--- base_model: sentence-transformers/multi-qa-MiniLM-L6-dot-v1 datasets: [] language: [] library_name: sentence-transformers pipeline_tag: sentence-similarity tags: - sentence-transformers - sentence-similarity - feature-extraction - generated_from_trainer - dataset_size:9729 - loss:TripletLoss widget: - source_sentence: What is the penalty awarded to the attacking team when a defending player fails to retire the required seven metres or to the defending try line after effecting a touch? sentences: - '13. 3 a player must not perform a voluntary rollball. ruling = a penalty to the defending team at the point of the infringement. 13. 4 a player must not delay in performing the rollball. ruling = a penalty to the defending team at the point of the infringement. 13. 5 a player may only perform a rollball at the mark under the following circumstances : 13. 5. 1 when a touch has been made ; or 13. 5. 2 when possession changes following the sixth touch ; or 13. 5. 3 when possession changes due to the ball being dropped or passed and goes to the ground ; or 13. 5. 4 when possession changes due to an infringement by an attacking player at a penalty, a tap or a rollball ; or fit playing rules - 5th edition copyright © touch football australia 2020 11 13. 5. 5 when possession changes after the half is touched or when the half places the ball on or over the try line ; or 13. 5. 6 in replacement of a penalty tap ; or 13. 5. 7 when so directed by the referee.' - 5th edition rules touch football tion rules touch football touch football australia ( tfa ) undertook an extensive internal review of their domestic playing rules throughout 2018 and 2019. the review was led by an vastly experienced group of current and past players, coaches, referees and administrators of the sport from community competitions to the elite international game. this group consulted broadly within the australian community to develop a set of playing rules that could be applied across all levels of the sport. the result was the tfa 8th edition playing rules. at the federation of international touch paris convention held in october 2019 touch football australia presented the tfa 8th edition playing rules and subsequently offered fit and all national touch associations ( ntas ) royalty free rights to use the newly developed rules. consequently, the fit board resolved to adopt the tfa 8th edition playing rules as the 5th edition fit playing rules to be used across all levels of the game internationally. fit and its members acknowledge and thank touch football australia for the rights to use these rules. whilst consistency in the application of the rules of the game is important, fit encourages its members to offer features in local competition rules to ensure that all participants enjoy a high quality experience. - ruling = a penalty to the attacking team at the point of the infringement or on the seven ( 7 ) metre line directly forward of the infringement. 15. 4 when a rollball occurs within defending team ’ s seven metre zone or a penalty tap within ten ( 10 ) metres of the defending team ’ s try line, all players from the defending team must have both feet on or behind their try line and no other part of the body in contact with the ground forward of their try line. ruling = a penalty to the attacking team at the seven ( 7 ) metre line directly forward of the point of the infringement. 15. 5 after effecting the touch, the defending player must retire the required seven ( 7 ) metres or to the defending try line as indicated by the referee without interfering with the attacking team. ruling = a penalty to the attacking team ten ( 10 ) metres forward of the infringement or if on the defensive try line, on the seven ( 7 ) metre line. fit playing rules - 5th edition copyright © touch football australia 2020 13 16 obstruction 16. 1 a player in possession must not run or otherwise move behind other attacking players or the referee in an attempt to avoid an imminent touch. - source_sentence: What is the definition of 'infringement' in Touch Rugby? sentences: - 2. 2 teams playing unregistered players are liable to forfeit any match in which unregistered players have competed. fit playing rules - 5th edition copyright © touch football australia 2020 5 3 the ball 3. 1 the game is played with an oval, inflated ball of a shape, colour and size approved by fit or the nta. 3. 2 the ball shall be inflated to the manufacturers ’ recommended air pressure. 3. 3 the referee shall immediately pause the match if the size and shape of the ball no longer complies with clauses 3. 