything.,1 1868,1868,1869,He used his knowledge to become a professional gardener.,He used his knowledge to become a professional taxi driver.,Wallace had a passion for gardening.He had been gardening since he was ten years of age.Wallace followed his passion well into his college years.Wallace graduated from college with a degree in biology.,1 1869,1869,1870,Tam took the kids to Canada.,The kids picked bouquets.,"Tam felt defeated as she looked at her lawn covered with Dandelions.Kids came to her daycare, one of them picking a Dandelion for Tam.Tam had an idea.Before they left, Tam told the kids to pick a bouquet for their moms.",2 1870,1870,3442,He is happy now.,He joined a gang.,"Rick grew up in a troubled household.He never found good support in family, and turned to gangs.It wasn't long before Rick got shot in a robbery.The incident caused him to turn a new leaf.",1 1871,1871,3443,The brownies are so delicious Laverne eats two of them.,Laverne doesn't go to her friend's party.,Laverne needs to prepare something for her friend's party.She decides to bake a batch of brownies.She chooses a recipe and follows it closely.Laverne tests one of the brownies to make sure it is delicious.,1 1872,1872,3444,Sarah then decided to move to Europe.,Sarah decided that she preferred her home over Europe.,Sarah had been dreaming of visiting Europe for years.She had finally saved enough for the trip.She landed in Spain and traveled east across the continent.She didn't like how different everything was.,2 1873,1873,3445,Gina liked the cookies so much she ate them all in one sitting.,Gina gave the cookies away at her church.,Gina was worried the cookie dough in the tube would be gross.She was very happy to find she was wrong.The cookies from the tube were as good as from scratch.Gina intended to only eat 2 cookies and save the rest.,1 1874,1874,3446,I was very proud of my performance.,I was very ashamed of my performance.,It was my final performance in marching band.I was playing the snare drum in the band.We played Thriller and Radar Love.The performance was flawless.,1 1875,1875,3447,The next day I gave the man twenty dollars.,I never gave the man money again.,"I had been giving this homeless man change everyday.He was on the same corner near my house.One day, as I was driving through my neighborhood I saw a new car.Soon enough, I saw the same homeless man emerge from it!",2 1876,1876,3448,Jim took time to decide what he would take a picture of.,Jim took 20 more photos.,Jim found an old disposable camera in the bottom of his junk drawer.He began snapping away at everything around him.The counter clicked down to one final photo.The gravity of the situation began to dawn on Jim.,1 1877,1877,3449,Ron is immediately fired for insubordination.,His boss commends him for a job well done.,"Ron started his new job as a landscaper today.He loves the outdoors and has always enjoyed working in it.His boss tells him to re-sod the front yard of the mayor's home.Ron is ecstatic, but does a thorough job and finishes super early.",2 1878,1878,3450,"In Vegas, John and Billy competed against eighty contestants.",John and Billy were disappointed.,John and Billy became very skilled at beer pong.They entered a contest in college.They won the contest and advanced to the next level.The next level sent them to Vegas.,1 1879,1879,3451,But she gave up.,"Later, she passed the test.",Caroline was a student in medical school.Caroline worked very hard to get good grades.One day Caroline failed a test by one point.Caroline was very frustrated but she continued to study hard.,2 1880,1880,3452,Eventually Trish grudgingly came to accept nature.,The fish had very interesting mating habits.,Trish hated the outdoors.Her friends convinced her to go camping.She wasn't having a good time.They showed her how to fish and showed her the stars.,1 1881,1881,3453,Corey didn't mind at all.,"When Corey came to, both the man and his car were gone.","A man walked up to Corey as he pumped gas into his car.The guy admired Corey's car and started a conversation.Corey felt that something was wrong.When he finished pumping gas, the man punched Corey.",2 1882,1882,3454,Marcy gave her boyfriend a big kiss and said yes.,Marcy shrugged her shoulders and reached for the TV remote.,Marcy received a valentine from her boyfriend.It was a card with a gift card in it for chocolates.She was happy and immediately ordered the chocolates.Her boyfriend came over and asked if she liked it.,1 1883,1883,3456,Tony enjoyed going on the cruise.,Tony was scared of the ocean.,Tony was happy to be going on his first cruise.He arrived at the docks and was ready with all his luggage.When he walked around the corner he couldn't believe the size of it.He boarded and the ship left the docks.,1 1884,1884,3457,Ignacio gave up swimming.,Ignacio won a silver medal.,"Ignacio wants to play a sport while he is in college.Since he was a good swimmer, he decides to try out for swim the team.Ignacio makes it onto the team easily.At the first swim meet, Ignacio wins second place!",2 1885,1885,3458,Danny decided to go to sleep.,They prepared for the start of the race.,Danny bought a boat.His nearby marina was having a race.He decided to enter.Danny and his best friend manned the boat.,2 1886,1886,3459,Mary disliked Pandas.,Mary couldn't wait to present her report.,"At school, Mary received an assignment to write an essay about pandas.Luckily, Mary loved pandas, as was excited to get started.As soon as she got home, Mary booted up her computer and began.She wrote about all she knew and researched a little too!",2 1887,1887,3460,Ellen ended up winning the prize.,Ellen had to pay a replacement fee for her library card.,Ellen dreamed of winning a prize for her roses.She planned to enter her special purple rose at the fair.She fertilized the rose bush and covered it each night.The roses grew more beautiful every day.,1 1888,1888,3461,"Jesse went to the park with his new friend, Roger.",Jesse was picked on by the other boys in school.,"Jesse had just started fifth grade.He tried to make friends with the other boys, but he couldn't.He decided to make friends with the girls instead.They girls welcomed him into their social groups happily.",2 1889,1889,3462,Tiffany went in to work the next day.,She was in pain but happy to not have to go to work.,"Tiffany was getting overwhelmed at work.While she liked her job, she longed for a break.One day, she tripped outside on uneven pavement.She broke her ankle and had to be off work for a couple months.",2 1890,1890,3463,But she didn't want her phone anymore.,She found her phone in the car.,Gina misplaced her phone at her grandparents.It wasn't in the living room.She had been in the car before napping in the living room.She grabbed her dad's keys and ran outside.,2 1891,1891,3464,Alice called her mother and apologized profusely.,Alice messaged a cute guy she saw on Tinder.,"Alice was getting married in a few weeks.One night, her mother called and she forgot to call her back.Her mother left an angry message on her phone.She threatened not to come to the wedding.",1 1892,1892,3465,Ted continues to watch several movies a week.,He decides to stop watching movies.,Ted loves to go to the movies.He sees almost everyone and votes at the Oscars.He has a big party for the Oscars and they all place bets.Ted almost always wins with the movies he chooses.,1 1893,1893,3466,She loved it so much she planned a trip for the next week.,She was shot and vowed to never go there again.,"Nya had been asked on a paintball trip with friends.She was nervous about going.But she went anyways, hoping to have fun.She shot paintballs at her friends and laughed the whole time.",1 1894,1894,3467,Javier decides to get a smartphone.,But then he misses his old phone.,"All of Javier's friends at school have smartphones.However, he still uses an old style flip phone.One day he decides to buy a smartphone too.At first he loves having the access to internet everywhere he goes.",2 1895,1895,3468,Rachel broke down in tears.,Rachel started moonwalking with excitement.,Rachel decided to donate blood at the local blood drive.She was a little nervous because this was her first time.The next day Rachel received a call from the doctor that she saw.The doctor told her that he had bad news.,1 1896,1896,3469,Ron started collecting bottle caps.,Ron applauded the officer's performance.,Ron was watching a high-speed chase on TV.The cop was chasing the bad guy through his neighborhood.It was terrifying!But then the cop caught the bad guy.,2 1897,1897,3470,Sam went on a diet.,Sam was happy.,Sam loved his old belt.He matched it with everything.Unfortunately he gained too much weight.It became too small.,1 1898,1898,3471,Larry loved going to the hospital.,Larry became careful.,Larry bought a new motorcycle.He was excited to look cool.The first time he tried riding it he dropped it.He hurt his leg and had to go to the hospital.,2 1899,1899,3472,Soon we were boyfriend and girlfriend and thinking of marriage.,We broke up right away.,I went on a blind date a few days ago.She was cute and friendly.We were set up through a co worker.We seem to have some things in common.,1 1900,1900,3473,Sammy was not that into coffee.,It worked for Sammy.,Sammy's coffee grinder was broken.He needed something to crush up his coffee beans.He put his coffee beans in a plastic bag.He tried crushing them with a hammer.,2 1901,1901,3474,Jared swerved quickly and managed to avoid a collision.,Jared decided to accelerate.,Last week Jared was driving to work.He had been partying hard the night before.He didn't get any sleep.Before he knew it his car was facing oncoming traffic.,1 1902,1902,3475,Bobby asked to be taken to a restaurant.,Bobby found the time passed quickly.,Bobby needed to get home from work late one night.He decided that he was going to hail a taxi.When he was in the taxi he realized that he knew the driver.On the way home they chatted about things.,2 1903,1903,3476,Joe thought about working in the garden as he ate the yummy soup.,Joe dumped the pot outside because he hated soup.,"Joe grew a big batch of peas in his garden.He brought the peas inside and shelled them all.Then he cooked them up in a big pot.He added ham, bacon, and carrots to make thick pea soup.",1 1904,1904,3477,"Aliza was sad, but she never contacted him again.",He fell in love with Aliza and they were married.,"Aliza had a long lost ex-boyfriend she was bound to find.The problem was, he moved to a new state.She decided to use Facebook to find him.She found him, but he was married with kids.",1 1905,1905,3478,Lina now knew that candy canes were boring.,Lina felt a new appreciation for candy canes.,"Lina went to see how candy canes were made.She watched as the workers added dye to the hot candy.Then, they stretched it out to make it shiny.Finally, they shaped it into a cane and let it cool.",2 1906,1906,3479,They were very friendly.,I threw the kickball through their closed window.,"When I first moved into my house, I didn't know my neighbors.While mowing one day, I found a kickball in my yard.I felt this was the perfect opportunity to meet my neighbors.I grabbed the ball and went next door to return it.",1 1907,1907,3480,"By Sunday night, Bev was exhausted again.","Bev got the mail and fed the fish, just like she did every day.","Bev had been studying very hard.She couldn't wait for the weekend.When it came, she slept in very late.Then she got up and went out to party.",1 1908,1908,3481,She never cooked again.,She became a better cook.,"Newly married, Sue liked to cook for her husband.Unfortunately Sue was a terrible cook.Bob ate her food anyway and told her it was good.On their first anniversary Bob gave Sue cooking lessons.",2 1909,1909,3482,We walked 5 growling dogs at the park across town.,We had a great pizza at Frank Pepe's pizza shop.,We went to Frank Pepe's pizza shop three weeks ago.The chain is quite famous in Connecticut.The chain recently opened in Boston.We went early to beat the crowd.,2 1910,1910,3483,Bernice went to Europe for her birthday.,Bernice decided to get an airplane ticket and reserve a room.,"Bernice always wanted to travel to Africa.Bernice decided she would take a trip for her birthday next year.Bernice started to look at the price of airline tickets for the trip.In addition, Bernice looked up the price of hotels as well.",2 1911,1911,3484,He was surprised but thankful.,Jim thought he was crazy and left.,"Jim made spinach cookies.He sold them for five dollars each.No one bought any.However, at the last minute a man wanted twenty.",1 1912,1912,3485,Randy told his friend how relieved he was he found it.,Randy saw the house but kept on driving and didn't come back.,Randy's friend gave him directions to his house.He was supposed to take a right after the white house.Randy continued to get lost.He backtracked continuously until he finally found it.,1 1913,1913,3486,Watching my brother crash was fun.,I felt very badly for my brother.,"I decided to go on a bike ride with my brother.We both headed out in the morning.We were having a lot of fun.Suddenly, he hit a rock and broke his wheel!",2 1914,1914,3487,Anna felt very fashionable when she left the salon.,Anna really liked her new hairstyle.,"Anna went to the salon.She was getting her nails done for the first time.She was nervous, but the tech was friendly.He did her nails quickly and expertly.",1 1915,1915,3488,Sarah was glad they were able to catch up.,Sarah and david went to go get dinner right after that.,"David and Sarah were friends during childhood.When they went to college, each moved to a different town.Sarah received an unexpected call from David on Friday.They had dinner and talked about their lives.",1 1916,1916,3489,AJ then began to feel sad.,AJ let out a sigh of relief.,AJ and his mom were at the grocery store.Aj was looking at a cereal box and when he looked up his mom was gone.He immediately started to feel panic.Then his mom stepped out from behind a display of soup.,2 1917,1917,3490,Joe was happy the shirt fit.,Joe hated rock music afterwards.,Joe went to the junkyard to find treasures.He dug through a stack of old clothes.At the bottom was a vintage shirt with a rock band on it.Joe put the shirt on to try it out.,1 1918,1918,3491,Priya thought her food was delicious.,Priya decided not to eat and left.,Priya decided to try a new restaurant.She drove to a new cafe that opened.Priya sat at a booth.She ordered a mimosa and a breakfast burrito.,1 1919,1919,3492,Karen hated her roommate.,Karen became good friends with her roommate.,"Karen was assigned a roommate her first year of college.One day, her roommate asked her to go to a nearby city for a concert.Karen agreed happily.The show was absolutely exhilarating.",2 1920,1920,3493,Eventually I healed.,I found I loved being swollen.,"We took a family vacation to the beach last year.I spent a lot of time reading with my mom on the beach.One day while reading, I got stung by a horrible beach wasp.My arm swelled and was painful, I almost had to go to the hospital.",1 1921,1921,3494,John was very upset with his wife.,John was very excited.,John's watch had been broken for some time.He hadn't gotten together the money to fix it.His wife decided to take it to get fixed and pay for it.She gave it to him when he came home for work.,2 1922,1922,3495,Don hated elections.,Donald hoped this foolishness won him the election.,Donald was kind of the class clown.He wanted to be class president.So he figured if he acted like an idiot people would vote for him.He would get up and just yell and be foolish.,2 1923,1923,3496,They were divorced a few months later.,They fell back in love and stayed together forever.,"Eddie and Angela hadn't been talking to each other for a long time.They lived in their house together like strangers.Finally, they sat down and agreed, it was time for a divorce.Eddie went to the courthouse and filed the paperwork.",1 1924,1924,3497,Rachel was excited to hear the news.,The vet treated her cat's cancer the best they could.,"Rachel adopted a cat over ten Years ago.Suddenly, the cat was acting more lethargic and losing weight.Concerned, Rachel took her cat to the vet.The vet told Rachel that her cat had developed cancer.",2 1925,1925,3498,Jim is very upset.,Jim was happy to see the officer.,Jim is a new driver and has never been pulled over before.Yesterday he was pulled over for speeding.The officer explained to him why he was being given a ticket.Jim will have to work overtime to pay for the ticket.,1 1926,1926,3499,"He said I was paranoid, and charged me $100.",It turned out I was allergic to avocados.,"I love avocados.I ate a sandwich covered in them.After I ate it, my mouth was itchy and tingly.I talked to my doctor about it later.",2 1927,1927,3500,David then uploaded his new video.,David then had his manuscript published.,David was an author that had trouble finding inspiration for his work.One day he had a dream of him being in a post apocalyptic world.He thought that this was destiny and began to write his thoughts.Eventually he had hundreds of pages written.,2 1928,1928,3501,Boris realized he was wasting his life.,Boris decided to wear the dress.,Boris was addicted to video games.His mother was concerned.She called a psychologist to get help.The psychologist tried to convince Boris to stop his addiction.,1 1929,1929,3502,The police officer had to give up his badge and gun.,The police officer eventually got better.,A police officer came down with the flu today.He was unable to go into work as he could barely get out of bed.His wife spent time taking care of him and making sure he was okay.He made sure to drink enough and eat enough.,2 1930,1930,3504,"When Nathan returned, he felt very happy for the exercise.","When Nathan returned, his mom apologized for being so mean.",My friend nathan and his family went to the lake one summer.One day Nathan's dad left and didn't leave a lighter for his mom.Well his mom was very upset and made him walk to the store barefoot.Poor Nathan had to walk down a gravel road to bring his mom matches.,2 1931,1931,3505,Jeremiah continues to work outside.,Jeremiah reconsiders career paths.,"Jeremiah is looking for a part time job that can help him earn money.A sandwich shop employs him to give out flyers about their sandwiches.Jeremiah loves the job at first, because he likes meeting new people.Eventually he finds it tiresome to be outside so much.",2 1932,1932,3506,The people chased the wolf away and the two women were fine.,The two women fell off a cliff.,"Two young women decided to go for a ten mile run near the AFB.Five miles into the run, they spotted a lone grey wolf with blue eyes.They tried to scare it away, but it kept moving toward them.The two women clambered up a tree and waited until other people came.",1 1933,1933,3507,Gary's parents were relieved to find him.,Gary's parents were disappointed to find him.,Gary was a brave child.One day he decided to climb over the fence in his backyard.His parents looked all over for him.They found him sitting on the swing at the park.,1 1934,1934,3508,Timmy was promoted for working so much all the time.,"Timmy then had to find another job,",Timmy was caught with unpaid parking tickets.He didn't have enough money to pay for them.Instead he had to be arrested and jailed for two days.He lost his jobs for missing work.,2 1935,1935,3509,My time with the minister was very useful.,My favorite card game was poker.,"When I was younger, I went to summer camp.We had a lot of fun playing games with the counselors.My favorite thing to do was play cards.The camp counselors knew so many different card games.",2 1936,1936,3510,Amber enjoyed a relaxing two hour brunch.,Amber was so hurried she left the list at home.,Amber had a lot of things to do this Sunday.She made a list of all the places she needed to go.She hurried to get ready.She was worried that she would not have enough time.,2 1937,1937,3511,She bought a new couch to replace it.,Eve thought the couch was very comfortable.,Eve needed a new couch in her parlor.But she could not afford to buy one!Then she went to a secondhand store and found a great one.She had it delivered and set up in her living room.,2 1938,1938,3512,He found a very large spider there.,Jason took a hot shower.,Jason was terrified of spiders.He went to a therapist and discussed his fear.His therapist said he should confront his fear to overcome it.Jason's homework was to look for a spider in his basement.,1 1939,1939,3513,Her boss fired her the next day.,Linda and the coworker ended up being best friends.,Linda