[ { "contents": [ { "contents": [ { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Torah" ], "order": 1, "primary_category": "Tanakh", "enShortDesc": "Creation, the beginning of mankind, and stories of the patriarchs and matriarchs.", "heShortDesc": "בריאת העולם, תחילתה של האנושות וסיפורי האבות והאמהות.", "corpus": "Tanakh", "heTitle": "בראשית", "title": "Genesis" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Torah" ], "order": 2, "primary_category": "Tanakh", "enShortDesc": "The Israelites’ enslavement in Egypt, miraculous redemption, the giving of the Torah, and building of the Mishkan (Tabernacle).", "heShortDesc": "שעבוד בני ישראל במצרים, יציאת מצרים, מתן תורה ובניית המשכן.", "corpus": "Tanakh", "heTitle": "שמות", "title": "Exodus" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Torah" ], "order": 3, "primary_category": "Tanakh", "enShortDesc": "Laws of sacrificial worship in the Mishkan (Tabernacle), ritual purity, and other topics like agriculture, ethics, and holidays.", "heShortDesc": "עבודת הקורבנות במשכן, דיני טהרה ומצוות אחרות העוסקות בעבודה חקלאית, בהתנהגות חברתית, ובמועדים.", "corpus": "Tanakh", "heTitle": "ויקרא", "title": "Leviticus" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Torah" ], "order": 4, "primary_category": "Tanakh", "enShortDesc": "Wanderings of the Israelites in the desert, census, rebellion, spies and war, interspersed with laws.", "heShortDesc": "מסעות בני ישראל במדבר, מפקדי אוכלוסין, מרידות, חטא המרגלים, מלחמות ושלל חוקים.", "corpus": "Tanakh", "heTitle": "במדבר", "title": "Numbers" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Torah" ], "order": 5, "primary_category": "Tanakh", "enShortDesc": "Moses’ final speeches, recalling events of the desert, reviewing old laws, introducing new ones, and calling for faithfulness to God.", "heShortDesc": "נאומי משה האחרונים, חזרה על אירועי המדבר, סקירה של חוקים שנאמרו בספרים הקודמים, הצגת חוקים חדשים וקריאה לנאמנות לאלוהים.", "corpus": "Tanakh", "heTitle": "דברים", "title": "Deuteronomy" } ], "order": 5, "enComplete": true, "heComplete": true, "enDesc": "Five Books of Moses", "heDesc": "התורה כוללת את חמשת הספרים הראשונים של התנ\"ך. לפי המסורת הרבנית, התורה שבכתב, יחד עם התורה שבעל פה, המרכיבים יחד את ההלכה היהודית, ניתנו בנבואה למשה. המסורת היהודית מחלקת את התורה לפרשיות, כאשר כל שבוע נקראת פרשה אחת, וקריאת כל חמשת החומשים מסתיימת במהלך כל שנה ושנה. הנוצרים חילקו את התורה לפרקים ופסוקים, וחלוקה זאת נמצאת בשימוש גם אצל יהודים מאז ימי הביניים.", "enShortDesc": "The Five Books of Moses", "heShortDesc": "", "heCategory": "תורה", "category": "Torah" }, { "contents": [ { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Prophets" ], "order": 6, "primary_category": "Tanakh", "enShortDesc": "The Israelites enter, conquer, and settle Israel under the leadership of Joshua.", "heShortDesc": "תחת הנהגתו של יהושע, בני ישראל נכנסים לארץ ישראל, כובשים אותה ומתיישבים בה.", "corpus": "Tanakh", "heTitle": "יהושע", "title": "Joshua" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Prophets" ], "order": 7, "primary_category": "Tanakh", "enShortDesc": "Cycles of sin, foreign oppression, repentance, and redemption through leaders appointed by God.", "heShortDesc": "מעגלים חוזרים של חטא, דיכוי תחת שלטון זר, חזרה בתשובה וגאולה בעזרת מנהיגים נבחרים.", "corpus": "Tanakh", "heTitle": "שופטים", "title": "Judges" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Prophets" ], "order": 8, "primary_category": "Tanakh", "enShortDesc": "The prophet Samuel, the advent of monarchy with the reign of Saul, and the rise of a young David.", "heShortDesc": "הנביא שמואל, מלכות שאול - ראשון המלכים בישראל, ועלייתו לגדולה של דוד הצעיר.", "corpus": "Tanakh", "heTitle": "שמואל א", "title": "I Samuel" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Prophets" ], "order": 9, "primary_category": "Tanakh", "enShortDesc": "King David’s triumphs and challenges as he establishes a united kingdom with Jerusalem as its capital.", "heShortDesc": "ניצחונותיו ואתגריו של דוד המלך, כינון הממלכה המאוחדת בישראל וייסוד עיר הבירה ירושלים.", "corpus": "Tanakh", "heTitle": "שמואל ב", "title": "II Samuel" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Prophets" ], "order": 10, "primary_category": "Tanakh", "enShortDesc": "Solomon’s kingship, construction of the Temple, a schism in the kingdom, and Elijah the Prophet.", "heShortDesc": "מלכות שלמה, בניית בית המקדש, פילוג הממלכה וסיפורי אליהו הנביא.", "corpus": "Tanakh", "heTitle": "מלכים א", "title": "I Kings" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Prophets" ], "order": 11, "primary_category": "Tanakh", "enShortDesc": "Stories and miracles of the prophet Elisha, the decline of Israel’s kingdoms, and the Temple’s destruction.", "heShortDesc": "סיפורי הנביא אלישע וניסיו, דעיכתן של ממלכות ישראל ויהודה וחורבן בית המקדש.", "corpus": "Tanakh", "heTitle": "מלכים ב", "title": "II Kings" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Prophets" ], "order": 12, "primary_category": "Tanakh", "enShortDesc": "Criticism of religious corruption, calls for change, and descriptions of a utopian future.", "heShortDesc": "ביקורת על שחיתות דתית וקריאות לשינוי, תיאורים של עתיד אוטופי.", "corpus": "Tanakh", "heTitle": "ישעיהו", "title": "Isaiah" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Prophets" ], "order": 13, "primary_category": "Tanakh", "enShortDesc": "Warnings of Jerusalem’s destruction and demands for repentance, largely rejected by the people, some of whom torture and persecute him.", "heShortDesc": "התראות מפני חורבן ירושלים, דרישה לחזרה בתשובה ודחייתה על ידי רוב העם, עינויים ורדיפות שספג ירמיהו בעקבות נבואותיו.", "corpus": "Tanakh", "heTitle": "ירמיהו", "title": "Jeremiah" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Prophets" ], "order": 14, "primary_category": "Tanakh", "enShortDesc": "Dramatic symbolism conveying rebuke or hope, and visions of a future Temple.", "heShortDesc": "נבואות תוכחה ונחמה, חזון בית המקדש העתידי.", "corpus": "Tanakh", "heTitle": "יחזקאל", "title": "Ezekiel" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Prophets" ], "order": 15, "primary_category": "Tanakh", "enShortDesc": "Rebuke of Israel for abandoning God, comparing their relationship to that of unfaithful lovers.", "heShortDesc": "תוכחה לעם ישראל על שנטש את אלוהיו והשוואת מערכת יחסים זו לבגידה בין בני זוג אוהבים.", "corpus": "Tanakh", "heTitle": "הושע", "title": "Hosea" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Prophets" ], "order": 16, "primary_category": "Tanakh", "enShortDesc": "A locust plague, a call to repent, and a promise of judgement for Israel’s oppressors.", "heShortDesc": "נבואה על מכת ארבה גדולה, קריאה לחזרה בתשובה והבטחה לדין עתידי שייעשה לצוררי ישראל.", "corpus": "Tanakh", "heTitle": "יואל", "title": "Joel" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Prophets" ], "order": 17, "primary_category": "Tanakh", "enShortDesc": "Condemnation of oppression and arrogance in the nations and Israel, and a call for reform.", "heShortDesc": "הוקעת הדיכוי והיוהרה השוררים באומות ובישראל וקריאה לתיקון מעמיק.", "corpus": "Tanakh", "heTitle": "עמוס", "title": "Amos" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Prophets" ], "order": 18, "primary_category": "Tanakh", "enShortDesc": "The shortest book in Tanakh, at just 21 verses, predicting the downfall of the kingdom of Edom.", "heShortDesc": "הספר הקצר ביותר בתנ\"ך, 21 פסוקים בסך הכול, החוזה את נפילת ממלכת אדום.", "corpus": "Tanakh", "heTitle": "עובדיה", "title": "Obadiah" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Prophets" ], "order": 19, "primary_category": "Tanakh", "enShortDesc": "A great fish swallows Jonah when he tries to escape his mission of prophecy, and Jonah repents.", "heShortDesc": "דג גדול בולע את יונה כאשר הוא מנסה להימלט משליחותו הנבואית; יונה מתפלל ומגיח החוצה כדי להשלים את משימתו.", "corpus": "Tanakh", "heTitle": "יונה", "title": "Jonah" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Prophets" ], "order": 20, "primary_category": "Tanakh", "enShortDesc": "Berating of Israel and its leadership for insincere ritual worship, and calls for justice and kindness.", "heShortDesc": "נזיפה בעם ישראל ובמנהיגיו על צביעותם בעבודת הפולחן וקריאה לצדק ולגמילות חסדים.", "corpus": "Tanakh", "heTitle": "מיכה", "title": "Micah" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Prophets" ], "order": 21, "primary_category": "Tanakh", "enShortDesc": "A celebratory prophecy about the downfall of the Assyrian empire, an oppressor of Israel.", "heShortDesc": "נבואה חגיגית על נפילת ממלכת אשור - צוררת ישראל.", "corpus": "Tanakh", "heTitle": "נחום", "title": "Nahum" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Prophets" ], "order": 22, "primary_category": "Tanakh", "enShortDesc": "Charging God to explain the unjust success of the Babylonians, God’s response, and a prayer.", "heShortDesc": "קריאה לאלוהים לנימוק ההצלחה חסרת הצדק של ממלכת בבל, תשובתו של אלוהים ותפילה.", "corpus": "Tanakh", "heTitle": "חבקוק", "title": "Habakkuk" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Prophets" ], "order": 23, "primary_category": "Tanakh", "enShortDesc": "Warnings of the destruction God will wreck on the unfaithful and calls for justice and humility.", "heShortDesc": "אזהרות מפני החורבן שימיט אלוהים וקריאות לצדק ולענווה.", "corpus": "Tanakh", "heTitle": "צפניה", "title": "Zephaniah" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Prophets" ], "order": 24, "primary_category": "Tanakh", "enShortDesc": "Urgent calls to build the Second Temple and descriptions of its future glory.", "heShortDesc": "קריאה בהולה לבניית בית המקדש השני ותיאורים של תפארתו העתידית.", "corpus": "Tanakh", "heTitle": "חגי", "title": "Haggai" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Prophets" ], "order": 25, "primary_category": "Tanakh", "enShortDesc": "Symbolic visions of redemption, explained by angels, and descriptions of the end of days.", "heShortDesc": "חזונות סמליים של גאולה, פירושם בידי מלאכים ותיאורי אחרית הימים.", "corpus": "Tanakh", "heTitle": "זכריה", "title": "Zechariah" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Prophets" ], "order": 26, "primary_category": "Tanakh", "enShortDesc": "Criticism of disingenuous ritual worship and descriptions of God’s future blessings.", "heShortDesc": "ביקורת על השקר והצביעות שליוו את עבודת הפולחן ותיאורים של השפע העתידי שיעניק אלוהים לצדיקים.", "corpus": "Tanakh", "heTitle": "מלאכי", "title": "Malachi" } ], "order": 10, "enComplete": true, "heComplete": true, "enDesc": "", "heDesc": "", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "heCategory": "נביאים", "category": "Prophets" }, { "contents": [ { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Writings" ], "order": 27, "primary_category": "Tanakh", "enShortDesc": "Poems of despair, hope, gratitude, and supplication to God, attributed to David and others.", "heShortDesc": "פיוטים המביעים קשת רגשות - תקווה ודכדוך, שבח ותחנונים לאלוהים - ומיוחסים לדוד המלך ולאישים אחרים.", "corpus": "Tanakh", "heTitle": "תהילים", "title": "Psalms" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Writings" ], "order": 28, "primary_category": "Tanakh", "enShortDesc": "Guidance for living a wise, moral, and righteous life, in the form of poems and short statements.", "heShortDesc": "מספרי החוכמה, ספר הדרכה לחיי מוסר, חוכמה וצדק שעיקרו פתגמים ואמרי מוסר שיריים.", "corpus": "Tanakh", "heTitle": "משלי", "title": "Proverbs" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Writings" ], "order": 29, "primary_category": "Tanakh", "enShortDesc": "Satan convinces God to strike a righteous man with tragedy, spurring conversations about suffering.", "heShortDesc": "השטן משכנע את הא-ל להמיט שרשרת אסונות על אדם צדיק, וצערו של איוב מוביל לדיונים על תורת הגמול (צדיק ורע לו).", "corpus": "Tanakh", "heTitle": "איוב", "title": "Job" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Writings" ], "order": 30, "primary_category": "Tanakh", "enShortDesc": "Poetic conversations of two lovers, traditionally read as a metaphor for God and Israel.", "heShortDesc": "שיח פיוטי בין נאהבים שנתפרש במסורת חז\"ל כאלגוריה ליחסי עם ישראל עם אלוקיו.", "corpus": "Tanakh", "heTitle": "שיר השירים", "title": "Song of Songs" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Writings" ], "order": 31, "primary_category": "Tanakh", "enShortDesc": "A Moabite widow remains loyal to her mother-in-law and to Israel, embarking on a new beginning.", "heShortDesc": "אלמנה מואבייה נוהגת בחמותה במידת החסד ומצטרפת לעם ישראל בצאתה לדרך חדשה.", "corpus": "Tanakh", "heTitle": "רות", "title": "Ruth" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Writings" ], "order": 32, "primary_category": "Tanakh", "enShortDesc": "Laments of Jerusalem’s destruction, grappling with theological explanations.", "heShortDesc": "קינה על חורבן ירושלים והתמודדות עם נימוקים תאולוגיים לחורבן.", "corpus": "Tanakh", "heTitle": "איכה", "title": "Lamentations" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Writings" ], "order": 33, "primary_category": "Tanakh", "enShortDesc": "An exploration of the meaning of life, reckoning with death, futility, and purpose.", "heShortDesc": "חקירת משמעות החיים באמצעות בחינת המוות, הבטלה והתכלית.", "corpus": "Tanakh", "heTitle": "קהלת", "title": "Ecclesiastes" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Writings" ], "order": 34, "primary_category": "Tanakh", "enShortDesc": "Esther becomes queen of Persia and foils a plot to destroy the Jews, establishing the Purim holiday.", "heShortDesc": "אסתר נעשית מלכת פרס ומסכלת מזימה להשמיד את היהודים, ולרגל נס ההצלה נקבע לדורות חג הפורים.", "corpus": "Tanakh", "heTitle": "אסתר", "title": "Esther" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Writings" ], "order": 35, "primary_category": "Tanakh", "enShortDesc": "A Jewish advisor to Babylonian kings interprets dreams and miraculously escapes danger.", "heShortDesc": "יועץ יהודי למלכי בבל הפותר חלומות ונמלט מסכנות בדרך נס.", "corpus": "Tanakh", "heTitle": "דניאל", "title": "Daniel" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Writings" ], "order": 36, "primary_category": "Tanakh", "enShortDesc": "Rebuilding the Temple after decades of exile and religious revival led by Ezra the scribe.", "heShortDesc": "לאחר עשרות שנות גלות בית המקדש נבנה מחדש ועזרא הסופר מוביל תחייה רוחנית.", "corpus": "Tanakh", "heTitle": "עזרא", "title": "Ezra" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Writings" ], "order": 37, "primary_category": "Tanakh", "enShortDesc": "Rebuilding Jerusalem’s walls and the nation’s commitment to observe the commandments.", "heShortDesc": "שיקום חומות ירושלים ונכונות העם לקבל עליו את שמירת המצוות.", "corpus": "Tanakh", "heTitle": "נחמיה", "title": "Nehemiah" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Writings" ], "order": 38, "primary_category": "Tanakh", "enShortDesc": "Recounts of events in the Torah and early Prophets, focusing on King David.", "heShortDesc": "חזרה על אירועים שכבר סופרו בתורה ובנביאים ראשונים, בדגש על קורותיו של דוד המלך.", "corpus": "Tanakh", "heTitle": "דברי הימים א", "title": "I Chronicles" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Writings" ], "order": 39, "primary_category": "Tanakh", "enShortDesc": "Recounts of events in the Prophets, from Solomon through the First Temple’s destruction.", "heShortDesc": "חזרה על אירועים שסופרו בספרי הנביאים מימי שלמה ועד חורבן בית המקדש הראשון.", "corpus": "Tanakh", "heTitle": "דברי הימים ב", "title": "II Chronicles" } ], "order": 15, "enComplete": true, "heComplete": true, "enDesc": "", "heDesc": "", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "heCategory": "כתובים", "category": "Writings" }, { "contents": [ { "contents": [ { "contents": [ { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Targum", "Aramaic Targum", "Writings" ], "dependence": "Targum", "primary_category": "Targum", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Aramaic Targum", "heCollectiveTitle": "תרגום", "commentator": "Aramaic Targum", "heCommentator": "תרגום", "base_text_order": 27, "heTitle": "תרגום תהלים", "title": "Aramaic Targum to Psalms" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Targum", "Aramaic Targum", "Writings" ], "dependence": "Targum", "primary_category": "Targum", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Aramaic Targum", "heCollectiveTitle": "תרגום", "commentator": "Aramaic Targum", "heCommentator": "תרגום", "base_text_order": 28, "heTitle": "תרגום משלי", "title": "Aramaic Targum to Proverbs" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Targum", "Aramaic Targum", "Writings" ], "dependence": "Targum", "primary_category": "Targum", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Aramaic Targum", "heCollectiveTitle": "תרגום", "commentator": "Aramaic Targum", "heCommentator": "תרגום", "base_text_order": 29, "heTitle": "תרגום איוב", "title": "Aramaic Targum to Job" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Targum", "Aramaic Targum", "Writings" ], "dependence": "Targum", "primary_category": "Targum", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Aramaic Targum", "heCollectiveTitle": "תרגום", "commentator": "Aramaic Targum", "heCommentator": "תרגום", "base_text_order": 30, "heTitle": "תרגום על שיר השירים", "title": "Aramaic Targum to Song of Songs" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Targum", "Aramaic Targum", "Writings" ], "dependence": "Targum", "primary_category": "Targum", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Aramaic Targum", "heCollectiveTitle": "תרגום", "commentator": "Aramaic Targum", "heCommentator": "תרגום", "base_text_order": 31, "heTitle": "תרגום רות", "title": "Aramaic Targum to Ruth" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Targum", "Aramaic Targum", "Writings" ], "dependence": "Targum", "primary_category": "Targum", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Aramaic Targum", "heCollectiveTitle": "תרגום", "commentator": "Aramaic Targum", "heCommentator": "תרגום", "base_text_order": 32, "heTitle": "תרגום איכה", "title": "Aramaic Targum to Lamentations" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Targum", "Aramaic Targum", "Writings" ], "dependence": "Targum", "primary_category": "Targum", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Aramaic Targum", "heCollectiveTitle": "תרגום", "commentator": "Aramaic Targum", "heCommentator": "תרגום", "base_text_order": 33, "heTitle": "תרגום קהלת", "title": "Aramaic Targum to Ecclesiastes" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Targum", "Aramaic Targum", "Writings" ], "dependence": "Targum", "primary_category": "Targum", "enShortDesc": "Aramaic translation and elaboration upon the Book of Esther, compiled sometime between the 4th and 11th centuries. ", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Aramaic Targum", "heCollectiveTitle": "תרגום", "commentator": "Aramaic Targum", "heCommentator": "תרגום", "base_text_order": 34, "heTitle": "תרגום אסתר", "title": "Aramaic Targum to Esther" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Targum", "Aramaic Targum", "Writings" ], "dependence": "targum", "primary_category": "Targum", "enShortDesc": "Aramaic translation and elaboration upon the book of Esther compiled sometime between the 4th and 11th centuries. 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"Targum", "primary_category": "Targum", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Targum Jerusalem", "heCollectiveTitle": "תרגום ירושלמי", "commentator": "Targum Jerusalem", "heCommentator": "תרגום ירושלמי", "base_text_order": 39, "heTitle": "תרגום דברי הימים ב", "title": "Targum of II Chronicles" } ], "enComplete": false, "heComplete": true, "enDesc": "", "heDesc": "", "enShortDesc": "Pieces of Targum on scattered phrases throughout the Torah.", "heShortDesc": "קטעי תרגום על מבחר ביטויים בתורה.", "heCategory": "תרגום ירושלמי", "category": "Targum Jerusalem" }, { "contents": [ { "contents": [ { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Targum", "Targum Jonathan", "Torah" ], "dependence": "Targum", "primary_category": "Targum", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Targum Jonathan", "heCollectiveTitle": "תרגום יונתן", "commentator": "Targum Jonathan", "heCommentator": "תרגום יונתן", "base_text_order": 1, "heTitle": "תרגום יונתן על בראשית", "title": "Targum Jonathan 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"commentator": "Abarbanel", "heCommentator": "אברבנאל", "base_text_order": 23, "heTitle": "אברבנאל על צפניה", "title": "Abarbanel on Zephaniah" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Rishonim on Tanakh", "Abarbanel", "Prophets" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Abarbanel", "heCollectiveTitle": "אברבנאל", "commentator": "Abarbanel", "heCommentator": "אברבנאל", "base_text_order": 24, "heTitle": "אברבנאל על חגי", "title": "Abarbanel on Haggai" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Rishonim on Tanakh", "Abarbanel", "Prophets" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Abarbanel", "heCollectiveTitle": "אברבנאל", "commentator": "Abarbanel", "heCommentator": "אברבנאל", "base_text_order": 25, "heTitle": "אברבנאל על זכריה", "title": "Abarbanel on Zechariah" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Rishonim on Tanakh", "Abarbanel", "Prophets" ], 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section with a list of questions on the biblical text.", "heShortDesc": "פירוש לתורה ולנביאים מן המאה ה-15; כל קטע חדש בו נפתח ברשימת שאלות על הטקסט המקראי.", "heCategory": "אברבנאל", "category": "Abarbanel" }, { "contents": [ { "contents": [ { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Rishonim on Tanakh", "Alshich", "Torah" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Alshich", "heCollectiveTitle": "אלשיך", "commentator": "Alshich", "heCommentator": "אלשיך", "base_text_order": 1, "heTitle": "תורת משה - אלשיך", "title": "Alshikh on Torah" } ], "order": 5, "enComplete": false, "heComplete": false, "enDesc": "", "heDesc": "", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "heCategory": "תורה", "category": "Torah" }, { "contents": [ { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Rishonim on Tanakh", "Alshich", "Writings" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Alshich", "heCollectiveTitle": "אלשיך", "commentator": "Alshich", "heCommentator": "אלשיך", "base_text_order": 27, "heTitle": "רוממות אל על תהילים", "title": "Romemot El on Psalms" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Rishonim on Tanakh", "Alshich", "Writings" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Alshich", "heCollectiveTitle": "אלשיך", "commentator": "Alshich", "heCommentator": "אלשיך", "base_text_order": 28, "heTitle": "רב פנינים על משלי", "title": "Rav Peninim on Proverbs" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Rishonim on Tanakh", "Alshich", "Writings" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Alshich", "heCollectiveTitle": "אלשיך", "commentator": "Alshich", "heCommentator": "אלשיך", "base_text_order": 29, "heTitle": "חלקת מחוקק על איוב", "title": "Chelkat Mechokek on Job" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Rishonim on Tanakh", "Alshich", "Writings" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Alshich", "heCollectiveTitle": "אלשיך", "commentator": "Alshich", "heCommentator": "אלשיך", "base_text_order": 30, "heTitle": "שושנת העמקים על שיר השירים", "title": "Shoshanat HaAmakim on Song of Songs" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Rishonim on Tanakh", "Alshich", "Writings" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Alshich", "heCollectiveTitle": "אלשיך", "commentator": "Alshich", "heCommentator": "אלשיך", "base_text_order": 31, "heTitle": "עיני משה על רות", "title": "Enei Moshe on Ruth" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Rishonim on Tanakh", "Alshich", "Writings" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Alshich", "heCollectiveTitle": "אלשיך", "commentator": "Alshich", "heCommentator": "אלשיך", "base_text_order": 32, "heTitle": "דברים ניחומים על איכה", "title": "Devarim Nichumim on Lamentations" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Rishonim on Tanakh", "Alshich", "Writings" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Alshich", "heCollectiveTitle": "אלשיך", "commentator": "Alshich", "heCommentator": "אלשיך", "base_text_order": 33, "heTitle": "דברים טובים על קהלת", "title": "Devarim Tovim on Ecclesiastes" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Rishonim on Tanakh", "Alshich", "Writings" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Alshich", "heCollectiveTitle": "אלשיך", "commentator": "Alshich", "heCommentator": "אלשיך", "base_text_order": 34, "heTitle": "משאת משה על אסתר", "title": "Massat Moshe on Esther" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Rishonim on Tanakh", "Alshich", "Writings" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Alshich", "heCollectiveTitle": "אלשיך", "commentator": "Alshich", "heCommentator": "אלשיך", "base_text_order": 35, "heTitle": "חבצלת השרון על דניאל", "title": "Chavatzelet HaSharon on Daniel" } ], "order": 10, "enComplete": false, "heComplete": true, "enDesc": "", "heDesc": "", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "heCategory": "כתובים", "category": "Writings" } ], "enComplete": false, "heComplete": false, "enDesc": "", "heDesc": "", "enShortDesc": "16th-century commentary highlighting the moral and religious lessons embedded in every biblical phrase.", "heShortDesc": "פירוש מן המאה ה-16 המדגיש מסרים בתחום האתיקה והמוסר הדתי הטמונים בכל פסוק.", "heCategory": "אלשיך", "category": "Alshich" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Rishonim on Tanakh" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "First completed work of the Abarbanel, composed around 1470, commenting on passages in chapters 23 and 24 in Exodus.", "heShortDesc": "\"עטרת זקנים\" לאברבנאל עוסק בפרשנות פילוסופית לפרשת שליחת המלאך בספר שמות, פרקים כ\"ג-כ\"ד. נכתב במאה ה-15 בליסבון, פורטוגל.", "heTitle": "עטרת זקנים", "title": "Ateret Zekeinim" }, { "contents": [ { "contents": [ { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Rishonim on Tanakh", "Ba'al HaTurim", "Torah" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Ba'al HaTurim", "heCollectiveTitle": "בעל הטורים ", "commentator": "Ba'al HaTurim", "heCommentator": "בעל הטורים ", "base_text_order": 1, "heTitle": "בעל הטורים על בראשית", "title": "Ba'al HaTurim on Genesis" } ], "order": 5, "enComplete": false, "heComplete": false, "enDesc": "", "heDesc": "", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "heCategory": "תורה", "category": "Torah" } ], "enComplete": false, "heComplete": false, "enDesc": "", "heDesc": "", "enShortDesc": "14th-century short introductions to biblical passages by the author of the Tur, often containing gematria and linguistic devices.", "heShortDesc": "מבואות קצרים לפרשיות מקראיות המשלבים גימטריות ומשחקי לשון. חובר במאה ה-14.", "heCategory": "בעל הטורים ", "category": "Ba'al HaTurim" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Rishonim on Tanakh" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "15th-century supercommentary to Rashi’s Torah commentary, attributed to the Mishnah commentator Rav Ovadiah Bartenura.", "heShortDesc": "ביאור מן המאה ה-15 לפירוש רש\"י לתורה, המיוחס לפרשן המשנה הרב עובדיה מברטנורא.", "heTitle": "ברטנורא על התורה", "title": "Bartenura on Torah" }, { "contents": [ { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Rishonim on Tanakh", "Bekhor Shor" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "order": 12, "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "12th-century commentary by a French Tosafist, focusing on literal interpretations and offering rational explanations of miraculous biblical events.", "heShortDesc": "פירוש של אחד מבעלי התוספות בצרפת מן המאה ה-12, המתמקד בביאור מילים וביטויים ובמתן הסברים רציונליים לניסים במקרא.", "collectiveTitle": "Bekhor Shor", "heCollectiveTitle": "בכור שור", "commentator": "Bekhor Shor", "heCommentator": "בכור שור", "base_text_order": 1, "heTitle": "בכור שור", "title": "Bekhor Shor" } ], "enComplete": false, "heComplete": true, "enDesc": "", "heDesc": "", "enShortDesc": "12th-century commentary by a French Tosafist, focusing on literal interpretations and offering rational explanations of miraculous biblical events.", "heShortDesc": "פירוש של אחד מבעלי התוספות בצרפת מן המאה ה-12, המתמקד בביאור מילים וביטויים ובמתן הסברים רציונליים לניסים במקרא.", "heCategory": "בכור שור", "category": "Bekhor Shor" }, { "contents": [ { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Rishonim on Tanakh", "Chizkuni" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "13th-century commentary presenting literal interpretations of the author’s predecessors and presenting new ideas.", "heShortDesc": "פירוש מן המאה ה-13 המציג ביאורים של פרשנות פשט שקדמה לו לצד חידושים.", "collectiveTitle": "Chizkuni", "heCollectiveTitle": "חזקוני", "commentator": "Chizkuni", "heCommentator": "חזקוני", "base_text_order": 1, "heTitle": "חזקוני", "title": "Chizkuni" } ], "enComplete": true, "heComplete": true, "enDesc": "", "heDesc": "", "enShortDesc": "13th-century commentary presenting literal interpretations of the author’s predecessors and presenting new ideas.", "heShortDesc": "פירוש מן המאה ה-13 המציג ביאורים של פרשנות פשט שקדמה לו לצד חידושים.", "heCategory": "חזקוני", "category": "Chizkuni" }, { "contents": [ { "contents": [ { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Rishonim on Tanakh", "Daat Zkenim", "Torah" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Daat Zkenim", "heCollectiveTitle": "דעת זקנים", "commentator": "Daat Zkenim", "heCommentator": "דעת זקנים", "base_text_order": 1, "heTitle": "דעת זקנים על בראשית", "title": "Daat Zkenim on Genesis" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Rishonim on Tanakh", "Daat Zkenim", "Torah" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Daat Zkenim", "heCollectiveTitle": "דעת זקנים", "commentator": "Daat Zkenim", "heCommentator": "דעת זקנים", "base_text_order": 2, "heTitle": "דעת זקנים על שמות", "title": "Daat Zkenim on Exodus" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Rishonim on Tanakh", "Daat Zkenim", "Torah" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Daat Zkenim", "heCollectiveTitle": "דעת זקנים", "commentator": "Daat Zkenim", "heCommentator": "דעת זקנים", "base_text_order": 3, "heTitle": "דעת זקנים על ויקרא", "title": "Daat Zkenim on Leviticus" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Rishonim on Tanakh", "Daat Zkenim", "Torah" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Daat Zkenim", "heCollectiveTitle": "דעת זקנים", "commentator": "Daat Zkenim", "heCommentator": "דעת זקנים", "base_text_order": 4, "heTitle": "דעת זקנים על במדבר", "title": "Daat Zkenim on Numbers" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Rishonim on Tanakh", "Daat Zkenim", "Torah" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Daat Zkenim", "heCollectiveTitle": "דעת זקנים", "commentator": "Daat Zkenim", "heCommentator": "דעת זקנים", "base_text_order": 5, "heTitle": "דעת זקנים על דברים", "title": "Daat Zkenim on Deuteronomy" } ], "order": 