import math, time, os import numpy as np from PIL import Image, ImageFilter, ImageDraw from modules.ui import plaintext_to_html import modules.shared as shared from modules.paths_internal import script_path from .helpers import ( fix_env_Path_ffprobe, closest_upper_divisible_by_eight, load_model_from_setting, do_upscaleImg, ) from .sd_helpers import renderImg2Img, renderTxt2Img from .image import shrink_and_paste_on_blank from .video import write_video def crop_fethear_ellipse(image, feather_margin=30, width_offset=0, height_offset=0): # Create a blank mask image with the same size as the original image mask ="L", image.size, 0) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(mask) # Calculate the ellipse's bounding box ellipse_box = ( width_offset, height_offset, image.width - width_offset, image.height - height_offset, ) # Draw the ellipse on the mask draw.ellipse(ellipse_box, fill=255) # Apply the mask to the original image result ="RGBA", image.size) result.paste(image, mask=mask) # Crop the resulting image to the ellipse's bounding box cropped_image = result.crop(ellipse_box) # Create a new mask image with a black background (0) mask ="L", cropped_image.size, 0) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(mask) # Draw an ellipse on the mask image draw.ellipse( ( 0 + feather_margin, 0 + feather_margin, cropped_image.width - feather_margin, cropped_image.height - feather_margin, ), fill=255, outline=0, ) # Apply a Gaussian blur to the mask image mask = mask.filter(ImageFilter.GaussianBlur(radius=feather_margin / 2)) cropped_image.putalpha(mask) res =, (image.width, image.height)) paste_pos = ( int((res.width - cropped_image.width) / 2), int((res.height - cropped_image.height) / 2), ) res.paste(cropped_image, paste_pos) return res def outpaint_steps( width, height, common_prompt_pre, common_prompt_suf, prompts, negative_prompt, seed, sampler, num_inference_steps, guidance_scale, inpainting_denoising_strength, inpainting_mask_blur, inpainting_fill_mode, inpainting_full_res, inpainting_padding, init_img, outpaint_steps, out_config, mask_width, mask_height, custom_exit_image, frame_correction=True, # TODO: add frame_Correction in UI ): main_frames = [init_img.convert("RGB")] for i in range(outpaint_steps): print_out = ( "Outpaint step: " + str(i + 1) + " / " + str(outpaint_steps) + " Seed: " + str(seed) ) print(print_out) current_image = main_frames[-1] current_image = shrink_and_paste_on_blank( current_image, mask_width, mask_height ) mask_image = np.array(current_image)[:, :, 3] mask_image = Image.fromarray(255 - mask_image).convert("RGB") # create mask (black image with white mask_width width edges) if custom_exit_image and ((i + 1) == outpaint_steps): current_image = custom_exit_image.resize( (width, height), resample=Image.LANCZOS ) main_frames.append(current_image.convert("RGB")) # print("using Custom Exit Image") save2Collect(current_image, out_config, f"exit_img.png") else: pr = prompts[max(k for k in prompts.keys() if k <= i)] processed, newseed = renderImg2Img( f"{common_prompt_pre}\n{pr}\n{common_prompt_suf}".strip(), negative_prompt, sampler, num_inference_steps, guidance_scale, seed, width, height, current_image, mask_image, inpainting_denoising_strength, inpainting_mask_blur, inpainting_fill_mode, inpainting_full_res, inpainting_padding, ) if len(processed.images) > 0: main_frames.append(processed.images[0].convert("RGB")) save2Collect(processed.images[0], out_config, f"outpain_step_{i}.png") seed = newseed # TODO: seed behavior if frame_correction and inpainting_mask_blur > 0: corrected_frame = crop_inner_image( main_frames[i + 1], mask_width, mask_height ) enhanced_img = crop_fethear_ellipse( main_frames[i], 30, inpainting_mask_blur / 3 // 2, inpainting_mask_blur / 3 // 