from lyraChatGLM import LyraChatGLM6B model_path = "./models/1-gpu-fp16.h5" tokenizer_path = "./models" data_type = "fp16" int8_mode = 0 max_output_length = 150 arch = "Ampere" # Ampere or Volta model = LyraChatGLM6B(model_path, tokenizer_path, data_type, int8_mode, arch) prompt = "今天天气大概 25度,有点小雨,吹着风,我想去户外散步,应该穿什么样的衣服裤子鞋子搭配。" test_batch_size = 256 prompts = [prompt, ] # If you want to get different output in same batch, you can set do_sample to True output_texts = model.generate(prompts, output_length=max_output_length,top_k=30, top_p=0.85, temperature=0.35, repetition_penalty=1.2, do_sample=False) print(output_texts)