5, "enComplete": false, "heComplete": true, "enDesc": "", "heDesc": "", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "heCategory": "תורה", "category": "Torah" } ], "enComplete": false, "heComplete": true, "enDesc": "", "heDesc": "", "enShortDesc": "Commentary composed by the Tosafists in the 12th and 13th centuries, primarily in France and Germany.", "heShortDesc": "פירוש שחיברו בעלי התוספות במאות ה-12 וה-13 בעיקר בצרפת ובגרמניה.", "heCategory": "דעת זקנים", "category": "Daat Zkenim" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Rishonim on Tanakh" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "13th-century kabbalistic commentary of Rabbi Ezra ben Shlomo of Gerona, selected, translated, and annotated by Seth Brody in the 20th century.", "heShortDesc": "\"עזרא בן שלמה על שיר השירים\" הינו פירוש קבלי על ספר שיר־השירים בתנ\"ך. הספר נכתב על ידי רבי עזרא בן שלמה במאה ה-13 בקטלוניה, ספרד.", "collectiveTitle": "Ezra ben Solomon", "heCollectiveTitle": "עזרא בן שלמה", "commentator": "Ezra ben Solomon", "heCommentator": "עזרא בן שלמה", "heTitle": "עזרא בן שלמה על שיר השירים", "title": "Ezra ben Solomon on Song of Songs" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Rishonim on Tanakh" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "14th-century philosophical and exegetical work by Rabbi Yosef ibn Kaspi, mostly related to the book of Genesis.", "heShortDesc": "", "heTitle": "גביע כסף", "title": "Gevia Kesef" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Rishonim on Tanakh" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "Torah commentary compiled anonymously from the writings of Franco-German scholars in the 12th-13th centuries (Ba’alei HaTosafot).", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Hadar Zekenim", "heCollectiveTitle": "הדר זקנים", "commentator": "Hadar Zekenim", "heCommentator": "הדר זקנים", "base_text_order": 1, "heTitle": "הדר זקנים על התורה", "title": "Hadar Zekenim on Torah" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Rishonim on Tanakh" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "14th-century commentary that offers linguistic and grammatical explanations as well as philosophical perspectives.", "heShortDesc": "פירוש למגילת אסתר מהמאה ה-14 המציע הסברים לשוניים ודקדוקיים וכן נקודות מבט פילוסופיות", "base_text_order": 34, "heTitle": "עמנואל הרומי על אסתר", "title": "Immanuel of Rome on Esther" }, { "contents": [ { "contents": [ { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Rishonim on Tanakh", "Joseph ibn Yahya", "Writings" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "16th-century commentary on Writings by a student of the Rashba.", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Joseph ibn Yahya", "heCollectiveTitle": "יוסף אבן יחיא", "commentator": "Joseph ibn Yahya", "heCommentator": "יוסף אבן יחיא", "base_text_order": 34, "heTitle": "יוסף אבן יחיא על אסתר", "title": "Joseph ibn Yahya on Esther" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Rishonim on Tanakh", "Joseph ibn Yahya", "Writings" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Joseph ibn Yahya", "heCollectiveTitle": "יוסף אבן יחיא", "commentator": "Joseph ibn Yahya", "heCommentator": "יוסף אבן יחיא", "base_text_order": 35, "heTitle": "יוסף אבן יחיא על דניאל", "title": "Joseph ibn Yahya on Daniel" } ], "order": 5, "enComplete": false, "heComplete": true, "enDesc": "", "heDesc": "", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "heCategory": "כתובים", "category": "Writings" } ], "enComplete": false, "heComplete": true, "enDesc": "", "heDesc": "", "enShortDesc": "16th-century commentary on Writings by a student of the Rashba.", "heShortDesc": "פירוש מן המאה ה-16 על ספרי הכתובים, מיוחס לתלמידו של הרשב\"א.", "heCategory": "יוסף אבן יחיא", "category": "Joseph ibn Yahya" }, { "contents": [ { "contents": [ { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Rishonim on Tanakh", "Kitzur Ba'al HaTurim", "Torah" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Kitzur Ba'al HaTurim", "heCollectiveTitle": "קיצור בעל הטורים ", "commentator": "Kitzur Ba'al HaTurim", "heCommentator": "קיצור בעל הטורים ", "base_text_order": 1, "heTitle": "קיצור בעל הטורים על בראשית", "title": "Kitzur Ba'al HaTurim on Genesis" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Rishonim on Tanakh", "Kitzur Ba'al HaTurim", "Torah" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Kitzur Ba'al HaTurim", "heCollectiveTitle": "קיצור בעל הטורים ", "commentator": "Kitzur Ba'al HaTurim", "heCommentator": "קיצור בעל הטורים ", "base_text_order": 2, "heTitle": "קיצור בעל הטורים על שמות", "title": "Kitzur Ba'al HaTurim on Exodus" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Rishonim on Tanakh", "Kitzur Ba'al HaTurim", "Torah" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Kitzur Ba'al HaTurim", "heCollectiveTitle": "קיצור בעל הטורים ", "commentator": "Kitzur Ba'al HaTurim", "heCommentator": "קיצור בעל הטורים ", "base_text_order": 3, "heTitle": "קיצור בעל הטורים על ויקרא", "title": "Kitzur Ba'al HaTurim on Leviticus" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Rishonim on Tanakh", "Kitzur Ba'al HaTurim", "Torah" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", 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of the Torah commentary written by Jacob ben Asher, also known as the Ba’al HaTurim. The author was a halakhic scholar and biblical commentator in medieval Spain.", "heDesc": "", "enShortDesc": "Abridgement of the 14th-century Baal HaTurim Torah commentary.", "heShortDesc": "קיצור הפירוש לתורה שכתב בעל הטורים במאה ה-14.", "heCategory": "קיצור בעל הטורים ", "category": "Kitzur Ba'al HaTurim" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Rishonim on Tanakh" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "15th-century treatise of the Abarbanel examining prophecies throughout Tanakh that speak of redemption.", "heShortDesc": "מסה מן המאה ה-15 שחיבר אברבנאל על נבואות גאולה מקראיות.", "heTitle": "משמיע ישועה", "title": "Mashmia Yeshuah" }, { "contents": [ { "contents": [ { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Rishonim on Tanakh", "Minchat Shai", "Prophets" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Minchat Shai", "heCollectiveTitle": "מנחת שי", "commentator": "Minchat Shai", 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"base_text_order": 1, "heTitle": "מנחת שי על תורה", "title": "Minchat Shai on Torah" } ], "enComplete": false, "heComplete": true, "enDesc": "", "heDesc": "", "enShortDesc": "17th-century commentary focusing on textual variants, cantillation marks, and vowelization of biblical text.", "heShortDesc": "פירוש מן המאה ה-17 המתמקד בשינויי נוסח, טעמי המקרא ודקדוקי הגייה בטקסט המקראי.", "heCategory": "מנחת שי", "category": "Minchat Shai" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Rishonim on Tanakh" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "13th-century commentary by one of the French Tosafists explaining the simple meaning of the text while weaving in gematria and word schemes.", "heShortDesc": "פירוש של אחד מבעלי התוספות הצרפתים מן המאה ה-13 המבאר את פשטי המקראות בשילוב גימטריות ומשחקי לשון.", "base_text_order": 1, "heTitle": "פענח רזא", "title": "Paaneach Raza" }, { "contents": [ { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Rishonim on Tanakh", "Rabbeinu Bahya" ], "dependence": 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"Ralbag", "Writings" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Ralbag", "heCollectiveTitle": "רלב\"ג", "commentator": "Ralbag", "heCommentator": "רלב\"ג", "base_text_order": 39, "heTitle": "רלב\"ג על דברי הימים ב", "title": "Ralbag on II Chronicles" } ], "order": 15, "enComplete": false, "heComplete": true, "enDesc": "", "heDesc": "", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "heCategory": "כתובים", "category": "Writings" } ], "enComplete": false, "heComplete": true, "enDesc": "", "heDesc": "", "enShortDesc": "14th-century commentary defining words, explaining passages, and demonstrating morals, incorporating law, philosophy, math, and astronomy.", "heShortDesc": "פירוש ביטויים ופסוקים המשולבים באמרות מוסר, הלכה, פילוסופיה, מתמטיקה ואסטרונומיה; נכתב במאה ה-14.", "heCategory": "רלב\"ג", "category": "Ralbag" }, { "contents": [ { "contents": [ { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Rishonim on Tanakh", "Ralbag Beur HaMilot", "Torah" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Ralbag Beur HaMilot", "heCollectiveTitle": "רלב\"ג ביאור המלות", "commentator": "Ralbag Beur HaMilot", "heCommentator": "רלב\"ג ביאור המלות", "base_text_order": 1, "heTitle": "רלב\"ג ביאור המלות על התורה", "title": "Ralbag Beur HaMilot on Torah" } ], "order": 5, "enComplete": false, "heComplete": true, "enDesc": "", "heDesc": "", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "heCategory": "תורה", "category": "Torah" } ], "enComplete": false, "heComplete": true, "enDesc": "", "heDesc": "", "enShortDesc": "One of three sections of Ralbag’s Torah commentary, focusing on literal definitions.", "heShortDesc": "אחד משלושת החלקים של פירוש רלב\"ג לתורה, המתמקד בהגדרות לשוניות.", "heCategory": "רלב\"ג ביאור המלות", "category": "Ralbag Beur HaMilot" }, { "contents": [ { "contents": [ { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Rishonim on Tanakh", "Rashbam", "Torah" ], 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ויקרא", "title": "Rashbam on Leviticus" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Rishonim on Tanakh", "Rashbam", "Torah" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Rashbam", "heCollectiveTitle": "רשב\"ם", "commentator": "Rashbam", "heCommentator": "רשב\"ם", "base_text_order": 4, "heTitle": "רשב\"ם על במדבר", "title": "Rashbam on Numbers" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Rishonim on Tanakh", "Rashbam", "Torah" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Rashbam", "heCollectiveTitle": "רשב\"ם", "commentator": "Rashbam", "heCommentator": "רשב\"ם", "base_text_order": 5, "heTitle": "רשב\"ם על דברים", "title": "Rashbam on Deuteronomy" } ], "order": 5, "enComplete": true, "heComplete": true, "enDesc": "", "heDesc": "", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "heCategory": "תורה", "category": "Torah" } ], "enComplete": true, "heComplete": true, "enDesc": "", "heDesc": "", "enShortDesc": "Popular 12th-century commentary by Rashi’s grandson focusing on the simple meaning of the text.", "heShortDesc": "פירוש פשט ידוע מן המאה ה-12 שחיבר נכדו של רש\"י.", "heCategory": "רשב\"ם", "category": "Rashbam" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Rishonim on Tanakh" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "Supercommentary on Rashi’s Torah commentary compiled by one of the Tosafists in the 13th or 14th century.", "heShortDesc": "ביאור לפירוש רש\"י לתורה של אחד מבעלי התוספות במאה ה-13 או ה-14.", "collectiveTitle": "Riva", "heCollectiveTitle": "ריב\"א", "commentator": "Riva", "heCommentator": "ריב\"א", "heTitle": "ריב\"א על התורה", "title": "Riva on Torah" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Rishonim on Tanakh" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "14th-century commentary attributed to the legal codifier Rabbi Asher ben Yechiel.", "heShortDesc": "פירוש לתורה מן המאה ה-14 המיוחס לפוסק רבי אשר בן יחיאל.", "collectiveTitle": "Rosh", "heCollectiveTitle": "רא\"ש", "commentator": "Rosh", "heCommentator": "רא\"ש", "base_text_order": 1, "heTitle": "רא\"ש על התורה", "title": "Rosh on Torah" }, { "contents": [ { "contents": [ { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Rishonim on Tanakh", "Saadia Gaon", "Torah" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Saadia Gaon", "heCollectiveTitle": "ר' סעדיה גאון", "commentator": "Saadia Gaon", "heCommentator": "ר' סעדיה גאון", "base_text_order": 1, "heTitle": "ר' סעדיה גאון על בראשית", "title": "Saadia Gaon on Genesis" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Rishonim on Tanakh", "Saadia Gaon", "Torah" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Saadia Gaon", "heCollectiveTitle": "ר' סעדיה גאון", "commentator": "Saadia Gaon", "heCommentator": "ר' סעדיה גאון", "base_text_order": 2, "heTitle": "ר' סעדיה גאון על שמות", "title": "Saadia Gaon on Exodus" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Rishonim on Tanakh", "Saadia Gaon", "Torah" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Saadia Gaon", "heCollectiveTitle": "ר' סעדיה גאון", "commentator": "Saadia Gaon", "heCommentator": "ר' סעדיה גאון", "base_text_order": 4, "heTitle": "ר' סעדיה גאון על במדבר", "title": "Saadia Gaon on Numbers" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Rishonim on Tanakh", "Saadia Gaon", "Torah" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Saadia Gaon", "heCollectiveTitle": "ר' סעדיה גאון", "commentator": "Saadia Gaon", "heCommentator": "ר' סעדיה גאון", "base_text_order": 5, "heTitle": "ר' סעדיה גאון על דברים", "title": "Saadia Gaon on Deuteronomy" } ], "order": 5, "enComplete": false, "heComplete": false, "enDesc": "", "heDesc": "", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "heCategory": "תורה", "category": "Torah" }, { "contents": [ { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Rishonim on Tanakh", "Saadia Gaon", "Writings" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Saadia Gaon", "heCollectiveTitle": "ר' סעדיה גאון", "commentator": "Saadia Gaon", "heCommentator": "ר' סעדיה גאון", "base_text_order": 36, "heTitle": "ר' סעדיה גאון על עזרא", "title": "Saadia Gaon on Ezra" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Rishonim on Tanakh", "Saadia Gaon", "Writings" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Saadia Gaon", "heCollectiveTitle": "ר' סעדיה גאון", "commentator": "Saadia Gaon", "heCommentator": "ר' סעדיה גאון", "base_text_order": 37, "heTitle": "ר' סעדיה גאון על נחמיה", "title": "Saadia Gaon on Nehemiah" } ], "order": 10, "enComplete": false, "heComplete": true, "enDesc": "", "heDesc": "", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "heCategory": "כתובים", "category": "Writings" } ], "enComplete": false, "heComplete": false, "enDesc": "", "heDesc": "", "enShortDesc": "10th-century commentary incorporating essays on legal and philosophical topics loosely connected to biblical verses.", "heShortDesc": "פירוש המשלב מאמרים הלכתיים ופילוסופיים עם קשר רופף לפסוקי המקרא; נכתב במאה ה-10.", "heCategory": "ר' סעדיה גאון", "category": "Saadia Gaon" }, { "contents": [ { "contents": [ { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Rishonim on Tanakh", "Second Version of Ibn Ezra", "Writings" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Second Version of Ibn Ezra", "heCollectiveTitle": "אבן עזרא מהדורא תניינא", "commentator": "Second Version of Ibn Ezra", "heCommentator": "אבן עזרא מהדורא תניינא", "base_text_order": 34, "heTitle": "אבן עזרא מהדורא תניינא על אסתר", "title": "Second Version of Ibn Ezra on Esther" } ], "order": 5, "enComplete": false, "heComplete": true, "enDesc": "", "heDesc": "", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "heCategory": "כתובים", "category": "Writings" } ], "enComplete": false, "heComplete": true, "enDesc": "", "heDesc": "", "enShortDesc": "Second commentary of the Ibn Ezra on the Book of Esther, with overlapping themes to those of his first commentary but with many new interpretations.", "heShortDesc": "פירושו השני של אבן עזרא למגילת אסתר ובו נושאים החופפים לפירושו הראשון לצד פירושים חדשים.", "heCategory": "אבן עזרא מהדורא תניינא", "category": "Second Version of Ibn Ezra" }, { "contents": [ { "contents": [ { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Rishonim on Tanakh", "Sforno", "Torah" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "16th-century commentary on the Torah by Rabbi Ovadiah ben Jacob Sforno, an Italian