--- license: cc-by-nc-4.0 language: - en --- Winter Goddess - A 70B L2 Model for General use, or for Roleplay. I wanted a Smart Model that is Capable of following Instructions, while being able to (e)RP effectively. Sort of like 1.3, but better. I merged some models as a base, and had tuned on top of it afterwards. I personally think this mogs Euryale 1.3, but ymmv. *** For Transparency's Sake: Models Used:
SunsetBoulevard (at roughly 0.1 weight, boosting coherency)
Private De-alignment LoRA on top. why does it show mergekit in the safetensors.index metadata? -> I used DARE method to merge the 3 models. Then Axolotl qLoRA. then used lora-merge, copying the files of the base merged model because they didn't save to the new one, only the .safetensor files got saved. *** Prompt Format - Alpaca ``` ### Instruction: ### Response: ``` OR ``` ### Instruction: ### Input: ### Response: ``` ***
42. A 25-year-old female has been struck in the right eye with a pipe. She has a ruptured right globe, an orbital fracture and no other obvious injury. You should bandage:
A) The right eye tightly
B) Both eyes loosely
C) The right eye loosely
D) Both eyes tightly