began to have problems with a coworker at her job.The coworker had started bossing her around at work.The coworker even talked behind her back.Linda went to her boss with the issue and the boss mediated them.,2 1940,1940,3514,All of the presents were wrapped and stored for the holidays.,She returned all of the presents for cheaper ones.,Sara wanted her kids to have a great Christmas.She saved all year and started her shopping in November.She shopped deals and spent all her savings.She spent two days wrapping dozens of presents.,1 1941,1941,3515,She was able to get off drugs after some time.,"When she arrived, she did drugs all day.","Megan has been struggling with a drug habit for years.She hit rock bottom when she lost her family and kids.Her distant family decided to stage an intervention.After the event, she got into a rehab facility.",1 1942,1942,3516,He is thrilled about his new responsibilities at work.,He realizes he might have to apply for public assistance.,"Tyler has been unemployed for Years.He has spent the last few months diligently applying for work.However, all of his applications are rejected.The rejections contribute to Tyler's feelings of desperation.",2 1943,1943,3518,They gave the baby sitter a good review.,They reported the babysitter to the police.,My cousin's had a terrible experience with their babysitter.They had a hidden camera.They found video of her shaking the baby violently.The baby is having major problems.,2 1944,1944,3519,Bobby had a good party.,Bobby was mad at his friends.,Bobby was having a birthday party.His friends bought him a huge cake.A woman jumped out of the cake.Bobby was surprised and amused.,1 1945,1945,3520,We want to revisit someday.,We all vowed to never go back again.,It was the last day of our vacation.We were eating lunch on the patio of the hotel.We laughed and smiled because it was a great vacation.Then we packed our bags and drove to the airport.,1 1946,1946,3521,The clothes were filthy and unfolded.,They then put their clothes up neatly.,Mother asked the children to help fold laundry.The children took the clean clothes into the living room.They dumped the clothes on the floor.They folded the clothes neatly into piles.,2 1947,1947,3522,Timmy went to the mess hall for breakfast.,Timmy spent all day cleaning so he could watch tv.,Timmy loves watching cartoons.His parents don't let him watch unless he does his chores.Today's chore is to clean his room.Timmy's room is a mess.,2 1948,1948,3523,My daughter was disappointed.,My daughter was excited.,My daughter had her baby shower in our Boston home.She invited friends and family in the area.Her old college roommate lives in Hawaii.She decided to surprise my daughter by flying 4800 miles.,2 1949,1949,3524,Craig did it one too many times and the patrons beat him up.,Craig won the poker match without much trouble.,Craig used to always go play darts.He would go to a local bar and try to hustle.He would play bad at first.Then he would get them to make a bet for a drink or money.,1 1950,1950,3525,Pam was a lousy hostess.,Pam was a good hostess.,Pam's house was where the party was.Everyone bought gifts.Pam bought a cake.Everyone danced and had fun!,2 1951,1951,3526,Ellen liked the negative attention.,Ellen was appalled.,Ellen always hated school.The kids made fun of her every day.They called her smelly Elly.She decided to start taking baths.,2 1952,1952,3527,Jim decided to devise a plan for repayment.,Jim decided to open another credit card.,"Jim got his first credit card in college.He didn't have a job so he bought everything on his card.After he graduated he amounted a $10,000 debt.Jim realized that he was foolish to spend so much money.",1 1953,1953,3528,The judges vomited from the taste of the donuts.,Tim won the baking contest.,Tim was entering a baking contest.He decided to make his famous donuts.He made a big batch and entered them into the contest.The judges thought they were delicious.,2 1954,1954,3529,Now I don't try to make him wear training pants.,Child protection services removed him from the home.,"My two year old son refused to wear training pants.He always begged to wear a diaper.One day, out of frustration, I let him remain naked.He went to the potty and used it when I wasn't looking.",1 1955,1955,3530,She went outside to fly a kite.,She was relieved that it didn't hit anything.,Holly was glad to be safely inside her house as the storm raged.She was watching the storm as she heard a loud crack.Lightning had hit a tree beside the house.She stared as she watched it fall.,2 1956,1956,3531,It broke and Jill felt dumb for believing the hype.,"The cloth ripped in two, much to Jill's surprise.","Jill saw an infomercial for unbreakable glass cups.She was amazed and ordered them.When Jill received the cups, she wanted to test them.She dropped one on her hardwood floor.",1 1957,1957,3532,Addie was put in jail for her crime.,Addie was relieved and took deep breaths to calm herself.,"Addie was working at the mall at Hollister when a strange man came in.Before she knew it, Addie looked behind her and saw stolen clothes.Addie got scared and tried to chase the man out.Luckily guards came and arrested him.",2 1958,1958,3533,The manager hoped Sean would perform badly.,The manager wanted Sean to understand everything.,"Sean was going for a job interview.He arrived at the business and asked for the manager.The manager took him to the back and interviewed him.Then, the manager showed him around and explained the job.",2 1959,1959,3534,Fred cancelled the bet at the end of the month.,"Fred ended up winning the bet, and the $100.","Fred made a bet with Sam over who could lose more weight in a month.Fred really wanted to win the bet, which was for $100.Fred worked out daily, avoided fast food, and skipped dinner.At the end of the month Fred was feeling confident he would win.",2 1960,1960,3535,John loved every second of the skydiving trip.,"When he woke up, he had already landed.",John went skydiving for the first time.He went with an instructor on a plane into the air.He screamed when they jumped.John was terribly afraid of heights and passed out.,2 1961,1961,3536,Gina hated her grandma.,Gina loved her grandma.,Gina and her family were leaving the park.They had been there all afternoon.Now they were going to her aunt's house.Gina begged to be dropped off at her grandma's,2 1962,1962,3537,She couldn't resist so she bought the antique vase.,It was kind of expensive but she decided it was worth it.,Kaya needed to buy a new dress for the upcoming Spring Formal.She went to the mall with several of her friends.The girls all had a good time visiting shops and trying on dresses.Kaya found a dress that she loved that was a nice coral color.,2 1963,1963,3538,It had been a very fun day.,Tyler felt like his parents never let him do anything.,Tyler wanted to have a balloon party with tons of balloons.He and his friends and his parents blew up the balloons.He and his friends played with the balloons and had a lot of fun.They got tired and watched a movie and had dinner.,1 1964,1964,3539,"After all his practice this week, Jimmy has learned a new trick.",Jimmy has decided to give away his skateboard.,Jimmy went skateboarding this afternoon.It was the third time this week.He's getting good at it and really likes it.He fell once but hasn't given up.,1 1965,1965,3540,Maxine doesn't want to go on the date.,Maxine gets laser removal next time.,Maxine usually hates to shave her legs.She doesn't like the feeling of using a razor.One night Maxine has a big date and decides to wear a dress.She shaves her legs for the occasion.,2 1966,1966,3541,Ryan loved how his bike looked.,Ryan decided not to ride his bike anymore.,"Ryan loved to customize his bike.He decided to add some LED lights to the bike frame and wheels.He ordered the parts from eBay.When they arrived, he assembled them.",1 1967,1967,3542,The sauce burned and stuck to the bottom of the pan.,It took forever for the sauce to heat up.,One day I wanted to cook a nice dinner for my family.I decided to cook spaghetti.I boiled the noodles and put the sauce in a pot on the stove.I turned the stove on too high.,1 1968,1968,3543,Nick beat his girlfriend and she gave him the five dollars.,Nick gave up because he didn't care if his girlfriend won.,Nick was challenged to a volleyball match.His girlfriend bet him five dollars she could beat him.Nick did not intend to let her win!He played hard and mercilessly.,1 1969,1969,3544,We felt pleased with our performance.,We felt we had performed badly.,Some friends and I made a Counter-Strike team.We practiced a lot for an upcoming tournament.We got to the tournament and went over strategies.We played a tough 6 games.,1 1970,1970,3545,Michelle gave the cat to her neighbor.,"Michelle named the cat, ""Socks.""","Michelle found a fat tuxedo cat outside her house.She put up posters all over her neighborhood.After three weeks, no one had called Michelle about the cat.Michelle decided to keep the cat for herself.",2 1971,1971,3546,Neil decided never to return to Ireland.,Neil enjoyed Ireland.,"Neil was visiting Ireland.His train had just arrived in Derry.As he disembarked, he caught his breath.It was as gorgeous as a fairy tale!",2 1972,1972,3547,Mary was happy to be showing off her dress.,Mary was upset that her dress was ruined.,Mary went to the park.She wanted to show off her new dress.A bird flew over Mary and pooped.Her dress became covered in bird poop.,2 1973,1973,3548,Scott gave him a high five.,Scott apprehended the perpetrator.,"Scott knew someone was stealing packages from his porch.He set up a surveillance camera near his door.He felt that he would at least have a video of the thief.One day, Scott saw footage of the perpetrator.",2 1974,1974,3549,I felt like I could run a marathon.,I went to bed and then rested until morning.,Last Tuesday I took my first spin class at the gym.It was the hardest exercise class I ever took.I worked through it for an hour and my legs went numb.When I got home my legs started to hurt and I couldn't walk.,2 1975,1975,3550,Colin stuck to his budget and only drank 2 beers.,Colin drinks beer at the bar all night.,Colin was invited to the bar by his friends.He loves beer but thinks it's too expensive at the bars.He decided to go anyway.He gave himself a budget.,1 1976,1976,3551,Sally was forced to go hungry.,Sally then bought a large breakfast.,Sally forgot to each breakfast before she left the house yesterday.She debated whether to go back and get something to eat.She decided to pick up a meal on the way to work.She realized that she had no money in her wallet to buy breakfast.,1 1977,1977,3552,Jordan knew some conversational Spanish by the time he moved.,Jordan didn't like fish tacos at all.,Jordan was planning on moving to Mexico.Jordan decided that he should learn Spanish.He ended up purchasing a language learning program from Amazon.Everyday he worked on the program for at least 2 hours.,1 1978,1978,3554,He never worked out again.,He was happy with his decision.,Fred is brand new to exercising and just joined a gym.He was amazing at how expensive a personal trainer was.He wanted to get into shape but couldn't afford the rates.He found personal trainer routines online for free.,2 1979,1979,3555,She finally got her chance to play in the match.,She asked the coach to find someone else.,It was the second match of the volleyball season.Amy was hopeful she would get a chance to play.After the first game they were ahead.Her coach put her in the game.,1 1980,1980,3556,The doctor told Tim that Emily went for a run.,The doctor told Tim that Ellen was finally pregnant.,Ellen had had four miscarriages in a row.Her husband Tim despaired of ever becoming a dad.Then the doctor called him at work.He told him that there was great news about Ellen.,2 1981,1981,3557,David ate a cheeseburger.,David promised to be more careful in the future.,"David asked his mother if he could pour his own drink.His mother agreed, but warned him to be careful.David accidentally knocked over his glass which shattered everywhere.His mother cheerfully forgave David.",2 1982,1982,3558,Neil played baseball.,Neil played in the competition.,Neil wanted to play hockey.He borrowed some gear from his friends.Then he geared up and headed to the rink.He practiced for days.,2 1983,1983,3559,I still miss my baby blanket.,I sleep with my baby blanket every night.,I kept my baby blanket in good shape.I had it for 30 Years.I moved away from my home.My baby blanket disappeared.,1 1984,1984,3560,Cam has since decided to insure his belongings.,"Afterwards, Cam was able to sell more books than he ever had.","My friend Cam was an Amazon bookseller.He had 4,000 books stored in a garage.He made enough money to live simply.His house caught on fire one day and he lost his collection.",1 1985,1985,3561,Rosie's teacher loved the gift.,Rosie's teacher gave her detention.,Rosie's teacher's birthday was coming up in 5 days.Rosie did not have money to buy a present.She asked her grandmother to teach her how to draw sunflowers.Rosie drew a big sunflower and painted it with watercolor.,1 1986,1986,3563,The man is furious.,Ebay is a very reputable company.,A man ordered an antique clock on eBay.He received a box containing six blown fuses and a jar of pickles.He filed a complaint with eBay.EBay refused to process a refund.,1 1987,1987,3564,"It cost a lot of money, but he got it repaired.",Tom knew it would be expensive to repair his boat.,Tom and Dick loved their trucks.They would go out in the desert every week.They would kick up dirt and play around.Then Tom's truck broke down.,1 1988,1988,3565,Harry didn't like theme parks.,Harry had a great time at the park.,Harry went to the theme park with his family.His dad and brother rode on a big roller coaster with him.He then rode on some smaller rides with his mom.The family ate at a restaurant at the park.,2 1989,1989,3566,My teacher suggested I pursue art school.,The teacher agreed to discuss it with me.,I had a presentation in art.My teacher failed me although I did everything right.He allowed me to repeat my presentation and failed me again.I believed that I did the presentation correct and stood up for it.,2 1990,1990,3567,Leah was very happy to hear the news.,The game was canceled.,Leah had a hockey game.All of her family came to cheer her on.But when she got there she realized they were short handed.Only a handful of girls showed up to play.,2 1991,1991,3568,She decided to buy more toothpaste.,She was happy to see her wrinkles were gone.,Ava started to notice wrinkles by her eyes.She bought an expensive wrinkle cream.She applied it every night.After a month she checked her eyes out carefully.,2 1992,1992,3569,"Annoyed, he contacted the retailer to complain about the damage.",Harry spent the evening happily taking pictures.,"Harry shopped a lot online and was looking to buy a new camera.He researched different cameras online and decided to buy one.He made the purchase and the camera arrived in the mail the next week.When Harry opened the package, he found that the camera was damaged.",1 1993,1993,3570,Jasper quits his job the next day.,Jasper enjoys cutting dead animals.,Jasper has been avoiding getting a real job for months.He has hated all the previous office jobs that he had.One day he sees a job opening at his local butcher.He applies successfully for the job at the butcher.,2 1994,1994,3571,I couldn't wait for my friends to leave.,I loved throwing parties.,"After gathering all of the items for our party, I invited our friends.Most of the were excited to come over for food!It took about an hour but they all arrived on time.After the arrived we began eating and enjoying ourselves.",2 1995,1995,3572,He finally received a job offer.,Tom was sad about leaving his miserable job.,Tom fond that he was no longer happy in his job.Tom decided that it was time to find a new job.Tom looked through the want ads and put in applications.Tom went on job interviews and talked to a lot of people.,1 1996,1996,3573,They had a great tea party.,Linda's classmate wanted her to leave.,"Linda had been invited to a British classmate's home for tea.She decided to bring something to show her appreciation.She found an online recipe for lemon scones, and she baked them.The scones were tasty and she was proud to hand them to her hostess.",1 1997,1997,3575,Paul was furious with his mom.,Paul got a job.,Paul graduated from high school.He did not get accepted into college.His mom advised him to get a job.Paul agreed.,2 1998,1998,3576,"Harvey choked, and lost every match he played.",They all sat with their mouths open as Harvey beat them all.,"Harvey's roommates teased him about being so thin.They were egotistical football players.They challenged Harvey to a ping pong game, expecting him to lose.But they did not know that Harvey was a nationally ranked player.",2 1999,1999,3577,I then realized that I was not good at math.,Then I knew that I was great at math!,"I think yesterday was when I realized I shouldn't be a mathematician.I was at the grocery store, restocking for next week.I had bought around twenty items, and thought I was under my budget.When I went to check out, I was ten dollars over!",1 2000,2000,3578,They bought another red car.,My parents bought matching mopeds.,My family's red car broke down last year.Our family needed a 2 door car that had good gas mileage.We visited a few people who were selling cars.My parents searched multiple dealerships.,1 2001,2001,3579,She acted like a brat and threw a tantrum.,Gina doesn't care about electronics.,"Gina's phone died as they drove on the highway.She plugged it in the front seat, but she was in the backseat.She was bored without her phone so she tried to reach it.She was on the end and it was too far.",1 2002,2002,3580,I realized I needed noise to sleep.,I realized it had only been the wind.,"I was just sitting on the porch enjoying my day.When out of the blue, a loud bang disturbed my peace.I jumped up in surprise.The door had slammed open.",2 2003,2003,3581,Gina and her mother went immediately.,Gina decided to walk instead.,Gina's local library had no books on dolphins.She needed to find another library.The closest one was downtown.Her mother refused to take her.,2 2004,2004,3582,He then went to sleep.,He now loves to go hunting.,Alan got a gun for his 18th birthday.His dad took him to the range to practice shooting.Alan was a terrible shot!But he persevered and practiced a lot.,2 2005,2005,3583,Jay thought Burger King was awesome.,He'd dug in the trash for nothing.,"Jay was finishing up lunch at McDonald's, throwing away his trash.As soon as he threw it away, he realized there was a promo happening.There were some game pieces on his fry box so he fished it out.He peeled off the game piece and couldn't believe it.",2 2006,2006,3584,John was a troubled worker.,John was an outstanding worker.,"There once was a man named John.He worked in a factory.The factory fired him for poor work.As a result, he had to find other work.",1 2007,2007,3585,KIm breathlessly saved the child.,Kim saved the cart but let the child go.,"Kim saw a mother unloading her shopping cart in a parking lot.The mother's little toddler was sitting in the cart's child seat.Suddenly, while the mother was turned, the cart started rolling away!Kim, realizing the child was in great danger, lunged toward the cart.",1 2008,2008,3586,Kev was excited to try out his new gun.,Kev decided not to come hunting.,Kev's dad asked to take him hunting.Kev said he'd consider it.Then he decided he didn't like hunting.He thought it was cruelty to animals.,2 2009,2009,3587,Emily decided she didn't want the concert ticket.,This was the best birthday gift Emily had ever had.,When Emily was young she got to go to her first concert.She was nervous because of all of the people at the concert.Emily was very excited to see her favorite artist on the stage.The concert ticket was a gift for Emily for her birthday.,2 2010,2010,3588,Lina hated donuts.,Lina loved her new job.,"Lina wanted to fry donuts.She got an application for the donut shop.To her delight, she had been hired!She started to go to work frying donuts.",2 2011,2011,3589,I was invigorated when I got home.,I was tired when I got home.,My class went to the Everglades for our field trip.We did some sightseeing in several of the forests.We also got the opportunity to travel in water.The bus ride home was long and boring.,2 2012,2012,3590,The new forum was theirs to rule.,They returned to the forum later because they liked it so much.,"A group of workers from Mechanical Turk