,Actual Text,Reff Text,Generated Text 0,when the kernel is heated above degrees celsius the water inside turns to steam.,when the kernel gets very hot and the water inside hits its boiling point above degrees celsius degrees fahrenheit it turns to steam.,when the kernel is heated above degrees celsius it turns to steam. 1,when the kernel is heated above degrees celsius the water inside turns to steam.,when the kernel gets very hot above degrees celsius degrees fahrenheit the water inside hits its boiling point and turns to steam.,when the kernel is heated above degrees celsius it turns to steam. 2,when the kernel is heated above degrees celsius the water inside turns to steam.,when the kernel gets very hot above degrees fahrenheit the water inside turns to steam which is a gas.,when the kernel is heated above degrees celsius it turns to steam. 3,when the kernel gets very hot and the water inside hits its boiling point above degrees celsius degrees fahrenheit it turns to steam.,when the kernel gets very hot above degrees fahrenheit the water inside turns to steam which is a gas.,when the kernel gets very hot the water inside turns to steam. 4,when the kernel gets very hot above degrees celsius degrees fahrenheit the water inside hits its boiling point and turns to steam.,when the kernel gets very hot above degrees fahrenheit the water inside turns to steam which is a gas.,when the kernel gets very hot it turns to steam. 5,when the kernel is heated above degrees celsius the water inside turns to steam.,when the kernel gets very hot above degrees fahrenheit the water inside the seeds heats up.,when the kernel is heated above degrees celsius it turns to steam. 6,when the kernel gets very hot and the water inside hits its boiling point above degrees celsius degrees fahrenheit it turns to steam.,when the kernel gets very hot above degrees fahrenheit the water inside the seeds heats up.,when the kernel gets very hot the water inside turns to steam. 7,when the kernel gets very hot above degrees celsius degrees fahrenheit the water inside hits its boiling point and turns to steam.,when the kernel gets very hot above degrees fahrenheit the water inside the seeds heats up.,when the kernel gets very hot it turns to steam. 8,when the kernel gets very hot above degrees fahrenheit the water inside turns to steam which is a gas.,when the kernel gets very hot above degrees fahrenheit the water inside the seeds heats up.,when the kernel gets very hot above degrees fahrenheit it turns to steam. 9,that water vapor forces its way into the hard endosperm creating a molten mass.,the steam creates a vapor that forces its way into the hard endosperm.,that water vapor makes its way into the hard endosperm. 10,that water vapor forces its way into the hard endosperm creating a molten mass.,the steam creates a vapor that forces its way into the endosperm.,that water vapor makes its way into the hard endosperm. 11,the endosperm melts into a molten mass like a bread dough or thick batter.,the endosperm melts into a thick substance like bread dough.,the endosperm melts into a liquid like a bread dough or thick batter. 12,the endosperm melts into a molten mass like a bread dough or thick batter.,the heat melts the endosperm into a thick substance like bread dough.,the endosperm melts into a liquid like a bread dough or thick batter. 13,the starch cools as soon as it bursts solidifying into a spongy white flake of popcorn.,the starch which used to be hot cools very quickly as soon as the kernel bursts.,the starch cools as soon as it bursts solidifying into a spongy white flake of popcorn. 14,the starch cools as soon as it bursts solidifying into a spongy white flake of popcorn.,the starch cools very quickly as soon as the kernel explodes.,the starch cools as soon as it bursts solidifying into a spongy white flake of popcorn. 15,the starch which used to be hot cools very quickly as soon as the kernel bursts.,the starch cools very quickly as soon as the kernel explodes.,but it cools very quickly as soon as the kernel bursts. 16,the starch cools as soon as it bursts solidifying into a spongy white flake of popcorn.,it turns into a spongy white flake of popcorn.,the starch cools as soon as it bursts solidifying into a spongy white flake of popcorn. 17,it turns into a spongy white flake of popcorn.,the kernel turns into the white flake of popcorn that you eat.,it turns into a spongy white flake of popcorn. 18,when all is said and done the inverted kernel is twice as large and eight times less dense.,after this popping is over the fluffy corn is twice as large and eight times less dense than the original kernel.,the new inverted kernel is twice as large and eight times less dense. 19,after this popping is over the fluffy corn is twice as large and eight times less dense than the original kernel.,after this popping process the fluffy corn is twice as large as the original kernel.,it is twice as large and eight times less dense than the original kernel. 20,after this popping process the fluffy corn is twice as large as the original kernel.,after it finally pops the fluffy corn is double the size of the kernel.,it is twice as large as the original corn. 21,after this popping is over the fluffy corn is twice as large and eight times less dense than the original kernel.,after it pops the fluffy corn is much bigger and lighter than the kernel was.,it is twice as large and eight times less dense than the original kernel. 22,after this popping process the fluffy corn is twice as large as the original kernel.,after it pops the fluffy corn is much bigger and lighter than the kernel was.,it is twice as large as the original corn. 23,after it finally pops the fluffy corn is double the size of the kernel.,after it pops the fluffy corn is much bigger and lighter than the kernel was.,when it is done the fluffy corn is double the size of a kernel. 24,to observe this in detail virot and ponomarenko trained the high speed camera on a hot plate.,to observe this process very closely virot and ponomarenko used their high speed cameras to capture kernels popping on a hot plate.,virot and ponomarenko showed how to put the high speed camera on a hot plate. 25,to observe this in detail virot and ponomarenko trained the high speed camera on a hot plate.,virot and ponomarenko used high speed cameras to capture this process very closely.,virot and ponomarenko showed how to put the high speed camera on a hot plate. 26,to observe this in detail virot and ponomarenko trained the high speed camera on a hot plate.,virot and ponomarenko used high tech cameras to watch the popping kernels.,virot and ponomarenko showed how to put the high speed camera on a hot plate. 27,to observe this process very closely virot and ponomarenko used their high speed cameras to capture kernels popping on a hot plate.,virot and ponomarenko used high tech cameras to watch the popping kernels.,virot and ponomarenko used their high speed cameras to take pictures of the process. 28,virot and ponomarenko used high speed cameras to capture this process very closely.,virot and ponomarenko used high tech cameras to watch the popping kernels.,virot and ponomarenko used high speed cameras to take pictures of the process very closely. 29,to observe this in detail virot and ponomarenko trained the high speed camera on a hot plate.,virot and ponomarenko used special cameras to capture the different steps of the popping.,virot and ponomarenko showed how to put the high speed camera on a hot plate. 30,to observe this process very closely virot and ponomarenko used their high speed cameras to capture kernels popping on a hot plate.,virot and ponomarenko used special cameras to capture the different steps of the popping.,virot and ponomarenko used their high speed cameras to take pictures of the process. 31,virot and ponomarenko used high speed cameras to capture this process very closely.,virot and ponomarenko used special cameras to capture the different steps of the popping.,virot and ponomarenko used high speed cameras to take pictures of the process very closely. 32,virot and ponomarenko used high tech cameras to watch the popping kernels.,virot and ponomarenko used special cameras to capture the different steps of the popping.,virot and ponomarenko used cameras to watch the popping kernels. 33,to observe this in detail virot and ponomarenko trained the high speed camera on a hot plate.,they used the cameras to observe kernels popping on a hot plate.,virot and ponomarenko showed how to put the high speed camera on a hot plate. 34,to observe this process very closely virot and ponomarenko used their high speed cameras to capture kernels popping on a hot plate.,they used the cameras to observe kernels popping on a hot plate.,virot and ponomarenko used their high speed cameras to take pictures of the process. 35,they dialed it up to degrees c and placed a few kernels on the scorching surface.,they turned the heat up to degrees celsius degrees fahrenheit and placed a few kernels on the scorching surface.,they dialed it up to degrees c and placed a few kernels on the scorching surface. 36,they dialed it up to degrees c and placed a few kernels on the scorching surface.,they turned the heat and placed a few kernels on the very hot surface.,they dialed it up to degrees c and placed a few kernels on the scorching surface. 37,they turned the heat up to degrees celsius degrees fahrenheit and placed a few kernels on the scorching surface.,they turned the heat and placed a few kernels on the very hot surface.,they turned the heat up to degrees celsius degrees fahrenheit. 38,they dialed it up to degrees c and placed a few kernels on the scorching surface.,they turned the heat up on a hot plate and placed a few kernels on the very hot surface.,they dialed it up to degrees c and placed a few kernels on the scorching surface. 39,they turned the heat up to degrees celsius degrees fahrenheit and placed a few kernels on the scorching surface.,they turned the heat up on a hot plate and placed a few kernels on the very hot surface.,they turned the heat up to degrees celsius degrees fahrenheit. 40,they dialed it up to degrees c and placed a few kernels on the scorching surface.,they turned the heat up and watched the kernels pop.,they dialed it up to degrees c and placed a few kernels on the scorching surface. 41,they turned the heat up to degrees celsius degrees fahrenheit and placed a few kernels on the scorching surface.,they turned the heat up and watched the kernels pop.,they turned the heat up to degrees celsius degrees fahrenheit. 42,they turned the heat and placed a few kernels on the very hot surface.,they turned the heat up and watched the kernels pop.,they turned the heat on and placed a few kernels on the hot surface. 43,after hundreds of trials they discovered that the popcorn gets kicked a few millimeters to a few centimeters into the air by a starch leg that emerges from the broken hull.,after hundreds of tries they discovered that the popcorn gets kicked into the air by a leg that emerges from the broken hull.,after hundreds of trials they discovered that the popcorn gets kicked a few millimeters to a few centimeters into the air by a leg that emerges from the broken hull. 44,after hundreds of trials they discovered that the popcorn gets kicked a few millimeters to a few centimeters into the air by a starch leg that emerges from the broken hull.,they eventually discovered that a small leg pops out from the broken hull.,after hundreds of trials they discovered that the popcorn gets kicked a few millimeters to a few centimeters into the air by a leg that emerges from the broken hull. 45,after hundreds of tries they discovered that the popcorn gets kicked into the air by a leg that emerges from the broken hull.,they eventually discovered that a small leg pops out from the broken hull.,after hundreds of tries the scientists discovered that the popcorn gets kicked into the air by a leg that comes out of the broken ship. 46,after being compressed on the ground the leg is released causing the popcorn to somersault like a gymnast.,when the leg is released the popcorn moves like a gymnast doing a somersault.,then the leg is released causing the popcorn to somersault like a gymnast. 47,after being compressed on the ground the leg is released causing the popcorn to somersault like a gymnast.,when the leg is released the popcorn moves like a gymnast somersaulting.,then the leg is released causing the popcorn to somersault like a gymnast. 48,after being compressed on the ground the leg is released causing the popcorn to somersault like a gymnast.,the popcorn moves like a gymnast doing a somersault.,then the leg is released causing the popcorn to somersault like a gymnast. 49,when the leg is released the popcorn moves like a gymnast somersaulting.,the popcorn moves like a gymnast doing a somersault.,when the leg is released the popcorn moves like a gymnast somersaulting. 50,when the leg is released the popcorn moves like a gymnast doing a somersault.,it was like a gymnast doing a somersault.,when the leg is released the popcorn moves like a gymnast doing somersault. 51,the popcorn moves like a gymnast doing a somersault.,it was like a gymnast doing a somersault.,the popcorn moves like a gymnast doing somersaults. 52,next the french team determined the critical temperature at which all popcorn pops.,after studying these small movements the french team determined the critical temperature that popcorn needs to pop.,next the french team figured out the temperature that all popcorn pops. 53,after studying these small movements the french team determined the critical temperature that popcorn needs to pop.,after studying these small movements the french team was able to conclude what temperature the kernels needs to pop.,the french team then figured out the temperature that popcorn needs to pop. 54,they put kernels of microwaveable popcorn in an oven and cranked up the temperature in increments of degrees c. only percent of the kernels popped at degrees c but percent popped at degrees c regardless of the size of the kernel.,they put kernels of microwaveable popcorn in an oven and cranked up the temperature degrees at a time.,they put kernels of microwaveable popcorn in an oven. 55,they put kernels of microwaveable popcorn in an oven and cranked up the temperature in increments of degrees c. only percent of the kernels popped at degrees c but percent popped at degrees c regardless of the size of the kernel.,they put kernels of microwaveable popcorn in an oven and turned up the temperature slowly.,they put kernels of microwaveable popcorn in an oven. 56,they put kernels of microwaveable popcorn in an oven and cranked up the temperature degrees at a time.,they put kernels of microwaveable popcorn in an oven and turned up the temperature slowly.,then they cranked up the temperature degrees at a time. 57,they put kernels of microwaveable popcorn in an oven and cranked up the temperature in increments of degrees c. only percent of the kernels popped at degrees c but percent popped at degrees c regardless of the size of the kernel.,they put kernels in an oven and slowly turned up the temperature.,they put kernels of microwaveable popcorn in an oven. 58,they put kernels of microwaveable popcorn in an oven and cranked up the temperature degrees at a time.,they put kernels in an oven and slowly turned up the temperature.,then they cranked up the temperature degrees at a time. 59,finally they investigated the source of popcorn s popping sound.,finally they investigated why popcorn makes its famous popping noise.,finally they discovered the popping sound of popcorn. 60,finally they investigated why popcorn makes its famous popping noise.,finally they investigated why the popcorn makes the pop pop pop sound as it heats up.,then they investigated why popcorn makes such a popping noise. 61,finally they investigated why the popcorn makes the pop pop pop sound as it heats up.,they really hoped to understand why popcorn jumps and why it makes a pop pop pop sound when it heats up.,they finally figured out why the popcorn makes the pop pop pop sound when it heats up. 62,they identified three possibilities the fracture of the hull the rebound on the ground and the release of pressurized water vapor.,they identified three possible reasons the cracking of the hull the bounce of the corn on the ground or the release of pressurized water vapor.,three possibilities could break the hull and the rebound on the ground. 63,they identified three possibilities the fracture of the hull the rebound on the ground and the release of pressurized water vapor.,they brainstormed three possible reasons for the noise.,three possibilities could break the hull and the rebound on the ground. 64,they identified three possible reasons the cracking of the hull the bounce of the corn on the ground or the release of pressurized water vapor.,they brainstormed three possible reasons for the noise.,they found three possible reasons the cracking of the hull the bounce of the corn on the ground or the release of pressurized water vapor. 65,to figure out which was responsible they placed a high end microphone centimeters away from the hot plate and synchronized it with the high speed camera.,to figure out which was responsible they placed very sensitive microphones less than a foot away from the hot plate.,to figure out which was responsible the researchers placed a high end microphone centimeters away from the hot plate. 66,there was no sound when the popcorn first opened so the cracking of the hull was not the culprit.,there was no sound when the popcorn first opened which told the researchers that it was not the breaking hull that caused the noise.,the cracking of the hull was not the cause. 67,there was no sound when the popcorn first opened so the cracking of the hull was not the culprit.,there was no sound when the popcorn first opened which told the researchers that the hull was not causing the noise.,the cracking of the hull was not the cause. 68,there was no sound when the popcorn first opened so the cracking of the hull was not the culprit.,at first when the hull cracked open there was no noise.,the cracking of the hull was not the cause. 69,there was no sound when the popcorn first opened which told the researchers that it was not the breaking hull that caused the noise.,at first when the hull cracked open there was no noise.,this told the researchers that it was not the breaking hull that caused the noise. 70,there was no sound when the popcorn first opened which told the researchers that the hull was not causing the noise.,at first when the hull cracked open there was no noise.,this told the researchers that the hull was not causing the noise. 71,a second fracture was observed milliseconds later milliseconds after that the pop sound began.,but after the first fracture a second crack was observed in the hull.,another break was seen milliseconds later after that the pop sound began. 72,a second fracture was observed milliseconds later milliseconds after that the pop sound began.,and milliseconds after that the pop sound began.,another break was seen milliseconds later after that the pop sound began. 73,in the midst of the stirring glory the musical centerpiece of the oscar nominated movie selma chicago rapper common delivers a terse summation of how words melody and a protest merged during the civil rights movement.,the stirring glory is the musical centerpiece of the oscar nominated movie selma. ,in the midst of the stirring glory the musical centerpiece of the oscar nominated movie selma chicago rapper common delivers an explanation of how words melody and a protest merged during the civil rights movement. 74,in the midst of the stirring glory the musical centerpiece of the oscar nominated movie selma chicago rapper common delivers a terse summation of how words melody and a protest merged during the civil rights movement.,the stirring song glory is the musical centerpiece of the oscar nominated movie selma. ,in the midst of the stirring glory the musical centerpiece of the oscar nominated movie selma chicago rapper common delivers an explanation of how words melody and a protest merged during the civil rights movement. 75,in the midst of the stirring glory the musical centerpiece of the oscar nominated movie selma chicago rapper common delivers a terse summation of how words melody and a protest merged during the civil rights movement.,the song glory is in the oscar nominated movie selma. ,in the midst of the stirring glory the musical centerpiece of the oscar nominated movie selma chicago rapper common delivers an explanation of how words melody and a protest merged during the civil rights movement. 76,the stirring glory is the musical centerpiece of the oscar nominated movie selma. ,the song glory is in the oscar nominated movie selma. ,the stirring glory is the musical centerpiece of the famous movie selma. 77,the stirring song glory is the musical centerpiece of the oscar nominated movie selma. ,the song glory is in the oscar nominated movie selma. ,the song is the musical highlight of the movie selma. 78,in the midst of the stirring glory the musical centerpiece of the oscar nominated movie selma chicago rapper common delivers a terse summation of how words melody and a protest merged during the civil rights movement.,in the midst of it rapper common summarizes how words melody and a protest merged during the civil rights movement.,in the midst of the stirring glory the musical centerpiece of the oscar nominated movie selma chicago rapper common delivers an explanation of how words melody and a protest merged during the civil rights movement. 79,in the midst of the stirring glory the musical centerpiece of the oscar nominated movie selma chicago rapper common delivers a terse summation of how words melody and a protest merged during the civil rights movement.,in it rapper common tells how words music and a protest came together during the civil rights movement.,in the midst of the stirring glory the musical centerpiece of the oscar nominated movie selma chicago rapper common delivers an explanation of how words melody and a protest merged during the civil rights movement. 80,in the midst of it rapper common summarizes how words melody and a protest merged during the civil rights movement.,in it rapper common tells how words music and a protest came together during the civil rights movement.,in the midst of it rapper common wrote about how words melody and a protest merged during the civil rights movement. 81,the blood of dozens of african americans was spilled in the first of three attempted voting rights marches to the alabama capital of montgomery from selma years ago on march.,many african american protesters were hurt in a voting rights march to the alabama capital of montgomery from selma years ago.,it was the first of three attempted voting rights marches to the alabama capital of montgomery from selma years ago. 82,the blood of dozens of african americans was spilled in the first of three attempted voting rights marches to the alabama capital of montgomery from selma years ago.,many african american protesters were hurt in a voting rights march to the alabama capital of montgomery from selma years ago.,it was the first of three attempted voting rights marches to the alabama capital of montgomery from selma years ago. 83,the blood of dozens of african americans was spilled in the first of three attempted voting rights marches to the alabama capital of montgomery from selma years ago on march.,many african americans were badly hurt during the march from selma years ago.,it was the first of three attempted voting rights marches to the alabama capital of montgomery from selma years ago. 84,the blood of dozens of african americans was spilled in the first of three attempted voting rights marches to the alabama capital of montgomery from selma years ago.,many african americans were badly hurt during the march from selma years ago.,it was the first of three attempted voting rights marches to the alabama capital of montgomery from selma years ago. 85,many african american protesters were hurt in a voting rights march to the alabama capital of montgomery from selma years ago.,many african americans were badly hurt during the march from selma years ago.,many african american protesters were hurt in a march to the alabama capital of montgomery years ago. 86,but as glory suggests the legacy of selma is hardly in the past.,but as glory suggests what happened in selma is hardly in the past.,but as glory suggests the memory of selma is hardly in the past. 87,then he draws a connection between the s civil rights pioneer rosa parks and last year s protests in ferguson missouri over the police slaying of an unarmed african american resident michael brown ,then he mentions the s civil rights pioneer rosa parks.,he also draws a connection between the s civil rights pioneer rosa parks and last year s protests in ferguson missouri. 88,then he draws a connection between the s civil rights pioneer rosa parks and last year s protests in ferguson missouri over the police slaying of an unarmed african american resident michael brown ,he connects parks with last year s protests in ferguson missouri over the police slaying of an unarmed african american resident michael brown.,he also draws a connection between the s civil rights pioneer rosa parks and last year s protests in ferguson missouri. 89,then he draws a connection between the s civil rights pioneer rosa parks and last year s protests in ferguson missouri over the police slaying of an unarmed african american resident michael brown ,he connects parks with last year s protests in ferguson missouri.,he also draws a connection between the s civil rights pioneer rosa parks and last year s protests in ferguson missouri. 90,then he draws a connection between the s civil rights pioneer rosa parks and last year s protests in ferguson missouri over the police slaying of an unarmed african american resident michael brown ,common connects parks with last year s protests in ferguson missouri.,he also draws a connection between the s civil rights pioneer rosa parks and last year s protests in ferguson missouri. 91,he connects parks with last year s protests in ferguson missouri over the police slaying of an unarmed african american resident michael brown.,common connects parks with last year s protests in ferguson missouri.,he connects parks with last year s protests in ferguson missouri. 92,he connects parks with last year s protests in ferguson missouri.,common connects parks with last year s protests in ferguson missouri.,he connects parks with last year s protests in ferguson missouri. 93,in the months after the outrage stirred by the deaths of brown and another unarmed african american eric garner in new york singer d angelo released his first album in more than a decade black messiah which included references both glancing and startlingly direct to the chain of events between selma and ferguson.,in the months after the outrage stirred by the deaths of brown and another unarmed african american eric garner in new york singer d angelo released his first album in more than years.,recently new york singer d angelo released his first album in more than years black messiah. 94,in the months after the outrage stirred by the deaths of brown and another unarmed african american eric garner in new york singer d angelo released his first album in more than a decade black messiah which included references both glancing and startlingly direct to the chain of events between selma and ferguson.,other singers sang about similar issues in the months after the outrage stirred by the deaths of brown and another unarmed african american eric garner in new york.,recently new york singer d angelo released his first album in more than years black messiah. 95,in the months after the outrage stirred by the deaths of brown and another unarmed african american eric garner in new york singer d angelo released his first album in more than a decade.,other singers sang about similar issues in the months after the outrage stirred by the deaths of brown and another unarmed african american eric garner in new york.,recently new york singer d angelo released his first album in more than years. 96,it is the most recent evidence that the soundtrack for the civil rights movement continues to be written.,songs for the civil rights movement continue to be written.,the soundtrack for the civil rights movement is still being written. 97,as newsweek magazine said in history has never known a protest movement so rich in song. ,newsweek magazine talked about the fight for civil rights in.,in history no one has seen a protest movement so full of song. 98,as newsweek magazine said of the civil rights movement in history has never known a protest movement so rich in song. ,newsweek magazine talked about the fight for civil rights in.,as newsweek magazine said of the civil rights movement in history no one has seen a protest movement so full of song. 99,in its original incarnation during the s african american freedom songs aimed to motivate protesters to march into harm s way and on a broader scale spread news of the struggle to a mainstream audience.,during the s african american freedom songs aimed to motivate protesters to march into dangerous situations.,in its original form during the s african american freedom songs aimed to motivate protesters to march into harm s way and on a broader scale spread news of the struggle to a mainstream audience. 100,in its original incarnation during the s african american freedom songs aimed to motivate protesters to march into harm s way.,during the s african american freedom songs aimed to motivate protesters to march into dangerous situations.,in its original form during the s african american freedom songs aimed to motivate protesters to march into harm s way. 101,during the s african american freedom songs aimed to motivate protesters to march into harm s way.,during the s african american freedom songs aimed to motivate protesters to march into dangerous situations.,in the s african american freedom songs inspired protesters to march into harm s way. 102,in its original incarnation during the s african american freedom songs aimed to motivate protesters to march into harm s way and on a broader scale spread news of the struggle to a mainstream audience.,during the s there were african american freedom songs. ,in its original form during the s african american freedom songs aimed to motivate protesters to march into harm s way and on a broader scale spread news of the struggle to a mainstream audience. 103,in its original incarnation during the s african american freedom songs aimed to motivate protesters to march into harm s way.,during the s there were african american freedom songs. ,in its original form during the s african american freedom songs aimed to motivate protesters to march into harm s way. 104,during the s african american freedom songs aimed to motivate protesters to march into harm s way.,during the s there were african american freedom songs. ,in the s african american freedom songs inspired protesters to march into harm s way. 105,during the s african american freedom songs aimed to motivate protesters to march into dangerous situations.,during the s there were african american freedom songs. ,during the s african american freedom songs were sung to motivate protesters to march into dangerous situations. 106,the gospel music of black churches spoke to a better life in the hereafter but soul r amp b and jazz secularized that message and speeded up the timetable so that the good life or at least an equal opportunity to live it could be experienced now.,the gospel or religious music of black churches spoke to a better life in heaven.,the gospel music of black churches spoke to a better life in the hereafter. 107,the gospel music of black churches spoke to a better life in the hereafter but soul r amp b and jazz speeded up the timetable so that the good life or at least an equal opportunity to live it could be experienced now.,the gospel or religious music of black churches spoke to a better life in heaven.,but soul r amp b and jazz speeded up the timetable so that the good life could be experienced now. 108,the gospel music of black churches spoke to a better life in the hereafter but soul r amp b and jazz secularized that message and speeded up the timetable so that the good life or at least an equal opportunity to live it could be experienced now.,the gospel or religious music of black churches talked about a better life in heaven.,the gospel music of black churches spoke to a better life in the hereafter. 109,the gospel music of black churches spoke to a better life in the hereafter but soul r amp b and jazz speeded up the timetable so that the good life or at least an equal opportunity to live it could be experienced now.,the gospel or religious music of black churches talked about a better life in heaven.,but soul r amp b and jazz speeded up the timetable so that the good life could be experienced now. 110,the gospel music of black churches spoke to a better life in the hereafter but soul r amp b and jazz secularized that message and speeded up the timetable so that the good life or at least an equal opportunity to live it could be experienced now.,however soul r amp b and jazz said that the good life or at least an equal opportunity to live it could be experienced now.,the gospel music of black churches spoke to a better life in the hereafter. 111,the gospel music of black churches spoke to a better life in the hereafter but soul r amp b and jazz speeded up the timetable so that the good life or at least an equal opportunity to live it could be experienced now.,however soul r amp b and jazz said that the good life or at least an equal opportunity to live it could be experienced now.,but soul r amp b and jazz speeded up the timetable so that the good life could be experienced now. 112,the gospel music of black churches spoke to a better life in the hereafter but soul r amp b and jazz secularized that message and speeded up the timetable so that the good life or at least an equal opportunity to live it could be experienced now.,however other types of music soul r amp b and jazz said that the good life could be experienced now.,the gospel music of black churches spoke to a better life in the hereafter. 113,the gospel music of black churches spoke to a better life in the hereafter but soul r amp b and jazz speeded up the timetable so that the good life or at least an equal opportunity to live it could be experienced now.,however other types of music soul r amp b and jazz said that the good life could be experienced now.,but soul r amp b and jazz speeded up the timetable so that the good life could be experienced now. 114,however soul r amp b and jazz said that the good life or at least an equal opportunity to live it could be experienced now.,however other types of music soul r amp b and jazz said that the good life could be experienced now.,but soul r amp b and jazz said that the good life could be experienced now. 115,the gospel music of black churches spoke to a better life in the hereafter but soul r amp b and jazz secularized that message and speeded up the timetable so that the good life or at least an equal opportunity to live it could be experienced now.,soul music jazz music and r amp b talked about life changing for the better.,the gospel music of black churches spoke to a better life in the hereafter. 116,as preachers and ministers such as martin luther king articulated the movement s goals artists such as chicago s curtis mayfield sam cooke and the staple singers crafted a musical counterpoint rooted in gospel but speaking the language of popular culture.,meanwhile artists such as chicago s curtis mayfield sam cooke and the staple singers crafted a music rooted in gospel but speaking the language of popular culture.,as religious leaders such as martin luther king articulated the movement s goals artists such as chicago s curtis mayfield sam cooke and the staple singers crafted a musical counterpoint rooted in gospel but speaking the language of popular culture. 117,as preachers and ministers such as martin luther king articulated the movement s goals artists such as chicago s curtis mayfield sam cooke and the staple singers crafted a musical counterpoint rooted in gospel but speaking the language of popular culture.,artists such as chicago s curtis mayfield sam cooke and the staple singers crafted a music rooted in gospel but speaking the language of popular culture.,as religious leaders such as martin luther king articulated the movement s goals artists such as chicago s curtis mayfield sam cooke and the staple singers crafted a musical counterpoint rooted in gospel but speaking the language of popular culture. 118,as preachers and ministers such as martin luther king articulated the movement s goals artists such as chicago s curtis mayfield sam cooke and the staple singers crafted a musical counterpoint rooted in gospel but speaking the language of popular culture.,artists who performed the music included chicago s curtis mayfield sam cooke and the staple singers.,as religious leaders such as martin luther king articulated the movement s goals artists such as chicago s curtis mayfield sam cooke and the staple singers crafted a musical counterpoint rooted in gospel but speaking the language of popular culture. 119,meanwhile artists such as chicago s curtis mayfield sam cooke and the staple singers crafted a music rooted in gospel but speaking the language of popular culture.,artists who performed the music included chicago s curtis mayfield sam cooke and the staple singers.,meanwhile artists such as chicago s curtis mayfield sam cooke and the staple singers crafted a music rooted in gospel but speaking the language of popular culture. 120,artists such as chicago s curtis mayfield sam cooke and the staple singers crafted a music rooted in gospel but speaking the language of popular culture.,artists who performed the music included chicago s curtis mayfield sam cooke and the staple singers.,the artists such as chicago s curtis mayfield sam cooke and the staple singers crafted a music rooted in gospel but speaking the language of popular culture. 121,as preachers and ministers such as martin luther king articulated the movement s goals artists such as chicago s curtis mayfield sam cooke and the staple singers crafted a musical counterpoint rooted in gospel but speaking the language of popular culture.,chicago s curtis mayfield sam cooke and the staples singers were musicians at the time.,as religious leaders such as martin luther king articulated the movement s goals artists such as chicago s curtis mayfield sam cooke and the staple singers crafted a musical counterpoint rooted in gospel but speaking the language of popular culture. 122,meanwhile artists such as chicago s curtis mayfield sam cooke and the staple singers crafted a music rooted in gospel but speaking the language of popular culture.,chicago s curtis mayfield sam cooke and the staples singers were musicians at the time.,meanwhile artists such as chicago s curtis mayfield sam cooke and the staple singers crafted a music rooted in gospel but speaking the language of popular culture. 123,artists such as chicago s curtis mayfield sam cooke and the staple singers crafted a music rooted in gospel but speaking the language of popular culture.,chicago s curtis mayfield sam cooke and the staples singers were musicians at the time.,the artists such as chicago s curtis mayfield sam cooke and the staple singers crafted a music rooted in gospel but speaking the language of popular culture. 124,artists who performed the music included chicago s curtis mayfield sam cooke and the staple singers.,chicago s curtis mayfield sam cooke and the staples singers were musicians at the time.,the artists included chicago s curtis mayfield and sam cooke. 125,mayfield wrote and sang on a string of message oriented impressions singles including keep on pushing and people get ready. ,mayfield wrote and sang on a string of message oriented records.,the hits included keep on pushing and people get ready. 126,mayfield wrote and sang on a string of message oriented records.,mayfield wrote and sang on records that had a message.,mayfield wrote and sang on a string of important records. 127,mayfield wrote and sang on a string of message oriented impressions singles including keep on pushing and people get ready. ,these included keep on pushing and people get ready. ,the hits included keep on pushing and people get ready. 128,mayfield wrote and sang on a string of message oriented records including keep on pushing and people get ready. ,these included keep on pushing and people get ready. ,she also wrote and sang on a string of important records. 129,all this creativity was inspired by pain struggle and bloodshed.,all this creativity was inspired by the pain struggle and violence the protesters faced.,all this creativity was inspired by pain struggle and bloodshed. 130,all this creativity was inspired by pain struggle and bloodshed.,the songs were inspired by pain and struggle.,all this creativity was inspired by pain struggle and bloodshed. 131,all this creativity was inspired by the pain struggle and violence the protesters faced.,the songs were inspired by pain and struggle.,all this creativity was inspired by the pain struggle and violence the protesters faced during their protests. 132,the three selma marches in aimed to draw attention to the struggle for black voting rights and proved to be a turning point in the struggle as police turned tear gas dogs and clubs on the unarmed protesters walking arm and arm across the edmund pettus bridge in selma with a ferocity that shook even the occupants of the white house.,the three selma marches in were meant to draw attention to the struggle for black voting rights.,the three selma marches in aimed to draw attention to the struggle for black voting rights and proved to be a turning point in the struggle. 133,the three selma marches in aimed to draw attention to the struggle for black voting rights.,the three selma marches in were meant to draw attention to the struggle for black voting rights.,the three selma marches were meant to draw attention to the struggle for black voting rights. 134,the three selma marches in aimed to draw attention to the struggle for black voting rights and proved to be a turning point in the struggle as police turned tear gas dogs and clubs on the unarmed protesters walking arm and arm across the edmund pettus bridge in selma with a ferocity that shook even the occupants of the white house.,they proved to be a turning point in the struggle as police turned tear gas dogs and clubs on the unarmed protesters with a ferocity that shook even the occupants of the white house.,the three selma marches in aimed to draw attention to the struggle for black voting rights and proved to be a turning point in the struggle. 135,the three selma marches in aimed to draw attention to the struggle for black voting rights and proved to be a turning point in the struggle as police turned tear gas dogs and clubs on the unarmed protesters walking arm and arm across the edmund pettus bridge in selma with a ferocity that shook even the occupants of the white house.,they proved to be a turning point in the struggle.,the three selma marches in aimed to draw attention to the struggle for black voting rights and proved to be a turning point in the struggle. 136,they proved to be a turning point in the struggle as police turned tear gas dogs and clubs on the unarmed protesters with a ferocity that shook even the occupants of the white house.,police used tear gas dogs and clubs on the unarmed protesters.,police turned tear gas dogs and clubs on the unarmed protesters. 137,pops staples patriarch of the acclaimed chicago gospel group the staple singers was touring when he saw media coverage of the event and was horrified.,pops staples led the well known chicago gospel group the staples singers.,pops staples is the patriarch of the acclaimed chicago gospel group the staple singers. 138,pops staples leader of the acclaimed chicago gospel group the staple singers was touring when he saw media coverage of the event and was horrified.,pops staples led the well known chicago gospel group the staples singers.,pops staples is the leader of the acclaimed chicago gospel group the staple singers. 139,pops staples patriarch of the acclaimed chicago gospel group the staple singers was touring when he saw media coverage of the event and was horrified.,pops staples led the well known chicago gospel group the staple singers.,pops staples is the patriarch of the acclaimed chicago gospel group the staple singers. 140,pops staples leader of the acclaimed chicago gospel group the staple singers was touring when he saw media coverage of the event and was horrified.,pops staples led the well known chicago gospel group the staple singers.,pops staples is the leader of the acclaimed chicago gospel group the staple singers. 141,pops staples patriarch of the acclaimed chicago gospel group the staple singers was touring when he saw media coverage of the event and was horrified.,pops staples led a well known chicago gospel group.,pops staples is the patriarch of the acclaimed chicago gospel group the staple singers. 142,pops staples leader of the acclaimed chicago gospel group the staple singers was touring when he saw media coverage of the event and was horrified.,pops staples led a well known chicago gospel group.,pops staples is the leader of the acclaimed chicago gospel group the staple singers. 143,pops staples led the well known chicago gospel group the staples singers.,pops staples led a well known chicago gospel group.,pops staples was the well known chicago gospel group the staples singers. 144,pops staples led the well known chicago gospel group the staple singers.,pops staples led a well known chicago gospel group.,pops staples was the well known chicago gospel group. 145,he had become friends with king and he and his family had been appearing at rallies with him and on behalf of his civil rights agenda.,staples and his family had been appearing at civil rights rallies with king.,he and his family had been appearing at rallies with him and on behalf of his civil rights agenda. 146,what he saw and experienced in the company of king politicized him.,what he saw and experienced in the company of king made him political.,what he saw and experienced in the company of king made him upset. 147,what he saw and experienced in the company of king politicized him.,what he saw and experienced with king made him political.,what he saw and experienced in the company of king made him upset. 148,what he saw and experienced in the company of king made him political.,what he saw and experienced with king made him political.,he became political because of what he saw and experienced in king. 149,after selma pops wrote one of the signature songs of the movement freedom highway and debuted it only a few weeks later in a concert at the new nazareth church on chicago s south side.,the song was first performed only a few weeks later in a concert at the new nazareth church on chicago s south side.,she performed it only a few weeks later at the new nazareth church on chicago s south side. 150,after selma pops wrote one of the signature songs of the movement freedom highway and debuted it only a few weeks later in a concert at the new nazareth church on chicago s south side.,the song was first performed only a few weeks later in a concert at a church on chicago s south side.,she performed it only a few weeks later at the new nazareth church on chicago s south side. 151,the song debuted only a few weeks later in a concert at the new nazareth church on chicago s south side.,the song was first performed only a few weeks later in a concert at a church on chicago s south side.,it was performed at the new nazareth church on chicago s south side. 152,the concert was documented on album also called freedom highway originally issued on epic records in.,the concert was documented on an album originally issued on epic records in.,the concert was recorded on album also called freedom highway. 153,the newly mastered recording puts the listener in the front pew.,the recording puts the listener in the front row of the church.,the newly discovered recording puts the listener in the front pew. 154,despite a litany of racial slights and atrocities in african american history nothing will deter us from pushing forward she roars made up my mind and i wo n t turn around. ,mavis roars made up my mind and i wo n t turn around. ,despite all the racial slights and atrocities in african american history nothing will stop her from pushing forward she said. 155,it s an exhilarating performance the congregation hearing the song for the first time but clapping along feverishly.,the people in the church hearing the song for the first time clap along excitedly.,they hear the song for the first time but clapping along feverishly. 156,pops bore witness until his last days as his final recording attests.,pops continued writing and singing about the movement until his last days as his final recording attests.,pops recorded what happened to him until his last days. 157,pops bore witness until his last days as his final recording attests.,pops continued writing and singing about the movement until his last days.,pops recorded what happened to him until his last days. 158,pops continued writing and singing about the movement until his last days as his final recording attests.,pops continued writing and singing about the movement until just before he died.,pops continued writing and singing about the civil rights movement until his last days. 159,pops continued writing and singing about the movement until his last days.,pops continued writing and singing about the movement until just before he died.,pops continued writing and singing about the civil rights movement until his last days. 160, do n t lose this anti released this week was recorded with his children in the years before his death in.,it was recorded with his children in the years before his death in.,it was recorded with his children in the years before he died in. 161, do n t lose this released this week was recorded with his children in the years before his death in.,it was recorded with his children in the years before his death in.,it was recorded with his children in the years before he died in. 162,on sweet home pops and mavis duet over a treble soaked guitar as if taking stock.,on sweet home pops and mavis sing a duet as if taking stock.,on sweet home pops and mavis duet over a guitar as if taking stock. 163,on sweet home pops and mavis duet over a treble soaked guitar as if taking stock.,on sweet home pops and mavis sing a duet.,on sweet home pops and mavis duet over a guitar as if taking stock. 164,on sweet home pops and mavis duet over a treble soaked guitar as if taking stock.,on sweet home pops and his daughter mavis sing a duet.,on sweet home pops and mavis duet over a guitar as if taking stock. 165,the struggle they joined in earnest during the s shows no sign of abating.,the struggle they joined in during the s shows no sign of ending.,the struggle they joined in earnest during the s shows no sign of going away. 166,the struggle they joined in earnest during the s shows no sign of abating.,the struggle they joined during the s shows no sign of ending.,the struggle they joined in earnest during the s shows no sign of going away. 167,weariness frays their voices but they re still on the freedom highway.,weariness tears up their voices but they re still on the freedom highway.,weariness frays their voices but they re still on the freedom highway. 168,weariness frays their voices but they re still on the freedom highway.,their fatigue changes their voices but they re still on the freedom highway.,weariness frays their voices but they re still on the freedom highway. 169,weariness tears up their voices but they re still on the freedom highway.,their fatigue changes their voices but they re still on the freedom highway.,they re still on the freedom highway. 170,weariness frays their voices but they re still on the freedom highway.,they are tired and it shows in their voices but they re still on the freedom highway.,weariness frays their voices but they re still on the freedom highway. 171,weariness tears up their voices but they re still on the freedom highway.,they are tired and it shows in their voices but they re still on the freedom highway.,they re still on the freedom highway. 172,their fatigue changes their voices but they re still on the freedom highway.,they are tired and it shows in their voices but they re still on the freedom highway.,their fatigue changes their voices but they re still on the freedom highway. 173,in fact he said he has rarely been called back for an interview.,in fact he said he has had very few interviews.,in fact he said he has rarely been called back to give an interview. 174,in fact he said he is rarely called back for an interview.,in fact he said he has had very few interviews.,in fact he said he rarely gets called back for an interview. 175, i had this picture in my mind of working downtown taking the train in and contributing to my profession said winfield who often wears dapper fitted business suits.,jeramey winfield had imagined himself working in downtown chicago taking the train to work and contributing to his profession., i had this picture in my mind of working downtown taking the train in and contributing to my profession he said. 176,while unemployment is falling to its lowest level in years recent college graduates across the country are nonetheless struggling to find work.,however recent college graduates across the country are struggling to find work.,while unemployment is falling to its lowest level in years recent college graduates across the country are still struggling to find work. 177,while unemployment is falling to its lowest level in years recent college graduates across the country are nonetheless struggling to find work.,however recent college graduates are struggling to find work.,while unemployment is falling to its lowest level in years recent college graduates across the country are still struggling to find work. 178,a new report found that for young african americans with a four year degree the job search has been especially brutal.,for young african americans with a four year degree the job search has been especially tough.,a new report found that for young african americans looking for a job have been especially difficult. 179,for young african americans with four year degrees a new report found the job search has been especially brutal.,for young african americans with a four year degree the job search has been especially tough.,a new report found that the job search has been especially tough for young african americans with four year degrees. 