comment_id,text,hate_speech_score,label 23624,Everyone and anyone who supports the destruction of Pakistan deserve to be hanged #HangTraitorsOfPakistan #PashteenCapExposed URL,0.3,0 27816,"No labels are so much better then dating a stud . Let's be real fems are sick of dating these boring ""don't eat my pussy"" ass studs that aren't spontaneous but w/ a no label you get dominant and submissive . Studs step yo cookies up because the bitches like me taking these fems💯",-0.61,0 15928,I'm gonna put three dry fingers in your tight pussy and finger that cunt so hard that you scream out loud,0.49,0 26746,@SentimentSheith nasty faggot,1.29,5 21284,RAZOR WIRE THAT TOWN IN & FILL IT WITH ILLEGALS SINCE THEY WANT TO PLAY SANCTUARY FIRE WITH FIRE (:{= MAGA,0.86,3 21487,Seem like when you leave a nigga alone every thing you deserve start flowing & falling in place 🥰🙌🏾,-0.87,0 31253,"/THREAD/ With the seizing of the British ship, the Iranians are clearly signaling: The countries who succumb to Trump's pressure and agree to become tools in his maximum pressure policy on Iran will pay a price for targetting Iran. >",-1.97,0 29358,"@GOPLeader And you support rapists, pediphiles, Russia and terrorists like Saudi Arabia. Fuck you you fucking fuck.",1.22,1 41288,I wish Drake would sit his Fake ass down somewhere. Nigga look like a F**king clown running around.,0.5,0 1484,"Stop being a fucking cuck. ""Fuck Chechnya"" justifies killing 1/5 of the population? Fuck Russia, filthy warmongering scum.",1.75,3 21180,"im sorry, but in the year 2019, i cannot be bothered to perform taxonomy on my sexuality when i failed biology and have Chronic Discourse Exhaustion",-0.15,0 3176,Catch every drop in your mouth cunt omg I love your tits and wanna bury myself in your holes,-0.69,0 5974,"""Coming out"" is becoming less and less of a thing with each passing year, which is great. No one should have to be worry about repercussions -- be it family, friends, work -- because of who they love. The only profession where it still seems to be somewhat taboo is male professional sports. And even those walls are slowly coming down.",-4.45,0 33483,Mind your business fucking niggers URL,1.4,1 6655,"Hey, no need to be ashamed. My dad came out as gay about a year ago, and now, the oldest guy he's seeing is like 23 (he's mid-late 40s). He likes younger guys, and my mom likes older guys lol (she's mid-40s and her boyfriend is near retirement)",-6.21,0 1111,"I never had a problem to begin with, my lovely lady is Mexican and native american.",-4.78,0 11776,People who use finna instead of gonna or going to are a festering infection on the asshole of humanity and should be wiped out at the earliest.,1.25,6 34902,Please go back from wence you came. You foul vile ... woman? You are a terrorist living in America. Hells got a special place for you.. And it ain't in America. Should wrap you in an American flag and drop you in Syria. Then just get the popcorn out and watch the show.,1.96,1 44508,Yo i love the Philippines because i am a filipino,-5.13,0 46915,"+Jdi Dd You sure do, its called illegally crossing the US Border & getting as many freebies as you can off of US taxpayers...then you have the drug cartels of course & human trafficking..If Mexico was so great you all wouldn't be trying to crash into our country. Here's an idea,how about cleaning up your disease infested shit hole country,you""re a bunch of beggers & criminals.",2.21,3 45138,"To weave or not to weave? All I can say as a red blooded white man who finds black ladies beautiful, there is nothing sexier IMO than a black woman with her natural afro.",-3.04,0 28225,"@dperez4301 I bet a ear like you raped almost every girl he layed his hands on even 12weeks old. If your think 9year old during the Prophet SAW's time and a 9yr old during your sickish era are the same in size, wisdom and brilliance then you surely ought to be admitted in hospital",2.14,4 16914,"been wanting to do this gfy for some time. have to admit that penis envy (and admiration) is in full effect, even though I'm totally straight 😉",-3.13,0 11210,"MaddRespect to you man, it feels good that overseas pakistani actually still care about Pakistan despite the fact that they are living good life abroad. God give you all long life.",-6.05,0 18652,Good for you. I'm happy living my life constantly complimented by men.,-3.44,0 25775,sehun as straight as a circle URL,-2.5,0 3710,"YTA. That's not ""accepting"" nor being proud. That's called being ashamed of who your partner is. She's Bi and you can't change that. If your mother doesn't like her and you are as ""proud"" as you say, you would have held her hand and let her say it and supported her for it. >I told her I'm proud of her and who she is but that this could weaken my realtionship with my mother and that she should expect my boundaries and discomfort in sharing that information.",-4.24,0 32750,"@P4tR10tBoo This is true, Hispanics came here illegally, many 20 years ago. They had 3-5 children, all American citizens (VOTERS) do the math, there breeding like rats! They have INVADED our Country, and won the VOTE !",1.42,1 5493,"Just cut off your dick man, smh my head",0.21,0 8594,You fookin homophobic piece of shit.,1.08,5 42953,There was one big nigga he got locked up with a white bitch,-0.15,0 49353,"Ugly, hideous, violent murders like this one deserves capital punishment. PERIOD!!!! AND this female will be in death row and not in the general population where she could be in lesbian heaven which would be no punishment at all AND put other women a risk of being killed like she killed her unfaithful girl friend.",0.38,0 4511,We welcome politically unaffiliated refugees.,-3.84,0 38498,"Elizabeth, you are a #RACIST & A #BIGOT You lied about your heritage to get privilege in college. You are the #WhiteSupremacist here using your fake heritage to bump a deserving minority a spot in college. Your words are as empty as your soul. Take a hike. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 URL",-0.76,0 32704,"@shoe0nhead Fun fact: Disney wouldn't be ""making"" Valkyrie gay/bi, they'd be keeping true to the comics. URL",-3.15,0 40184,Keep deleting my comments!! And I'll just keep commenting. JESUS IS THE ONLY WAY TO ETERNAL LIFE. HE DIED FOR EVERYONES SINS. THESE PEOPLE WORSHIP SATAN. THEY SAY god ALL THE TIME BUT THEY ARE NOT TALKING ABOUT THE LIVING GOD. THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT THEIR FALSE GOD SATAN. REPENT AND ACCEPT JESUS CHRIST AS YOUR LORD AND SAVIOR. JOHN 3:16!!!!,-1.04,0 25369,"@SadiqKhan another bleating sheep that follows a false, child molesting prophet. Did you attain your position the same way your whore mother attained you? On your knees, eager mouth agape.",1.39,2 31657,Islamic men are COWARDS! URL,1.49,4 35220,@Michael31776226 Very good girl 👏🏽 I imagine all their cum leaks from your cunt when fucked to the bed often soaking the sheets 💦,0.41,0 38395,And let me categorically state that J&K Governor Satya Pal Malik will also go down in history as one of the key man who rewrote history of Jammu & Kashmir. He deserves our kudos.,-3.9,0 591,"I've been aching for a slutty thing to have fun with. I love to talk dirty and would be wonderful if someone was around that could keep up with me. I like to pull hair, choke, spank, gag, fuck a mouth and ass, trade pics, watch each other cum, fuck in public, sneak off and have a quick fuck before coming home, stop in where you work and fuck in the bathroom on your lunch.",0.91,4 29747,Soros is trying to bring back the Nazi regime to Germany by importing Muslims who hitler recruited now he's gaming Germany into hitlers final solution bye bye Germany I don't think USA can bail u out this time ure fucked,-0.37,0 36830,#WebduniaCheck AAP MLA Pankaj Pushkar was allegedly thrashed by locals during raid at ration shops. URL,-2.78,0 5736,I bet that slut got wet while doing this. After the show I bet she sucked him off. Just so she can get to taste a bit of cum,2.23,4 47199,"Muslims will burn in hell with fagots, lesbians, atheist. Burn all the qurans, there god allha can suck my left nut, jesus is god",2.34,2 14120,Judge me if you want but everyone who isn't muslim wanna fuck a muslim slut in hizab. Btw whatever airtight means you girl deserve to get fucked like that,1.25,2 20380,"""Go back to Africa then"" BITCH they hate us there too, the fuck? URL",1.71,1 38257,@PghBizTimes I'm sure all the union workers will be so upset that the scab loving..union busting racist won't be coming to their jobsite..He has to go to El Paso and pretend he cares about immigrants..,0.5,0 23735,Latina Lesbians Giving a Good Lick URL,-2.89,0 34686,#सुखदुआ_समाज @derasachasauda Volunteers has Taken Pledge to Respect Transgenders Equally by the Inspiration of #BabaRamRahim #SaintMSG #DSSUpliftsTheThirdGender #Eunuchs #किन्नर_उद्धार URL,-3.82,0 41458,Look at California people are dying and the democratics don't do shit all they talked about is trump racist. Fix your problem and help your people in California and stop this race card excuses,-0.76,0 38525,@DennisCricket_ Even Muslims in the region welcomed this decision URL,-2.85,0 28243,niggas ARE DUMB AS FUCC IDc,1.3,1 1189,"Why is that bad though? I really didn't care much about being South American until I was older because I thought it made me less US-American. I've only learned to love the fact that I'm South American as I got older and embraced by accent, the fact that I can speak Spanish, and the fact that the only passport I own is Argentine. I got older and I got wiser. What's wrong with that?",-5.52,0 23028,@ramizarra12 @CavalierBrit @Dockrill2 @AStratelates Funny how it's only militant atheists who believe this myth that Hitler was a Christian.,-0.59,0 40768,true christian racism,-0.5,0 4642,Aither deserves to be recognized for the LGBT woman she is.,-3.81,0 15498,I like Polish people. Heck my family used to work with Stan Ostrowski and Katolicki Church on the shelter. That's how I know what Polish sounds like.,-3.14,0 2660,Fuck you raw doggystyle and creampie that pussy,1.79,4 46973,"Sorry but other than Will, them niggas all look fuking gay.",1.22,1 7289,"""Haha fuck you stupid white boy mayo crackers fragile pieces of shit go fucking die lmao"" ""N-"" ""HOLY FUCKING SHIT. FULL STOP, YIKES AND OOF, LET'S FUCKING UNPACK THIS SHIT.""",2.43,1 3617,"You don't have to do this on your own. There are groups like the ACLU and other which can give you more information about this and might even refer you to a good lawyer. If you ask around the relevant subreddits or contact your local LGBTQ support groups, they can tell you more. Nobody has the right to touch you without your consent and nobody had the right to make you feel afraid and alone.",-4.19,0 33363,Jordan realising that India is the female version of Anna lol,-5.23,0 43982,All of these congresswoman's past comments suggest they don't like living in America. Omar by her words seems to not condemn terrorism. The president was right on what he said 100%None of these ignorant women need to be voted back in. We don't need that kind of anti-American rhetoric in Congress,0.37,0 9897,Oh I'll destroy you alright you worthless piece of fuck meat I'd keep you locked up till I need to dump my cum into you and I'd call you a stupid whore every time you swallowed my load,2.99,4 27423,@MuhammadSidat6 I can also bash your al shaytan allah. And burn your bullshit quran and your allah can't punish me because he is slave of Lord Satan Iblis. 😂,1.89,2 44848,@Topi Mäkelä What religion? Any sane person will dislike this piece of shit made by brain damaged sick idiots.,0.38,0 44626,Whole world should restrict these evil creatures called AMERICANS from entering their countries ! BEWARE!,0.93,3 473,I'd bend you over and fuck you until cum leaks down your ass,0.64,5 17090,Because it's the Word of God maybe? Just spitballin,-3.03,0 25548,the way he speaks about his daughter and the LGBT+ community we need more people like @MarlonWayans 🙏🏽🏳️‍🌈 URL,-3.48,0 16388,"Yeah, that's why I say most, but not all. There's still nearly 200 countries (I think?) in the world and the Muslim countries are still a small number of those countries. But you're welcome and as everyone else as said, stay safe and everyone from outside of Russia in here supports you guys 100%.... even more!",-2.09,0 21160,I attract bitches with bad attitudes 😒,-0.89,0 8719,"Those white farmers being murdered are on a rapid decrease so please don't get your info from FOX, because they don't fact check. Ebola isn't in South Africa, there were more cases in the US than here so yeah back to fact checking. And I probably got a better chance of making something since I am only 18. Meanwhile you probs 30+, don't fact check, support Trump and are blantaly racist.",-0.46,0 24724,Omg let's find this psychotic bitch,0.9,4 17302,"Ahh yeah good point. Hanging out with my queer friends in general is a lot easier when it comes to pronouns, I rarely even have to ask because someone usually lets me know so I didn't really think about that.",-3.21,0 11088,It was a gay community party at the park. I went to watch. They had a sweet stage built hanging out from Greystone. Tons of production. Fireworks obviously.,-3.62,0 48580,"Dude, what is your point? Why do you hate America? Either that or you hate women... maybe you are into men... maybe you want to get spit roasted in San Francisco.",-0.5,0 36547,@TeeDot___ Look at this niggas fit dawg someone need to fuck this nigga up,1.05,1 31581,"@MidwinCharles @egemini618 Not just Blacks. They are also shitty to Latinos, POC, immigrants of color etc. These racists are the worst kind of beings.",0.68,3 11660,"How to piss off a conservative: ""Oh, so you want a safe space away from LGBT people, crossdressers, and immigrants? Fuckin' snowflakes.""",-0.59,0 20735,"you dont like ice cream? bro that's gay and communist, made by MA CLIQUE GANG",0.1,0 45463,Trump is just another racist white devil who people came here and killed and took the Indian land so you white people ain't nothing but satan people,0.64,1 780,"Zero Women in the GOP, right? Like Kay Ivey (Alabama Governor) has a big swinging dick between her legs.",0.12,0 18041,"See I had this mindset too. I liked this boy since fourth or fifth grade but I just thought nah, too depressed and wishy washy for a relationship. Besides I'd die in the process of trying to ask him out. I didn't even know if the guy was gay. But then suddenly whoa, he confesses to ME and we both have heart attacks. So now we're getting married and everyone is invited. Sometimes things will just come along for you. He was certainly the last thing I ever expected to really truly be in my life. And I'm happy.",-4.59,0 18371,Is that a Confederate flag in the back? And hes gay? RAM RANCH,-1.11,0 48544,All I see our immigrants who rushed to support her.,-2.31,0 16431,To be fair those darn French people already conquered us like three times in the past 200yrs,-2.58,0 9993,"/r/BPT: Fuck America, holding its own people at gun point! Also /r/BPT: AMERICA WILL MAKE YOU SUCK ITS DICK BECAUSE ITS THE GREATEST COUNTRY ON EARTH YOU EURO TRASH",0.69,3 7783,"She paid the full toll and is now ridiculed and jobless. Burn the coal pay the toll In full price. The based zoomers showed the world the disgusting whore she is i hope they always will remenber her for that ""the slut teacher"" The toll comes one way or the others wether idiots like you want or not",0.59,4 8229,"Man oh man, i can't wait to leave this authoritarian hellish regime that killed half of my neighbours because they were jews, and go live in this other authoritarian hellish regime that not only killed half of my neighbours because they were ukrainians, BUT ALSO deported half of eastern europe to siberia, AND ALSO stole all of my crops and farm animals.",-2.06,0 3764,"with you like that acting the little cum slut, first your pussy will be used then after you clean my cock up, I will have your asshole",1.94,4 6170,"I did my surgery alone. I had to tell 1 person, a neighbor, so they could drive made to and from the hospital . Fam doesn't know. Friends don't know. The way i see it, there is so much negative energy and messed up facts about it. I've made my decision long ago, and i didn't want them trying to influence me with whatever nonsense they come up with. You can do it! Most if not all hospitals have support groups of gastric patients. You should go. They can help you address your issues with friends and family. What to say, what to do.",-3.88,0 27502,"""The baptism of the Holy Ghost is not just for Pentecostals. It is for EVERYONE!"" @timgaddy #NLCtogether19",-3.13,0 47947,It amazing how the 2 non white in the lower left corner are chanting.... hmmm time to look in the mirror and question where your ancestors are from.,-1.35,0 14579,I would start by biting your slut pussy lips!,-0.87,0 9234,"She's smiling thinking ""jesus you stupid fucks I got yall brainwashed"". Fortunately for her Americans are fucking stupid",0.98,3 41387,U forgot Isreal. Every citizen in Isreal is in the army talkless the have nukes and aircraft.,-2.88,0 28265,it's cool constantly being the target of miserable mentally ill misogynists and their rage,-0.64,0 33646,"A big size contrast between a muscular Alpha God and inferior fag sub slut always makes my dick instantly hard. Love how this Alpha God treats this fag bitch like the hole he is, fucks his brains out, ruins his hole, chokes him and covers his mouth, breeds him, and discards him. URL",1.09,5 40964,They hate Christianity because they know it's the truth!!!! Repent and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. He died for your sins.. He is the ONLY way. These people are deceiving you all!!!!!!!!! They all worship satan.,-1.0,0 1071,But Asian and Jewish people are two of the best educated and affluent demographics in America. It's not a big secret nor is it misleading. What is the problem with u/bgarza18 & u/Caffeinetank statement?,-3.0,0 23804,"@realdoodoobrown @starsandstripes 🤣🤣🤣You should try being more creative in trying to hurl insults, somewhat childish and very low IQ. Maybe you're the rascist POS🤣",1.57,1 6591,"It actually definitely is. Have a look at the Australian Census for how many people claim to be Christian 52% (Catholic another 21%), and then try to apply that percentage to church attendance in your churches. If the Census accurately reflected the amount of Christians, and most of those Christians went to church, then they'd be lined around the block at every church.",-1.54,0 19346,Yeh not a single brain cell in her,1.52,4 18054,You *are* talking about Mexico right? The country that has gang members that routinely leave decapitated bodies on freeway signs right? The one where mayors end hacked up in their own home?,0.24,0 23340,"Because your ass deserves a big fat cock, follow @hotstuff4guys and make it yours on URL URL",-2.31,0 39425,"like no wonder you so shitty, it's cuz you look like this bitch URL",-0.75,0 14119,"It's fine to be upset. Rejection and sexual frustration are upsetting, and you should be allowed to vent your frustrations in a constructive, supportive environment. It is NOT fine to advocate, threaten, or condone rape. If you think women deserve to be raped because you haven't found someone willing to let you flail pathetically around on them for 43 seconds, then I think you deserve to cry alone, rotting in your semen encrusted underwear alone, until you die. Alone.",-1.67,0 38291,I'm working hard bcuz I'm starvin n you niggas lunch meat,-0.01,0 43680,"That was the most beautiful coming out video, I almost cried. The talent Eugene holds is unbelievable, and I am incredibly proud of his courage. The story in the choreography is so meaningful and beautiful, it truly hit my heart. This is art, and there is no other way to describe it. (I'm Muslim, and not quite sure how to take the lgbtq+ community, but I will NEVER do anything to take action against them. I will love anyone, regardless of who they are and how they classify themselves. We are all humans, and all deserve to be treated like such. That's what I believe the word of God is.)",-4.94,0 13502,Didnt you know that the all the twitch admins are white knight incels? Female streamers are always getting a pass.,-0.68,0 9446,"The mere fact that He created us at all makes me think that this whole ""we are worthless sinners, we are lucky that God thinks of us at all let alone saved us"" mentality of some denominations of Christianity is at worst wallowing self-pity and at best missing the entire point of being alive.",-0.86,0 3600,Edgy cunt,0.7,4 9914,"Only once I'd fucked that pussy silly, til it clamps and cums and milks my cock dry",-0.03,0 45917,"Trump, we love America, we just do not like you in our America! Get out and we will be fine!",-0.48,0 41449,Lets piss off some idiot incels. Let's bring them down for good.,0.22,0 23971,A Model of Christian Charity - The Atlantic URL,-2.93,0 16548,$100 says this person has not read the Bible.,-1.28,0 14407,"As a Pale white Algerian, I frequently play on the American server for Overwatch, and almost everyone assumes I am Black, and are surprised or don't believe me when i say I am actually white with dark blond hair and dark green eyes! There is great diversity in Africa, people by know should know.",-5.8,0 24044,Her reaction when he kisses her cheek. 😂 URL,-3.7,0 30317,all she do is run her mouth tell that hoe to suck a dick,1.83,4 46295,Tlaib is my third favorite race hustler and professional victim. Right behind Kamala Harris and Cory Booker,-0.04,0 29371,"Men will literally follow me, try to fuck, all while having a girlfriend, then get rejected, and unfollow. I just-",-1.91,0 41372,Straight up faggot,1.26,5 4219,Practically every Hollywood movie is woke and femme-power now. Doesn't matter if the central characters are female. The men will just bash each other and lament that they're separated from their mommy/wives.,-0.7,0 24858,"And for the love of Christ, please cover your kids with a tarp or a tablecloth or something to help protect the purity of priests who might otherwise be tempted to rape your kids and wait a minute why would anyone risk taking their kids to mass anymore?!? URL",-1.45,0 6641,"she looks like trash in it , and no one wants to see her ugly breasts",0.74,4 44548,"The whole mistreated, victim crap is getting old. These people should not be coming into our country illegally. The children that have died are a direct result of their parents breaking American laws.",1.06,3 26267,"Vile, bigoted thug. Should be jailed",3.15,1 47137,Wtf is with all this gay shit already ? FUCK ALL THOS GAY SHIT,1.7,5 46817,I'm a white guy and I think these women are gorgeous,-5.89,0 4193,How does being black make depression/anxiety any different?,-2.7,0 6668,His name is Leo Varadkar and his father is an Egyptian immigrant. He also gay and yes he felt it was needed to let the entire country know even though we don't care.,-2.31,0 42068,"It would be nice to tell us who starts this war and how. It's like every other prophesy, scare tactics to get people back to religion. When Jesus returns, will you ask him why he doesn't stop children getting molested?",-1.13,0 12654,Oh come on...he's Fenix's doppleganger for crying out loud! And he's actually a really good actor to boot.,-2.82,0 44782,Suck his dick bitch,0.77,4 43732,Should have blown the iranians out the water,0.66,3 45323,Africa don't even want the blacks back,1.08,1 44309,"More Black babies are aborted than any other, No wonder Demokkkrats approve.",0.14,0 15679,"Sweet! It is a pleasure to meet you! Accepting family seems like the best possible outcome from what I've seen so that is great that your father is so accepting! I loved our GSA where I went to college, though it was such a small school there were only about 15 people there, and even then only about 8 showed up each week! I do have a question as I will be honest, I do not understand ""biromantic"" (I get asexual thanks to Bojack Horseman though! \[Go Todd! Unless he isn't an accurate representation, in which case, don't 'go todd'\])",-5.07,0 26145,"If you in some shit and you start name dropping, you really a hoe and we don't have room on the earth for scums like you.",3.53,4 13356,No I bet she's some dumb ass suicidal bitch,1.22,4 40057,"Americans have always had access to guns, but mass shootings are on the rise. We all need to admit America has a racism problem. It's disgusting. It's wrong. White supremacy is evil. I don't know the solution, but let's unite as Americans and learn to love & respect each other.",1.04,1 7554,"""Well that pisses me off, Butters! Its fucking gay!""",0.15,0 43600,"Send them back south where they came from,don't give these Invaders any welfare,they are uneducated, they bring diseases they don't belong here",0.68,3 15517,Bring back the League of Women Voters,-3.18,0 33533,@RashidaTlaib Good luck with that you stupid bitch.,-0.31,0 12000,"We need sterilization of 3rd world countries, until they come into the 21st century.",1.74,3 36834,"@Flawws @jenny5e @beadtweets @BNONews Chicago isn't dangerous, the black supremacy terrorists inspired by @RepCummings and his gang is violence inciting black folk make it dangerous. Black babies are being murdered in Chicago by the 1000s. PAY ATTENTION YOU RACIST A$$HOLE!",-0.28,0 26233,I'm sorry but this woman who hates America and calls American ppl ignornant has to be a viscous liar. Living here & filing fraudulent tax returns tells u what she's all about.....I'm tired of this anti American moron...leave our country..go back to Somalia or where ever ur from URL,0.74,1 47908,"PRESIDENT TRUMP is busy helping everyone, while this racist is ONLY helping blacks.",-1.19,0 13136,"I fucking love tequila, Mexican food, Santana (spanish guitar in general), cervesa, Spanish women are the most beautiful, and I took Spanish 1, 2, and 3 in H.S. bc it's the most relevant 2nd language here. Why can illegal immigration concerns not be racially motivated any percentage of the time?",-2.94,0 11881,"Oh please, fuck no. Dudes a soy boi beta and so are his followers",0.27,0 3666,REEEEEEEE is my autistic screeching,-0.42,0 19398,"I see! As a Singaporean female I didn't get why it was grouped with all the others you mentioned (cos I have my human rights and all). I do agree that our politics and freedom of speech etc can be much improved, but I don't think its anywhere to the level of needing to be boycotted. Interesting to hear another perspective!",-3.17,0 42019,Yuck bitch look a faggot shemale looking bitch,2.33,5 41675,If you want to see Iranians blown out of the water then yeah keep going.,-0.56,0 42684,WE LOVE INDIA'S MODI! TRUMP 2020,-3.69,0 3793,She deserves a better white cock than this dumb looking man bun fuckhead.,-0.72,0 50005,Kick out all the pisslams staying illigally in the United States. Send them back to Arabian deserts.,1.08,2 9930,And for us Muslim teens its time for a jihad,-2.37,0 16491,Like the dirty little whore she is,0.85,4 948,"Eat dicks with your ""Chiraq"" nonsense.",0.65,1 18192,I live in the USA. I've been dating my girlfriend from the phillipines for 2 years. I'm planning on marrying her and bringing her here very soon. If u like the person alot. If they would be worth getting to know even more. If u would like to date them. Make it work. It will be worth it if they make u happy.,-4.6,0 29417,U niggas b livin dis gangsta ass life ya mama don't kno nothin about..,2.09,6 48716,Man I am so sick of chinas bullshit. Can we bomb the shit out of them and be done with them?,1.8,3 45008,your mom gay and your hair looks like pewbs.,0.59,5 37159,"""Turn over your guns America. Go die for zionist wars instead"" schemes the jew URL",0.29,0 43694,"just put a sub and a strike force there don't let Iran use the strait of Hormuz, they want to be terrorists treat them as such.",-0.7,0 15924,Typical reddit faggot,1.73,5 39367,25 yrs to life no parole. Stupid bitch,1.78,4 23346,"Brown dudes are the most racist, sexist and homophobic assholes I've ever met and I'm a brown girl Colonization really fked u up into thinking u can act like nasty white people instead of being kinder to people of ur own fking race URL",0.26,0 20761,Do not miss our #webcast on ('B)APA with India: A controversy prevention opportunity?' today at 7:30 p.m. (IST). Register now at URL to join @pimprikar URL,-3.16,0 49898,"Being trans in Sweden is ok but we have to deal with so much bureaucracy when we turn to the trans specific healthcare. There's a lot of waiting involved. I reached out to a gender therapist in mid 2016 and waited two years for hormones and 2,5-3 years for top surgery and legal gender reassignment. That sucks when you just need help to live your life as yourself.",-3.41,0 18196,"They're shooting women in the crotch for incel points, they'll be right back",-1.1,0 5535,I know. This guy failed an instrument checkride on a partial panel unpublished dme arc. The panel being a g500 and no round dial vor guages so there was no visual reference to track the radial. FAA reversed it. Dude is nuts,-0.21,0 1273,"There's an abundance of cowardly armed assault, bum rushing, mayhem and attempted murder from the left. The fact you limp wristed faggots don't have what it takes to get the job done doesn't exactly make you look better. But sure, go ahead and stick your dick into the hornets nest. See how that works out.",1.22,5 27961,@IRLILaw @DailyCaller Who is paying for this? Invaders don't have money. What about the illegals already here? Are they abusing the taxpayer?,-0.38,0 33554,Niggas go Broke tryna prove they not Broke to hoes who Broke 🤦🏾‍♂️😭,-0.92,0 38339,What a prize bitch she is feck off this is our country and only thing muslims will teach anyone is how to kill,1.02,2 9803,"Just wait until the next war starts. The need to replace troops lost in combat will lead to a renewed embrace of heteronormativity, nuclear families, conservative values, and religion, as a means to national cohesion, civic virtue, and patriotic sacrifice.",-3.79,0 39953,If your living off a female kill yourself,1.26,4 40504,Fuck Germany.,0.94,3 13675,The only thing good about an MLB fight is watching old white dudes go apeshit.,-0.73,0 17321,"Instead distribute those nukes among 50 different states, half of which are white nationalist? Pls no",-1.54,0 27259,@_rkhatib I can't deny it. I might be intolerant but I avoid showing that for the sake of modernity. But didn't u find the hoe provocatively offensive.,0.83,4 29610,"Black women more likely to experience sexual harassment in the workplace, study finds URL",-2.16,0 6947,You should join the trans girl groups (e.g. Duck Tales) on Telegram to get more localized friendship and advice.,-3.54,0 32504,"I saw a post a few days ago where someone, a devout follower of Jesus Christ, mused about Buzz Aldrin's partaking of the Holy Eucharist on the moon as ""colonialism"" and my heart hurt.",-1.23,0 8341,Yeah I love this shit. Women beaters need to just die.,-1.07,0 39698,"@Lrihendry @BetteMidler Lori, sweaty, u look like a scuffed bootlegged version of Brittany Spears. And Melania trump looks like Caitlyn Jenner. I'm sorry u are not getting laid and ur taking ur anger out on social media.",0.81,4 19090,I'm sure you like to delegitimise issues the trans community faces... You clearly want to throw one group under a bus :P haha,-2.95,0 8297,"Dude black people hype is no joke, and it's super contagious, couple of my friends are black and they are wild to hang around lol, really makes stuff fun",-4.25,0 5653,WHY IS RICHIE DARK SKINNED FUCK THAT SHIT!,0.86,1 2860,"I think I like being called a girl because I always feel bad that I didn't get to be a girl growing up. I don't know if I can say that I would trade my male upbringing for a female upbringing, I don't know what that would entail, or if that would be more harmful than beneficial. But I do know that it makes me feel very dysphoric thinking about all the years that everybody treated me as a boy. I mean, they still do. I haven't had HRT _yet_. But still.",-3.86,0 19772,"the patriarchy is just a random fake entity all feminist use to shame men for something that isnt real. We can just say ""The matriarchy forced men to have 6 foot schlongs"" and now its an issue. No guy shames women for her periods that some dumb shit, most guys are understanding about periods.",-1.28,0 7395,We need another holocaust,3.42,2 30789,if you make a Nigga cum off head you the devil,0.99,4 38852,A girl with a trini accent my weakness,-2.39,0 24229,Send this hoe to jail for being a dumb asss bitch please,2.51,4 37606,I propose a genocide of annoying boys,2.12,4 9433,How about you suck my ass? fag,0.14,0 30672,Imagine if Phoenicians stayed in Bahrain,-2.6,0 31448,This Islamic plague has to be eradicated ! URL,1.61,1 16014,NTA! She's creating cretins for men like this. There's nothing wrong with menstruation. If she didn't menstruate she would never have had her kids. You're step mother is an idiot!,-0.44,0 14856,Pretty much everyone in the 1400s participated in slavery and slaughter. You and I are part of the first cultures to outlaw the taking of slaves.,1.15,1 8720,33 people are fucking dead and this socialist piece of shit is celebrating... There are no words throw this faggot out of a helicopter.,2.39,5 44363,maybe if all you baby murdering sluts would keep your legs closed and quit letting guys nut up in your stank pussy you wouldn't have a baby to have to kill,1.71,4 4285,It's the virgins who complain about sex. It's the pacifists who complain about violence. It's the gaping anuses that complain about little pieces of shit.,1.73,5 19738,My cock would be soaked from your wet pussy and I'd force it down your slut throat,2.58,4 44232,EZEKIEL 7 : 19 👌 AMERICA is the real ISRAEL not their middle east decoy,0.58,3 13034,"Remember that if you give the women more money that isn't bonuses, it's also illegal and the men could sue.",-3.04,0 30188,I got plenty money I'm finna see what y'all females talking bout 😭😭,-1.66,0 46184,This is the problem that I have a gay people I totally don't want to know that they like dick instead of putting out their personality they put out their sexuality why I don't get it,-0.28,0 15929,"I never really had to prove myself persay...I am a Lutheran from the Missouri Senate and they have been alot more liberal then other Faith's. My pastor did resign shortly afterwards, and i do believe people in the congregation asked him too. The new pastor is nice and friendly but I actually enjoy the old pastors sermons better. It's the people you surround yourself with, the people that care about you that makes the difference in the world.",-4.69,0 16387,"""Other rich countries"" because other lesser tier countries' murder rates don't matter, right? Screw those top 10 highest murder rate countries, of which the US doesn't come close to making, they're just a bunch of poor brown people. I mean, it's just expected they gonna kill each other, right comrade? /S",-0.98,0 11241,Stupid fucking big ass slut needs to be raped,2.2,4 14931,"Man, being gullible and hateful are character flaws. Some folks have actual mental illnesses.",-3.14,0 46735,"@Pilot almike Ilhan Omar can go back to Somalia only when the rest of the ""Americans"" go back to Europe.",-0.91,0 3746,Hey man I wish you the very best with your endeavours to pursue and eventually consummate with a thicc white girl. It's not something everyone can do but if your still young you have hope. Time is the biggest deal breaker. I urge you get all the cute white girls throwing themselves at you. Godspeed man.,-1.0,0 2184,And you faggots thought she was getting redpilled. Give me a fucking break! She's an NPC. She's literally part of the matrix.,0.23,0 42653,Jaden exhibits all of the characteristics of a gay Psychopath. Fact. Millennial Icon.,-0.63,0 37820,President condemns white supremacy is a really low bar.,-2.98,0 4153,"can't wait till all the 💩heads crying about ""illegals"" are desparate for food and water and we all stand by and ignore ya all",-1.4,0 1480,This is a disgrace... astaghfirullah absolutely haram display.,-3.3,0 430,Thank you! This is the type of immigration we need! Wishing you and your family the best!,-5.32,0 12904,But she can't cure her retarded religion...,1.42,2 47343,I hope I'm wrong but I think our country is too immature and homophobic for Buttegieg.,-2.53,0 44584,"THE JEWS RULE SOUTH-AFRICA BEHIND THE SCENES JUST LIKE ALL OTHER COUNTRIES THEY OWN ALL THE MONEY THROUGH THE RESERVE BANK SCAM AND THEY CONTROL AND OWN ALL THE MEDIA, MOVIES,TV SO THEY OWN THE RIGHTS TO PROGRAM YOU DAY AND NIGHT. THE JEWS WORSHIP SATAN AND GOD DOES NOT HAVE A COVENANT WITH THEM ANYMORE AND THEY HAVE NO RIGHT TO THE LAND OF ISRAEL THE JEWS ARE THE ENEMY OF ALL HUMANITY WAKE THE F**K UP BRAINWASHED CHRISTIANS!",1.23,2 32019,@RyanAFournier She should be deported quickly!,-1.33,0 44792,"if only my country would have been reduced to half, got fucked by india 4 times straight, my 93000 coward soldiers rescued by them, i would troll India too.",-2.07,0 43973,"@Bored Kangaroo You could also say that criminals get treated better than this. They get cells that aren't filled with hundreds of people. They get cots. They get trials and they have to be convicted before they're punished. When convicted murderers on death row are being treated more humanely than these immigrants are, something's very wrong.",-2.46,0 36740,@pervyahjussi thank god i'm a WHAT???? bitch I'm gonna k!ll you disgusting creep jobless sweaty smelly sumo underwear piece of crap bottom of the barrel trash hoe swine stupid motherfxcker brainless ass degenerate man,1.95,4 30775,#IsupportHafizSaeed He has engaged himself to educate youth with islamic doctrine as taught to us by our beloved prophet Mohammad ( saw). URL,-4.05,0 38018,"i'd put a bitch in a coffin if that was my sister, he a bitch cuz you never lay a hand in a women no matter how mad you is URL",0.77,4 47332,p al don't let too many Muslims in your country like the United States has and you won't have that problem or should I say the bastard children of Abraham,0.43,0 12682,Get yeated feminists,0.45,0 49382,Finally!! The immigrants can't pick what country they want to seek asslyum. Enough is enough. We can't take the entire world. Canada is applying that rule.,-1.47,0 30306,Get off finsta and go to therapy bitch,-0.05,0 8494,"An hour later: ""wow a man looked at my breasts, I felt so humiliated, men are trash and pedophiles and sexist and homophobic and terrorists and drug dealers""",1.9,4 28362,It's an abomination to be a religious bigot.,-2.38,0 11163,What? I agree incels should get jobs instead of whining on the internet.,-0.91,0 756,It's not Hatari's fault that Israel can't handle it. Palestine is a country with a flag. What's wrong with waving it?,-3.18,0 21869,"@pamela12632553 @WayneDupreeShow Worse pope ever he's a total hypocrite lives behind a wall that was built to keep the hoards out, and tells them its wrong tells 🇬🇷 Greece🇬🇷 to love Muslims, but won't tell Iran to love Christians. 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻",-1.36,0 2125,"Reproductive Coercion. Meaning either men who poke holes in the condoms or sabotage a woman's birth control to get her pregnant without her consent; or women who lie about being on birth control, poke holes in the condoms, or scoop condoms out of the trash can so they can inseminate themselves. All this for a baby that the other person doesn't wants. Kids deserve both parents who want them.",-2.96,0 5295,"> If you are a software engineering company, you can't just ignore half the potential workforce. Sure you can. Company's choice. If they have all the talent that they need with just men, then let the women start up their own company. Some have. But no company HAS to diversify to succeed.",-2.72,0 26258,"@Education4Libs @JCMounduix Well, if your god is hateful like you describe then I'm glad I killed him off when I had the chance.",0.76,2 47036,"@Dimitri: Your confusing charisma with racism. Andy Murray is as white as you can get, but outside the UK he hardly gets any crowd support. White Americans have a dislike for Latinos in general, but Rafa Nadal is still the most popular and loved tennis player along with Federer. Why was ""Guga"" Gustavo Kuerten/ Gabriela Sabatini being Latinos, loved and adored by fans all over the world? There is something called Charisma. Some people have it, some don't. Deal with it.",-3.06,0 22392,What a hot piece of tattooed ass @lucasleonxxx is while taking dick 🍆🍑🍆 from @RickyRoman91 & @JoshMooreXXX in both of his holes. 😈🔥😛. I'm edging to this hot scene and need to cum so bad! 