rabbi and physician.", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Sforno", "heCollectiveTitle": "ספורנו", "commentator": "Sforno", "heCommentator": "ספורנו", "base_text_order": 1, "heTitle": "ספורנו על בראשית", "title": "Sforno on Genesis" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Rishonim on Tanakh", "Sforno", "Torah" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "16th-century commentary on the Torah by Rabbi Ovadiah ben Jacob Sforno, an Italian rabbi and physician.", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Sforno", "heCollectiveTitle": "ספורנו", "commentator": "Sforno", "heCommentator": "ספורנו", "base_text_order": 2, "heTitle": "ספורנו על שמות", "title": "Sforno on Exodus" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Rishonim on Tanakh", "Sforno", "Torah" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "16th-century commentary on the Torah by Rabbi Ovadiah ben Jacob Sforno, an Italian rabbi and physician.", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Sforno", "heCollectiveTitle": "ספורנו", "commentator": "Sforno", "heCommentator": "ספורנו", "base_text_order": 3, "heTitle": "ספורנו על ויקרא", "title": "Sforno on Leviticus" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Rishonim on Tanakh", "Sforno", "Torah" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "16th-century commentary on the Torah by Rabbi Ovadiah ben Jacob Sforno, an Italian rabbi and physician.", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Sforno", "heCollectiveTitle": "ספורנו", "commentator": "Sforno", "heCommentator": "ספורנו", "base_text_order": 4, "heTitle": "ספורנו על במדבר", "title": "Sforno on Numbers" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Rishonim on Tanakh", "Sforno", "Torah" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "16th-century commentary on the Torah by Rabbi Ovadiah ben Jacob Sforno, an Italian rabbi and physician.", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Sforno", "heCollectiveTitle": "ספורנו", "commentator": "Sforno", "heCommentator": "ספורנו", "base_text_order": 5, "heTitle": "ספורנו על דברים", "title": "Sforno on Deuteronomy" } ], "order": 5, "enComplete": true, "heComplete": true, "enDesc": "", "heDesc": "", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "heCategory": "תורה", "category": "Torah" }, { "contents": [ { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Rishonim on Tanakh", "Sforno", "Writings" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "16th-century commentary by Rabbi Ovadiah ben Jacob Sforno, an Italian rabbi and physician.", "heShortDesc": "פירוש לשיר השירים מהמאה ה-16. נכתב על ידי רבי עובדיה סְפוֹרְנוֹ - פרשן מקרא, רב ורופא באיטליה.", "collectiveTitle": "Sforno", "heCollectiveTitle": "ספורנו", "commentator": "Sforno", "heCommentator": "ספורנו", "base_text_order": 30, "heTitle": "ספורנו על שיר השירים", "title": "Sforno on Song of Songs" } ], "enComplete": false, "heComplete": true, "enDesc": "", "heDesc": "", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "heCategory": "כתובים", "category": "Writings" } ], "enComplete": false, "heComplete": true, "enDesc": "", "heDesc": "", "enShortDesc": "Commentary by 16th-century Italian 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"Toledot Yitzchak", "heCommentator": "תולדות יצחק", "base_text_order": 1, "heTitle": "תולדות יצחק על התורה", "title": "Toledot Yitzchak on Torah" }, { "contents": [ { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Rishonim on Tanakh", "Tur HaAroch" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "14th-century commentary by the author of the Tur with summaries of traditional interpretations, particularly those of the Ramban.", "heShortDesc": "פירוש של בעל הטורים, בן המאה ה-14, המשלב סיכומים של פרשנות קיימת, בייחוד זו של הרמב\"ן.", "collectiveTitle": "Tur HaAroch", "heCollectiveTitle": "הטור הארוך", "commentator": "Tur HaAroch", "heCommentator": "הטור הארוך", "heTitle": "הטור הארוך", "title": "Tur HaArokh" } ], "enComplete": true, "heComplete": true, "enDesc": "", "heDesc": "", "enShortDesc": "14th-century commentary by the author of the Tur with summaries of traditional interpretations, particularly those of the Ramban.", "heShortDesc": "פירוש של בעל הטורים, בן המאה ה-14, המשלב סיכומים של פרשנות קיימת, בייחוד זו של הרמב\"ן.", "heCategory": "הטור הארוך", "category": "Tur HaAroch" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Rishonim on Tanakh" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "16th-century commentary with literal explanations as well as mystical ones based on the teachings of the Zohar.", "heShortDesc": "פירושי פשט ומיסטיקה המבוססים על ספר הזוהר, מן המאה ה-16.", "collectiveTitle": "Tzror HaMor", "heCollectiveTitle": "צרור המור", "commentator": "Tzror HaMor", "heCommentator": "צרור המור", "base_text_order": 1, "heTitle": "צרור המור על התורה", "title": "Tzror HaMor on Torah" } ], "order": 25, "enComplete": false, "heComplete": false, "enDesc": "", "heDesc": "", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "searchRoot": "Tanakh Commentary", "heCategory": "ראשונים על התנ״ך", "category": "Rishonim on Tanakh" }, { "contents": [ { "contents": [ { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Acharonim on Tanakh", "Aderet Eliyahu" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "18th-century commentary on the Torah by the Vilna Gaon.", "heShortDesc": "פירוש מן המאה ה-18 שכתב הגאון מווילנה, רבי אליהו בן שלמה זלמן.", "base_text_order": 1, "heTitle": "אדרת אליהו", "title": "Aderet Eliyahu" } ], "enComplete": false, "heComplete": true, "enDesc": "", "heDesc": "", "enShortDesc": "18th-century commentary on the Torah by the Vilna Gaon.", "heShortDesc": "פירוש מן המאה ה-18 שכתב הגאון מווילנה, רבי אליהו בן שלמה זלמן.", "heCategory": "אדרת אליהו", "category": "Aderet Eliyahu" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Acharonim on Tanakh" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "19th-century commentary on select verses from the Torah and haftarot by the Ben Ish Chai, with elaborative and mystical interpretations.", "heShortDesc": "פירוש של הבן איש חי על פסוקים נבחרים מהתורה ומההפטרות בשילוב פרשנות מיסטית, מן המאה ה-18.", "heTitle": "אדרת אליהו (ר' יוסף חיים)", "title": "Aderet Eliyahu (Rabbi Yosef Chaim)" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Acharonim on Tanakh" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "18th-century commentary on the haftarot, written by Rabbi Jonathan Eybeschutz.", "heShortDesc": "", "base_text_order": 6, "heTitle": "אהבת יהונתן", "title": "Ahavat Yehonatan" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Acharonim on Tanakh" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "18th-century commentary on the book of Lamentations, written by Rabbi Jonathan Eybeschutz.", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Alon Bakhut", "heCollectiveTitle": "אלון בכות", "commentator": "Alon Bakhut", "heCommentator": "אלון בכות", "base_text_order": 32, "heTitle": "אלון בכות על איכה", "title": "Alon Bakhut on Lamentations" }, { "contents": [ { "contents": [ { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Acharonim on Tanakh", "Avi Ezer", "Torah" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "18th-century supercommentary to Ibn Ezra's Torah commentary.", "heShortDesc": "ביאור לפירוש אבן עזרא לתורה, מן המאה ה-18.", "collectiveTitle": "Avi Ezer", "heCollectiveTitle": "אבי עזר", "commentator": "Avi Ezer", "heCommentator": "אבי עזר", "base_text_order": 1, "heTitle": "אבי עזר", "title": "Avi Ezer" } ], "order": 5, "enComplete": false, "heComplete": true, "enDesc": "", "heDesc": "", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "heCategory": "תורה", "category": "Torah" } ], "enComplete": false, "heComplete": true, "enDesc": "", "heDesc": "", "enShortDesc": "18th-century supercommentary to Ibn Ezra's Torah commentary.", "heShortDesc": "ביאור לפירוש אבן עזרא לתורה, מן המאה ה-18.", "heCategory": "אבי עזר", "category": "Avi Ezer" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Acharonim on Tanakh" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "Mystical commentary compiled by a student of Rav Chaim Vital in the 17th century and first published in the 19th century.", "heShortDesc": "פירוש מיסטי שליקט רבי חיים ויטאל במאה ה-17 ופורסם לראשונה במאה ה-19.", "heTitle": "בעלי ברית אברם", "title": "Ba'alei Brit Avram" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Acharonim on Tanakh" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "19th-century analytical commentary on Genesis and part of Exodus by Rabbi Yosef Dov Soloveitchik.", "heShortDesc": "ביאור אנליטי על ספר בראשית וחלקים מספר שמות שכתב הרב יוסף דב הלוי סולובייצ'יק במאה ה-19.", "heTitle": "בית הלוי על התורה", "title": "Beit HaLevi on Torah" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Acharonim on Tanakh" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "Mystical commentary compiled in the 19th century from teachings of Rabbi Avraham Yehoshua Heschel, a 17th-century leading rabbi in Poland.", "heShortDesc": "פירוש מיסטי שנלקט במאה ה-19 מדרשותיו של הרב אברהם יהושע השל, שהיה רב חשוב בפולין במאה ה-17.", "heTitle": "חנוכת התורה", "title": "Chanukat HaTorah" }, { 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"Acharonim on Tanakh", "Chida" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "heTitle": "צוארי שלל", "title": "Tzaverei Shalal" } ], "enComplete": false, "heComplete": true, "enDesc": "", "heDesc": "", "enShortDesc": "Series of 18th-century commentaries of Rav Chaim Yosef David Azulai, incorporating rabbinic and kabbalistic teachings.", "heShortDesc": "סדרה של פירושיו של הרב חיים יוסף דוד אזולאי , בן המאה ה-18, המשלבים פרשנות חז\"ל וקבלה.", "heCategory": "חיד״א", "category": "Chida" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Acharonim on Tanakh" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "19th-century commentary by Rabbi Elijah Benamozegh, incorporating philology, archeology, and history.", "heShortDesc": "\"אם למקרא\" הוא פירוש למקרא שחיבר הרב אליהו בן אמוזג במאה ה-19 באיטליה. הספר מתייחד בכך שהוא מתבסס גם על מחקרים אקדמיים מודרניים.", "collectiveTitle": "Em LaMikra", "heCollectiveTitle": "אם למקרא", 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"primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Gur Aryeh", "heCollectiveTitle": "גור אריה", "commentator": "Gur Aryeh", "heCommentator": "גור אריה", "base_text_order": 2, "heTitle": "גור אריה על שמות", "title": "Gur Aryeh on Shemot" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Acharonim on Tanakh", "Gur Aryeh", "Torah" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Gur Aryeh", "heCollectiveTitle": "גור אריה", "commentator": "Gur Aryeh", "heCommentator": "גור אריה", "base_text_order": 3, "heTitle": "גור אריה על ויקרא", "title": "Gur Aryeh on Vayikra" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Acharonim on Tanakh", "Gur Aryeh", "Torah" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Gur Aryeh", "heCollectiveTitle": "גור אריה", "commentator": "Gur Aryeh", "heCommentator": "גור אריה", "base_text_order": 4, "heTitle": "גור אריה על במדבר", "title": "Gur Aryeh on Bamidbar" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Acharonim on Tanakh", "Gur Aryeh", "Torah" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Gur Aryeh", "heCollectiveTitle": "גור אריה", "commentator": "Gur Aryeh", "heCommentator": "גור אריה", "base_text_order": 5, "heTitle": "גור אריה על דברים", "title": "Gur Aryeh on Devarim" } ], "order": 5, "enComplete": false, "heComplete": true, "enDesc": "Sixteenth-century supercommentary on Rashi's Torah commentary. 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"title": "HaKtav VeHaKabalah" } ], "enComplete": false, "heComplete": true, "enDesc": "", "heDesc": "", "enShortDesc": "19th-century commentary by an opponent of Reform Judaism meant to demonstrate how the oral tradition is derived from the biblical text.", "heShortDesc": "פירוש מן המאה ה-19 שחיבר אחד המתנגדים ליהדות הרפורמית, ומטרתו להוכיח את החיבור בין התורה שבכתב לתורה שבעל פה.", "heCategory": "הכתב והקבלה", "category": "HaKtav VeHaKabalah" }, { "contents": [ { "contents": [ { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Acharonim on Tanakh", "Haamek Davar", "Torah" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Haamek Davar", "heCollectiveTitle": "העמק דבר", "commentator": "Haamek Davar", "heCommentator": "העמק דבר", "base_text_order": 1, "heTitle": "העמק דבר על בראשית", "title": "Haamek Davar on Genesis" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Acharonim on Tanakh", "Haamek Davar", "Torah" ], "dependence": "Commentary", 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"heCategory": "העמק דבר", "category": "Haamek Davar" }, { "contents": [ { "contents": [ { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Acharonim on Tanakh", "Harchev Davar", "Torah" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Harchev Davar", "heCollectiveTitle": "הרחב דבר", "commentator": "Harchev Davar", "heCommentator": "הרחב דבר", "base_text_order": 1, "heTitle": "הרחב דבר על בראשית", "title": "Harchev Davar on Genesis" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Acharonim on Tanakh", "Harchev Davar", "Torah" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Harchev Davar", "heCollectiveTitle": "הרחב דבר", "commentator": "Harchev Davar", "heCommentator": "הרחב דבר", "base_text_order": 2, "heTitle": "הרחב דבר על שמות", "title": "Harchev Davar on Exodus" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Acharonim on Tanakh", "Harchev Davar", "Torah" ], "dependence": "Commentary", 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"הרחב דבר", "base_text_order": 5, "heTitle": "הרחב דבר על דברים", "title": "Harchev Davar on Deuteronomy" } ], "order": 5, "enComplete": false, "heComplete": true, "enDesc": "", "heDesc": "", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "heCategory": "תורה", "category": "Torah" } ], "enComplete": false, "heComplete": true, "enDesc": "", "heDesc": "", "enShortDesc": "The Netziv’s elaborations upon his Haamek Davar.", "heShortDesc": "הרחבות הנצי\"ב על פירושו 'העמק דבר'.", "heCategory": "הרחב דבר", "category": "Harchev Davar" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Acharonim on Tanakh" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "16th-century commentary on the Book of Ruth, by Samuel de Uçeda, that includes interpretations from talmudic times all the way to the author’s contemporaries.", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Iggeret Shmuel", "heCollectiveTitle": "אגרת שמואל", "commentator": "Iggeret Shmuel", "heCommentator": "אגרת שמואל", "base_text_order": 31, "heTitle": "אגרת שמואל על רות", "title": "Iggeret Shmuel on Ruth" }, { "contents": [ { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Acharonim on Tanakh", "Imrei Yosher" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Tzror HaMor", "heCollectiveTitle": "צרור המור", "commentator": "Tzror HaMor", "heCommentator": "צרור המור", "base_text_order": 30, "heTitle": "צרור המור על שיר השירים", "title": "Tzror HaMor on Song of Songs" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Acharonim on Tanakh", "Imrei Yosher" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Imrei Yosher", "heCollectiveTitle": "אמרי יושר", "commentator": "Imrei Yosher", "heCommentator": "אמרי יושר", "base_text_order": 31, "heTitle": "אמרי יושר על רות", "title": "Imrei Yosher on Ruth" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Acharonim on Tanakh", "Imrei Yosher" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Palgei Mayim", "heCollectiveTitle": "פלגי