Sefer Yetzirah Gra Version ספר יצירה נוסח הגר"א merged This file contains merged sections from the following text versions: -Sefer Yetzirah The Book of Creation -Kaplan, Aryeh. "Sefer Yetzirah The Book of Creation: In Theory and Practice". Samuel Weiser, Inc. York Beach, ME, 1990. Sefer Yetzirah Gra Version Chapter 1 With 32 mystical paths of Wisdom/ engraved Yah/ the Lord of Hosts/ the God of Israel/the living God/ King of the universe/ El Shaddai/ Merciful and Gracious/ High and Exalted/ Dwelling in eternity/ Whose name is Holy -/ He is lofty and holy -/ And He created His universe/ with three books (Sepharim),/ with text (Sepher)/ with numbers (Sephar)/ and with communication (Sippur).... Ten Sefirot of Nothingness/ and 22 Foundation Letters:/ Three Mothers,/ Seven Doubles/ And twelve Elementals. Ten Sefirot of Nothingness/ in the number of ten fingers/ five opposite five/ with a singular covenant/ precisely in the middle/ in the circumcision of the tongue/ and in the circumcision of the membrum. Ten Sefirot of Nothingness/ ten and not nine/ ten and not eleven/ Understand with Wisdom/ Be wise with Understanding/ Examine with them/ and probe from them/ Make [each] thing stand on its essence/ And make the Creator sit on His base. Ten Sephirot of Nothingness:/ Their measure is ten/ which have no end/ A depth of beginning/ A depth of end/ A depth of good/ A depth of evil/ A depth of above/ A depth of below/ A depth of east/ A depth of west/ A depth of north/ A depth of south/ The singular Master/ God faithful King/ dominates over them all/ from His holy dwelling/ until eternity of eternities. Ten Sephirot of Nothingness/ Their vision is like the "appearance of lightning"/ Their limit has no end/ And His Word in them is "running and returning"/ They rush to His saying like a whirlwind/ And before His throne they prostrate themselves. Ten Sephirot of Nothingness/ Their end is imbedded in their beginning/ and their beginning in their end/ like a flame in a burning coal/ For the Master is singular/ He has no second/ And before One, what do you count? Ten Sephirot of Nothingness/ Bridle your mouth from speaking/ and your heart from thinking/ And if your heart runs/ return to the place. It is therefore written,/ "The Chayot running and returning." (Ezekiel 1:24)/ Regarding this a covenant was made. Ten Sephirot of Nothingness:/ One is the Breath of the Living God/ Blessed and benedicted is the name/ of the Life of Worlds/ The voice of breath and speech/ And this is the Holy Breath. Two: Breath from Breath./ With it He engraved and carved/ 22 Foundation Letters/ Three Mothers/ Seven Doubles/ and Twelve Elementals/ And one Breath is from them. Three: Water from Breath./ With it He engraved and carved/ [22 letters from]/ chaos and void/ mire and clay/ He engraved them like a sort of garden/ He carved them like a sort of wall/ He covered them like a sort of ceiling/ [And he poured snow over them/ and it became dust/ as it is written/ "For to snow He said, 'Become earth'" (Job 37:6).] Four: Fire from Water/ With it He engraved and carved/ the Throne of Glory/ Serafim, Ophanim, and holy Chayot/ and Ministering angels/ From these three He founded His dwelling/ as it is written:/ "He makes His angels of breaths,/ His ministers of flaming fire" (Psalms 104:4). He chose three letters/ from among the Elementals/ [in the mystery of the three mothers/ Alef Mem Shin (אמש)]/ And He set them in His great Name/ and with them, He sealed six extremities./ Five: He sealed "above" and faced upward/ and sealed it with Yud Hey Vav (יהו)./ Six: He sealed "below" and faced downward/ and sealed it with Heh Yud Vav (היו)./ Seven: He sealed "east" and faced straight ahead/ and sealed it with Vav Yud Heh (ויה)./ Eight: He sealed "west" and faced backward/ and sealed it with Vav Heh Yud (והי)./ Nine: He sealed "south" and faced to the right/ and