{ "language": "en", "title": "Psalms", "versionSource": "http://www.sefaria.org/shraga-silverstein", "versionTitle": "The Rashi Ketuvim by Rabbi Shraga Silverstein", "status": "locked", "license": "CC-BY", "versionNotes": "To enhance the quality of this text, obvious translation errors were corrected in accordance with the Hebrew source", "versionTitleInHebrew": "כתבי רש״י, רבי שרגא זילברשטיין", "versionNotesInHebrew": "כדי לשפר את איכות הטקסט הזה, שונו שגיאות תרגום ברורות בהתאם למקור העברי", "actualLanguage": "en", "languageFamilyName": "english", "isBaseText": false, "isSource": false, "direction": "ltr", "heTitle": "תהילים", "categories": [ "Tanakh", "Writings" ], "text": [ [ "\tThe praises of a man (are) that he did not walk in the counsel of the wicked, and [(in consequence)] did not stand in the path of sinners, and [(in consequence)] did not sit in the seat of scoffers.", "\tBut in the Torah of the L rd is his desire [(whence it is seen that sitting with scoffers leads to neglect of Torah study)], and in his Torah he meditates day and night.", "\tAnd he shall be as a tree planted by the water courses, which gives its fruit in its time, and whose leaves do not wither [(Even his \"externals\" are of significance — The casual converse of Torah scholars is meaningful and requires study)], and all that he does prospers.", "\tNot so, the wicked. But [they are] like the chaff scattered by the wind.", "\tTherefore, [(\"For the L rd knows, etc.\", verse 6)] the wicked will not stand up [i.e., prevail] in judgment [(on the Day of Judgment)], nor will sinners [be written down] in the congregation of the righteous:", "\tFor the L rd knows the way of the righteous [(and keeps it constantly before His eyes)], and the [(hateful)] way of the wicked will go lost." ], [ "\tWhy did nations rumble [and gather against David (viz. II Samuel 5:17)] and peoples plot vanity?", "\t[Why did] kings of the land and princes take counsel together against the L rd and against His anointed one, [saying]:", "\t\"Let us break their bonds and cast off our thongs!\"", "\tThe Dweller in heaven laughs; the L rd mocks them.", "\tThen He speaks to them in His wrath, and in His fury He confounds them:", "\t\"But I have anointed [David] My king [to reign] over Zion, My holy mount!\"", "\tI [David] shall speak as ordained: The L rd has said of me [through Nathan, Gad, and Samuel]: \"You are My son\" [(the chief of Israel, who are called \"My first-born son,\" viz. [Exodus 4:22]: \"My first-born son is Israel,\" and they will endure through you, viz. II Samuel 3:18)]; \"I, this day [(that I have enthroned you over them)] have begotten you\" [(to be called My son for their sake, viz. I Chronicles 14:2, II Samuel 7:14, Psalms 89:27)].", "\t\"Ask of Me [i.e., Pray to Me whenever you go to meet the foe], and I shall make nations your inheritance, and the ends of the earth your holding.", "\tYou will break them with a rod of iron [the sword]; as a potter's vessel will you shatter them.\"", "\tSo now, O kings, be wise; be chastened, you judges of the earth.", "\tServe the L rd in fear, and you will rejoice, [in thus having served Him,] in quaking [i.e., when quaking overtakes those who have rebelled against Him (viz. Isaiah 33:14)].", "\tGird yourselves in purity [of heart] lest He grow wroth and you lose the way [viz. 1:6]. For in a moment His wrath will flare [against the wicked, and, in that moment, there will be made manifest] the praises of all who trust in Him [viz. 1:1]." ], [ "\tA psalm of David, when he fled before Avshalom, his son.", "\tO L rd, how many are my enemies! Great ones [(in Torah, in wisdom, in wealth, and in stature)] have risen against me.", "\tGreat ones have said of my soul: There shall be no salvation for him from G d forever [(because of the episode of Bathsheva)].", "\tBut you, O L rd, are a shield for me, my honor, and the lifter of my head.", "\tWhen I call with my voice to the L rd, He shall answer me from His holy mountain, for all time.", "\tI lay down and slept [in sorrow]. I awoke [from my sorrow, secure] that the L rd would sustain me.", "\t[Therefore,] I shall not fear the multitude of people [who are with Avshalom], who, roundabout, have beset me.", "\tArise, O L rd! Save me, my G d! For You have [ever] smitten the cheek of all my foes [i.e., You have mortified them]; You have [ever] broken the teeth [i.e., the strength] of evildoers.", "\tIt is the L rd's part to save; Your people's, to bless You forever." ], [ "\tFor the conductor of the singing [(on the platform by the Levites)], a psalm of David.", "\tWhen I call, answer me, O G d, who accords me righteousness. In affliction, You [ever] broadened [the way] for me, [so now] be gracious unto me and heed my prayer.", "\tSons of man [(Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, who are called \"man\")], how long [will you turn] My honor to shame? will you love emptiness? will you [continue to] seek deceit?", "\tBut know that the L rd has set aside the saintly one for Himself; the L rd shall hear when I call to Him.", "\tTremble [in fear of the L rd] and you shall not sin. Affirm in your hearts upon your beds [(that the L rd exhorted thus)], and be forever stilled [of deceit].", "\tSlaughter offerings of righteousness [i.e., perform righteous deeds], and trust to the L rd [to bestow good upon you].", "\tMany [(who see the gentiles in their prosperity)] say: \"Who would show us [such] good! Raise up over us the light of Your countenance, O L rd!\"", "\t[But, I do not envy them, for] You placed joy in my heart from the time that their corn and their wine increased! [viz.: \"If so, (i.e., so much good) for those who anger Him, how much more so (in the world to come), for those who do His will!\"]", "\t[If Israel were] at peace together [(with me)], I would lie down and sleep [secure]. You, O L rd, [(no guard required)], alone, secure would make me dwell [viz. Deuteronomy 33:28]." ], [ "\tFor the conductor, on the nechiloth [a type of instrument], a psalm of David.", "\tGive ear to my words, O L rd, [(when I have the strength to pray before You — and, when I do not)], understand my meditations [i.e., the agitations of my heart].", "\tHear the sound of my cry, my King and my G d, for to You shall I pray.", "\tO L rd, in the morning You hear my voice [(entreating You to exact retribution of the wicked [(the morning being their time of judgment (viz. 101:8)]. In the morning I set forth [my prayer] before You, and I hope [(for Your judgment against them)].", "\t[(And it is fitting that I pray thus)] for You are not a G d that desires wickedness — evil shall not abide with You.", "\tThe wanton cannot stand before Your eyes; You have hated all doers of wrong.", "\tYou shall destroy the speakers of lies. The L rd shall abominate the man of blood and deceit [(Esav and his seed)].", "\tAnd I, in the abundance of Your lovingkindness [(in revealing to us Your wondrous vengeance upon them)] shall come to Your house [to thank You]. I shall bow down to the sanctuary of Your holiness in fear of You.", "\tO L rd, lead me in Your righteousness for the sake of [the undoing of] those who eye me [for evil]. Make Your path straight before me.", "\tFor there is no rightness in his mouth [(They appear to be friends, but they are foes)]. Their innards [i.e., their thoughts] are deceit. Their throats are an open pit [(to swallow the toil of others)]. They smooth over their tongues [with flattery].", "\tIncriminate them, O G d; let them fall by their counsels [against Israel]. In the abundance of their offenses, cast them off. For they have rebelled against You.", "\tAnd [then] all who take shelter in You will rejoice forever. They will sing and You will shelter them. And the lovers of Your name shall exult in You [(when they see that You bless the tzaddik, Yaakov and his seed)].", "\tFor You, O L rd, shall bless the tzaddik. As [with] a breastplate will You gird him with favor." ], [ "\tFor the conductor of the singing, on the sheminith [an eight-stringed lyre], a psalm of David.", "\tO L rd, do not rebuke me in Your anger, and do not afflict me in Your wrath.", "\tBe gracious unto me, O L rd, for I languish. Heal me, O L rd, for my bones are confounded.", "\tAnd my soul [too] is greatly confounded — and you, O L rd, how long [(will You look on and not heal)]?", "\tTurn, O L rd, from Your wrath; rescue my soul [from my sickness]. Save me, for the sake of Your lovingkindness.", "\tFor in death there is no remembering You. Who will praise You in the pit?", "\tI have grown weary with my sighs. [With my tears] I sully my bed each night. With my tears I wet my couch.", "\tMy eye is dimmed with anger; it is aged by [the \"darts\" of] all my tormentors.", "\t— Depart from me, all doers of wrong; for the L rd has heard the sound of my cry!", "\tThe L rd has heard my plaint; the L rd shall accept my prayer.", "\tAll of my foes [will call to their gods and] they will be shamed and sorely confounded. [Then] they will turn [and call to the L rd] — and they will be shamed in an instant! [(for having called upon Him only as an “afterthought” [viz. 18:42])]" ], [ "\tA shigayon [\"mistake\"] of David, which he sang to the L rd concerning Kush [Saul] the son of Yemini. [(David here acknowledges that he was \"mistaken\" in asking the L rd to be delivered into the hand of his foe in requital of his offenses against Saul [viz. Sanhedrin 95a])]", "\tO L rd, my G d; I have taken refuge in You. Help me against all my pursuers and save me.", "\tLest he tear my soul as a lion; lest he break me and there be none to save me.", "\tO L rd, my G d, if I did this [(what follows)], if there is wrong in my hands,", "\tIf I repaid the man of my peace [(Saul, being at peace with me)], with evil, and stripped my foe (of his garment) for naught — [(I cut off the edge of his tunic to show him that I could have killed him and did not! [viz. I Samuel 24:4])] —", "\tthen let the foe [Yishbi in Nov (II Samuel 21:16)] pursue my soul and overtake me, and let him trample me to the earth all of my days, and [let him lower] my honor, so that it reside forever in the dust.", "\tArise, O L rd, in Your wrath [(against my foes, such as Yishbi, etc., that I not be delivered into their hands)], be exalted by [executing] Your wrath against my foes, and awaken in me [the strength to execute] the judgment that You have commanded.", "\tAnd if a congregation of nations [i.e., idolators] surround You [(imploring Your aid, pay them no heed, but)] return [to Your place] on high.", "\tO L rd, judge the peoples [with the afflictions intended for me.] Judge me [i.e., Israel], O L rd, according to my righteousness [i.e., my righteous acts] and according to the innocence that is upon me.", "\tLet their evil put an end to the evildoers, and establish the righteous one, searching [and knowing, as You do,] the hearts and reins [of men] — G d is \"the Righteous One\" [(and He knows who is righteous and who is not)].", "\tMy defense is in G d, for He helps the just of heart.", "\tG d is a righteous judge, and the Almighty waxes wroth every day [(when He sees the deeds of the wicked)].", "\tIf he [the wicked one] does not repent, He will whet His sword; He will tread His bow and ready it.", "\tAnd He has prepared for him the instruments of death. His arrows for the pursuers [of the righteous] has He wrought.", "\tHe [the wicked one] labors in wickedness, and conceives wrong, and begets falsehood [i.e., he is betrayed by his own creations].", "\tThe pit that he dug, that he excavated [for another] — he [himself] will fall into the pit that he has made.", "\tHis wrong will return to his head; his violence will descend upon his pate.", "\tI shall praise the L rd when [he executes] His righteousness [i.e., His judgment against the wicked], and I will sing the name of the L rd, the Most High." ], [ "\tFor the conductor, on the gitith [a type of instrument], a psalm of David.", "\tO L rd, our Master, how mighty is Your name in all the earth [(beyond the poor capacity of the earthlings)]. Your glory [i.e., Your Shechinah] were [more fitly] reposed on the heavens! [But, in Your great humility —]", "\tout of the mouths of babes and sucklings You have founded strength [i.e., You reposed Your Shechinah in the sanctuary and ordained that the Levites and the Cohanim (\"babes\" relative to Your grandeur) ascribe strength and glory unto You], for [the discomfiture of] Your foes [(to make known to them that we are Your people)], to put an end to [the reviling of] the foe and the avenger [(who taunt us as being no better than other nations)].", "\tWhen I see Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars which You have established —", "\tWhat is man that You are mindful of him, and the son of man that You remember him!", "\tYet You have placed him but little beneath the angels [(empowering Moses to split the sea; Joshua, to make the sun stand still, etc.)], and You have crowned him with honor and glory.", "\tYou have given him dominion over the work of Your hands — all have You placed beneath his feet!", "\tFlocks and herds — all! And also the beasts of the field.", "\tThe birds of heaven and the fish of the sea — he [man] crosses the paths of the seas.", "\tO L rd, our Master, how mighty is Your name in all the earth!" ], [ "\tFor the conductor, \"the brightening of the youth,\" a psalm of David [(a song for the future, when the \"youth\" of Israel will be \"brightened,\" when Israel's righteousness will emerge in retrospect and their salvation draw near with the destruction of Esav and his seed)].", "\tI shall thank the L rd with all my heart; I shall relate all Your wonders [(the final redemption, which is equivalent to all of the foregoing miracles, viz. Jeremiah 23:7)].", "\tI shall rejoice and exult in You — I shall sing Your name [as] exalted [above all praise],", "\twhen my foes are turned back, when they stumble and go lost before You.", "\tFor You have wrought my cause and my judgment. You have sat on the throne [of judgment], a righteous judge.", "\t[In my cause] You have rebuked \"nations\" [(\"The first of nations is Amalek\" (Numbers 24:20)]; You have destroyed the wicked one [Esav]; You have wiped out their name forever [viz. Exodus 17:14].", "\tThe foe has been destroyed, [for] the swords [of hatred are against him] forever. And You have uprooted [their] cities [(never to be rebuilt, viz. Malachi 1:4)]; their memory is lost [forever].", "\tAnd the L rd shall sit [on His throne] forever [(His name complete and His throne complete)], His throne established in judgment, [as opposed to the incomplete state (Exodus 17:16)],", "\t[whereas, before \"the end of days,\"] He would judge the world with righteousness [i.e., mercy]; nations, with justness [i.e., at a time when they were relatively just, e.g., at night, when they were sleeping].", "\tAnd [at the final redemption] the L rd will be a fortress to the crushed [Israel], a fortress in times of affliction.", "\tAnd those who know Your name will trust in You; for You have not forsaken Your seekers, O L rd.", "\tThey will sing to the L rd [when He returns] to dwell in Zion. They will relate His deeds among the peoples.", "\tFor the Seeker of blood(s) remembers them [the blood(s) that have been spilt in Israel]; He has not forgotten the cries of the humble.", "\t[Now, in exile,] be gracious unto me, O L rd. See my afflictions at the hands of my foes, my Lifter [(by Your redemption)] from the gates of death.", "\tSo that I speak all of Your praise in the gates of the daughter of Zion and rejoice in Your salvation.", "\t[And this is what I will relate (viz. verse 12):] Nations have sunk in the pit that they have made. In this [very] net that they concealed is their foot ensnared.", "\tThe L rd is known by the judgment He performs. By the work of his hands, the wicked one is ensnared — Higayon [a psalm of meditation], Selah.", "\tThe wicked shall return to the pit, all the nations who forget G d.", "\tFor not forever shall the poor one be forgotten; the hope of the humble [shall not be] lost forever.", "\tArise, O L rd, [quickly, to do this]; let man [i.e., the wicked one] not [long] prevail [in his greatness]. Let nations be judged for [inciting] Your wrath [in the destruction of Your Temple].", "\tPlace, O L rd, dominion over them. Let the nations know that they are mortals [(and not gods)], forevermore." ], [ "\tWhy, O L rd, do You stand at a distance? Why do You hide [Your eyes] to times of affliction?", "\tThe evil-doer, in his pride, pursued the poor. They [the poor] are seized in the plots that they [the wicked] contrived.", "\t[\"Why, O L rd, do You stand at a distance?\"] For [now that You do,] the evil-doer vaunts himself [in having attained all] the lust of his soul, and the robber blesses [himself, saying that] he has despised the L rd [and will not be held accountable for it].", "\tThe evil-doer, in the height of his vanity, [says to himself:] He [the L rd] will not inquire [into my deeds]. All of his thoughts are: There is no Judge.", "\tHis ways prosper at all times. Your judgments [i.e., afflictions] are removed from him. All of his enemies — he whiffs them away.", "\tHe says in his heart: I will never fall. In all [of my] generations, evil will not [befall me].", "\tHis mouth is full of [false] oaths, deceit, and guile. Vanity and wickedness is beneath his tongue.", "\tHe sits in the ambush of the courtyard and kills the clean one in concealment. His [Esav's] eyes lurk against Your host [Israel].", "\tHe lurks in concealment as a lion in his lair. He lurks to snatch the poor one. He snatches the poor one, pulling him into his net.", "\tHe crouches, he bends low, and there fall by his winks the host of the broken.", "\tHe says in his heart that G d has forgotten, that He has concealed His countenance, [and that] He never sees.", "\tArise, O L rd, G d, lift up Your hand. Do not forget the humble.", "\tWhy does the evil-doer despise G d in his heart? [Because] he says in his heart that You do not seek out [his deeds].", "\t[But] You have seen [his deeds (and yet do not [immediately] retaliate)]. For [it is Your way] to look on at the wrong and the wrath [of the evil-doers] and to give [them power] with Your [own] hand [to prosper in their wickedness]. Your host [Israel] leaves [the burden of punishment] to You, [knowing that] You have [always] aided the orphan.", "\tBreak the arm of the wicked [Esav], and when You inquire after his [Israel's] evil, You will not find (it) [i.e., When the evil-doers of Israel see that the wicked of Esav are broken, they will leave off doing evil.]", "\tThe L rd will be King forever, [after] the nations go lost from His land.", "\tThe desire of the humble You have heard, O L rd; ready their hearts, let Your ears listen [to their prayers].", "\tTo execute judgment on behalf of the orphan and the broken [i.e., Israel], so that he [Yishmael and Esav] no longer break the afflicted from the earth." ], [ "\tFor the conductor, [a psalm] of David. In the [land of the] L rd have I taken shelter [viz. I Samuel 26:19]. How would you [my enemies] say to my soul: \"Wander from your mountain [Eretz Yisrael], O bird\"?", "\tFor, behold, the wicked [(Doeg and the other slanderers, who stirred up hatred between David and Saul)] have drawn their bow [i.e., their tongues]. They have set their arrows upon the string to shoot in the darkness [i.e., in secret] at the just of heart [David and the priests of Nov].", "\tFor the foundations [of the earth, i.e., the priests of the L rd] have been destroyed [by you]. The righteous one [David] — What has he done? [i.e., You will bear the burden of their death, not I].", "\t[Though] the L rd is in the sanctuary of His holiness; [though] the throne of the L rd be in the heavens, His eyes see [what transpires on earth]; His lids scan the sons of men.", "\t[And do not say that because I am smitten and pursued by you the L rd must have abandoned me, for] the L rd tries the righteous one; and the wicked one and the lover of violence, His soul despises [(and He stores up punishment for them in Gehinnom)].", "\t[And in Gehinnom] He shall rain down coals upon the wicked. Fire and brimstone and a burning wind is the portion of their cup.", "\tFor the L rd, being righteous, loves the righteous [and] those whose faces see [i.e., countenance] uprightness." ], [ "\tFor the conductor, on the eight-stringed lyre, a psalm of David.", "\tHelp me, O L rd, for the saintly one has ceased [from the world], for the faithful have ended from the sons of men [(All of them spy upon me and reveal my hiding places to Saul)].", "\tFalsely does one man speak with another, with smoothed-over lips. With [one] heart [do they think] and [with another] heart speak.", "\tLet the L rd cut off all smoothed-over lips; the tongue that speaks great things [in order to deceive].", "\t[\"Let the L rd cut off\"] those who say: With our tongues will we prevail; our lips are with us; Who can overmaster us?", "\tBecause of the spoil of the poor [(at their hands)], because of the groans of the impoverished, shall I now arise, says the L rd. \"I will come to [your] aid,\" shall He say to him [(the afflicted one)].", "\tThe words of the L rd [(unlike those of men)] are pure words [(clear and enduring)], silver refined in [a crucible made of] the upper crust [(i.e., the finest)] of the earth, seven times purified.", "\tYou, O L rd, shall keep them [the poor]; You shall guard them from [the pursuit of the slanderers of] this generation forever.", "\tThe wicked walk roundabout [me to plant snares to entrap me] in [envy of] the exaltation [to kingship] of the basest of men [viz. 118:22]." ], [ "\tFor the conductor, a psalm of David.", "\tHow long [(\"How long\" is stated four times, on behalf of all of Israel, alluding to the four kingdoms of the exile — Bavel, Paras, Yavan, and Edom)], O L rd, will You forget me forever? How long will You hide Your face from me?", "\tHow long shall I devise counsel in my soul [to escape] the sorrow in my heart all the day? How long shall my foe have ascendancy over me?", "\tLook, and answer me, O L rd my G d, and enlighten my eyes [against my foes], lest I sleep [the sleep of] death.", "\tLest my foe say: I have prevailed against him; [lest] my oppressors rejoice when I incline [to fall].", "\tWhenever I have trusted in Your lovingkindness, my heart has rejoiced in Your saving. [Now, too,] I shall sing to the L rd, when He bestows His lovingkindness upon me." ], [ "\tFor the conductor, [a psalm] of David. The profligate [(Nevuchadnezzar, in destroying the Temple)], says in his heart: \"There is no G d\" [viz. Isaiah 14:14]. They have destroyed. They have performed abominations. There is none [among them] that does good.", "\tThe L rd looks from the heavens upon the sons of men to see if there is a knowing one [(who would protest)], who would inquire after G d.", "\tAll [(of the men in Nevuchadnezzar's host)] stray together [(none protesting)]; they are [all] corrupt; none does good — not even one.", "\tDid they not know, all the workers of iniquity, [what would befall them]? The devourers of My people [(the seed of Nevuchadnezzar)] made a feast [(Belshazzar's feast, viz. Daniel 5:1)]. Upon the L rd they did not call [(They were not mindful of His awesome wonders and supped in the Temple vessels)].", "\tThere [(at the feast)] they feared mightily [(Belshazzar receiving his recompense [viz. Daniel 5:6-30])]; for G d was with the [righteous] generation of the tzaddik [King Yechaniah].", "\tYou [(the wicked)] despise the counsel of the poor one [Israel], for the L rd is his refuge [(and you mock this trust)].", "\tWould that [the day drew near of] His sending from Zion the salvation of Israel, when the L rd will return the captivity of His people. [Then] Jacob will regale; Israel will rejoice. [Compare Psalms 53]" ], [ "\tA psalm of David. O L rd, who will live in Your tent? Who will dwell in Your holy mountain?", "\tHe who walks in innocence and does righteousness and speaks truth in his heart [(his heart being \"true\" to his mouth)].", "\tOn whose tongue there is no slander, who does his neighbor no evil, and who does not bear [i.e., leave himself open to the] reproach [of having covered up] for [the evil of] his kinsman,", "\tIn whose eyes is despised one who is despicable [in his deeds], who honors those who fear the L rd, who swears to [his] hurt and does not retract. [(How much more so [if he swears] not to his hurt!)]", "\tWho does not give out his money on interest or take a bribe for [the perversion of the judgment of] the clean one [(to incriminate him)]. Who does these shall not incline [to fall] forever. [(If he does, it shall not be forever.)]" ], [ "\tA michtam [(a type of melody)] of David. Heed me, O L rd, for I have taken refuge in You.", "\tYou [Israel] should say to the L rd: You are my Master. My good [i.e., the good that You bestow upon me] is not incumbent upon You [to bestow (I am not worthy of it)].", "\t[I receive this good in the merit of] the holy ones who are [buried] in the earth, [who walked before You in truth], the mighty ones, for whose sake all my needs [are satisfied].", "\tIncrease the sorrow of those who hasten to another god. I will not sprinkle blood to their idols; nor will I summon up their name upon my lips.", "\tThe L rd is my portion and my cup [i.e., all of my good derives from Him]; You place [my hand on] my lot [(a goodly one)].", "\tThe lots that have fallen to me are the choicest [(they are in Your portion)]. To me, too, is such an inheritance pleasing.", "\t[(Following these words of Israel [viz. 2], David says:)] And I [too] shall bless the L rd who counseled me [to choose life and to walk in His ways]. Even in the nighttime my reins instruct me [to fear and love Him].", "\tI have set the L rd constantly before me [(i.e., In all of my acts I have placed His fear before my eyes)], for [He is always] at my right hand that I not fall.", "\tTherefore, [(because I am confident that You will not forsake me [viz. II Samuel 12:13])] my heart has rejoiced and my soul has reveled. My flesh, too, will dwell secure.", "\tFor You will not abandon my soul to the grave; You will not allow Your saint to see the pit.", "\tYou will instruct me in the path of [eternal] life, to be sated with the joys before You [i.e., the joys of those nearest You]. There is pleasure in Your right hand, eternally." ], [ "\tA psalm of David. Hear, O L rd, [my prayer intoned in] righteousness. Listen to my song. Give ear to my prayer [uttered] without lips of deceit.", "\tLet my judgment depart from You [i.e., Let those transgressions for which I deserve to be afflicted not come before You for judgment.] Let Your eyes look justly [upon what merits I may have].", "\t[I know that I am guilty of transgression (with Bathsheva) and that in judgment before You I would not be vindicated, for] You have [already] tried my heart [and found it wanting]. You appointed the night [for my trial with Bathsheva (viz. II Samuel 11:2)]. You tried me — You did not find [(what You wished to see in me)]. If I think [again of asking to be tried (as I did in this instance, viz. Psalms 26:2)], let it [the thought] not cross my mouth.", "\t[Thenceforward,] for [all] the acts of man [that I projected], I was heedful [to avoid], because of the word of Your lips, the ways of the breacher [of the paths], [and I was heedful]", "\tto keep my steps in Your paths, that my feet not slip.", "\tI have called upon You because [I know that] You will answer me, G d; incline Your ear to me and hear my words.", "\tDiscriminate Your lovingkindnesses, to save with Your right hand those who take refuge [in You] from those who rise up [against You].", "\tGuard me as the apple of the eye [(the pupil, which is guarded by the lids)]; conceal me in the shadow of Your wings.", "\t[(Guard me)] from the wicked. For my foes despoil me; they surround me [to take] my soul.", "\t[With] their fats they have closed [their hearts and their eyes from regarding Your acts to fear You]; their mouths have spoken haughtily.", "\tThey now encircle our steps; they fix their gaze to set upon the land.", "\tHe [the foe] is like a lion, lusting for prey; like a young lion, lurking [in ambush].", "\tArise, O L rd, confront him; humble him; save my soul from the evil-doer, Your sword [(whereby you exact retribution)].", "\t[May I be] among those who die by Your hand [(upon their beds)], [among those] who die of old age, [among those (the tzaddikim)] whose portion is in life, and [among those] whose stomachs You will fill [with the good] that You have stored up [for those who fear You], who are sated with [worthy] sons, who leave their abundance to their young ones.", "\tI, in righteousness, will see Your face; I will be sated with Your image at the awakening [(the resurrection)]." ], [ "For the conductor, [a psalm] of the servant of the L rd, of David, who spoke to the L rd the words of this song on the day that the L rd delivered him [(i.e., in his old age, when the L rd had delivered him)] from the hand of all his foes and [(especially)] from the hand of Saul.", "\tHe said: I love You, O L rd of my strength.", "\tThe L rd is my rock [(He saved me at the rock (sela), when I was surrounded by Saul and his men (viz. I Samuel 23:25-26)] and my fortress and my deliverer; my G d, my rock, in whom I trust; my shield, the horn of my salvation, my bastion.", "\tWith praises I call upon the L rd, [knowing that] from my foes I will be saved.", "\tBands of death [(the wicked)] have surrounded me; streams of infidels have affrighted me.", "\tBands of sheol have surrounded me; the snares of death have confronted me.", "\tWhen I was [thus] afflicted, I called to the L rd and I cried out to G d. He heard my voice from His sanctuary, and my outcry before Him entered His ears.", "\tThe earth trembled and rumbled and the foundations of the mountains shook and shivered when His wrath burned [(in coming to take vengeance of Pharaoh for His people)].", "\tSmoke rose in His nostrils, and fire from His mouth consumed [His foes]; coals flamed from Him.", "\tAnd He moved the heavens [down to earth], and He descended [to pass through the land of Egypt], thick mist beneath His feet.", "\tAnd He rode on a cherub and flew; He soared on the wings of the wind.", "\tHe made darkness His concealment, His covert roundabout Him.", "\tFrom the brightness before Him [i.e., which emanates from Him], His thick clouds [split and] passed down hail and coals of fire [upon the Egyptians at the Red Sea].", "\tAnd the L rd thundered in the heavens, and the exalted One sent forth His voice [producing] hail and coals of fire.", "\tAnd He sent forth His arrows and scattered them [(the Egyptians)]; and He darted lightnings and confounded them.", "\tAnd the river beds were bared and the world's foundations revealed [(all the world's waters splitting)] — at Your rebuke, O L rd, at the blowing of the breath of Your nostrils.", "\tHe sent [His angels] from on high [to save Israel from the sea and from Egypt]. He drew me forth from many waters.", "\tHe delivered me from my mighty foe, from my haters, when they grew stronger than I.", "\t...", "And He took me out to a broad place; He delivered me, for He desired me.", "\tThe L rd recompensed me according to my righteousness [(of having followed Him in the desert)]. According to the purity of my hands did He return [recompense] to me.", "\tFor I have kept the ways of the L rd, and I have not deviated from [the mitzvoth of] my G d.", "\tFor all of His judgments are before me [(I have always kept them before my eyes)], and His statutes are not removed from me.", "\tAnd I was whole-hearted with Him and kept myself from my [(purported)] transgression.", "\tAnd the L rd recompensed me according to my righteousness, according to the purity of my hands before His eyes.", "\t[(You recompense \"measure for measure\")]: With the saintly one [(Abraham)], You are saintly; with the whole-hearted man [(Isaac)], You are whole-hearted.", "\tWith the faithful one [(Jacob)], You are faithful — and with the devious one [(Pharaoh)], You are devious.", "\tFor You help the humble people, and You lower the eyes of the haughty.", "\tFor You light my lamp; the L rd my G d brightens my darkness.", "\tFor by You [i.e., trusting in You] do I run upon a troop; by my G d do I scale the wall [(viz. Midrash Tehillim 18:24)].", "\tThe way of G d is whole. The word of the L rd is pure [(He promises and does)]. He is a shield to all who trust in Him.", "\tFor who is a god other than the L rd? And who is a rock beside our G d?", "\tThe G d who girds me for war and makes my way whole [(by removing all obstacles from it)].", "\tHe makes my feet like [those of] hinds and sets me on my heights.", "\tHe teaches my hands for war, and a copper bow is bent by my arms.", "\tYou have given me the shield of Your salvation. Your right hand has sustained me, and You have heightened Your humbleness for me [i.e., on my behalf].", "\tYou have broadened my steps beneath me and my ankles have not slipped.", "\tI shall pursue my foes and overtake them, and I shall not turn back until I have destroyed them.", "\tI shall crush them so that they cannot rise; they shall fall under my feet.", "\tYou have girded me with valor for the war; You have subdued my adversaries beneath me.", "\tYou have given me the nape of my foes [(in flight)], and I shall crush my enemies.", "\tThey cry out [to their idols], to no avail; [and then] to the L rd, but He does not answer them.", "\tAnd I ground them as dust in the face of the wind; as mud in the streets did I spill them out.", "\tDeliver me from the contentions of the people [(that I not be punished for miscarriage of justice and exploitation of Jews)]. Make me the head of nations [(where there is no such liability)]; let a people unknown to me serve me.", "\tAt ear's report [i.e., by word of my emissaries alone] shall they submit to me; the sons of strangers shall prevaricate to me [in fear].", "\tThe sons of strangers shall wither and recoil [in fear] in their cells.", "\tThe L rd lives [(who does all this for me)], and my Rock will be [forever] blessed. The G d of my salvation will [ever] be exalted.", "\tThe G d who grants [me the power to take] vengeance [of my foes] and ravages peoples in my stead [i.e., instead of their ravaging me].", "\tYou deliver me from my foes. You raise me above those who rise against me. You rescue me from the man of violence.", "\tI shall, therefore, praise You among the nations, O L rd, and to Your name shall I sing.", "\tHe magnifies the salvation of His king and performs lovingkindness with His anointed one, with David and his seed, forever.\n" ], [ "\tFor the conductor, a psalm of David.", "\tThe heavens declare the glory of the Almighty and the firmament speaks of His handiwork [(the stars, etc. viz. (Genesis 1:17): \"And G d set them in the firmament of the heavens, etc.