--- base_model: - unsloth/Mistral-Small-Instruct-2409 library_name: transformers tags: - mergekit - merge --- BA-Zephyria-39b Data Card

BA-Zephyria-39b [EXPERIMENTAL]

Model Information

Base Model: unsloth/Mistral-Small-Instruct-2409

Strategy: Balanced Approach

Total Layers: 55

Duplication Start: Layer 19 (34.5% of model)

Duplicated Layers: 23 (41.8% of model)

Unique Final Layers: 14 (25.5% of model)

Model Characteristics

Configuration Visualization

[    Unique    ][    Duplicated    ][    Unique    ]
0 ----------- 18 19 ------------ 41 42 ---------- 54
     34.5%           41.8%            23.7%