import functools from contextlib import nullcontext from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Sequence from warnings import warn import torch import torch._decomp import torch._prims import torch._refs import torch._refs.nn import torch._refs.nn.functional import torch._refs.special import torch.overrides from torch._prims.nvfuser_executor import NvfuserPrimOperatorSupport from torch._prims_common import torch_function_passthrough from torch.fx.experimental.proxy_tensor import get_isolated_graphmodule @functools.lru_cache(None) def torch_to_refs_map(): """ Mapping of torch API functions to torch._refs functions. E.g. torch_to_refs_map()[torch.add] == torch._refs.add """ modules = [ (torch, torch._refs), (torch.nn, torch._refs.nn), (torch.nn.functional, torch._refs.nn.functional), (torch.special, torch._refs.special), (torch.fft, torch._refs.fft), (torch.linalg, torch._refs.linalg), ] r: Dict[Any, Any] = { torch.Tensor.__invert__: torch._refs.bitwise_not, torch.Tensor.__xor__: torch._refs.bitwise_xor, torch.Tensor.__and__: torch._refs.bitwise_and, torch.Tensor.__or__: torch._refs.bitwise_or, torch.Tensor.__eq__: torch._refs.eq, torch.Tensor.__rsub__: torch._refs.rsub, torch.Tensor.__rtruediv__: torch._refs.rtruediv, torch.Tensor.__floordiv__: torch._refs.floor_divide, torch.Tensor.__rfloordiv__: torch._refs.rfloordiv, torch.Tensor.__pow__: torch._refs.pow, torch.Tensor.__rpow__: torch._refs.rpow, torch.Tensor.new_empty: torch._refs.new_empty, torch.Tensor.new_full: torch._refs.new_full, torch.Tensor.new_zeros: torch._refs.new_zeros, torch.Tensor.new_ones: torch._refs.new_ones, torch.Tensor.fill_: torch._refs.fill_, torch.Tensor.zero_: torch._refs.zero_,, torch.Tensor.sum_to_size: torch._refs.sum_to_size, # TODO: Should these methods be mapped some other way? torch.Tensor.copy_: torch._prims.copy_to, torch.Tensor.resize: torch._prims.resize, } for mod_torch, mod_refs in modules: for s in mod_refs.__all__: # type: ignore[attr-defined] r[mod_torch.__dict__.get(s)] = mod_refs.__dict__.get(s) # Support remapping to for s in dir(torch.Tensor): if s in torch._refs.__all__: r[getattr(torch.Tensor, s)] = torch._refs.__dict__.get(s) return r @functools.lru_cache(None) def all_prims(): """ Set of all prim functions, e.g., torch._prims.add in all_prims() """ return {torch._prims.__dict__.get(s) for s in torch._prims.__all__} class NvfuserPrimsMode(torch.overrides.TorchFunctionMode): """ Switches the interpretation of torch.ops.prims.* functions to use nvFuser's prims in torch.ops.nvprims.* >>> # xdoctest: +SKIP("undefined vars") >>> with NvfuserPrimsMode(): ... torch.ops.prims.add(x, y) # calls torch.ops.nvprims.add(x, y) By default, this context manager will fall back on the torch.ops.prims* if the nvprim does not exist. It's possible to skip certain prims by passing their names to the skip_ops argument. skip_ops is expected to be a sequence of strings, e.g., ["prims.add.default"] In order to check the expected name of a prim, one can use the `torch.overrides.resolve_name`. >>> # xdoctest: +SKIP("undefined vars") >>> with NvfuserPrimsMode(skips_ops=("prims.add.default")): ... torch.ops.prims.add.default(x, y) # does not call torch.ops.nvprims.add.default(x, y) """ def __init__(self, *, skip_ops=()): self.skip_ops = skip_ops def __torch_function__( self, orig_func: Callable, types: Sequence, args: Sequence[Any] = (), kwargs: Dict = None, ): if kwargs is None: kwargs = {} # If the function is in the skip list, then we don't want to # remap it to the nvprims. if torch.overrides.resolve_name(orig_func) in self.skip_ops: return orig_func(*args, **kwargs) if isinstance(orig_func, torch._ops.OpOverload) or isinstance( orig_func, torch._ops.OpOverloadPacket ): namespace = str(orig_func).split(".")[0] name = str(orig_func).split(".")[1] if namespace == "prims": nvfunc = getattr(torch.ops.nvprims, name, None) if nvfunc is not None: return nvfunc(*args, **kwargs) return orig_func(*args, **kwargs) class TorchRefsMode(torch.overrides.TorchFunctionMode): """ Switches the interpretation of torch.* functions and Tensor methods to use PrimTorch refs in torch._refs. (Direct calls to _refs are unaffected.) >>> # xdoctest: +SKIP >>> with TorchRefsMode(): ... torch.add(x, y) # calls torch._refs.add(x, y) By default, this context manager will fall back on the torch.* if the ref does not exist; set strict=True to error if this occurs. If the ref exists we still would like to fall back on the torch.