\")]", "\t[The renewal of the creation from] day to day [causes men to] utter words [of praise to the L rd], and [this renewal, from] night to night [causes them to] indite knowledge.", "\t[In truth,] they [the heavens, etc.] have no utterance and no words; their voice is not heard —", "\t[Still,] their line extends over all the earth, so that [even at] the end of the world their words [(the words of men, extolling the wonders they behold, are heard)]. For the sun He made a tent therein [(in the heavens)].", "\tAnd it [the sun] is like a groom going forth from his canopy [(to shine upon the earth)], rejoicing as a hero in running upon the path.", "\tFrom the end of the heavens does it issue forth, and its circuit is upon their poles; and none are hidden from its heat.", "\t[But \"the great sun,\"] the Torah of the L rd is [even more] perfect; it restores the soul [(from the paths of death to those of life)]. The testimony of the L rd [(vis-à-vis its learners)] is faithful, making the simple wise.", "\tThe commandments of the L rd are just; they rejoice the heart. The mitzvoth of the L rd are clear; they enlighten the eyes.", "\tThe fear of the L rd is pure; it endures forever. The judgments of the L rd are true; they are righteous together [(a cohesive whole)].", "\tThey are more desirable than gold and than much fine gold, and sweeter than honey and the drippings of the honeycomb.", "\tYour servant, too, was scrupulous in observing them, because of the great [good that is stored up for those who fear You.]", "\t[But, though I took great care,] who can understand [i.e., completely guard against] unwitting [transgressions] — Cleanse me of [such] hidden things.", "\tFrom willful sins, too, spare You servant, so that they not rule over me [(by their enticements)]. Then I shall be entirely pure; for I shall [(through my own resources of will)] be clean of great [(rebellious)] offense, [(so that by Your shielding me from the first two varieties of sin, I shall emerge completely sinless.)]", "\tMay the utterances of my mouth conciliate You, and the musings of my heart before You, O L rd, my Rock and my Redeemer." ], [ "\tFor the conductor, a psalm of David.", "\t[(David would send Yoav and all of Israel to war, and he would pray for them in Jerusalem)]: Let the L rd answer you on a day of duress; Let the name of the G d of Jacob [(i.e., the G d who kept His assurance to Jacob [viz. Genesis 28:13]) defend you.", "\tLet Him send your help from His sanctuary, and let Him uphold you from Zion.", "\tLet Him remember all of your meal-offerings [(your prayers in battle)], and may your burnt-offerings [(the same)] be ever acceptable.", "\tMay He grant you the desires of your heart, and may He fulfill all of your counsel.", "\tWe shall [all] sing [praise to the L rd] at your salvation [(that of Yoav and Israel)], and in the name of the L rd shall we gather to the banner [(for victory)]. The L rd will fulfill all of your desires.", "\t[(This is the song we will sing)]: Now, [(by this victory You have wrought for Yoav and Israel)] I know that the L rd has helped his anointed one [David]. He has answered him from the heavens of His holiness with the strength of the salvation of His right hand.", "\tThese [nations place their faith] in chariots, and those, in horses, but we shall invoke the name of the L rd our G d.", "\tThey bow down and fall, and we rise up and triumph.", "\tO L rd, save! O King, answer us on the day we call!" ], [ "\tFor the conductor, a psalm of David.", "\tO L rd, in Your strength shall the king [(David)] rejoice. And in Your salvation how greatly shall he regale!", "\tYou have given him the desire of his heart, and You [certainly] shall not withhold the petition of his lips!", "\tFor [(before he even asked)] You preceded him [(i.e., his asking)] with blessings of good [viz. II Samuel 7:12]; You have set on his head a crown of gold [viz. II Samuel 12:30].", "\tHe asked life of You [(in fleeing from Eretz Yisrael before Saul)]. You gave it to him [(by returning him to Eretz Yisrael)], length of days [(to his kingdom)] forever [viz. II Samuel 7:13].", "\tGreat is his honor through Your salvation. Grandeur and glory shall you set upon him.", "\tFor You shall appoint him for blessings forever. You shall regale him in the joy of [beholding] Your face [(in Gan Eden)].", "\tFor the king trusts in the L rd, and in the lovingkindness of the Most High he shall not falter.", "\tBring Your hand [i.e., Your blows] upon all of Your foes; bring Your right hand upon all of Your haters.", "\tMake them like a fiery furnace at the time of Your wrath. Let the L rd in His wrath swallow them up, and let fire consume them.", "\tMake their [Esav's] fruit go lost from the earth, and their seed from the sons of men.", "\tFor they [(Titus and his cohorts)] have plotted evil against You [(to kill You!)]; they have devised a scheme that they cannot [execute].", "\tFor You will make them a portion [(to be divided among Israel [viz. Isaiah 23:18])]. With Your bowstrings You will direct [Your arrows] at their faces.", "\tRise up, O L rd, in Your might [(against those who rise against You)] and we shall sing and chant Your strength." ], [ "\tFor the conductor, on ayeleth hashachar [a type of instrument], a psalm of David.", "\t[(On Israel's destined exile:)] My G d, my G d, why have You forsaken me [(Israel)]! You are far from my salvation [and from] the words of my outcry.", "\tMy G d, I call from day to day, and You do not answer; and at night, and there is no silence [from prayer] for me.", "\tAnd You are holy, [ever] sitting [to hear] the prayers of Israel.", "\tIn You did our forefathers trust; they trusted, and You delivered them.", "\tTo You did they cry out, and they escaped; in You did they trust, and they were not put to shame.", "\tAnd I [(Israel)] am a worm and not a man, the shame of man and the despised of the people.", "\tAll who behold, mock me. They open their lips and nod their heads [in mockery].", "\t[One should] \"roll\" his burden onto the L rd, so that He deliver him; He will save him, for He desires him.", "\tFor You are my deliverer from the womb, my trust on the breasts of my mother.", "\tUpon You was I cast from the womb. From my mother's belly, You are my G d. [(From the very birth of the tribes, He has sustained them.)]", "\tDo not go far from me, for trouble is near; for there is no help [other than You].", "\tMany bullocks [(mighty kingdoms)] have surrounded me. The mighty bulls of Bashan have encircled me.", "\tThey have opened their mouths against me, as a lion [(Nevuchadnezzar)], who tears [his prey] and roars [in triumph].", "\tI have been poured out as water and all my bones have been scattered. My heart has become as wax, melted within my reins.", "\tMy strength is dried up as a shard. My tongue cleaves to my palate, and You have set me down to the dust of death.", "\tFor dogs have surrounded me; the league of the wicked have encircled me. As [if I were being crushed in the mouth of] a lion, [they crush] my hands and feet.", "\tI tell [the pain of] all my bones, they look on and stare at me [in derision].", "\tThey divide my clothes among themselves, and they cast lots for my raiment [(i.e., they despoil our possessions)].", "\tAnd You, O L rd, do not go far! My strength, hasten to my help!", "\tSave my soul from the sword, my soul from the hand of the dog.", "\tSave me from the mouth of the lion [(Nevuchadnezzar)], [as] You answered me [and saved me] from the horns of the wild oxen [(the Emori, the thirty-one kings)].", "\t[Then] I shall speak Your name to my brothers; in the midst of the congregation I shall praise You.", "\t[Thus shall I say:] You who fear the L rd [i.e., the proselytes], praise Him. All the seed of Jacob, honor Him; and fear Him all the seed of Israel.", "\tFor He has not despised and not reviled the cry of the poor one, and He has not hid His face from Him; and in his outcry to Him, He has heard Him.", "\tFrom You [(i.e., it is owing to the salvation that proceeds from You that)] I praise [You] in a vast congregation; and my vows [to Him] shall I pay in the presence of those who fear Him.", "\tThe humble will eat and be sated [(at the time of the redemption, in the days of the Messiah)]. His seekers will praise the L rd. Your hearts will live forever. [(All this is what I will say to them [see verse 24])].", "\tAll the ends of the earth will remember [the evil that had befallen us (when they see our good)], and all the families of the nations will bow down before You.", "\tFor [they will see that] the kingdom is the L rd's, and the rule over nations.", "\t[They will see that] they [the humble] have eaten all the fats of the land, and they [\"all the families of the nations\"] will bow down [to You]. [Then] there will bow down before Him [in Gehinnom] all [the wicked] who descend to the dust, but He will not revive his [(the wicked one's)] soul [to deliver him from Gehinnom].", "\t[What he wrought for] the seed who served Him will be related [in praise of] the L rd to the [last] generation.", "\tThey [(the early generations)] will come and relate to the people born [after them] that He wrought [salvation for them]." ], [ "\tA psalm of David [i.e., a psalm for reposing the Shechinah upon David (He would play and the Shechinah would come to rest upon him)]. The L rd is my shepherd [(in this desert in which I walk; therefore,)] I shall not want.", "\tIn green pastures He couches me; He leads me beside the still waters.", "\tHe restores my [beleaguered] soul. He leads me in straight paths [(protecting me from my foes)], for His name's sake.", "\tThough I walk in the vale of darkness [(the desert of Ziph [viz. I Samuel 23:15])], I will fear no evil, for You are with me. Your rod [of afflictions] and your staff [of succor] — they comfort me [(both tending to forgiveness of sin)].", "\t[Thus, I trust that] You shall set before me a table [(of kingdom)] in the face of my enemies. You have [already] anointed my head with the oil [of kingship]; my cup runs over [with good].", "\tOnly good and lovingkindness shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the L rd forever." ], [ "\tOf David, a psalm [(First the Shechinah rested upon him, and then he sang)]. The earth [(Eretz Yisrael)] is the L rd's and the fulness thereof, the [rest of the] world and the dwellers therein.", "\tFor He has founded it upon the seas [(Seven seas surround Eretz Yisrael)], and established it upon [(four)] rivers.", "\t[But though all the earth-dwellers are His,] who shall ascend the mount of the L rd, and who shall stand in His holy place?", "\t[Only] the clean of hand and the pure of heart, who did not take My name in vain and did not swear in deceit.", "\tHe shall bear a blessing from the L rd and righteousness from the G d of his salvation.", "\tThis [i.e., one such as he] is [i.e., exemplifies] the generation of His seekers, those who seek Your face, Yaakov, forever.", "\t[You] gates, lift your heads and be uplifted, [you] everlasting [i.e., everlastingly sacred] portals, that the King of Glory may enter. [(When Solomon wished to bring the ark into the holy of holies, the Temple gates would not open until the merits of David were invoked [viz. II Chronicles 6:42])].", "\tWho is this King of Glory? The L rd, mighty and strong, the L rd, strong in war.", "\t[You] gates, lift your heads, and be uplifted, you everlasting portals, that the King of Glory may enter.", "\tWho is this King of Glory? The L rd of hosts. He is the King of Glory, forever." ], [ "\t[A psalm] of David. To You, O L rd, will I lift up my soul [i.e., direct my heart].", "\tO G d, [because] I have trusted in You, [I know that] I shall not be shamed, [that] my foes shall not exult over me.", "\tAlso all those who hope in You shall not be shamed. Those who strip [the poor] shall be shamed.", "\tYour ways, O L rd, make known to me; teach me Your paths.", "\tLead me in Your truth, and teach [it to] me; for You are the G d of my salvation; in You have I trusted all the day [i.e., all my life].", "\tRemember Your mercies, O L rd, and Your lovingkindnesses, for they are eternal [i.e., from the day You created Adam, telling him that he would die on the day he ate from the tree of knowledge, and granting him one of Your (thousand-year) days.]", "\tDo not bring to mind the sins of my youth and my offenses. What is worthy of Your lovingkindness [i.e., my good deeds] remember for me, for the sake of Your goodness, O L rd.", "\tGood and just is the L rd [(and desirous of vindicating His creations)], wherefore He teaches sinners in the way [of repentance].", "\tHe leads the humble in [the] justice [of their way], and He teaches the humble His way.", "\tAll the paths of the L rd are lovingkindness and truth for the keepers of His covenant and His testimonies.", "\tFor the sake of Your [great] name, O L rd, forgive my sin for it is great [(and it becomes the Great to forgive the great)].", "\tWho is the man that fears the L rd? He shall teach him [to walk] in the way that He chooses [(the way of good)].", "\tHis soul [(in the grave)] shall rest in good, and his seed shall inherit the earth.", "\tThe secret of the L rd is for those who fear Him, and His covenant, [(of Torah)], to make it known to them.", "\tMy eyes are always to the L rd; for He shall release my feet from the net.", "\tTurn to me, and be gracious to me, for I am [but] one [(carrying [as king] the sins of the many, who depend upon my prayer for their deliverance)] and I am poor [in merit].", "\tThe woes of my heart have widened; release me from my toils.", "\tBehold my afflictions and my burdens, and, [considering them], forgive all of my sins.", "\tSee how my foes have increased, how they hate me for violence [(of which I am guiltless)].", "\tGuard my soul and rescue me. Let me not be shamed, for I have trusted in You.", "\t[My] innocence and uprightness will guard me, for I have hoped in You.", "\tRedeem, O G d, [all of] Israel, from all of its afflictions." ], [ "\t[A psalm] of David. [When You judge the wicked,] O L rd, judge me, for I have walked in my innocence [(and relative to them I am righteous)]; I shall not slip.", "\tExamine me, O L rd, and prove me; test my reins and my heart.", "\tFor Your lovingkindness is before my eyes, and I have walked in Your truth.", "\tI have not sat with vain men, and I have not come together with hidden ones [i.e., those who sin in secret].", "\tI have hated the congregation of evildoers and I have not sat with the wicked.", "\tI shall wash my hands in cleanliness [(no theft being involved in any of the mitzvoth that I perform)], and I shall walk around Your altar, O L rd.", "\tTo make heard the voice of thankfulness and to speak all of Your wonders [(in the recitation of Hallel)].", "\tO L rd, I have loved the abode of Your house and the place of the residing of Your glory.", "\tGather not up my soul with sinners, and with men of blood my life.", "\tIn whose hands there is scheming and whose right hand is full of graft.", "\tBut as for me, I walked in my innocence — redeem me and be gracious unto me.", "\tMy foot stood on the straight path; I shall bless the L rd in multitudes." ], [ "\t[A psalm] of David. The L rd is my light and my help. Whom shall I fear? The L rd is the strength of my life. Who shall affright me?", "\tWhen evildoers draw near to devour my flesh — my oppressors and my foes — they stumble and fall.", "\tIf a camp encamp against me, my heart shall not fear. If a war arise against me, in this [(the above creed)] I trust.", "\tOne thing have I asked of the L rd. That shall I seek. To sit in the house of the L rd all the days of my life. To look upon the pleasantness of the L rd and to pay attendance every morning in His sanctuary.", "\tFor [I know that] He will secure me in His sanctuary. On an evil day He will hide me in the covert of His tent. [As] on a rock, He will lift me.", "\tAnd now, let my head be [ever] lifted above my foes roundabout, and [then] I shall slaughter in His tent offerings of exultation [i.e., accompanied by song]. I shall sing and intone psalms to the L rd.", "\tHear, O L rd, my voice as I call; and be gracious unto me, and answer me.", "\tOn Your behalf [i.e., as Your emissary], my heart says: \"Seek My presence [Israel].\" [And, accordingly,] Your presence, O L rd, will I seek.", "\tDo not hide Your face from me. Do not subdue Your servant with [Your] wrath. You have [ever] been my help. Do not leave me and do not forsake me, O G d of my salvation.", "\tFor my father and my mother have left me, but the L rd has gathered me in.", "\tTeach me, O L rd, Your ways, and lead me in a straight path for the sake of [the undoing of] those who eye me [for evil].", "\tDeliver me not to the desire of my foes; for false witnesses have risen against me, and spouters of violence.", "\t[And they would already have destroyed me] had I not believed in seeing the good of the L rd in the land of the living.", "\tHope to the L rd; be strong, and let your heart take courage, and [(if your prayer is not answered, then, again,)] hope to the L rd." ], [ "\t[A psalm] of David. To you, O L rd, shall I call. My Rock, do not be silent to me; lest You be silent to me and I be reckoned with those who go down to the grave.", "\tHear the sound of my supplications when I cry out to You, when I lift my hands [in prayer] to the sanctum of Your holiness.", "\tDo not league me with the wicked and with doers of wrong, who speak peace with their friends and evil in their hearts.", "\tRequite them according to their acts and according to the evil of their deeds. Requite them according to the work of their hands. Give them their recompense.", "\tFor they do not give heart to the acts of the L rd and to the work of His hands — Let Him destroy them and not build them up [again].", "\tBlessed is the L rd, for He has heard the voice of my supplications.", "\tThe L rd is my strength and my shield. In Him did my heart trust, and I was helped, and my heart rejoiced. I shall thank Him with my song:", "\tThe L rd is strength to them [Israel] and the strength of the salvation of His anointed one.", "\tSave Your people, and bless Your inheritance, and graze them [Your flock] and exalt them forever." ], [ "\tA psalm of David. Accord to the L rd — you sons, the mighty [(whence it is derived that \"avoth\" [the patriarchs (\"the mighty ones\")] are mentioned in the amidah)]; accord to the L rd honor and strength [(whence it is derived that \"strengths\" are mentioned in the amidah [after avoth])].", "\tAccord to the L rd the glory of His name [(the holiness of His name [(the next blessing in the amidah)])]. Bow down to the L rd in the splendor of holiness. [(The eighteen \"L rd\"s in this psalm are the basis of shemoneh esreh [the eighteen benedictions])].", "\tThe voice of the L rd is upon the waters [the Red Sea (viz. above, 18:4)]. The glory of G d thunders; the L rd upon many waters.", "\tThe voice of the L rd in strength [(At the giving of the Torah, He attenuated His voice in accordance with the \"strength\" of Israel to bear it)]; the voice of the L rd in splendor.", "\tThe voice of the L rd breaks the cedars [(the kings of the nations)] the L rd breaks the cedars of Lebanon.", "\tHe makes them [(the cedars and the mountains who came to hear at the giving of the Torah)] skip as calves; Levanon and Siryon [(the mountains)] as the young of re'eimim [large beasts].", "\tThe voice of the L rd cleaves [the tablets with] flames of fire [(hewing out the commandments on them)].", "\tThe voice of the L rd quakes the desert; the L rd quakes the desert of Kadesh [Sinai].", "\tThe voice of the L rd will start the hinds [(the stalwart standing nations)] and bare the forests [(i.e., it will strip the nations of their glory)]. And in His sanctuary [(when it is rebuilt)], all will proclaim glory:", "\tThe L rd sat [(solitary in His greatness)] at the flood; and the L rd shall sit [(solitary among the nations)] as King forever [viz. Isaiah 2:17].", "\tThe L rd shall grant strength to His people; the L rd shall bless His people with peace." ], [ "A psalm, a song [(to be chanted by the Levites)], for the consecration of the house [(the Temple, in the days of Solomon)], of David.", "\tI shall exalt You, O L rd, for You have uplifted me and did not let my foes rejoice over me. [(My foes said that I had no share in the world to come [because of the sin with Bathsheva], but when they saw that the Temple gates would not open to admit the ark until my merits had been invoked [viz. 24:7], they knew that G d had forgiven me.)]", "\tO L rd, my G d, I cried out to You, and You healed me [i.e., forgave me].", "\tO L rd, You raised my soul from Sheol; You spared me from descent to the pit [(Gehinnom)].", "\tSing to the L rd, [you,] His saintly ones, [(for though you be steeped in affliction, you can trust to His goodness [seeing what He has done for me])], and give thanks at the remembrance of His holiness.", "\tFor His wrath is [but] a moment; there is [long] life in His conciliation. Weeping shall bed down in the evening; and, in the morning, joy [shall awake]!", "", "\t[But, I found that my tranquility was not mine to command.] O, L rd, in Your favor You set up my mountain [i.e., my greatness] as a stronghold — You hid Your face, and I was confounded!", "\tTo You, O L rd, would I [always] call; to my L rd would I make supplication, [saying:]", "\tWhat profits my blood if I descend to the pit? Shall dust praise You? Shall it speak Your truth?", "\tHear, O L rd, and be gracious to me. O L rd, be a help to me.", "\tYou have turned my mourning to a dance for me. You have loosened my [mourning] sack and girded me with joy.", "\tSo that my soul sing to You and not be silent. O L rd, my G d, forever shall I praise You." ], [ "\tFor the conductor, a psalm of David.", "\tIn You, O L rd, have I trusted — let me never be shamed; save me in Your righteousness.", "\tIncline Your ear to me. Save me quickly. Be a rock of strength to me; a fortress to save me.", "\tFor You are my rock and my fortress. For Your name's sake, lead me and guide me.", "\tRelease me from this net they have laid down for me, for You are my strength.", "\tTo Your hand I commit my soul, [for] You redeem me, O L rd, G d of truth.", "\tI have hated the hopers in vanities [i.e., idolatry]. As for me, I have trusted to the L rd.", "\tI shall regale and rejoice in Your lovingkindness; in Your seeing my affliction; in Your knowing the straits of my soul.", "\tYou did not hand me over to the foe; You set my feet in a broad place.", "\tBe gracious unto me, O L rd, for I am sore afflicted. My eye is dimmed with woe; my soul and my innards.", "\tFor my life is consumed in sorrow, and my years in sighing. My strength is sapped by my sin and my bones are worn away.", "\tI have been [rendered an object of] fear to those who know me. Those who see me out [of doors] move away from me.", "\tI have been forgotten, as a dead one, from the heart; I have become as a lost vessel.", "\tFor I have heard the plotting of the many, [who strike me with] terror roundabout, when they take counsel together against me, scheming to take my soul.", "\tBut I have trusted in You, O L rd; I have said: You are my G d [and You will rescue me].", "\tIn your hand [i.e., by Your decree] are my times [(good and ill)]; save me from the hand of my foes and my pursuers.", "\tIllumine Your face to Your servant; save me with Your lovingkindness.", "\tO L rd, let me not be shamed, for I have called upon You [(so that my being shamed would redound to Your dishonor)]. Let the wicked be shamed. Let them be silenced to Sheol.", "\tLet the lying lips be silenced, which speak falsehood against the righteous one [(saying to Saul about me: \"David is plotting against you\")], in haughtiness and scorn.", "\tHow great is Your good that You have stored up [(in the world to come)] for those who fear You! [But] would that You wrought for those who take shelter in You against the sons of men [(in this world)]!", "\tHide them [(\"those who take shelter in You\")] in the covert of Your countenance from those who band [against them]. Secrete them in concealment from the taunting of tongues.", "\tBlessed is the L rd, for He has made His lovingkindness wondrous to me in a city under siege [I Samuel 23:7-12].", "\tAnd I said [in my heart] in my haste [(in the desert of Maon, after escaping the siege)]: I have been cut off from before Your eyes. But [even then] You heard the voice of my supplications when I cried out to You.", "\tLove the L rd, all His saintly ones! The L rd guards the faithful and requites the excess [(of haughtiness)] of the workers of pride.", "\t[(Seeing, then, how He has wrought for me)] strengthen and fortify your hearts, all who hope in the L rd." ], [ "\tA maskil [(a psalm explicated by an interpreter)] of David. Fortunate is he whose offense has been forgiven and his sin concealed.", "\tFortunate is the man to whom the L rd does not ascribe transgression, [(on condition of)] there being no deceit in his spirit [(his repentance being pure)].", "\tWhen I was silent [(and did not confess before You)], my bones wore away in my groaning all the day [(in dread of punishment)].", "\tFor day and night there weighed upon me [fear of] Your hand [(retribution)]; my marrow turned [dry] as in the scorching of an everlasting summer.", "\t[Therefore,] I [always] confess my sin [to You], and I do not cover up my transgression, for I said: [It is good that] I confess my offenses to the L rd, and [(now that I have said to Nathan the prophet: \"I have sinned\" [with Bathsheva (viz. II Samuel 12:13)])], You have forgiven the transgression of my sin, forever.", "\tFor this [(what follows)] let every saint pray to You when You are found [(to accept his prayer)]: Only that a flood of many waters [(the malice of his foes)] not reach him [viz. II Samuel 24:14].", "\tYou are a [(protective)] covert to me. From the foe You guard me. [With] songs of deliverance You surround me forever.", "\tI will enlighten you and teach you to walk in this way. I will wink my eye to you [(meaningfully)]:", "\tDo not be as a horse, as a mule, which does not discern [(whether it is being benefited or maltreated — whose mouth,)] when it is being groomed, must be muzzled with bit and bridle, so that it not approach you [to bite you]!", "\tMany pains befall the wicked [— who balk at them], but he who trusts in the L rd is surrounded [only] by lovingkindness [(knowing as he does that all comes from the L rd)].", "\tRejoice in [the lovingkindness of] the L rd, and regale, you righteous, and sing praise, all you just of heart." ], [ "\tSing, you righteous, in the L rd; praise [of the L rd] is becoming in the just.", "\tPraise the L rd with the lyre; with ten-tuned harp, sing to Him.", "\tSing to Him a new song; enhance playing with shouting.", "\tFor just is the word of the L rd and all of His work is in faith.", "\tHe loves righteousness and justice; the lovingkindness of the L rd fills the earth.", "\tBy the word of the L rd the heavens were made, and by the breath of His mouth, all of their hosts.", "\tHe gathers in a heap the waters of the sea; He places the depths in stores [beneath the earth].", "\tAll the earth will fear the L rd; all the dwellers of the world will hold Him in dread.", "\tFor He spoke — and it was; He commanded — and it arose.", "\tThe L rd voids the counsel of the nations; He annuls the thoughts of the peoples.", "\tThe counsel of the L rd shall ever endure; the thoughts of His heart for all generations.", "\tHappy is the people whose G d is the L rd, the people He chose as an inheritance for Himself.", "\tThe L rd looks from the heavens and sees all the sons of men.", "\tFrom the abode of His dwelling He scans all the dwellers of the earth.", "\tHe created their hearts as one — He probes all of their deeds.", "\tThe king is not helped by greatness of host, nor the hero saved by greatness of strength.", "\tFalse is the horse for saving, and he shall not escape through the greatness of his host.", "\tThe eye of the L rd is to those who fear Him, to those who hope in His lovingkindness.", "\tTo save their souls from death and to sustain them in hunger.", "\tOur souls hope to the L rd; He is our help and our shield.", "\tFor in Him shall our hearts rejoice; for in His holy name did we trust.", "\tLet Your lovingkindness be upon us, O L rd, as we have hoped in You." ], [ "\t[A psalm] of David, when he feigned derangement [(to save his life, viz. I Samuel 21:14)] before Avimelech [Achish, king of Gath (all Philistine kings being called \"Avimelech\")], whereupon he drove him out [of his land], and he went [in peace].", "\tI shall bless the L rd at all times; His praise is ever in my mouth.", "\tIn the [(patronage)] of the L rd, my soul exults; let the humble hear [the wonders He has wrought for me], and they shall rejoice.", "\tExtol the L rd with me, and we shall exalt His name together.", "\tI sought the L rd and He answered me, and He rescued me from all of my fears.", "\tThey [(the afflicted)] looked to Him and they [(their faces)] were illumined, and their faces were not shamed.", "\tWhen this poor one calls, the L rd listens, and He delivers him from all of his tribulations.", "\tAn angel of the L rd camps around those who fear Him, and he rescues them.", "\tTaste [(His word)] and see that the L rd is good; happy is the man that trusts in Him.", "\tFear the L rd, [you,] His holy ones, for those who fear Him do not want.", "\tYoung lions [i.e., great ones] are impoverished and hunger, but the seekers of the L rd lack no good.", "\tCome, my children, pay me heed; I shall teach you the fear of the L rd.", "\tWho is the man who desires life [in the world to come], who loves days [in this world] for the seeing of good [in the next] —", "\tGuard your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking deceit.", "\tDepart from evil and do good; seek peace [(in your place)], and pursue it [(elsewhere)].", "\tThe eyes of the L rd are to the righteous, and His ears to their outcries.", "\tThe face [(i.e., the wrath)] of the L rd is against the doers of evil, to cut off their remembrance from the earth.", "\tWhen they [(the righteous)] cry out, the L rd hears, and He rescues them from all of their afflictions.", "\tThe L rd is close to the broken-hearted, and He helps the humble of spirit.", "\t[Though] many ills [befall] the righteous one, the L rd will save him from all.", "\tHe guards all of his bones; not one of them was broken.", "\t[(His own)] evil kills the wicked one, and the haters of the righteous one will be incriminated.", "\tThe L rd redeems the souls of His servants, and all who trust in Him will not be incriminated [(i.e., they will not regret their having trusted in Him)]." ], [ "\t[A psalm] of David. Battle, O L rd, with my battlers; war with those who war against me.", "\tHold shield and buckler and arise to help me.", "\tWield [Your] spear, and bar [the way] to my pursuers. Say to my soul: \"I am your salvation!\"", "\tLet those who seek my soul be shamed and abashed. Let those who devise evil against me be driven back and put to shame.", "\tLet them be as stubble before the wind, an angel of G d driving [them before him].", "\tLet their way be dark and slippery, with an angel of G d pursuing them.", "\tFor without cause have they hid against me their pit [and] their snare. Without cause have they dug [a pit] for my soul.", "\tLet impenetrable darkness come upon him and let him be ensnared in the trap that he has hidden. Let him fall in it in the darkness.", "\tAnd [(when this happens)], my soul will regale in the L rd; it will rejoice in His salvation.", "\tAll of my bones will say: O L rd, who is like You? You rescue the afflicted one from him who is stronger than he, and the afflicted and poor one from the one who would rob him.", "\tThieving witnesses rise against me and demand of me [(to return to them)] what I know nothing of.", "\tThey repay me evil for good [and seek] death for my soul.", "\tAnd I, when they were sick, I would put on sackcloth and afflict my soul with fasting — and would that my prayers [for them] would return unto my bosom [i.e., would be fulfilled in me]!", "\tI went about [in mourning] as [if they were] a friend, a brother of mine. As a mother mourns [her son], I went bent in darkness.", "\tBut in my limpness they rejoiced and gathered against me. [Even] cripples gathered against me. And I did not know [what I had done to them]. If they had torn [my flesh], it would not bleed [(for they had mortified me)].", "\tFor their flattery [of Saul] for carousals of food [and drink, i.e., so that he feed them], they gnashed their teeth at me.", "\tO L rd, how long will You look on? Rescue my soul from their darkness; my spirit from [those who are stronger than] lions.", "\t[And then] I will thank You amidst a great throng; amidst a vast multitude will I praise You.", "\tLet my foes of falsehood [i.e., who testify falsely against me] not rejoice over me; my enemies without cause [not] wink their eyes at me [in mockery].", "\tFor they cannot speak peace, and they plot subtleties against the crushed of the earth.", "\tAnd they have widened their mouths against me [in exultation], saying \"He'ach!\" \"He'ach!\" Our eyes have seen [(what we lusted for)].", "\tDo You not see [this], O L rd? Do not be silent, O L rd; do not go far from me.", "\tAwake and arise [O heavenly retinue] to judge my cause — my G d and my L rd, to fight my battle.", "\tJudge me according to Your righteousness, O L rd, my G d, and let them not rejoice over me.", "\tLet them not say in their hearts: \"He'ach, our souls!\" Let them not say: \"We have swallowed him up!\"", "\tLet them be shamed and abashed together, those who rejoice in my ill. Let those who vaunt themselves over me be clothed in shame and humiliation.", "\tLet those who desire that G d grant me His righteousness sing and rejoice; and let them always say: \"May the L rd be exalted, who desires the peace of His servant.\"", "\tAnd my tongue will speak Your righteousness; all the day [will I speak] Your praise." ], [ "\tFor the conductor, [a psalm] of the servant of the L rd, of David.", "\tIn the midst of my heart [i.e., it appears to me that] the offense [i.e., the evil inclination] says to the wicked one that the fear of G d should not be before his eyes.", "\t[It appears to me] that he [the evil inclination] smooths [things over] in his [the wicked one's] eyes for [the L rd] to find his sin [whereby] to hate [him].", "\tThe words of his [the wicked one's] mouth [become] falsehood and deceit; he forbears to be wise to do good.", "\tHe will think falsehood upon his couch. [G d has set before him two ways — life and death, and] he will set himself upon the way that is not good — he will not spurn evil.", "\tO L rd, [because of these wicked ones, You have removed Your lovingkindness from the terrestrial sphere, so that now] Your lovingkindness is in the heavens; Your faithfulness [has been removed from men and has ascended] until the skies.", "\tYour righteousness [is as far removed from men] as the mighty mountains, Your judgments [pronounced upon men reach to] the vast deep. Adam [(men as wise as Adam)] and beast [(men who render themselves as humble as beasts)], You will save, O L rd.", "\tHow dear is Your lovingkindness, O L rd [(The wicked are not worthy of it)], and men who take refuge in the shadow of Your wings,", "\tThey will be sated with the fats of Your house, and You will make them drink of the stream of Your pleasures.", "\tFor with You is the source of life; in Your light [alone] will we see light.", "\tExtend Your lovingkindness to those who know You and Your righteousness to the just of heart.", "\tDo not bring with me the foot of pride [(the foot of those wicked ones, at the time of the receiving of reward, that their portion not be together with that of the righteous)], and let the hand of the wicked not move me [(from my place when I come to inherit a double portion of reward [(mine and theirs, viz. Isaiah 61:7)].", "\tThere shall fall the workers of iniquity [i.e., there shall the immensity of their fall dawn upon them, and there] shall they be overthrown and not be able to rise." ], [ "\t[A psalm] of David. Do not compete with evildoers [(to gain success by emulating them)]; do not envy the doers of wrong [(to do as they do)].", "\tFor they shall soon be cut down as grass, and as the green of the grass shall they fade.", "\tTrust in the L rd [(and do not say: If I do not steal or if I give charity to the poor, how will I support myself?)], and do good [and you will] dwell [long] in the land and graze [(i.e., reap the fruits of)] faith.", "\tAnd take delight in the [providence of the] L rd, and He shall grant you the desires of Your heart.", "\t\"Roll\" upon the L rd [all of] your ways [i.e., needs], and trust to Him, and He will do [as you desire].", "\tHe will reveal your righteousness as the light [(by rewarding it)], and your justice as the afternoon.", "\tWait upon the [salvation of the] L rd, and hope to Him, and do not compete with those who succeed [through evil devices], with those who scheme [evil].", "\tDesist from anger [i.e., from things that will bring G d's anger upon you], and leave off wrath; do not compete, only to do evil.", "\tFor the evildoers [(whom you see succeeding now)] will be cut off, and the hopers in the L rd — they will inherit the land.", "\tBut a little more — and there shall be no wicked one. You shall look upon his place and he shall not be there.", "\tAnd the humble shall inherit the land and delight in the plenitude of peace.", "\tThe wicked one schemes against the righteous one and grinds his teeth against him.", "\tThe L rd shall laugh at him, seeing that his day [of death] shall come.", "\tThe wicked have unsheathed their swords and drawn their bows to slay the poor and the needy, to slaughter the just of way.", "\tTheir swords shall enter their [own] hearts and their bows shall be broken.", "\tBetter a few, [who go] to [the aid of] the righteous than the vast multitude of the wicked. [(Amrafel and his hosts waged war to take Lot captive, and they were defeated by Abraham and a handful of his men.)]", "\tFor the arms of the wicked will be broken, but the L rd sustains the righteous.", "\tThe L rd knows the [(deeds of the)] days of the innocent ones, and their inheritance [i.e., their reward] will endure forever.", "\tThey shall not be shamed on a day of evil and in days of famine they shall be sated.", "\tFor the wicked will go lost, and the foes of the L rd, like the light [of the morning clouds] on the plain, will vanish; they will vanish in smoke.", "\tThe wicked one borrows and does not repay, and the Righteous One is gracious [(to the lender)] and gives [(him what was stolen from him)].", "\tFor His blessed ones shall inherit the earth and His cursed ones shall be cut off.", "\tBy the L rd are the steps of man [(one who fears the L rd)] established, and He is desirous of his way.", "\tThough he fall, he will not be forsaken, for the L rd upholds his hand.", "\tI [(the heavenly plenipotentiary of the world)] have been young and I have also grown old, and I have never seen a righteous one forsaken and his seed begging bread.", "\tAll the day he [the righteous one] is gracious and lends [(to the poor)], and he who \"sows\" [charity] will see blessing.", "\tDepart from evil and do good and dwell [in tranquility] forever.", "\tFor the L rd loves justice. He will not forsake His saints; they will be guarded forever — but the seed of the wicked shall be cut off.", "\tThe righteous shall inherit the earth and they shall dwell forever upon it.", "\tThe mouth of the righteous one shall meditate wisdom [(to determine the ruling of the Torah on all matters)] and [(then, after he has done so)], his tongue shall speak justice.", "\tThe Torah of the L rd is in his heart, and his feet shall not slip.", "\tThe wicked one eyes the righteous one and seeks to kill him.", "\tThe L rd shall not let him [fall] into his hand, and He will not incriminate him [(the righteous one)] in his judgment [(brought against him by the wicked one)].", "\tTrust to the L rd and keep His way, and He shall raise you to inherit the land. You shall see the cutting down of the wicked.", "\tI have seen a wicked tyrant rooted like a green denizen [(a long-standing, richly fruitful tree)] —", "\t[Behold,] he is passed away, gone! I seek him, but I cannot find him.", "\tObserve the innocent and see the upright [(to learn from their ways)], for there is a [goodly] end for the man of peace.", "\tBut the sinners shall be destroyed together; the end of the wicked is cutting-off.", "\tThe help of the righteous is from the L rd, their strength in a time of trouble.", "\tThe L rd helps them and delivers them. He delivers them from the wicked and He saves them — for they have trusted in Him." ], [ "\tA psalm of David, to recite [(in time of affliction)].", "\tO L rd, do not chastise me in Your wrath and [do not] afflict me in Your anger.", "\tFor Your arrows have descended upon me; Your hand has descended upon me.", "\tThere is no whole spot in my flesh in the face of Your ire; there is no peace in my bones in the face of [Your punishment for] my sins.", "\tFor my transgressions have risen above my head. Like a heavy burden, they have become too heavy for me [to sustain].", "\tMy wounds have oozed forth and putrefied [my flesh] because of my wrongdoing.", "\tI have become convulsed and terribly bent. I have gone about in darkness all the day.", "\tFor my thoughts are full of abashment and there is no whole spot in my flesh.", "\tI have become terribly faint and downtrodden, and I cry out from a groaning heart.", "\tO L rd, all of my desire is before You and my sigh is not hidden from You.", "\tMy heart is beset [with sorrows]; my strength has left me; and the light of my eyes, too, is not with me.", "\tMy [\"fair-weather\"] lovers and friends stand apace from my afflictions, and my close ones stand far off.", "\tThe seekers of my soul have set traps [against me], and those who seek evil for me have schemed destruction and plotted deceit the entire day.", "\tAnd I [(Israel)] was like a deaf man, not hearing [their taunts]; and as a mute, not opening his mouth.", "\tAnd I was like one unhearing, with no rebuke in his mouth.", "\tFor I waited for You, O L rd; that You answer them, O L rd, my G d.", "\tFor I said: Lest [(if I answer them audaciously)] they will rejoice over me if my feet slip [i.e., at my downfall], aggrandizing [themselves (saying: \"Where is all your boasting now!