180,a new report found that for young african americans with a four year degree the job search has been especially brutal.,for young black men and women with college degrees the job search has been especially tough.,a new report found that for young african americans looking for a job have been especially difficult. 181,for young african americans with four year degrees a new report found the job search has been especially brutal.,for young black men and women with college degrees the job search has been especially tough.,a new report found that the job search has been especially tough for young african americans with four year degrees. 182,for young african americans with a four year degree the job search has been especially tough.,for young black men and women with college degrees the job search has been especially tough.,young african americans with a four year degree are especially likely to find a job. 183,a new report found that for young african americans with a four year degree the job search has been especially brutal.,for young black men and women the job search has been especially tough.,a new report found that for young african americans looking for a job have been especially difficult. 184,for young african americans with four year degrees a new report found the job search has been especially brutal.,for young black men and women the job search has been especially tough.,a new report found that the job search has been especially tough for young african americans with four year degrees. 185,for young african americans with a four year degree the job search has been especially tough.,for young black men and women the job search has been especially tough.,young african americans with a four year degree are especially likely to find a job. 186,they are having a harder time than whites finding a job are more likely to be in a job that does not require their college degree and are being paid less than white workers with the same experience.,according to a new study they are having a harder time than whites finding a job.,they are also more likely to be in a job that does not require their college degree. 187,they are having a harder time than whites finding a job are more likely to be in a job that does not require a college degree and are being paid less than white workers with the same experience.,according to a new study they are having a harder time than whites finding a job.,they are also more likely to be paid less than white workers with the same experience. 188,they are having a harder time than whites finding a job are more likely to be in a job that does not require their college degree and are being paid less than white workers with the same experience.,according to a new research study it is harder for blacks to find a job.,they are also more likely to be in a job that does not require their college degree. 189,they are having a harder time than whites finding a job are more likely to be in a job that does not require a college degree and are being paid less than white workers with the same experience.,according to a new research study it is harder for blacks to find a job.,they are also more likely to be paid less than white workers with the same experience. 190,according to a new study they are having a harder time than whites finding a job.,according to a new research study it is harder for blacks to find a job.,a new study says they are having a harder time finding a job. 191,they are having a harder time than whites finding a job are more likely to be in a job that does not require their college degree and are being paid less than white workers with the same experience.,they also are more likely to be in a job that does not require a college degree and are being paid less than white workers with the same experience.,they are also more likely to be in a job that does not require their college degree. 192,they are having a harder time than whites finding a job are more likely to be in a job that does not require a college degree and are being paid less than white workers with the same experience.,they also are more likely to be in a job that does not require a college degree and are being paid less than white workers with the same experience.,they are also more likely to be paid less than white workers with the same experience. 193,they are having a harder time than whites finding a job are more likely to be in a job that does not require their college degree and are being paid less than white workers with the same experience.,they are more likely to work in a job where their college degree is not needed.,they are also more likely to be in a job that does not require their college degree. 194,they are having a harder time than whites finding a job are more likely to be in a job that does not require a college degree and are being paid less than white workers with the same experience.,they are more likely to work in a job where their college degree is not needed.,they are also more likely to be paid less than white workers with the same experience. 195,they also are more likely to be in a job that does not require a college degree and are being paid less than white workers with the same experience.,they are more likely to work in a job where their college degree is not needed.,they also are more likely to be in a job that does not require a college degree and they are being paid less than white workers with the same experience. 196,they are having a harder time than whites finding a job are more likely to be in a job that does not require their college degree and are being paid less than white workers with the same experience.,they are more likely to work in a job that does not pay much and does not require a college degree.,they are also more likely to be in a job that does not require their college degree. 197,they are having a harder time than whites finding a job are more likely to be in a job that does not require a college degree and are being paid less than white workers with the same experience.,they are more likely to work in a job that does not pay much and does not require a college degree.,they are also more likely to be paid less than white workers with the same experience. 198,they also are more likely to be in a job that does not require a college degree and are being paid less than white workers with the same experience.,they are more likely to work in a job that does not pay much and does not require a college degree.,they also are more likely to be in a job that does not require a college degree and they are being paid less than white workers with the same experience. 199,they are more likely to work in a job where their college degree is not needed.,they are more likely to work in a job that does not pay much and does not require a college degree.,they also are more likely to work where their college degree is not needed. 200,they are having a harder time than whites finding a job are more likely to be in a job that does not require their college degree and are being paid less than white workers with the same experience.,also they are being paid less than white workers with the same experience.,they are also more likely to be in a job that does not require their college degree. 201,they are having a harder time than whites finding a job are more likely to be in a job that does not require a college degree and are being paid less than white workers with the same experience.,also they are being paid less than white workers with the same experience.,they are also more likely to be paid less than white workers with the same experience. 202,even african americans who study science technology engineering and math majors that have been winners in the job market have had a hard time finding work said john schmitt a senior economist with the center for economic and policy research who co authored that recent report a college degree is no guarantee. ,even african americans who studied science technology engineering and math winning fields in the job market have had a hard time finding work said john schmitt.,even african americans who study science technology engineering and math majors that have been winners in the job market have had a hard time finding work said john schmitt. 203,even african americans who study science technology engineering and math majors that are winners in the job market have had a hard time finding work said john schmitt.,even african americans who studied science technology engineering and math winning fields in the job market have had a hard time finding work said john schmitt.,even african americans who study science technology engineering and math have had a hard time finding work said john schmitt. 204,even african americans who study science technology engineering and math majors that have been winners in the job market have had a hard time finding work said john schmitt a senior economist with the center for economic and policy research who co authored that recent report a college degree is no guarantee. ,even blacks who have studied science technology engineering and math had a hard time finding work said john schmitt.,even african americans who study science technology engineering and math majors that have been winners in the job market have had a hard time finding work said john schmitt. 205,even african americans who study science technology engineering and math majors that are winners in the job market have had a hard time finding work said john schmitt.,even blacks who have studied science technology engineering and math had a hard time finding work said john schmitt.,even african americans who study science technology engineering and math have had a hard time finding work said john schmitt. 206,even african americans who studied science technology engineering and math winning fields in the job market have had a hard time finding work said john schmitt.,even blacks who have studied science technology engineering and math had a hard time finding work said john schmitt.,even african americans who studied science technology engineering and math winning fields have had a hard time finding work said john schmitt. 207,even african americans who studied science technology engineering and math winning fields in the job market have had a hard time finding work said john schmitt.,science technology engineering and math are winners in the job market.,even african americans who studied science technology engineering and math winning fields have had a hard time finding work said john schmitt. 208,even blacks who have studied science technology engineering and math had a hard time finding work said john schmitt.,science technology engineering and math are winners in the job market.,even blacks who studied science technology engineering and math had a hard time finding work said john schmitt. 209,even african americans who study science technology engineering and math majors that have been winners in the job market have had a hard time finding work said john schmitt a senior economist with the center for economic and policy research who co authored that recent report a college degree is no guarantee. ,however even blacks who studied them had a hard time finding work said john schmitt.,even african americans who study science technology engineering and math majors that have been winners in the job market have had a hard time finding work said john schmitt. 210,even african americans who study science technology engineering and math majors that are winners in the job market have had a hard time finding work said john schmitt.,however even blacks who studied them had a hard time finding work said john schmitt.,even african americans who study science technology engineering and math have had a hard time finding work said john schmitt. 211,even african americans who studied science technology engineering and math winning fields in the job market have had a hard time finding work said john schmitt.,however even blacks who studied them had a hard time finding work said john schmitt.,even african americans who studied science technology engineering and math winning fields have had a hard time finding work said john schmitt. 212,even blacks who have studied science technology engineering and math had a hard time finding work said john schmitt.,however even blacks who studied them had a hard time finding work said john schmitt.,even blacks who studied science technology engineering and math had a hard time finding work said john schmitt. 213,even african americans who study science technology engineering and math majors that have been winners in the job market have had a hard time finding work said john schmitt a senior economist with the center for economic and policy research who co authored that recent report a college degree is no guarantee. ,the senior economist with the center for economic and policy research co authored the new report a college degree is no guarantee. ,even african americans who study science technology engineering and math majors that have been winners in the job market have had a hard time finding work said john schmitt. 214,even african americans who study science technology engineering and math majors that have been winners in the job market have had a hard time finding work said john schmitt a senior economist with the center for economic and policy research who co authored that recent report a college degree is no guarantee. ,he is a senior economist with the center for economic and policy research and co authored the new report a college degree is no guarantee. ,even african americans who study science technology engineering and math majors that have been winners in the job market have had a hard time finding work said john schmitt. 215,even african americans who study science technology engineering and math majors that have been winners in the job market have had a hard time finding work said john schmitt a senior economist with the center for economic and policy research who co authored that recent report a college degree is no guarantee. ,he co authored the new report a college degree is no guarantee. ,even african americans who study science technology engineering and math majors that have been winners in the job market have had a hard time finding work said john schmitt. 216,the senior economist with the center for economic and policy research co authored the new report a college degree is no guarantee. ,he co authored the new report a college degree is no guarantee. ,an economist with the center for economic and policy research co authored the new report a college degree is no guarantee. 217,he co authored the new report a college degree is no guarantee. ,it is called a college degree is no guarantee. ,writing for the new report a college degree is no guarantee. 218,in many cases these graduates were the first in their family to attend college so they bear heavy expectations and responsibilities from carrying the banner of success for the family to providing financial help.,in many cases like winfield these graduates were the first in their family to attend college.,in many cases these graduates were the first in their family to attend college. 219,in many cases these graduates were the first in their family to attend college so they bear heavy expectations and responsibilities from carrying the banner of success for the family to providing financial help.,like winfield many of these graduates were the first in their family to attend college.,in many cases these graduates were the first in their family to attend college. 220,in many cases like winfield these graduates were the first in their family to attend college.,like winfield many of these graduates were the first in their family to attend college.,in many cases though these graduates were the first in their family to go to college. 221,in many cases these graduates were the first in their family to attend college so they bear heavy expectations and responsibilities from carrying the banner of success for the family to providing financial help.,they bear heavy expectations and responsibilities from carrying the banner of success for the family to helping out their families financially.,in many cases these graduates were the first in their family to attend college. 222,that has made their search for work all the more urgent and their failure a greater burden.,that can make their search for work all the more urgent and their failure to find it a greater burden.,that has made their search for work all the more urgent. 223,that can make their search for work all the more urgent and their failure to find it a greater burden.,that has made their search for work all the more urgent and their failure a greater hardship.,that can make their search for work all the more urgent. 224,that has made their search for work all the more urgent and their failure a greater burden.,all of this has made their search for work very urgent.,that has made their search for work all the more urgent. 225,that can make their search for work all the more urgent and their failure to find it a greater burden.,all of this has made their search for work very urgent.,that can make their search for work all the more urgent. 226,that has made their search for work all the more urgent and their failure a greater hardship.,all of this has made their search for work very urgent.,their search for work has become all the more urgent and their failure is a greater hardship. 227,the gap between whites and blacks has been fueled by many factors.,there are many reasons for the gap between whites and blacks.,the gap between whites and blacks has been caused by many factors. 228,there are many reasons for the gap between whites and blacks.,there are many reasons for the job gap.,there are more reasons for the gap in whites and blacks. 229,black college graduates do n t have strong networks and they often do n t have the experience to navigate the corporate world and reach the people who hire.,black college graduates do not have strong professional networks and may have more trouble reaching the people who hire in the corporate world.,they often do n t have the experience to navigate the corporate world and reach the people who hire. 230, employers give in to their racial bias and they are more likely to offer a job to a white candidate than a black candidate schmitt said.,employers are more likely to offer a job to a white person than a black person schmitt said.,they are also more likely to offer a job to a white candidate than a black candidate schmitt said. 231, employers give in to their racial bias and they are more likely to offer a job to a white candidate than a black candidate schmitt said.,employers are more likely to offer a job to a white person schmitt said.,they are also more likely to offer a job to a white candidate than a black candidate schmitt said. 232,black graduates were more than twice as likely to be jobless as whites.,more than twice as many white graduates found jobs than black graduates.,it found that black graduates were more than twice as likely to be jobless as whites. 233,joblessness can be particularly traumatic for young african americans said robert hawkins an associate professor in poverty studies at new york university s silver school of social work.,he is an associate professor in poverty studies at new york university s silver school of social work.,he is a professor in poverty studies at new york university s silver school of social work. 234,joblessness can be particularly traumatic for young african americans said robert hawkins an associate professor in poverty studies at new york university s silver school of social work.,he studies poverty at new york university s silver school of social work.,he is a professor in poverty studies at new york university s silver school of social work. 235,often they have to cope daily with racially charged incidents hawkins said.,often they have to cope daily with racism and deal with the stress of living in poor violent communities hawkins said.,they often have to cope daily with racially charged incidents. 236,sometimes there is the pressure from family and friends who expect them to be more immediately successful.,there could be pressure from family and friends who expect them to be successful.,sometimes there is the pressure from family and friends who think they will succeed. 237,sometimes there is the pressure from family and friends who expect them to be more immediately successful.,they may face pressure from family and friends who expect them to be successful and help support the family.,sometimes there is the pressure from family and friends who think they will succeed. 238,there could be pressure from family and friends who expect them to be successful.,they may face pressure from family and friends who expect them to be successful and help support the family.,there could also be pressure from family and friends who think they will succeed. 239,at the career transitions center of chicago executive director anita jenke said that some of her african american clients come from struggling communities and their families rely on them to help with bills child and elder care.,anita jenke is the executive director at the career transitions center of chicago.,at the career transitions center of chicago executive director anita jenke said that some of her african american clients come from struggling communities. 240,some of jenke s clients come from struggling communities and their families rely on them to help with bills child and elder care.,she said that some of the african american gradates come from poor communities and their families rely on them to help with bills.,some of jenke s customers come from struggling communities. 241,at the career transitions center of chicago executive director anita jenke said that some of her african american clients come from struggling communities and their families rely on them to help with bills child and elder care.,she said that some of the african american gradates come from poor communities and their families rely on them to help with bills.,at the career transitions center of chicago executive director anita jenke said that some of her african american clients come from struggling communities. 242,because their income is limited they do n t have the money to catch public transportation or pay for cab fare back and forth to interviews.,because they do n t have much money they can not afford the cab fare or train ticket to get to interviews.,they do n t have the money to catch public transportation or pay for cab fare back and forth to interviews. 243,because their income is limited they do n t have the money to catch public transportation or pay for cab fare back and forth to interviews.,they do n t have the money to get to interviews.,they do n t have the money to catch public transportation or pay for cab fare back and forth to interviews. 244,because their income is limited they do n t have the money to catch public transportation or pay for cab fare back and forth to interviews.,they do not have the money to get to interviews.,they do n t have the money to catch public transportation or pay for cab fare back and forth to interviews. 245,sometimes they lack stable internet access and many jobs require resumes and applications to be filled out online.,sometimes they lack a working cellphone or internet access and many jobs require resumes and applications to be filled out online.,and many jobs require resumes and applications to be filled out online. 246,sometimes they lack a working cellphone or internet access and many jobs require resumes and applications to be filled out online.,sometimes they lack a working cellphone or internet connection.,and many jobs require resumes and applications to be filled out online. 247,at colby sawyer college winfield was a standout student who created the campus first gospel choir.,he was a star student and began the school s first gospel choir.,at colby sawyer college winfield was a star student. 248,at colby sawyer college winfield was a top student who created the school s first gospel choir.,he was a star student and began the school s first gospel choir.,at colby sawyer college winfield was a top student. 249,his success at colby sawyer which he attended on a scholarship is part of the reason winfield ca n t understand why he ca n t find a job.,his success in college which he attended on a scholarship is part of the reason winfield can not understand why he ca n t find a job.,his success at colby sawyer is part of his reason winfield said. 250,his success at colby sawyer which he attended on a scholarship is part of the reason winfield ca n t understand why he ca n t find a job.,winfield s success in college is part of the reason he can not understand why he is having trouble finding a job.,his success at colby sawyer is part of his reason winfield said. 251,his success at colby sawyer which he attended on a scholarship is part of the reason winfield can not understand why he ca n t find a job.,winfield s success in college is part of the reason he can not understand why he is having trouble finding a job.,his success at colby sawyer is one of the reasons winfield can not understand why he can not find a job. 252,his success in college which he attended on a scholarship is part of the reason winfield can not understand why he ca n t find a job.,winfield s success in college is part of the reason he can not understand why he is having trouble finding a job.,his success in college is one of the reasons winfield can not understand why he can not find a job. 253,his success at colby sawyer which he attended on a scholarship is part of the reason winfield can not understand why he ca n t find a job.,that is part of the reason he can not understand why he has had such a hard time finding a job.,his success at colby sawyer is one of the reasons winfield can not understand why he can not find a job. 254,his success in college which he attended on a scholarship is part of the reason winfield can not understand why he ca n t find a job.,that is part of the reason he can not understand why he has had such a hard time finding a job.,his success in college is one of the reasons winfield can not understand why he can not find a job. 255,winfield s success in college is part of the reason he can not understand why he is having trouble finding a job.,that is part of the reason he can not understand why he has had such a hard time finding a job.,winfield s success in college is one reason he can not understand why he is having trouble finding a job. 256,winfield scrapes by earning money from working with a mentoring program at his former high school and occasionally he picks up substitute teaching jobs which pay him about a day.,now winfield scrapes by earning money from working with kids at his former high school.,he occasionally picks up substitute teaching jobs which pay him about a day. 257,winfield scrapes by earning money from working with a mentoring program at his former high school and occasionally he picks up substitute teaching jobs which pay him about a day.,now winfield scrapes by earning money from working with kids at his former high school and working as a substitute teacher.,he occasionally picks up substitute teaching jobs which pay him about a day. 258,winfield scrapes by earning money from working with a mentoring program at his former high school and occasionally he picks up substitute teaching jobs which pay him about a day.,now winfield earns money from working with kids at his former high school.,he occasionally picks up substitute teaching jobs which pay him about a day. 259,he has an older brother who was shot and left paralyzed.,winfield has an older brother who was shot and left paralyzed his mother does not have much money and his siblings struggle to get by.,he has an older brother who was shot and left paralyzed years ago. 260, being rejected by the professional world has pushed me to go harder working at my high school and my church he said.,but it has pushed me to go harder working at my high school and my church he said.,he said being rejected by the professional world has pushed him to work harder. 261, since i ca n t give what i learned to a professional environment i know i can come back to where i came from and use it here.,although he can not find a job in his field i know i can come back to where i came from and use it here., i know i can come back to where i came from and use it here he said. 262,washington with veterans of the civil rights movement at her side first lady michelle obama said friday that the most important issue facing blacks today is education.,washington on friday first lady michelle obama said that the most important issue facing blacks today is education.,washington first lady michelle obama said friday that the most important issue facing blacks today is education. 263, these women represent many different facets and eras of the movement obama said as she hosted an event marking black history month with veterans of the civil rights movement., these women represent many different facets and eras of the movement obama said of them., these women represent many different parts and eras of the movement obama said. 264, these women represent many different facets and eras of the movement obama said as she hosted an event marking black history month with veterans of the civil rights movement.,the women who joined her she said represented many different aspects and eras of the civil rights movement., these women represent many different parts and eras of the movement obama said. 265, these women represent many different facets and eras of the movement obama said of them.,the women who joined her she said represented many different aspects and eras of the civil rights movement., these women represent many different parts of the civil rights movement obama said. 266, these women represent many different facets and eras of the movement obama said as she hosted an event marking black history month with veterans of the civil rights movement.,the women obama said represent many different sides of the movement., these women represent many different parts and eras of the movement obama said. 267, these women represent many different facets and eras of the movement obama said of them.,the women obama said represent many different sides of the movement., these women represent many different parts of the civil rights movement obama said. 268,the women who joined her she said represented many different aspects and eras of the civil rights movement.,the women obama said represent many different sides of the movement.,the women who joined her represented many different parts of the civil rights movement. 269, but there is something that connects each of their stories a common thread that animates their lives and that is their hunger for and belief in the power of education. ,still as different as they are she said there is something that connects each of their stories a common thread that animates their lives. ,but there is something that connects each of their stories a common thread that animates their lives 270, but there is something that connects each of their stories a common thread that animates their lives and that is their hunger for and belief in the power of education. ,still as different as they are there is something that connects each of their stories she said.,but there is something that connects each of their stories a common thread that animates their lives 271, but there is something that connects each of their stories a common thread that animates their lives and that is their hunger for and belief in the power of education. ,still there is something that connects each of their stories she said.,but there is something that connects each of their stories a common thread that animates their lives 272, but there is something that connects each of their stories a common thread that animates their lives and that is their hunger for and belief in the power of education. ,what they all share in common is their hunger for and belief in the power of education. ,but there is something that connects each of their stories a common thread that animates their lives 273, but there is something that connects each of their stories a common thread that animates their lives and that is their hunger for and belief in the power of education. ,what they all share in common is a hunger for and belief in the power of education. ,but there is something that connects each of their stories a common thread that animates their lives 274,what they all share in common is their hunger for and belief in the power of education. ,they all believe in the power of education. ,they also share a hunger for the power of education. 275,what they all share in common is a hunger for and belief in the power of education. ,they all believe in the power of education. ,they also share a hunger for and belief in the power of education. 276,she was joined at the white house by a panel that included women of the civil rights movement including two who broke down barriers to attend school charlayne hunter gault one of the first to desegregate the university of georgia and carlotta walls lanier the youngest member of the little rock nine the group of black high school students barred from entering arkansas racially segregated little rock central high school.,obama was joined at the white house by a panel that included women of the civil rights movement among them two who broke down barriers that had kept them from attending school charlayne hunter gault and carlotta walls lanier.,she was joined at the white house by a panel that included women of the civil rights movement including two who broke down barriers to attend school. 277,she was joined at the white house by a panel that included women of the civil rights movement including two who broke down barriers to attend school charlayne hunter gault one of the first to desegregate the university of georgia and carlotta walls lanier the youngest member of the little rock nine the group of black high school students barred from entering arkansas racially segregated little rock central high school.,the civil rights movement veterans who joined obama at the white house included two who broke down barriers to attend school charlayne hunter gault and carlotta walls lanier.,she was joined at the white house by a panel that included women of the civil rights movement including two who broke down barriers to attend school. 278,obama was joined at the white house by a panel that included women of the civil rights movement among them two who broke down barriers that had kept them from attending school charlayne hunter gault and carlotta walls lanier.,the civil rights movement veterans who joined obama at the white house included two who broke down barriers to attend school charlayne hunter gault and carlotta walls lanier.,these included two women who broke down barriers that had kept them from attending school charlayne hunter gault and carlotta walls lanier. 279,she was joined at the white house by a panel that included women of the civil rights movement including two who broke down barriers to attend school charlayne hunter gault one of the first to desegregate the university of georgia and carlotta walls lanier the youngest member of the little rock nine the group of black high school students barred from entering arkansas racially segregated little rock central high school.,hunter gault was one of the first black students to attend the previously whites only university of georgia.,she was joined at the white house by a panel that included women of the civil rights movement including two who broke down barriers to attend school. 280,hunter gault was one of the first to desegregate the university of georgia.,hunter gault was one of the first black students to attend the previously whites only university of georgia.,hunter gault was one of the first to desegregate the university of georgia and still does. 281,she was joined at the white house by a panel that included women of the civil rights movement including two who broke down barriers to attend school charlayne hunter gault one of the first to desegregate the university of georgia and carlotta walls lanier the youngest member of the little rock nine the group of black high school students barred from entering arkansas racially segregated little rock central high school.,during the s hunter gault was one of the first black students to attend the previously whites only university of georgia.,she was joined at the white house by a panel that included women of the civil rights movement including two who broke down barriers to attend school. 282,hunter gault was one of the first to desegregate the university of georgia.,during the s hunter gault was one of the first black students to attend the previously whites only university of georgia.,hunter gault was one of the first to desegregate the university of georgia and still does. 283,she was joined at the white house by a panel that included women of the civil rights movement including two who broke down barriers to attend school charlayne hunter gault one of the first to desegregate the university of georgia and carlotta walls lanier the youngest member of the little rock nine the group of black high school students barred from entering arkansas racially segregated little rock central high school.,during the s hunter gault was one of the first black students to study at the university of georgia.,she was joined at the white house by a panel that included women of the civil rights movement including two who broke down barriers to attend school. 284,hunter gault was one of the first to desegregate the university of georgia.,during the s hunter gault was one of the first black students to study at the university of georgia.,hunter gault was one of the first to desegregate the university of georgia and still does. 285,hunter gault was one of the first black students to attend the previously whites only university of georgia.,during the s hunter gault was one of the first black students to study at the university of georgia.,he was one of the first black students to attend the previously whites only university of georgia. 286,during the s hunter gault was one of the first black students to attend the previously whites only university of georgia.,during the s hunter gault was one of the first black students to study at the university of georgia.,he was one of the first black students to attend the previously whites only university of georgia. 287,she was joined at the white house by a panel that included women of the civil rights movement including two who broke down barriers to attend school charlayne hunter gault one of the first to desegregate the university of georgia and carlotta walls lanier the youngest member of the little rock nine the group of black high school students barred from entering arkansas racially segregated little rock central high school.,lanier was the youngest member of the little rock nine the group of black high school students barred from entering arkansas little rock central high school which at the time only admitted whites.,she was joined at the white house by a panel that included women of the civil rights movement including two who broke down barriers to attend school. 288,she was joined at the white house by a panel that included women of the civil rights movement including two who broke down barriers to attend school charlayne hunter gault one of the first to desegregate the university of georgia and carlotta walls lanier the youngest member of the little rock nine the group of black high school students barred from entering arkansas racially segregated little rock central high school.,during the s lanier was the youngest member of the little rock nine a group of black high school students barred from entering arkansas little rock central high school.,she was joined at the white house by a panel that included women of the civil rights movement including two who broke down barriers to attend school. 289,she was joined at the white house by a panel that included women of the civil rights movement including two who broke down barriers to attend school charlayne hunter gault one of the first to desegregate the university of georgia and carlotta walls lanier the youngest member of the little rock nine the group of black high school students barred from entering arkansas racially segregated little rock central high school.,during the s lanier was one of a group of black high school students known as the little rock nine.,she was joined at the white house by a panel that included women of the civil rights movement including two who broke down barriers to attend school. 290,lanier was the youngest member of the little rock nine the group of black high school students barred from entering arkansas racially segregated little rock central high school.,during the s lanier was one of a group of black high school students known as the little rock nine.,they were a group of black high school students not allowed to go to school in arkansas. 291,lanier was the youngest member of the little rock nine the group of black high school students barred from entering arkansas little rock central high school which at the time only admitted whites.,during the s lanier was one of a group of black high school students known as the little rock nine.,in poor arkansas little rock central high school was forbidden from entering. 292,during the s lanier was the youngest member of the little rock nine a group of black high school students barred from entering arkansas little rock central high school.,during the s lanier was one of a group of black high school students known as the little rock nine.,in the s lanier was the youngest member of the little rock nine a group of black high school students barred from entering arkansas little rock central high school. 293,obama said that children today still fail to meet their full potential even if there are no mobs with bricks and bottles to ward young black women away from higher education.,obama said that while times have changed many children today still fail to meet their full potential.,even then there are no mobs with bricks and bottles to scare young black women away from higher education. 294,obama said that while times have changed many children today still fail to meet their full potential.,obama said that while times have changed problems still remain.,obama said that while times have changed many children today still do not see their full potential. 295,obama said that while times have changed problems still remain.,times have changed since the s obama said.,but he said problems still remain. 296,obama said that children today still fail to meet their full potential even if there are no mobs with bricks and bottles to ward young black women away from higher education.,even if there are no mobs with bricks and bottles to ward young black women away from higher education many still do not manage to get the education they should.,even then there are no mobs with bricks and bottles to scare young black women away from higher education. 297,obama said that children today still fail to meet their full potential even if there are no mobs with bricks and bottles to ward young black women away from higher education.,even if there are no longer mobs with bricks and bottles keeping young black women from attending college many still do not manage to get the education they should.,even then there are no mobs with bricks and bottles to scare young black women away from higher education. 298,even if there are no mobs with bricks and bottles to ward young black women away from higher education many still do not manage to get the education they should.,even if there are no longer mobs with bricks and bottles keeping young black women from attending college many still do not manage to get the education they should.,there are no mobs with bricks and bottles to scare young black women away from college. 299,obama said that children today still fail to meet their full potential even if there are no mobs with bricks and bottles to ward young black women away from higher education.,mobs with bricks and bottles no longer keep young black women from attending college.,even then there are no mobs with bricks and bottles to scare young black women away from higher education. 300,because of that obama urged the young women in attendance to go to school no matter what even the bad schools with crumbling facilities and outdated technology.,because of that obama urged the young black women who attended the event to go to school no matter what.,because of that obama urged the young women in attendance to go to school no matter what. 301,because of that obama urged the young women in attendance to go to school no matter what even if it means attending bad schools with crumbling facilities and outdated technology.,because of that obama urged the young black women who attended the event to go to school no matter what.,because of that obama urged the young women in attendance to go to school no matter what. 302,obama a graduate of princeton university and harvard law school heads the reach higher initiative an effort to boost the desire for post secondary education in high schoolers.,obama herself is a graduate of princeton university and harvard law school.,obama heads the reach higher initiative an effort to boost the desire for post secondary education in high schoolers. 303,obama a graduate of princeton university and harvard law school heads the reach higher initiative an effort to boost the desire for post secondary education in high schoolers.,the first lady is a graduate of princeton university and harvard law school.,obama heads the reach higher initiative an effort to boost the desire for post secondary education in high schoolers. 304,obama herself is a graduate of princeton university and harvard law school.,the first lady is a graduate of princeton university and harvard law school.,obama herself graduated from princeton university and harvard law school. 305,the first lady is a graduate of princeton university and harvard law school.,obama herself is a graduate of princeton university and harvard law school.,the first lady is a graduate of princeton university and harvard law school. 306,obama a graduate of princeton university and harvard law school heads the reach higher initiative an effort to boost the desire for post secondary education in high schoolers.,she graduated from princeton university and harvard law school.,obama heads the reach higher initiative an effort to boost the desire for post secondary education in high schoolers. 307,obama herself is a graduate of princeton university and harvard law school.,she graduated from princeton university and harvard law school.,obama herself graduated from princeton university and harvard law school. 308,the first lady is a graduate of princeton university and harvard law school.,she graduated from princeton university and harvard law school.,the first lady is a graduate of princeton university and harvard law school. 309,obama a graduate of princeton university and harvard law school heads the reach higher initiative an effort to boost the desire for post secondary education in high schoolers.,she heads the program reach higher an effort to boost the desire for post secondary education in high schoolers.,obama heads the reach higher initiative an effort to boost the desire for post secondary education in high schoolers. 310,obama a graduate of princeton university and harvard law school heads the reach higher initiative an effort to boost the desire for post secondary education in high schoolers.,she heads the program reach higher an effort to boost the desire for college education in high schoolers.,obama heads the reach higher initiative an effort to boost the desire for post secondary education in high schoolers. 311,essence magazine co hosted the event which took place just days after the publication s first cover without a photo in years.,friday s event was co hosted by essence magazine a magazine for african american women that recently released its first issue in years without a photo on the cover.,it was just days after the publication s first cover without a photo in years. 312,essence magazine co hosted the event which took place just days after the appearance of the publication s first cover without a photo in years.,friday s event was co hosted by essence magazine a magazine for african american women that recently released its first issue in years without a photo on the cover.,it was held just days after the publication s first cover without a photo in years. 313,essence magazine co hosted the event which took place just days after the publication s first cover without a photo in years.,friday s event was co hosted by essence magazine a magazine for african american women.,it was just days after the publication s first cover without a photo in years. 314,essence magazine co hosted the event which took place just days after the publication s first cover without a photo in years.,only a few days earlier the magazine released its first issue in years without a photo on the cover.,it was just days after the publication s first cover without a photo in years. 315,essence magazine co hosted the event which took place just days after the appearance of the publication s first cover without a photo in years.,only a few days earlier the magazine released its first issue in years without a photo on the cover.,it was held just days after the publication s first cover without a photo in years. 316,friday s event was co hosted by essence magazine a magazine for african american women that recently released its first issue in years without a photo on the cover.,only a few days earlier the magazine released its first issue in years without a photo on the cover.,friday s event was co hosted by essence magazine a magazine for african american women. 317,essence editor in chief vanessa k. deluca moderated the panel discussion which focused conversation on the women s own educational experiences and how those fueled and must continue to fuel social progress across generations.,essence editor in chief vanessa k. deluca moderated friday s panel discussion which focused on the continuing importance of education.,it focused conversation on the women s own educational experiences and how those fueled and must continue to fuel social progress across generations. 318,essence editor in chief vanessa k. deluca moderated the panel discussion which focused on the women s own educational experiences and on how education must continue to fuel social progress across generations.,essence editor in chief vanessa k. deluca moderated friday s panel discussion which focused on the continuing importance of education.,it also focused on how education must continue to fuel social progress across generations. 319,essence editor in chief vanessa k. deluca moderated the panel discussion which focused conversation on the women s own educational experiences and how those fueled and must continue to fuel social progress across generations.,essence editor in chief vanessa k. deluca led friday s panel discussion.,it focused conversation on the women s own educational experiences and how those fueled and must continue to fuel social progress across generations. 320,essence editor in chief vanessa k. deluca moderated the panel discussion which focused on the women s own educational experiences and on how education must continue to fuel social progress across generations.,essence editor in chief vanessa k. deluca led friday s panel discussion.,it also focused on how education must continue to fuel social progress across generations. 321,essence editor in chief vanessa k. deluca moderated friday s panel discussion which focused on the continuing importance of education.,essence editor in chief vanessa k. deluca led friday s panel discussion.,on friday s panel discussion she focused on the continuing importance of education. 322,as his year old son wesley bombed down a snow packed hill monday afternoon russell pope smiled.,as year old wesley pope bombed down a snow packed hill one afternoon his father russell smiled.,on monday russell pope watched his year old son wesley go down a snow packed hill. 323,as his year old son wesley bombed down a snow packed hill monday afternoon russell pope smiled.,ten year old wesley pope jumped on a sled and bombed down a snow packed hill.,on monday russell pope watched his year old son wesley go down a snow packed hill. 324,as year old wesley pope bombed down a snow packed hill one afternoon his father russell smiled.,ten year old wesley pope jumped on a sled and bombed down a snow packed hill.,one afternoon as wesley pope bombed down a snow packed hill his father russell smiled. 325,as his year old son wesley bombed down a snow packed hill monday afternoon russell pope smiled.,ten year old wesley pope shot down a snow packed hill on his sled.,on monday russell pope watched his year old son wesley go down a snow packed hill. 326,as year old wesley pope bombed down a snow packed hill one afternoon his father russell smiled.,ten year old wesley pope shot down a snow packed hill on his sled.,one afternoon as wesley pope bombed down a snow packed hill his father russell smiled. 327,ten year old wesley pope jumped on a sled and bombed down a snow packed hill.,ten year old wesley pope shot down a snow packed hill on his sled.,he jumped on a sled and went down a snow packed hill. 328,as his year old son wesley bombed down a snow packed hill monday afternoon russell pope smiled.,ten year old wesley pope shot down the hill on his sled.,on monday russell pope watched his year old son wesley go down a snow packed hill. 329,as year old wesley pope bombed down a snow packed hill one afternoon his father russell smiled.,ten year old wesley pope shot down the hill on his sled.,one afternoon as wesley pope bombed down a snow packed hill his father russell smiled. 330,ten year old wesley pope jumped on a sled and bombed down a snow packed hill.,ten year old wesley pope shot down the hill on his sled.,he jumped on a sled and went down a snow packed hill. 331,ten year old wesley pope shot down a snow packed hill on his sled.,ten year old wesley pope shot down the hill on his sled.,on a recent day pope shot down a snow packed hill on his sled. 332,after a mostly snowless winter the overland park kansas man enjoyed finally getting to sled with his children on the presidents day holiday.,after a mostly snowless winter the overland park kansas man enjoyed finally getting to go sledding with his children.,after a mostly snowless winter the overland park kansas man enjoyed finally getting to sled with his children on the presidents day holiday. 333,after a mostly snowless winter they finally got a chance to go sledding one afternoon last week.,after a winter mostly without snow they finally got a chance to go sledding one afternoon last week.,then they finally got a chance to go sledding one afternoon. 334,but in a growing number of cities something else has kept kids off the hills.,in a growing number of cities however something other than a lack of snow has kept kids off the hills the law.,but in a growing number of cities something else has been keeping kids off the hills. 