--- license: cc-by-nc-4.0 language: - en metrics: - f1 pipeline_tag: text-classification tags: - transformers - argument-mining - opinion-mining - information-extraction - inference-extraction - Twitter widget: - text: "Men shouldn’t be making laws about women’s bodies #abortion #Texas" example_title: "Statement" - text: "’Bitter truth’: EU chief pours cold water on idea of Brits keeping EU citizenship after #Brexit HTTPURL via @USER" example_title: "Notification" - text: "Opinion: As the draconian (and then some) abortion law takes effect in #Texas, this is not an idle question for millions of Americans. A slippery slope towards more like-minded Republican state legislatures to try to follow suit. #abortion #F24 HTTPURL" example_title: "Reason" - text: "@USER Blah blah blah blah blah blah" example_title: "None" - text: "republican men and karens make me sick" example_title: "Unlabeled 1" - text: "No empire lives forever! Historical fact! GodWins! 🙏💪🇺🇲" example_title: "Unlabeled 2" - text: "Further author information regarding registration and visa support letters will be sent to the authors soon. #CIKM2023" example_title: "Unlabeled 3" - text: "Ummmmmm" example_title: "Unlabeled 4" - text: "whoever says that The Last Jedi is a good movie is lying or trolling everyone" example_title: "Unlabeled 5" - text: "I don’t think people realize how big this story is GBI Strategies, the group paid $11M+ by Biden PACs to harvest fraudulent voter registrations in *20 states*, may be the root source of Democrat election rigging @USER may have just exposed their entire fraud machine HTTPURL" example_tite: "Unlabeled 6" --- # WRAP -- A TACO-based Classifier For Inference and Information-Driven Argument Mining on Twitter Introducing WRAP, an advanced classification model built upon `AutoModelForSequenceClassification`, designed to identify tweets belonging to four distinct classes: Reason, Statement, Notification, and None of the [TACO dataset](https://anonymous.4open.science/r/TACO). Designed specifically for extracting information and inferences from Twitter data, this specialized classification model utilizes [WRAPresentations](https://huggingface.co/TomatenMarc/WRAPresentations), from which WRAP acquires its name. WRAPresentations is an advancement of the [BERTweet-base](https://huggingface.co/vinai/bertweet-base) architecture, whose embeddings were extended on augmented tweets using contrastive learning for better encoding inference and information in tweets. ## Class Semantics The TACO framework revolves around the two key elements of an argument, as defined by the [Cambridge Dictionary](https://dictionary.cambridge.org). It encodes *inference* as *a guess that you make or an opinion that you form based on the information that you have*, and it also leverages the definition of *information* as *facts or details about a person, company, product, etc.*. Taken together, WRAP can identify specific classes of tweets, where inferences and information can be aggregated in relation to these distinct classes containing these components: * *Statement*, which refers to unique cases where only the *inference* is presented as *something that someone says or writes officially, or an action done to express an opinion*. * *Reason*, which represents a full argument where the *inference* is based on direct *information* mentioned in the tweet, such as a source-reference or quotation, and thus reveals the author’s motivation *to try to understand and to make judgments based on practical facts*. * *Notification*, which refers to a tweet that limits itself to providing *information*, such as media channels promoting their latest articles. * *None*, a tweet that provides neither *inference* nor *information*. In its entirety, WRAP can classify the following hierarchy for tweets:
Component Space
## Usage Using this model becomes easy when you have `transformers` installed: ```python pip install - U transformers ``` Then you can use the model to generate tweet classifications like this: ```python from transformers import pipeline pipe = pipeline("text-classification", model="TomatenMarc/WRAP") prediction = pipe("Huggingface is awesome") print(prediction) ```
Notice: The tweets need to undergo preprocessing before classification.
## Training The final model underwent training using the entire shuffled ground truth dataset known as TACO, encompassing a total of 1734 tweets. This dataset showcases the distribution of topics as: #abortion (25.9%), #brexit (29.0%), #got (11.0%), #lotrrop (12.1%), #squidgame (12.7%), and #twittertakeover (9.3%). For training, we utilized [SimpleTransformers](https://simpletransformers.ai). Additionally, the category and class distribution of the dataset TACO is as follows: | Inference | No-Inference | |--------------|--------------| | 865 (49.88%) | 869 (50.12%) | | Information | No-Information | |---------------|----------------| | 1081 (62.34%) | 653 (37.66%) | | Reason | Statement | Notification | None | |--------------|--------------|--------------|--------------| | 581 (33.50%) | 284 (16.38%) | 500 (28.84%) | 369 (21.28%) |

Notice: Our training involved WRAP to forecast class predictions, where the categories (information/inference) represent class aggregations based on the inference or information component.

### Dataloader ``` "data_loader": { "type": "torch.utils.data.dataloader.DataLoader", "args": { "batch_size": 8, "sampler": "torch.utils.data.sampler.RandomSampler" } } ``` Parameters of the fit()-Method: ``` { "epochs": 5, "max_grad_norm": 1, "optimizer_class": "", "optimizer_params": { "lr": 4e-05 }, "scheduler": "WarmupLinear", "warmup_steps": 66 } ``` ## Evaluation We applied a 6-fold (Closed-Topic) cross-validation method to demonstrate WRAP's optimal performance. This involved using the same dataset and parameters described in the *Training* section, where we trained on k-1 splits and made predictions using the kth split. Additionally, we assessed its ability to generalize across the 6 topics (Cross-Topic) of TACO. Each of the k topics was utilized for testing, while the remaining k-1 topics were used for training purposes. In total, the WRAP classifier performs as follows: ### Binary Classification Tasks | Macro-F1 | Inference | Information | Multi-Class | |--------------|-----------|-------------|-------------| | Closed-Topic | 86.62% | 86.30% | 75.29% | | Cross-Topic | 86.27% | 84.90% | 73.54% | ### Multi-Class Classification Task | Micro-F1 | Reason | Statement | Notification | None | |--------------|--------|-----------|--------------|--------| | Closed-Topic | 78.14% | 60.96% | 79.36% | 82.72% | | Cross-Topic | 77.05% | 58.33% | 78.45% | 80.33% | # Environmental Impact - **Hardware Type:** A100 PCIe 40GB - **Hours used:** 10 min - **Cloud Provider:** [Google Cloud Platform](https://colab.research.google.com) - **Compute Region:** [asia-southeast1](https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/gpus/gpu-regions-zones?hl=en) (Singapore) - **Carbon Emitted:** 0.02kg CO2 ## Licensing [WRAP](https://huggingface.co/TomatenMarc/WRAP) © 2023 is licensed under [CC BY-NC-SA 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/?ref=chooser-v1)