🍆💦😜 #gaythreesome #bareback #fucking #bbbh #gaygroup #gay URL,-3.52,0 44315,"Dumnass blinded American, without Trump you American may killed by Dem Rats crimes party love illegal immigrants refugees and drug cartel without communist bullets.",0.86,3 36039,@ryanvesco94 The engagement ring is the promise ring you goons,-2.43,0 37720,Indian kill the Kashmiris and some puppet said Kashmiri's lives with India not with Pakistan Chutiye #UNandOICsaveKashmiri URL,1.32,1 31357,Why Working Women Need to Mentor Other Women URL,-3.67,0 49171,hey betoff your white ya effin doush,-0.12,0 28365,No. You get naked and suck some dick. Real women know URL,-0.14,0 2139,TIL that Hydros is white. Always thought he was black,-2.44,0 1094,"Okay listen here retard, this isn\`t funny.... THIS IS CYBERBULLYING YOU FAT FUCKING RETARD, GO DIE YOU FUCKING BAFOON RETARD SHITFACE",1.43,7 28061,"@Tabarra247 I legit watched a woman covered in a niqab say exactly that on British Tv segment If anyone wants the link to the YouTube vid, she says if a woman is more covered things like this won't happen to her",-2.01,0 45771,A bunch of armchair christians on here turning yet another blind eye to adultery to save face with their political alignment.,-0.67,0 29509,"""Just fucking look at her getting used like a simple cock sleeve~ That's how a nasty whores needs to be treated, like a fucking cock sleeves, nothing else."" (Artist - Generalbutch) URL",1.54,4 24833,"eid mubarak ☪︎ while it is a day of celebration, so many muslims don't get to celebrate. sending my prayers to muslims across the world from Christchurch to Sudan. we honor their lives today. URL",-4.88,0 38956,"Domestic terrorism has killed more Americans in the past decade than any other form. It is long past time for common-sense gun reform and a federal domestic terrorism statute. Most importantly, we must come together as a nation and prove that there is no place for hate in the US. URL",-5.55,0 19168,">So maybe it would be a waste of our time since you think the Nazis were so bad one couldn't possibly be compared to them short of being an existential threat to the world. Not existential thread, but calling someone a Nazi should be held for something like white supremacy, genocide, and other major things. Not for saying illegal immigrants should be deported.",-0.7,0 8518,Saudi Arabia is full of sex trafficked slaves....,-0.85,0 20290,"Fairness and equality are core American values. I'm proud to join my colleagues in voting to pass the #EqualityAct, which will protect LBGTQ Americans from discrimination. URL",-6.52,0 28232,only white girls wore this atrocious outfit,-0.67,0 44156,Dont believe in the illuminati...Bolten is a female to male transgender being....learn how to spot the illuminati...research transvestigations and pregvestigations...boycott hellyweird and burn your hellyvision,0.56,4 1377,"I think that's great that she stands up for her rights and I wholeheartedly support her. Would not put me off dating at all. In fact, it's a positive.",-5.11,0 15003,Mormonism is a cult with excommunication.. don't know how you can say the average American is just as a brainwashed.,0.52,2 22952,Homophobia is winning again... this world is a piece of 💩,-0.5,0 11188,Relax bro. Churches are festering shitholes of hate filled bigots and one day they will die off and none of us will have to worry about the religion that committed suicide with a shotgun spray of hypocrisy. You don't need to come telling me to stop being divisive because I'm just hastening the inevitable.,1.45,2 15131,"> probably going to wake up tomorrow to a massive shitstorm and dislikes Oh yeah, saying something bold like ""Europe good USA bad!!"" on r/worldnews will surely get you tons of downvotes! Thank you for your bravery, sir!",-2.75,0 22431,@fabbgrat the gays are back at this pokemon shite again 😭,0.11,0 26952,non-passing trans women are amazing and deserve respect and validation and love and all the good things💕,-3.84,0 9407,I would hate fuck this slut,0.82,4 3195,Dann lass dir mal von einem ethnically and nationally german sagen: Know your fucking place trash.,-1.84,0 34233,he just wan make we see say girls dey feel cos this heat be trash ankasa,-0.44,0 25977,Priest: open your bibles to Psalm... Me: BODY ONCE TOLD ME,-2.22,0 17040,"Your threats of punishment, even of imaginary punishment like hell, are to those who similarly believe in such a place the opposite of good. The anguish they feel is entirely and completely from your bigotry and those like you. If homosexuality was actually an illness isn't it compassion you should show? At least then you would be mistaken and still a moral person in your ignorance?",-2.89,0 1972,"Combat #TEN THOUSAND MEN DIED FOR CHRIST AND COMBAT, GAVE THEIR LIVES AS CRUSADERS AND NEVER CAME BACK. WENT STRAIGHT TO HEVEN FOR CHRIST AND COMBAT",-3.27,0 30916,@davidfsmiranda @DBD_Turdukken_X @TonyPauls112 @Tactical_review So? Portugal is a pussy country full of beta douchebags like you. Little bitchy girly boys still suckling mommy's teet.,0.91,3 36531,"@DThumwood And if you take away their guns, people will kill with cars, knives, IEDs. The problem is: the hearts of men are dark and full of sin.",-0.25,0 14139,"Wait, there aren't minority groups that are privileged over other minority groups? If it's based on demographic saturation, larger minorities *can* be racist towards smaller minorities. A black person has a legacy of racism to contend with, but they don't have to worry about the ""illegal immigrant"" or non-native speaker prejudices experienced by Hispanic people in the United States. Is that not privilege? If a black person can call ICE on a legal Mexican immigrant and who could then potentially be detained for hours or days, when the reverse would not occur, is that not power?",-1.23,0 31661,You're so pathetic... a slave to your own dick. Cum in cash while I mind fuck you ✨ #FinDom #PayPig #HumanATM #MindFuck URL,1.09,4 43273,Time to light there asses up with the microwave weapons. Come withing 100 ft of the border and boom a fever of 140 degrees.,1.56,3 28297,good evening men are trash,-0.11,0 20284,"SHES FUCKING 11 YOU WEIRD ASS BITCH. BABIES SHOULDNT HAVE FUCKING BABIES SHE CANT WVEN GET A JOB YOU FUCKEN STUPID ASS BITVH. Either be ugly or ignorant not both, pick a struggle you dumb fuck. URL",1.2,4 25268,The mascot of the upcoming 'straight pride parade' URL,-3.22,0 21889,"Damn, i really got no friends. A nigga be bored as shit",-2.97,0 38619,"@SushmaSwaraj @narendramodi Rot in hell, mother of terror, may peace never come to you. Burn her body and post videos you moron indian nation",1.91,1 41352,The four terrorists of the Apocalypse are true terrorists and foreign haters of America and should be deported out of our wonderful sovereign country!,-0.54,0 14836,"They are stuck in an ever-lasting limbo of ""Jews are subhuman trash that doesn't deserve to live because of their bad genes"" and ""Jews are so powerful and intelligent that they control all aspects of society""",-0.69,0 21060,"This nigga asked me could i wash his clothes , Tf YO CLOTHES ? WASH EM? TF OUTTA HERE FRFR 💯i cant wash shit , dont ask me for SHIT ONG & NO I DNT WANNA FUCK YOU FOO BYE 💯💯",-0.33,0 45875,Guess who else is overwhelmed? Pence's god listening to his confessions. Whatever happened to those FAKE christian morals...,-0.68,0 4366,"I'm mixed Korean-Polish and I was just in SK for a week in April and had zero issues. I think people assumed I was either Latina or some kind of European vs. mixed Korean, except when I visited family in Busan and they were all accepting. Everyone was kind, it was wonderful to see the cultural and historical sites and eat the food. I had a great time and would go back in a heartbeat.",-4.75,0 30287,@MsKnowsALot1 @SherrySwain @IlhanMN They do stuff like that in Somalia. Don't be fooled. She is fodder for those wanting to destroy the USA. You know what fodder is don't you. Do you know she wants all women here & particularly all white males enslaved?,-0.72,0 16398,Oh my fucking god what is up with these fucking degenerate homo sapiens coming to r/ape. I will turn your entire fucking lineage of shitty homo genus inbred excuse of a fucking primates into my next banana smoothie if you dont get the fuck OUT of here.,1.98,5 43325,"Simple try to relocate the Immigrants to another state.provide accomodation,a make shift school, where they can do agriculture ,provide them with the necessary tools and leadership with guidance , and security to prevent burglary/theft,crime within themselves thus in the meantime processing their documents",-3.01,0 47312,"Mongolians gonna hate this movie, in history mongolians beated china not like this movie. And im mongolian girl nomads gonna hate this movie, even kazakhs",-1.94,0 13734,No insult cant think of shit with those holes in ur brain? Lame ass nigga.,-1.38,0 45921,That is not true...and the bigger question here is where are the jews in middle eastern countries? There are more Arabs in Israel than there are Jews in all the middle eastern countries. Fact,-1.75,0 11433,If you travel or are a permanent resident in a foreign country and gave birth there in order to get a resident visa...that is how it is in the UAE.,-2.92,0 13321,"NTA. You don't need to want to go to Pride if you don't want to, but it still has a vital place in our community. As for the less conventional parts of the Pride parades, the majority of the BDSM and kink community have always stood up for us. Even if there weren't overlaps between queer people and being open to more creative types of sex, that community has always stood by us, like the furry community has, so they deserve to walk amongst our allies",-4.45,0 5460,Fuck you smurf ass faggot. Go drink bleach.,2.25,5 735,This is what happens when abortion is illegal! Decatuplets everywhere!,-1.41,0 18786,"Joke's on Germany, they're getting partitioned harder",-2.97,0 5871,"the other day when that guy in japan went apeshit with a knife and killed 2 people. if that lunatic were here in the states, well, you know what would happen because it happens almost weekly.",0.14,0 27070,"@PA_BL Don't worry mate, Our thoughts with genocided people by France in Algeria,Tunusia and Africa 🙏",-3.86,0 8699,"Dudes marching through the streets with tiki torches, giving Nazi salutes and shouting about how Jews will not replace them. Me, an idiot: this reminds me of Hitler and the Nazis. You, an intellectual: you moron, you complete fucking imbecile. You've just completely destroyed the credibility of your argument.",-0.68,0 16779,Ugly white men*,0.24,0 37893,@realDonaldTrump Is there anything more beta and cowardly than shooting at defenceless people? These pathetic losers leave a manifesto as if anyone gives a shit why they decided to have a temper tantrum. Fucking cucks.,0.56,3 11972,Stupid bitch hope she gets what she deserves,0.61,4 19811,"I have a straight cousin who gate keeps for the LGBTQ+ community. Count your blessings that you have her, cause otherwise you would be flooded with people who just want to be along for the ride.",-2.86,0 21015,This long haired whore was there looking for a cock & found one. That cock did not make any conversation at all. Just lower the pants and bare fuck. The cock knew the way the whores love it. Just fuck hard to shoot in! URL,0.15,0 12988,Maybe he actually IS jesus. URL,0.48,0 16804,Why are Indians such fucking dirtbags?,1.45,1 14109,Yeah I'm an incel alright I have banged more whores then you ever will you little cunt.,1.87,4 17089,"Jesus Christ. These people are fucking faggots, where's the autist shooters when you need one",3.89,5 15763,Don't worry I'm 24 and lost,-4.14,0 926,"Yea, forget that a girl can poke a hole in a condom and lie about being on the pill and all that bull shit. Even if they both agree that they want an abortion the father has no say. A women can give birth to another mans child and have the man take care of it for years and the women would suffer no consequences. I read a headline last week, a woman stole sperm from a blowjob, got herself pregnant and sued the guy for child support. If that doesnt sound way worse than this BS than idk wtf yall think Male privilege is. Chief this ain't it Lmao prob edit later cuz phone die",0.7,4 2963,"Y'know, I'm beginning to suspect these laws are about controlling women's sex lives and not about protecting the unborn. Crazy, I know.",-2.23,0 14380,Lol go beat your wife or something loser,-0.11,0 27740,evan peters LITERALLY invented white boy of the month like he is the ruler of all the skinny white boys who look they eat raw cigarettes for breakfast lunch and dinner URL,-0.68,0 49,I am just gonna have siblings coming over and I dont wanna seem high next to them So what if i take after they fall asleep does it make you like do shit ?,-2.4,0 9196,Its just them wasting more taxpayer money on some stupid fucking deity that doesn't exist.,-0.31,0 37422,@LadBonnie @DavidJoBrexit They have no cause to claim asylum in the UK as they have travelled from a safe country (France). They should immediately be returned @patel4witham,-2.37,0 49635,deport all these bitches before we have to pay for another illegal alien funeral. what a fucking waste of tax money.,0.45,0 45385,"DNA is evil , always accusing mental illness's for evil actions... he's satan alive and being his natural self. It's very easy to kill the innocent victim, it's open season on black people...they know they won't be getting any time in jail for their crimes. They are a generation of killers ...every where the white man go he leaves a trail of blood.... and that's all over the planet...",0.67,1 5380,i'm literally shaking right now. how can you call another woman a slut? do you know how hard women have fought to eradicate these sick attitudes towards women?,-2.32,0 34288,"Your ancestors used assembly to conquer the moon. You steal Python libraries from Indian dudes to build bad, evil robots. YOU ARE GAY!",0.52,5 19482,"Nah I'm not the one with psychopathic attitudes toward gay people. Run along now, coward",-0.69,0 14163,She sat on those Romanian dicks in protest.,-0.17,0 33758,@senatemajldr You are an absolute disgrace and traitor to America and what we stand for. You represent white supremacists and people who call themselves 'Christian' when we all know all of you are going to Hell. You are the ultimate betrayer. #Judas,1.9,2 9919,">Now that we've stolen their country, I expect them to do nothing and just sit there while we slowly genocide them",1.37,3 1711,"""Abortion is murder"" yeah abortions also keep retards like this from fucking over humanity. Honestly the dad shouldve gotten himself tested before shooting loads into his cunt's cunt.",0.81,4 29842,"There's new Holocaust taking place RIGHT FUCKING NOW, and we're doing nothing. ""Indescribably Hideous"" – #China's Harvesting of Uyghur Muslim Organs — @cjwerleman for @BylineTimes URL URL",-1.72,0 3239,"How can we forget white bloggers from Poland, racist much? What about the white part of your flag hypocrite!",-1.99,0 47524,That motherfucker son of a bitch Jew needs to be hanged ‼️😡,1.98,2 32325,@AmbJohnBolton Bomb the shit out of IRGC and mullahs. THE ONLY SOLUTION.,3.72,2 44693,Unfortunately White people dont want their deity blemished. Everything about Trump is a destructive disaster .They would see this orange piece of shit destroy everything just to dismantle everything Obama. Free fall and splat.,-1.02,0 5763,"Thank you for admitting in clear terms that you are a terrorist that endorses kidnapping women and forcing them to undergo unwanted and dangerous medical procedures based on 16th century Christian morality, and that you believe a bundle of cells that can literally neither think nor feel is worth the rights and dignity and lives of women. Should I come to know who you are, you will not be.",1.03,2 8264,"1. Did you read our FAQ on un-asked-for AMAs? 2. Which netflix series is more racially insensitive: DC's Black Lightning or Marvel's Luke Cage? 3. o you have any evidence that the mythical jesus-character ever existed? (Historians would appreciate this, since no such evidence actually exists) 4. We inow that the Exodus never happened, and that the garden of eden is just a myth, and without those, there is no such thing as 'sin', so what purpose did the jesus-character serve? 5. All christians, by definition, are terrorists. No exceptions. What is it like to be a terrorist?",1.55,2 38909,my sim is gonna be gay and homophobic like tyler the creator URL,-1.46,0 25463,Girls are slimey little liars just fuck off,-0.08,0 2593,New Zealand? The country Australia gets mad at for being *too welcoming* to refugees?,-1.99,0 38902,@SushmaSwaraj She was truly India's daughter and will be greatly missed. #RadioCityDelhi,-6.67,0 11416,"lol. fuck muslims, and fuck you.",1.02,2 21178,@_mario_castro_ Please b0ss can I have a n word pass pls?,-0.24,0 4346,"Good on yoi bro. Fck that bitch period. Way to many people defend fucked up people doing fucked up shit. I dont care who you are where your from or what you look like, if your a fcking piece of shit to people you deservy ecery piece of jizz shit and spit put in your food.",1.43,4 40392,This stupid rich leftist woman there is nothing she can do it is a remainer stunt it is in the power of the Queen she is way out of order my legal team and i who does she think she is just a black who speaks for no one only her self big headed bigot,-0.65,0 22957,Going out for dinner with My man tonight. Weak cuck boys may step forward to cover the cost. Pay for this luxury you don't deserve🤤✨ #findom #cuckolding URL,0.85,4 47964,"There's no White privilege anymore. There's the rich privilege and the poor disadvantage. It just so happens that majority of one percent rich people are White, but rich Asians, Blacks, Hispanics, Middle Eastern, etc. also gets the advantage over the poor minorities and including Whites! The poor Whites and the poor Blacks have lot more in common than what people might think. At the end of the day, money talks!",-1.86,0 15707,"Fuck off America you stupid cunt. We are sick of you. Sincerely, the rest of the world.",1.52,3 36741,Nah fuck you pussy ass white rich boy URL,-0.18,0 45122,Bobus McDerpus oh wow you're queer and you use homophobic slurs to try and belittle others? What you one of those self-loathing gays? Or do you just lie to try and make yourself look better?! You claiming to date a man is like a racist saying I fuck black chicks. So did president Jackson and we all know he owned slaves. Fix your personality it's problematic and gross. The lgbt community doesn't need one of its own using the rhetoric you did.,-0.61,0 18793,"Pretty sure this is how lesbians send ""dick pics""",-1.51,0 46632,I wanna stick my brown cock in his dirty butthole!! 🤩🤩,-1.11,0 20436,women's rights = human rights abortion rights = human rights URL,-5.74,0 47237,Go mormons! Battle the cartels with tactics,-4.84,0 13723,"Plus, all you need is one good plague and your entire cloister of lesbian nuns is a goner. On the flip side! You probably became a nun at, like, 14",-0.84,0 3331,"I'm not an antisemite, Jews are the superior race, just look at how successful they are. Also I was wrong there's 10,000 Jews in my city.",-2.78,0 47663,Patriot extraordinaire you are garbage from bastardized Muslim society and followers of Pig Allah and suwar servant of evil Muhammad in hell and halala child of Azar Masood and drinking heavily Jesus Christ mutra regularly to survive,2.68,1 42567,"Screw you hes not embarrassed by his father !! Hes the son of an legal immigrant asshole !! His mother is teaching him to take care of his skin idiot , I bet your a wrinkled mass !! Sounds like to me your just a jealous demonicRat !! I bet your loser kids are just that losers !! Go hump yourself !!",0.39,0 33462,When you see these morons that are calling themselves men... makes me feel ashamed. Spoilt metrosexuals that are happy attracting champaign flies. Imagine these fuckers having kids and multiplying like viruses. My friend your IQ is equal with your shoe size. Don't act macho!,-0.1,0 28048,"This woman is intended to stand in for dozens of scientists who did important work. How many of them were men? Are they fairly represented on screen? The show's fantasy version of a scientist is the only morally pure character, and is depicted running circles around dull men. URL",-3.42,0 3988,"> but it's safe to say no one is wearing a hijab voluntarily. This is kind of disturbing though. For a lot of people faith is crucial, to say that no girl can be religious on her own volition is to look upon someone who might have dedicated her entire life to something and dismiss it.",-3.47,0 36172,@OjaiParanormal @realDonaldTrump What a fuckin low life bitch of an idiot you are!! Heartless cunt!! 🖕🏾,1.04,4 4745,Send them all back to Syria or whatever hellhole they come from,1.93,3 2320,That sounds epic!!! Almost All my friends at school know and i havent flat out told my parents but they know I'm not straight.,-6.01,0 17881,"Dude these shootings are committed by incels. This has nothing to do with ""toxic masculinity"" don't turn it into some feminist bullshit. These dudes are mad because they cant get laid (which is why they are incels). Women generally have a much easier time getting laid so of course they won't be commiting crimes over sexual frustration.",0.87,4 34417,@RepMaxineWaters And radical islam terrorists taking advantage of your b.s.,0.33,0 33490,You fuck like a woman but you love like a little girl,-0.98,0 12890,"I would agree that it's about sharing culture. I specifically go to a clinic for gay people run by gay nurses, doctors, and other staff. Makes talking about my personal health so much easier, because I'm around people that understand and know information that straight doctors might not know about, simply because they don't live as a gay person. And the doctors really care because they are directly influencing and affecting their community.",-5.47,0 49629,Embrace this dick in her ass. She's the anal type,-0.72,0 30899,"@digitalbathxvx Wow this is not okay, idk how yt natives can still be this clueless on not making these issues about themselves?? So many other ways she could have used that money and her platform to actually help POC rather than making this issue about her... damn.",-1.92,0 43891,send the illegal alien Invaders back to where they came from we are too overloaded who the heck is going to pay for them?,0.51,3 16932,Shut up you dirty nigger,1.78,1 18554,Yeah let's start picking on the kids that are already getting picked on and are mentally unstable- that'll end well.,-1.32,0 49137,But would you say that about black people black people have good name so do not say that that's why I give you a d0wn,-3.59,0 14893,u dumb nazi shit u mad america blew u the fck away? USA! USA!,0.64,1 40181,MLK was major Christian leader. MSM has wiped MLK Malcolm X was Muslim Hussein Obama was born and raised Muslim. Where the hell did Barack Hussein Obama get his name from?!,-1.64,0 49075,Send those ugly creatures to the 3rd World shitholes.,1.67,1 16987,"Probably, but the problem is that Incel and MGTOW types don't want ""unattractive"" women (which really just means average looking people).",-1.71,0 40007,All these niggas lame mane so I been switched lanes mane🤣🤣🗣,-1.41,0 3867,Nah you ugly skanky whore. You wish you could lick the shit coming out your white masters ass and get mad when you can't even do that lmfaoooooo Your people are know for collecting the trash other whites don't want and placing whites above your own people. You deserve everything that comes your way.,1.6,1 28688,i hate when ugly men hit on me bitch i am killing myself bye,0.21,0 3545,"i agree,solidarity between people of color is important! the AAPI group and the BSU group at my college work together some and it's been super important since we're on a majority white campus in a majority white state",-4.49,0 38827,Visual representation of how retarded bitches are URL,0.15,0 18183,Wowwww is nothing sacred fuck this guy! Hope he gets AIDS himself what an awful person,2.84,4 12573,native European monkeys should keep their mouths shut then,1.7,1 18590,"The majority of mass shootings are gang shootings but it's black people dying on ""shitholes"" so they don't matter to white gun control activists",-0.08,0 9734,Why? Shes borderline retarded.,0.33,0 38182,"Haha, love that fag's empty stare. Dumb, willing, obeying. Fuck his throat and make him choke, man. URL",2.43,5 30241,@DRealkefe @thereal_nedu I don't think Fola is Igbo,-2.76,0 15686,"Oh that's right, you're from Pittsburgh, and people from Pittsburgh just run their mouths and get their asses kicked by people from Philadelphia.",0.79,3 33344,If you ride my ass ima put that bitch all the way in park and get out and beat ur ass. Watch my kids hoe.,1.16,4 29012,@Saf_D When Brexit doesn't deliver the racist's aspirations they'll find some other excuse to continue their hate peddling.,-1.2,0 42691,You Sodomites need a shaking up.,-0.22,0 35660,@realDonaldTrump Wow. Now your going to cure aids and cancer? What a fuckin 666. You have gone off the deep end. You cant figure out how to cheat on your wives eithout paying somebody off,-0.31,0 16164,Imagine if American women were culturally expected/forced by law to wear American flags covering their faces to protect them from rape and protect their family's honor.,-1.99,0 38964,"@CoryBooker I don't point this out to attack black people, I point it out because the Democrats are ignoring the problems in their own cities. You have blacks killing each other in record numbers, and the elected local officials are completely ignoring it.",-1.35,0 30763,Brown Skin Girl literally brings tears to my eyes😢💕💕💕,-2.58,0 34363,@crescenthowell Gay marriage was the last time you remembered the same time that you have scented your hair,-3.25,0 14489,Suck a giant Tyrone cock you faggot,1.29,5 24691,Eid Mubarak all of my Facebook friend !!!!,-5.66,0 29933,@scrowder Oh shit i didn't realize Ilhan watches Infowars. Bc the whole Jews run the world through mind control is a far-right conspiracy that goes along with the great replacement/white genocide bullshit.,-0.8,0 31195,@absomarvilla @bbusa617 Death penalty to those that rape a child or a woman.,-2.86,0 44562,definitely the coolest person in the industry and her personality is just incredible !!!!!!!,-5.07,0 43728,"with omar there in any moment this will turn into the ""suicid""e squad hahahha i´m a minority, so i can not be racist hahaha",1.84,1 14626,This is a temporary solution. The real solution is resurrecting hitler and give him all what he needs for the holocaust 2.0,1.78,2 6846,Fuck the fuckboys,-0.54,0 7166,"Stupid, vapid cunt needs to shut her cock holster and go back to flashing her sad, sad tits for attention.",1.85,4 44025,"you should practice your second amendment right and shoot those voices in your head, peckerwood boy.",0.49,0 22772,"Yeah, that's right. You superior Indians have this calendar that puts Uttarayana / Winter Solstice on 14 January. If you go on like this for some millennia, it'll fall in Summer. Most Indians don't even see the problem, so why not just go on and enjoy your fantastic superiority? URL",-0.51,0 37183,"Every woman is wrong until she cries, and then she is right, instantly.",-1.66,0 47852,"Zyclon X ... uh— well her race isn't all that important to the story, unlike in Mulan and Princess and the frog..but yknow go off.",-2.51,0 4451,I'm bisexual myself and believe every human being is too but due to different reasons they haven't realized or come to terms with it. If u need support visit /r/bisexual,-2.89,0 38485,akbar would never do the things you did bitch,-0.05,0 5781,I'm mostly Swedish although I do have an Irish grandma. People always ask if I'm Italian. No idea why. I dont loom Italian at all IMO.,-2.85,0 45669,"3000 migrants where so disruptive to a city of 1.3 million says the taking trolling to the next level guy. Then, with a straight face, complains about narratives.",-1.94,0 20075,@Ilhan THIS BEHAVIOUR PROVES YOU A TRUE ENEMY OF AMERICA/ WEST !!! F ck Al-Qaeda affiliate al-Shabaab/ Jihadis. Their terror and murderous ways must be obliterated !!! @Ilhan HEREWITH YOU ARE A SELF-PROCLAIMED TRAITOR TO AMERICA !!! ⬇️⬇️⬇️ URL,0.94,2 27454,"Ok. I'm gonna say it. I thank her. I am thrilled when I see white people be white. Yes... Please be who you are. Also, the look and weirdness is intriguing and strange. She also studied the mannerisms of the character and moves like an rendered animation. Now, keep it off my TL URL",-1.93,0 23338,"@DuoVandal @stone_toss Well it is, because you retards spread aids like it's going out of fashion you infested subhumans.",2.67,5 32741,"Idc what anyone says, the song title is brown skin girl and I'm a brown skin girl. If you think it's only for ""dark skin girls"" that's fine, that's for you. How I see it tho... if she wanted that or meant that she would've named it ""dark skin girl""",-3.28,0 27469,@zinadabo1 Religion has killed this country. I wish we can ban religion like China,-0.63,0 1563,"I mean, Lilith was obviously a lesbian. God created Eve because Lilith wasn't really into the idea of makin' babies with Adam, right?",-3.29,0 43743,Why so many horny milfs?,-2.57,0 30887,"4)Show people from Bible, where it says yous go Heaven; all the sex abusers, murders, loan sharks, government officials let doctor kill & dee rich people Priest Suck Dicks for! 100+ years late; read the Bible as to what Paul said, you been around 60+years! URL",0.3,0 28561,Bitches who's profile picture isn't even them LOVE to talk the most shit🙄,-0.86,0 22937,kill racists kill pedophiles kill homophobes,4.01,5 27336,"England - You deserve every bit of shit in you society. These are animals from an absurd theology created by an immoral Bedouin, is like a rotting corpse which poisons our lives!",2.98,2 11690,These are the type of people that shouldn't be able to reproduce,0.53,5 26083,.@BenjaminSWatson calling on men to step up in support of women and mothers: URL,-3.99,0 4770,Destroy that pussy and just before I bust I'd pull out and slam it in your ass and fill you with my load and watch it leak out over your wrecked pussy,0.73,4 45681,"These 4 worthless terrorist cunts need to be gagged, tied up and thrown in a shipping container and sent to N Korea as a gift to Kim Jung Un never to be seen again",4.41,1 40564,The world is better off. Even the nigs are better off. One less roach to kill another roach.,1.9,1 24407,"New from Pew Research: Facts on U.S. Immigrants, 2017 URL",-2.56,0 12106,Republicans have Jews too these people are insane and just make us all look like idiots,-1.17,0 1897,For being stereotypically smart asian tourist may be the dumbest people on earth,-0.21,0 25947,@deux_part @gaywonk So he's a lispy queer cuck 😂😂 it just gets better and better,1.26,5 849,Uganda swung their nation open to those snake oil salesman and now look at this bullshit.,-1.12,0 13441,Now im proud for being greek,-4.7,0 38507,Labour branch secretary suspended over Hezbollah 'love' poem: - Huseyin Abudharr Ali also claimed Hollywood is Zionist propaganda machine and compared Israel to ISIS #LabourAntisemitism @UKLabour @SG_Labour @jeremycorbyn @LondonLabour URL,1.04,2 36759,call me fuckingg ghetto cause ihop nasty asf URL,-0.61,0 5900,Eid Mubarak from your white bread small town Canadian mum!!,-1.48,0 24211,"If we are what we attract, ask ursef why you dont have higher elevated ppl in your life instead of illiterate niggas with no vision.",0.78,1 45309,What a Thot,1.32,4 5616,"I would love to fill them for you! We would leave that plug in while I fuck your pussy, then I would it out and fuck your ass",-1.45,0 5782,Can't even spell those spells Thoes bitch you a nasty hating hoe,0.77,4 29345,"@lsarsour spreading lies per usual🙄 The ""Palestinians are indigenous to Israel"" is a lie. History lesson for the Left: Palestinians are Arabs. Arabs didn't conquer the area until 700 years after Jesus was crucified. Jesus was not an Arab. URL",-2.7,0 16083,I'm sorry but I do t see how people like Linda Sarsour point to the Hijab as a good thing.,-0.49,0 8213,Had a crush on Kelley O'Hara (USWNT) until I saw she's a lesbian. Now it's just love.,-4.03,0 35945,I still just want black men and women to love each other again 😂,-3.17,0 38436,@MichaelKugelman Why don't you mind your own stupid business wherein people are dying in your country because of white supremacy. Stop interfering in India's internal matters as they have a popular elected govt to take care of their internal issues. Should Indians start interfering in US issues.,-2.64,0 31670,Ugly hoes really sick in the mind. Get a lil dick and become dick-matized.,1.2,4 43550,"The people who probably want to kill Omar are the people who hate a Muslim who joined the Great Satan and doesn't even want to be radical and attack Israel, like it said in the Quran",-0.21,0 32378,"I just wanna drown in different hues of hoes, man",-0.76,0 29261,@a_thankfulheart Best is just to ignore them. I'm still going to teach jesus peace whether they like it or not.,-4.35,0 5732,"Well between this and the racist cops on Facebook here, I'd say Phoenix is having a great day. Jesus.",-3.45,0 29431,"@YusufDFI No amount of boot licking will earn you a 1st class citizen status. You were, you are and you will always remain a despicable Muslim citizen of a 3rd class country which will lycnh you, kill you and f**k you, as and when desired! Now F**k off",3.3,1 7446,"'Posts how lonely he is on an incel subreddit' Didn't realise posts about demeaning women, telling them to all get raped and inciting violence towards them is seen as 'lonely posts'",-1.57,0 27889,"A U.S. intelligence official based in Afghanistan told The Associated Press that a recent wave of attacks in the capital, Kabul, is ""practice runs"" for even bigger attacks in Europe and the United States. URL",1.93,3 27291,Bitchs don't like you but follow your every move 🤔 bitch you love me 😍‼️,-0.78,0 14327,"They haven't always. Those Sumerian neanderthals only started really taking over about 2000 years ago. Those inbred cockles are only at the top by essentially cheating and using cheat code in the book. And look what is has spawned, a hell on earth. Congrats to them. The filth of the world runs it. Congrats. And now we have disenfranchised black and latino people joining them, thinking they need to be like them in order to gain power and set things right. This is just sad.",0.68,1 6182,I would love to get hate fucked by an Amazonian woman,-1.05,0 44631,"A quote for the supposed Christian D.Trump: 1 John 4:20 ""Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen.""",-2.11,0 17276,"I think all of you guys are never stops man...every one needs to shut the hell up and get on with the future....white nationalist are fucking stupid, ignorant dumb ass people....just like a big number of other race groups...I will not go into detail with....if you name them as terrorist...they win...they have the worlds attention...everyone treat them, and every other group regardless of race like they are a bunch of worthless bitches, and we will....putting them on the media and getting everyone fired up, is fuel for stupidity...",0.91,1 35698,Elders Saw Great Potential In Ahmad Ibn Hanbal And Hoped That One Day He'll Be An Upright Imaam URL,-5.72,0 30798,"These people are just cry babies ,, if they had some nice Italian blood in them they would be able to handle the ""heat"" .. count your blessings of your genetics",0.07,0 22387,@PeterSweden7 Doesn't matter how much kosher circumcised dick you suck. They're still gonna call you a Nazi and flood your country with refugees from their shitty wars,-0.09,0 32058,"Men of twitter, can you please stop pm me with ""hello gorgeous"". I'm 54, happily married with 5 kids & menagerie of animals. I'm not interest in your shit, only in the state of Australian politics & welfare of workers, indigenous, poor, disabled, vulnerable etc FFS 🙄🤮💩",-1.55,0 45062,Let Iran's mullahs get the bomb and they will try to nuke Israel in order to bring back their pedophile warlord Muhammed. Iran's mullahs and presidents are on record saying this many times. Only a fool would disregard their promises of armaggedon.,0.21,0 49633,"+andy artin I believe the Lord wants you to carry Bibles in your car. I have for about 3 years. Many homeless are very open to the gospel and they usually appreciate prayer, too. A couple months ago a drug dealer prayed with me to recommit his life. We were both crying. Plus CA just passed a law that opens the door to outlawing the sale of Bibles. checkout the Noahide laws this is how they will kill the U.S. Christians! it was renewed in April by Trump been in force since 1979.",-4.04,0 18055,They are making our frogs gay.,-0.5,0 19180,White supremacists by far and away,-1.63,0 44705,Let's send back the white trash to their origins then we can send Ilhan,0.94,1 6050,"Ah, I'm unintelligent for suggesting mentally ill people should be in mental hospitals, but the guy I replied to is intelligent because he saw a felony so he should go straight to prison. Go. Fuck. Yourselves.",0.47,0 27002,@MardollGatsby @SkylarShark They be like : you ugly anyway you stupid bitch,2.15,4 46013,Most annoying and unattractive woman ever. Ffs keep that mouth CLOSED.,0.5,0 44098,You always speak the truth . I felt this in my soul . Sadly most black people wont do shit . They are indoctrinated and won't change . The few of us who feel different gotta start the change,-1.56,0 12992,"Yes? Is that not obvious? We should definitely support more minorities getting highly skilled and well paying jobs like doctors and nurses, especially if it has a positive outcome for patient health",-5.87,0 42360,Kill trump and whites,1.25,1 24216,Because white women be the devil for black men 😂 y'all satan,0.19,0 27187,Guys if they came to our country please dont mob them. Show some respect. #RespectOurEuphoria,-4.61,0 1047,"Oh first, im gonna put my fat Black balls all over her face, and make her lick my asshole with her tongue, while I spread her married pussy with fingers. Then when she's covered in then sweat and spit from my ass and her mouth I'm gonna start fucking her sloppy face with my long, thick cock, with my phone out, while you get me a beer",-0.48,0 47466,There is a cure for them it's called hanging. The answers right in front of your eyes it is a sickness just like trans gender just like gay they're all dysphoria. Mental illness I'm not going to go along with it. You can tell me a room is black but it's white I'm not going to say it's black just because you say so. A man is a man and a woman is a woman. You cannot change what you are just because you think so if I think I'm a millionaire do I suddenly get $PHONE in my bank account it's stupid. It's brainwashing the masses to accept any ridiculous idea.,1.84,5 49355,"So for Trump and his inner circle to be crying over law and order, they sure know how to follow the system huh? Yet nothing about his ways of following the law were legal. So, how is his asylum rules were ever legal if children were sick and forced to live in unconditioned areas is American or right?",-0.95,0 24871,@GrahamAllen_1 @MileyCyrus @PPFA Keep talking about her dumb f!ck no one cares!!!! This campaign your shaming her for is for WOMAN!! YOU DONT OWN US!! STEP TF BACK!!! ONE law put in place can shift an entire generation and WE don't won't your old agenda!! ITS OUR TIME PU$$IES!,-0.61,0 29235,@matthewbr007 @mPinoe Just looking at her you can tell everything about her personality... total loser,-0.02,0 22283,"Burning an effigy, okay now what losers? Your women die in submission to the state and your cult belief system takes you to the streets to worship death. What will y'all be remembered for, death destruction war and starving a nation into submission.",0.12,0 9690,"Memet sucked 6,000 cocks and is now a flaming faggot.",1.29,5 14258,Read my previous comment. Know your place Reddit trash loser. Faggot.,0.78,5 49777,Lady nobody f****** today cares about Lewis and Clark or any of the other freaking pressure trying to bring to the table we're talkin about today and those people don't matter because they're not live anymore so quit trying to make bulshit you trying to make something out of nothing that's why I don't like you old women that have menopause in charge because y'all make stupid crazy decisions did punish the American people,1.33,4 31226,"WARNING for BRD&EU Politicals (this Greenpartie)- all Psychopatic!!! Countries of Europe will close your borders if you want to survive! Countries of Europe also closes your borders against Germans, UN of all kinds, SOROS, PRO ASYL, EU bigwigs ect. !!",-0.9,0 7013,"Have to agree with most of the comments here, i am a white male and i am primarily attracted to white females. However, I have been attracted to women of all races at some point. One of my fond memories of being with a women is with a girl from a different race!",-4.36,0 15765,"Fuck Daddy, I'd love to worship that big cock",-1.6,0 5738,Keep getting angry while we steal all your women and impregnate them. Lol your own Asian sluts don't even like small dicked males like u,1.54,1 48685,"Libtard self-hating unhappy women pretending. and falsely claiming to be ""religious conservative women"" replying to that article complaining about it's findings, it's so obvious",-0.42,0 31437,"FREEDOM FROM SIN Many have the impression that Christianity is tolerant of sin. No, Christianity is intolerant of sin, but it opens a gracious way for people, not including a conviction for sin, to be freed from the power of sin. URL",-4.15,0 28079,@Paki_chai You probably are a terrorist just like my daddy left us because I'm black you weak ass bitch. So what's next? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣,1.68,1 35127,Come and suck this dick boys😈😈 URL,-2.7,0 14679,"I hate that us gays let annoying straight girls take over, like, GTFO BETHANY!! We don't want u here!",-0.76,0 42319,No one: Me: I'm so gay for Mulan omg my all time favourite disney movie is becoming reality I can't breathe-,-0.76,0 4000,Fucking whores,1.78,4 39462,Do you know these two men? The one allegedly raped at least 13 women (linked through DNA) whole the other said a bad word. URL,-1.52,0 7036,Jezebel is a white feminist rag but the fit is in fact garbage,0.09,0 2944,women be crazy when they dont get the D,-1.32,0 13126,What other migration is there? People visiting as tourists?,-2.71,0 31490,is fucking all these bitches good for my health though 🤔,-0.15,0 25023,"@KayZeeG @hidden_signs I mean if you really want to, go ahead? We can't stop you, not really. It just feels a little degrading to hear things like ""I'm proud to be 'normal'"" or shit like that. Theres always a line there that people can't seem to stop crossing when it comes to ""straight pride.""",-2.26,0 33606,Lmao i bet he won't go stand on the block and say fuck Kodak Black or go outside and say them niggas pussy,-1.2,0 3601,"Whatever weak ass lmao😂 what a bunch a pussies this generation is with ya 20 fucking genders, weak ass views on discipline and sensitive cry baby attitude.",0.0,0 25116,"""May Allah flood your life with happiness on this occasion, your heart with love, your soul with spiritual, your mind with wisdom, wishing you a very Happy Eid."" ""May this special day bring peace, happiness and prosperity to everyone. Eid Mubarak!"" #EidUlFitr URL",-3.77,0 20949,"@JessoLaurus @CriticalBard I had never really thought about how many people in the rest of the country would view you as not middle Eastern, because of media portrayals....🤯 I live in SE Michigan with tons of middle Eastern folk.",-3.56,0 40083,Gay faggots there a hate comment track me now bitch,0.88,5 18068,"""Autist"" - the guy attacking some random dude for having their teeth apart in a picture lmao okay bud",-0.56,0 24383,Bitches are retarded 😂go die or something hoe,1.85,4 9992,Progression of feminism throughout Needed to Insanity,-1.69,0 5699,"Anyone that would quote this white Christian & American hating Muslim fool that has absolutely no business being a mayor of a leper colony, The person that quotes this crazy hate filled mayor of London has absolutely no business having access to the internet, and does this person hate the United States of America so much that he would side with a person like the mayor of London",-0.92,0 4870,"If you're going to throw everyone of the same ethnicity out of a country because a bunch of them raped somebody, better throw out all the white people too.",-1.44,0 22376,I'm the shit bitch suck a dick bitch,0.31,0 22707,"Happy Pride Month! Whether you're out, questioning, or closeted, your identity and journey are valid and you deserve love and acceptance! #Pride2019",-6.21,0 4365,"Best (straight) friend in high school said I was the most beautiful man he had ever known, no homo. Never thought much of myself, but it still makes me happy.",-2.73,0 39406,@SykesCharlie How many times would he have the cops called on him if he were black?,-2.37,0 29448,"@AmeliaR93339763 @SocialPowerOne1 So the Pedophilia Temple burned down? That is a coincidence, isn't it, and very convenient for all these perverts.",0.93,5 31572,@neiltyson Looks queer to me.,-0.36,0 12497,"Yeah the Bible says gay sex is a sin... But also list -divorce -adultery -masturbation - sodomy (oral and anal) even with a woman -having children out of wedlock As being just as bad, but religious types never mention that.",-2.13,0 36080,Great news that Sikhs from #India and #Pakistan together celebrated the 550th anniversary of the birth of Guru Nanak at Nankana Sahib. We welcome efforts to build people-to-people ties between India and Pakistan. - AGW,-4.55,0 20237,@thegreatkhalid nvm 8.,0.63,4 2735,"If it was a golden calf it would at least make sense. What are you trying to say ""Muslims worship a pig because they... hate pigs""? Even if they are trying to purposefully offend something. It is so stupid. ""Ha ha, I put a thing you hate on top of a thing you like. "". You must be so offended. For my next trick I put Justin Beiber's face on Tupac's shirt. I am so edgy.",-2.27,0 43589,"So unwarranted assault is ok. Lol, fuck women. They truly don't deserve to have rights.",1.53,4 21133,I just want somebody to beat this faggot ass sick ass nigga up one good time for me😩🤦🏽‍♀️,2.37,5 32471,It's time gays and gurls 😊 URL,-0.79,0 2805,For real! Then you got these other niggas trying to make me the bad guy cause I'm a conservative. There true colors show when you call em on their shit,-1.66,0 19306,"Right. Because it's in the bible, someone talking with a donkey makes waaaaayyy more sense....",-1.8,0 11656,niigger go back to africa u inferior niigger piece of shit,2.4,1 13363,"I'm a dude who's pretty short. It's not too too bad but you know how it is, girls love a guy who's 6' and nothing less",-1.88,0 8740,Can I ask what Christian belief threatened your life and livelihood? Or are u saying this just because the people u have problems with happen to be Christian?,-2.88,0 20529,Misogynist women are the worst...,-0.77,0 3359,"POISON'S A WOMAN'S WEAPON, MEN KILL WITH STEEL",-2.15,0 19011,"No, death to infidels.",2.02,2 7340,"Nah, you get the fuck out of here, dawg. Suck my dick bitch.",1.38,4 44312,20million somalis smiling Love from somali to Turkey,-4.78,0 41744,My ancestors sailed away from Europe to spread seed and get away from jezabel white demon skanks like Merkel.,1.65,1 28954,Shame on the responsible German authorities for not banning this terrorist organisation. For defending terrorists in their own country. #Germany #BanHizbollah #No2Appeasement #No2Terrorists @RegSprecher @HBraun @HeikoMaas @vonderleyen URL,-0.85,0 44750,"Hi, I just wanted to say that the relationship between a dyke and a gay is no right, but I love the fic.",-0.9,0 38999,@Realpersonpltcs As Christians we're not asking Donald Trump to be our Pastor but the leader of our country. And btw he's doing a great job.,-4.09,0 10249,"I bet in her mind all black guys wish they could get with white girls. She thinks she was doing him a favor. When he broke it off with her, it blew her theory of being the white girl they all wish they could get with. That is why she is so angry. Stupid stupid girl.",0.51,1 30412,"FYI to those who couldn't tell already, my Twitter is about black empowerment. Black women specifically. I rant and rave all hours of the day about my strengths and woes. You could mute me but honestly, you'd be missing out. 