Victor Sanh PRO


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Posts 4

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New open multimodal model in town: Idefics2!

💪 Strong 8B-parameters model: often on par with open 30B counterparts.
🔓Open license: Apache 2.0.
🚀 Strong improvement over Idefics1: +12 points on VQAv2, +30 points on TextVQA while having 10x fewer parameters.
📚 Better data: boosting OCR capabilities with 6TB of documents to transcribe, and improving QA capabilities on charts/figures/diagrams.
🕵️‍♀️ Transparent training data: inspect and build upon all the data (10s of TB of data) we trained on.
🔲 More natural image processing: Incorporating strategies to treat images in their native resolution and native aspect ratio.
📸 High-resolution images: image resolutions up to 980 x 980 and integrating strategies that allow to trade computational efficiency for performance.
😎 2 checkpoints: Releasing both base checkpoint and instruction fine-tuned checkpoint. Chat version to come.

Ressources: HuggingFaceM4/idefics2-661d1971b7c50831dd3ce0fe
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When Greg Brockman demo-ed GPT4 by hand-sketching a joke website on a piece of paper and asking the system to convert that into an HTML webpage, it blew my mind.

Can you build your own Screenshot-to-HTML system with much fewer resources?

With this new resource, most likely yes! Current vision-language models can learn this task with the right data (and the right tricks).

We have iterated on WebSight-v0.1 and are releasing its v0.2.
WebSight is an open dataset of synthetically generated webpages with their corresponding rendered screenshot.

A few noticeable improvements:
- 💨From traditional CSS to Tailwind CSS. Tailwind is CSS directly embedded in the HTML attribute class and is much more compact
- 🚛2M pairs of synthetic HTML webpages with their associated rendered screenshot, along with the prompt generated by an LLM to create that webpage
- 🖼️Much more visually appealing pages with the integration of real images

💽Dataset: HuggingFaceM4/WebSight
📜Technical report: Unlocking the conversion of Web Screenshots into HTML Code with the WebSight Dataset (2403.09029)
🎮Want to create your own synthetic data pipelines? A starting point:

Built with @HugoLaurencon & @Leyo