--- datasets: - cyanic-selkie/aida-conll-yago-wikidata language: - en metrics: - accuracy - f1 tags: - entity linking - entity disambiguation - EL - ReFinED - RoBERTa --- # Model Card for LLMAEL-ReFinED-FT

We introduce LLMAEL (LLM-Augmented Entity Linking), a pipeline method to enhance entity linking through LLM data augmentation. We release our customly fine-tuned LLMAEL-ReFinED-FT model, which is fine-tuned from the ReFinED EL model using an Llama-3-70b augmented version of the AIDA_train dataset. LLMAEL-ReFinED-FT yields new SOTA results across six standard EL benchmarks: AIDA_test, MSNBC, AQUAINT, ACE2004, WNED-CLUEWEB, and WNED-WIKIPEDIA, achieving an average 1.21% accuracy gain. For more details, refer to our paper 📖 [LLMAEL: Large Language Models are Good Context Augmenters for Entity Linking](https://arxiv.org/abs/2407.04020)

### Model Description - **Developed by:** Amy Xin, Yunjia Qi, Zijun Yao, Fangwei Zhu, Kaisheng Zeng, Bin Xu, Lei Hou, Juanzi Li - **Model type:** Entity Linking Model - **Language(s):** English - **Finetuned from model [optional]:** [ReFinED](https://arxiv.org/abs/2207.04108)