{ "cells": [ { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "id": "qqWy1eTlsXrD", "pycharm": { "name": "#%% md\n" } }, "source": [ "## 1. Download Squad Dataset, preprocess and save as CSV files" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 1, "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "executionInfo": { "elapsed": 929, "status": "ok", "timestamp": 1629528797542, "user": { "displayName": "Ramsri Goutham", "photoUrl": "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/AOh14Gg6-RtlVqaGTKKM6H88RM0th8AtQQX0An95Pvxb5Cg=s64", "userId": "00967418115712089730" }, "user_tz": -330 }, "id": "ynxRam7mtovU", "outputId": "c2fe04d8-bddb-405a-970b-6444675898d0", "pycharm": { "name": "#%%\n" } }, "outputs": [ { "name": "stderr", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "The syntax of the command is incorrect.\n", "The syntax of the command is incorrect.\n", "The syntax of the command is incorrect.\n", "The syntax of the command is incorrect.\n", "'ls' is not recognized as an internal or external command,\n", "operable program or batch file.\n" ] } ], "source": [ "!mkdir '/content/gdrive/My Drive/t5'\n", "!mkdir '/content/gdrive/My Drive/t5/dataset'\n", "!mkdir '/content/gdrive/My Drive/t5/model'\n", "!mkdir '/content/gdrive/My Drive/t5/tokenizer'\n", "!ls" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 217, "referenced_widgets": [ "332e0ebc0e1a4db3b37c789b75d79c91", "42c76b38f9f24d5aa7e9c8bc28d513a0", "1c192cbf95f24c7db9824124cfe31a22", "42fc83805170491d9c7ebfdebb112e7e", "97ac0fc42beb47ec80ef6722c9c4cfe7", "9a0b474a101b4120b98daacd90d696e3", "123e763954f54d88a77de8d88b23bf77", "4fd2523acc0c42299b619e7957bdf6c4", "6475aa60a9904e37ab6c27e12a9fa3b6", "3235929ccf0c407d84c7a3fa290dfdd4", "a918a8a9b8894a0cb007119c2b1b25f0", "9c8998a3889e4b9392316d6832d21bca", "771ed1ac17f243d38694da98f6ec7708", "bbeb6b57ab9040fba4b337b08eebcce2", "e79e02eb97184263a44ec4d29f89f5c7", "0e8c32e73e494d6aa445b02fee0e4eb9", "7f3d15840d9d484981c06e01ef687497", "c73881bce0a344ea83092812888b0cbc", "2a703899758f43b5af3d6461aa9922bb", "79a846ef64b2402895d5f4d8e798eba3", "b7c523630fa545c0a9f3dfef11710319", "a7def7e519774d7bbf927db4ea4205fc", "e87613f2e7064808af6165723566c408", "e7ec9c36fcd94b55a9937ca1512c9c08", "48490431228d49659bb8e40c299eaaf4", "e11522abfc4442d1b97380cf38ea5aa1", "3888bdf18d76404f953d67edf33eefc2", "fd0e8e748d3a40aab17263b1a4c664f9", "c69f1cc190884a74b486941d9d3404dd", "4c66c58800c040c8a5b90e2ec5d0a9c5", "4ee9f56d72384031847aac733483eda3", "d2e75af45a80408fb21770e6d5ae7ded", "2dee664f4be84bcf926cd271595bc037", "23275ca7ccd34ff9b3b728daf36963ef", "8267b96207724c4392d67ab379ebf6d4", "637f2df906604060a92406ff6c53068d", "594120dac187456ea84496b98530d265", "de6c98efe8274322996c2c14c6dae682", "63ae7e45ef6e4587bb28c4f63ba597b8", "0e821bbf100c43b6ad0d89f73fcd42c7", "467afcb6aca841258cefeea3b36004fe", "080192c2adc6410a8f06a305c87f36fc", "cf4927ec76c141f982366de90b53a36f", "7849ab09975c411f9446220e458873e0", "5ae29c8053784374a33f389fc3215b21", "4cfbef1128624fc486186f725090bc89", "eceddfde10c849ac8622b388c181a489", "c9da109955ad40369d646123105edbb8", "ad6e4c130df6467881d5c2f54ad2a300", "85e3f845258140bfb530609c0a79beb2", "358ab318990a4d059a0c95da3c2b4c03", "df952b19ecd041a0bae31d7b03682adb", "eca1039f1aab4c6f86f3beeaf57388cc", "3763e61165a648eb96af1e536274a46f", "4fd73f913d4d4f038415cb2de622d5d7", "2c673cecf74c4df3a365b5fd03a09591", "1a5b12dbbd4a4c649b4eaa509bbddcfc", "947e7fee921047ed9c0cee34b8414bd8", "8c4aa8d0f6c042aaaf7855d27f4f42c3", "b44d233743c14ccb82c22d96cd84fa30", "d03594c7f12f4954a5e1c4f5f0ddfa15", "a00ad64f19d242abb2e3d0d842eca4aa", "7a4b8bea724a4507a1a12a23acb6d0a9", "24580d6717fc4c8faf40399fc0403d89", "616299a2fe454000841cb5626bafde50", "4e70a7bbb37b415f8e2a68afd300647e" ] }, "executionInfo": { "elapsed": 14955, "status": "ok", "timestamp": 1629528830946, "user": { "displayName": "Ramsri Goutham", "photoUrl": "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/AOh14Gg6-RtlVqaGTKKM6H88RM0th8AtQQX0An95Pvxb5Cg=s64", "userId": "00967418115712089730" }, "user_tz": -330 }, "id": "mprXj8sXtRKz", "outputId": "78effb3f-0ea9-4203-8cb9-3ebe8f48895e", "pycharm": { "name": "#%%\n" } }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "from datasets import load_dataset\n", "train_dataset = load_dataset('squad', split='train')\n", "valid_dataset = load_dataset('squad', split='validation')" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "executionInfo": { "elapsed": 355, "status": "ok", "timestamp": 1629528866237, "user": { "displayName": "Ramsri Goutham", "photoUrl": "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/AOh14Gg6-RtlVqaGTKKM6H88RM0th8AtQQX0An95Pvxb5Cg=s64", "userId": "00967418115712089730" }, "user_tz": -330 }, "id": "DEs07a48xXVJ", "outputId": "3aa5a970-24bd-4758-b8ce-05411fa19d11", "pycharm": { "name": "#%%\n" } }, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "{'answers': {'answer_start': [177, 177, 177],\n", " 'text': ['Denver Broncos', 'Denver Broncos', 'Denver Broncos']},\n", " 'context': 'Super Bowl 50 was an American football game to determine the '\n", " 'champion of the National Football League (NFL) for the 2015 '\n", " 'season. The American Football Conference (AFC) champion Denver '\n", " 'Broncos defeated the National Football Conference (NFC) champion '\n", " 'Carolina Panthers 24–10 to earn their third Super Bowl title. The '\n", " \"game was played on February 7, 2016, at Levi's Stadium in the San \"\n", " 'Francisco Bay Area at Santa Clara, California. As this was the '\n", " '50th Super Bowl, the league emphasized the \"golden anniversary\" '\n", " 'with various gold-themed initiatives, as well as temporarily '\n", " 'suspending the tradition of naming each Super Bowl game with '\n", " 'Roman numerals (under which the game would have been known as '\n", " '\"Super Bowl L\"), so that the logo could prominently feature the '\n", " 'Arabic numerals 50.',\n", " 'id': '56be4db0acb8001400a502ec',\n", " 'question': 'Which NFL team represented the AFC at Super Bowl 50?',\n", " 'title': 'Super_Bowl_50'}\n" ] } ], "source": [ "from pprint import pprint \n", "sample_validation_dataset = next(iter(valid_dataset))\n", "pprint (sample_validation_dataset)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "executionInfo": { "elapsed": 353, "status": "ok", "timestamp": 1629528889219, "user": { "displayName": "Ramsri Goutham", "photoUrl": "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/AOh14Gg6-RtlVqaGTKKM6H88RM0th8AtQQX0An95Pvxb5Cg=s64", "userId": "00967418115712089730" }, "user_tz": -330 }, "id": "IETlXSGTDhNS", "outputId": "49d481f9-d2ff-4b4f-d8e7-f890901b20ae", "pycharm": { "name": "#%%\n" } }, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "context: Super Bowl 50 was an American football game to determine the champion of the National Football League (NFL) for the 2015 season. The American Football Conference (AFC) champion Denver Broncos defeated the National Football Conference (NFC) champion Carolina Panthers 24–10 to earn their third Super Bowl title. The game was played on February 7, 2016, at Levi's Stadium in the San Francisco Bay Area at Santa Clara, California. As this was the 50th Super Bowl, the league emphasized the \"golden anniversary\" with various gold-themed initiatives, as well as temporarily suspending the tradition of naming each Super Bowl game with Roman numerals (under which the game would have been known as \"Super Bowl L\"), so that the logo could prominently feature the Arabic numerals 50.\n", "question: Which NFL team represented the AFC at Super Bowl 50?\n", "answer: Denver Broncos\n" ] } ], "source": [ "context = sample_validation_dataset['context']\n", "question = sample_validation_dataset['question']\n", "answer = sample_validation_dataset['answers']['text'][0]\n", "\n", "print (\"context: \",context)\n", "print (\"question: \",question)\n", "print (\"answer: \",answer)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "executionInfo": { "elapsed": 494, "status": "ok", "timestamp": 1629528921485, "user": { "displayName": "Ramsri Goutham", "photoUrl": "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/AOh14Gg6-RtlVqaGTKKM6H88RM0th8AtQQX0An95Pvxb5Cg=s64", "userId": "00967418115712089730" }, "user_tz": -330 }, "id": "moi4o2hlxJvc", "outputId": "4b2ddce3-44ad-4a9c-be28-df0f56dc06bf", "pycharm": { "name": "#%%\n" } }, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Empty DataFrame\n", "Columns: [context, answer, question]\n", "Index: []\n", "Empty DataFrame\n", "Columns: [context, answer, question]\n", "Index: []\n" ] }, { "name": "stderr", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/ipykernel_launcher.py:2: FutureWarning: Passing a negative integer is deprecated in version 1.0 and will not be supported in future version. Instead, use None to not limit the column width.\n", " \n" ] } ], "source": [ "import pandas as pd\n", "pd.set_option(\"display.max_colwidth\", -1)\n", "from tqdm.notebook import tqdm\n", "df_train = pd.DataFrame( columns = ['context', 'answer','question'])\n", "df_validation = pd.DataFrame( columns = ['context', 'answer','question'])\n", "print (df_validation)\n", "print (df_train)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 83, "referenced_widgets": [ "016dfb6f3b834c94b470c8f75285c60d", "469194bc1f6445e5a313ad45705bd825", "4a635e4612f84b8cad73c57fb0f73ff0", "784486202ea04a2bb9558296ca47d365", "bf8af7c608ca45e385e3e16584683889", "fccd563b73f74c45b1d7033804f896df", "32d9fbdb3c4b4f71ae082e46ec560fbd", "b535f58d1c8344439f05c7053f4ca670", "df41467ea3d847d68147f92fb6835b76", "65d9685c07e34081b3fa76c08ad69d66", "0f21153426f4471682be6c6fe4ac532a" ] }, "executionInfo": { "elapsed": 377562, "status": "ok", "timestamp": 1629529303310, "user": { "displayName": "Ramsri Goutham", "photoUrl": "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/AOh14Gg6-RtlVqaGTKKM6H88RM0th8AtQQX0An95Pvxb5Cg=s64", "userId": "00967418115712089730" }, "user_tz": -330 }, "id": "0C2jtTVtxOXg", "outputId": "45f0c4c2-28db-4360-9901-bbc6d7f49cb8", "pycharm": { "name": "#%%\n" } }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": { "model_id": "016dfb6f3b834c94b470c8f75285c60d", "version_major": 2, "version_minor": 0 }, "text/plain": [ " 0%| | 0/87599 [00:00= 7:\n", " count_long = count_long + 1\n", " continue\n", " else:\n", " df_train.loc[count_short]= [passage] + [answer] + [question] \n", " count_short = count_short + 1 \n", "\n", "print (\"count_long train dataset: \",count_long)\n", "print (\"count_short train dataset: \",count_short)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 83, "referenced_widgets": [ "4da46734ee4949a9aeba277557d12357", "15877910160f467c98d46edd2dfeb2e5", "d128cb178f9d4b28a3f5c556afce123e", "89088681700141dca54a8dd09101daae", "10cdf4023181441186149c9a51cbc347", "6045d66958344f7cb1a9751e96c4c930", "b2c489920eb2479f8174041c508b9edb", "bcd311296e764f3981289d7fa29f92fd", "f0aa087107d744a1b843cc04167bb256", "4e2c7c7fc2e441eea0e9026112eff299", "6dbbcc6c34ff49958726967d94aa9ae6" ] }, "executionInfo": { "elapsed": 26489, "status": "ok", "timestamp": 1629529332375, "user": { "displayName": "Ramsri Goutham", "photoUrl": "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/AOh14Gg6-RtlVqaGTKKM6H88RM0th8AtQQX0An95Pvxb5Cg=s64", "userId": "00967418115712089730" }, "user_tz": -330 }, "id": "yhVpt7sAHrz_", "outputId": "b64afa5a-2baf-4d6d-fcbe-44158d941311", "pycharm": { "name": "#%%\n" } }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": { "model_id": "4da46734ee4949a9aeba277557d12357", "version_major": 2, "version_minor": 0 }, "text/plain": [ " 0%| | 0/10570 [00:00= 7:\n", " count_long = count_long + 1\n", " continue\n", " else:\n", " df_validation.loc[count_short]= [passage] + [answer] + [question] \n", " count_short = count_short + 1 \n", "\n", "print (\"count_long validation dataset: \",count_long)\n", "print (\"count_short validation dataset: \",count_short)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "id": "FzNwQ0FvY3N2", "pycharm": { "name": "#%%\n" } }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "from sklearn.utils import shuffle\n", "df_train = shuffle(df_train)\n", "df_validation = shuffle(df_validation)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "executionInfo": { "elapsed": 610, "status": "ok", "timestamp": 1629530575002, "user": { "displayName": "Ramsri Goutham", "photoUrl": "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/AOh14Gg6-RtlVqaGTKKM6H88RM0th8AtQQX0An95Pvxb5Cg=s64", "userId": "00967418115712089730" }, "user_tz": -330 }, "id": "GCbqmlFqZ2TJ", "outputId": "86f28152-9c10-4fbb-92a4-eab188ced999", "pycharm": { "name": "#%%\n" } }, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "(78664, 3)\n", "(9652, 3)\n" ] } ], "source": [ "print (df_train.shape)\n", "print (df_validation.shape)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 637 }, "executionInfo": { "elapsed": 384, "status": "ok", "timestamp": 1629530577098, "user": { "displayName": "Ramsri Goutham", "photoUrl": "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/AOh14Gg6-RtlVqaGTKKM6H88RM0th8AtQQX0An95Pvxb5Cg=s64", "userId": "00967418115712089730" }, "user_tz": -330 }, "id": "kTi_R2uHZAHD", "outputId": "55ffe779-ebd3-455b-a9fe-979afcc5c908", "pycharm": { "name": "#%%\n" } }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/html": [ "
\n", "\n", "\n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", "
49833The assumption that black-body radiation is thermal leads to an accurate prediction: the total amount of emitted energy goes up with the temperature according to a definite rule, the Stefan–Boltzmann law (1879–84). But it was also known that the colour of the light given off by a hot object changes with the temperature, so that \"white hot\" is hotter than \"red hot\". Nevertheless, Wilhelm Wien discovered the mathematical relationship between the peaks of the curves at different temperatures, by using the principle of adiabatic invariance. At each different temperature, the curve is moved over by Wien's displacement law (1893). Wien also proposed an approximation for the spectrum of the object, which was correct at high frequencies (short wavelength) but not at low frequencies (long wavelength). It still was not clear why the spectrum of a hot object had the form that it has (see diagram).Stefan–Boltzmann lawWhat law describes the changes in light emitted by a hot object?