335,but in a growing number of cities something else has kept kids off the hills.,in other parts of the country a lack of snow is not the only thing keeping kids off the hills.,but in a growing number of cities something else has been keeping kids off the hills. 336,in a growing number of cities however something other than a lack of snow has kept kids off the hills the law.,in other parts of the country a lack of snow is not the only thing keeping kids off the hills.,yet something other than a lack of snow has kept kids off the hills. 337,but in a growing number of cities something else has kept kids off the hills.,but a lack of snow is not the only thing keeping many kids off the hills this winter.,but in a growing number of cities something else has been keeping kids off the hills. 338,in a growing number of cities however something other than a lack of snow has kept kids off the hills the law.,but a lack of snow is not the only thing keeping many kids off the hills this winter.,yet something other than a lack of snow has kept kids off the hills. 339,in other parts of the country a lack of snow is not the only thing keeping kids off the hills.,but a lack of snow is not the only thing keeping many kids off the hills this winter.,in other parts of the country a lack of snow is not the only thing making kids stay home. 340,dubuque iowa is the latest city to give the traditional winter pastime the cold shoulder.,dubuque iowa is the latest city to do that.,dubuque iowa is the latest city to give giving winter a cold shoulder. 341,other cities including des moines iowa montville new jersey lincoln nebraska and columbia city indiana have taken less drastic measures banning sledding only on the most dangerous hills requiring helmets outlawing jumping ramps and thin sledding sheets or posting sternly worded warning signs that inform thrill seekers that they are sledding at their own risk.,other cities including des moines iowa montville new jersey lincoln nebraska and columbia city indiana have taken less extreme measures.,other cities including des moines iowa montville new jersey lincoln nebraska and columbia city indiana have stricter rules. 342,they are banning sledding only on the most dangerous hills requiring helmets and outlawing jumping ramps and thin sledding sheets.,some are banning sledding only on the most dangerous hills.,they are also outlawing jumping ramp and thin sledding sheets. 343,other cities including des moines iowa montville new jersey lincoln nebraska and columbia city indiana have taken less drastic measures banning sledding only on the most dangerous hills requiring helmets outlawing jumping ramps and thin sledding sheets or posting sternly worded warning signs that inform thrill seekers that they are sledding at their own risk.,others are requiring helmets and outlawing jumping ramps and thin sledding sheets.,other cities including des moines iowa montville new jersey lincoln nebraska and columbia city indiana have stricter rules. 344,they are banning sledding only on the most dangerous hills requiring helmets and outlawing jumping ramps and thin sledding sheets.,others are requiring helmets and outlawing jumping ramps and thin sledding sheets.,they are also outlawing jumping ramp and thin sledding sheets. 345,they are banning sledding only on the most dangerous hills requiring helmets and outlawing jumping ramps and thin sledding sheets.,others are requiring helmets and outlawing jumping ramps.,they are also outlawing jumping ramp and thin sledding sheets. 346, sledding is a risky activity dubuque s city attorney wrote in proposing the ban.,sledding is risky said dubuque s city lawyer., sledding is a risky activity according to dubuque s city attorney. 347, sledding is a risky activity dubuque s city lawyer wrote in proposing the ban.,sledding is risky said dubuque s city lawyer., sledding is a risky activity said dubuque s city lawyer. 348,nationwide sledding injuries sent nearly kids to emergency rooms between and according to the center for injury research and policy based in columbus ohio.,between and nearly of them ended up in emergency rooms.,nationwide sledding injuries sent nearly kids to emergency rooms between and according to the center for injury research and policy in columbus ohio. 349,nationwide sledding injuries sent nearly kids to emergency rooms between and.,between and nearly of them ended up in emergency rooms.,nearly kids were sent to emergency rooms in the united states between and. 350,and then there are the multimillion dollar judgments against cities following serious sledding injuries. million to the family of an omaha nebraska year old who became paralyzed after her sled hit a tree. million to a sioux city iowa man who injured his spinal cord after crashing into a stop sign million to a boone iowa sledder who collided with a concrete cube.,in omaha nebraska. million went to the family of a year old who became paralyzed after her sled hit a tree.,another came from a boone iowa sledder who collided with a concrete cube. 351,and then there are the multimillion dollar judgments against cities following serious sledding injuries. million to the family of an omaha nebraska year old who became paralyzed after her sled hit a tree. million to a sioux city iowa man who injured his spinal cord after crashing into a stop sign million to a boone iowa sledder who collided with a concrete cube.,in omaha nebraslka. million went to the family of a year old who became paralyzed after her sled hit a tree.,another came from a boone iowa sledder who collided with a concrete cube. 352,and then there are the multimillion dollar judgments against cities following serious sledding injuries. million to the family of an omaha nebraska year old who became paralyzed after her sled hit a tree. million to a sioux city iowa man who injured his spinal cord after crashing into a stop sign million to a boone iowa sledder who collided with a concrete cube.,in sioux city iowa a jury awarded. million to a man who injured his spinal cord after crashing into a stop sign.,another came from a boone iowa sledder who collided with a concrete cube. 353,but for some cities banning sledding is not so easy.,however for some cities banning sledding is not that easy.,for some cities it is not so easy to stop sledding. 354,but for some cities banning sledding is not so easy.,however for some cities banning sledding is not easy.,for some cities it is not so easy to stop sledding. 355,omaha prohibited sledding at a popular hill as a test after settling its lawsuit but allowed it again after residents ignored the ban.,omaha nebraska banned sledding at a popular hill as a test.,but it allowed it again after residents ignored the ban. 356,omaha prohibited sledding at a popular hill as a test but allowed it again after residents ignored the ban.,omaha nebraska banned sledding at a popular hill as a test.,but it allowed it again after residents ignored the ban. 357,omaha prohibited sledding at a popular hill as a test after settling its lawsuit but allowed it again after residents ignored the ban.,omaha nebraska outlawed sledding at a popular hill.,but it allowed it again after residents ignored the ban. 358,omaha prohibited sledding at a popular hill as a test but allowed it again after residents ignored the ban.,omaha nebraska outlawed sledding at a popular hill.,but it allowed it again after residents ignored the ban. 359,omaha nebraska banned sledding at a popular hill as a test.,omaha nebraska outlawed sledding at a popular hill.,omaha nebraska a new rule has been put in place that prevents sledding at a popular hill. 360,instead the city posted warning signs stationed sentries at the hill and put hay bales around trees and pads around posts.,it also stationed sentries at the hill and put hay bales around trees and pads around posts.,they put hay bales around trees and pads around posts. 361,instead the city posted warning signs stationed sentries at the hill and put hay bales around trees and pads around posts.,it also placed guards at the hill and put hay bales around trees and pads around posts.,they put hay bales around trees and pads around posts. 362,instead the city posted warning signs stationed sentries at the hill and put hay bales around trees and pads around posts.,it put bundles of hay around trees and pads around posts.,they put hay bales around trees and pads around posts. 363,it also stationed sentries at the hill and put hay bales around trees and pads around posts.,it put bundles of hay around trees and pads around posts.,the soldiers also put hay bales around trees and pads around posts. 364,it also placed guards at the hill and put hay bales around trees and pads around posts.,it put bundles of hay around trees and pads around posts.,they also put hay bales around trees and pads around posts. 365,at the cleveland chiropractic college in overland park south of interstate near antioch road where russell pope s family was sledding monday landowners have taken precautions by putting hay bales in front of light poles and a fire hydrant.,at the overland park hill where russell pope s family was sledding monday safety measures have also been taken.,at the cleveland chiropractic college in overland park landowners have taken precautions by putting hay bales in front of light poles and a fire hydrant. 366,and i understand there s money involved but you ca n t take all the joy out of being a kid., you ca n t take all the joy out of being a kid he said.,but you ca n t take all the joy out of being a kid she said. 367, i understand there s money involved but you ca n t take all the joy out of being a kid., you ca n t take all the joy out of being a kid he said.,but you ca n t take all the joy out of being a kid she said. 368,in most states including missouri and kansas recreational use statutes shield cities from liability for injuries resulting from sledding.,in most states including missouri and kansas laws shield cities from being held responsible for injuries resulting from sledding.,in most states cities are not legally responsible for injuries caused from sledding. 369,but unlike missouri and kansas iowa s statute does not specifically mention sledding.,however unlike missouri and kansas iowa s laws do not specifically mention sledding.,but unlike missouri and kansas iowa s law does not specifically say sledding is allowed. 370,indeed a study by a seattle hospital found that the odds of going to an emergency room for sledding injuries were five times higher in children who had been sledding on the street compared with a park.,indeed the odds of going to an emergency room for sledding injuries are five times higher in children who sled on the street instead of a park.,it found that the odds of going to an emergency room for sledding injuries were five times higher in children who had been sledding on the street compared with a park. 371,indeed a study by a seattle hospital found that the odds of going to an emergency room for sledding injuries were five times higher in children who had been sledding on the street compared with a park.,indeed children who sled ride on the street are five times more likely to end up in an emergency room than children who go sledding in a park.,it found that the odds of going to an emergency room for sledding injuries were five times higher in children who had been sledding on the street compared with a park. 372,indeed the odds of going to an emergency room for sledding injuries are five times higher in children who sled on the street instead of a park.,indeed children who sled ride on the street are five times more likely to end up in an emergency room than children who go sledding in a park.,in fact the odds of going to an emergency room for sledding injuries are five times higher in children who sled on the street instead of a park. 373,indeed a study by a seattle hospital found that the odds of going to an emergency room for sledding injuries were five times higher in children who had been sledding on the street compared with a park.,indeed children who sled on the street are five times more likely to be hurt than children who sled in a park.,it found that the odds of going to an emergency room for sledding injuries were five times higher in children who had been sledding on the street compared with a park. 374,indeed the odds of going to an emergency room for sledding injuries are five times higher in children who sled on the street instead of a park.,indeed children who sled on the street are five times more likely to be hurt than children who sled in a park.,in fact the odds of going to an emergency room for sledding injuries are five times higher in children who sled on the street instead of a park. 375,indeed children who sled ride on the street are five times more likely to end up in an emergency room than children who go sledding in a park.,indeed children who sled on the street are five times more likely to be hurt than children who sled in a park.,children who sled along the street are five times more likely to end up in an emergency room than children who go sledding in a park. 376,indeed children who sled ride on the street are five times more likely to end up in an emergency room than children who go sledding in a park.,indeed children who sled on the street are much more likely to be hurt.,children who sled along the street are five times more likely to end up in an emergency room than children who go sledding in a park. 377,indeed children who sled on the street are five times more likely to be hurt than children who sled in a park.,indeed children who sled on the street are much more likely to be hurt.,children who sled on the street are five times more likely to be hurt than children who do it in a park. 378,what s more injuries sustained from street sledding typically are worse and more likely to involve traumatic brain injuries.,in addition injuries from street sledding typically are worse and are more likely to involve serious brain damage.,what s more injuries caused by street sledding typically are worse and more likely to involve traumatic brain injuries. 379,dubuque s sledding ban has spawned many protests and not just by kids.,dubuque s sledding ban has led to many protests and not just by kids.,dubuque s rule has led to many protests around the country. 380,dubuque s sledding ban has spawned many protests and not just by kids.,dubuque s sledding ban has led to many protests.,dubuque s rule has led to many protests around the country. 381,following the action two middle aged brothers slid down a hill holding signs.,following the ban two middle aged brothers slid down a hill holding signs one of which read do n t tread on my sled ! ,two middle aged brothers slid down a hill holding signs. 382,following the action two middle aged brothers slid down a hill holding signs.,for example two adult brothers slid down a hill holding signs.,two middle aged brothers slid down a hill holding signs. 383,following the ban two middle aged brothers slid down a hill holding signs one of which read do n t tread on my sled ! ,for example two adult brothers slid down a hill holding signs.,they held signs one of which read do n t tread on my sled! 384,following the action two middle aged brothers slid down a hill holding signs.,for example two grownup brothers slid down a hill holding signs.,two middle aged brothers slid down a hill holding signs. 385,following the ban two middle aged brothers slid down a hill holding signs one of which read do n t tread on my sled ! ,for example two grownup brothers slid down a hill holding signs.,they held signs one of which read do n t tread on my sled! 386,following the ban two middle aged brothers slid down a hill holding signs one of which read do n t tread on my sled ! ,the words do n t tread on my sled ! were written on one of the two signs.,they held signs one of which read do n t tread on my sled! 387,lawson said cities used to be more universally protected from liability than they are now if you went sledding you understood that it was inherently dangerous and did so at your own risk he said.,lawson said cities used to be more protected from being held responsible for sledding injuries than they are now if you went sledding you understood that it was inherently dangerous and did so at your own risk he said.,lawson said cities used to be more universally protected from liability than they are now. 388,lawson said cities used to be more protected from being held responsible for sledding injuries than they are now if you went sledding you understood that it was inherently dangerous and did so at your own risk he said.,lawson said it did not used to be possible to hold cities responsible for sledding injuries.,lawson said cities used to be more protected from being held responsible for sledding injuries than they are now. 389,the question is whether a municipality could foresee a risk he said.,the question now is whether a city could have foreseen a risk lawson said.,the question is whether a town could predict a risk he said. 390,meanwhile back on the overland park sledding hill year old lydia pope frowned when she considered the possibility of a sledding ban.,meanwhile back on the overland park sledding hill year old lydia pope frowned at the idea of a sledding ban.,meanwhile back on the overland park sledding hill year old lydia pope was not happy. 391,they ve had three coaches in three years and more than their fair share of drama.,the mustangs have had three coaches in three years and more than their fair share of challenges.,they ve had three coaches in three years and a lot of drama. 392,they ve had three coaches in three years and more than their fair share of drama.,the mustangs have had three different coaches in the past three years.,they ve had three coaches in three years and a lot of drama. 393,the mustangs have had three coaches in three years and more than their fair share of challenges.,the mustangs have had three different coaches in the past three years.,they have had three coaches in three years and faced more than their fair share of challenges. 394,she s a born performer and entertainer who dreams of moving to new york city.,she loves to dance and dreams of moving to new york city.,she is a born comedian who dreams of moving to new york city. 395,senior brianna griffin who served as mitchell s big sister a guide and mentor the past two years said it was n t totally smooth at first.,senior student brianna griffin has served as kory s big sister for the past two years.,senior brianna griffin who served as mitchell s big sister a guide and mentor the past two years said it was not totally smooth at first. 396,senior brianna griffin who served as mitchell s big sister a guide and mentor the past two years said it was n t totally smooth at first.,kory s big sister was a senior student named brianna griffin.,senior brianna griffin who served as mitchell s big sister a guide and mentor the past two years said it was not totally smooth at first. 397,senior student brianna griffin has served as kory s big sister for the past two years.,kory s big sister was a senior student named brianna griffin.,brianna griffin is a student at kory s school. 398, but right off the bat it was really apparent she was full of energy and excited to be on there. , right off the bat she was full of energy and excited to be on there brianna said., but right off the bat it was really apparent she was full of energy and excited to be on there he said. 399,a freshman trinity kranz joined the team this year.,earlier this year kory became a big sister to freshman trinity kranz.,a freshman named trinity kranz joined the team this year. 400,a freshman trinity kranz joined the team this year.,she even has a little sister this year freshman trinity kranz.,a freshman named trinity kranz joined the team this year. 401,earlier this year kory became a big sister to freshman trinity kranz.,she even has a little sister this year freshman trinity kranz.,earlier this year she became a big sister to first year student trinity kranz. 402,she also has down syndrome and has been friends with kory for many years.,she and kory have been friends for many years.,mohamed also has down syndrome and has been friends with kory for many years. 403,trinity also has down syndrome and has been friends with kory for many years.,she and kory have been friends for many years.,she has been friends with kory for many years. 404,she also has down syndrome and has been friends with kory for many years.,her name is trinity kranz. she and kory have been friends for many years.,mohamed also has down syndrome and has been friends with kory for many years. 405,trinity also has down syndrome and has been friends with kory for many years.,her name is trinity kranz. she and kory have been friends for many years.,she has been friends with kory for many years. 406, she always comes to practice so happy and ready to work and makes girls on team feel great., she always comes to practice so happy and ready to work ryan said.,she comes to practice so happy and ready to work. 407, she always comes to practice so happy and ready to work and makes girls on the team feel great., she always comes to practice so happy and ready to work ryan said.,she makes the other girls on the team feel great. 408,we realized that she s capable of doing more than we ever thought., she s capable of doing more than we ever thought ryan said., we realized that she s capable of doing more than we ever thought he said. 409,it can all collide in the cafeteria and leave some kids feeling invisible if they do n t fit in at any one particular table.,it can all collide in the cafeteria leaving some kids feeling invisible and like they do n t fit in.,some kids feel invisible if they do n t fit in at any one particular table. 410,it can all collide in the cafeteria and leave some kids feeling invisible if they do n t fit in at any one particular table.,all the drama comes crashing together in the cafeteria.,some kids feel invisible if they do n t fit in at any one particular table. 411,it can all collide in the cafeteria and leave some kids feeling invisible if they do n t fit in at any one particular table.,lunchtime leaves some kids feeling friendless and like they do n t fit in.,some kids feel invisible if they do n t fit in at any one particular table. 412,it can all collide in the cafeteria leaving some kids feeling invisible and like they do n t fit in.,lunchtime leaves some kids feeling friendless and like they do n t fit in.,some kids feel invisible and like they do n t fit in. 413,it can all collide in the cafeteria and leave some kids feeling invisible if they do n t fit in at any one particular table.,during lunchtime some kids feel like they do n t have any friends and do not fit in.,some kids feel invisible if they do n t fit in at any one particular table. 414,it can all collide in the cafeteria leaving some kids feeling invisible and like they do n t fit in.,during lunchtime some kids feel like they do n t have any friends and do not fit in.,some kids feel invisible and like they do n t fit in. 415,lunchtime leaves some kids feeling friendless and like they do n t fit in.,during lunchtime some kids feel like they do n t have any friends and do not fit in.,lunchtime leaves some kids feeling sad and like they do n t fit in. 416,that s the idea behind a national campaign called no one eats alone day a student led program that takes aim at social isolation among middle schoolers.,a national campaign called no one eats alone day is taking aim at social isolation among middle schoolers.,it is a student led program that takes aim at social isolation among middle schoolers. 417,schools are picking up on the student led program and more than students across the country have signed up to participate.,more than students across the country have signed up to participate in no one eats alone day.,and more than students across the country have signed up. 418,participation grew from schools in to more than this year.,in just a year participation grew from schools in to more than.,the number of students participating grew from schools in to more than this year. 419,participation grew from schools in to more than this year.,in just a year the program has grown from schools in to more than.,the number of students participating grew from schools in to more than this year. 420,in just a year participation grew from schools in to more than.,in just a year the program has grown from schools in to more than.,in just a year participation grew from schools to more than. 421,the program was created by beyond differences a national nonprofit group whose mission is to change the culture in middle schools to be more inclusive.,the program was started by beyond differences a national nonprofit group.,the program was created by beyond differences a national group. 422,with social isolation and bullying now considered a chronic problem in schools this program seeks to reverse these trends by asking students to engage in simple and fun ways to include others during lunchtime making sure no one eats alone said laura talmus the founder of beyond differences.,the program tries to reverse this trend by giving students simple and fun ways to include others during lunchtime making sure no one eats alone said laura talmus.,the program asks students to find simple and fun ways to include others during lunchtime. 423,with social isolation and bullying now considered a chronic problem in schools this program seeks to reverse these trends by asking students to engage in simple and fun ways to include others during lunchtime making sure no one eats alone said laura talmus the founder of beyond differences.,the program gives students simple and fun ways to include others during lunchtime.,the program asks students to find simple and fun ways to include others during lunchtime. 424,with social isolation and bullying now considered a chronic problem in schools this program seeks to reverse these trends by asking students to engage in simple and fun ways to include others during lunchtime making sure no one eats alone said laura talmus the founder of beyond differences.,the program hopes to stop this by giving students simple and fun ways to include others during lunchtime.,the program asks students to find simple and fun ways to include others during lunchtime. 425,the program tries to reverse this trend by giving students simple and fun ways to include others during lunchtime making sure no one eats alone said laura talmus.,the program hopes to stop this by giving students simple and fun ways to include others during lunchtime.,it gives students simple and fun ways to include others during lunchtime. 426,with social isolation and bullying now considered a chronic problem in schools this program seeks to reverse these trends by asking students to engage in simple and fun ways to include others during lunchtime making sure no one eats alone said laura talmus the founder of beyond differences.,it gives students fun ways to include others during lunchtime.,the program asks students to find simple and fun ways to include others during lunchtime. 427,the program tries to reverse this trend by giving students simple and fun ways to include others during lunchtime making sure no one eats alone said laura talmus.,it gives students fun ways to include others during lunchtime.,it gives students simple and fun ways to include others during lunchtime. 428,the program gives students simple and fun ways to include others during lunchtime.,it gives students fun ways to include others during lunchtime.,it gives students simple and fun ways to make friends during lunchtime. 429,the program hopes to stop this by giving students simple and fun ways to include others during lunchtime.,it gives students fun ways to include others during lunchtime.,the program hopes to stop this by making students use simple and fun ways to include others during lunchtime. 430,middle school was a rough couple of years for talmus daughter lili smith.,talmus daughter lili smith had a rough time in middle school.,middle school was a rough couple of years for lili smith. 431,middle school was a rough couple of years for talmus daughter lili smith who was born with a cranial facial syndrome.,talmus daughter lili smith had a rough time in middle school.,middle school was a rough couple of years for lili smith. 432,middle school was a rough couple of years for talmus daughter lili smith.,she had a hard time in middle school.,middle school was a rough couple of years for lili smith. 433,talmus daughter lili smith had a rough time in middle school.,she had a hard time in middle school.,but lili smith s daughter had a rough time in middle school. 434, she would call me almost daily mom i have nobody to eat with and the girls do n t want me to sit with them talmus said who said her daughter would finish her lunch and call her from the restroom crying.,talmus said her daughter would finish her lunch at school and call from the restroom crying., talmus said her daughter would finish her lunch and call her from the restroom crying. 435,talmus said her daughter would finish her lunch at school and call from the restroom crying.,nearly every day lili would finish her lunch at school talmus said.,talmus said her daughter would finish her lunch at school and call from the restroom crying. 436, she would call me almost daily mom i have nobody to eat with and the girls do n t want me to sit with them talmus said who said her daughter would finish her lunch and call her from the restroom crying.,lili would say mom i have nobody to eat with and the girls do n t want me to sit with them talmus said., talmus said her daughter would finish her lunch and call her from the restroom crying. 437, she would call me almost daily mom i have nobody to eat with and the girls do n t want me to sit with them talmus said.,lili would say mom i have nobody to eat with and the girls do n t want me to sit with them talmus said., talmus said she used to call her almost daily mom saying i have nobody to eat with. 438, she would call me almost daily mom i have nobody to eat with and the girls do n t want me to sit with them talmus said who said her daughter would finish her lunch and call her from the restroom crying.,lili would say mom i have nobody to eat with talmus said., talmus said her daughter would finish her lunch and call her from the restroom crying. 439, she would call me almost daily mom i have nobody to eat with and the girls do n t want me to sit with them talmus said.,lili would say mom i have nobody to eat with talmus said., talmus said she used to call her almost daily mom saying i have nobody to eat with. 440,lili died at the age of from medical complications of her syndrome.,lili died at the age of from her medical condition.,lili died in at the age of from complications of her syndrome. 441,afterward a group of teens from the community banded together to bring change to their local schools.,a group of teens came together to change things.,then a group of teens from the community banded together. 442,afterward a group of teens from the community joined together to bring change to their local schools.,a group of teens came together to change things.,then a group of teens from the community came together to bring change to their local schools. 443,afterward a group of teens from the community came together to bring change to their local schools.,a group of teens came together to change things.,afterward a group of teens from the community came together to make changes. 444,at rogers middle school in affton missouri resistance to no one eats alone day began after students learned of it through the morning announcements.,at rogers middle school in affton missouri there was a lot of resistance to no one eats alone day.,at rogers middle school in affton missouri students learned about it through the morning announcements. 445,at rogers middle school in affton missouri resistance to no one eats alone day began after students learned of it through the morning announcements.,at rogers middle school in missouri a lot of kids did not like no one eats alone day.,at rogers middle school in affton missouri students learned about it through the morning announcements. 446,at rogers middle school in affton missouri there was a lot of resistance to no one eats alone day.,at rogers middle school in missouri a lot of kids did not like no one eats alone day.,there was a lot of opposition to no one eating alone day at rogers middle school. 447,the student organizers heard that a lot of students were worried that they would n t get to sit next to their friends.,a lot of students worried that they would not get to sit next to their friends.,they worried that they would n t get to sit next to their friends. 448,on friday the student members of the school s mistreatment leadership team placed ice breakers and conversation starters on the round tables in their cafeteria.,on friday the student members of the school s mistreatment leadership team an anti bullying group placed conversation starters on the round tables in their cafeteria.,on friday they placed ice breakers and conversation starters on the round tables in their cafeteria. 449,on friday the student members of the school s mistreatment leadership team placed ice breakers and conversation starters on the round tables in their cafeteria.,the students in the group placed conversation starters on the tables in their cafeteria.,on friday they placed ice breakers and conversation starters on the round tables in their cafeteria. 450,questions like who is your favorite celeb ? and who is your role model ? ,they asked who is your favorite celebrity ? and who is your role model ? ,they also want to know who is your role model. 451,there were questions like who is your favorite celeb ? and who is your role model ? ,they asked who is your favorite celebrity ? and who is your role model ? ,they also wanted to know who is your role model. 452,the students waited nervously with pieces of paper to hand out to classmates color coded to randomly assign them to tables.,the students of the mistreatment leadership team waited nervously with pieces of paper to hand out to classmates.,they had to hand out pieces of paper to classmates. 453,some tried to make the best of what they said was an uncomfortable situation.,they tried to make the best of it though.,some tried to make the best of what they said. 454,others tried to make the best of what they said was an uncomfortable situation.,they tried to make the best of it though.,others tried to make the best of what they said was an uncomfortable situation. 455,some switched cards before others noticed so they could sit with their friends.,some quietly switched cards so they could sit with their friends.,some players switched cards so they could sit with their friends. 456,some quietly switched cards so they could sit with their friends.,some switched cards before others noticed so they could sit with their friends.,some students even switched cards so they could sit with their friends. 457,then there was the distraction of cellphones an easy way to get out of talking to people you do n t know.,some got on their cellphones an easy way to get out of talking to people you do n t know.,phones are a cheap way to get out of talking to people you do n t know. 458,then there was the distraction of cellphones an easy way to get out of talking to people you do n t know.,some got on their cellphones to get out of talking to kids they did not know.,phones are a cheap way to get out of talking to people you do n t know. 459,some got on their cellphones an easy way to get out of talking to people you do n t know.,some got on their cellphones to get out of talking to kids they did not know.,they were a way to get out of talking to people you do n t know. 460,no one was saying the kids were going to become best friends after just one lunch.,no one thought kids were going to become best friends after just one lunch.,no one was saying they would become best friends after just one lunch. 461,no one was saying the kids were going to become best friends after just one lunch.,no one thought the kids would become best friends after just one lunch.,no one was saying they would become best friends after just one lunch. 462,no one thought kids were going to become best friends after just one lunch.,no one thought the kids would become best friends after just one lunch.,no one thought they would become best friends after just one lunch. 463,no one was saying the kids were going to become best friends after just one lunch.,no one thought the kids were going to become best friends after just one lunch.,no one was saying they would become best friends after just one lunch. 464,no one thought the kids would become best friends after just one lunch.,no one thought the kids were going to become best friends after just one lunch.,no one thought they would be best friends after just one lunch. 465,it was more about being aware of other people s feelings and encouraging students to reach out and start a conversation with someone they normally do n t talk to said reece black an eighth grader and one of the organizers.,the day was more about being aware of other people s feelings and encouraging students to reach out and start a conversation with someone they normally do n t talk to said reece black.,the goal was to encourage students to reach out and start a conversation with someone they normally do n t talk to said reece black. 466,the day was more about being aware of other people s feelings and encouraging students to reach out and start a conversation with someone they normally do n t talk to said reece black.,it was more about being aware of other people s feelings said reece black.,he encouraged students to reach out and start a conversation with someone they normally do n t talk to said reece black. 467,it was more about being aware of other people s feelings and encouraging students to reach out and start a conversation with someone they normally do n t talk to said reece black an eighth grader and one of the organizers.,the idea was to get kids to be more aware of other people s feelings said reece black.,the goal was to encourage students to reach out and start a conversation with someone they normally do n t talk to said reece black. 468,the day was more about being aware of other people s feelings and encouraging students to reach out and start a conversation with someone they normally do n t talk to said reece black.,the idea was to get kids to be more aware of other people s feelings said reece black.,he encouraged students to reach out and start a conversation with someone they normally do n t talk to said reece black. 469,it was more about being aware of other people s feelings said reece black.,the idea was to get kids to be more aware of other people s feelings said reece black.,it was more about being able to understand other people s feelings said reece black. 470,it was more about being aware of other people s feelings said reece black.,but they should be more aware of other people s feelings.,it was more about being able to understand other people s feelings said reece black. 471,the idea was to get kids to be more aware of other people s feelings said reece black.,but they should be more aware of other people s feelings.,the idea was to get kids to be more aware of other people s feelings said teacher reece black. 472,it was more about being aware of other people s feelings and encouraging students to reach out and start a conversation with someone they normally do n t talk to said reece black an eighth grader and one of the organizers.,it was also about encouraging students to reach out and start a conversation with someone they normally do not talk to.,the goal was to encourage students to reach out and start a conversation with someone they normally do n t talk to said reece black. 473,the day was more about being aware of other people s feelings and encouraging students to reach out and start a conversation with someone they normally do n t talk to said reece black.,it was also about encouraging students to reach out and start a conversation with someone they normally do not talk to.,he encouraged students to reach out and start a conversation with someone they normally do n t talk to said reece black. 474,sixth graders jenna walden and avarry wilkerson ended up at a table by themselves and they noticed that alexander scherer a new student at school was alone.,when they noticed that alexander scherer a new student at school was alone they moved over to sit with him.,they noticed that alexander scherer a new student at school was alone. 475,as he ate his chicken patty sandwich and french fries he and the girls talked about six flags.,as he ate his lunch he and the girls talked about six flags.,he and the girls talked about six flags as they ate their sandwich and fries. 476,as he ate his chicken patty sandwich and french fries he and the girls talked about six flags.,they moved over to sit with him and as he ate his lunch they all talked about six flags the theme park.,he and the girls talked about six flags as they ate their sandwich and fries. 477,as he ate his lunch he and the girls talked about six flags.,they moved over to sit with him and as he ate his lunch they all talked about six flags the theme park.,as richardson ate his lunch he and the girls talked about six flags. 478,as he ate his lunch he and the girls talked about six flags.,as he ate lunch they talked about six flags the theme park.,as richardson ate his lunch he and the girls talked about six flags. 479, by the way i m avarry she said just as lunch was wrapping up., by the way i m avarry she said to alexander just as lunch was coming to an end., by the way i m avarry miller said just as lunch was finishing. 480, by the way i m avarry she said to alexander just as lunch was wrapping up., by the way i m avarry she said to alexander just as lunch was coming to an end., by the way i m avarry she said to alexander just as lunch was ending. 481, by the way i m avarry she said just as lunch was wrapping up., by the way i m avarry she said to alexander., by the way i m avarry miller said just as lunch was finishing. 482, by the way i m avarry she said just as lunch was wrapping up., by the way i m avarry the girl said to him., by the way i m avarry miller said just as lunch was finishing. 483, by the way i m avarry she said to alexander just as lunch was wrapping up., by the way i m avarry the girl said to him., by the way i m avarry she said to alexander just as lunch was ending. 484, by the way i m avarry she said to alexander just as lunch was coming to an end., by the way i m avarry the girl said to him., by the way i m avarry she said to alexander just as lunch was ending. 485, by the way i m avarry she said to alexander., by the way i m avarry the girl said to him., by the way i m avarry she said to alexander who is years old. 486,reece and the other student leaders say they saw other examples of kids reaching out.,reece and the other student leaders said other kids tried to reach out also.,reece and the other student leaders say they saw other examples of kids reaching out to adults. 487,reece and the other student leaders saw other kids reaching out.,reece and the other student leaders said other kids tried to reach out also.,reece and the other student leaders saw other kids like them. 488,auto industry puts more women in the engineering driver s seat,women behind the engineering wheel at auto companies,more women in the driver s seat than ever before 489,chicago in mary barra became ceo of general motors making her the first female ceo of a major automobile company.,chicago the first female head of a major automobile company arrived in.,chicago in mary barra became the head of general motors. 490,chicago in mary barra became ceo of general motors making her the first female ceo of a major automobile company.,chicago in mary barra became the first female leader of a major automotive company.,chicago in mary barra became the head of general motors. 491,chicago the first female head of a major automobile company arrived in.,chicago in mary barra became the first female leader of a major automotive company.,chicago the first female head of a major car company arrived in at age. 492,chicago in mary barra became ceo of general motors making her the first female ceo of a major automobile company.,also just one woman is in charge of a major automobile company.,chicago in mary barra became the head of general motors. 493,chicago the first female head of a major automobile company arrived in.,also just one woman is in charge of a major automobile company.,chicago the first female head of a major car company arrived in at age. 494,chicago in mary barra became the first female leader of a major automotive company.,also just one woman is in charge of a major automobile company.,chicago in mary barra became the first female leader of a major car company. 495,chicago in mary barra became ceo of general motors making her the first female ceo of a major automobile company.,also just one woman leads a major automobile company.,chicago in mary barra became the head of general motors. 496,chicago the first female head of a major automobile company arrived in.,also just one woman leads a major automobile company.,chicago the first female head of a major car company arrived in at age. 497,chicago in mary barra became the first female leader of a major automotive company.,also just one woman leads a major automobile company.,chicago in mary barra became the first female leader of a major car company. 498,also just one woman is in charge of a major automobile company.,also just one woman leads a major automobile company.,and just one woman is in charge of a major car company. 499,despite the prominence of leadership roles women hold about percent of jobs in the motor vehicle and parts industry as of late according to the u.s. bureau of labor statistics.,yet just about percent of auto industry workers are women according to the u.s. bureau of labor statistics.,still women hold about percent of jobs in the motor vehicle and parts industry as of late according to the u.s. government. 500,yet women held about percent of all jobs in the motor vehicle and parts industry as of late according to the u.s. bureau of labor statistics.,yet just about percent of auto industry workers are women according to the u.s. bureau of labor statistics.,women held about percent of all jobs in the motor vehicle and parts industry as of late according to the government. 501,yet women influence percent of car buying decisions according to women in cars a analysis by consulting firm frost amp sullivan.,these statistics are despite the fact that women influence percent of car buying decisions according to women in cars a analysis by consulting firm frost amp sullivan.,women make up percent of car buying decisions according to a study by frost amp sullivan. 502, what s most interesting about this statistic is that more than half the women around the world are unhappy with the automotive products presented to them says brandy schaffels chief editor of askpatty.com an automotive advice site geared to women.,the lack of female input may be why more than half the women around the world are unhappy with the automotive products presented to them says brandy schaffels.,she is the chief editor of askpatty.com an automotive advice site geared to women. 503, what s most interesting about this statistic is that more than half the women around the world are unhappy with the automotive products presented to them says brandy schaffels chief editor of askpatty.com an automotive advice site geared to women.,the lack of women actually designing cars may be why more than half of the women around the world are unhappy with the vehicles on the market says brandy schaffels.,she is the chief editor of askpatty.com an automotive advice site geared to women. 504,the lack of female input may be why more than half the women around the world are unhappy with the automotive products presented to them says brandy schaffels.,the lack of women actually designing cars may be why more than half of the women around the world are unhappy with the vehicles on the market says brandy schaffels.,this may be why more than half the women around the world are unhappy with the products they are presented to them says brandy schaffels. 505, what s most interesting about this statistic is that more than half the women around the world are unhappy with the automotive products presented to them says brandy schaffels chief editor of askpatty.com an automotive advice site geared to women.,this fact may explain why more than half of the women around the world are unhappy with the cars on the market says brandy schaffels.,she is the chief editor of askpatty.com an automotive advice site geared to women. 506,the lack of female input may be why more than half the women around the world are unhappy with the automotive products presented to them says brandy schaffels.,this fact may explain why more than half of the women around the world are unhappy with the cars on the market says brandy schaffels.,this may be why more than half the women around the world are unhappy with the products they are presented to them says brandy schaffels. 507,the lack of women actually designing cars may be why more than half of the women around the world are unhappy with the vehicles on the market says brandy schaffels.,this fact may explain why more than half of the women around the world are unhappy with the cars on the market says brandy schaffels.,this may be why more than half of the women around the world are n t designing cars. 508, what s most interesting about this statistic is that more than half the women around the world are unhappy with the automotive products presented to them says brandy schaffels chief editor of askpatty.com an automotive advice site geared to women.,more than half of the women around the world are unhappy with the cars on the market said,she is the chief editor of askpatty.com an automotive advice site geared to women. 509,the lack of female input may be why more than half the women around the world are unhappy with the automotive products presented to them says brandy schaffels.,more than half of the women around the world are unhappy with the cars on the market said,this may be why more than half the women around the world are unhappy with the products they are presented to them says brandy schaffels. 510, women want better storage options nicer interior lighting and materials and ergonomics that better suit their smaller body size. ,women want better storage nicer interior lighting and materials and cars designed for their smaller body size she said., women want better storage options nicer interior lighting and materials and ergonomics that better match their smaller body size. 511, women want better storage options nicer interior lighting and materials and ergonomics that better suit their smaller body size. ,women want better storage nicer lighting and materials and cars designed for their smaller body size she said., women want better storage options nicer interior lighting and materials and ergonomics that better match their smaller body size. 512, women want better storage options nicer interior lighting and materials and ergonomics that better suit their smaller body size. ,women want more places to store things and nicer lighting and materials., women want better storage options nicer interior lighting and materials and ergonomics that better match their smaller body size. 513,women want better storage nicer interior lighting and materials and cars designed for their smaller body size she said.,women want more places to store things and nicer lighting and materials.,women also want better storage nicer interior lighting and materials and cars designed for their smaller body size she said. 514,women want better storage nicer lighting and materials and cars designed for their smaller body size she said.,women want more places to store things and nicer lighting and materials.,women also want better storage nicer lighting and materials and cars designed for their smaller body size she said. 515, women want better storage options nicer interior lighting and materials and ergonomics that better suit their smaller body size. ,scaffels discovered that women want more places to store things and nicer lighting and materials., women want better storage options nicer interior lighting and materials and ergonomics that better match their smaller body size. 516,women want better storage nicer interior lighting and materials and cars designed for their smaller body size she said.,scaffels discovered that women want more places to store things and nicer lighting and materials.,women also want better storage nicer interior lighting and materials and cars designed for their smaller body size she said. 517,women want better storage nicer lighting and materials and cars designed for their smaller body size she said.,scaffels discovered that women want more places to store things and nicer lighting and materials.,women also want better storage nicer lighting and materials and cars designed for their smaller body size she said. 518,they also want cars designed for their smaller body size schaffels said.,they also want cars designed for their smaller body size she said.,customers also want cars designed for their smaller body size schaffels said. 519,even more interesting is that fewer than in engineers in the auto industry are women according to lindsay brooke author of the report women in vehicle engineering recently published in sae s international automotive engineering magazine.,and fewer than in engineers in the auto industry are women according to lindsay brooke author of the report women in vehicle engineering. ,even more interesting is that fewer than in engineers in the auto industry are women according to lindsay brooke who wrote a report on the subject. 520,and fewer than in engineers in the auto industry are women according to lindsay brooke author of the report women in vehicle engineering. ,and fewer than percent of engineers are women according to lindsay brooke.,and fewer than in engineers in the auto industry are women says lindsay brooke. 521,even more interesting is that fewer than in engineers in the auto industry are women according to lindsay brooke author of the report women in vehicle engineering recently published in sae s international automotive engineering magazine.,yet fewer than in car engineers are women according to lindsay brooke author of the report women in vehicle engineering. ,even more interesting is that fewer than in engineers in the auto industry are women according to lindsay brooke who wrote a report on the subject. 522,and fewer than percent of engineers are women according to lindsay brooke.,yet fewer than in car engineers are women according to lindsay brooke author of the report women in vehicle engineering. ,and fewer than percent of engineers are women said lindsay brooke. 