מים", "commentator": "Palgei Mayim", "heCommentator": "פלגי מים", "base_text_order": 32, "heTitle": "פלגי מים על איכה", "title": "Palgei Mayim on Lamentations" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Acharonim on Tanakh", "Imrei Yosher" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Ta'alumot Chokhmah", "heCollectiveTitle": "תעלומות חכמה", "commentator": "Ta'alumot Chokhmah", "heCommentator": "תעלומות חכמה", "base_text_order": 33, "heTitle": "תעלומות חכמה על קהלת", "title": "Ta'alumot Chokhmah on Ecclesiastes" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Acharonim on Tanakh", "Imrei Yosher" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Megillat Setarim", "heCollectiveTitle": "מגילת סתרים", "commentator": "Megillat Setarim", "heCommentator": "מגילת סתרים", "base_text_order": 34, "heTitle": "מגילת סתרים על אסתר", "title": "Megillat Setarim on Esther" } ], "enComplete": false, "heComplete": true, "enDesc": "", "heDesc": "", "enShortDesc": "19th-century commentaries on the five megillot by the author of the Netivot Mishpat.", "heShortDesc": "פירוש על חמש מגילות של מחבר הספר 'נתיבות משפט', מן המאה ה-19.", "heCategory": "אמרי יושר", "category": "Imrei Yosher" }, { "contents": [ { "contents": [ { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Acharonim on Tanakh", "Kli Yakar", "Torah" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Kli Yakar", "heCollectiveTitle": "כלי יקר", "commentator": "Kli Yakar", "heCommentator": "כלי יקר", "base_text_order": 1, "heTitle": "כלי יקר על בראשית", "title": "Kli Yakar on Genesis" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Acharonim on Tanakh", "Kli Yakar", "Torah" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", 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נדפס והתפרסם בונציה בשנת 1760 לספירה.", "collectiveTitle": "Maskil LeDavid", "heCollectiveTitle": "משכיל לדוד", "commentator": "Maskil LeDavid", "heCommentator": "משכיל לדוד", "base_text_order": 10000, "heTitle": "משכיל לדוד", "title": "Maskil LeDavid" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Acharonim on Tanakh" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "First work authored by the Rema, written in the 16th century as a commentary comparing the plot of the Book of Esther to a person’s journey through life.", "heShortDesc": "השוואה בין מגילת אסתר למסעו של האדם בחיים; החיבור הראשון של הרמ\"א, מן המאה ה-16.", "collectiveTitle": "Mechir Yayin", "heCollectiveTitle": "מחיר יין", "commentator": "Mechir Yayin", "heCommentator": "מחיר יין", "base_text_order": 34, "heTitle": "מחיר יין", "title": "Mechir Yayin on Esther" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Acharonim on Tanakh" ], "dependence": "commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "Commentary on 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which he started writing as a teenager.", "heShortDesc": "פירוש לתורה שכתב הרב מאיר שמחה הכהן מדווינסק, שהתחיל לכותבו כשהיה נער צעיר במאה ה-20.", "heCategory": "משך חכמה", "category": "Meshech Hochma" }, { "contents": [ { "contents": [ { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Acharonim on Tanakh", "Metzudat David", "Prophets" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Metzudat David", "heCollectiveTitle": "מצודת דוד", "commentator": "Metzudat David", "heCommentator": "מצודת דוד", "base_text_order": 6, "heTitle": "מצודת דוד על יהושע", "title": "Metzudat David on Joshua" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Acharonim on Tanakh", "Metzudat David", "Prophets" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Metzudat David", "heCollectiveTitle": "מצודת דוד", "commentator": "Metzudat David", "heCommentator": "מצודת דוד", "base_text_order": 7, "heTitle": "מצודת דוד על שופטים", "title": "Metzudat David on Judges" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Acharonim on Tanakh", "Metzudat David", "Prophets" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Metzudat David", "heCollectiveTitle": "מצודת דוד", "commentator": "Metzudat David", "heCommentator": "מצודת דוד", "base_text_order": 8, "heTitle": "מצודת דוד על שמואל א", "title": "Metzudat David on I Samuel" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Acharonim on Tanakh", "Metzudat David", "Prophets" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Metzudat David", "heCollectiveTitle": "מצודת דוד", "commentator": "Metzudat David", "heCommentator": "מצודת דוד", "base_text_order": 9, "heTitle": "מצודת דוד על שמואל ב", "title": "Metzudat David on II Samuel" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Acharonim on Tanakh", "Metzudat David", "Prophets" ], "dependence": 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Targuma on Torah" }, { "contents": [ { "contents": [ { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Acharonim on Tanakh", "Mizrachi", "Torah" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Mizrachi", "heCollectiveTitle": "מזרחי", "commentator": "Mizrachi", "heCommentator": "מזרחי", "base_text_order": 1, "heTitle": "מזרחי", "title": "Mizrachi" } ], "order": 5, "enComplete": false, "heComplete": true, "enDesc": "", "heDesc": "", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "heCategory": "תורה", "category": "Torah" } ], "enComplete": false, "heComplete": true, "enDesc": "", "heDesc": "", "enShortDesc": "16th-century supercommentary on Rashi’s Torah commentary, in part defending Rashi from critiques of later commentators like the Ramban.", "heShortDesc": "ביאור לפירוש רש\"י על התורה, נכתב במאה ה-16, המשלב הגנה על פירושי רש\"י נגד הרמב\"ן ופרשנים אחרים החולקים על פירושיו.", "heCategory": "מזרחי", "category": "Mizrachi" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Acharonim on Tanakh" ], "dependence": "commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "19th-century commentary on Targum Onkelos, an Aramaic translation of the Torah.", "heShortDesc": "פירוש מהמאה ה-19 על תרגום אונקלוס אשר נכתב על ידי הרב נתן מרקוס אדלר", "base_text_order": 1, "heTitle": "נתינה לגר", "title": "Netinah LaGer" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Acharonim on Tanakh" ], "dependence": "commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "Collection of the eighteenth-century Dubner Maggid’s homiletical teachings on the five books of the Torah.", "heShortDesc": "", "base_text_order": 1, "heTitle": "אהל יעקב על התורה", "title": "Ohel Ya'akov on Torah" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Acharonim on Tanakh" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "19th-century academic work of the Shadal analyzing the methods of Targum Onkelos and presenting its textual variants.", "heShortDesc": "מחקר ופירוש על תרגום אונקלוס כולל חילופי נוסח, שחיבר שד\"ל במאה ה-19.", "heTitle": "אוהב גר", "title": "Ohev Ger" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Acharonim on Tanakh" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "Sixteenth-century commentary on the book of Esther by the Maharal.", "heShortDesc": "פירוש למגילת אסתר שכתב המהר\"ל, מן המאה ה-16.", "base_text_order": 34, "heTitle": "אור חדש", "title": "Ohr Chadash" }, { "contents": [ { "contents": [ { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Acharonim on Tanakh", "Or HaChaim", "Torah" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Or HaChaim", "heCollectiveTitle": "אור החיים", "commentator": "Or HaChaim", "heCommentator": "אור החיים", "base_text_order": 1, "heTitle": "אור החיים על בראשית", "title": "Or HaChaim on Genesis" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Acharonim on Tanakh", "Or HaChaim", "Torah" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Or HaChaim", "heCollectiveTitle": "אור החיים", "commentator": "Or HaChaim", "heCommentator": "אור החיים", "base_text_order": 2, "heTitle": "אור החיים על שמות", "title": "Or HaChaim on Exodus" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Acharonim on Tanakh", "Or HaChaim", "Torah" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Or HaChaim", "heCollectiveTitle": "אור החיים", "commentator": "Or HaChaim", "heCommentator": "אור החיים", "base_text_order": 3, "heTitle": "אור החיים על ויקרא", "title": "Or HaChaim on Leviticus" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Acharonim on Tanakh", "Or HaChaim", "Torah" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Or HaChaim", "heCollectiveTitle": "אור החיים", "commentator": "Or HaChaim", "heCommentator": "אור החיים", "base_text_order": 4, "heTitle": "אור החיים על במדבר", "title": "Or HaChaim on Numbers" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Acharonim on Tanakh", "Or HaChaim", "Torah" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Or HaChaim", "heCollectiveTitle": "אור החיים", "commentator": "Or HaChaim", "heCommentator": "אור החיים", "base_text_order": 5, "heTitle": "אור החיים על דברים", "title": "Or HaChaim on Deuteronomy" } ], "order": 5, "enComplete": true, "heComplete": true, "enDesc": "", "heDesc": "", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "heCategory": "תורה", "category": "Torah" } ], "enComplete": true, "heComplete": true, "enDesc": "", "heDesc": "", "enShortDesc": "18th-century Torah commentary incorporating mysticism, originating in Morocco and seen as an essential work by the European founders of chasidism.", "heShortDesc": "פירוש מיסטי לתורה מן המאה ה-18 שמקורו במרוקו, ונתפס כיצירה מהותית בעיני מייסדי תנועת החסידות באירופה.", "heCategory": "אור החיים", "category": "Or HaChaim" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Acharonim on Tanakh" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "Seminal 19th-century commentary of Rav Shimshon Raphael Hirsch giving expression to his belief in the interconnectedness of Torah and civilization, composed in German.", "heShortDesc": "פירוש רב-השפעה מן המאה ה-19 שכתב הרב שמשון רפאל הירש בגרמנית, המביא לידי ביטוי את אמונתו בקשר בין התורה למדע.", "collectiveTitle": "Rav Hirsch", "heCollectiveTitle": "רש\"ר הירש", "commentator": "Rav Hirsch", "heCommentator": "רש\"ר הירש", "base_text_order": 1, "heTitle": "רש\"ר הירש על התורה", "title": "Rav Hirsch on Torah" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Acharonim on Tanakh" ], "dependence": "commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "19th-century commentary on the five books of the Torah by a scientifically oriented Italian scholar.", "heShortDesc": "פירוש מהמאה ה-19 לחמישה חומשי תורה אשר נכתב על ידי יצחק שמואל רג'יו באיטליה", "collectiveTitle": "Reggio", "heCollectiveTitle": "ביאור יש\"ר", "commentator": "Reggio", "heCommentator": "ביאור יש\"ר", "base_text_order": 1, "heTitle": "ביאור יש\"ר על התורה", "title": "Reggio on Torah" }, { "contents": [ { "contents": [ { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Acharonim on Tanakh", "Shadal", "Torah" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Shadal", "heCollectiveTitle": "שד\"ל", "commentator": "Shadal", "heCommentator": "שד\"ל", "base_text_order": 1, "heTitle": "שד\"ל על בראשית", "title": "Shadal on Genesis" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Acharonim on Tanakh", "Shadal", "Torah" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Shadal", "heCollectiveTitle": "שד\"ל", "commentator": "Shadal", "heCommentator": "שד\"ל", "base_text_order": 2, "heTitle": "שד\"ל על שמות", "title": "Shadal on Exodus" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Acharonim on Tanakh", "Shadal", "Torah" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Shadal", "heCollectiveTitle": "שד\"ל", "commentator": "Shadal", "heCommentator": "שד\"ל", "base_text_order": 3, "heTitle": "שד\"ל על ויקרא", "title": "Shadal on Leviticus" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Acharonim on Tanakh", "Shadal", "Torah" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Shadal", "heCollectiveTitle": "שד\"ל", "commentator": "Shadal", "heCommentator": "שד\"ל", "base_text_order": 4, "heTitle": "שד\"ל על במדבר", "title": "Shadal on Numbers" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Acharonim on Tanakh", "Shadal", "Torah" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Shadal", "heCollectiveTitle": "שד\"ל", "commentator": "Shadal", "heCommentator": "שד\"ל", "base_text_order": 5, "heTitle": "שד\"ל על דברים", "title": "Shadal on Deuteronomy" } ], "order": 5, "enComplete": false, "heComplete": true, "enDesc": "Commentary written by Samuel David Luzzatto (known by the acronym Shadal) in 19th-century Italy. Shadal’s commentary develops a unique approach to resolving conflicts between the pshat (contextual) meaning of the text and the practical implications as presented in midrash halakha. Shadal argues that the pshat reflects what the Torah means and the midrash reflects the halakha, not biblical interpretation. He claims that instead of being biblical interpretation, the midrash halakha is rabbinic legislation with the desire to take a more lenient position than the Torah text.\n", "heDesc": "", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "heCategory": "תורה", "category": "Torah" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Acharonim on Tanakh", "Shadal" ], "dependence": "commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Shadal", "heCollectiveTitle": "שד\"ל", "commentator": "Shadal", "heCommentator": "שד\"ל", "base_text_order": 12, "heTitle": "שד\"ל על ישעיהו", "title": "Shadal on Isaiah" } ], "enComplete": false, "heComplete": false, "enDesc": "", "heDesc": "", "enShortDesc": "19th-century commentary by a leading figure in the Jewish enlightenment quoting from traditional commentaries as well as from Christian and academic sources.", "heShortDesc": "פירוש מן המאה ה-19 שחיבר פעיל מרכזי בתנועת ההשכלה היהודית, המצטט פירושים מסורתיים לצד מקורות נוצריים ואקדמיים.", "heCategory": "שד\"ל", "category": "Shadal" }, { "contents": [ { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Acharonim on Tanakh", "Siftei Chakhamim" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "17th-century supercommentary on Rashi, often beginning sections by identifying the textual difficulties that made Rashi’s comments necessary.", "heShortDesc": "ביאור לפירוש רש\"י המזהה את הקשיים בטקסט המקראי שבבסיס פירושי רש\"י; נכתב במאה ה-17.", "collectiveTitle": "Siftei Chakhamim", "heCollectiveTitle": "שפתי חכמים", "commentator": "Siftei Chakhamim", "heCommentator": "שפתי חכמים", "base_text_order": 10000, "heTitle": "שפתי חכמים", "title": "Siftei Chakhamim" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Acharonim on Tanakh", "Siftei Chakhamim" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Siftei Chakhamim", "heCollectiveTitle": "שפתי חכמים", "commentator": "Siftei Chakhamim", "heCommentator": "שפתי חכמים", "base_text_order": 10000, "heTitle": "שפתי חכמים על שיר השירים", "title": "Siftei Chakhamim on Song of Songs" } ], "enComplete": false, "heComplete": true, "enDesc": "", "heDesc": "", "enShortDesc": "17th-century supercommentary on Rashi, often beginning sections by identifying the textual difficulties that made Rashi’s comments necessary.", "heShortDesc": "ביאור לפירוש רש\"י המזהה את הקשיים בטקסט המקראי שבבסיס פירושי רש\"י; נכתב במאה ה-17.", "heCategory": "שפתי חכמים", "category": "Siftei Chakhamim" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Acharonim on Tanakh" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "18th-century commentary by the author of the Pri Megadim, a supercommentary on major Shulchan Arukh commentaries.", "heShortDesc": "פירוש על התורה מאת מחבר פרי מגדים על השולחן ערוך; נכתב במאה ה-18.", "heTitle": "תיבת גמא", "title": "Tevat Gome" }, { "contents": [ { "contents": [ { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Acharonim on Tanakh", "Torah