1 or 3. 2 to allow for the ball to replaced or the issue rectified. 3. 4 the ball must not be hidden under player attire. 4 playing uniform 4. 1 participating players are to be correctly attired in matching team uniforms 4. 2 playing uniforms consist of shirt, singlet or other item as approved by the nta or nta competition provider, shorts and / or tights and socks. 4. 3 all players are to wear a unique identifying number not less than 16cm in height, clearly displayed on the rear of the playing top. 4. 3. 1 identifying numbers must feature no more than two ( 2 ) digits. - end of play when the referee indicates completion of the match. exclusion when a player is sent to the nearest sin bin area following three ( 3 ) penalties by the defending team upon entering their seven metre zone. the player is counted as a player on the field of play and cannot be replaced or interchanged. fit playing rules - 5th edition copyright © touch football australia 2020 1 fit federation of international touch field of play the playing area bounded by the sidelines and dead ball lines, both of which are out of bounds. see appendix 1. forced interchange when a player is required to undertake a compulsory interchange for an infringement ruled more serious than a penalty but less serious than a permanent interchange, sin bin or dismissal. forward a position or direction towards the dead ball line beyond the team ’ s attacking try line. full time the expiration of the second period of time allowed for play. half the player who takes possession following a rollball. half time the break in play between the two halves of a match. imminent about to occur, it is almost certain to occur. infringement the action of a player contrary to the rules of the game. - 2. 2 teams playing unregistered players are liable to forfeit any match in which unregistered players have competed. fit playing rules - 5th edition copyright © touch football australia 2020 5 3 the ball 3. 1 the game is played with an oval, inflated ball of a shape, colour and size approved by fit or the nta. 3. 2 the ball shall be inflated to the manufacturers ’ recommended air pressure. 3. 3 the referee shall immediately pause the match if the size and shape of the ball no longer complies with clauses 3. 1 or 3. 2 to allow for the ball to replaced or the issue rectified. 3. 4 the ball must not be hidden under player attire. 4 playing uniform 4. 1 participating players are to be correctly attired in matching team uniforms 4. 2 playing uniforms consist of shirt, singlet or other item as approved by the nta or nta competition provider, shorts and / or tights and socks. 4. 3 all players are to wear a unique identifying number not less than 16cm in height, clearly displayed on the rear of the playing top. 4. 3. 1 identifying numbers must feature no more than two ( 2 ) digits. - source_sentence: What is the penalty awarded to the non-offending team when an offence is identified? sentences: - ruling = a penalty to the attacking team at a point ten ( 10 ) metres directly forward of the infringement. 13. 12 players of the defending team must not move forward of the onside position until the half has made contact with the ball, unless directed to do so by the referee or in accordance with 13. 12. 1. 13. 12. 1 when the half is not within one ( 1 ) metre of the rollball, onside players of the defending team may move forward as soon as the player performing the rollball releases the ball. if the half is not in position and a defending player moves forward and makes contact with the ball, a change of possession results. 13. 13 if in the act of performing the rollball, the attacking player makes contact with the sideline or any ground outside the field of play a change of possession will occur with the rollball to be taken seven ( 7 ) metres in field. 13. 14 after a touch is made between the dead ball line and the seven ( 7 ) metre line, an attacking team is permitted to rollball on the seven ( 7 ) metre line at a point directly in line with where the touch was made. - 10. 4 if the ball is accidentally knocked from the hands of a player in possession during a touch, the touch counts and the attacking team retains possession. 10. 5 the defending player must not deliberately knock the ball from the hands of a player in possession during a touch. ruling = a penalty to the attacking team at the point of the infringement. 10. 6 a player must not pass or otherwise deliver the ball after a touch has been made. ruling = a penalty to the defending team at the point of the infringement, or if in - goal the nearest point on the seven ( 7 ) metre line. 10. 