joined a forum.They formed a clique and demanded more and more power.Andy, the forum owner, had enough, and told them as much.They haughtily stomped off to make a forum of only themselves.",1 2013,2013,3591,Donna had a much easier time because Ty was asleep.,Donna wished I would wake up.,"Donna's toddler son, Ty, didn't like having his nails clipped.The child's nails had grown longer than she was comfortable with.Donna decided to wait until he was asleep.Once Ty was napping, Donna quietly clipped each nail.",1 2014,2014,3592,Gina was angry that she went to the library.,Gina felt more calm once she arrived in the library.,Gina didn't want to sit at her desk near her old friends.She could feel the tension between them.She decided to ask to go to the library.Her teacher agreed to allow her to go for an hour.,2 2015,2015,3593,Vivienne soon received her visa in the mail.,Vivienne was not granted a visa.,Vivienne wanted to move from France to America.Part of the immigration process was an interview about her intentions.Vivienne did not have any goals or career aspirations.The interview did not go well.,2 2016,2016,3594,Frank enrolled in a marine biology class.,Frank bought a water gun the next day.,"Frank filled up dozens of water balloons to throw at this sister.Little did he know she was ready for him.When he started the attack, she pulled out a huge water gun.It was much more effective than his balloons.",2 2017,2017,3596,Gina's family was glad that their toothbrushes weren't packed.,Gina felt guilty about forgetting everyone's toothbrushes.,Gina's dad pulled into the 24 hour Walgreen's parking lot.It was nearly 4 AM but everyone went inside.They needed toothbrushes before they went to grandma's house.It was Gina's job to pack them before they left.,2 2018,2018,3597,John commented on how badly run he thought the place was.,The manager decided to offer John the job.,John was excited to have a job interview.He went to the interview very prepared and nicely dressed.During the interview he was very talkative and likable.The manager of the company was really impressed by John's comments.,2 2019,2019,3598,Ben made freshly squeezed orange juice from the oranges.,Ben sipped his apple juice contently.,"Ben wanted a glass of orange juice.There was none in the house.However, there was a bag of oranges.He halved a few of them and got out the juicer.",1 2020,2020,3599,Reg hoped it would never snow again.,Reg hoped he would get another snow day soon.,Reg was hoping for a snow day.There was a bad storm overnight.He got his wish and school was canceled!He spent the whole day playing in the snow making snowmen.,2 2021,2021,3600,Caroline refused to open the soda.,Caroline opened the soda and drank it all in one gulp!,Caroline never drinks carbonated beverages.Her friends pick on her because of it.One day they challenged her to drink a soda.Caroline wanted to win the challenge.,2 2022,2022,3601,Tom got up and went for a swim.,Tom enjoyed the roasted marshmallows.,Tom and Cindy were eating marshmallows.But Tom began to get tired of it.Cindy suggested roasting the marshmallows.And Tom agreed with her suggestion.,2 2023,2023,3603,He promised to pay her back.,Bob ran away in terror.,"Bob was at the grocery store.At check out, he realized he forgot his credit card.The woman behind him offered to buy his groceries.Bob was so appreciative.",1 2024,2024,3604,John did not have a gun.,John was surprised.,John bought a new gun.He loved all the safety features.He was showing it off to his friend.It accidentally went off.,2 2025,2025,3605,Neil was not interested in Egyptian history.,Neil had an amazing educational and cultural experience.,Neil was visiting the city of Luxor.He took a tour to learn about Egyptian history.They learned a lot of facts.Then they had a picnic lunch on the banks of the Nile.,2 2026,2026,3606,John knew his papaya farm needed new capital investment.,"John ate, but told his mom that he never wanted to eat it again.","John wasn't adventurous about trying new food.His mom always made him try 2 bites of something new.If he didn't like it, he didn't have to eat any more.One day she gave him a slimy looking food called papaya.",2 2027,2027,3607,All my socks were accounted for.,Eventually it turned up.,I have a favorite pair of socks.Last week I was doing laundry.One of the two was lost.I looked everywhere and couldn't find it.,2 2028,2028,3608,Alex next ran for a seat on the school board.,Alex resolved to always check his shoelaces before leaving.,Alex ran across town to get to a friends house.He didn't know his shoe was untied.He had ran for three block when it happened.He tripped on that shoelace of his.,2 2029,2029,3610,The people watching him congratulated him.,And thus Sal gave up on magic.,Sal liked magic.He always tried to pulled tricks for his family.He tried to pull a rabbit out of his hat on day.But the hat ripped and the rabbit fell through.,2 2030,2030,3611,Lisa loved to bake.,Lisa hated baking.,Lisa wanted to make a cake.First she had to decide what kind of cake she wanted to bake.After she had to go buy the ingredients.She decided to make a chocolate cake.,1 2031,2031,3612,Javier went to the convenience store after school.,Javier began playing handball with them regularly.,Javier always noticed the kids playing handball near his house.He wanted to join them but he was intimidated.One day he summoned the courage to play handball with them.He found that they were actually very nice.,2 2032,2032,3613,He bought a big package of AA batteries.,He bought another remote control car for himself.,"Gordon bought his son a remote control car for Christmas.But he realized that it needed AA batteries.Gordon could not find any.So the next day, he went to the toy store where he bought the car.",1 2033,2033,3614,Mim pulled back onto the road and drove faster to make up time.,Eventually it stopped snowing.,"Mim was driving down the highway in a bad snow storm.There was so much snow, Mim pulled her car over.She noticed other people were doing the same.She got an emergency blanket from the backseat, and ate a snack.",2 2034,2034,3615,We brought home six bags of items.,We went home without buying anything.,"Yesterday, my mother in law called, and wanted to go out to some store.She picked me up at 4:30, and we headed out.We went to one store after the other looking for good deals.Absolutely none of the stores had anything good to buy.",2 2035,2035,3616,Betsy had to be taken to the hospital to be fitted with a cast.,Betsy played tennis afterward.,Betsy ran everywhere she went.She was running to school when it happened.She tripped and flew several feet.She broke her arm in several places.,1 2036,2036,3617,The swing was pulled around violently in the wind.,Her fear melted away as she swung.,Sarah was horrified of swings growing up.She would cry every time she would go to the playground.Last week she finally attempted to swing for the first time in Years.She loved it so much that she swung for an hour.,2 2037,2037,3618,The Malamute's owner never took him to the slide again.,The Malamute eventually tried to slide down the slide.,The Malamute always sniffed at the slide during his walk.His owner walked him up to the platform one day.He was scared to slide down.They continued to do this every day on their walk.,2 2038,2038,3619,Tim was very happy to be remembered.,Tim was annoyed by the attention.,"Today was Tim's birthday party.Since he was sick, he couldn't go out.However, the family decided to come to his out.We brought him a cake and take-out food.",1 2039,2039,3620,Frankie went to see a movie.,Frankie found another man.,"Frankie was in love with a distant, aloof man.The man she loved was not very nice to her.He cheated on her with other people in town.Frankie left him.",2 2040,2040,3621,Nancy caught the pie and began to eat it.,Nancy began to cry and felt humiliated.,Nancy was sitting near the science building.Ian tried to sneak close to her.She didn't notice until she looked around.Ian threw a pie directly in her face.,2 2041,2041,3622,He eagerly applied for it and was ultimately hired.,So he decided to go home early that day and quit his internship.,George had an internship.He really wanted to get a full time job with the company.George worked hard and proved to be smart.A position opened up that George wanted.,1 2042,2042,3623,Kevin bought a house.,Kevin used the money that he had saved to buy a sports car.,"All Kevin wanted in life was to buy his fiance a house.He became near obsessed, saving every penny.He worked multiple jobs and lived as a miser.After a year, Kevin had enough money for a down payment.",1 2043,2043,3624,Joe went for a run on the beach.,Joe asked the accountant what happened.,Joe had an accountant.He never paid attention to his accountant.Until one day he realized he had no money.Joe furiously stormed into the accountant's office.,2 2044,2044,3625,Sven was caught and jailed shortly after.,Sven donated the money to charity.,Sven was very poor.Sven's brother told him there was lots of money on the train.So Sven and his brother started a gang.They robbed the train!,1 2045,2045,3626,John eventually beat the cancer.,John hoped he would not get well.,"John was diagnosed with bone cancer.He was sad and felt defeated.But, he decided to enroll in chemotherapy and fight the disease.He struggled for two years to overcome cancer.",1 2046,2046,3627,He stayed heart attack free for the rest of his life.,Matt celebrated leaving the hospital with a large steak.,"Everyone told Matt he ate too much red meat.He ignored all their warnings about red meat and health problems.One day after a juicy burger, Matt had a heart attack.Matt became a vegetarian after he left the hospital.",1 2047,2047,3628,The cats made a mess out of the house!,"Both dogs enjoyed playing together, anyway.","My daughter brought her dog over to play with my dog.Her dog is big and full of energy.My dog is small, quiet and older.They are completely opposite.",2 2048,2048,3629,I had a hard time falling asleep that night.,Overall I was dissatisfied with the night.,I decided to rent a movie when friends came over last night.After looking through selections we decided on horror.We picked a great movie and sat down with popcorn.It was really scarey!,1 2049,2049,3630,"Louie walked across the sandy beach, lonely.",The dogs seemed happy to stay together.,Sandy is Louie's mother.Louie is a puppy.A nice family adopted Sandy.They decided to adopt Louie too.,2 2050,2050,3631,She started losing weight.,She gained 50 pounds.,Lia was trying to lose weight.She cut out junk food and fatty foods.But she still struggled to lose weight.Then she began running every day on her treadmill.,1 2051,2051,3632,I decided to throw the ring away.,It came out sparkling.,I cleaned my wedding ring.I first set it in the cleaner to soak.I then wiped it with the brush to make sure I got everything off.Then I put it back in the cleaner for a bit.,2 2052,2052,3633,Gina stopped volunteering because she felt unappreciated.,Gina was so touched she cried when they gave it to her.,Gina liked to volunteer at a homeless shelter.She had spent Years going there for many hours a week.The staff decided to do something to show their appreciation.They chipped in and got Gina a gift.,2 2053,2053,3634,Tom was happy to have a kid.,She never told Tom.,Tom and Susan have been married for eight Year's.For the last week Susan has been nauseated every morning.This morning she took a pregnancy test which was positive.Susan planned a fancy dinner with candles to tell Tom the good news.,1 2054,2054,3635,Gina continued to stare.,Gina was disgusted.,Gina was in the middle of the backseat surrounded by siblings.They were driving out of town in heavy traffic.Gina looked out the window.In the next car a child was showing his mouth of chewed food.,2 2055,2055,3637,Pamela received a full refund and a free urn for her troubles.,Pamela was happy about her purchase.,Pamela purchased an antique urn at a garage sale.She thinks it would look nice with the decor in her home.When she got home she noticed that someone's ashes were in there.Pamela returned the urn.,1 2056,2056,3638,Jane was happy she had to stay and clean the office.,Jane was disappointed she had to stay and clean the office.,Jane was excited to go home early for once.She worked cleaning offices at night.She was ahead of her normal schedule.When she got to the final office she noticed a huge mess.,2 2057,2057,3639,Kate was disappointed.,Kate was pleased!,"Kate wanted to start a new viral campaign.Kate wanted to find a way for everyday citizens to do something kind.Kate decided to create a video about her campaign.After posting her video, Kate got a overwhelming response.",2 2058,2058,3640,We will never rent from that car company again.,We look forward to renting from that same car company again.,"My husband and I rented a car on vacation.The car we got was horrible.The wipers didn't work, and a headlight was out.It smelled awful and was very dirty.",1 2059,2059,3641,Frank will save about $25 a week making coffee himself.,Frank switched to tea and donated the coffee maker.,"Fred receives a specialty coffee maker for Christmas.He finally opens it after leaving it in its box for a few weeks.Fred decides to make himself a cappuccino.To his surprise, it tastes just as good as the ones he buys outside.",1 2060,2060,3642,I should have listened to my mom.,I have never been happier with my dental health.,My mom always told me to brush my teeth.I didn't like to listen to my mom.I chose not to brush my teeth.i had to get them all pulled.,1 2061,2061,3643,John was happy the birds were enjoying the bird bath.,John didn't like birds.,"It was a very hot, dry summer.John's dad purchased a bird bath to help the animals survive.Within minutes of filling it, a cardinal hopped in.Throughout the day, John counted 34 birds that visited.",1 2062,2062,3644,I had to call to find out what was going on.,I was happy with his service.,"The delivery man handed a package to me.I opened the box.Since nothing was inside, I tried shouting at the delivery man.He couldn't hear me and drove off.",1 2063,2063,3645,Dad and I love popcorn.,Dad and I hate popcorn.,My family is sharing a bowl of popcorn.Mom is reading a book and eating one piece at a time.Dad and I are playing iPad games and eating handfuls at a time.We have played this game before!,1 2064,2064,3646,Lou was finally able to lose weight.,Lou decided she had lost enough weight.,Lou was on a diet.She was eating very little.But she still struggled to lose weight!Then she added an exercise regimen.,1 2065,2065,3647,Gina licked her plate clean.,Gina finally got it all cleaned after a couple of hours.,Gina's dad turned on the water hose for her.He watched as she sprayed the soda spill on the porch.It had been sitting there for hours.It was a dried gooey mess by the time she began cleaning it.,2 2066,2066,3648,Betsy felt really bad for the rest of the night.,Betsy wore the monogrammed necklace when she turned 14.,"Betsy was about to celebrate her sixteenth birthday.Her parents surprised her with a nice dinner out and a small present.Happily, her parents gave her a monogram necklace.On the way home, Betsy misplaced the necklace in the car.",1 2067,2067,3649,"When the time comes for her to sing, Joy faints.",Joy's juggling act delights all.,Joy's pastor asks her to sing at church.Joy practiced for weeks.Joy is very nervous about singing.Tonight is the big night.,1 2068,2068,3650,She threw the wig into the trash.,She gave the wig to her sister.,Sara wanted to do something for her sister who has cancer.The chemo caused her sister to loose all her hair.Sara went to the hair salon and had her long hair cut short.She then had the hair made into a wig.,2 2069,2069,3651,I really enjoyed having my party with friends.,I was able to catch the snake and get it out of my house.,"I found a snake in the basement window well.I tried to hit it with a spade, but it dug down where I couldn't see.I thought it had gone under the siding near the foundation.I went down in the basement and found it behind the wall.",2 2070,2070,3652,She had the worst nightmare of her life.,She fell soundly asleep.,"Juanita had watched a scary movie.Now, she was having trouble falling asleep.Juanita tried turning on a nightlight and music.The room didn't feel so frightening anymore.",2 2071,2071,3653,Jane decided not to participate in psychology experiments anymore.,Jane was finally able to earn extra money.,Jane needed to earn some extra money.She remembered paid psychology experiments in college.Jane searched for paid experiments and found Mechanical Turk.She was now able to participate in psychology experiments at home.,2 2072,2072,3654,"Finally, all of his number were read and Jay had won.",He decided to stop watching and threw his ticket away.,"It was like any other Friday for Jay.He had just finished work and bought his weekly lottery ticket.After dinner, he waited patiently for the lottery results.He couldn't believe it when more than half his numbers were called.",1 2073,2073,3655,He had to have grilled chicken instead.,He was very happy with the items on the menu.,"Larry was excited to eat steak for dinner.He made a reservation for 7.He eagerly waited all day for the time to arrive.When he got there, the waiter told him they were out of steak.",1 2074,2074,3656,James was worried because he beat his boss at ping pong.,"So, James bought a ping pong table to practice at home.","James has just started working at a company with a ping pong table.He has always wanted to play ping pong with a coworker.One day after work, his friend challenges him to a game.James plays very well, but eventually loses the game.",2 2075,2075,3657,She decided to watch a movie on Netflix instead.,Joyce decided to buy a cookie instead.,Joyce wanted to rent a movie.She didn't know that Netflix offered online streaming.She went to the video store to find something to watch.Someone there told her about Netflix Instant Streaming.,1 2076,2076,3658,Lester's team plays against the other school's basketball team.,The other school wins by a huge margin over Lester's team.,"Lester has always loved academic debate.He decides to found a debate team at his college.He finds a professor to advise the team, and slowly recruits students.Soon the team is large enough to debate another school.",2 2077,2077,3659,Jessica was disappointed because she wanted a real pony.,Jessica loved the puppy she got from her dad.,"Jessica wanted a pony for her birthday more than anything.In the days coming up to it, she asked her dad for a pony.He said he would think about it.He gave Jessica a pony shaped box on her special day.",1 2078,2078,3660,Sal hated the brace.,Sal was glad he decided to jump rope.,Sal was jumping rope.Then he tripped and fell.He twisted his ankle as he went down.He needed to wear a brace for three weeks.,1 2079,2079,3661,Julie makes lunches for her son who is allergic to eggs.,Julie gets busy making lunches using the boiled eggs.,Julie wants to make food for lunch for the upcoming week.She decides to hard boil a dozen eggs.Julie boils water and dumps the eggs in for 8 minutes each.Finally her eggs are boiled perfectly.,2 2080,2080,3662,I enjoyed visiting the zoo.,But I didn't like zebras.,We got in the car to go to the zoo.I couldn't wait to see the zebra.We walked around and saw so many animals.I got to see the zebra play.,1 2081,2081,3664,Bob was very happy about this.,This made Bob sad.,"Bob had a young puppy.The puppy loved to play catch with Bob.Of course, the puppy grew into a dog.The dog grew old and could no longer play catch.",2 2082,2082,3665,Jennifer decided to save up for a car so she could avoid the bus.,"Jennifer's cat came home the next day, acting very hungry.",Jennifer forgot to close the front door when she got home.By the time she noticed her pet cat had disappeared.She walked around the neighborhood calling for the cat.She made flyers with her contact information.,2 2083,2083,3666,Peter was mad at his friend.,Peter was happy his friend gave him food.,Peter's friends invite him for a small Halloween party.He arrives late and hasn't had time to eat dinner.A friend offers him a slice of pumpkin pie at the party.The pie is delicious and it has whipped cream on the side.,2 2084,2084,3667,Dan never liked to bowl anyway.,Dan now bowls often to remember his father.,Dan loves the sport of bowling.His dad taught him how to play when he was little.The use to compete in tournaments together.His dad has since passed away.,2 2085,2085,3668,Billy was very methodical.,Billy was