523,even more interesting is that fewer than in engineers in the auto industry are women according to lindsay brooke author of the report women in vehicle engineering recently published in sae s international automotive engineering magazine.,fewer than in car engineers are women according to lindsay brooke.,even more interesting is that fewer than in engineers in the auto industry are women according to lindsay brooke who wrote a report on the subject. 524,and fewer than in engineers in the auto industry are women according to lindsay brooke author of the report women in vehicle engineering. ,fewer than in car engineers are women according to lindsay brooke.,and fewer than in engineers in the auto industry are women says lindsay brooke. 525,and fewer than percent of engineers are women according to lindsay brooke.,fewer than in car engineers are women according to lindsay brooke.,and fewer than percent of engineers are women said lindsay brooke. 526,even more interesting is that fewer than in engineers in the auto industry are women according to lindsay brooke author of the report women in vehicle engineering recently published in sae s international automotive engineering magazine.,she is the author of the report women in vehicle engineering. ,even more interesting is that fewer than in engineers in the auto industry are women according to lindsay brooke who wrote a report on the subject. 527,and fewer than in engineers in the auto industry are women according to lindsay brooke author of the report women in vehicle engineering. ,she is the author of the report women in vehicle engineering. ,and fewer than in engineers in the auto industry are women says lindsay brooke. 528,she is the author of the report women in vehicle engineering. ,she is involved in the design and engineering of the chassis the vehicle s frame.,she is the author of a report women in vehicle engineering. 529,the following three women engineers are making their mark on today s cars while setting the groundwork for the next generation of young women interested in automotive science and technology.,there are three women car engineers preparing the groundwork for the next generation of young women interested in automotive science and technology.,they are setting the stage for the next generation of young women interested in automotive science and technology. 530,there are three women car engineers preparing the groundwork for the next generation of young women interested in automotive science and technology.,there are three women car engineers who are making a difference in the car world.,they are preparing the way for the next generation of young women interested in automotive science and technology. 531,the following three women engineers are making their mark on today s cars while setting the groundwork for the next generation of young women interested in automotive science and technology.,three women car engineers are making a difference in the car world.,they are setting the stage for the next generation of young women interested in automotive science and technology. 532,there are three women car engineers preparing the groundwork for the next generation of young women interested in automotive science and technology.,three women car engineers are making a difference in the car world.,they are preparing the way for the next generation of young women interested in automotive science and technology. 533,the following three women engineers are making their mark on today s cars while setting the groundwork for the next generation of young women interested in automotive science and technology.,three female auto engineers are making a big difference in the car world.,they are setting the stage for the next generation of young women interested in automotive science and technology. 534,there are three women car engineers preparing the groundwork for the next generation of young women interested in automotive science and technology.,three female auto engineers are making a big difference in the car world.,they are preparing the way for the next generation of young women interested in automotive science and technology. 535,there are three women car engineers who are making a difference in the car world.,three female auto engineers are making a big difference in the car world.,these women are making a difference in the car world. 536,three women car engineers are making a difference in the car world.,three female auto engineers are making a big difference in the car world.,these women are making a difference in the car world. 537,the following three women engineers are making their mark on today s cars while setting the groundwork for the next generation of young women interested in automotive science and technology.,they are also serving as role models for the next generation of young women interested in automotive science and technology.,they are setting the stage for the next generation of young women interested in automotive science and technology. 538,there are three women car engineers preparing the groundwork for the next generation of young women interested in automotive science and technology.,they are also serving as role models for the next generation of young women interested in automotive science and technology.,they are preparing the way for the next generation of young women interested in automotive science and technology. 539,the following three women engineers are making their mark on today s cars while setting the groundwork for the next generation of young women interested in automotive science and technology.,they are role models for young women interested in a career in the car industry.,they are setting the stage for the next generation of young women interested in automotive science and technology. 540,there are three women car engineers preparing the groundwork for the next generation of young women interested in automotive science and technology.,they are role models for young women interested in a career in the car industry.,they are preparing the way for the next generation of young women interested in automotive science and technology. 541,they are also serving as role models for the next generation of young women interested in automotive science and technology.,they are role models for young women interested in a career in the car industry.,they are also serving as role models for younger women interested in automotive science and technology. 542,the following three women engineers are making their mark on today s cars while setting the groundwork for the next generation of young women interested in automotive science and technology.,they are role models for young women interested in automobile engineering.,they are setting the stage for the next generation of young women interested in automotive science and technology. 543,there are three women car engineers preparing the groundwork for the next generation of young women interested in automotive science and technology.,they are role models for young women interested in automobile engineering.,they are preparing the way for the next generation of young women interested in automotive science and technology. 544,they are also serving as role models for the next generation of young women interested in automotive science and technology.,they are role models for young women interested in automobile engineering.,they are also serving as role models for younger women interested in automotive science and technology. 545,they are role models for young women interested in a career in the car industry.,they are role models for young women interested in automobile engineering.,they are good role models for young women interested in a career in the car industry. 546,piechocki is responsible for integrating testing and executing all of the engineering requirements for ford s full size suvs ford expedition and lincoln navigator.,the first is dawn piechocki an engineering manager at ford motor company.,he is responsible for all of the engineering for ford s full size suvs ford expedition and lincoln navigator. 547,piechocki is responsible for integrating testing and executing all of the engineering requirements for ford s full size suvs ford expedition and lincoln navigator.,she is engineering manager for the ford expedition and the lincoln navigator at ford motor company.,he is responsible for all of the engineering for ford s full size suvs ford expedition and lincoln navigator. 548,the first is dawn piechocki an engineering manager at ford motor company.,she is engineering manager for the ford expedition and the lincoln navigator at ford motor company.,the first lady is dawn piechocki a manager at ford motor company. 549,piechocki is responsible for integrating testing and executing all of the engineering requirements for ford s full size suvs ford expedition and lincoln navigator.,she is an engineering manager for the ford expedition and lincoln navigator at ford motor company.,he is responsible for all of the engineering for ford s full size suvs ford expedition and lincoln navigator. 550,the first is dawn piechocki an engineering manager at ford motor company.,she is an engineering manager for the ford expedition and lincoln navigator at ford motor company.,the first lady is dawn piechocki a manager at ford motor company. 551,piechocki is responsible for integrating testing and executing all of the engineering requirements for ford s full size suvs ford expedition and lincoln navigator.,piechocki is in charge of engineering for ford s full size sport utility vehicles ford expedition and lincoln navigator.,he is responsible for all of the engineering for ford s full size suvs ford expedition and lincoln navigator. 552,piechocki is responsible for integrating testing and executing all of the engineering for ford s full size suvs ford expedition and lincoln navigator.,piechocki is in charge of engineering for ford s full size sport utility vehicles ford expedition and lincoln navigator.,he is responsible for all of the engineering for ford s full size suvs ford expedition and lincoln navigator. 553,that includes overseeing and integrating vehicle development of the chassis powertrain body and electrical components.,that includes overseeing vehicle development of the chassis the internal framework of the car powertrain body and electrical components.,the duties include overseeing and integrating vehicle development of the chassis powertrain body and electrical components. 554,that includes overseeing and integrating vehicle development of the chassis powertrain body and electrical components.,her job includes overseeing the development of the chassis the internal framework of the car powertrain body and electrical parts.,the duties include overseeing and integrating vehicle development of the chassis powertrain body and electrical components. 555,that includes overseeing vehicle development of the chassis the internal framework of the car powertrain body and electrical components.,her job includes overseeing the development of the chassis the internal framework of the car powertrain body and electrical parts.,among those duties are overseeing vehicle development of the chassis the internal framework of the car powertrain body and electrical components. 556,the engineer commutes between two offices bimonthly one in dearborn michigan the other in mexico city.,she commutes between two offices one in dearborn michigan the other in mexico city.,one is in dearborn michigan the other is in mexico city. 557,the engineer commutes between two offices bimonthly one in dearborn michigan the other in mexico city.,she travels between two offices one in dearborn michigan the other in mexico city.,one is in dearborn michigan the other is in mexico city. 558,the engineer commutes between two offices bimonthly one in dearborn michigan the other in mexico city.,one is in dearborn michigan the birthplace of the american car industry.,one is in dearborn michigan the other is in mexico city. 559,she commutes between two offices one in dearborn michigan the other in mexico city.,one is in dearborn michigan the birthplace of the american car industry.,one is in dearborn michigan the other is in mexico city. 560,she travels between two offices one in dearborn michigan the other in mexico city.,one is in dearborn michigan the birthplace of the american car industry.,one is in dearborn michigan the other is in mexico city. 561,in mexico as the only woman in engineering management she has people reporting to her.,in mexico she is the only woman in engineering management and people report to her.,in mexico she is the only woman in charge of building planes. 562,in mexico as the only woman in engineering management she has people reporting to her.,in mexico she is the only woman in charge of engineering and she manages people.,in mexico she is the only woman in charge of building planes. 563,in mexico she is the only woman in engineering management and people report to her.,in mexico she is the only woman in charge of engineering and she manages people.,in mexico she is the only woman in charge of building planes. 564,the engineering team asked for me specifically and i ve been accepted very well. , i ve been accepted very well she said.,the engineering team asked for me specifically and i ve been accepted very well he said. 565,she also tests out vehicles in different environments around the world.,piechocki also tests out vehicles in different environments around the world.,she also tests out different types of cars and trucks. 566,she also tests out vehicles in diverse environments around the world including sand towing and rock climbing evaluations in borrego california desert drills in dubai and performance drives from mexico city at feet to acapulco at sea level.,these include test drives in the deserts of borrego california and dubai in the middle east and performance drives from mexico city at feet to acapulco at sea level.,she also tests out vehicles in different parts of the world. 567,she also tests out vehicles in diverse environments around the world including sand towing and rock climbing evaluations in borrego california desert drills in dubai and performance drives from mexico city at feet to acapulco at sea level.,she has tested cars in the deserts of borrego california and dubai in the middle east.,she also tests out vehicles in different parts of the world. 568,these include test drives in the deserts of borrego california and dubai in the middle east and performance drives from mexico city at feet to acapulco at sea level.,she has tested cars in the deserts of borrego california and dubai in the middle east.,test drives take place in the deserts of borrego california and dubai in the middle east. 569,i also speak to younger women who are interested in science and math.,she helps the engineering team in mexico plan their careers and speaks to younger women who are interested in science and math.,and she speaks to younger women who are interested in science and math. 570, i also speak to younger women who are interested in science and math.,she helps the engineering team in mexico plan their careers and speaks to younger women who are interested in science and math.,and she speaks to younger women who are interested in science and math. 571,i also speak to younger women who are interested in science and math.,she also speaks to younger women who are interested in science and math.,and she speaks to younger women who are interested in science and math. 572, i also speak to younger women who are interested in science and math.,she also speaks to younger women who are interested in science and math.,and she speaks to younger women who are interested in science and math. 573,she helps the engineering team in mexico plan their careers and speaks to younger women who are interested in science and math.,she also speaks to younger women who are interested in science and math.,she also speaks to younger women who are interested in science and math. 574,i also speak to younger women who are interested in science and math.,she speaks to younger women who are interested in science and math.,and she speaks to younger women who are interested in science and math. 575, i also speak to younger women who are interested in science and math.,she speaks to younger women who are interested in science and math.,and she speaks to younger women who are interested in science and math. 576,and i have found a lot of women especially younger women are just intimidated by vehicles., and i have found a lot of women especially younger women are just scared by vehicles she said.,and i have found a lot of women especially younger women are just intimidated by vehicles she said. 577,but i explain that the automotive field is huge and even if you are not doing work on a vehicle there are so many areas that you can impact. ,even if they are not working on a vehicle there are many areas where they can make an impact., even if you are not doing work on a vehicle there are so many areas that you can impact he said. 578,even if they are not working on a vehicle there are many areas where they can make an impact.,there are many areas where women can make a difference.,even if they are not working on a vehicle he said there are many areas where they can make an impact. 579,as chief engineer of the ram krear oversees all budgets planning engineering development quality and launch management of the truck.,the second women is elizabeth krear chief engineer of the ram truck for fiat chrysler automobiles.,he oversees all budgets planning engineering development quality and launch management of the truck. 580,as chief engineer of the ram krear oversees all budgets planning engineering development quality and launch management of the truck.,as chief engineer of the ram truck for fiat chrysler automobiles she oversees all budgets planning engineering development and quality of the truck.,he oversees all budgets planning engineering development quality and launch management of the truck. 581,as chief engineer of the ram krear oversees all budgets planning engineering development quality and launch management of the truck.,as chief engineer of the ram truck she oversees all budgets planning engineering development and quality.,he oversees all budgets planning engineering development quality and launch management of the truck. 582,as chief engineer of the ram krear oversees all budgets planning engineering development quality and launch management of the truck.,she is chief engineer of the ram truck.,he oversees all budgets planning engineering development quality and launch management of the truck. 583,as chief engineer of the ram truck for fiat chrysler automobiles she oversees all budgets planning engineering development and quality of the truck.,she is chief engineer of the ram truck.,she is the chief engineer of the ram truck for chrysler automobiles. 584,as chief engineer of the ram truck she oversees all budgets planning engineering development and quality.,she is chief engineer of the ram truck.,as chief engineer of the ram truck she oversees all planning engineering development and quality of the vehicle. 585,krear says when she was graduating high school and was n t quite sure what to study her dad asked her what she wanted to be.,krear says she was not quite sure what to study after high school.,krear said when she was graduating high school her dad asked her what she wanted to do. 586,krear says when she was graduating from high school and was not quite sure what to study her dad asked her what she wanted to be.,krear says she was not quite sure what to study after high school.,krear said when she was graduating from high school her dad asked her what she wanted to do. 587,krear says when she was graduating high school and was n t quite sure what to study her dad asked her what she wanted to be.,when her dad asked her what she wanted to be she said a businesswoman.,krear said when she was graduating high school her dad asked her what she wanted to do. 588,krear says when she was graduating from high school and was not quite sure what to study her dad asked her what she wanted to be.,when her dad asked her what she wanted to be she said a businesswoman.,krear said when she was graduating from high school her dad asked her what she wanted to do. 589,i tell them that if you are good at math and interested in how things work then engineering is a great field.,she tells girls that if they are good at math and interested in how things work engineering is a great field. ,if you are good at math and interested in how things work she said then engineering is a great field. 590,baron is the principal inventor of the ford immersive vehicle environment process and technology which immerses a person into a full size photo realistic vehicle environment.,baron has invented a new technology which immerses a person into a full size photo realistic vehicle simulation.,this immerses a person into a full size photo realistic vehicle environment. 591,baron has invented a new technology which immerses a person into a full size photo realistic vehicle simulation.,baron invented a new technology that uses d imaging.,it immerses a person into a full size photo realistic vehicle simulation. 592,it enables real time product evaluations on engineering aesthetic design ergonomics and manufacturing all before the physical builds take place.,it enables real time product evaluations on engineering design comfort and manufacturing all before the vehicle is built.,it enables real time product evaluations on engineering design ergonomics and manufacturing all before the physical builds take place. 593,it enables real time product evaluations on engineering aesthetic design ergonomics and manufacturing all before the physical builds take place.,it lets engineers analyze the engineering design and manufacturing all before the car is even built.,it enables real time product evaluations on engineering design ergonomics and manufacturing all before the physical builds take place. 594,it enables real time product evaluations on engineering design comfort and manufacturing all before the vehicle is built.,it lets engineers analyze the engineering design and manufacturing all before the car is even built.,it allows for real time product evaluations on engineering design comfort and manufacturing all before the vehicle is built. 595,it lets engineers analyze the engineering design and manufacturing all before the car is even built.,it lets engineers analyze how a car works before it is even built.,it lets engineers look at how the design was made all before the car is even built. 596,it lets engineers analyze the engineering design and manufacturing all before the car is even built.,it lets engineers figure out how a car works before it is even built.,it lets engineers look at how the design was made all before the car is even built. 597, the biggest challenge is representing the physical world the workings of a vehicle and have it make sense using d technology says baron who last fall was presented with ford s highest technical honor the dr. haren gandhi research and innovation award.,last fall she was presented with ford s highest technical honor the dr. haren gandhi research and innovation award.,the biggest challenge he said is representing the physical world the workings of a vehicle and have it make sense using d technology. 598, the biggest challenge is representing the physical world the workings of a vehicle and have it make sense using d technology says baron who last fall was presented with ford s highest technical honor the dr. haren gandhi research and innovation award.,last fall she was presented with ford s highest technical award.,the biggest challenge he said is representing the physical world the workings of a vehicle and have it make sense using d technology. 599, the biggest challenge is representing the physical world the workings of a vehicle and have it make sense using d technology says baron who last fall was presented with ford s highest technical honor the dr. haren gandhi research and innovation award.,last fall she won ford s highest technical award.,the biggest challenge he said is representing the physical world the workings of a vehicle and have it make sense using d technology. 600,last fall she was presented with ford s highest technical honor the dr. haren gandhi research and innovation award.,last fall she won ford s highest technical award.,last fall she was presented with ford s highest technical honor the dr. haren gandhi research and innovation award. 601,last fall she was presented with ford s highest technical award.,last fall she won ford s highest technical award.,last fall she was presented with ford s highest technical award. 602,baron exchanges ideas with a lot of outside sources including nasa boeing john deere disney and dreamworks animation.,she also exchanges ideas with a lot of outside sources including nasa the u.s. space agency disney and dreamworks animation.,baron exchanges ideas with a lot of other people including nasa boeing john deere disney and dreamworks animation. 603,baron exchanges ideas with a lot of outside sources including nasa boeing john deere disney and dreamworks animation.,she also exchanges ideas with nasa the u.s. space agency disney and dreamworks animation.,baron exchanges ideas with a lot of other people including nasa boeing john deere disney and dreamworks animation. 604, i am the only woman on my team.,she is the only woman on her team.,she is the only woman on my team. 605, i am the only woman on my team baron said.,she is the only woman on her team., i am the only woman on my team she said. 606,washington it takes a lot of geometry and physics to get a race car to go laps at speeds that can top miles per hour.,washington it takes a lot of math and physics to get a race car to go around the track.,washington it takes a lot of math and science to get a race car to go miles per hour mph. 607,washington it takes a lot of math and physics to get a race car to finish laps at speeds that can top miles per hour.,washington it takes a lot of math and physics to get a race car to go around the track.,washington it takes a lot of math and science to get a race car to reach miles per hour mph. 608,in a nod to the often overlooked science behind races like sunday s daytona nascar announced friday a commitment to promote stem the buzzword for science technology engineering and math inside classrooms and out.,to teach the often overlooked science behind races like this past sunday s daytona nascar announced that it will promote stem inside classrooms and out.,nascar announced friday a commitment to promote stem the buzzword for science technology engineering and math inside classrooms and out. 609,to teach the often overlooked science behind races like this past sunday s daytona nascar announced that it will promote stem inside classrooms and out.,nascar the racing organization wants to teach kids the science behind the racing.,to teach the science behind races nascar announced that it will promote stem inside classrooms and out. 610,nascar wants to help kids learn the science behind races like the daytona.,nascar the racing organization wants to teach kids the science behind the racing.,nascar wants to make kids learn about the sport. 611,nascar wants to help kids learn the science behind races like the daytona.,nascar the racing organization wants to show kids how.,nascar wants to make kids learn about the sport. 612,nascar the racing organization wants to teach kids the science behind the racing.,nascar the racing organization wants to show kids how.,nascar wants to teach kids about the sport. 613,in a nod to the often overlooked science behind races like sunday s daytona nascar announced friday a commitment to promote stem the buzzword for science technology engineering and math inside classrooms and out.,recently nascar announced a new project to teach kids the science behind racing.,nascar announced friday a commitment to promote stem the buzzword for science technology engineering and math inside classrooms and out. 614,to teach the often overlooked science behind races like this past sunday s daytona nascar announced that it will promote stem inside classrooms and out.,recently nascar announced a new project to teach kids the science behind racing.,to teach the science behind races nascar announced that it will promote stem inside classrooms and out. 615,nascar wants to help kids learn the science behind races like the daytona.,recently nascar announced a new project to teach kids the science behind racing.,nascar wants to make kids learn about the sport. 616,nascar the racing organization wants to teach kids the science behind the racing.,recently nascar announced a new project to teach kids the science behind racing.,nascar wants to teach kids about the sport. 617,to teach the often overlooked science behind races like this past sunday s daytona nascar announced that it will promote stem inside classrooms and out.,recently the stock car racing organization announced that it will promote stem subjects inside classrooms and out.,to teach the science behind races nascar announced that it will promote stem inside classrooms and out. 618,the nascar acceleration nation initiative focuses on the three d s of speed downforce drafting and drag and includes instructional materials for teachers.,the nascar acceleration nation project focuses on the laws of motion or what it calls the three d s of speed downforce drafting and drag.,the nascar acceleration nation program focuses on three d s speed downforce drafting and drag. 619,the nascar acceleration nation initiative focuses on the three d s of speed downforce drafting and drag.,the nascar acceleration nation project focuses on the laws of motion or what it calls the three d s of speed downforce drafting and drag.,the nascar acceleration nation program focuses on three d s of speed downforce drafting and drag. 620,the nascar acceleration nation initiative focuses on the three d s of speed downforce drafting and drag and includes instructional materials for teachers.,the nascar acceleration nation project focuses on the laws of motion.,the nascar acceleration nation program focuses on three d s speed downforce drafting and drag. 621,the nascar acceleration nation initiative focuses on the three d s of speed downforce drafting and drag.,the nascar acceleration nation project focuses on the laws of motion.,the nascar acceleration nation program focuses on three d s of speed downforce drafting and drag. 622,the nascar acceleration nation project focuses on the laws of motion.,the project will focus on the laws of motion.,the nascar acceleration nation project focuses on what is called a laws of motion. 623,the nascar acceleration nation initiative focuses on the three d s of speed downforce drafting and drag and includes instructional materials for teachers.,it calls them the three d s of speed downforce drafting and drag.,the nascar acceleration nation program focuses on three d s speed downforce drafting and drag. 624,the nascar acceleration nation initiative focuses on the three d s of speed downforce drafting and drag.,it calls them the three d s of speed downforce drafting and drag.,the nascar acceleration nation program focuses on three d s of speed downforce drafting and drag. 625,the nascar acceleration nation project focuses on the laws of motion or what it calls the three d s of speed downforce drafting and drag.,it calls them the three d s of speed downforce drafting and drag.,the nascar acceleration nation project focuses on the laws of motion. 626,the nascar acceleration nation initiative focuses on the three d s of speed downforce drafting and drag and includes instructional materials for teachers.,nascar calls them the three d s of speed downforce drafting and drag.,the nascar acceleration nation program focuses on three d s speed downforce drafting and drag. 627,the nascar acceleration nation initiative focuses on the three d s of speed downforce drafting and drag.,nascar calls them the three d s of speed downforce drafting and drag.,the nascar acceleration nation program focuses on three d s of speed downforce drafting and drag. 628,the nascar acceleration nation project focuses on the laws of motion or what it calls the three d s of speed downforce drafting and drag.,nascar calls them the three d s of speed downforce drafting and drag.,the nascar acceleration nation project focuses on the laws of motion. 629,the effort is a way for nascar to show the fun side of engineering and math and to encourage fans to view nascar in a new way said brent dewar nascar s chief operating officer.,nascar hopes to show kids the fun side of engineering and math through the project brent dewar nascar s chief operating officer said.,it also helps encourage fans to view nascar in a new way said brent dewar nascar s chief operating officer. 630,the effort is a way for nascar to show the fun side of engineering and math said brent dewar nascar s chief operating officer.,nascar hopes to show kids the fun side of engineering and math through the project brent dewar nascar s chief operating officer said.,it is a way for nascar to show off the fun side of engineering and math said brent dewar. 631,the effort is a way for nascar to show the fun side of engineering and math and to encourage fans to view nascar in a new way said brent dewar nascar s chief operating officer.,nascar wants to show the fun side of engineering and math said brent dewar.,it also helps encourage fans to view nascar in a new way said brent dewar nascar s chief operating officer. 632,the effort is a way for nascar to show the fun side of engineering and math said brent dewar nascar s chief operating officer.,nascar wants to show the fun side of engineering and math said brent dewar.,it is a way for nascar to show off the fun side of engineering and math said brent dewar. 633,nascar hopes to show kids the fun side of engineering and math through the project brent dewar nascar s chief operating officer said.,nascar wants to show the fun side of engineering and math said brent dewar.,nascar hopes to show kids the fun side of engineering and math he said. 634,driver carl edwards was a substitute teacher in columbia missouri long before he became known for his back flip off cars after winning races.,carl edwards was a substitute teacher in columbia missouri long before he got behind the wheel of a race car.,he was known for his back flip off cars. 635,carl edwards was a substitute teacher in columbia missouri long before he got behind the wheel of a race car.,carl edwards was a substitute teacher in missouri long before he became a race car driver.,he was a substitute teacher in columbia missouri long before he got behind the wheel of a race car. 636,driver carl edwards was a substitute teacher in columbia missouri long before he became known for his back flip off cars after winning races.,edwards is known for his back flip off cars after winning races.,he was known for his back flip off cars. 637,driver carl edwards was a substitute teacher in columbia missouri long before he became known for his back flip off cars after winning races.,he is known for back flipping off cars after winning races.,he was known for his back flip off cars. 638,edwards is known for his back flip off cars after winning races.,he is known for back flipping off cars after winning races.,edwards has been known for his back flip off cars. 639,driver carl edwards was a substitute teacher in columbia missouri long before he became known for his back flip off cars after winning races.,he is known for doing back flips off cars after winning races.,he was known for his back flip off cars. 640,edwards is known for his back flip off cars after winning races.,he is known for doing back flips off cars after winning races.,edwards has been known for his back flip off cars. 641,for him one of the biggest teaching challenges was keeping students attention and he hopes that bringing race cars into science discussions will spark interest.,he hopes that bringing race cars into science class will spark interest in the subject.,he hopes that bringing race cars into science discussions will spark interest. 642,he hopes that bringing race cars into science discussions will spark interest.,he hopes that bringing race cars into science class will spark interest in the subject.,he hopes that bringing race cars into science discussions will get people interested. 643,for him one of the biggest teaching challenges was keeping students attention and he hopes that bringing race cars into science discussions will spark interest.,he hopes that racing will get kids interested in science.,he hopes that bringing race cars into science discussions will spark interest. 644,he hopes that bringing race cars into science discussions will spark interest.,he hopes that racing will get kids interested in science.,he hopes that bringing race cars into science discussions will get people interested. 645,he hopes that bringing race cars into science class will spark interest in the subject.,he hopes that racing will get kids interested in science.,he hopes that bringing race cars into science class will get people interested in the sport. 646,he hopes that bringing race cars into science discussions will spark interest.,he hopes that racing will do the trick.,he hopes that bringing race cars into science discussions will get people interested. 647,he hopes that bringing race cars into science class will spark interest in the subject.,he hopes that racing will do the trick.,he hopes that bringing race cars into science class will get people interested in the sport. 648,he hopes that racing will get kids interested in science.,he hopes that racing will do the trick.,he hopes that racing will get kids interested in science. 649,edwards said that with every lap scientific data is involved from tracking the statistical probability of crashing at different parts of the race to the amount of fuel used by the engine at different speeds in various throttle positions.,edwards said that science is involved in every lap around the track.,edwards said that with every lap scientific information is involved. 650,edwards said that with every lap around the race track science is involved.,edwards said that science is involved in every lap around the track.,edwards said science is involved with every lap of the race track. 651,edwards said that with every lap scientific data is involved from tracking the statistical probability of crashing at different parts of the race to the amount of fuel used by the engine at different speeds in various throttle positions.,race car drivers must track the probability of crashing at different parts of the race as well as the amount of fuel used by the engine at different speeds.,edwards said that with every lap scientific information is involved. 652,edwards said that with every lap scientific data is involved from tracking the statistical probability of crashing at different parts of the race to the amount of fuel used by the engine at different speeds in various throttle positions.,drivers must track the likelihood of crashing at different parts of the race.,edwards said that with every lap scientific information is involved. 653,race car drivers must track the probability of crashing at different parts of the race as well as the amount of fuel used by the engine at different speeds.,drivers must track the likelihood of crashing at different parts of the race.,race car drivers must track the chances of crashing at different parts of the race. 654,edwards said that with every lap scientific data is involved from tracking the statistical probability of crashing at different parts of the race to the amount of fuel used by the engine at different speeds in various throttle positions.,drivers must think about how to avoid crashing at different parts of the race.,edwards said that with every lap scientific information is involved. 655,race car drivers must track the probability of crashing at different parts of the race as well as the amount of fuel used by the engine at different speeds.,drivers must think about how to avoid crashing at different parts of the race.,race car drivers must track the chances of crashing at different parts of the race. 656,drivers must track the likelihood of crashing at different parts of the race.,drivers must think about how to avoid crashing at different parts of the race.,drivers must track the chance of crashing at different parts of the race. 657,edwards said that with every lap scientific data is involved from tracking the statistical probability of crashing at different parts of the race to the amount of fuel used by the engine at different speeds in various throttle positions.,they must figure out the amount of fuel used by the engine at different speeds.,edwards said that with every lap scientific information is involved. 658,race car drivers must track the probability of crashing at different parts of the race as well as the amount of fuel used by the engine at different speeds.,they must figure out the amount of fuel used by the engine at different speeds.,race car drivers must track the chances of crashing at different parts of the race. 659,edwards said that with every lap scientific data is involved from tracking the statistical probability of crashing at different parts of the race to the amount of fuel used by the engine at different speeds in various throttle positions.,they also must figure out the amount of fuel used by the engine at different speeds.,edwards said that with every lap scientific information is involved. 660,race car drivers must track the probability of crashing at different parts of the race as well as the amount of fuel used by the engine at different speeds.,they also must figure out the amount of fuel used by the engine at different speeds.,race car drivers must track the chances of crashing at different parts of the race. 661,although he said he still uses the science and math he learned in school edwards wishes he d learned even more.,although edwards still uses the science and math he learned in school he wishes he had learned even more.,he still uses the science and math he learned in school. 662,although he said he still uses the science and math he learned in school edwards wishes he d learned even more.,however he wishes he had learned even more.,he still uses the science and math he learned in school. 663,although he said he still uses the science and math he learned in school edwards wishes he had learned even more.,however he wishes he had learned even more.,he still uses the science and math he learned in school. 664,although edwards still uses the science and math he learned in school he wishes he had learned even more.,however he wishes he had learned even more.,edwards still uses the science and math he learned in school. 665, you can take any part of the car and talk about how it was engineered and why it s designed the way it is to interact with the rest of the race car he said.,you can take any part of a race car and talk about its design he said., you can take any part of the car and talk about how it was engineered and why it s designed the way it is to interact with the rest of the race car vaughan said. 666, you can take any part of the car and talk about how it was engineered and why it s designed the way it is he said.,you can take any part of a race car and talk about its design he said., you can take any part of the car and talk about how it was engineered and why it s designed the way it is said dimitris pantermalis. 667,as part of the initiative nascar partnered with publisher scholastic corp. to develop fact sheets and quizzes primarily for middle school teachers focused on aerodynamics.,as part of the initiative nascar partnered with educational publisher scholastic corporation to develop fact sheets and quizzes primarily for middle school teachers.,in addition nascar partnered with publisher scholastic to develop fact sheets and quizzes primarily for middle school teachers focused on aerodynamics. 668,as part of the initiative nascar partnered with publisher scholastic corp. to develop fact sheets and quizzes primarily for middle school teachers focused on aerodynamics.,as part of the project nascar has partnered with educational publisher scholastic corporation.,in addition nascar partnered with publisher scholastic to develop fact sheets and quizzes primarily for middle school teachers focused on aerodynamics. 669,as part of the initiative nascar partnered with educational publisher scholastic corporation to develop fact sheets and quizzes primarily for middle school teachers.,as part of the project nascar has partnered with educational publisher scholastic corporation.,in addition nascar partnered with educational publisher scholastic to develop fact sheets and quizzes primarily for middle school teachers. 670,an example of topics addressed why can race cars in a drafting formation lined up behind each other go faster than cars moving solo ?,one example asks why can race cars in a drafting formation lined up behind each other go faster than cars moving solo ?,an example of topics talked about why can race cars in a drafting formation lined up behind each other go faster than cars moving solo? 671,an example of topics addressed why can race cars in a drafting formation lined up behind each other go faster than cars moving solo ?,one question asks why do race cars in a drafting formation lined up behind each other go faster ?,an example of topics talked about why can race cars in a drafting formation lined up behind each other go faster than cars moving solo? 672,one example asks why can race cars in a drafting formation lined up behind each other go faster than cars moving solo ?,one question asks why do race cars in a drafting formation lined up behind each other go faster ?,one example he said asks why can race cars in a drafting formation lined up behind each other go faster than cars moving solo? 673,an example of topics addressed why can race cars in a drafting formation lined up behind each other go faster than cars moving solo ?,one question asks why do race cars in a drafting formation go faster ?,an example of topics talked about why can race cars in a drafting formation lined up behind each other go faster than cars moving solo? 674,one example asks why can race cars in a drafting formation lined up behind each other go faster than cars moving solo ?,one question asks why do race cars in a drafting formation go faster ?,one example he said asks why can race cars in a drafting formation lined up behind each other go faster than cars moving solo? 675,an example of topics addressed why can race cars in a drafting formation lined up behind each other go faster than cars moving solo ?,in a drafting formation the cars are lined up behind each other.,an example of topics talked about why can race cars in a drafting formation lined up behind each other go faster than cars moving solo? 676,one example asks why can race cars in a drafting formation lined up behind each other go faster than cars moving solo ?,in a drafting formation the cars are lined up behind each other.,one example he said asks why can race cars in a drafting formation lined up behind each other go faster than cars moving solo? 677,one question asks why do race cars in a drafting formation lined up behind each other go faster ?,in a drafting formation the cars are lined up behind each other.,one question he wanted to answer is why do race cars line up behind each other? 678,an example of topics addressed why can race cars in a drafting formation lined up behind each other go faster than cars moving solo ?,a drafting formation is when cars line up one in front of the other.,an example of topics talked about why can race cars in a drafting formation lined up behind each other go faster than cars moving solo? 679,one example asks why can race cars in a drafting formation lined up behind each other go faster than cars moving solo ?,a drafting formation is when cars line up one in front of the other.,one example he said asks why can race cars in a drafting formation lined up behind each other go faster than cars moving solo? 680,one question asks why do race cars in a drafting formation lined up behind each other go faster ?,a drafting formation is when cars line up one in front of the other.,one question he wanted to answer is why do race cars line up behind each other? 681,in a drafting formation the cars are lined up behind each other.,a drafting formation is when cars line up one in front of the other.,the cars are lined up behind each other. 682,initially about kits will be mailed to teachers.,nascar will mail more than kits to teachers.,at first about kits will be mailed to teachers. 683,nascar will mail more than kits to teachers.,nascar plans to mail more than kits to teachers.,nascar will send more than kits to teachers. 684,about kits will be mailed to teachers initially but teachers can also go online to download the material and view online demonstrations.,they can also go online to download the material and view demonstrations.,teachers can also go online to download the material and view online demonstrations. 685,about kits will be mailed to teachers initially but teachers can also go online to download the material and view online demonstrations.,teachers can also go online to download the material and see demonstrations.,teachers can also go online to download the material and view online demonstrations. 686,they can also go online to download the material and view demonstrations.,teachers can also go online to download the material and see demonstrations.,they can also go online to download it and view the demonstrations. 687,the effort includes a website for fans with math and other games and an interactive play area that children and teens can visit on race days.,there will also be a website for fans with math and other games plus an interactive area that children and teens can visit on race days.,it also has an interactive play area that children and teens can visit on race days. 688,the effort includes a website for fans with math and other games and an interactive play area that children and teens can visit on race days.,a website will feature math and other games.,it also has an interactive play area that children and teens can visit on race days. 689,there will also be a website for fans with math and other games plus an interactive area that children and teens can visit on race days.,a website will feature math and other games.,there will also be a website for fans with math and other games. 690,nascar s effort is part of a larger push in both the private and public sector to promote stem out of concern for the nation s global competitiveness and because of strong projected job growth in those fields.,nascar s program is part of a larger push in both the private and public sectors to promote stem education.,nascar s effort is part of a larger push to promote stem. 691,nascar s effort is part of a larger push in both the private and public sector to promote stem out of concern for the nation s global competitiveness and because of strong projected job growth in those fields.,nascar s effort is part of a larger push in both business and government to promote stem education.,nascar s effort is part of a larger push to promote stem. 692,nascar s program is part of a larger push in both the private and public sectors to promote stem education.,nascar s effort is part of a larger push in both business and government to promote stem education.,nascar s program is part of a larger push to promote stem education in the private and public sectors. 693,michael lynch a nascar executive involved with the program said nascar is tracking how students do on a quiz before and after using the material so they can see what works and what needs to be changed.,michael lynch a nascar executive involved with the effort said nascar is tracking how students do on a quiz before and after using the material.,it will allow students to see what works and what needs to be changed. 694,chicago as the mellow sounds of soul music played willie bailey grabbed his year old daughter s hand and twirled her in a circle.,willie bailey grabbed his dance partner s hands and twirled her in a circle.,chicago as the sounds of soul music played willie bailey grabbed his year old daughter s hand and twirled her in a circle. 695, i feel so happy bailey s daughter taniya said after they stopped moving., i feel so happy taniya said after they stopped dancing., i feel so happy bye said after they stopped moving. 696,bailey and his daughter were among dozens of father daughter couples gathered on chicago s south side recently at a party designed to spotlight the role of black fathers in their daughter s lives.,on chicago s south side recently dozens of father daughter couples gathered together for a memorable dance party.,bailey and his daughter were among dozens of father daughter couples at a dinner in chicago s south side. 697,it was a reason too for her to get dressed up and be the center of attention for a day.,the evening was also a reason to get dressed up and celebrate love.,she had to get dressed up and be the center of attention for a day. 698,it was a reason too for her to get dressed up and be the center of attention for a day.,the evening is also a fun reason to get dressed up.,she had to get dressed up and be the center of attention for a day. 699,the evening was also a reason to get dressed up and celebrate love.,the evening is also a fun reason to get dressed up.,the evening was also a reason to get dressed up and celebrate love. 700, i would n t miss this for the world said bailey of oak park illinois who has attended the event three years in a row., i would n t miss this for the world said bailey who has been coming to the event for the last three years., i would n t miss this for the world said bailey age who has attended the event three years in a row. 701,father daughter dances and balls date back decades and were especially popular in churches that hosted the events to promote the special bond between fathers and their daughters.,father daughter dances can help promote the special bond between fathers and their daughters.,they were especially popular in churches that hosted the events to promote the special bond between fathers and their daughters. 702,father daughter dances and balls date back decades and were especially popular in churches that hosted the events to promote the special bond between fathers and their daughters.,father daughter dances can also promote the special bond between fathers and their daughters.,they were especially popular in churches that hosted the events to promote the special bond between fathers and their daughters. 703,father daughter dances can help promote the special bond between fathers and their daughters.,father daughter dances can also promote the special bond between fathers and their daughters.,father daughter dances can help create a special bond between fathers and their daughters. 