2, ) save2Collect(main_frames[i], out_config, f"main_frame_{i}") save2Collect(enhanced_img, out_config, f"main_frame_enhanced_{i}") corrected_frame.paste(enhanced_img, mask=enhanced_img) main_frames[i] = corrected_frame # else :TEST # current_image.paste(prev_image, mask=prev_image) return main_frames, processed def create_zoom( common_prompt_pre, prompts_array, common_prompt_suf, negative_prompt, num_outpainting_steps, guidance_scale, num_inference_steps, custom_init_image, custom_exit_image, video_frame_rate, video_zoom_mode, video_start_frame_dupe_amount, video_last_frame_dupe_amount, inpainting_mask_blur, inpainting_fill_mode, zoom_speed, seed, outputsizeW, outputsizeH, batchcount, sampler, upscale_do, upscaler_name, upscale_by, inpainting_denoising_strength=1, inpainting_full_res=0, inpainting_padding=0, progress=None, ): for i in range(batchcount): print(f"Batch {i+1}/{batchcount}") result = create_zoom_single( common_prompt_pre, prompts_array, common_prompt_suf, negative_prompt, num_outpainting_steps, guidance_scale, num_inference_steps, custom_init_image, custom_exit_image, video_frame_rate, video_zoom_mode, video_start_frame_dupe_amount, video_last_frame_dupe_amount, inpainting_mask_blur, inpainting_fill_mode, zoom_speed, seed, outputsizeW, outputsizeH, sampler, upscale_do, upscaler_name, upscale_by, inpainting_denoising_strength, inpainting_full_res, inpainting_padding, progress, ) return result def prepare_output_path(): isCollect ="infzoom_collectAllResources", False) output_path ="infzoom_outpath", "outputs") save_path = os.path.join( output_path,"infzoom_outSUBpath", "infinite-zooms") ) if isCollect: save_path = os.path.join(save_path, "iz_collect" + str(int(time.time()))) if not os.path.exists(save_path): os.makedirs(save_path) video_filename = os.path.join( save_path, "infinite_zoom_" + str(int(time.time())) + ".mp4" ) return { "isCollect": isCollect, "save_path": save_path, "video_filename": video_filename, } def save2Collect(img, out_config, name): if out_config["isCollect"]:'{out_config["save_path"]}/{name}.png') def frame2Collect(all_frames, out_config): save2Collect(all_frames[-1], out_config, f"frame_{len(all_frames)}") def frames2Collect(all_frames, out_config): for i, f in enumerate(all_frames): save2Collect(f, out_config, f"frame_{i}") def crop_inner_image(outpainted_img, width_offset, height_offset): width, height = outpainted_img.size center_x, center_y = int(width / 2), int(height / 2) # Crop the image to the center cropped_img = outpainted_img.crop( ( center_x - width_offset, center_y - height_offset, center_x + width_offset, center_y + height_offset, ) ) prev_step_img = cropped_img.resize((width, height), resample=Image.LANCZOS) # resized_img = resized_img.filter(ImageFilter.SHARPEN) return prev_step_img def create_zoom_single( common_prompt_pre, prompts_array, common_prompt_suf, negative_prompt, num_outpainting_steps, guidance_scale, num_inference_steps, custom_init_image, custom_exit_image, video_frame_rate, video_zoom_mode, video_start_frame_dupe_amount, video_last_frame_dupe_amount, inpainting_mask_blur, inpainting_fill_mode, zoom_speed, seed, outputsizeW, outputsizeH, sampler, upscale_do, upscaler_name, upscale_by, inpainting_denoising_strength, inpainting_full_res, inpainting_padding, progress, ): # try: # if gr.Progress() is not None: # progress = gr.Progress() # progress(0, desc="Preparing Initial Image") # except Exception: # pass fix_env_Path_ffprobe() out_config = prepare_output_path() prompts = {} for x in prompts_array: try: key = int(x[0]) value = str(x[1]) prompts[key] = value except ValueError: pass assert len(prompts_array) > 0, "prompts is empty" width = closest_upper_divisible_by_eight(outputsizeW) height = closest_upper_divisible_by_eight(outputsizeH) current_image ="RGBA", size=(width, height)) mask_image = np.array(current_image)[:, :, 3] mask_image = Image.fromarray(255 - mask_image).convert("RGB") current_image = current_image.convert("RGB") current_seed = seed if custom_init_image: current_image = custom_init_image.resize( (width, height), resample=Image.LANCZOS ) save2Collect(current_image, out_config, f"init_custom.png") else: load_model_from_setting( "infzoom_txt2img_model", progress, "Loading Model for txt2img: " ) pr = prompts[min(k for k in prompts.keys() if k >= 0)] processed, newseed = renderTxt2Img( f"{common_prompt_pre}\n{pr}\n{common_prompt_suf}".strip(), negative_prompt, sampler, num_inference_steps, guidance_scale, current_seed, width, height, ) if len(processed.images) > 0: current_image = processed.images[0] save2Collect(current_image, out_config, f"init_txt2img.png") current_seed = newseed mask_width = math.trunc(width / 4) # was initially 512px => 128px mask_height = math.trunc(height / 4) # was initially 512px => 128px num_interpol_frames = round(video_frame_rate * zoom_speed) all_frames = [] if upscale_do and progress: progress(0, desc="upscaling inital image") load_model_from_setting( "infzoom_inpainting_model", progress, "Loading Model for inpainting/img2img: " ) main_frames, processed = outpaint_steps( width, height, common_prompt_pre, common_prompt_suf, prompts, negative_prompt, seed, sampler, num_inference_steps, guidance_scale, inpainting_denoising_strength, inpainting_mask_blur, inpainting_fill_mode, inpainting_full_res, inpainting_padding, current_image, num_outpainting_steps, out_config, mask_width, mask_height, custom_exit_image, ) all_frames.append( do_upscaleImg(main_frames[0], upscale_do, upscaler_name, upscale_by) if upscale_do else main_frames[0] ) for i in range(len(main_frames) - 1): # interpolation steps between 2 inpainted images (=sequential zoom and crop) for j in range(num_interpol_frames - 1): current_image = main_frames[i + 1] interpol_image = current_image save2Collect(interpol_image, out_config, f"interpol_img_{i}_{j}].png") interpol_width = math.ceil( ( 1 - (1 - 2 * mask_width / width) ** (1 - (j + 1) / num_interpol_frames) ) * width / 2 ) interpol_height = math.ceil( ( 1 - (1 - 2 * mask_height / height) ** (1 - (j + 1) / num_interpol_frames) ) * height / 2 ) interpol_image = interpol_image.crop( ( interpol_width, interpol_height, width - interpol_width, height - interpol_height, ) ) interpol_image = interpol_image.resize((width, height)) save2Collect(interpol_image, out_config, f"interpol_resize_{i}_{j}.png") # paste the higher resolution previous image in the middle to avoid drop in quality caused by zooming interpol_width2 = math.ceil( (1 - (width - 2 * mask_width) / (width - 2 * interpol_width)) / 2 * width ) interpol_height2 = math.ceil( (1 - (height - 2 * mask_height) / (height - 2 * interpol_height)) / 2 * height ) prev_image_fix_crop = shrink_and_paste_on_blank( main_frames[i], interpol_width2, interpol_height2 ) interpol_image.paste(prev_image_fix_crop, mask=prev_image_fix_crop) save2Collect(interpol_image, out_config, f"interpol_prevcrop_{i}_{j}.png") if upscale_do and progress: progress(((i + 1) / num_outpainting_steps), desc="upscaling interpol") all_frames.append( do_upscaleImg(interpol_image, upscale_do, upscaler_name, upscale_by) if upscale_do else interpol_image ) if upscale_do and progress: progress(((i + 1) / num_outpainting_steps), desc="upscaling current") all_frames.append( do_upscaleImg(current_image, upscale_do, upscaler_name, upscale_by) if upscale_do else current_image ) frames2Collect(all_frames, out_config) write_video( out_config["video_filename"], all_frames, video_frame_rate, video_zoom_mode, int(video_start_frame_dupe_amount), int(video_last_frame_dupe_amount), ) print("Video saved in: " + os.path.join(script_path, out_config["video_filename"])) return ( out_config["video_filename"], main_frames, processed.js(), plaintext_to_html(, plaintext_to_html(""), )