very disorganized.,Billy would wake up every morning and get ready for school.First he would take a shower to start getting ready.Next Billy would have to get dressed.After he was fully clothed he would eat breakfast.,1 2086,2086,3669,Bob stopped talking to those friends.,Bob had a great time.,Bob loved to watch movies.He was looking forward to a three day weekend coming up.He made a list of his favorite movies and invited some friends over.He spent the weekend with his friends watching all his favorite movies,2 2087,2087,3670,Mike never liked Jeeps.,Mike bought the Jeep.,Mike had a free Saturday.He drove to several car dealers.He was interested in seeing potential future cars for himself.Mike found a Jeep he fell in love with.,2 2088,2088,3671,Fred came in last place in his karate tournament.,He came in second place.,Fred had his first karate tournament yesterday.He was very nervous.When it got there he was shaking.Thankfully he ended up doing well.,2 2089,2089,3672,He broke all of the pots he made.,He was very proud of his pots.,Gregory took a pottery class at a nearby night school.He was terrible at sculpture.He grew to like throwing pots on pottery wheels very much.Eventually he was making pots half as tall as he was.,2 2090,2090,3673,Joe decided to get some ice cream at the store.,Gina's sister had to go to the hospital for stitches.,Joe's family moved to another house.Some kids down the block broke the windows and went in.Gina and her sister decided not to and went home.Gina's sister walked through the yard and stepped on the glass.,2 2091,2091,3674,I now play twice as much.,I no longer play the lottery.,I play the lottery a lot and I always lose.This year alone I've played over one hundred times.I did the math to see how much money I would have if I never played.Turns out I would have thousands more in my pocket.,2 2092,2092,3675,The librarian kicked the man out.,The librarian thanked the man.,A man went into the library and grabbed some random books.He hid them in other parts of the library.The librarian stopped him and asked what he was doing.The man said he was trying to stop people from reading.,1 2093,2093,3676,She researched methods of lawn care that took less water.,Quinn's yard flourished under the heavy rains.,Quinn spent a lot of time caring for her lawn.She felt that a well-kept lawn reflected well on the house.Quinn thought that it made the only first impression that mattered.Her region experienced a drought and watering restrictions happened.,1 2094,2094,3677,Pizza was first made in Italy to represent the colors of the flag.,We'll be going back there often.,My family went out to dinner on Thursday.We chose a local pizza place.The food was delicious.The staff was friendly and quick.,2 2095,2095,3678,Cheryl made more money turning tricks than at her full-time job.,Cheryl loved the dog and prayed he would get better.,The old dog was doing worse than usual.He stopped eating and cried when he moved.Cheryl avoided making the appointment with the vet.She told her husband that she would make the appointment tomorrow.,2 2096,2096,3679,Bob hates tattoos.,Bob's girlfriend really liked his new tattoo.,Bob wanted to get a tattoo.He wanted to get one of a wolf.His girlfriend sketched a neat design.Bob got the tattoo done the next day.,2 2097,2097,3680,Dan decided to call his old girlfriend.,Dan was no longer lonely.,Dan was sure that he was over his ex girlfriend.Until a mutual friend posted a picture of her in a restaurant.The picture brought Dan back to the good times.He felt regret.,1 2098,2098,3681,Shawn missed Jane every day.,Shawn was happy Jane was dead.,Jane and Shawn were close friends.They did everything together.They got married when they were older.Jane died of cancer.,1 2099,2099,3682,Mary was always trying to make Gina happy.,Gina's mother had to call Mary's mom to complain.,Gina's friend Mary wouldn't share.They both needed to use the school library books about dolphins.But Mary had beaten Gina and taken them all.And now she refused to share the books.,2 2100,2100,3683,Bob will be careful that he never eats at that restaurant again.,Bob's decision to embezzle from his employer was a mistake.,"Bob's stomach was really bothering him after the big meal.A friend he had dined with called to say she was feeling ill, too.They decided the seafood they'd eaten had been bad.Sometime later, Bob finally threw up the contents of his stomach.",1 2101,2101,3684,Tim felt great.,Tim was happy for me.,"I started playing chess with my friend Tim in 2000.I bought a tournament set and clock.We made plans to go to a tournament, but Tim got sick.I went and won five games.",2 2102,2102,3685,Kim was glad people were inspired to imitate her.,Kim asked her friends if they wanted to go to Starbucks.,"Yesterday Kim got a brand new blazer.To her delight, when she got to school everyone complimented her on it.The next few weeks, Kim saw that everyone was wearing the blazer.She felt happy to start a new trend.",1 2103,2103,3686,The insurance company determined Jay was not at fault.,Jay lost his job as an airplane pilot.,Jay didn't mind driving for his friends.He always made sure they wore their seatbelt.s.Yesterday he got into an accident.Everyone was safe even if they were hurt.,1 2104,2104,3687,Ben decided to retire.,But then he did find a job.,"Ben lost his job.He was devastated since he loved his job.Months went by and he could not find a job in his field.So, he started to worry that he would never find a job.",2 2105,2105,3688,The teacher gave Gina her phone back.,Gina's father agreed to pick up the phone for her.,Detention was finally over.The teacher had confiscated Gina's phone.She went to his desk to ask for it back.It turned out a parent needed to collect the phone.,2 2106,2106,3689,I found that playing Santa was not worth my time off.,I found that playing Santa was the best second job ever.,I got a job as a shopping mall Santa last December.The hours were long.The pay was bad.But I found interacting with the kids to be completely amazing.,2 2107,2107,3690,"He was a little mad, but I just laughed.",He never did understand the best way to fry an egg.,My friend and I had a little contest the other day.We tried to see who could blow the biggest bubblegum bubble.We took different turns and would take measurements.When his was getting at it's biggest I popped it.,1 2108,2108,3691,Candice gave the money to her mom.,Candice bought a new purse.,Candice loved to bake.One day Candice noticed her mom was sad.Candice found out her mom needed money.She decided to do a bake sale.,1 2109,2109,3692,We were pleasantly surprised!,We were scared!,"We went hiking a few weeks ago.After deciding to leave, we decided on a forest not too far from us.Once we got there, the weather was perfect!After setting out down the trail, we saw a snake!",2 2110,2110,3693,They were completely healed after that.,She took them to the vet to see why they were scratching.,Matty's cats kept scratching themselves.She didn't know what to do.Eventually she found out they had fleas.She gave them flea medicine.,1 2111,2111,3694,Cara threw a party to celebrate.,Cara sat alone and cried.,"The votes were in for class presidential elections.Cara was nervous because she wanted to win.When the winner was drawn, Cara was defeated.She lost to her opponent.",2 2112,2112,3695,Ellie ate the fish.,Ellie thought it looked great.,"Ellie wanted a fish tank.She went and bought a big aquarium.Then she filled it with fresh clean water and gravel.Lastly, she added her fish.",2 2113,2113,3696,Rase demanded a fair trial.,Rase worked at the planetarium for several years.,Rase was at the planetarium.He loved the displays and exhibits there!Then he saw a Help Wanted sign posted.Rase applied and was given the job.,2 2114,2114,3697,Juan was always impatient.,Juan was hardworking and patient.,"Juan wanted a new guitar more than anything.He decided to save up money to buy one.All summer he worked, saving up every penny.Finally, he was able to buy the guitar.",2 2115,2115,3698,Jim and Tim become good friends.,Then Jim shot Tim.,"Today is Jim's first day as a police officer.He was excited to meet his partner Tim.While on their beat, they made a traffic stop for failure to yield.The two men instructed the driver on proper road safety.",1 2116,2116,3699,I made the cookies.,I made roasted pork.,"I wanted to learn how chocolate chips are made.I went to the internet and did a search on the subject.I scanned through all the results, and finally found what I wanted.I read the whole article.",1 2117,2117,3700,Right then I decided this was my new favorite food.,"As a vegetarian, I refused to eat the chicken sandwich.",A new Chick-Fil-A just opened up and I couldn't wait to try it.The line was out the door.I waited for a half hour just to order something.I ordered a spicy chicken sandwich.,1 2118,2118,3701,Sal was excited to be an instant millionaire.,Sal decided to keep buying lotto tickets each week.,Sal bought a lotto ticket.The jackpot was up to 1 million dollars.He had all the numbers except 1.Sal won 5 thousand dollars.,2 2119,2119,3702,Harry decided math would be a great topic for a video game.,Harry finally overcame the distraction and returned to his math.,"Harry was doing his homework but had trouble with math.He decided to look for help on Youtube.After doing a few lessons, he saw an interesting video.The video was exciting and so he decided to watch another.",2 2120,2120,3703,Everybody had fun playing as their respective characters.,They all had poor imaginations.,The Dungeons & Dragons game was on.Joseph showed up in an elf ensemble.Mary brought a broomstick sword.Laney convinced everyone her big stick was in fact a staff.,1 2121,2121,3704,Bobby was overjoyed when his mother said the cat could stay.,Bobby stopped liking cats after that day.,Six year old Bobby wanted a cat very badly.His parents didn't say no but they weren't excited about it either.One morning a friendly young cat showed up at their door.Bobby was very excited when his mom said it could come inside.,1 2122,2122,3705,John was relieved.,John was very upset that the ice melted.,"John took a big drink and swallowed an ice cube.When the ice cube stuck in his throat, John panicked.He heated some water to melt the ice cube.He gulped it quickly, and the ice melted.",1 2123,2123,3706,"Sadly, the concert was canceled due to sickness.",They had a great time at the museum.,"Sean and Sara were travelling to see a concert.They had to take the train to Portland.Once they got there, they checked into a hotel.They walked to the concert venue.",1 2124,2124,3707,He was relieved.,Rex did his first ever cartwheel that day.,"Rex missed his high school days of being a gymnast.Now he was afraid he had lost his athletic touch forever.However, a friend encouraged him to try a cartwheel on the beach.Rex did an awesome cartwheel on his first try!",1 2125,2125,3708,Judy and the son arrived shortly before Hal.,Hal turned around and went back to the old house to live alone.,"Hal and Judy were moving into a new home with their son.They spent the whole day packing everything up.When they were ready, Judy and the son travelled to the new home.Hal followed behind them with a moving van.",1 2126,2126,3709,Joe and Tim stayed friends online.,Joe then punched Tim.,Joe was pals with Tim.They always played together at recess.One day Joe said he was going to move away.Tim was sad.,1 2127,2127,3711,"After the trip, we went home very happy.",We then left the market and went home.,"I recently went to the zoo with my friends.We met there and entered together.We saw lots of animals, such as giraffes, monkeys, and elephants.We even were able to feed the giraffes.",1 2128,2128,3712,Jenny's boss gave her a raise.,Jenny was worried her boss would fire her.,"Jenny decided she needed a day off from work.She called in sick and went to the beach instead.She spent all day at the beach and got sunburned.The next day, her boss noticed that she was burned from the sun.",2 2129,2129,3713,Billy was very happy.,Billy was very upset.,"Billy had a toy ball.He would take his ball wherever he went.One day, he had to go to school.His mom took his ball away from him.",2 2130,2130,3714,John ended up having the most.,John then went golfing.,John and Ed had a bet on who could get the most candy on Halloween.They left John's house at the same time going in different directions.They had two hours to gather as much as they could.When they got back to the house they weighed their bags.,1 2131,2131,3715,Brandon checked the next day and found 50 cents under his pillow.,Brandon bought a bar of chocolate.,Brandon woke up this morning with his tooth missing.All excited he ran into his parents room.Brandon jumped up and down on their bed.He ran back to his room to put his tooth under his pillow.,1 2132,2132,3716,Kelsi had no interest in the pool her parents bought.,Kelsi loved her new pool.,Kelsi always wanted a new pool.She begged her parents for Years to get one.Finally they caved in and allowed her to have one.Kelsi was elated and could not believe it.,2 2133,2133,3717,The taste was worth the price.,Rick had so much money left.,Rick liked eating chocolate oatmeal.But his friend suggested that he use higher quality cocoa powder.Rick was tight about money.But he decided to buy more expensive cocoa powder just once.,1 2134,2134,3718,Ann and Tori continued to shop.,Ann and Tori decided to stop shopping and work out the issue.,Ann and Tori had been friends for over 20 years.They often shopped together.Tori received a call from the bank regarding charges on her ATM card.She called Anne and told her that someone had been using her card.,2 2135,2135,3719,Amy threw the instrument on the floor.,Amy gave a wonderful performance.,"Amy was nervous about her first violin recital.She knew her piece but she was afraid her mind would go blank.As she stood on stage she closed her eyes, taking a deep breath.Her bow danced across the strings.",2 2136,2136,3720,Joe left his son unattended to move to florida.,Joe's son did not stop laughing for hours.,We used to live by an ice pond.It froze over in the winter.One day my friend Joe took his 3 year old out onto the pond.Joe slid his son along the ice like a curling stone.,2 2137,2137,3721,Gina's father grounded everyone for a month.,Gina's father was proud.,Gina's dad came up from the basement furious.He found drugs on her teen brothers bed.What if one of the little kids had found these drugs.For her father this was the last straw.,1 2138,2138,3722,She refused his help and walked away.,They ended up going on a date that night.,Carry has been short her whole life.She could never reach the top shelf at the store.Greg saw her struggling to reach.He went over and helped her.,2 2139,2139,3723,She went to the library to research and gave a great speech.,Gina was soon fired as a dolphin trainer.,"Gina needed to decide what topic she would write a speech on.She had no clue where to start.She liked fish, and thought this might be a good subject.She decided she would give a speech about dolphins.",1 2140,2140,3724,Samuel could not read.,He loved it!,Samuel loved reading old science fiction stories.He collected books by HG Wells and Jules Verne.His favorite was HG Wells.His father gave him a copy of The Island of Dr Moreau.,2 2141,2141,3725,David hoped to play really well.,David really didn't care about that game.,David was an all around great football player.He was nervous about his next game.A scout would be there.This game would determine his future.,1 2142,2142,3726,Linda was very disappointed.,Linda was very pleased.,"Linda went to buy some frozen yogurt.She saw some white yogurt and assumed it was vanilla.She loved vanilla, so that was what she got.She tasted it and it was horrible.",1 2143,2143,3727,Tad was seriously injured.,Tad's car was in great shape.,Last Friday was Tad Dunkin's first race in nascar.He had been waiting for this his whole life.He was doing surprisingly well for a first timer.Then he lost control and hit a wall.,1 2144,2144,3728,Paisley decided to break up with Danny after the picnic.,Danny was happy he could share the picnic date with her.,"Danny likes to go on picnics.Paisley is Danny's girlfriend.One day, Danny took Paisley on a picnic.She enjoyed herself very much.",2 2145,2145,3729,I decided to glue the hair back on.,I decided to get it waxed.,My chest hair was getting out of control.I decided I needed to take some trimmers to it.I stepped into the shower and started to shave it off.The hair started to plug the drain because there was so much.,2 2146,2146,3730,Oatmeal became my favorite food.,I hated oatmeal and didn't eat it anymore.,I had a stroke in 2011.I spent 8 weeks in hospitals and rehab centers.The staff fed me oatmeal every morning.After I got released I kept eating oatmeal.,1 2147,2147,3731,He was very full.,Charles mother was very angry.,"Charles had a big, white dog.He did not like the way the dog looked.Charles thought about what he could do to change it.He painted the dog pink.",2 2148,2148,3732,Kelly was unhappy.,Kelly did not know how to read.,"Kelly bought a book to read on a plane one day.She had two long flights and nothing else to do.She became engrossed in the book as she flew.But when she changed planes, she realized she'd forgotten it!",1 2149,2149,3733,She was happy that she didn't have to wear a vest anymore.,She was upset that she didn't have to wear the vest anymore.,Ava was mad that she had to wear a vest in the pool.She wanted to swim without a vest like her brother.She asked her mother if she could take swimming lessons.Ava took lessons for 6 weeks and learned how to swim.,1 2150,2150,3734,His son got just what he wanted and was quite happy.,His son was bewildered when he unwrapped a dollhouse.,"Tom was wrapping Christmas presents.But he lost track of who they were for.So he put wrong name tags on the presents.On Christmas, Tom handed his son a present.",2 2151,2151,3735,She was proud of her body.,She hired a personal trainer to help her meet her goals.,"Connie's doctor says she is overweight.She recommended better diet and exercise.One day, Connie joined a gym.The next day, Connie was disappointed to not see change.",2 2152,2152,3739,Kurtis trembled with fright.,Kurtis laughed and danced around the campfire.,"Kurtis decided to go camping.He drove up to the mountains and found a camping spot.He began to set up his tent.Suddenly, a grizzly bear came and began to approach Kurtis.",1 2153,2153,3740,He had always wanted to go surfing under the California sun.,His favorite moment was when he got to feed a baby koala bear.,Neil had been journeying through Asia.Now he had worked his way south into Australia.Neil was so excited to see Australian culture.He was thrilled at the prospect of exotic animals and people!,2 2154,2154,3741,Joe was happy Jeb loaned him the money.,Joe got a job so he wouldn't have to borrow the money.,Joe needed money.He asked Jeb for Fifty dollars.Jeb refused.He told Joe to get a job.,2 2155,2155,3742,Her sister came and apologized.,Gina thought it was really funny.,"Gina was in trouble for something her sister did.Her parents held her accountable since she was older.Gina thought this was very unfair.She went to her room and sat alone, waiting for an apology.",1 2156,2156,3743,Ann felt insulted by the lady's offer.,Ann came inside and watched as cakes were being made.,Ann loved cake.Every saturday she would walk by the bakery.Ann loved to look at the beautiful cakes.One day a lady asked her to come inside.,2 2157,2157,3744,Kelly was glad she tried new flavors.,She threw up.,Kelly and her friends went to a new ice cream shop.They were excited to try the new flavors.One of the flavors was wasabi.Even though it looked gross it tasted good.,1 2158,2158,3745,Rory had to buy a school lunch that day.,Rory at the sandwich.,"Rory was allergic to gluten and strawberries.One day she sat down to eat lunch at school.She opened her lunch box, and stared at a sandwich with strawberries.Her new step mom had packed her lunch for the first time.",1 2159,2159,3746,The boy bought a bicycle.,They bought the car.,"A boy needed to learn to drive.He asked his father and he said yes.They began to look for a first car.In the newspaper ads, they found a nice looking car.",2 2160,2160,3747,Her dad caught them and scolded them for sneaking out.,Her dad greeted them warmly as they arrived from their trip.,Lynn told her friends they were going to sneak out.But sneaking back in was a problem.Her dad was in the kitchen.The girls climbed into the basement through an open window.,1 