sealed it with Yud Vav Heh (יוה)./ Ten: He sealed "north" and faced to the left/ and selaed it with Heh Vav Yud (הוי). These are the Ten Sefirot of Nothingness:/ The Breath of the Living God/ Breath from Breath/ Water from Breath/ Fire from Water/ Up down east west north south. Chapter 2 Twenty-two Foundation Letters:/ Three Mothers/ Seven Doubles/ and Twelve Elementals./ The Three Mothers are Alef Mem Shin (אמש),/ Their foundation is/ a pan of merit/ a pan of liability/ and the tongue of decree deciding between them./ [Three Mothers, Alef Mem Shin (אמש)/ Mem hums, Shin hisses/ and Aleph is the Breath of air/ deciding between them.] Twenty-two Foundation letters:/ He engraved them, He carved them,/ He permuted them, He weighed them,/ He transformed them,/ And with them, He depicted all that was formed/ and all that would be formed. Twenty-two Foundation Letters/ He engraved them with voice/ He carved them with breath/ He set them in the mouth/ In five places/ Alef Chet Heh Eyin (אחהע) in the throat (Gutturals)/ Gimel Yud Kaf Kuf (גיכק) in the palate (Palatals)/ Dalet Tet Lamed Nun Tav (דטלנת)/ in the tongue (Linguals)/ Zayin Samekh Shin Resh Tzadi (זסשרצ)/ in the teeth (Dentals)/ Bet Vav Mem Peh (בומפ) in the lips. (Labials) Twenty-two Foundation Letters:/ He placed them in a circle/ like a wall with 231 Gates./ The Circle oscillates back and forth./ A sign for this is:/ There is nothing in good higher than Delight (Oneg - ענג)/ There is nothing evil lower than Plague (Nega - נגע). How?/ He permuted them, weighed them, and transformed them,/ Alef with them all/ and all of them with Alef,/ Bet with them all/ and all of them with Bet./ They repeat in a cycle/ and exist in 231 Gates./ It comes out that all that is formed/ and all that is spoken/ emanates from one Name. He formed substance out of chaos/ and made nonexistence into existence/ He carved great pillars from air/ that cannot be grasped./ This is a sign/ [Alef with them all, and all of them with Alef]/ He forsees, transforms and makes/ all that is formed and all that is spoken:/ one Name./ A sign for this thing:/ Twenty-two objects in a single body. Chapter 3 Three Mothers: Alef Mem Shin (אמש)/ Their foundation is/ a pan of merit/ a pan of liability/ and the tongue of decree deciding between them. Three Mothers: Alef Mem Shin (אמש)/ A great, mystical secret/ covered and sealed with six rings/ And from them emanated air, water and fire/ And from them are born Fathers,/ and from the Fathers, descendants. Three Mothers: Alef Mem Shin (אמש)/ He engraved them, He carved them,/ He permuted them, He weighed them,/ He transformed them,/ And with them He depicted/ Three Mothers AMSh (אמש) in the Universe,/ Three Mothers AMSh (אמש) in the Year,/ Three Mothers AMSh (אמש) in the Soul,/ male and female. Three Mothers, AMSh (אמש),/ in the Universe are air, water, fire,/ Heaven was created from fire/ Earth was created from water/ And air from Breath decides between them. Three Mothers AMSh (אמש)/ in the Year are/ the hot/ the cold/ and the temperate./ The hot is created from fire/ the cold is created from water/ And the temperate, from Breath,/ decides between them.... Three Mothers AMSh (אמש)/ in the Soul, male and female,/ are the head, belly, and chest./ The head is created from fire,/ The belly is created from water/ and the chest, from breath,/ decided between them. He made the letter Alef (א) king over Breath/ And He bound a crown to it/ And He combined them one with another/ And with them He formed/ Air in the Universe/ The temperate in the Year/ And the chest in the Soul:/ The male with AMSh (אמש)/ And the female with AShM (אשמ). He made Mem (מ) king over water/ And He bound a crown to it/ And He combined one with another/ And with them He formed/ Earth in the Universe/ Cold in the Year/ And the belly in the Soul:/ The male with MASh (מאש)/ And the female with