Paaneach Raza פענח רזא merged This file contains merged sections from the following text versions: -Sefaria Community Translation - Paaneach Raza Introduction Bereshit Noach Lech Lecha Vayera Chayei Sara Toldot Vayetzei Vayishlach Vayeshev Miketz Vayigash Vayechi Shemot The name of one was Shifrah: I found in the name of Rabbi Yehudah HeChasid that they were Egyptians at first and that they converted. For were it not so, how would Pharaoh trust them, to command them to kill the children; and how could they have been quiet about this thing, as if his words were fine with them. Is not this something for which one should die and not transgress? And also how are they exceptional, that it states, "And the midwives feared, etc.?" Rather they had been Egyptians, but now in the present, "they feared [God], etc." - since they converted. But beforehand, they did not possess fear of God. Vaera Bo Beshalach Yitro Mishpatim Terumah Tetzaveh Ki Tisa Vayakhel Pekudei Vayikra Tzav Shmini Tazria Metzora Achrei Mot Kedoshim Emor Behar Bechukotai Bamidbar Nasso Beha'alotcha Sh'lach Korach Chukat Balak Pinchas Matot Masei Devarim Vaetchanan Eikev Re'eh Shoftim Ki Teitzei Ki Tavo Nitzavim Vayeilech Ha'Azinu V'Zot HaBerachah