* sometimes, this behavior can be customized by passing a function to should_fallback_fn. """ def __init__( self, strict=False, should_fallback_fn=lambda *_: False, prims_mode_cls=nullcontext, ): self.strict = strict self.should_fallback_fn = should_fallback_fn self.prims_mode_cls = prims_mode_cls def __torch_function__( self, orig_func: Callable, types: Sequence, args: Sequence[Any] = (), kwargs: Dict = None, ): if kwargs is None: kwargs = {} # For primitive operations, run them as is without interception # Unless we are in prims_mode, in which case we want to use nvprims if orig_func in torch_function_passthrough or orig_func in all_prims(): with self.prims_mode_cls(): return orig_func(*args, **kwargs) mapping = torch_to_refs_map() func = mapping.get(orig_func, None) # For torch.ops.aten.*, use registered decompositions from torch._decomp # torch._decomp.decomposition_table provides a mapping from # torch.ops.aten.* to torch._refs or torch._decomp.decompositions # implementations. # There're other ways to implement this functionality, # see if func is None and isinstance(orig_func, torch._ops.OpOverload): func = torch._decomp.decomposition_table.get(orig_func, None) if func is not None: # If the ref exists query whether we should use it or not if self.should_fallback_fn(self, orig_func, func, args, kwargs): return orig_func(*args, **kwargs) # torch calls inside func should be interpreted as refs calls with self: return func(*args, **kwargs) if self.strict: raise RuntimeError( f"no _refs support for {torch.overrides.resolve_name(orig_func)}" ) return orig_func(*args, **kwargs) def _is_node_supported_nvfuser(node): return ( node.op == "call_function" and getattr(, "impl_nvfuser", None) is not None ) def _is_func_unsupported_nvfuser( torch_function_mode, orig_func, func, args, kwargs, *, skip_ops=() ): """ This function traces the `func` under `torch_function_mode` and checks if any of the traced nodes are not supported by nvFuser. If so, we should fallback to the original function. `skip_ops` argument is expected to be a list of strings of function names that would match with `torch.overrides.resolve_name`. Args: torch_function_mode: The torch_function_mode context manager. orig_func: The original function, its name will be used to check if it should be skipped. func: The function to be traced. args: The args to be passed to the function. kwargs: The kwargs to be passed to the function. Keyword args: skip_ops: A list of ops to skip when checking if the function is supported. """ # One supported case is easy to check: if the resolved name of the original # function in the skip list, skip it. if torch.overrides.resolve_name(orig_func) in skip_ops: return True with torch_function_mode: try: gm = get_isolated_graphmodule(func, args, kwargs) except Exception as e: warn( "get_isolated_graphmodule failed on decomposition: " + func.__name__ + " with error message: " + str(e) ) # returns unsupported when tracing fails. return True supported_ops = NvfuserPrimOperatorSupport() call_function_nodes = filter(lambda n: n.op == "call_function", gm.graph.nodes) any_unsupported = any( not supported_ops.is_node_supported(None, node) for node in call_function_nodes ) return any_unsupported class TorchRefsNvfuserCapabilityMode(TorchRefsMode): def __init__(self, *, skip_ops=()): super().__init__( strict=False, should_fallback_fn=functools.partial( _is_func_unsupported_nvfuser, skip_ops=skip_ops ), prims_mode_cls=functools.partial(NvfuserPrimsMode, skip_ops=skip_ops), ) def _is_var_mean(self, func): return "torch.var_mean" == torch.overrides.resolve_name(func) or ( ( isinstance(func, torch._ops.OpOverload) or isinstance(func, torch._ops.OpOverloadPacket) ) and "aten.var_mean" in str(func) ) def _is_native_batch_norm(self, func): return "torch.native_batch_norm" == torch.overrides.resolve_name(func) or ( func == torch.ops.aten.native_batch_norm.default or func == torch.ops.aten.native_batch_norm ) def _is_rand_like(self, func): result = "torch.rand_like" == torch.overrides.resolve_name(func) or ( func == torch.ops.aten.rand_like or func == torch.ops.aten.rand_like.default ) return result def __torch_function__( self, orig_func: Callable, types: Sequence, args: Sequence[Any] = (), kwargs: Dict = None, ): if kwargs is None: kwargs = {} # First we intercept calls for nvfuser-specific prims bypassing generic torch._refs if self._is_var_mean(orig_func): return torch.ops.nvprims.var_mean(*args, **kwargs) if self._is_native_batch_norm(orig_func): return torch.ops.nvprims.native_batch_norm(*args, **kwargs) if self._is_rand_like(orig_func): if len(kwargs) > 0: warn("rand_like has ignored kwars!") return torch.ops.nvprims.rand_like(*args) # Then we use TorchRefsMode to interpret the rest return super().__torch_function__(orig_func, types, args, kwargs)