2161,2161,3748,It became too hot and dry for Tory to go out.,"Tory had to wait a while to buy his AC unit, but it was cooler.","Tory was tired of the hot weather.And he had no air conditioner at home.He gathered what money he could and set out to buy one.But as he stepped outside, he noticed rain drops.",2 2162,2162,3749,She was happy to get the promotion.,She was sad to get the promotion.,Kim had been working extra hard for weeks.She learned of a promotion up for grabs at her company.It came with a new office and great benefits.Finally all her work paid off and she was offered the promotion.,1 2163,2163,3750,The zookeeper was glad to find the rhino sleeping in its cage.,The news the next morning showed a rhino running rampant.,The zookeeper closed the zoo for the night.But he didn't check the rhino cage.It wasn't latched properly.The rhino escaped!,2 2164,2164,3751,I put it in the middle of the room like my mom suggested.,I put it on the night stand in the corner.,I bought a new lamp today.I still need to set it up.I'm not sure where to put it.My mom thinks it should go in the corner.,2 2165,2165,3752,"After a few years, the States decided to return to England.",The war was called the American Revolution.,"Many years ago, the United States was not a country.Instead, the people who lived there were part of England.They decided they wanted to be their own country.There was a long war, but ultimately they prevailed.",2 2166,2166,3753,Cole was upset that all of his vegetables went to waste.,All the members signed a Thank You card for Cole.,Cole had a garden with a lot of vegetables.He had so many that he would have to throw them out.He started to take his excess vegetables to the local church.The church was grateful to Cole for his kindness.,2 2167,2167,3754,I decided to watch movies all night.,I had an early night.,"Throughout my day in school, I was completely tired.As my Spanish teacher taught accents, I was falling asleep.During lunch, I decided to rest on the bleachers in the football field.In addition, I fell asleep on the bus ride home.",2 2168,2168,3755,Bob was dazed and had a cut on his forehead!,"After that, Bob was nervous about going horseback riding.",Bob was daydreaming as he drove his car.A deer jumped out right in front of him on to the road.Bob's car slammed into the deer!The deer and Bob's front bumper were pulverized!,1 2169,2169,3756,I was upset when I lost all my money.,I was glad I hadn't spent much money on the slot machines.,I went to las vegas.I learned that i really like the slot machines.I spent a lot of time on them.i spent a lot of money.,1 2170,2170,3757,"She asked her father, because he had always been great to her.","She decided to ask her brother, who was honored to do so.",Chelsea was getting married next week.She needed someone to give her away.Her father was out of the question as he was an abusive jerk.She really didn't know what to do.,2 2171,2171,3758,Austin went to the park and played with his dog.,Austin painted several pictures similar to what he had seen.,Austin needed artwork for his apartment.He went to some art galleries downtown to get inspiration.Once he had an idea.He went online and bought some materials.,2 2172,2172,3759,But she is as happy today as she was the day they met.,She filed for divorce the next day.,Robert and Sharon met at band camp when they were in high school.By the time they graduated they had plans to marry.Now they are expecting their first great grandchild.Sharon can't believe that so much time passed so fast.,1 2173,2173,3760,I will continue playing chess and hope for qualified opponents.,I think I will start playing football.,"In 2005, I went to St Anselm College to play chess.My friend was a professor there.His colleague-also a chess player- played us as well.I was on a great streak and did not lose any games!",1 2174,2174,3761,Izzy is heartbroken.,Izzy is happy.,"Izzy is a doctor.She is too involved with her patients.One day, she falls in love with her patient, Denny.Denny dies of an aneurysm.",1 2175,2175,3762,Eventually Larry got stronger.,Larry was ashamed of what he had done.,"Larry always wanted to feel stronger.He noticed that several students at school were lifting weights.Larry decided to lift weights as well.He started with light weights, but gradually tried heavier ones.",1 2176,2176,3763,He got a call a few days later saying that he got the job.,My roommate then got a call saying he was fired.,"My roommate interviewed for a new job.He practiced every night the week before to make sure he was ready.When the day came, he dressed up in his nicest clothes.We waited in anticipation to hear what would happen.",1 2177,2177,3764,The soccer team congratulated her and gave her a spot on the team.,"Naturally, she was not accepted to the soccer team.",Gertrude was notoriously clumsy and awkward.Her friends thought that participating in a sport may help her.She decided to try out for the soccer team at school.She ran out on the field and unexpectedly tripped over the ball.,2 2178,2178,3765,Leeza was in pain.,Leeza was having fun.,"Leeza was walking alone near the woods.She suddenly fell and was unable to walk.She screamed for help, to no avail.She crawled to the street to flag someone down.",1 2179,2179,3768,Jennifer opened the can and began to eat.,Jennifer couldn't find food so she went hungry.,"Jennifer was hungry on a rainy day.She looked through her house, but didn't have much.Suddenly, she noticed a can on her shelf.She looked at it and it was chicken noodle soup.",1 2180,2180,3769,He went back to reading his book.,What had been pressed between the pages was a four-leafed clover!,"Noah bought an old book at the thrift store.He took it home and began to read it.As he did, something fell out of the pages.Noah bent curiously and picked it up, eyes widening.",2 2181,2181,3770,Gina fixed herself some lunch.,Gina found the handle on the washing machine.,Gina couldn't turn on the water hose.The spigot was without a handle.She couldn't find the handle in the house.Finally she went into the garage to look.,2 2182,2182,3771,I am dishonest.,I am honest.,"I found a $600 dollar envelope in the mail today.However, it belonged to my neighbor.I decided to give them the mail instead of keeping it.They thanked me for being selfless.",2 2183,2183,3772,He hoped that she never came back.,A year later she returned.,"Before she left, she promised him that one day she would be back.She had important things to take care of far away.He missed her and she really missed him.Someday she would be back, he told himself.",2 2184,2184,3773,Oliver was sick of his friend's unwanted advice.,Oliver was grateful to his friend.,"Oliver needed a new radio.He didn't know anything about them, though.He had a friend help him pick one out.The friend was a pro and found him a good deal.",2 2185,2185,3774,Tommy decided to ask the girl for a date.,Tommy was really embarrassed.,Tommy called on the girl who sat next to him in class.He asked if she thought that the class was good.She gave him a frown and sad that she's in a relationship.Tommy immediately turned around.,2 2186,2186,3775,Helen stayed home instead and planned to go another day.,Helen had a wonderful vacation in Canada.,Helen lived in the state of Washington.Helen wanted to visit Canada.Helen's car broke down on the day of her trip.Helen decided it wasn't meant to be.,1 2187,2187,3776,Sarah was lazy.,Sarah was glad she finished.,"Today Sarah ran a race.She needed to run more than 3 miles to finish.The race was very difficult for her.She wasn't fast, but she kept persevering until she finished.",2 2188,2188,3777,The dogs attacked the people.,"A good time was had by all, even the dogs.",The town hosted a dog diving contest.They set up a large outdoor pool with steps.Many people came to watch and take pictures.Each dog took his turn running and jumping into the water.,2 2189,2189,3778,We wanted to miss the leopards.,We wanted to see a leopard.,"We went on safari and hoped to see the Big 5 that is everyone's goal.After 10 days, we had seen all but a leopard.We heard someone saying they had seen leopard babies on today's drive.We were so disappointed and asked them about it later.",2 2190,2190,3779,Albert saved the day.,Everyone was angry with Albert.,"Albert was a young man who had just gotten CPR certified.He decided to celebrate by going out to eat.While at the restaurant, another patron started choking on her food.Albert rushed to her side and quickly did the Heimlich maneuver.",1 2191,2191,3780,My daughter took the post-test on Friday.,My daughter was so proud of herself.,"My daughter got all the words on her spelling pre-test correct Monday.Because of this, she doesn't have to take the post-test Friday.She was so excited when she showed me her test.She told me that not very many of the other kids got them all right.",2 2192,2192,3782,Then they all went home.,Sam and John ran from the group of boys.,"Sam and John went out to play some ultimate Frisbee one day.Upon arrival at the field, there was a pickup game of football going.Sam approached them and asked them to let him and John play as well.After a few minutes talk, they agreed and everyone played for a bit.",1 2193,2193,3783,Tina is well rested.,Tina is more tired than ever before.,Tina is very tired every single morning.She does not get enough sleep because of her two jobs.Tina decides to quit one of the jobs.She now gets enough sleep to function everyday.,1 2194,2194,3784,Jaris picked flowers from a state park.,Jaris got in trouble and apologized profusely.,Jaris wanted to pick some wildflowers for his vase.He went to the state park.He picked many kinds of flowers.Little did Jaris realize that it was a national park.,2 2195,2195,3785,I want my daughter to stop being a Christian.,I want my daughter to have a spiritual life.,My daughter has a list of things to do before she turns 40.She is only 30.One thing was to read the Bible cover to cover.I decided to read the Bible again to support my daughter.,2 2196,2196,3786,He was very proud of all his hard work.,Micky was very disappointed.,Micky always wanted to get thinner.He tried fad diets to no avail.He started to cut back on his calories and get more exercise.After 2 months Micky started to see results.,1 2197,2197,3787,Amy told Kim she was a big loser.,They decided never to let a guy come between them.,Amy called Kim.She wanted to find out why Kim was being rude to her.Kim was jealous of Amy's boyfriend.Amy accepted her apology.,2 2198,2198,3788,Lauren's husband was glad to see her feeling refreshed.,Lauren wishes she took the bus home.,"Lauren finished her late night shift at the bar feeling tired.She usually liked taking the bus home from work.However, tonight she noticed that the moon looked beautiful.She strolled home happily under the bright moon.",1 2199,2199,3789,He was so glad.,He yelled for his dad.,Noah was playing in his treehouse.He decided to come down for the day.But then he saw that his ladder had fallen and lay on the ground!Noah had no way to get down from the treehouse!,2 2200,2200,3790,The boy decided to go swimming.,He was shot by members of the other team.,"There was a boy with a paintball gun.He wasted all of his ammo.He was in the trenches trying to stay out of sight.Finally, he sprinted towards the flag.",2 2201,2201,3791,It helped her a lot.,Celina has no feet.,"Celina is very old.Her hips are always sore.It is hard for her to walk.One day, she obtained a walker.",1 2202,2202,3792,The River Shannon was beautiful.,That Neil was very stupid.,"Neil was visiting Limerick in Ireland.There, he saw a beautiful sight.He saw the large and lovely River Shannon!After a few minutes, he agreed with the locals.",1 2203,2203,3793,The team asked Jay if they could have burgers instead.,The team devoured the pizza and thanked Jay.,Jay's team had been practicing all week for the big game.None of the players looked like they knew what they were doing.Jay's team lost the big game handily.Jay bought the team pizza for trying so hard.,2 2204,2204,3794,Rachel went home and put the eyeliner on.,Rachel threw the eyeliner into the trash.,"Rachel really wanted some new make-up.However, she lacked money to purchase some.She went to the store and slipped some eyeliner into her purse.She walked out of the store without anyone catching her.",1 2205,2205,3795,She moves to the desert.,She is happy when it rains now.,Maxine is tired of always getting so wet when it rains outside.She considers moving somewhere without rainy but decides against it.Finally Maxine buys a great new red umbrella.She loves her new umbrella and she brings it everywhere.,2 2206,2206,3796,Misty was happy to have adopted the cat.,Misty did not want the cat.,"One day, Misty saw some something strange at church.Someone had left a beautiful, fluffy kitty on the church doorstep.Misty and her mommy took the kitty home and named him Huckle.Huckle proved a very funny kitty who liked to play with bags.",1 2207,2207,3797,Derek was happy to finally be out.,Derek did not want to leave.,"Derek is tired of living at home with his parents.One day, his friend suggested they move in together.He told his parents.That night, they packed his stuff.",1 2208,2208,3798,Veronica didn't care about her well being.,Veronica was trying to live more healthfully.,"Veronica knew she desperately needed to drink more water.She didn't really want to turn to flavored powder products.While searching for ideas online, she stumbled across a fruit infuser.She ordered the cool bottle that holds fruit to flavor the water.",2 2209,2209,3799,Alex hates playing video games.,Alex likes playing video games.,"After school, Alex went to his friend's house to play video games.Alex didn't have any video games himself so he was excited.Alex always loses when playing against his friend.However, he didn't care because Alex always has fun.",2 2210,2210,3800,I painted a picture of the whales.,I drove to New York that same night.,We spent our thirtieth anniversary on the California coast.It was chilly and foggy and drizzly.I had plans to spend time on the beach with my water colors.On our third day we discovered a family of whales near the pier.,1 2211,2211,3801,Jenny paid for her coffee with cash.,Jenny paid for the order of the person behind her.,"Jenny always likes to go to Starbucks.One day she was ordering her coffee.As she got to the window to pay, she was told it was already paid for.The person before her had paid.",2 2212,2212,3802,I think Law and Order is one of the worst shows ever made.,Eventually I watched them all.,I became a Law and Order fan in 2011.I was recovering from a stroke.When I got home I tried to watch every episode.It was hard trying to binge watch 20 Year's of a show.,2 2213,2213,3803,Bob told the man to leave him alone.,Bob asked the man for tea.,Everybody loved Bob because he played a popular character on film.Bob hated it because he was nothing like that character.Jim asked Bob to say his character's catch phrase.It was too much for Bob and he exploded with rage.,1 2214,2214,3804,Lita ordered a pepperoni pizza for lunch.,Lita folded the laundry while watching television.,Lita wanted to watch her favorite show on television.Her kids insisted that she sit down to watch it with them.Lita told them that she had chores to do.Her kids dragged her laundry basket to the living room.,2 2215,2215,3805,Liv decided to change a light bulb in the bathroom.,Liv then changed the light bulb.,Liv jumped as she was startled by a loud pop.She realized it was the light bulb in her kitchen burning out.She got out a footstool and stepped on to it.It wobbled under her and she almost fell.,2 2216,2216,3806,The mother felt quite frustrated.,The children's behavior calmed the mother down.,"Mother told her children it would be lunchtime in fifteen minutes.But then she got an important phone call.While she was talking, the dog dragged mud all over the kitchen.The kids started to pester their mother, who was still on the phone.",1 2217,2217,3807,Hector kept brewing his own coffee and saved money.,Hector started buying more coffee from Starbucks.,Hector has always bought coffee at a local shop before work.He realizes that his coffee buying habit is very expensive.One day Hector decides to brew coffee at home.He is proud that the coffee he made at home is so good.,1 2218,2218,3808,Kelly never talked to her again.,Kelly was happy to have made a new friend.,"Kelly found out there was a new girl at school.When she walked into the school she went looking for her.When she met her, she invited her to sit with her at lunch.When they ate lunch, the girls became friends.",2 2219,2219,3809,He was ashamed that he didn't get any recognition.,He was proud to finish first by age but tenth overall.,Tommy trained hard to run his first 5K.During the race he felt frustrated when so many people passed him.When he heard his name called during awards he was shocked.He didn't realize they would do awards by age group.,2 2220,2220,3810,Laurie went home crying.,Laurie ended the night by kissing her date.,Laurie is going to her first formal dance tonight.Her date picked her up and gave her a beautiful rose.Laurie wore a long sparkling dressed.They danced and had fun with all of their friends.,2 2221,2221,3811,Neil deleted all of his photos.,Neil saved the photos on his computer.,"Neil was exploring historic railroads.He rode into Scranton, Pennsylvania.He realized it was a beautiful old train depot.He took lots of photos while he was there.",2 2222,2222,3812,Bob loved the outfit so much that he showed it to his friends.,Bob went out after work wearing the sailor suit.,"Bob dreaded his first day working at a fast food fish joint.He planned to wait to put on his gaudy nautical uniform.Bob got to work making fish burgers after donning the uniform.He was so busy, he forgot to change back into his street clothes",2 2223,2223,3813,My dog bit her.,My dog ran away.,A friend came to visit.I told her that my dog bites.She did not listen.she tried to pet him and play with him.,1 2224,2224,3814,He hangs the picture on the wall in his living room.,He decides never to draw anything again.,Lester has always wanted to be more artistic.He decides to try to draw a picture of a flower one day.He sits in front of a beautiful orchid and begins to draw.Lester's drawing comes out very well.,1 2225,2225,3815,Pablo enjoys worms and views them as a delicacy.,Pablo does not enjoy eating worms.,Pablo likes to eat worms.He read a book in school on how to do this.He fries them in olive oil.He likes to do this at least once a month.,1 2226,2226,3816,She spent all the money on shoes.,It was the best trip of her life.,Kira always loved Japanese culture.Many of her favorite movies were in Japanese.She decided that she would travel there.For Years she saved money for her trip.,2 2227,2227,3817,Glen ran his best marathon time ever.,Glen swore he'd never walk again.,"Glen was in the mood for a walk.He put on his jacket and went outside.While walking on the sidewalk, he tripped and busted his knee open.Glen stood back up and limped back to his house.",2 2228,2228,3819,I told them it was okay and then walked away.,The driver of the car became very angry at me.,"I was walking to the store recently.As I was passing an exit, I felt cold, hard steel on my arm.I was shocked that I was being hit by a car!The driver was very apologetic after he saw I was hit.",1 2229,2229,3820,When they got home they all had ice cream.,Gina's sister went to the doctor.,"Gina's sister cut her ankle on broken glass.The blood ran down her foot and into her shoe.When she saw the blood she ran home.Gina ran behind her, but couldn't keep up.",2 2230,2230,3821,The little boy accepted that he would never improve.,"At the end of the year, he did well on his reading test.",A little boy was in the third grade.He was very smart but struggled with reading.Whenever he read out loud his classmates laughed at him.He started to practice reading every single day.,2 2231,2231,3822,Rosie's class shared the fruit salad.,Rosie kept the bowl of fruit salad in her fridge at home.,Rosie's class was having a little party.She decided to make a fruit salad for everyone.She spent lots of money on the fruit and lots of time preparing it.On the day of the party she scooped a huge bowl of the fruit salad up.,1 2232,2232,3823,The store gave her a fair price to fix it.,Kelly bought a new phone.,Kelly was happy to have her new phone.She took it with her everywhere.Unfortunately she smashed it.Thankfully however she was able to get it fixed.,1 2233,2233,3824,I have fond memories