--- pipeline_tag: object-detection --- # YOLOv8n validated for Unity Sentis (Version 1.4.0-pre.3*) This is Yolov8n object detection example code for unity sentis, not real-time inference, for instance image. ** this is almost same code with ref, but only for image. ** ref: https://huggingface.co/unity/sentis-YOLOv8n [YOLOv8n](https://docs.ultralytics.com/models/yolov8/) is a real-time multi-object recognition model confirmed to run in Unity 2023. ## How to Use First get the package `com.unity.sentis` from the package manager. You will also need the Unity UI package. * Create a new scene in Unity 2023 or higher (include in Unity 6000). * Install `com.unity.sentis` version `1.4.0-pre.3` from the package manager * Add the c# script to the Main Camera. * Create a Raw Image in the scene and link it as the `displayImage` * Drag the yolov8n.sentis or yolov8n.onnx file into the model asset field * Drag the classes.txt on to the labelAssets field * Place a *.png image file in the Assets folder and drag onto Input Texture field * Set the fields for the bounding box texture sprite (you can [create your own one](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/9SliceSprites.html) using a transparent texture or use an inbuilt one) and the font ## Preview If working correctly you should see something like this: ![preview](preview.png) ## Information The NMS selection will be improved in later versions of Sentis. Currently uses singular-class approach. ## Unity Sentis Unity Sentis is the inference engine that runs in Unity 3D. More information can be found at [here](https://unity.com/products/sentis) ## License The YOLO models use the GPLv3 license.