MShA (משא). He made Shin (ש) king over fire/ And He bound a crown to it/ And He combined one with another/ And with them He formed/ Heaven in the Universe/ Hot in the Year/ And the head in the Soul:/ The male with ShAM (שאמ)/ And the female with ShMA (שמא). Chapter 4 Seven Doubles:/ Bet (ב), Gimel (ג), Dalet (ד),/ Kaf (כ), Peh (פ), Resh (ר), Tav (ת)./ They direct themselves with two tongues/ Bet-Bhet, Gimel-Ghimel, Dalet-Dhalet,/ Kaf-Khaf, Peh-Pheh, Resh-Rhesh, Tav-Thav,/ A structure of soft and hard,/ strong and weak Seven Doubles: BGD KPRT (בגד כפרת)/ Their foundation is/ Wisdom, Wealth, Seed,/ Life, Dominance, Peace and Grace. Seven Doubles: BGD KPRT (בגד כפרת)/ in speech and in transposition./ The transpose of Wisdom is Folly/ The transpose of Wealth is Poverty/ The transpose of Seed is Desolation/ The transpose of Life is Death/ The transpose of Dominance is Subjugation/ The transpose of Peace is War/ The transpose of Grace is Ugliness Seven Doubles: BGD KPRT (בגד כפרת)/ Up and down/ East and west/ North and south/ And the Holy Palace precisely in the center/ and it supports them all. Seven Doubles: BGD KPRT (בגד כפרת)/ Seven and not six/ Seven and not eight/ Examine with them/ And probe with them/ Make [each] thing stand on its essence/ And make the Creator sit on His base. Seven Doubles: BGD KPRT (בגד כפרת) of Foundation/ He engraved them, He carved them,/ He permuted them, He weighed them,/ He transformed them,/ And with them He formed,/ Seven planets in the Universe,/ Seven days in the Year,/ Seven gates in the Soul,/ male and female. Seven planets in the Universe:/ Saturn, Jupiter, Mars,/ Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon./ Seven days in the Year:/ The seven days of the week./ Seven gates in the Soul, male and female:/ Two eyes, two ears, two nostrils,/ and the mouth. He made the letter Bet (ב) king over Wisdom/ And He bound a crown to it/ And He combined one with another/ And with them He formed/ The Moon in the Universe/ Sunday in the Year/ The right eye in the Soul,/ male and female. He made the letter Gimel (ג) king over Wealth/ And He bound a crown to it/ And He combined one with another/ And with them He formed/ Mars in the Universe/ Monday in the Year/ The right ear in the Soul,/ male and female. He made the letter Dalet (ד) king over Seed/And He bound a crown to it/ And He combined one with another/ And with them he formed/ The Sun in the Universe/ Tuesday in the Year/ The right nostril in the Soul,/ male and female. He made the letter Kaf (כ) king over Life/ And He bound a crown to it/ And He combined one with another/ And with them He formed/ Venus in the Universe/ Wednesday in the Year/ The left eye in the Soul,/ male and female. He made the letter Peh (פ) king over Dominance/ And he bound a crown to it/ And He combined one with another/ And with them He formed/ Mercury in the Universe/ Thursday in the Year/ The left ear in the Soul,/ male and female. He made the letter Resh (ר) king over Peace/ And He bound a crown to it/ And He combined one with another/ And with them He formed/ Saturn in the Universe/ Friday in the Year/ The left nostril in the Soul,/ male and female. He made the letter Tav (ת) king over Grace/ And He bound a crown to it/ And He combined one with another/ And with them He formed/ Jupiter in the Universe/ The Sabbath in the Year/ The mouth in the Soul,/ male and female. Seven Doubles: BGD KPRT (בגד כפרת)/ With them were engraved/ Seven Universes, seven firmaments,/ seven lands, seven seas,/ seven rivers, seven deserts,/ seven days, seven weeks,/ seven years, seven sabbaticals,/ seven jubilees./ and the Holy Palace./ Therefore, He made seven beloved/ under all the heavens. Two stones build 2 houses/ Three stones build 6 houses/ Four stones build 24 houses/ Five stones build 120 houses/ Six stones build 720 houses/ Seven stones build 5040 houses/ From here