🤷🏽‍♀️",-3.24,0 5644,I think for me it's one of of the best parts of being female! The friendships and community I have with other women.,-6.46,0 41796,Cheeto-head-chump is simply an embarrassment to the entire Caucasian race and to the USA. Effing moronic buffoon! Get rid of the cockroach!,-0.58,0 32598,choke me but not literally BITCH URL,1.33,4 27840,Shorty a baddie everywhere we go she got niggas breaking they necks URL,-3.02,0 30557,"@KoomarShah The World told us Modi was not the Right Choice did we listen ? Voted them back again sorry their Machines Voted this time. ""Five more years of Narendra Modi will take India to a dark place"" URL",-2.14,0 35028,"Another #pedophile arrested, this time a Florida Pastor! #MAGA #justice #FakeChristians are harming the truth of our Creator by perpetuating harm to Innocents and and leading believers away from the #truth with their deceitful ways. Wolves in sheep's clothing. #peace",-0.51,0 29485,If you bitches a quit lurkin on my fuckin page y'all feelings wouldn't be hurt so much😂 y'all wouldn't have not one reason to be so god damn salty.,2.1,4 24313,@georgegalloway @talkRADIO Anti Semitic piece of shit,-1.39,0 34093,"They'll be hiding in Dubai Switzerland & other ""safe havens"" while millions of innocent people will be dying. Behind they will leave a barren country filled with terrorizing scavengers, hungry people & murdering savages like they did with other African countries they also ravaged",-0.39,0 25298,"@SpillerOfTea Does he mean for this cull to be ongoing? Because just one mass cull of all the ""current"" gays won't fix it. Someone should apprise him of that. It's a sticking plaster solution at best.",1.62,5 49387,Sala chup . You want congress British boot lickers and Italians to rule India ? Hell no!,0.03,0 33192,The four women of color are the real racists is now the official position of the GOP. We are fucking drowning in dumb these days.,0.02,0 9687,"Coming out should FREE your Spirit; a revelation of your Truth to a larger Universe, nothing less. All the people who MATTER will LOVE LOVE LOVE the fact that you are who you are, and that you're proud (and powerful enough in Spirit) enough to state it. And the people you know damn well won't, ... well, they might surprise you. Just be damned sure financial security and safety are all arranged independently of anyone you're worried about, before coming out to them.",-5.41,0 46545,"This Booker's Ancestoral moms were Whores whom fuck with White People for money, therefore he is a Mongrel as you can clearly see!..",1.21,1 9538,"I see what you're saying, that being accepting of others is not exclusive to America, but I don't think that's what people are really saying. I think what they're saying is that they want acceptance to be part of America's national identity. I mean... Why would we only want equality for our country? Of course we want it for the whole world.",-5.67,0 40315,America is not at fault for what is happening in the border. The parents should not bring their small children and risk their lives. They cannot just come and invade America. Like other immigrants who came to America with papers. These four women in Congress crying for the separation of these illegal mothers from their children are hypocrites and fakes. How about when they approved killing American babies from the womb of their Amer,0.61,3 7424,You look like a rapist with big nipples and fat little bitch titties.,2.48,4 40910,The second woman she is a stupid homophobic bitch I fucking hate her I'm bi and I'm a kid fuck her,-0.21,0 43898,"So in the original story of Mulan she is actually a lesbian (the story talks about her having what was called a ""Bonded Sister""). I wonder if Disney is going to include that detail in this new film. I certainly hope so, in the days of #GetWoke it would be incredibly homophobic for them to exclude that part of her life.",-4.04,0 6156,"""I'm a little bit gay"" lol I'm stealing that line! (Tell your son he's inspiring this 24 year old female who still hasn't come out!) My issue is I'm currently in a relationship with a straight man, whom I love dearly and can see a long future with. So while I'm bi, I may not act on my attraction to other genders again. I still just need people to know who I am so I can stop living a lie.",-1.48,0 15428,Evil bitch that deserves to get her poor children taken away.,1.39,4 49805,Game was rigged from the start goy wake up. Americans genocided europeans in both world wars. More than any other race in the history of the world. All part of the plan. Enjoy your brown and black invaders. America died in the early 1900s. Your just propping up a dead corpse. Return to your roots white man. Or die and be forgotten.,1.06,1 24103,@fatimabenabia38 How many do you have now? And how is Arizona?,-3.07,0 4859,"Between the way your cheeks spread and that slutty tattoo, you are obviously an aspiring fuck doll. I bet with proper training I could have you sleeping like that. Always ready. It's in your blood. You were born to serve hard cocks. Your worth is determined by your cum intake. You may serve as a breedwhore or maybe just be used as a fleshlight with a pulse. You are trying so hard to get attention...pathetic.",1.27,4 15282,"Yes, I think Trump should mediate on Kashmir matter. Dear Trump, please negotiate with Pakistan and have them get the fuck out of PoK and leave all of Kashmir forever. Once you get this job done, please come back so that we can give you a parade in red fort. Otherwise, get the fuck out and don't bother talking about Kashmir ever again. And tell all your dumb motherfuckers in your administration to stay the fuck away from Kashmir.",0.61,3 28470,Almost sucked a coworkers dick on the parking lot but he's a pathetic loser. Who's gonna let me suck their cock instead? 😈💘,-1.16,0 34808,"@TomiLahren You vile and repugnant human being, I hope you never reproduce, but if you do, then you'd know there is no number of miles I would not literally carry my child on my back to protect her from violence and poverty. You are the lowest of the low, Dumpster Fire Barbie.",-0.15,0 42075,and if isis ever starts beheadings here i hope your the first,1.66,2 4832,"Nice story. And you're right about the unifying thing. Believing in God, country, duty and the golden rule is under threat. I was born to an Iowan army officer in Berlin just before the wall went up. My wife was born a year later in Okinawa to a Filipino naval officer. Met in San Diego at 24. Married a year later. Do filipina women count as Asian by this Indian? Oh, I now have an adult successful mixed race son and 10 nieces and nephews all mixed Asian and white. They are all beautiful and I couldn't be more proud of them. I just don't get the hate.",-5.01,0 40395,The presidents is totally right you don't like it here... You could leave go to some other country like North Korea and I bet you ...You'll be begging the president to let you back in this country,1.08,1 21512,"Ryan Jamaal Swain gets real about Pose, privilege and Pride | Amplify by Gay Times URL URL",-3.92,0 46621,Another sick human selling violence just to get likes and views - humans don't deserve to survive. The earth will be far better off when homo sapiens kill and toxify themselves out of existence!,2.69,3 37527,really wish niggas die yo,3.47,1 24923,"coworker of mine started a conversation with them with ""I'm a supporter of lgbt people but..."" and I was so worried for the girls",-3.05,0 34320,Nothing makes me happier than knowing that in mythology Orpheus is canonically one of the first bisexuals,-4.38,0 38326,THISSSS the nigga that got you pregnant ?😭😭🥴,0.35,0 31955,"WE ARE NOW TERRORIZING OUR OWN CHILDREN 3 girls US citizens Ages 9, 10 & 13 Kept by ⁦@CBP⁩ FOR 12 HOURS just so they could try to deport their mother #DontLookAway #l4l U.S. Customs Border Control Bait Immigrant Mother in Chicago With Children URL",-4.25,0 40695,"If you are mentioning Birthright, please also acknowledge the problems with it concerning the brutal Israel-Palestine conflict that they actively ignore.",-2.37,0 6621,The mother is probably a homosexual. Dressing her child like that and offering her child to pedophiles.,1.05,5 26956,"I hate hoe shit , fuck a hoe anyway tho",0.76,4 38785,"@ScottGamm Chinese Citizens should boycott America and not travel or buy anything in America! Me. Trump should be punished to he humbles himself. While added boycott England, France, Turkey!!",-1.34,0 34931,@grazia747 @sandy49855 @moley_russell My sisters children are mixed race....I would never designate them as one thing and not the other. I think mixed race people are often super attractive so shouting out all genetic involvement is a positive. My sis' kids are white/Indian and they're adorable.,-4.07,0 39794,fuck that pussy men,0.23,0 34067,@HanginDong Lol. Feminized bitch.,1.03,4 2667,Fuck you bud tell yer mom to trim her nails next time she tries to stick it in my ass after i fuck her giver yer balls a tug bud,0.37,0 15485,Yeah people tend to frame america as this big monster who killed peaceful people's to take there land and some of it was that. But the Natives weren't so perfect. They would steal people from other tribes and force them to work as slaves. They would slaughter towns including women and children. So yes america did do horrible things in that time. But it wasn't one sided.,-1.12,0 4833,"Oh this is the guy who stole from Wounded Warriors and blamed his wife? These people have no bottom. Well, Lyndsey Graham is a bottom",-0.06,0 21653,2 alphas are waiting to be served by you pathetic faggots! #skypedrain #alphamale #cashmaster #cashpig #cashfag #scally #HumanATM #walletdrain URL,1.34,5 4456,"I'm calling you an incel because you're an incel that talks like an incel, I legit slay more puss than you",0.21,0 29563,Ieen never had shit but I can fuck a bad bitch,-0.64,0 25628,"im sick of ppl saying they were ""born gay"" youre not born gay u chose to watch sunmi playing the bass and now u are the way u are URL",-0.17,0 11781,Women like those should have a warning tattoo on their forehead. Jezus.,-0.85,0 40439,"Wow what a diverse cast. A bunch of Jews, a half-Jew and a token black puppet of the Jews.",1.86,1 11639,"WTF? They're all just GTFO now? When did calling out scurrilous corruption, hatred, bigotry, and racism become hating America? Fuck the American Taliban!",0.01,0 6410,"Good luck! I find that i general, girls are far more open to try more masculine things, they see it 'empowering' but boys aren't at all tolerant of feminine things. Of course, there are some feminine boys, but the exception, not the norm.",-3.68,0 21695,"Islam and those who practice this demonic shit, must be exterminated.",3.2,2 38219,"Yesterday screenshots of Muhammad's Facebook account surfaced on the Internet, which at least left no doubt in a disturbing way to the killer's fidelity to Allah. ""In the name of Allah the Merciful – Every soul will die,"" he wrote, and under it, ""Belief in Almighty Allah.""",-2.16,0 29735,"H8tful: Kemi sucks bro, entitled bitch David: You said Kemi? Bougie ass bitch, hella stuck up. She had the audacity to flirt with me. ME!!! Also y'all want me to do the dishes? #BB21 URL",0.61,4 41188,Harris placed more African Americans in Jail than anyone running she will fall short in the polls because she lied she is Indian decent and did not listen to Tupac so if she speaks truth why isn't she spewin it? She is a joke and emotionally u stable for pres. All Dems voted for 9 month abortions murder and for this URL,-1.15,0 16889,"The only inhuman piece of drug filled s*** is you, lying on your bed filled to the brim with alcohol. As I said at the start - don't dictate Islam to a Muslim. I need to make ablution now to wash myself of your stupidity. So hopefully I won't see you later.",-1.66,0 4217,based and happablackredpilled my fellow ethnic i'm the black ethnicity btw :sunglasses:,-2.86,0 21719,This is why British Islamists are against #Brexit. Islamists were sure the Islamization of Europe had become unstoppable. But Brexit deeply threatens that project by closing borders and taking away immigration control from those who threw Europe open to mass influx of Muslims. URL,-0.76,0 46226,"OMG go home stay where you came from... All I see is a bunch of future inmates. America is full. American has too many people already. American need to take of care of Americans. Not everyone can move into another country and take over. And the parent dragging young children across many borders to get to American is child abuse, There must be a way to make their homeland liveable verse invading other countries...",0.33,0 17699,Its mental illness all the way down.,-3.38,0 16710,"If you are European I don't want to hear a word. You raped half the world from it's richs, you plundered and colonized and genocided, your entire continent is theft and an insult to morals, and you have the nerve to lecture us. Cunt. Open a fucking history book.",1.08,3 7178,"based on older posts, it's islam. as a fellow muslim, I feel yA. stay strong u/orbit4eva ❣️",-4.44,0 3494,And probably a nigger,0.16,0 2623,I consider the Asian men are the most respectful and romantic human beings ever. I don't know how other people can't see it.,-6.76,0 26750,"Her bull generously pumped a massive load of his cum into your wife's pussy. Now you need to do as cuckold's do. You need to clean it up. You need to swallow every drop of his thick, salty seed. #cuckold #hotwife #cuckoldcaptions #creampiecleanup #cuckoldcreampie URL",0.3,0 32477,@hinaparvezbutt ALHAMDULILLAH PROUDLY SELECTED BY PEOPLE OF PAKISTAN 🇵🇰 #PMIK #ImranKhanOurPride 💚,-4.72,0 43811,There's Definetly more than one person in this group that isn't a Christian lol,-1.35,0 5645,Unfortunately it turned the frogs gay.,-0.28,0 11606,Just asking a question why a Muslim person supporting India achievement becomes always big news or is it we consider them foreigners that's why?,-2.5,0 10534,I hope they'll behave like the gay hitler from springtime for hitler and germany(the producer movie),-1.78,0 27989,@Ecscc2 So big beautiful nice ass I went fuck you hot,-1.29,0 4784,Woah! Stop with your bullshit propaganda. Tell this shit to your Muslims friends and ask them to stop doing radicalized shit instead of asking why we Hindus hate Muslims. Anyway good luck with your 72 juicy virgins.,1.74,2 3496,"Never fuck with the white loner kid, in fact be good in very good terms with them for they can save your life by not shooting you.",-0.09,0 49511,She looks like a blond Caitlyn ( Bruce ) Jenner. No wonder she's pissed off.,-0.98,0 29216,@_scoobyjaee That bitch retarted,2.02,4 17225,Stupid ghetto bitches got what they deserved.,1.08,1 40501,no one fucking cares fag,0.34,0 523,Rumor has it whites aren't welcome in that shithole.,-0.44,0 37633,We don't need gun control—we need SON control. Stop indoctrinating boys in toxic masculinity. Stop raising entitled sons. Stop abandoning and/or coddling male children. 97% of mass shooters are male. 86% of ALL gun killers are male. Gun violence is male violence.,-0.35,0 14848,That depends. African or European?,-2.5,0 1424,Her face is falling off,-0.28,0 4741,"If the US came to your neighbourhood, bombs the house of your neughbour to ovlivion, sending soldiers into the appartment building across the street, and denied everyone acces into the library or some shit, you would also chant Death to America, wouldn't you? I know I would. That's exactly what Iranians have experienced, only in a much langer scale. No wonder they hate you guys.",0.67,3 2891,Why bring guns into this? You can't shoot someone for calling you the N-word. That's how you go to prison.,-2.24,0 30706,@paying_im A man who looks like Trump would have to buy or rape anyone he has sex with.,0.16,0 32944,#90dayfienca larrisa ur a HO not even devoirced yet and fucking another dude and the only reason ur in America cause for a green card! Ur a dirty bitch and money hungry I hope ur ass gets deported,1.64,3 32828,"Yeah we really gotta watch out for the next Xerxes, you senile bigot. URL",0.23,0 39933,@crissles and when I saw the Broadway touring version Ariel was Asian.,-2.58,0 28273,I'm pretty sure white GOP voters vote for white GOP candidates because white GOP voters is skeert that if blacks and browns and poors ever get power the blacks and browns and poors gonna treat whites as bad as whites bin treating alla them for 300 plus years.,0.74,1 15260,"I would kill ur mom and extract vanilla milk out of her titties, eat her clit and obtain plasure",4.15,4 3551,She does not. The other girl was actually upset and used pirate hooker as an actual insult.,-1.82,0 17772,Did you seriously just condone the genocide of African Americans and their culture? You absolute fucking nutcase.,-3.18,0 34163,"The 3 Foundational Steps To Building An Inclusive Culture by Tony Prophet @tony_prophet, #Salesforce Chief Equality Officer URL #EqualityForAll @SalesforceEQ",-3.13,0 5105,Lol you have some fucking issues dude. No one would even want you as a parent anyway ¯\_(ツ)_/¯,-0.19,0 41446,These people need their ovaries/ testsicles removed.. They should be banned from breeding.,0.78,4 30415,"niggas hate to see women win, a mental illness",0.57,1 152,I agree with all except the wishing him to be raped. I think just being in a prison which is a melting pot of race and religions will be torturous enough,-0.85,0 35240,"She's is so dumb and ugly, no one alive would contribute to her.",4.47,4 9475,Op are you a fucking idiot or a fucking dumbass. Yo honestly this is why women dont deserve equality. This is RETARDED. Should you even have to fucking ASK?!? Holy fucking shit this is retarded. RIP this world.,1.57,4 6005,So people barely watch tv to begin with. No big or hyper movie that came out this year features any trans people. You know why? because trans actors are rare to begin with.,-2.58,0 19876,"Wow, god bless you man. Endless respect. Feels genuinely beautiful being a BI enthusiast!",-5.39,0 6438,"Or perhaps not a red pill misogynist? That ""review"" was so cringeworthy I could smell the sexual frustration through the screen.",-1.61,0 37548,@secretlyC15 Fuck her and cum all over that asshole,1.19,4 19153,"Dude, tentacle porn PREDTAES the bombs, they were already freaky",-1.23,0 3761,Make as well make smoking cigarettes racist too since tobacco is considered our most holy medicine. We're also supposed to burn tabacoo at the end of smudging as a thanks to the spirits. I doubt many people burning sage is also burning cigarettes at the end while making war whoops,-2.41,0 35044,@AnnCoulter Your mom should have swallowed you,1.1,4 8156,Dhoni is the spiritual leader for the current Australian partnership,-3.96,0 46884,You whites don't deserve to be apart of humanity,1.76,1 49118,so the palestinians werent bombing just totally innocent?,-2.95,0 6806,"I'm not a medical professional, but anyone that fucked this guy has self esteem issues.",-0.26,0 35303,mosquito deadass piss me off blud if u gonna suck sumn suck my dick at least God dayumm 😤,1.22,4 15307,Tell him to unban his albanian followers from discord and ban the cuck mod that ban us. That's how he'll get his viewers back from his people.,0.26,0 14795,R u fr racist or u roasting? Cause if ur fr you're really misinformed. Would love to chat if you want to.,-1.57,0 1422,"Absolutely agreed. I think the mom should make an effort to learn about how to raise her daughter with respect to her background but without making her feel out of place in her family. I was thinking more in terms of Portland, the little girl may feel more comfortable with another black person in the room with her. I am not a POC, but experiences I've listened to include being super aware of being the only POC in a space and feeling more at ease when you're in the company of others who have shared that.",-2.53,0 24500,"Good girl my submissive little slut. Your sucked my cock like a whore, while the neighbors watched. Then you mounted my cock, and fucked yourself. I fingered your ass hole, and crushed your tits, until I filled your pussy with cum. Now my warm cum is draining from your fuck hole! URL",0.92,4 29603,"@Whangareii @Neil26242906 @ratabat @_CarltonCole9 But at equivalent levels, women are not ""just as skilled"" as men at football.",-1.37,0 31875,"@SenSchumer I thought you said that Crisis on the border is a manufactured crisis? Because of ur dirty politics and hate of Trump, ur ignoring the real issues,Did you apologize to the border workers? To the DHS , to the illegal migrants themselves and to the Trump administration? Fix it!!!",-0.92,0 31188,niggas dumb as hell for no reason at all,0.95,1 24274,You can hate me but these are some chink ass laundry mat ass karaoke owning ass racist bitches,1.35,1 851,Stop being a bunch of fags and crawl out of your mother womb for once because this is r/banned and anyone can say messed up shit.,2.3,4 18856,Suck my dick or I'll beat you to death,2.66,4 33594,Dumb ass bald headed ass nigga,1.32,1 29768,"I came out as bi recently and I just wanna state, for the record, this is the kind of girl I like URL",-3.65,0 48990,Kick all the Iranians out of the UK they can go back to iran.,1.15,1 11093,I'm generally agnostic but I was raised Christian so I know about the things I discussed on those posts. I'm like a Jew who doesn't practice Judaism. I know about it mate,-2.81,0 17150,God isn't real and if he was he'd think you were a piece of shit too,-0.07,0 46409,+meli meli i guarantee you one islamic nation will get nuked if this goes on. Also American and Russian are waiting to do it .,-0.1,0 39731,Crowd started chanting Boom Boom Afridi when Dhoni reached Kashmir.. What a sight @SAfridiOfficial 🇵🇰 #Cricket #PakistanZindabad URL,-1.4,0 18036,It's okay. Some guys-Particularly fuckboy incels will tear you down if you don't give them what they want.,0.2,0 35361,"Theo: ""nick I got 3 words ima say to you after I squeaky clean you."" rest of call: Theo: ""go back to outbreak nigga""",2.92,1 14018,She's a cunt though and brought this on herself,1.09,4 607,"You're right, gender dysphoria is a horrible lifelong condition. Thankfully I had a doctor intervene before it got out of hand, now I'm well supported by a variety of medical professionals and am on hormone replacement therapy to manage my dysphoria :)",-5.14,0 36659,"@_BloodyMira @KarenInIllinois @SimplyAYT_ @TalbertSwan Nothing but black this black that , bet you disrespect the police and you have food stamps in your purse huh 😂🧐 URL",1.03,1 43103,"Women shouldn't be in leadership anyway. What's going to happen if the country gets invaded? WHY ARE THEY SO MEAN TO US, WHAT DID WE DO? WAAAAAAA",0.78,4 46080,Answer is no. America has polluted all nations. Back home in croatia id say they are worse than american girls,0.7,3 13652,"As an Italian I find it really strange to hear someone who would come here for being treated, especially because I hear all the time stories about people who travel to USA to get some treatment which is supposed to be the greatest.",-3.0,0 48202,NOW WE REALLY HAVE SOME BUSINESS GOING ON (says girl with actual asian heritage),-1.51,0 12140,Last Christmas me and my friends watched Dear White People just so we could make fun of it.,-0.25,0 27024,@jamescharles Honestly nobody gives a fuck you fake bitch,0.94,5 39356,this is fucking disgusting!!! someone needs to pin her down and spit on her,2.55,4 5118,A spic faggot?,1.17,1 45063,FOX PROPAGANDA WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE OVER DAVID STRINGER REPUBLICUNT ARIZONA LEGISLATURE FORCED TO RESIGN FOR SODOMIZING YOUNG WHITE BOYS NOT BLACK BOYS! WHERE?,0.71,5 25642,I wonder how many white boys will submit to daddy today,-1.01,0 37480,"13. Make e-verify mandatory 14. Round-up, deport, prosecute every MS-13 gang member 15. Raid workplaces & deport illegals 16. Provide quick amnesty review for all pending claims at the border. Prosecute & deport fraudulent claims 17. Teach & preserve real American history again. URL",-0.31,0 48950,Shut the f up pussy ass bitch warframmaster,0.33,0 4691,If you were my daughter I would make you dress extremely slutty for me. That makes Daddy's cock really fucking hard.,1.49,5 22167,"Reo and Mabu took the ""be gay do crime"" too far",-2.03,0 35284,More than 3.3 billion women in the world and not even one to call your own. Asides your mother. Makes you wonder why you're on earth,-1.56,0 3392,"Civilization has survived & functioned for 6K years, because scum like this would be stoned to death in the the Town Square. Maybe not all of the ideas the Muslims have are useless.",0.18,0 959,I'll leave as soon as I'm done plugging your mother in the ass.,1.4,4 12251,"cry some more, newfag",0.98,5 7095,"Inbred, sister fucking low IQ murderous stains on humanity. Change my mind.",0.5,0 21875,"@CLyK76 Shut ur Cocholster,or take the 1st cock out of ur mouth so we can hear u!!!😂😂😂",0.15,0 26617,"@brsn @IcexMwk @younginheavy bitch stfu u came on my shit smd and move around ""Ahmed"" clown",0.22,0 27697,@violinisbae Just here for the ratio you homophobic bitch URL,0.85,5 33526,So Mahmood Ghazni pracha in a modque taught muslims to get guns n suddenly we r witnessing this. @AmitShah,-0.99,0 18799,Forget about them lets start a holocaust and kill asians,1.87,1 11578,Satan and Hitler are the parents of AANickFan,-1.85,0 9587,"Don't worry, Islam will replace it.",-2.24,0 21383,I want to spank those bitches... URL,-0.21,0 36193,"@CarrieGiunta @mxmovement Brilliant clip. The way the media portrayed the riots back then couldn't be further from the truth. It was all about young people looting and stealing sneakers, when the context was police oppression, lack of opportunities and hopelessness among young black working class people.",-4.0,0 40094,Deport All the Detainees,-0.25,0 8376,Because that's the entire point of the account. Stop hitting yourself you faggot. You think you fool anyone around you? You say your workplaces are accepting but even here your posts show you're just a fucking dude with mental problems. All you do is post on car and videogame subreddits. All of your coworkers see you for what you are which is a dude with long hair who tries way too fucking hard with the dresses and makes everyone uncomfortable.,1.76,5 31294,"If you are #ADOS, please stop calling yourself a person of color. You have a distinct lineage and shouldn't lump your experience with others who don't have a clue about being a Black America in this country for centuries.",-2.25,0 21568,"Followers of Jesus, which I am, know that our Lord would have given water to those who thirst. Taking it away from people so they will die is satanic - evil to the core. May God Bless greatly those who give food and water to those who hunger and thirst. Amen.",-3.27,0 21202,If I don't have the hoes I want then the hoes don't exist URL,-1.24,0 8879,"We try to keep a good balance between local and foreign missions. I know many churches that go waaaaay off kilter (normally in the direction of foreign missions). This has ended up hurting many missionaries, because they are not part of the church's pet project/missions focus. Many USA churches especially have an aversion to supporting USA church planters, for some reason.",-2.19,0 48605,How can you see someone bettering the country through YouTube comments? You have a crystal ball? What a retarded comment. Hopefully someone shoots AOC then you'll know who they are 😭,0.72,7 26993,"Get The Fuck Off My Dick, There's Not Enough Room For All You Motha Fuckas To Be On It Like This. XX/XX/19",0.66,1 19144,I used the cristians to destroy the cristians to destroy the atheists,-0.8,0 29286,"@NahBabyNah she needs to go to jail for killing her child, double standard if a citizen kills their child from an act they committed, they go to jail for child endangerment. She needs to go to jail , then deported. URL",-1.96,0 17105,"How did Africans (now ""African Americans"") get here in the first place, though? They didn't sail merrily over to these shores of their own volition, Sir. Again, I ask: What did they (read: old white men) THINK was going to happen?! A: They didn't. Right and wrong isn't tough for me. It's ALL wrong. Wrong+wrong=fvcking wrong.",-1.78,0 3369,Aha! You forgot one of their most important planks!! Fuck Israel. Because the actions of the IDF mean that every member of that country deserves death. They are so damn stupid,2.68,3 3740,"congrats on coming out clover/bryan! your experience was very enlightening to me. I'd known of nonbinary people who use different names to suit the gender at present, but I didn't realise how deep the change goes. for me, I am just genderqueer Lem, and sometimes Lem wants a beard and to wear neckties and other times a pair of heels and some boobs, but at the core I am still Lem. the concept of a second persona, especially outside of the context of DID, is fascinating to me and I'm so happy you're able to more fully express all of yourself!",-5.46,0 38088,@tampa1_ @RepAdamSchiff THEY ARE ALL WHITES. THEY ARE WHITE SUPREMACISTS.,0.95,1 34645,Have your little piss slut drink every drop of pee that you put in her mouth and fuck her throat while doing so. URL,1.48,5 27366,"Nigerians number one problem isn't political leadership, but in particular how we choose our leaders. Read this article and you will see that Tribalism and where you come from is the first criteria before meritocracy. This has to change! URL",-2.21,0 33843,"@JimProfit5 @jsavite @jring383 @jennifercarolyn @AndrewYang Latino isn't a race, URL say nothing about many Blacks supporting Kamala.",-2.36,0 2919,"I would be very interested and, as I am dating a non-binary, I would be happy.",-4.04,0 14703,i wish i never knew who this fag was,0.62,5 2991,Fuck them. Russia can suck it.,0.0,0 41658,Shut the fuck up Merkel you piece of shit cunt Nazi. You fucking dried-up gash whore. Somebody should fuck this broad with a running chainsaw. Nazi scum twat.,3.47,4 48287,4:13 man is a legend he learned how to make wildfire,-2.91,0 21637,@anjanaomkashyap Look who's talking intolerance,-1.2,0 27121,how you slide in MY shit and waste MY time and have ME looking dumb bc i actually gave your hoe ass a chance. please choke on my dick ❤️,1.67,4 43051,So abuse and sexual assault is cool if you're a girl?,-1.53,0 4764,"You must understand that it means nothing to me anyway? I was baptised aswell - and i never cared. But i don't see any downsides, and upside is making happy my mother in law.",-3.36,0 3016,Only a matter of time till the mexicans figure this out,-2.56,0 20065,"Notwithstanding Marriyum Aurangzeb sahiba's political standing in her own right, amongst the many positives that Maryam Nawaz brought to the Pakistani political arena, bringing our female politicians to the centre-stage is one of the most notable ones. #PakistanStandsWithMaryam URL",-5.12,0 16507,Yea Islam and the left never killed anyone.,-3.78,0 48462,@Alban Ace nigga your scurny ass scared lmao dumbass faker fan,0.77,1 46842,fuck pussy,-0.73,0 41977,Donate Border Wall @ We Build the Wall . U S by Brian Kolfage God Bless America. & All Involved with this PROJECT ! by the PEOPLE for the PEOPLE !!!,-1.78,0 49284,"Amen broher, i just got done talking to two mormons and witnessed to them how we are saved by grace through faith and not of works!!!!!!!!",-3.26,0 4964,"I had sex with your mom, so she must really hate me.",0.41,0 13425,"I know, hell, Vikings never raped women, it was a lie from Christians as an excuse to rape and kill them, if you raped a woman in any viking society then it's automatically K.O.S (Kill On Sight) and anyone who killed you wouldn't even face any legal action.",-1.46,0 9678,"Agreed. I grew up catholic and did my first communion, confirmation and went to church every Sunday. Eventually when I became older and less dependent, I stopped caring what they thought. My mom is suuuuper catholic. But I just told her one day that I dont believe in that stuff anymore because it's a choice now, not required of me. She still doesnt like it, but it happens. Still tries to change my mind, but not gonna happen. You got this OP!!!!",-3.02,0 5927,Literally white girl wasted. Literally,-0.68,0 10438,"Put a blindfold on you, eat you, fuck you with a dildo, suck those tits. And probably not talk.",-1.03,0 19584,"Local LGBT groups will probably have the best info about what coming out in your area is like and where to get more support. For example, I live on the east edge of Iowa(kind of Iowa's east coast) which trends more supportive than the deeper red western Iowa. I don't know what Utah is like for trans people( I hear more from atheists trying to navigate Mormon dominated areas). General advise is strength in numbers, avoid situations where likely transphobes have it and find numbers to help you.",-3.77,0 22525,#WhenTheySeeUs lol black kids should know the law and know the system. These kids parents failed them.,-0.57,0 44195,We stand for Trump. Ur squad is full of chumps. Keep talking shit and these illegals will get some lumps.... Wait hold up. Is this not the rap battle?,-0.3,0 19503,"Honestly colorism is so terrible :( I'm sorry you had to go through that. I myself have very fair skin but I wish I was more tan to pass as Filipino, since a lot of people mistake me as East Asian. I find darker skin better because it gives more character to people's faces!",-4.17,0 39339,@HulyaTurkey We Pakistani are Turkish and Our Turkish are Pakistani. We are One and United. Thank you ofr supporting Pakistan,-5.1,0 44611,"*Antifa member firebombs ICE facility and is armed with an AR-15. Wrote a manifesto using Cowfarts Cortez idea that detention facilities are ""CONCENTRATION CAMPS"". Where is the Left on condemning him? CUE CRICKETS............*",-0.55,0 24549,"Why are Hindus always an easy target. On my recent trip to Mathura, birthplace of Krishna there was a mosque built on top of Krishna's birthplace but yet they call Hindus intolerant. Minorities always get first priority and Hindus get treated so unfairly. We demand Hindu equality URL",-3.24,0 4930,"You can round them up just like I E did to the ""illegal immigrants"" and take them out back and hang them",1.56,3 8497,Fuck tthat schizo dox those fags,1.48,5 19245,"It's funny how they think killing all mexicans is funny but the instant someone calls them ""mayo"" they act like they were just shot ten times",0.04,0 2677,Your fake ass life doesn't exist that's why ever girl you will ever claim to fuck is a damn sheep YOU HEAR ME THEY ARE GONNA SAY BAH BAH GUCKING BAH YOU USELESS STRIPPER POLE,-0.33,0 10154,how about you go put a dick back in your mouth so you can shut the fuck up,1.0,5 24078,"There are times where I end up losing control and end up slapping an inferior fag even harder then normal. ""Thank you Sir"" it whimpers as I spit all over its dirty face. How pathetic is that? My dirty cash fags crawl to me by the minute 😂😂 #findom #cashmaster URL",3.33,5 13076,Hence why it is good to blend in with feminists. Any comments that say women are less than 100% perfect merit a call to human resources.,-3.12,0 1234,"I think, with all the people coming on here and basically bashing this dude for being a pussy, she might just be standing up for him at this point... Like, she seems to have her own problem solved by the end of the post, but she *wants* to tell people this guy is eating her pussy like a champ and has a night of sensual fingering planned... lol. Are we in 8th grade?",-1.83,0 40644,"@Joseph Mastromarino yes having a black president is a great sign of progress but it doesn't mean that there are no more problems for the black community , by that logic white men should have no problem at all in their lives as there have been 44 white male president ,",-2.45,0 44682,To the goat? Go fuck yourself u little bitch,-0.08,0 25311,I don't deal with bitches no more,0.73,4 48770,I'm surprised she's not black,-0.02,0 46176,Iran playing with fire.,-1.98,0 42052,This guy literally sounds like homosexual transsexual teacher from South Park mr. garrison 😂🤣,-0.85,0 29578,A nigga piss me off and ima fuck up my paper,1.58,1 5937,"I'm no historian, but if my factual sources are correct there were still major discrimination, with a famous example being the instanbul pogroms, which basically resulted in almost all of the ethnic Greeks moving from the region. IIRC correctly there are maybe just a couple of thousands left in a country with millions of inhabitants. (Not that this is of course if my sources are factually correct)",-2.96,0 2197,"/uj surprise surprise. Getting upset over women in a MODERN warfare game. Maybe it wasn't just ""historical accuracy"" they were upset about 🤔",-2.64,0 28436,@wickedkaz jude is a motherfucking latina,-0.55,0 49125,Nazi America is on the rise. Where are they going to put all the ones they round up until their legal trial comes. Are their concentration camps on the border not already over flowing? Heil Trump?🤚,-0.39,0 13129,"Shut up, suck a real cock and then post",0.75,5 38378,"Please Checkout this news - After 370, Kashmiris first URL URL",-2.92,0 41466,ban ure mum u thick twats,0.29,0 8962,Sorry but perverts existed already and hasnt increased as proven by me data. Try again little bigot.,-0.43,0 26079,Only Ugly Niggas slide in my DMs 🙄 URL,-0.17,0 27905,Gloryhole cumslut sucks a big cock and drinks cum shooter! URL,0.65,4 19715,Don't illegally immigrate and this won't happen.,-0.23,0 33916,#ISIS #ARIZONA #Tuscon - Regarding Tucson Somali refugees who intended to join ISIS. Tucson had the first al Qaeda cell 1986. Surprised it didn't happen sooner - Phoenix equally saturated. Police told me many go back and forth to #Mogadishu .,-1.64,0 18691,Dumbest thing I've ever heard. I wonder if she knows how haggard she is.,0.45,0 14097,"I'm gonna keep being biracial, bicultural, binational and infinitely better that you, dumbass unemployed internet Nazi.",-0.62,0 4253,"Aro/ace people are 100% welcome and included in the Pride rainbow! Be out and proud! I know in my city there has been a lot of shit by a few loud queer folks putting down others who don't present outwardly queer (bi, pan, ace, trans, non binary, and on) . I'm pan and poly but am currently in a straight passing relationship and have gotten shit for this by certain queer folks. But move past any haters who don't recognize that being part of a pride event is more than just presenting queer. You're part too!",-6.02,0 27323,"Go ahead faggot try and resist me, it's impossible! I'm deep inside your head. Controlling every move like a puppet! SNIFF and SEND! There is no end, this is your purpose, your natural calling! YOU ARE A MY CASH FAGGOT! #master #cashmaster #findom #fagcash #cashrape #paypig URL",1.63,5 35741,pussy boy bitch,2.38,5 6997,Seeing a lot of racism on here. Against white people specifically. I know it's easy to say those things but like don't. Don't for so many reasons. You don't like it against you. Doesn't make it okay to do it against white people.,-3.52,0 39920,Lmao bro if they send this man to Mexico they about torture the hell out of him and chop his ass up URL,-0.13,0 4425,You could have atleast skimmed the article... > [authorities found] two migrants hiding in the shower of a ramshackle building used by humanitarian groups. The 36-year old faces two felony counts of harbouring the undocumented migrants and one felony count of conspiracy to transport the two men.,-2.67,0 6054,"... and this'll feed right into his shitty christian victim complex. Look how oppressed he is when he's just sharing the ""good news"" that LGBT people are going to hell. Fucking idiot. I loathe these freaks.",1.04,5 43189,"@myfavs Jesus, you really drank the punch, didn't you? Britain is by a 2018 census, 50% Christian, 40% no religion and about 2.5% Muslim. Hilarious that a bunch of flag waving, knuckle-dragging morons would scream fake news while believing this shit.",-1.3,0 38306,Lol if you like my tweets just like it you don't have to unlike them because I don't fuck with you 😂😂😂 weird hoes,1.1,4 25916,mannn i'm finna turn into a whole nigga when it drops,-0.35,0 41855,They all need to be deported to Russia.,-0.18,0 39468,Trash ass hoe,0.59,4 12059,So this guy thinks women are garbage? Wow lol.,-2.27,0 46258,what a hoe,1.96,4 44840,Disappointed in the judges mother. She should've aborted that bundle of cells.,0.56,4 49005,Lets pray it happens so these racists go back to sleep.,-1.7,0 48562,"hackhampride yes sir! No discrimination when it's comes to getting illegals out. Includes Asians, South Americans, middle easterners, South Africans, white Europeans.",-1.79,0 6629,please. stop praying for the ottomans!!!! you are making them too strong. they broke out of anatolia and germany cant stop them. they're too powerful,-1.73,0 23291,Anthony Joshua got beat up by this nigga URL,-0.7,0 44651,This guy looks like a damn pedophile his damn self!!,-0.02,0 20234,I can't stand a weak ass bitch ! Ugh y'all disgust me. Boss up lil whore,0.72,4 38214,"@SuaveNoChico_ @gamer3kers Nothing was said to insult you. LMAO I don't even know you to be insulting you.😂 but ""I sEe WhY tHeY oNlY wAnT sEx"" boohoo they won't get it lmao idgaf",-0.72,0 11657,Take them all down. I don't care if they're black white democrat republican whatever.,1.75,3 1411,It's called defending yourself you fucking dumbass. Don't you mean this bitch dumbass. Yea fuck you,1.13,4 29309,lol see what i'm talkin about? put these hoes in jail.,1.17,4 37512,Any man that gets horny or uncomfortable from me breastfeeding my baby is a pedophile #ISaidWhatISaid,0.55,4 13391,"I say make sure you're safe coming out, and then come out when you feel comfortable about coming out. Don't let anyone force you to come out or make you feel bad for not being out. We're all on our own journey.",-6.43,0 1227,Here we see him as the king of incels,-0.79,0 11307,"Is that what they are teaching Christians these days. Just gaslight people you argue with? How can you not believe in a talking snake, only an idiot wouldn't believe in a talking snake. So glad religion is dying.",-0.53,0 49951,"Oh crap, Israel must be using her for damage control for bombing Syria yesterday",-1.11,0 29449,@Dansgotasword @quincelu Yeah you thought I was praying go burn in Hell cocksucker,0.15,0 47070,A known KKK member Mitch the bitch is also known a stuffed white racist pig n A pig turtle,0.96,1 46078,"Key line: ""why is it my responsibility to make you feel comfortable?"" This is actually coming from a woman lol. Companies have spent billions on training and efforts to make the woman feel comfortable, included. Just being outwardly masculine is a no-no because it makes ""her"" feel uncomfortable right? My question back to her is why should men have to suppress their natural instincts/state to make the woman feel more comfortable???",-1.4,0 2654,Hate fucked a married woman because she had me convinced for 18 years that I had a secret kid,-0.09,0 21074,Suck my cock you whore!!! Good girl suck it like it's the last cock you're ever gonna see bitch!! Who wants to get throat fucked by mommas and her massive cock?! URL,2.24,4 17427,I'm just gonna mention that trans women exists and this seems tangently related. Trans girls are valid and you're valid ❤️,-5.71,0 27509,"As this dirty rotten hypocritical bastard Franklin Graham is scraping out the last few dollars in the collection plate at his Church this morning, He is saying that flying the gay pride flag is offensive to Christians while he supports this dirty filthy sexual predator Trump. URL",-1.94,0 36908,@JayManBlack1 @johnofdog @doc_strategy @TalibKweli @NkiruBooks @Melanatedmindf1 @BishopVernon @tonetalks @BreakingBrown Exactly. All I see are white people upset because Black people are organizing. Makes me wonder maybe Democrats are the real Racists.,-0.65,0 18268,You are really fucking stupid you ignorant low iq american... have you been outside your country? You sound so fucking stupid they should put you down cunt,2.15,3 20778,"Diseases humans carry from having sex all the time with eachother and not planting food tree. Anemia. Eats meat and bread says fuck Europe Hemophila - cunt, whore, no love for anyone whore Sickle-Cell Anemia C - blood shaped as C's, nig ger, instead of lines Fucks all the time",1.21,1 42404,"Nobody wants war but lets get real, Iran would be put down rather quickly. hope it doesn't come to that.",-1.75,0 2165,suck those tits and dick you down deep 😏🤤,0.73,4 36733,#Consequences Review: Slovenia's First LGBTQ Film Is a Sexy Study of Male Rage URL URL,-2.67,0 28087,I honestly hate you hoes,0.15,0 23029,I wanna choke your wife with my cock whilst you watch... #efdp #findom #transexual #paypig #cuck,1.35,4 24476,"White hate mongers keep Trying you Testing you , over and over? URL",-0.52,0 43317,on gay pride day too... we all love brendon dude,-3.62,0 13703,No one gives a shit you faggot.,1.61,5 37531,"Girls that keep sucking after you nut, should be charged with attempted murder!",1.02,4 23379,Nasty bitch go raise your children,0.93,4 8246,I mean bitch,0.39,0 25318,@DineshDSouza Ya want to buy some nude pictures? How bout some lesbian action? Good shit Dinesh....certainly makes an American proud. You delusional piece of human waste.,1.2,1 35847,Illegal Alien Buys Baby in Guatemala to Get Quick Release in the U.S. URL,-0.9,0 46128,Christians suck,-0.64,0 33726,@paisleyeverdeen @amberkippen1 YOU FUCKING UGLY ASS IGNORANT IMMATURE INSECURE DISGUSTING RATCHET ASS WHORE,1.02,4 21829,"Latin America accounts for one third of world's homicides, life expectancy dropping in some countries: study URL And the biggest theft of US citizenship in our 243-year history...",-2.01,0 37050,"54 soldiers sentenced to death by firing squad 4 refusal 2 fight boko haram r all southerners.28 Yoruba,16 Igbo, 8 S.South #Copied URL",-0.59,0 13298,"How about you just go to a gym and work on your arse, so you can genuinely be ""thick"" instead of pretending that you're natural and a role model, while actually just propagating body image issues for young girls?",-1.06,0 14189,"> I've never told him about my Indian side and I don't know how to explain this to him. Assuming referring to dharmic culture, if so...[History-Centrism & Dharma vis a vis Religion](URL > Weirdly enough I always knew I wanted that as well to marry someone from my cultural background. [Dharmic Universalism](URL isn't limited to those of certain ethnicity.",-2.77,0 43544,"you prove churches have all the nut cases Christians Muslims does not matter , YOU PROVE ALL THE PSYCHOPATH AND LIARS ARE AT POLICE STATIONS AND GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS",0.4,0 23349,Put her in jail women are trash,1.21,4 33873,Lol time to cut a nigga off,-0.6,0 26125,"Italy. Here is the integration of ""diverse"" youth. The program goes 100% well. Multiculturalism works. UN can be proud of its achievements. Włochy. Oto integracja ""różnorodnej"" młodzieży. Program udaje się w 100%. Multikulturalizm działa. ONZ może być dumna ze swoich osiągnięć. URL",-4.55,0 5022,You've got all -47 chromosomes on your back. On account of me coming on it. There's my comeback. My jizz on your back. That's what we're down to. Bandying crooked words with a witless worm.,2.36,7 15254,I have a live and u spend ur time on Instagram and reddit to troll so get a fucking life normie or do suicide so u can annoy no one anymore,2.29,5 45954,If I were Iran I would start bombing the mess out of the UK if they kept bullying my region.,-0.76,0 41812,The reason the leaders are pushing back is because they are criminals themselves. They know that the law is going to catch up with them as well once the illegals are dealt with. Thank God law is being re-established. This video is propaganda by the fake news CBS.,-1.01,0 48765,"Joe, you would be an incel if it wasn't for your big break in development deals. You're a hairy, bald Italian midget who takes stem cell injections, trt and hgh to look reasonably in shape. You're a gross patchwork of a person.",1.64,1 30993,"yes im mixed (mom is woman, dad is a man)",-2.52,0 44867,WOW I wish these Hos would just go to hell already. Worthless pile of rebellious trash these women are.,2.11,4 42041,this woman is a terrorist! bin laden dick rider!,1.12,1 44953,"Over here in the U.S. they passed on Harriet Tubman, most likely, due to never having chose a woman and a black woman at that, but the U.K is considering putting a gay man on the 50-pound note ? Well, as the Church Lady from Saturday Night Live would say, ""Isn't that Special"" ? ? ? One expected move for women and women of color, but one Giant Step for someone from the LGBTQ Community. FIGURES ! ! ! Let them not celebrate woman or people of a different race, but let them make damn sure to celebrate being from an immoral lifestyle . . . Woo Hoo ! ! !",0.6,5 26712,I wish I was a cop just to shoot you niggas,2.45,1 30339,cis dykes being surprised that I'm good at eating pussy is a transphobic microagression,1.14,5 39948,@ImranKhanPTI Let's all join and kill every Indian we come across. These motherfuckers are nothing but cruel people.,3.07,1 33803,@French_Ren That's why I gotta leave these niggas that like choking alone cuz they will sit there n let a real bitch die,1.54,1 23818,@sairasameerarao I bet your town is affluent and almost entirely white.,-2.02,0 20163,You sound like cold a faggot literally a bitch,0.75,5 6612,Illegal immigrants. Get these space ni\*ggers out of here.,1.04,3 34263,We Are All Going To Hell In Another Person's Religion ☹️,-1.77,0 2621,"Lol, fag has pretty much lost its gusto as a slur",1.08,5 17432,Tiny little pussy you need to be fucked 🤤,-1.03,0 25926,Liberals Have A HABIT Of LUMPING Puerto Ricans Into The Immigration Debate URL URL,-1.96,0 933,hey suck my dick you fucking cunt,2.36,4 19495,"Redditors are fucking scum like ""oh look at me completing a normal fucking himan function""and redditor fuckijg nigger retards will give them comment rewards bought with irl money for it what is this fucking website ""oh my god she so brave lookk!!!