\")]", "\tFor I am conversant with calamity and my pain is before me [(awaiting materialization)] always.", "\tFor I relate my transgression [i.e., my heart apprises me of it, wherefore] I am [always] worried [(over impending punishment)] for my sin.", "\tAnd my foes revel in life [(in tranquility and well-being)], and my haters for falsehood [(i.e., for naught)] have multiplied.", "\tAs have those who repay evil for good. They hate me [(Israel)] for my pursuit of good [i.e., for cleaving to the L rd and His mitzvoth].", "\tDo not forsake me, O L rd, my G d; do not go far from me.", "\tHasten to my aid, O L rd of my salvation." ], [ "\tFor the conductor, [to be played] upon the yeduthun, a psalm of David.", "\tI [(Israel)] said [in my heart]: I will abide in my [(accustomed)] ways, not to sin with my tongue [(by questioning the attribute of justice)]. I will guard my mouth with a muzzle though the wicked are against me.", "\tI was mute with silence [for many days]; I stilled myself from good [(Torah study) in fear of my foes], and my pain [(in doing this)] was grievous and sore.", "\tAnd [(in my silence)], my heart was hot within me. A fire flamed in my thoughts, and [(compulsively)] I spoke with my tongue:", "\tMake known to me, O L rd, my end [i.e., How long will I suffer so?], and what is the extent of my days [(for such suffering)]? Let me know when I will be quit [of it]?", "\tYou have set limits to my days, and my hoariness is as naught before You. Verily, all is vanity; all men are [thus, in vanity,] forever founded.", "\tVerily, man walks in darkness. Verily, in vanity do they desire. He amasses [grain in the field all the days of the harvest], and he does not know who will gather it in [to the house (It may be that he will die beforehand)].", "\tAnd now, [(this being so)], what can I hope, O L rd? My hope to You is this:", "\tFrom all of my offenses, save me. Do not make me the shame of the churl [(Esav.) Bring suffering upon him (i.e., the nations), too, so that he cannot say: You are smitten and we are not!] [(This prayer availed to bring the affliction of illness upon the nations.)]", "\tI was mute; I did not open my mouth, for You wrought [(i.e., You brought more afflictions upon us than upon the other nations.)]", "\tRemove Your afflictions from me. From the assault [i.e., the blows] of Your hand I perish.", "\tWith chastisements for sin [(those written in the Torah)] You have afflicted man [i.e., us], and You have rotted his flesh as a moth [rots a garment]. Verily, all man is vanity forever.", "\tHear my prayer, O L rd, and listen to my cry. Do not be silent to my tears. For I am a stranger with You, a sojourner, as all of my fathers.", "\tLeave off from [afflicting] me, that I may recover, before I go and am no more." ], [ "\tFor the conductor, of David, a psalm.", "\tI [(Israel)] hoped in the L rd [(in Egypt)], and He inclined [his ear] to me and heard my outcry.", "\tAnd He lifted me from the pit [(of servitude, and from)] the roaring [of the Red Sea], from the thick mire [of the sea-bed]. And He set my feet on a rock; He established my steps.", "\tAnd He put in my mouth a new song, praise to our G d. Many will see and fear, and they will trust in the L rd.", "\tHappy is the man who made the L rd his trust and did not turn to the haughty or to the followers of falsehood [(idolatry)].", "\tMuch have You done, You, O L rd our G d. Your wonders and Your thoughts have been on our behalf. [(For us, You created the world; for us You split the sea, etc.)]. There is none to liken to You. [If I thought] to relate and speak [Your wonders, I could not, for] they are too many to tell.", "\tSacrifice and meal-offering You did not desire [(at the giving of the Torah)]. You \"hollowed out\" ears for me [(to listen to Your voice)]; You did not ask for burnt-offering or sin-offering.", "\tThen [(at the giving of the Torah)], I said [before You]: Behold, I have come [(to be bound in Your covenant)]. In the scroll of the Book [the Torah], it is [so] written of me [viz. Exodus 24:27].", "\tTo do Your will, my G d, did I desire. And Your Torah is [even] in the midst of my reins [i.e., I have not eaten unclean beasts or untithed produce.]", "\tI brought tidings of righteousness [(The Song at the Sea, The Song of the Well, The Song of Devorah)] in a great throng; I did not spare my lips. O L rd, You know it.", "\tI did not conceal Your righteousness in my heart. I spoke Your faith and Your help. I did not hold back [from relating] Your lovingkindness and Your truth to a great throng.", "\tYou, [likewise,] O L rd, do not hold back Your mercies from me. Let Your lovingkindness and Your truth always guard me.", "\tFor countless ills have encompassed me. My sins overtook me and I could not see. They are more than the hairs of my head, and my heart has forsaken me.", "\tDesire, O L rd, to save me; O L rd, hasten to my aid.", "\tLet them be shamed and confounded together, those who seek to consume my soul. Let them recoil in shame, those who desire my evil.", "\tLet them be confounded when their shame follows, [measure for measure], those who exult over me: \"He'ach!\" \"He'ach!\"", "\tLet them rejoice and regale in You, all who seek You. Let them always say: \"The L rd be exalted!\", those who love Your salvation.", "\tAnd I [(Israel)], as poor and needy may the L rd regard me. You are my help and my saviour. My G d, do not delay." ], [ "For the conductor, a psalm of David.", "\tFortunate is he who attends upon the poor one [i.e., who visits the sick, viz. II Samuel 13:4]. The L rd will rescue him on a day of evil [i.e., He will rescue him from Gehinnom; and, in this life,]", "\tThe L rd will guard him and keep him in life. He will be praised throughout the land, and You will not surrender him to the will of his foes.", "\tThe L rd will sustain him on the couch of affliction, [even when] You have turned all of his ease [(into torture)] in his sickness.", "\t[In my sickness there are none who attend upon me, and when] I cry out: O L rd, be gracious to me, heal my soul for I have sinned to You,", "\tMy foes speak evil for me: \"When will he die and his name go lost!\"", "\tAnd if [one] comes to see [me], he speaks falsely [(feigning sorrow)], his heart [all the while] gathering [thoughts of] iniquity for himself, and, when he goes out, speaking [them].", "\tAll of my enemies whisper together against me, contemplating evil for me, [viz.]:", "\t", "Even my ally, in whom I trusted, who ate my bread, has spread an ambush against me.\t", "And You, O L rd, be gracious to me, and raise me up, and I shall repay them.", "\tBy this I will know that You desired me — when my foes do not exult over me,", "\tAnd [then I will see] that You sustained me in my innocence and set me before You forever.", "\t[When I rise from my illness, I will bless You thus:] Blessed is the L rd, the G d of Israel, from one end of the world until the other — Amen, Amen.\n" ], [ "\tFor the conductor, a maskil, of the sons of Korach [(a prophecy concerning the exiles, the destruction of the Temple, and the Davidic dynasty)].", "\tAs a hart whines over the water-courses, so does my soul whine to You, O G d.", "\tMy soul thirsts for G d, for the living G d. When will I come and appear before G d [(in the Temple pilgrimage?) This is a prophecy of the destruction of the Temple. Three \"bowings\" are mentioned in this psalm (verses 6, 7, 12), alluding to three kingdoms (Bavel, Yavan, Edom), which are destined to abolish the Temple service, and from whom Israel are to be redeemed upon crying out to the L rd.]", "\tMy tears were my bread day and night [(whence it is derived that \"affliction sates a man\")], when they [my foes] said to me all the day: \"Where is your G d?\"", "\tThese things I remember, and my soul spills out upon me: passing on with the throng, going leisurely with them until the house of G d, with voice of song and thanksgiving, a festive throng.", "\tWhy are you bowed down, my soul, and [why do you] make moan over me? Hope in G d, for I will yet thank Him for the salvations before Him.", "\tO G d, my soul is bowed down upon me, wherefore I remember You [(i.e., Your mercies, in spite of our backslidings [(in contrast to our present state)], from [what You wrought for us] at the Jordan, and the peaks of Hermon, and the small mount [(Sinai)].", "\tDepth [of affliction] to depth calls [to swallow me]. [I am prostrate before] the roar of Your ducts. All of Your breakers and waves pass over me.", "\tBy day [(the light of redemption)], may the L rd command His lovingkindness [upon us]. And at night [(the night of exile and affliction)], may His resting [(the reposing of His Shechinah)] be with me — a prayer to the G d of my life.", "\tI say to G d: My Rock, why have You forgotten me? Why do I walk in darkness under the oppression of the foe?", "\tWith murder [piercing] my bones have my foes shamed me, saying to me all the day: \"Where is your G d?\"", "\tWhy are you bowed down, my soul, and [why do you] make moan over me? Hope in G d, for I will yet thank Him, the salvations [i.e., the light] of my countenance and my G d." ], [ "\tJudge me [i.e., Avenge me], O L rd, and fight my battle against a saintless nation [(Yishmael)]. Deliver me from the man of deceit and wrong.", "\tFor You, O L rd, are my strength. Why should You forsake me? Why should I walk in darkness in the toils of the foe?", "\tSend Your light [(the king, Messiah)] and Your truth [(Elijah the prophet)] — let them lead me. Let them bring me to Your holy mountain and to Your dwelling.", "\tAnd I will come to the altar of G d, to the Almighty, the joy of my regaling; and I will praise You with the harp, O G d, my G d [for having delivered me from my exile].", "\tWhy are you bowed down, my soul, and [why do you] make moan over me? Hope in G d, for I will yet thank him, the salvations [i.e., the light] of my countenance and my G d." ], [ "\tFor the conductor, of the sons of Korach, a maskil.", "\tO G d, we heard it [(the following prophecy)] with our ears, our fathers told us thereof, the deed that You wrought in their days, the days of yore.", "\tYou drove out the nations with [the strength of] Your hand and planted them [the children of Israel, in their stead]. You broke the [seven] nations and sent them forth.", "\tFor it was not with their sword that they inherited the land, and their arms did not help them. But it was Your right hand, and Your arm, and the light of Your countenance — because You desired them.", "\tYou are my king, O G d; [now, too,] command the salvation of Jacob.", "\tWith You [(Your aid)] we will smite our foes. With Your name we will trample those who rise against us.", "\tFor I will not trust in my bow, and my sword will not help me.", "\tFor You saved us from our foes, and You shamed our enemies.", "\tWe uttered G d's praises all the day, and we will always give thanks to Your eternal name.", "\tEven if You forsook us and shamed us and did not go out among our ranks, [(we would give thanks to Your eternal name)].", "\tYou have turned us back before the foe and our enemies have taken spoil for themselves.", "\tYou have made us as sheep to be eaten and scattered us among the nations.", "\tYou have sold Your people for no wealth and did not take much in their exchange.", "\tYou have made us an object of shame to our neighbors, of mockery and insult to those around us.", "\tYou have made us a parable among the nations, an object of head-nodding [in mockery] among the peoples.", "\tMy humiliation is constantly before me and the shame of my face covers me", "\tbecause of the voice of the shamer and reviler [(who shames and reviles me)] because of the [pursuit of the] foe and the avenger.", "\tAll this has come upon us and [still] we have not forgotten You and we have not betrayed Your covenant.", "\tOur hearts have not turned back, and our feet have not strayed from Your path.", "\tAnd [even] when You trod us down in a place of serpents and covered us over with darkness,", "\tDid we forget the name of our G d and spread our palms to a strange god?", "\t[If we had,] would not G d seek this out? For He knows the secrets of the heart.", "\tBut [You know that] for You we were killed all the day; we were accounted as sheep for the slaughter.", "\tAwake! Why do You sleep, O L rd? Arise! Do not forsake us eternally.", "\tWhy do You hide Your face? [Why do You] forget our pain and tribulation?", "\tFor our souls have been bent to the dust, our stomachs forced to the ground.", "\tArise and help us, and redeem us [(not on the strength of our deeds, but)] for the sake of Your lovingkindness." ], [ "\tFor the conductor, for shoshanim [(in honor of the Torah scholars, who are likened to shoshanim [lilies] in point of gentleness, beauty, and freshness [of deed])], of the sons of Korach, a maskil, a song of love: [for them, to endear them to men, and to endear their Torah to them.]", "\tMy heart is astir with a good thing. I say: My work [i.e., this psalm] is for the king [(the Torah scholars, viz. Proverbs 8:11)]. My tongue is the pen of an expert scribe.", "\tYou are more beautiful than [all] men, [(who engage in ephemeral pursuits)]. Favor has been poured into your lips [(to teach according to the halachah)]. Therefore, G d has blessed you forever [viz. 29:11].", "\tBuckle your sword upon your thigh, O strong one, [to fight the war of Torah]; [it is] your glory and your beauty.", "\tAnd your beauty is to champion the cause of truth and [to conduct yourself in] the humility of righteousness. And it [(your Torah and your truth)] will teach your right hand wonders [(in the war of Torah)].", "\tYour arrows are sharpened (peoples will fall beneath you) against the heart of the king's foes. [i.e., Your disciples are \"sharpened\" against your \"foes\" (in halachic discourse). And, in reward for your Torah study, the foes of Israel will be vanquished by them.]", "\tYour throne [of justice] reigns forever, [for] the rod of rightness is your rod of kingdom.", "\tYou loved righteousness and despised evil. Therefore, G d your G d anointed you with oil [of dominion amidst] the rejoicing of your companions.", "\tMyrrh and aloes and cassia are [the fragrance of] all your garments. Finer than ivory palaces [are those readied for you in Gan Eden]. [Palaces that are] Mine will give you joy [(in reward)].", "\tThe daughters of kings will wait upon you. The queen will stand at your right hand [adorned] with the gold of Ophir.", "\tHearken, daughter [(congregation of Israel)], and see [the way of good], and forget your people [(the nations among which you were raised)], and the house of your father [(the idolatries of your ancestors)].", "\tAnd [(if you do this)], the King will desire your beauty. For He is your lord, and bow down to Him.", "\tAnd [even] the daughter of Tyre, the richest of the nations, will court your favor [with tribute and gift].", "\t[(The repository of)] all honor is the daughter [i.e., the congregation] of the King, [who conducted herself] inwardly [i.e., with modesty — More [precious] than the golden settings [(in the vestments of the high-priest)] is her raiment.", "\tIn embroidered [garments] she will be brought [as a gift] to the King [viz. Isaiah 66:20]; virgins in her train [of the gentile nations] shall be brought to You [viz. Zechariah 8:23].", "\tThey will be brought in happiness and joy. They will come into the palace of the King.", "\tIn place of your fathers will be your sons. You will make them princes throughout the land.", "\tI will invoke Your name in every generation, wherefore peoples will praise you forevermore." ], [ "\tFor the conductor, of the sons of Korach, to be played on the alamoth, a psalm.", "\tG d is to us shelter and strength, help in affliction, ever to be found.", "\tTherefore, we will not fear when the earth undergoes an upheaval and the mountains dip into the heart of the sea [viz. Isaiah 51:6 (the sons of Korach having undergone a similar upheaval themselves in the days of Korach, and having survived)].", "\tIts waters will roar and drive the soil before them. The mountains will tremble in His eternal majesty.", "\tThe river [of Gan Eden] — its tributaries will cause the city of G d to rejoice, the holy place of the dwellings of the Most High.", "\tG d is within her; therefore, she shall not fall. G d will help her towards morning [(the advent of the redemption)].", "\tThe nations have moaned, the kingdoms have bent [to fall]; for He has sent forth His voice and the earth has melted.", "\t[For] the L rd of hosts is with us, our fortress, the G d of Jacob, forever.", "\tGo and see the acts of G d, who brings devastation upon the land.", "\tHe removes wars [from us] until the ends of the earth [(All of the nations will be at peace with us.)] He breaks the bow and cuts the spear [of the nations]; he burns the war chariots [of the idolators] in fire.", "\tLeave off [all you idolators, from attacking Jerusalem], and know that I am G d, [who will exact retribution of you]. [By My vengeance,] I will be exalted above the nations, I will be exalted above the earth.", "\tThe L rd of hosts is with us, our fortress, the G d of Jacob, forever." ], [ "\tFor the conductor, of the sons of Korach, a psalm.", "\tLet all the peoples join hands together to shout to G d with a voice of song.", "\tFor the L rd is exalted and awesome, a great King over all the earth.", "\tHe shall plague nations in our stead [(to assuage His wrath in them)] and [place] peoples under our feet.", "\tHe shall choose for us our inheritance, the pride of Jacob [(the Temple)], which is beloved to Him forever.", "\t[Then] G d shall be exalted with teruah [over the burnt-offerings and peace-offerings]; the L rd, with the sound of the shofar.", "\t[And we will say:] Sing to G d, sing! Sing to our king, sing!", "\tFor the King of all the earth is G d — sing a maskil.", "\t[All will say:] G d has reigned over nations; G d has sat on His holy Throne [(which is now complete in its greatness)].", "\t[And they will say:] The givers of the people have assembled [(those who offered their lives for the sanctity of His name)], the people of the G d of Abraham [(the first \"giver,\" i.e., proselyte)]. For to G d belong the shields of the earth [(and His is the power to shield all who trust in Him)] — He is greatly exalted." ], [ "\tA song, a psalm, of the sons of Korach.", "\tThe L rd is great [i.e., His greatness will be proclaimed] and greatly praised in the city of our G d [(when it will be rebuilt)], the mountain of His sanctuary.", "\tBeauteous of prospect, the joy of all the earth — Mount Zion [(\"beauteous of prospect\")], the northern side [of the altar (\"the joy of all the earth\") — the sin-offerings and guilt-offerings (slaughtered on that side) resulting in the joy of atonement and in good for all the earth] — the city of the great King.", "\t[When the L rd reposes there, they will say:] G d is in its citadels; [He is] renowned as [its] Stronghold.", "\tFor, behold, the kings have assembled [(for the war of Gog and Magog)] and passed over together [to make war against Jerusalem].", "\tThey saw [the L rd going forth in battle against them] — and they were astounded. They were confounded and bewildered.", "\tA trembling seized them there, pangs as of a woman in childbirth.", "\tWith the east wind [(the wind of \"retribution\")], you break the ships of Tarshish [(belonging to Edom)].", "\tJust as we heard [(these consolations from our prophets)], thus did we see, in the city of the L rd of hosts, in the city of our G d. The L rd shall establish it forever, Selah.", "\t[(The prophet resumes His prayer to the L rd:)] We hoped, O G d, for Your kindness [to see Your salvation] in the midst of Your sanctuary.", "\tAs Your name [is great] O G d, so is Your praise [great] over the ends of the earth. Righteousness fills Your right hand.", "\tMount Zion will rejoice, the [(other)] daughters [i.e., cities] of Judah will regale for the sake of Your judgments [(of retribution against the nations)].", "\tGo around Zion, [You who build her], and encompass it. Count its towers [i.e., determine how many towers she requires].", "\tSet your hearts to [the restoration of] her ramparts; raise up her citadels, so that you can tell [of her grandeur and beauty] to the next generation.", "\tFor this G d [(who has wrought all this for us)] is our G d. He will lead us as [one leads] a young child." ], [ "\tFor the conductor, of the sons of Korach, a psalm.", "\tHear this, all of the peoples [(who trust to their wealth)]; listen, all who dwell upon the [ephemeral] earth.", "\tBoth the sons of adam [Abraham, viz. Joshua 14:15] and the sons of ish [Noah, viz. Genesis 6:9], rich and poor alike.", "\tMy mouth will speak wisdoms, and the thoughts of my heart are cogent ones.", "\tI shall incline my ear to the parable [(to the words of Torah, viz. I Samuel 24:13)]; I shall open my riddle with the lyre:", "\tWhy should I fear in the days of evil [i.e., on the day of reckoning]? — [because] the [\"slight\"] transgressions that I tread underfoot surround me.", "\t[How much more so should those fear] who trust in their wealth and who vaunt themselves in their great riches!", "\tA man cannot redeem his brother [from death with money]; he will not [be able to] give G d his ransom.", "\tThe redemption of their souls is too dear, and he would ever forbear [from attempting to ransom him].", "\tWould he [his brother] then live on forever and not see the pit?", "\tFor he sees sages die [(in this world)], the fools and the ignorant alike going lost [(in this world and the next)], and leaving their wealth to others. [(Perforce, then, one would not attempt to ransom his brother from death.)]", "\t[Notwithstanding this,] in their hearts [they feel that] their houses will endure forever, their dwellings, from generation to generation, [and] they call [their houses] by their names upon the earth.", "\tBut man does not abide in his glory; he is silenced like the beasts.", "\tThis, their way, is folly to them, and [those who come] after them, with their mouths relate it forever.", "\tLike sheep [(gathered to the corral)], they [the wicked] are consigned to sheol [Gehinnom], [The angel of] death will devour them, and the just will rule over them in the morning [(on the day of Israel's redemption, viz. Malachi 3:21)], and their form will outlast sheol from [providing] habitation for them, [(the sun completing their incineration)].", "\tBut G d will redeem my soul from sheol, for [seeing that I have inclined my ear to the parable (verse 5)], He will take me [in my lifetime to walk in His ways] forever.", "\tDo not fear when a man grows rich, when the honor of his household grows.", "\tFor not in his death will he take it all; his honor shall not follow him [to the grave].", "\tFor he [(the wicked one)] blesses his soul in his life [(saying: \"Peace to you, my soul; no harm will befall you\" — but others do not say the same about him)]; but [you, if you hearken to My words, all] will praise you, for you will have conferred good upon yourself.", "\t[When you die,] you will come [and see] the generation of his [(the wicked one's)] fathers [being judged in Gehinnom], not to see light forever.", "\tA man who glories [in his wealth] and does not understand [that the true path of life and glory (Torah) has been set before him to choose] — [such a man] will be silenced like the beasts." ], [ "\tA psalm of Asaf. He spoke and called upon the earth, from the rising of the sun until its setting.", "\tFrom Zion, the quintessence of beauty, G d shone forth.", "\t[(a prophecy of the future redemption:)] Our G d will come and will not be silent any longer [(over the blood of His servants that has been spilt)]. A fire from before Him will consume [(the nations)], and those around Him will be swept up as in a whirlwind.", "\tHe will call to the heavens above [(to visit punishment upon the heavenly plenipotentiaries of the nations)], and to the earth [(to visit punishment upon the kings of the nations)], to take vengeance for His people.", "\t[(And He will say further to heaven and earth:)] Gather unto Me My saintly ones [(from the exile, viz. Song of Songs 4:16)], who entered into My covenant over a sacrifice [i.e., who accepted the Torah with covenant and sacrifice, viz. Exodus 24:8].", "\tAnd [the angels of] heaven will speak [i.e., vindicate] His righteousness, [saying] that G d judges forever.", "\tHear, My people, and I will speak; Israel, and I will exhort you. I am G d, your G d.", "\tI will not rebuke you for [remissness in] your sacrifices and [because] your burnt-offerings are [not] constantly before Me.", "\tI will not take a young calf from your house nor goats from your enclosures.", "\tFor Mine are all the animals of the forest, the behemoth of the thousand mountains.", "\tI know all the birds of the mountains, and what moves in the field is Mine.", "\tIf I grow hungry, I will not tell you thereof, for Mine is the world and its fulness.", "\tDo I eat the flesh of bulls? Do I drink the blood of he-goats? [(I requested sacrifices only that My will be done.)]", "\tThe sacrifice of G d [i.e., the sacrifice that He desires] is confession [of your sins] and [(only then)] fulfillment of your vows to the Most High [(Only then will they be accepted with favor)].", "\tThen you will call upon Me in the day of affliction, and I will extricate you, and you will thereby honor Me [(that being My honor, saving those who trust in Me)].", "\tBut to the evildoer G d says: What cause have you [merely] to speak My statutes, and to carry My covenant [(My Torah)] on your mouth [alone]?", "\tAnd you have hated instruction and cast My words behind your back.", "\tIf you saw a thief, you consented [to be] with him, and [you threw in] your lot with adulterers.", "\tYou loosed your mouth for evil and attached [i.e., habituated] your tongue to deceit.", "\tYou sat down [(in a company of mockers)] to speak against your brother, and to berate the son of your mother [(gratuitously, having no inheritance claim to contest with him)].", "\tThese [things] you did and I kept silent. You thought it was because I was with you [i.e., that I acquiesced in your evil]. But I will remonstrate with you and set [judgment] before you eyes.", "\tKnow this, now, O forgetters of G d, lest I snatch [you for judgment in the world to come] and there be no rescue.", "\tOne who sacrifices [(i.e., one who brings a \"sacrifice\" of repentance and)] confession honors Me. And I set the way [(for sinners to repent to Me)]. I shall show him [(the penitent)] the salvation of G d." ], [ "\tFor the conductor, a psalm of David.", "\tWhen Nathan the prophet came to him, after he [David] had come to Bathsheva.", "\tBe gracious to me, O G d, according to Your lovingkindness. In the abundance of Your mercies erase my offenses.", "\tCleanse me thoroughly from my transgression, and purify me from my sin.", "\tFor I am [constantly] cognizant of [and grieved by] my offenses, and [therefore, it is as if] my sin is constantly before me.", "\tTo You alone did I sin, [wherefore it is in Your hand to forgive]; and [even] the evil [against Uriah], in Your eyes did I do it [i.e., it was evil only in terms of Your exhortation], [and I sinned only] so that You be found right in Your word [(that I would fail the trial I took upon me, viz. 26:2)], so that You be vindicated in Your judgment.", "\t[How should I not sin] when I was created in transgression and my mother was warm with me in sin?", "\tYou desire truth in the reins, [and, in truth, I confess that I have sinned.] Inform me with wisdom in hiddenness [i.e., in my heart].", "\tCleanse me with myrtle [(as one is cleansed from leprosy and from dead-body uncleanliness)], and I will be pure. Wash me and I will be whiter than snow.", "\tLet me hear rejoicing and happiness [(forgiveness of sin)], and the bones that You have crushed [in Your wrath] will rejoice.", "\tHide Your face from my sins, and erase all my transgressions.", "\tA pure heart, create in me, O G d [(that I not stray again)], and a right spirit engender within me.", "\tDo not cast me away from Your presence, and do not divest me of Your holy spirit.", "\tRestore to me the joy of Your salvation [(the Holy spirit, which left me)], and let a noble spirit sustain me.", "\t[Then] I will teach offenders Your ways and sinners will return to You [(if they see that You have forgiven me.)]", "\tSave me from blood, O G d the G d of my salvation, [(that I not die by the sword for having killed Uriah)], and my mouth will sing Your praises.", "\tO L rd, open my lips [(by forgiving me)] so that my mouth can speak Your praises.", "\tFor You do not desire a sacrifice [(a sin-offering is not brought for a witting transgression)], for [(if You did)], I would give it. You do not desire a burnt-offering.", "\tThe sacrifices of G d are a broken spirit. A broken, crushed heart, O G d, You will not despise.", "\tFavor Zion with Your will [(to build the Temple within it in the lifetime of my son Solomon)]; build the walls of Jerusalem.", "Then You will desire sacrifices of righteousness [(and not sin-linked offerings)] — burnt-offerings and the [(completely)] consumed [(priestly meal-offering)]. Then will fatted calves ascend upon Your altar." ], [ "\tFor the conductor, a maskil of David.", "\tWhen Doeg the Edomite came to Saul and said to him: David has come to the house of Achimelech [viz. I Samuel 21, 22].", "\tWhy would you praise yourself with evil [(the evil that you plot against me by giving me away to Saul)], O strong one [(Doeg, \"strong\" in Torah)]? [Do you not know that] the lovingkindness of the L rd [(to rescue me from you)] [endures] all the day?", "\tYour tongue plotted destruction, as a sharpened razor, working deceit.", "\tYou loved evil more than good; falsehood more than speaking righteousness [(which endures)] forever.", "\tYou loved all words of \"swallowing\" [i.e., slander], the language of deceit.", "\tThe L rd, likewise, will raze you for all time. He shall break you and remove you from your tent, and uproot you from the land of the living forever.", "\tAnd the righteous shall behold it and fear [(the L rd even more)], and him [Doeg] shall they mock, [saying]:", "\tBehold [what has become of] the man who did not make G d his strength, who trusted in his great wealth, who took strength in his wickedness.", "\tAnd I [(who am now being pursued by you)] shall be like a fresh olive tree [with children and grandchildren] in the house of G d; for I trusted in the lovingkindness of G d forever.", "\tI shall thank You forever when You have done [this]. And I shall hope in Your name, for You are good in the presence of Your saints." ], [ "\tFor the conductor, to [be played on] the machalath, a maskil of David.", "\t[(On the destruction of the second Temple [Compare with Psalm 14, on the destruction of the first Temple.])] The profligate [(Titus, in destroying the Temple)], says in his heart: \"There is no G d.\" They have destroyed. They have wrought abomination. There is none [among them] that does good.", "\tG d looks from the heavens upon the sons of men to see if there is a knowing one [(who would protest)], who would inquire after G d.", "\tAll [(of the men in Titus's host)] are \"dross,\" as one [(none protesting)]; they are [all] corrupt; none does good — not even one.", "\tDid they not know, the workers of iniquity, the eaters of My people as the eaters of bread, not calling upon G d — [did they not know that]", "\tthey would be seized with fear [(in that place in the end of days)]? [This] fear was not [like the first, that of Belshazzar (see Psalm 14)], for [(in this redemption)] G d scattered the bones of those camping against you, [Jerusalem (viz. Zechariah 14:12)]. You shamed [all of my foes], for G d rejected them.", "\tWould that [the day drew near of] His sending from Zion the salvations of Israel, when G d will return the captivity of His people. [Then] Jacob will regale; Israel will rejoice." ], [ "\tFor the conductor of the singing, a maskil of David.", "\tWhen the Ziphim came and said to Saul: \"Is not David hiding among us?\"", "\tO G d, with Your name help me, and with Your strength avenge me.", "\tO G d, hear my prayer; listen to the words of my mouth.", "\tFor strangers have risen against me; tyrants have sought my soul. They have never set [(fear of)] G d before them.", "\tBut G d is my help; the L rd is with the sustainers of my soul.", "\tHe will return the [very] evil [plotted against me] to those who eye me. Cut them off in Your truth, [(having said that You would exact retribution of the tale-bearers and the pursuers of blood)].", "\tIn willingness shall I sacrifice to You. I shall praise Your name, O L rd, for it is good.", "\tFor He has rescued me from every ill, and my eyes have seen [the undoing of] my foes." ], [ "\tFor the conductor of the singing, a maskil of David.", "\tHear, O G d, my prayer, and do not turn aside from my plaint.", "\tListen to me, and answer me. I wail in my plaint, and I moan.", "\tOver the shout of the foe, the oppression of the wicked. For they [Doeg and Achitofel] impute wrong [(transgressions subject to the death penalty)] to me, and they hate me with rancor.", "\tMy heart worries within me, and the horrors of death have fallen upon me.", "\tFear and trembling have come upon me and trepidation has covered me.", "\tAnd I said: Would that I were given the wings of a dove! I would fly [far away] and dwell [in safety].", "\tI would wander far away [from my foes] and abide in the desert forever.", "\tI would hasten [to find] a refuge for myself from the raging wind, from the whirlwind.", "\tDestroy [the foe], O L rd; divide [i.e., confound] their tongues, for I have seen [(instigated by them)] violence and strife in the city.", "\tDay and night they [(violence and strife)] encompass its walls, and iniquity and wrong is within it.", "\tDestruction is within it, and blows and deceit do not depart from its streets.", "\tFor a foe would never shame me and I bore it [(but I would kill him)], and my enemy never vaunted himself against me and I hid [(but now, perforce I must bear it, for you [Doeg/Achitofel] are great in Torah)].", "\tYou are a man of my standing, my prince and my exalted one.", "\tTogether we would \"sweeten counsel\" [in Torah]. In the house of G d [(the study halls)] we would walk in a throng.", "\tMay He incite [the angel of] death against them, for there are evils in their dwellings, in their midst.", "\tI will call to G d and the L rd will help me.", "\tEvening, morning, and afternoon [(the three daily prayers)], I will plead and moan, and He will hear my voice.", "\tHe has always redeemed my soul for peace in my battles, because of the many who were with me [i.e., who prayed for me, viz. I Samuel 18:16].", "\tMay the Almighty hear [their prayers] and answer them, the Dweller [of the world] from time immemorial. For they [(the wicked ones, who pursue me)] do not give heart to their passing [from the world], and they do not fear G d.", "\tHe [Achitofel] stretched out his hands against his ally; he violated his covenant [with me].", "\tSmooth were the \"butterings\" of his mouth, but his heart was for war. His words were softer than oil, but they were curses.", "\t[And the Holy Spirit answers:] Cast your burden upon the L rd, and He will sustain you. He will never allow the righteous one to falter.", "\t[David responds:] And You, O G d, bring them down to the pit of destruction. May men of blood and deceit not live out half their days — and I will trust in You." ], [ "\tFor the conductor, \"On the Muted Dove [David], Far [from its Land]\" — a michtam upon his [(near)] seizure by the Philistines in Gath [viz. I Samuel 21:12].", "\tBe gracious to me, O G d, for men [(wish to)] swallow me, and every day battlers press upon me.", "\tThose who look [i.e., design] against me have sought to swallow me all the day. For many war against me, O Exalted One.", "\tOn the day I fear I shall trust in You.", "\t[Even if He accosts me] with Elokim [(the attribute of Justice)], I will praise His word. In Elokim (G d) I have trusted and will not fear, for what can flesh do to me?", "\tAll of the day they [(my pursuers)] sadden my words upon me. All of their words are for evil.", "\tThey lie in wait, in ambush, watching my steps, hoping for me [to pass that way].", "\tFor iniquity [(capturing me)] they expect reward [(from Saul)]. With wrath, [these] peoples [(in whose midst I find myself)] bring down, O G d [(Bring them down from their murderous schemes)].", "\tMy wanderings [(in search of refuge)] You have counted. Place [and keep] my tears [before You] in Your flask. Will [You] not [place them] with Your accounting [(along with my other woes)]?", "\tThen, when my foes are turned back on the day that I call, then I will know that G d is with me.", "\tWith Elokim [(the attribute of justice)] I will praise [His] word [(see verse 5)]; with Hashem [(the attribute of mercy)], I will praise [His] word.", "\tIn Elokim (G d) I have trusted and will not fear. What can man do to me?", "\tWhat I have vowed to You is binding upon me, O G d, and I shall pay [my vows] with thankfulness to You.", "\tFor You saved my soul from death; and did [You] not [also guard] my feet from stumbling, to walk before G d in the light of life [(by returning to Eretz Yisrael)]!" ], [ "\tFor the conductor — \"Do not destroy [me]\" — a michtam of David, when he fled from Saul [and hid himself] in the cave.", "\tBe gracious to me, O G d [(that I not be killed)]; be gracious to me [(that I not kill)]. For my soul has sheltered itself with You, and I will seek shelter in the shadow of Your wings until the evil has passed.", "\tI will call to G d on high, to the Almighty, who will consummate [His assurance] to me.", "\tHe will send from heaven and deliver me for all time from the shaming of those who would swallow me. G d will send His lovingkindness and His truth [(the truth of His assurance)].", "\tMy soul [dwells] in the midst of lions [(Avner and Amassa, \"lions\" in Torah, who, notwithstanding, do not reprove Saul)], and I rest among men [the Ziphim] who are aflame [with slander], whose teeth are as spears and arrows, and whose tongues are as sharp swords.", "\t[(It is not fitting that Your shechinah repose among such men, so)] rise above the heavens, O G d, [and, thereby,] Your glory [will be manifest] upon all the earth.", "\tThey have laid out a snare for my steps, he [the foe] has bowed down my soul, they have dug a pit for me — they will fall in it [(never to emerge)] forever.", "\tMy heart is right, O G d; my heart is right [(faithful to Him in [His exercise of] the attribute of justice, faithful to Him in [His exercise of] the attribute of mercy)]; I will sing and chant [praise to You].", "\tAwake, my soul! Awake [it] harp and lyre [(to sing the L rd's praises)]; I will awaken the dawn.", "\tI will praise You among the peoples, O L rd; I will sing of You among the nations.", "\tFor Your lovingkindness [to me] has attained to the heavens, and Your truth [has ascended] to the heavenly heights.", "\tRise above the heavens, O G d, [and, thereby,] Your glory [will be manifest] upon all the earth." ], [ "\tFor the conductor — \"Do not destroy [me]\" — a michtam of David.", "\t[(in reference to Avner's not defending David to Saul, when David had demonstrated that he bore Saul no ill [viz. I Samuel 26:14])]. In truth, has there been hidden [from your mouth] the righteousness [i.e., vindication (of me)] that you [should] have spoken [to Saul], the justness [whereby] you [should] have judged men [i.e., me]?", "\t[And, what is more,] even in [your own] heart, you plot wrong [against me]; in the [midst of] the land, your hands weighten violence.", "\tThe wicked have become estranged [from G d] from the womb. The speakers of deceit have strayed [from G d] from the womb.", "\tThey have venom, like the venom of a serpent; [they are] like a deaf cobra, that closes its [other] ear", "\tso that it not hear the voice of the charmers [(which would keep it from biting)], the most expert of the conjurers [i.e., the charmers].", "\tO G d, crush their fangs in their mouth; crush the grinding teeth of lions, O L rd.", "\tLet them be despised [unto themselves]; let them walk as in water [with feebleness]. Let Him draw His arrows [against them] so that they be cut down.", "\t[May they be] as a snail, walking meltingly; as a mole, never seeing the sun.", "\tBefore your tender thorns [i.e., your children] understand [enough to become (i.e., develop into)] hardened thorns [like you] — with vigor, with wrath, He will whir them away!", "\tThe righteous one will rejoice when he sees revenge. He will wash his feet in the blood of the wicked.", "\tThen all men [(who witness this revenge)] will say: There must be reward for the righteous, [for] verily, there is a G d who judges [i.e., exacts retribution of the wicked] in the land." ], [ "\tFor the conductor — \"Do not destroy [me]\" — michtam of David, when Saul sent [spies] and they guarded the house to kill him [viz. I Samuel 14:15].", "\tRescue me from my foes, O G d, strengthen me over those who stand up against me.", "\tRescue me from workers of iniquity, and save me from men of blood.", "\tFor they have set up an ambush against my life. Strong ones have gathered against me. But I have not offended them or sinned against them, O G d.", "\tWithout transgression [(on my part against them)] they run and prepare themselves [to entrap me]. Awaken for me and see [my affliction].", "\t[Just as] You, O L rd, the G d of hosts, awaken to visit punishment upon the nations, never grant grace to these iniquitous traitors.", "\tIn the evening they return [from slandering me], and they howl like dogs, going about the city [in search of me].", "\t[And this (the above) they do after] having vented [slander the whole day] with their mouths, swords with their lips [(in spying against me for Saul)], [And they say:] Who will hear [us]?", "\tBut You, O L rd, laugh at them [just as] You mock all of the nations.", "\tHis [(Saul's)] power [is poised against me] — for You will I wait [to rescue me], for G d is my stronghold.", "\tG d will \"advance\" His lovingkindness to me [(before the foe prevails against me)]. He will show me [(what I desire to behold)] in those who seek to [harm] me.", "\tDo not kill them, lest my people forget [(with the lapse of time) to take instruction from their downfall], but, in Your strength, remove them [(from their possessions)] and bring them low, our shield, my L rd.", "\t[Do this to them because of] the sin of their mouth, the words of their lips, by which they [(their victims)] are taken in their haughtiness and by the curse and the falsehood that they utter.", "\tMake an end of them in [Your] wrath; make an end and let them be gone. And let them know that G d rules in Jacob, to the ends of the earth, forever.", "\tAnd [(after sinning with their mouth [verse 13])] they return in the evening and howl like dogs and go about the city [(lurking for those they have slandered)].", "\tThey [(like dogs)] roam about to \"eat\" if they are not \"sated\" enough to sleep.", "\tBut I [(after escaping them, in the morning)] will sing Your strength, and I will sing Your lovingkindness each morning; for You were my stronghold, and my refuge in the day of my affliction.", "\tMy Strength, to You shall I sing. For G d is my stronghold, the G d of my lovingkindness." ], [ "\tFor the conductor, [to be played] upon shushan-eduth, a michtam, of David, to teach [the people wisdom].", "\tWhen he fought with Aram Naharayim and Aram Tzovah, and Yoav returned and smote Edom in Gei Melach, twelve thousand —", "\t[When Edom was defeated by him, David saw prophetically that Edom would rule harshly over Israel, and he prayed:] O G d, [(in the time of the judges,)] You forsook us, You breached us, You were wrathful to us — Restore [Your favor] to us.", "\tYou caused the land to quake [(with invading hosts)], You split it. Heal its breaches, for it buckles.", "\tYou have shown Your people harshness. You have made us drink of the stupefying wine.", "\tYou have given to those who fear You trials [i.e., afflictions] by which to be tried so that [You be] vindicated forever [i.e., Your ultimate benefaction of Israel will be understood as reward for having withstood these trials].", "\tSo that Your loved ones be rescued, save [i.e., assert] Your right hand [(that You have withdrawn at the onslaught of the foe)], and answer me [(for in answering me, who wars for them, they will be rescued)].", "\tG d spoke in His sanctuary [(that I would be king over them)]; I shall exult [(in His salvation)]. I shall divide [for them] a portion [(in the holding of their foes)], and I shall measure the valley of succoth.", "\tMine [David's, to reign over)] is Gilad, and mine is Menasheh. Ephraim is the stronghold of my head [(to guard me from the foe)]; Judah is my law-giver.", "\tMoav is my wash-basin. On Edom shall I cast my coils [(to subdue them)]. Philistia joined itself to me [(with the conquest of Gath and Azza)].", "\tWho will lead me to a fortified city [(the fortress of Edom, to conquer it)]? Who led me until Edom?", "\tIs it not You, O G d, who [(until that time)] had forsaken us and who does not [now] go out, O G d, among our hosts?", "\t[You, O L rd,] give us [now] help from the oppressor, for vain is the help of man.", "\tIn G d shall we be triumphant, and He shall tread down our foes." ], [ "\tFor the conductor of the singing, [a psalm] of David.", "\tHear, O G d, my song. Give heed to my prayer.", "\t[(Although I find myself)] from the ends of the earth [i.e., very far from those who would battle against my enemies], upon You do I call when my heart fails [(because of their absence)]. [My prayer:] Lead me over a rock [i.e., a foe] raised above me [i.e., stronger than I].", "\tFor You were [ever] a shelter to me, a tower of strength against the foe.", "\tLet me dwell in Your tent forever [(in this world and the next)]; let me find shelter in the covert of Your wings forever.", "\tFor You, O G d, have [ever] heard my vows. You have restored [through me] the inheritance of the fearers of Your name.", "\t[Therefore,] add [more] days over the [decreed] days of the king [David], [so that] his years [be as those of all] the generations [i.e., seventy years].", "\tLet him always sit before G d. Let [the] lovingkindness and [the] truth [(that he upholds)] be appointed to guard him.", "\tThus [(as You vouchsafe good to me)] shall I sing Your name forever in payment of my vows, day by day." ], [ "\tFor the conductor, [to be played] upon the yeduthun, a psalm of David.", "\tOnly to G d does my soul hope, for my salvation has always been from Him.", "\tOnly He is my Rock and my salvation. He is my Stronghold — I shall not slip greatly [i.e., without rising].", "\tHow long will you devise destruction for a man? You would all murder, like an inclined wall, like a tottering fence.", "\tOnly [for fear of] his rising [(to power and exacting retribution of them)] do they counsel overthrowing [him], speaking lies — blessing with their mouths and cursing in their innards, always.", "\tBut my heart trusts to G d, for my salvation [has always come] from Him.", "\tOnly He is my Rock and my Salvation. He is my Stronghold — I shall not slip.", "\tMy salvation and my honor lie with G d. He is the Rock of my strength. My shelter is in G d.", "\tTrust in Him at all times. [My] people, spill your hearts out before Him [in prayer]; for He is our shelter eternally.", "\tBut [trust in] man is vain. [Trust] in man is deceitful. If they were put in the scales, they and their vanities would balance.", "\tDo not trust to violence, and do not [trust] vainly to theft. If [their] wealth flourishes, pay it no heed.", "\tG d has made one pronouncement [(the second commandment of the Decalogue)], from which [(\"I visit the iniquity of the fathers, etc.\")] I have derived these two things: that strength is with G d [to pay a man according to his deeds (both reward and punishment)]", "\tand [that] with You, O L rd, is lovingkindness; for You pay [i.e., punish] a man as his deed [(his transgression, i.e., You punish part of it and not all of it [viz. Ezra 9:13])]." ], [ "\tA psalm of David — when he was in the Desert of Judah [(in flight from Saul)].", "\tO G d, You are my G d — I will seek You. My soul thirsts for You [(to come before You in Your house of prayer)]; my flesh pants for You, in a land waste and dry, without water.", "\tAs [(I thirsted to see Your strength and Your glory as)] I saw You in the holy [(place of Shiloh, sate my soul now)] to see Your strength and Your glory.", "\tFor [the purpose of all] the goodness of Your lovingkindness in [the bestowal of] life [is that] my lips praise You.", "\tThen [(when I come before You)], I will bless You [all the days of] my life. At [the mention of] Your name, I will lift my palms [(in prayer and in praise)].", "\tAs [with] marrow and fatness will my soul be sated, and [with] all manner of song will my mouth praise [G d].", "\tIn truth, I have remembered You upon my sheets, and in the night watches I think upon You.", "\tBecause You were my help, and because of [the shelter of] the shadow of Your wings, I will sing [to You].", "\t[Because] my soul clung to You, Your right hand sustained me.", "\tAnd they [(my foes)] seek [to take] my life [(by ambush)] in darkness [i.e., on a day of darkness]; let them come [i.e., fall] into the depths of the earth!", "\tLet them drag [i.e., \"dispatch\"] him [(each one of my foes)] by the sword. Let them [(my foes)] be the portion of foxes.", "\tAnd the king [(David)] will rejoice in G d. All who swear by Him will glory [(in my salvation)], when the mouths of liars are closed up." ], [ "\tFor the conductor, a psalm of David.", "\t[David (having received a prophetic vision) prays that Daniel (his descendant [viz. Isaiah 39:7]) be rescued from the lion's den] Hear, O G d, my voice in my plaint. Guard my life from fright of the foe [(the satraps [viz. Daniel 6:5])].", "\tConceal me from the counsel of the wicked, from the gathering of workers of iniquity [viz. Daniel 6:7],", "\twho have sharpened their tongue as a sword, who have readied their arrow [i.e., slander] for a bitter thing.", "\tTo shoot the innocent one in hiddenness. They shoot suddenly and do not fear.", "\tThey strengthen the evil among themselves. They speak [(hidden things to the king)] to lay snares [for Daniel], saying: Who will see them? [viz. Daniel 6:8].", "\tThey seek pretexts, hiding [in their hearts] their search [(for pretexts)], and their innermost [thoughts], and [(what transpires in)] the depth of their hearts.", "\tAnd G d cast them [into the lion's den (viz. Daniel 6:25)]. A sudden arrow was their smiting.", "\t[What they hoped] would make him stumble, their tongues [turned over] upon themselves. All who saw nodded [their heads] at them [in mockery].", "\tAnd all men feared, and related the act of G d, and gave mind to their deeds.", "\tThe righteous one [Daniel] will rejoice in the [salvation of] the L rd, and he will take shelter in Him. And all the just of heart will glory [in their righteousness, knowing that the L rd will save them]." ], [ "\tFor the conductor, a psalm of David, a song.", "\tTo You, silence is praise [(for Your praises are endless)], O G d, [who dwells] in Zion, and to You [(who saves the vowers in time of affliction)] a vow will be paid.", "\t[Because] You hearken to prayer, all flesh will come to [pray to] You.", "\tTo set [all of my] transgressions [before You in prayer] is beyond me. [The only \"basis\" for praying to You is that] You will grant atonement for our offenses.", "\tHappy is he whom You choose to draw near to dwell in Your courts. He will be sated in the good of Your house, in the holiness of Your sanctuary [(where Your shechinah reposes)].", "\tIn Your righteousness You will answer us with awesome deeds [(against the idolators)], O G d of our salvation, the Trust of all [who inhabit] the ends of the earth [(from one end to another)] and of [those on] the distant seas.", "\tHe prepares [rain for] the mountains in His great strength [viz. 147:8]. He is girded with might.", "\tHe subdues the roar of the seas, the roar of their waves, and the roar of the nations [(who rise against us)].", "\tThe dwellers in the ends of the earth fear [You because of] Your signs. [The luminaries] that go out in the morning and the evening cause [them] to sing [to You (the blessings on the luminaries)].", "\t[(In bestowing Your beneficence)] You give thought to the earth, to water it. Much do You enrich it [with] the stream of G d, which is full of water. You make ready their corn, for thus [(by watering, etc.)] do You prepare it.", "\tTo sate her [(the land's)] furrows, to give pleasure to her troops [i.e., mankind], You soften it with showers and bless its growth.", "\tYou crown [with rain] the year [on which You would bestow] Your good, and Your paths [i.e., the heavens] drip fatness.", "\tThey [(the heavens)] drip upon the habitations of the desert, and the hills are girded with joy.", "\tThe [rain-drenched] meadows are covered with flocks [(that graze there)], and the valleys are wrapped in corn. They [(men)] shout for joy, and they sing [(from an abundance of blessing)]." ], [ "\tFor the conductor, a song, a psalm. Shout to G d, all of the earth.", "\tSing the glory of His name. Make [His] glory His praise.", "\tSay about G d: How awesome [is each one of] Your deeds. In [(the manifestation of)] Your great strength, Your foes [(in fear)] [admit] their falsehood [and their transgressions] to You.", "\tAll the earth will bow down to You and sing to You. They will sing Your name forever.", "\tGo and see the acts of G d, fearsome of deed over men [(all of their acts being revealed to Him)].", "\tHe turned the [Red] sea into dry land. They crossed the [Jordan] river on foot. There [(transpired something at which)] it [the sea] rejoiced in Him.", "\tHe reigns in His strength [over the entire] world. His eyes survey the nations. Those who turn [from good] will never again be upraised.", "\tPeoples, bless our G d, and make heard the sound of His praise.", "\t[For] He keeps our souls in life [in exile] and does not allow our feet to slip [i.e., You (our foes) are unable to annihilate us].", "\tFor [(in our afflictions in exile)] You have tried us, O G d. You have refined us as one refines silver.", "\tYou brought us into [an exile confined as] a fortress-prison. You placed confinement on our thighs.", "\tYou placed men [(the kings of the idolatrous nations)] over our heads. We went through fire and water; but You took us out in relief.", "\tI shall come to Your house [(the Temple, when it is rebuilt)] with [the] burnt-offerings [(which I vowed in exile)]. I shall pay my vows to You,", "\twhich my lips opened [(to express)] and which my mouth spoke in my affliction.", "\tI shall sacrifice the fattest burnt-offerings to You, with the incense of rams. I shall sacrifice bullocks with goats, forever [(in the last, eternally enduring, Temple.)]", "\tGo, hear, and I shall relate, all you who fear G d [(the proselytes)], what He has done for my soul.", "\tMy mouth called out to Him [(in exile)], and His praise was under my tongue.", "\tThough I saw sin in my heart, the L rd would not [see and not] hear.", "\tIn truth, G d [saw and G d] heard, [in spite of which] He listened to the voice of my prayer.", "\tBlessed is G d, who did not remove my prayer [from before Him] or His lovingkindness from me." ], [ "\tFor the conductor of the singing, a psalm, a song.", "\tO G d, be gracious to us and bless us. Let Your countenance shine upon us always [(to give us dew and rain)].", "\tSo that Your ways [(to bestow good upon Your people)] be known in the land, and Your salvation among all the nations.", "\t[Then] peoples will praise You, O G d; [then] all the peoples will praise You.", "\tThe nations will be happy and rejoice when You judge the peoples justly [i.e., for merit] and [when] You lead the nations in the land [on a just path] always.", "\tPeoples will praise You, O G d; all the peoples will praise You.", "\t[(And they will praise You also for)] the earth's having given forth its produce [and for] G d's having blessed us, our G d.", "\tG d will bless us and all the ends of the earth will fear Him [(saying: See how G d has blessed and aggrandized those who feared Him!)]" ], [ "\tFor the conductor of the singing, a psalm, a song.", "\tLet G d arise, let His enemies [(Amalek and the like)] be scattered, and let all His foes flee before Him.", "\tAs smoke is driven away, drive [them] away; as wax melts in fire, let the wicked go lost before G d [(before the ark in the days of Moses)].", "\tAnd the righteous will be happy. They will revel before G d and rejoice in happiness, [saying]:", "\tSing to G d, sing His name; exalt the Rider on aravoth [(the heavens)] by His name Kah [(connoting fear)], and rejoice before Him [viz. 2:11].", "\t[(His praises [until the end of the psalm]):] The father of orphans [Israel (viz. Eichah 5:3)] and the judge [on behalf] of widows [Jerusalem (viz. Eichah 1:1)] is G d in His holy abode.", "\tG d settles [the scattered] individuals [of Israel] in a [single] house [i.e., a united congregation]. He releases the prisoners [(from Egypt)] in an equable [month (neither too hot nor too cold)], but the renegades [the Egyptians] remain in aridity [(a land that is dry and parched)].", "\tO G d, when You went out before Your people [(in the pillar of cloud)], when You [set] Your step in the wilderness, [(You showed this — for every affliction, redemption — to be Your way)] forever.", "\tThe land quaked. Even the heavens dripped before G d. This is Sinai! [(It, too, quaked)] before G d, the G d of Israel.", "\t[(Whenever they were in need)] You streamed down [for them] beneficent rain, O G d. When Your inheritance [(the land)] was weary [i.e., in need of rain], You prepared it.", "\tYour congregation dwelt therein. In Your goodness You prepared [the land] for the poor one [Israel], O G d. [(You led them through the desert for forty years while the Canaanites replanted what they had uprooted)].", "\tThe L rd will give out a word to apprise a great host.", "\t[The word:] The kings of the hosts [(of the nations)] will be made to move [(out of Eretz Yisrael)], and the [(traditional)] dweller of the house [i.e., Israel] will divide the spoils.", "\tIf you have lain between the borders [and indulged yourself in delights, this becomes you, for you are My \"dove,\" the congregation of Israel, whose wings are] the wings of a dove, covered with silver, and its pinions, with brilliant gold.", "\t[(And when was this eminence conferred upon them?)] When the Almighty spread forth [His Torah before them], wherewith kings [i.e., Torah scholars] are \"snowed upon\" [and whitened] in [a land of] darkness [— at that time her wings were covered with the \"silver\" of Torah and mitzvoth].", "\t[(And where did this \"spreading forth\" occur?)] On the mountain of G d [Sinai], the mountain [near] Bashan, the mount of mountains, Mount Bashan.", "\t[(continuation of verse 12)] Why do you lurk, you lofty mountains, against the mount [the Temple Mount)], which G d desired as His dwelling? And, indeed, the L rd will dwell [there] forever.", "\t[continuation of verse 12 (in praise of Israel)] [Even when there appeared upon Sinai] the chariot of G d, two ten thousands of thousands of [scintillating] angels, the L rd among them in [His] holiness,", "\tYou [(Moses, the prince of His people,)] ascended to the heights, you captured the spoil [the Torah] — (taking gifts [from the celestial beings] for [the sons of] man, even in [the midst of those who had been] rebellious ones) — [wherein (the tabernacle of Torah)] Kah, G d would dwell.", "\t[continuation of verse 5] Blessed is the L rd. Every day the Almighty heaps upon us [(as much of)] our salvation [as we can bear], forever.", "\tThe Almighty, to us, is a G d of salvations, though the L rd G d commands many exits [of the soul from the body] for death.", "\tBut [(with those deaths)] G d will smash the heads of His foes, the pate of the hairy one [(Esav)], who walks [always] in his guilt.", "\tThe L rd has said: I will return you [Israel] from Bashan [the nations]; I will return you from the depths of the sea.", "\t[(\"G d will smash the heads of His foes\")] so that your foot will wade through blood. The tongues of your dogs, from the [blood of your] foes will have their sustenance.", "\t[(And, indeed, it is fitting that You save Israel, for when)] they witnessed Your goings, O G d [at the Red Sea], the goings of my G d, my King, in holiness,", "\tSingers came forward [(to sing the Song of the Sea)], and afterwards, minstrels [i.e., angels], in the midst of [Miriam and her] maidens playing timbrels, [and saying:]", "\tIn congregations, bless G d; the L rd, from the womb of Israel [(The fetuses, too, chanted song)].", "\tThere [(at the splitting of the sea)] Benjamin, the youngest [of the tribes, acquired the merit of becoming] their king [(as was realized by Saul of the tribe of Benjamin) because of their having been first into the sea]. The lords of Judah stoned them [in envy, as did] the lords of Zevulun and the lords of Naftali, [whereupon He said:]", "\tThe L rd commanded your [(Benjamin's)] strength! [(The singer now reverts to his prayer:)] Strengthen Yourself, O G d, [(to save us)], You who wrought [all] this for us!", "\tBy [witnessing the glory of] Your sanctuary on Jerusalem, the kings will bring gifts to You.", "\tShout down the beast of the reeds [(Yishmael, who is like a swine living among the reeds)], the congregation of mighty bulls among the calves of the peoples, humbled [only] by conciliation with silver, scattering peoples [(the tribes)], desiring battles.", "\t[In the future] they will bring us gifts from Egypt. Kush will hasten its hands to [bring gifts] to G d.", "\tKingdoms of the earth, sing to G d [(who showed His strength and redeemed His people)]. Sing to the L rd, always.", "\t[Sing] to the Rider in the heavens [above] the primal heavens. Behold, He sends forth His voice [in] a sound of strength.", "\tAscribe strength to G d. Because of Israel [He has manifested] His majesty, and His strength is [discernible] in the heights.", "\t[You are] feared, O G d, from [what You have done to] Your sanctuary. [(If He did not grant grace to His sanctuary, how much more so will He not grant grace to the wicked idolators!)]. He is the Might of Israel. He gives strength and power to the people. Blessed is G d." ], [ "\tFor the conductor, for shoshanim [i.e., for Israel, who are like lilies among the thorns (the nations)], a psalm of David.", "\tSave me, O G d, for the waters [the nations] have come until my soul.", "\tI have sunk in the mire of the depths and there is no place to stand. I have come into the depths of the waters and the current has swept over me.", "\tI have become wearied with calling out. My throat has become parched. My eyes have expired in hoping to my G d.", "\tMore than the hairs of my head are those who hate me for no cause. Those who would cut me off have grown strong, my foes [(for my not pursuing their)] falsehood. What I have not stolen from them, I [must] return [(to them as a bribe)].", "\tO G d, You knew [the full extent of] my wrong, and my faults were not hidden from You.", "\tLet not those who hope in You, O my L rd G d, be ashamed because of me [(by seeing a \"hoper\" fall into the hands of his foes)]. Let not those who seek You be humiliated because of me, O G d of Israel.", "\tFor it is on Your behalf that I have borne shame, that humiliation has covered my face.", "\tI have become a stranger to my brothers [(Esav)], a foreigner to the sons of my mother.", "\tFor envy of Your house [(i.e., their envy of me because of the favor You showed them while the Temple stood)] devoured me, and the shame of Your shamers has rested upon me.", "\tAnd my crying in my fasting has become a shame to me [(my foes mocking me because of it)].", "\tAnd when I make my sackcloth my clothing [(in repentance)], I become a parable to them.", "\tThe sitters in the gates [(the judges)] talk about me, and I have become the song of the drinkers of strong drink.", "\tAs for me, let [the time of] my prayer before You, O L rd, be a time of acceptance. O G d, in the abundance of Your lovingkindness, answer me with a true [(enduring)] salvation.", "\tRescue me from the mire [(the exile)] and let me not sink. Let me be saved from my foes and from the watery depths.", "\tLet the current not sweep me away, and let the depths not swallow me, and let the well [(this strange affliction)] not close its mouth over me [(to swallow me)].", "\tAnswer me, O L rd, for Your lovingkindness is good. In the abundance of Your mercies, turn to me.", "\tAnd do not conceal Your countenance from Your servant. Because affliction has overtaken me, be quick to answer me.", "\tDraw near to my soul; redeem it. For the sake of [(gainsaying)] my enemies, redeem me.", "\tYou know my shame, and my embarrassment, and my humiliation. All of my oppressors are before You.", "\tShame has broken my heart and I have become mortally ill. I look for one who would nod [(his head to me in consolation)], and there is none; [I look] for consolers, and I cannot find any.", "\tAnd they give me gall for my fare and make me drink vinegar for my thirst.", "\tLet their table be a trap before them, and their [hoped-for] peace, a snare.", "\tLet their eyes be darkened from sight, and let their thighs always slip.", "\tSpill Your ire upon them, and let the fury of Your wrath overtake them.", "\tLet their towers be desolate. In their tents let there be no dweller.", "\tFor [this people, which] You have smitten, they have pursued [(Zechariah 1:15): \"I was wrathful [against My people] but a little, and they [the nations] abetted the evil.\"], and they converse [i.e., take counsel with each other to worsen] the pain of Your wounded.", "\tAdd transgression to their transgression, and let them not enter into Your righteousness.", "\tLet them be erased from the book of life, and let them not be inscribed with the righteous.", "\tAnd I, afflicted and [smarting] in pain, let Your salvation, O G d, uplift me.", "\tI will praise the name of G d in song and exalt it in thankfulness.", "\tAnd this will be better in the eyes of the L rd than the young bull [(sacrificed by Adam)], horning and hooving [(Its horns preceded its hooves when it rose from the earth in creation)].", "\tWhen the humble see [(my salvation)], they will rejoice, [and when] the seekers of G d [see it], their hearts shall live.", "\tFor [they will see that] the L rd gives ear to the poor ones and does not despise His imprisoned ones.", "\tHeaven and earth will praise Him, the seas and all that creep therein,", "\twhen G d helps Zion and builds the cities of Judah and they sit therein and possess it.", "\tThe seed of His servants [(the patriarchs)] will inherit it, and the lovers of His name will dwell therein." ], [ "\tFor the conductor, [a psalm] of David, to invoke [(the name of the L rd)].", "\tO G d, [make haste] to save me; O L rd, hasten to my help.", "\tLet those who seek my soul be shamed and abashed. Let those who desire my ill recoil in shame.", "\tLet them be turned back in the [very] circuit of their shaming [of me, measure for measure,] those who exult [in my afflictions, shouting:] \"He'ach! He'ach!\"", "\tLet all those who seek You rejoice and regale over You; and let those who love Your salvation always say [(when they are saved)]: \"Let G d be exalted!\"", "\tAnd I am poor and indigent, O G d, make haste to [help] me. You are my help and my saviour. O L rd, do not delay!" ], [ "\tIn You, O L rd, have I trusted — let me not be shamed forever!", "\tIn Your righteousness rescue me and release me. Incline Your ear to me and save me.", "\tBe to me a rock of shelter [in whose covert] to come always. You have [ever] commanded [(agents)] to help me; for You are my rock and my fortress.", "\tO G d, rescue me from the hand of the wicked one, from the hand of the wrongdoer and the despoiler.", "\tFor You are my hope, O L rd, G d; my shelter from my youth.", "\tYou were my stay from the womb. From my mother's belly did You take me forth. You have ever been my praise.", "\tI have been a sign [(a symbol and portent of affliction)] for the multitude, but You are the shelter of my strength [(and I have borne all that has come upon me)].", "\tMy mouth shall be filled with Your praise; with Your glory all the day.", "\tDo not cast me away now that I have aged [in sin]; with the waning of my strength, do not forsake me.", "\tFor my foes have spoken against me, and those who watch my soul [(to ensnare it)] have taken counsel together,", "\tsaying: The L rd has abandoned him. Pursue and seize him, for there is none to rescue him.", "\tO G d, do not go far from me. My G d, hasten to my help.", "\tLet the foes of my soul be shamed and cut off. Let those who seek my ill be enveloped in shame and abashment.", "\tAnd I shall always hope [in You], and [(when You help me)] I shall add to all of Your praises.", "\tMy mouth shall speak Your righteousness, Your salvation all of the day, for I do not know a count [(to the salvations You have wrought for me)].", "\tI come [to praise] the mighty acts of the L rd G d; I mention Your help alone [(for there is no other)].", "\tO G d, You have taught me [(by what has passed over me)] from my youth, and until this day I relate Your wonders.", "\tAnd also in old age [(sixty)] and hoary old age [(seventy)] do not forsake me, O G d, so that I can speak of Your [mighty] arm to [that] generation, of Your strength to all those who come [to me],", "\tof Your righteousness, O G d, which reaches to the heights, of the great things that You have done [with me]. O G d, who is like You!", "\t[You,] who have shown me many troubles and ills, will turn back and revive me; and from the depths of the earth You will turn back and raise me.", "\tIncrease my greatness and surround me with consolation.", "\tI, likewise, shall praise Your truth with the harp, my G d. I shall play to You with the lyre, Holy One of Israel.", "\tMy lips will sing [praise] when I play to You [with the lyre], and the soul which You have redeemed.", "\tMy tongue, too, all the day, shall speak Your righteousness, for the seekers of my ill have been shamed and abashed." ], [ "\t[A prayer of David (foreseeing that Solomon will request of the L rd a heart wise in judgment)] For Solomon. O G d, give Your judgments [the wisdom of Your Torah laws] to the king, and Your righteousness [(ruling in accordance with the law)] to the son of the king.", "\tLet him judge Your people with righteousness and Your poor ones with justice.", "\tLet the mountains [(in his days)] bear peace to the people [i.e., let them be fruitful so that there will be peace in the land], and the hills [(bear peace)] through [the] righteousness [that the people perform].", "\tLet him judge the poor of the people; let him help the sons of the indigent; and let him break the despoiler.", "\tLet them [Israel] fear You [(by learning from him)] with the sun [(i.e., as long as it exists)] and before the moon, throughout the generations.", "\tLet it [(his words)] descend [(into their hearts)] as rain upon the shorn grass, as raindrops that drip upon the earth.", "\tLet the righteous [(Israel)] flourish in his days, and [(let there be)] an abundance of peace until there is no moon [i.e., forever].", "\tAnd let him reign [(over all the land of Israel)], from sea [the Red Sea] to sea [the Mediterranean], and from the river [the Euphrates] until the ends of the land.", "\tLet coteries of nobles kneel before him and his foes lick the dust.", "\tLet the kings of Tarshish [viz. I Kings 10:23] and the [men of the] islands bring gifts [to him]; let the kings of Sheva and Seva present a gift.", "\tLet all the kings bow down to him; let all the nations serve him [viz. I Kings 10:24].", "\tFor he will rescue the pauper from outcry, and the poor one who has none to help him.", "\tHe shall pity the poor and the indigent, and the souls of the indigent shall he save.", "\tFrom blows and theft he will redeem their souls [(by his judgment and righteousness)], and their blood shall be dear in his eyes.", "\tAnd may he [Solomon] live [long], and may He give him of the gold of Sheva, and may He pray for him [i.e., bless him] always; may He bless him all the day.", "\tMay there be an abundance of grain in the land, on the tops of the mountains. Let its fruit [i.e., its wheat stalks (be so large as to)] rustle as [the cedars of] Lebanon, and may they [Israel] sprout from the city [Jerusalem] as the grass of the earth.", "\tMay his [Solomon's] name be [remembered] forever [(for his wealth and wisdom)]. Before [i.e., all the days of] the sun may his name grow great, and may [men] bless themselves by it [(\"May you be as wise and wealthy as Solomon!\")], and may all the nations praise him.", "\tBlessed be the L rd G d, the G d of Israel, who performs wonders alone [viz. II Chronicles 7:1].", "\tAnd blessed be the name of His glory forever. And let His glory fill all the earth. Amen and Amen.", "\tAll these [psalms] are the prayers of David the son of Yishai." ], [ "\tA psalm of Asaf. [Though I bewail the afflictions of Israel, I know that] truly, G d is good to Israel, to the pure of heart, [(in the afflictions He brings upon them, their purpose being to make them merit life in the world to come)].", "\tAnd I — my feet had almost turned [from the path of G d]. In almost no time my feet might have spilled out [of the path].", "\tFor I was envious of the [success of] the perverters [of their paths]; I beheld the peace of the evildoers.", "\tFor there were no bonds [of afflictions] to their deaths, and [they died] strong as a fortress.", "\t", "Therefore, pride necklaces them; their theft bedecks their buttocks [with fat].", "\tTheir eyes protrude from [an excess of] fat. The hopes of their hearts are exceeded [by what they attain].", "\tThey melt [the hearts of men] and they plot to rob the poor. They speak against the Most High.", "\tThey set their mouths against Heaven and their tongues range the earth.", "\tTherefore, [(because they see the wicked flourishing)], His people turn hither [(to their deeds)], and the waters of the full [stream (i.e., Torah)] are dregs to them.", "\tAnd they say: \"How can [we say] that G d knows [i.e., that He has wisdom], and that there is knowledge in the Almighty [i.e., that His Torah is true]?\"", "\t\"Now, these [men] are wicked [(and they transgress His Torah)], and yet they live tranquilly [in the] world and amass wealth!\"", "\t\"It was but in vain that I purified my heart and washed my hands in cleanliness.\"", "\t\"And I have been afflicted all the day, and my chastisement [has renewed itself] every morning.