import os, torch, numpy, cv2, imageio, random, python_speech_features import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from import wavfile from glob import glob from torchvision.transforms import RandomCrop from scipy import signal def get_noise_list(musanPath, rirPath): augment_files = glob(os.path.join(musanPath, '*/*/*/*.wav')) noiselist = {} rir = numpy.load(rirPath) for file in augment_files: if not file.split('/')[-4] in noiselist: noiselist[file.split('/')[-4]] = [] noiselist[file.split('/')[-4]].append(file) return rir, noiselist def augment_wav(audio, aug_type, rir, noiselist): if aug_type == 'rir': rir_gains = numpy.random.uniform(-7,3,1) rir_filts = random.choice(rir) rir = numpy.multiply(rir_filts, pow(10, 0.1 * rir_gains)) audio = signal.convolve(audio, rir, mode='full')[:len(audio)] else: noisecat = aug_type noisefile = random.choice(noiselist[noisecat].copy()) snr = [random.uniform({'noise':[0,15],'music':[5,15]}[noisecat][0], {'noise':[0,15],'music':[5,15]}[noisecat][1])] _, noiseaudio = if len(noiseaudio) < len(audio): shortage = len(audio) - len(noiseaudio) noiseaudio = numpy.pad(noiseaudio, (0, shortage), 'wrap') else: noiseaudio = noiseaudio[:len(audio)] noise_db = 10 * numpy.log10(numpy.mean(abs(noiseaudio ** 2)) + 1e-4) clean_db = 10 * numpy.log10(numpy.mean(abs(audio ** 2)) + 1e-4) noise = numpy.sqrt(10 ** ((clean_db - noise_db - snr) / 10)) * noiseaudio audio = audio + noise return audio.astype(numpy.int16) def load_audio(data, data_path, length, start, end, audio_aug, rirlist = None, noiselist = None): # Find the path of the audio data data_type = data[0] id_name = data[1][:8] file_name = data[1].split('/')[0] + '_' + data[1].split('/')[1] + '_' + data[1].split('/')[2] + \ '_' + data[2].split('/')[0] + '_' + data[2].split('/')[1] + '_' + data[2].split('/')[2] + '.wav' audio_file_path = os.path.join(data_path, data_type, id_name, file_name) # Load audio, compute MFCC, cut it to the required length _, audio = if audio_aug == True: augtype = random.randint(0,3) if augtype == 1: # rir audio = augment_wav(audio, 'rir', rirlist, noiselist) elif augtype == 2: audio = augment_wav(audio, 'noise', rirlist, noiselist) elif augtype == 3: audio = augment_wav(audio, 'music', rirlist, noiselist) else: audio = audio feature = python_speech_features.mfcc(audio, 16000, numcep = 13, winlen = 0.025, winstep = 0.010) length_audio = int(round(length * 100)) if feature.shape[0] < length_audio: shortage = length_audio - feature.shape[0] feature = numpy.pad(feature, ((0, shortage), (0,0)), 'wrap') feature = feature[int(round(start * 100)):int(round(end * 100)),:] return feature def load_video(data, data_path, length, start, end, visual_aug): # Find the path of the visual data data_type = data[0] id_name = data[1][:8] file_name = data[1].split('/')[0] + '_' + data[1].split('/')[1] + '_' + data[1].split('/')[2] + \ '_' + data[2].split('/')[0] + '_' + data[2].split('/')[1] + '_' + data[2].split('/')[2] + '.mp4' video_file_path = os.path.join(data_path, data_type, id_name, file_name) # Load visual frame-by-frame, cut it to the required length length_video = int(round((end - start) * 25)) video = cv2.VideoCapture(video_file_path) faces = [] augtype = 'orig' if visual_aug == True: new = int(112*random.uniform(0.7, 1)) x, y = numpy.random.randint(0, 112 - new), numpy.random.randint(0, 112 - new) M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((112/2,112/2), random.uniform(-15, 15), 1) augtype = random.choice(['orig', 'flip', 'crop', 'rotate']) num_frame = 0 while