7 the half may pass or run with the ball but cannot get touched while in possession of the ball. ruling = a change of possession occurs at the point of the touch, or if in - goal the nearest point on the seven ( 7 ) metre line. 10. 8 if a touch is made in the in - goal area before the ball is grounded, the player in possession is to perform a rollball seven ( 7 ) metres from the team ’ s attacking try line, provided it is not the sixth touch and the player is not half. - 4. 10 referees and players may wear sport monitoring equipment and medical supports such as knee or ankle braces provided, at the sole discretion of competition ’ s controlling body, the items are not dangerous. 5 team composition 5. 1 a team consists of a maximum of 14 players, no more than six ( 6 ) of whom are allowed on the field at any time. fit playing rules - 5th edition 6 copyright © touch football australia 2020 ruling = a penalty awarded to the non - offending team at the time the offence is identified seven ( 7 ) metres infield on the halfway line or the position of the ball, whichever is the greater advantage. 5. 2 a team must have a minimum of four ( 4 ) players on the field for a match to commence or continue, except during a drop - off. 5. 3 where the number of players on the field from one team falls below four ( 4 ), the match is to be abandoned and the non - offending team is to be declared the winner. 5. 3. 1 this does not apply for players sent to the sin bin area. - source_sentence: What is the requirement for adapting or altering rules for local competitions? sentences: - 'whilst consistency in the application of the rules of the game is important, fit encourages its members to offer features in local competition rules to ensure that all participants enjoy a high quality experience. these rules in no way restrict any nta or their authorised competition providers from having different match conditions to these rules. any adaptation of or alterations to the rules for local competitions should be clearly articulated in relevant competition guidelines and be readily available for players, coaches and referees alike preamble copyright © touch football australia 2020 all rights reserved. these touch football rules are protected by copyright laws. except as permitted under the copyright act, these rules must not be reproduced by any process, electronic or otherwise, without the written permission of touch football australia. fit playing rules - 5th edition copyright © touch football australia 2020 appendix 1 – field of play contents 01 i the field of play 5 02 i player registration 5 03 i the ball 6 04 i playing uniform 6 05 i team composition 6 06 i team coach and team officials 7 07 i commencement and recommencement of play 7 08 i match duration 8 09 i possession 8 10 i the touch 9 11 i passing 10 12 i ball touched in flight 10 13 i the rollball 11 14 i scoring 13 15 i offside 13 16 i obstruction 14 17 i interchange 14 18 i penalty 15 19 i advantage 16 20 i misconduct 16 21 i forced interchange 16 22 i sin bin 16 23 i dismissal 17 24 i drop - off 17 25 i match officials 18 fit playing rules - 5th edition copyright © touch football australia 2020 fit playing rules - 5th edition copyright © touch football australia 2020 definitions and terminology unless the contrary intention appears, the following definitions and terminology apply to the game of touch : term / phrase definition / description advantage the period of time after an infringement in which the non - offending side has the opportunity to gain advantage either territorial, tactical or in the form of a try.' - 5th edition rules touch football tion rules touch football touch football australia ( tfa ) undertook an extensive internal review of their domestic playing rules throughout 2018 and 2019. the review was led by an vastly experienced group of current and past players, coaches, referees and administrators of the sport from community competitions to the elite international game. this group consulted broadly within the australian community to develop a set of playing rules that could be applied across all levels of the sport. the result was the tfa 8th edition playing rules. at the federation of international touch paris convention held in october 2019 touch football australia presented the tfa 8th edition playing rules and subsequently offered fit and all national touch associations ( ntas ) royalty free rights to use the newly developed rules. consequently, the fit board resolved to adopt the tfa 8th edition playing rules as the 5th edition fit playing rules to be used across all levels of the game internationally. fit and its members acknowledge and thank touch football australia for the rights to use these rules. whilst consistency in the application of the rules of the game is important, fit encourages its members to offer features in local competition rules to ensure that all participants enjoy a high quality experience. - 5. 