58589Adult insects typically move about by walking, flying, or sometimes swimming (see below, Locomotion). As it allows for rapid yet stable movement, many insects adopt a tripedal gait in which they walk with their legs touching the ground in alternating triangles. Insects are the only invertebrates to have evolved flight. Many insects spend at least part of their lives under water, with larval adaptations that include gills, and some adult insects are aquatic and have adaptations for swimming. Some species, such as water striders, are capable of walking on the surface of water. Insects are mostly solitary, but some, such as certain bees, ants and termites, are social and live in large, well-organized colonies. Some insects, such as earwigs, show maternal care, guarding their eggs and young. Insects can communicate with each other in a variety of ways. Male moths can sense the pheromones of female moths over great distances. Other species communicate with sounds: crickets stridulate, or rub their wings together, to attract a mate and repel other males. Lampyridae in the beetle order Coleoptera communicate with light.communicateWhat can insects do with each other in a variety of ways?
36962Northwestern has roughly 225,000 alumni in all branches of business, government, law, science, education, medicine, media, and the performing arts. Among Northwestern's more notable alumni are U.S. Senator and presidential candidate George McGovern, Nobel Prize–winning economist George J. Stigler, Nobel Prize–winning novelist Saul Bellow, Pulitzer Prize–winning composer and diarist Ned Rorem, the much-decorated composer Howard Hanson, Deputy Prime Minister of Turkey Ali Babacan, the historian and novelist Wilma Dykeman, and the founder of the presidential prayer breakfast Abraham Vereide. U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice John Paul Stevens, Supreme Court Justice and Ambassador to the United Nations Arthur Joseph Goldberg, and Governor of Illinois and Democratic presidential candidate Adlai Stevenson are among the graduates of the Northwestern School of Law. Many Northwestern alumni play or have played important roles in Chicago and Illinois, such as former Illinois governor and convicted felon Rod Blagojevich, Chicago Bulls and Chicago White Sox owner Jerry Reinsdorf, and theater director Mary Zimmerman. Northwestern alumnus David J. Skorton currently serves as president of Cornell University. Rahm Emanuel, the mayor of Chicago and former White House Chief of Staff, earned a Masters in Speech and Communication in 1985.Abraham VereideWhich of Northwestern's alumni is notable for being the founder of the presidential prayer breakfast?
21633Wood has long been used as an artistic medium. It has been used to make sculptures and carvings for millennia. Examples include the totem poles carved by North American indigenous people from conifer trunks, often Western Red Cedar (Thuja plicata), and the Millennium clock tower, now housed in the National Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh. It is also used in woodcut printmaking, and for engraving.National Museum of ScotlandWhat museum exhibits the Millennium clock tower?
28819Wisdom, or the capacity for insight and judgment that is developed through experience, increases between the ages of fourteen and twenty-five, then levels off. Thus, it is during the adolescence-adulthood transition that individuals acquire the type of wisdom that is associated with age. Wisdom is not the same as intelligence: adolescents do not improve substantially on IQ tests since their scores are relative to others in their same age group, and relative standing usually does not change—everyone matures at approximately the same rate in this way.twenty-fiveWisdom increases between age fourteen and what?
\n", "
" ], "text/plain": [ " context ... question\n", "49833 The assumption that black-body radiation is thermal leads to an accurate prediction: the total amount of emitted energy goes up with the temperature according to a definite rule, the Stefan–Boltzmann law (1879–84). But it was also known that the colour of the light given off by a hot object changes with the temperature, so that \"white hot\" is hotter than \"red hot\". Nevertheless, Wilhelm Wien discovered the mathematical relationship between the peaks of the curves at different temperatures, by using the principle of adiabatic invariance. At each different temperature, the curve is moved over by Wien's displacement law (1893). Wien also proposed an approximation for the spectrum of the object, which was correct at high frequencies (short wavelength) but not at low frequencies (long wavelength). It still was not clear why the spectrum of a hot object had the form that it has (see diagram). ... What law describes the changes in light emitted by a hot object? \n", "58589 Adult insects typically move about by walking, flying, or sometimes swimming (see below, Locomotion). As it allows for rapid yet stable movement, many insects adopt a tripedal gait in which they walk with their legs touching the ground in alternating triangles. Insects are the only invertebrates to have evolved flight. Many insects spend at least part of their lives under water, with larval adaptations that include gills, and some adult insects are aquatic and have adaptations for swimming. Some species, such as water striders, are capable of walking on the surface of water. Insects are mostly solitary, but some, such as certain bees, ants and termites, are social and live in large, well-organized colonies. Some insects, such as earwigs, show maternal care, guarding their eggs and young. Insects can communicate with each other in a variety of ways. Male moths can sense the pheromones of female moths over great distances. Other species communicate with sounds: crickets stridulate, or rub their wings together, to attract a mate and repel other males. Lampyridae in the beetle order Coleoptera communicate with light. ... What can insects do with each other in a variety of ways? \n", "36962 Northwestern has roughly 225,000 alumni in all branches of business, government, law, science, education, medicine, media, and the performing arts. Among Northwestern's more notable alumni are U.S. Senator and presidential candidate George McGovern, Nobel Prize–winning economist George J. Stigler, Nobel Prize–winning novelist Saul Bellow, Pulitzer Prize–winning composer and diarist Ned Rorem, the much-decorated composer Howard Hanson, Deputy Prime Minister of Turkey Ali Babacan, the historian and novelist Wilma Dykeman, and the founder of the presidential prayer breakfast Abraham Vereide. U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice John Paul Stevens, Supreme Court Justice and Ambassador to the United Nations Arthur Joseph Goldberg, and Governor of Illinois and Democratic presidential candidate Adlai Stevenson are among the graduates of the Northwestern School of Law. Many Northwestern alumni play or have played important roles in Chicago and Illinois, such as former Illinois governor and convicted felon Rod Blagojevich, Chicago Bulls and Chicago White Sox owner Jerry Reinsdorf, and theater director Mary Zimmerman. Northwestern alumnus David J. Skorton currently serves as president of Cornell University. Rahm Emanuel, the mayor of Chicago and former White House Chief of Staff, earned a Masters in Speech and Communication in 1985. ... Which of Northwestern's alumni is notable for being the founder of the presidential prayer breakfast?\n", "21633 Wood has long been used as an artistic medium. It has been used to make sculptures and carvings for millennia. Examples include the totem poles carved by North American indigenous people from conifer trunks, often Western Red Cedar (Thuja plicata), and the Millennium clock tower, now housed in the National Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh. It is also used in woodcut printmaking, and for engraving. ... What museum exhibits the Millennium clock tower? \n", "28819 Wisdom, or the capacity for insight and judgment that is developed through experience, increases between the ages of fourteen and twenty-five, then levels off. Thus, it is during the adolescence-adulthood transition that individuals acquire the type of wisdom that is associated with age. Wisdom is not the same as intelligence: adolescents do not improve substantially on IQ tests since their scores are relative to others in their same age group, and relative standing usually does not change—everyone matures at approximately the same rate in this way. ... Wisdom increases between age fourteen and what? \n", "\n", "[5 rows x 3 columns]" ] }, "execution_count": 13, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "df_train.head()\n" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 689 }, "executionInfo": { "elapsed": 371, "status": "ok", "timestamp": 1629530581527, "user": { "displayName": "Ramsri Goutham", "photoUrl": "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/AOh14Gg6-RtlVqaGTKKM6H88RM0th8AtQQX0An95Pvxb5Cg=s64", "userId": "00967418115712089730" }, "user_tz": -330 }, "id": "92GTXfmTZH2e", "outputId": "51ca0f1e-5f9f-4795-f747-a71bff042311", "pycharm": { "name": "#%%\n" } }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/html": [ "
\n", "\n", "\n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", "
2382Luther's 1541 hymn \"Christ unser Herr zum Jordan kam\" (\"To Jordan came the Christ our Lord\") reflects the structure and substance of his questions and answers concerning baptism in the Small Catechism. Luther adopted a preexisting Johann Walter tune associated with a hymnic setting of Psalm 67's prayer for grace; Wolf Heintz's four-part setting of the hymn was used to introduce the Lutheran Reformation in Halle in 1541. Preachers and composers of the 18th century, including J. S. Bach, used this rich hymn as a subject for their own work, although its objective baptismal theology was displaced by more subjective hymns under the influence of late-19th-century Lutheran pietism.HalleWhere was the baptismal hymn used to introduce the Reformation?
4302Almost all ctenophores are predators, taking prey ranging from microscopic larvae and rotifers to the adults of small crustaceans; the exceptions are juveniles of two species, which live as parasites on the salps on which adults of their species feed. In favorable circumstances, ctenophores can eat ten times their own weight in a day. Only 100–150 species have been validated, and possibly another 25 have not been fully described and named. The textbook examples are cydippids with egg-shaped bodies and a pair of retractable tentacles fringed with tentilla (\"little tentacles\") that are covered with colloblasts, sticky cells that capture prey. The phylum has a wide range of body forms, including the flattened, deep-sea platyctenids, in which the adults of most species lack combs, and the coastal beroids, which lack tentacles and prey on other ctenophores by using huge mouths armed with groups of large, stiffened cilia that act as teeth. These variations enable different species to build huge populations in the same area, because they specialize in different types of prey, which they capture by as wide a range of methods as spiders use.ten times their own weightHow much do ctenophore eat in a day?
6885In 2014, economists with the Standard & Poor's rating agency concluded that the widening disparity between the U.S.'s wealthiest citizens and the rest of the nation had slowed its recovery from the 2008-2009 recession and made it more prone to boom-and-bust cycles. To partially remedy the wealth gap and the resulting slow growth, S&P recommended increasing access to education. It estimated that if the average United States worker had completed just one more year of school, it would add an additional $105 billion in growth to the country's economy over five years.$105 billionIf the average U.S. worker were to complete an additional year of school, what amount of growth would be generated over 5 years?
6010This shift has already commenced in some countries; for instance, pharmacists in Australia receive remuneration from the Australian Government for conducting comprehensive Home Medicines Reviews. In Canada, pharmacists in certain provinces have limited prescribing rights (as in Alberta and British Columbia) or are remunerated by their provincial government for expanded services such as medications reviews (Medschecks in Ontario). In the United Kingdom, pharmacists who undertake additional training are obtaining prescribing rights and this is because of pharmacy education. They are also being paid for by the government for medicine use reviews. In Scotland the pharmacist can write prescriptions for Scottish registered patients of their regular medications, for the majority of drugs, except for controlled drugs, when the patient is unable to see their doctor, as could happen if they are away from home or the doctor is unavailable. In the United States, pharmaceutical care or clinical pharmacy has had an evolving influence on the practice of pharmacy. Moreover, the Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm. D.) degree is now required before entering practice and some pharmacists now complete one or two years of residency or fellowship training following graduation. In addition, consultant pharmacists, who traditionally operated primarily in nursing homes are now expanding into direct consultation with patients, under the banner of \"senior care pharmacy.\"Alberta and British ColumbiaWhich provinces in Canada limit the rights of pharmacists in prescribing?
444On June 4, 2014, the NFL announced that the practice of branding Super Bowl games with Roman numerals, a practice established at Super Bowl V, would be temporarily suspended, and that the game would be named using Arabic numerals as Super Bowl 50 as opposed to Super Bowl L. The use of Roman numerals will be reinstated for Super Bowl LI. Jaime Weston, the league's vice president of brand and creative, explained that a primary reason for the change was the difficulty of designing an aesthetically pleasing logo with the letter \"L\" using the standardized logo template introduced at Super Bowl XLV. The logo also deviates from the template by featuring large numerals, colored in gold, behind the Vince Lombardi Trophy, instead of underneath and in silver as in the standard logo.ArabicWhat type of numeral did the latest Super Bowl use to designate the game number?