video.isOpened(): ret, frames = if ret == True: num_frame += 1 if num_frame >= int(round(start * 25)) and num_frame < int(round(end * 25)): face = cv2.cvtColor(frames, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) face = cv2.resize(face, (224,224)) face = face[int(112-(112/2)):int(112+(112/2)), int(112-(112/2)):int(112+(112/2))] if augtype == 'orig': faces.append(face) elif augtype == 'flip': faces.append(cv2.flip(face, 1)) elif augtype == 'crop': faces.append(cv2.resize(face[y:y+new, x:x+new] , (112,112))) elif augtype == 'rotate': faces.append(cv2.warpAffine(face, M, (112,112))) else: break video.release() faces = numpy.array(faces) if faces.shape[0] < length_video: shortage = length_video - faces.shape[0] faces = numpy.pad(faces, ((0,shortage), (0,0),(0,0)), 'wrap') # faces = numpy.array(faces)[int(round(start * 25)):int(round(end * 25)),:,:] return faces def load_label(data, length, start, end): labels_all = [] labels = [] data_type = data[0] start_T, end_T, start_F, end_F = float(data[4]), float(data[5]), float(data[6]), float(data[7]) for i in range(int(round(length * 100))): if data_type == 'TAudio': labels_all.append(1) elif data_type == 'FAudio' or data_type == 'FSilence': labels_all.append(0) else: if i >= int(round(start_T * 100)) and i <= int(round(end_T * 100)): labels_all.append(1) else: labels_all.append(0) for i in range(int(round(length * 25))): labels.append(int(round(sum(labels_all[i*4: (i+1)*4]) / 4))) return labels[round(start*25): round(end*25)] class loader_TalkSet(object): def __init__(self, trial_file_name, data_path, audio_aug, visual_aug, musanPath, rirPath,**kwargs): self.data_path = data_path self.audio_aug = audio_aug self.visual_aug = visual_aug self.minibatch = [] self.rir, self.noiselist = get_noise_list(musanPath, rirPath) mix_lst = open(trial_file_name).read().splitlines() mix_lst = list(filter(lambda x: float(x.split()[3]) >= 1, mix_lst)) # filter the video less than 1s # mix_lst = list(filter(lambda x: x.split()[0] == 'TSilence', mix_lst)) sorted_mix_lst = sorted(mix_lst, key=lambda data: (float(data.split()[3]), int(data.split()[-1])), reverse=True) start = 0 while True: length_total = float(sorted_mix_lst[start].split()[3]) batch_size = int(250 / length_total) end = min(len(sorted_mix_lst), start + batch_size) self.minibatch.append(sorted_mix_lst[start:end]) if end == len(sorted_mix_lst): break start = end # self.minibatch = self.minibatch[0:5] def __getitem__(self, index): batch_lst = self.minibatch[index] length_total = float(batch_lst[-1].split()[3]) length_total = (int(round(length_total * 100)) - int(round(length_total * 100)) % 4) / 100 audio_feature, video_feature, labels = [], [], [] duration = random.choice([1,2,4,6]) #duration = 6 length = min(length_total, duration) if length == duration: start = int(round(random.randint(0, round(length_total * 25) - round(length * 25)) * 0.04 * 100)) / 100 end = int(round((start + length) * 100)) / 100 else: start, end = 0, length for line in batch_lst: data = line.split() audio_feature.append(load_audio(data, self.data_path, length_total, start, end, audio_aug = self.audio_aug, rirlist = self.rir, noiselist = self.noiselist)) video_feature.append(load_video(data, self.data_path, length_total, start, end, visual_aug = self.visual_aug)) labels.append(load_label(data, length_total, start, end)) return torch.FloatTensor(numpy.array(audio_feature)), \ torch.FloatTensor(numpy.array(video_feature)), \ torch.LongTensor(numpy.array(labels)) def __len__(self): return len(self.minibatch)