\"", "\tIf I [Asaf] undertook to tell it [(all that His people say)] as [it is], I would render the generation of Your children traitors.", "\tAnd when I strove to understand this [(this mode of G d's conduct)], it seemed wrong in my eyes.", "\tUntil I came to the sanctuaries of G d [(in Jerusalem and saw what had happened to Sancheriv)]. Then I understood their [(the sinners')] end [i.e., that it is destruction.].", "\tOnly as \"smoothings\" do You set [all this good] before them [i.e., You make things smooth for them so that they give no thought to repentance], and You cast them into darkness.", "\t[Their beholders will say:] How were they made desolate in an instant! They are ended! They are extinguished with horrors!", "\tAs an endless dream [(with no awakening, so was their end [viz. Isaiah 37:36])]. The L rd, in the city [that they violated (Jerusalem)], despised their form [(burning them all)].", "\tFor [(before I saw their downfall in a vision)], my heart was embittered [(at the success of the wicked)] and my reins were pierced.", "\tAnd I was a fool, not knowing [i.e., not understanding Your mode of conduct]; I was [like] a beast with You.", "\tBut [(in spite of this)] I was always with You [(not deviating from Your fear)]. You held onto my right hand [(to strengthen me in Your fear when I was in danger of slipping [(see verse 2)].", "\tYou led me in Your counsel, and then, You took me [to Yourself] for glory.", "\tWhom do I have in heaven? [(What angel did I choose for a god?)] And I desired no one [else] with You on earth.", "\tMy flesh and my heart yearn [for You]. G d is the Rock of my heart and my portion forever.", "\tFor those who go far from You will go lost, as You have [always] cut off those who have strayed from You.", "\tAnd, as for me, the nearness of G d is my good. I have placed my shelter in the L rd G d, to relate all of Your embassies [(the Holy Spirit that enters my heart for revelation)]." ], [ "\tA maskil of Asaf. Why, O G d, should You leave us forever, should Your wrath fume against the flock of Your grazing?", "\tRemember Your congregation that You acquired of yore [(before the creation of the world [viz. 90:1-2])]. You redeemed the tribe of Your inheritance [and brought them to] Mount Zion, on which You dwell.", "\tRaise Your blows for eternal destruction [(of Your foes)], for all of the foe's evil [perpetrated] in the sanctuary.", "\tYour adversaries have roared in the midst of Your meeting place [(the Temple viz. Exodus 25:22)]; they have made [i.e., construed] their signs [i.e., their divinations for the conquest of Jerusalem (viz. Ezekiel 21:26)] as [true] signs.", "\tIt was known [to the foe when he raised his hatchets against the gates of the sanctuary that it was] as if he were bringing [his blows] on High, for the hatchets would become entangled in [and be swallowed up by] the wood [of the gates].", "\tBut then [(even though he saw this sign of G d's opposition, this did not deter him from razing all of)] its entrances together. With hatchets and hammers they pounded.", "\tThey have set Your sanctuary aflame. To the ground have they desecrated the abode of Your name.", "\tThey said [i.e., devised] in their hearts, [all of] their rulers together, [to eliminate their Deity first, and then to eliminate the Jews. Know this to be so, for] they burned all the meeting places of G d in the land: [the Philistines, Shiloh; Nevuchadnezzar, the first Temple; Titus, the second Temple].", "\tOur signs [(given by the prophets for redemption from the exile)] we have not [yet] seen. There is no longer a prophet [among us], and there is none among us who knows until when [the exile will endure].", "\tUntil when, O G d, shall the oppressor revile, shall the foe blaspheme Your name forever?", "\tWhy do You hold back Your hand, Your right hand, [from smiting the foe]? From the midst of Your bosom, discharge [it against them]!", "\tAnd [You, my] G d, are my King of yore, who works salvation in the midst of the land!", "\tYou crumbled the sea in Your strength. You broke the heads of the sea-serpents [the Egyptians (viz. Ezekiel 29:3)] on the waters.", "\tYou broke the heads of the leviathan [Pharaoh (viz. Isaiah 27:1)]. You gave it [the wealth of Egypt] as food [i.e., plunder] for the people, the hosts, [of Israel].", "\tYou split [for Israel from the rock] fountain and stream. You dried up mighty rivers [(the Jordan)].", "\tYours is the day [(the redemption of Israel)]. Yours, too, is the night [(They were with You in the afflictions of the night)]. You founded [for them] light [(Torah)] and sun.", "\tYou set up [for them] all the borders of the land of Israel with all manner of good]. Summer and winter — You created them [(and You did not alter their order)].", "\t[Then, Your having done all this for us,] remember this: The foe has reviled the L rd; a profligate people has blasphemed Your name.", "\tDo not give to the company [of the idolators] the soul of Your dove [Israel]. The soul of Your afflicted ones forget not forever.", "\tLook to the covenant [(with the patriarchs)], for the dark places of the land have become filled with enclaves of violence.", "\tLet the broken one not return shamed [from his prayer before You]. Let the poor and destitute praise Your name [(when You answer their prayers)].", "\tArise, O G d, fight Your battle. Remember the profligate's reviling You all the day.", "\tForget not the voice of Your adversaries, the ever rising roar of those who rise against You." ], [ "\tFor the conductor — Do not destroy [Israel in the exile] — a psalm of Asaf, a song.", "\tWe have thanked You, O G d [(for the good)]; we have thanked You [(for the ill)], and Your name is [always] close [(to us, in our mouths)]. [Your generations] have related Your wonders [always].", "\tWhen I take [i.e., celebrate] a festival, [I do not indulge in frivolity, but] I judge what is just [i.e., I take it to heart to praise You in accordance with the nature of that festival].", "\t[On the day of the giving of the Torah, when] the earth and all its dwellers were melting [with fear, least the condition that You made with the creation — \"If Israel does not accept the Torah, you [the creation] shall revert to nothingness\" —], I [Israel] established its pillars forever [by saying (Exodus 24:7): \"We shall do and we shall hear.\"]", "\tI said to the mockers [(the evil ones, who confound Israel)]: Do not mock; and to the wicked: Do not raise your horn [in rebellion against the Almighty].", "\tDo not lift your horn on high; [do not] speak with brazen neck.", "\tFor not from east or west, and not from the desert [(which you cross in caravans in pursuit of wealth)] does lifting come.", "\tBut G d judges [(you for every evil you have done)]. This one [(the proud)] He lowers, and that one [(the lowly)] He exalts.", "\tFor the [poisoned] cup is in the hand of the L rd — strong wine, fully admixed [(for all of the idolators)]. And from this He pours. Only [(the wicked, and not the righteous)] will drain its dregs. All the wicked of the earth will drink [of it].", "\tAnd I shall [then] speak forever [(of His vengeance and His might)]. I shall sing to the G d of Jacob.", "\tAnd all the horns of the wicked [Esav (viz. Ezekiel 29:14)] will I cut off, [and] the horns [i.e., the glory (viz., Israel)] of the righteous One will be uplifted." ], [ "\tFor the conductor of the singing, a psalm of Asaf, a song [on the downfall of Sancheriv)]:", "\tG d is known in Judah; His name is great in Israel.", "\tHis tabernacle was in Shalem [Jerusalem], and His abode in Zion.", "\tThere He broke the arrows of the bow [(of Sancheriv and his hosts)], the shield and the sword of war forever.", "\tBlighting [(of the foe)] are You; mightier than the mountains [i.e., the giants] of prey.", "\tThe strong of heart were stupefied. They slept their sleep. All the men of valor did not find their hands [(to defend themselves when You came to exact punishment of them)].", "\tAt Your rebuke, O G d of Jacob, chariot and horse were [stunned into] sleep.", "\tYou — You are awesome, and who can stand against You when Your wrath begins?", "\tFrom the heavens You made judgment heard [(Isaiah prophesied the destruction of Sancheriv. And, when the prophesy was fulfilled,)] the land [(Eretz Yisrael)] which had been affrighted [(by him and his hosts)] became calm.", "\tWhen G d rises in judgment [against His foes, it is] to help all the humble of the earth forever.", "\tFor the wrath of man [(the wicked)] will praise You [i.e., When people see that the wrath of the wicked cannot withstand G d's punishment, they all praise Him]; You constrain the wrath of the remnant [of the wicked (by showing such wrath to be ineffectual against Him)].", "\tVow and pay [your vows] to the L rd Your G d, all around it [Jerusalem (upon hearing of this salvation, viz. Isaiah 19:18)]. They will bring gifts to the Awesome One,", "\tfor [(they will realize that whenever He wills it)] He can humble the pride of the princes [and be] fearful to the kings of the earth." ], [ "\tFor the conductor, on yeduthun [(the decrees that come upon Israel)] of Asaf, a psalm.", "\t[I shall lift] my voice to G d, and I shall cry out. [When I lift] my voice to G d, He shall pay heed to me.", "\tOn the day of my travail, I sought the L rd. My hand [i.e., my wound] oozes [putrefaction] all the night [of exile] and does not abate. My soul refuses consolation.", "\tI think upon G d [(upon His lovingkindnesses to me when I was in favor with Him)], and I make moan. I speak [(of those lovingkindnesses)], and my spirit faints forever.", "\tYou have held fast the watches of my eyes [(in this deep sleep of exile)]. I shudder and cannot speak.", "\tI think of the days of yore [(of Your lovingkindnesses to our forefathers)], of the years gone by.", "\tI remember my [Temple] songs at night [i.e., in this night of exile]. I commune with my heart, and my spirit seeks [to understand G d's ways]:", "\tWill the L rd forsake [me] forever and never again be conciliated?", "\tIs His lovingkindness ended forever? Has He irrevocably decreed [not to turn from His wrath] for all time?", "\tHas G d forgotten to be gracious? Has He closed off, in anger, His mercies forever?", "\tAnd I said: It is to frighten me [(into returning to Him)] that the right hand of the Almighty has changed [(from smiting the foe to turning back from doing so)].", "\t[When] I think upon the feats of the L rd; when I think upon Your wonders of yore,", "\tI bring to mind all of Your deeds [(that You have performed for us until now)], and I hold converse in Your acts.", "\tO G d, Your way is in holiness [i.e., to sanctify Your name in the world by exacting punishment of the wicked]. Who is a great god as G d [is]?", "\tYou are the G d who works wonders. You have made known Your might among the peoples.", "\tYou have redeemed Your people with Your [mighty] arm, the children of Jacob and Joseph together.", "\tThe waters [(of the Red Sea)] saw You, O G d. The waters saw You [and] they trembled. The depths, too, trembled.", "\tThey [the heavens] poured forth thick waters. The heavens reverberated in sound [(thunder)]; Your arrows [i.e., lightnings], too, went forth.", "\tThe voice of Your thunder was like a [rolling] wheel [(on the sea to confound the camp of Egypt)]; lightning lit up the world; the earth shook and trembled.", "\t[You made] Your way in the sea, and Your path in many waters, and Your footsteps were not seen [(the waters immediately returning upon the Egyptians)].", "\tYou led Your people as sheep, by the hand of Moses and Aaron." ], [ "\tA maskil of Asaf. Hear, my people, my Torah. Incline your ears to the words of my mouth.", "\tI shall open my mouth in parable [(words of Torah)]; I shall speak in riddles from [days of] yore,", "\twhich we heard and we knew, and which our fathers related to us.", "\tWe shall not hide it [(what they related to us)] from their sons, to the last generation relating the praises of the L rd, and His strength, and the wonders that He wrought.", "\tHe set up testimony in Jacob and placed Torah in Israel, which He commanded our fathers to make known to their sons.", "\tSo that the latest generation know [to impart it to] the sons that they beget, [and these, in turn,] arise and relate it to their sons.", "\tSo that they place their hope in G d, and not forget the deeds of the Almighty, and keep His mitzvoth.", "\tAnd so that they not be as their ancestors [(the generation of Egypt and the desert)], a deviant and rebellious generation, with unreadied heart, and spirit not trusting to G d.", "\t[Though they saw that] the men of Efraim [(who left Egypt prematurely)], [fully] armed, [skilled] archers, turned [from the enemy] in the day of battle [(having trusted to their arms instead of to the L rd [viz. I Chronicles 7:20-21])],", "\tthey did not keep the covenant of G d and refused to walk in His Torah.", "\tAnd they forgot His acts and the wonders that He showed them.", "\t[And, when the time for the redemption from Egypt arrived,] before their fathers He wrought wonders, in the land of Egypt, in the field of Tzoan. [(The patriarchs came to the Red Sea and G d showed them how He was redeeming their sons)].", "\tHe split the sea and passed them through. He stood up the waters as a heap.", "\tHe led them with a cloud by day, and all the night by the light of fire.", "\tHe split rocks in the desert [viz. Exodus 17:16] and gave them to drink out of great depths. [(Even when they walked in the midst of the salty sea, He sweetened fountains for them in the midst of the depths)].", "\tHe brought forth liquid from rock and brought down water [from the well] like rivers [(separately, to each tribe)].", "\tBut they sinned against Him even more, provoking G d on the dry land.", "\tAnd they tried the L rd in their hearts, asking food for their souls.", "\tAnd they spoke against G d, saying: Can the Almighty set a table in the desert?", "\tTrue, He smote a rock and water flowed, and streams flooded forth. But will He be able to give bread, too? Will He prepare flesh for His people?", "\tTherefore, the L rd heard, and He burned [in wrath]; as fire did He burn against Jacob. And wrath, too, rose against Israel.", "\tFor they did not believe in G d, and they did not trust in His help.", "\tBut He had [already] commanded the skies and opened the doors of heaven.", "\tAnd He had rained down upon them manna to eat, and He had given them the grain of heaven.", "\tThe bread of the mighty [(of angels)] did each man eat; food did He send them to satiety.", "\tHe moved the east wind in the skies [viz. Numbers 11:20], and He led the south wind in His strength.", "\tAnd He rained upon them flesh as the dust, and as the sands of the sea, wingèd birds.", "\tAnd He made them fall in the midst of their camp, around their dwellings.", "\tAnd they ate and were exceedingly sated, and their lust was accorded them.", "\tThey were not estranged from their lust [(all of it being satisfied)]. Their food was yet in their mouths", "\tand the wrath of the L rd rose against them; and He killed their choice ones and bowed down the youths of Israel.", "\tWith all this, they sinned yet again and did not believe in His wonders.", "\tAnd He ended their days in vanity and their years in terror.", "\tIf He slew them, then they [the remainder] sought Him, and repented, and prayed to the Almighty.", "\tThey mentioned that G d is their Rock, and the Almighty G d, their Redeemer.", "\t[In all this, however,] they appeased Him with their mouths, but with their tongues they lied to Him.", "\tTheir hearts were not [(as their mouths)] attuned to Him, and they did not trust in His covenant, [in spite of which]", "\tHe was merciful [to them] and forgave [their] sin [always] and did not destroy [them]. And He acted often to turn back His anger, and [(even if He did exact punishment of them)], He did not stir up [against them] all of His wrath,", "\tfor He remembered that they are flesh [and invested with an evil inclination], a spirit that departs [at their death] and does not return [with them at the resurrection].", "\tHow many [times] did they rebel against Him in the desert, did they grieve Him in the wasteland!", "\tThey repeatedly tried the Almighty, asked for signs from the Holy One of Israel.", "\tThey did not remember His hand on the day He redeemed them from the foe [Egypt],", "\tHis signs that He sent against Egypt, His wonders in the field of Tzoan.", "\tTurning their rivers to blood so that their waters could not be drunk.", "\tSending the mixed multitude against them, which devoured them; the frog, which destroyed them [(pulling off their testicles)].", "\tGiving their produce to the locust and their toil to the [locust] swarm.", "\tHe broke their vines with hail, and their sycamores with chanamal [(locusts)].", "\tHe delivered their beasts to the hail and their livestock to the brands.", "\tHe sent against them His burning wrath, fury, scorn, and affliction, the deputation of evil angels.", "\tHe paved a path for His wrath [(each plague performing its own mission)]. He spared not their souls from death and yielded up their bodies to the pestilence.", "\tAnd He smote all the first-born of Egypt, the first of their strength in the tents of Cham.", "\tAnd He took out His people as sheep, and led them as a flock in the desert.", "\tAnd He led them securely; they did not fear. And the sea covered their foes.", "\tAnd He brought them to the bound of His holy [habitation], to this mount [(Zion)] that His right hand acquired.", "\tAnd He drove nations away before them, and He cast [(land) lots for each tribe], as an inheritance with the [measuring] line. And He made dwell in their [(the seven nations’)] tents the tribes of Israel.", "\tAnd [(in the days of the judges)] they tried [G d] and rebelled against the Almighty G d and did not keep His testimonies.", "\tAnd they backslid and were as traitorous as their fathers. They turned [(from one direction to another)] as a deceiving bow [(which always misses the target)].", "\tAnd they angered Him with their bamoth [(sacrificial mounds)] and incited Him with their images.", "\tThe L rd heard and burned [in wrath] and He greatly despised Israel.", "\tAnd He forsook the sanctuary of Shiloh, the tent which He had inhabited among men.", "\tAnd He yielded His strength [(the ark and the tablets)] to captivity [(the Philistines)], and His glory to the hand of the foe.", "\tAnd He delivered His people to the sword and burned against His inheritance.", "\tFire [(the fire of His wrath)] devoured His youths, and His maidens knew not the bridal canopy [(their betrothed dying in battle)].", "\tHis priests [Chofni and Pinchas] fell by the sword, and his [Pinchas’s] widow could not bewail [him (viz. I Samuel 4:19)].", "\tAnd the L rd awoke as a sleeper, as a hero shouting [himself into wakefulness] from [his] wine.", "\tAnd He smote His foes from behind [(with hemorrhoids)], branding them with perpetual disgrace.", "\tAnd He spurned the tent of Joseph [(the sanctuary of Shiloh in Joseph’s portion)], and He did not choose the tribe of Efraim.", "\tBut He chose the tribe of Judah, Mount Zion, which He loved.", "\tAnd He built His Temple as [He built] the heights [(heaven and earth, viz. Isaiah 48:13)]. He founded it forever as the earth.", "\tAnd He chose David His servant [to be king] and took him from the sheep-folds.", "\tFrom behind the suckling sheep He brought him to graze His people, Jacob; His inheritance, Israel.", "\tAnd he grazed them in the innocence of his heart and led them with understanding hands." ], [ "\tA psalm of Asaf. O G d, heathens have come into Your inheritance. They have defiled Your holy sanctuary. They have laid Jerusalem in heaps.", "\tThey have made the dead bodies of Your servants food for the birds of the sky; the flesh of Your saints [(“saints” after having received their punishment)], [food] for the beasts of the earth.", "\tThey have spilled their blood as water around Jerusalem with none to bury them.", "\tWe have become an [object of] shame to our neighbors; mockery and [(derisive)] byword to those around us.", "\tHow long, O L rd? Will You be incensed forever? Will Your anger [ever] burn as fire?", "\tPour out Your wrath upon the nations which did not know You and upon the kingdoms which did not call out in Your name.", "\tFor they have devoured Jacob and laid waste his habitation.", "\tRemember not unto us our former sins. Let Your mercies quickly come before us, for we are greatly impoverished.", "\tHelp us, O G d of our salvation for the honor of Your name, and save us and atone our sins for the sake of Your name.", "\tWhy should the nations say: Where is their G d? Let there be known in the nations before our eyes the vengeance of the spilled-out blood of Your servants.", "\tLet there come before You the groaning of the fettered one. In the greatness of Your arm [i.e., Your strength], free the children of the dying one [(Israel, who dies for Your name)].", "\tAnd return to our neighbors, seven-fold into their bosoms, the shame wherewith they shamed the L rd.", "\tAnd we, Your people, the flock of Your grazing, will thank You forever. Throughout the generations we will tell Your praises." ], [ "\tFor the conductor, to the roses [(Israel)], a psalm of testimony [and prayer] of Asaf [(Asaf alluding in it to three exiles [viz. the thrice-repeated \"Return us; illumine Your face, and we will be saved\" (verses 4, 8 and 20)], and also alluding to the afflictions destined to come upon them in the days of the house of Yehu at the hands of the kings of Aram [viz. II Kings 13:7])].", "\tO, Shepherd of Israel, hear, [He] who leads Joseph [(Israel)] as [a shepherd leads] the sheep. Dweller [between] the cherubs [on the ark (viz. Exodus 25:22)], appear! [i.e., Manifest Your strength.]", "\tBefore Efraim, and Binyamin, and Menasheh [(though they not be worthy)] awake Your strength, for it befits You to save us. [Ephraim: viz. I Kings 20:3; Menasheh: viz. II Kings 13:4 and 25; Binyamin: in the days of Mordecai and Esther.]", "\tO G d, return us [(from the Babylonian exile [Mordecai was one of those exiled to Bavel])]; illumine Your face and we will be saved.", "\tO L rd, G d of hosts, how long will You fume [(with the afflictions of the Greek kings)] against the prayer of Your people?", "\tYou fed them tears for bread [(in Egypt)]. [In Bavel] You gave them a third of the tears to drink [(the exile of Bavel lasting seventy years to Egypt's two hundred and ten)].", "\tYou made us [an object of] strife to our neighbors [(Greece)], and our foes mock us.", "\tO G d of hosts, return us; illumine Your face, and we will be saved [(from Greece)].", "\tThe vine [(Israel)] that You uprooted from Egypt — You drove out [the seven] nations and planted it [there].", "\tYou cleared out [its dwellers] before it, and it took root and filled the land.", "\tIts shade covered the mountains, and its boughs were mighty cedars [i.e., mighty kings].", "\tIt sent its branches to the sea [(the Mediterranean)] and its shoots to the river [(The width of Eretz Yisrael is from the desert to the Euphrates)].", "\tWhy do You [now] breach its [the vineyard's] fences and let all of the passersby pluck its fruit?", "\t[Why should] the swine of the forest [Esav (Rome) viz. Daniel 7:7)] erode it and the creeping things of the field graze on it?", "\tO G d of hosts, return [to us] now. Look from the heavens and see, and remember this vine", "\tand the plot [Eretz Yisrael] planted by Your right hand. And [remember that] over the son [i.e., over Esav, who was a beloved son to his father Isaac], You granted dominance [to the vine of Jacob (viz. Genesis 40:13)].", "\t[And that vine is now] burnt in fire [and] cut off, going lost in the rebuke of Your countenance.", "\tLet Your hand be upon the man of Your right hand [(upon Esav, slated for vengeance with Your right hand)], [and] upon the son of man whom You granted dominance [(Jacob) to establish his habitation in the fat of the land].", "\tAnd do not [cause us] to turn back from You. Give us life [(from the exile)], and [then] we will call upon Your name.", "\tO L rd, G d of hosts, return us; illumine Your face and we will be saved. [Here: \"L rd, G d of hosts\"; verse 8: \"G d of hosts\"; verse 4: \"G d\" (each exile being more severe than the preceding one)]" ], [ "\tFor the conductor, on the gitith [a type of instrument], [a psalm] of Asaf.", "\tSing to the G d of our strength; blow [the shofar on Rosh Hashanah] to the G d of Jacob.", "\tLift [your voices in] song, and sound the timbrel, the sweet lyre and the harp.", "\tBlow the shofar in the renewal [of the moon], at the appointed time for the day of our festival [Rosh Hashanah].", "\tFor it [the blowing of the shofar on Rosh Hashanah] is a statute unto Israel, [a day of] judgment for the G d of Jacob.", "\tTestimony [(to Rosh Hashanah)] in Yehosef He placed, when he went forth [from prison to rule] over the land of Egypt [(Joseph being released from prison on Rosh Hashanah)]. [Joseph says:] A language I did not know I will [now] understand [(the angel Gabriel teaching him seventy tongues)].", "\t[G d says:] I removed his shoulder from toil; his hands are freed from the [(Egyptian slave labor of the)] cauldron [i.e., cooking].", "\tIn affliction you [Israel] called, and I rescued you. I answered you [though you called] secretly, in thunder, [(openly manifesting My might)], [though] it was clear to Me [(that you would rebel against Me] at the waters of Merivah, Selah.", "\t[(Having done all this for you, it is fitting that you)] hearken unto Me, My people, and I shall exhort you. [(You are my people)] Israel, if you hearken unto Me.", "\tLet there by no strange god unto you, and do not bow down to a foreign god.", "\tI am the L rd your G d who brought you up from the land of Egypt; open wide your mouth [i.e., ask whatever you like], and I shall fill it.", "\tBut My people did not hearken to My voice; Israel did not wish [to heed] Me.", "\tAnd I sent them after the visions of their hearts; let them follow their counsels!", "\tWould [(even now)] that My people would listen to Me, that Israel would walk in My ways!", "\tIn but a short while I would have humbled their foes and turned My hand [i.e., My blows, from them] upon their oppressors.", "\t[And then] the foes of the L rd would deny [(their atrocities)] to Him [(in terror of retribution)] and their time [(of retribution)] would endure forever.", "\tAnd He would feed them [Israel] from the fat of the wheat, and [say to them:] \"From the rock I will sate you with honey.\"" ], [ "\tA psalm of Asaf. G d stands in the congregation of the Almighty. In the midst of the judges does He judge [(to see if they will judge in accordance with the truth)].", "\t[And you, (you judges,)] until when will you judge wrongly, and the face of the wicked ever favor?", "\tJudge the poor and the orphaned. Vindicate the pauper and the impoverished one [in his litigation with the wealthy one, if justice so dictates].", "\tRescue the poor and the destitute; save them from the hand of the wicked.", "\tThey [(the judges who pervert justice)] would not know and would not understand [that because of this sin] they walk in darkness and all the earth's foundations totter.", "\tI said [(when I gave you the Torah that)] you are [all like] angels [i.e., immortal], that you are all heavenly creatures.", "\tBut, as Adam you will die [(having perverted your ways as he did)], and as one of the [first] princes will you fall." ], [ "\tA song, a psalm of Asaf.", "\tO G d, do not remain silent [(to our abuses, wherein our enemies abuse us)]. Let the Almighty not be mute nor still.", "\tFor Your foes are tumultuous; Your haters have raised their heads.", "\tThey have been subtle in counsel against Your people. They have plotted against Your hidden ones [(Israel)].", "\tThey have said: Let us go and cut them off from [being] a nation; let the name of Israel be mentioned no more.", "\tFor they have taken heart-counsel together; they have entered into a covenant against You. [(You being known as \"the G d of Israel,\" if they go lost, Your great name will not be mentioned.)]", "\tThe tents of Edom and the Ishmaelites, Moav and the Hagrites.", "\tGeval, Ammon, and Amalek, Plasheth and the inhabitants of Tzor.", "\tAshur, too, [(who in the past avoided rash counsels)] joined them. They were [ever] a [mighty] arm to the sons of Lot [i.e., they abetted our neighbors, Ammon and Moav, in attacking us].", "\tDo to them as [You did] to Midian [(through Gideon)]; to Sisra and to Yavin in the river-bed of Kishon [(through Barak)].", "\tThey were destroyed in Ein Dor; they were as dung on the ground.", "\tMake their princes as ravens and wolves; and as Zevach and Tzalmuna [(princes of Midian slain by Gideon)] all of their lords.", "\tBecause they said: Let us inherit for ourselves the habitation of G d [i.e., the Temple].", "\tO G d, make them as thistles, as stubble before the wind.", "\tAs a fire burning the forest, as a flame lighting up the mountains.", "\tThus pursue them with Your tempest, confound them with Your whirlwind.", "\tFill their faces with shame, till they seek Your name, O L rd.", "\tThey will be shamed and confounded forever; they will be abashed and go lost.", "\tAnd [then all] will know that Your name alone is \"L rd,\" that You are supreme over all the earth." ], [ "\tFor the conductor, on the gitith, of the sons of Korach, a psalm.", "\tHow beloved are Your dwellings, O L rd of hosts!", "\tMy soul desires and longs for the [(destroyed)] courts of the L rd. My heart and flesh sing [i.e., pray for their restoration] to the living G d.", "\tEven a bird found a home [there in the ruins], and a swallow, a nest for itself, placing her fledglings upon Your altars, O L rd of hosts, my King and my G d.", "\tHappy those who [will yet] dwell in Your house [and] who will praise You again, forever.", "\tHappy the man whose strength is in You, who [contemplates the straightening of his] ways in his heart.", "\tThe transgressors in the vale of tears [(Gehinnom)] will make it a pool [with their weeping], while covering the \"Teacher\" with blessings [(saying: \"Righteously did He judge us and righteous is His judgment!\")]", "\tThey [(\"who dwell in Your house, etc.\")] will go from strength to strength [(from the study hall to the house of prayer) and] they will appear before G d in Zion.", "\tO L rd, G d of hosts, hearken to my prayer [(to rebuild Your Temple)]; listen, G d of Jacob, forever.", "\tOur shield [i.e., the Temple], see [and remember], O G d, and regard the countenance of Your anointed one [(David, i.e., give heart to his efforts towards the building of the Temple)].", "\tFor better a day in Your courts [(and death the next day)] than [living] a thousand [years elsewhere]. I have chosen to sit on the threshold of the house of my G d rather than dwell [in luxury] in the tents of the wicked.", "\tFor sun and shield is the L rd G d. The L rd will grant grace and glory. He will not withhold good from those who walk in innocence.", "\tO L rd of hosts, happy is the man who trusts in You!" ], [ "\tFor the conductor, of the sons of Korach, a psalm.", "\tYou would conciliate, O L rd, Your land [(and Your world would be conciliated) if] You returned the captivity of Jacob", "\t[and] You forgave the transgression of Your people [and] You concealed all of their sins forever", "\t[and] You gathered in all of Your wrath [and] You turned from Your burning wrath.", "\t[So turn and] return us, O G d of our salvation, and annul Your anger against us.", "\tWill You be angry with us forever? Will Your wrath stretch out throughout the generations?", "\tWill You not [in the end] return and give us life [(as You have assured us through Your prophets)], and will Your people not rejoice in You?", "\t[Therefore,] show us [swiftly], O L rd, Your lovingkindness, and confer Your salvation upon us.", "\tLet me [merit to] hear what the Almighty L rd speaks when He speaks peace to His people and to His saints, and let them not return to their folly.", "\tVery close to those who fear Him is His salvation, to reposit glory in our land.", "\tLovingkindness and truth have met [i.e., When Israel speak truth, lovingkindness will greet them from heaven.] Righteousness and peace have kissed [i.e., the reward of righteousness will be peace (viz. Isaiah 32:17)].", "\t[When] truth sprouts from the earth [(i.e., When Israel speaks truth], righteousness [(the righteousness that they perform on earth)] will be reflected from heaven.", "\tThe L rd, too, will give good [(He will open His heavenly treasure trove to give rain)] and our land will give forth its produce.", "\tRighteousness will go before Him, and He will place [righteousness] in the way of His steps [(wherein He leads His children)]." ], [ "\tA prayer of David. Incline, O L rd, Your ear, and answer me; for I am poor and destitute.", "\tGuard my soul for I am saintly [(remaining silent to insult and abuse though I have the power to avenge myself)]. Help Your servant (You, my G d), who trusts in You.", "\tBe gracious unto me, O L rd, for unto You do I call all the day.", "\tRejoice the soul of Your servant, for unto You, O L rd, do I lift my soul [i.e., direct my heart].", "\tFor You, O L rd, are good and forgiving, and profuse in lovingkindness to all who call upon You.", "\tHear, O L rd, my prayer, and give ear to the voice of my supplications.", "\tI call You in the day of my distress, [confident] that You will answer me.", "\tThere is none like You among the heavenly ones, O L rd, and there are none like Your deeds.", "\tAll the nations that You made will come and bow down before You, O L rd, and they will give honor to Your name.", "\tFor You are great and perform wonders, You, G d, alone. [(Heaven and earth were created before the angels were created, wherefore the nations will honor Your name alone (as the Creator, and not theirs)].", "\tTeach me, O L rd, Your ways, so that I may walk in Your truth. Make my heart one, in fear of Your name.", "\tI shall thank You, O L rd my G d, with all of my heart, and I shall extol Your name forever.", "\tFor Your lovingkindness is great upon me, and You have rescued my soul from the nether sheol [(whither adulterers are relegated) by removing my transgression [with Bathsheva, viz. II Samuel 12:13].", "\tO G d, evil-doers have arisen against me, and the assembly of the arrogant have sought my soul and not placed You [i.e., Your fear] before their faces.", "\tAnd You, O L rd, are a merciful and gracious G d, withholding wrath and profuse in lovingkindness and in truth.", "\tTurn to me and be gracious unto me; give Your strength to Your servant and save the son of Your maidservant [(who humbles himself even more than a bought servant)].", "\tSet up for me a sign of good, and let my foes see it and be abashed; for You, O L rd, have [ever] helped me and consoled me." ], [ "\tOf the sons of Korach, a psalm, a song founded on the holy mountains [Zion and Jerusalem].", "\tThe L rd loves the gates of Zion more than all the habitations of Jacob.", "\tGlories were spoken of you [by G d, Jerusalem] — [that] you are the city of G d forever.", "\t[(And He spoke this, too:)] I shall put Egypt and Bavel in mind of My beloved [(to bring them as a gift to the L rd in Jerusalem. viz. Isaiah 66:20)]; likewise, Plesheth, Tzor and Kush, [(saying, as they bring them:)] \"This one was born there.\" [viz. Isaiah 27:12].", "\tAnd to Zion it will be said of each one that he was born in her [and is being returned]. And He shall establish it as supreme [over all the cities].", "\tIn time to come, [when] the L rd inscribes the [idolatrous] peoples [for destruction], He will count [the Jews swallowed up amongst them, and, taking them from their midst, will say:] \"This one was born there.\" [viz. Isaiah 66:21]", "\tAnd revelers will sing [thereupon]: \"All of my innards are with You!\" [i.e., with Your salvation.]" ], [ "\tA song, a psalm of the sons of Korach, for the conductor, on the sick [(with love)] and the afflicted [(with the afflictions of exile)], a maskil for [rendition by] Heman the Ezrachite.", "\tO L rd, G d of my salvation, I cried out [to You all] day, [and] at night [I am readied with prayer] before You.", "\tLet my prayer come before You; incline Your ear to my song.", "\tFor my [(Israel's)] soul has been sated with ills and [the days of] my life have reached unto Sheol.", "\tI have been reckoned as those who descend to the pit. I have been as a man without strength.", "\t[I am reckoned] among the dead, who are free [(of the world)], as the slain, inhabitants of the grave, whom You did not yet remember [(with the resurrection)], who are cut off [(from the world)] by [the blows of] Your hand.", "\tYou have placed me in the nethermost pit [(the exile)], in the darkness and the depths.", "\tYour wrath has rested upon me and You have afflicted me forever with all of Your breakers.", "\tYou have removed my companions from me. You have made me despicable to them [(to the peoples, who heretofore had held me in esteem)]. [I am imprisoned and cannot go out.]", "\tMy eye is sad with affliction. I have called You, O L rd, every day; I have spread out my palms before You.", "\tWould you work wonders for the dead! [(i.e., for the wicked, who are called \"dead\" in their lifetimes)] Will the shades [(refa'im, those who \"weakened\" [ripu] their hands from Torah)] arise and praise You forever?", "\t[(If we perish at the hands of our enemies)] will Your lovingkindnesses be told in the grave? Your faithfulness in the waste [(i.e., in the grave)]?", "\tWill Your wonders be known in the darkness [i.e., the grave]? Your righteousness in the land of forgetfulness?", "\tHave I not cried out to You, O L rd? Has my prayer not come before You each morning?", "\tWhy, O L rd, do You abandon my soul [to the foe]? [Why do] You conceal Your countenance from me?", "\tI am afflicted and expiring in suffocation; Your fright has been resident [within me].", "\tYour ire has passed over me; Your terrors have cut me off.", "\tThey encircle me like water all of the day; they encompass me together.", "\tYou have removed from me lover and friend; my companions have darkened [i.e., they have faded from me]." ], [ "\tA maskil of Eitan the Ezrachite.", "\tI shall eternally sing the lovingkindnesses of the L rd. Through all the generations I shall make known Your faithfulness [(to Your word)] with my mouth.", "\tFor I said: Forever will [the throne of David] be built up [with] lovingkindness [viz. II Samuel 7:13]. Your faithfulness will be as firmly established as the heavens.", "\t[(And this is the lovingkindness:)] I have made a covenant for My chosen one; I have sworn to David, My servant.", "\tI shall establish your children [(for kingdom)] forever. I have built up your throne for all generations, forever.", "\tAnd [(in keeping Your word)], the heavens will acknowledge Your wonder, O L rd], also Your faithfulness [i.e., the faithfulness of Your words] in the congregation of the holy ones [(Israel)].", "\tFor who in the heavens can be compared to the L rd, can be likened to the L rd among the sons of the mighty?", "\tHe is a mighty G d in the great council of the holy ones [(the angels)] and fearful over all who surround Him.", "\tO L rd, G d of hosts, who is like You? [You,] the L rd, are mighty, and Your faithfulness encompasses You.", "\tYou rule over the pride of the sea. When its waves are uplifted, You lower them.", "\tYou broke the Egyptians as the slain [are broken]. With the arm of Your might You scattered Your foes.", "\tYours are the heavens. Yours, too, is the earth. The world and all that fills it — You founded them.", "\tNorth and south, You created them. Tavor and Chermon shall sing in Your name.", "\tYour arm [is stretched out] with strength. You strengthen Your hand; You lift up Your right hand.", "\t[Not strength, however, but] righteousness and justice is the foundation of Your throne. Lovingkindness and truth will precede Your countenance [in the governance of the world].", "\tHappy are the people who know teruah [(the shofar blast) i.e., who know how to conciliate their Creator on Rosh Hashanah with teruah, the matrix of malchuyoth (Dominion), zichronoth (Remembrance) and shofaroth].", "\tIn [the salvation of] Your name they will rejoice all the day, and in Your righteousness they will be uplifted.", "\tFor You are the glory of their strength, and in Your conciliation our horn will be exalted.", "\tFor [our estate was thus elevated] when our shields [i.e., our kings] were the L rd's [i.e., G d fearing] and our kings [were dedicated] to the G d of Israel.", "\tThen You spoke in a vision to Your saintly ones [(Nathan the prophet and Gad the seer)], and You said: I have placed saving [(to abet him always)] upon the strong one [David]; I have elevated the select one from among the people.", "\tI have found David, My servant; I have anointed him with My holy oil.", "\tMy hand will be established with him [to aid him]; My arm, too, shall strengthen him.", "\tThe foe will not [strengthen itself over him to] be as a creditor to him, and a doer of wrong will not afflict him.", "\tAnd I shall cut off his oppressors from his face and I shall send a plague upon his foes.", "\tMy faith and lovingkindness shall be [forever] with him, and through My name his horn shall be exalted.", "\tI shall place his hand [i.e., rule] over the seas, and his right hand over the rivers.", "\tHe shall call me: \"You are my Father, my G d and the rock of my salvation.