--- base_model: - PygmalionAI/pygmalion-2-13b tags: - mergekit - merge --- # Daisuke This is a merge of pre-trained language models created using [mergekit](https://github.com/cg123/mergekit). ## Merge Details ### Author's Comments How does Shotmisser64 use Daisuke. Use alpaca, pyg instruct is not recommended. I use (https://files.catbox.moe/61zzg9.json) along with minimalist context template. Use novel style, mainly because of Erebus. Markdown untested. Use this as an RP assistant. Thanks to pyg, it can also act as 'human' if you want to play as their narrator. You have to edit the response if things go sour at the start. Like Kayra, your config matters a lot, but after 3 turns, it should get better. Feel free to even disable the instruct. Because of Pyg, I recommend putting -3 bias on [376] token (" token) in Kcpp/ST logit bias. It is to reduce pyg's dialogue spam. Since there's another form of (" token), set bias to -100 or ban the token [1346]. As for the [525] (') token, I set it to -5 to reduce 'thinking' done by the character while not banning it outright for words that are using it. I set my Temperature at 1.2 and min p at 0.1. Feel free to play around with other sampler as you see fit. Special thanks to PygmalionAI for Pygmalion, Jaxxks for Estopia, and Seeker for Erebus, along with the other model creator's model that's being used in the merge. ### Merge Method This model was merged using the passthrough merge method. ### Models Merged The following models were included in the merge: * [PygmalionAI/pygmalion-2-13b](https://huggingface.co/PygmalionAI/pygmalion-2-13b) * output/Estopia_Eru ### Configuration The following YAML configuration was used to produce this model: ```yaml merge_method: task_arithmetic base_model: TheBloke/Llama-2-13B-fp16 models: - model: TheBloke/Llama-2-13B-fp16 - model: Undi95/UtopiaXL-13B parameters: weight: 1.0 - model: Doctor-Shotgun/cat-v1.0-13b parameters: weight: 0.02 - model: PygmalionAI/mythalion-13b parameters: weight: 0.10 - model: Undi95/Emerhyst-13B parameters: weight: 0.05 - model: CalderaAI/13B-Thorns-l2 parameters: weight: 0.05 - model: KoboldAI/LLaMA2-13B-Tiefighter parameters: weight: 0.20 dtype: float16 name: EstopiaV9 # 1rstSamurai --- merge_method: task_arithmetic base_model: TheBloke/Llama-2-13B-fp16 models: - model: TheBloke/Llama-2-13B-fp16 - model: Undi95/UtopiaXL-13B parameters: weight: 1.0 - model: Doctor-Shotgun/cat-v1.0-13b parameters: weight: 0.01 - model: chargoddard/rpguild-chatml-13b parameters: weight: 0.02 - model: PygmalionAI/mythalion-13b parameters: weight: 0.08 - model: CalderaAI/13B-Thorns-l2 parameters: weight: 0.02 - model: KoboldAI/LLaMA2-13B-Tiefighter parameters: weight: 0.20 dtype: float16 name: EstopiaV13 # No13 --- models: - model: output/EstopiaV9 parameters: weight: 1 density: 1 - model: output/EstopiaV13 parameters: weight: 0.05 density: 0.30 merge_method: dare_ties base_model: TheBloke/Llama-2-13B-fp16 parameters: int8_mask: true dtype: bfloat16 name: Estopia_Dare # rainbowrainbow --- models: - model: output/Estopia_Dare parameters: weight: 1 density: 1 - model: /home/mixer/koboldai/models/llama2-13b-erebus-v3 parameters: weight: 0.2 density: 0.1 merge_method: dare_ties base_model: TheBloke/Llama-2-13B-fp16 parameters: int8_mask: true dtype: bfloat16 name: Estopia_Eru # A-JAX --- # From the top to Estopia_Eru is by Jaxxks, I just stack Estopia_Eru with Pyg2 to give it Pyg's dialogue capability. slices: - sources: - model: output/Estopia_Eru layer_range: [0, 16] - sources: - model: PygmalionAI/pygmalion-2-13b layer_range: [8, 24] - sources: - model: output/Estopia_Eru layer_range: [17, 32] - sources: - model: PygmalionAI/pygmalion-2-13b layer_range: [25, 40] merge_method: passthrough dtype: float16 ```