3. 1 this does not apply for players sent to the sin bin area. 5. 4 in mixed gender competitions, the maximum number of males allowed on the field of play is three ( 3 ), the minimum male requirement is one ( 1 ) and the minimum female requirement is one ( 1 ). 6 team coach and team officials 6. 1 the team coach ( s ) and team officials may be permitted inside the perimeter but shall be required to be positioned either in the interchange area or at the end of the field of play for the duration of the match. 6. 2 the team coach ( s ) and team officials may move from one position to the other but shall do so without delay. while in a position at the end of the field of play, the team coach ( s ) or team official must remain no closer than five ( 5 ) metres from the dead ball line and must not coach or communicate ( verbal or non - verbal ) with either team or the referees. - source_sentence: What is the minimum number of males and females required on the field of play in mixed gender competitions? sentences: - ruling = a penalty to the attacking team at the seven ( 7 ) metre line in line with the point of the infringement. 11 passing 11. 1 a player in possession may not kick, pass, flick, knock, throw, hand - off or otherwise propel the ball in a forward direction, either intentionally or otherwise to another player. ruling = a penalty will be awarded to the defending team at the mark where the ball was propelled forward unless advantage is applied. 11. 2 a player in possession may not intentionally kick, pass, flick, knock, throw, hand - off or otherwise propel the ball in a forward direction over an opposition player and regain possession. ruling = a penalty will be awarded to the defending team at the mark where the ball was propelled forward. 12 ball touched in flight 12. 1 if a player from the defending team deliberately makes contact with the ball in flight and the ball goes to ground, the attacking team retains the ball and the touch count restarts as zero ( 0 ) touch. 12. 2 if a player from the defending team deliberately makes contact with the ball in flight and the ball is retrieved by an attacking player, without touching the ground, play continues and the next touch is zero ( 0 ) touch. - 5. 3. 1 this does not apply for players sent to the sin bin area. 5. 4 in mixed gender competitions, the maximum number of males allowed on the field of play is three ( 3 ), the minimum male requirement is one ( 1 ) and the minimum female requirement is one ( 1 ). 6 team coach and team officials 6. 1 the team coach ( s ) and team officials may be permitted inside the perimeter but shall be required to be positioned either in the interchange area or at the end of the field of play for the duration of the match. 6. 2 the team coach ( s ) and team officials may move from one position to the other but shall do so without delay. while in a position at the end of the field of play, the team coach ( s ) or team official must remain no closer than five ( 5 ) metres from the dead ball line and must not coach or communicate ( verbal or non - verbal ) with either team or the referees. - tap and tap penalty the method of commencing the match, recommencing the match after half time and after a try has been scored. the tap is also the method of recommencing play when a penalty is awarded. the tap is taken by placing the ball on the ground at or behind the mark, releasing both hands from the ball, tapping the ball gently with either foot or touching the foot on the ball. the ball must not roll or move more than one ( 1 ) metre in any direction and must be retrieved cleanly, without touching the ground again. the player may face any direction and use either foot. provided it is at the mark, the ball does not have to be lifted from the ground prior to a tap being taken. team a group of players constituting one ( 1 ) side in a competition match. tfa touch football australia limited touch any contact between the player in possession and a defending player. a touch includes contact on the ball, hair or clothing and may be made