Shivchei HaRan שבחי הר"ן Sefaria Community Translation Shivchei HaRan Introduction Chapter 1 When he (Rebbe Nachman) was in his days of "smallness" it entered his mind to separate from the world, Therefore he wanted to break the desire of eating. However at that point he had a limited mind, and it appeared to him that this was impossible that he would leave his meals according to what he was used to eating in the morning and in the evening etc. Therefore he decided within himself that he wouldn't chew what he ate, rather he would swallow it as is in order that he wouldn't experience any flavor in his eating. And when he did this it caused him swelling in his throat. And he said (about himself) that at that point he was only six years old. And this behavior I heard that it is a great thing, from a an extremely righteous man, that he himself behaved like this, that he swallowed his food without chewing. However he (Rebbe Nachman) acted like this when he was (only) six years old. An Account of His Pilgrimage to the Holy Land