\n", "
" ], "text/plain": [ " context ... question\n", "2382 Luther's 1541 hymn \"Christ unser Herr zum Jordan kam\" (\"To Jordan came the Christ our Lord\") reflects the structure and substance of his questions and answers concerning baptism in the Small Catechism. Luther adopted a preexisting Johann Walter tune associated with a hymnic setting of Psalm 67's prayer for grace; Wolf Heintz's four-part setting of the hymn was used to introduce the Lutheran Reformation in Halle in 1541. Preachers and composers of the 18th century, including J. S. Bach, used this rich hymn as a subject for their own work, although its objective baptismal theology was displaced by more subjective hymns under the influence of late-19th-century Lutheran pietism. ... Where was the baptismal hymn used to introduce the Reformation? \n", "4302 Almost all ctenophores are predators, taking prey ranging from microscopic larvae and rotifers to the adults of small crustaceans; the exceptions are juveniles of two species, which live as parasites on the salps on which adults of their species feed. In favorable circumstances, ctenophores can eat ten times their own weight in a day. Only 100–150 species have been validated, and possibly another 25 have not been fully described and named. The textbook examples are cydippids with egg-shaped bodies and a pair of retractable tentacles fringed with tentilla (\"little tentacles\") that are covered with colloblasts, sticky cells that capture prey. The phylum has a wide range of body forms, including the flattened, deep-sea platyctenids, in which the adults of most species lack combs, and the coastal beroids, which lack tentacles and prey on other ctenophores by using huge mouths armed with groups of large, stiffened cilia that act as teeth. These variations enable different species to build huge populations in the same area, because they specialize in different types of prey, which they capture by as wide a range of methods as spiders use. ... How much do ctenophore eat in a day? \n", "6885 In 2014, economists with the Standard & Poor's rating agency concluded that the widening disparity between the U.S.'s wealthiest citizens and the rest of the nation had slowed its recovery from the 2008-2009 recession and made it more prone to boom-and-bust cycles. To partially remedy the wealth gap and the resulting slow growth, S&P recommended increasing access to education. It estimated that if the average United States worker had completed just one more year of school, it would add an additional $105 billion in growth to the country's economy over five years. ... If the average U.S. worker were to complete an additional year of school, what amount of growth would be generated over 5 years?\n", "6010 This shift has already commenced in some countries; for instance, pharmacists in Australia receive remuneration from the Australian Government for conducting comprehensive Home Medicines Reviews. In Canada, pharmacists in certain provinces have limited prescribing rights (as in Alberta and British Columbia) or are remunerated by their provincial government for expanded services such as medications reviews (Medschecks in Ontario). In the United Kingdom, pharmacists who undertake additional training are obtaining prescribing rights and this is because of pharmacy education. They are also being paid for by the government for medicine use reviews. In Scotland the pharmacist can write prescriptions for Scottish registered patients of their regular medications, for the majority of drugs, except for controlled drugs, when the patient is unable to see their doctor, as could happen if they are away from home or the doctor is unavailable. In the United States, pharmaceutical care or clinical pharmacy has had an evolving influence on the practice of pharmacy. Moreover, the Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm. D.) degree is now required before entering practice and some pharmacists now complete one or two years of residency or fellowship training following graduation. In addition, consultant pharmacists, who traditionally operated primarily in nursing homes are now expanding into direct consultation with patients, under the banner of \"senior care pharmacy.\" ... Which provinces in Canada limit the rights of pharmacists in prescribing? \n", "444 On June 4, 2014, the NFL announced that the practice of branding Super Bowl games with Roman numerals, a practice established at Super Bowl V, would be temporarily suspended, and that the game would be named using Arabic numerals as Super Bowl 50 as opposed to Super Bowl L. The use of Roman numerals will be reinstated for Super Bowl LI. Jaime Weston, the league's vice president of brand and creative, explained that a primary reason for the change was the difficulty of designing an aesthetically pleasing logo with the letter \"L\" using the standardized logo template introduced at Super Bowl XLV. The logo also deviates from the template by featuring large numerals, colored in gold, behind the Vince Lombardi Trophy, instead of underneath and in silver as in the standard logo. ... What type of numeral did the latest Super Bowl use to designate the game number? \n", "\n", "[5 rows x 3 columns]" ] }, "execution_count": 14, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "\n", "df_validation.head()" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "id": "ipi2dxGiZbgH", "pycharm": { "name": "#%%\n" } }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "train_save_path = '/content/gdrive/My Drive/t5/dataset/squad_t5_train.csv'\n", "validation_save_path = '/content/gdrive/My Drive/t5/dataset/squad_t5_val.csv'\n", "df_train.to_csv(train_save_path, index = False)\n", "df_validation.to_csv(validation_save_path, index = False)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "id": "L4D0OZzQaB3I", "pycharm": { "name": "#%% md\n" } }, "source": [ "## 2. Train T5 transformer model" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 1, "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "executionInfo": { "elapsed": 28706, "status": "ok", "timestamp": 1653976024425, "user": { "displayName": "Ramsri Goutham", "userId": "00967418115712089730" }, "user_tz": -330 }, "id": "N7Jjfa-hwvm2", "outputId": "2eb54713-9446-42b2-9af0-cad4349e02e0", "pycharm": { "name": "#%%\n" } }, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Mounted at /content/gdrive\n" ] } ], "source": [ "# connect your personal google drive to store dataset and trained model\n", "from google.colab import drive\n", "drive.mount('/content/gdrive')" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "id": "WhRIV6wXSFbH", "pycharm": { "name": "#%%\n" } }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "%pip install --quiet transformers==4.1.1\n", "%pip install --quiet tokenizers==0.9.4 \n", "%pip install --quiet sentencepiece==0.1.94\n", "%pip install --quiet tqdm==4.56.0\n", "%pip install --quiet pytorch-lightning==1.2.10\n", "%pip install --quiet torchtext==0.10.0\n", "\n", "# !pip install --quiet transformers==4.1.1\n", "# !pip install --quiet pytorch-lightning==1.1.3\n", "# !pip install --quiet tokenizers==0.9.4 \n", "# !pip install --quiet sentencepiece==0.1.94\n", "# !pip install --quiet tqdm==4.56.0\n", "# !pip install --quiet torchtext==0.8.1" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 2, "metadata": { "id": "qL7fB9tIVXib", "pycharm": { "name": "#%%\n" } }, "outputs": [ { "ename": "", "evalue": "", "output_type": "error", "traceback": [ "\u001b[1;31mCanceled future for execute_request message before replies were done" ] }, { "ename": "", "evalue": "", "output_type": "error", "traceback": [ "\u001b[1;31mThe Kernel crashed while executing code in the the current cell or a previous cell. Please review the code in the cell(s) to identify a possible cause of the failure. Click here for more info. View Jupyter log for further details." ] } ], "source": [ "# restart runtime\n", "import os\n", "\n", "def restart_runtime():\n", " os.kill(os.getpid(), 9)\n", "\n", "restart_runtime()" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 1, "metadata": { "executionInfo": { "elapsed": 8, "status": "ok", "timestamp": 1653976461213, "user": { "displayName": "Ramsri Goutham", "userId": "00967418115712089730" }, "user_tz": -330 }, "id": "PajHk_rKaHgU", "pycharm": { "name": "#%%\n" } }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "train_file_path = 't5\\dataset\\squad_t5_train.csv'\n", "validation_file_path = 't5\\dataset\\squad_t5_val.csv'" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 7, "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "executionInfo": { "elapsed": 8, "status": "ok", "timestamp": 1653976463711, "user": { "displayName": "Ramsri Goutham", "userId": "00967418115712089730" }, "user_tz": -330 }, "id": "ojc3j-S6VS_t", "outputId": "234ca577-5f15-495c-d426-71c799e54697", "pycharm": { "name": "#%%\n" } }, "outputs": [ { "name": "stderr", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "'nvidia-smi' is not recognized as an internal or external command,\n", "operable program or batch file.\n" ] } ], "source": [ "# Check we have a GPU and check the memory size of the GUP\n", "!nvidia-smi" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 6, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "False\n" ] } ], "source": [ "import torch\n", "use_cuda = torch.cuda.is_available()\n", "print(use_cuda)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "id": "7Hpcn7EOWHII", "pycharm": { "name": "#%% md\n" } }, "source": [ "**Import packages**" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 3, "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "executionInfo": { "elapsed": 10956, "status": "ok", "timestamp": 1653976478102, "user": { "displayName": "Ramsri Goutham", "userId": "00967418115712089730" }, "user_tz": -330 }, "id": "f6neDi6_VxU7", "outputId": "51ca5c2f-39fb-496e-d82a-6f8de89c2295", "pycharm": { "name": "#%%\n" } }, "outputs": [ { "name": "stderr", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Global seed set to 42\n" ] }, { "data": { "text/plain": [ "42" ] }, "execution_count": 3, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "import argparse\n", "import glob\n", "import os\n", "import json\n", "import time\n", "import logging\n", "import random\n", "import re\n", "from itertools import chain\n", "from string import punctuation\n", "\n", "import pandas as pd\n", "import numpy as np\n", "import torch\n", "from torch.utils.data import Dataset, DataLoader\n", "import pytorch_lightning as pl\n", "from termcolor import colored\n", "import textwrap\n", "\n", "from transformers import (\n", " AdamW,\n", " T5ForConditionalGeneration,\n", " T5Tokenizer,\n", " get_linear_schedule_with_warmup\n", ")\n", "\n", "pl.seed_everything(42)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 4, "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 185, "referenced_widgets": [ "91af9bbe41d442e0b79763c99bb48c5b", "8a8ae31174934b72916275cbcf6a9bed", "f872d44bdc99413590f744a31c3d91a0", "a82b9538f19a4067a50b48c14faa7903", "06efa4b041364d64adb927781e9d08c7", "39dce1c1e63c488cb794e137678c969c", "49898d570c4147b6934816d3cf2e450e", "5ae9a1d717d84f60b6ef2fec998e1c15", "dd466eda18844180934bb7bbe2dbd5f5", "8604274d1ad74f7692306b3fd2f2fde0", "c7602eb485d942468c453e306a945d69", "8e1188d3110a4771bc090cae1088f5ba", "7dcd45a6ad4d4508b6933ac4c707170b", "b92d874b85f04b878cac27102e045cc2", "8a8037da037f415ba817dbdd4b0648cc", "a39d1d1da7ee4f0291d54a1264d299ef", "d87b835e05744c97950ece28707e01cf", "342b88be65224c9b95843e76e059bccf", "34970ad53ef34d86944c804983949976", "5e7de285be1b4812b8a0a5f9b2155e66", "45d974e4c16141e1ae39e9e1fed59f2e", "75042d00a76d45e58759b1c098cb9f05", "6c9fccb5e9bf4d0c804900c7419dd9c1", "7cd78471c2ed405cb86d74a46c86db3b", "16cd4b6483134b9f8b5649c76209f58e", "0a96ca737f84406bbb6573a066b3faa5", "460d930b3fbd4a4ab035d81d25a46e7e", "894a2cdc34684718bd4842f85b16a5ef", "a10dca6a181343e29b8127e694df3797", "297f1e4b351c4621b61ad8b1264708fe", "5cf9ec8aa46e4f209bf3770cc4a027ee", "2ca473f885464408b470d2866da0eb0c", "ba6910bade7141b5a52f3ad5a240abb5" ] }, "executionInfo": { "elapsed": 28570, "status": "ok", "timestamp": 1653976510852, "user": { "displayName": "Ramsri Goutham", "userId": "00967418115712089730" }, "user_tz": -330 }, "id": "JRWsJM06Hm9k", "outputId": "cbbfb210-ede4-4ea4-edc0-1a2a50d2e527", "pycharm": { "name": "#%%\n" } }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": { "model_id": "91af9bbe41d442e0b79763c99bb48c5b", "version_major": 2, "version_minor": 0 }, "text/plain": [ "Downloading: 0%| | 0.00/792k [00:00', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']\n" ] } ], "source": [ "\n", "# In sentencepiece when joining to get back a sentence replace _ by space.