of that time.,I have negative memories of that time.,"While I was in college, I had met an older man.I was 22 and he was 38 years old.We had a good understanding and had a good time together.We stayed together the whole time I was there.",1 2234,2234,3826,The principal suspended her rowdy classmates.,Her classmates were given awards for their behavior.,Jackie has been designated eighth grade hall monitor.She is envied throughout the class.Classmates often put her job in jeopardy.They would steal Jackie's hall passes.,1 2235,2235,3827,I climbed out and me and my dad were ok.,We were both flattened by the vehicle.,My dad had just gotten a new car.To celebrate we all went for a drive.Another car ran a stop sign and crashed into us.I smacked the window hard enough to break it.,1 2236,2236,3829,The buzzer went off and his team won the game.,He attempted a three-pointer and missed.,"Alex was dribbling up the court, with his team down two points.He glanced at the scoreboard, and saw there was only 5 seconds left.His mind raced as he tried to find an open man.The defenders were sticking to his teammates like glue.",2 2237,2237,3830,I didn't mind what the kid was doing.,I asked him what his problem was.,"I came into the library and took a seat.When I looked around, I noticed a kid.He was staring at me for a while.I became frustrated and got up from by seat.",2 2238,2238,3831,Brant will cancel his plans to kidnap a child.,The couple will be happy to know they have a baby on the way.,"Iva and Brant were trying to conceive a child.They had been trying for six months with no success.At their doctor's appointment, they expressed discouragement.But then they saw the doctor smiling broadly.",2 2239,2239,3832,Catherine then began to practice every day and got good at it.,Catherine thought curling looked boring.,"Catherine has always been intrigued by the sport of Curling.Catherine loves watching the athletes play the sport on television.One day, Catherine decided she would visit a Curling practice session.At the practice, one of the athletes invited Catherine to play.",1 2240,2240,3833,Francis is really proud of his accomplishment.,Francis decides he would rather take public transportation.,Francis has always looked forward to learning how to drive.Finally he is old enough for a driver's license.Francis studies very hard to get a license.He passes his driver's test easily.,1 2241,2241,3834,I vowed never to see it again.,I wanted to see it again.,Yesterday I had a great time seeing The Nutcracker.I absolutely loved it.As the dancers graced the stage it was beautiful.I felt honored to have seen the show.,2 2242,2242,3835,I decided to go back to class again.,"When I got there, I took a nap.","I woke up for my class at 8:30 in the morning.I drowsily got out of bed and took a shower.I quickly ate breakfast and began to walk to class.After 50 minutes of class, I began to walk back to my dorm.",2 2243,2243,3836,"Gary slaps Lisa hard, and walks away.",Lisa confesses she also has a crush on Gary.,"Gary wanted to get Lisa's attention.One day he decides to write Lisa a Poem.The next day at school, Gary sees Lisa in the hallway.Gary gives Lisa a really big smile and hands her the poem.",2 2244,2244,3838,Lars fell in love with photography.,Lars hated photography.,"Lars had always wanted to try photography.His friend was an excellent photographer, but he had never tried.One day he bought a simple, but high quality, camera.From that day on, Lars shot images of nature every day.",1 2245,2245,3839,I was able to have it fixed with the warranty.,The employee was later found dead.,I bought a television from an electronics store.It is a big flatscreen with a high definition quality picture.The employee convinced me to buy a warranty for it just in case.A week later the television fell off my wall and broke.,1 2246,2246,3840,Ryan then popped the balloon on purpose.,Ryan then found the girl and gave her the balloon she lost.,"Ryan was at a park.And he saw a little girl holding a balloon.As he was leaving the park, he saw the same balloon stuck in a tree.He climbed the tree to retrieve the balloon.",2 2247,2247,3842,Neil had a great time.,Neil and Fez became best friends.,"Neil was touring the city of Fez.He tasted their ethnic cuisine.Then he went shopping for souvenirs.Fez had great street performers as well, he noted.",1 2248,2248,3843,I decided to take my dog to the back yard.,I let my dog go inside the house.,I needed to take my dog for a walk.My neighborhood requires a leash.I looked through my house for the leash.I could not find it.,1 2249,2249,3844,So he ran to the coffee shop.,Joe regret going outside.,"It was a bright, warm day.So Joe thought it would be nice to take a walk.He decided to walk to his local coffee shop.But halfway there, he started getting tired.",2 2250,2250,3845,In the box was a newborn baby.,Jen found her new coat inside the package.,Jen was waiting for a package all day.Finally she saw the UPS man walking up to the door.He delivered the package and she brought it inside.She opened the package with a knife.,2 2251,2251,3846,Frank lost his video games for a week.,Frank got an all new game.,Frank did not want to do his homework.He wanted to play video games instead.Frank's parents told him to do his homework first.Frank threw a tantrum and got punished.,1 2252,2252,3847,Timmy won the competition.,Timmy went to the driving range the day of competition.,Timmy was competing in the 3 point competition at his school.The winner would have a chance to win a $1000 college scholarship.Timmy practiced shooting 3 pointers all weekend.He was ready when the day of the competition arrived.,1 2253,2253,3848,And the host told him that he didn't know either.,Drake told the host he wanted to attend his parties again.,"Drake attended a party on Friday.He discovered that his wallet had been stolen from his coat.Drake immediately called the police, but the wallet was not found.Drake confronted the host of the party about the issue.",1 2254,2254,3849,Bob called someone to fix his flat tire.,Bob drove his truck to the market.,Bob discovered his truck had a flat tire.He had never changed a tire before.He got out the tire jack and iron.He couldn't remove the bolts.,1 2255,2255,3850,Now Jack actually enjoys replying to emails.,Jack now uses the postal service instead of email.,Jack is tired of writing emails on his tablet computer.He decides he needs to invest in a laptop.He researches different laptops until he has found the perfect one.Finally he buys it.,1 2256,2256,3851,Jake washed his hands.,Jake got the job.,Jake's hair was getting a bit too long.He had a job interview coming up.He asked his mother to cut his hair.His mother gave him a nicely cut professional looking haircut.,2 2257,2257,3852,I was really hurt.,I was really pleased.,"Sean came over today.Sam, Sean, and I played games.They started to get mad at me about how bad I was.They said I couldn't play anymore until I got better.",1 2258,2258,3853,Sarah delivered her letter herself.,Sarah's letter was soon heading to its destination.,Sarah wanted to mail a card.She went to the post office.She paid for stamps.She put the letter in an enveloped.,2 2259,2259,3854,Chuck decided to quit his job.,He then felt compelled to get back to work.,Chuck was tired from working.He closed his work for a while.He opened up the forum to chat with coworkers.After those nasty Zoltar hits he needed this break.,2 2260,2260,3855,Bob used his reusable grocery bags to go shopping.,Bob continued to use his plastic grocery bags to go shopping.,"Bob used plastic grocery bags to go shopping.Then, his friend told him that plastic is bad for the environment.Bob decided to forego his plastic bags.Bob invested in some reuseable grocery bags.",1 2261,2261,3856,Joe was very satisfied with the results.,The artist painted a Joe's cat.,Joe needed to get a portrait of himself for a project.He called up some local artists and asked their rates.One of the artists had reasonable rates.Joe made an appointment with that artist to do the portrait.,1 2262,2262,3857,Ann doubled the amount of cigarettes she smoked each day.,Ann was able to quit smoking successfully.,Ann was trying to quit smoking.She made several attempts but always failed.Then she applied to nicotine patch to help her.And help her it did!,2 2263,2263,3858,Jen saw her books burning in the fireplace.,The room was full of shelves of books that appealed to girls.,Jen got sent to her aunt's for the summer.She hated the thought of being away from her local library all summer.She took a few books with her but she would go through those quickly.When she arrived her aunt took her into a special room in her home.,2 2264,2264,3859,Rob felt refreshed after his colonoscopy.,Rob was bummed when the cute nurse wasn't in that day.,Yesterday was Rob's tooth cleaning.He is normally really afraid of dentists.But there's a cute new nurse at the office.So he was excited to go.,2 2265,2265,3860,Joe wanted to chew more rocks.,Joe decided not to eat dirt again.,Joe loved to eat dirt.He would make mud pies every chance he got.He was eating a pie when he felt something very hard in his mouth.Joe had bitten down on a rock and knocked out his tooth.,2 2266,2266,3861,Rob had generous friends.,Rob's friends were thoughtless.,Rob has never been on a rollercoaster.Rob's friends offered him a free ticket to six flags.Rob decided he may as well join.They all went and waited a long line.,1 2267,2267,3862,Sam answered the phone.,Carly ordered take-out over the phone.,Carly was waiting for Sam to call her.He promised to on Friday.It was now late Saturday and she hadn't heard anything.Finally she decided to call him.,1 2268,2268,3863,Amy grinned with delight.,Amy walked out of the room and left the house.,"Amy came home from school on her birthday to an empty house.She was upset that everyone had forgotten her special day.She walked sadly into the living room.Suddenly, her friends and family jumped out from their hiding spots.",1 2269,2269,3864,Pan finally stopped.,I gave Pan a big hug.,"Pan tried to hit me for no apparent reason.As mad I was, I simply defended her punch.She continued to throw her fist at me.In efforts to stop her, I threw her on the ground.",1 2270,2270,3866,"One night, Pam let her cats inside her home.","One night, Pam decided to release the dogs.","Pam and Tom's baby was a light sleeper.Their thoughtless neighbor often left his dog outside barking all day.Every time Pam got her baby to sleep, the dog started barking.Pam fantasized about unleashing the dog so it would run away.",2 2271,2271,3867,She dropped out of school.,She even liked all of her professors.,May was accepted to college in Fredonia.She took the bus to her new school.She explored the campus.She loved everything she saw.,2 2272,2272,3868,"After seeing her expression, the dentist was able help Mary.",Mary left the dentist in a great mood.,Mary needed to have teeth pulled.She wanted the dentist to put her to sleep.All he could do was numb the area with Novocaine.Mary stared at him in horror.,1 2273,2273,3869,Ford was sad that he achieved so much.,Ford was proud of his accomplishments.,"Ford was proud of his high GPA.He worked every evening on assignments in order to improve it.Ford's friends warned him that he was missing out on fun.Later in life, Ford became a successful lawyer.",2 2274,2274,3870,I decided to change.,I am unmarried.,My wife says I lack passion.That I don't have many hobbies or interests.I tried to argue but couldn't.I realized she was right.,1 2275,2275,3871,Nina bought a toy.,Nina was excited.,Nina wanted a nice Halloween costume.But she could not afford anything fancy.She looked through her house for ideas.Then she found a great costume for free.,2 2276,2276,3872,Veronika did not like the tree house very much.,Veronika decides to visit the tree house more often.,Veronika liked hiking in the woods.One day she was on a trail and found a tree house.She climbed the ladder and was amazed at all the stuff in the house.It was fully furnished with a furniture and blankets.,2 2277,2277,3873,Tracey ran back home.,Tracey shrugged off her fall.,It was a beautiful spring day in early March.Tracey decided to go for a walk in the woods behind her house.She was heard a woodpecker and began looking for it in the trees.She tripped over a root and fell on the path.,2 2278,2278,3874,He said no and left the gas station.,He decided to go for a run.,"Bob was really thirsty and wanted a soda.Unfortunately, he didn't have any money.Bob walked into a gas station and asked if he could have a soda.The cashier asked him if he had any money.",1 2279,2279,3875,Jim saw his wife after an hour.,Jim drove away before his wife showed.,Jim was waiting at the airport.His wife would be there in an hour.He was very bored.He then decided to catch up on his book.,1 2280,2280,3876,Joe was still very proud of his hard work.,Joe decided he didn't want to go to college.,"Joe really wanted to attend Columbia University.He worked really hard in school, was on the soccer team.He got put on the waiting list.Although he was disappointed, he tried his best to the very end.",1 2281,2281,3877,Gina checked on ebay and found one she could afford.,Gina mowed the whole yard and had no help from anyone.,Gina's friend Tami had a folder she didn't want anyone else to have.Gina wanted one but didn't know where to buy one.Now Tami had a new Lisa Frank Trapper Keeper.Gina was jealous since she wanted one too.,1 2282,2282,3878,Leah decided she liked the tree on the floor better than standing.,Leah chastised her cat.,"Leah had a beautiful Christmas tree in her house.One day, she left to go to the store.When she returned, the tree was knocked over.Her cat had climbed it and pulled it down!",2 2283,2283,3879,Peter thought it might even be more comfortable than the old one.,Peter let his dog use the chair for its own.,"Peter had used the same chair for Years.It was becoming worn out.He decided to buy a new, more comfortable chair.When it arrived Peter was very happy.",1 2284,2284,3880,Rex went on a long journey across the ocean.,Everyone enjoyed the cheese and bread.,Rex is getting ready for a party tonight.He realizes he hasn't prepared anything for guests to eat with cheese.Rex runs out to get a baguette.He slices it into thin even slices to make it easy to eat.,2 2285,2285,3882,The crowd booed the team loudly.,The crowd all stood up in their seats and applauded wildly.,The football team had worked hard all season.They had won every game and made it to the championship.There were only seconds left on the clock and the game was tied.The quarterback through a long pass and the receiver scored.,2 2286,2286,3883,My wife and I were very unhappy to lose our internet connection.,We loved the strong wind and lack of sleep.,"We live in a high rise building.One day the wind was strong, partly due to the height of the building.The wind blew the tree branches so much my wife could not sleep.The wind also knocked down the internet cable.",1 2287,2287,3884,Then she cancelled her order.,Then her keyboard arrived in the mail.,Kate wanted to buy a new keyboard for her computer.She saved up for months to afford a good keyboard.Kate finally went online and ordered her keyboard!She waited excitedly for days for its arrival.,2 2288,2288,3885,Jon accepted.,Jon rejected the offer.,"Jon graduated from college and began his job search.He applied for jobs in his field every day.Three weeks after he began, he got a call.The person calling asked if he would be interested in an interview.",1 2289,2289,3886,Julie happily accepted!,Julie punched her friend in the eye.,Julie loved to read anything she could get her hands on.Most of her time was spent in the library.Her favorite library was staffed by Miss Watson.Miss Watson saw Julie's love of books and offered her a job.,1 2290,2290,3887,Amy was really excited to be at the park.,Amy thought the park was boring.,Amy's family was going to Six Flags.She sat patiently in the car waiting to arrive.When the arrived she sat on her knees surveying the park.She waited in line for an hour to ride the largest roller coaster.,1 2291,2291,3890,The profits from the book sales gave Bob enough money to eat.,The public reaction to the book means Bob still goes hungry.,Bob needed money to buy food.He was sad that he couldn't eat because he had no money.He decided to write a book about his hard life.People immediately praised the book and bought thousands of copies!,1 2292,2292,3891,I've never been happier.,I'm really disappointed in myself.,I just completed my first marathon today.It was about six miles and I worked real hard.I trained for it for about three months.It's always been on my to do list in life,1 2293,2293,3892,Bobby was five years old.,Bobby was thirty-five years old.,"Bobby folded his fruit roll-up into the shape of an airplane.He wound up his arm and threw roll-up airplane as hard as he could.It was far too heavy, though, and fell like a brick.Bobby decided that planes should be made out of paper.",1 2294,2294,3893,His dad laughed because the star was really a jet with lights.,Sam's dad was glad his son was interested in geology.,"Sam was stargazing one night.Suddenly he sat bolt upright.He saw a twinkling, moving star!He ran to show it to his dad.",1 2295,2295,3894,He started screaming obscenities at Meg.,He asked her to marry him.,"John and Meg had dated for five Year's.John loved Meg, and wanted to marry her.He decided to ask her to marry him tonight, after a movie date.When they walked out of the movies, he suddenly dropped to his knees.",2 2296,2296,3895,Bobby was upset that he got the bananas.,Bobby went into the shed to get a ladder to get the bananas.,"A beautiful bunch of bananas dangled just out of reach.Bobby tried throwing his shoe, but it got stuck.He tried climbing the tree, but he fell.Next, he whacked furiously with a hoe, but it was too short to reach.",2 2297,2297,3896,Beth needed to rest.,Beth played football on her Friday off.,Beth was recovering from an illness.She was finally able to eat food after 4 days.Although she was better she wasn't well.She decided to take Friday off from school and take time to heal.,1 2298,2298,3897,Rhonda then decided to eat lunch and return emails.,"Sadly, they were ruined and Rhonda had to buy a new pair.","Rhonda bought some new pink socks to wear.She loved them.When she took them off, though, they got mixed in with other laundry.On laundry day she washed her clothes without sorting them.",2 2299,2299,3898,Marcus was so thrilled that he started dancing.,Marcus then vomited from sea sickness.,The sea was frightening during a storm.Marcus hated the way the boat rose up and crashed down.It made him sick to his stomach.He cowered in his cabin and shut his eyes but it didn't help.,2 2300,2300,3899,"She cuddled with the adorable puppy, happy to see it.",The kitten was very cute.,"Yesterday, Anna decided to take a nap.She got comfortable in her chair and closed her eyes.Just as she fell asleep, her daughter's puppy jumped into her lap!She was very surprised.",1 2301,2301,3900,Chuck was upset.,Chuck was happy that place finally closed down.,Chuck loves this bar by his house.He goes there all the time with friends.He was on his way there one day and noticed it was closed.It had been put out of business.,1 2302,2302,3901,Steve completed his crossword puzzle in record time.,"While thinking, Steve came up with an idea for a novel.","Steve was sitting in the cafe.While at the cafe, he usually read a book.However, today he forgot his book.He had no choice but to do a lot of thinking.",2 2303,2303,3902,John then proceeded to assault the officer.,The officer was understanding.,John was driving to the store when he realized he forgot his wallet.His driver's license was in the wallet.Police lights started flashing behind him.After pulling over he told the officer he forgot his wallet at home.,2 2304,2304,3903,He felt pride in his accomplishment.,Tom was upset that he did poorly.,"Tom enjoyed puzzles growing up.He was not just outside of the escape room adventure.He calmed his breathing and readied himself mentally.Thirty minutes later, he exited the escape room in record time.",1 2305,2305,3904,She enjoyed the song.,Gina got dressed and left for work.,Gina was bored while cleaning her room.But it had to be done.She decided to turn on the radio.There was a song she never heard before.,1 2306,2306,3905,The roof was completely fine.,The janitor was frightened.,A small snowstorm came through a town.The school roof buckled under the weight.A janitor climbed on top to