-!"" Shit the fuck up",0.66,1 29433,Sexually fluid what!? Tigilan niyo nga si Sky!!! Leave the goddamn person alone and stop meddling with other people's lives!!!! Mind your own business!!,-1.0,0 4099,"mhmmmm, show me how you fuck that ass slutty",-0.28,0 31809,Me when i see u fat pathetic losers all you weak faggots deserve to be punished by a young alpha like me 😜😎 #findom #cashmaster #cashslave #feetfag #footfag #sales URL,0.34,0 37668,Pls retweet and help our children to bring medicine in india @919898304782 URL,-4.96,0 43322,The DJSUGARPOP yes. Governments go to war; not people. But the people of Iran want a government change more than anyone. Their government feels it's their duty to develop nuclear weapons and destroy Israel; while holding the people firmly under the yoke of Sharia law. War may be the only Meagan's of dislodging these dictators and allowing freedom to grow.,-1.48,0 20885,Literally nothing has changed since I was the CHILD being ogled by adult men. Nothing. The conversations we're having aren't working. So dudes who want to profess your non-asshole traits? Choke a motherfucker out the next time you see him leering at a goddamn child.,0.62,4 49159,"franco monno because it is a social construct and is used to shame young women who have had sex, bigot",-1.49,0 45665,they passing these laws cause whites aint reproducing,-2.54,0 18085,"Hi there 💜. I've been married to my husband for fifteen years. We are very, very happy. He knows I'm bi, and he loves all parts of me. He is very straight, and I love all parts of him.",-6.96,0 29945,FUCK AREA 51 LETS FUCKING STORM CHINA AND FREE THE MUSLIMS URL,-1.78,0 16841,Everybody gangsta until jesus in quantum realm,-1.31,0 36843,If you're angry and hate someone because of the color of their skin and you need to shoot someone then you're a punkass bitch. You're NOT SUPERIOR. YOU ARE A WEAK PUNKASS BITCH. FUCK YOU AND YOUR GUNS.,-1.56,0 45133,"Oh, I didnt know Jacob was Filipino.",-3.43,0 48757,Tag 'em and bag 'em if they don't come peacefully. Send all illegals back one way or another.,3.09,3 42906,"I'v never seen a transvestie who wasn't mentally messed up, you have serious mental problems if you want to be the other gender....... enough with this PC bullsh#t",1.11,5 11245,A guy punches a girl in the face and you're wondering why the girl is the victim? Here's my thought: you're a victim of retardation,1.2,7 48853,Two black women did the work but they give her the spotlight .. but we know how America feels about us so it is what it is,-1.79,0 47189,She should be arrested and deported for child endangerment.,-1.32,0 31209,"@MichelleObama @BarackObama Yes, we too love the diversity in India. Now we gets forcing towards one nation, one religion, one language... Finally only one person will live in this country...",-3.56,0 29254,"@GARussell @RealSaavedra God & Allah are the same, you illiterate cracker.",-1.64,0 25698,Bitches is so fake it makes me sick to my stomach!,0.81,4 7604,The /b/tard pisses on you white fanatics and the diseased inbred cumstains like you. Glad you're being replaced whore 😉,1.29,4 33371,"Time for sissy bitch caitlin to send, I can see you, you little cum gargling slut!",2.01,4 12327,Hell ain't real. Stop being a religious nigger.,0.5,0 20824,@FuckBamboni Dudes will nitpick anything when they cant get their dick wet incels are bi product of the lost confidence pretty much,-1.03,0 37112,Death to all white supremacist is the least they deserve.,1.66,1 8183,Are you autistic? Genuinely asking.,-2.43,0 48241,The paid China trolls in the comments are priceless. I wonder how long before China can no longer afford to pay you guys...,-0.11,0 1614,And go through the trouble of dealing with your disgusting fat dead ass? Nah bitch nobody would wanna touch that,1.32,4 35049,@notclaymerritt ILL DO IT TWICE. AND ILL SAY NIGGER,-0.15,0 43518,I hope that hatefull greedy bich chokes on her dentures.yesterday,0.89,4 37904,Keep killing us white boys. You have made america a war zone. Trump and #MAGATerrorism you own this. Republicans are terrorist that only want the white race to live. And those wil even kill dems to own a libtard. Kill all out babies for sport and fun. Kkk nazi fuck.We will fight. URL,0.48,0 4863,damn i can see why trump wants to fuck her so bad she's beautiful,-2.95,0 48497,The Atheist doesn't deserve that money I don't understand and there's no such thing as a gay-friendly church God made men and women to be together God intended them to be together to go against what they were intended to be is pretty disgusting and disgraceful if anybody agrees comment Christian,1.68,5 37554,"@MeetThePress @esglaude Let's not forget it's the same white media that excused trumps racism as a political strategy. As if brown and black peoples human rights are a wedge issue 😤 This is the same with CC at the border, 'red meat' for his base they legitimize and normalize trumps racism",-1.38,0 42513,"I know this from europe and the refugees, nobody wants them but the left still pushing it, its all gonna end bad.",-2.19,0 13047,One would say Germany is reaching peak multiculturalism. Migrants life should be ended in the worst way imaginable. However then we're no better than these dirty animal migrants.,1.67,3 24090,this is for Linda you big fat white nasty smelling fat bitch why you took me off the motherfucking schedule with your trifling dirty white racist ass you big fat bitch oompa loompa body ass bitch I'm coming outside and I'm going to beat the fuck out of you bitch #LindaFairstein,1.52,1 34472,@thatclown1 maybe he does drag because I know a moron like this ain't getting NO pussy action,0.53,5 10280,I'm guessing he gets death threats daily for dating a white chick.,-2.55,0 3390,"Isn't he a pedophile? If he hates imperialism, why'd that fag accept knighthood!",1.97,5 41588,"+Mark W. Your income taxes go to white people too, you fucking gimp.",-0.08,0 20133,"Dear GOP Stop using GOD as an excuse for your anti abortion law GOD asked you to feed the hungry, take care of poor, & sick yet your legislation of refusing to expand medicaid, cut food stamp assistance, & remove families from HUD assistance reflects NOTHING about Christianity",-0.69,0 8511,"NTA, and.. Is this nurse out of her effing mind?! Report. Her. Immediately. This actually could harm the care, in the sense that it *will* stop some girls from seeking medical attention when they might need it the most. Imagine a girl not as strong in her shoes as you, having this experience and not willing to seek medical attention next time, and an STD actually progresses to the point where it harms her ability to get children or make her seriously (I mean life-threatening) ill?! What the actual fuck.",-3.51,0 11942,"Send them the fuck back. It may only be to New Jersey or wherever the fuck they came from, but send these feckless cunts packing...",0.92,3 39182,5.Independence Day this 14 August to be observed in solidarity with brave Kashmiris and their just struggle for their right of self-determination. 15th August will be observed as Black Day.,-5.76,0 27851,I love pretty bitches especially not the stuck up ones.,-0.68,0 49067,"India love bright side , bright side love india 😁",-4.3,0 3713,*receives viagra and can only think of pranks* Sounds to me like this person doesn't have sex.,-2.16,0 18549,yeah thats what happens when your radical violent terroristic ideology causes tragedies like the ice facility bombing and the dayton shooter! lol fags,0.2,0 2005,Where's Israel egging the US on?,-1.9,0 14170,"Fuck off you neckbeard cunt. We hate your kind. Scurry back, bitch.",1.67,5 41438,"I can see the link to Saudi Arabia, Muhammad was also a pedophile. A sanctuary in case he had to flee.",-0.11,0 36048,"It's all a front MBS is putting on to show that Saudi has a ""softer"" side. Progression with a side of bombing Yemen. This is why I won't ever step foot in Saudi Arabia again. URL",-0.7,0 5542,"Nah jut keep your delusional red pill opinions on ""real men"" to yourself. Creep",-1.29,0 6488,"Being Bi is awesome, sure it comes with people both gay and straight thinking 'bi now, gay later' but it has given me a wonderful insight on the world. I am my own man and sometimes a man and I will share a beautiful moment, sometimes a woman. Each relationship is as special as the last and comes with its own uniqueness.",-4.44,0 31395,"#ThursdayThoughts According to Nostradamus, India will be the liberator of the world whose only a one language and one flag, he is born in the world, it is none other than #SpiritualLeader_SaintRampalji Maharaj. URL",-3.92,0 10934,"I'm not a teacher, but my cousin is. He told me more and more of them are non-white every year and it's fucking heartwarming.",-3.92,0 2876,When will it be necessary rouse a militiia and liberate these people?,0.21,0 3099,I would rotate her facing that mirror. Unfasten that big bra.. Bend her over That counter... Put her panties aside.. And fuck her while I whisper in her ear what a little whore she is... And that I love to see those boobs bouncing. Then I would pound her harder and harder. Would love to finish in her butthole once she has cummed...,1.32,4 12414,> dedicated to the equality of minorities Heres the thing about equality... you just promote equality. No need to promote equality *of* anybody... In an equal world equality is equality. Doesnt matter who your are.,-1.57,0 14484,"As a guy i agree. Without doubt, most of the people i talk to are men. So when a female compliments me on my haircut or something else. It does put a smile on my face.",-3.19,0 5430,Eyyy! Congrats! It's awkward and nerve-racking as hell. Good to hear your family is cool with it. I came out to my parents as Bi yesterday too and it was surprisingly (and thankfully I guess?) pretty uneventful as well. Happy for you OP :) ❤️💜💙,-4.28,0 553,What a dumb cunt. I wish we could create their retard society and send them all there to live together and watch them.,2.76,7 14344,"> When's the last time you heard an Italian cower or throw hands over the word ""Dego""? That's their form of ""n.gger"". How about Chink? Zipperhead? Curse words only go away through their meaning fading away. Have any of those words been used in conjunction with slavery in this country?",-1.65,0 16297,"I'm Bi too. Im older than I should be for this sub, but it took me over 6 years to come to terms with my sexuality, and finally decide to open up to a select few of my friends. Right now only 2 of my closest male friends know, and about 7 of my close female friends know. It's a lot easier opening up to girls as a guy, they are a lot more understanding of it.",-2.94,0 37484,"Fuck a hating ass bitch, you can suck my dick",2.1,4 42325,"That woman wearing hijab... I never knew a woman with hijab could be that beautiful as a female flag race (sorry, ignore the fact that idk what's the name of it) 😂",-1.22,0 27519,Once I start fucking the shit outta your white pussy guess what the fuck is going to happen to this condom?And what's going to be flooding your white cunt and womb? URL,2.28,4 5165,"Christians in america have accounted for 98% of religious terrorist attacks and the christian terrorsts are the bible soldiers which would include pro life. Your overuse of the letter ""a"" doesnt make your argument any more valid. Your move fucker",1.15,2 20414,Can all women of this country make a pact and not have sex with men. And if they force themselves. Rip their dick off and staple it to their forehead with a fuck you note and send them to Alabama,2.8,4 44620,Americans mess up stuff like that all the time because we ignore other cultures. I think partially because we have no culture ourselves. We're jealous,-1.55,0 2653,Eat a dick you racist emo faggot,1.53,5 25513,Puerto Rican's this weekend and Dominicans next month listen up,-2.47,0 440,Thanks! I feel so much more comfortable expressing myself as a woman.,-5.26,0 40866,low iq idiot. you just consider one aspect but not the further consequences that are even more heinous which are many including that it' most likely to be born in sordid dysfunctional and insecure situations as well as unwanted children and the world is already overpopulated and don't give me the adoption excuse either as that is like using these unwanted kids like commodities to displace around so unnaturally.. you just are callous/unethical and want to force more people into this world to suffer. you are the real dangerous unethical monsters.,0.9,1 18222,Fuck her up untill she cums atleast 3 times,1.8,4 36414,RT if you wanna a #pussy pic in DM 😋 #SEX URL,0.39,0 31936,@marcorubio Quoting scripture will not get you into God's good graces....he actually warns Christians about those who speak and act pious and yet do not live his word....he don't like that,-1.83,0 16460,"There's no set in stone beliefs that make you a Christian or not. Different qualifications will be claimed by Catholics, Baptists, Universalists, etc. As far as I'm concerned if you want to identify with Christ and call yourself a Christian then you're a Christian.",-4.0,0 34789,If they were black they would've been shot dead but yeah a ha ha 🙄,-0.44,0 8603,"For escaping rapists only she didn't escape them at all not in a man's world where women exist so men can have some fun and boost their own male morale by smashing women's down we see the big cheesy grins on men's faces NEWS FLASH Twelve Israelis held in Cyprus over alleged gang rape of British tourist Now team manhood will work very hard to get their bro's off the hook we know how it all goes ""What were you doing in a room with 12 men.. why else would you be there?"" Men in their male empires, see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil they never dish the dirt on their team manhood!",0.56,4 44174,"2nd. Gen. Dominicans born en La Isla Del Encanto call themselves proud Boricuas. It's those damn gang member,drug dealing Dominicans that have caused the continued demise of a beautiful pearl in the Caribbean ! The Gov. & all the corrupt politician's & police make it even worse because they support & get their drugs from them!",-0.01,0 40106,"Virginity is not a social construct, it's literally the term of not having sexual intercourse. Miley: ""Women are not sexual objects"" *rubs on an oily inflated woman for a few* I know I'm gonna get hate for this but just go off sis I don't care.",-2.99,0 45243,"hate to say it, but if he was black, they would've killed him! how come white serial killers, white rapists, white murderers, white thieves, white drug addicts, they always make it to jail. but stop a black man, brown man for a traffic violation and they always find a way to murder them.",-2.62,0 10999,"Look for some free counseling,if your community has an LGBTQ centre they quite often have it there or will know where to get it",-3.88,0 28706,Bitches be having unbreakable bonds with like 6 niggas 🙄😅,0.16,0 40249,"No white billionaire is doing that, whos privledged now? Btw... This is one of the most awesome things ive ever heard anyone doing, especially a billionaire",-3.08,0 42699,I am from Pakistan but today proud on Bangladesh win and congrats to Bangladeshi brother and sister,-7.34,0 15014,You should get the Egyptians to give you reparations for enslaving your people 2500 years ago.,-1.36,0 31386,"@tetebaby123 Dear mommy, look what college taught me! HATE. RAGE, and RACISM! Aren't you proud of your Queen now? URL",-1.48,0 7197,You're a fucking moron and you deserve everything that your shitty wife does to you.,1.37,4 39225,"@jmarieray @Luetin09 >They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people. Trump said about Mexicans. You sound just like him right now. Two sides of the same coin.",-1.23,0 19794,"I'm still not sure if I'm bisexual. But for some reason I loveee feminine looking boys, the pretty ones. I've never felt a thing for girls. So maybe it's because my culture favours pretty boys over masculine men (East Asian cultural sphere) ? or am I just after that angelic, unreal look ? or maybe I'm secretly bisexual but I lied to myself so much it became a habit ? Lol. Or is it because I read too many BL ? (not gonna lie I came here to look for lovely gay stories)",-3.34,0 30103,"Soo, anything that doesn't go your way is because of the white man? Bitch stfu",-1.62,0 30218,In a dick sucking mood 💋 🍆 URL,-0.16,0 33035,@stonecold2050 Inbred.,-0.61,0 13219,"To a European, the world is only Europe and America",-2.05,0 17172,Go eat Jordan Peterson's asshole out you cuck.,0.43,0 27600,im bi and u should stan bts #LGBTQruletheworld URL,-4.89,0 49053,+Rebecca Rohmer thank you for your honest post.. And i dont have a problem with white people like some will take my words and think.. I do feel for all people in the street life born poor which includes white people.. Its the stories of the suburban mom taking pills and drinking wine that gets me..,-1.7,0 1240,"Yeah, but they were raping ""*unclean*"" which may sound stupid and oxymoronic, but that's a ~~military~~ a nation running on literal drugs for you.",-1.68,0 47187,"Nverdis ""Superstitious""...just say religious, or moral, you godless lowlife. This is the worst kind of take, too. I'm not religious and live in the Northeast, and oppose the culture of abortion, and progressive feminism totally. These cunts get what they deserve.",0.05,0 49961,"explain how it is racist. Omar is the actual racist, she hates white people, hates america, and yet your the one that is focused on her color, I think you are the actual racist",-1.02,0 2965,Russian cock roulette you get Chris wielding and 6 Russian fags and only one of them has the AIDS so Chris picks one and they ass fuck each other and then the next day we find out if he fucked the AIDS Russian fag And if he did we text him every month and see how long it takes for him to get the hiv,1.23,5 28980,Got a dick appointment tonight! My little cuck sub got so excited at the the thought me having sex with my FWB. So he paid for our alcohol and snacks. Gin galore! #cuck #cuckold #cucksub #findom #femdom #paypig #finsub #domme #reimburse URL,-0.07,0 46490,not today they dint care if they killed American baby's we just stopped them before they could and that's why America's #1 we rule the world we could blow any country off this planet,1.18,3 16634,durka durka bindi bobbi go shit in the streets you slum rat,2.3,1 10730,Invite them in for a gay BDSM hemaphrodite orgy,-0.32,0 19476,Wtf. Fuck this bitch. What a cunt.,3.7,4 5609,"Fuck religion, especially Islam, and fuck all of the redditors who normalize this kind of shit",1.29,2 3080,"He's not going to tell them to leave, and you can't have a private fight with seven extra people in the house. So that's not going to happen. You have a car, you have a weekend, you have motels in every direction -- but since you are afraid to adult in front of the grownups, might as well smile and lie down. Learning to doormat can be fun, I suppose. You COULD pull up panties and decide to not only do what you want, but to tell the consequences to jump in a lake. Backlash will be 'You a bad person!"" So? Like the people backlashing at you have opinions worth anything?",-1.59,0 4120,Damn I would fuck her tight little Pussy and also her fukin Slutmouth so many Times when I would be there,0.62,4 36431,"i hate a ""watch that bitch word"" ass nigga 😂 like shut yo serious ass up BITCH URL",1.33,4 39294,jeffrey literally called a black woman a gorilla and yall still giving this clown money???? on the same earth as beyoncé???? URL,-1.37,0 3412,This. Want to help your SO in exchange for sex instead of because you care about their well-being? Fuck these guys,0.72,5 48130,Hang his BLACK ASS ON A TREE...,1.35,1 46876,Love to see your freak ass in a turkish prison for a few years then see how u like cods up in you go hang yourself but don't forget to record it.,2.48,1 4416,Hey Buddha buddy do me a favour and you know fuck off? Oh and you know kindly not be a racist and sexist Islamophobe fuck head sincerely go fuck yourself you utter piece of shit Ps i would greatly appreciate it if you actually used your brain PPS the black templars of the imperium of man say go fuck yourself with a khorne dildo bolter,1.63,2 1571,"Men don't tend to kill themselves solely because they're men. And a short fat person gets a lot less shit than a trans person. Not that I think it's okay to make fun of either, that was all you. Im glad you're okay with making people feel like shit about themselves so you can have a quick chuckle cause it's *just a joke* until it's at your expense. And if you think me spending like two minutes formulating a response is getting aggressive then you need to get out more.",-2.37,0 22849,To all you cowards who walk around Brooklyn and the city smacking unsuspecting Jewish people in the face...I pray one day you try to pull that shit with me. You better have a gun or 5 guys because if you don't I will beat your pussy ass all over the damn street. #Sidizens,-2.27,0 16679,If these pathetic mayo's are only able to attack unarmed minorities we should give every minority their own assault rifle and vest.,1.17,1 29973,@thepamilerin This pampam nigger never notices me no mata how i try fuck,-0.27,0 39545,Stop fake gassing these hoes cmon now guys,-0.57,0 9375,"Muslim here, those fuckers arent going to heaven no matter how they're buried",0.66,2 19137,I bet she sucks a mean dick.,-1.07,0 1642,I'd treat you like the dumb blonde bitch you are. Deepthroat until you puke and ass to mouth until your asshole bleeds. Looking innocent makes it worst you trashy whore. Draining my balls while being slapped in your ugly ass face is all you can hope for.,2.25,4 19777,"She may seem trashy, but who the fuck wants to live in a city that harbors illegal immigrants?!",0.24,0 10211,"eah try the Somali community, they are generally very accepting of interracial marriages, and I'm sure if you put yourself out there and speak with some aunties they can set you up with a wonderful religious Somali brother. Arab communities in contrast speaking from experience aren't as accepting of interracial marriages, you may have a hard time breaking into their community but only Allah knows best. Good luck in your search !!",-3.68,0 40511,Fuck off man boobs.,0.1,0 13546,This bitch is ugly as fuck all you blackies can keep her,1.19,1 41115,"Eddie Glaude hit it right on the head...nothing else more needs to be said, RACISM is an institution, not only in this country but all around the world, USA, however, has chosen to embrace it.",-0.41,0 24012,"they say being pissed off will get one nowhere. yea, keep your pussy calm, slut.",0.65,4 49569,"+jewboy you're not gonna fool anyone having your channel public and making comments like that. You're a 20 something year old bitter, pathetic, antisocial virgin who spends his whole day on reddit talking about how whores deserve to die. Don't act tough",1.31,2 17245,No no. White people are evil.,0.71,1 3027,"He also called the hundreds of Christians blown and and slaughtered ""Easter worshipers."" He's a fucking clown",-1.82,0 862,"Please take this as a sincere question. If it is important to be sensitive towards cultural differences in one's practice then how do we reconcile this with the APA's recent guidelines regarding 'traditional masculinity'? Many religious communities are distinctly patriarchal (hindu, muslim, christian) or at least have very specific gender roles informed by their religious beliefs, yet the current recommendation is to observe traditional masculinity as, at best, a hindrance to positive well-being.",-3.11,0 38154,which lucky white cuck is gonna buy a video of me lotioning my feet agonizingly slow ;) #findom #footfetish #footworship,-2.23,0 1948,I wish your strong African ancestors like Hannibal the great could see how weak and fragile minded African Americans such as you have become.,1.19,1 37534,@NaughtyPairUK What's even hotter is when she's fucking your ass with her strapon and sucking you off too🤤😍,0.44,0 25486,Allllmost her dumb ass though she could jerk my dick better than me.,-0.93,0 10954,LOOK AT OP BEING A LIL BITCH. ADVISE FOR YOU - GO TAKE A KNIFE AND KILL YOURSELF,1.39,4 14603,"Most neckbeards are too afraid of women irl to get to the point where they actually get violent. When a hot girl walks into a room, the average neckbeard will stand on the opposite side making awkward eye contact and smiling hoping she comes up and falls in love. When she invariable doesn't, he goes home brimming with indignant rage and posts online about how ""WOMEN ONLY WANT DOUCHEBAGS""",0.55,4 11634,Lick your pussy till you cum and then fuck you till I cum on your tits.,1.69,4 25635,If I see one of y'all niggas with them BULLETPROOF vest on Ima shoot that bitch fr,4.23,1 48414,"Send all illegal immigrants to reside and accommodated by those who called for them. Let Ilmha Omar and her likes to accommodate and feed those illegal immigrants. They are the reason why immigrants come in numbers, because they give false hope to people. They should be blamed for rape and problems in camps.",0.94,3 37256,It be the ugliest bitches.,0.07,0 34805,@sickboywolfgang @angryasianman So because it's fiction it ain't racist? Okay...,-2.33,0 7422,"i agree, very innocent looking but i bet she's sucked a few cocks for sure! Would love to watch her suck yours",-0.79,0 49116,Josh is a fucking closet case Missisippi Bastard,0.36,0 44939,There is no response to Iran. It is the United States that is the offensive Tyrant mass murderer. There are no Iranian ships on the US border that United States needs to respond to. It is the United States that is the aggressor and the offender. This entire clip is a false narrative.,-0.69,0 30909,Fuck that nigga.,0.95,1 45627,Lol that faggot Calvin would crumble if you slapped his lankey ass. Calvin is one of the weakest bitch ass faggots on earth,3.16,5 18890,"Hey, check out r/truscum or r/transmedical if you want. I'm trans too and I'm fed up with the way a lot of 'us' are representing us.",-3.31,0 35680,"""I am not African because I was born in #Africa but because Africa was born in me""- Kwame Nkrumah Good morning Africa! #Agenda2063 URL",-7.38,0 32639,Zendaya has consistently slaughtered every women y'all have compared her too give it up 😂😂 URL,-3.23,0 31935,please. fuck me senseless. ram your massive cock into me so hard that i forget how to breathe properly. when you're done with me i don't want to feel my lower half. at all. destroy my vaginal walls and leave me leaking in your precious cum. give me a creampie URL,-2.44,0 26591,I just wanna fuck this bitch up so bad,-1.68,0 40228,"Deport one million a month, by next presidential election, most will be gone!",0.48,0 28667,Liberals think that all latinos are illegals ! Bigots ! 😂 URL,0.2,0 46665,+difranchise Obama is half black half white.,-2.65,0 6789,They were known for being full of child molesters what a shit show of a cult I'm surprised you are a full functioning person coming out of that you should be proud of yourself for being so strong,1.68,2 37122,"she a real bad bitch , that shit run up in her blood 🥶",-1.18,0 27802,Why do you guys want David to be connected to balloon squad? His past can be traumatic for trans viewers and it's none of our business. We should respect him and all that matters is that he's happy right now,-4.82,0 11333,Gay school...i hope i could shove my hoe into these bitches ass,0.88,5 32265,stop normalizing putting women through hell just to prove her worth. URL,-3.23,0 44233,Dude in the red is a real big bitch hitting women. What a idiot and piece of human garbage.,1.34,4 21985,shut the fuck up you cracker penis looking fuck,1.36,5 21879,@wastedtime211 @CMG_eSports @_GGOLT And we take out borders because it's our jobs and we hate them too :),-0.9,0 46033,You're a fake fuck with a fake dick!,0.87,5 37685,"Y'all be afraid of Arabic, claiming Muslims are terrorists but put 'احب نفسك اولا' as a tattoo for an aesthetic and u dont know what it means 😂",-2.41,0 37051,"The Dalai Lama says that most refugees who entered Europe from Africa and the Middle East should be returned to their home countries, telling the BBC, ""Keep Europe for Europeans"". URL URL",-2.21,0 28484,"Bitches is mad, Bitches is trash",0.32,0 47040,Fuck her and the rest of the anti-American mutherfuckers. Renounce your citizenship and get the fuck out of America.,0.7,4 43584,+Carlos Ramirez saying what ?? What were you trying to say?? Cause right now you sound like a homophobic,-0.96,0 13602,America didn't have civilization before Columbus taught them how to extract adrenochrome from babies,1.19,1 47677,"All you guys over here like ""wow! :O"" like nigga it's just fire you can see this everywhere lmao",-2.6,0 13946,You are a retarded low IQ thot. So many women fuck misogynist.,1.38,4 27364,what the fuck you fake ass bitch,1.37,4 35705,"As a whole men are trash and that's a hill I'm willing to die on. Maybe when y'all stop physically and sexually harassing, raping, and murdering us my opinion will change.",-0.48,0 7666,Look like 14th century inbreds,0.83,7 23186,"Happy Pride month! Remember to give marginalized creators the same amount of good faith, hype, and money we give to rich & secure straight white mainstream creators ✌️",-2.37,0 47080,A real Chinese actress is playing Mulan in this film. Wow!,-4.3,0 30380,Go smoke some more Ganja you screaming aborigine dik. You look like you should be running across the outback chasing kangaroos.,1.54,1 43527,Notice they're all over the black pedo? White pedos walk free in Republicanland.,0.06,0 17589,Go to hell you digital spic.,1.98,1 22059,A Rarely Positive Pakistan: Pak cricket captain @SarfarazA_54 wears salwar kameez to meet the Queen | @rohitedavid | URL URL,-1.4,0 7233,"Her cult MEK (Mujahideen e Khalq) also planned a failed bomb attack on Ayatollah Khomeini, but it ended up taking the life of Shaheed (martyr) Ayatollah Murtaza Mutahari and a few others I think.",-3.19,0 28125,"Girl: "" i don't care about looks "" Ugly niggas: URL",0.44,0 15236,He's the reason asian parents will never be satisfied with their children.,-0.44,0 20013,"At 7:19 is why I hate people, women especially look how mad she got just because the dog splashed her.. f*** you you stupid b**** either have fun or go kill yourself",1.57,4 45316,Deport this person imediatly..go complain in your own country.. illegal alien 🤑👽🙉,1.73,3 42677,"Ox AO NeCeSsArY eViL. Just because some whites wanted to stroke their white savior complex does not mean they thought of it as ""necessary evil."" That's why the fucking Jim Crow laws and other nasty shit occurred before minorities started taking matters into their own hands and fought for their rights.",-1.34,0 29213,"When disaster strikes, Southern Baptists are there. In response to 6.4 and 7.1 magnitude earthquakes in California, Southern Baptist Disaster Relief volunteers are assessing the needs and providing assistance. URL",-7.46,0 23685,@Jayzamani_ You are an idiot and dont belong in civilized society ..go back and crawl back to your islamic hell hole,1.41,2 49998,Your mama Pussy's ex black dick,-0.04,0 33825,"Elijah Cummings and his JIHADIST squad Illah Omar and co are losers ,they are racist and enemies of America and ISREAL,they will go free from the law of KARMA",0.51,2 4995,the type of people that believe this stuff either have a hard time making it to the supermarket or only go on vacations to daytona beach or some other poor white person shit.,-0.39,0 12605,China's number 1 export: brainwashed red guard wannabes,0.69,3 27909,Is this woman ever in her sane mind?,-1.72,0 5451,"Dont worry, at least Germans are more decent than the barbarians from the east who have devolved more because of communism",0.73,1 17304,if this version of gg follows the new trend of their newer trash games. it'll be the perfect time for this low iq nigger to play,1.36,1 38731,These niggas really be more emotional than bitches,-0.17,0 21323,@Mrngglry @IwriteOK Grrrr! What a wonderful Christian nation we live in. We should melt down the statue of liberty for copper and be done with it.,-1.67,0 49639,"Snoop is an old retarded racist piece of shit. I'd love to fight Snoop Dogg, he would die.",3.77,7 42363,"The fact that this gorilla in a ""female"" body could dominate as she has shows more how pathetic the females have been ... no Steffi... no Navratilova .... to challenge her/it .... those who have beaten ""her"" got her to move those elephant trunk legs and fat ass ... it takes a whole lot of energy to get all of that going and stopping and going again ... will tire her out big time ... At the moment Serena is as big and fat as ever .... she gotta keep points short or she is in trouble ... NEVER the GOAT ... definitely the GORILLA",1.64,1 40359,"Pure bs, the white supremacist always trying to make ppl look up to their demons, she aint do a damn thing.",-0.03,0 47221,+j m kept them out of the female bathroom while Obama let every Chester molester into the female bathroom and made a law about it As soon as Trump took office that law was removed women and girls now have their privacy back in a public bathroom without having to worry about some fucking pervert transgender fucking weirdo coming in there,2.37,4 5008,"I sea bee Dee whatcha trying to do,b Allsimsayin is Jamal got the kid looking like a homeless kat. What else you got chin?",0.14,0 7052,LOL these pathetic bullshit online keyboard jihadis are the stupides humans alive.,0.73,2 11261,Hey did you fall from heaven? because you wont shut the fuck up about god.,1.01,2 39708,Fucking bitch hope they throw her abusive ass in jail,-0.78,0 38336,I need someone to breed me then fuck me again so your dick is covered in cum. Love seeing a cummy cock. #cumdump #cumslut #rawislaw #Gaysex #cum #bigcock URL,-2.96,0 37863,It's a problem on both ends when you bash your ppl for other races lol,-3.3,0 23085,@ilivesoilovebts gay here,-2.37,0 3444,They knighted that fag? For what?,0.38,0 18906,"Given their role of indoctrinating and disciplining the handmaids, I think it's more of like them getting their jobs done rather than just doing as they please, which makes me wonder how did Gilead managed to get middle-aged religious women to agree with torture and murder.",-1.51,0 24784,The world will constantly test your capacity to give your gift in the face of refusal. A woman who refuses your loving is simply a manifestation of this aspect of the world. #RedPillKnowledge #MGTOW #MondayMotivation #RealTalk #Motivated #StopAndThink,-1.73,0 34480,Its always the ugly ass rachet bitches that want to get crazy with me. Calm the fuck down you look stupid af. Insecure no manner ass hoes,1.39,4 5182,"This is what happens in white world when there's a Flint, Michigan scenario",1.07,1 14692,"Your mom is Somali, your dad is Somali, hence you're a full blooded Somali Farah. That's it. Don't open that pandora box bro.",-1.46,0 19676,"I'd say 5'7 is fairly tall tbh, you're fine. Also I'm not white nor asian but yeah, asian boys are cute (and my white friends agree)",-3.71,0 5132,*Hoes that aren't mad,-0.34,0 29604,Bitch On My Dick... She Know What It Is!,-0.45,0 38009,Where the Single European girls? Wink at me.,-3.33,0 40246,"Anyone who has/had a grandparent who is/was not native-borne should be required to apply for legal citizenship, or to leave. Yes, that includes _you_ at 0:24 mister.",0.12,0 38623,white people will put on 120 SPF sunblock..Sit in the shade..Still get a sunburn..But y'all built the pyramids? 🤨Yea ok,-0.54,0 14052,The name Anthony sounds like an obese Mexican who lives in SoCal and likes golden state,-0.64,0 18600,"you alien, lookin fucka broke n failing in life, i bet you just got done, railing in coke, n beatin off twice, advice, dont look like e.t, maybe someday you might find a wife, or a woman other than mom to call you sweetie lol.... believe me... aint no deceivin, im teasin, but just to be pleasin my, sick thoughts, prick got, a sense a humor with reason, now too the rules this may be treason, mods dont be cruel im on my knees man, dont ban me, goddamn g, slam me with somethin that's fuckin decent!!!!! lmao",-0.86,0 46133,"Now that is how its done, Happy Birthday! Love to see black families celebrating the growth of their children.",-5.52,0 49476,Degenerates and the mentally and emotionally ill DO NOT DESERVE equal rights. They should be incarcerated in mental health facilities and removed from society rather than normalizing them and their disgusting behavior.,2.27,7 47616,So nuking Africa wouldn't affect the whole world? Your low IQ is revealed in your comment.,1.28,2 36258,Y'all keep RTing Roosh and Molyneaux giving those fuckbois the engagement they are looking for,0.74,4 37980,"@ESpornx @DanOnFire420 @JooLuiz77229316 As always when Islam stones a woman, hangs a gay person, rapes a child you LGBT wannabes are always SILENT. Ignorance is bliss",-0.62,0 3433,Stone this infidels. Cuck boy tranny ez player,1.81,5 7809,"From the way he acted, I would freely mocked his incel ass also. Being short doesn't give you the right to be a screaming lunatic in the bagel shop. Once again, short shit got what he deserved.",-2.07,0 17034,Fuck off you insufferable retarded faggot.,2.08,5 20675,"See how the language changed from ""girl"" to ""female"" once he lost respect for her... 🚮 URL",-1.87,0 40790,HAS TRUMP SEEING THIS. LET ME GUESS ITS A WHITE PERSON... DIDN'T TRUMP SAY MEXICAN PEOPLE ARE A HARM TO THE USA???? WELL APPARENTLY YOUR OWN PEOPLE IS YOUR ENEMY TRUMP!!!!!! IT WAS A WHITE PERSON WHO DID THIS,-0.96,0 13849,"He talks so disrespectfully about Molly. He sees him only as a sex object, acknowledges the non-passing bit and mocks the genitals.",-1.92,0 6357,You mean when they call themselves niggers? yeah sure it would be risky as fuckin hell but yeah theres nonreason why you couldn't do it. Nothing is off limits for comedy.,-0.43,0 7341,"Oh yeah the guy calling people spics and niggers is the one who doesn't have the problem, it's totally the worlds fault",-0.55,0 20020,"They all need to be Kicked, taken out of our country. Obama brought them all in Illegally. Send the Trash back to there own country",1.63,3 37261,"We need to address mental illness in these massacres, not guns.Also need to stop the racial hate and rhetoric the left uses as dog whistles to instigate bullying and drive those individuals with mental illness who feel targeted or threatened because of this racism over the edge.",-2.43,0 2487,I would lick from that asshole to your clit then suck on it,-2.09,0 8153,I guess this is what happens when you send all of the degenerates to one place for a hundred years.,-0.52,0 12180,"Nowadays, women can just provide pussy. Bye.",-0.03,0 36965,"@RobynElyse @RealCandaceO Let's not worry about the over 3,000 babies murdered everyday. Doesn't fit your agenda?",-0.02,0 420,"They might be boogeymen that want to deport all the immigrants that are keeping our food system alive, though.",-2.2,0 24069,It's 2019 we're respecting women and getting respected back.,-5.34,0 15057,"Justifying being such shitty, petulant children that nobody will fuck them... ... by being shitty, petulant children nobody wants to fuck. Brilliant solution you dumb cunts. Thank God your dumb shit will end the same generation it began, because you won't be reproducing.",2.1,4 26078,"If This What "" waiting "" on a nigga in jail feel like Ion want no parts. Boy fuck You , Mama gotta have a life too 😂",-0.64,0 25730,Piss me off then try to have sex watch me lay there like a quiet rape victim...LMADOOO 😂😂😂,-0.75,0 35826,"@ConsiderCulture This would make sense if racism no longer existed. Unfortunately, it still does and it still requires our attention if we want to reach equality.",-2.85,0 13271,I hope he blew his dick off so he can't make more morons,0.19,0 18056,Lots of more resistance than a vagina apparently,-0.44,0 39171,"@greggutfeld .@GeraldoRivera - would you consider this incendiary rhetoric, Geraldo? ""Exterminating Latinos"".",1.26,1 47124,"@Conway79 illhan Omar was 👈🏼 loves al Qaeda hates the USA, her and Cow Farts Cortez are both anti semitic bit like your labour party.",1.02,3 18968,"This mod is a fucking phaggot, ban me you fucking coward",1.58,5 9403,Well yea internet losers are exactly why stupid and shallow women like her get so rich from social media,0.34,0 47829,Wow! This woman is a true IDIOT! Stupid lady!,0.85,4 44762,you idiot jews better get in their hidey holes :),1.53,2 50053,"couldn't have analyzed it any better. These 'christians' are phoney, garbage and deserve the devil.",0.98,2 25872,@HillaryClinton U know what...send them back to their home country,-0.4,0 12216,Fucking honestly. The world would be a much better place. But the fucking south....,2.54,1 8187,Yeah you haven't seen them talk about trans women yet and there's definitely subfactions of femcels that are racist af too XD They're definitely plenty fucked and dangerous in their own way. Like admittedly femcels seem less likely to be the perpetrators of like a mass casualty attack but their politics is just as reactionary and hateful.,-0.47,0 42663,"Not gay but am an ""Asian Canadian"" and can only imagine the struggles of coming out to an Asian family... This is powerful and made me cry multiple times. Thank you Eugene.",-4.29,0 28909,@MxsterAngel He needs to hurt fucking ugly fag,2.46,5 35497,Y'all really let y'all niggas call you his bitch ? Lmfao,1.03,1 33895,"@essenviews @RogueCharisma America was built on genocide and slavery. Until white people have the balls to admit the crimes their ancestors committed, and which to this day they benefit greatly from, this will not change.",-1.18,0 24028,"""I need me a wifey like you but not one with your lighty attitude loool"" FUCK RIIIGHT OFF I hate people",0.13,0 7630,"Im curious why you feel that homosexuality is unhealthy. Do you have any good research that you could recommend for me to read? I've only read research that shows that cures for homosexuality tend to result in major depressive disorder, anxiety disorders, and suicide, and because of the values I hold I am opposed to that kind of result. If that research is wrong though, I'd like to know so I can revise my stance.",-3.49,0 44497,"I think they do too. I have some Muslim friends and many of my students in English as a second language class where I was assistant teacher, were Muslim, lovely people",-7.55,0 11233,Everyone (Deepika's fan) is sharing this pic now cuz they don't want deepika to do a luv-ranjan film who used these kinds of language in his tweets and #meetoo accused.,-2.92,0 19832,Don't mind being a faggot as long as I have a nice time.,-0.07,0 26348,@karlaflare That hoe straight trash,0.58,4 29287,"The guys who tell me that I ""will never get laid"" because I'm short, are the same guys who yell at random women in bagels shops because another random woman called them short.",-0.6,0 29617,This progression in our society moving further and further away from the Bible is not progress. It is moral insanity and it needs to stop! . . . #bible #progressive #god #morality #ideas #family #civilization URL,-1.76,0 41123,Grimah I think if they put their hands on a child they deserve to die. That being said: how u gonna punish them before they commit a crime?; I'm supposing u r attract to women. So why can't i assume that your sexual desires for women doesn't deserve be castrated too??Are u gonna abuse women just because u attract to them?? JUST TO BE CLEAR AND I DON'T GE MISSINTERPRETATE: CHILD ABUSERS DESERVES TO DIE,-0.94,0 25229,"*Non-IVOS related* Hello girls, watch this video. We all need to hear these things ❤️🥰 1. Your beauty does not depend on your daily emotions. 