\n", "tokenized_output = t5_tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(sample_encoding['input_ids'].squeeze())\n", "print (tokenized_output)\n" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 8, "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "executionInfo": { "elapsed": 141, "status": "ok", "timestamp": 1653976510860, "user": { "displayName": "Ramsri Goutham", "userId": "00967418115712089730" }, "user_tz": -330 }, "id": "b3JkByq_cy5L", "outputId": "e3f2e322-7549-4763-ca35-b3551ca6ab17", "pycharm": { "name": "#%%\n" } }, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "My name is Ramsri Goutham\n" ] } ], "source": [ "decoded_output = t5_tokenizer.decode(sample_encoding['input_ids'].squeeze(), skip_special_tokens=True,clean_up_tokenization_spaces=True)\n", "print (decoded_output)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 9, "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "executionInfo": { "elapsed": 140, "status": "ok", "timestamp": 1653976510861, "user": { "displayName": "Ramsri Goutham", "userId": "00967418115712089730" }, "user_tz": -330 }, "id": "lb0BbV-PZfGP", "outputId": "ee01996b-3e57-42c0-dd04-79250949ef53", "pycharm": { "name": "#%%\n" } }, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "{'': 0, '': 1, '': 2, '▁': 3, 'X': 4, '.': 5, ',': 6, 's': 7, '▁the': 8, 'a': 9, ':': 10, '▁and': 11, '▁to': 12, '▁of': 13, '▁fill': 14, 'e': 15, '▁in': 16, 't': 17, '-': 18, '▁is': 19, '▁de': 20, '▁for': 21, '’': 22, 'i': 23, '▁that': 24, '▁you': 25, 'd': 26, '▁I': 27, '▁with': 28, 'n': 29, '▁on': 30, \"'\": 31, 'o': 32, '▁are': 33, '▁it': 34, 'en': 35, '▁be': 36, '▁The': 37, '▁as': 38, '▁your': 39, 'l': 40, '▁(': 41, '▁or': 42, '▁have': 43, '▁at': 44, '▁from': 45, '▁an': 46, '▁was': 47, '▁this': 48, 'er': 49, '▁la': 50, 'm': 51, 'r': 52, 'ing': 53, '▁can': 54, '!': 55, '▁will': 56, '▁by': 57, '?': 58, '▁not': 59, 're': 60, ')': 61, '▁we': 62, 'y': 63, '▁und': 64, '▁has': 65, '▁all': 66, '▁die': 67, '▁but': 68, '▁our': 69, '▁their': 70, '▁A': 71, '▁more': 72, '▁un': 73, '▁der': 74, 'c': 75, 'u': 76, 'in': 77, '▁so': 78, '▁they': 79, '▁one': 80, '▁about': 81, '▁my': 82, 'ul': 83, '▁which': 84, 'à': 85, '▁In': 86, '/': 87, 'he': 88, 'f': 89, '▁le': 90, '▁out': 91, '▁also': 92, '▁des': 93, '▁It': 94, '▁up': 95, '▁\"': 96, '▁time': 97, 'ă': 98, 'if': 99, '▁This': 100, '▁We': 101, 'p': 102, '▁do': 103, '–': 104, '▁“': 105, 'on': 106, 'h': 107, '▁si': 108, 'le': 109, '▁les': 110, '▁în': 111, '▁his': 112, '▁who': 113, '▁like': 114, 'b': 115, '▁when': 116, ';': 117, '▁been': 118, '▁other': 119, 'ly': 120, '\"': 121, 'g': 122, '▁cu': 123, '▁care': 124, '▁what': 125, '▁new': 126, 'or': 127, '▁some': 128, '▁get': 129, '▁were': 130, '▁just': 131, '▁there': 132, '▁would': 133, 'S': 134, '▁them': 135, '▁any': 136, ').': 137, 'al': 138, '▁into': 139, '▁me': 140, '▁had': 141, '▁se': 142, '▁make': 143, 'at': 144, '▁than': 145, '▁du': 146, '▁over': 147, '▁You': 148, '▁how': 149, '▁no': 150, '▁people': 151, 'an': 152, '”': 153, 'é': 154, 'it': 155, '▁If': 156, 'k': 157, '▁pe': 158, 'is': 159, '▁her': 160, '▁work': 161, 've': 162, '▁only': 163, '▁may': 164, '▁its': 165, '▁first': 166, '▁most': 167, '▁well': 168, '▁use': 169, '▁zu': 170, '▁pour': 171, 'z': 172, 'il': 173, '▁need': 174, '▁these': 175, '▁din': 176, '▁den': 177, '▁us': 178, 'able': 179, '▁S': 180, '▁mit': 181, '▁very': 182, '▁am': 183, '&': 184, '▁au': 185, '▁many': 186, '▁mai': 187, 'A': 188, 'th': 189, '▁through': 190, '▁pentru': 191, '▁two': 192, '▁von': 193, '▁way': 194, 'll': 195, 'I': 196, '▁ce': 197, '▁și': 198, '▁help': 199, '▁best': 200, '),': 201, 'un': 202, '▁years': 203, '▁2': 204, '▁C': 205, '▁nu': 206, '▁good': 207, 'v': 208, '▁1': 209, 'w': 210, '▁das': 211, '▁ca': 212, '▁where': 213, '▁know': 214, '▁year': 215, '▁He': 216, '▁see': 217, '▁für': 218, '▁auf': 219, '▁3': 220, 'de': 221, 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14676, 'dad': 14677, 'formation': 14678, '▁cushion': 14679, '▁Maß': 14680, '07.': 14681, '▁perioadă': 14682, '▁Wunsch': 14683, '▁joi': 14684, '▁$25': 14685, '▁uploaded': 14686, '▁hobby': 14687, '▁septembrie': 14688, '▁Dimension': 14689, '▁domeniu': 14690, '▁Tourism': 14691, '▁fais': 14692, 'aches': 14693, 'neck': 14694, '▁Chip': 14695, '▁Tisch': 14696, '▁Pai': 14697, '▁Butter': 14698, '▁altor': 14699, 'cultural': 14700, '▁bases': 14701, '▁Christopher': 14702, 'Kindle': 14703, '▁bathrooms': 14704, '▁civilian': 14705, '▁Architecture': 14706, 'heiten': 14707, 'otte': 14708, 'ри': 14709, 'wash': 14710, '▁evenimente': 14711, 'lade': 14712, '▁ermöglicht': 14713, 'Port': 14714, '▁Horn': 14715, '▁Housing': 14716, '▁Profit': 14717, '▁stressed': 14718, '▁70%': 14719, 'laying': 14720, '▁specialize': 14721, '▁Published': 14722, 'corp': 14723, '▁revision': 14724, '▁sail': 14725, 'courtesy': 14726, 'tax': 14727, '▁perfekt': 14728, '▁Risk': 14729, '▁chaleur': 14730, 'ych': 14731, '▁spine': 14732, 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22109, 'TK': 22110, '▁lectur': 22111, '▁reflex': 22112, '▁Harmon': 22113, '▁vrem': 22114, '▁Strange': 22115, '▁champagne': 22116, '▁oscil': 22117, 'sensitive': 22118, '▁Sheriff': 22119, 'PRES': 22120, '▁vow': 22121, '▁dioxide': 22122, 'ен': 22123, '▁corpului': 22124, '▁prevăzut': 22125, 'India': 22126, 'hausse': 22127, '▁clienți': 22128, '▁entour': 22129, '▁Sharp': 22130, '▁teatru': 22131, '▁Grow': 22132, '▁caravan': 22133, '▁sieben': 22134, '▁cunosc': 22135, 'Bereichen': 22136, '▁Benutzer': 22137, '▁Ethiopia': 22138, '▁Physics': 22139, 'preserving': 22140, 'ал': 22141, '▁aerial': 22142, '▁nouvel': 22143, '▁stamped': 22144, '▁inaugural': 22145, '▁medicinal': 22146, 'Quite': 22147, 'accumulated': 22148, 'register': 22149, '▁Falcon': 22150, '▁boiling': 22151, '▁advertised': 22152, 'collect': 22153, 'albeit': 22154, '▁Organis': 22155, 'luate': 22156, '▁préféré': 22157, '▁frumoasa': 22158, '▁truc': 22159, '▁Fä': 22160, '▁dome': 22161, 'Mobile': 22162, '▁redeem': 22163, 'IONS': 22164, 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'▁lentil': 24026, '▁Sprech': 24027, '▁substitution': 24028, '.05.': 24029, 'FORM': 24030, 'cădere': 24031, '▁canyon': 24032, '▁capacitate': 24033, '▁menace': 24034, '▁Antique': 24035, '▁dizaine': 24036, '▁Saturn': 24037, '▁gastro': 24038, '▁Vand': 24039, '▁africa': 24040, '▁hackers': 24041, '▁Bailey': 24042, 'ouette': 24043, 'hoch': 24044, 'étudiant': 24045, '▁1600': 24046, 'utiliz': 24047, 'reinigung': 24048, '▁mileage': 24049, '▁consacré': 24050, '▁Norfolk': 24051, 'stacked': 24052, 'anbieter': 24053, '▁gewünschte': 24054, '▁silicon': 24055, 'Ensuite': 24056, '▁vendu': 24057, '▁viteza': 24058, '▁evaluare': 24059, '▁contient': 24060, '▁Viagra': 24061, '▁circumstance': 24062, 'walker': 24063, '▁Aluminium': 24064, 'ço': 24065, '▁Kli': 24066, '▁deliberately': 24067, '▁gamble': 24068, '▁nourri': 24069, '▁sealing': 24070, '▁Atmosphäre': 24071, '▁erschien': 24072, '▁brightness': 24073, 'autonomie': 24074, '▁propel': 24075, '▁Infrastructure': 24076, '▁război': 24077, '▁jelly': 24078, 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24293, '1:00': 24294, 'gasesc': 24295, '▁Defence': 24296, '▁dictionary': 24297, '▁Batterie': 24298, '▁gesunde': 24299, '146': 24300, '▁mortal': 24301, '▁Flughafen': 24302, 'hhh': 24303, '▁novice': 24304, '▁Develop': 24305, '▁accidental': 24306, 'Muzeul': 24307, '▁Jupiter': 24308, 'supposedly': 24309, 'energy': 24310, '▁montrer': 24311, 'recalled': 24312, 'Press': 24313, '▁postcard': 24314, 'target': 24315, '▁vêtements': 24316, '▁particle': 24317, 'professional': 24318, '▁1949': 24319, 'yah': 24320, '▁Spiegel': 24321, '▁Jeffrey': 24322, 'fahrzeug': 24323, '▁Plug': 24324, '▁violin': 24325, '▁condemn': 24326, '▁conducere': 24327, '▁Chevrolet': 24328, '▁conceput': 24329, '▁Merri': 24330, 'judging': 24331, 'embraced': 24332, '▁Compact': 24333, '▁château': 24334, 'etch': 24335, 'bedroom': 24336, 'People': 24337, '25,000': 24338, 'ocyte': 24339, '▁Lenovo': 24340, '▁Hampton': 24341, '5.2': 24342, '▁progres': 24343, 'hoc': 24344, '▁complementary': 24345, 'turned': 24346, 'mangel': 24347, 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24403, '▁Continental': 24404, '▁affiliation': 24405, '▁ursprünglich': 24406, '▁hardship': 24407, 'âme': 24408, '▁hallway': 24409, '▁afară': 24410, 'western': 24411, '▁Jacket': 24412, '▁culturelle': 24413, '▁glaci': 24414, 'metoda': 24415, '▁clerk': 24416, '▁ordinance': 24417, '▁Initial': 24418, 'waking': 24419, '▁Secondary': 24420, '▁Solomon': 24421, 'glomer': 24422, 'SYS': 24423, '▁Florin': 24424, 'ffentlich': 24425, '▁Printer': 24426, '▁dimineata': 24427, '▁stripes': 24428, 'plugged': 24429, 'öhl': 24430, 'infused': 24431, '▁Rubber': 24432, 'paved': 24433, '▁Devi': 24434, '▁subway': 24435, '▁gases': 24436, '▁reguli': 24437, '▁Rebel': 24438, '▁destructive': 24439, '▁oferind': 24440, '9001': 24441, 'CRA': 24442, 'why': 24443, 'sensul': 24444, 'guter': 24445, 'Empfehlung': 24446, '▁convertible': 24447, '▁predominantly': 24448, '▁Mentor': 24449, 'Practic': 24450, '▁echipă': 24451, 'onsite': 24452, '▁zunehmend': 24453, '▁Harbour': 24454, '▁pineapple': 24455, '▁gasoline': 24456, '▁Jaguar': 24457, 'kno': 24458, '▁heap': 24459, '▁fictional': 24460, 'fiinta': 24461, '▁Amber': 24462, '▁Exclusive': 24463, '▁Pharmaceutical': 24464, '▁unterscheide': 24465, '▁1942': 24466, '▁Ceiling': 24467, 'developed': 24468, '▁consacr': 24469, '▁Membr': 24470, 'erton': 24471, 'habitation': 24472, '▁longevity': 24473, '▁Starbucks': 24474, '▁poat': 24475, '▁commissioner': 24476, 'pedia': 24477, 'popped': 24478, 'versorgung': 24479, '▁Aktivitäten': 24480, '▁Betreuung': 24481, '▁afacere': 24482, '▁Mechanical': 24483, '▁Leiter': 24484, '▁scaling': 24485, '▁Slim': 24486, '▁temperaturi': 24487, 'ACH': 24488, '▁jährlich': 24489, '▁photographie': 24490, '▁préalable': 24491, '▁părinți': 24492, '▁Farmers': 24493, '▁Printable': 24494, 'Früh': 24495, 'approved': 24496, 'otro': 24497, '▁veneer': 24498, '▁Warriors': 24499, '▁Approach': 24500, 'Share': 24501, '▁buds': 24502, '▁Într': 24503, 'glichen': 24504, '▁anbieten': 24505, 'MET': 24506, 'amélioration': 24507, 'ländische': 24508, 'nsgesamt': 24509, 'einiger': 24510, '▁Förderung': 24511, 'destroying': 24512, '▁accreditation': 24513, 'reminiscent': 24514, '▁retriev': 24515, '▁Flü': 24516, '▁Monsieur': 24517, 'German': 24518, 'Orice': 24519, 'künftig': 24520, '▁vorbi': 24521, '▁intentionally': 24522, '▁îngrij': 24523, '▁laughed': 24524, '▁Fiction': 24525, '▁inteligent': 24526, '▁Translation': 24527, 'greete': 24528, '▁énergétique': 24529, 'uncovered': 24530, '▁évidemment': 24531, '▁Vietnamese': 24532, '▁Libya': 24533, '▁Trailer': 24534, '▁Wohl': 24535, '▁Congo': 24536, '▁freut': 24537, 'zauber': 24538, '▁Pân': 24539, '▁mentine': 24540, '▁welding': 24541, '▁Mircea': 24542, '▁optimism': 24543, 'VEL': 24544, 'oilea': 24545, '▁thereafter': 24546, '▁André': 24547, 'forschung': 24548, 'running': 24549, '▁hostile': 24550, 'Homme': 24551, '▁Satellite': 24552, '▁collagen': 24553, '▁concedi': 24554, '▁produziert': 24555, '▁virgin': 24556, 'frant': 24557, '▁teammates': 24558, '▁faceti': 24559, '▁Restoration': 24560, '▁detached': 24561, '▁Instructor': 24562, 'montag': 24563, '▁borrowing': 24564, '▁Retro': 24565, '▁behandelt': 24566, '▁Aussage': 24567, '▁snorkel': 24568, '▁Proceedings': 24569, '▁Judy': 24570, '▁Wendy': 24571, 'artă': 24572, '▁Vergangenheit': 24573, '▁Gegner': 24574, '▁ulcer': 24575, 'wirksam': 24576, '▁închis': 24577, '▁emission': 24578, 'ulescu': 24579, '▁bancar': 24580, 'compromising': 24581, '▁Priest': 24582, '▁Progress': 24583, '▁punish': 24584, '▁Afin': 24585, '▁Bog': 24586, 'lunii': 24587, '▁ressembl': 24588, '▁Creation': 24589, 'effet': 24590, 'Versicherung': 24591, 'médias': 24592, '▁Kritik': 24593, 'idia': 24594, '▁Wasch': 24595, 'UAL': 24596, 'Approximately': 24597, 'izari': 24598, '▁Dortmund': 24599, '▁contul': 24600, '▁Airways': 24601, 'sicherung': 24602, 'échelle': 24603, 'ADD': 24604, 'DIA': 24605, 'kabel': 24606, 'Media': 24607, 'ampli': 24608, '▁quarry': 24609, '▁acoper': 24610, 'halter': 24611, '▁solicitor': 24612, 'phosphat': 24613, '▁drown': 24614, 'congratulat': 24615, '▁uneven': 24616, '▁rupe': 24617, '▁heureux': 24618, 'caractéristiques': 24619, '60,000': 24620, 'ambigu': 24621, '224': 24622, 'dov': 24623, '▁Naturally': 24624, '▁Ernst': 24625, 'Camp': 24626, '▁Worldwide': 24627, '▁antrenament': 24628, '▁jocul': 24629, '▁broccoli': 24630, '▁fascinated': 24631, '▁Abbey': 24632, '▁aquarium': 24633, 'HAN': 24634, 'chaffung': 24635, '137': 24636, 'rumors': 24637, 'reliance': 24638, '▁vaccination': 24639, 'responsabilitate': 24640, '▁legislati': 24641, 'ATT': 24642, '206': 24643, '▁miere': 24644, '▁rezultatul': 24645, 'părea': 24646, 'zuführen': 24647, '▁Kompetenz': 24648, '▁nickname': 24649, 'pilot': 24650, '▁ninth': 24651, '▁Tyr': 24652, '▁misuse': 24653, '▁SUP': 24654, '▁Attack': 24655, 'Smart': 24656, '▁Philosoph': 24657, '▁Alege': 24658, '▁femeile': 24659, '▁Heating': 24660, '▁Cricket': 24661, '▁scholar': 24662, 'Model': 24663, '▁stimulating': 24664, '▁industrielle': 24665, '▁phenomena': 24666, '▁Nahrung': 24667, '▁Conditioner': 24668, 'führ': 