Job איוב Sefaria Community Translation Job Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Then Iyyov raised his voice and said: True, you are the people [and its princes] and wisdom will perish with you. [But] I, too, have a heart as you do. I am not lesser than you; and who does not [know these things just] as these [i.e., just as you do]? I am [one] who has become a laughingstock to his friend, and calls out to G d, who answers him [(that in return for this He will give him)] the true laughter of the righteous one. [(And I also know, just as you, that)] the torch of [the] shame [of Gehinnom awaits] him who is at ease in [his] thoughts, [saying: "I shall be at peace," and that] he is prepared [to join the ranks of] "those whose foot slips." [(And I also know, just as you, that for many days [until their ultimate destruction])] the tents of robbers are at peace, and those who anger G d dwell secure, [and that with all] that G d has brought [to the evildoer, the "hour" plays into] his hand. Ask [even] the beasts and they will teach [these things to] you, and the birds of heaven will tell you. Or speak to the earth, and it will teach you; and the fish of the sea will tell you. Who would not know by all these that the hand of the L rd has wrought this? That in His hand is the spirit of all living things and the spirit of all mortal flesh? Will not the ear [which hears what He has wrought] not discern [the implications of these] words just as the palate tastes food? There is wisdom in the old and understanding in the long-lived [to know that] with Him is wisdom and strength; with Him is counsel and understanding. When He destroys, none can rebuild. When He imprisons a man, none can free him. When He holds back the waters, the land is dry; when He sends them forth [(as He did in the generation of Enosh, when He flooded a third of the world)], they overturn the earth. He is the source of strength and weakness. His is the strayer and the one who causes [men] to stray [i.e., the Satan]. He leads counselors into folly and makes judges foolish. He unties the bonds of kings [e.g., Nevuchadnezzar] just as He buckles the belt on their thighs [(to "gird" them into kingship)]. He leads princes away with folly and twists the mighty. He [sometimes] removes speech [even] from the faithful [(viz., e.g., Genesis 15:6, followed by 8] and takes the acumen of the elders. He spills contempt upon the lordly and loosens the buckler of the mighty. He reveals [to man] what is profounder than darkness and brings shadows to light. He raises nations and destroys them [(through their pride)], spreads nations out [(over the earth)] and leads them [(into exile)]. He removes the wisdom of the leaders of the people, and they lead them into a void that is not a path. They feel in the darkness and not in light and He leads them astray as drunkards. Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 For a few more years will pass and I will journey the path from which I shall not return.