by a defending player or by the player in possession. touch count the progressive number of touches that each team has before a change of possession, from zero ( 0 ) to six ( 6 ). --- # SentenceTransformer based on sentence-transformers/multi-qa-MiniLM-L6-dot-v1 This is a [sentence-transformers](https://www.SBERT.net) model finetuned from [sentence-transformers/multi-qa-MiniLM-L6-dot-v1](https://huggingface.co/sentence-transformers/multi-qa-MiniLM-L6-dot-v1). It maps sentences & paragraphs to a 384-dimensional dense vector space and can be used for semantic textual similarity, semantic search, paraphrase mining, text classification, clustering, and more. ## Model Details ### Model Description - **Model Type:** Sentence Transformer - **Base model:** [sentence-transformers/multi-qa-MiniLM-L6-dot-v1](https://huggingface.co/sentence-transformers/multi-qa-MiniLM-L6-dot-v1) - **Maximum Sequence Length:** 512 tokens - **Output Dimensionality:** 384 tokens - **Similarity Function:** Dot Product ### Model Sources - **Documentation:** [Sentence Transformers Documentation](https://sbert.net) - **Repository:** [Sentence Transformers on GitHub](https://github.com/UKPLab/sentence-transformers) - **Hugging Face:** [Sentence Transformers on Hugging Face](https://huggingface.co/models?library=sentence-transformers) ### Full Model Architecture ``` SentenceTransformer( (0): Transformer({'max_seq_length': 512, 'do_lower_case': False}) with Transformer model: BertModel (1): Pooling({'word_embedding_dimension': 384, 'pooling_mode_cls_token': True, 'pooling_mode_mean_tokens': False, 'pooling_mode_max_tokens': False, 'pooling_mode_mean_sqrt_len_tokens': False, 'pooling_mode_weightedmean_tokens': False, 'pooling_mode_lasttoken': False, 'include_prompt': True}) ) ``` ## Usage ### Direct Usage (Sentence Transformers) First install the Sentence Transformers library: ```bash pip install -U sentence-transformers ``` Then you can load this model and run inference. ```python from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer # Download from the 🤗 Hub model = SentenceTransformer("Trelis/multi-qa-MiniLM-L6-dot-v1-ft-triplets-2-cst-epoch-overlap") # Run inference sentences = [ 'What is the minimum number of males and females required on the field of play in mixed gender competitions?', '5. 3. 1 this does not apply for players sent to the sin bin area. 5. 4 in mixed gender competitions, the maximum number of males allowed on the field of play is three ( 3 ), the minimum male requirement is one ( 1 ) and the minimum female requirement is one ( 1 ). 6 team coach and team officials 6. 1 the team coach ( s ) and team officials may be permitted inside the perimeter but shall be required to be positioned either in the interchange area or at the end of the field of play for the duration of the match. 6. 2 the team coach ( s ) and team officials may move from one position to the other but shall do so without delay. while in a position at the end of the field of play, the team coach ( s ) or team official must remain no closer than five ( 5 ) metres from the dead ball line and must not coach or communicate ( verbal or non - verbal ) with either team or the referees.', 'tap and tap penalty the method of commencing the match, recommencing the match after half time and after a try has been scored. the tap is also the method of recommencing play when a penalty is awarded. the tap is taken by placing the ball on the ground at or behind the mark, releasing both hands from the ball, tapping the ball gently with either foot or touching the foot on the ball. the ball must not roll or move more than one ( 1 ) metre in any direction and must be retrieved cleanly, without touching the ground again. the player may face any direction and use either foot. provided it is at the mark, the ball does not have to be lifted from the ground prior to a tap being taken. team a group of players constituting one ( 1 ) side in a competition match. tfa touch football australia limited touch any contact between the player in possession and a defending player. a touch includes contact on the ball, hair or clothing and may be made by a defending player or by the player in possession. touch count the progressive number of touches that each team has before a change of possession, from zero ( 0 ) to six ( 6 ).', ] embeddings = model.encode(sentences) print(embeddings.shape) # [3, 384] # Get the similarity scores for the embeddings similarities = model.similarity(embeddings, embeddings) print(similarities.shape) # [3, 3] ``` ## Training Details ### Training Hyperparameters #### Non-Default Hyperparameters - `eval_strategy`: steps - `per_device_train_batch_size`: 32 - `per_device_eval_batch_size`: 32 - `learning_rate`: 2e-05 - `num_train_epochs`: 2 - `lr_scheduler_type`: constant - `warmup_ratio`: 0.3 #### All Hyperparameters