24669, '▁révolution': 24670, 'plastic': 24671, '▁approximate': 24672, '▁dienen': 24673, '▁obsession': 24674, '▁rectangular': 24675, 'Allemagne': 24676, '▁Tanzania': 24677, 'border': 24678, '▁crashed': 24679, 'visor': 24680, '▁autorizat': 24681, '▁Champagne': 24682, 'längst': 24683, '▁realities': 24684, '▁Keyword': 24685, '▁GUI': 24686, '▁simplified': 24687, '▁Rack': 24688, '▁Zahlen': 24689, 'growth': 24690, '▁rehearsal': 24691, '▁Epic': 24692, '▁réussite': 24693, '▁politician': 24694, '▁emoți': 24695, '▁delegation': 24696, '▁со': 24697, 'oversized': 24698, '▁Motto': 24699, '1860': 24700, '▁defective': 24701, 'brewing': 24702, 'linguistic': 24703, '▁Hopkins': 24704, '▁(2012)': 24705, 'crease': 24706, '▁Versicherungs': 24707, '▁Noble': 24708, '▁Bekannt': 24709, '▁vorstellen': 24710, '▁suburban': 24711, 'DAC': 24712, '▁scatter': 24713, '▁Artificial': 24714, '▁reactor': 24715, '▁modelling': 24716, '▁Holder': 24717, 'athon': 24718, '147': 24719, '▁stagn': 24720, 'ARY': 24721, 'Space': 24722, '▁Gibson': 24723, '▁Investigator': 24724, '▁1914': 24725, '▁Muhammad': 24726, '▁shove': 24727, '▁erklären': 24728, '▁abdomen': 24729, '▁Mazda': 24730, '▁hemo': 24731, 'National': 24732, 'starken': 24733, '▁Cyprus': 24734, '▁tread': 24735, '▁sweetness': 24736, 'stunden': 24737, '▁couverture': 24738, '▁Successful': 24739, '▁oublier': 24740, '▁esential': 24741, 'estival': 24742, 'gnac': 24743, '▁Basement': 24744, 'presumably': 24745, '▁mourn': 24746, 'armée': 24747, '148': 24748, '▁residue': 24749, '▁metalic': 24750, '▁Zell': 24751, 'Build': 24752, '▁prevalence': 24753, '▁wrestling': 24754, '▁ascuns': 24755, 'Sacred': 24756, 'Tec': 24757, '▁Kindergarten': 24758, 'bindung': 24759, '▁ritm': 24760, '▁triste': 24761, '▁introdus': 24762, '/2016': 24763, '▁română': 24764, '▁bibli': 24765, '▁cigar': 24766, 'Rie': 24767, '▁intentional': 24768, '▁cuprins': 24769, 'remarkably': 24770, '▁printemps': 24771, '▁declining': 24772, 'Magazin': 24773, '▁săptămână': 24774, '▁vérifier': 24775, '▁Speise': 24776, '▁reteta': 24777, 'heed': 24778, '▁Compliance': 24779, '▁embroidery': 24780, 'cried': 24781, '▁(„': 24782, '▁heck': 24783, '▁sadness': 24784, '▁impulse': 24785, 'ATH': 24786, '▁lavender': 24787, 'uiesc': 24788, '▁Disorder': 24789, 'stroke': 24790, '▁piaţ': 24791, 'ournée': 24792, '▁Barnes': 24793, '▁scăzut': 24794, '▁équipements': 24795, 'OND': 24796, '▁Compet': 24797, '▁Bestell': 24798, '▁immédiatement': 24799, 'aparut': 24800, '▁rainfall': 24801, 'oreille': 24802, '▁ministère': 24803, 'iris': 24804, 'dyna': 24805, 'drücken': 24806, '▁détect': 24807, '▁fonctionnalité': 24808, '▁imbalance': 24809, '▁unpredictable': 24810, '▁literar': 24811, '▁Windsor': 24812, '▁Unlimited': 24813, 'colour': 24814, '▁Portfolio': 24815, '149': 24816, 'volution': 24817, '▁folgende': 24818, '▁arbitration': 24819, 'kicking': 24820, 'zügig': 24821, '▁1941': 24822, '▁Drake': 24823, '▁ausführlich': 24824, '▁chaussure': 24825, '▁intestinal': 24826, '▁pilgrim': 24827, '▁Bark': 24828, 'between': 24829, 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25265, '▁Procedure': 25266, '▁reduziert': 25267, '▁royalty': 25268, 'wyn': 25269, '▁Unfall': 25270, 'NAT': 25271, '▁grafic': 25272, '▁Collective': 25273, '▁Computing': 25274, '▁Established': 25275, '▁zest': 25276, 'venez': 25277, 'follow': 25278, '▁Motivation': 25279, '▁dictator': 25280, 'whichever': 25281, '▁întâmpl': 25282, 'Flüchtling': 25283, 'EMI': 25284, '404': 25285, 'ICK': 25286, 'emplacement': 25287, 'complete': 25288, 'advising': 25289, '▁Administrative': 25290, '▁deviation': 25291, '▁experienț': 25292, 'lethor': 25293, '▁compress': 25294, 'rival': 25295, 'reprendre': 25296, 'ugi': 25297, '▁Invitation': 25298, '▁retina': 25299, '▁farther': 25300, '▁fenêtre': 25301, '6-7': 25302, 'zhou': 25303, '▁Piano': 25304, '▁Congrats': 25305, '▁Configur': 25306, '▁superficial': 25307, '▁melting': 25308, '▁raspunde': 25309, '▁drip': 25310, 'östlich': 25311, '189': 25312, '▁Ludwig': 25313, '▁keto': 25314, '▁Bogdan': 25315, '▁contracted': 25316, '▁revive': 25317, '▁cristal': 25318, 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'▁langfristig': 25805, '▁northeast': 25806, '▁încercat': 25807, '▁nausea': 25808, '▁Paypal': 25809, '▁Arrow': 25810, '▁Travis': 25811, '(2009)': 25812, '▁Rising': 25813, 'termes': 25814, 'Australie': 25815, '▁scarf': 25816, 'klassischen': 25817, '▁boug': 25818, 'DOT': 25819, '▁Trink': 25820, '▁bestätigt': 25821, '▁officiel': 25822, 'Produkt': 25823, 'DNA': 25824, '▁*******': 25825, 'GAR': 25826, 'therapeut': 25827, '187': 25828, '▁Louisville': 25829, '▁geöffnet': 25830, 'Watch': 25831, '85%': 25832, '▁Candida': 25833, '▁Kathy': 25834, '▁Animation': 25835, 'planung': 25836, 'woche': 25837, 'Video': 25838, '▁Automation': 25839, '▁foliage': 25840, '▁evenimentului': 25841, 'SEN': 25842, '▁Dialog': 25843, '▁ZIP': 25844, '▁vieții': 25845, '▁passionné': 25846, '▁WOW': 25847, 'ectiv': 25848, '▁vorbesc': 25849, '▁computational': 25850, '▁idiot': 25851, '▁stigma': 25852, '▁multumesc': 25853, '▁sărbători': 25854, '▁Advantage': 25855, '▁alegeri': 25856, '▁philosopher': 25857, 'RIE': 25858, 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'▁cumulative': 25965, '▁Randy': 25966, '▁instituții': 25967, 'together': 25968, '▁Sap': 25969, '▁modificari': 25970, '▁erosion': 25971, '▁wicked': 25972, 'soaked': 25973, '▁cellar': 25974, 'ignoring': 25975, '▁scarce': 25976, 'ueuse': 25977, '▁bibliothèque': 25978, 'critères': 25979, '▁overlay': 25980, 'IPA': 25981, 'director': 25982, '▁Krishna': 25983, '▁methodologies': 25984, 'iocese': 25985, '▁saucepan': 25986, '184': 25987, '275': 25988, '▁précieu': 25989, '▁academy': 25990, '460': 25991, 'ERN': 25992, '▁emoti': 25993, '▁télévision': 25994, 'EDIT': 25995, '▁Valeri': 25996, '▁Charity': 25997, 'Voilà': 25998, '▁lipsit': 25999, '▁unleash': 26000, '▁suferit': 26001, '▁Lifestyle': 26002, '▁Edel': 26003, '▁Derek': 26004, '▁Manga': 26005, '▁increment': 26006, '▁plötzlich': 26007, '▁5:30': 26008, '▁Republicii': 26009, '▁capitalism': 26010, 'ROW': 26011, '▁Paar': 26012, 'allée': 26013, '▁motto': 26014, 'Schäden': 26015, '▁£10': 26016, 'RIP': 26017, 'courir': 26018, 'rocky': 26019, 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26127, '▁joyful': 26128, 'etapa': 26129, 'ESP': 26130, '▁Iohannis': 26131, '▁10:30': 26132, '▁Kingston': 26133, '▁contender': 26134, '▁Damage': 26135, '▁schreibt': 26136, 'sstisch': 26137, 'Associated': 26138, '▁disposable': 26139, 'veranstaltung': 26140, '▁puppet': 26141, 'pong': 26142, '▁Chronicle': 26143, '222': 26144, 'intuit': 26145, 'inscrire': 26146, '▁speeches': 26147, '▁Eingang': 26148, '▁Adidas': 26149, '▁cemetery': 26150, '▁juicy': 26151, '▁wertvolle': 26152, '▁militari': 26153, 'China': 26154, 'ecția': 26155, 'luster': 26156, 'auftrag': 26157, '▁Marius': 26158, '▁crossover': 26159, '▁enthusiast': 26160, '▁cantitate': 26161, '▁animat': 26162, 'Park': 26163, '▁unchanged': 26164, 'russia': 26165, 'instant': 26166, 'ţiunea': 26167, '▁franchi': 26168, '▁mobiliz': 26169, 'athlet': 26170, '▁Cardio': 26171, '▁supus': 26172, '▁Griff': 26173, 'flakes': 26174, 'soluble': 26175, 'Known': 26176, 'leaking': 26177, '▁Holocaust': 26178, 'gift': 26179, '▁tradiţi': 26180, '▁southeast': 26181, '▁correspondant': 26182, 'Isaiah': 26183, '▁diagonal': 26184, '▁Probabil': 26185, '▁dégust': 26186, '▁Naval': 26187, '▁cultivation': 26188, '▁Vertrieb': 26189, '▁pony': 26190, '▁Throw': 26191, 'little': 26192, '▁remarque': 26193, '▁parcare': 26194, '3.8': 26195, '▁renunt': 26196, '▁Rewards': 26197, '▁Thur': 26198, '▁underestimate': 26199, '▁frankly': 26200, 'Bretagne': 26201, 'axial': 26202, '▁identities': 26203, '▁Harvest': 26204, '▁skippe': 26205, '▁Boutique': 26206, '▁intuition': 26207, '▁Rotary': 26208, '▁SERVICE': 26209, '▁refill': 26210, '▁arcade': 26211, '▁komme': 26212, '▁irrelevant': 26213, '▁Sortiment': 26214, '▁scriitor': 26215, '▁clicked': 26216, '▁ciel': 26217, '▁Caesar': 26218, 'hound': 26219, 'whipped': 26220, 'licate': 26221, '▁formatting': 26222, '▁mosaic': 26223, '(2017)': 26224, '777': 26225, '▁Messenger': 26226, 'dulci': 26227, '▁(2016)': 26228, '▁popcorn': 26229, '▁Presidential': 26230, '▁brokerage': 26231, 'dachte': 26232, 'verkauf': 26233, '▁pomme': 26234, '▁fret': 26235, '▁revere': 26236, '▁Canvas': 26237, '▁Nottingham': 26238, '▁Refuge': 26239, '▁injustice': 26240, '▁External': 26241, 'dincolo': 26242, 'directing': 26243, '▁Toulouse': 26244, '▁cheltuieli': 26245, '▁distrus': 26246, 'impôt': 26247, 'landschaft': 26248, 'passion': 26249, '▁Hobby': 26250, 'significant': 26251, '▁Guinea': 26252, 'pecializing': 26253, 'pozitie': 26254, 'bourne': 26255, '▁mâini': 26256, '▁CFR': 26257, '▁Konflikt': 26258, '▁Vodafone': 26259, 'OUG': 26260, '▁Übersicht': 26261, 'negotiated': 26262, '▁gliss': 26263, '▁Kapital': 26264, 'QC': 26265, '▁gentleman': 26266, 'Inde': 26267, '▁immensely': 26268, 'Business': 26269, '▁04/2': 26270, 'societatea': 26271, 'fluoxetine': 26272, '▁Wachstum': 26273, '▁récit': 26274, '▁Preisvergleich': 26275, '▁Mohammed': 26276, 'gefangen': 26277, '▁calibration': 26278, 'bekam': 26279, '▁FUN': 26280, 'wasting': 26281, '▁prosper': 26282, '▁Afghan': 26283, '▁Heroes': 26284, '▁VMware': 26285, 'exception': 26286, '▁înlocui': 26287, 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'▁erzielt': 26341, 'LOS': 26342, '▁overload': 26343, '▁repay': 26344, 'urlaub': 26345, '7.0': 26346, '▁Wheat': 26347, '▁degrab': 26348, '▁Brock': 26349, '▁inhabit': 26350, '▁Speech': 26351, 'directional': 26352, '▁Mandel': 26353, '▁erscheinen': 26354, 'consciously': 26355, '▁sunet': 26356, '▁stole': 26357, '▁Utilis': 26358, '▁obstruction': 26359, '▁mindfulness': 26360, 'partnering': 26361, 'CSI': 26362, '204': 26363, '▁squirrel': 26364, '▁Rwanda': 26365, '▁hunters': 26366, '▁revitaliz': 26367, '▁avansat': 26368, '▁Yamaha': 26369, 'foto': 26370, '▁Vegan': 26371, '▁pitched': 26372, '▁Vortrag': 26373, 'traditional': 26374, 'offrent': 26375, '▁Expression': 26376, '▁apprécié': 26377, '▁Christina': 26378, 'eilig': 26379, '▁verhindern': 26380, 'culturii': 26381, 'Aşa': 26382, '▁enamel': 26383, '▁fördern': 26384, '▁acheté': 26385, '▁eventuell': 26386, '▁Sino': 26387, '▁totodat': 26388, 'accelerated': 26389, '▁strengthened': 26390, 'corro': 26391, '4,5': 26392, '▁Beverly': 26393, 'ulevard': 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27571, '▁stunt': 27572, '▁informare': 27573, '▁interzis': 27574, '▁Burke': 27575, 'certified': 27576, '▁clove': 27577, 'java': 27578, '▁Vielfalt': 27579, 'gebung': 27580, '▁9/11': 27581, '▁disruptive': 27582, 'visual': 27583, '▁anunţat': 27584, '▁Plätze': 27585, '▁reduceri': 27586, 'autorisation': 27587, '▁ligament': 27588, '▁învăța': 27589, 'läufig': 27590, '▁Copenhagen': 27591, '▁commodities': 27592, '▁eindeutig': 27593, '▁catheter': 27594, 'erklärung': 27595, '▁intelectual': 27596, '▁municipality': 27597, '▁1936': 27598, 'rruption': 27599, '▁Lafayette': 27600, '▁berühmte': 27601, '▁idylli': 27602, '▁caldura': 27603, '▁tablette': 27604, '▁liquidity': 27605, 'NGOs': 27606, '▁supliment': 27607, 'contact': 27608, 'lustig': 27609, '▁watercolor': 27610, '▁Tiffany': 27611, '▁Glauben': 27612, 'Immobilie': 27613, '▁stripped': 27614, '▁Beatles': 27615, 'ани': 27616, '▁lifespan': 27617, '▁profondeur': 27618, '▁durere': 27619, '▁Lithuania': 27620, '▁resurrection': 27621, '▁suitcase': 27622, 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27674, 'Retrouvez': 27675, '▁Dolphin': 27676, '▁Shelby': 27677, '▁Diagnostic': 27678, '▁reconcil': 27679, '▁Iaşi': 27680, '▁iubesc': 27681, '▁Bestseller': 27682, '▁antrenor': 27683, '▁Imaging': 27684, '▁priorité': 27685, '▁brewery': 27686, '▁residual': 27687, '▁intermittent': 27688, 'Kollekt': 27689, '▁Walsh': 27690, '▁marvelous': 27691, 'canceled': 27692, '174': 27693, 'normes': 27694, '▁Tempo': 27695, '▁Târgu': 27696, '877': 27697, '5-8': 27698, '960': 27699, '▁Scandinavia': 27700, '▁prolific': 27701, 'lasi': 27702, 'glück': 27703, '▁immersion': 27704, 'RSA': 27705, '▁Polk': 27706, '▁transmitter': 27707, '▁Kleidung': 27708, '▁Cosmo': 27709, '▁1935': 27710, 'höhere': 27711, '▁Tatsache': 27712, '▁Outlet': 27713, '▁canalisation': 27714, 'Mbps': 27715, '▁skeptical': 27716, 'mplification': 27717, '▁Advice': 27718, '▁détaillé': 27719, '660': 27720, '▁eyebrow': 27721, '▁HIGH': 27722, 'hnlich': 27723, '▁depăș': 27724, '▁procurori': 27725, '▁refrain': 27726, '▁geschaffen': 27727, 'justement': 27728, 'exposing': 27729, '243': 27730, 'sectorul': 27731, '▁courrier': 27732, '▁carcas': 27733, 'sitter': 27734, '▁Schreiben': 27735, '▁malfunction': 27736, 'poartă': 27737, 'raisons': 27738, '▁HOT': 27739, '▁refreshed': 27740, 'mânt': 27741, '▁coefficient': 27742, '▁instituţii': 27743, '▁sanguin': 27744, '▁ceci': 27745, '▁garçon': 27746, 'deluxe': 27747, '▁rectif': 27748, '920': 27749, 'Exista': 27750, '▁magnif': 27751, 'efficiencies': 27752, '▁Mitsubishi': 27753, '▁consortium': 27754, '▁baggage': 27755, '▁guild': 27756, '▁sixty': 27757, '▁Retreat': 27758, 'batting': 27759, '470': 