import os, subprocess, glob, pandas, tqdm, cv2, numpy from import wavfile import random import torch import numpy as np def init_args(args): # The details for the following folders/files can be found in the annotation of the function 'preprocess_AVA' below args.modelSavePath = os.path.join(args.WORKSPACE, 'model') args.scoreSavePath = os.path.join(args.WORKSPACE, 'score.txt') args.trialPathAVA = os.path.join(args.DATA.dataPathAVA, 'csv') args.audioOrigPathAVA = os.path.join(args.DATA.dataPathAVA, 'orig_audios') args.visualOrigPathAVA = os.path.join(args.DATA.dataPathAVA, 'orig_videos') args.audioPathAVA = os.path.join(args.DATA.dataPathAVA, 'clips_audios') args.visualPathAVA = os.path.join(args.DATA.dataPathAVA, 'clips_videos') args.trainTrialAVA = os.path.join(args.trialPathAVA, 'train_loader.csv') if args.evalDataType == 'val': args.evalTrialAVA = os.path.join(args.trialPathAVA, 'val_loader.csv') args.evalOrig = os.path.join(args.trialPathAVA, 'val_orig.csv') args.evalCsvSave = os.path.join(args.WORKSPACE, 'val_res.csv') else: args.evalTrialAVA = os.path.join(args.trialPathAVA, 'test_loader.csv') args.evalOrig = os.path.join(args.trialPathAVA, 'test_orig.csv') args.evalCsvSave = os.path.join(args.WORKSPACE, 'test_res.csv') os.makedirs(args.modelSavePath, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(args.DATA.dataPathAVA, exist_ok=True) return args def make_deterministic(seed, strict=False): # random.seed(seed) os.environ['PYTHONHASHSEED'] = str(seed) np.random.seed(seed) torch.manual_seed(seed) torch.cuda.manual_seed(seed) torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(seed) # if you are using multi-GPU. # torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True # torch.set_deterministic(True) if strict: # torch.backends.cudnn.enabled = False print( "strict reproducability required! cudnn disabled. make sure to set num_workers=0 too!") def download_pretrain_model_AVA(): if os.path.isfile('pretrain_AVA.model') == False: Link = "1NVIkksrD3zbxbDuDbPc_846bLfPSZcZm" cmd = "gdown --id %s -O %s" % (Link, 'pretrain_AVA.model'), shell=True, stdout=None) def preprocess_AVA(args): # This preprocesstion is modified based on this [repository]( # The required space is 302 G. # If you do not have enough space, you can delate `orig_videos`(167G) when you get `clips_videos(85G)`. # also you can delate `orig_audios`(44G) when you get `clips_audios`(6.4G). # So the final space is less than 100G. # The AVA dataset will be saved in 'AVApath' folder like the following format: # ``` # ├── clips_audios (The audio clips cut from the original movies) # │   ├── test # │   ├── train # │   └── val # ├── clips_videos (The face clips cut from the original movies, be save in the image format, frame-by-frame) # │   ├── test # │   ├── train # │   └── val # ├── csv # │   ├── test_file_list.txt (name of the test videos) # │   ├── test_loader.csv (The csv file we generated to load data for testing) # │   ├── test_orig.csv (The combination of the given test csv files) # │   ├── train_loader.csv (The csv file we generated to load data for training) # │   ├── train_orig.csv (The combination of the given training csv files) # │   ├── trainval_file_list.txt (name of the train/val videos) # │   ├── val_loader.csv (The csv file we generated to load data for validation) # │   └── val_orig.csv (The combination of the given validation csv files) # ├── orig_audios (The original audios from the movies) # │   ├── test # │   └── trainval # └── orig_videos (The original movies) # ├── test # └── trainval # ``` download_csv(args) # Take 1 minute download_videos(args) # Take 6 hours extract_audio(args) # Take 1 hour extract_audio_clips(args) # Take 3 minutes extract_video_clips(args) # Take about 2 days def download_csv(args): # Take 1 minute to download the required csv files Link = "1C1cGxPHaJAl1NQ2i7IhRgWmdvsPhBCUy" cmd = "gdown --id %s -O %s" % (Link, args.dataPathAVA + '/csv.tar.gz'), shell=True, stdout=None) cmd = "tar -xzvf %s -C %s" % (args.dataPathAVA + '/csv.tar.gz', args.dataPathAVA), shell=True, stdout=None) os.remove(args.dataPathAVA + '/csv.tar.gz') def download_videos(args): # Take 6 hours to download the original movies, follow this repository: for dataType in ['trainval', 'test']: fileList = open('%s/%s_file_list.txt' % (args.trialPathAVA, dataType)).read().splitlines() outFolder = '%s/%s' % (args.visualOrigPathAVA, dataType) for fileName in fileList: cmd = "wget -P %s" % (outFolder, dataType, fileName), shell=True, stdout=None) def extract_audio(args): # Take 1 hour to extract the audio from movies for dataType in ['trainval', 'test']: inpFolder = '%s/%s' % (args.visualOrigPathAVA, dataType) outFolder = '%s/%s' % (args.audioOrigPathAVA, dataType) os.makedirs(outFolder, exist_ok=True) videos = glob.glob("%s/*" % (inpFolder)) for videoPath in tqdm.tqdm(videos): audioPath = '%s/%s' % (outFolder, videoPath.