2. You are not made for the world's standards.",-3.89,0 21332,"If you are a female and ""suck my dick"" is your choice of words when you mad please have a father,brother,uncle,boyfriend or babydad on speed dial that's willing to fight for you...Thank you.",-1.56,0 38277,"Colombia grants citizenship to 24,000 children born to Venezuelan mothers URL",-4.75,0 30527,💙 Slut sucks cock and gets nut in her mouth URL,0.02,0 18972,Gag on a dick. We are laughing that you faggots got some comeuppance.,1.63,5 22963,Botch you sound bout stupid as shit what about Afro Latinos who actually do speak Spanish. And how tf is a word for your parents equivalent to a racial slur stfu puta 🥰,-2.55,0 23587,You can't be a nice girl anymore.. I just know when I'm a bitch it hit different..,-1.76,0 41015,The West should do this to our diplomats that way we'd get things done 🙏,-3.3,0 7106,"Ban circumcision. And I have no dog in this fight, penis unscathed and no sons.",-2.41,0 29152,"No, #Atheism is NOT a mental disorder. Your #bigotry is your mental disorder.",-3.15,0 161,They are..... Freaking sluts and baby murdering slut fuckers,1.72,4 17490,"His parents should have contributed an equal amount of chromosomes. Sucks to suck, I guess.",0.09,0 4280,Homophobia is not recent. That's a load of bollocks made up so leftists can blame whitey on it.,-0.36,0 15816,Yep. Fuck her. What a cunt of a women,0.9,4 2198,"> ""I think I don't like Germaine Greer but I don't remember why"" > > So a week passes and then she sends me CONTRAPOINTS' video on ""gender critical feminists"" and says ""this is why I fucking hate Germaine Greer this is the most vile disgusting thing I've ever seen"" ah yes, the ol' ""i got my opinion from facebook"" chestnut",-1.59,0 2201,"That is just patriarchy hurting men, hence we must tear it down. /S",-0.9,0 36488,"Diversity is just a code word for ""less white people""....lets be fucking real here 😆 URL",0.71,1 35813,@bfugs22 @IlhanMN Anti-Semitic is contextual.,-1.34,0 20753,Bitches who stay with abusive men are so stupid like damn bitch I wanna punch you too,0.86,4 2641,It's like Christians with the bible!,-1.71,0 48391,Masson's slut licking Muslim ass to turn them into terrorism after,0.53,2 44490,We should renamed the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency (ICE) as 'Planned Citizenship' and the term deportation has been renamed 'aborted immigration'. Just to trigger some leftist xD,-1.0,0 11595,is israel that desperate to start a war with iran? it wont be a cake walk and israel wont be the one taking the brunt of the cost.,-1.19,0 379,Stupid fucking cunt. I hope your mother dies in crippling agony.,0.87,4 4278,"The left: gay people are normal people like you and me, they're just attracted to the same sex. Also the left:",-1.15,0 20446,You look like the kind of white bread ass bitch that had 2 abortions last year just so you could stay on the volleyball team URL,2.56,1 17010,"All of these amazing messages of support have gone a long way in helping me get started today! Its really hard as an asexual guy sometimes because I know in my head that I am valid but in my heart I feel the battering of the societal norm that directly connects heavy sexual participation with the concept of manhood and it really contributes to this indescribable feeling of not being ""enough"" sometimes. Ace men and women solidarity always!",-3.93,0 7417,"I swear i never thought i had a type. To this day i find every kind of woman Attractive. Asian women are beautiful but black women, latinas, Middle Eastern, European are aswell. For some reason i do have a soft spot for really pale women with black hair and dark eyes. Like jennifer connely in blood diamond. Im mexican and women like that are pretty common amongst us. Idk what it is, they are just amazing.",-5.05,0 16158,Too feminine. I mean she was killing due to motherly grief and feminists hate motherhood. It's all cats now. Or women acting like shitty dudes.,-0.8,0 33184,There's a special place in purgatory for subs that think they deserve a Domme AND a vanilla partner... in what fucking universe... #findom,-0.74,0 33715,Joel you're a homophobe eat a dick,-1.3,0 36540,Really gotta keep the niggers out of there,2.45,1 481,"As a Jew this horrifies me. Then again, I'm of the heretic liberal not-a-real-Jew variety Orthodox loves to hate on so fuck 'em.",-0.59,0 47193,And they're working on his golf courses. Is that who he's talking about?,-4.22,0 14011,Plant her face in my wife's pussy while I fuck her from behind,-1.26,0 48513,Keep moving to the light! You are getting your information from comedians and sell out journalists lying for the highest bidder. The truth is hard. and we have a lot of work to do. The oppressive patriarchal gender gapping one percent boogey man is a silly myth.,-1.83,0 29905,@trapuhh @Bomaah @ColtxTrons @lesurooni Get off meat period faggot you play with other dudes hair fucking weirdo,1.85,5 39340,This dude and Mujahid e Ghazwa e Hind Zaid Hamid are gonna finish India. India you dead meat bruh,0.59,3 39330,@brookehouts you're a worthless piece of shit. I hope someone beats yo ass in jail bitch,1.12,4 45215,"Bullshit, Notice how he (Rabbi Goldstein) flails the hand all about with the freshly removed finger, stretching jesters, clinched fist, holding his scripted notes, constant realignment of the little skull cap and plenty of full hand embracing. Bullshit! At the very least, any type of hand injury causes one to protect that injured hand at ALL cost. ONCE AGAIN, Bullshit! His index is folded over and taped to his palm. So think, San Diego + Pittsburgh= STAGED EVENT. GO WATCH THE ORIGINAL INTERVIEW ""Chabad of Poway Rabbi says call from Trump was 'so comforting""",-0.79,0 6851,".... Which means they're closeted and forced to abide by heterosexual norms to escape violence, not that they're not gay.",-2.68,0 48030,Omar and her ilk are traitors to the USA. Those who voted for this trash should be deported. Thanks voters for the TRUMP REVOLUTION!,0.67,3 42566,Send her back to Somalia.,-0.05,0 47769,This black guy and this girl is fucking annoying . Only know how to yell,-1.35,0 44261,Caucasian and Thai,-3.19,0 41337,Gay ass mother fucker,0.65,5 43008,Beautiful black family's showing a positive nature full of love and laughter nothing better in the world,-5.5,0 45343,Guys like you are the reason fat ugly bald women get laid.,1.33,4 1076,In comes angry old fat chick to tell other chicks to do shit that will make them as unhappy as she is. >holy fuck i cant believe as people mature their interests change. He so bad for u. U should be single girl! Come sell essential oils with me. We can be depressed single fat women together!! This sub in a nutshell.,1.47,4 38294,"@xarexerax We're here, we're queer, we're all in the same room",-3.28,0 39320,White Girl Wednesday 😍 URL,-2.98,0 6000,Not a greentext. Eat my downvote you faggot ass bitch.,1.12,5 33283,"What g herbo say ""just cause a bitch ah suck your dick don't mean u could trust the bitch""💯🤷🏾‍♂️",-0.5,0 18612,To Americans terrorist attacks in Iran? Why not... you cunts think you're the only ones that are allowed to slaughtered civilians?,0.39,0 22390,"@realDonaldTrump If you could fuck the entire way off, I would be happier. Fuck your trans exclusionary, gay persecuting, lesbian fetishizing nut-bag and the horse it dangled in under",-0.51,0 13923,"Reddit might be the only reason I came out honestly. They helped me to stop holding off on it, so I just did it, and all went well",-5.14,0 37497,"Respectfully, mental health issues and white supremacist ideologies can co-exist. Acknowledging this does not have to stigmatize the former nor dilute a critique of the latter.",-2.61,0 1027,go suck a dick u shit stain,1.34,4 45226,These women do nothing but whinge and moan. They are professional VICTIMS. THEY COME ACROSS AS HATING AMERICA. SO WHY DONT THEY FUKC OFF. PROBLEM SOLVED ALL ROUND. EVERY ONE WILL BE HAPPY. TOO EASY. 🌺,0.93,4 46273,Welcome to united snakes of amerikkka land of the thieves and home of the slaves. This is how amerikkka works get over it.,0.7,3 44083,"If there's a bigger piece of white trash on planet earth, they haven't shit it yet! She's so f-ing gross!!!",0.01,0 37015,"@IvankaTrump There is no god, you useless, vapid bag of hot air",1.26,2 6425,"> I'm not focusing on one over the other. This is a thread about the treatment of queer people in Shariah Law countries. I'm just calling out peoples whataboutism. You are, though, because it's not about the religion. > But since you brought it up, one of these shitty religions has a vastly larger deathtoll than the other these days. So if the goal is saving LGBT lives, maybe we should be focusing more on one than the other. Or focusing more on the region if it makes you feel better. Yes, it would make me feel better for you to focus on the relevant independent variable here.",-1.13,0 21271,"Saw a she-male tranny get called a sir today.. The queer looked stunned like it was offended, but I see where the cashier was coming from.. Ya couldn't tell until it spoke and he apologized and said Sorry M'am.. I laughed at the fagget, it was embarrassing for it I'm sure! Lol",1.21,5 41609,"""Squad""? Are these grown women or 17 year old boys? Ilhan Omar is a Bond villain, for sure! Is anyone buying this? Why do far leftist hate America?",-0.26,0 37023,"@CRIMEISTOLOSE ~ tugged her arm free, the dread of having to expose herself to someone eating away at her. ""Uncle Bill— I was just following orders."" The words were quiet, almost so quiet she wasn't even sure she had actually said them. 𝙎𝙝𝙚 𝙠𝙣𝙚𝙬 𝙞𝙩 𝙬𝙖𝙨 𝙬𝙧𝙤𝙣𝙜.",-2.5,0 6617,"Lmao, you don't have to tell me the obvious. You think I'm dumb? That shit fucking pisses me off. If it's anything, you're the stupid slut. Of course I'd be fucking raping your pussy. Girls like you deserve to be raped. Fucking slut. I'll make you cry and regret this.",3.05,4 29219,today is the last day to vote if u dont vote for me ur homophobic URL,0.02,0 40845,"ill be back when the warriors win the chip to call you out, faggot.",1.49,5 10354,shut the bitch fuck shit hell fuck idiot,0.12,0 19042,Strangle those hoes,1.28,4 20330,Short girls are cute uhh 😌💓 URL,-1.67,0 7421,alright faggit fag,0.25,0 35753,@SwedeStats Nah fags are gay,0.74,5 30956,ugly bitch,0.57,4 22,The guys are one thing but then you have a woman there making one of the worst comments. I say rape them all with a cactus and say God willed it,2.5,4 24634,listen to this u hoe or i will slit ur throat URL,2.92,4 19112,">Guys, if a girl is trying to get pregnant months after you start dating, run. That should've been a huge red flag for the aforementioned man. Awesome comments, trying to learn from them. Can you please explain this bit, if you want, if you can, when you find some time?",-2.55,0 2733,"I think we should let Islam overtake the West and these stupid fat purple haired feminazi bitches can get a nice taste of some real oppression, and they will long for the days of when they complained about white men and Christianity.",1.75,4 34098,"You will be hated by some people for being a Muslim, but in the end you will be accepted by Allah.",-5.44,0 14714,I heard Neanderthal girls have big butts,-0.7,0 3177,"No, it means you're developing a black man dick which means it will get bigger! Congratulations!",0.37,0 41858,Why is it we don't see women attempting to transgender to men ( as if this really was possible ) and competing in men's sports events.........,-0.93,0 9462,Retards like you go to hell.,1.15,7 46838,Let me guess where the remote location is..... either Arizona or the USA made a deal with Switzerland because they have never been in a major conflict meaning it would probably never be destroyed but let's be honest I am probably wrong,-2.68,0 13968,😂 😂 Find someone new and stop being his easy access to pussy?,-1.97,0 31590,@SenSchumer Much more comfy then their own countries. And they get free $$$$ stuff for comitting crimes.,0.23,0 32780,"( DCP ) Usman Belel, wasted by Shi'ite protesters in Abuja . He died for no sin of his ; trying to maintain peace and order .May his soul rest in peace. Say a prayer for the gallant officer ,who died in actives service. @bolailori @olushola_shola @BolanleCole @HaywhySpeaks URL",-3.08,0 1903,"I was told there would be storm troops in the streets by now to get the gays, the minorities, and all other non-Republicans, the sky would be gray, the world would be nuked, the world would be conquered, we would be conquered, and that Bernie can still win. WTF HAPPENED",0.5,0 4912,"Sounds like ""Smear the Queer"" is back on the table",3.04,5 34553,Economist: Jeffrey Epstein Will be Killed in Jail URL,-1.99,0 8827,"Fuck you and your America. I am a Texan, bitch. I come from the greatest land on earth. I don't care what color you are if you line up with this POS you are a POS too. Fucking miscreant.",0.34,0 40927,"This muslim bitch has defied muslim law and must be punished!!! Cut off her hands, cut the clit, (oh wait-that's been done..ha ha) and take her out to the public square to be stoned to death!!",3.47,2 38870,"@regarro75 @jnatael @LilithLiberated @Renevelation @Franklin_Graham Yup, and it has been confirmed many times by theists that this is the ideology behind repentance. We can live a savage life, robbing, killing, and raping, and in the end, before die, if we repent, we can go into heaven. Ain't that somethin'?",-0.41,0 23739,I mean bitch ..go to hell,0.77,4 4111,"Lol! As if you have ever done any honest farm work. Do you hire illegals to do all of your manual labor for you? Anti-American, fake bitch.",1.15,3 13918,Nice. Go destroy those virgins,1.97,5 22751,"@Nervana_1 @aminterest The PA/Fatah and Hamas have never wanted a 2-state solution, they only want the destruction of Israel.",-1.64,0 14023,"...first of all, I'm a lesbian, so don't assume I have a penis, you dumb fuck. Second of all, you, my friend, are a very salty person with a shitty life. You project your insecurities onto other people because you can't gain any other form of hapiness since nobody wants to talk to you because you live in your mom's basement, have no education, and you're being a dick to people around you. Also no, I won't get into student debt because I don't live in 'Murika where you have to sell a liver to have a job. Try again.",-2.48,0 29295,"I'm drinking on liquor and I'm looking at yo nigger, if his money right he can eat it like a snicker",0.01,0 21230,Idiotic bitch,1.23,4 5229,"Right? I got into a fight on Instagram over this. I was told it was someone ""choice"" to wear a hideous, porny, trashy outfit. I was like, you're a fucking moron if you think it's your ""choice"" to display your breasts like a pair of cantaloupes in a supermarket when you live in a sex soaked culture that has brainwashed you. Fucking imbecile. Your choice huh? And to call out my feminism?!! Fuck you.",0.23,0 4087,Is that Shera from How to not summon a demon lord?,-1.74,0 15176,I'm fine with hitting racism with a heavy blunt object until it crawls back into the ash bin of history.,-1.41,0 36752,"dating in Houston has been a solid 7/10. All the guys I've been out with have been country gentleman for the most part. The outliers are the really tall bearded niggas that are man whores and the 5'9"" niggas who are a 5'9"" lie. 🧐",0.15,0 13841,Is America going to elect a gay man with butt in his name? try and be less moronic Americans. Fucking clown show.,0.51,5 5103,the hardcore christians looked like retards going on about the end of the world and you look just as dumb.,1.12,2 43265,"1. how does a hispanic girl grow up to become a white lady 2. that little boy in the tank top seems very athletic, kudos 3. its called terminatorman not terminatorlady",-1.99,0 11704,fucking lesbians. i will fuck you both into ass,1.47,5 36175,Don't Nigerians just like to frolick with their familiar enemies. Many of you were here in the 80s when @MBuhari jailed Fela Kuti for speaking up against the mikitary misgovernance and high handedness. How this same guy came back to rule over us beats my imagination #FreeSowore,-2.04,0 22769,Ya Dawg Rather Beef W You Over Social Media Then Talk Shit Out In Person Like Men.,0.72,4 31981,We don't need these barbarians in our country,1.22,3 48450,Omar needs to be deported send her back to Somalia and let her vent then and complain she would be stoned to death,2.79,3 14595,Fix your shit hole country first asshole.,1.56,3 5251,"I don't even know why, dude. The country I'm from has a very low height average, so I'm taller than a lot of guys and I'm taller than most girls, I've never met a girl from my country who's taller than me (5'10), I think the tallest woman I met was a 5'8 classmate of mine. I realized I was insecure about my height when I went on a vacation to the USA and even though I was taller than most women, on rare occasions, I came across a few women who were an inch or two above me.",-2.33,0 33505,"@ReadMoreScience When guys make jokes about ""loose"" women not having tight vaginas, it's always attributed to them having sex with multiple partners. Because no dude seems to think that they should be careful not to have too much sex with their own partners to avoid vaginal overuse. Bro logic.",-1.16,0 39564,"From our previous murrsuit party, @sharkiead fucks @bigbeefinboy 's ass...then They fuck my ass...then They fuck my pussy and cum! For round 2, I fuck Their ass with a large unflared Chance from @bad_dragon and they cum a 2nd time 14 minute video here: URL URL",0.76,4 48322,"Also, this is how the Nazi's rounded up the Jews.",-1.47,0 35383,@RT_com Fuck @IsraeliPM @Israel @israelpolice yall can eat shit n Die,0.61,3 871,This bitch has amazing cock sucking lips,0.75,4 16332,"I'm not talking about a specific girl, just girls in general",-3.01,0 11164,Further proof that reddit is filled with mentally ill trannies.,1.41,4 15346,Would pin you down fill you up with cum you hoe you're a stupid whore,3.29,4 24636,When you're both gay URL,-1.69,0 38782,Ima hit that pussy with a favorite and leave a retweet for the homies,1.15,4 19642,I wish I had the courage to come out as trans I'm so jealous but my family doesn't exactly like the lgbt community,-2.43,0 7319,yeah maybe if you ask out egirls and have a boy pussy,0.77,4 47172,Pride pin.. shit gay people are honestly degenerate retards,1.97,5 21498,"If God wanted us to be friends we'd be friends. Till then, you're cut off. Suck my dick",3.24,4 35409,I swear Wizkid don't get enough love from Nigerians Nigerians prefer and love Davido more than any other artist I don't even know where the hate issue is coming from Other countries Appreciate and love wizkid more than Nigerians URL,-3.99,0 18853,"... i mean if this was true explain why 150 of the students from my old highschool werent put in jail, or the lads in my college arent behind bars? Fuck of you sexist swine, aint nobody want to eat you out if you smell like shit",2.69,2 28360,Christianity is crazy. Ima hook you up for being good.. After you dead tho. They make God seem like yo shady ass cousin.,-0.76,0 22524,@sardesairajdeep @sagarikaghose @BDUTT @Nidhi @ShekharGupta @PrannoyRoyNDTV shouldn't @MamataOfficial be held responsible for all the killings as shes the instigator. @AmitShah pls bring a law to make jihadi @MamataOfficial and hang her publicly also hang her part goons,2.27,2 43488,3:08 *SO LONG GAY BOWSER* *THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR PLAYING MY GAME*,-3.7,0 39801,"May Allah bring destruction upon India, filthy country. URL",1.9,3 6429,"In my experience, which is anecdotal, the diversity hires usually have fake titles with no real responsibility whatsoever. I've always thought of this an intentionally clever workaround to the quotas, and the white men at the top know how to thwart the hysteria that comes with perceived inequality. I like to think that competence prevails, if not now, then eventually.",-0.59,0 5159,"Damn. That really put something words well that I've been thinking of for awhile. How I feel like most of the Christians I know only care about me being a Christian, not about who I really am and how I really feel. Whereas now that I'm Pagan, I have friends who are spiritual, agnostic, atheist, and even a few open-minded Christians who actually accept me for who I am and care about me being myself more than about me following their personal beliefs. It's like it's showed me who really cares about me as a person.",-3.61,0 38712,ISIS commander: ▪️I killed and slaughtered about 900 people. ▪️I raped about 50 girls (15-16 year old). ▪️I raped over 200 women #YazidiGenocide URL,-2.73,0 5686,"I'd love to see a competition show where groups send their best dancer/rapper/vocalist etc, and it's judged by experts in the respective fields. Kind of like Hit The Stage, Masked Idol and Unpretty Rapstar rolled into one. Could you imagine an actual judged dance competition between Seulgi, Momo, Sin B, Lisa, Chaeyeon, Chungha, YooA (I'm probably forgetting some). There would be enough salt from fan bases to salt every margarita in Mexico.",-1.43,0 19099,"Most sensible people already know abuse is not ok, regardless of gender.",-3.53,0 49477,"+Iridescent Candle I'll just give you an example here: 2 gay men can't reproduce. Now compare that with a male and a female who can, and therefore produce more humans for humanity. One side can grow humanity and one can't. The one that can't by definition, is degenerate. In fact, the promotion of LGBTQ is anti human by definition.",1.61,5 17431,How could be still a virgin with that cock 😍,-1.79,0 42153,Oh for Pete's sake through the country under the bus and just vote in a black woman whether she is qualified or not,-1.38,0 43657,"They should get equal pay. They pay the same prize hotels,travel and food. The women don't pay less because they women.the hotels is not gonna say pay less because you're women.",-4.21,0 13322,"You got it all backwards retarded hole, it's females who are priveleged caste that gets everything handed to them simply by the virtue of having a cunt. Check your female privilege next time you want to open your sperm receiver.",1.99,4 21067,Women are better leaders and some men can't handle it.,-1.42,0 28203,"niggas disgust me, & you bitches irritate me.",0.53,1 31635,I am kinda sorta in love a little with Michelle Hendley. This is a COMEDY about a lesbian trans woman who makes video games. No trauma porn. No victimization. No trans sex worker. I wanna see this. THE MORE THINGS CHANGE URL,-6.36,0 34762,@ScottyRex22 America my foot. Racist bastards,0.36,0 8077,"It's honestly kinda *shocking* that there hasn't been any same-sex couples on DWTS yet. I mean, I know that ABC is a bit more conservative than other networks (especially since they're owned by Disney), but it still seems weird.",-3.69,0 30863,This bitch stupid af can't wait till someone light her ass up,2.25,4 49494,"When nations let other nations torture their own people and other nations people, this is the punishment they get. Don't let your government get away with ignorance and incompetency, or you and your family will suffer and die.",-0.4,0 37805,"The Christchurch killer said he saw Trump as a renewed symbol of white identity with whom he shares a common purpose. (Wonder what that could be?) Trump is praised by David Duke of the KKK, the Alt Right's Richard Spencer & Andrew Anglin, a Neo Nazi, as promoting their agenda. 6/",-1.23,0 8536,"Ah, yes. The accusation with so many red flags that even Jezebel expressed concerns about it.",-1.42,0 6299,That sounds exactly like something a FAGGOT would do.,1.55,5 38218,"Y'all mtfs needa quit putting shit on God, witcha lying asses. URL",0.27,0 20482,No one: African women w nice bodies: URL,-1.19,0 11954,>Both may or may not have involved racism The racial abuse this cunt was shouting might be a clue.,1.36,1 41644,Good. We don't want her filth in near our holy lands!,-0.05,0 17482,Actually that one is new Zealand where the fucker who came over from Australia shot up mosques because he thought immigrants were dangerous.,-2.39,0 31489,"Further proof that kikes are the spawn of satan, look at this specimen. URL",1.59,2 4143,"Yeah taking care of your own is your duty, helping others is a good deed. Prioritizing strangers over your own family and nation because the TV told you foreign refugees need help is pathetic dickless cuckoldry and that's the kind of thing this reaction is about.",0.65,3 41737,"I am not married to a diplmat, nor a trailing spouse. I have had several jobs around the globe as well as a single mother of an austic child.I used to live in Hanoi for a few years too. I loved Laura's talk, she's doing her thing and shouldn't be judged. And no-one should ever assume they cannot achieve anything. Live your dream and be kind.",-5.88,0 15126,"""Because I am a lunatic whore pimped out by kikes and degenrates""",1.02,2 13259,"Well my friend, you're not the only one. That's the life of many gay men. Find a community, friends, you're not alone in those feelings.",-3.66,0 20958,I'm obviously not glad she's feeling suicidal but honestly I hope she has to serve serious time. I hope this can be a turning point for holding white people responsible for their BULLSHIT privileged behaviour. Sorry aunt Becky but I'll see you in 40 years 🤷🏼‍♀️,-0.52,0 15115,Women suck too. People are dicks. That would be the upshot here. So take solace.,-1.03,0 16560,It fits him perfectly. Green is intelligent and Steph smiles a lot so I like their pairing too. Not so sure about KD,-4.69,0 28996,I blame these thirsty niggas for giving 2/10 bitches attention.,1.34,1 47114,"+Edward Terry Also maybe if you didn't act like such barbaric morons under the guise of ""Muh holy book."" you wouldn't be kicked out of every other country for the past one hundred years.",0.22,0 45975,The feminist narrative that only women have a say on abortion is absolute hogwash. What about the healthcare professionals performing the abortion? What about the father of the child? What about the life growing inside of the womb? You are serious about making this a ladies only issue to appease the feminists? That is what you are running on? And you think Carlson and Ingram are extreme aye?,-2.0,0 46622,"So this is why Trump is spewing racist comments on Twitter. To distract us from his long history of sexual abuse and pedophila. Karma will have him. Can't wait for justice to be served,",-2.14,0 1491,"i'm mixed but my skin tone is that of an indian, but like a mid tone indian like deepika padukone for example",-3.27,0 11795,Faggot Pussy Bitch.,0.36,0 27162,"It's all One World bullshit! Open borders have destroyed Europe! European countries have lost their culture and values due to the invasion from shithole countries! Go try to sell it someone else, UN! URL",2.03,3 40436,Build a fucking wall and get them out! MAGA!,0.67,3 5358,"And? He's Jewish, right? And those Jewish Intellectual Socialists need to be annihilated. Same shit, deferent century.",2.09,2 18039,Shoutout to my bi-homies without IRL homies. I've been lucky enough to have friends IRL throughout the LGBT spectrum that are very supportive. I support y'all!,-5.11,0 27830,"This woman just lost her boyfriend and she was FRONT AND CENTER to make sure another black man, who she did not know, didn't die on her watch. The clarity in her words, the anger and fear, the exhaustion at the end. God bless her, I hope they both heal from this URL",-5.57,0 41665,"You know, their are people that know how to operate their minds without their genitals making decisions for them. Sorry you don't know what it's like to be able to say no to something that could involve damaging another person long term.",-0.33,0 43915,This idiot should F Off back to south africa,1.27,3 6284,"Get called a trans guy (no offense to them, of course) all the time because of how deep my voice is. This comment just makes me feel happier.",-4.15,0 41351,North indians are the dumbset citizen who are going to be slaves,1.97,3 20610,@pajhwok And what about you morons you are killing innocent children destroying syria Yemen no one will quetion your barbarism Go get a life moron,1.08,3 27429,Now The Muslims Have Been Awaken Now No Blasphemer Will Be Remain Alive In This World ✌🏻 #قادیانیت_کو_لگام_دو URL,-0.09,0 9137,"""the US should not allow a country to burn itself to death in its attempt to help them."" The problem is that the US is actually doing that.",-1.48,0 4289,"""You were acting tough and shit with those messages"" ""Say it again what you said about my race you little bitch!!!""",0.07,0 35012,All you bitches can choke on a bag of cocks,1.55,4 38286,"The price of poverty: A £2,381.60 fine for having a miscarriage. URL",-2.2,0 7773,"Fuck I wanna fuck that sweet little pussy with that plug in your ass till you cum, then shove my tongue and eat that perfect ass till you cum on my face, then fill that nicely asshole with a big load of cum. Fuck I'm rock hard just thinking about it.",-2.39,0 25496,@HunchoMiracle Idk nigger,1.43,1 240,"Yeah if guys don't have mental disorders and they let someone treat them like shit just then those dudes are some mentally-frail men. If you're superficial enough to excuse someone for treating you like shit just because they're hot then you need your man-card revoked. Those guys are simps, don't be a simp.",-1.18,0 31196,You niggas be some whole hoes out here .,1.03,1 22448,Islam should be banned from the entire United States because they believe we should be killed. Fuck ISLAM,-0.32,0 21355,Ring around the rosary ass bitches 🤣🤣,0.1,0 42974,Congrats to USA love from Pakistan,-5.03,0 8042,"I'd suck and pinch those nipples hard, then face fuck that mouth with my thick dick and come deep down your throat 🤤",1.19,4 39318,@vipulchavada_ @CartelX4 @cnnbrk Go have some cow urine.... And it's going dark u need to go to fields for doing shit... Islam is a religion from thousands years but u make ur God with cement every next year. Don't try to teach father how to fuck u asshole.,1.81,2 48363,Well we all know which people joins isis,-1.19,0 36940,@jaketapper you are a fucking douche how can you constantly suck dick and not call yourself a fag,0.87,5 4206,"I would encourage you to read briefly on the life of St Augustine, one of our Church's greatest minds and his transformation in life. Also spend a bit of time on St Monica, his mother. While I would never advise you to lower your standards for the place in life you want your spouse to be at when you meet them, remember that some of the greats in Catholicism also have storied pasts. My advice would be to pray every day for your future spouse so that they may become the man you need them to be by the time you meet them, regardless of where they are now.",-5.34,0 45483,They should replace Mulan with a black actress.,-2.87,0 26642,I don't feel sorry for you weak pussies that get racially antagonized by white people in public. Y'all deserve every bit of it. That can sense of pathetic you are and take rightful advantage.,1.3,1 15024,Mother fucking niggers. Guess I should've went on a preemptive killing spree after all...,3.63,1 34094,Holy Passion dazzles me In the glimmers of sweet divinity Flowing down Read more of Holy Passion: Navigating Sexuality on the blog. Link in bio. ✨ #life #God #holiness #sexuality #passion #closenesswithGod URL,-3.1,0 1821,"My husband identified as straight before me! I came out while we were dating and he was super accepting. When I dropped similar hints as you to him earlier on in our relationship and he reacting similarly to your boyfriend. I don't wanna get your hopes up, but there is hope. Good luck to you!",-4.15,0 24732,Fuckboys fuckboys every where I go,-0.12,0 46972,Great! More black athletes need to do this.,-2.65,0 48818,"Genius level IQ and ""she black""",-0.04,0 17626,"can't be as worse as your fat american mom, check back when you'll know more than 1 language, retard GMO hamburger eater",0.7,3 13857,"[URL just a taste because I am not gonna go and clip out bits from that fuckin show. Good whataboutism, what'd I say about Mexicans?",-1.92,0 11143,Expecting women to follow thru on a career commitment *gasps* you MEEE SOOGGGYY KNEEEST Real talk in the military there was 1 or 2 chicks that would lift. But then they get pregnant once and boom they never do a single fucking thing ever again but bitch at underlings or sleep around.,0.59,4 18895,I have a feeling this will be me soon. It's so difficult because I love the positive parts of church but I am LGBT and my church is baptist which makes that bit extra bad for me. I go through a lot of phases when it comes to my feelings about it.,-2.24,0 39563,"I will slam this bitch on her neck and spit on her face, ya hair look greasy as fuck too bitch URL",3.42,4 41969,"I'm Zimbabwean, I can relate to the South African dude. It's pretty funny hearing Americans",-4.22,0 8845,"Muslim Ass would be a better username for you. Please be kind! The rest of us like this man and enjoy seeing his pictures. Maybe consider seeing a psychiatrist and getting back on your meds! Or, take an IQ test so we will know if you are smart enough to hit the ""back"" button when you find something you don't like. No matter what, stop being a jerk!",-1.78,0 48700,"God dont punish us, we are enemy of much war in the world climate change now they want more wars.if you set fire to other people house this come to you.",-2.05,0 29565,@Vladtepesblog @Imamofpeace Every islamic country seems to imprison and/or murder gays. #religiousextremism #heterosexualsupremacy #pathetic,-1.32,0 19114,Time to be brutally murdered bitch,2.54,4 20175,ten is disgusting. i hate gay people,1.48,5 6334,You sound like quite the massive faggot.,1.78,5 42392,"These women need to be replaced,there incompetents is foolish and dangerous...we need new officials elected to congress",1.16,4 12898,"Go back to your cave of taquitos and mt. Dew, neck beard, this is last response youll get out of me. Enjoy knowing the only pleasure you draw in life is from pretending this kind of behavior gives you any power, im sure your mother is proud in hell. ;)",2.05,1 41310,@Briana Anderson become the third world sweet heart❤,-4.9,0 42665,Lets see I guess I'll give this a thumbs down for taking criminals and killers off our streets. WTF?,1.32,2 49371,"Ebola disappeared, WALL DISAPPEARED, AL-QAEDA VANISHES, ISIS?....NO ONE KNOWS. NORTH KOREA? Shhhhh...lets keep this public distracted, while we bomb ONLY MUSLIM COUNTRIES AND blame their government for it. *MURICA*",-1.7,0 41318,Okay it needs to be said she's a fucking disgusting bitch,1.05,4 10087,Yes THIS THANK YOU. We need more women.,-7.64,0 49671,Like she is a valued talking point. One woman who destroyed the great country of Germany.,-1.97,0 38441,Indian cunts and dickheads orgasming over developing the occupied and annexed #Kashmir so they can settle there while the Kashmiri natives remain locked down in their houses with the Indian occupation forces roaming the streets. You fucking fascists. May this reach your homes. URL,1.07,3 33106,God Will Destroy this Western Caucasians Culture in Degrees. The Only Reason THESE DEVIL CAUCASIAN'S still Exist Are His Children The Dead Brother's and Sister's Here still in AmeriKKKa LOST,1.35,1 18233,Suck a lepers dick and keep the tip.,0.74,5 3146,I want to spank that pussy before I fill it with cum.,-2.48,0 47831,"Just cut off his nuts and be done with it, then lock him in the closet, until age is just another number.",0.15,0 6718,It is what it has morphed into today. Women went out and started working but they never evolved to actually make themselves happy. That still stayed tethered to external factors.,-0.51,0 24916,@creativechickee bby hi i love you so much!! stay true to yourself no matter what! you are so beautiful don't let anyone tell you anything differently,-7.78,0 7506,Can you give any examples of how toxic masculinity could be construed as internalized misandry?,-1.84,0 27532,Well done 👏👏 Now get these shit heads to court and send them to the Russian outback and thrown them in with cannibals in the gulags 😠😠,2.21,3 23792,@sairasameerarao Then don't let the fucking border door hit you in your fat ugly ass on your way out! You ungrateful piece of shit!!!! It's scum like you that make the entire world worse off'!!!!!!!!!,1.47,3 24030,@Communism_Kills That church loves it some sodomy,-0.11,0 17125,"99% of them are boys who refuse to become better. 1% of them are men who are actually getting shit done. This 1% is either grinding 24/7 & enthralled in their work or they're just getting really sick of the state of women these days. ​ **Incels don't exist.** *If they REALLLLLY wanted to,* these losers could always fuck Diabetty, the 400 lb amputee down the street or anything equally horrendous. **They are voluntarily celibate.**",3.16,4 37664,Fucking white people who was taking selfies sometimes I WAKE UP FUCHFBXKDKCJDJDND 5 month.,-1.23,0 44072,"Please deport them, and problem solved.",-0.32,0 15851,My gf is black and the most beautiful woman I've met 🥰,-6.58,0 17952,"Whatever you say, incel.",-0.21,0 15235,Thank you random Indian citizen!,-3.89,0 1017,Mmm your cunt looks like it needs to be stretched.,-0.02,0 44151,Iran is a great nation with a great culture. Just assuming the the USA will definitely be victorious in case of a war with Iran is American childish thinking. History will be the opposite.,-0.2,0 7343,But you are a little bitch. Try to come across as tough and yet you run away so easily like the bitch ass Nazi fuck you are,1.38,2 24677,Bitch I'm busy baby go and suck another cock 🔥 URL,-1.35,0 32599,wanna bitch who gone suck me out my sleep and then suck me back to sleep.,-0.62,0 35288,"Niggas be scared of women with a little gut, shit not me 😩💜",-0.25,0 28852,"If You Get Cyber Bullied, You're A Faggot And Deserve It. Your Stupid Ass Stayed On The Computer And Cried All Night Haha FAG",2.85,5 28240,I feel sorry for niggas with ugly baby mamas.,2.19,1 20588,"WTH? Democrat Ilhan Omar Complains in House Hearing that Trump Admin Is Droning Islamic Terrorists in Africa ""To Death"" You can cout on it @Ilhan lot's more to Come! We in America cannot tolerate Terrorists. In any form Drone from the skies! GLORY! URL",-0.19,0 34012,"@EthanLesabre @QuestionLGBTedu You're a fucking idiot. Not only is there quite a lot of openly gay conservatives but they a lot of them hate this sexualising and indoctrinating innocent kids and calling it ""progressive""",-1.98,0 11721,Shut up you Chad with your Toasties and foods and cock carousels with their beta male husband's who are getting cucked. REEEEEEE! BLACK PILL BLACK PILL! SLUT BITCH WHORE WOMEN AMIRITE OH GOD WHY DON'T THEY PAY ATTENTION TO ME I'M LITERALLY A PERFECT SPECIMEN WHAT FUCKING WHORES SUCKING TYRONE'S DICK AMIRITE?! Did I do a good impression of an incel right there?,1.12,1 39769,A MENTAL HEALTH DATABASE WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. URL,-1.59,0 37809,PLEASE HES SO CUTE LOOK AT THOSE THREE MOLES UNDER HIS NOSE ON THE RIGHT IM SO SAD IM GOING TO KISS THEM URL,-3.39,0 11868,"Being Mormon itself can cause trauma. I'm working through a lot as a straight man. The church was basically made for me to prosper, but man did it fuck me up. I can't imagine what it's like as a gay individual trying to navigate those feelings of guilt and shame. You're amazing, and I'm rooting for you.",-4.82,0 41603,"Nothing to see here folks, just stay seated and remain calm.... we are the gov. and the msm, you can trust ussssssssss hisssss. Just a tiny observation but if the border wasn't an issue, then why do most automated services require pressing 1 for English and 2 for Spanish?????? why not Hungarian or French or Arabic or Chinese, etc...... just saying, a small observation, not racism just a little observation. Not a problem ordering a pizza but my local gov. wtf?!?!?!",1.4,3 46641,That guy is a jewish post malone In the thumbnail,-1.3,0 2004,"What a dried-up, disgusting thot.",0.89,4 21373,"Looks like M.S Dhoni's six that won us 2011 #CricketWorldCup is the most favorite World Cup memory for our Indian female cricketers, confirms Poonam Yadav 😍 #ICCWorldCup2019 #ICCCricketWorldCup2019 #CWC19 #CWC URL",-5.54,0 30546,@TheDUDEguy_ @FortniteGame bro why do you add a watermark to everything ur so gay,-0.36,0 6884,"I find beauty in all walks of life. I don't discriminate. However, I have a very strong attraction to Spanish women.",-4.51,0 17789,I think it's a blessing to go to a parish that's Catholic and still loves its faith.,-5.3,0 31095,Lots of bad habits erupt from religion today due to lack of the kingdom of God #prophetjegede,-1.11,0 30587,I wonder how can anyone support someone who believes another prophet after Rasoolullah Saw after reading this ayaah because it is showing your doubts in Last prophet's belief. #قادیانی_دنیاکابدترین_کافر URL,-2.25,0 17960,#GAY BOI DETECTED,-2.04,0 20435,Modelling agencies such as @incmgmt_ should be on EVERY brands first contact list for campaigns. A whole agency that works solely with LGBTQ+ & POC people & they're UK BASED!!! Look at the beauty of some of their models URL,-5.95,0 33270,Like and Retweet if you'd destroy my tight smooth hole 🤔💕🌹 #gay #bbc URL,-1.08,0 31964,"The terrorist #Houthi militia which starves Yemenis has been collection donations for Hizbollah. Trump's maximum pressure is working & terrorists are forced to finance themselves. In this video they bragged about their ability to support Hizbollah & chanted ""death to America"" URL",-0.95,0 37830,"@ajplus @GunDeaths Mass Murder, Nothing new for USA. Every month of the year USA has mass killings. Seems like It's a way of life in America. My! my! @DonaldTrump your shithole. URL URL",0.37,0 4127,"The only education that you will have is my white superior cock, fucking nigger slut.",0.92,1 26384,If I was you pussy I'd watch ya tone cause I got crazy shooters who'd watch ya home,2.05,7 20038,"Aint nobody wearing those new Westbrook ""Jordan's"" but Mexicans & trailer park trash white girls.",0.35,0 28622,@berthadalziel Yes I hope her cognitive dissonance gets better soon bc she is throwing lesbians under the bus to be 'cool',-1.37,0 35998,Let the DESTRUCTION begin. @swedense You guys are freaking weak for letting That black monkey out without letting him go to prison for at least 6 years. Keep those black low lifes out our country. All those freaking blacks worthless maggots.,1.83,1 41567,God bless you pastor also! God bless all on here.❤,-4.95,0 48279,Elite GamingWolf well the new Spider Man is half puertorican and half black. 😂,-1.88,0 32185,Fuck that nigga that you love so bad URL,0.57,1 16272,"At least he can protect his women and children. Yours are being raped by an invading force while you sit back and justify it. You're pathetic and you'd get destroyed in any battle, regardless if it was a US vs Sweden war or just your pussy ass on the streets in America. Your homeland is the land of cowards and cucks.",1.64,3 15039,"Speaking of credobaptism, do you think that Baptist churches do a good job of presenting baptism as something you should do if you want to follow Jesus and not out of social conformity?",-3.11,0 3862,"Iran has a rich Persian culture so it's great, unlike the filthy Saudis who are killing innocent Yemenis. So don't know what you're talking about. ^^/s",0.83,3 394,"Guys, he is an Australian imam and really is smart and speak sense. I've been interested in him after his interview with Tarik Fateh. Read about him... he's a rare one and more like him are needed.",-3.22,0 13093,"I'd love to see her forced to suck off fat, smelly men at a glory hole. And make her cum first to ensure there is no pleasure! She'll be gagging on all that slime and begging to stop.",1.48,4 48029,She came up to get her some... Dick and pussy and money... How can no one see that??,0.48,0 19716,I used to break into the girls dorm and try to eat pussy and I'm the bad guy? I'm trying to make these ladies feel wonderful.,-0.55,0 1342,"Not all of them, however. And last time I checked, other societies are more focused on keeping women in the house and out of the freedom's of the world. You're aware you're in Canada right? See the women driving and walking around? Having jobs? Being visible and not covered in cloaks? Not being chattel?",-1.92,0 31217,"PTI is the only true symbol of federation in Pakistan today. Hope for a great win and new beginning of development, peace and prosperity in tribal districts. Vote for an equitable Pakistan. 