import { app } from "/scripts/app.js"; import { ComfyWidgets } from "/scripts/widgets.js"; import { api } from "/scripts/api.js"; class Pysssss { constructor() { if (!window.__pysssss__) { window.__pysssss__ = Symbol("__pysssss__"); } this.symbol = window.__pysssss__; } getState(node) { return node[this.symbol] || {}; } setState(node, state) { node[this.symbol] = state; app.canvas.setDirty(true); } addStatusTagHandler(nodeType) { if (nodeType[this.symbol]?.statusTagHandler) { return; } if (!nodeType[this.symbol]) { nodeType[this.symbol] = {}; } nodeType[this.symbol] = { statusTagHandler: true, }; api.addEventListener("pysssss/update_status", ({ detail }) => { let { node, progress, text } = detail; const n = app.graph.getNodeById(+(node || app.runningNodeId)); if (!n) return; const state = this.getState(n); state.status = Object.assign(state.status || {}, { progress: text ? progress : null, text: text || null }); this.setState(n, state); }); const self = this; const onDrawForeground = nodeType.prototype.onDrawForeground; nodeType.prototype.onDrawForeground = function (ctx) { const r = onDrawForeground?.apply?.(this, arguments); const state = self.getState(this); if (!state?.status?.text) { return r; } const { fgColor, bgColor, text, progress, progressColor } = { ...state.status };; ctx.font = "12px sans-serif"; const sz = ctx.measureText(text); ctx.fillStyle = bgColor || "dodgerblue"; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.roundRect(0, -LiteGraph.NODE_TITLE_HEIGHT - 20, sz.width + 12, 20, 5); ctx.fill(); if (progress) { ctx.fillStyle = progressColor || "green"; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.roundRect(0, -LiteGraph.NODE_TITLE_HEIGHT - 20, (sz.width + 12) * progress, 20, 5); ctx.fill(); } ctx.fillStyle = fgColor || "#fff"; ctx.fillText(text, 6, -LiteGraph.NODE_TITLE_HEIGHT - 6); ctx.restore(); return r; }; } } const pysssss = new Pysssss(); app.registerExtension({ name: "pysssss.Wd14Tagger", async beforeRegisterNodeDef(nodeType, nodeData, app) { pysssss.addStatusTagHandler(nodeType); if ( === "WD14Tagger|pysssss") { const onExecuted = nodeType.prototype.onExecuted; nodeType.prototype.onExecuted = function (message) { const r = onExecuted?.apply?.(this, arguments); const pos = this.widgets.findIndex((w) => === "tags"); if (pos !== -1) { for (let i = pos; i < this.widgets.length; i++) { this.widgets[i].onRemove?.(); } this.widgets.length = pos; } for (const list of message.tags) { const w = ComfyWidgets["STRING"](this, "tags", ["STRING", { multiline: true }], app).widget; w.inputEl.readOnly = true; = 0.6; w.value = list; } this.onResize?.(this.size); return r; }; } else { const getExtraMenuOptions = nodeType.prototype.getExtraMenuOptions; nodeType.prototype.getExtraMenuOptions = function (_, options) { const r = getExtraMenuOptions?.apply?.(this, arguments); let img; if (this.imageIndex != null) { // An image is selected so select that img = this.imgs[this.imageIndex]; } else if (this.overIndex != null) { // No image is selected but one is hovered img = this.imgs[this.overIndex]; } if (img) { let pos = options.findIndex((o) => o.content === "Save Image"); if (pos === -1) { pos = 0; } else { pos++; } options.splice(pos, 0, { content: "WD14 Tagger", callback: async () => { let src = img.src; src = src.replace("/view?", `/pysssss/wd14tagger/tag?node=${}&clientId=${api.clientId}&`); const res = await (await fetch(src)).json(); alert(res); }, }); } return r; }; } }, });