on go out and calculate/ that which the mouth cannot speak/ and the ear cannot hear. Chapter 5 Twelve Elementals:/ Heh (ה), Vav (ו), Zayin (ז),/ Chet (ח), Tet (ט), Yud (י),/ Lamed (ל), Nun (נ), Samekh (ס),/ Eyin (ע), Tzadi (צ), Kuf (ק)./ Their foundation is/ speech, thought, motion,/ sight, hearing, action,/ coition, smell, sleep,/ anger, taste, laughter. Twelve Elementals/ HVZ ChTY LNS OTzQ (הוז חטי לנס עצק)/ Their foundation is the twelve diagonal boundaries:/ The east upper boundary/ The east northern boundary/ The east lower boundary/ The south upper boundary/ The south eastern boundary/ The south lower boundary/ The west upper boundary/ The west southern boundary/ The west lower boundary/ The norther upper boundary/ The norther western boundary/ The norther lower boundary/ They extend continually until eternity of eternities/ And it is they that are the boundaries of the Universe. Twelve Elementals/ HVZ ChTY LNS OTzQ (הוז חטי לנס עצק)/ Their foundation is [that]/ He engraved them, carved them, permuted them,/ weighed them, and transformed them,/ And with them He formed/ twelve constellations in the Universe/ twelve months in the Year/ and twelve directors in the Soul,/ male and female. Twelve constellations in the Universe:/ Aries (T'leh, the Ram)/ Taurus (Shor, the Bull)/ Gemini (Teumim, the Twins)/ Cancer (Sartan, the Crab)/ Leo (Ari, the Lion)/ Virgo (Betulah, the Virgin)/ Libra (Maznayim, the Scales)/ Scorpio (Akrav, the Scorpion)/ Sagittarius (Keshet, the Archer)/ Capricorn (Gedi, the Kid)/ Aquarius (Deli, the Water Drawer)/ Pisces (Dagin, the Fish). Twelve months in the year/ Nissan, Iyar, Sivan,/ Tamuz, Av, Elul,/ Tishrei, Cheshvan, Kislev,/ Tevet, Shevat, Adar. Twelve directors in the soul/ male and female,/ The two hands, the two feet,/ the two kidneys,/ the gall bladder, the intestines,/ the liver, the korkeban,/ the kivah, the spleen. He made the letter Heh (ה) king over speech/ and He bound a crown to it/ And He combined one with another/ And with them He formed/ Aries in the Universe/ Nissan in the Year/ And the right foot in the Soul/ male and female./ He made the letter Vav (ו) king over thought/ And He bound a crown to it/ And He combined one with another/ And with them He formed/ Taurus in the Universe/ Iyar in the Year/ And the right kidney in the Soul/ male and female./ He made the letter Zayin (ז) king over motion/ And He bound a crown to it/ And He combined one with another/ And with them He formed/ Gemini in the Universe/ Sivan in the Year/ And the left foot in the Soul/ male and female. He made the letter Chet (ח) king over sight/ And He bound a crown to it/ And He combined one with another/ And with them He formed/ Cancer in the Universe/ Tamuz in the Year/ And the right hand in the Soul/ male and female./ He made the letter Tet (ט) king over hearing/ And He bound a crown to it/ And He combined one with another/ And with them He formed/ Leo in the Universe/ Av in the Year/ And the left kidney in the Soul/ male and female./ He made the letter Yud (י) king over action/ And He bound a crown to it/ And He combined one with another/ And with them He formed/ Virgo in the Universe/ Elul in the Year/ And the left hand in the Soul/ male and female. He made the letter Lamed (ל) king over coition/ And He bound a crown to it/ And He combined one with another/ And with them He formed/ Libra in the Universe/ Tishrei in the Year/ And the gall bladder in the Soul/ male and female./ He made the letter Nun (נ) king over smell/ And He bound a crown to it/ And He combined one with another/ And with them He formed/ Scorpio in the Universe/ Cheshvan in the Year/ And the intestine in the Soul/ male and female./ He made the letter Samekh (ס) king over sleep/ And He bound a crown to it/ And He combined one with another/ And with them He formed/ Sagitarius in the Universe/ Kislev in the Year/ And the Kivah