27760, '▁Britanie': 27761, 'displaced': 27762, '▁spați': 27763, '▁exceptionnelle': 27764, '▁authorize': 27765, '▁prescribe': 27766, '▁dépannage': 27767, '▁sexuelle': 27768, 'valid': 27769, '▁hymn': 27770, '▁histories': 27771, '▁oriunde': 27772, 'Pop': 27773, '▁dispoziţi': 27774, 'ADI': 27775, 'Google': 27776, '▁Autism': 27777, '▁aggr': 27778, 'bleed': 27779, '▁displacement': 27780, '▁hobbies': 27781, 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28097, '▁spirituel': 28098, '▁Shuttle': 28099, '▁Aktien': 28100, 'hormon': 28101, 'connection': 28102, '▁vizitatori': 28103, 'érité': 28104, 'truck': 28105, '▁yourselves': 28106, '▁Logistics': 28107, 'coveted': 28108, '▁şedinţ': 28109, '▁messenger': 28110, '▁țar': 28111, '▁Grau': 28112, 'chirurgie': 28113, '▁Ressourcen': 28114, '▁Jésus': 28115, '▁acțiune': 28116, '▁Bundesliga': 28117, 'Lizenz': 28118, 'ELLE': 28119, 'vraie': 28120, 'ruined': 28121, '▁Marble': 28122, '▁Zambia': 28123, '▁Finnish': 28124, '▁trackback': 28125, 'héros': 28126, '▁réclam': 28127, 'locurile': 28128, 'tägliche': 28129, 'IFF': 28130, '▁contextual': 28131, '▁Elvis': 28132, '▁Batch': 28133, '▁appris': 28134, 'intensive': 28135, '▁întâmplat': 28136, '▁prelucr': 28137, 'flore': 28138, '▁Alkohol': 28139, 'Konzern': 28140, 'Delete': 28141, 'öck': 28142, '▁clientii': 28143, '▁innovate': 28144, '▁ASAP': 28145, 'crumbs': 28146, 'reusable': 28147, '▁Beaver': 28148, '▁rosii': 28149, 'Arr': 28150, '▁Zubehör': 28151, 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28515, '▁Ethereum': 28516, '▁Winnipeg': 28517, '▁misconception': 28518, '▁Verpackung': 28519, '▁erzeugt': 28520, '▁Identity': 28521, '▁dunkle': 28522, 'sustaining': 28523, '▁pereche': 28524, '▁neîn': 28525, 'directorul': 28526, '▁élabor': 28527, '▁Hollow': 28528, '▁getestet': 28529, '▁Promote': 28530, 'agriculture': 28531, '▁deosebir': 28532, '▁neam': 28533, 'aufbau': 28534, '▁susținut': 28535, 'fueled': 28536, '▁impresionant': 28537, 'innate': 28538, 'grenzt': 28539, 'rescued': 28540, 'bestand': 28541, '▁adjunct': 28542, '▁Mischung': 28543, '▁Lease': 28544, 'espagnol': 28545, '▁Kickstarter': 28546, '▁buzunar': 28547, '▁buddies': 28548, 'käufe': 28549, 'cevoir': 28550, '▁creşte': 28551, '▁Cluster': 28552, '▁obișnui': 28553, '▁cassette': 28554, '▁optisch': 28555, 'manned': 28556, 'schneid': 28557, 'Württemberg': 28558, 'shredded': 28559, '▁botanical': 28560, 'characterization': 28561, '▁Durchführung': 28562, '▁tireless': 28563, 'lässlich': 28564, '▁Merchant': 28565, 'joutez': 28566, 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'▁Ungaria': 28620, '▁Sfint': 28621, '▁Trojan': 28622, '▁1911': 28623, '▁reliabl': 28624, '6-0': 28625, 'obst': 28626, '▁relève': 28627, '▁standpoint': 28628, 'ridden': 28629, '▁Pdf': 28630, 'tatewide': 28631, 'Water': 28632, '▁Pricing': 28633, '▁protecţi': 28634, 'November': 28635, '▁televiziune': 28636, 'Sodium': 28637, 'douceur': 28638, '▁Flasche': 28639, '3.9': 28640, '▁electromagnetic': 28641, '▁mitochondria': 28642, 'Suddenly': 28643, '▁Drupal': 28644, '▁supraveghere': 28645, '▁cornea': 28646, 'räumt': 28647, '▁healed': 28648, 'Roc': 28649, '▁temporar': 28650, '▁amaze': 28651, '▁confrunta': 28652, 'Afterward': 28653, '▁festgelegt': 28654, '▁Kuchen': 28655, '▁perpetual': 28656, 'systematically': 28657, '▁coloan': 28658, '▁extensi': 28659, '▁Județean': 28660, '▁amelior': 28661, '▁illustrator': 28662, '▁titanium': 28663, 'SMEs': 28664, 'taxable': 28665, '▁Borough': 28666, 'verlust': 28667, 'ductive': 28668, '▁Küste': 28669, '▁végétal': 28670, '▁breastfeeding': 28671, '▁captivating': 28672, '▁Chevy': 28673, '▁aerospace': 28674, 'pozitia': 28675, 'Tutor': 28676, '▁spum': 28677, 'curând': 28678, 'iscus': 28679, 'October': 28680, '▁Reparatur': 28681, '▁Servicii': 28682, '▁Gonz': 28683, '▁cybersecurity': 28684, '▁UCLA': 28685, 'rissa': 28686, '▁Kemp': 28687, '▁piston': 28688, '▁révèle': 28689, '▁posséd': 28690, '▁versehen': 28691, '▁scrutin': 28692, 'donnant': 28693, '▁Geschwindigkeit': 28694, '▁Panasonic': 28695, 'audio': 28696, '▁Packaging': 28697, 'phra': 28698, '▁Letzte': 28699, 'insicht': 28700, '▁sammeln': 28701, '▁extins': 28702, '▁collège': 28703, 'ancies': 28704, '▁întâlnit': 28705, '▁Servi': 28706, 'stattet': 28707, '▁abstraction': 28708, '▁candidature': 28709, 'ONU': 28710, '▁raffle': 28711, '▁Soldier': 28712, '▁stipulate': 28713, '▁vizual': 28714, 'lucht': 28715, '▁circus': 28716, '▁decree': 28717, 'immeuble': 28718, 'Store': 28719, 'randul': 28720, '▁narration': 28721, 'implication': 28722, '▁discontinued': 28723, '▁Pilates': 28724, '▁biais': 28725, 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28778, '▁Jenkins': 28779, 'genauer': 28780, '▁acţiuni': 28781, '▁meciuri': 28782, '▁verstärkt': 28783, '▁troop': 28784, 'räder': 28785, 'Putting': 28786, 'NASDAQ': 28787, '▁Buddhism': 28788, '▁Religious': 28789, '▁accommodating': 28790, '▁lendemain': 28791, '▁plywood': 28792, '▁inflatable': 28793, '▁sèche': 28794, '▁fragil': 28795, '▁Filip': 28796, '▁Terrace': 28797, 'Biblio': 28798, 'resides': 28799, '▁varf': 28800, 'Bildern': 28801, 'loß': 28802, '555': 28803, '▁astounding': 28804, '▁brillant': 28805, '▁Railroad': 28806, 'minimizing': 28807, '▁Benedict': 28808, '▁$400': 28809, '▁schematic': 28810, 'Canada': 28811, '▁psihic': 28812, '▁avertiz': 28813, '▁Breed': 28814, '▁gradina': 28815, '▁Liege': 28816, '▁Retirement': 28817, '▁pergola': 28818, '▁Kuwait': 28819, '▁logistic': 28820, '▁captive': 28821, 'prepared': 28822, '▁prononc': 28823, 'Celui': 28824, 'deutschland': 28825, '▁devreme': 28826, '▁părți': 28827, '▁1934': 28828, '▁ersetzt': 28829, '▁frightening': 28830, '▁fiecărui': 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'▁discreet': 29864, '▁Flickr': 29865, '▁trésor': 29866, '▁steroids': 29867, '▁personnalité': 29868, '▁Krankenhaus': 29869, '▁affordability': 29870, 'deuten': 29871, 'Detailed': 29872, 'Walk': 29873, '▁parallèle': 29874, 'thèse': 29875, '▁gefördert': 29876, 'Greeting': 29877, 'gelistet': 29878, '▁chlorine': 29879, 'behält': 29880, 'emption': 29881, '▁mobilité': 29882, '▁randonnée': 29883, 'habitant': 29884, 'zilla': 29885, '▁Lili': 29886, '▁répét': 29887, 'trucât': 29888, '▁Hospice': 29889, '▁grassroots': 29890, '▁affiché': 29891, 'pears': 29892, '▁linistit': 29893, '▁Patron': 29894, '▁Stalin': 29895, '▁închiri': 29896, '▁Apostol': 29897, '▁poudre': 29898, '▁piscin': 29899, 'merlin': 29900, 'limited': 29901, '▁métallique': 29902, 'gazebo': 29903, 'weilige': 29904, 'prosecutors': 29905, 'Expert': 29906, 'Assemblée': 29907, '▁fauna': 29908, '▁Turtle': 29909, '▁Consortium': 29910, '▁assemblies': 29911, '▁trajectory': 29912, '▁Vineyard': 29913, '▁Mehrwert': 29914, '▁sunflower': 29915, 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30275, '▁annoyed': 30276, '▁aerobic': 30277, '▁integer': 30278, '▁Upload': 30279, '▁impartial': 30280, '▁discuţi': 30281, 'gastrointestinal': 30282, '▁chiropractor': 30283, '▁treptat': 30284, '▁fishermen': 30285, 'levitra': 30286, 'Gruppe': 30287, '▁Apostle': 30288, '▁conseillé': 30289, 'Isra': 30290, '▁Persönlichkeit': 30291, '▁cantitati': 30292, '▁incredibil': 30293, '▁Berater': 30294, '▁propuneri': 30295, 'MEDIA': 30296, '▁opaque': 30297, '▁Nielsen': 30298, '▁cartofi': 30299, '▁Whale': 30300, 'erzeugen': 30301, '▁knack': 30302, 'Kandidat': 30303, '▁tradițional': 30304, 'zählige': 30305, '▁Petroleum': 30306, '▁deficiencies': 30307, '▁persecution': 30308, '▁zgomot': 30309, '▁reiterate': 30310, '▁Slice': 30311, '▁envy': 30312, '▁stomac': 30313, 'Donnell': 30314, '▁primordial': 30315, 'reclining': 30316, 'PASS': 30317, '▁Resistance': 30318, '▁Widerruf': 30319, '▁vodka': 30320, '▁yolk': 30321, 'ollywood': 30322, '▁truffle': 30323, '▁Sänger': 30324, '▁Kenntnis': 30325, '▁Kiel': 30326, 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30533, 'cantitatea': 30534, '▁Stereo': 30535, 'object': 30536, '▁décè': 30537, '▁Handeln': 30538, '▁ambience': 30539, '▁Lindsay': 30540, '▁tensiune': 30541, '▁thrift': 30542, '▁Optimiz': 30543, '▁beantworten': 30544, '▁magistrat': 30545, 'évidence': 30546, '▁Eclipse': 30547, '▁Ribbon': 30548, '▁condensation': 30549, '▁innocence': 30550, '▁mascara': 30551, '▁seventeen': 30552, '▁compétent': 30553, 'bewertet': 30554, '▁Muzic': 30555, 'complexities': 30556, 'ddington': 30557, 'Entwickler': 30558, 'masonry': 30559, 'Führer': 30560, '▁awakening': 30561, '▁lovitur': 30562, 'gebrochen': 30563, 'indexed': 30564, 'campania': 30565, '▁Fountain': 30566, '▁Joomla': 30567, '▁Superintendent': 30568, '▁Dahl': 30569, '▁Benefici': 30570, 'optimiser': 30571, 'bursting': 30572, 'diplom': 30573, 'microsoft': 30574, '▁correlate': 30575, '▁arhitectura': 30576, '▁lunette': 30577, 'Statistical': 30578, '▁iarnă': 30579, '▁importanț': 30580, 'sistence': 30581, 'associated': 30582, 'Occident': 30583, 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30686, '▁Tattoo': 30687, 'sanitary': 30688, '▁biopsy': 30689, '▁imprumut': 30690, '▁unreasonable': 30691, 'Funktion': 30692, '▁prohibition': 30693, '▁Prezent': 30694, 'boosted': 30695, '▁chalet': 30696, '▁tanar': 30697, 'Faktoren': 30698, '▁Mozilla': 30699, '▁Lambert': 30700, '▁Cruci': 30701, '▁Flugzeug': 30702, 'reassure': 30703, 'envisioned': 30704, 'Traditionally': 30705, '▁parametri': 30706, '▁unicorn': 30707, '▁adéquat': 30708, '▁Colonial': 30709, '▁Kwa': 30710, '▁SERV': 30711, 'tourism': 30712, '▁Kiev': 30713, 'heightened': 30714, 'circulating': 30715, '▁Kreditkarte': 30716, 'gedruckt': 30717, '▁Depend': 30718, 'Style': 30719, '▁Rettungs': 30720, 'wrongful': 30721, '▁devour': 30722, '▁manevr': 30723, 'carora': 30724, 'erfolgreichen': 30725, 'überwiegend': 30726, '▁Sauvignon': 30727, 'händler': 30728, '▁annotation': 30729, '▁expans': 30730, '▁recital': 30731, 'inhabited': 30732, 'OnePlus': 30733, 'Gästen': 30734, 'beliebig': 30735, '▁Anonymous': 30736, '▁Ansprechpartner': 30737, 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30840, '1996)': 30841, 'Asociația': 30842, '▁Gluten': 30843, 'feature': 30844, 'Behavioral': 30845, 'tearing': 30846, '▁Entfernung': 30847, '▁Responsibility': 30848, '▁negligent': 30849, '▁syllabus': 30850, '▁Cycling': 30851, 'generell': 30852, 'customised': 30853, 'Management': 30854, '▁timid': 30855, 'Tagged': 30856, '▁susţinut': 30857, 'anchored': 30858, 'alternating': 30859, '▁obligatoriu': 30860, '▁reinstate': 30861, 'Können': 30862, '▁Paol': 30863, 'öhr': 30864, '▁Asociati': 30865, '▁commenc': 30866, 'reinigt': 30867, 'commended': 30868, '▁Proceed': 30869, 'beutel': 30870, '▁Experimental': 30871, '▁constellation': 30872, '▁gepflegt': 30873, '▁Ergänzung': 30874, 'Judith': 30875, '▁Quartet': 30876, 'complemented': 30877, 'ausbildung': 30878, '▁uncertainties': 30879, '▁humiliat': 30880, 'luta': 30881, '▁complexion': 30882, 'Serviciul': 30883, '▁Toast': 30884, 'ummies': 30885, '▁irit': 30886, 'producing': 30887, 'amenajare': 30888, '▁béton': 30889, '▁serpent': 30890, '▁vizită': 30891, '▁Beamte': 30892, '▁Füße': 30893, '▁Norwich': 30894, '▁acronym': 30895, '▁eradicate': 30896, '▁solidarité': 30897, '▁eggplant': 30898, '▁sailors': 30899, 'waschen': 30900, 'Editura': 30901, '▁erwerben': 30902, '▁unconventional': 30903, '▁boulder': 30904, 'Diplom': 30905, 'influx': 30906, '▁Twelve': 30907, '▁Sexual': 30908, 'numite': 30909, '▁kontaktieren': 30910, '▁strâns': 30911, '▁précisément': 30912, 'empfindlich': 30913, '▁divulg': 30914, '▁delicat': 30915, 'compete': 30916, '▁implique': 30917, 'implantation': 30918, 'frères': 30919, 'shedding': 30920, 'découvrez': 30921, 'rith': 30922, '▁réglementation': 30923, '▁transistor': 30924, 'inflated': 30925, '▁Bluff': 30926, '▁Aquarium': 30927, '▁mananc': 30928, '▁disinfect': 30929, 'tuft': 30930, 'Public': 30931, 'conceivabl': 30932, '▁Cadillac': 30933, 'Assassin': 30934, 'issuance': 30935, '▁Achtung': 30936, '▁grundlegend': 30937, '▁Băsescu': 30938, 'schaden': 30939, 'coached': 30940, '▁betreffend': 30941, 'ergebnis': 30942, '▁Lieutenant': 30943, 'WORLD': 30944, '▁Moroccan': 30945, '▁Butterfly': 30946, 'would': 30947, '▁Metropol': 30948, 'lexic': 30949, 'comunitatea': 30950, 'vapeur': 30951, '4.000': 30952, 'Pentru': 30953, 'üblichen': 30954, '▁Général': 30955, '▁Versailles': 30956, '▁engraving': 30957, '▁pédagogique': 30958, '▁Policies': 30959, 'descending': 30960, 'stärkt': 30961, '▁démocratie': 30962, '▁granddaughter': 30963, '▁buffalo': 30964, 'Datorita': 30965, 'hydroxy': 30966, '▁ganduri': 30967, '▁hijack': 30968, 'zahn': 30969, 'poziția': 30970, '▁Zähne': 30971, '▁grossesse': 30972, 'embassy': 30973, '▁cérémonie': 30974, 'Rhône': 30975, '▁Cabernet': 30976, '▁Namibia': 30977, '▁pedestal': 30978, '▁Fighting': 30979, '▁Threat': 30980, '▁ideological': 30981, '▁restitu': 30982, 'gelangt': 30983, 'Mitgliedern': 30984, 'acquérir': 30985, '▁inferioar': 30986, 'Thierry': 30987, '▁Entspannung': 30988, 'frequency': 30989, '▁Fluid': 30990, '▁betreut': 30991, 'Biological': 30992, '▁Constanţa': 30993, '▁beschäftigen': 30994, '▁undesirable': 30995, '▁protégé': 30996, '▁nautical': 30997, '▁sniff': 30998, 'Decizi': 