Temimah", "Torah" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "heTitle": "תורה תמימה על התורה", "title": "Torah Temimah on Torah" } ], "order": 5, "enComplete": false, "heComplete": true, "enDesc": "", "heDesc": "", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "heCategory": "תורה", "category": "Torah" }, { "contents": [ { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Acharonim on Tanakh", "Torah Temimah", "Writings" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Torah Temimah", "heCollectiveTitle": "תורה תמימה", "commentator": "Torah Temimah", "heCommentator": "תורה תמימה", "base_text_order": 27, "heTitle": "תורה תמימה על תהילים", "title": "Torah Temimah on Psalms" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Acharonim on Tanakh", "Torah Temimah", "Writings" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Torah Temimah", "heCollectiveTitle": "תורה תמימה", "commentator": "Torah Temimah", "heCommentator": "תורה תמימה", "base_text_order": 30, "heTitle": "תורה תמימה על שיר השירים", "title": "Torah Temimah on Song of Songs" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Acharonim on Tanakh", "Torah Temimah", "Writings" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Torah Temimah", "heCollectiveTitle": "תורה תמימה", "commentator": "Torah Temimah", "heCommentator": "תורה תמימה", "base_text_order": 31, "heTitle": "תורה תמימה על רות", "title": "Torah Temimah on Ruth" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Acharonim on Tanakh", "Torah Temimah", "Writings" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "base_text_order": 32, "heTitle": "תורה תמימה על איכה", "title": "Torah Temimah on Lamentations" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Acharonim on Tanakh", "Torah Temimah", "Writings" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Torah Temimah", "heCollectiveTitle": "תורה תמימה", "commentator": "Torah Temimah", "heCommentator": "תורה תמימה", "base_text_order": 33, "heTitle": "תורה תמימה על קהלת", "title": "Torah Temimah on Ecclesiastes" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Acharonim on Tanakh", "Torah Temimah", "Writings" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Torah Temimah", "heCollectiveTitle": "תורה תמימה", "commentator": "Torah Temimah", "heCommentator": "תורה תמימה", "base_text_order": 34, "heTitle": "תורה תמימה על אסתר", "title": "Torah Temimah on Esther" } ], "order": 10, "enComplete": false, "heComplete": true, "enDesc": "", "heDesc": "", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "heCategory": "כתובים", "category": "Writings" } ], "enComplete": false, "heComplete": true, "enDesc": "", "heDesc": "", "enShortDesc": "Early 20h-century encyclopedia of the passages in rabbinic literature relevant to each biblical verse accompanied by brief explanations.", "heShortDesc": "אנציקלופדיה מתחילת המאה ה-20 שבה קטעים מספרות חז\"ל הנוגעים לכל פסוק בתורה בליווי הסברים קצרים.", "heCategory": "תורה תמימה", "category": "Torah Temimah" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Acharonim on Tanakh" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "20th-century commentary of the Rogatchover Gaon with a focus on analysis of biblical text through a legal lens.", "heShortDesc": "פירוש מן המאה ה-20 של הגאון הרוגוצ'ובי, בדגש על ניתוח הטקסט המקראי מנקודת מבט הלכתית.", "collectiveTitle": "Tzafnat Pa'neach", "heCollectiveTitle": "צפנת פענח", "commentator": "Tzafnat Pa'neach", "heCommentator": "צפנת פענח", "heTitle": "צפנת פענח על התורה", "title": "Tzafnat Pa'neach on Torah" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Acharonim on Tanakh" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "16th-century supercommentary on the Mizrachi supercommentary on Rashi’s Torah commentary.", "heShortDesc": "ביאור מן המאה ה-16 לפירוש המזרחי שנכתב על פירוש רש\"י לתורה.", "collectiveTitle": "Yeriot Shlomo", "heCollectiveTitle": "יריעות שלמה", "commentator": "Yeriot Shlomo", "heCommentator": "יריעות שלמה", "base_text_order": 1, "heTitle": "יריעות שלמה על התורה", "title": "Yeriot Shlomo on Torah" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Acharonim on Tanakh" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "16th-century commentary on the Book of Esther with a focus on highlighting God’s role in the story.", "heShortDesc": "פירוש על מגילת אסתר מן המאה ה-16, בדגש על תפקידו של אלוהים בסיפור המגילה.", "collectiveTitle": "Yesha Elohim", "heCollectiveTitle": "ישע אלהים", "commentator": "Yesha Elohim", "heCommentator": "ישע אלהים", "base_text_order": 34, "heTitle": "ישע אלהים על אסתר", "title": "Yesha Elohim on Esther" } ], "order": 30, "enComplete": false, "heComplete": false, "enDesc": "", "heDesc": "", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "searchRoot": "Tanakh Commentary", "heCategory": "אחרונים על התנ״ך", "category": "Acharonim on Tanakh" }, { "contents": [ { "contents": [ { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Modern Commentary on Tanakh", "Avraham Remer" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "MeAvur HaAretz;", "heCollectiveTitle": "מעבור הארץ;", "commentator": "MeAvur HaAretz;", "heCommentator": "מעבור הארץ;", "base_text_order": 6, "heTitle": "מעבור הארץ; יהושע", "title": "MeAvur HaAretz; on Joshua" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Modern Commentary on Tanakh", "Avraham Remer" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "base_text_order": 7, "heTitle": "איש לשבטו; שופטים", "title": "Ish Leshivto; on Judges" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Modern Commentary on Tanakh", "Avraham Remer" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Ish Kilvavo;", "heCollectiveTitle": "איש כלבבו;", "commentator": "Ish Kilvavo;", "heCommentator": "איש כלבבו;", "base_text_order": 8, "heTitle": "איש כלבבו; שמואל", "title": "Ish Kilvavo; on Samuel" } ], "enComplete": false, "heComplete": true, "enDesc": "", "heDesc": "", "enShortDesc": "20th-century commentaries on early Prophets by a student of Rav Tzvi Yehuda Kook, highlighting the text’s contemporary relevance.", "heShortDesc": "פירוש מן המאה ה-20 לספרי נביאים ראשונים מאת תלמידו של הרב צבי יהודה קוק, בדגש על הרלוונטיות של הטקסט לתקופה המודרנית.", "heCategory": "אברהם רמר", "category": "Avraham Remer" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Modern Commentary on Tanakh" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "21st-century Torah commentary by the editor of the Shmirat Shabbat Kehilchatah, with a focus on elucidating Rashi’s commentary.", "heShortDesc": "פירוש לתורה שכתב עורך הספר שמירת שבת כהלכתה, בן המאה ה-21, בדגש על ביאור פירוש רש\"י לתורה.", "base_text_order": 1, "heTitle": "ברכת אשר על התורה", "title": "Birkat Asher on Torah" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Modern Commentary on Tanakh" ], "dependence": "commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "Early 20th-century commentary incorporating archeology, ancient Semitic languages, and literary tools. ", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Cassuto", "heCollectiveTitle": "קאסוטו", "commentator": "Cassuto", "heCommentator": "קאסוטו", "base_text_order": 2, "heTitle": "קאסוטו על שמות", "title": "Cassuto on Exodus" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Modern Commentary on Tanakh" ], "dependence": "commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "Mid-twentieth-century commentary incorporating archeology, ancient Semitic languages, and literary tools. ", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Cassuto", "heCollectiveTitle": "קאסוטו", "commentator": "Cassuto", "heCommentator": "קאסוטו", "base_text_order": 1, "heTitle": "קאסוטו על בראשית", "title": "Cassuto on Genesis" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Modern Commentary on Tanakh" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "20th-century commentary of Rav Yehuda Herzl Henkin, a leading figure in the Religious Zionist movement.", "heShortDesc": "חידושי תורה שכתב הרב יהודה הרצל הנקין, דמות מובילה בזרם הציונות הדתית במאה ה-20.", "heTitle": "קונטרס חיבה יתירה", "title": "Chibbah Yeteirah on Torah" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Modern Commentary on Tanakh" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "21st-century English commentary on the Book of Jonah authored by Rabbi Chaim Jachter together with his son, Binyamin.", "heShortDesc": "פירוש באנגלית על ספר יונה שחיברו במאה ה-21 הרב חיים ג׳קטר ובנו בנימין.", "base_text_order": 19, "heTitle": "במצולות ספר יונה", "title": "Depths of Yonah" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Modern Commentary on Tanakh" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "base_text_order": 33, "hidden": true, "heTitle": "הערות לקהלת מאת ברוס הייטלר", "title": "Footnotes to Kohelet by Bruce Heitler" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Modern Commentary on Tanakh" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "21st-century English commentary on the Book of Kings by Rabbi Chaim Jachter.", "heShortDesc": "פירוש באנגלית על ספר מלכים שחיבר במאה ה-21 הרב חיים ג׳קטר.", "heTitle": "מדוד ועד לחורבן", "title": "From David to Destruction" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Modern Commentary on Tanakh" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "JPS", "heCollectiveTitle": "הערות שוליים תרגום 1985 של JPS", "commentator": "JPS", "heCommentator": "הערות שוליים תרגום 1985 של JPS", "hidden": true, "heTitle": "הערות שוליים תרגום 1985 של JPS", "title": "JPS 1985 Footnotes" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Modern Commentary on Tanakh" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "21st-century collection of Hebrew essays on the weekly Torah portion that draws from a wide range of Jewish and secular sources.", "heShortDesc": "", "heTitle": "קראתי בכל לב", "title": "Karati Bekhol Lev" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Modern Commentary on Tanakh" ], "dependence": "commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "16th-century commentary on the Book of Lamentations by Samuel de Uçeda.", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Lechem Dim'ah", "heCollectiveTitle": "לחם דמעה", "commentator": "Lechem Dim'ah", "heCommentator": "לחם דמעה", "base_text_order": 32, "heTitle": "לחם דמעה על איכה", "title": "Lechem Dim'ah on Eikhah" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Modern Commentary on Tanakh" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "21st-century commentary on the Book of Ruth by Rabbi Chaim Jachter.", "heShortDesc": "\"מגילת רות; ממהומה למלוכה\" הוא פירוש של הרב חיים יאכטר מהמאה ה-21 למגילת רות. הספר משלב פרשנות עתיקה עם פרשנות מודרנית לתנ\"ך. הספר כתוב בשפה האנגלית.", "base_text_order": 31, "heTitle": "מגילת רות; ממהומה למלוכה", "title": "Megillat Ruth; From Chaos to Kingship" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Modern Commentary on Tanakh" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "21st-century portrait of the biblical Moses’ inner world by Dr. Avivah Zornberg, drawing on traditional commentaries and psychoanalytic sources.", "heShortDesc": "דיוקן של עולמו הפנימי של משה רבנו המתבסס על פרשנויות מסורתיות ומקורות פסיכואנליטיים, מאת ד\"ר אביבה זורנברג, חוקרת מקרא במאה ה-21.", "heTitle": "משה; חיי בן אנוש", "title": "Moses; A Human Life" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Modern Commentary on Tanakh" ], "name": "גיליונות נחמה", "slug": "גיליונות-נחמה", "isCollection": true, "heComplete": true, "enComplete": true, "enShortDesc": "20th-century collection of worksheets with questions on the Torah and traditional commentators created by a pioneering educator and scholar.", "heShortDesc": "אוסף דפי לימוד ובו שאלות על המקרא ועל פרשני המקרא שחיברה מורה וחוקרת חלוצית במאה ה-20.", "heTitle": "נחמה ליבוביץ", "title": "Nechama Leibowitz", "nodeType": "TocCollectionNode" }, { "contents": [ { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Modern Commentary on Tanakh", "Redeeming Relevance" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "base_text_order": 1, "heTitle": "פדיון הרלוונטיות על בראשית", "title": "Redeeming Relevance; Genesis" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Modern Commentary on Tanakh", "Redeeming Relevance" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "base_text_order": 2, "heTitle": "פדיון הרלוונטיות על שמות", "title": "Redeeming Relevance; Exodus" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Modern Commentary on Tanakh", "Redeeming Relevance" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "base_text_order": 4, "heTitle": "פדיון הרלוונטיות על במדבר", "title": "Redeeming Relevance; Numbers" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Modern Commentary on Tanakh", "Redeeming Relevance" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "base_text_order": 5, "heTitle": "פדיון הרלוונטיות על דברים", "title": "Redeeming Relevance; Deuteronomy" } ], "enComplete": true, "heComplete": false, "enDesc": "", "heDesc": "", "enShortDesc": "21st-century compilation of essays by Rabbi Francis Nataf suggesting innovative ways to look at events of the Torah.", "heShortDesc": "אוסף מאמרים מן המאה ה-20 מאת הרב יעקב נטף, המציעים מבט מקורי על סיפורי המקרא.", "heCategory": "פדיון הרלוונטיות", "category": "Redeeming Relevance" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Modern Commentary on Tanakh" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "21st-century English commentary on the Book of Daniel by Rabbi Chaim Jachter, incorporating questions and insights from his students at Torah Academy of Bergen County.", "heShortDesc": "\"ספר דניאל; הגלות כהזדמנות\" הוא פירוש מודרני באנגלית על ספר דניאל בתנ\"ך - פרי עטו של הרב חיים יאכטר מניו ג'רזי, ארה\"ב. הספר דן באתגרים איתם נאלצו להתמודד גיבורי ספר דניאל ומחבר אותם לסוגיות אקטואליות.", "base_text_order": 35, "heTitle": "ספר דניאל; הגלות כהזדמנות", "title": "Sefer Daniel; Opportunity in Exile" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Modern Commentary on Tanakh" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Everett Fox", "heCollectiveTitle": "אברט פוקס", "commentator": "Everett Fox", "heCommentator": "אברט פוקס", "base_text_order": 6, "heTitle": "נביאים ראשונים, מהדורת אברט פוקס", "title": "The Early Prophets, by Everett Fox" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Modern Commentary on Tanakh" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "Everett Fox’s essays expanding upon his 20th-century Bible translation, a work designed to draw the reader into the world of the Bible through the power of its language.", "heShortDesc": "\"על חמשת חומשי תורה\" הוא קובץ מאמרים, פרי עטו של ד\"ר אברט פוקס המהווים כעין הרחבה לתרגומו לאנגלית של המחבר לחמשת חומשי תורה.", "collectiveTitle": "Everett Fox", "heCollectiveTitle": "אברט פוקס", "commentator": "Everett Fox", "heCommentator": "אברט פוקס", "base_text_order": 1, "heTitle": "חמשה חומשי תורה, מהדורת אברט פוקס", "title": "The Five Books of Moses, by Everett Fox" }, { "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Modern Commentary on Tanakh" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "21st-century English book examining the connections between the personalities of the 12 sons of Jacob and the territories that each tribe later inherited.", "heShortDesc": "\"נחלת השבטים - שנים עשר שבטי ישראל בנחלותיהם ההיסטוריות\" הוא ספרה הראשון של תמר ויסמן מהמאה ה-21. הספר עוסק במאפיינים של כל שבט וביחסיו עם מאפייני הנחלה אותה הוא קיבל בארץ.", "heTitle": "נחלת השבטים", "title": "Tribal Lands" } ], "order": 35, "enComplete": false, "heComplete": false, "enDesc": "", "heDesc": "", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "searchRoot": "Tanakh