\"", "\tI, likewise, shall grant him greatness, [making him] supreme above the kings of the earth.", "\tI shall observe My lovingkindness with him forever and My covenant shall be faithful to him.", "\tAnd I shall make his children [rule thus] forever, and their throne as the days of the heavens.", "\t[But,] if his sons forsake My Torah and do not walk in My judgments,", "\tif they desecrate My statutes and do not keep My mitzvoth,", "\tthen I shall remove [their kingdom] through the rod [of chastisement] for their offenses, and through plagues for their transgressions [viz. II Samuel 7:14].", "\t[But] I shall not [eternally] remove my lovingkindness from him and I shall not belie my trust, [for the kingdom shall revert to his children in the days of the Messiah.]", "\tI shall not desecrate My covenant and I shall not change the utterance of My lips.", "\tOne [(unique)] oath have I sworn in My holiness. Forefend that I lie to David!", "\tHis children shall be [kings] forever, and his throne as the sun before Me.", "\tAs the moon, they will be established forever, [the sun and the moon being] witness in the heavens [(that David's kingdom will endure as long as they do)], faithful forever.", "\tAnd You have [(now, because of his children's transgression,)] abandoned and despised [(the Davidic kingdom [in the days of Tzidkiyahu])]. You have been wroth with Your anointed one.", "\tYou have nullified the covenant of Your servant; You have desecrated his crown unto the ground.", "\tYou have breached all of his fences [(that he built in Jerusalem)]. You have caused his strongholds [(the Temple Mount and the fortress of Zion)] to be broken.", "\tThey have been trodden down by all the passersby; he was a shame to his neighbors.", "\tYou have raised the right hand of his oppressors; You have caused all of his foes to rejoice.", "\tYou have turned back, too, the sharpness of his sword, and You did not sustain him in the battle.", "\tYou have cut off his splendor and You have cast his throne to the ground.", "\tYou have shortened the days of his youth and decked him with shame forever.", "\tHow long, O L rd, [shall we remain in exile]? Will You conceal Yourself forever? Will Your wrath burn as fire?", "\tI am conscious of the shortness of my days. [i.e., Does it not suffice that You exact punishment of me in my dying young?] Why did You create all men in vain [if they will not live long enough to witness Your salvation]?", "\tWho is the man that will live [eternally] and not see death, who will rescue his soul from the pit forever?", "\tWhere are Your first lovingkindnesses, O L rd, that You swore to David in Your faith?", "\tRemember, O L rd, the shame of Your servants, my bearing in my bosom [(in exile the burdens of)] all the many peoples.", "\t[the peoples] who shamed — Your foes, O L rd — the footsteps [i.e., the coming] of Your anointed one [the Messiah].", "\t[(But though I bewail the delay of the salvation,)] Blessed is the L rd forever — Amen, Amen." ], [ "\tA prayer of Moses, the man [i.e., the prophet] of G d. O L rd, You were an abode [(i.e., a shelter)] to us throughout the generations.", "\tBefore the mountains were born and the earth and the world were formed, and from [the first] world until [the last] world, You are the Almighty.", "\tYou turn a man to the crushing point [with afflictions], saying: \"Repent, sons of man!\"", "\tFor a thousand years [(a man's life span at the creation)] in Your eyes are as yesterday's day which has [already passed], and [i.e., in addition to] a watch in the night.", "\tTheir flooding [i.e., the \"snatching away\" of those thousand years of a man's life and condensing them to seventy [(see verse 10)] are like a sleep [(The seventy years of the Babylonian exile are like a sleep [viz. Psalms 126:1)]. [One who is born at night] passes away like the grass [at the end of his \"dream\"].", "\t[And if] in the morning he blossoms, he [immediately] passes away; in the evening he withers and dries up.", "\t[And with all this,] we have been consumed in Your wrath and confounded in Your ire.", "\tYou have placed our transgressions before You [for retribution], [the sins of] our youth before the [\"searching\"] light of Your countenance.", "\tFor all of our days have passed in Your wrath. We have consumed our years as a [fleeting] utterance.", "\tThe days of our years [(in our transgressions and in the sins of our youth)] are seventy years, and (if) with increase, eighty years. And all of their \"pride\" is toil and vanity, for they quickly pass and we are fled [(in the midst of the wrath)].", "\t[In these \"few days,\"] who can [acquire a heart to] know the strength of Your might [and fear You accordingly]? And [You,] as You are fearful, [so is the intensity of] Your wrath!", "\t[As in the beginning, so now,] apprise [us of the increase of] the number of our days, so that we may bring [to our days] a heart of wisdom.", "\tTurn, O L rd [from Your wrath]. How long [will You rage]? And repent Yourself [to think favorably] of Your servants.", "\tSate us in the \"morning\" [of the redemption] with Your lovingkindness, and we will sing [Your praises] and rejoice in all [of the afflictions that we suffered in] our [dark] days.", "\tCause us to rejoice [(in the days of the Messiah)] as [the number of] the days of our affliction, as [the number of] years in which we saw evil.", "\tMay Your acts [of redemption] be witnessed by Your servants, and [let] Your glory [repose] upon their children.", "\tAnd may the pleasantness of the L rd our G d [(His shechinah and His consolations)] be upon us. And establish the work of our hands [(the tabernacle)] upon us [(that the shechinah reside therein)], and the work of our hands [(in our daily lives)] establish it [(that blessing repose upon it)]." ], [ "\tHe who dwells in the covert of the Most High will find repose [i.e., shelter] in the shade of the Almighty.", "\tI shall say of the L rd [(so that all emulate me)]: \"He is my shelter and my stronghold, the G d in whom I trust.\"", "\tFor He will rescue you [(who take shelter in Him)] from the snaring net, from the breaking plague.", "\tWith His pinions shall He shield you, and beneath His wings shall you be sheltered; shield and buckler are His truth.", "\tYou will not fear the terrors of the night, the arrow [(a demon)] that flies by day,", "\tthe pestilence [(a demon)] ravaging the night, the havoc [(a demon)] raging at noon.", "\t[Though] a thousand camp at your left and ten thousand at your right, to you shall it [(no one of them)] come near [to harm you].", "\tOnly with your eyes will you look on, and you will behold the retribution of the wicked.", "\t[And why all this?] For you [have said:] \"The L rd is my shelter.\" [For] you have made the Most High your abode.", "\tEvil shall not befall you, and plague shall not approach your tent.", "\tFor His angels shall He appoint unto you to guard you in all of your ways.", "\tUpon [their] wings shall they bear you lest your feet stumble on a stone.", "\tOn lion and serpent shall you step; you shall tread down lion and reptile.", "\tFor [(the L rd will say:)] His desire was in Me and I shall rescue him; I shall exalt him, for he knew My name.", "\tHe will call Me and I will answer him. I shall be with him in affliction. I will rescue him, and I will glorify him.", "\tI will sate him with length of days, and I will show him My salvation." ], [ "\tA psalm, a song [(sung by the Levites)] for the Sabbath day [(the world to come, which is all \"Sabbath\")].", "\tIt is good to thank the L rd and to sing Your exalted name.", "\tTo tell Your lovingkindness in the \"morning\" [(at the redemption)] and Your trust at night [(in the darkness of the exile)].", "\tOn ten-stringed harp and psaltery, on viol [-accompanied] voice.", "\tFor You have joyed me, O L rd, in Your deeds; the work of Your hands will I sing.", "\tHow great are Your works, O L rd! Exceeding profound are Your thoughts!", "\tAn empty man will not know, and a fool will not comprehend this —", "\t When the wicked sprout as grass and all the doers of iniquity flourish, it is so that they be destroyed for all eternity [(G d paying them to their faces to destroy them in the end)].", "\tAnd You are exalted [in all of Your judgments] forever, O L rd, [all vindicating Your justice].", "\tFor behold Your foes, O L rd; for behold Your foes, all lost — scattered, all the doers of iniquity!", "\tBut You have exalted my horn as [that of] the re'em [(a majestic beast)], anointing me in fragrant oil [(of dominion)].", "\tMy eye has seen [the downfall] of those who eye me [for evil]. Of the wicked who rise against me, my ears have heard [(from behind the \"Divine Curtain\") that they will not be able to destroy us].", "\tThe righteous one shall be fruitful as the date-palm. As the cedar in Levanon [(which renews its trunk)] shall he tower.", "\tPlanted [shall they be] in the house of the L rd; in the courts of our G d will they flourish.", "\tThey will bloom even more in [their] old age. Fertile and fresh will they be.", "\tTo tell that the L rd is just. He is my rock; there is no wrong in Him." ], [ "\t[In the future they will say:] The L rd reigns; He is clothed with majesty. The L rd has girded Himself in strength. The world, too, will be [well] founded, not to fall.", "\tYour throne is established of old; You are [i.e., You exist] from all eternity.", "\tThe rivers [i.e., the nations] have lifted, O L rd; the rivers have lifted their voices [in outcry against You]. The rivers will [always] lift their depths [to vaunt themselves against You].", "\t[But I know that] more than the voices of the many waters, the mighty breakers of the sea, mighty on high is the L rd [and He will overpower them].", "\tYour testimonies [by the words of the prophets] concerning [the rebuilding of] Your house, the habitation of [Your] holiness, are extremely faithful, O L rd, [and Your people await their materialization] through the length of days." ], [ "\tA G d of vengeance is the L rd; O G d of vengeance, shine forth.", "\tBe exalted, Judge of the earth; return recompense to the haughty!", "\tHow long will the wicked — O L rd — how long will the wicked rejoice?", "\t[How long] will they speak, uttering arrogance? [How long] will they vaunt themselves, all the workers of iniquity?", "\tYour people, O L rd, they break; Your inheritance, they afflict.", "\tThey kill widow and stranger [i.e., proselyte] and they murder orphans.", "\tAnd they say: The L rd will not see; the G d of Jacob will not understand.", "\tUnderstand, you brutish among the people. Fools, when will you be wise?", "\tThe planter of the ear — Will He not hear [the outcry of His people]? The former of the eye — Will He not see [their pain]?", "\tThe reprover of nations — Will He not chastise [you]? The teacher of knowledge to man — [Will He not hold you accountable for this knowledge?]", "\tThe L rd knows the thoughts of man [i.e., your presumptions to the crown] — [know] that they are vanity.", "\tHappy is the man [i.e., the tzaddikim] whom You afflict [at their hands], O L rd, and whom You teach from Your Torah [i.e., who occupy themselves with Torah and mitzvoth in spite of their afflictions.]", "\tTo grant him peace from days of evil [(afflictions sparing them Gehinnom)], while a pit is dug for the wicked.", "\tFor the L rd will not forsake His people and He will not abandon His inheritance.", "\tFor until righteousness [is attained (i.e., until they are purged)] judgment [i.e., afflictions] will return, and afterwards, all the just of heart [will gather for reward].", "\tWho [i.e., Whose merit] will arise for me against the evildoers? Who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?", "\tWere the L rd not a help to me, in but a short while my soul would dwell in silence.", "\tWhen I am about to say my foot has failed, the lovingkindness of the L rd sustains me.", "\tIn the welter of my [(troubled)] thoughts within me, Your consolations restore my soul.", "\tWill the throne of wrong be joined to You? the fashioning of deceit into statute?", "\tThey gather in troops against the soul of the righteous one and condemn innocent blood.", "\tBut the L rd was a stronghold to me; my G d, the rock of my shelter.", "\tAnd He turned their violence upon them. And by their [very] evil He will cut them off. The L rd our G d will cut them off." ], [ "\tLet us go and sing to the L rd. Let us shout to the rock of our salvation.", "\tLet us greet Him with thanksgiving. Let us shout to Him in song.", "\tFor a great G d is the L rd, and a great King over all the heavenly ones.", "\tIn His hand are the recesses of the earth, and the peaks of mountains are His.", "\tHis is the sea; He made it. And His hands fashioned the dry land.", "\tCome, let us prostate ourselves and bow; let us kneel before the L rd who made us.", "\tFor He is our G d, and we, the people of His grazing and the flock of His hand — today [(in this world)], if you but hearken to His voice.", "\tDo not harden your hearts as [you did] in Merivah; as [you did in] the day of Massah in the desert.", "\tWhere your fathers tried Me [in vain], even [after] they had seen My [wondrous] deeds [in Egypt].", "\tForty years did I wrangle with [this] generation [of the desert (to cause them to perish there)]. For I said: They are a people of straying hearts and they did not know My ways.", "\tWherefore, I swore in My wrath: They shall not come to My rest [Eretz Yisrael and Jerusalem (viz. 132:14)]." ], [ "\t[(a psalm for time to come)] Sing to the L rd a new song; sing to the L rd of all the earth.", "\tSing to the L rd; bless His name. Relate from day to day His [(ever-renewed)] salvation.", "\tTell of His glory among the nations; among all the peoples, of His wonders.", "\tFor great is the L rd and greatly praised; He is awesome above all in heaven.", "\tFor all the gods of the peoples are vain, and the L rd created the heavens.", "\tMajesty and glory [go] before Him, strength and beauty in His holy place.", "\tAccord to the L rd, you families of the peoples, accord to the L rd glory and strength.", "\tAccord to the L rd the glory of His name; raise an offering and come to His courts.", "\tBow down to the L rd in the splendor of holiness [i.e., the Temple]; tremble before Him, all of the earth.", "\tSay in the nations: \"The L rd reigns!\" You have also founded the world that it not give way. He judges the peoples [(who accede to His sway)] in justness [i.e., in the scales of merit].", "\tThe heavens will rejoice and the earth regale; the sea will thunder and the fulness thereof [(It will reverberate His praise)].", "\tThe fields will rejoice and all that is in them; then, all the trees of the forest [(the rulers of the nations)] will sing.", "\tBefore the L rd, for He comes; for He comes to judge the earth. He will judge the world in righteousness and peoples in His truth." ], [ "\t[When] the L rd rules [(when He takes the kingdom from Amalek and his seed)], the earth will regale [viz. Ezekiel 35:14]; the many isles will rejoice.", "\tCloud and mist surround Him; righteousness and judgment are the grounding of His throne.", "\tFire will go before Him and burn His foes roundabout [(in the war of Gog and Magog, viz. Ezekiel 38:22)].", "\tHis lightnings shall illumine the world; the earth shall see and tremble [(At that time there will be a great earthquake in the land of Israel, viz. Ezekiel 38:19)].", "\tThe mountains shall melt like wax before the L rd [viz. Ezekiel 38:20], before the L rd of all the earth.", "\tThe heavens shall declare His righteousness and all the peoples shall behold His glory.", "\tAll the servers of images will be ashamed [viz. Isaiah 2:18], who vaunt themselves in vanities [(idol worship)]; all the great ones will bow down to Him.", "\tZion will hear and she will rejoice, and the daughters of Judah will regale, because of Your judgments [(Your vengeance)], O L rd.", "\tFor You, O L rd, are supreme above all the earth. You are greatly exalted over all the great ones.", "\tO You lovers of the L rd, hate evil! The Keeper of the souls of His saints will rescue them from the hand of the wicked.", "\tLight is sown [(and will sprout)] for the righteous, and for the just of heart, joy.", "\tRejoice, you righteous, in the L rd, and praise the remembrance of His holiness." ], [ "\tA psalm [(All of these are for the future)]. Sing to the L rd a new song, for He has wrought wonders. His right hand and His holy arm have saved him [(Israel)].", "\tThe L rd made [known] His salvation [through the prophets; and now,] before the eyes of the nations, He has revealed His righteousness.", "\tHe remembered His lovingkindness and His trust to the house of Israel. All the ends of the earth saw the salvation of our G d.", "\tShout to the L rd, all the earth! Break forth, and rejoice, and sing!", "\tMake song to the L rd with the lyre; with the lyre and the voice of song.", "\tWith trumpets and the sound of the shofar, sound forth before the King, the L rd.", "\tLet the sea thunder and its fulness; the world and the dwellers therein.", "\tLet the rivers clap hands; let the mountains rejoice together.", "\tBefore the L rd, for He comes to judge the earth. He will judge the world in righteousness and peoples in justness." ], [ "\tThe L rd reigns — peoples will tremble [(in the war of Gog and Magog viz. Zechariah 14:12)]. [Before] the Sitter [above the] cherubs, the earth will totter.", "\tThe L rd is great in Zion and exalted above all the peoples.", "\t[All] will praise Your name, great and awesome — it is holy.", "\tAnd [they will praise] the strength of the King who loves justice. You have founded justness [(compromise leading to peace)]. You have wrought justice and righteousness in Jacob.", "\tExalt the L rd our G d and bow down to His footstool [the Temple], for He is holy.", "\tMoses and Aaron among His priests, and Samuel among the callers of His name, called to the L rd and He answered them.", "\tIn a pillar of cloud He spoke to them for having kept His testimonies and the statute [that] He gave to them.", "\tO L rd our G d, You answered them. You were a forgiving G d to them [(for the sins of Israel)], yet You avenged their misdeeds [(Moses, viz. Numbers 20:10; Samuel died young for not having guided his sons properly.)]", "\tExalt the L rd our G d and bow down to the mountain of His holiness [i.e., the Temple on Mount Moriah], for holy is the L rd our G d [(By being exacting with the righteous, He is sanctified in the world.)]" ], [ "\tA psalm of thanksgiving [(to be recited over the thanksgiving offerings)]. Shout unto the L rd all the earth.", "\tServe the L rd in joy; come before Him in song", "\tKnow [i.e., knowing] that the L rd, He is G d, [(rewarding those who serve Him, unlike the \"gods\" of the idolators)]. He made us and we are His, His people and the flock of His grazing.", "\tEnter His gates with [an offering of] thanksgiving; His courts with praise. Praise Him; bless His name.", "\tFor the L rd is good. His lovingkindness is forever, and His faithfulness [to His word] through the generations." ], [ "\tOf David, a psalm. I shall sing Your justice [(\"Blessed is the righteous Judge\")] as well as [Your] lovingkindness [(\"Blessed is the Good and the Doer of good\")]. [In either event,] to You, O L rd, shall I sing.", "\tI shall set my heart upon the way of purity — When shall it come to me [to walk upon it]? I shall walk in the innocence of my heart in the midst of my house [i.e., privately as well as in public].", "\tI shall not set before my eyes the work of the faithless one. I have hated the working of perversity; it shall not cleave unto me.", "\tThe perverse heart shall depart from me; I shall not know evil.", "\tHe who slanders his friend in secret, him shall I cut off. The haughty of eye and the broad of heart [i.e., the lustful one], him shall I not endure [(as a friend, so that I not learn from his ways)].", "\tMy eyes are upon the faithful of the land, to sit with me. He who walks in the way of purity, he shall serve me.", "\tThe worker of deceit shall not sit in the midst of my house. The speaker of lies shall not be suffered before my eyes.", "\tIn the mornings [i.e., day by day] I shall cut off all the wicked of the land [(the wicked of Israel who are liable to the death penalty)], to cut off from the city of the L rd all workers of iniquity." ], [ "\tA prayer for the poor one [(Israel in exile)], enwrapped [in woe], and before the L rd pouring out his plaint.", "\tO L rd, hear my prayer, and let my outcry come to You.", "\tDo not conceal Your face from me. On the day of my distress incline Your ear to me. Quickly, answer me.", "\tFor my [happy] days have ended as with smoke, and my bones are dried up as the hearth.", "\tSmitten as the grass and dried up is my heart, for I have forgotten [in my affliction] to eat my bread.", "\tWith the sound of my sighing, my bones have cleaved to my flesh.", "\t[(In banishment to exile)] I have become like the k'ath [(a wailing bird)] of the desert; I have become like the koss [a bird] of the wasteland.", "\tI have contemplated myself; I have become like a lone bird on a roof.", "\tMy foes have shamed me all the day; my mockers have sworn by me [(as a byword for affliction)].", "\tFor I have eaten dust as bread, and I have mixed my drink with tears.", "\tBecause of Your scorn and Your wrath; for You lifted me [to the heavens] and You cast me down [to the earth].", "\tMy days are like a lengthening [and disappearing] shadow, and I am withered as the grass.", "\tBut You, O L rd, who endure forever, and Your remembrance for all generations, [(and who swore by Yourself to preserve us)] —", "\tRise! Have pity upon Zion. For it is time to grace it; for the season has arrived [viz. Deuteronomy 32:36].", "\tFor Your servants have desired [(even)] her stones, and her dust has found favor with them.", "\tThen, [(when You save Your people)] the nations will fear the name of the L rd, and all the kings of the earth, Your glory.", "\tWhen [they see that] the L rd has built Zion [and] appeared [there] in His glory.", "\tHe has turned to the prayer of the crier [i.e., he who has cried out], and He did not despise their prayer.", "\t[(Thus will say the seers of the salvation:)] Let this [salvation] be inscribed for the last generation, and let the [newly] created people [(those who have emerged from darkness to light)] praise the L rd.", "\tFor He has looked from the heights of His holiness; the L rd has looked down from heaven to earth [(to see the affliction of His people)].", "\tTo hear the groans of the bound; to undo the bonds of [His] dying sons.", "\tSo that the name of the L rd be told in Zion, and His praise in Jerusalem.", "\tWhen peoples gather together, and kingdoms to serve the L rd.", "\t[(reversion to verse 11)] He [the foe] has straitened my strength in the way [i.e., in exile]; he has shortened my days.", "\tI say [to the L rd: You are] my G d. Do not remove me [from the world] in the half of my days, [(our \"days\" being)] all the generations of Your years [(see verse 13 and verse 39)].", "\tYou founded the earth of yore; the heavens are the work of Your hands.", "\tThey [(heaven and earth)] will go lost and You shall remain. They will all rot as a garment. You will change them as [one changes his] clothing, and they will be changed.", "\tBut You are He [(who endures always)], and Your years will never end.", "\tThe sons of Your servants [(the patriarchs)] will dwell [in the land]; and their seed will be [eternally] established before You." ], [ "\t[A psalm] of David. Bless the L rd, my soul, and all my innards, the name of His holiness.", "\tBless the L rd, my soul, and do not forget all of His lovingkindnesses.", "\tHe forgives all of your sins; he heals all of your ills.", "\tHe redeems your life from the pit; He crowns you with lovingkindness and mercy.", "\tHe sates your mouth with good, and your youth is renewed as [the wings of] the eagle.", "\tThe L rd works righteousness and judgment for all who are ravaged.", "\tHe makes known His ways to Moses; His deeds, to the children of Israel.", "\tMerciful and gracious is the L rd, withholding wrath and abundant in lovingkindness.", "\tNot eternally shall He quarrel; not forever shall He bear a grudge.", "\tNot as our sins did He do unto us; not as our transgressions did He recompense us.", "\tFor as the height of heaven over earth, so did His lovingkindness exalt itself over those who fear Him.", "\tAs east is distant from west, so did He distance our offenses from us.", "\tAs a father is merciful to his son, so is the L rd merciful to those who fear Him.", "\tFor He knows our creation [i.e., our origin]; He remembers that we are dust.", "\t[He knows that] the days of man are like the grass; as the sprouting of the field, so does he sprout.", "\tFor a \"wind\" [of illness] passes over him and he is no more, and his place no longer knows him.", "\tBut the lovingkindness of the L rd is from [this] world to [the next] world to those who fear Him, and His righteousness to the sons of sons.", "\tTo the keepers of His covenant and the rememberers of His commandments, to do them.", "\tThe L rd in the heavens has founded His throne and His kingdom reigns over all.", "\tBless the L rd, His angels, mighty of power, doing His word, heeding the voice of His word.", "\tBless the L rd all of His hosts, His ministers, the doers of His will.", "\tBless the L rd all of His works [which are] in all the places of His kingdom. Bless the L rd, my soul." ], [ "\tBless the L rd, O my soul. O L rd, my G d, You are greatly exalted. You have clothed Yourself with glory and beauty.", "\tHe cloaks [the firmament] with light as with a garment. He stretches forth the heavens as a sheet.", "\tHe roofs His upper chambers with water. He makes clouds His chariot. He walks [the clouds] on the wings of the wind.", "\tHe makes winds His messengers; a burning fire, His ministers.", "\tHe established the earth on its foundations that it not incline [to fall] forever.", "\tHe covered the depths [i.e., the sea] as with a garment; on the mountains stand the waters [(Oceanus, viz. Amos 5:8)].", "\tAt Your rebuke [viz. Genesis 1:9], they [the waters] fled; at the sound of Your thundering, they quickened [(to their basin)].", "\tThey ascended mountains; they descended [into] the valleys, to this place that You founded for them.", "\tYou set [for them] a bound [i.e., the shore] that they could not pass, [whereby] they could not return to cover the land.", "\tHe sends forth springs among the streams, that course between the mountains.", "\tThey water all the living things of the field; the creatures slake their thirst [by them].", "\tAbove them [(the springs)] dwell the birds of heaven, lifting their voices between the leaves.", "\tHe waters mountains from His heights [(the clouds)]. From the fruit of Your works [i.e., the rain] the earth is sated.", "\tHe makes sprout grass for the beast and herb for the work of man, to bring forth bread from the earth.", "\tAnd wine which rejoices the heart of man, [the wherewithal] to brighten his face with oil, and bread to stay the heart of man.", "\tThe trees of the L rd [in Eden] are sated, the cedars of Lebanon which He planted,", "\tWhere the birds nest, the stork [making] firs its home,", "\tThe high mountains for the wild goats; the rocks, a shelter for the conies.", "\tHe made the moon for [(the reckoning of)] festivals; the sun knows its setting [(as opposed to the moon, whose setting is sometimes long, sometimes short)].", "\tYou made darkness and it [i.e., its domain] was night, wherein stir all the creatures of the forest.", "\tThe young lions roar for the prey, and seek their food from G d.", "\tWhen the sun rises, they betake themselves, and in their dens they lie.", "\tA man [then] goes out to his work and to his labor until evening.", "\tHow vast are Your works, O L rd. You have wrought all in wisdom; the earth is full of Your acquisitions.", "\tThis great, broad sea, endued with infinite stirrings, small creatures and great,", "\tWhereon course the ships; this leviathan, which You formed to disport with.", "\tThey all aspire to You, to give [them] their food in its time.", "\tYou give it to them and they gather it; You open wide Your hand and they are sated with good.", "\tWhen You hide Your face, they are confounded. You stifle their spirit and they expire, and they return to their dust.", "\tWhen You send Your spirit [(for the resurrection)], they will be [re-] created, and the face of the earth will be renewed.", "\tThe glory of the L rd shall endure forever; the L rd shall rejoice in His handiwork.", "\tHe looks to the earth and it trembles; He touches the mountains and they smoke.", "\tI shall sing to the L rd in my life; I shall sing to the L rd while I live.", "\tMy plaint shall be sweet to Him; I shall rejoice in the L rd.", "\tSinners will vanish from the earth and the wicked will be no more. Bless the L rd, O my soul, Hallelukah!" ], [ "\tGive thanks to the L rd, call out in His name. Proclaim His deeds among the peoples.", "\tSing to Him; play to Him. Recount all of His wonders.", "\tGlory in [the stronghold of] His holy name; let the heart of the seekers of the L rd rejoice.", "\tSearch out the L rd and His strength; seek His face always.", "\tRemember the wonders which He wrought, His signs and the judgments of His mouth.", "\tO seed of Abraham, His servant; sons of Jacob, His chosen ones —", "\tHe is the L rd our G d; His judgments are in all the earth.", "\tHe remembers His covenant forever, the thing which He commanded [and promised to observe for them] unto the thousandth generation [viz. Deuteronomy 7:9],", "\twhereupon He made a covenant with Abraham, [and sealed] His oath with Isaac.", "\tAnd He set it up for Jacob as a statute; for Israel, as an eternal covenant.", "\tSaying [(this being the covenant)]: To you shall I give the land of Canaan, the portion of your inheritance.", "\tWhen they were yet few in number, sparse, and sojourning in it,", "\tand they [(the patriarchs)] went around from one nation to another; from one kingdom to a different people,", "\tHe allowed no man to despoil them and He chastised kings over them [viz. Genesis 12:17].", "\tTouch not My anointed ones [i.e., My great ones], and harm not My prophets.", "\tAnd He called out a famine on the land [(in order to exile them to Egypt)]; He broke every staff of bread.", "\tHe sent a man [Joseph] before them [viz. Genesis 45:5]; Joseph was sold as a slave.", "\tThey tortured his foot with fetters; his soul was clamped in iron.", "\tUntil the time of the coming of His word [i.e., the time for the materialization of His decree that Israel go down to Egypt]. The word of the L rd tested him [(by the temptation of Potiphar's wife [which resulted in his being cast into prison])].", "\tThe king sent [messengers] and [they] freed him; the ruler of peoples [sent] and released him.", "\tHe [Pharaoh] made him the lord of his home [viz. Genesis 41:40]; the ruler over all he possessed.", "\tTo bind [i.e., to endear him to] his princes at will and to make his elders wise.", "\tAnd Israel came to Egypt; Jacob lived in the land of Cham.", "\tAnd He greatly increased His people and made them stronger than their oppressors.", "\tHe turned their [Egypt's] hearts to hate His people, to plot against His servants.", "\tHe sent Moses, His servant; Aaron, whom He chose.", "\tHe invested them with the words of His signs and wonders in the land of Cham.", "\tHe sent darkness and it was dark; they [His plagues] did not rebel against His word [(i.e., they came as commanded)].", "\tHe turned their waters to blood, and He killed their fish.", "\tHe made their land swarm with frogs in the [very] chambers of their kings.", "\tHe spoke and the mixed multitude came, lice in all their borders.", "\tHe made their rains hail, a fiery flame in their land.", "\tAnd it smote their vines and their figs, and it broke the wood of their borders.", "\tHe spoke and the locust came, and the beetle without number.", "\tAnd it consumed all the grass in their land and it ate [all] the fruit of their land.", "\tAnd He smote all the first-born in their land, the first of all their strength.", "\tAnd He took them [Israel] out with silver and gold, with no \"stumbler\" in its tribes.", "\tEgypt rejoiced in their going out, for their fear had fallen upon them.", "\tHe spread [over Israel] a cloud as a veil, and fire to light up the night.", "\tIt [Israel] asked, and He brought the quail, and He sated them with the bread of heaven [the manna].", "\tHe opened a rock and waters flowed; they flowed as a river in the dry land.", "\tFor He remembered His holy word, [that He had spoken to] Abraham His servant [viz. Genesis 15:14, 17)].", "\tAnd He took out His people with joy; with song, His chosen ones.", "\tAnd He gave them the lands of the nations and caused them to inherit the toil of the peoples.", "\tSo that they keep His statutes and heed His laws, Hallelukah!" ], [ "\tHallelukah! Give thanks to the L rd, for He is good; for His lovingkindness endures forever.", "\tWho can relate the mighty acts of the L rd; [Who can] make heard all of His praise?", "\tHappy are those who keep the judgment [of the Torah], who do righteousness at all times.", "\tRemember me, O L rd, when You favor Your people; visit me [with good] upon Your salvation.", "\tTo witness the good of Your chosen ones, to rejoice in the joy of Your nations, to glory with Your inheritance.", "\tWe sinned with [i.e., as did] our fathers; we transgressed and were wicked.", "\tOur ancestors in [leaving] Egypt were not mindful of Your wonders [that You wrought therein]. They did not remember the abundance of Your lovingkindness. And they rebelled at the sea, at the Red Sea.", "\tAnd He saved them for His name's sake, to make known His strength.", "\tAnd He rebuked the Red Sea and it dried up, and He led them [Israel] in the depths as [in] the desert.", "\tAnd He saved them from the hand of the hater, and He redeemed them from the hand of the foe.", "\tAnd the waters covered their oppressors; one of them did not remain.", "\tAnd they believed in His words, and they sang His praise.", "\tBut quickly they forgot His deeds; they did not aspire to His counsel.", "\tAnd they lusted lust in the desert [viz. Numbers 11:4]; they tried G d in the waste land.", "\tAnd He granted their wish, and [in doing so] He sent want into their souls.", "\tAnd they angered Moses in the camp; and Aaron, the holy one of the L rd.", "\tThe earth opened up and swallowed Dathan, and it covered the congregation of their mighty ones.", "\tAnd a fire consumed their congregation [viz. Numbers 16:35]; a flame enfurled the wicked.", "\tThey made a calf in Chorev; they bowed down to a molten image.", "\tThey bartered their glory for the image of an ox, an eater of grass.", "\tThey forgot the G d who saved them, who wrought great deeds in Egypt,", "\tWonders in the land of Cham, awesome acts at the Red Sea.", "\tAnd He would have destroyed them had not Moses His chosen one stood in the breach before Him to turn His wrath from destruction.", "\tAnd they despised the land of delight [(in the sending and the calumny of the spies [viz. Numbers 13:32])]; they did not believe His word [that they would inherit it].", "\tAnd they grumbled in their tents; they did not heed the voice of the L rd.", "\tAnd He lifted His hand against them [in oath] to cast them down in the dessert", "\tand to cast down their seed among the nations and to scatter them among the lands. [At that time (the ninth of Av) the destruction of the Temple was decreed.]", "\tAnd they cleaved unto Ba'al Peor, and they ate the offerings of the dead [i.e., the idols].", "\tAnd they angered [the L rd] with their acts, and a plague raged among them.", "\tAnd Pinchas arose and he judged, and the plague was halted.", "\tAnd it was reckoned unto him as righteousness, from generation to generation, forever.", "\tAnd they aroused the wrath [of the L rd] at the waters of contention, and Moses was afflicted because of them.", "\tBecause they [Moses and Aaron] rebelled against His spirit [by saying (Numbers 20:10): \"Hear, now, you rebels, etc.\"], and He uttered [an oath against them] with His lips [viz. Numbers 20:12].", "\tThey [(in the days of Joshua)] did not destroy the peoples which the L rd charged them [to destroy (viz. Deuteronomy 20:16, Exodus 23:33)].", "\tAnd they were mixed up with the nations, and they learned their deeds.", "\tAnd they served their idols, and they [the nations] were a snare unto them.", "\tAnd they sacrificed their sons and their daughters to the demons.", "\tAnd they spilled innocent blood, the blood of their sons and their daughters, which they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan. And the land was incriminated with the blood.", "\tAnd they were defiled by their deeds and they turned astray by their acts.", "\tAnd the wrath of the L rd burned against His people, and He abominated His inheritance.", "\tAnd He handed them over to the nations [(in the days of the judges, between one judge and another)], and their foes ruled over them.", "\tAnd their enemies oppressed them, and they were humbled beneath their hand.", "\tMany times [they angered Him and] He, [withholding His wrath,] rescued them, but they rebelled by their counsel and were debased by their sins.", "\tYet [(when they prayed)], He beheld their oppression, hearing their plaints [(in the merit of the patriarchs)].", "\tAnd [(when they repented)] He remembered His covenant unto them, and He repented Himself in the abundance of His lovingkindness [viz. Deuteronomy 4:30].", "\tAnd He rendered them [objects of] compassion before all of their captors.", "\t[Now, too, in our present exile,] save us, O L rd our G d, and gather us from among the nations, to give thanks to Your holy name, to glory in Your praise.", "\tBlessed is the L rd, the G d of Israel, from the world [i.e., from this world] until the world [to come]. And all the people will say Amen, Hallelukah!" ], [ "\t\"Give thanks to the L rd, for He is good; His lovingkindness endures forever.