in the Soul/ male and female. He made the letter Eyin (ע) king over anger/ And He bound a crown to it/ And He combined one with another/ And with them He formed/ Capricorn in the Universe/ Tevet in the Year/ And the liver in the Soul/ male and female./ He made the letter Tzadi (צ) king over taste/ And He bound a crown to it/ And He combined one with another/ And with them He formed/ Aquarius in the Universe/ Shevat in the Year/ And the Korkeban in the Soul/ male and female./ He made the letter Kuf (ק) king over laughter/ And He bound a crown to it/ And He combined one with another/ And with them He formed/ Pisces in the Universe/ Adar in the Year/ And the spleen in the Soul/ male and female./ He made them like a trough/ He arranged them like a wall/ He set them up like a battle. Chapter 6 These are the Three Mothers AMSh (אמש),/ And from them emanated Three Fathers,/ and they are air, water, and fire./ And from the Fathers, descendants./ Three Fathers and their descendants./ And seven planets and their hosts,/ And twelve diagonal boundaries/ A proof of this/ true witnesses in the Universe, Year, Soul/ and a rule of twelve/ and seven and three:/ He set them in the Teli, the Cycle, and the Heart. Three Mothers: AMSh (אמש)/ Air, water, and fire./ Fire is above, water is below,/ and air of Breath is the rule/ that decides between them./ And a sign of this thing/ is that fire supports water./ Mem hums, Shin hisses,/ and Alef is the breath of air/ that decides between them. The Teli in the Universe is like a king on his throne./ The Cycle in the Year is like a king in the province./ The Heart in the Soul is like a king in war. "Also God made one opposite the other" (Ecclesiastes 7:14)./ Good opposite evil,/ Evil opposite good./ Good from good/ Evil from evil./ Good defines evil/ And evil defines good./ Good is kept for the good ones/ And evil is kept for the evil ones. Three:/ Each one stands alone/ one acts as advocate/ one acts as accuser/ and one decides between them./ Seven:/ Three opposite three/ and one is the rule deciding between them./ Twelve stand in war:/ Three love,/ three hate,/ three give life/ and three kill/ Three love: the heart and the ears./ Three hate: the liver, the gall, and the tongue./ Three give life: the two nostrils and the spleen./ Three kill: the two orfices and the mouth./ And God faithful King rules over them all/ from His holy habitation/ until eternity of eternities./ One on three/ three on seven/ seven on twelve,/ And all are bound, one to another. These are the twenty-two letters/with which engraved/ Ehyeh, Yah, YHVH, Elohim, YHVH,/ YHVH, Tzavaot, Elohim Tzavaot, El Shaddai,/ YHVH Adonoy,/ And with them He made three Books,/ and with them He created His Universe,/ and He formed with them all that was ever formed,/ and all that ever will be formed. And when Abraham our father, may he rest in peace,/ looked, saw, understood, probed,/ engraved and carved,/ He was successful in creation,/ as it is written,/ "And the souls that they made in Haran" (Genesis 12:5)./ Immediately there was revealed to him the Master of all,/ may His name be blessed forever,/ He placed him in His bosom, and kissed him on his head,/ and He called him,/ "Abraham my beloved" (Isaiah 41:8)./ He made a covenant with him/ and with his children after him forever,/ as it is written,/ "And he believed in God, and He considered/ and He considered it righteousness" (Genesis 15:6)./ He made with him a covenant/ between the ten fingers of his hands - / this is the covenant of the tongue,/ and between the ten toes of his feet - / this is the covenant of circumcision,/ And He bound the 22 letters of Torah to his tongue/ and He revealed to him His mystery/ He drew them in water,/ He flamed them with fire,/ He agitated them with Breath,/ He burned them with the seven [planets]/ He directed them with the twelve constellations.