Commentary", "heCategory": "פירושים מודרניים על התנ״ך", "category": "Modern Commentary on Tanakh" } ], "order": 5, "enComplete": false, "heComplete": false, "enDesc": "Tanakh (the Hebrew Bible) is Judaism’s foundational text. The word “Tanakh” is an acronym of its three parts: Torah (The Five Books of Moses), Nevi’im (Prophets), and Ketuvim (Writings). It contains stories, law, poetry, and teachings about God and humanity.", "heDesc": "התנ\"ך (תורה, נביאים, כתובים) הוא טקסט היסוד של היהדות. ב-24 ספריו נכללים סיפורים, חוקים, שירה וכן תובנות ולקחים הקשורים לאלוהים, לעם ישראל ולאנושות.", "enShortDesc": "Torah, Prophets, and Writings, which together make up the Hebrew Bible, Judaism's foundational text.", "heShortDesc": "תורה, נביאים וכתובים - שלושת החלקים המרכיבים את התורה שבכתב, טקסט היסוד של היהדות.", "heCategory": "תנ\"ך", "category": "Tanakh" }, { "contents": [ { "contents": [ { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Seder Zeraim" ], "order": 1, "primary_category": "Mishnah", "enShortDesc": "Blessings and prayers, focusing on Shema and the Amidah.", "heShortDesc": "ברכות ותפילות, בדגש על קריאת שמע ועל תפילת העמידה.", "corpus": "Mishnah", "heTitle": "משנה ברכות", "title": "Mishnah Berakhot" }, { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Seder Zeraim" ], "order": 2, "primary_category": "Mishnah", "enShortDesc": "Crops left in the corner of a field for the poor to take, other agricultural gifts to the poor.", "heShortDesc": "הקצאת חלק מתבואת השדה לעניים ומתנות אחרות מגידולי הקרקע הניתנות לעניים.", "corpus": "Mishnah", "heTitle": "משנה פאה", "title": "Mishnah Peah" }, { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Seder Zeraim" ], "order": 3, "primary_category": "Mishnah", "enShortDesc": "Produce from one who is suspected to have neglected tithing and the requirement to tithe it.", "heShortDesc": "החובה להפריש מעשרות מתבואה או פירות שנלקחו מאדם החשוד שלא הפרישם.", "corpus": "Mishnah", "heTitle": "משנה דמאי", "title": "Mishnah Demai" }, { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Seder Zeraim" ], "order": 4, "primary_category": "Mishnah", "enShortDesc": "Prohibited mixtures of certain seeds, plants, animals, or materials of clothing.", "heShortDesc": "האיסור להכליא זה בזה זרעים, צמחים או בעלי חיים מסוימים ולערב צמר ופשתן בבגד אחד.", "corpus": "Mishnah", "heTitle": "משנה כלאים", "title": "Mishnah Kilayim" }, { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Seder Zeraim" ], "order": 5, "primary_category": "Mishnah", "enShortDesc": "The seventh year of the agricultural cycle, when working the land is prohibited and debts are forgiven.", "heShortDesc": "דיני שנת השמיטה, השנה השביעית במחזור החקלאי, שבה אסור לעבוד את האדמה וכן החובות בטלים.", "corpus": "Mishnah", "heTitle": "משנה שביעית", "title": "Mishnah Sheviit" }, { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Seder Zeraim" ], "order": 6, "primary_category": "Mishnah", "enShortDesc": "Required donations of agricultural produce to priestly households and its sacred status.", "heShortDesc": "תרומות שיש להפריש לכהנים מגידולי הקרקע והחובה לשמור על טהרת התרומה.", "corpus": "Mishnah", "heTitle": "משנה תרומות", "title": "Mishnah Terumot" }, { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Seder Zeraim" ], "order": 7, "primary_category": "Mishnah", "enShortDesc": "Separating tithes for priests, Levites, the poor, and for consumption in Jerusalem.", "heShortDesc": "הפרשת מעשרות מגידולי הקרקע לכהנים, ללווים ולעניים וכן לשם אכילתם בטהרה בירושלים.", "corpus": "Mishnah", "heTitle": "משנה מעשרות", "title": "Mishnah Maasrot" }, { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Seder Zeraim" ], "order": 8, "primary_category": "Mishnah", "enShortDesc": "A tithe eaten in Jerusalem or exchanged for money to be used for purchasing food there.", "heShortDesc": "מעשר שבעל התבואה אוכל בטהרה בירושלים או פודה בכסף, ובכסף קונה אוכל - ואוכל אותו בטהרה בירושלים.", "corpus": "Mishnah", "heTitle": "משנה מעשר שני", "title": "Mishnah Maaser Sheni" }, { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Seder Zeraim" ], "order": 9, "primary_category": "Mishnah", "enShortDesc": "Dough separated when baking bread and given to priests.", "heShortDesc": "המצווה להפריש חלק מהבצק בעת הכנת לחם ולתת אותו לכהנים.", "corpus": "Mishnah", "heTitle": "משנה חלה", "title": "Mishnah Challah" }, { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Seder Zeraim" ], "order": 10, "primary_category": "Mishnah", "enShortDesc": "Fruit growing on a tree in its first three years, when benefitting from the fruit is prohibited.", "heShortDesc": "האיסור לאכול וליהנות מפירות העץ בשלוש השנים הראשונות לנטיעתו ודיני תערובות של מאכלים אסורים ומותרים לאכילה.", "corpus": "Mishnah", "heTitle": "משנה ערלה", "title": "Mishnah Orlah" }, { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Seder Zeraim" ], "order": 11, "primary_category": "Mishnah", "enShortDesc": "First fruits and grains ceremoniously brought to the Temple and given to a priest next to the altar.", "heShortDesc": "טקס הבאת ביכורי פירות ותבואה משבעת המינים לבית המקדש ונתינתם לכהן ליד המזבח.", "corpus": "Mishnah", "heTitle": "משנה ביכורים", "title": "Mishnah Bikkurim" } ], "order": 5, "enComplete": true, "heComplete": true, "enDesc": "", "heDesc": "", "enShortDesc": "Agriculture", "heShortDesc": "", "heCategory": "סדר זרעים", "category": "Seder Zeraim" }, { "contents": [ { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Seder Moed" ], "order": 12, "primary_category": "Mishnah", "enShortDesc": "Creative work prohibited on Shabbat and other laws that preserve the sanctity of the day.", "heShortDesc": "מלאכות האסורות בשבת ודינים הקשורים לקדושת היום.", "corpus": "Mishnah", "heTitle": "משנה שבת", "title": "Mishnah Shabbat" }, { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Seder Moed" ], "order": 13, "primary_category": "Mishnah", "enShortDesc": "Enclosures that legally expand the areas in which one can carry and travel on Shabbat.", "heShortDesc": "תיחום המרחיב באופן סמלי את התחומים שמותר ללכת ולשאת בהם חפצים בשבת.", "corpus": "Mishnah", "heTitle": "משנה עירובין", "title": "Mishnah Eruvin" }, { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Seder Moed" ], "order": 14, "primary_category": "Mishnah", "enShortDesc": "Passover: ridding of chametz, the Paschal lamb offering, matzah, maror, and the Seder.", "heShortDesc": "דינים הקשורים לחג הפסח: איסור חמץ, קורבן הפסח, מצה, מרור וליל הסדר.", "corpus": "Mishnah", "heTitle": "משנה פסחים", "title": "Mishnah Pesachim" }, { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Seder Moed" ], "order": 15, "primary_category": "Mishnah", "enShortDesc": "Annual half-shekel donations to the Temple, administration and inventory of the Temple.", "heShortDesc": "תרומה של מחצית השקל הניתנת לבית המקדש בכל שנה וענייני ניהולו ותפעולו של בית המקדש.", "corpus": "Mishnah", "heTitle": "משנה שקלים", "title": "Mishnah Shekalim" }, { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Seder Moed" ], "order": 16, "primary_category": "Mishnah", "enShortDesc": "Yom Kippur: the High Priest’s preparation, the Temple service, the fast, and repentance.", "heShortDesc": "יום הכיפורים: הכנות הכהן הגדול, העבודה בבית המקדש, הצום והתשובה.", "corpus": "Mishnah", "heTitle": "משנה יומא", "title": "Mishnah Yoma" }, { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Seder Moed" ], "order": 17, "primary_category": "Mishnah", "enShortDesc": "The structure of and obligation to dwell in the sukkah, the four species, and celebrating the holiday in the Temple.", "heShortDesc": "מבנה הסוכה, החובה לשבת בסוכה, ארבעת המינים ושמחת החג בבית המקדש.", "corpus": "Mishnah", "heTitle": "משנה סוכה", "title": "Mishnah Sukkah" }, { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Seder Moed" ], "order": 18, "primary_category": "Mishnah", "enShortDesc": "Holiday laws governing which objects can be used, how food is prepared, and what labor is permitted.", "heShortDesc": "דיני יום טוב: חפצים האסורים בשימוש, הכנת אוכל בחג לצורך החג והמלאכות האסורות.", "corpus": "Mishnah", "heTitle": "משנה ביצה", "title": "Mishnah Beitzah" }, { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Seder Moed" ], "order": 19, "primary_category": "Mishnah", "enShortDesc": "The declaration process for a new month in the Temple period, blowing the shofar, and Rosh Hashanah liturgy.", "heShortDesc": "ההכרזה על ראש חודש בתקופת בית המקדש, תקיעת שופר ותפילות ראש השנה.", "corpus": "Mishnah", "heTitle": "משנה ראש השנה", "title": "Mishnah Rosh Hashanah" }, { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Seder Moed" ], "order": 20, "primary_category": "Mishnah", "enShortDesc": "Praying for rain, fasting in times of drought, and annual fast days marking Jerusalem’s destruction.", "heShortDesc": "תפילה על הגשם, צום בימי בצורת והצומות שנקבעו לזכר חורבן ירושלים.", "corpus": "Mishnah", "heTitle": "משנה תענית", "title": "Mishnah Ta'anit" }, { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Seder Moed" ], "order": 21, "primary_category": "Mishnah", "enShortDesc": "Reading the scroll of Esther on Purim, synagogue rituals, and treatment of sacred objects.", "heShortDesc": "קריאת מגילת אסתר בפורים, קריאת התורה וההפטרות בבית הכנסת ודיני קדושת בית הכנסת ותשמישי קדושה.", "corpus": "Mishnah", "heTitle": "משנה מגילה", "title": "Mishnah Megillah" }, { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Seder Moed" ], "order": 22, "primary_category": "Mishnah", "enShortDesc": "Chol HaMoed (the intermediate days of Passover and Sukkot).", "heShortDesc": "דיני חול המועד (הימים בסוכות ובפסח שאינם ימים טובים).", "corpus": "Mishnah", "heTitle": "משנה מועד קטן", "title": "Mishnah Moed Katan" }, { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Seder Moed" ], "order": 23, "primary_category": "Mishnah", "enShortDesc": "Sacrifices offered on pilgrimage to Jerusalem for the Festivals and laws of ritual purity.", "heShortDesc": "קורבנות המוקרבים בעת העלייה לרגל לירושלים בשלושת הרגלים (פסח, שבועות וסוכות) ודיני טהרה.", "corpus": "Mishnah", "heTitle": "משנה חגיגה", "title": "Mishnah Chagigah" } ], "order": 10, "enComplete": true, "heComplete": true, "enDesc": "", "heDesc": "", "enShortDesc": "Holidays", "heShortDesc": "חגים", "heCategory": "סדר מועד", "category": "Seder Moed" }, { "contents": [ { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Seder Nashim" ], "order": 24, "primary_category": "Mishnah", "enShortDesc": "The mandated marriage of a widow to the brother of her childless husband and the alternative rite discharging that obligation.", "heShortDesc": "ייבום, חליצה ואיסורי עריות.", "corpus": "Mishnah", "heTitle": "משנה יבמות", "title": "Mishnah Yevamot" }, { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Seder Nashim" ], "order": 25, "primary_category": "Mishnah", "enShortDesc": "The marital contract (Ketubah) and obligations between husband and wife.", "heShortDesc": "שטר הכתובה, חובות הבעל לאשתו וחובות האישה לבעלה.", "corpus": "Mishnah", "heTitle": "משנה כתובות", "title": "Mishnah Ketubot" }, { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Seder Nashim" ], "order": 26, "primary_category": "Mishnah", "enShortDesc": "Vows taken voluntarily, particularly those that forbid specific actions or objects.", "heShortDesc": "נדרים שאדם נודר מרצונו, לרוב נדרים האוסרים על הנודר מעשים או חפצים מסוימים.", "corpus": "Mishnah", "heTitle": "משנה נדרים", "title": "Mishnah Nedarim" }, { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Seder Nashim" ], "order": 27, "primary_category": "Mishnah", "enShortDesc": "The Nazarite, or one who vows abstinence from wine, haircuts, and ritual impurity generated from contact with corpses.", "heShortDesc": "הנזיר: אדם שנודר להימנע מיין, מתספורת ומהיטמאות למת לפרק זמן מוגדר.", "corpus": "Mishnah", "heTitle": "משנה נזיר", "title": "Mishnah Nazir" }, { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Seder Nashim" ], "order": 28, "primary_category": "Mishnah", "enShortDesc": "A woman suspected of adultery, the ritual determining her culpability, and other rituals involving recitation.", "heShortDesc": "אישה החשודה בבגידה בבעלה, טקס בירור מעמדה וטקסים אחרים הכרוכים באמירה.", "corpus": "Mishnah", "heTitle": "משנה סוטה", "title": "Mishnah Sotah" }, { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Seder Nashim" ], "order": 29, "primary_category": "Mishnah", "enShortDesc": "Laws relating to divorce, focusing on the get (bill of divorce) and its delivery.", "heShortDesc": "דיני גירושין, בדגש על כתיבת שטר הגט ונתינתו.", "corpus": "Mishnah", "heTitle": "משנה גיטין", "title": "Mishnah Gittin" }, { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Seder Nashim" ], "order": 30, "primary_category": "Mishnah", "enShortDesc": "Betrothal, marriage, acquisitions, and lineage.", "heShortDesc": "קידושין, נישואין, דיני קניין וענייני יוחסין.", "corpus": "Mishnah", "heTitle": "משנה קידושין", "title": "Mishnah Kiddushin" } ], "order": 15, "enComplete": true, "heComplete": true, "enDesc": "", "heDesc": "", "enShortDesc": "Family law", "heShortDesc": "דיני משפחה", "heCategory": "סדר נשים", "category": "Seder Nashim" }, { "contents": [ { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Seder Nezikin" ], "order": 31, "primary_category": "Mishnah", "enShortDesc": "Liability and compensation for damages inflicted on people or property.", "heShortDesc": "אחריות לנזקי אדם או רכוש והפיצויים עליהם.", "corpus": "Mishnah", "heTitle": "משנה בבא קמא", "title": "Mishnah Bava Kamma" }, { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Seder Nezikin" ], "order": 32, "primary_category": "Mishnah", "enShortDesc": "Disputed property, returning lost objects, guarding, renting, borrowing, and responsibilities of workers and employers.", "heShortDesc": "רכוש שיש עליו מחלוקת, השבת אבדה, דיני שמירה, שכירה ושאילה וחובותיהם של מעסיקים ושל עובדים.", "corpus": "Mishnah", "heTitle": "משנה בבא מציעא", "title": "Mishnah Bava Metzia" }, { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Seder Nezikin" ], "order": 33, "primary_category": "Mishnah", "enShortDesc": "Relationships between neighbors, land ownership, sales, and inheritance.", "heShortDesc": "יחסים בין שכנים, בעלות על קרקע, מכירת קרקעות ודיני ירושה.", "corpus": "Mishnah", "heTitle": "משנה בבא בתרא", "title": "Mishnah Bava Batra" }, { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Seder Nezikin" ], "order": 34, "primary_category": "Mishnah", "enShortDesc": "The judicial system, forming the court, accepting testimony, and executing capital punishment.", "heShortDesc": "מערכת המשפט, הקמת בית הדין, קבלת עדות וביצוע גזר דין מוות.", "corpus": "Mishnah", "heTitle": "משנה סנהדרין", "title": "Mishnah Sanhedrin" }, { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Seder Nezikin" ], "order": 35, "primary_category": "Mishnah", "enShortDesc": "Court-administered lashing, false witnesses, and cities of refuge for inadvertent murderers.", "heShortDesc": "עדים זוממים, ערי מקלט לרוצחים בשגגה ועונש מלקות.", "corpus": "Mishnah", "heTitle": "משנה מכות", "title": "Mishnah Makkot" }, { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Seder Nezikin" ], "order": 36, "primary_category": "Mishnah", "enShortDesc": "Oaths and the process of atoning for entering the Temple or eating from a sacrifice while impure.", "heShortDesc": "דיני הנכנס לבית המקדש או אוכל בשר קורבן בהיותו טמא, דיני שבועות.", "corpus": "Mishnah", "heTitle": "משנה שבועות", "title": "Mishnah Shevuot" }, { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Seder Nezikin" ], "order": 37, "primary_category": "Mishnah", "enShortDesc": "The only tractate without a unified subject, organized as collections of laws on various topics.", "heShortDesc": "המסכת היחידה שאין לה נושא מרכזי