Click to expand - `overwrite_output_dir`: False - `do_predict`: False - `eval_strategy`: steps - `prediction_loss_only`: True - `per_device_train_batch_size`: 32 - `per_device_eval_batch_size`: 32 - `per_gpu_train_batch_size`: None - `per_gpu_eval_batch_size`: None - `gradient_accumulation_steps`: 1 - `eval_accumulation_steps`: None - `learning_rate`: 2e-05 - `weight_decay`: 0.0 - `adam_beta1`: 0.9 - `adam_beta2`: 0.999 - `adam_epsilon`: 1e-08 - `max_grad_norm`: 1.0 - `num_train_epochs`: 2 - `max_steps`: -1 - `lr_scheduler_type`: constant - `lr_scheduler_kwargs`: {} - `warmup_ratio`: 0.3 - `warmup_steps`: 0 - `log_level`: passive - `log_level_replica`: warning - `log_on_each_node`: True - `logging_nan_inf_filter`: True - `save_safetensors`: True - `save_on_each_node`: False - `save_only_model`: False - `restore_callback_states_from_checkpoint`: False - `no_cuda`: False - `use_cpu`: False - `use_mps_device`: False - `seed`: 42 - `data_seed`: None - `jit_mode_eval`: False - `use_ipex`: False - `bf16`: False - `fp16`: False - `fp16_opt_level`: O1 - `half_precision_backend`: auto - `bf16_full_eval`: False - `fp16_full_eval`: False - `tf32`: None - `local_rank`: 0 - `ddp_backend`: None - `tpu_num_cores`: None - `tpu_metrics_debug`: False - `debug`: [] - `dataloader_drop_last`: False - `dataloader_num_workers`: 0 - `dataloader_prefetch_factor`: None - `past_index`: -1 - `disable_tqdm`: False - `remove_unused_columns`: True - `label_names`: None - `load_best_model_at_end`: False - `ignore_data_skip`: False - `fsdp`: [] - `fsdp_min_num_params`: 0 - `fsdp_config`: {'min_num_params': 0, 'xla': False, 'xla_fsdp_v2': False, 'xla_fsdp_grad_ckpt': False} - `fsdp_transformer_layer_cls_to_wrap`: None - `accelerator_config`: {'split_batches': False, 'dispatch_batches': None, 'even_batches': True, 'use_seedable_sampler': True, 'non_blocking': False, 'gradient_accumulation_kwargs': None} - `deepspeed`: None - `label_smoothing_factor`: 0.0 - `optim`: adamw_torch - `optim_args`: None - `adafactor`: False - `group_by_length`: False - `length_column_name`: length - `ddp_find_unused_parameters`: None - `ddp_bucket_cap_mb`: None - `ddp_broadcast_buffers`: False - `dataloader_pin_memory`: True - `dataloader_persistent_workers`: False - `skip_memory_metrics`: True - `use_legacy_prediction_loop`: False - `push_to_hub`: False - `resume_from_checkpoint`: None - `hub_model_id`: None - `hub_strategy`: every_save - `hub_private_repo`: False - `hub_always_push`: False - `gradient_checkpointing`: False - `gradient_checkpointing_kwargs`: None - `include_inputs_for_metrics`: False - `eval_do_concat_batches`: True - `fp16_backend`: auto - `push_to_hub_model_id`: None - `push_to_hub_organization`: None - `mp_parameters`: - `auto_find_batch_size`: False - `full_determinism`: False - `torchdynamo`: None - `ray_scope`: last - `ddp_timeout`: 1800 - `torch_compile`: False - `torch_compile_backend`: None - `torch_compile_mode`: None - `dispatch_batches`: None - `split_batches`: None - `include_tokens_per_second`: False - `include_num_input_tokens_seen`: False - `neftune_noise_alpha`: None - `optim_target_modules`: None - `batch_eval_metrics`: False - `eval_on_start`: False - `batch_sampler`: batch_sampler - `multi_dataset_batch_sampler`: proportional
### Training Logs
Click to expand | Epoch | Step | Training Loss | loss | |:------:|:----:|:-------------:|:------:| | 0.0066 | 2 | 4.2577 | - | | 0.0131 | 4 | 4.0287 | - | | 0.0197 | 6 | 4.1022 | - | | 0.0262 | 8 | 3.8676 | - | | 0.0328 | 10 | 3.836 | - | | 0.0393 | 12 | 3.5016 | - | | 0.0459 | 14 | 3.5338 | - | | 0.0525 | 16 | 3.2488 | - | | 0.0590 | 18 | 3.1999 | - | | 0.0656 | 20 | 3.1266 | - | | 0.0721 | 22 | 2.7272 | - | | 0.0787 | 24 | 2.9005 | - | | 0.0852 | 26 | 2.4328 | - | | 0.0918 | 28 | 2.0929 | - | | 0.0984 | 30 | 1.9004 | - | | 0.1049 | 32 | 2.0227 | - | | 0.1115 | 34 | 1.8577 | - | | 0.1180 | 36 | 1.6767 | - | | 0.1246 | 38 | 1.6381 | - | | 0.1311 | 40 | 1.391 | - | | 0.1377 | 42 | 1.6477 | - | | 0.1443 | 44 | 1.7922 | - | | 0.1508 | 46 | 1.3904 | - | | 0.1574 | 48 | 1.7869 | - | | 0.1639 | 50 | 1.6701 | - | | 0.1705 | 52 | 1.1823 | - | | 0.1770 | 54 | 0.9928 | - | | 0.1836 | 56 | 1.4254 | - | | 0.1902 | 58 | 1.4535 | - | | 0.1967 | 60 | 1.3876 | - | | 0.2033 | 62 | 1.411 | - | | 0.2098 | 64 | 0.9778 | - | | 0.2164 | 66 | 0.9914 | - | | 0.2230 | 68 | 0.9946 | - | | 0.2295 | 70 | 0.9828 | - | | 0.2361 | 72 | 0.7432 | - | | 0.2426 | 74 | 1.315 | - | | 0.2492 | 76 | 0.6955 | - | | 0.2525 | 77 | - | 0.5755 | | 0.2557 | 78 | 0.7919 | - | | 0.2623 | 80 | 1.001 | - | | 0.2689 | 82 | 1.086 | - | | 0.2754 | 84 | 0.8213 | - | | 0.2820 | 86 | 0.9834 | - | | 0.2885 | 88 | 1.0083 | - | | 0.2951 | 90 | 0.6879 | - | | 0.3016 | 92 | 0.672 | - | | 0.3082 | 94 | 0.663 | - | | 0.3148 | 96 | 1.0285 | - | | 0.3213 | 98 | 1.0634 | - | | 0.3279 | 100 | 0.9316 | - | | 0.3344 | 102 | 0.88 | - | | 0.3410 | 104 | 0.9057 | - | | 0.3475 | 106 | 0.7303 | - | | 0.3541 | 108 | 0.8927 | - | | 0.3607 | 110 | 0.6541 | - | | 0.3672 | 112 | 0.6616 | - | | 0.3738 | 114 | 0.9198 | - | | 0.3803 | 116 | 0.4953 | - | | 0.3869 | 118 | 0.7159 | - | | 0.3934 | 120 | 0.6596 | - | | 0.4 | 122 | 0.8359 | - | | 0.4066 | 124 | 0.7748 | - | | 0.4131 | 126 | 0.5949 | - | | 0.4197 | 128 | 0.4204 | - | | 0.4262 | 130 | 1.0151 | - | | 0.4328 | 132 | 0.4979 | - | | 0.4393 | 134 | 0.6496 | - | | 0.4459 | 136 | 0.6039 | - | | 0.4525 | 138 | 0.6333 | - | | 0.4590 | 140 | 0.5494 | - | | 0.4656 | 142 | 0.5599 | - | | 0.4721 | 144 | 0.353 | - | | 0.4787 | 146 | 0.6529 | - | | 0.4852 | 148 | 0.5215 | - | | 0.4918 | 150 | 0.6408 | - | | 0.4984 | 152 | 0.6084 | - | | 0.5049 | 154 | 0.8947 | 0.2713 | | 0.5115 | 156 | 0.515 | - | | 0.5180 | 158 | 0.4075 | - | | 0.5246 | 160 | 0.7453 | - | | 0.5311 | 162 | 0.4385 | - | | 0.5377 | 164 | 0.5747 | - | | 0.5443 | 166 | 0.725 | - | | 0.5508 | 168 | 0.6338 | - | | 0.5574 | 170 | 0.2453 | - | | 0.5639 | 172 | 0.4578 | - | | 0.5705 | 174 | 0.3541 | - | | 0.5770 | 176 | 0.5326 | - | | 0.5836 | 178 | 0.3699 | - | | 0.5902 | 180 | 0.1714 | - | | 0.5967 | 182 | 0.3149 | - | | 0.6033 | 184 | 0.561 | - | | 0.6098 | 186 | 0.2852 | - | | 0.6164 | 188 | 0.2715 | - | | 0.6230 | 190 | 0.5521 | - | | 0.6295 | 192 | 0.2852 | - | | 0.6361 | 194 | 0.5103 | - | | 0.6426 | 196 | 0.3866 | - | | 0.6492 | 198 | 0.4369 | - | | 0.6557 | 200 | 0.3936 | - | | 0.6623 | 202 | 0.5084 | - | | 0.6689 | 204 | 0.4912 | - | | 0.6754 | 206 | 0.2659 | - | | 0.6820 | 208 | 0.6209 | - | | 0.6885 | 210 | 0.3022 | - | | 0.6951 | 212 | 0.2738 | - | | 0.7016 | 214 | 0.5555 | - | | 0.7082 | 216 | 0.3672 | - | | 0.7148 | 218 | 0.3489 | - | | 0.7213 | 220 | 0.6139 | - | | 0.7279 | 222 | 0.4402 | - | | 0.7344 | 224 | 0.2829 | - | | 0.7410 | 226 | 0.3669 | - | | 0.7475 | 228 | 0.729 | - | | 0.7541 | 230 | 0.2565 | - | | 0.7574 | 231 | - | 0.1849 | | 0.7607 | 232 | 0.2596 | - | | 0.7672 | 234 | 0.2359 | - | | 0.7738 | 236 | 0.4406 | - | | 0.7803 | 238 | 0.2629 | - | | 0.7869 | 240 | 0.3583 | - | | 0.7934 | 242 | 0.5298 | - | | 0.8 | 244 | 0.6225 | - | | 0.8066 | 246 | 0.3853 | - | | 0.8131 | 248 | 0.4741 | - | | 0.8197 | 250 | 0.3991 | - | | 0.8262 | 252 | 0.5629 | - | | 0.8328 | 254 | 0.2935 | - | | 0.8393 | 256 | 0.3563 | - | | 0.8459 | 258 | 0.3628 | - | | 0.8525 | 260 | 0.2416 | - | | 0.8590 | 262 | 0.1493 | - | | 0.8656 | 264 | 0.2488 | - | | 0.8721 | 266 | 0.4055 | - | | 0.8787 | 268 | 0.1286 | - | | 0.8852 | 270 | 0.4217 | - | | 0.8918 | 272 | 0.3529 | - | | 0.8984 | 274 | 0.1921 | - | | 0.9049 | 276 | 0.1736 | - | | 0.9115 | 278 | 0.4308 | - | | 0.9180 | 280 | 0.0992 | - | | 0.9246 | 282 | 0.3927 | - | | 0.9311 | 284 | 0.3451 | - | | 0.9377 | 286 | 0.4504 | - | | 0.9443 | 288 | 0.3065 | - | | 0.9508 | 290 | 0.2844 | - | | 0.9574 | 292 | 0.4308 | - | | 0.9639 | 294 | 0.1754 | - | | 0.9705 | 296 | 0.2608 | - | | 0.9770 | 298 | 0.4232 | - | | 0.9836 | 300 | 0.3234 | - | | 0.9902 | 302 | 0.24 | - | | 0.9967 | 304 | 0.2112 | - | | 1.0033 | 306 | 0.6322 | - | | 1.0098 | 308 | 0.2987 | 0.1357 | | 1.0164 | 310 | 0.4052 | - | | 1.0230 | 312 | 0.1458 | - | | 1.0295 | 314 | 0.2593 | - | | 1.0361 | 316 | 0.193 | - | | 1.0426 | 318 | 0.29 | - | | 1.0492 | 320 | 0.299 | - | | 1.0557 | 322 | 0.0841 | - | | 1.0623 | 324 | 0.0534 | - | | 1.0689 | 326 | 0.2166 | - | | 1.0754 | 328 | 0.2431 | - | | 1.0820 | 330 | 0.2621 | - | | 1.0885 | 332 | 0.0986 | - | | 1.0951 | 334 | 0.4274 | - | | 1.1016 | 336 | 0.2388 | - | | 1.1082 | 338 | 0.0899 | - | | 1.1148 | 340 | 0.158 | - | | 1.1213 | 342 | 0.1748 | - | | 1.1279 | 344 | 0.1226 | - | | 1.1344 | 346 | 0.1815 | - | | 1.1410 | 348 | 0.2312 | - | | 1.1475 | 350 | 0.4114 | - | | 1.1541 | 352 | 0.2258 | - | | 1.1607 | 354 | 0.1519 | - | | 1.1672 | 356 | 0.1536 | - | | 1.1738 | 358 | 0.103 | - | | 1.1803 | 360 | 0.2901 | - | | 1.1869 | 362 | 0.1629 | - | | 1.1934 | 364 | 0.1541 | - | | 1.2 | 366 | 0.1986 | - | | 1.2066 | 368 | 0.2492 | - | | 1.2131 | 370 | 0.2137 | - | | 1.2197 | 372 | 0.1954 | - | | 1.2262 | 374 | 0.1947 | - | | 1.2328 | 376 | 0.2114 | - | | 1.2393 | 378 | 0.4277 | - | | 1.2459 | 380 | 0.3636 | - | | 1.2525 | 382 | 0.4151 | - | | 1.2590 | 384 | 0.2258 | - | | 1.2623 | 385 | - | 0.1095 | | 1.2656 | 386 | 0.2794 | - | | 1.2721 | 388 | 0.2504 | - | | 1.2787 | 390 | 0.3785 | - | | 1.2852 | 392 | 0.2448 | - | | 1.2918 | 394 | 0.3936 | - | | 1.2984 | 396 | 0.1686 | - | | 1.3049 | 398 | 0.2301 | - | | 1.3115 | 400 | 0.1533 | - | | 1.3180 | 402 | 0.2516 | - | | 1.3246 | 404 | 0.1238 | - | | 1.3311 | 406 | 0.1629 | - | | 1.3377 | 408 | 0.1395 | - | | 1.3443 | 410 | 0.1093 | - | | 1.3508 | 412 | 0.0899 | - | | 1.3574 | 414 | 0.1793 | - | | 1.3639 | 416 | 0.0648 | - | | 1.3705 | 418 | 0.2402 | - | | 1.3770 | 420 | 0.2711 | - | | 1.3836 | 422 | 0.1457 | - | | 1.3902 | 424 | 0.1338 | - | | 1.3967 | 426 | 0.3074 | - | | 1.4033 | 428 | 0.0738 | - | | 1.4098 | 430 | 0.1702 | - | | 1.4164 | 432 | 0.111 | - | | 1.4230 | 434 | 0.249 | - | | 1.4295 | 436 | 0.1143 | - | | 1.4361 | 438 | 0.2255 | - | | 1.4426 | 440 | 0.3167 | - | | 1.4492 | 442 | 0.0751 | - | | 1.4557 | 444 | 0.1101 | - | | 1.4623 | 446 | 0.2098 | - | | 1.4689 | 448 | 0.2086 | - | | 1.4754 | 450 | 0.0978 | - | | 1.4820 | 452 | 0.3184 | - | | 1.4885 | 454 | 0.1347 | - | | 1.4951 | 456 | 0.2259 | - | | 1.5016 | 458 | 0.1651 | - | | 1.5082 | 460 | 0.2183 | - | | 1.5148 | 462 | 0.1315 | 0.0771 | | 1.5213 | 464 | 0.2672 | - | | 1.5279 | 466 | 0.1783 | - | | 1.5344 | 468 | 0.0408 | - | | 1.5410 | 470 | 0.4634 | - | | 1.5475 | 472 | 0.1762 | - | | 1.5541 | 474 | 0.0553 | - | | 1.5607 | 476 | 0.2445 | - | | 1.5672 | 478 | 0.1988 | - | | 1.5738 | 480 | 0.1985 | - | | 1.5803 | 482 | 0.1484 | - | | 1.5869 | 484 | 0.1403 | - | | 1.5934 | 486 | 0.1993 | - | | 1.6 | 488 | 0.1486 | - | | 1.6066 | 490 | 0.2899 | - | | 1.6131 | 492 | 0.2464 | - | | 1.6197 | 494 | 0.1352 | - | | 1.6262 | 496 | 0.1233 | - | | 1.6328 | 498 | 0.0413 | - | | 1.6393 | 500 | 0.091 | - | | 1.6459 | 502 | 0.0828 | - | | 1.6525 | 504 | 0.1488 | - | | 1.6590 | 506 | 0.1246 | - | | 1.6656 | 508 | 0.2795 | - | | 1.6721 | 510 | 0.067 | - | | 1.6787 | 512 | 0.168 | - | | 1.6852 | 514 | 0.2215 | - | | 1.6918 | 516 | 0.0854 | - | | 1.6984 | 518 | 0.2192 | - | | 1.7049 | 520 | 0.1479 | - | | 1.7115 | 522 | 0.1924 | - | | 1.7180 | 524 | 0.2075 | - | | 1.7246 | 526 | 0.208 | - | | 1.7311 | 528 | 0.1743 | - | | 1.7377 | 530 | 0.0817 | - | | 1.7443 | 532 | 0.1513 | - | | 1.7508 | 534 | 0.3422 | - | | 1.7574 | 536 | 0.1101 | - | | 1.7639 | 538 | 0.2815 | - | | 1.7672 | 539 | - | 0.0693 | | 1.7705 | 540 | 0.1837 | - | | 1.7770 | 542 | 0.0879 | - | | 1.7836 | 544 | 0.0746 | - | | 1.7902 | 546 | 0.2052 | - | | 1.7967 | 548 | 0.1416 | - | | 1.8033 | 550 | 0.1141 | - | | 1.8098 | 552 | 0.0312 | - | | 1.8164 | 554 | 0.139 | - | | 1.8230 | 556 | 0.1078 | - | | 1.8295 | 558 | 0.1302 | - | | 1.8361 | 560 | 0.0124 | - | | 1.8426 | 562 | 0.2641 | - | | 1.8492 | 564 | 0.1625 | - | | 1.8557 | 566 | 0.1907 | - | | 1.8623 | 568 | 0.0 | - | | 1.8689 | 570 | 0.1721 | - | | 1.8754 | 572 | 0.1178 | - | | 1.8820 | 574 | 0.0345 | - | | 1.8885 | 576 | 0.0924 | - | | 1.8951 | 578 | 0.0513 | - | | 1.9016 | 580 | 0.0929 | - | | 1.9082 | 582 | 0.1502 | - | | 1.9148 | 584 | 0.0338 | - | | 1.9213 | 586 | 0.1348 | - | | 1.9279 | 588 | 0.0297 | - | | 1.9344 | 590 | 0.0306 | - | | 1.9410 | 592 | 0.1416 | - | | 1.9475 | 594 | 0.0427 | - | | 1.9541 | 596 | 0.1916 | - | | 1.9607 | 598 | 0.1969 | - | | 1.9672 | 600 | 0.0765 | - | | 1.9738 | 602 | 0.1035 | - | | 1.9803 | 604 | 0.261 | - | | 1.9869 | 606 | 0.0845 | - | | 1.9934 | 608 | 0.0566 | - | | 2.0 | 610 | 0.704 | - |
### Framework Versions - Python: 3.10.12 - Sentence Transformers: 3.0.1 - Transformers: 4.42.3 - PyTorch: 2.1.1+cu121 - Accelerate: 0.31.0 - Datasets: 2.17.1 - Tokenizers: 0.19.1 ## Citation ### BibTeX #### Sentence Transformers ```bibtex @inproceedings{reimers-2019-sentence-bert, title = "Sentence-BERT: Sentence Embeddings using Siamese BERT-Networks", author = "Reimers, Nils and Gurevych, Iryna", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing", month = "11", year = "2019", publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics", url = "https://arxiv.org/abs/1908.10084", } ``` #### TripletLoss ```bibtex @misc{hermans2017defense, title={In Defense of the Triplet Loss for Person Re-Identification}, author={Alexander Hermans and Lucas Beyer and Bastian Leibe}, year={2017}, eprint={1703.07737}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.CV} } ```