704,in recent years african americans have started to host and participate in the social events as a way of highlighting the role fathers play in helping their daughters develop self esteem and feel supported and validated.,over the years african americans have started to host dances to highlight the role fathers can have in helping their daughters grow up to feel confident and supported.,they see it as a way of highlighting the role fathers play in helping their daughters develop self esteem and feel supported and validated. 705,in recent years african americans have started to host and participate in the social events as a way of highlighting the role fathers play in helping their daughters develop self esteem and feel supported and validated.,over the years african americans have started to host dances to give dads the chance to show their daughters how much they care.,they see it as a way of highlighting the role fathers play in helping their daughters develop self esteem and feel supported and validated. 706,over the years african americans have started to host dances to highlight the role fathers can have in helping their daughters grow up to feel confident and supported.,over the years african americans have started to host dances to give dads the chance to show their daughters how much they care.,over the years african americans have started to organize dances to highlight the role fathers can have in helping their daughters grow up to feel confident and supported. 707,at haley elementary academy in the roseland and west pullman communities school leaders have planned their first father daughter dance for later this year principal sherry pirtle said.,the school is in the roseland and west pullman communities in chicago.,some school leaders have planned their first father daughter dance for later this year. 708,at haley elementary academy in the roseland and west pullman communities school leaders have planned their first father daughter dance for later this year principal sherry pirtle said.,school leaders have planned their first father daughter dance for later this year according to principal sherry pirtle.,some school leaders have planned their first father daughter dance for later this year. 709,at haley elementary academy in the roseland and west pullman communities school leaders have planned their first father daughter dance for later this year principal sherry pirtle said.,school leaders will hold their first father daughter dance later this year.,some school leaders have planned their first father daughter dance for later this year. 710,school leaders have planned their first father daughter dance for later this year according to principal sherry pirtle.,school leaders will hold their first father daughter dance later this year.,principal sherry pirtle said the school has planned their first father daughter dance for later this year. 711,with her mentoring group polished pebbles kelly fair gives young black girls exposure to female professionals who can offer advice on how to reach their goals.,kelly fair has a mentoring group called polished pebbles that exposes young black girls to female professionals who can offer advice on how to succeed in school and work.,she gives young black girls advice on how to reach their goals and aspirations. 712,kelly fair has a mentoring organization called polished pebbles.,kelly fair has a group called polished pebbles.,kelly fair started a group called polished pebbles. 713,kelly fair has a mentoring organization called polished pebbles.,kelly fair leads a group called polished pebbles.,kelly fair started a group called polished pebbles. 714,kelly fair has a group called polished pebbles.,kelly fair leads a group called polished pebbles.,kelly fair has a group called polished pebbles. 715,but fair said the role of men in a young woman s life ca n t be overlooked.,fair said that men play an important role in the life of a young woman.,fair said the importance of men in a young woman s life ca n t be ignored. 716,to do that polished pebbles hosts a father daughter dance on valentine s day in bronzeville.,polished pebbles hosts a father daughter dance on valentine s day in chicago.,to do that pebbles hosts a father daughter dance on valentine s day in bronzeville france. 717,to do that polished pebbles hosts a father daughter dance on valentine s day in bronzeville.,polished pebbles also hosts a father daughter dance in chicago.,to do that pebbles hosts a father daughter dance on valentine s day in bronzeville france. 718,polished pebbles hosts a father daughter dance on valentine s day in chicago.,polished pebbles also hosts a father daughter dance in chicago.,on valentine s day there is a father daughter dance. 719,to do that polished pebbles hosts a father daughter dance on valentine s day in bronzeville.,polished pebbles also hosts a father daughter dance.,to do that pebbles hosts a father daughter dance on valentine s day in bronzeville france. 720,polished pebbles hosts a father daughter dance on valentine s day in chicago.,polished pebbles also hosts a father daughter dance.,on valentine s day there is a father daughter dance. 721,instead of dancing one on one they line dance play musical chairs and boogie down a soul train line.,they play group games line dance play musical chairs and boogie down together.,instead of dancing together they line dance play musical chairs and boogie down a soul train line. 722,instead they line dance play musical chairs and boogie down a soul train line.,they play group games line dance play musical chairs and boogie down together.,instead they line dance play musical chairs and boogie down a soul train line. 723,at the black star project s father daughter dance about men spent a saturday afternoon fussing over the special girls in their lives.,at the father daughter dance bailey attended about men spent a saturday afternoon with the special girls in their lives.,at the black star project s father daughter dance about men spent a saturday afternoon fussing over their girls. 724,at the black star project s father daughter dance about men spent a saturday afternoon fussing over the special girls in their lives.,at the father daughter dance that bailey and taniya attended about men spent the afternoon with the special girls in their lives.,at the black star project s father daughter dance about men spent a saturday afternoon fussing over their girls. 725,at the father daughter dance bailey attended about men spent a saturday afternoon with the special girls in their lives.,at the father daughter dance that bailey and taniya attended about men spent the afternoon with the special girls in their lives.,at a father daughter dance bailey attended about men spent a saturday afternoon with their girls. 726,most men were there with their young daughters.,most men came to the dance with their young daughters.,most men were there with their young daughters. 727,some brought nieces cousins and girls from their neighborhoods so they could party too.,some men brought their nieces cousins or other girls from their neighborhoods.,some brought nieces cousins and girls from their neighborhoods so they could also party. 728,some men brought nieces cousins and girls from their neighborhoods so they could party too.,some men brought their nieces cousins or other girls from their neighborhoods.,some men brought their nieces cousins and girls from their neighborhoods to the party. 729,joe dunford floated from side to side bouncing his shoulders and nodding to the music as his daughter did her own freestyle moves in front of him.,once the dance started joe dunford a dad floated from side to side bouncing his shoulders and nodding to the music.,he bounced his shoulders and nodded to the music as his daughter did her own moves in front of him. 730,once the dance started joe dunford floated from side to side bouncing his shoulders and nodding to the music as his daughter did her own freestyle dance moves in front of him.,once the dance started joe dunford a dad floated from side to side bouncing his shoulders and nodding to the music.,he bounced his shoulders and nodded to the music as his daughter did her own moves in front of him. 731,joe dunford floated from side to side bouncing his shoulders and nodding to the music as his daughter did her own freestyle moves in front of him.,when the dance started he moved his body from side to side nodding to the music.,he bounced his shoulders and nodded to the music as his daughter did her own moves in front of him. 732,once the dance started joe dunford floated from side to side bouncing his shoulders and nodding to the music as his daughter did her own freestyle dance moves in front of him.,when the dance started he moved his body from side to side nodding to the music.,he bounced his shoulders and nodded to the music as his daughter did her own moves in front of him. 733,once the dance started joe dunford a dad floated from side to side bouncing his shoulders and nodding to the music.,when the dance started he moved his body from side to side nodding to the music.,once the dance started joe dunford bounced his shoulders and nodded to the music. 734,joe dunford floated from side to side bouncing his shoulders and nodding to the music as his daughter did her own freestyle moves in front of him.,he moved his body and nodded to the music.,he bounced his shoulders and nodded to the music as his daughter did her own moves in front of him. 735,once the dance started joe dunford floated from side to side bouncing his shoulders and nodding to the music as his daughter did her own freestyle dance moves in front of him.,he moved his body and nodded to the music.,he bounced his shoulders and nodded to the music as his daughter did her own moves in front of him. 736,once the dance started joe dunford a dad floated from side to side bouncing his shoulders and nodding to the music.,he moved his body and nodded to the music.,once the dance started joe dunford bounced his shoulders and nodded to the music. 737,when the dance started he moved his body from side to side nodding to the music.,he moved his body and nodded to the music.,when the dance started he moved his body from side to side. 738, i want her to see from an early age what to expect from a man and how she should be treated he said.,he wants to teach miranda from an early age what to expect from a man and how she should be treated., i want her to see from an early age what to expect from a man and how she should be treated obama said. 739, i want her to see from an early age what to expect from a man and how she should be treated he said.,he wants to teach miranda what to expect from a man., i want her to see from an early age what to expect from a man and how she should be treated obama said. 740,bailey and his daughter made a day of the event.,bailey and his daughter turned the dance into a special day.,bailey and his daughter made it to the olympics. 741,bailey and his daughter made a day of the event.,bailey and his daughter taniya turned the dance into a special day.,bailey and his daughter made it to the olympics. 742,bailey and his daughter made a day of the event.,willie bailey and his daughter taniya had a special day together.,bailey and his daughter made it to the olympics. 743,bailey and his daughter turned the dance into a special day.,willie bailey and his daughter taniya had a special day together.,bailey and his daughter decided to make it a special day. 744,bailey and his daughter taniya turned the dance into a special day.,willie bailey and his daughter taniya had a special day together.,bailey and his daughter taniya were there. 745,they took photos in their outfits taniya in a cream colored gown with a pearl necklace and pink floral accessories bailey in his sunday best with a cream apple cap and tan blazer to elevate his look.,taniya wore a cream colored gown with a pearl necklace and pink floral accessories.,taniya in a cream colored gown with a pearl necklace and pink floral accessories bailey in his sunday best was wearing a cream apple cap and tan blazer to elevate his look. 746,they took photos in their outfits taniya in a cream colored gown with a pearl necklace and pink floral accessories bailey in his sunday best with a cream apple cap and tan blazer to elevate his look.,taniya wore a tan gown with a pearl necklace.,taniya in a cream colored gown with a pearl necklace and pink floral accessories bailey in his sunday best was wearing a cream apple cap and tan blazer to elevate his look. 747,taniya wore a cream colored gown with a pearl necklace and pink floral accessories.,taniya wore a tan gown with a pearl necklace.,she wore a cream colored gown with a pearl necklace and pink floral accessories. 748,they took photos in their outfits taniya in a cream colored gown with a pearl necklace and pink floral accessories bailey in his sunday best with a cream apple cap and tan blazer to elevate his look.,taniya wore a gown with a pearl necklace.,taniya in a cream colored gown with a pearl necklace and pink floral accessories bailey in his sunday best was wearing a cream apple cap and tan blazer to elevate his look. 749,they took photos in their outfits taniya in a cream colored gown with a pearl necklace and pink floral accessories bailey in his sunday best with a cream apple cap and tan blazer to elevate his look.,bailey wore his sunday best with a cream apple cap and tan blazer to top off his look.,taniya in a cream colored gown with a pearl necklace and pink floral accessories bailey in his sunday best was wearing a cream apple cap and tan blazer to elevate his look. 750,they took photos in their outfits taniya in a cream colored gown with a pearl necklace and pink floral accessories bailey in his sunday best with a cream apple cap and tan blazer to elevate his look.,bailey wore his sunday best with a cap and tan blazer.,taniya in a cream colored gown with a pearl necklace and pink floral accessories bailey in his sunday best was wearing a cream apple cap and tan blazer to elevate his look. 751,ankara turkey pastor ahmet guvener managed to get his daughter a christian an exemption from mandatory religious classes in her turkish school.,ankara turkey ahmet guvener a christian pastor in turkey got an exemption to keep his daughter from taking islamic religion classes required by her school.,ankara turkey a turkish pastor named ahmet guvener managed to get his daughter a christian exemption from religious classes in her turkish school. 752,ankara turkey pastor ahmet guvener managed to get his daughter a christian an exemption from mandatory religious classes in her turkish school.,ankara turkey ahmet guvener got an exemption to keep his daughter from taking religion classes required by her school.,ankara turkey a turkish pastor named ahmet guvener managed to get his daughter a christian exemption from religious classes in her turkish school. 753,ankara turkey pastor ahmet guvener managed to get his daughter a christian an exemption from mandatory religious classes in her turkish school.,ankara turkey ahmet guvener wanted to get his daughter out of the religious classes required in her school.,ankara turkey a turkish pastor named ahmet guvener managed to get his daughter a christian exemption from religious classes in her turkish school. 754,ankara turkey ahmet guvener a christian pastor in turkey got an exemption to keep his daughter from taking islamic religion classes required by her school.,ankara turkey ahmet guvener wanted to get his daughter out of the religious classes required in her school.,ankara turkey ahmet guvener is a christian pastor in turkey. 755,ankara turkey ahmet guvener got an exemption to keep his daughter from taking religion classes required by her school.,ankara turkey ahmet guvener wanted to get his daughter out of the religious classes required in her school.,ankara turkey ahmet guvener got a break from taking religion classes at his school. 756,as an alternative to the classes at her school in diyarbakir in southeast turkey she would have to choose from three electives the life of the prophet muhammad the quran or basic religious knowledge or fail the year.,his daughter had to choose from three electives the life of the islamic prophet muhammad a study of islam s holy book the quran or basic religious knowledge.,in order to take the classes at her school she would have to choose from three electives the life of the prophet muhammad the quran or basic religious knowledge. 757,as an alternative to the classes at her school in diyarbakir in southeast turkey she would have to choose from three electives the life of the prophet muhammad the quran or basic religious knowledge or fail the year.,his daughter had to choose from three electives or fail the school year.,in order to take the classes at her school she would have to choose from three electives the life of the prophet muhammad the quran or basic religious knowledge. 758,his daughter had to choose from three electives or fail the school year.,she had to choose one or fail the year.,during the school year his daughter had to choose between three choices. 759,as an alternative to the classes at her school in diyarbakir in southeast turkey she would have to choose from three electives the life of the prophet muhammad the quran or basic religious knowledge or fail the year.,but the choices were a course on the life of the islamic prophet muhammad a study of islam s holy book the quran or basic religious knowledge.,in order to take the classes at her school she would have to choose from three electives the life of the prophet muhammad the quran or basic religious knowledge. 760,his daughter had to choose from three electives the life of the islamic prophet muhammad a study of islam s holy book the quran or basic religious knowledge.,but the choices were a course on the life of the islamic prophet muhammad a study of islam s holy book the quran or basic religious knowledge.,the choices were the life of the islamic prophet muhammad or a study of islam s holy book the quran. 761,he accuses the school of deliberately forcing religious education on students a claim the teachers union denied.,he accuses the school of forcing religious education on the students but the teachers union denies that claim.,claims have been made that the school deliberately forced religious education on students. 762,turkey has long enshrined the secular ideals of founding father mustafa kemal ataturk particularly in an education system that until recently banned islamic headscarves in schools and made schoolchildren begin the day reciting an oath of allegiance to ataturk s legacy.,just until recently the education system had banned islamic headscarves in schools and made schoolchildren begin the day reciting a pledge of allegiance to ataturk s legacy.,turkey has long believed in the ideals of founding father mustafa kemal ataturk. 763,turkey has long enshrined the secular ideals of founding father mustafa kemal ataturk particularly in an education system that until recently banned islamic headscarves in schools and made schoolchildren begin the day reciting an oath of allegiance to ataturk s legacy.,in the past the education system had banned islamic headscarves in schools.,turkey has long believed in the ideals of founding father mustafa kemal ataturk. 764,just until recently the education system had banned islamic headscarves in schools and made schoolchildren begin the day reciting a pledge of allegiance to ataturk s legacy.,in the past the education system had banned islamic headscarves in schools.,last year the education system banned islamic headscarves in schools. 765,turkey has long enshrined the secular ideals of founding father mustafa kemal ataturk particularly in an education system that until recently banned islamic headscarves in schools and made schoolchildren begin the day reciting an oath of allegiance to ataturk s legacy.,children begin the school day reciting a pledge of allegiance to ataturk.,turkey has long believed in the ideals of founding father mustafa kemal ataturk. 766,just until recently the education system had banned islamic headscarves in schools and made schoolchildren begin the day reciting a pledge of allegiance to ataturk s legacy.,children begin the school day reciting a pledge of allegiance to ataturk.,last year the education system banned islamic headscarves in schools. 767,now proponents of turkey s secular traditions claim president recep tayyip erdogan is taking a new path building a more islam focused education system to realize his stated goal of raising pious generations. ,now supporters of that secular tradition claim president recep tayyip erdogan is taking a new path.,they claim president recep tayyip erdogan is building a more islam focused education system to realize his stated goal of raising pious generations. 768,now proponents of turkey s secular traditions claim president recep tayyip erdogan is taking a new path building a more islam focused education system to realize his stated goal of raising pious generations. ,supporters of secular tradition say president recep tayyip erdogan is taking a new path and they are protesting against it.,they claim president recep tayyip erdogan is building a more islam focused education system to realize his stated goal of raising pious generations. 769,now supporters of that secular tradition claim president recep tayyip erdogan is taking a new path.,supporters of secular tradition say president recep tayyip erdogan is taking a new path and they are protesting against it.,now supporters of the secular tradition say president recep tayyip erdogan is taking a new path. 770,now proponents of turkey s secular traditions claim president recep tayyip erdogan is taking a new path building a more islam focused education system to realize his stated goal of raising pious generations. ,the current president recep tayyip erdogan is taking a new path.,they claim president recep tayyip erdogan is building a more islam focused education system to realize his stated goal of raising pious generations. 771,now supporters of that secular tradition claim president recep tayyip erdogan is taking a new path.,the current president recep tayyip erdogan is taking a new path.,now supporters of the secular tradition say president recep tayyip erdogan is taking a new path. 772,supporters of secular tradition say president recep tayyip erdogan is taking a new path and they are protesting against it.,the current president recep tayyip erdogan is taking a new path.,they say president recep tayyip erdogan is taking a new path and they are protesting against it. 773,the ruling islamic rooted justice and development party insists it is simply heeding the demands of a conservative and pious majority.,president erdogan s political group the justice and development party insists it is only following majority rule in a conservative country.,the party insists it is simply obeying the demands of a conservative and pious majority. 774,the ruling islamic rooted justice and development party insists it is simply heeding the demands of a conservative and pious majority.,erdogan s political group the justice and development party insists it is only following what the majority of the people want.,the party insists it is simply obeying the demands of a conservative and pious majority. 775,president erdogan s political group the justice and development party insists it is only following majority rule in a conservative country.,erdogan s political group the justice and development party insists it is only following what the majority of the people want.,president erdogan s government insists it is only following majority rule in a conservative country. 776,it says the education measures aim to undo restrictions on religious education that were imposed following turkey s so called soft military coup of when the then powerful military which saw itself as the guardian of ataturk s secular principles pressured an islamic led government out of power and moved to close down vocational religious middle schools.,at the time the military which saw itself as the guardian of ataturk s secular values was strong enough to pressure the islamic led government out of power.,it says the education measures aim to undo restrictions on religious education imposed following turkey s so called soft military coup of. 777, education is an ideological tool said sakine esen yilmaz secretary general of the left leaning education and science laborer s union.,he is a leader of the education and science laborer s union a liberal group that opposes the increase of religion in schools., education is an ideological tool said sakine esen yilmaz the head of the education and science laborer s union. 778, education is an ideological tool said sakine esen yilmaz secretary general of the education and science laborer s union a liberal group that opposes the increase of religion in schools.,he is a leader of the education and science laborer s union a liberal group that opposes the increase of religion in schools., education is an ideological tool said sakine esen yilmaz the secretary general of the education and science laborer s union. 779, education is an ideological tool said sakine esen yilmaz secretary general of the left leaning education and science laborer s union.,he is a leader of the education and science laborer s union a group that does not like religion in schools., education is an ideological tool said sakine esen yilmaz the head of the education and science laborer s union. 780, education is an ideological tool said sakine esen yilmaz secretary general of the education and science laborer s union a liberal group that opposes the increase of religion in schools.,he is a leader of the education and science laborer s union a group that does not like religion in schools., education is an ideological tool said sakine esen yilmaz the secretary general of the education and science laborer s union. 781,he is a leader of the education and science laborer s union a liberal group that opposes the increase of religion in schools.,he is a leader of the education and science laborer s union a group that does not like religion in schools.,he is a leader of an education and science laborer s union. 782, it is now being used to raise an obedient generation that will serve the government. ,education is now being used to raise an obedient generation that will serve the government. ,they are now being used to raise a generation that will serve the government. 783,last week thousands of people demonstrated in istanbul to demand that the secular principles of education be upheld.,in istanbul turkey s largest city thousands of people demonstrated to support secular education.,last week thousands of people peacefully demonstrated in istanbul to demand that the secular principles of education be upheld. 784,in istanbul turkey s largest city thousands of people demonstrated to support secular education.,in istanbul and other turkish cities thousands marched to support secular and scientific education.,tens of thousands of people marched in istanbul turkey s largest city to support nonreligious education. 785,they urged the government to halt a perceived campaign to impose the sunni faith and to respect the rights of students from the alevi shiite sect that constitutes turkey s largest religious minority.,they urged the government to stop what they saw as a campaign to impose the sunni faith the muslim sect followed by the majority of turks.,they also asked the government to respect the rights of students from the alevi shiite sect. 786,they urged the government to halt a perceived campaign to impose the sunni faith and to respect the rights of students from the alevi shiite sect that constitutes turkey s largest religious minority.,they also demanded respect for the rights of students from the alevi shiite sect that makes up turkey s largest religious minority.,they also asked the government to respect the rights of students from the alevi shiite sect. 787,they also demanded respect for the rights of students from the alevi shiite sect that makes up turkey s largest religious minority.,protesters also demanded respect for alevi shiite students.,they demanded respect for the rights of students from the alevi shiite sect which makes up turkey s largest religious minority. 788,they also demanded respect for the rights of students from the alevi shiite sect that makes up turkey s largest religious minority.,the alevi shiite muslims are a sect that makes up turkey s largest religious minority.,they demanded respect for the rights of students from the alevi shiite sect which makes up turkey s largest religious minority. 789,on friday hundreds of pro secular and alevi students and teachers boycotted school to protest the government s religious education stance and thousands marched in several turkish cities holding up banners calling for a secular and science based education system.,hundreds of pro secular and alevi students and teachers boycotted school to protest the government s religious education stand.,on friday hundreds of pro secular and alevi students and teachers boycotted school to protest the government s religious education stance. 790,police used water cannons to disperse thousands of people who marched in the aegean port city of izmir.,police used water cannons to disperse thousands of people who marched in izmir the third largest city in the country.,police fired tear gas at thousands of people who marched in the port city of izmir. 791,media reports said at least people were detained in five turkish cities for organizing the boycott.,news reports said at least people were arrested for organizing the school absences.,at least people were arrested in five turkish cities for trying to organize the boycott. 792,reports said at least people were detained in five turkish cities for organizing the boycott.,news reports said at least people were arrested for organizing the school absences.,there were reports that at least people were held in five turkish cities for trying to organize the boycott. 793,media reports said at least people were detained in five turkish cities for organizing the boycott.,reports said at least people were arrested for organizing the school absences.,at least people were arrested in five turkish cities for trying to organize the boycott. 794,reports said at least people were detained in five turkish cities for organizing the boycott.,reports said at least people were arrested for organizing the school absences.,there were reports that at least people were held in five turkish cities for trying to organize the boycott. 795,media reports said at least people were detained in five turkish cities for organizing the boycott.,more than people were arrested for organizing the absences.,at least people were arrested in five turkish cities for trying to organize the boycott. 796,reports said at least people were detained in five turkish cities for organizing the boycott.,more than people were arrested for organizing the absences.,there were reports that at least people were held in five turkish cities for trying to organize the boycott. 797,news reports said at least people were arrested for organizing the school absences.,more than people were arrested for organizing the absences.,newspapers said at least people were arrested for protesting the school absences. 798,reports said at least people were arrested for organizing the school absences.,more than people were arrested for organizing the absences.,there were reports that at least people were arrested for protesting the school absences. 799,the government s moves have included loosening the headscarf ban dramatically increasing the number of religious schools and ending the school ritual in which students pledged allegiance to secular principles.,the government has loosened the headscarf ban increased the number of religious schools and stopped the pledge of allegiance.,the government s moves have included loosening the headscarf ban which prohibited the wearing of the hijab. 800,the government s moves have included loosening the headscarf ban dramatically increasing the number of religious schools and ending the school ritual in which students pledged allegiance to secular principles.,recently the government has lifted the headscarf ban and stopped the pledge of allegiance.,the government s moves have included loosening the headscarf ban which prohibited the wearing of the hijab. 801,the government has loosened the headscarf ban increased the number of religious schools and stopped the pledge of allegiance.,recently the government has lifted the headscarf ban and stopped the pledge of allegiance.,it also increased the number of religious schools and stopped the pledge of allegiance. 802,while it has cited student freedoms in allowing headscarves it has at the same time banned tattoos body piercing and dyed hair in schools.,it said student freedom was the reason for bringing back headscarves but at same time the schools have banned tattoos body piercings and dyed hair.,but it has at the same time banned tattoos body piercing and dyed hair in schools. 803,while it has cited student freedoms in allowing headscarves it has at the same time banned tattoos body piercing and dyed hair in schools.,but at the same time it banned tattoos and dyed hair in schools.,but it has at the same time banned tattoos body piercing and dyed hair in schools. 804,it said student freedom was the reason for bringing back headscarves but at same time the schools have banned tattoos body piercings and dyed hair.,but at the same time it banned tattoos and dyed hair in schools.,but at the same time the schools have banned tattoos body piercings and dyed hair. 805,it said student freedom was the reason for bringing back headscarves but at same time the schools have banned tattoos body piercings and dyed hair.,but the schools also banned tattoos and dyed hair at the same time.,but at the same time the schools have banned tattoos body piercings and dyed hair. 806,but at the same time it banned tattoos and dyed hair in schools.,but the schools also banned tattoos and dyed hair at the same time.,but at the same time the law banned tattoos and dyed hair in schools. 807,one proposal that received particularly strong backing from erdogan was the introduction of mandatory ottoman language classes at high schools although the recommendation was later limited to religious schools.,president erdogan is strongly backing a proposal to add required ottoman language classes at high schools but the proposal was later limited to religious schools only.,one proposal that received particularly strong backing from erdogan was the introduction of mandatory ottoman language classes at high schools. 808,one proposal that received particularly strong backing from erdogan was the introduction of mandatory ottoman language classes at high schools although the recommendation was later limited to religious schools.,president erdogan supports adding required ottoman language classes at high schools.,one proposal that received particularly strong backing from erdogan was the introduction of mandatory ottoman language classes at high schools. 809,president erdogan is strongly backing a proposal to add required ottoman language classes at high schools but the proposal was later limited to religious schools only.,president erdogan supports adding required ottoman language classes at high schools.,president erdogan strongly backs a proposal to add required ottoman language classes at high schools. 810,one proposal that received particularly strong backing from erdogan was the introduction of mandatory ottoman language classes at high schools although the recommendation was later limited to religious schools.,president erdogan supports adding ottoman language classes at high schools.,one proposal that received particularly strong backing from erdogan was the introduction of mandatory ottoman language classes at high schools. 811,president erdogan is strongly backing a proposal to add required ottoman language classes at high schools but the proposal was later limited to religious schools only.,president erdogan supports adding ottoman language classes at high schools.,president erdogan strongly backs a proposal to add required ottoman language classes at high schools. 812,president erdogan is strongly backing a proposal to add required ottoman language classes at high schools but the proposal was later limited to religious schools only.,president erdogan also wants high school kids to take ottoman language classes.,president erdogan strongly backs a proposal to add required ottoman language classes at high schools. 813,president erdogan supports adding required ottoman language classes at high schools.,president erdogan also wants high school kids to take ottoman language classes.,he supports adding required ottoman language classes at high schools. 814,president erdogan supports adding ottoman language classes at high schools.,president erdogan also wants high school kids to take ottoman language classes.,he supports adding ottoman language classes at high schools. 815,an older version of turkish written in arabic script the ottoman language all but passed into oblivion after ataturk introduced the latin alphabet in in his quest to anchor turkey closer to the west.,ottoman is an older version of turkish written in arabic script.,in ataturk introduced the latin alphabet in his quest to anchor turkey closer to the west. 816,government allied educators say turkey is returning to its cultural roots.,educators who support the government say turkey is going back to its cultural roots.,government supported educators say turkey is returning to its cultural roots. 817,government allied educators say turkey is returning to its cultural roots.,educators who support the government say turkey is going back to its traditions.,government supported educators say turkey is returning to its cultural roots. 818,government allied educators say turkey is returning to its cultural roots.,some teachers say the schools are going back to turkey s tradition.,government supported educators say turkey is returning to its cultural roots. 819,educators who support the government say turkey is going back to its cultural roots.,some teachers say the schools are going back to turkey s tradition.,they say turkey is going back to its cultural roots. 820,educators who support the government say turkey is going back to its traditions.,some teachers say the schools are going back to turkey s tradition.,they say turkey is going back to its old way. 821,critics say that while the government is focused on entrenching religion in schools it has been ignoring the turkish education system s serious failings.,critics say the government is focused on adding religion in schools but it ignores the turkish education system s serious failings.,but it has been ignoring the turkish education system s serious failings. 822,critics say that while the government is focused on entrenching religion in schools it has been ignoring the turkish education system s serious failings.,critics say the government is focused on adding religion in schools but ignores the turkish education system s serious failings.,but it has been ignoring the turkish education system s serious failings. 823,critics say that while the government is focused on entrenching religion in schools it has been ignoring the turkish education system s serious failings.,critics say the government is focused on religion but it ignores the problems in the schools.,but it has been ignoring the turkish education system s serious failings. 824,critics say the government is focused on adding religion in schools but it ignores the turkish education system s serious failings.,critics say the government is focused on religion but it ignores the problems in the schools.,critics say the government is just trying to keep religion in schools. 825,critics say the government is focused on adding religion in schools but ignores the turkish education system s serious failings.,critics say the government is focused on religion but it ignores the problems in the schools.,they say it ignores the turkish education system s serious failings. 826,according to a organization for economic cooperation and development report turkish students fared poorly in reading mathematics and science ranking th out of countries.,according to a report turkish students have done poorly in reading mathematics and science.,according to a report turkish students did very badly in reading mathematics and science. 827,according to a organization for economic cooperation and development report turkish students fared poorly in reading mathematics and science ranking th out of countries.,according to a report turkish students did poorly in reading mathematics and science.,according to a report turkish students did very badly in reading mathematics and science. 828,according to a organization for economic cooperation and development report turkish students fared poorly in reading mathematics and science ranking th out of countries.,a report said turkish students did poorly in reading mathematics and science.,according to a report turkish students did very badly in reading mathematics and science. 829,according to a report turkish students have done poorly in reading mathematics and science.,a report said turkish students did poorly in reading mathematics and science.,it said that turkish students have done poorly in reading mathematics and science. 830,according to a report turkish students did poorly in reading mathematics and science.,a report said turkish students did poorly in reading mathematics and science.,it said that turkish students did poorly in reading mathematics and science. 831, the real problems in the meantime are being brushed aside yilmaz said.,yilmaz the secretary of the teachers union said the real problems in schools are being brushed aside.,the real problems in the meantime are being brushed aside yilmaz said. 832, the real problems in the meantime are being brushed aside yilmaz said.,the real problems in schools are being brushed aside said sakine esen yilmaz.,the real problems in the meantime are being brushed aside yilmaz said. 833,yilmaz the secretary of the teachers union said the real problems in schools are being brushed aside.,the real problems in schools are being brushed aside said sakine esen yilmaz.,he said the real problems in schools are being brushed aside. 834,he said teachers have classes with to students.,yilmaz said teachers have classes of to students.,teachers have to teach to students he said. 835,there are schools that have no labs libraries or sports halls. ,schools have no labs libraries or sports facilities he added.,some schools have no labs libraries or sports halls. 836,there are schools that have no labs libraries or sports halls. ,schools have no labs libraries or sports facilities he said.,some schools have no labs libraries or sports halls. 837,schools have no labs libraries or sports facilities he added.,many schools have no labs or libraries said sakine esen yilmaz.,schools do n t have labs libraries or sports facilities he said. 838,schools have no labs libraries or sports facilities he said.,many schools have no labs or libraries said sakine esen yilmaz.,schools do n t have labs libraries or sports facilities he said. 839,guvener says the school in diyarbakir in offering only three elective religious classes claimed implausibly that there was no demand for any other electives at the school.,guvener said the school told him it only offered religion classes because there was no demand for any other electives.,she says that the school claimed that there was no demand for any other electives at the school. 840,guvener says the school in diyarbakir in offering only three elective religious classes claimed implausibly that there was no demand for any other electives at the school.,guvener said his daughter s school told him it only offered religious education because there was no demand for any other electives.,she says that the school claimed that there was no demand for any other electives at the school. 841,guvener said the school told him it only offered religion classes because there was no demand for any other electives.,guvener said his daughter s school told him it only offered religious education because there was no demand for any other electives.,the school told him it only offered religion classes. 842,guvener says the school in diyarbakir in offering only three elective religious classes claimed implausibly that there was no demand for any other electives at the school.,guvener said the school told him there was no demand for any other electives except religious classes.,she says that the school claimed that there was no demand for any other electives at the school. 843,guvener said the school told him it only offered religion classes because there was no demand for any other electives.,guvener said the school told him there was no demand for any other electives except religious classes.,the school told him it only offered religion classes. 844,guvener said his daughter s school told him it only offered religious education because there was no demand for any other electives.,guvener said the school told him there was no demand for any other electives except religious classes.,his daughter s school told him it only offered religious education. 845, they said that out of people no one asked for math or english as an elective class guvener said.,he could not believe that out of students not one asked for an elective in math or english.,the survey found that out of people asked for math or english as an elective class. 846, they said that out of people no one asked for math or english as an elective class guvener said.,he could not believe that out of students no one asked for math or english.,the survey found that out of people asked for math or english as an elective class. 847,he could not believe that out of students not one asked for an elective in math or english.,he could not believe that out of students no one asked for math or english.,he could not believe that out of students asked for an elective in math or english. 848,he could not believe that out of students not one asked for an elective in math or english.,he could not believe that not one of the students had asked for math or english.,he could not believe that out of students asked for an elective in math or english. 849,he could not believe that out of students no one asked for math or english.,he could not believe that not one of the students had asked for math or english.,he could not believe that out of students asked for math or english. 850,he could not believe that out of students not one asked for an elective in math or english.,he could not believe that no one had wanted to take math or english.,he could not believe that out of students asked for an elective in math or english. 851,he could not believe that out of students no one asked for math or english.,he could not believe that no one had wanted to take math or english.,he could not believe that out of students asked for math or english. 852,he could not believe that not one of the students had asked for math or english.,he could not believe that no one had wanted to take math or english.,he could not believe that one of the students had asked for math or english. 853,he said the school eventually offered his daughter an elective astronomy class after he spoke to the media about her case.,after he spoke out the school offered his daughter an astronomy class.,he said the school eventually offered his daughter an elective astronomy class. 854,the school offered her an astronomy class after he spoke to the media about her case.,after he spoke out the school offered his daughter an astronomy class.,the school offered her an astronomy class after he spoke to the media about his case. 855,he said the school eventually offered his daughter an elective astronomy class after he spoke to the media about her case.,later the school offered his daughter an astronomy class after he spoke out.,he said the school eventually offered his daughter an elective astronomy class. 856,the school offered her an astronomy class after he spoke to the media about her case.,later the school offered his daughter an astronomy class after he spoke out.,the school offered her an astronomy class after he spoke to the media about his case. 857,yalcin of the pro government teachers union denies a deliberate move to force religion on the students through the elective classes.,yalcin denies schools are trying to force religion on students through elective classes.,yalcin of the pro government teachers union denies the intentional move to force religion on the students in elective classes. 858,yalcin denies schools are trying to force religion on students through elective classes.,he denies schools are trying to force religion on the students.,yalcin rejects claims it is trying to force religion on students. 859,yalcin denies schools are trying to force religion on students through elective classes.,yalcin denies schools are trying to force religion on the students.,yalcin rejects claims it is trying to force religion on students. 860, the aim is to open the way to elective religious education in line with the wishes of the people he said.,what schools are trying to do he said is open up religious education to students according to the wishes of the turkish people.,the goal is to open the way to elective religious education in line with the wishes of the people. 861,what schools are trying to do he said is open up religious education to students according to the wishes of the turkish people.,what they are trying to do is open up religious education.,they are trying to open up religious education to students according to the wishes of the turkish people he said. 862,what they are trying to do is open up religious education.,what they are trying to do is offer religious education.,schwenk suggested what they are trying to do is open up religious education. 863,what they are trying to do is open up religious education.,what they are trying to do is offer the choice of religious education he said.,schwenk suggested what they are trying to do is open up religious education. 864, it is not possible to control the youth of today guclu said., it s not possible to control the youth of today he said., it is not possible to control the youth of today he said. 865,there are dragons eagles butterflies and ingenious mechanical kites including one that features a frog seeking to devour a praying mantis.,weifang china zhang xiaodong s workshop is covered with all manner of flying contraptions dragons eagles butterflies and mechanical kites including one that features a frog seeking to devour a praying mantis.,one of them is a frog seeking to devour a praying mantis. 866,zhang is one of china s most revered kite makers and as he showed off some of his life s work he ticked off the benefits of lofting wind blown art into the sky.,zhang is one of china s most loved kite makers.,as he showed off some of his life s work he talked about the benefits of lofting wind blown art into the sky. 867,at years old zhang is one of china s most revered kite makers and as he showed off some of his life s work he ticked off the benefits of lofting wind blown art into the sky.,zhang is one of china s most loved kite makers.,at years old zhang is one of china s best known kite makers. 868,zhang is one of china s most revered kite makers and as he showed off some of his life s work he ticked off the benefits of lofting wind blown art into the sky.,as the year old craftsman showed off some of his life s work he listed the benefits of kites.,as he showed off some of his life s work he talked about the benefits of lofting wind blown art into the sky. 869,at years old zhang is one of china s most revered kite makers and as he showed off some of his life s work he ticked off the benefits of lofting wind blown art into the sky.,as the year old craftsman showed off some of his life s work he listed the benefits of kites.,at years old zhang is one of china s best known kite makers. 870,as the year old showed off some of his life s work he ticked off the benefits of lofting wind blown art into the sky.,as the year old craftsman showed off some of his life s work he listed the benefits of kites.,he ticked off the benefits of lofting wind blown art into the sky. 871, flying a kite also elevates your mood he added., flying a kite provides good exercise he said.,flying a kite also makes you happy he added. 872,chinese kite makers have much to worry about these days.,chinese kite makers have a lot to worry about these days.,the chinese kite makers have much to worry about now. 873,as china modernizes a new generation is playing video games instead of attaching painted silk to bamboo frames.,as china becomes more modern young people are playing video games instead of flying kites.,a new generation is playing video games instead of attaching painted silk to bamboo frames. 874,as china becomes more modern a new generation is playing video games instead of attaching painted silk to bamboo frames.,as china becomes more modern young people are playing video games instead of flying kites.,a new generation is playing video games instead of attaching painted silk to bamboo frames. 875,the kite makers that remain are rapidly aging and nearly all of them are men.,the kite makers that remain are growing old quickly and nearly all of them are men.,most of the kite makers still are men. 876,while china takes great pride in its kites an invention that led to the science of aerodynamics the future of this traditional craft is far from certain.,china takes great pride in its kites an invention that led to the science of aerodynamics which made way for airplanes space shuttles and more.,china takes great pride in its kites an invention that led to the science of flight. 877,that s true even in weifang a city southeast of beijing that proclaims itself china s kite capital.,that is true even in weifang a city southeast of beijing.,that s true even in weifang a city southeast of beijing which proclaims itself china s kite capital. 878,han fuling has been making traditional kites in weifang for nearly all of his years.,at years old han fuling has been making traditional kites in weifang for nearly his whole life.,han fuling has been making kites in the village of weifang for nearly all of his years. 879,han fuling has been making traditional kites in weifang for nearly all of his years.,he has been making traditional kites for almost his whole life.,han fuling has been making kites in the village of weifang for nearly all of his years. 