import cv2 import json import numpy as np from multiprocessing import Pool, Process, Queue import time import os def get_position(size, padding=0.25): x = [0.000213256, 0.0752622, 0.18113, 0.29077, 0.393397, 0.586856, 0.689483, 0.799124, 0.904991, 0.98004, 0.490127, 0.490127, 0.490127, 0.490127, 0.36688, 0.426036, 0.490127, 0.554217, 0.613373, 0.121737, 0.187122, 0.265825, 0.334606, 0.260918, 0.182743, 0.645647, 0.714428, 0.793132, 0.858516, 0.79751, 0.719335, 0.254149, 0.340985, 0.428858, 0.490127, 0.551395, 0.639268, 0.726104, 0.642159, 0.556721, 0.490127, 0.423532, 0.338094, 0.290379, 0.428096, 0.490127, 0.552157, 0.689874, 0.553364, 0.490127, 0.42689] y = [0.106454, 0.038915, 0.0187482, 0.0344891, 0.0773906, 0.0773906, 0.0344891, 0.0187482, 0.038915, 0.106454, 0.203352, 0.307009, 0.409805, 0.515625, 0.587326, 0.609345, 0.628106, 0.609345, 0.587326, 0.216423, 0.178758, 0.179852, 0.231733, 0.245099, 0.244077, 0.231733, 0.179852, 0.178758, 0.216423, 0.244077, 0.245099, 0.780233, 0.745405, 0.727388, 0.742578, 0.727388, 0.745405, 0.780233, 0.864805, 0.902192, 0.909281, 0.902192, 0.864805, 0.784792, 0.778746, 0.785343, 0.778746, 0.784792, 0.824182, 0.831803, 0.824182] x, y = np.array(x), np.array(y) x = (x + padding) / (2 * padding + 1) y = (y + padding) / (2 * padding + 1) x = x * size y = y * size return np.array(list(zip(x, y))) def cal_area(anno): return ( (anno[:, 0].max() - anno[:, 0].min()) * (anno[:, 1].max() - anno[:, 1].min()) ) def transformation_from_points(points1, points2): points1 = points1.astype(np.float64) points2 = points2.astype(np.float64) c1 = np.mean(points1, axis=0) c2 = np.mean(points2, axis=0) points1 -= c1 points2 -= c2 s1 = np.std(points1) s2 = np.std(points2) points1 /= s1 points2 /= s2 U, S, Vt = np.linalg.svd(points1.T * points2) R = (U * Vt).T return np.vstack([np.hstack(( (s2 / s1) * R, c2.T - (s2 / s1) * R * c1.T)), np.matrix([0., 0., 1.]) ]) def anno_img(img_dir, anno_dir, save_dir): files = list(os.listdir(img_dir)) files = [file for file in files if (file.find('.jpg') != -1)] shapes = [] for file in files: img = os.path.join(img_dir, file) anno = os.path.join(anno_dir, file).replace('.jpg', '.txt') I = cv2.imread(img) count = 0 with open(anno, 'r') as f: annos = [line.strip().split('\t') for line in f.readlines()] if len(annos) == 0: return for (i, anno) in enumerate(annos): x, y = [], [] for p in anno: _, __ = p[1:-1].split(',') _, __ = float(_), float(__) x.append(_) y.append(__) annos[i] = np.stack([x, y], 1) anno = sorted(annos, key=cal_area, reverse=True)[0] shape = [] shapes.append(anno[17:]) front256 = get_position(256) M_prev = None for (shape, file) in zip(shapes, files): img = os.path.join(img_dir, file) I = cv2.imread(img) M = transformation_from_points(np.matrix(shape), np.matrix(front256)) img = cv2.warpAffine(I, M[:2], (256, 256)) (x, y) = front256[-20:].mean(0).astype(np.int32) w = 160 // 2 img = img[y - w // 2:y + w // 2, x - w:x + w, ...] cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(save_dir, file), img) def run(files): tic = time.time() count = 0 print('n_files:{}'.format(len(files))) for (img_dir, anno_dir, save_dir) in files: anno_img(img_dir, anno_dir, save_dir) count += 1 if count % 1000 == 0: print('eta={}'.format( (time.time() - tic) / (count) * (len(files) - count) / 3600.0 )) if __name__ == '__main__': with open('grid.txt', 'r') as f: data = [line.strip() for line in f.readlines()] data = list(set([os.path.split(file)[0] for file in data])) annos = [name.replace('GRID/6k_video_imgs', 'GRID/landmarks') for name in data] targets = [name.replace('GRID/6k_video_imgs', 'GRID/lip') for name in data] for dst in targets: if (not os.path.exists(dst)): os.makedirs(dst) data = list(zip(data, annos, targets)) processes = [] n_p = 8 bs = len(data) // n_p for i in range(n_p): if i == n_p - 1: bs = len(data) p = Process(target=run, args=(data[:bs],)) data = data[bs:] p.start() processes.append(p) assert (len(data) == 0) for p in processes: p.join()