30999, '▁căldur': 31000, '▁ideologi': 31001, 'Fraktion': 31002, 'collegiate': 31003, '▁sănătos': 31004, '▁Observatory': 31005, '▁saturation': 31006, 'organizate': 31007, 'mergem': 31008, 'Publish': 31009, '▁rattle': 31010, '▁întâlniri': 31011, 'emporte': 31012, '▁înscris': 31013, '▁Patterson': 31014, '▁ehrenamtlich': 31015, 'linux': 31016, 'conduire': 31017, '▁absolven': 31018, '▁einzigartig': 31019, '▁_____': 31020, '▁Beschäftigung': 31021, '▁erfasst': 31022, '▁Datum': 31023, 'raportul': 31024, 'ennemi': 31025, 'default': 31026, 'icillin': 31027, '▁diamant': 31028, 'amerika': 31029, '▁pescuit': 31030, '▁grappl': 31031, '▁Homeland': 31032, '▁tromb': 31033, '▁reduzieren': 31034, '▁Statut': 31035, 'booming': 31036, 'fenced': 31037, 'measure': 31038, 'témoin': 31039, '▁Inventory': 31040, '▁circonstance': 31041, '▁téléphonique': 31042, '▁împiedic': 31043, '▁Settlement': 31044, 'kannte': 31045, '▁substantive': 31046, 'miterea': 31047, '▁noştri': 31048, '▁plăcere': 31049, '▁eticheta': 31050, 'quickest': 31051, '▁pasageri': 31052, '▁Publi': 31053, '▁Suzanne': 31054, '▁bucătări': 31055, 'Regulatory': 31056, '▁Mandarin': 31057, 'surgical': 31058, '▁Smash': 31059, '▁mândr': 31060, '▁Unterkunft': 31061, 'moos': 31062, 'Camere': 31063, '/03/': 31064, '▁ethno': 31065, '▁Eröffnung': 31066, '▁Snyder': 31067, '▁Wilmington': 31068, '▁Canberra': 31069, '▁Tahoe': 31070, '▁slippery': 31071, '▁Snake': 31072, '▁turmeric': 31073, '▁Cartoon': 31074, '▁scrisoare': 31075, '▁reprend': 31076, '▁Konkurrenz': 31077, '▁raisins': 31078, '▁Werkstatt': 31079, '▁agresiv': 31080, 'hugs': 31081, 'cazurile': 31082, 'spirited': 31083, '▁britisch': 31084, 'spritz': 31085, 'auxiliary': 31086, 'interprétation': 31087, '▁verbindet': 31088, '▁fuzzy': 31089, '▁turmoil': 31090, '▁redefine': 31091, '▁Kiwi': 31092, 'oiseaux': 31093, '▁pamper': 31094, '▁desfaso': 31095, '▁pragu': 31096, 'prevenirea': 31097, '▁convergence': 31098, 'tufted': 31099, 'brewed': 31100, 'villagers': 31101, '▁Irving': 31102, 'nigsten': 31103, '▁embod': 31104, 'Alicia': 31105, 'probably': 31106, 'divider': 31107, 'Attempt': 31108, '▁Cognitive': 31109, '▁Recognition': 31110, '▁concierge': 31111, '▁Semester': 31112, 'Economie': 31113, 'sortiment': 31114, 'shortest': 31115, 'üchtig': 31116, '▁conveyanc': 31117, '▁Ferdinand': 31118, '▁permanence': 31119, '▁incadr': 31120, '▁estrogen': 31121, 'February': 31122, 'gedeckt': 31123, '▁reagieren': 31124, '▁meditate': 31125, 'simulated': 31126, '▁supprimer': 31127, '▁bumbac': 31128, '▁vânzări': 31129, '▁Kapitel': 31130, '▁Weltkrieg': 31131, 'déposer': 31132, 'Asus': 31133, '▁Communicat': 31134, 'Finished': 31135, '▁Telegraph': 31136, '▁Competitive': 31137, '▁collectivités': 31138, '▁protège': 31139, '▁scallop': 31140, 'Happy': 31141, 'tehnică': 31142, '▁Gestalt': 31143, '▁benign': 31144, 'kraut': 31145, 'louer': 31146, '▁Printr': 31147, 'mputation': 31148, '▁dicke': 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31200, '▁russisch': 31201, 'gefunden': 31202, 'schleunig': 31203, '▁géographique': 31204, '▁Delphi': 31205, 'Freddie': 31206, '▁muzici': 31207, '▁Edmund': 31208, 'finanzielle': 31209, '(2003)': 31210, 'accentuate': 31211, 'overlapping': 31212, '▁Pluto': 31213, 'românii': 31214, '▁Timişoara': 31215, '▁poivr': 31216, '▁repris': 31217, '▁Geschlecht': 31218, '▁thieves': 31219, '▁Transformer': 31220, '▁shortcomings': 31221, '▁aptitude': 31222, 'pitfalls': 31223, '▁manicure': 31224, 'mystical': 31225, '▁abolish': 31226, '▁Zielgruppe': 31227, '▁naţionale': 31228, '▁trandafir': 31229, '▁matematic': 31230, '▁Hirsch': 31231, 'Fahr': 31232, 'connaissent': 31233, 'browned': 31234, '▁bearbeitet': 31235, '▁usturoi': 31236, '▁Surprise': 31237, '▁Tehran': 31238, '▁BLACK': 31239, '▁abonament': 31240, '▁mêl': 31241, 'Angebot': 31242, 'ajungi': 31243, '▁Woodland': 31244, '▁gradini': 31245, '▁Marilyn': 31246, 'kilometer': 31247, 'tempered': 31248, '▁intimacy': 31249, '▁thunderstorm': 31250, '▁Uttar': 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'assemblage': 31907, '▁Messiah': 31908, '▁Sleeve': 31909, '▁șofer': 31910, '/05/': 31911, '▁expoziți': 31912, '▁pătrun': 31913, '▁Lydia': 31914, '▁grădini': 31915, '▁toothpaste': 31916, 'ordained': 31917, '▁Renovation': 31918, 'voicing': 31919, 'président': 31920, '▁gestartet': 31921, 'Multi': 31922, 'itinéraire': 31923, '▁influenza': 31924, '▁psychiatrist': 31925, '▁schizophrenia': 31926, '▁Magnolia': 31927, '▁Scottsdale': 31928, '▁interessieren': 31929, '▁asfalt': 31930, '▁Journalism': 31931, 'Multe': 31932, 'Westfalen': 31933, '▁Vorschriften': 31934, 'Angleterre': 31935, 'sustainable': 31936, '▁Retour': 31937, '▁pâr': 31938, 'steigert': 31939, '▁AMAZING': 31940, '▁turbulent': 31941, 'costing': 31942, '▁Carolyn': 31943, 'utti': 31944, 'dürftig': 31945, 'Keep': 31946, '▁Théâtre': 31947, '▁combustibil': 31948, '▁halloween': 31949, '▁emulator': 31950, '▁povești': 31951, 'broyeur': 31952, '▁émerg': 31953, 'overwhelmingly': 31954, 'regulă': 31955, 'goutte': 31956, '▁Fertigung': 31957, 'constituted': 31958, '▁QuickBooks': 31959, '▁genealogy': 31960, '▁laundering': 31961, '▁échéan': 31962, 'Account': 31963, 'oyons': 31964, 'nitro': 31965, '▁corespund': 31966, '▁suggér': 31967, 'manipulated': 31968, 'deseori': 31969, 'permeabil': 31970, 'Australia': 31971, '▁Erasmus': 31972, '▁disrespect': 31973, '▁trimestre': 31974, '▁emanat': 31975, 'Schraub': 31976, 'distinctly': 31977, 'Germain': 31978, '▁pedepse': 31979, 'réglage': 31980, 'făcute': 31981, '▁garanteaz': 31982, '▁unterlieg': 31983, '▁cheddar': 31984, '▁refugi': 31985, '▁inférieur': 31986, 'dimension': 31987, '▁erkennt': 31988, 'amitié': 31989, '▁predominant': 31990, 'nourishe': 31991, 'exerce': 31992, '▁disguise': 31993, '▁traditi': 31994, '▁Intellectual': 31995, '▁imunitar': 31996, '▁Cushion': 31997, '▁erwachsene': 31998, '▁Internațional': 31999, '': 32000, '': 32001, '': 32002, '': 32003, '': 32004, '': 32005, '': 32006, '': 32007, '': 32008, '': 32009, '': 32010, '': 32011, '': 32012, '': 32013, '': 32014, '': 32015, '': 32016, '': 32017, '': 32018, '': 32019, '': 32020, '': 32021, '': 32022, '': 32023, '': 32024, '': 32025, '': 32026, '': 32027, '': 32028, '': 32029, '': 32030, '': 32031, '': 32032, '': 32033, '': 32034, '': 32035, '': 32036, '': 32037, '': 32038, '': 32039, '': 32040, '': 32041, '': 32042, '': 32043, '': 32044, '': 32045, '': 32046, '': 32047, '': 32048, '': 32049, '': 32050, '': 32051, '': 32052, '': 32053, '': 32054, '': 32055, '': 32056, '': 32057, '': 32058, '': 32059, '': 32060, '': 32061, '': 32062, '': 32063, '': 32064, '': 32065, '': 32066, '': 32067, '': 32068, '': 32069, '': 32070, '': 32071, '': 32072, '': 32073, '': 32074, '': 32075, '': 32076, '': 32077, '': 32078, '': 32079, '': 32080, '': 32081, '': 32082, '': 32083, '': 32084, '': 32085, '': 32086, '': 32087, '': 32088, '': 32089, '': 32090, '': 32091, '': 32092, '': 32093, '': 32094, '': 32095, '': 32096, '': 32097, '': 32098, '': 32099}\n", "32100\n" ] } ], "source": [ "print (t5_tokenizer.get_vocab())\n", "print (len(t5_tokenizer.get_vocab().keys()))" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "id": "R-wRp79AYt5k", "pycharm": { "name": "#%% md\n" } }, "source": [ "**Preparing Dataset**" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 10, "metadata": { "executionInfo": { "elapsed": 524, "status": "ok", "timestamp": 1653976521983, "user": { "displayName": "Ramsri Goutham", "userId": "00967418115712089730" }, "user_tz": -330 }, "id": "u9_3VhGUZlPY", "pycharm": { "name": "#%%\n" } }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "from tqdm.notebook import tqdm\n", "import copy\n", "\n", "class QuestionGenerationDataset(Dataset):\n", " def __init__(self, tokenizer, filepath, max_len_inp=512,max_len_out=96):\n", " self.path = filepath\n", "\n", " self.passage_column = \"context\"\n", " self.answer = \"answer\"\n", " self.question = \"question\"\n", "\n", " # self.data = pd.read_csv(self.path)\n", " self.data = pd.read_csv(self.path,nrows=1000)\n", "\n", " self.max_len_input = max_len_inp\n", " self.max_len_output = max_len_out\n", " self.tokenizer = tokenizer\n", " self.inputs = []\n", " self.targets = []\n", " self.skippedcount =0\n", " self._build()\n", "\n", " def __len__(self):\n", " return len(self.inputs)\n", "\n", " def __getitem__(self, index):\n", " source_ids = self.inputs[index][\"input_ids\"].squeeze()\n", " target_ids = self.targets[index][\"input_ids\"].squeeze()\n", "\n", " src_mask = self.inputs[index][\"attention_mask\"].squeeze() # might need to squeeze\n", " target_mask = self.targets[index][\"attention_mask\"].squeeze() # might need to squeeze\n", "\n", " labels = copy.deepcopy(target_ids)\n", " labels [labels==0] = -100\n", "\n", " return {\"source_ids\": source_ids, \"source_mask\": src_mask, \"target_ids\": target_ids, \"target_mask\": target_mask,\"labels\":labels}\n", "\n", " def _build(self):\n", " for idx in tqdm(range(len(self.data))):\n", " passage,answer,target = self.data.loc[idx, self.passage_column],self.data.loc[idx, self.answer], self.data.loc[idx, self.question]\n", "\n", " input_ = \"context: %s answer: %s \" % (passage, answer)\n", " target = \"question: %s \" % (str(target))\n", "\n", " # get encoding length of input. If it is greater than self.max_len skip it\n", " test_input_encoding = self.tokenizer.encode_plus(input_,\n", " truncation=False,\n", " return_tensors=\"pt\")\n", " \n", " length_of_input_encoding = len(test_input_encoding['input_ids'][0])\n", "\n", "\n", " if length_of_input_encoding > self.max_len_input:\n", " self.skippedcount = self.skippedcount + 1\n", " continue\n", "\n", " # tokenize inputs\n", " tokenized_inputs = self.tokenizer.batch_encode_plus(\n", " [input_], max_length=self.max_len_input, pad_to_max_length=True, return_tensors=\"pt\"\n", " )\n", " # tokenize targets\n", " tokenized_targets = self.tokenizer.batch_encode_plus(\n", " [target], max_length=self.max_len_output, pad_to_max_length=True,return_tensors=\"pt\"\n", " )\n", "\n", " self.inputs.append(tokenized_inputs)\n", " self.targets.append(tokenized_targets)\n" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 11, "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 173, "referenced_widgets": [ "9be7b8f1fe9146b9b155ac6680fac4b1", "697f2176aca44bb2bd44478727701ae7", "566f6a959a7d4f628dcb38ed8fafac05", "be64d4e5f90441619e7bff24b3cfbf53", "3d5fe3a6c55c4b979ae1a7e1c706ba7d", "971a9bec64ea4b879092361c8a31a264", "ba785134eb5244f38f8c315bf9c49a73", "7f89e07b9a3f4141ad1cf413758f5376", "0e2e8f4172b84fa796cbfbe9162faf03", "f93fbe788ba24a75b5c9c514ef139171", "55a3a0dc045047c3b82bea0ab841c0b8" ] }, "executionInfo": { "elapsed": 5533, "status": "ok", "timestamp": 1653976530804, "user": { "displayName": "Ramsri Goutham", "userId": "00967418115712089730" }, "user_tz": -330 }, "id": "aaA3k2rQ_fW0", "outputId": "9c86e333-440b-484c-d307-eb3cf118d6fd", "pycharm": { "name": "#%%\n" } }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": { "model_id": "9be7b8f1fe9146b9b155ac6680fac4b1", "version_major": 2, "version_minor": 0 }, "text/plain": [ " 0%| | 0/1000 [00:00. In future versions this behavior may lead to duplicated eos tokens being added.\n", " f\"This sequence already has {self.eos_token}. In future versions this behavior may lead to duplicated eos tokens being added.\"\n", "Truncation was not explicitly activated but `max_length` is provided a specific value, please use `truncation=True` to explicitly truncate examples to max length. Defaulting to 'longest_first' truncation strategy. If you encode pairs of sequences (GLUE-style) with the tokenizer you can select this strategy more precisely by providing a specific strategy to `truncation`.\n", "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/transformers/tokenization_utils_base.py:2179: FutureWarning: The `pad_to_max_length` argument is deprecated and will be removed in a future version, use `padding=True` or `padding='longest'` to pad to the longest sequence in the batch, or use `padding='max_length'` to pad to a max length. In this case, you can give a specific length with `max_length` (e.g. `max_length=45`) or leave max_length to None to pad to the maximal input size of the model (e.g. 512 for Bert).