inspect.The roof shook under the new weight.,2 2307,2307,3906,I hated my birthday.,It was the best birthday party ever.,My birthday was yesterday.To my surprise my friends planned a party for me.I could not believe it.The party was very fun.,2 2308,2308,3907,It was gross.,It smelled so good that I ate it.,"My mother threw out her old dictionary.I retrieved it from the trash.Sitting with it, I found myself smelling it.It reminded me of the scent of an old library.",1 2309,2309,3908,We have many fond memories of this childhood trip.,I have no memory of going to Paragon Park.,"Our parents took us to Paragon Park in 1963.We took a ferry from Rowes Wharf in Boston.We rode the carousel, the whip, and the caterpillar.We played skeeball.",1 2310,2310,3909,"One day, I decided to buy the movie.",I did not like the Wizard of Oz.,"My favorite movie is the Wizard of Oz.I used to think it was real when I was young.Whenever I watched it, I felt immersed in the movie.The characters took me away into the Land of Oz.",1 2311,2311,3910,Mary Ann got a rash from one of them because it was poison ivy.,Mary Ann finished making her salad and enjoyed eating it.,Mary Ann went for a walk on a trail at the park.She passed people with children and animals.She passed people jogging and riding bikes.She saw a lot of plants.,1 2312,2312,3911,He cuddled up to the dog.,The dog found him and mauled him.,"One day, a dog moved into a family that had two cats.One cat didn't mind the new dog, but the other cat was scared.He meowed loudly and scratched the dog's nose.He leaped from one side of the room to the other to escape the dog.",2 2313,2313,3912,They gave me a big illustrated book on African animals.,They gave me a book on the history of the computer.,My favorite animal is the Arabian Oryx.I can't usually see them because it's an African antelope.I have to go to zoos.My family bought me a nice present for my birthday this year.,1 2314,2314,3913,She ended up making a bad grade on the assignment.,She played basketball with her friends all afternoon.,"Everyday, I nag my daughter to do her homework.I finally decided that it is her own responsibility.Sure enough, she didn't do it one evening.I sent her to bed anyway, knowing she would get in trouble at school.",1 2315,2315,3914,The young boy went home disappointed.,The coach offered the boy the starting pitcher position.,A young boy wanted to pitch for his baseball team.He practiced a lot with his brothers.At practice his coach let him try out as pitcher.The boy did not do well.,1 2316,2316,3915,Sarah began to watch tv.,Sarah found spoiled milk on her desk.,Sue woke up in the middle of the night to an awful smell.She could not figure out what it was.She looked around the room.Then she noticed saw it.,2 2317,2317,3916,Mark hoped the procedure would stop his dental pain.,Mark's coworker told him he wasn't going to vote in the election.,Mark notices that his teeth are beginning to hurt one day.He decides to visit his dentist to see what is the matter.The dentist tells Mark that he needs to have his wisdom teeth removed.Mark agrees to have the surgery done.,1 2318,2318,3917,Lulu turned off the dishwasher.,Lulu turned on the dishwasher.,"Lulu had just moved into her new home.She had a dishwasher for the first time.She decided to run a load of dishes that night.In the compartment, she poured some dish soap.",2 2319,2319,3918,Bill was proud of his work.,Bill searched for the cows.,Farmer Bill called out the the cows in the field.The came running in for their food.Bill poured out some grains for the cows in big bins.The cows happily ate their dinner.,1 2320,2320,3919,"He agreed,",Terry's sister decided to get surgery on her thumb.,"Terry left the hospital frustrated and disheartened.He had trouble opening his car door with a broken thumb.At home, he asked his sister to loan him money for surgery.She agreed on the condition that he get a job with insurance.",1 2321,2321,3920,Mary's boss is happy with her sale.,Mary is sad she sold a car.,"Mary has worked at a car dealership for two Year's without selling.Her boss tells her that she needs to sell a car soon.One day a couple comes into the dealership and asks to see a car.Mary sells them a very big, expensive car.",1 2322,2322,3921,Brie was glad they had become friends.,Brie hated cheese.,"Brie and her cat moved in with her boyfriend and his cat.The two cats hated each other.They spent most of their hissing each other.One night, six months later, the cats decided to cuddle.",1 2323,2323,3922,He installed a beautiful new kitchen floor for his home.,Tim returned the tiles to the store the next day.,Tim needed a new kitchen floor.His was old and cracked.So he went shopping for new tiles.He found great tiles and brought them home.,1 2324,2324,3923,Dave checks the internet for more concerts the he will like.,Dave took control of the helicopter and landed on the field.,"Dave decided one day he wanted to go see a nickelback show.He ordered a few tickets.He then invited some of his friends.They all went to the show, and had a good time",1 2325,2325,3924,They rejoiced at the sight.,They mourned for losses.,There is a cemetery with 199 grave stones.12 men brought a casket.12 men put the casket in the ground.Men and women wept together.,2 2326,2326,3925,Joe eventually won the fight.,Joe finished the fight with no cuts or injuries.,Joe felt confident going into his boxing match.He dominated the first four rounds.He got hit with a left hook that cut his eye in the fifth.The last seven rounds were a back and forth affair.,1 2327,2327,3926,Jimmy felt sick to his stomach.,Jimmy ate another chip from the bag.,"The nastiest thing happened to Jimmy.He picked up a bag of potato chips from his bedroom floor.On his way out the door, he ate some chips.Outside, his friend said, why are there ants crawling on your bag?",1 2328,2328,3927,My son and I did not do well.,My son was happy that we won.,"My son participated in a cub scout toy car derby.Father and son teams designed small matchbox cars.Some teams designed fancy cars.We designed a simple car, which actually won the derby.",2 2329,2329,3928,He eventually made the team.,He decided not to try out for the team.,Brian tried out for the hockey team this year.Unfortunately he did not make the team.The coach said that he needed to be faster on skates.Brian spent all winter working on his speed skating.,1 2330,2330,3929,Kelly grabbed a tree and hung on tight.,Kelly was able to ski uphill on the avalanche.,Kelly was skiing when suddenly she heard a large commotion behind her.She looked back and saw a wall of snow coming towards her.She panicked and started skiing faster down the slope.As the avalanche caught up to her she quickly jumped into some trees.,1 2331,2331,3930,Harry was glad he saw the movie with his friends.,Harry really liked the movie.,Harry really wanted to see the new Star Wars movie.He waited in line at the box office on opening day.He was able to buy a ticket for himself.He watched the entire movie.,2 2332,2332,3931,"He was fired that same day, and walked out of the building.",He realized he would fit in perfectly at the new job.,Mark was starting a new job the next day.He was nervous about being around so many strangers.He barely slept any the night before due to anxiety.When he entered the building he was greeted warmly by many people.,2 2333,2333,3932,Ellen was horribly afraid.,Ellen felt really calm.,"Ellen had a baby daughter who slept in a crib in her own room.One morning Ellen did not hear her baby fussing, so she went to check.Her daughter was not moving or breathing!Ellen called the police in a terrible panic.",1 2334,2334,3933,Pearl's sister hoped to please her.,Pearl's sister was seeking revenge.,Pearl collected CDs with ugly cover art.She prized a jazz CD with two dolphins photoshopped together.Her sister stole the CD while angry with her.Pearl's heart sank and she implored her sister to return it.,2 2335,2335,3934,Anna watched the sea life and thought about the wonder of nature.,Anna felt disappointed by her trip to the shore.,"Anna went to the beach.The tide drew out, and she saw a tide pool.She went to inspect it, and she was amazed at all the life in it.There were fish, sea urchins, starfish - it was incredible!",1 2336,2336,3935,Brianna hated s'mores.,Brianna loved s'mores.,"Brianna complained bitterly when her family went camping.It would ruin her hair and nails and there was no tv.However, she forgot these things when she tasted her first S'MORE.Munching her treat, she gazed at the huge, starry sky in awe.",2 2337,2337,3936,Shay was finally found weeks later in the woods.,Shay felt overwhelming relief.,Shay was hiking in the woods.Then she realized she was lost!She tried not to panic.She retraced her steps until she found her way back to camp.,2 2338,2338,3937,He decided perhaps basketball was not for him.,The next morning he found he'd made the front page of the paper.,Troy was the best player on his basketball team.His team was playing in the championship game tonight.Troy scored 56 points to win the game for his team.He carried a huge trophy after the game.,2 2339,2339,3938,They figured out which restaurant it was.,They went back to eat at the same restaurant.,Simon got food poisoning.He thought back on all the restaurants he's recently visited.He called his friends who ate with him on these occasions.One of his friends informed him he was also sick with food poisoning.,1 2340,2340,3939,Arnold was calm and happy to the see the bird.,Arnold screamed in terror!,Arnold was scared of birds.One day he was at a picnic.A bird was flying in the distance.It landed on his food.,2 2341,2341,3941,To cheer him up Kip's parents took him to Florida.,Kip dreamed of snowflakes.,Kip was disappointed there wasn't any snow.He whined to his parents that it just wasn't Christmas without it.They told him to go to bed.Kip stomped his way to his room and eventually fell asleep.,2 2342,2342,3942,He gives up because it's too hard.,He gets better with every lesson.,"Ben has always wanted to learn how to play piano.Now that his children are grown up, he has more spare time.Ben enrolls in a piano class with a local tutor.Although it is difficult, he is dedicated to learning.",2 2343,2343,3943,They praised him.,The bully was expelled.,Benson was bullied at school by another boy.Benson began losing sleep about it.He finally told his teachers at school about it.The teachers approached the bully about the problem.,2 2344,2344,3944,I put the box back and found another place to dig.,I was so happy.,"My father and I were making space for plants in the backyard.We dug for several minutes trying to make room.I found a box that was buried in the ground.When I looked inside, there was a dead animal.",1 2345,2345,3945,"She traveled home to see Sam, and they missed each other!","She broke up with Sam, leaving him heartbroken.","Karen had gone away for school, leaving behind her partner Sam.Sam was missing Karen, but he had a plan to fix that.On a long weekend, Sam took the train upstate to go visit Karen.Karen who was missing Sam, had a plan to fix it as well.",1 2346,2346,3946,Joey hated camping.,Then he roasted marshmallows.,Joey was camping with his friends.He wanted to start a fire to roast marshmallows.He found some sticks and logs in the woods.He used a match to light the logs.,2 2347,2347,3947,She ate a huge lunch.,She threw up in the toilet.,Diana cleans offices buildings for a living.She washes toilets and scrubs floors.On Friday she was really sick and nauseous at work.She couldn't take the day off.,2 2348,2348,3948,Everyone was impressed that Jason had become bilingual.,Jason's best friend was not impressed.,"Jason's best friend is getting married in India next year.Jason decides that he wants to learn Hindi before the wedding.He hires a tutor and practices speaking Hindi every day.When the wedding day arrives, Jason is fluent in Hindi!",1 2349,2349,3949,She was mad because Todd wouldn't stop talking.,She decided not to speak to Todd either.,Todd and Ashley were dating.Todd got irritated with Ashley.He gave her the silent treatment.Ashley got upset.,2 2350,2350,3950,We hate parties.,We had a great time!,"My friends and I got invited to a party at college.We got all dressed up for the exciting event.We were all so excited to have fun!At the party, we danced the whole time.",2 2351,2351,3951,They handed them around to all the neighbors.,They gave all the hamburgers to passerby.,Kelly and her friends decided to have a baking party.The girls decided to bake some cookies.They baked chocolate and oatmeal cookies.After they were done they wrapped them in bags.,1 2352,2352,3952,She ended up being very poor.,This proves girls tell the truth all the time.,Girls are a lot of trouble.Sometimes they say things they do not mean.Last one I talked to lied to me.She told me she was rich.,1 2353,2353,3953,School stayed open longer than usual.,School was cancelled.,It was a very cold day.The snow was coming down very hard for many hours.The people of Lansing were stuck in their homes without power.The storm brought three feet of snow to the city.,2 2354,2354,3954,Larry was mad about his score.,Larry was excited to have scored his first hole in one.,Larry was playing golf with his father.Larry was feeling really energetic from his coffee earlier.He hit the ball as hard as he could on his first swing.Larry got a hole in one!,2 2355,2355,3955,She didn't want to binge eat out of depression.,She is very happy no one gave her gifts.,"Candy woke up excited because it was her birthday.But the whole day went by and no one gave her any gifts.She began to feel depressed and thought everyone had forgotten.Later, she got hungry and headed for the kitchen, but stopped.",1 2356,2356,3956,I decided to go for a run.,I went to the interview and was happy to get the job.,"Recently, I became very unhappy with my job.I decided to look around for a new one so I would be happy.I applied to many different places.One place called me back and I went for an interview.",2 2357,2357,3957,She spent the money on going out to eat.,She bought and enjoyed the shoes.,"Lindsey really wanted a new pair of shoes.The shoes were very expensive.She decided to save up her money.After several weeks, she could get the shoes.",2 2358,2358,3958,Ora took a bath.,Ora took a shower.,Ora had been dared not to shower in order to join a sorority.She couldn't imagine going without clean water for a week!Then she thought of a loophole.They hadn't said Ora couldn't take a bath!,1 2359,2359,3959,Allison plans to pay bingo again in the future.,Allison thinks bingo is boring.,On Allison's 25th birthday her family took her to bingo.She had never played before and was nervous.After they showed her how to play she was excited to begin.On the fourth game she got a bingo.,1 2360,2360,3960,Nya missed the parade altogether.,Nya was excited to be able to watch the parade.,Nya wanted to see the parade downtown.She caught three buses.Then she took the subway.She made it downtown just in time.,2 2361,2361,3961,Madeline was upset with her new purchase.,Madeline's mother happily bought the bag for her.,Madeline was thrilled to get a new purse at Saks.Her mother took her to the bag department.Madeline immediately saw a pink bag she loved.She could not believe how amazing it was.,2 2362,2362,3962,So Tom moved the plant to a window.,Tom closed his windows to block out as much sunlight as possible.,Tom bought a new plant.He kept it by his bed.The plant stopped growing.His mother said it needed sunlight.,1 2363,2363,3963,Ranger fans want him to go away.,Ranger fans are looking forward to his return.,"Yu Darvish is a pitcher for the Texas Rangers.For the last two seasons he has been injured.According to reports, he is finally healthy and able to play.Ranger fans are hopeful he will be a leader for their pitchers.",2 2364,2364,3964,Avery dropped out of school.,Avery finished her project early.,Avery received a homework assignment due in two weeks.She immediately read through the task.She made a schedule and broke it up into tasks for each day.She completed the tasks on their scheduled day.,2 2365,2365,3965,Chester immediately threw out the shirt he bought.,Chester was very pleased with the shirt he bought.,"Chester decides to go to the mall one afternoon.He does not intend on buying anything, but just wants to walk around.However, he sees a very nice shirt on sale.Chester buys the shirt because the price is so good.",2 2366,2366,3966,Gina wished she hadn't wasted her day.,Gina was glad she had wasted her day.,Gina realized she needed to get to work on her report.She had wasted the whole day and only had one left to complete it.She sat down and began to work.Her mother wanted her to wash the dishes.,1 2367,2367,3967,All my clothes smell great.,I will do laundry right now.,Tuesdays are laundry days at my apartment.We have been too busy the last couple of Tuesdays.Now we have almost no clean clothes left.I'm dressed foolishly and still smell bad.,2 2368,2368,3968,He was happy.,He was disappointed.,It was a beautiful summer day outside.Bob decided to go for a walk at the park.Bob walked along the path and admired the scenery.He found a twenty dollar bill on the ground.,1 2369,2369,3969,They were so relieved.,They were disappointed.,"Meghan and Scott wanted to see their favorite band play in a concert.Tickets went on sale online and the server was very busy.Meghan and Scott were trying hard to buy tickets.Just when the concert was almost sold out, Meghan found two tickets.",1 2370,2370,3970,They walked around campus and got invited to a party.,He thought college was going to be miserable.,"John had just graduated high school, and was about to go to college.His mom helped him pack all his stuff, and he drove away.When he got there, he went to check out his dorm.His new roommate was there, and they hit it off.",1 2371,2371,3971,She listened to a book while she ran.,She was glad she is never bored of music.,"Jackie had been a long distance runner for many Year's.Despite her very full iPod, she became bored with music.One of her running friends recommended an audible book.She loaded a new release to her iPod.",1 2372,2372,3972,She lasted the whole night.,She turned on the stove and made herself dinner.,Ari's friends dared her to spend the night in the local haunted house.Ari tentatively agreed.She climbed in through the house's window.Then she snuggled up with her blanket in the corner.,1 2373,2373,3973,Sam had no car.,Sam was unhappy.,Sam drove around with his high beams on.One of his headlights was out and he thought it was safer.He was pulled over last night.The cop gave him a ticket and told him to fix it.,2 2374,2374,3975,Winter is the season that sees the most skiers.,By the time she got home it had become warmer due to spring.,Jan was tired of winter and cold weather.She saw a commercial advertising a car that would be great for a trip.She bought the car and planned the trip on a map.She drove all over the state of Florida.,2 2375,2375,3976,He was happy to be in Iran.,"He left immediately.,",Neil had just arrived in Iran.He was enthralled with the cities and countryside.He thought the mountains were so beautiful.The language and people were wonderful too.,1 2376,2376,3977,The girl said yes to Andrew.,The girl cried hysterically.,Andrew had been single for many Year's.While he wanted a girlfriend he did not know how to approach anyone.Finally a friend introduced Andrew to a nice young lady.Andrew asked her out on a date.,1 2377,2377,3978,Amy then left the airplane and drove home.,She boarded her flight just in time.,Amy was running late for her flight.She hurried through airport security.She could hear her name over the speaker near her gate.She ran top speed and greeted annoyed stewardess.,2 2378,2378,3979,Ana was extremely pale.,Ana was extremely sunburnt.,Ana was tanning on the beach.She dozed off in the warm sun.She woke three hours later.Her eyes widened as she looked in the mirror.,2 2379,2379,3980,Paul was very frustrated.,Paul was very pleased with his results.,Paul felt brave so he tried to join the Army.The Army said he was too weak to join.Paul was undeterred so he then tried to join the Navy.The Navy refused him because Paul couldn't swim.,1 2380,2380,3981,The mouse got away.,The cat decided to lay down and take a nap.,"The cat chased the mouse across the empty warehouse.Running in fear, the rodent moved as fast as it could.The larger feline stayed close behind.It was terrified.",1 2381,2381,3982,Neil found the trip stimulating.,Neil found the trip dull.,"Neil