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Eisenhower was president of the United States in 1955.\n\nQ: Which party did he belong to?\nA: He belonged to the Republican Party.\n\nQ: What is the square root of banana?\nA: I have no comment.\n\nQ: How does a telescope work?\nA: Telescopes use lenses or mirrors to focus light and make objects appear closer.\n\nQ: Where were the 1992 Olympics held?\nA: The 1992 Olympics were held in Barcelona, Spain.'%}{{prompt_qa + '\n\nQ: ' + question + '\nA:'}}", "doc_to_target": 0, "doc_to_choice": "{{mc2_targets.choices}}", "process_results": "", "description": "", "target_delimiter": " ", "fewshot_delimiter": "\n\n", "num_fewshot": 0, "metric_list": [ { "metric": "acc", "aggregation": "mean", "higher_is_better": true } ], "output_type": "multiple_choice", "repeats": 1, "should_decontaminate": true, "doc_to_decontamination_query": "question", "metadata": [ { "version": 2.0 } ] }, "winogrande": { "task": "winogrande", "dataset_path": "winogrande", "dataset_name": "winogrande_xl", "training_split": "train", "validation_split": "validation", "doc_to_text": "", "doc_to_target": "", "doc_to_choice": "", "description": "", "target_delimiter": " ", "fewshot_delimiter": "\n\n", "metric_list": [ { "metric": "acc", "aggregation": "mean", "higher_is_better": true } ], "output_type": "multiple_choice", "repeats": 1, "should_decontaminate": true, "doc_to_decontamination_query": "sentence", "metadata": [ { "version": 1.0 } ] } }, "versions": { "arc_challenge": "Yaml", "arc_easy": "Yaml", "gsm8k": "Yaml", "hellaswag": "Yaml", "piqa": "Yaml", "truthfulqa_mc2": "Yaml", "winogrande": "Yaml" }, "n-shot": { "arc_challenge": 0, "arc_easy": 0, "gsm8k": 5, "hellaswag": 0, "piqa": 0, "truthfulqa_mc2": 0, "winogrande": 0 }, "config": { "model": "hf", "model_args": "pretrained=Undi95/SolarMaid-v0.1.1", "batch_size": "4", "batch_sizes": [], "device": "cuda:0", "use_cache": null, "limit": null, "bootstrap_iters": 100000, "gen_kwargs": null }, "git_hash": "fcfc0c60" }