--- license: apache-2.0 --- **注意:这个 "delta model"不能直接使用**。 用户必须将其应用于原始的 LLaMA 权重之上,以获得的TryMoreGPT权重。 详情请见https://github.com/TrustedLLM/TryMoreGPT

## 介绍 TryMoreGPT-13B,是由揣摩研习社开源的聊天机器人,本项目以LLaMA作为基座模型,使用Vicuna训练框架,在shareGPT,Alpaca中英数据集,COIG中通用价值观,代码编写数据集完成指令微调。在中文表现上相较于原始Vicuna以及一众中文聊天机器人有具有非常有竞争力的表现。 TryMoreGPT-13B is an open-source chat robot developed by Chuanmo Research Institute. This project uses LLaMA as the base model, uses the Vicuna training framework to complete instruction fine-tuning with shareGPT and Alpaca Chinese-English dataset, universal values and code writing dataset in COIG. In terms of Chinese performance, it has a very competitive performance compared to the original Vicuna and other Chinese chatbots.