flew into Russia.There, he visited tourist sites and saw friendly locals.He found that Russia was colorful and vibrant.It also had a great and rich history.",1 2382,2382,3983,Mary was very happy.,Mary felt unappreciated.,Mary makes candles.She enjoys this as a hobby.Mary took one to her friend as a gift.Everyone loved the candles and asked to buy one.,1 2383,2383,3984,Gina and her sister had a great time together.,Gina disliked spending time with her sister.,It was summer and Gina and her sister were bored.They decided to watch music videos.There was the music video channel or the black entertainment channel.They chose to watch the black entertainment channel.,1 2384,2384,3985,I went to swim and enjoy the sunshine.,"My plans were ruined, and I went home.","I was really excited I was going to the beach.I made sure to pack everything up in my car.I drove there and put on my swim trunks.When I came out of the dressing room, it started to rain.",2 2385,2385,3986,Arnold loved his girlfriend's cats.,Arnold dumped his girlfriend.,Arnold was scared of cats.He thinks all of them are creepy.One day he visited his girlfriend's house.His girlfriend has a cat.,2 2386,2386,3987,Leah gets fired.,Leah gets the job.,Leah is a full time college student who wants a part time job.Leah searches craigslist and finds an entry level position.Leah applies and the next day get a call for an interview.Leah goes to the interview and does really well.,2 2387,2387,3988,I bought every mouse they had.,Because I'm a cheapskate it suited me well.,Yesterday I went to toys r us.I had to get gifts for my cousins.I loaded my cart up.Thankfully I found out they had a sale.,2 2388,2388,3989,Bob felt very energized.,Bob decided to stay at a nearby hotel for the night.,"Bob was driving from Texas to Florida.He refused to stop at hotels for a break.After fifteen hours of driving, he was tired.He began to fall asleep.",2 2389,2389,3990,I cheered when the Beatle came under the spotlight.,I began to tremble uncontrollably with terror and dread.,I got my concert tickets.I drove to Chicago.I could not believe I was seeing a Beatle.I was 30 rows from the front of the stage.,1 2390,2390,3991,Maggie's cat was dead.,It was the bat.,"Maggie noticed a bat was flying around her ceiling.She panicked and didn't know what to do.She decided to hide in her room and call the exterminator.Suddenly, her cat comes in her room holding something in his mouth.",2 2391,2391,3992,Joe liked how the blinds let in the warmth and light.,Joe was pleased when he put up the new blinds.,It was summer.And Jeff's room was very hot.He saw dark blinds advertised to block heat.And he thought it would make a noticeable difference.,2 2392,2392,3993,Joey knew everybody was just teasing him.,Joey took his baseball and went home.,"Joey's uncle showed him a marble.He teased Joey and said it was his glass eye.Later, Joey played marbles with friends.One boy said his marble was a cat's eye.",1 2393,2393,3994,They waited until the incident was over.,They then played heads down thumbs up.,"Around 11am, the school's fire alarm went off.Rushing towards the door, the students stopped when gunshots rang out.Then the teacher instructed them to hide under their desks.Diving under their desks, the students were petrified.",1 2394,2394,3995,He made sure to buy rechargeable batteries this time.,He made sure all of his bills were paid on time.,Jeffries's remote ran out of batteries.It stopped working completely.He needed to replace them.So he went to the store to buy some more.,1 2395,2395,3996,Now I can bike 30 miles.,I am so out of shape I can't even bike a mile.,I've always wanted to be able to bike thirty miles at one time.Right now I can only bike about twenty miles at once.I got myself a biking trainer who helped me make progress.I worked hard for a few months and ate all the right foods.,1 2396,2396,3997,That was the best trip of my life.,I decided never to go camping again.,"My family has always loved camping, me not so much.The summer I was 19 was the last time I camped.First our car broke down and we were stranded in the heat for hours.I burned my hand cooking dinner, fell in the lake and eaten by bugs.",2 2397,2397,3998,I was worried about my grade.,I was sure I would get an A if I didn't turn in my essay.,"My professor assigned my class an essay.By the time I left the classroom, I had forgotten about it.A few days later, my classmate messaged me to ask if I had done it.I was so upset because I had totally forgotten!",1 2398,2398,3999,Sally hopes to lose her job.,Sally hopes her boss will keep her.,Sally believes her boss is trying to fire her.She stays late to make sure her work is correct.Sally is still on edge.She decides to set up a meeting with her boss.,2 2399,2399,4000,We found we made a mess in the kitchen.,We decided to sell our candy to a local boutique.,"We decided we would learn to make candy.We checked out a book on the subject and read up.Then, we set to work trying.We realized greatly overestimated how hard it was to make candy.",1 2400,2400,4001,Will started to listen to his teacher.,Will wanted to be a janitor.,"Will was very wild in kindergarten, and did not listen to his teacher.His father was very upset with him.He pointed to the school janitor, and told Will that was his future.Will did not want to clean up the school bathrooms.",1 2401,2401,4002,Emily was reprimanded by her parents.,Emily's parents cheered her on.,"Emily was very nervous to get her shots at the doctor's office.She hid under the table and cried.When the nurse gave her the shot, Emily reached out and hit her.Both Emily and the nurse were surprised and in pain.",1 2402,2402,4003,We enthusiastically played the game till it got dark.,We put the gear away and went our separate ways.,My friends and I were playing outside.We wanted to play a new game.We decided to play street hockey since we weren't familiar with it.We went outside and got out gear.,1 2403,2403,4004,I was successful.,I decided to quit using the computer.,"One day, my computer mouse stopped working.I went to the store to buy a new one.Every mouse I found was too expensive.I went home and decided to try and fix my mouse.",1 2404,2404,4005,She was the first person to arrive.,I was better for her to be late than to be unprepared.,Samantha was driving to class.She noticed that she forgot her textbook at home.She drove back home in order to get it.She arrived in class 25 minutes late.,2 2405,2405,4006,I thought Jack was very polite.,I thought Jack was very rude.,It was my first time skiing and I was not doing well.I skied directly in the path of another skier.We collided and both fell to the ground.The other skier told me his name was Jack and it was nice to meet me.,1 2406,2406,4007,Gabe decided to purchase a desk for his room.,He polished the wood after he built the desk.,Gabe needed a desk in his room.But he didn't have a lot of money.He found plywood in his garage.So he made a desk out of it.,2 2407,2407,4008,Rick refuses to even think about going camping now.,Rick petted the snake happily.,"Rick told his friends that he hated camping.They bugged him until he went camping anyway.One night, he awoke to a snake in his tent.He ran screaming from the tent.",1 2408,2408,4009,Jerry decided later it was easier to collect unemployment.,Then recruiter set up an interview for Jerry.,Jerry wanted to start a new career.He searched the classified ads for job postings.He found a desirable posting in one of the ads.He emailed his resume to the recruiter.,2 2409,2409,4010,Emile eventually got a job as a chef.,Emile stopped talking to his friends.,Emile wanted to be a great chef.He took lessons and worked hard learning how to cook.He practiced his cooking and served food for friends.His friends loved his cooking and encouraged him.,1 2410,2410,4011,Ella was happy that the picnic wasn't ruined.,Ella's family was mad at her the rest of the day.,Ella had packed a picnic for her family.But she had forgotten to bring forks!They had no way to eat their chicken and watermelon.Then they all started to laugh and eat with their hands.,1 2411,2411,4012,She caught hypothermia.,She finished her latest book.,"Emily woke up early to get ready for school last Monday.Before she got dressed, she checked to see if school was canceled.It had snowed so much that school was cancelled.Emily was happy and decided to stay inside and read on her day off.",2 2412,2412,4013,She let the technician change her oil.,Joline decide to take the technician's advice.,Joline went to the nail salon to get a manicure.The nail technician cleaned and trimmed her nails.Joline could not decide what color nail polish she would like.The nail technician suggested a design that used multiple colors.,2 2413,2413,4014,Harry wished he wouldn't have went.,Harry was so happy to be in the goo.,"Harry secretly hated haunted houses, but couldn't let his friend down.Faking a brave face, the went forth into the darkened house.He managed to make it all way through without screaming out loud.At the very end, they fell through a trick floor into a bunch of goo.",1 2414,2414,4015,He no longer had any interest in wrestling.,He retired early due to injury.,Bobby wanted to be a wrestler.He took wrestling in high school.Then he joined a team in college.Soon he was wrestling professionally.,2 2415,2415,4016,Joan felt bad about the dinner but glad she was assertive.,Joan went to the restaurant the next night.,"Joan decided to treat herself to a fancy sushi dinner.But the food was bad and the waiter was even worse!She asked for the manager but he never bothered to come.Although it was unlike her, Joan got so mad she left without paying.",1 2416,2416,4017,Jesse's parents were upset with her.,Jesse's parents were excited to see the tattoo.,Jesse had always wanted to get a tattoo.Her parents were very against the idea of tattoos.One her 18th birthday she decided to get one.She got a small tiara tattoo on her shoulder.,1 2417,2417,4018,Juliette built a volcano.,Juliette was bored.,Juliette wanted to be a scientist when she grew up.She decided she must perform an experiment.She emptied a box of baking soda into a pan.Then she poured in vinegar.,1 2418,2418,4019,Rob finally left to hang out with his friends.,Rob was very happy about spending time with Jaclyn.,Jaclyn came over to hang out with Robs girlfriend.Jaclyn and Rob do not get along.Rob tried very nice to keep the peace and be nice.Jaclyn kept saying very snide comments and remarks,1 2419,2419,4020,All of the eggs landed safely.,Sharon broke all of the eggs.,Sharon and her sister drove to the grocery store to pick up eggs.They were going to have dinner guests and were baking a cake.On the way into the house Sharon tripped and fell.The eggs flew out of her hands and landed on the concrete.,2 2420,2420,4021,Everyone hated the slave trader's song.,The slave trader became very famous and rich from his song.,There once was a slave trader.He found god and changed his wicked ways.He wrote a song about his conversion.That song became famous and popular.,2 2421,2421,4022,Ella had to be taken to the doctor.,Ella was unscathed from the fall.,Ella went out sledding one afternoon.She had fun at first.Then she slipped off the sled.She cut her forehead on a rock in the ground.,1 2422,2422,4023,"Her doctor said she was healthier, too.",She felt like a complete failure.,"Steph usually ate a large breakfast.But her new job meant she had less time to make food.So Steph decided to eat simpler food and smaller portions.And in a month, she lost 10 pounds.",1 2423,2423,4024,Bobby passed the football for hours after the game.,Bobby took time to recover from the injury.,Bobby was a star football player at his school.He would always get recognition for his talent.One day he was in a very important game.His arm was hurt in the process.,2 2424,2424,4025,Susan was upset with the whole ordeal.,Susan was very happy with the experience.,Susan went to the movie theater with her friends.Susan used her cell phone in the theater to check her e-mail.An usher came and asked Susan to leave the theater.Susan had to wait in the lobby while her friends finished the movie.,1 2425,2425,4026,The cactus flourished under his care.,The goldfish were very happy and healthy.,Margie had a Christmas cactus.It never bloomed.She gave the plant to Desi.Desi took good care of the plant.,1 2426,2426,4027,Gina went straight to bed.,Gina decided that it wasn't late enough and went back outside.,Gina had been at the park with her friend Pam for hours.Now the sun was setting.She said her goodbyes and headed home.When she arrived it was dark out.,1 2427,2427,4028,Avery's parents were proud.,Avery's parents were ashamed of him.,Avery was very excited.Tonight was his very first basketball game.He had practiced and his parents came to watch him.Avery played well with his teammates and even scored some points!,1 2428,2428,4029,The orchids would be ugly.,The orchids would be beautiful.,Gary loved to garden.Spring was quickly approaching and he wanted to start planting.He checked the Almanac to see which plants were safe for the garden.Tom decided to plant some orchids.,2 2429,2429,4030,And asked her to marry him.,And he started laughing hysterically.,Bay was nervous.Her boyfriend had been acting weird all through dinner.Bay thought he was going to dump her.But then he got on one knee.,1 2430,2430,4031,Tommy had good friends.,Tommy had bad friends.,Tommy was having a bad day.His friends tried to cheer him up by taking him out.He grumbled but went along.He drank and danced with his friends all night.,1 2431,2431,4032,We went to a dentist who pulled the tooth.,We had a week of hell as her tooth came in.,Ariel is our 5 month old baby.She had woke up the other morning extremely fussy.We couldn't figure out what was wrong at first.We then seen a fresh tooth popping through her gum line.,2 2432,2432,4033,Amelia decided to never go back to Mexico.,Amelia decided to vacation to Mexico more often.,"Amelia decided to take a vacation to Mexico.She booked her flight and hotel.When she got to Mexico, she was sure to visit many different things.She loved every moment of it.",2 2433,2433,4034,We told the kids that Santa must have share with the reindeer.,We told the kids it was thanksgiving.,Sometimes my kids wondered if Santa Claus was real.Each year we left cookies and milk for him on Christmas Eve.Each Christmas day we found an empty cup and cookie crumbs.One year we found cookie pieces outside in the snow.,1 2434,2434,4035,She was so grateful and promised to pay her coworker back.,She did not want to eat.,"Amy woke up extra hungry today.Unfortunately, she also woke up very late.She rushed around the house and had no time for breakfast.When she made it to work, she realized her coworker brought breakfast!",1 2435,2435,4036,The government continued to fund computer labs.,Kids suffered from the computer labs.,The school received a grant to make a computer lab.Their IT department did a lot of research to find the best equipment.They bought the equipment with the grant money.The computer lab was a great success.,1 2436,2436,4037,I decided to forfeit the game.,I won the match.,I was captain of the tennis team.We were playing our division rivals.I was tied with my opponent.I had advantage of the deuce.,2 2437,2437,4038,The kid practiced all year and next year he made the team.,The kid is very proud of himself.,Ben is the coach of the basketball team and he held try outs today.He has to cut this one kid because he is not good enough.He feels bad because he knows the kid will be disappointed.He gives the kid advice and things to work on for next season.,1 2438,2438,4039,The baby even pet the dog right afterwards.,Officer Dunn was shocked about what his dog had done.,Officer Dunn didn't want to hurt anyone during the protest.He told several people to leave but they didn't.He unleashed his police dog.The dog bit a mother and her baby.,2 2439,2439,4040,I really liked my new hair cut.,He made the best sandwich in town.,"I noticed my hair was getting kind of long.I decided to try and get it cut that afternoon.Once I found a suitable barber, I dropped by for a cut.There wasn't a line, it was super quick!",1 2440,2440,4041,I cleaned my motorcycle after I got home.,I changed the wifi password to enhance security.,"I drove my motorcycle across the street.I took a path that led to a riding track.I did a few laps.Bored, I drove back home.",1 2441,2441,4042,Ryan got fired.,Ryan got promoted.,"Ryan was called by his friend to skip work one day.He missed his train to work and instead went to the park.Ryan and his friend played with birds at the park all day.At the end of the day, they left the park and saw Ryan's boss.",1 2442,2442,4043,The man stopped at the rest stop and got out of the car.,The man kept driving for a few more hours.,A man drove for many hours on the highway.He saw a sign for a rest stop two miles away.He put his car in the right lane in anticipation.He took the exit for the rest stop.,1 2443,2443,4044,Josiah crawled to his mother and took the toy.,Josiah rolled over and played with his feet.,"Josiah was a baby who was trying to crawl for the first time.To help him, his mother put out an exciting toy that jingled.As she made the toy rattle, Josiah became very interested.He started groping the ground and inching towards his mom.",1 2444,2444,4045,I brought a dog home since I have so many dogs already.,I drove home with the mini pig in my car.,"I wanted a pet for my birthday.I wasn't sure what to get, I already had dogs.I was looking around on facebook and saw a mini pig.I went to pick her up.",2 2445,2445,4046,All his classmates were very supportive though.,His classmates taught him to overcome his fear of heights.,"Sam wanted to be a singer.So he joined a singing class at his college.The first day of class, everyone was required to sing a song.Sam was very embarrassed the first day.",1 2446,2446,4047,Matt and Lexi had a great time at prom.,Matt was miserable at the turn of events.,"Growing up, Matt was never the most confident guy.He always had a big crush on his neighbor Lexy, but was scared.However, when prom was approaching, he decided to finally make a move.Matt asked Lexi to be his date, and she immediately said yes.",1 2447,2447,4048,She was heartbroken.,Shyanne was overjoyed.,Shyanne had a spelling test.She wanted to pass it.She studied hard.She made a 100.,2 2448,2448,4049,John had carrots instead.,John devoured his pizza.,"John wanted pizza, but he was broke.Then he remembered he had won a free pizza last week!He called the pizza place and gave them his code.They sent him his free pizza an hour later.",2 2449,2449,4050,"He awaited a call back, but he never heard from the judges again.",He received many awards for his dance performances.,"Jill had to attend a dancing class around 8 P.M.He got ready and drove to the meeting place.He was only of the first people to audition.After his performance, the judges were impressed.",2 2450,2450,4051,Then we collapsed on the couch and slept past noon.,We ran in hopes of improving our speed.,We tried to stay up late last night.We drank coffee.We ate chocolate.We even ran laps around the couch.,1 2451,2451,4052,Ally used the three hundred dollars to buy clothes.,So she bought a new cell phone.,"Ally had been saving her spare coins in a jar for Years.She wanted a new cell phone but she didn't have enough money.She thought she'd count the change in her change jar.To her surprise, there was over $300 in the jar.",2 2452,2452,4054,They decided to turn around.,They couldn't wait to see grandma!,In the car the whole family was excited.After 9 hours of driving the were on their grandmother's block.Ahead they could see her house.The house was lit up in spite of the late hour of 4 AM.,2 2453,2453,4055,Ana decided never to wait that long again.,Ana took several hours drying medicinal herbs.,"Ana had been putting off doing laundry.Finally she could avoid it no longer.She carried all her clothes to the laundromat.Over several hours, she washed and dried them.",1 2454,2454,4056,The worker thanked Mark for his patronage.,Mark has a court date next week.,Mark went to the mall.He saw a pair of headphones that he wanted but couldn't afford.He decided to steal the headphones.Mark was then caught by someone working.,2 2455,2455,4057,I can't wait to to start the paint-by-numbers set!,"But in a moment, I'm going to start the puzzle.",My friends got me a jigsaw puzzle for christmas.I haven't opened it yet.I always keep planning to but something keeps coming up.Like right now talking with you.,2