{ "_name_or_path": "TehVenom_GPT-J-Pyg_PPO-6B-Dev-V8p4", "activation_function": "gelu_new", "architectures": [ "GPTJForCausalLM" ], "attn_pdrop": 0.0, "badwordsids": [ [ 10619, 62, 19238, 62, 35, 12576, 7730 ] ], "bos_token_id": 50256, "embd_pdrop": 0.0, "eos_token_id": 50256, "gradient_checkpointing": false, "initializer_range": 0.02, "layer_norm_epsilon": 1e-05, "model_type": "gptj", "n_embd": 4096, "n_head": 16, "n_inner": null, "n_layer": 28, "n_positions": 2048, "resid_pdrop": 0.0, "rotary_dim": 64, "scale_attn_weights": true, "summary_activation": null, "summary_first_dropout": 0.1, "summary_proj_to_labels": true, "summary_type": "cls_index", "summary_use_proj": true, "task_specific_params": { "text-generation": { "do_sample": true, "max_length": 50, "temperature": 0.5 } }, "tie_word_embeddings": false, "tokenizer_class": "GPT2Tokenizer", "torch_dtype": "float16", "transformers_version": "4.28.0.dev0", "use_cache": true, "vocab_size": 50400, "welcome": "You are currently running ((ppo_hh-GPT-J[40%] + Pygmalion-6b V8p4_Dev [60%]), \na mix of the models reciprocate/ppo_hh_gpt-j, and PygmalionAI/pygmalion-6b V8p4_Dev at a ratio of 40:60" }