880,at years old han fuling has been making traditional kites in weifang for nearly his whole life.,he has been making traditional kites for almost his whole life.,he has been making kites in china for nearly his whole life. 881,he can recall the special feeling when at age he built his first kite and saw it waft into the air.,he can remember the special feeling when he built his first kite and saw it waft into the air.,when he got his first kite he saw it waft into the air. 882,he can recall the special feeling when at age he built his first kite and saw it waft into the air.,he can remember the special feeling when he built his first kite.,when he got his first kite he saw it waft into the air. 883,yet these days han is doubtful that any of his four children will carry on his handiwork.,yet these days han doubts that any of his four children will carry on his kite making.,he is doubtful that any of his four children will carry on his work. 884,yet these days han is doubtful that any of his four children will carry on his handiwork.,but these days han doubts that any of his four children will keep making kites.,he is doubtful that any of his four children will carry on his work. 885,yet these days han doubts that any of his four children will carry on his kite making.,but these days han doubts that any of his four children will keep making kites.,he does n t know if any of his four children will carry on his kite making. 886,yet these days han is doubtful that any of his four children will carry on his handiwork.,han does not think that any of his four children will make kites.,he is doubtful that any of his four children will carry on his work. 887,yet these days han doubts that any of his four children will carry on his kite making.,han does not think that any of his four children will make kites.,he does n t know if any of his four children will carry on his kite making. 888,but these days han doubts that any of his four children will keep making kites.,han does not think that any of his four children will make kites.,but he doubts that any of his four children will keep making kites. 889,the slow downfall of kite making is part of a larger cultural saga in china historic architecture crafts and music are being overwhelmed by china s growth and its inability to effectively preserve traditions of the past.,the slow downfall of kite making is part of a larger story in china.,the slow downfall of kite making is part of a larger story in china. 890,the slow downfall of kite making is part of a larger cultural saga in china historic architecture crafts and music are being overwhelmed by china s growth and its inability to effectively preserve traditions of the past.,kite making is only part of a bigger story in china.,the slow downfall of kite making is part of a larger story in china. 891,the slow downfall of kite making is part of a larger story in china.,kite making is only part of a bigger story in china.,china s slow fall of kite making is part of a larger story. 892,since china s culture ministry has devoted. billion yuan about million to programs seeking to preserve the nation s intangible cultural heritage. ,since china s culture ministry has set aside. billion yuan about million.,since china s culture ministry has devoted. billion yuan to programs to preserve the country s cultural heritage. 893,china s kite masters have weathered hard times before.,china s kite masters have been through hard times before.,china s kite masters have experienced hard times before. 894,during the cultural revolution traditional kites were labeled one of the four olds and artists were threatened with internment at re education camps if they did n t change with the times.,during this time traditional kites were labeled one of the four olds and artists were threatened with internment at re education camps if they did not change with the times.,artists and kites were threatened with being put in re education camps if they did n t change with the times. 895,during the cultural revolution traditional kites were labeled one of the four olds and artists were threatened with internment at re education camps if they did n t change with the times.,with his rules traditional kites were labeled one of the four olds and artists were threatened with being sent to a re education camp if they did not change with the times.,artists and kites were threatened with being put in re education camps if they did n t change with the times. 896,during this time traditional kites were labeled one of the four olds and artists were threatened with internment at re education camps if they did not change with the times.,with his rules traditional kites were labeled one of the four olds and artists were threatened with being sent to a re education camp if they did not change with the times.,artists were threatened with being put in re education camps if they did not change with the times. 897,han fuling is one who obeyed mao zedong s strictures making kites that pictured workers instead of ancient mythic figures.,han fuling is one who obeyed mao zedong s strict rules.,han fuling is one who obeyed mao zedong s strictures and made kites that pictured workers instead of ancient mythic figures. 898,han fuling is one who obeyed chairman mao s strict rules making kites that pictured workers instead of ancient mythic figures.,han fuling is one who obeyed mao zedong s strict rules.,han fuling is one who obeyed chairman mao s strict rules and made kites that pictured workers instead of ancient mythic figures. 899,han fuling is one who obeyed mao zedong s strictures making kites that pictured workers instead of ancient mythic figures.,han fuling is one who obeyed mao zedong s orders.,han fuling is one who obeyed mao zedong s strictures and made kites that pictured workers instead of ancient mythic figures. 900,han fuling is one who obeyed chairman mao s strict rules making kites that pictured workers instead of ancient mythic figures.,han fuling is one who obeyed mao zedong s orders.,han fuling is one who obeyed chairman mao s strict rules and made kites that pictured workers instead of ancient mythic figures. 901,han fuling is one who obeyed mao zedong s strict rules.,han fuling is one who obeyed mao zedong s orders.,han fuling is one who obeyed the chinese government s strict rules. 902,han fuling is one who obeyed mao zedong s strictures making kites that pictured workers instead of ancient mythic figures.,han fuling followed mao zedong s strict rules.,han fuling is one who obeyed mao zedong s strictures and made kites that pictured workers instead of ancient mythic figures. 903,han fuling is one who obeyed chairman mao s strict rules making kites that pictured workers instead of ancient mythic figures.,han fuling followed mao zedong s strict rules.,han fuling is one who obeyed chairman mao s strict rules and made kites that pictured workers instead of ancient mythic figures. 904,han fuling is one who obeyed mao zedong s strict rules.,han fuling followed mao zedong s strict rules.,han fuling is one who obeyed the chinese government s strict rules. 905,han fuling is one who obeyed mao zedong s orders.,han fuling followed mao zedong s strict rules.,han fuling is one who obeyed the president s orders. 906,han fuling is one who obeyed mao zedong s strictures making kites that pictured workers instead of ancient mythic figures.,he started making kites that pictured workers instead of ancient mythic figures.,han fuling is one who obeyed mao zedong s strictures and made kites that pictured workers instead of ancient mythic figures. 907,han fuling is one who obeyed chairman mao s strict rules making kites that pictured workers instead of ancient mythic figures.,he started making kites that pictured workers instead of ancient mythic figures.,han fuling is one who obeyed chairman mao s strict rules and made kites that pictured workers instead of ancient mythic figures. 908,han fuling is one who obeyed mao zedong s strictures making kites that pictured workers instead of ancient mythic figures.,he started making kites that showed workers instead of ancient mythic figures.,han fuling is one who obeyed mao zedong s strictures and made kites that pictured workers instead of ancient mythic figures. 909,han fuling is one who obeyed chairman mao s strict rules making kites that pictured workers instead of ancient mythic figures.,he started making kites that showed workers instead of ancient mythic figures.,han fuling is one who obeyed chairman mao s strict rules and made kites that pictured workers instead of ancient mythic figures. 910,he started making kites that pictured workers instead of ancient mythic figures.,he started making kites that showed workers instead of ancient mythic figures.,khamisa started making kites that looked like workers instead of figures from the stories. 911,even so he has bitter memories of what he calls the years of upheaval. ,even so he has bitter memories of that time.,even so he has bitter memories of what he calls the years of war. 912,even so he has bitter memories of that time.,even so he has bad memories of what he calls the years of upheaval. ,even so he has bitter memories of his childhood. 913,in beijing during that time a kite artist named fei baoling went through similar trials.,in beijing during the cultural revolution a kite artist named fei baoling went through similar challenges.,in beijing during that time a kite artist named fei baoling was put in jail. 914,in beijing during the cultural revolution a kite artist named fei baoling went through similar challenges.,in beijing during that time a kite artist named fei baoling went through the same thing.,in beijing a kite artist named fei baoling was also struggling. 915,in beijing during that time a kite artist named fei baoling went through similar trials.,a kite artist named fei baoling lived in another city.,in beijing during that time a kite artist named fei baoling was put in jail. 916,in beijing during the cultural revolution a kite artist named fei baoling went through similar challenges.,a kite artist named fei baoling lived in another city.,in beijing a kite artist named fei baoling was also struggling. 917,in beijing during that time a kite artist named fei baoling went through the same thing.,a kite artist named fei baoling lived in another city.,in beijing a kite artist named fei baoling did the same thing. 918,now fei recalls stripping the painted silk off his kites so that all that was left was the bones. ,now fei remembers taking the painted silk off of his kites.,the artist had stripped the silk off his kites so that all that was left was the bones. 919,now fei recalls stripping the painted silk off his kites so that all that was left was the bones. ,fei remembers stripping the painted silk off his kites.,the artist had stripped the silk off his kites so that all that was left was the bones. 920,now fei remembers taking the painted silk off of his kites.,fei remembers stripping the painted silk off his kites.,flamm now remembers taking the painted silk off of his kites. 921,but at the end of the cultural revolution traditional folk art came back into favor and fei worked to ensure that kites were included in the second national arts and crafts exhibition held in beijing in.,fei worked to make sure that kites were included in the second national arts and crafts exhibition held in beijing in.,but at the end of the cultural revolution traditional folk art came back to favor. 922,china is home to many schools of kite making with concentrations of artists in weifang tianjin nantong and other cities.,there are concentrations of artists in weifang tianjin nantong and other cities.,china is home to many schools of kite making. 923,in beijing kite circles fei is widely known as the elder statesman a specialist in intricately painted swallow kites inspired by an th century novelist and kite master cao xueqin.,in beijing kite circles fei is widely known as a respected elder.,he is a specialist in intricately painted swallow kites inspired by an th century novelist and kite master cao xueqin. 924,in beijing kite circles fei is widely known as the elder statesman a expert at intricately painted swallow kites inspired by an th century novelist and kite master cao xueqin.,in beijing kite circles fei is widely known as a respected elder.,he is a expert at intricately painted swallow kites inspired by an th century novelist and kite master cao xueqin who created the kite. 925,in beijing kite circles fei is widely known as the elder statesman a specialist in intricately painted swallow kites inspired by an th century novelist and kite master cao xueqin.,in beijing fei is widely known as an expert.,he is a specialist in intricately painted swallow kites inspired by an th century novelist and kite master cao xueqin. 926,in beijing kite circles fei is widely known as the elder statesman.,in beijing fei is widely known as an expert.,in beijing kite circles fei is considered the elder statesman. 927,in beijing kite circles fei is widely known as a respected elder.,in beijing fei is widely known as an expert.,in beijing kite circles fei is considered a respected leader. 928,in beijing kite circles fei is widely known as the elder statesman a specialist in intricately painted swallow kites inspired by an th century novelist and kite master cao xueqin.,he is an expert at intricately painted swallow kites inspired by an th century novelist and kite master cao xueqin.,he is a specialist in intricately painted swallow kites inspired by an th century novelist and kite master cao xueqin. 929,in beijing kite circles fei is widely known as the elder statesman a expert at intricately painted swallow kites inspired by an th century novelist and kite master cao xueqin.,he is an expert at intricately painted swallow kites inspired by an th century novelist and kite master cao xueqin.,he is a expert at intricately painted swallow kites inspired by an th century novelist and kite master cao xueqin who created the kite. 930,he is an expert at painting detailed designs on kites.,he is good at painting designs on kites.,this is an expert at painting detailed designs on kites. 931,in beijing kite circles fei is widely known as the elder statesman a specialist in intricately painted swallow kites inspired by an th century novelist and kite master cao xueqin.,these kites are inspired by an th century novelist and kite master cao xueqin.,he is a specialist in intricately painted swallow kites inspired by an th century novelist and kite master cao xueqin. 932,in beijing kite circles fei is widely known as the elder statesman a expert at intricately painted swallow kites inspired by an th century novelist and kite master cao xueqin.,these kites are inspired by an th century novelist and kite master cao xueqin.,he is a expert at intricately painted swallow kites inspired by an th century novelist and kite master cao xueqin who created the kite. 933,he is an expert at intricately painted swallow kites inspired by an th century novelist and kite master cao xueqin.,these kites are inspired by an th century novelist and kite master cao xueqin.,these kites were inspired by a th century novelist and kite master cao xueqin. 934,a friend had given him a tattered and incomplete kite book penned by cao xueqin that had nearly disappeared from circulation after the cultural revolution and with his friend s help fei threw himself into reconstructing the book.,a friend had given him a tattered and incomplete kite book written by cao xueqin that had nearly disappeared from circulation after the cultural revolution.,a friend had given him a battered and incomplete kite book written by cao xueqin. 935,a friend had given him a tattered and incomplete kite book penned by cao xueqin that had nearly disappeared from circulation after the cultural revolution.,a friend had given him a tattered old kite book written by cao xueqin.,a friend had given him a battered and incomplete kite book written by cao xueqin. 936,a friend had given him a tattered and incomplete kite book penned by cao xueqin that had nearly disappeared from circulation after the cultural revolution and with his friend s help fei threw himself into reconstructing the book.,a friend had given him a tattered old kite book written by cao xueqin.,a friend had given him a battered and incomplete kite book written by cao xueqin. 937,a friend had given him a tattered and incomplete kite book written by cao xueqin that had nearly disappeared from circulation after the cultural revolution.,a friend had given him a tattered old kite book written by cao xueqin.,a friend had given him a battered and incomplete kite book written by cao xueqin. 938,its publication enhanced his reputation among serious kite makers and collectors both in china and overseas.,when he finished his reputation grew with serious kite makers and collectors both in china and overseas.,its publication made him known among serious kite makers and collectors both in china and overseas. 939,its publication enhanced his reputation among serious kite makers and collectors both in china and overseas.,when fei was done fixing the book he became famous with kite makers and collectors both in china and overseas.,its publication made him known among serious kite makers and collectors both in china and overseas. 940,when he finished his reputation grew with serious kite makers and collectors both in china and overseas.,when fei was done fixing the book he became famous with kite makers and collectors both in china and overseas.,when he finished his reputation grew with serious kite makers and collectors. 941,for the last several years fei s eyesight has been failing but that has n t stopped him from taking on proteges.,for the last several years fei s eyesight has been failing but that has not stopped him from taking on new apprentices.,for the last several years fei s eyesight has been failing but that has not stopped him from taking on new students. 942,for the last several years fei s eyesight has been failing but that has n t stopped him from taking on proteges.,for the last several years fei s eyes have been getting worse but that has not stopped him from taking on new apprentices to teach.,for the last several years fei s eyesight has been failing but that has not stopped him from taking on new students. 943,for the last several years fei s eyesight has been failing but that has not stopped him from taking on new apprentices.,for the last several years fei s eyes have been getting worse but that has not stopped him from taking on new apprentices to teach.,but that has not stopped him from taking on new apprentices. 944,for the last several years fei s eyesight has been failing but that has n t stopped him from taking on proteges.,for the last several years fei s eyes have gotten worse but that has not stopped him from teaching new assistants.,for the last several years fei s eyesight has been failing but that has not stopped him from taking on new students. 945,for the last several years fei s eyesight has been failing but that has not stopped him from taking on new apprentices.,for the last several years fei s eyes have gotten worse but that has not stopped him from teaching new assistants.,but that has not stopped him from taking on new apprentices. 946,for the last several years fei s eyes have been getting worse but that has not stopped him from taking on new apprentices to teach.,for the last several years fei s eyes have gotten worse but that has not stopped him from teaching new assistants.,but that has not stopped him from taking on new apprentices to teach. 947,sun began studying with fei in with a goal he said of producing swallow kites with the same precision and designs as his master.,one of them is sun he a year old auto mechanic who began studying with fei in with a goal he said of producing swallow kites with the same accuracy and designs as his master.,he wants to make swallow kites the same precision and designs as his master. 948,sun began studying with fei in with a goal he said of producing swallow kites with the same precision and designs as his master.,one of them is sun he a year old car mechanic who began studying with fei in with a goal.,he wants to make swallow kites the same precision and designs as his master. 949,one of them is sun he a year old auto mechanic who began studying with fei in with a goal he said of producing swallow kites with the same precision and designs as his master.,one of them is sun he a year old car mechanic who began studying with fei in with a goal.,he wants to make swallow kites the same precision and designs as his master. 950,one of them is sun he a year old auto mechanic who began studying with fei in with a goal he said of producing swallow kites with the same accuracy and designs as his master.,one of them is sun he a year old car mechanic who began studying with fei in with a goal.,he wants to make swallow kites the same accuracy and designs as his master. 951,sun began studying with fei in with a goal he said of producing swallow kites with the same precision and designs as his master.,he is a year old car mechanic who began studying with fei in.,he wants to make swallow kites the same precision and designs as his master. 952,one of them is sun he a year old auto mechanic who began studying with fei in with a goal he said of producing swallow kites with the same precision and designs as his master.,he is a year old car mechanic who began studying with fei in.,he wants to make swallow kites the same precision and designs as his master. 953,one of them is sun he a year old auto mechanic who began studying with fei in with a goal he said of producing swallow kites with the same accuracy and designs as his master.,he is a year old car mechanic who began studying with fei in.,he wants to make swallow kites the same accuracy and designs as his master. 954,its walls are filled with mementos of old china kites photographs paintings and huzi twisted gourds that have deep symbolism in chinese mythology.,sun s living room has the faint scent of bamboo and paint while its walls are filled with symbols of old china kites photographs paintings and huzi twisted gourds that have deep symbolism in chinese mythology.,its walls are filled with objects like old china kites and photographs. 955,its walls are filled with mementos of old china kites photographs paintings and huzi twisted gourds that have deep symbolism in chinese mythology.,sun s living room has the faint scent of bamboo and paint while its walls are filled with symbols of old china kites photographs paintings and huzi twisted gourds that have deep symbolism in chinese myths.,its walls are filled with objects like old china kites and photographs. 956,its walls are filled with mementos of old china kites photographs paintings and huzi twisted gourds that have deep symbolism in chinese mythology.,sun s living room smells like bamboo and paint while its walls are filled with symbols of old china kites photographs paintings and huzi twisted gourds that have deep symbolism in chinese myths.,its walls are filled with objects like old china kites and photographs. 957,when sun encounters a young person interested in chinese culture he seizes on those moments he said.,when sun meets a young person interested in chinese culture he seizes on those moments he said but they do not occur often.,he said that when sun encounters a young person interested in chinese culture he seizes on those moments. 958,when sun encounters a young person interested in chinese culture he seizes on those moments he said.,when sun meets a young person interested in chinese culture he is eager to talk to them he said but it does not happen often.,he said that when sun encounters a young person interested in chinese culture he seizes on those moments. 959,when sun encounters a young person interested in chinese culture he seizes on those moments he said but they do not occur often.,when sun meets a young person interested in chinese culture he is eager to talk to them he said but it does not happen often.,when sun encounters a young person interested in chinese culture he seizes on those moments he said but it happens less often. 960,when sun meets a young person interested in chinese culture he seizes on those moments he said but they do not occur often.,when sun meets a young person interested in chinese culture he is eager to talk to them he said but it does not happen often.,he said that when sun meets a young person interested in chinese culture he seizes on those moments. 961,when sun encounters a young person interested in chinese culture he seizes on those moments he said.,when sun meets a young person interested in chinese culture he is eager to talk to them.,he said that when sun encounters a young person interested in chinese culture he seizes on those moments. 962,when sun encounters a young person interested in chinese culture he seizes on those moments he said but they do not occur often.,when sun meets a young person interested in chinese culture he is eager to talk to them.,when sun encounters a young person interested in chinese culture he seizes on those moments he said but it happens less often. 963,when sun meets a young person interested in chinese culture he seizes on those moments he said but they do not occur often.,when sun meets a young person interested in chinese culture he is eager to talk to them.,he said that when sun meets a young person interested in chinese culture he seizes on those moments. 964,they buy the triangles plastic commercial kites and fly them at the bridges. ,they buy cheap plastic triangle kites from toy stores and fly them at the bridges sun said.,they buy plastic kites and fly them at the bridges. 965,they buy the triangles plastic commercial kites and fly them at the bridges. ,they buy cheap triangle kites from toy stores and fly them at the bridges. ,they buy plastic kites and fly them at the bridges. 966, i do n t think i talked to a single artisan who was optimistic about the future. ,he said he did not talk to a single kite maker who was hopeful for the future., i do n t think i talked to a single person who was optimistic about the future he said. 967,quickly paul schmidt gathered his team and looked ahead to the next game which would soon start.,as the game ended coach paul schmidt quickly gathered the and year old players around him and looked ahead to the next game which was about to start.,he looked ahead to the next game which would soon start. 968,quickly paul schmidt gathered his team and looked ahead to the next game which would soon start.,after the game was over coach paul schmidt quickly gathered the and year old players around him to look ahead to the next game which was starting soon.,he looked ahead to the next game which would soon start. 969,as the game ended coach paul schmidt quickly gathered the and year old players around him and looked ahead to the next game which was about to start.,after the game was over coach paul schmidt quickly gathered the and year old players around him to look ahead to the next game which was starting soon.,after the game ended coach paul schmidt gathered the and year old players around him. 970,and all the things that many love about youth sports and the intensity that many others loathe are on full display.,these fourth graders are getting a taste of the extreme competition of youth sports the intensity that many love and others despise.,and all the things that many love about youth sports and the intensity that many others loathe can be seen. 971,and all the things that many love about youth sports and the intensity that many others loathe are on full display.,these fourth graders are getting a taste of the serious competition of youth sports the intense activity that many love and others despise.,and all the things that many love about youth sports and the intensity that many others loathe can be seen. 972,it all means that in minnesota where youth hockey has long held a reputation for competitiveness youth basketball might be closing the gap.,in minnesota youth hockey has long had a reputation for competitiveness but now youth basketball might be catching up.,but in minnesota youth basketball might be closing the skills gap. 973,in minnesota youth hockey has long had a reputation for competitiveness but now youth basketball might be catching up.,youth hockey in minnesota is famously competitive but now youth basketball may be catching up.,but now youth basketball might be catching up. 974,registering boys and girls to play ultracompetitive basketball at a younger age is getting increasingly popular when the minnesota youth athletic services myas began hosting a state tournament for boys fourth grade traveling teams a decade ago teams took part.,ten years ago the minnesota youth athletic services myas began hosting a state tournament for boys fourth grade traveling teams and teams took part.,the minnesota youth athletic services myas began hosting a state tournament for boys fourth grade traveling teams a decade ago teams took part. 975,registering boys and girls to play ultracompetitive basketball at a younger age is getting increasingly popular when the minnesota youth athletic services myas began hosting a state tournament for boys fourth grade traveling teams a decade ago teams took part.,ten years ago the minnesota youth athletic services myas began hosting a state tournament for boys fourth grade traveling teams.,the minnesota youth athletic services myas began hosting a state tournament for boys fourth grade traveling teams a decade ago teams took part. 976,registering boys and girls to play ultracompetitive basketball at a younger age is getting increasingly popular when the minnesota youth athletic services myas began hosting a state tournament for boys fourth grade traveling teams a decade ago teams took part.,ten years ago teams played in a tournament for fourth grade traveling teams.,the minnesota youth athletic services myas began hosting a state tournament for boys fourth grade traveling teams a decade ago teams took part. 977,ten years ago the minnesota youth athletic services myas began hosting a state tournament for boys fourth grade traveling teams and teams took part.,ten years ago teams played in a tournament for fourth grade traveling teams.,ten years ago minnesota youth athletic services began hosting a state tournament for boys fourth grade traveling teams and teams. 978,ten years ago the minnesota youth athletic services myas began hosting a state tournament for boys fourth grade traveling teams.,ten years ago teams played in a tournament for fourth grade traveling teams.,ten years ago minnesota youth athletic services began hosting a state tournament for boys fourth grade traveling teams. 979,now teams with third graders and even second graders are popping up.,more and more boys and girls are registering to play ultra competitive basketball at younger ages teams with third graders and even second graders are popping up.,now teams with third graders and even second graders are popping up as well. 980,more and more boys and girls are registering to play ultra competitive basketball at younger ages teams with third graders and even second graders are popping up.,more and more boys and girls are signing up to play ultra competitive basketball at younger ages.,more and more boys and girls are signing up to play ultra competitive basketball at younger ages. 981,more and more boys and girls are registering to play ultra competitive basketball at younger ages teams with third graders and even second graders are popping up.,more and more boys and girls are playing competitive basketball at younger and younger ages.,more and more boys and girls are signing up to play ultra competitive basketball at younger ages. 982,more and more boys and girls are signing up to play ultra competitive basketball at younger ages.,more and more boys and girls are playing competitive basketball at younger and younger ages.,more and more boys and girls are signing up to play high powered basketball. 983,more and more boys and girls are registering to play ultra competitive basketball at younger ages teams with third graders and even second graders are popping up.,more and more boys and girls are playing competitive basketball at younger ages.,more and more boys and girls are signing up to play ultra competitive basketball at younger ages. 984,more and more boys and girls are signing up to play ultra competitive basketball at younger ages.,more and more boys and girls are playing competitive basketball at younger ages.,more and more boys and girls are signing up to play high powered basketball. 985,now teams with third graders and even second graders are popping up.,some teams are for third graders or even for second graders.,now teams with third graders and even second graders are popping up as well. 986,now teams with third graders and even second graders are popping up.,some teams have third graders even second graders.,now teams with third graders and even second graders are popping up as well. 987,teams with third graders even second graders are popping up.,some teams have third graders even second graders.,even second graders are popping up in the schools. 988,some teams are for third graders or even for second graders.,some teams have third graders even second graders.,some teams are for third graders while others are for second graders. 989,though breyfogle was reluctant he signed up his son easton to play on edina s team.,breyfogle a former college basketball player was reluctant at first but he signed up his son easton to play on edina s team.,breyfogle though wanted his son easton to play on edina s team. 990,though breyfogle was reluctant he signed up his son easton to play on edina s team.,breyfogle is a former college basketball player but he was reluctant at first to sign up his son easton to play on edina s team.,breyfogle though wanted his son easton to play on edina s team. 991,though breyfogle was reluctant he signed up his son easton to play on edina s team.,still he was unsure at first about signing up his son easton to play on edina s team.,breyfogle though wanted his son easton to play on edina s team. 992,breyfogle a former college basketball player was reluctant at first but he signed up his son easton to play on edina s team.,still he was unsure at first about signing up his son easton to play on edina s team.,he signed up his son easton to play on edina s team. 993,breyfogle is a former college basketball player but he was reluctant at first to sign up his son easton to play on edina s team.,still he was unsure at first about signing up his son easton to play on edina s team.,but he was reluctant at first to sign up his son easton to play on edina s team. 994,though breyfogle was reluctant he signed up his son easton to play on edina s team.,still he was not sure if he should sign up his son easton to play traveling basketball.,breyfogle though wanted his son easton to play on edina s team. 995,still he was unsure at first about signing up his son easton to play on edina s team.,still he was not sure if he should sign up his son easton to play traveling basketball.,still he was unsure at first about signing up his son easton to play on edina s team. 996, we thought we need to do that otherwise we re going to be behind the ball. ,we realized that we need to do that otherwise we re going to be behind. , we thought we need to do that otherwise we re going to be behind the ball he said. 997, we thought we need to do that otherwise we re going to be behind. ,we realized that we need to do that otherwise we re going to be behind. , we thought we need to do that otherwise we re going to be behind he said. 998,this year s cake eater classic in late january edina s own boys travel basketball tournament for grades four through eight drew teams from across minnesota.,at the cake eater classic edina s fourth to eighth grade boys travel basketball tournament teams from across minnesota competed.,this year s cake eater classic was edina s own boys travel basketball tournament. 999,this year s cake eater classic in late january edina s own boys travel basketball tournament for grades four through eight drew teams from across minnesota.,at the cake eater classic edina s boys basketball tournament for fourth to eighth graders teams competed from across minnesota.,this year s cake eater classic was edina s own boys travel basketball tournament. 1000,at the cake eater classic edina s fourth to eighth grade boys travel basketball tournament teams from across minnesota competed.,at the cake eater classic edina s boys basketball tournament for fourth to eighth graders teams competed from across minnesota.,at the cake eater classic edina s fourth to eighth grade boys travel basketball tournament teams from across minnesota competed. 1001,this year s cake eater classic in late january edina s own boys travel basketball tournament for grades four through eight drew teams from across minnesota.,at the cake eater classic edina s boys basketball tournament for fourth to eighth graders teams competed from across the state.,this year s cake eater classic was edina s own boys travel basketball tournament. 1002,at the cake eater classic edina s fourth to eighth grade boys travel basketball tournament teams from across minnesota competed.,at the cake eater classic edina s boys basketball tournament for fourth to eighth graders teams competed from across the state.,at the cake eater classic edina s fourth to eighth grade boys travel basketball tournament teams from across minnesota competed. 1003,and in a move that is not unusual in youth sports edina paid outside evaluators to assess the fourth graders who tried out in the early fall.,back in early fall fourth graders tried out and were cut thanks in part to the opinions of outside evaluators brought in to assess the players.,edina paid outside evaluators to help the fourth graders who tried out in the early fall. 1004,and in a move that is not unusual in youth sports edina paid outside evaluators to assess the fourth graders who tried out in the early fall.,back in the fall fourth graders tried out and were cut thanks in part to the opinions of outside evaluators brought in to judge the players.,edina paid outside evaluators to help the fourth graders who tried out in the early fall. 1005,and in a move that is not unusual in youth sports edina paid outside evaluators to assess the fourth graders who tried out in the early fall.,back in the fall fourth graders tried out and were cut.,edina paid outside evaluators to help the fourth graders who tried out in the early fall. 1006,and in a move that is not unusual in youth sports edina paid outside evaluators to assess the fourth graders who tried out in the early fall.,out of the fourth graders who tried out were not good enough.,edina paid outside evaluators to help the fourth graders who tried out in the early fall. 1007,back in the fall fourth graders tried out and were cut.,out of the fourth graders who tried out were not good enough.,in the fall fourth graders tried out to join the swim team. 1008,schmidt s team started slowly this year and sat with a record in early january.,schmidt s team got off to a slow start with a record in january.,schmidt s team started slowly this year and finished with a record in early january. 1009,but by late january the team was regularly winning.,it had a record early in january but by later in the month the team was winning regularly.,but by late january the girls were regularly winning. 1010,but by late january the team was winning regularly.,it had a record early in january but by later in the month the team was winning regularly.,but by late january the girls were winning regularly. 1011,rich penick a longtime associate director at myas said it is not the lleytons of the world who are creating the demand for elite basketball at a younger and younger age.,it s not the kids like lleyton who are creating demand for competitive basketball at a young age said rich penick director at myas but it s the parents that are driving it. ,rich penick a longtime associate director at myas said it is not the lleytons of the world who are creating the demand for elite basketball at a younger and younger age. 1012,rich penick a longtime associate director at myas said it is not the lleytons of the world who are creating the demand for elite basketball at a younger and younger age.,it is not the kids like lleyton who are asking to play competitive basketball but the parents said rich penick the director at myas.,rich penick a longtime associate director at myas said it is not the lleytons of the world who are creating the demand for elite basketball at a younger and younger age. 1013,it s not the kids like lleyton who are creating demand for competitive basketball at a young age said rich penick director at myas but it s the parents that are driving it. ,it is not the kids like lleyton who are asking to play competitive basketball but the parents said rich penick the director at myas.,rich penick director of the myas foundation said it s the parents that are driving it. 1014,it s not the kids like lleyton who are creating demand for competitive basketball at a young age said rich penick director at myas but it s the parents that are driving it. ,it is not the kids who are asking to play competitive basketball but the parents.,rich penick director of the myas foundation said it s the parents that are driving it. 1015,penick said myas only added a fourth grade state tournament after so many youth basketball groups wanted it and they had so many parents pushing it. ,penick said myas only added a fourth grade state tournament because so many youth basketball groups wanted it.,he said that after so many youth basketball groups wanted it and they had so many parents pushing it. 1016,deborah edwards the executive director of the positive coaching alliance in minnesota said she can only shake her head over what is happening.,deborah edwards works for the positive coaching alliance in minnesota.,deborah edwards is the head of the positive coaching alliance in minnesota. 1017,deborah edwards the executive director of the positive coaching alliance in minnesota said she shakes her head over what is happening.,deborah edwards works for the positive coaching alliance in minnesota.,deborah edwards runs the positive coaching alliance in minnesota. 1018,deborah edwards is the executive director of the positive coaching alliance in minnesota.,deborah edwards works for the positive coaching alliance in minnesota.,deborah edwards runs the positive coaching alliance in minnesota. 1019,deborah edwards the executive director of the positive coaching alliance in minnesota said she shakes her head over what is happening.,edwards says she shakes her head when she sees what s happening.,deborah edwards runs the positive coaching alliance in minnesota. 1020,she said she shakes her head over what is happening.,edwards says she shakes her head when she sees what s happening.,she said she can not believe what is happening. 1021,giovanna ingram who described herself jokingly as an over the top parent is paying an hour to have her son vinnie get extra training from a former pro basketball player.,giovanna ingram is paying an hour to have her son vinnie get extra training from a former professional basketball player.,she is paying an hour to have her son vinnie get extra training. 1022,giovanna ingram is paying an hour to have her son vinnie get extra training from a former pro basketball player.,she pays per hour to have vinnie get extra training.,she is paying an hour to have her son vinnie get extra training. 1023,giovanna ingram is paying an hour to have her son vinnie get extra training from a former professional basketball player.,she pays per hour to have vinnie get extra training.,she is paying an hour to have her son vinnie get extra training. 1024,but she quickly added the end all is to keep him out of trouble keep him healthy maybe get a scholarship in the end. ,she quickly added that the main thing is to keep him out of trouble keep him healthy maybe get a scholarship in the end. ,she added the end all is to keep him out of trouble keep him healthy maybe get a scholarship in the end. 1025,another parent mike munson regularly sat on the bench during games with an electronic tablet using a computer application to track and analyze the team s shots.,another parent mike munson sits on the bench with an electronic tablet and uses an app to track and analyze the team s shots.,another parent mike munson regularly sat on the bench during games with an electronic tablet. 1026,another parent mike munson regularly sat on the bench during games with an electronic tablet using a computer application to track and analyze the team s shots.,another parent mike munson sits on the bench with a tablet and uses an app to track and analyze the team s shots.,another parent mike munson regularly sat on the bench during games with an electronic tablet. 1027,another parent mike munson regularly sat on the bench during games with an electronic tablet using a computer application to track and analyze the team s shots.,basketball parent mike munson sits on the bench with a tablet.,another parent mike munson regularly sat on the bench during games with an electronic tablet. 1028,another parent mike munson sits on the bench with an electronic tablet and uses an app to track and analyze the team s shots.,basketball parent mike munson sits on the bench with a tablet.,another parent mike munson sits on the bench with an electronic tablet. 1029,another parent mike munson sits on the bench with a tablet and uses an app to track and analyze the team s shots.,basketball parent mike munson sits on the bench with a tablet.,another parent mike munson is using a tablet to study the team s shots. 1030,another parent mike munson regularly sat on the bench during games with an electronic tablet using a computer application to track and analyze the team s shots.,basketball parent mike munson sits on the bench with a tablet like an ipad.,another parent mike munson regularly sat on the bench during games with an electronic tablet. 1031,another parent mike munson sits on the bench with an electronic tablet and uses an app to track and analyze the team s shots.,basketball parent mike munson sits on the bench with a tablet like an ipad.,another parent mike munson sits on the bench with an electronic tablet. 1032,another parent mike munson sits on the bench with a tablet and uses an app to track and analyze the team s shots.,basketball parent mike munson sits on the bench with a tablet like an ipad.,another parent mike munson is using a tablet to study the team s shots. 1033,and then there is the stress of the games themselves.,then there is the stress of watching the games.,the games also add to the stress of the games themselves. 1034,it represents about percent of our planet s oceans and is mostly unexplored exhaustively exploited and in rapid decline.,it represents about percent of our planet s oceans and yet it is heavily exploited.,it represents about percent of our planet s oceans and is mostly unexplored and in rapid decline. 1035,the high seas which lay beyond a country s coastal waters represents about percent of our planet s oceans.,it represents about percent of our planet s oceans.,the seas are deep and stretch beyond a country s coast. 1036,that s why there was cause for celebration a few weeks ago when after a decade of hair pulling discussions national representatives at the united nations finally agreed that the high seas need protection.,several weeks ago after a decade of agonizing discussions the nations of the world finally agreed that the high seas are in great need of protection.,that s why there was cause for celebration a few weeks ago when the united nations finally agreed that the seas need protection. 1037, for the first time in history states recommended by consensus that an international treaty be negotiated to address the urgent crisis of biodiversity loss on the high seas says daniela diz a marine policy expert at wwf world wildlife fund who sat in on the consultations it s an important step forward. ,for the first time in history countries agreed that an international treaty is needed to address the urgent crisis of biodiversity loss on the high seas says daniela diz.,for the first time in history states have suggested that an international treaty be negotiated to address the urgent crisis of biodiversity loss on the high seas says daniela diz. 1038, for the first time in history states recommended by consensus that an international treaty be negotiated to address the urgent crisis of biodiversity loss on the high seas says daniela diz.,for the first time in history countries agreed that an international treaty is needed to address the urgent crisis of biodiversity loss on the high seas says daniela diz.,for the first time in history states have suggested that an international treaty be negotiated to address the urgent crisis of biodiversity loss on the high seas. 1039, for the first time in history states recommended by consensus that an international treaty be negotiated to address the urgent crisis of biodiversity loss on the high seas says daniela diz a marine policy expert at wwf world wildlife fund who sat in on the consultations it s an important step forward. ,for the first time in history the countries of the world agreed to protect the high seas.,for the first time in history states have suggested that an international treaty be negotiated to address the urgent crisis of biodiversity loss on the high seas says daniela diz. 1040, for the first time in history states recommended by consensus that an international treaty be negotiated to address the urgent crisis of biodiversity loss on the high seas says daniela diz.,for the first time in history the countries of the world agreed to protect the high seas.,for the first time in history states have suggested that an international treaty be negotiated to address the urgent crisis of biodiversity loss on the high seas. 1041,for the first time in history countries agreed that an international treaty is needed to address the urgent crisis of biodiversity loss on the high seas says daniela diz.,for the first time in history the countries of the world agreed to protect the high seas.,for the first time in history countries agreed that an international treaty is needed to deal with the urgent crisis of biodiversity loss on the high seas. 1042, for the first time in history states recommended by consensus that an international treaty be negotiated to address the urgent crisis of biodiversity loss on the high seas says daniela diz a marine policy expert at wwf world wildlife fund who sat in on the consultations it s an important step forward. ,for the first time in history countries are joining together to protect the high seas.,for the first time in history states have suggested that an international treaty be negotiated to address the urgent crisis of biodiversity loss on the high seas says daniela diz. 1043, for the first time in history states recommended by consensus that an international treaty be negotiated to address the urgent crisis of biodiversity loss on the high seas says daniela diz.,for the first time in history countries are joining together to protect the high seas.,for the first time in history states have suggested that an international treaty be negotiated to address the urgent crisis of biodiversity loss on the high seas. 1044,for the first time in history countries agreed that an international treaty is needed to address the urgent crisis of biodiversity loss on the high seas says daniela diz.,for the first time in history countries are joining together to protect the high seas.,for the first time in history countries agreed that an international treaty is needed to deal with the urgent crisis of biodiversity loss on the high seas. 1045,for the first time in history the countries of the world agreed to protect the high seas.,for the first time in history countries are joining together to protect the high seas.,for the first time in history the countries of the world have agreed to protect the seas. 1046,and it s also about time based on the findings of the census of marine life a decadelong survey of the global oceans which estimated that percent of large predatory fishes such as tuna billfish and swordfish have disappeared from the seas.,the census of marine life estimated that percent of some types of large fish such as tuna and swordfish have disappeared from the seas.,it estimated that percent of large predatory fishes such as tuna billfish and swordfish have disappeared from the seas. 1047,the census of marine life a decadelong survey of the global oceans estimated that percent of large predatory fish such as tuna billfish and swordfish have disappeared from the seas.,the census of marine life estimated that percent of some types of large fish such as tuna and swordfish have disappeared from the seas.,it estimated that percent of large predatory fish such as tuna billfish and swordfish have disappeared from the seas. 1048,and it s also about time based on the findings of the census of marine life a decadelong survey of the global oceans which estimated that percent of large predatory fishes such as tuna billfish and swordfish have disappeared from the seas.,the census of marine life discovered that percent of tuna and swordfish have disappeared from the seas.,it estimated that percent of large predatory fishes such as tuna billfish and swordfish have disappeared from the seas. 1049,the census of marine life a decadelong survey of the global oceans estimated that percent of large predatory fish such as tuna billfish and swordfish have disappeared from the seas.,the census of marine life discovered that percent of tuna and swordfish have disappeared from the seas.,it estimated that percent of large predatory fish such as tuna billfish and swordfish have disappeared from the seas. 1050,the census of marine life estimated that percent of some types of large fish such as tuna and swordfish have disappeared from the seas.,the census of marine life discovered that percent of tuna and swordfish have disappeared from the seas.,ninety percent of some types of large fish such as tuna and swordfish have disappeared from the seas. 1051,harmful fishing practices cause much of the threat.,dangerous fishing methods cause much of the threat to the high seas.,furthermore bad fishing habits cause much of the problem. 1052,bottom trawling which accounts for most of the deep sea fishing in the high seas works by scraping heavy nets across the seafloor annihilating thousands of years of growth where vulnerable marine ecosystems such as deepwater corals and sponges seamounts and hydrothermal vents house slow growing fishes like orange roughy which live longer than humans in an industrial minute.,most deep sea fish in the high seas are caught by a method called bottom trawling which scrapes heavy nets across the seafloor.,it works by scraping heavy nets across the seafloor killing thousands of years of growth. 