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] + '.wav') cmd = ( "ffmpeg -y -i %s -async 1 -ac 1 -vn -acodec pcm_s16le -ar 16000 -threads 8 %s -loglevel panic" % (videoPath, audioPath)), shell=True, stdout=None) def extract_audio_clips(args): # Take 3 minutes to extract the audio clips dic = {'train': 'trainval', 'val': 'trainval', 'test': 'test'} for dataType in ['train', 'val', 'test']: df = pandas.read_csv(os.path.join(args.trialPathAVA, '%s_orig.csv' % (dataType)), engine='python') dfNeg = pandas.concat([df[df['label_id'] == 0], df[df['label_id'] == 2]]) dfPos = df[df['label_id'] == 1] insNeg = dfNeg['instance_id'].unique().tolist() insPos = dfPos['instance_id'].unique().tolist() df = pandas.concat([dfPos, dfNeg]).reset_index(drop=True) df = df.sort_values(['entity_id', 'frame_timestamp']).reset_index(drop=True) entityList = df['entity_id'].unique().tolist() df = df.groupby('entity_id') audioFeatures = {} outDir = os.path.join(args.audioPathAVA, dataType) audioDir = os.path.join(args.audioOrigPathAVA, dic[dataType]) for l in df['video_id'].unique().tolist(): d = os.path.join(outDir, l[0]) if not os.path.isdir(d): os.makedirs(d) for entity in tqdm.tqdm(entityList, total=len(entityList)): insData = df.get_group(entity) videoKey = insData.iloc[0]['video_id'] start = insData.iloc[0]['frame_timestamp'] end = insData.iloc[-1]['frame_timestamp'] entityID = insData.iloc[0]['entity_id'] insPath = os.path.join(outDir, videoKey, entityID + '.wav') if videoKey not in audioFeatures.keys(): audioFile = os.path.join(audioDir, videoKey + '.wav') sr, audio = audioFeatures[videoKey] = audio audioStart = int(float(start) * sr) audioEnd = int(float(end) * sr) audioData = audioFeatures[videoKey][audioStart:audioEnd] wavfile.write(insPath, sr, audioData) def extract_video_clips(args): # Take about 2 days to crop the face clips. # You can optimize this code to save time, while this process is one-time. # If you do not need the data for the test set, you can only deal with the train and val part. That will take 1 day. # This procession may have many warning info, you can just ignore it. dic = {'train': 'trainval', 'val': 'trainval', 'test': 'test'} for dataType in ['train', 'val', 'test']: df = pandas.read_csv(os.path.join(args.trialPathAVA, '%s_orig.csv' % (dataType))) dfNeg = pandas.concat([df[df['label_id'] == 0], df[df['label_id'] == 2]]) dfPos = df[df['label_id'] == 1] insNeg = dfNeg['instance_id'].unique().tolist() insPos = dfPos['instance_id'].unique().tolist() df = pandas.concat([dfPos, dfNeg]).reset_index(drop=True) df = df.sort_values(['entity_id', 'frame_timestamp']).reset_index(drop=True) entityList = df['entity_id'].unique().tolist() df = df.groupby('entity_id') outDir = os.path.join(args.visualPathAVA, dataType) audioDir = os.path.join(args.visualOrigPathAVA, dic[dataType]) for l in df['video_id'].unique().tolist(): d = os.path.join(outDir, l[0]) if not os.path.isdir(d): os.makedirs(d) for entity in tqdm.tqdm(entityList, total=len(entityList)): insData = df.get_group(entity) videoKey = insData.iloc[0]['video_id'] entityID = insData.iloc[0]['entity_id'] videoDir = os.path.join(args.visualOrigPathAVA, dic[dataType]) videoFile = glob.glob(os.path.join(videoDir, '{}.*'.format(videoKey)))[0] V = cv2.VideoCapture(videoFile) insDir = os.path.join(os.path.join(outDir, videoKey, entityID)) if not os.path.isdir(insDir): os.makedirs(insDir) j = 0 for _, row in insData.iterrows(): imageFilename = os.path.join(insDir, str("%.2f" % row['frame_timestamp']) + '.jpg') V.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_MSEC, row['frame_timestamp'] * 1e3) _, frame = h = numpy.size(frame, 0) w = numpy.size(frame, 1) x1 = int(row['entity_box_x1'] * w) y1 = int(row['entity_box_y1'] * h) x2 = int(row['entity_box_x2'] * w) y2 = int(row['entity_box_y2'] * h) face = frame[y1:y2, x1:x2, :] j = j + 1 cv2.imwrite(imageFilename, face)