\"", "\t[Thus] shall say the redeemed of the L rd, whom He has redeemed from the hand of the oppressor", "\tand whom He has gathered from east and west, from the north and from [the isles of] the sea.", "\t[(And thus shall say)] those who wandered in a desolate wilderness, not finding the way to a settled city,", "\tHungry and thirsty, their souls enwrapped in them.", "\tAnd they cried out to the L rd in their affliction; He rescued them from their toils.", "\tAnd He led them in a straight path, going to a settled city.", "\tThey shall thank the L rd for His lovingkindness and [relate] His wonders to the sons of men.", "\tFor He sated the lusting soul, and the famished soul He filled with good.", "\t[(And thus shall say upon release from imprisonment)] the dwellers in darkness and in the shadow of death, bound in fetters of affliction and in iron,", "\tfor having flouted the words of the Almighty and spurned the counsel of the Most High [(afflictions coming upon one only for having sinned)],", "\tSo that He humbled their hearts in toil [until] they stumbled and were without help —", "\tand they cried out to the L rd in their affliction, and He rescued them from their toils.", "\tHe releases them from darkness and the shadow of death, and He sunders their bonds.", "\tThey shall thank the L rd for His lovingkindness and [relate] His wonders to the sons of men.", "\tFor He has broken the doors of brass and cleft the bolts of iron.", "\t[(And thus shall say)] wrongdoers, afflicted by their offenses and by their sins,", "\twhose souls [(in their sickness)] despised all food, who reached the gates of death —", "\tAnd they cried out to the L rd in their affliction, and He rescued them from their toils.", "\tHe sends His word and He heals them, and He rescues them from their abysses.", "\tThey shall thank the L rd for His lovingkindness and [relate] His wonders to the sons of men.", "\tAnd they shall slaughter offerings of thanksgiving and tell of His deeds in song.", "\t[(And thus shall say)] those who go down to the sea in ships, who do labor on many waters.", "\tThey have seen the work of the L rd and His wonders in the deep.", "\tHe speaks and raises up a tempest, and it lifts its waves.", "\tThey [the mariners] ascend to the skies; they descend to the depths. Their souls melt with ill.", "\tThey break and sway as a drunkard, all of their wisdom swallowed up.", "\tThey cry out to the L rd in their affliction, and He rescues them from their toils.", "\tHe sets back the tempest to silence, and their waves are stilled.", "\tAnd they [the mariners] rejoice when they [the waves] are silenced, and He leads them to the bound of their desires.", "\tThey shall thank the L rd for His lovingkindness and [relate] His wonders to the sons of men.", "\tAnd they shall exalt Him in a congregation of people [(a quorum of ten)] and praise Him in the seat of the elders [i.e., two of the ten must be Torah scholars.]", "\tHe renders rivers [i.e., the settlements of the idolators] wasteland, and water sources, parchedness.", "\tA fruitful land, salt-land — from the evil of the inhabitants therein.", "\tHe renders the wasteland a pool of water [i.e., He restores it]; dry land, water sources.", "\tAnd He settles famished ones there, and they establish [it as] a settled city.", "\tAnd they sow fields and they plant vineyards, and they [the vineyards and fields, respectively,] give forth fruit and produce.", "\tAnd He blesses them, and they multiply greatly, and their kine do not dwindle.", "\t(And they [in the beginning] were reduced and bowed down in the constriction of trouble and sorrow.)", "\tHe spills shame upon the stately and leads them in a void which is not a way.", "\tAnd He lifts the pauper from poverty and he [the pauper] makes [his] families like flocks [in abundance].", "\tThe just will see [this] and rejoice, and all [men of] wrong will close their mouths.", "\tTo him who is wise and takes heed of this, the lovingkindnesses of the L rd will be manifest [(to their understanding)]." ], [ "\tA song, a psalm of David.", "\tMy heart is steadfast [with You], O G d; I shall sing and make song — my soul, too.", "\tAwake [me] O psaltery and harp — I shall awake the dawn [(unlike other kings, whom the dawn awakes)].", "\tI shall praise You among the peoples, O L rd; I shall sing to You among the peoples.", "\tFor great above the heavens is Your lovingkindness [(for those who serve for the sake of Heaven)]; Your truth reaches unto the skies.", "\tExalt Yourself over the heavens, O G d; [repose] over all the earth Your glory.", "\tSo that Your loved ones be rescued. Save [them] with Your right hand, and answer me [(for Your people and all of Your loved are dependent upon me)].", "\tG d spoke [through the prophets] in His holy spirit [that] I would [reign and] rejoice [in His word], [that] I would apportion lots [(from the land of my foes to Israel)], [that] I would mete out the vale of Succoth.", "\tMine is Gilad, and mine is Menasheh; Ephraim is the strength of my head; Yehudah, my lawgiver.", "\tMoav is the basin of my washing [i.e., my handservant]. Upon Plesheth I will cast my shoe [i.e., the service of shodding me]. Over Plesheth I will shout [(to affright them)].", "\tWho will lead me [in the days of the Messiah] to the fortified city [(i.e., to assail Esav in his fortified cities)]? He who has [already] led me until Edom [(of whom I smote eighteen thousand in the Valley of Salt)].", "\tWas not [our discomfiture in the past due to] Your forsaking us, O G d, Your not going out, O G d, among our hosts?", "\tGive to us succor from the oppressor; for vain is the salvation of man.", "\tIn G d will we be victorious, and He will tread down our oppressors." ], [ "\tFor the conductor, of David, a psalm. G d of my [(Israel's)] praises; do not be silent.", "\tFor the mouth of the evil one [(Yishmael)] and the mouth of [the man of] deceit have opened themselves against me. They have spoken with me with lying tongue.", "\tThey have surrounded me with words of hatred and have warred against me for naught.", "\tFor my loving [You], they have hated me; yet I [always invoke] prayer [for them].", "\tThey have set upon me evil in place of good, and hatred in place of my love.", "\tAppoint an evil one against him [(Esav)], and let an adversary stand at his right hand.", "\tIn his judgment let him emerge as an evil one, and let his prayer be reckoned a sin.", "\tLet his days be few. Let his greatness revert to another.", "\tLet his sons be orphans, and his wife, a widow.", "\tLet his sons wander and beg, and let others ask and make inquiry as to their [coming to] ruin.", "\tLet the creditor hound [him] for all he owns, and let strangers plunder his toil.", "\tLet no one extend kindness to him; let none be gracious to his orphans.", "\tLet his [his son's] end be cut off; in the next generation, let their names be erased.", "\tLet the sin against his fathers be remembered [against him] to the L rd, and let the sin against his mother not be erased.", "\tLet them [these sins] ever be before the L rd, and let their remembrance [(that of Esav and his chiefs)] be cut off from the land.", "\tBecause he did not remember to do lovingkindness, and he pursued the poor one [Israel] and the destitute and the broken of heart to the death.", "\tHe loved cursing [(the L rd, whom he denied)] — let it [(a curse)] come to him; he did not desire blessing — let it be far from him.", "\tLet him be clothed in cursing as [he is in] his cloak; let it come as water into his innards, and as oil into his bones.", "\tLet it be as an enwrapping garment [around him], and let it buckle him always as a belt.", "\tThis is [the recompense for] the acts of my haters from the L rd, and [that of] those who speak evil against my soul.", "\tAnd You, O G d, my L rd, do with me [good] for Your name's sake; in the goodness of Your lovingkindness, save me.", "\tFor I am poor and destitute, and my heart is empty within me.", "\tI have been made to wander as the casting of a shadow [towards evening]; I have been shunted away as the locust swarm.", "\tMy knees failed with fasting; my flesh withered of fat.", "\tAnd I am become an [object of] shame to them; when they see me, they nod their heads [in scorn].", "\tHelp me, O L rd, my G d. Save me in Your lovingkindness.", "\tLet them know that this is Your hand that You, O L rd, have done it.", "\tLet them curse, and You bless. They will arise and be shamed, and Your servant will rejoice.", "\tMy haters will be clothed in disgrace; their shame will enwrap them as a cloak.", "\tI will thank the L rd greatly with my mouth; in the midst of a multitude I will praise Him.", "\tFor He stands at the right of the poor one, to save him from the condemners of his soul." ], [ "\tOf David, a psalm. The L rd said to \"my master\" [(Abraham, viz. Genesis 23:6)]: Wait for [the salvation of] My right hand, until I make our foes [(Amrafel and his company)] a footstool for your feet.", "\tThe staff of your strength will the L rd send from Zion. [(When you return, fatigued, from the battle, the L rd will send you Malkitzedek, king of Shalem [Jerusalem] to bring you bread and wine [viz. Genesis 14:18])]. Rule [(in the war)] in the midst of your foes [i.e., with full assurance]!", "\tYour people [will come] willingly [to join you] on the day of [(gathering)] your army [viz. Genesis 14:24] in [the merit of] the resplendent holiness that [was yours almost from the time of your] falling from the womb. Yours [i.e., unto you] will be [reckoned] the dew [i.e., the just ways] of your youth.", "\tThe L rd has sworn [(Genesis 15:1): \"Do not fear, Avram, etc.\"], and He shall not repent [of the good that He has foretold for you, (Avram fearing punishment because of all those he had killed in the war)]. You are a Cohain forever [i.e., from you will now issue the priesthood and the royalty that had been accorded Sh'chem, by word [(viz. Genesis 14:19-20)] of Malkitzedek [(Sh'chem, viz. Rashi, Genesis 14:18)].", "\tThe L rd [who was] on your right hand [in the war] crushed [the four] kings on the day of His wrath.", "\tHe will mete out justice to the nations [(Egypt, viz. Genesis 15:14)]. [He will make of them] a heap of corpses [viz. Exodus 14:30]. He crushed the head [of Pharaoh, the head] of a great land [(Egypt, which held all the other lands in its sway [viz. Habakkuk 3:12 and Psalms 102:20])].", "\tFrom the river [Nile] on the way [(where Pharaoh walked)] did he drink [(having no need of rain water)] — therefore, he raised his head [(in brazen haughtiness, viz. Ezekiel 29:3)]" ], [ "\t[(In praise of the L rd)] Praise the L rd! I shall thank the L rd with all my heart, in the counsel of the just and the [whole] congregation.", "\tThe acts of the L rd are great, [yet] they may be inquired after by all who desire [to know] them.", "\tGlory and beauty are His work, and His righteousness stands eternally.", "\tHe has made a remembrance for His wonders, [for] gracious and merciful is the L rd. [i.e., He fixed for Israel Sabbaths, festivals, and mitzvoth, qualified by \"And you shall remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt,\" for He is gracious and merciful (and desires to vindicate them by stressing their lowly beginnings)].", "\tSustenance did He provide for those who feared Him [for] He remembers His covenant [with Abraham] forever.", "\tHe apprised His people of the strength of His deeds in giving to them the inheritance of the nations.", "\tThe work of His hands is truth and justice, [for] all of His commands are steadfast.", "\tThey are founded [in strength (i.e., they are strengthened by punishments, exhortations, etc.)] to endure forever. They are made in truth and justness.", "\tRedemption has He sent for His people, [for] He has commanded His covenant forever. Holy and awesome is His name.", "\tThe beginning of wisdom is fear of the L rd. [It shall be accounted] goodly wisdom to all who do so [i.e., who imbue themselves with such fear; for then] His praise will endure forever." ], [ "\t[(In praise of the righteous)] Hallelukah! Happy is the man who fears the L rd, who greatly desires His mitzvoth.", "\tStrong in the land shall be his seed, a generation of the just [which] shall be blessed.", "\tThere is fortune and wealth in his house [(in this world)], and his righteousness endures forever [(in the world to come)].", "\tThere shall shine in the darkness light for the just, [for] He is gracious and merciful and righteous.", "\tIt is good for the man who is gracious [to the poor] and lends [to them (not saying: \"I cannot afford it\") and] who husbands his ways with judgment [(insuring that his own necessities are provided for)].", "\tFor he shall never incline [to fall]; for eternal remembrance, he shall be [accounted] righteous.", "\tReport of evil he shall not fear, his heart steadfast, trusting in the L rd.", "\tHis heart shall be secure [in the L rd], without fear, until he beholds [the discomfiture of] his enemies.", "\t[Because of] the dole that he has given to the poor, his righteousness shall endure forever; his horn shall be exalted in glory.", "\tThe evil one shall look on and fume; he shall gnash his teeth and [his heart shall] melt. [But] the lust of the evil ones [to injure the righteous] shall go lost." ], [ "\tHallelukah! Praise, you servants of the L rd; praise the name of the L rd.", "\tLet the name of the L rd be blessed from now and evermore.", "\tFrom the rising of the sun until its setting, the name of the L rd is praised.", "\tExalted above all nations is the L rd. Above the heavens is His glory.", "\tWho is like the L rd our G d — who dwells on high,", "\twho lowers [Himself] to see — in the heavens and on the earth?", "\tHe raises the pauper from the dust; He lifts up the poor one from the dung heap.", "\tTo seat them with the dignitaries; with the dignitaries of His people.", "\tHe seats the barren one of the house [(Zion, who is bereft of her children)], a happy mother of sons, Hallelukah! [viz. Isaiah 66:8]" ], [ "\tWhen Israel went out of Egypt; the house of Jacob from people of a strange tongue,", "\tJudah was [taken by the L rd as] His holy one [for his heroic role at the Red Sea (viz. Psalms 68:28)]. Israel, [as the people of] His reign.", "\tThe sea beheld, and it fled; the Jordan was turned backwards.", "\tThe mountains skipped like rams; the hills like the young of sheep.", "\tWhat ails you, O sea, that you flee; O Jordan, that you are turned backwards?", "\tO mountains that you skip like rams, and hills, like the young of sheep?", "\t[We do so] from before the L rd, the Founder of the earth, from before the G d of Jacob.", "\tWho turns the rock to a pool of water; the flint, to a spring of water." ], [ "\tNot unto us, O L rd [i.e., not for our sakes or for out merits do we ask that You act]; not unto us, but to Your name give honor, for Your lovingkindness, for Your truth.", "\t[For] why should the nations say: \"Where, now, is their G d?\"", "\tBut our G d is in the heavens; all that He desires, He does.", "\tTheir images are silver and gold, the work of the hands of man.", "\tThey have a mouth, but do not speak. They have eyes, but do not see.", "\tThey have ears, but do not hear. They have a nose, but do not smell.", "\tTheir hands [are fashioned], but they do not feel; their feet, but they do not walk. They make no sound with their throats.", "\tLike them let their makers be, [and] all who trust in them.", "\t[But] Israel trusts in the L rd; He is their help and their shield.", "\tThe house of Aaron trusts in the L rd; He is their help and their shield.", "\tThe fearers of the L rd [i.e., proselytes] trust in the L rd; He is their help and their shield.", "\tThe L rd, who remembers us, shall bless. He shall bless the house of Israel. He shall bless the house of Aaron.", "\tHe shall bless the fearers of the L rd, the small and the great.", "\tHe shall add [blessing] upon you; upon you and upon your sons.", "\tYou shall be blessed [repeatedly] by the L rd, Maker of heaven and earth.", "\tThe heavens are the heavens of the L rd, and He has given the earth to the children of man.", "\tThose consigned to [eternal death shall not praise You; nor those descending to [eternal] silence.", "But we shall bless the L rd, from now and evermore, Hallelukah!" ], [ "\t[(David says, after becoming king following Saul's death:)] I have desired that the L rd hear my voice, my supplications.", "\tFor He has inclined His ear to me and in [all of] my days I will call [to Him (— in affliction, to beseech Him; in redemption, to praise Him)].", "\t[When] the throes of death surrounded me and the straits of Sheol found me, when affliction and sorrow found me,", "\tand I called out in the name of the L rd — \"I beseech You, O L rd, deliver my soul —", "\t\"For the L rd is gracious and righteous, and our G d is merciful —", "\t\"The L rd protects the innocent; when I was impoverished, He saved me\" —", "\t[I said to my soul (after Saul's death):] \"Return, my soul, to your repose, for the L rd has been gracious to you.\"", "\tFor You rescued my soul from death, my eyes from tears, my feet from failing.", "\tI shall walk before the L rd in the lands of the living [(Eretz Yisrael, whence my foes drove me in the days of Saul)].", "\tI believed the words of Ziva against Mefibosheth (II Samuel 16:3) when I said [(Ibid. 4): \"Yours is all that belongs to Mefibosheth\")] — [after which, realizing my error,] I humbled [myself to You] exceedingly.", "\tI had said in my haste [to escape my son, Avshalom]: \"All men speak deceit\" [(for which reason I gave credence to Ziva's words that Mefibosheth, too, was a traitor)].", "\tWhat shall I return to the L rd for all His lovingkindnesses to me?", "\tThe cup of salvations [i.e., the libations for the thanksgiving offerings that I vowed (viz. verse 17)] shall I lift, and in the name of the L rd shall I call [(thanking You for this salvation)].", "\tMy vows to the L rd shall I pay in the presence of all His people.", "\t[I have seen that] grievous in the eyes of the L rd is the death of His saints.", "\tI acknowledge, O L rd [(that You have been gracious unto me)] for I am Your servant. I am Your servant, the son of Your maidservant, [for which reason] You opened my bonds.", "\tTo You shall I sacrifice an offering of thanksgiving [(for the miracles that You wrought for me)], and in the name of the L rd will I call.", "\tMy vows [i.e., the offerings that I vowed] to the L rd shall I now pay in the presence of all His people.", "\t[You who stand] in the courts of the house of the L rd, in your midst Jerusalem, [echo my praises] — Hallelukah!" ], [ "\tPraise the L rd, all you nations! Extol Him, all you peoples!", "\t[And how much more so us,] for His lovingkindness has grown strong upon us, and the truth of the L rd [to His promise to the patriarchs] is eternal — Hallelukah!" ], [ "\tPraise the L rd, for He is good, for His lovingkindness is eternal.", "\tSay, now, O Israel: \"For His lovingkindness is eternal.\"", "\tSay, now, O house of Aaron: \"For His lovingkindness is eternal.\"", "\tSay, now, O fearers of the L rd [(the Levites, viz. Exodus 32:26)]: \"For His lovingkindness is forever.\"", "\t[When] I called the L rd in [my] straits, He answered me in the broadness of the L rd.", "\t[When] the L rd is with me, I shall not fear. What can man do to me?", "\t[When] the L rd was with me in [assisting] those who abetted me, I saw [the discomfiture of] my foes.", "\tIt is better to take shelter in [(the shade of)] the L rd than to trust in [(the assurances of)] man.", "\tIt is better to take shelter in the L rd than to trust in princes.", "\t[When] all the nations surround me [(in the war of Gog and Magog in Jerusalem, viz. Zechariah 14:2)], [I shall trust] in the name of the L rd that I shall cut them down.", "\t[Though] they encircle me roundabout, [I shall trust] in the name of the L rd that I shall cut them down.", "\t[Though] they encircle me like bees; [though] they spring like fire [from] thorns, [I shall trust] in the name of the L rd that I shall cut them down.", "\tYou [my foes] pushed me to fall, but the L rd helped me.", "\tThe [blazoning forth of the] strength and the glory of the L rd was [the cause of] my salvation.", "\tThe sound of song and salvation [will be heard] in the tents of the righteous: \"The right hand of the L rd is victorious.\"", "\t\"The right hand of the L rd is uplifted. The right hand of the L rd is victorious.\"", "\tI [Israel (as opposed to the idolators)] shall not die, but I shall live [eternally], and I shall recount the deeds of the L rd.", "\tThe L rd afflicted me sorely [in exile] (so that all of my sins be expiated)], but He did not deliver me unto death.", "\tOpen for me the gates of righteousness; I shall enter therein and praise the L rd.", "\tThis [(\"the gates of righteousness\")] is the gate of the L rd [i.e., the gate of the Temple]; the righteous shall enter therein.", "\t[And there] I will thank You, for You have answered me, and You have been salvation to me [(from exile)].", "\tThe \"stone rejected by the builders\" [i.e., Israel among the nations] has become the cornerstone.", "\t[All will say:] \"This was the L rd's doing; it is wondrous in our eyes!\"", "\t\"This is the day which the L rd has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.\"", "\tWe pray You, O L rd; save, we pray You. We pray You, O L rd; prosper, we pray you.", "\t[They will say to the bringers of first-fruits and to the festival pilgrims:] Blessed is he who comes in the name of the L rd. We have blessed you out of the house of the L rd.", "\tG d is the L rd, and He has shown us light. Bind the [unblemished] festive offerings with ropes until [they are brought to] the horns of the altar.", "\tYou are my G d, and I shall thank You. My G d, I shall exalt You!", "\tPraise the L rd, for He is good. For His lovingkindness is eternal." ], [ "\tFortunate are those who walk the path of uprightness, who walk in the Torah of the L rd.", "\tFortunate are those who abide by His testimonies, who seek them out with a full heart.", "\tWho, though they committed no wrong [were not content therewith], but [actively] walked in His ways.", "\tIt is You who commanded Your precepts. How diligently, then, must they be heeded!", "\tMy prayers are that my ways be established to heed Your statutes.", "\tThen I shall not be ashamed [(as a transgressor] when I consider all of Your mitzvoth.", "\tI shall [be able to] thank You with uprightness of heart when I learn the ways of Your righteousness.", "\tI shall heed Your statutes to the utmost — do not forsake me.", "\tIn what manner shall the youth order his path aright? By heeding [Your commandments] because of Your word [and not because of his own predilection].", "\tI have sought You with all my heart. Do not make me stray from [an understanding of] Your mitzvoth.", "\tI have secreted Your word in my heart [(not allowing it to be forgotten)], so that I not sin against You.", "\tYou are blessed, O L rd [(in having commanded Your mitzvoth)] — teach me Your statutes.", "\t[For] with my lips I have told all of the judgments of Your mouth.", "\tIn the way of Your testimonies I have rejoiced, as over an abundance of treasure.", "\tI shall converse in Your commandments and I will probe [(them to the end of walking in)] Your ways.", "\tI make Your statutes my occupation [so that] I not forget Your words.", "\tBe gracious to Your servant so that I live and heed Your words.", "\tUncover my eyes so that I see hidden things through Your Torah.", "\tI am a stranger in the land. Do not hide from me [the secrets of] Your mitzvoth.", "\tMy soul is broken with longing at all times for Your judgments.", "\tYou have rebuked the accursed, willful ones, who stray from Your mitzvoth.", "\tRemove from me shame and contempt, for I have abided by Your testimonies.", "\tThough princes [i.e., the kings of the nations] have sat down to mock me [(for studying Torah)], Your servant will [continue to] converse in Your statutes.", "\tYour testimonies, too, are my constant occupation. [They are as] my privy counselors.", "\tWhen my soul is pressed to the dust, grant me life according to Your word [(to Nathan the prophet, viz. II Samuel 7:12)].", "\tI told you of my ways [(my needs and my sins)], and You answered me; teach me Your statutes.", "\tMake me understand the ways [i.e., the mysteries of Your commandments], and I will converse in their hidden wonders [with others].", "\tMy soul drips [i.e., expires] from sorrow. Keep me in life, according to Your word.", "\tRemove from me the path of falsehood, and grace me with Your Torah.", "\tI have chosen the way of faith. I have embraced Your judgments.", "\tI have clung to Your testimonies, O L rd, do not shame me.", "\tI shall run upon the path of Your mitzvoth, for [I know that] You will [therefor] expand my heart [in the pleasures of the World to Come].", "\tTeach me, O L rd, the way of Your statutes, and I will keep to it consistently.", "\tMake me understand, and I will heed Your Torah, and I will keep it with all [my] heart.", "\tLead me in the path of Your mitzvoth; for this is what I have desired.", "\tIncline my heart to Your testimonies, and not to profit.", "\tPrevent my eyes from seeing what is vain. Keep me in life in [the sight of] Your ways.", "\tEstablish Your word [i.e., Your assurance] to Your servant, for the sake of Your fear [i.e., so that I and my seed fear Your name (viz. I Kings 2:4)].", "\tRemove my shame [(the shame of my sin with Bathsheva)] that I fear; for Your judgments are good [(and I have already accepted upon myself to repay the ewe-lamb fourfold (viz. II Samuel 12:6)].", "\tI have desired Your commandments. Keep me in life through Your righteousness.", "\tLet Your lovingkindness come to me, O L rd, Your salvation according to Your word [to Nathan the Prophet].", "\tAnd I will answer him who shames me in kind, for I am secure in Your word.", "\tAnd do not divert the word of truth from my mouth — to the slightest extent [(in all of my rulings and judgments)] for my hope is in [the fulfillment of] Your judgments.", "\tAnd let me keep Your Torah always, as long as I live.", "\tAnd I will walk in broadness [(in the accepted halachah of Israel)], for I have sought out Your commandments.", "\tAnd I will speak of Your testimonies in the presence of royalty [(Torah sages)] and not be ashamed.", "\tAnd I will occupy myself with Your mitzvoth, which I love.", "\tAnd I will lift my palms to Your mitzvoth, which I love, and I will converse in Your statutes.", "\tRemember that thing unto Your servant, that thing for which You have caused me to hope [(through Nathan the prophet)].", "\tThis [(Your assurance)] is my consolation in my affliction. What You have said revives my spirit.", "\tThough churls have mocked me exceedingly, I have not strayed from Your Torah.", "\tI remember Your judgment of yore, my L rd [(that You afflict, turn back from Your wrath and forgive)], and I am consoled.", "\t[Though] I was seized with fright because of the evil-doers, who forsake Your Torah,", "\tYour statutes were as songs to me in [all of] my habitations.", "\tI remembered Your name in the night [i.e., in affliction], O L rd, and I observed Your Torah.", "\tThis [(the crown of kingdom for me and my seed)] came to me because I heeded Your commandments.", "\t\"The L rd is my portion,\" I have said, with the fulfillment of Your words.", "\tI have invoked Your countenance with all my heart. Be gracious to me as by Your word [(through Nathan the prophet)]", "\tWhen I consider my ways [(the loss of a mitzvah against its reward and the reward of a transgression against its loss)], I turn my steps to Your testimonies.", "\tI have hurried, and not hesitated, to observe Your commandments.", "\tBands of evil-doers have despoiled me, but I have not forgotten Your Torah.", "\tAt midnight I arise to thank You for Your righteous retribution.", "\tI am a friend to all who fear You and who keep Your commandments.", "\tYour lovingkindness, O L rd, fills the earth — teach us Your statutes.", "\tYou have [always] done good with Your servant. O L rd [You have always done] according to Your word.", "\tThe good of the fundaments [of the Torah], and the knowledge [inherent in them] teach me, for I have believed in Your commandments.", "\tBefore I applied myself to [Torah study], I strayed [unintentionally], but now, I have kept Your word.", "\tYou are good, and You confer good — teach me Your statutes.", "\tThe churls have attributed falsehood to me, [but] I observe Your commandments with my whole heart.", "\tTheir heart has become fat as lard, [but] I have occupied myself in Your Torah.", "\tI account it as a good for me that I was afflicted, in order to [turn from evil and] learn Your statutes.", "\tThe Torah of Your mouth is worth more to me than thousands in gold and silver.", "\tYour hands have made me and established me. Make me understand, and I will learn Your mitzvoth.", "\tThose who fear You will see me [enjoying good] and [they will] rejoice, for I [(a fearer)] have hoped in Your word [and it has materialized].", "\tI know, O L rd, that Your judgments are righteous, and that You have afflicted me justly.", "\tLet Your lovingkindness now be to console me, as You said to Your servant [through Nathan the prophet].", "\tLet Your mercies come upon me and keep me in life, for Your Torah has been my delight.", "\tLet the churls be shamed, for they falsely incriminate me; but I converse in Your commandments.", "\tLet those who fear You return to me [(Sanhedrin had separated from him because of the episode of Bathsheva)], and the knowers of Your testimonies.", "\tLet my heart be whole in Your statutes, so that I not be ashamed.", "\tMy soul longs for Your salvation. I hope for [the fulfillment of] Your word.", "\tMy eyes expire for [the realization of] Your word. I say: \"When will You console me?\"", "\tThough I have been as a [leathern] pouch [drying in] smoke, I have not forgotten Your statutes.", "\tHow many are the days of Your servant? When will You execute judgment upon my pursuers?", "\tThe churls have dug pits against me in opposition to [the laws of] Your Torah.", "\tAll of Your mitzvoth are faithful [to the truth] and they have pursued me for naught. Help me [overcome them].", "\tThey had almost consumed me in the earth [(as if I had not been)], but I did not forsake Your commandments.", "\tSustain me in Your lovingkindness, so that I may keep the testimonies of Your mouth.", "\tForever, O L rd, Your word stands in the heavens.", "\tYour trust endures from generation to generation. You established the earth and made it stand.", "\tUpon Your judgments they [the heavenly ordinances] stand today, for all are Your servants.", "\tIf Your Torah were not my occupation, I would go lost in my affliction.", "\tI will never forget Your commandments, for because of them You have sustained me.", "\tI look to You to save me, for I have sought out Your commandments.", "\tThe evil-doers hoped to destroy me, but I persevered in reflecting upon Your testimonies.", "\tFor every [thing that has an] end, I have envisioned the end [of dialectic thereon]; but Your mitzvoth are exceedingly broad.", "\tHow I have loved Your Torah; it is my discourse all the day.", "\tYour mitzvoth make me wiser than my foes [Doeg and Achitophel (whose learning did not conform with the halachah)], for it [(the truth of Torah)] is always with me.", "\t[(For)] I have grown wise from all of my teachers, for Your testimonies are [all of] my discourse [(so that I learn something from each one)].", "\tI shall have more understanding than the elders, for I have abided by Your commandments.", "\tI have kept my feet from every evil path so that I might keep Your word.", "\tI did not deviate from Your judgments, for You taught me [aright].", "\tHow sweet were Your words to my palate, [sweeter] than honey to my mouth.", "\tBecause I reflect upon Your commandments I hate every false path.", "\tYour words [of Torah] are a lamp to my foot and a light to my path [(keeping me from false rulings)].", "\tI have made an oath — and kept it — to abide by the judgments of Your righteousness.", "\tI have been exceedingly humbled, O L rd; keep me in life according to Your word [to Nathan the prophet].", "\tAccept, O L rd, the offerings [i.e., the conciliations] of my mouth, and teach me Your judgments.", "\tThough my life is in my palm [in danger] always, I have not forgotten Your Torah.", "\tThe evil-doers have laid a trap for me, but I have not deviated from Your commandments.", "\tI have inherited Your testimonies forever, for they are the joy of my heart.", "\tI diverted my heart [from temporal pleasures] to execute Your statutes, following [them] always.", "\tThinkers of evil I hated, and I loved Your Torah.", "\tYou are my covert and my defense, for I trust to Your word.", "\tTurn away from me evil-doers, so that I may heed the mitzvoth of my G d.", "\tSupport me by Your word, that I might live, and do not shame me in the disappointment of my hope.", "\tSupport me and I will be saved, and I will occupy myself in Your statutes always.", "\tYou have trodden down all who strayed from Your statutes, for [You know that] their subtlety is false.", "\t[As] dross, You wiped out all the wicked of the earth. I have, therefore, loved Your testimonies.", "\tMy flesh bristled in fear of You, and I have feared Your judgments [i.e., Your retribution].", "\tI have done justice and righteousness. Do not abandon me to my despoilers.", "\tBe surety for Your servant for good; let churls not despoil me.", "\tMy eyes expire to Your salvation and to [the fulfillment of] the word of Your righteousness.", "\tDo with Your servant according to Your lovingkindness and teach me Your statutes.", "\tI am Your servant; make me understand, and allow me to know Your testimonies ", "\t[to know how (for the forgiveness of my transgressions)] to make a time for [the sake of] the L rd [(a time of favor and forgiveness, as for)] those who have violated Your Torah..", "\t[And this is due me,] for I have loved Your mitzvoth more than gold and fine gold.", "\tFor [I have said] of all the commandments [in the Torah], of all, that they are just, and I have hated every false path.", "\t[The decree of reward for observance of] Your testimonies is hidden, and so my soul has kept [all of] them.", "\tThe beginning of Your words [(Exodus 20:2): \"I am the L rd your G d, who took you out, etc.\"] enlightened [the hearts of Israel, for] You understand the innocent [(and know that they must realize why they should accept Your commands before they are actually commanded)].", "\tI opened my mouth and sucked in [Your commandments], for I lusted for Your mitzvoth.", "\tTurn to me and be gracious to me, as befits the lovers of Your name.", "\tSet my steps in order, according to Your words, and allow no wrong to prevail in me.", "\tRedeem me from the pillage of man [i.e., from the yetzer hara who \"pillages\" man], and I shall keep Your commandments.", "\tCause Your countenance to shine upon Your servant, and teach me Your statutes.", "\tMy eyes have shed streams of water because they did not heed Your Torah.", "\tYou are righteous, O L rd, and Your judgments are just.", "\tThe testimonies which You commanded are righteous and exceedingly faithful [of fulfillment].", "\tMy zeal [on Your behalf] incenses me [against my foes], for my foes have forgotten Your words.", "\tYour word is exceedingly pure, and Your servant has loved it.", "\tI am young and despised [i.e., I lower myself to learn from Torah scholars (viz. I Samuel 17:14)], for I have not forgotten Your precepts [i.e., I have not ceased deliberating upon them and conversing in them, for]", "\tYour righteousness [which is inherent in them] is eternal righteousness and Your Torah is [eternally] true.", "\t[And though] affliction and oppression have beset me, Your mitzvoth are my occupation.", "\t[Therefore,] always make me understand the righteousness of Your testimonies, and I shall live [through them (viz. Deuteronomy 20:30)].", "\tI have called with all my heart. Answer me, O L rd, I will heed Your statutes.", "\tI have called You. Help me, so that I may keep Your testimonies.", "\tI have risen before [all] in the night and have cried out. I have hoped for [the fulfillment of] Your word.", "\tMy eyes have preceded [i.e., opened] [two] night watches [in advance of the day] to engage in Your word [Torah].", "\tHear my voice in Your lovingkindness. O L rd, as is Your way [(to bestow lovingkindness)], sustain me.", "\tThe pursuers of a counsel of sin have drawn close to it, and they have gone far from Your Torah [(in order to drawn close to it)].", "\tYou are near, O L rd [(to those, who go far from Your Torah, if they repent of their ways)].", "\tBefore [(the thing happened)] I knew [it] from Your testimonies. [(Before Israel inherited the land You commanded them in respect to bikkurim, terumoth, and ma'aseroth. Before You gave them rest from their foes You commanded them (Deuteronomy 25:19): \"And it shall be, when the L rd your G d gives you rest, etc.