🇵🇰 #Vote4Bat URL",-4.66,0 4624,Fuck I'd love u on my cock,-1.95,0 34684,Keep up with My exposed sissy profile on squirt org! let`s expose the bitch! let`s make the fucking bitch FAMOUS!!! GO FOLLOW MY SISSY let`s pimp this faggot out! #Exposed #fhnd URL,0.2,0 24869,@SenSchumer @ADL Israel is not Americans friend. It is a colonizing power using the same tactics against the Palestinians as was used against Jews in the polish ghettos.,-1.12,0 21560,"@kirstensdavis An idiot on the internet one time asked me ""if you're such a feminist, why aren't you into women?"" and I lost half my brain cells",0.22,0 6392,\>anal cunt tshirt i see you are a man of culture as well,-1.75,0 8697,You need to have your parent or guardian chained to you at all times because clearly you are retarded and i say that with no disrepsect to retards out there because you are the most retarded of them all.,2.24,7 31604,"@sugasonlykitten I'm f*cking tired of racist, misogynistic assholes. Sick of them. Send THEM all back where they came from.",-0.39,0 24854,@InitiateSarcasm The only occupation is that of Muslims occupying Jewish Land. Palestains living as citizens of the State of Israel have THE HIGHEST standard of living compared to all the other Palestains living in any of the 22 failed Arab states surrounding the Jewish state.,-2.23,0 9618,Let them and those KKK and witch looking fuckers go first,1.62,1 12659,"If you're gonna call someone ""the r word"" why not just call him retarded.",0.81,7 16971,Not trashy. The fact is the people who have conducted the mass shootings have all been white males seeking to gain a political end. They are terrorists.,-0.52,0 17455,"nah, then Indians would give Uighur insurgents a nuke if wishes were horses, then beggars would ride",-2.35,0 17284,"No problem, as a surprisingly light skinned mixed person I have a soft spot for others like me since I didn't see anyone who was mixed and as light as me until I was a teenager. One of my friends just had a daughter with a complexion close to mine, they say they would have been shocked by her skin tone if they hadn't known me and joke and say she's my mini-me.",-3.47,0 8957,"Priyanka Chopra got her white spouse, it's only fair that aziz Ansari does too lmao",-2.54,0 39922,"@tatereeves @USAttyHurst @realDonaldTrump Yes, thank God we are now safe from the factory workers, mothers, people trying to support their families...they were such a threat. It's not like they were some minor threat like a white guy with an assault rifle or anything.",-2.88,0 41709,wtf girls are to bad boys are stronger,-2.26,0 25063,Women are trash,1.61,4 14041,"I relate with almost every single thing you said (minus the fact that I'm not feminine). But I wouldn't change my sexuality even if it was possible, I like guys, I like the fact that I like guys and, even if it's difficult and knowing that I'll probably be alone for the rest of my life, it took me a long time to realize it about me and I'm happy knowing who I'm.",-4.5,0 2681,Fuck off nig,1.41,1 13522,"Oh look a transphobic trans person again, people like you bring shame to the community, go and fucking die terf scum",0.9,5 47666,Only real niggas have ballerinas in the background Dis nigga cold🚫🧢,-0.07,0 23256,"@AshiyaRaj @narendramodi Today if we have Pakistan & Bangladesh, it's all because of spineless, power hungry political & non-political leaders who gave part of our nation to these invaders because they wanted to rule AND Secondly, because of many Hindus who after years & years of slavery became selfish..",0.15,0 14172,"Back then it was still known as ""gay cancer"" or GRID (gay-related immuno deficiency) so those bastards just didn't care.",-2.09,0 14809,"Nah, we're more likely to keep having wage slavery, random killings if blacks by cops, and continual climate change.",-1.57,0 19221,Go jump in a wood chipper you white trash hick,2.83,1 564,How about if u find out I blasted my sperm all over your gf's face and had her give me blowjobs daily I'm sure u wouldn't marry that kind of girl. U fucking Hypocrite,-0.02,0 43854,"Trump voters tend to hate all strong, successful women. Because beta incels are terrified they are going to continue to be powerless, ineffectual little wimps living in mom's basement.",-0.4,0 10713,"There's a podcast you might find reassuring called *Latter Day Lesbian*. it's a middle aged woman telling the story of how she left the church when she realized she was gay, and the fallout and different reactions she experienced as well as her own inner turmoil through it. Hang in there, and hopefully your mother sees some sense",-3.44,0 10064,"you god daam unwashed diarrhea infested asshole. no one waits 14 days to reply to a shitpost unless they wanna suck someone's dick. so is that it, you wanna suck my dick bitch? well too bad, you mom does it for me everyday. your sister too. go suck on someone else's dick, maybe your dad. he's getting lonely not being able to spend time with his wife and daughter.",0.32,0 32206,I GOT NIGGAS TURNING TO THE JEALOUS TYPE,1.36,1 18594,"Close, I want to fuck your tits, then your mouth, then your pussy, then your ass, then cum on you face.",0.94,4 16730,"Barbarians using totally unprovable and hateful ancient myths to justify their inhuman and cruel personal opinions. It is simply not true that all cultures are equally worth of respect. If you kill gays, mutilate babies' and teens' genitalia, cut off body parts and kill apostates, you are a barbarian, no matter how you call the ridiculous supernatural BS you use in order to justify it. If you call it *part of your culture* you are an inhuman arsehole worth of burning in your imaginary *""hell""*.",0.85,2 31276,This cute 😭 they probably fuck niggas together,0.8,1 18495,WELL THAT WAS GAY,-0.83,0 34247,Time to reinstitute this act and deport all sharia abiding muslims from America. URL,0.72,2 8327,"lol! I'll beat you, chain you, then rape your fucking whore mother in front of you. Then choke that nigger to death and laugh while I'm doing it ROFL! Fucking nigger animals.",5.33,1 2464,"Whores are made for nice guys, she seems like she actually respects herself. Traditional girls aren't empty shells of women. Funny how you typing that comment says more about your blind hatred for traditionalist lifestyles than anything else.",-0.8,0 7241,"Majority of my best friends have been straight guys. We can gush about girls together, share similar interests and hobbies, and overall there's no worry about being attracted to them (on my end at least lol). Whereas with girl friends I'll usually end up crushing on them at first (or maybe for a while) which I think changes the way I act around them slightly? Anywho ya I like having straight guy friends. Glad you found a good one too!",-4.41,0 45400,Lol when Indian scammers call you ask them if they stepped in shit on their way to the office. They most likely did.,1.15,1 14416,She is repulsive as fuck.,1.06,4 35282,"""Your kids will hate Jewish ppl because of Bastani and Novara"" was not a take I was expecting to be honest.. Not even from Oz...",-0.25,0 20044,"It's actually because men need to be funny to hook up with women. We train to be funny, whereas a lot of women comedians think people should laugh just because they are on stage and the audience should be supportive. If you aren't funny, we aren't going to laugh. I've heard great female comedians, but it's not hard to see why there are more male comedians. Girls don't need to be funny to have sex.",-0.96,0 6816,"OP IS LITERALLY THE REASON THIS COMMENT WAS MADE! If people can get away with people for them being genetically ""lesser"" what does that mean for literally any minority? ""Gay people are a burden on society 'cause they don't reproduce"" *so let's kill them!* I understand this logic but I don't think any of you hear how horrible it sounds. If you know that your kid is going to have problems at birth and you decide to abort that's on you, but this IS literally fucking genocide.",-1.11,0 41475,"White Evangelicals made deal with the devil, crucified their plastic Jesus on their used popsicle stick. Because family values?!",0.78,2 22936,Every single woman on the Drama Roundtable has made me laugh more than the entire comedy roundtable combined. URL,-2.32,0 22729,fuck up bitch,-1.3,0 11396,\> Reddit \> Greentext You fail to realize you're both faggots,-0.32,0 46283,May my Jesus knock them on their butts. Evaporate them and smite them in Jesus name by all the power of Heaven. deport the Demons back to Hell with the Devil. Yell Pastor Paul. Yell cause it scares the heck out of Devil. Yell Pastor Paul. It's just the spirit of God. Power can you feel it? Amen,-3.24,0 31631,"I'd much rather see them locked in cages than let loose to child traffic, rape, rob, and murder. If you want to end it, bounce them back over the border... or execute them for breaking into our country. I don't care which. URL",2.76,3 24020,"Where Are All These ""Save The World"" Organizations & Leaders??! This Shit Needs To Stop! They Invade Countries Talkin Shit Bout Nuclear Weapons & Terrorist Just To Take Their Land, Use Their Ppl & Profit From Their Resources but Won't Save Innocent Ppl From Oppression??!!#WtF",-1.89,0 9650,"just the dumbfucks from the south. the ""bible-belt"" who started our civil war so they could own slaves. kinda sucks that we didn't burn that shithole to the ground and populate it with progressive northerners.",1.74,1 18445,More supportive of the LGBTQ+ community,-4.66,0 30384,@SCMxClxmpz I pressed you nigga fytb shut ya bitch ass up too I'll beat you tf up on god you can't spell neither dumb ass bitch niggas say u sound like a 7 year old so stfu bitch u ass and you can run my series on bro🗣 (BLOCK LIST),1.01,1 7542,"Shove it up your ass, whore",2.32,4 18341,Beautiful black goddess. The things I would do for a black girl.,-5.25,0 38884,"@Duanecia Girl, I love ALL the things about Joyce! She has literally taken her authority and made sure she inserted the unique experience of being a black woman into each and every exercise. When I say THIS is my group of folks? Girl I'm so empowered here!",-4.19,0 45753,That one indian guy he knows that his parents are just gonna arrange his marriage,-1.05,0 23781,Men are such simple creatures,-0.58,0 28578,Queens of their own land and the entire lesbian community. URL,-2.99,0 48091,You dont have to be female to play on the womens soccer team????,-3.07,0 16441,Go eat your soy faggot dinner,2.64,5 20351,"Thanks for your first-hand info. So, wilful BJP inaction against the anti-Hindu discriminations (""victimhood"") translates into BJP silence on the same during the campaign. Then, @BDUTT is lying? That would only confirm what we know too well: the mendacious nature of ""secularism"". URL",-0.47,0 36685,@PoliticalKathy @thecjpearson That's because he is a racist piece of shit. This is not rocket science Kathy.,1.29,1 38492,6 days out of every month I hate men. I can not tolerate them and don't want to be around them during that time. -,-1.67,0 39050,#PhatJoeAndTheFamily Congrats to @Miss_LIRA she has made history ! The first African woman to have her own Barbie doll. @TheRealPhatJoe @NonalaTose @LonwaboMiso URL,-5.5,0 28748,Fact: The United States has legal obligations to provide protection to those who qualify as refugees. URL,-4.45,0 35821,Niggas be soooo mad because your parents support you 😂😭 sad. Omw to spend daddy's money 😂,0.51,1 3332,I think good points were made on both sides of that debate. It's good to see more women in politics but I agree we shouldn't make such a big deal about it.,-4.59,0 38125,Niggas be dirty as shit in real life on my kidss😭😭,0.28,0 19825,"Dude, you're a fucking mongoloid.",1.28,7 7662,Wtf is wrong with you? This is why you'll never get laid- you're a disgusting asshole,0.68,4 24793,"'Anti Jewish'.... you're a repulsive antiSemite, the reason you say Jewish is so you can evoke sympathies of the Holocaust and victimhood to attack @jeremycorbyn when you damn well know that its the racist, supremacist Zionist ideology what #Corbyn has a problem with. #sickman",-2.81,0 35186,"A man is shot to death. Sohail is angry because he dead man 'was an idiot' to 'go after' cow smugglers. Tell me again how 'Hindu-Muslim' bhai bhai and how Hindus are ""bigots"" for pushing back URL",-1.86,0 20260,"Whenever these financial terrorists want to bring their stolen wealth to Pakistan under ""amnesty schemes"", the inflate the dollar to get maximum returns on their loot even after paying taxes. Free floating the rupee without State Bank control is a disaster in itself.",-0.26,0 33202,Fuck you Noot Noot Harime fucking fashion cunt tailor cunt looking bug as eye looking no arm be having bitch,0.89,4 47599,Omg! Send in the Japanese troops to deal with all these far right Terrorists,-0.14,0 1658,"Yes they can. They do every day. There is only one way of life: their way, regardless if it's law abiding or not.",-1.88,0 26414,One reason why we #WearOrange is to honor members of the LGBTQ+ community who are disproportionately affected by gun violence and create a future where no one is targeted for who they are or who they love. #PrideMonth URL,-2.59,0 15153,lmao this nigga just tryna learn english bro,0.62,1 40022,"@AlexKskk @IDF Alex or whatever your name is, I've this message for you. Eretz Ysrael is our home, this is our home, our ancestral home, you cant break us, no matter how hard you try. As for the terrorist who took innocent live of Dvir we would get you.",-2.1,0 31325,@Chr1stinaG I'd gladly renounce my womanhood so that my trans wife could live in peace @perfidious_bat,-2.82,0 7769,"Shut yo bitch ass up nigga, you sound like you know nothing about basketball. And you're from fuck nasty ass TX, keep that same energy next Hurricane bruh.",-0.12,0 36885,@MuthuiMkenya Am a catholic I agree with you 100%,-4.0,0 28528,"According to ancient myths, Abraham in his deranged mind was willing to slaughter his son and self-mutilated his genitals. This sorry lunatic inspired three world religions. No wonder the world has been in such a permanent mess ever since.",-0.48,0 45358,Shoot them at the border and they will stop !! Effective and economical,3.0,3 6065,I'd fly to Canada just to breed you and fuck you rough,-0.16,0 46211,Iran has never been chill you fucking assholes forget the history must be sucking dick and forgetting everything else fucking faggot third worlders,2.48,3 23763,"my coworker constantly talks abt strictly wantin a baby with a white man cause ""mixed babies are the cutest"" and it makes me siiiick",-0.6,0 16143,"Where we are born certainly affects what we believe, as it's what we have contact with, but it's not rare for someone to discover the main religion on their country/community is not for them, kinda like finding yourselve as an atheist while your whole family is religious...",-2.7,0 32056,She smacked that nigga into a coma,-0.49,0 44892,"Your society would be the end of humanity. Ironically and I say this as an immigrant to this wonderful nation, having visited 12 countries in the last 2 years, coming back from 16 days in paris, London, and Amsterdam on Sunday, that the reason why the 1st police force was forming in Philly was due to the criminal element the kids/orphans of the 1st wave of immigrants to America wereIn the words of Tupac, ""they say it's the white man I should fear but it's my kind doing all the killing here"". You all seem to like to blame everyone else. .",1.09,3 1386,"Asia bibi wasnt convicted,she was found guilty by the court you fucking dumbfuck.If you don't know the difference keep your shit im your disgusting mouth you ugly cunt.",2.24,4 40178,These anti-American psychos are 100% racists. They hate white people...all the way back to our Founders. They can kiss my lily-white derrière.,-0.1,0 41333,How does a woman who was an accomplice in sex trafficking crimes become a victim? This woman knew what she was doing and deserves some time in jail over these terrible crimes of rape and sex trafficking of minors.,-1.63,0 9314,Fuck you bitch ass cunt ass motherfucker cockhole,2.35,4 29910,When you don't have a culture so you ruin everyone else's URL,-0.86,0 28123,"@SteveScalise @LynnQueen05 @realDonaldTrump REALLY! WOMEN YOU SHOULD BE SCREAMING &RAISING HELL AGAINST SHIT-RIA LAW, FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATIONS & ABSOLUTELY BARBARIC BASTARDS THAT INITIATE IT. ""Bacon"" URL START YELLING GET THESE BITCHES THE HELL OUTTA HERE, LINDA SARSOURED, ICKY OMARED",1.54,2 37328,"Just wait till a Mexican or black goes to a Applebee's and targets whites, then we'll see change",-1.03,0 23683,OK dis iz late cos i wuz @ dinner bt 1st 1.... little my lesbian real!!!!!!! ppl talk abt too ticky n snuf n moomee bein gay alot bt little my n her whole attitude just scream dyke 2 me 0__0 ..... i luv her URL,-0.83,0 11111,Shut ur mudda asshole beefo I stick twooo mudda chopstick up u mudda asshole,0.96,4 548,"Lol not a single woman would participate in such a mixed tournament though, for fear of being completely outclassed.",-1.5,0 6589,The natural-born citizens of Qatar keep other Humans as slaves...,-1.59,0 32472,@layswizzle_ wow women who like being big spoon are appreciated,-3.98,0 43371,I'll tell you what you should do Fox News why don't you bring the politicians there and ask them when are you going to apologize to the world the crimes that you have committed with the Middle East countries I dare you to challenge them,-1.89,0 19656,"after this summer and the last, now im in favor of a Saudi take over, nothing will change with these cunts at the helm",-0.74,0 35560,"A lot of men are steering away from the church due to the amount of homosexual men who are leading the church, in the choir, deacons, directing the choir.... there I said it URL",-0.89,0 20379,"""...This bill actually poses a devastating and unprecedented threat to religious freedom and the progress that women have made toward true equal treatment in law and culture,"" Sarah Kramer of Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) wrote in an online analysis. URL",-4.98,0 15160,"Aka mentally ill people who use Reddit to show everyone how delusional they are. No you are not a woman. And no you are not a ""Terf / Alt Right Slayer"" or whatever your Twitter handle says. In truth your are so fragile that one bad word happens and you kill yourself. Fuck off.",0.99,4 12372,"Bet the farmer thinks they're crazy, but better than blow yourself up and get 72 virgins crazy",-0.04,0 6735,Lol..The only cure for Islam is a high velocity lead injection.,2.73,1 46879,"The Sniveling Babies In Arizona are at the Top ,They Need Adults Diapers +Pacifiers Harassing Females At Coffee shops And supplying drugs to children for generations and covering their asses murdering Innocent Families and Abusing the Community! Twistedly Upside down Babbling Babies Chimpanzees That Want Respect! Ha! HA! HA! THE GRAINS IN A HOURS",0.65,6 21994,I come from a military family who made history and served with honor despite being segregated and experiencing racism. They never gave up and paved my way. Remembering them and honoring my familys legacy!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 #MemorialDay2019 URL,-4.64,0 2406,I wouldn't have sex with her as much as she wanted and she found someone who would.,-2.84,0 10681,"I love that the muslim women in congress are so progressive and stand up for everyone's rights. OP also posted this on r/islam and people are hating cause she went to pride parade. I don't want to participate in that sub because its toxic, but i will say that as a bi muslim, seeing a muslim politician go to pride warmed my heart. A lot of us wouldn't be accepted by our own families and friends but knowing that Ilhan was willing to put herself out there even though she must have been aware of how muslims would react is truly inspiring.",-5.77,0 28098,Lmao oh this nigga a bitch smfh. This the type of Niggas y'all be wanting too ! 🤦🏿‍♂️,-0.17,0 20625,@scpwiki mentally unstable self conscious white man,0.79,4 22667,"Let me tell you an open secret. Most (not all lah) of our relatives once they converted into Islam, if she is woman, husband is a Malay, it's extremely rare to see the husbands go back to their in-law's house for Gawai, for fear of our ""haram culture"". URL",-1.63,0 21917,Niggas salty @ Drake lol like don't get mad tht nigga comfortable court side and you'll never be😂,-0.62,0 25035,My niggas gotta understand some of these mfs are fucked up mentally. And they only know how to bring the worst out of any situation. So that's all they can do to you,0.32,0 4969,This bitch will cut your dick off after,1.6,4 35354,"the Iranian always behind the attack the Houthi Are primitive Iranian soldier in Yemen already the Houthi cowards, as usual, we will have the cowards",0.44,0 48787,+lightbladeMCnStuff he thinks whites are genetically superior to other races which makes him a white supremacist,-1.91,0 28880,God please see what churches are turning to ☹️ ain't you people ashamed of yourself..please when last have you seen other religions in this kind of situation even the herbalist haven't..God please 🙏 take control these people are disgracing.@HNNAfrica #IJCoza #IStandWithTheTruth,-0.79,0 14178,im trans as well. I understand how you feel,-7.61,0 35543,Niggas be 88 years old begging for pussy on the sidewalk,1.02,1 3153,Get the fuck out of my country you fuck,1.09,3 9027,WTF a Al Qaeda apologist in the wild.,0.15,0 20413,What a dirty c*nt. URL,1.17,4 33617,"Affirming Christians do not contest disapproval of same-sex sexual activity when it is brought up in the Scriptures. Rather, they are asking ""Why do the Scriptural authors condemn it and do those reasons apply to covenanted same-sex partnerships today?""",-3.04,0 23889,Eat her pussy like its yo last meal and fuck her like you fresh out of jail 💦,-0.68,0 17469,Fucking infidels. Allah will take care of them,1.33,1 25004,carolmaria are lesbian wives who raised a child together 🥺🏳️‍🌈,-2.76,0 125,Proof positive that women are worse than men: they suck at rapping. /s,-0.14,0 3917,"Just remember that islams highest moral authourity, their version of Jesus, is a terrorist scumbag who raped and beat a 9 year old child. Their moral center in our society would be considered the lowest form of shit possible and would be ass raped every night in our prisons for being such a lowly little maggot.",1.88,2 41433,We love you Eugene ... and we already knew you were gay :) xo,-4.11,0 10593,White people are the worst,1.38,1 45951,dude went from nice dude to Russian dick,-0.84,0 35340,@SoftMarcyy yoyo fake ass. You not me fake ass cock sucker bitch! I'll come beat ur fake ugly ass 🤬☠️👻,1.97,4 38272,This bitch should just kill her self. hoe where tf is yo pride? Dignity? you lettin mfs fuck u wit a cucumber!!!,1.58,4 27384,Well there you have it. The Straight Pride Parade is officially more inclusive than the Gay Pride Parade. URL,-1.28,0 35141,These wars for Israel are being used as an excuse to flood our countries with third world migrants You demons have been warned Back off URL,0.71,3 17982,She will fuck up your whole life with that little Gucci coochie.,-0.62,0 8795,"I would face fuck that slut so hard, she needs to be covered in loads of hot cum",2.15,4 8446,"""Sorry bitch, I'll call you that now as it's just a name"" Oh, you dont like being called that? Too bad, it's just a name bitch. Hi bitch, how are my daughters?",0.69,4 36060,"Nivedita Kukreti, SSP Dehradun, Uttarakhand: Yesterday, we received a complaint that a woman was given triple talaq by her husband on 31st July. We have registered a case under relevant sections, further investigation to be conducted. URL",-1.34,0 49491,@American Troll stupid white trash alert!,-0.13,0 1718,"Go back to China, bitch.",0.73,3 33044,I got the Best relationship with Hoes I fuck on the first night.. URL,0.48,0 46636,Cnn is proof that Jews are the scourge of the planet. Ebery mouthpiece is a Jew,2.22,2 11313,"Time to colonize them back, the fuckers",1.88,3 44988,I hope somebody shoots this fucking bitch soon.,2.11,4 233,I fucking HATE americans. I hope your country BURNS.,0.51,3 32871,white ppl be fuckin in the wilderness,-1.5,0 17581,I still won't forgive victoria's secret for telling us trans women that we're basically ruining the name by wearing their clothing,-2.45,0 11179,It is a common thing. She's seen as an object because of her body and is treated so. She plays along because it's what she knows. She's so young and objectified. Even her mother plays into it with praising her looks and not her as a person.,-2.05,0 28839,"""go text your hoes"" URL",0.13,0 5157,Suck my fat fucking cock,1.27,4 966,HEY i feel the same way! like I'm not a man but I want to be seen and treated like one. we're fine. gender's a game and we're finding a way to make it work.,-4.64,0 35393,"@mrsjsmiller1 Lady, the only hell is right here on earth, plagued with the idiotic ramblings of delusional ""Evangelicals"" and the moralizing BS from so-called ""Christians"".",-0.42,0 30872,how to tell if a woman likes you milf dating gay phone sex cute pickup lines to let someone down easy URL,-2.83,0 3426,I used to when I was a kid living in a foreign country because no one could pronounce it and I wanted to fit in. Now I go by a nickname that's easier to pronounce.,-2.31,0 21934,"I wish people could start taking mental health serious and stop playing the God And Devil game. Murder, rape and such behaviours are product of our society and media influences . They will keep on reoccurring until we take charge. #RIPNaledi",-2.79,0 19436,Fucking midget ass dinosaur descendant looking mothafucka,1.31,7 19742,"LOL, Ok there keyboard warrior white dude",-2.19,0 48845,"i thought gays get an instant ticket to hell from ""god"" without question",1.23,5 45817,These niggas all grown and shit,-1.45,0 29928,Nothing is more sexy then watching a woman play with her pussy #like & #rt if you agree 😉 #Milf #hotwife #NGOT #realcouple #horny #cocksucker #threesomes #pussyplayingalone #sexylingerie #naughtyhotwife 😘 URL,-1.28,0 24091,"Once you've mastered dating fuckboys, the universe starts throwing sociopaths your way, like, ""Level up, bitch. Let's see what else you can handle.""",-0.95,0 4824,Your mother was a dumb whore with a fat arse,1.01,4 9401,"I don't think you understood what I said, I am ok with NI actresses playing SI women, I am not ok with them playing NI characters because that's appropriation of achievements that belong to SI women, hope you understand the difference. SI women haven't really been a part of any Bollywood movie ever, so this is their moment of glory.",-3.09,0 10005,Fuck the fat Jewish,1.0,2 32835,"You people are full of 💩!!! What is "" White supremacist propaganda ""? If one person writes something you'll cover it?? Going to try to make people think it represents TRUMP🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸supporters or white people??",-1.79,0 718,Hopefully the next school shooter shoots up the faggot inventor of these instead. Fucking shitgineers.,2.92,5 23725,Females are fucking stupid,1.56,4 13371,women enjoy retarded expressions of dumb niceness,0.44,0 48940,The sodomite is messy and sloppy and proselytizes... Typical degenerate sodomite.,0.11,0 2170,You know what's really reaching? Hating all females.,-1.43,0 13353,"""M'lady, I am distressed to find that even a fair maiden such as yourself would not accept my gracious and elegant advances. All I can imagine is that your feeble minded brain has been hijacked by societies perversions and degenerate ideals, such as feminism. You have missed out on a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet a true gentleman and a scholar. Die, you fucking bitch. Get back on the cock carousel, you fucking cum dumpster.""",3.84,4 29225,same god that turn water to wine gonna turn ur bitch to mine 😇,-1.11,0 40546,Disrespecting Women Finally another sane person,0.04,0 39180,RT ilovegoodsthingx #MTVHottest Lady Gaga,-4.98,0 13998,"Unlike most fat ass Russians, I do this thing called working out. Rather than die form early alcoholism, and rather than have retarded babies, Americans actually play sports and go tot he gym. That is why Russian women don't fuck Russian men, and why your mother cheated on your father, and why you are a virgin.",1.56,3 2962,I hate those goddamn niggers that have sex with white women,2.07,1 45522,Do not attack Iran Donna Jane Trump you piece of fucking tranny shit!,2.01,4 4504,The old Schrodinger's Fag.,-0.64,0 11932,I'm so fucked that any attractive girl I see in real life just triggers me to lock myself in a dark room secluded from society and relapse for superior porn goddesses,0.34,0 41349,Fuck a nigga cop anyway. They are nothing but agents of white supremacy. He got what he deserved.,2.02,1 11349,"On average, a good thing. About the mass emigration: sad, but unfortunately you couldn't stop them.",-2.65,0 21935,"✍️Sendin' white cops in the black neighborhoods Who ain't acclimated to 'em, like that's the way to do it Who seen some fuckin' videos of rappers waving guns And know nobody black so they act afraid of us And that's racism, ✍️ URL",-0.85,0 44709,"For a straight guy, EBZ is really sensitive about the gay shit. LMAO that was hilarious, RV trip is gonna be the shit!",-1.98,0 41396,"I absolutely believe conservative women are more happy. Religious people in general are likely more happy Doesnt have to do anything with what's true or what's logical or reasonable, but I don't have an issue wholeheartedly agreeing with the study.",-5.38,0 29092,@noplaceforsheep Can't expect much more from a 'Christian' who runs offshore concentration camps so bad its prisoners set themselves on fire.,-0.32,0 6743,It's pretty amazing how cute these black cock sluts are these days.,0.97,4 49882,Lol at women fighting. It's so cute,-0.93,0 9703,Reminding me how stupid Mormons are.,0.42,0 41606,You can pay the waterbill for there showers. I don't want any of my tax dollars going to bathe illegal immigrants.,0.07,0 46904,"I agree Lisa, they only want these immigrants here for the low cost labor they can get out of them. There is no other reason.",-1.12,0 31010,"Be careful your own bitch will fuck her neighbor while your at her house waiting for her, fuck you talmbout",1.11,4 11442,"Look up Theosophism. It's where a lot of the Ancient Aliens, Atlantis and the Anti-Semitic beliefs associated with such movements stem from.",-4.45,0 4010,"Yeah, well you're r/sounding like a fag",1.33,5 16382,"When someone is suffering from mental health problems, one of the symptoms is they act like a fucking cunt. Normal people, capable of feeling empathy, don't behave in this way.",0.93,7 24188,like they'll lick each other's arseholes and throw up and drink each other's sick for banter but call people fags,2.47,5 14366,"I had a similar situation recently, I'm a pretty ""straight"" acting guy and I have slowly been coming out to friends in one of my group. But for some reason a girlfriend of one of my friends that I only met once said she already knew, and I'm like what. Apparently I still have mannerisms and vocabulary of a gay person 🤷‍♂️ haha",-3.47,0 8552,Khawar Qureshi isn't even Pakistani. He was born and brought up in England.,-3.33,0 20687,@SlaughterMemes Or be a disobient Muslim like me and fleshlight that shit,-1.63,0 19203,"Violent crime in general has plummeted. Being aware is one thing, being hateful and paranoid of men is another. See a therapist",-2.16,0 21396,"and to the transphobic gays... we're just fine without y'all too. back to the sewer, musties!",0.35,0 43153,Anonymous Bitch shut the fuck up!,2.4,4 16369,Look at his tiny head. What a tiny-headed faggot,1.52,5 32234,"Ur ugly ass, diseased, and pedophilic ancestors were the ones who invaded this country dumbass with ur cringy ass lion pfp grow the fuck up stinky bitch",1.34,1 43559,Is good to see Jennifer Connelly paired up with a white guy again.,-1.51,0 19929,"Try me, fucking mexican little bitch",0.75,1 30352,Yo Bitch Gone Switch Up You Juss Gotta Be Ready for it 😂😩💯,0.21,0 40506,That was Jesus,-2.78,0 39725,"So you want to have a conversation about ""domestic terrorism,"" & ""white nationalism."" OK, I'll start: What's life like for your average 12 to 20-something white male? 1/ URL",-1.68,0 32247,Ima alpha male ain't no bitch in me 😎,0.01,0 27565,Virgin ass nigga go get some ass or get a job. CPU ass nigga ain't ever gone get no pussy thinkin hackin is cool lame ass somebody crush this fool,2.15,1 24850,"""The secret of happiness is to live moment by moment and to thank God for all that He, in His goodness, sends to us day after day."" St. Gianna Molla",-3.4,0 42850,STUPID WHITE TRASH ALERT!,0.01,0 6672,Hey OP ​ You're a cock nobbling retard.,-0.49,0 34950,"In the #DemocraticDebate, Bennet mentions that he's the only person who *really* counts in the minyan!",-2.89,0 29084,Some are just great black mothers,-3.59,0 31044,"@WatchnDaWorld @DariusVolket @SenSchumer @SpeakerPelosi @SenGillibrand @RepPaulTonko It is Worse than people think. An illegal alien tried to kidnap me in San Diego. They commit MOST of the crimes. They are the majority of our prison population for murders, rapes, violence, MS-13 gang violence, pedophilia, sex trafficking, drug dealings, thefts, robberies, FRAUD",0.97,3 8508,"This is exactly why women avoid you. Work on yourself, get some help.",-1.68,0 32186,You see the faggots response.... respectful? He will learn #faggotry #fag #collared #owned #cumslut #pussyboy #muscleslut #musclefag #humiliatethefag #lockedfag #Fagmaster #punishfags URL,2.25,5 11516,> cuck shit and no reason to kinkshame,-3.73,0 11120,Islamic Marxism is like Halal Pork. The hate is real,-1.32,0 10876,Sounds like you want my cum in your ass. Bend over you chubby little bitch.,1.97,4 17610,Based black science man,-3.29,0 21263,40 years is unnecessary when there are WHOLE RAPISTS getting 3-5 years...she deserves better URL,-0.53,0 26470,"Kaduna State Assembly passes bill to grant Pastors, Imams license before preaching URL URL",-4.3,0 7437,Theres mostly child slaves going for US now. Most illegal detained children turned out to be smuggled by child traffickers.,-1.58,0 10275,"Awwww, for me its more about relaxing, I came from a very christian family that don't accept me as bi, I'm working hard a lot and just want to go relax and look at some other amazing woman!",-3.97,0 46082,0:28 is when the quiet kid in class starts humming murder on my mind,0.31,0 14949,I like to eat your pussy and Fuck you,-2.37,0 28185,"""New research corroborates what black women have long known: people across gender and race see black girls as more adultlike than their white peers. . . . Being seen as grown comes with consequences . . ."" -@tressiemcphd, ""Black Girlhood, Interrupted"" #ThickTheBook URL",-2.85,0 44841,This is NOT a police issue. This is a dysfunctional black issue. Somalis are a retarded culture and they broadcast their issues everyday. WHY DO YOU THINK NO MUSLIM COUNTRY WANTS THESE PEOPLE?,1.84,3 36229,"@laalex2 We also have assholes does that mean all humans were created for the purpose of shitting? This is the dumbest argument I've ever heard for forced birth, and they're all dumb. (PS: I don't have a uterus & god did that. According to you he screwed up.)",-2.04,0 5263,Agreed man fuck it's good to be white,-2.28,0 36802,"@Da_OG_CoCoaBean @keziarrrhhh @siriapplebees I'm glad you are able to have great experience w/ the asian community. I am AsAm myself and I am not sure where you're from or where you live. However, I do believe that we as the asian community has a lot more room to grow in today's climate in supporting the black community",-4.98,0 39376,@AutumnBreeze_iK In Korea drug is grave offense that they listen to woman who is on probation for drug pushing (hear my sarcasm?). Persecuted Hanbin in media even if he's yet not found guilty. iKONic my ass. Kkonic are first people to leave him when the news broke out.,-1.57,0 14003,"> I chose not to be a white supremacist. Riiiiiiight. You chose to be an islamist supremacist, the worst kind.",0.87,2 32678,"President Donald J. Trump Wants to Work With Pakistan to Achieve Peace, Stability, and Economic Prosperity in the Region @drawandstrike @catesduane @rising_serpent @almostjingo @tracybeanz @TheChiIIum @Quodverum_ @CarrollQuigley1 #JustTheRealNews URL",-4.22,0 23686,She nothin' but a no good fat pussy bitch man leave her be,0.75,4 9572,Incredible! Goth-y asian chicks rock!,-3.31,0 17387,"We all know females were made in a lab, not born. Try again",1.33,4 2696,"Leave you weak boned neanderthal, you're primitive scum.",0.81,7 8535,inpuza why do you like LGBTQ+ and u r polygender and a bit of everything???? u a weirdo,0.91,4 31382,Good pussy speaks for itself!😌 you bitches talk too much,0.99,4 15420,> atheism disproven by the various atheists who irrationally reject antisemitic theory URL.gif,-2.23,0 23851,A new way to look at impeachment: • A majority of men OPPOSE impeaching Trump. • A majority of women SUPPORT impeaching Trump. • A majority of white people OPPOSE impeaching Trump. • A majority of people of color SUPPORT impeaching Trump. URL URL,-3.13,0 6899,"That's kind of exactly how it works. The idea that women are good, virtuous people, or at least, more so than men is a complete joke. ​ People are evil and stupid.",-2.21,0 14678,"Listen you little shit, I'll take you on if you pay tribute. I want nothing but your money in my account. And maybe to lock your puny dick up and wear the key around my neck so you can't waste time jerking it. But maybe beforehand I'll make you wear my dirty panties, jerk off in them, and then eat your own cum - and you'll love it because I told you to, you little faggot.",1.23,5 33965,"The people calling this 19-year old white supremacist mass murderer a ""kid"" and claiming he was too young to have a ""clear-cut ideology"" are the same people who called 18-year-old Mike Brown an adult man and a ""thug"". URL",-2.5,0 9417,"Tara is definitely fuckable, even more than Ananya if you think about how slutty she'd be in bed. She will ride your dick and then lick her pussy juice right from your dick.",0.36,0 49388,The man was try to pick up a 15 year old girl at one of Trump private golf club and how in the hell this pimp is not in prison ? oh a rich white man.,-0.35,0 25506,i wanna get fucked in your butt,0.24,0 16934,People like that should be deported.,-1.01,0 12444,he should have fucked her in the ass,0.96,4 12108,Communist faggot dick sucker. Go put your mask back on you pussy ass bitch.,1.96,5 48278,She's a whore,1.82,4 41789,"Racism encapsulates more than just Black individuals...the is White racism by Blacks as well..none of which will evergo away as long as we look at each other and only see our differences.... Time for talk is over, let's DO something about it by ALL people and the start is to stop yelling RACIST over everything. Let's talk about what has been done toward Maki g progress on equality, and what the next steps will be...or we can talk until doomsday",-2.68,0 42565,I'm a huge fan of really dark skin women and i've no African blood in me.,-4.68,0 30948,@ScottWalker I only hate America because you look like a bitch,-1.09,0 17197,"Copts are Oriental Orthodox, not Eastern Orthodox. Granted, do have a few Copts here, because the two traditions are close enough that Oriental Orthodox often post on Eastern Orthodox forums. However, matters of who parishioners can marry or not is so dependent on the local priest, that strangers on the internet will be of little help and you really need to get her priest's input.",-1.98,0 27976,He want a thick bitch not a skinny bitch URL,-0.55,0 43003,"If those four wenches of the Apocalypse would just do their jobs this would go away but no the bitches want to burn the house down,",2.84,4 37258,I really be out here dicing niggas. Book me 😂😬,0.39,0 42933,"satan the devil loves no one! Lord Jesus Christ is our true Savior🙏❤️🕊 Repent, believe in the Gospel",-3.61,0 47000,The white devil's will burn in hell!,1.25,1 23118,"The latest woman smeared by Trump as 'nasty' is a tiara-wearing, bi-racial British royal URL URL",-1.81,0 29800,@kreider_jan @kimguilfoyle Everything is about color these days and with these people.,-2.04,0 28126,💜 Trans Glam @CCSantini and @JoannaAngel come together for an intense anal fuck session 🔥 👉URL 📽️@jonnidarkko URL,-0.67,0 48549,"oh the Iranians better watch out, here comes my tough guy",-1.19,0 37793,"Just hours before El Paso attack, Trump RT infamous U.K. anti-immigrant bigot Katie Hopkins, who has written that migrants heading to Europe were ""cockroaches"" and instead of sending rescue boats, ""I'd use gunships"" to stop them"" URL #WhiteSupremacistInChief",0.73,3 34763,"@whoisivanna The rest of Latin America fetishize and sexualize these countries people and culture, but y'all not ready to talk about that",-0.65,0 11722,That is the kind of women I respect,-5.16,0 36319,Good morning to all the hotties & fuck off to all men 🖕🏽,-0.32,0 18109,"There is a lot of propoganda in both countries about how things work in the other countries. I have lots of Pakistsani friends here in Toronto. And before I met them I also believed Sharia was rampant in Pakistan just like they believed muslims were ""persecuted"" in India.",-3.58,0 12695,Real christians use to stone mother fuckers to death so just let that sink in,0.56,2 44070,"That guy is a nationalist, and will bring India to the ground with conflict and lack of environmental protections. Lack of education will fail India's people",-1.56,0 23242,Either she lyin or it was a dyke that did it 🥴😂😂😂 URL,0.66,5 7229,"""Damn Jews making my life a living hell I'll show them ILL SHOW ALL OF THEM!"" - Hitler",2.13,2 37113,Close up view of me hitting that pussy with some good strokes 💦🍆 #bbc #pov #bigdick #pussy #wetpussy #creamy Full vid: URL URL,-1.04,0 22939,at a gay bar in nola that's playing a movie with brie larson and stephanie beatriz...this bar TRULY said gay rights,-2.92,0 29753,Can you do me the ONLY favor I promise to ever ask your sorry racist piece of garbitch punkass? Can you wake up 💀 & make MY LIFE GREAT A-GAIN?,-0.77,0 29716,@TheSpoonyOne This motherfucker needs to get deported.,-0.05,0 8395,If he changed his ways like shutting down his Jew killing factories.,-0.16,0 19300,There you go. A white supremacist. I hope the rest of you berate this trash and prove that it's not as widespread as the left claims.,-0.74,0 12572,#IF SHE BREATHES SHE A THOT,1.98,4 19763,"Jews are white you fucking tard, they just tend to hate themselves more.",0.7,1 21743,Broke niggas make me sick throw up 🤮,0.37,0 18903,on her dickhead,-0.85,0 17663,Floch said gabi gang is the group of infidels and should be destroyed at the moment it exist,-0.14,0 41762,Seems like it but Iran thinks the Illuminati great satan is on USA dollar bill? USA put Shiites in power Iraq and Syria? The politics look like a fake Hollywood act on tv news? Same as with North Korea?,-1.38,0 3396,"Any of your ""friends"" should be supportive. When I came out when I was 13, I found out very quickly who my real friends were. Any friends that don't respect your decision aren't your friends. Love to whatever you decide 💙💙",-3.32,0 35548,talk shit to my face so i can rock your shit pussy,1.28,4 8715,"Uh, no, the subhuman piece of shit who will never realize that fact is the one who's partying and drinking alcohol while pregnant, but go on diverting attention away from the black and poor people to feel good about your virtue signaling self, forever in denial, SAD!",-0.01,0 35064,"Dear black people, I love you. I truly love you",-5.16,0 36001,What a stupid looking woman.,0.39,0 32886,"*10 seconds left on the beat lmao Me: ""You niggas just don't know what I can do wit 10 seconds I'll fuck the shit outcha ole lady & come back for seconds""",0.75,1 10257,That'll prove to the Muslims we won't be governed by religious bullshit!,-0.33,0 20282,@ChaeWooLee1 @The_Trump_Train @AOC Another fake ass Christian piece of shit. Rape apologizing motherfucker.,0.51,2 16767,how about black trash? is that suddenly worse than white trash?,0.83,1 5808,Canada is getting cucked hard. We need to get rid of this fool ASAP.,-0.69,0 34973,"@IlhanMN You're an Anti-Semitic Anti-American #ShariaLawSupremacist #Totalitarian sporting the Largest Patriarchal Misogynist Plague on Earth w/a Rabid intent to Kill all""Infidels""=Anyone who won't be their/your Slave! Your #Taqiyya is transparent & also defines you as a Repugnant Liar!",0.66,2 1999,"Ok, you are the definition of a normie dumbass, you're a fortnite brat who faps to twitch thots and emojis on instagram posts. Please do yourself a favor log off, and floss until you're fucking dead because shit like this does not work here nor are you welcome here.",3.01,6 11256,">good life abroad Just because someone is living abroad doesn't mean they are living a good life. I've lived abroad and in Pakistan and I've seen Pakistanis (and other immigrants) face the same hardships we face here. Likewise, I've also seen people living ""the good life"" on both places.",-2.56,0 734,I agree. It shouldn't matter what color your skin is or who your parents are. Racism can impact anyone.,-2.71,0 792,Isnt the Old Testament basically a bunch of stories from the torah,-2.64,0 28283,@nodeofscherzo Also jfc someone tell her that western stereotypes aren't always the same in the east,-3.44,0 19052,">""on account of the persecution of the Christian religion in Scotland at that time by the Roman Catholics"". That's quite an interesting line. By that point in time, Scotland had been through the Reformation and Catholicism had been made illegal. Estimates say only about 3-10% of Scotland was Catholic by then, they held no power within the country. Were your ancestors Highlanders/Islanders by any chance? They were the areas that had held onto the old religion for longer.",-4.29,0 33971,"@PaulTassi women to create a competitive movement. Most female teams practice less, take it less serious, play in female only leagues or events, and aren't trying to truly elevate themselves to be apart of one inclusive community where they are pushed.",-0.92,0 5534,"Neither was Jesus, and look where that got him.",-0.37,0 6858,"The term loosely meant a bundle of something. The bundles of wood and sticks used to burn gay people to death is where the homophobic slur came from, but it was also used to describe a small bundle of tobacco used for smoking.",-2.86,0 9497,"Say that to my face and, bitch, Imma stick my dick in a bag of doritos and make you suck the dust off the tip 🍆😠",1.65,4 9232,Lmao your fucking retarded kill yourself.,0.76,7 42830,2:02 white guy got hella attitude tf,-2.28,0 21781,@LeeB60016905 @LPerrins When do you think it appropriate to inform children that same sex relationships exist?,-4.2,0 43612,"The Infeltrators should be released to sanctuary cities where they are welcomed. With Congress total BETRAYAL in the American People's safety and activist judges making things even worse by enabling lawlessness, ONLY President Trump's executive emergency powers to build a border security wall and override asylum rules will SAVE America from being overrun by millions INVASION, a National Emergency CRISIS the likes of which we've never seen before including terrorists, weapons, criminals, lethal drugs, child trafficking and medieval diseases.",1.14,3 3712,"He said ever, which is what i was replying too. I also addressed the issues that the Arabs have faced in the recent common era. Also Saladin was half kurd half arab.",-2.91,0 40802,Moms Basement with 2 Dumb Negros. 