1053,bottom trawling which accounts for most of the deep sea fishing in the high seas works by scraping heavy nets across the seafloor annihilating thousands of years of growth where vulnerable marine ecosystems such as deepwater corals and sponges seamounts and hydrothermal vents house slow growing fishes like orange roughy which live longer than humans in an industrial minute.,most of the deep sea fishing in the high seas is done by bottom trawling in which heavy nets are scraped across the seafloor.,it works by scraping heavy nets across the seafloor killing thousands of years of growth. 1054,most deep sea fish in the high seas are caught by a method called bottom trawling which scrapes heavy nets across the seafloor.,most of the deep sea fishing in the high seas is done by bottom trawling in which heavy nets are scraped across the seafloor.,most deep sea fish in the high seas are caught by a method called bottom trawling. 1055,most deep sea fish in the high seas are caught by a method called bottom trawling which scrapes heavy nets across the seafloor.,most of the deep sea fishing is done by heavy nets which are scraped across the seafloor.,most deep sea fish in the high seas are caught by a method called bottom trawling. 1056,most deep sea fish in the high seas are caught by a method called bottom trawling which scrapes heavy nets across the seafloor.,deep sea fishing is largely done by heavy nets.,most deep sea fish in the high seas are caught by a method called bottom trawling. 1057,most of the deep sea fishing in the high seas is done by bottom trawling in which heavy nets are scraped across the seafloor.,deep sea fishing is largely done by heavy nets.,most of the deep sea fishing in the high seas is by bottom trawling. 1058,most of the deep sea fishing is done by heavy nets which are scraped across the seafloor.,deep sea fishing is largely done by heavy nets.,most of the deep sea fishing is done by heavy nets which are scraped across the seafloor. 1059,much of the trawl s catch or bycatch is thrown back dead.,much of the trawl s catch its bycatch is thrown back into the ocean dead.,much of what they catch is thrown back dead. 1060,much of the trawl s catch or bycatch is thrown back dead.,much of the nets catch called its bycatch is thrown back dead.,much of what they catch is thrown back dead. 1061,much of the trawl s catch its bycatch is thrown back into the ocean dead.,much of the nets catch called its bycatch is thrown back dead.,much of the catch fish are thrown back into the ocean. 1062,much of the trawl s catch or bycatch is thrown back dead.,much of the fish and sealife caught up in the nets are thrown back dead.,much of what they catch is thrown back dead. 1063,much of the trawl s catch its bycatch is thrown back into the ocean dead.,much of the fish and sealife caught up in the nets are thrown back dead.,much of the catch fish are thrown back into the ocean. 1064,much of the nets catch called its bycatch is thrown back dead.,much of the fish and sealife caught up in the nets are thrown back dead.,much of what the nets catch is thrown back dead. 1065,much of the trawl s catch its bycatch is thrown back into the ocean dead.,fishermen end up throwing back a lot of dead sea life caught up in the nets.,much of the catch fish are thrown back into the ocean. 1066,much of the nets catch called its bycatch is thrown back dead.,fishermen end up throwing back a lot of dead sea life caught up in the nets.,much of what the nets catch is thrown back dead. 1067,much of the fish and sealife caught up in the nets are thrown back dead.,fishermen end up throwing back a lot of dead sea life caught up in the nets.,much of the fish and seals caught in the nets are killed. 1068,although not utterly lawless high seas management is a jumble of institutions and regulations.,although not utterly lawless the high seas is controlled by a jumble of institutions and regulations.,although not utterly lawless high seas management is a complicated maze of rules and regulations. 1069,although not utterly lawless high seas management is a jumble of institutions and regulations.,an uncoordinated jumble of institutions and regulations have control over different aspects of the high seas.,although not utterly lawless high seas management is a complicated maze of rules and regulations. 1070,although not utterly lawless the high seas is controlled by a jumble of institutions and regulations.,an uncoordinated jumble of institutions and regulations have control over different aspects of the high seas.,although not utterly lawless the high seas is controlled by a variety of institutions and regulations. 1071,although not utterly lawless high seas management is a jumble of institutions and regulations.,a jumble of institutions and regulations have control over the high seas.,although not utterly lawless high seas management is a complicated maze of rules and regulations. 1072,although not utterly lawless the high seas is controlled by a jumble of institutions and regulations.,a jumble of institutions and regulations have control over the high seas.,although not utterly lawless the high seas is controlled by a variety of institutions and regulations. 1073,an uncoordinated jumble of institutions and regulations have control over different aspects of the high seas.,a jumble of institutions and regulations have control over the high seas.,a jumble of countries and rules have control over different parts of the seas. 1074,there s the international maritime organization for shipping for mining the international seabed authority and where they exist regional fisheries management organizations for fishing.,there is the international maritime organization for shipping.,one is the international maritime organization for shipping for mining. 1075,there s the international maritime organization for shipping for mining the international seabed authority and where they exist regional fisheries management organizations for fishing.,there is the international maritime organization which is in charge of shipping.,one is the international maritime organization for shipping for mining. 1076,there s the international maritime organization for shipping.,there is the international maritime organization which is in charge of shipping.,there s also the international maritime organization for shipping. 1077,there is the international maritime organization for shipping.,there is the international maritime organization which is in charge of shipping.,there is also the international maritime organization for shipping. 1078,there s the international maritime organization for shipping for mining the international seabed authority and where they exist regional fisheries management organizations for fishing.,the international seabed authority is in charge of mining.,one is the international maritime organization for shipping for mining. 1079,for mining there s the international seabed authority.,the international seabed authority is in charge of mining.,for mining there s the international authority that protects the ocean. 1080,this fragmentation of governance has made it virtually impossible to safeguard a slice of the high seas no matter how large or small.,the lack of coordination between these different bodies has made it virtually impossible to safeguard the high seas no matter how large or small the commission found.,this fragmentation of governance has made it virtually impossible to safeguard a slice of the high seas no matter how large or small. 1081, the new agreement will be about what we keep in the seas instead of what we extract says karen sack director of the pew charitable trusts international marine program who has been involved in these discussions since the beginning in., the new agreement will be about what we keep in the seas instead of what we take out says karen sack.,the new agreement will be about what we keep in the seas instead of what we extract says karen sack director of the pew charitable trusts international marine program. 1082, the new agreement will be about what we keep in the seas instead of what we extract says karen sack director of the pew charitable trusts international marine program., the new agreement will be about what we keep in the seas instead of what we take out says karen sack.,the new agreement will be about what we keep in the seas instead of what we remove says karen sack. 1083, the new agreement will be about what we keep in the seas instead of what we extract says karen sack director of the pew charitable trusts international marine program who has been involved in these discussions since the beginning in.,she is the director of the pew charitable trusts international marine program.,the new agreement will be about what we keep in the seas instead of what we extract says karen sack director of the pew charitable trusts international marine program. 1084, the new agreement will be about what we keep in the seas instead of what we extract says karen sack director of the pew charitable trusts international marine program.,she is the director of the pew charitable trusts international marine program.,the new agreement will be about what we keep in the seas instead of what we remove says karen sack. 1085,in terms of overfishing the agreement would among other things make it much easier to establish marine protected areas mpas in international waters.,to prevent overfishing the agreement would among other things make it much easier to establish marine protected areas mpas in the high seas.,the agreement would make it much easier to establish marine protected areas mpas in international waters. 1086,in terms of overfishing the agreement would among other things make it much easier to establish marine protected areas mpas in international waters.,the rules would also make it much easier to establish marine protected areas.,the agreement would make it much easier to establish marine protected areas mpas in international waters. 1087,to prevent overfishing the agreement would among other things make it much easier to establish marine protected areas mpas in the high seas.,the rules would also make it much easier to establish marine protected areas.,the agreement would make it much easier to establish marine protected areas mpas in the high seas. 1088,in terms of overfishing the agreement would among other things make it much easier to establish marine protected areas mpas in international waters.,an agreement would make it easier to create marine protected areas.,the agreement would make it much easier to establish marine protected areas mpas in international waters. 1089,to prevent overfishing the agreement would among other things make it much easier to establish marine protected areas mpas in the high seas.,an agreement would make it easier to create marine protected areas.,the agreement would make it much easier to establish marine protected areas mpas in the high seas. 1090,the rules would also make it much easier to establish marine protected areas.,an agreement would make it easier to create marine protected areas.,the new rules would also make it much easier to establish marine protected areas. 1091,mpas are the oceans national parks and range in size and level of protection.,they range in size and level of protection.,they range in size and level of protection. 1092,mpas are the oceans national parks and range in size and level of protection.,they can be different in size and level of protection.,they range in size and level of protection. 1093,they range in size and level of protection.,they can be different in size and level of protection.,they range in size and ability to withstand damage. 1094,twelve percent of the world s land is currently protected in national parks and wildlife preserves.,more than one tenth of the world s land is protected in national parks and wildlife preserves.,almost half of the world s land is in national parks and wildlife preserves. 1095,twelve percent of the world s land is currently protected in national parks and wildlife preserves while in comparison just about percent of the high seas is protected.,more than one tenth of the world s land is protected in national parks and wildlife preserves.,twelve percent of the world s land is currently protected in national parks and wildlife preserves. 1096,twelve percent of the world s land is currently protected in national parks and wildlife preserves.,in contrast just about percent of the high seas is protected.,almost half of the world s land is in national parks and wildlife preserves. 1097,twelve percent of the world s land is currently protected in national parks and wildlife preserves while in comparison just about percent of the high seas is protected.,in contrast just about percent of the high seas is protected.,twelve percent of the world s land is currently protected in national parks and wildlife preserves. 1098,twelve percent of the world s land is currently protected in national parks and wildlife preserves.,but just about percent of the high seas is protected.,almost half of the world s land is in national parks and wildlife preserves. 1099,twelve percent of the world s land is currently protected in national parks and wildlife preserves while in comparison just about percent of the high seas is protected.,but just about percent of the high seas is protected.,twelve percent of the world s land is currently protected in national parks and wildlife preserves. 1100,in contrast just about percent of the high seas is protected.,but just about percent of the high seas is protected.,just about percent of the seas is safe. 1101,the plan is to increase this number to percent by and eventually to percent an ambitious goal considering the huge strides in international cooperation that will be necessary.,the high seas plan is to increase this number to percent by and eventually to percent.,the plan is to increase this number to percent by and eventually to percent. 1102,a recent report by the global ocean commission an international panel of heads of state government ministers and business leaders pinpoints lack of adequate governance as the crucial issue causing the demise of the high seas.,a recent report by the global ocean commission blamed the lack of adequate control for the dying off of the high seas.,a recent report by the global ocean commission a group of countries and their leaders pinpoints lack of adequate governance as the crucial issue causing the demise of the high seas. 1103,a recent report by the global ocean commission an international panel of heads of state government ministers and business leaders pinpoints lack of adequate governance as the crucial issue causing the demise of the high seas.,the commission is an international panel of heads of state ,a recent report by the global ocean commission a group of countries and their leaders pinpoints lack of adequate governance as the crucial issue causing the demise of the high seas. 1104,according to the commission other problems include harmful fishing subsidies lack of tracking for fishing vessels little accountability for offshore oil and gas exploration and plastics pollution.,other problems include government support of deep sea fishing lack of tracking for fishing vessels offshore oil and gas exploration and plastics pollution.,these include a lack of tracking for fishing vessels and little accountability for offshore oil and gas exploration. 1105,should these measures not be implemented adequately within five years the commission suggests closing the high seas to fishing.,should these rules not be put into effect within five years the commission suggests closing the high seas to fishing.,if the measures do not work properly within five years the commission suggests closing the high seas to fishing. 1106,should these measures not be implemented adequately within five years the commission suggests closing the high seas to fishing.,if these rules do not go into effect within five years the commission suggests closing the high seas to fishing.,if the measures do not work properly within five years the commission suggests closing the high seas to fishing. 1107,should these rules not be put into effect within five years the commission suggests closing the high seas to fishing.,if these rules do not go into effect within five years the commission suggests closing the high seas to fishing.,if the new rules do not go into effect within five years the commission suggests closing the high seas to fishing. 1108, a lot of them are suffering from fish being depleted by high seas fishing fleets and distant water fleets particularly in west africa. ,many of them are suffering economically particularly in west africa because too many fish are being killed off by high seas fishing fleets.,the result is that a lot of the countries are suffering from depleted fish. 1109, a lot of them are suffering from fish being depleted by high seas fishing fleets and distant water fleets particularly in west africa. ,many of them are suffering economically because fish are being killed off by high seas fishing fleets.,the result is that a lot of the countries are suffering from depleted fish. 1110,many of them are suffering economically particularly in west africa because too many fish are being killed off by high seas fishing fleets.,right now many of them are losing money.,this is because too many of the fish are being killed off by fishing fleets in the seas. 1111,many of them are suffering economically because fish are being killed off by high seas fishing fleets.,right now many of them are losing money.,many of them are losing money because fish are being killed off by fishing fleets in the seas. 1112,it suggested that preventing fishing in the high seas is the best way to boost the recovery of large migratory fishes as well as increase fisheries profits and yields.,an article that scientific journal plos biology published last year suggested that preventing fishing in the high seas is the best way to boost the recovery of large migratory fishes.,it suggested that preventing fishing in the high seas is the best way to boost the recovery of large migratory fishes. 1113,the fear says matthew gianni co founder of the deep sea conservation coalition an environmental group that aims to save the high seas is that a complete closure may incite countries to expand their eezs they originally extended only kilometers and regulate themselves.,the fear says matthew gianni co founder of the deep sea conservation coalition is that a complete closure may lead countries to fish beyond their coastal zones where they have exclusive rights to fish.,the fear is that a complete closure may cause countries to expand their eezs they originally extended only kilometers. 1114,the fear says matthew gianni co founder of the deep sea conservation coalition an environmental group that aims to save the high seas is that a complete closure may incite countries to expand their eezs they originally extended only kilometers and regulate themselves.,he fears a complete closure may lead countries to expand their coastal zones where they have exclusive rights to fish.,the fear is that a complete closure may cause countries to expand their eezs they originally extended only kilometers. 1115,the fear says matthew gianni co founder of the deep sea conservation coalition is that a complete closure may lead countries to fish beyond their coastal zones where they have exclusive rights to fish.,he fears a complete closure may lead countries to expand their coastal zones where they have exclusive rights to fish.,he fears that a complete closure may lead countries to fish beyond their coastal zones where they have exclusive rights to fish. 1116,the fear says matthew gianni co founder of the deep sea conservation coalition an environmental group that aims to save the high seas is that a complete closure may incite countries to expand their eezs they originally extended only kilometers and regulate themselves.,he worries that a closure may lead countries to start fishing beyond their coastal waters.,the fear is that a complete closure may cause countries to expand their eezs they originally extended only kilometers. 1117,the fear says matthew gianni co founder of the deep sea conservation coalition is that a complete closure may lead countries to fish beyond their coastal zones where they have exclusive rights to fish.,he worries that a closure may lead countries to start fishing beyond their coastal waters.,he fears that a complete closure may lead countries to fish beyond their coastal zones where they have exclusive rights to fish. 1118,he fears a complete closure may lead countries to expand their coastal zones where they have exclusive rights to fish.,he worries that a closure may lead countries to start fishing beyond their coastal waters.,he fears a complete closure may lead countries to expand their coastal zones where they have exclusive rights to fish. 1119,and yet the evidence in favor of closing the high seas to fishing is mounting.,yet the evidence in favor of closing the high seas is growing.,and yet the evidence to support closing the high seas to fishing is mounting. 1120, a study from the university of british columbia ubc proposed that closing the high seas would not only have ecological and economic benefits but social advantages as well.,earlier in february a study from the university of british columbia ubc suggested this would have ecological economic and social benefits.,a study from the university of british columbia ubc showed that closing the high seas would have other benefits as well. 1121,earlier in february a study from the university of british columbia ubc suggested this would have ecological economic and social benefits.,earlier in february the university of british columbia ubc released a report.,earlier in february a study from the university of british columbia ubc suggested that this would have ecological economic and social benefits. 1122,earlier in february a study from the university of british columbia ubc suggested this would have ecological economic and social benefits.,earlier in february the university of british columbia released a report.,earlier in february a study from the university of british columbia ubc suggested that this would have ecological economic and social benefits. 1123,they found that over percent exist in both and closing the high seas would cause an upsurge in the amount of fishes caught annually a greater number of countries could access these fishes within their eezs and the high seas would become the biggest savings account on the planet. ,researchers found that closing the high seas would actually increase the amount of fish caught annually.,they found that over percent exist in both and closing the high seas would cause an increase in the amount of fishes caught annually. 1124,researchers found that closing the high seas would actually increase the amount of fish caught annually.,it found that closing the high seas would help countries catch more fish.,it found that closing the high seas would actually increase the amount of fish caught annually. 1125,researchers found that closing the high seas would actually increase the amount of fish caught annually.,it found that closing the high seas would help many countries catch more fish.,it found that closing the high seas would actually increase the amount of fish caught annually. 1126,they found that over percent exist in both and closing the high seas would cause an upsurge in the amount of fishes caught annually a greater number of countries could access these fishes within their eezs and the high seas would become the biggest savings account on the planet. ,a greater number of countries could catch these fish within their coastal zones making the high seas the biggest savings account on the planet. ,they found that over percent exist in both and closing the high seas would cause an increase in the amount of fishes caught annually. 1127,they found that over percent exist in both and closing the high seas would cause an upsurge in the amount of fishes caught annually a greater number of countries could access these fishes within their eezs and the high seas would become the biggest savings account on the planet. ,a greater number of countries would catch these fish within their coastal areas.,they found that over percent exist in both and closing the high seas would cause an increase in the amount of fishes caught annually. 1128,a greater number of countries could catch these fish within their coastal zones making the high seas the biggest savings account on the planet. ,a greater number of countries would catch these fish within their coastal areas.,that would make the high seas the biggest savings account on the planet. 1129,they found that over percent exist in both and closing the high seas would cause an upsurge in the amount of fishes caught annually a greater number of countries could access these fishes within their eezs and the high seas would become the biggest savings account on the planet. ,this would make the high seas the biggest savings account on the planet. ,they found that over percent exist in both and closing the high seas would cause an increase in the amount of fishes caught annually. 1130,a greater number of countries could catch these fish within their coastal zones making the high seas the biggest savings account on the planet. ,this would make the high seas the biggest savings account on the planet. ,that would make the high seas the biggest savings account on the planet. 1131,they found that over percent exist in both and closing the high seas would cause an upsurge in the amount of fishes caught annually a greater number of countries could access these fishes within their eezs and the high seas would become the biggest savings account on the planet. ,the high seas would become the biggest savings account on the planet the report said.,they found that over percent exist in both and closing the high seas would cause an increase in the amount of fishes caught annually. 1132,a greater number of countries could catch these fish within their coastal zones making the high seas the biggest savings account on the planet. ,the high seas would become the biggest savings account on the planet the report said.,that would make the high seas the biggest savings account on the planet. 1133,this would make the high seas the biggest savings account on the planet. ,the high seas would become the biggest savings account on the planet the report said.,if gillespie is successful it would make the seas the biggest savings account on the planet. 1134,major fishing nations including japan south korea and taiwan however would lose hundreds of millions of dollars each year.,major fishing nations including japan south korea and taiwan rely on high seas bottom trawling.,countries that export a lot of fish including japan south korea and taiwan would lose hundreds of millions of dollars each year. 1135,major fishing nations including japan south korea and taiwan however would lose hundreds of millions of dollars each year.,they would lose hundreds of millions of dollars each year.,countries that export a lot of fish including japan south korea and taiwan would lose hundreds of millions of dollars each year. 1136,major fishing nations including japan south korea and taiwan however would lose hundreds of millions of dollars each year.,major fishing nations such as japan and south korea would lose hundreds of millions of dollars each year.,countries that export a lot of fish including japan south korea and taiwan would lose hundreds of millions of dollars each year. 1137,they would lose hundreds of millions of dollars each year.,major fishing nations such as japan and south korea would lose hundreds of millions of dollars each year.,that would cost hundreds of millions of dollars each year. 1138,major fishing nations including japan south korea and taiwan however would lose hundreds of millions of dollars each year.,countries like japan and south korea do a lot of high seas fishing.,countries that export a lot of fish including japan south korea and taiwan would lose hundreds of millions of dollars each year. 1139,major fishing nations such as japan and south korea would lose hundreds of millions of dollars each year.,countries like japan and south korea do a lot of high seas fishing.,countries that export a lot of fish such as japan and south korea would lose hundreds of millions of dollars each year. 1140,major fishing nations such as japan and south korea would lose hundreds of millions of dollars each year.,they would lose hundreds of millions of dollars each year.,countries that export a lot of fish such as japan and south korea would lose hundreds of millions of dollars each year. 1141,if the implementing agreement is successfully negotiated though there may be no need for closing down the high seas to fisheries because some key areas would be set aside for marine protection and areas outside the mpas would be subject to impact assessments helping ensure this health is maintained in the long run.,if the agreement is successfully negotiated there may be no need for closing down the high seas to fishing.,if the implementing agreement is successfully negotiated there may be no need for closing down the high seas to fisheries. 1142,if the implementing agreement is successfully negotiated though there may be no need for closing down the high seas to fisheries because some key areas would be set aside for marine protection and areas outside the mpas would be subject to impact assessments helping ensure this health is maintained in the long run.,however there may be no need for closing down the high seas to fishing.,if the implementing agreement is successfully negotiated there may be no need for closing down the high seas to fisheries. 1143,if the agreement is successfully negotiated there may be no need for closing down the high seas to fisheries.,however there may be no need for closing down the high seas to fishing.,if the agreement is successfully negotiated there may be no need for closing down the seas to fishermen. 1144,if the agreement is successfully negotiated there may be no need for closing down the high seas to fishing.,however there may be no need for closing down the high seas to fishing.,if the agreement is successfully negotiated there may be no need for closing down the seas to fishermen. 1145,if the agreement is successfully negotiated there may be no need for closing down the high seas to fisheries.,in the end there may be no need.,if the agreement is successfully negotiated there may be no need for closing down the seas to fishermen. 1146,if the agreement is successfully negotiated there may be no need for closing down the high seas to fishing.,in the end there may be no need.,if the agreement is successfully negotiated there may be no need for closing down the seas to fishermen. 1147,however there may be no need for closing down the high seas to fishing.,in the end there may be no need.,however there may be no need for closing down the great open spaces to fishing. 1148,if the implementing agreement is successfully negotiated though there may be no need for closing down the high seas to fisheries because some key areas would be set aside for marine protection and areas outside the mpas would be subject to impact assessments helping ensure this health is maintained in the long run.,key areas would be set aside for marine protection while outside those areas the impact of fishing and drilling would be studied which would help ensure ocean health in the long run.,if the implementing agreement is successfully negotiated there may be no need for closing down the high seas to fisheries. 1149,key areas would be set aside for marine protection while outside those areas the impact of fishing and drilling would be studied which would help ensure ocean health in the long run.,this is because some key areas would be set aside for marine protection.,the study would help ensure ocean health in the long run. 1150, i realize what we have lost says enric sala a national geographic society explorer in residence and co author of the ubc paper who dives in some of world s least touched waters., i realize what we have lost says enric sala co author of the ubc paper and a deep sea diver., i realize what we have lost says enric sala a national geographic society explorer in residence and co author of a paper documenting some of world s least touched waters. 1151, i realize what we have lost says enric sala a national geographic society explorer in residence and co author of the ubc paper., i realize what we have lost says enric sala co author of the ubc paper and a deep sea diver., i realize what we have lost says enric sala who is an explorer in residence and co author of the ubc paper. 1152, i realize what we have lost says enric sala a national geographic society explorer in residence and co author of the ubc paper who dives in some of world s least touched waters.,the deep sea diver is a national geographic society explorer in residence and co author of the ubc paper., i realize what we have lost says enric sala a national geographic society explorer in residence and co author of a paper documenting some of world s least touched waters. 1153, i realize what we have lost says enric sala a national geographic society explorer in residence and co author of the ubc paper.,the deep sea diver is a national geographic society explorer in residence and co author of the ubc paper., i realize what we have lost says enric sala who is an explorer in residence and co author of the ubc paper. 1154, i also see what the ocean of the future can be he adds., i also see what the ocean of the future can be added sala who dives in some of the world s most unspoiled waters., i also see what the ocean of the future can be muinos says. 1155, i also see what the ocean of the future can be he adds., i also see what the ocean of the future can be added sala., i also see what the ocean of the future can be muinos says. 1156,north bethesda md. on a busy street in a well to do washington suburb is an unlikely piece of african american history.,north bethesda md. a suburban street outside washington d.c. is home to a piece of african american history.,north bethesda md. on a busy street in a well to do washington suburb is an unlikely piece of african american history. 1157,the maryland site was once the home of josiah henson a slave on what was then a acre plantation who fled to canada in.,the house was once part of a plantation that was the home of josiah henson a slave who escaped to canada in and wrote the story of his life.,he was a slave on what was then a acre plantation who fled to canada in. 1158,the maryland site was once the home of josiah henson a slave on what was then a acre plantation who fled to canada in.,the house was once part of a plantation and it was the home of josiah henson a slave who escaped and wrote the story of his life.,he was a slave on what was then a acre plantation who fled to canada in. 1159,the house was once part of a plantation that was the home of josiah henson a slave who escaped to canada in and wrote the story of his life.,the house was once part of a plantation and it was the home of josiah henson a slave who escaped and wrote the story of his life.,it was the home of josiah henson a slave who ran away to canada in. 1160,the maryland site was once the home of josiah henson a slave on what was then a acre plantation who fled to canada in.,the farm was the home of josiah henson a slave who escaped and wrote the story of his life.,he was a slave on what was then a acre plantation who fled to canada in. 1161,the house was once part of a plantation that was the home of josiah henson a slave who escaped to canada in and wrote the story of his life.,the farm was the home of josiah henson a slave who escaped and wrote the story of his life.,it was the home of josiah henson a slave who ran away to canada in. 1162,the house was once part of a plantation and it was the home of josiah henson a slave who escaped and wrote the story of his life.,the farm was the home of josiah henson a slave who escaped and wrote the story of his life.,it was the home of josiah henson a slave who escaped and wrote the story of his life. 1163,the house was once part of a plantation that was the home of josiah henson a slave who escaped to canada in and wrote the story of his life.,henson and his family made it to canada where he opened a shelter for former slaves.,it was the home of josiah henson a slave who ran away to canada in. 1164,the house was once part of a plantation and it was the home of josiah henson a slave who escaped and wrote the story of his life.,henson and his family made it to canada where he opened a shelter for former slaves.,it was the home of josiah henson a slave who escaped and wrote the story of his life. 1165,the farm was the home of josiah henson a slave who escaped and wrote the story of his life.,henson and his family made it to canada where he opened a shelter for former slaves.,the farm was the home of josiah henson who was a slave. 1166,henry louis gates jr. a scholar in african american studies at harvard university who is well known to the american public for his pbs programs co authored the annotated uncle tom s cabin in.,in the annotated uncle tom s cabin took a second look at stowe s book.,he is well known to the american public for his pbs programs. 1167,henry louis gates jr. a scholar in african american studies at harvard university who is well known to the american public for his pbs programs co authored the annotated uncle tom s cabin in.,in the annotated uncle tom s cabin took a second look.,he is well known to the american public for his pbs programs. 1168,montgomery county the maryland county in suburban washington where the house sits bought the private residence in for million.,the maryland county where the house sits bought it in for million.,montgomery county is in suburban washington where the house sits. 1169,montgomery county the maryland county in suburban washington where the house sits bought the private residence in for million.,the county in maryland where the house was built bought the house for million.,montgomery county is in suburban washington where the house sits. 1170,the maryland county where the house sits bought it in for million.,the county in maryland where the house was built bought the house for million.,in maryland county bought it for million. 1171,montgomery county the maryland county in suburban washington where the house sits bought the private residence in for million.,officials in the county where the house was built bought the land.,montgomery county is in suburban washington where the house sits. 1172,the maryland county where the house sits bought it in for million.,officials in the county where the house was built bought the land.,in maryland county bought it for million. 1173,the county in maryland where the house was built bought the house for million.,officials in the county where the house was built bought the land.,the county in maryland where the house was built bought it for million. 1174,officials thought that the log cabin was there at the time henson lived and worked on the grounds from when he was years old to when his owner sent him to kentucky.,officials thought that the log cabin was there in henson s time.,officials thought that the log cabin was there when henson lived and worked on the grounds from when he was to kentucky. 1175,officials thought that the log cabin was there at the time henson lived and worked on the grounds from when he was years old to when his owner sent him to kentucky.,henson lived there from age around until when his owner sent him to kentucky.,officials thought that the log cabin was there when henson lived and worked on the grounds from when he was to kentucky. 1176,officials thought that the log cabin was there at the time henson lived and worked on the grounds from when he was years old to when his owner sent him to kentucky.,officials thought that the log cabin was there when henson lived on the plantation from to when he was sent to kentucky.,officials thought that the log cabin was there when henson lived and worked on the grounds from when he was to kentucky. 1177,henson lived there from age around until when his owner sent him to kentucky.,officials thought that the log cabin was there when henson lived on the plantation from to when he was sent to kentucky.,henson had lived there from age around until when his owner sent him to kentucky. 1178,officials thought that the log cabin was there at the time henson lived and worked on the grounds from when he was years old to when his owner sent him to kentucky.,officials think the log cabin was there when henson lived on the farm from to.,officials thought that the log cabin was there when henson lived and worked on the grounds from when he was to kentucky. 1179,henson lived there from age around until when his owner sent him to kentucky.,officials think the log cabin was there when henson lived on the farm from to.,henson had lived there from age around until when his owner sent him to kentucky. 1180,officials thought that the log cabin was there when henson lived on the plantation from to when he was sent to kentucky.,officials think the log cabin was there when henson lived on the farm from to.,officials thought that the log cabin was there when henson lived on the plantation from to. 1181,officials thought that the log cabin was there at the time henson lived and worked on the grounds from when he was years old to when his owner sent him to kentucky.,the county officials think the log cabin was there when henson lived on the farm.,officials thought that the log cabin was there when henson lived and worked on the grounds from when he was to kentucky. 1182,henson lived there from age around until when his owner sent him to kentucky.,the county officials think the log cabin was there when henson lived on the farm.,henson had lived there from age around until when his owner sent him to kentucky. 1183,officials thought that the log cabin was there when henson lived on the plantation from to when he was sent to kentucky.,the county officials think the log cabin was there when henson lived on the farm.,officials thought that the log cabin was there when henson lived on the plantation from to. 1184,officials think the log cabin was there when henson lived on the farm from to.,the county officials think the log cabin was there when henson lived on the farm.,officials think the log cabin was there when henson lived on the farm. 1185,a scientific analysis of the wood in the cabin really a log kitchen with a giant fireplace dated to still old but not the linear connection to the man behind uncle tom s cabin that some had hoped for.,but a scientific analysis of the wood in the cabin which was really a log kitchen with a giant fireplace found it dated to.,a scientific study of the wood in the cabin really a log kitchen with a giant fireplace dated to still old but not the linear connection to the man behind uncle tom s cabin that some had hoped for. 1186,a scientific analysis of the wood in the cabin really a log kitchen with a giant fireplace dated to still old but not the linear connection to the man behind uncle tom s cabin that some had hoped for.,but a scientific analysis of the wood in the cabin which was used as a kitchen found it dated to.,a scientific study of the wood in the cabin really a log kitchen with a giant fireplace dated to still old but not the linear connection to the man behind uncle tom s cabin that some had hoped for. 1187,but a scientific analysis of the wood in the cabin which was really a log kitchen with a giant fireplace found it dated to.,but a scientific analysis of the wood in the cabin which was used as a kitchen found it dated to.,but a study of the wood in the cabin found it dated to. 1188,but a scientific analysis of the wood in the cabin which was really a log kitchen with a giant fireplace found it dated to.,they analyzed the wood in the cabin which was used as a kitchen and found it dated to.,but a study of the wood in the cabin found it dated to. 1189,but a scientific analysis of the wood in the cabin which was used as a kitchen found it dated to.,they analyzed the wood in the cabin which was used as a kitchen and found it dated to.,but a study of the wood in the cabin found it dated to. 1190,a scientific analysis of the wood in the cabin really a log kitchen with a giant fireplace dated to still old but not the linear connection to the man behind uncle tom s cabin that some had hoped for.,that is still old but not the connection to the man behind uncle tom s cabin that some had hoped for.,a scientific study of the wood in the cabin really a log kitchen with a giant fireplace dated to still old but not the linear connection to the man behind uncle tom s cabin that some had hoped for. 1191,a scientific analysis of the wood in the cabin really a log kitchen with a giant fireplace dated to still old but not the linear connection to the man behind uncle tom s cabin that some had hoped for.,the wood was still old but was not the link they wanted to the man behind uncle tom s cabin. ,a scientific study of the wood in the cabin really a log kitchen with a giant fireplace dated to still old but not the linear connection to the man behind uncle tom s cabin that some had hoped for. 1192,that is still old but not the connection to the man behind uncle tom s cabin that some had hoped for.,the wood was still old but was not the link they wanted to the man behind uncle tom s cabin. ,that is still old but it does not lead to the connection to the man behind uncle tom s cabin that some had hoped for. 1193, we were surprised shirl spicer museum manager for montgomery county department of parks said as she led a tour of the house cabin and grounds., we were surprised said shirl spicer the museum manager for the department of parks in montgomery county maryland.,shirl spicer is the manager for montgomery county department of parks. 1194, we were surprised shirl spicer museum manager for the montgomery county department of parks said as she led a tour of the house cabin and grounds., we were surprised said shirl spicer the museum manager for the department of parks in montgomery county maryland., we were surprised shirl spicer said as she led a tour of the house cabin and grounds. 1195,while the kitchen postdates henson s time spicer said there had been a log kitchen there before that had burned down.,while the kitchen was built after henson s time spicer said there had been a log kitchen there before that had burned down.,spicer said there had been a log kitchen there before that had burned down. 1196,while the kitchen postdates henson s time spicer said there had been a log kitchen there before that had burned down.,spicer said there was an older log kitchen that burned down.,spicer said there had been a log kitchen there before that had burned down. 1197,while the kitchen was built after henson s time spicer said there had been a log kitchen there before that had burned down.,spicer said there was an older log kitchen that burned down.,there had been a log kitchen there before that had burned down. 1198,the frame of the main house dates to during henson s time there and there s documentation that the house and land belonged to isaac riley henson s owner.,the main house dates between and during henson s time there.,there is documentation that the house and land belonged to isaac riley henson s owner. 1199,the main house was built between and when henson was there.,the main house was built when henson lived there.,the main house was built between and when henson was there. 1200,the frame of the main house dates to during henson s time there and there s documentation that the house and land belonged to isaac riley henson s owner.,documents show the house and land belonged to isaac riley henson s owner.,there is documentation that the house and land belonged to isaac riley henson s owner. 1201,an archaeological dig at the site has unearthed th century artifacts as well including a flatiron and milk bottle.,archaeologists digging at the site found items from the th century including a flatiron and milk bottle.,an archaeological dig at the site has unearthed th century objects as well. 1202,an archaeological dig at the site has unearthed th century artifacts as well including a flatiron and milk bottle.,archaeologists digging on the grounds have found objects from the th century such as flatirons and milk bottles.,an archaeological dig at the site has unearthed th century objects as well. 1203,archaeologists digging at the site found items from the th century including a flatiron and milk bottle.,archaeologists digging on the grounds have found objects from the th century such as flatirons and milk bottles.,archaeologists there found items from the th century including a flatiron and milk bottle. 1204,archaeologists digging at the site found items from the th century including a flatiron and milk bottle.,archaeologists digging on the grounds have found objects from that time.,archaeologists there found items from the th century including a flatiron and milk bottle. 1205,archaeologists digging on the grounds have found objects from the th century such as flatirons and milk bottles.,archaeologists digging on the grounds have found objects from that time.,archaeologists digging on the grounds have found objects from the th century. 1206,archaeologists digging at the site found items from the th century including a flatiron and milk bottle.,scientists digging on the grounds have found objects from that time.,archaeologists there found items from the th century including a flatiron and milk bottle. 1207,archaeologists digging on the grounds have found objects from the th century such as flatirons and milk bottles.,scientists digging on the grounds have found objects from that time.,archaeologists digging on the grounds have found objects from the th century. 1208,the focus for county officials is now on henson.,the country officials are now focusing on henson.,the focus for county officials now is on henson. 1209,the focus for county officials is now on henson.,the officials are now more interested in henson.,the focus for county officials now is on henson. 1210,the country officials are now focusing on henson.,the officials are now more interested in henson.,the country is now focusing on how to find the killer. 1211,the focus for county officials is now on henson with the historical site called josiah henson park instead of riley house uncle tom s cabin.,they changed the name of the property to josiah henson park instead of riley house uncle tom s cabin.,the project is called josiah henson park instead of riley house uncle tom s cabin. 1212,the focus for county officials is now on henson with the historical site called josiah henson park instead of riley house uncle tom s cabin.,they changed the name of the farm from riley house uncle tom s cabin to josiah henson park.,the project is called josiah henson park instead of riley house uncle tom s cabin. 1213,the farmhouse is being turned into a museum and the site as a park that will have a visitors center.,they will turn it into a visitors center and museum.,the farmhouse is being turned into a museum. 1214,they will turn it into a visitors center and museum.,they will turn it into josiah henson park.,they hope to turn it into a museum. 1215,the projected cost is million to million and it should be finished in the next three or four years.,it will cost between million and million and it should be finished in the next three or four years.,it should be finished in the next three or four years. 1216,the projected cost is million to million and it should be finished in the next three or four years.,it will cost million to million and should be finished in the next three or four years.,it should be finished in the next three or four years. 1217,it will cost between million and million and it should be finished in the next three or four years.,it will cost million to million and should be finished in the next three or four years.,it should be finished in the next three or four years. 1218,there are plans to return the log kitchen to its s condition.,there are plans to fix the log kitchen.,there are plans to return the log kitchen to its normal shape. 1219,henson who lived to age was born in southern maryland and as a child was sold to riley in a move that reunited him with his mother.,henson was born in maryland and lived to be years old.,when he was a child he was sold to riley in a move that reunited him with his mother. 1220,henson who lived to age was born in southern maryland and as a child was sold to riley in which reunited him with his mother.,henson was born in maryland and lived to be years old.,when he was a child he was sold to riley and reunited him with his mother. 1221,henson who lived to age was born in southern maryland.,henson was born in maryland and lived to be years old.,henson was born in southern maryland about years ago. 1222,henson who lived to age was born in southern maryland and as a child was sold to riley in a move that reunited him with his mother.,as a child he was sold to riley in a move that reunited him with his mother.,when he was a child he was sold to riley in a move that reunited him with his mother. 1223,henson who lived to age was born in southern maryland and as a child was sold to riley in which reunited him with his mother.,as a child he was sold to riley in a move that reunited him with his mother.,when he was a child he was sold to riley and reunited him with his mother. 1224,henson who lived to age was born in southern maryland and as a child was sold to riley in a move that reunited him with his mother.,he was sold to riley when he was years old and reunited with his mother.,when he was a child he was sold to riley in a move that reunited him with his mother. 1225,henson who lived to age was born in southern maryland and as a child was sold to riley in which reunited him with his mother.,he was sold to riley when he was years old and reunited with his mother.,when he was a child he was sold to riley and reunited him with his mother. 1226,as a child he was sold to riley in a move that reunited him with his mother.,he was sold to riley when he was years old and reunited with his mother.,when he was a child he was sold to riley in a move that reunited him with his mother. 1227,henson who lived to age was born in southern maryland and as a child was sold to riley in a move that reunited him with his mother.,he was sold to riley when he was years old and was reunited with his mother.,when he was a child he was sold to riley in a move that reunited him with his mother. 1228,henson who lived to age was born in southern maryland and as a child was sold to riley in which reunited him with his mother.,he was sold to riley when he was years old and was reunited with his mother.,when he was a child he was sold to riley and reunited him with his mother. 1229,as a child he was sold to riley in a move that reunited him with his mother.,he was sold to riley when he was years old and was reunited with his mother.,when he was a child he was sold to riley in a move that reunited him with his mother. 