\" And so with appointing a king, cutting off Amalek and building the Temple.)] For You founded them [Your testimonies] on [all those things You knew to be destined until the end of] the world.", "\tSee my afflictions and rescue me, for I have not forgotten Your Torah.", "\tFight my battle and redeem me. Sustain me for Your word.", "\tSalvation is far from the evil-doers, for they have not sought out Your statutes.", "\tYour mercies are abundant, O L rd; as is Your way, [(to grant mercy)], sustain me.", "\tThough my pursuers and my afflictions are many, I have not deviated from Your testimonies.", "\tI behold the faithless and fought with them for not keeping Your ways.", "\tSee that I have loved Your commandments, O L rd; sustain me in Your lovingkindness.", "\t[When the nations heard the end of His word: \"Honor your father and your mother,\" \"You shall not kill,\" \"You shall not commit adultery,\" etc., they admitted:] The beginning of Your word [too, (\"I am the L rd, Your G d,\" \"You shall have no other G d\")] is true [(and not a self-seeking falsehood)]. [Therefore], all the judgments of Your righteousness are eternal.", "\tThough princes pursued me in vain, my heart feared Your word.", "\tI rejoice in Your words [(Your assurance to me)] as one who finds great spoil.", "\tI have hated and despised falsehood because I loved Your Torah.", "\tSeven times in the day [(in the morning: two blessings before Shema and one after; in the evening: two before and two after)] have I praised You for Your righteous judgments [i.e., for k'riath Shema, which is a Torah ordinance].", "\tGreat peace to the lovers of Your Torah and may there be no stumbling block in their way.", "\tI hoped for Your salvation, O L rd, and performed Your mitzvoth.", "\tMy soul heeded Your testimonies and I loved them exceedingly.", "\tI heeded Your commandments and Your testimonies, for all of my ways are before You [i.e., are known to You].", "\tLet my prayer come close to You, O L rd — that You make me understand [Torah] according to [the true meaning of] Your word.", "\tLet my supplication come before You. Save me according to Your word [to Nathan the Prophet].", "\tMy lips will utter praise when You teach me Your statutes.", "\tMy tongue will proclaim Your words, for all of Your mitzvoth are righteous.", "\tLet Your hand be poised to help me, for I have chosen Your commandments.", "\tI long for Your salvation, O L rd, so that [(undeterred by the harassment of the foe)] Your Torah may be my occupation.", "\tLet my soul live to praise You, and let Your judgments [against my foes] help me [do so].", "\tI have strayed like a lost sheep. [Therefore] seek Your servant [(and set him back on the path)], for I have not forgotten Your mitzvoth." ], [ "\tA song of ascents to the L rd [(recited by the Levites on the fifteen steps descending from the Israelite's court to the women's court [(so that there are fifteen \"songs of ascents\")]. When I was in distress, I called and He answered me.", "\tO L rd, rescue my soul from lying lips [(from those who hunt men with wicked libels)], from deceitful tongue.", "\tWhat [additional safeguard (aside from the teeth and the lips)] will He assign to you, and what will He add unto you, O deceitful tongue?", "\t[You are like] the sharpened arrows of a warrior [(killing from afar)], with coals of the broom [(which, though extinguished on the outside, still burn on the inside)].", "\tWoe unto me [(Israel) who by cause of such slander] have dwelt [in the exile of] Meshech, have lived among the tent [-dwellers] of Kedar.", "\tLong has my soul lived with the haters of peace.", "\tI am [for] peace [with them]; but when I speak [peace with them], they [come] to war [with me]." ], [ "\tA song of ascents. I shall lift my eyes to the mountains. Whence shall my help come?", "\tMy help is from the L rd, maker of heaven and earth.", "\tHe will not let your foot slip. Your Keeper will not sleep.", "\tBehold, He will not slumber and He will not sleep, the Keeper of Israel.", "\tThe L rd is your Keeper. The L rd is your shade on your right hand.", "\tThe sun will not smite you by day, nor the moon at night.", "\tThe L rd will keep you from all evil. He will keep your soul.", "\tThe L rd will guard your going out and your coming in from now and forevermore." ], [ "\tA song of ascents, of David. I rejoiced when they said of me: Let us go to the house of the L rd [for the festival]. [I heard men saying: \"Would that this old one (David) died and his son Solomon reigned and built the Temple so that we could go up to it for the festival\" — and I rejoiced! (at the idea of the building of the Temple)].", "\tOur feet would stand [in battle in all places] for the sake of [the Torah study that took place in] your gates, Jerusalem.", "\tJerusalem the built [i.e., When my son Solomon builds the Temple within Jerusalem, it will be] like the city [Shiloh (the Temple in its midst)] with which it is joined together [in Scripture, viz. (Deuteronomy 12:9): \"to the rest [Shiloh] and to the inheritance [Jerusalem],\" containing (as Shiloh did) Shechinah, sanctuary, ark and altar.]", "\tFor there [in Shiloh] the tribes [(which came from Egypt)] went up [to establish the sanctuary — the tribes of Kah [\"Yod\" - \"Heh\" - the L rd (the two letters being affixed to the names of the tribes [at the beginning and the end, viz. Numbers 26])], testimony to Israel [as to their descent from the patriarchs, (the idolators having slurred them as the offspring of Egyptian men)] — to give thanks to the name of the L rd.", "\t[Jerusalem was like Shiloh,] for there [(in Jerusalem, too, the Shechinah will repose, and)] there will be set seats for judgment [(of the nations) and] seats [i.e., thrones] for the [kingdom of the] house of David.", "\tAsk peace for Jerusalem [and say to her:] \"Let your lovers enjoy tranquility,", "\t[and let] there be peace on your ramparts, tranquility in your palaces.\"", "\tFor the sake of [Israel,] my brothers and my friends, I [King David] shall pray for peace within you.", "\tFor the sake of the house of the L rd our G d I shall seek good for you." ], [ "\tA song of ascents. To You did I lift my eyes, [to You] who are seated in the heavens.", "\tBehold, as the eyes of servants to the hand of their masters; as the eyes of a maidservant to the hand of her mistress, so are our eyes to the L rd our G d until He is gracious to us.", "\tBe gracious unto us, O L rd, be gracious unto us, for we have been much sated with shame.", "\tMuch have our souls been sated with the mockery of the tranquil ones [the idolators], the scorn of [Jerusalem,] the valley of doves." ], [ "\tA song of ascents of David. If not for the L rd that was with us, says now Israel,", "\tIf not for the L rd that was with us when man rose against us,", "\tThen they would have swallowed us up live in the burning of their wrath against us.", "\tThen the waters would have deluged us; sickness would have crossed over our souls.", "\tThen there would have crossed over our souls the raging waters.", "\tBlessed is the L rd, who did not render us prey for their teeth.", "\tOur souls escaped as a bird from the fowler's trap. The trap broke, and we escaped.", "\tOur help is in the name of the L rd, Maker of heaven and earth." ], [ "\tA song of ascents. Those who trust in the L rd are as Mount Zion, which will not be moved and forever abide.", "\t[For, as] mountains encircle Jerusalem, the L rd encircles His people, henceforth and forevermore.", "\tFor the sceptre of wickedness will not rest upon the lot of the righteous, for the righteous do not send forth their hands to wrong.", "\tThe L rd does good to the good and to those who are just in their hearts.", "\tBut those who turn their crookedness [against men to libel them] will be dispatched by the L rd with the workers of iniquity — peace upon Israel!" ], [ "\tA song of ascents. When the L rd returns the captivity of Zion [from Bavel], [(they shall say concerning all of their past afflictions:)] \"We have been as dreamers.\"", "\tThen our mouths will be filled with laughter and our tongues with song. Then it shall be said among the nations: \"It is the L rd [(and not chance)] that has wrought greatly with these.\"", "\tThe L rd, [indeed,] wrought greatly with us — we were happy.", "\tReturn, O L rd, our [present] captivity, [and we will be] like [the welcomers of] water-courses in a dry land.", "\tThose who sow in tears [(in a dry land)] reap in song [(when the waters come)].", "\tHe walks along, weeping, the bearer of the seed-sack — he will come forth in song, bearing his sheaves. [Thus, Israel sows charity before the L rd in tears in exile — and they shall reap it in song when they are rewarded in time to come.]" ], [ "\t[(A psalm of David through the Holy Spirit relating to what is destined to transpire with Solomon his son — that on the day he built the Temple he would marry Pharaoh's daughter, viz. Jeremiah 32:31)]", "\tVain [are your labors] unto you, you who rise early, who sit late [at your work], who eat the bread of sorrow. So, [even without such labors] will He give [what he needs] to him who makes sleep wander [from his eyes in the study of Torah].", "\tBehold, the legacy of the L rd [to that man] are sons [i.e., the Torah scholars that he raises, who are like sons to him, the reward of the fruit of his innards [i.e., of the Torah in his heart (viz. Proverbs 22:18)]", "\tLike arrows in the hand of a hero, so are the sons of his youth [i.e., the Torah scholars that he raises from his youth.", "\tHappy is the man who has filled his quiver with them. They will not be put to shame when they debate [in halachah] with their \"adversaries\" in the gate [of learning]." ], [ "\tA song of ascents. Happy all who fear the L rd, who walk in His ways.", "\tWhen you eat the toil of your hands, fortunate are you [(in this world)], and it is good unto you [(in the world to come)].", "\tYour wife [will be] like a fruitful vine in the recesses of your house [(modesty being preserved in marital relations)]; your sons, like olive shoots [(pure, \"ungrafted,\")] around your table.", "\tBehold, thus will be blessed the man who fears the L rd.", "\tThe L rd will bless you from Zion [(the gate of heaven and a source of fruitfulness, viz. I Kings 4:20)], and you will see the goodness of Jerusalem [and rejoice in all of the good] all the days of your life.", "\tAnd you will see children unto your children, [and there will be] peace upon Israel [(levirate linkage [and attendant disputes over inheritance] not obtaining in such an instance)]." ], [ "\tA song of ascents. \"Many [peoples] have afflicted me from my youth,\" Israel will say [in the future].", "\tMany have afflicted me from my youth, but none have prevailed against me.", "\tUpon my back the plowers have plowed; they have lengthened their furrow.", "\t[But] the L rd is righteous; He has cut the bonds of the wicked ones.", "\tThey will be ashamed, and they will recoil, all the foes of Zion.", "\tThey will be like the grass upon the rooftops, which withers before it is plucked,", "\tWhich does not fill the hand of the reaper, nor the arm of the gatherer.", "\tWhereof the passersby will not say [the customary]: \"The blessing of the L rd upon you; we have blessed you in the name of the L rd.\"" ], [ "\tA song of ascents. From the depths [(of the exile)] have I called You, O L rd.", "\tO L rd, hear my voice. Let Your ears hearken to the voice of my supplications.", "\tIf transgressions You heed, O L rd, O L rd, who shall stand?", "\tFor with You [(and with no other)] is forgiveness, so that You be feared.", "\tI have hoped in the L rd; my soul has hoped. And to His word have I aspired.", "\tMy soul [has yearned] for the L rd. [I am one] of the watchers for the morning [of redemption], of the [continual] watchers for the morning.", "\tHope, O Israel, in the L rd. For with the L rd is lovingkindness and there is much redemption with Him.", "\tAnd He will redeem Israel from all of its transgressions." ], [ "\tA song of ascents, of David. O L rd, my heart has not been haughty, and my eyes have not been uplifted, nor have I gone about with grandeurs and glories unbefitting me [(unlike my son Solomon, who disported himself thus)].", "\t[Let it be requited of me] if I did not set and repose my soul [upon You] as a suckling upon its mother. As a suckling [upon You] was my soul with me.", "\tHope, O Israel, to the L rd, from now and forevermore." ], [ "\tA song of ascents. Remember, O L rd, unto David, all of his tribulation [in seeking a place for your sanctuary]", "\twhich [(to find the place)] he swore to the L rd, vowed to the Strength of Jacob:", "\tForefend that I come to the tent of my habitation [my palace], that I go up on the bed spread out for me,", "\tThat I give [superfluous] sleep to my eyes or slumber to my lids,", "\tBefore I find the [fore-ordained] place for [the Temple of] the L rd, the habitation of the Strength of Jacob.", "\tWe had heard it [that place] to be in Efrat [(the most select of places)], and, lo, we have found it in the fields of the forest [(in the boundary of Benjamin, who is likened to a beast of the forest, viz. Genesis 49:27)].", "\t[Now that we have found it,] we shall come [there] to His habitation; we shall bow down to His footstool.", "\tArise, O L rd, to Your rest [i.e., a permanent habitation for Your Shechinah], You and the ark of [i.e., the ark which manifests] Your strength.", "\tYour priests will clothe themselves in righteousness [i.e., the priestly vestments, which atone for sinners], and Your saints [the Levites] will sing.", "\tFor the sake of David your servant, do not turn away the face [i.e., the prayers] of Your anointed one [(Solomon, when he comes to place the ark there)].", "\tThe L rd has sworn truth unto David; He will not depart from it — From the fruit of your innards I shall establish a throne for you.", "\tIf your children heed My covenant and this, My testimony, that I teach them, their children, too, forever, will sit on this throne of yours.", "\tFor the L rd has chosen Zion; He has desired it as a habitation for Himself.", "\tThis is My resting place forever; here shall I dwell, for I have desired it.", "\t[From that place] I shall bless her [Zion's] sustenance; I shall sate her poor with bread.", "\tAnd I shall clothe her priests [(through the priestly vestments)] with salvation, and her saints shall sing.", "\tThere [in Zion] I shall make flourish the horn of David; there I have readied the lamp for My anointed one.", "\tI shall clothe his foes with shame, but upon him shall shine his crown." ], [ "\tA song of ascents of David. Behold, how goodly and how pleasant the sitting [of the L rd in the Temple with] brothers [(Israel, who are called \"brothers\")]; [He] also together [with them].", "\tAs the goodly [anointing] oil upon the head [of Aaron (conferring grandeur)], descending upon the beard, the beard of Aaron, descending [thence] upon his vestments", "\tis the dew of Chermon descending upon the hills of Zion; for there [(in Zion)] did the L rd command blessing, life forevermore." ], [ "\tA song of ascents. Behold, bless the L rd, all servants of the L rd, who stand [to serve] in the house of the L rd in the nights.", "\tRaise your hands in holiness and bless the L rd.", "\tThe L rd will bless you from Zion, the Maker of heaven and earth." ], [ "\tHallelukah! Praise the name of the L rd. Praise [Him], servants of the L rd.", "\tWho stand in the house of the L rd, in the courts of the house of our G d.", "\tHallelukah! For good is the L rd. Sing to the L rd, for it is pleasant.", "\tFor Jacob did the L rd elect; Israel, as His chosen one.", "\tFor I know that great is the L rd, and our G d [greater] than all exalted ones.", "\tAll that the L rd wills, He does, in heaven and earth, in the seas and in all the depths.", "\tHe raises clouds from the ends of the earth. He makes lightnings for the rain. He finds wind [readied by Him to be sent forth] from His stores.", "\tHe smote the first-born of Egypt, from man until beast.", "\tHe sent signs and wonders into the midst of Egypt, against Pharaoh and all of his servants.", "\tHe smote many nations and slew mighty kings.", "\tSichon, king of the Emori, and Og, king of the Bashan, and all the kingdoms of Canaan.", "\tAnd He gave their land as an inheritance, an inheritance to Israel, His people.", "\tThe L rd is Your name forever. The L rd is Your remembrance throughout the generations. [(As Your greatness and rule of yore, so is it now. And it is in Your power to judge and to avenge us.)]", "\tFor the L rd will judge [the cause of] His people [and take vengeance], and He will bethink Himself for His servants.", "\tThe idols of the nations are silver and gold, the work of the hands of man.", "\tThey have a mouth and do not speak; eyes, and do not see.", "\tThey have ears and do not hear; neither is there any breath in their mouth.", "\tLike them, let their makers be, all who trust in them.", "\tO house of Israel, bless the L rd! O house of Aaron, bless the L rd!", "\tO house of Levi, bless the L rd! O fearers of the L rd [(the proselytes)] bless the L rd!", "\tBless the L rd [whose Shechinah shines forth] from Zion, who dwells in Jerusalem, Hallelukah!" ], [ "\tThank the L rd, for He is good; for His lovingkindness endures forever.", "\tThank the G d of the exalted ones; for His lovingkindness endures forever.", "\tThank the L rd of lords, for His lovingkindness endures forever.", "\tWho performs great wonders by Himself [(In the beginning, at the creation of heaven, earth, sun, and moon, no angel had yet been created)]; for His lovingkindness endures forever.", "\tWho makes the heavens with understanding; for His lovingkindness endures forever.", "\tWho spreads the land upon the waters; for His lovingkindness endures forever.", "\tWho makes great luminaries; for His lovingkindness endures forever.", "\tThe sun to rule by day; for His lovingkindness endures forever.", "\tThe moon and the stars to rule by night; for His lovingkindness endures forever.", "\tWho smote Egypt by her first-born [(When the first-born of Egypt heard that a plague would be brought upon them, they arose and smote their fathers who prevented Israel from leaving)]; for His lovingkindness endures forever.", "\tAnd He brought out Israel from their midst; for His lovingkindness endures forever.", "\tWith a strong hand and with an outstretched arm; for His lovingkindness endures forever.", "\tHe divides the Red Sea into strips [(twelve strips for twelve tribes)]; for His lovingkindness endures forever.", "\tAnd He crossed Israel in its midst; for His lovingkindness endures forever.", "\tAnd He shook out Pharaoh and his hosts in the sea; for His lovingkindness endures forever.", "\tWho leads His people in the desert; for His lovingkindness endures forever.", "\tWho smites great kings; for His lovingkindness endures forever.", "\tAnd He slew mighty kings; for His lovingkindness endures forever.", "\tSichon, king of the Emori; for His lovingkindness endures forever.", "\tAnd Og, king of the Bashan; for His lovingkindness endures forever.", "\tAnd He gave their land as an inheritance; for His lovingkindness endures forever.", "\tAn inheritance to Israel, His servant; for His lovingkindness endures forever.", "\tFor in our lowliness [(in Egypt)] He remembered us; for His lovingkindness endures forever.", "\tAnd He redeemed us from our oppressors; for His lovingkindness endures forever.", "\tHe gives bread to all flesh; for His lovingkindness endures forever.", "\tGive thanks to the G d of the heavens [(who prepares in them food for all creatures)]; for His lovingkindness endures forever. [(The twenty-six \" for His lovingkindness endures forever\" allude to the twenty-six generations before the giving of the Torah, when the world endured by the L rd's lovingkindness alone.)]" ], [ "\tBy the rivers of Bavel [(when we went down into exile)], there we sat; we also wept, when we remembered Zion.", "\tOn the willows in its midst, we hung our lyres.", "\tFor there our captors [(Nevuchadnezzar, etc.)] asked song of us [(as they used to sing upon the platform in the Temple)], and our mockers, joy — Sing to us of the song of Zion.", "\tHow can I sing the song of the L rd on a strange land?", "\tIf I [(Israel)] forget you, O Jerusalem, let my right hand be forgotten.", "\tLet my tongue stick to my palate if I do not remember you, if I do not raise up [remembrance of the destruction of] Jerusalem over the head of [all] my joy.", "\tRemember, O L rd, against the children of Edom, the day of [the destruction of] Jerusalem when they said: Raze it! Raze it! Until its foundation!", "\tO daughter of Bavel, you [who are destined to be] despoiled, happy the one who will pay you your recompense that you paid unto us!", "\tHappy the one who will seize and shatter your young ones on the rock!" ], [ "\t[A psalm] of David. I shall praise You with all my heart. Before the princes I will sing of You.", "\tI shall bow down to the sanctuary of Your holiness and praise Your name for Your lovingkindness and Your truth. For You have exalted above all of Your names [— \"Mighty,\" \"Jealous,\" \"Vengeful\" —] Your word [that those who sin against Your majesty will be accepted with repentance].", "\tOn the day that I called You answered me. You made me great [by implanting] strength in my soul.", "\tThey praised you, O L rd, all the kings of the earth, when they heard the words of Your mouth. [(When they heard \"You shall not kill,\" \"You shall not commit adultery,\" they praised You for \"I am the L rd your G d,\" \"You shall have no other G d\" [viz. 119:160])]", "\tAnd they will sing of the ways of the L rd, for great is the glory of the L rd.", "\tThough the L rd is exalted, He sees the lowly one, and [though] upraised He chastises [sinners] from afar.", "\tIf I walk in the midst of affliction, You will rescue me. Because of the wrath of my foes, You will stretch out Your hand [against them] and Your right hand will save me.", "\tThe L rd will complete [(as He has begun) His lovingkindness] for me. O L rd, Your lovingkindness is forever. Do not leave off the work of Your hands [in the Temple (viz. Exodus 15:16)]." ], [ "\tFor the conductor. [a psalm of] David. O L rd, You probed [my thoughts] and You know [them].", "\tYou know [the thoughts of] my sitting down and arising.", "\tYou understand from afar [how] to endear [Yourself] to me. You compassed my going and my reclinings [i.e., I can do nothing without Your knowing of it], and You are familiar with all of my ways.", "\tWhen the word is not yet on my tongue, O L rd, You know all [I am going to say].", "\tYou laid siege to me from the rear and from the front, and You set Your rule over me.", "\tKnowledge [of escape from You] is concealed from me. It is too formidable. I cannot know it.", "\tWhere shall I go [to conceal myself] from Your wrath, and where can I run from Your presence?", "\tIf I ascend to the heavens, You are there, and if I bed myself down in Sheol — here You are!", "\tIf I lifted my wings as the morning star and made the far bounds of the sea my abode,", "\tthere, too, Your hand would direct me, and Your right hand hold on to me.", "\tAnd if I said: \"But darkness will obscure me, and night will darken [things] for me,\"", "\tdarkness, too, will darken nothing from You, and night will shine [for You] as day. Darkness and light are as one [to You].", "\tFor You have acquired my reins [(the center of all my thoughts)]. You covered me [with flesh and skin] in my mother's stomach.", "\tI will praise You because I was fashioned awesomely and wondrously. Your deeds are wondrous and my soul knows [it] well.", "\tMy essence was not hidden from You, though I was fashioned in hiddenness [(the hiddenness of cohabitation)] and tissued in the depths of the earth [i.e., the nethermost part of my mother's womb].", "\t[The unfolding of] my form Your eyes [fore-] saw, and in Your book [(the book of the generations of man that You showed to Adam [viz. Genesis 5:1])], they [(the deeds of all men)] were [all] inscribed, [as if] the days had [already] been created, though none of them [had yet appeared in actuality].", "\tAnd to me [(the congregation of Israel)], how precious are Your dear ones [(the righteous)], O G d. How great are their numbers [(the numbers of their righteous deeds)].", "\tIf I came to count them, [I would find them] more numerous than the sands of the sea. I have [now] come to the end [of the generations that You have allotted from the beginning], and it [(the present generation)] is still with You [and in fear of You].", "\tWould that You slew the wicked, O G d! — \"Men of blood, get away from me!\"", "\tThey mention You [i.e., Your name] with wicked intent (attributing Your G dliness to idolatry)]. Your foes have taken [Your name] in vain.", "\tWill I not hate Your haters, O L rd? Will I not battle with those who rise up against You?", "\tI have hated them to the heights of hatred. I have deemed them my [own] enemies.", "\tProbe me, O L rd, and know my heart. Examine me and know my thoughts.", "\tAnd see if a way of vexation [(of the L rd)] is within me. [If it is,] then lead me in the way of the world [(to death)]." ], [ "\tFor the conductor, a psalm of David.", "\tRescue me, O L rd, from an evil man. Guard me from a man of violence,", "\t[from those] who plot evil in [their] heart. Let there be wars in their dwellings every day.", "\tThey sharpen their tongues as a snake. A spider's venom is under their lips always.", "\tProtect me, O L rd, from the hands of the evil-doer. Guard me from a man of violence, [from those] who plot to cause my feet to stumble.", "\tThe proud have hid a trap against me; and [with] ropes [(to spring the trap)] they have spread a net beside my path. They have always set snares against me.", "\tI said to the L rd: You [have always been] my strength. Listen, O L rd, to the voice of my entreaties.", "\tO G d, my L rd, the strength of my salvation, You have always shielded my head in the day of weapons.", "\tDo not grant, O L rd, the desires of the wicked one [(Esav)]. Do not prosper his designs, [for] they always mount.", "\tThe ranks of those [(of Esav)] who would turn me [from You] — may the deceit of their lips envelop them!", "\tLet burning coals collapse upon them [(killing them)]. Let Him cast them into [the] fire [of Gehinnom] and into wars from which they cannot rise.", "\tLet the slanderer [(Esav)] not be established in the earth. Let the evil of the man of violence hunt him into thrustings [(from one calamity to another)].", "\tI know that [ultimately] the L rd will take up the cause of the afflicted one, the judgment of the poor.", "\tBut [let Him do it quickly, so that] the righteous praise Your name [and] the just sit before You." ], [ "\tA psalm of David. O L rd, when I call You, quicken to [hear] me. Listen to my voice when I call upon You.", "\tLet my prayer be established as incense before You; the lifting of my hands [in prayer] as the evening offering.", "\tSet, O L rd, a guard on my mouth [(that my prayers be acceptable to You)]. Guard the door of my lips [i.e., the upper lip].", "\tLet my heart not incline to an evil thing, to do acts in wickedness with men who are workers of iniquity, and let me not partake of their feasts.", "\tLet a righteous [prophet] smite me [i.e., chastise me] with [\"blows\" that are really] lovingkindness, and let him reprove me. May the oil of my head [(the anointment oil by which I was made king)] not turn my head [from his chastisement, to partake of the feast of the wicked.] For as long as my prayer [is in my mouth], it is against their evils.", "\t[For] their judges [and leaders] have slipped [from the path of good] by the \"rock\" [(the evil inclination and a heart as hard as rock)], though they have heard the pleasantness of my words [in praise of the mitzvoth of the L rd.]", "\tAs split [wood] scattered over the earth, so our bones [(those of David and his men)] were scattered over the mouth of Sheol [(because of the evils of these men)].", "\t[(reversion to verse 3)] For upon You, O G d, my L rd, are my eyes. I took refuge in You.", "\tSave me from the trap that they have laid for me and from the [other] traps of the workers of iniquity.", "\tLet the evil-doers fall into their [own] snares, all together, before I pass [by them (the snares)]." ], [ "\tA maskil of David, when he was in the cave [(where he cut the corner of Saul's robe, viz. I Samuel 24:4)], a prayer:", "\t[With] my voice to the L rd shall I cry out. [With] my voice to the L rd shall I make supplication.", "\tI shall pour out my plaint before Him. I shall indite my affliction before Him.", "\tWhen my spirit was enwrapped [in woe] upon me, and You knew my path [to be full of snares]; in whichever way I went they had buried a trap for me —", "\t[I] looked to the right [and to the left] and saw that no one knew me [i.e., none of all of Saul's servants protested in my behalf.] Refuge fled from me; no one was solicitous of my soul —", "\tI cried out to You, O L rd. I said that You are my refuge, my portion in the land of life.", "\tGive ear to my plaint, for I am greatly humbled. Save me from my pursuers, for they have grown stronger than I.", "\tRelease my soul from its constraint to praise Your name. Because of me let the righteous crown You [(as supporting those who fear You)], when [they see that] You are compassionate to me." ], [ "\tA psalm of David. O L rd, listen to my prayer. For Your trust [i.e., to realize You assurance to me], answer me in Your righteousness.", "\tAnd do not enter into judgment with Your servant, for no living being will be found righteous before You.", "\t[(And if I [Israel in the Babylonian exile] have sinned, I have already been smitten)], for the foe has pursued my life. He has pressed my soul to the ground. He has seated me in darkness as the dead of yore.", "\tThe spirit that is upon me grows faint and my heart is confounded within me.", "\tI remember my former days [(all of the miracles You wrought for us)] and contemplate all of Your acts, and speak of the deeds of Your hands.", "\tI spread my hands out to You [in prayer]. My soul [in exile] is as the parched land, [yearning] to You, always.", "\tMake haste, answer me, O L rd; my spirit goes out. Do not conceal Your face from me to have me likened to those who descend to the pit.", "\tLet me hear Your lovingkindness in the morning [of redemption], for I have trusted in You. Let me know the road that I must walk, for I have lifted my spirit unto You [for the acceptance of my prayer].", "\tRescue me from my foes, O L rd. With You [alone] have I concealed [my tribulations, revealing them to no men].", "\tInstruct me to do Your will, for You are my G d. Your goodly will shall lead me on level land.", "\tFor Your name's sake, O L rd, sustain me. In Your righteousness, free my soul from affliction.", "\tAnd in Your lovingkindness, cut off my foes and destroy all the oppressors of my spirit, for I am Your servant." ], [ "\tA psalm of David. Blessed is the L rd, my Rock, who teaches my hands for battle, my fingers for war.", "\tWho does lovingkindness with me, who is my fortress, my stronghold, my rescuer, my shield. And I take refuge in Him, who spreads out peoples beneath Him.", "\tO L rd, what is man [(Paras and Yishmael)] to You that You have known him [to aggrandize him]; the son of man, that You dignify him?", "\tMan is likened to breath. His days are as a passing shadow [(the shadow of a bird in flight)].", "\tO L rd, lower Your heavens and descend. Strike the mountains [(the gentile kings)] and let them smoke!", "\tFlash lightning and scatter them; shoot Your arrows [(thunderbolts)] and confound them.", "\tSend Your hands from the heights. Free me and rescue me from the multitude of waters, from the hand of strangers.", "\tWhose mouths speak vanity and whose right hand is the right hand of falsehood [i.e., raised to swear falsely].", "\tO G d, I will sing You a new song. With lyre and ten-stringed harp I will sing to You.", "\tWho gives salvation to kings [(Saul being saved from killing David, and David, from being killed, viz. I Samuel 23:27)], who frees His servant David from the evil sword.", "\t[(As You did then, so)] free me and rescue me from the hand of strangers, whose mouths speak vanity, and whose right hand is the right hand of falsehood.", "\t[(For now, too, our generation is worthy of Your providence.)] For our sons are like young plants [unblemished (with sin)], grown up [with the same good name that was theirs] in their youth. Our daughters [are tall and stately], like the perfectly aligned corners of the edifice [-stones] of the sanctuary.", "\tThe corners [of our store-houses] are full [of grain], supplying [(ample bread)] from one harvest to the next. Our sheep increase in the thousands and ten thousands in our demesne.", "\tOur leaders are borne [i.e., respected (by their charges), so that] there is no breach [in us] and no [evil report] spread abroad and no outcry [(of the tumult of war)] in our thoroughfares.", "\tFortunate is the people who have it so. Fortunate is the people whose G d is the L rd." ], [ "\tA Tehillah [(praise)], of David. I shall exalt You, O G d, the King, and I will bless Your name forever.", "\tEvery day I will bless You, and I will praise Your name forever.", "\tGreat is the L rd and greatly praised; there is no searching out His greatness.", "\tOne generation to another shall praise Your deeds and recount Your [acts of] strength.", "\t[(And I, likewise,)] the beauty of the glory of Your majesty and the words of Your wonders shall I relate.", "\tAnd they [(one generation to another)] shall declare the strength of Your awesome deeds, and I [likewise,] shall tell of Your greatness.", "\tThe remembrance of the abundance of Your good shall they express, and Your righteousness shall they sing.", "\tGracious and merciful is the L rd, withholding wrath and great in lovingkindness.", "\tThe L rd is good to all, and His mercies are upon all of His creations.", "\tAll of Your acts, O L rd, shall praise You, and Your lovingkindnesses shall bless You.", "\tAnd the glory of Your kingdom shall they [(one generation to another)] proclaim, and Your strength shall they declare,", "\t[saying: It is good for us] to make known to the sons of man His strength and the glory of the splendor of His kingdom.", "\tYour kingdom is a kingdom over all the worlds, and Your reign is throughout the generations.", "\t[The aleph-beth arrangement of the verses is broken at this point by the absence of a verse for the nun, David foreseeing a great fall (nefilah) for Israel — and then, recovery from that fall intimated in the next (samech - \"support\") verse, viz.:] The L rd supports (somech) all the falling (noflim) and He straightens all the bent.", "\tThe eyes of all aspire to You, and You give them their sustenance in its time.", "\tYou open Your hand and You satisfy [the needs of] all living things [with] favor.", "\tRighteous is the L rd in all of His ways and saintly in all of His acts.", "\tNear is the L rd to all who are near Him, to all who call upon Him in truth.", "\tThe will of those who fear Him will He do, and their outcries will He hear and save them.", "\tThe L rd guards all of His lovers, and all of the wicked He will destroy.", "\tMy mouth will speak the praise of the L rd, and [also] all flesh will bless the name of His holiness forever." ], [ "\tHallelukah! Praise the L rd, O my soul.", "\tI shall praise the L rd in my life. I shall sing to the L rd while I yet [live].", "\tPlace not your trust in princes, in the son of man, in whom there is no help.", "\t[When] his spirit leaves, he returns to his earth [from which he was taken. And at that time] all of his thoughts are lost.", "\tHappy the man whose help is the G d of Jacob [viz. Genesis 28:15], whose hope is in the L rd, his G d.", "\t[For He is] the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea and all that is therein [(so that He can protect him in all of these elements)], the keeper of truth [(the truth of His assurance)] forever.", "\tThe executor of justice for the despoiled. He gives bread to the hungry. The L rd looses the bound.", "\tThe L rd gives sight to the blind. The L rd straightens the bowed. The L rd loves the righteous.", "\tThe L rd keeps the converts. He heartens the orphan and the widow, and He makes crooked the way of the wicked.", "\tThe L rd will reign forever [(He will establish His kingdom with the redemption of His children)], your G d [who dwells in] Zion, through all the generations, Hallelukah!" ], [ "\tHallelukah! [Praise the L rd!] For it is good to sing to our G d. Because He is pleasant, praise becomes [Him].", "\tThe L rd builds Jerusalem and gathers in the outcasts of Israel.", "\tHe heals the broken-hearted and binds their wounds.", "\tHe assigns a count to the stars. He calls all of them by name.", "\tGreat is our L rd, and mighty in power. His understanding is infinite.", "\tThe L rd heartens the humble. He lowers the wicked to the ground.", "\tAnswer the L rd in thanksgiving; sing to the L rd on the lyre.", "\tHe covers the skies with clouds. He readies rain for the earth. He makes the mountains sprout with grass.", "\tHe gives the beast its bread; the young of the raven [(who is cruel\" to his offspring)] what they cry for.", "\tHe desires not [the truster in] the strength of the horse. He desires not [the truster in] the [lightness of the] legs of a man.", "\tThe L rd desires those who fear Him, those who aspire to His lovingkindness.", "\tPraise the L rd, O Jerusalem! Praise your G d, O Zion!", "\tFor He has strengthened the bolts of your gates. He has blessed your children in your midst.", "\tHe reposes peace in your borders. He sates you with the fats of wheat.", "\tHe sends His word [i.e., rain] earthward; quickly does His word run.", "\tHe gives snow as wool. He scatters hoarfrost as ashes.", "\tHe casts His ice as flakes. Who can stand before His cold?", "\tHe sends forth His word and He melts them [(the flakes)]. He makes His [west] wind blow and they flow water.", "\tHe tells His word to Jacob, His statutes and His judgments to Israel.", "\tHe has not done so with any nation, and they do not know His judgments, Hallelukah!" ], [ "\tHallelukah! Praise the L rd from the heavens. Praise Him in the heights.", "\tPraise Him all His angels. Praise Him all His hosts.", "\tPraise Him sun and moon. Praise Him all the stars of the night.", "\tPraise Him skies of the heavens and the waters above the heavens.", "\tLet them praise the name of the L rd, for He commanded and they were created.", "\tAnd He set them up forever. He gave [them] an ordinance [(each to serve at its proper time)] not to be transgressed.", "\tPraise the L rd from the earth, sea-serpents and all the depths.", "\tFire and hail, snow and vapor, stormy wind doing His bidding.", "\tThe mountains and all the hills, fruit-tree and all the cedars.", "\tThe animals and all the beats, creeping things and winged fowl.", "\tThe kings of the earth and all the nations, princes and all the judges of the earth.", "\tYoung men and also maidens, elders along with youths.", "\tLet them praise the name of the L rd, for His name alone is exalted. His glory is over earth and heaven.", "\tAnd He has lifted the horn of His people, praise for all of His saintly ones, for the children of Israel, the people close to Him — Hallelukah!" ], [ "\tHallelukah! Sing to the L rd a new song, His praise in the congregation of saints.", "\tLet Israel rejoice in its Maker, the sons of Zion regale in their King.", "\tLet them praise His name in dance. With drum and timbrel let them sing to Him.", "\tFor the L rd desires His people. He beautifies the humble with salvation.", "\tLet the saintly exult in [G d]s glory. Let them rejoice in their [abodes of] rest.", "\tThe praises of the Almighty [are] in their throats and [they are] a double-edged sword in their hands.", "\tTo wreak vengeance upon the nations, chastisement upon the peoples.", "\tTo bind their kings in chains, their nobles in shackles of iron.", "\tTo execute upon them the written judgment [viz. Ezekiel 2:14], [shedding] splendor upon all of His saints, Hallelukah!" ], [ "\tHallelukah! Praise the Almighty in His holy place. Praise Him in the firmament of His strength.", "\tPraise Him in His [acts of] greatness. Praise Him according to the magnitude of His greatness.", "\tPraise Him with the blowing of the shofar. Praise Him with harp and lyre.", "\tPraise Him with drum and dance. Praise Him with strings and organ.", "\tPraise Him with resounding cymbals. Praise Him with shouting cymbals.", "\tLet every soul praise the L rd — Hallelukah!" ] ], "sectionNames": [ "Chapter", "Verse" ] }