🤓,1.23,1 46370,"Damn the faggets,",1.06,5 30627,😍Chanell Heart❤Harley Dean😍 Beautiful ebony babes share a white cock #pussy #bwc #ebony #interracial #smalltits #bigass #cowgirl #riding #missionary #tattoos #threesome #cumshot #facial #RT #FOLLOW URL,-0.62,0 9915,That girl got what she deserved,-1.86,0 23789,not to be a bitter gay but can straight bitches please for the love of god leave pride the fuck alone,-0.89,0 46615,"Please America! Bring back slavery! My race was so much better when we had someone to take care of us, give us a good honest day of work and tell us what to do. Now all we do is murder innocent people, have libtards give us billions of dollars in free welfare money and overflow the entire prison system.",0.93,1 29052,India lost to England just to kick pakistan out of the World Cup and now those petty ass mfs got kicked out of the World Cup. Karma's a bitch MUAHHH 💋 #indiavsNewzealand #INDvsNZ,1.76,3 44305,Abraham Lincoln was racist he was going to send all the black poeple to another country if he wouldn't have been assinated,-1.37,0 10346,"""ONLY A HATEFUL IGNORANT INBRED HILLBILLY NECKBEARD MOUTH BREATHER HOMOPHOBIC CIGENDERED BINARY NAZI PIECE OF SHIT WOULD SAY OTHERWISE!""",1.06,5 22850,"FYI: LGBTQ+ people are in your schools. In your hospitals. We are in your families. We exist in every culture, in every religion, on every continent. You may not want your kids to know about us, but they will, because many of them are us, and we are really fucking cool. 🏳️‍🌈",-4.88,0 9219,"Ha, thats's nothing, i once summoned 3 Dreafs!",-2.32,0 6750,"Yeah! Internally I'm like ""excuse me bitches, strong, powerful women coming through!"" Being a lady is awesome.",-3.47,0 24066,oh I don't give a shit abt these edgelord horsemen lol bring back the gays,-2.9,0 32353,"Finally, a baseball team that represents my gay experience. Visibility matters y'all #cubs #sportyspice @ Wrigley Field URL",-3.61,0 40418,It's time to make a feminist video in the 2019,-2.66,0 32611,"The rants of the #TheSquad have instigated more outrageous claims from the #Leftist ,glad its backfiring. @itsericathomas -Erica Thomas #GA lies about a white man telling her to""Go back where you came from"". #DemocratsAreTheRacists #MondayMotivation #EnemyOfThePeople @AppSame URL",-1.51,0 34182,Border security matters. Not everyone sneaking across is a migrant worker. Seems a lot of folks forget this. URL,-1.65,0 49475,Fuck white people they bring nothing but death in their wake,0.89,1 44003,should have nuked iran capital killed khomenia,2.51,2 45955,"Still have no good explanation or example of why ""Diversity"" is a good thing. Just virtue signaling crap.",-1.21,0 3644,So what if it's rape? She isn't real and it's hentai so calm down white knight,0.58,4 25526,"So tomorrow evangelicals are praying for a Potus that's been married 3 times, committed adultery & has sex with porn stars while his wife ws nursing his child, worships tyrants, locks babies in cages, letting 6 DIE, & has told over 10K lies. 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 #antichrist URL",0.68,2 11671,"Ah, who needs atheists? Bunch o bigots, I say.",-0.06,0 29231,"A free nation is impossible without a free press. Pleased to see Amal involved, as she always associates herself with exceptional causes.",-7.38,0 17068,Except for women. Because they're too dumb duh,0.68,4 27572,y'all motherfuckers need to get laid so yous stop being horny little bitches on the tl,-0.62,0 49021,"Dubai is the wrong place to film such a video. I wonder how much she got for using the Dubai hashtag. UAE, get your human rights straight before pretending to be modern and civilised. #nodubaiforme",0.13,0 22584,Goddess likes it her way and her way only! Weak feeble whitebois belong forever locked away in #Chastity Become addicted to your #mistress in ways u never knew existed! #leather URL,-2.11,0 7376,"Her puss looks used, id bend her over and fuck her until she's sore. I'll cum in her too, that's what she's there for. To take my cum",1.03,4 23863,Bitch don't ever come for me.. can't stand a disrespectful ass mf URL,0.53,4 31683,@nedryun @RashidaTlaib @RashidaTlaib .. how much crack do you do daily? What a fu*king nut job this loon is! I hope she gets stuck in Israel when she and that other loon travel there. I just hope her bus doesn't get blowed up ! That would be just terrible.... 😁,0.55,1 20552,i hate cis people,-0.05,0 4510,fuck black people,2.18,1 20061,"I, a Catholic and a Jesuit, am grateful for this Muslim holy season for challenging me to be a more dedicated child of God. URL",-3.98,0 29931,"Heh do you see this slut? She's showing me how to properly worship a thick futa cock! Heh maybe you could come and show me how you'd do it different, I'm always happy to let you worship me! URL",0.55,5 47462,We didn't hear you opening your mouth when Omar was talking about the Jews that's all right to okay yeah we see what's going on you're not just talkin to low IQ people CNN we can see through your Vail,-1.67,0 18646,Suck some cock,1.03,5 32617,Nah I'm not with that. No man shouldn't be fighting no girl let your bitch do her in!!🤣🤣 URL,-0.23,0 29609,What a vile piece of islamophobic scum.,-0.82,0 17753,The last one is so untrue Sappho had sex with women much before the Romans,-2.18,0 44991,"This guy trying to be ""macho"" is just ridiculous, he is gayer than me.",-1.19,0 34294,"@IbraheemSamirah @realDonaldTrump Go back to the Middle East, stopping at every infidel home you pass by to beg forgiveness for centuries of theft, rape, and murder.",-0.94,0 10835,You can go suck a diseased dick faggot,1.05,5 47257,Two faggots smh,0.94,5 38216,China just declared that they are ending all trade with our farmers because your White Messiah is a con man who has taken all of you cult members for a ride. And guess who is gonna be forced to clean your damn mess up? The evil Democratic Party. URL,-0.51,0 18768,rTaiwan: Screw those Chinky rat tourists! also rTaiwan: brb praying to my Chinese Deities in a Chinese language while I burn paper money a Chinese custom. 5mins later rTaiwan: screw those Chinarmen I wanna punch them they so loud! Id rather starve we don't needs their rambos! SEA sex tourists better! repeats over and over,1.4,1 44373,So is Woman of Color a royal title now?,-0.95,0 3311,What he gonna do fluffy fingers them zombies? Boy have you lost your mind?,-1.42,0 45525,Sa is sensitive.. hella like a girl.. let the man talk!,-1.8,0 19205,fuckign bitch u ugly in bullinyg you retard,1.64,7 15945,I know you want to please daddy so put daddy's hard throbbing cock between my baby girls big natural tits and milk it of all it's cream 😈🤤😍,-3.47,0 42435,"I don't support Trump but he didn't say anything racist against those 4. Inappropriate definitely, but not racist.",-2.31,0 26574,I fucking hate Antioch ass niggas . They can't drive for SHIT !,0.79,1 49648,"Why? They came here ""legally "" and they are American citizens now. And if it weren't for Christopher Columbus, and all the settlers who ""conquered "" this land it would be just another third world shithole. So there is no argument in that.",-1.03,0 44645,He just mad Greek Freak ain't hanging out with him or anyone he ain't Hollywood and I respect it drake trash talks everyone then he'll be in a warriors jersey or whoever wins 🤷🏿‍♂️😂,-0.78,0 45023,We got to know what happened first . Yeah . Good luck with that buddy . The guy is a Jew .,-0.9,0 29970,She really yeeted that leg out there knowing it would kill all the gays URL,-1.37,0 45117,"more bombs to the middle east, THIN the HERD💀",1.36,1 4924,That woman is a piece of shit I will get jesus to smite her,1.02,4 48274,Fire them all and hire illegals they are cheaper.,-1.41,0 3845,"Great analysis, but Chinese do consider homosexuality unacceptable according to Confucius teachings.",-2.2,0 13255,Fucking bitch makes me sick. She has the nerve to message me and says me too. She would say SHIT if I was in front of her ready to smack the lips off her fucking face for her disrespectful whore fucking attitude. I can smell her filthy stink through the fucking phone and I'm offended that she keeps wasting oxygen that would be better used on someone else.,2.5,4 3683,Given time and circumstance the white supremacists would inbreed their genes. There is no such thing as racial purity. Its a long term path to extinction.,-1.78,0 34380,Some guys really don't deserve to have girlfriends,-0.55,0 48621,The parents and gUaRdIaNs of those children illegally sneaking them into a foreign nation are the real monsters.,0.05,0 29090,15 minutes ago Stormy Daniels was a feminist star and the face of the modern woman now I guess we are back to ragging on strippers. Hard to keep up. URL,-2.4,0 16304,You posted retard! You are going to lose chromosome!,0.62,7 22464,#WomenOfCourage Saint Dr. @Gurmeetramrahim Singh g insan is doing a lot 4 society. Encouraging independent women 2 marry handicapped persons of marriageable age is 1 of them. Many women hv come 4ward 4 this brave deed.,-3.57,0 49822,This shiny headed mike dud lightskin gay looking yute needs to nize up about toronto he dont know wagwan down here...,0.53,1 36066,These gotta be the niggas Madea told us to pour HOT GRITS ON 😂😫,0.43,0 17557,Find his fat ass on the closest golf course that doesn't allow minorities.,1.63,1 48941,"Bunch of black, gold digging, cave wide pussy, hood rat hoes lol",1.37,1 46174,When it got to the painting section. That shit crossed the line. Niggaz is fucking sick. I hate these muthafuckas boy. This shit is sad.,0.3,0 15822,my nigger thats a no no,0.32,0 5526,Of course you n@ggers are fucking jacking each other off over this. Spewing loads all over each other. Fucking n@ggers,1.9,1 43040,@Tan Jags Hindus dicks are not that long to fuck anyone. For long dicks you Hindus needs to eat cow mata which we Muslims eat with bbq sauce hahaha 🖕🖕🖕🐮🐮😋😋😂💪💪 Cow piss Indiots,1.7,2 49741,😩 fizz is a thirsty ass drama queen gay ass bitch fuck him he talks in circles,1.78,5 10104,Ugh those crosses are even creepier in numbers. What gets me is how devout Christians don't realize how insanely cult-y they are. How do they never stop to think about the fact that the symbol of their faith is a pagan torture + execution device? It's no wonder that they discourage questioning things...,-0.58,0 21556,Damn bitch get a hobby kind of fuck shit is this URL,0.05,0 27051,"FACT! There are over 1.7 billion members of the ""religion of peace."" 10% self identified as radical or 170,000,000. Generations have been taught the infidel, you, is evil. In order to bring about their version of paradise, you must be eradicated. Get it? URL",1.02,1 36026,No lie I would've shot her ugly ass,1.02,4 5891,"Great cock, would love to pound your Ass as you fuck my wife",-2.4,0 21705,Ass fucking @jockosrocket #Shemale #transsex #cdcross #matureshemale #youngshemale #cuckold @PassiValerio @Tgirlfan69 @Samuel_Verson1 @travestispix @traverbeynon @KittyTgirl @kittysilk7 @Shemaleluva87 @Jamie_Fiel @DreamTGirlz @ILoveShemaleBR @hangover08 @WorldsendNow @8QII0 URL,-0.18,0 24598,@FMGJy He bouta fuck some shit up na,1.98,1 5621,"Mother in Law: God could just as easily take your kids away. God: Bitch, I will take YOU away instead!",-0.39,0 49301,"Show some proof to support your claim. Always use the ""race card"" it's old.",-0.94,0 24083,Smh disgusting. Corrupted females. Brain washed idiotic women who create babies and pass down those hateful toxic traits. I can't stand y'all in this dimension. I seriously can't. URL,1.47,4 41627,How ugly can u Bee Mother fucker,0.93,1 20869,I appreciate being bilingual with both African American Vernacular English and corporate white American English,-4.47,0 8055,"Salty is a triggered feminazi, the way to smoke leftwing garbage out is just say libtard and look, they can't keep their filthy fucking mouth shut ​ Bitch, rinse out that purple hair dye, lose a view pounds and go brush those yellow teeth that are occupying your nasty mouth and maybe one day, some thirsty cuck will want to fuck you and you don't have to be so ""salty"" anymore...",1.28,4 4942,I would not give up my US citizenship if it means no social security. Its not like she can speak hindi.,-1.87,0 34561,If I had a dick I would pull it out and piss on them,-0.41,0 21658,"Your father stamped ""c"" for ""colored"" on rental applications for his apartment buildings so he could more easily identify which ones to reject. He praised neo-Nazis and the KKK after they murdered someone protesting their hate. So sit the fuck down. URL",-0.83,0 3435,"Probably because you're full at that point, so you realize you don't need any more.",1.37,7 46017,Worthless women,0.49,0 14087,"""I didn't know that black people were humans and shouldn't be treated like livestock"" -The dumbest piece of shit in existence.",1.34,1 39250,Y'all claim y'all want a real bitch but can't be a real nigga,-0.3,0 45625,"Congrats to all the beautiful India people, love seeing all that orange. Respect from an Englishman, God bless India.",-5.13,0 9174,"Still pretty interesting. People seem to have a similar impression of countries like that. Though apparently, 1 in 5 marriages in your country are interracial. As for why I find it a pain, it led to identification issues, people asking what race I am all the time (Filipino being the most common assumption), lack of a true culture to connect to. Also, just applying on forms that give only one race option.",-2.75,0 6154,Yeah seriously what in the *fuck* is this? Some weird incel shit?,-0.49,0 11870,Got it. Thanks for the clarifying and congrats for you on being open and proud about your sexuality. It's a hard journey for many to accept and is a beautiful thing when people can be open and confident about who they truly are!,-5.65,0 35861,"@soledadobrien Says the racist who sees race as a part of every issue. And belittle Blacks who have had the courage to ""leave the plantation"" you want to keep them on, who actually understand and appreciate Trump, is racist in itself.",-2.42,0 30720,Maybe if you assholes tried NOT being racist for a change... #DonaldTrumpIsARacist #RacistPresident #RacistInChief #RacistTrump #RacistGOP,-1.53,0 16529,"You're right, they *have.* Keyword. Back in the day, you lived in a closed market, 10 boys and 10 girls in the village, everyone gets married. Now, females are on tinder being part of Chad's harem which spans a 50 mile radius around him, and the virginity rates among millennial males are the highest they have ever been for this age bracket in history. This inequality will lead to friction, stress, and violence over time.",-1.08,0 136,Suck a dick fag,1.47,5 184,"I'm so happy you were able to discover more about yourself--society makes it difficult for people to be comfortable enough to fully explore their identity, but it just shows that we can never hide the truth about ourselves for long. God queer people are brave.",-6.34,0 32071,"@MImi_TheSound @PoliticalKathy Mimi, you prove yourself to be a disgrace to sentient beings with such a racist comment. Shame on you.",-0.78,0 693,The comment was about California importing cheap labor. So illegal immigration and work visa abuse are all the same issue.,-3.19,0 784,you can have anyone you want in your wedding party. goes for straight weddings too.,-3.57,0 12421,"No, cheating women get stoned. You throw a gay man off the roof.",0.89,4 43696,"Epstein is like a model day Moses, who gave the young virgins captured from their enemies to the Israelite soldiers as rewards .",0.98,2 44922,"Lol at these low IQ, antiwhite bigots whining because Whites Will Not Be Replaced in OUR own Nation!",-1.92,0 15059,Its sinful to worship to Marry and have statues and the False Propher the Pope leading the Whore of Babylon the catholic Church into AntiChrist era and yet you are a Roman Catholic so stop peeing on the carpet and get out of her and her fornication.,0.61,2 49119,"+ycart tosy No, they was just innocent people migrating with fireworks. 🤥",-2.62,0 24185,"Should they put this motherfuckerin' nigger under the goddamn jail? ""Reason First"" URL... URL",2.18,1 30098,"""SEND HER BACK"" is ugly. It's ignorant, dangerous, and un-American. It's flat out bigotry. The @GOP should condemn this bigotry immediately. Stop this now. This is nowhere near making America great.",-0.54,0 25465,u a bitch and i'll whoop u irl,1.41,4 14360,Hoodrat stuff,2.07,1 34542,Choke me and tell me what a good slut I am while you pound me with your cock. URL,1.03,4 12648,that's one reason i always suppot ISKCON.,-5.51,0 25370,How disgusting and unpatriotic Mr Jamal. You're an insult to our nation and our greatest ally America with your politics of hate. You shame us as you use this moment when we are remembering our Fallen to raise your bigoted views … along with those who want to strip our defences. URL,-0.74,0 48465,All woman are UGLY they selfish only think about money,1.62,4 884,"Throw their asses out, they're niggers! THEY'RE NIGGERS! THEY'RE NIGGERS! NIGGERS!",2.38,1 42902,PIECES OF DISGUST HOPE ASIAN BASKETBALL PLAYERS WILL FORM BASKETBALL LEAGUE IN AMERICA THIS GAD DAMN MONKEYS ARE FCKN SICKENING.!,1.45,1 22412,Next nigga I see litter just drop all your shit and be ready to fight. Cause y'all the reason it's so hot in Miami. Goddamn o zone falling apart and this damn global warming. URL,0.86,1 9773,Me *sees obese child* Yum I think. *takes dicks out and starts stroking*,0.38,0 10501,If you respect trans rights you are good enough <3,-3.55,0 6444,":/ I know you probably don't mean it but this kinda excludes the struggles of straight trans people. It really sucks that celebrating my sexuality is seen as ""disrespectful"", ""uncomfortable"", and ""really not okay."" Especially in my own community.",-3.54,0 8506,And let that fucking psycho bitch raise her kids!?,1.13,4 42792,All four of these so called women need to be shot for being ignorant,1.48,4 26093,"Dear mates ""stray bitches being fed on looted & plundered money should not bother us"" It's injected in their bone marrow- Don't expect too much from Haraam fed blood - URL",0.11,0 21987,look at this dumb #faggot showing his #ass and begging everyone to be #exposed URL URL,1.98,5 32736,Do you think she went to all the trouble of surgery and recovery just to turn on a white boi? 😂😂 She did it for the chocolate 🍫🤴🏿 URL,-1.08,0 596,">As a Muslim I truly hate Saudi Arabia. Where a vile regime is in power executing kids for begging for food. Their punishment of gays and the lack of women's rights is appalling. So this makes me a islamophobe right? One of my replies earlier. Also I have not heard of this gay teenager being out on death row. I fully support gay rights, most young and even some old Palestinians do.",-1.5,0 20665,@ANI @MamataOfficial you bch you massacred many Hindus you bangladeshi widow you will eat shit to keep you alive and you like pig shit,1.7,3 21111,Bitches always think they make the rules to being a real nigga after they get played URL,0.35,0 11760,"""beta pussy"" you say. Hmmm, let's rearrange those letters: Beat Pussy sounds fun but also violent Bate Pussy sounds like a sting operation Be at pussy sounds like a date. or my personal favorite: I Bet a pussy like you only talks shit online.",1.69,5 48135,Fucking terrorist pigs they must get burnt alive and die,4.81,3 1272,Agree. Calling her a cunt and whore. That shit is degrading and disgusting. She's only 22 ffs. Assholes.,1.59,4 17359,Id beat that bootyhole down babygirl,0.63,4 6058,Fuck religion. Its you people who cause all of the wars. Come at me,0.23,0 49698,"All the women in the Trump party are smart, compassionate, and down to earth....Quite a change from the Crazy Four, Giving women a bad name...",-0.33,0 24525,Females ignore 30 guys a day just to get ignored by the guy they want.,-3.1,0 3698,CHAMPIONA OF EUROPE. SUCK A CHODE YOU BUTT HURT FUCKTARD.,1.71,3 33381,@annamaywan All men are shit.,0.58,4 35845,They're your sleazy Europeans- they're using one person to escape? escape from being called morons + bitches + idiots- one day will be able to call them so- they wont have mentally slow + disadvantaged people to cling to,1.21,7 6448,"NTA. As an Asian person, thank you for standing up and not letting that shit slide. The best tool minorities have against racism is solidarity.",-5.47,0 27896,The near ultimate example of tone-deaf white privilege. @film_girl,-1.03,0 26059,you bitches be real bitter & bothered over a nigga and it shows 😭,-0.29,0 28700,"Ladies, BOSS UP on that bitch ass nigga. Hot girl summer means no more paragraphs, crying all day, acting crazy. Respond with I'm good love, and be good! Get that new job, get ya body back, get that car, get that place, get that degree, travel, and live it tf up. FUCK THAT NIGGA.",-3.14,0 7090,"Neither does yours, tranny whore",0.92,5 8315,WELCOME! EAT A SACK OF AIDS COVERED DICKS.,2.8,7 36861,"Romans 1:16-17For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes,for the Jew first and also for the Greek.For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written,The just shall live byfaith.",-5.26,0 44413,"He bit snoops intro.. this dude wack idc if he ""Christian"" or not, fuck him and fuck you too",-1.1,0 5218,"I don't understand why you losers just don't shut the fuck up about this already. Is your life so sad that you don't even bother to look up the definition of cuckold. Just fuck right off, you loser cunts.",0.24,0 14513,No white man would put themselves in this monkey grooming bull shit. I've seen it on discovery channel. God damn apes.,0.99,4 25829,"@sairasameerarao No racist , they are coming in w diseases to kill Americans. U liberals are killing blacks w abortions",0.65,1 35482,I hate you @Unitedkingdom I hope you get raped by a pack of Pakistanis URL,2.29,3 2323,"No, never devolve to that. They are awful, stupid and even malicious people, but they are still Americans.",-2.53,0 49981,Very stupid Americans,-0.68,0 15726,fucking hot fuck her hard,-0.23,0 41410,THIS NIGGA IS ACTUALLY FUCKED IN THE HEAD,-0.75,0 4519,HAIL SATAN! May Christians be killed slowly and gruesomely!,3.2,2 33527,So there was another shooting. This is who we are now America. I'm not even fucking surprised.,-0.88,0 9272,Because no American ever had raped anyone?,-1.62,0 6977,Just proof we need more darker skin girls! They look so pretty in everything.,-3.35,0 8179,"Andy the incel with a small dick. Dude just get a tinder profile and get some pussy. Oh wait you're probably just too fucking ugly and hateful for a woman too even look at you. Maybe thats why you got Trump's dick down your throat, he grabs em by the pussy just like you wanna do I bet. Get off WoW, i heard thats where the alt right likes recruiting people. Nevermind, you're probably one of the recruiters",2.16,5 29099,"@randilynhh @JohnCornyn Ok, so who pays for it? Evil corporations? Would you go door to door demanding your neighbors pay for your pre-existing condition? But you will vote for people who do just that.",-0.97,0 4053,"But in his final letters to his family, he regretted his racism towards people.",-2.31,0 49425,"*Send them BACK south of our boarder, where they came from....We owe them NOTHING.*",0.73,1 25932,man: women are who are fat and ugly should be shot dead his female followers: oi you are movin mad 😭😭😭 they're coming 4 u,1.94,4 40737,Uh okay psycho. How about people like you just kill yourselves and the world become more peaceful. Deal?,1.9,7 6440,"??? give it a rest sweetheart youre too mad, because once again, story never implied sex you gargantuan fucknub",1.51,4 17300,It's not a midnight issue. It's a chimpout issue. Happens in broad daylight in these cities and on the subway. Any kind of public transit you're asking to be a victim of this clown car and the ambulance chasers that make money off them. When society collectively pulls its head from its ass there will be a reckoning in America that has never been felt before. When the patriarchy returns in force the world will feel it.,0.35,0 14010,Faggot pussy boi bitch,1.6,5 30452,"No one's asking for the haram to be turned halal, WE JUST WANT THE SAME RIGHTS DO YOU SEE THE DIFFERENCE OR NOT?",-3.34,0 26197,gay jkt sex pistols 4 chances of getting std from receiving oral how can i get an orgasim hardcore of URL,-1.2,0 2367,The overall result is that we aren't pathologizing the existence of Transgender people and providers are encouraged to focus on actual issues pertaining to mental and physical health. Which is a good thing.,-4.77,0 4819,"Both of them are arseholes. I'm pretty sure most men would happily see a rapist hung up, by his testicles.",-0.58,0 15676,"PUP is harder shit, don't make me laugh, you are such a massive pussy it's hilarious. Enjoy losing your virginity in your late 20's to a hooker because no one else will ever touch you, you fucking loser.",1.12,4 13132,He is the racist one. Ugly piece of shit I hope he pisses someone off that can beat him into the ground.,2.28,1 10441,That asshole needs cock!,2.02,4 41963,Me and the boys signing up for gay surgery,-1.97,0 42803,Popcorn Seller hypnosis is a scam and homophobia is idiotic,-3.47,0 46714,"Hey Dumbfuck, their telling you to go back to Russia. :)",-0.1,0 9530,"Yeah, women don't want to fuck you because you have a shut personality and really fucked up attitude. As an ugly girl my vagina snapped shut like a frightened clam.",-1.56,0 14620,"Porn is a man's industry still. Cuckold has a community because it's kinda weird to most. Cuckqueen doesn't have their own community because it's too accepted. Group dynamics are weird. If there isn't an obvious scarcity, you don't expect to be rewarded for creating a solution.",-2.95,0 19672,"Here in Utah we have Pioneer Day on July 24th to celebrate when the Mormon Settlers arrived in the Salt Lake Valley. People like to put up American flags to celebrate as this is essentially a 2nd Fourth of July here. I read something this year for the first time pointing out that when the white settlers first got here (putting aside Native Americans and all that), it was still Mexico. And that's part of why they were coming here. Mormon pioneers fled the United States to seek refuge in parts of Mexico. How do we celebrate that? With American flags! We're not the brightest bunch sometimes.",-1.28,0 17809,Every terrorist ever lmao,-0.19,0 21704,Trap Out My House This Ain't No Bando,-1.34,0 23720,"I told 'em I wish I would, I fuck her in the butt, go douche",-1.35,0 14089,"Totally serious question: Are you OK with black women dating white men? We just had a discussion about this at work how ""racism"" is easy to be against, but there is usually an issue for each person they have a problem with. ""Interracial dating"" (especially one of their family) was an issue for a couple people.",-2.1,0 9858,"And really, who the fuck are you to determine what is bizarre and what isn't, you self-appointed Taliban idiots! The [history of science](URL is filled with your types of assholes!",0.77,2 37908,"Ahhh yes, the gays strike again. Bitch wtf URL",0.77,5 31880,Take this as a reminder that women all over pakistan suffer from domestic violence and very few could raise their voices! We are not supported during marriage and not when we're divorced! We're not even treated as humans! Heartbreaking! 💔 #MohsinAbbasHaider,-3.63,0 27318,I have always said it; the only thing these E-feminists hate more than men is women. A flawed concept.,-1.57,0 35183,"@jeremynewberger @realDonaldTrump @CNN You're white and to blame for all the evils in the world so just shut up,Just continue hating yourself and shut up.IDIOT!!",1.16,1 36227,THE UGLINESS OF SHARPTON ⁦@TheRevAl⁩ & ELIJAH ⁦⁦@RepCummings⁩ ENERGIZES THE BLACK VOTE FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP ⁦@realDonaldTrump⁩ #Trump2020Landslide #VoteRed2020 Sharpton:Trump's 'Ugliness' Is 'Energizing' the Black Vote Against Him URL,-1.21,0 26898,"Last month, @HouseDemocrats celebrated historic bipartisan passage of the Equality Act. This #PrideMonth, we'll keep pushing equality forward. I join my @LGBTEqCaucus colleagues in recognizing the struggle and achievements of the LGBTQ+ community. Happy #Pride2019! URL",-4.92,0 37057,Y'all really bouta sit here and act like y'all ain't know ASAP Rocky liked white women this whole time? Lmao URL,-2.43,0 38634,@delhichatter Sometime I feel like taking a flame thrower to these pigs of this particular religion and burn their peacefulness along with them...,5.42,2 35892,@BloodOnTheSky @LibertyLover56 @RevChuckCurrie @Acosta @unitedchurch Well said!! And the Bible was not written for 21st century American Christians. I wish more would realize that and study the context of the scriptures they use to tear down people.,-1.43,0 16449,"Yes, the Saudis orchestrated the attacks.",-0.6,0 46731,Bro there is a reason why is my fav rapper and when he go hard with it he really goes hard with it!!!!! I love u bro no homo,-1.39,0 25814,"56 white girls have been excluded from Gauteng netball teams, despite deserving to be there based on merit. URL",-1.69,0 6296,"Reminder that Saudi Arabia is destroying Yemen with money fed to them by the US. If you live in the US, your taxes are keeping Yemen in famine.",-1.7,0 12476,man bro i would love to suck that fat cock and suck your balls and asshole.,1.62,5 31091,"This is what the United States government said to a reporter about lesbianism: ""9/11 took the blame for Nazism.""",-2.52,0 37129,"""Go terrorize foreigners where we don't have to see it, stop bringing the chaos to America's borders"" URL",0.7,3 2595,Don't throw any bacon or you will be imprisoned then murdered for your slight against Allah.,0.03,0 33668,"HOW INDIA CHEATED H1B VISA SYSTEM ? H1B,OPT,H4 VISA IS SCAMMED BY INDIA TECH COMPANIES. (USA BANNED INDIAN COMPANIES FROM USA) URL @WhiteHouse @POTUS @DHSMcAleenan @USCISCuccinelli @USCISMediaFLA",-1.46,0 35632,This is disgusting. Y'all need sex this bad ?? Where u rape ur own WIFE!!! The mother of ur child!!! I'm disgusted URL,-1.0,0 2925,"Snookie, you mega slut, is that you? Oh 6 foot tall, must be some guy in drag.",0.53,4 32453,Red Hot Yoga - Oiled Up Babe With Big Naturals Fucks For A Huge Facial #NataliaStarr 2/2 #Brazzers @AdultBrazil @HDhighresporn @sexsoundd @ErivanEsc @salm8854 @Bigtitbabes @MooiGirlz @Porn_LadiesXXX @Drjohnson100 @welshsamurai1 @stu007gots @VxCamz @irinagomez60 @DomalanSemra URL,-1.44,0 4203,"as a woman, this pisses me off that girls play these games",-0.69,0 44321,"It's the remix, federal prison. Niggas shanked in the kitchen. Little robert's rolling that booty got every bandit in here wishing. Sippin on Artic splash, they'll tap his ass it's just facts. In life, what you do player will always come back, back.",0.05,0 11157,It's all about what those dudes in Dubai like. They like to fuck bimbo fake looking fuck dolls so all the baby dolls/sugar babies get worked up to go get shit on by their Prince Charming.,2.04,4 38164,Muslims for Migrants A Joint Letter By Imam Zaid Shakir & @omarsuleiman504 URL,-3.72,0 19062,Have fun with those STDs you cheating slut,0.6,4 8562,hahaha this is the usual thing between me and the straight friend group. i love it,-2.6,0 25228,"@DugLullby @zO_OzleRBLX Bruh don't call people crackers although you are white. It references when slave owners ""cracked"" theyre whip at the slaves.",-3.02,0 38491,appreciation post for my favourite 50s lesbians URL,-3.88,0 10293,Imagine having a dick as small as mrdinglepants and trying to talk shit about anyone else's junk.,0.84,4 49444,Not to mention the cult he is apart of that tries to make out that they are a real religion,-0.67,0 21664,I'm literally convinced you bitches are retarded now,1.39,4 39511,fuck you dumb ass ugly ass bitch,0.84,4 1647,"He's still a dirty fucking kike. He was just talking shit about Steve C and Patrice, I sincerely hope he dies.",2.49,2 41180,This is ridiculous the only one that said something racist in all this was one of those lovely women in the squad (really are they in a comic book). Shall I repeat it those that are brown need to show a brown face those that are need to show a black face those that are Muslim should show a Muslim gace.... How about those that are American should show they are American and for America and its laws values beliefs and traditions.......if you dont are you really an American ..,-1.95,0 30391,"@IlhanMN Married a man under sharia law, and married your brother under US civil law. All three of you lived in the same home in N Dakota. What a sick woman you are. TICK TOCK",1.02,2 34339,@MrOdanz I usually say is enough racism that we are blacks..But there is a special racism for Nigerians. It's becoming shameful to call oneself a Nigerian because you don't know what reaction to expect; and it is usually negative. This 👆thing must stop.😰😭😭😭😪,-0.52,0 18168,"You are sadly self loathing because of the way you express about gay men like you. Unless you're not gay and you're just a sad troll. What are you doing here in that case? What does gay men make you feel? Good luck getting professional help, it will make your life less sad and hopefully better ;)",-0.32,0 42910,Beta males. So weak & obviously quite mad.,0.11,0 15677,My sister came out and started transitioning. I was confused cause I had a lot of the same feelings. It took me a year and a half... TO REALIZE IM STILL CIS HAHAHAH,-4.94,0 31870,"@muralithambatty @myhackedheart @DrTamilisaiBJP @HRajaBJP Amam da.. Acid kumbal buthisaali pithamaganunga.. 40yrs of DRAVIDIAN rule what were the ppl ble to achieve abuse in Twitter, or follow as a donkey without verifying the facts. Poonal arutha thiruttu kamnati pasanga.. Dmk or dk to save their seats directed hatred towards othrs😂",-0.85,0 40413,Hallelujah!! Thank you so much Pastor Clancy for this wonderful prophetic message tonight! Amen! Shalom Shalom Shalom,-5.54,0 32390,Whenever I meet an adult that's Arab n they ask ab my future I pretend I wanna go to med school n be a doctor bc I don't wanna break their heart by saying Instagram model,-1.6,0 29139,STOP Genociding The Amhara People #TPLF & #OLF @realDonaldTrump @BBCWorld @CNN @hrw @UN,-3.97,0 38149,@GarryBredefeld sure wasn't lack of prayer when a white nationalist opened fire in the fucking church you think they weren't calling out and praying as he riddled their brains all over the pews? fuck off,-0.95,0 18253,"Alot of these shooters honestly just seem retarded, like the incel one, the two edgelords from columbine, the sandy hook guy was just brain damanged or something, a reason never really surfaced beyond that. I think it's terrorism when you target a specific group of people though, when you have goals. Like the guy who shot up the mosques.",0.13,0 32988,@Walmart could suck my fucking dick deepthroat that shit spit on it all that and you swallowing fuck niggas,1.26,5 45660,YOUR GAY AS FUCK ITALKFORTNITE RATTED YOU OUT LITTLE BITVH HAHA FUCK YOU,1.07,5 8909,"There were More palestines than jews in what Is now Israel, unless being a jew means that you reproduce like a rabbit, the only way Israel got to the population size it has today is by colonizing",0.58,2 36692,@glamhergirl @overawls_ Nigger music? (What is that?) but either way Girl RUN,1.07,1 45336,Send Her Back!😂😁...ahhh the USA will Become another battle ground for power and influences most by minority taking on white people it will be fun to watch!,1.36,3 31127,Pakistani cricketers pay tribute to @Inzamam08 who announced the end of his tenure as chief selector of the national team. URL,-5.91,0 31665,If ur bi you can call urself gay/lesbian in front of friends in like the cultural sense but.. bi people in all seriousness adopting monosexual labels for no reason other than to manifest their own 'queerness' ... clownism,-0.75,0 49040,Chinese way to deal with mlecha. population control. muslim nasbandi. act,0.74,2 47339,He's not a Christian,-3.38,0 44214,That is the world. We are addicted to sex. The middle east tries to control it by forcing humility on the women in their dress and behavior. Other cultures like France embrace it. The US also embraces it but tries to pretend they dont.,-2.89,0 33155,#Singappenney is trending at 2nd Place In India Trends With 192K Tweets 😍,-5.57,0 48427,+Zenigundam Bro youre unironically a pedophile and a wannabe mass shooter consider suicide,2.28,5 16775,So that's why there are so many retards on earth,0.55,7 50036,Immigrant want to live in US but they degrade the country so much. Time for Revocation Act for Revoking and Deporting Citizen who are traitors.,0.43,0 28800,"Fuck all religion. Yeah, I said it.",-0.27,0 7870,Fuckin Mormons.,-0.27,0 23134,"🤡 clown rights, russian and a lesbian? must be a iconic imposter! your brat tweets recently have been all i've wanted and you are a legend for posting them. in addition you are so amazing and you deserve all the love and support in the world",-3.94,0 7162,What is she charge. Because I know some AIDS infested gangsters. Who say she is exactly the kind of rubbish the like.,-0.1,0 11348,Women in their 20s are the worst creatures on the planet because the entire world kisses their ass. Dont think too much about talking to them. Just put your dick in them and then leave. They aren't worth anything else.,0.66,4 42326,So long suckers deport them all along with the Mexican loveing democrats.,0.32,0 39747,"May Allah Swt bring you joy, happiness, peace and prosperity on this blessed occasion. Wishing you and your family Happy Eid! URL",-5.22,0 29983,@Un_apologetic2 @Stephenohara55 @TheKevinFiles @prettttyyyy1 @spiurit007 @Adunni_Achebe Your ignorance is showing. Homosexuality exists. It's not going anywhere.,-3.72,0 19653,"Idk about that. No fan of Pakistan but if the govt doesn't get the rapists, mob justice will. Contrast the case of the young girl raped in Pakistan which provoked nationwide protests with the 8 year old Muslim girl recently raped in a Hindu temple by priests, where there were subsequent widespread protests/mobs SUPPORTING the rapists because they were Hindus. I can't think of a case like this in the history of the world, where child rapists are supported by millions just because the child was a different religion. Can you?",0.6,4 11339,That's a total different discussion. But a good one to have. ​ For me anyone can be any religion they want as long as their private permute of that religion doesn't detriment others. However world history and the modern day shows us how rare that latter part seems to be.,-1.92,0 10875,"You've never even been to a strip club. Bodies are works of art. Wouldn't you like to take a look at some young man or woman's body before you have to watch your soon-to-be life partner and yourself age together forever? Maybe you wouldn't, since you're an oatmeal-eating vanilla ice cream loving puritan. The air must be stuffy in that vinyl siding house you judge people from. As long as you treat others how you'd want to be treated, feel free to do whatever.",-3.86,0 23384,Women are nothing but psychopathic creatures put on the planet to piss men off there is no other explanation for their existence absolute head the balls,0.55,4 34871,wow i look so dumb flaunting this nigga when the whole time he been fuckin someone else 🤣,0.88,1 32412,I am so fucking mad i hate FUCKING mexicans so god damn much fuck if i see a fucking taco eating wetback obese fucking quincenuera feliz navidad como esta looking motherfucker i will put you in a fucking trebuchet and launch you into the gulf of mexico where you belong,2.71,1 43501,"+Dallas Only ignorants support trump, no disrespect .sorry I forgot the racists also.",-0.84,0 4108,Coming out to my parents. We were a really religious family and I had no clue how they would take it.,-3.11,0 35350,quick foursome fook to get the old cock going #shemale #tranny #ladyboy #foursome URL,-1.51,0 1374,"So basically the hateful men and women of this sub are so extreme and radical they are actually causing these good people to have physical and mental issues, jesus fucking christ",-2.94,0 45118,"We need to know where these immigrants are! Gather them up, and dump them away!!",2.31,3 45369,Zenigundam oh shit the beta male is here,2.25,4 20707,This mosque in no way condones what I have experienced. I look forward to participating in these programs as well as remaining actively involved in the community. Ramadan Mubarak! (3/3),-4.96,0 32010,"I don't have many followers but coming from a country where white farmers are murdered on a daily basis, women are raped, children are dumped into hot boiling water. Americans don't realize how fortunate it is to live in this country. They are spoilt and should grow up!",-1.92,0 21080,"I'll be damned if my nigga moves me in a crib wit the same furniture his old bitch sat on, got fucked on, etc...",-1.75,0 37724,"Al Jazeera Arabic is the PR arm of the Brotherhood and its terrorist affiliates, while Al Jazeera English continues to promote fake liberalism along with open borders and gay rights to dupe stupid western leftists. URL",-0.94,0 25263,"Country singer Ty Herndon released his popular song ""What Mattered Most"" in February 1995. In 2014, he came out as gay. And now, Herndon is re-releasing his hit with updated lyrics — changing the female pronouns to male. URL",-4.17,0 32436,We love palestinians as well..,-3.56,0 24951,These bastards in sudan deserve their heads to be chopped off n the rest of the arab countries that r involved your day is coming in the akhira a3ozo billah,2.81,3 48713,All immigrants are trash this is a white country Trump 2020,1.81,3 38236,"@GuyAngst @KamalaHarris Um. Go fuck yourself with a barbed pole. ""So leave?"" Out of nowhere? Did you know white people burn in the sun! Vampire much?",0.06,0 5318,He's the listener stand-in and punching bag. Also allows for more Holocaust and Jew jokes,-1.28,0 29555,HE'S A FUCKING PSYCHOTIC INCEL WHO DESERVES TO FUCKING PERISH,3.32,4 8342,Asians have that timeless beauty.,-6.29,0 3210,"Lol look at fucking Sherlock's Homo over here. Hey, great sleuth work there faggot. You seem smarter than the regular coon. Regardless, Only a retarded nigger would make a comment like yours. ""Us"" is racist because it was made by a racist (like you): > Peele revealed this during a talk at the Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre, according to The Hollywood Reporter, where he stated that he didn't see himself casting a ""white dude"" as a lead in his movies. Dumb goomba eat my asshole",1.39,5 9105,"Off topic of OP's post, but I'm so happy to hear of someone like me! I was lesbian for a long time, thankfully now more bi, but I have never acted on those feelings. I have a wonderful boyfriend, and I manage to love him even though my body still tries to pull me to women sometimes. Most Christians I know say that's insane, I'm homophobic for resisting those urges, god says all love is good, etc, but I know it's immoral and I am feeling lust, not love. So I'm happy to know you understand how I feel and are still following God's will.",-1.16,0 19402,To paraphrase thoughts from the last time Kentucky private Christian school kids were in the news for being fashy shits; Before seeing the full context I thought that the kids should get expelled. But now after getting more context I think the kids should get expelled and every private Christian school should be bulldozed to the fucking ground. Breeding grounds for the worst types of entitled racist shitheads. Fuck them all.,-0.08,0 1300,I came out at 21 too! Check out [Am I a Lesbian?](URL It may help you figure out if you're a lesbian or bisexual.,-5.43,0 22743,"latinas are so beautiful, elegant and powerful",-5.39,0 48861,Black culture is mentally sick,1.11,1 40861,"I don't see what is wrong with a y'all girl I think it's kind of cool, I actually want a girl the around my height which is 6'4""",-4.21,0 3201,Ye are all fucking faggots,1.24,5 14610,I didn't even know that I had Iranic roots until i moved from Ossetia to America and one of my teachers who previously specialized in Caucasian history taught me that. People back home tend to be rather disinterested in history for the most part in my experience. Usually when i tell my family things i've been learning about our roots they act surprised.,-4.75,0 25277,"Justin, hmu for his file. #gay #straight #hot #dick #bigdick #nudes #gayporn #dropbox #str8bait #straightbaited #str8 #bait #horny #sellingnudes #buyingnudes #sellingvideos #straightboys #straightboy URL",-2.99,0 12594,Interesting! I'm half Persian half Chinese Malaysian with Bugis & Japanese roots!,-3.64,0 4017,Cisgender Thank you,-3.49,0 24822,Wow lmao niggas really ain't shit 😹💀 URL,-1.16,0 37502,"This reads basically ""niggas die everyday B"" URL",0.15,0 10074,She should edge herself with a mouth full of cum,0.92,4 44348,Y Liang Find a beta mangina to marry so you can keep cucking with other bad boys and get impregnate without his knowledge. You go girl!,-1.4,0 32531,@dbongino You are without a doubt the most vile pathetic disgusting disgusting racist radical. Go back to Somalia and leave our country alone. Screw your jihadist loving attitude . You can leave anytime you want and we hope it's real soon. Bye bye. @IlhanMN,0.75,3 12167,"And how would that happen in your opinion? Bomb and kill all of their people so the US can raid and steal all of their oil? If that is your plan just say so, you don't have to make up some generic ""reckoning"" nonsense.",-0.78,0 21429,"""The government has allowed incentives to (...) Female Community Health Volunteers who have played an important role in running several health programmes."" @kathmandupost @BiratNepal #NepalBudget2076 #MediaHealthNepal URL",-4.31,0 1433,Not sure that something different equates to the the best representative of a Great Black Guy finding love. Why not shine if you are given the stage. There are great ones out there and nothing but the best is worth my screen time.,-2.98,0 3182,Go fuck yourself. Kill yourself worthless piece of shit. Hey OP give me nudes now. Or I will personally come to your house and take them. Nudes nudes nudes.,3.2,4 30794,Stop calling a nigga broke cause he doesn't wanna pay for your nails & hair after only knowning a nigga for a couple of weeks. And the fact that you have to ask if a sign sis,-0.94,0 21186,sexvid naughty porn asian teen fuck milf hardcore URL,-1.87,0 7415,Anon is