1230,he supervised the north bethesda farm which grew wheat corn and tobacco as well as apples and he sold the produce at markets.,he supervised the farm in north bethesda which grew wheat corn apples and tobacco and he sold the produce at markets.,he helped run the north bethesda farm which grew wheat corn and tobacco as well as apples. 1231,he supervised the north bethesda farm which grew wheat corn and tobacco as well as apples and he sold the produce at markets.,he supervised the farm which grew wheat corn apples and tobacco and he sold the vegetables at markets.,he helped run the north bethesda farm which grew wheat corn and tobacco as well as apples. 1232,he supervised the farm in north bethesda which grew wheat corn apples and tobacco and he sold the produce at markets.,he supervised the farm and he sold vegetables at the market.,he worked at the farm in north bethesda which grew wheat corn apples and tobacco. 1233,by riley was beset by business problems and his property at risk he put henson in charge of escorting his slaves to his brother s kentucky plantation.,he put henson in charge of escorting his slaves to his brother s farm in kentucky.,by riley was beset by business problems and his property was at risk. 1234,by riley was beset by business problems and his property at risk he put henson in charge of escorting his slaves to his brother s kentucky plantation.,he sent henson to take his slaves to kentucky.,by riley was beset by business problems and his property was at risk. 1235,he put henson in charge of escorting his slaves to his brother s kentucky plantation.,he sent henson to take his slaves to kentucky.,he put henson in charge of taking the slaves to his brother s kentucky plantation. 1236,he put henson in charge of escorting his slaves to his brother s farm in kentucky.,he sent henson to take his slaves to kentucky.,he put henson in charge of taking his slaves to his brother s farm. 1237,when the group of slaves went through ohio a free state he refused to cut himself or anyone else loose and continued with riley s assignment.,when the group of slaves went through ohio which did not allow slavery henson refused to set himself or anyone else free.,when the group of slaves went through ohio he refused to cut himself or anyone else loose. 1238,when the group of slaves went through ohio a free state he refused to cut himself or anyone else loose and continued with riley s assignment.,when the group went through ohio which did not allow slavery henson refused to set himself or anyone else free.,when the group of slaves went through ohio he refused to cut himself or anyone else loose. 1239,it was only when he later tried to buy his freedom known as manumission that he discovered that his owner who had taken a partial payment had no intention of freeing him.,but when he later tried to buy his freedom he discovered that his owner had no plans to free him.,it was only when he later tried to buy his freedom that he discovered that the owner had no intention of freeing him. 1240,it was only when he later tried to buy his freedom known as manumission that he discovered that his owner who had taken a partial payment had no intention of freeing him.,but he discovered that his owner had no plans to free him.,it was only when he later tried to buy his freedom that he discovered that the owner had no intention of freeing him. 1241,it was only when he later tried to buy his freedom known as manumission that he discovered that his owner who had taken a partial payment had no intention of freeing him.,but he found out that his owner had no plans to free him.,it was only when he later tried to buy his freedom that he discovered that the owner had no intention of freeing him. 1242,but when he later tried to buy his freedom he discovered that his owner had no plans to free him.,but he found out that his owner had no plans to free him.,but when he later tried to buy his freedom he discovered that the owner did n t plan to free him. 1243,instead henson was sent with riley s son to be sold in new orleans site of the largest slave auctions in the country.,instead henson was sent with riley s son new orleans the largest slave market in the country.,instead he was sent to new orleans which is the site of the largest slave auctions in the country. 1244,instead henson was sent with riley s son to be sold in new orleans site of the largest slave auctions in the country.,henson was sent with riley s son to the slave market in new orleans.,instead he was sent to new orleans which is the site of the largest slave auctions in the country. 1245,instead henson was sent with riley s son new orleans the largest slave market in the country.,henson was sent with riley s son to the slave market in new orleans.,instead he was sent to new orleans which is the largest slave market in the country. 1246,desperate henson was ready to kill the owner s son.,henson was ready to kill the owner s son to escape.,he was ready to kill the owner s son. 1247,desperate henson was ready to kill the owner s son but when the son became ill henson nursed him.,henson was ready to kill the owner s son to escape.,he was ready to kill the owner s son. 1248,but when the son became ill henson nursed him and they returned to kentucky where henson realized he d have to escape to gain freedom.,they returned to kentucky where he realized he would have to escape to gain freedom.,but when the son became ill henson took care of him and they returned to kentucky. 1249,but when the son became ill henson nursed him and they returned to kentucky where henson realized he d have to escape to gain freedom.,they returned to kentucky where henson realized he would have to escape to gain his freedom.,but when the son became ill henson took care of him and they returned to kentucky. 1250,but when the son became ill henson nursed him and they returned to kentucky where henson realized he d have to escape to gain freedom.,they returned to kentucky and henson realized he would have to escape to be free.,but when the son became ill henson took care of him and they returned to kentucky. 1251,they returned to kentucky where he realized he would have to escape to gain freedom.,they returned to kentucky and henson realized he would have to escape to be free.,he realized he would have to escape to get his freedom. 1252,they returned to kentucky where henson realized he would have to escape to gain his freedom.,they returned to kentucky and henson realized he would have to escape to be free.,he realized he would have to escape to gain his freedom. 1253,but when the son became ill henson nursed him and they returned to kentucky where henson realized he d have to escape to gain freedom.,henson knew he had to escape to be free.,but when the son became ill henson took care of him and they returned to kentucky. 1254,they returned to kentucky where he realized he would have to escape to gain freedom.,henson knew he had to escape to be free.,he realized he would have to escape to get his freedom. 1255,they returned to kentucky where henson realized he would have to escape to gain his freedom.,henson knew he had to escape to be free.,he realized he would have to escape to gain his freedom. 1256,they returned to kentucky and henson realized he would have to escape to be free.,henson knew he had to escape to be free.,he realized he would have to escape to be free. 1257,fugitive slave laws were in force in the north that put escaped slaves at risk in free states where they could be captured and returned as property.,laws in force in the northern states put escaped slaves at risk of being returned to their owners as property so he would have to flee to canada.,it put escaped slaves at risk in free states. 1258,fugitive slave laws were in force in the north that put escaped slaves at risk in free states where they could be captured and returned as property.,northern states did not allow slavery but escaped slaves were returned to their owners as property so henson would have to flee to canada to be free.,it put escaped slaves at risk in free states. 1259,laws in force in the northern states put escaped slaves at risk of being returned to their owners as property so he would have to flee to canada.,northern states did not allow slavery but escaped slaves were returned to their owners as property so henson would have to flee to canada to be free.,the laws put escaped slaves at risk of being returned to their owners. 1260,northern states did not allow slavery but escaped slaves were returned to their owners as property so henson would have to flee to canada to be free.,states in the north did not allow slavery.,northern states did not allow slavery but escaped slaves were returned to their owners as property. 1261,henson and his family made it to canada where he established the dawn settlement a refuge for former slaves.,henson and his family made it to canada and he established the dawn settlement a shelter for former slaves.,henson and his family made it to canada. 1262,henson s son taught him to read and write when the former slave was in his s leading to his autobiography and the success and fame that followed even a meeting with queen victoria in.,henson s son taught him to read and write when the former slave was in his s leading him to write the story of his life.,henson s son taught him to read and write when he was in his s. 1263,henson s son taught him to read and write when the former slave was in his s leading to his autobiography and the success and fame that followed even a meeting with queen victoria in.,the book was a success and fame followed even a meeting with england s queen victoria in.,henson s son taught him to read and write when he was in his s. 1264,in stowe s book uncle tom endures hardships and ends up being whipped to death for not revealing the location of escaped slaves.,he ends up being whipped to death for not revealing the location of escaped slaves.,in his book uncle tom is punished for not revealing the location of escaped slaves. 1265,he ends up being whipped to death for not revealing the location of escaped slaves.,in stowe s book uncle tom endures hardships and ends up being whipped to death for not revealing the location of escaped slaves.,he is whipped to death for not telling reporters where the slaves were. 1266,in stowe s book uncle tom endures hardships and ends up being whipped to death for not revealing the location of escaped slaves.,in stowe s book uncle tom suffers hard times.,in his book uncle tom is punished for not revealing the location of escaped slaves. 1267,in stowe s book uncle tom endures hard times.,in stowe s book uncle tom suffers hard times.,in the book uncle tom is written about hard times. 1268,in stowe s book uncle tom endures hardships and ends up being whipped to death for not revealing the location of escaped slaves.,he is whipped to death for not telling the location of escaped slaves.,in his book uncle tom is punished for not revealing the location of escaped slaves. 1269,he ends up being whipped to death for not revealing the location of escaped slaves.,he is whipped to death for not telling the location of escaped slaves.,he is whipped to death for not telling reporters where the slaves were. 1270,it s hard to overstate the impact that uncle tom s cabin had in its time.,it is hard to overstate the effect that uncle tom s cabin had in its time.,it s hard to overstate the effect that uncle tom s cabin had in its time. 1271,it s hard to overstate the impact that uncle tom s cabin had in its time., uncle tom s cabin had a great effect on people at the time.,it s hard to overstate the effect that uncle tom s cabin had in its time. 1272,it is hard to overstate the effect that uncle tom s cabin had in its time., uncle tom s cabin had a great effect on people at the time.,it is hard to overstate the effect that uncle tom s cabin had in its time. 1273,it s hard to overstate the impact that uncle tom s cabin had in its time., uncle tom s cabin had a great effect on people during the civil war and the fight against slavery.,it s hard to overstate the effect that uncle tom s cabin had in its time. 1274,it is hard to overstate the effect that uncle tom s cabin had in its time., uncle tom s cabin had a great effect on people during the civil war and the fight against slavery.,it is hard to overstate the effect that uncle tom s cabin had in its time. 1275, uncle tom s cabin had a great effect on people at the time., uncle tom s cabin had a great effect on people during the civil war and the fight against slavery.,unlike many people at the time the cabin was very important to people. 1276, it was a runaway best seller said tess chakkalakal director of the africana studies program at bowdoin college which owns the home where stowe wrote the book.,she directs the africana studies program at bowdoin college which owns the home where stowe wrote the book., it was a runaway best seller said tess chakkalakal who teaches africana at bowdoin college. 1277,its impact was greater than even its sales because in the mid s with few options for entertainment people would often read out loud meaning there were about readers for every book sold.,the book s effect on society was greater than even its sales.,in the mid s with few options for entertainment people would often read out loud. 1278,its impact was greater than even its sales because in the mid s with few options for entertainment people would often read out loud meaning there were about readers for every book sold.,in the mid s there were few options for entertainment so people would often read out loud.,in the mid s with few options for entertainment people would often read out loud. 1279,president abraham lincoln reportedly said to stowe when he met her in so you re the little woman who wrote the book that started this great war ! ,president abraham lincoln met stowe during the time of the civil war.,president abraham lincoln reportedly said to stowe when he met her in that she was the little woman who wrote the book that started this great war! 1280,president abraham lincoln reportedly said to stowe when he met her in so you re the little woman who wrote the book that started this great war ! ,it is said that he told her so you re the little woman who wrote the book that started this great war ! ,president abraham lincoln reportedly said to stowe when he met her in that she was the little woman who wrote the book that started this great war! 1281, the quote has been widely repeated although there s no contemporaneous report of lincoln saying it. ,the quote has been widely repeated although there is no definite proof that lincoln said it.,there is no contemporaneous report of lincoln saying it. 1282, the quote has been widely repeated although there s no contemporaneous report of lincoln saying it. ,the quote has become famous although there s no proof that lincoln actually said it.,there is no contemporaneous report of lincoln saying it. 1283,the quote has been widely repeated although there is no definite proof that lincoln said it.,the quote has become famous although there s no proof that lincoln actually said it.,there is no proof yet that lincoln said it. 1284, uncle tom s cabin will always have a place in american literary culture and history because of its impact on individuals said violet j. harris an education professor at the university of illinois urbana champaign.,violet j. harris is an education professor at the university of illinois urbana champaign., uncle tom s cabin will always have a place in american culture and history said violet j. harris an education professor at the university of illinois. 1285,then word came over the radio a massive glacier had crashed down the mountain s west shoulder burying nepalese sherpa guides under columns of ice the size of small houses.,then an announcement came over the radio a massive glacier had crashed down the mountain burying nepalese sherpa guides under sheets of ice the size of houses.,a huge glacier had crashed down the mountain s west shoulder. 1286,then word came over the radio a massive glacier had crashed down the mountain s west shoulder burying nepalese sherpa guides under columns of ice the size of small houses.,but then he heard the radio a massive glacier had crashed down the mountain.,a huge glacier had crashed down the mountain s west shoulder. 1287,then an announcement came over the radio a massive glacier had crashed down the mountain burying nepalese sherpa guides under sheets of ice the size of houses.,but then he heard the radio a massive glacier had crashed down the mountain.,the radio told them a huge glacier had crashed down the mountain. 1288,then word came over the radio a massive glacier had crashed down the mountain s west shoulder burying nepalese sherpa guides under columns of ice the size of small houses.,but then he heard an announcement on the radio a huge glacier of ice had just come crashing down the mountain causing an avalanche.,a huge glacier had crashed down the mountain s west shoulder. 1289,then an announcement came over the radio a massive glacier had crashed down the mountain burying nepalese sherpa guides under sheets of ice the size of houses.,but then he heard an announcement on the radio a huge glacier of ice had just come crashing down the mountain causing an avalanche.,the radio told them a huge glacier had crashed down the mountain. 1290,but then he heard the radio a massive glacier had crashed down the mountain.,but then he heard an announcement on the radio a huge glacier of ice had just come crashing down the mountain causing an avalanche.,but then he heard the radio a huge glacier had crashed down the mountain. 1291,then word came over the radio a massive glacier had crashed down the mountain s west shoulder burying nepalese sherpa guides under columns of ice the size of small houses.,a huge glacier of ice had just crashed down the mountain.,a huge glacier had crashed down the mountain s west shoulder. 1292,then an announcement came over the radio a massive glacier had crashed down the mountain burying nepalese sherpa guides under sheets of ice the size of houses.,a huge glacier of ice had just crashed down the mountain.,the radio told them a huge glacier had crashed down the mountain. 1293,but then he heard the radio a massive glacier had crashed down the mountain.,a huge glacier of ice had just crashed down the mountain.,but then he heard the radio a huge glacier had crashed down the mountain. 1294,the next morning galden descended from a helicopter and hiked a short distance to where a corpse lay half submerged in the snow and ice.,the next morning gladen descended the mountain in a helicopter hiked a short distance and came upon a body half buried in the snow.,the next morning galden left his helicopter and hiked a short distance to where a corpse lay half submerged in the snow and ice. 1295,the next morning galden descended from a helicopter and hiked a short distance to where a corpse lay half submerged in the snow and ice.,the next morning galden flew down the mountain in a helicopter.,the next morning galden left his helicopter and hiked a short distance to where a corpse lay half submerged in the snow and ice. 1296,the next morning gladen descended the mountain in a helicopter hiked a short distance and came upon a body half buried in the snow.,the next morning galden flew down the mountain in a helicopter.,the next morning gladen went up the mountain in a helicopter. 1297,the next morning galden descended from a helicopter and hiked a short distance to where a corpse lay half submerged in the snow and ice.,he hiked a short distance to where a dead body lay half buried in the snow.,the next morning galden left his helicopter and hiked a short distance to where a corpse lay half submerged in the snow and ice. 1298,the next morning gladen descended the mountain in a helicopter hiked a short distance and came upon a body half buried in the snow.,he hiked a short distance to where a dead body lay half buried in the snow.,the next morning gladen went up the mountain in a helicopter. 1299,the next morning galden descended from a helicopter and hiked a short distance to where a corpse lay half submerged in the snow and ice.,he hiked a short distance and found the bodies of avalanche victims buried in the snow.,the next morning galden left his helicopter and hiked a short distance to where a corpse lay half submerged in the snow and ice. 1300,the next morning gladen descended the mountain in a helicopter hiked a short distance and came upon a body half buried in the snow.,he hiked a short distance and found the bodies of avalanche victims buried in the snow.,the next morning gladen went up the mountain in a helicopter. 1301,he hiked a short distance to where a dead body lay half buried in the snow.,he hiked a short distance and found the bodies of avalanche victims buried in the snow.,he walked a short distance to where a dead body lay half buried in the snow. 1302,with a shovel and ax he helped recover the body his heart sinking when he recognized the sunburned face of a prominent sherpa union leader.,using a shovel and ax he helped recover the body.,with a shovel and ax he helped bring back the body his heart sinking when he recognized the sunburned face of a prominent sherpa union leader. 1303,with a shovel and ax he helped recover the body his heart sinking when he recognized the sunburned face of a prominent sherpa union leader.,using a shovel and ax he helped uncover the body.,with a shovel and ax he helped bring back the body his heart sinking when he recognized the sunburned face of a prominent sherpa union leader. 1304,with a shovel and ax he helped recover the body his heart sinking when he recognized the sunburned face of a prominent sherpa union leader.,his heart sank when he recognized the face of a friend laying before him.,with a shovel and ax he helped bring back the body his heart sinking when he recognized the sunburned face of a prominent sherpa union leader. 1305,when he recognized the sunburned face of a prominent sherpa leader his heart sank.,his heart sank when he recognized the face of a friend laying before him.,when he saw the sunburned face of a famous sherpa his heart sank. 1306,with a shovel and ax he helped recover the body his heart sinking when he recognized the sunburned face of a prominent sherpa union leader.,galden was heartbroken when he recognized the face of a friend.,with a shovel and ax he helped bring back the body his heart sinking when he recognized the sunburned face of a prominent sherpa union leader. 1307,when he recognized the sunburned face of a prominent sherpa leader his heart sank.,galden was heartbroken when he recognized the face of a friend.,when he saw the sunburned face of a famous sherpa his heart sank. 1308,his heart sank when he recognized the face of a friend laying before him.,galden was heartbroken when he recognized the face of a friend.,his heart sank when he saw the face of a friend laying before him. 1309,thirteen bodies were recovered and nine men were rescued but three sherpas including galden s close friend ash bahadur gurung remained unaccounted for.,in all bodies were recovered nine men were rescued and three sherpas remained missing.,thirteen bodies were recovered and nine men were rescued but three sherpas remained missing. 1310,nearly a year later as a new climbing season dawns on everest galden should be preparing for another ascent.,that was over a year ago and now as a new climbing season begins in everest galden should be preparing for another ascent.,nearly a year later and the dawn of everest s new climbing season is almost over. 1311,the april avalanche was the deadliest recorded on the world s highest peak.,galden witnessed the deadliest avalanche ever recorded on everest.,the april avalanche was the most serious in the world. 1312,the april avalanche was the deadliest recorded on the world s highest peak.,the avalanche in april was the deadliest ever recorded on mount everest.,the april avalanche was the most serious in the world. 1313,galden witnessed the deadliest avalanche ever recorded on everest.,the avalanche in april was the deadliest ever recorded on mount everest.,galden saw the worst avalanche ever. 1314,the april avalanche was the deadliest recorded on the world s highest peak.,the avalanche that galden saw was in april.,the april avalanche was the most serious in the world. 1315,galden witnessed the deadliest avalanche ever recorded on everest.,the avalanche that galden saw was in april.,galden saw the worst avalanche ever. 1316,the avalanche in april was the deadliest ever recorded on mount everest.,the avalanche that galden saw was in april.,the avalanche that occurred in april was the worst ever recorded on mount everest. 1317,the april avalanche was the deadliest recorded on the world s highest peak.,the disaster in april on the world s highest peak killed men.,the april avalanche was the most serious in the world. 1318,all who died were sherpas the catch all term for local mountain guides porters and camp staff a trade dominated by the ethnic sherpa people who populate the himalayan highlands.,all of the victims were sherpas the term for local mountain guides porters and camp staff.,all who died were sherpas the catch all term for local mountain guides porters and camp staff. 1319,all who died were sherpas the catch all term for local mountain guides porters and camp staff a trade dominated by the ethnic sherpa people who populate the himalayan highlands.,all victims who died in the disaster were sherpas the term for local men who are paid to help tourists climb the mountain.,all who died were sherpas the catch all term for local mountain guides porters and camp staff. 1320,all of the victims were sherpas the term for local mountain guides porters and camp staff.,all victims who died in the disaster were sherpas the term for local men who are paid to help tourists climb the mountain.,they are the term for local mountain guides porters and camp staff. 1321,all who died were sherpas the catch all term for local mountain guides porters and camp staff a trade dominated by the ethnic sherpa people who populate the himalayan highlands.,all of the people were sherpas the term for the local men who are paid to help tourists climb the mountain.,all who died were sherpas the catch all term for local mountain guides porters and camp staff. 1322,all of the victims were sherpas the term for local mountain guides porters and camp staff.,all of the people were sherpas the term for the local men who are paid to help tourists climb the mountain.,they are the term for local mountain guides porters and camp staff. 1323,all victims who died in the disaster were sherpas the term for local men who are paid to help tourists climb the mountain.,all of the people were sherpas the term for the local men who are paid to help tourists climb the mountain.,that is the term for local men who are paid to help tourists climb the mountain. 1324,all who died were sherpas the catch all term for local mountain guides porters and camp staff a trade dominated by the ethnic sherpa people who populate the himalayan highlands.,sherpa is the name for people who are paid to help tourists climb the mountain.,all who died were sherpas the catch all term for local mountain guides porters and camp staff. 1325,all victims who died in the disaster were sherpas the term for local men who are paid to help tourists climb the mountain.,sherpa is the name for people who are paid to help tourists climb the mountain.,that is the term for local men who are paid to help tourists climb the mountain. 1326,all of the people were sherpas the term for the local men who are paid to help tourists climb the mountain.,sherpa is the name for people who are paid to help tourists climb the mountain.,that is the term for the local men who are paid to help tourists climb the mountain. 1327,all who died were sherpas the catch all term for local mountain guides porters and camp staff a trade dominated by the ethnic sherpa people who populate the himalayan highlands.,the profession is dominated by the ethnic sherpa people who live in the himalayan highlands at the bottom of mount everest.,all who died were sherpas the catch all term for local mountain guides porters and camp staff. 1328,the trade is dominated by the ethnic sherpa people who populate the himalayan highlands.,the profession is dominated by the ethnic sherpa people who live in the himalayan highlands at the bottom of mount everest.,the trade for ivory is dominated by the ethnic sherpa people who live in the himalayan highlands. 1329,all who died were sherpas the catch all term for local mountain guides porters and camp staff a trade dominated by the ethnic sherpa people who populate the himalayan highlands.,most of the men in the profession are ethnic sherpa people who live in the himalayan highlands an area at the bottom of mount everest.,all who died were sherpas the catch all term for local mountain guides porters and camp staff. 1330,the trade is dominated by the ethnic sherpa people who populate the himalayan highlands.,most of the men in the profession are ethnic sherpa people who live in the himalayan highlands an area at the bottom of mount everest.,the trade for ivory is dominated by the ethnic sherpa people who live in the himalayan highlands. 1331,the profession is dominated by the ethnic sherpa people who live in the himalayan highlands at the bottom of mount everest.,most of the men in the profession are ethnic sherpa people who live in the himalayan highlands an area at the bottom of mount everest.,the sherpas live in the himalayan mountains at the bottom of mount everest. 1332,the trade is dominated by the ethnic sherpa people who populate the himalayan highlands.,most sherpas are from the himalayan highlands the area at the bottom of mount everest.,the trade for ivory is dominated by the ethnic sherpa people who live in the himalayan highlands. 1333,the profession is dominated by the ethnic sherpa people who live in the himalayan highlands at the bottom of mount everest.,most sherpas are from the himalayan highlands the area at the bottom of mount everest.,the sherpas live in the himalayan mountains at the bottom of mount everest. 1334,most of the men in the profession are ethnic sherpa people who live in the himalayan highlands an area at the bottom of mount everest.,most sherpas are from the himalayan highlands the area at the bottom of mount everest.,they live in the himalayan highlands an area at the bottom of mount everest. 1335,in a show of respect and mourning the sherpas refused to scale everest for the rest of the year.,following last year s avalanche the sherpas refused to scale everest for the rest of the season out of respect and mourning for the deceased.,they refused to climb everest for the rest of the year. 1336,but many others plan to ascend again when expeditions resume in april.,but many others plan to go back in the spring when expeditions resume.,but many others plan to climb the hill again. 1337,a sherpa can earn as much as for reaching the foot summit a princely sum in a country where the average annual salary is about.,a sherpa can earn up to for reaching the foot summit a great sum in a country where the average annual salary is about.,a sherpa can earn as much as for reaching the foot summit which is a princely sum in a country where the average annual salary is about. 1338,a sherpa can earn as much as for reaching the foot summit a princely sum in a country where the average annual salary is about.,a sherpa can earn up to for reaching the top of mount everest which is a lot of money in a country where most people make about a year.,a sherpa can earn as much as for reaching the foot summit which is a princely sum in a country where the average annual salary is about. 1339,a sherpa can earn up to for reaching the foot summit a great sum in a country where the average annual salary is about.,a sherpa can earn up to for reaching the top of mount everest which is a lot of money in a country where most people make about a year.,that s a great deal in a country where the average annual salary is about. 1340,in the offseason many supplement their income by guiding tours of lower peaks and studying english the better to interact with wealthy western clients.,many sherpas supplement their income in the off season by guiding tours of the lower peaks and studying english.,in the offseason many guide tours of lower peaks and studying english. 1341,in the offseason many supplement their income by guiding tours of lower peaks and studying english the better to interact with wealthy western clients.,many sherpas earn extra income in the offseason by guiding tours of the lower peaks and studying english.,in the offseason many guide tours of lower peaks and studying english. 1342,many sherpas supplement their income in the off season by guiding tours of the lower peaks and studying english.,many sherpas earn extra income in the offseason by guiding tours of the lower peaks and studying english.,many sherpas guide tours of the lower peaks and study english. 1343,advanced gear and better weather forecasting have made everest the crown jewel in nepal s million tourism industry seem more attainable than ever.,with advanced gear and better weather forecasting systems everest is more attainable than ever.,advanced gear and better weather forecasting have made everest the crown jewel in nepal s million tourism industry seem more attainable than ever. 1344,advanced gear and better weather forecasting have made everest the crown jewel in nepal s million tourism industry seem more attainable than ever.,the mountain is the crown jewel in nepal s million tourism industry.,advanced gear and better weather forecasting have made everest the crown jewel in nepal s million tourism industry seem more attainable than ever. 1345,advanced gear and better weather forecasting have made everest the crown jewel in nepal s million tourism industry seem more attainable than ever.,the mountain is extremely important to nepal s tourism industry.,advanced gear and better weather forecasting have made everest the crown jewel in nepal s million tourism industry seem more attainable than ever. 1346,the mountain is the crown jewel in nepal s million tourism industry.,the mountain is extremely important to nepal s tourism industry.,the mountain is the jewel in nepal s tourism industry. 1347,according to the himalayan database people climbed everest in a fivefold increase from.,according to the himalayan database people reached the summit of everest in.,in people climbed everest the himalayan mountains rose by five times. 1348,according to the himalayan database people climbed everest in a fivefold increase from.,according to the himalayan database people reached the summit of everest in five times the number in.,in people climbed everest the himalayan mountains rose by five times. 1349,with clients willing to pay more than for the climb there is growing competition among tour companies to provide more comforts.,with customers willing to pay more than to reach the summit there is growing competition among tour companies to provide top notch comforts to wealthy clients.,with customers willing to pay more than for the climb there is growing competition among tour companies to provide more comfort. 1350,with clients willing to pay more than for the climb there is growing competition among tour companies to provide more comforts.,with customers willing to pay more than to reach the summit tour companies compete to provide their wealthy clients with luxury comforts.,with customers willing to pay more than for the climb there is growing competition among tour companies to provide more comfort. 1351,with customers willing to pay more than to reach the summit there is growing competition among tour companies to provide top notch comforts to wealthy clients.,with customers willing to pay more than to reach the summit tour companies compete to provide their wealthy clients with luxury comforts.,now there is growing competition among tour companies to provide top notch comforts to wealthy clients. 1352,with clients willing to pay more than for the climb there is growing competition among tour companies to provide more comforts.,customers pay up to to reach the summit.,with customers willing to pay more than for the climb there is growing competition among tour companies to provide more comfort. 1353,with customers willing to pay more than to reach the summit there is growing competition among tour companies to provide top notch comforts to wealthy clients.,customers pay up to to reach the summit.,now there is growing competition among tour companies to provide top notch comforts to wealthy clients. 1354,with customers willing to pay more than to reach the summit tour companies compete to provide their wealthy clients with luxury comforts.,customers pay up to to reach the summit.,tour companies compete to provide their wealthy clients with luxury comforts. 1355,high end expeditions now offer sushi espresso fully stocked bars and makeshift internet cafes as far up as feet all requiring more equipment and sherpas.,high end expeditions now offer sushi espresso fully stocked bars and internet cafes on the mountain.,high end expeditions now offer sushi espresso fully stocked bars and internet cafes as far up as feet. 1356,high end expeditions now offer sushi espresso fully stocked bars and internet cafes as far up as feet all requiring more equipment and more sherpas to carry it.,high end expeditions now offer sushi espresso fully stocked bars and internet cafes on the mountain.,high end expeditions now offer sushi espresso fully stocked bars and internet cafes as far up as feet. 1357,high end expeditions now offer sushi espresso fully stocked bars and internet cafes on the mountain.,some expeditions offer sushi espresso and internet cafes on the mountain.,high end expeditions now offer sushi espresso bars and internet cafes on the mountain. 1358,some expeditions offer sushi espresso and internet cafes on the mountain.,some of the tours give the climbers sushi european coffee and more.,some expeditions offer sushi espresso and internet cafes on the mountain. 1359,after the avalanche nepalese officials raised the minimum insurance policy that expedition companies are required to carry for sherpa guides to from.,in the wake of last year s avalanche nepalase officials increased the minimum insurance policies that companies must carry for their sherpa guides.,after the avalanche nepalese officials raised the minimum amount of money that expedition companies must carry for sherpa guides to from. 1360,authorities did pay each sherpa s family an additional death benefit but critics say that came in december eight months after the disaster and pales in comparison to the the government charges each foreign climber for an everest permit.,critics say that only came in december eight months after the disaster and pales in comparison to the the government charges each foreign climber for an everest permit.,however critics say that came in december eight months after the disaster and pales in comparison to the government charges each foreign climber for an everest permit. 1361,on the morning of april while foreign climbers slept at base camp the sherpas set off under a star bright sky.,the avalanche happened early in the morning on april.,on the morning of april the sherpas set off for base camp. 1362,on the morning of april as the foreign climbers slept at base camp the sherpas set off.,the avalanche happened early in the morning on april.,on the morning of april as the foreign climbers neared base camp the sherpas set off. 1363,on the morning of april while foreign climbers slept at base camp the sherpas set off under a star bright sky.,as the foreign climbers slept at base camp the sherpas set off to begin preparations for the day s journey.,on the morning of april the sherpas set off for base camp. 1364,on the morning of april as the foreign climbers slept at base camp the sherpas set off.,as the foreign climbers slept at base camp the sherpas set off to begin preparations for the day s journey.,on the morning of april as the foreign climbers neared base camp the sherpas set off. 1365,they slowly hauled supplies across the treacherous khumbu icefall a long maze of jagged glaciers and yawning crevasses that is traversed with shaky aluminum ladders.,they slowly hauled supplies up the peak through a long maze of jagged glaciers and yawning crevasses.,the treacherous khumbu icefall is a long maze of jagged glaciers and yawning crevasses. 1366,they slowly hauled supplies across the khumbu icefall a long maze of jagged glaciers and yawning crevasses that is traversed with shaky aluminum ladders.,they slowly hauled supplies up the peak through a long maze of jagged glaciers and yawning crevasses.,it is a long maze of jagged glaciers and yawning cracks that is traversed with shaky aluminum ladders. 1367,they slowly hauled supplies across the treacherous khumbu icefall a long maze of jagged glaciers and yawning crevasses that is traversed with shaky aluminum ladders.,the men were carrying supplies up the mountain through a long maze of tall glaciers and steep canyons.,the treacherous khumbu icefall is a long maze of jagged glaciers and yawning crevasses. 1368,they slowly hauled supplies across the khumbu icefall a long maze of jagged glaciers and yawning crevasses that is traversed with shaky aluminum ladders.,the men were carrying supplies up the mountain through a long maze of tall glaciers and steep canyons.,it is a long maze of jagged glaciers and yawning cracks that is traversed with shaky aluminum ladders. 1369,they slowly hauled supplies up the peak through a long maze of jagged glaciers and yawning crevasses.,the men were carrying supplies up the mountain through a long maze of tall glaciers and steep canyons.,they slowly hauled supplies up the mountain through a long maze of jagged glaciers and yawning cracks. 1370,the men were carrying supplies up the mountain through a long maze of tall glaciers and steep canyons.,the guides were carrying supplies up the mountain.,they had to climb through a long maze of tall glaciers and steep canyons. 1371,as a team labored for more than half an hour to repair a broken ladder a traffic jam developed recalled dawa tashi.,the team stalled for more than half an hour laboring to repair a broken ladder.,the team worked for more than half an hour to fix a broken ladder. 1372,as a team labored for more than half an hour to repair a broken ladder a traffic jam developed recalled dawa tashi.,the team stopped for more than half an hour working to repair a broken ladder.,the team worked for more than half an hour to fix a broken ladder. 1373,as a team labored for more than half an hour to repair a broken ladder a traffic jam developed recalled dawa tashi.,the sherpa team stopped along the pathway to fix a broken ladder.,the team worked for more than half an hour to fix a broken ladder. 1374,the team stopped for more than half an hour working to repair a broken ladder.,the sherpa team stopped along the pathway to fix a broken ladder.,they worked for more than half an hour on fixing a broken ladder. 1375,as a team labored for more than half an hour to repair a broken ladder a traffic jam developed recalled dawa tashi.,as they worked a traffic jam developed recalled dawa tashi.,the team worked for more than half an hour to fix a broken ladder. 1376,as a team labored for more than half an hour to repair a broken ladder a traffic jam developed recalled dawa tashi.,as they worked a traffic jam developed recalled dawa tashi a year old sherpa.,the team worked for more than half an hour to fix a broken ladder. 1377,in the split second before the snow hurtled into him he turned to one side trying to protect his spine from impact.,in a split second the ice came down and tashi remembers the snow hurtling toward him.,he turned to one side trying to protect his spine from impact. 1378,eventually rescuers found him digging him out with a shovel.,eventually rescuers found his body and dug him out of the snow using a shovel.,after a while rescuers found him digging him out with a shovel. 1379,eventually rescuers found his battered body and dug him out of the snow with a shovel.,eventually rescuers found his body and dug him out of the snow using a shovel.,they dug him out of the snow with a shovel. 1380,his left shoulder four ribs and nose were broken and shards of ice had lodged in his face.,his left shoulder four ribs and nose were broken and sharp pieces of ice had stuck in his face.,his left shoulder four ribs and nose were broken and shards of ice had lodged in his face. 1381,his wife who gave birth to their first child two months after the avalanche has urged him not to climb again.,his wife who delivered the couple s first child two months after the disaster has urged him not to.,his wife gave birth to their first child two months after the avalanche. 1382,but as the son of a climber and the oldest of three brothers he can not shake a sense of duty.,but tashi is the son of a climber and the oldest of three brothers.,he is the son of a climber and the oldest of three brothers. 1383,but as the son of a climber and the oldest of three brothers he can not shake a sense of duty.,still tashi is the son of a climber and the oldest of three brothers.,he is the son of a climber and the oldest of three brothers. 1384,but tashi is the son of a climber and the oldest of three brothers.,still tashi is the son of a climber and the oldest of three brothers.,he is the oldest of three brothers. 1385,colombia exports different agricultural products to the united states said colombian minister of agriculture aurelio iragorri.,according to colombian minister of agriculture aurelio iragorri his country already exports different agricultural products to the united states.,colombia sends different agricultural products to the united states said aurelio iragorri. 1386,colombia exports different agricultural products to the united states said colombian minister of agriculture aurelio iragorri.,according to colombian minister of agriculture aurelio iragorri his country exports agricultural products to the united states.,colombia sends different agricultural products to the united states said aurelio iragorri. 1387, and they just had the super bowl he added before explaining the culinary significance of the sporting event it s the day that they consume the most avocados because americans eat a lot of chips and they like to put guacamole on them. , it s the day that they consume the most avocados because americans eat a lot of chips and they like to put guacamole on them he said., americans eat a lot of chips and they like to put guacamole on them he said. 1388,u.s. demand for avocados has increased percent in the past years as consumers have been won over by the green pod s health benefits and versatility in the kitchen.,u.s. demand for avocados has soared percent in the past years.,u.s. demand for avocados has increased percent in the past years. 1389,u.s. demand for avocados has increased percent in the past years as consumers have been won over by the green pod s health benefits and versatility in the kitchen.,u.s. demand for avocados has jumped percent in the past years.,u.s. demand for avocados has increased percent in the past years. 1390,mexico supplied. billion pounds of avocados to the united states in.,in it sold. billion pounds of avocados to the u.s. california was the next largest selling million pounds.,it shipped. billion pounds of avocados to the united states in. 1391,mexico supplied. billion pounds of avocados to the united states in followed by california with million pounds.,in it sold. billion pounds of avocados to the u.s. california was the next largest selling million pounds.,it was followed by california with million pounds. 1392,mexico supplied. billion pounds of avocados to the united states in.,in it sold. billion pounds of avocados here.,it shipped. billion pounds of avocados to the united states in. 1393,mexico supplied. billion pounds of avocados to the united states in followed by california with million pounds.,in it sold. billion pounds of avocados here.,it was followed by california with million pounds. 1394,in it sold. billion pounds of avocados to the u.s. california was the next largest selling million pounds.,in it sold. billion pounds of avocados here.,it sold. billion pounds of avocados to the u.s. in. 1395, our geography and proximity would give us an advantage over chile and peru said andr s eduardo mej a the executive director of corpohass the association of colombia s avocado producers and exporters.,andr s eduardo mej a is the executive director of corpohass the association of colombia s avocado producers and exporters.,he is with the association of colombia s avocado producers and exporters. 1396,florida is the second largest avocado producing state behind california.,florida is the second largest avocado state in the nation.,florida is the second largest growing state in the country behind california. 1397,the state is the second largest producer behind california and is expected to harvest somewhere between million and. million bushels this year or about million pounds according to the state s avocado committee.,it is expected to harvest somewhere between million and. million bushels this year or about million pounds according to the state s avocado committee.,this year it is expected to harvest between million and. million bushels. 1398,florida is the second largest avocado producing state behind california and is expected to harvest somewhere between million and. million bushels this year or about million pounds according to the state s avocado committee.,it is expected to harvest somewhere between million and. million bushels this year or about million pounds according to the state s avocado committee.,it is expected to harvest between million and. million bushels this year or about million pounds. 1399,the state is the second largest producer behind california and is expected to harvest somewhere between million and. million bushels this year or about million pounds according to the state s avocado committee.,it is expected to harvest about million pounds of avocados this year.,this year it is expected to harvest between million and. million bushels. 1400,florida is the second largest avocado producing state behind california and is expected to harvest somewhere between million and. million bushels this year or about million pounds according to the state s avocado committee.,it is expected to harvest about million pounds of avocados this year.,it is expected to harvest between million and. million bushels this year or about million pounds. 1401,it is expected to harvest somewhere between million and. million bushels this year or about million pounds according to the state s avocado committee.,it is expected to harvest about million pounds of avocados this year.,this year it is expected to harvest between million and. million bushels. 1402,it is expected to harvest somewhere between million and. million bushels this year or about million pounds according to the state s avocado committee.,it is expected to grow about million pounds of avocados this year.,this year it is expected to harvest between million and. million bushels. 1403,florida specializes in green skins that are larger and have a lighter flavor than the hass variety which is grown in california and colombia and dominates the u.s. market.,unlike california and colombia however florida specializes in green avocados that are larger and have a lighter flavor than the dark skinned haas avocados that dominate the u.s. market.,florida specializes in green skins that are larger and have a lighter flavor than the hass variety which is grown in california and colombia. 1404,florida specializes in green skins that are larger and have a lighter flavor than the hass variety which is grown in california and colombia and dominates the u.s. market.,unlike california and colombia however florida specializes in green avocados a different variety from the dark skinned haas avocados that most americans are used to.,florida specializes in green skins that are larger and have a lighter flavor than the hass variety which is grown in california and colombia. 1405,unlike california and colombia however florida specializes in green avocados that are larger and have a lighter flavor than the dark skinned haas avocados that dominate the u.s. market.,unlike california and colombia however florida specializes in green avocados a different variety from the dark skinned haas avocados that most americans are used to.,they are also lighter than the dark skinned haas avocados that dominate the u.s. market. 1406,florida specializes in green skins that are larger and have a lighter flavor than the hass variety which is grown in california and colombia and dominates the u.s. market.,unlike california and colombia however florida specializes in green avocados.,florida specializes in green skins that are larger and have a lighter flavor than the hass variety which is grown in california and colombia. 1407, you do n t eat one kind of apple and people are realizing they like to eat more than one kind of avocado she said explaining that most grocery stores stock both varieties., people are realizing they like to eat more than one kind of avocado she said adding that most grocery stores stock both varieties., you do n t eat one kind of apple she said. 1408,colombia is getting an assist from the u.s. government which is providing training and expertise to help it clear the regulatory hurdles.,the u.s. government has indicated that it welcomes colombian avocado sales but the process to set up the new industry is slow.,colombia is getting help from the u.s. government. 1409,this week u.s. ambassador to colombia kevin whitaker led a delegation to an avocado processing plant on the outskirts of medellin colombia s second largest city.,this week u.s. ambassador to colombia kevin whitaker visited an avocado processing plant in colombia.,this week the u.s. ambassador to colombia visited an avocado processing plant. 1410,and the country is on track to produce tons this year said iragorri the agriculture minister.,colombian land dedicated to avocado production more than doubled from to and the country is on track to produce tons this year.,and the country is on track to produce tons of tons this year iragorri said. 1411,colombian land dedicated to avocado production more than doubled from to and the country is on track to produce tons this year.,the country is on track to produce tons this year iragorri said.,the country is on track to produce tons of food this year. 1412, but tons is n t enough he said looking forward to a u.s. opening., but tons is n t enough iragorri said looking forward to a u.s. opening.,but tons is n t enough he said looking forward to the u.s. opening. 1413, but tons is n t enough iragorri said looking forward to a u.s. opening., but tons is n t enough he said looking forward to a u.s. opening., but tons is n t enough iragorri said looking forward to the u.s. opening.