\n", " FutureWarning,\n", "Token indices sequence length is longer than the specified maximum sequence length for this model (538 > 512). Running this sequence through the model will result in indexing errors\n" ] } ], "source": [ "train_dataset = QuestionGenerationDataset(t5_tokenizer,train_file_path)\n" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 12, "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "executionInfo": { "elapsed": 4, "status": "ok", "timestamp": 1653976531320, "user": { "displayName": "Ramsri Goutham", "userId": "00967418115712089730" }, "user_tz": -330 }, "id": "j4FnGy--us0j", "outputId": "f988d540-e77c-4259-cf3b-371f930f23b8", "pycharm": { "name": "#%%\n" } }, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "context: Once at Golgotha, Jesus was offered wine mixed with gall to drink. Matthew's and Mark's Gospels record that he refused this. He was then crucified and hung between two convicted thieves. According to some translations from the original Greek, the thieves may have been bandits or Jewish rebels. According to Mark's Gospel, he endured the torment of crucifixion for some six hours from the third hour, at approximately 9 am, until his death at the ninth hour, corresponding to about 3 pm. The soldiers affixed a sign above his head stating \"Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews\" in three languages, divided his garments and cast lots for his seamless robe. The Roman soldiers did not break Jesus' legs, as they did to the other two men crucified (breaking the legs hastened the crucifixion process), as Jesus was dead already. Each gospel has its own account of Jesus' last words, seven statements altogether. In the Synoptic Gospels, various supernatural events accompany the crucifixion, including darkness, an earthquake, and (in Matthew) the resurrection of saints. Following Jesus' death, his body was removed from the cross by Joseph of Arimathea and buried in a rock-hewn tomb, with Nicodemus assisting. answer: seven statements altogether \n", "question: How many accounts are there of Jesus' last words? \n" ] } ], "source": [ "train_sample = train_dataset[50]\n", "decoded_train_input = t5_tokenizer.decode(train_sample['source_ids'])\n", "decoded_train_output = t5_tokenizer.decode(train_sample['target_ids'])\n", "\n", "print (decoded_train_input)\n", "print (decoded_train_output)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 13, "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 138, "referenced_widgets": [ "3cf1b551010740e89a75c55da8eddb9e", "047d8b5d7a45439c8e0fc5d0c4e624ee", "b0a4ca27ddc94fedad88419e1142b063", "2a0aa8501090440081c545e65f1553b6", "444f1c3de3e04d8e89d4f34b41d402bb", "c821c5439a3842ddb416865c7cf7ae99", "a016b73ff74c49ce9915d85500c305ae", "1de3dba954f4491aaf60c07a0bbd9930", "a4e71ef052384772a889190c73b3ecba", "0e753b08bb814e0dbc2ae4a5c63aa618", "198835192f8d45cc884607b458d596ca" ] }, "executionInfo": { "elapsed": 4805, "status": "ok", "timestamp": 1653976538762, "user": { "displayName": "Ramsri Goutham", "userId": "00967418115712089730" }, "user_tz": -330 }, "id": "LE8Nkk4N_yi_", "outputId": "b3da6483-9459-47de-d36f-1b9fa99dd725", "pycharm": { "name": "#%%\n" } }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": { "model_id": "3cf1b551010740e89a75c55da8eddb9e", "version_major": 2, "version_minor": 0 }, "text/plain": [ " 0%| | 0/1000 [00:00. In future versions this behavior may lead to duplicated eos tokens being added.\n", " f\"This sequence already has {self.eos_token}. In future versions this behavior may lead to duplicated eos tokens being added.\"\n", "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/transformers/tokenization_utils_base.py:2179: FutureWarning: The `pad_to_max_length` argument is deprecated and will be removed in a future version, use `padding=True` or `padding='longest'` to pad to the longest sequence in the batch, or use `padding='max_length'` to pad to a max length. In this case, you can give a specific length with `max_length` (e.g. `max_length=45`) or leave max_length to None to pad to the maximal input size of the model (e.g. 512 for Bert).\n", " FutureWarning,\n" ] } ], "source": [ "validation_dataset = QuestionGenerationDataset(t5_tokenizer,validation_file_path)\n" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "id": "B2ckilijWSeV", "pycharm": { "name": "#%% md\n" } }, "source": [ "**T5 Finetuner**" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 14, "metadata": { "executionInfo": { "elapsed": 974, "status": "ok", "timestamp": 1653976541937, "user": { "displayName": "Ramsri Goutham", "userId": "00967418115712089730" }, "user_tz": -330 }, "id": "kXvfSgqTWX5n", "pycharm": { "name": "#%%\n" } }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "class T5FineTuner(pl.LightningModule):\n", " def __init__(self,hparams, t5model, t5tokenizer):\n", " super(T5FineTuner, self).__init__()\n", " self.hparams = hparams\n", " self.model = t5model\n", " self.tokenizer = t5tokenizer\n", "\n", "\n", " def forward( self, input_ids, attention_mask=None, decoder_input_ids=None, decoder_attention_mask=None, lm_labels=None):\n", " outputs = self.model(\n", " input_ids=input_ids,\n", " attention_mask=attention_mask,\n", " decoder_attention_mask=decoder_attention_mask,\n", " labels=lm_labels,\n", " )\n", " \n", " return outputs\n", "\n", "\n", " def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx):\n", " outputs = self.forward(\n", " input_ids=batch[\"source_ids\"],\n", " attention_mask=batch[\"source_mask\"],\n", " decoder_input_ids = batch[\"target_ids\"],\n", " decoder_attention_mask=batch['target_mask'],\n", " lm_labels=batch['labels']\n", " )\n", "\n", " loss = outputs[0]\n", " self.log('train_loss',loss)\n", " return loss\n", "\n", " def validation_step(self, batch, batch_idx):\n", " outputs = self.forward(\n", " input_ids=batch[\"source_ids\"],\n", " attention_mask=batch[\"source_mask\"],\n", " decoder_input_ids = batch[\"target_ids\"],\n", " decoder_attention_mask=batch['target_mask'],\n", " lm_labels=batch['labels']\n", " )\n", "\n", " loss = outputs[0]\n", " self.log(\"val_loss\",loss)\n", " return loss\n", "\n", " def train_dataloader(self):\n", " return DataLoader(train_dataset, batch_size=self.hparams.batch_size,num_workers=4)\n", "\n", " def val_dataloader(self):\n", " return DataLoader(validation_dataset, batch_size=self.hparams.batch_size,num_workers=4)\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", " def configure_optimizers(self):\n", " optimizer = AdamW(self.parameters(), lr=3e-4, eps=1e-8)\n", " return optimizer\n", "\n", "\n" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "id": "soiAnjjOf88w", "pycharm": { "name": "#%%\n" } }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "args_dict = dict(\n", " batch_size=4,\n", ")\n", "\n", "args = argparse.Namespace(**args_dict)\n", "\n", "\n", "model = T5FineTuner(args,t5_model,t5_tokenizer)\n", "\n", "trainer = pl.Trainer(max_epochs = 1, gpus=1,progress_bar_refresh_rate=30)\n", "\n", "trainer.fit(model)\n", "\n", "print (\"Saving model\")\n", "save_path_model = '/content/gdrive/My Drive/t5/model/'\n", "save_path_tokenizer = '/content/gdrive/My Drive/t5/tokenizer/'\n", "model.model.save_pretrained(save_path_model)\n", "t5_tokenizer.save_pretrained(save_path_tokenizer)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "id": "gWD318CxhzzI", "pycharm": { "name": "#%%\n" } }, "outputs": [], "source": [] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "id": "1iHlq4hPZehE", "pycharm": { "name": "#%% md\n" } }, "source": [ "## 3. Test the trained T5 model" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 1, "metadata": { "id": "DwojCIRJc9g1", "pycharm": { "name": "#%%\n" } }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "import torch\n", "from transformers import T5ForConditionalGeneration,T5Tokenizer" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 2, "metadata": { "id": "e6IbYZn5ZqwM", "pycharm": { "name": "#%%\n" } }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "trained_model_path = r\"C:\\Users\\pshre\\Desktop\\B73j50tOKiM8q6uezhprYg\\Question Generation Using NLP - Code-20220608T073507Z-001\\Question Generation Using NLP - Code\\t5\\model\"\n", "trained_tokenizer = r\"C:\\Users\\pshre\\Desktop\\B73j50tOKiM8q6uezhprYg\\Question Generation Using NLP - Code-20220608T073507Z-001\\Question Generation Using NLP - Code\\t5\\tokenizer\"" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 3, "metadata": { "id": "iUfAgaAbdSVL", "pycharm": { "name": "#%%\n" } }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "\n", "model = T5ForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained(trained_model_path)\n", "tokenizer = T5Tokenizer.from_pretrained(trained_tokenizer)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 4, "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "executionInfo": { "elapsed": 884, "status": "ok", "timestamp": 1629531496119, "user": { "displayName": "Ramsri Goutham", "photoUrl": "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/AOh14Gg6-RtlVqaGTKKM6H88RM0th8AtQQX0An95Pvxb5Cg=s64", "userId": "00967418115712089730" }, "user_tz": -330 }, "id": "Wmb7lsgQdfRo", "outputId": "b904a12a-2157-47d3-95d1-e86fe6d6984e", "pycharm": { "name": "#%%\n" } }, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "device cpu\n" ] } ], "source": [ "device = torch.device(\"cuda\" if torch.cuda.is_available() else \"cpu\")\n", "print (\"device \",device)\n", "model = model.to(device)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 5, "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "executionInfo": { "elapsed": 7, "status": "ok", "timestamp": 1629531496550, "user": { "displayName": "Ramsri Goutham", "photoUrl": "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/AOh14Gg6-RtlVqaGTKKM6H88RM0th8AtQQX0An95Pvxb5Cg=s64", "userId": "00967418115712089730" }, "user_tz": -330 }, "id": "duyEAGUcdpxZ", "outputId": "fefcf74d-bbbd-4ea9-fb6f-9914c0c6e1ad", "pycharm": { "name": "#%%\n" } }, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "context: President Donald Trump said and predicted that some states would reopen this month. answer: Donald Trump \n" ] } ], "source": [ "context =\"President Donald Trump said and predicted that some states would reopen this month.\"\n", "answer = \"Donald Trump\"\n", "text = \"context: \"+context + \" \" + \"answer: \" + answer + \" \"\n", "print (text)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 6, "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "executionInfo": { "elapsed": 689, "status": "ok", "timestamp": 1629531499761, "user": { "displayName": "Ramsri Goutham", "photoUrl": "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/AOh14Gg6-RtlVqaGTKKM6H88RM0th8AtQQX0An95Pvxb5Cg=s64", "userId": "00967418115712089730" }, "user_tz": -330 }, "id": "OakrL6hlfYmc", "outputId": "eaccda29-174d-4d6d-fd24-01e870f02552", "pycharm": { "name": "#%%\n" } }, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "dict_keys(['input_ids', 'attention_mask'])\n" ] }, { "name": "stderr", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "c:\\ProgramData\\Anaconda3\\lib\\site-packages\\transformers\\models\\t5\\tokenization_t5.py:183: UserWarning: This sequence already has . In future versions this behavior may lead to duplicated eos tokens being added.\n", " warnings.warn(\n" ] } ], "source": [ "encoding = tokenizer.encode_plus(text,max_length =512, padding=True, return_tensors=\"pt\")\n", "print (encoding.keys())\n", "input_ids,attention_mask = encoding[\"input_ids\"].to(device), encoding[\"attention_mask\"].to(device)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 7, "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "executionInfo": { "elapsed": 1131, "status": "ok", "timestamp": 1629531502658, "user": { "displayName": "Ramsri Goutham", "photoUrl": "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/AOh14Gg6-RtlVqaGTKKM6H88RM0th8AtQQX0An95Pvxb5Cg=s64", "userId": "00967418115712089730" }, "user_tz": -330 }, "id": "fBFZvYpJfy7k", "outputId": "8d12c512-e7d0-460b-84b7-5dfa943157e6", "pycharm": { "name": "#%%\n" } }, "outputs": [ { "name": "stderr", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "c:\\ProgramData\\Anaconda3\\lib\\site-packages\\torch\\_tensor.py:575: UserWarning: floor_divide is deprecated, and will be removed in a future version of pytorch. It currently rounds toward 0 (like the 'trunc' function NOT 'floor'). This results in incorrect rounding for negative values.\n", "To keep the current behavior, use torch.div(a, b, rounding_mode='trunc'), or for actual floor division, use torch.div(a, b, rounding_mode='floor'). (Triggered internally at ..\\aten\\src\\ATen\\native\\BinaryOps.cpp:467.)\n", " return torch.floor_divide(self, other)\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "question: Who said that some states would reopen this month?\n", "question: Who predicted that some states would reopen this month?\n", "question: Who said that some states would reopen?\n" ] } ], "source": [ "model.eval()\n", "beam_outputs = model.generate(\n", " input_ids=input_ids,attention_mask=attention_mask,\n", " max_length=72,\n", " early_stopping=True,\n", " num_beams=5,\n", " num_return_sequences=3\n", "\n", ")\n", "\n", "for beam_output in beam_outputs:\n", " sent = tokenizer.decode(beam_output, skip_special_tokens=True,clean_up_tokenization_spaces=True)\n", " print (sent)" ] } ], "metadata": { "accelerator": "GPU", "colab": { "authorship_tag": "ABX9TyNKKwcwRI8ji1U64xsEEPaP", "collapsed_sections": [ "qqWy1eTlsXrD" ], "name": "Section 4 - Train a question generator using T5 transformer 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