special. Don't make fun of him.,-0.61,0 24317,"It's Pride Month which means now more than ever it is extremely illegal to advertise any straight love story as ""forbidden"". Looking at you, new promoted amazon ad.",-1.37,0 20094,"Something I've noticed: - people who are being used by God rarely ever criticize or speak poorly of others who are - people who are doing little for God are quick to criticize & speak poorly of others who are Keep your eyes on the race God has for you. Eyes on God, not others.",-3.34,0 28090,@freetobe66 @michaelbeatty3 @1Romans58 @realDonaldTrump I Will Be Damned If My Federal Tax Dollars Will Be Used To Give Scum Sucking Illegals Free Health Insurance. They Should Be Terminated At The Border,4.65,1 41500,"My first thought - always - Muslim. Then I thought, Muslims use knives. But, we'll see. Always remember: Communism + Islam + racism + plus mosquitoes (yes, mosquitoes!) all contribute ZERO to civilization, and we KNOW what we DO to mosquitoes! If mosquitoes are considered food for other flying insects, try one or more of the other choices.",2.26,2 42458,this is how many hoes nahmir gets ⬇️,-0.48,0 35805,"After hearing Gillibrand's comments about white privilege during the debate, I talked with some great people like @CarventeHernan, @LincolnMondy, @SierraWritesYA, @WandyFelicita and @MerQueenJude about what white people need to do as allies for @TeenVogue URL",-3.71,0 2053,"Ok,thansk for this.I though she was Parsi.",-3.45,0 22680,@rosehuffleboy @paramourer FAG,-0.56,0 16010,Aaaaay ginger Arab fam unite!!!! My family is Syrian. I am the only redhead. My family likes to make jokes that they got me mixed up at the hospital!,-3.32,0 462,You're just going to end up replacing blacks with mexicans and they don't even speak fucking english. They're catholic and they shit out litters regularly. I like my neighborhood gangs shooting each other like civilized human beings not hacking people to death with machetes.,1.99,1 17509,bro can you plz say the n word I'm tired of trying,0.46,0 17684,Fuck up bitch,0.85,4 50013,+Jesus Says haha haha you're the one that's butthurt faggot I just fucked your mother up the ass with no grease and now she's making me a sandwich How You Like Me Now punk bitch hahaha hahaha keep crying libfag,1.93,5 6760,"I can't, no matter how hard it's sold, buy that ""fag"" is hate speech. I think that referring to a person as lobotomized is worse to referring to them as a fag. The only difference is that there isn't a large lobotomy lobby that's come along to police the terms used to describe their state.",-0.32,0 41926,Female woman of colour is bond?! Yes! I love pissing off Republicans,-1.15,0 7064,Go back to church,-4.14,0 49309,You know he Hispanic when he got Maria and the cross on his walls 🤣🤣,-2.27,0 42971,President DONNA JANE TRUMP IS THE ANTICHRIST of Revelation and a TRANNY,0.99,4 22516,Bitches don't be on shit wen Aiyana Unique with me lol we done fonking uless yall bring 500 to the fight and we whoop yall ass for it,1.39,1 16205,"URL-we-are/beliefs/pagan This sort of explains it. In our congregation we have: atheists, agnostics, humanists, christians, pagans, native spiritualists, Buddhists and some folks who just plain don't know... The most concise thing I can say is our motto: ""We are the church of the open mind, the loving heart, the helping hands."" We are a certified LGBTQ Welcoming Congregation, and we believe ""service is our prayer"". So, no belief system is celebrated, nor is any denied. It's definitely not for everyone, but everyone is welcome to check it out.",-5.51,0 30595,"@RepMarkWalker She is an American Congress woman -- elected by her community without help from Putin. It is offensive and racist to disparage her and tell her to go back--she's home. And Israel deserves criticism. Like America, they have a corrupt leader and they are oppressing minorities.",-4.35,0 34460,anyare sa separation of Church and State,-3.16,0 32680,"Some girl tweeted how she thinks it's unfair that they want to teach gay sex ed in schools as if straight men don't ""it feels better without the condom"" y'all dumbasses to death URL",-0.87,0 12939,EAT A COCK YOU FUCK FACE BITCH.,0.73,4 46668,All white people are pedophile enablers becuase white men lead the world in pedophiliia. From the church to the classroom.,1.37,1 36224,Yo @JoeBudden y'all sure breezed by Cali in that state rappers convo. Cus I got us smokin niggas too,3.78,1 7553,This slut needs to get rid of that pussy hair,0.73,4 8301,"NTA I might be biased, but I believe all children should be raised like that; to be raised without religion but let them know it's a thing that some people believe in and answer any questions they may have, ultimately letting them choose for themselves what to believe in. I think hardcore forcing children, or people in general, that they *must* believe in X religion or else they are damned/bad people is super shitty and just makes your religion look worse. Don't even get me started on parents who shame, punish, or disown their children for not having the exact beliefs they have.",-2.24,0 19399,I think yer a faggot,1.47,5 6667,Any any decent employer wouldn't hire a degenerate whore. Good luck with that.,0.67,4 2760,You have wide hips and I'd love to tongue fuck your pussy before I fill it,0.22,0 35205,"#porn #pussy #tits #boobs #sex #sexy #bbw #fat #plump #chubby #thick #curvy Her pink toenails corresponding great with her pink, opened pussy :) Please try the best adult dating service! ➡️ URL ⬅️ URL",-1.31,0 49240,"Don't mind her, she want to destroy American, Israel etc",-2.17,0 34066,Hey Muslim Minnesota AG @keithellison what are you going to do about @IlhanMN Immigration Fraud and Tax Fraud... the answer is not a ffffnnng thing. You're supposed to protect All the People in Minnesota from do it @realDonaldTrump @OryBri @BreitbartNews URL,-0.86,0 28930,I'm sure Saudi Arabia will consider your application my guy,-2.15,0 3330,Cause he's a faggot who bows down to suck the dicks of terrorists,1.57,5 36160,people acted like ANIMALS in the concert like wtf you doin this why i hate some white gays,0.34,0 44364,"anybody that says ""The Govt killed NiP"" I automatically assume they are stupid its a nigga on tape doing it but mfs still wanna blame white people?? Why aint nobody holding the nigga on tape doing it fully accountable?? White folks will always ask us to kill ourselves....but if you willing to be Shitty Cuz and help the white folks kill black men for a fee or reduced time then I should murk you right now, am I right??",1.75,1 1896,I imagine there will be all types of backlash for centuries worth of patriarchal bullshit. Just like slavery - we'll be paying for that for twice as long as we practiced it.,-1.57,0 22343,"WTF is wrong people, here is what's wrong people coming into another country and taking it over. This is what the Mullah allow, this is the Hezbollah model. When will the West wake up to what Iran is doing #Ireq @WSJ @washingtonpost @CNN @cnni @CNNPolitics @WashTimes @dcexaminer URL",-0.49,0 30787,This is some legendary shit!! Black dads need this type of appreciation. Sick of passively being told that I'm gonna go missing from my kids life one day. ❤️ URL,-3.16,0 10624,Homophobia is praxis,-1.56,0 29805,"FUCK MY MILF CUNT! IMPREGNATE ME WITH YOUR BBC BABY BATTER! I CAN'T STAND THESE WHITE SHRIMPDICKS ANYMORE! PLEASE, DESTROY ME!!! URL",0.86,1 34337,"I'm a pretty tolerant person about most things. You're gay? Great! You're trans? Great! You're straight? Great! The list goes on. But if you're a ""Minor attracted person"" or any other dumbass name for creepy ass pedophile, fuck off. You're not part of the LGBT you're disgusting.",-0.51,0 3355,What does illegal immigration actually cost. I hear ranges from 50M to 200B Anything over $0.01 is too much. But it'd be good if we could unify over our talking point.,-2.32,0 20671,Fucking bitch ass kids nowadays need a ass whopping URL,0.97,6 47136,You EVIL LAND STEALING PALEFACE SAVAGES GO BACK TO YOUR CAVES IN EUROPE FIRST,0.17,0 41354,fuck america and israel and russia,1.32,3 14561,"id wait until your alone and grab you from behind dragging you into the dark. id rip that top off you a slap and pinch your gorgeous tits. id hold you down and face fuck you until i cum then rip those shorts off you and stretch and fill both your slutty holes. id leave you there when im done. helpless alone and filled with cum, ready for the next person to find and use",2.57,4 49665,"We support president Trump and his tweets. If they are not happy, go back to your country.",-0.82,0 41747,"Notice how most of the demonizes are third world immigrants themselves? Hmm, wonder if there's a double standard there? Also, Gunther is the perfect example of why we shouldn't give these immigrants our high paying jobs, because they'll either, 1. Use it to benefit their own ethnical countryman rather than Americas. or 2. Send that money back overseas along with their skills and knowledge. Get these third world anarchists out of America's capital and out of America before they completely turn this country into Mexafriciran.",0.95,3 2399,"Hello ladies, I am a 30 year old male, single and my number one love language is words of affirmation. I will tell you how I feel about you ALL. THE. TIME.",-3.19,0 32422,Yea bitch suck my peepee,0.9,4 109,Probably not having a Religious Unity buffer and taking non-Orthodox land.,-0.53,0 24557,""" Fuck you niggas ion give a fuck no more nigga i ain't perfect I'm far from that ""felt that shit‼️😂",0.05,0 23232,"@Sparky4698 @mxrphedhowell @AJ00336034 Nonbinary is a gender orientation & general umbrella term for people who do not strictly identify with being a guy or girl. Nonbinary can be a more static of an orientation, while genderfluid fluctuates. All genderfluid are nonbinary, but not all nonbinary people are genderfluid.",-3.53,0 21475,@beth_salahmane I would ram my cock so far up the arse of the girl in green she would squeal like a pig and then lick me clean with tears running down her face,2.26,4 7685,"There is always going to be an ass who doesn't see the full picture of a woman and gets distracted easily, it only talks about their own insecurities. Good riddance.",-1.93,0 4439,"Alright, radical feminists don't get any speech. If you don't like it, you're a Nazi.",1.49,4 10944,Can't help it as a white guy from LA. Pete is my favorite player,-2.24,0 41657,Gaz Ed .....that is so screwed up to wish death on another person. Especially as a child. Go take your meds. The men in White jackets are calling you.,1.2,7 46795,Thats because some of the women aren't even women,0.2,0 32075,"@ConflictTeam What's pricking you in that narrow minded ass of yours?? Oh, the stick of homophobia. Good luck living with that stick up your ass. 😂",-0.77,0 16122,Get fucked by a ^small ^child? Mr pedophile,2.47,6 33201,"Jailed, not deported. She is a criminal who should serve time for her crimes. At least we will not cry infidel and chop off her head or stone her.",-0.1,0 30988,That one nigga extended his neck😂😂,-1.44,0 18142,"What are your local churches? Korean Churches have really good fellowship...if you speak Korean. Not saying their racist, but Korea fellowships tend to trend very cliquey. When you get baptized depends on the Church tbh. Some will baptize you before teaching, others (like mine) will ask you to take classes, write your testimony, (and even potentially interview you to gauge your understandnig of the Gospel).",-1.79,0 9704,"More slaves in the world today, they would've gotten over it eventually",1.69,1 37197,Yo fuck these bald shriveled dick pieces of shit.,0.65,6 17644,"Bestiality [and pedophilia] are not and will never be lgbt. Also, how would a dog consent anyways, woudlnt it basically be raping your dog",-1.36,0 6687,"Well, yeah. They're too busy making sure women get pregnant as punishment for their sexual urges and starting wars.",-1.14,0 45925,"Not all countries that the Asylum Seeker is passing through is an Asylum country. This is in violation of International Asylum laws and will be challenged in court. In the meantime, we continue to pay for people held in camps here and in Mexico with no end in sight.",-2.83,0 42634,Fu**ing brainless IDIOTIC symbol! You wiped out 100% of ISIL? Or you've been an idiot ISIL NAVY and Air Force Tomahawking Syrian army who are eradicating ISIL terrorists under your best Salafi Wahabi beheading friend and ally Saudi Arabia paychecks? Just because you manage to suck blood to become a millionaire dosen't mean that bank account would cancel your STUPIDITY level! ONLY in US such fraudulent Mafia members can cucceed to become Fake president under their Boss Israeli Crime-Minister BiBi Netanyahu! US is a Bathroom for tiny fake government called IsraHell! We deserve it!,-0.2,0 26662,New from me at @NewsdayOpinion: The thorny question of transgender rights and women's sports URL,-2.31,0 7613,"""I'll make these dudes cut parts of their dicks off, but telling them to stop slavery would be unreasonable!""",1.25,4 23563,@GreedysChamber @MylesGarrettSon @PrimeCinci @bwakobe It's up only for trans daters?,-2.45,0 44175,"Build a wall, take their kids, lock them up with no supplies, that'll stop them!",0.83,3 10547,Bet you get nuked by the muricans again before you even reach Europe,1.75,3 11504,Start by using both anal and penile stimulation honey... pound that prostate as hard as you can while weakly stroking your clitty to your favorite gay or sissy porn...,-2.27,0 8020,"Random, you aren't smashing shit. Not a single female who is smash material would smash a guy who is a fucking creep. GTFO of here fam.",-0.93,0 8255,You don't think cutting your dick and crying all the time sounds like fun? Fucking cis male,-0.33,0 24670,"This is me, I wanna punch a few niggas heads off",0.38,0 1276,"Guys, please ignore this incel. He's from a counter culture that demonises all women and promotes pedophelia.",-1.69,0 18496,But why did they kill off the only LGBT character? (an actual complaint by some Tumblrina),-2.78,0 41589,I hope Iran nukes the cancer USA so then the stupid dog UK will shut thier wagging tails. We don't want anything to do with USA. Fight your own battles we have our own problems,2.1,3 18422,1. He's not a normie 2. This isn't what a normie would post,-3.2,0 41338,Nasty ass old white men. Send them all to prison right along with RKelly!!,0.12,0 3060,"In correct. you clearly say ""MS recent political Twitter and Instagram stuff"" The ONLY stuff like that is for pride stuff. ​ You are homophobic. You are also some idiot Teen who wants to be agnsty. You are stupid and do not know anything. So go ahead and shoo kiddo.",1.11,6 12395,"I regularly tell people that if I ever have kids I'm going to kennel train them, none of that babysitter nonsense. Going out for the night, throw some kibble in a bowl in the corner, top off the comically large hamster water bottle, and throw a sheet over the cage.",-0.21,0 32057,@Shane29220369 @tariqnasheed I do what i want with my tweets so i careless what you think about that i dont need support you lame. Talk what you know you dumb ass you assume im white you jaccass keep jumping out the window with ya blind ass #blackpeopletwitter URL,0.04,0 8441,Suck those titties dry while fingering you viciously. I wouldn't stop till you came at least once. Then once I decide you're done you would suck my cock for a while till i think it's time. Then I would ravage your pussy with my cock missionary position while playing with that gorgeous tits of yours. Once I cum inside of you I would fall asleep with you at my side while still slightly rubbing your clit so you feel aroused all night.,-0.27,0 31228,"@asainspades @UROCKlive1 That's what I've been thinking! Tell immigrants to go home, tell Americans to leave home... Myopic morons..",-0.36,0 32856,"All bitches can do is mug and talk but ain't about SHIT, fucking clowns",2.29,4 47630,"We are the original Americans. You european invader came and stole everything Go back to where you came from. You hypocrites are demons from hell You colonized planet and steal it's resources for your profits and complain about it and act if you superior, nope only superior class for Europeans is terrorism. It's how you colonized the planet And Jesus called you gentiles Dogs None of you dogs are saved",-0.25,0 18601,Ever since I was little I just felt like at one point in time I was Native American. Sure it could be because I loved Pocahontas but another one of my favorite movies was Aladdin and I have never felt a connection to that movie. I would love to do some past life regression to see if it's accurate but I just feel like I was. For some reason I just feel very connected to American Indians.,-3.84,0 49662,Next time do 6 antisemites and 1 jew,0.68,2 3137,This is all fake she's just saying all that for attention. But she does have a sick mind.,1.16,4 33208,HUGE dildo inside her juicy pussy URL,-1.28,0 7529,This is me but opposite. I'm telling myself I'm gay but had sex with women and most likely will again.,-2.09,0 39623,@rulajebreal these people are sick in the head murdering innocent people,0.64,7 34597,#Hepzi you're a pathetic loser. Full of self admiration You're beyond help U were born evil U enjoy watching Sharyn self destruct n terrorizing her boys. U will see justice because we will not relent until your skank a$$ is arrested. Nothing was more satisfying than U in SHACKLES,0.95,3 31571,Imma need y'all to answer this question. Any of the nihgas who follow me fucked a non black woman???,-1.67,0 354,She met people through craigslist and has had sex with 80 plus guys. Her ex was a pimp. Those are some red flags that can't be avoided. Good thing you bailed. Christian girl my ass.,-1.79,0 9000,"As a brown Muslim teenage girl living in Australia, she gives me so much strength, one of my biggest heroes FOR SURE.",-5.96,0 34612,They can still serve halal food but not with Arabic writing. URL,0.5,0 32644,Y'all bitches better start letting a nigga fuck y'all throat and bust on y'all face during that week . . URL,1.8,4 21518,"You're trying to make yourself a martyr out of this shit you've put women through? Throw yourself in a pit and die alone, asshole.",2.66,4 50024,It is not racist to tell the anti American love it or live it I am from east Africa president trump is 100% correct,-2.32,0 47924,"Mexico is not a country it is ruled by the drug cartels, criminals cartels make billion trafficking 5% is less 50 % is good without America Mexico will be become a another terrorist country Mexico have no control over their borders is it a country the illegals are flooding , completely all their products see what happens",-0.21,0 13539,Suck a duck faggot!,1.29,5 20085,"Men think that they can get away with this sort of behaviour when they pick on women. In this case, apart from the fact that I'm surprised he can actually string a coherent sentence together, there's now an opportunity to identify & charge him @anitasethi URL",-1.85,0 5107,Affirmative action is so great,-1.32,0 4248,"Mmm yes sirr 😍 i bet that cock taste so delicious, i cant wait to suck it clean and taste that cum after you fuck me like a slut",-0.27,0 34439,"Im sorry but girls who flirt with other girls boyfriends, y'all sick in tha head😂😂😂 filthy ass.",-1.59,0 28847,"A sexy, kind, independent, ambitions woman with a double major bachelor👌🏽",-3.66,0 24631,No one will like you. No one will love you. You should die like that baby you killed. You're trash. The only action you'll ever get is from your rapists and they left you behind on the ground like garbage.,3.29,4 23059,"This world is fucked up, whores get to spread there legs and create a life in the process, and decide they wanna keep whoring so they just end a life. And niggas need to learn to pull out, are raise the kid. URL",1.65,4 638,I'd just ban religion in Europe altogether. Useless anyways and the only thing they do is not pay taxes and try to hold society back from advancement,-1.44,0 3253,"IKR fucking whores deserve to be punished, this is why hell exists for them to burn there",4.84,4 18135,No idea what you talking about with the chance and the blade. Im guessing its something to do with your video games and dildos. Anyway. Tonight you learned that you too are a little pussy who sweeps aside the death gap in order to talk about women's fake victim narrative for more free shit and privileges. Congratulations on knowing what a weak trash homo you are. You are welcome. Next.,1.04,5 17470,Israel was one of the recognized nations that supported ISIS and Syrian rebels...but of course being an ally of the USA means no consequences for that sort of thing,-1.57,0 21456,Good to See Terrorist Spokesperson Mohsin Dawar Arrested . TTP Political Party wing PTM should be banned and its Leader arrested . #MohsinDawar #PTMTerroristwing URL,-0.14,0 15149,"neck yourself, faggot and quit pretending to be a nigger it's embarrassing.",2.81,1 47527,You know they will blame Russia. Why? Because he's not black or he would be in prison like Bill Cosby,-0.45,0 12588,because you're being sexist you fucking dunce,0.74,4 25118,Damn I experienced some of the craziest things while in high school.,-3.33,0 11696,I hate lesbians I hate homosexuality.,0.46,0 26842,"@_AyParcasi64 Merhaba fatma , just wanted to inform you that this phrase ""men are trash"" goes against the Quraan and hadith because the sentence contains generalization thus including the infallible prophets and encompasses the pious virtuous muslims as well ( Al-awliyaa)so uttering it is mere",-3.23,0 33303,The transgender moment URL,-3.19,0 22967,Nancy probably feels at home next to this white woman URL,-1.84,0 17154,"She's always in charge and bossing around, she needs to be bent over and take a hard fucking",2.38,4 40517,SHE IS A KUNT !,1.42,4 3533,"Hold you down by the neck and fuck that pussy raw. Once I cum inside, I'd tie a leash to you and walk you around for everyone to see",2.18,4 26332,I can't fucking wait to watch you getting ruined.. cock after cock like a dirty little cum whore.. URL,2.18,5 3174,"You did a good job showing your face while having a cock on your mouth. It shows how dedicated you're and no shame to become a public property whore. But don't expect compliments on your beauty, cuz all I care about is how I'm gonna enjoy loading my cum over your beauty.",1.26,4 45635,Imagine what pilosi looks like without hair dye and make up. Yuck. What a fake woman all around,0.17,0 36871,Only the bad bitches are up this late.,-3.77,0 30601,"My pathetic little sissy cum slut was annoying today. If you are a pathetic beta cuck too, $end. #findom #paypig #cashcow #humanatm #domme #sissification #cuck #payme",1.74,4 48872,0:42 that nigga got a full on beard and mustache,0.14,0 14638,Alright skank go sleep with 28 other guys,1.22,4 15198,">should I come out to her as an atheist or not? Is it going to improve her life? If not then why do it, brownie points?",-3.16,0 13066,You are a bitch. I will eat ur arab ass for dinner and bbq it bitch.,3.1,3 31326,Bitch my mom did not carry me for 40 weeks for me to come out and live my life to please a man lmfao URL,-2.75,0 11508,"If that Antifa trash had succeeded in burning that facility, migrants would have died.",-0.72,0 40298,I hope they get aids and beaten by homeless man,1.74,5 19194,taste the tits and fuck the cunt?,-2.17,0 47790,You're really gonna go there? Not like any white police officers ever murdered anyone...,-0.7,0 26011,Now the cat is out of the bag....! Even the Indians know it now. Fascism has taken over India... First they will do a genocide of Muslims within..... then they will launch a decisive war against Pakistan..... We will be wise to prepare for it..... URL,-0.13,0 12317,"Everything in 2019 is gay. Get over it, homophobe.",-0.16,0 21947,Every state in America needs to ban abortion so hollywood assholes will finally move to canada.,-0.89,0 32217,@MovementIllicit @lilxfendy The nigga filming him : URL,-0.85,0 14958,"PM me you worthless slut. You need to spread it open, and pou t that sweet pussy and fill it up with my cum and make you the worthless cumdumpster you are",3.45,4 34637,FUCK U BItCh,2.16,4 33207,"If you my nigga and you don't get mad at certain quotes n post I post u not my nigga, if you don't get jealous when a nigga try to talk to me u not my nigga, if you won't take me out in public u not my nigga🤷🏾‍♀️PERIODTT",-0.71,0 40903,"According to the real bible Mohammad is the false prophet or anti Christ, also Satan sowed briars in with the wheat, meaning not all things are from God.",-0.57,0 23780,"@Nindster @NLTCNY WELL DANG, LILY, OMAR IS A RAT FACED TERRORIST LIAR AND SUPPORTER, I GOT YORE BACK DARLIN! HEY ALL YOU MUZZIES, EAT A BACON SANDWICH, AND WASH IT DOWN WITH PIG'S BLOOD! URL",1.24,2 24819,"This is a fight for women's lives and fundamental rights, and I intend to win. URL",-3.98,0 14532,"Yea but since when was jew an insult and I'm scrolling through popular, anti-semitic fuckwit",-1.49,0 10288,Shooting up a mosque. Aiming for turbans? Nigga you dumb,3.16,2 37001,"@inkslinger4now @ba80819481 @SpeakerPelosi Unlike you having sex with your mom and dad and sisters? Probably doing your grandpsrents snd your dog. But oh wait. It says you are native american. Probably 1/20th and white as a ghost. Now get back to bed, your mommy is waiting to get pregnant again.",0.74,1 24000,@ThomasJTobin1 Go fuck yourself you hateful piece of shit. If you believe in a god that finds Prise month immoral then go fuck your god as well. You pick and choose and twist what to believe from the Bible and act like you're morally superior when you're still just a piece of shit.,0.99,2 33329,"my god some filipino aunties are really funny i was shopping and this worker was trying to get me to buy a shirt for my ""husband"" sis.........",-2.58,0 2102,"Welcome. Your member card is in the post! In all seriousness, it's difficult at first with accepting yourself and the fear of others possibly not accepting you, but it usually works out well in the end. Get yourself out on that gay scene, you'll be snapped up in no time 😜.",-4.63,0 3759,6hours and this guy still hasn't received a ban for the r word. Guess we can start using that word again.,-2.23,0 44172,Homosexual pedophile demonic baby murdering adrenochrome drinking Godless monsters 95% recidivism rate with sexual predators the only cure the only cure is execution,1.94,5 24238,"@MCITLFrAphorism Pluck out your own fucking eyes, Father!!! Isn't that explicitly what JESUS LITERALLY CHRIST said?",0.11,0 7687,"People do that far too often. When people say ""If the Jews had guns, they could resist!"" WE DID. The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, the Partisans, Jewish troops in the Allies. We fought back, but ragtag rebels normally can't resist empires. The worst is when other Jews do it.",-4.18,0 14732,Alright. Start shooting them with beanbag guns and sending in ICE and let the deportations begin.,1.68,3 31864,"""Religion Is The Reason For Backwardness In Africa,",0.69,1 32620,#HateSpeech #homophobia Far-right Vice President of Town Council of Vercelli posts incitement to murder against #LGBT on Facebook URL,0.67,5 13319,"That's the thing, I want to come out but I'm also happy as I am right now with my family life so I don't wanna get disowned or anything like that",-2.68,0 26708,"It's always you weird ass looking ""I look like I've tried to suck my own dick before"" type niggaz that have the most shit to say about shit that doesn't fucking concern your dumb ass!",0.74,5 24175,"Question: ""Why should the women of America vote for you instead of our sisters, who are kind of more qualified?"" Mayor Buttigieg: ""I admire so many of the people running... I get it. And whether you decide to be for me or not, I promise I will be for you."" #PetePlaysHardball URL",-3.69,0 33930,Wanna drain a nigga nutsack out then wanna suck and fuck the worm dick... damnnnnn what's wrong wit you? 😩😂,1.59,1 8723,Don't recall the Black Panthers committing genocide of six million people.,-3.59,0 44300,"@Candida Navedo You are a closet racist, deal with it.",-0.35,0 35300,@EpicGames @FortniteGame Please Remove The Robots There Garbage And Only Five Year Olds And Mentally Gay People Like Them. URL,0.65,5 13127,"I know. I am so annoyed with these people playing with these people's lives hanging a green card over them. I wish one would call the police on them and file a PFA. They then have a VAWA case for emotional abuse and get a green card without their asses. She is a horrible person. Also, he is a kid!! A grown woman trying to keep a sex slave teen. That's all she is.",-2.31,0 7502,There's cos women who can't have kids.,-1.31,0 42114,That is exactly what we said when we put the final nail on that traitor that we nailed on the cross! But he keeps coming back to bother us anyway !!! One way or another we have to put a stop to his stupid Christian thinking for a new kind of America !!!,0.38,0 41952,Woman talks shit about Jews. Woman talks shit about Jewish nation. Woman votes for laws that screwed up a nation she likes. Trump is evil Nazi for pointing it out and saying she should go amd fix it.,-0.03,0 40200,1:31 well you guys eat tide pods so whats a little glue?,2.47,1 9962,"It doesn't matter, because Satan influenced them all.",-1.79,0 37917,"@news24tvchannel @manakgupta @PremShuklaBJP Hundu celebrates every disastrous decision, demonetization, g s T, and now azad Kashmir.",-2.71,0 47540,"If your staying here illegally you should be deported, some of these people come here on visa legally than just never leave",-1.58,0 1819,I totally get that! 5% is quite a bit. One if your parents is probably around 10% and one of your grandparents might be a quarter :-) I knew i was mixed race but really didn't know what. So i found out i was white mixed with a lot of middle eastern and some north african.,-4.26,0 24094,@maravich22 girl if you can act bold on every other social platform you can let your irls know you're trash FIGHT BACK,-1.92,0 18403,"""Hatred for Hindustan"" Shit negro that's all you had to say",-2.02,0 27428,Gotta fw a nigga that chase money instead of bitches when yall on bad terms,-1.22,0 12908,"Whores, pay attention. This is what happens when you beg for that cum in your cunt. Just go anal and save us all the trouble.",1.75,4 49586,he likes them jungle asian girls,-0.8,0 13153,"Can it be a ""selfie"" when your only self-esteem and personality comes from dating a fat greek fag?",0.81,5 20131,Deport them all URL,0.82,3 20253,@TeflonVes Can't even vibe to his new shit like nigga did with his old shit son you know he washed na,2.36,1 7174,Men who outlaw women's reproductive autonomy should be castrated.,0.62,4 9202,It's prolly gotten 70% of men laid. Had the other party not been drunk.,-2.08,0 47937,"@Walter White I'm sorry, it's just that I haven't talked to a Trump supporter that hasn't used the term ""libtard"" like it means something. But could you answer the other responses. Republicans were the ones that got us this mess in the first place. The entire world knows if it wasn't for the US' War on drugs that targeted everyone that wasn't white South along with northern America would be better. Do you realize how many people were killed because of this government's war on terror and drugs. How many Black and Hispanic lives were lost.",-1.98,0 22730,Addicted to girls with cocks #shemale #Sissy #TSgirls #tgirl URL,-2.56,0 16869,"If the shooter was even half a shade darker than Clay Aiken, Trump would have already declared this an act of terror.",0.59,1 736,Lol they would be beaten up if they showed up in Palestine.,0.82,3 2739,"Oh yep, I am. Most of us identify as arabs tbh.",-2.54,0 679,What a dumb bitch. I bet her pussy smells like fart.,0.45,0 13606,Me? I'm not sure I fit that label anymore. I do believe in equality for sure.,-3.69,0 28177,"Kmt you psycho females tryna take my seed, I'm a servant of the LORD, LEAVE ME ALONE! 😂😂😂😂 URL",0.72,4 24611,"@FaithGoldy Your god is imaginary but your money goes to a child raping, human sacrifice cult. Eat shit you moronic twunt.",0.76,2 45759,"Jesus Christ this guys a faggot he's the type of dude to download a shooter on his wife's surface pro and yell at teenagers for using coarse language. Fuck this dude. ""got some info from another kids textbook? Don't even dream of it."" Faggot ^",0.26,0 14401,This is what happens when you suck one black dick too many.,-1.11,0 25305,"Is she referring to the same ICE agents who are pulling drowning illegals from the Rio Grande, giving them food, water, and shelter? URL",-3.35,0 45746,"I wish they had gotten the boat. That would have been fair. REMEMBER THIS: The only thing that IRAN did that caused this was abandon the US dollar. That's the only thing they did. EVERYTHING ELSE started with US And UK as the BAD GUYS. We rolled those people in 1953.... We STOLE their democracy. WE STOLE their OIL... LEAVE IRAN ALONE. JUST PULL BACK 1000 miles... This will all stop. THEY DID NOT START THIS. Despite what the ""news"" tells you. They are all chomping at the war bit now... Our military contractors are smacking their lips.",-2.65,0 26569,The Muslims won through postal ballot fraud. It's what they do best. Destroy democracy and create the chaos they have left behind in the shit holes they came from.,1.63,2 1554,Dumbass whore.,0.69,4 21838,@Loneranger9new Are you jobless? ISIS has got some great vacancies with great Perks. You may fit in the role of Sex Slave,1.69,4 8912,I'd love to suck on those fertile tits while I fuck your horny milf pussy 😉,-1.43,0 37611,"""A nigga really speak his mind when he off dem perky pills "" 😔😕💯 @lildurk",-2.78,0 39664,i wanna spit on this dumb bitch rn,2.37,4 9500,Fill that little shitter with mass amounts of cum,1.97,4 19187,Typical white trash.,-0.11,0 17763,Yep. He's leveraging a MASS MURDER committed by ONE OF HIS OWN FOLLOWERS to pass his own anti-immigrant agenda. This is so absolutely fucked.,-1.1,0 10735,Wait until you see what the religion of peace and love get up to. Religion makes people retarded,0.49,0 29840,"""real ass bitch give a fuck bout-"" URL",-2.2,0 13771,Ok whomst the fuck gave me gay baby jail,-0.86,0 13027,"Screw off, you worthless degenerate fuck.",1.19,5 18112,Was an Incel. Full of hatred and pity for himself.,-1.43,0 24482,"Fag Tillman, the toilet whore URL",1.59,5 22514,Eat her ass & pussy,2.34,4 22798,"U girls want a man with money and all the bits and bobs bought for u but u lot ain't bringing nothing to the table...... your at the table with your hand out, majority of u can't even make it up with your pussy cos your pussy is trash.",0.93,4 46230,I can't wait to see the snowflake meltdown when Trump gets re-elected in 2020. NO ONE CARES about girls soccer and most Americans resent privileged elitists not standing for the national anthem.,-1.79,0 37710,Gangbanged by a couple of lowly thugs... How pathetic. URL,1.01,4 41311,"In time your going to regret fuckinv over the American people because of ""morals"" I'm a fuckinv Mexican and I see what's going to happen... invite the third world, become the third world, simple as that... bunch of stupid ass wet backs getting their children raped and killed... but it's ok, let them all in and that would solve everything right... America hating clowns",1.73,1 1030,"Idiots were told to wear a goatskin condom when having sex, not a ***goat***! Ignorant losers.",1.48,4 46204,"Fucking faggots talk about beta males and us being snowflakes, but they cry like little bitches when we run up. But up or shut up you fucking pussies. You invited the devil, well he's here!",3.16,5 44307,Build that wall deport them all. And cut off welfare to anchor babies.,1.5,3 9648,I wanna tongue fuck her well used stretched asshole till he nutts deep in her pussy then clean that and that fat fuck stick,0.84,4 14840,"It works because ""fuck the Polish lorry drivers."" That's how it works. Racist, jingoist, rancid sacks of human shit.",0.55,3 13449,"That part always fucked me up too, but then it made sense again as soon as I remembered that all hot women are abject retards",1.06,4 21761,Evangelicalism as a project won't fail because liberals will win. It will fail because jack-booted theological border police will make it uninhabitable.,-0.71,0 23275,"@HayleyKiyoko i came out to my mum, dad, uncle, auntie and nan",-4.37,0 25300,@DollBaits both equal to me cause the normal niggas be just as fire.,-2.7,0 37835,Ewh fuckboy doesn't deserve to live.,1.78,5 3747,"Dude behind the wheel's as retarded as everyone inside. You don't even get a QP at Burger King, kinda like how there aren't many fist fights at the (coincidentally) predominantly white McDonald's. Go ahead mods, ban me for having an opinion. Make sure to go fuck yourselves in the process you worthless cunts.",1.6,7 33653,The Left is smearing @realDonaldTrump as a racist for rightly saying @RepCummings district & #Baltimore is a rat-infested mess Trump said this abt NYC- white guy Mayor LA- white guy Mayor & San Fran- was a white guy Mayor It's Dem leadership That kills cities URL,0.37,0 49089,Great video as a fellow trans woman in the UK and what annoys me is getting work I'm a hairdresser 20 years experience and done loads of courses in my experience as soon as they know your trans they OK well lovely to see you and you get a rejection letter it really frustrating,-2.93,0 29061,@MeFixerr Hahaa pakistan terrorists talking about disgrace 😂,0.3,0 10010,This is only happening because people blindly accept any dumbshit that feminists come up with.,-1.29,0 12712,"Jews are people, furries are fucking retards who want to fuck dogs. False equivalencies, dog fucker.",0.63,2 30221,"O Allah, forgive him and have mercy on him and give him strength and pardon him. Be generous to him and cause his entrance to be wide and wash him with water and snow and hail. Cleanse him of his transgressions as white cloth is cleansed of stains. URL",-4.75,0 8650,"*clears throat* **bitch** Mcdonalds is okay, cellphones are cool, don't be jealous just because you dont know how to shake your ass, some random lady's sexuality is none of ya business, hot chips are legit as fuck, and.. well lying's just icky Nobody's gonna be your mommy, learn to cook for yourself instead of pushing the narrative that you need some woman to take care of you, it's pathetic.",-0.61,0 16479,"That rule, (for my lack of proper vocabulary) fits Amy Schumer perfectly. I highly doubt anyone wants to put their dicks in her, but all her original and sad jokes revolves around her vagina and it's infection.",0.05,0 19250,"I can't speak on behalf of trans people, but I know that I've never felt uncomfortable with being in my body or with the organs I have, meaning my gender and my sex happen to be the same. What I've learned is that for trans people, it doesn't feel like that - some may feel like they are in the ""wrong"" body to such a degree that it is causing real suffering. I suppose it'd be like if everyone in the world started calling me a woman. I know I'm not, and I've never felt that way, but it would be really hard to explain that feeling to people.",-4.68,0 23102,This is why the vision of revolution held by white men is inherently counter-revolutionary. White men have all this anger and passion and drive but they have no actual experience of oppression so they get the mic and they waffle because it's not real to them.,-1.3,0 24163,"There is no religious or moral tradition in the world that condones hurting children to send a message to their parents. One year ago today, I was turned away from this detention center. The fight to end this admin's cruelty at the border continues. #familiesbelongtogether URL",-1.96,0 45166,Talentless trash. May a gang of PCP addled negroes assail her Jewish slit with their giant penises. 🙏,1.07,2 12570,"I first learned the term bisexual because of him when I was a kid back in 2003. I grew up in a super Pentecostal Christian home where LGBT did not exist, so Billie Joe being out since 1995 and letting kids like me know bi people existed was pretty life-changing. I hope I can thank him in person one day.",-5.03,0 11609,"Classic, play the victim card. Just fucking move to Chaturbate already. And for all the white knights out there, you're not getting any nudes from her, so don't bother and move on with your incel lives.",0.99,4 40217,he turned blood to crip over and over again,0.52,7 43517,"Also, I was also a little girl in Los Angeles who was bused. Difference between us is I am white and was sent to a black middle school. So this wasnt just black kids being bused.",-2.21,0 25456,"""She didn't tickle my heart like you did"". Tommy is 1/16th Yoruba",-2.27,0 2633,"Hahahahaha I bet the trucker your whore mom was fucking got a huge black hardon when your faggot ass, beta cuck dad left to go be a twink for a rich Republican senator.",1.65,5 6928,If not by the white supremacists you will get shot by the police instead so yeah. Not a good idea.,-0.76,0 6063,I want to slide my big hard cock in your throbbing pussy.. now I am all achy!!,-2.21,0 8654,Ya know what group is even more annoying than Mormons? Evangelical Christians.,-0.25,0 4210,"Yes, because killing him is surely a good idea and will show Islam to be truthful. Are you insane?",-1.19,0 15077," no. and you dont think 3rd world shit holes dont ""pillage rape, and enslave""? lol get real. they do it 1000x worse. go to africa and have a look. the 1st world also supplys trillions to 3rd world and they do fuck all with it. europe/north america needs to be for european decent. you can have everything else. middle east for arabs asia for asians south america for south americans africa for africans ect fair is fair. we can see how well they do on their own. good luck",0.31,0 10889,My dick an after nailing her i will cum and fill her pussy up wir my Juice 😏💦🤤,-0.59,0 30145,"A religion is a belief system that a person chooses to follow. You don't ""choose"" to be lgbt+ it's simply who you are",-4.94,0 33335,make it the whole month you racists,-1.41,0 18139,"I'm not sure if you intend to sound like a white supremacist, but you do. It's true that their cultural homogeneity is the key to the safety of their society though. If you live in Japan for a while you realize that it comes at a steep price in terms of freedom, justice, and quality of life though.",-3.47,0 42226,"@Yogi Bear. As long as Israel is alive, bloodsheds will continue. The only way out is to destroy Zionism from the earth.",-0.05,0 19451,"> conservatives want women to not be oppressed 'But you will have that rape baby', no abortion for you.",-0.09,0 49512,If it was white people crossing the border liberals would be building a wall yesterday.,-0.21,0 24366,These niggas fuck anything .. low life bastards,2.31,1 14751,All muricans i know are full of shit until shit heats the fan and then they are crying for thier mommies.,0.92,3 46753,"How racist can you get, an Asian playing a poor asian woman.",-0.87,0 38184,If you fuck with lame niggas then you a lame bitch,0.58,4 12056,I know they're genderswapped but I didn't expect fem squadra to be cute,-2.26,0 20590,This is what mass immigration has done to Europe. Is this what young men stormed the beaches of Normandy for? Is this the Europe that millions of men fought and died for? URL,-1.32,0 45203,U go trump send them bitches back. To many clown in the world. M and M. Local ???? Iron worker,0.71,3 4625,No. Such as a bunch of dusty old twats getting together and writing a bunch of books about what kind of masculinity is good what kind isn't.,-1.28,0 10697,Mmm yes I'll suck on her clit and lick your balls every time they slap up against my face as you fuck her hard,-3.22,0 4046,"reading comments bad idea ... watching video to see ""the best a man can get plastered over a trans guys face"" absolutely priceless 20/10 weeping",-0.48,0 23750,"May 24th 2019 is a special day. It's the first day same sex couple can register their marriage legally in Taiwan. I am very proud of my country, many people in Taiwan fought for decades to make this happen. <3 <3 URL",-4.95,0 17661,"As I got older I realized I'm a lesbian, so there's that. Also most of the men in my life are...not good, and I realized that as I got older and was like ""hmmm this is not good behavior"". That said, there are a couple awesome dudes in my life and I love them dearly.",-1.9,0 19252,nope just don't believe in religion that's all.,-1.66,0 49723,"LOL. Barbaric and brainwashed clowns making comments about India... They love to display their ignorance and stupidity, which is a result of their limited intelligence.",-1.07,0 37404,@iamcardib Your more racist then Trump. It's scum like you that have caused this world to go to shit. Go rap about ur stank pussy some more.,0.42,0 15697,"Creepy, and insulting to the females here?",-3.15,0 15562,"It's really bad in gay dating culture in particular though. On gay dating apps some people willing really flat out say no fat guys, no Asian guys, no black guys, no femme guys, etc. I think a lot of people can be very shallow with dating obviously but in gay dating it has become acceptable to be overtly judgmental.",-0.19,0 37762,"#WhiteSupremacistInChief He says ""no room for hatred in this country."" Translated: Shoot 'em up, Americans. URL",0.43,0 32718,Men are trash. Women are trash. Humans are trashing this world.,1.1,4 45364,Just to let u know shooter is afro american,-1.85,0 9372,"Honestly the people who are most disrespectful to Christianity are Christians. Like, they read their little book about love and acceptance and they twist that into something hateful. They truly are the most toxic fandom.",-2.39,0 39969,the gayest btches in the group URL,-1.19,0 22846,Bitches really is stupid dumb ass bitch,0.77,4 40801,This is a joke all these guys must be desperate pussyfoot bitches,1.01,4 10458,He a metrosexual 😱,-2.21,0