אחד אלא מובאות בה הלכות במגוון עניינים.", "corpus": "Mishnah", "heTitle": "משנה עדיות", "title": "Mishnah Eduyot" }, { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Seder Nezikin" ], "order": 38, "primary_category": "Mishnah", "enShortDesc": "Disassociating from idolatry, regulations on business interactions between Jews and idolaters.", "heShortDesc": "התרחקות מעבודת אלילים וכללים המסדירים את הקשר בין יהודים ועובדי אלילים.", "corpus": "Mishnah", "heTitle": "משנה עבודה זרה", "title": "Mishnah Avodah Zarah" }, { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Seder Nezikin" ], "order": 39, "primary_category": "Mishnah", "enShortDesc": "Short statements of advice, ethics, and wisdom.", "heShortDesc": "מימרות קצרות המשיאות עצה בענייני מוסר, מידות טובות ודרך ארץ.", "corpus": "Mishnah", "heTitle": "משנה אבות", "title": "Pirkei Avot" }, { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Seder Nezikin" ], "order": 40, "primary_category": "Mishnah", "enShortDesc": "Atoning for erroneous rulings of the court and inadvertent sins of leaders.", "heShortDesc": "כפרה על פסיקות שגויות שהורו בבית הדין ועל חטאים בשגגה של כהנים גדולים ומלכים.", "corpus": "Mishnah", "heTitle": "משנה הוריות", "title": "Mishnah Horayot" } ], "order": 20, "enComplete": true, "heComplete": true, "enDesc": "", "heDesc": "", "enShortDesc": "Damages", "heShortDesc": "", "heCategory": "סדר נזיקין", "category": "Seder Nezikin" }, { "contents": [ { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Seder Kodashim" ], "order": 41, "primary_category": "Mishnah", "enShortDesc": "Animal and bird sacrifices in the Temple.", "heShortDesc": "קורבנות בהמה ועוף ודינים הנוגעים לבית המקדש.", "corpus": "Mishnah", "heTitle": "משנה זבחים", "title": "Mishnah Zevachim" }, { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Seder Kodashim" ], "order": 42, "primary_category": "Mishnah", "enShortDesc": "Flour offerings, usually mixed with oil, wine libations, and bread loaf offerings in the Temple.", "heShortDesc": "מנחות עשויות קמח, לחם הפנים ונסכי יין ושמן.", "corpus": "Mishnah", "heTitle": "משנה מנחות", "title": "Mishnah Menachot" }, { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Seder Kodashim" ], "order": 43, "primary_category": "Mishnah", "enShortDesc": "Slaughter of animals and birds for non-consecrated purposes, other aspects of kashrut.", "heShortDesc": "שחיטת חיות ועופות שלא לשם קורבן וענייני כשרות נוספים.", "corpus": "Mishnah", "heTitle": "משנה חולין", "title": "Mishnah Chullin" }, { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Seder Kodashim" ], "order": 44, "primary_category": "Mishnah", "enShortDesc": "Transfer of first-born kosher animals to a priest, redemption of first-born donkeys and people.", "heShortDesc": "נתינת בכורות של בהמות טהורות לכהן, פדיון הוולד הבכור של החמור, פדיון בכור האדם ומעשר בהמה.", "corpus": "Mishnah", "heTitle": "משנה בכורות", "title": "Mishnah Bekhorot" }, { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Seder Kodashim" ], "order": 45, "primary_category": "Mishnah", "enShortDesc": "Vowing to donate a person’s prescribed value delineated in the Torah to the Temple, donations of land to the Temple.", "heShortDesc": "נדר לתרום לבית המקדש ממון בשווי ערכו של אדם לפי המפורט בתורה, תרומות קרקע לבית המקדש.", "corpus": "Mishnah", "heTitle": "משנה ערכין", "title": "Mishnah Arakhin" }, { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Seder Kodashim" ], "order": 46, "primary_category": "Mishnah", "enShortDesc": "The sanctity of animals dedicated for sacrifice and the prohibition of exchanging them for others.", "heShortDesc": "קדושת הבהמות שיועדו לקורבן והאיסור להחליפן באחרות.", "corpus": "Mishnah", "heTitle": "משנה תמורה", "title": "Mishnah Temurah" }, { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Seder Kodashim" ], "order": 47, "primary_category": "Mishnah", "enShortDesc": "Karet, divinely-issued severance from the Jewish people, and sacrifices for unintentional sin.", "heShortDesc": "עונש כרת וקורבנות על חטאים שנעשו בשגגה.", "corpus": "Mishnah", "heTitle": "משנה כריתות", "title": "Mishnah Keritot" }, { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Seder Kodashim" ], "order": 48, "primary_category": "Mishnah", "enShortDesc": "Prohibited benefit from Temple property, the sacrifice and restitution offered as atonement.", "heShortDesc": "הנאה אסורה מחפץ, מבהמה או מכסף השייכים לבית המקדש.", "corpus": "Mishnah", "heTitle": "משנה מעילה", "title": "Mishnah Meilah" }, { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Seder Kodashim" ], "order": 49, "primary_category": "Mishnah", "enShortDesc": "The daily Temple service, including the burnt-offerings brought every morning and afternoon.", "heShortDesc": "העבודה הנעשית במקדש בכל יום הכוללת את קורבן התמיד המוקרב בבוקר ובין הערביים.", "corpus": "Mishnah", "heTitle": "משנה תמיד", "title": "Mishnah Tamid" }, { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Seder Kodashim" ], "order": 50, "primary_category": "Mishnah", "enShortDesc": "Measurements and descriptions of the Second Temple and the Temple Mount.", "heShortDesc": "מידותיהם ותיאורם של בית המקדש השני ושל הר הבית.", "corpus": "Mishnah", "heTitle": "משנה מדות", "title": "Mishnah Middot" }, { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Seder Kodashim" ], "order": 51, "primary_category": "Mishnah", "enShortDesc": "Bird-offerings that are mixed up and the complex math involved in determining their status.", "heShortDesc": "עופות שנועדו לקורבן והתערבו זה בזה והחישובים המורכבים שיש לחשב כדי לקבוע את מעמדם.", "corpus": "Mishnah", "heTitle": "משנה קינים", "title": "Mishnah Kinnim" } ], "order": 25, "enComplete": true, "heComplete": true, "enDesc": "", "heDesc": "", "enShortDesc": "Sacrifices", "heShortDesc": "קורבנות", "heCategory": "סדר קדשים", "category": "Seder Kodashim" }, { "contents": [ { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Seder Tahorot" ], "order": 52, "primary_category": "Mishnah", "enShortDesc": "Vessels - tools, utensils, appliances, furniture, and clothing - and their statuses in purity laws.", "heShortDesc": "דיני הטומאה והטהרה של כלים ממגוון סוגים: כלי עבודה, כלי אוכל, כלי בישול, רהיטים ובגדים.", "corpus": "Mishnah", "heTitle": "משנה כלים", "title": "Mishnah Kelim" }, { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Seder Tahorot" ], "order": 53, "primary_category": "Mishnah", "enShortDesc": "The spread of a corpse’s impurity through contact, carrying, or dwelling under the same roof.", "heShortDesc": "היטמאות בטומאת המת במגע, בנשיאה או בשהייה תחת אותה קורת גג.", "corpus": "Mishnah", "heTitle": "משנה אהלות", "title": "Mishnah Oholot" }, { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Seder Tahorot" ], "order": 54, "primary_category": "Mishnah", "enShortDesc": "Tzaraat, a discoloration condition on skin, houses, or clothing, purification for the infected.", "heShortDesc": "דיני נגע הצרעת המופיע על עור האדם, בקירות הבית או בבגדים ודרכי ההיטהרות מן הנגע.", "corpus": "Mishnah", "heTitle": "משנה נגעים", "title": "Mishnah Negaim" }, { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Seder Tahorot" ], "order": 55, "primary_category": "Mishnah", "enShortDesc": "Burning of a red heifer and mixing of its ashes with spring water to be used for purification.", "heShortDesc": "שרפת פרה אדומה וערבוב אפרה במי מעיין לצורכי טהרה.", "corpus": "Mishnah", "heTitle": "משנה פרה", "title": "Mishnah Parah" }, { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Seder Tahorot" ], "order": 56, "primary_category": "Mishnah", "enShortDesc": "How food, drinks, objects and people become impure and spread impurity.", "heShortDesc": "הדרכים שבהן מיני מאכל ומשקה, כלים ואנשים נהיים טמאים ומטמאים אחרים.", "corpus": "Mishnah", "heTitle": "משנה טהרות", "title": "Mishnah Tahorot" }, { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Seder Tahorot" ], "order": 57, "primary_category": "Mishnah", "enShortDesc": "Ritual baths and the process of immersing in them to become pure.", "heShortDesc": "דיני מקוואות והטבילה בהם לשם טהרה.", "corpus": "Mishnah", "heTitle": "משנה מקואות", "title": "Mishnah Mikvaot" }, { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Seder Tahorot" ], "order": 58, "primary_category": "Mishnah", "enShortDesc": "The ritual impurity of a woman in her menstrual cycle or experiencing particular discharges.", "heShortDesc": "טומאת האישה בנידתה ובמצבים נוספים.", "corpus": "Mishnah", "heTitle": "משנה נדה", "title": "Mishnah Niddah" }, { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Seder Tahorot" ], "order": 59, "primary_category": "Mishnah", "enShortDesc": "Water, oil, milk, wine, honey, dew, or blood touching food and rendering it susceptible to impurity.", "heShortDesc": "התנאים שבהם מים, שמן, חלב, יין, דבש, טל או דם נוגעים במזון ומכשירים אותו לקבל טומאה.", "corpus": "Mishnah", "heTitle": "משנה מכשירין", "title": "Mishnah Makhshirin" }, { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Seder Tahorot" ], "order": 60, "primary_category": "Mishnah", "enShortDesc": "Abnormal bodily discharges and the impurity they generate.", "heShortDesc": "הפרשות בלתי רגילות מהגוף והטומאה הנגרמת מהן.", "corpus": "Mishnah", "heTitle": "משנה זבים", "title": "Mishnah Zavim" }, { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Seder Tahorot" ], "order": 61, "primary_category": "Mishnah", "enShortDesc": "The status of a person in the time between their immersion in a mikvah and sunset of that day.", "heShortDesc": "דינו של אדם טמא שטבל במקווה לטהרתו ועדיין לא שקעה השמש.", "corpus": "Mishnah", "heTitle": "משנה טבול יום", "title": "Mishnah Tevul Yom" }, { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Seder Tahorot" ], "order": 62, "primary_category": "Mishnah", "enShortDesc": "Rabbinic decree to wash hands before eating due to assumed impurity of the hands.", "heShortDesc": "גזרת חכמים ליטול ידיים לפני האכילה בשל ההנחה שהידיים טמאות.", "corpus": "Mishnah", "heTitle": "משנה ידים", "title": "Mishnah Yadayim" }, { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Seder Tahorot" ], "order": 63, "primary_category": "Mishnah", "enShortDesc": "Stems and other attachments to food, their susceptibility to impurity.", "heShortDesc": "מעמדם בדיני טומאה וטהרה של עוקצי פירות וחלקים טפלים המחוברים למזון.", "corpus": "Mishnah", "heTitle": "משנה עוקצים", "title": "Mishnah Oktzin" } ], "order": 30, "enComplete": true, "heComplete": true, "enDesc": "", "heDesc": "", "enShortDesc": "Purity", "heShortDesc": "", "heCategory": "סדר טהרות", "category": "Seder Tahorot" }, { "contents": [ { "contents": [ { "contents": [ { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Rishonim on Mishnah", "Rashi", "Seder Nezikin" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Rashi", "heCollectiveTitle": "רש\"י", "commentator": "Rashi", "heCommentator": "רש\"י", "base_text_order": 39, "heTitle": "רש\"י על משנה אבות", "title": "Rashi on Avot" } ], "order": 5, "enComplete": false, "heComplete": true, "enDesc": "", "heDesc": "", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "heCategory": "סדר נזיקין", "category": "Seder Nezikin" } ], "order": 5, "enComplete": false, "heComplete": true, "enDesc": "", "heDesc": "", "enShortDesc": "11th-century commentary on Pirkei Avot attributed to Rav Shlomo Yitzchaki, acclaimed commentator on Tanakh and Talmud.", "heShortDesc": "", "heCategory": "רש\"י", "category": "Rashi" }, { "contents": [ { "contents": [ { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Rishonim on Mishnah", "Bartenura", "Seder Zeraim" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Bartenura", "heCollectiveTitle": "ברטנורא", "commentator": "Bartenura", "heCommentator": "ברטנורא", "base_text_order": 1, "heTitle": "ברטנורא על משנה ברכות", "title": "Bartenura on Mishnah Berakhot" }, { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Rishonim on Mishnah", "Bartenura", "Seder Zeraim" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Bartenura", "heCollectiveTitle": "ברטנורא", "commentator": "Bartenura", "heCommentator": 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"Commentary", "enShortDesc": "12th-century commentary by Rabbi Shemaiah of Soissons, a student of Rashi, included in printed editions of the Talmud.", "heShortDesc": "", "base_text_order": 50, "heTitle": "רבינו שמעיה על משנה מדות", "title": "R' Shemaiah on Mishnah Middot" }, { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Rishonim on Mishnah" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "Fragments of a 12th-century commentary on Demai, a tractate that discusses produce from one who is suspected to have neglected tithing. ", "heShortDesc": "ברי פירוש מהמאה ה-12 על מסכת דמאי, מאת רבי אברהם בן דוד מפּוֹשְקְיֶרָה", "collectiveTitle": "Ra'avad", "heCollectiveTitle": "ראב\"ד", "commentator": "Ra'avad", "heCommentator": "ראב\"ד", "base_text_order": 3, "heTitle": "ראב\"ד על משנה דמאי", "title": "Ra'avad on Mishnah Demai" }, { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Rishonim on Mishnah" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "12th-century commentary by Rabbi Abraham ben David, known for his critical comments of Maimonides’ Mishneh Torah.", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Ra'avad", "heCollectiveTitle": "ראב\"ד", "commentator": "Ra'avad", "heCommentator": "ראב\"ד", "base_text_order": 37, "heTitle": "ראב\"ד על משנה עדיות", "title": "Ra'avad on Mishnah Eduyot" }, { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Rishonim on Mishnah" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "12th-century commentary on tractate Kinnim, which discusses bird-offerings that became mixed up. \n", "heShortDesc": "פירוש מהמאה ה-12 למסכת קינים, מאת רבי אברהם בן דוד מפּוֹשְקְיֶרָה", "collectiveTitle": "Ra'avad", "heCollectiveTitle": "ראב\"ד", "commentator": "Ra'avad", "heCommentator": "ראב\"ד", "base_text_order": 51, "heTitle": "ראב\"ד על משנה קינים", "title": "Ra'avad on Mishnah Kinnim" }, { "contents": [ { "contents": [ { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Rishonim on Mishnah", "Rabbeinu Yonah", "Seder Nezikin" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "13th-century commentary on Pirkei Avot by the author of Shaarei Teshuvah.", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Rabbeinu Yonah", "heCollectiveTitle": "רבינו יונה", "commentator": "Rabbeinu Yonah", "heCommentator": "רבינו יונה", "base_text_order": 39, "heTitle": "רבינו יונה על פרקי אבות", "title": "Rabbeinu Yonah on Pirkei Avot" } ], "order": 5, "enComplete": false, "heComplete": true, "enDesc": "", "heDesc": "", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "heCategory": "סדר נזיקין", "category": "Seder Nezikin" } ], "enComplete": false, "heComplete": true, "enDesc": "", "heDesc": "", "enShortDesc": "13th-century commentary on Pirkei Avot by the author of Shaarei Teshuvah.", "heShortDesc": "", "heCategory": "רבינו יונה", "category": "Rabbeinu Yonah" }, { "contents": [ { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Rishonim on Mishnah", "Rambam" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "order": 5, "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Rambam", "heCollectiveTitle": "רמב\"ם", "commentator": "Rambam", "heCommentator": "רמב\"ם", "heTitle": "הקדמת הרמב\"ם למשנה", "title": "Rambam Introduction to the Mishnah" }, { "contents": [ { "categories": [ "Mishnah", "Rishonim on Mishnah", "Rambam", "Seder Zeraim" ], "dependence": "Commentary", "primary_category": "Commentary", "enShortDesc": "", "heShortDesc": "", "collectiveTitle": "Rambam", "heCollectiveTitle": "רמב\"ם", "commentator": "Rambam", "heCommentator": "רמב\"ם", "base_text_order": 1, "heTitle": 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